Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Brian Hilton Flowers FRS, Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster (b. 1924) VOLUME II Sections F- G NCUACS catalogue no. 76/5/98 by Adrian Nardone and Alan Hayward B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.686 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CATCHING UP WITH EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND CERN (EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH) COMMISSION ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR COMPUTER BOARD FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH COUNCILS F.31-F.67 F.68-F.179 F.192-F.271 HOUSE OF LORDS F.185-F.191 F.272-F.294 F.298-F.310 F.180-F.184 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION HUNGARIAN ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE See F.2-F.28 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS F.311-F.327 LLOYD’S OF LONDON TERCENTENARY F.295-F.297 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.328-F.346 LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE F.347 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE F.348-F.422 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX F.423-F.522 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.523-F.556 PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE F.557-F.579 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS F.580-F.587 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION F.588-F.599 ROYAL SOCIETY F.600-F.651 F.652-F.661 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE F.662-F.686 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Flowers was Chairman of a Working Party, originally set up by the Advisory Council on Applied Research and Development (ACARD) to examine the industrial implications of the future UK nuclear programme. This work continued after ACARD was reconstituted as the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST) in August 1987. 51pp typescript ACOST report, ‘The industrial impact of Sizewell ‘B’, December 1987. 21 CATCHING UP WITH EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND and HUNGARIAN ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE 1991-1995 F.2-F.19 ‘Hungarian Correspondence’ F.20-F.22 Meetings F.23-F.28 selected the Advisory Board of Flowers served on the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC), 1993-1994. HAC’s primary purpose was to oversee the establishment Hungarian universities. Ph.D. programmes at accreditation and of university activities Background material Flowers was Honorary President of the Advisory Board of the Catching Up with European Higher Education Fund (CEF), 1991-1993. In 1993 the CEF was reformed and he served as a member of the Board of Trustees until the following year. The CEF’s purpose was ‘to award supplementary grants to enable in Hungary to develop in modern directions’ (Lord Flowers, private communication, 1 May 1998). reference. Correspondence relating to Flowers’s involvement with both the Catching Up with European Higher Education Fund and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee was kept together in a file inscribed ‘Hungarian Correspondence’. This correspondence has been divided into eighteen folders for ease of The correspondence about Flowers’s association with these two separate organisations was kept together because of the common link to Hungarian higher education. ‘Hungarian Correspondence’ 1991-1995 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 July-August. Includes correspondence re acceptance of the honorary presidency of the CEF Advisory Board; correspondence and itinerary re arrangements for Lord and Lady Flowers to visit Hungary, 29 August-5 September 1991; newspaper cutting (in Hungarian) mentioning Flowers, 31 August 1991. 1991 September-October. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Flowers’s attendance at meeting of CEF Curatorium, Budapest, Hungary, 21-22 October 1991: correspondence re applications for CEF funding. 1991 November. 1992 January. Includes correspondence re the handling of the CEF’s affairs and the drafting of a ‘Call for Applications’; correspondence re arrangements for Lord and Lady Flowers to visit Hungary, June 1992. 1992 April-May. 1992 February-March. Correspondence re arrangements to visit Hungary, June 1992 and re CEF business. The purpose of the visit to Hungary was to attend an Academia Europaea conference, a CEF Curatorium meeting (both held in Budapest) and to visit a number of higher education institutions. 1992 June. the Includes correspondence re programme and for correspondence re arrangements to visit Hungary, June 1992. World a proposed public the CEF health programme in Hungary; support Bank’s for B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 July. 2pp typescript letter from Flowers to J. Maddox re inaccuracies in article ‘Hungarian science confronts its past’, with copies of related material. a Nature 1992 August-September. 1992 October. Includes correspondence re CEF board meeting, 28 October 1992. Flowers was unable to attend the meeting but sent a 3pp fax message for distribution to members of the Advisory Board. 1992 November-December. Includes invitation for Flowers to serve on a committee charged with the preparation of guidelines for the selection and evaluation of CEF projects (accepted); correspondence re the CEF’s assessment procedures. correspondence Includes Accreditation Committee and Advisory Board, 1-2 March 1993; 4pp typescript version of a paper, ‘PhD study in Britain’, given by Flowers at the meeting. Hungarian meeting the of re 1993 January. 1993 February-March. Includes invitation for Flowers to become a member of the Advisory Board of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (accepted); correspondence re arrangements to visit Hungary for the CEF Curatorium meeting, 27 January 1993 (see also F.20, F.21) and re the CEF’s assessment procedures. Hungary re the possible conferring of an honour. Correspondence between Flowers and J.A. British Ambassador to 1993 March. Birch, B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1993 April-August. Includes correspondence re the establishment of the CEF in Hungarian law; invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the CEF’s Board of Trustees (accepted). 1993 December-1994 March. first Plenary Meeting of HAC’s Advisory Includes correspondence etc Board, 28 February 1994 (Flowers attended); invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the Committee’s Advisory Board (accepted). re 1994 June-September. Includes papers re meeting of CEF Board, 2 July 1994 (Flowers was unable to attend); letter of resignation by Flowers from CEF Board, 7 August 1994. 1994 December-1995 January. E.20;E.24 2 folders. F.23-F.28 Includes letter December 1994. of resignation by Flowers from HAC Advisory Board, 11 1993-1994 F.20-F.22 Meetings re meeting of the CEF Curatorium, 27 January 1993 (some Papers annotations). Typescript extract minutes of the CEF board session, 26 February 1994. 6 folders Background material on higher education in Hungary etc. F.23-F.28 Background material 1991-1992, n.d. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations CERN (EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH) 1960-1963 Three CERN press releases, 1960; brief correspondence re circulation of the Report of the Amaldi Working Party, 1963. COMMISSION ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT The Commission on Energy and the Environment was appointed in March 1978 by the Secretaries of State for Energy, the Environment, Scotland and Wales. Flowers served as Chairman of the Commission, 1978-1981. In its 1981 report, Coal and the Environment, the Commission stated: ‘Our major effort has been concentrated on a study of the longer term environmental implications of coal production, supply and use in the United Kingdom looking to the period around and beyond the end of the century, including likely new technologies and conversion to other fuels and raw materials’. F.31-F.67 1991-1994 F.31-F.47 Correspondence Coal and the Environment, HMSO, 1981. COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR Flowers served as Chairman of the Committee of Enquiry, 1992-1993. The Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of the Academic Year was established in September 1992. The review of the academic year was jointly commissioned by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), the Standing Conference of Higher Education Funding Councils for England (HEFCE) and Wales (HEFCW) and the Department of Education for Northern Ireland. Principals (SCOP), the F.48-F.50 Reports F.51-F.67 Background material B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.31-F.47 Correspondence 1992-1994 The correspondence was ‘Funding Council Correspondence’ and has been divided into seventeen folders for ease of reference. inscribed folder kept in a 1992 July. Includes correspondence (annotated) re the organisation of the review of the academic year, with draft terms of reference. 1992 11 August-9 September. Includes correspondence re experiences of methods of structuring the academic year; the organisation of the academic year. press releases re the enquiry into draft and final 1992 10-23 September. 1992 October. 1992 23-25 September. 1992 25-29 September. Includes correspondence resulting from the press release announcing the enquiry into the academic year; 5pp typescript draft paper (annotated by Flowers) setting out issues to be addressed by the Committee of Enquiry. the University of London. Includes correspondence re the future organisation of the academic year at 1992 December. 1992 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1993 January-March. Includes typescript minutes of meeting of the Committee of Enquiry, 11 December 1992, with 2pp typescript paper ‘Models for the re-organisation of the academic year’ attached. 1993 7-24 April. correspondence Vice- Includes Chancellors and Principals at the HEFCE Annual Conference, Birmingham, 6 April 1993 and the Committee of Enquiry’s interim report. presentation Flowers’s English re to 1993 22-30 April. Includes correspondence and copies of newspaper cuttings re Flowers’s presentation at the HEFCE Annual Conference, Birmingham, 6 April 1993. 1993 May-June. 1993 August. 1993 November. 1993 September-October. Includes correspondence re models for the structure of the academic year. Includes correspondence re the Committee of Enquiry’s recommendations for the future of accelerated degrees; 3pp typescript draft brief for Baroness Blatch, Minister of State, Department of Education, on the Committee’s work for a meeting on 18 October 1993 (see also F.49). 1994 January-April. Correspondence, copies of newspaper articles etc Enquiry’s final report. re the Committee of 1993 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.48-F.50 Reports 1993 F.48 Review of the Academic Year: Interim Report for Consultation, April 1993. This report was produced by the Committee of Enquiry. ‘Report for Baroness Blatch and typescript, October 1993. Mr Boswell. 18 October 1993’, 3pp See F.44 for an almost identical version of this document. The Review of the Academic Year, HEFCE, November 1993. Includes December 1993. intercalated press release re the launch of the report on 1 This is the final report of the Committee of Enquiry. F.51-F.67 Background material 1991-1993 F.68-F.179 1966-1967 17 folders. F.51-F.67 Background material. F.68-F.117 Main correspondence COMPUTER BOARD FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH COUNCILS in 1967. Flowers served as Chairman of the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils, 1966-1970 and its Large Machine Working Party set up F.172-F.178 | ‘Booklets and brochures’ F.118-F.120 General correspondence F.121-F.140 Subject files EATS Circulation list F.141-F.171 Meetings B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations The Computer Board the recommendations by the Working Group on Computers for Research (of which Flowers was Chairman), set up by the University Grants Committee and the Council for Scientific Policy. established result 1966 was as of in a See F.172 for a copy of the Report of the Working Group on Computers and F.652-F.661 for material relating to the University Grant Committee’s Interim Computer Panel, which operated between the publication of the report and the establishment of the Computer Board. F.68-F.117 Main correspondence 1966-1967 The main correspondence sequence includes correspondence relating to applications to the Board together with copies of applications by universities, proposals by computer companies, papers for meetings and reports of meetings 1966 March-June. Includes correspondence re the recruitment of Americans to fill vacancies in British computing laboratories; correspondence re University of Edinburgh building proposals; invitation for Flowers to take on chairmanship of the Computer Board (accepted). 2 folders. 1966 4-19 July. 1966 20-21 July. Includes correspondence re membership of the Computer Board. Papers re Flowers’s visit to University of Edinburgh, 25 July 1966. University of London. Includes correspondence re membership of the Computer Board; copies of the Computer Board’s constitution and the proposed financial arrangements covering the operations; correspondence re computing facilities 1966 19 July-8 August. its at B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 2-17 August. Includes 2pp typescript report by A.V. Cohen of meeting with Ministry of Technology employees on 2 August 1966 entitled ‘Implementation of the Likely Flowers computers’; _ brief the University of London’s computing requirements; correspondence re minutes Policy Committee meeting, 25 July 1966 (Flowers attended as an observer). Computing availability Edinburgh Regional Report. Centre of of largest 1966 6-19 August. Typescript proposal by the Universities of Newcastle and Durham for a joint computer system, with related correspondence. 1966 17-31 August. Includes ‘A regional configuration’, 15pp typescript paper by J.G. Laski, with related correspondence. 1966 22 August-5 September. 1966 5-14 September. 1966 31 August-1 September. Includes correspondence re plans for computer facilities in Manchester. Typescript proposal by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield for a new digital computer, with related correspondence. Correspondence arising from the first meeting of the Computer Board, 2 September 1966, including correspondence re the University of London computer situation. configuration’, with 2pp typescript notes attached. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966; correspondence re the proposal by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield for a new digital computer; letter to Flowers re J.G. Laski’s paper ‘A regional 1966 15-26 September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 21-30 September. Typescript application by Queen Mary College, London for a general purpose College computer, with related correspondence 1966 23 September. ‘Computer education’. Typescript copy of an interdepartmental working group report so entitled, sent to Flowers with covering letter. 1966 23-30 September. 30 September, n.d. Papers re meeting between representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966. 1966 3-11 October. 1966 11-17 October. 1966 14-17 October. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to become a founder member of a proposed Institution of Computer Sciences and Cybernetics; 2pp typescript proposal by the Medical Research Council to order a computer for work on molecular structure at Oxford, with covering letter. London’s computer requirements. Correspondence re the application to the Computer Board by Queen Mary College, London. Papers re the meeting between representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966. 1966 18 October-2 November. Includes correspondence re Computer Board’s decision on the University of B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 1-8 November. Includes papers re a Parliamentary Question put down by P. Horden MP for oral answer on 10 November 1966. 1966 15-24 November. Includes brief correspondence re issue of charging universities for computer time; typescript application by University of Bradford for computer equipment. 1966 24 November-2 December. Includes correspondence re the computing needs of universities in the south- west and re the cost of operating regional computer centres. 1966 5-12 December, n.d. Papers re a Parliamentary Question put down by J. Ellis MP for oral answer on 10 November 1966. 1966 6-23 December. 1967 4-27 January. 1967 23-24 January. 1966 22-30 December. Includes correspondence re Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre and re computer systems at the Universities of Bradford, Essex and Lancaster. Clarke, University of Manchester, with related letter. Includes correspondence improve computer facilities at the University of London and correspondence re the Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre. ‘Computing requirements of the hospital and medical school’. Report, by D.E. 1967 16-27 January. re financial resources available to B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 25 January-8 February. Includes 2pp typescript proposal to upgrade computer at University College, London. 1967 30 January. ‘1908 Technical Report for University of London’. 36pp typescript with card cover by International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT). 1967 3-13 February. Includes correspondence re funds for a large machine in London. 1967 14-21 February, n.d. Includes papers re first meeting of the Large Machine Working Party, 28 February 1967. 1967 20 February. Flowers attended part of this meeting. 1967 3-9 March. Includes correspondence re the ICT 1908 computer system. ‘Computer Policy. Note of third meeting held in Joint Parliamentary Secretary (Dr. Bray)’s office on 16 February 1967’. 4pp typescript so entitled. Includes correspondence re arrangements for meeting of representatives of the University of London and the Computer Board, 10 March 1967; typescript draft minutes of first meeting of the Large Machine Working Party with related correspondence. 1967. 1967 17-31 March. 1967 ca March. Papers re second meeting of the Large Machine Working Party, 31 March B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 31 March-10 April, n.d. Includes correspondence re the London Regional Centre; ‘The design of the 1908 Computer’, 4pp typescript by D.W. Davies with related correspondence and diagrams; 2pp typescript copy of application for computer equipment by the University of Sussex. 1967 11-14 April, n.d. Includes typescript draft minutes of second meeting of the Large Machine Working Party; manuscript notes by L.F. Rutterford re the 1908 computer system etc; papers re application by University of London for a CDC 6600 computer. 1967 17-24 April. Includes correspondence re proposal to install a CDC 6600 computer at the University of London and the related building problem. 1967 25 April-16 May. Includes correspondence re computing at the University of Birmingham. 1967 2-3 May. Papers re meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), 8 May 1967. Includes copy of EELM ‘Extracts’, summarising the Company's proposals for computing facilities for the South West Region. London; correspondence re the design of the ICT 1908 computer system. Includes papers re the costs of installing a CDC 6600 at the University of London. Includes correspondence re the CDC 6600 proposal by the University of 1967 2-13 May. 1967 15 May-5 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 ca June. Papers sent by D.W. Davies re a national data communication network. 1967 2-8 June. Includes correspondence re provision of London. a CDC 6600 for the University of 1967 16 June. Papers re a possible multi-access computer for Imperial College, London. 1967 20-29 June. Includes correspondence re proposal for University of London to rent a CDC 6600 and re tentative proposals for Imperial College, London to acquire a new computer. 1966-1967 Material found in two files marked ‘General’. ‘General’. Contents of file so inscribed, November 1966. 1967 4-6 July. 1967 7-26 July. F.118-F.120 General correspondence Includes correspondence re proposal for University of London to rent a CDC 6600. reference, January-May 1967. Includes brief correspondence re applications to the Computer Board; letter to the Computer Board from A. Kirk re deficiencies in KDF9 software. F119 320 ‘General’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into two folders for ease of B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 January-February. Includes invitation for Flowers to address a Manchester Business School course, July 1967 (declined). 1967 March, May. Includes correspondence re Elliott-Automation Computers Ltd and re large computers. F.121-F.140 Subject files 1966-1967 Material kept in these subject files includes correspondence, papers for Computer Board meetings, reports, manuscript notes etc. Inscriptions on the files have been reproduced in the entries below. F.135-F.140 were found in numbered files. These numbers relate to the agenda items for the third meeting of the Computer Board, 18 November 1966. 3 folders. 4 folders. F.125-F.128 F.121-F.123 ‘Computer February 1967. Board - Edinburgh University’, September-October 1966, Papers re proposed Manchester Regional Computer Centre. ‘Computer Board - Manchester University’, September 1966. Correspondence and papers re Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre. ‘Computer Board - Software. KDF9’, September-November 1966, May 1967. Papers (annotated) re interviews on 29 September and 21 October 1966. ‘Senior Principal Scientific Officer Interviews. Friday 21st Oct. 1966’. Papers re KDF9 Software Project etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations ‘Computer Board - Data Transmission’, October 1966. Paper re the General Post Office’s transmission facilities correspondence. with related ‘International Comp. Centre’, October-November 1966. Correspondence re arrangements for S.R. Thakore of the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India to visit computer facilities in England. ‘Computer Board - Newcastle and Durham’, October 1966, n.d. Paper for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966, re proposal to buy a new computer for the universities of Newcastle and Durham etc. ‘Computer Board - NERC’ (Natural Environment Research Council), October 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966, re NERC proposal to purchase computers and data systems. ‘Computer Board - Bristol’, October 1966. Submission (annotated) for the provision of a new computer at Bath. ‘Computer Board -13 - Bristol, Bath and Exeter Universities’, October 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966 re University of Bristol’s computer requirements etc. University of Oxford, with covering letter. ‘Computer Board - 15 - Cardiff University Financial Submission’, October- November 1966. Application for a small computer for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Papers re application for Cardiff. a supplementary grant for University College, ‘Computer Board - October 1966. 17 - Oxford (Phys.Chem.Lab) Computer Proposal’, B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations ‘Computer Board - 19 - College of Aeronautics - Cranfield’, November 1966. Paper for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, re application for a computer by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield etc. ‘Computer Board - 20 - Creation by French Govt. new post for Delegate General for ADP [Automatic data Processing]’, November 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, with related correspondence. ‘Computer Board - 21 - Any Other Business’, November 1966. Includes paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, re the Universities 4100 Group. F.141-F.171 Meetings 1966-1967 The following sequence of material was found together in a file labelled ‘Computer Board. Papers for mtgs.’ and has been divided into 31 folders for ease of reference. First meeting of the Computer Board, London, 2 September 1966. Agenda and papers for meeting. Papers relating to meetings can also be found within the subject files and the main correspondence. The papers have been arranged by meeting, in chronological order. The material includes papers for meetings, reports of meetings etc. See also F.135-F.140 Third meeting of the Computer Board, London, 18 November 1966. Agenda and papers for meeting. Second meeting of the Computer Board, London, 14 October 1966. Agenda and papers for meeting. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations Meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and representatives of the University of Manchester, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and the Manchester area, University of Manchester, 2 December 1966. institutions university other in Manuscript agenda (in Flowers’s hand); typescript minutes of meeting. Meeting between J.K. Steward (a member of the Computer Board) and IBM representatives, USA, 6 December 1966. Typescript report, 5 January 1967. the KDF9 Software Project between representatives of Meeting on the Computer Board and English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), London, 8 December 1966. Typescript notes and proposed agenda for the meeting by K.W. Morton, 1 December; formal agenda, 5 December. F.147-F.150 Fourth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 13 January 1967. Agenda and papers for meeting. 4 folders. the Fl523F2153 Agenda and papers for meeting. Fifth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 10 February 1967. Meeting between Computer Board members and representatives of University of London, 2 February 1967. Agenda and typescript notes for meeting. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT), London, 1 March 1967. 2 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from English Electric-Leo Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), London, 1 March 1967. Agenda and typescript notes for meeting. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from Automation Ltd, London, 2 March 1967. Elliott- Agenda and typescript notes etc for meeting. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from International Business Machines Ltd (IBM), London, 2 March 1967. Agendas and typescript notes for meeting. Sixth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 10 March 1967. Agenda and papers for meeting. F.161-F.163 Eighth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 12 May 1967. Papers for meeting (agenda missing). 3 folders. Agenda and papers for meeting. 2 folders. F.159, F160 Seventh meeting of the Computer Board, London, 14 April 1967. Agenda and typescript notes for the meeting etc. Agenda and papers for meeting, including submission by the University of Aston, Birmingham. Ninth meeting of the Computer Board, Schuster Laboratory, University of Manchester, 16 June 1967. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from the Univac Division Sperry Rand Ltd, London, 20 June 1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.166-F.169 Tenth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 11 July 1967. Agenda and papers for meeting. 4 folders. Meeting between representatives universities and colleges of the South West, [12 July 1967]. the Computer Board of and of the Typescript notes for the meeting. Typescript financial forecast (found loose amongst the papers), ca 1967. F.172-F.178 ‘Booklets and brochures’ 1966-1967 The following material was found together in a folder inscribed ‘Booklets and Brochures’. It consists of published background material and proposals drawn up by computer manufacturers. the Working Group (also referred to as the F172 F.174 FAf2sFA73 Background material, 1966-1967. F.174-F.178 Proposals by computer manufacturers, 1966-1967. A report of a Joint Working Group on Computers for Research, HMSO, 1966. Flowers was Chairman of Flowers Committee) which produced this report. Other background material (front pages only have been retained for most of these publications), 1966-1967. Technology, ca 1966. Elliott Automation Computers Ltd to the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford, September 1966. International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT) to the Bath University of B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 F.176-F.178 Societies and organisations English Electric-Leo Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM) to the South West Universities, comprising the University of Bath, the University of Bristol, the University and Monmouthshire, Cardiff and the Welsh College of Advanced Technology, Cardiff, February 1967. University College Exeter, Wales South the of of 3 folders. Circulation list Circulation list for Computer Board papers, n.d. F.180-F.184 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1973-1978 in by of F.180-F.184 promoting exchanges of in fundamental research, it was agreed of In September 1973 academies and research councils of sixteen European countries to set up the European Science Foundation (ESF). Flowers played a leading role in the establishment of the ESF in November 1974 and served as its President from then until 1980. representatives principle Press Cuttings’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five ‘ESF/2 folders for ease of reference, 1973-1978. The material consists of press cuttings, press releases, journal articles etc. (including some in French and German) re the ESF and related matters. in Strasbourg, France, in The Foundation’s inaugural meeting was held the Foundation included advancing co- November 1974. The aims operation research workers, contributing to the free circulation of ideas and information and harmonising the activities of member bodies. 1975 October-November. Includes cuttings etc re the establishment of the ESF. 1975 January-June. 1973-1974. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1976-1977. F.185-F.191 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1991-1993 Flowers served on University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1991-1993. President's Advisory Board of the the Hong Kong 1991 January-February. Includes invitation to serve on the President’s Advisory Board (accepted). 1991 March. 1991 July-October. 1991 December-1992 January. Includes correspondence re other possible appointments to the Advisory Board. Includes draft outline report of the inaugural meeting of the President’s Advisory Board, 8-9 October 1991. Correspondence re arrangements for the visit of Flowers to Hong Kong for the inaugural meeting of the President’s Advisory Board and the University’s opening ceremony, 8-13 October 1991. two papers on HKUST administration (annotated with Flowers’s comments). 1992 March. Includes brief correspondence re HKUST matters; executive summaries for B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 May-November. Correspondence re arrangements for Flowers to attend the second meeting of the President's Advisory Board, Hong Kong and visit Guilin, China, 24 November-4 December 1992. 1992 November-1993 March. Includes brief correspondence re a proposed science park for Hong Kong; letter of thanks for Flowers’s service to HKUST. F.192-F.271 HOUSE OF LORDS 1979-1996 Flowers was created a life peer in 1979 as Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster. See A.77-A.109 for material relating to the award of the peerage and section D for copies of Flowers’s speeches in the House of Lords. F.216-F.271 1979 May. F.192-F.215 1979 February-April, n.d. General correspondence F.192-F.215 | General correspondence Select Committee for Science and Technology 2 folders. Includes informal invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the Sub Committee European Communities. motion on shortages of relating to Viscount Hanworth’s 1979 July, September. Papers materials. Select Committee F.194, F.195 on Energy of the on the 1979-1983 raw B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1979 December. 1980 January-February. 1980 May. 11pp typescript speech by Flowers (annotated), House of Lords, 1 May 1980, contributing to the debate on the Report of the European Communities Committee on energy objectives for 1990 and convergence of the policies of Member States, with related correspondence. 1980 June. Papers re Lord Flowers’s question in the House of Lords about academic salaries, 25 June 1980. 1980 July. 1981 January. 1981 March-May. 1981 June. 1982 January-February. 1980 November-December. 1982 March. Includes correspondence etc re the costs of University education. 1981 October-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1982 April-May. Includes correspondence re the future of the Princes Risborough Laboratory of the Building Research Establishment; correspondence re the House of Lords debate on Coal and the Environment, the report by the Commission on Energy and the Environment (of which Flowers was Chairman). 1982 June-July. 1982 August-September. 1982 October. 1982 October-November. 1982 November. 1982 November-1983 April. 1982 December-1983 February. F.216-F.271 Select Committee for Science and Technology 1990-1996 Correspondence and papers re the Abortion Act 1967 (Amendment) Bill. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s re-appointment as a Vice-President of the Institution of Environmental Health Officers. Background material Flowers served as Chairman of the Select Committee for Science and Technology, 1989-1993. F.216-F.265 | Correspondence F.266-F.271 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.216-F.265 Correspondence 1990-1996 F.216 1990 June, August. 1990 5 September-4 October. Includes brief correspondence re a proposed national bioethics body. 1990 27 September, 6 October. Correspondence re the corporate plan London. of the Natural History Museum, 1990 1-31 October. Includes correspondence re the Natural History Museum. 1991 2-8 January. 1991 24 January-12 February. 1990 November-December, n.d. Includes correspondence re the Natural History Museum and systematic biology. Includes correspondence re the possible closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire. the letter on 13 March. Includes letter by Flowers to the Editor of The Times re an article on the UK manufacturing industry, with correspondence resulting from the publication of a paper by B. Denness on global climate 1991 13 February-9 March. Includes correspondence re change. 1991 3-21 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 8-21 March. 1991 20-28 March. Includes copies of newspaper cuttings re the report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Science Budget 1991-1992. 1991 27 March-19 April. Papers re an exchange between Sir lan Lloyd MP and Peter Lilley MP, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, on UK Government funded civil research and development. 1991 2-15 April. Includes correspondence re the House of Lords Committee on Science and Technology, Science Budget 1991-1992. report the by Select the privatisation of the British Technology 1991 8 May. 1991 13 May-7 June. 1991 12 April-11 May. Includes correspondence re Group. Typescript notes re membership of the Select Committee on Science and Technology. parliamentary question by Flowers re University Funding Council funding. Includes correspondence re the closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire. Includes correspondence re topics to be considered by the Select Committee a on Science and Technology; written answer by Baroness Blatch 1991 10 June-24 July. to B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 24 July-25 August. Correspondence re the closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory. 1991 14 October-22 November. 1991 6-30 November. 1991 27 November-1992 7 January. Includes correspondence re remarks by Kenneth Clarke MP, Secretary of State for Education and Science, about the Select Committee on Science and Technology’s report in 1987 on UK Space Policy. 1992 7-27 January. the report by the House of Lords 1992 27 January-15 February. Includes correspondence re a meeting with Kenneth Clarke MP concerning remarks by him about science, arranged by Sir lan Lloyd MP for 12 February 1992 (Flowers unable to attend). Includes correspondence re Select Committee on Committee Work of the House; written answer by Baroness Denton of Wakefield to a parliamentary question by Flowers re the grant-in- aid to the Science and Engineering Research Council for 1992-1993. 1992 4-18 March. 1992 21-29 February. 1992 12-25 February. 1992 4 March. Recommendation. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 26, 30 March. Correspondence re the use of the European Science Foundation by the Commission of the European Communities as an agent for supporting EEC programmes of basic research. 1992 April. 1992 May. 1992 June. 1992 July-September. Includes correspondence re the House of Lords debate, 9 July 1992, on systematic biology research in Select Committee on Science and Technology report Innovation in Manufacturing Industry. UK; correspondence re the the 1992 October-November. 1993 3 February-12 March. 1992 December-1993 January. Includes brief correspondence between Flowers and J. Major MP, Prime Minister re public expenditure on the science base. 1993 21 April-1 May. Includes correspondence re the future Section of the British Embassy, Washington DC, USA. 1993 10 March-15 April. of the Science and Technology B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1993 14 May-9 June. Correspondence between Flowers and William Waldegrave MP, Minister of Public Service and Science re research and development in forensic science and re the White Paper ‘Realising our potential. A strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology’. 1993 4 June-5 July. 1993 2, 6 July. 1993 13-22 July. 1993 26 July. Letter re future Select Committee matters. 1993 September-October. 1993 November-December. 1994 January-February. Includes 6pp typescript background notes on medical research by S. Rodger for circulation to the Select Committee, with related correspondence. Includes correspondence re the Select Committee report Priorities for the Science Base and re Ph.D. training. 1994 March-April. 1994 3, 17 February. Recommendations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1994 June-December. Includes correspondence re report by the NHS Task Force on Supporting Research and Development in the NHS. 1996. Includes correspondence re the need for a major study of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ and re the Select Committee report Information Society: Agenda for Action in the UK. F.266-F.271 Background material. 1991 ,-n.d: 6 folders. 1990-1997 F.272-F.294 1990 September-October. IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON Correspondence relating largely to various Imperial College matters and former colleagues of Flowers. Flowers was Rector of Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1973- 1985. Scrddinger Lecture on science policy. Includes correspondence re the sponsorship appeal for the 1992 Scrédinger the Lecture College’s 1993 (Flowers approached companies on 1991 September-1992 April. 1991 March-April. behalf); invitation (accepted) for Flowers to give the at Imperial College B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 February-March. Correspondence re the Rectorship of Imperial College. 1992 May-July. Correspondence re the Furse House Appeal etc. Flowers was a member of the Appeal Committee. 1992 August-September. Includes brief correspondence re J. Sutton. 1992 2-15 October. Includes letter by Flowers, withdrawing from the 1993 Scrédinger Lecture. 1992 27 November-22 December. 1993 February-May. 1993 June-November. 1992 23, 24 October. 1992 26 October-9 November. Correspondence re the relationship of Imperial College to the University of London etc. 1994 February-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1994 March-July. Includes correspondence re Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology. 1994 August-November. 1994 September. 1995 February-July. 1995 June. 1995 December-1996 February. Correspondence re the Royal Postgraduate Medical School Council etc. 1996 March. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to chair an advisory committee set up in connection with a proposed Salters’ A Level Physics Course. 1996 September-December. Includes invitation for Flowers to become a Member of the Graduate School of the Environment (accepted); 2pp typescript notes by Flowers re Imperial College’s draft Charter. 1997 June-October. 1997 January-March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.295-F.297 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1984-1990 Flowers was a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and served as President, 1972-1974. 1984. Election etc. 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re the Institute’s awards. 1988-1990. Award etc. F.298-F.310 1957-1966 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) Flowers was a member of an ad hoc committee, 1957-1960, investigating the possible formation of a low energy nuclear physics commission within IUPAP. Following its establishment in 1960 he served as a member of IUPAP’s Low Energy Nuclear Physics Commission until 1966. physics etc. Correspondence re the formation of a commission on low energy nuclear Correspondence re the formation of physics, including possible membership and activities. a commission on low energy nuclear 1957 December. 1958 May, June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1958 September-December. Correspondence re arrangements for Sweden, 24-25 November 1958 (cancelled) and nuclear physics conferences. a committee meeting in Uppsala, international re future 1959 September. 2pp typescript report of the committee for low energy nuclear physics, with related correspondence. F.302, F.303 1960. Includes papers re the 10th General Assembly of IUPAP, Ottawa, Canada, 7-9 September 1960. Flowers was a member of the UK delegation. 2 folders. 1961 June-September. 1964 May. 1962 September-December. 1963 October-1994 January. Correspondence re the availablilty of funds for British physicists to attend international meetings on low energy nuclear physics. Physics Commission, Paris, 6 July 1964. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics: General Information and Report of the General assembly, Warsaw, 1963. 1964, July, December. Includes 2pp typescript minutes of meeting of the Low Energy Nuclear B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1965 April, October-November. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s resignation as a member of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Commission. 1966 February, August. Includes of Commission for the period 1964-1966. typescript report 3pp the Low Energy Nuclear Physics F.311-F.327 LLOYD’S OF LONDON TERCENTENARY FOUNDATION 1987-1993 Flowers was a founder Trustee of the Lloyd’s of London Tercentenary Foundation, 1987-1991, a charitable trust the objective of funding research in the fields of medicine, science and business. with The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s service as a Trustee of the Foundation. 1988 January. 1988 February. 1988 April. the Trustees of the 1987 October-November. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 11 January 1988. Papers (some annotated) re inaugural meeting of Foundation, 9 November 1987. Correspondence re arrangements for meetings. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 18 February 1988. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1988 May-June. Includes press Foundation Fellowships. release etc re the first awards of Lloyd’s Tercentenary 1988 July. Application. 1988 August-September. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 13 September 1989. 1989 February-March. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 27 February 1989 (Flowers unable to attend) etc. 1989 May-June. applications for Lloyd's 1990 1990 January-February. Papers re Fellowships. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 20 February 1990. Papers (annotated) re meeting of the Awards Sub-Committee, 9 May etc. Correspondence re the appointment of new Trustees etc. Tercentenary Foundation 1990 June-July. 1990 August-September. 1991 May-September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 October. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 5 November 1991. 1991 October-December. Request (accepted) for Flowers to write an article on the work of Lloyd's Tercentenary Foundation for inclusion in Lloyd’s Log, with related papers; correspondence re Flowers’s retirement as a Trustee. 1992 January-May. Correspondence re Flowers’s article for Lioyd’s Log, including offprint. 1993 October. Brief correspondence re Foundation Fellowships. the criteria for awarding Lloyd’s Tercentenary F.328-F.346 The material consists of correspondence, typescript minutes of meetings etc. 1991 March-April. Correspondence re Flowers joining the LSHTM Board of Management etc. LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE 1991-1995 (LSHTM) Flowers was a member of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Board of Management, 1992-1995 and served as Chairman, 1994-1995. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re the 1991-1992 recurrent grant allocation to the LSHTM and the decisions of the University of London Court. F.329, F.330 1991 April-May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 June-December. 1992 January-March. Includes correspondence re LSHTM seeking direct access to the Universities Funding Council. 1992 March. Brief correspondence re a memorial for C.E. Gordon Smith, former Dean of LSHTM. 1992 April-July. Includes papers (annotated) for meeting of Board of Management, 10 June 1992. 1992 October-November. 1993 March-April. 1994 July-August. Flowers agreed to act as Chairman for an interim period. Correspondence re the death of Sir John Field, Chairman of the Board of Management and re the appointment of a new Chairman. 1994 11-21 November. Correspondence largely re the appointment of a new Chairman of the Board of Management and a new Dean of the LSHTM. F.338-F.346 1994 October-1995 August. 1994 3 October-10 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1994 22 November-2 December. 1994 2-9 December. 1994 12-19 December. 1994 21, 22 December. 1995 3 January-22 February. 1995 22 February-25 April. 1995 May-August. General correspondence. F.348-F.422 1965-1967 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 1965-1967 a working party to review conventional Flowers served as Chairman of armaments. Laboratory (NPL), 1965-1967. NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX Flowers was Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Physical F.348-F.394 General correspondence F.395-F.422 Meetings B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations The Steering Committee was established in 1965 to be responsible to the Minister of Technology for advising on the selection of NPL projects and the allocation of resources to them. F.348-F.394 General correspondence 1965-1967 1965 8-13 October. Correspondence re Flowers’s appointment as Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Physical Laboratory etc. 1965 26 October-15 November. 1965 22 November-13 December. Includes correspondence re membership of the Steering Committee. 1966 5-17 January. 1966 18-19 January. 1966 27 January. 1965 10 December-1966 4 January. Correspondence re membership of the Steering Committee etc. Includes correspondence re the organisation of the NPL and re a proposed British Calibration Service. 1966 1-25 February. Copy of typescript draft entitled ‘Proposals for: Measurement Standards at NPL’, with related correspondence. Unit for Radio-Frequency B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 1, 3 March. Papers re meeting of Promotions Sub-Committee, 22 February 1966. Flowers was in the Chair. 1966 1-7 March. 1966 4 March. Appointments. 1966 8-16 March. 1966 17-22 March. Includes 12pp typescript, Physical Laboratory 10 March 1966’, by N.P. Allen. note ‘A on materials science at the National 1966 18-30 March. The Froude Committee was set up to replace the Froude Ship Research Committee and advise on the work of NPL’s Ship Division. Includes papers re the Froude Committee; 3pp typescript entitled ‘Notes on Materials at NPL’(with ‘Note prepared by Dr J.N. Fendley of NRDC’ inscribed on front page). NPL and 2pp typescript comments by N.P. Allen. Includes 3pp typescript memorandum by A.H. Cottrell re materials science at Correspondence re promotions etc. 1966 24 March-4 April. 1966 1-19 April. 1966 4-20 April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 20 April-5 May. 1966 6-17 May. Includes brief correspondence re the composition of the Morgan Committee. The Morgan Committee was set up to advise the Steering Committee on the NPL’s work on materials science. 1966 17-26 May. Includes correspondence re membership of the NPL Steering Committee and the Metrology Committee. 1966 3-14 June. Includes correspondence re NPL building proposals. 1966 15-28 June. 1966 28 June-4 July. 1966 6-21 July. Includes 3pp typescript minutes of meeting re membership of the Visiting Board of the NPL, 24 June 1966 (Flowers attended). 9pp (annotated) typescript draft, ‘Industrial Aerodynamics: The Case for a new Low Speed Wind Tunnel at NPL’, by J.V. Dunworth, Director of the NPL, with letter by Flowers commenting on the paper. Includes papers re the Morgan Committee. 1966 25 July-1 August. Appointment. 1966 27 July-12 August. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 12 August. Papers re the Glazebrook Committee. Glazebrook Committee was The Committee on the NPL’s work on measurement science. established to advise the Steering 1966 16-31 August. Includes correspondence re meeting between Sir Frank Mason, member of the Steering Committee and Mr Shaw, Ministry of Aviation, about hovercraft research and development. 1966 September-October. Appointment. 1966 5-23 September. wind tunnel for 1966 6-17 October. a proposed low speed 1966 29 September-10 October. industrial letters, September- Correspondence and papers re hovercraft development. Correspondence re aerodynamics research at NPL, including copies of October 1966. 1966 21 November-12 December. 1966 21 November-7 December. 1966 18-31 October. 1966 1-24 November. Appointment. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 12-27 January. Includes correspondence and papers re the organisation of research. hovercraft 1967 25 January-27 February. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s position as Chairman of the NPL Steering Committee following his appointment as Chairman of the Science Research Council. 1967 24 February-15 March. Recommendation. 1967 27 February-16 March. 1967 16, 21 March. 1967 17 March-14 April. Includes correspondence re membership of Party and re carbon-14 dating by NPL. the Aerodynamics Working 10pp typescript copy of paper entitled ‘The Structure of Problems in Process Control’ by Westcott, with related correspondence. Includes copy of revised typescript minutes of the meeting of the Ministry of Technology's Advisory Council on Technology, 15 March 1967. Includes brief correspondence re carbon-14 dating. Includes correspondence re the chairmanship of the Steering Committee and the chairmanship of the NPL Hovercraft Research Committee. 1967 13 April-2 May. 1967 27 April-17 May. 1967 16-26 May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 22 May-23 June. Correspondence re Committee. the chairmanship of the NPL Hovercraft Research 1967 31 May-25 July. Includes correspondence re carbon-14 dating. F.395-F.422 Meetings 1966-1967 The following sequence of material was found together and relates to meetings significant to the NPL Steering Committee. It includes agendas, papers for meetings (some annotated), briefing documents etc. The material has been arranged by meeting, in chronological order. F.395-F.397 Second meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 28 April 1966. 3 folders. F.402, F.403 the Steering Committee, Royal Society, London, 18 F.399-F.401 Third meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 21 July 1966. The press notice was found with papers for the second meeting of the Steering Committee. Copy of Ministry of Technology press notice re the NPL Steering Committee, 5 April 1966. 3 folders. F.404-F.406 Fifth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 27 October 1966. 3 folders. Fourth meeting of August 1966. 2 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 20 April-5 May. 1966 6-17 May. Includes brief correspondence re the composition of the Morgan Committee. The Morgan Committee was set up to advise the Steering Committee on the NPL’s work on materials science. 1966 17-26 May. Includes correspondence re membership of the NPL Steering Committee and the Metrology Committee. 1966 3-14 June. Includes correspondence re NPL building proposals. 1966 15-28 June. 1966 28 June-4 July. 1966 6-21 July. Includes 3pp typescript minutes of meeting re membership of the Visiting Board of the NPL, 24 June 1966 (Flowers attended). 9pp (annotated) typescript draft, ‘Industrial Aerodynamics: The Case for a new Low Speed Wind Tunnel at NPL’, by J.V. Dunworth, Director of the NPL, with letter by Flowers commenting on the paper. Includes papers re the Morgan Committee. 1966 25 July-1 August. Appointment. 1966 27 July-12 August. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 12 August. Papers re the Glazebrook Committee. Glazebrook Committee was The Committee on the NPL’s work on measurement science. established to advise the Steering 1966 16-31 August. Includes correspondence re meeting between Sir Frank Mason, member of the Steering Committee and Mr Shaw, Ministry of Aviation, about hovercraft research and development. 1966 September-October. Appointment. 1966 5-23 September. a proposed low speed wind tunnel for 1966 6-17 October. 1966 18-31 October. 1966 29 September-10 October. industrial letters, September- Correspondence and papers re hovercraft development. Correspondence re aerodynamics research at NPL, including copies of October 1966. 1966 21 November-12 December. 1966 21 November-7 December. 1966 1-24 November. Appointment. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 12-27 January. Includes correspondence and papers re research. the organisation of hovercraft 1967 25 January-27 February. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s position as Chairman of the NPL Steering Committee following his appointment as Chairman of the Science Research Council. 1967 24 February-15 March. Recommendation. 1967 27 February-16 March. 1967 16, 21 March. 1967 17 March-14 April. Includes correspondence re membership of Party and re carbon-14 dating by NPL. the Aerodynamics Working 10pp typescript copy of paper entitled ‘The Structure of Problems in Process Control’ by Westcott, with related correspondence. Includes copy of revised typescript minutes of the meeting of the Ministry of Technology's Advisory Council on Technology, 15 March 1967. Includes brief correspondence re carbon-14 dating. Includes correspondence re the chairmanship of the Steering Committee and the chairmanship of the NPL Hovercraft Research Committee. 1967 13 April-2 May. 1967 27 April-17 May. 1967 16-26 May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1967 22 May-23 June. Correspondence re the chairmanship of Committee. the NPL Hovercraft Research 1967 31 May-25 July. Includes correspondence re carbon-14 dating. F.395-F.422 Meetings 1966-1967 The following sequence of material was found together and relates to meetings significant to the NPL Steering Committee. It includes agendas, papers for meetings (some annotated), briefing documents etc. The material has been arranged by meeting, in chronological order. F.395-F.397 Second meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 28 April 1966. 3 folders. 3 folders. F.402, F.403 the Steering Committee, Royal Society, London, 18 F.399-F.401 Third meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 21 July 1966. The press notice was found with papers for the second meeting of the Steering Committee. Copy of Ministry of Technology press notice re the NPL Steering Committee, 5 April 1966. 3 folders. Fourth meeting of August 1966. 2 folders. F.404-F.406 Fifth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 27 October 1966. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.407-F.411 Sixth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 29 December 1966. 5 folders. F.412-F.416 Seventh meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 23 February 1967. 5 folders. Meeting of the NPL Promotion Committee, NPL, 3 March 1967 (Flowers was in the Chair). Meeting of the Advisory Council of Technology, Ministry of Technology, London, 15 March 1967 (Flowers attended for one item). Eighth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 27 April 1967. 2 folders. F.423-F.522 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1990-1998 F.420, F.421 Meeting of the NPL Visiting Board, NPL, 9 May 1967. Ninth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 13 July 1967. Flowers was a Managing Trustee of the Nuffield Foundation from 1982-1988 and served as its Chairman, 1987-1998. 1990 31 August, 1 September. The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to Nuffield Foundation activities, grant applications to the Foundation in particular. Correspondents are largely serving officers of the Foundation. 1990 June-July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1990 3 September-10 October. 1990 1-23 October. Correspondence re Trustees meeting, 19 October 1990 etc. 1990 13-24 November. Includes correspondence re the chairmanship of committee for a technology project. a proposed consultative 1990 27 November. 1990 30 November, 3 December. 1990 4 December-1991 4 January. 1991 3-23 March. possible financial support for the British 1991 11-14 February. 1991 14-23 February. 1991 11 January-8 February. Includes correspondence re Academy. Nuffield Foundation’s proposed Council on Bioethics. Includes faxed copy of letter to Flowers by J. Major MP, Prime Minister re the 1991 3 April-17 May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 8 May, n.d. Includes typescript draft paper re membership of the Nuffield Council of Bioethics. 1991 8-22 May. Includes correspondence Scholarships Trust to set up a project in Kaliningrad, Russia. application the an by re Nuffield Farming 1991 23 May-9 July. 1991 2 July. 1991 July-November. 1991 11-16 July. 1991 8-30 August. 1991 2-7 September. 1991 17 July-8 August. Includes correspondence re possible new Trustees. Correspondence re internal Nuffield Foundation matters. 1991 11 October-2 November. 1991 9 September-3 October. 1991 3-11 October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1991 13 November-24 December. Includes correspondence re the Further and Higher Education Bill. 1992 January-February. Correspondence and papers re possible new Trustees. 1992 2-21 January. 1992 30, 31 January. 1992 3-20 February. 1992 19-24 February. 1992 2-13 March. 1992 29 April-29 May. 1992 30 April, 2 May. 1992 11 March-1 April. Includes correspondence re possible new Trustees. Includes correspondence re proposal by R. Gregory. 1992 4, 6 June. 1992 12 June-24 July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 31 July-11 September. Includes correspondence and papers re Chelsea Curriculum Trust. the difficulties of the Nuffield 1992 16 September-3 October. Includes correspondence re staff matters. 1992 16 October-20 November. 1992 30 November. 1992 7-19 December. Correspondence re internal Nuffield Foundation matters etc. 1993 7 January. 1993 1-15 March. 1993 18 March. 1993 26 March-27 April. 1993 19 January-24 February. 1992 9 December-1993 7 January. Papers re the Nuffield Chelsea Curriculum Trust etc. 1993 May-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1993 10-18 May. 1993 11-21 June. 1993 5 July. 1993 7 July. 1993 14-30 July. Includes papers re Nuffield Inquiry into dental auxiliaries. 1993 August-September. 1993 12-28 August. 1993 3-22 December. 1993 7 December. 1993 1 September-7 October. 1993 19 October-20 November. 1994 April-May. 1994 January-February. 1994 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1994 June. 1994 6-18 July. 1994 20 July-22 August. 1994 7 October-14 November. 1994 17 November-16 December. 1994 14-23 December. Papers re the appointment of a new Director of the Nuffield Foundation etc. 1994 23, 30 December. 1995 January-February. 1995 2 March, 27 April. 1995 March-May. Includes 2pp manuscript letter to Flowers re the work of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics from its Chairman, Sir P. Nairne. R. Hazell, Director of the Constitution Unit, London. Includes correspondence re the appointment of a new Director of the Nuffield Foundation. Typescript paper re House of Lords reform (annotated by Flowers), sent by 1995 June. 1995 4 July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1995 7 July-24 August. 1995 31 August-13 September. Includes implementation of constitutional reform. correspondence the re Constitution Unit’s work on. the 1995 18 September-4 October. 1995 3-10 October. 1995 11 October-23 November. 1995 25 November-29 December. 1996 28 February. 1996 19 January-3 March. Includes correspondence re a proposed joint initiative by the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Papers re appointments to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1996 3 May-10 June. Correspondence re grant application to write a book. 1996 5-25 March. 1996 2-16 April. 1996 29 April-20 May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1996 5 June-19 July. 1996 October-November. Includes 2pp typescript overheads. 1996 December. letter by Flowers re the payment of university Includes papers re the appointment of Flowers’s successor as Chairman of the Foundation. 1997 February-March. 1997 May. 1997 June-July. 1997 August. 1997 3-29 October. 1997 23 October-7 November. Includes correspondence re proposal to establish a College of Teachers. Correspondence re staff matters. 1997 11 November-22 December. 1998 January. 1998 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1998 March. F.523-F.556 PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 1990-1997 Flowers served as President of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 1993-1997. The material is arranged in correspondence, minutes of meetings etc. a single chronological sequence and includes 1990 October-1991 January. Papers re meetings etc. 1991 March, December. ca 1993. 1993 February-April. 1993 May-August. 1992 January-April. Invitation (accepted) to become a member of Parliamentary and Scientific Committee etc. the new Council of the Includes correspondence re a Science in Parliament article ‘20 years ago’. 1993 26 October-29 November. Includes correspondence re science and technology representation in British Embassies. 1993 13 September-25 October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1993 9-11 November. 1993 December. 1994 6 January-3 February. Includes correspondence re the need for legislation to protect medical research workers who use animals in experimental work; correspondence re the decision to dispense with the office of Chief Scientist and Technologist in the Department of Trade and Industry. 1994 21-28 January. Recommendation. 1994 February. Includes correspondence re the protection of medical research workers. 1994 March. 1994 ca April. Includes Annual Report 1993 of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee (with foreword by Flowers). 1994 December. Includes copies of correspondence re science and technology representation at British Embassies. 1994 May-June. 1994 23 May, 15 June. 1994 July-November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1995 January-February. Includes invitation by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (accepted) for Flowers to represent the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee as a member of the Consultative Group on Overseas Science and Technology Work, with material re its first meeting, 6 February 1995 (Flowers unable to attend). 1995 8-26 March. Correspondence and papers re the future funding of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). as President of Flowers, Scientific Committee, encouraged Parliamentary Members of the Committee favourable to POST to write letters in its support. the Parliamentary and 1995 March-September. Correspondence re award etc. 1995 April. 1995 May. 1995 June-July. Includes typescript report by H.P. Jost on the meeting of the Consultative Group on Overseas Science and Technology Work, 18 May 1995. 1995 December. Includes papers re the visit Committee delegation (Flowers was a member), 3-12 November 1995. to China by a Parliamentary and Scientific 1995 October-November. 1995 September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1996 January. 1996 1 February. 1996 February-March. Includes correspondence re prior options reviews of public sector research establishments. 1996 April. 1996 May, July. 1997 May. Elections. 3 folders. F.557-F.579 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS 1962-1967 F.557-F.559 1962 March-May. The material consists of correspondence, papers relating to conferences and meetings etc. Distributed papers. Correspondence and papers re Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (COSWA) meeting, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 19 May 1962 (Flowers attended as an observer). 1962 ca May-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1962 ca July. Correspondence and papers the Cambridge Pugwash COSWA Conference, 21 July, London (Flowers unable to attend). re meeting of participants British at 1962 June-September. Correspondence and papers re Ninth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Cambridge, 25-30 August 1962 (Flowers attended as an observer). Includes typescript reports of Working Group | on ‘Problems of reduction and elimination under international control of weapons of mass destruction and of their means of delivery’ (the Final Report has ‘written by BHF’ annotated on it). 1962 4 September-5 October. 1962 26 September-3 December. 1963 February-June, n.d. F.566-F.568 informal invitation (accepted) for Flowers to 1963 May-ca September. Correspondence re arrangements for a meeting of West European scientists on the subject of disarmament, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 8-10 December 1962 etc. Includes attend Pugwash Conference in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; invitation (accepted by Flowers) to a dinner meeting to discuss disarmament, London, 9 May 1963. Pugwash working groups. Correspondence and papers re 11th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 20-25 September 1963. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Flowers re the method of operation of Includes invitations for Flowers to visit research institutes in Yugoslavia. 3 folders 1963 October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 F.570-F:575 Societies and organisations 1963 December-1964 February. Includes brief correspondence re the research in the Alaska (USA) - Kamchatka (USSR) region. possibility of international seismic Material Karlovy-Vary, Czechoslovakia, 13-19 September 1964. 13th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, re Flowers attended the Conference, as Prague, 9-12 September. well as a preparatory meeting in 5/572 1964 February-April. 2 folders. Includes correspondence re arrangements; brief correspondence re the possible establishment of a Manchester Pugwash Group. &.5736,574 1964 May-June. N. and the problem 2 folders. Talenski entitled 1964 July-October. ‘Anti-rocket systems Correspondence and papers re meeting in Cambridge, 23 May 1964 to discuss the programme for the Conference etc, including 1p (annotated) typescript draft by Flowers entitled ‘Progress for complete disarmament’. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a de-briefing meeting on the Conference, Whitehall, London, 26 October 1964; 2pp typescript paper by Flowers entitled ‘A step towards nuclear disarmament’; 7pp typescript paper by of disarmament’, with precis attached. declining the invitation. 14th Pugwash Includes Conference on Science and World Affairs, Venice, Italy, 11-16 April 1965; brief correspondence re Pugwash and the Charity Commissioners. Flowers appears to have attended the Venice Conference despite initially 1964 November-December. 1965 January-February. invitation (declined) for Flowers to attend the B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1965 April, October-November. Includes invitation (declined) to attend 15th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 29 December 1965-4 January 1966. 1966-1967. F.580-F.587 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 1974-1976 Flowers was Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, 1973-1976. The material is arranged in chronological order and consists largely of press cuttings, many relating the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, Nuclear Power and the Environment, published in September 1976. to 1976 June. 4 folders. 1976 October. F.582-F.585 1976 September. 1974-1975. Copies of two press notices. Press cuttings re the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, Nuclear Power and the Environment. 1976 November-December. Newspaper cuttings etc letter by Flowers to the Editor of The Times, sent in response to a written by R.H. Mole. re the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, including letter B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.588-F.599 ROYAL SOCIETY 1976-1983 Flowers was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1961. The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to elections and awards. 1976 June-September. 1976 October. 1976 December-1977 January. 1977 August. 1979 July-September. 1980 January-April. 1980 November. 1981 January-February. 1983 January-May. 1982 October-1983 May. 1982 March. 1982 April-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.600-F.651 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY (UKAEA) 1958-1977 Flowers worked at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Harwell, 1946-1950 and was Head of Theoretical Physics Division, AERE, Harwell, 1952-1958. His association with the UKAEA continued following his appointment at the University of Manchester, in particular through his role as a consultant. Flowers resigned his consultancy in 1964 but in 1971 he was appointed a part-time Member of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. The material below consists of correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s association with the UKAEA during the years, 1958-ca 1967 and 1973-1977. F.600-F.603 ‘UKAEA Correspondence’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. 1958-1961. 1958 August. 1958 May. Appointment. 1960 January, April. 2pp typescript ‘Notes on a Tour of the Reactor Division on 12 August 1958’, by Flowers. Includes letter by Flowers re a brief visit to the Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, Dorset. Correspondence re Flowers’s consultancy etc. 1961 July-August. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.604-F.617 ‘Harwell’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into fourteen for ease of reference. 1958-1966. 1958 October-November. Includes invitation (accepted) for Flowers to become a member of the CTR Advisory Committee. 1958 December-1959 January. Includes 8pp (annotated) typescript by P. Schofield, ‘A review of neutron thermalisation work at Harwell’. 1959 May-November. Appointments etc. 1960 February. Appointment. 1960 April-May. 1960 July-August. Appointments. 1960 September-November. 1961 June-November. 1960 November-1961 February. 1961 June. Appointment. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1962-1963. 1964 March-November. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s resignation as a UKAEA consultant. 1965. Includes correspondence re appointments. F.618-F.624 ‘UKAEA (London)’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. 1961-ca 1967. 1961-1962. re the value of courses for 1963 June. 1963 March. Appointment. ordinary degree Brief correspondence Experimental Officers. Correspondence re Flowers’s service on Appointments Board Panels etc. 1965-1966. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Flowers re the organisation of the UKAEA. 1963 July, November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations ca 1967. F.625, F.626 ‘Harwell Cyclotron’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 1964-1965. Flowers was one of several consultants brought together to discuss the merits of a proposal to modify Harwell’s 180 MeV cyclotron to give a much higher beam current. 1964 August-November. Includes typescript notes by B. Rose re the Harwell synchrocyclotron. 1964 December-1965 January. Includes 3pp manuscript notes by Flowers; 4pp typescript letter by Flowers re the future of the Harwell synchrocyclotron; 8pp typescript draft report by W.E. Burcham entitled ‘The Harwell Synchrocyclotron’; copy of typescript minutes of meeting to discuss the Harwell synchrocyclotron, 30 December 1964 (Flowers attended). F.627-F.651 1973 August-October. Correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s service as a part-time Member of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. 1973-1977. correspondence. Includes 6pp typescript entitled ‘Note of a meeting of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and Minister for Industry with the Atomic Energy Authority ... 8 November 1973’. Typescript UKAEA paper on ‘Fast Reactor Strategy, 14pp, with related a discussion at 1973 29 October. 1973 November. 1973 4-10 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1973 17-18 December. Includes copy of 3pp typescript letter from Flowers to Edward Heath MP, Prime Minister, re the nuclear power programme. 1973 18 December. 1974 January-May. 1974 19-26 June. 1974 26 June-3 July. Includes typescript Report, with 2pp typescript comments by Flowers. draft (annotated) of the UKAEA’s twentieth Annual 1974 November. 1974 December. 1974 July-September. Appointment etc. Includes 2pp letter by Flowers re papers for a UKAEA meeting, 5 December 1974 (he was unable to attend). 1975 November. Includes brief correspondence re a proposed proton pituitory therapy project involving the Harwell cyclotron. 1975 June-September. 1975 February-May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1976 5-9 March. 1976 10-29 March. Includes correspondence Member of the UKAEA. 1976 April, June. re Flowers’s re-appointment as a_ part-time Includes correspondence re Flowers’s speech at Conference, London, 22 June 1976. the National Energy See also D.148. 1976 July. 1976 August-September. 1976 September-October. 1976 October-November. Includes correspondence re British Nuclear Fuels Ltd’s Windscale planning application. 1977 May-July. Includes copy of 3pp typescript letter from Flowers to P.D. Shore MP, Secretary of State for the Environment re the Windscale planning application and the processing of foreign fuels. 1976 December. 1977 February-April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.652-F.661 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE (UGC) 1965-1966 In 1965 Flowers was appointed Chairman of a Working Group set up by the University Grants Committee and the Council for Scientific Policy, with the terms of reference: ‘To assess the probable computer needs, during the next five years, of users in Universities and civil research establishments receiving support from Government funds’. be succeeded The report of the Working Group chaired by Flowers recommended that it should body’. Consequently the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils was created and Flowers accepted appointment as its first Chairman in June 1966. permanent constituted ‘suitably by a Interim Computer Panel was established by An University Grants Committee, with Sir Willis Jackson as Chairman. Its purpose was to make recommendations on computers for universities where urgent action arising from the report of the Working Group could not be delayed until the creation of the Computer Board. the material The of correspondence and papers for meetings relating to the Interim Computer Panel. below was found largely consists together. listed It or with July 1965, 16-17 1966 January. 1965 May-October. Laissez-faire?’, Cambridge, See also F.68-F.179 for papers relating to the Computer Board. Includes invitation (accepted) to attend meeting organised by N. Mott ‘UGC - Dirigiste related correspondence; brief correspondence re the implementation of A report of a Joint Working Group on Computers for Research. unable to attend) etc. Includes copy of 2pp typescript letter from Flowers to Sir John Wolfenden re the control of scientific research expenditure, 10 January 1966. Papers re meeting of the UGC Computer Panel, 11 February 1966 (Flowers 1966 ca February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1966 February. 12pp typescript paper by K.V. Roberts for the UGC Computer Panel, entitled ‘Some notes on the large KDF9 computers’. 1966 ca March. Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 7 March 1966. 1966 March. Includes reply by Flowers to an invitation for him to become a member of a new Sub-Committee on Mathematics. F.658, F.659 1966 ca April. Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 13 April 1966. 2 folders. 1966 ca April. F.662-F.686 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1980-1998 1966 1-22 April. the financing of the computing needs of Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 28 April 1966. Includes correspondence re Universities and Research Councils. General correspondence Flowers was Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, 1985-1990. Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources F.662-F.664 F.665-F.686 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations F.662-F.664 Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources 1980-1981 Flowers was Chairman of the University of London Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources, 1979-1980. London Medical Education - A New Framework: Report of a Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources, February 1980. 10pp typescript press statement by Flowers, Senate House, London, 26 February 1980. The pages are of approximately A5 size. Printed material, 1981. F.665-F.686 General correspondence 1990-1998 Correspondence kept together in a file inscribed ‘University of London’. University of London following 1990 April-September. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s retirement. The correspondence largely relates to Flowers’s continued interest and involvement in matters affecting the his retirement in 1990 from the Vice-Chancellorship. 1991 July-December. Includes brief correspondence with S.R. Sutherland, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London re his paper on the Federal University. 1990 October-December. 1991 January-May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1992 May. Brief correspondence re University of London affairs etc. 1992 July-September. Includes correspondence re a proposal by Goldsmiths’ College, London to purchase and develop a site. 1992 September. 1992 October-December. 1993 January-May. 1993 May-June. 1994 April-June. 1994 July. 1993 July. Award. 1993 July-October. 1994 September-October. Correspondence re reforms affecting London teaching hospitals etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Societies and organisations 1995 June, September. Includes invitation Holloway and Bedford New College, London. (declined) for Flowers to join the Council of Royal 1996 January-March. Invitations (accepted) for Flowers to accept nomination for an Honorary Degree and to become an Honorary Fellow of Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London; correspondence re charges for the University of London Library; request (accepted) for Lord and Lady Flowers to host a celebration of 25 years of Nightline, 6 June 1996. use the of 1996 May-September. Includes November 1996. correspondence re arrangements for Foundation Day, 13 Flowers was awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of London on this occasion. Recommendation. 1997 January-August. 1996 November-December. 1996 September-October. Includes brief correspondence re Flowers’s contribution of statement about Nightline for its Annual Report. a supporting B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.529 G.1-G.242 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE G.243-G.437 DAY FILES CORRESPONDENCE WITH J.W. BRAY MP G.439-G.469 CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD ROTHSCHILD G.470-G.529 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1979-1997 Contents of Flowers’s correspondence files inscribed ‘Personal’. personal correspondence The incoming correspondence in the collection with copies of replies by Flowers. The correspondence is addressed to him in various capacities so the subject matter is broad, covering a wide range of professional issues and more personal matters relating to his colleagues, friends, and family. sequence main of is the Correspondence relating to the same subject was generally grouped into bundles within each of Flowers’s files. These bundles were arranged in chronological order by the latest date within each bundle. As a result there is frequently an overlap in date span between bundles. The correspondence in the files has been subdivided into folders for ease of reference without any alteration to this date overlap is reflected in the catalogue entries. the original arrangement. result As a 1979 August-1981 May. 1979 August-December. 1981 March-May. 1980 January-July. 1980 January-March. 1980 January-1982 January. 1980 June-December. 1980 April, May. 1980 April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1981 January-March. Includes correspondence re retirement from the Atomic Energy Authority, award of Officier de la Légion d’Honneur. See also A.110 and D.279. 1981 April-October. 1981 December, 1982 January. G.11-G.17 1982 January-December. 1982 January-June. 1982 May. 1982 June-August. 1982 July. 1982 August-October. Includes correspondence re the work of H. Bohr including typescript offprints and drafts. 1982 November, December. 1982 October-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.18-G.25 1983 January-October. 1983 January-April. 1983 January, February. 1983 April-August. 1983 May. 1983 June-August. 1983 August-October. 1983 September. G.26 1983 April-September. G.26-G.28 1983 April-November. 1983 September, October. 1983 October, November. 1983 September, October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.29-G.43 1983 November-1984 December. G.29 1983 November, December. Includes correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976) 1984 January. 1984 January, February. 1984 February. 1984 February, March. 1984 March-May. 1984 April-May. 1984 April, May. 1984 April-June. Includes correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976). 1984 August-October. 1984 April-July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1984 August. 1984 September-November. 1984 October, November. 1984 November, December. G.44-G.60 1984 March-1987 December. G.44 1984 March-December. Includes correspondence re the treatment by Yugoslav authorities of Supek. |. 1984 December, 1985 January. 1985 January-May. See also E.21-E.28. Includes correspondence re second edition of Properties of Matter by B.H. Flowers and E. Mendoza, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1970. Includes correspondence re honorary degrees from Dundee and Oxford. 1985 March, April. 1985 April. 1985 May, June. 1985 May-July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1985 July. Letter to Lord Rothschild, 10 July 1985 and correspondence and papers May-September 1976 re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976). See also D.151, D.152 and F.580-F.587. 1985 July, August. 1986 January-July. Includes correspondence re proposal of R.E. Peierls for Copley Medal. See also A.154. 1986 August, September. 1987 July-October. 1987 July. 1987 August. 1987 September. Includes correspondence re the establishment of the Rank Chair of Human Nutrition, University of London; correspondence re arrangements for the 80th Birthday Symposium in honour of R.E. Peierls. 1987 December. 1987 November, December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.61-G.66 1987 December-1988 March. G.61 1987 December-1988 February. 1987 December-1988 February. 1987 December, 1988 January. 1988 February, March. 1988 March. 1988 March. 1988 June. See also G.72. 1988 June. for Schuster G.67, 1988 March-May. G.67-G.69 1988 March-June. correspondence re arrangements Includes Centenary Celebration, Schuster Laboratory, University of Manchester, 23 November 1988. 1988 June-September. 1988 June-September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.71-G.74 1988 September-December. G.71 1988 September, October. There is some correspondence from January 1988. Includes correspondence re invitation to be principal guest speaker at the Installation Dinner for the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, London, 21 October 1988. the new Master of 1988 September-November. There is some correspondence from March 1988. Includes correspondence and 20pp A5 typescript speech with annotations re Schuster of Manchester, 23 November 1988. Celebration, Laboratory, Centenary University Schuster See also G.68. 1988 September. G.75-G.85 G.75 See also G.79. 1988 November, December. 1988 November-1989 January. 1988 November-1990 January. 1988 December-1989 February. 1989 March, April. Includes correspondence re invitation to write obituary of Sir Alec Merrison for Physics World (declined). 1989 February, March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1989 April-June. Correspondence etc. re arrangements for service of thanksgiving for Sir Alec Merrison, Bristol Cathedral, 8 June 1989. See also G.77. 1989 June. 1989 June. 1989 July, August. 1989 September-November. 1989 December, 1990 January. 1989 December. G.86 1990 January. G.86-G.96 1990 January-July. 1990 January-October. 1990 February. 1990 January, February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1990 March, April. Includes correspondence re election of Lord and Lady Flowers to honorary life membership of the University of London Union, (see A.136); invitation from the International Atomic Energy Agency to chair a proposed group to investigate the radiological consequences in the USSR from the Chernobyl accident. 1990 May. 1990 May. 1990 May, June. 1990 June, July. 1990 June, July. 1990 July. See also D.387. 97 1990 April-July. There is some correspondence from April 1989. G.97-G.109 1990 April-December. Includes correspondence re conferral of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from the National University of Ireland. 1990 July, August. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s acceptance of opening address at September 1990. the 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, invitation to give 16 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1990 July, August. 1990 August. 1990 August, September. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s opening address at the 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 16 September 1990, and correspondence re tenth Advisory Committee. Management Radioactive anniversary Waste of the See also D.387, G.97. 1990 September, October. 1990 September, October. 1990 November. 1990 November. 1990 September. 1990 October, November. 1990 December. 1990 November, December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.110-G.124 1990 December-1991 July. G.110 1990 December, 1991 January. 1991 January. 1991 January. 1991 February. 1991 February, March. 1991 February-May. 1991 March, April. 1991 March, April. 1991 March-May. Includes correspondence re service of thanksgiving for the Jackson. University and correspondence with J. Freeman re her recent autobiography. Includes correspondence re proposals to break up the Australian National life of D.F. 1991 March. 1991 April. 1991 April-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1991 May. 1991 May. 1991 June, July. Includes correspondence re proposals to break up the Australian National University. G.125-G.137 1991 June-December. G.125 1991 June, July. 1991 June-October. 1991 July. 1991 July, August. 1991 July, August. Includes correspondence re proposed European Theoretical Nuclear Physics Institute. Includes correspondence re Honorary Fellowship of Goldsmith’s College, University of London. 1991 September. 1991 July, August. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1991 October. Includes correspondence re funding arrangements for Advanced Studies at the Australian National University. the Institute of 1991 October, November. Includes correspondence re the British Technology Group Bill. 1991 October-December. There is some correspondence from July 1991. 1991 November, December. Includes correspondence re British Technology Group Bill. 1991 November, December. G.138 G.138-G.151 1991 December-1992 June. 1991 November, December. 1991 December, 1992 January. 1992 February. 1992 January. 1992 January. 1992 January, February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1992 February. 1992 February. 1992 February, March. 1992 February-April. 1992 March. 1992 April, May. 1992 May, June. 1992 June. 1992 June. G.152-G.163 Gils2 1992 June, July. 1992 June-December. 1992 July. 1992 June, July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1992 August, September. Includes correspondence re the Royal Society biographical memoir of Alec Merrison. Sir 1992 September. 1992 September, October. 1992 October. Includes correspondence re Daphne Jackson Memorial Fellowships Trust. 1992 October, November. 1992 November. 1992 November. See also D.421. 1992 December. 1992 November, December. Includes correspondence re publication of opening speech by Flowers at the Conference on Technology Transfer and Implementation, London, 6 July 1993. There is some correspondence from September and November 1993. G.164-G.171 1993 January-August. G.164 1993 January. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1993 February, March. 1993 February. 1993 February. Includes correspondence re European Science Foundation. 1993 April, May. 1993 May, June. Includes correspondence re arrangements to visit to the Czech Republic. 1993 June. 1993 June-August. G.172-G.177 Git72 correspondence re Chernobyl accident after effects; 1993 June-August. 1993 June-December. and Includes correspondence re Royal Society biographical memoirs of Lord Kearton and Sir Alec Merrison. 1993 November, December. Includes correspondence re biographical memoir of K.E.J. Fuchs. 1993 August, September. 1993 October, November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1993 December. There is some correspondence from October 1993. 1993 December. G.178-G.185 1994 January-June. G.178 1994 January, February. Includes correspondence re biographical memoir of Sir Alec Merrison. 1994 February. Includes correspondence re article in The Sunday Times on the Wellcome Trust. 1994 March, April. 1994 April, May. 1994 May, June. 1994 February, March. Includes 4pp typescript autobiographical sketch sent to Lord Dainton. 1994 June. 1994 May, June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.186-G.191 1994 June-December. G.186 1994 June-August. There is some correspondence from April 1994. 1994 August. 1994 September. 1994 October. 1994 November. There is some correspondence from July 1994. 1994 December. G.192-G.203 G.192 Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on the Crown Prosecution Service. 1994 December-1995 June. 1994 December, 1995 January. Includes correspondence re biographical memoir of Sir Alec Merrison. See also D.452 and G.194. Includes correspondence re and correspondence re arrangements for ‘Environmental policy: the last 25 years and on Environmental Pollution, London, 28 March. University College London Hospitals; 1995 January, February. Royal Commission the next 25 years’, Jubilee Seminar, B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1995 February, March. Includes correspondence re biographical memoirs of Sir Alec Merrison and J.M. Cassels; and correspondence re arrangements for ‘Environmental policy: the last 25 years and the next 25 years’, Jubilee Seminar, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, London, 28 March See also D.452, G.294. 1995 February. 1995 April. Includes correspondence re changes to hospital services in London. 1995 April, May. 1995 April. 1995 May. 1995 May, June. 1995 June. Includes correspondence re the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee and radioactive waste management. 1995 June. 1995 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.204-G.213 1995 June-December. G.204 1995 June, July. 1995 July. Includes correspondence re report of the British Pugwash Group on British nuclear weapons policy. 1995 July, August. 1995 August. Includes correspondence re award of Honorary D.Sc. from the University of Reading. 1995 September. There is some correspondence from July 1995. 1995 October. 1995 September, October. Includes correspondence re research project of J. Argyris. Includes correspondence re award of Honorary D.Sc. from the University of Reading. 1995 December. Includes correspondence re research project of J. Argyris; correspondence re the award of an Honorary Fellowship of the University of Wales Swansea. 1995 November, December. There is some correspondence from July 1995. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1995 December. G.214-G.228 1996 January-December. G.214 1996 January. 1996 January. 1996 February. 1996 February. 1996 February-April. 1996 March. 1996 April, May. 1996 June. 1996 July. Includes correspondence re Royal Society biographical memoir of W.L. Francis. 1996 October. 1996 July-September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1996 October. 1996 October-December. 1996 November. 1996 December. Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on personal firearm ownership. G.229-G.242 1996 December-1997 December. G.229 1996 December, 1997 January. Includes correspondence relating to Nirex. 1997 February. 1997 February. 1997 March. 1997 January, February. Includes correspondence re Nirex and the ‘leak’ of an internal document. accident and Nirex; and correspondence re biographical memoir of G. Gee. Includes correspondence re planning characterisation facility near Sellafield, Cumbria. Includes correspondence with the Marchioness of Anglesey re the Chernoby| There is some correspondence from June 1997. 1997 April-June. application by Nirex for a rock B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1997 May, June. 1997 June. 1997 June, July. 1997 July. 1997 August. 1997 September-November. Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on the Dearing Report. 1997 December. 1997 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.243-G.437 DAY FILES 1990-1996 The material consists of copies of outgoing correspondence produced by a chronological order. Flowers from his home address and maintained in The majority were typed on also photocopies of his handwritten correspondence. a word processor although there are The subject matter is broad, covering a wide range of professional issues and more personal matters relating to his colleagues, friends and family. G.243-G.256 1990 G.243 1990 August (1). 1990 August (2). 1990 September (1). 1990 October (1). 1990 October (2). 1990 October (3). 1990 September (3). 1990 September (2). 1990 November (2). 1990 November (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1990 November (3). 1990 December (1). 1990 December (2). 1990 December (3). G.257-G.291 1991 G.257 1991 January (1). 1991 January (2). 1991 January (3). 1991 January (4). 1991 February (1). 1991 February (2). 1991 March (2). 1991 February (3). 1991 March (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1991 March (3). 1991 March (4). 1991 April (1). 1991 April (2). 1991 April (3). 1991 May (1). 1991 May (2). 1991 May (3). 1991 June (2). 1991 June (3). 1991 June (1). (3). 1991 July (1). 1991 July (2). 1991 July B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1991 August (1). 1991 August (2). 1991 August (3). 1991 September (1). 1991 September (2). 1991 October (1). 1991 October (2). 1991 October (3). 1991 November (3). 1991 December. 1991 November (2). 1991 November (1). 1992 January (1). G.292-G.332 G.292 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1992 January (2). 1992 January (3). 1992 January (4). 1992 February (1). 1992 February (2). 1992 February (3). 1992 March (1). 1992 March (2). 1992 March (3). 1992 March (4). 1992 May (1). 1992 April (2). 1992 April (1). 1992 April (3). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1992 May (2). 1992 May (3). 1992 May (4). 1992 June (1). 1992 June (2). 1992 June (3). 1992 July (1). 1992 July (3). 1992 July (4). 1992 August (1). 1992 July (2). 1992 September (1). 1992 August (2). 1992 August (3). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1992 September (2). 1992 September (3). 1992 September (4). 1992 October (1). 1992 October (2). 1992 October (3). 1992 October (4). 1992 November (1). 1992 November (2). 1992 November (3). 1992 December (1). 1993 January (1). 1992 December (2). G.333-G.367 1993 G.333 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1993 January (2). 1993 January (3). 1993 February (1). 1993 February (2). 1993 February (3). 1993 March (1). 1993 March (2). 1993 April (1). 1993 April (2). 1993 March (3). 1993 April (3). 1993 May (3). 1993 May (1). 1993 May (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1993 June (1). 1993 June (2). 1993 June (3). 1993 June (4). 1993 June (5). 1993 June (6). 1993 August (1). 1993 August (2). 1993 August (3). 1993 September (1). 1993 September (2). 1993 October (3). 1993 October (1). 1993 October (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1993 November (1). 1993 November (2). 1993 November (3). 1993 December (1). 1993 December (2). 1993 December (3). G.368-G.391 1994 1994 January (2). 1994 February (1). 1994 March. G.368 1994 January (1). 1994 February (2). 1994 April (2). 1994 April (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1994 May (1). 1994 May (2). 1994 June (1). 1994 June (2). 1994 July (1). 1994 July (2). 1994 July (3). 1994 August (1). 1994 August (2). 1994 September. 1994 October (1). 1994 November (2). 1994 November (1). 1994 October (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1994 December (1). 1994 December (2). 1994 December (3). G.392-G.417 1995 G.392 1995 January. 1995 February (1). 1995 February (2). 1995 March (2). 1995 March (3). 1995 March (1). 1995 February (3). 1995 May (1). 1995 April (1). 1995 April (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1995 May (2). 1995 June (1). 1995 June (2). 1995 June (3). 1995 July (1). 1995 July (2). 1995 August (1). 1995 August (2). 1995 September (2). 1995 September (1). 1995 December (1). 1995 October (1). 1995 October (2). 1995 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 G.418-G.437 Correspondence 1995 December (2). 1995 December (3). 1996 January (1). 1996 January (2). 1996 February (1). 1996 February (2). 1996 April. 1996 May (2). 1996 June (1). 1996 March (1). 1996 March (2). 1996 May (1). 1996 June (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1996 July. 1996 August. 1996 September. 1996 October. 1996 November (1). 1996 November (2). 1996 December (1). 1996 December (2). 1996 December (3). CORRESPONDENCE WITH J.W. BRAY MP ‘Correspondence with Dr. J. Bray’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1966. process control. February-May 1966. J.W. Bray MP was Chairman of the Labour Party Science and Technology Group from 1964 to 1966 and Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Power from 1966 to 1967. and Correspondence etc. re Report on Computers for Research and proposals for fre arrangements for meeting re provision for research in on-line computer correspondence Processing National Service; Data a B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence G.439-G.469 CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD ROTHSCHILD 1972-1986 ‘Rothschild correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed: professional correspondence between Flowers and Lord Rothschild (Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron). Lord Rothschild frequently wrote to Flowers to seek advice on specific issues relating to nuclear and solar energy, scientific research in general and personal research interests. During the period covered by the correspondence Lord Rothschild held the positions of Director General and First Permanent Under-Secretary of the Central Policy Review Staff in the Cabinet Office (1971-1974), Chairman of N.M. Rothschild’s Continuation Ltd (1976-1988). Chairman of (1975-1976) Rothschild Sons and & 1972 January-July. Correspondence re ‘45 different varieties of correspondence re Lighthiil Report on Artificial Intelligence. D’ R & by Lord Rothschild; 1972 August. 5pp typescript; re satellite the future of R & D’ by Lord Rothschild 1973 March-September. ‘45 different varieties of 1972 September, October. Correspondence re including 11pp typescript draft. Correspondence re Science Research Council Report, 1971-1972; etc. Correspondence re report on Kingdom including stations; etc. and Committee members of the Science Research Council. Correspondence re proposed successors to Flowers as Chairman of the Science Research Council. Correspondence re taxation of travel and subsistence allowances of Board the United power 1973 March, November. solar energy in correspondence 1973 April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1973 November, December. Correspondence re radioactive waste; correspondence re taxation of travel and subsistence allowances of Board and Committee members of the Science Research Council; etc. 1974 January-July. 1p typescript proposals for an Advisory Council on Energy; correspondence re draft papers on radioactive waste sent to Flowers by Lord Rothschild; etc. 1974 September —1975 January. Refereeing. 1975 January. Correspondence re Central Policy Review Staff. 3 folders. 1975 October —1976 April. 1976 June. G.449-G.451 1975 September, October. Correspondence and papers re a study of Klinokinesis by Lord Rothschild. Rothschild wrote to Flowers asking him to suggest a mathematician who could aid him with his study. Correspondence re arrangements for meeting with Lord Rothschild and S. Ramo; etc. Refereeing. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1976 June-August. & Sons and Correspondence re Lord Rothschild’s decision to resign as Chairman of N.M. Rothschild Rothschild’s Continuation Ltd; Correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO 1976). to assume the Chairmanship of 1976 August, September. Correspondence etc re address by Sir Sam Edwards to the Parliamentary and the Rothschild Report. re consequences and implications Committee, Scientific of 1976 October —1977 February. Correspondence re article re peaceful uses for plutonium; correspondence re published lecture by M. Benedict ‘The case for nuclear power’; etc. 1977 March-May. 1978 February. at Windscale and French Correspondence re Commercial Fast Reactor | developed nuclear fuels; etc. Correspondence re water evaporation; correspondence re lecture by W. Marshall re plutonium given at Glasgow. Correspondence re Lecture being prepared by Lord Rothschild re plutonium and nuclear energy. Pollution (HMSO 1976). of Nuclear Power and the Royal Commission on Environmental Correspondence re data Environment Sixth Report of 1978 June, July. 1978 March. given in Table 8 the B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1978 June, July. Correspondence re arrangements for Lord Rothschild’s Dinner, London, 19 July 1978 including 12pp typescript of speech by Lord Rothschild. 1978 September. Correspondence re operational research aspects of combine harvester problem posed by Lord Rothschild. 1978 October, November. Correspondence re ‘Risk’ by Lord Rothschild, the 1978 Richard Dimbleby Lecture; etc. 1979 May, June. Recommendation. 1980 January-November. 1981 March. 1981 March—1982 February. Correspondence re arrangements for meeting; correspondence re safety aspects of Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactors (CANDU Reactors). Correspondence re proposal by Y. Ne’eman for a United Kingdom/Israeli Astronomical Observatory in Israel. whom he can discuss Primes. Correspondence re Funding for St Cross College, Oxford; correspondence re Rothschild; correspondence re definition of ‘research’; correspondence re views of A. Ailberston on Social Science Research Council. Correspondence re queries from Lord Rothschild re gold and impurities in it, Dirac and the prediction of the existence of anti-matter; correspondence re request from Lord Rothschild to meet with a Number Theory specialist with 1984 February—1985 October. Cartesian co-ordinates problem posed by Lord _ B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1986 October, November. Correspondence re proposal by M. Boxer of the Tatler Publishing Company Ltd for a feature on objects and people lost to Britain, including the brain drain issue; etc. G.470-G.529 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1959-1978 The material consists of references and recommendations by Flowers for persons seeking appointments and grant aid. proposed honours persons awards and for for or G.470-G.528 ‘Confidential reports outside Dept.’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1959- 1967. 1959 January. 1959 May. 1960 June. 1960 May. 1960 December. 1960 September-November. 1961 July. 1961 January, February. 1961 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1961 September. 1961 November. 1961 December, 1962 January. 1962 February. 1962 May. 1962 August. 1963 March. 1964 February. 1964 May-October. 1964 May-July. 1964 March-May. 1964 April. 1964 February-April. 1963 October, November. 1964 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1964 June-September. 1964 September, October. 1964 November, December. 1964 December, 1965 January. 1965 January. 1965 January, February. 1965 February. 1965 February, March. 1965 April. 1965 April, May. 1965 November, December. 1965 August, September. 1965 November-1966 January. 1965 October-1966 January. 1965 October, November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1965 December, 1966 January. 1966 January. 1966 February, March. 1966 April. 1966 April, May. 1966 May, June. 1966 June-September. 1966 June, July. 1966 July. 1966 August. 1966 July, August. 1967 January, February. 1966 December, 1967 January. 1966 November. 1966 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 Correspondence 1967 February, March. 1967 March, April. 1967 April. 1967 May. 1967 June. 1978 August.
FLOWERS, Brian Hilton Vol2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin