FERGUSON-SMITH, Malcom Andrew Vol1 v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith FRS (b. 1931) VOLUME | Introduction Section B: Medical Genetics Section C: Correspondence Section A: Biographical NCUACS catalogue no. 161/4/08 by Timothy E. Powell, Heather Bird and Simon Coleman M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Compiled by: Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1957-2008 Deposited in: Smith FRS (b. 1931), geneticist Extent of material: ca 1,600 items Timothy E. Powell, Heather Bird and Simon Coleman Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson- NCUACS catalogue no. 161/4/08 © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Glasgow University Archive Services Reference code: GB 0248 UGC188 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Wellcome Trust Research Resources in Medical History programme M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE DUTY ARCHIVIST GLASGOW UNIVERSITY ARCHIVE SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B MEDICAL GENETICS A.1-A.37 B.1-B.72 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1-C.1123 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.123 SECTION E LECTURES AND MEETINGS E.1-E.37 SECTION G SECTION H SECTION J H.1-H.50 SECTION F SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.95 CONSULTANCIES AND COLLABORATIONS G.1-G.29 GENDER VERIFICATION IN SPORT BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY J.1-J.15 (BSE) INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received for cataloguing from Professor Ferguson-Smith in October 2007 and May 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF MALCOLM ANDREW FERGUSON-SMITH Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith was born in Glasgow on 1931, the son of the distinguished physician and dermatologist John Ferguson-Smith. He graduated in medicine (MB, ChB) from Glasgow University in 1955 and held House Physician and House Surgeon posts at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, 1955-1956 and was Senior House Officer and Registrar in Pathology, 1956-1958. While undertaking postgraduate training in pathology he was introduced to research on sex chromatin under Bernard Lennox. Their buccal smear surveys revealed for the first time the high frequency of Klinefelters Syndrome among subfertile males and those with learning difficulties. Unsuccessful Gzowska. Syndrome and true hermaphroditism. During his time in America he met and married Marie Eve on chromosomes with V.A. McKusick, for nearly three years. Here he established the first human University in 1961. He was appointed successively Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader, becoming continuing his research in the USA, with appointment as Fellow in Medicine at the School of Medicine, the first Burton Professor of Medical Genetics in 1973. His duties included teaching genetics to first Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in 1959. Ferguson-Smith remained at Johns Hopkins, working and fourth year medical students and the establishment of a Regional Genetics Service for a efforts to undertake chromosome analysis in these patients during 1957-1958 led to Ferguson-Smith Ferguson-Smith returned to the Department of Genetics (Head, Guido Pontecorvo) at Glasgow chromosome diagnostic laboratory in the USA and undertook cytogenetic research into the Turner mammalian sex determining gene twenty-five years later. The work on translocations in pachytene, chromosome polymorphisms, deletion mapping, in situ hybridisation and chromosome sorting by flow cytogenetics service provided opportunities for contributing to the human gene map using familial diagnostic laboratories, prenatal diagnosis for chromosome and metabolic disorders, prenatal population of three million in the West of Scotland. This comprised a network of counselling clinics, cytometry. His work on mapping the Y-linked sex determinant in XX males led to the isolation of the screening facilities for spina bifida and neonatal screening for hypothyroidism. The clinical M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 gene mapping through chromosome deletion and by in situ hybridisation. proved to be first descriptions in the human genetics literature. He also participated extensively in all eleven international Human Gene Mapping Workshops from 1973 to 1991. _In all these areas of diagnosis and research he was supported by his wife, Marie, and an exceptional team of researchers and technicians. During this period he published on many other aspects of human meiosis, clinical genetics, antenatal diagnosis and human chromosome mapping. His work received grant support from the Medical Research Council, the Scottish Home and Health Department, the Scottish Hospitals Endowment Trust and a number of medical charities. An initiative by the charity Action Research for the Crippled Child, with which Ferguson-Smith had a close connection, led to the building of the Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics in Glasgow in 1980. In 2004 his contributions to developing genetics services in the West of Scotland were publicly acknowledged with a new clinical genetics centre for the west of Scotland at Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow being named the Ferguson-Smith Centre. In 1987 Ferguson-Smith was appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Pathology at Cambridge University and Director of the East Anglia Regional Genetics Service. He led research on gene isolation, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques, reverse chromosome painting and studies in karyotype evolution using chromosome sorting and cross-species chromosome painting. He retired as Head of Pathology in 1998 and he and his team moved to the Cambridge Connor, Essential Medical Genetics, which ran to many British and overseas editions. Ferguson-Smith’s expertise as a medical geneticist was called on in a number of other capacities. In distributed chromosome-specific DNA from over 120 species of animals, birds and fish to scientists throughout the world for research in biology, evolution, gene mapping and cancer. This data led to into genomic evolution. The cross-species chromosome homology maps generated by these studies were made available in a database (www.chromhome.org). An important aspect of the research of the and their discovery and characterisation of the unique ten sex chromosome system of the platypus. Ferguson-Smith published extensively, including an undergraduate textbook co-authored with J.M. between species mapped, so allowing detailed studies of relationships between species and research Centre for Comparative Genomics, with Wellcome Trust support. The Centre produced and Ferguson-Smith laboratory at the Vet School was on the evolution of vertebrate sex determination University Department of Veterinary Medicine. In 2002 he established the Cambridge Resource many collaborative studies and allowed cross-species comparisons to be made and homologies Amateur Athletic Federation set up a Working Group on Gender Verification. Ferguson-Smith served the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games. He declined, arguing that the method of testing (the sex chromatin or buccal smear test) would be more likely unfairly to exclude women athletes than detect 1969 he was approached by the British Olympic Committee to administer the tests for competitors for cheats. The buccal smear test was challenged again in the 1980s and in 1991 the International M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 on this Working Group which called for an end to genetics-based gender verification and its replacement with a health test for all athletes. It met with gradual success until in 1999 the IOC abandoned genetics based testing for the Sydney Olympics. In 1998 Ferguson-Smith was appointed as the scientist member of Lord Phillips’ Committee on the UK Government's BSE Inquiry which reviewed the emergence of BSE and new variant CJD and the action taken in response to it. It reported in 2000 (the Phillips Report) and included some criticisms of the scientific and the Government response to the crisis. Ferguson-Smith held a number of honorary administrative posts, including Vice-President of the Genetical Society (1978-1981), President of the Clinical Genetics Society (1979-1981), President of the European Society of Human Genetics (1997-1998), President of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (1998-2002) and President of the Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists (2002- 2005). He was a founding member and served on the Council of the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and on the Scientific Advisory Board of the UK Human Genome Mapping Project. He was the founding editor of the journal Prenatal Diagnosis (1980) and served on the editorial boards of a number of journals (1973-2008) including the journal Cytogenetics and its successor (1961-1982). Honours accorded to Ferguson-Smith included election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1978 and the Royal Society of London in 1983, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1993 and the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998. He received Honorary Doctorates in Science from Strathclyde (1992) and Glasgow (2002) Universities and was made an Honorary Associate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2002. Overseas honours included The material covers the period 1957-2008. The archive is dominated by Ferguson-Smith’s very Section A, Biographical, is not extensive. It includes a number of biographical accounts of Ferguson- election as a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Science and of the National Academy of Development of medical genetics at principally relates to research grants held by Ferguson-Smith, chiefly from the Medical Research Council, from 1961 to 1998. It includes grants for research into Multiple Self-healing Squamous Section B, Medical genetics, is divided into three subsections. The first, Research and reports, concerning his return to Glasgow 1959-1963, and later material from his move to Cambridge as Smith’s life and career to date. There is correspondence relating to his early career, particularly Professor of Pathology in 1987. The section also includes a copy of his Bibliography. Epithelioma (MSSE), a condition first identified by his father. Medicine of Buenos Aires. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION substantial correspondence. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Glasgow, the second subsection, includes correspondence and memoranda relating to the development of the field as an academic study and as clinical practice, including accommodation for Ferguson-Smith’s department culminating in the opening of the Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics in 1981. The third subsection, Development of medical genetics at Cambridge, is chiefly correspondence regarding the proposal for and establishment of a Centre for Medical Genetics at Cambridge, and later developments. Section C, Correspondence, is the largest in the archive. The main sequences of letters 1959-2002, both incoming and outgoing, are organised following Ferguson-Smith’s own arrangement; chronologically by group of years and then alphabetically within each group. This correspondence records the full range of Ferguson-Smith’s activities at Glasgow and from 1987 at Cambridge as university academic, as genetic consultant advising doctors and patients, and as director of a major medical genetics service serving millions of people. It is consequently very diverse. There is correspondence with scientific colleagues, including C.O. Carter, J.H. Edwards, A.E.H. Emery, C.E. Ford and V.A. McKusick; prospective and former researchers; with university and hospital colleagues; with doctors in general practice, patients and worried parents or would-be parents; with charities supporting his research, most prominently Action Research for the Crippled Child and the Scottish Spina Bifida Association; with societies and organisations, including the Clinical Genetics Society, the Royal College of Pathologists and a number of local groups to whom Ferguson-Smith gave talks on medical genetics and genetic counselling (and who would often raise money to support the service); Glasgow Health Board on topics ranging from future planning to maintenance of office equipment. various marsupials. advances in medical genetics, in attitudes to genetic counselling and how the regulatory climate and staffing crises and ethical considerations affected the service offered. There are also a little correspondence with V.A. McKusick found separately and a sequence of correspondence with J.M. Graves and colleagues on collaborative projects on comparative genomics of platypus, echidna and Section D, Publications, includes material relating to Ferguson-Smith’s publications and intended publications. Drafts include documentation of some of his most notable works, including his first Through this correspondence one can see changes in diagnostic techniques and technological Glasgow, and later the University of Cambridge, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Greater with publishing houses; and so on. There is also administrative correspondence with the University of by M. Harries et a/ and drafts of a number of his 1990s publications on reciprocal chromosome documentation relating to various editions of the textbook Essential Medical Genetics, Ferguson- with B. Lennox et al. Lancet (1957) and ‘Karyotype-phenotype correlations in gonadal dysgenesis and accepted by the Journal of Medical Genetics which became a Citation Classic in 1991. There is also Smith’s chapter on ‘Gender verification’ in editions of the Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine, edited publication, ‘Klinefelter’s syndrome: frequency and testicular morphology in relation to nuclear sex’, their bearing on the pathogenesis of malformations’ (1965), a paper rejected by Cytogenetics but M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 painting between species of animal. There is a very nearly complete set of offprints of Ferguson- Smith’s publications. The section also presents editorial material, chiefly relating to the journal Prenatal Diagnosis, of which Ferguson-Smith was founder and Editor in Chief for 26 years to his retirement at the end of 2006. Section E, Lectures and meetings, includes documentation of some early lectures from Ferguson- Smith’s period in the USA, 1959-1961, and a few of his many talks to local societies in the west of Scotland in which he spoke about genetics in general and the work of the West of Scotland genetics service in particular (this is also documented in section C, Correspondence). There is also a little material relating to university teaching responsibilities, and documentation of a few meetings attended by him. Section F, Societies and organisations, includes material from six organisations. The bulk relates to the Human Genome Organisation, HUGO, of which Ferguson-Smith was a founding and Executive Council member. Most of the material relates to the European Commission (EC) support for Single Chromosome Workshops (SCWs), including the 1991 Working Party (which included Ferguson- Smith) of the Advisory Committee for the Human Genome Analysis programme that recommended the EC should fund SCWs under HUGO guidelines, and subsequent EC contracts to fund SCWs, March 1992-October 1999. There is also significant material relating to the foundation of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis in 1996. Ferguson-Smith was a founder member, serving Section G, Consultancies and collaborations, dates from after Ferguson-Smith’s move to Cambridge. It is not extensive and documents Ferguson-Smith’s association with six commercial companies, chiefly in relation to work on chromosome paints. on the Board, and as President 1998-2002. Gender Verification, 1991-1999. The material includes correspondence (including many faxes) with Section H, Gender verification in sport, relates to Ferguson-Smith’s involvement from 1969 in the debate about methods of testing athletes’ sex. It includes correspondence with the British Olympic bulk relates to his service on the International Amateur Athletic Federation’s Working Group on Committee about the tests for competitors for the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games, but the its relation to vCJD, and his theory about its possible origin from a bovine prion gene mutation. members of the Working Group and others, briefing documents, drafts of articles for publication and documenting his continuing interest in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies including BSE and Section J, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, is principally material relating to the BSE Inquiry on which Ferguson-Smith served, and includes responses to the Inquiry’s report. There is also material background information. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Section K, Non-textual material, is slight. However, it includes historical 16mm colour educational films on genetics made in the USA and sent to Ferguson-Smith in Glasgow. Those at K.1-K.3, a series of three on medical genetics, were made at the Division of Medical Genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1960 and Ferguson-Smith participated in their creation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Professor Ferguson-Smith for making the material available and for his advice and information. T.E. Powell Bath June 2008 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.37 1957-2008 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS AND BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION A.10-A.35 CAREER A.36, A.37 OTHER BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS AND BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1970-2008 Ferguson-Smith’s Scottish Home and Health Department personal folder 1970-1977 The personal folder contained curricula vitae, of publications for consideration by the Advisory Committee on The coverage of Ferguson- Smith's career spans 1970-1977 Distinction Awards. lists Genome Res. (2005), 2005-2008 ca 2005 Society Personal of Ferguson-Smith’s Royal Copy Record ‘Brief curriculum vitae’, 4pp, 2007; ‘Curriculum vitae, from 2-4 Cytogenet. 111, 2pp; ‘Summary of Research Interests’, ca 2005; outline of current research interests (print-out), 2008 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s recollections of G. Pontecorvo Includes letter to Anderson, 18 August 1992, recalling Bernard Lennox and early history of genetics at Glasgow; and letter, 4 January 1994 outlining career at Glasgow after 1961. Correspondence with J. Anderson on history of genetics at Glasgow ‘Guido Pontecorvo. A celebration of Ponte’s Life and Contribution to Science’ 1992-1994 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Biographical, A.1-A.37 at pp14-18. ‘Malcolm Research vol. 111 (2005), 2-4 Ferguson-Smith’, Cytogenetic and Genome Ferguson-Smith Cytogeneticist’ is profiled as a _ ‘Distinguished ‘A tribute to Malcolm Ferguson-Smith, founding editor of Prenatal Diagnosis’ This was written on the occasion of Ferguson-Smith’s retirement from the editorship of Prenatal Diagnosis in December 2006 after 26 years as founder and Editor-in- Chief. Draft script for film on ‘Chromosome painting programme’ to feature Ferguson-Smith A.10-A.35 CAREER 1957-2005 Harper, interview with Ferguson-Smith, December 2003-2005 interviewer was Professor Peter S. Recorded 2003 Includes transcript, with Ferguson-Smith’s corrections, covering correspondence 2004-2005, and a list of those interviewed to date (December 2003). The a longstanding colleague of Ferguson-Smith’s in the field, and the interview formed part of Harper’s programme of interviews with distinguished human geneticists. 1957-1966 For appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA, see G33, C:53 in ‘Registrar MRCP. application societies 1957-1966’ [1966]. Presentations at 1957. “learned” Laboratory Medicine application M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. Victor McKusick regarding ‘Correspondence with appointment as Hopkins University Interviews 22/9/58, accepted 21/10/58. Sailed “Carinthia” related correspondence with Glasgow Western Hospitals etc’ Medicine, Dr in Fellow 6/2/59. Johns Also A.12-A.14 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. between Correspondence ‘1959-1960 & Baltimore, with Prof. Dan Cappell & Dr Bernard Lennox, including accounts of my activities in the USA during my Fellowship, discussions about postponing my return to Glasgow until a lectureship in Medical Genetics could be arranged’ Glasgow Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so divided into three for ease of reference. inscribed 1958-1959 1959-1960 Envelope further correspondence with and father, with advice)’. Dr J.S.S. inscribed, including Dr T.N. Fraser, Dr J.H. Renwick letter from my including ‘Also the in and inscribed A.15-A.19 1960-1961 lectureship Stewart (and Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so_ divided into five for ease of reference. At A.17 is application for expenses for the establishment of a cytogenetics laboratory at Glasgow. ‘4960-1961 Correspondence with Professors Cappell & Pontecorvo, Dr Bernard Lennox concerning the appointment of MAFS to Medical Genetics, Dept. Genetics, Glasgow University’ 1960-1964 ‘Correspondence in Prof. Pontecorvo’s files passed to me by Prof. J.A. Pateman (his successor) and relating to the establishment of my Lectureship in Medical Genetics in 1961, the efforts to obtain research funds and technical later proposals in 1964 to share the support, and the Lectureship with the Department of Child Health and establish the RHSC, Yorkhill Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so _ inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. a cytogenetic (diagnostic) laboratory at A.20-A.22 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Ferguson-Smith’s letter of 28 November 1960 (A.20) sets out the facilities he enjoys at Johns Hopkins, his plans for research and his thoughts on medical genetics in Britain. Ferguson-Smith’s progress report 1961-1963 is at A.21. Correspondence re employment at Glasgow the University of Includes appointments as Lecturer 1961, Senior Lecturer 1965, Reader 1971 and Professor 1973. Offer of post at England Deaconess Hospital, USA the Cancer Research Institute, New Boston, Massachusetts, 1963-1964 accepted Ferguson-Smith was invited to consider a post at the Institute in 1963. He visited Boston later that year and in 1964 Clinical Professor. However, further negotiation regarding terms of employment proved unsatisfactory and as Glasgow had put forward proposals to expand medical genetics there, he decided to stay in the UK. appointment Assistant as gave the Fleming Lecture on 5 1964, 1966 Correspondence. Brief correspondence only. Ferguson-Smith November. Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Fleming Lecture for 1984 departments. Chair of Pathology, University of Cambridge Visit to Cambridge, July 1986 information A.26-A.30 1986-1991 A.26 Includes on Pathology and_ related 1986 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Correspondence re possible move to Cambridge arising from visit Correspondence re move to Cambridge, including formal acceptance of offer, 16 March 1987 Correspondence, including re vacant chair at Glasgow Correspondence and papers 1988-1991 Mauro 1996 Research Baschirotto Award for Human Genetic 1995-1996 Two letters only re award to Ferguson-Smith. See also D.37. 2 folders. as McLaughlin-Gallie Chiefly correspondence re arrangements and itinerary McLaughlin-Gallie Visiting Professorship for 2001, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Press-release re Ferguson-Smith’s appointment to BSE Inquiry Ferguson-Smith spent 28 September-12 October 2001 visiting the universities of Alberta, Edmonton and British Vancouver Columbia, Visiting Professor. He also visited Winnipeg and San Diego, USA. August/September 2005, p.4 Notice of award of Wellcome Trust grant to Ferguson- Smith, Newsletter, Cambridge University of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Biographical, A.1-A.37 OTHER BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL 1998, 2008 ‘Professor September 1998’ Ferguson-Smith’s diary [January] to 30 Bibliography, 1957 (no. 1) - 2008 (no. 511) M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 SECTION B MEDICAL GENETICS, B.1-B.72 1960-2006 B.1-B.44 RESEARCH AND REPORTS B.45-B.63 B.64-B.72 DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT GLASGOW DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND REPORTS 1960-1998 B.1-B.33 Grants B.34-B.44 Miscellaneous Grants 1961-1998 Copy (incomplete) of application only. Applications, budgets, progress and final reports. Research into aspects of human cytogenetics, Medical Research Council ‘A study into possible factors leading to chromosomal non-disjunction particular emphasis on with Klinefelters syndrome’, 1965-1969, Medical Research Council research assistant. Results were published as Ferguson- This research was undertaken with J.H. Renwick into a condition first described by J. Ferguson-Smith, Malcolm Ferguson-Smith’s father, Z.H. James was Research Epithelioma, British Empire Cancer Campaign Self-healing Multiple into Final report on grant. Squamous 1966-1967 in man, in 1934. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Smith et al, ‘Multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma’, Birth Defects: Original Article Series. V\l| 8 (1971), 157- 163. Bibliography no. 75. In 1988 Ferguson-Smith and fellow researchers received an Imperial Cancer Research Fund grant to revisit the work (see B.21). the into study ‘The use of chromosome aberrations in gene localisation: specific a chromosome by which chromosomal aberrations or variant chromosomes are being Hospital Endowment Research Trust localisation analysis of genes of transmitted’, 1968-1971, families Scottish the to in See also B.48. ‘The development of techniques for human ribosomal and globin gene localisation’, 1975-1978, with R. Williamson, and for human gene localisation’, S. R. Malcolm, Medical Research Council hybridisation 1978-1981, Williamson ‘Use with situ and of in 1974-1980, n.d. a in an_ situ with family 11 folders. hydridisation Williamson was Professor of Biochemistry at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London. S. Malcolm joined the project in 1975 and continued to 1979. B.6), equipment (B.8) and Includes applications (B.5, draft of ‘Localisation of 5S ribosomal RNA to 1q 41-43 by interstitial in translocation of the long arm of chromosome 1’. At B.15 are related applications to the Wellcome Trust, Spastics Society and National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (Action Research). 1987-1994 ‘Molecular pathology of genetic disease’, with N.A. Affara and Medical Research Council Ferguson-Smith had prepared the application while at Glasgow. On his move to Cambridge he deferred the Includes initial application (B.16), full report 1988-1991 (B.18) for extension (B.19). and assessment of 1988-1993, 1993-1998, B.16-B.20 application 5 folders. J.R.W. Yates, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 starting date to April 1988. ‘Familial Multiple Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma’, with N.A. Affara, M.S. Stanley and J.R.W. Yates, 1988- 1991, Imperial Cancer Research Fund 1988-1991 Includes application and application for renewal, 1991. This research referred back to Ferguson-Smith’s work in 1968 (see B.3). See the report at B.40. ‘Characterisation of the tuberous sclerosis gene’, with N.A. and Medical Research Council 1988-1991, J.R.W. Yates, Affara Brief report only. Imaging system for research in ‘Human gene mapping and sequencing’, with N.A. Affara and N.P. Carter, 1989, Medical Research Council N.A. Includes application and progress reports. This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. ‘Towards a 1 centimorgan map of chromosome 9 using dinucleotide polymorphisms and meiotic recombination in sperm’, with Affara and M.A. Yuille, 1989-1992, Medical Research Council 1989-1992 ‘A feasibility study of the use of flow-sorted chromosomes for rapid gene mapping’, with N.P. Carter, 1990-1991, Medical Research Council This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. ‘1. and 2. Development of In situ service for users and for the cDNA programme N.P. situ technology’, with in M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Carter, 1991-1995, Medical Research Council This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. B.27-B.29 European Gene Mapping Project (EUROGEM) 1992-1996 3 folders. was laboratory a member of Ferguson-Smith’s the EUROGEM network receiving funding distributed by the Cancer European Research by the human Ferguson-Smith in ‘European approach to gene project’, FASEB J., Bibliography no. 266. Community through Fund. 5 (1991), 61-65. described scheme Imperial was The the of map of ‘Construction chromosome artificial chromosomes (Yacs) and cosmids’, with N.A. Affara and P. Jones, 1992-1993, Medical Research Council a comprehensive ordered yeast overlapping 9 _ in_- of and_ breast carcinomas cytogenetics Brief reports only. Letter of award only. ‘Prenatal diagnosis using multi-probe in situ hydridisation with fetal cells isolated from the maternal circulation’, with N.P. Carter, 1992-1993, Medical Research Council ‘The their potential as a diagnostic tool’, with P.A.W. Edwards and J. Wienberg, 1996-1998, Medical Research Council 1960 ‘Rudolf Virchow’s cellular pathology after one hundred Benda, years Sorting equipment for chromosomes, with N.A. Medical Research Council and modern geneto-cytology’, human Yates, Miscellaneous 1960-1994 B.34-B.44 flowing sorting by C.E. B.34 Affara and J.R.W. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 1960. inscribed Offprint to trisomy 22 in Down’s Syndrome, described by MAFS in 1959’ and page 62 indicated. Ferguson-Smith ‘Reference by ‘A report of research conducted during the past academic year current in human cytogenetics...’ by S.D. Handmaker research relation and its to Duplicated Smith’s work. typescript, with references to Ferguson- Handmaker had Ferguson-Smith. been a research collaborator with Copies of Letters to Down’s Syndrome and its relationship to maternal age 1976 and 1978 on the Lancet, 1976, 1978 Includes duplicated copies of Letters from Ferguson- Smith, ‘Prospective data on risk of Down syndrome in relation to maternal age’, 31 July 1976, Bibliography no. 106 and ‘Maternal age and Down’s syndrome’, 22 July 1978, Bibliography no. 122. Ferguson-Smith’s ‘Cusrow Wadia Fund’ ‘Jim Galt - [Research] Report - May 1987’ Galt was a researcher in the Glasgow Department of Medical Genetics. inscribed: Contents correspondence and papers re provision of fluorescence activated cell sorter for Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory. 1987-1989 ‘Multiple Self-Healing Squamous Epithelioma. Research Project Report April 1991’ by D.R. Goudie, M.A.R. Yuille, ‘Correspondence re: Research Associates 1988-1989’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. 1987-1988, 1993 Senior appointment of various of folder so M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 N.A. Affra, M.A. Stanley and M.A. Ferguson-Smith See also B.21. MRC News, no. 53, December 1991 Report Ferguson-Smith, cytogenetics: FISH and FACS’, on pp14-16. work on of ‘Molecular ‘The scope and extent of human genetic screening’ Paper responding to Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ Report on Ethical Issues of Genetic Screening (1993), presented at Symposium on Genetic Screening, King’s College London, 22 March 1994. the and ‘Health Technology Assessment on the applications of Fluorescence the diagnosis of genetic disorders’, report to Department of Health, May 1994 Hydridisation (FISH) Situ In in Science B.45-B.63 Technology Manuscript draft and typescript copy. Memorandum on ‘Human Genetics Research’ submitted to by Professor M.A. Ferguson-Smith, FRS...’ Subcommittee DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT GLASGOW 1960-1962 ‘Correspondence of MAFS with Professors Pontecorvo & Cappell, and with Dr J.M. Johnstone, Scottish Home & Health Dept and with the MRC - in attempts to get grant support for setting up a cytogenetics lab in the Genetics Dept, Glasgow Univ, 1961-62’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so divided into two for ease of reference. inscribed Includes grant See also correspondence at A.12-A.22. 1960-1984 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 B.47-B.53 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 application to Medical Research Council (see also B.1) and draft application to the Nuffield Foundation. ‘Correspondence relating to Department of Medical Genetics Scotland Regional Genetics Service’ the development of the the West of and 1966-1981 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. Correspondence and papers 1966-1969 Includes memorandum on ‘Future of Medical Genetics in Glasgow’ ‘First progress report for the year 1968-1969’ Also includes summary of Ferguson-Smith’s teaching and research marker project’. responsibilities; ‘Memorandum on ‘The use 1970-1972 reports work on gene in of genes to localisation: into specific chromosome by a Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers Includes notes on research activities and correspondence re appointment of Lecturer in Medical Genetics following the departure of J.H. Renwick, 1970. of chromosome This the study aberrations the localisation analysis of families in which chromosomal aberrations or variant chromosomes are being transmitted’, see B.4. NOT Ta oT Memoranda on ‘Department of Medical Genetics, Yorkhill Hospitals. Current status and future development’ 1977, and ‘Medical Genetics at Glasgow University’ 1979 Memoranda on ‘The new Institute of Medical Genetics at Yorkhill’ and ‘Regional Genetic Advisory Services’ Includes Ferguson-Smith’s appointment as Professor of Medical Genetics, and research plans 1973-1976 1973-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Memorandum on Genetics the vacant Lecturership in Medical ‘Correspondence cytogenetics forerunner of the University Dept of Medical Genetics’ establishment Hospitals, related laboratory the Yorkhill to at of a the 1963-1966 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so_ inscribed: chiefly material relating to accommodation for medical genetics. Papers on medical genetics at Glasgow 1963-1966 Includes ‘Medical Genetics - Progress Report 1961-1963’ and Ferguson-Smith’s estimate of future requirements, 1966. Correspondence accommodation at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children papers new and laboratory re activities the Department of Outline Medical Genetics, 1980-1981 research ‘Second Progress Report on Prenatal Diagnosis in the West of Scotland, 1969-1978’ Note on work of the Medical Genetics Unit at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children for the visit of H.M. the Queen Mother, 24 October 1973 1981-1983 The new Institute was named in honour of Duncan Guthrie, Director of the National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (better known as Action Research for major the contribution medical genetics. ‘The Duncan Genetics, Glasgow University and Yorkhill Hospitals. Its conception, inauguration and its mural’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. Ferguson-Smith’s made in B.59-B.62 of Medical This charity Crippled Child). Guthrie Institute a work of in to M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Inauguration of the Duncan Guthrie Institute Programmes; information; typescript of Ferguson-Smith’s remarks who performed the inauguration. McKusick, opening; letter V.A. at to ‘The Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics’ History and current research of the Institute. Correspondence with D. Guthrie, chiefly re a plane tree to be planted outside the building 1982-1983 The seed was said to have been obtained from the tree under which Hippocrates taught medicine on the Island of Cos. Correspondence and papers re mural ‘Medical Genetics in the Prevention of Handicap’ by the Artists’ Collective It OF MEDICAL AT B.64-B.72 DEVELOPMENT CAMBRIDGE Department of Medical Genetics Report for 1980-1984 Includes photographs of the mural and the new building. The mural was in the entrance foyer to the building. was unveiled in 1983. 1986-1995 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into for ease of reference: correspondence and papers relating to the proposal for and establishment of a Centre for Medical Genetics at Cambridge. At B.64 is correspondence Regius Professor of Physic, on a possible move to Cambridge and terms thereof, and a later note by Ferguson-Smith explaining some of the context. ‘Centre for Medical Genetics’ GENETICS 1986-2006 with Sir John Butterfield, B.64-B.68 five M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Entries for Project Register of Current Research for the East Anglian Regional Health Authority ‘Genetic Services in East Anglia. Report of Party’, January 1995 a Working ‘Profile of Pathology’ the Cambridge University Department of ‘Painting by numbers: mapping the evolutionary history of mammalian genomes’, 3, September 2006, 25-27 Wellcome Science issue This article describes the work headed by Ferguson- Smith for Comparative Genomics. Cambridge Resource Centre at the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE, C.1-C.1123 1957-2005 a by both archive dominated substantial The is The main sequences of letters 1959- correspondence. organised 2002, following arrangement: chronologically by group of years and then alphabetically within each group. incoming Ferguson-Smith’s outgoing, own very and are It as as V.A. diverse. would-be McKusick; university academic, prospective Cambridge Ford, and is consequently very J.H. Edwards, A.E.H. Emery, C.E. and This chronological correspondence records the full range of Ferguson-Smith’s activities at Glasgow and from 1987 at genetic consultant advising doctors and patients, and as director of a major medical genetics service serving millions of people. There is correspondence with scientific colleagues, including C.O. M.A. Carter, Hulten former researchers; with university and hospital colleagues; with doctors in general practice, patients and worried parents his or research, the Crippled Child and the Scottish Spina Bifida Association; with societies and organisations, including the Clinical Genetics Society, the Royal College of Pathologists and a number of local groups to whom Ferguson-Smith gave talks on medical genetics and genetic counselling (and who would often raise money to support the service); with also publishing on. administrative correspondence with of Glasgow, and University of Cambridge, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Greater Glasgow Health Board on topics ranging from future planning to maintenance of office equipment. supporting most prominently Action Research for charities parents; with and the is so the later There houses; University Through this correspondence one can see changes in diagnostic techniques and technological advances in medical genetics, in attitudes to genetic counselling and how the regulatory climate and staffing crises and ethical considerations affected the service offered. There is also a little correspondence with McKusick found separately, and a sequence of correspondence with J.M. Graves and on comparative genomics of platypus, echidna and various marsupials. and recommendations. Note that due to the nature of Ferguson-Smith’s work, access to some of the correspondence is restricted. C.1101-C.1123 colleagues on collaborative references projects are At M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1-C.58 ‘1959-1961’ C.59-C.136 ‘1961-1964’ C.137-C.373 ‘1965-1975’ C.374-C.598 ‘1976-1980’ C.599-C.725 ‘1981-1983’ C.726-C.878 ‘1984-[1987]’ C.879-C.994 ‘1987-1998 C.995-C.1086 ‘1998-2002’ C.1087 CORRESPONDENCE WITH V.A. MCKUSICK C.1088-C.1100 C.1101-C.1123 CORRESPONDENCE WITH J.A.M GRAVES AND OTHERS REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘1959-1961’ 1957-1961 During this period Ferguson-Smith was based at the Moores Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Much of the correspondence relates to invitations to visit colleagues in the USA, give lectures and attend seminars and conferences. Most correspondents are in the USA. A. 1959-1961 1959-1961 ‘Supplementary report on Includes Ferguson-Smith’s research project on Human Chromosomes supported by 7/1/59- 6/30/60’. the American Cancer Society [...] [...] Barr, M.L. 1959-1961 research to visit on chromosomes in Benda’s department, Correspondence re Mongolism, November 1959; including Correspondence re visit to Barr's department, 1959; triple-X/Y cases, Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Barr was Professor of Microscopic Anatomy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. 1959-1960 visit to Burch’s department and article by Chiefly re Ferguson-Smith on ‘Cytogenetics in Man’ for ‘Archives of Internal Medicine’. Benda was Director of Research and Psychiatry at Walter E. Fernald State School, Massachusetts. Burch was based at Tulane University, New Orleans, USA. Benda, C.E. Burch, G.E. the Department of Medicine, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘C,D’ Cooke, R.E. 1959-1961 1959-1961 1959-1961 report work Includes accomplished during receipt of grant awarded by the Kennedy Fluid Research Fund in 1960’ ‘Summary research of Cooke was Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maryland, USA. Crispell, K.R. 1960-1961 Chiefly re visit to Crispell’s department, February 1961. Crispell was Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA D. 1959-1961 Ca.-Cu. 1959-1961 D.H. Carr re_ satellited C.10-C.15 ‘E-F-G’ Includes with chromosomes, April 1961. exchange Includes correspondence re lectures 1957-1960 Ford was based at the Medical Research Council's Atomic Radiobiological Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire. Edwards was then based at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Edwards, J.H. CA. 12 Research Unit, 1957-1961 1961 C.10 Ford: G:E: M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘Correspondence with envelope so inscribed Charles Ford’. Contents of 1957-1958 Re sex chromosomes. Includes patient notes. 1959-1960 Includes correspondence re systems of nomenclature for human chromosomes. Fa.-Fu. 1959-1961 Includes correspondence with J.H. Fraser, University of Glasgow, re triple X cases. Grumbach, M.M. Correspondence re gonadal aplasia cases. Ge.-Gr. 1960-1961 C.16-C.22 ‘H-I’ correspondence with of nuclear sexing J.W. Groff the and chromosome re Includes implications analysis. Grumbach was based at the Presbyterian Hospital, New York. 1960-1961 Talk by Ferguson-Smith on Human chromosomes and congenital disease. Hamerton was based at the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. Chromosomes of chimpanzees. Hamerton, J.L. 1959-1961 C.16 Houston, R.A. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Houston was based at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Fsurc.G; 1959-1961 Correspondence re Klinefelter’s Syndrome and visit to Hsu’s department. Hsu was based at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, University of Texas, Houston. 1959-1961 1959-1961 Israelsohn, W.4J. C.23-C.28 6 Jal:2 1959-1961 C.23 re work on chromatin positive 1960, 1961 Jacobs, P.A. Correspondence Klinefelter’s syndrome. Israelsohn was based at the Institute of Child Health, London. 1960-1961 Personal news, including Ferguson-Smith’s return to Glasgow, and work on triple Xs. Jacobs was based at the Department of Radiotherapy, Western Central Hospital, Edinburgh. Includes Chromosome Newsletter’, June 1960. circular letter re Johnston, A.W. proposed ‘Human M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Johnston had been based in Glasgow before moving to University College Hospital in London. Levan, Albert Includes Mongolism. correspondence re study of cases of Levan came from the Institute of Genetics, University of Lund, Sweden to spend periods working at the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Texas and at Johns Hopkins 1959-1961 1959-1961 1960-1961 re Ferguson-Smith’s 1959-1961 1960 C.29 Manning, R.T. C.29-C.33 ‘M, N’ Manning was Associate in Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Chiefly contributions — to programme in Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center 1959-1961 Includes correspondence arising from publications by Ferguson-Smith. Me.-Mi. 1959-1961 1960, 1961 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 N. 1959-1960 Includes appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital. correspondence re _ Ferguson-Smith’s C.34-C.42 10): P’ C.34 Oikawa, K. 1957-1961 1960 Correspondence arising from visit Johns Hopkins Hospital. to Moore Clinic, Oikawa Columbus, Ohio. was based at the Children’s Hospital, Optiz, J.M. 1959, 1961 Includes correspondence 1959 re Ferguson-Smith’s method of preparing bone marrow. 1959-1961 Overzier, C. (1959) and then Nuclear sex of true hermaphrodites. Overzier was based at the University of Mainz. Optiz was based at the State University of lowa, lowa City the Wisconsin Orthopaedic Hospital for Children, Madison (1961). 1960-1961 Patau was Genetics, University of Wisconsin. Chiefly chromosomes. in the Department of Medical correspondence 1960-1961 re work on_ satellited Patau, K. based M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Polani, P.E. 1957-1961 Includes correspondence 1961 re triple-X cases. Polani Research, based at Guy’s Hospital Medical School. Professor Prince Philip was of Paediatric based at the Kinderspital, Zurich, Prader, A. Prader was Switzerland. Puck, it. Includes correspondence re ‘enlarged satellite’. Puck was Professor of Biophysics at the University of Colorado Medical Center. 1959-1960 1959-1960 1959-1961 C.43-C.50 C.43 1959-1961 Sohval, A.R. Sohval was a doctor in New York. Correspondence on Turner's syndrome and the sex chromatin. 1959-1961 Stanbury was based at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. to Stanbury’s department, October Chiefly 1960. Stanbury, J.B. re visit M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Stiles, K.A. Chromosome count on mother of Mongoloid child. was Stiles of University of Michigan. Head the Department of Zoology, Sullivan, C.H. 1959-1961 Correspondence re supply and use of Colcemide. Sullivan worked for the Clinical Investigation Division of CIBA Pharmaceuticals. Summer, G.K. Summer was Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of North Carolina. 1959-1961 C.51 1959-1961 1959-1961 1960-1961 C.51-C.57 ‘T-Z’ Talbott, J.H. Talbott was Editor of the journal. Correspondence re contributions to the Journal of the American Medical Association. of London. Tanner and Development at the Institute of Child Health, University Correspondence re bone maturation in Syndrome. Klinefelter’s was Senior Lecturer in Growth Tanner, J.M. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ta.-Tu. 1960, 1961 Includes appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital. correspondence re _ Ferguson-Smith’s Van Wyk, J.J. 1960-1961 Chiefly re chromosome photographs sent to Van Wyk. Van Wyk was Associate University of North Carolina. Professor of Pediatrics, White, M.J.D. Possible post in human genetics for Ferguson-Smith at the University of Melbourne. White was Professor of Zoology at the University of Melbourne, Australia. 1959-1961 ‘Waiting’ 1960-1961 in was based at the Children’s Cancer Yerganian, G. Methodologies in mammalian cytogenetics. Yerganian Research Foundation, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. 1961-1965 Miscellaneous correspondence, correspondents appearing earlier patient material: tables. some from the sequence; ‘1961-1964’ C.59-C.136 C.59-C.62 1959-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Alberman, E. Correspondence re cases for study of parental age and Turner's Syndrome. Alberman worked at the Paediatric Research Unit at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London Archibald, R.W.R. Possible case of Klinefelters Syndrome referred to Ferguson-Smith. Archibald was Lecturer in Pathology at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. An.-As. and unidentified 1961-1965 1963-1965 1959 Blank, C.E. 1962-1964 C.63 Barr, M.L. C.63-C.68 ‘B’ 1959-1965 Includes correspondence re undergraduate teaching. Barr was Professor of Microscopic Anatomy at the University of Western Ontario. 1962-1965 Blank was based in the Department of Genetics (later the Sub-department of Medical Genetics), University of Sheffield. Includes correspondence re case of hermaphroditism. Correspondence research and publication plans and laboratory news. progress includes research, of Bowen, P. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Bowen was at Johns Hopkins Hospital before moving to Canada as Associate Professor in Paediatrics at University Hospital, Edmonton. Buchanan, W.W. 1962, 1964 Buchanan was based at the US National Institutes of Health before returning to Scotland to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. C.69-C.75 ‘C-D’ 1962-1965 1962-1965 1961-1965 Ca.-Cu. Davidson, R.G. period as Case of gonadal dysgenesis. C.69 Caffrey, R.J. 1964 1961-1965 1963-1965 Caffrey was based at St Mary's Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. Includes correspondence re offer to Ferguson-Smith of post at Roswell Park Memorial Institute. 1963-1965 After a a researcher at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Davidson moved to Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA. Davidson was Professor of Haematology at King’s re ‘drumstick counts’ on cases of Turner's Davidson, W.M. Chiefly Syndrome. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 College Hospital Medical School, London. Dennison, W.M. Dennison worked at Children, Glasgow. the Royal Hospital for Sick 1963, 1965 Dewhurst, C.J. 1963-1964 by Correspondence Ferguson-Smith Regional Symposium on Genetic Disorders, Sheffield, 11 June 1964. contributions Dewhurst re and scope of to Dewhurst was Reader in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Sheffield. Da.-Du. 1962-1965 C.76 Ferrier, P. 1962-1965 1964-1965 1962-1964 based in C.76-C.81 ‘E-P’ Emery, A.E.H. the Department of Medical Includes note from Ferguson-Smith to Professor lan Donald of Queen Mother's Hospital, Glasgow, of ‘types of case this unit would welcome for study’ Emery was Genetics, University of Manchester. 1962-1965 Ferrier was based at Pédiatre, Hépital Canonal, Geneva, Switzerland. Visit to Glasgow, 1962, advice on diplo-triploid mosaicism. the Clinique Universitaire de Ferrier’s case of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Frackiewicz, A. Abnormal karyotypes. Frackiewicz was Research Council’s Clinical Effects of Radiation Research Unit, Edinburgh. Medical based the at Fraland, A. 1963-1964 Correspondence re work on Kleinfelter’s Syndrome. Frgland was University Human Genetics, Copenhagen, Denmark. based at the C.82-C.84 ‘G’ Institute for 1962-1965 1961-1965 C.82 C.85-C.93 1961-1965 1962-1965 German, J. Ill 1961-1965 Goodman, R.E. News on progress of research, career etc. Correspondence re trisomy cases, and visit to USA in early 1964 German wrote from a number of New York addresses including the Rockefeller Institute, Cornell University Medical College and the New York Hospital. 1961-1965 Goodman was Hospital before moving to the Department of Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. based at Johns Hopkins M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hamerton, J.L. Handmaker, S.D. Handmaker was He Ferguson-Smith co-authored a number of papers. New York. based in 1961-1963 1962-1964 and Hartveit, F.M. Chiefly personal correspondence. Hartveit was Norway. based at the University of Bergen, Hecht, F. 1962-1965 Includes correspondence on testicular biopsies from XXXY patients. D1 trisomy syndrome; Hecht was Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. the Department of Medical based in Heller, R.H. 1963-1965 Heuvel, J. van der the Department of Pediatrics, Heller was based in Johns Hopkins Hospital. Correspondence re work on Turners Syndrome in males; personal news, 1963-1964 visit USA for learning Correspondence re leave to radiation about techniques of autoradiography and cytology at Department of Medical Genetics, Cornell University, Research New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston. Personal correspondence. Hutcheson, R.T. and Cancer Institute, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hutchison, J.H. Ha.-Hy. C.94-C.98 C.94 Johnston, A.W. Correspondence re visits, joint papers, etc. Johnston was based at University College Hospital London. 1964-1965 1962-1965 1961-1965 1962-1964 1961-1965 Johnstone, J.M. 1964-1965 1961-1965 He & and visit to draft ‘Foreword’ of definition Jones, H.W., Jr Turners Syndrome; Includes Syndrome. Chromosomal analyses on patients. Johnstone was Pathologist in Charge, Department of Pathology, Grimsby General Hospital. Progress of research and papers, including gonadal agenesis Johns Hopkins, February 1964. 1961-1965 C.99-C.105 Jones was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. was editor Gynecological Survey. journal Obstetrical also the an of of Turner's M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Kaufmann, B.N. Leclercq, P. 1961-1965 1961-1964 1963-1965 a was student Culture Leclercq Laboratory of A. Govaerts, Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth, Brussels, Belgium, who came to work with Ferguson-Smith in 1964 and 1965. Tissue the in Lubs, H.A., Jr 1962, 1964 was Lubs Hospital, West Haven, Connecticut, USA. based the at Veterans Administration Lyon, M.F. 1963-1965 Lapa, A. 1963-1965 Personal news. Professor Lapa was a friend of the family in Portugal. Lyon was based at the Medical Research Council’s Radiobiological Research Unit, Harwell, Berkshire. Correspondence re gonadal dysgenesis in man, and possible method of solving the question whether the Xg locus undergoes inactivation. 1963 Chromosome analyses. MacGillivray, R.C. Superintendent C.106-C. 111 MacGillivray 1961-1965 1962-1965 was Medical at the ‘Mc’ C.106 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Lennox Castle Institution, Lennoxtown, Glasgow. C.107-C.109 MckKusick, V.A. 1961-1965 was University Professor Professor of Medicine at Medical McKusick Genetics and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is widely regarded as the father of clinical medical genetics and Ferguson-Smith had studied in his department 1957-1961. of 1961-1962 Includes correspondence re collaboration on paper ‘on the X-chromosome of man’; career possibilities. 1963 Research in progress. 1963-1964 1964-1965 1964, McKusick’s work on McF.-Mack. Macl.-McQ. to USA in February- Reifenstein’s Personal news, plans for visit March Syndrome. Includes correspondence re appointment at Western Infirmary Glasgow University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Martin was Assistant Professor in Pathology at the Includes Ferguson-Smith at the University of Washington. correspondence Martin, G.M. C.112-C.117 re_ possible post for C.112 ‘M’ 1961-1965 1961-1965 1964 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Meisner, L.F. Correspondence re Meisner’s paper on ‘Changes in patients Leukocytes therapeutic irradiation’, Ferguson-Smith’s comments and research data. receiving of with Meisner was a geneticist based at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. Mellman, W.J. Visit to Glasgow. 1962-1963 Mellman was based at the Medical Research Council's Human Biochemical Genetics Research Unit, King’s College London. Moore, K.L. 1962-1965 Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to book on Chromatin. The Sex 1962-1965 C.118-C.122 Moore was Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. 1961, 1964 Chiefly correspondence with J. Nielsen, Arhus State Hospital, Denmark, re visit to Glasgow. C.118 N. 1962-1965 1961-1965 1964-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Polani, P.E. 1961-1964 correspondence Includes contribution Abnormalities, January 1962. meeting to re _ Ferguson-Smith’s on Human Chromosome Postel, W.B. 1962-1963 Career and research news. Postel was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Pa.-Pr. 1961-1965 Includes correspondence re by Ferguson- Smith to College of Speech Therapists Scottish Area, 23 November 1963 of Manchester Group for Human Genetics, 21 May 1965. University lectures and C.123-C.129 1961-1965 C.123 1961-1965 SchOffling, K. Correspondence re study visit to the Moores Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital Sch6ffling was Assistant Professor in Medicine at the University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Syndrome. Includes research results. Solomon was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Correspondence re case. Solomon, I.L. Swartz, F.J. 1961-1962 of patient with 1962-1963 Swartz’s DNA studies Turner's M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Swartz was Assistant Professor of Anatomy, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. 1962-1964 1963-1965 1961-1965 1962-1965 1964 C.130-C.132 ‘T-U-V’ C.130 Telford, |I.R. Includes invitation to spend a year as visiting assistant professor at George Washington University. Telford at Washington University, Washington DC, USA. Professor Anatomy was of George WV: F. Vella, ‘W-X-Y-2Z’ 1962-1965 1962, 1965 C.133-C.136 University of Chiefly correspondence with Khartoum, Sudan, re visit to Glasgow. 1962 Wilkins was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He established a paediatric endocrine unit and became Professor of Paediatrics. Includes correspondence re draft of third edition Wilkins’s Endocrine Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence. of Treatment of 1959-1965 Wilkins, L. book The Diagnosis and C.133 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Wise, R.B. 1962-1965 Personal correspondence. Wa.-W unidentified. C.137-C.373 ‘1965-1975’ C.137-C.147 ‘A’ C.137 Alexander, W.D. 1959-1965 1961-1965 1964-1976 1966-1976 1968 Allison, A. 1966-1967 1968-1971 Anderson, J.M. Entry on ‘Chromosome analysis and sex chromatin tests’, Hospital handbook. Includes 2pp typescript draft by Ferguson- Smith. Glasgow, Infirmary, Western for Discussion of cases. Allison was based at the Southern General Hospital. 1966-1973 Includes draft of Letter to the Lancet by Anderson, sent to Ferguson-Smith for approval, December 1970, and corrected copy, January 1971. Anderson was Professor of Pathology at the University of Liverpool. Anderson was a surgeon at Glasgow. the Royal Infirmary, Anderson, J.R. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Arnth-Jensen, H. Re grant application to NATO for project ‘Sex-linked characters as cell tracers’. Ashley-Miller, M. Re Chief Administrative Medical Officers’ conference, Erskine, 5-7 March 1975. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Antenatal Screening’. Includes a copy of Ferguson- Smith's lecture notes. Re Audy, S. Audy was a visiting cytologist from Yugoslavia. Aula, P. Correspondence re visit to genetics laboratories in the UK. to 1968-1973 1966-1974 Aula was based at the Children’s Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. 1965 Bell was Assistant Dean at the University of Glasgow. Includes contribution Medicine. correspondence on course re _ Scientific Ferguson-Smith’s in Concepts C.148-C.170 ‘B’ C.148 Bell, A.E. 1967-1976 1965-1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Berg, K. 1967-1975 Includes correspondence re Berg’s discovery of the Xm system, supply of Lp antiserum and (1975) Berg’s Ag (x)-chromosome investigations. Berg was Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Oslo, Norway. Bergada, C. Chiefly re visit to the UK. 1970, 1974 was Bergadaé Endocrinology in Aires, Argentina. based of the Children’s Hospital of Buenos Department the in Bergsma, D. 1966-1975 Chiefly re Atlas and Compendium of Birth Defects. Blank, C.E. Bobrow, M. a University, 1966-1974 1974-1975 New York, and Vice-President was Bergsma Foundation, Pediatrics, Tufts USA. Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. of Clinical the National Professor of Boston, Massachusetts, Boavida was a Portuguese researcher who visited Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in September 1974. 1970-1974 Bobrow worked at the Medical Research Council’s Population Genetics Unit, Headington, Oxford, before joining Genetics, Oxfordshire Area Health Authority. the Department of Medical M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Boczkowski, K. Chiefly re planned visits. Boczkowski was Associate Professor in the Genetics Section, Medical Academy in Warsaw, Poland. Endocrinology, Department of Bodmer, W.F. Borgaonkar, D.S. Includes Glasgow, September 1970. visit to Ferguson-Smith’s department in Borgaonkar was Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital. 1967-1971 1974-1975 1967-1975 1967, 1972 1972-1975 based in the Bruere, A.N. Brock, D.J.H. C.160-C.163 Department of Human Brock was Genetics, University of Edinburgh. A New Zealander, Bruere met Ferguson-Smith when a postgraduate at the Veterinary Hospital in Glasgow. He returned to New Zealand to take up a post at Massey University, Palmerston North, being appointed Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology in 1975. He was an authority in veterinary cytogenetics. 1966-1975 News Includes draft paper ‘An XX/XY Leukocyte Mosaic pig Freemartin characteristics’. Ferguson-Smith’s comments on news. Bruere’s with 1966-1967 on progress in research, personal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1968 Chiefly re Klinefelter's Syndrome in sheep, including Ferguson-Smith’s comments on Bruere’s draft paper ‘Testicular hypoplasia in two rams...’. 1970-1971 Includes correspondence re translocation in sheep. 1972-1975 Includes correspondence on Klinefelter’s Syndrome in sheep, and the cause of Robertsonian translocations. Buchanan, W.W. 1966, 1970 Buchanan was based at the Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, Glasgow. 1966-1975 1965-1975 1965-1975 1966-1975 1970-1975 1966-1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.171-C.184 1965-1975 Caldwell Hospital on Genetic Counselling to The Parents and Talk Friends of Caldwell Hospital, 11 October 1971 Cameron, A.H. 1968, 1973 Cameron was Consultant Pathologist at the United Birmingham Hospitals. Campbell, R.T. 1968-1969 on lecture Re by Ferguson-Smith to British Medical Association Stirling Branch, 19 March Abnormalities Chromosome Institute of Medical H. Harris ‘Prenatal 1966-1975 Diagnosis and Carter, C.O. Chandley, A.C. Carter was based in the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Genetics Research Unit, Child Health, London Includes correspondence re case of Whistling Face Syndrome, 1971; draft book review by Ferguson-Smith of Selective Abortion’. 1965-1975 Chandley Research Council's Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. Includes progress of research, chiefly on Klinefelter’s Syndrome; visit to Glasgow, 1974. Chapelle, A. de la 1970-1974 was based at the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Cole, M. 1969-1971 Re illustrations of metaphases and karyotypes. Cole was based Sciences, University of Aston. in the Department of Biological Craik, J.E. 1971, 1973 Re Ferguson-Smith's lectures in course on General Pathology, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow. Curran, A.P. 1967-1975 Re Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to courses. Curran was based in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Glasgow. 1966-1975 Co. 1965-1974 Includes draft the XXY Klinefelter Syndrome and the origin of XX men’ by G. Cété, sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. of ‘Meiotic parameters for C.185-C.193 1966-1975 1966-1974 1966-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Dennison, W.M. 1965-1974 re Ferguson-Smith’s Chiefly W.M. Dennison, Surgery in Infancy and Childhood (3rd ed., Churchill-Livingston, 1974). Includes typescript drafts of Ferguson-Smith’s contribution. contribution to Dewhurst, C.J. 1965-1971 Chiefly re cases of testicular feminization. Donald, I. 1965-1968 Chiefly re Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to Donald’s work on spontaneous abortion, including drafts. Donald Glasgow. was based at Queen Mother’s Hospital, Drets, M.E. Head of the Human was 1969-1974 based in the Visit to Glasgow. Dziekanowska, D. Dziekanowska was General Biology, Katowice, Poland. Smith’s laboratory in September 1971. Department of Silesian Academy of Medicine, She came to work in Ferguson- Drets Cytogenetics Laboratory, Research Institute for Biological Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay. 1966-1974 1966-1974 1964-1970 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1968-1974 1966-1975 1966-1975 C.194-C.202 cE: C.194-C.196 Edwards, J.H. Mostly shorter exchanges re research questions, visits, participation in meetings. Edwards was Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Birmingham. 1966-1970 1971-1972 Emerson, P.A. 1970-1971 1973-1975 Elliot, O. on ‘Clinical meeting of pentailed tree Chiefly shrews. 1966, 1971- 1974 re chromosome analysis of Re Ferguson-Smith’s lecture chromosomal New abnormalities’, Physiological Concepts of Clinical Disease. Genetics Il, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2 February 1971 Human Genetics. Emery was Director of the Department of Medical Genetics of Manchester before moving to the University of Edinburgh as Professor of University the at Emery, A.E.H. results on C.199, C.200 1967-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1967-1969 disease Includes draft Letter to the Lancet by Emery, ‘Fatal in granulomatous X- chromosome inactivitation’, on which Emery invited Ferguson-Smith to comment, 1967; draft questions for membership of Physicians of Eidnburgh, 1968 examinations childhood College Royal and to 1970-1975 Includes correspondence and papers re teaching of human genetics in UK universities. 1966-1974 1968-1975 ‘F’ based Flewett, T.H. the C.203 1972-1975 1965-1976 1967-1973 Laboratory, Faed, M.J.W. C.203-C.210 the Cytogenetics Visits to Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory. Faed was in University of Dundee. Flewett was a Virologist based at the Regional Virus Laboratory, Birmingham. 1967-1972 Ford was based at the Medical Research Council's Radiobiological Berkshire before moving to Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. Includes Society of Human Genetics, 1967. correspondence Research Unit, Harwell, re proposed European Ford, C.E. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Foulds, W.S. 1966-1975 Includes contributions to ophthalmic postgraduate teaching. correspondence Ferguson-Smith’s re _ Foulds University of Glasgow. Professor was of Ophthalmology at the Froland, A. 1966-1967 Includes correspondence on Xg and XXY families. 1967-1975 1965-1971 1965-1976 1965-1975 1965-1975 C.211 German, J. C.211-C.222 iG: Correspondence re progress of research and plans, personal news and visits. German was based at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and, from 1968, the New York Blood Center. 1973-1974 Re possible textbook on human genetics for medical students. Gillman was an editor of W.H. Freeman and Co. Ltd, publishers. Glasgow Southern Medical Society Gillman, J.A. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ferguson-Smith spoke to diagnosis and February 1974. its value the Society on ‘Antenatal 28 in genetic counselling’, Goodman, R.M. Goodman was Columbus, USA. based at Ohio State University, 1967, 1972 Gordon, H. 1965-1972 Chiefly correspondence re possible case of Down’s Anomaly and samples sent to Ferguson-Smith for analysis, 1967-1968. For the bulk of the correspondence Gordon is writing from the Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Grace, H.J. 1971-1973 Greig, W.R. Greig, to Royal re _ 1967-1974 Infirmary Glasgow lodine 125 therapy’, including correspondence Ferguson-Smith et al Natal Blood Transfusion Grace was based in Service, Durban, South Africa. the Greig was based in University of Glasgow. Ferguson-Smith’s Includes contribution Staff Association ‘Clinical Genetics night’, 1968; joint paper on ‘chromosome by breakage after Spp typescript ‘1st draft’, 1973. 1965-1975 the Department of Medicine, 1967-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1968, 1975 1966-1975 1966-1975 1965-1975 1970-1975 C.223-C.241 ‘H’ C.223, C.224 Haddow, A.J. Chiefly administrative correspondence. Professor Haddow served as Administrative Dean in the Glasgow Faculty of Medicine. 1970-1974 1975 Hamerton, J.L. 1966-1975 on Includes 5pp ‘Notes on the research and publications of M.A. Ferguson-Smith’ sent to Haddow July 1975. Includes material re work of the Standing Committee of the IVth International Conference on Standardization in Human Cytogenetics, which Hamerton served, 1973-1974 1969-1975 Hamerton was based in the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy's Hospital before moving to the Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Handmaker, S.D. Personal news, progress of research. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Harnden, D.G. 1966-1975 Harnden was based at the Medical Research Council's Clinical Effects of Radiation Research Unit, Edinburgh, before moving to the University of Birmingham Harper, P.S. 1970-1975 Includes correspondence re Harper's career, visits to Glasgow. 1970, Harper was based at the Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital before moving to the Institute of Genetics, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Harris, R. 1969-1974 Re karyotype analysis cards, 1968-1969; advice on cases (including raised levels of AFP). Harris was Director of Genetics, University of Manchester. the Department of Medical Harvey, M.J.A. 1967-1973 Hecht was based in the University of Oregon Medical School, Portland. Harvey was based at the Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. 1969, 1973 Hignett was based at the Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. 1966, 1968, 1972 1966, 1972, 1975 Supply of slides and negatives to Hopwood Hopwood was Professor and Head of the Genetics Hecht, F. Hignett, P.G. Hopwood, D.A. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Department, John Innes Institute, Norwich. Hughes, H.E. 1972-1973 Chiefly re talks to the Scottish Association for Clinical Cytology, 1973. Hughes was Chairman of the Scottish Association for Clinical Cytology. C.235, C.236 Hultén, M.A. 1969-1975 Hulten was Genetics, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden. the Department of based Clinical at 1969, 1972 Personal news, (1972). Hultén’s review of human meiosis 1967-1968 1973-1975 Hutchison, J.H. Hutchings, H.E. Hutchings was a New Zealand technologist who came to work in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in 1968. Review of meiosis, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments (1973); career. 1968-1975 Includes Scottish Association for Clinical Cytology, 6 November 1973. Marie Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Ante-natal diagnosis Chiefly administrative correspondence. Hutchison University of Glasgow. was Professor of Child Health at the 1966-1975 Ha. programme for meeting of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 of chromosome aberrations’. C.242, C.243 C.242 Insley, J. Includes requests for Ferguson-Smith’s assistance in amniocentesis cases. Insley was based at University of Birmingham. the Institute of Child Health, 1965-1974 1966-1975 1966-1975 1966-1974 1966-1975 1964-1975 1964-1973 1965-1970 C.244 Johnston, A.W. C.244-C.249 Pal? Genetically Determined Chiefly Disorders, Aberdeen, 14 September 1973. re Symposium on Johnston was Consultant Physician at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 1966-1969 Includes draft on Turner's Syndrome by Jones and Ferguson-Smith, submitted for publication to Ferguson-Smith’s corrections. Chromosomal analyses on patients. Johnstone, J.M. Jones, H.W., Jr the Lancet, May 1966. With of Letter M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.250-C.252 C.250 1966-1972 1965, 1968 1970-1975 1965-1975 1965-1975 Kh.-Ku. 1965-1975 1964-1976 1964-1969 C.253 Lapa, A. C.253-C.266 1? of England Obstetrical and Personal and family news. Includes correspondence re talk by Ferguson-Smith on ‘Pre-natal diagnosis and genetic counselling’ to the North Gynaecological Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, 20 June 1975. 1966-1967 Lennox was Professor of Pathology, Glasgow. Levine was Associate Professor in the Department of 1969, 1975, n.d. Lennox, B. Levine, H. University of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Internal Medicine, University of Texas, Galveston. Lindsay, J. 1973-1975 Re 20th Anniversary Reunion of the Delta ‘49 Club. The Delta Club comprised former Glasgow University medical students. Loesch, D. 1971-1975 Research on dermatoglyphic diagnosis of G+ trisomy mosaicism. Loesch was a Polish researcher based in 1972 at the Galton Laboratory, University College London. Logan, R.W. 1969-1976 re correspondence by Includes Ferguson-Smith Logan; Ferguson-Smith’s response to a memorandum on the staffing Queen Pathology Mother’s Hospital, Glasgow. lectures organised given by Department courses the of at at 1974-1975 Logue, D.N. the Department of Veterinary Logue was based in Reproduction, University of Glasgow. Logan was based in the Department of Pathological Biochemistry, University of Glasgow. 1965-1975 Animal Long Husbandry, University of Bristol, before moving to the Glasgow's Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. Department 1974-1975 Long, S. based was in the of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ly. C.267-C.280 ‘Mc’ 1964-1969 1966-1973 1965-1974 1967-1973 1968-1975 1965-1976 1971-1973 1968-1971 Dalhousie University, MacDonald, R.M. Visits, personal news. C.267 McCreanor, H.R. Chiefly re visits to Glasgow. MacDonald at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. based was McCreanor was based in the Pathology Department, Public Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. 1974-1975 Correspondence re genetic counselling for families with spina bifida children. Chiefly re Postgraduate Course in Mental Deficiency given by Ferguson-Smith. MacGillivray, R.C. 1967-1975 Mcintyre, G.B. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 McIntyre was General Secretary of the Scottish SPINA BIFIDA Association C.271-C.274 McKusick, V.A. 1965-1976 C.271 1965-1968 correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to Medical Genetics Course at Bar Harbor, Maine, 1966; visits by McKusick to Glasgow and by Ferguson-Smith to Johns Hopkins. re _ 1969 Includes additions to drafts of Genetics IV’, arrangements for McKusick’s visit Scotland and lectures at Glasgow. scripts ‘Medical to film 1970-1971 1972-1976 correspondence re Blair Bell Macnaughton, M.C. Includes letter to McKusick re Klinefelter’s Syndrome and the XXy hypothesis, 28 September 1970. Includes Research Society; 2pp progress report by Ferguson-Smith and J.D. Vince ‘Observations on prenatal screening for Spina bifida in Glasgow’. University of Glasgow. MacSween was based in the Pathology Department, Re teaching of B.Sc. Pathology students at Glasgow. MacSween, R.N.M. 1972-1975 1970-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 MacA-MacD MacE-MacL. MacM.-MacV. C.281-C.297 ‘Mw’ C.281 Martin, W.B. Work on bovine chromosomes. 1966-1976 1965-1975 1970-1974 1965-1976 1966-1976 1966 Martin was based in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University College of Nairobi. Migeon, C.J. 1967-1974 Cases of XYY, XX syndromes, personal news. visitor from the Polish National Mazurezak was a Research Institute of Mother and Child, Department of Genetics. 1972-1973 Talk on Genetic Counselling to branch of the National Housewives Register. Migeon was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mazurezak, T.J. Miller, E. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Mohr, J.G.F. 1972, 1974 Chiefly re visit by Mohr to Glasgow, 1974. Moir, A.T.B. Re grant application to Advisory Committee on Medical Research. Moir was a member of staff of the Advisory Committee on Medical Research. Morgan, H.G. Morgan was based in the Department of Biochemistry, Glasgow Royal Infirmary. 1968-1969, 1974 Morris, J.H. Correspondence Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh. of MRC work re Clinical and 1967-1971 based at the 1968-1970 Murken, J.-D. Mourtziopoulos, D. Chiefly re visit to Glasgow, 1968. Mourtziopoulos was a Greek colleague. Murken was Diseases, University of Munich. 1966-1973 1967-1976 Faculty for Children’s Maa-Man 1967-1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Mo. Mu.-My. Ferguson-Smith’s contribution US Includes National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968. the to C.298-C.304 ‘N’ C.298 Nada, S.M.H. 1969-1975 1966-1975 1967-1975 1967-1975 1966-1975 1974-1975 1967-1973 Nevin, N.C. Najfeld, V. Nada was prospective student at Glasgow. Najfeld was based at the John Innes Institute, Norwich. Visits to Glasgow by Nevin and Belfast by Ferguson- Smith. Hospital, Ayrshire. Nevin Statistics, Queen’s University of Belfast. Nicoll was Consultant Haematologist at Ballochmyle was based in the Department of Medical Nicoll, W.D. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Nishi, S. 1973-1975 Includes correspondence re work on alphafetoprotein. Nishi was based in the Department of Biochemistry, Hokkaido University. 1967-1974 1966-1975 1967-1976 ‘OQ’ Includes invitation to serve on BBC Medical Advisory Group (accepted), 1976. ‘p’ 1967-1976 1974-1975 C.306-C.317 C.306 Pang, K.C. 1967-1968 in the Radiation was based Palmer, C.G. sabbatical for re visit to Glasgow during Chiefly research on human meiosis. Palmer was Director of the Cytogenetics Laboratory, Indiana University School of Medicine. Pang University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. helped him during his Ph.D. 1968-1971 Laboratory, Ferguson-Smith was Park Mother's Hospital, Yorkhill, Glasgow. Superintendent at Medical Administrative correspondence. Park, H.W.J. the Queen M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Patrick, M.J. Cases. Patterson, J. 1968, 1973 1968-1974 counselling Venepuncture and blood samples, ethical position of genetic to Huntington’s Disease (includes Ferguson-Smith’s 3pp letter, 22 November 1972), pregnancy in mothers with mongolism. reference particular with Patterson was a Joint Secretary of the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, which advised doctors on legal responsibilities and rights. Pfeiffer, R.A. Includes correspondence re Annual Symposium of Section of Cytogenetics of the Society of Human Genetics 1972; incidence of XYY in men. Anthropology, September and re fur Institut reviews for the journal 1967-1971 Polani, P.E. Primrose, D.A. the Westfalische Wilhelms- Munster, Humangenetik, Pfeiffer was based at Universitat Germany. Chiefly Cytogenetics. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s review of Translocation in Human Chromosomes by A. Br@gger (1967). at Glasgow. Primrose was based at the Lennox Castle Hospital, Lennoxtown. Purnell wrote as a prospective student of cytogenetics Chiefly analysis. Ferguson-Smith 1967-1976 Purnell, D. re samples sent to for M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.318-C.333 ‘R’ C.318 R. Maguire Cook & Co. 1965-1975 1967-1976 1965-1975 1965-1976 1974-1975 R. Maguire Cook was a firm of solicitors consulting Ferguson-Smith on possible radiation damage. Ratcliffe, J.G. 1974-1976 Ratcliffe was Director of the Radioimmunoassay Unit, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow. re research 1967-1972 Reid, R.W. Renwick, J.H. Reid was Producer of the BBC TV Science and Features Department. He consulted Ferguson-Smith on a film on ante-natal diagnosis. Correspondence on ‘Localisation of gene loci in man using chromosomal aberrations and polymorphisms’, including terms of collaboration (1967) and end of the project in 1972. 1967-1975 Includes correspondence on mosiac mongolism. Richards, B.W. collaboration was Renwick University Department of Genetics to 1968, when he moved to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Glasgow based the in M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Richards, |.D.G. 1968, 1972 Includes anencephaly and spina bifida. correspondence on Richards’s study of Richards headed the Social Paediatric and Obstetric Research Unit, University of Glasgow. Rifkind, B. 1969-1970 Rifkind was based at the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Riley, |.D. Cases. was Riley the General Hospital, Glasgow. based at 1967-1972 Paediatric Unit, Stobhill Robson, E.B. 1969-1971 Rodger, J.C. 1969-1970 Rodger was based in Cardiology, Hammersmith Hospital, London. Royal Includes draft of case report for the British Medical Journal. Robson was based at the Medical Research Council Human Biochemical Research Unit, University College London. 1971-1975 Includes correspondence on G/G/ translocations. Case of spontaneous abortion. the Department of Medical Postgraduate Clinical School, Rose, E. Ruddle, F.H. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ruddle was Professor of Biology and Human Genetics at Yale University. Ruthven, |.S. Cases sent to Ferguson-Smith. 1966-1974 Ruthven was Registrar at the Paediatric Unit, Stobhill General at Ayrshire Central Hospital. Paediatrician Glasgow Hospital, and Ra.-Re. 1968-1975 Ferguson-Smith’s Includes Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion by H. Harris, for The Practitioner. review of Ri. 1966-1975 1965-1976 1965-1976 1966-1967 C.334 Salmon, J. C.334-C.352 ‘Ss? comments for Ferguson-Smith’s Includes the International Genetics Federation on the World Health Organisation paper ‘Health Aspects of Human Rights in the Light of Developments in Biology and Medicine’. 1973, 1975 Re travel grant for J. Antich to attend Genetical Society meeting. Includes correspondence re publication of symposium on New Perspectives in Human Genetics. San Roman was based at the Department of Human Salmon was a member of staff of the British Council. San Roman, C. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Genetics, Fundacion Jiménez Diaz, Madrid, Spain. Sands, M.E. Visit to Glasgow and correspondence arising. Includes photographs lymphocyte cultures (skin samples). chromosomes from of Sands was a cytogeneticist in Medical Genetics, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester. the Department of Scott, J.M.N. 1967-1973 Includes correspondence re research and joint paper on hetero-karyotypic monozygotic twins. was Scott Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. based the in Pathology Department, 1969-1970 Seabright, M. Smith, A. Sinclair, R.G. Proposed Human Cytogenetics Study Group. Re talk on ‘Genetic Counselling’ by Ferguson-Smith to Symposium on Paediatrics, Falkirk, 22 February 1970. Sinclair was a representative of the West of Scotland Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners which organised the Symposium. move to Manchester, 1967. Comments on draft of book by Smith, 1966; possible Singer was a Yugoslav colleague working in Zagreb. Chiefly re translation of lectures by Singer. 1966-1967 Singer, Z. 1967, n.d. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Smith and Medicine at the University of Manchester. Professor Social was of Preventive Smith, J.H. 1968-1969 Includes research on genetics of schizophrenia and diabetes. typescript outlines Smith's proposed of Smith was based at the Health Centre, Langholm, Dumfriesshire. Smith, M. 1966-1973 Includes sections of draft paper by Smith on ‘Problems encountered in the culture of material derived from spontaneous Ferguson- Smith’s comments thereon. abortions...’ human and Smith was a South African colleague who had worked in Glasgow before returning to work in South Africa (Pretoria) She subsequently worked at University College London and then McGill University, Canada. 1966. in based at Stone, D.H. 1966-1970 Stevenson, A.C. Medical Unit, the Genetics was Population Research Headington, Stevenson Council's Oxford. Correspondence re Stone’s period project work on Mongolism. 1968-1969 Stone elective attachment working with Ferguson-Smith in the Medical Genetics Department at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. Includes conditions in children for adoption. correspondence in Glasgow and Consultant in Stone was Psychiatry, 1971-1975 Stone, F.H. spent his re issues of genetic Child Royal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. 1967-1975 1968-1975 1965-1976 1968-1976 1967-1975 1966-1976 Sm.-Sp. St.-Sy. Re Hui, S.N.K. 1974-1976 Career and recommendations. Cases. 1966-1976 1966-1974 C.353 Taylor, W.O.G. C.353-C.373 ‘T=Z2° Taylor was Consultant Ophthalmologist working hospitals in Ayrshire. in 1968-1974 This material was filed under T, ‘Thomson’ being the first surname in the group chiefly of recommendations. Hui was a student under Ferguson-Smith. Thomson, W.H.S. Career and recommendations. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Thomson was based in Knightswood Hospital, Glasgow. the Research Laboratory, Timbury, G.C. 1972-1976 Lectures Psychiatry courses. on medical genetics to postgraduate Specialist Timbury was Gartnavel Royal Hospital. Adviser in Psychiatry at Timson, J. final draft mosaicism of ‘Down’s Syndrome due to Includes maternal antenatal diagnosis’ by Ferguson-Smith and Timson, published in the Lancet. value and the of Timson was based in Genetics, University of Manchester. the Department of Medical 1968-1975 1967-1975 Urbaniak, S. Urbaniak was Secretary of the Summer School. Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to the Summer School in Medical Research, University of Edinburgh. suggestions for practical class for cytogenetics. Correspondence with Walker and D.A. Price-Evans re Ferguson-Smith’s participation residential course, ‘Genetics for Doctors’, to be held at the University of Liverpool, Ferguson-Smith’s 1967-1976 1974-1975 Walker, S. in July 1975. Includes M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Walker was Liverpool. Director of the Cytogenetics Unit at Wallace, D.C. 1967-1970 Chiefly epithelioma) research. on MSSE (multiple self-healing squamous of the most For Medical Geneticist based in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia. period Wallace was a Wikramanayake, E. 1970-1971 Chiefly re visit to Glasgow. Wikramanayake was based Anatomy, University of Colombo, Ceylon. in the Department of written was Wil.-Wit. Wa. the for in of the journal and had publication Wied, G.L. Witwatersrand, symposium on of Journal Wied solicited Ferguson-Smith’s contribution. editor-in-chief ‘Disclosure the Includes correspondence with C. Wallace, University of sex chromosome of the kudu. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s 5pp typescript contribution Genetic to Information’, of Reproductive Medicine. 1968-1973 1966-1975 1966-1975 1967-1975 Wij.-Wil. South Africa, on the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.374-C.598 ‘1976-1980’ C.374-C.378 ‘A-1976' 1966-1974 1966-1972 1966-1976 1967-1975 1974-1983 1975-1976 C.374 lecturer in Athanassiades was a researcher in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Athens, Greece, Ferguson-Smith’s department December 1976-November 1977. who came to work in Adeyokunnu, A.A. Athanassiades, N.S. Adeyokunnu was a the Department of Paediatrics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, who came to work in Ferguson-Smith’s department December 1976- March 1977. 1975-1976 ‘A-1978" M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.379-C.380 ‘A-1979' C.379 Arneil, G.C. 1977-1979 1977, 1979 material is correspondence and re 1977 Greater Glasgow Health Board Area Paediatric Sub- on Regional Specialties. Committee Working Party the Includes Ferguson-Smith’s current the Department of Medical Genetics at Yorkhill’. ‘Memorandum development papers status future on_ of and 1979 material is re Meeting to mark International Year of the Child, Glasgow 31 October 1979. Ferguson- Smith spoke on an opportunity for avoiding severe congenital handicap’ (includes typescript abstract). by Amniocentesis: ‘Screening Ferguson-Smith was a member of the Working Party. A. 1978, 1979 ‘A-1980’ ‘The University and 1979-1981 enquiry on ‘B-1976' C.382-C.384 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s note for the University of Glasgow's the Community’, setting out his ‘strong links with and a large commitment to the community’, February 1979. Includes correspondence re arrangements for talk by Ferguson-Smith on ‘Medical Genetics in Practice’ to Borders Clinical Club, Galashiels, 8 March 1981. 1975-1976 Correspondence by Ferguson-Smith to Royal College of Pathologists of Australia Amnion, Re Professorship of Human Genetics, University of Amsterdam. arrangements Symposium Bootsma, D. 1975-1976 for lecture Burry, A.F. re on Tapping the C.382 1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Brisbane, 16 August 1976. the Centenary Ferguson-Smith was visiting Australia in August 1976 in for Adelaide. Burry invited Ferguson-Smith to Brisbane on behalf of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia. visit New Zealand. He went on to Children’s Hospital the of C.385-C.387 ‘B-1977' C.385 Brock, D.J.H. Correspondence re Clinical Genetics Society Working Party and discussion of AFP determination. Brock was Genetics, University of Edinburgh. based the at Department of Human calculation Bundey, S. Study on conditions. of genetic odds for X-linked Bundey was based at the Infant Development Unit, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. 1978. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes for Arrangements on Gargoyles to B. Med. Sci students, Dundee, 14 March Ferguson-Smith C.389-C.393 1977-1978 1977-1978 Beck, J.S. ‘B-1978' C.389 for lecture by M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 his talk. Beck was Professor of Pathology at the University of Dundee. Boué, A. Chiefly re Ferguson-Smith’s answers to questionnaire on the advisability of establishing a centralised cell bank for human mutant cells. Br.-By. C.394-C.396 ‘B-1979' C.394 Basu, H.K. Basu was Secretary of the Ospreys Gynaecological Correspondence re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to lecture on ‘Maternal serum AFP screening for neural tube defects’ to Ospreys Gynaecological Society 8th Scientific Meeting, Windermere, November 1979. Society. C.397-C.399 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Boué, A. and J. Chiefly nephrosis. correspondence with Boué re congenital ‘C-1976' C.401-C.405 ‘C-1977' C.401 Carothers, A.D. 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977 Possible collaboration on studies on parental age and birth order in sex chromosome disorders. Clint, J.M. 1976-1977 Research Council Clinical Genetics the Unit, Professor of Clinical Genetics at Carter was Medical London. Carothers was based at the Medical Research Council Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh. 1976-1977 Clint was a prospective postgraduate researcher in Ferguson-Smith’s department. Cornwall was a prospective postgraduate researcher in Ferguson-Smith’s department. Cornwall, J.M. Carter, C.O. C. 1976-1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 C.406-C.408 C.406 Ca: Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s response to questionnaire on genetic counselling facilities and needs. C.409-C.413 ‘C-1979' C.409 Calder, A.A. 1977-1978 1978 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979 Includes correspondence re arrangements for talk by Ferguson-Smith fetal abnormalities’ to Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital, 1 June 1979. ‘Antenatal diagnosis on of from Annual Review Glasgow Perinatal Carty, M.J. Figures meeting. Carty was based at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow. Calder was based at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. Mother and Child, Warsaw. Includes correspondence arising from visit to Warsaw and re visit by Czerski to Glasgow. Czerski, P. the Czerski Department of Genetics, National Research Institute of colleague based Polish was a at M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ca.-Ch. 1978-1979 Includes synopsis of ‘Screening for fetal Spina Bifida in early pregnancy’, Ferguson-Smith’s lecture to Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 14 February. C.414-C.419 ‘C-1980’ C.414 Calman, K.C. 1979-1981 1980 Ferguson-Smith’s comments on Calman’s draft booklet outlining subjects covered in the Oncology medical course. Calman was Professor of Oncology at University of Glasgow. Carter, C.O. 1979-1980 Includes correspondence re prenatal diagnosis, job descriptions for clinical geneticists. Chatfield was based at the Queen Mother's Hospital, Yorkhill, Glasgow. Correspondence re randomised trial in prevention of neural tube defect in at-risk pregnancies, diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome. 1979-1980 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s book review for Heredity of Essentials of Human Genetics by S.M. Bhatnagar, Cockburn was Professor of Child Health, University of Glasgow. Chatfield, W.R. Cockburn, F. Cove, D.J. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 M.L. Kothari and L.A. Mehta (1977), correspondence on teaching of genetics at Leeds. Cove was Professor of Genetics, University of Leeds, and Reviews Editor of the journal Heredity. C.420-C.422 ‘D-1976’ C.420 Danks, D.M. Correspondence re arrangements for Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. visit to Royal 1980-1981 1976-1980 1976-1980 the Centenary Ferguson-Smith was visiting Australia in August 1976 for in Adelaide. Danks, invited Ferguson-Smith to Professor of Paediatrics, Melbourne during the visit. He went on to visit New Zealand. Children’s Hospital the of to at Symposium ‘The de la Chapelle, A. correspondence Danks continues through clinical consequences of re attendance Helsinki, Correspondence with 1980. Chapelle was Professor in Medical Genetics at the Folkhasen Institute of Genetics, Helsinki, Finland. arrangements _ for Chiefly on Ferguson-Smith’s Clinical Genetics, Finland, January 1977. Includes programme and abstract of Ferguson-Smith’s contribution, familial autosomal rearrangements’. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s advice to Professor E. ‘D-1978' M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Doyle, Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Dublin, on establishing a cytogenetic service in Dublin. C.425, C.426 ‘D-1979’ C.425 Duke, E.M.C. Includes draft report on ‘Male pseudohermaphrodites’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. Duke was the Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow. based at Royal Hospital for Sick ‘D-1980’ 1979-1980 1974, 1976 1974, 1976 Emery, A.E.H. C.428 Edwards, J.H. C.428-C.430 ‘E-1976' Emery was University of Edinburgh. Professor Edwards wrote from the Infant Development Unit, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. Correspondence 1974 refers to work of G.B. Cété on trisomy data. 1976-1977 Professor of Human Genetics at the C.431-C.434 ‘E-1977' M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Edgar, W.D. 1976-1977 Correspondence and papers re teaching of medical and dental biology at Glasgow. Edgar was based in University of Glasgow. the Department of Zoology, Emerson, D. Editorial request. Emerson was Senior Editor of John Wright & Sons Ltd, medical publishers. Emery, A.E.H. Collaborative research on male fetuses at Duchenne muscular dystrophy. risk for 1977-1978 1977-1978 C.435 Edwards, J.H. C.435-C.438 ‘E-1978' Includes arrangements for meeting on Mosaicism and Chimaerism, Birmingham, 23 February 1978. of Medical Genetics. visit of Harry Ewing Correspondence and papers re the MP, Under Secretary of State for Scotland, to Yorkhill Ferguson- Smith’s memorandum on the work of the Department Includes memoranda re teaching of medical genetics in the UK. Hospitals, Glasgow. Includes Emery, A.E.H. Re Ewing, H. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘E-1979’ Chiefly correspondence with A.E.H. Emery. C.441-C.444 ‘F-1976' C.441 Faed, M.J.W. 1975-1976 1975-1976 Case of partial trisomy 9q. Faed was based in the Cytogenetics Section of the Department of Pathology, University of Dundee. Foord, R.D. on Ferguson-Smith’s Foord worked for Glaxo Research Ltd. Correspondence report ‘Chromosome analysis in lymphocyte cultures from patients undergoing Griseofulvin treatment’, with copy of the report. 1975-1976 Ford was based at the Pathology, Oxford. Ford. Ge: Includes ‘Note on M.A. Ferguson-Smith’. the research and publications of Sir William Dunn School of ‘F-1977' M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.446, C.447 ‘F-1978' C.446 Farrant, W. Re Farrant’s paper ‘Women’s experiences of prenatal screening for fetal abnormality’, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments on her proposed protocol. Farrant was based at the Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care, London. i drafts Includes J.R.S. Fincham re Congolese geneticist Pascal Lissouba, held under arrest in the Congo People’s Republic. Times by letter The of to C.451 Social ‘Cost study of ‘F-1980’ Security re ‘G-1977' ‘G-1976’ C.451-C.453 Includes correspondence with Department of Health and genetic counselling service’, with Ferguson-Smith’s estimates. Glen was based at the Victoria Infirmary of Glasgow. Correspondence maternal serum. Glen, A.C.A. alpha-feto on protein (AFP) in M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘G-1978' Includes establishment of cytogenetics services in Fife. correspondence with R. Gardiner 1978, 1980 re C.455, C.456 ‘G-1979’ C.455 Goudie, R.B. drafts ‘Phylogenetic Includes ontogenetic significance of the rheumatic and autoimmune disease’ and “T-germ of sexual incorporating reproduction’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. cell metamorphosis - somatic a method changes genetic and in Goudie was Professor of Pathology, Glasgow. University of C.457 material ‘G-1980' Galjaard, H. C.457-C.459 re Prenatal re European Society arrangements Diagnosis 4th 1981. of Human found Correspondence European Includes Genetics meeting, Southampton, July therewith. technology to some problems in clinical genetics’. in Correspondence re of Clinical Neurology, Ferguson- Smith lectured on ‘Application of recombinant DNA Galjaard was based in the Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 1980 Sandoz Lectures Institute Neurology, London. Gautier-Smith, P.C. National Hospital, and Experimental for the Conference 1979, the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Gauthier-Smith was Dean of the Institute of Neurology. C.460, C.461 ‘H-1976’ C.460 Holliday, R. Chiefly re possible secondment of J.E. Pugh to work under Ferguson-Smith. Holliday was based at the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. C.462-C.464 ‘H-1977’ 1975-1976 1976 1975-1976 1977-1978 Hutchison, J.H. H. C.462 Hongell, K. 1977 Karyotypes of patient. Hongell was based in the Department of Genetics, University of Helsinki, Finland. After stepping down as Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health at Glasgow in 1977, Hutchison moved to the University of Hong Kong. 1977-1978 Includes correspondence with Register Working Party. R. Harris re Genetic C.465, C.466 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Harding, N.G.L. re papers July 1978. Correspondence and Scottish Summer Symposium on Quantitative Enzyme Immunoassays, 6-8 Includes abstract of ‘Reduction of neural tube defect births in the west of Scotland by maternal serum AFP screening’, paper by Ferguson- Smith et al. Harding was based in the Department of Pathological Biochemistry, University of Glasgow. C.467, C.468 ‘H-1979' C.467 Hultén, M.A. Hultén was Director of Laboratory, Birmingham. the Regional Cytogenetics C.469 1980 H. ‘H-1980' 1979-1980 C.469, C.470 Hatami-Monazah, H. Hatami-Monazah was an Iranian lecturer based at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, who applied to study with Ferguson-Smith. 1976-1979 Includes arrangements for Ferguson-Smith’s lecture on Board, February 1980, with manuscript outline notes for the talk. Contents of folders ‘Il-1976’ to ‘I-1979’ (no folder for 1979-1980 ‘Medical Genetics’ to the Fife Health M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.472-C.474 J Contents of folders ‘J-1976’ to ‘J-1980’. Jalbert, P. Visit to Glasgow, 1979. Jalbert Cytogenetique, University of Grenoble, France based Laboratoire was the at 1976-1980 1977-1979 de Johnston, A.W. 1976-1979 Includes correspondence re Clinical Genetics Society. Johnston Consultant General Hospital, Aberdeen. was Physician at Woodend ‘K-1976' ‘K-1977' Legal case. C.476 C.476-C.478 Includes note of discussion between Ferguson-Smith, R.P. Knill-Jones, A.A. Spence and A.A.M. Gibson on possible relationship between exposure to anaesthetic gases and miscarriage. 1976-1980 Killough worked for Peter R. Barabara and Associates, a Detroit law firm. Data from cases. Killough, M.W. Kyle, K.F. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.480, C.481 ‘K-1979’ C.480 Kempsell, |. 1978-1979 1978-1979 Arrangements for Marie Ferguson-Smith’s lecture to student midwives, Stobhill General Hospital, 1979. Kempsell General Hospital. was Senior Midwifery Tutor at Stobhill 1979-1980 1980 1979-1980 C.482 Kedziora, J. C.482-C.484 ‘K-1980’ Kucerova, M. Chiefly re case of child with 10q/9p translocation. Kedziora was based at the Department of Physiology, Institute of Biology and Morphology, Warsaw, Poland. He visited Ferguson-Smith’s department in September 1980 under the auspices of the British Council. 1975-1976 Kucerova was Associate Professor at the Cytogenetics Laboratory, of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Institute ‘L-1976' M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.486-C.490 ‘L-1977' 1975-1978 Laurence, K.M. Chiefly re career. was Laurence Paediatric Research at the Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff. appointed Professor of Lay, C.L. 1975, 1977 Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to ‘Collected Letters’ of the of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Correspondence’ International Society’ Lay was Medical Editor of ‘Collected Letters’. Lee F.-T. 1977-1978 Lo.-Ly. ‘L-1978’ Lee was a Technician at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, who came to Glasgow to train under Ferguson- Smith, January-June 1978. 1978-1979 C.492, C.493 ‘L-1979" 1978-1979 1977-1978 C.492 La.-Le. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘L-1980’ C.495-C.499 ‘Mc-1976' C.495 McCarthy, P. 1975-1977 1976 invitation to Ferguson-Smith to Correspondence re the participate in debate on abortion organised by Glasgow University Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child. McCarthy was chairman of the Society. McCoy, W.T. 1975-1976 Correspondence arrangements for visit to Adelaide. McCoy with and colleagues re Hospital. McCoy was Medical Superintendent of the Adelaide Children’s Ferguson-Smith attended the Centenary Year Celebrations of the Hospital in August a symposium on 1976 attended Genetically Determined Disease. He went on make other visits in Australia and New Zealand. and McCreanor, H.R. of chromosome aberrations’ McCreanor was Cytogeneticist at Wellington Hospital, New Zealand. to Chiefly correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s visit New Zealand, August 1976. Includes programme for seminar on Medical Genetics at Wellington Hospital, 20 August at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Pre- natal and ‘Serum AFP screening for spina bifida’. 1975-1976 MckKusick, V.A. C.500-C.502 ‘Mc-1977' diagnosis 1976-1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 McCreanor, H.R. Appointment in McCreanor’s laboratory. Mcintyre, G.B. Correspondence re Scottish Spina Bifida Association. Includes 3pp typescript ‘Screening for Spina Bifida’. Mcintyre was General Secretary of the Scottish Spina Bifida Association, with which Ferguson-Smith was closely connected. C.503, C.504 ‘Mc-1978' C.503 McLean, S.A.M. C.505 McDermott, A. C.505-C.509 ‘Mc-1979' the Department of Forensic McLean’s lecture note on artificial insemination. McLean was based in Medicine, University of Glasgow. Includes correspondence re visit to UK, July 1979. Proposed article by McDermott on Clinical Genetics Society Working Party on Prenatal Diagnosis. McDermott was Regional Bristol. South Western Westbury-on-Trym, Director of the Cytogenetics Centre, 1978-1979 1978 MckKusick, V.A. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 McA.-McK. C.510-C.513 ‘Mc-1980’ C.510 McKusick, V.A. 1979-1982 1980-1982 Includes correspondence re areas to be covered and speakers on Clinical genetics for World Congress of Human Genetics, Jerusalem, September 1981. McA.-Mcl. McK.-McP. ‘M-1976' 1979-1980 1979-1981 C.514 Munro, I. C.514, C.515 1980-1981 on Letter ‘Prospective data on the risks of Down’s Syndrome in relation to maternal age’. Munro was editor of the Lancet. Ferguson-Smith to the Lancet by M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.516-C.518 ‘M-1977' C.516 Mathers, R. correspondence for Chiefly Postgraduate Medical Week, Bolton, September 1977 (Ferguson-Smith in Practice’). arrangements Genetics ‘Medical spoke on re Mathers worked for the Wellcome Medical Division which organised these events. ‘M-1978' ‘M-1979’ C.520 1979 1978-1979 Re Makino, S. C.520-C.522 Makino, Professor in the Chromosome Research Unit, University of Hokkaido, Japan, visited genetics centres in the UK, including Glasgow. 1980 Correspondence re interview of Ferguson-Smith by E. Trivizas, including copy of transcript. C.523, C.524 Metaxatou, C. 1978-1979 ‘M-1980' 1979-1980 C.523 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 the Ferguson-Smith was interviewed by Trivizas during a meeting of British Eugenic Society in London. Metaxatou, of the Aghia Sophioa Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece, wrote to Ferguson-Smith following publication of the interview. ‘N-1976’ ‘N-1977’ 1979-1980 1976-1977 paper a newborn in which Ferguson-Smith was named as a co- Chiefly correspondence with Nielsen ‘Klinefelter’s syndrome and trisomy 18 in boy’, author. re J. ‘N-1978' ‘N-1979' 1976-1980 ‘N-1980’ O Includes correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s talk on ‘The genetics of deafness’ to the West of Scotland Region of the National Deaf Children’s Society, with manuscript notes. Board and invited Ferguson-Smith to join its Speciality Correspondence re service on BBC’s Medical Advisory Board Dr Oliver was Convenor of the BBC’s Medical Advisory Contents of folders ‘O-1976’ to ‘O-1980’. Oliver, M.F. 1976-1978 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Panel (accepted). Omari, Y.I. 1976-1977 Omari was a prospective postgraduate researcher in Ferguson-Smith’s department. O. 1976-1980 Chiefly with R.P. O’Hare re genetics teaching in the University of Glasgow Bachelor of Nursing course. ‘P-1976' C.534, C.535 ‘P-1977' C.534 Pa. 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 ‘P-1978' ‘P-1979" ‘P-1980’ 1975-1976 Reddy was a prospective researcher in Ferguson- Smith's department. Correspondence and papers found within separate folder so inscribed. C.539, C.540 ‘R-1976' C.539 ‘Reddy, G.V.’ 1975-1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.541-C.543 ‘R-1977’ C.541 Roberts, D.F. 1977-1978 1976-1977 of Clinical response to Chiefly Department of Health and Social Security circular on ‘Screening for Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects’. Includes draft response, with Ferguson- Smith’s comments. Genetics Society Romain, D.R. ‘Methodologies for G Banding marrow preparations and a modification of Perry and Wolff's “Technique for SIGESs: « Romain was Chief Technician at the South Western Regional Cytogenetics Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol. R. ‘R-1979' C.544 Ra.-Re. 1978 ‘R-1978' 1977-1978 1977-1978 C.544, C.545 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s review of My Children, My Children by R.W. Reid (BBC, London, 1977). 1978-1979 Includes exchange with G. Raab, Medical Computing and Statistics Unit, University of Edinburgh, re article by Ferguson-Smith in the Lancet on costs and benefits of screening for neural tube defects. C.546-C.548 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Rowan, T. response Exchange re Clinical Biochemists, Scottish Region to Scottish Home and Health Department document on ‘Organisation and Management of Scientific Services’. of Association of Rowan was Honorary Secretary of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, Scottish Region. C.549-C.551 ‘R-1980’ C.549 Reith, A.D. 1978-1979 1979-1981 1980 the Greater of Reith Glasgow Health Board Western District. Administrator Includes Ferguson-Smith’s 6pp briefing notes on the new Institute of Medical Genetics prepared for the visit of Sir Simpson Stevenson. Correspondence re arrangements for visits of Russell Fairgrieve MP, Under-Secretary of State for Scotland, and Sir Simpson Stevenson, Chairman of the Greater Glasgow Health Board, to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, June and October. 1980-1981 Includes correspondence re visit to Australia and New Zealand, August 1976. 1979-1980 was District ‘S-1976’ M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.553-C.557 ‘S-1977' C.553 Short, D.W. 1977, 1979 1977 re Correspondence multiple congenital aneurysms in childhood’ by Short and N.M. McKellar, with comments by Ferguson-Smith and V.A. McKusick. Includes copy of the draft. pathology ‘The of Short was based in the Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Storrie, F.R. 1977, 1979 Talks on ‘Genetics’ by Ferguson-Smith to the Family Planning Association’s theoretical course for doctors. Storrie was Regional Training Officer of the Family Planning Association. Sh.-Sp. St.-Su. ‘S-1978’ 1976-1977 C.558-C.561 Includes correspondence re visit to Australia and New Zealand, August 1976. 1976-1977 San Roman was based at the Centro Especial ‘Ramon y Cajal’, Madrid. San Roman, C. C.558 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.562-C.564 ‘S-1979’ C.562 Sa.-Si. Sm.-Sp. 1977-1979 1979 1977-1979 S. on with correspondence re Includes recommendation of Clinical Genetic Society Working national Party programme for tube defects by maternal serum AFP screening’ should be introduced. of open neural the detection Diagnosis Prenatal Spencer that ‘a_ ‘outline of the C.565 (?) particles in Smith’s of viral ‘S-1980' Smith, H. procedures 1978-1981 1978-1983 C.565-C.570 for childhood Smith was based in Australia. Includes investigation leukaemia’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. 1980-1983 Royal Brisbane Hospital, 1980-1983 1979-1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘T-1976' Treadwell, B.L.J. Correspondence for Smith’s visit to New Zealand, August 1976. arrangements re 1980-1982 1979-1982 1975-1976 1975-1976 Ferguson- Includes correspondence with H.M. McCreanor and A.N. Bruere. Treadwell was Co-ordinator of Postgraduate Studies at Wellington Hospital Clinical School. 1977-1978 1977 1977-1978 ‘T-1977’ Toksoz, D. Toksoz was a prospective researcher in Ferguson- Smith’s department. Pathologists Correspondence re Tighe, J.R. C.576, C.577 Royal College of ‘T-1979' C.576 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 on Party Systemized Working of Pathology. Ferguson-Smith was asked to comment on the and scheme cytogenetics. Nomenclature nomenclature cytology for for ‘T-1980’ V. Contents of folders ‘V-1976' to ‘V-1980’. 1976-1980 C.580-C.583 ‘W-1976' C.580 Weatherall, J.A.C. in the for Statistician Williamson, R. Includes copy of the memorandum. Weatherall was Senior Medical Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Correspondence and papers re European study of malformations and possible Glasgow participation. Williamson’s response to draft memorandum of the Department of Education and Science on the Practice of Genetic Manipulation. Williamson expressed alarm at the document. Chromosome analyses. Williamson was based at Cancer Research, Glasgow. the Beatson Institute Wilson, E.B. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 W. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s nomination to Fellowship of the Eugenics Society. C.584-C.587 ‘W-1977' C.584 Wald, N. 1976-1977 1977 Correspondence re ‘Proposed randomised controlled Clinical trial of 2nd trimester amniocentesis’. Includes typescript draft outlining the proposal. based Wald, at proposed this trial. 23 September to discuss it. Radcliffe the Oxford, A meeting was held in London on Infirmary, Whitfield, C.R. at Queen clinical trial 1976-1977 University of Wilson, M.G. Chiefly re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to talk on diagnosis prenatal Hospital, Also refers to Whitfield’s misgivings about Glasgow. the (see C.584). of amniocentesis Mothers proposed Correspondence re study visit to Glasgow. Whitfield was Professor of Midwifery, Glasgow. Wilson was Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California. draft leaflet on prenatal diagnosis. With copy of the Includes Whitfield’s comments on Ferguson-Smith’s Whitfield, C.R. C.588, C.589 ‘W-1978' C.588 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.590, C.591 ‘W-1979' C.590 Wald, N. Chiefly re UK collaborative AFP study (see C.584). C.592-C.595 ‘W-1980' C.592 Wald, N. 1979-1981 1980 Whitfield, C.R. Correspondence and papers re UK Collaborative AFP and Collaborative ACheE studies. Includes correspondence re maternal age and testing for Down’s Syndrome. Contents of folders ‘Y-1976’ to ‘Y-1980’. 1979-1981 Ve 1976-1980 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.597, C.598 Le 1976-1980 Contents of folders ‘Z-1976’ to ‘Z-1980’. Zaremba, J. Zaremba Psychoneurologiczny, Warsaw, Poland. based was at C.599-C.725 ‘1981-1983’ C.599-C.601 ‘A-1981-1982’ C.599 Abdalla, H.1. the Instytut 1976-1980 1978-1984 1981-1982 1981 1981-1982 of pre-eclampsia and Abdalla was based in the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow. Correspondence and papers re Abdalla’s proposed research into the relationship of serum AFP and the occurrence antepartum haemorrhage. Human Genetics in Lucknow. Visit to Glasgow and advice on proposed Institute of Agarwal, S.S. C.602, C.603 ‘A-1983’ C.602 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Agarwal was based at King George’s Medical College, Lucknow, India. C.604-C.608 ‘B-1981’ C.604 Beighton, P. 1979-1981 1981 visit Correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s Beighton’s lecture at Glasgow on ‘Clinical and genetic problems in Gaucher disease’. re to manuscript Glasgow. notes on Beighton was Professor of Human Genetics, University of Capetown, South Africa. Blank, C.E. re visit to Jorge, re Glasgow, Blank’s data for in Medical Genetics at the 1979-1981 Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. was Blank Reader University of Sheffield. Includes correspondence November-December 1980. Correspondence European collaborative study in parental age specific incidence of chromosome aberration in pregnancies screened by amniocentesis. 1980-1981 Buyse, Medical Director of the Center for Birth Defects Information Services, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, edited the Birth Defects Compendium. Boavida, based at the Instituto Nacional de Satide Dr Ricardo Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in September 1974. Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to second and third editions of the Birth Defects Compendium. Buyse, M. had _ visited M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.609-C.614 ‘B-1982’ C.609 Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. Correspondence and papers re triploid case sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.610, C.611 Brearley-Smith, A.N. Chiefly correspondence and papers re International Medical Conference into the Prevention of Crippling in Children, November 1979. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes ?for summing up as rapporteur. 1980-1981 1978-1983 1982 1978-1979, 1982 includes (at C.611) the to serve on Also invitation (accepted). 1982 correspondence re Scientific Advisory Panel 2 folders. of the charity Action Brearley-Smith was Research for the Crippled Child. Director 1981-1983 Correspondence re publishing Ferguson-Smith’s talk on ‘Families, chromosomes, genes and cancer’ to the West of Scotland the C.615-C.618 Oncological Association Brewin, T.B. ‘B-1983’ C.615 in M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 of the Bulletin and Surgeons of Glasgow. Includes 4pp typescript copy of talk. of Physicians College Royal Brewin was editor of the Bulletin. C.619-C.622 ‘C-1981 C -1982’ C.619 Ca. 1982-1983 1980-1982 1981-1982 ‘C-1983’ 1980-1982 1980-1982 C.623, C.624 1980-1982 C.623 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.625-C.629 ‘D-1981-1982’ C.625 Danzig, J. Correspondence re article on amniocentesis, includes Danzig’s first draft with Ferguson-Smith’s comments. Danzig was a medical journalist. amniocentesis for the Daily Mirror. He wrote a piece on Dick, H.M. Professor Bacteriology, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Dick was based in the Department of 1980-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 1980-1982 E C.631-C.635 Contents of folders ‘E-1981 E-1982’ and ‘E-1983’. 1981-1983 Edwards had moved from Birmingham to become His department was Professor of Genetics at Oxford. purchasing which centimetric data from Glasgow could be entered. Includes correspondence re between Glasgow and Oxford, 1981; Edwards’s memoranda on ‘Plan for a central bank for high-resolution linkage’, 1982, and ‘Probes and muscular dystrophy’, 1983. collaboration Edwards, J.H. 1978-1983 a ‘superbrain’ computer into M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Elderkin, F.M. the papers present talk to re position’ Correspondence and diagnosis; Postgraduate Institute Cumberland Infirmary, Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes for talk and Genetics Practice’. on the for Medicine and Carlisle, ‘Prenatal Regional Dentistry, 1978. his in typescript ‘Medical October copy 18 of Elderkin was Clinical Tutor at the Institute. Ellis, P.M. 1981-1982 Ellis was Principal Cytogeneticist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh. 1981-1983 C.636 Sports the and meetings of Promotion Fraser, K.J. 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1982 C.636, C.637 re Council ‘F-1981 F-1982’ Correspondence and Glasgow Medicine Subcommittee. 1981-1982 Fraser Sports Promotion Council. Ferguson-Smith was not a regular attender of the Sports and Medicine Subcommittee meetings. Includes questionnaire Services’ (W. Farrant). Ferguson-Smith’s ‘Study to Diagnostic Secretary of Prenatal answers to the Glasgow Marie for papers Sports was ES M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.638-C.640 ‘F-1983’ C.638 Fidzianska, E. Includes copy of Fidzianska’s draft paper on regional localisation of the ARS-B locus, sent to Ferguson- Smith for comment. Fidzianska was based at the Department of Genetics, Psychoneurological Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Fa.-Fl. on Includes draft letter by J.S. Fitzsimmons’s on the term ‘clinical laboratory geneticist’ as used by the Working Party Royal College to Ferguson-Smith, as a member of the Working Party, for comment. Regional Genetic Services of Pathologists. letter sent was The the of re _ and_ 1982 C.641 possible 1980-1982 Galbraith, E. C.641-C.645 collaboration ‘G-1981 G-1982’ Correspondence research into Tuberous Sclerosis. Galbraith was Chairman of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association of Great Britain. 1981-1982 Guthrie for Research into Crippling Diseases (better known as Action Research for the Crippled Child). He retired in 1976 but continued to be active in fund-raising for research into disease. The Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics at Glasgow (opened 1981) was named in his honour, see B.59-B.62. Guthrie, D. National was Director of the Fund M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1981-1982 1980-1982 1981-1982 C.646-C.648 ‘G-1983’ C.646 Gibson, A.A.M. Correspondence re accommodation of Haematology Department and workload at Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill. Gibson was Consultant Pathologist and Chairman of the Diagnostic Services Division at the Hospital. Ga.-Go. Guest Lecture to the West of C.649-C.653 ‘H-1981 H-1982’ Includes correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s 11th Annual Scotland ‘Families, Genes and Oncological Organisation on Cancer’, 12 December 1983. Genetics, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff. Includes correspondence re iduronate sulphate in X- chromosome rearranged cell lines. Harper was Professor and Consultant in Harper, P.S. C.649 1978-1983 1982-1983 Medical M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hultén, M.A. 1978-1982 Hultén was Director of Laboratory, Birmingham. the Regional Cytogenetics 1981-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983 C.654-C.656 ‘H-1983’ C.654 Hamilton, F.M.W. Cases of fetal alcohol and De Stos syndromes. ‘1-1983’ 1982-1983 1979-1983 1981 C.658-C.661 Rochester, Minnesota, USA. Correspondence on ‘Ferguson-Smith disease’ (self- healing of (epithelioma) ‘(Multiple) carcinoma: a family affair by Jackson et al. ‘J-1981 J-1982’ Jackson was a plastic surgeon at the Mayo Clinic, squamous carcinoma) including draft Self-healing squamous _ C.658 Jackson, I.T. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Jarvis, J.H. Editorial matters re Prenatal Diagnosis, etc. Jarvis was Medical Editor for John Wiley & Sons Ltd, publishers. Johnston, A.W. 1979-1983 1983 correspondence is Scotland. re genetic counselling in 1979-1983 C.662, C.663 ‘J-1983’ C.662 Johnston, A.W. Cases. 1981-1982 1981-1982 C.664 Koskull, H. von C.664, C.665 ‘K-1981 K 1982’ in pregnancies where the Correspondence and data re collaboration in study of amniotic cells has anencephaly. 1982-1983 Koskull was based at Genetics, Helsinki University, Finland. the Laboratory of ‘K-1983’ fetus Prenatal 1981-1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.667-C.670 ‘L-1981 L-1982’ C.667 Laurence, K.M. Correspondence and papers re October 1982 meeting of the Clinical Genetics Society. presented Society. Laurence was Honorary Secretary of (in Ferguson-Smith collaboration) karyotype analysis by flow cytometry’ and ‘Hereditary persistence of alphafetoprotein: a new dominant trait identified in a prenatal screening programme for spina bifida’. papers/posters ‘Human two meeting, the the at 1981-1982 1982 1981-1982 C.671, C.672 ‘L-1983’ Laurence, K.M. ‘Lab statistical returns’ Contents of folder so inscribed: Laboratory statistics for the year ending 31 March 1981. Chiefly correspondence and papers re response to Government Inquiry and Embryology. Includes response of Clinical Genetics Society and also Ferguson-Smith’s personal response. 1981-1982 into Human Fertilisation ‘Mc-1981 Mc-1982’ MckKusick, V.A. 1981-1983 C.671 C.673-C.675 C.673 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Mc. 1981-1982 Includes Glasgow's information for the ‘next edition of the Laboratory/Service Diagnosis Information Supplement’. Prenatal Group C.676, C.677 ‘Mc-1983’ C.676 MckKusick, V.A. 1981-1983 1982-1983 1983 Chiefly re visit to Johns Hopkins University to receive Membership of the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s acceptance speech. manuscript notes for ‘M-1981’ C.678 1980-1982 1980-1982 1982-1983 Martin, D.S. C.678-C.682 Cases in Egypt. Mansour, A.H. and others Correspondence re visiting researchers. ‘A Martin University of Glasgow. correspondence 1981-1982 was an Administrative Assistant at the and papers re Me.-Mu. Includes 1980-1981 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 development strategy for Scotland’. health care industries in C.683-C.685 ‘M-1982’ C.683 Miller, M. Ashley- 1981-1982 1979, 1982 1979 Correspondence and contribution research’, 1 November 1979. genetics of papers re ‘The to cardiovascular disease meeting on This meeting was organised through the Office of the Chief Scientist, Scottish Home and Health Department (Miller was based in the Chief Scientist's Office). M. Ma. 1983 the Royal Hospital for Sick Children C.686 ‘M-1983’ Molloy, K.E. C.686-C.688 Molloy was Secretary of the Committee. Meetings of Radiological Safety Committee. prenatal diagnosis. Includes correspondence with M. Mikkelsen on early 1983-1984 1983-1984 Me.-Mu. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 N. 1981-1983 Contents of folders ‘N-1981 N-1982’ and ‘N-1983’. O. 1981-1983 Contents of folders ‘O-1981 O-1982’ and ‘O-1983’. C.691-C.695 ‘P-1981 P 1982’ C.691 Pedersen, B. Ng@rgaard- 1978-1983 1978-1979 immunoelectrophoretical Letters from N@rgaard-Pedersen on mono- and bi- dimensional analysis of amniotic fluid proteins; draft of ‘Prenatal diagnosis of polycystic (Meckel syndrome)’ by N@rgaard-Pedersen et al. encephalocele kidneys and Ne@rgaard-Pedersen was based at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Sonderberg Hospital, Denmark. Pope, F.M. Cases. Potts, R.E. 1982-1983 Pope was based in the Department of Dermatology of the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex. 1981-1982 Correspondence and papers re Symposium on Facets of Modern Medicine. Progress and its Price, South Cleveland Hospital, Middlesbrough, 16 October 1981. Ferguson-Smith major handicapping conditions by prenatal diagnosis and selective termination’. Potts was the symposium organiser. ‘Avoidance 1981-1982 spoke on of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘P-1983’ Includes summary of Ferguson-Smith’s lecture on ‘Screening for congenital hypothyroidism’, for Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh St Andrew's Day Festival, 1-2 December 1983. See also C.709. C.697-C.699 ‘R-1981 R-1982’ C.697 Ra.-Ri. Ro. 1981-1982 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1982 at Includes letter from G.J. Romanes re future of human Edinburgh; genetics on correspondence by medical genetics at Ayrshire and Royal Alexandra Infirmary, Paisley. Ferguson-Smith Hospital University Central the re talks of ‘R-1983’ 1981-1983 C.701-C.704 *S-1981 S-1982’ 1981-1982 1981-1982 1980-1982 1981-1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 ‘S-1983’ C.706, C.707 ‘T-1981 T-1982’ C.706 att. Includes copies of articles by E. Trivizas, with some English translation. 1980-1982 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1983 Testing for pregnancy. Toft, A.D. C.708 Thursz, A.D. C.708-C.710 ‘T-1983’ foetal abnormalities and termination of Thursz was Chairman of the Division of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics, Vale of Leven District General Hospital, Dumbartonshire. Toft was Secretary of the symposium committee. Correspondence and re arrangements for Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh St Andrew’s Day Festival, Ferguson-Smith lectured on ‘Screening for congenital hypothyroidism’. See also C.696. papers 1-2 December 1983. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 V. 1981-1983 Contents of folders ‘V-1981 N-1982’ and ‘V-1983’. C.712-C.716 ‘W-1981’ C.712 Wald, N. 1981-1983 1981 Correspondence and papers re third report of the UK Collaborative on Acetylcholinesterase workshop, Jerusalem. AFP _ study, report = and Womersley, J. Letter questionnaire sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. Includes survey. Spina Bifida re draft Womersley was Community Medicine Specialist at the Greater Glasgow Health Board. Wa.-We. ‘W-1982’ 1981-1983 C.717, C.718 of increased incidence of anencephaly in Brazil. Includes exchange with M. Wajner re possible causes Cun’ Wa. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.719-C.722 ‘W-1983’ C.719 Weatherall, D.J. 1982-1983 1982-1983 Correspondence re chromosome 16 and hybrid lines. Weatherall was Nuffield Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford. Whale, S.P. College of Royal Government Inquiry Embryology. Pathologists’ response into Human Fertilisation to and Whale was Secretary to the Registrar of the College John Wiley & Sons Ltd Book proposal. Zaremba, J. 1980-1982 1980-1983 1981, 1983 C.723 Young, B. C.723-C.725 Chiefly re career. ‘XY Z -1981 1982 1983’ 1982-1983 re of Correspondence hydrocephalus, visit to Warsaw by V. Hood (Royal Hospital for Sick Children), visit to Glasgow by T.E. Dipont from Zaremba’s department. Zaremba Psychoneurologiczny, Warsaw, Poland. based was at prenatal diagnosis the Instytut M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.726-C.878 *1984 [-1987]’ C.726-C.728 ‘A’ C.726 Arneil, G.C. Correspondence and papers re future of paediatrics in the West of Scotland Postgraduate Medical Education Committee. Professor Arneil was based at the Glasgow University Department of Child Health. An.-Az. 1980-1987 1984-1987 1984 1984-1987 1984-1985 Includes correspondence with M. Atkinson re use of computing facilities for medical genetics. ‘B’ 1981-1987 1985-1986 C.729 Bell, J. C.729-C.738 Visit to Glasgow. Bell was based at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Pathology, Cytogenetics Unit, Brisbane, Australia. Department of Human Genetics. Includes correspondence re samples of and results from amniotic fluids, 1981. Brock was based Brock, D.J.H. in the Edinburgh University Bobrow, M. 1985-1986 1981-1985 data M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ba. 1983-1987 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s comments on the Medical Association’s Medical Ethics. British its Handbook of revision of 1982-1987 1984-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 ‘C’ C.739 1983-1986 1984-1987 1984-1985 1982-1987 Calder, A.A. C.739-C.750 Chiefly correspondence re Scientific Meeting to mark Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital’s 150th Anniversary, 1984. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘New developments in the prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease’. Edinburgh. Chandley Research Council's Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Calder was based at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. Chandley, A.C. was based at the Medical 1985-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ciba Foundation Draft of Ferguson-Smith’s discussion remarks at Ciba Symposium on Molecular Approaches to Human Polygenic Disease, London, 1986 Cockburn, F. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence re research in cystic fibrosis, information on maternal phenlketonuria. Cockburn was Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health at the University of Glasgow. Cooke, P. 1984-1987 Cooke was Top Grade Cytogeneticist at the South Trent Sub Regional Genetics Service, Nottingham. 1984-1986 1984, 1986 1984-1986 re maternal serum Cuckle, H.S. Lecturer at St Bartholomew's correspondence Chiefly alphafetoprotein. Cuckle was Senior Medical College, London. 1984-1987 1982-1987 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.751-C.755 ‘D’ C.751 Delange, F. Correspondence re European collaborative study on ‘Significance of early diagnostic data in congenital hypothyroidism’. Delange was Chairman of Association Neonatal Thyroid Screening Committee. the European Thyroid 1984-1986 1984-1987 1984 1984-1986 1985-1987 1985-1987 1984-1987 C.756 C.756-C.759 Professor Edwards was based at the Physiological Correspondence European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and visit of Ferguson-Smith and colleague to Bourn Hall Clinic, Cambridge for training in techniques of handling human ova for in vitro fertilisation, 1984. Edwards, R.G. Edwards, J.H. includes formation of 1982-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Laboratory, Cambridge. Evans, T.J. Ferguson-Smith’s composition of Yorkhill hospitals Medical Committee. proposed response the to new C.760-C.772 ‘FP’ C.760 Figarella, C. Correspondence re visit to Glasgow for discussions on cystic fibrosis associated proteins, 1986. Figarella was based at the Groupe de Recherches sur les Glandes Exocrines, Marseilles, France. 1982-1986 1982-1987 1985-1986 1983-1986 a the Fletcher, J.C. bioethicist based at National He a number of genetics centres in Europe to Correspondence re visit to Glasgow and discussions on ethical issues. Fletcher was Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland, USA. visited compare approaches to ethical problems in genetics. 1984-1986 Fletcher was a researcher for the Friedrich’s Ataxia Group, Scotland. Professor Fonatsch was based at Human Genetics, Medical University of Lubeck. Correspondence re research into Friedrich’s Ataxia. Visit by Ferguson-Smith to Lubeck. the Institute for Fletcher, P. Fonatsch, C. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Forrest, A.P.M. 1984-1986 Includes correspondence re meeting of Chief Scientist Committee, 21 June 1984 and membership of the Committee 1986. the Sir Patrick Forrest was Chief Scientist to the Scottish Home and Health Department Forwell, G.D. 1986-1987 correspondence. Administrative of ‘West of Scotland Regional Genetics Service Handout’ for GPs, sent to Forwell for approval as printed pamphlet. Includes draft a Forwell was Chief Administrative Medical Officer to the Greater Glasgow Health Board. Foulds, W.S. 1986-1987 Fraser, K.J. 1984-1986 Sports the and was Secretary to the Glasgow meetings of re Council papers Promotion Correspondence and Glasgow Medicine Subcommittee. Sports Professor Foulds was based at the Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Glasgow. Chiefly correspondence re Genetics in Ophthalmology Symposium, 11 March 1987. Ferguson-Smith spoke on modern genetic techniques. 1985-1986 Fraser Sports Promotion Council. Ferguson-Smith was not a regular attender of the Sports and Medicine Subcommittee meetings. Includes correspondence re 1985. Freeman was based at Services, USA. the North Texas Genetic visit to Scotland, May Freeman, M.V.R. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Fa.-Fe. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with teaching of medical genetics. P.A. Farndon on the Fi.-Fo. 1984-1987 Includes draft paper by J.M. Forrester on sneezing reflex, sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.773-C.781 1983-1986 1984, 1986 1983-1987 1985-1987 C.773 Galbraith, E. re the Tuberous Correspondence of Sclerosis Association of Great Britain meetings Galbraith was Chairman of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. Correspondence re possible research collaboration on young women affected Becker-type muscular dystrophy. 1984-1985 Giacanelli was based at the Fondazione per la Ricerca Applicata alla Patologia Neuro-Muscolare, Rome, Italy. Chiefly Seminar, London, 15 February 1985 correspondence re _ Green was Director of Mercury Conferences Ltd. Prenatal Diagnosis Giacanelli, M. 1986-1987 with Green, B. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Gurling, H.M.D. Correspondence and papers re proposed research into the genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease. Gurling was based at London. the Institute of Psychiatry, 1984-1987 1984-1987 Gh.-Gl. Includes correspondence with A.A. Gibson re obtaining ‘Fiscal post-mortem’ reports (deaths reported to the Office of the Scottish Procurator-Fiscal). Go. 1983-1987 1983-1986 1983-1987 1984-1987 C.782 C.782-C.793 ‘H’ correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s response to the proposed new composition of Yorkhill Hospitals Medical Committee. sre _ 1984-1986 Hamilton was Senior Medical Officer of the Glasgow Health Board. Hann was Consultant Haematologist at Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. Hamilton, F.M.W. the Royal Hann, |.M. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Harris, R. 1984-1987 Correspondence includes review of services in the UK, training in basic genetics clinical genetic Harris was University of Manchester. Professor of Medical Genetics at the C.785-C.788 Hultén, M.A. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence and papers re career, West Midlands Regional Health Authority Genetics Advisory Committee Hultén was Director of Laboratory, Birmingham. the Regional Cytogenetics Career C.786, C.787 Correspondence and papers re development of clinical genetics in the West Midlands copies Genetics sent Medical Research Council trial 1984-1987 clinical genetics in Committee Correspondence of correspondence Includes papers of the West Midlands Regional Health Authority to Advisory Ferguson-Smith for information. 1981-1983 re Includes proposed on multivitamins and neural tube defects, correspondence re development of the West Midlands. 1984-1985 correspondence Includes Hausmanova- Petrusewicz re DNA studies of muscular dystrophy families. with |. 1984-1987 Hai.-Ham. Har.-Haw. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 He.-Hi. 1983-1986 report Ferguson-Smith’s Includes Scottish Home and Health Department on ‘informal meeting at the Medical Research Council on 30th March 1984, to discuss the evaluation of the safety of chorion biopsy techniques’. the for Ho. 1984-1987 Includes Academy of Sciences. correspondence re visitors from Polish 1984-1985 1983-1987 1983-1984 C.795 Jenkins, G.C. C.795-C.798 eel? Royal College Includes abstract of Ferguson-Smith’s paper. Jenkins was Chairman of Affairs Committee. F Correspondence and papers re of Pathologists Symposium on Prenatal Diagnosis of Inherited Disorders, London, 15 May 1984. Ferguson- Smith chaired the first session and spoke on ‘Parental age-specific incidence of chromosome aberrations and factors influencing them’. 1984-1987 Comments on book proposal. the College’s Academic John & Sons Ltd M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.799-C.805 ‘K’ C.799 Kennedy, A.C. 1984-1987 1980-1987 1984-1986 Includes correspondence re progress in collaborative study of families with polycystic kidney condition. Kennedy was Muirhead Professor of Medicine at the University of Glasgow. Kerr, A. Correspondence and papers re UK Rett Syndrome Workshop, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, 24-25 May 1986. Kerr was organising this meeting. Kleinhout, J. invitation Koskull, H.v. 1984, 1985 Correspondence re to Ferguson-Smith to contribute to planned book on Genetic disorders and reproductive health. 1983-1987 Includes correspondence with C.T. Keane re clinical genetics in the Republic of Ireland. 1980, 1984- 1986 1984-1987 Ke. C.806-C.811 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Lawrence, M. 1985-1986 from papers Lawrence Correspondence and and A.E.H. Emery re Symposium on ‘Applications of New Recombinant Technologies in Human Genetics’ during 205th Meeting of the Genetical Society, London, 14-15 November 1986. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Molecular characterisation of human chromosome aberrations’ (includes abstract). Also correspondence re Professors of Genetics and Heads of Departments of Genetics Meeting and Dinner, the Genetical Society meeting. held at Litt, M. 1986-1987 Correspondence re supply of cells from hybrid lines to Litt. was Litt Oregon Health Services University, Portland, USA. Biochemistry based the Department, in by Liu. write and and was Senior the City Hu; DA1-Y.- 1984, 1986 Lecturer Obstetrics Ferguson-Smith agreed to Consultant in Gynaecology, Liu Department of Hospital, Nottingham. Correspondence re book on Chorion Villus Sampling edited a foreword (copy included). 1984-1987 C.812-C.817 1983-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 McDermott, A. 1985-1986 correspondence P.D.G Includes Laboratory with annotated copied sheets indicating updating of entries for Ferguson-Smith’s department. Supplement, Information Services revision of re McDermott was Regional Cytogenetics Service, Bristol. Director the of South Western McKay, A.J. Correspondence and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Symposium on Perspectives in Medicine, Inverness, 16 October 1986. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘The use of genetic probes’. papers re Royal McKay was Secretary of the Symposium Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. MckKusick, V.A. 1984-1987 re to search for 60 visit families Glasgow, McC.-McF. McG.-McQ. 1984-1987 correspondence Includes November 1984. Includes exchange with Glasgow Herald re ‘Appeal for families to help fight diseases’, reporting on Ferguson- Smith’s for gene-mapping research. 1982-1987 C.818-C.829 1984, 1985 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Malcolm, S. 1984-1986 Correspondence on progress of research. Malcolm was Lecturer in Molecular Genetics, Institute of Child Health, London. Marrian, V.J. Correspondence on Bruton hypogammaglobulinaemia and Dystonia Musculorum Deformans. Martyn, L. Foundation Correspondence and Molecular Approaches to Human Symposium on Polygenic Disease, 24-27 November 1986. Ferguson- Smith attended as a discussant. papers Ciba re Martyn was a member of staff of the Ciba Foundation. was at the Clinical Milne, B. Midro, A.T. Midro Genetics, Medical Academy of Bialystok, Poland. Department of based Correspondence re programme of screening for fetal abnormality in the Highland Region of Scotland. Correspondence re tetrasomy 9p, including draft paper by Midro and photographs of ‘idic X chromosome’ sent to Ferguson-Smith. 1986-1987 Milne was Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. Correspondence Organisation survey of genetics services in Europe. Modell was Consultant in Perinatal Medicine, Rayne Institute, UK coordinate London 1985-1986 Modell, B. and helped and papers re World Health the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 contribution. Morgan, D. Morgan was a teacher studying the educational needs of children with Down’s Syndrome. 1982-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 C.830 ‘Nn’ Cases. 1984-1986 1984-1987 1984-1985 C.830-C.832 Naismith, W.C.M.K. Naismith was a doctor in Glasgow. 1986-1987 Ferguson-Smith Memorial Lecture in Athens, Greece, on ‘Applications of the new genetics to sex-linked diseases’, June 1987 (includes a judge in making the summary), and served as Nicolopoulos, D. Correspondence, chiefly Paediatric Society's Choremis Memorial Lecture for 1987 and Choremis Awards for 1986 and 1987. Also includes correspondence with C. Tsenghi and C. Metaxotou. Hellenic the re delivered the Choremis M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Choremis Award in 1986 and 1987. Nicolopoulos was President of the Hellenic Paediatric Society. N. 1984-1986 correspondence Includes S.M. Németh re proposed workshop on genetics of mental retardation. papers from and C.834-C.842 ‘p’ C.834 Patel, N.B. 1984-1985 1983-1987 1985-1986 was Royal College re of the for a European Concerted Action Secretary Pearson, P. Scottish Correspondence Consultant Gynaecologists Meeting, Aviemore, 22-23 November 1985, at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on Genetic developments, and General Practitioners meeting on Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 5 March 1986, at which he spoke on ‘Genetic counselling in early pregnancy’. Patel of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Scottish Executive Committee. Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on ‘Proposal on Automation of Chromosome Analysis’, Nottingham, 2-3 May 1986. 1983-1984 Pembrey was based at the Institute of Child Health, London. Ploeg, M. van der Pembrey, M.E. 1984, 1986 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence and papers re Symposium on In situ Hybridization, 12 July 1984. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Hybridocytochemistry using radioactive probes: recent developments’ (includes abstract). Ploeg was an organiser of the Symposium. Polani, P.E. Includes scientific citation for Polani. Prechtl, H.F.R. Refereeing Development. paper for the journal Early Human Prechtl was editor of Early Human Development. Pa. 1984-1987 1985-1987 1984, 1986 1984-1987 C.843 Ridge, J. C.843-C.848 ‘R’ Includes correspondence with E. Passarge re visit to Essen and Lubeck, Germany, December 1986. 1986 Correspondence re proposed 1987 conference on prenatal diagnosis and publication of proceedings in journal Media Medica. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Ridge was publisher of Media Medica. Royal College of Correspondence and papers re M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 of Edinburgh Physicians of Edinburgh Joint Symposium on Death and Disease in Scotland, Edinburgh, 24 April 1987. Ferguson-Smith spoke on genetic factors in the prevention of disease. Society Royal and 1985-1987 1984-1985 1984-1987 1984-1986 Ru.-Ry. Includes correspondence with B. Russell re congenital eye abnormalities. C.849 for of on 1981-1987 C.849-C.858 ‘Ss’ Seabright, M. round diagnosis table meeting genetic questionnaire Seabright was General Secretary of the Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists. Correspondence re on DNA technology the disease, Salisbury, 26 February 1985; Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists' cytogenetics services (includes copy of questionnaire completed by Ferguson-Smith). 1984-1985 Correspondence re Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 18th Study group on Early Pregnancy - Physiology, Diagnosis and Failure, 5-7 October 1987. Sharp was Convenor of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists study groups. Sharp, F. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Smellie, R.M.S. 1986-1987 Correspondence re Wellcome Trust 50th Anniversary Jubilee exhibition at Glasgow. Smellie was Professor of Biochemistry at Glasgow. Szollar, J. Correspondence chromosome 14. sre proposed research on Szollar was based at the West Midlands Regional Genetics Service Sh.-Si. 1986-1987 1984-1987 1981-1987 1984-1987 (October 1986) on the value of 1984-1987 Includes Letter to Nature, critical of article in Nature 323 human chromosome-specific libraries. Chiefly re research on albinism. Taylor, W.O.G. C.859-C.861 1984-1987 1984-1987 1983-1987 1983-1987 ae C.859 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Taylor was President of the Albino Fellowship in 1986. 1984-1986 1984, 1985 C.862, C.863 C.862 Udden, P. Invitation to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Academia Rodinensis Pro Remediatione (Rodin Remediation Academy) (declined). Udden was Executive Secretary of the Academy. Undevia, J.V. 1984-1987 1987 C.864 Vogel, F. C.864-C.866 ‘Vv’ Refereeing paper for Human Genetics. Chiefly re case of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in India. the Academy. Ferguson-Smith was one of the founder members of the Academy. In 1985 with the formal establishment of the Academy, the founders became styled Acting Von Euler was the first Vice President of Members. Acting Member of Remediatione to become an Invitation Academia Remediation Academy) (accepted). Rodinensis Pro von Euler, C. the (Rodin M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 V. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with H. von Koskull re data from neural tube defect cases. C.867-C.875 Ww’ C.867 Walker, R. 1982-1987 1986 and papers Disease Motor Correspondence Neurone the Management of Motor Neurone Disease, Glasgow, 20 June 1986. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on proceedings. Association Seminar Scottish on re Walker Ferguson-Smith gave the introduction. organiser was the of meeting at which Watson, D. Ferguson- 1984-1985 Whittle, M.J. Whitfield, C.R. Whitfield was Professor of Midwifery at Glasgow. Watson was organiser of the meeting. Smith chaired the morning session. Correspondence and papers re Seminar on Promotion of Genetic Counselling and Pre-Pregnancy Health, Glasgow, 22 March 1985. 1984-1986 Whittle held posts at the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, the Department of Midwifery, University of Glasgow Ferguson-Smith’s a speaker in courses organised by Includes participation as Whittle. correspondence 1983-1987 Mother's the Queen re _ Hospital and M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Wo. Includes correspondence re drafts sent for publication to Human Genetics, and with Department of Health and grade clinical cytogeneticists. re appointment of Security Social top 1984-1987 1982-1987 1986-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 Zaremba, J. Zonana, J. 1984-1986 1983-1986 1983-1985 visit to Glasgow, January 1985 C.877, C.878 Correspondence re and planned visit 1986. Zaremba was based in the Genetics Department of the Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warsaw, Poland. Cambridge. Zonana was Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Oregon Health Sciences University, Eugene, USA. Correspondence following Ferguson-Smith’s move to C.879-C.994 1987-1998’ 1987-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Much of the material post-1996 is printed-out emails. C.879-C.882 ‘A 1987-1998’ C.879 Alvarez, F.V. Correspondence re planned visit lecture involvement in the BSE Inquiry). (cancelled due to 1990-1998 1997-1998 to Washington to Ferguson-Smith’s Alvarez was Chief of Clinical Chemistry at Hospital San Agustin, Aviles, Spain. Arruga, M.V. Correspondence re to Zaragoza by Ferguson- Smith to lecture in the 12th European Colloquium on the Cytogenetics of Domestic Animals, 25-28 June. visit Arruga was based in the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, University of Zaragoza, Spain invitation 1992-1998 1990-1998 C.883 Baker, J.P. 1990-1997 C.883-C.891 ‘B 1987-1998’ 1994-1995 Correspondence re to Ferguson-Smith to participate in Citizen Ambassador Program of People to People International to visit China. Ferguson-Smith declined but prepared some written questions on genetic disorders and legislation in China. Correspondence karyotyping studies on cancer cells (see G.13-G.16). collaboration on _ spectral Bar-Am, I. re_ M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Bar-Am was based in the Department of Cell Research and Immunity, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Benirschke, K. 1993-1995 was Benirschke and Reproductive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Pathology Professor of Bibby, J. Correspondence re advisory paper for the Standing Group and Imaging Advisory Panel. Technology's Diagnostics Health on Ferguson-Smith prepared paper on applications in the diagnosis of genetic disorders. short a FISH 1990-1997 1994-1998 1994-1997 1993-1997 Chaganti was Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics Correspondence re visits and progress of research. Chaganti, R.S.K. ‘C 1987-1998’ C.892-C.898 1988-1998 1995-1996 C.892 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA. Chandley, A.C. 1995-1997 Chiefly correspondence re research and samples from Chandley’s work in Mongolia. Medical Chandley Council's Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh. based was the at Research Committee Enquiry into Human Genetics Correspondence and papers re House of Commons Science into Ferguson-Smith’s Human manuscript notes. Technology Committee and Genetics. Includes Enquiry Ferguson-Smith gave evidence to Enquiry regulatory implications of human genetics research. ethical, the on the Committee and economic 1990-1998 1992-1995 1992-1998 1989-1990 Dacou-Voutetakis, C. ‘D 1987-1998’ C.899-C.903 1988, 1993 Davies, P.A. 1988-1997 1988-1997 C.899 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence Paediatric Pathology at Cambridge. establishment re_ of Chair in was Secretary Davies Advisory Committee of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths which offered to make available funds towards the Chair. Scientific the of Divane, A. 1995-1997 Correspondence re probes for chromosomes 18, and Y; career. 13 Divane was a Greek researcher based in Ferguson- Smith’s She returned to Athens to take up a post at the Diagnostic Genetic Centre. June-December laboratory, 1994. Da.-De. 1991-1997 with letter 1994-1997 Edwards, J.H. C.904, C.905 ‘E 1987-1998’ Includes request from Medical Research Council for scientific achievements emanating from MRC-funded research, outlining achievements in 1993; Ferguson-Smith’s response to questionnaire on the need for a genetic register. Ferguson-Smith’s Chiefly correspondence re homologies revealed by cross-species reciprocal painting. 1994-1998 ‘F 1987-1998’ C.906-C.909 4995) 1997 C.906 Florentin, L. C.904 1988-1997 1992-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 had under studied Florentin at Glasgow 1982-1987 before returning to Greece to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and then the Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics Center at the Hospital for Women (as Director). Ferguson-Smith Fraser, G.R. C.910-C.914 ‘G 1987-1998’ C.910 Gellin, J. 1992-1997 1993-1997 1993-2000 1999 1996-1997 and papers re Therapy, Goa, India, June 1996. correspondence Gogate, S. and others Includes Ferguson-Smith’s report. Gellin was organiser of the Workshop. Correspondence and re Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Comparative Genome Mapping Workshop, Toulouse, 3-4 May 1999. papers Chiefly 8th International Conference on Early Prenatal Diagnosis and Includes Ferguson-Smith’s report to the British Council. 1995, 2000 Ferguson-Smith was by Goswami, Professor of Genetics, to receive the J.B.S Haldane Oration research He delivered contribution in chromosome painting’. Chiefly re visit to Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India, November 2000. Gogate was Organising Secretary of the meeting. invited to visit Goswami, H.K. outstanding Medal for ‘his M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 the Oration. Gr.-Gu. Harvard Includes correspondence with Medical School Department of Cell Biology, re cDNA library from cultured human epidermal keratinocytes. Green, H. C.915-C.924 ‘H 1987-1998’ C.915 Haaf, T. Correspondence re human and mouse DNA libraries for spectral karyotyping, draft paper on comparative mapping of mouse and rat chromosomes. 1993-1998 1993-1996 1989-2000 1996-1998 Hammett, S. 1994-1997 was Haaf Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. based the at Max-Planck-lInstitute of Harrison, C.J. Correspondence re preparation of information sheets on Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Hammett wrote on behalf of Klinefelterss Syndrome Association (later Club). Ferguson-Smith advised on the information sheets. 1997-1998 Correspondence re visit to study in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory, 2000-2001. Includes supporting papers. Harrison was Senior Lecturer in Cytogenetics, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. Correspondence re collaboration testing. in colour banding Hemeda, S.A. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hemeda Genetics at Alexandria University, Egypt. Professor Assistant was of Veterinary C.919-C.921 Hultén, M.A. 1994-1996 Chiefly correspondence relating Midlands 1995, recommendations arising for merger of services. to review of West and Services, Genetics Regional 3 folders. 1994-1998 1993-1998 1989-1998 C.926 C.929 1991-2001 1990-1999 1996 C.926-C.928 Johnson, M.H. ‘1 1987-2002’ ‘J 1987-1998’ 1992-1994 Correspondence laboratory, 1993. Ferguson-Smith’s ‘K 1987-1998’ Kalousek, D.K. C.929-C.935 _re_ visit to 1993-1999 1990-1997 1992-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Kalousek was based in the Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Khan, J. 1993-1994 Correspondence re proposed postgraduate research in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory on ‘Comparative genomic hydridization of paediatric malignancies’. for molecular cytogenetic analysis Kingsbury, D.T. 1994-1995 Correspondence re International Society for Analytical Cytology business, including memorandum on future of Mendelian Inheritance in Man database and its relationship with the Genome Data Base. Kingsbury was based at project at Johns Hopkins University. the Genome Data Base laboratory Ki.-Ku. 1997-1998 and members of Korstanje, R. and A.A. Bosma Correspondence on collaborative research between Ferguson-Smith’s the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Utrecht on the rabbit genome. Korstanje visited Cambridge in February 1998 as part of the project. 1990-1997 Includes correspondence with Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, re cytogenetic analysis of Muntjac species. Kipling, D. C.936-C.938 ‘L 1987-1998’ 1995-1997 1994-1997 1995-1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Lever, AM.L. 1995, 1997 Correspondence and papers re collaborative research on HTLV-1 chromosomal integration sites. Lever was based in Medicine. the Cambridge Department of La.-Li. 1990-1997 Includes correspondence with C.C. Linn, University of Alberta, re research on Muntac species. C.939-C.944 ‘M 1987-1998’ C.939 McKusick, V.A. 1994-1997 1991-1998 1996-1997 and Mc.-Mag. Malcolm, S. Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease Correspondence re and Protoelipid protein (PLP). Includes correspondence re chromosome 21, visits. 1992-1997 Includes Washington collaborative work on Ninjurint and MSSE. J. Milbrandt, re Medicine, University School of correspondence with Mak.-Mav. Me.-Mi. 1994-1996 1991-1997 1994-1997 1992-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.945, C.946 ‘N 1987-2002’ C.945 Neri, G. re __ International Correspondence Symposium on The Human Genome, Naples, Italy, 6-8 September 2000. papers’ and Neri was a member of the Organising Committee of the meeting. Ferguson-Smith served on the Scientific Advisory Committee. C.947, C.948 ‘O 1987-2002’ C.947 Ostrander, E.A. et al 1996-2000 1999-2000 1988-2002 1999-2000 1988-2002 1992-2001 1997-2000 C.949 Patel, Z.M. C.949-C.955 ‘P 1987-1998’ Correspondence with Ostrander and others re possible international project on the canine genome, including standardising nomenclature. Other correspondents are A.A. Bosma, M. Breen, D.R. Sargent and F. Yang. 2000-2001 Patel was Deputy Director of the Indian Council of Medical Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Bombay. Includes correspondence re diagnosis of cases of Down’s Syndrome and Turner's Syndrome. Chiefly re lecture at Utrecht by Ferguson-Smith, 8 Research Genetic Research Centre, Pearson, P.L. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 February 2001. He spoke on ‘Comparative mapping of dog using chromosome painting’. Includes abstract. reciprocal human and Pearson was based in Genetics, Netherlands. Utrecht the Department of Medical The Medical Centre, University re Pontecorvo, G. 1997, 2000 Arrangements for the celebration of Pontecorvo’s 90th birthday in Venice. Pe.-Ph. Includes correspondence with Graz, Austria, re QF-PCR test. B. Pertl, University of 1992-1998 1993-1997 Pl.-Py. C.957 1993-1998 1992-1994 ‘Q 1987-1998’ 1997-1998 Correspondence re research plans, including work on MSSE. of London, re COMBAT Medical Advisory Correspondence Neurology, Panel meeting. Richards, F.M. ‘R 1987-1998’ C.957-C.959 1994-1998 with N.P. Quinn, Institute M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Richards Genetics, University of Birmingham. based was the in Division Re.-Ry. C.960-C.970 ‘S 1987-1998’ C.960 Schinzel, A. of Medical 1995-1997 1994-1998 1989-1998 1989-1997 Includes cases forwarded to Ferguson-Smith for flow karotypes. Schinzel Genetics, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Institute based was the at for Medical Group He chaired 1995 Prenatal Simpson, J.L. C.961, C.962 Houston, on Texas. Noninvasive Draft report of WHO Working Group on Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis Professor Simpson was based at the Baylor College of the WHO Medicine, Working Genetic Diagnosis. He was first President of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis. 1995-1998 Chiefly correspondence re Prenatal Diagnosis business. Letter to Nature on genetics and insurance, referring to the Medical Declaration the World Ferguson-Smith was on the Board of the Society. International Society for 1997-1998 Skaer, R.J. of Helsinki of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Association. Ferguson-Smith for comment. Includes drafts of Letter by Skaer sent to Solovei, | Correspondence re mouse chromosome paints. based at the University of Munich, Solovei Germany. was Sperling, K. Chiefly re papers submitted by Ferguson-Smith for publication in Human Genetics. was Sperling of Human Genetics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, and editor of the journal Human Genetics. Institute based the at Stanyon, R. was in the of project Testing. Includes 1996-1997 Straughan, M. on rat-mouse Stanyon Department Anthropological Science, University of Genoa, Italy. based Correspondence re research reciprocal chromosome painting. Correspondence and papers re visit to Cambridge of the Department of Health Advisory Committee on Genetic Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes. 1994-1998 the Genetics Secretariat, Straughan was based in Department of Health. The Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing visited Cambridge for discussions with Ferguson-Smith. 1993-1996 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Sp.-Su. C.971-C.977 ‘T 1987-1998’ and ‘T Miscellaneous’ C.971 Thakker, R.V. Includes correspondence on cell line from patient with breakpoint in 11q13. 1995-1998 1987-1998 1992-1995 Thakker was based at the Medical Research Council Molecular Postgraduate Medical School, London. Medicine Group, Royal Tolar, J. Tolar was a Czechoslovakian researcher who visited Cambridge in July 1991. Biomedical proposal based and papers re the John F. Kennedy 1995-1996 Tommerup, N. application to Health for ‘Mendelian and _ Australasian Society of Cytogeneticists Correspondence re visit to Perth, Australia, July 1997. Tommerup was at Institute, Glostrup, Denmark. Correspondence European Research programme for Cytogenetics Network’. Commission 1990-1998 Ferguson-Smith attended the annual meetings of the Australasian Society of Cytogeneticists (speaking on ‘Human genetics; the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (speaking on ‘Studies on mammalian evolution using chromosome sorting and painting’). This material was found with the correspondence with N. Tommerup (C.973). diversity and disease’) and 1996-1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Tu.-Ty. C.978-C.980 ‘V 1987-1998’ C.978 Vaupel, S.S. P.C.M. O’Brien, Correspondence re paper by Ferguson-Smith, F. Yang and ‘Comparative mapping using chromosome sorting and painting’ for /LAR (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research) Journal, Bibliography no. 394. Vaupel was Managing Editor of the journal 1987-1998 1993-1998 1993-1998 1998 1993-1997 1993, 1997 1991-1998 1993, 1995 C.981-C.988 C.981 Wald, N. ‘W 1987-1998’ testing, on Down's’ over WHO Statement Syndrome _ Correspondence including screening for Down’s Syndrome. controversy 1995-1997 to Ferguson- Correspondence and papers re Smith’s laboratory of C. McGiffert under the Minority International Research Training Program. She worked on High resolution molecular cytogenetic analysis of human chromosomal aberrations. Professor Wald was based at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. C.982-C.984 Medicine, Medical College of re Weber, B.H. visit M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 3 folders. the director of US International Weber of the California State University, Fullerton, was of Health a Minority Program. McGiffert was a researcher based in the Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach. National Research Institutes Training Wilcken, B. Correspondence at Human Genetics Society of Australasia meeting, July 1997. controversial presentation re Wilcken was President of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia 1992-1998 1989-1998 1995 C.989 Ve 1993-1998 1991-1998 C.989-C.994 Chiefly correspondence with P.J. Yarowsky, University of Maryland, re mouse chromosome 16 painting probe. 1988, 1997 Zaremba was Neurologii, Warsaw, Poland. Cases of chromosome 9 aberrations. Carl Zeiss Ltd 1989, 1996 Zaremba, J. based at the Instytut Psychiatrii i M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence re purchase of equipment. Zhang Y. 1996-1998 re research laboratory collaboration with Correspondence karyotype Ferguson-Smith’s the evolution of primates endemic to China, 1996; and invitation to 18th International Congress of Genetics Kunming and conservation of biodiversity’, Kunming, 16-18 August 1998, 1997-1998. Conference ‘Genetics Satellite on on Zhang was based at the Kunming Institute of Zoology, China. Zheng E. 1989-1991 Correspondence re collaborative research on familial gonadal dysgenesis. Zheng was based in the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research, China. Ze with M. of Cambridge and Leiden Zarowitz, 1994-2004 ‘1998-2002’ C.995-C.1086 re RX-FISH correspondence Chiefly comparison (Fluorescence in-situ hybridisation) Protocols. 1998-2001 Some of Ferguson-Smith’s period BSE Inquiry and references are made to this. during the UK Governments’ For letters |, N and O see the previous sequence. this correspondence was written Includes printed-out emails. ‘A 1998-2002’ C.995, C.996 on M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Aitken, D.A. 1998-1999 Correspondence re career. 1998-2001 1996-2002 1999 C.997-C.1006 ‘B 1998-2002’ C.997 Ben Oostra Correspondence re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to attend Dutch Human Genetics Society Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15-16 April 1999. Professor Ben Oostra was financial manager of the Dutch Human Genetics Society. Brambillasca, F. Correspondence re possible visit to Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in 1999. Broad was Senior Scientist with AgResearch, the New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute. Brambillasca was based in the Department of Genetics and Biology of Microoganisms, University of Milan, Italy. Chiefly correspondence re transferring AgResearch’s sheep hybrid cell panel to the European Collection of Cell Cultures. 1999-2000 Broad, T.E. 1999-2000 Brown, J.D. Correspondence re availability of mouse paints Brown was based at the University of Connecticut, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Brown, S. 1998-2002 Referring papers for Mammalian Genome. Brown was editor of the journal Mammalian Genome. Burkin, D. Correspondence re career. Bi-Bo. Includes collaboration on mouse Y chromosome. correspondence with C.E. 1999-2001 1996-2001 Bishop re Br.-By. 1999-2001 C.1007 Carter, N.P. 1994-2002 C.1007-C.1014 ‘C 1998-2002’ Includes correspondence with A.N. Bruere re Scrapie and BSE. 1994, 1996 Correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s paper ‘Reaction to the emergence of BSE in the UK: what was done and what perhaps might have been done better’, Carter was based at the Sanger Centre, Cambridge. Chiefly karyotypes. correspondence and Champigny, M.-L. papers re_ bear M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 at meeting presented Spongiformes Transmissables, Academie des Sciences, Paris, Includes copy of the paper (3pp). See also C.1049. Encephalopathies Institut France 14-16 March 2001. on _ de Champigny was preparing the proceedings of publication meeting Rendus Académie des Sciences. Comptes for in the de Cowey, K. 1998-1999 Correspondence re individual membership of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. Cox, D:W. 2000-2002 Includes correspondence re chromosome 14, and career. collaborative work on Cox was Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, Canada. 1999-2001 1999-2001 1999-2001 1999-2001 Correspondence GeneScreen. Ferguson-Smith agreed to serve on the editorial board. |. Peake were the founders of C.1015-C.1017 ‘D 1998-2002’ 1996, 1998 1998-2002 re new _ journal C.1015 Duff, G. Duff and the new M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 journal. C.1018, C.1019 ‘E 1998-2002’ C.1018 Edwards, J.H. 1998-2002 1998-2001 1997-2001 1997, 2001 Includes draft susceptibility gene discovery. of Letter to Nature by Edwards on E. 1998-2001 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s entry on his activities for the European Research & Development Database. 1997-2001 2000-2001 1997, 2001 C.1020 Farndon, P.A. C.1020-C.1022 ‘F 1998-2002’ Ferguson, M.W.F. Includes invitation National Genetics Commissioning Advisory Group. for Ferguson-Smith to serve on Correspondence re Monodelphis domestica embryos and alligator cell lines. 1995-2001 Professor Ferguson was based at the University of Manchester School of Biological Sciences. C.1023-C.1032 ‘G 1998-2002’ 1999-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ganss, B. 1999-2000 Correspondence re samples of mouse chromosomes 2,6 and 17. Ganss was based at the Medical Research Council Group in Periodontal Physiology, University of Toronto, Canada. Goswami, H.K. 1998-2001 Correspondence re possible visits. Goswami was Professor and Head of the Genetics Department, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. Grace, C.D. Correspondence Peterhouse College Cambridge, September 20071. SmartCapture User re Meeting, for re with 3 folders. analysis and_ It included Scientific Ltd, was Director of Digital presentation collaboration C.1026-C.1028 Graphodatsky, A.S. 1995, 1999- 2001 Correspondence Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory through the work of Fengtang Yang and visit to Cambridge July 2000. Grace a Cambridge computer software company that produced SmartCapture, a system of software tools the digital capture, of microscope images. a FISH imaging product that was the first commercial instrument to detect multicolour signals for cytogenetic analysis. See also G.19-G.21. Correspondence re talk on the BSE enquiry to British Graphodatsky was Head of the Laboratory of Human of Cytology and and Animal Cytogenetics, Institute Genetics, Siberian Department, Novosibirsk. Russian Academy of Gregory, J. Science M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 on Advancement of Science Includes 4 September 2001. Association Glasgow, Ferguson-Smith’s talk, uncertainties of science’. ‘BSE: public meeting, draft of policy and the Gregory Association who organised the meeting. Section Chair was of X of the British Griffin, D.K. 1996-2000 Chiefly correspondence arising from Griffin's work at Cambridge on karyotype evolution in birds, and later collaborative research. Griffin was based in Ferguson-Smith’s department before moving to Brunel University. 1999-2001 1996-2001 Ha. C.1033 editorial and 1999-2002 1999-2000 Harper, J.C. ‘H 1998-2002’ re _ mouse C.1033-C.1036 Prenatal FISH correspondence re correspondence Includes Diagnosis, probes. Harper was Senior Lecturer in Human Genetics and Embryology, University College London. 1999-2001 Harrison Cytogenetics, Medical School, London. of College Harrison, C.J. Royal Free and University was Senior Lecturer and Head 1999-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1037-C.1040 ‘J 1998-2002’ C.1037 Jackson, L.G. Jacobs, P.A. Includes correspondence on gender testing of Olympic athletes, 1998, and project on structural abnormalities of the X chromosome, 2000. Jacobs was Director of the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory. Just, W. Correspondence re possible collaboration on Ellobius lutescens. 1999-2002 1995-2001 1995, 2000- 2001 1998-2000 1999-2001 1998-2001 C.1041-C.1043 C.1041-C.1046 Just was based in the Department of Human Genetics, University of Ulm, Germany. Correspondence re collaborative research and joint conference papers and publication arising. 1999-2001 Chiefly Callosum associated with a chromosome (4;14) translocation’, paper of Human Genetics meeting, 2000. Kamnasaran was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, Canada presented at American Society re ‘Agenesis of the Corpus ‘K 1998-2002’ Kamnasaran, D. 1999-2000 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 2000 re ‘Comparative Chiefly chromosome 14q11.2-q13 cytogenetic interval mouse syntenic chromosomes’ Mammalian Genome, 2000. mapping the for publication human with in of 2000-2001 re ‘Comparative human Chiefly chromosome ‘Comparative mapping of the human chromosome 14q11.2-q13 with mouse homologous gene regions’, paper presented at American Society of Human Genetics meeting, 2001. mapping and 14q11.2-q13’, the of King, V. Correspondence re career. King was a New Zealand based researcher who had worked as Ferguson-Smith’s Scientific Assistant on the BSE Inquiry 1998-2000 C.1047 Levan, G. 1998-2001 1999-2000 1999-2000 ‘L 1998-2002’ C.1047-C.1049 Veterinary Science, Oslo. Levan was based in Cell Molecular Biology, Géteburg University, Sweden. Correspondence, collaborative research on canine chromosomes. the Norwegian School the Department of Lingaas was Lingaas, F. Fengtang based in chiefly with 1999 and Yeng, re of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ll. 1999-2001 correspondence Includes meeting Transmissables, Sciences, Paris, 14-16 March 2001. See also C.1008. Lachmann re Spongiformes France Academie des P. Encephalopathies Institut with on de C.1050-C.1055 ‘M 1998-2002’ C.1050 McGiffert, C 1996-2001 1999-2001 McGiffert had worked in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory under the US National Institutes of Health Minority International Research Training Program. See C.982- C.984. McConnell, |. 1998-2000 Includes draft on ‘Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory’ for 50th Anniversary Publication of the Cambridge Veterinary School. McConnell was Professor of Veterinary Science in the University of Cambridge. 2000-2001 by Ferguson-Smith to Correspondence re C.1056-C.1064 ‘R 1998-2002’ 1999, 2000 1995-2002 C.1056 Raine, T. talk the 1999-2001 1996-2001 1996-1999 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Trinity College Cambridge Medical Society, 1 February 2001. some conclusions from the scientific response to BSE’. Inquiry: talked ‘The BSE He on Raine Society. was President of Trinity College Medical C.1057, C.1058 Richards, F.M. 1998-2002 collaboration Correspondence on on MSSE (Multiple Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma), including career (C.1058). application; research project grant draft on of 2 folders. Richards was Lecturer in Human Molecular Genetics in the University of Birmingham. Ried, T. 1996-1999 of National 2000-2001 collaboration Robinson, T.J. C.1061, C.1062 Ried was based at the National Centre for Human Genome Research, Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Institutes Robinson was Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Correspondence Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory (chiefly through Fengtang Yang) on phylogenomics. Includes grant proposal. 2000-2002 Correspondence and papers re Congress on Genetic Resources for the New Century, San Diego, California, USA, 8-12 May 2000, at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on by cross-species chromosome painting’, and further visit to San Diego 2001. includes correspondence with Also President of the Zoological Society of San Diego. of mammalian karyotype evolution Benirschke, Ryder, O.A. 2 folders. ‘Studies re with K. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Re.-Ri. 1995-2002 SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals’ Includes correspondence with P.R. Reilly, Chairman of the Clinical Genetics, Bioethics and Public Policy Advisory Board (Ferguson-Smith was a member of the Board). C.1065, C.1066 ‘RAE 2001’ 1998-2001 1999-2001 Correspondence relating entry of Ferguson- Smith’s Veterinary Cytogenetics Group for the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. the to 2 folders. C.1067-C.1074 ‘S 1998-2002’ 1997-2001 papers for meetings of the Centre Shields, L.E. Sargan, D.R. C.1067, C.1068 Correspondence re collaboration on FISH probes for Macaques. Lecturer in Sargan was Molecular Pathology and Director of the Postgraduate School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, University of Cambridge. Includes for Veterinary Science’s Research Strategy Discussion Group, 6 February and 26 April 2001. 1999-2001 Shields was based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Spathas was based in the Medical School, University of Patras, Greece. Spathas, D.H. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Stanyon, R. 1998-2000 Includes correspondence re research on rabbit human, and woolly monkey human homology. Stanyon was based in Diversity, Maryland, USA. National the Laboratory of Genomic Frederick, Institute, Cancer 1997-2001 1998-2001 1999-2001 So.-Su. draft report history ‘Genetic Includes antenatal booking visits: suggestions for maternity records using the National Maternity Record as an example’ by a working party of the Royal College of Physicians Joint Committee on Medical Genetics, sent to Ferguson- Smith by its chairman, P.W. Soothill, October 2001. at C.1076 1996-2001 Volobouev, V. ‘T 1998-2002’ ‘V 1998-2002’ C.1076, C.1077 Ferguson-Smith’s Correspondence re the Museum of Natural History, Paris to lecture on ‘Studies in using chromosome painting’, 13 February 2001. 1995-2002 Volobouev was based at History, Paris, France. the Museum of C.1078-C.1084 ‘W 1998-2002’ mammalian 2000-2001 visit to chromosome evolution Natural 1998-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1078, C.1079 Weale, A.P. re papers Correspondence and British Academy Conference on Risk and Public Policy, London, 7 June 2001. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘BSE and decisions of risk’. Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s talk, copy of illustrative slides and manuscript notes on proceedings (C.1079). C.1080-C.1082 Weber, B.H. 1995-1999 Correspondence re visiting researchers from the US National International Research Training Program. Institutes Minority Health of program Following the success of the visit of C. McGiffert from the MIRT researchers came to Cambridge: A.R. Perez (1997), J.L. Padilla (1998) and a Mentor, C.A. Itatani (1998). C.982-C.984), further (see A.R. Perez 1995-1997 1999-2004 1997-1998 1998-1999 Wienberg, J. J.L. Padilla and C.A. Itatani (Mentor) J.L. Padilla (1998) and continuing program 1998-2001 A colleague of R. Stanyon, Wienberg was based in the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, USA. Chiefly publication hamster, with F. Yang. *X Y Z 1988-2002’ C.1085, C.1086 Chinese re of joint work on M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Zaremba, J. 1998-2001 Chiefly correspondence re Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Gdansk, 2-5 September 1999. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Nature versus nurture in the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies’. Includes abstract of Ferguson-Smith’s talk. 1998-2001 CORRESPONDENCE WITH V.A. McKUSICK of draft male Includes hypogonadism, pseudohermaphroditism hypospadias (Reifenstein’s Syndrome)’ by McKusick et al, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments thereon. gynecomastia ‘Hereditary with and documents a_ 1995-1996 C.1088-C.1100 correspondence. CORRESPONDENCE WITH J.A.M. GRAVES AND OTHERS This long-running research collaborations on comparative genomics of various marsupials between platypus, echidna and Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in Cambridge and the laboratory of Professor J.A.M. Graves at La Trobe University, Australia (then at the Australian National University, Canberra). 1995-2005 Correspondence re drafting grant application to ARC and joint papers for publication. Includes draft grant application to Australian Research Council (ARC) for cross-species painting in mammals. February-July 1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 August-November 1997 Chiefly re grant application to ARC. March-September 1998 Correspondence on progress of research on marsupial painting. October 1998 Includes draft of ‘Chromosome evolution in kangaroos (Marsupialia macropodidae)...’ with R.J. Waugh O’ Neill et al. 1999 correspondence Includes to Cambridge, April; draft of formal agreement on ‘Cross- species painting’. Graves’s visit re 2000 2001 re Graves’s visit to Includes Cambridge, May; progress of research. correspondence Correspondence on progress of research. platypus karyotype for publication Chiefly re preparation of papers for publication, and joint grant application by A. Ferguson-Smith, Reader in Developmental Genetics at Cambridge, and Graves. preparation of paper on January-March 2004 to Australia, 2002-2003 Visit March; M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 April-October 2004 November-December 2004 Includes correspondence re collaboration on platypus sex chromosomes. 2005 Includes abstract of presentation, ‘In the platypus a meiotic chain with ten elements links mammal and bird chromosomes’, relating to joint paper ‘In the platypus a meiotic chain of ten sex chromosomes shares genes with the bird Z and mammal X chromosomes’, with F. Gritzner 913-917. Bibliography no. 464. (2004), Nature 432 al, et C.1101-C.1123 REFERENCES AND RECOMENDATIONS 1978-2001 Awards Theses C.1118 C.1119 G:1120 Not indexed. C.1101-C.1109 C.1110-C.1117 Royal Society Grant applications Appointments and promotions Other C.1121-C.1123 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1101-C.1109 Appointments and promotions 1978-2001 1978-1980 1981-1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 1995-1996 C.1110-C.1117 Grant applications 1998 April-September 1998 October-December 1980-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1999 January 1999 June 2001 April November 2000; January, July 2001 2001 April Royal Society Awards 1996-2000 1987, 2000 Theses 1993, 1995 C.1121-C.1123 1993-1999