EVANS, William Charles v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


NCUACS 16/1/90 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of WILLIAM CHARLES EVANS FRS (191A = 31-983) Compiled by Timothy E Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in University College of North Wales Library All rights reserved University of Bath 1990 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Institute of Physics National Power Pergamon Books Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES LIBRARY BANGOR W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 LIST OF CONTENTS Items INTRODUCTION SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION LEEDS UNIVERSITY SECTION UNIVERSITY OF WALES SECTION RESEARCH SECTION BROADCASTS SECTION SECTION VISITS AND CONFERENCES CORRESPONDENCE PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND INDEX OF CORRESPONDE W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 GENERAL INTRODUCTION OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF W C EVANS William Charles Evans was born in Penrhos near Caernarvon on Octoner 1, 4.91 ls He was educated at local schools in Bethel and Caernarvon and won a scholarship to the University College of North Wales (UCNW), Bangor, in 1929. Evans received his BSc in chemistry with first class honours in 1932 and studied for a further two years at UCNW to gain his Teachers Training Diploma and his MSc in organic chemistry. logical chemistry (on the tyrosinase-tyrosine reaction) under H S Raper, while also taking the First and Second M B courses to LOS 7 Evans's first appointment was at Leeds University, initially to Manchester University. Here he studied for his PhD in physio- Department. Following the outbreak of war Evans became Director of improve his knowledge of biology. Evans gained his doctorate in Demonstrator, later as Lecturer, im biocnemistry in tne Physiology In 1934 Evans was awarded the Platt Physiological Scholarship Plasma Production and Serology in the Leeds University-based Regional Department (Director Sir Almroth Wright) . Medical School, Paddington, to work under Professor (later Sir) Alexander Fleming on the production of diphtheria toxin in the Inoculation collaborate on many joint projects with her husband as well as pursuing ship for four years until 1944 when he moved to St Mary's Hospital Woods, who had gained her doctorate in zoology at Leeds. She was to independent research. They had four children. Evans held the Director- Blood Transfusion Laboratories. In 1942 he married Dr Irene Antice W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 In 1946 Evans returned to Wales. He was Special Lecturer in biochemistry at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, initiating research on the health problems of farm animals associated with certain plants, 1946-51. On the death of G W Robinson Evans was appointed to the Chair of Agricultural Chemistry at UCNW, a position he held until retirement in 1979. During this period he oversaw a considerable expansion of his Department of Agricultural Chemistry into one of Biochemistry and Soil Science. Evans's most important research at UCNW was in two main areas; the elucidation of the biochemistry of the aerobic and anaerobic pathways of the catabolism of aromatic compounds (including agro- chemicals and pesticides) in Nature, and the isolation of the toxic factors in bracken fern causing the poisoning of farm animals - this undertaken in frequent collaboration with his wife, who independently Socrety in’ 1979. Evans was of humble origins; his father worked as a stone-mason demonstrated that bracken was also carcinogenic. For his outstanding in the Dinorwig Slate Quarries. It was a Welsh-speaking environment his deep love of his homeland and pride in his nati e tongue. He Throughout this collection are notes, drafts and letters attesting to realised the importance for the survival of the Welsh language of its and Evans did not begin to learn English until about ten years old. contributions in both fields Evans was elected a Fellow of the Royal Welsh scientist' which he had drafted for it shortly before he died. Honorary President of Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol (the National therefore that following his death in 1988 the journal Y Gwyddonydd was to publish as his memorial an autobiographical 'Portrait of a being used as a medium for scientific communication and served as Scientific Society), lectured and broadcast on scientific matters in Welsh and wrote for Welsh language publications. It was fitting W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection is particularly noteworthy for its full coverage of Evans's research. Section A, Biographical, is slight but includes a number of autobiographical accounts and the many letters of congratulation Evans received on his election as Fellow of the Royal Society. Section B, Leeds University, comprises a small amount of duplicated teaching material. Section C, University of Wales, consists chiefly of teaching material used by Evans and colleagues at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and UCNW, and applications, correspondence and reports relating to the financing of Evans's research through the 1970s and early 1980s. There are also a number of drafts by Evans to UCNW. Service, there are extensive sequences of notes on Evans's later notebooks used by Evans as an undergraduate, postgraduate notes and all aspects of Evans's research are well documented. In addition to Section D, Research, is the largest in the collection. Nearly material dating from Evans's wartine service in the Blood Transfusion research at Aberystwyth and Bangor on pasture plants, bracken toxicity on the history of biochemistry in Wales with particular reference of wattle tannins. relating to a commercially funded research project on the degradation and the breakdown of aromatic compounds. There is also material W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Section E, Publications, Lectures and Broadcasts, is chiefly arafts by Evans with related correspondence. It includes much unpublished work. Also in this section is a collection of lectures and other teaching material originally belonging to A N Worden, Professor of Animal Health at Aberystwyth 1945-50. It provides fascinating documentation of the teaching of veterinary science in London and Cambridge in the 1930s. There is a complete set of reprints of Evans's publications at E.131l. Section F, Visits and Conferences, is a chronological sequence of material relating to visits made and conferences attended by Evans. This short section is dominated by the correspondence and papers from Evans's 1969 visit to the University of Khartoum, principally to give advice on the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science there. Section G, Correspondence, contains few extended sequences of Much of the correspondence refers to specific research accounts of his current research. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS University of Bath, We are very grateful to Dr I Antice Evans for making the m nuscripts as External Examiner for a number of universities. available and for her advice and encouragement, and to Dr G P Parry, references and recommendations including material relating to his work correspondence. problems and many of Evans's letters therefore contain quite detailed The section also includes Evans's Bath 1990 material is retained in family hands. and memorabilia relating to Sir Almroth Wright including a boxed set of This includes Evans's Ph.D thesis calibrated glass capillary pipettes made by Wright. for assistance with material in Welsh. A little Timothy E Powell Peter Harper W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL The Times obituary of Evans, 29 July 1988. ("Portrait of a Welsh Written by Evans shortly before his death "Portreadau o Wyddonwyr o Gymru' scientist'). and published, with introductory and concluding paragraphs by I 26°(1988). W Williams, as Evans's Memorial in Y Gwyddonydd Curriculum vitae and list of contributions to science, 19 December 1974. of Evans to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. Prepared for R T Williams's nomination "Personal notes, which awakened interest in biochemistry’, February 1985. Evans's account of his life to 1946. accounts in Welsh. 1983 and nd, including Autobiographical accounts, 1979, Entries for Who's Who and Who's Who in Europe, nd. Bibliographies arranged chronologically, 1975 mentary lists 1976-78 and 1979-88) and by subject, 1975. "Brilliant Bethel Brothers’, a photocopy of cutting from local paper ca. 1946-50 recording the achievements of Evans and his elder brother, Harry. E Wright. Photographs of Evans, including that reproduced in 'portreadau o Wyddonwyr o Gymru' Photographs of others including H F G Hopkins, K J P Orton and A H Dale, F C Happold, (with supple- (A.2). W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Biographical Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, March 1979. Correspondence re candidature, 1974-78. See also A.3. Correspondence with Royal Society following election; cutting from local Welsh language paper. Letters of congratulation ALS a= 7G A.15 Di = Yi A.14 H-M A.16 First name and unidentified Retirement, October 1979. October 1979. Tribute to Evans at correspondence Bangor Gazette, pp.15-16. Correspondence with D of the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science, and others re post-retirement activities. W Ribbons, Evans's successor as head Letters, cards etc., expressing good wishes; re retirement Dinner Party. Honorary Presidency. Invitation (accepted) to become Honorary President of Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol Society) 24 March 1980; information sheets etc., 1980-81. from Y Cymro, 22 July 1980, re Evans's election to the (The National Scientific miscellaneous programmes of events, Also includes cutting W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Biographical Material re Harry Evans, elder brother. Correspondence 1960-83. Obituaries and tributes, 1983. Social and personal correspondence. A.23 A.24 1969-75 LO7G=7/9 A.25 1980 A.26 1981-82 A. 1983-87 and nd Miscellaneous memorabilia. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Evans was Demonstrator, later Lecturer, in Biochemistry in the Leeds Physiology Department 1937-40. Contents of Evans's folder. Duplicated typescript sheets on physiology and biochemistry for physiology students, 1937-38. 'The carbohydrates' etc., paginated 1-36. "Volumetric analysis' etc., paginated 37-71. "Histology class sheets', ‘Experiments on sense organs’. "Blood, circulation and respiration'. "Estimation of blood gases', for 'Senior Practical Course figures from 'League of Nations Joint Reports' on nutrition. experiments on adaptation Autumn Term'; ‘Honours Physiology 1938 (Biochem. Practical work)'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. Duplicated typescript sheets on 'vitamins', typescript notes on amino acid synthesis for 'B.Sc Honours PHYVSLOLOGY (<2 1938-39 ©. notes of procedures for experiments etc. Physiology examination papers 1932-38, ms and typescript W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF WALES In 1946 Evans was appointed Special Lecturer in Biochemistry in the Department of Animal Health, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. at University College of North Wales (UCNW) Bangor in 1951, succeeding He was appointed Professor of Agricultural Chemistry W Robinson. G was expanded considerably to become the Department of Biochemistry and Under Evans the Department of Agricultural Chemistry Soil Science. Aberystwyth Bangor ABERYSTWYTH ‘Technique for (moulds and yeasts) of dairy Most pages not used. Wales 1935-36'. At the back is! atast Identical hardback notebook containing duplicated The typescript sheets, principally on bacteria. a specimen 'Farm Inspection Report' first sheet is Most pages for the University College of Wales. not used. Hardback notebook containing from the front duplicated typescript sheets for ‘Practical dairy bacteriology 1936-37' and 'Fungi products', and duplicated ms figures for ‘Accredited milk producers: of biological terms in English for some of which Evans has found a Welsh equivalent. Most pages not used. Bound volume inscribed on first page later stamped 'Biochemistry Section Contains typescript test techniques, almost all relating to dairying procedures, 1940-42. 'Resazurin solution', 'Catalase test on bulk or udder the taking of churn rinsings'. milk', '... Davies' but Dr W Chas Evans'. Examples include W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales "Biochemical variation in the blood and milk of dairy Talk to Department of Animal cattle' by A Health Staff Conference 28 October 1945. W Davies. 8pp typescript. O pocket notebook with thumb index inscribed on front S cover 'W Ch. Evans’. results, costs etc. on first page to '15th Annual Report of [ Irish] Minister for Agriculture 1945-46'. Contains notes on experimental Most pages not used. Reference "Investigations on the bacteriology of milk' Chandra Sekhar, U.C.W. original binder. June 1946. Retained in by C V C Evans. Theoretical. '‘'46-47'. Report to the Standing Committee (on Latest bibliographical reference 1946. Duplicated ms class sheets for Organic chemistry ‘Final Course. "Programme of microbiological ... work (R.A.Evans)'. Incomplete typescript draft of proposed 'study of. the B-vitamin complex and other growth factors, and of their Includes reference to work occurrence in animal food'. of the Biochemistry Section of the Department of Animal Health on analyses of strains of grasses and clovers, under W ‘University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of Animal Health. Research Affecting Animals) of the Agricultural Research Council', 15 November 1947. of Evans's team on Socialist Society pamphlet, 1947. Includes report on the work 'The chemical composition of herbage'. "Nid byd byd heb wybodaeth. anniversary University College of Wales, Aberystwyth'. Looking ahead on the 75th of W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales Typescript lecture notes for ‘Subsidiary course! covering 'Elementary biochemistry & physiology with sufficient anatomy of the farm animals, leading to animal nutrition’. Includes ‘War Material found with the lecture notes. Food Production and The Future of British Agriculture’ Dairy Farmer, December 1940. by Sir George Stapledon, W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales Coll = "G. 30 Teaching C.31 7-46.36 Funding of Evans's research Ci 397 = "C253 General correspondence and papers Teaching Ms and typescript outlines of Agricultural Chemistry course, one inscribed 'Starting 15th October 1951"; text of Agricultural Chemistry lecture 1 ‘Biochemistry & Nutrition'; course for 'Final Honours in Agricultural Chemistry'; typescript ‘experiments'. list of experiments for Soil Science practical typescript Biochemistry & Nutrition. Xmas 1955.' Latest bibliographical reference 1957. ‘Rumen bacteria'; ‘Ruminant metabolism' ‘Principal ‘Terminal results. Material found in envelope so inscribed. Three University of Wales examination booklets containing Evans's ms notes, probably for lectures: and 'Microbiology of the Rumen'; differences between higher animals and higher plants' and 'Bacteria’. of Biochemistry and Agricultural Biochemistry (c 1959). University of Wales examination booklet so ‘Courses’. inscribed containing ms notes on Agricultural Chemistry courses 1959-60. outline of course in biochemistry and animal physiology - part 1', Chemistry courses at UCNW for T At the back are loose papers re ‘Proposed 1958, typescript note on plan of Agricultural W Goodwin, Professor-elect of W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales 'Courses'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. Includes notes on courses offered to students at Reading University Faculty of Agriculture, "Suggested experiments to illustrate physiology course', Honours in Psychology and Philosophy Part hith, to lecter 21 January 1963, re courses rh Nutyvit2on. outline of ‘Joint J Yudkin, Papers re proposed changes to Biochemistry and Soi Science syllabus, 1965-66. Papers re possible reorganisation of second year courses, 969-10 - Duplicated typescript class notes for Biochemistry and Soil Science practicals, 1975-81. These belonged to M ‘Section I: introduction’, Basic techniques '. Multi-enzyme systems’. "Part I systems’. (1976-77) Part I practicals 1975-76. Part I practicals 1975-76. C Patel and are annotated by hin. 'Notes on course I practicals (Oct - Nov 1975)'. bio-molecules'. Multi-enzyme (oxidation reduction) Multi-enzyme (oxidation reduction) Unit 1: basic techniques’. Unit 2: the bio-molecules'. 'Part practicals 1980/1 Unit 2: "Part I systems', (1978-79) "Part Lf practicals’ 1978-79 "Part practicals 1978/9 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales "Forest Zoology - Insects’. inscribed. Contents of a folder so The folder belonged to J typescript class sheets on beatles, moths, bugs etc., 1975-76. F Jones and contains duplicated ‘Biochemistry of methane formation', for lecture to Honours Class. November 1976. Probably first delivered (The date is whited out on this draft). typescript notes Waec tures: ; "Notes for lecture course "Introduction to microbiology" Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: by P A Williams; 'The Nitrogen cycle'; miscellaneous teaching material. Nd. ‘Dairy chemistry'. nd. ‘History of development of 8pp ms; ‘Historical and philosophical Midk (1) "725 ‘Organic: manures". and Subsidiary Soil Science, nd. Typescript outlines of courses in Agricultural Geology Duplicated typescript instructions for experiments, nd. Ms and typescript notes and drafts probably used for biochemistry lectures, etc. ‘Introduction to Part I'; biochemistry', aspects of biochemistry’. 'Feeding expts & determination of digestibility'; 'Bone'; ‘Mammary gland & milk secretion'; W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales ‘Enzymes and metabolism' (two slightly different type- script versions); ‘Comparative nutrition’. Funding of Evans's research Agricultural Research Council 197935" 1982 1979 grant was for ‘Identification of the active principle in the common bracken plant which causes bright blindness in sheep'; problem of the toxicity of bracken fern to farm animals'- 1982 application for grant to study ‘the Royal Society 1980, 1986 C.35 = °C. 36 1973 — 482 O Lunt. Application, draft reports. Grant for study of 'Biochemistry of the anaerobic EOVT-Bke metabolism of aromatic compounds by micro-organisms' by Evans and R J Bryant (later M T Balba). Science Research Council (SRC) Grants for ‘research into the toxicity of bracken to animals’. 1973=76. Grant for study of 'Microbial metabolism and biochemistry of naturally occurring aromatic compounds' by Evans and D Material re Physico-Chemical Measurements Unit. Application, correspondence, reports. C.34 1976 C235 1977-81 1978-82. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales General correspondence and papers Ce x G Obituaries of W Robinson, Professor of Agricultural EIS5O" Chemistry at UCNW 1926-50. in five months', Science Congress, NZ, February 1949, which he attended as Royal Society delegate, and of his journey to and from the Congress. Robinson's account of the 7th Pacific Also includes 'Round the World Hardback volume, labelled 'Department of Biochemistry 1952=58. and Soil Science', used to record withdrawal and return of items from the departmental library February 1952 - December 1958, and once in 1963. Most pages unused. Report on activities of the School of Agriculture L953:; (including Department of Agricultural Chemistry) and Department of Forestry, April. Brochure for the 'Opening of the Animal Nutrition Includes letter from Evans to research students Programmes for botanical and zoological expedition 1963. to Guyana by UCNW students and staff. 1970. dissatisfied with the distribution of research grants within the department. 1964. Building of the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science', 3 December. scientific services for rescue archaeology. Includes brief correspondence, July 1976, re 1973-76. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 University of Wales Includes Evans's llpp typescript draft on 1977-78. history of biochemistry and agricultural chemistry in UK, particularly at UCNW, August ROUT. HO78—79 3 1980. Evans for J UCNW. See also C.48. Material re history of department assembled by G Williams, Professor of Welsh History at Includes brochure for centenary of UCNW 1884-1984. 1980-84. A photograph of Evans with colleagues (including I and students is at p.35. A Evans) of Biochemistry & 'Some initial thoughts on the Ms notes on ‘Activities of the Dept. Nd. Soil Science’; future of soil science at Bangor’. draft of W Goodwin's 'History of the Biochemical Society’. Correspondence re requests to study in the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science, 1973-88. Material re history of biochemistry at UCNW and 1985. other colleges in the University of Wales assembled by Evans for T 1978-88 1973-76 1977 Jan-July 1977 Aug-Dec C252 C23 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 SECTION D RESEARCH Undergraduate and Postgraduate Blood Transfusion Service Bracken Animal Nutrition Aromatic Ring Wattle Miscellaneous Bibliographical List of theses supervised by Evans UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE Evans was an undergraduate at University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1929-33 studying chemistry (1929-32) and for his Teachers His postgraduate studies were at UCNW, Training Diploma (1932-33). 1933-34, and Manchester. University, 1934-37, studying organic chemistry He was preceded at Bangor by and physiological chemistry respectively. his older brother Harry Evans (studying Botany 1925-28, Teachers Training Diploma 1928-29) who passed some of his notebooks on 21926-27. Notebook inscribed on front cover 'IInd Botany and 'Rafflecsia Arnoldi', Notebook Harry Evans' used from the front and the back. to his younger brother. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Research Exercise book labelled on front cover 'lst Yr physics W. Charles Evans U.C.N.W. Notes'. Maidstone from October 1929. Contains notes on lectures given by PA Electricity + Magnetism Sketchbook used for anatomical sketches of animals, 1930; carried out 1938. At the back are notes on experiments on casein Most pages not used. Loose leaf notebook labelled ‘Organic Hons Stereo- Contains lecture notes chemistry and notes on the literature. Dr Bradfield'. Used from January 1932. Three notebooks originally used by Harry Evans when studying for the Teachers Training Diploma 1928-29. W C Evans took the same course 1932-33. "History of Education’. "Theory of Education 1'. ‘Theory of Education 2'. The book lacks a back cover. Evans, 1934 Manchester Univ.' "Physiology. notes on lectures, of Evans's folder so inscribed: which apparently later formed the basis for lectures at the University of Leeds (see D.13). 4 folders. Ms notes on'Physiology lectures 2nd M.B.course 1934' (given by H S Raper) paginated 1-199. Contents W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Research Ms notes on lectures on ‘Central nervous system' (given by Schlapp) paginated 1-40. Ms notes on 'Blood' paginated 1-6, paginated 1-9, (on Leeds University paper) paginated 1-4, unpaginated ms notes on blood and Leeds University Physiology examination paper for 11 September 1939. ‘Blood and lymph carriage of blood gases' 'Haemoglobin' Ms notes on blood gases paginated 1-8, Evans's register of attendance at his lectures or seminars on 'Thursdays. 12 noon’. on experiments from 1946. Physiology Department Leaves at front and Notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Biochemistry Notes. W Charles Evans 1934 - Vict [ oria ] Univ. Manchester'. back have been removed, most pages are unused. Contains notes on ‘Bacterial growth factors' from 1934, and notes (some loose) Loose material at back dates from Evans's service in the inoculation department of St Mary's Hospital, Paddington 1944-46. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Research BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Evans was Director of the Blood Transfusion Laboratories, Region No. 2, Leeds from 1940 to 1944, when he moved to the Inoculation Department of St Mary's Hospital Medical School Paddington. However, all the material appears to derive from Evans's period at Leeds. ‘Human plasma for issue to Transfusion depots by W Charles Evans. September 1940'. Notes on routine methods - Material so labelled found clipped together. Specimen 'Record of blood plasma transfusions’. 2pp typescript. 3 Evans remarks to the MRC - all of these came under "classified" Papers for the Medical Research Council. ‘Technique for the bacterial filtration of plasma', with J H Blackburn, 18 March 1942. 4pp duplicated typescript "Report on recent "cloudiness" phenomena in plasma after bacterial filtration’ by Evans. In his curriculum vitae at A. "Several papers on various aspects were submitted by me information and never saw the light of day'. draft: +-plan:. 'The prevention of excessive caramelisation of glucose- sodium citrate solutions sterilised in bulk', with E Thorley and C McLeod, nd. 'Blood science and Humanity' by Evans, nd. ‘Observations on Kaolin plasma', nd. 3pp duplicated + figures. typescript. 2pp duplicated typescript. 5pp ms W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Research S.O.Notebook inscribed 'Plasma record book' on blood clotting W.Ch. Evans'. results of filtration and sterility tests 1941 and for notes on the literature and results of experiments, and from the back for notes on blood coagulation. and ‘Notes Used from the front for S.O. Notebook inscribed 'Plasma work record', ‘Sterility tests' and 'Literature notes on blood clotting'. from the front for 2pp of notes on the preparation of dried plasma, and from the back for notes on the liter- ature of blood. Latest bibliographical reference 1942. Used S.0O. Exercise book inscribed 'J coagulation of blood'. on techniques (Blackburn) and results of experiments (Evans), and from the back for notes on electrodes Used from the front for notes H Blackburn Notes on (Blackburn). Some material is dated 1942. 'The Nagler reaction. The breakdown of Latest The plans and photograph are retained in their original envelope. Ms notes on Lipo protein complexes by bacterial toxins’. bibliographical reference 1942. Plans and photograph of automatic burette designed by Evans, with letter from Regional Blood Transfusion Service Manchester re the plans, 14 April 1943. 1943. sent each week, and serum in hand' and ‘Record of consignments to the R.N. Blood Transfusion Lab... W. Charles Evans'. sent to the Royal Navy 22 June 1943 - and on inside of front cover a record of the total number of U.G.B.s sent in 1943. Kaolin-Plasma consignments sent to the MRC drying plant, At the back are records of Contains detailed records of serum S.O. Book inscribed 'Serum consignment record. Serum 15 February 1944 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Research Two slightly different versions of 'Broadcast speech by Dr W in the "Health Magazine" feature' broadcast on the BBC Home Service 11 June 1943, describing the work of S Stanbury, Regional Blood Transfusion Officer the Service. "Science Service' report from Washington, 2 March 1944, on the discovery of the molecular machinery involved in blood clotting by K Bailey, W T Astbury, K M Rudall and Evans. ‘Sam's Transfusion’. Blood Volunteers, nd. Poem urging people to become Miscellaneous background material. and War Office Reprints 1940-43. of War Medicine September 1940. Includes vol.1l of the MRC's Bulletin Ministry of Health Office Regulations 1940, Emergency Medical Services Memorandum MRC War Memorandum No.1 on 'The treatment of Medical Research Council Blood Tr Committee papers 1941-43. ansfusion Not a complete HMSO publications: June 1940, wound shock' No.5 on ‘Oxygen Administration' 1940, instructions on resuscitation equipment, organisation etc., June 1941. 2: folders. Blood Transfusion Service Formulary, instructions for operation of equipment etc. Duplicated typescript sheets on transfusion, plasma etc. B29 ;:-D-. 30 C Evans W NCUACS 16/1/90 Research Three Blood Transfusion Service posters issued by the Ministry of Health encouraging people to become donors. ‘Your war service Blood is life donors wanted'. "Blood donors are needed urgently to save lives'. "On the road to recovery thanks to you blood donor'. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Researcn Papers for Agricultural Research Council Bracken Control conferences 1943-50, and associated material. W Robinson, Evans's predecessor The papers belonged to G as Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at UCNW, who died in