FOX, Harold Munro v1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of PROFESSOR HAROLD MUNRO FOX, FRS (1889-1967) deposited in the College Archives, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London SW7 2AZ Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS All rights reserved Archives Centre (CSAC 10/4/74) y London WC2A 1HP 1974 ‘ csac a i 10/4/74 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of PROFESSOR HAROLD MUNRO FOX, F.R.S. (1889 ~ 1967) London Deposited in the College Archives, Imperial College of Science & Technology 1974 Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel H.M.F. C.S.A.C. 10/4/74 Description of the col The papers cover the years 1905 ~ 1967. All notebooks and lectures are manuscript with the exception of the scripts of Professor Fox's broadcast talks to schools. Professor Fox was an accomplished linguist; French,German and Italian as well-as Inglish,are used in the notebooks,lectures and correspondence; an appropriate indication is given in the handlist. ‘ Summary of the career of Professor Fox. es fan ele i ad iey ce bp. 1889 (at birth Harold Munro Fuchs; the form 'Fox' was used during service in the 1914— 13 War,and adopted by deed poll). 1902 Brighton College 1908 11. Caius College, Cambridge (Senior Scholar) 1914 1912 Plymouth Laboratory 1912 1913 1914 1919 14. 18 23 Naples Lecturer in Zoology,Royal College of Science, London (now Imperial College) War service in Balkans, lgypt,Salonika,Palestine Lecturer in Biology,Government School of Medicine,Cairo Ai 1931 1937 1941 1950 1953 1955 1920 - 28 Fellow,Caius College 1927 1924. 1926 Fellow of the Royal Society Editor, Biological Reviews Married Natalia Lvovna Mertens Zoological Expedition to Suez Canal Emeritus Professor, Bedford College,London Professor of Zoology, Birmingham University Professor of Zoology, Bedford College, London Fullerian Professor of Phystology,Royal Institution President,International Union of Biological Sciences Research Assistant and Fellow,Queen Mary College, London Darwin Medal,Royal Society Gold Medal,Linnean Society 1959 1966 H.M.F. C.S.A.C. 10/4/74 Contents of the handlist. a stn nes Siemens ae Biographical Notebooks and working papers Broadcast talks to schools IV. Vs VI. Lectures Publications Correspondence VII e Index to principal correspondents i. Biographical See Memoir, by J.8.Smith, Biographical Menoirs of Fellows Vol. 14, 1968, 207 the Royal Society, — 222 of + Misc.biographical material; photographs,menus and souvenirs of Brighton College,Caius College,Cambridge 1905 — 19113; social life in London 1936 — Misc. biographical material; M.A.Cambridge, 1919 Letter of thanks on retirement, Bedford College, 1954 Letters of thanks for lectures as Fullerian Professor,Royal Institution etc. 1956 — 57 1937 — 65 Notebooks and working papers. 1937 1948 1945 1954. 1959 1963 1965 Honours,Appointments and Awards ‘Army Book 152',inscribed 'H.M.F. Suez.Sept.1915! in front,geometrical theorems in Italian and French; at back, ‘An Introduction to Mathemetics by A.N.Whitehead. El Shatti, Suez-April 1916" and notes on books by Glazebrook,Soddy and others. Membre correspondant ,Soci€été de Biologie,Paris Associé,Académie Royale de Belgique Membre correspondant,Société Philomathique de Paris Professor limeritus, London Gold Medal,Linnean Society Pel low; Tnseivute of Biology Doctor,Honoris Causa,Bordeaux (with presentation speech by Dr. Robert Weill and biographical sketch by Fox) II Work on Spirogaphis at Banyuls, Birmingham, Tamaris,Naples suez Canal Expedition Oct.1924 to Jan 1925. Photographs, journal,scientific observations. 17 Laboratory notebooks numbered I I. Work on Chlorocruorin at Roscoff ,»Cambridge & Bi Lrhingham mT 9. (hs dab numbered 1 ~ 99 + 8 usbunbered pages at end) — XI by Munro Fox 1915, 1916 1924 ~— 25 1925 — 29 H.M.F. C.S.A.C. 10/4/74 9. III. Work at Tamaris (fol.1~9,in French), Birmingham (fol.1-20), Kristineberg (fol.1—10), Birmingham (fol. 1-24),Tamaris (fol. 1~12,inlFrench),Kristineberg (fol 1-16 in French and &nglish),Millport, Birmingham (fol.1-4) (fol.1~16),Tamaris Si a os ? ’ ’ : IV. Ve VI. ‘Pigment Lecturest on cover}; insi Tanaris, Birmingham (in French and BE nglish) ide,experimental observations Misc. expts.& observations on Daphnia,Oxygen Dissociation Curves,etc. 'Napoli,Agosto 1947. Chlorocruorin and Haemoglobin. ! ‘Partial Index! at end. VII. !Research Notes.August 1949 to September 1952.': with place—index on front page and subject~index at end. VIII.'Research Notes. September 1952 to August 1954. Bedford College.! IX. ‘Research Notes. August 1954. Arcachon. Queen Mary College. Pallanza. Split.' Xe ‘Book X. Ostracoda. Cladocera.’ (in Italian,Russian,German, French) ,with related correspondence. Le Book XT. Small notebook. (dated 1966 by Mrs. Munro Fox) 1934 t 1938 i 943 1947 1952 1954 1960 1965 1966 NeoGe 1960 — Work on Daphnia. Misc. working notes. 1943 — 49 1961 Misc. notes & working papers on Ostracods Notebokk 'Richerche',notes and ideas for experiments. Chirocephalus diaphanus. Correspondence following Fox's request for information in 'News for Naturalists.! Articles & bibliographies;notes on books read. Correspondence with D.J.Scourfield Correspondence with Metropolitan Water Board,Chelsea Physic Garden,Royal Botanic Garden,Kew. 61 'Funny Names.'; notes on scientific nomenclature of plants & aninals,& related correspondence. . Biology and Food. 12 talks Sept. — Dec. IiI. Broadcast talks to schools,1937 — 39. Biology in the Service of Man: Term ITI Biology in the Service of Man: Term I Typescript,some with MS. corrections 10 talks Jan — March Health. Talks for the Fourth Term. 12 talks Sept. — Dec. MF. C.S.A.C. 10/4/74 Biology in the Service of Man: 10 talks Jan — March Biology in the Service of Man Evolution. 8 talks May ~ June 1939 Jv 'Funny letters about broadcasts’ (mainly attacking Fox's mention of Darwin and Evolution in his broadcasts; some appreciative. ) WW Lectures. ANNELIDA. Lectures,practicals, ‘Extra Notes', 'Locomotion' BEHAVIOUR Lectures,practicals. Corresp: 0.#.Lowenstein COLORATION Lectures,practicals Cytological technique,Pharmacology, Biochemistry FISHES Lectures,practicals. Corresp: H.W.Lissman GEOLOGY HISTORY LUMINESCENCE MOLLUSCA VARIOUS POLYZOA Lectures,practicals PARASITISN PHYSIOLOGY STATISTICS Lectures,diagrams. Corresp: R.Whitney MUSCLES Lectures,practicals,diagrams REGENERATION Lectures,practicals,diagrams Lectures given at various places and dates. With photographs. Oxygen and Life Reminiscences of a Biologist Microspectroscopy The Moon and Life (2) Life between the Tide Marks ZOOGEOGRAPHY Lectures,diagrams ,drawings 1954 =— 55 ’ Notes for practicals 'SUEZ' H.M.F. C.S.A.C. 10/4/74 50A. Lectures on colour in anima (Imglish,French,German, Italie r ) espiratory pigments,blood,etc. V. Publications. 51. ‘The Nature of Animal Colours! by H.Munro Fox and Gwynne Vevers, London, 1960. Revision copy with Ms corrections & notes. thes Ostracodes dteau douce des environs d'Arcachon.! Article submitted and accepted for publication in Bull. dl. Soc. Zool. de France. Corrected typescript and correspondence (in French). ‘More new and interesting cyprids (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in Britain.' (J.Nat. Hist.) Ms left unfinished at Munro Fox's death and completed by J.Green and Barbara Gilchrist. Misc. publications — short notes,letters,obituaries etc. ViI.Correspondence. Professor Fox's filing of letters by unsorted letters have been put in date order where possible. o 4 topic or correspondent has been reserveds ? 55. 56. 57. on Longevity in invertebrates with T.Petkovski (in German) from G.Fryer with Frank Lambert on Pigments Comments on work and research projects. (to be consulted only with written permission of the Archivist) Correspondence re Fox's S.R.C.grant for work on freshwater Ostracods Biological Reviews includes Fox's history of Biological Reviews, 1956; Fox edited Biologival Reviews from 1926 until his death. personal and scientific correspondence with Mary Hazleton (Cave Research Group of Great Britain) with Dom Remack Rome 0.S.B. (in French) with Graziella Arrichini (in Italian) with Henri Gautier (in French) with colleagues in Yugoslavia Sek Ce 10/4/TA fea a a ~ and. undat ed al and scientific correspc personal and scientific corresponden 710 personal and scientific correspondenc 71. personal and scientific correspondence VII. Index to principal correspor Nos. refer to Items HI ATDRE, Marc RT A RDO ;raul ARRICHINI,Graxiella ASCOLI,Pierre ER,Dennis CANNON ,H,Grahan, FRS CARDOT,H. CHAPLIN, Arthur (Viscount ) CLARK ,R.B. RWEN,R. FP. COULSON,Charles A. FRS de BEER,Sir Gavin Rylands DELORME, Le DOHRN ,Peter CLEGG, John CLITANDRE,S. FAURE-FREMIET, Emmanuel FRS FAGH, Louis FALK, John GALLIFORD,A. D. FOX,Denis FREEMAN , Paul PRYER,G. GAUTIER ,Henri GILCHRIST, Barbara GOLDSCHMIDT , Elizabeth GOODWIN,L. re GORDON. I. HARTMANN , G HARTREE,E. , Mary HAZLETON HELLER, Emilia HEMMING ,Francis HILL,M. B. HILL,Robert(Robin) FRS HOGBEN Lancelot FRS HORNE, John Eric HRBACEK, J. gantaktx, ant. KNAPP—FISHER yd « LAMBERT , Frank LASER ,H. LATTINMER ,Nevill KURIAN,C. Ve KERR, John Graham KEILIN,David FRS Je LOWENSTEIN ,Otto Egon LISSMAN ,Hans Werner MONRO ,C. MOORE ,H. FRS FRS MANN ,K. H. MASCHLER , Tom MENAKER , Walter LE BRETON,E. LOFFLER ,Heinz C. yyy Add ' Terence MORTON , John MOSS , Frank MUNDIE,J. Harold MURALT A. von NIELSEN, Anker PARRY, J. PETKOVSKI,T?. H. POISSON , Elizabeth RAMAZOTTI , Giuseppe REDFIELD, Alfred C. ROME,Dom Remack OSB ROOTS , Be I. ROSS ,Helen &. ROTHSCHILD,Hon. Miriam 69 : 61 70 62 70 te 24. a 71 20 eA 67 68 69 46 TRIEBER,E. TURNER , Joseph TABENKIN ,B. TIFFON , Yves TONNOLLI , Vittorio 68 70 71 68,69,71 ce SCHMITT Waldo L. SCOURFIELD,D. SMITH,Sir William Wright SPROSTON Nora G. 60 WARBURTON ,P. WHITNEY ,Reg. TONNOLLI, Livia WILSON , Douglas ZWILLING ,K.