CONTEMPORARYSCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of OTTO ROBERT FRISCH OBE, FRS (1904-1979) Including material relating to LISE MEITNER,For. Mem. RS (1878-1968) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham-Jackson Deposited in the Library Trinity College, Cambridge CSAC 87/5/82 All rights reserved O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics — The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London O R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN, TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 LIST OF CONTENTS 3 Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.225 5 10 A.1 -A.7 Biographical and autobiographical A.8 -A.32 Diaries and notebooks With an introductory note A.33 -A.106 Career and memorabilia A.107-A.225 Family correspondence and papers With an introductory note A.107-A.124 The Frisch family A.125-A.218 The Meitner family A.219-A.225 The Blau family SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH B.1-B.207 37 Introduction to Section B B.1, B.2 Vienna B.3-B.7 Berlin B.8-B .42 Hamburg B.43 Birkbeck College, London With an introductory note B.44-B .94 Copenhagen B.95-B.104 Birmingham With an introductory note B.105-B.131 Liverpool With an introductory note B.132-B.136A Los Alamos B.137-B.142 Harwell B.143-B.207 Cambridge With an introductory note Continued O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Items Page SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1- C 139 71 Introduction to Section C C.1 -C.54 Lectures and articles Drafts and related correspondence C.55 -C.75 Books and unpublished work Drafts and related correspondence C.76 Book reviews C.77 -C.89 Obituaries and biographical writings C.90 -C.101 Requests for lectures and papers C.102-C.133 Correspondence with publishers and editors C.134-C.139 Published material SECTION D RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS D.1-D.59 94 Introduction to Section D D.1 -D.43 British Broadcasting Corporation (radio) Drafts, scripts, correspondence D.44-D.50 Television companies (U.K. ) D.51-D.54 Radio and television (Europe) D.55-D.59 Films SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES E.1-E.63 105 Introduction to Section E SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1] - F.147 115 Introduction to Section F SECTION G NON-PRINT MATERIAL G.1-G.31 133 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 136 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 5 Otto Robert Frisch (he was known by both names, singly or in conjunction) is assured of a place in the history of twentieth-century physics. Naturally endowed with an intuitive grasp of the practicalities of physical problems and the deftness which enabled him to devise useful experiments and the relevant instrumentation to carry them out, he learnt his craft under such towering masters as - successively - Otto Stern, Patrick Blackett and Neils Bohr. In 1938 he collaborated with his aunt Lise Meitner in the famous analysis of Hahn's and Strassmann's experimental results on neutron collision, to which he also contribu- ted not only the corroborative experiment but the name for the process - nuclear fission. In 1940, with Rudolf Peierls, he wrote the important memorandum 'On the construction of a "super-bomb" based on a nuclear chain reaction in uranium’, which launched the Maud Committee; he worked at Liverpool with Chadwick on the 'Tube Alloys’ project and in 1943 movedwith otherBritish scientists to Los Alamos on the Manhattan project where he was head ofthe Critical Assembly Group (See A.58A and an eye-witness of the Trinity Test of an atomic bomb in July 1945. for the official report on Frisch's work at Los Alamos drawn up in August 1946.) This sequence of events gives emphasis to Frisch's active con- tribution to twentieth-century history; yet in other respects he could be seen as one ofits victims. A glance at the number and location of his places of work in Hitler's accession to power in 1933 obliged him to Section B tells its own tale. leave Hamburg and his work with Stern; the annexation of Austria in 1938 deprived him of nationality, and, a year later, separated him from his work in Denmark with Bohr, from family and friends, and from continental Europe. 1947 on his appointment to the Jacksonian Chair at Cambridge that he reached a point of rest. Here he contracted in 1951 a happy marriage, raised a family, and It was only in remained for the rest of his life. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 General Introduction 6 Mention of Frisch's family and his aunt Lise Meitner introduces a further dimension into his career and the interest of his papers. He belonged to a large, gifted and close-knit family, many of whose members were scattered by the events of the Thirties and the Second World War or who were forced to rebuild lives and careers on foreign soil. had subsequently to find work and support his wife in Sweden. It is clear that Frisch's own father wasbriefly in Dachau and Frisch did his best to contribute to the support of his parents and other relations, often in tiny sums from his own modest earnings; his sunny nature and unassuming kindness must surely have been a major factor in the willingness of his parents, and later his aunt, to emigrate yet again on retirement in order to spend their last years with him in Cambridge. With this cosmopolitan European backgroundit is not surprising that Frisch had - or acquired from necessity - considerable linguistic fluency, which is in evidence throughout his papers. He rapidly learnt Danish and English when occasion required and continued to use Danish and German for lectures, speeches or correspondence to the end of his life; English became however his language of choice for writing. Another gift was sketching, particularly of semi-cartoon like- nesses of colleagues; there are some specific items of samples of his drawings, but others are scattered passim on letters, conference programmes, menus andthe like. Music was much more for Frisch than a 'gift' or hobby. He played several instruments, but chiefly the piano, on which he wasproficient to recital standard. In later life he gave increasing time to music, regularly attending the Dartington School, and sometimes lecturing. Shortly before his death in 1979 Frisch published his autobiography Whatlittle | remember (Cambridge University Press), giving an informal account of his life mainly up to 1947. This has been drawn upon asa basis for dating material, and catalogue entries are linked to it where appropriate. There have also been several accounts of his work, obituary tributes and memoirs, among them the Memoir by R.E. Peierls for the Royal Society of London (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 1981) which has been drawn upon and referred to in the catalogue. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 7 General Introduction The surviving manuscripts and papers provide a good picture of Frisch's career and work at all stages. Section A, Biographical and Personal, is particularly full, incorporating material relating to his own career and interests including music (A.86 - A.90) and sketching (A.84), and also those of his family and relations. These have historical interest as an example of the diaspora of the Thirties, and in the case of Lise Meitner a more specific scientific interest comple- menting other material deposited elsewhere. Section B, Scientific Research, includes notebooks, laboratory notes and calculations, publication drafts and correspondence. It presents a full record for the periods of work at Hamburg and Copenhagen, but for obvious reasons the wartime work on the atomic bomb project is only scantily documented in a private collection; there is, however, his original eye-witness account of the Trinity Test (B.135). For the later period, the paucity of material relating to the Cavendish Laboratory reflects Frisch's lack of interest in administrative and com- mittee work and his preference for relatively small-scale experimental projects such as his scanning device, and the various constructions and gadgets which he continued to devise for his Laser Scan companyto the end ofhis life. It can be seen that he neverlost interest in some types of research problems, nor acquired it in others. Sections C and D illustrate Frisch's expository skills in the written and the spoken word; he was greatly in demand as a lecturer, and the broadcasting services made regular calls on his multi-lingual gifts. Section E, Visits and Conferences, is relatively short; this is in part because many of the important meetings of the Thirties were held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Copenhagen where he was already working, and in part because of his greater family commitments in later life. The material in Section G often provides a supplementary photographic record of meetings and conferences. The correspondence in Section F dates mainly postdates 1947 and Frisch's establishment in Cambridge. Very little survives for 1943 - 47 because of security restrictions at Los Alamos. Incoming scientific correspondence for the earlier periods 1930 - 43 is scanty and usually kept by Frisch with the relevant O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 General Introduction research notes where it remains. Incoming personal letters for those years are mainly in the 'Family correspondence and papers' in Section A. During the Thirties, Frisch kept copies of his outgoing letters in chronological folders where correspondence of all kinds and in several languages is juxtaposed. Ina letter to Margaret Hope of 14 September 1936, Frisch explains 'I like to keep a duplicate of all my letters, it is like a diary for me'. This material remains in its original order, but presented in smaller units for ease of handling, at B.39 - B.42, B.73 - B.81. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 9 We are grateful for help and information from many sources and in particular to: Mrs. Ulla Frisch, for making the material available for cataloguing, for permission to quote, for information on the family tree and for comments on the draft catalogue; Dr. J. White for permission to include and quote from item A.58A; The Librarian and library staff of Trinity College, Cambridge; Sir Rudolf Peierls, Professor P.F. Ganz, for information and help in identifying material and correspondents; Professor M.M. Gowing, for comments on the draft catalogue; Mrs. M.M. Edwards, for careful and accurate typing. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 10 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.225 A.1 -A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIO GRAPHICAL A.8 -A.32 DIARIES AND NOTEBOOKS With an introductory note A.33 -A.106 CAREER AND MEMORABILIA A.107-A.225 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS With an introductory note A.107-A.124 The Frisch family A.125-A.218 The Meitner family A.219-A.225 The Blau family For photographs, slides, tape-recordings, etc. of Frisch, his family and colleagues, see Section G. ©.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 11 Biographical and personal A.1-A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIO GRAPHICAL A.1 Articles about Frisch. Obituary tributes. Memoir by R.E. Peierls (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 1981). A.2 Miscellaneous C.Vs and biographical notes prepared by Frisch at various dates. A.3-A.7 'What little | remember’ Material relating to Frisch's memoirs, published underthis title by Cambridge University Press, 1979. N.B. correspondence, is scanty. The surviving material, whether drafts or A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7 Frisch's own notes. Photocopy draft of chapter on Niels Bohr, with corres- pondence and comments from A. and E. Bohr, 1975-78. Comments and information from others; includes letter from Frisch's landlady in Liverpool (1941-43). Review of book. Brief correspondence re book with Faber and Faber, New York Times. Copy of published book (kindly given by Mrs. Frisch). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 12 Biographical and personal A.8-A. 32 DIARIES AND NOTEBOOKS Frisch madelittle distinction between these types of journal. In earlier years, he tended to use 'notebooks' in which he would draw up tables of days and weeks on some of the pages, thus creating a 'diary'. Later on, he used '‘diaries' and made them serve for wider purposes than the usual day-to-day record. From about 1947 he often chose the 'Lefax' system which enabled him to keep several years' notes in one binder; see A.24 - A.31, or, for somewhat disorganised examples, A.12, A.13, A.22. The contents of all these documents are similar though their proportions vary. They include experimental results, ideas for research, journals of visits, notes of conferences, meetings and lectures, personal jottings, memos and addresses. Even in his address books Frisch would use the thumb-index to suit his own purposes; thus 'I' may turn up 'Ideas', 'M' lead to 'Money', etc. These books therefore supplementthe scientific and technical material found in Section B as well as documenting Frisch's personal life. The material is presented as a chronological sequence so far as this is ascertainable and Frisch's methods of work allow. A.8 A.9 Small black notebook, with diary entries dated 1926-27, of personal notes, drawings of apparatus, diagrams, calculations, etc., latest date 1929. Both ends of book used. Small black soft-cover notebook, very miscellaneous contents, includes brief diary entries dated 1928, notes on experiments, calculations, etc. Both ends of book used. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 13 Biographical and personal Small black notebook inscribed 'Gekauft 2.9.1936', includes diary entries November 1936-August 1938, with visits to Copenhagen, Sweden, Norway, addresses, notes on correspondents, drawings, calculations on 'Badewanne', etc. Both ends of book used. See What little | remember, pp. 106-108. Black soft-cover notebook, includes diary entries 1939 for Frisch's journey to England, meetings in London, Cambridge and Birmingham, arrangements to cometo Britain etc. July-August, drawings and calculations. Small red loose-leaf notebook, includes diary entries September-October 1943, notes of and for experiments, apparatus, calculations, etc. See A.13 below. Loose pages from a diary, some with various dates 1943, probably removed by Frisch from A.12 above. Similar content. Small brown notebook, pages numbered 1-143 and with a brief ms. index of topics onp.1. entries January-September 1945 (Trinity test, Hiroshima, Nagasaki are noted), notes of 'work to do', especially Frisch's 'dragon' project, personal memos. etc. Includes diary Small brown notebook of miscellaneous personal and scientific notes, n.d. but c.1945. Both ends of book used. Small brown notebook, pages numbered 1-87 and with a brief ms. index of topics on p.1. Includes diary entries September 1945-May 1946, notes to 'Think About', calculations and diagrams, notes for Frisch's book 'Meet the Atoms', etc. Small black address-book with thumb index, used for addresses and also personal and scientific notes, e.g., -rays under A, Dose (of radiation) under D, Ideas and Integrals under I, Money (records payments to parents 1946) under M, etc. n.d., ¢.1945-46. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 14 Biographical and personal A.18 Brown soft-cover notebook, includes notes and calculations some dated March 1945, continues with miscellaneous personal material re house and family (latest date 1955). Both ends of book used. Blue soft-cover notebook, mainly scientific notes and ideas for research, notes at meetings and conferences, latest date 1948, but work probably continues into 1950s. Both ends of book used, most of the material being at rear. Blue soft-cover diary 1947, entries mainly January- September. Blue binder inscribed on cover and spine 'Lefax Diary 19(47), 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53'. Entries run 28 June 1947-24 December 1953, including arrival at Cambridge 1 October 1947 ('My name is on the door, my desk is clean!'), etc. Mainly an engagementdiary. Green binder with miscellaneous pages of Lefax and other documents, in reverse chronological order (not exact), various dates 1947-53, mainly scientific material, notes of conferences, meetings, lectures and papers (e.g., Copenhagen conference September 1947), ideas for research, drawings, caricatures, etc. Loose pages from an exercise-book, tabulated to form a diary April-June 1950. Brown loose-leaf diary (Lefax pages) December 1953- August 1957, and miscellaneous following pages of scientific and personal notes. Brown leather wallet containing loose-leaf Lefax pages August 1957-April 1960, and miscellaneous following pagesof scientific and personal notes, various dates 1957-61. Small brown spiral-bound notebook of very miscellaneous material, some dated 1958, 1961, but may begin earlier and continue later. Both ends of book used. A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 15 A.27 A.28 A.29 A. 30 A.3] A.32 Biographical and personal Orange spiral-bound notebook inscribed 'O.R. Frisch c/o Kowarski', with miscellaneous notes of meetings, conference papers, research, some dated 1960, 1963 and related to work at CERN. (N.B. Book used from the rear. ) Red binder inscribed 'Lefax diary for 1960, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65'. Entries run April 1960-February 1966, with miscellaneous following pages of scientific and personal notes. Red binder inscribed on spine 'Diary 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970'. Entries run February 1966-December 1970, with miscellaneous following pages of scientific and personal notes. Green binder inscribed on spine '1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977'. Entries run December 1970-December 1977. Green binder, inscribed on spine '1978'. Small blue 'Répertoire', French address book, few entries, n.d., probably 1940s. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 16 Biographical and personal A.33-A.106 CAREER AND MEMORABILIA A. 33 A. 34 A.35 A. 36 A. 37 School and University reports 1910-25. Red notebook beginning 12 November 1904 to 3 May 1907, of Frisch's parents' notes of his progress as a baby. At rear of book, miscellaneous mathematical calculations some dated 1921. Black soft-cover notebook of miscellaneous diary entries, school notes, etc., some in shorthand, 1918-19. Both ends of book used (back cover lost); at rear of book are diagrams for chess and other games (see What little | remember, p.4). Purple exercise-book of diagrams, narratives and calcu- lations, mainly on 4-dimensional bodies. n.d., ¢.1920 (see What little | remember, pp.11-12). Sketchbook, mainly caricatures, but some water-colour landscapes dated 1921. A. 38-A.44 University of Vienna A.38 A.39 A.40 A.4] A.42 A.43 Student record book 1922-26. Identity card 1924. ‘Omnia Mea Heft I’, notes, calculations, diagrams, seminar notes, some dated 1921-22. ‘Omnia Mea Heft 2', similar material, 1922. 'Zahlentheorie 1923', similar material. of book used. Both ends Reports, certification of course of study for doctorate 1925=26. A.44 D.Phil. Certificate, 1926. A.45 Miscellaneous correspondence August 1926-March 1927 re Frisch's career plans, applications for posts, etc. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 17 Biographical andpersonal A.46 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for Frisch to work with C. Muller at Physikalisch Technische Reichsanstalt, Berlin, payment of stipend, etc. 1927. Includes Frisch's ms. C.V., and Muller's testimonial to him, 1930. See also B.3-B.7. A.47 Frisch's certificate of baptism in evangelical reformed church, Vienna, 1927. Letter re Frisch's grant from university authority in Hamburg to work with Stern, 1930. Residence permit for Copenhagen, 1935. A.48 '1939: to England' Frisch's original folder so inscribed. Correspondence April-June 1939, re arrangements to come to Britain, visits to London, Cambridge, Birmingham, etc., offers of posts. Correspondents include Blackett, Bragg, Cockcroft, Oliphant, and also Frisch's farewell exchange with Bohr, his C.V., list of publications, etc. There are typed duplicates of some of the letters at the back of the folder. During the correspondence, Frisch refers to his friend F. Urbach andoffers to cede his place to Urbach if only one was available (see also B.81, B.104). A.49 A. 50 A.5]1 A.52 Miscellaneous material re departure from Copenhagen and journey to Britain, shipping of personal effects, etc. Includes Christmas greetings signed by Bohr family, Lise Meitner and other members of Copenhagen Institute. Correspondence 1939-40 with members of Copenhagen Institute. Press-cuttings re outbreak and progress of Second World War, U-235, etc., 1939-40. Shorter biographical material re journey to Britain, lodgings, etc., 1939-40. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 18 A.53 A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 A.58 A. 58A Biographical and personal Correspondence re Frisch's appearance before Aliens Tribunal, registration on Central Register, etc., September-November 1939. Brief financial correspondence, income tax assessments, post-war credits, 1940-43. Correspondence June-July 1940 re arrangements for Frisch to work with Chadwick at Liverpool. The letter of appointment (25 July) defines the work as 'being supervised by a committee under the chairmanship of Professor Thomson on behalf of the Ministry of Aircraft Production’ Frisch arrived in Liverpool on 27 July (letter of 26 July includes a 'list of things taken with me to Liverpool’ (equipment and materials). (A little additional correspondence re jobs is also included.) Miscellaneous items of biographical interest for Liverpool period, including Russian lessons, lecture to University Physical Society, recital to Merseyside Anglo-Polish Society, etc. (see What little | remember, p.139). Material re double summons for riding bicycle without front and rear lights (see What little | remember, p.136). Included here is a letter, 1975, from Frisch's land- lady in Liverpool. Correspondence November 1943 re Frisch's naturalisation, and re his appointment as Temporary Senior Scientific Officer 'for service in the United States of America on Tube Alloys Research’. Photocopy of a letter about 'the activities of Dr. Peierls and Dr. Frisch’ on the Los Alamos project, dated 6 August 1946 and declassified 7 April 1982. The letter describes Frisch's work as that of 'a group leader in the Experimental Physics Division carrying out basic experiments in nuclear, neutron and fission physics', and states that 'His extraordinary familiarity with nuclear theory as well as his exceptional experimental skill caused him to be of the greatest value to the atomic bomb experiment’. We are grateful to Dr. J. White for permission to include this document and to quote from it. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 19 A.59 A.60 A.61 A.62 A.63 A. 64 A.65 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous items of biographical interest for Los Alamos period. communicate with his parents, security restrictions, passes, etc. Includes correspondencere Frisch's desire to Miscellaneous items of biographical interest for Los Alamos period. Party invitations, programmes, humorous poems. Frisch's own file of bank statements, salary slips, cheque books, etc., 1943-46. Miscellaneous financial correspondence re Frisch's salary on appointment at Los Alamos, transfer of his account to Liverpool 1945, departure from U.S.A. 1946, etc. Miscellaneous correspondence 1944-45, mainly re offers of posts to Frisch, from Universities of Wisconsin and Saskatchewan, Imperial College London, Cornell, etc. Correspondence 1946 re Frisch's visit to Chalk River, and his appointment as Deputy Chief Scientific Officer in the Directorate of Atomic Energy from 1 January 1946. Miscellaneous items of biographical interest for Harwell period, lease of house, salary statements, etc. Included here is a letter 1975 re Frisch's time at Harwell. A.66 Award of O.B.E., 1946. Royal Warrant, letters of congratulation (few survive). A.67 A.68 Award of U.S. Medal of Freedom with Bronze Palm, 1947. Appointment to the Jacksonian Chair of Natural Philosophy, Cambridge. Correspondence April-May 1947, including enquiries and advice sought by Frisch, official letter offering Chair, Frisch's letter of resignation to Cockcroft at Harwell, his Cambridge M.A. certificate, letters of congratulation (few survive). A. 69, A.70 Election to Fellowship of Royal Society 1948. ' A.69 A.70 Cartificate, letters of congratulation A - K. Letters of congratulation M~- V. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 20 Biographical andpersonal A.71-A.75 Trinity College, Cambridge. A.7] A.72 A.73 A.74 A.75 A.76 A.77 A.78 A.79 A. 80 A.81 A.82 A.83 A. 84 Correspondence and reports re Fellowship Elections, 1949-56. Invitations to address College societies, chiefly Trinity Mathematical Society, 1949-59. Requests for advice and help with College music, recitals, etc., 1949-57. Miscellaneous social and administrative correspondence, including arrangements for Frisch to take his fiancée in to College, contributors to their wedding present, etc. Miscellaneous luncheon menus of Trinity occasions with caricatures by Frisch. Miscellaneous financial material and College accounts. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence with Cambridge University re sabbatical leave, travel expenses, etc. Correspondence and agreements re houses in Cambridge. Shorter correspondence on Cambridge affairs, personal and scientific 1948-66. Not indexed. Membership of societies and clubs (in alphabetical order). Not indexed. Brief correspondence reservice on Nuclear Physics Com- mittee, Government Grant Board B. (No other material on committee service survives. ) Miscellaneous letters of complaint written by Frisch (bus and postal services, etc.). Miscellaneous material re Frisch's health 1951-78, including his own notes on his condition. Miscellaneous shorter financial correspondence, including material re Frisch's support for Gisela Lion, Lise Meitner's affairs, statements of expenditure, covenants, etc. Various dates, 1947-60. Miscellaneous drawings and caricatures; includes sketch- book from New Mexico. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 2] Biographical and personal A.85 Miscellaneous birthday greetings 1964-77. (Mainly for 70th birthday 1974.) Not indexed. A.86-A.90 Music. Frisch's mother was a gifted musician, and his own He played the violin well keen love of music is often referred to in his autobiography and in published obituaries. enough to participate in chamber ensembles, and the piano to recital standard. The folders below are samples of this important strand in his life; there are many other references elsewhere, e.g., A.56, A.72, A.95 and in the general correspondence. Correspondence, programmes, etc. re concerts and recitals by Frisch 1940-78 (includes Birmingham, Los Alamos, Harwell, Cambridge). Correspondence re Frisch's piano 1963-78. Miscellaneous correspondence re music 1948-77. Not indexed. Miscellaneous correspondence re Summer School of Music, Dartington, which Frisch regularly attended and where he occasionally lectured. Frisch's own folder inscribed 'Acoustics'; miscellaneous notes, diagrams and material, probably assembled for course of lectures given at Cambridge College of Arts and Technology, October term 1978 (includes some earlier material). A.86 A.87 A.88 A.89 A.90 A.91-A.95 Letters of condolence received on Frisch's death, 1979. A.9] A.92 A.93 A.94 A-G H-N O=-5 T-W The above are indexed folders of letters from colleagues, relatives or friends containing reminiscences or information. A.95 Unindexed letters, of more general nature, often referring to Frisch's gifts as a musician. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 22 Biographical and personal A.96-A. 106 Memorabilia. A.96 A.97 A.98 A.99 A.100 A.101 A.102 A.103 A.104 A.105 A.106 Juvenilia, greetings and cards from various relations, early notes to parents, sketches and drawings, c.1905-17. Miscellaneous items from school and university period, poems, invitations, etc. (see also A.106). Miscellaneous musical items, programmes, concerttickets. Envelope of miscellaneous correspondence, souvenirs, etc. Money. Passports. Miscellaneous passes, badges, admission cards and tickets. Miscellaneous invitations, faire-part, etc. Miscellaneous later items of biographical interest, 1950s-1970s. Miscellaneous press-cuttings. 'Maturazeitung', ‘Erste und letzte Nummer' of humorous journal to celebrate leaving school, 12 July 1922. Frisch was an editor and contributor. See E.47 for 50th Anniversary celebrations. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 23 Biographical and personal A.107-A.225 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS Although he was himself an only child, Frisch came from a large family, particularly on his mother's side. His father was a typographer andprinter, his mothera gifted pianist, and his most distinguished and best-known relative was his maternal aunt, Lise Meitner the physicist. The family was a close one, and Frisch himself was a devoted son and nephew, writing home regularly during his earlier, more carefree days as student and research worker. When hard times came for his family after the annexation of Austria and the occupation of Vienna in 1938, his father was interned in Dachau concentration camp before emigrating to Sweden (A.113) where Lise Meitner had already moved to work in the Nobel Institute, Stockholm. On the outbreak of the Second World War, Frisch himself moved to Britain, and madeseveral attempts to obtain permission for his parents to join him (A.115, A.116). These were not successful and in the event the Frisch parents and Lise Meitner spent the war years together in Sweden, communicating with him some- times by post but mainly by cable (A.115 - A.119); these scanty communications were sent and shared jointly and the assignment of the surviving documents under the name of Justinian Frisch is for convenience only. After his retirement in 1948, Justinian and Auguste Frisch moved to Cambridge to spend the remainder of their days with their son. With his famous aunt, Lise Meitner, Frisch's relations, though equally close, had another dimension. They had always corresponded abouttheir research, and at Christmas 1938, when Frisch was staying with her, there occurred the crucial episode of their calculation of nuclear fission (the term was Frisch's coinage) and the letter in Nature under their joint names 'Disintegration of uranium by neutrons; a new type of nuclear reaction'. These events are well known through published accounts. Lise Meitner remained in Sweden during the war, though various suggestions were made in 1939 of possible places in Britain where she might work (A.181, A.182); she was not entirely happy with her conditions of work in Stockholm. (A.184, A.194) but she remained based there until she too moved in 1960 to Cambridge (A. 141) and died there shortly before her ninetieth birthday. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 24 Biographical and personal Many other members of the Frisch and Meitner families scattered by the events of the Thirties and the War to Britain, Holland and the United States, remained in correspondence with Frisch. For convenience, the material has been divided among the Frisch, Meitner and Blau (Frisch's wife) families, and presented by alphabetical order of Christian name in order to avoid confusion arising from the married names of the female members. The major part consists of correspondence, but there are other biographical items included. Many of the letters employ nicknames and diminutives as modesof address or signature; Lise Meitner normally signed herself 'T.L.' (= Tante Lise) when writing to Frisch. A.107-A.124 THE FRISCH FAMILY Frisch, Auguste See Frisch, Justinian A.107 Frisch, Emil Frisch's uncle, brother of Justinian. A.108 Frisch, Felix 1913 1949-63 Frisch's uncle, brother of Justinian; includes letters from Maria (Felix's wife) A.109-A.120 Frisch, Justinian and Frisch, Auguste _ 1899-1953 Frisch's father and mother. Almost all the letters are joint communications, sometimes also incorporating greetings and messages from other relations. A.109 A.110 A.111 Certificates of education, doctorate, technical proficiency. 1899-1924 Brochure re printing firm of Moriz Frisch (Frisch's grandfather) in which J. Frisch and other members of the family were employed. 1907 Miscellaneous early correspondence, mainly cards, letters, greetings from Frisch's parents, various dates 1904-26. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 25 A.112 A.113 A.114 A.115 A.116 A.117 A.118 A.119 A.120 Biographical and personal Similar material, 1930s. Few letters survive; for Frisch's letters home, see B.39-B.42, B.73-B.81. 'J. Frisch - Sweden 1938'. Frisch's original folder also inscribed 'Eltern', of correspondence and papers July-November 1938 re closure of the Bermann- Fischer firm in Vienna, attempts of J. Frisch to obtain a post in Britain, his internment in Dachau and eventual success in obtaining a labour permit to work with his previous firm in Sweden. Similar material, August-September 1938, kept separately by Frisch, mainly re attempts by J. Frisch to obtain work in publishing houses in Britain. Includes also letter re K. Lion. Letters, cards and cables, July-December 1939, including note from Chadwick enclosing one of the letters, correspondence December with Society for the Protection of Science and Learning re renewed attempts by Frisch to bring his parents to Britain, and a little correspondence with other friends about the Frisch family. Letters, cards and cables, January-December 1940, including various representations by Frisch to try to bring his parents to Britain (refused), and to send the sum of £10 when his father was temporarily unemployed. There are a few references to research projects. Letters and cables, January-December 1941. Letters, cards and cables, January-December 1942. Letters, cards and cables, January-October 1943. Miscellaneous later correspondence, 1948-53, re move to Cambridge, etc. Includes letter from G. Bermann- Fischer (J. Frisch's former employer) on his death 1949, and correspondence 1953 re a translation of a novel 'Age of Thunder’ projected by J. Frisch but left unfinished at his death. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Biographical and personal 26 A.121 Tausk, Martha (née Frisch) 1926, 1940, 1953-55. A.122 A.123 A.124 Sister of Justinian, Frisch's aunt. Tausk, Hugo (son of Martha) 1964-65. Tausk, Marius (son of Martha) 1955, 1963-79. Tausk, Robbie Porro-Tausk, Susi 1965-71 1971-73 (Children of Marius, grand-children of Martha. ) A.125-A.218 THE MEITNER FAMILY Auguste Meitner (m. J. Frisch q.v.) A.125-A. 128 Frida Meitner (m. Leo Frischauer) The Frischauers settled in America after being obliged to leave Vienna. in 1967. Spina, and died in 1972. Elena Frischaver continues to 1979. Leo Frischaver subsequently married Elena Frida Frischauver died Correspondence with A.125 A.126 A.127 A.128 Correspondence 1939-41. to P.B. Moon 1941 asking him to get in touch with Frida Frischauer during his forthcoming journey to America. Includes a letter from Frisch Correspondence mainly 1954-55. Correspondence 1956-62. Later correspondence 1970-79 with Leo Frischauer, Elena Frischauer and others. Fritz Meitner Fritz Meitner was an engineer who died in a mountain- Only one item (postcard, 1926) eering accident. survives, and no material of his wife, Clarissa, but Frisch maintained correspondence with his son Johannes (Hanno) who settled in America until his death in 1974. The correspondence runs 1939 (1 letter only), 1953-73. There is also correspondence, 1974-77, with Richard Meitner (son of John Meitner, grandson of Fritz Meitner, a glass designer working in Holland). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 27 Biographical and personal A.130-A. 132 Gisela Meitner (m. Karl Lion) Herself a doctor, she married a Gisela (Illa) was the eldest child of Philipp and Hedwig Meitner. distinguished urologist, Karl Lion; the family (including two daughters, Frida and Ilse) came to Britain on the outbreak of war. in June 1940 but was later released, largely after representation by Frisch (see A.130, A.132); Frida was also interned (see A.132). Many of the letters refer to Frisch's parents, to Lise Meitner and other relatives, and also show that Frisch, though sometimes a dilatory correspondent, often sent moneyto help his family; see also A. 83. Karl was interned A.130 A.131 A.132 Correspondence with Gisela Lion 1939-40. here are a few early items 1905, 1907, 1920. Included 1941-43, 1947, 1962 Correspondence with and re Karl Lion, 1940-41. C.V., list of publications and Frisch's letters re internment and employment of K. Lion. Includes Correspondence from Frida Lion, 1940 (one letter only) Correspondence from Ilse Lion 1940. A.133 Hedwig Meitner Frisch's grandmother. Only one item survives (1923), but included here is a press-cutting of H. Meitner's death in 1924, listing her children and grandchildren. press-cutting of the death of Philipp Meitner (husband of Hedwig, and Frisch's grandfather) headed 'Dr. Meitners letzte Schachpartie'; the death occurred on 9 December 1910. Also included is a photocopy O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 28 Biographical and personal A.134-A. 211 Lise Meitner Lise, the third daughter of Philipp and Hedwig Meitner, became a physicist of international renown. personal life she was close to her sister Auguste (Frisch's mother), while she shared a strong bond, on both personal and scientific levels, with her nephew and also with her youngerbrother Walter, a chemist. In her The material is presented as follows: A.134-A.154 Biographical and personal A.155-A.176 Notes and drafts A.177-A.211 Correspondence See G.3]1 for a tape-recording of a conversation between Frisch and Lise Meitner. The main deposit of material relating to Lise N.B. Meitner's life and work is at Churchill College, Cambridge. A.134-A.154 Biographical and personal A.134 A.135 A.136 A.137 A.138 Notes on geometry, some in shorthand, some dated 3.ix.99. Perhaps related to special coaching for entrance to Vienna University by Arthur Szarvasy (see Meitner's autobiographical talk 'Looking Back', Bulletin Atomic Scientists, 1964). Miscellaneous material re Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft and University of Berlin 1911-20. Includes appointment to work with Hahn, election as memberof Institute, grant oftitle of 'Professor', agreement for new contract of appointment (1920). Miscellaneous items of biographical interest. grant to Lise Meitner by Chemical Society (1913), assessment by Hahn of a patent claim (1913), ministerial congratulations on Lise Meitner's work (1915), copy of letter from Rutherford to Stefan Meyer (1915), etc. Includes Miscellaneous items 1916-18, including travel document, notes, etc. Miscellaneous items 1920-28, including correspondence re residence permit of Elisabeth Schiemann, election as corresponding member, Academy of Sciences G&ttingen, award of Ellen Richard Research Prize from U.S.A. (jointly with Ramart Lucas). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 2? A.139 A.140 A.141 A.142 A.143, A.144 A.143 A.144 A.145 A.146 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous items 1930s, re department, lectures, conferences, etc. property as required of Jews, 1938. Includes inventory of Lise Meitner's Award of prize by Swedish Vetenskapsakademiens (1945) and City of Vienna Prize (1947). Correspondence of Frisch and S. Eklund (Director- General, International Atomic Energy Authority) re Lise Meitner's settling in Britain, etc. 1959-79. Correspondence of Frisch and others on affairs of Lise Meitner, 1960-65. Correspondence of Frisch and others, mainly from prospective biographers of Lise Meitner requesting information, access to papers. 1955, 1960-70 1971-79 Miscellaneous biographical articles, and obituary tributes 1958, 1968. colleagues re Festschrift for Lise Meitner's 80th birthday 1958. Includes Frisch's correspondence with Two articles by Frisch on Lise Meitner, 'The work of Lise Meitner', 10 pp. typescript with a note 'Written for Max Born at his request; he said he was planning to propose Lise Meitner for the Nobel prize. and if so, whether he used this draft’. 1| don't know if he did; "Nuclear Pioneer: Lise Meitner', 8 pp. typescript, 1978. See also C.74, E.51, E.52. A.147-A.154 Memorabilia A.147 A.148 A.149 A.150 A.151 Early birthday greetings and letters. Includes two early notebooks of poems, humorous Poems. poemsfor celebrations in Bohr's laboratory, etc. (in various hands). Envelope of photographs. Envelope of invitations, faire-part, etc. Various dates. Miscellaneous printed material, scientific and personal, various dates. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 30 Biographical and personal A.152, A. 153 Press-cuttings A.154 Shorter unidentified material. A.155-A. 176 Notes and drafts. With the exception of the brief items in A. 155-A.157 these are all later works, dating from Lise Meitner's postwar periods in Sweden and Cambridge. Humorous poem (perhaps not in her hand) on protactinium (refers to Hahn's and Meitner's work, see Frisch, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 16, 1970, p.407), 1919. Humorous poem 1920, related to visit by Franck. Miscellaneous short notes dated 1925, 1926, and n.d. Heavily corrected ms. draft, headed 'American Association for Scientific Research for Women', 1929, probably related to award of Ellen Richards prize (see A. 138). Ms. draft for slide lecture at Free University Dahlem, 1957. pps.4-6 only of typescript and ms. draft (on neutrino). n.d., latest reference 1955. A.155 A.156 A.157 A.158 A.159 A.160 "Ueber einige Probleme in der Ausnutzung der Atomkernenergie'. 12 pp. typescript and ms., n.d., 1950s. A.161 Untitled slide lecture on similar subject. 21 pp., heavily corrected typescript. n.d., 1950s. A.162 "Geschichte der Erde’, slide lecture. 15 pp. typescript and ms. A.163 3 pp. ms. note on W. Heitler and his work. n.d., after 1962. Ms. notes, and 5 pp. ms. draft on Sonja Kowalevska (an early woman professor of mathematics at Stockholm in the 1880s). 1950 in A. 198). n.d., c.1950 (see letter to Lotte Meitner, 28 March O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 31 A.165 A.166 A.167 A.168 Biographical and personal 5 pp. heavily-corrected ms. draft on history of atomic physics, with corrected proof of article 'Wege und Irrwege zur Kernenergie'’ using similar material. 3 pp. ms. draft on atomic energy, n.d. pps. 14-18 of ms. draft of a historical paper, mainly on work of Lee and Yang. Autobiographical talk on '50 years of physics', given in Vienna, 1963. Notes for paper and slides, 17 pp. ms. draft (lacks pp. 13, 15, 16). A.169-A. 171 Three typescript drafts of lecture, all with different pagination and ms. corrections. A.169 18 pp. heavily corrected and headed 'Wiener Vortrag 1962! (sic). A.170 19 pp. A.171 20 pp. A.172 Version published as ‘Looking Back' in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November 1964. A.173 'Was verstehen wir unter Freiheit?' 1 p. typeseript note contributed to series run by Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, November 1964. Untitled lecture, in English, on position of girls studying science in Austria in early years of 20th century. 4 pp. heavily-corrected typescript and ms. draft. Miscellaneous shorter ms. notes, in Lise Meitner's original folder, inscribed 'Handgeschriebene Manuskripte'. Miscellaneous reprints of articles by Lise Meitner (not a complete set). A.174 A.175 A.176 A.177-A.211 Correspondence A.177 Atanaskovic, G. (Schoolfriend of Walter Meitner.) Barany, H. 1961 1949 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 32 Biographical and personal A.178-A. 186 Frisch, O.R. 1914-64 These are personal and scientific letters and cards. A few of Frisch's replies are included; others, for the 1930s, appear in Section B. A.178 A.179 A.180 1914-27 1931-34 1935-38 Includes references to Frisch's parents move to Sweden. A.181 1939 May-August Mainly scientific, on fission research and papers but also re journeys to Britain. A.182 1939 September-December Includes further correspondencere possibility of Lise Meitner coming to Britain, and also re text of forthcoming publication and alterations proposed by Bohr (see also B.97). A.183 1940 Lise Meitner's letter of 23 May gives an account of the German invasion of Denmark andits impact on Niels Bohr's laboratory where she was visiting at the time. 1941 (one letter only) Several letters refer to the constraints placed on Lise Meitner's research by conditions in Siegbahn's institute, and also to her attempts to send money to assist refugee relatives and friends. 1942 1943 Miscellaneous later letters and cards, 1952, 1964. A.185 A.186 A.187 Frischaver, F. Glum, F. Hahn, O. 1963 1963 1953 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 33 Biographical and personal A.188 Laue, M.v. 1947, 1953 Includes copies of opening speech at physics conference 1933, and of radio talk on work of Planck, 1957. A.189 Levy, A. Lion, G. Meitner, A. (card only) Meitner, F. (card only) | A.190-A.210 Meitner, W. 195] 1963 1903 1909 Letters and cards, addressed (sometimes jointly) to Walter Meitner (youngest of the Meitner family) and Lotte Graf whom he married and who practised as an internationally famous photographer under the name Meitner-Graf. Most of the letters are signed 'Wuzerl'. A.190 | 1912, 1925-28 A.191 A.192 A.193 A.194 A 2195 A 196 A.197 A.198 A.199 A . 200 1929-30 1931-32 1933-36, 1939 1942-44 (3 letters only) Letters of 26 March 1942 and 19 November 1943 refer to Lise Meitner's isolation in Siegbahn's institute and in Copenhagen and her regret at not having stayed in Britain in 1939. 1945-47 1948 1949 1950 195] 1952 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Biographical and personal A.201 A.202 A.203 A. 204 A.205 A. 206 A.207 A. 208 A.209 A.210 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 January-June 1958 July-December 1959 January-June 1959 July-December 1960 and undated A. 211 Schoffer, H. Schrédinger, A. 1962 1962 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 35 Biographical and personal A.212, A.213 Lola (Carola) Meitner (m. Rudolf Allers). Lola and Rudolf Allers lived in Washington D.C.; R. Allers was a professor of philosophy at Georgetown University. 1964. Allers (son) also a philosopher and his wife Christel. There is later correspondence with Ulrich Lola Allers died in 1952 and Rudolf in A.212 A.213 Correspondence with Lola and Rudolf Allers. 1945-51 Correspondence with Ulrich and Christel Allers. 1952-79 Ulrich Allers was addressed as 'Steve' in later years; he died in 1974. The correspondence is mainly about family matters and music, and includes reference to Lise Meitner's health and estate. A.214-A. 218 Walter Meitner and Lotte Meitner-Graf. Walter Meitner, youngest of the Meitner family, was an organic chemist obliged to leave Austria in 1938. He was interned in 1940 but released relatively quickly (A.214) and obtained work in Manchester. His wife, Lotte (née Graf) was a distinguished photographer; most of the letters are from her though there are some from Walter. He died in 1961, and she in 1973. A.214 1939-40 A.215 A.216 A.217 Includes correspondence re Walter Meitner's internment, Frisch's visit to him, and his release. 194] 1942 Includes a letter from Bertha Graf. 1943 and later. Includes recommendations for posts for Walter Meitner 1950 and later exchanges with Lotte Meitner-Graf. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 36 Biographical and personal A.218 1973-78 Mainly re death of Lotte Meitner-Graf in 1973 and matters arising. Includes obituary notice (oy Frisch), letters of condolence, suggestions for volume of selected photographs, 'Lottes BUches Liste’ and later correspondence with son (Philip, formerly Franz) and his family. A.219-A.225 THE BLAU FAMILY Frisch married Ursula (Ulla) Blau in 1951 and they had two children. (A.221-A.225) contain information about conferences, scientific colleagues, research projects and the like as well as personal and family news. The letters they exchanged A.219 A.220 Helga Blau (mother of Ulla) Kurt Blau (brother of Ulla) A.221-A. 225 Ulla Frisch (née Blau) A.221 1951-52 Includes a little earlier material 1957-67 1966, 1979 A.222 A.223 A.224 A.225 1953-54 1955-57 1962-69 1973-77 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 : 37 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH _B.1 - B.207 Introduction to Section B The material, which is presented in chronological order linked to the various laboratories, institutions and universities where Frisch worked at successive dates, includes notebooks, laboratory notes, observations and working papers, drafts for publications, and correspondence. Several of the diaries and notebooks in A.8 - A.32 also contain somescientific information and should be consulted as supplementary sources. The outgoing correspondence presented in B.39 - B.42, B.73 - B.81 covering the period 1930 - July 1939, retains Frisch's own chronological order and therefore includes personal and family as well as scientific letters. The material is presented as follows, the subsections being preceded by an introductory note where appropriate: B.1, B.2 VIENNA B.3 -B.7 BERLIN B.8 -B.42 HAMBURG B.43 BIRKBECK COLLEGE, LONDON B.44 -B.94. COPENHAGEN B.95 -B.104. BIRMINGHAM B.105-B.131 LIVERPOOL B.132-B.136A LOS ALAMOS B.137-B.142 HARWELL B.143-B.207 CAMBRIDGE O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 B.1, B.2 VIENNA B.1 'Quick' Scientific research 38 A stapler for electric or radio wiring. 1 p. ms. notes, anda printed leaflet, n.d. B.2 Invention for protective glasses. 1 p. ms. notes, and letter re patenting, 1924. B.3-B.7 BERLIN Workat the Physikalisch Technische Reichsanstalt (P.T.R.) with Carl Muller (see What little | remember, pp.29-40). For material re Frisch's appointment at P.T.R. see A.46. B.3 Black soft-covered notebook. Notes, calculations, diagrams of work at institute, and also of colloquia at the university. The material runs 15.X1.27 to 9.IV.1929. B.4 Black hard-covered looseleaf notebook (many loose pages). Similar material, 9.1.29. - 19.6.29. Bibliographical references continue to 1931. B.5-B.7 Contents of Frisch's original folder inscribed 'Alte Korrespondenz' . B.5 Calculations by Frisch, photographs. 'Ueber die spektrale Durchldssigkeit von Tauschichten', 3 pp. research note or draft for paper. (In original folder. ) B.6 Correspondence re apparatus, 1929. Correspondence with C. Muller re research and patents, 1929-30. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 39 Scientific research B.7 Correspondence re payment of Frisch's research grant, 1929. Miscellaneous items: C.V. by Frisch up to and including his work with Muller; timetable of laboratory visits March 1929. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 40 B.8-B.42 HAMBURG Scientific research Work as Assistant to Otto Stern (see What little | remember, pp.41-56). See F.123 for Stern's acknowledgement of Frisch's contribution to the work on molecular beams. B.8-B.29 Sequence of 22 dated notebooks of calculations and experimental results, not all in Frisch's hand. have a descriptive note by Frisch on the cover. Some B.8 B.9 B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 B19 B.20 B.21 B.22 18.VII - 7. VIII. 1930 11.VII1 - 27. VII1.1930 28.VIII - 9. X11. 1930 (last page has notes dated January 1931) 10.XI1.30 - 14.1.3] 14.1.1931 - 6. 11.1931 6. 11.1931 - 20.11.1931 20.11.1931 (only few pages used) 14.1V.1931 - 8.V.193]1 8 Mai 1931 - 10 Juni 1931 10 Juni 31 - 22 Juni 1931 (with note by Frisch 'Neuver 2-Kristall-App.') 22 Juni - 2 Juli 1931 (with note by Frisch '2-Kr.App.') 2 Juli - 15 Juli 1931 (with note by Frisch '2-Kr.App. ') 15 Juli - 23 Nov 1931 (with note by Frisch '2 Kr.App (Ho). ab 5 Nov. Halbkugel') 24 Nov - 1 Dez 1931 (with note by Frisch 'Halbkugel') 1 Dez - 9 Dez 1931 (with note by Frisch 'Halbkugel') 11 Dez 1931 - 8 Febr. 1932 (with note by Frisch 'Halbkugel Refl.App.') : 9 Febr - 22 Febr 1932 (with note by Frisch 'Refl.App. ') O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Al Scientific research B.25 22 Febr. - 18 Marz 1932 (with note by Frisch 'Refl.App,; ab 18 wieder Beng. App.') B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 B.30 B.3] B.32 18 Marz - 30 Marz 1932 30 Mdrz - 1 April 1932 14 Jan. - 20 Jan. 1933 20 Jan. 1933 - 1 Febr. 1933 1 Febr. (last experiment dated 3. 11.1933) Similar notebook, all in Frisch's hand, dated 9.2.1933- and with a note 'Na-RUckert'. 28.7.33. Last experiment dated , Similar notebook, all in Frisch's hand, dated 24.3.33- and inscribed '& '. Last experiment dated 5.4.33. , Similar notebook, all in Frisch's hand, dated 22.6.33 - Last experiment dated 5.8.33. and inscribed 'Dellen'. See B.33-B.37 for other work on 'Dellen', and What little | remember, p.53, re this last work at Hamburg before being obliged to leave Germany. B.33-B.37 Contents of a folder inscribed 'Dellen' (= depressions, in molecular beams). B.33 B.34 B.35 B.36 Graphs and observations of molecular beams in various conditions; miscellaneous bundles of material in Frisch's order, and some loose pages. Various dates 1931-33. In original folder. Similar material, but undated. Miscellaneous ms. drawings of apparatus, graphs, calcula- tions, etc., probably for collaborative paper or papers by Frisch and Stern. 'Berechnung der Impulsmomente der Beugungsdellen, austretender Strahl (Ofenfest)' 2 sets of calculations so titled, kept separately with miscellaneous graphs, and a letter by Frisch on his results, August 1933 (addressee unknown). Also included here isa C.V. drawn up by Frisch ¢.1933 to include his work with Stern at Hamburg. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 42 Scientific research B.37 Typescript and ms. draft of paper by Frisch and Stern 'Anomalien bei der Reflexion und Beugung von Molekular- strahlen an Kristallspaltfldchen II' (Z. Physik. 84, 1933). Also included are proof with ms. corrections and a little editorial correspondence. B.38 Correspondence from C. Muller, 1932. Two letters only, on patent rights, and on equipment. B.39-B .42 Contents of a folder inscribed 'R. Frisch Eigene Briefe bis Oct. 1933'. The letters are Frisch's carbons only, in date order; those from 22 January-27 October 1930 are sent from Berlin, those from 11 November - 7 August 1933 are from Hamburg, and there is one letter, 28 September 1933, from Copenhagen immediately before Frisch's departure for England. The correspondence constitutes a record of all Frisch's affairs, including family letters, research and publications, personal friends, etc. Theletters to Frisch's parents (‘Schnumpunzel' and 'Bavitschker|') and to Lise Meitner (‘Tanterl') should be consulted in association with the incoming family correspondence in Section A. Identifiable correspondents are indexed, but many are addressed either by a nickname or in formal terms such as 'Herr Professor','Herr Kollege’. B.39 B.40 January-December 1930 January-December 193] Includes a note (October 1931) on 'Beugung von Protonenwellen’. B.41 January-December 1932 (first letter wrongly dated 1931) B.42 January-September 1933 Includes references to the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship awarded to Frisch to study in Rome with Fermi and which he was unable to take up forpolitical reasons, and to his forthcoming journey to England to work at Birkbeck College, London, with Blackett. The last letter (28 September) is sent from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, where he was waiting for a passage to England. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 43 B.43 BIRKBECK COLLEGE, LONDON Scientific research Frisch spent roughly the academic year 1933-34 in the laboratories of P.M.S. (later Lord) Blackett at Birkbeck College, London, supported by a grant of £250 from the Academic Assistance Council. In early 1934, Niels Bohr, ona visit to Blackett, offered Frisch a place in his Institute of Theoretical Physics at Copenhagen; accordingly Frisch left England in the early autumn of 1934 and remained in Denmark until the annexation of Austria by Germany obliged him to leave continental Europe permanently. Although Frisch occupied himself productively during this first short stay (see What little | remember, pp.74-75), virtually no documentation survives other than the few letters itemised below, some references in the correspondence folders at B.73 - B.75, C.90, €C.99, and in Section F. Correspondence 1934 Letters re publications, research, etc. from L. Szilard (August) re experiments using Frisch's radiation counter, and from G. M&nch (October) re his cloud-chamber. Includes letter O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 44 B.44-B.94 COPENHAGEN Scientific research B.44 B.45 Work at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, directed by Niels Bohr (see What little | remember, pp.81-119). Black soft-covered notebook of notes and calculations, in Danish and German. There is a note 'Kopenhagen Augekommen 13.10.34.’ and the experiments run 20.10.34. to 20.6.35. Notebook dated 29.3.1936-17.8.1936. Pages are numbered byFrisch 1-93 and there is an index by him inside front cover. B.46 Notebook dated '7 Dez. 36' and numbered '3'. Pagesare numbered 1-93, and the material (notall in Frisch's hand) runs 7 December 1936 to 21 June 1937. B.47 Notebook inscribed 'Badewanne’ and 'H.4' and dated 13.3.019371 - 28.5.37. Pages are numbered 1-85; not all the material is in Frisch's hand. B.48 Notebook inscribed 'Badewanne' and 'H.5'. Material (not all in Frisch's hand) runs 1-22 June 1937. See A.10, B.57, B.62-B.65 for other material on "Badewanne' work. B.49 Patent (sent December 1934, registered June 1935), 'Verfahren zur Herstellung von Polonium' (Method of polonium production). B.50 Folder inscribed 'Allotria. Fun and Games’. Miscellaneous humorous verses, songs, caricatures, many connected with work and personalities at the Institute, and including the 'Journal of Jocular Physics' producedaspart of the celebration of Niels Bohr's 50th birthday in 1935 (see Whatlittle | remember, p.98). The ‘Journal’ contains an article by Frisch and Placzek 'Zur Frage der Messbarkeit des Landau'schen Sch&n- heitskoeffizienten' . See B.82 for similar material. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 45 Scientific research B.51 Folder inscribed 'Prospekte'. Correspondence from manufacturers of apparatus and equipment, and miscellaneous technical suppliers’ catalogues. 1935-36. B.52-B.55 '‘Berechnungen Ecalculations J bis 1938'. Contents of a substantial folder so inscribed. material is very diverse, and not all in Frisch's hand; it includes notes on the literature, drafts for papers or reports, drawings of apparatus, calculations and results, ideas for experiments and techniques, etc. The Notes and sequences clipped together by Frisch have been preserved as such; similarly, the dated material has been retained in chronological order (1932-37) at B.52. The remaining undated and unidentified notes appear at B.53-B.55. B.52 Dated sequencesof notes. Includes : 'Ablenkung von Mol. Str. in mag. Feld’. 3 pp. sequence, kept with other notes on magnetron, B-recoil, etc., some dated October 1932 (during Frisch's period in Stern's laboratory at Hamburg). Notes and draft for short talk on work of Stern's laboratory (on proton, and on diffraction anomalies). In English, possibly for talk at Birkbeck, or at Copenhagen. c.1933-34. Sequence of notes, various dates September-October 1936, on 'Schrdgheits-korrektur', neutrons, etc. Miscellaneous notes, various dates January-February 1937. Miscellaneous bibliographical references, 1937. All these items are in Frisch's original folder, which also bears notes and diagrams on the front cover. B.53 Undated sequences of notes. Includes: 'Isotopentrennung’, 3 pp. ‘Dirac, Quantenmechanik', 6 pp. 'Plattenelektrometer', 2 pp. 'Courant-Hilbert', 3 pp. Continued O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 B.53 Cont'd 46 Scientific research "Schwankungen eines Zdhlers mit endlichen Aufldsungsverm$ gen', 7 pp. notes, calculations, diagrams. ‘Scattering of protons in hydrogen', 4 pp. draft not in Frisch's hand, but kept with notes and diagrams by him. 'Fokussierung des Cyclotrons', 8 pp. draft not in Frisch's hand, perhaps by H. Jehle. B.54 B.55 Shorter notes by Frisch, titled but not dated, on various research ideas. Undated and unidentified notes, diagrams, etc., almost all by Frisch, but includes some material in other hands. B.56 'Berechnungen 1938' Contents of a folder so described. and calculations, various dates December 1937- July 1938 (notes of December 1937 are headed 'Wien'), and diagrams chiefly May 1938. Includes notes B.57 'Berechnungen 1939' B.58 B.59 Contents of a folder so described. and diagrams, some dated 1937 (1 p. note April 1937 is headed 'Badewanne', see A.10, B.47, B.48, B.62- B.65). Notes, calculations Untitled folder of notes, calculations, figures (1 p. dated December 1936). 'Laufendes' ECurrenta Contents of a folder so described. Includes correspondence re equipment for laboratory 1937, notes on theories of Maller (1937), Schrdédinger (n.d.), Auger(1938), notes on the literature, miscellaneous notes, calculations, diagrams. B.60 'Kurven, Diagramme, Tabellen' Contents of a folder so described. Similar material, some dated 1937; includes 1 p. table of elements with a note 'Kopenhagen. (Kopfermann) Sept. 1933', and a letter re magnet for laboratory 1935. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 47 Scientific research B.61 "Kurven' Contents of a folder so described, some dated 1937 (not all in Frisch's hand). Included here is a heavily-corrected proof of 'A method of measuring the magnetic moment of free neutrons', by Frisch, Halban and Koch (Nature, 139, 1937). Also included here is a letter January 1938 to Bohr from S. Goudsmit expressing interest in the results and suggestions for further research. B.62-B.65 "Badewanne 1' Contents of a substantial folder so described. The term 'Bathtub' was used by Frisch to describe the work on slow neutrons in hydrogenous substances. There is no other surviving folder with this title but there are two notebooks (B.47, B.48) to which reference is occasionally made in headings to diagrams, etc. (See also A.10, B.57, B.78.) Notes, drafts, diagrams and calculations, related to work on slow neutron capture and in particular to 'The slowing-down and capture of neutrons in hydrogenous substances', by Frisch, Halban and Koch (Mat.-fys. Medd., K. Dansk Vid. Selsk., 15, 1937. B.62 Heavily-corrected 7 pp. draft for paper. Miscellaneous pages of extensive ms. notes and narrative, by Frisch various dates 1937. omissions. and another, some headed 'Badewanne' and with Pages run 1-42, but with many These items are in the original folder. B.63 Continuing sequence of notes, paginated 51-57. Miscellaneous curves and diagrams, all by Frisch, a few dated 1937, B.64 B.65 Figures, tables, shorter drafts, some headed 'Badewanne' and with dates 1937. Shorter unidentified notes and diagrams. Brief correspondence reresults, 1937. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 48 Scientific research B.66-B.70 Contents of an untitled folder of notes and drafts. B.66 "A Pentode Vacuum Tube Scale-of-Two Circuit' 4 pp. typescript and 1 p. figures for paper by Frisch dated July 1938. (Not listed in bibliography. ) Included here is a request to reproduce the scale of two circuit in a book on cosmic rays, 1944. B.67 B.68 B.69 B.70 Dated sequencesof notes and figures, on circuits (1937), cyclotron (June-September 1938), Rabi's resonance method (4 pp. September 1938), etc. Ms. and typescript note on Fermi and leading figures in nuclear physics, ¢.1938 (in Danish). Report on 'High frequency systems for the Cyclotron’, by Dunning, Anderson, Booth and Glasoe, August 1938. Drawings and sketches for apparatus (not all in Frisch's hand). Miscellaneous shorter notes and figures by Frisch. B.71 Folder inscribed 'Turner' Correspondence June-August 1938 from L.A. Turner (working at Copenhagen Institute while on leave from Princeton) re research and proposed publications. Includes draft mss. of collaborative papers by Frisch and Turner, 'The Isomers of Br80' and ‘Isomers of stable nuclei’. (Not listed in bibliography .) Also enclosed is a letter of comment from M.L. Pool. B.72 Two undated drafts for papers: ‘Width of Neutron Capture Levels', 2 pp. only. ‘Energy Distribution of Uranium Fission Fragments’, 3 pp. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 49 Scientific research B.73-B.81 Correspondence October 1933-July 1939. Like B.39-B.42 above, these are Frisch's carbons, in date order, of his outgoing letters both personal and scientific. His order has been preserved, and identifiable correspondents are indexed. B.73-B.75 "Eigene Briefe Oct.1933-Dec. 1934' B.73 B.74 B.75 This covers Frisch's period at Birkbeck College, London, and the beginning of his work at the Copenhagen Institute of Theoretical Physics. 24 September 1934 are headed 'London', those from 18 October 1934 'Kopenhagen'. Letters 25 October 1933 - October-December 1933 (In original folder.) January-September 1934 Includes references to Frisch's career plans and arrangements for his move to Copenhagen. October-December 1934 Includes letters of thanks (in English) to Academic Assistance Council, and to Mrs. Blackett for help during visit to Birkbeck. B.76 B.77 "Briefe 1935' "Briefe 1936' Almost entirely on research projects, but Frisch's letter to M. Hope of 14 September explains that 'I like to keep a duplicate of all my letters, it is like a diary for me’. B.78 "Briefe 1937’ Almost entirely on research projects including 'Badewanne' work, and publications. B.79, B.80 ‘Briefe 1938' Includes, in addition to letters on research and publica- tions, correspondence arising from the annexation of Austria by Germany in March and the consequent anxieties about Frisch's parents, relations and his aunt Lise Meitner. 30 August, 5, 8 September, 21, 31 October, 5, 16, 29 November, 12 December. See especially letters of 12 June, 8, 18, 19, B.79 B.80 January-July (in original folder) August- December O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 50 Scientific research B.81 "Letters 1939' Contents of an envelope, not original folder. 2 January-10 July Includes material relating to the publication of Meitner's and Frisch's two notes in Nature on nuclear fission; see letter of 22 January for reference to the coining of the term 'fission' and history of the discovery, and letter of 15 March re publication delay. Letters also relate to arrangements for F. Urbach to work in Birmingham (see also A.48, B.104), and to Frida and Leo Frischauer. B.82 Folder of humorous verses, songs, caricatures, parodies, etc. relating to personalities and projects at the Copenhagen Institute. Includes a poem 'Zum Abshied von Frisch’. See B.50 for similar material . B.83-B .94 Not allocated. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 5] B.95-B.104 BIRMINGHAM Scientific research Invited there by M.L. Oliphant Frisch spent only a year (July 1939-July 1940) at Birmingham. originally on a short visit which was extended when the outbreak of war became imminent, he worked on uranium isotopes and, with R.E. Peierls, on the early theory of the atomic bomb. this work led to his moving to Liverpool which had a cyclotron. The development of For personal material relating to Frisch's appoint- ment at Birmingham, departure from Copenhagen and settling in to Britain, see A.11, A.48-A. 53. B.95 Sheets of graph paper, folded and stitched to form a 'book', containing diagrams and calculations of experiments (in English and German). Includes experiments on uranium October-December 1939, 'Neutron-Chain-Experiment' beginning January 1940, miscellaneous undated pages of diagrams and calculations. B.96-B.104 Correspondence c. July 1939-July 1940 These are almost wholly concerned with research projects. Unlike the previous correspondence files, they may include both incoming and outgoing letters. In alphabetical order. B.96 American Physical Society Frisch's carbon only. Bjerge, T. Blackett, P.M.S. Bloch, F. B.97 Bohr, N 1940 1939 1939 1939 1939-40 Includes correspondence re changes proposed by Bohr to paper by Frisch and Lise Meitner (see also A. 182). A letter from Mrs. Bohr is also included here. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Scientific research B.98 Buchthal, F. Ehrenberg, W. Hahn, O. 2 letters. B.99 Halban, H. 52 1939 1939 1939 1939-40 Halban's letter of 29 January 1940 (in French) describes the difficulties of research under pre- vailing conditions and the deposit of their results in sealed letters to ensure priority. B.100 Hevesy, G. H&ffer-Jensen, S. Kinsey, B.B. Klein, O. Koch, J. Maller, C. Moon, P.B. Neugebann, O. B.101 B.102 Paterson, R. re supplies of radon. Peierls, R.E. Placzek, G. B.103 Rasmussen, E. Rosenfeld, Y.V. B.104 Simons, L. Smith, C. 1939 1939-40 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1940 1939 1939 1939 1940 1939 1939-40 re Annual Report for the Journal of the Chemical Society (see What little | remember, pp. 124-125), see also B.129. Stern, O. Frisch's carbon only. Urbach, F. See also A.48, B.81 1939 1939 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 53 Scientific research B.105-B.131 LIVERPOOL Frisch moved to Liverpool in July 1940; he worked in Chadwick's laboratory, the work being officially; supervised by the Ministry of Aircraft Production of which he was an employee. He remained there until he left for America in 1943, though he had many meetings with colleagues chiefly in Birmingham, Cambridge and London, and also a short stay in Oxford in 1941. For material relating to Frisch's appointment at Liverpool, see A.55. B.105 Red soft-cover exercise book, inscribed 'FRISCH AND CHIPS' (see What little | remember, p.137). Experiments, calculations, diagrams, etc. running '26.2.1941' to '13.12.1942'. A few calculations also at rear of book. B.106 Red soft-cover exercise book, numbered '56'. Similar material, but including more narrative and writing-up and fewer dates. Dated material runs '6.3.1941' to '16.11.42'. Includes a little material not in Frisch's hand. A few calculations also at rear of book. B.107 Grey stiff-covered exercise book, numbered '57'. Experiments and calculations, running '20.11.1942' to '5.6.1943'. B.108 Small red soft-cover notebook, of very miscellaneous material, including some personal notes as well as experiments and extensive drawings of apparatus. n.d. but includes several caricature drawings of friends and colleagues, two (of Shull Arms and Evan Gill) dated ' ~~ 1943'. Includes loose page of notes on verso of concert programme, 1943. See A.12, A.13 for additional notes of work at Liverpool. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Scientific research B.109-B.116 Research reports on nuclear project. B.109 ‘Test for short-delay neutron’, by Frisch. 2 pp. typescript and ms., n.d. but probably early work at Liverpool. B.110 "Fission cross section of uranium for photo neutrons', by Frisch. 2 pp. typescript and ms., with 1 p. ms. calculations attached, n.d. but c. July 1941. B.111 ‘Outline of fast neutron projects’ 2 pp. typescript dated 11 June 1942 and signed J.H. Manley and J.R. Oppenheimer, with 6 pp. ms. and typescript commentsby Frisch. B.112 "Informal Report. 17 July 1942' 2 pp. typescript on research in Britain, no author. (2 copies.) B.113 "Nuclear work in connection with a fast-neutron reaction' 8 pp. typescript, no author or date. B.114 "Some remarks on the production and detection of f.products' 1 p. typescript with ms. corrections by Frisch, c. August 1942. B.115 "Proposed test for neutron delay in fission’ 1 p. typescript, no author or date. B.116 ‘Preparation of U235 by a Mass Spectrograph’ 1 p. typescript with ms. corrections and calculations by Frisch. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 oo Scientific research B.117-B.13] Correspondence c. July 1940-August 1943. These are almost wholly concerned with research projects, and may include incoming and outgoing letters. In alphabetical order. B.117 Arms, S. Telegram only. Blaschko, H. Chadwick, J. Council of Austrians in Great Britain B.118 Feather, N. Freundlich, H. J. 1942 1942 1940-43 1941 1940 (Frisch's carbon only), 1942 1941-42 (letter of 12 November 1941 has 'A Postscript by Kowarski') B.119 Halban, H. 1940-41 letter of 29 December 1941 has 'Postscript by Kowarski') B.120 Johnson, C.H. Kinsey, B.B. B.121 Kowarski, L. 1940, 1943 (Frisch's carbon only). 1942 1941-43 Includes 11 pp. report 'Study of density distribu- tions of resonance neutrons in widely extended media' (by Halban, Kemmer and Kowarski) August 1941; a 1 p. note on 'Capture cross-sections for thermal neutrons', March 1942; 2 pp. Progress Report of Cambridge slow neutron group, August 1943. B.122 Kurti, N. London, H. Low-Beer, 1941 1941 1940 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 56 Scientific research B.123 Marshall, D.G. MAUD Committee Invitation to serve on Committee, letter of thanks on its winding-up. Moon, P.B. Morris, J.H. Orowan, E. B.124 Paneth, F.A. re carbon isotopes for H.A. Krebs. Park, J.R. Frisch's carbon only. Peierls, R.E. Peierls, R.E. Pryce, M.H.L. Frisch lodged with the Pryces for a while (see What little | remember, pp. 134-136). Simon, F.E. Smith, C. B.125 B.126 B.127 B.128 B.129 1943 194] 1940 1940 1942 1942 1942 1940 1941-42 1941 1941-42 1941 te Annual Report on Radioactivity and Sub- atomic Phenomena for Journal of the Chemical Society, see also B.104. B.130 Thomson, G.P. Includes note from R.W.B. Stephens. Titterton, E.W. Turner, L.A. Telegram only. Tyndall, A.M. Unidentified 1940 1940-41 1941 1940 B.131 Folder of Frisch's carbons, 1942-43, with answers to two or more correspondents on each sheet. Many of these are replies to correspondence listed above, but they also include family or personal letters. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 57 B.132-B.136A LOS ALAMOS Scientific research Virtually no material survives for this important period because ofthe strict security restrictions enforced on all personnel. For personal material relating to Frisch's service at Los Alamos, see A.58-A.63 and also A.12-A.15. B.132 Miscellaneous items 1944. Includes letter resupplies; ‘Informal Report March 5, 1944' 2 pp. typescript, no author; 5 photographs of uranium blocks, neutron counter, etc. B.133 ‘Optical analogy' Contents of a folder so described. Includes report numbered 'BR 399' 'A study of the escape probability of neutrons from fissile material by an optical analogy', by D.G. Marshall, March 1944, with appendices by others, and miscellaneous notes, drafts and diagrams based on the report (by Frisch and another). B.134 Receipts for classified material sent by Frisch to various colleagues, various dates December 1943-February 1945. B.135 'Eye witness report of nuclear explosion, July 16, 1945’. Frisch's 1 p. typescript contemporary account, and a later (1974) typescript note by him annotating the published version of his 1945 account. Miscellaneous ms. notes and calculations by Frisch. B.136 Correspondence March-December 1945. Exchanged mainly with J. Chadwick re research plans, offers of jobs, Frisch's parents, etc. is often made to the 'dragon' (R. Feynman's name for Frisch's method of testing chain reaction, see What little | remember, p.159), and includes plans for improvements, safety precautions, etc. Reference See A.63 for other correspondence re Frisch's career plans, offers of posts, etc. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 58 Scientific research B.136A Letter dated 'April 15' and signed 'Louis', with news of work and colleagues at Los Alamos. Probably April 1946 and sent by Louis Slotin, Frisch's successor in charge of critical assemblies, who died of exposure to radiation received from a careless accident during experimental work (see What little | remember, pp.161, 171). Weare grateful to Sir Rudolf Peierls for his help in dating and identifying this letter. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 59 B.137-B.142 HARWELL Scientific research Frisch accepted the post of Division Leader in the Atomic Energy Research Establishment being built at Harwell, with the grade of Deputy Chief Scientific Officer. theoretical research in fluctuation problems in chain reactors. papers relative to this period. Very little material survives among his He was mainly occupied there with For personal material relating to Frisch's period at Harwell, see A.64, A.65. B.137 Red notebook, pages numbered 2-144 by Frisch, and with a part-index of contents. No date, but probably 1946-47. Miscellaneous contents, including references to Chalk River, Harwell, Cavendish Laboratory, meetings at Stockholm and Oxford, ideas for research, personnel, drawings for apparatus. At rear of book is a home-made series of diary entries June 1946-January 1947. B.138 Two sets of architectural plans for buildings at Los Alamos, one inscribed 'Gamma-Building (Los Alamos, 1945)' (perhaps used for guidance at Harwell). B 1.37 R.A.F. notebook, pages numbered 3-35 by Frisch. Notes, diagrams, calculations, drafts, notes of meetings and lectures. Entries begin 28 November 1946. On pp.35-36 are entries for 1952, 1954, 1955. B.140 Correspondence 1946 re Frisch's move to Harwell, buildings, staff appointments, etc. Frisch's letter to Cockcroft of 21 January begins 'Thank you for sending me those plans. One referred to the theoretical building and | have given it to Fuchs, who will write you his own comments'. Also included are Frisch's comments on a paper ‘Absolute Calibration of a Neutron Source’. See also A. 64. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 60 Scientific research B.141 Original folder inscribed ‘Personnel’. Correspondence 1947, re staff and research. B.142 Original folder inscribed 'N.P.' (= Nuclear Physics). Duplicated typescript of 20 lectures by Frisch on nuclear physics, given 3 December 1946-11 June 1947. Also included here are programme of nuclear physics conference at Harwell, September 1947, and letter 1955 re Frisch's consultancy at Harwell. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 B.143-B.207 CAMBRIDGE Scientific research 6] In 1947 Frisch was appointed to the Jacksonian Chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Cambridge (see A. 68) and was elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College. He retired from his Chair in 1972, but remained in Cambridge until his death. The material is presented as follows: B.143-B.183 THE CAVENDISH LABORATORY 1947-72 B.143-B.152 Notebooks and research notes B.153-B.175 Lectures B.176-B.183 Correspondence B.184-B.207 LASER SCAN LIMITED B.184-B.196 Notebooks and research notes B.197-B.200 Publications and manuals B.201-B.207 Correspondence LASER SCAN was the name of the company, incorporated in 1969, with Frisch as Chairman, to develop various devices and in particular the SWEEPNIK, which was a machine for analysing tracks in bubble-chamber photo- graphs. The machine had been developed during the 1960s by Frisch and his collaborators at the Cavendish Laboratory, and there is therefore some overlap in time. Nevertheless, it has been thought convenientto list separately the various LASER SCAN projects which were Frisch's chief research interest during his retirement from the Jacksonian Chair in 1972. Frisch's own folder of material on the history of the company can be found at B.201-B.205. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 62 Scientific research B.143-B.183 THE CAVENDISH LABORATORY 1947-72 B.143-B.152 Notebooks and research notes B.143 Hard-cover notebook inscribed 'ORF 18'. Includes observations, diagrams, narratives of a project 15.12.1950-29.4.54. when the entry reads ‘Project has fizzled out’. Book then continues under heading 'SWEEPNIK' with detailed account of development of project; entries run 28 September 1965-6 February 1977. B.144 Correspondence re patents. Notice of U.K., U.S.A. and Canadian patents filed (U.K. no.10697/49) on 'High Density short pulse neutron source’. Drawings and draft application for patent of 'A fastener consisting of two interlocking strips of flexible plastic of uniform cross-section’, ¢.1949. B.145 Folder of dated research notes and ideas, 1947-50. ‘Neutron spectrometer’, | 947. "Negative mesons' (sent from Copenhagen 1947). 2 'Counting', 'Coincidences', 'Poisson-Gauss', 'Cosmology', 1950. ‘ORF Newsletter’ nos. 1-4, various dates during trip to United States 1950, describing research in progress in laboratories there, B.146 Folder of dated research notes and ideas, 1957-70. Letter to Frisch, from 'Dennis', on discovery of non- conservation of parity, 1957. ‘Coherent Bremstrahlung', 1962. "Decisions of the High Energy Collaboration’ (not by Frisch), ¢.1963. 'MOIRE', 1963. ‘Proposal for an Experiment to Detect Pulses of Gravitational Radiation’, 1970, with a ms. note by Frisch 'Train (Der Senator) well cushioned; written on case on my lap; hardly a sound’. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 63 Scientific research B.147 Shorter undated ms. notes, diagrams, ideas, etc. by Frisch. B.148 Shorter, more fragmentary notes and calculations. B.149 B.150 Miscellaneous ms. notes by Frisch on papers or con- ference discussions, some dated. 1959-78. Shorter correspondence and papers re the 'Eddington Group', chiefly re Frisch's contribution 'What is an observation? ' to 1956 meeting. B.151 "Odd Physics’ Original folder so described, containing corres- pondenceandpapers, all on Special Theory of Relativity, sent to Frisch for advice and comment, 1973. B.152 Research notes and reports by others, ms. and typescript. Some with brief ms. notes by Frisch. B.153-B.175 Lectures B.153 1947 B.154 1948 These are presented in chronological order as far as possible. The majority are graduate and under- graduate lectures given at Cambridge University, but see B.167-B.169 for lectures as visiting scientist at CERN 1967. Almost all the work is ms. and rarely written up as a narrative. ‘Suggestions for the presentation of nuclear physics’. 3 pp. typescript, no author, from Cavendish, October 1947. Frisch's folder inscribed 'ORF Lectures’. Includes 'Nuclear Physics Lectures 1948', lecture on nuclei, 4 lectures on neutrons, n.d., miscellane- ous undated notes and calculations. B.155 1949 Nuclear Physics, October-December 1949. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Scientific research B.156 B.157 B.158 B.159 1950 1951 1952 1953 B.160 1954 B.16] B.162 1955 1956 Includes various paginated sequences January- March and October-November 1953 (some pages also used 1955). Includes sequences on atomic physics, nuclear physics, and molecular beams. Includes sequence on 'Nuclear Physics for Maths.' and 1 p. only 1957. No mss. survive for lectures 1957-60. B.163 B.165 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 B.166 1966 Book list and synopsis only. Synopsis and one lecture only. See B.168 below. Notes only, related to A.B. Pippard's course on 'Forces and Particles’. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 65 Scientific research B.167-B.169 1967 Lecturesat CERN as Visiting Scientist, June-September, where Frisch gave a course of 12 lectures on ‘Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics and Particle Physics’. B.167 B.168 B.169 Correspondence, including invitation to lecture, arrange- ments, bibliography, notice, etc. (in Frisch's folder inscribed 'Physics (CERN)'). Miscellaneous sequences of notes and narratives, variously paginated 37A-84, originally given as Frisch's ‘Quantum Mechanics' course for Lent Term 1964. (In Frisch's folder inscribed 'Wave Mech. CERN Lecture notes, etc. Q.M."') Miscellaneous additional sequences of notes, diagrams, etc. on various aspects of quantum mechanics and funda- mental particles, some dated 1967 and probably intended for CERN lectures. B.170 1969 "Philosophical Aspects of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Lent Term 1969". 59 pp. typescript with ms. corrections, probably transcript from tape-recording. ‘Lecture 1' occupies pp.1-16; ‘Lecture 2' starts p.17 toc.p.29, the course being probably 4 lectures in all. Also included are miscellaneous notes on the subject, dated 1969 and 1970. B.17] 1971 Notes for course of 8 lectures on relativity, January- February 1971. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 66 Scientific research B.172 Shorter notes and drafts for lectures, 1953-57. Notes for 4 lectures on Radioastronomy. Included with these is 22 pp. ms. draft on 'Recent Advancesin Radio Astronomy’ for the Ritchie Lecture, Edinburgh, 21 May 1954 (perhaps by M. Ryle). Notes for ‘Philosophical Society Lecture’ dated 23 November 1953 (ms. corrections not in Frisch's hand). 'Whyare there laws of nature?' 5 pp. typescript, February 1954. 'Complementarity', 1 p. ms., Trondheim, May 1956. 'Big circles', 1 p. ms., December 1957. B.173 Shorter notes and drafts for lectures, 1959-69. 'K-meson decay modes', 2 pp., March 1959. Historical lecture, 2 pp., ¢.1959. ‘Time and Relativity’, 4 pp., February 1960. 'Recoilless gamma resonance', 3 pp., ¢.1960. ‘Measurement and chance’, 1 p., May 1964. Plans of three ‘Proposed lectures', February 1969. B.174 Undated notes and drafts for lectures, some on history of Cavendish and of atomic physics. (Some are on verso of Trinity College Minutes from which an approximate dating may be made. ) B.175 Synopses, bibliographies, problems, etc., for courses by others at Cavendish Laboratory. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Scientific research B.176-B.183 Correspondence 67 Very little correspondence re the Cavendish Laboratory survives in Frisch's papers. little additional material may be found in the corres- pondence with N.F. Mott, G.G. Scarrott, G.S.B. Street, D.H. Wilkinson in Section F. B.176 B.177 Correspondence re staff and research, 1947-52. Correspondence and papers 1951-52 re setting-up of CERN, and U.K. participation. Mainly printed matter, but includes letter from Chadwick inviting Frisch to attend discussion meeting on the subject. B.178 Shorter correspondence re staff and research, 1958-65. B.179-B.182 Correspondence re theses, references, appointments, careers advice, etc. B.179 B.180 B.18] B.182 B.183 1949-54 1957-63 1964-70 1973-76 Miscellaneous material re visits to Cavendish, and laboratory occasions (including dinners for Bragg, Perutz, Crick, Kendrew, etc.). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 68 Scientific research B.184-B.207 LASER SCAN LIMITED B.184-B.196 Notebooks and research notes These include Frisch's later miscellaneous projects related to the company, as well as the original SWEEPNIK material . See also B.143. B.184 Blue spiral-bound notebook. Begins with 1 p. only dated 1959, then continues with notes on 'Geneva Bubble Meeting March 8, 1960'. Miscellaneous other notes of meetings, research, etc., continuing to 1977. At rear of book, brief notes on experiments 1977, 1978. Some loose pages of calculations, 1979, are tucked into rear of book. B.185 Black soft-cover notebook, inscribed inside 'LS Research 1977'. Miscellaneous notes of experiments 27 February- 7 October 1977 (few pages only used). B.186 B.187 Spiral-bound notebook of notes and calculations, 11 January- 3 March 1978 (few pages only used). Folder of notes, reports, etc. re scanning devices and track-measurements for bubble chamber at CERN, 1969-71. Some papers annotated by Frisch. Includes CERN report 'A study about the applicability of the principle of SWEEPNIK for the analysis of BEBC pictures’, by K.K. Geissler, 1972 (BEBC = Big European Bubble Chamber). B.188 Contents of envelope inscribed 'Laser-scan'. Various notes, diagrams and narratives, some with dates 1975-78. Includes 1 p. ms. notes on optics (on verso of pro- gramme for opening of Cambridge Science Park, June 1975, which included a visit to Laser scan Laboratories), 7 pp. paper on 'The Optical system of the modular display', July 1975, 1 p. paper on 'Diffractive focussing elements', June 1977, 5 pp. paper 'LS Research section: proposals for work', September 1976, 2 pp. paper Continued O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 69 Scientific research "Principles of a Laser Entertainment Device', February 1978. These late papers, like those in B.189-B.196, represent some of Frisch's last work and show his continued inventiveness. B.189 ‘Spherical errors. Astigmatism' Folder of notes and diagrams, some dated 1976. B.190 'Holo-lens computations' Folder of notes and diagrams, mainly 1976. B.19] 'Diazo. Moire’. Includes paper 'Proposed Diazo Dispenser’, March 1976, and miscellaneous notes and diagrams 1974-75. B.192 'DEAFaid' Folder of notes and diagrams, 1978-79 (latest date April 1979), and including correspondence and related offprints from R.L. Gregory. B.193 ‘Character Recogn.' Miscellaneous notes and related offprints. B.194 'Hologr.' Folder of notes and diagrams 1977-78. B.195 '2-D and 3-D Lens Trace' Envelope of notes and diagrams. dated 1977-78, with some earlier correspondence and memos. 1976. Frisch's notes B.196 Miscellaneous notes on mathematical problems, chiefly methods of calculating prime numbers. 1 p. 1971, but mainly November 1977- July 1979, and some undated. The latest note 'Continued Fraction’, not related to the above, is dated '12 Sept. 79' (Frisch died on 22 September). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 ‘70 Scientific research B.197-B. 200 Publications and manuals (all on SWEEPNIK) B.197 B.198 B.199 B.200 Miscellaneous drafts and offprints of papers and articles, 1960-72. Cavendish Laboratory reports HEP 68-3, 68-4, 68-5, by Frisch and G.S.B. Street, on SWEEPNIK. Envelope of 'Sweepnik Photos (~~1970)' Original folder inscribed 'Manual'. Ms. and typescript drafts, diagrams, etc., some with various dates September-October 1971. B.201-B. 207 Correspondence B.201-B.205 Contents of Frisch's bulky folder inscribed 'LSL "history"', of notes, drawings, correspondence re setting-up, funding and running of LASER SCAN. B.201 B.202 B.203 B.204 B.205 Drawings, plans, etc. for offices and laboratory (not all by Frisch). In original folder. Papers, progress reports, etc. 1968-71, including specifica- tions April 1970, 10 pp., future research plans, and material re CERN Track Chamber Committee 1971 (see also B.187). Miscellaneous material re incorporation of Company, work-schedules, Statements of Account, etc., 1969-72. Folder inscribed 'SWEEPNIK. Letters and pamphlets on apparatus’, 1965-67. Folder of correspondence and designs re stationery for the company, in which Frisch 'as the son of a typographer' took a keen interest. Mainly 1969-71. B.206,B.207 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on research, ideas, finance, etc. B.206 B.207 1974-76 1977-78 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 71 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1 - C.139 Introduction to Section C Much of the material in this Section is subsequent to Frisch's return to Britain in 1947 and is aimed at a more general public than were his earlier scientific writings. He had an acknowledged gift for expository writing and speaking and the ability to express difficult technical concepts in lucid, unassuming terms without over-simplification. He also knew his own limitations and refused invitations to speak or write on topics which he considered beyond his range, preferring to limit himself to keeping the intelligent layman - of all ages - up to date on developments in nuclear physics. In addition, he was of necessity aware of the part he had himself played in the history of his subject, and he gave manytalks on the collabora- tive discoveries with Lise Meitner in 1938 and on the general history of twentieth- century atomic and nuclear research. The combination of great personal charm and modesty together with a distinguished direct contribution to knowledge made Frisch in constant demand as writer, speaker and also as broadcaster on radio and television (see Section D). An additional attraction was his linguistic range; there is work in German, French and Danish as well as English. The items listed at C.1 - C.89 below represent only those undertakings for which drafts or documents survive. The correspondence (invitations, letters of thanks, etc.) at C.90 - C.101 make clear how highly Frisch was valued as a speaker and how generously he responded to requests; similarly the correspondence with editors and publishers (C.102 - C.133) indicates many unrealised projects for books which he was asked to write. An incomplete set of reprints of Frisch's published papers, presented in the order adopted for the Bibliography accompanying the Memoir by R.E. Peierls (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 1981) appears at the end of the Section at C.138, C.139. Several items in the sequence C.1 - C.89 are omitted from or additional to this Bibliography. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 72 Lectures and publications The material is presented in chronological order so far as this is ascertain- able, as follows: C.1 -€.54 LECTURES AND ARTICLES Drafts and related correspondence C.55 -C.76 BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED WORK Drafts and related correspondence C.76 BOOK REVIEWS C.77 -C.89 OBITUARIES AND BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS C.90 -C.101 REQUESTS FOR LECTURES AND PAPERS C.102-C.133 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS C.134-C.139 PUBLISHED MATERIAL O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 73 Lectures and publications C.1-C.54 LECTURES AND ARTICLES Drafts and related correspondence Cal Paper on diffraction of slow electrons by crystals, 6 pp. typescript, n.d., but with a ms. note 'Werner Ehrenberg, 1934 (my draft?) ORF 1972'. C.2 'Wie die Urankernspaltung entdeckt wurde’. Introduction to a talk by Frisch, witha ms. by him 'Spring 1947'. note C.3 "Eine neue Komponente der Kosmischen Strahlung’. Article for Neue Rundschau, with ms. date 1947, galley proof. C.4 "Isotope im Dienste der medizinischen Forschung’. Article for Neue Rundschau, with ms. date 'Dez. 1947', galley proof and Frisch's forwarding note. C5 "Growing Points in Science III’. Summary of discussion meeting organised by Society for Visiting Scientists, March 1948. C.6 ‘Statistics of multiplicative processes’. 15 pp. duplicated typescript 1948. C.7 ‘Counting of nuclear fragments: the primary detectors’. 2 versions, each 12 pp. with ms. corrections, of an article contributed to a collaborative volume. n.d., latest reference 1948. C.8 'The Cyclotron and its limitations’. 15 pp. typescript for article in Discovery, with ms. note 'Very urgent'. The ms. bears a date '1952?' but accompanying correspondence is dated 1950 and includes a draft written in 1949. Gy ‘Recent research on nuclearstructure’. Short article for Cambridge Review, c.1951, galley proof. C.10 'The particles of physics: what kind of pattern?' 6 pp. typescript, n.d. early 1950s. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 74 Lectures and publications Untitled talk or article on similar subject. 13 pp. typescript, n.d. early 1950s. C.12 Untitled heavily corrected draft, perhaps for popular encyclopaedia, on current state of physics research. 9 pp. typescript and ms., n.d. ¢.1953. 'Giant accelerators - what do we expect from them?’ Article for Times Science Review, 1953, 22 pp. typescript and ms. C.14 'On the Feasibility of Coal-Driven Power Stations’. This light-hearted piece rapidly became secondin renown only to the Meitner-Frisch papers on fission. Originally published in the spring 1954 number of Harlequin (the 'Leisure Magazine of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment’) it was republished in many journals and several languages. Folder includes original draft (3 pp. typescript and ms.), letter 1953 re publication in Harlequin, copy of first publication, Italian version, Journal of Jocular Physics 1955 (Bohr's 70th birthday number) and later correspondencere article from editors and readers 1956-77. 'The stolen submar ine’. Short story, 6 pp. typescript, with a few ms. corrections. Written probably in 1950s for Frisch's children and other members of the family. See C.54 for similar material. Also includes photocopy of story with ms. note 'Karli & Kurt’. C.16 'La radioactivité artificielle et la physique’. Lecture at Sorbonne, as part of celebration by University of Paris of 20th anniversary of discovery ofartificial radiation, November 1954. Folder includes English text, 15 pp. typescript (lecture was given in French), invitation and notice, shorter related correspondence. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 75 Lectures and publications C.17 Untitled lecture on hydrogen bomb. 9 pp. typescript and ms., 1954. Folder also includes a letter of comment on the draft, later correspondence re course of lectures 1954-55 at Shrewsbury (Frisch lectured 11 March 1955 on 'The military application of nuclear energy') and 1 p. ms. notes and references by Frisch updating the subject to January 1956. C.18 'Thermonuclear weapons (H-bombs)' . 5 pp. typescript article for The Daily Telegraph, March 1955. the newspaper. Includes brief correspondencere articles for C.19 ‘Counting atomic particles’. Typescript and proof of article for Times Science Review, 1955. C.20 'An electron accelerator for arbitrarily high energies’ . Humerousarticle, perhaps intended for Journal of Jocular Physics, 1 p. typescript, October 1955. C.21 'On Energy Selection with Cherenkov Counters’ . 3 pp. duplicated typescript, June 1956. C.22 'Antiparticles and Antimatter'. 16 pp. typescript of article for Times Science Review, 1956. C.23 Untitled draft on similar subject. 9 pp. heavily-corrected typescript, with a heading ‘Rotblat' (possibly for Discovery, see C.110). C.24 ‘Peaceful uses of atomic fission’. 17 pp. typescript draft, July 1957, of article published in The Atlantic Monthly, with a little related corres- pondence. C.24A Untitled article (on the scientific principles involved in the release of nuclear energy), for United Nations News, November 1958. 7 pp. typescript and ms., with related correspondence, which also includes arrangements for Frisch to give lecture to U.N. Association (Cambridge) on 'Nuclear Radiation’, March 1959. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 76 Lectures and publications C.25 ‘Fluctuations in chain processes', with subtitle 'Notes on a series of lectures presented at Chalk River in August, 1958, and published with the kind permission of the author'. Chalk River, Ontario, report no.748, February 1959. 18 pp. duplicated typescript and Frisch's forwarding letters. C.26 "Coherent Bremsstrahlung from crystals'. paper by Frisch and Olsen, published in Phys. Rev. Lett, 1959. Collaborative Includes 4 pp. typescript draft, ms. notes by Frisch and collaborator, notes perhaps for lectures on similar subject, correspondence from collaborator. In original folder inscribed '‘Uberall Effect’. C.27 ‘What do atomic nuclei look like?' 8 pp. typescript and ms. with 1 p. references, May 1959. C.28 'Are the laws of nature symmetrical? ! Evening Discourse given at the Royal Institution, May 1960. 1 p. draft summary only, with invitation and related correspondence. Included here are corrected proof and correspondence re Frisch's article of the same title, published in Nature, 187, 1960. C29 'The new elementary particles’. 5 pp. typescript (incomplete), perhaps for article in Times Science Review, 1959. C.30 ‘Fundamental Physics of the Atom’. 14 pp. typescript and ms., with 1] p. figures, n.d. early 1960s. C31 ‘Fundamental Particles’ . 16 pp. typescript and ms., with ams. note 'Keep this', n.d. early 1960s. Included here is correspondence re the York lecture on 'The fundamental particles of physics', given at British Association meeting, August 1961, with a 2 pp. summary for the lecture. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 77 Lectures and publications C.32 ‘Radiation and Matter’. 20 pp. typescript and ms., August 1961. C.33 ‘Observation and the Quantum’. Contribution to The Critical Approach, a celebration volume for K. Popper, 1962. Includes text (13 pp. typescript and ms.), notes, related background material, correspondence. C.34 ‘Experimentation with elementary particles’. 21 pp. typescript and ms., with ams. note ‘Store’, February 1963. C.35 "Symmetry'. 11 pp. typescript and ms. article in dialogue form (incomplete) n.d. c.1965. C .36 ‘Die Elementarteilchen der Physik’. Contribution to conference or discussion meeting, includes questions and discussion. (Offprint only). correspondence. See E.33 for possibly related 'Die Datierung Vorgeschichtlicher Funden'. Article in German review. (Offprint only) n.d. c.1964-66. C:07 'Guest leader’ article (on value of particle physics research) for Science Journal, July 1965. 4 pp. typescript and related correspondence. C.38 ‘Die Bausteine der Welt’. 2 pp. typescript, September 1967. English version, titled 'Particles'. 3 pp. typescript (incomplete), n.d. C.3? 'The interest is focussing on the atomic nucleus’. Contribution to Niels Bohr; His life or work as seen by his friends and colleagues, ed. S. Rozenthal, 1967. Offprint) only: two copies, one heavily annotated and revised for use in What little | remember. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 78 Lectures and publications C.40 'Fission - how if all began’. Talk given at American Physical Society History of Fission Session, April 1967. 2 pp. typescript ‘Summary and explanations’, and later correspondence, 1974, re use oftalk in audio- visual historical programme. Copyof talk as published in Physics Today. C.41 ‘Rutherford’. Stokes Lecture 1971 (with slides). Folder includes 22 pp. transcript of tape recording (incomplete), photographs, copy of Rutherford's and Geiger's 1912 paper on 0 particles. C.42 'Electroscope to Atomic Power’. 20 pp. typescript and ms. draft for illustrated lecture or broadcast . Includes letter (June 1972) forwarding draft, notes and an earlier 1 p. draft dated December 1971. C.43 ‘From MeV to GeV'. Article contributed to 'A Hundred Years of Cambridge Physics', September 1973. 5 pp. ms. and typescript draft, and comment from A. Kempton on the draft. C.43A 'Who discovered the electron?' 11 pp. typescript and ms. draft, and published version, n.d., but after 1972. See C.120 for a later published version, 1977. C.44 ‘Presenting physics’. 8 pp. typescript and ms. draft for article published in Physics Bulletin, 1974. C.45 ‘Distinguishing the main types of radioactivity’. 1 p. typescript, and related correspondence re distribu- tion as a cassette tape-recording study guide of this talk and of 'The origin of nuclear fission', also by Frisch. See G.29, G.30 for tape-recordings oftalks. See also C.73. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 79 Lectures and publications C.46 C.47 Notes and background material for a slide lecture on the history of nuclear physics, September 1975. 'Track Identification in High-Energy Jets in Bubble Chambers’ . 2 pp. typescript, July 1976. C.48 'The Importance of Technology for the Growth of Physics’. 2 pp. notes for lecture at Newcastle, March 1977, with related correspondence. "Words'. 1 p. typescript and ms., perhaps for short broadcast, August 1977. C.49 Untitled article (on books which had influenced him) for New Scientist, February 1977. Heavily-corrected typescript, 3 pp. C.49A "Nuclear reactors’. Various typescript and ms. drafts for article or talk, April 1978. C.50 'You can prove anything with statistics’. 10 pp. typescript ond ms. draft, September 1978, for contribution to Lying Truths. C.51 Correspondence, 1977-78, re publication by Minnesota University Press of Frisch's lecture 'Experimental Work with Nuclei: Hamburg, London, Copenhagen’, delivered in May 1977. See E.58. C.52 'A crazy function’. Humorous short note, June 1979. Draft, correspondence, offprint. C.53 Correspondence re Frisch's contribution (on Space and Time) to proposed St. Michael General Knowledge Book, August 1979. Includes notes and several drafts for article. C, 54 'Two stories about a small bear', March 1979. Included here are other anecdotes and sketches, probably written in 1950s. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 80 C.55-C.75 BOOKS AND UNPUBLISHED DRAFTS Lectures and publications Drafts and related correspondence. C.55-C. 57 Meet the atoms (New York 1947). C55 Correspondence with U.S. publishers, initially Bermann- Fischer Verlag, later their successors A.A. Wyn, Inc., 1946-60. Includes contract, comments on draft manuscript, publishing arrangements, letter from Lise Meitner re Frisch, royalty statements, etc. In original folder inscribed 'Meet the Atoms’. €) 36 Correspondence with Sigma Books Ltd., U.K. publishers, 1946-51, and one letter 1958. Includes suggestion that Frisch's father should design book jacket for U.K. edition. C.57 Reviews of book, shorter correspondence re various translations, 1947-52. C: 58-C. 61 Atomic physics today (New York 1962). C.58 Correspondence with U.S. publishers (Basic Books Inc.), 1959-77. Includes Agreement, publication arrangements, publicity, royalties, translations, arrangements for U.K. publication (by Oliver and Boyd). C.59 C.60 C.61 Royalty statements, reviews, blurb, etc. Frisch's notes for book, correspondence with colleagues re information, photographs. Correspondence with Basic Books Inc. re arrangements to publish American edition of Working with Atoms (see C762); 1966: Includes reviews. See also C.113. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 8] Lectures and publications C.62-C. 64 Working with atoms (Leicester: Brockhampton Press 1965). C.62 Correspondence with publishers (Brockhampton Press Ltd.) 1962-76. Includes Agreement, publication arrangements, translations, arrangements for American edition published by Basic Books (see C.61). C.63 Royalty statements, 1965-70. Proof copy of book, with some ms. corrections. C.64 Frisch's notes for book, illustrations and photographs. Correspondence, 1963-65, re illustrations for book, on which Mrs. U. Frisch initially collaborated. C..65, C.66 The Nature of matter (London 1972). C.65 Correspondence with publishers (Thames and Hudson Ltd.), 1967-72. Includes Agreement, publishing arrangements. The book was published in February 1972 N.B. (not 1973, as given in the Bibliography, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 305). C.66 Royalty statements and correspondence, 1972-78. Review of book. C.67-C.75 Miscellaneous drafts for books. C.67 ‘Manual of radioactivity’. 3 pp. typescript plan for collaborative book (4 authors) with chapter-headings and detailed summary of General Introduction on natural, artificial and applied radio- activity. n.d. c.1946. See C.125 for correspondence with Pergamon Press on possible publication. C.68 Folder inscribed 'Atoms - Manual', containing typescript and ms. draft of two chapters, 'Atomic Structure’ (39 pp. ) and 'Types of Radioactivity’ (46 pp.) n.d. There is also a ‘Historical introduction’ (8 pp. typescript, with 2 pp. ms. comments in another hand) intended for a book Continued O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 82 Lectures and publications C.68 (Cont'd) on fission, n.d., 1950s. a note ‘Fission Book'.) (The back of the folder has Probably intended for proposed book for C.U.P, see C.105. C.69 Folder inscribed 'Subatomic Particles', containing notes and drafts for several chapters for a proposed book, as follows: Miscellaneous notes and headings, some dated 1959, 1960. ‘Atoms and the quantum', dated 14 February 1959. ‘Introduction’, 2 drafts, one with revisions. ‘Historical Introduction', dated 1961, 2 drafts, one with revisions and 1 p. comments (numbered 1). 'Waves, Spin, Positrons', incomplete (numbered 3). Untitled, on waves and spin, incomplete (numbered 4). ‘Beta decay and the neutrino’ (numbered 7). "Nuclear Force and the "Mesotron"' (numbered 8). ‘Nature's bullets' (numbered 10). See C.105 for correspondence for proposed book of this title for C.U.P. C.70 Chapters of a proposed book on 'NewParticles', as follows: 'New particles' (numbered 1). ‘Observing single particles' (numbered 2). 'The photon: waves and particles’ (numbered 2). ‘Electrons, protons, nuclei’ (numbered 3). 'The atom and the quantum' (numbered 4). ‘Recording individual particles' (numbered 4). 'Seeing the tracks of particles' (numbered 5). Also included are ms. notes by Frisch of the Contents page of a proposed book, containing 18 chapters, dated 27 September 1962. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 83 Lectures and publications G7 "Elementary atomics'’ . Foreword and draft for chapter 1 'Atomic Structure’, n.d., perhaps 1950s. C726 74 Miscellaneous typescript drafts, some dated 1974, 1976, originally contained in an envelope inscribed 'Through the eyes of a scientist', and intended for a book with that title (see C.74). C772 'Energy', miscellaneous drafts and revisions, some dated August 1974, "Heat'. C.73 ‘Coping with Numbers', dated February 1976. "Sound'. ‘Distinguishing the Main Types of Radioactivity’. See C.45. C.74 'The Origin of Nuclear Fission’. 11 pp. typescript headed 'The Society of Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Pioneer Lecture honouring Lise Meitner. University at the Annual Meeting of the Society in Miami Beach, Florida in June 1973'. Presented by Dr. Otto Frisch from Cambridge See also E.51, E.52. Includes correspondence re slides and cassette of lecture, and also correspondence with publisher re Frisch's ideas for book 'Through the eyes of a scientist’. GB Shorter unidentified and undated drafts for books. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 84 C.76 BOOK REVIEWS Lectures and publications Most of these are additional to the list given in the Bibliography, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 305. 'The Acceleration of Particles to High Energies', Discovery, 1950. 'Atomkraft heute und morgen', by Carlos Sanchez del Rio, 1955. 'The Great Decision’, by M. Amrine, New Scientist, 1960. 'The Birth of the Bomb', by R.W.Clark, 1961. Discovery, 'From Dualism to Unity in Quantum Physics', by A Landé, Contemp. Physics, 1961. 'The New World', U.S. Atomic Energy Commission History, Vol.I, New Scientist, 1962. 'Physics in the Sixties’, ed. S.K. Runcorn, Discovery, 1963. Combined review of books by Oppenheimer, Weizsdcker and Schrédinger, New Statesman, 1964. 'The Nature of matter’, by L.C.L. Yuan, Science Journal, 1965. 'The Art of the soluble’, by P.B. Medawar, 1969. ‘Rutherford - Recollections of the Cambridge days’, by M. Oliphant, 1973. ' Collected Works of Leo Szilard', ed. B. Feld and G. Szilard, Physics Bulletin, 1973. ‘Solvay Conferences on Physics', by J. Mehra, 1977. 'Scientists in Power', by S. Weart, Nature, 1979. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 85 C.77-C.89 OBITUARIES AND BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS Lectures and publications Many of these are additional to those listed N.B. in the Bibliography, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 306. Ci7.Cae N. Bohr C77 C.78 Miscellaneous obituary notices and tributes by Frisch, for The Times (1961, includes copy of previous Times stock obituary 1937), broadcast (December 1962), article or talk (1967). Miscellaneous printed matter, press-cuttings and articles by or about Bohr, assembled by Frisch, M. Born Address at Memorial Service, Caius College, Cambridge, May 1970, C.80 J. Chadwick 1974 J.D. Cockcroft Obituary broadcast on 'Ten O'Clock' programme, September 1967, A. Einstein Notes for centenary talk, 1979. E. Fermi Offprint from Nature, Lond., 1955. C.84, C .85 O. Hahn C .84 C..85 Articles and tributes by Frisch, for The Observer (1964), Physics Bulletin (1968). Miscellaneous notices, printed matter, press-cuttings and articles by or about Hahn, assembled by Frisch. J.E. Littlewood 5 pp. tribute with a ms. note 'Memorial Service? ' J.R. Oppenheimer n.d., perhaps on occasion of Fermi Prize, 1963. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 86 Lectures and publications C.88 G.P. Thomson Draft for obituary notice in Phil. Mag. and Cont. Phys., with a little editorial correspondence, 1975. C.89 D.H. Wilkinson O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 87 C.90-C.101 REQUESTS FOR LECTURES AND PAPERS Lectures and publications The material, which consists of correspondence A note is given sometimes accompanied by a little background informa- tion, is presented chronologically. of any material of particular scientific or personal interest, and significant correspondence is indexed, but it has not been possible to itemise every invitation which Frisch received or accepted, from universities, industrial firms, scientific societies, Jewish organisa- tions, schools and colleges. For invitations to give lectures abroad, see N.B. Section E. C.90 1934, 1946-49 Letter of 1934 is from Birkbeck College Physical Society during Frisch's period in Blackett's laboratory. C.91 1950-55 Includes correspondence re Frisch's participation in course of extra-mural lectures, London, on 'Atomic Energy', 1954, to which Frisch contributed the second lecture, on 'Atomic Weapons' . €.92 C.93 C.94 C.95 C.96 C.97 C.98 C.99 1956-59 1960 1961 1962-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975 1976 Includes arrangements for Frisch to give a memorial lecture for W. Ehrenberg at Birkbeck College. C.100 C.101 1977-78 1979 and undated O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 88 C.102-C .133 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS Lectures and publications The correspondence is mainly with editors or representatives of firms or newspapers, but there are a few exchangeswith indidividuals. The content relates to Frisch's own publications (articles, books, translations), written or proposed, and to requests for advice or comment by him on material submitted for publication by others. N.B. Correspondence relating to specific identified writings by Frisch is included with the relevant manu- script drafts in C.1-C.89 above. C.102 Adventures in Experimental Physics Allen and Unwin Limited Correspondence and agreementre proposed ‘Collected Papers' by Frisch. C.103 American Technion Society Appleton-Century-Crofts Atlantic Monthly C.104 Bergmann-Fischer Verlag Bild der Wissenschaft Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Butterworths C.105 Cambridge University Press 1973 1958 1948 1964 1962 1945 1966-67 1959, 1974 1950 1953-74 Correspondence on various projects and proposed books. Includes Agreement for collaborative book on 'Fission', 1953. See C.68 Correspondence re proposed book on 'Subatomic Particles' or ‘Elementary Particles’, eventually dropped at Frisch's request 1960-64. See C.69. Correspondence re Niels Bohr's Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, and including Frisch's introduction for reissued version, 1960. Continued O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 C.105 (Cont'd. ) Lectures and publications Correspondencere translation of Schrddinger's Meine Weltansicht, and including a 'trial transla- tion! by Frisch, 1961-64. Agreement for proposed book on 'Quantum Theory and Beyond' to be written by Frisch, 1970. Other miscellaneous correspondence, last date 1974 C.106 University of Chicago Press 1957-60 Correspondence mainly re proposed collection of essays and lectures by Frisch, to be published under the title 'Looking at Atoms'; includes Frisch's sug- gested list of material (July 1957) and readers' reports (January 1958). C.167 Clarendon Press, Oxford 1947, 1971 te proposed books 'The Neutron (1947) and 'High Energy Physics' (1971). E.U. Condon 1962 re proposed publication of historical work by Lise Meitner and Frisch, 1962. C.108 Contemporary Physics 1959-79 Frisch was a memberof the Editorial Board, and contributed an article on ‘Molecular Beams’ to the introductory issue. General correspondence, on articles and reviews by Frisch submitted for publication in the journal, his comments on papers by others, suggestions for articles or authors to be approached, etc. C.109 C.110 André Deutsch Discovery 1977-78 1948-63 Correspondence onarticles and reviews by Frisch. Drafts of book reviews by Frisch for Discovery N.B. are in C.76.— C.111 R. Fraser W.H, Freeman and Company Limited G.G. Harrap and Company Limited 1954 1979 1959-60 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 90 Lectures and publications C.112 A.W. Haslett 1952-62 Correspondence on various articles by Frisch for Penguin Science News, The Times Science Review, Science Survey, etc. C.113 W. Heinemann Limited 1961-62 re possible publication by Heinemann of U.K. edition of Atomic Physics Today. See also C.58-C.61. C.114 A. Hildesheimer 1953-54 Correspondence with author and with several publishing houses about Hildesheimer's book 'Die Welt der Ungewohnten Dimensionen' and including report by Frisch. C.115 Hutchinson's University Library re proposed book on nuclear physics. D. Karten Macmillan 1960 1967 1970 A. Mondadori Company . 1973-74 F. Muller Limited J.C .Muster te 'Single Concept Tapes’ project, Otterbein College, Ohio. C.116 Nature Naturwissenschaften T. Nelson and Sons 1954 1970 1959-60 1931 1959-64 te proposed book 'The Young Physicist’, with a few notes for chapter-headings. C.117 G. Newnes Limited 1955-56 Frisch acted as Consultant and Adviser for books on peaceful uses of atomic energy (see letter of 9 November 1955 for details of appointment). General correspondence with the firm, and with possible authors re publications, comments on mss. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 91 Lectures and publications C.118-C.120 New Scientist 1957-79 Correspondence onarticles and reviews by Frisch (many not documented elsewhere in the collection). C.118 C.119 1957-60 1970-75 Includes a short article 'One Christmas | shall never forget’ [1938] 1973, notes for article on High Energy Physics 1974, correspondence arising from Frisch's article 'Shooting sparrows in the dark' 1975 and a biographical 'profile' of Frisch 1975. C.120 1976-79 Includes correspondence re publication of Frisch's earlier lecture 'Who invented the electron? ' (see C.43A) 1977, anniversary articles on Lise Meitner and on Einstein 1978. For book review by Frisch for New Scientist, see C.76. C.121 New York Times The Observer C.122-C. 124 Penguin Books Limited 1977 1964 1946-63 Correspondence on books and articles written or proposed. C.122 C.123 C.124 1946-50 1951-56 1962-63 C.125 Pergamon Press Limited 1953-77 Mainly re launching of 'Progress in Nuclear Physics’ . Correspondence 1953 refers to proposed 'Manual of Radioactivity’ (see also C.67). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 92 Lectures and publications C.126 Physics Bulletin 1959, 1972-74 Correspondence 1959 is re article by Frisch on ‘Fundamental Particles'; correspondence 1972-74 is re articles on SWEEPNIK and on 'Presenting physics' (see C.44). C.127 C.128 SALVATEditores Scientific American 1975 1963-67 Correspondence re Frisch's article 'Molecular Beams' and essay-review on Niels Bohr. The Sunday Times 1967 re book on Niels Bohr. Charles Scribners' Sons 1969-76 Includes Agreement for Frisch to write book 'Lise Meitner as | remember her', 1969, and other articles especially for Dictionary of Scientific Biography . C.130 Technica (Russian journal) J.A. Teegan The Times Ulisse 1967 1950 1973 1949 te Premio Europeo Cortina, for which Frisch's book Meet the Atoms was runner-up. Universities Quarterly C.131 Victoria Publications F. Vieweg and Sons Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1957-59 1956 1959-60 1978 re re-issuing of Meitner/Frisch 1939 article on Disentegration, and Frisch's 1939 article on Neutron bombardment, both originally in Nature. C.132 World University Library 1963-64 Mainly re proposed book 'The Anatomy of Matter’. C.133 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence, permission to quote, requests for information, acknowledgement of material, etc. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 93 C.134-C .139 PUBLISHED MATERIAL Lectures and publications C.134 C.135 C.136 C.137 Biographical articles and obituary notices of scientists. Early reprints on nuclear research. Pamphlets, declarations, etc. on nuclear warfare, security, C.N.D., including some Second World War material. Humorous material, articles, verses, songs assembled at various dates. C.138, C.139 Frisch's publications, presented in the order of the Bibliography, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 1981. This is not a complete set, and there are many N.B. additional drafts for unlisted writings elsewhere in Section C, 2 Boxes. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 94 SECTION D RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS D.1- D.59 Introduction to Section D In many respects, this Section is complementary to Section C. It covers a similar time-span (1947 - 79) and illustrates the same linguistic range, fluency and ease of exposition. Few scientists of his generation were so regularly in demand, whether for formal - or at least scripted - talks, or for unscripted interviews, con- tributions to discussion panels, etc. addressed to so many types of listening public. Frisch's success in the medium is attested in D.29 which includes a very favourable Audience Research Report on a series of talks broadcast in 1963; the papers in D.36 also show him actively shaping as well as contributing to a series. As with the material in Section C, the talks, etc. for which scripts survive and which are listed at D.1 - D.38 are only a proportion of Frisch's contribution to radio; the folders of correspondence, contracts or receipts at D.39 - D.43 give a fuller impression of his popularity as a broadcaster. The material is presented in chronological order so far as this is ascertain- able, as follows: D.1 -D.43 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (RADIO) Drafts, scripts and related correspondence D.44-D.50 TELEVISION COMPANIES (U.K.) D.51-D.54 RADIO AND TELEVISION (EUROPE) D.55-D.59 FILMS O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 75 Radio, television, films D.1-D.43 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - RADIO D.1 "Kann man Atome sichtbar machen? ' Talk for 'Aus der Welt der Wissenschaft’ series, B.B.C., broadcast 1948. Drafts and correspondence 1947-48. D.2 Correspondence 1948-49 re broadcasts for European and Overseas Services, to be given in English and German, on 'The Atom'. No English script survives, but there are drafts for two talks in German on the nature and uses of atomic energy, one with a note 'BBC 19(48) or 49', D.3 "Introducing the atom'. Talk for ‘Science Survey', broadcast October 1949. Draft and correspondence. D.4 ‘Experiments in Physics’. Two talks for 'Science Review' nos. 100 and 101, broadcast January and March 1950. Scripts and correspondence 1949-50. D.5 Three talks on 'The Modern Picture of the Atomic Nucleus’, given in English and German for Overseas Service, broad- cast 1952. The talks were: The atomic nucleus - what is it made of? The atomic nucleus - how does it hold together? The atomic nucleus - new ideas about its structure. Scripts in English and German, correspondence, plans of talks 1951-52. D.6 ‘Unsolved problems in atomic physics’. Heavily-revised typescript draft with a ms. note 'BBC 1951(?)'. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 96 Radio, television, films D.7 ‘Causality in modern physics’. Talk broadcast in English and German, 1953, and also in Italian translation. Notes only for English version, German translation by Frisch, text of Italian translation, correspondence. The English version was printed in The Listener. D.8 "Individuality in modern physics’. Talk for Third Programme, broadcast January 1954 and also in Italian translation. Draft, Italian translation, correspondence 1953-54. The English version was printed in The Listener. D.9, D.10 Talks on the hydrogen bomb, in Home, European and Overseas Services, given in English, German and Danish, 1954. D.9 D.10 Drafts for several talks in English, Danish translation of ‘How the hydrogen bomb works', correspondence. Press-cuttings and correspondence from general public arising from broadcast. D.11 "Theory and Experiment’. Talk broadcast January 1955, English and German versions, correspondence. "Heavy water’. Talk for Home Service, broadcast February 1955. D.13 ‘Atomic energy today’. Series of four talks, broadcast as prelude to Geneva Conference, July 1955. The subjects were: 'As a power source’ "Medical and research uses' 'Hazards' "Future possibilities’ Outline of talks, Danish version, correspondence. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 97 Radio, television, films D.14 'The anti-proton'. Talk on Third Programme, December 1955. Correspondence, 3 typescript drafts for talks with this title (all different texts). D.15 'Fossiler Magnetismus"und die Wanderung des Poles’. Talk in German Service, broadcast December 1955. 2 drafts, with slight variations. D.16 "A new model of the atomic nucleus’. Talk in European Service ‘Frontiers of Knowledge’, broadcast February 1956. Typescript. "What are those atoms? ' 3 talks for Home Service 'Science Survey', broad- cast February 1956. The talks were: What are those atoms? The structure of atoms The atomic nucleus D.18 ‘Letter to a young scientist’ . Broadcast in Home Service, August 1956 and printed in The Listener. No script survives; folder includes contract and correspondence arising from publication in The Listener. Correspondence andpart drafts for contributions to two programmes on atomic energy (‘The British contribution’ and 'Wartime and post-war developments'), broadcast November 1956. D.20 'The Neutrino discovered’. Broadcast in Home Service 'The Frontiers of Knowledge’, October 1956 andin Italian translation. Correspondence, copy of Italian version. D.21 'Antiteilchen und Antimaterie'. Talk in German Service, broadcast December 1956. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 98 Radio, television, films D.22 ‘Hydrogen Fusion’. Talk in German Service, broadcast April 1957. D.23 'This Age of Magnetism’. Talk for 'Science Survey’, May 1959, also broad- cast in German Service, June 1959. Scripts of English and German versions, corres- pondence whichalso refers to publication in The Listener and to re-broadcast in Swedish. D.24 'Thinking in numbers’. Talk for Network Three series, broadcast November 1959. Includes script and contributions from other parti- cipants, correspondence. D.25 'This Atomic Age'. Contributions to a three-part series for the German Service, recorded September 1959. Plans for series, Frisch's contributions, correspondence. D.26 'The New Fundamental Particles’. Three talks given in Third Programme, January 1960, under the titles 'The First Fourteen’, 'The Strange Particles’, 'Strangeness and Parity’. Scripts, revised drafts, correspondence 1959-60. D.27 'The Microcosm'. Contribution no.3 to 'The World Picture 1960', broad- cast in European Service, November 1960. Draft, broadcast script, brief correspondence. D.28 'At the Speed of Light'. Series of six programmes in Network Three; Frisch took part in no.5 'Electromagnetic Radiation and the Atom', broadcast May 1963. — Outline of series, script of Frisch's contribution, correspondence, arrangements for script to be amended and re-broadcast in French by Université Radiophonique et Télevisuelle Internationale. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 99 Radio, television, films D.29 'The Magnetic Proton’. No.2 in the series 'Experiment', broadcast in Third Programme, September 1963 (describing work with Hahn in 1930). Draft, script of broadcast, correspondence, report (highly favourable) from Audience Research Department, plans to publish series as booklet. D.30 ‘Causality’. No.6 in a series of talks 'A Few Ideas', broadcast in Third Programme, April 1964 and subsequently published in The Listener. Revised draft, correspondence 1963-64. D.31 'The particles of modern physics’. Draft, March 1965, probably for broadcast. D.32 Talk on Einstein, recorded July 1965, as part of three programmes on ‘Einstein - the Man and his Achievement', broadcast on the Third Programme, 1966. Draft, correspondencere talk, German version, publication by B.B.C. Publications 1965-67, and later correspondence re U.S. publication 1970, 1973. D:38 ‘Science and Society in the Thirties’. Discussion programme with many leading scientists as participants, broadcast in Third Programme December 1965. Script, brief correspondence. D, 34 ‘Atomic bombs and atomic power'. Programme 3 ina series of 4 on the history of the atom, World Service, broadcast June 1966. Draft corrected scripts dated April 1966, correspondence. D: 35 'The Frontiers of Knowledge’. Series of three contributions broadcast in the form of interviews with G. Steedman, recorded May 1966. The subjects were 'The Three Parities' and 'Time Reversal’ (two talks), broadcast in the European and World Services. Correspondence, script of one talk only 'Charge, Position and Time Through the Looking-Glass' which wasthefirst of the two on 'Time Reversal’. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 100 Radio, television, films D.36, D.37 ‘Growing Points in Physics’. Contributions to twoseries of nine programmes each, broadcast underthis title in Study Session (Network Three) 1967. By invitation, Frisch submitted the general plan of the series, acted as consultant on speakers andscripts, and gave the introductory and the concluding talks 'What is Physics?' and 'The Future of Physics’. A booklet 'Growing points in physics' was produced by B.B.C. Publications in conjunction with theseries, to which Frisch contributed an introduction. D.36 Correspondencere planning of series, including Frisch's outline for all the talks, suggestions for speakers, etc. 1966-67, anda little later correspondence 1973. D.37 Draft and broadcast scripts, booklet, etc. D.38 Contribution to Christmas edition of 'Science in Action', World Service, December 1969. Script of broadcast (other contributors were K. Lonsdale, A.F. Huxley, J. Needham), brief correspondence. D. 39-D.43 Shorter B.B.C. correspondence. These folders document broadcasts or projects for B.B.C. Many radio for which no identifiable script survives. were for unscripted discussion programmesor interviews such as the 'Questions in the air' series to which Frisch frequently contributed. may not always have been completed. the contract, or receipt for payment, have survived. Others were for projects which In some cases only D.39 D.40 1947-56 1957-62 Correspondence June 1959 includes invitation to participate in B.B.C, European Service 21st Anniversary series on 'The Scientist and Society'; Frisch's letter, declining, explains his interest in science as entirely for its own sake. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 101 Radio, television, films D.41 1963-79 Correspondence August 1969 is re an interview on SWEEPNIK. Correspondence 1977 is re interview with Frisch for series 'One man's lifetime’. Correspondence 1979 is re Frisch's participation in ‘Kaleidoscope’ programmeon Einstein. D.42 D.43 Miscellaneous correspondence on B.B.C. programmes, various dates 1948-66. Envelope of receipts for various B.B.C. payments. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 102 D.44-D.50 TELEVISION COMPANIES (U.K.) Radio, television, films D.44 D.45 In alphabetical order. Anglia Television Limited Associated Television Limited ‘Decisions of our Time’. D.46-D.49 British Broadcasting Corporation - Television 1964 1961 D.46 D.47 D.48 Correspondence, proposals, etc. for a projected programme "Science International’. 'Visual Technical Adviser’ and submitted a draft script on elementary particles. cancelled. Plans for the programme were later Frisch was asked to serve as 1960. 1961-62 1964 (includes contribution to film biography of Einstein). 1973 (programme on Bohr 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier’) 1979 (Open University programme on 'Science and Belief’) D.49 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence. D.50 Yorkshire Television Limited 1976 D.51-D.54 RADIO AND TELEVISION (EUROPE) In chronological order. D.51 Rot-Weiss-Rot (Viennese radio station). Requests for a talk in series 'Osterreicher im Ausland’. 1953-54 D.52 U.S. Government's Radio Station RIAS, Berlin 1956-57 Correspondence, drafts, script for talk 'Neuere Ergebnisse der Kernforschung', broadcast October 1956, and re publication of this talk and another on causality. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 103 Radio, television, films D.53 Université Radiophonique Internationale, Paris 1965 Swiss Radio Correspondence and script of talk on 'Umstrittene Symmetriegesetze'. RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana Swedish Radio (re television programme) 1966 1968 1968 D.54 'Die Wettlauf um die Atombombe' Correspondence re programme on Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, transmitted July 1973. Includes reviews, photographs, brief corres- pondence with F. Strassmann. D.55=D...5? FILMS In chronological order. D.55 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Correspondence and papers1946 re proposed film 'The beginning or the end' (See What little | remember, pp. 194-195). Includes exchanges with film company and with Lise Meitner (who objected to the project), and copies of a typescript by Frisch with a ms. introductory note 'Sketch for some scenes in an "Atomic Energy" film; written in an attempt to improve on script shown to me by MGM which was wrong in fact and atmosphere. This, though condensed and fictitious, is basically correct’. D.56 GaumontBritish Instructional Films Limited 1946 Brief correspondence onlyyexchanged by M.W. Perrin andR.E. Peierls, re proposed film on development of atomic energy, and including a draft 'Scene 204. Speech by Dr. Frisch', probably intended for film. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 104 Radio, felevision, films D.57 "Birth of the Bomb', film for American television. Correspondence with producer, 1970. D.58 'A World in Flight', documentary film. Correspondence with director, outline treatment of project, 1971. D.59 Pathé cinéma, documentary film 'The atomic development'. Correspondence 1976-77. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 105 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES E.1 - E.63 The material is presented in chronological order. It varies in content from a brief notice or programmeto a sub- stantial folder including scientific correspondence, arrange- ments for lecture or publication, travel arrangements, visits to friends and thelike. For Pugwash conferences see F.101, F.112. E.1 American Physical Society, M.I.T., April 1946. The Physical Society, Conference on Fundamental Particles and Low-Temperature Physics, Cambridge, July 1946. University of Ghent Colloquium, invitation and letter of thanks from A. Berthelot, 1946-47. Collége de France, Rutherford memorial meeting, 1947. University of Birmingham, Conference 'Problems of Nuclear Physics’, September 1948. 8th Solvay Conference, Brussels, September 1948. Information, programme, typescript 'Solvay Conference notes 1948' on papers by E. Teller and R. Serber. Conference on high-speed automatic calculating-machines, Cambridge, June 1949 (programme only). E.2 E.3 E.4-E.6 International Congress for Nuclear Physics, Quantum- Electrodynamics and Cosmic Rays, Basle - Como, September 1949. E.4 Ea E.0 Frisch gave a lecture on ‘Scintillation counters’ later published in Helv. phys. Acta, 23. Programmes, list of participants. Brief ms. notes for Frisch's lecture, printed abstracts of lectures some annotated by Frisch. Brief correspondence with organisers and editor. Family correspondence received by Frisch at conference. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 106 E.7. E.8 Ea? Visits and Conferences Visit to Stanford University, California, June-September 1950. Correspondence re award of Fulbright travel grant, and with Cavendish Laboratory. Commisariat 4 |'Energie Atomique, Paris, invitation to lecture, November 1950. The Physical Society, Cambridge, December 1950. Universita degli Studi, Rome, invitation to lecture, April 1951. Discussion - conference on Nuclear Physics (arranged for 60th birthday of Bothe), Heidelberg, June 1951. Correspondence and programme. Conference on Problems of Quantum Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, July 1951. Information, programme. Also enclosed is correspondence re another visit to Copenhagen, October 1951. E.10, £.11 Visit to U.S.A. August-October 1951. Frisch attended the International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Fundamental Particles organised by the Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, September 1951. He chaired the session on ‘Reactions of Light Nuclei’. He also attended the 'Lecture Series' at Oak Ridge, visited other laboratories and gave several talks during his period in U.S.A. E.10 Correspondence re Conference at Chicago, programme, list of participants, etc. Correspondence re othervisits and talks, to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Brookhaven National Laboratories, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Harvard University, lowa State College, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Washington University. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 108 Visits and Conferences E.12 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, lecture and ‘ORF Newsletter’ to Cavendish Laboratory, April 1952. Lund University, Sweden, lecture, April 1952. Visit to German physical laboratories, June 1952. Itinerary, reports on research projects and on scientists met, own journal oftrip, brief correspondence from colleagues arranging visits, etc. E.14 Visit to Singapore, as External Examiner in Physics, University of Malaya, May-June 1953. Correspondence re appointment and visit, lecture, comments on draft papers, incidental visits to Rome, Bombay, Colombo. Birmingham Conference on Nuclear Physics, July 1953. List of participants, programme, printed report of proceedings. E.16, E.17 Visit to Vienna, arranged by British Council under Foreign University Interchange Scheme, June 1954. Frisch gave lectures at Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck and attended a Conference of the Austrian Physical Society. E.16 Correspondence with British Council and with colleagues, re visit and engagements. Correspondence re Cavendish Laboratory affairs. Personal and family correspondence during visit. Corrected draft of an article on atomic energy (by a journalist) which Frisch substantially rewrote. International Nuclear Physics Conference, sponsored by International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and Unesco, Glasgow, July 1954. Information, programme, abstracts of papers. 'Some notes on the Glasgow Nuclear Physics Conference’, 12 pp. typescript. E.19 Ms. and typed notes taken at Conference at Pisa, June 1955. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 109 Visits and Conferences Invitation card (only) to lecture on 'Cherenkov Detectors’, given by Frisch at Stockholm, May 1956. Visit to Austrian Atomic Energy Study Group, Vienna, May 1957. Frisch lectured on ‘Probleme der Atomenergiegewinnung aus Wasserstoff'. Correspondence, brief summary of lecture, draft of similar lecture 'Kann Mann aus Wasserstoff Atomkraft gewinnen?' dated April 1957. Conference on Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, A.E.R.E. Harwell, June 1957. Information, participants, programme. Visit to Cornell, U.S.A. as Visiting Professor in Department of Nuclear Studies, 1957-58. Correspondence with colleagues and authorities at Cornell and at Cambridge. Brookhaven Conference on Molecular Beams, Heidelberg, June 1959, organised by H. Kopfermann. Invitation and travel grant application only. Visit to Heidelberg, to lecture on 'Kohtrente Bremsstrahlung von Krystallen', June 1960. Brief correspondenceonly. Correspondence re possible visit to Australia on Commonwealth Universities Interchange Scheme, 1960-63. Visit to American University of Beirut, Lebanon, to give three lectures, March 1961, as part of British Council visit, see E.30 below. Correspondence only. Visit to Dortmund under auspices of British Council, to give lecture as part of the Dortmund English Festival, May 1961. Correspondence only. Visit to Institute of Theoretical Physics, Vienna, to give two lectures (on elementary particles and on bubble chamber research), May 1961. Correspondenceonly. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 E.30 110 Visits and Conferences Correspondence with British Council 1960-61 re proposed visit to Iran and Pakistan to lecture and visit laboratories, scheduled for March 1961 but cancelled by Frisch. The visit to Beirut (see E.27) was intended as partof this trip. Visit to Basle under British Council University Interchange Scheme, to lecture on new particles, and on work at the Cavendish Laboratory, June 1962. Itinerary (only) for visit to U.S., March-April 1962. Visit to Dusseldorf to lecture to Arbeitsgemeinschaft flr Forschung des Landes Nordchein-Westfalen, December 1962. Frisch lectured on elementary particles and his talk was published (see C. 36). Correspondence 1961-63 re arrangements and publication. Correspondence 1963-64 re proposed visit September 1964- June 1965 as Visiting Professor, University of Miami. Frisch was not able to take up the offer. International University Course, Vienna, September 1964, on 'Formgestaltung der Welt seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg’. Frisch lectured on '50 Jahre Grundlagenphysik' . Visit to Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Austin, Texas, December 1964, and to various other laboratories, universities and friends. Correspondence re arrangementsto visit and lecture, notes taken at Texas conference. World Jewish Congress, British Section. Informal Conference on 'Why Remain Jewish in this Changing World?’ June 1965. Invitation and acceptance only. ‘Perspectives of Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry’. Symposium for Centenary of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Warsaw, October 1967. Invitation, correspondence, programme, list of participants, information, etc. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 11 Visits and Conferences E.39 Visit to Israel, December 1967-January 1968. Ms. diary of events, some ms. notes of laboratories and people seen, brief correspondence. E.40 Visit to U.S.A., January-February 1969. Frisch attended a National Topical Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, on Fast Burst Reactors, at Albuquerque, January 1969, and also lectured and visited at other laboratories and universities. Frisch chaired Session | on 'Fast Burst Reactor Analysis Techniques’ . Itinerary, correspondence with colleagues and friends, 1968-70. European Physical Society, Inaugural Conference, 'The Growth Points of Physics', Florence, April 1969. Programme, information, abstracts. Visit to Leiden, May 1969. Letter from Frisch to his family, describing the visit. Visit to Russia (Moscow, Novosibirsk), sponsored by Board of Trade Fairs and Promotions Branch, September 1970. Itinerary, correspondence, Frisch's ms. journal of trip. Visit to Hungary (Budapest), sponsored by Department of Trade and Industry Fairs and Promotions Branch, as part of ‘British Engineering Week', March 1971. Various itineraries and arrangements, correspondence. Second Symposium on the Recent Developments in Neutron Activation Analysis, Cambridge, June-July 1971. Frisch gave the opening speech, a copy of which is included in the folder. Visit as External Examiner for doctorate theses, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, February 1972. Correspondence, arrangements, Frisch's ms. journal oftrip. E.4] E.42 E.43 E.44 E.45 E.46 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 112 Visits and Conferences E.47 Visit to Vienna, for 50th anniversary of 'Matura' at Piaristner- Gymnasium. Frisch gave a talk, '50 Jahre unter Physikern', May 1972. Correspondence, including news of old schoolfellows. See A.106. E.48, E.49 Visit to Sweden and Finland, June-July 1972. Frisch lectured at the Seventh Summer School in Physics at Loma-Koli, organised by Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Helsinki. accompanied him, and gave a talk on brass-rubbing. Mrs. Frisch After the conference, Frisch suffered a heart attack and was obliged to remain in hospital until 14 July. E.48 E.49 Correspondence re conference, information, programme, itinerary . Personal correspondence re Frisch's illness and delayed return home. E.50 "Exploratory Conference on the Future of Science and Technology in Austria’, Vienna, October 1972. Invitation, correspondence, Frisch's notes, press- cuttings, plans for questions to be discussed, etc. E.ol, £07 Visit to U.S.A., June-July 1973. Frisch was invited to give the Nuclear Pioneer Lecture, on Lise Meitner, at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami. Because of his heart attack the previous year, he arrangedfor his daughter Monica to accompany him. After the conference Frisch visited various laboratories and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. E.5] Correspondence re meeting and lecture, programme, press- cuttings, visas. 11 pp. typescript and ms. version of lecture (another copy is at C.74). 3 pp. typescript of a lecture 'The Origin of Nuclear Fission’, perhaps prepared for sametrip. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 E.52 E.o3 E.54 E.00 E56 E.57 113 Visits and Conferences Correspondence re visits and lectures at Berkeley, Dartmouth, Los Alamos, National Accelerator Laboratory, Princeton, University of Washington Seattle; and a little personal correspondence with friends in U.S. Visit to CERN, to lecture on 'Lise Meitner and the Growth of Nuclear Physics', May 1974. Correspondence, notes for lecture, marked for slides. Symposium on the retirement of R.E. Peierls, Oxford, July 1974, at which Frisch spoke. Correspondence, programme, participants. Visit to Denmark, sponsored by Niels Bohr Institute and Atomic Energy Commission, September 1975. Frisch gave two lectures on 'The Tortuous Path to Atomic Power'. Correspondence, 16 pp. transcript from recording of lecture at Risé (Atomic Energy Research Establishment). Visit to Max-Planck- Institut fUr Kernphysik, Heidelberg, to lecture at colloquium, February 1976. Correspondence only. Visit to Vienna at invitation of University, to celebrate 50th anniversary of Frisch's Doctorate. Frisch lectured on 'Der schmale Pfad zur Uranspaltung', and also lectured at Graz, Innsbruck and Linz. The folder also includes a little personal correspondence about visits by Frisch and his wife to relatives and friends in the course of the trip, and Frisch's brief ms. journal. E.58 Visit to U.S.A., May-June 1977. Frisch attended the Symposium on the History of Nuclear Physics, University of Minnesota and gave a talk ‘Experimental work with Nuclei: Hamburg, London and Copenhagen’. Frisch was accompanied by his son Anthony, and arranged visits to several universities and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. Itinerary, conference programme and information, correspondence. See also C.51. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Conferences 114 E.59 Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, Loma- Koli, Finland, August 1977. Frisch accepted an invitation to attend and to give a talk on 'The Importance of Technical Innovations for the Development of Physics’. He wasinvited to participate in a meeting of the Finnish Pugwash Group, but later declined both invitations through pressure of work. American Physical Society Symposium commemorating 40th anniversary of discovery of fission, Washington D.C., April 1978, at which Frisch was invited to take the chair. Letter of invitation only (Frisch did not go). Visit to 'Herbstschule' on high energy physics, Maria Laach Abbey, Bonn, September 1978. Folder also includes correspondencere lecture to be given at DESY (organisers of 'Herbstschule'), Hamburg, March 1979. E.60 E.6] E.62 Visit to U.S.A., April-May 1979. Frisch attended the International Symposium in Honor of Robert R. Wilson at Fermilab, Illinois, April 1979. Frisch was accompaniedby his wife, and arrangedvisits to several universities and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. Itineraries, conference material, correspondence. E.63 1979 and undated. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 5 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1 - F.147 Introduction to Section F This Section brings together the remaining letters not kept by Frisch in folders with related research notes, drafts for publications, etc. Some of the letters complement material in other Sections, but the majority are shorter exchanges with scientific colleagues, or personal correspondence. It should be noted that several of the letters have Frisch's reply typed on the verso. The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order, dated and indexed, and with a brief indication of any material of particular scientific or personal interest. Fel Fee F.3 F.4 F.5 Adelman, S.L. Agnew, D. 1964-70 1945-c .1951 Frisch was briefly engaged to her in 1947 (see What Little | remember, p.197). Alexandrov, A. Allen, W.D. Frisch's carbon only: comments on book. Alvarez, L.W. Arms, S. Aspden, H. Frisch's carbon only. 1977 1957 1948, 1968, 1978 1953 1974 Atomic Scientists Association 1946-48 Miscellaneous printed matter, policy declarations, conference programmes, the Nunn May case, etc., with a few ms. notes by Frisch. See also Pugwash Conferences, F.101. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Badash, L. Badura- Skoda Frisch's draft only. Bagguley, B. Includes accounts of life in Birmingham and Liverpool. Baldinger, E. Barbour, J.B. Bentwich, N. Bethe, H.A. 116 1965 1972 1940-41 1954, 1955 1963-66, 1974 1951 1950, 1978 Correspondence 1978 is photocopy letter from Bethe on his recollections of 'compound nucleus’ concept in 1934-35. Bjerge, T. Blackett, P.M.S. Blaskopf, H. 1947 1935, 1955 1951 (card), 1953-56 Blau, M. and others 1961-66 Mainly with colleagues to obtain some financial help for Marietta Blau, a distinguished Viennese scientist who had worked on nuclear emulsions. Bloch, F. Béggild, J.K. 1935 (1 letter only) 1948-67 1973 (Frisch's carbon only) 1945-73 Béggild was a colleague of Frisch at the Niels Bohr Institute in the 1930s and remained there. Includes card, October 1945, signed by Bohr and other colleagues, and letter March 1948 with message from Lise Meitner. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Bohr, N. and Bohr, M. 1947, 1951, 1963 Scientific and personal correspondence from Niels and Margarethe Bohr. Includes 1 p. 'N. Bohr's 1930 lectures on quantum mechanics (From notes by E. Kriger and T. Bjerge)'. Bondi, H. Frisch's carbon only. Bondy, H.F. Born, M. Braddick, H.J.J. Bragg, W.L. Braunschweig, R. Breitenberger, E. Brent, B.J. 1959 1942 1955-63 1954 1947, 1950, 1962, 1967 1948-54 1954-67 1973-79 Brent (formerly Josephy) had worked at Hamburg Corres- under Stern at the same time as Frisch. pondence is mainly re photographs andfilm of distinguished scientists. Bretscher, E. and Bretscher, H. 1946-70 Personal and scientific correspondence with Egon and Hanni Bretscher, mainly re Harwell. Includes obituary tribute to Bretscher, written by Frisch for Nature, 1973. Brings, T.H. Broch, E. Broda, E. Brode, B. Letter at Los Alamos, arranging a meeting to discuss ‘Peace after this war'. Brookes, A.M.P. Brostrdm, K.J. 1947 1945 1954 n.d. ror? 1961 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.25 F:26 Correspondence Bugg, D. Bunemann, O. Byer, T. Campbell, A.J. Casimir, H.B.G. Cassels, J.M. F.27 Chadwick, J. 118 1958 1947, 1950 1967 1958 1948 1957 1947-70 F.28 F.29 F.30 Scientific and personal correspondence. Includes 'Some stories about Sir James Chadwick (reported by O.R. Frisch, 1976)'. Clark, R.W. Cochran, W. Cockburn, R. Cockcroft, J.D. and Cockcroft, E. Cohen, S. Conrad, R. Copley, E. Corbiére, H. 1959-60 n.d. 1950-51 and n.d. 1946, 1956, 1959, 1965, 1967 1975 1934 1977 1953 Request for impressions of Einstein for proposed book 'Homage to Einstein’. CUer, P. F.3] Darwin, C.G. F.32 Davies, D.J.M. Deakin, C. Dee, P.I. Delbrick, M. Deutsch, M. Devons, S. 1953 1954 (Frisch's carbon only) 1963 (from Frisch to Lady Darwin) 1970 1965 1952 1950, 1978-79 1948 1955, 1965, n.d. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Dobbs, H.A.C. Dott, H.M. Droste, J.V. Duncan, R. Dunworth, J.V. Eaton, C. Ehrenberg, W. and Ehrenberg, M. Eikhoff, L. (later Montgomery) Estermann, I. Feather, N. Feld, B.T. Feldau, W.V. Feldberg, W. and Feldberg, J., Feldberg, K. Feynman, R._ P. Oneletter only, re work at Los Alamos. Fischer, R. Fleischmann, R. Fokker, A.D. Franck, J. Fraser, R. Freeman, J. Freudenreich, R.v. 119 1965 197] 1954 1972 1955 1964 1963-64, 1975 1950-57 1962-64, 1973 1945-51, 1965, 1975 1948 1958, 1959 1947-52, 1960-61 1948 1959 1956-57 1966, 1969 1934, n.d., 1952 (re Franck's birthday) 1947, 1963 1955 1965, 1973 Letter 1965 is to Lise Meitner, re history of her letter 1973 is re work of P.A.M. work in 1930s; Dirac). Friesen, I.v. Frisch, D.H. 1948-49 1963 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence F.43 Gang, M. Garlick, G.F.J. 120 1940, 1951 1952-61, 1974 (Frisch's carbon only) Correspondence 1961 includes Garlick's draft note for Nature on Pringsheim's 80th birthday. F.44 Gill, E. 1945-67 Frisch met Evan Gill in Liverpool (see What little | remember, p.140) and they remainedlife- long friends. The correspondence includes several references to the work of Eric Gill, brother of Evan. F.45 Gill, J.M. 1977 re possible research projects to help the blind. F.46 F.47 F.48 F.49 Givon, S. Glaser, D. Gold, T. 1967 1977 1952, 1955 Correspondence 1955is a brief but interesting exchange onthe ‘continuous creation’ controversy. Goldstein, L. Good, I. J. 1922 1962 Correspondence arising from a lecture by Frisch to British Society for the Philosophy of Science. Includes a note by Good 'A new model for polarization’, and summary and 8 pp. typescript draft paper by Good 'Quantum Mechanics and Yoga' to be given at a Symposium on 'Yoga and Parapsychology', Lucknow. Also included are typescript copies of 3 short talks by Frisch 'Why are physical laws what they are?' (1952), 'Why is quantum theory? ' (1953), 'Why are there laws of nature? ' (1954). Goodall, M.C. and others 1949, n.d., 1973-76 On relativistic quantum mechanics; few letters dated. Gordon, W. Gray, R. Green, C. 1939 1973 1963-64 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.50 Correspondence Gregory, R.L. Grimble, A.F. Groth, W. Gustafson, T. Hahn, O. Hahn, O. 12] 1978 1952-53 1964-65 1946 1948, 1957, 1963-65, 1979 Photocopies of letters by Hahn written December 1938; letters of 19 and 21 are to Lise Meitner, card of 23 is to Eva von Bergius, letter of 28 to 'Liebe Kollegin'. Halban, H. Halpern, J. Hanle, P.A. re E. Schrédinger. Haxel, O. Hearst, W. Hein, P. Henriques, O.M. Herz, M. See What little | remember, p.137. Herzog, G. Hesse, M.B. 1953 1954-55 1977 1954-76 1951, 1953 1948 1949 1939-43 1945 1962, 1977 Hevesy, G. various dates 1935-50, and 1966 Hill, R. Hintz, N. Hirsch, F. 1977 1953 1961 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence F.60 Hodgson, P.E. H¢ffer-Jensen, S. 122 1954 1945-49, 1975 Letter of 1945 contains news of Niels Bohr Institute, during and after the Second World War. Hogben, E. Holland, A.E. 1966, 1978 1973, 1977, 1979 F.61-F.64 Hope, M. (later Herrman) and others 1939-78 Personal correspondence, with accounts of work in Birmingham, Liverpool, London, life in war- time Britain, etc. Not all letters are dated. F.6] F.62 F.63 F.64 1939 1940 1941-42 1943, various dates 1947-78 F.65 Houtermans, F.G. Howorth, M. Huber, P. Hutchinson, G.W. various dates F.66 Hutten, E.H. Irving, D. n.d., 1948 1955 1954 1959-78 1947, 1961 1966 Request for comments on history of uranium fission. Isenstein, H. 1968, 1973, 1978 Isenstein was a Danish sculptor and the folder includes photographs of his portrait busts of A. Wheeler and E. Rutherford. 1973 is re drawing of Frisch by Isenstein sent to Trinity College, Cambridge. Correspondence F.67 Jacobsen, J.C.G. 1947, 1948 Includes a little correspondence with other members of the Jacobsen family. Jahn, H.A. 1952 F.68 Jeffreys, H. and Jeffreys, B. 1947-49, 1966 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence F.69 F.70 F.71 F.72 Jellis, R.E. Jensen, E. Jensen, H.D. Jentschke, W. Jones, R.V. Josephson, B.D. Junghaus, J. Jungk, R. Karlik, B. Katz, N. Kemmer, N. Khanna, R.C. King, W.J. Kirchner, F. Klemperer, O. F.73 Koch, J. K8llmer-Langhammer, E. tre Frisch's father Kopfermann, H. F.74-F.76 Kowarski, L. and Kowarski, K. 123 1973-75 1952 1955 196] 1965 1960, 1977 1948 1956 1947-59, 1979 1945 1964, 1970 1964 1962 1932 1934 1964 1954 1949, 1955 1946-78 Personal and scientific correspondence, re meetings, publications, research projects, nuclear energy programme, etc. 1946-66 Photocopy of Kowarski's Affidavit to the Patent Compensation Board, United States Atomic Energy Commission, describing his research in France and Britain (to January-March 1941). 1967-78 Laslett, L.J. Laurikainen, K.V. 1945, 195] 1973-77 F.74 F.75 F.76 F.77 F.78 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.79 Correspondence Lauritsen, T. Lawson, D. Lawson, J.D. F.80 Lemmerich, J. Lenz, Frisch's carbon only. Levi, H. Recollections of work at Niels Bohr Institute (see What little | remember, p.89). Lewkowicz, A. 124 1950 1963 1955 1978 1954 1975 1970 F.81 Lisco, L. various dates 1969-78 (Daughter of J. Franck; includes recollections of Franck, Lise Meitner, etc.) F.82 F.83 F.84 F.85 Littauver, R. Lohde, H. Longuet-Higgins, H.C. Lonsdale, K. Lorenz, K. McCutchen, B.S. McCutchen, C. Includes some research papers. Manley, J.H. Marshak, R. Frisch's carhon only. Massey, H.S.W. Mattauch, J. Mayr, G. 1949 1972 1978 1958 1964 1967-76 1957-75 1963, 1970 1950 n.d. 1952 1953, 1960 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence F.86 Menuhin, Y. Metropolis, N.C. Miller, F. Milner, E.V. Mégller, C. Moon, P.B. Morrison, P. Moss, N. Mott, N.F. and others Motz, H. Neurath, M.L. F.87 F.88 F.89 F.90 125 1960 1979 1967-69 1970 1970 1943-79 1946, 1950 1978 1946, 1954-63 1950, 1954 1954-55, 1960 Newton-John, I. various dates 1954-70 (Daughter of M. Born; includes some recollections. ) F.91] O'Gorman, M. F292 F.93 Oliphant, M.L.E. Oppenheimer, J.R. Ortner, G. Oxley, A.J. re bubble-chamber and scanning research. Pais, A. Paneth, F.A. Parkinson, W.C. Pauli, W. 1950 1947, 1977-78 1951 1954 1962-63 1950, 1974-76 1939 1953 1944, 1949 F.94 Peierls, R.E. 1945-48, 1955, 1979 Includes a little correspondence 1978 for Lady Peierls's 70th birthday. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence F.95 Peyrou, N. Pickavance, T.G. Pihl, M. Pincher, H.C. Ping, W.C. Pirenne, M.H. Placzek, G. Popper, K.R. Poschmann, H. Powell, C.F. Pringsheim, P. F.96 F.97 F.98 Poa? 126 1956 1952, 1959 n.d. 1949 1962-74 1975 1934, 1935, 1946, 1947 1935, various dates 1961-77 1954 1947-53 1961 Includes photograph of Pringsheim as a young child and an offprint of an early (1930) article on Luminescence. Pryce, M.H.L. F.100. Przibram, K. and others 1956, 1961 1947-69, 1973 Przibram wasFrisch's supervisor for his doctorate in Vienna in 1926. Przibram's family and others after his death. Correspondence 1973 is with F.101 Pugwash Conferences 1954-67 Miscellaneous material re meetings, conferences, policy statements, etc., some annotated by Frisch; includes a little ms. material, notes taken at conferences, brief correspondence. F.102 Rabel, G. and others 1948-66 Folder includes off- Dr. Gabriele Rabel was an Austrian scientist, con- temporary with Lise Meitner, who attended Einstein's lectures in Berlin. print of her article 'Die Geschichte des "Cavendish"' 1946, miscellaneous correspondence re her house near Cambridge bought with the help of Frisch and other friends, and its disposal after her death in 1963. (See What little | remember, pp.35-36, and a note by Mrs. U. Frisch about Dr. Rabel enclosed in the folder). O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.103 F.104 F.105 Correspondence Rabi, I.1. Rainer, A.C. Mainly re Frisch's parents. Ramsey, N.F. Rasmussen, E. Ratcliffe, J.A. Raven, C.E. Rehder, M-L. Reines, F. Frisch's carbon only. Richards, H.T. Ridley, B. Rieser, L.M. Riley, K.F. F.106-F.108 Robinson, G.S. 127 1934, 1947, 1949, 1950 1939-41, 1950 1950, 1954 1946, 1949 1969-70, 1974 6.1969 n.d. 1967 1962 1950 1955, 1976 1946, 1979 n.d. c. 1943-79 Robinson was a clergyman whom Frisch met in Liverpool (see What little | remember, p.140). He was a keen amateur musician and much ofthe correspondence is on this subject. Not all the letters are dated, and few of Frisch's letters have survived. F.106 F.107 F.108 c. 1943-59 1960-69 1970-79 F.109 Rona, E. Oneletter only. Rosbaud, P. and one letter 1942 from Rosbaud, H. 1935 1959-63 F.110 Rosenfeld, L. 1949, 1970-74 Correspondence 1970 includes copy of events at ‘Copenhagen Conferences’, 1929-37. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 128 F.111 F.112 F.113 F.114 Correspondence Rossi, B. n.d. probably 1948 Reporting research on mesons. Rotblat, J. various dates 1946-78 General scientific correspondence, including some material re Pugwash conferences(q.v.). Rothschild, N.M.V. 1952, 1962 The Royal Society Rozenthal, S. 1952-54, 1964, 1975 1949, 1963-64, 1968 Correspondence 1968 is re retirement of Betty Schultz who had been secretary to Niels Bohr Institute for 50 years. Sauter, F. Scarrott, G.G. Scherrer, Frisch's carbon only. F.115 Schiemann, E. 1949 1974, 1979 1952 1947 A friend of Lise Meitner in Berlin. One letter only. See also A.138. Schiller, K.K. Schnurmann, R. Schreiber, S. Schrédinger, E. Scott, |. Schreier Seelig, C. Segré, E. F.116 F.117 1979 1933, various dates 1964-78 1953 1960 1955-76 1955-56 1933, 1979 Correspondence 1979 contains recollections of atomic energy research. Serber, R. F.118 Simon, F.E. 1948 1946-47, 1951, 1961-62 Correspondence 1961 is from N. Arms re her biography of Simon. Simons, L. 1947 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 129 F.119 Simpson, E. 1942-78 Correspo ndence Esther Simpson was for many years Secretary of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, in whichcapacity Frisch first became acquainted with her. She also shared his love of music, often referred to in the letters. Correspondence 1965-66 refers to the presentation fund on her retirement in 1966, correspondence 1978 refers to later presentation. Smith, C. Smith, K.F. Snow, C.P. Sondheimer, F. Sopka, K.R. Biographies of Lise Meitner. Spencer-Palmer, H. Enclosing humorous account of wartime work at BCul; 1950 1964 1949 1976 1977 1979 Stafford, G.H. Staub, H. and Staub, E. Stern, O. 1948 1946, 1947 1934, 1945, 1964-65 Letter of 21 March 1945 sends Frisch 31,000 'as a kind of secondary of my Nobel prize’ in view of his contribution to the work on 'molecular rays’. F.120 F.121 F.122 F.123 F.124 Strassmann, F. Brief correspondence re visits. Strauss, Street, G. re work at Cavendish Laboratory . F.125 F.126 Strohmeyer, O.H. Taylor, G.I. 1969-70 1939 1968, 1971 1947-48, 1965 1952, 1970 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 130 F.127 Teles, M.L. 1921-22 Correspondence F.128 F.129 F.130 F.13] F.132 Correspondence and diagrams re inventions. Includes copies of British Patents for 'Sound Operated Electric Gear' filed by Teles 1945. Thirring, H. and others Thompson, E.P. Thomson, G.P. Titterton, E.W. Todd, W.M. Trenn, T.J. Tuck, J.L. Turner, L.A. Ulam, S.M. Urbach, F. 1957-67 1975 n.d. c.1964 1950, 1952 1976 1974, 1979 1950, 1973 1951, 1953 1945, 1946 1933-34, 1950 Includes a reference written by Frisch in 1940 for Urbach to teach in U.S.A. F.133 Vellacott, E. and Vellacott, P. 1947, and various undated letters 1948 various dates 1964-79 Voigt, H. Volkmann, E. Walgate, R. Warhanek, H. Warnow, J. Weart, S. F.135 Both re history of physics. F.136 Wechsler, R. and Wechsler, J. A friend of Frisch's parents. Weinberger, L. Weiss, E. Weiss, J. 1972, 1974 1954, 1957 1974 1975 1939-42 1954 1948 1947-49 Correspondence Weisskopf, V. and Weisskopf, E. various dates 1939-52 13] Welsh, E. Werner, S. Wheeler, J.A. 1947-54 1949 1964, 1970, 1978 Correspondence 1964 is re nomination of Frisch for National Science Foundation professorship; correspondence 1970 includes Frisch's note of a lecture by Wheeler on ‘pregeometry', Whitehouse, J. re publications. Wick, G.C. Refers to Frisch's letters in Nature, 1939. Wiechowski, S. 1951-53, 1962 c.1939 1954-58 Mainly re historical writings by Wiechowski. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.137 F.138 F.139 F.140 F.141 F.142 Wilkinson, D.H. Wilson, R. Frisch's carbons only. Winklehaus, A.F. Winter, A. F.143-F.145 Winter, G. 1951~54, 1959-60, 1978 1960 1973-79 1938, 1978 1918-62 Gerhard Winter was one of Frisch's oldest friends, since they were fellow-students at High School. He shared Frisch's interests in practical gadgetry, and in music, but took no degree. He emigrated to Australia during the 1930s and remained there exceptfor occasional visits, working relatively humbly for watchmakers, teaching and playing music andtranslating light verse in his spare time. See correspondence September-October 1952 for an accountofhis life. F.143 F.144 1918-39, 1947-51 1952-62 Includes correspondence re Winter with M.L.E. Oliphant. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 F.145 132 Correspondence Miscellaneous verse translations by Winter (some with dates 1942-47, and 1961), programmes of concerts at which he played, photographs, etc. F.146 Wolf, H. re possible research and inventions. Woodside, R. Wooster, W.A. Wu, C.S. 1975 (1973 1978 1973-74 F.147 First-name, unidentified or missing signatures. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 133 SECTION G NON-PRINT MATERIAL G.1 - G.3] Photographs, films, slides, magnetic tape. G.1-G.8 8 envelopes of photographs, some dated and identified on verso. The envelopes all bear titles in Frisch's hand. These titles are only a partial guide to the N.B. present content of the envelopes. G.] G.2 G.4 G.5 G.6 G.7 G.8 G.9 G.12 G.13 "Scientists from Europe’. ‘Breit, Estermann, Pringsheim, Weisskopf, Pauli, T. Goldhaber, Gold’. 'J. Franck wLith] Lise Meitner; Marg. Bohr; Fru Klein. 1963.' 'Bhaba, Blackett, Dirac, Casimir’ £1963] "Herzog, Laslett, Maria G. Mayer, Nierenberg, Alvarez, Ramsey et al.' "Pugwash Cambridge’. ‘Pugwash 1964 (Karlovy Vary)’. 'The Eklunds 1964. Kowarski’. No photograph of Kowarski remains in the N.B. envelope. Larger envelope of photographs labelled 'Physicists etc.' Various dates 1930s-1950s and including photographs of award of Fermi Award to O. Hahn. Photograph of Planck by Lotte Meitner-Graf, 1946, together with 2 early photographs and a postcard. Miscellaneous collection of photographs, some identified on verso. Larger photographs similar to above, many by Lotte Meitner-Graf. Photographs of Sir James Chadwick's 70th birthday celebrations, October 1966. Group photographs of research students at the Cavendish Laboratory, 1965, 1967, 1969 and n.d. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 134 Non-print material Miscellaneous negatives, some in an envelope labelled 'A.B. Pippard 1961. Bdggild and Knud Hansen 1965'. Miscellaneous photographs of N. Bohr and of Lise Meitner. Photograph of a counter. 12 portrait studies of Frisch, by Lotte Meitner-Graf. Miscellaneous photographs of Frisch, as a child with his parents, 1930s, 1940s, lecturing in Vienna, 1969, etc. "Bendicks Buttermints' box containing miscellaneous photographs, some identified on verso, and slides of Hahn, Meitner and others, probably assembled by Frisch for lectures. Includes photographs taken at Los Alamos 1944-45. Wooden cigar box labelled 'Films taken by ORF 1937 Tisville [sic] Copenhagen and other conferences’ . Contains 15 rolls of films, almost all identified and dated variously 1937-39. Miscellaneous negatives are also included in the box. Box labelled '35 mm. Films' containing several films, mostly unidentified, but including some post-war conferences. 5 glass plates labelled 'Hahn and Meitner 1909". —G.16 G.17 G.18 G.19 G.20 G.21 G.22 G.23 G.24-G.28 Five boxes of glass lecture slides, labelled as follows: G.24 G.25 G.26 G.27 G.28 ']. Portraits’ '2. Groups' '3. (Radioactivity) Portraits’. "Bragg to Squires. Fermi-Surface' '8 to 17. Particles’ The slides do not conform to the indications on the N.B. boxes. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 6 .29,°6580 G.29 G.30 G.3]1 135 Non-print material 2 educational tapes by Frisch recorded in August 1968 and published by Spring Green Multimedia in 1974 (see C.45). "Distinguishing the Main Types of Radioactivity' 'The Origin of Nuclear Fission' Tape labelled 'A conversation between Lise Meitner n.d. (On side 2 of tape.) and Otto Frisch FRS'. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 136 ADELMAN, Stuart L. AGNEW, Denise AGNEW, Harald M. AITCHISON, lan J. R. AKERS, Sir Wallace ALEXANDERSSON, Nils ALEXANDROV, Anatoly ALLEN, W. Douglas ALLERS, Christel ALLERS, Lola ALLERS, Rudolf LLERS, Ulrich Stefan ALLISON, Samuel K. ALMEIDA, Silverio P. ALVAREZ, Luis W. ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) (Shull) ARMS, H. S. ARNOLD,Fritz ASPDEN, H. ATANASKOVIC, Georg ATIYAH, Michael Francis ATOMIC SCIENTISTS ASSOCIATION BADASH, Lawrence BADURA-SKODA, BAGGULEY, Beryl BALDINGER, E. BARANY, Herbert F.1 F.2 E.o2 E.54 A.69 A.113 see also B.80 F.3 see F.3 A.213 A.212 A.212 A.213, E.36 E.10 A.91 F.3 A.69 A.66, A.69 B.117, F.4 A.120 see F.4 A.177 A.72 F.5 F.6 see F.6 F.7 F.8 A.177 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 137 Index of correspondents BARBOUR, Julian B. BASTIN, Edward W. BATTY, Peter BENTWICH, Norman BERGNIS, Eva F.8 B.18] D.57 F.9 A.113 BERMANN-FISCHER, G. A.113, A.120, C.104 BERTHELOT, André BETHE, Hans Albrecht BIENLEIN, Hans BIENLEIN, J. K. BJERGE, Torkild BLACKETT, Costanza, Lady Ew E.o2, F.9 A.91, E.61 E.61 B.96, F.10 see B.75 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett A.48, A.53, B.96, F.11 see also B.76 BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix BLASKOPF, Hans BLAU, Helga BLAU, Kurt BLAU, Marietta BLAU, Monte BLAU, Ursula Elisabeth (Ulla), later Frisch BLOCH, Felix BLOK, Arthur BZGGILD, Jdrgen K. BOHR, Aage BOHR, Erik BOHR, Margarethe BOHR, Niels BONDI, Sir Hermann BONDY, Herbert F. B.117 F.12 A.219 A.220 F.13 Baal A.221-A. 225 B.96, F.14 see also B.76 A.66 F.15 A.A A.4 B.97, F.16 A.48, B.97, F.16 see also B.81, C.77, C.78 A.7]1 see also F.17 F.17 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 138 Index of correspondents BORN, Max BRADDICK, H. J. J. F.17 see also C.79 B.179, F.17 BRADFIELD, JohnR. G. A.91 BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence A.48, A.68, C.28, F.18 BRANDT, Leo BRAUNSCHWEIG, R. BREITENBERGER, Ernst BRENT, Bernard J. BRETSCHER, Egon BRETSCHER, Hanni BRICE, David K. BRINGS, Theodor H. E.33 F.19 F.20 E.52, F.21 F.2] see also B.140 A.9T, F.21 E.40 F.23 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION D.1-D.43, D.46-D.49 BRITTIN, Wesley E. BROCH, Erich BRODA, E. BRODE, Bernice BROOKES, A. M. P. BROSTR@M, K. J. BUCHDAHL, Gerd BUCHTHAL,Fritz BUGG, David BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) BUNEMANN, Oscar BUNGE, Mario BYER, Trevor CAMPBELL, A. J. CASE, Kenneth M. CASIMIR, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard E.58, E.62 F.23 E.47, F.23 F.24 A.24 F.24 A.91 B.98 F.25 A.69 F220 C.33 Fuze F.26 E.58 F.26 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 139 Index of correspondents CASSELS, James Macdonald F.26 CHADWICK, Sir James CLARK, F._ L. CLARK, Ronald W. CLARKE, Robin H. CLOW, Archibald COCCIONI, D. T. COCHRAN, William COCKBURN, Sir Robert A.69, A.115, B.117, B.136, B.177, F.27 see also B.140, C.80 B.141 F.28 C.65 D.3, D.8, D.23, D.26, D.39, D.Al A.91 F.28 F.28 COCKCROFT, Elizabeth, Lady COCKCROFT, Sir John (Douglas) F.29 A.48, A.69, A.86, A.181, COHEN, Solly CONDON, E. U. CONRAD, Robert CONSODINE, William A. COOTE, Sir Colin (Reith) COPLEY, Edna CORBIERE, Henri COULIETTE, J. 4H. COURANT, Ernest D. CRANSHAW, T._ E. CREUTZ, Ed CUER, P. CURRAN, Sir Samuel (Crowe) DALITZ, Richard Henry DANIELSON, W. DARWIN, Sir Charles Galton DAVIES, D. Julian M. DEAKIN, Charles B.140, F.29 see also B.80, C.81 F.30 C.107 F.30 D.55 C.18 F.30 F.30 E.34 C.119 B.176 E.11, E.40 F.30 A.71, B.179 E.54 B.15] F.31 F.31 F.31 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 140 Index of corespondents DEE, Philip Ivor DELBRUCK, Max DEUTSCH, Martin DEVONS, Samuel DICK, William E. DOBBS, H. A. C. DOBSON, M._ V. DOTT, H. M. DROSTE, J. V. DUNCAN, Ronald DUNWORTH, John Vernon EATON, Cyrus EDGE, David EHRENBERG, Marianne EHRENBERG, Werner EIKHOFF, Louie EKLUND, Sigvard ERSKINE, G. A. ESTERMANN, Immanuel FEARNSIDE, K. FEATHER, Norman FELD, Bernard T. FELDAU, Walter von FELDBERG, John FELDBERG, Katherine FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FERMAN, James FEYNMAN, Richard Phillips A.68, F.31 see also B.80 F.32 F.32 F.32 C.110 F.33 B.195 F.33 F.33 A.91, F.33 C.123, F.33 F.34 D.29, D.30 F.34 B.98, F.34, F.138 see also C.99 F.35 A.91, A.141 B.167 C.128, F.36 B.179 A.71, B.118, B.180, F.37 F.38 F.38 F.38 F.38 A.69, F.38, F.119 D.45 F.39 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 14] Index of correspondents FISCHER, Richard FLAMMERSFELD, A. FLEISCHMANN, R. FOKKER, A. OD. FORSON, Andrew G. FRANCK, James FRANK, Stephan G._ F. FRASER, Ronald FREEMAN, Joan FRENCH, A. P. FREUD, A. W. FREUDENREICH, Raymond von FREUNDLICH, H. EF FRIESEN, Sten von FRISCH, Auguste (Gusti) née Meitner FRISCH, David H. FRISCH, Felix FRISCH, Justinian FRISCH, Maria FRISCH, Ulla see BLAU FRISCHAUER, Elena FRISCHAUER, Frida FRISCHAUER, Leo FRISCHAUER, Willi GABER, Hans GANG, Marcell GARLICK, G. GARRETT, Arthur GENTNER, W. F. J. F.40 A.145 F.40 F.40 B.182, E.46 A.A5, F.Al see also F.81 A.71, B.179 C.111, F.42 F.42 A.69 B.140 F.42 B.118 F.42 A.109-A.120, A.189, E.6 see also B.39-B.42, B.73- B.81 E«li, E.36,-E.58, Fe42 A.108 A.109-A.120, C.56 see also B.39-B.42, B.73- B.81 A.108 A.91, A.128, E.57 A.125-A.127, A.187 see also E.36 A.128 A.128 E.47 F.43 F.43 D.38, D.41 A.145, E.8, E.13, E.25 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 142 Index of correspondents Gites, Rk. GipBs, W. C. B. GILL, Evan GILL, John M. GIVON, Shlomo GLASER, Dan GLOS, Margaret GLUM, Friedrich GOLD, Thomas GOLDHABER, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Lucie GOOD, Irving John GOODALL, Marcus C. GORDON, W. GOUDSMIT, S. GOWING, Margaret Mary GRAF, Bertha GRAY, R. GREEN, Celia A.63 A.5, A.57, A.91 F,44 F.45 F.45 F.45 E.51 A.187 F.46 ©. 119 F.46 C.33, F.47 A.91, F.48 F.49 B.61 A.5 A.215 F.49 F.49 GREGORY, Richard Langton B.192, F.50 GRIMBLE, Sir Arthur Francis GROE, C. —-A. GROTH, Wilhelm GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GUSTAFSON, Torsten F.50 E.3] E.33, F.50 A.69 F.50 HAHN, Otto HALBAN, Hans HALPERN, J. HALPERN, Leopold E. HANLE, Paul A. HARRINGTON, E._ L. Po Niee Be 98; F 517k. 52 see also B.80, B.81, C.84, C.85 B99. Bikl9, E253 see also B.77, B.78-B.80 F.53 F.13 F.53 A.63 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 143 Index of correspondents HARRISON, Jack HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HASLETT, A. W. HASTED, John B. HAWORTH, Leland J. HAXEL, Otto HEARST, Walter HEIN, Piet HEINRICH, Helmut HEISENBERG, Werner HEITLER, Walter Heinrich HELLMANN, S. HENLEY, Ernest M. HENRIQUES, O. M. HERZ, Gustav L. HERZ, Max HERZOG, Gerhard HESSE, Mary Brenda HEVESY, Georg HIGATSBERGER, Michael J. HILDESHEIMER, Arnold HILL, Robert (Robin) HILLMAN, Pauline HINTZ, Norton HIRSCH, F. HODGKIN, Marni, Lady HODGSON, Peter Edward HOFF, Harry Summerfield (William Cooper) HOFFER-JENSEN, Svend HOFFMANN, Frederic de HOGBEN, Eric A.92 A.69 C.112 C99 C.719;- £. 1] F.54 F.55 i 0 E.57 A.143 A. 145 see also A.163 A.50 E.52 F.55 B.6 F.56 F.57 see also B.75 F.57 B.100, F.58 E.21, E.57 C.114 F.59 D.34 F.59 F.59 A.92 F.60 A.66 B.100, F.60 E.50 A.92, F.60 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents HOLLAND, Albert E. F.60 HOPE, Margaret (later Herrman) A.113, A.114, A.116, A.218, 144 HOPKINS, Harold Horace HOUTERMANS, Friedrich Georg HOWORTH, Muriel HUBER, P. HUTCHINSON, George William HUTTEN, E. Hirschlaff R. INGERSOLL, L. IRVING, David ISENSTEIN, Harald JABLONSKI, Aleksander JACOBSEN, Jacob Christian Georg JAHN, H. A. JAY, Kenneth E. B. JEFFREYS, Bertha, Lady JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JELLIS, Rosemary JENSEN, Erling JENSEN, Hans D. JENTSCHKE, Willi JOHNSON, Christopher Hollis JOHNSTON, T. William JONES, Gwyn Owain JONES, Sir Harold Spencer JONES, Reginald Victor JOSEPHSON, B. OD. JUDD, David L. F.61-F.64 see also B.77, B.80, B.81 B.206 F.65 see also B.42 F.65 F.65 ra0o E60 A.63 F.66 F.66 see B.78 F.67 see also B.76 F.67 C.60 F.68 F.68 D.2, D.4, D.10, D.24, D.28, D.36, F.69 F.69 F.69 F.69 B.120 B.207 F.10 B.179 F.70 F.70 E.40 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 145 Index of correspondents JUNGHAUS, Jens JUNGK ,. Robert KALCKAR,Fritz KARLIK, Berta KARPLUS, Robert KARTEN, David KASTLER, A. KATZ, N. KEMMER, Nicholas KHANNA, R. C. KINDERSLEY, David Guy KING, W. James KINSEY, Bernard B. KIRCHNER, F. KLANT, J. J. KLEIN, O. KLEMPERER, Oito KNAUER, Friedrich KNIPP, Julian K. KOCH, Jérgen F.70 Faro see B.76 E.16, E.21, F.71 A.92 C.115 C.16 F.72 A.71, E.34, F.72 F.72 A.92, B.205 F.72 B.100, B.120 F.72 A.92 B.100 F.72 see B.41, B.74, B 77 E.1] B.100, F.73 K@LLMER-LANGHAMMER, Ella F.73 KOPFERMANN, Hans KOTRENETZ, KOWARSKI, Kate KOWARSKI, Lew KRAMERS, Hendrik Anton KUHN, Heinrich Gerhard KUHN, Thomas S. KURTI, Nicholas E.13, E.24, F.73 see B.4] F.74, F.76 B.118, B.119, B.121, F.74-F.76 see B. 80 A.69, A.143 A. 143 B.122 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 146 Index of correspondents LASLETT, L. Jackson LAUE, Max Von LAURIKAINEN, Kalervo V. LAURITSEN, Tom LAWSON, David LAWSON, J.D. LEDINEGG, E. LEMMERICH, Jost LENZ, LESMOIR-GORDON, Nigel LEVI, Hilde LEVY, Agnes LION, Frida Maria LION, Gisela LION, Ilse LION, Karl LITTLEWOOD, John Edensor LISCO, Lisa LITTAUER, Raphael LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOHDE, W. LONDON, Heinz LONG, Robert L. LON GUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONSDALE, Kathleen, Dame LORENZ, Hans LORENZ, Konrad LOUTIT, John F. LOW-BEER, LUCAS, Robert E.11, F.77 A.143, A.188 F.78 F.79 F.79 F.79 E.57 F.80 see F.80 D.58 A.50, F.80 A.189 A.132 A.130, A.131, A.189 A.132 A.132 see also A.114 A.7] F.81 F.82 A.55 F.82 B.122 E.40 F.82 F.82 F.102 F.82 C:117 B.122 D.1, D.2, D.25, D.39, D.41 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 147 Index of correspondents McCREA, William Hunter McCUTCHEN, Brunsen S. McCUTCHEN, Charles W. MACKINTOSH, Allan R. McLELLAND, Charles MAGLICH, Bogdan MALKHASSIAN, Vartkes Edward MANLEY, John H. MANSERGH, Philip Nicholas Seton MARGENAU, Henry MARSHAK, Robert MARSHALL, Donald G. A.71 A.128, F.83 A.92, F.84 Es05 D.40 C.102 B.15] E.36, F.85 F.66 C.33 see F.85 B.123 see also B.133 MASSEY, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson F.85 MATTAUCH, J. MAUD COMMITTEE MAYR, Giovanna MEGGERS, William F. MEITNER, Auguste see FRISCH, A. MEITNER, Fritz MEITNER, Hedwig MEITNER, John G. (Hanno) MEITNER, Lise MEITNER, Lola (Carola) see ALLERS MEITNER, Philip (Franz) MEITNER, Richard Grey MEITNER, Walter MEITNER-GRAF, Lotte F.85 see also B.81 B.123 F.85 C.60 A.189 A.129, A.189 A.133 A.129, E.40 A.134-A.211, D.55, F.15 see also B.39-B.42, B.73-B.81, F.51, F.52 A.218 A.129 A.214-A. 217 see also A.190-A. 210 A.214-A. 218, E.6, E.17 see also A.190-A.210, B.76 MELCHER, Horst MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg MENUHIN, Yehudi A.144 A.70 F.86 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 148 Index of correspondents METROPOLIS, Nicholas C. MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MILLER, Franklin MILNER, E. V. MINHAS, I. S. MINKOWSKI, R. MITTER, H. MOLLER, Christian MONCH, G. MOON, Philip Burton MOORE-BRABAZON, John Theodore Cuthbert, later BRABAZON OF TARA MORRIS, J. H. MORRISON, Philip MOSS, Norman MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOTZ, Hans MULLER, Carl MUSSON, Beatrice MUSTER, John C. NDILI, F. N. NEUGEBAUER, Otto NEURATH, Marie L. NEWBERY, Nigel C. NEWTH, David Richmond NEWTON-JOHN, Irene NICHOLAS, Tressilian C. NICHOL, A. D. Ian NICHOLLS, John NOAKES, G. Robert F.86 A.92 F.86 F.86 B.15] see B.42 E.57 B.101, F.86 B.43 A.55, A.92, B.101, B.123, F287 B.123 B.123 F.88 F.88 A.70, A.92, B.178, F.89 F.90 A.46, B.6, B.7, B.38 A.92 C.115 B.178 B.101 F.90 B.206, B.207 C.107 F.90 A.92 B.178 A.70 C.108 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents O'GORMAN, Mervyn OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) OLSEN, Duane N. OPPENHEIMER, J. Robert OROWAN, Egon ORTNER, G. OXLEY, Alan J. PAIS, Abraham (Bram) PANETH,Fritz Adolf PARKINSON, W. C. PATERSON, Ralston PAULI, Hans-Christian PAULI, Wolfgang PEIERLS, Genia, Lady PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PELLINEN, Risto PERUTZ, Sir Max PEYROU, N. PICKAVANCE, Thomas Gerald PICTET, Jean-Michel PIHL, Morgens PINCHER, (Henry) Chapman PING, Wang Chia PIRANI, Felix A. E. PIRENNE, M. H. PLACZEK, George PONTECORVO, Bruno POOL, M. L. POPPER, Sir Karl (Raimund) 149 F.91 A.48, A.70, A.93, F.91, F.144 C.26 F.91 A.68, B.123, E.40 F.91 see also B.79 B.181, F.92 F.93 A.70, B.124, F.93 F.93 B.102 E.56 F.93 A.93, F.94 A.5, A.93, B.102, B.125, B.126, C.57, F.94 see also B.74, B.75, D.56 E.48 A.93 F.95 C.60, F.95 B.179 F.95 F.95 F.95 B.150, C.93 F.95 B.102, F.96 see also B.75, B.76, B.78-B.80 B.140, B.141 B.71 F.97 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 150 Index of correspondents POSCHMANN, Horst POWELL, Cecil Frank PRINGSHEIM, Peter PRYCE, Maurice Henry Lecorney PRZIBRAM, Karl PUGWASH CONFERENCES F.98 F.13, F.98 F.99 B.127, B.179, F.99 A.43, A.45, F.100 F.101 see also F.112 RABEL, Gabriele RABI, Isidor Isaac RAINER, A. C. RAJA, Rajendran RAMSEY, Norman Foster RASMUSSEN, Ebbe RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RAVEN, Charles Earle REHDER, Marie-Luise REICH, R. REID, Robert REINES, F. RICHARDS, Hugh T. RIDLEY, Brian RIESER, Leonard M. RILEY, K. F. ROBINSON, GordonS. ROBINSON, John A. T. RONA, Elisabeth ROSBAUD, Hilde ROSBAUD, Paul ROSENFELD, Léon ROSENFELD, Yvonne V. ROSENTHAL, Arthur F.102 F.103 see also B.75 F.104 B.182 E.36, F.104 B.103, F.104 A.70, F.104 F.104 F.105 B.43 D.48 F.105 F.105 F.105 A.93, E.52, E.58, F.105 F.105 F.106-F.108 A.93 F.109 see also B.76 F.109 C.125, F.109 F.110 B.103 C.58, C.61 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 15] Index of correspondents ROSSI, Bruno ROTBLAT, Josef Felli A.70, B.141, F.112 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron THE ROYAL SOCIETY ROZENTHAL, Stefan SALAM, Abdus SAUTER, Fritz SCARROTT, Gordon G. SCHEEL, Karl SCHERRER, SCHIEMANN, Elisabeth SCHILLER, Ken K. SCHNURMANN, Robert SCHOFFER, Hans SCHREIBER, Samuel SCHRODINGER, Annemarie SCHRODINGER, Erwin SCHULTZ, Betty SCIAMA, Dennis SCOTT, Eleanor SCOTT, Irene Schreier SEELIG, Carl SEGRE, Emilio SERBER, Robert SHIRE, Edward S. SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugene) SIMONS, Lennart SIMONS, Lewis F.112 F.113 F.114 F.48 F.114 see also B.41 F.114 B.37 see F.114 F.115 see also A.138 F.115 A.93, F.115 see also B.73 A.211 F.115 A.211 F.115 A.50, F.114 B.180 A.93 F.116 F.117 A.70, E.40, F.117 see also B.41, B.42, B.73- B.75, B.77 F.117 B.176 A.70, B.128, F.118 B.104, E.48, F.118 A.70 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 152 Index of correspondents SIMPSON, Esther A.93, A.115, A.132, A.218, F.119 SINGER, Aubrey Edward SKINNER, Herbert Wakefield Banks SLOTIN, Louis SMITH, Clarence SMITH, Cyril SMITH, Kenneth SNELL, Arthur H. SNOW, Charles Pery, Baron SONDHEIMER, Franz SOPKA, Katherine R. SPENCER-PALMER, Hugh STAFFORD, Godfrey Harry STAUB, Erika STAUB, Hans STEEDMAN, George STEINMAURER, R. STEPHENS, R. W.. B. STERN, Otto STRASSMANN,, Fritz STRAUSS, STRAUSS, Marlin STREET, Graham S._ B. STROHMEYER, Otto Heinrich STUEWER, Roger H. SVIRSKY, Leon SYKES, Christopher Hugh SZILARD, Leo T U O O C h U h l h T r U h L T see also B.75, B.79, B.81 D.46 A.70 B.136A 104, B.129 .120 .176, B.178, F.120 MW .120 121 121 121 122 122 122 1 7 .39 o 16 m B.130 U C T U T Z D W h U h U C T U l U L l h T l T F.123 see also B.104 A.93, D.54, F.124 F.124 B.129 F.124 F.125 C.51, E.58 C.58 D.32 B.43 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents TASCHEK, Richard F. TAUSK, Marius 153 E.52 A.94 see also B.41, B.42, B.76 TAUSK, Robert A.94 TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey (Ingram) A.68, A.71, F.126 TEEGAN, J. A. TELCS, Maté Lészlé TELLER, Edward THIRKILL, Sir Henry THIRRING, Hans THIRRING, Walter THOMPSON, E. P. THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) TITTERTON, Sir Ernest (William) TODD, W. Murray TRENN, Thaddeus J. TUCK, James L. TURNER, Louis A. C.130 F.127 see B.75 A.68 E.29, F.101, F.128 E:29 F.129 A.63, A.70, B.130, F.129 see also C.88 B.130, E.26, F.129 F.129 F.130 F.131 B.71, B.130, F.131 see also B.79 TYNDALL, Arthur Mannering B.130 ULAM, Stanislaw Marcin ULLMANN, Walter UNSOLD, URBACH, Franz URBAN, P. VANDERHAEGHE, G. VAN HESSEN, Bernard VAN FREISEN, F.132 A.94 see B.4] B.104, F.132 see also A.48, B.39, B.40, B.73-B.75, B.77, B.81 F.128 B.167 A.94 see B.80 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 154 Index of correspondents VELLACOTT, Elisabeth VELLACOTT, Philip VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VOIGT, Hans VOLKMANN, Esther VON ENGEL, A. H. WALGATE, Robert WARBURG,, Sir Fredric J. WARHANEK, Hans WARNOW, Joan N. WEART, Spencer WEBB, C. G. WECHSLER, Jay WECHSLER, Richard WEEKS, Edward WEI, Betty WEINBERGER, Linda WEISS, E. WEISS, Friedrich WEISS, Joseph WEISSKOPF, Ellen WEISSKOPF, Victor WELSH, Eric WERGELAND, Harald WERNER, Sven WHAN, Glenn A. WHEELER, John Archibald F.133 F.133 C.91 F.133 F.133 A.70 F.134 C.56 F.134 C.40, F.135 F.135 E.14 F.136 A.115, F.136 C.24 A.94 F.136 F.136 E.47 F.136 F.137 A.94, F.137 see also B.78-B. 80 F.138 A.145 F.139 see also B.79, B.80 E.40 A.94, E.40, F.139 see also E.52 WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine WHITEHOUSE, W. John C.91 F.139 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 155 Index of correspondents WICK, G. C. WIECHOWSKI, Siegfried WILKINSON, Sir Denys Haigh WILSON, David WILSON, Robert WINKLEHAUS, A. F. WINTER, Anna WINTER, Gerhard WOLF, Heinz WOODSIDE, Robert WOODWARD, Ron WOOSTER, W. A. WU, C. S. F.139 F.140 A.94, B.180, F.89, F.141. see also C.89 C.14 A.94 see also F.142 F.142 A.94, F.142 F.143-F.145 see also B.39-B.42, B.74, B.81 F.146 F.146 A.66 F.136 A.145, E.62, F.146 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the further correspondence and papers of OTTO ROBERT FRISCH (1904-1979) nuclear physicist in Trinity College Library Cambridge CBl 1TQ Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 31/7/91) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1992 All rights reserved No 2/92 NRA 25187 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of OTTO ROBERT FRISCH FRS (1904 - 1979) Material additional to CSAC 85/5/82 Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in Trinity College Library, Cambridge NCUACS31/7/91 All rights reserved University of Bath 1991 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: E P Abraham Cephalosporin Fund The Biochemical Society The British Library British Telecom plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust The Wolfson Foundation O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page INTRODUCTION SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A. 226-A.251 SECTION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH B.208-B. 224 SECTION LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS c.140-C.167 SECTION RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS D. 60-D. 62 SECTION VISITS AND CONFERENCES E. 64-E. 82 SECTION CORRESPONDENCE F.148-F.157 SECTION NON-PRINT MATERIAL G. 32-G. 35 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 10 15 16 19 21 22 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 3 INTRODUCTION The material in this collection was received from Mrs Ulla Frisch via Trinity College Cambridge. It is supplementary to the principal collection of Frisch's papers and correspondence catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC 87/8/82) now in Trinity College Library. The items are therefore sectionalised and numbered to follow the related material in that previous catalogue with specific cross-references where appropriate. This additional material usefully supplements the earlier collection. A. 233-A.249 are Frisch's famous caricature drawings of scientific colleagues including those in sketch pads from Los Alamos where he was working on the atomic bomb project 1943-45. B.209-B.220 are crucial documents relating to nuclear fission in the first half of 1939: and his aunt Lise Meitner in Sweden, correspondence between Frisch and Niels Bohr at Princeton, two drafts of Bohr's paper on the correspondence between Frisch in Copenhagen disintegration of heavy nuclei (Nature, Lond., 143) and correspondence between Frisch and Nature. This supplementary collection also makes available a few more drafts for Frisch's lectures and publications C.140-c.147 and broadcasts D.60-D.62, and an important sequence of material relating to the commemoration meeting for Bohr held at Copenhagen in 1963 E.64-E.76. A little general scientific correspondence is presented in Section F and non-print material including photographic slides in Section G. P Harper T E Powell Bath 1991 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.226 - A.251 A.226-A. 229 Obituaries. 4 folders. A. 230 A.231 Articles about Frisch. Memorial Service, Trinity College Cambridge, 3 November 1979. Order of service; "Remarks' by Sir Brian Pippard. letter of appreciation; A. 232 Letters of condolence. A.233-A.249 Caricatures Frisch's caricature drawings of scientific colleagues and others at committee meetings, conferences and social occasions. A.233 A.234 A.235 Sketch pad’ inscribed on front cover 'Los Includes some later Alamos 1943-1945'. caricatures dated 1950. Frisch are 'Prof. George Placzek', ‘Oppenheim?', "Gamov? Cloud Mark Oliphant?', ‘Author of the Black Those identified by [F. Hoyle ]'. Sketch pad inscribed on front cover 'Los Alamos Caricatures identified by Frisch 1943-1945'. are 'Lew Kowarski', 'Rudi Peierls?', 'Hans Staub', "Self portrait?', 'Fermi'. Sketch pad, nd. identified by Frisch, as 'Pauli'. Only one of the caricatures is A.236,A.237 Menu cards, programmes used by Frisch for caricature drawings. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 5 Biographical and personal 1950, 1959. 1965, 1966, 1969, 1975. Frisch by Dame Ngaio Marsh (Trinity College Cambridge Ladies' Night 1966). Includes sketch of Miscellaneous caricatures identified by Frisch. "Lord Adrian', 'Barenboim', 'Horace Barlow', "Beethoven', 'Hans Bethe', Bessikovitch', "Sir Hermann Bondi', 'Aage Bohr', 'Bragg'. "Gallacher', 'von Hevesy', '‘Janossy Budapest 1971', 'Sir Harold Jeffries', 'Frau Prof. Bertha Karlik?', 'H Kopfermann 1955'. "Prof. Littlewood', 'John Manley', Prof. [ F G] Mann', "Leonard Miall', 'Prof. Joseph Mitchell', "Prof. P B and Lorna Moon Sep.1974'. "Radzinovitch?', 'Prof. J Rotblat', 'David Shoenberg', 'George Trevelyan', 'Prof. Wisdom', "Vicky Weisskopf', 'Dennis Wilkinson’. "George Trevelian', 'Tommy Gold', ‘Lord Adrian 1955', "Hermann Bondi' (Photocopy) . A. 236 A.237 A.238-A. 242 A.238 A.239 A.240 A.241 A. 242 A. 243-A. 249 Unidentified. 7 folders. A.250 Voice print of Frisch with Bell Telephone System publication on the technical aspects of visible speech. O R Frisch (Supplement) Ncuacs 31/7/91 Biographical and personal A.251 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Spiegel, 2 (1979). The cover photograph shows the busts of Einstein, Hahn, Lise Meitner and von Laue at a memorial celebration of the 100th anniversary of their births. the busts. Frisch is one of those shown admiring See G.32 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH B.208-B.224 B.208 Letter from H von Halban to Frisch requesting news of Frisch's research and reporting on his own, Paris, 31 May 1936. In German. B.209-B. 213 Ms calculations re nuclear fission, January 1939. In German. B.209 B.210 B.211 B.212 B.213 B.214 B.215 B.216 Spp ms calculations numbered 'Uran 1' to 'Uran 5' and dated 13-14 January 1939. 2pp ms calculations headed 'Thorium' and dated 16 January 1939. lp ms calculations headed 'Uran' and dated 16 January 1939. lp ms calculations dated 20 January 1939. lp ms calculations dated 29 January 1939. Five letters from Lise Meitner to Frisch, 4, 9, 10, 18 and 21 January 1939. In German. Carbon copies of six letters from Frisch to Lise Meitner, Copenhagen, 6 February, 20 April, 3 and 11 May, 19 and 27 June 1939. In German. Four letters from N Bohr to Frisch, Princeton, 20 and 24 January and 9 February 1939 (in Danish) and 3 February 1939 (in English). The letter of 9 February has a half-page note (in German) by L Rosenfeld. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 B.217 B.218 B.219 B.220 B.221 Scientific research Carbon copies of two letters from Frisch to N Bohr, Copenhagen, 15 and 16 March 1939. In English. 'On disintegration of heavy nuclei' by N. Bohr. Nature, Lond., 143 (1939), 330. Two typescript drafts (lp and 3pp) with ms annotation. In English. Carbon copies of six letters from Frisch to Nature, 7, 11 and 22 February, 6 March (two) and 4 May 1939 and one letter from Nature to Frisch, 10 February 1939. In English. Carbon copy of letter from Lise Meitner to Nature, 26 March 1939. In English. Graph book inscribed on the front cover with Frisch's name and dated 13 September 1939. In English. B.222 Documents circulated at Harwell 1946. ‘Atomic energy for power. Mr Baruch's report. Costs compared with coal'. Duplicated typescript of report in The Times, ms notes on verso repersonnel. 9 September 1946, with "Report submitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by Bernard M Baruch, United States representative (Sept 1946)". Photocopy. B.223 'The first operation of Nimrod to full energy' by L B Mullett. 4pp typescript dated Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, 20 September 1963. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 Scientific research B.224 Notes on exhibits at Culham Laboratory June 1964. "No.2. experiment using plasma injection’. An outline of the magnetic trap stability 'No.13. plasma’. An outline of laser beam scattering by O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 10 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.140 - C.167 C.140 - C.147 Drafts by Frisch C.148 - C.163 Drafts by others c.164, C.165 Unidentified drafts C.166, ©C.167 Published papers c.140 c.141 C.142 Cc.143 c.144 "Ueber die Wirkung von langsamen Kathodenstrahlen auf Steinsalz'. 57-64. Wiss. Wien. Sber, Akad. 136, 13pp typescript inscribed on first page 'Mitteilungen aus dem Institut flir Radiumforschung No.197' "vorgelegt in der Sitzung am 27 Januar 1927'. was Frisch's first published paper. This and 'The process of space quantization' by Frisch, T E Phipps, E Segré and O Stern. Nature, Lond., 130, 892. — 2pp typescript with ms annotation dated Hamburg, August 1932. "Selective absorption of neutrons by gold' by Frisch, G Hevesy and H A C McKay. 149-150. Nature, Lond., 137 (1936), "Capture of slow neutrons' by Frisch and G Placzek. Nature, Lond., 137, 357. 2pp typescript. "Atomic weapons', the second of six university extension lectures on Atomic Energy, 27 January 1954. 18pp typescript with ms annotation. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 1 Lectures and publications C.145 Revised version of preceding. 13pp typescript with ms annotation. C.146 Letters of thanks for talks by Frisch, 1955 and nd. c.147 ‘Experimentation with elementary particles'. 2lpp typescript with ms annotation dated February 1963. Cf C.34. DRAFTS BY OTHERS c.148 "Quote from: Lord Kelvin's address, given in 1884, to the British Association in Montreal'. c.149 'Uber die Absorption der langsamen Neutronen' by E Amaldi and E Fermi. 7pp typescript headed 'Aus "La Ricerca Scientifica" Anno VI Vol.II n. 9-10 [1935] '. c.150 "Cross section measuring with slow neutrons of different velocities’ by H von Halban Jr and Peter Preiswerk. Nature, Lond., 137 (1936), 905. 3pp typescript dated Institut du Radium, Laboratoire Curie, Paris, 3 April [ 1936]. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 12 Lectures and publications C.151 'Uber Resonanzniveaus fiir Neutronenabsorption', by H von Halban Jr and Peter Preiswerk. 1Opp typescript with ms annotation dated Institut du Radium, Laboratoire Curie, Paris, 8 May 1936 + lp 'Literatur' and 2 graphs. C.152 ‘On the form of nuclear levels' by H von Halban Jr Nature, Lond., 138 (1936), 163. and P Preiswerk. 2pp typescript with ms annotation, dated Institut du Radium, Laboratoire Curie, Paris, 6 June [ 1936]. c.153 'Energy groups of uranium fission fragments’, by L Simons. 12pp heavily amended typescript with ms annotation, dated Institute of Theoretical Physics,Copenhagen, 1 June 1939. The author thanks Frisch 'who participated in the early work and has been constantly helpful with advice and useful suggestions’. C.154 "Supraleitung und Hertzsche Schwingungen’ by M von Laue. Z. Phys., 124 (1945), 135. 5pp typescript with ms annotation dated Max Planck Institut der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft, January 1945. c.155 3pp typescript address probably delivered at the 'Gedenkfeier' for Max Planck, Géttingen, 23 April 1948. In German. Folder also includes telegram Meitner re Planck's funeral, 5 October 1947, letter from E Gruneisen to Meitner enclosing his Marburg address on Planck, 27 November 1947 and Meitner's invitation to the Planck 'Gedenkfeier'. from M von Laue to Lise In German. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 13 Lectures and publications C.156 "Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 1858-1947'. lépp typescript. In German. C.157 "Professor James Franck's contribution to "Festschrift" of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, honoring the 75th birthday of Professor Albert Einstein. Dated March 4, 1954'. 4pp typescript. In English. Cc.158 Obituary of Einstein. 5pp typescript dated 5 September 1955. inscription at head of first page 'by L.M.?? In English. With ms 1954?! C.159 M von Laue's speech on the occasion of the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the discovery of nuclear fission by O Hahn and F Strassmann in December 1938. 5pp typescript dated Dahlem, 17 December 1956. In German. C.160 "Zur alteren und neueren Geschichte des Neutrions' by W Pauli. 39pp typescript signed on first page by Pauli, latest bibliographical reference 1958. c.161 - C.163 ‘James Franck (1882-1964)' by L Meitner. c.161 4pp typescript 'First draft' with ms annotation 4pp typescript with ms annotation (in German); + lp ms amendment (in English); 4pp typescript clean copy (in English). O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 14 Lectures and publications C.162 Correspondence, telegrams re Franck's election as a foreign member of the Royal Society and the Meitner obituary, May-June 1964. Royal Society only a few weeks before his death. Franck became a member of the Notes by E Rabinowitch on 'J Franck and Photosynthesis’, sent to Frisch, July 1964. Meitner with her obituary of Franck. Frisch was helping Lise C.163 'Zum Tode von James Franck' by W Kroebel. Reprint from Die Naturwissenschaften 1964, sent to Meitner by the author, with many ms notes probably by Meitner. UNIDENTIFIED DRAFTS Cc.164 ‘Width and stage of neutron capture levels’. 3pp typescript with ms annotation, nd. C.165 Untitled 5pp typescript draft, nd. In German. Relates to a photographic invention. PUBLISHED PAPERS C.166 Reprints by Frisch, copies of Nature with articles by Frisch. 1 box. C.167 Photocopies of papers by Frisch and others. 1 box. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 1s SECTION D RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS D.60 —- D.62 D.60 D.61 'The Hydrogen Bomb‘. broadcast 3 February 1950. Talk for BBC Home Service, 7pp typescript with ms amendments and covering note. Photocopy. The scientific background’. ‘No.1 in a series of ten on the hydrogen bomb given by Frisch for the European Service of BBC Radio. The first talk 6pp duplicated typescript with ms annotation dated 7 May 1954. See D.9, D.10. D.62 6pp typescript with ms annotation on the hydrogen bomb, nd. Possibly for radio series on the bomb. O R Frisch (Supplement) Ncuacs 31/7/91 16 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES E.64-E. 82 E.64-E. 76 "Commemoration Meeting for Niels Bohr', Copenhagen, 8-13 July 1963. Conference arrangements,programmes etc. used by Frisch for notes and caricatures of participants. Some items E.65 'Exp. N. Ph. (Copenhagen July 9 1963)'. 4pp ms notes for Frisch's lecture on experimental nuclear physics. E.66 E.67 Frisch's ms notes of contributions by others, including H-B.G. Casimir, M Delbruck, W Heisenberg, O Klein, A Pais, B Strémgren and G C Wick. Text of Frisch's lecture on experimental nuclear physics. Photocopy. E.68 1l7pp typescript headed 'Frisch'. In Danish. Frisch's reminiscences prepared for commemoration meeting. Cf C.39. Letter from S Rozental, editor of the Bohr commemorative volume, 19 March 1964. In Danish. E.69 - E.76 Miscellaneous papers found with commemoration meeting material or relating to Bohr. E.69 Poem paying tribute to Bohr. In German. lp typescript. Two cards with details of music. additional ms notes, diagrams and caricatures. In German and English. One of them with O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 17 Visits and conferences Letter from In Danish. ?Aage[ Bohr] to Frisch, December 1967. Letter from F Sondheimer re early work of Bohr, 23 January 1976. In English. 23pp photostat ms re Bohr including 'Description of the prize-winning work 1922' and 'Consequences in Bohr's theory and practice'. 'B-ray Spectra and Energy Conservation' by N Bohr. 6pp typescript with ms annotation, nd [ ?c.1929]. This paper is not listed in the bibliography of the Royal Society memoir of Bohr (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 9, 1963) and may not be published. E.73-E.75 Photocopies of three papers by Bohr. E.73 "Can quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?' Phys. Rev., 48 (1935), 696 ‘fon the notions of ] causality and complementarity'. Dialectica, 2 (1948), 312. ‘The Rutherford Memorial Lecture: the founder of nuclear science and of some developments based on his work', Proc. Phys. Soc., 78, 1083. Reminiscences of Review by Frisch of two books about Bohr. E.77 2pp ms notes of conference proceedings, 15 and 16 December 1964. Probably Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, Austin, Texas. See E.36. O R Frisch (Supplement) NcUACS 31/7/91 18 Visits and conferences Symposium on the history of nuclear physics, University of Minnesota, 18-21 May 1977. Programme, information, list of references for R E Peierls lecture on 'The development of our ideas on nuclear forces'. Cf E.58. E.79 ‘Experimental work with nuclei: Copenhagen'. Hamburg, London, Opp typescript of Frisch's lecture. "History of Nuclear Physics, Outline' by H E Bethe. 3pp photocopy. E.81 Graphs. Envelope in which graphs and items E.78-E.80 were found. E.82 List of possible topics and speakers. Ms notes including notes on contributions of Segre and Goldhaber. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 19 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.148 - F.157 F.148 Campaign. for Nuclear Disarmament 1959 F.149 Estermann, I 1964,1973 The 1973 correspondence is with Estermann's widow re his unfinished book on the history of molecular beam research. F.150 Going, AT Telegram only. Goldhaber, M and T 1963 1962 Christmas card only, from Brookhaven National Laboratory. of the existence of a second type of neutrino in June 1962 by a Brookhaven-Columbia team. The card celebrates the establishment F.151 Hinton, J . 1958 Includes copy of letter from Hinton to E Teller. F.152 Kowarski, L 1966 ,1967 Carbon copy of letter from Kowarski to J D 1966. Cockcroft re Kowarski's contribution (not enclosed) to a presentation volume on the occasion of J Chadwick's 75th birthday. 1967. annotated for Frisch by Kowarski. Article by J Combrisson on physics in France, F.153 McCutchen, C Melcher, H nd 1979 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 Correspondence F.154 Reines, F re detecting neutrinos. Rotblat, J xePugwash. F.155 Royal Society 20 1963 1961 1954 Royon, B 1961-62 F.156 Sobell, H (Mrs Morton Sobell) 1959 xe the case of her husband who was imprisoned ‘on a charge of participating in a conspiracy to transmit scientific secrets to the Russians’. F.157 Trenn, T J Unidentified 1961 item is note with 'promised text from Newton'. 1976 1961,1976 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 21 SECTION G NON-PRINT MATERIAL G.32 - G.35 G. 32 G. 33 G.34 Photograph of Frisch at memorial celebration of 100th anniversary of the births of Einstein, Hahn, von Laue and Meitner, Berlin, 1979. See A.251. Audiotape labelled 'Russell et al on Einstein Beeth. 4tet; Children'. Bendicks Bittermints box containing 9 boxes of 2"x 2" slides. The boxes are inscribed 'R. Astr.', 'Time & Relat.', 'Parity 2', 'Protein Surface Physics', "Fermi Surface (2), "Sweepnik'. 'El. Mic.', 'Dragon' and G.35 Bendicks Bittermints box containing 2"x 2" slides. A few labelled 'Frisch track 6', 'Frisch track 10' etc. O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 22 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BOHR, Aage E.70 BOHR, Niels Henrik David B.216,B.217 CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT F.148 DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice A.232 ESTERMANN, Immanuel F.149 GOING, A T GOLDHABER, Maurice GRUNEISEN, E HALBAN, Hans von HINTON, Joan HOWORTH, Muriel INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC INFORMATION FOR THE LAYMAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS KOWARSKI, Lew F.150 F.150 c.155 B.208 F.151 cC.146 C.146 A.232 F.152 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 25 Index of correspondents LASER-SCAN LABORATORIES LIMITED A.232 LAUE, Max Theodore Felix von LUST, R McCUTCHEN, C MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT MEITNER, Lise c.155 A.232 F.153 A.232 B.214,B.215,B.220 C.155,C.162 MELCHER, Horst F.153 NATURE B.219,B.220 PILGRIM, John E c.146 PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian A.231 RABINOWITCH, E REINES, Frederick C.162 F.154 ROSENFELD, Leon See B.216 ROTBLAT, Joseph F.154 ROYAL SOCIETY A.232,C.162,F.155 ROYON, Betty ROZENTAL, Stefan F.155 E.68 O R Frisch (Supplement) NCUACS 31/7/91 24 Index of correspondents SOBEL, Helen (Mrs Morton Sobell) SONDHEIMER, Franz TELLER, Edward See F.151 TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TRENN, Thaddeus J WINTER, George A.232 F.157 A.228
FRISCH, Otto Robert v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin