focalNNaSSsal oeen acs THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records , esac 38/2/76 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE _Report on the papers of « HERBERT JOHN FLEURE, F.R.S. (1877 - 1969) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1976 H.J. Fleure CSAC. 38/2/76 - 1. Description of the collection. who retains some family and personal material. The papers were received from Mr. J.L.Fleure (son), Very little primary material remains of Fleure's early researches, or his wide range of teaching in zoology, geology, botany, anthropology or geography. recorded in Item 4, and courses of lectures given there in 1906 — O7 in Items 20, 21. His early impressions of Aberystwyth are Fleure maintained his research interests to the end of his long life, despite increasing loss of sight. Many items in the collection were written under this severe handicap (4 - 7, 36, 40), sometimes with the assistance of Mrs. Fleure. name of Bishop, is preserved in Item 20, and her help and devotion to Fleure throughout their married life is well attested in Items 9 - 11. Mrs. Fleure's own research, under ner maiden the States of Guernesey, is of interest (Item 8). The account book kept by Fleurets father, accountant to Help and information are gratefully acknowledged from Professor E.G.Bowen, Professor Alice Garnett, Dr. Iorwerth C.Peate, and Professor Elwyn Davies. Locations of other material Royal Anthropological Institute, London: Fleure's anthropometric record cards Geographical Association, Sheffield: Fleure's medals, bound set of reprints, pooks and journals from his library (given by his daughter), records in Minutes of the Association. H.J. Fleure CSAC 38/2/76 . 2. Summary of the career of H.J.Fleure b. 1877 1885 - 91 Guernsey educ. States Guernsey Intermediate School, and private study B.Sc London Intermediate (External) 1897 1897 — 1901 U.C.N.W.Aberystwyth 1902 = O04 Zoological Institute, Ztirich; D.Sc. University of Wales 1904 — 30 U.C.N.WeAberystwyth 1904 - O7 Assistant Lecturer in Zoology, Geology & Botany 1907 Lecturer in Geology, Zoology & Geography 1908 — 10 Head of Dept. Zoology, interim Head of Dept. Geology 1910 - 17 interim Professor of Zoology, Lecturer in Geography 1917 - 30 Professor of Anthropology & Geography married Hilda Mary Bishop (d.1974) Hon. Sec. Geographical Association Professor of Geography, Victoria University, Manchester President: Section E (Geography),British Association Fellow of the Royal Society, London Fellow, Royal Scottish Geographical Society Huxley Medal, Royal Anthropological Institute President, Royal Anthropological Institute President, Geographical Association President, Folk Lore Society 1910 1917 — 46 1930 - 44 1932 1936 1937 1945 =— 47 1948 (see also misc. published and manuscript material in Items 1 - 11) Contents of the handlist Biographical & Personal Printed material Bibliographies & studies Notes & working papers Ms. papers & addresses Correspondence Maps, Charts,Slides Page Items T= 17 12 — 14 15 - 18 19 — 37 38 — 40 41 — 42 43 — 45 J. Fleure H. CSAC 38/2/76 3. Biographical & Personal (Items 1 - 11) 1. 2. 3. 3 photographs of Fleure. misc. press-cuttings re Fleure's career, publications etc. Misc. obituaries & memorial tributes. Misc. Honours & Awards: re Memorial volume of essays to be published by colleagues at Aberystwyth, 1928 Corresponding Member, Societa Italiana dtAntropologia, 1932 Corresponding Member, Societa Romana d'Antropologia, 1933 Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1936 Geographical Research Medal, Royal Scottish Geographical Society Charles P.Daly Medal, American Geographical Society Resolution of Senate, University of Manchester, 1944 (on Fleure's retirement Associate Member, L'Institut d'tEgypte Doctor of Laws, University of Edinburgh, 1950 Doctor in Legibus, University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1955 4 — 7 Misc. autobiographical accounts & reminiscences by Fleure 4. 'The Little Town' (on early days in Aberystwyth 1900 — 04) Ms. by Fleure, and typescr. Ms. written by Fleure in his last years, when he was almost blind. An account of geographical & climatic factors in the lifé of Wales; Ms. & typescr. as above. Reminiscences of colleagues at Aberystwyth (Ms. ): Henry Siuart Jones Professor Elliot T. F-R Mrs. Rachel Mary Fleming Te 8. with covering letter to 'Mr. Ellis' Perh. material sent for E.L.Ellis's centenary volume ‘University College of Wales, Aberystwyth 1872 - 1972"). Ms. reminiscences by Fleure, with note by Mrs. Fleure 're. Prof. Herbertson'. Cash book 1869 — 1914 Kept by John Fleure (father) from 1869 - 1889, then continued in another hand. John Fleure was accountant to the States, Guernsey , and the book refers to his transactions on their account. 9-11 Letters of condolence to Mrs. Fleure, with tributes & reminiscences of Fleure and his work. Arranged in approximate alphabetical order, not indexed. 3 folders: A-G; H-M; N-W. 1969 — 70 H.J. Fleure CSAC 38/2/76 . 4. Printed Material (Items 12 - 14) 12, 13 Articles, papers, obituaries by Fleure 2 Boxes 14 Misc. personal & association copies of articles & papers presented to Fleure Memorial service, tributes etc. relating to anomas Jones, President, U.C.N.WeAberystwyth Duplicated paper 'Recollections of "J.M." by Georee M.L1.Davies!' 1 Box Bibliographies & studies (Items 15 - 18) 15, 16 Audrey Marie Weston Sinnhuber: Herbert John Fleure. A Bibliography 1954 (duplicated) 2 copies, one annotated and updated. 17. 18 J.A.Campbell: Some Sources of the Humanism of H.J.Fleure. Research papers no.2, School of Geography, University of Oxford, 1972 Additional Ms. bibliographical information, supplementing 15 above. Ms. by Fleure *Publications Jan.1954 onwards’ Lists of reviews published by Fleure in Man List of Fleure's offprints compiled by lirs. Fleure (Gaeomsiete) 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961 Notes & working papers (Items 19 - 37) 19. 20. 21. 22. Early notebook n.d. of notes and drawings, perhaps for lectures, mainly on marine biology. Few of the pages can be read, as the book has been used to hold press—cuttings about Fleure, especially reviews of his Human Gedsraphy in Western Europe: a study in appreciation, London, 19138 (Original notes c. 1904) Notebook inscribed 'Biological Theory. Course 1906 — 7', Ms. lectures and drawings. At rear of book: ms. notes on anthropology Notebook inscribed 'The Biological Aspect of History', Ms. lectures (many pages excised) n.d. Ms. ‘Notes on the Gastropod Foot and Branchial Cavity' by Hilda M.Bishop, with pencil and w/colour drawings; with 2 offprints of published version in Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1910. Miss Bishop married Fleure in 1910, and died in 1974 23 — 33 11 Octavo folders, labelled by Fleure as listed below. They contain variously notes for lectures, notes on the literature etc. 23 Africa (ns. notes ) ]i © B x r R O o America (ms. notes) Ancient Lands (typescr. outline for course of 21° lectures) 24 25 26,27 British Isles (26 contains outline for course of 15 lectures) 28 29. 30 31 32 33. Simple Societies (typescr. outline for course of 28 lectures) Europe (typescr. outline for course of 14 lectures) Europe and Mediterranean Region (ms.notes) Geography Lectures. Skeletons. General Course (ms. notes) Geography Subjects. unsorted (ms. notes) Races (typescr. outline for extensive course of 66 lectures) 34, 35. Work on Channel Islands, mainly Guernsey 34. Photographs, mainly of dwellings in Guernsey, identified & dated 1953 — 54 on verso. Maps of Guernsey & Channel Islands, drawn by Fleure (ink) Printed material re Channel Islands Typescr. & ms. account of life in Channel Islands under German occupation during ‘2nd. World War,épp.,ist.p.dated June 13 1944, last p. dated May 5 1945. (A Xerox copy of this document is in the Dept. of Documents, Imperial War Museum, London.) 35. Ms. table & accompanying map by Fleure 'Rural Distribution of Guernsey family names 1913! 'The Guernsey Farmhouse', ms. & typescr. 2 separate typescr. accounts entitled 'Guernsey', with notes of "suggestions! by K.C.Hdwards. 36. Work on A natural history of man in Britain; conceived as a study of changing relations between men and environments. (first published in the New Naturalist Series, London 1951, revised in collaboration with Margaret Davies, London, 1970 Copy of Readers Union edition 1959, with ms.alterations by Fleure misc. pages of corrections & additional material for revised ed., many in Fleure's hand with Mrs. Fleure's transcriptions, and typed versions. (Fleure was almost blind when he undertook this task) 2 letters from Sir Dudley Stamp 1966 re proposed revision of book, with, on verso of letter of 6 June, Fleure's plans for alterations & additions. 25 letters from Dr. Margaret (Peggy) Davies, Dec. 1966 — August 1967 during collaboration, discussing changes and current ecological & archaeological ideas etc. 37. Envelope of notes on Arthur Young's 'Travels in France before the Revolution' (not in Fleure's hand) Ms. papers & addresses Items 38 — 40 38. ‘Parallels between India and Europe. A sketch of:the story of civilisation‘ ms. 5pp. 'Cities' ms. 8pp. 38 (cont) 'Brittany' ms. 3pp. 'The Church! (on architecture) ms. ip. "Peoples of the World and their Homes' ms. 3pp. 71911 39. Ms. talk on tolerance,untitled, pages noted A- E 'The Study of Man and the Welfare of Society', typescr. 17pp. typescr. talk on racial & social diversity, untitled, 4pp. ms. talk on world religions, untitled, Ip. c.1950 ms. talk for Armistice Day ms. paper on carbon dating 5pp. 'Thoughts on Human Evolution',ms ,pages noted A-R 'The Almighty', ms talk, 5pp. 5pp. (the last 3 items were written when Fleure was almost blind) poem: 'Lihou Isle off Guernsey' "On All Souls Eve. A Mystic's Apology', signed H.J.Fleure. (written in Wales) 4i, 42. Correspondence A 42. Letters from colleagues, former pupils etc. requesting references. (not indexed) 1951 - 58 Misc. scientific & personal correspondence. (not indexed) Slides,maps,charts Items 43 -— 45 43 Slides 1 wooden slide box of labelled black-and-white slides,some of U.S... travel, majority of anthropological interest illustrating racial features. 1 box of labelled colour slides of racial types. 4 box inscribed 'Wales Types Negatives’. 4 boxes of labelled slides of U.S.A. 1 box inscribed 'The Loess and Settlement Farms'. 1 box inscribed 'Town and Village’. Ordnance Survey Charts of Aberystwyth, 1905, 1912 (the Southern chart has ownership of land holdings and boundaries outlined in w/colour by Fleure) Copies of 'An Accurate Survey and Measurement of the Island of Guernsey... by William Gardner 1787', sheets 1 and 2.
FLEURE, Herbert John
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin