CSAC 92/3/83 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR ERNST BORIS CHAIN FRS (1906 - 1979) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham- Jackson VOLUME | List of Contents General Introduction Sections A - E Deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, WellcomeInstitute for the History of Medicine, London 1983 All rights reserved E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics — The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London E. 6. Chath CSAC 92/3/83 2 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST, CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL ARCHIVES CENTRE, THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, LONDON. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL, A.1 - A. 234 A.1 -A.6 General biographical information A.7 -A.174 Career, honours and awards A.175-A.217 Personal and family material A.218-A.234 Photographs and press-cuttings SECTION B RESEARCH AT CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD, B.1 - B.112 B.1 =B.7 B.8 -B.14 B.15-B.33 Research notes and drafts, 1934-39 Scientific correspondence, 1931-38 Penicillin: research, reports, correspondence B.34-B.60 Penicillin: lectures, drafts, publications B.61-B.92 Historical accounts of the discovery of -penicillin B.93-B.112 Correspondence onthe history of penicillin SECTION C ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, ROME, C.1 - C.101 C.) =C.17 Chain's career at Istituto, 1947-65 C.18-C.27 The 'Marotta Case’, 1965-66 With an introductory note C.28-C.65 Administrative correspondence, 1948-65 C.66-C.78 Research projects C.79-C.101 Lectures and conferences With an introductory note 1] 1 13 31 38 40 4] 42 47 50 58 a7 62 68 70 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 SECTION D IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON, D.1 - D.168 D.1 -D.42 Appointment to the Chair of Biochemistry at Imperial College D.43-D.74 Correspondence and papers, 1953-64 Retirement and the future of the Depart- ment Correspondence and papers, 1972-79 With an introductory note D.75 -D.123 Department of Biochemistry, administrative correspondence, 1961-78 D.124-D.153 Department of Biochemistry, research and teaching, 1962-79 D.154-D.168 General correspondence on departmental and college affairs SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, E.1 - E.238 Introduction and list of contents SECTION F INDUSTRIAL CONSULTANCIES AND COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH, F.1 = F.346 Introduction and list of contents SECTION G LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, ADDRESSES, BROADCASTS, G.1 - G.221 G.1 Published papers and bibliography G.2 -G.125 Lectures, papers, addresses G.126-G.155 Undated notes and drafts G.156-G.178 Radio and television G.179-G.221 Correspondence re publications and lectures 74 75 80 84 89 94 96 96 137 137 196 197 197 215 218 22] E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 SECTION H ISRAEL AND JEWISH ORGANISATIONS, H.1 - H.141 Introduction and list of contents SECTION J VISITS AND CONFERENCES, J.1 - J.193 Introduction to Section J SECTION K GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, K.1 - K.341 With an introductory note LIST OF PUBLICATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS 5 Page 229 Zig 252 252 286 339 362 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 6 The collection, which is very extensive, was received from Lady Chain who had assembled it from Sir Ernst's rooms at Imperial College, London, and from their London home. Wirth the assistance of her family and of Miss Vera Owen, Sir Ernst's secretary at the time of his death, she had undertaken a preliminary survey of the material and removed from it ephemera, journals and entirely family material. She had also attempted to make contact with acquaintances of Chain and the Chain family in the hope of tracing more records of his early life, as a result of which the letters to Lola Sarsowsky and Vera Katz were made available and now appear at A.200, A.200a. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Much has already been written about Chain's career and work, and no attempt will be made here at a detailed biographical account. The paragraphs below aim to do no more than furnish a guide to the contents of the manuscript collection, some of which may beless well known than certain familiar episodes. Additional expla- natory notes accompany the relevant entries in the body of the catalogue. More even than most Jewish scientists of his generation, Chain's career suf- fered from the vicissitudes of politics and war. His father, Michael Chain, had already left his native Russia for Berlin where Chain was born in 1906, and his death in 1919 inflicted hard times on the family; Chain's mother and sister, whom he sup- ported as best he could from his earnings in Britain during the Thirties, disappeared without trace during the Second World War; he himself, after making a home and participating in the great research project on penicillin in Oxford, emigrated once more to Rome for many years before returning to work in London. One ofthe most obvious signs of all these movements is the polyglot nature of the documents. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 7 Throughouthis life Chain continued to write in Russian and, more frequently, in German. English became his language of choice (even, sometimes, when replying to German correspondents) and he also wrote and spoke fluently in French. It is remarkable to notice how rapidly he made himself familiar with Italian, writing letters and speeches and giving research talks in that language within a few months of taking up his post inRome. This linguistic facility can be seen throughout the collection. Although, for obvious reasons, so little survives relating to Chain's immediate family (see A.201 - A.205), he himself enjoyed a close and affectionate domestic family life, with his cousin Anna Sacharina, another émigrée for whom special per- mission was obtained to cometo Britain to look after him and who shared his roof (wherever it was) for the rest of her life (A.206 - A.212), and with Anne Beloff whom he married in 1948 and who shared his work and interests (A.189). Many of the letters throughout the 1950s testify to their happiness and joy in the birth of their three children. It is interesting also to note their pleasure in the tranquil solitude of Western Ireland where they built a holiday home and where Chain died in 1979 (A.191). Mention should be made of Chain's love of music and his skill as a pianist. His pianos are often mentioned, whether as an essential working tool to support his family in the harsh Berlin days, an indispensable appurtenance of his hotel accommo- dation on an overseas conference (J.166) or part of the household effects requiring an import licence to Ireland. As a young man, Chain had, it seems, seriously contemplated a career in music, whether as soloist or as impressario, and it remained an active principle of calm and balance in his life. Altogether more vital, however, was the Jewish faith which underpinnedhis existence. References may be found passim but the whole of Section H is devoted to Israel and Jewish organisations, notably the WeizmannInstitute of Science, where Chain was a governor and had at one time considered taking up an appointment. It is of interest to note that he arranged for many of his lecturing and broadcasting fees to be given to the London Synagogue or other Jewish charities, and that he declined to accept consultancy fees from close Jewish friends (F.242). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 8 Chain's scientific career is for many synonymous with the research and develop- mentof penicillin for which he shared with Fleming and Florey the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. This great achievement, so unhappily marred by various strained relationships and conflicts of view, and remaining still a matter of controversy, is documented in Section B although unfortunately no first-hand material survives in the way of laboratory notebooks, experimental observations and the like. The sub- stantial records relating to Chain's career at Rome (Section C) and at Imperial College, London (Section D) give a fuller account (mainly through research grant applications and progress reports) of his continuing contributions to several biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible protein, aeration studies, etc. Also of interest in Section D are the records of the early negotiations for the creation - administrative, financial and architectural - of the Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College, and of its development after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. A considerable amount of additional information about Chain's lifelong active research should be sought in Sections E and F, since much was done as collaborative work under consultancy agreements with industrial firms (see especially Astra, Beechams, Ranks Hovis MacDougall) or with funding from various government and charitable organisations (see especially the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign, Medical Research Council). The writing, lecturing, travel and attendance at conferences concomitant with Chain's position as an acknowledged leading figure in the scientific world are docu- mented in Sections G (Lectures and Writings) and J (Visits and Conferences). The former (Section G) includes a very substantial number of unpublished talks, addresses and papers, and also drafts and versions of published papers additional to those listed in the Bibliography compiled at Chain's death (G.1 and pp.340-361). Although Chain did not regularly keep drafts of published papers once they had appeared in print, the multiple manuscript and typescript versions which have by chance survived in some cases, testify to the care he took in the preparation even of relatively short informal speeches or writings - and indeed occasionally of 'spontaneous' or ‘unprepared! remarks. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 9 Possibly as the son of an industrial chemist, Chain always argued strongly for the forging of strong links - and well-defined frontiers of interest - between govern- ment, universities and industry. This was indeed one of the principal causes of the painful disagreements within the Oxford team over the developmentof penicillin, and certainly Chain continued to write and lecture extensively on the theme through- outhis life; see especially 'Social responsibility and the scientist in modern western society’ (1970), ‘Relationships between industrial and academic laboratories' (1973), 'The pharmaceutical sciences, government and the people’ (1975). In broad terms his argument was that government should provide the initial funding for research projects, universities should foster and guarantee absolute freedom of enquiry, and manufacturing industry should furnish the resources for the eventual exploitation of discovery. He practised what he preached, and in so doing earned a fearsome reputation for persistence whether in defence or opposition, both as a memberof academic or official boards, grant-giving bodies or research councils (Section E) or as a consultant to industrial and pharmaceutical firms throughout the world. Despite the wealth of material in the collection, lacunae remain, not sur- prisingly perhaps in view of Chain's many changes of workplace and the varying methods andefficiency of their secretariats. Mention has already been made of the lack of first-hand research records especially up to and including the penicillin work. Equally unfortunate are the gaps in the correspondencefiles, which are most noticeable before 1945 but also occur sporadically after that date. Some- times only Chain's carbons survive, e.g. for the period of the Second World War, and for 1948 when he was organising his move to Rome; some years are fully repre- sented in the remaining folders, e.g. 1958, 1959, 1963, some very sparsely, e.g. 1956, 1966-68, and some are almost completely missing, e.g. 1960. A noteis usually made in the relevant catalogue entries where gaps are found, but it is notoriously more difficult to notice absence than presence, and some may have been missed. The index includes individuals, organisations, societies and firms. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 FURTHER MATERIAL 10 Lady Chain retains some personal correspondence. A biography of Chain has been commissioned and is to be written by R.W. Clark. Mr. Clark has kindly agreed to deposit with the present collection the material assembled in the course of his research. This will eventually be incorporated at the end of Section A. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our main debt is to Lady Chain and her family, for their initial work on the collection, for continuing encouragement and advice throughout the work, and for comments on the draft catalogue. We are also indebtedto: Dr. N.G. Heatley and Dr. T.1. Williams, for information about the work at the Sir William Dunn School at Oxford Professor P.F. Ganz and Miss U. Horstmann, for dating and identifying material in German Dr. C.M. MacRobert, for identifying and providing summaries of material in Russian Mrs. M.M. Edwards, for careful and accurate typing. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 i SECTION A BIO GRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.234 A.l -A.6 GENERAL BIO GRAPHICAL INFORMATION A.7 -A.174 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.175 - A.217 PERSONAL AND FAMILY MATERIAL A.218 - A. 234 PHOTO GRAPHS AND PRESS-CUTTINGS A.1-A.6 GENERAL BIO GRAPHICAL INFORMATION A.1 A.2 Miscellaneous biographical notes prepared by Chain at various dates. Includes 3 pp. notes prepared for a Beecham Symposium, 1970, and 2 pp. reply to a request for information received from R. Robinson who was writing his auto- biography, 1973. Miscellaneous accounts of his research activities prepared by Chain at various dates. Some of these are duplicated elsewhere in the collection but are assembled here for ease of reference. Includes 7 pp. typescript 'Sequence of events which led to my scientific activities in Italy at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita; 2 pp. summary of 'Research Activities'; 14 pp. account of 'Research carried out in the Fermentation Pilot Plant from 1966-1972'. A.3 List (incomplete) of honours, awards, medals received by Chain. Miscellaneous notes of honours sent for inclusion in Imperial College Directory. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 12 Biographical and personal A.4 Articles and biographical accounts, as published in New Scientist, March 1959, Ahead, December 1969. Drafts for articles and biographical sketches prepared by journalists and researchers and submitted to Chain for comment. Includes draft of article in Ahead (in A.4 above) not identical with published version, 1969, and 3 pp. 'Profile' of Chain by M. Weisman for publication in Menorah, 1976. A.6 Obituary notices and tributes, 1979-80. A list (incomplete) of Chain's publications, prepared at Imperial College, is reproduced on pp. 340-361. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 13 Biographical and personal A.7-A. 174 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS In chronological order. For similar material, see also: D.31 E.1, E.73-E.75, E.84, E.157, E.186, E.198, E.204, E.218 G.50, G.105 H.6-H.8, H.94 J.9, J.27, 3.37, 5.42, J.60, J.81-J.82, J.136, J.165- J.171, 5.178 K.151 Birth Certificate, Berlin 1906. School reports, 1920, 1924. 'Fest-Zeitung', humorous journal for end of term, 1922. German naturalisation certificate, 1928. Miscellaneous passes and identity cards, for University, Charité hospital, etc., Berlin, 1931-33. Chain's passport, issued Berlin 8 October 1929, bearing visas for Argentina (1929), France, Belgium, Russia, Poland (all 1930) and first ‘leave to land' stamp in Britain dated 2 April 1933. continue to 1935 and an unconditional 'leave to land' stamp is dated 26 November 1936. Miscellaneous 'leave to land’ stamps The Argentina visa relates to Chain's musical N.B. activities, see also A.175. A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.13 German exit pass to London, stamped 19 May 1933. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 14 Biographical and personal A.14 Chain's Doctorate in absentia from Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universitdt, Berlin, May 1933. A.15-A. 24 Material relating to Chain's arrival and arrangements to work in Britain. A.15 A.16 A.17 A.20 A.2] A.22 Card from A. Szent-Gyérgyi, recommending Chain, n.d. Letter from A. McKenzie, 22 August 1932, inviting Chain to work in Dundee, and another letter, 21 April 1933, recommending him to R. Robinson and to the Rockefeller Foundation. Letter from H. Lieb re proposed participation by Chain in lecture course at Graz, October 1933. References for Chain from P. Rona (Director, Pathology Institute, Charité Hospital), March 1933. Also includes letter re Chain's grant, letters re research, May~-September 1933. Two draft letters by Chain, addressee(s) unknown, one dated '5.IV' and both written immediately after arrival in Britain, requesting help in finding a place to continue planned programme of research on lecithin fermentation by enzymes. Draft of similar letter in Russian (addressee losif Borisovitei) re possibility of finding work in America. n.d. but similar to above. Letter from Rockefeller Institute advising Chain to apply to Rockefeller Foundation for a fellowship, 21 April 1933. Letter from R.N. Salaman advising application to Joint Foreign Committee for financial help, 29 April 1933. Correspondence, 1933, re arrangements for Chain to work in the Sir William Dunn Institute, Cambridge. Includes copy of Chain's letter to F.G. Hopkins (8 April) and letter from N.W. Pirie outlining arrangements for Chain's work (9 September). Also included here is later correspondence, 1963, re retirement presents for Fred Johnson and Alf Cowell, members of the Department in Chain's time. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 15 Biographical andpersonal Correspondence, 1933-35, with Jewish Refugees Committee and with the Liberal Jewish Synagogue re financial help for Chain. Shorter personal and scientific correspondence re early days in Britain, 1933-35. 'Arische und nichtarische Mathematik’. unknown) of article in 'Deutsche Zukunft' by Biederbach, with a ms. note by Chain 'G.V. 12.4.34', and with a letter of introduction from L.J. Harris for Chain 'who is anxious that some of this unbelievably virulent literature should be shown to those in authority’. Summary (author Included here are two letters in Russian from a friend or colleague in Berlin about conditions in Germany (one letter dated May 1934). A summary of the contents by Dr. M. McRobert, 1982, is attached. An early copy of Der Sturmer, on Jewish ritual murder, c.1933-34, is also included here. Correspondence with the Academic Assistance Council and the Home Office re permission for Chain to remain in Britain, and the cancellation of time limit on his passport, 1935-36. Brief correspondence re award of Ph.D., Cambridge, June 1935. Includes letter from F.G. Hopkins arranging viva and adding 'You need not fear the ordeal; we shall be very merciful!’ Two letters, 1935, re Chain's work on snake venom. Personal correspondence, 1935. sending moneyto his family in Germany. Includes letter re Chain's E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Biographical and personal 16 A.30 A.3] A.32 A.33 A.34 A.35 A. 36 A.37 A.38 A.39 A.40 Correspondence, 1935, re Chain's move to Oxford. Includes letter from H.W. Florey arranging a meeting with Chain at Oxford (dated 16 July, no year), letter of farewell from D.D. Woods (26 September). Also included here is a letter from N.G. Heatley saying that he 'should be very pleased, and honoured, to work with you, provided one or two small matters can be put right'. The letter is dated ‘January 13th 1935' but this would seem to be an error for 1936. Correspondencere visas for France, 1937, 1938. 1938 states that visas cannot be granted in the future. Letter of Shorter correspondence re grants for Chain's research from British Empire Cancer Campaign, etc., 1938. Shorter correspondence re support for Chain's mother, 1938-39. Miscellaneous items of biographical interest, invitations, shorter personal correspondence, 1930s. Chain's British Aliens Registration card, showing hisfirst arrival at Harwich, 2 April 1933, and his various addresses in Cambridge and Oxford until his naturalisation 1939. Certificate of proficiency, British Red Cross Society, 1938. Letter from A.R.P. Department, Oxford, declining Chain's offer of service in First Aid Section on the grounds that he was not a British subject. Certificate of Naturalization, issued 18 April 1939, and preliminary correspondence. F.S.S.U. Agreement on appointment as Departmental Demonstrator, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 20 February 1940. Invitation to Membership of Senior Common Room, University College, Oxford, April 1942. Brief correspondence, 1943 and 1945, re Chain's salary. Letter re conferment of M.A. by decree, Oxford, 1945. Letter re Honorary Membership, Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, 1945. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 17 Biographical and personal A.41-A.55 Visit to America, July-November 1945. The group of U.K. scientists was headed initially by Sir Robert Robinson and included Dr. H. King. Chain visited and/or lectured at various universities, institutions and laboratories. of the scientific purpose of the visit. See A.41 for his own account Towards the end of his stay, the award of the Nobel Prize was announced and there is some reference to this in the later correspondence. See B.26-B.29 for letters from colleagues at Oxford reporting on penicillin work in progress during Chain's absence. See A. 207 for letters from Chain's cousin Anna Sacharina during this period. A.4] Copies and drafts of letters from Chain to Sir Edward Mellanby (Secretary, Medical Research Council), April 1944 and March 1945, Letter of 1944 urges the importance of fuller exchange of information between British and American scientists on penicillin synthesis. Letter and drafts of 1945 are re publication of material on penicillin purification, and re Chain's wish to visit America 'to become acquainted with the latest developments in the deep fermentation technique, particularly as applied to the growth of actinomycetes'. Correspondence with Medical Research Council, British Commonwealth Scientific Office, etc. re visit, salary, etc. Letters of introduction, laisser-passer. Exercise book containing a brief autobiographical summary (written in 3rd person, perhaps in connection with American lecture tour), and notes on visit to an unidentified penicillin plant on 25 July. Few pages only used. Also included here is 1 p. ms. outline itinerary of visits. A.42 A.43 A.44 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 18 Biographical and personal A.45-A.48 Correspondence, etc. re lectures and visits to laboratories. In alphabetical order. A.45 Abbot Laboratories Best, C. H. (telegram) Connecticut Pharmaceutical Association Chain spoke at the Twentieth Anniversary of the College, 11-12 October, on 'The introduction of penicillin as a drug into medicine’. Correspondence continues to May 1946. Includes photographs of Chain. Cornell University. A.46 Lilly Research Laboratories Merck & Co. te possible supply of streptomycin for F.G. Hopkins. University of Minnesota (Mayo Foundation) Mount Sinai Hospital (N.Y.) A.47 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn The Rockefeller Foundation re equipment, grants, visits, congratulations on Nobel Prize. Saint Louis University School of Medicine. A.48 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Peoria Wyeth Institute of Applied Biochemistry Yale Medical Library A.49-A. 51 Correspondence with colleagues and personal friends. alphabetical order. In A.49 Dakin, H. D. Estermann, R. Friedheim, E. A. H. Hodgkin, D. C. Ilse E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 19 Biographical and personal A. 50 Kolinski, M. Lotte Malko, N. A. Ochoa, S. Samojlovna, R. Stern, K. G. Tavernier, J. B. A.5]1 Wechsler, I. S. re proposed medical school at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Weissberger, A. Williams, T. I. Wrinch, D. A.52 A.53 A.54 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re purchase of books, apparatus, specimens, etc. Draft interview with Chain for broadcast in 'Headline Edition', 29 October 1945 (on penicillin). Correspondence re another interview on the subject, prepared forC.B.S. programme 'We The People’, but not used because of disagreement over presentation of the script. A.55 Miscellaneous bills, receipts, personal notes, etc. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 20 Biographical and personal A.56-A.77 The Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for 1945 was awarded to Fleming, Florey and Chain ‘jointly for the dis- covery of penicillin and its curative action in various infectious diseases’ . Chain was in America when the award was announced; some of the letters and telegrams of congratulation in A.60-A.73 were therefore addressed to his cousin Anna Sacharina who kept house for him in Oxford (see also A. 207). The publicity attendant on the award prompted several letters from formerfriends or family acquaintances describing their wartime vicissitudes and enquiring about the fate of others. These letters have been grouped together in A.72. A.74-A.77 contain later material relating to various cele- brations and meetings organised by the Nobel Foundation, 1950-75. See B. 36-B. 38 for material relating to Chain's Nobel lecture on 'The Chemical Structure of the Penicillins’ . A.56 Telegrams and letters announcing award, including brief telegram from Florey, with copies of Chain's replies, October- November A.57 Typescript programme of Nobel Prize celebrations. A copy of Chain's speech at the prize-giving ceremony is also included in the folder. A.58 A.59 Miscellaneous material arising from visit, travel arrangements, invitations, menus, requests for biographical information, export licence for Nobel Medal, efc. Translations of Swedish press coverage of the Nobel Prize celebrations. Press-cutting from The Times announcing the awardis also included here. See A.226 for additional press-cuttings and printed material relating to the award. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 2] Biographical and personal A.60-A.73 Letters and telegrams of congratulation, many with reminiscences, and references to Chain's musical talents. A. 60 Official congratulations from Oxford University, University College, etc. Vice-Chancellor. Includes ms. draft of Chain's reply to the A.61 A~-B A.62 C-D A.63 A. 64 A.65 A. 66 E-F-G H J-K-=L M-N A.67 O-P A.68 A.69 R 2 A.70 V-W A.71 A.72 Telegrams (not indexed) Letters from relations, friends or family acquaintances, renewing contact after wartime events. French, Russian and German. indexed. ) (Alphabetical order. Not In English, A.73 Unidentified or first-name signatures. A.74-A.77 Correspondence, etc. re Nobel Foundation meetings, 1950-75. See also E.130. A.74 1950 50th Anniversary celebrations. D. Marotta. pondence with colleagues. Folder includes programmeof events and corres- Chain attended, as did E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 22 Biographical and personal A.75 1954 Invitation to Lindau meeting, programmeoflectures, correspondence. A.76 1955 Chain attended, as did Marotta. and Medicine was awarded that year to A.H.T. Theorell. The Prize for Physiology Brief correspondenceonly. A.77 1975 75th Anniversary celebrations. Chain attended. Travel schedule , programmeof events, list of participants, invitations, etc. A.78 Ms. draft letter (addressee unknown) re possibility of developing penicillin research at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Undated, but written on British Commonwealth Scientific Office letter-paper and presumably during visit to America, autumn 1945. A.79, A.80 Visit to Palestine The visit took place in April 1946 and included discussions about the possibility of Chain's moving to work in the proposed new department of biochemistry in the Weizmann Research Center (later Institute). 1945 from E. Bergmann setting out terms of offer. Folder includes letter of 12 December Correspondence re lectures, requests for articles, advice on appointments, letters of thanks, etc. Volume of papers to commemorate 70th Anniversary of Chaim Weizmann, one of 100 privately-printed copies, sent to Chain as a mementoofhis visit. Menu of dinner given in honour of the penicillin team at Magdalen College, Oxford, 13 March 1946 and signed by participants. A.79 A.80 A.81 A.82 Award of Hon. Doctorate, University of Bordeaux, 1947. Letter of notification only. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 A.83 A. 84 23 Biographical and personal Nomination as Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur, 1948. Press-cutting, oration by P. Vallery-Radot. Letter from H.W. Florey accepting Chain's resignation from the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, to work in Rome, 26 September 1949. For material relating to Chain's Pp period in Rome, see Section C. A.85, A.86 Election to Fellowship of Royal Society, 1949. A.85 A.86 A.87 A.88 Telegram and certificate of election, arrangements for reception in Rome. Letters and telegrams of congratulation (few survive). Nomination as Foreign Corresponding Member, Istituto Lombardo, 1950. Letter of notification. Election as Foreign Corresponding Member, Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris, 1952. Correspondence, 1952-54. A.89 Accademia Nazionale dei XL, 1953. Booklet prepared on election. A.90-A .94 Paul Ehrlich Prize, 1954. The Prize was awarded to Chain in March 1954, the centenary of Ehrlich's birth, and gave him particular pleasure. He later became a memberof the Council of the Paul Ehrlich Founda- tion (see E.137-E.145). on 'The Development of Bacterial Chemotherapy’ (Bibliog. 45). (See G.9.) This washis first visit to Germany since 1933. Chain's Paul Ehrlich Lecture was A.90 A.91 A.92 Correspondence with Director of Paul-Ehrlich Institute and others re prize, arrangements for visit and lecture, translation and publication, etc., 1953-55. Correspondence with Hoechst re travel arrangements. and Marotta were guests of the firm. Chain Letters of thanks and correspondence arising from visit. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 24 Biographical and personal A.93 A.94 Letters and telegrams of congratulation, some with replies by Chain. cutting photograph of Ehrlich ceremony. Letter from A.I. Virtanen encloses press- Programmes, schedules, biographical notes prepared for ceremony, etc. A.95 Hon. Doctorate, Universita degli Studi di Torino, 1954. A.96 A.97 A.98 A.99 Correspondence and press-cutting. Letter from Comunita Israelitica di Roma re Chain's religious faith, 1955. Hon. Fellowship, National Institute of Sciences of India, 1955. Letters of notification. Hon. Membership, Central Committee of the Microbiological Society of Israel, 1955. Letters of notification. Election as Corresponding Member, Accademia Medica di Roma, 1955. Letter of notification. A.100 Award of Gold Medal in Therapeutics of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1957. Correspondence re award and presentation of medal; includes telegram of congratulation from Marotta. See also A.147, G.16. A.101 Consigliere, Sezione Laziale, Societa Italiana per lo Studio delle Malattie Infettive, 1957. Letter of election. A.102 Conferment of Medal of the City of Paris, 1957. Notice of ceremony. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 25 Biographical and personal A. 103 Hon. Membership, Société Frangaise de Microbiologie, 1959. Correspondence re election 1959, anda little later corres- pondence, 1979. A.104 Hon. Doctorate, Université de Paris, 1959. Correspondence re award of degree, arrangements for cere- mony (Chain's carbons only). A.105 Hon. Membership, Finnish Biochemical Society, 1959. Letter of acceptance (to A.|. Virtanen) (Chain's carbon only). A.106 Election as Associé Etranger, Académie des Sciences, Institut de France, 1962. Correspondence, telegrams of congratulation. A.107 Election to Fellowship of Royal Society of Arts, 1963. A. 108 A.109 A.110 Certificate only. Membership of Medical Advisory Committee, Hektoen Institute for Medical Research, Chicago, 1963. Letter only. Election as Fellow Member, World Academy of Art and Science 1963. Correspondencere election. Shorter correspondence with Imperial College, mainly 1965, re Chain's flat, but includes letter, 1967, reappointing him to Chair of Biochemistry to 30 September 1973, and brief correspondence onhis retirement, 1973. For material relating to Chain's period at Imperial College, see Section D. A.111 Hon. Doctorate, University of Chicago, 1965. Press release. A.112 Election Hon. Life Member, New York Academyof Sciences, 1966. Press release. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 26 Biographical and personal A.113 Award of Carl Neuberg Medal and of Hon. Doctorate, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 1967. Notification. (See J.81-J.83.) A.114-A.146 Knighthood, 1969. A.114 A.115 A.116 The knighthood was announced in the Birthday Honours and conferred on 8 July. Correspondence re conferment, arrangementsfor Investiture, coat of arms, etc. Ms. and typescript versions of Chain's letter to Prime Minister (H. Wilson) thanking him for recommendation for honour, and recalling the chief events of his scientific career. Ms. and typescript versions of Chain's speech of thanks at lunch given in his honour by Lord Rank, 11 July; speech includes autobiographical recollections and Chain's views on relations between academic, industrial and governmental sponsorship of research. Lunch menu also included. A.117 Correspondence with College of Arms, and with Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor, various dates, 1969-79. A.118-A.146 Letters and telegrams of congratulation, a few with replies by Chain. A.118 4 pp. ms. list of names, perhaps of those who sent congratu- lations. A.119 A A.120 Ba - Be A.121 Bi - Bo A.122 Br - Bu A. 123 A.124 A.125 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Biographical and personal 27 A.126 A.127 A.128 A.129 A.130 A.131 A.132 A.133 A.134 A.135 A.136 A.137 A.138 A.139 A.140 A.141 A. 142 A.143 A.144 A.145, A.146 Ha He - Hu Ro - Ru Sa - Se Sh - Sn So - Su t U - V - Wa - Wh Wi Wo - Wy Y-Z Unidentified and first-name signatures. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 28 Biographical and personal A. 147 Election to Freedom by Redemption of Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1969. Correspondence and notification of Election. Also enclosed here is later correspondence re Chain's election to the Livery of the Society, with a Certificate for use when applying to take up the Freedom of the City of London. See also A.100, A.174. Honorary Membership of Council, Societa Italiana di Scienze Farmaceutiche, 1969. Correspondence. Election as Associé Etranger, Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris, 1969. A.148 A.149 Correspondence. A.150 The Mark Twain Society. Correspondence notifying Chain of various honorary elections made by the Society, 1969-78. A.151 Nomination to Board of Electors to Sir William Dunn Chair of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 1970. A.152, A.153 The Athenaeum. A.152 Correspondence re Chain's election under Rule II, 1972. Includes certificate of election. A.153 Correspondence re nominations and elections, 1974-79. Award of Hanbury medal, May 1972. Letter of congratulation only. A.155 Award of Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold of the Federal Republic of Austria, and Hon. Membership of Gesellschaft der Wiener Arzte, 1973. Letters of congratulation, letter re official permission to wear insignia. See also J.136. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 29 Biographical and personal A.156 Conferment of title 'Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry’, University of London, 1973. Letter only. A.157-A.168 Chain's 70th birthday, 1976. A.157 Chain's speech of thanks at the dinner given in the Middle Temple Hall in his honour by colleagues and friends, 15 June, with autobiographical recollections and personal information. The dinner was held during the International Symposium on ‘Biologically Active Substances - Exploration and Exploitation’. A.158 Ms. drafts of some of Chain's replies to birthday letters or telegrams. A.159-A.168 Letters and telegrams, a few with Chain's replies; the majority of the greetings are from Jewish friends and organisations, who attached a special significance to the attaining of this birthday. A.159 A-B A.160 C-E A. 161 G-H A.162 J-K-L A. 163 M-N-O A. 164 P-R A.165 S A. 166 T-V A. 167 W-Y-Z A. 168 First-name or unidentified signatures. See H.20 for another birthday celebration organised for Chain by the Hillel Foundation. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Biographical and personal 30 A.169 Place list for lunch at Windsor Castle on occasion of visit of President of Israel, E. Katzir, June 1976. Honorary Fellowship, Societa Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze, 1977. Notification of election. A.170 Foreign Membership, USSR Academyof Sciences, 1977. Brief correspondence re ceremony. See also E.218, H.59. A.17] A.172 A.173 Correspondence re celebration of 50th Anniversary of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 1977. Correspondence re Fellowship of the Zoological Society of London, 1978. Corresponding Member , Academia de Ciencas Médicas, Argentina, 1978. Correspondence re nomination. A.174 Freedom of City of London, April 1979. Certificate. Miscellaneous other certificates and tessere are included here. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 3] A.175-A.217 PERSONAL AND FAMILY MATERIAL Biographical and personal A.175-A.186 Music In his early days he seems to have contemplated Chain's musical gifts were widely acknowledged. He played the piano to recital standard and also in chamber ensembles with friends. a career in music (see A.175). Towards the end ofhislife it gave him great pleasure to share performances with his son The folders below contain correspondence with Benjamin. musical friends, requests for sponsorship for individuals or institutions, invitations to give recitals, attend concerts, etc. There are many additional references to musical activities and interests in general correspondence passim. A.175 Programmesof concerts at which Chain played, 1920-22. Documents, 1928, 1929-30, issued by the Berlin branch of the USSR Volksarbeitskommissariat, authorising Chain to go to America to engage Russian artistes and musicians to give concerts in North and South America. in Chain's passport issued in October 1929 (see A.12) suggests that he made this journey and indicates his serious considera- tion at that time of a musical career. The visa for Argentina Miscellaneous material, 1930s, re concerts/recitals in Cambridge and Oxford. 1947, 1952-59 1961-67 1967-69 A.176 A.177 A.178 A.179 Includes support for Yehudi Menuhin School, London Bach Society, Royal College of Music. A. 180 1970-73 A.181 1973 Correspondence with the Heberden Society re arrangements for the Annual Dinner, 23 November. Chain and R. Kohn gave a recital after the dinner. Letters of invitation, and of thanks, from the President refer to Chain's Honorary Membership of the Society and to the use of D-Penicillamine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 A. 182 A. 183 32 Biographical and personal 1974-78 Correspondence with M. Kolinski, 1936-75. died in 1981 andan obituary published in Ethnomusicology is included here. Kolinski Correspondence(in Russian), photographs and publicity material from N. Malko, a Russian conductor and old friend of Chain, who worked in Copenhagen and Prague and later emigrated to U.S.A. 1934-48. Letter of 8 December 1935 congratulates Chain on his appoint- ment at Oxford, and insists that he cannot instruct Chain, whois a difficult pupil, in conducting. Otherletters during 1930s include information and gossip about various composers and musicians. A.185 Correspondence with C.D.W. Stafford, 1965-70, mainly invitations to opera performances. Miscellaneous notes by Chain on composers, records, etc. A.186 Miscellaneous correspondence on music, 1930s-1976. The correspondenceis in Russian and bears notes on the content kindly provided by M. MacRobert. A.187, A. 188 Miscellaneous material re Chain's health. A. 187 1936, includes prescriptions, medical bills, Chain's own notes on his health and family medical history, 1933-36. A.188 1954-79. A.189 Material relating to Chain's engagement and marriage to Anne Beloff. The marriage took place on 7 October 1948, at Hampstead Synagogue. Includes letter of good wishes signed by Florey andall colleagues in the School of Pathology, Oxford. Also included is brief correspondence re activities of Chain's children, 1968, 1976. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 33 Biographical and personal A.190 Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 1966-78 The connection, made at such a When the non-collegiate Fitz- Chain was accepted as a student at Fitzwilliam House (as it then was) in 1933, when he was working for his Ph.D. with F.G. Hopkins. time, meant much to him. william House received its Charter of Incorporation as Fitzwilliam College in 1966, the Governing Body unanimously elected Chain as an Honorary Fellow. at the Annual Dinner in 1967 and also gave the Inaugural Lecture of the 'College Centenary Lectures’ in 1969 (see G.88). He proposed the toast of the College The correspondence is with successive Masters of the College, and with colleagues, re Annual Dinners held in January each year and which Chain attended whenever his health and other engagements allowed. The folder also includes menu, table- plan and Chain's 'Toast' at the 1967 Dinner, with reminiscences of his connection with Cambridge, and the College, in the 1930s. A.191 Correspondence and papers re Chain's house at Mulranny, Co. Mayo, mainly 1970-72, and one letter 1979. This was a holiday house, built by Chain after he andhis family had enjoyed several holidays in rented property in the district. The family moved into the house in August 1971. Chain was greatly attached to the house and its surroundings, spent as much time there as possible during his later years, and died there in 1979. Folder includes material re the importing of Chain's Steinway grand piano, and a copy of Mayo News('Connacht's Brightest Weekly'), August 1970, with an article 'Mulranny Captures Research V.1.P.' See K.74, K.126 for correspondence about other property in ltaly and Israel which Chain was considering purchasing at various dates. A.192 A.193 Miscellaneous correspondence re portraits of Chain, 1969, 1973, and request for him to write his memoirs, 1979. Two short travel notes by Chain, describing journey from Rome to London and Moscow (3 pp., n.d.), and ‘Impressions of flight over Sinai desert' (3 pp., n.d. but probably 1967). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 34 Biographical and personal A.194 Letters and telegrams of birthday greetings, sent to Chain, various dates, 1955-78. See A. 157-A.168 for material relating to Chain's 70th birthday in 1976. A.195-A.197 Replies to letters or cables of congratulation sent by Chain to colleagues on awards of honours, Nobel prizes, etc. A.195 A.196 A.197 A.198 A.199 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 Replies to letters of condolence written by Chain. Ms. drafts for Chain's last letters, 1979. Mainly to personal friends, several referring to the engage- mentof his elder son Benny, and to his own illness. A.200-A.217 Family correspondence. Verylittle first-hand material survives about Chain's own family His Russian-born father Michael, an industrial and early days. chemist, died in 1919 when Chain was thirteen, and the family knew hard times during the inflationary 1920s when his mother Margarete had to let rooms in her house. After Chain settled in Britain he sent money home as far as he was able (see A.29, A.33) but his family's circumstances remained poor. sister Hedwig did not survive the Second World War (see A. 205 for references to the last dates at which they were seen alive). His mother and A. 200 Chain's letters to Lola Sarsowsky . 11 letters, September 1921-December 1923, and oneletter c. October 1933. The earlier letters, many enclosed in Michael Chain's business envelopes, are mainly personal and include references to family affairs following Michael Chain's death, school, musical and political activities. time. Chain was strongly left-wing at that The last letter, from Britain, describes how Chain is able to send some money home, andstill expresses a strongly left- wing reaction to 'bourgeois' England. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 35 Biographical and personal A.200 (Cont'd.) Most of the envelopes have a date, number and note of content The summaries of content attached by L. Sarsowsky (on verso). to the letters were provided by U. Horstmann in June 1982. A.200a Chain's letters to Vera Katz. A.201-A.203 8 letters, October 1934-April 1935. These are photocopies, sent to Lady Chain with a covering letter from Mrs. Ambrose (née Katz) in November 1982 and made available by her. They are mainly concerned with conditions in Britain and Vera Katz's plans to emigrate. Folder of cards and letters from Chain's mother to Boris Haine, brother of Michael, with whom Chain stayed whenhe first arrived in London (A.201), to Chain (A.202), to Nura (Anna Sacharina, see below) and others (A. 203), mainly 1933-36, and The cards are not signed, one letter 1939 to 'Meine Lieben’. and the letters are signed 'Frauchen'; some include post-scripts from Hedwig. The last letter is dated 12 August 1939. The letters describe life in Berlin, family difficulties, loss of property and furniture including Chain's grand piano. There are many references to financial problems and Chain's support of the family. A. 204 Summons and deposition re the Chain family's debts, 1936. Summons is dated 26 August 1936, in the name ofLiselotte Goerk, minor, resulting from a previous case of 7 March 1927. Deposition is from the Chain family's lawyer (Manecke) applying for an annulment of the distraint of property on the grounds that the property is personal belongings required in the household and for their work (this being the taking-in of lodgers and Chain's musical activities as lecturer and critic for which a desk and piano are required) and that the family's inability to meet the demands was due to the early death of Michael Chain and consequent loss of prosperity. A.205 3 letters re Chain's mother. Letter in Russian, 1935, re financial difficulties. Letter from German prisoner-of-war, 1945, who had news up to beginning of 1943. Letter in German, 1951, writer saw Margarete 1942, when Hedwig was ill. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 36 Biographical and personal A.206-A.212 Material re Anna Sacharina (Nura). Anna Sacharina was a relation by marriage, her husband being a relative of Michael Chain; she was always deemed to be a cousin and referred to as such. After several shorter visits, she was allowedto settle in Britain (A.206) and kept house for Chain in Oxford. After his marriage and removal to Rome, she remained part of the household, returning later with the family to London. She died in 1978 at the age of 89. A. 206 Correspondence, 1934-37, with Home Office, officials and colleagues re permission for Anna Sacharina (then resident in Paris) to cometo Britain. Includes two postcards sent to Anna Sacharina, 1936. A. 207 Letters from Anna Sacharina to Chain, various dates, 1945-48, 1954. The 1945 letters, many addressed to 'My dear Mops', cover the period of Chain's journey to America and the award of the Nobel Prize. A.208 Letters from Chain to Anna Sacharina, various dates, 1957, 1958, 1961, 1963. A. 209 A.210 A.211 Letters of 1958 describe the progress of negotations with Imperial College about Chain's proposed department there; May 1961 are from China describing conditions there (see also J.30-J.34); letter of June 1961 refers to cephalosporin patent case (see also K.22-K.25). letters of Not allocated. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re Anna Sacharina, her friends and relatives, visits, etc., 1958-72. Correspondence from Anna Sacharina, and with officials, 1965-66, re visa for Raissa Slepakova to visit her sister Anna. In his letter to the Home Office of 28 June 1965, Chain states that Anna Sacharina (then aged 76) was 'a naturalised British subject since 1942 and has been living with me and my family since 1923 when she left the Soviet Union’. A.212 Letters of condolence received on the death of Anna Sacharina, 1978. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 37 A.213 A.214 A.215 A.216 Biographical and personal Letters and cards from W. Lederer, various dates 1933-37. Lederer was an uncle of Chain, then working at Nachod, Czechoslovakia. Letter of April 1933 is addressed to B. Haine, another uncle with whom Chain stayed onhisfirst arrival in Britain. Letters from F. Eisner (a relative of Chain's mother), various dates, c.1935-59. Miscellaneous letters from relatives and old acquaintances, 1948-78, Not indexed. Correspondence with M. Hain (relative of Chain's father) and her husband V. Staroselsky, 1963, 1976. In Russian, with summary of content provided by M. MacRobert. A.217 Shorter personal correspondence, in Russian. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 38 A.218-A.234 PHOTO GRAPHS AND PRESS-CUTTINGS Biographical and personal A.218-A.225 PHOTO GRAPHS Other photographs relating to specific occasions and visits have been N.B. left in place. A.218 7 photographs of Chain, taken in Jerusalem, possibly on his visit in 1946 (A.79, A.80). A.219 Photograph of Chain, probably in Rome laboratory. A.220 A.221 A.222 Photograph of equipment (Milan). Photograph of Chain, probably at Imperial College. Portrait photographs of Chain. 3 photographs of Chain and Anne Chain, n.d. Photograph of Chain and friends, 1973. Photographs of Chain at Honorary Degree (mounted, with citation). Signed photograph of André Gratia. A. 223 Black album of photographs and press-cuttings of Chain's visit to South America (see J.42-J.45). The album was sent by M. Goldman, from whom letteris included. A. 224 Red album of photographs of the opening of the Department of Biochemistry, Wolfson Laboratories, by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 4 November 1965. Includes photographs of Chain and his family, Linstead, Sherfield, Wolfson and members of the departmental staff. A.225 Brown album, ‘Reflections on Research and the Future of Medicine', compiled to commemorate the dedication of new research facilities of Merck Sharp and DohmeLaboratories, Rahway, New Jersey, May 1966 (see also J.70-J.73). Includes photographs of many distinguished guests. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 39 Biographical and personal A. 226-A.234 PRESS-CUTTINGS A.226 Material relating to award of Nobel Prize, visit to Stockholm and press comment on penicillin, etc. Mainly c.1945. A.227 A.228 A,229 A.230 A.23] A.232 A.233 1 Box. Folder of press-cuttings, mainly re lectures, conferences and visits, 1959-60. Folder of press-cuttings, mainly re affairs of Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Marotta case and other matters re science in Italy, c.1963-64, Folder of miscellaneous material, 1950s, 1960s. Envelope of press-cuttings re Chain's Trueman Wood Lecture, 1963. Envelope of miscellaneous press-cuttings, 1972-73. Folder of miscellaneous material, 1960s. Blue album of press-cuttings, mainly 1962-65. material re work with Beechams. Includes A.234 Large blue album of press-cuttings, mainly 1965-71. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 40 SECTION B RESEARCH AT CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD _B.1 - B.112 B.1 -B.7 B.8 -B.14 B.15 - B.33 B.34 -B.60 B.61 - B.92 B.93 - B.112 RESEARCH NOTES AND DRAFTS, 1934 - 39 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE, 1931 - 38 PENICILLIN: RESEARCH, REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE PENICILLIN: LECTURES, DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS HISTORICAL ACCOUNTSOF THE DISCOVERY OF PENICILLIN CORRESPONDENCEON THE HISTORY OF PENICILLIN This Section documents Chain's early research at Cambridge and Oxford on lecithin and snake venom, and the work in Oxford on penicillin which led to the award of the Nobel Prize with Fleming and Florey in 1945. It will be obvious from the abovelist of contents that very little actual research material has survived from this period. There are no notebooks, few records of experiments (with the possible exception of B.1) and eventhescientific correspondence is very sparse for the 1930s and consists of Chain's carbons only for the duration of the Second World War. B.15ff. contains a few documents relating to the early penicillin work, in particular the draft for the grant applica- tion to the Rockefeller Foundation submitted by Florey in 1939 (see also B.107), but most of the information about this period is to be found in the historical accounts and correspondence at B.61 - B.112. See C.4 - C.9 for carbon copies of 1948 correspondence including some references to penicillin. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 4] Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.1-B.7 RESEARCH NOTES AND DRAFTS, 1934-39 B.1 Bundles of ms. notes and drafts in German, mainly relating to work on enzymes, including lecithin. The papers appear to be in no particular order and are undated, with one exception (14.8. 34.). The notes almost certainly relate to work with H. Fischgold with whom Chain published 2 papers in 1934-35. A draft letter to Fischgold, 19 February 1934, which was found among them, has now beentransferred to B.9 B.2 'The determination of the isoelectric point of lecithin and spingomyelin', by E. Chain, H. Fischgold and J. Kemp. 6 pp. typescript draft of paper published ina slightly different form, and without Fischgold's name, in Biochem. J., 1934 (Bibliog. 3). For correspondence with Fischgold see B.9 B.3 Ms. and typescript drafts for talk on enzyme reactions, n.d., c.1934. Folder also includes 1 p. ms. note on lecithin in an unidentified hand. B.4 'Some chemical and biochemical investigations on phospholipins' Chain's Cambridge Ph.D. thesis, 1935. pondence see A.27. For brief related corres- B.5 "Studies on Phosphorylcholine', by A.B.L. Beznék and E. Chain. 3 typescript drafts (one incomplete) and originals of figures | - VI for paper published in Quart. J. Exp. Physiol., 1937 (Bibliog. 9). For correspondence from Bezn&k see B.13 B.6 Ms. and typescript research notes and drafts in English and German, in no apparent order, n.d., ¢.1936 onwards. B.7 Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, ¢.1937-39. Includes draft letter of application for a grant to visit Stockholm in connection with the work on snake venom, n.d. E.B Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.8-B.14 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE, 1931-38 See also A.28, K.209. B.8 1931 BrUhI, L. J. re specimens of Norwegian whale liver and pancreas. 1933 Walton, A. Letter to Florey re sample of boar mucin. B.9 1934 (and n.d.) 42 March August Fischgold, H. February-November Correspondencere publication of collaborative research papers (see B.1, B.2). Sequence includes letter from an unidentified correspondent, 30 January 1934, and referees' reports on paper by Fischgold and Chain submitted for publication in Proc. R. Soc. Lon. 1935 Gulland, J. M. re lecithinase. Hall, H. W. re Warburg flasks (p.2 of another letter re Warburg flasks is also included here). Hopkins, F. G. Krebs, H. A. Munch, J.C. Reichel, J. re sample of antivenin. Wrinch, D. M. Yudkin, J. (and Yudkin, M.) October December March August May April November October E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Bale 1936 Research at Cambridge and Oxford Butantan Institute, Brazil (Chain's carbon only). Fildes, P. (Chain's carbon only) Heatley, N. G. K8hler, F. Sending catalogue of apparatus. (signature illegible) re samples required for Chain's research. B.13 1937 Beznék, A. B. L. re reprints of joint paper with Chain (Bibliog. 9). (signature illegible) re possible collaboration with Chain. B.14 1938 Menkin, V. re leukotaxine. Myrbdck, K. re supply of yeast for preparation of apozymase. Valentine, A. H. Comments on paper published by Chain in Biochem. J. (Bibliog. 11). 43 November December January-February December June March January October November July E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 44 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.15-B.33 PENICILLIN: RESEARCH, REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE B.15 ‘Preparation from certain bacteria and fungi of strongly bactericidal enzymes, effective against staphylococci, pneumococci and streptococci 3 pp. ms. draft outlining proposed investigation of the bactericidal and actinomyces. application. n.d., perhaps intended for grant principle’ in certain strains of penicillium Typescript drafts for grant application to the Rockefeller Foundation, submitted by Florey in November 1939. See also B.107. B.17 ‘Report on biochemical research carried out during the year 1941' 3 pp. typescript with ms. date 28 August 1941. 2 photographs of apparatus with a ms. note by N.G. Heatley (1980) 'Part of the war-time plant for extraction of penicillin designed and built by A.G. Sanders and J. Kent (with help from G. Maskell) at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 1942-43'. B.19 B.20 Undated ms. notes and diagrams, mainly re penicillin. 'Report on teaching activities and research during the tenure of an University Demonstratorship in Chemical Pathology in the years 1941-1945' B.21-B.25 4 pp. typescript draft. These were filed ina single chronological Carbon copies of Chain's outgoing correspondence, October 1940-July 1945. sequence which has now beensplit into several folders for ease of reference. Very occasionally the sequence included an incoming letter and these have been left in place and indexed. Although Chain's carbons would not normally be indexed, some of the correspondents are cross-referenced in the index as an additional aid to researchers. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 45 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.21 October-December 1940 Mainly letters to various colleagues to accompanyreprints of Lancet paper (Bibliog. 19) and/or samples of penicillin culture. Includes letter to L.A. Epstein, 19 November, re preparation of collaborative paper (Bibliog. 23) for publica- tion,and Epstein's ms. reply. B22 March 1941, February-November 1942 Includes letter to the Editor of Nature, 17 February 1942, withdrawing note by Chain and Abraham on thepurification of penicillin after a government request to stopall publications on penicillin, and request to 1.C.1. fora sample of crude penicillin, 24 June 1942. B.23 April-December 1943 Includes letter to Sir Robert Robinson, 24 May, re penicillin supply. B.24 January-December 1944 Includes letter to M. Howarth re proposed article on penicillin for Strand magazine, to editors of various journals re proofs, etc. of papers (e.g. Bibliog. 31, 32) and toB.C. Wright re film about penicillin. B.25 January-July 1945 Includes draft letter to F.G. Young, 25 February, commenting on recently published paper by Glaxo workers on preparation of purified penicillin, letter to Mellanby, 10 March, re restrictions on publication of penicillin work, and 2 letters to Sir Henry Tizard, 3and 17 July, re the public view of the role of the Oxford workers in the penicillin story. B.26-B.29 Letters from colleagues at the Sir William Dunn School, July- October 1945, reporting on penicillin work in progress during Chain's absence in U.S.A. See A.41-A.55 for additional material relating to Chain's visit to U.S.A. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 46 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.26 Burtt, J. Letters are numbered 2-16. (nos. 6-8 are missing from the sequence). B.27 Callow, D. Duthie, E. S. Florey, H. W. Philpot, F. J. (Flops) B.28 B.29 B.30 Miscellaneous correspondence, September-November 1945 B.3] EY B.33 Includes copy of letter from Chain to the Rockefeller Foundation re grant for purchase of molecular distillation equipment, and letter from A.W.M. Ellis inviting Chain to meet representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation in Oxford. Ms. flow diagram for a fermentation plant with separate sketch of pipe layout for antifoam tank, signed 'Oxford 2/9-46. IB’. Ms. notes on the published literature relating to penicillin, 1943-48, arranged under subject headings. Subjects include 'Lysis by penicillin’, 'Penicillinase', 'Production', 'Acquired resistance' and 'Mode of action’. Ms. notes similar to above, but on reports from American laboratories sent to the Committee for Penicillin Synthesis of the Medical Research Council under their agreement with the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development. The reports are numbered (e.g.) CPS 13 Merck, CPS 96 Squibb, CPS 221 Cornell, etc. according to Chain in his Nobel lecture (Bibliog. 35) the first reports were received in England in April 1944 and the arrange- ment continued until October 1945. Very few of them are dated, but Ee B . Chain CSAC 92/3/83 47 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.34-B.60 PENICILLIN: LECTURES, DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS, 1944-49 See also G.2, G.3. B.34 B.35 Copy of British Medical Bulletin, 2, 1, 1944, devoted to "Penicillin 1929-43', including articles contributed by Chain, Fleming and Florey. Russian translation of article on Penicillin published in Endeavour, 3, 9, 1944 (Bibliog. 32). B.36-B. 38 'The Chemical Structure of the Penicillins' B.36 B.37 B.38 B.39 B.40 B.41 B.42 Nobel Lecture, delivered 20 March 1946 (Bibliog. 35). See also A.56-A.77 for material relating to the award of the Nobel Prize. Complete typescript with ms. corrections. Incomplete ms. and typescript drafts. 2 envelopes labelled 'Synthesis' and 'Degradation' containing photographs of figures and diagrams. These were found with B.36 and some of them correspond with the figures in the pub- lished version of the lecture. Fragmentary ms. drafts (mainly opening paragraphs) for lectures on penicillin in Holland, Denmark, Scotland, Finland, Palestine and Newcastle, n.d., but probably all 1946. For correspondence re Chain's visit to Palestine see A.79, A.80. Miscellaneous requests to lecture, 1946. 'What is penicillin?’ 6 pp. ms. for talk on penicillin, n.d. Patent specification for 'Improvements in or relating to the preparation of stable penicillin-containing solutions’, by Chain and F.J. Philpot, 24: December 1947. Includes a letter from the Patent Agents, 8 November 1948. See also K.180. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 48 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.43 'The catalytic effect of metal ions on the alcoholysis of the penicillins', by E. Chain and F.J. Philpot. 14 pp. typescript +1 additional page, n.d. Presumably not published. Not in Bibliog. B.44 ‘Structural and synthetic studies on Penicillin’. Ms. and typescript drafts for talk in Paris, n.d., ¢.1948. B.45 'The Industrial Production of Penicillin’ B.46 95 pp. typescript memorandum with Supplements prepared by Chain for the U.S.S.R. in 1948 (see correspondence below). Ms. draft for pp.13-17 is also included in the folder. Carbon copies of Chain's letters to members of the U.S.S.R. Trade Delegation, April-September 1948, anda ms. draft in reply toa letter from one of the members of the delegation (N. Borodin) written on 23 January £1948]. Most of the letters refer to the preparation of the memorandum now at B.45 which was submitted to the Trade Delegation with a covering letter on 23 September. B.47 'The case for a state-owned penicillin factory in this country’ 10 pp. typescript memorandum, n.d., but c.1948. See also K.14, K.286. B.48-B.53 Material relating to collaborative book with Florey et al. ('‘Antibiotics'), published by Oxford University Press, 1949. B.48 B.49 B.50 B.51 Typescript draft of chapter on ‘Acquired resistance to penicillin in vitro', with a few ms. corrections by J. Burtt. Typescript draft of chapter on 'The nature of the action of penicillin’ with similar ms. corrections. Typescript draft of chapter on 'Penicillinase' with similar ms. corrections. Drafts of 'Table of Contents' for Volume II marked ‘alternative A', ‘alternative B', and list of references. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 49 Research at Cambridge and Oxford Bio2 B.53 Correspondence with Florey and Abraham re the book, 1948-49. Correspondence with the Medical Editor, Oxford University Press, re royalties, etc., 1950. B.54-B.60 Reports, photographs and other material re penicillin sent to Chain for information. B.54 B55 127 pp. monograph produced by Merck & Co. 'Penicillin'. Inc., June 1944. Ms. note on the front cover reads 'Recd. 23/5/45 Sir Howard Florey’. "Biosynthesis of Penicillins'. issued under the auspices of the Committee on Medical Research (O.S.R.D., Washington) and the Medical Research Council, n.d., c.1946, as preliminary to a joint monograph on penicillin. 7 pp. duplicated typescript Memorandum to 'Authors of contributions for the penicillin monograph'. 4 pp. duplicated typescript, n.d. B.56 ‘Summarised Description of the Speke Process for the Manufacture of B.P. Standard Amorphous Penicillin as at Ist August 1947’. 4 pp. typescript. B.57 B.58 B.59 Duplicated typescript extracts from the Federal Register relating to penicillin, July 1947-March 1948. Photographsre penicillin issued by the Ministry of Information. Photographs sent to Chain by Chas. Pfizer & Co., 18 January 1946. Miscellaneous other photographs. Distillers Co. Ltd., 14 February 1947, re photographs for book on penicillin. Includes a letter from B.60 Miscellaneous diagrams. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 50 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.61-B.92 HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF THE DISCOVERY OF PENICILLIN The following papers consist mainly of drafts for publications, lectures, contributions to symposia, etc. andalittle corres- pondence. The main sequence of correspondence is at B.93ff. See also F.76, F.177, F.236, G.88, J.108, J.184, J.186- J.189. 4 pp. ms. draft, describing the early work on penicillin at Oxford, n.d. "Short account of the events which led to the re-investigation of the chemical and biological properties of penicillin in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology’. 4 pp. typescript, n.d., c.1944. ~ Copies of two letters to 'Professor Burn', 6 and 31 January 1945, re statement on the origin of the penicillin work in Oxford. A 6 pp. typescript is appended to the secondletter. 4 pp. ms. in German re the discovery of penicillin, n.d. 13 pp. typescript draft of letter to the Evening Standard, September 1952, containing an account of the discovery of penicillin. The letter was not published, but Chain sent copies of it to various newspapers and journals; correspondence with editors of the Lancet, Sunday Times and Discovery is included in the folder. ‘Alexander Fleming and the history of the penicillin discovery' 22 pp. typescript, English version of article published in Nuova Antologia, 1955 (Bibliog. 48). Brief correspondencearising from the Italian version is also included in the folder. 18 pp. typescript, autobiographical account including description of the early penicillin research, n.d., ¢.1956. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 51 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.67A ‘Extract from a lecture on Antibiotics to be given in London in November 1964! 9 pp. typescript account of early penicillin work. Part of the Oliver-Sharpey lecture (see G.51). B.68-B.72 Material arising from the death of Lord Florey in February 1968. B.68 B.69 B.70 B.7I, B.72 B.71 Ms. and typescript drafts for appreciations of Florey written for various newspapers and journals. Correspondence with the Editor of the British Medical Journal arising from their leader on Florey on 1 March 1968. Letters to the Editor of The Listener re article on Florey, June 1969. Avreprint of the article is included in the folder. Correspondence with the President (P.M.S. Blackett) and the Biological Secretary (B. Katz) of the Royal Society re the Florey Memorial Appeal. letters from Chain commenting on the text of the appeal pamphlet. Includes ms. drafts of several long Correspondence with Blackett, February-March 1969. Includes 2 pp. transcript of part of a talk recorded by Florey in Australia, c.1965, with a letter from the producer of the B.B.C. radio programme ‘Portrait of Lord Florey', referred to in B.70. B.72 Correspondence with Katz, February-May 1969. B.73-B.84 Discussion meeting on 'Penicillin and related antibiotics - past, present and future’, held jointly by the Royal Society and the Royal College of Physicians to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the introduction of penicillin into medicine, 20-21 May 1971. E.J. Stokes and Chain delivered the opening address on ‘Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy’ (Bibliog. 149). The meeting was organised by Chain and B.73 B.74 Correspondence with the Royal Society, July-September 1969, including letter from the Executive Secretary, 3 July, inviting Chain to organise a discussion meeting on the subject of anti- biotics. Correspondence with the President of the Royal College of Physicians, July-September 1969, re arrangements for holding a joint meeting with the Royal Society. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 a2 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.75,B.76 Correspondence with the Royal Society and others re programme, financial arrangements, invitations to participants, etc., 1970-71. B.75 B.76 July-December 1970 January-May 1971 B.77-B.80 Correspondence with colleagues invited to attend the meeting. In alphabetical order. B.77 B.78 B.79 B.80 B.81 B.82 B-N P Pe S-W Fragmentary ms. drafts and complete typescript of Chain's paper on 'Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy’ Correspondencere arrangements for publication of contributions to the meeting in Notes and Records of the Royal Society and the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians. B.83, B. 84 Correspondence with recipients of complimentary copies of Chain's paper on 'Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy’. B.83 B.84 B.85 B--H R-T Typescript draft describing the early work on penicillin, sent to Chain by the Earl of Halsbury, 1971. The typescript has corrections in Chain's hand. B.86-B.88 'The Early Years of the Penicillin Discovery' This was a talk given by Chain at a symposium on ‘Penicillin 1928-78' held at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, 10 November 1978. the talk was published in the inaugural issue of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (TIPS), 1979 (Bibliog. 181). An edited version of Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Research at Cambridge and Oxford 53 B.86-B.88 (Cont'd.) Chain used the paper as the basis for a more ex- tended version which he gave at the Symposium on the History of Antibiotics, Honolulu, April 1979 (see J.186-J. 189). B.86 B.87 B.88 Correspondence with the organiser of the St. Mary's Symposium (A.A. Glynn), April-November 1978. and text of Chain's opening remarks. Includes programme See also E.86. Typescript of Chain's talk. Correspondence with the Editor of TIPS, November 1978- February 1979. B.89 'The Discovery of Penicillin and its Curative Properties’ Ms. and typescript drafts, n.d. B.90 Royal Society discussion meeting on ‘Penicillin After Fleming', 1-3 May 1979. session. Chain was asked to chair a 50 Years Correspondence with the organisers and with the Royal Society. B.9] 'The Early Years of the Penicillin Discovery 1929-1941' Ms. and typescript of article published in abbreviated form in Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS), 1979, under the title 'Fleming's Contributions to the Penicillin Discovery’. The alterations were made because Chain published a similar article in TIPS at the same time (Bibliog. 181). Folder includes correspondence with O. Hoffmann-Ostenhof and the Editor ofTIBS. B.92 Fragmentary ms. notes re penicillin, n.d. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 54 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.93-B.112 CORRESPONDENCE ON THE HISTORY OF PENICILLIN Much ofthe following correspondence consists of comments by Chain on drafts or publications by others. correspondents are arranged in alphabetical order. The See also K. 202. 5.93 Abraham, E. P. April-May 1969 re Abraham's Royal Society Memoir of Florey and the grant application submitted to the Rockefeller Foundation by Florey in 1939. See also B.107 B.94 Anson,, M. Ls February 1958 re autobiography of S.A. Waksman. Auffarth, F. Baldry, P. E. December 1954 June 1977 Comments on Baldry's book 'The Battle against Bacteria’. B.95 British Broadcasting Corporation May 1970 re script of broadcast for children 'Fleming Discovers Penicillin’. Includes 2 versions of the script. B.96 Calder, R. (later Baron Ritchie-Calder) October-November 1952 Mainly re review by Calder of biography of Fleming by Ludovici. B.97 Catherwood, F. (and others) January-July 1977 Comments on the treatment of the penicillin discovery in the John Player Foundation British Genius Exhibition. Includes correspondence with the Exhibition Director and letter to the Editor of The Times. B.98 Central Office of Information October 1962 Chain's carbon only, commenting on script for film of penicillin story. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Do Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.99 Clarke, E. July 1971-January 1972 re medal commemorating the introduction of penicillin into therapy and text of proposed accompanying brochure. Includes copy of draft for the brochure and letter from Chain with comments and corrections. B.100 Eagle, H. Enebdck, C. June 1959 April-May 1975 Includes Chain's brief comments on article by Enebdck on the penicillin discovery. B.101 Ford, B. J. July-August 1974 Comments on reply by Ford to a letter by Chain published in Nature. Geissler, E. Howard-Jones, N. February 1957 July 1974 Comments on article by Howard-Jones published in World Health. B.102-B.105 Macfarlane, R. G. 1976-79 Correspondence re Macfarlane's biography of Lord Florey (‘Howard Florey. The Making of a Great Scientist', Oxford University Press, 1979). B.102 B.103 B.104 B.105 June-July 1976 January-May 1978 December 1978- January 1979 Includes 6 pp. letter from Chain, 3 January, commenting on draft chapters of the book. Correspondence with the Book Review Editor of Nature, April-May 1979 arising from request to Chain to review Macfarlane’s book. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Research at Cambridge and Oxford 56 B.106 Marti-Ibanez, F. November 1958 Chain's carbon only, commenting on article in MD Medical News Magazine. Olby, R. October-November 1972 te grant applications by Chain and Florey associated with the penicillin work. Ratcliff, iets Chain's ms. draft only, commenting on booklet 'The Story of Penicillin’. B.107 Rockefeller Foundation April-May 1969 Request by Chain for a copy of Florey's original grant application relating to the penicillin work. This is now included in the folder. See also B.16. B.108 Smithsonian Institution June-August 1974 re penicillin exhibit at The National Museum of History and Technology. Includes copy of letter from M. Sela. B.109 Trueta, J. June 1973, June 1976 re various aspects of the early penicillin history including the circumstances of the first toxicity test on penicillin. B.110 Van Heyningen, W._ EE. April 1959 Correspondence arising from a letter from Van Heyningen to The Sunday Times about the part played by other members of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology in the early penicillin work. B.111 Williams, H. May 1963 Chain's carbon only. Wilson, A.D. June-July 1971, September Includes comments on Wilson's book 'Penicillin in Perspective’. 1976 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 57 Research at Cambridge and Oxford B.112 Wunderlich, G. March 1969 Wyatt, H. V. April-May 1975 Comments on article by Wyatt. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 58 SECTION C ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, ROME C.1 - C.101 C.1 = ©417 CHAIN'S CAREER AT ISTITUTO, 1947 - 65 C.18 - C.27 THE 'MAROTTA CASE', 1965 - 66 With an introductory note C.28 - C.65 ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE, 1948 - 65 C.28-C.41 Equipment, supplies C.42-C.45 Requests for reprints and information C.46-C.53 Staff C.54-C€.65 Requests to visit/work in Chain's laboratory C.66 - C.78 RESEARCH PRO JECTS C.79 - C.101 LECTURES AND CONFERENCES With an introductory note E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 7 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.1-C.17 CHAIN'S CAREER AT ISTITUTO, 1947-65 C.1 C.2 Letter from Madame Bovet, 10 May 1947, on research plans and hopesfor collaboration with Chain at Istituto in Rome. Draft letter of appointment to direct Laboratory of Biological Chemistry and conduct a course of lectures at Istituto for one year | October 1948-September 1949. Cad Miscellaneous plans for equipmentat Istituto. Includes 5 pp. ms. ‘Suggestions for the equipment of a laboratory for studies on penicillin fermentation’, by Chain. 3 pp. ‘List of items shipped ...' List of Chain's journals. C.4-C.9 Correspondence, January-October 1948 This is a sequence of carbon copies only of Chain's correspondenceonall topics for this period. The main theme is Chain's forthcoming appointment to the Istituto from 1 October, with arrangements for terms of contract, building, equipment and supplies, books and journals for the laboratory, and removal arrangements for Chain, his cousin Mrs. Sacharina, and his technician D. Callow who accompanied him on secondment. There is also general scientific correspondence on theses, lectures, visits to several countries to advise on penicillin production, consultancies, patent rights, publications. January (1 letter only), March 1 (1 letter only), April May June July bacteria to penicillin. Includes letter, 5 July, on acquired resistance of August September-October C.4 C5 C.6 C.7 C..8 C.9 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 60 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.10, C.11 Correspondencewith editors, journalists and authors re articles or information on Istituto and on Chain's research centre. 1951-53 1955-59 C.10 C.11 2 typescript drafts on Istituto, its work and personnel, n.d. In original folder inscribed 'Manoscritto del Film sull' Istituto' and perhaps intended as commentary to film. 'Myactivities at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita - a brief survey’ Typescript prepared by Chain for R.P. Linstead (Rector, Imperial College), May 1958, 11 pp. There is another copy at D.8. Correspondence and informal writings by Chain describing work at Istituto. Includes ms. drafts for letters written from Rome to Weizmann (1948), McKenzie, Williams (1949) describing life and work. 8 pp. ms. speech (in Italian) welcoming guests at a party at home and describing work, n.d., but on first birthday of son. 3 pp. typescript speech welcoming guests at a dinner given at Chain's home for retirement of Marotta and appointment of Giacomello as his successor, n.d., c.1962. 1 p. undated note on reorganisation required. Correspondence, October 1963-June 1964, re an article published 11 August 1963 in L'Espresso alleging financing and patenting of Chain's research. is with solicitors in London and Rome and includes drafts of with- drawal statement to be published in journal. 1964 gives details of Chain's appointments and research as consultant to Beechams from 1956. irregularities in the Correspondence Letter of 1 April E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 61 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome Correspondence re Chain's move to Imperial College, London, 1960-65. Includes copy of Chain's letter to Marotta, February 1960, explaining his move to Imperial College (scheduled for 1 October 1961), letters exchanged on resignation from contract with Istituto, January 1965, and shorter corres- pondence re termination of residence in Italy. See D.41 for arrangements for Chain's removal to London. Goul7 Personal letters from former Italian colleagues and friends, 1964-79. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 62 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.18-C.27 THE 'MAROTTA CASE', 1965-66 In 1964 Domenico Marotta, founder of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita and its head until his retirement in 1963 (see C.14), was prosecuted on various charges of malfeasance and misappropriation of funds. Thetrial lasted over eight months and in July 1965 Marotta, then almost eighty, was found guilty and sentenced to six years and eight months in prison. Among others charged with similar offences were Giordano Giacomello, Marotta's successor as head ofthe Istituto, who received a sentence of three years, five months, and Italo Domenicucci, sentenced to six years, five months. When the case was heard, Chain was at Imperial College, London. He offered to give evidence but was not called; an expression of sympathy ina letter to Domenicucci's wife, however, was quoted by the public prosecutor, Renato Ricciardi, who went on to accuse Chain of contempt of the judiciary. A prosecution was set in train, and counsel engaged, but the charges were dropped under an amnesty declared in May 1966 as part of the celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the Italian Republic. Chain's anger and distress at the proceedings against both Marotta and Giacomello arose not only from his personal regard for them but because part of the funds allegedly misappropriated by them were his own research grants from American sources which were administered as a matter of form by the Director in place. The material includes correspondence with lawyers, friends and colleagues, press-cuttings, and legal depositions. It runs in a roughly chronological sequence from February 1965 to May 1966. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 63 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome Correspondence, February-May 1965, with Domenicucci. Letter of 6 April includes official statement of charges against all the accused. Correspondence and papers, June, including Chain's telegram of protest sent to Prosecuting Counsel and others, corres- pondence with lawyers and colleagues, press-cuttings on the subject, copy of Prosecuting Counsel's statement on defamatory nature of telegram. Papers, July, including copy of part of concluding speech by Prosecuting Counsel with accusations against Chain, press- cuttings and articles. Copies of defence submissions by A. Sorrentino (for Marotta) and L. Salerni (for Domenicucci). July. Correspondence re Chain's prosecution for 'oltraggio', July- August. Includes press-cuttings and ms. draft letter by Chain to Editor, Corriere della Sera, re article published on 30 July. Correspondence and papers, September, with E. Trabucchi, te articles on the case and enclosing ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's ‘Sequence of events which led to myscientific activities in lialy at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita’. Correspondence and papers, August-October, re a letter submitted for publication on the case in The Times, but not accepted. Includes various ms. and typescript drafts. Correspondence and papers, November, re articles and press comment on the case, and re engagement of counsel for Chain. Continuing correspondence, December 1965-February 1966, re legal representation, and draft letter from Chain to Giacomello. Correspondence, May 1966, including material re amnesty, as a result of which charges were cancelled. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C,28-C.65 ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE, 1948-65 C.28-C.41 Equipment, supplies, books and journals, specimens, apparatus C.42 - C.45 Requests for reprints and information C.46 - C.53 Staff C.54-C.65 Requests to visit/work in Chain's laboratory, letters of thanks Each sub-section follows a roughly chronological sequence including corres- pondence (not always complete), invoices, drawings, etc. C.28-C.41 EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, ETC., 1948-63 C.28 C.2? C. 00 1948 1949 Drawings of fermenters of various capacities, executed at Milan 1948-49, perhaps for Istituto. Also included are two drawings of perfusion pumps, National Institutes of Health, 1950. 0 .3l 1950 0 32 0 0 0 A 33 £ 39 36 O o 37 1951, 1952 (mainly Chain's carbons) 1951-53, with Walter J. Johnson Inc., re books and journals. 1953 1954, with Shandon Scientific Co. 1954, 1955 (one letter only) 1956-59, with Walter J. Johnson Inc., re books and journals. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 C38 Cae 65 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome 1957-58 Includes correspondence with Packard Instrument Co. 1959. re possible manufacture of electronic scanner developed in Istituto. There is no surviving material for 1960. C.40 C.41 1961-62 1963 and undated C.42-C.45 REQUESTS FOR REPRINTS AND INFORMATION, 1949-63 C.42 C.43 C.44 C.45 1949-54 1955-58 1959-61 1962-63 C.46-C.53 STAFF, 1949-65 Correspondence re research students, visiting scientists, sponsored research fellows accepted or recommended for work with Chain at Istituto. May include references, scientific exchanges, later career, reports on work, etc. N.B. Much of the correspondence is Chain's carbons only. C.46 C.47 C.48 C.49 C.50 C51 C552 1949-52 1953 1954 1955-59 1960-61 1963 Miscellaneous general correspondence about staff, promotions, publications, paymentof grants, etc. (many Chain's carbons only). Various dates, 1951-65. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 66 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome Ga53 Miscellaneous information, press releases, etc. re award of Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine to D. Bovet, 1957: C.54-C.65 REQUESTS TO VISIT/WORK IN CHAIN'S LABORATORY, 1949-65 The facilities of Chain's department at the Istituto, and the research projects under way there, attracted a continuous stream of visitors and of applicants to work there. Successful applicants, or those sponsored by specific research grants, are included under'Staff' in C.46 - C.53 above, but the full extent of the demand to participate in Chain's research can be better gauged from the folders below. In addition to prospective students, the correspondence also emanates from firms, government and university laboratories, organisations, publishers and journalists, and from established scientists many of whom were or became friends who madeseveral visits to the Istituto over the years. The material ranges from single letters of application to more substantial exchanges including travel arrangements, publication of results and letters of thanks for hospitality both in the laboratory and at home. There are several examples of Chain's wish to accept students from Eastern Europe and from developing countries. Attention is drawn to similar material in D.112 - D.123 where Chain's Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College, London, also rapidly developed into an international centre of attraction for research. The General Correspondence in Section K also includes many references to visits to Rome. C.54 C35 k 56 C.37 1949-50 1951=52 1953 January-June 1954 i July-December 1954 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 67 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome ©. 59 C.60 C.6! C.62 1955 1957 (Four only remain) March- June 1958 July-November 1958 1957 No material survives for 1960 C.63 C.64 C.65 196] 1962 1963-65 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 68 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.66-C.78 RESEARCH PROJECTS This is the surviving material among Chain's papers. Many other lines of research were pursued under his direction but no documentation remains other than published papers. C.66 Hard-cover notebook inscribed on front cover ‘John H. Daymond. Chimica Biologica. 1956' Daymond was Chain's technician during part of his time in Rome. The front two-thirds of the notebook contains records of a series of 104 aeration experiments, January-October 1956, while the remainder is mostly taken up with analyses of various substances, September 1956-January 1957. a few loose pages of notes (some in Chain's hand) and printed matter tucked inside the notebook at various points. There are also C.67 Correspondence and papers re application for grants from United States Army Research and Development Liaison Group, 1957. The projects were: 'To study the intermediate metabolism in higher animals to elucidate the mode of action of regulatory substances'; and 'To study the intermediate metabolism of microorganisms’. Includes various drafts of submission of plans of research, budgets, etc. C.68 Letter re application to Division of Virology and Epidemiology, National Foundation, New York, re grant application, January 1959. (Chain's carbon only. No other documentation remains. ) C.69 Correspondence and papers re application for grant from National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., 1962-64. The project was on 'Carbohydrate and amino acid interrelations in brain', in collaboration with M. Cohen of Minneapolis. Includes grant application, reports on research, financial and travel arrangements. See also K.35-K. 38 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 69 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.70 Correspondence and papers re application for grant from United States Department of Agriculture, European Regional Research Office, 1963. The project was on 'Investigation of aerobic fermentation processes by measurementof the effect of differences in vessel size and mechanical agitation on the concentration of dissolved oxygen’. Includes budget, final report. C71 ‘Aeration Studies IV: Aeration conditions in submerged fermentations with different microorganisms in 3000 litre fermenters' . Collaborative paper with G. Gualandi and G. Morisi, published with slightly different title in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 8, 1966 (Bibliog. 119). Draft of paper, earlier version probably given as conference paper, editorial correspondence 1965-66. C.72-C.76 Miscellaneous reports and notes on research. (Few dated or signed and perhaps not all by Chain. ) C.72 C./3 C.74 C.75 C.76 C.77 C./8 ‘Chemical questions' and 'biological questions’ to be answered on penicillin, with bibliography (latest date 1947). Research note on use of fibreglass as filter, and possible patent. 'Notes' by Chain for a discussion group on penicillin resistant staphylococci. 'Un isolatore per singole spore’. Report on fermentation research, November 1961-February 1962, and programme of work for March-June 1962. 13 pp. typescript in Italian describing experiments with fermentation processes, n.d. probably a conference paper. Includes 'Discussione’ and was Miscellaneous shorter unidentified ms. notes, almost all on Istituto headed jotter pads, some in numbered sequences, on various topics of research, equipment, conference notes, notes on the literature, etc. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 70 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.79-C.101 LECTURES AND CONFERENCES These were an important aspect of Chain's work in Rome. They hada dual purpose: on the one handto attract scientists of international reputation to visit the Istituto for ‘in-house’ lectures and thereby keep its members in touch with the latest research ideas; and on the other, by these personal contacts and by the organising (in collaboration with the Director, D. Marotta) of major international conferences and symposia, to make more widely known the resources available in Rome for fermentation studies, the successful research projects undertaken and the results obtained. The inauguration of the fermentation pilot plant in 1951 was marked by a major symposium on fermentation biochemistry held under the auspices of the Istituto and the World Health Organisation (C.93), and throughout the 1950s there was a succession of such events in addition to invitation lectures on a smaller scale. Some account of this effort to strengthen the international contacts of the Istituto is given in Chain's paper at C.23, 'Sequence of events which led to my scientific activities at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita'. Many ofthe letters of thanks, like the requests to visit or work at the Istituto at C.54 - C.65 above, testify to its success. The material is presented as follows: C.79 - €.92 LECTURES An alphabetical sequence with scientific colleagues invited by Chain to lecture at the Istituto, and which may include travel arrangements, personal and scientific correspondence, texts or translations of lectures, etc. C.93 - C.101 CONFERENCES A chronological sequence on major conferences and symposia, similar to above but involving a wider range of international activity. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 7| Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.79-C.92 LECTURES See also E.96, K.187, K.251. S79 Anfinsen, C. B. Chain's introductory remarks, n.d. Berenblum, I. ‘Biological and metabolic aspects of skin carcinogenesis’ vA June 1958. Telegram, 15 pp. typescript of lecture. C.80 Calvin, M. "Il ciclo fotosintetico', December 1955. Correspondence, 42 pp. typescript. lecture and 1 p. introductory remarks. Italian translation of C.81 Dickens, F. Correspondence only, 1957. C.82 Dodds, E. C. 'Specificita nel campo di azione degli ormone', April 1955. Correspondence, 1954-55. Also included is material relating to 'Hormone analogues - a new Phase', lecture delivered by Dodds at Bologna, May 1958; English text, Italian translation with many ms. corrections by Chain, revised version of translation. C.83 Holter, H. Correspondence 1954-55 re lecture on cytochemical microtechniques. C.84 Krebs, H. A. 'The control of metabolic processes’, October 1956. Correspondence, Chain's introductory remarks, 16 pp. typescript English text, 12 pp. Italian translation. C.85 Martin, A. J.P. 'Gas-liquid chromatography', February 1955. Correspondence, 17 pp. typescript English text. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 72 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C86 Neuberger, A. 'Biosintesi della porfirina', June 1959. Correspondence, 13 pp. Italian translation. C.87 Rideal, E. K. 'Moonlayers and some biological implications', April 1958. Correspondence only. C.88 Thompson, H. W. ‘Some recent applications of infra-red spectroscopy to chemical problems', March 1956. Correspondence, outline of lecture. C.89 Tiselius, A. ‘Alcuni recenti progressi nella cromatografia e |'elettroforesi delle proteine e dei polipeptidi’, April 1955. Brief correspondence, notice of lecture only. C.90 Warburg, O. Correspondence re lecture scheduled for May 1955, but perhaps not delivered. C.91 Windeyer, B. W. ‘Medical aspects of the nuclear age', May 1959. 25 pp. typescript English version, correspondence. C.92 Young, F. G. ‘Alcuni aspetti della biochimica dell’ insulina’, February 1958. Correspondence, notice of lecture only. See also K. 283. C.93-C.101 CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA C.93 ‘Bacterial Growth and its Inhibition’, inaugural Symposium of International Research Centre of Chemical Microbiology (at Istituto), June 1951. Includes 4 pp. ms. preliminary notes by Chain on organisation, funding, invitations, etc., and miscellaneous other notes. Chain's introductory address 'Aims and functions of the Inter- national Research Centre of Chemical Microbiology' . 3 pp. later note by Chain on the Centre. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 73 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome C.94 Minutes of Departmental Meeting, February 1952, with a list of personnel and account of research in hand. C.95, €.96 C.95 Sixth International Congress of Microbiology, Rome, June 1953. Correspondence with colleagues re organisation and invitations, 1952. Chain's introductory remarks welcoming members to Third Symposium (on Microbial Metabolism). Press-cutting on published reports (1954). Shorter correspondence re publication. C.96 Correspondence arising from Congress, with R. Cruickshank re possible discussion group on ‘air hygiene', with P. Hauduroy re meeting of Sub-Committee of International Society of Microbiology held during Rome Congress, and with S. Ajl re Seventh Congress held in Moscow 1956. C.97-C.99 Commemoration of centenary of death of Amadeo Avogadro, June 1956. The celebrations were organised by the Accademia dei XL; L. Pauling and C.N. Hinshelwood gave addresses and were awarded Avogadro Medals, the first recipients of this newly- instituted honour. Britain, U.S.A. and France requesting their participation and also arranging visits or lectures at the Istituto. Chain wrote to several colleagues in Letters to colleagues re celebrations, publicity arrangements. Correspondence with C.N. Hinshelwood, English and Italian texts of his address. Correspondence with L. Pauling, English and Italian texts of his address, lecture notice and summary only of Pauling's lecture at the Istituto during his visit, on 'Emoglobine anormali in rapporto alle malattie' C.97 C.98 C.99 C.100,C.101 First International Symposium on Fermentation, May 1960, held at Istituto and sponsored jointly by Istituto, American Chemical Society and Societa Chimica Italiana. C.100 Correspondence with colleagues inviting them to attend or read papers at Conference (almost entirely Chain's carbons only), 1959. Chain's speech of welcome, 16 pp. typescript. C.101 Printed programme, and account of Symposium. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 74 SECTION D IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON D.1 - D.168 D.1 -D.42 APPOINTMENT TO THE CHAIR OF BIOCHEMISTRY AT IMPERIAL COLLEGE Correspondence and papers, 1953-64 D.43 - D.74 RETIREMENT AND THE FUTURE OF THE DEPARTMENT Correspondence and papers, 1972-79 With an introductory note B.75. -— D128 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE, 1961-78 D.75 -- D.87 Building and equipment D.88 -D.9 Funding D.100-D.111 Staff D.112-D.123 Requests to visit/work in Chain's laboratory DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, RESEARCH AND TEACHING, 1962-79 D.124 - D.153 a D.154 - D.168 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ON DEPARTMENTAL AND COLLEGE AFFAIRS Sections E and F contain considerable additional material relating to research grants awarded to the Department of Biochemistry during this period. E.25, E.39 - E.43, E.57, E.61-E.63, E.96- E.112, E.120, E; 124-6. 529, E.190, E.195, F.121-F.168 passim, F.260, F.314ff., F.330 See especially For research projects undertaken by the Department of Biochemistry on behalf of various industrial firms, see F.182, F.282ff., F.312,.F.313, F2043,.F.344. E.B. Chain CS AC 92/3/83 75 Imperial College, London D.1-D.42 APPOINTMENT TO THE CHAIR OF BIOCHEMISTRY AT IMPERIAL COLLEGE Correspondence and papers, 1953-64. D,1-D.5 Preliminary negotiations, 1953-56 D.1 D2 D.3 D.4 Correspondence with P.M.S. Blackett, 1953-54. correspondenceis re arrangements for Chain to visit Imperial College with a view to having a general discussion with the Rector (R.P. Linstead) and others re the need for developing the study of applied microbiology in England, with particular reference to Imperial College. 1953 Correspondence with D.M. Newitt, October-November 1953, re arrangements for a visit to Chain's laboratory in Rome. Letters from |. Heilbron and E.C. Dodds, 1955, reporting on conversations with Blackett and Linstead re future developments at Imperial College. "Memorandum ona project of an Institute for General and Applied Biochemistry at Imperial College’ 2 typescript drafts and 6 pp. ms. notes for detailed pros- pectus setting out requirements of space, staffing and equipment, sent to Blackett and Linstead in January 1956 (see D.5). D5 Correspondence with Blackett and Linstead re Chain's memorandum, January-May 1956. D.6-D.19 Correspondence leading to official appointment, 1957-59 D.6 D.7 D.8 Correspondence with Linstead, 1957. from Chain, 3 October, with detailed comments on his 1956 memorandum. Includes 6 pp. letter Correspondence with Linstead, April-June 1958. to Chain to be considered as a candidate for the Chair of Biochemistry and further correspondence re requirements of space, staffing, equipment, etc. Invitation 11 pp. typescript 'My activities at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ and 1 p. curriculum vitae prepared in connection with Chain's candidacy for the Chair of Biochemistry. There is another copy at C.13. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 D9 76 Imperial College, London Includes letter from H.A. Krebs urging Chain Letter from Linstead, 11 July 1958, conveying offer of the Biochemistry Chair and Chain's provisional letter of acceptance. to consider the proposition very seriously, telegram re arrangements for meeting with Linstead for further dis- cussions, and ms. notes +photograph re plans for new Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College. 2 letters from M. Beloff, July and October 1958, re possible sources offinancial support for the Imperial College project. See also K.49ff. Correspondence with Linstead, September-December 1958, te detailed administrative arrangements for the proposed new Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College. Includes drafts of grant application to the Wolfson Foundation and discussion of other possible sources of finance. Letters to Lord Nathan and L. Wolfson, October 1958- January 1959, re grant application to the Wolfson Foundation. Correspondence with Linstead, January-June 1959, mainly re progress of grant applications. Correspondence with Lord Falmouth (Chairman of the Board of Governors of Imperial College), February-March 1959, re arrangements for a visit to Chain's laboratory in Rome. Correspondence with Blackett re draft of grant application to the Department of Scientificand Industrial Research (D.S.1I.R.), April 1959. 3 pp. typescript note by H. Redman of a meeting with Nathan, J.D. Cockcroft and Linstead, 18 June 1959, to discuss the proposed Wolfson Foundation grant to Imperial College. Copy of letter to Redman from the Secretary, Imperial College, 2 July 1959, outlining draft heads of agreement with the Wolfson Foundation. Correspondence with Linstead, August-December 1959. Includes typescript drafts on 'Recent Developments in the Penicillin Field' (re isolation of the nucleus of the penicillin molecule) and a biographical outline, both prepared as source material for press releases announcing Chain's official appointment to the Biochemistry Chair at Imperial College. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 77 Imperial College, London Correspondence with Lord Nathan, August-December 1959, mainly re final negotiations with the Wolfson Foundation and Imperial College. announcing Chain's official appointment. Includes draft of Press Release Correspondence with the Secretary, Imperial College, October-December 1959, re formalities leading to Chain's official appointment, arrangements for the press release, etc. D.20-D.42 Official appointment and related correspondence, 1960-66 D.20 Official letter of appointment to the Chair of Biochemistry, 25 January 1960, and Chain's letter of acceptance. Folder also includes miscellaneous related press-cuttings and printed matter. See also A.110. D.21-D.26 Letters of congratulation on Chain's appointment. D.21 D.22 D.23 D.24 Ds25 D.26 D.27 B-F G-K L-P R-W Friends and first name signatures (not indexed) Publishers, firms, organisations (not indexed) Copy of letter from Chain to 1. Wolfson, 30 January 1960, expressing thanks for the Wolfson Foundation's contribution to the Imperial College project. D.28-D. 3] Correspondence with Linstead, 1960-66, re a wide range of administrative matters connected with the building and setting up of the new Biochemistry Department. D.28 D.29 D.30 1960 1961-62 1963 (Chain's carbons only) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 78 Imperial College, London D.31 1964-66 D.32 Includes brief correspondence re conferment of Associateship of the Royal College of Science, honoris causa, 1966. 2 letters from the Secretary, Imperial College, September- December 1960, re implications of decision to abandon plans for adapting the existing Royal College of Science Building to provide accommodation for the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry in favour of erecting a com- pletely new building on the site of the old one. Draft press release re building plans, 18 January 1961, is also included in the folder. D.33 Correspondence with Lord Nathan, 1961-63, re building arrangements, funding, etc. D.34-D.37 Correspondence with Chain's Secretary at Imperial College, December 1961-March 1964. D.34 D.35 D.36 D.37 D.38 D.39 1961-62 1963 1964 Another sequence, mainly duplicates, much less complete. Correspondence with the Office of the Minister for Science, 1961, in reply to a request for an outline of Chain's proposed research programme and his views on the current position of British research in microbiology and biochemical engineering. Copy of Press Release announcing approval by the University Grants Committee of space and cost estimates for the new biochemistry building at Imperial College to incorporate the Wolfson Laboratories and a fermentation pilot plant, 26 June 1962. Included here are 2 pp. undated typescript notes re the fermentation pilot plant. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 79 D.40 D.41 D.42 Imperial College, London Several. drafts of Press Release announcing the award of the D.S.1.R. grant for the running expenses of the Department of Biochemistry, June 1963. Correspondence with Imperial College and various removal firms re estimates of cost for removal of Chain's household goods from Rome to London, 1964. Ms. draft outlining the history of the Biochemistry Depart- ment at Imperial College with a description of the facilities offered by the new Biochemistry building, n.d., ¢.1965-66. The draft is written on pages torn from a notebook (numbered 1-11) and is prefaced by 2 pp. unrelated notes. See A. 224 for an album of photographs commemorating the opening of the Department. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 80 Imperial College, London D.43-D.74 RETIREMENT AND THE FUTURE OF THE BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Correspondence and papers 1972-79. Chain's last years at Imperial College were marred by a violent controversy over the future of the Biochemistry Department which involved two successive Rectors of the College, two Chairmen and other members of the Board of Governors, two Vice-Chancellors of the University and various legal advisers and scientific colleagues. Part of the controversy centered around the circumstances of a gift of £50,000 originally made by Lord Rank in 1967 (see F.316) for the establishment of a second Chair of Biochemistry in Chain's department. At the time, the College was unable to find the additional money needed for the financing of a Chair so, with Lord Rank's agreement, it was arranged that the money would be made available to Chain through the College for research Fellowships. Chain used only the interest for this purpose, leaving the principal intact, and at the beginning of 1973 he approached the Rank Trustees for a further donation of £50,000 in order to make up the amount needed for the endowment of a second Chair. It was Chain's wish that the Rank Chair should be in the field of physiological biochemistry while his own successor as Professor and Head of the Biochemistry Department should be a chemical microbiologist, thus ensuring the continuation of his own main areas of research. After considerable correspondence with the Rector and others about suitable candidates for the two Chairs the posts were advertised in September 1973. B. Hartley (a molecular biologist) was appointed as Chain's successor (and Head of Department) in January 1974 and the Rank Chair was filled a year later by E.A. Barnard. Chain bitterly contested both these appointments which he thought were contrary to the interests of the Biochemistry Department, since they would almost inevitably foreshadow the running down of the fermentation pilot plant, and he also considered them to be a misuse of the funds which he had obtained for the en- dowment of the Rank Chair. The controversy continued until 1978 and was only finally resolved through the intervention of a legal adviser. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 D.43 D.44 D.45 D.46 D.47 8] Imperial College, London Correspondence with Lord Penney (Rector of Imperial College 1967-73 in succession to R.P. Linstead) and others, January-March 1972, re arrangementsfor the future of the Biochemistry Department. 9 pp. typescript on 'Future ‘Contributions from Biochemistry to the Advancement of Medical Research', March 1972. Correspondence with Lord Penney and others, June- December 1972. 'The case for the endowment of a second Chair of Biochemistry, for the subject of Physiological Biochemistry at Imperial College’ 9 pp. typescript, n.d., but folder also contains letters to A. Spicer and R.S. Edwards forwarding copies of the memorandum, 9 January 1973. Correspondence with A. Spicer and J.D. Hutchison, January- April, 1973, re Chain's application to the Rank Trustees for funds to make up the amount needed in addition to the original Rank benefaction for the endowment of a second Chair. D.48-D.50 Correspondence with Lord Penney, January-July 1973. D.48 January-April Includes comments on the progress of negotiations for the endowment of a second Chair. D.49 May Includes further correspondence re negotiations with the Rank Trustees. D.50 July Includes draft letter from Penney to the Principal, University of London, requesting approval for the establishment of the Rank Chair. D.51 D.52 Correspondence and drafts re advertisements for both Chairs, August-September 1973. Correspondence re arrangements for public announcement of the institution of the Rank Chair of Physiological Bio- chemistry, 1 October 1973. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 D.53 D.54 D.55-D. 69 82 Imperial College, London Correspondence re use of monies remaining from research grants made to Chain by various firms and organisations, and letter from Penney, 27 September 1973, offering Chain a Senior Research Fellowship tenable for 3 years from 1 October 1973 on his retirement as Head of the Biochemistry Department. Correspondence with colleagues re the appointment of Chain's successor, November-December 1973 (mainly Chain's carbons only). Extensive correspondence with Sir Brian (later Lord) Flowers, (Penney's successor as Rector of Imperial College from October 1973), the Chairman and members of the Board of Governors and others, following the appointment of B. Hartley as Chain's successor in January 1974. The sequence includes several drafts of a detailed memorandum sent to Lord Goodman in October 1974 (see D.61-D. 64) putting forward Chain's view of the controversy. The correspondence continues to 1976 (but see also D.70-D.72). 1974 January Includes minutes of a Special Biochemistry Depart- mental Committee Meeting, 9 January. February-March April May June-July October-December D.58 D.59 D.61-D. 64 ‘Biochemistry at Imperial College. History and Outlook' Drafts for paper prepared by Chain giving his views of the matter, the final version of which was sent to Lord Goodman on 28 October 1974 (see letter in D.60). D.61 D.62 Ms. and typescript draft with additional ms. fragments. 28 pp. typescript with ms. and typescript additions. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 83 Imperial College, London D.63 Another copy of D.62 incorporating the additional material with some further corrections. D.64 35 pp. typescript, final version, dated 27 October 1974. 1975 January-March April-May June-November 1976 January-March April-July Correspondence with S. Berwin of Berwin Leighton (solicitors), April 1976-August 1977. a long letter from Chain listing several letters and memoranda most of which are now among the papers in D.43-D.69 (but see also F.316-F.318). The correspondence opens with See also D.73. D.68 D.69 D.70-D.72 D.70 D.71 April-July 1976 September 1976- January 1977 Mainly copies of correspondence between Berwin and Flowers. included. Two letters from D.H.R. Barton are also D.72 April-August 1977 D.73 D.74 Includes further copies of correspondence with Flowers and several drafts of arrangement between Chain and Imperial College, the final version of which was accepted by him in July 1977. Correspondence with Flowers and others, November 1975- October 1976, arising from Chain's request for the renewal of his Senior Research Fellowship after its expiry in September 1976. Correspondence re award of Honorary Fellowship to Chain, December 1977. on 26 October 1978. tion of secretarial arrangements after the academic year 1978-79 is also included here. Brief correspondence re continua- The official award was made E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Imperial College, London 84 D.75-D. 123 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE, 1961-78 D.75 -D.87 Building and equipment D.88 -D.99 Funding D.100-D.111 Staff D.112-D.123 Requests to visit/work in Chain's laboratory See also D.28-D.37 D.75-D.87 BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT D.75 'List of Rooms in Biochemical Department of Pilot Plant’ Schedule of space requirements, in English and Italian, n.d., but possibly connected with early plansfor Biochemistry Department at Imperial College. D.76 Set of plans for expansion of Biochemistry Department at Imperial College dated 14 January 1959, and brief corres- pondence with the Planning Office, December 1958, re space needed for fermenters. D.77=D:.79 Correspondence with Imperial College Planning Office, February 1960-May 1963, re details of building plans and equipment. D.77 D.78 D.79 February-December 1960 March-October 1961 May 1962-May 1963 (Chain's carbons only) D.80-D.83 Correspondence with Architects’ Co-Partnership, June 1960- April 1963. D.80 June 1960 Brief correspondence with A.W. Cox re arrangements for visit to Rome. chemistry Building, November 1960, is also included here. Schedule of rooms in the Bio- E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 D.8] D.82 D.83 85 Imperial College, London March-December 1961 January 1962-April 1963 (mainly Chain's carbons only) Architects' drawings for the internal layout of the Biochemistry Building. D.84 Correspondence with engineers and contractors, 1961-63. D.85-D.87 Equipment, library books, etc., correspondence and schedules, 1960-64. D.85 D.86 D.87 1960 1961-62 1963-64 D.88-D.99 FUNDING The following papers relate mainly to two majorinitial grants towards the setting up of the Biochemistry Department, from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the University Grants Committee. Pre-1960 cor- respondence re grant applications, including the grant awarded by the Wolfson Foundation in 1959, is to be found passim in D.1 - D.42. Also included here is correspondence re a further application to the U.G.C, in 1966 and drafts of a letter to The Times on the general problem of the funding of scientific research. Correspondence re subsequent grants for research in the Department of Bio- chemistry is at D.124ff. There is a list of references to grants in other parts of the collection at the beginning of Section D. D.88 D.89 Correspondence with Imperial College re grant application to D.S.1.R., 1960. Includes copy of application, February 1960, and of Addendum submitted in April. Drafts and background material for the Addendum to the D.S.1.R. application. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 86 Imperial College, London Further correspondence re D.S.1.R. grant, 1962-63 (Chain's carbons only), including 7 pp. letter, 18 May 1962, with detailed replies to points raised by D.S.I.R. Correspondence with E. Lester Smith (Assessor) re grant application to the University Grants Committee (U.G.C.), March-April 1963. Registrar, Imperial College. Includes an earlier letter from the Ms. drafts and typescript lists of requirements for equipment and staff, prepared for U.G.C., May 1963. Draft equipment schedule prepared by Imperial College for submission to U.G.C., June 1963. Correspondence with the Secretary and the Financial Secretary, Imperial College, 1963-64 (mainly Chain's carbons only). Includes arrangements for press releases re grants from D.S.1.R., M.R.C., Fleming Memorial Fund and U.G.C. Copy of assessors' report, July 1966, on application by Chain to U.G.C. for a further grant for capital equipment, and brief correspondence arising. The report recommended an award of less than one third of the total amount requested. Correspondence with O.A. Saunders (Acting Rector, Imperial College 1966-67) re Chain's U.G.C. application, October 1966-January 1967, including copies of letters exchanged between Saunders and the Chairman of U.G.C. Further correspondence with Saunders, February-August 1967, mainly re the financial implications of U.G.C's decision. 3 letters to P.M.S. Blackett, 10 May 1967, re the possibility of obtaining a special grant from the Ministry of Technology, with a brief reply from Blackett, 23 May. Drafts for letter to The Times signed by Chain and six other members of Imperial College, July 1967, re government limitations on university equipment grants, related press- cuttings from other newspapers, drafts for letter to the Daily Telegraph, and correspondencearising, July-August 1967. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 87 D.100-D.111 STAFF Imperial College, London The majority of the following papers relate to Chain's initial search for staff during the setting up of the Biochemistry Department and includes some unsolicited letters of invitation as well as routine job applications and letters of recommendation from colleagues. The picture is far from complete (see especially 1963 correspondence which is mostly Chain's carbons only), but it is nevertheless interesting. The remainder of the section contains some rather scanty correspondence with and re research students, visiting scientists, etc. accepted or recommended for work at Imperial College, 1963-76. D.100 D.101 D.102 D.103 D.104 D.105 February-March 1960 April-November 1960 1961 1962 1963 (Chain's carbons only, with 2 exceptions) Copies of letters answering advertisements for posts in Nature and other journals, April 1963. D.106-D.108 Research students, etc. accepted or recommended for work at Imperial College, 1963-76. For material on W.H.O. Fellows, see E.235. D.106 D.107 D.108 D.109 1963-67 1968-71 1969-76 Shorter correspondence re staff salaries, promotions, etc., 1964-74, See also D.126, D.127, D.128. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Imperial College, London 88 D.110 D.111 Drafts and brief correspondencere advertisements for staff in the Department of Biochemistry, 1967-72. Information or requests for advice re posts in other uni- versities or laboratories, 1963-74. D.112-D.123 REQUESTS TO VISITAWORK IN CHAIN'S LABORATORY As in Rome, the research and facilities, in particular the fermentation pilot plant, attracted a large number of visitors and requests to work there. Unfortunately the surviving correspondenceis rather patchy, the years 1964-67 being particularly badly documented in this collection. For similar material re Chain's laboratory in the Istituto Superiore di Sanita see C.54-C.65. D.112 D.113 D.114 D.115 D.116 D117 D.118 D119 D.120 D.121 Di, 122 D.123 1964 1965-67 1968 February-June 1969 July-December 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976, 1978, 1979 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 89 Imperial College, London D.124-D.153 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, RESEARCH AND TEACHING, 1961-78 D.124-D.138 RESEARCH The following papers document two of the many research grants awarded to Chain for work at Imperial College and contain some correspondence and research reports relating to the fermentation pilot plant as well as a few more general reports on research in the Department of Biochemistry. D.138 contains correspondence with various organisations interested in collaborating on the development of an automatic amino acid analyser designed by A.J. Thomas in Chain's department. See also D.88-D.99 (and introductory note) and the list of references at the beginning of Section D. D.124-D.126 Fleming Memorial Fund Grant D.124 D.125 D.126 Correspondence with E.C, Dodds, 1962, arising from a suggestion by Dodds that Chain should apply for a grant from the Fleming Memorial Fund. Two letters from Chain to the Secretary of the Fleming Memorial Fund, March and April 1962, are also included. Correspondence with Imperial College and the Secretary of the Fleming Memorial Fund, 1963-66, re arrangements for acceptance and administration of the grant. Correspondence re expenditure on staff salaries, equipment and books from the Fleming Memorial Fund grant, 1973-79. Correspondence 1977-79 is with E.A. Barnard. See also D.72, D.94, E.61-E.63. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 90 Imperial College, London D.127-D.130 Beecham Research Grants The Beecham Group sponsored two research projects and two studentships in the Department of Biochemistry between 1967 and 1972, and a further grant was made in 1974 for work on ds-RNA. Most of the correspondencere the progress of these research projects is with the rest of the Beecham material in Section F, but administrative corres- pondence with Imperial College and a few research reports have been included here. D.127, D.128 Correspondence with Imperial College, 1968-72, re administration of research grants for work on ‘Microbial metabolites’ and 'Mode of action of penicillins’ . D.127 D.128 D.129 D.130 D.13] D.132 1968-70 1971=72 '2nd Annual Progress Report on Mode of Action of Penicillin carried out by Dr. Work's Group at Imperial College’. 21 pp. typescript with figures, January 1971. Copy of letter from J. Edwardson to Beecham Research Laboratories, January 1974, outlining proposals for work at Imperial College on ds-RNA, and research report on "Studies on the Mechanisms Involved in the Toxicity of BRL 5907', June 1974. The front page of the report is annotated 'Beecham. Inteferon'. General correspondencere the fermentation pilot plant, 1966-73. Letter from G.T. Banks, 15 February 1971, contains a list of research contracts involving the pilot plant, 1970-71. Memoranda, schedules, data, etc. connected with the pilot plant, 1967-70, and nd. Includes: "Pilot Plant Fermentation Charges', 2 pp. typescript, 3 October 1967, re contract work for outside bodies. Schedule of 'Proposed Additional Equipment for Use in the Pilot Plant and Workshop', 2 December 1969. 'Technical Staff requirements for Pilot Plant', 13 May 1970. "Instrumentation of Imperial College Fermentation Pilot Plant.’ 3 pp. typescript, n.d. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 91 Imperial College, London D.132(Cont'd.) 'Fusicoccin. College’. Summary of work carried out at Imperial 4 pp. typescript by G.T. Banks, n.d. D..138 D.135 D.136 D..137 D.138 ‘Report of work carried out in the Biochemistry Department, Imperial College (October 1969-March 1971). typescript. 13 pp. 'The Ergotamine Fermentation. and Fermentation Studies'. diagrams and photographs by G.T. Banks, October 1971. 14 pp. typescript with Report on Microbiological Ms. and corrected typescript drafts by Chain of report on ‘Research carried out in the fermentation pilot plant from 1966-1972'. Report on 'Annual Estimated Cost of Fermentation Pilot Plant'. 7 pp. typescript, 1973. Miscellaneous reports on research at Imperial College, 1966, 1976 and n.d. Correspondence 1970-71 with various firms and organisations interested in collaborating on the development of an automatic amino acid analyser designed by A.J. Thomas in the Department of Biochemistry. The instrument was eventually produced by Rank Precision Industries Ltd. and marketed under the name of 'Chromaspek' (see F.312, F.313). D..139=D.153 TEACHING The following papers mainly relate to various Working Parties set up in Imperial College of which Chain was a member. D.139 Working Party on Biological Studies. Invitation to serve; minutes of meeting, 9 May 1967, and brief correspondence; copy of report, June 1967. Folder also includes report of "1974 Committee" on 'Expansion of the Biological Sciences at Imperial College’, February 1964. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 92 Imperial College, London D.140-D.146 Biology Working Party. D.140 D.141 D.142 D.143 D.144 D.145 See also ‘Working Party on Biological Studies’. Correspondence, 1968-69, re arrangements for reappraisal of proposals submitted by the Working Party on Biological Studies for common first-year undergraduate course in biological subjects in June 1967. Invitation to serve on the newly-constituted Biology Working Party, December 1968, with outline ofits terms of reference and constitution. Correspondence and drafts leading to interim report, March 1969-January 1970. Correspondence with T.R.E. Southwood, December 1969- May 1970, mainly re Imperial College Field Station at Silwood Park. Working Party Report. Includes draft revision of part of the Biology Memoranda and correspondence re visit of U.G.C. Biological Sciences Sub-Committee to Imperial College, 12 November 1970. Minutes of last 2 meetings of the Biology Working Party, September 1970 and February 1971, with copies of Interim, Revised and Final Reports. D.146 Brief correspondence, January-March 1971. D.147-D.149 Working Party on Physiological Flow. Correspondence and papers, 1967-69. D.147 D.148 D.149 Invitation to attend the first meeting, January 1967; minutes and correspondencere further meetings to October 1967. Progress reports on the Physiological Flow Studies Unit, by C. Caro (Director), February 1968. Further correspondence, minutes of meetings, etc., January 1968-December 1969. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 93 Imperial College, London D.150 Working Party on Bio-Engineering Invitation to attend the first meeting, June 1968, with terms of reference of the working party; brief corres- pondence, July-December 1968; 4 pp. typescript on 'Bioengineering in Biochemistry’, prepared for the report of the Working Party. Memorandum by G.T. Banks on Courses in Fermentation Science and Technology, April 1978. 3 pp. ms. notes by Chain on the same subject, n.d. Shorter correspondence re academic affairs of Department of Biochemistry, courses proposed, examinations, etc., 1967-74. Miscellaneous arrangements for meetings, seminars, inter- departmental colloquia, etc., 1966-73. D.151 D.152 D.153 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Imperial College, London 94 D.154-D.168 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ON DEPARTMENTAL AND COLLEGE AFFAIRS D.154-D.163 Correspondence with colleagues at Imperial College, 1961-79. Includes personal and scientific exchanges. D.154 Barrer, R. M. 1962, 1967 1962 letter Chain's carbon only. Barton, D. H. R. 1961, 1967, 1968 1961 letter Chain's carbon only. Brown, J. Butler, C.-C. D.155 Caro, C. G. 1969 1966 1970 Includes copy of grant application to the British Heart Foundation. D.156 Ford, H. 1966-68, 1973 1968 correspondence is mainly re E.M.B.O. D.157 D.158 D.159 D.160 Gabor, D. Hinshelwood, C. N. Jackson, Lord James, W. O. Jones, H. Richards, O. Chain's carbon only. Roberts, E.R. Rogers, D. re fusicoccin Saunders, O. A. Southwood, T. RR. E. 1966 1966 1966-70 1961 1971 1966 1966-67 1968 1965-67 1971 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Imperial College, London D.161 Spalding, D. B. re plans for collaboration with G.T. Banks. D.162 D.163 Tooms, J. S. Ubbelohde, A. R. Whittingham, C. P. 95 1979 1968 1967-70 1969-70 Includes 2 pp. ms. draft re choice of suc- cessor to Whittingham, n.d., c.1971. Welch, A. J. E. 1961 Shorter correspondence re college and departmental affairs, 1961-76. Shorter social correspondence, 1968-74 Ms. for speech at Heads of Department Dinner, n.d. Miscellaneous incomplete drafts for correspondence, speeches, grant applications, etc., 1 p. dated 1974. Miscellaneous requests for information re courses, etc. at Imperial College, 1969-77. D.165 D.166 D.167 D.168 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 96 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS _E.1 - E.238 INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF CONTENTS The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence and covers both British and overseas organisations. While some entries are relatively trivial and deal with membership, invitations to meetings and the like, others are substantial folders covering a lengthy time-span and matters of consequence such as researchpolicy, grant applications for Chain's own research projects or those referred to him for com- ment. Examples of these are the British Heart Foundation, the Medical and Science Research Councils, and the World Health Organization. ACCADEMIA FLAMINIA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI XL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AIMS FOR FREEDOM AND ENTERPRISE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY ARTS COUNCIL ASSOCIATION NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE TECHNIQUE ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY THE BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION THE BRITISH INDUSTRIAL BIOLO GICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION THE BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION E.] E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E. E.9 E.10 E.1I=E. 17 E.18 E.19 E.20 E.21-E..29 E.26 E.27-E.32 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY THE CIBA FOUNDATION THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY EVOLUTION PROTEST MOVEMENT FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES 97 E.33-E.43 E.44 E.45-E.52 E.53 E.54 E.99 E.56 Eo? E.58 E.a7 E.60 THE FLEMING MEMORIAL FUND FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH E.61-E.63 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION FUNDACION GENERAL MEDITERRANEA (MIGUEL SERVET FUND) THE INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS THE INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRONMENT AND BIOPOLITICS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY THE IRAN SOCIETY THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE E.64 E65 E.66-E.72 E./3=E «79 E./6 E.77 Eu/8 ES? E.80 E.81 E.82 E.83 E,84 E.85 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations MEDICAL RESEARCH CLUB MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD MINISTRY OF HEALTH MINISTRY OF TECHNOLO GY 98 E.86 E.87-E.112 E.113-E.118 ET? E.120 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION E.121-E.129 NOBEL COMMITTEE THE NUFFIELD FOUNDATION THE NUTRITION SOCIETY OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION THE PARLIAME NTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PAUL ERHLICH FOUNDATION PAUL ERHLICH INSTITUTE THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREATBRITAIN PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY THE ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE E.130 E.13I, E132 E.133 E.134 E.135 E.136 E.137-E.145 E.146 E.147 E.148 E.149-E.155 E.156 E157 E.158 E159 E.160 E.161 E.162-E.183 E.184 E.185 E.186 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations ST. MICHAEL'S FOUNDATION LIMITED ST. VINCENT INTERNATIONALPRIZE SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH SOCIETA CHIMICA ITALIANA SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE VETERINARIE SOCIETA ITALIANA DI CHEMIOTERAPIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MICROBIOLOGIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE FARMACEUTICHE SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY SOCIETY FOR DRUG RESEARCH SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLO GY 99 E.187 E.188 E.189-E.196 E.197 E.198 E.199 E.200 E.201 E.202 E.203 E.204 E .205 E.206 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY E.207-E.216 UNESCO USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES THE WELLCOME FOUNDATION LIMITED THE WELLCOME RESEARCH LABORATORIES THE WELLCOMETRUST WORLD FEDERATION OF DOCTORS WHO RESPECT HUMAN LIFE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WYNDHAMPLACE TRUST E.217 E.218 E.219 E.220 E.221 E.222 E .223-E. 237 E.238 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 100 E.1 ACCADEMIA FLAMINIA (Bologna) 1972, 1979 Societies and organisations 1972 correspondence is re Chain's election as an Honorary Academician, in the founding year of the Accademia. 1979 correspondenceis with the President (G. Baldoni) re the activities of the Accademia Flaminia. ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI 1949, 1959 1959 correspondence is re Chain's nomination to serve on committee for Feltrinelli Prize. ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI XL 1956-79 Miscellaneous correspondence from successive Presidents and Secretaries (including D. Marotta). AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (ARC) 1971 Correspondence and papers on the réle and policy of ARC, mainly prepared by N. Goldenberg for submission to Sir Alan Cottrell. AIMS FOR FREEDOM AND ENTERPRISE 1978 Brief correspondence only. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1963 (Division of Medicinal Chemistry) Brief correspondence re Trueman Woodlecture (Bibliog. 99). E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 ARTS COUNCIL 1977 Brief correspondence re Chain's suggestion of an exhibition of Russian painting. E.§ ASSOCIATION NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE TECHNIQUE 1977 Invitation to serve on Comité d'honneur. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 101 E.9 ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGISTS 1963-70 Societies and organisations Correspondence re organisation of meetings, sponsored by Chain at Imperial College. Various dates 1963-70. E.10 ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY 1964-71 General correspondence re meetings and activities. E.11-E.17 THE BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY 1964-74 E.12 E13 E.14 Correspondence with colleagues and with officers of the Society, mainly re meetings and Symposia sponsored by Chain at Imperial College or with contributions by him. Ms. draft for Chain's speech of welcomeat first meeting of Society at Imperial College, n.d. (19641. Brief correspondence re 1965 meeting. Correspondence 1966 re colloquium on 'Comparative Biochemistry of Resistance to Drug Action’ (November 1966). Chain gave Chairman's introductory speech, and opened the final discussion. Includes ms. and typescript versions of introductory speech. Correspondence 1967 re possible Science Travel Service. Correspondence and papers 1969 re colloquium on ‘Naturally Occurring Substances of Potential Use for Control of Plants and Animals' (May 1969). Chain's collaborative paper with K.D. Barrow, 'The wilting toxins of Fusicoccum amygdali Del.' Includes typescript of part of Correspondence 1969-70 re 500th Meeting of Society, on ‘Biochemistry Past and Present', and proposed contribution by Chain on history of anti-biotics, which he did not feel able to undertake. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 102 Societies and organisations Correspondence 1969-71 re Joint Meeting with Society for General Microbiology, held at Imperial College in December 1972, on 'Fungal Biochemistry’. Includes programmes, ms. opening remarks by Chain, and typescript of collaborative contributions to colloquium, on 'Claviceps purpurea’, and on 'Viruses of Penicillia and Aspergilli’. E.17 Shorter correspondence 1973-74, including Chain's transfer to Emeritus Membership (1973) and Joint Symposium with British Association (1974). E.18 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH 1979 Brief correspondence re presentation to |. Berenblum. E. 19 THE BRITISH COUNCIL 1958, 1970-72 1958 correspondence is re Marotta. Later correspondenceis re British Council visitors from overseas. E.20 THE BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION 1967-71 Shorter correspondence re Chain's contribution to, and Honorary Patronage of, the Association, various dates. Evab-Esi5 BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION 1963-74 Chain was a memberof the Science Committee (renamed the Scientific Advisory Committee in 1970) from its inception in 1963 until its disbandment in 1973. He also served on the Research Funds Committee, which was set up in 1970 to review applications for research grants and to allocate funds, in place of the Science Committee which wasfelt to have become too cumbersome to deal with the growing volume of work. Chain received support from the Foundation for some of his own research projects at Imperial College; see especially E.25 below for material relating to his application with D.J. Hearse for a grant for research into 'Drugs and Cardiac Metabolism’. E.2] Correspondence re Chain's membership of the two Committees, 1963-73. Includes letters of invitation to serve, letters of thanks for service on both committees, letter re disbandment of Scientific Advisory Committee. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 103 Societies and organisations E.22 Correspondence re arrangements for committee meetings, symposia, and other business of the Foundation, 1967-72. E.23, E.24 Correspondence re applicationsfor research grants, with Chain's comments, evaluations, correspondence with colleagues or applicants, lists of grants made at meetings of Advisory Committee, etc. E.23 E.24 E.25 2 folders as follows: 1967-71 1972-74 Correspondence re grants made bythe British Heart Foundation to the Biochemistry Department, Imperial College, 1967-74. Includes grant applications, correspondencere staff appoint- ments, press releases, reports on research, publications, etc. The grants include work on 'Oxygen Metabolism of Heart Muscle', 'Metabolism of Heart Muscle', Metabolism'. ‘Drugs and Cardiac E.26 THE BRITISH INDUSTRIAL BIOLO GICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (BIBRA) 1970-78 General correspondence re meetings and lectures. E.27-E.32 THE BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION (BNF) 1967-78 Chain served onthefirst Scientific Advisory Committee of the Foundation, on the Executive Committee (sometimes as Chairman), and on the Information Committee. In 1974 he chaired a committee set up 'to reassess the Foundation and the direction in which it is heading', and he played a major part in its grant-awarding and prize-giving activities. The material includes correspondence with Officers of the Foundation, and with scientific and industrial colleagues, on all aspects of the Foundation's work. Thereis also a little personal material. E.27 1967-70 Includes invitation to serve on Scientific Advisory Committee, correspondence with A.C. Frazer (first Director-General of the Foundation), etc. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 104 Societies and organisations Bae E.27 1972 1973, January-April 1974 Includes meetings chaired by Chain, funding and matters arising. E.30 May-December 1974 Includes speeches by Chain at Nutrition Foundations’ Annual Book Award, and at BNF Annual Luncheon (both October), and correspondence re B.B.C. ‘Tuesday Call-in’ programme on chickens. bal 1975-78 Includes correspondence re press comment on alleged carcinogens in coffee, Chain's service on Information Com- mittee of BNF and his re-appointment to other Committees. E.32 Correspondence 1972-75 with J. Rank re affairs of the Foundation, officers, etc. E.33-E.43 CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN 1966-76 (Until 1970: British Empire Cancer Campaign for Research) Chain served as Royal Society representative on the Grand Council 1969-75 (see E.33) and on the Executive Committee (see letter of 20 July 1970 in E.34). E.33-38 are a chronological sequence of general corres- pondence onpolicy, funding, committee and discussion meetings, lectures and the general affairs of the organisation. E.39-E.43 deal with research grants made to Chain by the Campaign for projects at Imperial College. Letters of re-appointment as Royal Society representative on Grand Council, 1969-75. 1966-May 1972 October-December 1972 Includes correspondence on research developments, typescript of an address by Lord Nathan at Royal Society Cancer Research Symposium, and letter by Chain setting out his views on fruit- ful lines in cancer research. E .33 E.34 E.35 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 105 Societies and organisations E.36 January-February 1973 Mainly re research policy of C.R.C. E.37 April-November 1973 Mainly re committee membership, with various memoranda by Chain. E.38 1974-76 E.39-E.43 Letter of 15 May 1975 refers to nomination of D.A.J. Tyrell as Royal Society representative on Grand Council in place of Chain, and other membership changes. Also included is letter of thanks (May 1976) from the President for Chain's service. Correspondence and papers 1967-73 re grant to Chain for research on 'Large scale production of microbial asparaginase and the study of its antileucaemia and pharmacological properties’, and continuing related researches. This grant was awarded by the British Empire Cancer N.B. Campaign for Research, and continued after the change of name to Cancer Research Campaign. 5 folders as follows: E.39 1967-68 Includes grant application, correspondence with Imperial College, press releases, research report. E.40 1969-70 Statements of account, arrangements for visitors and meetings, applications for grant renewal, report. E.41 1971 Application for continuation grant for 'Studies on the isolation and purification of bacterial asparaginases', statement of account. E.42 1972 Application for continuation grant with statement of research on 'Large scale preparation of purified deaminases of essential amino acids of bacterial origin’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.43 1973 Societies and organisations 106 Application for renewal of grant for work on 'Large scale preparation of purified deaminases of bacterial origin for essential amino-acids', arrangements for visit to Chain's department by Scientific Committee of C.R.C., and for future of enzyme research after Chain's retirement as Head of Department of Biochemistry . E.44 THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1950, 1968 Brief correspondence re Chain's application for Fellowship, 1950. Correspondence and papers re Sth International Symposium on 'The Chemistry of Natural Products', London 1968. Chain was one of the Honorary Vice-Presidents and chaired the Plenary Lecture by C.B. Anfinsen on 12 July. Includes ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's introductory speech, Handbook, List of participants. E.45-E.52 THE CIBA FOUNDATION 1961-79 Correspondence and papers re meetings and symposia. A little personal material is also included. E.45 1961-62 Correspondence re Symposium on 'Enzymes and Drug Action’, March 1961. Chain's contribution, 'Action of Insulin on Metabolic Reactions', was published in the symposium proceedings 1962 (Bibliog. 91). E.46, E.47 1961-62 Correspondence and papers re Study Group on 'Resistance of Bacteria to the Penicillins', February 1962. E.46 Invitation, programme, list of speakers and participants, abstract of Chain's paper, etc. Chain spoke on 'The new penicillins’, and his contribution was published in the proceedings. E.47 Editorial correspondence, transcript of discussion at Study Group, sent to Chain for correction. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.48 1965 Societies and organisations 107 Letter of invitation to seminar on 'The Problem of Deter- mining Social Usefulness', October 1965. 1966-67 Correspondence and papers re Symposium on Interferon’, April 1967. The Symposium was organised at the request of Alick Isaacs, whodied in January 1967. The symposium was dedicated to his memory. E.49 1967-69 Shorter correspondence re ‘Dunant Coterie' Dinners, etc. (Chain gave a talk at a 'Dunant Coterie' Dinner in 1969, on the Independent University. See E.68.) E.50 1969 Correspondence re possible Chinese participation in a Ciba conference. 1970-71 Programme and correspondence re Study Group on 'Peptide Transport in Bacteria and Mammalian Gut', November 1971, and re 23rd Ciba Annual Lecture, given by H. Theorell, 1971. E, 1 E.52 1972-74 1977-79 re Symposium on 'Further perspectives in organic chemistry’ (to commemorate Sir Robert Robinson), February 1977, and other commemorative meetings. E.53 THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY 1965-75 General correspondence with members of the Conservative party, ministers and officials on the and technological research. organisation of scientific E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations 108 E.54 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY 1965-67 Working Party on Liaison between Universities and Government Research Establishments. The Working Party was set up under the Chairmanship of Sir Gordon Sutherland, and an interim report was produced in October 1965. to present a final report by June 1966. to serve on the committee in November 1965. of the Working Party was A.V. Cohen. It was then decided to expand the committee Chain was invited The Secretary Papers include invitation to serve, notices of meetings, material especially re German university and research systems (includes draft 'Comments' on the subject prepared by Chain), correspondencere drafting of report, letter of thanks for service. E.35 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS 1967-68 Joint Manpower Committee. Chain served as one of the Royal Society representatives on the committee, which was set up 'to review and analyse the various manpowerreports and surveys in relation to the future needs of industry'. The Chairman was Sir Eric Mensforth. Material includes invitation to serve, correspondence anddrafts of report, final revised version entitled 'Engineers, Technolo- gists and Scientists in the National Economy'. E.56 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY 1969, 1975-76 Correspondence 1969 is re Medicines Commission. Correspondence 1975-76 is with Minister (D. Owen), advisers and colleagues re medical research policy. E.57 DEPARTMENT OF ‘SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (DSIR) 1963-65 Mainly concerned with grant of £100,000 made by DSIR to Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, for Chain's research on ‘Fermentation Biochemistry and Technology and Biosynthetic Mechanisms in Micro-Organisms' . Continued E.B, Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.57 (Cont'd.) 109 Societies and organisations Includes correspondence, details of grant budget, claims and statements ofaccount, etc. and a note by Chain on a new Postgraduate Course in Biochemistry to start in October 1966. Also included here is brief correspondencere visit of Russian scientists, 1964. E.58 EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLO GY 1963 The Society was formed in 1963. international organising committee, and the first President. Chain was a memberof the Correspondence re formation of society, ms. draft of Chain's ‘Opening address, introducing Professor Otto Warburg’ at first public meeting of society. Reprint of printed version, published in Progr. biochem. Pharmacol. 1, 1965. See E.60, G.190, K.236. Also included here is brief correspondence re newly-founded Pakistan Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Thera- peutics, 1963. Eno? EVOLUTION PROTEST MOVEMENT 1970-75 Correspondence, mainly re request to quote from Chain's article on 'Social responsibility and the scientist’ . E.60 FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES (FEBS) 1964 Correspondence and papersre first meeting of the Federation, March 1964. The European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology applied for membership of the Federation at this meeting (see E.58). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 110 Societies and organisations E.61*E..63 THE FLEMING MEMORIAL FUND FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH 1959-64 E.6] E.62 Chain was one of the founding members of the Council of the Fund (see letter of 19 March 1959 in E.61). General correspondence re launching, organisation, publicity, etc. of the Fund, 1959. N.B. incoming letters survive. Almost all of this is Chain's carbons only; few Announcement of grant of £50,000 from Fleming Fund to Chain for research on 'The study of regulatory mechanisms' and on 'The study of metabolic reactions in nervous tissue’, 1963. Copy of minutes of 24th and Final Meeting of Executive Com- mittee, 1963. E.63 Correspondence re applications for research grants, submitted to Chain for comment, 1964. E.64 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) 1954, 1963 Brief correspondence 1954 re lecture to be given by Chain in Rome. Correspondence and papers 1963 re meeting held in Rome in March 1963 to publicise Freedom from Hunger Campaign. Includes programme, list of participants, discussion of manifesto to be issued, Chain's carbons of letters to colleagues sending copies of the amendedversion of the manifesto. E65 FUNDACION GENERAL MEDITERRANEA (MIGUEL SERVET FUND) . 1974-77 The Fundacién, a philanthropic non-profit foundation, was established in 1971; the Miguel Servet Fund was created in April 1973 under the patronage of the Fundacién with the aim of assisting research in diseases of the heart. Chain served as Honorary Member of the Council. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.65 (Cont'd.) 111 Societies and organisations Material includes invitation to serve, arrangements for meetings, conferences, awards of Miguel Servet Prizes, and little scientific correspondence. Chain gave his lecture on 'Government, the Medical Sciences and the People’ at the Fundacién's meeting in October 1975 (see J.163). Includes photographs taken at 1976 meeting. E.66-E.72 THE INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY 1968-75 Chain was a member of the Planning Board (see letter of 3 February 1969 in E.67): his brother-in-law Max (later Lord) Beloff becamethe first Principal of the Independent University when it was established at Buckingham in 1974. The material deals with the early organisation, funding, manifestos, meetings and conferences, publicity and launching for the project and includes some committee papers. E.66 E.67 E.68 E.69 E.70 EF] 1968 1969 1969 Ms. draft and typescript version of talk by Chain on the Independent University, given at the Dunant Coterie Dinner Meeting, Ciba Foundation, October 1969. related correspondence. With little 1970 197] 1972 Correspondence with Dr. M.L. Zarnitz. E.72 1973-75 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 112 E./3-E.75 INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY 1964-74 Societies and organisations E./3 E.74 Chain was invited to become a Fellow in 1964 and was made an Honorary Fellow in 1966. General correspondence 1964-74 on the affairs of the Institute, elections, meetings, etc. Symposium on ‘Biology and the Manufacturing Industries’, London, 29 and 30 September 1966. Folder includes correspondence re arrange- Chain was invited to take the Chair for the first session of the Symposium. ments, typescript drafts of Chain's introductory remarks, and of the report of Chain's speech and the discussions in which he took part, sent to him for correction prior to publication (Academic Press). E./5 Conference on 'Improving the contacts between industry and university’, held at the Royal Society, 1 December 1967. Chain was asked to give a short talk on 'Academic biologists as consultants to industry'. Folder includes correspondence re arrangements and part of typescript drafts of Chain's talk, for publication in the Institute's Journal. E.76 THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS LTD. 1968-79 General correspondence with R. Harris (General Director) on the affairs of the Institute. E.77 THE INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS 1963 Brief correspondence re formation of a Working Party on Biochemical Engineering. E.78 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES (IAMS) 1963 Correspondence and papers re formation of a Section on ‘Economics and Applied Microbiology’. Chain was nominated as a Councilor. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 113 Societies and organisations E.79 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION 1974-79 (Founder: Sun Myung Moon) Correspondence 1974-79, mainly about the International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences (I.C.U.S.), and other activities organised by the Foundation. Chain was frequently pressed to accept invitations to participate in various ways in the work of the Foundation, but appears to have declined them all. Includes some printed matter and correspondence about the Foundation and its supporters, and the associated Unification Church. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN 1969 Correspondencere grant applications. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING (IOBB) 1968 Correspondencere establishment and aimsof the Organization. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRONMENT AND BIOPOLITICS 1970 Correspondence and information re foundation of the Academy and request for Chain's participation. E.80 E.81 E.82 E.83 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY 1968 Brief correspondence re 5th International Congress. E.84 THE IRAN SOCIETY 1978 Correspondence re Chain's election to Life Membership. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 114 Societies and organisations E85 THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1975 Correspondence with Chairman (A. Neuberger) and others on the affairs of the Institute. E.86 MEDICAL RESEARCH CLUB 1950-78 Chain was a member from 1946. Brief correspondence re subscriptions and meetings, including invitation to speak at the Club's meeting to commemorate Fleming's original 1929 paper on penicillin. E.87-E.112 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) 1950-76 Chain had many links with the Council. He was a member of some of its committees, a referee for grant applications, and on friendly terms with many administrative and scientific officers. The Council contributed to the funding of several of his research projects at Imperial College, sometimes in collaboration with other bodies such as the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Beecham Group, the Fleming Research Fund (qqv.). From the early 1970s Chain becameincreasingly critical of the direction of officially-funded medical research, which he considered too favourable to molecular biology at the expense of other disciplines. He waged vigorous polemical campaigns with MRC and others; see especially E.93-E.95 for material on this subject. E.87-E.92 E.93-E.95 General correspondence onaffairs of MRC 1950-76. Correspondence and papers on the organisation of medical research 1972-76. E.96-E.112 Chain's research projects funded by MRC 1961-73. E .87-E,92 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ON MRC AFFAIRS, 1950-76 E487 E.88 1950-54 Correspondence re lecture to MRC by Chain (January 1962), on some recent developments in chemical microbiology. Correspondence re Chain's service on Chemotherapy Com- mittee, 1962. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 iis Societies and organisations Correspondencere visit and lecture to MRC by Chain, October-November 1962. Includes ms. and typescript drafts of talk with provisional title 'Some contributions of chemical microbiology to biochemistry and medicine’. Correspondence with the Secretary, 1963, re Fellowship Fund for bringing foreign scientists to Britain. Correspondence with A. Isaacs, 1963. Miscellaneous references for grants, etc., 1970-75. E.89 E.90 Ev! EZ E.93-E.95 CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS ON THE ORGANISATION 1972-76 OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Chain felt very strongly that physiological biochemistry was becoming neglected in favour of molecular biology, and he lobbied vigorously against this trend. In particular, he pressed officials of the Department of Health and Social Security and of the Medied! Research Council on the subject, and a joint meeting was held at the Council on 22 July 1974. Amongthe papers discussed at the meeting was Chain's 'Future contributions from biochemistry to the advancement of medical research’, originally a talk given to a special meeting of the Council's Training Awards Committee in May 1972, when Chain first obtained a hearing for his views. in E.93. A copy is included See also E.104, E.105. Correspondence and papers exchanged with Department of Health and Social Security, leading up to Joint Meeting. 1972-74 Correspondence and papers exchanged with MRC including papers for Joint Meeting. 1973-74 Correspondence re MRC Cell Board on molecular biology and on EMBO. 1976 Correspondence with Secretary, 1976. E.93 E.94 E.95 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations 116 E-26-E.12 CHAIN'S RESEARCH PRO JECTS FUNDED BY MRC 1961-73 E.96-E.101 Metabolic Reactions Research Unit 1961-71 E:26 E.97 E.98 E.99 E.100 E.101 Correspondence 1961-62 with Secretary and officials exploring possibilities of setting up unit at Imperial College. Includes letters relating to lecture by H. Himsworth at Istituto, Rome, on the organisation of medical research in Britain. Correspondence 1963-64 re application for funding andits acceptance, press release, etc. Correspondence 1962-64 re staffing of unit. Correspondence 1967-68re ‘press visit’ for medical and science correspondents to of MRC, on 23 January 1968. press release and notices. Chain's unit, arranged at request Includes time-table ofvisit, Correspondence and papers 1968-69 re visit to Chain's unit of MRC Sub-Committee, on 5 March1969. Includes programme of visit, guest-list, miscellaneous drafts for Chain's introductory talk. Miscellaneous typescript reports on the work of the Metabolic Reactions Research Unit, 1965-67, 1969 (for visit in E.99 above), on apparatus, visits to U.S. laboratories, etc. E.102-E.105 Continuing metabolic research 1971-73 The MRC Metabolic Reactions Research Unit at the Biochemistry Department, Imperial College, was closed on 1 September 1971. Chain applied to the Council for funding for two research projects to continue the work of the Unit. The projects, to run 1 September 1971-31 August 1973 with possible extension for one further year, were: 'The mode of action of insulin’ 'The biogenesis of ergot alkaloids’ The Council did not accept these applications in full; although Chain was able to continue his research on insulin (partly from MRC Private Funds), his application to work on ergot was refused, as was his application for training grants for Ph.D. students. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.102-E.105 (Cont'd. ) 117 Societies and organisations These refusals prompted him to raise the question of the balance between molecular biology and physiological whole-animal biochemistry in U.K. research. A special meeting of the MRC Training Awards Committee was held on 10 May 1972 for which Chain prepared and spoke to a paper ‘Future contributions from biochemistry to the advancement of medical research’. See E.93-E.95 for similar material. E.102 'The mode of action of insulin’. Ms. drafts of application and background information, copy of application as sent 1971. E.103 'Production and biosynthesis of the ergot alkaloids’ Ms. drafts of application and background information, copy of application as sent 1971. E.104 Correspondence, October 1971-June 1972, re refusal of Chain's applications, and the special meeting of Training Awards Committee (includes committee papers) and corres- pondence after the meeting. E.105 Ms. and revised typescript versions of Chain's paper for the meeting. E.106-E.108 Non-specific immunity 1968-73 The first grant for this project was made in 1966 (starting date 1 March) but the original application does not survive. The papers deal with various renewals of the grant 1968-73. The research was a collaborative project with the MRC Common Cold Research Unit and with Beecham Research Laboratories. E.106 Miscellaneous drafts and revisions of application for renewal of grant, correspondence with MRC, Beecham and Imperial College officials on the matter, notification of support from MRC, December 1968-February 1969. E.107 Budget accounts, reports on research in progress, renewals of grant, etc., April 1969-December 1970. E.108 Similar material, December 1970-March 1973. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations E,109-E.112 Interferon Inducer Project, 1969-72 118 This was a collaborative project between MRC (funding Chain's team at the Biochemistry Department, Imperial College), Beecham Research Laboratories, the MRC Common Cold Research Unit, and researchers in other laboratories and institutions. General discussion of project, definition of fields of collabora- tion, preliminary meetings and visits, January-November 1969. Correspondence and drafts, January-June 1970, re terms of agreement between MRC, Beecham and Imperial College, progress reports, background information, copy of agreement as finally signed 2 June. Correspondence, etc., September-November 1970, re project, results, and re Chain's proposed paper (with Buck and Himmelweit) on ‘Interferon Induction in mice ...', published in J. gen. Virol. 12, 1971 (draft included) (Bibliog. 145). E.109 E.110 Ex tT E.112 Correspondence, etc., 1971, re project and renewal of grant, patents, etc. E.113-E.118 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD 1965-77 Chain was a memberof the Scientific Advisory Panel 1965-68, when the Panel was dissolved in favour of co-optation of 'independent scientists, where necessary, for particular investigations' (see Minister's letter of 28 June 1968 inE.115). Chain continued to act as adviser and to corres~ pond with Ministry officials on various problemsuntil 1977. Correspondence, references and material assembled 1965. on the subject of diseases due to bacteria and the use of antibiotics in food and feedstuffs. Correspondence and papers, including report by Chain 1967. on Zimpro Wet Sludge Oxidation Process, arrangements for Central Veterinary Laboratory Golden Jubilee, etc. 1968. Includes Minister's letter dissolving Panel. 1972, 1974 (on single cell protein). 1976-77, on microbial fermentation of straw. 1976-77, on 'vertical greenhouses’ . E.113 E.114 BE. ld Es P16 E.117 E.118 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 ey E.119 MINISTRY OF HEALTH 1961, 1968 Societies and organisations Correspondence 1961 is on pharmaceutical industry (Chain advised on the Italian pharmaceutical industry). Correspondence 1968 is re exchange of information on asparaginase. E.120 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY 1967 Correspondence, notes of meetings and application for research support (submitted jointly by Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, and Department of Medical Physics, Manchester University) for 'Project for the development of the spark chamber as a tool for the quantitative evaluation of mono and bidimensional paper and thin layer radiochromatograms, and for clinical use in ¥-cameras', 1967. E.121-E.129 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- TION (NRDC) 1969-76 Chain was invited to act as a consultant from 1 January 1970 (see E.121 for preliminary discussions and contract of service). The material is presented as a chronological sequence; it deals mainly with meetings, research projects, appointments, etc. and a brief indication is given of the principal topics in each Reports and background material of special relevance folder. have been retained as well as Chain's reports and comments on research. The Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, also partici- pated in an NRDCproject on 'Meat Tenderisation by Ante- Mortem Treatment', in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council's Meat Research Institute and others. first reference to this is in letter of 29 February 1972 (see E.124), and E.125-E.129 also refer. The E.121 1969. Correspondence re meetings and research projects. Preliminary discussions leading up to Chain's appointment as consultant 'within the fields of biochemistry (including chemical microbiology), pharmaceutical chemistry, bio- engineering and biochemical instrumentation’ (December 1969). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.122 1970 Societies and organisations 120 Gnotobiotic Technology Specific Polyelectrolytes Edible Proteins of Fungal Origin Viral Insecticides Medical Isolators E.123 1971 Viral Insecticides Specific Polyelectrolytes Fermentation Processes for Selected Ergot Alkaloids E.124 1972, January-April Viral Insecticides Meat Tenderisation by Ante-mortem Treatment (collaborative project with Imperial College and ARC's Meat Research Institute) Plant Suspension Cultures E.125 1972, June-November Meat Tenderisation E.126 1973, March-August Meat Tenderisation Letter to Chain of 20 March announces NRDC support for a two-year programme of work on the project, to be carried out at Imperial College and ARC Meat Research Institute. Also included is general correspondence re terms of contract, appointments, progress of research. Es 127 1973, September-November Meat Tenderisation E.128 1974 Meat Tenderisation (the project was closed in July) 1975-76 Meat Tenderisation Effluent Treatment with Tubular Reactor Antibiotic from Ps Cocovenenans E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 121 E.131, E.132 THE NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1969-71 Societies and organisations E.131 E.132 General correspondence on the affairs of the Foundation, grant applications, research fellowship project,etc. 1969-71 Correspondence and papers re Second Food Safety Conference, organised by the Foundation and held at Churchill College, Cambridge, 14-17 July 1969. The opening paper, on 'The need for more biochemical information in the field of food safety evaluation', was to have been given by A.C. Frazer, who died suddenly on 14 June. Chain presented the paper, with an introductory tribute to Frazer. Chain's tribute, and his contribution to the dis- cussion, were published in the conference proceedings. Material includes programme, list of participants, typescript of Frazer's paper, ms. and typescript versions of Chain's tribute and contribution, correspondence re conference and publication of proceedings as a book 'Metabolic Aspects of Food Safety’. E.133 THE NUTRITION SOCIETY 1972 Brief correspondence re a symposium held by the Scottish Group of the Society. E.134 OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS 1963-78 Chain was an Honorary Adviser (see letter of 1 January 1964, and E.219). General correspondence with G. Teeling-Smith (Director) re publications, meetings and affairs of the organisation. E.135 PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION 1973-77 Folder contains correspondence re arrangements Chain was asked to serve on the Advisory Committee on Medical Research for 4 years from 1973 (letter 22 February 1973). for annual meetings of the Committee in Washington, 1973-75. Chain was unable to attend the meeting in 1976 because of other commitments. remarks at the 1973 and 1974 meetings, with Chain's ms. corrections. Also included are transcripts of Chain's E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 122 Societies and organisations E.136 THE PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 1973 Brief correspondence only re meeting. E.137-E.145 PAUL EHRLICH FOUNDATION 1959-79 Chain was awarded the Paul Ehrlich Prize, and gave the Paul Ehrlich Lecture, in 1954, Ehrlich's Centenary Year (see A.90-A.94). This award gave him great pleasure. He became a memberof the Council of the Foundation (Stiftungsrat) and played an active part in meetings of the Council and in the nomination and recommendation of candidates for prizes; he also, whenever possible, attended the annual prize-giving ceremonies at Frankfurt on 14 March (Ehrlich's birthday). Formal circular letters to members of the Council re meetings, recommendations and elections, etc. have been discarded as a complete record of deliberations is held at the Paul Ehrlich Foundation. addressed to and conducted by Chain personally, including recommendations, elections and meetings in which he was actively concerned. The folders below contain correspondence The correspondence is mainly conducted with scientific colleagues and with successive Secretaries of the Foundation, but also includes letters from members of the Ehrlich family. An explanatory booklet about the Foundation is included for information in E.137. 1959-64 1965-66 Includes correspondence with and re F. Peyton Rous. 1967 1968-70 1971-73 1974 E.137 E.138 E.139 E.140 E.141 E.142 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.143 1975 Societies and organisations 123 Correspondence with colleagues re research on cell fusion. E.144 E.145 1976-77 1978-79 Includes arrangements for Chain to give farewell address to outgoing Secretary. E.146 PAUL EHRLICH INSTITUTE 1952, 1955, 1961-62 Brief scientific correspondence 1952, 1955 with Director of Institute, R. Prigge. Correspondence 1961-62 re Prigge's successor as Director. E.147 E.148 THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN 1955, 1975 Brief correspondenceonly. PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS (and BRITISH PUGWASH GROUP) 1970, 1971 Brief correspondence only. E.149-E.155 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS 1972-79 The prizes were distributed by the Rank Science Trust, the establishment of which was announced in April 1972. Chain was a member of the Committee on Nutrition (Chairman: A. Spicer). The material relates mainly to arrangements for committee meetings, applications for awards, symposia organised by the Rank Prize Funds, etc. E.149 1972 Includes invitation to serve on committee and initial arrange- ments for organising Funds. Also included here is a letter of thanks from Joseph Rank to Chain for his obituary of Lord Rank (April 1972). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 124 Societies and organisations 1973 1974 Includes material re Symposium on 'Bread' held in September . (Chain chaired a session and edited trancripts for publication. ) 1975 1976 1977 E.150 E.151 E.152 E.153 E.154 Includes material re International Symposium on 'The Diet of Man - Needs and Wants', held in April 1977. (Chain chaired a session. ) E.155 1978-79 Includes brief correspondence re International Symposium on 'Food Chains and Human Nutrition’, held in April 1979. (Chain was to chair a session but declined for reasons ofill- health.) E.156 THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 1949 Correspondencere request for Foundation support for work with D. Bovet at Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome. E.157 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 1965-72 General correspondence and papers. Includes Chain's election as an Honorary Fellow (1965), 450th Anniversary Appeal (1968), and exchange of views on the organisation of biochemical research and the Research Councils (1971-72). convened small dinner-party to discuss the subject and a typescript of his remarks is included. Chain addressed guests at a specially- In 1964 Chain gave the Oliver-Sharpey Lecture at the College (see G.51). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 125 Societies and organisations E.158 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 1975 Brief correspondence only, re Louis Rey. E,.159 THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY 1954 Brief correspondence, chiefly re publication of lectures by Chain. E.160 THE ROYAL INSTITUTION 1965 Correspondence 1965 re Evening Party to celebrate 50th Anniversary of Award of Nobel Prize to Sir Lawrence Bragg. See also K.188 (Porter, G.) E.161 ROYAL POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL 1964, 1971-74 Correspondence 1964 is a brief note re speakers for Symposium. Correspondence 1971-74 is on the affairs of the Committee of Management on which Chain served as a co-opted member. In 1974 the School was granted a new Royal Charter which established a School Council in place of the former Committee. E.162-E.183 THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1954-79 For Chain's election to the Fellowship of the Society, see A.85, A.86. E.162-E.170 Committees, meetings, symposia E.171-E.176 Elections E.177-E.183 General correspondence on affairs of the Society E.162-E.170 COMMITTEES, MEETINGS, SYMPOSIA E.162 Letter of appointment as Royal Society representative on the Grand Council, British Empire Cancer Campaign (later Cancer Research Campaign, q.v.), 1964. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 126 E.163 E.164 E.165 Societies and organisations Papers re Use and Management of Biological Resources Sub- committee of the British National Committee for the Inter- national Biological Programme, 1967-72. The Chairman of the Subcommittee was N.W. Pirie, and there is earlier correspondence with Pirie from 1963. Papers re Mullard Award. Advisory Committee. from the Beecham Research Laboratories for the 1971 Award (for work on semi-synthetic penicillins). Includes Chain's nomination of a team Chain served on the Standing Discussion meeting on U.K. participation in European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), October 1969. programme, background papers, ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's contribution to discussion. Includes For Discussion meeting on 'Penicillin ard related antibiotics - past, present and future', organised by Chain and E.J. Stokes and held 20-21 May 1971, see B.73-B. 84. E.166 E.167-E.169 Correspondence and papers re 'A Framework for Government Research and Development’ (the "Rothschild Report") 1971-72. Includes Chain's letters to Officers of the Society, papers and minutes of the Royal Society Industrial Activities Committee (Chain was a member) commenting on the Report, corres- pondence re Select Parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology, and later correspondence with Rothschild, April- June 1972. Discussion meeting on 'Food Technology in the 1980s', May 1974, organised by Chain, S.A. Goldblith, L. Rey and A. Spicer. The meeting arose from discussion at June 1972 meeting of the Royal Society Industrial Activities Committee, and the papers were published in Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 191 (Bibliog. 170). 3 folders as follows: E.167 E.168 1973 Preliminary discussions and arrangements, scope of meeting, invitations to speakers, provisional programme. 1974 Continuing correspondencere arrangements, time-tabling, letters of invitation and thanks, includes some abstracts of papers and copy of Chain's 'Concluding remarks’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.169 1975 Societies and organisations 127 Mainly correspondence re publication in the Society's Proceedings, and the paper on ‘Engineered Food! given by E.F. Binkerd (substituting for J.V. Luck) which was omitted from the publication. A copy of the paper as delivered, . with accompanying photographs, is enclosed. E.170 Termination of service on National Committee for Biochemistry, 1976. Correspondence on new technologies, 1978. Correspondence on Joint Working Party on Biotechnology, 1979 (Chain was to give evidence to the Working Party on 6 September 1979, but died the previous month). For correspondence on Discussion meeting 'Penicillin 50 years after Fleming’, see B.90. E.171-E.176 ELECTIONS E.171 E.172 E.173 E.174 E.175 E.176 1954-60 1963-70 1971-78 1971-74 1972-77 1974 E.177-E.183 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ON AFFAIRS OF THE SOCIETY E.177 E.178 E.179 E.180 1963-66 Correspondencere Royal Society/Israel Academy scheme for the exchange of scientists, 1970. 1970 Correspondence and papers re Royal Society Club, 1970-72, 1978 (and one letter 1958), E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.181 E.182 E.183 128 Societies and organisations Brief correspondence and papersre visits of Russian scientists arranged under Royal Society's exchange agreement with the USSR Academy of Sciences. Various dates, 1971-79. Correspondence re Appeal fund, 1974. 1977-78. E.184 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS 1972, 1974 Brief correspondence only. E.185 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH 1969 Correspondence re award of Gold Medal to A. Sabin. E.186 THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE 1961-79 General correspondence on the affairs of the Society. Correspondence 1968 refers to award of Jephcott Medal to Chain. Correspondence 1969 refers to Chain's election as Honorary Fellow of the Society. Correspondence 1977-79 includes requests for an editorial on virus chemotherapy and Chain's reasons for considering the time premature. E.187 ST. MICHAEL'S FOUNDATION LTD. 1972-74, 1977 Chain was a member of the Council of Management. Correspondence and papers 1972-74 is mainly re St. Michael's Medical Services Ltd. and proposed St. Michael's Hospital for diseases of heart and circulation. Correspondence 1977 includes announcement of the winding-up of the Foundation. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 IZ E.188 SAINT-VINCENT INTERNATIONALPRIZE 1978-79 Societies and organisations Includes invitation to serve on committee for the Seventh Saint-Vincent International Prize for Medical Science (instituted in 1950), and Chain's recommendation of Sir John Charnley for the prize. E.189-E.196 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) 1968-73 Correspondence and papers on general SRC policy and support for projects in areas of biochemical research and the biological sciences, including Chain's reports on applications for research grants from SRC Biological Sciences Committee. E.189 July 1968-January 1969 Mainly correspondence with the Secretary (Professor (now Lord) Flowers) and with colleagues re increased support for biochemical research and Chain's proposal for a Biochemistry Committee of SRC. Chain 'Arguments for increased support of basic biochemical research by the SRC', and his views on the report of the SRC's Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Panel. Includes an earlier (1966) paper by Correspondence October 1968 re SRC Grant for Fermentation Biochemistry in Chain's Departmentat Imperial College. Correspondence and papers re meeting held at SRC to discuss "Industrial Biology’, 3 April 1969. Includes discussion papers prepared for meeting (Chain's was entitled 'The case for support by the SRC of long term research projects in the field of industrial biology’), minute of meeting and Chain's comments on it. Continuing correspondence re SRC Working Party on Industrial Biology, Biological SciencesCommittee, and Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Committee, August-October 1969. Chain's reports on grant applications for SRC Biological Sciences Committee, February 1970. Correspondence and papers, mainly re SRC interim Report on Developmental Biology, August- November 1970. Includes correspondence with colleagues, and comments on Report by Chain, and by L. Wolpert. E190 E. 171 E, 192 E.193 E.194 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 130 Societies and organisations E.195 Correspondence and papers re funding of Chain's Advanced M.Sc. Course in Microbial Biochemistry and Fermentation Technology, February-December 1972. Included here is a ms. draft letter on similar subject, n.d. and perhapsearlier. E.196 Chain's reports on grant applications for SRC's Biological Sciences Committee, 1973. BE. 197 SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH 1978-79 Chain was invited to serve as a memberof the Board of Scientific Consultants from July 1978. Correspondence re arrangements for meetings of the Board in October 1978 and March 1979. E.198 SOCIETA CHIMICA ITALIANA 1952-62 General correspondence re conferences, invitations to lecture, conferral of Honorary Membership (1958). Ey l?? SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE VETERINARIE 1954-55 Brief correspondence re lecture at congress. E.200 SOCIETA ITALIANA DI CHEMIOTERAPIA 1953-63 Chain was one of the founder members, and a memberof Council (1953) and Honorary President (1963). E.201 SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MICROBIOLOGIA 1958 Brief correspondence re conference. E.202 SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE FARMACEUTICHE 1958-59 Brief correspondence only re congress. E .B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Societies and organisations 131 E.203 SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING 1965-66 Correspondence re formation of Society. Chain was one of its sponsors and was asked to serve as co-treasurer, but declined from pressure of work. E.204 SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY 1979 Brief correspondence, May 1979, re Chain's nomination as one of the Society's first Honorary Members. E.205 SOCIETY FOR DRUG RESEARCH 1971 Correspondence 1971, mainly re Symposium on Interferon Inducers’, organised by Society, 27 October 1971. Chain was one of the Chairmen and spoke on 'Double stranded ribonucleic acids as interferon inducers’. E.206 SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLO GY 1951-79 Includes correspondence re Symposium on ‘Antibiotics: Structure and Function', September 1963 (Chain gave the opening speech on ‘Retrospect and Prospect') and Symposium on ‘Biochemical Activities of Antimicrobial Drugs', April 1966. E.207-E.216 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1958-70 E.207 E.208 E.207-E.210 deal with the VIIIth National Congress of the Societa Chimica Italiana held jointly with the Society of Chemical Industry, Turin, 26 May-2 June 1958. Italian organisers were Marotta and Chain. The Correspondence 1958 re Congress with colleagues, invitations to speak or attend, letters of thanks, publication, etc. A little scientific correspondence is included. Correspondence 1958-59, mainly with Editor, Chemistry and Industry, re publication of material about Congress, and of its papers. Includes an article by Marotta on Istituto Superiore di Sanita, and also correspondence with Editor, Manufacturing Chemist. A little correspondence re award of C.B.E. to Marotta is also included. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 E.209 E.210 E.211 132 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous typescript and ms. drafts of Chain's account of the Congress, for publication in Chemistry and Industry. Ms. draft of speech by Chain introducing Sir Robert Robinson. Printed programme, speeches, menus, etc. Correspondence 1959, mainly re meeting of the Society in Glasgow when Hon. Membership was conferred on Marotta. Includes biographical notes on Marotta prepared by Chain. E.212 Shorter correspondence 1960 E.213 E.214 E.215 E.216 Miscellaneous invitations to Chain to lecture to various Groups of the Society, 1961-68. Invitation to give the Lister Memorial Lecture (given in Edinburgh, 28 May 1965) and arrangements, 1963-65. Correspondence 1961-63 re Second International Fermentation Symposium, held in London 1964. Chain andhis collaborators contributed their paper on Aeration Studies IV (Bibliog. 119). Also included here is brief correspondence 1966 re meeting on cephalosporin. Correspondence and papers re Symposium on 'The isolation and applications of microbial enzymes', London, September 1968. Includes programme, and ms. and typescript versions of Chain's introductory remarks. Correspondence and papers re Symposium on 'Keys to Industrial Fermentation Development', held at Imperial College, June 1970. Chain chaired the meeting and led the discussion. E.217 UNESCO 1975 Correspondence re ‘Rencontre pourI'universalité de I'UNESCO’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 133 E.218 USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1975-79 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous correspondence, 1975-79, mainly with Secretary, G.K. Skryabin. Correspendence 1975 refers to Chain's visit to Russia for celebrations of 250th Anniversary of Academy. Correspondence 1976 refers to Chain's election to Honorary Membership of Academy. See also A.170, H.59. Correspondence 1976-79 refers to research, publications, etc. E.219 THE WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD. 1961-65, 1972 General correspondence with Directors of the Foundation re visits, collaboration, etc. Includes correspondence 1963 re link with Sclavo (q.v.) and invitation to Chain 1964 to serve on Advisory Panel, Office of Health Economics (see E.134). E.220 THE WELLCOME RESEARCH LABORATORIES 1957-64, 1976 General correspondence with Directors and research scientists re exchanges of specimens and information, visits to laboratories, etc. E.221 THE WELLCOME TRUST 1966-77 Correspondence mainly re grant applications supported by or referred to Chain. E.222 WORLD FEDERATION OF DOCTORS WHO RESPECT HUMANLIFE 1975, 1976 Brief correspondence only, re conferences organised by the British Section. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 134 E.223-E.237 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) 1948-74 Societies and organisations The International Research Centre of Chemical Chain's connection with WHO began in 1948. He served on the Expert Committee on Antibiotics (later designated Expert Advisory Panel on Antibiotics) from its inception in 1950. Microbiology at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita was one of the research stations affiliated to the WHO, accepting WHO Fellows for research and training. Many of the conferences organised by Chain in Rome (see Section C) were held under the auspices of this scheme. From 1971 the Expert Advisory Panel on Antibiotics was integrated in the Expert Advisory Panel on Biological Standardization on which Chain was invited to serve. E.223 Copies of correspondence, 1948, re lectures on penicillin given in Czechoslovakia by Chainon behalf of WHO. E.224 January-February 1949 Mainly re arrangements for meeting at Geneva, February 1949, 'to determine aspects of the way in which WHO and ECE Cieonerite Commission for Europe] can assist in getting the UNRRA donated penicillin plants into operation’. Chain attended as an Expert Consultant. Includes Report on the findings of the meeting. E.225 April-December 1949 E.226 E.227 Includes correspondence re formation of an Expert Committee on Antibiotics, and plansfor establishmentin the Istituto Superiore di Sanita of a Centre for research and training in antibiotics, with funding from WHO. Some correspondence re Podbielniak extractors, and re penicillin research in Czechoslovakia and Poland, is also included. Miscellaneous WHO research reports on antibiotics, 1948-49. January-March 1950 Mainly re arrangements for first meeting of Expert Committee on Antibiotics, Geneva, 11-15 April. agenda, memoranda by Chain and by S.A. Waksman, committee papers (with WHO report on ‘Training and research facilities in Antibiotics' at Istituto). Includes drafts of Chain was elected Chairman of the committee at this meeting. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 135 Societies and organisations E.228 April-May 1950 Includes draft and final versions of report on the committee meeting. E.229 June-August 1950 re Committee, WHO Fellowships at Rome, criticisms of Expert Committee's report. E.290 September-November 1950 te WHO Fellowships, penicillin plant in India, etc. E.23] 195] Includes letter, 21 January, inviting Chain to serve on Expert Advisory Panel on Antibiotics which replaced former ‘expert committee’, and correspondence re proposedvisit by Chain to U.S.A. (letter of 16 March gives briefing). In the event, the visit was cancelled by WHO and Chain's U.S. visa was refused (see E. 232). Folder also includes material on Indian penicillin project and symposium at Rome. E.232 1952-53 Correspondence and papers re refusal of a U.S. visa to Chain and the cancellation of his WHO visit in 1951 (see E.231 above). Includes 16 pp. account prepared by Chain ofhis relations with WHO, penicillin plants from UNRRA, etc. originally intended for publication in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists but was sent to the U.S. State Department via the Science Attaché. Also includes press-cuttings. The account was E.233 1952 Correspondence re symposium, visa, publications, etc. E.234 1953-60 Correspondence re renewal of service on panel, symposium, meetings, etc. E.23o 1966 Correspondence re WHO Fellows wishing to work in Chain's Department at Imperial College. EB. Chetn CSAC 92/3/83 136 Societies and organisations E.236 1967-71 Correspondencere renewal of service, visits, etc. E.237 1971-74 Correspondencere service on Expert Advisory Panel on Biological Standardization, WHO circulars on rauwolfia, etc. E.238 WYNDHAM PLACE TRUST 1969, 1972 Brief correspondence only, re meetings. CSAC 92/3/83 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR ERNST BORIS CHAIN FRS (1906 - 1979) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham- Jackson VOLUME II Sections F - J Deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London 1983 All rights reserved E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 137 SECTION F INDUSTRIAL CONSULTANCIES AND COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH F.1 - F.346 INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF CONTENTS Section F reflects Chain's continuing contact with a wide range of industrial firms. Although not all of the companies listed here had a formal consultancy agreement with him, most of them sought his advice at one time or another and they have been included as part of the general picture of industrial collaboration. The largest group of papers (F.44 - F.174) relates to Chain's consultancy with the Beecham Group which culminated in 1959 with the isolation of 6-amino- penicillanic acid (the 'nucleus' of the penicillin molecule). Chain continued to be associated with the Beecham Group until his death in 1979 and the surviving papers document the extent of his involvement with the expansion of their research effort after 1959 as well as his friendly personal contacts, particularly with H.G. Lazell (Chairman 1958 - 68). Attention is also drawn to the very full record of Chain's collaboration with Astra from 1948 to 1957, a period for which documentation in other parts of the collection is rather patchy. Many of Chain's contacts with industry resulted in the funding of collabora- tive research projects conducted in his laboratory, both in Rome and, particularly, at Imperial College. Correspondence re the negotiation and administration of such collaborative projects is to be found both here (see the references to this Section under 'Imperial College’ in the General Index) and in Section D, especially D.127 - D.130. Inevitably, with so many contacts in the industrial world, Chain was often responsible for initiating collaborative projects between the various firms with whom he was associated. Such links are noted, but not generally cross-referenced in the catalogue entries which follow. Instead, each firm is included in the General Index with a list of references to this and other sections of the catalogue where appropriate. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL INC. ADVISORY SERVICES (CLINICAL & GENERAL) LTD. AFICO LTD. ALTHEA S.p.A. AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY ANICS.p.A. NESTLE see ANTIBIOTICOS S.A. ASSORENI ASTRA BAYER BEECHAM GROUPLTD. BIOCHEMIE GMBH BRISTOL LABORATORIES INC. BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) PROTEINS LTD. CALMIC LTD. CARLO ERBA CIBA-GEIGY LTD. COGER S.p.A. CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD. EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM ENI (ENTE NAZIONALE IDROCARBURI) FARMITALIA FISONSLTD. GALENIKA GRUNENTHAL (CHEMIE GRUNENTHAL GMBH) HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LTD. HOECHST (FARBWERKE HOECHST AG) IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (I.C.1.) ISF S.p.A. ISRAEL PENICILLIN AND BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS CO. ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO E VACCINO GENO TOSCANO "SCLAVO"S.p.A. 138 F -I-F.3 -4-F.6 e e w s o e e e e e e e e e e e e s 7 8 x) 10 WW .12-F.41 42, F.43 A4-F 174 175 .176-F.178 .179 .180, F.181 .182 .183 184 £185 .186 .187 .188-F.190 .191-F. 200 201 . 202 .203-F.211 21 2°F 215 -216-F.218 .219-F. 227 228 229 230 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research 139 .231-F.233 234, F235 .236-F.251 .252-F . 257 .258-F . 267 268 .269-F.281 ,282-F 292 .293-F 297 .298-F . 310 311 .312, F.313 .314-F.324 N T T T T H T 7 F T T o H T H T 7 0 6 0 7 1 7 7 2 1 7 1 7 " 1 -325 N T 326 7 -327 1 7 1 .328-F . 330 n m 33] 332 . 333, F.334 N T ~335 7 .336-F. 342 1 7 . 343, F.344 " 1 345 LEPETIT S.p.A. LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, ELI LILLY AND CO. MARKS AND SPENCER LTD. MERCK SHARP & DOHME MONTECATINI EDISON S.p.A. (later MONTEDISON) NATIONAL DRUG COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY(N,1.0.C.) NESTLE ALIMENTANAS.A. PFIZER (CHAS. PFIZER & CO. INC.) PFLEGER (DR. R. PFLEGER CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH) PULLMAN ASSOCIATES GMBH RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LTD. RANKS HOVIS McDOUGALLLTD. REVLON INC. RICHARDSON-MERRELLINC, ROCHE PRODUCTSLTD. LABORATO IRE ROGER BELLON SANDOZLTD. SCLAVO see LABORATORI BIOCHIMICO-FARMACEUTICI SMIT SMITH KLEINE & FRENCH LABORATORIESLTD, WM. UNDERWOOD CO. see UPJOHN INTERNATIONALINC, USIFROID (SOCIETE D'UTILISATION SCIENTIFIQUE ET _—*F. 230 see USV AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIELLE DU FROID) USV PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION WALLACE LABORATORIES WESTFALIA SEPARATOR LTD. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 140 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.1-F.3 AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL INC. 1971-73, 1979 Chain was introduced to the President of Ac'cent's parent company, Wm. Underwood Co. by S.A. Goldblith in October 1971, and asa resu!t he invited Chain to visit Ac'cent's fermentation plant at San José, California, in January 1972. as a basis for several further discussions, but in August 1973 Wm. Underwood Co. negotiated the sale of Ac'cent to the Stauffer Chemical Company. Chain's report on this visit was used Correspondence (mainly with President, Wm. Underwood Co.) re arrangements for Chain's visit to San José. Includes one letter from the President of Ac'cent with miscellaneous background information on personnel, production processes, etc. Chain's 8 pp. typescript 'Report on Visit to the Ac'cent MSG Plant in San José, California’ (on 10 and 11 January 1972), with miscellaneous letters to President, Wm. Underwood Co. and others. Correspondence with the Presidents of Wm. Underwood Co. and Ac'cent, January 1972-September 1973 (and one letter, 1979). Includes various arrangements fort meetings, 1972, and announcement of Wm. Underwood Co.'s decision to sell Ac'cent in 1973. F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4-F.6 ADVISORY SERVICES (CLINICAL & GENERAL) LTD. 1971-74, 1977-79 Correspondence from the Managing Director (R. Kohn), including copies of letters to colleagues at Farmitalia, Carlo Erba and Nestlé re various scientific investigations undertaken by his company. Manyof the letters also contain arrangements with Chain for musical and social activities. F.4 Fo Pad January 1971-April 1973 May 1973 July 1973-Janvary 1974, 1977, 1979 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 141 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F7 ALTHEA S.p.A. 1955 Correspondence, April-July 1955, re problems experienced with a tomato concentrate, marketed under the brand name "Fiordagosto’. F.8 AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY 1968-69 Chain acted as expert witness for the Company in patent infringement proceedings. Correspondence with patent agents and legal representa- tives. other related papers. Includes Chain's draft 'Proof of Evidence’, and F.9 ANIC S.p.A. 1978 Brief correspondence and report on interferon research in Japan. See also ENI. ANTIBIOTICOS, S.A. 1959, 1961, 1969 Brief correspondence only. and future visits by Chain to the Antibioticos laboratories. 1969 letter refers to past ASSORENI (Associazione per la ricerca scientifica fra le societa del Gruppo ENI) 1979 Reports in English and Italian of meeting in London, April 1979, to discuss 'ENI Interferon Project’, brief corres- pondencere visit to Rome in May, andletter outlining further progress of the project, June 1979. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 142 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.12-F.41 ASTRA 1948-79 Chain's first contacts with Astra appear to date from the end of 1945, although his formal collaboration began in 1946 (see F.12). The documentation for the very early period is unfortunately rather sparse, but from mid- 1948 until the end of 1957 there is a very full range of correspondence relating mainly to the development of penicillin production processes. exchangesof information, laboratory specimens and results, drawings of equipment, arrangements for meetings and visits and a little personal correspondence. The material includes After 1958 the surviving papers are very sparse (Chain's carbons only, 1958-59 and less than half a dozen letters for the whole of the 1960s), but there is a further sequence from 1976-79 when Chain was asked to advise on Astra's proposed links with Iran. The brochure ‘Astra and Antibiotics', a draft of which is now at F.38, includes photographs of Chain and a summary accountof his collaboration with the Astra Group. See also K.5. 3 letters from B. Sjdgren and H. Berlin, April and July 1946, re detailed planning of penicillin plant and arrange- ments for meeting in Oxford. 1, 2and 5. The letters are numbered 3 letters from E. Sperber, June-July 1948, with details of fermentation runs and arrangements for Chain to visit the Astra laboratories in August. Also included is a letter from H. Berlin thanking Chain for past collaboration and 1 p. ms. notes. Correspondence with Sperber and SjSgren, October 1948- January 1949. December and letter from Sjdgren enclosing summary of discussions during Chain's visit and report on subsequent experiments. Includes arrangements for visit by Chain in Summaries of further discussions at Astra laboratories on research in progress, January-February 1949, sent to Chain for information. F.14 F.15 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 143 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with Sjégren and Sperber, February- April 1949, including comments and reports on fermenta- tion runs. Correspondence May-July 1949, mainly re penicillin patents. Includes arrangements for visit by Chain in August. Correspondence September-December 1949, mainly re details of penicillin production process. cussion of possible collaboration with the Czechoslovakian Government. Includes dis- Correspondence February-June 1950, re progress with penicillin production and methods of air filtration. Includes personal letter from H. Berlin. Correspondence July-November 1950. Includes arrange- ments for a visit to Rome by Sperber in September and for Chain's visit to Stockholm with Professor Marotta and his daughter in December. Correspondence February-November 1951. exchange re difficulty of obtaining Podbielniak extractors and arrangements for visit to Rome by Sjégren in October. Includes Correspondence April-December 1952. ments for visit by Chain in September, negotiations re royalties on sales of benamide penicillin and discussion of possible co-operation with the Danish company Roskilde. Includes arrange- Correspondence January-February 1953, mainly re arrangements for meeting in Copenhagen to discuss co-operation with Roskilde. diagrams. Includes related ms. and typescript notes and Correspondence March-December 1953, re arrangements for meetings and visits, details of penicillin production, etc. See also F.25. Correspondence re penicillin patents, June-December 1953. Further correspondence re penicillin patents, January-June 1954. a visit to Sweden in March, and extracts from 2 wartime penicillin reports. Includes arrangements for Chain to give evidence during E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 144 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.27 Correspondence, April -October 1954, mainly re details of penicillin production process. Correspondence, November 1954-January 1955, including arrangements for visit to the Astra laboratories by A. Tonolo andR. Falini to advise on penicillin production problems, and related correspondence. Correspondence, February-December 1955. ments on fermentation results, more re penicillin patents, and arrangements for ordering copies of the 10-litre fermenters used in Chain's laboratory in Rome. Includes com- Correspondence, January-June 1956. correspondence with Italian firm supplying the fermenters and arrangementsfor visit to the Astra laboratories by G. Gualandi to make aeration measurements. Includes copies of Correspondence, July-December 1956. of Gualandi's results and further correspondence with firm supplying the fermenters. Includes evaluation Correspondence, January-May 1957. Includes drawings of fermentation equipment and arrangements for a Swiss micro- biologist to work for 3 months in Chain's laboratory before taking up employment at Astra. Correspondence, June-November 1957. re award of Nobel Prize to D. Bovet (see also C.53). Includes brief exchange Correspondence, January 1958-December 1959. second copies of Chain's letters only as the original Astra file for this period does not seem to have survived. letter of 19 Decemberrefers to the discovery of penicin in the Beecham Research Laboratories and subsequent correspondence comments on the progress of negotiations for research collabora- tion between Astra and the Beecham Group. These are Chain's Correspondence, 1960-64 and n.d. A few scattered letters only, mainly from Sjdgren. research in collaboration with the Beecham Research Laboratories. Includes several references to Brief correspondence with B. Sjéberg, 1973 (request to see Chain during a visit to London) and 1975 (invitation to Chain to come to Astra during visit to Sweden in December). A letter from Sjdgren's widow following his death in 1973 is also included here. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 145 F.37 F.38 F.39 F.40 F.41 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with Sjdberg and others, 1976, mainly re Astra's activities in Iran. Draft brochure describing Astra's antibiotic activities, sent to Chain for approval, August 1976. to the company's early collaboration with Chain in developing methods of penicillin production. The text refers Correspondence, January-November 1977, mainly re Astra's negotiations with the Iranian authorities, including draft proposal for collaboration, June 1977. Correspondence, May-August 1977, re invitation to Chain to be present at the Award of the Astra prize in Brazil. Correspondence, 1978-79, including draft letter from Chain to the Iranian Army Health Department, January 1978, advocating collaboration with Astra. F.42, F.43 BAYER 1958-71 F.42 F.43 Correspondence, 1958-59, re arrangements for construction in Chain's laboratories of an instrument for the measure- ment of dissolved oxygen in agitated fermentation liquids in the presence of microorganisms. Chain's letter of 29 December 1958 discusses terms on which he would act as a consultant to Bayer. Correspondence 1963 re priority in the discovery of enzymatic penicillin splitting is also included. Correspondence, 1969-71, re interviews for a biographical article on Chain for publication in 'Therapeutische Berichte’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 146 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.44-F.174 BEECHAM GROUP LIMITED Chain's association with the Beecham Group began at the instigation of Sir Charles Dodds who introduced him to H.G. Lazell (Managing Director, later Chairman of the Beecham Group) in 1955. The result was a very fruitful collaboration culminating in 1959 with the isolation of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (the 'nucleus' of the penicillin molecule) which madepossible the development of a whole series of new synthetic penicillins. Chain continued to act as consultant to Beechams until his death in 1979 and the company also sponsored various research projects and studentships at Imperial College. The following papers trace the development of his collaboration with Beechams and the expansionof their research effort after 1959. Unfortunately some files have been lost and there are gaps for whole years (e.g. 1956, 1957) or parts of years (e.g. November 1960-June 1961). The material is presented more or less chronologically, with the exception of correspondence with Lazell and his successor, Sir Ronald Edwards, which has been kept separate and now appears at F.169-F.174. For material relating to conferences and symposia organised by the Beecham Group and attended by Chain, see J.77-J.80, J.99-J.111, J.112. F.44 Letter from E.C. Dodds, 27 April 1955, suggesting a meeting with Chain, |. Heilbron and members of the Beecham Group (H.G. Lazell - Managing Director, W. McGeorge - Director in charge of research, and J. Farquharson - Director of the research laboratories) to discuss citric and tartaric acid production. F.45 Correspondence with Dodds and McGeorge, May 1955. Includes arrangements for meeting in London, ms. notes and letters re tartaric acid production, and arrangementsfor meetings in Rome in June and July. F.46 Correspondence with McGeorge and others, June-July 1955. Includes arrangements for visits to Rome, letters of thanks from McGeorge and Heilbron and letter from Chain, out- lining his proposals for collaboration with the Beecham Group. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 147 F.47 F.48 F.49 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with McGeorge, August-September 1955. Mainly re arrangements for visit to London by Chain for further discussions. English and Italian versions of technical data prepared in Chain's laboratory as a basis for his discussions with Beechams in September (see F.47). costing for a 'Fermentation Plant of Six Stainless Steel Fermenters (each of a capacity of 30,000 L culture fluid)’. Includes a detailed Correspondence with McGeorge and Dodds, September- October 1955. Mainly re organisational details connected with the establishment of research facilities in the field of chemical microbiology and plans for penicillin production. Corres- pondence with Dodds includes a discussion of acquired resistance to penicillin. F200 Correspondence with McGeorge and others, November 1955. Includes arrangements for Chain to visit the Beecham Research Laboratories at Brockham Park and correspondence arising from discussions during this visit. F. 51 Correspondence with McGeorge, December 1955. Mainly re arrangements for recruiting and training of staff for the new Beecham research team. Includes drafts of letter from McGeorge to Professor Marotta re scheme for training Beecham scientists in Chain's laboratory in Rome. Feo2 ‘Microbiological Project for Beecham Research Laboratories Ltd.' Detailed financial estimates, March 1956. There is no correspondence with Beechams for 1956 or 1957 apart from the mainly personal exchanges at F.53 below. Oo Letters from McGeorge, July-October 1957. Mainly personal correspondence. from Farquharson (congratulations on the birth of Chain's twins). Includes oneletter E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 148 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.54 Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, January 1958. F 55 F 56 F 57 F.58 F og Includes 8 pp. letter from Farquharson reporting on research in progress in the Microbiological Division of Beecham Research Laboratories anda 5 pp. typescript 'Aims of the research project ... on the production of penicillins with improved properties by suitable modifications of the penicillin molecule’. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, February-March 1958. re research projects on antibiotics and on production of ascorbic acid from blackcurrant pectin. and report from V.L.S. Charley re the latter. Includes letter Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, April-May 1958. re arrangements for meeting at Brockham Park, progress of the ascorbic acid project and draft memorandum ofthe Food Standards Committee on Glucose Beverages (see also Fio7)5 ‘Comments on Draft Report on Soft Drinks by the Food Standards Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food'. 2 typescript drafts. Letter of comment from Dodds is also included in the folder. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, June-July 1958. re various research projects in progress. ms. notes by Chain. Includes some Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, September-October 1958. Includes agenda for discussion on 12 September, arrange- ments for meeting in October, and 2 pp. typescript by Chain 'Some comments of [sic] the use of radioactive sugars in the glucose research programme’ . F.60 Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, November 1958. re research projects on antibiotics and glucose metabolism. Includes draft paper on 'Penicillin cerivatives of p-Aminobenzylpenicillin' by Chain and others. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 149 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.6] Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge and others, December 1958. re work on antibiotics and glucose metabolism. 2 pp. memorandum by G.N. Rolinson on future objectives in 'Penicin-Penicillin Work' and 3 pp. note by S. Johnson and F.R. Batchelor on 'Inhibition of Penicillinase by Triphenylacety! Derivative of Penicin (AB. 1071)’. Includes See also F.34. F.62 Correspondence with McGeorge and others, January 1959. Includes draft letters from Chain, Dodds and Mainly re the report of the Food Standards Committee on Soft Drinks. A.H. Douthwaite commenting on the report. Ms. letter from McGeorge, 30 January, also refers to negotiations re manufacture of synthetic penicillins with various companies in America. F.63 Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge and others, February 1959. Mainly re work on glucose metabolism. ‘Progress Notes' by F.R. Batchelor on various projects in the Microbiological Department of the Beecham Research Laboratories, and arrangements for visit to Rome by V.L.S. Charley. Includes 5 pp. F.64 Correspondence with McGeorge and others, March 1959. Includes draft announcements in English and Italian of the successful production by Beechamsof the basic nucleus of penicillin (6-aminopenicillanic acid) and further draft of letter from Chain re the Food Standards Committee Report on Soft Drinks. F.65 Correspondence with McGeorge and others, April 1959. Includes copy of press release in U.K. and U.S.A. re collaboration with Bristol Laboratories (q.v.) in production of synthetic penicillins. F.66 Reports by two members of the Beecham Group as follows: ‘Report ona Visit to the United States during the period Ist-16th April 1959', by F.P. Doyle. "Report of Discussions with Members of Bristol Laboratories at Syracuse, New York', by G.N. Rolinson. With covering letter to Chain from F.P. Doyle. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 150 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.67 Correspondence with McGeorge, May 1959. F.68 F.69 F.70 F.71 F.72 F.73 Mainly re methods of tartaric acid production and progress in collaboration with Bristol Laboratories. announcementof a change in the structure of the Beecham Group to allow for the expansion of the Research Laboratories. Includes an Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge and C.D.W. Stafford, June-July 1959. Mainly re tartaric acid production and negotiations with Farmitalia and Astra re production of synthetic penicillins. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, July-August 1959. Mainly re progress in production of new penicillins and negotiations re Cephalosporin C. Includes letter from Farquharson re invitation to Chain to take part ina symposium at Bristol Laboratories. Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge and R.J.L. Allen, September 1959. re penicillin research, visit to Bristol laboratories, death of Sir lan Heilbron, negotiations with Farmitalia, and ‘slimming’ qualities of PLJ. Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge and R.J. Allen, November 1959. re progress in work on penicillins and glucose research. Includes 2 reports by Allen on glucose projects. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, December 1959. re penicillin, including negotiations with Astra and others, and Cephalosporin C. ‘Quantitative Radiopaperchromatographic Studies on the Absorption of Sugars from the Isolated Surviving Rat Small Intestine’. Draft of paper by Chain, K.R.L. Mansford and F. Pocchiari, December 1959. Correspondence with McGeorge, January 1960, with suggestions for alterations to the draft, is also included in the folder. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 15] F.74 F.75 F.76 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, January 1960. Mainly re work on penicillins and negotiations with Farmitalia. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, February 1960. Mainly re progress of penicillin work. from McGeorge for an account by Chain of the early history of penicillin. Includes request 19 pp. typescript 'Annotations to the history of the penicillin discovery published in "Antibiotics" (... Oxford University Press, 1949)', sent with covering letter to McGeorge, 23 February 1960. For other accounts by Chain of the history of the penicillin work at Oxford, see B.61-B.92. F.77 'The Story of the New Penicillins' 8 pp. typescript draft by McGeorge, sent to the London Press Exchange Ltd., 23 February 1960. Folder also includes draft of Beecham Research Laboratories brochure on the new penicillins. 5 pp. typescript on 'The Problem of the Penicillin Resistant Staphylococcus' and 3 pp. describing Chain's initial collaborative work with Beechams, both sent to McGeorge, 4 March 1960. A further draft of 'The Story of the New Penicillins' incor- porating Chain's additions and sent to him by McGeorge, 10 March 1960, is also included in the folder. Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, March 1960. Mainly re progress of penicillin work and negotiations with Farmitalia. and reports on penicillin and other research. Includes copies of correspondencere 'Broxil' Correspondence with Farquharson and McGeorge, April 1960. See also F.81. F.78 F.79 F.80 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 F.8] F.82 152 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research "Man-Made Penicillins. Research Laboratories Lid.' An Achievement of Beecham Ath draft of typescript describing the story of the new penicillins, sent to Chain by McGeorge, 12 April 1960. Correspondence with Farquharson, McGeorge andStafford, May-October 1960. Includes arrangements for meetings and visits and discussion of the content of forthcoming lectures by Chain on the new penicillins. F.83 Correspondence and papers, July and October 1961. Includes letter from McGeorge, 31 October, enclosing a copy of the Patent Office Decision on H.S, Burton versus ‘his colleagues' re assignment of the patent for Cephalospirin N. See also K.22-K.25. F.84 Correspondence, November-December 1961. Chain's carbons only, with the exception of brief notes from Farquharson and G.N. Rolinson. F.85-F.96 Correspondence with members of the Beecham Group, 1962. From 1962 the record of Chain's collaboration with Beechams is more diverse, both in number of correspondents and spread of subject-matter, and it is therefore presented year by year, with a brief indication of subject-matter. F.85 Allen, R. J. L. March-April re amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee. F.86 Croydon, E. A. P, March-May re antibiotics used in treatment of typhoid. Includes a report on a visit to Rome by Croyden to discuss trials of Beecham preparations in Sardinia. F.87, F.88 Doyle, F. P. March-December Doyle succeeded Farquharson (q.v.) as Director of Research at Brockham Park in March. Corres- pondence is mainly re arrangements for meetings, research planned and in progress and publication of penicillin story. F.87 F.88 March- June July-December E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 153 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.89 Farquharson, J. January-March re meetings, publications policy, research, etc. Includes personal correspondence following the announcement of Farquharson's retirement as Director of Research for reasons of ill health. A letter from his wife following his death in 1964 is also included here. F.90, F.91 McGeorge, W. January-November Includes copies of re research, meetings, etc. reports sent to McGeorge on 'Spartase' (January), "Impairment of Glucose Tolerance by Low Carbohydrate Diet' (April) and 'Fucidin' (May), and programmefor research conference, October 1962, at which Chain gave the opening address. F.90 F.91 January-March April-November F.92 Mallett, A. A. May-December re research equipment and experimental details. F.93 Mansford, K. R. L. November-December Includes drafts of a note on 'Glucose and Brain Metabolism', intended for publication in The Lancet. See also F.100. F.94 Rollinson, G. N. June- September Includes reports on research planned andin progress, typescript draft of ‘Studies on Penicillinase Produced by a Strain of Staphylococcus Aureus', by F.R. Batchelor, J. Cameron Wood, Chain and Rolinson, and note from Batchelor, 6 November, re submission of the typescript for publication in Proc. Roy. Soc. (Bibliog. 103). Fi 95 Stafford, C. D. W. March-October Mainly re talk given by Chain at Journeés Bretonneaux (see J.39) and correspondence with M. Barber (see K.8). F.96 Wilkins, G. J. February- September re research, meetings, and development of fermentation technology. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 154 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.97-F.103 Correspondence, 1963. In alphabetical order. Pv? Doyle, F. P. January-October Arrangements for meetings and visits, reports on research. F.98 McGeorge, W. January-October re resistance to penicillin, research on brain metabolism, and negotiations for collaboration with A. Isaacs. i Mallett, A. A. October re BRL 700. F.100 Mansford, K. R. L. February, October Including further draft on 'Glucose and Brain Metabolism! (see also F.93). F.101 Rolinson, G. ON. February-May te methods and results of research in progress. F.102 Stafford, C. D. W. January-September Mainly re resistance to penicillin. Includes some personal correspondence. F.103 Wilkins, G. J. July-November Mainly re tetracycline patents. F.104-F.115 Correspondence and papers, 1964. In alphabetical order. this period does not appear to have survived. Correspondence from Chain for 3 folders containing data and printed matter are included at the end of the sequence. F.104 Carrington, T. R. July, October re fermentation problems. F.105 Doyle, F. P. February- November Mainly re work on penicillin allergy. letter re use of ampicillin against typhoid (see also F.113). Includes E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 155 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.106 Gilby, J. A. September re fermentation costs. F.107 Knudsen, E._ T. January, July Includes copy of memorandum on 'Penbritin in Acute Typhoid and Carriers’. F.108 McGeorge, W. April, May Includes press-cutting re penicillin allergy and letters from R.J.L. Allen and E. Stenton. F.109 Mallett, A. A. January, October re fermentation techniques. F.110 Rolinson, G. N. July Enclosing typescript of paper by M.O. Moss. F.11] Stafford, C. D. W. July, August Includes press-cutting re the drug industry. F112 Wilkins, G. J. September-October re licencing arrangements and invitation to meeting of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Manu- facturers Association. F.113 F.114 F.115 Miscellaneous typescript and printed matter re treatment of typhoid and salmonella with ampicillin (see also F.105). Reports and data, originally contained in folder labelled ‘Worthing Production Reports’ . Miscellaneous printed matter re American legislation on antibiotics. F.116-F.118 Correspondence and papers, 1965. The main correspondent is F.P. Doyle, often with informa- tion or enclosures for meetings of the Consultants Com- mittee of which Chain was a member. The material is presented chronologically. There are virtually no letters from Chain in the sequence. F.116 January-April Includes note by R.J.L. Allen of discussion with J. Yudkin re sucrose and glucose and note by Doyle on Bacterial Tomato Canker. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 156 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.117 F.118 May-August October-December Includes note from McGeorge re cholesterol levels and glucose, 3 pp. typescript 'Notes on the Use of Antibiotics in the Veterinary Field', and copy of letter to the Medical Research Council re virus research. Po LPF .1Z1 Correspondence and papers, 1966 In chronological order. for this year. There are no letters from Chain F.119 January-April Arrangements for meetings and visits, miscellaneous correspondencere research. F.120 May-August Includes invitation to speak at Beecham Representatives’ Conference in October, report of meeting re Micro- bial Protein project at Imperial College, review of the South African ethical medicine market and miscellaneous correspondence re research. F.12] September- December Includes drafts of letter from Doyle to Chain re proposal of Beecham Research Laboratories to sponsor a research project at. Imperial College on microbial metabolites, and miscellaneous correspondencere research. Fe l22-F,120 Correspondence and papers, 1967 In chronological order. F.122 January-April Includes draft affidavit by Chain for use in proceedings by the Beecham Group against Bristol Laboratories for infringement of hetacillin patents, a note on negotia- tions re liquid glucose with Ranks Hovis McDougall and miscellaneous correspondence re research and meetings. F.. 123 May-August Includes correspondencere alleged cure for baldness discovered by Israeli scientists, copy of typescript on "Sucrose and Cariogenesis', and 2 memoranda on inter- feron sent to Chain for information. See also F.124. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 157 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.124 Correspondence re journey to Israel, July 1967, to discuss arrangements for collaboration between Beechams and Plantex of Natanya. F.125 September-December Includes correspondence re arrangements for work at Imperial College financed by Beecham Research Laboratories and letter from R.J.L. Allen re vitamin C and colds. F.126-F «128 Correspondence and papers, 1968 In chronological order. F.126 January-April Includes notes of discussion with M. Sela and others re collaboration with the Weizmann Institute and Yeda, correspondence and press-cuttings re infective drug resistance, and typescript on ‘Vitamin C and the commoncold’. F127 May-August Includes 'Notes on Meetings at the Weizmann Institute, Israel, 23-26 May 1968', announcementof reorganisa- tion of research departments at Brockham Park, and miscellaneous correspondence re meetings and visits. F.128 September- December Includes drafts of letter from Beechamsoffering to sponsor a three-year research project at Imperial College on the mode of action of penicillins, corres- pondencere grant for research on microbial metabolites (see D.127, D.128) and miscellaneous correspondence re research,meetings andvisits. F.127 Correspondence and papers, 1968-70, sent to Chain as a member of Beechams' Agricultural Projects Consultants Committee. Most of these are concerned with the Report of the Joint Committee on Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 158 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.130-F 139 Correspondence and papers, 1969 In alphabetical order. F.130 Batchelor, F. R. July re proposed Penicillin Symposia in Australia. Britton, R. H. W. October re Consultants Committee Meetings. Brown, D. M. December re double-stranded (ds) RNA research. F.131 Cole, M. July te screening of microbial metabolites for insecticidal activity. Croydon, E. A. P; April Invitation to speak at symposium in New York. F.132 Dewdney, J. M. June- December Includes reports and notes of meetings re ds-RNA research. F.133, F.134 Doyle, F. P. F.133 F.134 re organisation and funding of Beecham research project on 'Mode of action of penicillins', con- ducted at Imperial College. January-December Miscellaneous correspondence re meetings, research, etc. March-December F.135 Nayler, J. H. C. Rolinson, G. N. Enclosing research data. August December E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 159 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.136-F.138 Smither, R. September-October 3 letters enclosing copies of evidence re action of Beecham Group Ltd. vs. Zenith Laboratories Inc. (over ampicillin patents), as follows: Letter of 17 September enclosing copy of transcript of Chain's deposition given on 2 September 1969. Letter of 14 October enclosing copies of affidavits by others for Chain's perusal. Letter of 23 October enclosing draft of 'Second Affidavit of Ernst B. Chain’ commenting on material in F.137. F.136 F.137 F.138 F.139 Stafford, C. D. W. Personal correspondence. October Wilkins, G. J. January-May te symposia in Moscow and Australia. 8 May contains some background information to the Beecham vs. Zenith case. Letter of F.140-F.145 Correspondence and papers, 1970 In alphabetical order. F.140 Carrington, T. R. February-March Invitation to lecture. Croydon, E. A. P.. January re sensitivity of gonococci. F.141 Dewdney, J. M. March-August Includes notes of meetings and draft paper on penicillin allergy. F.142 Doyle, F. P. January- September Includes programme and summaries of papers for Beecham Research Conference, 27-29 May 1970, and some correspondence and notes from colleagues re research on ds-RNA and modeof action of penicillins. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 160 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.143 Mallett, A. A. December Copy ofletter to Farmitalia re Penicillin G. Planterose, D. N. January-April Includes drafts of papers for submission to Nature and other journals. F.144 Rolinson, G. N. Personal correspondence. Smith, H. re Kav values. March March Stafford, C. D. W. February Personal correspondence. F.145 Wilkins, G. J. May Includes memorandum on ‘Antibiotics in the treat- ment of Gonorrhoea'. An agenda for December meeting of the Scientific Committee on Non-Specific Immunity is also included in the folder. F,146-F.148 Correspondence and papers, 1971 F.146 F.147 F.148 Letters from F.P. Doyle and others re arrangements for meetings and administration of Beecham research grants to Imperial College. Notes of various meetings and visits during 1971 sent to Chain for information. during a visit to the Max Planck Institute by Chain and representatives of Beecham Research Laboratories. Includes report on discussions Drafts and reports on research plannedor in progress, sent to Chain for information. outlining 'Proposals for experimental work on the effects of various types of "fibre" and other non-nutritive materials on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in the rat.’ Includes undated typescript See J.118 for discussion meeting on ‘Effect of Fibre in Food' attended by representatives of Beechams and others, November 1971. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 161 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.149, F.150 Correspondence and papers, 1972 Letters from various members of Beechamsre arrangements for meetings, research in progress, etc. F.149 February-August Includes typescript by D.M. Brown on 'The Approach to the Pharmacological Study of ds-RNA' and note by J.M. Dewdney on 'Meeting with Professor Westphal at Walton Oaks, 14 July 1972’. F.150 September-December Includes letter from Chain re extension of scope of his collaboration with Farmitalia and miscellaneous correspondence reresearch, meetings and visits. F.151-F.159 Correspondence and papers, 1973 In alphabetical order. F.15] Beeson, M._ F. May Includes note by Beeson and A. Macdonald on 'The Effect of BRL 5907 on the Ultrastructure of the Rabbit Lung’. F.152 Brown, D. M. April-November re organisation and progress of work on ds-RNA. F «153 Dewdney, J. M. March-December Includes reports of various meetings, notes on visit to the Weizmann Institute to discuss collaborative research, and copies of press reactions to publication of experimental results on ds-RNA and foot-and-mouth disease. F.154 Doyle, F. P. January-November re arrangements for meetings and organisation of research. F155 Green, J. September-December Includes copies of correspondence with P.N. Magee re work on bagasse. F.156 Mallett, A. A. August-December re research and meetings at the Beecham Laboratories at Worthing. from other members of the Worthing laboratory. Includes reports and correspondence E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 162 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.157 Mansford, K. R. L. February-October Mainly re proposed 'Colloquiumon Fibre’. Nayler, J. H. C. April Enclosing notes on symposium at the Sandoz Research Laboratories, Vienna, 29 March 1973. Smither, R. August te Dutch patent application for acylation of 6-aminopenicillanic acid. Includes copy of affidavit filed by Chain in February 1972. F.158 Wilkins, G. J. January-December re planning and organisation of research and arrangements for the continuation of Chain's consultancy after his retirement from Imperial College. F.159 Miscellaneous data and reports sent to Chain for information. F.160-F.163 Correspondence and papers, 1974 Mainly in alphabetical order. F.160 Dewdney, J. M. January-December Includes reports of meetings with Sandoz and Max Planck Institute and material re Interferon Inducers project. F.161 Doyle, F. P. January-October Includes brief correspondence with W.G. Petley. F.162 Green, J. January-October Mainly re research on dietary fibre. drafts of 2 papers. Includes F.163 Correspondence with other colleagues at Beechams, February-December 1974, remeetings, visits, research, etc. Correspondence and papers, 1975-76 Includes note of meeting re interferon, June 1975, draft of paper by J.M. Dewdneyand brief correspondence re consultancy arrangements. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 163 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.165, F.166 Correspondence and papers, 1977 F.165 F.166 Letters from various colleagues at Beechamsre research, meetings, etc. Correspondence with R. Smither re Beechams' action against Bristol-Myers for infringement of amoxycillin patents. Includes copies of related French patents. F.167 Correspondence with F.P. Doyle and others, 1978 Mainly rearrangements for dinner-party to discuss the future of antibacterial chemotherapy, and for a visit to America by Chain in October. F.168 Arrangements for visit to Beecham Laboratories ‘at Worthing, July 1979 (cancelled due to illness). Folder also includes a report by D.N. Planterose onvisit to the Weizmann Institute, April 1979. F.169-F.172 Correspondence with H.G. Lazell, Chairman of the Beecham Group 1958-68. PeiG? 1960-65 Mainly arrangements for social occasions, including programme for a visit to Israel by Lazell in 1965. 1962 correspondencerefers to the contributions of the pharmaceutical industry to the development of medical research. F. 170 1966-69 Mainly social correspondence. F.171 1970-71 Includes arrangements to meet in Bermuda, December 1970, comments on national scientific policy and the future development of the Beecham Group, and a long letter from Chain, 13 November 1970, containing an account of his early associations with Lazell and the work leading to the discovery of 6-aminopenicillanic acid. Fel7Z 1973-75, 1977 Includes accounts of discussions with F.P. Doyle and others (1973), and comments on Lazell's book 'From Pills to Penicillin’ (1975). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 164 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.173, F.174 Correspondence with Sir Ronald Edwards, Chairman of the Beecham Group 1968-75. See also K.70, K.71. F.173 F.174 1969-73 1974-75 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 165 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F175 BIOCHEMIE GMBH 1955-59, 1974 Correspondence re collaborative research, exchanges of visits, etc. Includes several letters from E. Brandl (Head of the Biological Research Division) who spent some time at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita and published 3 collaborative papers with Chain and others. Fri7vorrs I7% BRISTOL LABORATORIES INC. 1951-69 F.176 Pn kee Correspondence with A.R. Menotti (Vice-President and Scientific Director) re arrangements for Chain to visit the Bristol Laboratories in October 1959 (see also F.177). Some fragmentary earlier correspondence is also included here. Its Past, Present 2 typescript drafts for talk on ‘Penicillin: and Potential Future', delivered by Chain during his visit to Bristol Laboratories, 26 October 1959. 2 pp. ms. draft for undated after-dinner speech is also included here. F.178 Correspondence, 1969, re proposal to film an interview with Chain for an exhibition on the history of penicillin. F.179 BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) 1965 Correspondence with F.E. King re arrangements for meeting with Chain to discuss B.P.'s Protein from Petroleum Project. F.180, F.181] BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) PROTEINS LTD. 1973, 1977 Correspondence with H. Watts (General Manager) and others re economic and other aspects of various methods of yeast and single cell protein manufacture. F.180 October-November 1973 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 166 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.18] January-April 1977 Includes ms. and typescript drafts of letter from Chain commenting on the profitability and efficiency of the joint BP/ANICItalproteine yeast production plant in Sardinia. F.182 CALMIC LTD. 1969 Arrangements for research to be conducted at Imperial College on gamma-linolenic acid. Most of the corres- pondence is conducted by K.R.L. Mansford. F.183 CARLO ERBA 1961-75 Fragmentary correspondence, mainly with staff of theIstituto Carlo Erba per ‘Ricerche Terapeutiche re visits to Chain's laboratory, etc. Letter from G. Vita, 12 December 1968, refers to possible future arrangements for co-operation with Chain, but these did not materialise until Spring 1972 when he negotiated a 3-year contract as consultant to Carlo Erba and Farmitalia (q.v.) both by that time subsidiaries of Montecatini-Edison (qv). The sequence also includes a letter from the President of Carlo Erba, April 1972, announcing Chain's election as a memberof the Administrative Council. re Chain's refusal to accept this appointment see F.260. For correspondence F.184 CIBA-GEIGY LTD. 1974-75 Correspondence with P. Loustalot and others re evidence for carcinogenic effects of reserpine. from D. Berenblum in response to request for advice from Chain. Includes a letter F185 COGER S.p.A. 1961 Letter, June 1961, following visit by the Technical Director to discuss problems involved in setting up a plant for the manufacture of citric acid in Egypt. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 167 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.186 CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LTD. 1970 Correspondencere the use of antibiotics in animal feeding stuffs following a discussion at the Royal Society of Medicine on 19 January 1970. tion to the discussion. Includes drafts of Chain's contribu- F.187 EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM 1972, 1975 Correspondencere specifications of freeze-drying equip- ment; invitations to visit the plant at Crawley. F.188-F.190 ENI (ENTE NAZIONALE IDROCARBURI) 1973-79 F.188 F.189 F.190 Correspondence with G. Mazzanti (Director-General, EN1), 1973-75, mainly arrangements for meetings to discuss ENI's involvement with various projects for yeast and single- cell protein production. Much of the correspondenceis conducted by telex. Correspondence with R. Fourquet (Director, ENI) and others, 1975-79. Includes press-cuttings re Italproteine plant in Sardinia (owned jointly by BP and ANIC - a subsidiary of EN1), reports and data on interferon and some personal correspondence. Correspondence with G. Mazzanti, January-June 1979. Mazzanti's letter of 1 June welcomes Chain to membership of the Committee for Research and Innovation of the ENI Division for Planning and Development. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.191-F.200 FARMITALIA 1955-76 Chain wasfirst introduced to Farmitalia by D. Marotta in 1949, and several members of the company workedin his laboratory at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita. One of the results of this collaboration was the development of methods for the production of a lysergic acid derivative (the ethoxamide) by submerged culture of Claviceps paspali. Unfortunately, with the exception of some published papers, very little remains to document the first twenty years or so of the collaboration. But in Spring 1972, Chain signed a 3-year contract to act as a consultant to Farmitalia and Carlo Erba (q.v.), both by that time subsidiaries of Montecatini Edison (q.v.). The period of his consultancy is quite well documented with correspondence, reports on work in progress, accounts of meetings, etc. Fragmentary correspondence (mainly incoming letters only), 1955-70, from various members of the company. Mainly arrangements for visits, meetings, etc. personal correspondence. Includes some Personal and scientific correspondence, March-June 1972. Includes long letters from R. Falini and G.T. Banks re Farmitalia's plant at Settimo Torinese. Correspondence, July-August 1972. Includes a further long letter from G.T. Banks reporting on a visit to Milan in July. Correspondence, September-November 1972. 2 letters from Upjohn International re antibiotics and steroids discovered in their laboratories. Includes Correspondence, January-March 1973, including data, reports and comments on research and policy. Someof Chain's letters mention proposals for a European Institute for Functional Biochemistry. See also F.266, K.65, K.185. Correspondence, April-November 1973. Correspondence, October 1973-March 1974, mainly re Settimo Torinese. F.19] F192 F.193 F.194 F195 F 196 P..197 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 F.198 F.199 F.200 169 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence, December 1973-April 1974. Correspondence and reports, May-July 1974. Correspondence, 1975, 1976. from Chain to L. Zeller, 14 February 1975, discusses possible conditions for the renewal of his contract with Farmitalia. 2 letters only. Letter E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 170 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.201 FISONS LTD. 1975-76 Brief correspondence with H.J. Kahn (Chairman, Agrochemical Division). F.202 GALENIKA 1959, 1962 Very fragmentary correspondence consisting of: 2 letters from Chain to the General Manager (P. Arambasic), 1959, one of which refers to a memorandum by Chain 'which summarises the most important points of the conversation we had with the Minister of Industry, and sets out my recommenda- tions with regard to the establishment of a central antibiotics plant and a research institute for industrial biochemistry’. Letter from the Director of the Research Laboratory, 1962, asking Chain to accept one of his staff as a visiting researcher. F.203-4.211 GRUNENTHAL (CHEMIE GRUNENTHAL GMBH) 1953-78 Chain's only professional contact with GrUnenthal wasin 1970 when he appeared as an expert witness for the defence at the hearing at Alsdorf (re thalidomide). This episodeis documented at F.204-F.209. The remainder of the material consists of correspondence with Dr. Heinrich MUckter which extends from 1953-78 on both personal and scientific topics. Correspondence with H. MUckter, 1953, 1961, 1963, mainly re arrangements for meetings and visits. Correspondence with H. Muckter and others, October 1969- February 1970, including arrangements for Chain to give evidence in the thalidomide trial on 2 February 1970. See also F.205-F. 209. Ms. and corrected typescript drafts for Chain's evidence. In German. F.203 F. 204 F.205 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 171 F.206 F.207 F.208 F.209 F.210 F.211 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Ms. and corrected typescript draft of English translation of Chain's evidence. Transcript of examination of Chain during the trial on 2 February 1970. Background papers sent to Chain for information, on thalidomide and the progress of the trial. Correspondence with H. MUckter, September 1970- February 1971, including comments on the verdict of the thalidomide trial. Personal and scientific correspondence, 1972-73. Correspondence, 1974-78. visit to Munich by Chain in May 1974, and correspondence re virazol, 1976. Includes arrangements for a F.212-F.215 HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LTD. 1952-78 Chain's connection with Hindustan Antibiotics arose from his service on the Expert Committee on Antibiotics of the World Health Organization (q.v.) and through the training facilities offered by his laboratory. who cameto work in Rome continued to correspond with Chain for several years after their return with news of progress in the factory and accounts of their own research. Some of the Indians ‘Suggestions with Regard to the Organisation of the Indian Penicillin Plant’. - 1 p. typescript, 4 February 1952. the patenting of antibiotics in India is also included here. 1p. ms., n.d., re Correspondence with M.J. Thirumalachar and others, 1954-78. Letter from N.L. Macpherson (Chief, Industrial Develop- ment Section, U.N. Technical Assistance Administration), November 1958, enclosing accounts of the establishment of penicillin factories in India, Yugoslavia and Chile. F aotlue F.213 F.214 F215 Correspondence 1978-79. With K.S. Gopalkrishnan, mainly re arrangements for Hindustan Antibiotics Silver Jubilee celebrations in 1979. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 172 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.216-F.218 HOECHST (FARBWERKE HOECHST AG.) 1954-78 Correspondence with various members of the company, mainly re arrangements for meetings and visits. F.216 April 1954-January 1955 Arrangementfor visit to Chain's laboratory in Rome. F.217 May 1962-December 1963 Includes arrangements for Chain to visit the Hoechst laboratories in Frankfurt, September 1962, corres- pondence re Chain's Trueman Wood Lecture, 1963, and invitations to Chain to lecture in Germany. F.218 1968-78 Includes correspondence with Hoechst Pharmaceuticals Research Ltd. re visit to laboratory in Milton Keynes, June 1974. FP. 219=F.227 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (.C.1,) 1952-78 Correspondence, reports, arrangements for meetings, etc. Mainly re single cell proteins including arrangements for collaboration with the National Iranian Oil Company (q.v.) and work on double stranded (ds) RNA. Includes some personal correspondence. Correspondence with various members of the company, 1952-71, re visits, research, etc. Chain for information re anticorrosive paints for iron fermenters (1959) and invitation to dinner in honour of George Porter and Derek Barton, with signed dinner menu (1970). Includes request trom F.219 F.220 Correspondence, 1972-74 Mainly arrangements for meetings and visits to discuss work on microbial biomass. See also F.221. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 173 F.221 Fs2z2 F.223 F.224 F.220 F.226 F.227 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Personal and scientific correspondence with A. Spinks, February-October 1974. Spinks on 'ICI invention and university research’. Includes typescript of lecture by Correspondence and reports, February-July 1975, re single cell protein production with particular reference to negotiations for co-operation with the Iranian government. Correspondence and papers, August-December 1975, including arrangements for meetings and visits to discuss single cell protein production. Further correspondencere Iranian single cell protein project, February-December 1976. Correspondence with |.C.1. Pharmaceuticals Division re double stranded (ds) RNA, March-October 1976. Includes 2 letters from C.A. Clarke. Further correspondence re work on ds RNA, 1977-78, including arrangements for meetings and visits. Further correspondence re_ Iranian protein project and the erection of an experimental plant at Billingham, February-April 1978. F.228 ISF S.p.A. 1976 Correspondence re arrangements for Chain to visit ISF's research laboratories, and letter re proposal for collabora- tion with Astra for production of 6-APA. F.229 THE ISRAEL PENICILLIN AND BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS CO. 1949 Correspondence re arrangements for Chain's appointment as a consultant. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 174 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.230 ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO E VACCINO GENO TOSCANO "SCLAVO" S.p.A. 1958-63 Correspondence with the Director (D. d'Antona) and others, 1958-63. to visit the 'Palio' as guest of the Institute. correspondenceis mainly re analysis of local mineral water. Includes several invitations to Chain 1958 See also K.164. F.231-F.233 LEPETIT S.p.A. 1953-71 F.231 F.232 F.233 Letters from G. Zerilli-Marimo and others, 1953-55, mainly re arrangements for Chain to visit Lepetit's factory at Torre Annunziata (Naples). None of Chain's replies for this period has survived. Further correspondence, 1961-63, including invitations to Chain to attend various functions at Torre Annunziata and Milan. Correspondence, 1970-71, rea film about antibiotics produced by Lepetit in which Chain was asked to participate. Includes English and Italian versions of his script and arrangements for filming in Milan. F.234, F.235 THE LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, ELI LILLY AND CO. 1953-68 Correspondence with members of the Lilly Research Laboratories. F234 1953-59 Includes correspondence re supply of insulin and glucagon samples to Chain, arrangements for exchange of visits and information, and possible collaboration in the field of biological production of lysergic acid derivatives (1959). F.235 1963, 1968 Includes correspondence and printed matter re work on interferon at the Lilly Research Laboratories. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 175 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.236-F.251 MARKS AND SPENCER LTD. Chain's early contacts with Marks and Spencer were through his personal friendship with Israel M. Sieff (later Lord Sieff of Brimpton) and other members of the Board. 1961 he was appointed as a memberof a panel of Scientific Consultants 'to study and advise us on problems which affect the production of goods which are manufactured for sale in our stores’. In October The material includes notes and reports on matters affecting the Science Panel, agenda and minutes of meetings, research papers and correspondence with members of the company. Personal correspondence with members of the Marks, Sieff and Sacher families which includes many references both to Marks and Spencer and to various Jewish affairs is included at F.236-F.240. F.236-F .240 Correspondence with members of the Marks, Sieff and Sacher families, 1953-79. In alphabetical order. F.236 Marks, S. (later Baron Marks of Broughton) 1953-61 Includes a 3 pp. typescript memorandumsent to Marks by Chain in November 1961 entitled 'Notes on the history of the penicillin development and the importance of collaboration between universities and industry’. F.237 Sacher, M. M. 1957-72 Includes arrangements for Chain to speak at a dinner, 23 April 1958, commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the Independence of Israel. The text of Chain's speech is at G.17. F.238 Sieff, |. M. (later Baron Sieff of Brimpton) 1955-68 Personal and social exchanges, arrangements for meetings and visits, correspondence re Jewish affairs and a 4 pp. letter from Chain, 1962, on the application of quantitative analytical chemical methods to problems of food technology . F 239 Sieff, J. E. . 1965-72 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 176 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.240 Sieff, M.J. (later Baron Sieff of Brimpton) 1958-76 Personal and business correspondence. F.241-F.251 Correspondencerelating to Chain's scientific advisory work for Marks and Spencer. The chief correspondents are N. Goldenberg and |. Levy. F.241 196] F.242 1962 Includes letter from I.M. Sieff, 31 October, confirm- ing Chain's appointment as a member of the panel of Scientific Consultants, and correspondenceandreports on bananarot. Includes letter from Chain to A.J. Donlon, 3 May 1962, in which he writes 'I really feel that | cannot accept money for the work | am doing for my friends at M and S. | shall be quite satisfied with the reimbursement of expenses (if there are any) connected with this work, but would really feel embarrassed if | accepted a regular remuneration for work for friends for whose social and humanitarian contributions both in Britain and in Israel | have an unlimited admiration’. F.243 1963 Arrangements for meetings of the Science Panel and related correspondence, mainly re storage of cooked and uncooked chickens. F.244 1964 Includes agenda, minutes and other related papers for Science Panel meetings. F.245 March- June 1965 Correspondence and reports, mainly re flame retardant textiles. F.246 July-December 1965 Correspondence and reports, mainly re irradiated foods and insecticides. F.247 January-June 1966 Includes arrangements for meetings with the Research Director, Spillers Ltd. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 We. Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.248 January-December 1967 Includes correspondence with S.A. Goldblith re arrangements for him to lecture on 'The Preservation of Foodstuffs by Irradiation’. F,249 1969 re nitrites and nitrosamines. from |. Berenblum. Includes correspondence F.250 F251 1970-71 1972, 1974 Includes further correspondence from S.A. Goldblith. F .252°F 257 MERCK SHARP & DOHME 1954-76 F.252 F.253 F.254 F «255 F256 P 257 Brief correspondence with various members of the company, 1954-58. Correspondence with M. Tishler, November 1961-February 1963, re statement signed by Chain and others affirming the usefulness and productivity of the research laboratories of the American pharmaceutical industry. Further correspondence with M. Tishler and others, October 1962-December 1963. Mainly arrangements for meetings and visits, including visit by Chain to the Merck Research Laboratories in March-April 1963 to assemble background material for his forthcoming Trueman Wood Lecture (see also G.35, G. 36). Personal and scientific correspondence, 1968-70. Correspondence with L.H. Sarrett, May-October 1971, re work on ds RNA. Miscellaneous correspondence with L.H. Sarrett and others, 1972-76. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 178 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.258-F .267 MONTECATINI EDISON S.p.A. (later MONTEDISON) 1954-75 In Spring 1972 he agreed to act as Chain's contacts with this company were mainly through Farmitalia (q.v.). consultant to Farmitalia and Carlo Erba, both members of the Montecatini Edison group and most of the following papers are related to this consultancy. They include reports and correspondence onthe research activities of both com- panies culminating in a 27 pp. memorandum written in November 1973 and describing the history of Chain's own contacts with the Italian pharmaceutical industry as well as detailed recommendations for action. 1974 correspondence includes several references to proposals for the creation of an independent European Research Institute for Physiological Biochemistry in Italy in which Chain hoped that Montedison would play a leading part. See also F.195, K.185. Brief correspondence with L. Morandi (Vice-President) and others, 1954-55. 'First preliminary appraisal of research activities at Farmitalia, Via Gracchi and Carlo Erba Research Center (sic)’. typescript summarising conclusions reached at a meeting between Chain and B. Camerino, 16 March 1972. 3 pp. F.258 F.259 F.260 Correspondence, March-September 1972. Includes: 6 pp. memorandum by B. Camerino, 20 April, on coordination of the research effort of Farmitalia and Carlo Erba. Correspondence with G. Mazzanti and E. Pizzi arising from Chain's refusal to accept appointment to the Board of Carlo Erba. Correspondence with D.H.R. Barton re Camerino's proposal to offer a 5-year grant to Imperial College for research on modified antibiotics. F.261 Correspondence with B. Camerino, March-July 1973, mainly te research policy and progress. from Chain to A. Grandi, 16 July, re his professional relationship with ENI (q.v.). Also includedis a letter E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 179 F.262 F.263 F.264 F.265 F.266 F267 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with A. Fornara, September-November 1973, following a meeting in Milan on 18 September to discuss plans for the research, development and production activities of Farmitalia and Carlo Erba. 27 pp. typescript summary of Chain's discussion with Fornara on 18 September 1973, including a brief history of his personal and professional contacts with Farmitalia from 1949. letter on 12 November 1973. Accopy of this was sent to Fornara with a covering Ms. and typescript drafts of F.263. Correspondence with U. Colombo and others, November 1973-April 1974, mainly re production of yeast from carbo- hydrates. Includes miscellaneous reports and data sent to Chain for information. Correspondence with U. Colombo and A. Grandi, March- September 1974, mainly re proposals for the establishment of an independent Institute for Physiological Biochemistry . Includes a letter from the Secretary-General of the Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, 31 January 1974. Correspondence with the President of Montecatini Edison, November-December 1974, anda letter to A. Grandi, January 1975, re arrangements to meet. F.268 THE NATIONAL DRUG COMPANY, Philadelphia 1958, 1962 Correspondence with successive Research Directors re arrangementsfor visits to discuss possibilities for collaborative research. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 180 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.269-F.281 NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY (N.1,0°.C,) 1974-78 Correspondence, memoranda andreports re projects for single cell protein production, 1974-78. Includes exchanges with other Iranians including members of the government and academic colleagues. Chain was appointed as a Consultant to the Iranian Protein Com- mittee in October 1975 and attended several of its meetings. In addition to the single cell protein project, Chain acted as a go-between for Astra (q.v.) in negotiations with lran re penicillin production. Some personal correspondence is also included in the sequence. F.269 April-October 1974 Correspondence with D. Alliance and A. Badakhshan (General Manager, Research and Laboratories Group, N.1.0.C.) arising from Chain's offer to advise the Iranian authorities about methods of single cell protein production. F.270 January-February 1975 Correspondence prior to and arising from a visit to Tehran, February, 1975. Includes 3 pp. ms. notes on the visit and the journey to Iran from Australia where Chain had been attending a congress. F.271 March 1975 2 typescript drafts of report by Chain on SCP (single cell protein) production, sent to A. Fazeli (Head of Biochemical and Bioenvironmental Research Centre, Arya-Mehr University, Tehran). Related ms. notes and printed matter are also included in the folder. F.272 March-April 1975 Correspondence with Fazeli and others arising from Chain's memorandum on SCP production and re arrenge- ments for a visit to Iran in May. (See also J.157.) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 18] Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.273 May-September 1975 Mainly notes and correspondence arising from Chain's visit to Iran in May and arrangements for visit in October. F.274 Typescript of address on single cell proteins delivered by Chain to the Iranian Protein Committee, 7 October 1975. 18 pp. F.275 October-November 1975 Includes accounts of meetings and visits during Chain's visit to Iran in October which included an audience with the Shah. Correspondencealso refers to his appoint- ment as consultant to the Iranian Protein Committee, and proposed collaboration with Ranks Hovis McDougall Ltd. on production of single cell protein. F.276 December 1975-April 1976 Correspondence with A. Badakshan (Chairman, Iranian Protein Committee) and others. Includes several letters arising from a visit by Chain to Tehran in February 1976 and 6 pp. typescript 'First draft proposal for fermentation pilot plant unit for continuous and batch fermentation’. Correspondencealso refers to proposed collaboration with I1.C.1. and Nestlé. F.277 June-December 1976. Includes: Correspondence with suppliers of scientific instrumentation te equipment ordered by N.1.0.C. for their fermentation pilot plant. Minutes of Chain's comments at meeting of the Protein Committee, 22 November 1976. Note of brief address by Chain at meeting organised by the Royal Institute of International Affairs on 'lran 1980- 85, Problems and Challenges of Development', 7 December 1976. Correspondence re negotiations with 1.C.1. and Nestlé. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 182 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.278 December 1976-April 1977. Includes: Correspondence with K. Cantell and others re supply of interferon to treat Agha-Khan Bakhtiar (Director, N.1.0.C.). Correspondence re negotiations with Astra for collab- oration with Iran on penicillin production. Some personal correspondence. F.279 May-October 1977. Includes: Correspondencearising from Chain's visit to lran in May, including a report on the N.1.O.C. fermenta- tion pilot plant at Rey. Continuing correspondence re negotiations with Astra (re penicillin) and Nestlé (re single-cell protein). Some personal correspondence. F.280 November 1977-February 1978. Includes: Correspondence with D. Alliance and E. Katzir (President of Israel) re contacts betweenIsrael and Iran. Minutes of Chain's remarks at meeting of the Iranian Protein Committee, 12 November 1977. Further correspondence re negotiations with Astra, Nestlé, 1.C.1 and Ranks Hovis McDougall. Some personal correspondence. F.281 March-December 1978 Continuation of correspondence in F.280, including a long ms. letter from H. Gaguik, 4 September, with comments on the Iranian political situation. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 183 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.282-F .292 NESTLE ALIMENTANAS.A. 1967-78 (includes AFICO, NESTEC and other subsidiaries) Chain's collaboration with Nestlé and its subsidiary companies began in 1967. Acontract for the growing of bacterial biomass in the fermentation plant at Imperial College was followed by further opportunities for collaborative research. Chain's main contact in the company wasProfessor Louis Rey, the Research Director, with whom muchof the correspondence They becamefirm personal friends and re- is conducted. mained in close touch after Rey's resignation from his full- time post with Nestlé in 1974 due to ill health. K.196.) was Dr C.L. Angst. Chain's main correspondent at Nestlé from 1975 (See K.194- F.282 1967. Includes: Arrangements for visit by Chain to Nestlé in May and return visit by L. Rey and others from Nestlé to Imperial College in June. Correspondence with K.A. Blaxter re collaboration with the Rowett Research Institute (see also K.16). Report and correspondence re visit to U.S.A. by Chain and L. Rey in November. F.283 1968. Includes: Arrangements for research grant to Imperial College for growing bacterial biomass in the fermentation pilot plant. Progress reports on Nestlé Microbial Protein Project, July and October 1968. Miscellaneous correspondence re meetings andvisits. F.284 1969. Includes: Correspondence (administrative and scientific), research reports, notes of meetings, etc. re collaborative research in progress at Imperial College. Miscellaneous arrangements for visits. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 184 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.285 1970. Includes: Arrangements for meetings and visits. Miscellaneous administrative correspondence. Ms. and typescript of brief address by Chain intro- ducing a lecture by L. Rey at Imperial College, October 1970. F.286 1971. Includes: Scientific and administrative correspondence re collaborative research. Arrangements for meetings and visits. See also F.287. F . 287 Ms. and typescript drafts for interview of Chain by L. Rey (in French) recorded for a film produced by Nestlé entitled ‘La Biosynthése Industrielle: Micro-organismes et Fermentation contrélée'. Brief correspondence, 1970-71, is also included here. F.288 1972 Mainly re arrangements for visits by Chain to Switzerland to advise on research in progress. visits in May, July and November and correspondence with L. Rey re possible collaboration between Nestlé and Ranks Hovis MacDougall. Includes agendas for F.289 1973 Includes some personal correspondence with L. Rey. F 290 1974. Includes: Arrangements for meetings and visits. Correspondence with C.L. Angst re proposals for co- operation with Montedison in the field of biosynthetic protein production. Personal correspondence with L. Rey. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 185 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.291 1975-76 Correspondence with C.L. Angst and others re progress of negotiations with Exxon and the Iranian government for single cell protein production. Chain's letter of 16 April 1975 discusses arrangements for his own participation in this project. F292 1977-78 Further correspondencere single cell protein production and arrangements for meetings and visits. pondence with C.L. Angst, April-June 1978, discusses conditions for the renewal of Chain's consultancy con- tract with Nestlé. Corres- E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 186 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Pi 293-F 2297 PFIZER (CHAS. PFIZER & CO. INC.) 1950-66 Correspondence with various branches of the company in U.S.A. and Europe. F.293 1950, 1952 Mainly re terramycin. announcingits discovery in the Pfizer laboratories, February 1950. Includes press release F.294 September 1953-March 1954 Includes draft and final version of ‘Research in Rome’, an article describing Chain's laboratories at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita published in Spectrum, Pfizer's in-house magazine. as a result of a visit to Rome to attend the Sixth International Congress of Microbiology. The article was written F295 April 1954-1957 Correspondence re research andvisits. on glucatase and copy of Spectrum, August 1955, containing an appreciation of Fleming. Includes notes F.296 1958-60 Includes correspondence re visit by Chain to the Pfizer laboratories in New York and New Jersey, and arrange- ments for a member of Chain's laboratory (G. Gualandi) to visit Pfizer to advise on apparatus for measuring concentrations of dissolved oxygen. F.297 1961-66 Includes correspondence re Chain's contribution to the Second International Fermentation Symposium (London, April 1974) and the Committee of Inquiry into the Drug Industry (Sainsbury Committee). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 187 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.298-F.310 PFLEGER (DR. R. PFLEGER CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH) 1950-79 Personal and scientific correspondence with R. Pfleger and others, mostly conducted in German. The early part of the sequence consists of incoming letters only, as copies of Chain's replies have not survived. Letters from R. Pfleger to Chain, 1950-56. Also included is a letter from Ursula Muellerrath, January 1949, en- closing Pfleger's address. Letters from R. Pfleger and others, 1957. correspondence with G. Zerilli Marimd re collaboration between Pfleger and Lepetit and copies of letters from R. Pfleger to C.D.W. Stafford re licensing) of Paynocil. Includes Correspondence, 1958, mainly re licensing arrangements for various pharmaceutical preparations. Correspondence, 1959. and visits and 10 pp. ms. on 'Katalytische Hydrierung der 2-Keto- und der 5-Keto-d-gluconsdure in Gegenwart von Ammoniak, Aminen und Ketonreagenzien'. Includes arrangements for meetings Correspondence, 1960-62. Correspondence, 1963-65. arrangements for collaboration between Pfleger and the Wellcome Foundation. Includes exchangesre possible Correspondence, 1966. and visits and miscellaneous printed matter. Includes arrangements for meetings Correspondence, 1967-68. Includes arrangements for meetings and visits and several letters re agroclavin. Correspondence, 1969. clavin and arrangements for analysis by U.K.A.E.A. Radiochemical Centre of a compound produced by Pfleger. Includes further material on agro- P.279 F.300 F.301 F.302 F.303 F.304 F.305 F. 306 F.307 Correspondence, 1970-July 1971. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 F.308 F.309 188 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research Correspondence with H. Hegler and others following the death of R. Pfleger in October 1971. 'Robert Pfleger zum Geddchnis'. Ms. and typescript drafts of tribute to R. Pfleger. Miscellaneous background material is also included in the folder. F.310 Correspondence with H. Hegler and others, 1975-79. F.311 PULLMAN ASSOCIATES GMBH 1970 Request to Chain to act as a consultant (acknowledgement only). F.312, F.313 RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LTD. 1971-75 Correspondence and reports re collaborative work on automatic analysis of liquids. F.312 November 1971-October 1972 Correspondence with J.R. Boundy (Director and General Manager) re terms of agreement for collaboration with Imperial College. serve ona small steering committee and several references to an automatic amino acid analyser designed by A.J. Thomas (Senior Lecturer in the Biochemistry Department). See also D.138. Includes invitation to Chain to F.313 November 1972-October 1975 Includes minutes of meetings of the steering committee and material re public launching of 'Chromaspek', a development of the automatic amino acid analyser designed by A. J. Thomas. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 189 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.314-F.324 RANKS HOVIS McDOUGALLLTD. 1965-79 Chain was introduced to Dr. Arnold Spicer, the Head of the newly-established Research Department (later the Rank Research Centre) by J. Yudkin in 1965. The following papers document some of Chain's collaborative activities with the company including a consultancy arrange- ment andparticipation in a research project on microbial proteins, particularly Penicillium notatum-crysogenum (coded C 1) and Fusiarium graminearum (coded A 3/5). The material includes correspondence with the Financial Secretary, Imperial College, re administration of the research grant as well as research reports, arrangements for meetings and visits, and personal correspondence with Lord Rank and his nephew Joseph. Chain was also a memberof the Advisory Committee on Nutrition for the Rank Prize Funds (see E.149-E.155), and collaborated with Rank Precision Industries Ltd. in the development of an automatic amino acid analyser designed by a memberof the Biochemistry Department at Imperial College (see D.138, F.312, F.313). Correspondence 1967-69 contains several references to a gift of £50,000 made by Lord Rank towards the establishment of a second Chair of Biochemistryin Chain's Department at Imperial College. The College was unable to raise the additional money needed for the financing of a Chair so an agreement was reached with Lord Rank that the money would be made available to Chain through Imperial College to use for Research Fellowships. Chain used only the interest for this purpose, leaving the principal intact, and in 1973 he approachedthe Rank Trustees for a further donation to make up the amount needed for the endowment of a second Chair. For correspondence concerning this episode ond related events, see D.43-D.74. F.314 1965 Correspondence with A. Spicer and others re arrange- ments for meetings and visits. Includes some exchanges of scientific information and brief correspondence from Lord Rank. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 190 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.315 1966. Includes: Arrangements for a conference held in Marlow, 22 and 23 February, at which Chain gave a short address on aflatoxin and continuous culture. Correspondence re arrangements for further meetings, visits, conferences. Brief scientific correspondence and reports on results. F.316 1967. Includes: Miscellaneous arrangements for meetings and visits. Correspondence re possible collaboration with NRDC (National Research Development Corporation) in microbial protein research project. Brief personal correspondence with Lord Rank. Ms. (in Chain's hand) and typescript drafts for letter from Lord Rank to the Rector, Imperial College, offering a donation of £50, 000 towards the establishment of a second Chair of Biochemistry in Chain's department. Scientific and administrative correspondence re collaborative research at Imperial College. correspondencere the Rank benefaction is also included. Some Includes correspondence and summary of report on auto- matic amino acid analyser (see also D.138, F.312, F.313) as well as further correspondence re collaborative research, Rank benefaction, meetings and visits, etc. F.317 1968 F.318 1969 F.319 1970. Includes: F.320 197] Scientific and administrative correspondence re collaborative research. Correspondence with J. Rank re the public image of the food industry and the British Nutrition Foundation (q.v.). Mainly re collaborative research: administrative corres- pondence, reports on results, arrangements for meetings, etc. Also includes correspondence with J. Rank, December 1971. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 191 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.321 1972 Includes correspondence re the British Nutrition Foundation. See also F.322. Fv322 International Workshop on 'The Effect of Maternal Nutrition on the Development of the Offspring’, 5-9 November 1972, sponsored by Johns Hopkins University and the Lord Rank Research Centre. Correspondence re arrangements. F.323 1973. Includes: Arrangements for meetings andvisits. Paper by |.F. Duthie containing a review of the microbial protein research project since its inception in 1967. Press-cuttings and correspondence re Japanese synthetic protein production. F.324 1974-77, 1979 Includes correspondence and data re A 3/5 project and personal correspondence with J. Rank and others. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 12 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.325 RICHARDSON-~-MERRELL INC. 1968 Correspondencere visit to Imperial College and request to Chain to act as a Consultant to the company (declined). F.326 ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD. 1973-75 Correspondence re research and visits to various branches in U.K., U.S.A. and Australia. F.327 LABORATOIRE ROGER BELLON 1962-63 Correspondence with R.A.L. Bellon and others re arrange- Letter of 19 July ments for visits, work in progress, etc. 1963 mentions Chain's acceptance 'en principe d'accorder des conseils scientifiques au Laboratoire RogerBellon’ but it is not clear whether a formal consultancy agreement was The letter also mentions the possibility of negotiated. collaboration with the Beecham Research Laboratories. F.328-F .330 SANDOZ LTD. 1960-75 F.328 F.329 Letters from J. Renz, 1960-62, mainly re arrangements for visits to Chain's laboratory in Rome to discuss technical problems arising from the installation of a new fermentation pilot plant. Copies of Chain's replies have not survived. Correspondence with J. Renz and others, 1966-67, mainly re ergotamine. Farmitalia and proposals for funding of work on ergotamine at Imperial College. Includes comments on research done by F.330 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1968-75. F.331 LABORATORI BIOCHIMICO-FARMACEUTICI SMIT 1959, 1962 Correspondence with the Director (U. Ciabatti) including 3 letters, 1962, re collaboration with Beechams and others in the antibiotic field. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 193 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.332 SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABOROTORIES LTD. 1958-63 Correspondence with R. Kohn and others re meetings and visits in Rome, London and U.S.A. January-April 1959 contain comments on progress of negotiations with the Beecham Group re 6-aminopenicillanic acid. Kohn's letters of F.333, F.334 UPJOHN INTERNATIONAL INC. 1958-72 F333 Correspondence re research and visits, 1958-67. Includes requests for information re Upjohn's methods of automatic sterilisation and brief correspondence re streptozotocin. F334 Correspondence, 1968-72, mainly re streptozotocin. F.335 USIFROID (SOCIETE D'UTILISATION SCIENTIFIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU FROID) 1975 Correspondence re introduction of Usifroid's freeze-drying equipment to Beechams and re visit of L. Rey (designer of the equipment) to U.S.A. F.336-F.342 USV PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION 1973-78 Chain acted as a consultant to USV from December 1974- October 1977. arrangements for meetings with members of the company and its subsidiary, Revlon, and includes outlines of research policy often with detailed comments by Chain. The correspondence deals mainly with F.336 October 1973-June 1974. Includes: Arrangements for meetings in UK and USA. Draft conditions for contract. Chain's report of visit to USV Pharmaceuticals at Tuckahoe, New York, 8-10 April 1974. Letter from Chain to the Executive Vice-President of Revlon, 17 April 1974, outlining his own approach to pharmaceutical research. F.337 July-December 1974 te administrative and scientific aspects of USV's research programme. Includes some correspondence re interferon. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 194 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.338 1975. Includes: Arrangements for meetings and visits. 2 pp. ms. notes taken by Chain during visit to USV in June. Correspondence with C.G. Smith (Executive Vice- President, Research and Development) re research planned and in progress. Some personal correspondence. F.339 1976 Mainly re arrangements for meetings and visits and research plans in USA and Italy. F.340 January-April 1977 Includes 9 pp. typescript by Chain on 'The cyclic AMP system as a lead to new drugs' and correspondence re the cyclic AMP system with various members of USV. F. 34] June-October 1977 Mainly re arrangements for meetings. letter from Chain, July 1977, containing ‘a brief appraisal of the research situation as | see it at Tuckahoe' and a letter of thanks from C.G. Smith at the conclusion of Chain's consultancy agreement. Includes a long F.342 1978 Arrangements for a farewell luncheon in New York in April and brief personal correspondence. F.343, F.344 WALLACE LABORATORIES 1965-66 Correspondence and papersre plans for collaborative research. F.343 May-September 1965 Correspondence with F.M. Berger (President, Wallace Laboratories) re arrangements for meetings with Chain and C.D.W. Stafford to discuss Beechams' attitude to collaborative research on xerosin. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 195 Industrial consultancies and collaborative research F.344 October 1965-January 1966 Correspondence re research on xerosin and interferon and arrangements for signing agreement re collabora- tive research. Includes copy of paper on 'The Role of Drugs in Suicide’ presented by F.M. Berger at the Symposium on Suicide held in Washington, October 1965. F.345 WESTFALIA SEPARATOR LTD. 1971-72 Correspondence re design and development of a 6 Chamber Bowl Clarifier for use in the Biochemistry Department, Imperial College. F.346 Shorter unindexed correspondence from various industrial firms: invitations/thanks for visits, brief requests for information, etc. In alphabetical order. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 196 SECTION G LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, ADDRESSES, BROADCASTS G.1- G.221 G.1 PUBLISHED PAPERS AND BIBLIO GRAPHY G.2 -G.125 LECTURES, PAPERS, ADDRESSES G.126 - G.155 UNDATED NOTES AND DRAFTS G.156 - G.178 RADIO AND TELEVISION G.179 - G.221 CORRESPONDENCE re PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES It should be noted that most of the material in this Section is additional to the list and copies of Chain's publications which appear at G.1. Chain did not regularly keep copies of his drafts and notes for scientific papers after they had appearedin print. There is often correspondence about his publications, and occasionally drafts and background material have survived; these are indicated in the entries and referenced to the bibliography in the form (Bibliog. ...). The majority of the Section, however, contains drafts, notes and versions for speeches and papersnotlisted in the bibliography; they are on both technical and general scientific topics and intended for a variety of readers or audiences. The related correspondence often includes some scientific or personal matter, or deals with honours conferred on Chain. The sequence G.2 - G.125 is not exhaustive. Other similar material can be found in the appropriate Sections, e.g. on penicillin (Section B), given at Rome (Section C), at symposia (Sections E, F, J), on Jewish occasions (Section H). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 197 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts PUBLISHED PAPERS AND BIBLIO GRAPHY 1 box of published papers, and accompanying List of Sir Ernst Chain's publications’ (compiled at Imperial College, London, August 1979). This list is reproduced with permission on pp. 340-361 of the catalogue. G.2-G.125 LECTURES, PAPERS, ADDRESSES G.2 "Vonder Entdeckung des Penicillins' Lecture given at Internationalen Hochschulwochen, Alpbach, 1948; galley proof for volume of proceedings (1949). Correspondence (only) re 'Une causerie sur la Pénicilline’ given in Paris, June 1948. ‘Etudes sur la structure et la synthése de la pénicilline' Exposés Annuelsde Biochimie Médicale, 10, 1949 (ed. M. Polonovski). Proof. The meeting in December 1954 (Chain spoke Also included here is correspondence re other contributions made by Chain to the Exposés Annuels, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1964. on 'Données nouvelles dans le métabolisme des glycides'), and the subsequent publication, were dedicated to M. Polonovski. The 1964 volume was dedicated to J. Polonovski (son) who had continued the work after his father's death. G.4 "Industrial Microbiology' 26 pp. typescript of introductory article in series published in Research, 5, 567-576 (1952) (Bibliog. 39). Correspondence with the Editor of Research, 1951-52, re other contributions and contributors to the series. ‘Recent Progress in the Field of Carbohydrate Metabolism' 33 pp. typescript +5 pp. bibliography. n.d., latest reference 1952. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 198 G.8 G.9 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts "Industrial applications of Chemical Microbiology ' 26 pp. typescript lecture, n.d., ¢.1952. Correspondence with The Times, 1952-54, re 2 articles by Chain: ‘Microbiology in Industry’, Times Review of Industry, March 1953 (Bibliog. 43). ‘Development of Antibacterial Chemotherapy’, Times Review of Science, February 1954. The Harben Lectures, 1954, on 'The Biochemical Approach to Biological Phenomena’ (Bibliog. 44). Correspondence (only) re arrangements and publication. 'The Development of Bacterial Chemotherapy’ Address given at the Centennial Commemoration Ceremony held in Frankfurt, March 14-16 1954, on the occasion of the presentation to Chain of the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaeder Prize. The address was published in several languages and periodicals (Bibliog. 45). See A.90-A.94 for personal material relating to the Award and lecture. See E.137-E.145 for material relating to Chain's later service on the Council of the Paul Ehrlich Foundation. English (26 pp.) and German (18 pp.) typescripts of lecture, requests for reprints, copies of Chain's letters forwarding reprints (not indexed). Appreciation of M. Macheboeuf (d. August 1954). 1 p. typescript, 1954. Correspondence with colleagues, copies of contributions by others, etc. 'The impact of Biochemistry on Industry’ 10 pp. typescript and ms. draft, n.d. Folder includes some ms. corrections and incomplete typescript drafts. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 199 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts 'Ferroverdin, a Green Pigment containing Iron produced by a Streptomycete', by Chain, A. Tonolo and A. Carilli, Nature, 1 October 1955, p.645. Offprint only. 'The fate of uniformly labelled 14¢ fructose in the isolated rat diaphragm and rat brain and liver slices', article published in Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Series All (homage to A.I. Virtanen on his sixtieth birthday), 1955. Correspondence with editorial committee (1954). G.14, G.15 Two lectures in German, given at the University of the Saarland at the invitation of R. Ammon, January 1957. See also K.3. 'Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Antibiotika'. 2 typescript drafts of lecture, miscellaneous ms. drafts for introductory remarks of autobiographical reminiscences of own and Ammon's career. "Der Wirkungsmechanismus des Insulins' 2 typescript drafts of lecture, 3 pp. summary. See also G.21 below. Speech to Society of Apothecaries, London, July 1957. Pages numbered 2-12 (p.1 missing), typescript and ms. G.17-G.20 Speeches and lectures given in various locations, c.1958, in connection with celebrations of tenth anniversary of the founding of Israel as an independent state. ‘Address given at the Independence Dinner held in London on April 22 1958 at the Dorchester Hotel’, seconding toast by Lord Cohen. 3 typescript versions. See also F.237. ‘Development of science in Israel’ 12 pp. typescript, given in 1958. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 200 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts 'Ricerche all’ Istituto Weizmann' 17 pp. ms. draft, printed brochure of version published as 'Conferenza tenuta a Zurigo dal Prof. Ernst B. Chain', H.d., 6.1958, G.20 After-dinner speech, perhaps at London Jewish Medical Society. Ms. notes and two typescript versions, n.d. but refers to Chain's arrival in England ‘almost exactly twenty seven years ago’. G.2] 'Some observations on the mode of action of insulin’ Typescript draft and revised versions, perhaps first given as a lecture at the invitation of R. Ammon, see enclosed carbon letter, 1959 (Bibliog. 58). See also G.14, G.15. G.22 'Recent Studies in Carbohydrate Metabolism' The Harveian Lecture, delivered to the Harveian Society, London, 18 March 1959 and subsequently published in B.M.J. (Bibliog. 57). Correspondenceonly, re invitation, arrangements, publication, 1958-59. C.28 ‘Outlook for biochemistry in the decade 1960-70' G.24 G.25 4 pp. typescript draft, perhaps prepared for article in The Sunday Times, see accompanying correspondence with P. Collins. "Technological Education. A Prognosis' 4 pp. ms. draft, n.d., c.1959. "Nouvelles voies microbiologiques pour |'obtention de médicaments' Inaugural lecture for Journées Pharmaceutiques Frangaises, 1960 (Bibliog. 73). 32 pp. ms. draft, English and French typescript and ms. versions of lecture, 2 pp. ms. introductory remarks, brief editorial correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 201 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.26 "Business and Science’ 11 pp. typescript of speech delivered to a Dinner meeting of the Thirty Club of London, February 1960. speaker was to have been Sir Charles Dodds but he was taken ill and Chain was asked to 'step into the breach’. The Brief correspondence with H.G. Lazell, President of the Thirty Club for 1960, is also included in the folder. 'The penicillinase-resistant penicillins and the problem of the penicillin-resistant staphylococci’ Ms. and various revised typescript drafts, n.d., latest reference 1961. 'Recent progress in biochemical research' 4 pp. typescript, n.d., c.1961. "Modified Penicillins' Typescript and ms. draft, and final version, of article published in Laboratory Practice, 1961 (Bibliog. 81). Brief correspondence. Correspondence re The Jenner Lecture, given June 1961 on 'Recent advancesin the field of chemical microbiology’. 24 pp. typescript lecture, untitled but probably The Jenner Lecture. ‘Note on the importance and function of a biochemical research centre within the medical faculty of the Catholic University at Rome' Memorandum by Chain, c. March 1962., ms. and type- script versions in English, Italian translation, brief correspondence. ‘Memorandum on the Need for Non-Medical Chairs of Biochemistry in Italian Universities and Technical High Schools' 13 pp. typescript, n.d., early 1960's. G.27 G.28 GC. G.30 6.3] G.32 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 202 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.33 'The biochemical effects of insulin’ The Banting Lecture, delivered April 1962. 15 pp. typescript +2 pp. references. Brief correspondence re lecture, and with editor, Diabetes, to whom Chain submitted the text for publica- tion. prepare a special article on the subject for the journal. It was not accepted, but Chain was invited to G.34 ‘Les antibiotiques' Article for volume seven of Encyclopaedia La Vie et I'Homme, 1962. Includes English version, French translation heavily amended and corrected by Chain, correspondence with editors and colleagues re inadequacy of original French translation which Chain insisted on having replaced. G.35, G.36 ‘Academic and industrial contributions to drug research' The Trueman Wood Lecture, given at the Royal Society of Arts, June 1963. The lecture was published in full in the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, anda shortened version was published, exceptionally, in Nature, 200, November 1963 'in view of the considerable contributions which Prof. Chain has made to drug research, and the importance which is today attached to the subject' (Bibliog. 99). The lecture was also published in Swedish, French and German versions, and frequently quoted orreferred to. See also F.254. Ms. draft for lecture. Correspondence, 1962-64 (and somelater), including invitation to give lecture, arrangements for delivery, publication and translation, Chain's letters requesting information from colleagues, letters arising from lecture, etc. See also E,6, G.215. G.35 G.36 G.37 Ms. speech at a dinner given to Chain by Nathan. n.d., c.1963 (shortly before Chain's return to London from Rome), E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 203 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.38 G.39 "Address at the Commemoration Ceremony of the Warsaw Ghetto Rising’ 6 pp. typescript, n.d., probably 1963. Series of eight lectures or articles in German, typescript, n.d., early 1960s, as follows: 'Allegemeine Gesichtspunkte', 9 pp. 'Arzneimittel-Forschung', 4 pp. 'Antibakterielle-Chemotherapie-die Sulfonamide’, 3 pp. 'Die Antibiotika', 6 pp. (latest reference 1960) 'Chemotherapie in der Protozoenbekdmpfung', 4 pp. 'Vitamine', 4 pp. "Die Hormone, insbesondere die sogennanten Steroid- Hormone’, 9 pp. 'Neuropharmakologie', 6 pp. G.40 'The conquest of the penicillin resistant staphylococcus by new penicillins’ 8 pp. typescript and ms. draft, 1964 (Bibliog. 104). G.41-G.46 ‘Landmarks and Perspectives in Biochemical Research' Chain's Inaugural Lecture at Imperial College, delivered 12 May 1964, and published as an Imperial College publication (Bibliog. 112) and also inB.M.J., January 1965. Multiple ms. drafts for lecture, variously paginated. Typescript draft with ms. corrections, 54 pp. Arrangements for lecture, lists of guests, publication, etc. Correspondence from colleagues re lecture, sending good wishes and/or regretting absence. A. Isaacs, telegrams from D. Marotta, etc. Includes letter from G.4l G.42 G.43 G.44 G.45 List of those to whom copies of lecture were sent. Letters of thanks from recipients and correspondencearising. G.46 Requests for reprints of lecture (not indexed). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 G.47 204 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Untitled lecture in German (on future trends in medical research) given at Kongressgesel Ischaft fUr drztliche Fortbildung, Berlin, 1964. Ms. and typescript drafts of lecture, prepared for publica- tion in commemorative volume for the 20th Anniversary of the Kongressgeselleshaft in 1971. Includes ms. introductory remarks with autobiographical recollections, anda little editorial correspondence. G.48 William Withering Lectures, Birmingham, 13 and 14 October 1964. G.49 G.50 The subjects were: 'The biochemical effects of insulin’ ‘Some recent contributions from chemical micro- biology to medicine' Includes correspondence, invitation, arrangements and schedule, 3 pp. draft introduction (only). ‘Antibacterial Chemotherapy', by M. Barber and E.B. Chain. 25 pp. typescript for article published in Annual Review of Pharmacology, 4, 1964 (Bibliog. 109). ‘Contributions from chemical microbiology to medicine’ The Jephcott Lecture, given at Royal Society of Medicine, 6 July 1964, and subsequently published in Proc. R.S.M., 58, 1965 (Bibliog. 111). Includes heavily-corrected and revised typescript draft, correspondence, 1963-64, re invitation, arrangements, publication of lecture, andlater correspondence, 1966, re Jephcott Modal to be presented to Chain. G.51 ‘Development and trends of antibiotic research’ The Oliver-Sharpey Lecture, given at Royal College of Physicians of London at the ‘Antibiotics and Infection' Session of the Consultant Conference, 16-20 November 1964 and subsequently published in conference Proceedings ed. N. Compston, 1965 (Bibliog. 107). Includes heavily-corrected and revised typescript drafts, correspondence, 1963-64, re invitation, arrangements, publication. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 205 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ‘Entwicklung und gegenwdrtiger Stand der antibakteriellen Antibiotikatherapie' Very heavily-corrected, 20 pp. ms. draft for lecture, undated but similar material to G.5], probably given as a lecture at Hoechst. Appreciation of Mary Barber sent to The Times, September 1965. Draft of introductory remarks (only) for seventh Lister lecture, 3 pp. 'Why Biochemistry? ' 19 pp. typescript headed 'First Draft'. delivered at Imperial College (to Chemical Society? ), ©. 1965. For lecture 'What is biochemistry? ' 8 pp. typescript +4 pp. ms. for lecture, n.d. Untitled talk, on careers in biochemistry, given to sixth form science teachers. 7 pp. typescript, n.d., but refers to University expansion so ¢. 1965. G.58-G.61 Papers on structure and funding of scientific research. Some prepared for specific purpose (e.g. G.58 prepared for Council for Scientific Policy, see E.54), others of more general intention. G.58 ‘Comments on the relationship between university and non-university research institutes in Germany' G59 G.60 4 pp. typescript. Originally prepared for Council for Scientific Policy, 1965. ‘Relations between Academic Research Laboratories and the Biologically Based Industries’ 6 pp. typescript of talk, n.d. 'A proposal for the creation of Research Fellowships for bringing overseas scientists to Great Britain’ 5 pp. typescript with some ms. notes, March 1965. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 206 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.6] 'The case for establishing a Fellowship Fund for bringing foreign scientists to Britain’ 7 pp. typescript, n.d. G.62 Chairman's introduction and vote of thanks at the Jackson Pope Memorial Lecture, on 'The réle of sugars as energy reserves in nature’, given at Royal Society of Arts by Sir Edmund Hirst, January 1966. G.63 '25 Years of penicillin research’ Article for special commemorative issue of The Chemist and Druggist, February 1966. 5 pp. typescript and ms. draft, editorial correspondence. 'The Influence of Microbiological Chemistry on Thera- peutics' The Mackenzie Davidson Memorial Lecture, given at Twenty-Seventh Annual Congress, British Institute of Radiology, 31 March 1966 and subsequently published in Br. J. Radiol. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements, programme of Congress, 12 pp. typescript draft. G.65 'Closing the gap between industry and medicine’ Contribution to the panel discussion at British Council Course on 'Drug Introduction, Evaluation and Safety’, June 1966. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements, programme of Course, 5 pp. typescript draft of Chain's remarks. Correspondence (only) re Weizmann Memorial Lecture on "Science in Israel', given in Leeds, July 1966. Aeration Conditions in 3000-Litre Submerged Correspondence(only) re collaborative article ‘Aeration Studies, IV. Fermentations with Various Microorganisms', published in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 8, 1966 (Bibliog. 119). G.66 G.67 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 207 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.68 'The New World of Biochemistry in Heart Research' Address at Public Meeting of the British Heart Foundation, September 1966. Correspondencere invitation and arrangements, programme of meeting, 6 pp. typescript and ms. draft and 2 pp. summary of lecture. "Address at the occasion of Professor S.J. Pirt's Inaugural Lecture', Queen Elizabeth College, London, January 1967. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements, 4 pp. typescript of Chain's introductory remarks as Chairman. Correspondence (only) re talk 'Antibiotics and the Develop- mentof Penicillin', given at Holland Park School, February 1967, and subsequentvisit by members of the Senior Science Society to Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College. "Introduction of Sir Hans Krebs' (as John Coffin Memorial Lecturer), University of London, February 1967. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements, ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's remarks. 'The Problem of the Emergence of Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics’ Address to Marks and Spencer Ltd., April 1967, the first in a series of talks organised by the firm. Ms. draft and 11 pp. typescript version. Correspondence (only) re talk on 'Drug Research', given to H.G. Wells Society of Imperial College, May 1967. 'Address given at the Chairman's Dinner', Beecham Group, 24 May 1967. Ms. and typescript, brief correspondence. G.69 G.70 G.7] G.72 G.73 G.74 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 208 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.75 ‘Biochemical Research and Progress in Medicine’ The first Earl King Memorial Lecture, given at Post- graduate Medical School, London, October 1967. Correspondence re invitation, arrangements, thanks for lecture. Miscellaneous ms. notes, 38 pp. typescript draft of lecture, which includes personal and autobiographical recollections. Also included is miscellaneous background material about King's life and work. G.76 Correspondence (only), 1966-67, re the Telford Memorial Lecture, given to Manchester Medical Society, 22 November 1967. Research and Progress in Medicine’. Chain lectured on ‘Biochemical G.77 "The Birth of a Drug' G.78 G.:79 G.80 G.81 Talk at Hunterian Society Dinner, December 1969. Ms. and typescript versions, brief correspondence. Two ms. drafts (6 pp. and 5 pp.) for talk on the future development of Israel. n.d., but several references to 1967 Arab-Israeli war. "Introduction of Professor J.Z. Young' as Henry Tizard Memorial Lecturer, Westminster School, 29 February 1968. Typescript drafts. ‘Complex Equipment in the Life Sciences', article pub- lished in The Financial Times, 11 March 1968. Ms. and typescript drafts, press-cutting of article as published, brief correspondence. Letter to the Editor, The Observer, on research at Porton, 2 June 1968, and correspondencearising. Includes a little background material. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 209 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.82 'The Biochemist's Approach to Medical Research’ . Inaugural lecture in the ‘Scientific Basis of Medicine’ series, British Postgraduate Medical Federation, October 1968. A synopsis of the lecture was published under the title ‘Biochemical Approach to Medicine’ in The Scientific Basis of Medicine Annual Reviews, 1970 (Bibliog. 133). Multiple ms. and typescript drafts, brief correspondence. Letter to The Times re German immigration regulations, October 1968, and correspondence arising. Introduction to lecture by M. Sela, n.d., ¢c.1969. Ms. and typescript versions. Ms. and typescript versions, heavily corrected, of a lecture variously entitled 'Potential future contributions of biochemical research to medicine’ and 'The role of n.d., but biochemistry in future medical research’. o. 1969. Uses similar material to G.82 above. ‘Effects of insulin on the pattern of glucose metabolism in the perfused working and Langendorff heart of normal and insulin deficient rats', by Chain, Mansford and Opie. Biochem. J., 115, 1969 (Bibliog. 127). Includes extensive drafts and revisions, editorial corres- pondence and copyof referees’ report on paper as a result of which Chain revised the work. G.83 G.85 G.86 G.87 ‘Metabolismo di esosi in fettine di corteccia cerebrale di ratto' Italian typescript and ms. version of collaborative article published in English in J. Neurochem., 16 (Bibliog. 128). G.88 ‘Antibiotics and therapy in perspective’ The first Centenary Lecture given at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 28 November 1969; includes personal and scientific recollections. Ms. and typescript drafts, all heavily revised. See also A.190. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 210 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.89 "Some comments on infective drug resistance' Contribution to a Symposium on 'Transmissible Drug Resistance’ organised by the Veterinary Research Club, 13 February 1970. Programme of meeting, ms. and typescript versions of talk, correspondence. G.90-G.92 ‘Social Responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society' The Sixteenth Robert Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture, delivered to The Council of Christians and Jews, 25 February 1970. The lecture was published by the Council of Christians and Jews (Bibliog. 135) and in a condensed form in New Scientist, 22 October 1970 (Bibliog. 136). Ms. and typescript drafts of lecture (all with variants), comments on draft by M. Carlile. Correspondence with Council re invitation to lecture, arrangements and publication, 1968-71. Correspondencearising from lecture and publication, including requests and thanks for reprints, arrangements to publish in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, letter to The Times, 1970-71, and one letter 1976. G.90 G.91 G.92 G.93, G.94 ‘Biochemical Research in Perspective. Practical Applications’ Concepts and G.93 G.94 G.95 The Henry Tizard Memorial Lecture, given at Westminster School, 10 March 1970. Ms. and typescript drafts and notes for lecture. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements and also re the purchase of equipment for the Biology Department of the School from Chain's fee of 100 guineas. 'A Computerised Scanner for Bidimensional Radiochromatograms', by Chain, A.E. Lowe and K.R.L. Mansford, J. Chromatog., 53, 1970 (Bibliog. 137). Mainly correspondence with collaborators and publishers. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 211 G.96 G.97 G.98 G.99 G.100 G.101 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ‘Suggestions for the creation of an autonomous authority for the administration of scientific research in the United Kingdom' 7 pp. typescript paper (photocopy) dated 24 November 1970. 'Virus like particles from lower fungi’ Ms. and typescript drafts for paper or lecture, n.d., ¢.1970. Ms. draft for Chairman's Introductory remarks at H.G. Wells Memorial Lecture, by J. Wren-Lewis on 'The Anti- scientific Revolution’, 11 March 1971. Tribute to H. Raistrick, sent to The Times, 12 March 1971. 5 pp. typescript draft for talk on fusicoccin, probably at discussion meeting or symposium, n.d., ¢c.1971. Speech proposing Toast to Hunterian Society, 10 February 1972. Ms. and typescript drafts, brief correspondence. G.102, G.103 "Fungal viruses and their anti-viral properties’ G.102 G.103 G.104-G. 106 G.104 G.105 G.106 Evening Discourse given at Royal Institution, 3 March 1972, and published in Proc. Roy. Inst., 45, 1972 (Bibliog. 148). Ms. and typescript drafts and notes. Correspondence re invitation, arrangements, publication, 1erO=72;, 'The role of the biochemist in the development of drug therapy and prophylaxis’ The Hanbury Memorial Lecture, given to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 24 May 1972, and subsequently published in The Pharmaceutical Journal. Ms. and typescript drafts. Correspondence re lecture, award of Hanbury Memorial Medal which Chain received on same occasion, publication, etc. chaired the meeting. Includes correspondence with Lord Cohen who Ms. introductions for other occasions on which Hanbury Lecture material was used, at Inaugural Lecture of Beecham Auditorium, 5 July 1972, and in Ireland, n.d. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 212 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.107 'Note of thanks to Sir Rudolph Peters, FRS' G.108 G.109 G.110 Givenat British Nutrition Foundation Prize Lecture by Peters, 1972. 4 pp. typescript. Letter to The Times (on 'synthetic food'), September 1972. Submitted for publication but no indication whether accepted ornot. Transcript of discussion following a talk by Chain to Oxford University Biochemical Society, 1973, with brief correspondence. Ms. draft on 'Semisynthetic penicillins' and other drugs, n.d., latest reference 1973. Ms. draft for talk in German on relations between academic and industrial research laboratories. n.d., but Chain lectured frequently on this subject ¢c.1973. G.112 ‘Whither Biochemistry ?' 2 typescript drafts, one with extensive corrections, + 1 p. preface apologising for 'improvised and somewhat disjointed presentation’. n.d., ¢.1973, probably given at Imperial College. G.113 'Ner Israel Rabbinical College. Message for the 40th Annual Banquet, 9th December 1973' (at Baltimore, U.S.A.). Ms. and typescript drafts of message with covering letter to the Vice-President of the college (Rabbi H.N. Neuberger). Folder also includes background correspondence. Chain had originally hoped to attend the dinner but was prevented from doing so byillness. G.114 Address to British Nutrition Foundation, paying tribute to Sir Charles Dodds. n.d., December 1973 or January 1974 (Dodds died 16 December 1973). "Introduction of Professor Magee, R.S. of Arts, Sir William Jackson Pope Memorial Lecture’, 23 January 1974. The meeting was to have been chaired by Dodds; Chain took his place at short notice and paid tribute to his work in the introductory remarks. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 213 G.116 S117 G.118 G.119 G.120 G.121 G.122 G.123 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Letter to The Sciences (publication of the New York Academy of Sciences), 14, 5 June 1974. Correspondence, copy of published text. 'Social responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society’ Talk given to Natural History Society, Bryanston School, May 1975 (includes some material from Waley Cohen Lecture, see G.90), with correspondence re invitation and arrange- ments. Tribute to Sir Hans Krebs on his 75th birthday. in Assoc. of Jewish Refugees monthly magazine, AJR Information, August 1975. Published 2 pp. typescript draft, brief correspondence. Contribution to written symposium on the present and future position of the State of Israel, published in Maariv Evening Newspaper (in Hebrew), September 1976. Correspondence from the Editor, press-cutting. Correspondence (only), 1976-77, re book Viruses and Plasmids in Fungi, scheduled for publication 1978, to which Chain and K.W. Buck were to contribute Chapter| 'Mycoviruses and Interferon Induction’. Ms. and typescript draft of obituary tribute to Jacques Tréfouél (d. July 1977), published in Nature. correspondence re publication, and letters of thanks from family and colleagues. Includes Speech at dinner in France, late 1977 or early 1978 (refers to obituary tribute to Tréfouél). Ms. and typescript drafts, in English and French. Obituary tribute to A.D. Gardner, The Times, February 1978. Typescript version, correspondence from Mrs. Gardner and from colleagues. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 G.124 G.125 214 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Ms. draft for speech on scientific research in Israel, n.d.,-¢.1978. "In Memory of Doug. Hems', 7 March 1979. Ms. and typescript versions of memorial tribute to colleague at Imperial College. Enclosed here is a letter of good wishes from Hems on Chain's retirement, 1973. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 215 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.126-G.155 UNDATED NOTES AND DRAFTS This is entirely autograph manuscript material, written on jotter pads or on loose pages of various format, and sometimes paginated. It is presented under tentative headings according to subject-matter. Attention is drawn to G.145-G.154 which have been retained as samples of Chain's methods of work, with a miscellany of research ideas, drafts for papers, scientific and personal correspondence all on the same jotter or notepad for later use or typing-up. G.155 is a folder of bibliographical notes, of interest since Chain left virtually no laboratory notebooks or experimental observations. G.126-G.130 Miscellaneous speeches, etc. overseas G.126 G.127 G.128 G.129 G.130 1 p. speech at Milan 1940s. 4 pp. speech at Milan (in Italian) 1940s. 1 p. speech at Naples (in English and Italian) 1940s. 2 pp. speech (in Italian) on science and human affairs. Speech (in French) to Spanish Academy of Sciences. G.131-G.134 Miscellaneous speeches on Jewish occasions G.13] G.132 G.133 G.134 Notes for speech on developmentofIsrael. 2 pp. draft speech on sciencein Israel. 1 p. notes, probably on Weizmann Institute. Miscellaneous sequences of drafts on importance of active Judaism. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 216 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.135-G.144 Lectures and talks on biochemistry G.135 G.136 G.137 G.138 G.139 G.140 G.14] G.142 G.143 G.144 "Scope of biochemistry', 4 pp. 'The role of the chemist in biochemical research', 3 pp. 'The scope and aims of biochemistry’, 6 pp. 'The science of biochemistry’, 5 pp. ‘Opportunities for the biochemist in industry', 2 pp. Speech or paper on contribution of biochemistry to medicine and agriculture, pp. 1-12 only. 'The case of successful research in clinical biochemistry’, pp. 20-25 only. pp. 5-9 only of speech or paper on conditions favourable for fundamental research. Notes and drafts for speech or lecture on history and development of drug research. Substantial folder of miscellaneous notes, narratives and drafts for lectures on history and importance of biochemistry; some intended for M.Sc. course at Imperial College. G.145-G.155 Miscellaneous notes and drafts G.145 Pages from a jotter pad or diary: research ideas, notes of letters to be written, jobs to be done, names and addresses, guest-lists, etc. G.146 Miscellaneous notes and drafts (part of a notepad). G.147 G.148 G.149 G.150 G.151 Miscellaneous notes and drafts (part of a notepad). Miscellaneous notes for paper on ‘Synthetic Foods’. Pages from a jotter pad, one dated 1973. Drafts for personal correspondence(part of a notepad). Drafts for miscellaneous correspondence, with firms, Imperial College, personal friends (part of a notepad). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 G.152 G.153 G.154 217 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Drafts for miscellaneous correspondence, with firms, personal friends, etc. (part of a notepad) and including 9 pp. typed-up report on visit to Ribena factory 1957. Shorter drafts for correspondence. Folder of miscellaneous shorter notes, research ideas, notes taken at meetings, on firms or laboratories, etc. G.155 Folder of bibliographical notes, notes on the literature. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 218 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.156-G.178 RADIO AND TELEVISION Correspondence and drafts for proposed programmes andinter- views, in alphabetical order of company or organisation. See F.233, F.287 for additional material on projects for films. See also J.184. G.156 ASSOCIATED-REDIFFUSION LTD. Correspondence, 1958, re participation in 'New Horizon' series. G.157-G.167 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION Correspondence and papers for programmes and interviews for radio and television, 1949-79. G.157 G.158 1949, 1961-62 1969-70 Includes correspondence with R. Jackson re a documentary for the Third Programme on the project for an Independent University (broadcast 2 July 1969). G.159-G. 163 197] Correspondence and papers re Chain's participation in first of televised 'Controversy’ programmes, on defence and the social responsibility of the scientist, filmed at the Royal Institution, 14 July 1971. The text of Chain's remarks, which were based on his Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture, 1970 (see G.90-G.92) were published in The Listener, 26 August 1971. G.159 G.160 G.161 Correspondence re arrangements, Italian translation, etc. Chain waived his fee for this, as for several other programmes, and asked for it to be sent to the Central Synagogue. Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's opening address on ‘Defence and the Social Responsibility of the Scientist’. Letters from friends and colleagues who saw the programme. (Most with Chain's replies. ) G.162 Letters from members of the public. G.163 Press-cuttings, copy of The Listener with published version. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 219 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.164 1972 Correspondence and papers re Chain's contribution to television programme on 'The Nobel Prize’ to the discovery of penicillin), transmitted 19 December 1972. Chain waived his fee and asked for it to be sent to the British Organisation for Rehabilitation Through Training. (with reference G.165 G.166 Ms. drafts for Chain's contribution. 1973-74 Miscellaneous correspondence re appearancesor advice for TV programmes 'Horizon', 'Controversy', 'Science without Frontiers', 'Science Now', etc. G.167 1977-79 Correspondence with BBC Open University Productions re possible participation in various programmes. G.168 CANADIAN BROADCASTING COMPANY Brief correspondence only, 1971. G.169 CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION Brief correspondence only, 1969. G.170 EUROPE No.1 - TELECOMPAGNIE Script for programme on the discovery of penicillin in the series 'Cing minutes qui ont changé le monde’, 1964. Brief correspondence. G.17] GRANADATV Brief correspondence only, 1959. G.172 LONDON WEEKEND TELEVISION Brief correspondence only, forwarding script for programme on Pasteur, 1972. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 220 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.173 MEDIKASSET Brief correspondence only, 1977. G.174 NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NBC) Interview for 'Today', 14 November 1966. Correspondence, drafts of Chain's answers to questions, edited transcript of interview. G.175 OFFICE DE RADIODIFFUSION-TELEVISION FRANGAISE (ORTF) Contribution to programme 'L'Enfant, |I'Homme et la Vie: Les Antibiotiques', broadcast 17 July 1969. Correspondenceonly. G.176 RADIO ITALIANA (RAI) Contribution to programmes 'Gli antibiotici' and 'Nuovi antibiotici’. Correspondence only, 1950. G.177 R.G, PRODUCTION CO. Correspondence only, 1973. G.178 WEST-GERMANTELEVISION NETWORK Correspondence only, 1972. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 221 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.179-G. 221 CORRESPONDENCEre PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES G.179-G.215 Publications G.216-G. 221 Lectures G.179-G.215 presents, in alphabetical order, correspondence with editors, publishing houses, journalists and scientific colleagues. The material includes requests to write articles or books, to comment on works submitted for publication by others, to serve on editorial or advisory boards, to provide introductions to works by others, etc. There is a little scientific correspondence, and references to Chain's own scientific papers submitted for publication. The material is dated and an indication given of any information of special biographical or scientific interest. Some of the exchanges may relate to undated manuscripts and drafts elsewhere in Section G, but it has not been possible to identify them with certainty. G.216-G.221 presents, in chronological order, requests to give lectures or talks. G.179-G.215 PUBLICATIONS G.179 Abacus-Kent Ltd. Academic Press Inc. te English edition of 'Rendiconti del Istituto Superiore di Sanita’. Acta Vitaminologica Adam Hilger Ltd. G.180 Advances in Chemotherapy Advances in Pharmacology Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd. Anglo-American Book Co. 1971 1954 1962 1952 1962 1963 1959 1953 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.18] Annual Reviews Inc. Includes material re Annual Review of Biochemistry (Bibliog. 38, 56) and Annual Review of Pharmacology (Bibliog. 109). 222 1949, 1958, eee G.182 Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 1950-61 Chain served on the Editorial and on the Inter- national Editorial Board from the founding of the journal in 1950. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie 1975-77 Chain served on the new Advisory Editorial Board from its inception in 1975. Archives of Biochemistry 1948, 1959 G.183 Aries Corporation re ‘Interferon Scientific Memoranda’. Arzneimittel-Forschung Invitation to serve on Editorial Committee. 1973 1963 1957 1949 1949, 1952, 1963, W72, 1975 1959, 1970 1954, 1961 1965, 1969 Aurora Zanichelli N. Barou Biochemical Journal Biochemical Pharmacology Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Biotechnology and Bioengineering G.185 G.186 G.187 Blackwell Scientific Publications 1958, 1961, 1978 Britain-China Friendship Association 1961 re proposed Quarterly Journal of Chinese Arts & Sciences British Doctor 1961 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.188 Cambridge University Press (Chain's carbons only) Chemical & Engineering News Chemische Industrie 223 1952 1957 1954 Chemistry and Industry 1959, 1962 (Chain's carbons only) G.189 Chemistry in Britain Chemotherapia 1969 1959 (Chain's carbon only, accepting invitation to serve as adviser to Editorial Committee). Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1961 Clinical Science G.190 Daco-Verlag The Daily Telegraph De Medicina Tuenda 1972-73 1970 1961 1963 Invitation to serve on the ‘Basic Sciences' committee of the new journal, and correspondence re publ ica- tion of Inaugural Meeting of European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology (see E. 58). Deutsche Apotheker- Zeitung G.191 Die Naturwissenschaften Die Weltwoche Discovery 1969 1979 1950 1953, 1961 Drug Action and Drug Resistance in Bacteria 1979 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.192 Edizioni Scientifiche di Medicina e Chirurgia (Rome) Edizioni Scientifiche e Techniche Monadori (Milan) Edizioni Scientifiche Einaudi (Turin) 224 1955 1970 1957 te Chain's preface to Italian translation of book by R. Dubos. Eine Welt der Vereinten Nationen G.193 Paul Elek Limited Ellis Horwood Limited 1975 1973-74 1973 Elsevier Publishing Company 1959, 1962, 1972, G.194 Enciclopedia della Chimica Enciclopedia Medica Italiana Encyclopaedia Hebraica The EP Group of Companies G.195 EPOCA European Journal of Biochemistry Excerpta Medica (Chain's carbon only). 1979 1970 1953-54, 1959 1950 1976 1963 1972 1952 G.196 G.197 The Financial Times 1955, 1969, 1971 Feinermann, E. Food Manufacture Frazier, C.A. 1970 1970 1973 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 225 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.198 Gauthier-Villars éditeur 1962 General and Comparative Endocrinology 1961-62 Chain served on the Advisory Council. Granada Publishing Limited Hutchinson & Co. Limited G.199 Ignossos Encyclopedia Il Farmaco 1969 1955 1974 1949 The Industrial Chemist 1961, 1963 G.200 International Abstracts of Biological Sciences 1958 International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 1953 International Journal of Environmental Studies 1969-72 Chain accepted an invitation to serve as Advisory Editor in 1972. International Journal of Radiation Biology 1958 Chain was invited to serve on Editorial Board, but declined. Interscience Publishers, Inc. 1949, 1958 G.201 Jerusalem Post Jewish Chronicle 1969 1976-77 Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering 1959 Chain served on Editorial Advisory Board. Journal of Neurochemistry J.P.A. Yearbook 1955 1961 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.202 Langer, E. Las Espaiias Les Amis de I'Université de Liége 226 1954 1950 1954 McGraw Hill Book Company Inc. 1963, 1969 Manufacturing Chemist Marcel Dekker, Inc. MD Publications, Inc. Médecine et Hygiéne G.203 G.204 Correspondence 1970 is re thalidomide. Medicine G.205 Nature 1957 1969 1958-59 1970, 1972 1975 1954-77 General correspondence re articles submitted for publication by Chain and/or his collaborators, or referred to him for comment. G.206 New Scientist 1957-74 General correspondence, mainly requesting articles from Chain. G.207 News Chronicle Nuova Antologia Omni Oxford University Press 1958 1952 1978 1970 G.208 Pergamon Press 1955-57, 1963 Correspondence 1955 is re Editorial Advisory Board of International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes; correspondence 1957 is re Modern Methods in Biochemistry . The Pharmaceutical Journal 1959 Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts G.208(Cont'd) Pointer Probe Progress in Experimental Medicine and Biochemistry G.209 H.M. Raven Research 'Retrospectives in Biochemistry: 1975' D.L. Rohlfing G.210 The Royal Society (Chain's carbons only, re papers submitted for publication in the Society's Proceedings. ) G.211 Scientia Society of Biological Chemists, India The Sunday Times Tom Stacey Limited 227 1969-70 1966 1979 1961=62 1948, 1952 1975 1971 1959-63 1953-58 1955 1958 1973 Chain was a memberof the consulting panel for the proposed ‘History of the Jewish People’. G.212 Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS) 1975-78 Mainly requests for articles or contributions. G.213 Who's Who in World Jewry Invitation to join International Publication Committee. World Medicine Chain was an advisor. World Science Review Wykeham Publications (London) Limited 1976 1970 1955 1970 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 G.214 G.215 228 Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Shorter requests for books, articles, contributions (no reply by Chain). Shorter correspondence re permission to quote from publications by Chain, reproduce photographs, etc., 1951-79. G.216-G. 221 LECTURES G.216 Thanks for lecture on early penicillin research, given in Oxford ¢.1940. Requests to give talks or lectures in Italy, 1950-58. G.217 Requests to give talks or lectures, 1950-59. Includes request from J. Tréfouél to lecture to Société Chimique de France, 1952; correspondence, 1955-59, requesting lectures at Munich. G.218 Requests to give talks or lectures, 1960-69. Includes correspondence re Almroth Wright Lecture at the Wright-Fleming Institute (1963). G.219 G.220 Requests to give talks or lectures, 1970-71. Requests to give talks or lectures, 1972. Includes visit to University College of Swansea. G.221 Requests to give talks or lectures, 1973-78. Includes correspondence re Boulter Lecture at Guildford Medical Centre, 1975. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 229 SECTION H ISRAEL AND JEWISH ORGANISATIONS _H.1 - H.141 INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF CONTENTS Section H contains correspondence and papers relating to a large number of Jewish sdcieties, organisations and academic institutions with which Chain was associated during his life. The material, which is presented alphabetically, varies from a single folder to a substantial sequence covering several years of which by far the largest is at H.66 - H.135 (The Weizmann Institute of Science). For drafts and lectures on Jewish topics in Section G, see G.17 - G.20, G.66, G.78, G.113, G.118, G.119, G.124, G.131 - G.134. For conferences, etc. on Jewish topics in Section J, see J.58, J.79, J.88, J.91 > Je 127, ds 174s ANGLO-ISRAEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANGLO-ISRAEL CULTURAL FOUNDATION ANGLO-JEWISH ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY B'NAI B'RITH BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE (London) FRIENDS OF THE FUND FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MEDICINE IN ISRAEL HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM HILLEL FOUNDATION see B'NAI B'RITH IMPERIAL COLLEGE JEWISH SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS INTER-UNIVERSITY JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ISRAEL NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT H.1 HZ H.3 H.4 A .S-H. 12 H.13-H.21 H.22 H.23 H.24, H.25 H.26-H. 38 H.3? H.40 H.41 H.42 H.43 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Israel and Jewish organisations ISRAEL UNIVERSITIES' STUDY GROUP FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AFFAIRS ISRAELI EMBASSY (London) 230 H.44 H.45 JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF JEWISH STUDIES H.46-H.48 JERUSALEM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLO GY JEWISH NATIONAL FUND JEWS' COLLEGE, LONDON JOINT ISRAEL APPEAL KOL YISROEL GROUP LONDON JEWISH HOSPITAL MEDICAL SOCIETY THE MACCABEANS MUSEUM OF THE DIASPORA (BETH HATEFUTSOTH) NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET JEWRY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND SCHEU FOUNDATION FOR ASTHMA AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES SHAARE ZEDEK HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM H.49 H.50 H 51, H.52 H.53 H.54 H..55 H.56, H.57 H.58 H.59 H.60 H.61 TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY H.62, H.63 UNION MONDIALE DES ETUDIANTS JUIFS UNION O.5S.E. H.64 H.65 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE H.66°H.135 WHITTINGEHAME COLLEGE (Sussex) WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS YESHIVA UNIVERSITY H.136 H.137 H.138 Shorter unindexed correspondence H.139-H. 141 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 231 Israel and Jewish organisations ANGLO-ISRAEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1974-78 Includes letter from the Chairman Correspondence re Chain's membership of the Executive Committee. (L.R. Goodman), April 1976, confirming Chain's agreement to become an Honorary Vice-President of the Chamber. H.2 ANGLO -ISRAEL CULTURAL FOUNDATION 1969-70 Correspondence with Lord Goodman, one of the inaugurators of the Foundation. to become oneofits initial Patrons. Chain was asked H.3 ANGLO-JEWISH ASSOCIATION 1961, 1975-76 Chain was elected as a member of the Council at a meeting on 6 October 1969. Brief correspondence with the Secretary and Treasurer. H.4 ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN 1970-71 Correspondence with the Chairman (H. Samek). Includes draft of message from Chain in support of formation of an Oxford Branch of A.J.E.X. H.5-H.12 BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY 1961-79 Chain was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University from 1976. doctorate in 1974. He was awarded an honorary H.5 1961-74 1961 correspondenceis re invitation to Chain from the General Secretary of the British Friends of Bar-Ilan University to become a memberof the Academic Advisory Committee. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 232 Israel and Jewish organisations H.6-H.8 Award of Honorary Doctorate by Bar-Ilan University, 27 June 1974. H.6 H.7 H.8 Announcement of the award, arrangements for the ceremony. Ms. drafts and abstract of Chain's address on the occasion of the award. Letters of thanks from Chain, letters of congratulation from colleagues. H.? 1974-76 H.10 Includes letter from the Chancellor of Bar-Ilan University, 26 July 1976, announcing Chain's election to member- ship of the Board of Trustees. 1977 Includes correspondence re election of Rabbi E. Rackman as President of Bar-Ilan University and arrangements for meetings of the Board of Trustees. H.1] 1978 H.12 Includes correspondence Mainly re meetings and visits. and memorandum by W. Feder re proposed medical school of Bar-Ilan University. 1979 Mainly re arrangements for dinner marking the endowment of the President Ephraim Katzir Chair in Bio-physics at Bar-Ilan University, 16 May 1979. H.13-H. 21 B'NAI B'RITH 1961-79 (includes Hillel Foundation) Correspondence and papers. H.13 1961, 1965-66 1961 letter is an invitation to address the B'nai B'rith Leo Baeck (London) Lodge. 1965-66 correspondenceis with the Director of the Hillel Foundation (H. Shaw) and includes invitation to Chain to become a Patron (accepted). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 233 Israel and Jewish organisations H.14 1967 Includes invitation to chair the Hillel Foundation annual lecture and drafts of Chain's introduction of D. Brogan as lecturer. H.15 1968 Mainly re Hillel Foundation Building Appeal. H.16 1969 Includes ms. of speech delivered at lunch given by H. Lever in Chain's honour in aid of the Hillel Foundation Building Appeal, and miscellaneous correspondence with the Chairman and the Director of the Hillel Foundation. H.17 1970-71 Mainly invitations to meetings and functions at Hillel House. H.18 1972 Invitations to meetings and functions, requests to lecture. H.19 1973-75 Invitations to meetings and functions, requests to patronise fund-raising and otheractivities. H.20 1976-79 Includes draft of address delivered at a soirée in honour of Chain's 70th birthday, 11 January 1977. H. 2] Undated ms. draft of speech re the value of the Hillel houses to Jewish university students. H.22 THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS 1969, 1971-79 Request to serve on British Committee for Jews in Arab Countries (1969); invitations to attend functions, sign petitions. H.23 CENTRAL SYNAGO GUE (Great Portland Street, London) 1966-77 Correspondence re membership of the congregation, attendance at services, etc. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 234 Israel and Jewish organisations H.24, H.25 FRIENDS OF THE FUND FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MEDICINE IN ISRAEL 1971-77 Chain was a Trustee. H.24 Hs25 Correspondence with V. Mishcon and others, 1971-72, re arrangements for Chain to become a Trustee. Correspondence with A. Shapiro and other Trustees, 1973-77, re administration of the Fund. H.26-H.38 HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM 1952-79 Chain was a member of the Board of Governors. Correspondenceis mainly with the President and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the University and officers of the English Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. There is very little correspondence before 1967 and virtually none for 1970-72. Correspondence with the Executive Vice-President of the Hebrew University (D.W. Senator), 1952-53, re planning and academic organisation of the University. Letter from the Chairman (N. Bentwich), March 1958, enclosing copies of speeches made at the laying of the corner-stone of the University (1918) and at the opening ceremony (1925). Undated typescript ‘Notes for the Talk at the Dinner of the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’. The material assembled by Bentwich may have been intended to help Chain in the preparation of this talk. Brief correspondence with the Secretary, 1962, 1963. Typescript of ‘Address to the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on November 18th, 1965’. Communications from the President, Chairman of the Board of Governors and Executive Vice-President of the Hebrew University, 1966-70. Mainly re arrange- ments for meetings and functions. H.26 H.27 H.28 H.29 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 H.30 235 Israel and Jewish organisations Correspondence with the Chairman and Secretary of the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1967. Includes arrangements for travel to Meeting of Board of Governors in June, copy of report on a visit to the Hebrew University by A. Neuberger, May 1967, and correspondence re nominations for the offices of President and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the University . Ms. and typescript drafts of speech by Chain introducing a film about agricultural experiments in the Negev desert shown at a meeting of the Friends, 30 January 1968. Folder also includes correspondence re arrangements and photograph of Chain delivering the speech. Correspondence with officers of the Friends of the Hebrew University, 1968. meeting of Board of Governors in March. Includes arrangements for travel to Correspondence with officers of the Friends of the Hebrew University, 1969. raising and invitations to Chain to speak at various functions. Includes correspondence re fund- Communications from the President and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University, 1973-75. Includes announcement of Chain's appointment as an honorary memberof the Board, April 1974. Correspondence with officers of the Friends of the Hebrew University, 1973-75. Mainly re meetings and functions. Includes correspondence with A. Neuberger re the role of the Academic Committee of the Board of Governors of the University. Communications from the Chairman of the Board of Governors, 1976-79. Mainly re meetings and various university affairs. Correspondence with officers of the Friends of the Hebrew University, 1976-78. Re meetings and conferences. Brief correspondence from members of the Hebrew University and the Hadassah Medical School, 1955-77. Not indexed. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 236 Israel and Jewish organisations H.39 IMPERIAL COLLEGE JEWISH SOCIETY 1969-71 Correspondence re meetings and introduction of Kosher meals service at Imperial College. H.40 INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS 1969-79 Correspondence with the Director (S.J. Roth) re arrange- ments for Chain to take the Chair at lecture by S. Ettinger, 3 March 1970. Invitations to other IJA lectures and meetings are also included here. H.41 INTER-UNIVERSITY JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND _ 1969-72 Includes invitation to Chain to accept an Honorary Vice- Presidency of the Federation for 1969-70 and corres- pondence re various meetings and social events. H.42 ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1969, 1971 Letter re Chain's nomination as continuing Honorary President of the British Fellowship of the Association, August 1971. Brief correspondence re meetings. H.43 ISRAEL NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1970, 1977 1970 correspondence is re desalination research and development in Israel. Chain's reply has not survived. 1977 correspondencerefers to symposium on 'Biotechno- logical applications of Proteins and Enzymes' (see also J.172, J.173) and developments in the pharmaceutical and food industries. H.44 ISRAEL UNIVERSITIES' STUDY GROUP FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AFFAIRS 1974-75 Includes correspondence re the attitude to Israel of UNESCO and other international organisations and specialised agencies. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 237 Israel and Jewish organisations H.45 ISRAELI EMBASSY (London) 1968-79 Correspondence with various members of the embassystaff. 1968 correspondence is re the granting of 'compulsory licences' to Israeli firms, and includes exchanges with M.W. Weisgal and W.L. Abramowitz on the same subject. H.46-H.48 JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF JEWISH STUDIES 1973-78 Correspondence with the Principal (Rabbi B . Horovitz) re the affairs of the Academy, arrangements for meetings and functions in England and Israel, fund- raising activities, etc. H.46 H.47 H.48 1973-75 1976-78 Ms. and typescript drafts for speech by Chain describing the work of the Jerusalem Academy, delivered at a reception given by W.I. Hubert in January 1976. Brief correspondence with Mr. Hubert is also included in the folder. H.49 JEWISH COLLEGE OF TECHNOLO GY 1972-78 Correspondenceis mainly with the English Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology, of which Chain was an Honorary Vice-President, re meetings, fund- raising, etc. H.50 JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 1969=75 Correspondence with the Director re various activities of the Fund. Includes requests for Chain to serve ona prize-awarding committee (1969), and become a patron of the J.N.F. Education Department (1971). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 238 Israel and Jewish organisations H.51, H.52 JEWS' COLLEGE, LONDON 1972-79 H.5] Typescript and incomplete ms. draft of speech delivered at the College Speech Day, 2 July 1972. Correspondence re arrangements, letters of thanks and invitations to a previous Speech Day are also included in the folder. Hoe Correspondence 1975-79 with C. Domb re text of letter supporting Jews’ College for publication in the Jewish Chronicle; from Jews' College Union Society (request to speak) te arrangements for the establishment of 'Emeritus Chief Rabbi Sir Israel Brodie Chair in Biblical Studies at Jews' College’. H.53 JOINT ISRAEL APPEAL (including JOINT PALESTINE APPEAL) 1969-77 Correspondence re functions, meetings and fund-raising. H.54 KOL YISROEL GROUP (Philadelphia) 1969 Correspondence with the Chairman re persecution of Jews in Arab countries. H.55 LONDON JEWISH HOSPITAL MEDICAL SOCIETY 1970-78 Correspondence is mainly requests to Chain to give the Annual Oration of the Society (he did so in March 1977). 1978 correspondence is re nomination of Chain as an honorary memberof the Society. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 239 Israel and Jewish organisations H.56, H.57 THE MACCABEANS 1955, 1971-75 H.56 H.57 Correspondence with successive Honorary Secretaries of the Society consisting mainly of invitations to Chain to attend one of the society's dinners as a guest of honour (he accepted in December 1974, see below). Typescript drafts of 'Speech for the Maccabeans on 1974', including autobiographical December 15th reminiscences of Chain's early life up to his departure from Germany in 1933. H.58 MUSEUM OF THE DIASPORA (BETH HATEFUTSOTH) 1977-78 Request to Chain to become a member ofthe Executive Council of the British Friends of the Museum (accepted); invitations to the opening ceremony in Tel Aviv, May 1978. H.59 NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET JEWRY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND 1976 Correspondence re implications of Chain's election as a Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. See also A.170, E.218. Brief correspondence from the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry is also included here. H.60 SCHEU FOUNDATION FOR ASTHMA AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES 1977-78 Correspondence and information about the Foundation. Includes invitation to Chain to become a Trustee. See also K. 204. H.61 SHAARE ZEDEK HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM 1973, 1975 Correspondence with the Chairman (V. Mishcon) and Executive Director of the British Council of the Shaare Zedek Hospital, mainly arising from requests to Chain to give lectures/attend functions in aid of the hospital. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 240 Israel and Jewish organisations H.62, H.63 TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1953-77 H.62 H.63 Correspondence with colleagues at the Technion, 1958-77, re research, visits, functions, etc. Correspondence with the British Technion Society and other related bodies, 1953-77. meetings and functions. Vice-President of all these bodies. Chain was an Honorary Mainly re H.64 UNION MONDIALE DES ETUDIANTS JUIFS 1949 Correspondence from the Secretary- General re Chain's appointment as a member of the Honorary Committee. H.65 UNION O.5S.E. (Union des Oeuvres de Secours aux Enfants et de Protection Sanitaire des Popu- lations Juives) 1954, 1960-75 Includes ‘Association "OSE" in Israel'and ‘British OSE Society (Organisatio Sanitaria Ebraica)'. 1954 correspondence includes request to Chain to serve on the Scientific Council of Union O.S.E. Later correspondence is mainly with British OSE Society re meetings of the Executive Committee. Chain was an Honorary Vice-President until the organisation was absorbed by the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation in 1975. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 241 Israel and Jewish organisations H.66-H.135 THE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE (formerly the Daniel Sieff Research Institute) 1949-79 Very little remains to document Chain's early associations with the Weizmann Institute, although it is clear that he seriously considered going to work there in the late 1940s (see A.79, A.80, H.66, K.12). He was a long-standing member of the Board of Governors, Chairman of the Committee on Membership and Honours for Public Service (from 1970 - see H.90) and Vice-President of the Weizmann Foundation from 1972 (see H.94). Much of the following correspondence is with fellow Governors re forthcoming meetings and elections, and it includes discussions of many different aspects of the Institute's financial and administrative affairs as well as some more personal exchanges. H.66 Correspondence 1949-56 Includes letter from E.D. Bergmann, January 1949 urging Chain to come and work at the Institute; from C. Weizmann, December 1949; correspondence with A. Katchalsky re development of antibiotics industry in Israel, 1950-51; correspondence re Chaim: Weizmann Memorial Lectures and arrangements for visit of D. Marotta, 1956. letter H.67 Correspondence and papers 1958-59 Includes letter from M.J. Sieff re candidates for Presidency of the Institute and 7 pp. typescript in Italian headed 'Memorandum perI'organizzazione in Italia di una Societa di Amici dell’ Istituto Scientifico Weizmann’ . The remaining correspondence consists of Chain's carbons only. H.68 Correspondence 1961-63 Mainly re arrangements for meetings of the Board of Governors and other events. exchanges and a long letter from Chain to |. Sieff re the relationship between the Executive Council of the Institute and the Board of Governors. Includes some personal E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 242 Israel and Jewish organisations H.69 Correspondence with members of the American Com- mittee for the Weizmann Institute, 1954-63. Mainly with A. Feinberg (President) and J. Brainin (Executive Vice-Chairman), re various fund-raising and commemorative projects. Correspondence, 1964-January 1965 re arrangements for celebrations to mark the 20th Anniversary of the founding of the Weizmann Institute and the 70th birthday of Meyer W. Weisgal, Chairman of the Executive Council of the Institute. 2 pp. typescript tribute to Weisgal written for inclusion ina Jubilee presentation volume (see below). Includes Copy of booklet prepared for Weisgal's 70th birthday . Correspondence with A. de-Shalit, April 1965, re proposals for collaboration between the Weizmann Institute and the British Ministry of Technology. Correspondence with Weisgal and others, May-October 1965. Mainly re arrangements for meetings, visits, etc. Includes copy of a letter from N.M.V. Rothschild to M. J. Sieff re financial and administrative problems of the Weizmann Institute. Correspondence with W. Taub and others, July-September 1965, re negotiations with Beecham Research Labora- tories for collaboration with the Weizmann Institute through the Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd. Booklet recording speeches and tributes during Presentation of the Weizmann Award in the Sciences and Humanities to Lord Sieff of Brimpton and (post-humously) Mrs. Rebecca Sieff, 3 January 1967. Arrangements for Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute, April 1967. Folder also includes Agenda of the meeting and a copy of the 'Operating Budget 1967-68'. Correspondence with Margalit Sela and others re visit to the Weizmann Institute for informal discussions, June- July 1967. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 243 H.78 H.79 H.80 H.81 H.82 H.83 H. 84 H.85 Israel and Jewish organisations Correspondence re Annual General Meeting of the Board of Governors, October 1967. Includes a letter from D.D. Stone (Chairman of the Board), August 1967, re the impact of the recent war on the future of Israel . Ms. drafts of speech, apparently delivered on the occasion of the opening of the new Wolfson Institute of Experimental Biology at the Weizmann in October 1967. Arrangements for meeting of Board of Governors, December 1968. Includes copy of proposal by P. Hillman for establishment of a research group in Neurophysiology at the Weizmann (for consideration at the meeting), and some related correspondence. Correspondence with P. Sporn, January-April 1969, re - nominations for the Presidency of the Weizmann Institute. Includes accounts of meetings of members of the Selection Committee and discussions with prospective candidates . Correspondence with other members of the Selection Com- mittee and prospective candidates, September 1968-April Includes letter from M.J. Sieff re size and 1969. structure of the Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute. 3 pp. typescript draft by P. Sporn, 4 March 1969, headed ‘Advisory Council, The Weizmann Institute of Science’, advocating the formation of a small Scientific Advisory Council to make recommendations to the Board of Governors. Summary of resolutions at Extraordinary General Meeting of the Board of Governors, April 1969, including the election of A.B. Sabin as the next President, and corres- pondence with Sabin following his election. Correspondence with various members of the Weizmann Institute and Board of Governors, May-December 1969, mainly re arrangements for meetings and visits. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 244 Israel and Jewish organisations H.86 Correspondence, January-April 1970 Mainly re administrative and scientific policy of the Weizmann Institute. Includes several references to proposed Scientific Advisory Council. H.W. Thompson, 3 April, is re arrangements for Chain to represent the Royal Society at the installation of the new President of the Institute. Letter from H.87-H.90 Correspondence with D.D. Stone (Chairman, Board of Governors) and others, September-November 1970. In alphabetical order. H.87 C.B. Anfinsen Includes copies of letters from A.B. Sabin and S.L. Stulman to Anfinsen re terms of reference of the new Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee. H.88 M.M. Boukstein Mainly re Boukstein's appointment as Chairman of the Executive Council. Includes letter from C.B. Anfinsen. H.89 H. Levine Includes general correspondencere scientific policy, the political situation in the Middle East, etc. H.90 D.D. Stone Includes request to Chain to serve as Chairman of the newly-formed Committee on Membership and Honours for Public Service, invitation to Birthday Dinner Party in New York in honour of Stone and H. Levine, and arrangements for informal meeting of the Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee. H.91 Correspondence re membership of the Committee on Member- ship and Honours of the Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute, February-September 1971. pondence with M.M. Boukstein re general affairs of the Institute. Includes corres- H.92, H.93 Correspondence re nominations for honours, February- December 1971. H.92 H.93 February-October November-December E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 245 Israel and Jewish organisations H.94-H.99 Correspondence and papers, 1972 Nominations for Honours Committee, arrangements for meetings, general correspondencere the affairs of the Institute. H.94 January Mainly re nominations and electoral procedure. Includes copy of telex from A.B. Sabin congratu- lating Chain on election to Vice-Presidency of the Weizmann Foundation. H.95 February-May Mainly re nominations and electoral procedure. Includes some correspondence re fund-raising. H.96 June-July Mainly re nominations and electoral procedure. Includes draft recommendations of the Honours Com- mittee on the criteria for election of candidates to the Board of Governors, and related correspondence. H.97 August-September Mainly re nominations and elections, byt includes letter from M.M. Boukstein re scientific work at the Institute. H.98 September-October Mainly re nominations and elections. arrangements .for meetings in November. Includes some H.99 November-December Mainly re meeting of Board of Governors. letter from A. Patchornik reporting on progress of collaborative research project with Beecham Research Laboratories. Includes H.100-H.104 Correspondence and papers, 1973 H.100 January-March Nominations and elections, arrangements for meetings and discussions. congratulation to E. Katzir on his election as President of Israel. Includes Chain's draft letter of E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 246 Israel and Jewish organisations H.101 April-May Nominations and elections, arrangements for meetings. Includes correspondence re corrections to the minutes of the Board of Governors meeting in November 1973. H.102 June-July Nominations, arrangements for meetings and visits, correspondence re administrative problems. some correspondence with the Executive Secretary of the Weizmann Institute Foundation. Includes H.103 August-September Nominations, arrangements for meetings. correspondencere the minutes of the Executive Council meeting in June 1973. Includes H.104 October-December Mainly re nominations. respondence from D. Kleeman. Includes some personal cor- H.105-H.110 Correspondence and papers, 1974 H.105 January-March Re nominations and elections. A. Feinberg (Chairman, Board of Governors) re fund for families of members of the Weizmann Institute killed in the Yom Kippur War. Includes letter from H.106 April Includes correspondence with D. Kleeman, S.L. Stulman and others re financial position of the Weizmann Institute, copy of typescript by M.W. Weisgal entitled "Some Observations on the State of the Institute’ and miscellaneous re nominations, awards, etc. H.107 May Includes correspondence re nominations, elections and meetings and re various financial and administrative problemsof the Institute. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 247 Israel and Jewish organisations H.108 June-July Re nominations, elections, meetings. Includes invitation to Chain to serve on the International Sponsoring Committee for the Chaim Weizmann Centenary Celebration and 2 pp. typescript 'Report on Membership of Board of Governors of the Weizmann Institute and Criteria for Election to the Board’, 10 July 1972. H.109 August-September Mainly re arrangements for meetings and functions. Includes some correspondence re nominations and elections and re financial position of the Institute. H.110 October-December Re nominations, elections, arrangements for meetings and financial affairs of the Institute. H.111 Correspondence with the Director of the Weizmann Institute Foundation, February-November 1974. Also included here is material re the Comitato Italiano per L' Istituto Scientifico Weizmann. H.112-H.117 Correspondence and papers, 1975 H.112 January-April Includes copies of press releases re research at the Weizmann Institute, draft telegram of condolence from Chain on death of Margalit Sela and letter announcing the Search Committee's recommendation that Professor Michael Sela be appointed as President of the Institute. H.113 May-June Mainly re nominations and elections. Includes press- cuttings re the activities of the Italian Committee for the Weizmann Institute. H.114 July-September Mainly re nominations, elections, arrangements for Meetings. re administrative affairs of the Institute. Includes correspondence from D. Kleeman E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 248 Israel and Jewish organisations H.115 October Includes agenda for Executive Council meeting on 18 November and copy of Operating Budget for 1975-76. H.116 November Mainly re nominations and elections. H.117 December Correspondence re nominations and re matters arising from the Board of Governors meeting in November 1975. H.118-H.121 Correspondence, 1976 H.118 January-February Re meetings and functions, nominations and awards. Includes further correspondence arising from the Board of Governors meeting in November 1975 and personal correspondence with M.M. Boukstein. All? March- July Re nominations, arrangements for Board of Governors meeting, etc. H.120 August-October Mainly re nominations and awards with some personal correspondence including copy of Chain's letter of congratulation to Sir Marcus Sieff on his election as Chairman of the Board of Governors. H.12] November-December Mainly re nominations and awards. personal correspondence. Includes some H.122-H.126 Correspondence 1977 H.122 January-February Includes correspondence re membership of the Board of Governors and scientific research in progress at the Institute. H.123 March-May Includes request to Chain to serve on an ad hoc committee to study the relations between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ research, and arrangements for visit to Israel in June. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 249 Israel and Jewish organisations H.124 June Includes extensive correspondence with the President (M. Sela) re scientific policy of the Institute inclu- ding the function of the ad hoc committee and proposed agreement between Yeda and Miles Laboratories. H.125 August-September Includes letter from Mainly re honours and awards. Chain to D. Vofsi expressing views on the scientific policy of the Institute. H.126 October-December Includes copies of Chain's letters of condolence on the deaths of M.W. Weisgal and D.D. Stone. H.127-H.131 Correspondence 1978 H 127 January Mainly re nominations and awards. letter from Chain to E. Japhet re meetings of the ad hoc committee on applied research. Includes copy of H.128 February-March Mainly re nominations and awards. H.129 April-June Includes correspondence with M. Sela and Sir Marcus Sieff re structure and function of the Committee on Applied Research and letter from D. Kleeman re the future of the Weizmann Institute Foundation. H.130 June-July Re nominations and awards. H.13] September-December Includes correspondence re meeting of Board of Governors which Chain was prevented byillness from attending. H.132 Correspondence, January-July 1979 Includes correspondence re negotiations with the Italian pharmaceutical industry, arrangements for meetings and visits and some personal correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 H.133 H.134 H.135 250 Israel and Jewish organisations Ms. of undated speech about the WeizmannInstitute. Undated typescript outlining proposals for re-organisation of the internal administration of the Institute. Shorter unindexed correspondence re the Weizmann Institute, 1967-71. H.136 WHITTINGEHAME COLLEGE (Sussex) 1967 Chain was on the Board of Governors. Correspondence with the Secretary, agendas and minutes of meetings of the Board of Governors. H.137 WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS 1967; *4975 Letter from M. Goldman, December 1967, congratulating Chain on joining the World Jewish Congress Executive. Invitation to Farewell Dinner of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, 1975. H.138 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY 1968-77 Chain was awarded an Honorary Degree by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, in 1961 (see J.37). This folder contains invitations to Chain to attend various functions at the University including dinner honouring the 30th Anniversary of Samuel Belkin as President of Yeshiva University to which Chain sent a message of congratulation to Belkin since he was unable to attend. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 251 Israel and Jewish organisations H.139-H.141 Shorter unindexed correspondence 1948-79 H.139 H.140 H.141 Within each folder the organisations are presented in alphabetical order. Requests to give talks and lectures on various aspects of Jewish life and thought, 1948-79. Requests/thanks for financial help, patronage or other support, 1963-79. Invitations to dinners and functions; miscellaneous, 1963-77. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 252 SECTION J VISITS AND CONFERENCES J.1 - J.193 This Section deals with visits, lecture-tours, scientific congresses and symposia 1948-79. Chain was in great demand and received many invitations to attend, present papers, chair sessions, provide introductory or concluding remarks, or to participate in the organisation of conferences as a committee or panel member, or as editor of the published proceedings. He was a cosmo- politan, enjoying travel despite the discomforts of asthma and respiratory diffi- culties, and accepted manyof these invitations which he usually combined with visits to research institutions or laboratories, or to friends. The material is consequently heterogeneous, and may vary from a single letter of invitation to a full account including preliminary arrangements, invitations sent out to speakers, drafts for speeches or major papers delivered by Chain, letters of thanks or congratulation and the like, extending over several years. Many of the undated lectures and papers in G.126 - G.155 were almost certainly given at conferences, but cannot be identified precisely (but see G.64, G.89). The presentation is chronological as far as possible. At the end of each year is placed a folder or folders of miscellaneous invitations or correspondence for which no further identifiable material can be traced. Some of these repre- sent declined invitations, but some refer to conferences which Chain may have attended and for which no other evidence survives in this collection. For conferences on penicillin, see B.73 - B.84, B.86 - B.88, B.90. For conferences organised by Chain at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, see C.79 - C.101. For conferences organised by societies and organisations, see E.11 - E.17, E.44, E.45 - E.52, E.64, E.65, E.73 - E.75, E.83, E.132, E.149 - E.155, E.165, E.167 - E.169, E.198, E.202, E.205, E.206, E.207 - E.210, E.224, E.233, E.234. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 253 J. J.2 J.3 J.4 Jed Visits and conferences Invitation for 1948 Symposium on the ground substance of mesenchyme and hyaluronidase, New York Academy of Sciences, 3-4 December 1948. 1949 Réunion Internationale de Tuberculose, Lausanne, April. Chain's lecture, on 'Chemistry of the Tubercle Bacillus’, was published in the conference volume 'Bacilles tuber- culeux et paratuberculeux'. Folder includes travel and editorial correspondence, photo- graph of Chain, p.1 of summary and pp.4-5 of text of lecture on 'Biologically active substances from the tuber- cle bacillus', n.d. Symposium on ‘Mutagenic substances', Naples, 27-31 May. Brief correspondence re meeting and publication. Congress of Societa per il Progresso delle Scienze, Rome, 28 November. Chain lectured on 'Modern Developments in Bacterial Chemotherapy’ . 14 pp. typescript of lecture, brief editorial correspondence. Invitations for 1949 Symposium on Venereal Diseases, Washington D.C., 7-8 April. Symposium at St. Andrews, 23-30 July. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 254 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1950, 1951, 1952 J.6 First International Congress of American College of Chest Physicians, Rome, 17 September 1950. XIIth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, New York, 3-7 September 1951. Conference in Jerusalem, n.d. (1951). Symposium in Pallanza, n.d. (1952). 1953 J.7 Second International Congress of Biochemistry, Paris. Introductory speech, 10 pp. typescript. n.d. but refers to M. Macheboeuf, organiser of Symposium, who died suddenly in August 1953. 1954 J.8 Indian Science Congress, Hyderabad, January. Brief correspondencere travel arrangements. J.9 Invitation to address Indian Academy of Sciences, Ahmedabad, programmeof visit, ms. and typescript versions of two lectures given by Chain on 'Technique of submerged fermentations' and 'Some aspects of intermediate carbo- hydrate metabolism’. Riunioni Medico-Chirurgiche Internazionali, Turin, 29 May- 6 June. Chain was awarded an honorary degree during the proceedings and also gave a lecture on ‘Aspects of intermediate carbo- hydrate metabolism’ . Correspondence re arrangements, summary of Chain's lecture, requests for copies, etc. J.10 'Some mechanisms of Biological Synthesis’. 29 pp. typescript of lecture at Congress of Agricultural Industries, n.d., ¢.1954. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 255 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1954 Giornate Biochimiche Italo-Franco-Elvetiche, 21-24 April. International Poliomyelitis Congress, Third International Congress, Rome, 6-10 September. Third International Congress of Internal Medicine, Stockholm, 15-18 September. Swiss Chemical Society, Altdorf, 25-27 September. Second Radioisotope Conference, Harwell, n.d. Asociacion Internacional de Antibioticos y Quimioterapicos, 2nd International Congress, Buenos Aires, n.d. (Chain was an Honorary President). Médecine et Hygiéne, Symposium on antibiotics, October. 1955 J.12 Third International Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels, August. Chain gave a paper on carbon metabolism of moulds. Brief correspondence only, re paper and arrangements. Invitation for 1955 Istituto Lombardo, meeting on macromolecules, Milan, 25-28 July. 1956 J.14 Rassegna Internazionale Elettronica e Nucleare, Rome, 28 June-15 July. Chain was a memberof the Scientific Committee. Brief correspondence only, re Proceedings. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 256 Visits and conferences 1957 J.15 Jaté Fifth National Congress of Chemotherapy, Turin, 5-6 June. Chain gave a paper, ‘Introduction to the new antibiotics’. Correspondence re arrangements, publication, etc. International Symposium on Chemistry of Enzymes, Tokyo, 15-23 October. One letter only. 1958 t= Ja 1? Visit to U.S.A., September-October. ard J.18 Jl9 Symposium on Molecular Biology, organised by Colombia University and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 25-30 September. Programme of meeting, correspondence with organisers. Second Conference on Physicochemical Mechanism of Nerve Activity, 2-3 October, and Second Conference on Muscular Contraction, 3-4 October, both organised by New York Academy of Sciences. Chain gave a paper on 'Recent progress in intermediary carbohydrate metabolism of brain and muscle’ at the first of these conferences. Programme of meetings, correspondence with organisers. Correspondence with colleagues and friends re lectures and visits by Chain during his stay in U.S.A., at Rutgers, Bethesda, New York University College of Medicine, Harvard, Wisconsin, Purdue, Colombia, etc. J.20 Seventh International Congress for Microbiology, Stockholm. Chain was Chairman of a section. Brief correspondence, Chain's carbons only. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.21 Sete 257 Visits and conferences Fourth International Congress of Biochemistry, Vienna, 1-6 September. Chain gave a summarising talk. Brief correspondence re arrangements and publication. Symposium at Wellcome Research Institution, London, September. Brief correspondence only. Invitations for 1958 J.23 Seminario di Chimica Terapeutica, Pavia, April. Convegno sul valore antibiotico della colimicina, Rome, April. Congresso della Societa Internazionale di Ematologia, Rome, September. Société Suisse d'Endocrinologie, Berne, September. 1959 J.24 Symposium on antibiotics, Prague, 18-23 May. Chain gave a paper, and contributed to panel discussion. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues re arrange- ments; includes a little scientific correspondence arising, press-cutting. First International Symposium on Anti-infectious and Anti- mitotic Chemotherapy, Geneva, 12-13 September. Chain was an Honorary President. Correspondence with organisers. Invitations for 1959 4.25 Conference on Controlled Clinical Trials, Vienna, March. Meeting on ‘Biochemistry and Physiology of Insulin and the Sulfonylureas', New York, April. Symposium on 'Prevenzione della resistenza batterica agli antibiotici', Perugia, May. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 258 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1960 J 526 Continuous culture symposium, March. Twelfth International Congress of the International College of Surgeons, Rome, May. Chain served on Committee of Honour. Meeting of German Society for Endocrinology, April. Chain gave a paper. Symposium on transport and metabolism, Prague. Chain served on International Committee. 1960 J.27, J.28 Visit to U.S.A., December. J.27 Correspondence re City of Hope Award to Chain, 4th December; ms. and typescript versions of his address on occasion of award. Also included is 12 pp. typescript ‘Synopsis of the main subjects of the scientific work of E.B. Chain and his coworkers’ . J.28 Meeting of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, New York, December. Typescript of Chain's paper, ‘Studies on brain metabolism’, later published in a slightly different form in Ultrastructure and Metabolism of the Nervous System, 1962 (Bibliog. 92). Folder also includes brief correspondence re publication arrangements. 1961 J.29 'Giornate Mediche Internazionali' of Societa Italiana di Chemioterapia, Turin, 10-11 June. Chain gave a paper on the new penicillins. Correspondence with organisers. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 259 Visits and conferences J.30-J.34 Visit to China, April-June. J.30 J.3]1 J.32 J.33 J.34 J.35 J.36 J.37 The visit was at the invitation of the Chinese Medical Association and the Academia Sinica; it was first bruited in 1958 but arrangements were not complete until 1961. Correspondence, 1958-61, re visit, arrangements, schedule of activities, guest-lists, etc. and a little later corres- pondencere research, exchange of students and information. Red exercise-book of miscellaneous travel notes, names of personnel, draft for speech, etc. (few pages used); another ms. draft for a speech is included as a loose sheet. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chain's report on his visit. Copyof final version of report, 17 pp. duplicate typescript and brief correspondence sending copies to Foreign Office and Ministry of Science. Article on visit, based on interview and originally intended for publication in The Observer but not published. Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, 10-16 August. Chain chaired the section on Biochemistry of Antibiotics. Correspondence with organisers, programme of events, letters of thanks and later correspondence re Chain's invitations to Russian colleagues to work at Istituto in Rome. Visit to Czechoslovakia, September, at invitation of Slovak Academy of Sciences. Correspondenceonly. Visit to New York, November, for award of Honorary Doctorate of HumaneLetters by Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University . Correspondence, 1961-62, letters of thanks, 9 pp. ms. draft of Chain's address. Invitations for 1961 J.38 Second International Symposium of chemotherapy, Naples, 14-17 September (Chain chaired a session on 'new antibiotics'). Visit to U.S.A. Visit to Paris, December. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 260 Visits and conferences 1962 J.39 Journées Bretonneau, Tours, 16-18 February, Centenary celebration for death of Bretonneau. Chain lectured on the new penicillins and the production of lysergic acid. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, programme of events, 4 pp. ms. draft of Chain's introductory remarks on Bretonneau. J.40 Fifth International Congress, Societa i|Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino, Palma de Mallorca, 9-11 May. Chain spoke on 'Recenti Progressi nel Campo della Neuro- chimica’. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, summary of lecture. J.41 Journées Médicales de Bruxelles, 14-16 June. Chain spoke on 'The New Penicillins'. Correspondence with organisers. J.42-J.45 Visit to South America, July. This was an extended tour, taking in Brazil, Argentina, Uraguay and Chile, and including an Honorary Degree from the University of Brazil and contacts with Jewish organisations as well as with academic and industrial institutions. Correspondence re arrangements, invitations, letters of introduction, guest-lists, letters of thanks and little continuing correspondence 1961-63. Ms. drafts for speeches given on visit, invitation cards. Miscellaneous printed matter re Jewish and academic institutions in South America. Photographs and press-cuttings of visit. See also A. 223. J.42 J.43 J.44 J.45 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.46 261 Visits and conferences International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Chemistry, organised by Societa Italiana di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Florence, 17-19 September. Chain chaired a session, and his concluding remarks were published in the conference Proceedings. Correspondence with organisers re arrangements and publication. J.47 Journées de Biochimie, Bordeaux, 18-20 October. Chain spoke on the mode of action of insulin, and on the new penicillins. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues. Invitations for 1962 J.48 Laboratoires Bristol, symposium on child medication. Chain was asked to preside and speak. Meeting and lecture at Milan and Pavia. Simposio Internazionale sui Glucidi Fosforilati, Milan, October. 1963 J.49, J.50 Symposium on 'Giobal Impacts of Applied Microbiology’, Stockholm, 29 July-2 August. Chain spoke on ‘Antibiotics today and in the future’ and his paper was published in the conference Proceedings. J.49 J.50 Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, programme of events. Folder also includes letter of thanks for lecture given to Microbiology Division, Swedish Medical Society, March 1963. Miscellaneous typescript and ms. drafts, corrected proof of Chain's paper. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 262 Visits and conferences Je5l Visit to Moscow, October. The visit was originally planned for May, but had to be postponed. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements 1962-63, mainly Chain's carbons only. Invitations for 1963 ps4 (March-June) Invitation to America, n.d. Beecham Symposium on Drug Absorption, April. Invitation to America, May. 8° Congresso Nazionale, Societd Italiana di Patologia, Perugia, May. Laboratoires Bristol, Symposium in Paris, May. Invitation to Padua, June. J+53 (July- November) Third International Symposium of Chemotherapy, Stuttgart, July. Chain was asked to give introductory talk. International Symposium on Diabetes, Modena, September. Squibb Institute, 25 Anniversary Symposium, October. Symposium on new penicillins, Milan, November. Invitation to Sado Paulo. 1964 J.54 Centenary Celebrations, Politecnico di Milano, April. Chain attended as representative of Imperial College as R.P. Linstead (Rector) was unable to attend. Invitation, programme of events, brief correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 263 Visits and conferences J D Conference at Apothecaries Hall, London, 2-4 June. Jae J.57 Chain served on Conference Committee and chaired session on 'Laboratory Aspects of Therapy’. Conference programme, copy of Chain's talk 'The New Penicillins' (offprint). (Bibliog. 106). Sixth International Congress of Biochemistry, New York, 26 July-1 August. Chain accepted an invitation to chair a session, but no other documentation survives. Invitations for 1964 3° Symposium Internazionale sul Lisozima di Fleming, Milan, April. Chain was asked to serve on Committee of Honour. First International Symposium on Radiosensitizers and Radio- Chain was asked to serve protective Drugs, Milan, May. on Committee of Honour. Antibiotic Congress, Prague, June. Invitation to Danish Society of Pathology, November. 1965 Ja58 World Jewish Congress Second 'Conference of Intellectuals', Spring . The theme of the Conference was 'Why should Jews remain Jews in this changing world?'. Chain spoke on 'Why | am a Jew' at the invitation of I. Sieff. Invitation, ms. and typescript drafts of speech. Also included here is 8 pp. ms. draft for speech on the value of Jewish primary education, introducing |. Sieff, n.d., but probably also c.1965. Visit to New York for Tenth Anniversary Dinner of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, given in honour of Samuel Belkin (President), May. Chain spoke at the dinner, but only a preliminary 'message' survives; he was made a Founder Memberof the College. Correspondence, arrangements, letters of thanks. J: 59 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 264 Visits and conferences J.60, J.6] Visit to Chicago, June. J.60 J.61 J.62 J.63, J.64 Chain received an honorary D.Sc., gave a lecture ‘Antibacterial Chemotherapy in Perspective’, and visited various friends and colleagues. Correspondence re degree and lecture, travel arrangements, speech of presentation, letters of thanks. Correspondence with colleagues and friends. International Symposium on 'Impact of Basic Sciences on Medicine', organised by Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 20-28 June. Chain spoke on 'Present state of antibiotics chemotherapy' and a condensed version was published underthetitle ‘Phases of penicillin research' in the conference proceedings in the Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, |, 1966. Correspondence re arrangements, programme, list of parti- cipants, correspondence with colleagues and friends, transcript of Chain's talk, proof of published version. Fifth International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, and Fourth International Congress of Chemotherapy, Washington D.C., 17-21 October. Chain spoke on 'Twenty-five years of penicillin therapy in perspective’, published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 1965 (Bibliog. 115). J.63 Correspondence with organisers, programmes, list of partici- pants, invitation to various 'round table’ and discussion groups, letters of thanks, editorial correspondence. J.64 Ms., revised typescript, etc. of Chain's paper. Js Gon Js67 'Teach-in' on ‘Pharmaceutical Profits and the Nation's Health', Edinburgh, 7 December. Chain wasthe first speaker; the Chairman was R.H. Girdwood. The 'Teach-in' was organised by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. J.65 Programme of meeting, correspondence with organisers and colleagues, press report, ms. and revised typescript of Chain's contribution. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 265 J.66 J.67 J.68 J.69 J.70-J.73 J.70 de¥l J.72 J.73 J.74 Visits and conferences Transcript of 'Teach-in', 121 pp. duplicated typescript. Documents relating to prosecution brought by American Cy anamid Company against a former employee for 'drug piracy', papers numbered 1-11. Invitation for 1965 Official Opening, School of Microbiology, University of Melbourne. 1966 Visit to Copenhagen, 26-28 April, to address Danish Society of Pathology and Microbiology, on 'The New Penicillins'. Correspondence only, re arrangements, 1965-66. Visit to U.S.A., for symposium ‘Reflections on Research and the Future of Medicine’, organised by Merck, Sharp and Dohme in New York and New Jersey to celebrate the opening of their new research laboratories at Rahway, N.J., 26-27 May. Chain gave the principal address, 'The Quest for New Biodynamic Substances', which was published in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 10, 1967 (Bibliog. 120). Correspondence re symposium, travel arrangements, etc. and including some scientific correspondence on research projects and collaboration. Correspondence re publication of Chain's address. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts for address, press release and press-cuttings . Conference programme, background material sent to Chain. For an album of photographs compiled on the occasion see A.225. Visit to Paris, for Tercentenary Celebrations of Académie des Sciences de I'Institut de France, June. Chain was invited to give oneof the speechesat the inaugural ceremony 'sous la Coupole', and also represented Imperial College. Correspondence with Secretary of Academy, programme of events, ms. notes and drafts for Chain's address (in French). = yee Chain spoke on 'Fermentation Research in Perspective'. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 266 Visits and conferences JetD, Jo/O Ninth International Congress for Microbiology, Moscow, 24-30 July. Chain was guest of honour of Organising Committee, and 'Moderator' (= organiser) of Symposium B1, on "Biologically Active Substances of Microbial Origin’, held on 26 July. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues. Conference programme and newsletters, miscellaneous papers and material sent to Chain. Symposium on the Semi-Synthetic Penicillins, arranged by Beecham Research Laboratories, Johannesburg, 2-3 September. Chain gave the opening address, on 'The Semi-Synthetic Penicillins', and the conference proceedings were pub- lished. visited Kenya, Uganda, other medical research centres in South Africa, and spoke on ‘Science in Israel’ to the Israeli United Appeal Group in Johannesburg. During his visit he also Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, invitations, travel arrangements, letters of thanks; includes a little material on scientific research. Chain's journal and travel notes, 8 pp. ms. Correspondence re Chain's talk on behalf of Israeli United Appeal. Conference programme, Abstracts of speeches, texts of Chain's address and of his contributions to discussions, editorial correspondence. JAD J.76 J.77~J.80 J.78 sale J.80 1967 J.81-J.83 Visit to U.S.A., March-April. Chain was invited by the Carl Neuberg Society for Inter- national Relations to receive the Carl Neuberg Medal and to address the Society at a banquet in Philadelphia. He also received an Honorary Doctorate from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Chain spoke on 'Fermentation Research in Perspective’. Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 267 J.81 J.82 J.83 J.84 J.85 Visits and conferences Correspondence re award of Carl Neuberg Medal, travel arrangements. Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association re invitation to Chain to be 'honored guest' at the Annual Meeting, which did not materialise. Includes earlier correspondence from Programme of Award, banquet, symposium on 'Drugs and Dreams', 29-30 March, texts of Chain's address to Carl Neuberg Society, and his reply on award of Hon. D.Sc. Correspondence re visits by Chain to research taboratories including Upjohn International, Inc., Zimpro Inc. (on behalf of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food). Symposium on the Biological and Clinical Aspects of the Central Nervous System, organised to celebrate 50th Anniversary of the Pharmaceutical Department of Sandoz Ltd., 16 October. Invitation, programme of arrangements. Second Conference on Global Impacts of Applied Micro- biology, Addis Ababa, 6-11 November. Correspondence re arrangements, provisional programme of events. J.86 Visit to Esso Research Laboratories, New Jersey, 27 November. Brief correspondence only. 1968 J.87, J.88 Visit to Brussels, 25-26 January. J.87 J.88 Chain was invited by the wife of the Israeli Ambassador to Belgium to attend and speak at a dinner for various charitable medical organisations; he spoke on the Weizmann Institute. Correspondence, invitations, arrangements. Ms. draft of a talk on ‘Science in Israel', 6 pp. Two typescript drafts of talk on 'The Weizmann Institute of Science, a Jewish contribution to Knowledge and Progress’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 268 Visits and conferences JJOr UNESCO Symposium on Brain Research and Human Behaviour, Paris, 11-15 March. Chain acted as 'General Discusser'. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, invitation, draft and final version of programme, list of participants, ms. drafts of Chain's contributions to discussion. J.90 The Economic Conference, Jerusalem, 31 March-4 April. Correspondence, programme, reports, resolutions, etc. Invitations for 1968 J.9] Invitation from Jewish Institute for Medical Research, Houston, to address Houston Society of Internal Medicine. Invitation to E. Merck Tercentenary Celebrations, Darmstadt, May. Comité d'Honneur for M~M Janot, May. Congrés Juif Mondial, colloquium on 'Od va le Judaisme?' 4J.92 Conference on 'Preparing Nutritional Protein from Spirulina’, Stockholm, June. Symposium International sur le Développement, Monaco, September-December. Symposium on New Antiviral Vaccines, Moscow, October. 1969 J.93, J.94 J.93 Visit to University of Miami, Florida, January. Correspondence re visit, printed matter, arrangementsfor television interview with W.J. Whelan, schedule of appointments, photographs of Chain and colleagues, invitations to visit other universities during trip. J.94 ‘Some comments on the mode ofaction of insulin’. Ms. and typescript draft of paper (kept with above). See also K.272. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 269 Visits and conferences SPD, de FS Sixth meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), Madrid, 7-11 April. 5.95 J oS be F7 Chain was Chairman of Colloquium D, Molecular Bases of Antibiotic Action, and contributed a paper to Colloquium E, Molecular Neurobiology. His paper 'Recent studies in amino- acid glucose interrelations in brain' was published in FEBS Symposium, 21, 1970 (Bibliog. 134). Correspondence with colleagues and organisers re arrange- ments, draft and final programmes, personal and social engagements, editorial correspondence re publication, letters of thanks. Various ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's paper. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, Karlsruhe, 2-5 October. Chain spoke on '30 Jahre Penicillintherapie. und Ausblick'. Ein RUckblick Correspondence, conference programme, ms. drafts of Chain's lecture. The conference programmeincorrectly lists the title N.B. as '40 Jahre Penicillin-Forschung' . Invitations for 1969. J.98 Biochemie Kundl, Symposium on high dosage penicillin therapy, Vienna, June. Sixth International Congress of Chemotherapy, Tokyo, August. 1970 J.9-J.111 ‘Aspects of Infection 1970'. Beecham Research Symposia held in Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne, April 1970. Chain gave the opening and closing addresses at each symposium, on 'The Semi-Synthetic Penicillins - an Introduction’ and ‘Prospects in Anti-Infective Therapy' respectively. conference paper ‘Advances in the Understanding of the Mechanism of Penicillin Allergy’ was published in the Proceedings, a copy of which appears at J.111. His own Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.99-J.111 (Cont'd. ) J.100 J.101 J.102 J.103 J.104 J.105 J.106 J.107 J.108 270 Visits and conferences During the visit Chain addressed Biochemical/Medical Society meetings on the history of penicillin therapy and on insulin; various dinners and celebrations were also held in his honour. He returned via Hong Kong and Bangkok where hevisited research institutes. Because of his poor health and the protracted nature of the trip, Chain arranged for his family to accompany him and to take the journey in easy stages. Programmes, timetables, Chain's itinerary, biographical notes prepared for trip, etc. Correspondence with organisers at Beechams, colleagues and friends re conference, Chain's participation, contributions, travel arrangements, September 1969- January 1970. Similar material, February-June 1970. Material re Dinner in Chain's honour, Auckland, N.Z.; menu, guest-list, ms. draft for speech, correspondence re arrangements. Ms. draft for speech in Australia. Correspondence, itineraries, arrangements for visits to Hong Kong and Bangkok. Press-cutting re visit to Fiji. Scientific correspondence with colleagues arising from visits and lectures. Chain's letters of thanks, written on his return. replies from colleagues and friends. Some with Photocopies of letters of thanks written on behalf of Chain and his family by A.J. Melrose (Beechams). Transcript of recording of Chain's lecture 'Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy in Perspective’, given at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, 17 pp. typescript. This was an early informal version of his later paper ‘Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy’ and although it had aroused great interest, Chain refused to allow publication and expressed annoyancethat a tape-recording had been made (see letter in folder). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.109 J.110 J.111 271 Visits and conferences Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's paper on penicillin allergy, and editorial correspondence. Miscellaneous papers and references, mainly on penicillin allergy, sent to Chain in connection with the Australian/ New Zealand symposia. 'Aspects of Infection 1970'. Bound copy of symposium proceedings. The Foreword and Introduction both refer to the importance of Chain's contribution to the events. J.112 Beecham Research Symposium on Semi-Synthetic Penicillins, Moscow, 28 September-1 October. Chain was invited to lead the delegation of non-Soviet participants, and to present a paper on ‘Active Areas of Research in the Penicillin Field’. He cancelled his visit for reasons of health. Correspondence re Symposium, travel arrangements, etc. Includes programmesof papers, list of participants. J.113 'Lines of Development in Medicine', Symposium at Twente, Holland, 20-21 November. The Symposium was organised by the Dr. G. J. van Hoytema Foundation and Merck Sharp and Dohme Nederland. Chain went at the invitation of Merck Sharp and Dohme and delivered a paper on 'The Role of Biochemistry in Future Medical Research’. proceedings, which did not appear until 1972 (see letter of 6 November 1972). His paper was published in the symposium Correspondence with organisers re conference, travel and publication arrangements, programme andabstracts of papers, ms. and typescript draft of Chain's talk. Invitations for 1970 J.114 Symposium on Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Prague. Conference on ‘Environment and Society in Transition’, New York City, April. Congress 'Cefalosporine, Penicilline semisintetiche', Sassari, May. Pre-symposium on The Chemistry and Mode of Action of Antibiotics, Riga, June. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 272 Visits and conferences J.U15 Tenth International Congress for Microbiology, Mexico City, August. International Symposium on Antibiotics, Saragossa, October. Chain was invited to be Honorary President. Centenary celebrations of birth of Jules Bordet, Institut Pasteur, November. Second International Symposium on Antibiotics, Valencia, November. Chain was invited to give the closing speech. 1971 J.116, J.117 Food Manufacturers' Federation, Second National Convention, on ‘Tomorrow's Food', Brighton, 26-27 September. J.116 J.117 J.118 J.119 Chain spoke on ‘Support of Fundamental and Applied Research in Food Science and Technology’. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues. Ms. and miscellaneous typescript drafts of Chain's speech {all different). Discussion meeting on 'Effect of Fibre in Food', held at the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, 24 November. Correspondence re arrangements, list of participants, drafts of Chain's opening remarks, letters of thanks. Participants included representatives of industrial, academic, medical and governmentinstitutions. 'The Conversion and Manufacture of Foodstuffs by Micro- organisms’. Japan Section of the Institute of Food Technologists, Kyoto, Japan, 6-8 December. International Symposium sponsored by The Chain was to give a special lecture on ‘Utilizing Microbes for Man's Benefit in the Future’, but was unable personally to attend. Correspondence, programmes. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 273 Visits andconferences J 120-126 Visit to South America and U.S.A., 25 December 1971- 12 January 1972. Chain was invited to spend a working week in Santiago, Chile, advising the Government of Chile on behalf of the World Health Organisation/Pan American Sanitary Bureau ‘on the possible improvement in their antibiotic production especially with regard to penicillin production’ (see J.120 for correspondence re terms of arrangements). He was accompanied by his elder son Benjamin. Chain also visited other colleagues and firms in North and South America. Correspondence preceding visit, including invitations and terms. Itinerary, letters of introduction, addresses, social engage- ments. Correspondence with Beechamsbefore and after visit, re costs of penicillin plant. made by Chain during visit. Includes brief ms. research notes Correspondencere visits in U.S.A. in course of travel. Correspondencearising from visit. Chain's report to WHO. Letters of thanks sent by Chain on his return, some with replies. Miscellaneous bills, receipts, memorabilia, photographs. J.120 J thet J.122 J«123 J.124 J.125 2126 J.127 "Les Voies du Judaisme', Brussels, January. ‘Chemical Engineering at the Service of Mankind', Spring. UNESCO meeting on university science education improve- ment, March. Symposium on 'Molecular Mechanisms of antibiotic action on protein biosynthesis and membranes', Granada, June. Chain was asked to chair one of the sessions. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 274 Visits and conferences J.128 Symposium 'Moving Frontiers of Medical Virology', Budapest, June-July. Symposium on toxins, Prague, Summer. Israel Chemistry Week, Tel-Aviv, October. Gruppa Incentivazione Ricerca Farmaceutica, research meeting, Rome, October. Académie Nationale de Médecine, 150th Anniversary Celebrations, November. 1972 J.129 Visit to Norway, July. This was a private visit, which Chain combined with a visit to the Findus factory at Hammerfest. He was accom- panied by his son Daniel. Correspondence re travel arrangements and with colleagues, itinerary, letters of thanks. J.130 Proposed visit to Argentina, 1972, 1973. Chain was invited to make a visit and lecture tour, sponsored by the Odol Foundation. The visit, scheduled for September 1972, was deferred until May, then October 1973 and then postponed becauseofpolitical uncertainties in Argentina. General correspondencere visit, 1971-73. J.131, J.132 Industrial Biochemistry Group of the Biochemical Society, Colloquium on 'Biochemists in Industry', Nottingham, 19 December. Chain spoke on ‘Relationships between industrial and academic laboratories' and his talk was published in Biochem. Soc. Spec. Publ., 2, 1973 (Bibliog. 155). J.131 J.132 Correspondence with organisers, programme, editorial correspondence. Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's talk. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 275 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1972 J.133 Symposium on ‘Antibiotics after Thirty Years', Birmingham, February. International Sugar Research Foundation Symposium on 'Sugar and Human Health', Zurich, March. Congress in Wiesbaden, April. International Congress on endotoxins, Virginia, May. 1973 J.134-J.140 Visit to Vienna, 30-31 March. The visit was mainly for the Symposium '20 Jahre Penicillin V', organised by Biochemie; Chain gave the introductory lecture which was published in a slightly shortened version under the title 'Beitrdge des Biochemikers zur Arzneimittel- forschung' in Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 1974 (Bibliog. 163). During his visit Chain also addressed the Gesellschaft der Arzte in Wien and took part in a Round Table discussion at Sandoz. In March, Chain was awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold for services rendered to the Republic of Austria, and was nominated Hon. Memberof the Gesellschaft der Wiener IArzte (see J.136). Correspondence with organisers, mainly re arrangements but includes an account sent to Chain of the history of discovery of Penicillin V, 1971-73. Correspondence re other lectures and meetings at Sandoz, etc., 1972-73. Correspondence, press releases, etc. re honours bestowed on Chain during visit. Editorial correspondence. Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's lecture on 'Beitrdge des Biochemikers zur Arzneimittelforschung' . J.134 J.135 J.136 Jet af JST38" E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J. 137 J.140 276 Visits and conferences Miscellaneous versions of lectures on academic and industrial contributions to drug research, some given in Vienna. All in German. Miscellaneous notes, diagrams, draft introductions for lectures. Includes 47 pp. typescript lecture 'Dreissig Jahre Penicillin- therapie. Ein RUckblick und Ausblick', n.d., and 1] pp. typescript of earlier lecture 'Gedanken zur Arzneimittelforschung', given at Medical Congress in Berlin, May 1964. J.141 Sixth International Course on Freeze-Drying and Advanced Food Technology, BUrgenstock-Lucerne, 17-23 June. Chain gave the opening address, on 'The impact of advances in methodology on biochemical research’, and his talk was published in the Proceedings (Academic Press, 1974). Programme of Course, editorial correspondence, 17 pp. typescript draft, and galley proof of Chain's address. J.142 Visit to Rutgers University, New Jersey, for memorial service for S.A. Waksman, at which Chain spoke. Includes travel arrangements, background material on Waksman's work at Technion, Haifa, ms., typescript and shortened version of Chain's address, copy of published memorial volume, photograph, and a little correspondence. Also included is a little later correspondence re Waksman Memorial Lectures, 1978 Invitations for 1973 J.143 New York Academy of Sciences Conference on 'The Mode of Action of Antibiotics on Microbial Walls and Membranes', June. Carlo Erba Foundation International Symposium on 'Fattori Naturali di Difesa Antifettiva e Antineoplastica', Milan, June. E .B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Visits and conferences 1974 J.144 Visit to Ghent, 29 March. 277 Chain delivered the second Corneel Heymans Memorial Lecture, on 'The Role of the biochemist in medical research in the past and future’, which was published in the Ghent University chronicle, 'De Brug’. Correspondence re lecture, publication, and also with the family of Mrs. Heymans who died January 1974. Transcript of tape-recording of lecture, 20 pp. Also included is a little earlier correspondence, 1970, re recollections of Heymans. J.145 Visit to Bordeaux, to celebrate election of F. Tayeau to Académie de Médecine. Correspondence, two ms. drafts (in French) for speeches. (Bibliog. 164). J.146-J.148 'Penicillamine - International Symposium', sponsored by Bayer and held at Royal Society of Medicine, 25 and 26 October. Chain served on the Scientific Advisory Committee, and spoke on 'The Discovery of D(-) Penicillamine' (the full title was 'D-penicillamine: its discovery and chemical properties possibly relevant to its therapeutic use'}, and a German version appeared, but delays occurred in the English publication. It was intended to edit and publish the proceedings, Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, draft programmes, arrangements, abstract of Chain's talk, editorial correspondence re English and German publica- tion of proceedings, 1973-76. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts for Chain's talk, including extensive bibliography. J.146 J.147 J.148 Typescript version, 11 pp. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 278 J.149, J.150 Visit to Marburg, 18-20 November. Visits and conferences Chain was invited to visit and lecture at Behring-Werke; he suggested instead a discussion meeting for a small number of senior scientists, and a 'Forum Philippinum' on "Immunologie und Gesellschaft’ was organised. During his visit, Chain was also the guest of Chemiewerk Homburg, and accompanied a cello recital, which was recorded. Correspondence, programme of events, editorial corres- pondence, press-cuttings, letters of thanks, etc., and a little correspondence re other visits and consultancies. Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's talk at the 'Forum Philippinum', on ‘Entwicklung und Gegenwdrtiker Stand der Antibakteriellen Antibiotikatherapie' . Invitation for 1974 J.149 J.150 J.151 Discussion on food and drug industries, and Symposium on ‘Applied Biology Research Oriented to Pharmaceuticals and Foods', M.I.T., 11 and 12 December. J.152-J.155 J. 152 J.153 J.154 1975 4éth Congress of Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS), held at Canberra, 20-24 January. Chain was President, Pharmaceutical Sciences Section, and gave a Presidential Address, 'The pharmaceutical sciences, Government and the people’ (Bibliog. 171). Correspondence re Congress, Chain's Presidency, travel arrangements, publication of address, letters of thanks, etc. Includes arrangements for visits to laboratories and institutions after the Congress. July 1974-March 1975. Programme and abstracts of Congress, press statement by Chain, press notices, photograph, itinerary for visits after Congress. 'The pharmaceutical sciences, Government and the people', Chain's Presidential Address. Ms. and heavily-corrected typescript draft, 36 pp. Miscellaneous references. J.155 Two typescript versions (not identical). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.156 J.157 279 Visits and conferences Visit to Hoechst A.G., Frankfurt, 12 March. Correspondence re arrangements and research. "Fifth Biennial Symposium of Biochemistry and Nutrition’, Shiraz, Iran, 5-7 May. Invitation, travel arrangements, programme, letters of thanks, photographs. Includes typescript of paper given by Chain under the title 'Studies on heart metabolism! . J.158, J.159 Ninth International Congress of Chemotherapy, 13-19 July. The Scientific Sessions were held at Imperial College. Chain was a Vice-President and gave the opening address, subsequently published underthetitle 'Reflections on research in chemotherapy’ in Chemotherapy, |, 1976 (Bibliog. 175). J.158 J 159 Correspondence with organisers re arrangements, entertain- ment of visitors by Beechams, publication. Ms. and typescript versions of Chain's opening address. J.160, J.161 International Symposium on Enzymatic Mechanisms in Biosynthesis, Barcelona - Madrid, 23-27 September. The Symposium was in honour of the 70th birthday of Severo Ochoa, and the Proceedings were published as ‘Reflections on Biochemistry’ by Pergamon Press, 1976. Chain chaired and introduced Session III, on metabolic regulation, and contributed an essay, 'Reminiscences of Severo Ochoa from our Oxford days' to the published volume. J.160 J.161 Correspondence with organisers, programme, travel arrange- ments, publication of papers, copy of Chain's essay. Typescript of Chain's introductory remarks to SessionIII, photocopy of published version of his essay on Ochoa, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.162 280 Visits and conferences International Symposium 'La Ricerca Scientifica nell' Industria Farmaceutica in Italia: Risultati e Ruolo Inter- nazionale', Rome, 2-4 October. The Symposium was organised by Gruppo Incentivazione Ricerca Farmaceutica and Societda ltaliana di Scienze Farmaceutiche. Chain gave the opening address 'Scienze farmaceutiche, Governo e Popolo', an Italian version, with some modifica- tions, of his address to ANZAAZ (Bibliog. 171), see J.152-J.155. The Italian version was also published. Correspondence with organisers. English and Italian texts of address. J.163 Visit to Madrid, October. The visit was one of the annual awards of the Miguel Servet prizes of the Fundacién General Mediterrdnea (see E.65). On this occasion Chain was asked to act as president, and to give a lecture on ‘Science, Government and the people’. Correspondence with colleagues, guest-list for lecture, Spanish text of lecture, press comment, etc. Invitations for 1975, J.164 Third Congress, World Organisation of General Systems and Cybernetics, Bucharest, August. Invitation to visit Gesellschaft fUr Molekularbiologische Forschung, October. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.165-J.171 J.165 J.166 J.167 J.168 J.169 J.170 281 Visits and conferences 1976 Visit to Japan, April-May. Chain was invited to visit Japan by H. Umezawa, Director, Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation Institute of Micro- bial Chemistry, preliminary arrangements being made during the Ninth International Congress of Chemotherapy (J. 158). The visit was financed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Chain visited several universities and research institutes, and gave lectures on fungal viruses (Bibliog. 148), the action of He was insulin on metabolism, and the history of penicillin. accompanied by Lady Chain, who lectured on insulin and obesity. During his visit, Chain met the Emperor, and was decorated with the Order of the Rising Sun. Correspondence re invitations, arrangements, draft itineraries, biographical notes, etc., June-December 1975. Similar material, January-April 1976. Correspondence with J.M. Sime in March refers to Chain's wish to have a piano made available for him to practice for a recital. Copyofitinerary as finally determined. ‘Action of insulin on carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the perfused working heart, and its recovery from anoxia’, 18 pp. typescript for talk given in Japan. 'The penicillin discovery past and present', | p. only for talk given to Japanese Antibodies Association. Letters of thanks exchanged after visit; includes Chain's report on his visit, prepared for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Photographs. Continuing correspondence arising from visit, mainly on research and exchanges. Includes photograph of Chain, and invitation to him to join the Advisory Council of the International Com- mittee on Economic and Applied Microbiology . J.17] Later correspondence, 1978, 1979, re honours for H. Umezawa. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.172, J.173 282 Visits and conferences Conference on 'The Biotechnological Applications of Proteins and Enzymes', on the occasion of the 60th birthday of President Ephraim Katzir, Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim, Israel, 23-28 May. Chain gave the Inaugural Lecture, on 'The position of applied research in non-industrial laboratories', which was published in the conference proceedings (Academic Press, 1977) (Bibliog. 177). J.172 J.173 Correspondence with organisers, programme of conference, abstracts of papers, travel arrangements. Chain went to Israel straight from Japan (see J.165-J.171) and arrived only a few hours before the opening dinner after which he gave his address. Typescript version of Chain's lecture (slightly different from published version), 31 pp. Invitations for 1976 J.174 World Zionist Organization seminar on 'The Problems of the Jewish People and the State of Israel in our day', Tel Aviv, June-July. Fondazione Internazionale Menarini, Conference on 'La Responsabilita della Scienza nella Societa Moderna’, Florence, October. Includes programmeandlist of speakers. 1977 J.175, J.176 Semaine de Rhumatologie d'Aix-les-Bains, April. Chain lectured, in French, on 'The penicillin discovery and its implications for rheumatology’, and his talk was published in Rhumatologie. Correspondence with colleagues and organisersre visit, lecture and publication. biographical note by F. Frangon, ms. draft of Chain's speech of thanks, etc. Includes two versions of draft Ms. and typescript drafts of Chain's lecture, and French translation prepared by F. Forestier with many ms. revisions. J.175 J.176 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 283 Visits and conferences J.177 Fifth Aaron Katzir-Katchalsky Conference, on Interferons and the Control of Cell-Virus Interactions, Rehovot, 2-6 May. Chain chaired the session on ‘Induction of Interferon Synthesis : mRNA and Inducers' . Correspondence with organisers, programmeof events. J.178 Sixth National Congress of Microbiology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 6-9 July. Chain gave the opening address, ‘Antibiotics in Perspective' and also received an Honorary Doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine. Correspondence with organisers, programmeof events, abstract of Chain's lecture, text of Chain's short discourse after conferral of degree on himself and on H. Umezawa. J.179, J.180 Seventh International Freeze-Drying Course, Lyons, 19-24 September. The Director was L. Rey, who invited Chain to give one of the Inaugural Lectures; his title was 'Observations on present state of basic and applied research and their interactions’. J.179 Correspondence with organisers, programmeof events, list of participants; includes a little background material and L. Rey's opening speech of welcome. J.180 Ms. and typescript versions of Chain's lecture. J.181 Visit to Instituto de Investigaciones Citolégicas, Valencia, October. The visit was inspired by Chain's appointment to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute. Correspondence with colleagues re appointment and visit, newspaper interview with Chain, etc. See also J.190. Invitations for 1977 J.182 Invitation to lecture, Lima University, Peru, August. International Symposium for Sexually-Transmitted Diseases, Montreal, November. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 284 J.183 J.184 Visits and conferences 1978 Visit to Marine Research Laboratories, Toulon (with L. Rey, D. Bovet and M. Herry), 29-31 May. Schedule of arrangements, brief correspondence, ms. draft of speech in French, perhaps given by Chain at a dinner during the visit. Visit to Madrid, November, to make television programme re penicillin. Correspondencearising from programme, mainly with members of the family of J. Trueta. Includes recollections of the first injection of penicillin into a mouse by John Barnes :' Invitations for 1978 J.185 Course on Fermentation Technology, London (organised by M.1.T.), January. Invitation to visit Hoechst, June. Fourth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, ‘Open Forum' on ‘Science and Society', Amsterdam, August. Sixth Aaron Katzir-Katchalsky Conference, on ‘Molecular Mechanism of Biological Recognition', G&ttingen, September. Chain intended to go, but had to cancel for reasons of health. Includes programme, list of participants. 1979 J.186-J.189 Symposium on the History of Antibiotics, April. The Symposium was held during the joint meeting of the American Chemical Society (Division of History of Chemistry and the Division of Medicinal Chemistry) and the Chemical Society of Japan, Honolulu, 1-6 April. J. Parascandola. The organiser was Chain gave the Keynote Lecture, 'A Short History of the Penicillin Discovery from Fleming's Original Observation to the Present State’, and the Proceedings were published. Chain's travel expenses were paid by Beecham. J.186 Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, travel arrange- ments and schedules preceding symposium. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 J.187 —J.188 285 Visits and conferences Correspondence following symposium re publication, requests for published version, letters of thanks, etc. Programme of symposium, circulars re arrangements, list of speakers, etc. J.189 Miscellaneous typescript drafts of Chain's lecture. J.190 Visit to Instituto de Investigaciones Citolégicas, Valencia. The visit, to attend a lecture and receive a silver medal as Scientific Adviser, was planned for May, but postponed until September for reasons of health. Chain died in August. The correspondence includes discussion of future research programmes and indicates how actively Chain remained involved in scientific problems right to the end ofhis life. A little correspondence re S. Grisolia is included here. See also J.181. Invitations for 1979 J.191 Symposium on 'Developments in Antiviral Therapy', organised by British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, London, 30 November. Chain had agreed to chair the session on 'Cellular Biology’. Includes correspondence with organiser, programme, etc. J.192 World Congress Alternatives and Environment, Vienna. Visit to Bell Laboratories, New Jersey. Eleventh International Congress of Chemotherapy, Boston. J.193 Formal or unanswered invitations to conferences and meetings, 1953-79. CSAC 92/3/83 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof SIR ERNST BORIS CHAIN FRS (1906 - 1979) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham- Jackson VOLUMEIII Section K List of Publications Index of Correspondents, Organisations and Firms Deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London 1983 All rights reserved E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 286 SECTION K GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE K.1 - K.34]1 The material is presented in 3 sequences as follows: K.1 -K.291 Correspondence with individuals, in alpha- betical order. and indexed, and an indication is given of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. The correspondence is dated K.292-K.311 Shorter unindexed correspondence: brief exchangesof information, reprint requests, etc. K.312-K.341 Examining, references and appointments. K.1-K.291 CORRESPONDENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS K.1] Alexander, P. 1969, 1971, 1973 1969 correspondence includes 9 pp. typescript on 'Anti-Leukaemic Action of L-Asparaginase’ and copy of letter to Beecham Research Laboratories outlining proposals for collaborative research. K.2 Alper, T. 1970 Enclosing draft of paper on 'Inactivation of the Scrapie Agent by Near-Monochromatic Ultraviolet Light’. Altman, M. K.3 Ammon, R. 1971 1953-59 Ammon was one of Chain's oldest friends and colleagues; they had worked together in P. Rona's laboratory 1930-33 and written collaborative papers. Early correspondence does not survive and the remaining letters are chiefly re lectures and papers to be given by Chain. See also G.14, G.15, G.21. K.4 Anfinsen, C. B. 1955-77 Mainly personal correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 287 K.5 Aschberg, O. and Aschberg, F. 1946-52 General correspondence Olof Aschberg was a banker who negotiated consul t- ancies for Chain with various firms and government departments wishing to become involved in penicillin production. Folder includes correspondence re negotiations in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and India, miscellaneous re taxation (particularly in relation to Chain's con- tract with Astra) and some personal letters from Olof's son Folke. K.6 Aykroyd, W. R. Bach, S.J. Backus, M. P. re Penicillium chrysogenum. Bacq, D._ E. Bailey, K. re hexokinase. K.7 Baker, J. R. 1970 correspondence is re The Society for Freedom in Science. Balliri, S. Balogh, T. Bamonte, N. Barber, M. K.8 1975 1953 1952 n.d., 1950 1953 1970, 1978 1954 1950 1968 1960-64 Includes correspondence re the problem of resistance to penicillin and copies of correspondence with Beecham Research Laboratories re collaborative research on the new penicillins. See also F.95. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.9 Barnett, V. J. Mainly personal correspondence. K.10 Baudet, P. K.11 Beloff, N. Ben-Ami, ©: te personal and Jewish affairs. Benatt, A. J. K.12 Berenblum, I. 288 1973, 1977-78 1970 1963-64, n.d. 1967-70, 1975 1950-55 1949-62, 1977 A rather fragmentary sequence of letters on personal and scientific topics. Correspondence 1949-55 consists of Berenblum's letters only and includes references to Chain's tentative plans for moving to the Weizmann Institute after his first year in Rome. Correspondence 1958-62 is Chain's carbons only, with one exception. K.13 Bergmann, E._ OD. Bergmann, F. 1953-57 1953, 1955, .1i.d. Includes arrangements for visit to Chain's laboratory in Rome. Berlin, I. Personal letter re death of his mother. Bernhard, S. re Dahlem Konferenzen. 1974 1977 K.14 Bevan, A. 1949-50, 1954 re British scientific policy, particularly in relation to pharmaceutical research. 'Aide-mémoire concerning the state of scientific research in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Great Britain and the desirability of creating a National Centre for Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research’. Includes 4 pp. typescript See also B.47, K.286. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.15 Beznak, A. B. L. Bhatnagar, S. S. Includes drafts of letter from an Italian firm offering to supply fermentation equipment to Bhatnagar's laboratory. Binkerd, E. F. 289 1948 1954 1974 re relative costs of soy and other protein products. Blackett, P. M.S. Blaszezak, J. K.16 Blaxter, K. L. 1964, 1965 1953 1967-71 Includes correspondence re agreement with Nestlé for collaborative work on microbial proteins conducted at the Rowett Research Institute. Blond, E. Bonino, G. B. Bonventre, P. 1970 1958 1958 Mainly re plans for research on diphtheria toxin. Born, G. V. R. 1967, 1970-72 Includes some personal correspondence. Bovet, D. Includes letter from F. Bovet (wife). . K.18 Brachet, J. re Italian research students working in Brachet's laboratory. Includes letters from G. Pinto and F. Gavosto. 1954 (Chain's carbon only), 1957, 1970, 1975, n.d. 1952-53 Bragg, W._ L. Brander, G. C. re veterinary use of antibiotics. 1965 1966 Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 290 General correspondence K.19 (cont'd. ) Britton, R. H. W. 1949-50 Includes comments on the research policy of Aspro Limited. Bronowski, J. K.20, K-21 Burkitt, D. P. 1953, 1955 1971-73 re research on the importance of fibre in diet. Includes correspondence from the British Nutrition Foundation and Beecham Research Laboratories, re drafts of papers by Burkitt, arrangements for dis- cussion meetings and research projects, etc. K.20 K.21 See also J.118. September-December 1971. 1972-73 Includes drafts of letter from Burkitt and others to the Flour Advisory Bureau. Also included here is 2 pp. typescript, referring to Burkitt's work, for speech at unidentified congress, n.d., c.1975. K.22-K.25 Burton, H. S. 1955-71 Burton collaborated with Abraham re cephalosporin. and others in early work on the cephalosporins at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, but later became involved in a dispute over patent rights. 'Press Releases’ by Burton setting out his side of the dispute. K.25 contains several duplicated typescript Ki2Z K.23 K.24 K.25 1955, 1958-59 1961-62, 1969 1970-71 Duplicated typescript 'Press Releases' (numbered 1-8) and other statements re the early work on cephalosporin, various dates, c.1962-66. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.26 Burn, J.-H. Bustinza, F. General correspondence 291 1949, 1953 1949-62 Mainly re exchangesof reprints, and information. Includes brief comments on Bustinza's book 'Ten years of friendship with Sir Alexander Fleming' and some personal correspondence. K.27 Butlin, K. R. Butterfield, W. J. H. 1951, 1954 1969, 1973-78 1969 correspondence is re HL523 (% - guanidino- butyramide). K.28 Calder, N. 1972 te proposal to build giant human model for educa- tional purposes. Calder, R. 1953, 1959 Includes requests to Chain to contribute to the News Chronicle and other publications. K.2 Callow, D. 1948, 1950, 1954 Letter to Chain, August 1950, Callow was Chain's technician for many years in both Oxford and Rome. describes fermentation work in progress during Chain's absence from the laboratory. 1954 correspondence follows Callow's return to England and includes copy of letter from Chain with news of the laboratory inclu- ding research in progress. K.30 Canonica, L. 1969 re supply of ophiobolin A and B. on student disturbances in continental universities. Includes comments Cantarelli, C. Capraro, V. (Chain's carbon only) Carleton, J. 1950 1954 1965 Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.30 (cont'd.) Chance, B. re work on insulin. Chandrasekhar, S. (Chain's carbon only) K.31 Chargaff, E. Cherwell, Viscount (Chain's carbon only) re facilities for technical training in England. Cheymol, J. (Chain's carbon only) 292 n.d. 1959 1949-50 1954 1959 Chibnall, A.C. 1960, 1971 1971 letter contains reminiscences of H. Raistrick. K.32 Christopherson, D. G. 1969 Correspondence arising from enquiry into the use of time by academic staff conducted by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom. Ciccarone, A. 1961-63 re work on Fusicoccum amygdali. pondence from A. Graniti. Includes corres- K.33 Cleave, T. L. 1941-72 re metabolic effects of lack of fibre in diet and excessive sugar consumption, particularly in relation to coronary thrombosis and diabetes. K.34 Clore, C. 1964, 1971, 1975 1964 correspondence is re proposal to create an Israel Sieff Foundation. Cohen, H. see K.39. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 293 General correspondence K.35-K. 38 Cohen, M. M. 1961-75 Correspondence re collaborative research, publica- tions, grant applications, etc. See also C.69. K.35 April-December 1961 re publication of collaborative work on glutamate metabolism, and exchange of visits between Rome and Minnesota. Includes copy of letter from Cohen to the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness submitting a grant application for collaborative research on the relationship between carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in the central nervous system. K.36 January-December 1962 Continuing correspondence re research, publications, visits, etc. information in support of the joint grant application. Includes letter from Chain with additional K.37 January-April 1963 Mainly re arrangements for visits. personal correspondence. Includes some K.38 November 1964-April 1975 Mainly arrangements for meetings and visits and some personal correspondence. K.39 Cohen, H. Cohn, J. 1959, 1965, 1973 1958-72 Includes correspondence re fund-raising and other activities in support of the Weizmann Institute of Science. K.40 Cohn, W. re death of his father (H. Cohn). Colebrook, L. re methods of air filtration. Coleraine, R. K. L. 1970 1945 1965 Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.40 (cont'd. ) Collie, H. O. J. re inducedresistance to penicillin. Colman, E. A. K.41 Conant, J. B. 294 1954 1975-76 1949 re Conant's election as a Foreign Memberof the Accademia Nazionale dei XL. Consolazio, W. V. 1960 12 pp. typescript headed 'Privileged communication. Subject: A Summary of Some Observations on European Biology’. Cook, R. Coppini, M.A. K.42 Cottrell, A. H. 1949 1961 1971-72 re various aspects of scientific policy in Britain including the position of the Research Councils and the decision to join the European Molecular Biology Organisation [EMBOJ project. typescript by Cottrell on 'The formulation of national scientific policy’. Includes copy of K.43 Cox, H. T. 1971 re fibrinolytic substance extracted from a marine worm. Includes letter from L. Poller. Cremer, J. E. 1963 re arrangements for collaborative work on brain meta- bolism. Includes some correspondence with J.M. Barnes. Cutolo, C. Cutting, W. 1950 1963 te formulae for helevolic acid, cephalosporin Pj and fucidic acid. K.44 Dahmen, K. Dahmen, R. Dainton F._ S. 1969, 1972 1969 197] Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.44 (cont'd.) Danckwerts, P. V. General correspondence (Chain's carbon only) re chemical engineering research. D'Arcy Hart, P. 295 1962 1972 re activity of the semi-synthetic penicillinase- resistant penicillins against the tubercle bacillus. K.45 Datta, N. re transfer of R factors from S. typhimurium to S. typhi, and ethics of accepting consultancies. Davenport, H. W. Davies, R. E. re effects of metabolism on phosphate uptakein muscle. Daymond, J. Personal correspondence. 1970 1976 1958 1958 K.46 Debré, R. 1965, 1969 De Caro, L. re work on glucose metabolism. Delaunay, A. Delcambe, L. re nomenclature of antibiotics. 1954 1978 1969 K.47 Dentice di Accadia, F. 1965-67 Includes news of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita and the progress of the Marotta trial (q.v.). 1966-67 correspondenceis mainly re drafts for an article on antibiotics for the Italian International Chemical Encyclopaedia. K.48 Dietrich, K. R. Dion, W. Dirscherl, D. 1957 1954, 1955 1957-62 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 296 K.49-K. 64 Dodds, E. C. 1956-74 The following correspondence reflects Chain's close friendship with Sir Charles Dodds and their numerous common interests in spite of considerable differences in background and temperament. The subjects covered range widely over both personal and scientific matters and the whole sequence of letters provides valuable additional documentation for many of Chain's activities. In particular there are several references to the negotia- tions leading to Chain's appointment to the Chair of Biochemistry at Imperial College and to his subsequent grant applications to the University Grants Committee and others. There are also several exchangesarising from their common consultancy arrangements with various industrial firms, especially the Beecham Group with which Dodds was involved from the early 1940s through his friendship with H.G. Lazell. K.49 1956-57 Incoming letters only. Dodds to |. Berenblum re invitation to visit Israel. Includes copy of a letter from K.50 January-June 1958 K.5] K.52 K.53 K.54 Mainly re arrangements for award of honorary degree to Includes corres- Dodds by the University of Bologna. pondencewith the Rector and others re arrangements for the ceremony (on 20 May). November-December 1958 February-June, September 1959 Includes arrangements for visit to Rome by B.W. Windeyer. Correspondence for September is Chain's carbon only. June-December 1961 January-June, December 1962 Includes Chain's ms. draft letter of congratulation to Dodds on his election as President of the Royal College of Physicians. carbon only. Correspondence for December is Chain's K.55 January-December 1963, January 1964 One letter only for 1964. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 297 General correspondence K.56 January-December 1965 Mainly incoming correspondence only. copyof letter from R.J.L. Allen to Dodds re carbohydrate research. Includes K357 January-December 1966 K.58 Includes several letters and 9 pp. typescript report on Lucidril (Helfergin). Copy of report on 'Redoxontrials! (to test the effect of vitamin C on the incidence and duration of the common cold), sent to Dodds with a copy to Chain by R.J.L. Allen, July 1966. K..59 January-December 1967 Includes several letters re the progress of Chain's grant application to the University Grants Committee (see also D.95ff.). K.60 January-November 1968 Chain's letter of 26 July contains a detailed account of work at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita and the Beecham Research Laboratories leading to the discovery of 6-APAand the synthesis of the semi-synthetic penicillins. K.6] K.62 K.63 K.64 February-October 1969 January-November 1970 March-December 1971 February-October 1973, April 1974 1974 correspondence is with F. Dickens, author of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Dodds. K.65 Doll, W. R. Sis re history of the concept of co-carcinogenesis. Donato, G. Chain's ms. draft only, re plans for a European research centre for physiological biochemistry. See also K.185, F.195, F.266. 1977 c.1973 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.66 Dornhorst, A. C. Dripps, R. OD. 298 1974 1972 Includes letter from E. Zaimis and draft typescript on 'Anti-Infectives' . K.67 Drucker, D. B. re undergraduate and postgraduate courses in industrial microbiology. Druker, M. 1978 1968 Reminiscences of the St. Hugh's Military Hospital for Head Injuries, Oxford, during the Second World War. Includes photograph of a group of Medical Officers from St. Hugh's including Sir Hugh Cairns. Dubos, R. Dumbell, S. 1962 1964 K.68 Duthie, E. Ss 1949-53, 1959 News of research and personal affairs, arrangements for visits to Rome. 1959 correspondence includes announcement of Duthie's sudden death, arrange- ments for memorial service, etc. K.69 Edholm, O. G. 1969 te appeal to the Syrian government for the release of Professor Shlomo Samueloff. Samueloff, February 1970. Includes letter from K.70, K.71 Edwards, R. 5: Sept.-Nov. 1970 K.70 Correspondence re formulation of a memorandum on the administration of Government-supported scientific research, for submission to the Prime Minister. was to have signed the memorandum along with Chain and F.E. Jones, but later decided against it . Edwards K.71 Several ms. and typescript drafts of the memorandum. See also K.120. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.72 re Ehrlich, P. Letter from M. Landau (Ehrlich's daughter). Eidus, L. Elefant, M. 299 1955 1975 1961-63, 1966 Includes letters re project for translation and publ ica- tion of Maimonides Medical Manuscripts. K.73 Ennor, A. Evans, D. H. G. Enclosing article on Edward Jenner. K.74 Falini, R. 1974 correspondence is Chain's carbon only. , 4 Feilden, G. B. R. Feld, B. T. re Pugwash Conferences. Feldman, 1962 197] 1964-65, 1972, 1974 1969 1975 1979 Chain's carbon only, re biography of J.B.S. Haldane. K.75 Feldman, W.-H. 1946-68 Includes Personal and scientific correspondence. arrangements for visits to Rome by various friends and colleagues. Fischgold, R. see K.78 K.76, K.77 Fishbein, M. K.76 1961-64 1961-75 Includes correspondence re invitation to Sir Isaac Wolfson to visit Chicago to receive a citation from the City of Hope Institute for Advanced Learning. K.77 1968, 1970, 1974-75 1974 correspondenceis re editorial policies of World Medicine particularly in regard to the food industry. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 300 General correspondence K.78 Fischgold, R. 1945 (brother of H. Fischgold) re arrangements for a visit to Oxford. Fisher,.R. B. re mode of action of insulin. Fleming, A. 1957 1953 1 letter only - thanks for hospitality in Rome. Kai 77-82 Fleming, Lady Amalia 1955-71 K.79 1953-56 Thanks for Chain's letter of condolence on the death of Sir Alexander Fleming, March 1955; personal correspondencere plans for visit to Greece by Chain and his family; correspondence arising from the biography of Fleming by André Maurois. copy of 5 pp. letter to Maurois from Chain containing reminiscences of the early penicillin work and letters from Maurois and R. Dubos who was asked to write the preface for the French edition of the book. Includes K.80 1963 re Lady Fleming's plans for building a scientific research institute in her native Greece. Includes arrangements for Chain to visit Athens in order to discuss the project and accounts of negotiations with various government ministers. There is no correspondence for 1964. K.81 1965 Further correspondence about the institute (Hellenic Institute for Fundamental Biological Research). Includes copy of the government decree authorising its establish- ment, 19 February 1965, and letter confirming Chain's membership of the Scientific Committee of the Institute. K.82 1967-71 Copy of letter from Lady Fleming to M. Perutz re possible collaboration between the Hellenic Institute and EMBO; photograph of the Institute, December 1970; correspondencere proposed letter to The Times appealing to the Greek Government to release Lady Fleming from prison, September 1971. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 301 K.83 Florey, H. W. 1958 te patenting of natural products. Ford, H. 1970, 1976-77 1970 letter is re results of recent general election. Later correspondenceis re the office made available to Chain in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College and re negotiations by Powdrex Limited in Israel. K.84 Foster, P. 1966-67 Personal correspondence arising from Chain's visit to South Africa in 1966. Frazer, A. C. 1964-65, 1969 Personal and social correspondence. Gabor, D. Personal and social correspondence. K.85 Gans, O. 1968-69, 1971 1954-55 Mainly re arrangements for Gans to visit Rome to discuss suitable candidates for the newly-establ ished Ehrlich Chair of Chemotherapy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitdt, Frankfurt. personal correspondence. Includes some Garberini, A. Gardner, A. OD. 1957 1966 K.86 Garrod, L.P. 1963, 1970, 1972 1970 correspondenceis re ethics of university professors accepting industrial consultancies. 1972 correspondenceis re effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of typhoid. Garzanti, L. K.87 Gdumann, E. 1972 1954-55 re fermentation techniques. for a member of Chain's laboratory (A. Tonolo) to work in Gdumann's laboratory in Zurich. Includes arrangements E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 302 General correspondence K.88 Ghilchick, M. W. 197] Includes typescripts of 2 papers on insulin responses in patients with vascular disease. Giacomello, G. K.89 Ginsburg, D. Ginsburg, J. Ginsburg, S. K.90 Giri, K. Glees, P. 1965 1972 1959-64 1938, 1943, 1944, 1970 1954 1969-70 Mainly re problem of causality in drug action and the testing of drugs. Gluschkov, R. G. 1968 re A. Haddow. Includes communications with the Home Office re Gluschkov's visit to England, 1967. K.91, K.92 Goldblith, S.A. 1967-76 Mainly re food technology and the food industry. K.91 1967-68 Includes invitation to conference on ‘Single Cell Protein' at M.I.T., October 1967. K.92 1969-76 Arrangements for meetings and visits and miscellaneous personal correspondence. introduces G.C. Seybolt (President, Wm. Underwood Co. - see F.1 - F.3). Letter of 7 October 1971 K.93 Goldman, M. tre Goodman, A. A. K.94 Goodman, L._ R. 1965, 1971 1977 197] re research in the textile and clothing industries. Includes letter from the Research Director of the Shirley Institute (L.A. Wiseman). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Rao Gorecki, M. Green, R. T. 303 1974 1975 re Open University course on ‘Biological Bases of Behaviour’. Grisolia, S. 1973, 1978 Includes letter re visit by Grisolia to London, October 1976. K.96 Gualandi, G. 1965-67 re collaborative research and publications, equip- ment for the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, arrangements for meetings and visits. K.97 Guidotti, G. 1965 (Chain's carbon only) re opening of new Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College. Guttmann, L. K.98-K.100 Haddow, A. K.98 1958-70 1976 1958-74 Includes correspondence re work on asparaginase and re Haddow's resignation as Director of the Chester Beatty Research Institute. K.99 1971-72 Mainly re grant applications by Haddow to the Cancer Research Campaign and other organisations. Includes copies of letters from Chain to Lord Nathan in support of Haddow's application. K.100 1972-74 Invitations to meeting of the British Association for Cancer Research, November 1972 and miscellaneous personal correspondence. Includes letter re Remem- brance and Thanksgiving Service for Haddow, February 1976. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.101 Haigh, M. General correspondence Personal correspondence. Fathcbo 7: re two-dimensional radiochromatography. Halebury, «J. -Ay Ay °C. Includes thanks for hospitality during visit to Rome, 1953. K.102 Hamelin, R. 304 1970, 1972 1957 1953-54 1976-77 Mainly re proposals for training Iranian students in French scientific and technical institutions. Includes some personal correspondence. Hammarsten, E. 1951 (Chain's carbons only) re supply of heavy water and chemicals and Hammarsten's proposed visit to Rome. Hampson, C. P. 1962 re possible use of surplus potatoes in fermentation processes. K.103 Harris, L. J. Hastings, J. J. H. 1953, 1953 1955, 1957-58 Includes correspondence re supply of proportioning pumps to Chain's laboratory in Rome. Haudurey, P. 1949, 1954, 1955, 1962 correspondence is re granting of licences to French firms for production of the new penicillins. W962 K.104 Hayward, A. 1976-77 re draft chapters of book by Hayward on science and religion. K.105 Hearse, D. J. 1972-78 Mainly re funding for the Myocardial Metabolism Research Laboratories at the Rayne Institute, St. Thomas's Hospital. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 305 General correspondence K.106 Hechter, O. 1959 re mode of action ofinsulin. K.107 Hedén, C.-G. 1951, 1963-70 1951 correspondence is re experiments with E. Coli and arrangements for Hedén to work in Rome. Later correspondence is mainly re the activities of the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. K.108 Hedges, R. W. Henderson, D. W. Herold, M. Heseltine, N. re occurrence of ergots in West Africa. Hevesy, G. de 1976 1954, 1959 1950-60 1959 1949 Includes later correspondence from Pia de Hevesy (1954, 1976). K.109 Heymans, C. 1956-61 Includes correspondence re government sponsorship of scientific research, and later letters from colleagues re commemoration of Heymans's 70th birthday and his death in 1968. K.110 Hickman, K. C.D. 1948 Himmelweit, F. and Himmelweit, H. T. 1944-79 Himsworth, H. PP. Hinckley, J. O. N. Includes letter from A.J.P. Martin. K.111 Hinshelwood, C. N. Hirsch, J. Hobby, G. LL. 1967, 1970 1969 1958, 1966 1945 1978-79 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 306 K.112 Hodgkin, D. Cc. 1954-65 General correspondence Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes reference to Astra's request for a statement re accessibility of penicillin reports in 1946 (see F. 25ff) and a detailed account (17 December 1955) of crystallographic investigations of ferroverdin. Holmes, B. E. Personal correspondence. K.113 Horrobin, D. F. n.d. 1974-75 Correspondencearising from an article by Horrobin in the British Medical Journal re grant-giving and refereeing procedure of the M.R.C. K.114 Hoskin, F. CG G. re 'chromatographic "maps"'. Howard, J. M. H. re cardiac metabolism. Hughes, A. K.115 Hughes, D. Bs 1958 1970 1969-70, 1977 1952-53 re press for the disintegration of microorganisms manufactured at Sheffield University for Chain's laboratory in Rome. Includes technical specifications. Hull, G. W. Humphrey, J. HH. Mainly re work on ds-RNA. K.116 K.117 Ing, H. R. Isaacs, A. 1963 1972 1962 1961, 1964-66 re collaborative work on interferon. arrangements for visit to Rome, correspondence re research plans and results and some personal letters. Includes E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.118 Jacobson, F. James, W. O. 307 1954 1961 (Chain's carbon only) re funding for new mycological laboratory at Silwood Park. Jenkins, T. Px N. re abdominal surgery. Jewkes, J. re historical background to the development of the semi-synthetic penicillins. K.119 Johnson, E. l. re wording of the Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1964. Jones, 8. R. 1976 1968 1969 1979 re arrangements for discussions with Italian researchers on interferon. i 120 Jones, F. E. 1970 re text of memorandum to the Prime Minister on the position of the Research Councils. See also K.70, K.71. K.12] Joseph, D. 1957 re possibility of establishing an antibiotics industry in Israel. Kahane, E. re the Centre National de la Pénicilline. Kaplan, A. Kardos, N. 1949 1969 1974 re prospects for development of antibiotics industry in Israel. K.122 Katzir, E. 1976 Correspondence with Katzir and membersofhis staff, mainly re arrangements for seminars on various aspects of Jewish life. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.123 Kendrew, J. C. General correspondence re Z. Medvedev. Kenner, G. W. re use of peptides as drugs. King, B. E. re textile research associations. 308 1970 1978 197] K.124 King, E. J. 1953-58 Correspondence 1953 is re arrangementsfor visit to Rome. Chain's draft letter of condolence on King's death is also included in the folder. K.125 King, H. Kirkness, J. M. te antibiotics in China. Kissin, Klejner, G. Ll. Kdgl, F. Mainly re invitation to K&gl to lecture at the VII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society, with an account by K&gl of research in progress. Some personal correspondence is also included. K.126 Kohn, R. Kollek, T. Includes correspondence with E. Bachrach re Chain's interest in purchasing a house in Israel. Kornberg, A. Mainly re plans for a holiday in Ireland. Kovach, A. G. B. 1949 1961 1974, 1976 1963, 1966 1954, 1957 1969 1977-79 1976 1957 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.127 Krasil'nikov, N. A. Krebs, H. A. 309 1964 1957-63, 1975 Includes discussion of experimental results reported by Chain and M. Cohen on brain metabolism, 1962, and some personal correspondence. Krebs, R. H. K.128-K.132 Krim, M. 1950, 1957 1977-78 Correspondence re funding and organisation of research on interferon at the Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, New York. (Chain was a memberof the Board of Consu!tants. ) K.128 May-August 1977 Includes 12 pp. typescript ‘History and Description of the International Laboratories for the Molecular Biology of Interferon Systems' and copies of agree- ment and correspondencere arrangements for collaboration between the Sloan-Kettering Institute and the Theodor KocherInstitute of the University of Berne on 'research in the production, extensive purification and characterization of human leukocyte interferon in preparation for controlled clinical trials’. September-December 1977 Includes 12 pp. typescript by Chain on 'The urgent need for the larger scale production of interferon from human leucocytes’. K.130 K.13]1 January-June 1978 July-December 1978 Includes copy of draft grant application for collabora- tive work by the Egyptian Organisation for Biological and Vaccine Production and the Sloan-Kettering Institute on the use of interferon in the treatment of human rabies. K.132 January-May 1979, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.133 KrUger-Thiemer, E. General correspondence KUhnau, J. re proposed reform of medical curriculum. Kula, M.-R. K.134-K.137 Kulaev, I. Ss: 310 1963 1968 1976 1975-79 Mainly re arrangements for English translation and publication of a book by Kulaev on polyphosphates. Includes correspondence with John Wiley & Sons Ltd. K.134 Kal35 K.136 1975-76 1977 1978 Includes request to Chain to write a foreword to Kulaev's book. Ko g7- 1979 R138 Larsen, H. te fermentation pilot plant techniques. Lasker A. D, (Chain's carbon only). Laviolette, P. (Chain's carbon only). Leather, E. Kono, Leese, H. J. Levine, B. B. re 6-APA. Levinson, M._ L. Personal correspondence. 1954 1977. 1976 1973 1973, 1974 196] 1976-77 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.140 Lightbown, J. W. General correspondence (Chain's carbon only). Lighthill, M. J. Linderstrdm-Lang, K. U. Includes arrangements for visit by Chain to the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen, 1950. 311 1957 1965-79 1949-50 K.141 Lockspeiser, B. 1951-54, n.d. re arrangements to meet, exchangesof technical information. K.142 Loeser, A. A. re treatment of gonorrhea. Longmore, D. B. 1954 197] re research on use of foetal material for heart tissue replacement. Luck, W. 1974 re balance of teaching and research in universities. Lutzker, E. 1968-74 Mainly re W.M. Haffkine. K.143 Macheboeuf, G. Mackaness, G. B. Mainly personal correspondence. McLennan, H. 1974 1976 1958 re work on synthesis of amino-acids from glucose in the brain. K.144 Mahalanobis, P. C. Maister, D. re theory of evolution. 1954, 1955 1977 Continued E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 312 General correspondence K.144(cont'd.) Malagarne, O. n.d. Written from Prisoner-of-War campin Algeria, asking Chain to send him scientific books. Mandelstam, J. Mann, T. 1973-74 1957 K.145 Mantle, P. G. 1960-61, 1963 re collaborative work on ergot alkaloids. correspondence with W.O. James. Includes K.146-K.149 Marotta, D. K.146 K.147 K.148 Correspondence with and re Marotta. Correspondence with C.N. Hinshelwood and B. Lockspeiser, 1954-55, re arrangements to have Marotta invited to visit various laboratories and institutions in the U.K., including the Royal Society. Correspondence with the Society for Visiting Scientists and the British Council re arrangements for Marotta's visit in May 1955. Also included here are letters from colleagues unable to attend the Royal Society meeting on 12 May 1955 at which Chain and Marotta gave an account of work at the Istituto Superiore di Sanitd. Correspondence with Marotta and others, 1957-58. Includes arrangements with the British Ambassador in Rome for a lunch to celebrate the award of the C.B.E. to Marotta. K.149 Letters from Marotta and family to Chain, 1964-70. Folder also includes press-cuttings re the 'Marotta trial', ms. draft of letter from Chain to Marotta regretting his absence at the Royal Society anniversary dinner, n.d., ¢.1967, and press-cutting of obituary by G. Sermonti, n.d. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.150 Marre, A. General correspondence Marshall, J. J. re culture of Pseudomonas stutzeri. Marshall, W. R. re spray-drying of biochemical materials. Martelli, P. 313 1970 197] 1953 1972 K.151 Mascherpa, P. 1954, 1962-63 1954 letters are re 'Sostanza M' discovered by Mascherpa. Later correspondence includes announcement of Chain's election as Honorary Fellow of the Societa Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino. Maske, H. K.152 Massam, A. 1973, 1975, 1978 1970 re proposed newsservice for medical specialists. Matthews, J. W. 1939 re communication to Mikrochemie. Maurois, A. May, B. re funding of scientific research. 1957, n.d. 1949-50 K.153 Medawar, P. and Medawar, J. 1965, 1976 Mehrishi, J. N. re L-Asparaginase. Meleny, F. Le Meyer, K. 1970 1957 1950 Miles, A. A. and Miles, E. Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes 2 pp. letter from Chain summarising his research work 1950-65. 1934-35, n.d., 1950-65 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 314 K.155 Mintz, L. J. 1968-69 General correspondence te Medintron, pH telemetering capsule. Includes letter from B. Sayers. K.156 Mirsky, I. A. 1957-58, 1961 Personal and scientific correspondence, mainly re work on insulin. K.157 Mittwoch, U. 1969-70 Mainly re grant application for work on sex chromosomes in embryos. Monroy, A. 1958, 1961 1958 correspondence is re arrangements for Monroy to use radiochromatographyfacilities in Chain's laboratory. K.158 Morton, O. re Lucidril. Munday, K. A. re policy of the Research Councils. Murray, |. G. 1969 1969 1970 re work on isolation of antigens from pathogenic fungi. Includes correspondence with J.M. Dewdney. K.159, K.160 Nachmanson, D. 1953-70 Personal and scientific correspondence. K.159 1953-59 Includes arrangements for exchange of visits, accounts of research in progress, etc. K.160 1965-70 Includes correspondence re lawsuit against S. Ochoa, and undated ms. of speech by Chain introducing a lecture by Nachmanson. K.16] Naftalin, J. M. 1948, 1953-55 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 315 K.162 Nathan, Ist Baron 1954-63 General correspondence Mainly personal correspondence. Includes letter from S. Berwin following Nathan's death in October 1963. K.163 K.164 Nathan, 2nd Baron Neri, P. 1973, 1977 1973-74, 1979 Includes comments on progress of research on interferon at the Istituto Sieroterapico e Vaccinogeno Toscano "Sclavo". K.165 Neuberger, A. Mainly personal correspondence. K.166 Nowinski, W. W. Ochoa, S. K.167-K.169 Okami, Y. 1954-79 1963 1974 1976-79 Correspondence resulting from Chain's meeting with Okami during his visit to Japan in 1976 (see J.165-J.171). K.167 1976 Mainly re arrangements for Okami and colleagues to visit the fermentation pilot plant at Imperial College. K.168 1977 Arrangements for a visit by Okami to the |.C.|I. laboratories at Billingham (cancelled at the last minute). Kakenyaku Kako Co. Ltd. re supply of Myroridin. Includes correspondence with the K.169 1978-79 Includes correspondence re toxicity of Monascus rubrus. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 316 K.170 Olbert, T. 1950-51, n.d. Personal correspondence. Olson, J. A. 1952, 1958, 1969 1952 correspondence consists of a letter from H. Koffler, addressed to Olson at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, re paper by Olson on glutamic acid dehydrogenase. Chain in the samefield. The letter also refers to work by K.171 Opie, L. H. Opitz, D. K.172, K.173 Painter, N. Ss re fibre and diverticular disease. K.172 1971 Includes draft of paper by Painter and others on treatment of diverticular disease. K.173 1972-75 K.174 Pauling, L. 1979 1976 1971-75 1955, 1957 1957 correspondence is re appeal to ban testing of nuclear weapons. Kus 173 Pekeris, C. and Pekeris, L. 1954, 1971, 1972 Pendse, C. G. Personal correspondence. Penick, S. B. Penn, J. 1938 1970 1970, 1972 Includes typescript reports on visits to Taiwan and the Gabon. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 317 General correspondence K.176-K.178 Peters, R. A. 1949-78 Personal and scientific correspondence. K.176 1949-59 Earlier letters are mainly personal. pondence 1957-59 includes arrangements for collabora- tive work on the metabolism of labelled pyruvate in brain tissue, with plans for research and comments on experimental results. Corres- K.177 1961-64 Continuing correspondence re work on labelled pyruvate, interspersed with arrangements for musical evenings. K.178 1966-78 Mainly personal correspondence. speech proposing vote of thanks to Peters on the occasion of the Second Prize Lecture of the British Nutrition Foundation, 7 November 1972. Includes drafts of K.179 Petrow, V. Philipp, E. E. re ‘cancer families'. on ‘Familial carcinoma of the Ovary'. Includes typescript report Philipp, L. K.180 Philpot, F. J. ('Flops') 1968 1978 1978 1949-52 Several Newsof research and personal affairs. letters refer to her joint patent application with Chain for 'Improvements in or relating to the prepara- tion of stable penicillin-containing solutions' (see B.42). 1949 letter is re crystalline penicillin. Pirie, N. W. 1963, 1967 1963 correspondenceis re meeting of the provisional U.K. Committee for the International Biological Programme. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 318 General correspondence K.181-K.183 Pirt, S.J. 1949-75 Personal and scientific correspondence. K.181 1949-57 Includes several letters from Pirt re grant applica- tions for research to be done in Chain's laboratory in Rome (1949-50), and newsof research and personal affairs. K.182 1958-60 Includes correspondence re negotiations for Pirt to be seconded to assist in department at Imperial College. setting up Chain's new K.183 1961-69, 1975 Mainly re research in progress at Queen Elizabeth College, London (including work on interferon) and possibilities for collaboration with Imperial College. K.184, K.185 Pocchiari, F. 1957-77 Personal and scientific correspondence. K.184 1957-68 re research methods and results, suppliers of equip- ment (for Imperial College), publications, etc. Includes comments on the progress of the 'Marotta case' (q.v.). K.185 1971-77 Includes photocopy of typescript draft by Chain on 'The Case for the Creation of an Independent European Research Institute for Physiological Biochemistry in Italy’, sent to Pocchiari, 14 June 1973, and letters re negotiations with Montedison and others. See also F.195, F.266, K.65. K.186 Pollock, M._ R. 1950, 1961-75 1950 letter is re penicillinase. Remaining corres- pondence includes letters re policy of the Medical Research Council, requests for help with research projects, and arrangements for meetings andvisits. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 vig General correspondence K.187 Polonovski, M. 1949-54 Personal correspondence. for visits and lectures. Includes arrangements K.188 Popjak, G. J. and Popjak, H. Popper, H. Porritt, A. 1963, 1969, 1971, 1972,, vised 1963 197] re visit of H. Ford to New Zealand. Porter, G. 1970, 1972 Includes invitation to Chain to become a memberof the Royal Institution (declined). K.189 Postgate, J. Pragier, G. 1958-59 1974 (Chain's carbon only) re innovation in the develop- ment of the semi-synthetic penicillins. Pullinger, B. OD. 1937 Quastel, J. K.190 Quayle, J. H. R. 1953, 1957, 1973 1974, 1978 1974 correspondence is re experiments with yeast growing on methanol. 1978 correspondence is re undergraduate courses in industrial microbiology. K.191 Radi, |. Rajan, V._—S. G, 1977 1954 te arrangements for supply of stainless steel fermentors and other equipment to the National Chemical Laboratory of India. Raper, K. B. 1959 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.192 Rayne, M. General correspondence Includes correspondence re the Museum of the Diaspora (Beth Hatefutsoth) and the Max Rayne Institute. Reading, H. W. Reid, L. K.193 Reith, W. S. re work on fat absorption and transport. K.194-K.196 Rey, L. 320 1976-77 1961 1973 1959 1975-79 Most of Chain's earlier correspondence with Rey is in Section F, as he was Research Director of Nestlé Alimentaria S.A. until his early retirement due to ill health in 1974. cover a wide variety of topics and refer to various scientific and industrial projects in which both Chain and Rey were involved. The following letters K.194 1975-76 Includes copy of a letter from R. Hamelin re possi- bility of developing a 'Service de Biosynthése' at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (I.N.S.A.) and correspondence re_ progress of other projects including development and production of synthetic proteins. K.195 1977 Includes discussion of various projects and arrange- ments for meetings and visits. K.196 1978 Includes personal correspondence and arrangements for meetings and visits as well as reports on progress of various projects in hand. K.197 Ribbons, D. W. re fermentations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas testosteroni to be carried out at Imperial College. Riccoboni, L. Richards, G. Richter, D. 1969 1958 1979 1954 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.198 Riley, M. V. General correspondence Rittenberg, D. Robertson, |. R. T. Includes letter from D.F. de Almeida. Robinson, D. K.199-K.202 Robinson, R. Personal and scientific correspondence. K.199 1945, 1951-61 321 1963 1957, 1964 1969, 1970 1969 1945-75 Includes letter from Chain re arrangements for visit to Rome by Robinson, 1951, information re research in progress, etc. negotiations with Marks and Spencer for formation of consultancy panel consisting of Chain, Robinson and E.C. Dodds. 1961 correspondenceis re K.200 1965-67 Includes correspondence re Nobel Prize nominations and availability of cultures of Helminthosporium gramineum and Helminthosporium cynodontis. K.201 1969-72 Includes exchanges re research, Nobel Prize nomina- tions and social activities. 22 December 1971 mentions the forthcoming absorbtion of Glaxo by Beechams and the controversy over the research record of the two companies. Robinson's letter of K.202 1973-75 Most of Chain's letters for this period were written in response to requests for information required by Robinson during the writing of his autobiography. Chain's letter of March 1973 contains an outline of his career including a description of scientific and musical life in Berlin during the 1920s. His letter of 28 March 1974, for which there are several drafts, contains a description of his work in Oxford and an outline of his subsequent scientific research. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.203 Rothschild, A. Rothschild, E. de Rothschild, J. K.204 Rothschild, M. (Miriam Lane) 322 1970, 1972 1975 197] 1971-78 Includes correspondence about the Scheu Foundation for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases. K.205, K.206 Rothschild, N. M. V. 1966-76 K.205 K.206 1966, 1970-71 1972, 1976 Includes two drafts of a long letter from Chain, February 1972, in reply to a request from Lord Rothschild for 'a brief note about the discovery of cephalosporin and its commercial exploitation’. An earlier letter (January 1972) contains comments on the Medical Research Council's attitude to the developmentof penicillin. K.207 Rowley, D. 1948, 1957 1948 letter is re research on penicillin. 1957 letter is re lysozyme. Rubbo, S. OD. 196] Includes discussion of Fleming's view of the thera- peutic uses of penicillin. K.208 Sabin, A. B. 1969 correspondence is re development oforal polio vaccine in the U.S.S.R. 1965 (Chain's carbon only), 1969 Sampson, M._ T. (Chain's carbons only). Schindel, L. 1952 1957 re request to Chain to write a preface to a book by Schindel on antibiotics. A.L. Olitzki and K. Burg. Includes letters from E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.209 Schlitter, C. re visits to India and Japan. Schwartzkopf, O. Schweiger, A. Includes correspondence re Farmitalia and Montedison. 323 1954 1934, 1973 1975 K.210 Sellinger, O. Z. 1961-62 te publication of papers in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta and Proceedings of the Royal Society. Includes correspondence with the editors of both journals. K.211 Semerano, G. Serlupi, G. Sermonti, G. K.212 Shannon, R. B. B. 1950, 1955 1961 1958, 1962 197] re the Conference of Industrial Research Associations. (Includes duplicated material. ) Shelesnyak, M. C. Sime, J. M. Personal correspondence. K.213 Sinclair, H. M. 1952 1973 1972 re plans for an Institute of Human Nutrition. Also includes draft of grant application for study of 'The relation of dietary fatty acids, sugars and fibre to coronary heart disease’ . K.214 Sinker, P. Vv Skola, V. 1955 1949-62 Mainly re industrial production of antibiotics in Czechoslovakia. pondence. Includes personal corres- E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 324 K.215 Skryabin, G. K. 1959-72 General correspondence Letters from Chain to Skryabin only, with one exception (1964). Skryabin (father). Includes one letter to K.J. K.216 Slater, W. (Chain's carbons only). Smith, H. G. 1952 1967-68 re request to Chain to write foreword to book by Smith on antibiotics. Smith, J. H. C. 1957 re infrared derivative spectroscopy. from C.S. French. Includes letter Smythe, F. T. re research projects in fermentation technology. K.217 Sokhey, S. S. 1970 1952-54 re organisation of penicillin production in India. K.218 Sorsby, A. 1957-59, 1961 re arrangements for collaborative work on carbo- hydrate metabolism in the retina. Includes letter from J.P. Newhouse (1958) with details of the proposed research. K.219 Sporn, P. Includes letter from R.S. Edwards. Springer, A. K.220 Squire, J. R. Starkey, RR. L. 1971 1974, 1976 1963 1953 Enclosing ms. on 'Quantitative Determination of Methyl Mercaptan, Dimethyl Disulfide and Dimethyl Sulfide in a Gas Mixture’. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 325 K.221 Steinman, H. G. 1961 General correspondence Mainly re 6-APA. Stern, K. G. Stewart, G. TT. 1939, meds 1961, 1965 1965 correspondence is re request to Chain to write preface to book by Stewart on 'The Penicillin Group of Drugs’. K.222 re Stickings, C. E. 1969, 1971-72 Mainly re fund-raising for the C. Ewart Stickings Memorial Fund established to provide two annual prizes at Imperial College 'for excellence in Biochemistry’. K.223 Strohmaier, K. re ultrafiltration apparatus. Stromas, A. K.224 Stulman, S.—L. 1968 1974 1970 re possible collaboration between the proposed Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences and the WeizmannInstitute of Science. Includes copy of a letter from |. Sieff to C. Weizmann written on the occasion of the opening of the Daniel Sieff Institute at Rehovoth in 1934 and 2 letters from D.M. Singer. K.225 Swet, G. 1957-58, 1966 Swinburne, J. K. Sykes, G. 1970 1958 re plans for Anglo-Italian meeting in Rome on fermentation problems. K.226 Tahourdin, P. A. I. 1949-61 Includes brief correspondence, 1950, re Chain's proposed visit to U.S.A., ms. draft of talk about the International Research Centre for Chemical Micro- biology (on verso of letter from Tahourdin, 11 December 1950) and some personal correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 326 General correspondence K.227 Tayeau, F. 1963-76, nud. Mainly personal correspondence. K.228-K.230 Theorell, H. 1949-75 Personal and scientific correspondence. K.228 K.229 K. 230 1949-54 1955-59 1962-75 K.231 Thomas, A. 1975 Copy of letter to the Editorial Board of the Biochemical Journal in reply to criticims of papers submitted by Thomas and colleagues. Thompson, K. W. 1974 Thompson, R. H. S. 1958, 1971, 1976 1958 letter is Chain's carbon only re plansfor holding an International Biochemical Congress in Rome. K.232 K.233 Thornton, G. Tiselius, A. Todd, A. R. 1955 1949-63 1957-79 Fragmentary correspondence, mainly replies to letters of congratulation from Chain. Includes arrangements for a visit to Todd in September 1979. (Chain died in August. ) K. 234 Tddt, F. 1954-55 Mainly re arrangements for a member of Chain's laboratory (G. Gualandi) to visit Tadt's laboratory in order to compare methods of measuring concentra- tions of dissolved oxygen. K.235 Tonolo, A. 1950-55, 1965 Mainly reports on progress of research in Zurich where Tonolo spent most of 1955 improving his knowledge of mycology. Folder also includes a letter from R. Falini, December 1954, describing a visit to Astra (q.v.) with Tonolo, and letter from Zeltia S.A. re a visit by Tonolo in 1961. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 327 K.236 Trabucchi, E. 1957-65 General correspondence Correspondence 1962 is re proposal for formation of European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology (q.v.) and includes letters from R. Paoletti, lists of industrial firms and individuals supporting the scheme and copyofthe draft constitution. Corres- pondence 1964 includes copies of telegrams sent by Trabucchi to colleagues and officials re the imprison- ment of D. Marotta. K.237 Tréfoudl, J. 1947-70 Personal and scientific correspondence. Early letters include a request for a sample of British Anti-Lewisite (1947), and correspondence re the constitution of penicillin. Also included in the folder is a copy of an appreciation of Tréfoud! and his wife Thérése published in Annales de Micro- biologie, April 1979. K.238, K.239 Trowell, H. 1971-72 re work on dietary fibre. K.238 1971 Includes typescript draft on 'Atherosclerosis and Evolution' and memorandum on ‘Experiments with hypocholesterolaemic agents' written for a discussion meeting at Imperial College on 24 November (see J.118). K.239 1972 Includes draft of paper on 'Diabetes mellitus and dietary fiber’. K.240 re Trueta, J. 1975-79 Correspondence with Trueta's daughter, Amelia Trueta de Strubell, re Trueta's last illness and death and arrangements for the publication of an English version of his memoirs. Chain was to have written the preface to this, but he was unable to finish it before his own death in August 1979. Earlier letters are about nomination of Trueta for the Nobel Prize, and the death of his wife in October 1975. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 328 K.241-K.245 Umezawa, H. 1969-79 For correspondence re Chain's visit to Japan in 1976 see J.165-J.171. K. 241 1969 Brief correspondence only re Chain's plans for a visit to Japan. K.242 1972-73 re visit to England by Umezawa with other members of the Japan Academy in March 1973. correspondence with the Royal Society re schedules and other arrangements and letters of thanks from Umezawaafter visit to Imperial College. There is also an exchange in July and August 1973 about the Japanese Government's attitude to the production of yeast from paraffin. Includes K.243 1976-78 Includes letters of introduction for colleagues visiting England or Japan. K.244 1978 Correspondence with E.P. Abraham re proposal to recommend Umezawafor the award of an Honorary Doctorate by Oxford University. K.245 1979 Includes long letter from Umezawa discussing his work with T. Akiba, and correspondence re award of the Paul Ehrlich Prize to Akiba and Umezawa in June 1979. K.246 Van Beusekom-Kits van Heijningen, A. J. M. 1961-63, 1977 Arrangements to do some research in Chain's laboratory in Rome and correspondence with colleagues re publication of a paper on glycogen. Includes a letter of introduction from W.E. van Heyningen (q.v.). 1977 letter is mainly personal news. K.247 Van Heyningen, W._ E. 1954, 1959 Personal and scientific correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 329 K.248, K.249 Venkataraman, K. 1953-77 General correspondence K.248 1953-58 Includes arrangements for Venkatamaran to work in Chain's laboratory. K.249 1963, 1977 Mainly personal correspondence. Includes exchange with K.R.L. Mansford re supply of Amoxycillin for Venkataraman's personal use. K. 250 Vernon, C. A. re future of biochemical research in England. Vickrage, J. D. OM. 1974 1973 re work on the biochemistry of the crystalline lens. K.251, K.252 Virtanen, A. I. 1949-71 K.251 1949-55 Includes arrangements for Virtanen to give a lecture in Rome, April 1950, and personal correspondence re further visits to Rome. K.252 1957-59, 1963, 1971 Mainly re arrangements for Chain to lecture in Helsinki in March 1959. contains exchanges of personal news. 1971 correspondence K .253 Virtanen,O,. E. 1953, 195? News of work on penicillin, requests for samples of penicillium chrysogenum. article in Finnish on ‘Penicillin and Penicillinase' (with English translation) is also included here. Copy of an undated K.254 Viitos, A. J. 1969-72, 1977 Includes arrangements for visit to Imperial College by the Soviet Delegation on Protein Synthesis, invitations to Chain to visit the Tate and Lyle Research Centre, and some more personal correspondence. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Ka2oo Volke, W. Vonderbank, H. K.256 Waelsch, H. General correspondence 330 1968 1952 1962 re metabolism of glutamic acid. K.257, K.258 Waksman, S.A. 1948-76 K.257 1948-55 Includes corres- re meetings, visits, research, etc. pondence with the Science Attaché of the American Embassy re prospects of obtaining a visa to attend the opening of Waksman's new Institute of Micro- biology,and some personal correspondence. K.258 1959-68, 1976 Includes correspondencere the activities of the Committee on Antibiotics of the World Health Organisation (q.v.) and ms. drafts of message to Waksman on his 80th birthday. folder contains a request to Chain to join the Advisory Board of the Organising Committee for the Selman A. Waksman Memorial Lectureship (1976). In addition the K.. 259 Walker, N. 1955, 1958 Includes copy of report to the Agricultural Research Council on work done in Chain's laboratory on 2 :4-D and naphthalene. Wall, P. OD. 1972 re proposed Clinic and Research Centre on Pain to be set up in Israel. K.260 Walters, A. H. re proposed research and information centre on antimicrobials, biocides and disinfectants. Warburg, O. Ward, P. S. 1969 1961 1969 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 33! K.261 Wartenberg, F. 1950, 1953 Waterworth, P. (Chain's carbon only). Weber, H. H. Weiss, D. W. (Chain's carbon only). K.262 Weiss, E. re use of enzymepreparations for preventive medical purposes. K.263 Weissberger, A. Personal and scientific correspondence. Wells, G. W. 1977 1963 1972 197] 1949-70 1951 te supply of radioactive isotopes to institutions in Italy and Sicily. K.264-K.268 Westphal, O. 1970-77 Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes copies of several letters to F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdneyof the Beecham Research Laboratories re collaborative research projects. K.264 1970-71 Includes copies of letters to F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdney (Beecham Research Laboratories) and P. Alexander (Chester Beatty Research Institute) re preparations for collaborative work on 'Lipid A’. K..265 1972 Includes copies of correspondence with F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdney re negotiations to include Sandoz in collaborative research on further developments of the "Lipid A' work, and invitation to Chain to attend Westphal's 60th birthday celebrations in February 1973. K.266 1973 Includes correspondence re nominations for the Paul Ehrlich Prize, further correspondence with Beechams and copy of a letter from Westphal to M. Beloff accepting membership of the International Advisory Council of the Independent University (q.v.) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 332 General correspondence K.267 1974 Includes several letters from Westphal to J.M. Dewdneyre progress of collaborative work on ds-RNA, a further exchange with M. Beloff about the University College at Buckingham, and some personal correspondence. K.268 1975 Includes copy of a letter about the closure of the Lister Institute and correspondence re nominations for the Paul Ehrlich Prize. K.269-K.276 Whelan, W. J. 1967-73 Correspondence arising from proposal by Chain to offer Whelan a Visiting Professorship for 3 months each year at the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, in order to continue to direct a research group on glycogen synthesis. K.269 1967 Includes: correspondence with the Acting Rector (O.A. Saunders) and others at Imperial College re arrangements for Whelan's appointment as Visiting Professor; brief correspondence re grant application to the Medical Research Council; correspondence re staffing arrangements. K.270 February-April 1968 Includes letter from Whelan offering Chain the appoint- ment of Visiting Professor in the Department of Bio- chemistry at the University of Miami for 3 years, and Chain's letter of acceptance. K.271 May 1968 Drafts of grant application to M.R.C. by Chain and Whelan for work on glycogen metabolism, with letter from Whelan, 9 May. K.272 June-December 1968 Includes correspondence re the M.R.C. grant applica- tion, arrangements for Chain's visit to Miami in January 1969, including programme of symposia and lectures, and miscellaneous administrative correspondence. See also J.93, J.94. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 333 General correspondence K.273 January-December 1969 re arrangements for travel between Miami and London and miscellaneous other administrative affairs. Includes letter from Chain, November 1969, regretting his inability to travel to Miami in January 1970 because of ill health. K.274 Reports on experiments performed by Whelan and others, c. May-July 1969. Kan2/o January-November 1970 Includes letters re Whelan's resignation as Visiting Professor at Imperial College and miscellaneous personal and administrative correspondence. K.276 1971-73 Brief correspondence only. K.277 Wildenthal, K. re possible collaborative work on insulin. Williams, R. J. R. re ferroverdin. Williamson, A. C. re protein in edible fungi. K.278 Wilson, J. H. (Chain's carbon with reply by secretary) re science policy. Wiseman, L. A. 1972 1962 1972 1964 197] re activities of the Shirley Institute, Manchester. K.279 Wolfson, I. Wolfson, L. G. Includes correspondence re research on desalination in Israel. 1961-62 1959, 1969-70, 1977 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.280 Woodruff, M. General correspondence re plans for research after his retirement from active clinical work. Woods, D._ iOD.z (Chain's carbons only). 334 1976 1952 Also included is ms. draft of letter of condolence to Mrs. Woods on the death of her husband, 1964. Work, E. 1952, 1961 1952 correspondence is Chain's carbons only, re arrangements for growing bacteria in Chain's laboratories for Dr. Work. K.281 Wren-Lewis, J. Wright, P. H. Wrinch, D. K.282 Yaakov, I. Includes correspondencere anti bovine mastitis drug, 'Abimasten 100’. K.283, K.284 Young, F. G. Personal and scientific correspondence. K.283 1953, 1957-62 1969 1961 1961 1976-77 1953-74 Includes several letters re publication arrangements for lecture given by Young in Rome (see C.92) and suggestions for collaborative work on glucose metabolism. K.284 1965-74 Includes correspondencere affairs of the British Nutrition Foundation (q.v.). E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 330 General correspondence K.285-K.288 Yudkin, J. 1935-78 Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes some letters from Yudkin's wife, Milly. K.285 1935-45 Letters from John and Milly Yudkin (Milly's letters usually in German). career and work in Cambridge and Sierra Leone. Includes news of John Yudkin's K.286 1948-50 Correspondence with J. Yudkin and others re proposals for the establishment of a state-owned organisation in Britain for the production of penicillin and other essential drugs, and for research and develop- ment work on new therapeutic substances. Includes letter from H. Wilson, and copies of letters from Chain to H.P. Himsworth and A. Bevan. See also B.47, K.14. K. 287 1949-59 Includes proposal for collaborative work on anti- mitotic compounds (1958). K.288 1961-78 Mainly personal correspondence. 3 letters from Michael Yudkin, 1965-66, are also included here. K .289 Zerilli-Marimé, G. M. 1958-77 Mainly personal correspondence. K.290 Ka271 Zucker, H. Zuckerman, S. 1967-69, 1975 195] re Chain's ‘Memorandum on the necessity for pilot plant facilities in the field of chemical microbiology in England', sent to Zuckerman with covering letter, 2 May 1951, and re people to be invited to the inaugu~ ration of the International Research Centre for Chemical Microbiology at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 336 General correspondence K.292-K.311 SHORTER UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE K.292-K.303 Shorter scientific correspondence: mainly requests for equip- ment, specimens, brief exchanges of information, etc., 1949-78. In alphabetical order. Not indexed. K.292 K.293 A B K. 294 C-D K.295 F-G K.296 H=-J K.297 K.298 K L K.299 M-N K. 300 P K. 301 R-S K.302 T-V K.303 W - Z and unidentified K.304-K.311 Shorter correspondence re exchange of reprints, 1948-79. In chronological order. Not indexed. K.304 1948-54 K.305 1957-59 K.306 1962-64 K. 307 1968-69 K. 308 1970-71 K. 309 1972-73 K.310 1974-76 K.311 1977-79 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 337 K.312-K.341 EXAMINING, REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS General correspondence K.312, K.313 Correspondence and reports on various doctoral theses from Indian universities, 1948-62. Not indexed. K.312 1948-57 K.313 1958-62 K.314 Correspondence re examining of doctoral theses for London University, 1970. Not indexed. K.315-K.329 Correspondence re references and appointments, c.1950-78. Not indexed. K.315 K.316 K.317 K.318 K.319 K.320 K. 321 B C D E F G H K.322 J=L K.323 M K.324 K.325 P-Q K.326 K.327 K.328 R 5 T K.329 V - Y, unidentified E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 338 General correspondence K.330-K.339 Correspondencere refereeing of grant applications, etc. for societies and organisations. K. 330 Australian Research Grants Committee K.331 Cambridge University K. 332 J.S. Cohen Foundation 1976 1973-74 1973 K. 333 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1963, 1964 K. 334 J.S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Harvey Prize Fund Leverhulme Trust Fund Mental Health Research Fund 1975 1977 1971 1969 K.335, K.336 Nobel Prize Committee 1954-73 K.335 K.336 K.337, K.338 K.337 K.338 1954-63 1967-73, n.d. Rothschild Prizes Organization in Israel 1978 Correspondence. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts. K.339 Wolfson Foundation 1970 K.340 K. 341 Requests for references from members of Beecham Research Laboratories, 1965-68. Not indexed. Miscellaneous requests for advice or information on careers, some with replies by Chain, 1968-75. Not indexed. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 339 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS The following list was prepared at Imperial College immediately after Chain's death in 1979, and corresponds to the contents of the box of publications at G.1 where the original list is enclosed. References to the list, in Section G and elsewhere, are given in the form (Bibliog. ....). It is recognised that the list is not a complete bibliography (see the Introduction to Section G), but it is the only currently available guide to Chain's publications. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 LIST OF SIR ERNST CHAIN'S PUBLICATIONS 340 BEITRAGE ZUR ENZYMATISCHEN ESTERBILDUNG UND SPOLTUNG: P. Rona, E. Chain & R. Ammon Bioch. Zeitschr. (1932) 247, 113 ZUR KONFIGURATIONS SPECIFITAT DER ESTERSYNTHETISIERENDEN FERMENTE: P. Rona & E. Chain Bioch. Zeitschrift (1933) 258, 480 THE ISOELECTRIC POINTS OF LECITHIN & SPHINGOMYELIN: E. Chain & I. Kemp Biochem. J. (1934) 2052 THE SPONTANEOUS DECOMPOSITION OF LECITHIN & ITS BEARING ON THE DETERMINATION OF THE ISOELECTRIC POINT: H. Fischgold. & E. Chain Biochem. J. XXVIII, No. 6 (1934) 2044-2051 ON THE AMPHOLYTIC NATURE OF PHOSPHOLIPINS: H. Fischgold & E. Chain Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series B, No. 804 117, 239-257 (1935) EFFECT: OF SNAKE VENOMS ON GLYCOLYSIS & FERMENTATION IN CELL-FREE EXTRACTS: E. Chain Quar. J. of Exp. Physiol. 26 No. 3 (1937) 299-303 NEUTRALISATION OF THE ANTIFERMENTING PRINCIPLE IN SNAKE VENOMS BY ANTIVENINS: Quart. J. Exp. Physiology (1937) 27, 49-54 E. Chain STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF THE ANTI FERMENTING PRINCIPLE IN BLACK TIGER SNAKE VENOM: Quart. J. of Experimental Physiology, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Feb. 1938) E, B. Chain & L. J. Goldsworthy STUDIES ON PHOSPHORYLCHOLINE: A. B. L. Beznak & E. Chain Quar. J. Exp. Physiol. (1937) 26, No. 3, 201-214 STUDIES ON THE COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHATE: |. Berenblum, E. B. Chain Biochem. J. Vol. XXXII, No. 2 (1938) 286-294 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 341 . AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THE COLORIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHATE: |. Berenblum & E. B. Chain Biochem. J. Vol. XXXII (1938) 295-298 . A RETICULOCYTOGENIC AGENT FOR GUINEA-PIGS PRESENT IN CERTAIN GASTRO- INTESTINAL SECRETIONS: J. Goodfriend, E. B. Chain & H. W. Florey Quart. J. of Experimental Physiology & Cognate Medical Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 2 (July 1938) . INHIBITION OF DEHYDROGENASES BY SNAKE VENOM: “E. B. Chain Biochem. J. Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (1939) 407-4II . A MUCOLYTIC ENZYMEIN TESTIS EXTRACTS: E. B. Chain, E. S. Duthie Nature, Vol. 144 (9 Dec. 1939) 977 . THE STUDY OF METABOLIC ACTIVITIES OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF SURVIVING TISSUES: |. Berenblum, E. B. Chain, N. G. Heatley Biochem. J. Vol. XXXIII, No. | (1939) 68-74 . A POLYPEPTIDE RESPONSIBLE FOR SOME OF THE PHENOMENA OF ACUTE INFLAMATION: E. S. Duthie, E. B. Chain Brit. J. of Experimental Pathology, Vol. XX (1939) 417 . VIL A NEW TYPE OF MICRORESPIROMETER: N. G. Heatley, I. Berenblum, E. B. Chain Biochem. J. Vol. XXXIII, No. | (1939) 53-67 . IDENTITY OF HYALURONIDASE & SPREADING FACTOR: E. B. Chain, E. S. Duthie Br. J. of Experimental Pathology, Vol. XXI (1940) 324 . PENICILLIN AS A CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AGENT: E. B. Chain, H. W. Florey, A. D. Gardner, N. G. Heatley, M. A. Jennings, J. Orr-Ewing, A. G. Sanders The Lancet (24 August 1940) 226 20. AN ENZYME FROM BACTERIA ABLE TO DESTROY PENICILLIN: E, P. Abraham, E. Chain Nature (1940) 146, 837 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 2. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM OF TUMOURS: |. Berenblum, E. B. Chain, N. G. Heatley Nature, Vol. 145 (18/5/1940) 778 342 22. THE METABOLISM OF NORMAL & NEOPLASTIC SKIN EPITHELIUM: Evidence against the theory that Aerobic Glycolysis associated with a low R.Q. isa feature of a Disturbed Metabolism indicative of a Tumour growth. I. Berenblum, E. B. Chain, N. G. Heatley American Jour. of Cancer, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3 (March 1940) 23. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF THE SUBSTRATE ‘OF LYSOZYME: L. A. Epstein, E. Chain Brit. J. Exp. Path. (1940) 21, 339 24. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON PENICILLIN: E, P. Abraham, E. Chain, C. M. Fletcher, A. D. Gardner, N. G. Heatley, M. A, Jennings, H. W. Florey Lancet (1941) 177- 25. AN ANTIBACTERIAL SUBSTANCE PRODUCED BY PENICILLIUM CLAVIFORME: E. Chain, H. W. Florey, M. A. Jennings Brit. J. Exp. Path (1942) 23, 202 26. THE NITROGENOUS NATURE OF PENICILLIN: E, P, Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain, H. W. Florey, E. R. Holiday, R. Robinson. Nature (1942) 149, 356 27. PURIFICATION AND SOME PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PENICILLIN: E. P. Abraham, E. Chain Brit. J. Exp. Path. (1942) 23, 103 28. PROACTINOMYCIN, A BACTERIOSTATIC PRODUCED BY A SPECIES OF PROACTINOMYCES: A. D. Gardner, E. Chain. Brit. J. Exp. Path (1942) 23, 123 29. HELVOLIC ACID, AN ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCED BY A, FUMIGATUS: E. Chain, H. W. Florey, M. A. Jennings, T. |. Williams Brit. J. Exp. Path (1943) 24, 108. 30. PENICILLAMINE, A CHARACTERISTIC DEGRADATION PRODUCT OF PENICILLIN: E, P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker, R. Robinson Nature (1943) ISI, 107 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 . Publications 343 3}. ANTIBACTERIAL SUBSTANCES PRODUCED BY BACTERIA & FUNGI (2) (Biochemistry) E. Chain, H. W. Florey Annual Reports of the Chemical Society (1944) 40. 32. PENICILLIN: E. Chain, H. W. Florey Endeavour (1944) Vol. Ill, No. 9. 33. IDENTITY OF PATULIN & CLAMFORMIN: E. Chain, H. W. Florey, M. A. Jennings. Lancet (1944) Series1, [12 34. BACTERICIDAL & BACTERIOLYTIC ACTION OF PENICILLIN ON THE STAPHYLOCOCCUS: E. Chain, E. S. Duthie Lancet (1945) 652. 35. THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF THE PENICILLINS: NOBEL LECTURE E. B. Chain Stockholm (20 March 1% 6) 36. LA CONSTITOZIONE CHIMICA DELLA PENICILLINA: E. B. Chain Roma (1947) Vol. X Congress at Instituto Superiore di Sanita 37. LA PENICILLINA: PROPRIETA CHIMICHE, BIOLOGICHE E TERAPEUTICHE: E, B. Chain Congress of the Instituto Superiore di Sanita. (1947) 38. THE CHEMISTRY OF PENICILLIN (1948): E. B, Chain Annual Review of Biochemistry (1948) 657-704. 39, INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY: E. Chain Research (1952) 5 567-576. 40. AERATION STUDIES 1. Factors influencing aeration efficiency: 1 E. B. Chain, D. S. Callow, F. Ugolini, S. Paladino, J. van de Sluis (Bulletin of W.H.O. (1952) 6, 73-97) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 344 Al. OBSERVATIONS ON PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM IN SUBMERGED CULTURE: |. Mycelial Growth & Autolysis. L. Camici, G: Sermonti, E. B. Chain Bulletin of World Health Organization (1952) 6, 265-276. 42. A MICROMETHOD FOR THE SERIAL DETERMINATION OF ORGANICALLY BOUND HALOGEN: S. J. Pirt, E. B. Chain Biochem. J. Vol. 50, No. 5 (1952) 716-719. . MICROBIOLOGY IN INDUSTRY: ‘Dr. E. B. Chain Times Review of Industry (March 1953) . THE BIOCHEMICAL APPROACH TO BIOLOGICAL PHENOMENA: Harben Lectures 1954 E. B. Chain J. of Royal Institute of Public Health & Hygiene (May, June, Sept. 1966) 45. THE DEVELOPMENT OF BACTERIAL CHEMOTHERAPY: Paul Ehrlich Lecture . E. B. Chain International Record of Medical & General Practice Clinics, Vol. 167, No. 3 (March 1954) Antibiotics & Chemotherapy 3-215 (1954) . AERATION STUDIESII: Rend. Inst. Superiore, Sanita (1954) 17, 5 E. B. Chain & G. Gualandi. 47. BIOSYNTHETIC MECHANISMS OF THE FORMATION OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN MOULDS: E. B. Chain Proceedings of the International Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels (1955) 48. LA FIGURA E L'OPERA DI ALEXANDER FLEMING: Prof. E. B. Chain Nuova Antologia, Estratto-Anno 90, Vol. 464, fase. 1853 (May 1955) 47. 49, A LABORATORY FERMENTER FOR VORTEX & SPARGER AERATION (1955): E. B. Chain, S. Paladino, F. Ugolini, D. S. Callow, J. van der Sluis Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. XVII (1955) 61-86 50. INTERRELATION OF PROTEIN & POLYNUCLEOTIDE SYNTHESIS IN ESCHERICHIA COLI: R. Cavanna, E. B. Chain, C. G. Heden, B. Malmaren, N. A. Eliasson, E. Hammersten, S. Aqvist. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. XVII (1955) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 345 Publications 5. THE EFFECT OF MECHANICAL AGITATION ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM GROWN IN STIRRED FERMENTERS (1955): WwW. M, Dion, A. Carilli, G. Sermonti., E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. XVII (1955) 52. FERMENTERS OF 90 + 300 | CAPACITY FOR VORTEX & SPARGER AERATION (1955): S. Paladino, F. Ugolini, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. XVII (1955) 53. QUANTITATIVE BIDIMENSIONAL RADIOCHROMATOGRAPHY: ’ E, B. Chain, M. Frank, F. Poechiari, C. Rossi, F. Ugolini, G. Ugolini. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. 1, Part II (1956) 241-280. 54. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM IN RAT LIVER: Il Glycogen & fatty acid synthesis from glucose in perfused rat liver: A. Beloff-Chain, D. Bovet, R. Catanzarro, E. B. Chain, R. Kohn, I. Masi & F. Poechiari. Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1956) Vol. II, Part I, 304-327. 55. EXPERIMENTS DESIGNED TO TEST THE "HEXOKINASE THEORY & PERMEABILITY THEORY" OF THE MODE OF ACTION OF INSULIN: A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzarro, E. B. Chain, |. Masi & F. Pocchiari Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1956) Vol. |, Part Ill. . CHEMISTRY & BIOCHEMISTRY OF ANTIBIOTICS: E. B. Chain Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol. 27 (1958) 57. RECENT STUDIES ON CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM: E. B. Chain Brit. Medical J. (I7 Oct. 1959) Vol. Il, 709-719. 58. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE MODE OF ACTION OF INSULIN: E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1959) 59. NOTE ON THE STERILIZATION OF MEDIA CONTAINING SOLID ORGANIC MATERIAL IN LABORATORY & PILOT PLANT FERMENTERS: E, B. Chain, S. Paladino, F. Zanchi. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part I (1959) 88-98 60. THE DISTRIBUTION OF SULPHURYLICHOLINE IN FUNGI: ; A. Ballio, E. B. Chain, F. Dentice di Accadia, F. Navazio, C. Rossi, M. Ventura Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part I (1959), Roma. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 ° Publications 346 él. THE FATE OF °° S-S.ULPHATE & 2 S-METHIONINE IN A HIGH YIELDING & A NON- PENICILLIN PRODUCING STRAIN OF PENICILLI UM CHRYSOGENUM GROWNINA SIMPLE REPLACEMENT MEDIUM: A. Ballio, E. Brandl, E. B. Chain, F. Dentice di Accadia, F. Navazio, C. Rossi Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 62. GLUCOSE OXIDATION IN RAT BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE HOMOGENATE: A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzarro, E. B. Chain, F. Pocchiari Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959) 132-138. 63. THE METABOLISM OF PYRUVATEIN RAT LIVER & BRAIN SLICES: A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzarro, E. B. Chain, I. Masi, F. Pocchiari Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959) 64. SIMPLE MEDIA FOR PENICILLIN PRODUCTION: E. Brandl, A. Carilli, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 195-2II. 65. PENICILLIN PRODUCTION BY WASHED MYCELIUM OF PENICILLIN CHRYSOGENUM IN REPLACEMENT MEDIA: E. Brandl, A. Carilli, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 66. THE EFFECT OF MECHANICAL AGITATION ON THE PRODUCTION OF KOJIC ACID BY ASPERGINUS FLAVUS IN SUBMERGED CULTURE: Anna Camposano, E. B, Chain, G. Gualandi. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 67. AN IMPROVED AUTOMATIC SCANNER FOR THE QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF BIDIMENSIONAL RADIOCHROMATOGRAMS: M. Frank. Addendum in performance by E. B. Chain, F. Pocchiari, C. Rossi. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. Il, Part | (1959) 68. AUTOMATIC CONTINUOUS MEASURE & CONTROL OF pH BY MEANS OF STEAM STERILIZABLE GLASS ELECTRODES: G. Gualandi, Elizabetta Caldarola, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part | (1959) 69. CONTINUOUS MEASURE OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN IN FERMENTATIONS IN THE PRESENCE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS: G. Gualandi, G. Morisi; G. Ugolini, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part | (1959) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 347 70. THE FATE OF 2-!4_C-LABELLED ACETATE IN PENICILLFUM CHRYSOGENUM: J. A. Olson, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 7\. ORGANIC ACID METABOLISM OF ACETATE GROWN PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM : J. A. Olson, E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 72. A MODIFIED "ROTATING DRUM" FERMENTER: F. Ugolini, G. Ugolini, E. B. Chain ’ Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. Il, Part | (1959) 73. NOUVELLES VOIES MICROBIOLOGIQUES POUR L'OBTENTION DE MEDICAMENTS: E. B. Chain Journees Pharmaceutiques Francaises (1960) 74. PARTICIPATION OF THE AMMONIUM ION IN’ THE TRANSFORMATION OF GLUCOSE TO AMINO ACIDS IN BRAIN TISSUE: E. B. Chain, M. Chiozzotto, F. Pocchiari, C. Rossi, R. Sandman Proceedings of Roy. Soc. Vol. 152 (1960) 290-297 75. THE FATE OF GLUCOSE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE RABBIT BRAIN: E. B. Chain, S. Larsson, F. Poechiari Proceedings of Roy Soc. B. Vol. 152 (1960) 283-289. 76. THE ABSORPTION OF SUCROSE, MALTOSE & HIGHER OLIGOSACCHARIDES FROM THE ISOLATED RAT SMALL INTESTINE: E. B. Chain, K. R. L. Mansford, F. Poechiari J. Physiol. (1960) 154, 39-51 77. LA STERILIZZAZIONE DEI TERRENI DI CULTURA CONTENUTI MATERIALE ORGANICO SOLIDO IN FERMENTATORI DA LABORATORIO E DA IMPIANTO PILOTA: E. B, Chain, S. Paladino, F. Zanchi Rome (1960) Vol. XXIII Estratto dai rendiconti dell Instituto Superiore di Santa. 78. INCORPORATION OF A ,c/. DICARBOXYLIC ACIDS AS SIDE CHAINS INTO THE PENICILLIN MOLECULE: A. Ballio, E. B. Chain, F. Dentice di Accadia, M. Mastropietro-Cancellieri, G. Morpurgo, G. Serlupi-Crescenzi, G. Sermonti Nature, Vol. 185, No. 4706 (9 Jan. 1960) 97-99 79. INFLUENCE OF ANAEROBIOSIS ON GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN THE ISOLATED RAT DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE: A. Beloff-Chain, R. Cantanzaro, E, B. Chain, L. Longinoftti, |. Masi, F. Poechiari Drug Research !0 (1960) 330-333 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 348 80. BACTERIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON A NEW PENICILLIN BRL 1241: G.N. Rolinson, Shirley Stevens, J. Cameron-Wood, E. B, Chain, F. R. Batchelor Lancet, (10 Sept. 1960) 564-567. 8I. MODIFIED PENICILLINS: E. B. Chain Laboratory Practice (196!) 238-239. 82. PRODUCTION OF LYSERGIC ACID DERIVATIVES BY A STRAIN OF CLAVICEPS PASPALI STEVENS & HALL IN SUBMERGED CULTURE: _F. Arcamone, C. Bonino, E. B. Chain, A. Ferretti, P. Pennella, A. Tonolo, Lidia Vero. Nature, Vol. 187, No. 4733 (1961) 238-239 83. FORMATION OF 2, 3-DIHYDROXYBENZOIC ACID IN FERMENTATION LIQUORS DURING THE SUBMERGED CULTURE PRODUCTION OF LYSERGIC ACID AND HYDROXYETHYLAMIDE BY CLAVICEPS PASPALI STEVENS & HALL: A. Arcamone, E. B. Chain, A. Ferretti, P. Pennella. Nature, Vol. 192, No. 4802 (I! Nov. 1961) 552-553. 84, PRODUCTION OF A NEW LYSERGIC ACID DERIVATIVE IN SUBMERGED CULTURE BY A STRAIN OF CLAVICEPS PASPALI (STEVENS & HALL): F. Arcamone, E. B. Chain, A. Ferretti, A. Minghetti, P. Pennella, A. Tonola, Lydia Vero. Proceedings of the Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 155 (1961) 26-54. 85. IDENTIFICATION OF A COMPOUND RELATED TO 6-AMINOPENICILLANIC ACID ISOLATED FROM CULTURE MEDIA OF PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM: A. Ballio, E. B. Chain, F. Dentice di Accadia, M. Mauri, K. Raver, M. Schlesinger, Sondra Schlesinger. Nature, Vol. 191, No. 4791 (26 Aug. 1961) 909-910. 86. 1. 6-AMINOPENICILLANIC ACID IN PENICILLIN FERMENTATIONS: F, R. Batchelor, E. B. Chain, G. N. Rolinson Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 154 (1961) 478-489 87. Il. ISOLATION & PURIFICATION OF 6-AMINOPENICILLANIC ACID: F. R. Batchelor, E. B. Chain, T. L. Hardy, K. R. L. Mansford, G. N. Rolinson Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B (1961) 498-508 88 . V. 6-AMINOPENICILLANIC ACID AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PENICILLANASE & AN INDUCER OF PENICILLANASE FORMATION: F, R. Batchelor, J. Cameron-Wood, E. B. Chain, G. N. Rolinson Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. (1961) 514-521. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 : Publications 349 89. VI. FORMATION OF 6-AMINOPENICILLANIC ACID FROM PENICILLIN BY ENZYMIC HYDROLYSIS: F. R. Batchelor, E. B. Chain, M. Richards, G. N. Rolinson. Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. (1961) 522-531. 90. AERATION STUDIES. CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN DURING FERMENTATION IN LARGE FERMENTERS: A. Carilli, E. B. Chain, G. Gualandi, G. Morisi Sci. Repts. Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1961) 177-189. a. ACTION OF INSULIN ON METABOLIC REACTIONS: (CIBA Foundation Symposium on Enzymes and Drug Action 1962) E. B. Chain Instituto Superiore di Sanita, pp. 95-109 of above Symposium notes. 92. STUDIES ON BRAIN METABOLISM = Chap II: E. B. Chain ’ Ultrastructure & Metabolism of the Nervous System, Vol. XL (1962) 27-42. 93. INTER-RELATION OF GLUCOSE, GLUTAMATE, & ASPARTATE METABOLISM IN RAT CEREBRAL CORTICAL SLICES: E. B. Chain, M. M. Cohen, F. Pocchiari Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 156 (1962) 163-167. 94. THE METABOLISM OF GLUTAMIC ACID IN RAT RETINA: E. B. Chain, F. Poechiari, H. W. Reading. Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 156 (1962) 144-147. 95. THE EFFECT OF TRYTOPHAN & METHYLTRYPTOPHANS ON SUBMERGED LYSERGIC ACID FERMENTATION BY CLAVICEPS PASPALI (STEVENS & HALL) 1957: F. Arcamone, E. B. Chain, A. Ferretti, A. Minghetti, P. Pennella, A. Tonolo. Biochem., Biophys. Acta. 57 (1962) 174-176. 96. THE INFLUENCE OF GLUCOSE ON ACETATE ALANINE & PRYUVATE METABOLISM IN RAT CEREBRAL CORTICAL SLICES: A. Beloff-Chain, Rafaella Catonzaro, E. B. Chain, L. Longinotti, Ines Masi, F. Pocchiari Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 156 (1962) 168-171. oF THE METABOLISM OF GLUCOSE & PYRUVATE IN RAT RETINA: R. Catanzaro, E. B. Chain, F. Pocchiari, H. W. Reading Proceedings of the Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 156 (1962) 139-143. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 350 98. THE METABOLISM OF GLUTAMATE & ASPARTATE IN RAT CEREBRAL CORTICAL SLICES: O. Z. Sellinger, R. Catanzaro, E. B. Chain, F. Poechiari Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 156 (1962) 148-162. 99. ACADEMIC & INDUSTRIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO DRUG RESEARCH: Trueman Wood Lecture E. B. Chain English: Nature, Vol. 200, No. 4905 (Nov. 1963) 441-451 Swedish: Nytt och Nyttigt, Nr. 2 (1966) French: Medecine et Hygiene, No. 675 (17 Feb. 1964) German; Arzneimittel-Forschung 13, 829-841. 100. CONTRIBUT! DELLA FONDAZIONE WELLCOME ALLA RICERA SCIENTIFICA NEL CAMPO DELLA MEDECINA: E. B. Chain (1963) Wellcome Italia. 101. PURE & APPLIED CHEMISTRY: E, B. Chain Journal of International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry, Vol. 6 (1963) 483-491. 102. STUDIES ON FERROVERDIN, A GREEN IRON-CONTAINING PIGMENT PRODUCED BY A STREPTOMYCES WAK SPECIES (1963 :) Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 158 (1963) 43-70. A, Ballio, H. Bertholdt. A. Carilli, E. B. Chain, V. di Vittorio, A. Tonolo, Lidia Vero Barcellona. Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 158 (1963) 43-70. 103. STUDIES ON PENICILLINASE PRODUCED BY A STRAIN OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS: F. R. Batchelor, J. Cameron-Wood, E. B. Chain, G. N. Rolinson Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 158 (1968) 311-328. 104. CONQUEST OF THE RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS BY NEW PENICILLINS: E, B. Chain New Scientist, Vol. 8 (1964) 838-840. 105. NEW ANTIBIOTICS (The New Penicillins): E, B. Chain New Perspectives in Biology - BBA Lib. Vol. 4 (1964) Elsevier Publishing Co. 106. THE NEW PENICILLINS: E. B. Chain Laboratory Aspectsof Therapy (reprinted from Therapy with the New Penicillins) (Conf. at Apothecaries Hall June 1964) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 35] 107. DEVELOPMENT & TRENDS OF ANTIBIOTIC RESEARCH: Oliver Sharpey Lecture E. B. Chain Proceedings of Conference at Royal College of Physicians (16-29 Nov. 1964) 108. FUSICOCCIN: A NEW WILTING TOXIN PRODUCED BY FUSICOCCUM AMYGDALI - DEL: E. B. Chain, A, Ballio, P. de Leo, B. F. Erlanger, M. Mauri, A. Tonolo. Nature, Vol. 203, No. 4942 (18 July 1964) 297. 109. ANTI-BACTERIAL CHEMOTHERAPY: Mary Barber, E. B. Chain Annual Review of Pharmacology, Vol. 4 (1964) 110. THE METABOLISM OF GLUCOSE. 1. PHOSPHATE & GLUCOSE. 6. PHOSPHATE & THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE METABOLISM OF GLUCOSE IN RAT DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE: A. Beloff-Chain, P. Betto, Raffaella Catanzaro, E. B. Chain, L. Longinotti, I]. Masi, F. Pocchiari Biochem. J. (1964) 91, 620 111. JEPHCOTT LECTURE: Contributions from Chemical Microbiology to Therapeutic Medicine E. B. Chain Proceedings of Roy. Soc. of Medicine, Vol. 58 (Feb. 1965) No. 2, 85-96. 112. LANDMARKS & PERSPECTIVES IN BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH: (Inaugural Lecture) E. B. Chain B.M.F.(23 & 30 Jan. 1965) 1, 209-220 & 273-278. 113. PHASES OF PENICILLIN RESEARCH (1965): E. B. Chain Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Nov. 1965) 1400-1405. 114, USE OF RADIOISOTOPES IN GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY: E. B. .Chain Chemistry & Industry (1965) 1352-1353. 115. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF PENICILLIN THERAPY IN PERSPECTIVE: E. B, Chain Antimicrobial agents & Chemotherapy (1965) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 . Publications 352 116. EFFECT OF AMMON I! UM & OTHER IONS ON THE GLUCOSE-DEPENDENT ACTIVE TRANSPORT OF L-HIST ADINE IN SLICES OF RAT BRAIN CORTEX: D. F. de Almeida, E. B. Chain, F. Poechiari Biochem. J. (1965) 95, 793-796. 17. A NITROSOPHEN-OLCOBALT CHELATE PRODUCED BY A STREPTOMYCETE: A. Ballio, S. Barcellona, E. B. Chain, A. Tonolo, Lidia Vero-Barcellona. Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 16! (1965) 384-391. 118. INFLUENCE OF SOME MONONUCLEOTIDES & THEIR CORRESPONDING NUCLEOSIDES ON THE MET. OF CARBOHYDRATES IN THE ISOLATED.RAT DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE: A. Beloff-Chain, P. Betto, W. Bleszynski, Raffaella Catanzaro, E. B. Chain, A. A, Dmitrovski, L. Longinotti, F. Poechiari. Biochem. J. (1965) 97, 565-568. 119. AERATION STUDIES IV: Aeration Conditions in 3000-litre submerged Fermentation with various Micro-organisms. E. B. Chain, G. Gualandi, G. Morisi Biotechnology & Bio-Engineering Vol. VIII (1966) 595-619. 120. THE QUEST FOR NEW BIODYNAMIC SUBSTANCES: E. B. Chain Perspect ives in Biology & Medicine, Vd. 10, No. 2 (1967) 121. STUDIES CONCERNING LYSERGIC & DIHYDROLYSERGIC ACID & HYDROXYETHYLAMIDES: F. Arcamone, B. Camerino, E. B. Chain, A. Ferretti, S. Redailli Tetrahedron (1967), Vol. 23, I-18 Pub. Pergammon Press 122. INFLUENCE OF ANTI-INSULIN SERUM ON GLUCOSE METABOLISM (1) IN ISOLATED ADIPOSE TISSUE: A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzaro, E. B. Chain Diabetes (July 1967) Vol. 16, No. 7, 472-474. 123. VIRUSES IN FUNGI & INTERFERON STIMULATION: G. T. Banks, K. W. Buck, E, B. Chain, F. Himmelweit, J. E. Marks, J. M. Tyler, M. Hollings, F. T. Last, O. M. Stone Nature, Vol. 218, No. 5141 (Il May 1968) 542-545. 124. THE CONSTITUTION OF FUSICOCCIN: K. D, Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, E. B. Chain, U. F. W. Ohnsorge, R. Thomas Chemical Communications (1968) -125. FUSIOCOCCIN: CHARACTERISATION OF THE OXYGEN SUBSTITUENTS: K. D. Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, E. B. Chain, C. Conlay, 7. V. Smale, R. Thomas, E. S. Waight. Chemical Communications (1968) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 353 126. FORMATION & STRUCTURE OF EXTRACELLULAR GLUCANS PRODUCED BY CLAVICEP'S SPECIES: K. W. Buck, A. W. Chen, A. G. Dickerson, E. B. chain J. Gen. Microbiol. (1968) SL, 337-352. 127. EFFECTS OF INSULIN ON THE PATTERN OF GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN THE PERFUSED WORKING & LANGENDORFF HEART OF NORMAL & INSULIN DEFICIENT RATS: E, B. Chain, K. R. L. Mansford, L. H. Opie Biochem. J. (1969) 115, 537. 128. .METABOLISM OF HEXOSES IN RAT CEREBRAL CORTEX SLICES: E. B. Chain, S. P. R. Rose, |. Masi, F. Poechiari J. Neurochem. (1969) 16, 93-100. 129. PENICILLIUM CYANEO-FULVUM VIRUS & INTERFERON STIMULATION: G. T. Banks, K. W. Buck, E. B. Chain, Joan E. Darbyshire, F. Himmelweit. Nature, Vol. 223, No. 5202 (I2 July 1969) 155-158. 130. VIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES IN PENICILLIN PRODUCING STRAINS OF PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM: G. T. Banks, K. W. Buck, E. B. Chain, Joan Darbyshire, F. Himmelweit. Nature, Vol. 222, No. 5188 (5 Apr. 1969) 89-90. 131. GLUCOSE & AMINO-ACID METABOLISM IN SOME INVERTEBRATE NERVOUS SYSTEMS: H. F, Bradford, E. B. Chain, H. T. Cory, S. P. R. Rose J. of Neurochemistry (1969) Vol. 16, 969-978. 132. HIGH CELL WALL GALACTOSAMINE CONTENT & VIRUS PARTICLES IN PENICILLIUM STOLONIFERUM: K. W. Buck, E. B. Chain, Joan Darbyshire Nature (1969) 233, 1273. 133. THE BIOCHEMIST'S APPROACH TO MEDICAL RESEARCH: E. B. Chain The Scientific Basis of Medicine Annual Reviews (1970) 134. RECENT STUDIES IN AMINO ACID GLUCOSE INTERRELATIONS IN BRAIN: E, B, Chain FEBS Symposium, Vol. 21 (1970) 306-319. 135. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & THE SCIENTIST IN MODERN WESTERN SOCIETY: Robert Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture. Prof. Sir E. Chain The Council of Christians & Jews (1970) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publ ications 136. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & THE SCIENTIST: Prof. Sir E. Chain New Scientist (1970) 22, 166-170. 354 137. A -COMPUTERISED SCANNER FOR BIDIMENSIONAL RADIOCHROMATOGRAMS: E. B. Chain, A. E. Lowe, K. R. L. Mansford J. of Chromatography, 53 (1970) 293-314. 138. ANTIVIRAL ACTIVITY OF DOUBLE STRANDED RNA FROMA VIRUS ISOLATED FROM ASPERGILLUS FOETIDUS: G. T. Banks, K.W. Buck, E. B. Chain, Joan E. Darbyshire, F. Himmelweift, G. Ratti, T. J. Sharpe, D. N. Planterose Nature, Vol. 227, No. 5257 (Aug. I, 1970) 505-507. 139. INFLUENCE OF INSULIN ON THE MET. OF GLUCOSAMINE IN THE ISOLATED RAT DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE: A. Beloff-Chain, E. B. Chain, K. A. Rookledge Biochem. J. (1970) I19, 27-30. 140. BIOSYNTHESIS OF N----HYDROXYETHYL) LYSERGAMIDE, A METABOLITE OF CLAVICEPS PASPALI (STEVENS & HALL): N. Castagnoli, Jun., K. Corbett, E. B. Chain, R. Thomas Biochem. J. (1970) 117, 451-455. 141. FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS OF THE TOXICITY OF FUSIOCOCCINS: E. B. Chain, P. G. Mantle, B. V. Milborrow Physiological Plant Pathology (1971) 1, 495-514. 142. FUSICOCCIN. PART I. THE NATURE OF THE SUBSTITUENT GROUPS: K. D. Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, C. Conlay, T. C. Smale, R. Thomas, E. S. Wright. J. of the Chemical Soc., Section C, Organic Chemistry (1971) 143. FUSICOCCIN. PART Il. THE CONSTITUTION OF FUSICOCCIN: K. D. Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, U. F. W. Ohnsorge, R. Thomas J. of the Chemical Soc., Section C, Organic Chemistry (1971) 144, THE INFLUENCE OF INSULIN & OF CONTRACTION ON GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN THE PERFUSED DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE FROM NORMAL & STREPTOZOTOCIN- TREATED RATS: A. Beloff-Chain, E. B. Chain, K. A. Rookledge Biochem. J. (1971) 125, 97-103. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications” 355 145. COMPARISON OF INTERFERON INDUCTION IN MICE BY PURIFIED PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM VIRUS & DERIVED DOUBLE-STRANDED RNA: K. W. Buck, E. B. Chain, F. Himmelweit Journal of General Virology (1971) 12, 131-139. 146. PSEUDOMONIC ACID: AN ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCED BY PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS: A. T. Fuller, G. Mellows, M. Woolford, G. T. Banks, K. D. Barrow, E. B. Chain Nature, Vol. 234, No. 5329 (1971) 416-417. 147. CRYSTAL PROTEIN OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VAR, TOLWORTHI: Subunit Structure & Toxicity to Pieris brassicae. Barry N. Herbert, Hannah J. Gould, Ernst B. Chain Eur. J. Biochem 24 (1971) 366-375. 148. FUNGAL VIRUSES & THEIR ANTIVIRAL PROPERTIES: Sir Ernst Chain Proc. Roy. Inst. 45 (1972) 149. THIRTY YEARS OF PENICILLIN THERAPY: Sir Ernst Chain J. Roy. Coll. Phyens. Lond. Vol. 6, No. 2 (2 January 1972) also Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. (1971) 179, 293-319. 150. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE PHYTOTOXICITY OF FUSI-COCCINS: Sir Ernst Chain, Peter G. Mantle, Barry V. Milborrow (1972) In Phytotoxins in Plant Dfseases Ed. R. K. S. Wood, A. Ballio, A. Graniti Academic Press. 151. EFFECT OF GLUCOSE ON ENZYME RELEASE FROM, AND RECOVERY OF, THE ANOXIC MYOCARDIUM: D. J. Hearse & E. B, Chain In: Myocardial Metabolism: Recent Advances in Studies on Cardiac Structure & Metabolism (1972) Vol. 3. University Park Press, Baltimore, P. 763-772 152. GLUCOSE & THE SURVIVAL & RECOVERY OF THE ANOXIC MYOCARDIUM: D. J. Hearse & E, B, Chain Proceedings of the Biochemical Society Biochem. J. (1972) 127, No. 2, 20 P 153. THE ROLE OF GLUCOSE IN THE SURVIVAL & 'RECOVERY' OF THE ANOXIC ISOLATED PERFUSED RAT HEART: D. J. Hearse & E. B, Chain Biochem. J. (1972) 128, 1125-1133. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 : 356 Publications 154. PROFESSOR HEYMAN'S MEMORIAL SPEECH: Ernst Chain Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynami et de Therapie Supplementum to Vol. 202 (April 1973) 155. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDUSTRIAL & ACADEMIC LABORATORIES: E. Chain Biochem. Soc. Spec. Publ. (1973) 2, 51-56. 156. PROTEIN SYNTHESIS BY PERFUSED HEARTS FROM NORMAL & INSULIN- DEFICIENT RATS: Ernst B. Chain & Peter M. Sender Biochem. J. (1973) 132, 593-601. 157. FUSICOCCIN. PART III. THE STRUCTURE OF FUSICOCCIN H: K. D. Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, U. F. W. Ohnsorge, R. P. Sharma Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions 1 (1973) 158. BIOSYNTHESIS OF ERGOTAMINE BY CLAVICEPS PURPUREA (Fr. ) TUL: R. A. Bassett, E. B. Chain, K. Corbett. Biochem. Journal (1973) 134, 1-10. 159. EFFECTS OF HEART WORK & INSULIN ON THE INCORPORATION of !4¢) GLUCOSE INTO HEXOSE PHOSPHATES & URIDINE DIPHOSPHATE GLUCOSE IN NORMAL & DIABETIC PERFUSED RAT HEART: Indrajit Das & Ernst B. Chain Biochem. Society Transactions Vol. 1 (1973) 536th Meeting, London, -. 599.P 160. ABRUPT REOXYGENATION OF THE ANOXIC POTASSIUM-ARRESTED PERFUSED RAT HEART: A STUDY OF MYOCARDI'AL ENZYME RELEASE: D. J. Hearse, S. M. Humphrey, E. B, Chain Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology (1973) 5, 395-407. 161. THE EFFECT OF REOXYGENATION ON ENZYME RELEASE FROM THE ANOXIC ISOLATED PERFUSED RAT HEART: D. J. Hearse, S. M. Humphrey, E. B. Chain Biochem. Soc. Transactions 538th Meeting (1973), Birmingham, Vol. |, . 871. P 162. MYOCARDIAL ENZYME RELEASE UNDER CONDITIONS OF GRADED HYPOXIA: Studies with the Isolated Perfused Rat Heart D. J. Hearse, $. M. Humphrey, E. B. Chain Biochem. Soc. Transactions (1973), 538th Meeting, Birmingham, Vol. 1, . 869.P E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 357 Publications 163. BEITRAGE DES BIOCHEMIKERS ZUR ARZNEIMITTELFORSCHUNG: E, Chain Sonderdruck aus WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 86 (1), 1-5 (1974) Schriftleiter: ©. Kraupp und E. Deutsch. 164. MANIFESTATION EN L'HONNEUR DU DOYEN F. TAYEAU: E. B. Chain Bordeaux Medical (1974) No. 16, 2443-2444. 165. STRUCTURE OF PSEUDO MONIC ACID, AN ANTIBIOTIC FROM PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS: E. B. Chain & Graham Mellow. J. of the Chemical Soc. Chemical Communications (1974) 847-848. 166. THE EFFECTS OF CARDI-OPLEGIA ON ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE CONTENT & RECOVERY IN THE ISOLATED PERFUSED WORKING RAT HEART: David J. Hearse, David A. Steward, Ernst B. Chain Biochem. Soc. Trans., 2 (1974) 427. 167. RECOVERY FROM CARDIAC BYPASS & ELECTIVE CARDIAC ARREST: The Metabolic Consequences of Various Cardioplegic Procedures in the Isolated Rat Heart. David J. Hearse, David A. Steward, Ernst B. Chain Circulation Research (September 1974) Vol. 35. 168. DIETARY FIBRE & STEROL METABOLISM IN THE RAT: B. Morgan, Monique Heald, Sandra D. Atkin, J. Green, E. B. Chain Brit. J. Nutr. (1974) 32, 447-455. 169. REMINISCENCES OF SEVERO OCHOA FROM OUR OXFORD DAYS (REFLECTIONS ON BIOCHEMISTRY) E. Chain (1975) 170. CONCLUDING REMARKS: Symposium on Food Science & Technology. Sir Ernst Chain Proc. Roy. Soc. London, B. (1975) Vol. 191, 195-198 171. THE PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, GOVERNMENT & THE PEOPLE: Sir Ernst Chain Australian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (1975), Vol. NS4, No. I, 1-13. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 358 172. FUSICOCCIN. PART 4. THE STRUCTURE OF FUSICOCCIN J+: K. D. Barrow, D. H. R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, D. Bageenda-Kasujja, G. Mellows Journal of The Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 1, (1975) 877-883. 173. PURIFICATION OF D-ALANINE CARBOXYPEPTIDASE FROM ESCHERICHIA COLI B: M. Gorecki, Atara Bar-Eli, Yigal Burstein, A. Patchornik, E. B. Chain Biochem. J. (1975) 147, 131-137. 174. DIABETES AND THE SURVIVAL & RECOVERY OF THE ANOXIC MYOCARDIUM; D. J. Hearse, D. A. Steward, E. B. Chain . J. Molecular & Cellular Cardiology (1975) Vol. 7, 397-415. 175. REFLECTIONS ON RESEARCH IN CHEMOTHERAPY: Sir Ernst Chain Chemotherapy (1976) 1, 7-13. 176. EFFECT OF HEART WORK & INSULIN ON THE INCORPORATION OF ite GLUCOSE INTO HEXOSE PHOSPHATES, URIDINE DIPHOSPHATE GLUCOSE & GLYCOGEN IN THE NORMAL & INSULIN-DEFICIENT PERFUSED RAT HEART UNDER WORKING & NON-WORKING CONDITIONS: Indrajit Das & Ernst B. Chain J. Biochem. (1976) 154, 765-772. 177. THE POSITION OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN NON-INDUSTRIAL LABORATORIES: Chain Chapter | Biotechnological Applications of Proteins & Enzymes (1977) Academic Press, New York, S. Francisco & London. 178. PSEUDOMONIC ACID. PART I. THE STRUCTURE OF PSEU. DOMONIC ACID A, A NOVEL ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCED BY PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS: Sir Ernst Chain & G. Mellows J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions | (1977) 294-309. 179. PSEUDOMONIC ACID: PART 3. STRUCTURE OF PSEUDOMGNIC ACID B: E. B. Chain, G. Mellows J. of the Chemical Soc. Perkins Transactions 1 (1977) 318-322. 180. THE PENICILLIN DISCOVERY - PAST & PRESENT: E. B. Chain Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (1978) Vol. 31, No. 8, 493-507 (in Japanese) 181. THE EARLY YEARS OF THE PENICILLIN DISCOVERY: E. Chain TIPS (1979) inaugural issue. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications 359 Chemical Investigations on penicillin 1943-1945, sent in form of reports to the Committee for Penicillin Synthesis of the Medical Research Council. (No copies of the following are available) A. PEN Reports (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) a) (8) (9) E. P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 79, May 19th 1943 Further studies on the degradation of penicillin. 1. Effect of acid inactivation, acid hydrolysis and mercuric chloride on the optical activity of penicillin. 4. Degradation of penicillamine to penicillaminic acid. 5. Effect of ketene on penicillamine. 2. Penicillamine. 3. Penicillinic acid. E. P, Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 88, July 30th 1943. Studies on the degradation of penicillin. |. The presence of sulphur in the penicillin molecule. penicillaminic acid. penicillamine. 3. The presence of a thiol group in penicillinamine and 2. The structure of E. P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 91, August 9th 1943. A discussion of the structure of penicillinic acid and its derivatives. penicillamine. The structure of E, P, Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 99, Sept. 2nd 1943) Crystalline salts of penicillin. E. P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 97, Sept. [6th 1943. Fur ther studies on the degradation of penicillin. Isopropyliden-penicillamine. from penicillin hydrolysis. Tosyl derivative of penicillamine. Aldehyde fragment E, P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker, J. W. Cornforth, R. N. Cornforth and R. Robinson - Pen 100, Oct. 4th 1943. Synthesis of penicillamine. E, P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 103, Oct. 23rd 1943. ‘Further studies of the degradation-of penicillin. Formation of penilloaldehyde. Its oxtdation to acid CgH, 30,N- Structure of penilloaldehyde. Structures for penicillin. Structure of penillic acid. (oxazolene-thiazolidine and 2 -lactam structures). E. P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 109, Nov. 8th 1943) Further studies in the degradation of penicillin. Structure of penillo-l-aldehyde. deriving from it by oxidation with silver oxide. Synthesis of dihydropenilloaldehyde and the acid E, P, Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 111, Nov. I7th 1943. Further studies in the degradation of penicillin. Synthesis of penilloic-1 acid and penillo-I aldehyde. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 360 Publications B. CPS Reports (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) (7) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 1, Dec. 20th 1943. Constitution of penicillin. E. P, Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 11, Jan. 4th 1944. Isopenillic acid. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 21, Feb. 2nd 1944. Mechanism of action of penicillinase. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 22, Feb. 26th 1944. Review of the structure of the penicillins in the light of recent evidence. E, P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 29, March [8th 1944. Properties of some synthetic thiozolidines in relation to the structure of penicillin. D. P. Wilson, J. CPS 26, March léth 1944. 2-phenyl-4 ethoxymethyleneoxazolone and its condensation with l-cysteine. B. Jepson, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - J. P. Jepson, E. P: Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 30, March 20th 1944. 2-Furyl -4-ethoxymethylene-oxazolone. J. F.W. McOmie, E, P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 32, March 20th 1944. The preparation of penicillamine from S-benzylpenicillamine. G. M. Robinson, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - March 27th 1944. 2-Styryl-4 ethoxymethylene-oxazolone Formation of a bacteriostat of penicillin type. E.P, Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - CPS 43, April 3rd 1944. Synthesis in the penicillin-II series, involving the use of dithiophenylacetic acid. J. W. Cornforth, D. H. Cornforth, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 57, April 2nd 1944. Attempted synthesis of penillic acid. New synthesis of imidazoles and oxazoles. J. W. Cornforth, R. H. Cornforth, E. P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - CPS 58, May Ist 1944. 2-hydroxy-5 propyloxazolone and its condensation with penicillamine. J. W. Cornforth, R. H. Cornforth, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 59, May 2nd 1944. 4-hydroxymethylene 2-n-amyloxazolone and its condensation with penicillamine. Possible synthesis in small yield of dihydropenicillin-I or a stereoisomoride. F.E. King, S. G. Waley, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 68, May 30th 1944. 2-Benzylidene pseudo-oxazolone. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Publications — 36] (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) @1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) J. W. Cornforth, R. H. Cornforth, M. J. S. Dewar, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 69, May 30th 1944. PB -diethoxyalanine. E, P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 71, June Ist 1944. Synthesis of racemic decarboxy penillic Il-acid, and racemic penillamine-II-hydrochloride. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 74, June |2th 1944. Some further reactions of phenylthioacetylglycine. Phenyl-thioacetylalanine. J. P. Wilson, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E June l4th 1944. Derivatives of 4-Formyloxazolone. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 76, J. P. Wilson, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 92, June 24th 1944. Transformations of benzoylaminocinnamhydrazide and remarks on the constitution of certain derivatives of hippuric acid. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 235, Aug. 26th 1944. Removal of the carbobenzoxy group from a 2-carbobenzoxy-amino-methylthiazolidine. R. J. S. Beer, F. E. King, E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 268, Sept. 19th 1944. dl-nor-penicilloic acid. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 271, Sept. 26th 1944. Structure of penicillin. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 342, Dec. Ist 1944. Synthesis of Intermediates (Penicilloic acid with unsubstituted amino group andits corresponding thio derivative). J. A. Barltrop, E, P. Abraham, W. Baker and R. Robinson - CPS 463, April l0th 1945. Thiazoline derivatives related to penicillamine. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker and E. Chain - CPS 554, July 1945. The = -lactam structure for the penicillins. E. P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 648, Nov. 26th 1945. Synthetic penicillin in small yield. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 362 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS The index includes the names of individuals, and of organisations, learned societies and industrial firms. In cases where only Y Chain's carbon copy survives, ’ the name ofthe corres- pondentis not included in the index. There is no subject-index. A separate list of contents precedes Sections E, Fand H. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 363 ABELLO PASCUAL, Fernando A.119 ABRAHAM, Sir Edward (Penley) A.119, A.195, B.52, B.90, B.93, K.244 See also E.61 ABRAHAM-CURIEL, Conrad A.119, A.159 ABRAHAMSON, Ernst ABRAMOWITZ, William L. ABRAPAM, Judith ABRUZZINI, G. ACCADEMIA FLAMINIA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI XL AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL INC, ACHITUV, Gershon ACUNA, Héctor R. ADAM, Peter ADAMSON, D. W.. (Jock) ADDINALL, C. R. ADLER, Lawrie ADLER, Matityahu ADLER, S. ADVISORY SERVICES (CLINICAL & GENERAL) LIMITED AFICO LIMITED see NESTLE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AHLSVIK, Holger AIBARA, Kageaki AIMS FOR FREEDOM & ENTERPRISE AIZAWA, Keio AJL, Samuel J. A.61 H.45 A.119 G.192 EI E.2 E<3 See also A.89 F.1-F.3 See also J.123 A.119 E.135 A.119 A.119, E.191, E.220, G.44, G.45 A159 A.159 H.8, H.10 A.79, A.119 F.4-F.6 E.4 See also N.R.D.C. F .297 J.119 E.5 J.169 C.96 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents AKIBA, Tomoichiro ALAMAR, Marcelino ALBANESE, Pietro ALBERT, Adrien ALBERTI, Carlo G. ALDERSON, Stanley ALEXANDER, John Malcolm ALEXANDER, Peter ALLEN, Russell J. L. ALLIANCE, David ALPER, Tikvah ALTHEA, S.p.A. ALTMAN, Manfred AMBROSE, Vera (née KATZ) AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY AMMON, Robert AMOIGNON, J. AMULREE, Basil William Sholto Mackenzie, Baron ANDERFELT, Lars ANDERSON, Ephraim Saul ANDERSON, J. ANDERSON, J. C. L. ANDERSON, Ron. A. ANFINSEN, Christian Boehmer 364 K.245 J.181 C.17, F.193, F.195 C.54 F.193, F.194 E.38 A.119 E.34, E.35, E.39, K.1 F.60, F.61, F.62, F.64, F.70, F.71, F.85, F.108, F.116, F.119, F.122, F.123, F.125, F.126, K.56, K.58 A.159, F.269, F.270, F.272, F.275, F.277, F.280 K.2 F.7 K.2 A.200a E.6 F.8 See also J.67 A.92, K.3 See also G.14 F.335 A.119 E.167 A.180 A.119 FuZ/o J.152 H.82, H.87, H.88, H.92, H.94, H.96, H.98, H.100- H.104, H.108, H.109, H.114, H.120, H.121, H.126, H.127, H.128, K.4 See also C.79 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ANGLO-ISRAEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANGLO-ISRAEL CULTURAL FOUNDATION ANGLO-JEWISH ASSOCIATION ANGST, C. ANIC, S.p.A. L. ANSARY, Cyrus ANSON, M. L. ANTIBIOTICOS, S.A. APPLETON, Brian ARATEN, J. ARCAMONE, Federico ARKADY, Essia ARMSTRONG, R. P. ARNOTT, Sir (William) Melville ARNSTEIN, Henry R. V. ARON, Emile ARTS COUNCIL ARVIN, R. ASCHBERG, Folke ASCHBERG, Olof ASPRO LIMITED ASSOCIATED-REDIFFUSION LIMITED ASSOCIATION NATIONALE DE LA RECHERCHE TECHNIQUE 365 H.1 H.2 H.3 F.289, F.290, F.291, F.292 F.9 See also F.181, F.189 F.281 B.94 F.10 F227 A.79 A. 159, F.191, F.194, F198, F.200 A.119, A.159 F.17] A.119 A.119, D.100, D.101, D.102 E.11, G.44 / J 39 E.7 A.119 K.5 K.5 See C.4-C.8 G.156 E..8 ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGISTS E.9 ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY ASSORENI ASTAIRE, Edgar H.4 E.10 Pull H.63 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ASTRA ATLAS, E. AUFFARTH, Frieda AVERY, Harold AVRON, M. AYKROYD, Wallace Ruddell AYLWARD, Francis BABKIN, B. P. BACH,, Erika BACH, Stephen J. BACHARACH, Alfred L. BACHRACH, Esther BACKUS, M. P. BACQ, D. BADAKHSHAN, Amir E. BADDILEY, Sir James BADGER, Sir Geoffrey Malcolm BAGHDIANTZ, A. BAILEY, Kenneth BAILEY, Pearce BAIRD, lan McLean BAKER, J. T. BAKER, John Randal BAKER, Wilson BAKER-MUNTON, S._ H. BAKHTIAR, Agha-Khan BALDONI, Giovanni 366 F.12-F 41 See also C.4, C.5, C.6, C.9, F.68, F.228, F.278if., K.3, K.112 A.159 B.94 A.61 H.81, H.108 K.6 E.151, F.269, G.221 A.195 A.6] A.61, A.120, K.6 G.36 K.126 K.6 K.6 A.159, F.269, F.272, F.273, F.276, F.277, F.279, F.280, F.281 A.197, B.90, D.54, E.172 E.195 J. 152 F.278 K.6 J.19 J.118 F.326 K.7 A.61, D.21 See also B.25 C.59 F.276, F.2/8, F.279 E.1 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents BALDRY, P. E. BALDWIN, Ernest BALFOUR, Donald C. BALLIRI, S. BALOGH, Thomas, Baron BAMONTE, Nicola BANKS, Geoffrey T. BARBER, Mary BARBER, Stephen S. BARD, Basil Joseph Asher BARD, Raymond, C. BAREFOOT, Brian BARENS, J. BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY BARNARD, Eric A. BARNES, John M. BARNETT, B. BARNETT, Victor J. BAROU, N. BARRATT, Sir Sydney BARRER, Richard Maling BARRINGTON, Ernest James William BARTON, Sir Derek Harold Richard BARTON, W. I. BASF Aktiengesellschaft BASSINE, Charles C. BATCHELOR, F._ R. 367 B.94 A.120 A.46 K.7 D.59, K.7 K.7 D.43, D.50, D.51, D.131, D.134, F.150, F.192, F.193, F.196, F.197, F.199, F.283, F.319, F.320, K.107, K.150, K.197, K.260 E.47, K.8 See also G.53 H.98, H.100 A.120, C.65, E.121, E.122, E.123, H.63 F.268 C.46, C.47, C.49 J.113 H.5-H.12 D.126 E.94, F.243, K.43 A.28 F.336, K.9 G.184 E.213 D.28, D.97, D.152, D.154, G.92 G.198 A.120, B.77, D.45, D.51, D.71, D.99, D.102, D.107, D.154, F.260, K.339 A.120 A.159 H.138 A.120, F 118, F.130 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents BATTY, Irene BAUDET, Pierre BAUM, Harold BAWDEN, Sir Frederick (Charles) BAYER BEACONSFIELD, Peter BEADLE, George W. BEECHAM GROUP LIMITED BEECHING,E. BEESCH, S._ F. BEESON, Malcolm F. BEESON, Paul Bruce BEGG, Norman D. BEHRENS, Otto K. BELCHER, R. BELKIN, Samuel BELLON, Roger A. LL. BELOFF, Max, Baron BELOFF, Nora BELOFF-CHAIN, Anne (Lady Chain) BEN-AMI, Oved BENATT, Alfred J. BENGELSDORF, Irving S. 368 G.89 K.10 A.120, G.219 A.120, E.73, E.206, J.8 F.42, F.43 See also J.146-J.148 C.50 J.60 F.44-F.174 See also C.15, D.127-D.130, E.106-E.108, E.109-E.112, E.164, F.34, F235, F327, F.331, F.332, F.335, F.343, F.344, G.74, G.106, H.74, H.99, J.77-J.80, J.99- Jgelll, de 112, J2118, J.1Z2, J.158, J.165-J.171, J.186- J.189, K.1, K.8, K.20, K.21, K.49-K.64 passim, K.201, K.264,-K.268, K.340 A.120 F 297 F. 15! B.83 -E.224, E.225, E.227-E.229 F.235 K.335 J.37, J.59 F.327 A.120, A.212, D.10, E.37, E.72, K.267 A.120, K.10 D.55, D.99 K.11 A.93, C.46, K.11 H.8 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents BENN, Caroline BENNETT, H. Stanley BENNETT, Kenneth H. BENTINE, Michael BENTLEY, Walter D. BEN-TOVIM, Yoel BENTWICH, Norman BERENBLUM, D. BERENBLUM, Isaac BERESFORD, Anthony BERGEL, Franz BERGER, Frank M. BERGERAC, Michel C. BERGMANN, Ernst David BERGMANN, Felix BERGSTROM, Jonas BERLIN, Hans BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERLIN, Leén BERLIN, M. BERNARDI, L. BERNADOTTE, Lennart, Count BERNHARD, Silke BERNSTEIN, Sidney BERTOLDT, H. BERTINI, Giulio BERWIN, Stanley J. 369 D.60 J.60 A.120, H.61 G.161 H.8 J.90, J.128 A.120, H.27, H.30, H.32, H.33 F.184 A.61, C.79, F.249, K.12 See also E.18 E.31, E.168, J.116 A.120 F.343, F.344 F.339 A.79, A.120, F.229, H.66, K.13 F.123, K.13 C.65 F.12, F.13, F.19 A.120, K.13 J.130 A.61 F.194 E.130 K.13 A.120 F.302, F.308, F.310 F.191 A.120, A.159, C.25, C.26, C.27, D.70, D.71, D.72, K.150, K.162 BEST, Charles Herbert BESWICK, Thomas S. LL. A.45 G.75 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 370 Index of correspondents BEVAN, Aneurin BEZNAK, A.B. L. BHATNAGAR, Sir Shanti Swarupa BICKEL, G. BIELSCHOWSKY, BIERER, Joshua BIGGS-DAVISON, John Alec BILA, Helen V. BILLINGTON, A. E. BINKERD, Evan F. BIOCCA, Ettore THE BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIOCHEMIE GMBH BIRD, S. BITTLESTON, John R. BLACK, Sir Douglas (Andrew Kilgour) BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea BLAKSTAD, Michael BLANDFORD, Heinz BLANK, Harvey BLANKENHORN, Herbert BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix BLASZCZAK, Jdsef BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth (Lyon) BLECHSCHMIDT, Wolfgang F. BLESZYNSKI, Wieslaw BLOCH, B. M. BLOND, Elaine BLOOM, Victor BLUHM, Walter K.14 B.13, K.15 K.15 J.24 A.6l A.121 A.121 A.180, C.57, E.146 E.212 E.168, E.169, K.15 C.95 E.11-E.17, J.131 F.175 See also J.134ff. A.6] F.276, F.324 A.197, E.56, E.93 A.121, B.71, D.1, D.5, D.15, D.28, D.98, K.15, K.148 G.164 A.121 J.93 A121 A.61, A.196 K.15 E.154, E.168, F.282, F.283 A.159 C.51 H.66 K.17 E.186 G. 123 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 37] Index of correspondents B'NAI B'RITH H.13-H.21 BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS BODMER, Sir Walter Fred BOELES, J. Th. F. BOISSONAS, Charles G. BOLES, Robert BONETTI, Paolo BONINO, G. BB. BONVENTRE, Peter BOON, William Robert BORENSZTAJN, D. BORHAN, Amir H. BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BORODIN, N. BOSCHKE, F. L. BOSSOM,Sir Clive BOUKSTEIN, Maurice M. BOULANGER, Paul BOUNDY, J. R. BOVET, Daniel BOVET NITTI, F. BOWEN, Edmund John BOYD OF MERTON, Alan Tindal Lennox- Boyd, Viscount BOYLE OF HANDSWORTH, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron BRACHET, Jules BRADLEY, W. BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAININ, Joseph H.22 E.143 K.246 dull A.159 G.211 B.66, K.17, K.50 K.17 A.121 F.a2/ F.280, F.281 A.121, E.23, K.17 See B.46 G.191 E.84 A.121, A.159, H.88, H.91, H.97, H.100, H.102, H.103, H.105, H.109, H.118 G.3 F.312 F.1838, G.44, K.17 See also C.4, C.53 C.1 See also C.5, C.6, C.7, C.9 A.121 A.121, A.191 E.43 G.185, K.18 A.6l A.122, K.19 H.69, J.42 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents BRAMBELL, Francis William Rogers BRANDER, G. C. BRANDL, Ernst BRAYBROOK, FF. H. BREWER, Frederick M. BRINK, A. J. BRINK, Norman G. BRISTOL LABORATORIES 372 E.172 A.122, E.113, F.118, F.121, K.19 F.175, J.98, J.134 E.207 B.40 J.77 J.70, J.71 F.176-F.178 See also F.65, F.66, F.67, F.69, F.70, F.122, J.48, J.52, J.187 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION THE BRITISH COUNCIL THE BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION E.18 G.157-G.167 E.19 E.20 E.21-E.25, G.68 THE BRITISH INDUSTRIAL BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION E.26 THE BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) PROTEINS LTD. BRITTON, H._ G. BRITTON, Ronald H. W. E.27=E.32 See also F.319, F.321, G.107, G.114, K.20, K.178, K.284 F.179 See also F.188, F.189 F.180, F.181 D.51 A.122, F.130, K.19 See also C.7, C.8 BROADBENT, D. BROADBENT, L. BROGAN, Sir Denis (William) BRONOWSKI, Jacob BROOK, Maurice BROOKMAN, E._ F. F.219 E.73 A.122 K.19 F.123 F.219 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents BROWN, David M. BROWN, Geoffrey D. BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor BROWN, John BRUCE-CHWATT, L. BRUHL, Ludwig J. J. BRUMFITT, William BRUNNER,R. BUCHANAN, B._ F. BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David BUCKLER, G. G. BUFFA, Paolo BULBRING,Edith BUNGE, G. BUNJE, Henry BUNKER, H. J. BURCKHALTER, Joseph H. BURG, K. BURKITT, Denis Parsons BURLEY, D. M. BURN, Joshua Harold BURNET, Sir (Frank) Macfarlane BURNS, Alan BURTON, Harold S. BURTON, R. M. BURTT, John BUSTAN, Arieh BUSTINZA, Florencio BUTLER, Sir Clifford Charles BUTLIN, K. R. BUTTERFIELD, Sir (William) John (Hughes) BUZZATI-TRAVERSO, A. 373 A.122, F.130, F.148, F.150, F.152 E.151 A.122 A.122, D.154 E.234 B.8 J.158 F.175 C.64 G.123 A.29 C.46 A.122, A.195 F.218 E.108 A.122, E.73 E.6 K.208 J.118, K.20, K.21 F.184 C.54, K.26 E.143 A.159 D.21, K.22-K.25 K.105 B.26 H.104 B.66, K.26 A.122, D.141, D.154 A.93, E.231, K.27 A.122, K.27 J.127 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents CACERES, C. A. CADE, Sir Stanford CAIN, James C. CAINE, Sir Sydney CALDER, Nigel David Ritchie CALDER, Ritchie see RITCHIE-CALDER CALDERBANK, Philip Hugh CALDERINI, Aristide CALLOW, Donald CALMIC LIMITED CALVIN, Melvin CAMERINO, Bruno R. CAMERON, I. CAMPBELL, Robin CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN CANDAU, Marcolino Gomes CANONICA, Luigi CANOSA, Cipriano A. CANTARELLI, Corrado CANTELL, Kari CANTIMORRI, Luigi CANTORE, P. CAPLAN, Tania CARAFA, V. CARDELLI, A. CARDIFF, Ereld Boteler Wingfield CARLETON, John Dudley CARLILE, Michael 374 E.65 A.123 A.123, E.121, E.123, £.129 E.69, E.70 K.28 E.77 J.13 B.27, K.29 F.182 C.59, C.80 F.191, F.260, F.261 E.24 E.7 E.33-E.43 See also E.162, K.99 A.123, E.234, E.236 K.30 J.89 K.30 F.278 A.198 F.183 A.123 F.296 H.113 A.123, E.21 A.123, G.94, K.30 E.194, E.195, G.90 CARL NEUBERG SOCIETY FOR INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RELATIONS CARLO ERBA A.113, J.81 F.183 See also F.5, F.258-F.267, J.143 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents CARO, Colin G. CARRELLI, Antonio CARRINGTON, H.C. CARRINGTON, TT. R. CASTELL-CASTELL, Prosper, Graf CASTLE, Joe CATHERWOOD,, Sir (Henry) Frederick (Ross) CAWTHRON, D. J. CEFIS, Eugenio CENTRAL SYNAGOGUE(London) CHAGAS, Carlos CHAIN, Margarete CHALMERS, J. R. H. CHAMBERS, Sir (Stanley) Paul CHAMPNESS, R. CHANCE, Britton CHARGAFF, Erwin CHARLEY, V. L. S. CHARNLEY, Sir John CHATWIN, C. L. CHAYEN, Joseph CHAYEN, Michael THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY CHEROLLES, CHERRICK, Bernard CHERRY, (Edward) Colin CHEVASSU, Maurice CHIAVARELLI, Stefano CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CHINN, Rosser CHISHOLM, Brock CHOPRA, R. N. 375 D.144, D.147, D.149, D.155 A.169 F.219 B.77, F.104, F.140, F.156, F.163, F.168 E.145 A.160 B.97 E.99 F.267 H.23 J.42, J.89 A.201-A. 203 A.123 A.123 A.160 K.30 K.31 F.63 A.197 E.27 A.123 A.123 E.44 A.160 A.123, H.29, H.36 G.44 A.88 A.154 A.62, D.21, K.31 H.50 E.23] F.213 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 376 Index of correspondents CHOW, Bacon F. CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman (Guy) CHUGHTAI, M. I. OD. CIABATTI, Ubaldo THE CIBA FOUNDATION CIBA-GEIGY LIMITED CICCARONE, Antonio CLARK, RR. H. CLARK, Ronald C. CLARKE, Sir (Henry) Ashley CLARKE, Sir Cyril (Astley) CLARKE, Edwin (Sisterson) CLEAVE, T. L. CLEGG, Hugh Anthony CLELAND, William Paton CLEMENTS, E. M. B. CLIFFORD, Sir (Geoffrey) Miles CLORE, Sir Charles CLOW, Archibald COGER, S.p.A. CO GHILL, Robert D. COHEN, Gerald Baron COHEN, Sir John (Edward) COHEN, John S. COHEN, Joseph COHEN, Lionel Leonard, Baron COHEN, Maynard M. COHEN, Richard Henry Lionel COHEN OF BIRKENHEAD, Henry, Baron COHN, Josef F .o22 K.32 A.123 F.331] E.45-E.52 F.184 K.32 J.158 F.332 A.177, E.96, E.207, G.45, K.148 E.157, E.174, F.225 B.99 K.33 G.22 E.25 A.123, E.106, E.107, E.109 G.44 A.123, H.46, K.34 A.86 F.185 A.48, J.19 H.20 A.160 A.123 A.123, H.63 A.123 J.60, J.101, K.35-K.38, See also C.69 E.88, E.93 A.123, A.155, A.160, E.183, G.105, K.39 C.62, H.123, K.39 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 377 COHN, Warren COLE, Burke COLE, Martin COLEBROOK, Leonard COLERAINE, Richard Kidston Law, Baron COLLIER, H. O. J. COLLINS, Peter COLMAN, Elijah Alec COLOMBO, Umberto CONANT, James Bryant CONNING, DD. M. CONNOR, John T. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONSOLAZIO, William V. K.40 Fel] F131, F.150 A.62, K.40 K.40 K.40 G.23 K.40 F.265, F.266 K.40 Faneo F.254 E.53 K.41 COOK, Arthur Herbert A.62, A.123, B.77, E.172 COOK, lan McD. COOK, Robert COOKE, Arthur Hafford COOMBES, J. OD. COPELAND, C. Michael COPP, Darrell John Barkwell COPPINI, Mario Alberto COPPOCK, John B. M. CORNFORTH, Sir John (Warcup) COTTON, J.B. COTTRELL, Sir Alan (Howard) J<152 K.41 A. 62 F.218, F.297 H.20 E.73-E.75 K.4] F.247 A.123, A.195, A.197, D.21, E.87 E.207 A.123, K.42 See also E.4 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY E.54 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS E.55 COWEN, Robin F. H. COX, Anthony Wakefield COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon D.49, D.59 D.80, D.81 E.172 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents COX, H. iT: CRAIK, James CRAPS, Edna CRAWFORD, Sir Theodore CRELLIN, J. K. CREMER, Jill E. CRESPI, Giovanni CROOK, Eric M. CROSLAND, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) CROYDON, E. A. Peter CRUICKSHANK, Robert CURRAN, Sir Charles (John) CUTOLO, Costantino CUTTING, Windsor CYANAMID OF GREATBRITAIN LIMITED 378 K.43 E.211 A.123, A.160 A.197, E.36, E.38 E.221 K.43 F.260 A.123, G.186, G.201 E.54 F.86, F.128 F.131, F.140 C.96 B.65 K.43 K.43 F.186 d'ABREU, Alphonso Liguori DADDI, Giuseppe DAHMEN, Klaus DAHMEN, Richard G.48 E.200 K.44 K.44 DAINTON, Sir Frederic (Sydney) E.56, K.44 DAKIN, HH. D. DALE, W. M. DALRYMPLE-CHAMPNEYS, Sir Weldon DAMODARAN, M. D'ANTONA,D. D'ARCY HART, Philip Montagu DARKE, Sylvia J. DARLOW, H. DASEK, J. M. DATTA, Naomi DAVENPORT, Horace W. A.49 G.200 A.124 See also C.7 C.59 F .230 K.44 E.30 E.123 F.289 F.147, K.45 K.45 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents DAVEY, David Garnet DAVIDOFF, Leo M. DAVIES, Lyn DAVIES, Robert Ernest DAVIES, Stanley Mason DAVIS, Harold DAVIS, J. G. DAVIS, Sir John (Henry Harris) DAVISON, Alan N. DAYMOND,John DE ALMEIDA, Darcy Fontoura DEAN, A. DEBRE, Robert C.. R. DE CARNERI, I. DE CARO, L. DELAUNAY, Albert DELCAMBE, L. DE MARCHL, Franco DENBIGH, Kenneth George DENKEWALTER, Robert G. DENT, Charles Enrique DENT, Ronald Henry DENTICE DI ACCADIA,Filippo 379 F.220 J.37 J.77 K.45 E.119 E.119 A.86, E.206, G.29 A.124, D.60, E.154, F.317, F.318, F.321 E.16 K.45 A.123, C.51, K.198 A.124 A.106, A.124, C.65, G.34, J.39, K.46 F.183 K.46 G.34, K.46 K.46 F.9 A.124, E.173, G.69 A.124, J.70 E.157 E.38 A.194, C.25, C.26, K.47 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY E.56 See also E.93 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH(DSIR) DE SCHAEPDRYVER, A. F. DE-SHALIT, Amos DE SOUZA,Robert E.oe See also D.13ff., D.28, D.40, D.88-D.90, D.94, K.333 G.182, J.144, K.109 H.72, H.80 F.276 DEVONSHIRE, Andrew Robert Buxton Cavendish, 11th Duke E.38 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents DEWDNEY, Janet M. DICK, George DICK, William E. DICKENS, Frank DIETRICH, D. DINSTEIN, Zvi R. DION, Wendy DIRSCHERL, D. DISSENTSHIK, Aryeh DIXON, Allan St. J. DIXON, Kendal Cartwright DOCKSEY, P. DODDS, Sir (Edward). Charles 380 F.132, F.141, F.146, F.147, F.148, F.149, F.153, F.160, F.165, F.167, K.265 A.124 A.62, B.65, E.208, G.191 C.60, C.81, D.21, E.35, E.180, K.64 K.48 H.91, H.92, H.93, H.94, H.95, H.96, H.98, H.100, H.101, H.109, H.112, H.114, H.116, H.117, H.118, H.119, H.122, H.123, H.124, H.126, H.128 K.48 K.48 H.117 A.181, J.146 A.62 F.179 A.100, A.124, A.147, C.82, D.3, D.124, E.37, E.207, F.44-F.46, F.49, F.50, F.57, F.61, F.62, G.45, J.101, K.49-K.64, K.193 See also E.61, G.114, G.115 DODSON, LL. F. DOHRN, Peter DOHRN, Reinhard, (Rinaldo) DOISY, Edward A. DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) DOMAGK, Gerhard DOMB, Cyril DOMENICUCCI, Italo DONALD, M._ B. DORNHORST, Antony Clifford DOROLLE, P. J<152 J.3 J.3 A.47 K.65, K.244 F.42 H.52 C.17, C.18, C.25 A.124, G.217 E.94, K.66 J.120, J.124 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents DOSTROVSKY, Israel DOUGLAS-HOME, Charles DOUTHWAITE, Arthur H. DOWSON, Graham R. DOYLE, F. Peter DRIPPS, Robert D. DROR, Gershon DRUCKER, DD. B. DRUKER, M. DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) DUBOS, René J. DUCKWORTH, John Clifford DUMBELL, Stanley DUNCAN, John G. DURAN-REYNALS, F. DUTHIE, Edward S. DUTHIE, lain F. DUTHIE, Ruth DZIALOSZYNSKI, Lech EAGLE, Harry EASTWOOD, Sir Eric EBAN, Isaac EDELMAN, Jack EDGAR, Leslie I. EDHOLM, O. G. 38] H.8, H.43, H.95, H.96, H.97, H.102, H.107, H.109 G.92 A.124 A.124, F.318 B.75, E.34, E.106, E.108, E.109, E.111, E.195, F.66, F.87, F.88, F.97, F.105, F.116, F.117, F.118, F.119, F.120, F.121, F.122, F.125, F.126, F.127, F.128, F.133, F.134, F.142, F.146, F.150, F.154, F.161, F165, K.265 K.66 H.106, H.107 K.67 K.67 A.62 K.67, K.79 See also G.192 E12) K.67 B.83, E.89, E.97, E.98, E.108, E,109,. Es 110, E.112 J.1 B.27, K.68 F.317, F.321, F.323 K.68 C.51 B.100, C.57, C.58, C.62 A.197 A.125 A.160, F.324 A.125 K.69 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, D.C. EDWARDS, Sir Ronald Stanley EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM EDWARDSON, J. EGAN, Michael J. EGHBAL, Manouchehr EHRHART, Gustav EHRLICH, S. EIDUS, Leslie EIGEN, Manfred EISNER, Freia ELATH, Eliahu ELEK, Stephen Dyonis ELIASCHEFF, Horace ELLIOTT, G. A. ELLIS, Sir Arthur (William Mickie) ELTON, George Alfred Hugh ENEBACK, Carl ENGEL, Leonard ENI (ENTE NAZIONALE IDROCARBURI) ENNOR, A. Hugh EPSTEIN, D. EPSTEIN, Leslie A. ERIKSEN, K. Riewerts ERLANGER, Bernard F. ESKAMANI, A. Gus ESTERMANN, R. ESTRIN, Gerald 382 E.220 A.125, F.173, F.174, G.161, J.101, K.70, K.71 F.187 D.130 A.125, A.191 F.273, F.275, F.278 F.216, F.217, F.218 A.125 J.182, K.72 J.185 A.214 H.29 G.30 A.63 J.77 B.30 E.116, E.167, E.168 B.100 E.230 F.188-F.190 See also F.11, F.261 K.73 G.44 B.21 J.49 C.50 F279 A.49 H.104, H.123, H.126 EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY E.58, G.190 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 383 Index of correspondents EVANS, Sir David (Gwynne) A.197, E.175, K.73 EVANS OF HUNGERSHALL, Benjamin Ifor, Baron EVOLUTION PROTEST MOVEMENT FABRE, René FAIRLEY, Gordon Hamilton FAIVOVICH, Angel FALINI, Raffaele FALKAS, L. FALMOUTH, Evelyn Hugh Boscawen, 8th Viscount FARFEL, Bernard FARHI, F. FARMITALIA FARQUHARSON, John FAZELI, Abbas FEDER, Walter FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES (FEBS) FEDERMANN, Yekutiel X. FEIGL, Fritz FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FEINBERG, Abraham FEINERMANN, Emmanuel FEKETE, M. FELD, Bernard T. A.125 E457 See A. 104 E.36 H.121 A.125, D.77, D.81, F.28, F.31, F.192, F.197, K.74, K.235 A.79 D.14 J.90 F.278, F.279, F.280, F.281 F.191-F.200 See also F.4-F.6, F.68, F.74, F.79, F.143, F.150, F.258- F.267, F.329, K.209 F.53, F.54, F.55, F.56, F.58, F.59, F.60, F.61, F.63, F.68, F.69, F.70, F.71, F.72, F.74, F.75, F.79, F.80, F.82, F.83, F.84, F.89 F.272, F.273 H.11 E.60 H.110, H.112, H.116, H.117 A.125 A.125, K.74 A.125, H.69, H.95, H.96, H.97, H.98, H.102, H.104, H.105, H.106, H.107, H.108, H.109, H.110, H.116, H.118 G.197 A.79 K.74 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FELDMAN, Michael FELDMAN, William H. FELIX, A. FENATI, Erminia FENTON, Michael J. FERRETTI, Aldo FILDES, Sir Paul FINER, Leslie FINGERHUT, John Hyman FINLAND, Maxwell FINLAY, Alexander C. FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague FISCHGOLD, Harry FISCHGOLD, R. FISHBEIN, Morris FISHER, H. FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FISHER, Reginald Brettaver FISHER, Samuel, Baron Fisher of Camden FISONS LIMITED FITERMAN, Morian FLEMING, Sir Alexander FLEMING, Amalia, Lady FLEMING, Archie 384 A.125, K.147 H.105 A.46, A.93, C.56, K.75 A.63 A.125 A.125 F.19] C.55 H.35 A.125, F.255 B.77, J.63 F.294, F.295, F.296 A.153 B.9 K.78 J.27, J.61, K.76, K.77 A.63 D.66, D.67. K.78 H.22 F.201 H.113 K.78 K.79, K.80, K.81, K.82 F.284, F.333, F.345 THE FLEMING MEMORIAL FUND FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH E.61-E.63 See also D.72, D.94, D.124- D.126 FLETCHER, R. F. G.204 FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron A.30, A.56, A.84, A.86, B.28, B.52, E.171, K.83 A.125, A.197, D.55, D.56, D.65, D.71, D.72, D.73, D.74, E.189, E.191-E.195 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents FLYNN, Edwin H. FOLKERS, Karl FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) FORD, Brian J. FORD, Sir Hugh FORE, Harold FORNARA, Angelo FORNI, Gherardo FORQUET, Riccardo FORSHAM, Peter H. FOSTER, Allan (Bentham) FOSTER, Peter FOUQUET, Franco FOX, T. F. FOY, Henry FRANCON, Frangois FRANKEL, William FRASER, Sir Michael FRAZER, Alastair Campbell FRAZIER, Claude A. FREIER, S. FRENCH, C._ S. FRIEDHEIM, Ernst A. H. FRIEDMANN, G. 385 F.234 C.65, D.21, F.252 E.64 B.101 D.99, D.156, K.83 E.125, E.126, E.127, E.128 F262 K.50 F.189 3.25 K.98 K.84 C.17 B.65 E.221 J.175 A.125, G.92 E.53 E.27, E.114, F.246, G.44, G.48, J.65, K.84 See also E.132 G.197 H.123 K.216 A.49 A.86 FRIENDS OF THE FUND FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MEDICINE IN ISRAEL FUGIMAKI, Maseo FUKUI, Saburo FULLER, Keith W. FULTON, Forrest H.24, H.25 J.19 5.169 J.131 A.63 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 386 Index of correspondents FULTON, John FUNDACION GENERAL MEDITERRANEA FURER, A. A.48 E.65, J.163 F.291 GABOR, Dennis GADDUM,Sir John (Henry) GADEN, Elmer L. GADSDEN, Henry W. GAGUIK, H. GAINSFORD, lan GAIRON, Schabtai GALE, Ernest F. GALENIKA GALIN, Miles A. GALLARDO, Antonio GALLOP, Edward GAMMON, Max GANAPATHI, K. GANS, Oscar GAON, Haham GARBACZ, Bernard GARBERINI, Arturo GARDNER, Arthur Duncan GARDNER, Dame Frances GARDNER, Violet GARROD, Lawrence P. GARZANTI, Livio GAUMANN,, Ernst GAVIN, Malcolm Ross GAVOSTO,Felice 7 D.156, J.136, K.84 G.36 E.81, G.186 J.70 F.41, F.276, F.278, F.279 F.280, F.281, J.157 H.56 J.172 A.195, K.331 F202 F.337 E.65 A.63 E.187 K.107 K.85 A.161 A.161, H.17, H.20 K.85 A.38, A.43, A.126, D.22, K.85 See also G.123 K.269 G.123 F.120, K.86 K.86 K.87 E.189 K.18 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GEFFEN, Maxwell M. GEISSLER, Erhard GENONI, A. GEORGE, John GERRANS, H. H. GESTETNER, Jacqueline GHILCHIK, Margaret W. GHIONE, Mario GHOSH, D. GIACOMELLO, G. GIAMMARRUTO, Alfredo GIBB, Cecil A. GIBSON, T._ E. GIBSON, William C. GILBERT, David A. GILBERT, Joseph C. GILBY, J. A. GILDESGAME, Pierre GINSBERG, H. GINSBURG, David GINSBURG, Jean GINSBURG, Sara GIORDANI, Francesco GIORGINI, GIRI, K. V. GLASS, David GLEES, Paul GLENISTER, Tony William GLISTER, George A. GLUSHKOV,Robert Georgievich 387 J.70, K.77 B.101 F.283, F.284, F.285, F.286, F.288, F.292, K.12 A.126 G.8 A.126 K.88 F.194, F.195, F.196, F.198, F.199 F.213 K.88 F.233 J.152 G.89 K.336 E.122, E.123, E.124 A.126, A.161, H.14, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.18 F.106 A.126 A.86 H.103, K.89 K.89 K.89 E az A.126 K.90 H.50 K.90 E.23 dil2 K.90 GLYNN, Alan A. B.86, E.86 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GOLDBERG, Alexander GOLDBERG, Hilary GOLDBLITH, Samuel A. GOLDENBERG, Nathan GOLDMAN, Moisés GOLDMAN, Robert P. GOLDMANN, Nahum GOLDRING, Gvirol GOLDSCHMIDT, Alexis GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Israel GOLLANCZ, Livia GOOD, Robert A. GOODCHILD, Rita 388 H.62 A.126 A.161, E.135, E.167, E.168, E.169, F.248, F.251, F.315, F.323, J.70, K.91, K.92 A.126, A.161, E.4, E.3], F.241-F.251 A.223, F.238, H.137, J.42, J.130 G.177 A.126 H.113, H.118 J.127 G.44 A.126 K.240 E.197 A.126 GOODMAN, Arnold Abraham, Baron GOODMAN, Bruce GOODMAN, Harris GOODMAN, Lewis R. GOODMAN, Neville M. GOODMAN, Ronald A. GOODWIN, Leonard George D.66, H.2 See also K.93 A.126 F.336 H.1, K.94 See C.6 H.56 A.126 GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth E.15, £.56,.'G.220 GOPALKRISHNAN, K. S. A.126, F.215 GORBMAN, Aubrey GORECKI, Marian GORINI, Lorenzo G.198 K.95 F295 GORLINSKY, Sander A. A.126, A.180 GORRILL, R. 1H. GOSLING, R. H. E.186 F.184 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 389 Index of correspondents GOTTLIEB, David GOURGEY, P._ S. GOWANS, Sir James Learmonth GRAHAM, Roland GRANDI, Alberto GRANITI, Antonio GRANT, Patrick T. GRAVE, Walter Wyatt GRAY, Sir John (Archibald Browne) GRAZIADEI, Ercole GREEN, David E. GREEN, J. GREEN, Robert T. GREENBAUM, Avraham GREGOIRE, Herman GREGORY, Philip Herries GRIBBIN, K. David GRIFFIN, Francis J. GRIFFITH, R. S. GRISOLIA, Santiago GROS, Frangois GROSS, Ruth T. GROSSOWICZ, Nathan GROVE, Patrick GRUNEBERG, Hans GRUNENTHAL (CHEMIE GRUNENTHAL GMBH) GUALANDI, Giuseppe GUERRA, Francesco Paolo GUILLERY, Eva GULLAND, J. Mason C.46, C.57 A.126 E.95 See also E.141 G.92 F.266 K.32 D.101 A.190 A.126, A.161, E.94, E.100, E.104 C.25, C.26 C.59 F.150, F.155, F.162, K.20 K.95 H.5, H.6, H.8, H.10 G.34 C.57 E.34, E.35, E.36, E.37, E.38, E.42, E.43, K.99 E.207, E.208, E.213 F.234 J.95, J.181, J.190, K.95 G.121 C.6l J.62 A.126 A.126 F.203-F.211 C.71, K.96 F.195, F.198 A.63 B.10 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GUREWICH, Vladimir GURVIC, L. GUTTMANN, Sir Ludwig HADDOW, Sir Alexander HADLEY, James HAHN, Fred E. HAIGH, Margaret HALDANE, Charlotte HALES, Charles Nicholas HALEVY, Jacob L. HALL, Edward Thomas HALL, Henry W. HALLE, Robert 390 A.63 H.65 A.126, A.161, K.97 A.127, A.194, E.175, G.81, K.98-K. 100 E.149-E.155 C.64, J.75 A.127, K.101 A.24 G.189 A.127, H.137 K.101 B.10 A.127, H.16, H.20 HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, Ear] HALSTEAD, Ronald HAMILTON, F. HAMPSON, C. W. P. Guy HAMELIN, R. HANINGTON, Edda HANNAN, R. S. HANNAY, Jack W. HANSON, L. G. HARDY, Solomon HARE, Ronald A.127, K.101 See J.116 A.153 K.102 K.102, K.194 E22] E.168 D.153 F.246 E.79 B.83 HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) A.86, A.127, E.88, E.96 HARMAN, Avraham HARRIS, Cyril K. HARRIS, Henry HARRIS, Leslie J. HARRIS, Ralph A.127, H.29, H.34 H.18, H.19 A.171 A.25, A.64, K.103 A.127,E.66, E.67, E.69, E.70, E.76 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 391 HARRIS, W. Z. HARTLEY, Sir Frank HASS, Simon HASTINGS, John J. H. HASZELDINE, Robert Neville HAUDUROY, Paul HAUSMANN, Gordon HAWKINS, S. W. HAWLEY, H. Bernard HAYWARD, Alan HAZARD, René HEARSE, David J. HEATH, Edward Richard George HEATLEY, Norman G. HEATON, Kenneth W. THE HEBERDEN SOCIETY HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM HECHT, ReubenR. HECHTER, Oscar HEDEN, Carl-Gdran HEDGES, R. W. HEGLER, Hedwig HEILBRON, Sir lan (Morris) HEIMANN, Hugo HEIN, F. K. HEINEMANN, William E. HELLER, Jézef HELLINGER, Esther HEMS, Douglas HENDERSON, David W. HENDERSON, G. N. H.66 A.127, D.69 A.16] K.103 D.102 C.96, J.2, K.103 A.127 F.220 C.100, F.265 K.104 K.336 E.25, K.105 E.53 A.30, B.12 J.118 A.181 H.26-H.38 See also J.62 H.8 K.106 J.85, K.107 K.108 F.306, F.307, F.308, F.310 A.64, D.3, F.46 A.79 A.75 F.272 C.50 A.128, A.161, F.241 G.125 K.108 J.65 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 392 Index of correspondents HENRIQUES, Rose, Lady HERBERT, J-J. HERBERTSON, Basil HERBSTEIN, F. H. HEROLD, Milds HERSOM, A. HERTZ, Josephine HERVEY, G. R. HERZOG, Chaim HESELTINE, Nigel HESKETH-WILLIAMS, P. HESSELBACH, Walter HETHERINGTON, Alastair HEVESY, Georg de HEVESY, Pia de HEWITT, Richard Thornton HEYDEN CHEMICAL CORPORATION HEYMANS, Corneille B'NAI B'RITH HICKMAN, K. C.D. HILLEL FOUNDATION see HILLABY, John HILLMAN, Peter HIMMELWEIT, Freddie HIMMELWEIT, Hilde T. HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HINCKLEY, J. O. N. HINDLE, Edward HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LIMITED HINSHAW, H. Corwin HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) A.128, H.65 J.175 A.190 H.62 J.24, J.57, K.108 E.167, E.168 A.128 E.28 H.110 K.108 A. 64 H.35 A.152 K.108 K.108 A.126, E.186, G.50 A. 64 K.109 See also J.144 K.110 G.81 H.80 A.161, K.110 K.110 A.161, C.64, E.89, E.90, E.96, E.97, E.174, G.44, K.110 K.110 A.128, A.194 F.212-F.215 C.56, C.59 C.98, D.156, K.111, K.146 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 393 HINTZE, Will HIRSCH, Julius HIRSH, Joseph HITCHINGS, George H. HOBBY, Gladys L. HODES, L. H. HODGES, M. W. HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HODGKIN, Edward C. HODSON, T. W. HOECHST (FARBWERKE HOECHST AG.) HOFFMANN-OSTENHOF, Ofto HOLCZABEK, W. HOLIDAY, Ensor R. HOLLAND, D. O. HOLLAND, Gerald F. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dorothy HOLMES, Barbara E. HOLMES, Eric HOLTER, Heinz HOMER, R._ F. HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland HORNE, David G. B. HOROVITZ, Baruch, Rabbi HOROVITZ, Lotte HORROBIN, David F. HORVATH, 1. HORWELL, Arnold R. A.92 K.111 J.37, J.59 E.220 F.295, K.11 A.128 D.38 E.182 A.49, A.86, K.112 C.24 B.65 F.216-F.218 See also A.91, A.161, G.52, J.156, J.185 B.91 J.135 A. 64 F.54 F.296 K.20 E.72, K.112 A.29 C.83 E.122, E.123,. E.124, E, 125, E.126, E.128, F.288, F.316 A.27, B.10 See also A.22, A.46 F.181 H.46, H.47 A.128 K.113 C.65 H.15 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents HORWITZ, Abraham HORWOOD,Ellis HOSKIN, F. C. G. HOWARD, John M. H. HOWARD-JONES, N. HUBBLE, Douglas V. HUBERT, WalterI. HUBLING, Albert C. HUDDLESTON, Trevor HUGGINS, Charles B. HUGHES, Arthur HUGHES, Cledwyn HUGHES, DD. E. HUGHES, Geoffrey HULBERT, Lionel HULL, Geoffrey W. HULTMAN, Eric HUMPHREY, Arthur E. HUMPHREY, John Herbert HUNT, Michael HUNT, Thomas C. HUNTER, Alastair HUTCHISON, (Joseph) Douglas HUTTRER, Charles P. HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorrel) 394 E.135, J.124 G.193 K.114 K.114 B.101 G.48 H.47 A.128 G.92 A.128, C.49 A.128, K.114 E.115 K.115 G.156 A.180 K.115 C.65 E.78, J.75 G.92, K.115 A.128 E.157 G.30 D.47, D.49, F.320, J.118 C.70 A.128, D.22 IGLESIAS, Rigoberto IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (ICI) J.125 F.219-F.227 See also F.276ff. IMPERIAL COLLEGE JEWISH SOCIETY H.39 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, London THE INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY ING, Harry Raymond INGLE, Dwight J. INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY 395 D.1-D.168 See also A.110, C.16, E.25, E.39-E.43, E.57, E.61-E.63, E.96-E.112, E.120, E.124- E.129, E.190, E.195, F.121- F.168 passim, F.182, F.260, F.282ff., F.312, F.313, F.314ff., F.330, F.343- F.345, H.39, J.118, J.158, J 159, KAGE, Ki96, Ki97, K.182-K.184, K.269ff. E.66-E.72 See also G.158, K.266, K.267 K.116 G.92 E.73-E.75 THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS LTD. E.76 INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS H.40 THE INSTITUTION OF CHEMICALENGINEERS E.77 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICRO- BIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES (IAMS) INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION E.78 E.79 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR BIO- TECHNOLOGY & BIOENGINEERING (lOBB) E.80 E.8] INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRON- MENT AND BIOPOLITICS E.82 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY E.83 INTER-UNIVERSITY JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND THE IRAN SOCIETY H.41 E.84 IRANIAN PROTEIN COMMITTEE ©. See F.269ff. ISAACS, Alick ISF S.p.A. E.91, G.44, K.117 See also E.48 F.228 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 396 Index of correspondents ISRAEL, Ernst ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ISRAEL NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL PENICILLIN AND BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY ISRAEL UNIVERSITIES' STUDY GROUP FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AFFAIRS ISRAELI EMBASSY (London) ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO E VACCINOGENO TOSCANO "SCLAVO" S.p.A. ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, Rome ISTRIK, Leo JACKSON, James G. L. JACKSON, Robert Victor JACKSON, Willis, Lord Jackson of Burnley JACOB, Francis JACOBS, David M. JACOBSON, Fritzi JACOBY, F. JAFFE, Joshua JAKOBOVITS, Sir Immanuel A.79 H.42 H.43 F.229 H.44 H.45 F.230 See also K.164 C.1-C.101 See also A.2, A.228, E.96, E.156, E.208, E.225, E.229- E.231, F.12-F.41 passim., F.44-F.86, passim., F.175, F.216, F.294-F.296, F.328, F.332, G.179, 3.35, K.13,; K.35-K.38, K.47, K.52, K.68, K.75, K.87, K.101, K.102, K.103, K.107, K.115, K.117, K.124, K.157, K.181, K.184, K.199, K.234, K.246, K.248, K.251, K.259, K.283, K.291 A.129 A.129 G.158 A.129, D.95, D.142, D.150, D.153, D.157 A.196 H.3 K.118 A.65 A.129 A.129, G.91, G.92, H.51, H.52 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 397 JAMES, Anthony Trafford JAMES, William Owen JANNER, Barnett, Baron JANSEN, B. CC. P. JAPHET, Ernest I. JENKINS, T. PP. N. JEQUIER, E. JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF JEWISH STUDIES JERUSALEM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY JEWISH NATIONAL FUND JEWKES, John JEWS' COLLEGE, LONDON JICK, Hershel JOHNSON, E. I. JOHNSON, Howard W. JOHNSON, John R. JOHNSON, Marvin J. JOHNSON, Walter J. JOHNSTONE, J. JOINT ISRAEL APPEAL (including JOINT C. PALESTINE APPEAL) JONES, Barrie R. JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JONES, Sir Francis Avery JONES, Francis Edgar JONES, Harry JONES, Reginald Victor JOSEPH, D. JOSEPH, Sir Keith E.192, E.195 D.158, K.145 A.129, A.162, H.22 C.46, C.57 H.98 K.118 F.289 H.46-H.48 H.49 H.50 K.118 H.51, H.52 F.184 K.119 J.151 A.45 J.12, J.19 G.179, G.180 A.24 H.53 F.278, K.119 E.189 K.336 K.120 A.129, D.158 E.54 K.121 A.129, E.53, F.322 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 398 KADDARI, M. Z. KADOORIE, Horace KAHAN, Joe KAHANE, Ernest KAHN, H. J. KAISER, Herbert R. KAISER, Ludwig KAPLAN, Abbott KAPLANSKY, S. KARDOS, Nelson KAREL, Leonard KASS, Edward H. KATCHALSKY, Aaron KATCHALSKI-KATZIR see KATZIR KATZ, Sir Bernard KATZ, V. see AMBROSE KATZEN, Howard M. KATZIR, Ephraim KAYA, Seiji KAZIN, Louis E. KEAN, E. A. KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron KEDEM, Ora KEELE, Cyril Arthur KEIL, Alfred H. KEIR, H. M. KELLEHER, William J. KENDALL, Edward Calvin KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNER, George Wallace KERMANSHAHCHI, H. H.6 J.104 A.162 K.121 F.201 C.56 F.302 K.121 A.79 K.121 C.61 J.133 H.66 A.130, A.197, B.72, E.179 F.255, F.257 F.280, F.281, H.100, H.121, K.122 J.166 A.45 J.93 A.130 H.114, H.122 A.130 E.167 E.16 C.5] A.195 A.130, K.123 K.123 F.272 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents KERRIDGE, David KESSLER, David KEYNAN, Alex KHAJENOURI, A. KHERADJOU, A. Gasem KIEFFER, M. KING, Brian Edmund KING, D. N. KING, Earl Judson KING, Frederick Ernest KING, Harold KIRKNESS, J. M. KIRTLEY, W. R. KISSIN, Harry, Baron KLAUNBERG, Henry J. KLEEMAN, Derrick KLEEMAN, Peter J. KLEJNER, G. I. KLIBANSKY, Raymond KLIBANSKY, Rosa KNOBIL, Henry E. KNOBLOCH, H. KNOX, Robert KNUDSEN, Eric T. KODICEK, Egon Hynek KOFFLER, Henry KOFFLER, Murray B. 399 A.190 A.130 H.29, H.32, 4.76, J.62 F.277 F.281 F.327, J.39 K.123 E.121 D.22, K.124 See also G.75 A.130, F.179 A.65, A.86, K.125 K.125 F.234 A.130, A.162, K.125 G.182 E S E S e S ; 3 .162, E.72, G.161, H.95, .97, H.98, H.100, H.102, .104, H.106, H.107, H.108, .109, H.110, H.114, H.117, .118, H.120, H.129, H.131, 132a . L T A F r F r T -132 2125 . 189 . 130 .5, H.9, H.10, H.11, 12 F.308 D.22 A.130, F.107, F.117, F.120, F.121, J.100 A.155 J.19, K.170 H.107, H.118 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 400 KOGEL, Marcus D. KOGL, Fritz KOHLER, Fritz KOHN, Ralph KOLINSKI, Mieczyslaw (Mieco) KOLLEK, Teddy KOLLONITSCH, Janos KOL YISROEL GROUP KOREY, Saul R. KORNBERG, Arthur KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KOSTERLITZ, Hans Walter KOTAKE, Yahisa KOVACH, A. G. KRASIL'NIKOV, N. B. A. KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KREBS, Rudolf H. KREMER, Michael KREMER, William F. KRETZ, Johannes KRIKLER, Dennis KRIM, Mathilde KRUGER-THIEMER, Ekkehard KUHN, Ludwig R. KUHNAU, J. KULA, Maria-Regina KULAEV, Igor Stepanovitch KURTI, Nicholas H.138 K.125 B.12 A.130, A.162, F.4-F.6, F.332, J.146, K.126 See also A.181 A.50, A.183 A.130, A.161, K.126 F.257 H.54 J.28, J.37 H.103, J.160, K.126 A.130, A.197, E.189 A.65, A.197, D.22 J.169 K.126 K.127 A.65, A.130, C.84, D.9, D.67, D.106, E.171, E.192, K.127 See also G.71, G.118 K.127 F.290 F.325 J.136 A.130, H.42 K.128-K. 132 K.133 C.67 K.133 K.133 K.134-K. 137 See also E.218 A.153, D.22, G.81 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 40] Index of correspondents LABORATOIRES BRISTOL see BRISTOL LABORATORIES LACEY, Brian W. LAIMIS, Nora LAJTHA, Laszlo George LAKE, Bernard LAMBERT, Harold P. LAMBERTI-ZANARDI, Bruno LAMBIE, John J. LAMPEN, Joseph Oliver LANDAU, Bernard R. LANDAU, Marianne LANE, Miriam see ROTHSCHILD LANGER, Erich LANGLYKKE, Asger F. LAPIAN, B. LARSEN, Helge LARSSEN, Stig LASKI, S. LAURENCE, D. R. LAURENT, Michel LAWLEY, Edgar LAZELL, Henry George Leslie LEACH, Gerald LEATHER, Sir Edwin (Hartley Cameron) LEDERER, Wilhelm LEESE, Henry J. LEGUESDRON, Henri LEONARD, Brian J. LEONARD, Julian M. LEPETIT, S.p.A. E.206 A.13] E.36 J.100, J.108, J.109 E.204 F191 Jel 12 JT, dl t4Z F299 K.72 G.202 J.53 H.47 K.138 C.49 A.131 G.65 J.48, J.52 A.131 A.131, F.169, F.170, F.171, F.172, G.74 See also G.26 G.157, G.191 K.138 A.213 K.139 F.279 F.225, F.226 E . 207 F.231-F.233 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 402 Index of correspondents LERNER, Alec F.124, F.247, F.248 LESTER SMITH, Ernest see SMITH, E. L. LEVENE, P. A. LEVER, Harold, Baron LEVINE, Bernard B. LEVINE, Frank H. LEVINE, Harry LEVINSON, Morris L. LEVINSON, Norman LEVITT, Harry N. LEVITT, William J. LEVY, I. LEVY, Isaac LEWANDO,Sir Jan (Alfred) LEWIS, Desmond F. LEWIS, J.B. LEWY, Rudolf LIEB, Hans LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LILJESTRAND, G. LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, ELI LILLY & COMPANY LINDBERG, Olov LINDERSTROM-LANG, Kaj Ulrik LINDNER, Fritz A.20 H.15, H.16 K.139 H.51, H.52 A.131, H.89, H.103, H.109 K.139 H.98 H.42 H.138 F.243, F.244, F.245, F.246, F.247, F.248 A.162, A.194, H.50 A.131 G.105 E.128, £.129 A.177, A.194 A.17 A.131, E.167, K.140 A.56 F.234, F. 235 See also A.46 C.49 K.140 F.217 LINDNER, Hans R. F.193, H.13] LINSTEAD, Sir Hugh (Nicholas) A.13]1 LINSTEAD, Marjorie, Lady LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick A.13] D.5, D.6, D.7, D.9, D.11, D.13, D.17, D.28, D.29, D.31, D.33, D.125, E.171, E.207, J.54 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 403 Index of correspondents LINTON, J. LIOTARD-VOGT,P. I. A.13]1 F.290 THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE LITVINOFF, Barnet LIVINGSTONE, Sir Richard Winn LLOYD, Dennis, Baron Lloyd of Hampstead LOCKE, H. Brian LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOESER, Alfred A. LOEWE, Raphael LOEWENSTEIN, Martha LOGAN, Sir Douglas (William) LOM-SCHEU, Dina LONDON JEWISH HOSPITAL MEDICAL SOCIETY LONGMORE, Donald LONGMUIRR, lan S. LOOKSTEIN, Joseph H. LOURIE, Arthur LOUSTALOT, Prosper LOW, W. Z. LUBIEZ, N. LUCAS, Robert LUCAS, Victor LUCK, John V. LUCK, W. LUCY, J. A. LUND, Harald LURIA, Luciano LUS, R. Gémez LUSCHER, Ernst F. LUSH, Brandon S. E.85 G.201 A.60 D.65 A.13] E.231, G.45, K.41, K.146 K.142 H.86 A.131, H.128, H.129 D.20 H.60 H.55 E.21, K.142 D.23, J.93 H.9 A.131 F.184 H.49 A.65 G.157 H.3, H.8 E.167 K.142 K.269, K.331 F.37 G.192, J.15 J.115 K.128 J.77, K.269 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 ‘404 Index of correspondents LUTZKER, Edythe LWOFF, André LYNAM, A. E. LYNEN, Feodor MAAS, Werner K. MACADAMS,Lewis P. McALISTER, W. E. McANUFF, John W. MACARTHUR, C. W. P. THE MACCABEANS McCARTHY, Denis W. C. K.142 H.127, H.128 A.176 A.196 J.19 E.151 F.186 E.13] F.313 H.56, H.57 A.132 McDADE, Herbert F.336, F.337, F.338, F.339 MACDONALD, Adam Davidson MACDONALD, William MACER, Richard Charles Franklin MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn Mc GEE, James O'Donnell Mc GEORGE, Walter E.147 J.106 F.223, F.2/2 B.102-B. 104 A.132 7 m 7 7 7 7 m a ™ m McGRATH, W. Robert MACHEBOEUF, G. MACINTYRE, lain MACKANESS, George Bellamy McKEEN, John E. McKENZIE, Alexander MACLENNAN, Sir Hector McLENNAN, Hugh K.143 A.163, D.49, D.50 K.143 F.295, F.296, F.297 A.16, A.86 E.186 K.143 _ ~ ~ H O D N N O O C O S O D B D N O N = D O S = = . E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents McMICHAEL, Sir John McQUEEN, E.G. MACTAGGART, Sir Andrew (McCormick) MADDAN, Martin MAEGRAITH, Brian Gilmore MAEIR, David MAGEE, Peter N. MAHALANOBIS, Prasanta Chandra MAHFAR, Jack MAHONY, J. F. MAISELS, Israel A. MAISTER, Dolly MAITLAND, F. E. MAJOR, Randolph T. MALAGARNE, Osvaldo MALKO, Nicholai A. MALLETT, Allen A. MANDELSTAM, Joel MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph MANNING, Edward MANSFORD, KeithR. —_L. MANTLE, PP. MARGALITH,P. G. MARGERISON, Thomas Alan MARINI- BETTOLO, G. B. MARIOTTI, Luigi MARK, H. MARK, Hermann MARKS, Abraham J. 405 A.132, A.196, D.149, E.21, G.82 J.105 D.84 E.238 J.104, J.105 H.10 F.155 A.97, K.144 F.276, F.281 F.333 A.132, J.79 K.144 A.189 F.252 K.144 A.50 F.92, F.99, F.109, F.119, F.120, F.125, F.127, F.143, F.150, F.156, J.122 A.163, K.144 K.144 A.66 F.93, F.100, F.157, F.164, F.165, F.182, F.334, G.86, K.20, K.249 K.145 H.62 B.97, G.4 C.16, E.3 C.16 A.132 H.85 A.132 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MARKS, J. MARKS AND SPENCER LIMITED MARKS OF BROUGHTON, Simon, Baron MAROTTA, Domenico MARRE, Sir Alan (Samuel) MARSAL, Alberto MARSHALL, Dorothy MARSHALL, John J. MARSHALL, M. MARSHALL, W. J. R. MARTELLI, Paolo MARTI-IBANEZ, Felix MARTIN, Archer John Porter MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MARTIN, Gustav J. MARTINS DA SILVA, M. MARTORELLI, M. MASCHERPA, Pietro MASERA, Giuseppi MASKE, Helmut MASON, R. Steven MASSAM, Alan MATHIAS, Antony P. MATTHEWS, Janet W. MATTUCK, Israel |. MATVEYEV, A. MAUROIS, André 406 F «326, J.152 F.236-F.251 See also G.72, K.199 F236 A.100, A.132, E.3, F.238, G.44, K.148, K.149, See also C.4, C.5, C.6, C.7, C.8, €.9, C.16, E.19. E.207-E.211, K.146, K.147 H.37, K.150 A.173 A.132 K.150 E.79 K.150 K.150 G.203 C.85, K.110 A.132, B.73, B.82, D.107, E.55, E.162, E.165, E.167, E.168, E.179 F.268, J.81 E.135 F.183 J.40, J.48, J.143, K.151 C.25 A.132, F.217, J.135, K.151 Fo K.152 A.132, E.15, J.95 K.152 A.23 J.89 K.79, K.152 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MAY, Ben MAY, Phineas L. MAYER, Sir Robert MAZZANTI, Giorgio MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) 407 K.152 A.132 A.132, A.180 F.188, F.190, F.199 A.196, E.143, E.175, K.117, K.153 MEDICAL RESEARCH CLUB E.86 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) MEE, P._ E. MEHRISHI, Jay N. MELENEY, Frank L. MELLANBY, Sir Edward MELLETT, L. B. MELROSE, Andrew J. MELTZER, Julian L. MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg MENKIN, Valy MENOTTI, Amel R. MENSFORTH, Sir Eric MENZOCCHI, Fernando MERCIER, Pierre MERCK SHARP & DOHME MERIEUX, Charles MEYER, Sir Anthony John Charles MEYER, Francois MEYER, Karl A. MEYER, Kurt H. MEYER,Shirley E.87-E.112 See also D.30, D.33, D.94, E.56, E.157, F.118, K.186, K.269, K.271, K.272 A.132 K.153 K.153 See A.41, B.23, B.24, B.25, C.4 F.340 J.106, J.107 H.68, H.70 A.132 A.66, B.14 D.23, F.176 A.132, E.55 F.23] J.115 F.,.252-F .25/ See also B.54, J.70-J.73, J.113 G.218 A.132, E.53 C.51 A.108, K.153 B.40 A.163 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MIALL, L. M. MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MICHAELS, David MIGLIACCI, Adele MILES, Sir (Arnold) Ashley MILES, Ellen MILL, Patrick MILLER, Edward MILLER, George MILLER, Harry M. MILLER, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre MILOVIDOV, V. MINER, Eunice Thomas MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD MINISTRY OF HEALTH MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY MINTZ, Louis J. MIRANDA, Mario MIRHEYDAR, H. MIRSKY, |. Arthur MISHCON, Victor, Baron MITCHISON, Nicholas Avrion MITTWOCH, Ursula MIZUNO, Den'ichi MODELL, Walter MOIR, John Chassar 408 F.297 A.163, H.111 E.85 F.197, F.198, F.199 A.93, A.132, A.163, A.196, A.206, K.154 A.29, K.154 A.132 A.155, A.190 H.62, J.62 A.47 E.143 K.135 J.18 E.113-E.118 See also J.83 Ei? E120 See also D.98 A.132, H.6, H.9, K.155 J.124 F.277 K.156 A.132, H.24, H.61 H.129 K.157 J.165 G.189 A.66 MONCKTON OF BRENCHLEY, Gilbert Walter Riversdale MONROY, Alberto MONTECATINI EDISON S.p.A. (later MONTEDISON) E.70, E.72 K.157 F.258-F. 267 See also F.183, F.191-F.200, F.290, K.185, K.209 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MOORE, F. Joan MORANDI, Luigi MORGAN, Walter Thomas James MORRISON, Hyam MORRISON, J. K. MORRISON, Jack MORRISON, Sylvia MORTON, O. MORTON, Richard Alan MOSS, D. W. MOSTOFI, B. MOULDER, James W. MOUSHINE, David MOUTON, R. F. MUCKTER, Heinrich MUDGE, Pauline E. MUELLERRATH, Carl MUELLERRATH, Ursula MULLER, H.R. MUNCH, James C. MUNDAY, Kenneth A. MUNZ, F. Robert MURAKAWA, Takeo MURRAY, I. G. MUSEUM OF THE DIASPORA (BETH HATEFUTSOTH) MUSHETT, Charles W. MYRBACK,K: 409 E.117 F.258, G.44 E.172, K.272 A.132 F.297 A.132, A.194 A.132, A.163 K.158 E.174 E.161 F.280 J.60 H.107, H.108, H.109, H.110, H.112, H.115, H.116, H.119, H.121, H.130, H.131 C.62 F.203, F.204, F.209, F.210, F.21] A. 66 F.308 F.298 F.280, F.282, F.283, F.284 B.11 K.158 D.23 J.169 K.158 H.58 F.254, F.255, F.257 B.14 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents NABARRO, Felix NACHMANSOHN,, David NAFTALIN, J. NAFTALIN, J. E. M. NAGATSU, Toshiharu NAJMABADI, F. NARASIMHAN, M. J. NATHAN, Eleanor, Lady 410 A.133 A.93, J.17, J.83, J.96, K.159, K.160 See also J.6 H.55 K.161 J.166 F 276 A938, F.213 A.133 NATHAN, Harry Louis, Ist Baron Nathan NATHAN, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron D.18, D.33, K.162 E.35, E.37, E.38, K.163 See also E.61 NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA G.174 NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET JEWRY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND NATIONAL DRUG COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY H.59 F.268 F.269-F. 281 See also F.291, F.292, J.157 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NRDC) E.121-E.129 See also F.316 NATTA, Giulio NAYLER, JohnH. C. NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield NEEDHAM, Joseph NEEDS, R. A. NELSON, John D. NEMON, Oscar NERI, Paolo NESTLE ALIMENTANAS.A. A.196 B.77, F.121, F.135, F.142, F.149, F.150, F.157 E.53 E.203, G.187 F.128, J.122 J.192 A.133 C.25, K.164 F .282-F.292 See also F.6, F.276ff., K.16 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents NEUBERGER, Albert NEUBERGER, Herman N. NEUBERGER, James NEUZIL, E. NEWHOUSE, J.P. NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NICKELL, Louis G. NICOLAUS, B. NIEDERGERKE, R. NOBEL COMMITTEE NO JAR, Aviva NOLAN, Anne NORRIS, John Robert NORRIS, Peggy NORRIS, W. G. NORRIS, Wilfred F. NOWINSKI, Wiktor W. All A.163, C.86, D.58, D.106, E.61, E.85, E.87, £.150, G.154, H.35, K.147, K.165 See also E.104, E.139 G.113 A.133 F.276, J.145, K.227 K.218 D.2 F.296 F.228 E.23 E.130 See also K.335, K.336 J.87 A.133 A.133 Es Zee E.208, G.202 F.238 K.166 THE NUFFIELD FOUNDATION E.131, E.132 NUSSBAUM, Michael NUTMAN,, Phillip Sadler THE NUTRITION SOCIETY NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) A.66 A.133 E.133 A.133 OCHOA, Severo N. O'DONOGUE, P. OESTREICHER, Ludwig OFFENHAMMER, Kurt A.50, J.95, K.166 See also A.195, J.160, J.161, J.190 E.73 F.300 A.194 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 412 Index of correspondents OFFICE DE RADIODIFFUSION-TELEVISION FRANCAISE OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS OGG,Sir William Gammie OGSTON, Alexander George OKADA,Hiroshi OKAMI, Yoshiro OLBERT, Th. OLBY, Robert OLITZKI, A. L. OLSON, James Allen OPIE, Lionel H. OPITZ, Dietrich OPPINGER, Heinz ORD, Bernhard ORO, Juan ORR, James ORSONI, Jose OSBORN, O'Neill OSOL, Arthur OSORIO, Leopoldo Martinez OSTER, Kurt OTTENBERG, Reuben OWEN, David OWEN, Paul Robert OXFORD, J. S. PACE, George H. PACKARD, Lyle B. PAGEL, Walter PAGET-COOKE, Richard A. G.175 E.134 D.23, E.207 A.195 J.169, J.170 J.165, J. 166, J2162, J.I71, K.167-K. 169 A.93, K.170 B.106 A.98, K.208 K.170 K.171 K.171 F.218 A.176 J.160 H.15 A.133, A.163, C.17 F.332 J.8] E.65, J.163 A.67 A.46 E.56 A.133 J.191 F.220, Fi222, F223, F224, F273 C.39 A.67, G.45 E.61-E.63 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 413 Index of correspondents PAINE, Peter S. PAINTER, Neil Stamford PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO) PAOLETTI, Rodolfo PAPANDREA, Giovanni PARASCANDOLA, John THE PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PATCHORNIK, A. PATELSKI, Ray A. PATON, Sir William Drummond Macdonald PAUL, John R. PAUL EHRLICH FOUNDATION PAUL EHRLICH INSTITUTE PAULING, Linus PAULLEY, John W. PEART, Peggy PEART, (Thomas) Frederick, Baron PEART, William Stanley PEAT, Stanley PECK, Franklin B. PEKERIS, Chaim L. PENDSE, C. G. PENICK, S._B. PENN, Jack PENNELLA, Paolo PENNEY, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred PEREIRA, Helio Gelli F.119 K.172, K.173 E.135 K.236 F.194 J.186, J.187 E.136 H.99, H.121 E.23] E.174 J E.137-E.145 See also K.266, K.268 E.146 A.195, C.99, K.174 E.67, E.70 A.164 A.134 E.104 E.172 F.234 H.85, H.86, 4.105, A122, K.175 K.175 K.175 K.175 F.196 D.43, D.45, D.48, D.49, D.50, D.51, D.52, D.53, D.144, D.146, E.43, E.110, F.317, K.272, K.275 A.134, A.196, J.128 E.B. Chain CSAC.92/3/83 Index of correspondents PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert) Charles PERLMAN, D. PERLMAN, Harold L. PERRIN, Sir Michael (Willcox) PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PETLEY, W. G. PETROW, Vladimir PETTINGA, C. PFIZER (CHAS. PFIZER & CO, INC.) W. PFLEGER, Elisabeth PFLEGER, Robert 414 E.117, E.118 J.63 H. 106 A.134 A.67, A.134, D.23, E.174, K.176-K.178 See also G.107 F.161 K.179 B.78, F.234, F.235, J.63 F .293-F . 297 See also B.58, G.36 F.308 A.24, C.19, F.298, F.299, F.300, F.301, F.302, F.303, F.304, F.305, F.306, F.307 See also F.309 PFLEGER (DR. R. PFLEGER CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH) F.298-F.310 THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN PHILIPP, Elliot E. PHILIPP, Lucie PHILIPPSBERG, Lucie PHILIPS, Sir Cyril (Henry) PHILLIPS, Joan PHILLIPS, M. A. PHILPOT, F. J. PHILPOT, John St.L. PINNER, Hayim PINTO, Guglielmo PIRIE, Norman Wingate PIRT, S. John E.147 See also G.104, G.105, G.217 K.179 K.179 A.134 D.68 A.67 E.207 B.29, K.180 B.25 A.134, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.19 K.18 A.22, E.163, K.180 D.85, K.181-K.183 See also G. 69 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents PITT, David Thomas, Baron PIZZI, Enrico PIZZIO, Francesco PLANTEROSE, Donald N. PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward (Wilder) POCCHIARI, Francesco POCOCK, Robert POLLER, Leon POLLOCK, Martin Rivers POLONOVSKI, Jacques POLONOVSKI, Michel POM'ERANIEC, Jasha POMERAT, Gerard R. PONTECORVO, Guido POPE, C. -G, POPJAK, George Joseph POPPER, Hans PORRITT, Arthur Espie, Baron PORTER, Sir George PORTER, Helen Kemp PORTEVIN, A. PORTHEIM,L. POSTGATE, John Raymond POYNTON, W. M. PRATESI, Pietro PREISKEL, David PREISKEL, Ella PREVOT,A. PRIGGE, R. PROSKAUER, Eric S. PRYWES, Moshe PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS 415 A.197 F.260 E.1 F.143 D.56, D.57, D.59 A.134, C.17, K.184, K.185 B.71 K.43 A.134, E.88, E.173, K.186 G.3, G.10 G.3, K.187 A.134 E.156 A.195 E.220 D.45, D.103, K.188 K.188 A.134, K.188 G.103, K.188 E.172 C.54 A.67 A.134, K.189 A.86 A.148, J.23 A.134, A.194, A.212 A.67, A.134, A.164 A.103 A.90, E.146 G.200 J.62 E.148 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 416 Index of correspondents PULLINGER, B.D. PULLMAN ASSOCIATES GMBH PURANANANDA, Chaloem QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch QUAYLE, John Rodney RABIN, Brian Robert RABINOVITCH, N. L. RACE, Robert Russell RACKMAN, Emanuel RADI, I. RADIO ITALIANA RADO, Richard RAISTRICK, Harold RAJA, K. C. RAJAN, V. S. Govinda RAJCHMAN, Ludwig RAMAN, Sir (Chandrasekhara) Venkata RAMON, Gaston RANDLE, Philip John RANK, Joseph Arthur, 1st Baron RANK, Joseph McArthur RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS RANKS HOVIS McDOUGALL LIMITED RAPER, Kenneth B. RASKOVA, Helena RATTI, G. K.189 F.311 J.105 K.189 K.190 K.331 A.164, H.51 E.180 H.11 K.191 G.176 A.177 See B.21, G.99, K.31 E.231 K.191 C.60 J.8 A.195 K.331 A.135, F.314, F.316, F.317, F.318, F.319 A.135, E.32, E.149, F.316, F.319, F.320, F.321, F.323, F.324 F.312, Fs313 E.149-E.155 F.314-F.324 See also E.122, F.122, F.188, F.275ff., F.288 K.191 J.128 Fel E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 417 Index of correspondents RAUEN, H. M. RAYNE, Max, Baron READING, H. W. READING, William REGENSBURGER, K. M. REICHEL, John REID, Eric REID, Lynne REISS, Sir John (Anthony Ewart) REITH, W._ S. REMEZ, Aharon RENZ, Jany REWALD, Bruno REY, Louis REYMOND, D. REYNALS, Duran REYNOLDS, Peter William John RIBAS, Bartolomé RIBBONS, Douglas W. RICCOBONI, Luigi RICE, Raymond M. RICHARDS, Graham RICHARDS, Merfyn RICHARDS, Owain Westmacott RICHARDSON, Frederick Denys RICHARDSON, John Samuel, Baron RICHARDSON-MERRELL INC. RICHTER, Derek G.209 K.192 K.192 A.135 A. 68 B.1] Esl? K.192 E.36 D.24, K.193 H.45 F.328, F.329 B.11 A. 135, E..167,. F. 282, F283, F.284, F.285, F.286, F.287, F.288, F.289, F.290, J.121, J.129, J.141, J.179, J.183, K.12, K.194-K.196 See also E.158 F.283, F.284, F.285, F.288 A.68 F.275, F.324 E.65 K.197 K.197 F 234 K.197 A.135 A.135 A.135 A.135, A.164, B.84 F.325 G.201, K.197 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 418 Index of correspondents RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) RILEY, M. V. RIMINGTON, Claude RINTOUL, John O. RITCHIE-CALDER, Peter Ritchie, Baron RITTENBERG, David ROBB-SMITH, A. H. T. ROBERTS, Eric R. ROBERTS, J. E. ROBERTS, Eugene ROBERTSON, Alan ROBERTSON, lanR. T. ROBINSON, D. ROBINSON, Frank Arnold ROBINSON, O. ROBINSON, R. P. HH. W. ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROBLIN, R. O. ROBSON, J. Norman ROBSON, John Michael ROBSON, Sir Kenneth ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROE, Francis J. C. ROESLER, Frank F. LABORATO IRE ROGER BELLON ROGERS, D. ROHLFING, Duane L. C.87 K.198 E.64, G.45 F.64, F.65 A.135, B.96, K.28 A.135, C.46, K.198 A.68 A.136, D.159 G.64 J.27 F.224, F.227 K.198 K.198 A.136, E.17, F.325 See also B.23, B.24, B.25 F.121, J.77, J.80, J.104 F.187 A.1, A.136, E.211, K.199- K.202 See also B.23 C.54 A.136, E.167, F.248, F.251 A.68 A. 136 F.326 E.156 E.18, E.132 F.220 See also A.198 F.327 See also J.39 D.160 G.209 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ROLINSON, George Newbolt RONA, Peter ROSBAUD, Paul ROSE, A. M. ROSE, Francis Leslie ROSE, J. ROSE, John Donald ROSEN, Dolly ROSENBLITH, Walter A. ROSENHEIM, Max Leonard, Baron ROSENSTOCK, W. ROSS, B.D. ROSS, John ROSS, W._ A. ROSY, L. ROTBLAT, Joseph ROTH, S.J. ROTHBERG, Samuel ROTHMEIER, W. W. ROTHSCHILD, Albert ROTHSCHILD, Dorothy ROTHSCHILD, Edmund de ROTHSCHILD, Miriam (Miriam Lane) ROTHSCHILD, (Nathaniel Charles) Jacob 419 A.136, B.79, F.84, F.94, F101, Fx 110, F.117, F120, F.135, F.144 A.18 G.201 H.8, H.46 G.36 G.200 F.219 A.136, A.164 A.68 A.136, A.197, A.198, B.74, B.76, B.79, E.157 A.136, A.164 E.25 H.121, H.122 D.56 A.164 E.148 A.136, A.164, H.40 A.135, H.29, H.34, H.36 F .283 A.136, K.203 A.136 K.203 K.204 H.91, H.92, H.94, H.95, H.96, H.98, H.101, H.108, H.115, H.117, H.118, H.119, H.121, H.123, H.125, H.126, H.128, K.203 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron £E.166, H.73, K.205, K.206 ROUHANI, M. ROUS, (Francis) Peyton F 273 E.138 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 420 Index of correspondents ROUTIEN, John B. ROWLAND, Frank ROWLEY, Derrick ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY THE ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE RUBBO, Sydney D. RULE, Leonard G. RUMBALL, Sir (Campion) Aubrey RUTSCHMANN, Jurg RYMAN, Brenda Edith SABBAGH, Karl SABIN, Albert B. SACCHETTI, Mario SACHARINA, Anna (Nura) SACHER, Gabriel D. SACHER, Michael Moses F.295 J.101, J.106 K.207 E.157 See also G. 51 E. 158 E.159 E.160 See also G.102, G.103 E.161 See also G.75 E.162-E.183 See also B.73-B.84, B.90, G.210 E.184 See also A.108, G.35, G.36, G.62, G.115 E.185 E.186, G.50 K.207 A.136 A.136 F.329 D.153, K.271 G.159 A.137, C.65, H.82, H.84, H.85, H.87, H.93, H.94, H.95, H.97, H.98, K.208 See also E.185 K.235 A.206-A.212, G.44 A.137 A.137, F.237, H.53 See also A.165 SACHER, Miriam A.137 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SACHS, Leo SACKS, SAINSBURY, Alan John, Baron ST, MICHAEL'S FOUNDATION LIMITED SAINT-VINCENT INTERNATIONALPRIZE SALAM, Abdus SALAMAN, Myer Head SALAMAN, Redcliffe Nathan SALAMON, B. SALERNI, Luigi SALMON, Neil Lawson SALTON, Milton Robert James SAMEK, H. SAMII, Mehdi SAMO JLOVNA, Rebecca SAMUEL, David Herbert, Viscount SAMUEL, Rinna SAMUELOFF, Shlomo SANDLER, Merton SANDOZ LIMITED SANGER, Frederick SARAULT, Gilles E. SARETT, Lewis H. SARGENT, Evelyn E. SARKISOV, S. SAUNDERS, Basil SAUNDERS, Sir Owen (Alfred) SAVAGE, A. E. SAVAGE, George M. 42] H.112, H.113 A.137 A.137 E.187 E.188 A.137 D.101 A.21 F.125 C.19, C.22 E.31 J.143 H.4 F.280 A.50 A.137, A.165 H.85, H.86, H.124, H.132 K.69 E.9, H.56 F.328-F.330 See also J.84, J.135, K.265 A.195 J.133 A.137, F.256, F.257 A.69 A.69 B.84 A.137, D.96, D.97, D.99, D.139, D.160, E.175, K.269 A.137 F.333, F.334, F.339, J.75, J.83 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SAYERS, Bruce McA. SCASSELLATI, Ubaldo SCHENK, G. SCHERAGA, H. A. SCHETTLER, G. SCHEU FOUNDATION FOR ASTHMA AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES SCHILLING, Richard Selwyn Francis SCHINDEL, Leo SCHLESINGER, Sondra SCHLITTER, C. SCHMIDT-POLE X, Hans Walter SCHMIDT-THOME, J. SCHOLEM, Gershom SCHON, Frank, Baron SCHORNIG, Ludwig SCHROEDER, Hasso SCHRODER, Karl SCHULDENFREI, Jack SCHUTZ,F. SCHWARTZ, Benjamin SCHWARTZKOPF, Otto SCHWARTZMAN, Gregory SCHWARZENBACH, G. SCHWEIGART, Hans Adalbert SCHWEIGER, Acon SCHWERIN, Gunter K. SCHWICK, H. Gerhard SCIAKY, Roberto 422 A.137, D.150, K.155 F.266 A.137, J.97 H.100 G.47, J.133 H.60 See also K.204 K.222 K.208 C.50 K.209 A.92, E.137, E.138, G.217 F.217 K.337 E.129 F.216 J.149 F.175 H.12 A.69 H.55 F.308, K.209 A.46 JM E.82 F.192, K.209 E.137, E.139 J.149 See also A.165 F.196 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) E.189-E.196 SCLAVO see ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO E VACCINO GENO TOSCANA "SCLAVO" S.p.A. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SCOTT, John H. MacCallam SCOTT, Sir Ronald Bodley SCROCCO, Pietro SEBAG MONTEFIORE, D.C. SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, Harold Henry SEBBA, Bella SECONDI, A. SELA, Margalit SELA, Michael SELDON, Arthur SELLINGER, Otto Z. SELLORS, Sir Thomas Holmes SELWYN-CLARKE, Sir (Percy) Selwyn SEMERANO, G. SEN, Shri Binay Ranjan SENATOR, David Werner SERLUPI, Giovanni SERMO NTI, Giuseppe SESSA, Sandro SEYBOLT, George C. SHAARE ZEDEK HOSPITAL, Jerusalem SHALIT, Sophie SHALTIEL, Shmuel SHANNON, Richard Bentinck Boyle, 9th Earl SHAPIRO, Alexander SHARON, Nathan SHAW, Henry SHEBA, Chaim 423 E.69, E.70, E.72 E.21 F.197, F.199 A.137 A.137 A.69, A.137 F.228 H.66, H.68, H.73, H.76, H.77, H.78 B.79, B.108, H.74, H.102, H.114, H.117, H.119, H.120, H.121, H.122, H.123, H.124, H.125, H.126, H.129, H.130, H.132 E.66 K.210 B.84 A.137, E.175 B.66, K.210 E.64 H.26 C.17, K.211 K.211 F.192 F.1, F.3, J.123 H.61 A.138 B.79, H.121, H.131 K.212 H.25 F.149, H.119 H.13, H.14, H.15, H.16 F.123 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SHECHTERMAN, Abrasha SHEEHAN, John C. SHELESNYAK, M._ C. SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Ist Baron Sherfield SHILLINGFORD, Jack SHILS, Edward A. SHINE, Cyril I. SHULL, G. M. SHUTTLE, Neville SHWARTZMAN, Gregory SIEBURG, F. SIEFF, Israel Moses, Baron Sieff of Brimpton SIEFF, Joseph Edward SIEFF, Marcus Joseph, Baron Sieff of Brimpton SIEFF, Michael David SIGG, Hans Peter SIIM, J. Christian SILVERMAN, Godfrey E. SIM, Myre SIME, John M. SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugen) SIMPSON, Esther SIMPSON, William Wynn SINAI, E. SINCLAIR, Edward 424 F.124, H.25 C.57, C.59 K.212 A.138, D.55, D.56, D.57, D.59 A.138 E.232 A.165, H.23 F.297 E.133 C.56 A.69 A.138, F.238, F.241, J.58, K.224 See also H.75 F.239 A.138, A.165, E.178, F.240, H.67, H.82, H.85, H.91, H.92, H.93, H.101, H.103, H.107, H.108, H.110, H.113, H.117, H.120, H.121, H.122, H.127, H.128, H.129, H.130, H.131, H.132, K.201 A.138 F.330 G.92, J.69 H.5 E.222 A.138, J.165, J.166, J.169, K.212 A.195 A.93, A.138, D.24, K.147 A.138, G.91 H.42 A138 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 425 SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINCLAIR, Neil SINCLAIR, Walter I. SINGER, Aubrey Edward SINGER, Daniel M. SINGER, Jack SINKER, Sir (Algernon) Paul SJOBERG, Berndt SJOGREN, Bertil SKOLA, Vladimir SKRYABIN, Georgi Konstantinovitch SLATER, Edward Charles SLESS, Herzl K.213 F.336 H.18 G.157 K.224 A.165 C.62, K.213 See also E.19, E.42 F.36, F.37, F.39, F.40, F.41 A.138, F.12, F.14, F.16, F.18, F.19, F.20, F.21, F.22, F.23, F.24, F.26, F.27, F.28, F.29, F.30, F.31, F.32, F.33, F.35 J.24, K.214 E.218, K.135, K.215 K.210 H.15 SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH E.197 See also K.128-K.132 LABORATORI BIOCHIMICO-FARMACEUTICI SMIT SMITH, Annie F.33] A.69 SMITH, Charles Edward Gordon E.119, G.81, G.92 SMITH, Charles G. SMITH, SMITH, Douglas D. Ernest Lester SMITH, SMITH, Hi H. Greville SMITH, Harry SMITH, Hillas SMITH, de CG. SMITH, JamesH. C. SMITH, SMITH, P. R. A. H. F.335, F.338, F.339, F.340, F.341, F.342, K.131 J.105 D9! F.144 E.207 E.206 K.216 A.69 K.216 F.303 F.283, F.284 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 426 Index of correspondents SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES LIMITED SMITHER,R. SMITHERS, Sir David (Waldron) SMYTH, Francis T. SNELL, J. F. SNELLING, Margaret D. SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SOBELL, Sir Michael SOCIETA CHIMICA ITALIANA SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE VETERINARIE SOCIETA ITALIANA DI CHEMIOTERAPIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MICROBIOLO GIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE FARMACEUTICHE SOCIETA ITALIANA PER IL PROGRESSO DELLE SCIENZE SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDER- STANDING SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMO- THERAPY SOCIETY FOR DRUG RESEARCH SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY SOKHEY, Sir Sahib Singh SOLDI, Alberto SOLOMON, Flore F.332 F.121, F.122, F.136, F.137, F.138, F.158, F.166 E.35 K.216 F.293 G.64 A.138 H.16 E.198 See also E.207-E. 210 E.199 E.200 E.201 A.148, E.202, J.128, J.162, J.163 A.169 E.203 E.204 E205 E.206 E.207-E.216 E.229, E.230, E.231, E.233, K.217 A.139, A.148, E.58, J.128 A.139 SOLOMONS, Gerald L. F.120, F.321, F.323, F.324 SOLS, Alberto SOMERVILLE, Walter SORSBY, Arnold PS E.24 K.218 E.B. Chain © CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SOSKINS, SOSNOW, Eric SOUTHWOOD, Thomas Richard Edmund SPALDING, Dudley Brian SPEEDWELL, Ernest SPERBER, Erik SPERL, Friedrich SPICER, Arnold SPINKS, Alfred SPOONER, Edward Tenney Casswell SPORN, Philip SPRECHER, Milon SPRINGER, Axel SPRINSON, David B. SQUIER, Christopher A. SQUIRE, John R. STACEY, Maurice STAFFORD, C. Douglas W. 427 A.139 A.139, A.165 A.139, D.51, D.140, D.142, D.143, D.144, D.146, D.160, E.43 D.161, H.5 A.139, A.165 F.13, F.l4, F.16, F.I7, F.18, F.19,F.20, Fez, Fuld, F,24, F.25, F.26, Fi27, FsZ8, F.29, F.30, F.31, F.32, F.33, See also C.4, C.5, C.6, C.9 A.165, E.138-E.142, E.144 A.139, A.191, D.47, D.59, D.66, E.149, E.152, E.167, F.246, F.314, F.315, F.316, F.317, F318, F.319, F.320, F.321, F.322, F.323, F.324 See also E.4 A.139, E.176, F.221, F.222, F.226 A.139, D.24 A.139, H.81, H.85, K.219 H.10 A.165, K.219 J.19 G.45 C.64, K.220 E.172 A.185, F.54, F.55, F.68, F.79, F.80, F.82, F.95, F.102, F.111, F.118, F.128, F.139, F.144, J.65, K.8 STAMP, Trevor Charles, 3rd Baron STANFORD, Henry King STANKIEWICZ, A. M. STARKEY, Robert L. D.58, G.75 A.139, J.93 A.139 K.220 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 428 Index of correspondents STARNES, William H. STAROSELSKY, Vladimir A. STEIN, Erwin STEINBERG, Jack STEINMAN, Harry G. STENTON, Eric STEPHENS, R. L. STERN, E. M. STERN, Kurt G. STERN, Max STERNSCHUSS, P. STETLER, C. Joseph STETTEN, Marjorie R. STEVENS, CC. C. STEVENS, Martin STEWART, GordonT. STILLER, Eric T. STIRNEMANN,, Ernst STOKER, Sir Michael (George Parke) STOKES, E. Joan STOLBACH, Henry STOLLMAN, Phillip STONE, Dewey D. STRALAU, F. STRAUSS, Bernard S. STREATFIELD, E. Leslie STREBINGER, Robert STRICKER, Henry H. STROHMAIER, Karl STROMAS, A. STROMINGER, J. L. J.192 A.216 E.142 A.165 K.222 A.139 F.243 H.63 A.47, A.50, H.8, K.221 H.138 H.64 J.8] K.246 E.147 E.37 K.221 A.48 E.207 F.226 B.75, B.82 A.69 H.10 A.139, H.70, H.73, H.76, H.78, H.82, H.86, H.90 A.139, E.139 J.60 A.139, E.207, E.208, E.211 K.335 H.19 K.223 K.223 B.80 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents STRONG,Sir Roy Colin STULMAN, Stephen L. SUDHOFF, F. SULMAN, F. G. SUMPTION, Jonathan SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black Me Ivor) SWET, Gershon SWINBURNE, J. K. SYKES, G. SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert TADMOR, Shlomo TAGGART, Peter TAHOURDIN, Peter Anthony Ivan TAL, Eliezer TALBURT, William F. TANNER, Cicely TATUM, Edward L. TAUB, William TAVERNIER, Jean B, TAYEAU, Francis TAYLOR, Joan TAYLOR, Norval TAYLOR, Selwyn Francis 429 A.192 H.82, H.87, H.90, H.93, H.98, H.99, H.101, H.103, H.106, H.108, H.113, H.115, H.121, K.224 F 345 F E -117 -93 A.139, D.24, E.54, E.177 K.225 K.225 K.225 A.195, E.172 A.15 91, H.92, H.93, H.94, H.96, .97, H.98, H.101, H.102, .103 4 H H E.23 K.226 H.43 C.22 A.140 A.195, J.75 H.74 A.50 A J A E A 166, G.10, G.44, J.47, 145, K.227 .140 119 140, E.161 TECHNION - ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY H.62, H.63 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 430 Index of correspondents TEELING-SMITH, George TELETZKE, G. H. TENBY, David Lloyd George, Viscount THATCHER, Margaret (Hilda) THELIN, Hugo THEORELL, (Axel) Hugo (Teodor) THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. THOMAS, Alan J. THOMPSON, H. W. A.140, E.134, G.36 J.83 E.61 E.53 F.39, F.41 A.74, K.228-K.230 See also E.50 F.213 K.231 Pa2l? THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) C.88, E.178, H.86 THOMPSON, Kenneth Wade THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart THOMSON, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) THORNTON, Sir (Henry) Gerard THUILLIER, J. THWAITES, Bryan TIMMERMAN, W. A. TISELIUS, Arne (Wilhelm Kaurin) TISHLER, Max K.231 A.140, B.84, E.83, E.174, K.231 A.42 A.140 A.140, K.231 E.58, G.190 E.70 E.229, E.231, E.233 A.74, A.76, C.89, K.232 A.140, F.253, F.254, F.255, H.9), A822, J.70, dev ly dvd TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas See B.25 TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron A.140, G.92, H.118, K.233, K.33]1 TODD, E. TODT,F. W. TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford A.28 K.234 E.? TONOLO, Antonio TOTENBERG, Roman TRABUCCHI, Emilio TRAELNES, Knut R. A.166, K.235 A.177 C.23, C.25, E.58, E.200, J.15, J.29, J.57, K.236 F.286, F.288, F.289, F.291, F.292 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents TRAILL, David TREFOUEL, Jacques TREFOUEL, Thérase TRENCHARD, Thomas, Baron TROWELL, Hugh TRUESDEEG, Clifford TRUETA, Joseph 43] E.207 A.106, A.196, G.217, K.237 See also G.121 G.121 A.140 K.238, K.239 A.166 B.109 See also J.184, K.240 TRUETA DE STRUBELL, Amelia J.184, K.240 TSUNODA, Toshinao TURNER, Peggy TUTSCH, Gerhart TVEIT, M. UBBELOHDE, Alfred René John Paul UDENFRIEND, Sidney UEBEL, Horst ULAM, Stanislaw Marcin UMEZAWA, Hamao J.169 A.140 J.134, J.137 J.49 A.141, D.99, D.162 C.64, E.135, F.326 A.141, F.306 H. 104 C.63, J.119, J.165, J.166, K.241-K.245 See also J.171 WM. UNDERWOOD COMPANY see AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL UNESCO UNION MONDIALEDES ETUDIANTS JUIFS UNION O.5S.E. UNTERMAN, Baruch UPJOHN INTERNATIONALINC, URGOITI, Ricardo USIFROID (SOCIETE D'UTILISATION SCIENTI- FIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU FROID) USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USV PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION E.217 See also J.89 H.64 H.65 H.10, H.11, H.12 F.333, F.334 See also J.83 F.10 F.335 A.170, E.218 F.336-F.342 See also F.184 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 432 Index of correspondents VAIZEY, John Ernest, Baron VALENTINE, A. H. VALENTINI, L. VALETTE, Guillaume VALLE, G. VALLERY-RADOT, Paul VAN ABEELE, F. R. VAN BEUSEKOM KITS VAN HEIJNINGEN, Adrienne J. M. VANDEWELDE, H. VAN HEYNINGEN, William Edward VANNOTTI, A. VANSON, M. VARELA, Benito Reguiro VARGA, V. VARIN, René VASQUEZ, D. VASSALLI, Giuliano VELLACOTT, George H. VENKATARAMAN, K. VERNEY, Stephen VERNON, C. A. VICKRAGE, J. D. M. VILLANUEVA, J. R. VIRGILIO, VIRTANEN, Artturi [Imari VIRTANEN, O. Erik VITA, Giulio VLITOS, A. J. VOGEL, Gunther VOLKE, Werner G.161 B.14 F.194 C..50 J.25 A.83 B.80 K.246 A.70 B.110, K.246, K.247 J.23 A.14] J.178 F.224 A.86 J.127 C.22 E.16] A.141, K.248, K.249 E.79 K.250 K.250 J.75 C.46 A.93, C.46, E.207, K.251, K.252 See also A.105, G.13 C.46, K.253 F.183 J.133, K.254 F.305 K. 299 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 433 VOLWILER, E. H. VONDERBANK, Hermann VON HASE, Karl-Gunther VRBA, Rudolf WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADE-GEARY, Robert Lucian WAELSCH, Heinrich WAGNER,F. WAKAKI, Shigetoshi WAKSMAN, Byron H. WAKSMAN, Selman Abraham WALD, George WALEY-COHEN,, Sir Bernard (Nathaniel) WALKER, D. G. WALKER, James WALKER, Norman WALKER, T. K. WALL, Patrick David WALLACE LABORATORIES WALLACH, Michael WALLMARK, Gésta WALLS, A. J. WALSH, E. O'F. WALTER, A. M. WALTERS, A. Harry WALTON, A. WALTON, Peter A. WANSBROUGH-JONES, Sir Owen (Haddon) WARBURG, Otto Heinrich A.45 A.90, K.255 A.166 K.336 E.194 J.163 K.256 J.164 J.169 J.142 Cu59, E227, Eut2e, dol, K.257, K.258 See also J.142 J.19 A.196 G.86 E.87 A.141, K.259 J.12 K.259 F.343, F.344 G.201 J.49 E.110, E.112 J.104 J.53 K.260 B.8 G.167 A.14] K.260 See also C.90, E.58 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents WARBURG, Sir Siegmund (George) WARD, Patricia Spain WARDER, Michael Young WARE, Martin WARREN, Peter T. WARTENBERG,Fritz WASIELEWSKI, Eberhard V. WATERLOW, John Conrad WATTS, Hector WAY, M. J. WEBB, David Evan WEBER, Hans H. WECHSLER, I. S. WEIDENFELD, Arthur George, Baron WEIL, H. WEIL, Michael WEILER, Jack D. WEIS-FOGH, Torkel WEISGAL, A. David WEISGAL, Meyer W. WEISS, Eric WEISS, Joseph WEISSBERGER, Arnold WEIZMANN, Chaim WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE 434 H.109 K.260 A.167, E.79 B.69 E.170 A.70, K.261 A.167, F.218, J.156, J.185 E.28, E.29, F.324, J.120 F.180, F.181 E.122 A.14] K.261 A.5] A.192 A.24 H.41 H.138, J.59 K.331 H.85, H.101, H.102 A.141, H.45, H.66, H.68, H.70, H.73, H.80, H.85, H.86, H.95, H.105, H.106, H.120, H.125 See also A.167, H.7] K.262 A.70 A.51, A.70, A.14], K.263 H.66 H.66-H.135 See also A.79, A.167, F.126- F.168 passim., J.87, J.88, K.12, K.39, K.224 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 435 Index of correspondents WELBOURN, Richard Burkewood WELCH, A. J. E. THE WELLCOME FOUNDATION LIMITED THE WELLCOME RESEARCH LABORATORIES THE WELLCOME TRUST WELLS, A. WELLS, G. W. WELLS, James D. WEMBERG, Jesaja WEST, T. F. WESTCOTT, John Hugh WESTENBRINK, H. GG. K. WESTERDIJK, Johanna WESTFALIA SEPARATOR LIMITED WESTPHAL, Otto WHEELER, Denis E. WHELAN, William Joseph WHITE, A. M. WHITE, Abraham WHITE, D. J. WHITEHEAD, Thomas Patterson WHITFIELD, George B. WHITTINGEHAME COLLEGE (Sussex) WHITTINGHAM, Charles Percival WIDDOWSON, Elsie May WIDENGREN, Ulf WIESNER, Jerome Bert WIJERATNE, P. Brian WILDENTHAL, Kern WILKINS, Sir Graham (John), (Bob) E.161 D.163 E.219 E.220 E.221 A.86 K.263 F.3 H.58 A.153 D.87 G.185 E.231 F.345 E.140, K.264-K.268 E.10, E.219 A.141, E.13, E.60, E.172, G.212, K.269-K.276 See also J.93 D.102 A.141, J.37, J.59 E.118 D.55 F.333, F.334 H.136 A.141, D.140, D.142, D.144, D.146, D.163 A.197 F.39 H.70 Ei7? K.277 A.142, F.79, F.96, F.103, F.112, F.120, F.122, F.139, F.145, F.150, F.158, F.163, F.164, J.100, J.112, K.8 E.B. Chain CSAC 92 /3/83 Index of correspondents WILKINSON, A. E. WILLIAMS, Gwyn WILLIAMS, Harley WILLIAMS, Max WILLIAMS, Paul WILLIAMS, Peter Orchard WILLIAMS, R. J. R. WILLIAMS, Trevor Illtyd WILLIAMS, W. WILLIAMSON, Jessie WILLIFORD, John H. WILLSON, (Francis Michael) Glenn WILSON, A. David WILSON, Sir Graham (Selby) WILSON, Sir (James) Harold WINDEYER, Sir Brian (Wellingham) WINDSLEY, Henry WINGATE, Maurice WINNACKER, Karl WINTERINGHAM,F. Peter W. WISEMAN, L. A. WITTS, Leslie John WIX, Abraham WIX, Anna WOLF, George WOLF, Walter WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron WOLFF, Eric WOLFSON, Sir Isaac WOLFSON, Sir Leonard (Gordon) 436 B.80 A.70 A.142, E.21, E.22, 'E.23, E.25, G.68 A.142 D.156 E.220, H.33 K.277 A.51, A.70, A.142, E.207, G.184, G.187, K.147 G.22 K.277 F.337, F.338 D.69 B.111 A.142, A.196, A.197 K.286 C.91, G.44 A.142 A.142 A.9] D.153, E.12 K.94, K.278 G.161 A.142 A.142 C.60, C.6] J.124 D.96 A.143 A.143, K.279 A.143, H.49, K.279 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents WOLLMAN,E. WOLPERT, Lewis WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) WOOD, K. H. B. WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODRUFF, Sir Michael WOODS, Donald Devereux WORK, Elizabeth WORK, T. S. 437 G.12] E.194 A.143, A.167, E.48-E.52, E.68 F.129 A.143, D.73 K.280 A.30 F.285, K.280 E.98 WORLD FEDERATION OF DOCTORS WHO RESPECT HUMANLIFE E.222 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS WORMALL, Arthur WORMS, Fred S. WORMSER, Jacques WREN-LEWIS, John WRIGHT, Basil C. WRIGHT, M.D. WRIGHT, Sir Norman (Charles) WRIGHT, P. WRIGLEY, Fred H. WRINCH, Dorothy M. WYATT, H. V. WYMAN,Jeffries WY NDHAMPLACE TRUST WY NNE-MORGAN, David E.223-E.237 See also C.6, J.120-J.126, K.258 H.137 See also J.58, J.91 D.24 A.143, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.18, H.19, H.20 H.95 K.281 B.24 C.59 A.143, E.64 K.281 E.219, G.77, G.101 A.51, B.11, K.281 B.112 E.232 E.238 B.97 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents 438 YAAKOV, I. YAGISAWA, Yukimasa YAPP, W. B. YEATES, Sidney E. K.282 J.170 G.213 F.299 YEDA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED YEKUTIELI, Gideon YESHIVA UNIVERSITY YOUNG, Brian YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) YOUNG, J.P. YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Richard J. YUDKIN, John YUDKIN, Michael D. YUDKIN, Milly ZAIDI, S. M. A. ZAIMIS, Eleanor ZANDER, Walter ZANOFF, Walter ZARGHAMEE, Mehdi S. ZARIFI, A. ZARNITZ, Marie Luise See F.126, H.74, H.124 H.92, H.93 H.138 See also J.37, J.59 E.131, E.132 A.144, C.92, D.24, E.172, E.176, G.33, K.283, K.284, K.33]1 See also B.25 F.332 H.80 F.223, F.224, F.227, F.279 A.167, B.11, F.314, H.65, K.285-K. 288 See also C.5, C.6, C.7 K.288 B.11, K.285, K.287, K.288 E.58 K.66 H.27, H.30, H.32, H.33 A.144 F.275 F.273 Eas | ZELINKA, J&n ZERILLI-MARIMO, Guido M., Baron J.36 F.79, F.231, F.232, F.299, G.44, K.289 M. ZHDANOV, V. ZIMMERLI, Adolph ZIMPRO INC, ZOTTERMAN, Y. J.75 C.59 See E.114, J.83 A.76, C.49 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 439 Index of correspondents ZUCKER, Hermann ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron ZUR, Zvi . A.167, K.290 A.144, K.291 H.110
CHAIN, Ernst Boris
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin