Catalogueof the papers and correspondence of JOHN LAKER HARLEY FRS (1911 - 1990) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford NCUACS41/3/93 All rights reserved University of Bath 1993 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondenceand papers of JOHN LAKER HARLEY (1911-1990) forest scientist in the Department of Western Manuscripts Bodleian Library, Oxford Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS41/3/93) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1993 All rights reserved No 5/93 NRA 36167 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: British Petroleum plc TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL — A1-A.27 A.1-A.3 Autobiographical A.4-A.22 Career, honours and awards A.23-A.27 Miscellaneous SECTION B OXFORD B.1-B.20 B.1-B.8 University appointments B.9-B.15 Lectures B.16-B.18 The Queen’s College B.19 B.20 St. John’s College Wadham College SECTION C RESEARCH C.1-C.12 Notebooks C.13-C.53 Notes and manuscripts SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.14 Books and papers D.15 Book reviews D.16-D.25 Obituaries and tributes SECTION E LECTURES, PAPERS, ADDRESSES SECTION F VISITS, CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIA SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS C.1-C.53 D.1-D.25 E.1-E.36 F.1-F.30 G.1-G.16 H.1-H.42 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 16 22 22 24 24 27 31 38 41 46 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 3 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mrs E.L. Harley, widow, on several occasions 1992-1993. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OFJ.L. HARLEY John Laker Harley, christened John but always knownasJack, was born in 1911 at Charlton, Kent. After early preparatory schooling at Shirley House Charlton, he attended Leeds Grammar School from 1923 whenhis family moved there. In 1930 he won an Open Exhibition to Wadham College Oxford, where he read Botany under Professor A.G. Tansley and tutors such as A.R. Clapham and W.O. James; someof his undergraduatefield study work wasofsufficiently high quality to merit inclusion in Tansley’s classic work on The British Islands and their Vegetation. The award of a Christopher Welch Scholarship in 1933 enabled Harley to embark on postgraduate study, on beech mycorrhiza which became, with a few interludes, the principal topic of his research career. In 1939 he was appointed a Departmental Demonstrator, but from October 1940 served in the Royal Signals, being part of the Army Operational Research Group from 1943 and workingin India and Burma; he was demobilised with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in September 1945 and returned to Oxford. His long connection with The Queen’s College beganin 1946, first as Browne Research Fellow, then as Tutorial Fellow from 1951 until his move to Sheffield in 1965. From 1948 began the most productive period of Harley’s research career, working with a succession of able research students on careful studies of factors governing nutrient absorption The work, and the resulting steady stream of and uptake in mycorrhizal roots of beech. publications, was recognised byhis election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1964. In 1965, feeling under some pressure from university and college administrative committees and hoping to be freer to pursue active research, he accepted an invitation from his old friend and former tutor A.R. Clapham to take up the second Chair of Botany at Sheffield. In practice, Harley found a considerable administrative and departmental burden fell on him there also, including the complete redesigning and reorganising of the laboratories, and he was conscious of a further slowing-down of his research activity. Meanwhile, his very majorpartin the drafting of the ‘Florey Report’ advocating greater cooperation at Oxford between the Departments of Botany, Agriculture and Forestry had had someeffect, and in 1969 he was asked to return to Oxford and the Chair of Forest Science - a new designation indicating an intended change of emphasis. The full reorganisation and amalgamation which had been envisaged did not prove possible at that time, but Harley’s ten-year tenure of the Chair was J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 4 highly productive in his own research, in the development of the Departmentandits ‘Units’, and in his many commitmentsto the University, to learned societies and to UK and overseasscience. Manyof these continued after his official retirement in 1979, together with visits and lecture tours abroad. Harley’s personal qualities, which emerge from every aspectof the collection, include directness, pragmatism, thoughtfulness and commonsense. He wasa calminginfluence in several moreeasily disturbed communities, and his balanced opinion carried weight. He ran his Department on an easy rein and madelasting friendships at every stage of his career, as can be seen from the tone of the correspondence. In 1938 he married LindsayFitt, a fellow-student in the Botany Department and a graduateof St. Hilda’s College; they had a daughter Sarah (Sally) (b.May 1941) and a son Richard (b.October 1943). Lindsay shared his interests andhis travels, and there are innumerable references throughout the collection to her supportive presence. It is a measure of the family’s affectionate cohesion that both his wife and his daughter werehis collaborators,in, respectively, Checklist of mycorrhiza in the British flora (1987, 1990) and Mycorrhizal Symbiosis (1983). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Where applicable reference has been madeto the Bibliography prepared for the Royal Society Memoir of Harley (A.3) in the form Bibliog.... Section A, Biographical and autobiographical, includes the draft of Harley’s unpublished autobiography ‘As luck would haveit’ which has been quoted, with permission, in some of the entries, with a conclusion added by Lindsay Harley, and useful documentation on the principal events of Harley’s career. Section B, Oxford, offers a little complementary biographical material on Harley’s college affiliations, his appointment to the Chair of Forest Science and his contribution to the ‘Florey Little survives of his work on the Report’ of 1966 on the future of the biological sciences. University’s Hebdomadal Council, General Board and other committees, or of the routine participation in departmental affairs, examinations andthe like. Section C, Research, contains material from all stages of Harley’s career. Of interest are the undergraduate work (1932-33) on the ashwoodsof Ribblesdale used by A.G. Tansley in his own published work, and the graduate work (1937-39) with E.W. Yemm on ecological surveys of Thornton Mire and Huker Mire, Wensleydale. Harley’s research was almost always collaborative, as can be seen from the notes and records of the 1950s on beech mycorrhiza; his collaborators are identified where possible, but it should be noted that many others, such as J.S. Waid, D.C. Smith, D.H. Lewis, B.C. Loughman are not represented. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 5 Section D, Publications, while not covering the whole of Harley’s output, documentshis principal books (The History of Mycorrhiza and Mycorrhiza), manyof his scientific papers, andhis note of 1987 about his paper with J.S. Waid of 1955 which becamea ‘Citation Classic’. The material relating to the various tributes and obituaries of colleagues which he compiled, often over a considerable period, includesrecollections or information from others andis of interest. Several of the items in this section, which includes an extensive series of book reviews, are additional to those listed in the Bibliography drawn up for the Royal Society Memoir of Harley, a copy of which is at A.3. There is virtually no surviving documentation in the collection for Harley’s work as editor, referee or advisor, notably for New Phytologist. They are mainly Section E, Lectures, papers, addresses, covers a wide datespan 1940-90. addressed to a scientific audience, but include some intended for a younger or less technical public. Towardsthe endofhislife, he often came out strongly in such lectures against fashionable views on ‘ecology’ or ‘conservation’ in favour of a balanced approach toland use. Section F, Visits, conferences, symposia, offers useful documentation for Harley’s sabbaticalvisits to USA,his visits to Australia and New Zealand (as frequent as he could arrange in view ofthe presence there of his daughter and family), and rather more scanty material about his visits to India, and to China as leader of a Royal Society Delegation in 1975. In the 1980s Harley was a regular attender and speaker at meetings of the Northern Ireland Branch of the Institute of Biology, and also at the Congresses of the newly-formed European Mycorrhizal Society. Section G, Societies and organisations, doesnotfully represent Harley’s activities for professional and learned societies such as the British Ecological Society (President 1970-71), British Mycological Society (President 1967), Institute of Biology (President 1984-86), Linnean Society His work on Royal Society committees is likewise somewhat scantily (Gold Medal 1988). documented though there is material on the submission on forestry to the Houseof Lords Science & Technology Committee which he drafted. Section H, Correspondence, consists mainly of incoming letters, to which Harley usually replied in longhand. Though manyof his correspondents were in touch over a long period, there are few extended sequences and manygapsin the timespan. Harley’s greatgift for friendship is clear from the numberof undergraduate, wartime and early research colleagues who became lifelong friends, those in France or French-speaking Canada being addressedin their own language which Harley had learned at his prep school and wasproud to continue to use. There is also an index of correspondents. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 Weacknowledgewith gratitude the encouragementand information given by Mrs. Harley, and the generoushelp of Dr. C.C. McCreadyin identifying, dating and describing many documents in the research material. J.B. Alton P. Harper BATH 1993 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.27 A.1-A.3 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.4-A.22 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.23-A.27 MISCELLANEOUS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1 ‘As luck would haveit’. Harley’s unpublished autobiographical accountof his life, family and career to 1984. 179pp and severalintercalated pages. Also included are Mrs. Harley’s manuscript list of contents, with mention of later episodes perhaps intended for inclusion, and her ‘Postscript’ of April 1991 describing Harley’s death and reflecting on their life together. A.2 Miscellaneous autobiographical items. Royal Society Harley’s record Includes (photocopies), curriculum vitae 1967, note of committees andoffices 1976, curriculum vitae and information sent to Sheffield University on occasion of Harley’s Honorary Degree 1989. personal ‘Green Book’ A.3 Bibliography. This is the list of 119 publications prepared for the Royal Society Memoir of Harley. Reference is madein all sections of the catalogue to the numbered publicationsofthis list in the form (Bibliog....). CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS For material relating to Harley’s appointments and career at Oxford, see Section B. A.4 Army memorabilia. Includes Harley’s Army Service Book, release documents 1945,a little later correspondence 1950, 1976. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 Biographical and Autobiographical A5 Offers of posts and Professorships, 1947-59. Including correspondence, negotiations etc. 1947 1953 1958 Gold Coast Belfast University College of Wales Aberystwyth Manchester Oxford (Forestry), unsuccessful Birmingham Durham Cornell, New York 1959 1959 1958 1959 1962 A.6 Appointment to Second Chair of Botany, Sheffield. Correspondence,negotiations, contract 1964-65, letter of resignation on appointment to Chair of Forest Science Oxford 1968. A.7 A.8 AQ A.10 Letters of congratulation on Sheffield appointment A-W. Letters of congratulation,first-name or unidentified. Purchase and re-sale of Prospect House, Bakewell, the Harleys’ home during their period at Sheffield, and miscellaneous itemsrelating. Arrangementsfor the lease of The Orchard, Marston (the Harleys’ Oxford house) to C.C. McCready during their period at Sheffield. ‘Symbiosis’, Harley’s Inaugural Lecture at Sheffield 6 February 1966. Notice, typescript draft. A.12 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society 1964. A.13-A.15 Letters, telegrams and cards of congratulation on election. 3 folders. A.16 A.17 Correspondence re Chair of Botany, Cambridge 1966-67. Award of CBE in New Year’s HonoursList 1979. Arrangements for Investiture, Mrs. Harley’s account of the occasion, celebratory poem by Jane Garrett. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 Biographical and Autobiographical A.18-A.20 Letters and cards of congratulation on honour. 3 folders. A.21 Honorary Doctorate, Uppsala, 1981. Arrangements, correspondence,draft of informal lecture given by Harley ‘Fifty years of mycorrhizal research. A personal account’. A.22 Honorary Fellowship, Wye College (University of London), 1983. Arrangements, correspondence,draft for Harley's speech of thanks. MISCELLANEOUS A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27 Scientific retirements, degrees, portraits etc. 1974-89. commemorative and academic occasions, colleagues’ Personal and social occasions, including Harley’s retirement (1979), and a little personal and family correspondence. 1954-89. Birthday and conferencegreetings. Notes and anecdotes assembled by Harley for speeches. Obituary tributes to Harley by D.H. Lewis, D.C. Smith. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 10 SECTION B OXFORD B.1-B.20 B.1-B.8 UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS B.9-B.15 LECTURES B.16-B.18 THE QUEEN’S COLLEGE B.19 B.20 ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE WADHAM COLLEGE UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS B.1 University appointments 1938-65. Demonstrator in Botany, appointment 1938, renewal 1944, resignation 1958. Demonstrator in Faculty of Agriculture 1958. Appointment as Governor of Apsley Grammar School (1958-64), Cheltenham College (1960). B.2 Resignation of Readership (on appointment at Sheffield) 1965. Correspondence and papers 1966 on the ‘Review of the future of the biological sciences’ [at Oxford], a report submitted by H.W. Florey, Chairman of the committee set up to consider the matter, but drafted by Harley at Florey’s request. In his letter of 5 December 1966Florey refers to ‘this document, whichis entirely yours, but | shall not say so if you think this inadvisable’. Election to the Chair of Forest Science 1968. Harley wasthefirst holder of this newly-named post. Correspondencewith University Registry, including letter of appointment 5 December. Correspondence 1968-69 with members of plant sciences departments, and other colleagues, preceding and following Harley’s appointment, many referring to reorganisation and collaborative possibilities at Oxford. Also included is a list of staff of the Department of Forestry 1969. B.3 B.4 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 11 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 Oxford Correspondence, drafts, memoranda and papers on discussions and meetings March-June 1969 on the proposed reorganisation of Forestry to collaborate with Departments of Agriculture and Botany in a new undergraduate Honours course. The Department of Botany declined to participate, and a combined Agriculture and Forest Science course was devised. Letters of congratulation on Oxford Chair. Letters of congratulation: first-name or unidentified. University committees, boards and affairs 1969-86. Elector, Sibthorpian Professorship of Rural Economy(later Botany) 1969- 79. General Board representative, Biological Council 1969. Natural Sciences Club 1975. Correspondence on Chair of Forest Science 1979. Correspondence, press-cuttings on future of agricultural and forestry studies at Oxford, including letter to The Times by Harley. University correspondenceat end of service 1986. representative, Board of Governors, Wye College: LECTURES B.9-B.14 Lectures at Oxford. See also E.5. B.9 First-year course on Plant Biology. Time-table for 10 lectures to be given by Harley; manuscript notes, with some paginated sequences. miscellaneous B.10 Mycorrhiza and related phenomena. Notes for lectures Hilary Term 1972, 1975. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 12 Oxford Lectures on Symbiosis, for Botany Department, January 1975. Notes for seminar on Nitrogen Fixation 1975. Two lectures on mycorrhiza,n.d. ‘The place of mycorrhizal symbiosis in terrestrial ecosystems’, manuscript draft for ‘Lecture I’, n.d. latest reference 1974. Miscellaneous Departmental occasions, mainly social (Christmas and retirement parties, humorous poemsetc.), but also some departmental matters 1946-83. B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 THE QUEEN’S COLLEGE B.16 B.17 B.18 election 1946, Harley’s 1949, arrangements for teaching as ‘extraordinary lecturer’ at New College 1947, election to Official Fellowship in Botany at Queen’s, 1951. to a Browne Research Fellowship Harley’s reports to the Governing Body on his research as Browne Fellow are at C.24. Correspondencewith H.W.Florey (Provost) and Lady (Ethel) Florey 1965- 67. Miscellaneous correspondence on Queen’s matters 1979, 1981, 1986. ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE Harley’s Chair carried with it a Fellowship at St. John’s. B.19 Miscellaneous items 1977-88, including Harley’s retirement dinner and election to Emeritus Fellowship (1979). J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 WADHAM COLLEGE 13 Oxford Harley had been an undergraduate and graduate studentof the college but no material survives from that early period. B.20 Miscellaneous items 1972-87, including Harley’s election to an Honorary Fellowship (1972), London Dinner and Harley’s speech proposing the toast of the college 1974. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 14 SECTION C RESEARCH C.1-C.53 C.1-C.12 NOTEBOOKS C.13-C.53 NOTES AND MANUSCRIPTS The material is presented, as far as ascertainable, in chronological order, thoughit is recognised that several lines of research were often in hand simultaneously on the general topic of nutrient absorption and symbiosis of beech mycorrhizas. For archival convenience, notebooks(C.1-C.12) and loose pagesorfolders of notes (C.13-C.53) are listed separately although their content may be related. C.13-C.53 in particular often include work by collaborators or research students, identified where possible, as well as by Harley. Of special biographical interest are the early essays, notes and drafts of the 1930s; Harley’s unpublished autobiography (A.1) has been drawn uponfor information and dating for some of these. NOTEBOOKS C.14 Small red notebook. Both ends and centre used. Observations of plants and speciesin severallocalities (not all specified), including South Downs, Chiltern Beech Woods, and work on sea weeds(perhaps Port Erin 1933). Only one page dated 27 Sept. 1934. Notall in Harley’s hand. C.2-C.4 3 Reporter’s notebooks. Work at Thornton Mire and Huker Mire, Wensleydale 1937-38. See also C.21. Notebookinscribed ‘J.L. Harley. E.W. Yemm. Wensleydale 1937 July 19- 24’. Includes an index and tabulations of results by Yemm aswell as notes and narratives by Harley - some dated August 1938 - and notes in the hand of E.L. Fitt (Mrs. Harley). Notebook. Includes notes and tables by Yemm. Some pagesbear dates in September(no year). Notebook. Includes notes and narratives by Harley dated September 1937. C.2 C.3 C.4 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 15 Research C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9-C.11 C.9 C.10 C.11 C.12 Exercise-book. Notes and diagramsonprinciples and methodsof botanical taxonomy,n.d. perhaps 1930s. Includes 1p. notes by E.W. Yemm. Hard-back notebook. Notes made by Harley on plant ecology of Natal, June-July 1943 during voyageto India on war service. See also C.22. Soft-back notebook. Travel diary of journey to ANZAAS Congress 1967-68 (see also F.5), and At rear of of Royal Society Delegation to China 1975 (see also F.11). book, notes perhaps taken of papers and discussion at a conference (no date). Ledger-type notebook inscribed ‘Adelaide 2’ (there are no other numbered notebooksin this series). Experiments on uptakein leaf slices, conductedin collaboration with Sally Smith (Harley’s daughter) during his visit to New Zealand and Australia 1973-74 (see also F.8, F.9). Experiments run 11 November - 6 December 1973. ledger-type Three Microorganisms] and containing detailed notes on the literature. inscribed notebooks, all ‘R & M’ [Roots & ‘R & M Voll’, begins 11 June 1937. ‘R & M VolIl, 1948’. Includes notes and tables on orchids. ‘R & M Vol Ill’, 1948 Dec’. Latest date 1956. Ledger-type notebook. ‘Salt absorption January 1959’. Detailed notes on the literature. Latest date 1965. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 16 Research NOTES AND MANUSCRIPTS C.13 C.14 Essay on mycorrhiza, with a head-note added by Harley in 1960 ‘Written by J.L.H. in his first term to read to W.O. Jamesi.e. Mich. 1930’. Work on the Ashwoodsof Ribblesdale 1932, 1933. In his autobiography Harley writes ‘I went to the ash woodsseveral times at different times of year in 1932 & 1933 ... | wrote up my notes when | had completed the trips and showed them to [A.R.] Clapham and[A.G.] Tansley whenthey asked for them. Tansley was impressed enoughto have them typed, and someyears later asked for permission to use them in his book The British Islands and their Vegetation.’ Material includes a manuscript paper on ‘Ash woods on limestone in Northern Pennines’, manuscript ‘Collected notes’ on ‘Yorkshire Ash Woods’, letter from Tansley on the use of the material in his book, and later correspondence 1953, 1954. C.15 ‘Some aspects of the physiology of fungi’. C.16 C.17 Il ‘essential requirements’,Ill ‘respiration’, Manuscript drafts numbered I, IV ‘the effect of physical factors on growth’. No date, latest reference 1932. ‘Some observations on the change of hydrogen ion concentrations of media, during the growth of neocosmospora vasinfecta and other fungi in culture.’ This was the paper submitted to the examiners of the Christopher Welch Research Scholarship, Spring 1933, which was awardedto Harley in the sum of £200 p.a. for four years. It was also the basis ofhis first published paper New Phytol 33, 1934 (Bibliog. 1). See also C.18, C.47. ‘The Mycorrhiza of Fagus Silvatica. An ecological study’. Harley’s D.Phil Thesis (abstract only) 1936. In his autobiography Harley writes ‘Indeed, my D.Phil. thesis, written after three years’ workis, to my mind, very poor, and | have rarely referred to It was examined by A.G. Tansley (Sherardian it or let others read it. Professor of Botany) and William Brown, then Professor of Plant Pathology at Imperial College. The viva voce examination waslong, over 2% hours, but very friendly and helpful. Brown, | recall, worried about some of my statistics till he found that Roy Clapham had advised me. Tansley, near the end, volunteered the information that he thought that the subject was too complex, as he now realised, for a D.Phil. candidate, and rather than three years alone it would take at least ten years with several helpers to J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 17 Research make real progress. Brown agreed, and very helpfully referred me to a new line of thought: “biological antagonism”, a subject that in years to come wasof tremendous importance in both human and plant pathology.’ See C.20. C.18 ‘The breakdownof asparagine in cultures of neocosmospora vasinfecta’. Drafts, graphs and calculations c.1936. In his autobiography Harley writes ‘I observed the effects of nitrogen supply and source onrespiration rates and the breakdown of asparagine and aspartic acid. This work, ahead ofits time, | never, stupidly perhaps, published; the results still lie in my files.’ Miscellaneous shorter notes of experiments on beech 1936, 1938, 1948. ‘Biological Antagonism. Lecture to be delivered to the Carping Club 14 Dec. 1937’. This developed from the suggestion of one of Harley’s D.Phil. examiners In his autobiography Harley writes ‘I set to work to write a (see C.17). This | read to a group offriends who review essay on [the subject]... Friends used to lookin for a talk or dined in my flat in Headington ... asmokeafter dinner, and a group of us post-graduates conceived the idea of meeting and after-dinner discussing or reviewing some interesting subject... it was to this group that | read a paper reviewing work on biological antagonism in 1937.’ Graphs, diagrams, contour maps of Huker Mire and Thornton Mire, some in the hand of E.W. Yemm, some dated 1937, 1938, 1939. See also C.2- C.4. These investigations began in 1935 but there is no surviving material of that date. Notes and drawings of flora of the mangrove swamp near Durban, Natal, during voyageto India, July 1943. The material is in an envelope addressed to A.R. Clapham at the Oxford Botanic Gardens. See also C.6. C.19 C.20 C.21 C.22 C.23 Ideas for experimental work immediately post-war 1946-47. Includes ‘Outline of work on soil ecology’, ‘A working hypothesis for ectotropic mycorrhiza’, ‘Notes on the sequenceofinfection in mycorrhiza’, ‘The colonisation of young roots of Fagus by fungi’. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 18 Research C.24 C.25 C.26 C.27 C.28 C.29 C.30 Harley’s reports on his research, to Queen’s College as Browne Research Fellow 1946-51, to University as Demonstrator 1949-54, to University on sabbatical leave in USA 1961 (see also F.3). Work on P* uptake, various dates 1950-52. Includes C.C. McCready’s list of experiments carried out March-July 1950, miscellaneous experiments by McCready May-December 1950, August 1951 (entitled ‘Inaugural Experiment,first in new building’)*, January 1952. * The Department moved from the Botanic Gardens to a new building in the ‘Science Area’ South Parks Road in 1951. Field experiments in Bagley Wood, March, May, July 1950, carried out by Harley and McCreadyto test the effect of exposure of root tips of the living tree to radioactive phosphate solutions. Includes Harley’s ‘Bagley List’ of gear and equipment required. Theseare the ‘field experiments’ referred to at the end of McCready’slist of experiments in C.25. Lists of experiments, summaries of results etc. Compiled by Harley and McCready, various dates 1950, 1951. Also included here are a manuscript note by Harley on the work, ‘The effect of P concentration on sheath/core ratio’ and a draft perhaps for a lecture on ‘The beech and its mycorrhiza’. Work on‘slicing’, comparing phosphate uptake into different tissues of beech roots using slicing to give direct access to inner tissues. Experiments and drafts by McCready and Harley 1950-51, with somelater work by J.K. Brierley 1952. Related to collaborative paper with McCready, New Phytol. 51 (Bibliog. 16). Work on sodium azide as inhibitor of respiration in beech mycorrhizas. Experiments by Harley and McCreadyvarious dates 1950, 1951, with some later work by Brierley June, September 1954. Related to collaborative paper with McCready, New Phytol. 52 (Bibliog. 19). Work on uninfected roots. Experiments by McCready and Harley May-July 1951. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 19 Research Experiments and summaries of results on various factors governing salt respiration, by Harley, McCready,Brierley, J.M. Wilson, various dates 1951, 1953, 1954. Workon the effects of variable concentrations on uptake anddistribution of P*. Experiments September-November 1951 by McCready, May, July 1953 by Brierley and Wilson. Field measurements of oxygen concentrations in beechlitter. Work by Harley and Brierley various dates January 1952 - June 1953. Perhaps related to collaborative paper with Brierley, J.Eco/. 41 (Bibliog. 20). Workon effect of temperature on ps2 uptake in washed roots, by Brierley July-November 1952, repeated May 1953. Work on effect of washing on ps2 uptake and distribution, by Brierley. Summary of results July-October 1952, continuing and confirmatory experiments 1952-53. Work on ashing as a factorfor the determination of potassium in roots, by J.M. Wilson with a few notes by Harley January-June 1953. Work on effects of temperature and nitrogen on washing outof previously absorbed phosphate, by Harley and Brierley May-July 1953. Estimation of total P°* in mycorrhizal roots and its distribution between sheath and core. Experiments, table of results, by Brierley January 1954. Experiments on various factors in washing out, by J.M. Wilson June 1954. Experiments on competition and concentration, by Wilson and D.H. Jennings 1954, 1955 (with a little correspondence), re-working of experiment by Harley 1957 (with miscellaneous notes for speech or paper at meeting). Work on temperature factors on potassium and rubidium uptake, by J.M. Wilson with a few notes by Harley, February, March 1955. C.31 C.32 C.33 C.34 C.35 C.36 C.37 C.38 C.39 C.40 C.41 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 20 Research C.42 C.43 C.44 C.45 C.46 C.47 Manuscript draft and corrections for collaborative paper with Brierley ‘Active transport of phosphorus from the fungal sheath into the host tissues’, New Phytol. 53 (Bibliog. 23). Early manuscript draft by Harley and Brierley for collaborative paper here titled ‘The effect of inhibitors upon phosphate absorption, respiration and the distribution of phosphorus between host and fungus’, published as ‘Active transport of 32D from the fungus to the host during uptake of phosphorusfrom solution’, New Phytol. 54 (Bibliog. 25). Early outline draft for collaborative paper with Brierley, McCready and Jennings, titled ‘The relationship between respiration and phosphate absorption of beech mycorrhizas and the effect of inhibitors on the two processes’. No paperofthistitle is listed in the Bibliography, but a paper with these collaborators was published as ‘The relationship between oxygen consumption and phosphate absorption’ in New Phytol. 55 (Bibliog. 29). Early draft for collaborative paper with McCready and Brierley on ‘The effect of temperature on the transport of phosphate to the host during absorption’. Latest reference 1954. No paperofthis title is listed in the Bibliography. Work on various aspects of uptake and destination of phosphate absorbed by beech mycorrhizas, outlines of series of experiments, results etc. Various dates January-December 1960. Work on ammonia. Experiments, graphs etc. some dated 1960. Also included are drafts of papers on ‘Effect of ammonia and other solutes on PO, uptake by beech mycorrhizas and other plant material’ and ‘The effect Of ammonia and other solutes on the incorporation of °4P into the tissues of beech mycorrhizas’, the latter being noted as sent from the Department of Botany, Sheffield where Harley worked 1965-69. 1962 Harley published two papers on ammonia uptake In in Neocosmosporavasinfecta, in collaboration with K. Budd, New Phytol. 61 (Bibliog. 39, 40), and in 1964 he published a paper on ammonia in New Phytol. 63 (Bibliog. 47), see D.7, but there is no listed paper corresponding to the abovetitle. C.48 Work on acetate feeding. Experiments, graphs, some dated January 1963, July 1964. Perhaps related to collaborative paper with B.B. Carrodus published in 1968, New Phytol. 67 (Bibliog. 55). J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 21 Research C.49 C.50 Work on polyphosphates, with C.C. McCready. experiments, graphs and calculations February-March 1980. Outline of project, Probably related to collaborative papers with McCready in New Phytol. 88, 89 (Bibliog. 97, 99). Work on polyphosphate accumulation in mycorrhizal and other symbioses, undertaken by Harley and D.C. Smith with a grant from the Agricultural Research Council. A.A.C. Dodwell was a doctoral student on the project. Material includes interim and final reports by Harley and Smith to ARC, reports by Harley on Dodwell’s work, a little correspondence 1982-84. C.51, C.52 Continuing work on polyphosphates,in collaboration with C.C. McCready in Oxford and with D-G. Strullu and his team in Angers. Correspondence, data andresults, drafts and amendmentsfor collaborative papers 1981-87. Related to collaborative papers in New Phytol. 92, 94, 103 (Bibliog. 100, 101, 108). C.51 C.52 C.53 1981-83. 1984-87. Miscellaneous pages and bundlesof references and detailed notes on the literature, some in similar format to C.9-C.11 and perhaps torn out of a hard-back notebook. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 22 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.25 D.1-14 BOOKS AND PAPERS D.15 BOOK REVIEWS D.16-D.25 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES BOOKS AND PAPERS D.1 ‘The mycorrhiza of forest trees’. Heavily-corrected manuscript draft for article published in Endeavour 15 1956 (Bibliog. 28). D.2-D.4 The Biology of Mycorrhiza This book was written during the summer of 1955, in response to a it was published in 1959 by Leonard Hill suggestion by N. Polunin; (Books) Ltd. and wastranslated into Russian. A second edition appeared in 1969 (Bibliog. 35, 56). Includes letter from Polunin, Material relating to first edition 1955-67. publisher’s contract, correspondencewith colleagues and with publisher, reviews, royalty statements. relating Includes a_ to second edition little Material correspondencewith colleagues, comments on drafts by Polunin, royalty statements. The production of the book was delayed by several changes of ownership and personnel and Harley’s letters show his increasing irritation with the publishers. 1965-74. Reviews of second edition. ‘Mycorrhiza in plants’ Draft for article published in New Scientist, 6 1959 (Bibliog. 38), and a reply to a letter from a reader. D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 23 Books and Papers D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 ‘The interaction of cations during absorption by beech mycorrhizas’. Draft (in English) of collaborative paper with J.M. Wilson, given at the International Mycorrhiza Symposium, Weimar 1960 and published in a Germanversion in the Conference proceedings 1963 (Bibliog. 45). ‘Incorporation of carbon dioxide into excised beech mycorrhizas in the presence and absence of ammonia’. Early drafts for article published in New Phytol, 63 (Bibliog. 47). ‘Mycorrhiza’. Draft and correspondence 1968 for entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Not listed in Bibliog. Mycorrhiza This was Volume 12 in the Oxford Biology Readers series, O.U.P. 1971 (Bibliog. 64). In 1977 Harley was asked to prepare a revised edition and did so, but the publisher Carolina Biological Supply Company, who had taken over control of the series in 1976, decided not to proceed with the revision. Includes contract, publishing Correspondence and papers 1970-79. arrangements, manuscript for revised edition, a little correspondence with colleagues. D.10 ‘The mycorrhizal association’. Chapter contributed to Vol. 17 Intercellular Interactions of Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology, 1983 (Bibliog. 104). Correspondencewith editors 1980-83, manuscriptdraft. Letter to The Times (with M.E.D. Poore), on land use, October 1983. Not published. D.12 ‘Specificity and penetration of tissues by mycorrhizalfungi’. Draft, comments by D.H. Lewis and Harley’s reply, for paper published 1985 in Proc. Indian. Acad. Sci. 94 (Bibliog. 107). J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 24 Books and Papers D.13 ‘This week’s citation classic’. Harley’s commentary on his 1955 paper with J.S. Waid ‘A method of studying active mycelia on living roots and other surfaces in the soil’ Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 38 (Bibliog. 27), published in Current Contents no.20, May 1987. Notlisted in Bibliog. Includes a little correspondence about Waid’s work 1952, 1955, and a letter from him about the citation 1987, and also a letter from J. Brewer, a technician who had helpedin the work. ‘Phosphate uptake and metabolism by Ectomycorrhiza’. Article written for Mycorrhiza News, the newsletter of the Mycorrhiza Network, Asia. Scheduled for publication in October 1989. Notlisted in Bibliog. Manuscript draft, correspondence. BOOK REVIEWS D.15 Book reviews 1939-83. Date and journal of publication not always indicated. OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES It may vary considerably in The material is presented alphabetically. Harley was sometimes asked to write substance and in date-span. advanceobituaries for The Times which were updated overthe years, as well as tributes to colleagues on their retirement or change of post. He also wrote or collaborated in extended biographical Memoirs of G.E. Blackman, S.D. Garrett and W.O. Jamesfor the Royal Society, involving the assembly of recollections or biographical information from colleagues. G.E. Blackman D.16 Harley’s Material relating to the Royal Society Memoir of Blackman (Bibliog. 98). Blackman, Includes recollections and comments correspondence with contributed by Audrey Blackman, A.R. Clapham, B.C. Loughman, A.J. Rutter, letters of thanks for copies of memoir. address Royal Memorial at Society, Service for J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 25 Books and Papers Entry for Dictionary of National Biography Drafts, correspondence and comments 1984-85. Harley objected to the deletions proposed by the Editor, and they were restored. A. Bridges D.18 Harley’s address at Memorial Service anda little related material. S.D. Garrett D.19 D.20 W.O. James Advance obituaries for The Times, 1968, 1978. biographical information from Garrett. Includes letter and Material relating to the Royal Society Memoir of Garrett (Bibliog. 117). Includes brief correspondence with Royal Society, Garrett’s Royal Society Personal Record (photocopy),letters, information and recollections from colleagues as follows: Academic Press (correspondencewith or re C.V. Subramanian) Babbage, D (Magdalene College Cambridge) Bawden, M. (Rothamsted) Garrett, R.J., widow Grubb, P.J. (Cambridge Department and College, with copy of note for Magdalene College Record) Macfarlane,|. (Rothamsted) Robertson, N. (address at Memorial Service) Smith, S., Harley’s daughter Subramanian, C.V. Ward, G. Wood, R.K.S. (Imperial College andlater). D.21 Advanceobituaries for The Times 1960 and later. Notes and information for the award of an Honorary Fellowship of Imperial College to James 1969. D.22 Correspondence 1978-80 with collaborator (A.R. Clapham) and others on Royal Society Memoir of James. Also included hereis a draft obituary of Jamesby Harley for New Phytologist. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 26 Books and Papers T.G.B. Osborn D.23 R. Scott Russell D.24 D.25 Advance obituaries of Osborn for The Times 1961 revised 1965, 1973, notes for Nature 1953, with little related correspondence. Also included here is a copy of Osborn’s application for the Sherardian Professorship at Oxford 1937. Appreciation of Russell on his retirement from ARC Letcombe Laboratory (in collaboration with J.F. Loutit) 1979. Advanceobituary for The Times 1960, with a manuscript note ‘Never used’. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 27 SECTION E LECTURES, PAPERS, ADDRESSES E.1-E.36 E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 The material is presented in chronological order as far as ascertainable. Titles or attributions in inverted commas are those on the manuscripts or on Harley’s original folders. Material of uncertain date is at E.34-E.36. ‘The soil complexes of “mull” and “mor”’ (in the Chilterns) 1940. ‘Recent progress in the study of mycorrhizal relationships’, heavily amended and annotated manuscript draft for Harley’s paperat the British Mycological Society meeting October 1949 at Imperial College. A full version of the material was published in New Phytol. 49 (Bibliog. 12). Also included here is the draft of Harley’s report for Nature published in Nature 164, 1041-42. Not in Bibliog. Research talk on Mycorrhiza, given to Agriculture School Oxford 10 November 1950, based on experimental work by Harley and McCready. ‘Experimental work with mycorrhizal roots’, lecture to Cambridge Botany Club 19 February 1952. Notes for lectures given in Oxford 1953, on ‘Mycorrhiza andsoil ecology’, ‘Fungal ecology’, ‘Ectomorphic mycorrhiza’, ‘Symbiosis between fungi and trees’. ‘Salt absorption by mycorrhizal roots’, talk to Bristol University Botanical Society 22 February 1954. ‘Movement of phosphate through the fungal sheath to the host of beech mycorrhizas’. Various drafts on the subject with a note by Harley ‘used as a lecture more than once ... SEB Bristol 1954 also lecture on salt respiration by C.C. McCready based on our work ...’. This refers to a draft by McCready, also included, on ‘Experiments onthe “salt respiration”of beech mycorrhizas’. ‘Salt absorption by beech mycorrhizas’. International Botanical Congress Paris 1954 (Bibliog. 21). Draft for paper given at 8th ‘Non-parasitic association of trees and microorganisms’. Paper given to Sections K and K*, British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting 7 September 1954, describing work with Waid, Clowes and Brierley and published in Advancement of Science 11 (notin Bibliog.) J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 28 Lectures, Papers, Addresses E.10 E.12 E.13 E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 E.19 E.20 E.21 E.22 ‘The fungal partners of forest trees’. Talk for BBC European Service in ‘Frontiers of Knowledge’ series, May 1957. Draft, script as broadcast. ‘Ectotropic mycorrhizas as uptake organs’, described as ‘Lecture for Cambridge 6 Feb. 1962’. Talk to Leeds and Bradford Branch of Oxford Society 18 May 1962, mainly on current changes and developments in Oxford. ‘Carbon metabolism of fungi and green plants in association’, with a note ‘for 10 May 1967’. ‘The Itinerant Botanist’, Presidential Address to Sheffield Biological Society, February 1968. ‘Biology and everydaylife’. Draft for general talk, with 2pp. manuscript notes on carbohydrate movementby J.K. Brierley, n.d. probably Harley’s talk to ‘Junior ANZAAS’ 1968. See F.5. ‘The place of microbiology in the teaching and research in university botany departments’. Evening Discourse at‘Staff Colloquium’, Aberystwyth 24 May 1968. ‘Plants and man’, talk perhaps for Bradford Grammar School, 22 April 1969. ‘Ecology of symbiosis’, perhaps 1969. ‘Biotrophy’, introduction to British Ecological Society Exeter Conference September 1969. Notice (only) of course of four lectures on Mycorrhiza given by Harley in University of LondonIntercollegiate Lectures programmeJanuary-February 1970. Banquet Address, 3rd North American Conference on Mycorrhizae, August 1977, circulated by D. Marx in typescript (Bibliog. 84). ‘Microorganisms and nutrient absorption by plants’, Special University Lecture given at Wye College 2 February 1978. Correspondence and drafts. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 29 Lectures, Papers, Addresses E.23 E.24 E.25 E.26 E.27 E.28 E.29 E.30 E.31 E.32 ‘Ectotropic mycorrhizas’, a Royal Society review lecture given 9 February 1978 and published as ‘Ectomycorrhizas as nutrient absorbing organs’in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 203 (Bibliog. 86). Correspondence 1976-78,drafts. ‘Physiology of nutrient absorption by ectomycorrhizas’, a paper ‘Prepared for symposium at Louvain-le-Neuf, 10 October 1978. To be read by Dr. P.B. Tinker’. With a note ‘Not to be published in written form’. (Not in Bibliog.) ‘Forests and man’, lecture to Biology Society, Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brookes University) 15 November 1978. Brief correspondence re arrangements, draft of lecture. ‘Histology of ectomycorrhiza’ draft of paper given at 4th North American Conference on Mycorrhizae, Colorado, June 1979. (Bibliog. 92). ‘Microorganisms, roots and mycorrhiza’, manuscript draft of talk at a ‘Scientific Meeting’, Rothamsted Experimental Station, 25 February 1980. ‘Potassium uptake and loss by ectomycorrhizas of Fagus and problems arising from the processes’. Drafts, abstract, a little data for a paper, n.d. but reference is made to Harley and McCready’s 1981 paper (Bibliog. 97) as ‘in press’. Not in Bibliog. Given at 5th North American Conference on Mycorrhizae, Quebec 1981. See F.16. Two drafts for papers on ectomycorrhizas in roots of Betula vermicosa, n.d. but reference is made to Harley and Warren Wilson’s 1983 paper (Bibliog. 103) as ‘in press’. Not in Bibliog. ‘Plants and man’, the Warburg Memorial Lecture given to Berkshire Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists’ Trust (BBONT), 25 February 1986. Correspondenceanddrafts. ‘Biology andtheInstitute’, Harley’s Presidential Addressto theInstitute of Biology 1986, published as ‘The work of the Institute’ in Biologist 33 (Bibliog. 109). Drafts and comments. ‘The significance of mycorrhiza’, Harley’s ‘Benefactors’ Lecture’ given at 6th Society General Meeting of British Mycological Society 18 April 1988 and published in Mycol. Res. 92(2) (Bibliog. 114). Correspondence, programme,drafts. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 30 Lectures, Papers, Addresses E.33 Speech at New Phytologist AGM Dinner, September 1990. Undated E.34 E.35 E.36 ‘The use of tracers to measure translocation in mycorrhizal or other systems’. Manuscript draft and notes, latest reference 1969. ‘Problems in causal anatomy of ectotrophic mycorrhiza’, latest reference 1976, with comments on the ‘essay/review’ by G. Chilvers (n.d.) and ‘article’ by L. Clowes (1977). Perhaps used on visit to Canada 1980, see F.16. ‘Developmentof Infection in Endomycorrhizas’ with a headnote‘Essay 5’, latest reference 1980. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 31 SECTION F VISITS, CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIA F.1-F.30 F.1 F.2 F.3 Society for General Microbiology Symposium on ‘The Rhizosphere’, Manchester, 18 September 1951. Harley spoke on ‘Mycorrhiza’. Invitation, programme, notesfor talk. Society of Chemical industry Microbiology Group Symposium on ‘The use of isotopes in microbiology’, London, 10 October 1951. Harley spoke on ‘The phosphorus uptake of beech mycorrhiza’. Invitation, arrangements, text of talk. Visit to USA January-September 1961. This was a period of sabbatical leave spentprincipally at Purdue University Indiana working with H. Beevers; visits were also paid to Cornell, Duke and Philadelphia Universities, several of the campusesof the University of Harley’s report on his California, and other plant researchinstitutions. visits is at C.24. Correspondence 1959-61 on arrangements for leave, funding, travel, lectures, visits and researchprojects in various locations in USA, also news of the Oxford department. Includes letter September 1961 about Harley’s later visit to Ann Arbor (see F.4). F.4 Visit to USA March-April 1963. Correspondenceand papers, mainly relating to Harley’s visit and lectures at Ann Arbor, Michigan 27-30 March, but also includes programme of symposium on ‘Factors determining the behavior of plant pathogensin soils’, Berkeley California 7-13 April at which Harley gave a paper on ‘Mycorrhiza’ published in Ecology ofSoil-borne Pathogens 1965 (Bibliog. 51). Drafts of Harley’s public lectures at Ann Arborare included. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 32 Visits, Conferences, Symposia F.5 Visit to Australia and New Zealand via India 1967-68. The main purposeofthe visit was to participate in the 40th Congressof the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS), Christchurch 24-31 January 1968, at which Harley gave a paper and also a popular lecture to the ‘Junior ANZAAS’. He visited several institutions in Australia and New Zealandin the courseofhisvisit, and also visited Delhi en route. Correspondence and papers 1966-68 on funding, invitations and arrangements, letters from colleagues at Sheffield, manuscript draft of Harley’s notes for his paper at congress. See also E.15. Harley’s diary of the visit is included in C.7. F.6 Visit to India and Hong Kong 1972. Harley was in India 20 April - 2 May visiting and lecturing in several universities, and also making an extended tour of forests and plantations. He visited Hong Kong University, where he was External Examiner 1972- 75, 2-22 May. Correspondence and arrangements. F.7 British Association Annual Meeting Leicester 1972. Harley was President of Section K (Botany) September 1971 - September 1972 and gavethe Sectional Presidential Address on‘Soil ecology and the growth of plants’ (Bibliog. 67). Correspondence 1970-72, draft and notes for address. F.8, F.9 Visit to USA, New Zealand and Australia 1973-74. The main purpose of the visit was to lecture in New Zealand as a Harley also visited and lectured in ‘Commonwealth Prestige Fellow’. Australia, and travelled via Los Angeles to meet colleagues in California. F.8 Correspondence and papers 1972-74, including invitations, itineraries and schedules, travel and leave, lecture titles, news from Oxford department etc. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 33 Visits, Conferences, Symposia F.9 Notes and drafts for Harley’s lectures. 1. The place of mycorrhizal symbiosis in terrestrial ecosystems. Carbon physiology of ectotrophic mycorrhizas and other symbiotic 2. systems (includes notes and comments by D.C. Smith). Nutrient uptake by ectotrophic mycorrhizasas illustrated by work with 3. Fagus Sylvatica. 4. Movement of materials from fungus to host. Notes for ‘Public Lecture Nelson N2’ on ‘Forest renewal or forest ecosystems’, with a manuscript note ‘Notes madein hurry on afternoon of lecture!’ F.10 Symposium on Endotrophic Mycorrhizas, University of Leeds 22-25 July 1974. Harley gave the introductory paper on ‘Future problems in mycotrophy’ (Bibliog. 74). Programme, draft of Harley’s paper. Royal Society Delegation to China 1975. Harley was the leader of the Delegation and drafted the report (Bibliog. 82). Brief correspondence,information,itinerary, Harley’s manuscript notes on the trip. His travel diary is at C.7. F.12 Société Francaise de Physiologie Végétale meeting, Paris, 4 March 1978. Harley gave a paper on ‘Nutrient uptake in ectomycorrhizas’ published in Physiol. Veg. 16 (Bibliog. 88). Programme, abstracts of papers, drafts of Harley’s paper. F.13 Symposium on ‘Mycorrhiza - Progress and Prospects’, University of Uppsala, 8 September 1978. Harley gave a paper on ‘Mycorrhiza - progress and prospects’. Programme, arrangements, correspondence with colleagues, draft of Harley’s paper. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 34 Visits, Conferences, Symposia F.14 Tree Mycorrhiza Group Meeting, University of Surrey, 17-18 September 1979. Harley gave a paper on ‘Past & Future of Ectomycorrhizal Research’. Correspondence, brief manuscript notes for talk. F.15 Visit to India 1980. Harley visited India 14-31 October under the Indian National Science Academy/Royal Society Exchange Programme. His principal engagement was to participate at the Golden Jubilee meeting in Allahabad of the National Academy of Science, where he gave a Special Lecture on ‘Symbiotic Associations’ and was made an Honorary Fellow. He also visited New Delhi and Hyderabad, and gave several other lectures and talks at Allahabad during the meeting. The material comprises schedule, correspondence and arrangements, drafts for papers and lectures on ‘Symbiotic Associations’, ‘Energy Plantations’ (at Symposium on ‘Renewable Sources of Energy’ held during Jubilee meeting), ‘What is a scientist?’ (at meeting on ‘Science and everydaylife’). Harley’s report to the Royal Society is also included. is not a full record of the visit; his This surviving material autobiography, Harley writes: ‘It is a habit of some dishonestfolk in India This is what to remove the stamps from letters and to destroy them. happened to my notes aboutthis trip, for they were sent by me in a long letter to Lindsay and neverarrived in England. | therefore not only have fear may have offended a number of my no details, but also | acquaintances by not writing to them or sending information or material after | got back to England.’ in F.16 Visit to Canada August 1981. This was an extensive lecture tour of universities and laboratories financed by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada and Harley gave lectures and talks in many the Nuffield Foundation UK. locations, visited several old friends and colleagues and gave an ‘oral presentation’ at the 5th North American Conference on Mycorrhizae (NACOM) at Quebec 16-21 August. Schedule and arrangements, correspondence with colleagues, NACOM programme, drafts or notes for several lectures on ‘Potassium uptake’, ‘Polyphosphate accumulation’, ‘Five lectures on mycorrhiza’, ‘Causal Anatomy’ (see E.35). the NACOM conference At polyphosphate metabolism with D-G. Strullu (see C.51, C.52). Harley arranged to collaborate on J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 35 Visits, Conferences, Symposia F.17, F.18 Visit to Czechoslovakia 1983. F.17 F.18 F.19 Following a visit to UK in 1982 by P. Cudlin (Czech Academyof Sciences) and correspondence with V.K. Mejstrik (see H.27), Harley was invited to Czechoslovakia under the Royal Society Exchange Programme. He was there 17-30 May,visiting and lecturing in Institutes of Biology in various centres. Also includes information on P. Correspondence and arrangements. Cudlin’s 1982 visit to UK, and correspondence on location of the First European Congress on Mycorrhizae, held at Dijon 1985 (see F.25). Drafts and notes for Harley’s lectures in Czechoslovakia and for his report to the Royal Society. A.R. Clapham Symposium, Sheffield, 19 May 1984. This was organised by the Trustees and Editors of New Phytologist to mark Clapham’s 80th birthday, on the subject of‘The flora and vegetation of Britain. Origins and changes. The facts and their interpretation.’ The papers were edited by Harley and D.H. Lewis. Harley contributed an Introduction to the Symposium (Bibliog. 105) and also gave the speechat the celebratory dinner. Correspondence with colleagues 1983-84, arrangements, programme, notes and drafts for Harley’s speech. F.20-F.22 Visit to USA and Canada June-July 1984. Harley attended and gave a paper on ‘Mycorrhiza. Thefirst 65 years: from the time of Franktill 1950’ at the 6th NACOM Conference, Oregon 25-29 June. He also visited many old friends and colleagues in USA. He received a grant of £600 from the Royal Society and assessed applications for grants from other researchers wishing to participate. Correspondence 1983-84 with conference organisers and with colleagues on travel plans. Royal Society Travel Grants assessments. Drafts for Harley’s paper at NACOM Conference. The paper was scheduled for publication in the Proceedingsbutis not listed in Bibliog. F.20 F.21 F.22 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 36 Visits, Conferences, Symposia F.23 Visit to Laval University Quebec April-May 1984. Harley lectured on ‘Nutrient absorption and carbon metabolism of ectomycorrhizas’ at a graduate course on plant symbiosis. Programme, brief correspondence, manuscript drafts of lectures. F.24 Visits to Hong Kong, Adelaide and Sydney, November-December 1984. Mainly to discussaffairs of the Institute of Biology and the proposalto set up branches of the Institute. F.25 F.26 F.27 Correspondence, schedules, drafts for talk. ‘Mycorrhizal studies: past and future’. Draft of Harley’s introductory paperat the 1st European Micorrhiza Society Congress, Dijon, 1985 (Bibliog. 111). Institute of Biology Northern Ireland Branch Symposium, University of Ulster, Coleraine, March 1986. Harley spoke on ‘Forestry and land use’ and the paper was published in the conference volume Forestry and the Community (Bibliog. 110). Correspondence, draft of paper. Society of Irish Plant Pathologists (SIPP) Scientific Meeting, University College Dublin 21 March 1986. Harley attended as Guest Speakerafter the Institute of Biology Symposium (F.26 above), and spoke on ‘The implication of non-specificity in mycorrhizal fungi’. Brief correspondence, programme, drafts for paper. Notlisted in Bibliog., but an abstract was published in the SIPP Newsletter no.16 November 1986. F.28 Institute of Biology Northern Ireland Branch AGM and Symposium on ‘Biology in Context’ 12-13 March 1987. Programme, invitations. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 F.29 37 Visits, Conferences, Symposia Institute of Biology Northern Ireland Branch Symposium on ‘The High Country (Land-use and Land-use Changein Irish Uplands)’, Belfast 29-30 March 1988. Harley gave a paper on ‘The economic basis of forestry in uplands’ which wasprepared for publication in the conference proceedings. Notlisted in Bibliog. Programme, correspondence, information, versions and revisions of Harley’s paper. F.30 2nd European Mycorrhiza Society Congress (ESOM), Prague 1988. Drafts of Harley’s concluding address. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 38 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.16 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL G.1 Mainly letters of appointment and reappointment, resignation and thanks for service 1967-88: Standing Committee on Plants and Soils 1967. Council 1970, 1975-80. Representative, University of Bristol Agricultural Committee 1973-81. Representative, University of Bradford Court 1975-80. Chairman, Letcombe Laboratory Advisory Group 1979-83 (and some correspondencerelating to the Letcombe Laboratory). ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTHUNIVERSITIES G.2 Service on Panel of Advisers, Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan 1974-78. UNIVERSITY OF ASTON G.3 Report of Assessors appointed to advise on the Departmentof Biological Science, 12 May 1983. BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY Harley was President of the Society 1970-71. G.4 General correspondence and papers onaffairs of the Society 1967, 1969- 72, on symposia and meetings, relations with INTECOL(International Association of Ecology), submission by the Society to The Ashby Working Party on Public Opinion on Pollution of the Environment 1971, comments on the Rothschild/Dainton reports 1972. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 39 Societies and Organisations G.5 G.6 Correspondence and papers 1968-70 on INTECOL. Correspondence and papers 1983 (on Honorary Membership for Harley), 1988 (75th anniversary symposium, Jubilee Dinner and reception). BRITISH MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY G.7 Correspondence and papers 1965 (Harley’s election as President-Elect 1966, President 1967), 1987 (meetings, Harley’s Benefactors Lecture. See E.32). HOUSE OF LORDS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE G.8 Correspondence and papers 1988-90 relating to Harley’s service as specialist adviser (with A.T. James) to Sub-committee | - Agricultural and Food Research. The report was considered at a meeting on 15 December 1988 and debated in the House on 21 April 1989 (Harley and his wife attended). INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY G.g Includes Harley’s election to Correspondence and papers 1968-90. Fellowship 1968, his Presidency of the Institute 1984-86 (see E.31 for his Presidential Address 1986), elections, 40th anniversary meeting 1990. For material on Harley's involvement with the Institute’s meetings and lectures, see Sections E and F. LINNEAN SOCIETY G.10 Correspondence. Includes Harley’s election to Linnean Dining Club 1956, Life Fellowship 1979, award of Linnean Gold Medal for Botany 1988 presented at the Bicentenary Meeting 24 May. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 40 Societies and Organisations NATURE CONSERVANCY G.11 Correspondence and papers 1950 relating to survey of the Chilterns Scientific Areas 27 and 28 carried out by Harley on behalf of the Conservancy. Includes Harley’s report. in his autobiography Harley writes: ‘In the summer of 1946 | was asked to survey a wide area of the Chilterns to suggest ecological sites of scenic andscientific importance for the newly-formed Nature Conservancy’. The surviving material is all dated 1950. ROYAL SOCIETY G.14 MISCELLANEOUS General correspondence 1966-88 on Harley’s service on Council and Committees or as representative of the Society. Elections and recommendations. Royal Society submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology Enquiry into ‘Scientific aspects of forestry in the United Kingdom’. Harley was asked to draft a submission, in consultation with L. Fowden, J. Rishbeth, D.C. Smith and T.R.E. Southwood. Material includes drafts, comments, correspondence 1980-82. Comments on the Report of the Study Group on the Organisation of the Agricultural Research Council Secretariat, compiled by Harley and D.C. Smith, September 1982. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux 1979. Science Research Council Biological Sciences Committee 1970. Society of Foresters of Great Britain 1969. University Grants Committee Agricultural Sub-Committee 1968. J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 41 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.42 H.1 Beevers, H. n.d.[1950], 1959, 1970, 1982-85 In his Harley met Beevers, an American plant physiologist, in 1948. ‘Also at this time [1948] | had many talks autobiography Harley writes: with Harry Beevers, who was at that time working in Will James’ laboratory. He gave melessons on the use of the Warburg Apparatus and allowed meto investigate, using his apparatus, the respiration of several mycorrhizal fungi and their sensitivity to inhibitors. Harry later migrated to the USA where| spent leave in 1961 in his lab at Purdue and muchlater in Santa Cruz when he was Head of Plant Biology there. However, his guidancein plant physiology and biochemistry in 1947 and 1948, like that of Ted Yemm’s earlier, was a considerable influence on my experimental techniques.’ Correspondence 1970relates to the invitation to Beevers to accept the Sherardian Chair of Botany at Oxford on the retirement of C.D. Darlington. Correspondence 1984 relates to Beevers’s 60th birthday celebration volume (including Harley’s contribution). Boullard, B. various dates 1953-89 Scientific and personal correspondence,visits etc. letters are in French. The sequence has many gaps. Several of Harley’s Brewer, J. 1980s Brewer was an ex-army corporal who worked as technician in the laboratory during Harley’s work on mycelia with J.S. Waid (see D.13). He later worked in Nottingham and Zimbabwe. The letters (few dated) are from Harare in the 1980s, the last dated being 1988. Brierley, J.K. 1951-52 Brierley’s appointment as ARC research student in Harley’s laboratory. Burnett, J.H. various dates 1954-87 Includes correspondence 1969 on the Sibthorpian Chair of Rural Economy at Oxford, to which Burnett was appointed. Burtt, B.L. 1950-51, 1964, 1968 Correspondence 1951 is on taxonomy. H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 H.7 H.8 H.9 Correspondence Chapman, S. Oneletter only, on molecularcollisions. 42 1946 Chilvers, G.A. Clapham, A.R. 1981-90 various dates 1945-88 Clapham had been appointed in 1930 by A.G. Tansley to the Botany Department at Oxford. He was one of Harley’s tutors and became a lifelong friend. In 1944 he becameProfessor of Botanyat Sheffield (where Harley accepted a Second Chair of Botany in 1965). Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes tributes to Clapham on his retirement. H.10 Clowes, F.A.L. 1948-49, 1982 Chiefly correspondence on early research, while Clowes was working at Manchester University before returning to the Botany Department at Oxford. Includes detailed comments by Harley on Clowes’s thesis. H.11 Corner, E.J.H. International Prize for Biology. H.12 Flemmich, C. 1985 1984-86 Flemmich had been a forester in Oxford, and later worked in Malaysia. The correspondence(notall dated) is from his retirement years and deals with acid rain and forest clearance. H.13 Fortin, J.A. 1980-89 Research, visits, NACOMand other conferences. Someof Harley’s letters are in French. Garrett, S.D. and J.R. various dates 1949-88 Scientific and personal correspondence, visits, research students and theses, Garrett’s election to Royal Society. Godwin, H. Hacskaylo, E. 1952, 1962, 1964 1982-89 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 43 Correspondence H.17 Hatch, A.B. andS. 1955, 1968, 1979-83 Includes programmeofthe first NACOM conference 1969. H.18 Heslop-Harrison, J. Brief correspondenceonly. H.19 Jennings, D.H. 1981, 1985 1953-57, 1968 Jennings workedas a researchassistant with Harley, funded by ARC,from 1953. Correspondence 1953-57 is on appointment and publications at Oxford. Correspondence 1968 is on Jennings’s appointment to Chair of Botany, Liverpool. H.20 Keay, R.J.W. Revision of Keay’s book on Nigerian trees, Institute of Biology. 1986-90 1948-55 1948-52, 1963, 1986 H.21 H.22 Kelley, A. Kent, G.C. Kent was an American Rhodes Scholar and contemporary of Harley at Wadham, also reading Botany. He becameProfessor of Plant Pathology at Cornell. He was a large athletic man, hence the nickname ‘Shorty’ which is used by both parties in the correspondence. H.23 Le Tacon, F. 1988-89 A Includes arrangements for Harley to visit and lecture at Nancy. collaborative paper with Le Tacon on ‘Deforestation in the tropics and proposals to arrest it’ was published in 1990, Ambio, 19 (Bibliog. 115). Harley’s letters are in French, Le Tacon’s are in English. H.24 Lewis, D.H. 1964-89 Correspondence 1964-65 relates to the period when Lewis (a graduate student and colleague of Harley at Oxford from 1960) was working at Purdue, Indiana. He moved with Harley to Sheffield and later became professorthere. The later correspondence(from 1972) deals mainly with the affairs of New Phytologist of which Lewis was oneofthe editors. A little personal material is included. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 Correspondence H.25 H.26 Lindeberg, G. and M. McCready, C.C. 44 1986-90 1949-53, 1973 In his McCready wasoneof Harley’s earliest and longest collaborators. ‘In the autumn of 1948 | was joined by autobiography he writes: Christopher McCready who had just graduated with a First in Botany. He had had wartime experience in Germany with the Nutritional Unit underDr. Sinclair and was already an expert and careful laboratory worker. Our association in research was to continue off and on for over 30 years.’ In fact, this is an under-estimate since the collaboration on polyphosphates continued throughout the 1980s. Material 1949-53 includes information on McCready’s appointment as an ARC-funded research student in 1949, reports on work, career, research and publications (especially Bibliog. 22). H.27 Mejstrik, V.K. various dates 1968-88 Mejstrik was a Czechscientist working in the Institute of Ecology, Prague. Correspondenceon research andvisits. H.28 H.29 H.30 Osborn, T.G.B. Prance, G.T. Read, D.J. 1952, 1953, 1960 1970-74 1981-90 Research, publications,visits, appointments, with a little personal material. H.31 Selbourne, J. 1984, 1987 Research funding for agricultural science. H.32 Smith D.C. 1951-59, 1973-86 Smith held a Christopher Welch Research Scholarship at Oxford and later a D.S.I.R. award to work on lichens in the Botany Department. He later became Professor of Botany at Bristol, Sibthorpian Professor at Oxford, Principal of Edinburgh University and President of Wolfson College Oxford. Correspondence 1951-55 includes material on Smith’s early research. J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 45 Correspondence H.33 Temple, G. 1974, 1980 Correspondence1974 includes Temple’s memorial addressfor C.W. Carter. H.34 Tong, J. Endomycorrhizal researchin Britain. H.35 Wedding,R.T. 1979 1964-88 Wedding, an American basedin the Department of Biochemistry, University of California Riverside, met Harley on the latter’s move to the Department In his autobiography Harley writes: of Agriculture Oxford in 1958. ‘Another contact made at this time was with Randolph Wedding of the He was then working on the Biochemistry Department at Riverside. physiology of herbicide action with Geoffrey Blackman and we had much in commonand becamefastfriends; he came to work with McCready and me and | worked in his laboratory at Riverside, California, also.’ Correspondenceonresearch, publications,visits. H.36 H.37 Whitehead, F.H. Wilson, J.M. 1949, 1951 1952-57 Early research with Harley as an ARC Research Student. H.38 Wilson, J.W. 1954, 1979-83 H.39 H.40 H.41 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence Scientific and personal correspondence. In alphabetical order. Theses. Publications various dates 1952-89 Includes letter of thanks 1987 on conclusion of Harley’s service on the Editorial Board of Plant and Soil (not otherwise documented). H.42 References 1956-89 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 46 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABERCROMBIE, Michael ABRAHAM, Sir Edward (Penley) ACHESON, M. ADAMSON, R.S. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL AITKEN, Sir Robert (Stevenson) ap REES, Tom ARTHURS, Eric G. ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTHUNIVERSITIES BABBAGE, Dennis W. BAKER, Kenneth F. BARBER, D.A. BARRON, E. (Ted) BATE-SMITH, Edgar Charles BAWDEN, Sir Frederic (Charles) BAWDEN, Marjorie, Lady BAYLIS, Geoff T.S. BEEVERS, Harry BELL, Ronald Percy BERRY, R.J. (Sam) BENNET-CLARK, ThomasArchibald BEVAN, E. Alan BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy BIGGAR, W. Andrew BLACK, John N. BLACKMAN, Audrey Babette BLACKMAN, Geoffrey Emett BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix (Hugh) BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth (Lyon) BLEASDALE, John Kenneth Anthony BODMER, Sir Walter (Fred) A.13 A.18 A.7 A.7, A.13 G.1 A.5 A.13, F.3 B.6 A.5, A.13 G.2 D.20 D.3 D.3 F.5 A.13 A.13 D.20 F.5, F.8 A.7, F.3, F.4, F.8, H.1 A.13 G.6 A.13 A.18, B.6 A.18 A.18 B.6 D.16 B.4, F.3, H.26 A.13 G.9 A.18 A.18 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 Index of Correspondents BOSANQUET,Charles lon Carr BOULLARD, Bernard BOULTER, Donald BOWEN, Edmund John BOWEN, Glynn D. BOWRA,Sir (Cecil) Maurice BRADSHAW,Anthony David BRENAN,JohnPatrick Micklethwait BREWER, John BRIERLEY, JohnK. BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY BRITISH MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor BROWN, Robert BUDD, Ken BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron BUNTING, Arthur Hugh BURNETT, Sir David BURNETT,Sir John (Harrison) BURTT,B.L.(Bill) BUTT, Vernon CAMPBELL, Bruce CARNARVON, Henry George Reginald Molyneux Herbert, 7th Earl of, formerly Lord Porchester CARRODUS,Bailey B. CARTER, Cyril (‘Caballus’) CHADWICK,MichaelJ. CHAMPION, Sir Harry George CHAPMAN, Sydney CHESTERS, Charles Geddes Coull CHILVER, Guy Edward Farquhar CHILVERS, Graham A. CHINNER, JohnS. CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy 47 A.5 D.3, H.2 A.18 A.13 D.3, F.5 A.13 G.6 A.18 A.13, D.13, H.3 A.13, B.6, G.9, H.4 G.4-G.6 E.32, G.7 B.2, B.6 G.13 A.7, A.13 B.6 A.13 E.32 A.13, B.6 A.13, H.6 B.6 G.4 A.19 F.3, F.5, F.8 B.6 G.4 A.13, B.4 H.7 A.13, A.18 A.7 E.35, H.8 F.5 A.5, A.6, D.16, D.22 F.3, F.19, G.4, H.9, H.26 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 48 Index of Correspondents CLARK, F. Bryan CLARKE, John CLIFFORD, Ralph E. CLOWES,F.A.Lionel COCKING, Edward Charles Daniel COMMONWEALTH AGRICULTURAL BUREAUX CONWAY,Verona M. COOKE, George William CORNER, Edred John Henry COX,Sir (Ernest) Gordon CUDLIN, Pavel DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean DAVIES, William DAWKINS, Colyear DIMBLEBY, Geoff DODWELL, Allan A.C. DOWDESWELL,Wilfrid Hogarth DUFFEY,Eric A.G. EDIE, Harry H. ELKINGTON, TrevorT. ELLIOTT, Sir Roger (James) EPSTEIN, Emanuel EVANS,Clifford EVANS,Elizabeth M. FIDDIAN-GREEN,JohnH. FINDLAY,W.Philip K. FINNEY, David John FLEMMICH, Charles FLOREY,Ethel, Lady FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FORTIN, J. André F.3 B.6 B.6 A.13, A.18, A.24 B.5, B.6 D.3, E.35, H.10 F.7 G.16 G.11 A.18 A.13, G.10 A.13, A.18, G.1 F.17 B.4 A.13 B.4 A.7, A.13, A.18, B.6 C.50 A.13 G.4 F.24 F.19 A.18 A.13, F.3 A.13 C.14 G.10 A.13, B.6 A.13, A.18 H.12 B.17 A.12, B.2, B.17 F.20, F.23, H.13 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 Index of Correspondents FOSTER, J.W. FOWDEN,Sir Leslie FOX, Harold Munro FRANCIS,J.R.D. FRIES, Nils FRYER, John Denny GARRETT, Ruth Jane GARRETT, Stephen Denis GASSER, Robert P.H. GERRETSEN, F.C. GIANINAZZI-PEARSON,Vivienne GIMINGHAM,Charles H. GODWIN, Sir Harry GOODMAN, GordonI. GRAHAM, A.P. GRANT,Bruce GREGORY,Philip H. GRIME, J. Philip GRUBB,Peter John HACSKAYLO, Edward HAMILTON,Sir James HAMPSHIRE, Sir Stuart (Newton) HANDLEY,Bill HARDY,Sir Alister (Clavering) HARDYPeter J. HARLEY,Harold C. HARLEY,Willliam C. HARPER, John Lander HARRIS, Thomas Maxwell HARRISON,J.V. 49 A.13 A.18 A.13 D.21 A.21 D.16 D.20, H.14 A.13, A.16, A.18 D.2, D.3, D.19, D.20 F.7, H.14 B.8 H.39 F.17 G.6 A.7, A.13, A.18 B.4, B.6 D.22, F.19, H.15 G.5 A.7, A.13, A.18, A.24 B.6 H.39 A.13, A.18 F.19 D.20 F.3, F.20 A.18 B.20 B.6 A.14 F.5 A.14, B.6 A.14 A.14, A.18, F.3 A.14 A.14 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 Index of Correspondents HASLER, Arthur D. HATCH, Alden B. HATCH, Sheila HAWKER, Lilian E. HEAD, John J. HEATH, OscarVictor Sayer HEATLEY, Norman George HENDERSON, Sir William (MacGregor) (Gregor) HESLOP-HARRISON, John (Jack) HILL, Robert (Robin) HODGSON, Geoffrey L. HOLDGATE, Martin Wyatt HOLMES,G.D. HOPE-SIMPSON, John HUDSON, Harry HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) INGOLD, C. Terence INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY JACKSON,Richard M. JAMES,William Owen JENNINGS,David H. JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JONES, Derek Rudd JONES,Eustace W. (Jonah) JONES,Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JUNIPER, Barrie KATZNELSON, Harry KEAY, Ronald William John KEELEY, Thomas Clews KELLEY, Arthur 50 G.5 D.2, D.3, H.17 H.17 A.14, D.2, H.14 D.9 A.14 B.6 A.18 A.18, D.10, F.11, G.1, H.18 A.14 B.5 G.4 B.4 A.18, G.11 A.14, A.18, H.39 G.13 A.14 E.31 F.24, F.26, F.28, F.29 G.9 F.14 A.14, D.21, D.22 A.7,A.14, G.7,H.19 A.18 A.18 A.18, B.5 B.6 B.6 A.14 A14, A19,D.16, F.17 G5, G.14, G.15, H.20 A.7,A.19, B.6,B.20 H.21 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 Index of Correspondents KENT, George Clarence (‘Shorty’) KHAN,A.G. KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KREBS,Sir Hans (Adolf) LACK, David Lambert LANGER, R.H.M. LAURIE, Malcolm LEA, Kathleen M. LEE, J.L. LEITCH, Sir George LE TACON, Frangois LEWIS, Dan LEWIS, David H. LEYTON, Len LINDEBERG, Gésta LINNEAN SOCIETY LINNETT, John Wilfrid (Jack) LINSKENS,H.F. LOUGHMAN, Brian C. LUCAS,lan Albert McKenzie LUCAS,Robert LUND, John Walter Guerrier McCREADY,Christopher Colles MACDONALD, JamesAlexander MACFARLANE, lan MACGREGOR, James J. MALLOCH, David MANSFIELD COOPER, Sir William MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MARTIN, John MARX, Donald H. 51 A.5, A.14, D.2, F.3, H.22 D.3 A.19 A.14 A.14 F.5 B.4 A.19 A.14 A.19 H.23 A.14 A.7, D.9, E.30 F.19, H.24, H.32 A.14, B.4, F.8 A.21, F.13, H.25 G.10 A.7, A.14 D.10 D.16, F.3 A.22 B.6 A.14 A.10, A.24, B.6, H.26 A.7 D.20 B.4 F.16 A.5 A.12 A.19, G.1 D.3 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 Index of Correspondents MATHER, Sir Kenneth MATTHEWS, JohnD. MAXWELL, Tom MEJSTRIK, Vaclav K. MILTHORPE, FrankL. MOFFATT, John MORRISON,Tom M. (Mac) MORTON, V.C. MOSSE, Barbara MOWAT,David John MYERS, Geoffrey Morris Price NATURE CONSERVANCY NAVRATIL, S. NEWBOULD, Palmer John NICHOLAS,D.J. Donald NICOLSON, Tom H. NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) NYLUND, Jan-Erik O’DONOGHUE, Philip N. OSBORN,Theodore George Bentley PALMER, James K. PARKINSON, Dennis PATON, Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) PEARSALLWilliam Harold PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) PHILLIPSON, John PIGOTT, Christopher Donald PIROZYNSKI, K.A. PITT, John POLUNIN, Nicholas POMERAT, Gerard R. 52 A.5, A.19 A.19, B.6 F.29 D.3, F.17, H.27 F.24 B.18 A.14, F.5, F.8 A.5 D.3 F.26 A.19 G.11 F.16 G.4 A.14 A.14, D.3, F.30, G.10, H.39 A.14 F.13 F.24, G9 A.15, D.23, F.3, H.28 A.15 F.16 A.19 A.15 A.15 A.19 B.4, G.5 F.19, H.39 F.16 B.6 B.6, D.2, D.3 F.3 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 53 Index of Correspondents POORE, Martin Edward Duncan PORCHESTER, See under CARNARVON PORTER, Helen Kemp POSTGATE, John Raymond PRANCE, Ghillean T. PRICE,E. Allan S. PRINGLE, John William Sutton PRITCHARD, Noel PUGH, Geoffrey RAJA, N. Ubalthoose RATCLIFFE, Derek A. READ, David John RENNIE, Peter J. RICHARDS,Sir Rex (Edward) RICHARDSON, S. Dennis RILEY, Sir Ralph RISHBETH, John ROBERTSON, Noel Farnie ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford (Ness) (Bob) ROCHE, Laurence ROGERS, Hugh H. RORISON, lan ROSE, Bernard William George ROSENBERG, Harold Max (Harry) ROYAL SOCIETY RUSSELL, Edward Walter RUSSELL, Robert Scott RUTTER, A.J. SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert SCHELPE, E. (Ted) SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SELBOURNE, John Roundell Palmer, 4th Earl of B.15, C.50 A.15 G.9 H.29 A.19 B.4 A.15 A.7, A.15 H.39 F.19 H.30 A.15 A.19 A.15 A.19, G.1, G.14 G.14 A.15 A.15, D.23 A.19 A.19 A.7, A.23, D.22 A.7, A.24 B.6 E.23 F.11, F.17, F.18, F.21 G.12-G.15 A.15 A.15, A.19, B.6 C.14, D.16 B.3, H.1 H.39 G.16 A.24, H.31 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 Index of Correspondents SHIPPEY, Tom SHOTTON, Frederick William SKIDMORE, JohnF. SMITH,Alan G. SMITH, C.E. Gordon SMITH, Sir David (Cecil) SMITH, F.Andrew SMITH, Sarah (née HARLEY) SNOW, Mary SNOW,Robin SOCIETY OF FORESTERS OF GREATBRITAIN SOLOMON, Maurice E. SOMERS,Fred SOPER, Michael H.R. SOUTHERN, H.N. (Mick) SOUTHERN, Sir Richard (William) SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SQUIRE, John R. STALLYBRAS, William Teulon Swan STEELE, Richard C. STEWART,A.B. STEWART,William Duncan Paterson STRULLU,D-G. SUMMERHAYES,Victor S. SUSSMAN,Alfred SUTTON,Leslie Ernest TANSLEY,Sir Arthur George TEMPLE, George THAINE, Robert THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness THOMAS,Meirion THOMPSON,Sir Harold (Warris) (Tommy) THOMPSON, John Harold Crossley (Jack) THORNTON,H. Gerard 54 H.39 A.5 F.24 F.19 A.19 B.6, F.3, G.14, G.15 F.5, F.8 D.20, F.3, F.24 A.15 A.15 G.16 G.5 H.39 B.8 B.6, G.4, G.5 B.19 A.19, G.14 H.26 A.5 A.19 H.40 G.1 C.51, 0.52 H.39 B.6, F.3, F.4 A.15 C.14 A.19, H.33 A.15 G.1 A.15 A.19 B.6 A.15 J.L. Harley NCUACS 41/3/93 Index of Correspondents THROWER, L.B.(Peter) TINKER,Philip Bernard Hague TINSLEY, Tom W. TONG,Jingxin TRAPPE, James M. TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell (Tom) UNESTAM, Torgny UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE VALENTINE, David Henriques WAID, John S. WAIN, Ralph Louis WARD, Gerald WARDLAW,C.W. WATLING, Roy WATT, Alexander Stuart WEATHERLEY,Paul Egerton WEBSTER, John WEDDING, Randolph T. (Randy) WEST,Richard Gilbert WHATLEY,Frederick Robert WHITEHEAD, Freddie H. WHITTAKER, John Macnaughten WISKICH, Joe WILLIAMS, Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain WILLIS, Arthur J. (‘Trill’) WILSON, John M. (‘Jim’) WILSON, John Warren WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODFORD, E. Ken WOODS, Robin WOOLHOUSE, Harold William 55 A.19, B.6 F.5, F.6, F.24 A.19, D.9 A.19 H.34 F.20 F.19 F.13 G.16 A.5 A.15, D.13,F.8, F.24 A.19 D.20 A.5 G.7 A.15, G.4 A.15, A.19 A.19, F.5 A.7, A.15, B.6 F.3, F.8, F.20, H.35 F.19 B.8 B.6, D.25, G.5, H.36 A.6 A.19 A.19 A.19, B.6, G.4 A.15, A.19, F.5, H.37 H.38 A.15, A.19, B.6, D.20 A.15, G.1 A.7 H.42 J.L. Harley NCUACS41/3/93 56 Index of Correspondents WYATT-SMITH, John WAGER, Lawrence Rickard (Bill) B.4, F.8 A.15
HARLEY, John Laker
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin