FRANK, Frederick Charles Vol1 v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR FREDERICK CHARLES FRANK Kt, OBE, FRS (b.1911) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Volume | List 1989 Sections A - F of Contents General Introduction All rights reserved Deposited in Bristol University Library NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library Geological Society The Institute of Physics National Power -ergamon Books olls Royce ple The Royal Society he Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry NCUACS 15/8/89 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN BRISTOL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BRISTOL NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank LIST OF INTRODUCTION SECTION | BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION BRISTOL UNIVERSITY SECTION RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS LECTURES AND BROADCASTS SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION K PUBLICATIONS SECTION CORRESPONDENCE CONSULTANCIES VISITS AND CONFERENCES REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AND ORGANISATIONS NCUACS 15/8/89 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in March and October 1988 from Sir Charles Frank. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF F.C. FRANK Frederick Charles Frank was born in Durban, South Africa, in 1911. His parents returned to the U.K. very shortly after his birth. Frank was educated at Thetford Grammar School and Ipswich School before gaining scholarships to Lincoln College Oxford in 1929 to read Chemistry. He took B.A. with first class honours in 1932 and received his B.Sc. a year N.V. Sidgwick with O. 7] Moullin at the organic materials with W. dielectric loss under P. Debye. research on phenyl-nitro-methane under (later Lord) Jackson under E.B. Frank went on to research for his D.Phil. on dielectric loss in On his return to Britain Frank won an 1851 Senior Studentship to study at E.K. Rideal’s Colloid Science Laboratory Cambridge but his dielectric Oxford Engineering Science Laboratory, following which he spent 1936-38 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur Physik, Berlin-Dahlem, continuing his study of marriage to Maia Maita Asche, the daughter of Professor B.M. Asche. studies of rubber and plastic were cut short by the outbreak of war. Ministry's Assistant Directorate of Intelligence (Science) at the request of spent the first year of the war working on smoke-filters and smoke-screens Gatty, joining the Chemical Defence Research Establishment, Porton, its Assistant Director, and Frank's friend from Oxford, R.V. Jones. the rest of the war with the Air Ministry. Frank was transferred to the Air 1940 was also the year of his in June 1940. In November, however, Frank He spent NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank In 1946 Frank took up a post in the Bristol University Physics in for Department research dielectric relaxation, and relaxation of the Kerr effect) though one of the first topics which engaged him was the Through sharing a room with W.K. Burton and N. Cabrera, however, the synthesis of the elements in the origin of Universe. (initially physics state solid Frank switched to research on crystal dislocations. Cabrera was to demonstrate the crystals. the growth of Apart from crystal defects Frank's wide-ranging research interests role dislocations play in His work with Burton and at Bristol included the mechanical properties of polymers, the theory of liquid crystals and the mechanics of the interior of the Earth. Frank was appointed Reader in 1951, Melville Wills Professor in 1954 and Henry Overton Wills Professor and Director of the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory in 1969. Appointment as Professor Emeritus upon reaching official retirement age in 1976 enabled Frank to continue with his research. Among the many honours accorded to Frank were the OBE in 1946, the Royal Society in 1954 and the conferral of a Frank was given Honorary Degrees by the universities of election to Fellowship of Knighthood in 1977. Ghent, Bath, Warwick, South Africa. Surrey and Paris-Sud and the Indian National DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION the U.S. National Academy Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of of Engineering, the U.S. National Academy of Science, by Trinity College Dublin, received awards from the Physical Society and Societe Frangaise de Physique, the Royal Society, the American Society for Crystal Growth, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physics and the American Institute of Metals and was elected to Associate Membership of a subsection of Clubs and Associations of which he was a member or supporter. and family and personal Some of Frank's non-scientific interests are represented in This large and comprehensive collection covers almost all aspects biographical material and records of his career, consists principally of Frank's own of Frank's professional career. is presented in order given in correspondence. Biographical, The material Section A, the List of Contents. the NCUACS 15/8/89 F.c. Frank Section B, Bristol University, is chiefly Departmental and University administrative papers and related correspondence. Frank's service with the Colston Research Society is documented as is his contribution to the establishment of the Tyndall Memorial Lectures. The organisation of Frank's research and its funding through the Solid State Physics Fund, and his teaching duties are also represented. Section C, Research, documents Frank’s scientific research from the early 1930s. The material, principally manuscript notes, drafts, calculations and diagrams, covers a wide range of Frank's scientific interests including dielectric loss, crystal dislocations, properties of polymers, liquid crystals and geophysics. Wartime research is also represented in the section, particularly work on rockets. section D, Publications,.. 6rings =. togethers notes, drants’ correspondence and other related material for Frank’s published work, 1935- 88. This material has been linked wherever possible to Frank's numbered list of publications which is reproduced as pp.224-235 of the present catalogue. There is also an extensive sequence of editorial correspondence with publishing houses, learned societies and journals for which Frank acted as collection. Physics, the International Organisation of Crystal Growth, the Pugwash Frank was also BBC radio in the late 1940s). Times on scientific and non-scientific topics. adviser, reviewer or referee. This sequence includes Frank's letters to The It documents Frank’s association with 44 British, overseas and Section F, Societies and Organisations, is the largest in the Section E, Lectures and Broadcasts, is a relatively small section. movement, the Royal Society and the Science Research Council. The material is mainly drafts for Frank's lectures and broadcasts (chiefly for international organisations including the Faraday Society, the Institute of Committee which oversaw De Beers-funded diamond research in UK universities Frank's extensive work for De Beers for whom he served on the Diamond Research School, the Bristol Municipal Charities and Queen Elizabeth's Hospital school. involved with a number of local, Bristol institutions including Badminton Section G, Consultancies, comprises material relating to Frank's work for commercial organisations undertaken 1949-86. The best documented is NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank and which organised the Diamond Research Conferences. A short consultancy with British Rail, whom he advised on water-softening 1949-51, is well documented and consultancies with General Electric and IBM are also represented. Section H, Visits and Conferences, presents a chronological sequence, 1939-87, of some of Frank's many engagements, both at home and abroad. He made many trips to the U.S.A, frequently in conjunction with a summer consultancy, and served as Visiting Professor at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla, California 1964-65. In 1979-80 he visited India as Raman Research Professor. Section J, Correspondence, is a substantial section which includes several extended exchanges with friends, colleagues and former students. Among the correspondents are N. Cabrera, J.D. Eshelby, R.V. Jones and F.R.N. Nabarro. Section K, References and Appointments, includes material for Frank's service as External Examiner for the universities of Aberdeen and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and correspondence and papers relating to his work as This material is subject to restricted access. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Assessor for the Royal Society’s Paul Fund. available and for his advice and encouragement. We are very grateful to Sir Charles Frank for making the material Bath 1989 Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS FAMILY PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS NCUACS 15/8/89 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Curricula vitae: 1936, 194731976. 1978 = 1983. Entries for Who’s Who etc. 1973-83 and nd. Correspondence with Technology Policy Unit History of Solid State Physics project. Braun and ;-71981.. P.K. E. Frank was interviewed for Aston University the Hoch, Correspondence with J. Charles Frank. University 1946-76", a recording made in 1982. "Sir Reminiscences of the Physics Department, Bristol of Life-Story Casettes re Baxter Includes a typescript summary of the "Reminiscences". OBE, FRS". Biographical account "Professor Sir Charles Frank, dated 10 August 1984. with S.R. of an Weart, American correspondence Bibliographies 1951, Institute Frank gave Manuscript draft by Frank beginning "We live in a self-deluding century" recording his views on scientific methodology. Brief Physics Center for the History of Physics, 1986. "oral history interview" for the Center. 1988. 1978, Nd. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Miscellaneous to Frank was a committee member the University Film Society and Founder and President of the Oxford. Frank's interest in cinematography. of University Film Unit. material relating chiefly 1935-38 Brochure Germany. Ardenne"; programme for meeting of Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellshaft, Breslau, June 1938; "A vanished frontier" on the old German-Czech border in June 1938. list of colour photographs Frank took of "Laboratorium Manfred for von Correspondence, research opportunities, including Cambridge. 1938-March October 1939, re employment and Second World War Correspondence Scientific Research at Scientific Intelligence, 1940. sent to by R.V. of the Air Ministry, re Frank's transfer to Director Jones D.R. Pye, his orders. Includes Frank’s Allied his temporary promotion to Principal Letter notifying Frank of Scientific Officer from 1 July 1943. Papers for visit to Paris, April 1945. Expeditionary Force Permit and copy of Notification of informal discussion on "Window (A.R.D.E. trials and general operational experience)", 4 March 1944. Annotated "Transport arranged". financial. Correspondence from Association of Scientific Workers, 1943-44. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1941-45 and nd. Chiefly NCUACS 15/8/89 Later correspondence re Frank's war-work, connection with pension entitlement. September 1976, in who Brief correspondence with Sir Stanley Hooker, August 1981, wrote to Frank after reading the account of his and R.V. Jones’ work for scientific intelligence in Jones’ book Most Secret War. Frank's reply includes reminiscences of the period. Reminiscences of Frank, Jones and member of scientific intelligence staff, R.V. Smith from a female H. 17 January 1984. Correspondence re employment 1946-48. in Theoretical Chemistry at Norges Tekniske Hogskole, and, provisionally, for a lectureship in Theoretical Chemistry at Cambridge. Frank applied for the Chair Trondhein Bristol University Letters of appointment. Frank was appointed Research 1948-51. Fellow in Theoretical Physics March 1948, and reappointed 1949 and BIDS 0% 1951 announcing Frank's appointment to Readership. Also cutting from Bristol Evening Post March 23 19 and Prize of de letters from 29 June and goodwill 1969. to Wills Chair, 10 July 1954, the, Melville Includes letter of congratulation on Frank Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society 1954. 1976. 10, notification of Frank’s appointment as Professor Emeritus, November. Frank's speeches given at occasions marking his retirement colleagues; 23 1954, 1963, appointment notification of appointment to the Directorship of the H.H. Wi Physics Laboratory and Henry Overton Wills Chair, 11 July E.20. Holweck the Physical Society 1963. Includes material for 1977 reunion of Holweck prizemen. Nomination for medal of the Royal Society 1962. See also A.26. Francaise Physique Societe and the See also NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C, Frank Election to Honorary Fellowship of Lincoln College Oxford 1968. Election to Fellowship of Royal Society of Arts 1970. Honorary Degree of Bath University 1974. Conferral of Knighthood 1977. Includes accounts of investiture, letters of congratulation etc. Honorary Degree of Surrey University 1977. Election to Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of PHuysics: 1977. Includes biographical note for Physics Bulletin. Honorary Degree of Trinity College Dublin 1978. Royal Medal of the Royal Society 1979. Election to Foreign Associate Membership of U.S. National Academy of Engineering 1980. Honorary Degree of Warwick University 1981. Guthrie Medal of the Institute of Physics 1982. Indian Academy of Sciences Honorary Degree of Université de Paris-Sud 1986. Election to Honorary Fellowship of 1984. Election to Foreign Associate Membership of Royal Society of South Africa 1986. See also E.65. U.S. Institute of Metals Lecture and Robert F. Mehl Award 1987. NCUACS 15/8/89 DIARIES Those 1965-72 are desk diaries, several of which were kept by his secretaries. 1964. 1965 list consultancy etc. commitments. Includes Red. at back of Frank’s editorial, Includes list at front of Frank's commitments. Includes list at back of Frank’s commitments. Blue. Includes a few loose intercalated notes. Green. Includes a few loose intercalated notes Includes a few loose intercalated notes. Green. NCUACS 15/8/89 1972 “Red. Labelled “Professor F.C. .Frank"™. 1972. Includes a few loose intercalated notes. 1979-80. intercalated notes and cuttings. Bristol University Pocket Diary. Includes a few loose NCUACS 15/8/89 FAMILY Frank Family of Frank's Most emigrated, principally to South Africa and Canada. Frank was born in South Africa but his father returned to England very shortly after his birth. grandfather's children paternal Frederick John Frank (son). The only child of Sir Charles and Maita Frank died in infanc A.47-A.52 Frederick and Medora Celia Emma Frank (parents). Correspondence 1939-70. 6 folders. .47 .48 1.49 0) 51 52 1939-53 and undated early correspondence 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969-70 Correspondence 1950, 1970, 1976. Relatives in England. Correspondence 1938-78. Edward H. Frank (brother). 1974-81 Correspondence, chiefly with Phoebe Maud Skinner (paternal aunt). Correspondence 1969-81. Relatives in South Africa Relatives in Canada. A.56 1963-73 Ax] NCUACS 15/8/89 Correspondence with Ronald Frank of connections, 1981. Surrey re possible family Brundish Hall. Suffolk, Brundish Hall, grandfather, Charles Read. a reassembled in the U.S.A. that following the story was the residence of Frank’s maternal Frank tried to discover the truth of was demolition in Hall's 1930 it The material includes photographs of the Hall. Asche Family Frank married Maia Maita Asche, April 1940. of the material concerns attempts to get them out. 28 She had many relatives in the Communist bloc and much of Finnish nationality, on Maia Maita Frank (nee Asche). Correspondence 1946-53, 1973, 1982. living in Harbin, Zarin family were Correspondence 1954-63. Inessa Zarin (sister-in-law). Sophia Zinaida Forsbloom (mother-in-law). The People’s Republic of China, and threatened with deportation to the Soviet Union (Inessa Zarin was born in St. Petersburg). The correspondence, 1954-57, concerns Frank's efforts to obtain entry visas to Australia or Chile for them. They received visas for Chile and Venezuela and were permitted to leave China in 1957. 1968. M. Brief Arnautov (a Soviet citizen though never resident in the U.S.S.R.) to remain in the U.K., Brief correspondence re securing her exit from Prague, 1968. obtaining permission for Michael Arnautov (nephew). correspondence chiefly re NCUACS 15/8/89 F..C.: Frank PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Arranged chronologically. 1938-60 1962-70 1971-76 TOT = 19 A . 68 . 69 A A A.70 1980-81 1982-83 1984, nd NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS Athenaeum Club 1968-82. Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society 1974. Coombe Dingle Residents’ Association 1986. Crabtree Foundation 1970. Brunel’s Temple Meads Station 1981-82. Friends of Bristol Art Caliery 1954, 1967, 1973. Friends of St. George’s, Brandon Hill 1981-82. Malago Society 1986. Old Ipswichian Club 1976-83. Oxford Society 1979. Royal West of England Academy 1981-83. 5 folders. Accs A.76 A.77 A. Aes 1978 May-December 1979-83 1976 1747. 1978 January-April Frank attended Ipswich School 1927-29. the Old Ipswichian Club 1978. Thatched House Club 1944. NCUACS 15/8/89 MISCELLANEOUS 1934. Frank. "The Almond Tree". Manuscript draft of a short story by 1938-42. Baconian theory", 22 August 1939. Includes 2pp manuscript draft by Frank "Concerning the A.83-A.87 1946-49. Financial papers. > Eolders. EOC. 29511956". Includes copy of the first English edition of Progress, 1960s. Peaceful Coexistence and Intellectual Freedom by A. Sakharov, sent to Frank April 1969. 1970-71. Chiefly sale of Frank's periodicals. Pp ; 1980-82. 23 November 1976. 1972-79. a letter of Includes Frank's comments on a disarmament proposal in 1983-86. NCUACS 15/8/89 PHOTOGRAPHS Portrait Fellowship of the Royal Society 1954. photographs taken following Frank’s election to Photographs taken during Frank's consultancy with General Electric 1956 (G.100-G.101) the photographs (of Frank with G.W. Sears and S.S. Brenner) was reproduced in the Schenectady Union- Star 36.101). One of International Conference on Crystal Growth, (H.30). Includes group photograph of conference, with key. N.Y., August 1958 Battelle Includes group photograph of colloquium. colloquium, Institute Switzerland, May 1966 (H.60). Frank and wife at "Wedding of Zbigniew Stachowski... Clifton, 8 July 1966". fur Sent Banff, Canada, Frank and K.H.G. Ashbee inspecting their "nitinol" heat engine Lf)... -see also :.J: 2: der Schweizer 3lst Pugwash photograph of Conference, Gesellschaft fur Kristallwachstum the Gordon Research Conference on Crystal Group August-September 1981 (F.230-F.238). Group photograph of Growth, N-H’; July 1982 (27150), with key. Group photograph in envelope inscribed "?Colston Symposium Group 1976 (Remote sensing)" (B.125). Sektion Kristallographie meeting, Switzerland, October 1978 (H.118). with Christmas card 1980. Miscellaneous undated photographs of Frank and colleagues. NCUACS 15/8/89 BRISTOL UNIVERSITY B.1-B.151 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Administration Research Teaching UNIVERSITY General correspondence and papers Committees Societies and Organisations Tyndall Memorial Lectures NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Administration Bile 4b. 15 B.16-B.24 B.25-8..28 B.29-B.41 General correspondence and papers Steering Committee Staff meetings Personnel General correspondence and papers 1947, 1960-86 i 1947, 1960-64. of Professors G.S. Zhdanov and V.I. With 2pp manuscript draft of Frank's welcoming remarks. 1960 material is re visit to Physics Department 10-11 March. Iveronova, 1966-68. 1968 material is questionnaire from the Confederation of British Industry/Vice-Chancellors' Committee Working Party on Universities and Industrial Research, with Frank's replies. Chiefly correspondence and papers re visit of 1970-72. Particle Physics Group. £969: A.W. Merrison, the new Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University, to the Physics Department 9 December. Retained in original folder. 1973. miscellaneous administrative information. 1973, 1974. estimates, and letter of re staff discontent over the lack of computing facilities. Includes 1973/74 and 1974/75 departmental budget 23 March 1973 to the Vice-Chancellor 1974 February. and Ordering Instructions." Contents of a folder inscribed "Departmental Notes": Physics Department "General Stores Catalogue Includes 1972 material re activities and aims of the 1972 October. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Includes material re "presentation to 1975. N. Thompson on his retirement", with 3pp typescript copy of Frank’s tribute to Thompson given at the farewell ceremony, 22 July. Dr. University Grants 17D Committee represented the Bristol University Physics Department. Committee Physical 1 Sciences May. Conference, Regional Bristol, Sub- Frank Papers and correspondence for preliminary meeting of university representatives "to agree on what issues they would like to raise”. (Bristol. 7: March. Papers for Regional Conference 1976. on his retirement. career Devonshire, given 2 July. Chiefly material "For Presentation to A.F. Devonshire" Includes manuscript notes on Devonshire's to of . Frank/s typescript «tribute copy. sand™= 3ppy head of 3pp 1978. plus lp the H.H. official department]", 1977 material is chiefly re 50th anniversary of 1977, the opening of Wills Physics Laboratory. Includes 14pp manuscript copy of Frank's "reminiscences" of the laboratory from 1946, delivered 11 July. Includes "Of responsibility and the delegation of duties Nd. Frank); a (by [of manuscript N. Thompson, "University places for students of physics" by 10pp duplicated typescript "The Growing Wastage of University Physics Students" by R.G. Chambers, 8pp duplicated re history of polymer physics group. typescript; graphs; [71973] letter Keller from A. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Steering Committee 1964-76 B.16-B.24 Papers for committee meetings. 9 folders. 6 wy ES :19 a2) L964 L965 1966 1967/47 1969 1970 1968 Staff meetings B.29-8.28 Papers for staff meetings. 4 folders. Bie Bi26 1968-71 Ly? ; : 19:73 1974, L975 Personnel 1956-76 A chronological sequence of papers and correspondence re staff appointments, promotions, etc. 13 folders: 1958 1964 1956, 1963, 1965-67 1968 L969. CL) £969.02) 1969. . 36 eS7 . 38 “3 -4¢ .41 29 25) ol ed, 30 .34 ey, L969 (4) 1969265) ESO £97k 1972-74 197551976. md: -¢3) NCUACS 15/8/89 Research Funding Colloquia and Schools The material chiefly relates to the funding of research in the Physics Department by the Science Research Council and to the financial support of the Department's Solid State Physics Fund, principally by De Beers. 1954-78 B.52 At Department for the Ministry of Supply. report on is a a consultancy carried out by the Correspondence and papers re Science Research Council funding of research. (SRC) £968; research. 71969: Includes material re SRC support for polymer re visit of SRC Bawn with C.E.H. (Polymer Includes correspondence eo 7a Committee) re SRC support for polymer research. correspondence Includes Includes enquiries from universities seeking likely 1970. candidates for SRC studentships, and related correspondence with B.H. Flowers, SRC chairman, re Cooperative Awards in Pure Science (CAPS). EQ 2 Physics Committee to Bristol University, February, with copy of their report. exploratory research on poly-SN. 1973. Includes correspondence with Flowers re postdoctoral fellowships and CAPS, and photocopied manuscript proposal from G.P. Tonkin for 1975 correspondence is chiefly re proposal for "A Gravimeter Development", 17 September. 1974, 1975. NCUACS 15/8/89 HOG. frank Correspondence and papers re Solid State Physics Fund. Frank took over responsibility for this departmental fund from M.H.L. Pryce in 1964. It received contributions principally from De Beers’ subsidiary Industrial Distributors (Sales) Ltd. (later De Beers Industrial Diamond Division Ltd.) for research into the physical properties of diamond. of funds, The material consists chiefly of covering letters from De Beers accompanying payment to the university authorities authorising payments from the fund. The covering letters from De Beers to Pryce and his successor, Frank, also refer to the simultaneous payment of consultancy and Diamond Research Committee fees. Material relating to Frank's work as a consultant and committee member may be found at G.24-G.27 and G.56-G.75 respectively. and correspondence General correspondence re administration of the fund, various dates, 1954-75. Correspondence re payments to the fund, 1962-78. 2 folders. B.49 1IO2—6i/,,. 9 fa: oO 1974-78 BioS 1946-78 . could not attend". Correspondence re expenditure from the fund, 1961-67. Colloquia and Schools Summer School on the quantum theory of crystalline solids with particular reference to semi-conductors, 1946. "Report on Extra-Mural work carried out in the Department of Physics, University of Bristol, for the Ministry of Supply ... February to July, 1954." With Frank’s manuscript notes headed "Cinnabar HgS". graphs found with it. Duplicated typescript outline of the course prepared for "other members of the [Telecommunications Research] Establishment who With miscellaneous manuscript notes and NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Departmental colloquia, 1948-50. to give Invitations and correspondence arising. Those agreeing include G.I. Finch, H.A. Jahn, A.C.B. (later Sir Bernard) Brown (E950). colloquia (1948), Raynor (1949) Lovell A.F. G.V. and ICI-Bristol Crystal Growth, 18 February 1948. University Theoretical Physics Discussion on Correspondence re arrangements. Summer School on the Theory of Crystal Growth, 19-24 September 1949. the growth of crystal", "The role of dislocations in crystal growth". "The geometry of dislocations" and Frank gave three lectures, "A general account of Correspondence re arrangements; notice; lecture notes. Letter from H.A. Fairbank re colloquium on "Second sound in bkiquid heldum: 11%, 720 April 2954. on School Inorganic Vacation Crystals, 24-29 March 1958. Frank lectured on "The theory of dislocation networks", "Dislocations and diffusion processes" and of etching processes". Dislocations Metals theory and in of on and "The spoke crystal Programme; "Theories Programme only. lecture syllabuses. Frank welcomed growth Notices for Physics Department colloquia, 1977, Mott School on Crystal Growth, 6-10 April 1970. School the mechanisms". 1978 and nd. NCUACS 15/8/89 B..C. Frank B.57-B.67 B.68-B.72 Bi73-B 76 Undergraduate Postgraduate Miscellaneous Undergraduate Oa. 6 Syllabuses, notes for undergraduate teaching. lecture timetables, course outlines and course BaDy 1950, 1965-69 B55 1974-76 Syllabus for stage III Special Honours Lectures on Solid State Physics, 1955-56. With manuscript notes for lectures. B.Sc. examination papers, 1953, Exercise book, notes on undergraduates and their work. 1960-67, containing used 2 folders. courses 1973-74. Chiefly Frank's "Stage III Projects 1977-78". Physics problem sheets, 1971-72 and nd. Material re stage III physics manuscript notes and questions on geophysics. Duplicated typescript copies of 16 lectures on geophysics, nd. Miscellaneous courses, various dates 1949-72. correspondence Contents of folder so inscribed. undergraduate and papers re NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Postgraduate B.68 Correspondence and notes re postgraduates, various dates 1949- 74 and nd. B.69-B.71 M.Sc. course in Physics of Materials. This course was initiated by Frank. Material found in folder with attached note from N. Thompson inscribed "This folder contains papers relating to the M.Sc. course the Kennedy was external correspondence with examiner for the newly established course 1965-66. [A.J.] Kennedy." including detailed results, exam and _ the Papers re course 1969-71. Papers re course 1975-76, nd. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence re M.Sc. courses. B73 Miscellaneous Student essays. "Regular and Irregular Motion", photocopy of manuscript text of "An informal series of talks by M.V. Berry", 1976. "An Introduction to Algebraic Topology", typescript notes of lectures given by B.R. Pollard, 1976-77. etc. "Physics since 1910" syllabus, 1961; "Introduction" by Frank beginning "The extension by flow of polymer chain molecules a 12pp mechanical analogue", photocopied manuscript; 6pp photocopied manuscript; Project Assessment by functions: ", "Stress P. Gosshy, NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank UNIVERSITY General correspondence and papers 1963, 1964. 1956, of the Faculties (including Frank) to for his services as Acting Vice-Chancellor. 1963 letter expresses the wish of the Deans honour Sir Alfred Pugsley 1965, 1966. 1968. degrees, 9 July, at which Frank was a public orator. copies of Frank’s orations. Correspondence and papers re presentations for honorary Includes 2, folders: 16th Includes Frank's of 31 Includes draft 1969 February. Group forum "What Research? spoke on behalf of draft of Frank’s contribution. Chiefly material re Bristol University Peace And What For?" at which Frank With 7pp manuscript the Vice-Chancellor. of Frank's "Address for Senate, 1969. June 1969, on the retirement of C.F. Powell". Committee (UGC), 27 November 1974. oily. letter candidates for honorary degrees. Chiefly material re visit of University Grants December suggesting 1973, 1974. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank 1976. Party 1976 material is 1975, Working Principals and the UGC on Tuition Fees. material as letter to the Vice-Chancellor on "Fees". a member of Senate). Committee the of of Vice-Chancellors the Joint and (Frank received the With 3pp manuscript draft re Interim Report of 1976, 1977. Alan Hodgkin for orator. thanks from Hodgkin. Correspondence and papers re "Presentation of Sir public and letter of Frank’s oration, Frank was D.Sc.". Degree Includes draft the of of 1979-82, 1984, nd. Includes University Newsletter 12 June 1980 with letter from Frank re military research, and correspondence arising. NCUACS 15/8/89 Committees Arts Lectures Committee 1976-87 This committee arranged series of lectures on the arts. was a member of material. Frank the period covered by the the committee for B.90-B.93 Papers for committee meetings and brief related correspondence. Includes copies of Frank's introductions to Arts Lectures, 17 February and 9 November 1976. 4 folders. 1976-79 1980-82 : : 1983-85 1986, 1987 Board of Extra- Mural Studies 1965-67 Frank was appointed to B67 -Hey. the Board 1 January 1965. See also Papers for Board meetings. 6 folders. 1963-64 the the Departments of established in "to consultation and discussion the reported 1963 May It University". arrangements B97. Bivs B.99 Committee on Departmental Organisation 1966 October 1967 January, May 1967 October 1965 January, May 1965 November 1966 January, May Frank chaired this committee, consider for within following May. CECe Copy present practice" and views on general principles, Frank’s manuscript notes on responses and manuscript draft of Committee Report information "regarding of letter requesting NCUACS 15/8/89 E.Cy Prank Committee on Ordinances and Regulations for Higher Degrees 1966, 1967 Following a Government request that workers in industrial and government laboratories be given opportunities to gain higher degrees, Frank and A.R. Collar were asked by the committee to put forward ideas for liberalising the regulations surrounding the award of higher degrees. the material a Much of "Mature Ph.D." degree be instituted to allow worthy candidates whose work did not merit a D.Sc. nevertheless to be awarded a doctorate. relates to Frank's suggestion that Correspondence with university authorities, C.F. Collar, 1966. Powell and Papers for committee meetings, including suggested amendments to university regulations. Committee on Technical Staff BaL03 One letter only, 29 January. B.104 1965-68 Frank attended as Joint Committee on Tutorial Classes B.105-B.108 Papers for committee meetings, 1965-68. ICI Research Fellowships Committee Report on ICI postdoctoral fellowships scheme. This was a joint committee of representatives of the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, the Workers Educational Association and Local Education Authorities. a member of the Board of Extra-Mural Studies (B.94-B.99). 1967 November, 1968 4 folders. B.105 B.106 1965 1966 B.107 B.108 1967 February, May NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Knowlson Trust Fund Committee 1963-67 This committee was appointed in April 1963 to allocate funds from the bequest of J.M. Knowlson, engineer, for travel grants to students and junior staff. Frank was a committee member from its establishment. B,109-B.111 Papers for committee meetings and Frank’s manuscript comments on reports provided by recipients of grants upon their return. 3 folders. B09 B.110 1963 1964, 1965 Beit 19665) 1967 Laboratory Assistants Committee Ball? Minutes of meeting, 3 November. "Sub-Committee of Senate which was asked to make a report on the history of events which culminated in the sit-in [occupation of Senate House by students, December 1968] A.R. Collar, in by the the re Committee" sit-in, (and W.D. Howarth, supported the actions of chiefly sympathisers) statements and comprising Frank, C.F. Powell, P.J. the Vice- the securing the eviction of The senate sub-committee, Randle and Chancellor, occupying students. The sit-in occurred over the issue of reciprocal membership of the Bristol University Students’ Union with students’ unions at other institutions of further and higher education in the area. A number of students, feeling the university authorities were procrastinating, occupied Senate House. sit-in the Material university "Action authorities. Also includes typescript draft and final copy of the sub-committee’s report, 11 December, and typescript draft and final copy of "Letter to all members of the University" drafted by the sub-committee for the Vice-Chancellor, 9 January £969. Background papers on reciprocal membership issue. 2 folders. NCUACS 15/8/89 Office News-sheets established in the Physics Department, December 1968, February- June 1969. Information produced by the Informal Miscellaneous material. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Societies and Organisations An alphabetical sequence of other university bodies. Association of Alumni 1977-84 Frank was invited to become Honorary President for the 1977- 78 session and was re-elected several times thereafter. As President he also served on the Joint Executive Committee of Convocation and the Association of Alumni. Correspondence, chiefly re Presidency, 1977-79, 1982. Bald?) Bi 220 Papers for meetings of Joint Executive Committee of Convocation and the Association of Alumni. 2 folders. Be 119 1978-80 Association of University Teachers 1981-84 OAS a2 Ball 28 the Club. Miscellaneous material. Bristol Scientific Club Colston Research Society Frank was a Past President of Correspondence and papers, including membership lists. a chairman in 1976. In 1966 Frank was invited to sit on the Society's Research Fund Committee which administered a to assist, chiefly, in the publication of research work. Frank was a member of the Council of the Society from 1974, being re- elected in 1978, Frank's connection with the Colston Research Society for the promotion of research in the University of Bristol dates from 1948, when he attended the First Colston Symposium on Cosmic Radiation, organised by N.F. (later Sir Nevill) Mott (see H.2). the In Symposia, as organiser in 1974 and as mid-1970s Frank was associated 1980 and 1984. grant from the with two Colston 1972-86 1966-86 Society NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Colston Research Fund Committee Correspondence and papers for committee meetings, 1966, 1967. Colston Symposium on The Structure of Bio-polymers, 1-3 April 1974. Frank helped organise the symposium. Correspondence and papers, 1972, re preliminary organisation. Includes invitation to L.C. Pauling. Colston Environment, 5-9 April 1976. Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Frank was a chairman. Correspondence and papers, 1974, 1976. B.126-B.131 Colston Research Society Council Papers for Council meetings and AGMs. 6 folders. Department of Spanish Beps3 1977-84 Bei32 Brief correspondence only. Includes invitation, 7 October Emeritus Professors’ Dining Club to Frank to chair the 1983-84 session (accepted). Correspondence and papers. 1983, Miscellaneous papers. Frank was Dean of the Faculty of Science 1963. Faculty of Science 19 63\=7 54. nd". NCUACS 15/8/89 Information Office 1973-83 Correspondence. for appointment to the Order of Merit, 1973. Includes Frank’s note on P.A.M. Dirac compiled Dirac’s Information occasion Office the the on of iB. 135 Library B.136 Correspondence. Mac Innes Club Bo / Papers re meetings. 1976, 1979 School for Advanced Urban Studies 1973 Beuss Papers re constitution of the School, with Frank’s notes and copy of letter to Vice-Chancellor, 14 March, "Observations on the Constitution of the School for Advanced Urban Studies". Senior Common Room (SCR) 965-68, 1976 B139-8 145 7 folders. PL39 . 140 L41 Lae B.146 Correspondence and papers University of Bristol Physical Society 1965 1966 1967 Jan-May 1967 June-Oct 1967 Nov, Dec 1968 Jan-May 1968 June-Dec, 1976 Frank was chairman of the SCR committee 1966-68, member of the Art committee 1965-67 and convenor of the Dining subcommittee 1967-68. C1 954-613 Includes M.H.L. Pryce, A.M. Tyndall and C.F. Powell at Physical Society dinner Correspondence and papers. See also B.49 and B.51. cutting from Bristol paper showing Frank, 1966-78 NCUACS 15/8/89 Tyndall Memorial Lectures Following his appointment as Director of the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory in wife endowed a biennial lecture on the physical sciences to commemorate A.M. Tyndall, Professor of Physics at The first was delivered by Sir Bernard Lovell. the University 1919-1948. Frank and 1969, his Correspondence re endowment of Tyndall Memorial Lectures, 1969. Correspondence, 1970, re Lovell’s Lecture on "The Astronomer’s Universe" With typescript draft of Frank’s toast to the memory of Tyndall. following. December, Dinner Party and 3 1 Correspondence, 1972, Porter on "Chemistry in Microtime", 7 December. re second Lecture, given by Sir George Correspondence, 1974, on "The Other Way Round", 9 December. re third Lecture, given by R.V. Jones re 1980, 1976, 1978, Brief later Tyndall correspondence, Lecturers. NCUACS 15/8/89 SECTION C RESEARCH C.1-C.203 CHEMISTRY PART II AND POSTGRADUATE GERMANY CAMBRIDGE .80-C.109 SECOND WORLD WAR 2.110-C.203 BRISTOL NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank CHEMISTRY PART II AND POSTGRADUATE "Nitro: = Paraffins ‘4 manuscript notes reference 1927. on Contents of a the literature, folder labelled: latest bibliographical so molecular structure "The its derivatives, studied with the aid of measurements of moleculai the electric the degree of Bachelor of examination in Science. 64pp typescript. Lincoln College Oxford, May 1933. phenyl-nitro-methane Chemistry and presented moment". Thesis. part and for for 11. of of "Resume of portions of of £.C. Prank -_Oxtord,.«May, 1933". the Chemistry part 12pp typescript: II & B.Sc. Thesis iso-nitromethane "Phenyl Contents of a folder so labelled: diagrams, latest bibliographical reference 1933. nitro-methanes". manuscript graphs, notes and phenyl subst. & 1934. Contents of 10 "folders. Contents of a folder so labelled: a folder so labelled divided "Dielectric Losses". into 13 for ease of reference. "Oxidation of Aliphatics". manuscript notes on the literature abstracted 1933, Manuscript notes on the literature, calculations, graphs, 1933- of latest bibliographical reference 1934. "Loss in alcohol": manuscript drafts, graphs, data etc., found clipped together; NCUACS 15/8/89 "Dielectric condition and properties of palmitic in solid solution" by W. Jackson (later 6pp typescript. Lord Jackson) and F.C. Frank, 21 June 1935. molecular evidence loss the on "Dielectric loss measurements of ("Trolitul") mouldings prepared by F.C.F." October 1936 and 3pp manuscript. W. Jackson on polystyrene Graph dated 27 "Statement and discussion of power-factor and conductivity measurements on a solution of stearanilide in paraffin wax. Also results of power factor measurements on palmitic acid and beeswax solutions". with Frank's manuscript additions. 3pp manuscript by Jackson, "Molecular manuscript notes on the literature abstracted 1934. rotation". Contents folder so of a labelled: 3 folders. Motion of molecules in crystals. literature abstracted 1934. Manuscript notes on the in "An moment three for ease of dipole dipole additional sending list of chemicals, See also C.27. solvent etc. from Ronsheim & Moore typescript in measurements", effect Contents of Frank’s folder divided into reference. Notes on the literature, data, calculations etc. 2 folders. Letter Yovember 1934; effect entitled measurements", 3 May 1935, 3 two manuscript drafts entitled "A new solvent draft moment graphs. brief “Polaraerfect. . correspondence 13 April 1935 and nd. from P.A. notes on the strength of acids etc., some with annotations by Small; a folder so labelled: Small; Contents of 1935, 1936. NCUACS 15/8/89 C.27-C.29 Contents of Frank's folder divided into reference. three for ease of moment in Typescript draft entitled "An additional solvent effect dipole draft entitled "A new solvent effect in dipole moment measurements" by Frank and latest bibliographical reference 1956" measurements" typescript Sutton, 1935, L.E. May 3 Brief correspondence March 1936; April 1936 and 11 May 1936 and of absences enclosed in Frank’s letter of in crystalline solids" dated letters to [G.1.] Taylor, 3 "A further note on the theory and 9 March 1936 3 April. Manuscript notes, data, calculations, graphs. dated 1936. Some material to the editor electric Letter moments 3pp typescript dated 5 March 1936 and lp table of electric moments of solute molecules, with Frank’s manuscript notes attached. Nature on computing the Guggenheim. molecules, solute E.A. by of of 12 of one from’ June 1936; dated letter Wrinch, Contents manuscript notes relating an envelope manuscript and typescript notes "Dossier on minor solvent effects": to work.ot H.0.. Jenkins.1956., so inscribed, on "Wrinch on two draft letters to WoT. "Wrinch proteins". including: proteins", typescript dated 21 May 1936; [D.M.] Astbury, 19 June 1936. The degree was awarded in 1937. "A research in special bearing on dielectric losses". retained in original covers. chemistry of dielectrics with Frank’s D.Phil. thesis the physical NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Notebook inscribed on front cover "P. Debye" and "Ausgewahlte Technischen Kapitel der A. Sommerfeld." The first page of notes is headed "Beanspruchung von Kugeln". Wintersem. Mechanik 19057 Contents of Frank’s folder divided into reference. The Soennecken, Bonn). folder was of German three for ease manufacture of (F. Manuscript notes on the literature abstracted 1933-37. dielectric references to the work of Debye. literature There 1923. from loss Include many are C.38-C.40 Contents of Frank's folder divided into three for ease of reference. Soennecken, Bonn). The folder was of German manufacture (F. Manuscript notes on the literature, drafts, data, graphs etc. variously dated 1933-38 and nd. 2 folders. voids, which at "Recalcs cooled dried air Contents of Frank’s folder. a regulated temperature" of Jackson's appendix on Printed material re scientific equipment etc. is Include wrong", plan of a book on rotating molecules 16 September 1937 and diagram of "low temperature small thermostat, to supply a stream of 14 December 1938. Dipolrelaxation." circuit diagrams; "Oscillographic Relaxation". manuscript draft "Oscillographische Demonstrationsversuch uber Manuscript notes and drafts including items in German, latest bibliographical reference 1937. Contents of Frank's folder. folders, addition a few items were found loose. with titles, The folder contained five smaller In subdividing the Electrical contents. three NCUACS 15/8/89 Material relating Untitled. Fischer: bibliography headed "Literatur uber dielecktrische Verluste und "zusammengestellt Dispersion" with manuscript Fischer 29.4.38"; reprint by Fischer "Einfluss der Molekelstruktur auf die dielektrische Relaxation" which acknowledges Frank as letters from Fischer 1938, a co-experimenter. work note 1939; with end at to E. Untitled. Notes on the literature abstracted 1936; graphs. "Dielectrics & Plastics". Sillars sending "some selections from my results on paraffin wax solutions" 18 October 1937; manuscript draft dated April 1938, Letter from B.W. etc. "Dutta Sound Dispersion". Institute, Calcutta, 5 May 1938; and Frank on sound dispersion in liquids, etc. Letter from A. Dutta, Bose Research manuscript drafts by Dutta items. latest Loose’ bibliographical reference 1939 and draft letter to Professor Hassell nd. notebook, Include format small of into four for ease of of "The their draft Frank’s beginning manuscript foundations folder divided simplicity and Finished 6/5/37. Contents reference. 19pp the classical theory of solutions as laid by Van't Hoff, Arrhenius, and Ostwald are distinguished by the readiness with which they can be mathematically formulated". F.C.F." Note at end "Translation for Debye. Printed matter re German scientific equipment. Manuscript notes and calculations including "relaxation for non-rigid rod-shaped molecules in dependence on the angle between them". Manuscript notes notation"; and calculations including "Debye "Debye-Ramm calculations". molecules", touching "energy script, two of NCUACS 15/8/89 Graphs; bibliographical reference 1937; diagrams; notes on the literature, etc. latest Manuscript "notes on the evaluation of polarisation along axes for links", typescript draft "das Quadrupolmoment des Kerns". Manuscript draft beginning "Nach bekannte und gut begrundete theoretische Gesichtspunkte ... gibt es beim Kristallwachstum eine besondere Hemmung in Anfang eines neuen Schichts auf eine ausgefullte dicht-gepackte Flache." NCUACS 15/8/89 CAMBRIDGE "The behaviour of dielectrics in alternating current fields". Three duplicated typescript “informative summaries" based on lectures by E.B. Moullin delivered at the Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill, London, March 1938. Material re patenting of patent application no.29526/38). "A short wave generator" (British concerns Correspondence (Marconi, General Electric Company, Metropolitan-Vickers) and industrial agency, patent with colleagues (R.V. 1938-39. Jones, E.B. Moullin) re Frank's invention, 1938 September, October. filed 12 October. Includes provisional specification 1938 November, December. Printed material. Manuscript notes and drafts. 1939 January, March, April and nd. additions and corrections. Letter from Electrical Research Developments sending details of their products, 20 October 1938; carbon copy of letter to D.M. Wrinch, 13 December 1938; manuscript drafts of letter to Riley, 9 May 1939. "Relaxation Kinetics". a divided into five for ease of reference. 7pp typescript with manuscript ~tGLicetional : Hlectricity,:. Contents of folder so labelled NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank headed "General principles" and beginning Manuscript draft "Free charges and induced (or permanent) dipoles on suspended particles produce forces of attraction and repulsion between them, and between particles and the containing walls." Manuscript notes, drafts, graphs, calculations etc. including note of Frank’s contribution to unidentified meeting and notes dated 22 March and 1 April 1940. Manuscript notes, drafts, calculations, data. Contents of Frank's "seven-in-one" folder. Manuscript notes headed "stat. mech", "equilibria", etc. Manuscript notes headed "gases", “improved argument", etc. manuscript and 1939. .“plastic deformation", “conduction ‘in Letter from D.M. typescript notes, diagrams re work of Wrinch. 14 December 1938; Wrinch, Manuscript notes headed "Particles" and "A model of the melting crystal", the latter dated 25 April Manuscript notes headed "Integrated intensity or integrated reflection”... \iondc crystals", "photoconduction in alkali halides", etc. With scientific matter on verso. Report on the work of the Cambridge branch of of Scientific Workers, October 1938 - May 1939; Easter term [1939]. Humorous piece explaining why Bull Moose Gap the friendliest and most peaceful towns in North "Bull Moose Gap". was one America. of the Association programme for NCUACS 15/8/89 PG . Contents of Frank's folder. of letter Manuscript notes, drafts, diagrams, graphs etc. including rough drafts as positive evidence in crystal analysis", Nature 142, December 3, 1938. The drafts of Frank’s letter begin "I saw Dr. Wrinch the, other day... - 2 Neville "Vector maps E.H. his re to ontents of Frank’s "five-in-one" file, one compartment found empty. "Notes on the measurement of small differences of impedances" letter from Frank by W.R. Piggott, sent to Frank 17 May 1939; notes to supplementary 1940; miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations, diagrams. Wansbrough-Jones "very 8 brief June appending Rideal_ sent", [0.H.] those to Manuscript notes, data, graphs. and March 1939. A few items dated in February Exercise book used for brief records of research March-August 1939 including experimental work on rubber. 2 u the the and notes From Nov. including new Debye "Concerning It notes that Report on Frank’s research July-August 1939. "from Sept. same laboratory, under Prof. Rideal’s direction, which cannot be reported here. lst. onwards the work has been paid for by the Ministry of Supply 3rd other work has been performed in Receipts, price list, circuit diagram etc. the Manuscript drafts conditions of applicability of (inner field) theory of polar dielectrics", 18 November 1936 and note on the literature abstracted 8 May 1938. between December 1938 and July 1939. Include items dated NCUACS 15/8/89 YG, frank on Manuscript notes latest bibliographical reference 1939. Folder also includes letter from Lloyds Bank Oxford (found with the notes) re transferring Frank's account to their Cambridge branch 8 July 1939. the literature, Contents of Frank's folder. Manuscript notes, drafts, diagrams, data, nd. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank SECOND WORLD WAR of theory "A evaporation small The downwind length" by Frank. figures are dated 25 September and 9 October 1940 and stamped "Photographic Department CDES Porton". in 8pp typescript plus figures. surfaces wind from of Folder also contains manuscript signed 0.G. 1940. "Notes on paper by (later Sir Graham) Frank". Dr. 2pp Sutton 24 October "Misc. Maths". Contents of a folder so inscribed. Manuscript calculations, graph. leaves examination reprints to German scientist, K. Wirtz. calendar, and 1940 script postwar form from 1943 Some calculations on back of University letter re of Bristol of supply "Frank. inscribed. and many loose papers. Sundry theoretical studies". a folder so This folder contained a number of smaller folders Contents of of of two for into ease 1941; folder divided Frank’s 16 August Contents reference. the Air Ministry to 0.G. in RDF - General requirements"; Manuscript draft "Heightfinding manuscript calculations, data, graphs. Undated letter from Frank at Sutton requesting meteorological data for work on ultra-short radio- letter from R.L. Smith-Rose re literature on ultra- waves; short radio-waves, - Preliminary Survey" by D.J. Garrard, (7pp typescript); manuscript calculations, data, graphs. "Abnormal RF Ranges 12 September 1941 NCUACS 15/8/89 Contents of Frank's folder. Department discontinuities"; Manuscript drafts headed "Reflection at inhomogeneities", "Non- abrupt and Industrial Research Radio Research Board paper "Study of field strength records obtained on the Post Office Ultra-Short-Wave Radio Telephone Link between Guernsey & England. (Wavelengths Sm. and 8m.) by R.L. Smith-Rose and A.C. Stickland, 1 September 1941; DSIR RRB paper "The dielectric constant and loss factor of water vapour at (frequency = 3330 me/s.)". by J:A. Saxton; 4 March 1942, a wavelength of 9cms. Scientific of "The theory of errors in continuous measurement". folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of Manuscript drafts, calculations, nd. relates to the process of gunnery. This theoretical work "Continuous error theory". Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript draft, calculations. Manuscript notes, drafts, calculations, data. manuscript draft headed "Polar diagrams of arrays". Includes 15pp to E.M. from H.M. Nautical Almanac Office also Wright 17 January 1945. "A particular type of resultant distribution", 7pp manuscript not in Frank’s hand. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations, graphs etc; letter enclosing mathematical table, Tuckett re "dielectric manuscript", 14 December 1943. Manuscript. calculations "condensation from burnt material"; launch", also letter from R.F. uty Water launch rocketry". a folder so inscribed. headed "water Contents of notes and NCUACS 15/8/89 KG. rang Contents reference. of Frank’s folder divided into two for ease of Notes, drafts, calculations re rockets, nd. "Statistics". Contents of a folder so inscribed. Manuscript "Zero crossings for a rectangular frequency spectrum", "A collection of noise numbers", One item dated in 1944. "Differential binomial", headed notes etc. "Inductive effects: molecules", 2/7 July 1945. 12pp typescript. the internal electrostatic behaviour of letter from Folder also includes manuscript draft of paper, R.J.B. Marsden commenting on paper, 31 October 1945, manuscript calculations. "Map projection". Contents of a folder so inscribed. Manuscript calculations. the Sir 1945 and nd. 21 December 1944, Contents of Frank’s folder. (later Sir Edward) Bullard, Correspondence 1940, 1944, Includes letter from E.G. thanking Frank for Henry Tizard, 18 June 1945, thanking Frank for his contribution to an enquiry into the future of weapons. report on rockets and letter from a parcel sent from the Air Ministry to Frank at Contents of Bristol, 15 August 1947 including "Non-reflecting windows for night fighters". Typescript note "Suggested use of medium wave frequency to standardise ultra short wave measurements" 14 December 1940; letter from Frank to R.L. Smith-Rose 22 April 1941 commenting on DSIR Radio Research Board paper on "The absorption of Ultra- short wireless waves in water vapour of the earth's atmosphere" manuscript drafts by J.A. Saxton, with a copy of the paper; NCUACS 15/8/89 FG. “Prank Contents of Frank's folder. a cocked hat in angular measure", Manuscript drafts "size of "refraction of radio-waves", “atmospheric refraction"; Frank's comments on Operational Research Section report on "Theory of D/F Fixing" with copy of the report; Mathematical Group TRE Swanage report on "Atmospheric Refraction and Blind Bombing"; miscellaneous manuscript notes and calculations. 1941. Contents of Frank’s folder. Manuscript drafts "Beam width and beam accuracy", "Combustion of hydrazine", data, item dated 22 August 1944. graphs etc. One Report on rockets by Frank. figures. 3lpp duplicated typescript plus "Brock’s benefit or The future of rockets". 8pp manuscript. "Elementary inscribed. rocket formulae". Gontents..of- a. tolder: so issue notebook "sites" in 2 folders. With Tecord: of Manuscript drafts. Government Cherbourg region, St. Very few pages used. the Lo region, and the area south of Caen. Manuscript notes, calculations, graphs etc. including material on rockets. Directorate of Intelligence (Science). Miscellaneous items including poems "Der Geraeteraum (nach Christian Morgenstern)" beginning "Es war einmal ein Herr von Braun", "AFIA von Bimbo Morgenstern" (2 copies, one classified "most embarrassing", "trivial" and "top secret"), and "Middle East communique" referring to Rommel and the Auk [Field Marshal Auchinleck]. Professor of "Bimbo" was German at King's College London 1937-65. He was at Bletchley during the war and liaised with the Air Ministry's Assistant the nickname of Frederick Norman, NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Schottland und Militargeographische Kreigswichtigen Wirtschaftsgebiete". England mit 1940. Operationskarte lEintragung (nordlicher Teil). der Miscellaneous printed matter, chiefly German wartime scientific papers. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C, Prank BRISTOL "Interpolation". Contents of a folder so inscribed. Letter from the British Rubber Producers’ Research Association to H. Frohlich, 5 July 1946; manuscript graphs, calculations etc. Manuscript notes including fluids", 13 June 1949, manuscript calculations. "The boundary layer in stirred Miscellaneous Includes material on dislocations. drafts, notes, calculations late 1940s. ps3), Typescript copies of pre-war and wartime Russian scientific papers in German, found with Atomic Scientists Association material 1948-50 (F.4-F.7). 2 folders. C 5G. LS 4 folders. 1950, graphs, diagrams etc. Contents of Frank's folder. A few items dated in 1949, re 1952 and 1953. Manuscript and typescript notes, crystals research. Typescript drafts "Written discussion on the Schockley-Read paper - F.C. Frank" 22 May "The importance of near-screw dislocations in the generation of vacancies and interstitial atoms notes, calculations etc. boundaries. 4pp typescript re grain "Comments by F.C.F." 8 January 1954. and in work-hardening" nd; manuscript NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Contents of Frank’s folder. Manuscript draft "On grain boundary migration in a material containing pores or inclusions", notes headed "Diffusion of large vacancy aggregates", letter from Frank to G. Matsumara LO. April 1954. Gi.22-G2127 Contents. reference. of Frank's folder divided into «six for. ease .of forces Miscellaneous manuscript notes, drafts, calculations, diagrams, correspondence, photographs etc. Include manuscript draft "On the small animals", manuscript draft on martensitic transformations and manuscript draft on the problem of the growth of diamonds. A few items are dated in 1954 and 1955. to surface tension with reference to due Contents of Frank’s folder. copy of Typescript interaction "Eshelby", reference 1955. of point paper by J.D. defects", elastic constants data. Eshelby on manuscript elastic headed Latest bibliographical "The notes some weeks ago", and to defects in diamond", Contents of an envelope divided into two for ease of reference. "X-ray diffuse scattering due 1956." Spp manuseript. draft. Manuscript notes, drafts, calculations including "A note on the erystallization of polymers", a note addressed "Dear Nevill [Mott]" beginning "I take up the discussion of Mrs. Tipper’s fracture in glass which you sent me "A note on transformation stresses"; also Courtaulds research report dated March 1956. manuscript notes and calculations. Application for patent in respect of "Process for improving the mechanical properties of diamonds" 14 May 1956, with related correspondence 1956, General Electric Research Laboratory report on "Polygonization" by W.R. with Frank's Dunn November 1956, Hibbard and C.G. 8 May 1957. See also C.140. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "On Schrodinger's cat, states and statements", 7 April 1957. 4pp manuscript draft. Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, diagrams etc; also letter of students of Frank on the "Peierls-Nabarro force", 18 July 1958. information requesting work from Mott N.F. on 7 fokders. "Draft application" for research on the mechanisms that operate when a metal breaks under fatigue conditions, August 1958. 4pp CYPESCripc. Contents reference. of Frank's folder divided into two for ease of and Manuscript typescript photographs, correspondence re crystal The correspondence (with J.D. Bernal and others) is dated in 1958 and 1959. liquid structures. notes growth, drafts, and 3 folders. C.141-C.143 See also C.132. "On the melting of carbon", latest bibliographical reference 1959. 7pp manuscript draft. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, etc. 1950s. Folder also contains a little earlier (1956) correspondence re patent for improving the mechanical properties of diamonds, found with the draft. bibliographical reference 1962. Manuscript notes, drafts, calculations etc. re superconductors including 2pp manuscript "On the interactions between magnetic flux Latest Contents of Frank's folder. superconductors". dislocations and in NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank .145-C.148 Manuscript superconductors and superconductivity. typescript drafts, and notes, calculations re 4 folders. Untitled and theoretical interest now attaches to high field superconductors manuscript beginning practical "Much 12pp ", Latest bibliographical reference 1962. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and calculations found with the preceding. "On superconductive dynamo geometries", 5pp typescript and lp figures. Latest bibliographical reference 1963. Untitled 25pp manuscript beginning "There should not be much doubt regarding the substantial correctness of Abrikosov's theory of type II superconductors. reference 1963. four for ease of of Frank's folder divided into Contents reference. Contents of Frank's folder. re superconductivity, nd. Manuscript notes, calculations etc. Manuscript bibliographical dislocations. Manuscript notes, calculations re superconductivity, nd. Research Development Corporation. Correspondence and papers re patent for machine, 1963-66, 1972. assignment a dynamic-electric Includes complete specification and National latest on calculations agreement between Frank Includes material and the notes, drafts, Ele, and NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank C.156-C.159 to visit Manuscript notes and drafts etc. re geophysics research during extended Planetary Physics, University of California, La Jolla, San Diego, 1964- 65. Includes correspondence with E. Orowan September 1964, March for earthquake energies and displacements". See also H.50-H.52. manuscript Geophysics "Orowan's Institute argument draft 1965 and and of 4 folders. "A hypothesis for mountain ranges", Manuscript and typescript drafts. the latest form of island arcs bibliographical the and reference arcuat 1964 Research report "written 26 May 1967". for period September 1966 - March 1967, C.162-C.164 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations, diagrams, 1960s. 5S, folders. a € d of in “ete: adiabatic .167-C.169 geological letter dated decompression also printed matter, Manuscript calculations found with paper on "Reptation of polymer chain in the presence of fixed obstacles" by P.G. Gennes. Latest bibliographical reference 1970. Contents of Frank's folder divided into reference. Manuscript notes and drafts "Temperature changes associated with processes", “temperature variation in upward flow through a pipe" (not in Erank & nando). 14 August 1971. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations. "Unravelling double helices", 3pp manuscript draft and untitled 9pp draft, manuscript notes and calculations. One item dated February 1973. "Functions, mathematical and physical", 17pp manuscript draft. three ease for NCUACS 15/8/89 F, "Alternative rotation centres and the third dimension", 14pp manuscript draft plus tables. 1974. "A note on the systematics of rotation-coincidence lattices", l6épp manuscript draft, tables. 1974. ole, 6G E78, Contents of Frank's folder divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, calculations etc. including 3pp manuscript "Some RC ladder calculations", 28 May 1974. Manuscript calculations for Michael [Zarins] - Christmas 1976". calculations including notes, "Gear ratio drafts, notes, re 8pp Manuscript "two- manuscript dimensional analysis of three-dimensional disclinations". One item dated 3 May [1977] when Frank was on an extended visit to Universite de Paris-Sud (H.109). "two-dimensional disclinations" calculations including etc. and folder into two for ease of of effect latest Frank's divided boundaries", Includes draft bibliographical Contents reference. "The of reference 1978. mobile 4pp manuscript, etc. Manuscript notes, calculations etc. OTs letter from A.H. Windle 3 October 1979. Manuscript calculations found with draft paper by C.P. Buckley on for For some of his polymer crystals, allowing for finite M.W." calculations Frank used the back of a Bristol University memo dated 2 October 1979. Manuscript notes, calculations, etc. including 2pp manuscript "Caustics of helicoid" from M. also Berry 7 September 1979; of crystallisation rates and melting rates "Theory NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "On the distribution of gauche configurations in aliphatic notepaper International Bangalore, 3-8 December 1979. manuscript Liquid chains", of Crystals a layer of on Conference, 5pp plus calculations .181-C.185 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, 1970s. “5 folders. drafts, calculations etc., .186-C.195 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, 1980s. arranged chronologically. 10 folders. drafts, calculations, etc., As far as possible this material has been .196-C.203 Miscellaneous folders. notes, drafts, calculations, etc., NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.271 DRAFTS EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE PUBLISHED PAPERS NCUACS 15/8/89 r..C. Frank to the intention to publish, A chronological sequence of material relating to publications ranging from fully-prepared or drafts to Where applicable of Publications (reproduced at pp.224-235) in the form Bibliog. references reference correspondence. editorial Frank's in has been made List to "Dipole Measurement”. induction and Bibiioc,..1 the solvent effect 49395. in dipole moment 60pp typescript bound in soft covers. Manuscript preceding. notes, diagrams and calculations found with "An electrical investigation of solutions of stearanilide in paraffin wax", with W. but published. in: Tansy Pan. Soc ..<3) (1935). Not listed in Bibliog. Jackson. but notes. Bibliog. 2, lépp typescript. related manuscript carbon valency angle "The compounds". DOG. 4pp typescript with manuscript corrections; "Electrical evidence on calcite imperfections". OSG). Incomplete 12pp typescript with manuscript corrections. and letter to editor dated "31/8/36" enclosing final benzyl Not listed in Bibliog. but published in J. Chen. l2pp correction; page of proof with correction. "On high dielectric constants". published in Trans. Far. Not listed in Bibliog. manuscript annotation Soc. 33 (1937). with extensive and dipole induction in 419309). typescript NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank “Ordnung and Umwandlung in kondensierten Phasen", WiDtzZ BID L 10g. 65. L038 . with K. 4Opp typescript with manuscript corrections and lp manuscript addition between pp.9 and 10. Chiefly correspondence from Wirtz, with Wirtz while at Berlin, 1936-38 Frank worked the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut fur Physik. 1939. 1938, "Physical Chemistry of Surfaces Annual Meeting of the Bunsen- Gesellschaft". Not listed in Bibliog. but published in Nature 142 (1938). Proof copy of Frank's report on the meeting of 2-3 June 1938. Further material relating to this conference may be found at A.10. "Transition stages between order and disorder in condensed phases". Not listed in Bibliog. but published in Nature 142 C1938) l4pp typescript. paper draft of original paper; related "Melting as the Royal Society by Bibliog. 7, 1939. referee's report. was communicated to a disorder phenomenon". typescript 8pp correspondence; l5pp typescript draft of revised paper; paper with manuscript annotation and correction. This N.V. Sidgwick under the title "A new theory of melting points". At the suggestion of the paper’s referee Frank rewrote the paper from p.3 and retitled it. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, figures, references. proof copy of revised NCUACS 15/8/89 Correspondence with Julius Springer Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1939. Frank agreed to revise the Table of Activity Coefficients of Strong "Landolt- Bornstein’schen Tabellenwerkes". Includes copy of contract dated 21 March 1939. Electrolytes edition sixth for the of "Theory of crystal growth". reference, 1945. Nd. but latest bibliographical 7pp manuscript draft. molecular "The Bipliog. 8, 3946. structure of deeply super-cooled water". 6pp manuscript draft dated "7.10.45": chiefly with Nature, K. Lonsdale and A.R.J.P. Ubbelohde. related correspondence comparison "A dielectric constants of concentrated polar media". 97-1946; Onsager’s Debye’s and of theories of the Bibliog. See also D.19-D.21. in Far. Soc. as models correction; annotation and with manuscript Biblios, 104.1946. representing polar molecules "Some mathematical cYystalis"., 8pp typescript related manuscript notes. Exercise book containing manuscript draft with loose manuscript notes at front and back. Frank submitted this article four papets, with Bibliog. Following criticism of the first four papers on the grounds of length and age (being written in 1939) Frank revised and condensed them into one article. Criticism by E.A. Guggenheim of the fifth paper was, however, rebutted. proof of condensed paper. Typescript of parts I-IV of "Mathematical models for crystals of polar molecules". Brief correspondence; to Trans. D.18) as. a fifth: 9 .(D.17, ICUACS 15/8/89 E.G. Frank 1945 Radio Research Board papers "The anomalous dispersion of water at very high radio frequencies in the temperature range 0°C to 40°C" by J.A. Saxton, and "The dielectric properties of to 40°C for wavelengths of water in the temperature range 0°C 1.24cm and 1.58cm" by Saxton and J.A. Found with D.17- D.20. Lane. ‘The-mass of «the meutrino".. Bibitog. 12, 1947. 10pp typescript with extensive manuscript correction, and with correspondence, chiefly manuscript and typescript revisions; with N.F. manuscript notes and calculations. Mott and the Physical Society 1945-47; from Nature, Card "Segregation of radioactive elements in Not listed in Bibliog. April 1947, 8 acknowledging receipt of the Earth’s crust". from Letter abundance rule and (Bibliog. 14); N. Feather, 4 November 1947, re its bearing on the origin of "An isotopic the nuclei" Letter from Central Office of Information, 17 December 1947, "Hypothetical requesting permission to alternative events" (Bibliog. 13) for publication abroad. Frank's the ‘second meson’ send for sources energy paper Not 1949, re of 1948, 1947. "The Age listed Nd. in correspondence, manuscript notes. llpp manuscript draft; latest bibliographical reference the shape of growth pyramids on crystals". "A theory of but Bibliog. Lead", Brief Frank enquired of E.C. submitted to Nature 23 December 1948. (later Sir Edward) Bullard whether he should seek to have it published elsewhere. /D.25 continued over Brief and correction of "One-dimensional dislocations" by Frank and J.H. van der Merwe published in four parts in Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. L949 - 50" CBIDLIOg 22 23nd Due). Covering letter to Physical Society, with "Sessile dislocations" (Bibliog. 17). Not listed in Bibliog. 31 December 1948, correspondence, revision March, June 1949, re sent NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C... Erank Letter from Research, 12 October 1949, acknowledging receipt of "Diffraction by With Frank’s reply. a screw dislocation" (Bibliog. 20). Brief correspondence with L.J. Griffin, October, November 1949, re submission of papers on crystal surfaces. Frank, Griffin and N.F. Mott had each prepared a paper on this subject. It was agreed that Mott would submit his to Nature whilst Frank's Mag. and Brank’s surface" (1950) immediately (Bibi Tog for publication in offered =the Griffin’s were _"Note,on Structure Griffin's followed crystal Phil. Phil. Magic .a75,):. .of G3 in a Letter from B.M. Crowther, editor of "Science Abstracts", 23 November 1949 apologising for a mistake made in the abstraction of W.K. Burton and N. Cabrera, Nature 168 (Bibliog. 18). of dislocations in crystal growth" by Frank, "Role Correspondence with Royal re revision of "Radially symmetric phase growth controlled by diffusion" for publication in Proc. Roy. (Bibliog. 26). Society, 1949-50, ‘Lond. Soc. "Multiplication processes for slow moving dislocations", with Wo Read “Bkbl ios 3281950. 4pp duplicated correction and figures. typescript with manuscript annotation plus of in the for the the paper draft; letter snake’ ‘vapor accepting manuscript 18 (1950), interpretation 23pp typescript. 6pp publication. "On cyclohexane". Phys. freezing Not listed in Bibliog. but published in J. Chem. "The equilibrium of linear arrays of dislocation", with Eshelby, H. Heilbronn and F.R.N. Nabarro. 4pp manuscript draft. "Dislocations as promoters of crystal growth: The opening sentence "This section summarizes recent contributions to the theory of crystal growth by Burton, Cabrera and Frank "The growth of crystals and the equilibrium structures of their Bibliog. 30, 1951. surfaces", with W.K. Burton and N. Cabrera. 3pp typescript summary with plates for figures 3 and 4. "refers to work done 1949-51. Theory". Bibliog. NCUACS 15/8/89 "Crystal growth and dislocations". Bibliog. 37, 1952. 39pp typescript and manuscript draft. Plates and legends for figures; references. Untitled 6pp manuscript draft beginning "In this fearfully plastic subject of plasticity, one looks for something firm to hold on Kinkine: (BipLiog. 38 to work by Frank and Relates 1962):. Stroh A.N. to." on "Martensite". “Bibliog. 41 (21953. Manuscript notes; With letter from J.K. MacKenzie and J.S. Bowles, 10 April 1953, re errors in the paper, and manuscript draft of note by Frank (probably for Acta Metallurgica) acknowledging errors. plates and legends for figures. Letter from’R.W. Cahn, paper on dislocation networks" (probably Bibliog. 45). 2 March 1953 re “the ms. of your Vectors to a grid plates hexagonal typescript corrections; the preceding. with manuscript manuscript notes. l2pp figures; "Assignment of dislocations in but latest bibliographical reference, 1953. Burgers a crystal with £.c.c. Brayvais Lattice”. "A study of etch patterns on aluminium surfaces", with A.J. Not listed in Bibliog. but letter from Forty to Frank, Forty. 11 Acta Metallurgica. Untitled 3pp manuscript draft beginning "Hedges and Mitchel! (1953) describe patterns of lines revealed by photolytic silver in the interior of silver bromide crystals", possibly related to Figures, mounted on card. Letter from Forty; manuscript appendix; 20pp manuscript draft by Forty plus 5pp manuscript appendix by Frank. submitted to October 1954, suggests the paper be 3pp NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Convection solidification". 8 January 1954. phenomena in ~horizontal but last page of draft is dated on back connection. with Nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 24pp manuscript; figures. Manuscript notes. "Chemistry of crystal dislocations". Bibliog.46, 1955. Proof copy of chapter for Chemistry of Solid State, W.E. Garner (Butterworths, London). Folder also includes earlier letter from Butterworths, 16 June 1952, re proposed chapter on "structure of solids" for a planned book Chemistry of Solids. ed. ,cementite. Bibi tos 369, morphology in pearlite", with: K EB. Puttick. 31956; 12pp manuscript. "The origin of dislocations in crystals grown from the melt". Brpirog.. 1956" 505 @Bibliogs 52 ; 1956. 4pp typescript; manuscript notes. 4pp typescript "lst draft". 4pp typescript; as "a rough draft of the proposed note". letter from Sears 18 March 1957 describing it "The growth of tobacco mosaic particles", with G.W. Sears. listed in Bibliog. "The mechanism of diffusion of copper in germanium", with D. Tumnbiudl probably written shortly after Bibliog. 52 (D.41). 4pp duplicated proof copy with manuscript typescript discussion comments; corrections; manuscript notes and calculations. The paper was "Diffusion of Copper in Germanium". Not listed in Bibliog. typescript plus figures and references; Not NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Complex alloy structures regarded as sphere packings", with Jo. Kasper. Bibliog. 5/sand 67; 1958.and ‘$1959. was paper published This Cryst. "Definitions and classification of representative structures". and H.28. principles" basic Acta and in two in parts: "Analysis and See also E.18, 22pp typescript copy of part I; letter from Acta Cryst., 31 January 1958. manuscript notes and diagrams; 37pp typescript "rough draft" of part II; diagrams; brief correspondence from Kasper, 1957, manuscript notes and 1958. "Etch pits and trigons in diamond", with K.E. Puttick and E.M. Wilks. Bibliog. 62 and 63." 1955. This paper was published in Phil. Mag. in two parts. Spp manuscript draft of appendix to part figures; figures. l3pp typescript copy of part I, with plates for with plates for II, Contents of an envelope 1l2pp typescript plus figure "Statistical Data on Etch Pits". inscribed. "On fold configurations in crystalline polyethylene". latest bibliographical reference, 1959. "On the stability of dislocations in metal whiskers", with J. Hirth. Not listed in Bibliog. but published in Phil. Mag. (1958). on which the article was based. 4pp typescript with covering letter to Nature, 17 December 1960; incomplete typescript draft of Frank's opening speech at the Home Universities Conference (first four pages missing) 18pp manuscript draft; manuscript appendix; llpp typescript plus figures; "Future of Bipiiog. 15, manuscript notes. universities. the L960. general Nd. but degree in British 5pp NCUACS 15/8/89 m.G.: Frank "Orientation-dependent dissolution of germanium", with M.B. tves.<. Bibiitog.. 1.960% “75, llpp typescript “Draft Copy" plus figures; from Ives, 23 October 1958. covering letter llpp typescript "Corrected MS"; correspondence from Ives 1960. Untitled 5pp typescript draft by Frank and A. Keller beginning "The existence of single crystals in polymers is by now well Polyethylene in particular crystallizes in the established. form: but bibliographical shortly following Bibliog. 70, With photographs for figures. ....." it references paraffing written lozenges. suggest Undated 1959. type, was Of 1957, 1959)°..1960, re Correspondence, Frank was asked in 1957 articles for a Dictionary of Physics. to write on "Crystal growth" for vol. 1, and "Dislocations" and in "Frank-Read source" and a further contribution on "Dislocation theory". None listed in Bibliog. Pergamon Press .with 1959 vol. for 2, for Correspondence; proof copies of articles on "Dislocations" and "Frank-Read Source". oa Nd. manuscript notes the phase but superconductive and normal metal". 15pp manuscript draft and 1p summary. 2lpp manuscript draft of "Crystal Growth"; found with it. "On surface bending moments and the properties of boundary between latest bibliographical reference, 1962. manuscript notes found with it. "Theory of sequential processes and crystallization of high polymers", with M.P. 78) 10pp duplicated typescript; its application to the Bibliog. EO GOs Tosi. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Linear compounds of dislocations in cupric ions", with A.S. Parasnis and J.W. Mitchell. 74, silver chloride with Bibliog. 1963. a by paper Frank written Originally of observations by Parasnis, Mitchell was invited to become the third co-author because he had planned the experiments from which Parasnis's observations derived. raised a number of objections to details and prepared a revision under the title "Lozenge shaped dislocation loops in crystals of silver chloride containing cupric chloride". Mitchell basis the on as published); l14pp typescript draft plus figures of "Linear compounds (not of "Lozenge shaped dislocation loops"; figures and photographs for correspondence, June- November 1960, J.T. Bartlett, with whom Frank discussed the findings of Parasnis. 8pp typescript draft the final version of between Frank, by Mitchell the paper; Mitchell, Parasnis, and “Geometrical thermodynamics of surfaces". Bibliog. 80, 1963. a was This organised by chapter one of Metal Surfaces. contribution the American Society of Metals, seminar on to a Metal Surfaces published as 24pp photocopied manuscript draft plus figures; letter from American Society of Metals enclosing proof copy (not found), 6 May 1963. but 1964. Institute Bibliog. 82, See also F.333. l7pp typescript. 23pp typescript plus figures. Not listed in of "The strength of polymers". written 1964-65 whilst visiting "On seismic radiation from a slipping fault". Bibliog. Geophysics and Planetary Physics, La Jolla (H.50-H.52). manuscript notes. "On theory of fracture in relation to Earthquakes". in Bibliog. but written 1964-65 whilst at 1Opp manuscript; Not listed La Jolla. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "On the state and evolution of the Earth’s mantle". in Bibliog. but written 1964-65 whilst at La Jolla. Not listed Manuscript draft in American A4 notepad with manuscript notes interleaved. 26pp typescript plus figures. Note to "George B[ackus]" asking for comments (which have been written on the back of the note) and references, with list of references from Backus. “On dilatancy in relation to seismic sources". 1965. Bibliog. 83, 46pp typescript plus references; correspondence with American Geophysical Union, 1965, Orowan. manuscript notes; See D:70,.D.71. related and E. "On Miller-Bravais Bibliog. 84, 1965. indices and four-dimensional vectors". Bibliog. 86, l5pp typescript. "A European Physical Society?". Correspondence 1965, 1966, chiefly with Seismological Society of America. Also includes comments on paper by G. Backus. "Deduction of earth strains from survey data". 1966. correspondence with Institute of Physics. Frank attended the European meeting on collaboration in physics organised by the Italian Physical Society, Pisa, 16-17 April 1966 (H.58, H.59). His report was published by the Institute of Physics. Bibliog. 87, 1966. l2pp manuscript and 14pp typescript drafts; brief NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "A further note on dilatancy in relation to seismic sources". Bibliog. 88, 1966. manuscript l10pp correspondence with American Geophysical Union. typescript and 8pp drafts; related Material found in folder inscribed "Prof. Frank 'A further note on dilatancy in relation to seismic sources’ ". Includes "Fault and energy in shallow-focus earthquakes" by E. Orowan; miscellaneous manuscript notes and references. displacement release "Reflections on Sadi Carnot". Bibliog. 89, 1966. Frank's interest in Sadi Carnot, the founder of thermodynamics, first found expression in his inaugural lecture as Professor of Physics delivered 29 April 1955. This was published in 1966 in the first issue of Physics Education. relates D./7 scientific contribution of Carnot to the study of thermodynamics (F.C.F., private communication, 9 September 1989). planned longer work the on to a l6pp typescript draft of lecture with manuscript additions and corrections for publication; related correspondence. plates; "; of re with 1964-66, Physics, correspondence arising. Correspondence Institute publication of "Reflections ... Background material, including information from L. Rosenfeld, 1954. Correspondence with and background information from V.K. LaMer, Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University, author of a number of papers on Carnot, 1955. Includes reprints of four of his papers. With loose manuscript notes interleaved. Exercise book used from the front and from the back for notes on Carnot. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank first Hardback notebook intended for first draft of planned book, thermodynamics with Only "Chapter I: according to an Glossary" has Loose manuscript notes inside Introduction to be added later. front cover. page the methods of Sadi Carnot". space having been left been written, elements headed "The for of Material re "Internal magnetic domain structure investigations in iron-silicon single crystals", J. Kaczér and M. Polcarova. (Bibliog. 90). by Frank, Lang, A.R. Frank’s contribution to this paper arose from comments he made on a paper by Lang, Kaczer and Polcarova, "Investigation of internal magnetic domain structure of Fe-Si single crystals by x-ray diffraction topography". Includes "2nd draft" of "Investigation ... three "Newer chevrons and lozenges", found with the material, etc. ", Frank's comments, (110) from envelope, photographs inscribed "Regelation: a supplementary note". Bibliog. 92, 1967. l5pp typescript. Bibliog. “Curvature Of tsland arcs! Manuscript notes and calculations found with the preceding. 25pp typescript with photographs for figures and illustration. "On the theory of Hertzian fracture", with B.R. Lawn. 93 (6 1967/:, reference 1964. 2pp typescript; 30 October 1968 reporting Frank's theory of "why certain chains of 4pp typescript draft "A hypothesis for the form of island arcs and arcuate mountain ranges", unpublished, latest bibliographical photocopy of Times Science Report curves ofa particular Bibliog.. 97,1968. islands shape"; for Vie on. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Two-component flow model for convection in the Earth's upper mantle". Bibliog. 98, 1968. 8pp typescript. Brief correspondence from Materials Research Bulletin, 1969, 1970 issue honouring Sir Nevill Mott on his 65th birthday. contribution possible August 1970 the re to 12 January 1970 Letter of Prof. Hirsch ... with John Steeds". nuottschrite edited by PB. Hirsch (D.120). is annotated "31 July Telephoned Agreed to furnish chapter, written jointly This refers to Frank’s contribution to the "On Lyttleton'’s extensions of Ramsey's theory of the nature of the core of the earth”: Bibliog.. 1971. 105" 7pp typescript with extensive manuscript correction; correspondence re referee’s report. brief the "On Bibliogs capillary 19/4. LOGY bonds between grains in moist sand". Bibliog. 107, 197k. " 1970. and 1971. with A. its M.R. D.88-D.93 Keller and on polyethylene solution", Frank's 3pp manuscript draft annotated "For Mackley & Keller Spp manuscript draft; manuscript annotation and correction; chiefly with British Ceramic Society, .1970; 4pp duplicated typescript proof with related correspondence, "Polymer chain extension produced by impinging jets effect Mackley. correction. The Royal Society invited Frank and Perkins to write the memoir in December 1969. Frank had written tributes to Powell for The Times (11, 16 August 1971), Scientific World (Bibliog. 101) and Science Today (December 1969). As joint author of the memoir Frank was asked in 1977 to write an entry on Powell for the Dictionary of National Biography. "Biographical Memoir of Cecil DoH: Perkins 4Bibliog 108, Frank Powell 1903-1969", with l7pp manuscript draft with manuscript for memoir; proof NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Appendix correspondence. for memoir, by A.M. Tyndall, with related to of the study The appendix was Tyndall's "Early history of Powell's contribution the photographic method", written following Powell's receipt of the 1950 is probable is required, no-one will be living who watched from the beginning, as I did, the work which led to his Nobel Prize". Tyndall died in. 1961 C.F. processes Physics. time an obituary of "It Powell Prize by explained nuclear for the Tyndall Nobel that C.F. by Correspondence, 1969-72, re memoir, including request to V.F. Weisskopf for information, and correspondence with colleagues to whom copies of the memoir were sent; background information and notes. Correspondence publishers, 1972, plate of a drawing by Powell. with Edizioni tecniche, 1973, who sought permission to reproduce a scientifiche © J. etc; from Isobel Powell Rotblat Correspondence with Dictionary of National Biography, 1978 re notice on Powell; Powell (widow), typescript draft of Frank’s notice. 1977, requests for further information on 5pp "R&D: the proper balance". 12 December 1971. "A history of the Department of Physics in Bristol, 1876-1948, with personal reminiscences", by A.M. Tyndall, August 1958, including brief account of Powell's work at Bristol leading to the Nobel Prize. 34pp duplicated typescript plus appendices. 4pp typescript. "A commentary on ‘Computer Models of Polyethylene Spherulites: Thornton & Predecki’ ". Not listed in Bibliog. but dated 31 December 1971. 3pp manuscript and typescript drafts; calculations. Not listed in Bibliog. but dated manuscript notes and See also F.335. NCUACS 15/8/89 Hardback notebook and material found loose at front and back. Notebook used from the front for "Ch.I Words, words, words", probably draft on thermodynamics. The loose correspondence (D.96) is dated 1971 and the notebook has both decimal and pre-decimal prices inside front cover. chapter planned first book of of Loose manuscript notes, and brief correspondence from F.R.N. Nabarro, February, April 1971. the kinematic theory of "On processes, 11". . Bibliog. 109; 1972 crystal growth and dissolution This paper, written for Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie on the occasion of I.N. Stranski’s 75th birthday, was a sequel to a 1958 paper of the same title (Bibliog. 66). 19pp manuscript draft; related correspondence; proof with manuscript corrections; manuscript diagrams and notes. “An outline of nucleation theory". Bibliog. 110, 1972. Bibliog. 112.9972: BiDiior. abby O72. "The future of crystal growth" 7pp manuscript draft and 5pp typescript proof with manuscript corrections. 7pp manuscript draft and 5pp typescript proof with manuscript corrections. "Contributions to study of capillary bonds between grains in momst sand’. related correspondence. Following Frank’s earlier paper on this subject (Bibliog. 106; "Capillary bonds between D.86), grains in moist sand" sending a copy to Frank, who was also Frank approved it for publication and asked to referee it. wrote a short paper in response. Both were published in the same issue of Transactions and Journal of the British Ceramic Society. 2pp typescript draft of Frank’s paper; with covering letter; copy of Mason's paper G. Mason prepared a paper NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "A note on 1972" the reading of Kossel patterns". Bibliog. 113, This was written for W.G. Burger's 75th birthday Festschrift. l7pp manuscript draft; manuscript notes. proof with manuscript corrections; Related correspondence, chiefly with A.Q. Khan, editor of the volume, 1971-72. D.103-D.107 plate "On lsostasy”.. “ Bibiiog. ctonics, te the analogy with glacier flow, bl4 ;. 1972. This was written for D.T. Grigg’s 60th birthday Festschrift. l4pp manuscript draft manuscript draft plus figures. plus figures; 12pp typescript and Editorial correspondence, 1971-72. 2 folders. typescript synopsis; Manuscript notes. 17 slides illustrating aspects of plate tectonics. "Dislocation models for fault creep processes". 11S. 4pp typescript proof with manuscript corrections. 2pp correction. "The BLD TOO. with manuscript 5pp typescript Bibliog. 115, equilibrium of gas-filled voids in a solid". See F.335. shape thon LO] 3). NCUACS 15/8/89 ‘the "On the meaning of Berry. director’ in liquid crystals", with appendix by M.V. Not listed in Bibliog. but found in folder inscribed "On the meaning of the molecules’, or ... molecules etc. ‘the direction of 1973". the International This is related to the lecture Frank gave at Conference on Liquid Crystals, Bangalore, 3-8 December 1978, "What is a liquid orystal 2” (H>126%.: the director of l5pp manuscript draft, with 6pp manuscript appendix by Berry; lp manuscript ?summary. "Earthquakes and the Chandler Wobble". but published in Nature 245 (1973). Not listed in Bibliog. two papers by Frank was asked by Nature in to prepare a short editorial for its "News and Views" section on the importance of the subject of elastic energy in the Earth. Reading through the papers Frank raised a number of objections which delayed publication of the second article, and of the editorial, until 14 September. Pines and Shaham on July 1973 D. J. 2pp typescript; Shahan. proof; correspondence with Nature, Pines and 41974- 1974. 1974: 4, Bibliog. 125) Bibliog: 122. 8pp typescript; transparencies. correspondence, manuscript notes. manuscript notes; 8pp typescript "Amended version" plus figure; chiefly with Hurle; "Descartes'’ observations on the Amsterdam snowfalls of Gand.9 ‘Fepruary, 1635" "The meniscus in Czochralski growth", with W. Bardsley, G.W Green-and DT). Hurie..- Journal of Crystal Growth. "Nucleation-controlled o£ finite Length,“ correspondence with J.I. Lauritzen Jnr. written) added following a (in and Spp referee's report; response growth on a one-dimensional growth front typescript draft Bibliog. 126% with 2pp appendix to whose paper Frank's article was NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank the formulation of microscopic rate equations", with D. "On Robertson. Bibliog. 128, 1974. 6pp typescript; editorial correspondence 1972-73. "A note bibliographical reference, 1974. on crystal growth by surface nucleation". Latest 12pp manuscript draft; 7pp manuscript ?appendix. Manuscript notes and calculations found with the preceding. "Flow-induced extension of polymer molecules in solution using a four roll mill", with D.G. Crowley, M.R. Mackley, D.P. Pope and R.G. but annotated eSubmitted J. © Polym. Sci. 10.7,75" Not listed in Bibliog. Stephenson. 22pp typescript. l5pp figures. Steeds. Not listed See D. 84. and _ figures; with J.W. 35pp correspondence with Hirsch 1969-73. typescript draft plus references dislocations", "Localized flow birefringence of polyethylene oxide solutions in a two roll mill", with MR, Mackley. 1976. "Crystal in Bibliog. but published as chapter two of the "Mottschrift" The Physics of detals4>.:2°“Defects.ed 2. P.B:. Hirsch (Cambridge 1975). (not by Frank). 13pp typescript plus "Vortex stretching" dated April 1975 9pp photocopied manuscript -Bibliog. 132, figures; NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Dei 2?, 20.125 "On Gruneisen’s Gamma". Nature, September 1976. Not listed in Bibliog., submitted to Frank spoke a Royal Astronomical Society meeting in November 1976 (H.107). "On the significance of Gruneisen’s Gamma" at {.manuscrint /pp correspondence. drake; 6pp typescript; editorial Manuscript transparencies. notes, figures and calculations, and "Thermodynamics of smectic mixtures". Bibliog. 134, 1977. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections, annotated "Jacques [?Friedel]: de Gennes’ desk. de Physique Lettres?" I have put a copy on Any comments? ?0ffer to J. "Crystal properties and crystal defects of magnetic domain Not listed in Bibliog. but dated 24 March 1977. structures". 13pp manuscript draft. Not les _ figures; une nouvelle classe de defauts dans the 135, functions “air..:, 1978. phases but 19pp Kleman; with M. Kleman. a ‘simple -way. .with, stress “in; ,Bibliog. correspondence with typescript draft plus tAiry’ problems". listed in Bibliog. manuscript notes and calculations. 20pp manuscript draft, draft of covering letter with letter of acceptance. "Sur lamellaires", correspondence from Kléman is dated 1977-78. 1978. Drafts, correspondence, manuscript notes etc. the arms, publication in the Royal Society's Notes and Records. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. on the motto of possible "Nullius in Verba". Society and its Royal coat of for NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "The liquidus temperature and growth-dissolution kinetics of garnet liquid phase epitaxy", with E.A. Giess and M.M. Faktor. Not listed in Bibliog. but published in Journal of Crystal Growth 46 (1979). 4pp photocopied manuscript draft plus figures; correspondence with Giess; of draft note that "This work was performed while ... Sir Charles Frank was a consultant at the I.B.M. T.J. Watson Res. Genter” (G.i17, /¢.118). Acknowledgements on p.4 manuscript notes. Prof. Request for short piece on "Otto Hahn's experiment re atomic fission" for With Frank's 2pp typescript contribution. 12 February 1979. East German journal, D129 7D. 430 “On definitions of supersaturation". but draft inscribed "Rec'd 25*® Sept 79". Not listed in Bibliog. This was originally submitted to Journal of Crystal Growth in September 1979 but returned for revision in view of referee's reports and not resubmitted. "Definitions of supersaturation" was delivered as a lecture during Frank’s 1980 visit to USA (GALS. A 2G0-4 142). l5pp typescript; appendix. referee’s reports; 3pp manuscript draft correction; copy with manuscript Bibliog. “37% 1980. Manuscript notes. Proof correspondence. "On the possible effect of growth-layering on optical symmetry inscubic crystals’. "Evidence of a tilted columnar structure for mesomorphic phases of benzene-hexa-n-alkanoates", withS. Chandrasekhar. Bibliog. 138 1960s 10pp manuscript draft. "Can knotted configurations (textures) exist as stable defects of a nematic?" to I propose to send it to J. de Phys. Lettres". Dr. Not listed in Bibliog. but "Sent 15 Aug 80 13pp including referees’ reports and amendment to paper. correspondence, M. Kleman ... typescript plus figures; brief editoria editorial NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "The Frank-Read Source". in Proc...Roy. Soc:*Lond: A 371. (1980) . Not listed in Bibliog. but published This was Frank's contribution to April - The contributions were edited for publication by N.F. Mott. a Royal Society meeting 30 2 May 1979 on "The beginnings of solid state physics". Correspondence, Mott, typescript of Frank’s contribution. chiefly with 1978-80. Includes 5pp Copies of other contributions. Brief editorial correspondence, June re acceptance of "Edge dislocations as crystal growth sources" (Bibliog. 139) for publication. 1980, "Foreword" to Morphology of Crystals, ed. and Dordrecht, ?1982). Not listed in Bibliog. I. Sunagawa (Tokyo 6pp manuscript draft; correspondence with Sunagawa. 34 C1983). Bibliog. 143, as a 1986. model for correspondence orientation manifold background information; Information on morphology from D.M. Sadler; manuscript notes. "M. Moire?". in: Phys.’ Bull. 2pp typescript copy; arising. "The icosahedral close-packing". icosahedral Not listed in Bibliog. but published as letter manuscript notes and calculations. Incomplete 10pp photocopied manuscript draft with manuscript abstract; corrections; with manuscript 4pp typescript NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank D.141-D.158 "Prince Rupert's Drops", Bibliog. 144, 1986. with L. Brodsley and J.W. Steeds. of history Materials Frank lectured on "Prince Rupert's Drops - a long chapter in the to University Convocation and Association of Alumni, 1978. He delivered this lecture a number of times thereafter, in India (H.130, and to visiting students from Indiana State University (D.143). Bristol 7 March Science" H.132) Frank's interest in this subject led to collaboration with a Bristol colleague, J.W. Steeds, and L. Brodsley, then Visiting Lecturer in the Department of English, University of California Los Angeles, who had written to the Royal Society 28 January 1983 for publication in Notes and Records Sir William Paton, editor, suggested to Frank (who had also been planning an article for Notes and Records) that a joint paper might be Rupert’s offering article Prince in order. Drops an on .141-D.143 Lecture. .141 liSpp typescript and manuscript draft of 1978 lecture. Correspondence re lecture, lecture; transparencies; January-March 1978; photographs of Drops. notice of 144 .144-D.158 Publication. 26 June 1979. 4/pp typescript final draft. Typescript and manuscript draft sections of Frank's manuscript annotation and correction. Brief correspondence from C.C. Sartain, 1979, 1981 re lecture on Drops to Indiana State University History of Physics in Great Britain class, corrections and 2pp manuscript comments. Brodsley's 34pp typescript first draft with Frank’s manuscript the paper with NCUACS 15/8/89 iG. “frank D.147-D.151 Correspondence, 1978, 1979, 1983-86. with co-authors. That 1983-86 is chiefly 5 folders. D.147 D.148 D.149 1978 January, February 1978 March, April; 1979 1983 D.150 Deir 1984 1985, 1986 ) 2a DAL Frank’s manuscript notes. 4 folders. Photographs of pages of the 1662 and 1676 editions of Marci’s Philosophia Vetus Restituta, and of Prince Rupert's Drops. Unidentified photographs; figures. Background material. TAbox. 1987. notes and computer printouts l5pp manuscript. an origin for giant chiral symmetry in Manuscript preceding. the growth of screw dislocations". "Spontaneous breaking of crystal whiskers: Bibliog. 145, 7pp manuscript draft plus figures. "Two-fluid phase separation: Bibliog. 148, 1988. modified by a glass transition". found with the NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank BLOODS Dl b3 "The abundance and origin of the elements". Nd. “162 midis typescript drafts. The equilibrium theory", 23pp manuscript and 22pp The formation of the heavier nuclei", 27pp manuscript and "II. 26pp typescript drafts. the "On quartz", with J.W. Heavens. orientation dependence Nd. of the cleavage energy of lOpp manuscript draft; manuscript notes. "Phase changes with change of thickness in nematic films which have different anchoring laws at their two surfaces". Nd. 7pp manuscript draft. Untitled 7pp manuscript draft beginning "We start this chapter with a small digression in order to introduce the mathematical concept of orthogonal systems". Nd. Nd. a pure melt". a slow controlled rate from a melt". the growth of "The phenomena ... which occur at "Solidification fronts in "Solidification fronts in impure melts". the Manuscript drafts on a solidification surface in such processes as A single crystal at covering note to [K.F.] Hulme identifies the material as being for a single paper. "Summary of functions, manuscript notes and calculations. "Oscillatory deposition". NCUACS 15/8/89 Fg: EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE Academic Press Dai7l for Request "The mechanical properties of metals", expressing the hope Frank “will be able to write or edit such a work", 1 March 1971. comments publish plans work on on to 19i/ a Acta Crystallographica Various dates 1955-81 Ded7 2 Chiefly re refereeing. Acta Metallurgica D-173 Refereeing. Adam Hilger Ltd. 1981 1979 D175 D.176 D.174 which is Applied Materials Research Annual Review of Materials Science Request for advice on the journal. Request for report on book on dolomite formation with a view to its possible UK publication, and Frank's report. Request to write "a prefatory chapter for volume 11, be published in the summer of 1981" (declined). to "a review of our Scientific Publishing". Chiefly covering quarterly honoraria and travelling expenses to member of the company’s Scientific Advisory Board. 27 June 1975 is of a Letter of on the discontinuation of the Board following Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. payments Frank as Various dates 1949-75 1974 and Dali 7 1971, 1975 letters NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Cambridge Philosophical Society DELS Refereeing for Society’s Proceedings. Canadian Journal of Physics Di Refereeing. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1967 3/1973 D.180 Press series Monographs Re Clarendon Chemistry of Materials. on 1967. but Frank replied "My retirement is due in 1976. whether I will write any book, then." and Sir Nevill Mott sought Frank’s advice a proposed book on structure and properties of polymers, H. Frohlich invited Frank to write for the series, 1973, I don’t know I won't before am sure Physics but the on I Commission des Publications Frangaises de Physique 1968-83 such as 1971. acceptance, 1 December. Includes invitation to join Commission, 23 June, General correspondence and papers, and papers for Commission meetings 1971-7 7.. Frank was invited to become a member of the Commission, run jointly by the Societé Francaise de Physique and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, in June 1971. The role of the Commission, established 1967, was to uphold the quality of papers published by the Journal de Physique and the Revue de Physique Appliquee. In addition to refereeing papers for the Commission, Frank attended many of its meetings in Paris at which wider issues, the integration of European physics journals, were discussed. 27 November. Includes material re the formulation of common physics abbreviations Frank attended the meetings on 5 June and 1972 January. scientific journals. 1972 May-December. European symbols and and in NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank 1974 February-June. Frank attended the 25 February meeting. September, 1974 meeting. October. Frank attended the 14 October 1975 February, March. 11 March meeting. Includes letter, 17 March, re "the problems of any journal in Applied Physics". Frank concluded "there is room in Europe for one, journal of general applied physics". Frank attended the and only one, September, 1975 10 November meeting at which a proposal to create a section of applied physics was considered. Frank attended October. the 4 folders. is 1978-85 Pease. He D293 D.194 Deas DBZ 1968-71 1972-75 ontemporary Physics 1976-80 G2 LL I83,: Correspondence re refereeing. Frank attended his last Commission meeting 7 March. 1977. was replaced from September by R.S. correspondence re papers offered for publication. Frank was invited to join the Editorial Board of Contemporary Physics as the pressure of other commitments Frank felt unable to join the Board until February 1979. a consultant editor in chiefly papers The material for Board meetings and May 1978. Owing to NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank General editorial correspondence including initial invitation to join Editorial Board 19 May 1978 and letter welcoming Frank to Board 13 March 1979. Also signed dinner menu for "twenty- first birthday of Contemporary Physics and tribute the editor, G.R. Noakes", 1 April 1980. Signatories include Frank, Noakes 1B “Re. Coles... B.G.-Casimir® JiA; Lee oJ: Bentley, G.W. Series, Sir Nevill Mott and Sir Arthur Vick. to D,.196-D..201 Papers for Board meetings. 6 folders. L9G mT, .198 3'eMay, L979 1979 11 October 1980< 1 -Aprit Di 59 D.200 DAO 1980 2 October 1981 1985 D.202-D.206 Correspondence re papers submitted to Contemporary Physics. Includes correspondence re refereeing by Frank. 5 folders. - 0 03 04 .1:980 19t9, 1980 December 1981 January-April 20 . ov 1981 May-November 1982-86 join of the Societe Francaise 19 977-78 Physique. was invited Advisory Board Editions de Includes reviewing synchrotron radiations, and papers for committee meetings 1978. correspondence monograph proposed Editions de Physique de Physique a series of be published Frank to the The project was abandoned, owing The established a committee to oversee the launch of monographs on fundamental and applied physics to by committee on 9 December 1977. to financial difficulties, in October 1978. Refereeing. Egyptian Journal of Physics Refereeing. LOT O78 re Dirasat D.208 D209 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Electronics Letters 19731974 D.210 Refereeing. Endeavour Di2kl Request to review book (declined). Engineering Synopses 1976-78 Frank was invited to serve as Royal Society representative on a British Library funded Bath University Library Advisory Committee for an experiment in synoptic publishing" by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The The committee met from 1976- Project Head was J.H. 78, and a Final Report was produced in 1979. "the evaluation of Lamble. Invitation to correspondence. serve, > Auguste 1976; preliminary Copy of original proposal as support of the application for a grant. sent to the British Library in papers, including papers 5 folders for Advisory D.214 Di 25 D.216 1977 3) TST C2:) EOS Cl) Correspondence and Committee meetings. Much of the material is concerned with the form and content of the evaluation questionnaire and assessment of the information gathered therefron Properties of Diamond by J.E. Field. Industrial Diamond Review 1978 (2) 1978 <3) 2pp typescript and proof De217 D.218 copies of Frank's review of The Di 2 21979 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Institute of Physics Publishing Division 1978, 1979 D220 Invitation to act "as compiler for the title ‘Dislocations’ " be published in for a series Keynote Reprints in Physics to and Adam association correspondence arising. Hilger August Ltd., 1978, with 10 Frank agreed to act the project was abandoned in 1979. as joint compiler with J.D. Eshelby but International Journal of Fracture Mechanics D221. Refereeing. International journal on the texture of crystalline solids EST to 2 D222 Brief correspondence re the proposed journal including invitation to Frank to join the Editorial Advisory Board as an honorary member (accepted). the launch of IPC Science and Technology Press Ltd. LOT D.224 Aa D226 D223 1969-74 Refereeing Refereeing. Journal of Glaciology Journal of Chemical Physics lp typescript of Frank's review of Liquid Crystals and Their Applications, ed. T. Kallard. Journal of Computational Physics Riehl et al. Correspondence re Frank's review of Physics of LOGS. £97 1. Ice, ed. N. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Journal of Materials Science 1965-86 Frank became an Advisory Editor in launch. 1967, a year after its Di 227.0). 228 General correspondence, chiefly with R.W. Editorial Board, and W. Bonfield, Executive Editor. minutes of Board meetings sent to Advisory Editors. Cahn, Chairman of Includes 2 folders. Refereeing. Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1955, 1969-74 D.230 1955 letter is request for Frank to review Physical Properties of Solid Materials by C. Zwikker. 1969-74 correspondence is re refereeing. Journal of Molecular Structure 1980 De23 1: Request for Frank to review The Solid-Liquid Interface by D.P. Woodruff (declined). Various dates 1972-87 1982 De? 52 D.234 Journal of Polymer Science De233 Refereeing. re Frank’s contribution to in honour of Harvey Brooks. the 30th Includes 2pp (International) Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 1986 correspondence is Anniversary Issue typescript copy of Frank’s tribute. the Journal. Circular letters from R. Landauer re "guest column section" for Journal of Statistical Physics NCUACS 15/8/89 fC. rank Macromolecular Reviews 1971 D235 Request for Frank to write a review article "on the theory of Liquid crystals". Mineralogical Society D236 Refereeing for Society's Magazine. Various dates 1948-85 Includes proof copy of Frank's review of request to review Crystal General correspondence. W. Bollmann, 28 April Defects and Crystalline Interfaces by 1971; The Molten State of Matter : Melting and Crystal Structure by A.R.J.P. Ubbelohde; photocopy of "News and Views" section of Nature 306, 3 November 1983, p.13, referring to "the late F.C. Franck (who died last year)". D.238-D.242 Refereeing. 5 folders. D.238 a2 . 240 1967-72 LOS LOE Ci) 24] . : LOY G2) 1975 1976.8 eee. D.243 D.245 D.244 Refereeing. for article “about New Scientist Nuovo Cimento Request earthquakes". Material re The Oxford Library of the Physical Sciences series. Oxford University Press i95/¢ L961 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Philosophical Magazine Various dates 1956-86 D.246-D.248 Refereeing. 3 folders. D.246 D.247 1996 , 1968:4.1969 1972-76 D.248 1983. 1985, «1986 Physical Review Letters D.249 Refereeing Physics Letters A D.250 Refereeing. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors L977 e781 983 D.251 Refereeing. Refereeing. 1951 on crystal Research D.254 for Frank to write request Re growth". Request for Frank to write on "solitons" (declined). Refereeing for Society's Quarterly Journal. Royal Astronomical Society Royal Meteorological Society "review article LOO i 98D D209 Refereeing. D.256 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Science D.257 Refereeing. Society of Chemical Industry P2006 Refereeing. Solid State Physics DV259 Request to contribute. Solid State Science Reports L976 197.9 Correspondence with J.B. Goodenough, J. Friedel and G.J. Dienes re Solid State Science Reports, a series of review monographs on materials science. Frank agreed to act as joint editor. Gordon of Gordon & Breach, M.B. D.260 Surface Science Tectonophysics D.262 Refereeing. Di 764 Refereeing. Times Newspapers Ltd. The Times from Frank on Various dates 1971-85 and nd. Material in D.263 and D.264 relates to letters to the editor of a variety of scientific and non- scientific subjects. 31 July 1975, nuclear emulsion techniques. 23 June 1971: | "Four-tetter: words. LS: April 1972, .“Aubrietar. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank 2> April 1980; “Wit as a weapon". ? November 1985, computer error. Nd., "Three Lane Roads". Frank to write Request to journals Times October 1978 (declined). The for review article Higher Educational on major physics 26 Supplement, Trans Tech Publications 1984 D.266 Letter suggesting the publication of Frank's "complete works". Veneda Publishing Company Ltd. 1964 D.267 Invitation to contribute a book to a "popular science series". Wiley Series on the Science and Technology of Materials 1956 D.268 G. Joos. ed. G.P. Kuiper Book reviews of: Invitation from J.H. Hollomon, advisory editor, to write a book on "the structure of polymers" for the series. Radiative Transfer by S. Chandrasekhar (1949). a 1947 symposium). the Earth and Planets, Physik der festen Korper, ed. The Atmospheres of (report of Elasticity and Anelasticity of Metals by C.M. Zener (1948). Naturforschung und Medizin in Deutschland, 1939-1946, vols. and 9: Miscellaneous referee’s reports and comments. NCUACS 15/8/89 PUBLISHED PAPERS Published papers 1935-86. items not listed in Frank's List of Publications. Not a complete set. Includes a few i box. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank SECTION E LECTURES AND BROADCASTS LECTURES BROADCASTS NCUACS 15/8/89 "The chemistry of dielectric loss", Alembic Club, Oxford, 20 January 1936. 4pp manuscript notes. "Dielectric constants of liquids", Colloid Science Laboratory colloquium, Cambridge, 19 February 1940. l0pp manuscript draft plus lp manuscript addition. Secretary, Regional Committee on Invitation from W.E. Education for H.M. Forces, 5 February 1948, to participate in "Brains Trust", Royal Naval Petty Officers’ School, Corsham. Frank agreed. Salt, give 6pp manuscript Untitled recognised in 1878 that the growth of involve nucleation of each new crystal layer." "the subsequent 70 years" dates it Gibbs a perfect crystal could Reference to beginning "Willard draft propose to c.1948. Untitled 9pp manuscript draft beginning "In this lecture I not furnaces anything of that sort ... on bibliographical reference, 1951. do or On this occasion I am concentrating Latest instruction on design Letter from W.E. Salt, 3 February 1949, thanking Frank for his readiness to lecture at H.M.S. Osprey, Portland, but stating that since the invitation "a practising Astronomer" resident in Dorset had been found who might be willing to the lectures. 1949-51. Untitled 6pp manuscript draft beginning "I have to tell you this evening about some work that Burton and Cabrera and I did theoretically a couple of years ago..." . Refers to research subject growth melt". to give of the of from the NCUACS 15/8/89 "Direct observation of dislocation networks in metals", 1954. 2pp typescript plus 1 figure and 3 photographs. "The nature of Annual May Lecture, 29 March 1955, Bibliog. 60. Institute of Metals 45th See also F.80. real crystal", the 19pp manuscript draft with lp note on topics covered. l7pp typescript; correspondence; manuscript notes. Letter of thanks, 7 March 1956, for lecture on "Atomic Energy in Industry" to Bristol Business and Professional Women's Club. Course of seven lectures on "Dislocations" delivered at Societa Italiana di Fisica Physics Summer School, Varenna, 14 July - 3 August 1957. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Frank’s lectures. E.1 1, January 1958, re speak 36pp typescript copy of the complete course. the summer school. Miscellaneous material including Frank’s speech thanking the organisers of Correspondence, on "Complex alloy structures considered as packings of spheres", Bibliog. 57 and National Physical Laboratory, 13 March 1958. Of: lp manuscript "peroration". (Bierecius#...Bristol, batinistse,. invitation to See. D74e 4D745., 25> July LOG: NCUACS 15/8/89 E.21-E.27 “Lecture for the Holweck prizegiving", 1963. The Holweck prize was awarded jointly by the Physical Society and the Societe Frangaise de Physique. In 1963 Frank was the recipient. 6pp typescript draft (in French). as a Earth "The contribution by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei lst International Material Science: Italy, Frank to Course on Ceramic Science and Technology, Tremezzo, 8-20 September 1968. ceramic body", The course was published as Chemical and Mechanical Behaviour of Inorganic Materials, ed. Searcy, D.V. Ragone and U. Colombo (New York, 1970). A.W. typescript 18pp correction and annotation. draft of Frank's paper with manuscript Correspondence re arrangements, 1968, from Frank to Searcy, manuscript was not yet ready, necessity to Slovakia". my mother-in-law out Includes letter regretting that his a delay caused in part by "the of occupied Czecho- Course Director, 1970. get 2 folders. Programmes Contents of folder inscribed "The Earth as miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations, figures. Outline of topics covered by lecturers and summaries of papers presented 3pp typescript and manuscript draft. "Talk for Extramural Science Teachers". a Ceramic Body": 23 March 1970. 2 folders. NCUACS 15/8/89 Poo. rank Correspondence, 1971, re "The mechanics of the Earth's crust", lecture to Manchester and District Branch, Institute of Physics, 24 January 1972. 1972, "Crystals", Institution of Electrical Engineers Kelvin Lecture, 2 Aprd 1 31:9:7:2.. 19pp typescript and manuscript draft. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes. Correspondence, a crystal?", lecture to Royal Radar Establishment, 5 April 1973. crystal "When 1973, 1972, not re is a Frank considered this as a trial run for his Presidential Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science (EB. 35): "Crystals Imperfect", Royal Society Bakerian Lecture, 14 June EOTSs. with manuscript corrections and 4pp list of invitees; bibliographical notes 24pp manuscript draft; Notice of lecture; aoe, 20pp typescript draft references. a crystal not a crystal", British Association Section "When is A, Presidential Address, August 1973. Slides. "Snow Crystals", Royal Institution Discourse, 21 February 1975. summary of Discourse; manuscript figures. list of slides. See also E.32. Correspondence; NCUACS 15/8/89 E.38-E.40 “The Laws of Thermodynamics", recording made for Audio Learning Ltd... October 1975. Frank, J.M. Gregory, D.H. Everett and D.R. Wilkie collaborated in a taped discussion on thermodynamics for sixth-form and undergraduate students. The material is principally correspondence between the participants and Audio Learning but includes photocopies of material drafted for the discussion, December 1974 and October 1975, and other notes. E.38 E.39 1974 May-September 1974 October, December ; LFS 9788 "Persistently extensional flow and the flow alignment of long chain molecules", Paper Research Institute of Canada on Montreal, 5 November 1975. its 50th Jubilee, McGill University, Bibliog. 129. lecture Pulp and the to 20pp manuscript draft; reprint. Correspondence, Applied Institute, re arrangements. Chemistry 1975, Division Director of Research chiefly with S.G. Mason, of Pulp and Paper issues 1975 and the Research Summer Institute’s house journal, featuring Frank’s lecture. Spring 1976 of Trend, Miscellaneous background material. Correspondence, 1975, re "The growth of snow crystals", lecture to South West Branch, Institute of Physics, Exeter, 3 May 1976. 2 folders. Course on polymers, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Gruppo Nazionale della Materia Summer School on Microstructure and Mechanical 24 August - Frank declined to present the course, recommending A. Keller the organisers and chaired a instead. discussion on 6 September. Correspondence re arrangements; Properties of Metals He offered advice to 11 September 1976. information. Polymers, Perugia, and NCUACS 15/8/89 FCs Frank summaries and course notes, with associated Lecturers’ material. 3 folders. "Effects of pressure change in the Earth due to differentiation in Taylor Memorial Lecture, 23 January 1978. the mantle", Cambridge Philosophical Society G.I. Frank was the first Taylorian lecturer. 25pp manuscript draft with lp manuscript introduction. l6pp typescript draft. Correspondence, chiefly with Sir Brian Pippard and J.A. Jacobs, 1977-78, re arrangements. Manuscript notes. 2 folders. 9pp manuscript notes for lecture; letter of thanks. "Snow Crystals", Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 3 June 1981. ‘Air Intelligence", South Western Branch, Institute of Physics, Bristol, 9 October 1980. Frank delivered the lecture on the occasion of the award of the Academy's. ~.on crystallography. was published in Contemporary Physics (Bibliog. 140). itinerary. Correspondence with Royal Swedish Academy re arrangements; 19pp manuscript and 9pp typescript drafts. Lists of slides; references. Gregori . Aminoff Medal for -his ~ work It NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Correspondence publication of with editor of Contemporary Physics, re the lecture. Transparencies. Slides. 2 folders. Correspondence William James Dunning Memorial Lecture, School of Chemistry, Bristol University, 17 November 1981. dislocations "Crystal without growth re "Orientation Mapping", American ICOTOM-8, Santa Fe, September 1987. Institute of Metals Lecture, (Bibliog. 146). 3pp manuscript draft. 24pp manuscript draft "Phase change", nd. lOpp manuscript draft. "Shear transformations", nd. Untitled 3pp manuscript draft beginning "Je veux discuter en cette conference la supraconductibilite du point de vue d’un qui s'interesse en premier ligne du géometrie des défaults des crystaux", nd. Bristol University Chemical Physics Society, nd. Untitled 13pp manuscript draft beginning "Monsieur Professeur la Bauer, Mesdames et Messieurs ... croissance des cristaux", nd. in English. Je parle sur le sujet de With lp manuscript notes Invitation to lecture Intelligence" on "Air Scientific to NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank BROADCASTS "Cosmic Rays". Frank's report on the 1948 Colston Research Society symposium on Cosmic Rays (H.2) was broadcast on the BBC's West of England Home Service on 11 October and London Home Service on 18 November. The broadcast was published by the Central Office of Information in Glos Anglii (Poland) and British Ally (USSR). 21 September, General Overseas Service on Draft script; Bristol" summarising the programme. 3pp typescript draft "Cosmic Ray Conference in Correspondence from BBC, November. CIO and listeners to broadcast of 18 Invitation to give interview for BBC European/English Service, 25 September 1948. "Physics Talks". 5948 . ("The age of the earth"), VI Scripts of broadcasts for BBC radio Science Review series by Nore Moet. .CUPhysics”) and CO: Powell “@*Mesons" ) Frank gave a series of seven talks for the BBC Latin American Service in 1949. typescript and manuscript drafts of Correspondence from BBC; talks III ("How does a crystal grow?") and VII (report on recent progress in nuclear physics). 3pp typescript. Although a "Physics Talk" dated 1949 and numbered "2", not appear to be part of the preceding series. "The Dissemination of Physics". it does NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank 20 September Letter, formation of Frank 31 August, requesting further references. "the a Forces Educational Broadcast by from listener Earth", 1949, talk the on to "The magic of crystals". Frank appeared with J.H. Science Channel 4, Action in San Francisco, 24 September 1954. Hollomon as television programme, a guest scientist on KRON-TV, Station Script only. "New materials". Frank took part in a BBC television programme on new materials, probably broadcast in February 1964. Third draft of script entitled "The Solid State". Letter from BBC, 3pp typescript draft of Frank's summing up. 3 December 1963, enclosing the draft script; and 1966, typescript script as broadcast. including manuscript l6épp manuscript draft; "Crystals and their imperfections". Correspondence, copies of Frank's contribution to the series booklet. Frank gave this broadcast in the BBC radio "Growing Points in Physics" series B, transmitted 9 February 1967, and wrote a short article for the booklet accompanying the series. was shelved because of lack of time. Brief "Horizon" team for a programme on crystals, 1970. Tape recording of Frank's broadcast, with covering letter. television The project Correspondence, 1967. correspondence advice given re to BBC NCUACS 15/8/89 Invitation "Controversy" series on nuclear power, 18 August 1973. television attend BBC-2 programme’ to in Copy of October 1975 issue of Huna London, service University’s involved. magazine, "Sun with Energy Machine" article with (in Arabic) the BBC's Arabic Bristol was Frank which re Questions on physics prepared by Frank and A.F. Devonshire for BBC television quiz "Mastermind". With correspondence arising LOFO= 7.7. re 1978, Correspondence, Sergei Kapitza, the Soviet physicist, be invited to deliver Bristol University’s E.H. BBC might be interested in view of the popularity of Kapitza's science programmes on Soviet television. Young Memorial Lecture, suggestion Frank's that that and the Brief correspondence with G. Howard, Chairman of reporting of Her Majesty's 1980 Christmas Day Address. the BBC, re Letter from Yorkshire Television, 9 January 1985. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.380 The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence and covers both British and overseas organisations. While some entries are relatively slight, dealing with membership, invitations to meetings and the like, others are more substantial both in their time-span and in the matters covered. Of particular importance is the material 1 on the Institute of Physics, the International Organisation of Crystal Growth, the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, the Royal Society and the Science Research Council. Also of interest is the material on Bristol institutions with which Frank was involved, including Badminton School, the Bristol Municipal Charities and Queen Elizabeth’s Hospital School. ACADEMIC COUNCIL FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM (ACPF) ATOMIC SCIENTISTS ASSOCIATION DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH BRISTOL NUCLEAR FREEZE COUNCIL BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CRYSTAL GROWTH (BACC) CHELSEA COLLEGE LONDON CHEMICAL SOCIETY (see FARADAY SOCIETY) BADMINTON SCHOOL BRISTOL BRISTOL MUNICIPAL CHARITIES COMITE DE DIRECTION DU LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE DES SOLIDES, UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SUD EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (ESSA) ELECTRONICS RESEARCH COUNCIL ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C; Frank FARADAY SOCIETY/CHEMICAL SOCIETY FOREIGN OFFICE GOVERNING BODIES ASSOCIATION GREENLAND CLUB GREENPEACE HOME OFFICE INSTITUTE OF METALS/METALS SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS ao . 76 AL 78 -¢9-F 85 broGer: 115 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION OF CRYSTAL GROWTH (IOCG) .116-F INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS (IUGG) ee Oaks well INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) KING'S COLLEGE LONDON MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB METALS SOCIETY (see INSTITUTE OF METALS) .178-F.184 LoS LOO ss roy PHYSICAL SOCIETY QUEEN ELIZABETH’S HOSPITAL BRISTOL RED MAIDS SCHOOL BRISTOL ROYAL RADAR ESTABLISHMENT MALVERN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF SUPPLY .195-F..203 . 204 MOLECULAR CRYSTALS DISCUSSION GROUP PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS S09 30h . 300 WEST OF ENGLAND METALS AND MATERIALS ASSOCIATION STANDING CONFERENCE OF PROFESSORS OF PHYSICS .345-F.375 .376-F.378 .205-F.250 .251-F.296 ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS OST “298 .344 .299-F .343 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) NCUACS 15/8/89 ACADEMIC COUNCIL FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM (ACPF) 1983-84 The Council was established to support and publicise the case for NATO and to counter unilateralist arguments in institutions of higher education. Most of the material relates to an ACPF sponsored "Open Letter" published in THES 21 October 1983 declaring opposition to CND signed the response which this letter produced. academics including Bristol Frank, and by 48 Correspondence 1983, chaired by Lord Chalfont following which the ACPF was launched. re meeting in House Lords, May of 4 Material correspondence arising. re'.the -"Open’; Letter". including a copy, and Newspaper cuttings and other background information on NATO and nuclear weapons. ATOMIC SCIENTISTS ASSOCIATION 1948-50 to Atomic promote a meeting of Scientists Association existed the Frank was Honorary The material was passed on to Frank as area branch secretary. General correspondence and papers, 1948-50. F.R.N. Nabarro inviting Frank to become branch secretary. Includes note from The controlled peaceful use of Atomic Energy. Secretary of his area branch. Article "Need We Drift to War?" Port Talbot Express, 31 March 1950 by Miss A.J. Greenwood. With accompanying letter inviting the Association to send a speaker to Port Talbot Peace Movement. September 1948. "Safety" film "Atomic Energy and the United Nations" dated 24 Index cards of members of Frank’s branch of the Association. the NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank BADMINTON SCHOOL BRISTOL 1969-81 Frank was a Trustee of this independent Bristol girls school from 1969. General correspondence, various dates 1972-80, and nd. Correspondence re Working Party on Sixth Formers at Badminton School, 197.0-71; Agenda, papers and minutes of Board of Governors meetings and AGMs of Badminton School Ltd., 1969-80. 10 folders. F.10 PS EL Beb2 Pee F.14 1969-70 1974-72 1973-74 1975-76 1977 Minutes of meetings of governors and staff 1977-80 (formalised as the in January 1978) Badminton School Consultative Committee and Miscellaneous material Includes Headmistress’s Notes These meetings were initiated so that the governors could "meet the staff" and "discuss any points of concern". Letters to parents of pupils, 1976-80. NCUACS 15/8/89 Bt 22-.3D BRISTOL MUNICIPAL CHARITIES 19735, 2982-87 funds the Bristol Municipal Charities administer The Trustees of Corporation charitable following the Municipal Law Reform Act of 1836. The Trustees own Queen Elizabeth's Hospital (of which Frank was a Governor from Bristol Grammar School and Red Maids School. 1982-1984), acquired Governors Chairman Bristol from 1961, City and of recording Frank’s appointment as Trustee Note expiring 21 December 1979. for 6 years Letter of appointment as 26 February 1982. a Trustee, with papers sent with it, Miscellaneous correspondence, 1982-87. F.24-F.35 Agenda, papers and minutes of meetings of Trustees, 1982-83, 1986-87. Lo arorders. y r .24 a Sao F . 26 ned F .28 Heo y r t 1982 1982 1982 1983 T9832 @ 1983363 S S 7 h b o B O N N O N O C G N I N L a e G r a i e g i S a a N N L 1986 campaign, SRISTOL NUCLEAR FREEZE COUNCIL Letter inviting Frank to support the Freeze information on the campaign and its patrons. annotated by Frank "sent cheque for f10 and registered as a FREEZE member". with letter is could be said The NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank F.37-F.44 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CRYSTAL GROWTH (BACG) 1970-85 BACG was founded at The conference on Crystal Growth (F.135-F.141). President 1981-86. the 1968 Birmingham International Frank was Honorary See also International Organisation of Crystal Growth (F.116- Bet /5). General correspondence, 1971, 1981. Correspondence and papers re 1970 Conference on Crystal Growth, Bristol University, 9-11 September. Frank helped organise the conference. Correspondence and Lancaster University, 18-21 September. on "Growth kinetics of dislocation-free crystals". Conference, Frank presented a paper BACG Annual papers 1984 re Material re other BACG meetings, various dates 1970-85. re give the - May oe N 4 folders. F.41-F.44 July 1978 a complete 1983 Annual F.45-F.47 a lecture on correspondence brief at which Frank planned to Conference, Includes "The Chester, kinetics of crystal growth without dislocations". Owing to illness Frank withdrew and delivered his lecture under a new title at 1984 Conference instead (see F.39). BACG Newsletters sequence. Physics Department. Faced with the threat of closure Chelsea College approached a number independent assessments of the various departments of the college. Frank agreed to validate the Physics Department, making a visit on 2 November 1981. Correspondence re arrangements and background material of academics and asked them CHELSEA COLLEGE LONDON to produce VISE. Aye? on NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Manuscript Department with covering letters. typescript and copies of report on Physics Correspondence arising, including correspondence with De Beers, November, re "technique for registering the absorption spectrum of powders" for which the Chelsea College Physics Department required diamond dust. December 1981, COMITE DE DIRECTION DU LABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE DES SOLIDES, UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SUD P97 S78 1983 de was Comite Direction The the Universite de Paris-Sud and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique the Frank was invited to become a member in March 1973 laboratory. and served until December 1977. In 1983 Frank rejoined the Comite for a further two years. established scientific coordinate control 1973 the by to in of Invitation to papers re meeting, 4 June 1973; proceedings. join Comité de Direction; correspondence and Frank's manuscript notes of Report of the Comite for 1974. Correspondence and papers re meeting, 22 May 1974. Correspondence and papers re meeting, 22-23 April 1976. Report on scientific activity at the laboratory, 1 July 1973 - 1 May 1974. December 1985. Correspondence and papers re meeting, 8-9 March 1983. Includes confirmation of renewal of Frank's membership of Comite to Letter re expiry of December 1978. service of Comite members, terms of 6 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 1962 item Contents of a folder imprinted "This folder contains all papers relating to the Metallurgy and Materials Sub-Committee held at State House on Tuesday 4th December at The papers relate to brittle fracture and of non-metallic materials in engineering. meeting of 10.30 A.M.". agenda the for the use the on 4 ELECTRONICS RESEARCH COUNCIL 1964, 1966, 1968 Frank served on the Council 1965-68 Miscellaneous material. and "Notes of a meeting held at the Ministry of Technology ... 20th October 1966 to discuss a proposal to set up a Single Crystal Production Unit at [Royal Radar Establishment] Malvern", with related correspondence. invitation to Includes serve ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION 1964 re of <196;7 1966) Frank Boulder, the Union. possibility Frank declined. visiting Summer 1966 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (ESSA) Letter informing Frank that he and his wife have been elected to membership of ESSA’s Correspondence Institute for Earth Sciences, "to review the part geodetic methods should play in the earthquake prediction problem". mid-July - mid-September 1967. visit for Correspondence re Frank visited the Institutes Environmental Research, Boulder. on an ESSA contract with the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Institutes notes CO, to and NCUACS 15/8/89 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 19/6 Division, Brief correspondence with W.J. Matter need program "Liquids/Liquid Crystals/Glasses/Amorphous Materials" Merz felt the Division was neglecting. chairman of Condensed "a European coordinated etc." of which Merz, for discussions meetings, area for the the on re Further material relating to the European Physical Society may be found at H.59, H.66:and H.72, and at D.69. Fr 260-E. 72 FARADAY SOCIETY/CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1938, 1946-85 for On 1 January 1972 Chemical Society, Society Society. chemistry Faraday Transactions (formerly Transactions of Society) and organising symposia and discussions. the Faraday Society amalgamated with the the Royal Institute of Chemistry and the Chemical The Faraday Division covered the field of physical within the the Faraday amalgamated publishing Analytical Chemistry society, form new the to a The material is arranged as follows: 560,78 61. B62 548 563 F.64-F.72 General correspondence and papers Faraday Transactions Symposia and discussion meetings. F.60 L977". LOU 2273, the Faraday Society. Faraday Transactions General correspondence and papers 969-71 correspondence is re the future Various dates 1938-71. of Editorial correspondence, 1971-74. Editorial correspondence, 1948, 1949, 1965-71. F.62 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Symposia and discussion meetings F.64 Typescript and manuscript drafts of Frank's contributions to Faraday Society symposium, 1946. With letter from E.M. Wright and notes re the printing of scientific symbols. Correspondence re Faraday Society Symposium on Crystal Growth, Bristol, Easter 1949. Frank helped organise the symposium. from Letter discussion 19 June 1970. Kington G.L. Society on physico-chemical aspects of composite materials", "Possible Faraday re Programme, order of papers, list of participants for Faraday Society Symposium on Liquid Crystals, Royal Institution, 13- 14 December 1971. Faraday Discussion on Organisation of Macromolecules in Condensed Phase, Cambridge, 25-27 September 1979. the Introduction. the Frank gave Invitation; Of: participants}; etc. correspondence re arrangements; programmes; list re and " with papers remarks discussion Papers sent to Frank by A. Keller for comment. Correspondence participants and Faraday Division. lépp manuscript draft of Frank’s "General Introduction", with related manuscript notes. Bibliog. 136. of Frank's discussion remarks. Faraday Discussion on Polymer Liquid Crystals, Cambridge, 1- 3 April 1985. Frank was the guest of the Faraday Division at the discussion dinner. Correspondence participants and Faraday Transactions. Manuscript notes on "Lines of confluence"; abstracts; list of participants etc. manuscript drafts Invitations; programmes; papers and discussion remarks with re NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank FOREIGN OFFICE 1950) 1951 1950 Frank and In October Menzies visited Germany on behalf of the German General Economic Department of the Foreign the Office’s administration in occupied Germany. Section laws scientific governing research consider changes German in A.C. to of S.O. notepad taken on visit. manuscript notes. First 7 pages used, lp loose Correspondence arising from visit with R.V. Jones, Menzies and others; copies of the laws. GOVERNING BODIES ASSOCIATION 1982 Papers re the threat to independent schools posed by the Labour Party. As Chairman of Governors of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital Frank attended a special meeting of the Association, London, 14 October. 1978-83 GREENPEACE GREENLAND CLUB Invitation to Frank to become an Honorary Member of the Bristol Greenland Club; notices of annual dinners 1978-80, 1983. The Greenland Club "exists to foster the spirit of exploration in Greenland and the offshore continental shelf". OL", Appeal to Frank to support the campaign opposing the testing The letter requests that Frank add his of nuclear weapons. signature to is annotated "sent 9. a "statement of concern" and NOVar 1981 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank HOME OFFICE 1959-72 Frank served as a Regional Scientific Adviser in the South West Civil Defence Region until 1972. HMSO Miscellaneous Exercise of Book Regional Scientific Advisers for Civil Defence, Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale, Berks., 12-14 May 1964. correspondence with on proceedings Conference including papers, notes and of INSTITUTE OF METALS/METAL SOCIETY 1951-85 Institute The with Institute to form the Metals Society on Metals merged of Iron the 1 January 1974. and Steel Metal Frank joined the committee in 1951. Physics Committee papers and correspondence 1951-53. Agenda for Spring Meeting, London, Frank delivered the crystal" (E:9,-E,10).... May Lecture on Bibiiog. °60.. 29 March - 1 April "The nature of the 1955. real the J. and papers 1964-70. Includes correspondence Inst. Metals as of high-field superconductors, "Timetable and abstracts of contributions" for discussion on Institute of the metallurgy Metals, 17-18 March 1964. General lp typescript "Discussion: the relation between grain section and grain size", submitted to a reply to contributions by J.H. Hensler 12 June 1968. Metals Society correspondence and papers, 1971-83. Programme and notepad with Frank's notes Institute Metallurgy, Bristol University, 23-25 September 1969. welcomed the conference. on proceedings of Conference on Modern Metallography in Frank Correspondence and papers, merger with the Iron and Steel Institute. chiefly re proposed of Metals 1971, 1972, NCUACS 15/8/89 Pf. OF cank F.86-F.115 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1964-87 F.86 -F.94 F95°-b410 Ee tit P11 2-F AAS Editorial Boards Conferences Awards Groups Editorial Boards F.86 Correspondence, November, December 1965, arising from complaint made by Frank “about the lack of information in the British Journal of Applied Physics about the coverage of the journal”. and for Correspondence editors of primary journals in physics, Paris, 10-12 May 1967. Frank attended on behalf of the British Journal of Applied Physics. IUPAP/UNESCO conference papers re Editorial correspondence with Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics and C: Solid State Physics, various dates 1975-85. Includes manuscript draft of letter Frank sent to the Editorial Board of D outlining areas of growth in applied physics. F.88-F..93 Reports on Progress in Physics F.88 for of the Board 4 folders. TOLL 1978 F.89-F.92 F.89 F.90 Editorial of Reports on Papers meetings Progress in Physics. Invitations to join the Editorial Board 1977, and remain on it for a further year 1979; information on Reports on Progress in Physics. was insufficiently knowledgeable of recent work in the area. Correspondence re review articles for Reports on Progress in Physics, article outlines sent to him for consideration. Invitation to write a Report on Progress article on "Ideas in crystal growth", September 1985. Frank declined, stating he comments on 1977-80, including Frank’s NCUACS 15/8/89 Conferences 195 Correspondence with Physics Bulletin, Includes Frank's 2pp review of R.V. Jones's Most Secret War, and other reviews. 1978-1986. Solid-State Physics Conference, Bristol University, 1-4 January 1964. Frank was invited to chair a session. Invitation; lists of participants and provisional session chairmen; conference handbook. Annual 4th University, 4-7 January 1967. in polymer physics". Solid-State Physics Conference, Manchester Frank spoke on "Current trends Correspondence; notice. -9/=F 7106 International Conference on Thermodynamics, University College Cardiff, 1-4 April. Frank served on the organising committee and chaired the first session. 98-F.103 3 October F, 101 F.102 Pi 03 0 3 October 1969 (2) Correspondence with P.T. Landsberg re suggested conference on thermodynamics, December 1966. 29 November 1969 28 February 1970 papers and minutes of organising committee meetings. 11 November 1968 28 April 1969 1969 "A refresher course in thermodynamics", undated 7pp manuscript draft by Frank found with the preceding. delegate". "The an illustration of time symmetry in elementary processes" by 0. Costa de Beauregard, sent to Frank for possible inclusion in the conference. Conference handbook; Kurti asking Frank to "say a few words of welcome as list of participants; letter from N. a IUPAP Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (1) class of paradoxes as NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank "Provocative statements to give focus" to discussions. Photocopies of letters of Lord Kelvin, with covering letter from D.J. Morgan. Copies of Lord Kelvin's correspondence were made for the conference. 9th Annual Solid-State Physics Conference, UMIST, 4-6 January 1972. Frank spoke on "Strength and stiffness of polymers" (see Bibliog. 103). of, Invitation; itinerary January. Association for the Advancement of Science meeting). conference list 7 handbook; (includes January -for. 3-7). participants; British 10th University, Annual Solid-State Physics Conference, Manchester 3-5 January 1973. Notices; general information; list of participants. Conference handbook. Beal Awards Various dates 1979-87. History of Physics Group. Solid-State Physics Conference, December 1984. Invitation to Frank to give "a light-hearted after-dinner talk" on the history of dislocations. 3 July 2986. Includes material re formation of Group, 1984, and first AGM, NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. -Erank Bete bee Polymer Physics Group. Polymer The Institute (previously the Chemical Society). Group's administration. Physics Physics Group and was the of Royal jointly sponsored the Chemistry The Institute handled the Society by of Material re biennial meetings, various dates 1971-85. 2 tolders. Tuning Fork Group. Notice for "Tuning Fork Group". Bal h6=hels/5 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION OF CRYSTAL GROWTH (IOCG) 1967-86 The was I0CG the held International The established following in Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG) a 1966. advisory committee of la Croissance Cristalline permanent Comite International de (CICC), which was renamed IOCG at ICCG-3, Marseilles, 1971. IO0CG was formed principally to organise and sponsor crystal growth conferences. It also took responsibility for sponsoring the Journal of Crystal Growth (JCG). CICC lst in Boston, conference President 1968-71, became Frank was the MA, of of the six more years Schieber, CICC/IOCG I0CG to 1975 thereafter as A short history By Li6-F133 F.134-F.166 FI6 7b i175 The material is arranged as follows: succeeding W. He served on the Past CcICC/IOCG Conferences Journal of Crystal Growth. by M.M. with a brief note by Frank, may be found at F.161. Bardsley, and of I0CG 1971-74 and 1974-77. Executive Committee for President. a General Policy Advisor. Includes new interdisciplinary and international organisation for crystal growth", brief correspondence re the Crystal Growth Committee of the International Union of Crystallography established at the and copy of CICC's Charter in which Frank is named as Correspondence 1967 re establishment of CICC. announcing foundation statement same time, Be Ft6 "a _ of NCUACS 15/8/89 Y °C, Frank 1970, papers Correspondence and 25 September ICCG-3 (Marseilles) and the proposed IOCG constitution (see below). Frank chaired this meeting, the Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy from the Vapour Phase (see F.142). CICC, arrangements Zurich, for held during re meeting consider the to of F.118-F.121 Correspondence and papers re constitution of CICC/IOCG 1970- 13, at the for Two and IOCG. proposed a European and a more complex American. CICC became divided over the question of versions In 1970 the new constitution were produced, was decided to resolve the matter by ballot at ICCG-3, Marseilles, 1971, the conference the American version won more votes. So narrow was the margin of victory, however, and so sharply polarised the American and European views, a compromise A Constitution Committee chaired by Frank was therefore established whilst an interim constitution remained in force. The Committee's version was placed before the membership of the IOCG in September 1973 and overwhelmingly approved. solution was sought. that a It CICC/IOCG. The material is predominantly correspondence between officers of. various constitutions including those proposed in 1971, the interim constitution and the Constitution Committee’s final version. copies There also are the of 4 folders. 4 folders. 197C Hige fal F.124 a BF. 122 Be 123 Pei iS F119 LS 74 19 Jee GI) Correspondence and papers re nominations and elections for IOCG offices and Council 1971-83. 1983 1974-(2) Ae? § 980... NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank F.126-F.130 and Correspondence the International Unions of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and Crystallography (IUCr), 1972-80. relations papers with I0CG re M.M. Schieber, Secretary of IOCG, 1973, set out the four options open to I0CG: scientific Union commission of IUPAC, with one or more of ties. IUPAP and IUCr, the Unions, or 3 December to press for full to an InterUnion to create separate links to remain without formal a letter of status become IOCG, for in After considerable debate it 1974 Tokyo ICCG to seek Associate Organisation status with each of I0CG this status in September the three Unions. 1975, and IUCr elected it a Scientific Associate organisation August 1978. was decided at IUPAC gave the 5 folders. Bi126 Ft27 e128 1972 LOS 1974 Ped 29 F.130 1975 1976-78, 1980 Correspondence Council, Chiao -Eei5 1). Tokyo, and 26 papers and 29 re March meetings 1974, I0CG of held during Executive ICCG-4 to made were allow Soviet amendments colleagues See IOCG constitution and by-laws Miscellaneous correspondence, 1969-77. Correspondence re amendments to 1972278 , 1983, 1973 correspondence chiefly concerns excess funds in the IOCG treasury. These interested in crystal growth "to formally adhere to IOCG". also F.158. etc. ICCG-1, Boston, MA, 20-24 June 1966. advisory committee invited declined owing to prior commitments. Frank was a member of the but List of conference organisers; invitations; Conferences paper, F.134 to give and was a NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank July 15-19 Birmingham, ICCG-2, the organising committee as chairman of the programme committee. the Conference Proceedings to He was also Editor-in-Chief of the Proceedings. be published in JCG and wrote a preface to At CICC 1968- ale the conference Frank was elected President of Frank 1968. was on Correspondence and papers re meetings of organising committee, July 1966 - September 1969. 2 folders. Correspondence and September 1966 - June 1968. papers re programme committee business, 2 folders: Miscellaneous correspondence re arrangements. Information; copy of minutes of ICCG Business Meeting. programme; list of participants; typescript and of CICC the draft and 3pp copy of during Frank’s advisors typescript conference organised by manuscript 6pp "Preface" to Conference Proceedings. the Crystal Growth Section of Correspondence re CICC support for conference; Frank and correspondence re arrangements; lst Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy from the Vapour The CICC sponsored this Phase, Zurich, 23-25 September 1970. conference, the Swiss Crystallographic Society, and held a plenary meeting of officers (see Ft 7) etc. invitation to abstracts; NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Marseilles, the IGCG-3; "Philosophy and consultative committee future of crystal growth" (Bibliog. 111) and "About diamond". Frank on papers 1971. July gave and sat 5-9 on _ F.143, F.144 Correspondence re arrangements, November 1969 - July 1973. 22TO1aers. Brochure; second contribution; information; manuscript lists of slides for Frank's etc. on the Activities "Report Assembly Marseilles and the I0CG", a News Item approved by Frank. This records the difficulties over the constitution (see F.119) and the election of Frank to the presidency of I0CG 1971-74. General ICCG-3 the of Pei46-F 151 24-29 March 1974. Frank was a member of ICCG-4, Tokyo, advisory erystals", «(Brbliog «123) : committee and spoke on "Japanese work on _ the snow A meeting of this conference (F.151) and Frank was re-elected President. the Executive Committee of I0CG was held during Correspondence re arrangements, December 1969 nd. May 1974 and copies 3 folders. F.146 F.147 1969-72 LOTS one 19pp photocopy, Correspondence re Royal Society travel and study grants for the conference. Two different typescript crystals"; extensive manuscript annotation and correction. slides, manuscript notes and photographs found with them. 12 with Frank’s contribution at pp.28-38. 2pp manuscript draft of brief address delivered by Frank at conclusion of conference. Brief correspondence re publication of Japanese translation of Frank's lecture in journal Shizen. With copy of Shizen '74- "Japanese work snow the other 5pp (incomplete) with With lists of of on NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank 2nd International Spring School on Crystal Growth (ISSCG-2), Fuji. View, Hotel .Mt., / Aprii 1974. a special lecture "Comments on nucleation theory". Fuji District ,.Japan, Frank gave 31 March = This School was linked to ICCG-4, held the week before. Correspondence re arrangements and publication of proceedings; 4pp typescript draft of Frank’s contribution; etc. Py 153-F1 57 17-22 July 1977. ICCG-5, Boston, MA, faced by rival bids Although final surrounding the 11th of Semiconductors held in Warsaw in July 1972, members in favour of The executive of IOCG was to hold ICCG-5 from Poland and the USA. vote events International Conference on the Physics decided the the USA. unhappy close, the was the Correspondence and papers re arrangements, material relates to the debate on the best LOT aT] oe 297 eT Frocarion: tor AGGG- ae folders. oS . 154 eH 1977-1 1972 Feb-May 1972 Jun-Oct 1972 Nov-Dec, 1973 1974-77 10-16 on the (see Frank was 1980. Moscow, attend. September List of participants. be eligible to host ICCG-6. ICCG-6, Advisory Committee but did not Includes also It was decided that the USSR did not need to join IOCG Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1974-81. brief correspondence re Soviet membership of IOCG F.132). in order to the associated Crystal Growth summer school. Proposals from Swiss and German Crystal Growth associations to The German bid was successful, the Swiss hosting host ICCG-7. IG@G-7 , Stuttsare. 19383. NCUACS 15/8/89 IcCG-8, York, following a hip-operation. 13-18 July 1986. Frank felt unable to attend copy a 12pp Invitation and notice. crystal typescript With it growth. are Frank's 2pp typescript corrections and lp note "Early days of. for How did they all start?" by M.M. Schieber. Send with the invitation was institutions various LOGG".. "The of IcceG-9, 1989. Offer from Japanese Association of Crystal Growth to host the conference. .163-F.166 IOCG sponsored conferences. The material consists chiefly of correspondence with organisers of conferences. 263; 2nd International Conference on Vapour Growth and Epitaxy, Jerusalem, 21-25 May 1972. 2 folders. Meeting on Crystal in Growth Processes 10-13 July 1978. International Sedimentary Environments, Madrid, January 1982. Summer School on Crystal Growth, Suzdal, USSR, 17-25 September 1980. 4th International Conference on Vapour Growth and Epitaxy, Nagoya, Japan, 3rd International Conference on Vapour Growth and Epitaxy, Amsterdam, 18-21 August 1975. 1974-77 N. Frank was Cabrera. and refereed many papers for the Journal both whilst an editor and thereafter. a co-founder of He served as Journal of Crystal Growth (JCG) General editorial correspondence. an editor from 1968 until 1978-81 and nd. the JCG with B. Chalmers and 196752197073 B167-15i09 1980 3 folders. F167 F.168 P169 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Crystallization of Polymers. Correspondence 1978-80 re special volume of JCG edited by B. Wunderlich. Frank helped reassess all the papers submitted. 2 folders. Lee OLS Correspondence with editors and authors re papers submitted to JCG, with Frank's referee’s reports. 4 folders. Rol 2 Fii73 1970-1974 April 1974 May - 1977 F.174 FSLS LIB 1979 1980-84 Fae) Gi LE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS (IUGG) 1967 Correspondence between L.R. Alldredge, General Secretary of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, and those sending him papers for the Association’s session of the 14th IUGG General Assembly, St. Gall, Switzerland, September, after the deadline had passed. 2 folders. the US Environmenta F.178-F.184 1959-69 Institute for Earth Services Alldredge was Director of which Frank visited while working for Science Services Administration (F.58). the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS ( IUPAP) Frank served as Royal Society representative on IUPAP’s Solid State Commission for the period covered by the papers. Ina private communication (9 September 1989) he writes "I served that period was totally for inactive. somewhat was invited to serve for a third period, but then told that was a mistake, because 3 periods of service were not permissible". 1965 The material sponsorship of conferences. nominally, ... but second period was is chiefly correspondence and papers re IUPAP F.182 F.183 F.184 1966 1967 1968-69 one period The 7 folders. Fel78 Pak /9 F.180 Deo 1959-61 1962 1963-64 active. I NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank KING'S COLLEGE LONDON 1975 Brief correspondence re "luncheon discussion on the future of Frank was approached the Physics Department at King’s", March. by V. the Gold and M.H.F. Wilkins) of his views on department following the retirement of Professor W.C. Price. Sir Hermann Bondi to advise the working party (Bondi, the future of FoL86). F187 MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB L967); LOL - 13 F.186 Brief correspondence, programme of 1967 AGM and Conference on Materials in Archaeology, Banbury, 22-23 September. Frank was awarded the Club’s A.A. With copy of Frank’s speech. Griffith Medal. Brief correspondence with J.W. White, Griffith Medallist for 1971, with copy of his speech. a Brief correspondence and papers, member of the Awards Sub-Committee which selected the Griffith medallist for 1972. March 1972. Frank was F.188-F.191 1956-58 Intelligence translations of Scientific MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Correspondence, programme of 10th Anniversary meeting, Great Malvern, 24-26 October 1973. Department of information re higher education and scientific and engineering research in the Soviet Union, with covering letters. 4 folders. NCUACS 15/8/89 BoC. Frank MINISTRY OF SUPPLY 1949-53 Offer of consultancy with Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, initially for one year from 21 February 1952. With copies of form "Estasecret" (for Official Secrets Act) and of memorandum indicating acceptance. initialled patents, Frank re by re Correspondence Energy Metallurgical Laboratories, Culcheth, Lancs., 17 March 1953, to assist in a theoretical study of "the problem of diffusion of inert gases through certain metals". Division Atomic visit of to Correspondence and the Advisory Technical Development, 1949 (Liquid Fuels Committee), 1952 (Propellants Committee), 1953 (High Explosives Committee). re service on committees of papers on Scientific Research Council and MOLECULAR CRYSTALS DISCUSSION GROUP 1975-84 Circular re possibility of forming "a U.K. Discussion Group on Molecular Crystals" with photocopy of Frank’s for further information dated "17/10/75"; 9 and 14. newsletters 3, request 8, 1986. 1982-86 See A.27. F.195-F.203 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING Correspondence re election of Foreign Associate Members 1982, 1984, and re London meetings of British Members 1983, Frank was elected a Foreign Associate Member of the US National Academy of Engineering in 1980. 5 December Frank was a member of the NPL’s Morgan Committee, an advisory It committee assisting the NPL Steering Committee, 1966-68. was dissolved after its meeting on Correspondence and papers for Morgan Committee meetings 1968. 18 January (1) 18 January (2) 18 January (3) NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY (NPL) 4 July (1) 4 July (2) 5 December 1968 (F.200). F.198 F.199 F.200 F195 F.196 F.197 Fi195-F 200 6 folders. 1966-68 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Correspondence and papers re Morgan Committee "Working Party to consider the future role of NPL in the field of Plastics and Polymers". the Materials area of the Frank was a member of the Working Party which was chaired by G. Gee. It met on 16 November 1967 and reported to the fourth meeting of the Morgan Committee, 18 January 1968. Its final report is at F.195. Claims for fees and expenses, 1966-68. Miscellaneous later correspondence with NPL colleagues, 1969, 19:70; PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1949-58 General and editorial correspondence. of Frank's election to Fellowship, May 1949, May 1956. Includes notification and to Council, (later Frank was elected remained the Pugwash movement’s main Initially the movement was organised by PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs originated in a meeting of scientists held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia in 1957 following an appeal from Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein Although nuclear against the further use of nuclear weapons. disarmament concern, Pugwash conferences were not devoted exclusively to this issue. a Continuing Committee of representatives from each geo-political bloc, to representative which 1974 Peierls. in 9/5 cue succeeding R.E. Continuing Committee was replaced by the Pugwash Council on which Frank continued to serve. Miscellaneous material Executive the Royal Society (F.244) Frank commented that Secretary of prior to his election to the Continuing Committee Pugwash "was not ... one of my activities, though Cecil Powell got me to one previous full meeting of Pugwash, in 1968 [F.213-F.218]". Continuing Committee/Council Pugwash conferences, symposia and workshops British Pugwash Group BP. 205-F 212 F.213-F.240 F.241-F.244 F.245-F.250 The material is arranged as follows: as UK Sir Rudolf) a 10 December letter of in In a 1974 to the NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Continuing Committee/Council F.205 1974 January-July. Includes letter, 22 April, from B.T. Feld, Pugwash Secretary-General, notifying Frank of his election to the Continuing Committee. 1974 September-December. expulsion of Israel from UNESCO" which Frank condemned. Includes material re the “de facto F.207-F.209 April? Papers for meeting 1975 Budapest, 14-16 April, P22 5)+ 15 April was agenda, relates to this and to item 10 "UNESCO and Israel". of Continuing Committee, 23rd Symposium (F.223- the the material held prior to set aside to consider item 9 of Pugwash", "The Future most and of on 3 folders. 1976 January, May. August. 1976 Muhlhausen, GDR, CP 227:, 0 Re eee). Agenda Council, 24-25 August, held prior to 26th Conference meeting papers and for of 1977, 3 June 1977-82. Fi225-F. 218 Includes letter, Pugwash Conferences, Symposia and Workshops i8th Pugwash Conference, Nice, 11-16 September 1968. Frank was a member of Working Group 4 "Scientific and Technological Man- Power Problems in Developing Countries". Various dates, from W.F. Gutteridge of the British Pugwash Group enquiring whether Frank was "interested in standing [for the Pugwash Council] for a further period." and final reports of Working Groups. Programmes; background information on A. Sakharov. Agenda for and lists of members of Working Groups; participants; information; annotated general list of NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank F..215-F 2218 Working Papers 4 folders. lst Pugwash Symposium on Control of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, London, April 1968. Frank's manuscript notes on proceedings. 20th Pugwash Symposium on the need for, and terms of reference of, an International Institution of World Energy Problems, Arc- et-Senans, France, 4-8 July 1974. Reports of beginning shelter, communication and organizational control". symposia A and B; "The 2pp manuscript note by Frank of food, mankind are primary water, needs 24th Pugwash Conference on Disarmament, Energy Problems and International Collaboration, 2 September 1974. 28 August Austria, Baden, - Invitation; of participants; correspondence and notes re arrangements; list reports of Working Groups. and 11, 12. Pugwash Symposium on lists of programme; a2o-h 225 Scientific, Technological Working Papers. Working Papers 1-6, Brief correspondence re arrangements; invitees and lectures etc 23rd Cultural Cooperation in Europe, Budapest, 17-20 April 1975. reports of Working Groups. 25th Pugwash Conference on Development, Resources and World Security, Madras, 13-19 January 1976. Statement from Pugwash Council; 2 folders. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Pugwash 26th Development, Muhlhausen, Bed b7 Conference on Disarmament, GDR, 26-31 August Security See 1976. and also Brief correspondence re arrangements; and papers. lists of participants Miscellaneous papers and reports, including reports of Working Groups. "Proceedings of the Thirtieth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs" on Arms Limitations, Security and Development, Frank was a member Breukelen, Netherlands, 20-25 August 1980. of Working Group 4 "Changing Concepts of Security: Current He and Sir Rudolf Peierls submitted reports to the Conflicts". British Pugwash Group (F.244). .230-F .238 3lst Pugwash Conference on The Search for Peace in a World in Frank was Crisis, Banff, Canada, 28 August - 2 September 1981. in Working Group 2 on "Avoiding Conventional War". For group photograph of participants see A.97. nvitation; I and programmes and circulars; notes correspondence arrangements; lists of participants and papers. re 9299 -E:. 236 draft reports of New York Frank's manuscript notes Working Groups (Group 2 report annotated by Frank) Times report on conference. on proceedings; Miscellaneous papers, includes copy of "Salutation" delivered by G.F. Kennan on receipt of Einstein Peace Prize, 19 May and of "Opening Address" for Pugwash Conference by William Epstein 13 December 1981. Much of the material relates to the Correspondence and papers. opposition the Conference in Poland following the imposition of martial law on 32nd Pugwash Conference, Warsaw, 26-31 August 1982. Working Papers. Pugwash Committee to holding 6 folders. of the US NCUACS 15/8/89 Material re other Pugwash Conferences, Symposia and Workshops, various dates, 1970-86. British Pugwash Group (BPG) Frank was invited to January 1974 following his nomination as to the Pugwash Continuing Committee (F.205). a join the Executive Committee of in UK representative BPG P20: R242 Papers for BPG Executive Committee meetings. 241 1974. 19 75s 1976, 1979-81. Includes list of BPG members at January 1977. Papers for BPG annual meetings 1974-76, 1980-85. General correspondence and papers 1974-77, 1980-86. Includes 1974-77 correspondence re relations between BPG and the Royal Society. of 2 folders. 3 folders. F.247-F.249 Miscellaneous material various dates 1976-86. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. Papers for AGMs Chiefly Directors’ Reports and Accounts. Pugwash Limited, 61.987). Pugwash Newsletters. C9 80-81) 3. "vol.o19-nos .2<(L981) +" vol; vole22' no.4(1985).57. 1-3 20 mos 1, 3).:(1982-83): 19805; 19821983 F.247 F.248 a2 eno 34:(1975%)- vol 24 no 3. 1975 1974, 1976 Vol voir. £6 nos: F249 NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank F.251-F. 296 QUEEN ELIZABETH'’S HOSPITAL BRISTOL 1967-86 a was governor Frank independent school for boys From 1982 he was Chairman of years. of Queen Elizabeth’s in Bristol, Hospital, an from December 1961. two the Board of Governors for The material for School Committee meetings from 1971. is chiefly papers Board of Governors and F251 -F. 284 Agenda and papers for School Committee and Board meetings 1971- $3 W986: 31 folders. y t y y y f y p y y e h F F i F F F F i B F F i F rE F F ee So az ZS 254 5295 .256 254 e250 2259 . 260 . 261 , AOL 205 . 264 /265 . 266 1971. 1972 1:9 72 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976 LOL 19 1:7 1978 1978 L979 6 folders. F.283-F.288 January-February 1982. Correspondence re staffing (appointments, retirements etc.). Correspondence re membership of Board, various dates 1975-83. Includes correspondence re offer of chairmanship to Frank and his acceptance, Correspondence with parents, 1982, 1976-78 197921980 9625196 35,. LO8b F.286 BP. 207 F.288 196/7- 1967. g1961/: "205 . 284 . 285 GY) (2) -703)) NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Material re prizegivings, various dates 1970-83. With Frank's "Opening words for QEH Prizegiving" for 1982 and 1983, delivered as Chairman of the Governors. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. 1970-75. HM Inspectors on Queen 1967, Elizabeth Hospital School, Bristol" (inspected 22-26 October 19733): Includes "Report by “Includes invitation, May 1979 1976-80. Pittman, headmaster, to Frank to give a talk to the second year sixth- on his wartime experiences. Frank accepted, suggesting formers the title "Some recollections of scientific intelligence in World War II". from RUN. 1981-82. 1983 January, March. RED MAIDS'’ SCHOOL, BRISTOL James for scholarships 1983-92. 1983 May-November. J. Includes correspondence re benefaction from educational achievements. This was the third independent Bristol school with which Frank was associated. Correspondence laboratories on 15 October; address with manuscript corrections; new 4pp typescript draft of Frank's statistics of Red Maids’ 1981 re invitation to open the _ school’s NCUACS 15/8/89 E.Gs Frank ROYAL RADAR ESTABLISHMENT MALVERN 1968 Correspondence and papers re visit to Royal Radar Establishment by Optics and Infra-Red Committee, 27 March, and re meeting of Gallium Arsenide 18 November. Phosphide working Gallium party, and "The R.R.E. Electronic Materials Unit - sent to Frank by D.H. Parkinson, c.1968. An Interim Review", F.299-F .343 ROYAL SOCIETY 1963-86 Frank was elected a Fellow in He served on the Council 1967-69 and was elected a Vice-President of the Royal Society at his first Council meeting. Frank delivered the Bakerian Lecture in 1973 (see E.33, E.34) and was awarded the Society's Royal Medal in 1979 (A.26). 1954. The material is arranged as follows: Council and Committees Publications Sectional Committee 2 Elections, research appointments and awards Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Royal Society Club .341-F.34 the Paul Council, 1967-69. Council and Committees Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. For papers re Frank served as ee | an assessor 1970-72 and 1975-81, Instrument Fund Committee, for which see J.129- finance the Fellowship. Chiefly papers for meeting 10 June 1975. 14 August 1984 is about the dissolution of the committee, which had been redundant to Armourers and Braziers’ Company Research Fellowship Committee, LOL OT OSes. through lack Letter of of funds with which since 1976 NCUACS 15/8/89 FiC; Frank F. 30deF 2303 British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology, 1975-77. Frank was a member of the committee for the period covered by the surviving papers. 1975 correspondence re proposal for a biography of J.B. Hannay and related grant application. Agenda and papers for committee meeting, 12 December 1975. 1976 correspondence and papers arising from request from the History of Science Division of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of on national activities". Science report brief for "a Minutes of Committee meeting, 19 December 1977. British National Committee for Physics, various dates 19/70- 76. Frank was a member of this committee for 1973 and again 1976-81. a period ending in a member of this It in and from 1975. papers. "certificate" Includes,.1973° met Frank was infrequently, in 1974, to consider amendments and additions to the Society’s handbook Quantities, Units and Symbols. 1980 and 1984, committee Symbols Joint Committee, various dates 1968-84. Correspondence thanking Frank for his service on the committee. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. 1979-80 material includes correspondence re "typographical question" whether the two the Thompson notation should be in bold print. letters designating a vector NCUACS 15/8/89 PC. Frank F.306-F.315 Travelling Expenses Committee, 1968-84. Frank was a member of the committee 1967-69. F.306-F.309 Committee papers and related correspondence, 1968-69. 4 folders. P3506 e504 1968 January-May 1968 July-December F. 308 F309 1969 March 1969 July-October E. 3104p 312 Correspondence and papers re ad hoc committees to award travel grants for conferences. 3 folders BS 10 A Sh 1968 1969 fo Sk. 3 la Correspondence and papers re applications for individual travel grants supported or assessed by Frank. Zi folders - be S15 1968-74 F.314 L973 RG 1980 » Invitations publications, various dates 1975-86. Frank contribute to to Society Publications Correspondence re Associate Editorship, 1976, Correspondence and papers re Frank’s applications for travel grants. sciences 1973-77. Frank was an Associate Editor for the mathematical and physical to Royal 1977. NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank Be Sipe 323 Correspondence and reports re papers submitted to Society communicated or refereed by Frank. the Royal 6:.tolders: 3:48 FE B.S19 F..320 Various dates 1969-77 LOT 38 a Ck } L978: (C2) F327 322 P3235 19.73:-C3) 1979) 1981-87 and nd. 1980 Sectional Committee 2 Frank was a member of Sectional Committee 2 (for Physics) for the period covered by the papers B.324 8325 Correspondence and papers, 1970-72. 2 folders. Elections, research appointments and awards F.326-F.332 7 folders. he 320 POA /. F328 he329 1963-65, 1968-70 1972-75 1976-79 1980-81 ; : 1981 1982 1983-87 gave Material re Royal 6-7 June. Eo Frank was 1969, 1970. Chiefly 1969-70 correspondence re Royal 1967, Society/Science Research Council (SRC) cooperation on science education in schools, arising from a suggestion made by Frank that financial support could be offered to the more ambitious an organiser and Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Society Discussion Meeting on New 1963. Materials, the "Introductory talk on strength of polymers", Bibliog. 82 (see D.60). school science projects. NCUACS 15/8/89 re Royal Includes correspondence and D." (Dainton/Rothschild reports). LOT) j. 21972. Society discussion on Green Paper Cmnd.4814 "A Framework for Government Frank commented on R. the proposals in a letter of See also his draft at D.94, probably related to this. Folder also includes material re Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the measurement 10-12 and interpretation of changes of strain in May on "Dislocation models for fault creep processes", Bibliog. 115 (D.108). 31 December 1971. the Earth, chairman Frank paper 1972. gave was and a a E976 2 975s Society Soiree at which Frank and K.H.G. Ashbee exhibited their "low temperature mechanical memory engine". Chiefly correspondence re (See J.2). Royal 1975 Includes correspondence 19 76". Society discussion meetings on British participation in "Spacelab". Frank was approached "to suggest the name of whom we might approach to ask to help organize the scientific programme of the discussion meeting [on material behaviour in low gravity conditions] a scientist planned Royal re yy" is is re the 141. visit material 27-28 October. Frank chaired the 1982-83 material of delegation from 1977-79. 1977 material is chiefly re report of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting chaired by Lord Annan, including manuscript draft of Frank's letter commenting on the report. 1978 Chinese re Academy of Sciences. 1980-83. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Thermotropic Liquid Crystals: physics, chemistry and applications, first session and gave the "Introduction", Bibliog. Includes /pp typescript draft of Frank’s contribution with manuscript correction. 1980-82 Frank was elected a member of the Club in June 1973. Correspondence and papers for meetings. Royal Society Club 1973321975479 F.341-F.343 P.. 341 F342 3 folders. 1983-86 F.343 1984, 1986. NCUACS 15/8/89 PC.) Prank ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS Frank was elected a Fellow in December 1970. Material re election. form. Includes copy of Frank’s application F.345-F.375 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) 1967-79 Frank attended SRC meetings in 1968 as Royal Society assessor. He also served on the Physics Committee and refereed grant applications for the SRC. the Liquid Crystals Panel of The material is presented as follows F.345-F.352 F.353-F.360 F.361-F.371 Be572-F6375 Council Liquid Crystals Panel Grant Applications Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. Council in original covers, Papers for meetings April-December 1968 with related correspondence, notes and papers found with them. 3 folders. Apri May BJ a ly of the : a ; ae . 345 . 346 9347 . 348 Liquid Crystals Panel September October November December SRC Physics Committee was The Liquid Crystals Panel established in 1973 after consultation with Frank. The Panel, of which Frank was a member, held its first meeting 22 June at which it was agreed to send out a letter of enquiry on research in by universities, commercial companies and individual researchers. with later lp typescript amendment, February 1974. Correspondence 1972-73, principally with Sir Brian (later Lord) Flowers re establishment of Panel; Correspondence, notes and papers 1973, including 3pp typescript draft of Frank's "Introduction for liquid crystals report", being undertaken invitation to serve. the field of liquid crystals NCUACS 15/8/89 Draft reports on aspects of liquid crystal research prepared by Panel members. Papers for Panel meetings 1973-74. F.360). In original folders (except 5 folders. R35 5D 6 i B35 8 June 1973 October 1973 (1) 3 October 1973 (2) ; : 12 February 1974 12 February 1974 Grant Applications 11 folders. Mey op! 302 a303 . 364 20D 39.6.0 1969-71 OZ 1973-74 1974 97 3 GE) 19:7 52 2) : ; ‘ { i TST G3 ) 1975 (4) L975. (5) 1976 LIT 7-73 re the course on Perfect and £966, L967 LORL- 73. TO74. activities of SRC laboratories. correspondence Includes Correspondence and papers Miscellaneous correspondence and papers FO 7S. SRC Vacation Courses. Frank lectured on "Properties of dislocations and their role in equilibration" for Imperfect Crystals, Reading University, 10-28 September. LOD 19:7, 6: re proposed regrouping of NCUACS 15/8/89 F.C. Frank STANDING CONFERENCE OF PROFESSORS OF PHYSICS 1974-76 Papers for meetings. 3 folders. Ps 16 of 7 1974 Nov, 1975 Mar E378 1975 Nov, 1976 Mar 1975 June P37 9, e380 WEST OF ENGLAND METALS AND MATERIALS ASSOCIATION 1973-74 Frank served as President of the 1974 Presidential Address on "Crystals imperfect". the Association 1973-74, giving Correspondence 1973-74. nomination election. for the and Includes invitation to Frank to accept his confirming letter Presidency Papers for Council meetings, 1973-74.