Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Harold Jeffreys FRS (1891-1989) by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 133/6/04 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Harold Jeffreys FRS (1891-1989), geophysicist and statistician Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1886-1999 Extent of material: 69 boxes, ca 760 items Depositedin: Special Collections, The Library, St John’s College Cambridge Reference code: GB 0275/JEFFREYS © 2004 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 133/6/04 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Computer Society Girton College Cambridge TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Astronomical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN THE OLD LIBRARY ST JOHN’S COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C LECTURES SECTION D PUBLICATIONS Items Page A.1-A.204 B.1-B.316 C.1-C.35 D.1-D.404 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.20 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.25 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE SECTION H NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL G.1-G.189 H.1-H.206 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 11 36 55 60 79 82 86 101 120 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE ) The papers were received for cataloguing from St John’s College, Cambridge in May 2002. OUTLINE OF THE LIFE AND CAREER OF HAROLD JEFFREYS Harold Jeffreys was born on 22 April 1891 at Fatfield, a colliery village in County Durham wherehis father was headmaster of the village school. He received his school education at Fatfield and Rutherford College, Newcastle, proceeding in 1907 to Armstrong College, Newcastle, the forerunner of Newcastle University but then part of Durham University. Here he took courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry and geology, graduating in June 1910 with first class marks and a distinction in mathematics. Encouraged by his mathematics teacher C.M. Jessop he applied for a Cambridge award and in December 1909 he waselected to an entrance scholarship at St John’s College as one of four mathematics scholars. Although there werefinancialdifficulties and the problem of adjusting to a standard of mathematics much harder than that of Armstrong College, his performancein the third year of the Mathematical Tripos (1913) was a distinguished one. He was awarded one of the two HughesPrizes for undergraduates who had donebestin the college in any subject, his college scholarship was extendedfor a fourth year, and he began research. Jeffreys was elected a fellow of St John’s College in November 1914 and remained one for the rest of his life. He held the Isaac Newton Studentship, 1914-1917, worked part-time at the Cavendish Laboratory on war-time problems. 1915-1917, moving to the Meteorological Office in London in 1917 wherehefirst employed his mathematical skills to ‘certain difficult questions in gunnery which cameto us from the services’ and then to ‘problems of the atmosphere’. In 1922 he returned to Cambridge as College lecturer in mathematics and was appointed to a university lectureship in 1926. He was Reader in Geophysics in 1931 and Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophyin 1946, retiring in 1958. Jeffreys was one of the small international group of scientists who founded modern geophysics. He applied classical mechanics to investigate the interior of the earth, showing that the core of the Earth was liquid and that there is a substantial difference between the upper and lower mantle. His analyses of travel times of seismic waves with K.E. Bullen became standards of reference. Generations of students learned their geophysics from his book The Earth(first published 1924, sixth edition 1976). Jeffreys was also distinguished asa statistician, developing a theory of probability on Bayesianprinciples and in a form suitable for use in the physical sciences. His key booksinstatistics H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 6 were Scientific Inference (1931) and Theory of Probability (1939). He also made significant contributions early in his careerin fluid dynamics and dynamical meteorology and, although primarily an applied mathematician, in pure mathematics. His use and development of mathematical techniques led him to write, jointly with his wife, Bertha Swirles Jeffreys, the treatise Methods of Mathematical Physics (1946), which went through several editions. His first published paper (1910) was on photography and his early interest in natural history is reflected in papers on plant ecology. Amongsthis professional affiliations were the Royal Astronomical Society where he wasactive in supporting and developing geophysics over many years (President, 1955-1957), the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophyics (chairman of the Seismology SubCommittee), the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (President of the International Association of Seismology 1957-1960) and the International Astronomical Union. His scientific distinction was recognised by many honours. He was elected FRS in 1925 (Royal Medal 1948, Copley Medal 1960; Bakerian Lecture, 1952); at the time of his death he was Senior Fellow. Others scientific awards included the Gold Medalof the Royal Astronomical Society 1937, the Vetlesen Prize of Columbia University 1962 and the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society 1964. He was madea knight bachelorin 1953 He married Bertha Swirles in 1940. She was a student at Girton College, Cambridge where she took a Ph.D in atomic physics under the supervision of R.H. Fowler and D.R. Hartree. After periods at Manchester, Bristol and Imperial College London she returned to Girton in 1938 as Fellow and Lecturer in Mathematics. She wasDirector of Studies in Mathematics, 1949-1969 and Vice-Mistress, 1966-1969. Her great support for Jeffreys, especially in his last decades, is very evident in his archives. Her role in preserving and identifying materials is acknowledged below. Jeffreys died on 18 March 1989. For a fuller accountof Jeffreys’s life and work see the memoir by Sir Alan Cookfor the Royal Society, Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 36 (1990), 303-333. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. Although the papers date predominantly from the decadesafter Jeffreys’s formal retirement there is significant earlier material, especially papers of biographical interest and photographs. The papers cover the period 1886-1999. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 7 Section A, Biographical, includes obituaries and tributes, biographical notes by Jeffreys himself and transcriptions of interviews conducted by colleagues (see also Section H). There is career, honours and awards material spanning his wholelife from birth certificate to his death including letters of condolence received by Lady Jeffreys. There is significant early material, for example, correspondencewith St John’s College tutors, 1909-1910, Jeffreys’s notes of lectures by H.F. Baker, Ebenezer Cunningham and A.S. Eddington, 1911-1914, ‘Letters from Johnians 1917’, including M.H.A. Newman, records of Jeffreys’s period with the Meteorological Office, 1917-1922, including copy of a referencefromits director Sir Napier Shaw, and Jeffreys’s memorandum onthe constitution of the Senate at Cambridge, 1921, addressed to the Royal Commission on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. His appointment as Plumian Professor in 1946 and later honours, including 70th and 90th birthday celebrations, are documented. Thereis little material relating to Jeffreys’s father, 1886-1947, and a sequence of family and personal correspondence, 1917-1992, which reflects his continuing interest and connexions with the North East of England where he wasborn. Miscellaneous biographical items include a sketch book, possibly dating from Jeffreys’s school days, a few letters relating to Jeffreys’s early interests in photography and botany, including a letter from William Bateson, 1915, a collection of old railway tickets, Jeffreys’s passports and a significant accumulation of travel literature. Section B, Research, is presented alphabetically by topic or container title from ‘Artificial Moon Craters’ to ‘Variation of Latitude’ (with R.O. Vicente) and covers the period 1902-1996. The documentation may comprise notebooks, manuscript working, data, drafts, correspondence and off- prints. The earliest material is a group of nine small notebooks used by Jeffreys for natural history notes, 1902-1915. There are also significant components relating to probability and statistics, and seismology, especially the later work in collaboration with R.S. Sidhu, M. Gogna and M. Shimshoni. Additionally, at the end of the alphabetical sequence, there is a small group of miscellaneous papers, including manuscripts by C.G. Darwin, and drafts relating to theses supervised by Jeffreys: V.S. Huzubazar in respect of statistics (1949) and E.P. Arnold in respect of the revision of seismological tables (1965). Section C, Lectures, covers the period 1945-1982 including a numberof undated drafts. It is chiefly the contents of two folders of ‘Occasional lectures’ and ‘Various addresses’. Topics include probability theory, seismology, continental drift, Cambridge mathematics and the psychological significance of death duties. Section D, Publications, is the largest in the collection. Jeffreys’s major books are represented including The Earth (1924), especially the sixth edition (1976), Methods of Mathematical Physics (1946) (with Bertha Swirles Jeffreys) and the Collected Works (1971-1977) edited by Jeffreys and Lady Jeffreys. There may be drafts, manuscript working, agreements and correspondence with publishers, correspondence with colleagues, proofs, reviews and royalty statements. Lady Jeffreys H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 8 may appear as a correspondent, especially in respect of the Collected Works. There is a separate sequence of material relating to shorter publications which includes, in addition to a number of Jeffreys’s scientific papers, his Royal Society memoir of Robert Stoneley and his obituaries of Ebenezer Cunningham for St John’s College Cambridge and Nature. Also presentedin this section is a chronological sequence (not complete) of Jeffreys’s off-prints, 1910-1988. Section E, Societies and organisations, is not extensive. Onlyfive British and international bodies are represented. Of considerable biographical interest are the correspondence and papersrelating to the founding in 1918 of the National Union of Scientific Workers (Association of Scientific Workers from 1927). Jeffreys was a memberof the original executive committee. Also of some significance are papers relating to the British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, especially its Seismology SubCommittee, 1956-1973. Section F, Visits and conferences, is slight. It includes little material for visits to the USA in 1950- 1951, 1964, 1967 and 1972 and Singapore and Japan in 1971. Best documented, though still very sparsely, is the world trip which Jeffreys and Lady Jeffreys made in 1959 including New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and India. There is a good photographic record of manyvisits in Section H. Section G, Correspondence, is presented in a number of sequences: scientific correspondence arranged alphabetically by correspondent and covering the period 1922-1995, a chronological sequence of shorter correspondence, 1914-1995, and a small group of references and recommendations, 1957-1984. There is significant correspondence and related material with colleagues and collaborators such as R.A. Lyttleton and M. Shimshoni and individual items orbrief exchanges with major figures of an earlier generation such as A.S. Eddington and Ernest Rutherford. Correspondence after Jeffreys’s death in 1989 is with Lady Jeffreys who may also appear as a correspondent before that date. Lady Jeffreys actively sort to assemble Jeffreys’s correspondence from a variety of sources including colleagues and their families. For example, Desmond King-Hele passed to Lady Jeffreys his correspondencewith Jeffreys, 1961-1989, and Dorothy Stoneley gave to her Jeffreys’s letters to Robert Stoneley, including undated letters, probably from the 1920s and 1930s. Almost all the K.E. Bullen and R.A. Fisher correspondence with Jeffreys presented hereis photocopied material made available by academic archives in Australia, the Universities of Sydney and Adelaide, respectively. Section H, Non-textual material, is of major importance both for documenting in photographs Jeffreys’s life and career andhis interest in photography which developed at an early age. There are photographsof ‘Harold’s Youth’, portrait photographs, photographs at various award ceremonies and with Lady Jeffreys, colleagues and friends and photographs taken on visits and at conferences. Jeffreys’s role as a photographer is represented, for example, by a number of photograph albums made up of photographs takenby him in the first decades of the twentieth century. A wide variety of H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 9 persons and places are depicted. Fellow scientists include F.C. Bartlett, Arthur Holmes, F.G. Hopkins, R. Stoneley, G.I. Taylor and D.M. Wrinch and places include many in the North East of England and in and around Cambridgeincluding St John's College. An album is devotedto visit to Canada in 1924 in connexion with a British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. Jeffreys’s later photography is represented by an extensive collection of transparencies, many depicting the round the world tour made by Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys in 1959. Additionally there are recordings of Jeffreys in conversation with colleagues, a sound recording with G.A. Barnard anda video recording with D.V. Lindley. There is also an index of correspondents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lady Jeffreys retained her husband’s papers at the family home, 160 Huntington Road, Cambridge until her death on 18 December 1999. In the period following Sir Harold’s death (and probably for a period before) she played an indispensable role in assembling and preserving papers and identifying materials such as research notes, correspondence and photographs. This work has resulted in an archive of Sir Harold of significantly enhanced value for the scholarly community andsignificantly easier to process. Lady Jeffreys’s own papers (currently in process as of May 2004) contain a sizeable component of material relating to Sir Harold reflecting the many tributes, memorials, conferences in his honour and the like which followed in the ten years after his death and with which Lady Jeffreys was very much involved. It is evident from the archival record that Lady Jeffreys took very seriously in relation to her husband’s papers the establishment of a Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre in Oxford in 1973 (the predecessor organisation of the NCUACS) and she wasin regular contact with the NCUACSin the decadefollowing Sir Harold’s death. Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell Bath, 2004 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 10 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.204 1886-1993 A.1-A.14 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.15-A.33 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.34-A.117 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.118-A.127 CERTIFICATES A.128-A.153 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.154-A.169 FINANCES A.170-A.204 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICALITEMS H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 14 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.1-A.14 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1989-1993 A.1 List of obituaries compiled by Lady Jeffreys 1989 The Timesobituary, 23 March 1989 Independentobituary, 23 March 1989. and S.K. Runcorn By D.V. Lindley European Geophysical Society Newsletter, no.36, June 1989. By ‘PJB [Penny J. Barton] with thanks to RH [Raymond Hide]. European Geophysical Society Newsletter, no.38, July 1990. letter from Lady Jeffreys (pp25-26) commenting onthe obituary in no.36. Includes With related correspondence and papers. Correspondence between Lady Jeffreys and R.W. Girdler re contribution to University of Newcastle upon Tyne Newsletter and the Vice-Chancellor’s Report, September 1989 Includes draft obituary with corrections by Lady Jeffreys; also photocopy of orator’s address on the occasion of the award of honorary degree to Jeffreys by the University of Newcastle, 1960. Typescript copy of ‘Memorial’ written for The Leading Edge, the magazine of Exploration Geophysicists of America. Society the of 1989 1990 1989 1989 Sent to Lady Jeffreys by the September 1989. author, S. Crampin, Geophysical Journal, vol.155, pt 3, November 1989. By A.G. Smith 1989 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 12 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.7 IMS Bulletin, vol 18, no.3, 1989. By Arnold Zellner 1989 Journal of Ecology, 1989. By John Sheail J.R. Statist. Soc. A, 152, pt 3, 1989. By D.V. Lindley Nature, 1989. By S.K. Runcorn A.8 A.9 A.10 A.12 A.13 ‘The world turned inside out’, Geology, January 1990. By E.G. Nisbet 1989-1990 Text as published with related correspondence between Lady Jeffreys and Nisbet, June-July 1989. Correspondence re obituary etc for London Mathematical Society, January 1990 Eagle, publication of St John’s College, Cambridge, 1990. By Frank Smithies. Text as published; manuscript and typescript notes by Lady Jeffreys. 1990 1990 Earthquakes & Volcanoes, vol.22, no.2, publication of US Departmentof the Interior, 1990. By BruceA. Bolt 1990 Photocopyof obituary which wasreprinted in Earthquakes & Volcanoes from the Bulletin of Seismological Society of America. Photocopyoftribute in Russian publication, 1991 1991 ‘Memorial to Hudson and A.G. Smith. Society of America, 1993 Sir Harold Jeffreys 1891-1989’ by J.A. Published by the Geological 1992-1993 Typescript draft, off-print and correspondence between Hudson and Lady Jeffreys, 1992-1993. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 A.14 Biographical, A.1-A.204 Earth’ by B.A. ‘Jeffreys and the Relating Geophysical Structures and Processes: The Jeffreys Volume, Geophysical Monograph 76, |1UGG Volume 16, 1993 Bolt. In 13 1993 A.15-A.33 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL [1979]-1988, n.d. A.15-A.21 ‘RS Dossier. Chronologicallist’ RS Edinburgh Additions to Biography 1984, 1986, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys: A.15 Photocopy of Royal Society Personal Record booklet with manuscript additions and corrections Found in envelopeinscribed ‘Royal Society Dossier’ A.16 ‘Personal Recordsof the Royal Society’ 8pp photocopied manuscript. A.17 A.18 Brief correspondence with Royal Society re personal record ‘Personal Records of Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh’ 11pp typescript with manuscript additions. Photocopy. A.19 ‘Possible additions to my biography’ 6pp manuscript by Jeffreys ‘Possible addition to my biography. Copy of MS by Harold Jeffreys’ 5pp typescript. Jeffreys. manuscript addition by Lady Jeffreys. With final paragraph initialled by Lady Reduced format copy of the same with N.d. N.d. 1986 N.d. N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 A.20 A.21 Biographical, A.1-A.204 4pp manuscript notes by Jeffreys beginning ‘Many people have commented on the wide range of subjects treated in my works’. 1p manuscript (photocopy) by Jeffreys beginning ‘Master, Fellows for reminiscences’ and headed ‘1984’ occasion Ladies. This and an is With manuscript note from the College, Cambridge, 1 August 1984. Librarian, St John’s Chronological list of Jeffreys’s publications prepared to accompany Collected Papers, 1977 and continued to 1987 A.22-A.28 Interviews A.22 Brief correspondence with G.A. Barnard and H.E. Daniels re a ‘rather informal tape [recording]’, April-May 1982 Barnard explained: ‘Really, after the basic biographical details, | hope you could sketch how your ideas on scientific inference and statistics and probability theory developed, with perhaps something of your agreements and disagreements with Fisher, Haldane (perhaps), and others’. For a copy of the audiotape see H.204. 14 N.d. 1984 N.d. 1982-1987 1982 A.23-A.25 Correspondence and papers re videotape interview of Jeffreys madeon behalf of the RoyalStatistical Society 1982-1987 Jeffreys was videotaped in conversation with D.V. Lindley, 25 August1983. 3 folders. Includes suggested questions in a letter from Lindley to Jeffreys, of amendments the transcription with manuscript corrections (A.25). 13 August 1983 (A.23), transcription Jeffreys’s (A.24) and the list to For a copy of the videotape see H.205. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 15 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.26-A.28 Correspondence and papers re tape-recorded interview on early work on meteorology 1984-1985 The interview was conducted by M.E. Mcintyre on behalf of the Royal Meteorological Society in the presence of Lady Jeffreys, 16 September 1984. 3 folders. Early correspondence aboutan interview is with Raymond Hide (A.26). Edited transcriptions are at A.27. A.29 Entry for biographical directory of Sir Harold ‘Contributions Theoretical Geophysics’ by E.R. Lapwood, Math. Scientists, 1982, 7, 69-84 Jeffreys to This was the text of an invited lecture to the 1980 Conference of the Division of Applied Mathematics of the Australian Mathematics Society, Cowes, Victoria. Off-print Typescript draft sent to Lady Jeffreys for comment, 7 April 1980 7pp manuscript (photocopy) by Lapwood found attached to the offprint at A.30 N.d. but concludes ‘Sir Harold is now 88 years of age, and is still active in writing and research’. 1985 [1979]-1982 1982 1980 [1979] A.30-A.32 A.30 A.31 A.32 A.33 ‘Clearing up Mysteries - The Original Goal. Jaynes By E.T. 1988 Photocopy of keynote paper at 8th international maximum entropy workshop, St John’s College, Cambridge, August 1988. Sent to Jeffreys and Lady Jeffreys by J. Skilling of St John’s College, Cambridge, October 1988, ‘so that you H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 16 Biographical, A.1-A.204 may read for yourselves Ed’s praise of Harold’s work on the fundamentals of scientific inference’. With reply from Lady Jeffreys. A.34-A.117 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1891-1993 A.34 A.35 Birth certificate 1891 Rutherford Physics notebook College Newcastle upon Tyne Practical 1906-1907 Used for school practical physics experiments from 21 August1906 to 18 April [1907]. Jeffreys was a pupil at Rutherford College between the ages of 12 and 16 when he went to Armstrong College, Newcastle, the forerunner of the present University of Newcastle. A.36-A.65 St John’s College Cambridge 1909-1993 completing College After University of Durham he applied for a Cambridge award and in December 1909 he waselected to a £60 entrance scholarship four mathematics scholars. College as one of at Armstrong St John’s his studies at Elected to the Fellowship 1914 and remained one for the restof hislife. A.36, A.37 ‘Burke-Fox Scott 1910’ Heitland Correspondence with Tutors 1909-1923 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. A.36 Photocopies of twoletters of Jeffreys and one letter about him from tutorialfiles 1909-1910 Jeffreys’s letter of 5 November 1909 asks how much, if of the Open Scholarship Examination he was any, excused and details and examination success. scholarship previous his H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 17 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.37 4 Letters to Jeffreys, 1 in original envelope 1913-1923 Letter from R.F. Scott, 24 June 1922, is an offer of a temporary College appointment for two years from Michaelmas 1922 ‘to assist in the mathematical teaching of the College’. A.38-A.54 ‘HJ’s lecture notes 1911-1914’ 1911-1914 Contents of box so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. A.38-A.40 ‘Spherical Astronomy. Mr Cunningham Michaelmas 1911’ 1914 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes. Ebenezer Cunningham, 1881-1977, was a student at St John’s and elected into a Fellowship in 1904. After periods at Liverpool and University College London he returned to St John’s in 1911 at the invitation of H.F. Baker. For Jeffreys’s obituary writing in respect of Cunningham see D.252-D.257. For Baker see A.47-A.49. A.41, A.42 ‘Mr Eddington Combination of Observations & Spherical Astronomy Michaelmas 1913’ 1913 Contents of envelope soinscribed by Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes. A.S. Eddington was appointed Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge in 1913. A.43-A.46 ‘Mr HermanPlanetary & Lunar Theory Michaelmas 1913’ 1913 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes. A.47-A.49 ‘Prof. [H.F.] Baker Periodic Orbits etc Lent 1914’ 1914 Contents of folder inscribed by Jeffreys divided into three H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 18 Biographical, A.1-A.204 for ease of reference: manuscript notes. With additional inscription on envelope by Lady Jeffreys August 1990 ‘H.F. Baker 1866-1956 January 1914 became Lowndean Professor of Astronomy & Geometry. R.S. Biographical Memoirs 1956 vol.2 by W.V.D. Hodge. P.52 “his first action as professor wasto offer in addition to the courses on pure mathematics which he had been scheduled to give as a university lecturer, a course on periodic orbits, thereby making it clear that he regarded himself as professor both of astronomy and of geometry” (BJ. August 1990)’. A.50-A.52 ‘Prof. Eddington Determination of Orbits Lent 1914’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes. 1914 A.53, A.54 ‘Prof. Eddington Sidereal Astronomy May 1914 1914 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes. A.55, A.56 ‘Letters from Johnians circa 1917’ 1916-1917, 1990 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference. Correspondents include E.W. Burn, B.W. Gilbert, C.B. Rootham and T.H. Sharp (A.55), and M.H.A. Newman (A.56). 1990 item (A.55) is note from College Archivist identifying correspondent(Sharp). A.57-A.59 Miscellaneous correspondencewith Fellows and others 1930, 1972- 1989 A.57 1930 1 letter only from Sir Henry F. Howard, Senior Bursar, re Jeffreys’s ‘note about “Digging” in Rowing’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 19 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.58 1972-1979 Includes correspondence re ‘the Hermes in Whewell’s Court’, Trinity College Cambridge. A.59 1980-1989 Includes letter from the Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge, 28 April 1987, congratulating Jeffreys on surpassing ‘the previous record for the longest continuous tenure of a Fellowship at either Oxford or Cambridge’ . A.60-A.63 Concert programmes 1927-1980 A.64 A.65 Programmesof the St John’s College Musical Society and of other musical events associated with the College. 4 folders. Menu card for ‘Dinner to the Commonwealth Universities Congress’, 16 July 1953 Photocopy of photograph of ‘Mathematicians of St John’s. 1913’ With manuscript note by Lady Jeffreys ‘Given to me by Margaret Gilbert BU 22/05/93’ A.66 Smith’s Prize, Cambridge University 1 letter of congratulations only. 1953 1993 1915 A.67 D.Sc. University of Durham 1917 1916-1917 2 letters and certificate A.68, A.69 Meteorological Office 2 folders. 1917-1925, 1990 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 20 Biographical, A.1-A.204 At A.68 a copy of a reference from Sir Napier Shaw, 19 December 1921, in support of application by Jeffreys for professorship of Mathematics at King’s College London, explains Jeffreys’s association with the Meteorological Office: ‘Dr Jeffreys joined the staff of the Meteorological Office in the later years of the war on my recommendation in order that he might help in dealing with certain difficult questions in gunnery which cameto us from the Services and which involved the solution of difficult mathematical problems. He wasretained after the armistice in virtue of his capacity for of mathematics to problems of the atmosphere’. application dealing with the Jeffreys went to the Meteorological Office in 1917 and returned to Cambridge in 1922 as College lecturer in mathematics. 1990 item (A.69) is Meteorological Library to Lady Jeffreys. letter from the Librarian, National A.70-A.80 University of Cambridge 1921-1993 In addition to Jeffreys’s association with St John’s College he was appointed to a university lectureship in 1926. He was Reader in Geophysics from 1931 and waselected to the Plumian Professorship of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in 1946, retiring in 1959. A.70 Memorandum on the of the Senate at Cambridge addressed to the Royal Commission on the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Constitution 1921, 1993 Three typescript copies, one unsigned, one signed ‘W.G. Palmer’ and one signed ‘F. [word unidentified] White’, with two letters from Horace Darwin to Jeffreys, about ‘your memo.’, the first with a separate sheet of criticisms, November 1921. were found papers The a compliments slip from D.G. Crighton to whom Lady Jeffreys had shown the memorandum in 1993. together clipped with A.71 1 letter only re gift from Jeffreys to the university library 1923 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 21 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.72-A.78 Letter from Vice-Chancellor confirming election to the Plumian Chair, letters of congratulation, etc. 1946-1992 7 folders. Unindexed. The letters of congratulation are presented in alphabetical order with first names and unidentified at A.77. At A.78 are typescript notes re Thomas Plume who endowedthe Chair and Maldon, Essex, his birthplace, printed booklet re the history of Maldon by F.H. Laws, the Plume Librarian, Maldon and letter from Laws, 12 March 1953. A letter from ‘Martin’ [Sir Martin Rees] to Lady Jeffreys, 4 January 1992, is at A.72. A.79, A.80 ‘Various correspondence about Math. & Nat. Sci. Tripos’ 1954 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Jeffreys’s correspondents include N.F. Mott. and Manuscript Jeffreys’s ‘Memorandum onthe reorganisation of the Tripos’ are at A.80. typescript drafts of A.81 Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medallist 1937 Journal of the British Astronomical Association, vol. 48, no.4, February 1937. See frontispiece for photograph of Jeffreys as RAS Gold Medallist and pp158-160 for an account of Jeffreys and his work. A.82 Geological Society of America Correspondent Notice of election as Correspondent. A.83 Honorary degree, University of Liverpool Orations booklet 1947 1953 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 22 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.84 Honorary degree, Trinity College Dublin 1956 Official documentation, press-cutting, etc. See also H.31. A.85 Royal Society Copley Medallist Bound certificate A.86 Honorary degree, Newcastle Division of the University of Durham 1960 1 letter only from the Registrar, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2 June 1980, re the honorary degree awarded in 1960. See also A.4. A.86A 70th birthday ‘The Earth Today A collection of papers dedicated to Sir Harold Jeffreys by some of his students and colleagues on the occasion of his 70th birthday’. Geophysical Journal, vol 4, 1961. 1960 1980 1961 Copy presented Cambridge, 24 May 1961. signed meu. to St College Enclosed loose at front is John’s Jeffreys at A.87 Geological Society of London Wollaston Medallist 1964 Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, 7 August 1964, including presentation of the Wollaston Medal to Lady Jeffreys who received it on behalf of Sir Harold; typescript draft of message from Sir Harold read by Lady Jeffreys. A.88 Honorary degree, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 1967 Bound certificate. See H.37. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 23 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.89 Seismological Society of America Medallist 1979 Correspondence,citation, photographsetc. The medal waspresented to Jeffreys in Cambridge A.90-A.109A 90th birthday 1981 A.90 Letters kept together with treasury tag With Lady Jeffreys’s list headed ‘90th birthday’. Unindexed. A.91-A.107 Alphabetical sequence of greetings cards, etc Unindexed. 17 folders. A B Cc D G H, | J,K A.91 A.92 A.93 A.94 A.95 A.96 A.97 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 24 Biographical, A.1-A.204 P,R A.98 A.99 A.100 A.101 A.102-A.107 First names only 6 folders. A.108 Bound copy of paper by A. celebration of Jeffreys’s 90th birthday Marussi presented in Letter and postcard are enclosed loose at the front of the bound volume. A.109 Bound presentation document from the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, USSR, congratulating Jeffreys on his birthday With signatures of Russian colleagues. Loose items enclosed at the translation of the document. front include English A.109A Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society volume 64, number 1 January 1981 1981 Presented to Jeffreys on his 90th birthday by the Royal Astronomical Society. Enclosed looseatfront is signed menu. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 25 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.110 60th Anniversary of Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society 1985 Letter of congratulations from the President of the Royal Society with Jeffreys’s reply. A.111-A.117 Death of Jeffreys 1989 Jeffreys died on 18 March 1989in his 98th year. A.111 Funeral Press-cuttings; list of mourners A.112-A.115 Letters of condolence In alphabetical order. Unindexed. A.112 A.113 4 folders. A-C G-l A.114 J-M A.115 O-Z A.116 Announcementof Jeffreys’s death in Royal Society News, May 1989 Jeffreys was Senior Fellow of the Society. A.117 Miscellaneous correspondencere Jeffreys’s death H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 26 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.118-A.127 CERTIFICATES 1903-1944 Rolls with the exception of the list at A.119 which was found with the certificates. With the exception of A.127 all relate to early examination and scholarship success. A.118 A.119 College ‘Midsummer 1903’ of Preceptors Lower Forms’ Examination 1903 Lists subjects passed. County Durham Examination 1903 List of Results Council of Minor Scholarships’ 1903 Jeffreys was listed under Scholarships awarded to boys and wasplacedfirst on the list. A.120 University of Durham Junior Local Examination July 1905 1905 Lists subjects passed. A.121 University of Durham Senior Local Examination July 1906 1906 Lists subjects passed. A.122 University of Durham Senior Local Examination July 1907 1907 Lists subjects passed. A.123 A.124 of London University had matriculated as a Student at the June 1907 examination and was placed in the First Division in the specified subjects certificate Jeffreys that Board of Education certificate that Jeffreys obtained a Second Class in examination Honours the at in 1907 1908 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 A.125 A.126 A.127 Biographical, A.1-A.204 Mathematics Division | in the year 1908 University of Londoncertificate that Jeffreys had passed as an External Student the Immediate Examination in the Faculty of Science in the year 1909 University of Durham certificate that Jeffreys, having complied with all the conditions required by the University, had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Science September 1910. American Geophysical Union Certificate of Corresponding Membership, 18 May 1944 In tube. A.128-A.153 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.128-A.131 Robert Hall Jeffreys (father) See also A.137. 27 1909 1910 1944 1886-1992 1886-1947 A.128 A.129 A.130 A.131 Certified copy of an entry of death Diocese of religious subjects Newcastle pupil teacher’s certificate in 1886 United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masonsof Englandcertificate Supreme Grand and Royal Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England certificate 1884 1910 1947 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 28 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.132-A.146 Family and personal correspondence 1917-1992 The sequencereflects Jeffreys’s continuing interest and connexions with the North East of England where he was born. Unindexed. A.132-A.135 ‘Invitations etc. Acknowledgements of photographs’ 1917-1927, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference. Letter and postcard from D.M. Wrinch at A.132; letter from Bertha Swirles at A.134. A.136 2 postcards, 1927, 1933, and related photocopies with note by Lady Jeffreys, 19 November 1992 1927, 1933, 1992 A.137 1948, n.d. Correspondencearising from the death of Jeffreys’s father the previous year. Folder also includes undated postcard from Jeffreys’s father. A.138 1955 Manuscript letter from Jeffreys attached to typescript accountof the story of the Lambton Worm and manuscript note by Jeffreys on the Drummonds of Fatfield [Co. Durham] where he wasborn. A.139 1969 Christmas card from Nancy and Ralph [Lapwood] to Harold and Bertha ‘who not only explored the Solar System before the Astronauts but also penetrated the interior of the Earth before the Mohole’; and enquiry about the history of Fatfield and Washington, Co. Durham. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 29 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.140 1972-1973 A.141 1975-1977 A.142 A.143 1978 1979 A.144 1980-1985 Includes birthday card from Nancy and Ralph [Lapwood] 1983 and birthday card from Nancy 1985, incorporating photograph of Ralph Lapwood in China the previous year. A.145 ‘Letters from W.A. Dawson 1980-7’ 1980-1990 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. A biographical note by Lady Jeffreys, 30 November 1990, explains the close connexion between Dawson and Jeffreys’s family. A.146 N.d. A.147-A.153 Postcards 1910-1959 A number mayrelate to Jeffreys’s scientific career. A.147-A.151 ‘Various postcards sent to H.J. circa 1920’ 1915-1934, n.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into five for ease of reference. A.152 9 postcards and greetings cards sent by colleaguesin the USSR 1959, n.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 30 Biographical, A.1-A.204 Contents of envelope addressed to ‘Sir and Mrs Harold Jeffreys’. 2 postcards dated in 1959. A.153 Miscellaneous postcards 1910-1947 12 postcards A.154-A.169 FINANCES 1920s-1990 Correspondence and papers re superannuation and pension, gifts and donations, taxation, etc investments, housing, insurance, A.154-A.156 1920s 3 folders. Includes papers re superannuation agreements. A.157 1930s Insurance and pension scheme. A.158-A.161 1940s 4 folders. Includes papers re the hire of Thatched Cottage, Clement Place, Cambridge, 1940 and the purchase of 160 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, 1945. A.162 1950s Includes miscellaneous invoices and receipts. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 31 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.163 1974-1990 Includes copyof Jeffreys’s will dated 27 February 1974. A.164 N.d. Includes Jeffreys’s [US] Social Security Account Card. A.165 Lloyds Bank Ltd Birtley [Co. Durham] pass book. In use 1912-1927. A.166-A.169 4 used Lloyds Bank Ltd cheque books 1930s-1950s A.170-A.204 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICALITEMS N.d., 1910-1990 A.170 Small format sketch book with humorous drawings and captions N.d. ? from Jeffreys school days. ‘Latin’ is inscribed on a sketch book edge. A.171 4 letters re Jeffreys’s interest in photography, 1910, 1911, and 1924 (2 letters) 1910-1924 A.172 2 used card‘targets’ 1914 One inscribed with Jeffreys’s name and score, the second headed ‘25 yds=200 2nd. Target, Musketry Course, 1914’. Miniature Class A.173 ‘Botanical’ 1915-1937 inscribed Contents correspondence, 1915, 1917, 1937. folder so of by Lady Jeffreys: H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 32 Biographical, A.1-A.204 Includes 1915 letter from W. Bateson. includes pressed flowers. 1937 letter Notebookusedby Jeffreys for recording limericks 2?1920s Manuscript and typescript notes etc found loose notebook (A.174) in 1924, n.d. Mainly more limericks but includes letter from N. Bowie, Chief, Division of Geodesy, Department of Commerce, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington D.C., 22 August 1924,with limerick on verso. Manuscript music book inscribed ‘H. Jeffreys’ inside front cover N.d. Undated but see A.177 below. Loose items enclosed in the manuscript music book (A.176) include letter from Raymond Priestley, 30 July 1953, with an accountof ‘The Song of the Mammals’ 1953, n.d. A.174 A.175 A.176 A.177 A.178 Correspondence andpapers re Cremation Society 1962-1963 Includes membership card. A.179-A.188A Correspondence and papers re Jeffreys’s (and Lady Jeffreys’s) history of science interests A.179-A.181 ‘McCrea Einstein Gold Medal’ 1978-1983 1978-1983 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence re the award of the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society to Einstein, the ‘stellar-question between the two world wars’, etc. Correspondents include Sir William McCrea, K. Hufbauer and J. Crelinsten. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 33 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.182-A.188 ‘J.C. Adams’ 1980-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into seven for ease of reference. Includes correspondence and papers re article on John Couch AdamsbyJeffreys in the Eagle . A.188A Lewis Caroll (Charles Dodgson)’s method of calculating the day for any date N.d. Manuscript notes etc A.189-A.192 Passports 1939-1971 A.189 Issued 22 June 1939 A.190 Issued 13 January 1950 A.191 Issued 21 June 1960 A.192 A.193 Issued 22 March 1971 Invitation cards for social events etc c.1957-1981 Includes signed menu for Seventh Triennial Dinner of the Adams Society, A.S. Besicovitch and R. Penrose. Signatories include 1958. A.194 ‘H’s life membership cards’ Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. Includes Swimming Club and Cyclists’ Touring Club. Association, British Cambridge University H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.195 ‘Old Railwaytickets’ Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: old railway tickets pasted on three sheets of paper. Railway stations represented are principally in the North East of England and Cambridge. A.196 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes Includes typescript note on conscientious objectors with manuscript inscription by Lady Jeffreys ‘? Writer. BJ 1990 Note referenceto Birtley [Co. Durham]’ 34 N.d. N.d. A.197-A.200 Correspondence and papers medals, photographs, off-print collection, etc Jeffreys’s re archives, 1978-1991 A.197 ‘Medals deposited in St John’s & photographs. correspondencewith Bank’ Also 1978-1985 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. A.198, A.199 ‘Correspondence about scientists)’ Offprint Collection (of other 1989-1990 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference. Includes correspondence re books, archives, museum object etc. A.200 Miscellaneous correspondence re archives, photographs and off-prints A.201 ‘Ralph LapwoodA good Friend of China’ 1989 1989 Copyof ‘booklet’ sent to Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys with covering from Nancy (enclosed Lapwood, 8 January 1989. front) note at the H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 35 Biographical, A.1-A.204 A.202-A.204 Travel literature Printed papers. 2 boxes and 1 large format item SAOI}HOr“H vO/9/EElSOVNON 9€ @NOILOAS 9L€°a-L'd‘HOYVSSaY 9661-cO61 “OlyJBUIEJUODJOdIdo}AqAjjeoneqeudjepebueuy vata SYALVYSNOOWTVIOISILYV; Ol°a-S'd SALITIALVSTWIDILYV Lhd SOILSNVO voa-cl'a AYOOS.HLYV> 8e'a-Se'd NOOWAHL40SNOILVYEIT vr'da-6e°d ZLINNOTGAISIGON, Vesa-Sv'd AYOLSIHWHNLYVN 62°a-€S'd SOILSILVLSGNVALIMNIGVadOud 18d‘08d ALIALLOVOICVY ced HLYV3AHLAONOILVLOYW Se'd-€8'd SSLITNALVSSINYNLVS L61°d-98'a ADSOIOWSIAS LLo°a-c6l'd TAGOWHLYVAGYVONVLS vlod-clod SSAVMOILSVISOWYSHL o9ea-Slo"d AGNLILVTAONOILVIEVA 06¢°d-€9¢'d SNOANVTISOSIN 9L€°a-l6e°a SASSHL H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 37 Research, B.1-B.316 B.1-B.4 ‘ARTIFICIAL MOON CRATERS’ 1928, 1979, n.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference: photographs and photographic negatives, copy of Arhiv za Hemiju | S. Farmaciju, Mohorovicic, from Mohorovicic, 1979, translations by Lady Jeffreys. correspondence including including Zagreb, 1928 paper by letter B.5-B.10 ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES 1963, n.d. Contents of envelope artificial satellite’ by Jeffreys divided into six for ease of reference: manuscript working, drafts, a little correspondence, n.d. inscribed ‘Theory of Includes off-print of 1963 paper. B.11 CAUSTICS 1981, 1983 ‘Caustics 1981-1983 (Lapwood, Burridge)’. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: correspondence with E.R. Lapwood, off-print of paper by Burridgeetc. B.12-B.24 EARTH’S CORE 1968-1991, n.d. B.12-B.20 ‘Core’ 1968-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine: off-prints, research report, data, correspondence, etc. B.21-B.23 Correspondence and papers with S.G. Brush re Brush’s historical work on the discovery of the earth’s core 1979-1980 3 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 38 Research, B.1-B.316 B.24 Manuscript working by Lady Jeffreys ?re Jeffreys’s work on the earth’s core. 1989, 1991, n.d. B.25-B.38 LIBRATIONS OF THE MOON 1957-1971 B.25-B.28 ‘Moon’s Librations’ 1961 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, data, drafts re paperby Jeffreys ‘On the figure of the moon’, MNRAS,vol 122 (1961). B.29-B.38 ‘Physical Librations of the Moon’ 1957-1971 Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into ten for ease of reference: data, drafts, correspondence, off- prints, proofs etc. Jeffreys’s paper ‘The Moon’s Librations’ was published in MNRAS,vol 153 (1971). The sequence includes Lady Jeffreys’s translations from the Russian. B.39-B.44 ‘MODIFIED LOMNITZ’ 1957-1960,n.d. ease of data, reference: Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into six for working, manuscript drafts titled ‘The secular accelerations of satellites’, ‘The damping of the Moon’s librations’, ‘Rock- Creep - A correction’, ‘Rock creep & tidal friction and ‘Rock Creep and Tidal Friction’, correspondence, 1957, 1960, n.d. manuscript B.45-B.52A NATURAL HISTORY 1902-1915, n.d Seven small black bound notebooks (B.45-B.51)and one notebookin red covers (B.52) used by Jeffreys for natural H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 39 Research, B.1-B.316 history notes. Jeffreys natural history interests are reflected in early publications on the vegetation of Durham coal measure fells. See J. Ecol. vol 4 (1916) and J. Ecol. vol 5 (1917). the below is taken Much of an unpublished article by Bertha Swirles Jeffreys ‘Harold Jeffreys, F.R.S., Naturalist, (1891-1989)’. information from B.45 ‘Nature Calendar’ 1902-1913 Jeffreys listed plants and birds in the month in which he observed them. In use 1902-1913. B.46 ‘Plants’ Lists plants observed in particular habitats. 1915. In use 1908- B.47 ‘Birds’ Recordsbirds observed. In use 1908-1912. 1908-1915 1908-1912 B.48 ‘Insects and spiders’ 1909-1913 Recordsinsects and spiders observed. In use 1909-1913. B.49 ‘Hancock Prize Essays 1909, 1910’ 1909, 1910 The Hancock Prize was foundedin 1896 at the suggestion of Canon Tristram of Durham, for an essay describing the observations in any branch of natural history made during the course of a day’s ramble in the country or on the coast. In 1909 Jeffreys was awardedthe second prize. In 1910 he sharedthe prize. Both essaysare in the notebook: ‘ A ramblein late August in the Birtley district’ and ‘A visit to Fatfield in quest of natural objects, June 11th, 1910’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 40 Research, B.1-B.316 B.50 ‘Mammals Reptiles Amphibia & Fish’ 1911-1913 Records of observations 1911-1913. Most pages unused. B.51 ‘Natural Orders’ Lists speciesin their natural orders from a Flora and notes where Jeffreys observed them. B.52 ‘Engler’s Classification’ Notebooksotitled on the first page used. B.52A Untitled notebook used for botanical notes With note attached to front cover being compliments slip of the Curator, Herbarium, Botany School, Cambridge inscribed ‘With many thanks for loan Max Walters’. This notebook was found apart from those at B.45-B.52 and may have become separated as a consequenceof the loan to Walters. N.d. N.d. N.d. B.53-B.79 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS 1923-1996 B.53 ‘Working for Annals of Eugenics 11, pt 2, 108-114, 1941’ N.d. Identification by Lady Jeffreys, November 1989. B.54-B.69 ‘Probability, statistics and entropy’ 1923-1996 B.54 B.55 Contents of box folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. Letter from A. Landé, 27 August 1968 and copy of Landé’s paper‘Fact and Fiction in Quantum Mechanics’. ‘Lindley 1985 On re-reading Jeffreys Pacific Statistical Congress Auckland’. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. 1968 1985 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 44 Research, B.1-B.316 B.56 ‘Phil. Mag with D. Wrinch’ 1923, 1982, n.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. Includes undated draft letter from Jeffreys to Henry [?Daniels] re his joint papers with Dorothy Wrinch, 1919- 1923, and copiesof the papers. B.57 ‘Statistics’ 1980, 1982 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: letter from D.V. Hinkley, 13 April 1982, and papers by Hinkley relating to likelihood and pivotal inference, 1980, 1982. B.58 ‘Zellner et al. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics] 1995’ Brought from DAMTP [Department of 1978 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: correspondenceand papers, 1978. Includes manuscript draft by Jeffreys ‘Some general points in Probability Theory’ and table of contents for Bayesian Analysis in Econometrics and Statistics: Essays in Honor of Harold Jeffreys. The volume of essays was edited by Arnold Zellner. See also B.59-B.66. B.59-B.66 ‘Zellner (correspondence with Dover [Publications Inc.] included)’ 1979-1996 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1979-1996. Includes correspondence re volume of essays editied by Zellner in Jeffreys’s honour. See also B.58. Correspondence with Dover relates to their possible re- publication of Jeffreys’s Theory of Probability. Correspondence, 1991-1996, is between Zellner and Lady Jeffreys. B.67 Letter from A Zellner to Jeffreys, 17 April 1985, with ‘paper by Berger and Sellke that takes up significance testing’ and programme for Bayesian Seminar, Minneapolis, May 1985. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Research, B.1-B.316 B.68 Letter from A. Zellner to Lady Jeffreys, 9 September 1991, with copy of Zellers American Statistical Association Presidential Address, Science and Public Policy’, August 1991. ‘Statistics, 42 1991 B.69 Miscellaneous papers foundloosein box folder 1979, n.d. B.70-B.79 ‘Probability, Statistics and Maximum Entropy’ 1972-1989 Contents of box folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. B.70-B.73 ‘Maximum Entropy Jaynes Kendall’ 1977-1981, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into four papers, correspondence, 1977, 1981, n.d. duplicated reference: for ease of B.74-B.79 Miscellaneous correspondence, drafts, loose in box folder off-prints found 1972-1989 6 folders. At B.74 is a 2pp manuscript note by Jeffreys titled ‘Probability Theory’. B.80-B.81 RADIOACTIVITY 1950-1985 ‘Radioactivity Jacobs’. Contents of envelope soinscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: correspondencewith J.A. Jacobs andothers, off-prints. B.82 ROTATION OF THE EARTH 1972-1973 ‘Rotation of the Earth since 1973 Newton, Morrison, Muller’. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Jeffreys: manuscript notes, correspondenceetc. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 43 Research, B.1-B.316 B.83-B.85 SATURN’S SATELLITES 1924, n.d. ‘Saturn Satellites’. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys reference: manuscript working, n.d; letter from colleague at Leiden, 1924. for ease of divided into three B.86-B.191 SEISMOLOGY B.86-B.98 Papers found together 1930s-1991 1930s-1991 B.86-B.89 ‘Lists of stations for earthquakes 1928, 1931, 1932’ 1930s Contents of plastic folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference; also labelled ‘1935, 1939’ and ‘CP2 [Collected Papers volume 2] pp26-31, 375, 430’. B.90 ‘Tables for MNGS 4, p498 CP2 pp410-445 Timesof P,S and SKS and Velocities of P and S.’ 1938 Contents of plastic folder identified by Lady Jeffreys, October 1989. Includes letter from Scientific Computing Services Ltd, 15 December 1938. B.91 ‘Negatives for “Deep-focus Earthquakes” 1939 Ergebnisse d. Kosmische Physik 4, 75-105 (p.80, CP2 p.490)’ Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. B.92 ‘Burton-on-Trent explosion 1944 Nov. 27’ 1944-1945, n.d. Contents of plastic folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys, also labelled ‘1947’ by her: correspondenceand papersre MNGS, 5, 99-104 CP2, 571. 1947. Includes note by Jeffreys for the Ministry of Home Security Research and Experiments Department on ‘Seismic Aspects of the Hanbury Explosion, 1944 Nov 27th, 10h’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 44 Research, B.1-B.316 B.93-B.94 ‘Working for Times of P in Japanese and European Earthquakes MNGS, 6, 557-65, 1954 CP 605’ c.1954 Contents of plastic folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference. B.95 ‘BASIC 1983’ 1982-1984 Contents of folder so labelled: correspondence and drafts re Jeffreys’s contributions to the 1982 and 1983 Annual Reports of the British Association for the Advancementof Science Seismological Investigations Committee. B.96 ‘New Tables Kennett Hudson Bolt’ Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: report, correspondence, 1988-1989. B.97 B.98 Letter from J.A. Hudson to Lady Jeffreys, 20 August 1991, enclosing copy of paper on traveltimes global earthquake location and phaseidentification for Correspondence, 1991, with B.L.N. Kennett re IASPEI 1991 Seismological Tables B.99-B.107 Papers found together 1991 1991 1970s B.99-B.102 Ranbir Singh Sidhu and Manohan Gogna’ 1974-1978, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, data, etc. Sidhu and Gogna worked as research assistants for Jeffreys for periods in the 1970s. Sidhu subsequently moved to the Netherlands. B.103-B.106 ‘Various offprints & letters found with Ranbir [Singh Sidhu] and Manohan [L. Gogna]. Mostly Pacific, PKP Haddon, Adams, Randall and others 1970s’ c.1971-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 45 Research, B.1-B.316 B.107 Large format ‘schetsboek’ inscribed with the name of the scientist on the front cover ‘Ranbir Singh Sidhu’ Used for data: depth, date, time, magnitude, ISC refs etc for events, 1968-1972. B.108-B.135 Papers found together 1962-1989 (data, manuscript working, The material drafts and correspondence) relate to the paper Jeffreys published with M.L. Gogna and M. Shimshoni ‘Seismic travel times for Central Asian Epicentres’, GJRAS vol 63 (1980), 577- 599. B.108-B.116 ‘1977-1980 Jan. Letters between HJ and MS [Shimshonil] with some working Letter to Savage [Royal Astronomical Society] 1980 Jan 22 & acknowledgement GJRASvol 63 (1980), 577-599” Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into nine for ease of reference 1977-1980 B.117-B.127 ‘Preliminary working for G.J. - Shimshoni. GJRAS (1980), 63, 577-599" 1977-1979 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript workingetc. B.128 ‘Tables computed by Shimshoni in 1962. GJRAS (1980) p.581’ Referred to in 1962 Identification by Lady Jeffreys. B.129-B.131 Correspondence, referees’ reports and drafts re GJRAS vol 63 (1980), 577-599 1979 3 folders B.132-B.135 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1967-1989 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 46 Research, B.1-B.316 1989 correspondence (B.134) is between M. Shimshoni and LadyJeffreys. 4 folders. B.136-B.158 Papers found together 1977-1984 manuscript working, drafts and The material correspondence) relates to the paper Jeffreys published with Pacific Earthquakes’, GURAS vol 72 (1983), 273-291. Haddon R.A.W. ‘Travel Times (data, for B.136 ‘Pacific (Manohan) 1978-80. Some MS nodate’ Earthquakes. Correspondence with Gogna 1978-1980, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. B.137 ‘Pacific Earthquakes’ 1978-1982, n.d. of folder Contents Lady Jeffreys: correspondencewith colleagues including R.S. Anderson, B.A. Bolt and Walter Munk. labelled by so B.138-B.139 ‘Correspondence with Haddonet al 1978-1982’ 1978-1982, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference. Includes (B.138) note by Lady Jeffreys, November 1989. B.140-B.141 ‘Correspondence with Haddon and Shimshoni 1983-4’ 1983-1984 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference. B.142 ‘Correspondenceaboutproofs Jeffreys & Haddon GJRAS (1983) 72 Pacific Earthquakes’ 1982 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. manuscript note by Lady Jeffreys, November 1989. Includes H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 47 Research, B.1-B.316 B.143-B.146 ‘Jeffreys & Haddon GJ 72 (1983) Drafts’ Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes anddrafts. B.147-B.149 ‘Typescripts GJRAS (1983) 72, 273-281’ 1981, 1983 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference. Anoff-print of the published paper is at B.147. B.150-B.154 ‘Pacific Earthquakes Someof H.J.’s preliminary working’ 1977-1980, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into five for ease of reference. Includes note by Lady Jeffreys, November 1989. B.155-B.157 ‘Computations by R.A.W. Haddon GJRAS (1983) 72’. 1978-1979 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference. B.158 ‘Jeffreys & Haddon GJRAS 72 (1983) Pacific Earthquakes / O’Donohue’s computations [University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory]’ 1981 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. B.159-B.182 Papers found together 1982-1987, n.d. The material drafts and correspondence) relates to papers Jeffreys published with M Shimshoni, 1984 and 1987. manuscript working, (data, B.159-B.164 ‘Distant P and PKP’ 1982-1984 Contents of an envelope so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, data, drafts, etc re paperof this title by Jeffreys and M. Shimshoni, GURASvol 77(1984), 271-273. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 48 Research, B.1-B.316 B.165 ‘Regional seismic travel times for central Asian epicentres’ 1982-1984 of folder so Contents by Lady Jeffreys: correspondence, typescript of paper so titled by Jeffreys and Shimshoni, GURASvol 79 (1984), 773-8. inscribed B.166 ‘Explosions East of Rockies / Notes’ N.d. Contents of envelopeso inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: data. B.167-B.182 Correspondence and papers re paper by Jeffreys and Shimshoni seismology’, GJRASvol 88 (1987), 305-309 differences regional ‘On in 1982-1987 16 folders. B.183-B.191 Miscellaneous N.d., 1961-1972 B.183-B.185 Contents of three small ring-back binders N.d. The labels on the front covers are reproduced in the entries below. B.183 ‘1950 Sept 5’ B.184 B.185 ‘1951 May 15° ‘1962 Jan 7’ B.186-B.191 ‘H.O. Wood Fund’ 1961-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, reports, notes of expensesetc. H.O. Wood Fund awards were intended ‘to enable the recipient to carry on purposeful investigations intended to promote advancement of knowledge in the geological aspects of seismology’. Jeffreys was invited to make a proposal to the awards committee in December 1961. The Fund was administered by the Carnegie Institution of /... H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 49 Research, B.1-B.316 Washington, D.C. B.192-B.211 STANDARD EARTH MODEL 1971-1983 B.192, B.193 ‘Correspondence of 1970s on Standard Earth Model. S.J.C’ 1971-1973 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, 1971-1973. B.194-B.199 ‘Correspondence about the Standard Model 1977-1983’ 1977-1983 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. B.194 B.195 1977 1978 B.196 1979-1980 B.197 B.198 B.199 1981 1982 1983 B.200-B.204 ‘Miscellaneous writings about Standard Earth Model’ 1981-1983, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into five for ease of reference. Includes manuscript draft letters by Jeffreys, minutes of ‘Standard Earth Model Committee IAG and IASPEI’ and correspondence and papers re ‘Earth Models’, GURASvol 74 (1983), 5. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 50 Research, B.1-B.316 B.205-B.211 Duplicated and printed papers by others 1977-1983 Relate Committee IAG and IASPEI. the work of to the Standard Earth Model B.212-B.214 THERMOELASTIC WAVES 1965-1966, 1990 ‘P. Chadwick et al. Thermoelastic Waves’. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease off-prints, manuscript correspondence, 1965-1966, 1990. reference: of working, 1990 correspondence is between Chadwick and Lady Jeffreys. B.215-B.262 VARIATION OF LATITUDE 1940-1988 Contents of box labelled ‘Variation of Latitude Vicente’. B.215-B.219 Off-prints by Jeffreys and others, and draft report by IAU working group 1940-1980, n.d. 5 folders. B.220-B.233 ‘Papers with [R.O.]Vicente’ 1950-1956, n.d. Contents of large paper bag so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into fourteen for ease of reference: manuscript working, drafts, correspondence, 1950-1956. In original order. The container wasalso labelled by Lady Jeffreys ‘Brought from College October 1989’. B.234 Contents of folder 1966-1975 Correspondenceetc. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 51 Research, B.1-B.316 B.235 Contents of envelope 1967-1987 Correspondencewith Vincente and others. B.236-B.241 Contents of folder 1967-1988 Correspondence, principally with Vincente. B.236 1967-1969 B.238 1976-1980 B.239 1981-1982 B.239 1983 B.240 1983-1985 B.241 1986-1988 B.242-B.251 ‘Damping’ 1961-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into ten for ease of reference: data, off-prints, correspondence. Presented as found. Correspondents include D.L. Anderson and C.L. Pekeris. B.252-B.255 Contents of bundle 1967-1968 Off-print, draft, data, correspondence etc re Jeffreys’s paper‘The variation of latitude’, MNRAS, vol 141(1968), 255-268. 4 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 52 Research, B.1-B.316 B.256-B.262 Correspondenceand data 1984, 1986 7 folders. Includes large format computerprint-outs. B.263-B.290 MISCELLANEOUS 1924-1982, n.d. B.263 ‘Found in E.R. Lapwood & T. Usami “Free oscillations of the earth”, CUP 1981’ 1969, ? 1974 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys: typescript notes with manuscript inscription at the top of first page ‘ERL 71974 (BJ 1988)’, off-print, 1969. B.264 ‘H.J.’s Notes on Lamb’s Hydrodynamics’ N.d. Contents of envelopeso inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. B.265-B.266 ‘C.G. Darwin’ 1924, 1937 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: off-print of paper by Darwin on ‘The optical constants of matter’, 1924; manuscripts by Darwin; letter from French colleague returning his (Darwin’s) script, 6 February 1937. B.267-B.273 Manuscript data ? re seismological investigations N.d. 7 folders. B.274-B.284 ‘Collections of rough working’ 1981-1982, n.d. 1 bundle of manuscript working so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into eleven for ease of reference. Lady Jeffreys described the contents of the bundle as put together by her ‘when we went to live in St John’s for a month in 1982 July’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 53 Research, B.1-B.316 B.285-B.290 Manuscript notes, annotated papers, etc. 1946-1980, n.d. 6 folders. B.288 is the contents of folder inscribed by Lady Jeffreys ‘MoscowTranslations’ and ‘Kogan’. B.289 is contents of folder inscribed by Lady Jeffreys ‘Translation by BJ of paper by Lyustrikh’. B.291-B.316 THESES 1949, 1965 B.291-B.301 ‘Some properties statistics’ of distributions admitting sufficient 1949 Manuscript draft of dissertation ‘submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge April 1949’. By V.S. Huzurbazar. the his preface Huzurbazar expressed In ‘deepest gratitude to Prof. Harold Jeffreys, F.R.S., whose constant encouragement, suggestions and criticism have benefited me greatly’. Contents of binder divided reference. into eleven for ease of B.302-B.316 ‘Revision of the Seismological Tables’ 1965 Dissertation ‘submitted to the University of Cambridge for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy’. By E.P. Arnold, King’s College. Cambridge, October 1965. B.302-B.305 Volume | B.302-B.304 Typescript with manuscript correction. Photocopy 3 folders. B.305 Photocopied pages from second copy of Volume | H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 54 Research, B.1-B.316 B.306-B.316 Volume II 11 folders. There is manuscript working by Jeffreys at B.309. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 55 SECTION C LECTURES,C.1-C.35 1945-1982 C.1-C.6 ‘Occasional lectures’ 1945-1978, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys C.1 ‘Commemoration Sermon’ 7pp typescript with manuscript correction and addition. With attached postcard dated 27 January 1945. C.2 C.3 4pp typescript speech by Jeffreys on the occasion of the award Prize Science Achievement; 3pp manuscriptdraft. Vetlesen Earth for of the ‘Probability Theory in Seismology’ 13pp typescript draft + 3pp manuscript notes. page is inscribed by Lady Jeffreys ‘Cf J. Applics. (1977) 19, 87-96’ and ‘Given at Rehovot?’ The first Inst. Maths. 1945 [1962] 21977 C.4 ‘Cambridge Mathematics since 1910’ 1978 Photocopied pagesof published text by Jeffreys and Lady Jeffreys: Eureka vol 39 (1978). C.5 C.6 ‘Discussion on Planetary Atmospheres. Introduction’ N.d. [1957] 5pptypescript draft. See also C.16. ‘On the Psychological Significance of Death Duties’ N.d. 8pp typescript and manuscriptdraft. C.7-C.29 ‘Various addresses’ 1957, 1959, n.d. Contents of folder labelled by Lady Jeffreys. the alphabetical orderbytitle. ‘addresses’ are undated and are presented Almostall in H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 56 Lectures, C.1-C.35 C.7 ‘An applied mathematician looks at pure mathematics’ N.d. 8pp manuscript draft. C.8 ‘Continental Drift’ 5pp typescript and manuscript draft; 4pp typescript draft. C.9 ‘The duties of an applied mathematician’ 13pp manuscriptdraft. C.10 ‘Fisher and inverse probability’ 6pp manuscript draft and notes, latest bibliographical reference, 1967. C.11 ‘Half a century in Geophysics’ 6pp typescript with manuscript addition and correction beginning ‘At the middle of the century...’. C.12 ‘Johnian Mathematics 1910-1914’ 5pp typescript. C.13 Mountain Formation’ 9pp typescript; letter from J.T. Wilson, 15 September 1959 re Jeffreys speaking about his theory of mountain formation. C.14 ‘Nutation’ 7pp manuscript draft Nutation & variation of latitude’ 3pp manuscript draft. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. 1959 N.d. N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 Lectures, C.1-C.35 C.15 ‘Origin of Solar System’ 5pp manuscript draft. 57 N.d. C.16 ‘Discussion on Planetary Atmospheres- Introduction’ 1957 3pp manuscript draft; programme of Royal Meteorological Society and Royal Astronomical Society joint meeting on ‘Planetary Atmospheres and Convection Rotating Fluids’, bibliography on convectionin rotating fluids. 23-24 May 1957; in selected The programmeindicates that Jeffreys introducedthe first session, outlining the history of the problem. C.17 ‘The Porridge Problem’ 3pp typescript draft; 5pp manuscriptdraft. C.17A ‘The revision of seismological tables’ 9pp manuscript draft. C.18 ‘Saturn’ App typescript with manuscript correction. C.19 ‘Scientific Method and Philosophy’ 25pp text, typescript and pages from publishedtext. C.20 ‘The simple pendulum [?in] the resonance case’ 5pp manuscript draft + 1p manuscript headed ‘Resonance in satellite theory’ C.21 ‘The strength of the Earth’ 5pp manuscript draft; 8pp typescript and manuscriptdraft. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Lectures, C.1-C.35 C.22 ‘The structure of the Earth’ 9pp typescript C.23 ‘Thermalinstability and its geophysical applications’ 8pp typescript and manuscriptdraft. C.24 ‘Unsolved problems in Seismology’ typescript 8pp ‘Seismology - Unsolved Problems’. draft; 3pp manuscript draft titled C.25 C.26 C.27 3pp typescript reminiscences ? for St John’s College occasion + 2pp typescript on the ‘Lambton Worm’ + manuscript notes. 7pp manuscript draft on aspects of probability theory 6pp manuscript draft headed ‘Geol Soc. abstract’ C.28-C.29 Miscellaneous shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts 2 folders. At C.28 is a duplicated typescript list headed ‘Occasional Lectures’ 58 N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. C.30 ‘H.J. Notes of talks to SUC Fellows 1981 R.A.S 1981 Adams Society 1982’ 1981-1982 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: manuscript and typescript drafts including drafts for St John’s College Cambridge and the Royal Astronomical Society and typescript draft headed ‘Geophysics in Japan’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 59 Lectures, C.1-C.35 C.31-C.35 Other lectures and addresses 1959, n.d. C.31 Lectures given at the University of Sydney, 1959 1959 Typescripts copies made available to Lady Jeffreys by University of Sydney Archives Jeffreys lectured on ‘The Porridge Problem, ‘Saturn’ and The Structure of the Earth’. There is also a biographical note introducing Jeffreys. C.32 ‘Probability Theory in Geophysics’ N.d. Transparencies only. Not in Jeffreys’s hand. C.33-C.35 Manuscript draft divided into three for ease of reference. N.d. manuscript may relate This teaching. to Jeffreys’s university H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 60 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS,D.1-D.404 1909-1999 D.1-D.226 BOOKS D.227-D.304 SHORTER PUBLICATIONS D.305-D.391 OFFPRINTS D.392-D.404 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS D.1-D.226 BOOKS D.1-D.70 The Earth its origin history and physical constitution Cambridge: University Press, 1924 (2nd edition 1929, 3rd edition 1952, 4th edition 1959, 4th edition 1962, 5th edition 1970, 6th edition 1976) 1924-1999 1924-1989 D.1-D.2 Reviews, First edition 1924-1925 2 folders. D.3 D.4 Reviews, Third edition (1952) 1953 Fourth edition (1959, 1962) 1959-1960, n.d. Reviews; 1p manuscript note found in copy of 4th edition (1962). D.5-D.6A Fifth edition (1970) 1967-1974, n.d. D.5 Publisher’s advanceinformation sheet for The Earth (Fifth edition) 1967 5pp photocopy dated as received 28 December 1967. D.6 Reviews 1970-1974 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 61 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.6A Manuscript notes, letter to the Editor of Nature found in copyof the Fifth Edition (1970) N.d., 1974 D.7-D.70 Sixth edition (1976) D.7, D.8 Correspondence with Cambridge University Press re preparation of Sixth edition 2 folders. 1973-1989 1973-1976 D.9-D.15 ‘Dampingof variation of latitude 1974 - ‘ 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript working etc. At D.7 is a note by Lady Jeffreys explaining thatthis file was‘concerned with the 6th edition of The Earth pp 348- 363’. D.16-D.22 folder Contents of into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re preparation of Sixth edition divided D.23 Disbound copyof Fifth edition annotated in the courseof preparation of Sixth edition D.24-D.31 Photocopied pages from Fifth edition annotated in the course of the preparation of the Sixth edition 8 folders. D.32-D.35 Typescript notes of additions, corrections, replacements etc for Sixth edition 4 folders. 1974-1975 N.d. N.d. N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 62 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.36-D.42 Typescript notes etc additions, corrections, replacements etc for Sixth edition N.d., 1975 7 folders. D.43-D.48 Photocopied typescript notes of additions, corrections, replacementsetc for Sixth edition N.d. 6 folders. D.49-D.53 ‘First Proofs and Correspondencewith the Press’ 1974-1976 Contents of bundle so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into five for ease of reference. D.54-D.59 Manuscript notes, University Press etc 6 folders. correspondence with Cambridge 1976 D.60 D.61 D.62 D.63 Publisher's AdvanceInformation Sheet, reviewlist, etc. 1976, n.d. Reviews 1975-1977 Correspondencere Chinese edition 1980, 1986 Miscellaneous correspondence D.64-D.69 Typescript draft, manuscript notes etc May relate to revision/correction of 6th edition of The Earth and/or replying Lyttleton. Includes notes dated in 1982 and 1984. criticism to of R.A. 6 folders. 1982-1989 1981-1984 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 63 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.70 Jeffreys’s copy of the 6th edition manuscript correction of The Earth with 1976-1984 Enclosed looseat the front and rear and at various points within the book are correspondence, manuscript and typescript notes, photographs, etc D.71, D.72 Cartesian Tensors, Cambridge University Press, 1931 (reissue 1961) 1962, n.d. D.71 D.72 Reviews of 1961 reissue Manuscript notes from 1965 reprinting (between pp66 and 67) 1962 N.d. D.73-D.95 Scientific Inference, Cambridge University Press, 1931 (reissue 1937, 2nd 1957, 3rd 1973) 1932-21978 D.73 Reviewsoffirst edition 1931 and 1937issue. 1932, 1937 D.74, D.75 Reviewsof second edition (1957) 1957-1960 Contents of folder divided into two for ease of reference. Includesa little correspondence (D.75). D.76-D.95 Third Edition (1973) D.76-D.83 ‘Scientific Inference 3d edition’ 1937-21978 1937-21978 Contents of file so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into eight Principally correspondence with colleagues, 1937-71978 (bulk 1970-1972). for ease of reference. D.84 ‘Scientific CUP’ Inference 3rd edition Correspondence with 1971-1973 Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 64 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.85-D.93 ‘Sci. Inf.’ N.d., 1972 Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into nine for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, proof, etc re 3rd edition. D.94 D.95 D.96 Reviews 1974-1976 Manuscript notes and duplicated typescript found in copy of Scientific Inference, 3rd edition N.d. Earthquakes and Mountains, London: Methuen, 1935 c.1935 Review D.97-D.100 Theory of Probability, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939 (2nd edition 1948, 3rd edition 1961, 3rd edition corr. 1967, 3rd edition with corrections 1983) D.97 D.98 Reviewsoffirst edition Review of 3rd edition D.99, D.100 Correspondence and papers re 1983 reprinting of 3rd edition with corrections and possible Russian translation 2 folders. 1939-1992 1939-1940 c.1961 1982-1992 D.101-D.109 Seismology Tables (with K.E. Bullen), British Association Seismological Investigations Committee, 1940 (reprinted 1958, 1967, 1970, 1988) 1958-1995 D.101 Muchusedcopyof 1958 reprinting. 1958 This may bethe copyreferred to by Lady Jeffreys in her letter of 24 May 1990 see D.108 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 65 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.102, D.103 Photocopy of 1970 reprinting with manuscript correction etc for 1988 reprinting. 2 folders. D.104-D.108 Correspondence,principally re 1988 reprinting. 1983-1995 5 folders. D.109 Miscellaneous papers. Principally re 1988 reprinting. 1987-1988 D.110-D.162 Methods of Mathematical Physics (with Bertha Swirles Jeffreys) Cambridge University Press, 1946 (2nd ed. 1950, 3rd ed. 1956, paperbackreprint of 3rd ed. 1972) 1943-1999 D.110-D.117 Manuscript notes and drafts ? forfirst edition 1943, n.d. Contents of folder divided into eight for ease of reference. At D.110 is a letter from A.E. Ingham to Jeffreys, 20 December 1943 and at D.115 a letter from H.J. to Bertha, 16 July, no year. D.118-D.135 ‘M.M.P. H.J.s solutions Veryfaint’ 1945-1956, n.d. Contents of folder so labelled by Lady Jeffreys divided into reference: eighteen notes, solutions, reviews of the 3rd edition. manuscript for ease of At D.133 is a letter from C.R. Gent, 26 October 1954. At D.135 ‘Abstract of unconfirmed minutes of Council’, 4 October 1945 with manuscript notes on verso. D.136-D.156 Proofs, manuscript notes, correspondencewith colleagues re 3rd edition 1951-1954, n.d. Correspondents include A.S. Besicovitch. 19 folders. D.157 Correspondencere Russian edition 1968-1969 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 66 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.158-D.162 Correspondence,principally re 1972 paperback edition 1972-1999 5 folders. D.163 Asymptotic Approximations, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962 1962 Review. D.164-D.226 Collected papers of Sir Harold Jeffreys on Geophysics and Other Sciences (with Bertha Swirles, Lady Jeffreys), London: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 6v., 1971-1977 1924-1997 D.164-D.167 ‘Gordon & Breachetc’ 1968-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of reference; correspondencereoriginal agreement with Gordon & Breech Science Publishers, correspondencearising from Gordon & Breach filing for bankruptcy in New York, etc. At D.164 is an explanatory note by Lady Jeffreys. D.168-D.171 ‘Gordon & Breach’ 1969-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed: agreement, royalties etc. 4 folders. D.172-D.190 Correspondenceetc with publisher and others. 1969-1976 The sequenceincludes a number of manuscript drafts of letters by Jeffreys and his letters to journal editors etc requesting permission for papers to be republished in the volumesofhis collected papers. 19 folders. D.191 ‘Gordon & Breach Duplicates’ 1974 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: miscellaneous papers re Gordon & Breach Science PublishersIncfiling for bankruptcy. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 67 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.192, D.193 ‘Collected Papers of H.J.’ 1975-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re volume 5 published 1976. D.194, D.195 Correspondence with publisher re volume 6 published in 1977 1976-1977 2 folders. D.196-D.201 ‘Collected Papers’ 1977 of folder so Contents correspondence chronologicallist of papers, etc. and papersre inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: reception, press_ re 6 folders D.202 ‘Section V CP3 Copies of notes, summaries, etc’ 1941, 1959, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. Includes off-print and letter pointing out numerical inconsistencies in another paper. D.203-D.207 ‘Working etc for CP3 Section VI in particular’ 1931-1989 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into five for ease of reference. Includes off-prints. D.208-D.215 ‘H.J. Vol. 6 Various working XIX, |, 8 Errata Vol 3’ 1924-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into eight for ease of reference. Includes correspondence and off-prints. D.216-D.219 Bibliographies Include annotated copy of the published chronologicallist of collected papers (D.219). The list of papers not includedin the collected papers is extended to 1984. 4 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 68 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.220 Annotated off-prints material. etc found with Collected Papers 1937-1973 D.221 Proof Volume 2 General Introduction and contentslists only. D.222 List of those to whom complimentary copies sent and acknowledgements of complimentary copies. 1972-1977 D.223-D.225 Reviews 1974-1979 3 folders. D.226 Miscellaneous notes, correspondence etc. found in the Collected Papers 1983, 1997, n.d. D.227-D.304 SHORTER PUBLICATIONS 1909-1991 D.227 D.228 ‘On the theory of errors and least squares’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol.138, 1932 Off-print with manuscript notes enclosed. ‘On the relation between direct and inverse methodsin statistics’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol 160, 1937 ‘Corrected’ off-print with manuscript notes enclosed. D.228A ‘On approximate solutions oflinear differential equations’, Proc. Camb.Phil.Soc., 1953. Typescript draft with manuscript corrections and additions. 1932 1937 1953 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 69 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.229-D.235 ‘The theory of nutation and the variation of latitude’ (with R.O. Vicente), MNRAS vol 117, 1957 1957 Contents of folder labelled by Lady Jeffreys ‘See CP3 VIL8 The theory of Nutation & the Variation of Latitude’ divided into seven for ease of reference: typescript draft paginated drafts, manuscript correspondence, 1949-1951, etc. notes 2-27, and Includes manuscript draft headed ‘Dynamic Effects of a Liquid Core (Third Paper)’ (D.233). D.236 ‘Information obtainable from artificial satellites’ 1958 or later Typescript draft with manuscript correction and deletion, latest bibliographical reference. D.237 ‘Mutation: Comparison of Theory and Observations’, MNRAS vol 119, 1959 1959 Typescript draft with manuscript addition and correction. D.238-D.251 ‘Robert Stoneley’, Biographical memoirs of fellows of the RoyalSociety, vol 22, 1976 1931-1977 Contents of folder inscribed by Lady Jeffreys ‘R.Stoneley Reviewsnotincluded in R.S. bibliography’. Jeffreys also prepared an obituary notice for the Royal Astronomical Society. D.238, D.239 Correspondencewith the Royal Society and colleagues re the preparation of the memoir 1976-1977 2 folders. D.240-D.243 Drafts, proofs, manuscript notes 4 folders. D.244-D.251 Background material 1931-1976 8 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 70 Publications, D.1-D.404 Includes obituaries and order of funeral service (D.245) and drafts of Stoneley’s own writings on tsunamis, earthquakes, etc (D.246-D.248). A little of Stoneley’s correspondenceis preserved at D.250. D.252-D.257 ‘E. Cunningham 1977’ 1909-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, notes, drafts and background material. Includes obituary, order of service, off-prints, bibliography and ‘In Memoriam’ booklet produced by the Emmanuel United Reformed Church, Cambridge (D.256). Jeffreys wrote obituaries for Nature and the Eagle St John’s College Cambridge publication, 1977. He declined an invitation to write an obituary notice for the London Mathematical Society which was subsequently written by Sir William McCrea. D.258-D.260 ‘Is there regional variation for core waves?’ N.d., 1970-1979 Contents of folder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript latest bibliographical reference, 1973; correspondence, 1978- 1979; offprints, 1970-1978. by Jeffreys draft so titled, n.d. D.261-D.277 D.261-D.270 ‘Seismic travel times for central Asian epicentres’ (with M.L. Gogna and M. Shimshoni), Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc, vol 63, 1980. Correspondence with Shimshoni 1978-80 Leading to GJRAS (1980) 63, 577-599 See also Blue Folder Least Squares Croutetc’. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into ten for ease of reference: correspondence, data etc. For contents of the blue folder see D.271-D.277. 1932-1980 1978-1980 D.271-D.277 ‘Least Squares Crout etc’. Contents of blue folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, 1970-1979, manuscript notes, duplicated papers, off-print of Jeffreys 1932 paper ‘On the theory of errors and least squares’. 1932-1979 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 71 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.278-D.279 Friction; The Core; ‘Tidal Formation’ Mountain and Continent 1981 This paper was submitted to the Royal Astronomical Society in April 1981. It was due to be published by the Geophysical Journal but was withdrawn by Jeffreys in Augustof the same year. Typescript Astronomical Society draft, correspondence with the Royal 1981 Correspondence, proof etc re Lady Jeffreys’s ‘An answer to Lyttelton’s criticisms of the treatment oftidal friction by Harold Jeffreys in The Earth’. 1981 Found with Harold Jeffreys’s 1981 tidal friction paper (D.278). Lady Jeffreys’s paper withdrawn July 1981. Friction; The Core; ‘Tidal Formation’, GURAS, vol 71, 1982 Mountain and Continent 1982 D.278 D.279 D.280-D.281 Typescript draft, correspondence,etc. 2 folders. At D.280 is an explanatory note by Lady Jeffreys. D.282-D.289 ‘Constants related to the Moon’, MNRAS,vol 208, 1984. 1973-1991 ‘Constants Related to the Moon’. Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys divided into eight for ease of reference: drafts, correspondence, background material etc. manuscript and typescript D.290-D.297 ‘A commenton continental drift’ 1949-1989 Contents of folder so ‘Bullard & Malin etc 1984-1985’. eight for ease of inscribed by Jeffreys divided reference: correspondence, drafts, background material re paperfor Notes and Records of the Royal Society. into Jeffreys’s paper was a response to a paper by S.R.C. Malin and Sir Edward Bullard ‘The direction of the Earth’s Philosophical magnetic field Transactions of the Royal Society A, vol 299, 1981. at London, 1570-1975’, H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 72 Publications, D.1-D.404 In February 1985 Lady Jeffreys persuaded her husband to Notes & Records. withdraw the paper from Her explanatory note dated 5 October 1989 is at D.290. D.298-D.300 ‘Letters to Nature’ 1918-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript list and published‘Letters’. D.301-D.303 Reviews 3 folders. D.303A Letters to The Times re continental drift and earthquakes 1939, 1962 D.304 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts N.d. D.305-D.391 OFF-PRINTS 1910-1988, n.d. A chronological sequence of off-prints scientific papers. Not a complete sequence. of Jeffreys’s D.305 1910 D.306, D.306A 1915 2 folders. D.307, D.308 1916 2 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 73 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.309, D.310 1917 2 folders. 1918 1919 D.311 D.312 D.313, D.314 1920 2 folders. D.315 D.316 D.317 1921 1922 1923 D.318, D.319 1924 2 folders. D.320 1925 D.321-D.323 1926 3 folders. D.324 1927 D.325-D.326 1928 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 74 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.327 1929 D.328, D.329 1930 2 folders. D.330, D.331 1931 2 folders. D.332, D.333 1932 2 folders. 1933 1934 D.334 D.335 D.336, D.337 1935 2 folders. D.338-D.341 1936 4 folders. D.342-D.344 1937 3 folders. D.345-D.349 1938 5 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.350-D.352 1939 3 folders. D.353, D.354 1940 2 folders. D.355 1941 D.356, D.357 1942 2 folders. D.358 1943 D.359 1944, 1946 D.360 1947 D.361, D.362 1948 2 folders D.363 D.364 D.365 D.366 1949 1950 1951 1952 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 76 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.367 D.368 D.369 D.370 1953 1954 1955 1956 D.371, D.372 1957 2 folders. D.373, D.374 1958 2 folders. D.375 1959-1960 D.376 D.377 D.378 D.379 D.380 D.381 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 77 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.382, D.383 1967 2 folders. D.384 1968 D.385 1970-1971 D.386 1972-1973 D.387 1974-1975 D.388 1976-1978 D.389, D.390 1980s 2 folders. D.391 N.d. D.392-D.404 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS 1930-1973 D.392-D.402 Cambridge University Press 1930-1973 statements and memoranda of Includes agreements. royalty 11 folders. D.403 Clarendon Press Oxford 1951-1952, n.d. Royalty statements H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 78 Publications, D.1-D.404 D.404 Methuen & Co. Ltd 1934-1958 Agreementand royalty statements H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 79 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS,E.1-E.20 1917-1991 E.1-E.3 BRITISH ASSOCIATION E.4 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION E.5-E.13 NATIONAL UNION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS E.14-E.20 ROYAL SOCIETY E.1-E.3 BRITISH ASSOCIATION 1938-1984 E.1 E.2 E.3 Cambridge meeting 1938 Geological mapof the country around Cambridge. Report Annual Committee 1982 of the Seismological Investigations The report covers the period from mid 1981 to the end of 1982. Annual Report Committee 1984 of the Seismological Investigations The report spans the calendar year 1984. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 80 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.20 E.4 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION 1989 Papers sent to Jeffreys, April 1989 with letter from Lady Jeffreys to the IAU President announcing the death of her husband. E.5 INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICS UNION OF GEODESY AND 1948 List of delegates and guests IUGG General Assembly, Oslo, 19-28 1948 E.6-E.13 NATIONAL UNION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS 1917-1991 Correspondenceand papers re founding of the union, etc. including committee papers, circulars and press-cuttings. 8 folders. Correspondence, 1987-1991, is between Lady Jeffreys and Sir Alan Parkes, a former President of the Association of Scientific Workers, the Association of Researchers in Medicine and Science Ltd and Dr Adrian Posnette. See E.13. The National Union of Scientific Workers was foundedin 1918; it changed its name to the Association of Scientific Workers in 1927. Jeffreys was a member of the original executive committee. E.14-E.20 ROYAL SOCIETY E.14-E.18 ‘National Committee for Geodesy & Geophysics and Seismology Committee 1950s and 1960s’. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys 1956-1977 1956-1969 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 81 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.20 E.14 Royal Society British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics Committee papers 1959-1961 Jeffreys was a member of the Committee. E.15 Seismology SubCommittee papers 1956-1961 The SubCommittee was chaired by Jeffreys E.16 E.17 E.18 Letter from W.V.D. Hodge, Secretary, Royal Society, to Jeffreys, 16 November 1959, re ‘meeting to discuss the needto increase the amountof work donein this country on seismology’. The enclosed paper sent with Hodge’s letter as the basis for discussion consisted of letters to Hodge from Jeffreys and R. Stoneley. Notes by Jeffreys on International Astronomical Union meetings for Royal Society Committees, September 1960 and correspondence etc from Markus Bath, Uppsala, 28 November and 1 December 1960re ‘I.S.S’. British National Committee for Geodesy & Geophysics United in Seismology 1967-1969 (London: The Royal Society: September 1969) Report on Kingdom Research Activities 1959 1969 Prepared by Seismology SubCommittee of which Jeffreys was a member for submission to the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. E.19 ‘Notes by Sir Harold Jeffreys (20 April 1973) 1973 British National Committee for Geodesy & Geophysics committee paper. E.20 ‘Correspondence with Royal Society (Keay, Robinson, Massey, Graham-Smith, Evans) about convention for dates in Memoirs of Stoneley & Bullen’ 1975-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 82 SECTIONF VISITS AND CONFERENCES,F.1-F.25 1950-1982 F.1-F.4 Visit to the USA 1950-1951 ‘People whom B & H have metin USA 1950-1 (compiled by my aunt Bertha Blaxley BJ)’. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into four for ease of references. Alphabetical sequence of notes on people met by the Jeffreys with dates of meeting. F.5-F.13 Visit to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and India 1959 Jeffreys made this extensive tour with Lady Jeffreys in the second half of 1959. F.5 Visit to New Zealand New Zealand GovernmentTourist Bureau publication with ‘detailed itinerary’ for Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys at the front. The Jeffreys arrived in Auckland on 29 June and left from Wellington 8 July. F.6-F.8 Visit to Australia Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys arrived in Australia in July and stayed through October. the ten universities. Jeffreys went to Australia at the invitation of the Vice- Chancellors of Australia and spent three and a half months visiting Amongst his engagements wasa course of lectures in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Sydney on the problems with the internal structure of the earth and planets, rocks, probability and scientific inference, and mathematical analysis. Amongst Lady Jeffreys’s engagements was a course Applied Mathematics, Sydney on advanced dynamical theory. See F.12. the elastic and plastic properties of Department of of lectures at the F.6 ‘General University Information’ booklet for Australian National With manuscript notes on back cover. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 83 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.25 F.7 F.8 Printed materials re visit to Snowy Mountains hydro- electric scheme, New South Wales Includesitinerary for Jeffreys’s visit, 21-23 September. Two letters September written to Lady Jeffreys in Australia, F.9-F.114 Visit to Singapore and India 1959 1945, 1959 F.9 F.10 F.10A F.11 Invoices, November - December Welcome address to Sir Harold Jeffreys from Executive Council of the National Geographical Society of India, 21 November Welcome address to Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys from members of Department of Geology and Geophysics and the Geological & Geophysical Society, Banaras Hindu University, 22 November Publication celebrating ‘Ferguson College through sixty years’ Inside front cover are manuscript notes identifying St John’s College Cambridge connexions. 1959 1959 1959 1945 F.12, F.13 Press-cuttings re visits to New Zealand, Australia and India 2 folders. F.14 Visit to Columbia University, New York, 1964 1963-1964 Correspondence and papers re award and arrangements. Jeffreys was awarded a National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship for a period of five months at Columbia. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 84 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.25 F.15 Visit to Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, January-May 1967 1966-1967 Correspondence and papers finances, etc. re arrangements, visa, F.16-F.19 Visit to Singapore and Japan, May-June 1971 1971 F.16 F.17 F.18 Menu, guest list etc for private dinner given by the Singapore Prime Minister, 1 May Also includeslist of ‘Old Johnians in Singapore’. Itinerary (on cards) for visit to Japan, May-June Includes letter thanking Jeffreys ‘for your valuable lectures at Morioka and Kyoto’, 12 June and_ press-cutting (in Japanese)with picture of Lady Jeffreys F.19 Memorabilia F.20, F.21 Visit to North America 1972 Contents of envelope inscribed by Lady Jeffreys ‘Banff - Vancouver- Berkeley’: correspondence re arrangements, etc. 2 folders. Jeffreys visited Banff, Canada, to attend a Symposium on Geophysical Theory and Computers F.22, F.23 Visit to Uppsala, Sweden 1977 Brief correspondence, programme, menus, etc. 2 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 F.24, F.25 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.25 Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys visited Uppsala on the occasion anniversary celebrations. Jeffreys received an honorary degree as part of the ceremonies. universitys 500th of the Institute Conference, Cambridge, 21-24 July 1982 Statisticians, of Practical Bayesian Statistics Programme, conference slides. information, 3 photographic 2 folders. Jeffreys was invited to the conference dinner at St John’s College. 85 1982 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 86 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE, G.1-G.189 1914-1995, n.d. G.1-G.129 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE G.130-G.175 CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE G.176-G.189 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS G.1-G.129 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1922-1995 Presented alphabetically by individual G.1-G.3 Anderson, D.L. 1969-1992 Anderson was based at the Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA. In 1990 and again in 1992 he made available to Lady Jeffreys photocopies of letters he had received from Sir Harold. 1978-1982 Includes manuscript draft letters by Jeffreys Exchange of correspondence between Anderson and Lady Jeffreys, 1990, and copiesofletters from Jeffreys to Anderson, with Anderson’s letter of 1 May 1990. Lady Jeffreys 1969-1983, sent to The photocopies include typescript note by Jeffreys on ‘Standard Earth Model’, February 1981. Letter from Anderson to Lady Jeffreys, 30 November 1992, sending copiesof letters from Jeffreys to Anderson, 1976-1977 G.1 G.2 G.3 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 87 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.4 Birch, F. 1960-1975 was Birch Experimental Geology, Harvard, USA. based at the Hoffman Laboratory of G.5 Bolt, B.A. 1975-1985 Bolt was based at the Seismographic Station, Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, USA. Includes undated manuscriptdraft letters by Jeffreys. G.6, G.7 Bridgman, P.W. 1924-1925 2 folders. Bridgmanwas basedat the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard, USA. Manuscript working and off-print at G.7 were found in a box folder labelled ‘Bridgman’. G.8 Brouwer, D. 1952-1964 Brouwer was based at the Yale University Observatory, USA. G.9 Brown, E.W. 1927, 1990 Brown wasProfessor of Mathematics at Yale. 1990 letter is from Lady Jeffreys to ‘Mr Morrison’ whom she thought might ‘be interested in this copy of a letter from E.W. Brownof 63 years ago’. G.10 Bullard, E.C. 1964, 1975, 1993, 1995 1993 correspondence is between Lady Jeffreys and John Hudson re 1964 letter from Bullard to Jeffreys etc and 1995 letter from Lady Jeffreys to Alan Smith relates to the same letter. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 88 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.11-G.34 Bullen, K.E. 1947-1976 The New Zealander Bullen was a long term research collaborator with Jeffreys in respect of the preparation of seismological tables. Between 1931-1934 he was a student at St John’s College Cambridge (on leave from Auckland University Mathematics). College where he was a lecturer Jeffreys supervised Bullen’s Ph.D. Bullen returned to Auckland but subsequently madehis career in Australia at the University of Melbourne and then the University of Sydney where he was Professor of Applied Mathematics, 1946-1971. Jeffreys wrote the biographical memoir of Bullen for the Royal Society. research. in 1957-1976 Includes manuscriptdraft letter to the Royal Society re the preparation of the memoir, 5 November 1976. G.12-G.16 Photocopies of Jeffreys’s letters to Bullen, 1947-1976, supplied to Lady Jeffreys by University of Sydney Archives 5 folders G.17-G.34 ‘Bullen 30 years an Aucklander’ N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys. ‘Biographical details of Keith Edward Bullen’ 8pp typescript. ‘Reminiscences concerning Keith Bullen’ 4pp manuscript draft by Alan J.H. Hutchison ‘formerly chief engineer Wellington Harbour Board’. G.18-G.34 ‘First draft only’ of chapters 1-10, 13, 17, 21-25 of Bullen’s autobiographical account‘Thirty years an Aucklander’ N.d. 17 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.35 Burridge, R. Burridge was Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA. Courant based the at Institute 89 1972-1981 of G.36 Byerly, P. Byerly was Director University of California, Berkeley, USA. the of Seismological 1940-1987, n.d. Stations, Correspondence, 1974, 1978-1979, 1987 is from Byerly’s wife, Lillian. Includes citation prepared by B.A. Bolt for First Award of the Medal of the Seismological Society of America to Byerly. G.37 Charnock, H. 1933, 1991 Letter from Charnock to Lady Jeffreys, 3 September 1991, enclosing photocopies of exchange between Jeffreys and L.F. Richardson, April 1933 G.38 Clemence, G.M. 1953, 1957 Clemence was based at the US Naval Observatory, Washington DC, USA. G.39 Crampin, S. 1976-1985 Crampin wasbasedatthe Institute of Geological Sciences / British Geological Survey, Edinburgh G.40 Eddington, A.S. N.d., c.1936 Carbon copyof letter from Jeffreys to Eddington dated 7 November, no year, at St John’s College. Jeffreys’s letter begins ‘I have just read your Relativity Theory by Cambridge University Press, 1936). (published Electrons’ Protons and of H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 90 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.41-G.54 Fisher, R.A. 1922-1987 With the exception of a 1926 postcard from Fisher, an exchange of correspondence between G.N. Wilkinson, Department of Genetics, University of Adelaide and Jeffreys, 1979 (G.41) and an exchange with J.H. Bennett of the same Department 1986, almost all the papers presented here are photocopies. working on_ was Fisher’s scientific Wilkinson correspondence with the view to its publication. That particular project was abandoned and Bennett, with the help of Wilkinson and David Finney, was preparing material for a projected volume:‘Statistical Inference and Analysis: Selected Correspondenceof R.A. Fisher’. G.44 1926-1979 Letter from G.N. Wilkinson, 11 October 1979, states that he is sending under a separate cover ‘photostats of the whole Jeffreys correspondencefile in the Fisher archives here’ [i.e. University of Adelaide]. See G.42-G.47. G.42-G.47 Photocopies of Fisher’s correspondencewith Jeffreys 1922-1955 These are the copies sent to Jeffreys by Wilkinson in 1979. 6 folders. G.48 ‘R.A. Fisher (1890-1962): An Appreciation’ 1967 22pp typescript by Jerzy Neyman, Berkeley, 3 January 1967, found with the photocopied correspondence at G.42-G.47. G.49, G.50 ‘FISHER CORRESPONDENCE’ Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: photocopied typescript copies of correspondence between Fisher and Jeffreys. Probably sent to Jeffreys by G.N. Wilkinson in 1982 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 91 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.51-G.54 ‘FISHER CORRESPONDENCE’ Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: letter from Bennett, 28 May 1986 (with reply from Jeffreys) enclosing photocopied typescript of that Fisher/Jeffreys correspondence that Bennett and colleagues wishedto include in the proposed publication. of the part Additionally at G.54 there Fisher's daughter, Joan Box, 1980 and correspondence between Lady Jeffreys and George Barnard and J.H. Bennett, 1987. is a letter from G.55 Garland, G.D. 1980-1983 Garland was President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Includes manuscript working and off-prints. G.56 Goodman, L.E. 1961-1991 Goodman was based at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Minneapolis, USA. 1991 letter from Goodmanis addressed to Lady Jeffreys. G.57, G.58 Gutenberg, B. [1936]-1939, 1994 Photocopies of correspondence between Jeffreys and Gutenberg sent to Lady Jeffreys by J. Schweitzer in 1994. The copies were reproduced from California Institute of Technology Archives. originals in the 2 folders G.59 Haddon, R.A.W. N.d., 1975 Principally undated manuscript drafts of Jeffreys’s letters to Haddon. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 G.60 Heading, J. Correspondence, G.1-G.189 Heading Applied University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Professor was of Mathematics, Includes published text of Heading’s inaugural lecture ‘The present position of applied mathematics in the United Kingdom’. G.61 Hughes, A. A. Hughes was Director of the International Seismological Centre, Reading. G.62 G.63 Jeans, J.H. Kaula, W.H. Kaula was based at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland and University of California, Los Angeles. Includes undated manuscript draft letter from Jeffreys whichrefers to 6th edition of The Earth (published 1976). 92 1969 1979-1982 N.d. 1961-1975 G.64-G.68 King-Hele,D. 1961-1989 King-Hele was based at the Space Department, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. In 1989 he passed to Lady Jeffreys his correspondence with Jeffreys, 1961-1980. 5 folders. G.69, G.70 Kuo, J.T. 1976-1989 Kuo was Ewing and Worzel Professor of Geophysics, Columbia University, USA. 2 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 93 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 At G.70 is a copy of Kuo’s introductory address ‘The late Professor Beno Gutenberg, as | remember him’, delivered at the Gutenberg Symposium of the German Geophysical Society, Stuttgart, 22 February 1989. G.71 Lomnitz, C. 1967-1981 Lomnitz was Professor of Seismology at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. G.72-G.89 Lyttleton, R.A. 1967-1988 ‘Jeffreys - Lyttleton Account by Bu’. Contents of box folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into eighteen for ease of reference. Various Letters Correspondence with Lyttleton and others, offprints, notes by Lady Jeffreys etc presented in the order found. In addition to Lyttleton there are letters from Cambridge University Press, J.R. Maddox, W. Munk, E.R. Oxburgh, A.B. Pippard, and A.E. Ringwood amongstothers. Jeffreys’s Lady Controversy’ is at G.72. account of ‘The Jeffreys-Lyttelton G.90 Melchior, P.J. 1965-1986 Melchior was based at Belgique. the Observatoire Royal de In 1994 he wrote to Jeffreys to inform him that he had been given the honorarytitle of astronomer correspondant of the Observatoire Royal. G.91-G.94 Meyerhof, A.A. 1970-1982, n.d. Meyerhof was Publications Manager of the American Association subsequently working as a consultant geologist. Geologists, Petroleum of Includes correspondencere publications and opposition to continentaldrift theory. 4 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 94 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.95 Moritz, H 1984-1985 Moritz was based at the Institute of Physical Geodesy, Technical University, Graz, Austria. Re paperby Moritz on earth rotation ‘which is related and indebted to your [Jeffrey’s] work of 1949 to 1957’. G.96-G.104 Morrison, L.V. 1973-1982, n.d. Morrison was based at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Herstmonceux. Includes undated manuscript draft letters by Jeffreys, manuscript working andoff-prints. 9 folders. G.105 Munk, W.H. 1979 Munk Scripps Oceanography,La Jolla, California, USA. based was at the Institution of G.106 Olver, F.W.J. 1962-1977 1962 letter from Olveris written from Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C., USA. Subsequent correspondenceis from the University of Maryland and the University of Lancaster where he spent three months in 1974. G.107, G.108 Pekeris, C.L. 1966-1983 Pekeris was based at Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. the Department of G.107 1966-1981 G.108 ‘Pekeris on Tidal Friction’ 1977-1983 Contents of folder so inscribed by Jeffreys. Includes copyof letters from R.A. Lyttleton to Pekeris, 28 March and 8 May 1980. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 95 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.109 Ramsey, W.H. N.d., 1954 Only one 1954 letter from Ramsey, writing from the Department of Astronomy, Manchester, is dated. Includes data. G.110 Rutherford, E. 1928 Exchange of correspondence, January 1928. Jeffreys whoinitiated the exchange begins: ‘For several reasons | believe you should havea fuller statement of my attitude to Joly than is possible to expressin print’. G.111-G.121 Shimshoni, M 1973-1995 Shimshoni was based at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. G.111 1973-1995 Includes undated manuscript draft letters by Jeffreys. 1995 correspondenceis with Lady Jeffreys and includes list of Shimshoni’s publications with Jeffreys. G.112-G.121 ‘Correspondence with Shimshoni 1980-1985’ 1979-1985 Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into ten for ease of reference. The correspondence runs 1979-1985. undated manuscript drafts by Jeffreys, ‘Summary of correspondence. 1988 Jan.’ by Lady Jeffreys. At G.121 are off-print and Going backwards from G.122-G.124 Stephenson, F.R. 1973-1982 Stephenson was based at the Department of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of Newcastle and (correspondence of 1980), from Geophysics, University of Liverpool. Sub-Department Includes manuscript notes andletters by Lady Jeffreys. 3 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 96 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.125-G.129 Stoneley, R. 1926-1974, n.d. ‘Letters from H.J. & A.N. Other to R. Stoneley Given me by Dorothy Stoneley. The undated letters seem mostly to be of the 1920s & 1930s’. Contents of folder so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys dividedinto five for ease of reference. Groupsof letters were clipped together by Lady Jeffreys with notes as to topic ‘Core’, History RAS’, ‘Rayleigh Waves’, etc. G.130-G.175 CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE 1914-1995, n.d. G.130 1914-1918 G.131 1921-1925 G.132 1926-1929 G.133 1931 Includes off-prints and 3pp typescript by Jeffreys entitled ‘The Earth’s ThermalHistory’. G.134 1932 Includesoff-print and photograph. G.135 1933-1934 G.136 1938-1939 G.137 1940-1941 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.138 1944-1949 Includesoff-print. G.139 1950-1951 G.140 1952 G.141 1953-1955 G.142 1956-1957 Includesoff-prints G.143 1958-1959 Includesoff-print G.144 1960 G.145 1961-1962 Includesoff-print. G.146 1963-1964 G.147 1965 Includes seismological data from Japan. G.148 1966-1967 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 98 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.149 G.150 1968 1969 G.151, G.152 1970 Includes Jeffreys, off-print and photocopiedarticle. seismological data, manuscript working by 2 folders. G.153 1971 1971, 1995 Includes 1995 letter from J.A. Hudson to Lady Jeffreys re identification of 1971 correspondent G.154 1972 Includesoff-print. G.155 1973 Includesoff-print. G.156 1974 G.157 1975 G.158, G.159 1976 2 folders. Includesoff-prints and manuscript notes (G.159). G.160 1977 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 99 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.161, G.162 1978 2 folders. 1979 1980 G.163 G.164 G.165 1981, 1984 Includes later correspondence. 1984 letter attached to 1981 G.166 1982 Includes off-prints. G.167-G.169 1983 3 folders. G.170 1984 Includesoff-print. G.171 1985-1986 G.172 1987-1988 Includes off-print. G.173-G.175 N.d. Manuscript drafts by Jeffreys are at G.173. 3 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 100 Correspondence, G.1-G.189 G.176-G.189 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1957-1984,n.d. G.176 Thesis reports G.177 Royal Society G.178 Vetlesen Prize G.179-G.189 Miscellaneous 1957, n.d. 1972-1984 1971 G.179 Draft and clean typescript copy of assessment of the research of G.I. Taylor N.d. G.180-G.189 Correspondence and papers re possible Royal Society candidate, publicationsetc. 1973-1981, n.d. 10 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 101 SECTION H NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL, H.1-H.206 1907-1996 H.1-H.107 PHOTOGRAPHS H.108-H.116 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS H.117-H.155A PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVES H.156-H.192A GLASS SLIDES AND NEGATIVES H.193-H.203 PHOTOGRAPHIC TRANSPARENCIES H.204-H.206 SOUND AND VIDEO RECORDINGS H.1-H.107 PHOTOGRAPHS 1907-1996 and n.d. H.1-H.45 H.46-H.56 H.57-H.89 Photographsof Jeffeys Photographsof biographicalinterest Photographsof visits, conferences and excursions H.90-H.107 Miscellaneous H.1-H.45 Photographs of Jeffreys 1907-1996,n.d. H.1-H.16 ‘Harold’s Youth’ N.d., 1907, 1914 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into sixteen for ease of reference: photographs of Jeffreys from infancy to early manhood, his father, Fatfield School and sketch of ‘Sir Harold Jeffries [sic] birthplace’. Only one photograph of Jeffreys is dated in 1914. The photographof Fatfield School dates from 1907. H.17-H.27 Portrait photographsof Jeffreys N.d., 1959 The sequenceincludes a numberof informal photographs. Almostall undated. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 102 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 At H.17 and H.18 are 1959 photographs of Jeffreys in Hawaii and in Poona, India, respectively. At H.27 is a very late photograph of Jeffreys in his garden. 11 folders. H.28-H.30 ‘Harold Not Good!’ N.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys divided into three for ease of reference. H.31-H.39 Honours and awards 1956-1996 Photographsof Jeffreys taken at award ceremonies H.31 Honorary degree, Trinity College Dublin 1956 With booklet of presentation addresses. Jeffreys’s fellow recipients were P.H. Kuenen and H.H. Read. H.32-H.36 Vetlesen Prize, Columbia University, New York 1962 5 folders. Includes photographsof Jeffreys with fellow recipient F.A. Vening Meinesz and newspaper-cuttings. H.37 H.38 Honorary degree, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 1967 Fellow recipients include Cecil H. Green, Chairman, Texas Instruments. Launchof Collected Works published by Gordon & Breach Science Publishers Ltd, Royal Society, London 1977 Includesinvitation card. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 103 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.39 Seismological Society of America Medal 1979, 1996 Photograph on verso is dated 1978 in error by Lady Jeffreys. See A.71. Includesletter to Lady Jeffreys re the photograph 1996. H.40-H.43 Miscellanous photographs of Jeffreys with Lady Jeffreys, friends, family and colleagues 1957-1980, n.d. 4 folders. H.44, H.45 2 framed photographsof Jeffreys N.d. H.46-H.56 Photographsof biographicalinterest N.d., 1940-1990 H.46 Wedding photograph of Jeffreys and Bertha Swirles 1940 H.47-H.49 Miscellaneous photographs and photographic negatives found together in photographic wallet 1957, 1959, n.d. 3 folders. At H.47 are photographs of 160 Huntingdon Road Cambridge wherethe Jeffreys’s lived from 1945. H.50 ‘Longhorsley [Northumberland] Churchyard Family Grave’ 1990, n.d. Contents of photographic wallet so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: three photographs, two of which were sent to Lady Jeffreys with a note dated 26 January 1990. H.51-H.56 Miscellaneous photographs and photographic negatives found together in photographic wallet N.d. 6 folders. Includes photographsreflecting Jeffreys’s North-East and Cambridge connexions. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 104 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 At H.56 is a letter sending photographs to Jeffreys but it was not clear to which photographs in the wallet it referred. H.57-H.89 Photographsof visits, conferences and excursions H.57 ‘Delegates to the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Toronto, Canada, August 6th to 13th 1924. Taken on board Cunard Liner “Caronia” St LawrenceRiver, Aug 1st 1924’ 1924-1970 and n.d. 1924 H.58 ‘Sedgwick Club’. 21931 or 1932 Group photographsoinscribedin ink on verso by Jeffreys. With later pencil inscription ‘? St David’s 1931 or 2’. H.59-H.63 Photographs found together in photographic wallet ?re geological excursion to South Wales 21930s 5 folders. Many photographs have manuscript inscriptions as to location and interest Some identification of persons by meansofinitials. undated. are but all H.64 International Physics Conference, London 1934 Conference of Astronomical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly. photograph taken front in Royal In cardboard tube. H.65, H.66 ‘Strasbourg 1947’ 1947 Contents of envelope so inscribed by Lady Jeffreys: photographstaken at unidentified conference. 2 folders. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 105 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.67 U.G.G.I. conference, Oslo, Norway 1948 3 photographs. H.68 ‘Constantes L’Observatoire de Paris, France, 29 March - 1 April 1950 Astronomiques’, colloquium held at 1950 Photographof participants with key. H.69 ‘Dublin IAU Lyttleton’ [? 1955] Photograph of R.A. Lyttleton, Jeffreys, Lady Jeffreys and another at social occasion associated with the IAU Congress. H.70 ‘Bristol RAS 1956’ 1956 Photograph so inscribed on verso. H.71-H.73 International August 1958 Astronomical Union Congress, Moscow, 1958 Photographs taken in the USSR on the occasion of the Moscowcongress. Includes photographs of Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys taken by R. Vicente. 3 folders. H.74-H.76 Australia With one exception (H.76) these photographs seem to have been takenin or around Canberra. 3 folders. H.77-H.84 India Includes photographs taken at Banaras and Poona. 5 folders. 1959 1959 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.82 ‘RAS Club Group 1960 Jan 8’ Photograph soinscribed on verso. H.83 Israel 6 photographs taken at a meetingin Israel. Includes photographof Jeffreys with [VI] Keilis-Borok. 106 1960 1965 H.84 Photograph of Jeffreys at a Royal Astronomical Society meeting, Keele [? 1965] With letter sending the photograph to Jeffreys. H.85 Israel Six photographs taken on visit to Israel by Jeffreys and Lady Jeffreys. H.86 Helsinki 2 photographs of Jeffreys and others taken on visit to Helsinki H.87 Group photograph Unidentified occasion but includes Jeffreys and Keith Bullen. H.88 Group photograph ?taken on geological excursion. ?1930s. H.89 ‘Botany Excursions’ Contents of box so inscribed retained in original box. Includes people. photographs of landscape, vegetation and 1970 N.d. N.d. ?1930s N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.90-H.98 Photographsofscientists H.90 K.E. Bullen 107 1917-c.1950, n.d. N.d. 1938 N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. Framed photograph K.E. Bullen with family Perry Byerly F.L. Engledow O.W. Heaviside Arthur Holmeswith family H.91 H.92 H.93 H.94 H.95 H.96 R.O. Redman with Jeffreys, Lady Jeffreys and ?Mrs Redman c.1950 H.97 Botany Department Imperial College 1917 Framed photograph. Foridentification see photograph album ‘A’ at H.108. H.98 Miscellaneous photographsfrom printed sources N.d. Includes signed photograph of Jeffreys from Royal Society memoir. H.99-H.107 Miscellaneous 1916-1992 Miscellaneous photographs found loose, in photographic wallets, etc. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.99 ‘Jupiter 1916 Oct 23 J.H. Reynolds’ H.99A ‘Botanical Prints’ Contents of box so labelled retained in original box. Possibly related to botanical excursion photographs at H.89. See also H.100-H.103. H.100-H.103 Group of photographs of landscape and vegetation found together and possibly related to botanical excursion photographs at H.89 4 folders. 108 1916 N.d. N.d. H.104-H.107 Photographsof landscape, architecture and people 1923-1992 and n.d. 4 folders. At H.104 is letter to Lady Jeffreys, 1992, locations of photographs. identifying the At H.107 is later print of 1916 photograph by Jeffreys of the Bridge of Sighs, St John’s College, Cambridge and greetings card with the same photograph. H.108-H.116 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS 1908-1991 and n.d. These photography. albums record Jeffreys’s own interest in The albums A-G, haveinscriptions identifying persons and places, some apparently contemporary with the making of the album, some significantly later added by Lady Jeffreys. H.108 Labelled ‘A’ on front cover 3 further labels on front cover indicate some locations and persons photographed byJeffreys. Locations are principally North East, England, including Fatfield, Co. Durham and Cambridge, including ‘St John’s H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 109 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 Backsafter the storm of Feb. 1916’. Persons include F.C. Bartlett, F.G. Hopkins, R. Stoneley, G.I. Taylor, D.M. Wrinch and members of the Imperial College Botany Department. There are photographs taken on botany excursions and on the Meteorological Office roof. Some photographs identified as taken by others, for example, photographsof Jeffreys by G.I. Taylor. Various dates 1912-1923 and n.d. H.109 Labelled ‘B’ on front cover 2 further labels on front cover indicate some locations and persons photographed. Locations include Northumbria, Arundel, Canterbury and Grantchester meadows. Persons include Jeffreys and Jeffreys’s parents: also two group conference photos, one identified as ‘Rome [IAU] 1922’. Some photographsidentified as taken by others. Photographs dated as taken in 1922 and 1927. Almost all undated. Two postcards sent by Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys to relatives in Northampton, July 1957, found loose at the front of the album. H.110 Labelled ‘C’ on front cover Also labelled on front cover ‘Canada 1924’. British Documents visit to Canada in connexion with Association meeting. Places depicted include Montreal, Niagara Falls, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria. Includes group photographs ‘Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science returning to England on R.M.S. “Lancastria” ‘ and ‘Members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science and Officers of the R.M.S. Lancastria who co-operated in the Meteorological Work done on the Eastward Passage, September 13th to 22nd, 1924’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 110 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.114 Labelled ‘D’ on front cover Additional label gives some indication of locations and persons (Scotland) Wales Mount Tamalpais [California] Pasadena[Perry] Byerly’. ‘Sedgwick Club Includes photographs re conference held by Carnegie Institution at Pasadena to discuss Californian Seismology 1929. Photographs dated in 1929. Almostall undated. H.112 Labelled ‘E’ on front cover 2 further labels give someindication of locations including Scotland, Germany, Somerset, Isle of Man and ‘H. in Aberdeen’. Includes group photograph ‘IUGG Lisbon 1933’. Photographs dated as taken in undated. 1923, 1933. Most Loose items include card and letter from E.H. Sondheimer to Lady Jeffreys, 1989, 1991. H.113 Labelled ‘F’ on front cover Label also servesaslist (incomplete) of places in England where photographstaken; also ‘Bruges’ and ‘Mahajani & H.J.’ Personsinclude ‘Newnham geologists’. Photographs undated. H.114 Labelled ‘G’ on front cover 2 additional labels identify locations in UK, Europe and North America where photographs taken. Personsinclude Jeffreys, ‘A.G.Church Secretary NUSW’, Arthur Holmes, ‘Max Newman?’, W.H.Rivers, R. Stoneley, T. von Karman and Dorothy Wrinch. Photographstaken 1920-1923. Most undated. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 111 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.115 Unlabelled Used for photographs related to botanical studies: pages headed ‘General Views’, ‘Zonations attributed to Variation in Water Supply’, ‘Marshes and Ponds’, etc Photographs documenting ‘Vegetative Spread of Pteris’ dated 1914-1916. Most photographs undated. H.116 Unlabelled for of architecture, photographs Used and seascapes, portraiture and nature, geology, botany, etc. Includes locations at or around Fattfield, Co. Durham. land A few photographs dated 1908. H.117-H.155A PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVES 1920-1925 and n.d. In original wallets or envelopes. Somewallets have inscriptions as to location and person and a number are dated. They have been arranged asfar as possible alphabetically: Aachen, American Tour 1923, Bruges, Cambridge Architecture, Devon 1921 etc. Persons include ‘[Arthur] Holmes’s 1920’, ‘Portraits & Groups at M.O. [Meteorological Office] 1920-1921’ and ‘Silbersteins June 1920’. There are wallets and envelopes dated 1920-1925, 1984. Manyare undated. 38 wallets and envelopes+ film strip (H.155). H.156-H.192A GLASS NEGATIVES AND SLIDES 1908-1930 and n.d. H.156-H.167 Contents of a series of boxes labelled 1-12 1908-1930 These negatives relate to Jeffreys interest in photography: landscape, architecture, people etc. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.156 H.157 H.158 H.159 H.160 Contents of card index box labelled ‘1’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 1-56 envelopes’ individual with in Label on top of box also inscribed with dates ‘1916 1919 1924-5’. Places depicted include St John’s College Cambridge and persons include Arthur Holmes and family and ‘DMW’ [Dorothy Wrinch]. Contents of card index box labelled ‘2’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 57-103 envelopes individual with in Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Upper Teesdale Cavenham other E. Anglia Co. Durham. 1914’. Includes one envelope dated 1908 and onepacket dated 1915 remaining dated envelopes 1914. Contents of card index box labelled ‘3’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 104-158 envelopes’ individual with in Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Beamish Co. Durham Waldridge 1914-5’. Label at front of box also labelled ‘Ecological negatives - 1915’. At front of box is card with list of topics numbered 1-60. Contents of card index box labelled ‘4’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 159-206 envelopes individual with in Label on top of box also labelled ‘Scotland Lake District Northumberland Parsons family Teesdale - Cross Fell Wavesin Cam’ Contents of card index box labelled ‘5’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 207-248 envelopes individual with in Label on top of box also labelled ‘Waldridge Cambridge Ecology 1916/21/22/24/1925’. 112 1916-1925 1908-1915 1914-1915 N.d. 1916-1925 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.161 H.162 H.163 H.164 H.165 Contents of card index box labelled ‘6’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 249-298 envelopes’ individual with in Label on top of box also labelled ‘Botanical Canada British Assn 1924 Cambridgeshire Birtley Fatfield’. Contents of card index box labelled ‘7’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 299-350 envelopes’ individual with in Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Section C Dorset? Hampshire Some Co. Durham Lambton ParkPlants’ Contents of card index box labelled ‘8’: photographic manuscript plates identification 2 unnumbered envelopes individual of envelopes’ numbered 351-399 subject with in + Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Camb. Sussex Hants Kent E. Anglia Suffolk Zurich Fatfield’. Contents of card index box labelled ‘9’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 400-450 + 2 plates not in envelopes envelopes individual with in Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Yorkshire Ingleborough Gordale Scar Quarries Meifod Hendrie 1927’. In fact the only dated envelopes contain plates depicting snow at Granchester and on the ‘backs’ at Cambridge, December 1927. Contents of card index box labelled ‘10’: photographic manuscript plates identification 1 unnumbered envelope individual of envelopes numbered 451-510 subject with in + Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Germany Scotland Wales Cumbria’ 113 N.d. N.d. 1927 1930 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 H.166 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 Contents of card index box labelled ‘11’: photographic plates manuscript identification of subject numbered 511-545 + 7 envelopes not numberedaspart of series + 3 plates not in envelopes envelopes’ with in individual 114 1929 Label on top of box also inscribed ‘Sedgwick Club Derbyshire Daffodils & Crocuses 1929 Snowdon Gt Orme’. H.167 Contents of box labelled ‘12’: 2 photographic plates N.d. Label also inscribed ‘Waldridge’. H.168 Contents of unlabelled wooden box: photographic plates in individual envelopes with manuscript identification of subject numbered 2-50 1914 Also enclosedis card ‘title index’. Similar in subject to H.156-H.167. Subjects include locations in Co. Durham and Northumberland and St John’s College Cambridge including ‘my room’. H.169-H.192A Contents envelopes of miscellaneous labelled boxes and 2 N.d. Relate to Jeffreys’s scientific work. Retainedin original containers. H.169 ‘Craters’ H.169A ‘Equations etc ?’ Also inscribed ‘Seismology’. ’ H.170 ‘Figure of Earth Tidal Data’ H.171 ‘Gravity’ Also inscribed‘Isostasy’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 115 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.172 ‘Heat & Radioactivity’ Also inscribed ‘ThermalHistory’. H.173 ‘Heat Bridgman’ H.174 “2? Landscapes’ Also inscribed ‘St David's’. H.175 ‘Lomnitz Tidal action’ H.176 ‘Mountains’ Also.inscribed ‘Geology’. H.176A Seismogramsand ?’ H.177 ‘Seismology’ H.178 ‘Seismology’ H.179 ‘Seismology’ H.180 ‘Seismology’ H.181 ‘Seismology’ H.182 ‘Seismology’ Also inscribed ‘Distant Earthquakes’. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 116 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.183 ‘Seismology’ Also inscribed ‘Near Earthquakes’ H.183A ‘Seismology’ Also inscribed ‘Near Earthquakes’. H.184 ‘Seismology Eclipse 1901 (Dyson)’ H.184A ‘Seismology (Gutenberg?)’ H.185 ‘Seismology Travel TimesJ, B.’ H.186 ‘Solar System (Jeans?)’ H.187 ‘Stress, Yield Minerals’ Also inscribed ‘Elasticity & Strength’. H.188 ‘Tectonics (Connecticut)’ Also inscribed ‘Thermal State Core Caustic’ H.189 ‘Temperatures and ?’ Also inscribed ‘Geology’. H.190 ‘V. Small ?’ H.191 ‘Water’ Also inscribed ‘Water Waves’ H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 117 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.192 ‘Plates for Vol 6 [The Earth] pp.494, 523 andfour prints’ H.192A ‘Grids’ H.193-H.203 PHOTOGRAPHIC TRANSPARENCIES 1959-1992 H.193-H.197 Contents of five labelled metal containers 1959-1971 H.193 ‘1959 Oakland - Snowy’ List of titles and 150 transparencies from California to Australia via Hawai and New Zealand. H.194 ‘59 Snowy- India’ List of titles and 150 transparencies from Australia to India via Singapore. 1959 1959 H.195 ‘59 - 61’ 1959-1961 List of titles and 150 transparencies including visits to India, Finland, Israel and USA (California and Oregon). H.196 ‘1961-67’ 1961-1967 List of titles and 150 transparencies including visits to USA, Essex (Dedham, Flatford Mill), Switzerland and Scotland. H.197 ‘67, 69, 71’ List of titles and 109 transparencies including visits to Switzerland, Singapore and Japan. H.198-H.200 Contents of three plastic containers 1959, 1979, n.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.198 ‘Cambridge 1959 N’ton’ 19 transparencies. H.199 ‘Cambridge, St lves Hemingford Grey 1979” 21 transparencies. H.200 Unlabelled 19 transparencies including locations in Washington D.C. 118 1959 1979 N.d. H.201-H.203 Contents of three boxes H.201 ‘Cambridge 1959” 1959-1992 1959 19 transparencies. A numbered sequence1-20(lacks no.10). H.202 ‘Cambridge 1980-81, 1992’ 1980-1992 15 transparencies. H.203 ‘Oddments’ 1959 and n.d. Includes transparencies from 1959visit to Australia. H.204-H.206 SOUND AND VIDEO RECORDINGS 1982-1989 H.204 Sound recording of Jeffreys talking to G.A. Barnard 1982 Audiocassette. See A.22. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 119 Non-textual material, H.1-H.206 H.205 Videotape of Jeffreys in conversation with D.V. Lindley re his work as probabilist and statistician 1983 With manuscript note ‘Sir Harold Jeffreys c/o Freeman Maths TBCcorrected from Umatic 30/8/83’. Prof See A.23-A.25. H.206 Videotape of after dinner speech by V.S. Huzurbazar 1989 The occasion was a meeting held in the summerafter Jeffreys died and dedicated to his honour. H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 A.205 D.304A F.7A F.23A APPENDIX TO CATALOGUE OF SIR HAROLD JEFFREYS ARCHIVE NCUACS133/6/04 1959-1985, n.d. Lists of Sir Harold’s photographs, drawn up by Lady Jeffreys. ‘On the use of asymptotic approximations of Green’s type whenthe coefficient has zeros’ N.d. N.d. Typescript bibliographical reference 1954. draft with manuscript corrections, latest Itinerary of Sir Harold and Lady Jeffreys visit to Victoria, Australia, 6-16 October 1959 Invitation Massachusetts, USA, April 1977 Center for to Astrophysics, Cambridge 1977 G.177A Royal Society recommendation 1984 G.190 References and recommendations 1982-1985 H.31A Photograph of Sir Harold and other recipients of Royal Society medals 1960 Jeffreys was awarded the Copley Medal. See A.85. H.89A Group photograph taken at unidentified formal dinner N.d. H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACCAD, Yigal ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ADAMS, L.H. ADAMS, Robin D. ADKE, S.R. ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron AGRAWAL,R.C. ALDERTON, D.L. ALEXANDER, A.F.O’D ALLAN, Douglas A. ALTHAM, Patricia ANDERSON, DonL. ANDERSON, Robert S. ANDREWS, David G. ANGENHEISTER, G. ANSELL,J.H. AOKI, Shinko ARMITAGE, J. Vernon ARNOLD, E.P. ASHFORD, Oliver M. ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCHERS IN MEDICINE AND SCIENCE LTD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS ATKINSON, R. d’E. AUSTIN, E.C. 120 B.249 A.108 G.132 See B.16, B.20 G.162 A.59 See G.161 D.145 G.141 G.136 G.152 B.192, B.194, B.199, B.247, B.249, G.1-G.3 Seealso B.200, B.242 B.137 G.165 G.134 See B.16, G.161, G.163 G.149 AQ G.153 See also B.179, G.173 G.166 E.13 See NATIONAL UNION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS G.146 A.171, G.131 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 121 Index of correspondents THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION BARLOW, E.W. BARNARD, George A. BARRERE, J.-B. M. BARRON, D.W. BATCHELOR, George Keith BATESON, William BATH, Markus BEADLE, Richard BEER, Arthur BEN-MENAHEM, Ari BENNETT, J. Henry BERTRAND, G.137 A.68 A.22, A.23, A.180, D.99, G.54, G.172 G.149 B.25 See G.166 A.173 E.17, F.22, G.160, G.166 See B.165 A.182, A.183 G.152 G.160 See also G.171 G.51, G.54 See G.156 BESICOVITCH, Abram Samoilovitch D.146, D.148, D.150 BILHAM, E.G. BIRCH, Francis BISWAS, B. BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS LTD BLAXLEY, Doreen BLOXHAM, Michael J.W. BOHM, David Joseph BOLT, Bruce A. BOLTON, Ellis T. BOMFORD, G. BONACINA,L.C.W. E.6 B.193, D.222, G.4 See also G.94 G.152 D.281 A.185 D.80, D.81 See D.76 B.96, B.137, B.195, G.5, G.162 See also B.108 D.172, G.150, G.154, G.155 G.142 G.132 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 122 Index of correspondents BONDI, Sir Hermann BOROK,V. KEILLIS- BOTT, Michael Harold Phillips BOWIE, N. BOWMAN, F. BOX, Joan Fisher BRAITHWAITE, Richard Bevan BRIDGMAN, P.W. D.16, G.145 B.192 G.166 See B.20 A.175 G.138 G.54 G.140 G.6 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE D.238, E.1-E.3 SEISMOLOGICAL COMMITTEE G.132 SEISMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS COMMITTEE B.95, E.2, E.3, G.171 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY BROAD, Charlie Dunbar BRODA, E. BROMWICH, Thomas John |l’Anson BROOKS, JamesE. BROUWER, Dirk BROWN, Ernest William BRUSH, Stephen G. BUCHAN, Peter BUDDEN, Kenneth George BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp BULLEN, Keith Edward BULLEN, Mary BURKILL, John Charles BURN, Ernest William D.213 D.76 D.75 G.130 D.222, F.15 G.8 G.9 B.21, B.22 G.175 G.141 D.143, G.10 B.193, D.165, G.11-G.34 See also B.192 See D.104 A.185, G.149 A.55 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 BURNS, K.L. BURNSIDE, W. BURRIDGE, R. BURTON, J.M.C. BURTON, Paul W. BUTTERFIELD, Herbert BYERLY,Lillian BYERLY,Perry 123 Index of correspondents B.103 G.132 G.35 G.168 G.171 G.141 F.20, G.36 B.188, G.36 CALCUTTA MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY G.171 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMPBELL,F.W. CAMPBELL, Norman D.7, D.8, D.49, D.59, D.60, D.84, D.104, D.105, D.157, D.158-D.161, D.164, D.178, D.188, D.213, D.392- D.402, G.74, G.81 See also D.63 G.155 E.6 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON D.172, G.150, G.154, G.155 CARTWRIGHT,David Edgar CERVENY, V. CHADWICK, Peter CHAMPERNOWNE, David Gawen CHAPMAN, C.H. CHARLSWORTH, Martin P. CHARNOCK,Henry CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS CHRISTENSEN, Sabinus H. D.16 B.4 B.212 D.79 D.291 G.138 G.37, G.168, G.171 G.85 G.168 THE CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD D.75, D.403 CLARK,Ronald William CLEMENCE, G.M. G.162 G.38 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 CLOWES, Ron M. COLE, Sonia COOK,Sir Alan Hugh COOK,R.M. COOKE, Sir Stenson CORNISH, Vaughan COULOMB, J. COX,Richard J. CRAMPIN, Stuart CRAWFORD, Michael Hewson CREER, Ken W. CRELINSTEN, Jeffrey THE CREMATION SOCIETY CRIGHTON, David George CROMMELIN, Andrew Claude de la Cherois CROSS, Paul A. CROSSLEY, David J. CUNNINGHAM, Ebenezer CURRIE, Robert G. DANIEL, Glyn DANIELS, Henry Ellis DARWIN, Horace DAWID, A. Philip DEWHIRST, David 124 Index of correspondents G.157 See also G.156 G.158 B.204, D.165, D.300, G.146, G.156, G.164 See also A.188, G.65, G.76, G.90, G.157, G.162 A.58 G.137 G.131 G.139 D.79 A.5, B.39, G.39 G.152 D.292 A.180 A.178 See A.70 G.131 See G.173 D.17 D.252 B.74, B.76, B.77, G.156 See also B.238 G.150 See also G.165, G.166 A.22, A.23, D.77, D.99, G.164 See B.56, B.62 A.70 F.20 A.180, A.183, A.187 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 DOLLAR, A.T. John DOMVILLE, [?] DORMAN, [?] DORMAN, James DORMAND, J.R. DOODSON, Arthur Thomas DOUGHERTY,J.P. DOUGLAS, Alan DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC DRAZIN, Philip G. DRESSLER, Robert F. DUCKWORTH, G. DURAN, Luis G. DZIEWONSKI, Adam M. ECKHARDT, Don EDDINGTON, Sir Arthur Stanley ENGDAHL, E.R. EVANS, Robley D. EWING, William Maurice EYRING, Henry FAIRLIE, David B. FALKLANDS ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES SCIENTIFIC BUREAU FELLGETT, Peter Berners 125 Index of correspondents G.146 G.135 See G.154 G.155 See G.156 B.224 See also G.137 D.238 G.171 B.59, B.62 A.27 G.156 D.162 G.160 G.158 D.289 G.130 See also G.40 B.16 See also G.157 G.137 B.186-B.189 G.136 D.77 See also D.80 G.136 G.165 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 126 Index of correspondents FELSENTREGER, TheodoreL. FIELD, John E. FIENBERG, Stephen E. FINLEY, Moses|. FISCHER, Irene FISHER, Sir Ronald Aylmer FLINN, Ted FOREST, J.R. FOWLER, Ralph Howard FOX, Jeffrey L. FREEMAN, PeterR. FRIEDLANDER, Gerard FRISCH, Otto Robert GAPOSCHKIN, E.M. GARLAND, George D. GARSTANG, Roy GEISSER, Seymour GENT, Charles R. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GILBERT, Sir Bernard William GILBERT, Freeman GIFFARD, A.C. GINGERICH, Owen GIRDLER, Ron W. GODWIN, Sir Harry GOGNA, Manohan G.157 See also G.158 G.158 B.60 G.152 G.154 G.41-G.54 G.162-G.164 D.238 G.138 G.85 A.24 G.162 G.148 See G.155 G.55 D.285 B.60 D.133 A.82 A.55 B.193 G.132 G.154 A.4 Gilde, G17 B.117, B.136 Seealso B.16, B.100, B.111, G.160, G.164, G.173 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 127 Index of correspondents GOLD, E. GOLDSTEIN, Sydney GOOD, |. Jack GOODMAN, Kay GOODMAN, Lawrence E. A.68 D.222, G.156 B.60, B.61, G.170 See also G.160 F.20 G.56 GORDON & BREECH SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC GORDON & BREECH SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LTD D.165-D.167, D.168-D.171, D.172, D.188 D.166, D.167, D.174, D.178-D.189, D.191, D.192, D.194, D.195, D.196, D.197 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AIR MINISTRY METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE HOME OFFICE GRIFFIN, Roger F. GUBBINS, David GULL, Stephen GUO Lu-can GUTENBERG, Beno HABIBULIN, Sh. T. HADDON, Ray A.W. HALES, AntonL. HALL, John C. HAMMERSLEY,John Michael HARMER, Florence HARRISON, Jack HESLOP- HAVELOCK,T.H. A.155 A.68 B.92 A.182 D.63, D.291 G.167 B.197 See also G.164 G.57, G.58, G.132 See also G.141 B.30 B.103, B.138-B.142, B.195, G.59 See also B.194 G.148 D.253 G.161 G.143 G.157 A.50, E.6 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 HEADING, John HEEZEN, Bruce C. HEGGIE, Douglas C. HEINE, Volker 128 Index of correspondents D.155, G.60, G.140, G.141 D.238 G.160 G.155 HELE, Desmond George KING- A.180, G.64-G.68, G.161 HENDERSHOTT, M.C. HENRY, NormanF.B. HEROY,William B. HIDE, Raymond HIGGINS, Michael Selwyn, LONGUET- HILL, Rodney HINKLEY, David V. HINKS, Arthur R. HINSLEY,Sir (Francis) Harry HIRONO, Takuzo HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas HOLLICK, Frank S.J. HONEY, P.J. HOWARD, Sir Henry Fraser HOYLE, Sir Fred HUDSON, John A. HUFBAUER, Kare HUGHES, Anthony A. HUGHES, J.S. HULL, J.E. HUNTER, Christopher See G.157 G.149 G.91 A.26, G.151, G.152 See G.157 D.213,G G.142 B.57 G.134, G.135 A.58, A.59, A.163 G.147 E.16 A.59 G.154 A.57. A.156 D.79, G.150 A.13, B.96, B.97, D.104-D.108, D.239, G.10, G.153 A.180 B.21, D.104, D.108, D.238, G.61 See also B.137 D.108 G.133 D.209 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 129 Index of correspondents HUXLEY,Sir AndrewFielding A.110 HUZURBAZAR, V.S. INGHAM, Albert Edward INGHAM, Michael F. INGSTAD, Helge B.58, B.60, G.160, G.162 See also B.75, G.158, G.168 D.110 G.165 G.150 INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS A.117, G.162 INSTITUTE OF STATISTICIANS INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION F.24 E.4 INTERNATIONAL SEISMOLOGY CENTRE D.104, D.108, D.238 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS B.92, D.238, E.5 IONESCU, Dan Gh. J.M. DENT & SONS LTD JACKSON, Kenneth JACKSON, Paul H. JACOBS, John Arthur JASTROW, Robert JAYNES, Edwin T. JEANS, Sir James Hopwood JEFFREYS. Bertha Swirles, Lady D.162 See G.166 G.145 B.60 B.80, D.222, D.238, D.291, G.80 See also G.86 D.166, D.167 B.77 G.62 A.4, A.5, A.8, A.13, A.59, A.134, A.179, A.180, A.185, A.180, A.181, B.62, B.63, B.77, B.139, B.163, B.169, B.212, B.235, B.240, D.8, D.9, D.11, D.63, D.104-D.108, D.157, D.158-D.162, D.164-D.166, D.178-D.189, D.191, D.192, D.194, D.195, D.196, D.197, D.239, D.252, D.257, D.271-D.273, D.276, D.279, D.281, D.289, E.5, G.2, G.3, G.10, G.56, G.57, G.65, G.76, G.77, G.85, G.86, G.122, G.124, G.165 See also A.65, B.68, B.138, B.142, B.241, B.242, D.115, D.226, D.280, G.37, G.66, G.72, G.87, G.153 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 130 Index of correspondents JELLIFFE, Smith Ely JENKIN, C.T. JONES, Ernest JONES, LI. Wynn JONES, R. JONES, Reginald Victor KAHN, Laura LEAVITT- KAULA,William H. KENDALL, David George KENDALL, Maurice G. KENNETT,Brian L.N. KIANG, T. KIDD, Franklin KING-HELE KNIGHTING, E. KOGAN, S.D. KONDORSKAYA,Nadia V. KONO, Maseru KOZIEL, Karol KUIPER, Gerard P. KUMAGAI, Naoiti KUO, John T. LACLAVERE, Georges LAKE,Philip G.131 G.133 G.131 G.131 D.250 D.293 G.166 G.63, G.146 See also G.157 B.70, G.152 D.79 B.96, B.98 G.165 E.7 See HELE. Desmond KING- G.153 B.288 See also B.137 A.109, A.152, B.80, B.197, B.288, D.260, G.163 See also B.108 G.171 B.36, B.38 See also B.31 G.141 G.158 G.69, G.70 D.238, D.239 G.175 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 131 Index of correspondents LAMBECK, LANDE, Alfred LANDISMAN, Mark LANG, David M. LAPWOOD, Ernest Ralph LAWSON, Robert W. LEAKE, John A. LEAPMAN, Michael LEBOUR, G.A. LEE, A. Guy LEE, E.H. LEHMANN, Inge LEWIS, John LI Zhi-sen LIEBAU, F. See G.157 B.54, D.77, G.153 D.222 G.138 B.11, B.136, B.189, D.62, D.164, D.165, G.156, G.162, G.165 See also A.139, A.144, A.201, B.4, B.194, B.197, B.249, D.174, D.178, D.179, D.183 G.132 G.167 G.158 G.130 A.58, A.59 G.139 G.154 D.77 D.62 G.154 LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James G.138, G.163 LINDLEY, Dennis V. LINFOOT, Edward Hubert LITTLEWOOD, John Edensor LOMNITZ, Cinna LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY LONGMAN, LOW, A.R. LYONS, Sir Henry George A.23, B.55, B.61, B.74, G.145, G.147 G.144 D.78, G.174 G.71 D.257 See G.158 G.131 E.6 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 132 Index of correspondents LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur G.80, G.87, G.88, G.93, G.108, G.146, G.165 See also G.79, G.86, G.89 McCREA, Sir William Hunter A.179, A.180, D.257, G.145 MACDONALD, J. Ross McINTYRE, Michael E. McNALLY,[?] MADDOx,Sir John Royden MAINARDI, F. MALIN, S.R.C. MANDELBROT, Benoit MANSERGH, Philip Nicholas Seton MARSH, J.G. MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASSEY,Sir Harrie Stewart Watson MASTERS, Lionel MAUNDER, Edward Walter MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MECHLER, P. MELCHIOR, Paul J. MELSAAC, MERKLE, Hans L. MERRIN, Arthur MESSAGE, P.J. METHUEN & CO LTD MEYERHOF, Arthur A. MICHAEL, William H., Jr G.145 A.27 See G.173 G.79, G.83 G.155 See D.291 D.79 D.252, D.259 See G.165 G.156 E.20 G.150 G.130 D.291 D.293 G.154 B.224, D.17, D.250, G.90, G.146 D.82 D.239 D.226 B.5, G.141, G.155, G.166 D.404 G.91-G.95 G.153 133 Index of correspondents B.285, D.276 G.150 G.136, G.145 G.149 B.4 G.138, G.140 G.95 D.238 B.82, D.287 A.79, D.252 G.138, G.141 B.82, D.16, G.84, G.105 See also B.137, D.10, D.11 G.138 D.202 D.222 See G.137 F.14 E.6-E.13 D.9, D.252, G.83 G.138 A.66 B.60 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 MILLER,[?] MILLER, Emanuel MILLER, J.C.P. MILLER, Ted MOHOROVICIC, Stjepan MORGAN, H.R. MORITZ, Helmut MORLEY,David W. MORRISON, L.V. MOTT,Sir Nevill Francis MOYAL,J.E. MUNK, Walter Heinrich MURGATROYD, J.B. MURRAY,C.A. NAFE, Jack NAGEL,[?] NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL UNION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS NATURE NEVILLE, Ernest H. NEWALL, Hugh Frank NEWBOLD, Paul NEWMAN, Max Herman Alexander A.56, D.80, G.174 NEWTON, Robert R. NICHOLAS, Tressilian Charles NISBET, Euan G. NOVICK, Melvin R. B.82, D.77, D.80, G.153, G.157 A.58 A.8 B.60 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 O’DONOHOE, Mike R. O’KEEFE, John A. OLDROYD, J.G. 134 Index of correspondents B.113, B.158, B.235, B.256-B.258 G.143-G.145 G.142 OLVER, Frank William John B.56, G.106, G.156 OROWAN, Egon OXBURGH, (Ernest) Ronald, Baron G.148 G.86 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS B.59, B.62, D.99, D.226 OZAWA, |zuo PAGET, R.A.S. PALMER, Muriel PANETH, Friedrich Adolf PARKES, Sir Alan Sterling PARS, Leopold Alexander PEARSON, Egon Sharpe PEISAKOFF, Melvin P. PEKERIS, Chaim Leib PENROSE, Sir Roger PETROSYAN, A.L. PHILLIPS, Theodore E.R. PIERCY, N.A.V. PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian POLKINGHORNE, John Charlton POLLAK, Henry L. POOLE, J.H.J. PORTER, J.G. POSNETTE, Adrian F.18 G.132 G.150 G.137 E.13 G.150 G.164 G.144 B.186, B.187, B.242, B.245, D.164, D.166, D.167, D.172, D.185, D.188, D.189, D.191, G.76, G.107, G.108 See also B.201, D186, D.239 D.252 See G.158 G.130 G.134 G.83 D.222 D.239 G.133 B.25, B.36 E.13 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 135 Index of correspondents POTTER, M.C. [?PRESS], Frank PRIESTLEY, Raymond PROUDMAN, Joseph PURSER, G. Leslie RABE, Eugene RAMSEY,W.H. THE RAND CORPORATION RANDALL, M.J. REDMAN, Roderick Oliver REID, George REESE, E.J. RICHARDSON, Lewis Fry RICHTER, C.F. RINEHART, Wilbur RINGWOOD, Alfred Edward RIVERS, William Halse Rivers RIZNICHENKO, Yuri V. [?7ROBERTS], Paul ROBERTS, Paul ROBIN, Gordon de Q. ROCARD, Y. ROCHESTER, Michael G. ROCKWARE GLASS SYNDICATE LTD ROOTHAM, Cyril Bradley A.50 See G.153 A.177, G.136 G.130 E.6 G.139, G.146 G.109 G.144 G.154, G.157 See also G.173 D.75 D.82, G.149, G.150 See G.141 G.37 See B.137 B.137 See also B.139, G.173 G.86, G.163 See also G.167, G.169 See G.131 G.164 See G.148 G.163 G.86, G.164 See G.161 D.11, G.172 See also G.160 G.138 A.55 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 136 Index of correspondents ROSENHEAD, Louis ROTHE, J.P. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY G.137 D.239, G.159 B.115, B.129, B.142, B.162, D.105, D.178, D.222, D.238, D.239, D.261, D.278, D.279, D.281, D.283, E.21, G.76, G.77 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY G.134, G.135 THE ROYAL SOCIETY A.17, A.110, B.20, B.199, D.196, D.222, D.238, D.239, D.293, E.14- E.20, F.20 ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY A.24, A.181 RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RUPRECHTOVA,Libuse RUTHERFORD, Ernest, Baron SADLER, Donald H. SALAM, Abdus SASAO, Tetsuo SAXENA,M.N. [?SCHLAPP], Robin SCHUCHERT, Charles SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA SHARP, Francis Greenwich SHAW, Sir Napier SHIMONY,Abner SHIMSHONI, Michael D.281, D.291, G.153, G.154, G.170 G.155 G.110 B.255, G.140, G.144, G.148, G.153 See G.162 G.160 See G.173 D.80 G.131 A.89 A.55 A.68, E.6 G.148 B.108, B.110-B.115, B.129, B.134, B.148, B.163, B.169, B.170, B.173, B.174, B.175, D.104-D.107, D.261- D.267, G.111-G.121 See also B.160, B.165, B.167, B.168, B.172, B.177, B.179, B.194, D.70, D.271-D.273, D.291, G.160 SHOR, GeorgeG.., Jr B.251 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 137 SIDHU, Ranbir Singh SIMPSON, G.C. SITTER, Willem de SKILLING, John SMITH, Alan SMITH, Sir Francis Graham SMITH, Harry E. SMITH, Margaret S. SMITHIES, Frank SMYTHE, J.A. SOMERVILLE, Johann SONDHEIMER, E.H. SPARKS, B.W. SPIERS, Henry SPIRU, Teodor STEPHENSON, Francis Richard STERN, J. Peter STOKER, James Johnston STONELEY, Dorothy STONELEY,Robert STOTTER, Anne SUZUKI, Ziro SWIRLES, Bertha SYKES, J.B. Index of correspondents B.18, B.19, B.99, B.100, G.160, G.162, G.163 See also B.16, G.173 A.68 G.130 A.34 D.70 See also G.10 E.20 A.171 D.82 See G.146 E.6 A.59 H.112 G.155 G.130, G.131 D.398 G.122-G.124, G.155 See also B.82, G.86 G.156 See D.220 D.238, D.239, G.137 D.250, G.131, G.125-G.129, G.132, G.136, G.175 G.155 B.176, B.177 See also B.179 See JEFFREYS, Bertha Swirles, Lady D.157 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 SYNGE, John Lighton TABOR, David TAKEUCHI, Hitoshi TAYLER, Roger J. TAYLOR, Hugh S. TERROUX, F.R. THIRLAWAY,H.1.S. THOMAS, D.V. THOMAS, T.C. THOMPSON, E.H. THOMSON, L.M. MILNE- TILLEY, C.E. TILLOTSON, Ernest THE TIMES TOMASCHEK,T. TOOMRE, Alar TRUESDELL,C. TURNBULL, Herbert Westren TURNER, Eustace Ebenezer TURNER, H.H. TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE URSELL, Fritz USAMI, Tatsuo VERHOOGEN, John D.9, D.10, D.16 138 Index of correspondents See G.107 G.162, G.165 B.225, B.231 See also D.229, G.173 D.279, D.283 See G.165 G.136 F.20 See G.160, G.171 B.234 G.149 G.142 G.135 G.153 D.238 G.158 See also G.155 B.224 B.234 D.80 D.76 E.6 G.132 G.140, G.163 A.86 G.149, G.165 G.156 H. Jeffreys NCUACS133/6/04 139 Index of correspondents VINCENTE, Raimundo O. VITOLS, Alfreds WALSHAW, C. Desmond WALTERS, E. Max WESSON, Paul WEST, Richard Gilbert WESTGREN, Arne WHIPPLE, Francis John Welsh WHITTAKER, W.G. WHITTINGTON, Harry B. WILKINS, G.A. WILKINSON, Graham N. WILLIAMS, JamesG. WILLMOUTH, P.L. WILSON, Clark R. WILSON, John Tuzo WOOD, Harry Oscar WOOD, Robert MUIR- WOODHOUSE, J.H. WOOLFSON, Michael Mark WRINCH, Dorothy Maud YAKOVKIN, YOKOYAMA,K. YOUNG, Amicia M. A.181, B.192, B.193, B.194-B.199, B.203, B.220, B.222, B.229, B.235, B.236-B.241 See also B.200, B.201, B.249, G.157, G.164 G.135 G.167 G.143, G.147, G.160, G.166 G.154, G.163 A.181, G.166 G.143 A.68 G.130 G.150, G.161, G.175 B.258 G.41 D.287, D.288 G.163 G.167 C.13 See also F.20 G.139 See D.290 See G.169 See G.156, G.169 A.132 See B.41 See B.258 E.6, G.148 H. Jeffreys NCUACS 133/6/04 YOUNG, Andrew YUMI, S. ZELEN. Marvin ZELLNER, Arnold ZHANG Huan-Zhi ZHARKOV, V.N. ZIDEK, JamesV. 140 Index of correspondents G.140 B.234, B.235, B.255 See also B.239 G.146 B.58, B.59-B.63, B.67, B.68, B.76, D.78 See also B.74 D.62 D.157 B.60
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin