LIGHTHILL, (Michael) James

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir (Michael) James Lighthill Kt FRS (1924-1998) By Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 175/6/09 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 1 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir (Michael) James Lighthill FRS (1924-1998), mathematician Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Date of material: 1940-2000 Extent of material: ca 1,180 items Depositedin: Special Collections, University College London Reference: GB 0103 M.J. Lighthill © 2009 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACS catalogue no. 175/6/09 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY SERVICES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON GOWER STREET LONDON M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH A.1-A.97 B.1-B.177 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER C.1-C.45 SECTION D ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT FARNBOROUGH D.1-D.24 SECTION E IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON E.1-E.25 SECTION F UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE F.1-F.67 SECTION G UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON G.1-G.66 SECTION H PUBLICATIONS SECTION J LECTURES H.1-H.196 J.1-J.130 SECTION K SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS K.1-K.713 SECTION L VISITS AND CONFERENCES L.1-L.109 SECTION M CORRESPONDENCE M.1-M.496 SECTION N NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL N.1-N.56 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 10 21 27 32 36 38 41 46 57 70 107 116 152 159 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 5 The papers were received for cataloguing from Special Collections, Library Services, University College London, in October 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR (MICHAEL) JAMES LIGHTHILL Michael JamesLighthill was born in Paris on 23 January 1924 and educated at Winchester and Trinity College Cambridge where he took a two-year wartime BA, 1941-1943. For the rest of the war he worked on supersonic flight at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, in the aerodynamics division under Sydney Goldstein, publishing his first scientific paper before he was 20. Immediately after the war he was appointed seniorlecturer in mathematics at Manchester under Goldstein and in 1950, still only 26, he was appointed to the Beyer Professorship of Applied Mathematics in succession to Goldstein, a position he held until 1959. Lighthill was successively Director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, 1959-1964, Royal Society Research Professor at Imperial College London, 1964-1969, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, 1969-1979, and Provostof University College London, 1979-1989. Lighthill is acknowledged as one of the great mathematicians of the twentieth century. He is characterised by his obituarist D.G. Crighton (Independent, 22 July 1998) as ‘the prototypical applied mathematician, immersing himself thoroughly in the essence and even the detail of every engineering, physical or biological problem he was seeking to illuminate with mathematical description, formulating a sequence of clear mathematical problems and then attacking them with a formidable range of techniques completely mastered, or adapted to the particular need, or newly created for the purpose; and thenfinally returning to the original problem with understanding, predictions, and advice for action’. This biographical account follows Crighton’s obituary closely. At Manchester Lighthill led a powerful and inventive fluid dynamics group. He had many PhD students there and during one period 17 of his former Manchester students held chairs in the UK. He worked extensively on gas dynamics, including effects important at very high speed, in his studies of ionisation processes, and the diffraction of shock and blast waves. He also launched two newfields in fluid mechanics. The first of these was aeroacoustics or sound generated aerodynamically. It was announcedin a paper published by the Royal Society in 1952 and had an immediate implication for noise reduction in jet aeroengines. The second was nonlinear acoustics which Lighthill introduced in a 100-page article written in 1956 in honour of the seventieth birthday of G.I. Taylor. Its applications M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 6 include kidney-stone-crushing lithotripsy machines and, with the same mathematics, flood wavesin rivers and traffic flow on highways. At the Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough Lighthill was responsible for the managementof an organisation with 8,000 staff including 1400 scientists and engineers. His detailed oversight included the critical examination of every report emanating from the Establishment. He worked on the aerodynamics of the slender delta wings for Concorde, on spacecraft, and on short-haul aircraft. In the early 1960s he forged links with the Post Office to develop the commercial use of television and communications satellites. At Imperial College London he began his development of mathematical biofluiddynamics: the quantitative understanding of the flow of blood in mammalian cardiovascular systems, of air in the humanairways, and ofthe flying of birds and insects and the swimming offish. At Cambridge he undertook major teaching commitments and expandedstill further his range of researchinterests: control systems; active control of sound; waves; oceanography and atmospheric dynamics, including monsoon prediction and propagation; and on biological mechanics at the microscopic level. At University College London he wasinvolved in much fundraising, in new College developments especially in biology and biotechnology and in expanding the representation of women at senior levels; while continuing his scientific interests: the unpredictability of large systems; wave energy extraction devices; and the human auditory system. In addition to the offices he held and his ownscientific research Lighthill undertook many advisory and leadership roles in respect of public and professional bodies in Britain and internationally. Unhappy with the support in national societies for applied mathematics he founded the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, serving as its first President, 1965-1967. He took a serious interest in mathematical education at all levels, elected as President of the Mathematical Association in 1970 and serving as President of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, 1971-1974. One of his more controversial assignments was initiated in September 1971, when the Chairman of the Science Research Council, B.H. Flowers, asked ‘whether he would be prepared to make a considered appreciation of the subject of artificial intelligence, its achievements, its practitioners, its promise and its needs’ as an aid to policy formulation. The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was a major commitment and he served as President of the Union, 1984-1988. After retirement he took up the Chairmanship of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Special Committee on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (SC-IDNDR), and travelled and lectured worldwide. Lighthill's achievements were widely recognised. He was elected FRS in 1953 (Royal Medal 1964, Copley Medal 1998; Bakerian Lecture 1961, Humphrey Davy Lecture 1991), and was knighted in 1971. He received many honorary degrees, prizes and medals and was elected to the foreign membership of leading academies. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 0 In 1945 he married Nancy Dumaresq with whom he had a son and four daughters. He died on 17 July 1998 while swimming in the Channel Islands. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The papers coverthe period 1940-2000. Section A, Biographical, presents obituaries and tributes, biographical accounts and bibliographies, three volumes of notes on mathematics that Lighthill began in November 1940 before he went to Cambridge as a student and a sequence of appointment diaries from Lighthill's period as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, 1969-1979, and his 1989 ‘desk diary’ at University College London. The largest series of papers relate to Lighthill’s many honours and awards including certificates in a variety of formats, 1953-1996. Section B, Research, covers the period 1956-1995 and comprises the contents of Lighthill's containers: folder, box folder, filing cabinet divider, etc. organised alphabetically bytitle of container. The contents may include manuscript notes and drafts, manuscript working, offprints by Lighthill and others, and correspondence. Topics include aerodynamic aspects of animal flight, aquatic animal locomotion, biofluiddynamics, ‘early fish work’ and flagellar hydrodynamics. The assignment of much of this material to 'Research' is tentative since many of the containers contained papers relating to publications, lectures, visits and conferences, etc. Section C, University of Manchester, is not extensive, providing records of Lighthill's teaching for about ten years from 1949 to 1959, though much of the material is undated. The material is predominantly Lighthill’s manuscript notes and drafts for courses such as mechanics, methods of mathematical physics, fundamentals of thermodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics. Section D, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, presents Lighthill's ‘Personal and Confidential’ correspondenceas Director, 1959-1964, the transcript of a 1962 lecture by Lighthill to the Chemistry and Metallurgy and Physics Departments and a number of technical memoranda and reports preparedby the Director. Section E, Imperial College London, is small, documenting Lighthill's Royal Society Research Professorship there (including announcement and terms of appointment, research reports and budgets), the Physiological Flow Studies Unit with which Lighthill collaborated, principally the contents of Lighthill’s ‘Origins of PFSU' folder,a little teaching material (physics and mathematical topics for physiologists and doctors interested in research) and Lighthill's Farewell Lecture. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 8 Section F, University of Cambridge, is predominantly teaching material for courses on aerodynamic sound generation, biological fluid dynamics and mathematical methods. There are also papers relating to the campaign for changes in statutes at Trinity College, which led to the admission of women, and to a proposed Cambridge University swimming pool. Section G, University College London, comprises documentation of institutional planning during Lighthill's Provostship, his speeches and addresses as Provost, and correspondence, principally the contents of a foldertitled 'Provost's Personal Letters’. Also included here are copies of the faxes sent from the Mathematics Departmentin July 1998 announcing Lighthill's death. Section H, Publications, presents a chronological sequence of drafts and related material for Lighthill's publications, 1956-c.1998, and an incomplete setof his offprints, 1944-1998. Section J, Lectures, presents a chronological sequence of drafts and related material for Lighthill's public and invitation lectures, 1954-1997, though a folder of '(Early) Public Lectures’ contained almost all undated material. At the end of the chronological sequence is further undated material including transparencies and drawingsforslides, and the draft of a radio broadcast by Lighthill, the only one in the collection. Section K, Societies and organisations, is by far the largest in the collection. Lighthill's association with 16 British and international organisations is documented for the period 1962-1998. The largest body of material relates to the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) 1983-1998, and in particular the Special Committee on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (SC- IDNDR) which Lighthill chaired from its first meeting in 1990 until 1 July 1995. Other major international commitments, which are well-documented, include the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), 1966-1994, and the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), 1969-1984. In Britain Lighthill’s most extensively documented commitment was the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 1962-1992, including early papers relating to the Institute’s founding and Lighthill's term as its first President. Also of interest are records of the Culham Laboratory Review Panel which the UK Atomic Energy Authority asked to review the programme on plasma physics and fusion research and to make recommendations, 1966-1967, and Lighthill's review of the field of artificial intelligence for the Science Research Council, 1971-1972. Section L, Visits and conferences, documents a number of conferences and visits made during the period 1965-1998. Material may include correspondence about arrangements and arising (letters of thanks, publication of proceedings, continuing contacts with scientific colleagues), abstracts, programmes, lists of participants, drafts of Lighthill's presentations, etc. Particularly well-documented are a Royal Aeronautical Society symposium on cheap short-range air transport in 1965, a visit to the M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 9 USSR in 1965 (including Novosibirsk), a symposium on swimming andflying in nature at CalTech in 1974, visit to China in 1987 and an international workshop on tropical cyclones in Mexico in 1993. Many meetingsrelating to Lighthill's ICSU and IUTAM commitments are documented in Section K. Section M, Correspondence, is extensive, comprising a numberof alphabetically and chronologically organised series: general correspondence (alphabetical) covering the period 1969-1992 (letters A-O only); general correspondence (chronological) covering the period 1974-1998: and copies of outgoing correspondence(alphabetical) covering the period 1992-1998. Additionally, there are a small number of miscellaneous files of correspondencewith individuals include one relating to the support of the Newton scholar D.T. Whiteside in the period 1968-1971. There is also an extensive alphabetical series of reference material covering the period 1972-1992 (letters A-R only). Section N, Non-textual material, comprises photographs, photographic slides and audiotapes. There are photographs of Lighthill from the period of his Directorship of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough to the end ofhis life; and photographs relating to research and a lecture in the early 1950s. Photographic slides are undated. Topics include biomechanics of hearing and ‘flagella + Goldstein Lecture’. The audiotapes are sound recordings of four lectures by Lighthill on ‘Mathematical Biofl[uiddynamics]’. There is also an index of correspondents. Peter Harper Bath 2009 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 10 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.97 1940-2000 A.1-A.5 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.6-A.11 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.12-A.14 EDUCATION A.15-A.26 DIARIES A.27-A.55 HONOURS AND AWARDS A.56-A.97 CERTIFICATES A.1-A.5 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1998-2000 A.1 National newspapers 1998 Daily Telegraph, 20 July 1998. The Times, 20 July 1998. Guardian, 21 and 25 July 1998. Independent, 22 July and 1 August 1998. A.2 A.3 A.4 ‘La vie et oeuvre scientifique de Sir James Lighthill’, Académie des Sciencesde I’Institut de France Discours et Notices biographiques 2, 151-159 ‘Sir James Lighthill’, J. Fluid Mech. 386, 1-3 G.|. Barenblatt, ‘Scaling laws for turbulent wall-bounded shear flows at very large Reynolds numbers’, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 36, 361-384 The paper is ‘dedicated to the glowing memory of Sir JamesLighthill’. 1999 1999 1999 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 11 Biographical, A.1-A.97 AS Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Levensberichte en herdenkingen, 2000. 2000 Includes commemoration of Lighthill at pp31-37. A.6-A.11 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL 1959-1991 A.6-A.7 Curricula vitae and lists of publications A.8-A.10 2 folders. Shorter directories, etc biographical 3 folders. notes, entries for biographical 1959-1991 A.11 Entry for Lighthill in McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers with related correspondence 1978-1980 A.12-A.14 EDUCATION 1940, n.d. ‘Notes on mathematics’ in three ring binders. At the front of the first binder is detailed contentslist for the three binders. The subjects covered are General Methods General Methods of Analysis of Analysis (Intrinsic); Equations; Functions; Geometry; Algebra; Arithmetic; and The Foundations of Mathematics. Volume | was ‘begun ‘Nov.1940’. (Extrinsic); Functional Special A.12 A.13 ‘M.J. Lighthill Notes on Mathematics, begun Nov. 1940 / Volume |’ ‘M.J. Lighthill. Notes on Mathematics. / VolumeII’ n.d. Begins with notes on ‘Differential Equations: Special M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 12 Biographical, A.1-A.97 Methods’. A.14 ‘M.J. Lighthill. Notes on Mathematics. / VolumeIII’ N.d. Begins with notes on‘Lattices’. A.15-A.26 DIARIES 1969-1979, 1989 Appointmentdiaries, principally from Lighthill’s period as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. A.15 A.16 A.17 A.18 A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 13 Biographical, A.1-A.97 A.24 A.25 A.26 1978 1979 1989 ‘Sir JamesLighthill's desk diary’. A.27-A.55 HONOURS AND AWARDS 1965-1987 See also Certificates, A.56-A.97. A.27-A.28 Modesto Panetti Prize and gold medal, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 1965 Correspondence and papers re award and Lighthill's visit to Turin for the solemn meeting of the Academy at which the award was made. 2 folders. See also A.63. A.29-A.30 Honorary degree, Princeton University, 1967 1966-1967 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, citation, photograph ofLighthill with fellow honorary graduands, etc. 2 folders. See also A.65. A.31-A.42 Knighthood 1971 Letters of congratulation. 12 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 14 Biographical, A.1-A.97 At A.41 is a poem ‘Double Happiness Matchbox (May 1967)’ found with the letters of congratulation. At A.42 are telegrams. Unindexed. A.43 Provost, University College London 1979 Letters of congratulation. The letters presented here are hardly representative of the large numberofletters that Lighthill must have received on this occasion. A.44-A.46 Harvey Prize for Science and Technology 1981 1981-1982, c.1998 The prize was awarded to Lighthill in recognition of his pioneering researchin fluid mechanics and his leadership in the applications to the engineering and biological sciences. See also A.80. Correspondence re award of science and technology prize to Lighthill, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, June 1981 Correspondence and papers re subsequent visit to Israel as Harvey Prize Laureate, December 1981 25 years anniversary booklet presenting Harvey Prize winners, 1972-1998 c.1998 Member, Leopoldina Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher 1983 Brief correspondencere Lighthill's election to membership of Leopoldina. A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 15 Biographical, A.1-A.97 A.48 60th birthday 1984 J.T.C. Liu, Selected Papers, 1974-1984 ‘Presented to Sir JamesLightill, F.R.S. on the Auspicious Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday’. Bound volume. A.49 Honorary degree, University of Leeds, 11 May 1984 1984 Correspondence re arrangements, order of proceedings, presentation addressesfor Lighthill and fellow recipients. See also A.83. A.50 G.I. Taylor Medal Lecture, Society of Engineering Science, Inc. 21st Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 15 October 1984 1984 Correspondence and papers. A.51 Foreign Member, Accademia della Scienze di Torino, Italy 1985 A.52 A.53 Brief correspondence re Lighthill’s election to the foreign membership. Honorary degree, University of Southern California, 10 May 1985 Correspondencere arrangements. Ludwig-Prandtl-Ring of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fir Luft- und Raumfahrt 1985, 1987 Brief correspondence re presentation of the Ludwig- Prandtl-Ring and subsequent meeting of holders of the Ring. See also A.82. A.54 Honorary Fellowship, Trinity College, Cambridge 1986 Includesletters of congratulation. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 16 Biographical, A.1-A.97 A.55 Honorary degree, Technical University of Lisbon 1986 re Lighthill's election Letter the University, manuscript notes in Portuguese of Lighthill’s speech on the occasion. honoris-causa by See also A.89, L.58, L.59. A.56-A.97 CERTIFICATES 1953-1992 A.56 Fellow, Royal Society In tube. A.57 Doctor of Science, University of St Andrews In tube. 1953 1957 A.58 A.59 Masterof Arts, University of Cambridge (Lady Lighthill) April 1958 1 roll. Foreign Honorary Member, American Academyof Arts and Sciences May 1958 1 roll. A.60 Fellow, International Academy of Astronautics 1 roll. A.61 Doctor of Science, University of Liverpool 1 roll. A.62 Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society 1 roll. December 1960 October 1961 November 1961 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 17 Biographical, A.1-A.97 A.63 Modesto Panetti Prize, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy November 1965 1 roll. A.64 Doctor of Science, University of Strathclyde April 1966 1 roll. A.65 Doctor of Science, Princeton University June 1967 1 roll. A.66 Doctor of Science, Bath University of Technology June 1968 Certificate in plastic covers. A.67 Doctor of Science, University of East Anglia June 1968 1 roll. A.68 Doctorof the University, University of Surrey December 1969 1 roll. A.69 Member, American Philosophical Society April 1970 1 roll. A.70 Fellow, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology May 1972 1 roll. A.71 Doctor of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris May 1975 1 roll. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 A.72 Biographical, A.1-A.97 Doctor University Aachen, West Germany Engineering, of Rhine-Westphalia 18 Technical July 1975 Cased. A.73 Elliott Cresson Medal, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia April 1975 1 roll. A.74 Corresponding Member, Brunswick Scientific Society January 1976 Certificate. A.75 Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences April 1976 1 roll. A.76 Foreign Associate, National Academy of Engineering April 1977 1 roll. A.77 Doctor of Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York May 1980 In tube. A.78 HonoraryFellow,Institution of Chemical Engineers December 1980 A.79 A.80 1 roll. Centennial Engineers Certificate. Award, American Society of Mechanical 1980 Harvey Prize in Science and Technology, Technion Israel Institute of Technology / American Technion Society June 1981 In wooden box. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 19 Biographical, A.1-A.97 A.81 A.82 Member, Leopoldina Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher July 1983 Certificate in board and cloth covers. Ludwig-Prandtl-Ring of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Luft- und Raumfahrt for 1983 May 1984 1 roll. A.83 Doctor of Science, University of Leeds May 1984 Certificate. A.84 Doctor of Science, Brown University Certificate. A.85 Honorary Fellow of Society for Underwater Technology Framed. November 1984 December 1984 A.86 Honorary Fellow,Institution of Electrical Engineers 1984 In original folder. A.87 Foreign Member, Academia delle Scienze di Torino) Tavrinensis (?Accademia April 1985 In tube. A.88 Doctor of Science, University of Southern California May 1985 Framed. A.89 Honorary doctorate, Technical University of Lisbon, 1986 1986 In tube. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 20 Biographical, A.1-A.97 See also A.55, L.58, L.59. Doctor of Philosophy, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel November 1987 In tube. Rayleigh Engineers Noise Control and Acoustics Division American Lecturer, Society of Mechanical 1989 In original folder. Fellowship, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London December 1989 In original folder. A.90 A.91 A.92 A.93 Honorary Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society Certificate. A.94 Rayleigh Medal, Institute of Acoustics Certificate. A.95-A.96 Doctor of Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee 2 framed documents. December 1990 May 1992 November 1996 A.97 Honorary Fellow,Institute of the Aerospace Sciences N.d. 1 roll. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 21 SECTION B RESEARCH, B.1-B.177 1956-1995 filing folder, cabinet A sequence of the contents of Lighthill's containers: folder, box organised alphabetically by title of container. The contents may include manuscript notes and drafts, manuscript working, offprints by Lighthill and others, correspondence etc. The contents of each container are presented in the order found. divider, etc. The assignment of much of this material to ‘Research’ is tentative since many of the containers contained papers relating to publications, lectures, visits and conferences, etc. At the end of the alphabetical sequence are miscellaneous research notes found loose. B.1-B.17 ‘Aerodynamic Aspects of AnimalFlight’ 1956-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seventeen for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript drafts relating to lectures and publications by Lighthill, offprints of papers by others including T. Weis-Fogh, etc. Includes typescript and manuscript drafts in German. Lighthill published a paper with this title in Bull. Inst. Math. Applics., 10, 369-393 (1974). B.18-B.39 ‘Alan Parker C18H12S [Projects] 1974 Contents of box folder so labelled divided into twenty-two for ease of reference: data, offprints etc. Papers at B.20-B.25 were found in folder inscribed ‘Alan Parker: Data Collection & Processing’. Papers at B.26- B.29 were foundin folder inscribed ‘PARKER’. B.40-B.46 ‘Aquatic Animal Locomotion (general)’ 1973-1976 notes, offprints, reference: manuscript Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of re Cambridge Zoology Department, papers re symposium on Institute of swimming and flying Technology, July 1974 including programme, paper abstracts and notebook used by Lighthill for notes on proceedings (B.46), etc. in Pasadena, nature, California, California 8-12 papers M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Research, B.1-B.177 B.47-B.58 ‘Aquatic Animal Locomotion papers’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: offprints by others, typescript draft by Lighthill ‘Scaling Problems in Aquatic Locomotion’, photographs, correspondence, etc. 22 n.d., 1967- 1978 is ‘Hydrodynamics B.58 Fish Populations’ by P.W. Webb, Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 190, 1975 with manuscript dedication to Lighthill. Energetics and of B.59-B.60 ‘Arterial disease’ 1966-1973 Contents of filing cabinet divider so inscribed. Folder inscribed ‘Roach papers on blood flow at bifurcation’ divided into two for ease of reference: offprints by M.R. Roach and others, letter from Roach and manuscript notes. B.61-B.90 ‘BFD [Biofluiddynamics] General’ 1970-1991 Contents offiling cabinet drawer so labelled divided into thirty for ease of reference: offprints, manuscript notes and drafts, manuscript working, correspondence, photographs, transparencies, etc. Includes material for lectures and publications by Lighthill. are correspondence and papers relating to At B.61 Lighthill's lecture ‘How do Fishes Swim’, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 9 November 1983. Papers at B.75 relate to a visit to Nihon University, Japan, and papers at B.78-B.79 to the Natural Environment Research and At B.86-B.87 are papers found in Protozoa, Cambridge. folder inscribed ‘Transparencies for Caltech, Philadelphia and Japan’. of Algae Collection Council Culture B.91-B.100 ‘Early fish work’ n.d., 1968- 1971 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: drafts, bibliographical references, correspondence, photocopies of printed papers,etc. manuscript manuscript working, Most papers undated. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Research, B.1-B.177 B.101-B.104 ‘Fish (experiment)’ 23 1962, 1967, n.d Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: publications, correspondenceand photographs from J. Gray, Cambridge University Zoology Department, offprint. publication figures for or B.104A ‘Fisheries Fisheries and Food] Research MAFF [Ministry of Agriculture, 1995 Contents of folder so inscribed: fax from Lighthill to A. Moore, MAFF Lowestoft Laboratory, Suffolk enclosing ‘my first drafts of contributions to the project proposal which you are putting to the European Union’, 17 February. B.105-B.114 ‘Flagellar Hydrodynamics’ 1966-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lecture or lectures, offprints by others. B.115-B.122 ‘Flagellar Hydrodynamics’ 1975, n.d. Contents of folder inscribed ‘Von Neumann Lecture (Rough Notes for Flagellar Hydrodynamics)’ divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes and working by Lighthill, manuscript draft by A.T. Chwang, etc. Most papers undated. B.123-B.125 ‘Gibilaro-Wallis-Movementof Particles Appendices 1 & 2’ 1990 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence with G.B. Wallis and L. Gibilaro, papers by Wallis, etc. B.126-B.131 ‘Monsoon paper’ 1967, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: figures, manuscript drafts and working, offprint and and Geophysics] General Assembly paper. [International Geodesy Union !IUGG_ of M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 24 Research, B.1-B.177 B.132-B.142 ‘Monsoon stuff’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: manuscript working, notes and drafts. B.143 ‘Sir Eric Denton and Swimming Fishes Papers’ 1989-1990 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence with Denton and two‘notes’by Lighthill ‘Far fields of swimming fishes’ and ‘Estimating the lateral-line pressure differences for swimming fishes in the far fields of other swimming fishes’. B.144-B.151 ‘Theory of the Propulsive Lunate Tail’ 1969, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts entitled ‘Aquatic Animal of High Hydromechanical Efficiency’, offprint of Lighthill's paper ‘Hydromechanics of Aquatic Animal Propulsion’, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 1, 413-446 (1969), manuscript working, etc. Propulsion B.152-B.155 ‘Typescripts’ n.d., 1964 Contents of folder so inscribed. B.152 ‘Proof of a conjecture of Spence’ App typescript. B.153 B.154 ‘Prolegomena to the computation of flow development at moderate Reynolds number’ 3pp manuscript draft and manuscript working. ‘Some Preliminary Notes on the Possibility of Applying Certain Methods of Fluid Dynamics to Certain Problemsof Road Traffic’ (with G.B. Whitham) 13pp typescript and manuscript figures. N.d. N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 25 Research, B.1-B.177 Lighthill and Whitham published a paper in 1955 ‘On kinematic waves. Il. A theory of traffic flow on long crowded roads’, Proc. Roy. Soc. 229, 317-345. B.155 ‘Contribution to the Theory of Surface Currents Generated by Submarine Wake Collapse’ 1964 Typescript draft and manuscript figures for Royal Aircraft Establishment and duplicated typescript copy in RAE covers. technical memorandum DIR. 24 For further RAE memorandabyLighthill see Section D. B.156 ‘Waves in Sea Horses’ 1976-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notestitled ‘A vortex-ring approachto the thrust generated by rippling fins’, offprints by others. B.157-B.160 ‘Weihs papers’ 1972-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: offprints of papers by D. Weihs, Technion, Haifa, Israel, on manoeuvrability of fish, hydromechanics of fish schooling etc, photograph, manuscript and typescript notes, etc. B.161-B.177 Miscellaneous research notes found loose B.161 ‘Otodynamics’ Manuscript notes found clipped together. 1966-1968, n.d. N.d. B.162 Reprint of paper by G.W. Schaefer ‘Energy Requirements of Migratory /B/IS 110 (1968), 413-414, with manuscript notes enclosed Flight, 1968, n.d. B.163-B.176 Papers ?re fluid dynamics found together 1966-1968 Correspondence, bibliographical references, photographs, typescript drafts of papers by R. Hide, manuscript notes, figures etc. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 26 Research, B.1-B.177 Le 14 folders. Papers at B.150 were found inscribed ‘Transverse flow past sphere in rotating fluid [Raymond] HIDE’. in a folder B.177 Unidentified and undated N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER,C.1-C.45 Teaching material. 27 1949-1959, n.d. Most of the material is undated and therefore the assigning of some of the teaching to Manchesteris tentative. this section material in 1946 Lighthill was appointed In in Mathematics at Manchester, and in 1950 became Beyer Professor of Applied Mathematics, a position he held until 1959. Senior Lecturer C.1 ‘Lectures in Applied Mathematics (Honours) Schedules 1955-56 Contents: Preamble and Scheme of Lectures Applied Mathematics Schedules’ 1955 26pp duplicated typescript. C.2 ‘Notes on the Hypergeometric Function’ 9pp duplicated typescript. Manchester. Possibly related to teaching at C.3-C.4 ‘Lectures’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript lecture notes headed ‘Analysis’ and paginated 1-42 (both sides of paper used but only one side numbered). C.5-C.6 ‘Elasticity’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript draft lecture course paginated 1-53. N.d. N.d. N.d. C.7-C.9 ‘Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’ 1955, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript draft lecture course paginated 1- 53: At C.7 are manuscript lecture notes not in Lighthill's hand dated ‘8/6/55’. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 28 University of Manchester, C.1-C.45 C.10-C.12 ‘Mhpp [Magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics] N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript draft lecture course paginated 1- 71. C.13 ‘Mechanics’ Manuscript draft lecture course sotitled paginated I-XXVII (both sides of paper used but only one side numbered). First page headed ‘Lecture 6/11/49’ and subsequently crossed out. C.14 ‘Mechanics’ Manuscript lecture coursesotitled paginated 1-35. C.15-C.17 ‘Univ. Lectures Mech.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript draft paginated 1-26, unpaginated notes, typescript examples, Parsec MUAS [Manchester University Astronomical Society] Magazine SummerTerm [1959]. duplicated The duplicated typescript Summer Term 1959’ relates to ‘H.1. Mechanics. C.18-C.21 ‘H2 Mech.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript draft lecture course paginated 1-53, duplicated typescript examples. C.22-C.24 ‘Methods’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: variously paginated sequences of manuscript notes, 1-33, 1-29, 48-70. The first page of the first sequence is headed ‘Methods of Mathematical Physics’. Lighthill uses both sides of the paper but only numbers one 1949 N.d. 1959 N.d. N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 29 University of Manchester, C.1-C.45 side. C.25-C.29 ‘Old F.D. [Fluid Dynamics] Notes’ N.d. C.25 C.26 C.27 C.28 C.29 Contents of folder so inscribed: variously paginated and titled manuscript notes and duplicated example sheets. Example sheets and sequence of notes paginated 1-14 (both sides used, only one side numbered) and headed on first page ‘Two-dimensional Potential Theory’, page 14 headed ‘Theory of Aerofoil Design’. Example sheet and sequence of notes paginated 1-19 (both headed ‘Hydrodynamics’ numbered) sides used, only side Sequence of manuscript notes paginated I-XXV (both sides used, headed ‘Hydrodynamics (H2ii)’ numbered) only side one_- and_ Sequence of manuscript notes paginated 1-18 (both sides used, headed ‘Hydrodynamics’ numbered) side only and one_- Sequence of notes paginated 1-31 (both sides used, only one side numbered) and headed ‘Dynamics of a Viscous Gas’ C.30-C.36 ‘Old Lectures’ 1951, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: variously paginated and titled manuscript notes, etc C.30 Includes manuscript notes headed ‘P1A’ and ‘Vector Algebra’ and duplicated typescript ‘Terminal Examination, January 1951’ for ‘1st Year Honours Techniques’ C.31 Manuscript notes headed ‘Vectors’ paginated 1-20 (both M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 30 University of Manchester, C.1-C.45 sides of paper used, only one side numbered) Untitled manuscript notes paginated 20-34 (both sides of paper used, only oneside paginated) Manuscript notes paginated 6-18 (both sides of paper used, only one side numbered) First pagetitled ‘Systems of Particles’. Manuscript notes paginated 1-24 (both sides of paper used, only one side numbered) First pagetitled ‘Flexure of Beams’. Untitled manuscript notes paginated 19-38 (both sides of paper used, only one side numbered) C.32 C.33 C.34 C.35 C.36 ‘Electrostatics’ Manuscript notes so titled paginated 35-39 (both sides of paper used, only one side of paper numbered). C.37 ‘The Operational Method of Solving Differential Equations with Initial Conditions’ Manuscript notessotitled paginated 1-9. C.38 ‘Techniques & Mechanics’ Manuscript lecture notes so titled paginated 1-12 (both sides of paper used, only one side numbered) and examples. N.d. N.d. C.39-C.42 ‘Turbulence’ 1950, 1954, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: offprints, 1954; manuscript notes for lectures paginated 1-70; manuscript working. 1950, M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 University of Manchester, C.1-C.45 C.43-C.44 ‘Vibration and Waves’ Manuscriptlectures notessotitled paginated 1-49. 2 folders. C.45 ‘Viscosity’ 31 N.d. N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes headed ‘Viscosity’, ‘Range of Reynolds numbers’, ‘Flow at small Reynolds headed ‘Turbulence’, paginated 1-3 (both sides used, only one side numbered). manuscript notes number’, etc.; M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 32 SECTION D ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT(RAE), FARNBOROUGH, D.1-D.24 1959-1968 Lighthill was Director of RAE, Farnborough, 1959-1964. D.1-D.7 ‘Director - Personal and Confidential Correspondence’ 1959-1964 Contents of folder so inscribed. D.1 1959-1962 Includes letter of appointment as Director, 21 August 1959 and letter extending appointmentfor a further three years, 5 November1962. D.2 1963 January - June Includes letter from Royal Society offering Lighthill a Royal Society Research Professorship, 20 June and letter from Imperial College Rector Sir Patrick Linstead, expressing his delight that Lighthill would like to hold it at the College, 26 June. D.3 D.4 1963 July - December 1964 January - April letter of from Lighthill's Includes the Directorship, 18 February and typescript of Lighthill’s talk to senior staff announcing his resignation and reviewing his work at the RAE (see also D.20). resignation D.5 1964 May - June Includes Lighthill’s list ‘of really distinguished outsiders who could be considered for the R.A.E. post’, 11 May, and Lighthill's curriculum vitae, list of publications and sketch plan of accommodation requirements sent to Secretary of Imperial College, 27 May. D.6 1964 July - August M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 33 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, D.1-D.24 letter Includes Lighthill's to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Aviation, 5 August 1964, summarising his period at the RAE asfollows: ‘I see that, on behalf of the R.A.E., | have been the general who won all his battles exceptthe last one - and lost the war. Now | have, simply, to cut my losses, and console myself with the fact that | have wastedonlyfive years of mylife’. 1964 September - October ‘Transcript of the Speech madeby the Director to members of Chemistry Department and Metallurgy & Physics Department at the Assembly Hall on the 1st November, 1962’ 1962 D.7 D.8 D.9-D.24 Technical Memoranda and Reports 1960-1968 See also B.155. D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 ‘The Statistical Approach to the Work of the R.A.E’, draft Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 4 N.d. [1960] ‘Where are we going Technical Memorandum no:DIR. 5 scientifically in aeronautics?’, November 1962 ‘Formation Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 9 of Weapons and Space Departments’, January 1962 Organisation ‘Future Aircraft Establishment on Airborne Electrical, Electro-Mechanical and Electronic Equipment’, Technical Memorandum no: Dir. 11 of Work at Royal the July 1962 ‘A Brief Account of the Organisation of the Royal Aircraft Establishment’, Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 13 November 1962 ‘Speedy and Effective Written Communication of the Results Technical Work at RA.E.’, D. of R. & November 1962 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, D.1-D.24 Memorandum no: DIR. 14 34 November 1962 December 1962 D.15 D.16 D.17 D.18 D.19 D.20 D.21 D.22 D.23 ‘Formation Departments’, Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 15 Chemistry, Physics and of Metallurgy and ‘U.K. Memorandum no: DIR. 16 European Potential in Space’, Technical ‘Notes on a Visit to U.S.A. Lasting from 19th January to 2nd February, 1963’, Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 18 February 1963 ‘The Use of the P.S.O. Grade at R.A.E. Discussed in Relation to the Treasury Requestfor Information regarding Ageing Scientists’, Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 19 N.d. ‘The Case for More P.S.O.’s at the R.A.E.’, Technical Memorandum no: DIR. 20 January 1964 ‘Five years at the Royal Aircraft Establishment’, Technical Memorandum no:DIR. 22 April 1964 See also D.4. ‘Computers Memorandum no: DIR. 23 in the Work of the R.A.E.’, Technical May 1964 ‘Future Research at Very High Speeds and the Prospects of Applications in the Field’, R.A.E. Report no. AERO. 2667 May 1962 Lighthill is not listed as a contributor to this Report (see p.13). ‘Report of the Working Party on Short Range Minimum Cost Air Transport’, Report no. AERO 2686 January 1964 The Report presented findings of a working party under the chairmanship of Lighthill as Director of the RAE. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 35 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, D.1-D.24 D.24 ‘Bibliography on Sonic Bangs’, Library Bibliography no. 287 January 1968 Foundwith Lighthill's RAE papers. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 36 SECTION E IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, E.1-E.25 1964-1970 Lighthill was Royal Society Research Professor at Imperial College, 1964-1969. E.1-E.5 Royal Society Research Professorship 1964-1970 Correspondencewith the Royal Society re Lighthill’s Royal Society Research Professorship at Imperial. Includes research reports and budgets. announcement and terms of appointment, 5 folders. E.6-E.17A Physiological Flow Studies Unit (PFSU) 1964-1967 The Physiological Flow Studies Unit was established at Imperial College London in 1966 within the Department of Aeronautics. The Unit's work covered the areas ofarterial and respiratory fluid mechanics. C.G. Caro, a physiologist at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London first approached Lighthill in November 1964 about collaboration with a mathematician or fluid dynamicist. He became Director of the Physiological Flow Studies Unit. E.6-E.17 divided of PFSU’. Contents of folder so ‘Origins inscribed reference: correspondence and papers re the establishment of the Unit at Imperial includes fund raising, lecture programmes and research. Lighthill's for ease of into twelve 1964-1967 The principal correspondent is the Unit’s Director, C.G. Caro. E.17A Signed best wishescard ‘from the P.F.S.U’ N.d. Undated, but very possibly sent to mark Lighthill leaving Imperial for Cambridge in 1969. E.18-E.22 Teaching material 1966-1967 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Basic Mechanics Lectures’ divided paginated reference: for ease into five of M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 37 Imperial College London, E.1-E.25 manuscript draft lecture course, manuscript notes, course outline etc. Lighthill lectured on physics and mathematical topics to physiologists and doctors interested in research. E.23-E.25 Farewell Lecture, with film on the topic ‘Aerodynamical Sound Generation’, 15 July 1969 1969 Lecture notice and manuscript and duplicated typescript. 3 folders. The lecture notice explains that the film was prepared by Lighthill and J.E. Ffowcs Williams under the auspices of the US National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films. Lighthill gave a short lecture in the form of a general introduction before the film was shown. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 SECTION F UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, F.1-F.67 38 1966-1979, n.d. Lighthill was Lucasian Cambridge, 1969-1979. Professor of Mathematics at F.1-F.49 TEACHING MATERIAL F.50-F.64 TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE F.65-F.67 ‘CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SWIMMING POOL’ F.1-F.49 TEACHING MATERIAL F.1-F.7 ‘Aerodynamic Sound Generation’ reference: Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of manuscript working, duplicated papers for Part Ill of the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos, etc. manuscript drafts, offprints, F.8-F.38 Biological Fluid Dynamics F.8-F.11 ‘BFD General Description Pt 1 of course’ Contents of folder so inscribed. F.8 F.9 Manuscript examination questions and mathematical exercises duplicated notes and papers including 3 photographs of Lighthill with ? Japanese colleagues, one dated 1977 1966-1979, n.d. 1968-1973 1966-1978 1969-1978 1977-1978 F.10 ‘Mathematical Biofluiddynamics Notebook’ N.d. The ‘notebook’ comprises duplicatedillustrative material for four lectures on mechanics of fish swimming, flagellar hydrodynamics, aerodynamics of animal forward flight and M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 University of Cambridge,F.1-F.67 animal soaring and hovering and may have been prepared to accompanya course oflectures given by Lighthill on a visit from Cambridge. It is described on the front cover as presented by Sir James Lighthill as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. Balt ‘Natural Flight & Related Aeronautics 1969 Report on Beating Wings & Fins’ by JamesL.G. Fitz Patrick, Staten Island Community College, City University New York F.12-F.17 ‘High - R Aquatic Animal Locomotion Pt 3 of course’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: manuscript notes, transparenciesetc. 39 1969 N.d. F.18-F.19 ‘Introduction to the Scaling of Aerial Locomotion Pt 4 of course’ 1973, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, duplicated papers including draft by Lighthill on ‘Bioaerodynamics of hovering flight’, offprint. F.20 ‘Internal Biofluiddynamics (general) including Secondary Flow Part 5 of course’ 1973, n.d. of folder so Contents notes, duplicated papers, letter from Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington D.C., etc. manuscript inscribed: F.21-F.27 ‘Arterial Disease Part 6 of course’ 1966-1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript notes, offprints, etc. F.28-F.38 ‘Microcirculation Part 7 of course’ 1968-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: manuscript notes, offprints. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 40 University of Cambridge, F.1-F.67 F.39-F.45 ‘Mathematical Methods’ 1977-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: schedules of lecture courses for Mathematical Tripos 1978-1979, course questionnaires (filled in by students), manuscript notes and workings, etc. F.46-F.49 Bundle of manuscript notes found with teaching material but notidentified as such 1979, n.d. 4 folders. F.50-F.64 TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 1974-1975 ‘The campaign for changesin statutes at Trinity, which led to the admission of women’. Contents of folder so inscribed reference: fifteen duplicated committee papers, Lighthill's manuscript notes, etc. for ease of divided into F.65-F.67 ‘CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SWIMMING POOL’ 1973-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re swimming pool developments in Cambridge University, principally a proposal for a joint Churchill College / Trinity College swimming pool. At F.66 are Sports Council TUS [Technical Unit for Sport] Bulletin 1 Public Indoor Swimming Pools, and papers found enclosed within it. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 41 SECTION G UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON, G.1-G.66 1976-1998 Lighthill was Provost of University College London, 1979- 1989. G.1-G.21 INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING G.22-G.37 PROVOST’S SPEECHES G.38-G.64 CORRESPONDENCE G.65-G.66 MISCELLANEOUS G.1-G.21 INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING G.1-G.17 ‘UCL’ 1985-1989, n.d. 1985-1989, n.d. Contents of Lighthill's box folder so inscribed divided into seventeen for ease of reference: a sequence of documents principally relating to institutional planning presented in the order found. Papers covering the last years of Lighthill's Provostship predominate (though a significant number are undated) and include papers relating to 1988 visit to UCL of the University Grants Council main committee. Addressesby the Provost are at G.5 and G.7. G.18-G.19 ‘University College London Response to UGC [University Grants Committee] Questionnaire’ N.d. 71pp typescript, undated but relates to the planning period 1983/4 to 1989/90. 2 folders. G.20 ‘Revised Institutional Plan and Financial Forecasts to 1991-92’ June 1988 Duplicated typescript booklet. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 42 University College London, G.1-G.66 G.21 ‘University Enlarged UCL’ College London Academic Aims for the n.d. Duplicated typescript booklet. G.22-G.37 PROVOST’S SPEECHES 1976-1988 See also G.5, G.7 and G.41. G.22-G.31 ‘Provost’s Speeches 1979/80’ 1976-1988, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts (predominantly manuscript) for Provost's speeches at a number of UCL occasionsincluding reception of Freshers, annual Assembly of Faculties, Schools Conference, and inauguration of Fellows. Many notes are undated but clearly cover a longer period of Lighthill’s provostship than the folder title suggests. At G.31 is ‘Speech by Lord Annan Provost of University College at the Foundation Oration Monday 8 March 1976’. G.32-G.37 Miscellaneous speeches G.32 G.33 G.34 ‘Pasts, Present and a Future’, Founders Day Astor Lecture, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London, 6 July 1982 Typescript draft, correspondencere arrangements. 1982-1986, n.d. 1981-1982 ‘Mansion House Dinner- 5th May 1983 - Provost’s Speech’ 1983 2 typescript drafts. ‘Provost's Speech for the Assembly of Faculties on 22 June 1983’ 1983 Typescript draft. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 43 University College London, G.1-G.66 G.35 ‘The Crabtree Oration’ on ‘Crabtree’s Theorem’ 1986 Typescript draft. n.d. n.d. 1971-1998 1971-1991 G.36 G.37 Speech proposing the toast to the University of London ‘UCL andits Quadrangle: a brief retrospect’ Typescript draft, undated but appears to have been written in connexion with an anniversary appeal. Found with drafts of a numberof the Provost’s speeches. G.38-G.64 CORRESPONDENCE G.38-G.55 ‘Provost’s Personal Letters’ Contents of folder so inscribed. G.38 1971-1977 Pension arrangements. G.39 1978-1979 Lighthill's appointment as Provost. G.40 1980 G.41-G.43 1981 3 folders. G.41 includes ‘Speech by Sir James Lighthill, Provost of University College London, in honour of the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Rt Hon. Sir See Woosagar Ramgoolam’, 10 February. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 44 University College London, G.1-G.66 G.44 G.45 1982 1983 G.46-G.47 1984 2 folders. G.48 1984-1988 G.49-G.52 1989 4 folders. Includes retirement from the Provostship. correspondence and papers re_ Lighthill’s G.53-G.54 1990 2 folders. G.55 1991 G.56-G.58 Miscellaneous correspondence 1979-1998 G.56 G.57 G.58 1979 1989-1991 1989, 1998 G.59-G.64 Copies of faxes announcing Lighthill’s death July 1998 These were sent from the Department of Mathematics at M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 45 University College London, G.1-G.66 UCL underthe signature of the head of department D.G. Larman. 6 folders. A little sequence. incoming correspondence is included in the G.65-G.66 MISCELLANEOUS 1981-1989 G.65 Record book for attendance at UCL society or club 1981-1984 The record runs from the inaugural meeting, 18 May [1981] to the eleventh meeting, 9 February 1984. The society president. is not identified. Lighthill was honorary G.66 Card for ‘Sir James Lighthill FRS Provost of University College London 1979-1989’, signed by UCL Vice-Provosts and Deans ‘with admiration, affection and gratitude’ March 1989 The card was to accompanythe gift of a print to Lighthill. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 46 SECTION H PUBLICATIONS, H.1-H.196 1944-1999 H.1-H.137 OWNPUBLICATIONS H.138-H.180 OFFPRINTS H.181-H.195 PUBLICATIONS OF OTHERS H.196 CORRESPONDENCE REPUBLICATIONS H.1-H.137 OWNPUBLICATIONS 1956-c.1998 A chronological sequenceof drafts and related material for Lighthill's publications H.1 ‘SummerMeeting of the Physical Society’ 1956 6pp typescript sent to Nature, 25 July 1956. H.2-H.14 An Introduction to Fourier and Generalised Functions, Cambridge University Press, 1958 1958-1964 H.2-H.12 ‘An. F.A. & G.F.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference, proofs and manuscript and typescriptdrafts. H.13-H.14 Reviews 2 folders. H.15 ‘Dynamicsof a Dissociating Gas’ c. 1959 12pp typescript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1959. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 47 Publications, H.1-H.196 H.16 ‘Aeronautical Research’, Financial Times, September 1960 1960 Correspondence, 3pp typescriptdraft. H.17-H.20 Contributions of waves in dispersive systems’, J. Inst. Math. Appl. 2, 1965 theory to the non-linear 1965 ‘Contents of folder inscribed ‘Non-linear Dispersion’ divided into four for ease of reference: typescript draft, figures, correspondenceetc. H.21-H.27 ‘Hydromechanics of Aquatic Animal Propulsion’, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 1, 1969 1969-1970 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Fish HAAP figures’ divided into seven for ease of reference: figures, typescript pages and offprints of 1969 paper and copy of Endeavour, May 1970 with article by Lighthill ‘How do fishes swim?’ H.28 H.29 ‘Aquatic of efficiency’, J. Fluid Mech. 44, 1970 propulsion animal high hydromechanical 1970 Proof copyonly. ‘Large-amplitude elongated-body theory of fish locomotion’, Proc. Roy. Soc. B vol. 179, 1971 Typescript ‘First draft’. 1971 1973 H.30-H.33 ‘On the Weis-Fogh mechanism oflift Generation’, J. Fluid Mech. 60, 1973 Manuscript and typescript drafts, etc. 4 folders. H.33A ‘Mathematical Theories of Fish Swimming’, in Fisheries Mathematics (ed J.H. Steele), London, Academic Press 1977 C. 1977 Typescriptdraft. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 48 Publications, H.1-H.196 H.34-H.36 ‘Wavesin Fluids’, Cambridge University Press, 1978 c. 1978 Reviews. 3 folders. H.37-H.40 ‘A simple fluid-flow model of ground effect on hovering’, J. Fluid. Mech., 1979 c. 1979 Contents of folder divided into four for ease of reference: proof, manuscript drafts and working. H.41 H.42 Monsoon Dynamics, (edited by Lighthill and R.P. Pearce), Cambridge University Press, 1981 c. 1981 Reviewonly. ‘Early Development of an “Acoustic Analogy” Approach to Aeroacoustic [American of Aeronautics and Astronautics] Journal, 1982 Theory’, A/AA Institute 1980-1982 Correspondence, typescriptdraft, proof. H.42A ‘Advantages from Terms of Energy Flow’ Describing Cochlear Mechanics in c.1982 Typescript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1982. Listed in bibliography at A.7 as ‘for Symposium volume Mechanics of Hearing’. H.43-H.48 ‘Keith Stewartson’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 31, 1985 1983-1986 Correspondence, drafts and offprint of memoir. 6 folders. H.49-H.61 An informal introduction Cambridge University Press, 1986 to theoretical fluid dynamics, 1983-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 49 Publications, H.1-H.196 H.49-H.51 Correspondence with Applications, Oxford University Press, etc. re publication Institute of Mathematics and its 1983-1989 3 folders. H.52-H.60 Typescript draft 9 folders. H.61 Reviews H.62-H.70 ‘Fundamentals concerning wave loading structures’, J. Fluid. Mech. 173, 1986 on_ offshore Correspondence re publication including referees’ reports, drafts, offprint etc. Papers relating to this publication include material relating to earlier publication on waves and hydrodynamic loading. 9 folders. H.71-H.74 H.75 H.76 H.77-H.78 recently ‘The Newtonian dynamics’, Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 407, 1986 recognised failure predictability of in 1986-1988 Requests for copies (unindexed); offprint. 4 folders. ‘What is mechanics?’, [MA Bulletin. 1987 1986-1987 Typescript draft, proof, brief correspondence. Towards ‘Epilogue: Fish Biomechanics’, n.d., but while Lighthill was UCL Provost, 1979-1989 Integrated More Fully a Typescriptdraft. J.R. (with Biofluiddynamics of ballistiform and gymnotiform locomotion, Part 1. J. Fluid Mech. 212, 1990, Blake) 1989-1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 50 Publications, H.1-H.196 Parts 2,3 and 4. J. Fluid Mech. 213, 1990 Correspondence, referees’ reports on Part 1, typescript draft of Part 4, etc. 2 folders H.79-H.80 ‘Emendations to a proof in the general three-dimensional theory of oscillating sources of waves’, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 427, 1990 1990 Correspondence, typescript draft etc. 2 folders. H.81-H.82 ‘Sydney Goldstein’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 36, 1990 1989 Correspondence, typescript draft. 2 folders. H.83 Citations Classics essay on Lighthill's 1952 paper ‘On Sound Generated Aerodynamically. |. General Theory’, Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 211, Current Contents, 1991 1990 Correspondence andtypescript draft of Lighthill's ‘essay’ on the background to his 1952 paper. H.84-H.87 ‘Hydrodynamics Approachesin Hydrodynamics (ed. T. Miloh) SIAM, 1991 Mathematical pp3-20 far fields’, of 1990-1992 Correspondence, drafts. 4 folders. H.88 Incomplete untitled manuscript draft paginated 3-22 c. 1991 Latest bibliographical reference 1991. H.89-H.92 ‘Acoustic Streaming in the Ear Itself’, J. Fluid Mech. 239, 1992 1991 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 51 Publications, H.1-H.196 Correspondence, drafts. 4 folders. H.93-H.95 ‘Handbook of Acoustics - Aeroacoustics, Atmospheric Sound’ 1990-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, drafts. Lighthill was the editor of the Handbook’s Section Ill. Aeroacoustics and Atmospheric Sound and wrote the Section’s introductory chapter. H.96-H.98 ‘An introduction to the Nonlinear acoustics of random sawtooth waves’ 1992 Correspondence, drafts. 3 folders. Lighthill proposed a paperofthis title for a special issue of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. H.99-H.101 (with G. Holland, W. Gray, C. Landsea, G. Craig, J. Evans, Y. Kurihara and C. Guard) ‘Global Climate Change and Tropical Cyclones’, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 75, 1994 c.1994 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Global Climate Change and Tropical Cyclones’ divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, drafts. H.102 ‘Fourier Lecture’ 1994 Contents of folder so inscribed: of Mathematics and its Applications, 12 April 1994, enclosing ‘the requested write-up of my recent Lecture in a ‘popular’ version suitable for the IMA Bulletin’ and typescript draft entitled ‘Can Fourier Asymptotics be stood on its head?’ Institute letter to H.103 ‘Ocean tides from Newton to Pekeris (The Inaugural Pekeris Memorial Lecture)’, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1995 1993-1996 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Ocean Paper’: M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 52 Publications, H.1-H.196 correspondence, draft. H.104-H.115 ‘Chapter 10. Fluid Mechanics’, Twentieth-Century Physics (edited by Laurie M. Brown, Abraham Pais and Brian Pippard), Bristol; New York: Institute of Physics Publishing: American Institute of Physics, c1995. 1992-1995 Correspondencewith editor Brian Pippard and Institute of Physics Publishing, drafts, etc. 12 folders. H.116 AAT? ‘Internal Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 23, 1996 initial-value related waves and problems’, 1994 Letter to editor, draft. ‘Reinterpreting theorem hydrodynamics’, J. Engrg. Math. 30, 1996 basic the of flagellar 1994 Typescript drafts, August 1994. H.118-H.119 ‘Helical distributions of stokelets’, J. Engrg. Math. 30, 1996 1995 Correspondence, drafts. 2 folders. H.120 ‘The lateral line’s role in active drag reduction by clupeoid fishes’, pp35-48 of Biological Fluid Dynamics (ed C.P. Ellington and T.J. Society for Experimental Biology, 1995 Pedley). 1994 Typescript draft dated 7 July 1994. H.121 ‘Recent advancesin interpreting hearing sensitivity’, /nt. J. Acoust. Vib. 3, 1996 1995 Correspondence, drafts. H.122 Collected Papers of Sir James Lighthill, edited by M. 1993-1997 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 53 Publications, H.1-H.196 Yousuff Hussaini, Oxford University Press, 1997 Correspondencewith editor, permissions requests, letters of thanks from those receiving complimentary copies. H.123 ‘Extending the fluid mechanicsofair-sea interaction to ever higher wind speeds’ c.1997 Typescript Euromech Newsletter’. of ‘James Lighthill's draft contribution to H.124 H.125 H.126 ‘A simplified model for spatio-temporal distributions of ocean spray droplets’ Typescript draft dated 26 March 1997. probabilistic A ocean-spray distribution in extreme Tropical Cyclone winds’, Mausam 48, 1997 model for estimating 1997 1997 Typescript draft dated, 21 May 1997. ‘Fluid Mechanics of Tropical Cyclones’, Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 10, 1998 c.1998 Typescriptdraft. H.127-H.127A ‘Ocean Spray and the Thermodynamics of Cyclones’, J. Engrg. Math., 1998 Tropical 1998 Typescript drafts and related correspondence. 2 folders. H.128 ‘A Century of Shock Wave Dynamics’, /nt. J. Acoust. Vib., 1998 c.1998 Typescriptdraft. H.129 ‘From good TC track forecasts towards good EW of c. 1998 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 54 Publications, H.1-H.196 intensity changes’ Typescript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1998. H.130 ‘Magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics’ N.d. Manuscript draft beginning ‘Readers of this magazine may be interested to hear of the latest activity of the applied research school - by which | mean the research team which is made up of the staff and research students in applied mathematics’. H.131 ‘Computational Methods in Aeronautical Fluid Dynamics’ N.d. Typescript draft ‘Preface’. H.132 ‘The doldrums for Cambridge mathematics’ Typescript draft ?for publication. H.132A ‘A note on Critical Ratios’ Typescript draft ? for publication. H.133-H.137 ReviewsbyLighthill Typescript drafts, etc. 5 folders. N.d. N.d. c.1956- c.1986 H.138-H.180 OFFPRINTS 1944-1998, n.d. A set of offprints and similar of Lighthill’s publications. Incomplete. H.138-H.141 1940s 1944-1949 Includes a number of Ministry of Supply Aeronautical M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 55 Publications, H.1-H.196 Research Council Reports and Memoranda. 4 folders. H.142-H.146 1950s 5 folders. H.147-H.155 1960s 9 folders. H.156-H. 164 1970s 9 folders. H.165-H.167 1980s 3 folders. H.168-H.179 1990s 12 folders. H.180 N.d. H.181-H.195 PUBLICATIONS OF OTHERS H.181-H.184 ‘Feedback Systems’ 1979-1988 1979-1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and drafts ‘booklet’ on feedback systems. of seems to booklet The an ICMI/CTS/UNESCO Booklet programme directed by Alan Rogerson. Lighthill prepared the original outline sketch of the booklet which was then written by Patricia Bennett. been have part of M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 56 Publications, H.1-H.196 H.185-H.195 ‘Prof Liron’s paper Prof MS Longuet-Higgins Dale Martin papers’ 1983-1988 Contents of box folder so labelled. H.185-H.188 Typescript drafts of four papers by N. Liron, Department of Mathematics, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology 4 folders. H.189-H.192 Typescript drafts of four ‘fascinating “bubbles” papers’ by M.S. Longuet-Higgins with letter of thanks from Lighthill 4 folders. H.193-H.195 draft paper on Typescript multidimensional complex variables by E. Dale Martin. NASA Ames Research Centre, Moffett and correspondence between Lighthill and Martin about the paper. appendices California, Field, two 1983 1988 1986 3 folders. H.196 CORRESPONDENCE RE PUBLICATIONS 1987-1999 Miscellaneous shorter correspondencere publications. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 SECTION J LECTURES, J.1-J.130 bf 1954-1997, n.d. A chronological sequenceof drafts and related material for Lighthill’s public and invitation lectures. At the end of the chronological sequence is undated material including transparencies and drawings forslides, J.102-J.129. At J.130 is the draft of a radio broadcast by Lighthill presented here for convenience. J.1-J.15 ‘(Early) Public Lectures’ N.d., 1954 Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. The drafts are titled but there is no indication of location or occasion and they are undated. A letter foundin thefile is dated in 1954. The drafts are presented in the order found. ‘Fundamentals of Science’, ‘Science & Government’ and ‘Space’ Manuscript notesfor lecturessotitled. ‘Frontiers of Applied Mathematics’ Manuscript notessotitled, manuscript working. Carbon copy of letter from Lighthill to J.L. Matheson, Engineering Department, [University of Manchester], 6 July 1954 With manuscript inscription at head of first page ‘Basis of lecture Squeaks; or why things won't pull smoothly’. ‘The Arts and the Sciences: some comparisons’ Manuscriptdraft. Untitled manuscript draft relating to an occasion at the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy In Italian. J.14 J.2 J.3 J.4 J.5 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 58 J.6 J.7 J.8 J.9 J.10 J.14 J.12 J.13 Lectures, J.1-J.130 ‘Amateur fluid dynamics, or enlightened water-watching’ Typescript draft with manuscript note at head offirst page ‘Memo: NOTagain!’ See also J.11. ‘Applied mathematics at school and university’ Manuscriptdraft. ‘Cavitation’ Manuscriptdraft. ‘Lecture: Aeronautical Research’ Typescript notes. ‘Howtheair resists the flight of a shell’ Manuscript draft. ‘Amateur fluid dynamics, or enlightened water-watching’ Typescript draft, manuscriptillustrations. See also J.6. ‘Lecture - Cnoidal Waves and Bores’, ‘Lecture - Sound Generated Aerodynamically’ and ‘The General Circulation of the Atmosphere’ Manuscriptdrafts sotitled. ‘Shock wave boundary layer interaction’ and ‘Non-uniform shock propagation’ Manuscriptdrafts sotitled. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 59 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.14 ‘Emmons’ Manuscript notes. J.15 J.16 VAT ‘Viscosity Effects in High Speed Flow’, ‘Some notes on turbulence in a stably stratified temperature field’ and ‘Theoretical considerations on homogeneous turbulencein a stably stratified temperaturefield’ Manuscript notessotitled. ‘Synopsis Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium’, Bristol, 1962 of a speech given the at Fourth British 1962 Title page and 5pp typescript ‘synopsis’. ‘Original drawings for Jet Noise Lecture (Wilbur Wright)’ 1963 Contents of folder so inscribed. See also J.126. Je8. ‘An. Lectures on F.A. & G.F’ 1964 Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes titled and ‘Generalised programme Mathematical Colloquium, Leicester, 31 March - April 4, 1964’. Functions Analysis’ Sixteenth Fourier and of the British Lighthill was scheduled to talk on ‘Asymptotic properties of Fourier integrals and of solutions of partial differential equations’. J.19-J.29 ‘Reynolds Lecture’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: typescript draft titled ‘Turbulence’, figures, manuscript notes and drafts, etc. Papers at J.25-J.27 were found in a folder (within the principal folder) inscribed ‘Turbulence’ and papers at J.29 werefound in a folder (within the principal folder) inscribed ‘Draft / Transition Report’. N.d. /... M.J. Lighthil NCUACS 175/6/09 60 Lectures, J.1-J.130 Latest bibliographical reference 1969. J.30-J.33 ‘Ocean Science’ N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes, typescriptdraft etc. At J.30 is Annual Report of the President to the Congress on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, together with the Report of the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, Marine Science Affairs, April 1971. J.34 J.35 ‘Aquatic Animal Locomotion’, Fifteenth Hugh Macmillan Memorial Lecture, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1973 1973, 1991 Published text 1973, letter from Lighthill lending a copy of the text, 31 July 1991. ‘Bridging the chasm separating examination questions (even‘difficult’ ones) from real-world problems (even ‘easy’ ones)’, |.M.A. Symposium on Mathematical Skills and Qualities Needed in Graduate Entrants to Industry and Commerce, 3 May 1977 1977 Typescriptdraft. J.36-J.43 ‘The Interaction between Mathematics and Society’, First Naylor Lecture, London Mathematical Society, 11 March 1977 1976-1977 Brief correspondence re arrangements, transparenciesetc. 8 folders. J.44 ‘Turbulence: a general introduction’, Warwick Symposium on Dynamical 10 December 1979 Stability & Turbulence, Systems, 1978-1979 Brief correspondencere arrangements, transparencies and published text. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 J.45 Lectures, J.1-J.130 ‘Academic Lecture, Royal Society of Arts, 27 February 1980 innovation’, Frederick Inaugural 61 Constable 1980 Offprint only. See also J.47. J.46-J.47 ‘Spoken Version of UCL Past, Present and Future’ 1980 letter, schedule etc re Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, May 1980; typescript draft of lecture paginated 7-64; proof of Royal Society of Arts Lecture (see J.45). Lighthill visit of Annual Institutions] Manchester North West Lecture CEI on [Council of ‘Bloomsbury Engineering Engineering’, [1981] 1986 1987 1988 J.48 J.49 Typescript draft, undated but Lighthill refers to his lecturing to the Royal Society of Arts ‘early last year’. a ‘ls. Lecture’, University College London, 21 October 1986 Predictable?’, Pendulum’s Motion ‘Lunch-Hour Contents of Lighthill’s folder labelled with lecture title as above: brief correspondence, programme of ‘Lunch-Hour Lectures’, typescript draft of lecture by Lighthill titled “The recently recognised failure of predictability in Newtonian dynamics’, with manuscript revision, etc. Lighthill lectured on ‘The recently recognised failure of predictability in Newtonian dynamics’ at a Royal Society / British Academy Discussion Meeting, March 1986 (see L.48-L.54). J.50 Untitled talk by Lighthill as guest speaker at Save British Science Society meeting, October 1987 Typescriptdraft. J.51-J.54 ‘La Mécanique, trois siécles aprés Newton’, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 22 April 1988 Correspondencere arrangements, typescript drafts, etc. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 62 Lectures, J.1-J.130 In French. 4 folders. J.55 Address to AGM of the Research, 20 January 1989 Fellowship of Operational 1988-1989 correspondence Brief information. re arrangements, background There is no text for Lighthill’s address but there are papers re visit to Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (see K.706- K.713). Lighthill d‘Evaluation of French institutions of higher education. talk on his work for the Comité offered to J.56 Speech to Chartered Institute of Building Dinner, Guildhall London, 21 February 1989 Typescript and manuscript drafts. J.57-J.60 ‘Some challenging new applications for basic mathematical methods in the mechanics of fluids that were originally Inaugural pursued with Goldstein Memorial Lecture, Manchester, 11 October 1989 aeronautical aims’, 1989 1989 Correspondence, typescript drafts, etc. 4 folders. J.61-J.65 ‘Biomechanics of Hearing Sensitivity’, The 1989 Rayleigh Lecture, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, 14 December 1989 1989-1990 J.61-J.64 ‘ASME Lecture’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence re preparation of published version, author’s proof, typescript drafts. J.65 Typescript draft of lecture found separately. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.66 Behaviour of ‘Asymptotic Anisotropic Wave Systems Stimulated by Oscillating Sources’, Fritz Ursell Retirement Meeting, Manchester, 29 April 1990 Correspondence, typescriptdraft. J.67-J.68 ‘Research in mechanics during CISM’sfirst two decades- and possible future developments’, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, 23 May 1990 Correspondence, manuscript notes. transparenciesetc. 2 folders. Lighthill gave his lecture at the CISM 20th Anniversary Conference on Mechanics and System and Information Theory. 63 1990 1990 J.69 J.70-J.74 ‘New discoveries (1987-89) on mechanisms underlying hearing’, Canadian Applied Mathematics Society, May 1990 1989-1990 Typescript draft as prepared for publication. Society]-IMS[Institute ‘Biofluiddynamics: a survey’, 1991 Joint AMS[American Mathematical Mathematical Appled Statistics]-SIAM and Mathematics] on Biofluiddynamics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 7 July 1991 of Industrial [Society Summer for Research Conference 1990-1992 This wasthe title of Lighthill's opening lecture. He also gave a specialised lecture on ‘Acoustic Streaming in the Ear’. J.70 Biofluiddynamics - A Survey (Seattle General ‘14991 Lecture)’ 1991 Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript ‘top copy’ of Lighthill’s lecture. J.71-J.74 ‘Biofluiddynamics Conference Seattle 1991 6th - 12th July 2 Lectures’ 1990-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 64 Lectures, J.1-J.130 reference: correspondence re arrangements, typescript draft for general lecture with slight manuscript revision, transparenciesetc. J.75 ‘Chaos: A Historical Perspective (IUGG symposium talk) in Symposium volume 1991-2’ 1991 Contents of folder so inscribed: brief correspondence re publication of Lighthill’s introductory lecture; typescript draft of Lighthill’s lecture as prepared for publication. J.76-J.77 ‘La Mechanique dans la Biologie Moderne (Humphrey Davy Lecture) in La Vie des Sciences 1991-2 (Also SorbonneLecture herein)’ 1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript draft of Lighthill's Humphrey Davy lecture as submitted to La Vie des Sciences and typescript ‘top copy’ of Lighthill's Sorbonne Lecture on the same topic. In French. J.78-J.80 ‘Biomechanics of Hearing Sensitivity’, Ascher H. Shapiro Lecture in Fluid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 19-23 February 1992 1991-1992 Contents of Lighthill's folder divided into three for ease of reference; correspondence re arrangements, background papersrevisit to MIT. No text was foundfor Lighthill’s lecture. J.81-J.83 ‘A General Introduction to Aeroacoustics and Atmospheric Sound’, Recent Developments in Air- and Structure-Borne Sound and Vibration, Auburn University, Alabama, USA, March 1992 International 2nd_ Congress on 1992 arrangements, transparencies for Correspondence re Lighthill's lecture. 3 folders. J.84 ‘Aerodynamic Noise’, Noise-93 Conference, St Petersburg, Russia 1992-1993 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 65 Lectures, J.1-J.130 Contents typescript ‘top copy’ of Lighthill's paper. Lighthill's folder: of brief correspondence, J.85 ‘Aeroacoustical Uses of Green’s Functions’ 1993 Contents of Lighthill's folder: letter re publication, typescript ‘top copy’ of Lighthill's paper. Lighthill gave the paper at a meeting at Nottingham to mark the bicentenary of the mathematician George Green. J.86-J.92 ‘Hurricane Dynamics Lecture at Natural History Museum, [London] 12th October 1993’ 1993-1996 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: including transparencies. correspondence papers and In addition to the Natural History Museum occasion, there are papersrelating to a number of other meetings including ‘ICTAM ‘95 Symposium on Large Scale Hazards’ and the International and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 6-8 November 1996 which was held in Lighthill’s honour. Symposium Theoretical on Papers presentedin order found. J.92A ‘Civil Engineers UK Links to Global Endeavour’ 1993 Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript draft ‘UK Links to Global Endeavour’ and letter to President-Elect of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 8 November 1993. May relate to presentation by Lighthill at an Institution of Civil Engineers occasion. J.93 ‘Fluid Mechanics and Aeronautics’, Institute of Physics Annual Congress, 11 April 1994 1994 Transparenciesetc. Lighthill's paper was part Celebration’ at the Congress. of a ‘Rayleigh Centenary M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 66 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.94 ‘IMA [Institute of Mathematics and its Applications] Fourier Paper’ 1994 Contents of folder so inscribed: transparencies, manuscript draft, and typescript ‘requested write-up’ of lecture suitable for IMA Bulletin. Lighthill's lecture was titled ‘Can Fourier Asymptotics be stood on its head?’ J.95 J.96 J.97-J.100 J.101 ‘Flows Mathematics Colloquium, Loughborough University, 1996 spirochetes’, spinning around British Applied Abstract and transparencies. ‘Typhoons, Lecture, ICTAM Congress, Kyoto, Japan, August 1996 Hurricanes and Fluid Mechanics’, Closing Contents of Lighthill's folder ‘Cyclone Paper for Japan’: correspondenceandtypescriptdraft of Lighthill's lecture. ‘Typhoons, Hurricanes and Fluid Mechanics’, The 1996-97 Di Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, 27 February 1997 Rensselaer Memorial Lecture, Prima Transparencies. 4 folders. ‘Ocean Spray modelling for Tropical Cyclone wind speeds’, Fluid University, Netherlands, 11 April 1997 Symposium, Dynamics Twente Contents of folder inscribed ‘Twente Paper’: typescript draft of papergiven by Lighthill on the occasion of the retirement of Leen van Wijngaarden. J.102-J.105 ‘Acoustic Streaming’ Transparenciesetc. 4 folders. 1996 1996 1997 1997 N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.106 ‘Aeroacoustics Transparencies for First Projector’ Contents of folder so inscribed. J.107 ‘Aeroacoustics Transparencies for Second Projector’ Contents of folder so inscribed. J.108 ‘Bacterial Biofluiddynamics’ Contents of folder so inscribed: transparencies. J.109-J.110 Transparencies for lecture on biomechanics of hearing sensitivity 2 folders. J.111-J.113 ‘Transparencies for biomechanics of hearing sensitivity’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. J.114 ‘Bioméchanique de la Nage chez les Bactéries’ Transparencies. J.115-J.116 ‘Transparencies for A Century of Shock Wave Dynamics’ 2 folders. J.117 ‘Herring: Transparencies for 2nd Projector’ Contents of folder so inscribed. J.118 Transparencies, manuscript notes re herring lecture Found loose. 67 N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.119-J.121 ‘Old Hydrodynamics of Hearing Transparencies’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. J.122 Transparenciesfor lecture on oceans Contents of untitled folder. J.123-J.124 Miscellaneous transparencies, manuscript notes 2 folders. Topics include aeroacoustics and fish locomotion. J.125 ‘V. Surikov’ Volume of reproductions of paintings of the nineteenth century Russian artist Vasily Surikov between the pagesof which have been inserted transparencies for lecture on ?biofluiddynamics. An inscription at the front indicates that the volume was a gift from ‘Mrs Shurigina’ to Lighthill and his wife in 1964. 68 N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. J.126 ‘W.W.[Wilbur Wright] lecture slide material’ 1960, [1963] Slender Contents of envelope so inscribed: ‘Note on the Swimming of Establishment (Farnborough) technical memorandum byLighthill, March, 1960; slide boards, manuscriptdrafts, etc. Fish’, Royal Aircraft See J.17. J.127 ‘Negs. For Figs. Novosibirsk Lectures’ [1965] 8 negatives in wrapper so inscribed. Lighthill visited the USSR including Novosibirsk in June 1965. See L.6-L.16. M.J. Lighthil NCUACS175/6/09 Lectures, J.1-J.130 J.128 ‘Ludwig Prandtl Lecture ... Diagrams’ J.129 J.130 69 N.d. N.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed: slide boards. Undated but further inscription ‘Mrs Harris Director’s office’ implies documents date from Lighthill's Directorship of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, 1959-1964. 11 6 drawingsfor slides with instructions for their preparation for unidentified lecture ‘A Boarding-school for the Mathematically Gifted’ N.d. [1965] Typescript draft for radio broadcast. See also L.12-L.16. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 70 SECTION K SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, K.1-K.713 1962-1998 K.1 K.2 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL K.3-K.13 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY K.14-K.100 INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS K.101-K.119 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ACOUSTICS K.120-K.172 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION (ICMI) K.173-K.463 K.464-K.583 K.584-K.590 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (IUTAM) JOINT MATHEMATICAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM K.591-K.602 MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION K.603-K.609 POST OFFICE BOARD K.610-K.667 ROYAL SOCIETY K.668-K.685 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL K.686-K.699 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY K.700-K.705 UNITED KINGDOM COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION K.706-K.713 UNIVERSITE SCIENTIFIQUE, TECHNOLOGIQUE ET MEDICALE DE GRENOBLE M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 71 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.1 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA 1989-1991 Correspondence and papers. Includes certificate of membership. K.2 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1964 Report of the Working Party on Short Range Minimum Cost Air Transport. The working party was chaired by Lighthill. See also L.1- Ls: K.3-K.13 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(IIT), DELHI 1982-1984 Correspondence and papers, principally re visit to the UK by M.P. Singh, head of the Centre for Atmospheric and Fluids SciencesIIT in 1983 and visit to the IIT by Lighthill in 1984. In India Lighthill gave a paper on ‘The Potential of Modern Large ComputerFacilities’ at a Symposium on Climate and its Variability. He also agreed to give a second ‘talk’ on ‘Waves and the Hydrodynamic Loading of Offshore Structures’. November 1982 - February 1983 Includes programmefor M.P. Singh in the UK. June-July 1983 ‘Centre for Advanced Studies in Atmospheric & Fluid Sciences A brief Review of Research and Developmentsin Atmospheric Sciences’ May 1983 K.3 K.4 K.5 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 72 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.6 Ke K.8 August - October 1983 November - December 1993 January 1984 Includes ‘Report on the visit to India of Dr T.J. Pedley, 23 October - 17 November 1983’ to the British Council and copiedto Lighthill. K.9-K.10 February 1984 2 folders. Includes programme for symposium on climate and its variability (K.9). K.11 ‘The Potential of Modern Large Computer Facilities’ Typescript draft of Lightill’s symposium paper. K.12 February - May 1984 Includes ‘Report to ... British Council by Sir James Lighthill on his visit to IIT, Delhi on 25, 26 and 27 February 1984’. K.13 ‘Centre for Advanced Studies in Atmospheric and Fluids SciencesIndian Institute of Technology, New Delhi A brief to Medium Range Weather report on studies related Forecasting and Climate Variability’ N.d. K.14-K.100 INSTITUTE APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS 1962-1992 The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Lighthill served asits cameinto being on 23 April 1964. first President. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 73 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.14-K.65 K.66-K.93 K.94-K.98 Correspondence and papers IMA Council IMA Conferences K.99-K.100 ‘IMA Book’ K.14-K.65 Correspondenceand papers K.14-K.15 ‘IMA (Earliest)’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1962-1992 1962-1964 Includes ‘Synopsis of speech given at the Fourth British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium, Bristol, 1962’ (K.14). The title page presents the following summary: ‘This speech, which included a suggestion of the possible usefulness of a professional institution serving the needs of British applied mathematicians, is being circulated as a basis for discussion on Wednesday, 4th April, 1963 at the Fifth in Liverpool’. Colloquium Theoretical British Mechanics K.16-K.20 ‘M.A. Memorandum & Articles of Association’ 1963-1965, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed. K.16 K.17 K.18 K.19 IMA Memorandum and Articles of Association 1964 IMA booklets for 1964 and 1965 Mathematical advanced diploma in mathematics Association booklets re diploma and 1963, 1964 and n.d. 3 booklets. Bristol Diploma in Mathematics (Revised October, 1963) of Science and Technology College College M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 74 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.20 Research in Mathematical Physics at Aldermaston N.d. UKAEA Weapons Group printed booklet. K.21-K.26 ‘IMA lectures during my presidency’ 1965-1966 Contents of folder so inscribed: principally correspondence with proposed speakers re arrangements for 1966 IMA programme oflectures. The contents of the folder were divided by the month in which the lectures were delivered. K.21 K.22 K.23 K.24 K.25 K.26 ‘Jan’ ‘Feb’, ‘Mar’ ‘May’, ‘June’ ‘Sept’, ‘Oct’ ‘Nov’, ‘Dec’ ‘First Enquiries’ K.27-K.39 ‘l.M.A. Correspondence (during my Presidency 1964-1966)’ 1964-1966 K.27 K.28 K.29 Contents of folder so inscribed. January - November 1964 December 1964 January 1965 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 75 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.30 K.31 K.32 K.33 K.34 K.35 K.36 K.37 K.38 K.39 February - April 1965 May 1965 the Undergraduate Includes Mathematical Association of America Committee Mathematics on ‘Recommendations on the Undergraduate Mathematics Program for Work in Computing’, May 1964 sent to Lighthill May 1965. Program in June - September 1965 October 1965 November - December 1965 Includes Advance Programme of the Third Congressof the International Federation of Automatic Control’. London, 20- 25 June 1966 January 1966 February 1966 Includes ‘Remarks by the President on presenting a certificate of election to the Inst. first Honorary Fellow Sir Geoffrey Taylor’. March 1966 April - May 1966 July - November 1966 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 76 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.40-K.45 ‘IMA Correspondence 1976-79’ 1976-1979 K.40 K.41 K.42 K.43 K.44 K.45 Contents of folder so inscribed. December 1976 - March 1977 April - May 1977 June - November 1977 Includes copy of speech which Lighthill delivered on 31 May 1977 on the occasion of J.H. Wilkinson being conferred the Honorary Fellowship of the IMA, and copy of lecture at IMA symposium adapted for publication in Times Higher Educational Supplement, June 1977. Lighthill by Lighthill’s IMA lecture wastitled ‘Bridging the Chasm Separating examination questions (even ‘difficult’ ones) from real-world problems (even ‘easy’ ones)’ January - December 1978 January - June 1979 July - December 1979 K.46-K.59 ‘IMA’ 1980-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed. January 1980 February - April 1980 June - November 1980 K.46 K.47 K.48 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 77 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.49 K.50 K.51 K.52 K.53 K.54 K.55 K.56 K.57 K.58 K.59 1981-1982 January - June 1983 July - November 1983 1984 1985 Includes Lighthill's contribution to /MA Bulletin twenty-first anniversary issue. 1986 January - June 1987 July - September 1987 October - December 1987 January - June 1988 July - December 1988 Includes article by Lighthill for special Silver Jubilee issue of the Bulletin. K.60-K.65 ‘|.M.A. 1989 onwards’ 1989-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 78 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.60 February - June 1989 Includes Lighthill's obituary of Sydney Goldstein for the IMA Bulletin (see also K.61). K.61 K.62 K.63 K.64 K.65 July - December 1989 January - June 1990 July - September 1990 November-December 1990 1991-1992 K.66-K.93 IMA Council K.66-K.70 Contents of untitled folder Correspondence and papers re Council business. 1979-1989 1979-1988 K.66 K.67 K.68 K.69 K.70 September, November 1979 1981 1982-1985 1986 1987-1988 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 79 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.71-K.83 Agenda, minutes and papers for Council meetings 1982-1986 K.71-K.74 1982 4 folders. K.75-K.78 1983 4 folders. K.79-K.80 1984 2 folders. K.81-K.82 1985 2 folders. K.83 1986 K.84-K.93 Agenda, minutes and papers for Council meetings 1986-1989 Contents of untitled folder. K.84 1986 K.85-K.87 1987 3 folders. K.88-K.92 1988 5 folders. K.93 1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.94-K.98 IMA Conferences K.94-K.96 Symposium on ‘gains to mathematics teaching from a decision 12 January 1966 Imperial College London, to go metric’, 80 1965-1979 1965-1966 Correspondence re arrangements, programme, manuscript and typescriptdrafts of Lighthill's introductory remarks. 3 folders. K.97 Conference on fisheries mathematics, Aberdeen, 24-26 November 1975 1975-1979 Correspondence of proceedings, programme, abstract of Lighthill's paper. See also L.38-L.44. arrangements, re publication K.98 ‘IMA Symposium 1979’ 1978-1979 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Includes meetings on power from sea waves and road traffic and land transport planning. K.99-K.100 ‘IMA Book’ 1975-1977 Correspondence and papers re IMA project for a book published by Penguin on the ‘Newer Uses of Mathematics’. 2 folders. K.101-K.119 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ACOUSTICS 1978-1989 Correspondence and papers. Lighthill was an associate member of the Commission representing the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics (IUTAM). M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 81 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.101-K.109 ‘.C.A. 10th International Congress Sydney, July 9th to July 16th, 1980’ 1978-1980 Contents of folder so labelled. Lighthill attended three meetings of the Commission during the Congress and gave two papersat the Congress under the general heading ‘Energy Flow in the Cochlea’. Unconfirmed minutes of meeting of the Commission, Brussels, 22-23 May 1978 Lighthill was welcomed as an associate member. List of officials of national and international organizations in acoustics K.101 K.102 K.103-K.108 Correspondence and papers re 10th ICA Congress and Lighthill's visit to Australia 1979-1980 6 folders. K.109 Invitation to International Congress on Acoustics, Toronto, Canada, 1986. K.110-K.112 International Commission on Acoustics Paris - July 20th / 27th 1983’ 1980-1983 Contents of folder so labelled divided into three for ease of reference. Correspondence International Congressof Acoustics, Paris, 20-27 July 1983 and meeting of Commission during the Congress papers and re 11th K.113 ‘International Commission on Acoustics Thursday / Friday April 5th and 6th 1984 Leuven - Belgium’ 1983-1984 Contents of folder so labelled, also inscribed ‘Provost did not attend’: correspondence and papers re meeting of Commission. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 82 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.114 ‘International Commission on Acoustics Meeting in Oslo June 17/18 1985’ 1984-1985 Contents of folder so labelled, also inscribed ‘Provost not attending’: correspondence and papers re Commission meeting. K.115-K.116 International ‘42th Canada, July 24th - August 1st, 1986’ Congress on Acoustics, Toronto, 1984-1986 Contents of folder so labelled divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re Congress and meeting of the Commission during the Congress. K.117 ‘ICA Meeting Rome 13/14 April 1987’ 1986-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and International papers re Commission on Acoustics. 1987 Rome meeting the of K.118 K.119 Unconfirmed minutes of meeting held in Rome 23 and 30 July 1986 ?misdated for 1987 ‘43th International Congress on Acoustics, 24 - 31 August 1989, Belgrade, Yugoslavia’ 1988-1989 Circulars, 1 and 2 etc. K.120-K.172 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION (ICMI) 1969-1984 Devoted to mathematical education at all levels the ICMI is a Commission of the International Mathematical Union. Lighthill was President of the ICMI 1971-1974. K.120-K.138 K.139-K.140 General correspondence and papers 2nd International Congress on Mathematical Education, Exeter, 29 August - 2 September 1972 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 83 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.141-K.150 ‘ICMI Finances’ K.151-K.159 ICMI Bulletins K.160-K.162 Committee on the Teaching of Science K.163-K.172 Printed and duplicated background material K.120-K.138 General correspondence and papers K.120-K.130 ‘ICMI 1970-1971’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. 1969-1979 1969-1972 K.131-K.137 ‘ICMI File less recent correspondence’ 1971-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. K.138 ‘Recent ICMI Correspondence’ 1977-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed. K.139-K.140 2nd_ Education, Exeter, 29 August - 2 September 1972 International Mathematical Congress on 1972 Correspondence re arrangements, lists of working groups and their chairmen, programmeand Lighthill’s presidential address. 2 folders. Lighthill chaired the organising committee. K.141-K.150 ‘ICMI Finances’ 1972-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 84 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 reference: Congress, ICMI accounts 1971-1974, etc. financial papers relating to 1972 Exeter K.151-K.159 ICMI Bulletins 1972-1978 For Bulletin 11 December 1978 see K.161. K.151 Number 1 October 1972 K.152 Number 2 K.153 Number3 K.154 Number 4 K.155 Number 6 K.156 Number7 K.157 Number8 K.158 Number9 K.159 Number 10 November 1973 April 1974 November 1974 October 1975 April 1976 December 1976 June 1977 March 1978 K.160-K.162 Committee on the Teaching of Science 1978-1979 Contents of folder inscribed ‘CTS [Committee on the of Teaching of Science of the International Council M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 85 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 Education] Scientific Unions]/ ICMI / ICPE [International Committee on Physics / UNESCO Programme (recent)’ divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re programme of cooperation between science teachers and mathematics teachers. K.163-K.172 Printed and duplicated background material 1970-1984 Includes papers relating Bangladesh, Bulgaria, India, Luxembourg and Britain. to mathematics education in K.173-K.463 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS 1983-1998 K.173-K.181 K.182-K.463 General correspondence and papers Special Committee International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (SC-IDNDR) K.173-K.181 General correspondenceand papers 1983-1988 Contents of Lighthill's ‘ICSU’ file divided into nine for ease of reference: newsletters, committee papers, etc. K.182-K.463 Special Committee International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (SC-IDNDR) 1988-1998 International Decade for The United Nations General Assembly designated the Disaster 1990s an Reduction in Resolutions 42/169 (December 1987) and At the 1990 ICSU General 43/202 (February 1989). Assembly, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1-5 October, a new Special oversee ICSU Committee of ICSU was set The first meeting of the contributions to the IDNDR. Special Committee was held in Sofia, 5 and 6 October Lighthill was chairman of the Special Committee 1990. July 1995 when he was succeeded by H. Th. until Verstappen. He continued as a member of the Committee. 1 Natural up to M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 86 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 See also M.294-M.302. K.182-K.204 Reports K.205-K.286 Proposals, projects and programmes K.287-K.451 Meetings K.452-K.457 Lectures K.458-K.463 Background papers K.182-K.204 Reports K.182-K.191 ‘SC-IDNDR Reports’ 1990-1998 1990-1994 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. At K.189-K.191 are transparencies for presentation or presentations by Lighthill. K.192 ‘STC Reports on Demonstration Projects 1992’ of folder so Contents and ‘superseded’ versions of reports to IDNDR Science and Technical Committee. inscribed: copies’ ‘top K.193-K.204 ‘Reports: 21.9.93 to date of death’ 1993-1998 Papers so labelled (see K.199). 1998. Lighthill died 17 July 12 folders. At K.204 are draft articles by Lighthill including one on hurricane dynamics for UCL Science. K.205-K.286 Proposals, projects and programmes 1989-1995 An alphabetical sequence arranged by folder title. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 87 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.205-K.209 ‘Avalanches also COSTED [Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries of ICSU] and Morocco Center and Education’ 1991-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.210-K.214 ‘Famine’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.215-K.223 ‘Floods’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. 1991-1994 1991-1993 K.224 ‘Forecasts and Warnings’ 1995 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and drafts by Lighthill of ‘A general introduction to the UK’s proposed IDNDR Flagship Project ‘Forecasts and Warnings’. K.225-K.236 ‘G-SHAP [Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program] 1992-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. The Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program was a contribution of the International Lithosphere Program to the UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. K.237-K.247 ‘ILP [International Lithosphere Program] Mapping Project Related to Global Seismic Hazard Assessment’ 1991-1994 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers K.248-K.251 ‘Intermediate-Term Earthquake Prediction’ 1989-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 88 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.252-K.257 ‘Megacities’ 1991-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.258-K.260 ‘Negatively Answered Proposals’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.261 ‘Snow & Ice: Avalanches’ Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence. 1991 1991 K.262-K.264 ‘Tropical Correspondence) 1990’ Cyclone Disasters IDNDR Proposals (& 1990-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.265-K.266 ‘URSI [Union Precursors’ Radio-Scientifique Internationale] re EM 1990-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: principally duplicated and printed papers re the importance of EM effects associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. K.267-K.277 ‘Volcanoes Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior] Project’ [International Association the IAVCEI of 1990-1994 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondenceand papers. K.278-K.286 ‘WMO Programme’ [World Meteorology Organisation] / ICSU 1991-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed, also labelled ‘ICSU / IDNDR Meteorology / Oceans’, divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.287-K.451 Meetings K.287-K.300 Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of IDNDR, Geneva, 16-20 March 1992 Contents of folder so inscribed ‘STC - 3rd Session Geneva 1992 16th-20th March’ divided into fourteen for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. 89 1991-1996 1992 K.301-K.303 Fifth Meeting of the ICSU Special Committee for IDNDR, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 18-19 August 1992 1991-1992 Contents of Lighthill's folder divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.304-K.354 ICSU / WMO International Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Disasters, Beijing, 12-16 October 1992 1991-1992 The meeting was characterised in invitations as ‘part of a concerted programmeaimed at improving the accuracy of advance warning of Tropical Cyclone disasters ... so that populations under threat may learn to rely on them and their consequently follow measures recommended for protection’. Lighthill representing ICSU and Zheng Zhemin (China). See also K.452-K.456. The meeting was chaired by K.304-K.338 Contents of ‘Malvern expanding wallet’: correspondence re arrangements for symposium with Lighthill's co-chairman, Z. Zheng and, in an alphabetical sequence, symposium participants. 1991-1992 K.304-K.307 Correspondencewith Zheng and others re arrangements. 4 folders. K.308 B. -C. K.309-K.310 D. 2 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 90 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.311-K.312 E. 2 folders. K.313 K.314 K.315-K.318 A, 4 folders. K.319 K.320 K.321 K.322-K.323 Mc. 2 folders. K.324 K.325 K.326-K.328 P. 3 folders. K.329 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 91 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.330 K.331-K.332 S. 2 folders. K.333 K.334 K.335 K.336 K.337-K.338 Z. 2 folders. K.339-K.343 ‘Beijing 1992 Symposium (12-16 Oct.)’ 1991-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: copies of correspondence re arrangements, report to ICSU and WMO on symposium. K.344-K.354 ‘TCD[Tropical Cyclone Disaster] ‘92’ 1991-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. The papers which include extensive manuscript notes and drafts by Lighthill were found in considerable disorder. K.355 Contours of Curriculum Development for N.D.R., Calcutta, 18-20 November 1992 1992 Contents of Lighthill’s folder: correspondence arising and ‘A brief summary of the conclusions of the Lighthill's seminar Contours of Curriculum Development for Natural M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 92 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 Disaster Reduction (Calcutta, 18 to 20 November 1992)’. See also L.81-L.84. K.356-K.376 Fourth Meeting of the IDNDR Science and Technical Committee, New Delhi, India, 1-5 February 1993 1992-1993 Contents of folder inscribed with the title, location and dates of meeting divided into twenty-one for ease of reference: correspondence, reports and duplicated and printed background material. K.377-K.382 Seventh Meeting of SC-IDNDR, Santiago, Chile, 4 October 1993 1992-1993 Contents of folder inscribed ‘SC-IDNDR 7th Meeting’ divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and Lighthill's manuscript notes and report. K.383-K.401 ‘8th Meeting (and 9th Meeting) of SC-IDNDR’ 1991-1994 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nineteen for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements and arising, reports, manuscript notes, background papers. The eighth meeting of the Special Committee was held at ICSU headquarters, Paris, 31 January 1994, The ninth meeting was held during the World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, Yokahama, Japan, on 25 May 1994. K.402-K.432 World Yokahama, 23-27 May 1994 Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, 1993-1995 ‘l.D.N.D.R Conference Contents of two files Yokahama’: correspondence and papers re arrangements for ICSU’s contribution to the conference, and arising; reports; duplicated and printed background material. inscribed The ICSU Special Committee for IDNDR, representing both the ICSU and the global engineering organisations (WFEO/UATI) organised technical committee session B on Lighthill was the session ‘Hazard Resistant Structures’. moderator and presented a brief session summary (K.425). 29 folders and 2 printed volumes. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 93 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.433-K.451 Tenth Meeting of the ICSU SC-IDNDR, Paris, 2-3 February 1995 1991-1996 Contents of Lighthill's folder inscribed with meeting title, location and date, into nineteen for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re meeting and arising, reports and duplicated and printed background papers. divided K.452-K.457 Lectures K.452-K.456 ‘Lectures: Broad Overview (Beijing Symposium)’ 1992-1995 1992-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and drafts for contributions by Lighthill to ICSU / WMO International Symposium on Tropical Cyclone Disasters, Beijing, China, 12-16 October 1992 (see K.304-K.354). Lighthill provided a broad introduction to the symposium’s as objectives presenting a joint lecture with B. Johns ‘Modelling of Storm Surgesin the Bay of Bengal’. recommendations final and as well K.457 ‘Large Scale Hazards consequent on dynamical behaviour of the earth’s fluid envelope’, International Congress for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Symposium on Large Scale Hazards, Hamburg, Germany, July 1995 1995 Typescript draft of lecture as prepared for publication, letter re publication of lecture. K.458-K.463 Background papers 1988-1995 Principally educational material re earthquakes. 6 folders. K.464-K.583 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (IUTAM) 1966-1994 Lighthill served the IUTAM in a variety of capacities over M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 94 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 many years. He was President of the Union 1984-1988 and then Vice-Presidentfor a further four years. K.464-K.517 General correspondence and papers K.518-K.541 Bureau and committees K.542-K.568 Meetings K.569-K.583 Miscellaneous K.464-K.517 General correspondenceand papers 1976-1992 Contents of Lighthill's IUTAM correspondencefiles. K.464-K.465 1976 2 folders. K.466-K.468 1977 3 folders. K.469-K.470 1978 2 folders. K.471 1979-1980 K.472 1981 K.473 1982 K.474 1983 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.475-K.480 1984 6 folders. K.481-K.485 1985 5 folders. K.486-K.490 1986 5 folders. K.491-K.495 1987 5 folders. K.496-K.506 1988 11 folders. K.507-K.510 1989 4 folders. K.511-K.514 1990 4 folders. ‘A (K.512) tentative commentary on some Includes problems that could be involved in attempting to set up a European Centre of Mechanics in one particular country of Europe’. K.515-K.516 1991 2 folders. K.517 1992 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 96 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.518-K.541 Bureau and committees 1977-1988 K.518-K.525 ‘\UTAM Panel on Fluid Mechanics Symposia - 1978’ 1977-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondenceand papers. Includes manuscript and typescript drafts of Lighthill’s ‘First Report of the IUTAM Panel on Fluid Mechanics Symposia’ (K.521), ‘the agreed 1980 Report’ of the panel (K.524) and ‘A Very Preliminary First Draft of a possible 1982 Report’ of the panel (K.525). Lighthill was chairman of the Committee. K.526-K.528 ‘\UTAM Bureau ... Meetings in Grenoble August 1985’ Contents of folder so labelled divided into three for ease of reference. K.529-K.530 ‘IUTAM Bureau Meeting Stuttgart, West Germany, 11-12 April 1987’ 1986-1987 Contents of folder so labelled divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.531-K.533 ‘1UTAM / ICA [International Commission on Acoustics] matters (1987 meetings)’ 1987 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Includes agenda and papers for 1987 Stuttgart meeting of IUTAM Bureau (K.532) and photographs (K.533). K.534-K.537 ‘UTAM Executive Committee 18/19 September 1987 Paris’ 1987 Contents of folder so labelled divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 97 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.538-K.541 ‘IUTAM Election of Bureau 1988-92’ 1987-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. K.542-K.568 Meetings 1966-1994 See also L.28-L.37. K.542 IUTAM Symposium on Rotating Fluid Systems, La Jolla, California, 28 March - 2 April 1966 Abstracts booklet only. K.543 IUTAM Symposium on Magnetodynamicsof Fluids 1 letter only re proposed symposium on this topic. 1966 1967 K.544 Joint IUTAM / ICA [International Commission on Acoustics] Symposium on Mechanics of Noise Generation by Fluid Flows, Géttingen, West Germany, 1979 1977-1978 Correspondence and papers re proposed symposium. K.545-K.545A IUTAM Symposium on ‘Collapse: the buckling of structures University College London, 31 in theory and practice’, August - 3 September 1982 1980-1982 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. 2 folders. K.546-K.548 IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Mechanicsin the Spirit of G.I. Taylor, Cambridge, 24-28 March 1986 1985-1986 re information, Correspondence introductory remarks by Lighthill as President of IUTAM and Lighthill's scientific paper on waves and hydrodynamic loading, etc. arrangements, 3 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 98 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.549-K.556 IUTAM Symposium on Layer University College London, 26-30 August 1986 Boundary Separation, 1984-1986 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for and arising from the symposium and the IUTAM Bureau and General Assembly which also met at UCL during the period of the symposium. 8 folders. Lighthill was a member of the symposium’s scientific committee. K.556A IUTAM XVIIth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Grenoble, France, August, 1988 [1988] Manuscript and typescript drafts for introductory remarksin French by Lighthill as President of IUTAM, typescript draft headed ‘Pour La Conference de Presse’; typescript draft of ‘Le mécanique: trois siécles apres lecture by Lighthill Dedie A Paul Newton’ Germain’. Exceptionnel for ‘Seminaire K.557 K.558 Germain was President of the Congress and Lighthill's successor as President of the Union. IUTAM XVIlIth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Haifa, Israel, 22-28 August 1992 1991-1992 Correspondence and papers re arrangements including abstract and extended summary of Lighthill's paper on nonlinear edge-waves. IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Dynamics of High Angles of Attack, Tokyo, Japan, 13-17 September 1992 1990-1991 Correspondencere arrangements. Lighthill was a member ofthe Scientific Committee but was unable to attend the meeting in person. K.559-K.567 IUTAM General Assembly, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27-28 August 1994 1993-1994 Correspondence and papers. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 99 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 9 folders. Includes (K.567) Lighthill's report to the Royal Society on the IUTAM General Assembly. Lighthill was the leader of the UK delegation. K.568 Shorter correspondence and papers re meetings 1988, n.d. K.569-K.583 Miscellaneous 1975-1988 K.569-K.571 ‘IUTAM matters and Indian applied mathematicians’ 1975-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers with IUTAM of IUTAM officers and Indian meetings in India and Lighthill’s proposal for a symposium on monsoon dynamicsin particular. possibility scientists re Includes negotiations in India on behalf of the IUTAM Bureau. December 1975, Lighthill's report, on_ his K.572-K.582 ‘Correspondence with Prof. M.P. Singh’ 1976-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers with Singh and other Indian scientists. The principal topic is the joint IUTAM / |UGG symposium on monsoon dynamics, Indian Institute of Technology, Lighthill and Singh were the Delhi, 5-9 December 1977. organisers of this meeting and Lighthill gave the keynote address at its opening and undertook a number of other engagements during his visit to India. K.583 ‘IUTAM - A Short History’ 1986-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re preparation of ‘IUTAM: A Short History 1922- 1988’. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 100 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.584-K.590 JOINT MATHEMATICAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM , 1972-1980 Correspondence and papers. 7 folders. Lighthill was a co-opted memberof the Council. K.591-K.602 MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION 1975-1990 Correspondence and papers. Principally Council papers. 12 folders, Lighthill was elected President of the Association in 1970 and subsequently served on Council. No papers appear extant from his period as President. K.603-K.609 POST OFFICE BOARD 1971-1976 Correspondence and papers. 7 folders. Lighthill accepted appointment as part-time memberof the Post Office Board in 1971. He resigned from the end of 1974 having ‘been increasingly forced to the view that the responsibilities of a Board member are, in the longer term, not compatible with my professorial duties’. K.610-K.667 ROYAL SOCIETY 1967-1998 K.610-K.621 General correspondence and papers K.622-K.667 Committees M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 101 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.610-K.621 General correspondenceand papers 1984-1991 K.610-K.611 1984-1985 2 folders. K.612-K.613 1986 2 folders. K.614-K.615 1987 2 folders. K.616-K.618 1988 3 folders. K.619 K.620 K.621 1989 1990 1991 K.622-K.667 Committees K.622-K.632 British National Committee for ICSU Committee papers. 11 folders. 1967-1998 1979-1985 K.633-K.647 British National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1971-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 102 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 Committee papers. 15 folders. K.648-K.659 Industrial Activities Committee 1971-1972 Contents offolder inscribed ‘RS Work on Green Paper’ Committee papers, comments by Committee members on the Green of Lighthill's paper on the Green paper, the Royal Society responsetoit, etc. paper (consultative document), drafts Lighthill was Committee Chairman. The Green paper was Consultative Document Cmnd 4814 ‘A Framework for Government Research and Development’ (the ‘Rothschild Report’). K.660-K.661 K.662 K.663 International Decade for Science, Technology and Engineering Working Party Disaster Natural Reduction Lighthill was a memberof the working party. 2 folders. Joint Mathematical Education Committee of the Royal Society its Applications Mathematics Institute and and the of 1997-1998 1979-1980, 1988 Committee papers. Joint Committee on Metrication of the Royal Society and the Council of Engineering Institutions 1967-1969 Printed papersonly. 1 bundle (6 items). Lighthill was chairman of the Committee. K.664-K.667 Newton Letters Committee 1971-1976 Correspondence and committee papers. 4 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 103 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 Lighthill succeeded E.N. Da C. Andrade as Chairman of the Committee. K.668-K.685 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL 1971-1988 Lighthill reviewed the field ofartificial intelligence for the Science Research Council. 1971-1988 1971-1974 K.668-K.682 Robotics Artificial ‘Industrial Intelligence 1974 CIRT 2nd Congress on Industrial Robot. Techn. Birmingham’ Review of S.R.C. 1972 Contents of box folder so labelled. K.668-K.675 ‘Robotics matters’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re Lighthill's review ofartificial intelligence. B.H. Flowers, 20 A letter from the SRC Chairman, September 1971, asks Lighthill to consider whether he ‘would be prepared to make a considered appreciation of the subject of artificial intelligence, its achievements, its Such a review practitioners, its promise and its needs ...’. ‘would be an invaluable contribution to the formation of policy for researchin this very complexfield (K.668)’. K.676-K.678 ‘Artificial Intelligence Weekend Meeting [Swansea] 22-24 September 1972’ 1972 Contents of SRC folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: papers for the meeting. Includes photocopied typescript draft of the Lighthill report, ‘Second Draft Script’ titled ‘The general-purpose robotis a mirage’ and ‘Some Comments on the Lighthill Report on Artificial Intelligence’ by R.M. Needham. K.679-K.681 ‘97-29 Technology, Birmingham’ March 1974 Second Conference on Robot 1973-1974 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 104 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements, preprints and photocopied draft of Lighthill's SRC Report. The conference was sponsored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, the Department of Production Engineering and Production Management, University of Nottingham and International Fluidics Services Ltd. Lighthill gave the opening address, a copy of whichis at K.679. K.682 ‘Artificial Intelligence: Copy of paper symposium’, Science Research Council, April 1973 (see K.684), with typescript brief correspondence, 1988 attached, 1986; a note 10 October 1973-1988 K.683-K.685 Contents of untitled folder: correspondence and papers re artificial intelligence 1972-1983 K.683 ‘Artificial intelligence: A General Survey’ Typescript draft ‘as revised by Professor Lighthill July 1972’. K.684 K.685 ‘Artificial Research Council, April 1973 Intelligence: a paper symposium’, Science This SRC publication included as part 1 Lighthill's general survey; as part Il ‘Some Comments on the Lighthill Report and onArtificial Intelligence by Professor N.S. Sutherland’; and as part Ill ‘Comments on the Lighthill Report and the Sutherland Reply’. Part Ill comments were by R.M. Needham, H.C. Longuet- Higgins; and D. Michie. Copy of report on artificial intelligence prepared by P. Swinnerton-Dyer and R.M. Needham for the SERC sent to Lighthill by SERC Chairman J.F.C. Kingman with Lighthill's commentsin a letter to Kingman. 1982 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 105 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.686-K.699 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY 1966-1967 divided Contents of folder labelled ‘Culham Laboratory Working Party’ reference: correspondence, committee papers, Lighthill's drafts of the report and minority report, etc. for ease of into fourteen Lighthill was a memberof the Culham Laboratory Review Panel which was asked by the Atomic Energy Authority to review the programme on plasma physics and fusion research centred on Culham Laboratory and to make The recommendations on its future scope and scale. Lighthill and another Panel was chaired by F.A. Vick. panel member, F.E. Jones, prepared a minority report. K.700-K.705 UNITED KINGDOM COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION 1994-1995 Papers for meetings of UK Coordination Committee and Royal Society IDNDR Committee (see K.660-K.661) found together in three UK Coordination Committeefolders. 6 folders. Lighthill was a member of the Committee. K.706-K.713 UNIVERSITE SCIENTIFIQUE, TECHNOLOGIQUE ET MEDICALE DE GRENOBLE 1987-1988 Lighthill appears to have been a member of an evaluation team (with particular reference to university governance) under the French Comité National d’Evaluation K.706-K.712 ‘Dossier Université Grenoble |’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: background papers. At K.712 is a list of consultants for Grenoble | including Lighthill. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 106 Societies and organisations, K.1-K.713 K.713 ‘Dossier d’Informations Générales sur le Comité National d’Evaluation’ Contents of folder so inscribed: background papers. M.J. Lighthil NCUACS 175/6/09 107 SECTION L VISITS AND CONFERENCES, L.1-L.109 1963-1998 L.1-L.5 ‘Royal Aeronautical Society Symposium on Cheap Short- Range Air Transport’, London, 4 May 1965 1963-1965 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Cheap Short-Range Air Transport 1965’ and ‘R.Ae. Symposium 1. Cheap Air Travel 2. Future Devp. of the Air Transport System’. Lighthill as Chairman of the 4 May 1965 Symposium made the opening remarks and summedup the meeting. Ed L.2-L.4 L.5 Correspondence developmentsin the air transport system proposed re symposium on_ future 1963-1964 This symposium appears to have taken place in November 1964. Lighthill's advice was sought but whether he participated personally is not clear. Correspondence and papers re symposium on cheap short-range air transport for which Lighthill acted as coordinator and chairman. 1964-1965 3 folders. Aeronautical Research Council Report of the Working Party on Short Range Minimum Cost Air Transport, January 1964 1964 L.6-L.16 Visit to the USSR, 11-28 June 1965 1964-1965 Lighthill visited the USSR to ‘catch up with the work of the Moscow applied the ‘scientific town’ of Novosibirsk’. mathematicians, also visit and See also J.127. L.6-L.7 ‘MJL Visit to U.S.S.R. June 1965’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondencere arrangementsetc. L.8-L.10 ‘Novosibirsk Lecture (June 1966 [? in error for 1965])’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 108 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 of reference: 77pp photocopied manuscript by Lighthill (in Russian), correspondencearising, offprints. bt ‘Misc Russian Lectures’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes and drafts by Lighthill (in Russian). L.12-L.16 ‘Misc Third Prog. Talk / Russian’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: background papers re Russian visit including Novosibirsk, visit and typescript draft for radio talk inspired by Russian visit ‘A Boarding-schoolfor the Mathematically Gifted’. Lighthill's manuscript notes re L.17-L.18 Visit to Japan, September 1966 E19 L.20 L.21-L.22 Letter of thanks from Lighthill, October 1966, manuscript notes of Lighthill re learning Japanese, offprints, etc. 2 folders. Cambridge University Engineers Association Conference on Postgraduate Courses and Research in Engineering, 4 October 1969 Report on conference including paper by Lighthill. 1966 1969 Royal Entomological Society of London Symposium on Insect Flight, Imperial College London, 20-21 September 1973 1973-1976 Programme; paper by W. Nachtigall reprinted from Insect Flight Symposia of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Number Seven, 1976. Contributors to discussion of Nachtigall’s paper included Lighthill. Conference University, September 1973 on Durham, Scaling Problems in Carolina, North Biology, USA, Duke 24-27 1972-1976 I... M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 109 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 divided Contents of folder inscribed ‘Scaling Conference at Duke Univ.’ reference: correspondence re arrangements and arising, abstracts, typescript draft paper by Lighthill on ‘Scaling Problemsin Aquatic Locomotion’, offprints. ease into two for of L.23-L.27 Symposium on Swimming and Flying in Nature, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 8-12 July 1974 1973-1975 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Symposium 1974 Pasadena Calif reference: correspondencere arrangements and arising, programme, general information, abstract of Lighthill’s paper etc. divided ease into five for of Lighthill was a member of Program Committee, gave the opening lecture and acted as a session chairman. Technical the See also B.40-B.46. L.28-L.37 IUPAB/IUTAM Conference on Biodynamics of Animal Locomotion, Cambridge, 1-5 September 1975 Contents of folder inscribed ‘IUPAB/IUTAM Conference on Animal Locomotion divided into ten for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements, programme, list of participants, Lighthill's notes on conference papers, report on the conference, etc. Lighthill gave a papertitled ‘Introduction to the scaling of aerial locomotion’. L.38-L.44 Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Fisheries Mathematics, Aberdeen, 24-26 November 1975 1974-1975 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Symposium on Fisheries Mathematics’ divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements, programme, abstracts, Lighthill's manuscript notes, typescript draft of Lighthill’s paper etc. Lighthill chaired a session on population dynamics and gave Fish Swimming’. ‘Mathematical Theories paper on a of See also K.97. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 110 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 L.45 L.46 to Visit California, USA, April 1977 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 1976-1977 Correspondence re arrangements, etc. Lighthill lectured on flagellar hydrodynamics and scale effects in animalflights. Symposium on ‘Vertebrate Locomotion’, London, March 1980 1980 1 letter only thanking Lighthill for his help in organising the symposium which washeld ‘at the Zoo’. L.47 Dirac Memorial Meeting, Cambridge, 19 April 1985 1984-1985 Correspondence re arrangements and re publication of Lighthill's paper in book of tributes to Dirac, programme, typescript draft of Lighthill's paper etc. Lighthill lectured on ‘Fourier Analysis and Generalised Functions’ L.48-L.54 Royal Society / British Academy Discussion Meeting on Predictability in Science and Society, 20-21 March 1986 1984-1986 Contents of Lighthill’s folder labelled with the title and dates of the meeting divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements, abstracts, background papers, etc. Lighthill lectured on ‘The recently recognized failure of predictability in Newtonian dynamics’. L.55-L.57 First National Conference on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, 25-27 June 1986 Contents of folder labelled with the title, location and dates of the meeting divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements, programme, text of Lighthill's report on the meeting, photograph(L.57). Lighthill's address, opening Lighthill gave the opening address as President of IUTAM and lectured on ‘Waves and the Hydrodynamic Loading on Offshore Structures’. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 111 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 L.58-L.59 Visit to Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 November 1986 Correspondencere arrangements, background papers. 2 folders. Lighthill visited Lisbon in connexion with the award of an honorary degree by the Technical University of Lisbon. See also A.55, A.89. L.60-L.65 Visit to China, 27 June - 10 July 1987 1986 Correspondencere arrangements, conference programme, list of participants, typescript draft of lecture by Lighthill. 6 folders. Lighthill was invited to give a keynote lecture at the International Fluid Mechanics Conference held in Beijing, 1-4 July 1987. He lectured on ‘Fundamentals concerning waveloading on offshore structures’. L.66 Scientific Annual Meeting of GAMM [Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik], Vienna, Austria, 5-8 April 1988 1987-1988 Correspondence re arrangements, abstract of Lighthill's lecture, etc. Lighthill loading on offshore structures’. lectured on ‘Fundamentals concerning wave L.67-L.68 Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, 21-25 August 1989 1988-1989 Correspondence re arrangements, abstract of Lighthill's lecture, etc. 2 folders. give an_ invited to of on agreed Lighthill ‘Biofluiddynamics Balistiform Locomotion or “What triggers the trigger fishes?” ‘. However, ‘the very sudden and drastic recent changes in China, leading to the disastrous deterioration in the state of the universities there, as well as to a serious destabilization of the position of Hong Kong (coupled with a worsening ofits relations lecture M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 with Britain), have forced us to conclude that we must withdraw our formally given undertaking to attend the Congress’. L.69-L.72 L.73 L.74-L.75 Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications conference on ‘Chaos Engineering Science’, University College London, 15 June 1990 Applications and in Correspondence re arrangements, manuscript draft and transparenciesfor Lighthill’s lecture. 4 folders. Lighthill gave an introductory Historical Perspective’ and then chaired a session. lecture on ‘Chaos: A |UGG Predictability August 1991 of Symposium U4 and Critical Geophysical Phenomena’, 20 ‘Non-Linear Dynamics Contents of folder inscribed ‘Gabrielov: Union Seminar U4’: invitation, preliminary programme, typescript draft of paper by Lighthill ‘The recently recognised failure of predictability in Newtonian dynamics’ which he contributed to 1986 Royal Society/British Academy Discussion Meeting (see L.48-L.54). A. Gabrielov invited Lighthill to provide a general overview of non-linear science and chair the first session. Caribbean Second Dynamics, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad, 5-8 January 1992 Congress Fluid on 112 1990 1991 1990-1992 Correspondence re arrangements, programme, list participants, Lighthill’s manuscript notes, etc. of 2 folders. Lighthill accepted an invitation to give the Keynote Lecture titled to the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction?’ Dynamics Contribute ‘What can Fluid L.76-L.77 34th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium, University of Keele, 30 March - 2 April 1992 1992 Correspondence re arrangements, conference information M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 113 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 including abstracts and list of participants. Lighthill gave a paper on ‘Nonlinear Edge-Waves’. L.78-L.80 12th Dundee Conference on the Theory of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, University of Dundee, 22-26 June 1992 1991-1992 Correspondence re arrangements, conference information including abstracts, programme and list of participants, transparenciesfor Lighthill’s paper. 3 folders. Lighthill lectured on ‘Fourier Asymptotics’ and gave an after-dinner speech. L.81-L.84 Visit to Calcutta, India, 15-22 November 1992 1992-1993 Correspondence re arrangements, Lighthill's manuscript notes, background papersre natural disasters, etc. 4 folders. Lighthill was invited to visit Calcutta by D.K. Sinha, Co- ordinator, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences Programme, University of Calcutta. Lighthill's visit of Curriculum Development in the Context of IDNDR (see also K.355). included Seminar on ‘Contours to Calcutta L.85 L.86 Symposium on Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics on the occasion of the 80th birthday of W.R. Sears, ?7March 1993 1993 Brief correspondencere arrangements. The exact date of the symposium is not specified in the correspondence but Sears was born on 1 March 1913. Lighthill gave a presentation at the symposium. British Council / Accademia dei Lincei meeting on Large Explosive Eruptions, Rome,Italy, 24-25 May 1993 1992-1993 Correspondencere arrangements, programme, etc. Lighthill chaired a round table discussion. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 L.87 L.88-L.105 114 1993 1993-1995 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 Noise-93 Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, 31 May - June 3 1993 International Vibration Noise and Control Copies of Lighthill's Arrival and Departure, Participant Reply and Extra Cultural Events forms only. Meteorological World Third International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Huatulco, Mexico, 22 November - 1 December 1993 Organization (WMO) of folder Lighthill’s Contents ‘Caribbean Workshop on Tropical Cyclones’ divided into eighteen for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements and arising, Lighthill’s manuscript notes, background papers, etc. inscribed project ‘Tropical demonstration The workshop was one of the major activities under the ICSU/WMO_ Cyclone of the IDNDR in close co-ordination with ICSU Disasters’ (see K.182-K.463). Additionally Lighthill was asked to organise the special Symposium ‘Global Climate Change and Tropical Cyclones’ to which the whole of Monday 22 November and part of Friday 26 November was devoted. report of the the Lighthill chaired and prepared the symposium which was submitted to American the Meteorological Society for Much of the publication. material relates to the preparation and publication of the report. L.106 Society for Experimental Biology Symposium on Biological Fluid Dynamics’, Leeds, 4-9 July 1994 1994 Brief correspondencere publication of proceedings. Lighthill was an invited speaker. L.107 Visit to City College New York, USA, February 1997 1997 Report in CCNY Newsletter, May 1997. Lighthill was a guestlecturer. L.108 International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Fifth Adelaide, South Australia, 15-18 December 1997 1997 Brief correspondence re arrangements for Congress and IIAV (International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration) M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 115 Visits and conferences, L.1-L.109 business. The Congress was sponsoredby the IIAV andLighthill as Presidentof the Institute gave an Address on ‘A Century of Shock Waves’. L.109 Fourth Hainan, China, 21-30 April 1998 International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, 1997-1998 Correspondence re arrangements, Lighthill’s report to the IUTAM General Assembly, and Lighthill's accounts as leader of the ICSU delegation. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 116 SECTION M CORRESPONDENCE, M.1-M.496 1968-1998 M.1-M.174 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE M.175-M.278 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE M.279-M.319 COPIES OF OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE M.320-M.326A MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS M.327-M.496 REFERENCES M.1-M.174 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE 1969-1992 The sequence is not complete. Correspondents P-Z were not found. M.1-M.8 ‘AT’ 1979-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed. M.1 M.2 M.3 M.4 M.5 Academia Europaea - Acta Mechanica Sinica 1989-1990 Adams - Agarwal 1985-1990 Alexander - Alkemade 1987, 1990 Allen 1984 Altman - American Philosophical Society 1986-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 117 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 American Scientist - Amsterdam Royal Palace Foundation 1983-1991 Anand - Ancient India and Iran Trust 1979-1984 M.9-M.19 ‘A2’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Annual ReviewsInc. - Applied Mechanics Reviews 1982-1989 1981-1982 1969-1991 1980-1983 1977-1984 1983-1989 1989 1989, 1991 1984-1991 1981-1989 1980-1990 M.6 M.7 M.8 M.9 M.10 M.11 M.12 M.13 M.14 M.15 Andlauer Andrews- Angelo Annan Aranha - Arora Asano Ash Ashkenazi - Ashmore M.16-M.17 Athenaeum 2 folders. M.18 Atiyah - Avula M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.19 Axford - Azad M.20-M.31 ‘B1’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.20 M.21 M.22 M.23 M.24 M.25 M.26 M.26 M.28 Bajpai - Ballmann Banerjee Banks- Batchelor Baxendale - Bellot Bence - Bengtsson Benjamin - Bentham Bera - Berridge Bhaduri - Bhatt Bickmore- Birkbeck M.29-M.30 Blake 2 folders. 118 1969, 1982 1980-1992 1982-1991 1982-1983 1982-1991 1980-1991 1981-1989 1982-1991 1991-1992 1981 — 1990 1980-1989 1983-1991 M.31 Bodmer - Bose 1980-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 119 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.32-M.40 ‘B2’ 1971-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed. Borovikov - Bowes and Bowes 1971-1989 BP - Braben 1983-1984 Bradfield - British Association 1978-1991 M.32 M.33 M.34 M.35 British Computer Society M.36-M.37 British Council 2 folders. 1981 1979-1986 M.38 M.39 M.40 British Technion Society - Brown 1980-1990 Bruins 1990 Brunel University - Business Education Council 1979-1990 M.41-M.50 ‘C1’ M.41 M.42 Contents of folder so inscribed. Calder - Callaghan Cambridge Philosophical Society M.43-M.45 Cambridge University Press 3 folders. 1980-1992 1980-1984 1981-1992 1983-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.46 M.47 M.48 M.49 M.50 Campbell - Cannon Caro Cartwright - Challis Chamber Music Club, UCL Chapman - Chawla M.51-M.63 ‘C2’ Contents of folder so inscribed M.51 Chakraborty - Chemical M.52-M.56 Cheng 5 folders. M.57 M.58 M.59 M.60 M.61 120 1981-1989 1981-1991 1980-1991 1980-1987 1982-1991 1978-1991 1980-1991 1980-1986 1980-1990 1978-1990 Chernyi - Chester Cheung - Chwang CIHE [Council Clarkson Cohen - Collins for Industry and Higher Education] - 1980-1991 1980-1990 Conference of Professors of Applied Mathematics - Corrsin 1979-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.62 M.63 Crabtree Dinner - Crow Crowe - Czech M.64-M.70 ‘D’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 121 1981-1990 1981-1990 1978-1992 D’Ambrosio - Darwin Day Celebrations 1978-1990 Decaux - De Morgan Society Denness 1984-1991 1985 Dennis - Dictionary of National Biography 1983-1992 1980-1988 1983 1981-1991 1979-1989 1979-1989 Encyclopaedia of Mathematics - Enever 1979-1984 M.64 M.65 M.66 M.67 M.68 M.69 M.70 M.71 M.72 Dionisotti - Donovan Dooge Douglas Aircraft Company - Dyson M.71-M.73 ‘BE’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Earles - Elnaschie M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 122 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.73 Engelbrecht - Europhysics Journal 1979-1991 M.74-M.85 ‘F’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Fabrikant 1978-1992 1986 Faculty Board of Mathematics, Cambridge - Fatmi 1979-1988 Faulkner - Favre Fellowship of Engineering Fernandes- Fifield Fiszdon Fleck Flight - Flowers Fluid Dynamics Research Follett - Freeman Freud Museum Fuji 1980-1990 1981-1991 1980-1990 1981-1991 1980 1978-1991 1991-1992 1979-1990 1986-1987 N.d. M.74 M.75 M.76 M.77 M.78 M.79 M.80 M.81 M.82 M.83 M.84 M.85 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 M.86-M.96 ‘GC’ Correspondence, M.1-M.496 123 1970-1992 1987-1990 1984 1975-1988 1981-1992 1981 1970-1990 Contents of folder so inscribed. Gajjar - Garrett Gas ResearchInstitute Gee - Gibbs Giblin - Gill Giles Godfrey - Gowing M.86 M.87 M.88 M.89 M.90 M.91 M.92 Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories - Greene 1979-1987 Includes misfiled letter from I.N. Sneddon. M.93-M.94 Greenwich Forum 1986-1988 The Forum aimed ‘to promote public awarenessofBritain's dependence on the sea’. 2 folders. Griffith Grossberg - Gupta M.95 M.96 M.97-M.103 ‘H’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 1980, 1982 1981-1992 1975-1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 M.97 M.98 M.99 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 Hall - Harrison Hart - Hayman 124 1979-1990 1979-1989 Heat and Fluid Flow - Hepple 1979-1990 M.100 Herakovich - Heughan M.101 Hill - Homentcovschi M.102 Hopkins - Howson M.103 Hui - Hutter M.104-M.116 ‘! Contents of folder so inscribed. H.104 Ibiejugba 1975-1984 1978-1988 1978-1986 1979-1990 1970-1992 1990 M.105 M.106 M.107 M.108 ICA - Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd 1970-1991 Imperial College London 1974-1990 Independent- Indian Science Congress Association 1983-1992 Ingram - Technology Training, Dacca Institute for Advancement of Science and 1980-1992 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 125 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.109 M.110 M.111 M.112 M.113 M.114 M.115 M.116 Institute Sciences of Acoustics - Institute of Oceanographical 1980-1992 Institution of Chemical Engineers Institution of Electrical Engineers 1981-1988 1986-1991 London Intercollegiate Luncheon Club - Academyof Astronautics International 1981-1986 Astronautical International Council of Scientific Unions Federation - International 1980-1985 International Hall - |UGG 1979-1992 International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 1985-1991 Inui - ISTAM [Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics] 1980-1990 M.117-M.122 ed Contents of folder so inscribed. M.117 Jackson- Jiaxi M.118 Johns - Johnstone M.119 M.120 Jones, D.S. - Jones, R.T. Jones, R.V. 1969-1991 1969-1986 1983-1991 1985-1991 1979-1980 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 126 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.121 Journal of Computational Physics - Journal of Experimental Biology 1979-1991 M.122 Journal of Fluids Engineering - Jowell M.123-M.131 ‘K’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.123 Kahn - Katyal M.124 Keir - Kermack M.125 King-Hele - Kiya M.126 Klauber M.127 Knopoff - Kozlov M.128-M.130 Krikor Baytarian & Associates (UK) Ltd 3 folders. re King Saud University. M.131 Krishnamurti - Kuwahara M.132-H.146 ‘V Contents of folder so inscribed. M.132 Lacey - Lakshminarayanan 1980-1991 1970-1991 1981-1990 1970-1986 1979-1990 1981 1979-1990 1983-1985 1980-1991 1979-1992 1980-1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 127 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.133-M.136 Lam 1988-1990 4 folders. re Lighthill's 1972 surveyof artificial intelligence. M.137 Lange & Springer - Laws M.138 Lee M.139 Legendre M.140 Lehmann - Lewis M.141 Leverhulme Trust M.142 Lilley - Livesey M.143 Logan - Longuet-Higgins M.144-M.145 Loughborough University 2 folders. M.146 Lu - Lukes Includes misfiled letter from H.M. Sinclair. M.147-M.153 ‘M1’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.147 McEwen - McNicol 1979-1992 1986-1992 1990 1980-1991 1989-1992 1980-1991 1980-1989 1990 1982-1988 1979-1992 1979-1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.148 Mahji - University of Manitoba M.149 Marchuk - Mast M.150 Mathematical Association - Matthews M.151-M.152 Maunder 2 folders. M.153 Maxwell M.154-M.160 ‘M2’ 128 1982-1990 1979-1992 1980-1989 1985 1979, 1983 1979-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed. Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd - Midgeley 1979-1987 1983-1987 1989-1991 1979-1990 1984 1981-1991 M.154 M.155 Meteorological Office M.156-M.157 Mikhailov 2 folders. M.158 Miles - Ministry of Defence M.159 Moffatt M.160 Mohring - Mysak M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 129 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.161-M.168 ‘N’ 1979-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed. M.161 Nachtigall - National Academy of Engineering 1980-1989 M.162 National Academyof Sciences 1979-1989 M.163 National Research Council - University College London Natural Science Club 1979-1988 M.164-M.165 Nature 2 folders. M.166 Neale - Newman M.167 Nieto - Nigam 1983-1991 1980-1992 1987-1990 M.168 North-Holland Publishing Company - Numerical Methodsin Fluids 1981-1989, n.d. M.169-M.174 ‘O’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.169 Oatley - Ollerenshaw M.170 Osborne M.171 Osprey - Owen 1969-1990 1969-1985 1979, 1989 1981, 1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.172 Oxford and Cambridge Music Club M.173 Oxford Journals M.174 Oxford University Press 130 1980-1988 1985, 1989 1982-1989 M.175-M.278 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE 1974-1998 M.175 1974 M.176-M.178 1978 3 folders. M.179-M.180 1979 2 folders. 1980 1984 M.181 M.182 M.183-M.184 1991 2 folders. M.185 1992 M.186-M.192 1993 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.186 March M.187 May M.188 July-August M.189 September M.190 October M.191 November M.192 December M.193-M.209 1994 M.193-M.194 January 2 folders. M.195 February M.196 March M.197 April-May M.198 June M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 132 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.199-M.201 July 3 folders. M.202 August M.203 September M.204-M.205 October 2 folders. M.206 November M.207-M.209 December 3 folders. M.210-M.241 1995 M.210-M.211 January M.212-M.216 2 folders. February 5 folders. M.217-M.221 March 5 folders. M.222-M.226 April 5 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 133 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.227-M.229 May 3 folders. M.230-M.233 June 4 folders. M.234 July M.235 August M.236-M.237 September 2 folders. M.238-M.239 October 2 folders. M.240 November M.241 December M.242-M.252 1996 M.242 January M.243 February M.244 March M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.245 M.246 April May M.247 June M.248 July-August M.249 September M.250 October M.251 November M.252 December M.253-M.266 1997 M.253-M.254 January 2 folders. M.255 February M.256 March M.257 M.258 April May M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 135 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.259 June M.260-M.261 July 2 folders M.262 August M.263 September M.264 October M.265 November M.266 December M.267-M.277 1998 M.267 January M.268-M.269 February 2 folders. M.270-M.271 March 2 folders. M.272 April M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 136 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.273-M.274 May 2 folders. M.275-M.276 June M.277 M.278 July N.d. M.279-M.319 COPIES OF OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE: ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE 1992-1998 Unindexed. The sequence includes a small numberof incoming letters. M.279 Acrivos - Ashmore M.280 Baltic State University - Biesheuvel M.281 Blake - Bye M.282 Cabannes- Caratti M.283 Cole - Costen M.284 Crane - Crocker M.285 Croucher Foundation - Chwang 1993-1997 1992-1998 1992-1998 1992-1997 1993-1997 1993-1998 1992-1997 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 137 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.286 Davenport - Duck 1992-1998 M.287 Ecodecision magazine - Engelbrecht 1993-1996 M.288 Farassat- Foley M.289 Gad-el-Hak - Grozdev M.290 Hall - Howe M.291 Hunt - Hussain M.292 Hussaini - Hwang M.293 Institute of Acoustics - Ivanov 1993-1998 1992-1998 1992-1998 1993-1996 1992-1998 1992-1998 M.294-M.302 International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) 1992-1996 9 folders. Correspondencerelates to ICSU Special Committee on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. See also K.182-K.463. M.303 Jaffrin - Journal of Fluid Dynamics M.304 Kaplan - Kwak M.305 Lang - Moore 1992-1996 1992-1998 1993-1998 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.306 Nakashima - Okamura M.307 Panza - Pudov 138 1993-1998 1992-1998 M.308 Quandt - Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1993 M.309 Radisson - Rapp M.310 Rashbass- Rylov M.311 Sachdev- Short M.312 Sinha - Sutherland M.313 Tandon - Turcotte 1992-1996 1992-1998 1992-1998 1992-1997 1992-1998 M.314 M.315 M.316 UCF Mathematics Department- Uyeda 1994-1996 Vainshtein - Vice-Chancellor, University of London 1993-1998 Walker- Weizmann Institute of Technology 1992-1996 M.317 Wells M.318 Wendt - Wu M.319 Yamamoto - Zirngast 1993 1994-1997 1993-1998 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 139 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.320-M.326A MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS 1968-1988 M.320 Campos, L.M.B.C. 1978 Campos came from Portugal to research for a period at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. M.321-M.324 Mees, Al. 1970-1984 Mees was a research student of Lighthill's who was subsequently apppointed to the chair of modern applied mathematics in the University of Western Australia. Research and career. 4 folders M.325-M.326 Whiteside, D.T. 1968-1971 Correspondence and papers re support for the Newton Scholar, D.T. Whiteside (1932-2008). 2 folders. principal corespondent is Lightill’s Sir Harold Hartley. There is a photocopyof a letter from Whiteside to Hartley at M.325. M.326A ‘Misc Correspondence (Maths)’ 1979-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed. M.327-M.496 REFERENCES 1972-1992 The contents of a series of folders inscribed with the letters of the alphabet. The sequenceis not complete S-Z were not found. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 140 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 include references for contents The appointments, evaluations of research proposals, referee’s reports on recommendations papers, reports on PhD dissertations, for medals and prizes, of publications. vitae and lists curricula Unindexed. M.327-M.332 ‘A’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.327 Ach. - Ada. M.328 M.329 M.330 M.331 M.332 Acr. Ale. And. Arc. Ash. M.333-M.351 ‘B! Contents of folder so inscribed. M.333 Bai. - Bar. M.334 M.335 Ban. Bax 1974-1991 1976-1991 1987 1975-1977 1990 1974 1985 1974-1991 1974-1988 1989 1980-1986 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.336 Bel. - Bev. M.337-M.342 Bha. 6 folders. M.343 Bil. - Blac. M.344-M.346 Blak. (1) 3 folders. M.347-M.351 Blak (2) 5 folders. M.352-M.359 ‘B2’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.352 M.353 M.354 Bly. Bon. Bos. M.355 Bow.- Bre. M.356 ‘Bristol University Refs’ M.357 Bro. - Buck. 141 1974-1989 1979-1991 1980-1988 1979-1988 1977-1991 1974-1991 1978 1987-1988 1990 1974-1991 1985-1986 1975-1991 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 142 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.358 Burg. - Burn M.359 Burs. - By. M.360-M.364 ‘Belgium’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. M.365-M.380 ‘C’ M.365 M.366 M.367-M.369 M.370 M.371 M.372 M.373 M.374 Contents of folder so inscribed. Cama. - Camp. Can. Car. 3 folders. Cat. - Chu Chur. Chw. Cla. (1) Cla.(2) 1979-1988 1986-1990 1990 1974-1992 1986-1992 1978-1979 1979-1986 1976-1992 1984-1988 1977-1983 1980 1981 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 M.375 Cla. (3) Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.376 M.377 M.378 M.379 Col. - Cor. Cox Crighton. D.G. Cro. M.380 Cru. - Cum. M.381-M.388 Dl Contents of folder so inscribed. M.381 M.382 Dam Dan. M.383 Daven. M.384 David M.385 Davies M.386 Dev.- Dov. M.387 Dow. 143 1981 1981-1988 1974 1975-1986 1990-1991 1978-1987 1974-1990 1986 1979, 1988 1989 1985, 1988 1974-1988 1977-1988 1978-1989 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 144 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.388 Dro.- Dy. M.389-M.394 Ee Contents of folder so inscribed. M.389 Eg. — Ell. M.390 M.391 Ell. Eln. - Elt. M.392 Ene - Enn M.393 Evans(1) M.394 Evans(2) M.395-M.398 [F] Contents offolder. M.395 Fau. - Fen. M.396 M.397 Fif. Fit. M.398 Fog. - Fur. 1978-1990 1972-1992 1980-1990 1981-1983 1972-1988 1978-1980 1979-1986 1992 1972-1990 1981-1989 1985-1990 1973-1974 1972-1988 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 145 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.399-M.406 [G] Contents offolder. M.399 M.400 M.401 M.402 M.403 M.404 M.405 M.406 M.407-M.430 M.407 M.408 M.409 M.410 Gad. - Ger. Ghi- Gib. Gil. - Gol. Goo.- Gri. (1) Gri. (2) Gro. Gru. Gup. [H] Contents of twofolders. Haf. - Hal. Harp.(1) Harp.(2) Harl. - Hay.(1) 1972-1991 1980-1988 1977-1990 1979-1985 1984-1991 1990 1972-1984 1984-1991 1980 1973-1992 1977-1986 1990-1992 1978-1991 1983-1990 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 146 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.411 M.412 M.413 Hay. (2) Hey. Hic. M.414-M.415 Hig. 2 folders. M.416 Hin. - Hio. M.417 Hog. M.418 Holm. M.419 Holw. M.420 Holy. M.421-M.422 How. 2 folders. M.423 Hud. M.424-M.425 Hug. 2 folders. M.426 Hun. 1983-1984 1988 1989-1990 1979-1989 1975, 1978 1979-1992 1983-1989 1982, 1984 1980-1987 1973-1992 1983-1984 1982-1987 1974, 1988 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 147 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.427-M.429 Hup. 3 folders. M.430 Hus. M.431 [I] Contents offolder. Ing. - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. M.432-M.437 [J] Contents offolder. M.432 Jac. - Jam. M.433 Jay. M.434 J.435 Joh.(1) Joh. (2) M.436 Jon. (1) M.437 Jon. (2) M.438-M.443 [kK] Contents offolder. M.438 Kam. 1980-1988 1990-1991 1978, 1982 1972-1992 1981-1992 1982-1989 1989-1991 1981-1982 1972-1974 1979-1989 1973-1989 1982-1983 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 148 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.439 Kel. (1) M.440 Kel. (2) - Kem. M.441 Ken. - Koe. M.442 M.443 Kok. Kuc. M.444-M.456 ‘2 Contentsof folder so inscribed. M.444 Lee - Lil. M.445-M.448 Lim 4 folders. Lip. Lir. M.449 M.450 M.451 Llo. - Loo. M.452-M.456 Loughborough University of Technology 5 folders. 1978-1989 1985-1988 1973-1987 1979 1974 1974-1992 1980-1992 [1979]-1992 1983 1977-1984 1974-1991 1986 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.457-M.469 ‘M’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.457 McD. - McF. M.458 McG.- Man. (1) M.459 Man. (2) M.460 Mar. - May. M.461 Mee. M.462 Mer.- Mil. (1) M.463 M.464 M.465 M.466 Mil. (2) Min. Mit. Mol. M.467 Mor. M.468 Mor. - Mur. M.469 My. 149 1973-1992 1983, 1988 1974-1992 1979-1982 1974-1982 1987-1991 1981-1987 1983-1989 1991 1979 1973-1986 1981-1985 1974-1986 1985 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.470-M.472 ‘'N’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.470 M.471 Nag. Nas. M.472 Nee. - Nor. M.473-M.484 ‘O, P, Q’ Contents of folder so inscribed. M.473 Ort. M.474 Pac. - Par. (1) M.475 Par. (2) M.476 Pat. M.477 Pea. (1) M.478 Pea. (2) M.479-M.480 Ped. 2 folders. M.481 Per. 150 1977-1989 1977 1983 1979-1989 1974-1992 1987 1980-1991 1974-1992 1984-1988 1992 1980 1980-1990 1981-1987 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Correspondence, M.1-M.496 M.482 Pha. M.483 Phi. - Pro. M.484 Qui. M.485-M.496 ‘R' Contents of folder so inscribed. M.485 Rah. - Ran. M.486 M.487 M.488 Rao Rap. Rav. M.489 Raw.- Ric. M.490 Ril. - Roe. M.491-M.495 Rog. 5 folders. M.496 Ros. - Rox. 151 1986 1974-1987 1984-1986 1977-1991 1979-1988 1979-1987 1988-1990 1978-1984 1981-1990 1979-1988 1977-1986 1985-1991 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 152 SECTION N NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL, N.1-N.56 1950-1992 N.1-N.47 PHOTOGRAPHS N.48-N.52 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES N.53-N.56 AUDIOTAPES N.1-N.47 PHOTOGRAPHS 1950-1998 N.1-N.18 Lighthill N.d., [1984] - 1998 Most photographs undated. N.14 ‘Photographs of Director’ Contents of envelope so inscribed: 3 black and white photographs (2 identical). Lighthill was Director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, 1959-1964 Lighthill 2 black and white photographs (identical). N.d. N.d. ‘Professor Sir James Lighthill University of Cambridge’ N.d. 1 black and white photograph. Lighthill was Lucasian Cambridge, 1969-1979. Professor of Mathematics at N.2 N.3 N.4 Lighthill N.d. 7 black and white photographsof Lighthill, ? as Provost of University College London, taken on the same occasion and numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12. Number 6 seems to have been chosen for publication as ‘Fig 8.2’. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 153 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 Lighthill was Provost, 1979-1989. N.5 Lighthil black and white photographs taken on the same 2 occasion as the preceding. N.6 Lighthill N.d. 3 black and white photographs, ? of Lighthill as Provost of University College London, taken on the same occasion and numbered A2, A3 and Ad. N.7 N.8 N.9 ‘Provost accepting cheque from GBC for extension’. 11th floor N.d. 4 photographs with UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering compliments slip so inscribed. Lighthill, Lady Lighthill and others at a social occasion ? while Lighthill Provost of UCL 5 black and white photographs. Lighthill at Université de Technologie de Compiégne ? on the occasion of his receiving an honorary degree 9 black and white photographs. N.d. N.d. N.d. 1992 1995 N.10 Lighthill with colleagues on overseasvisit 3 colour photographs. Lighthill 7 colour photographs taken by G.I. Barenblatt with letter from Barenblatt, 23 April 1992. N.12 Lighthill with colleague M. Nakashima M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 154 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 1 colour photograph with letter from Nakashima, 6 July 1995 N.13-N.14 ‘Visit to Kyoto Institute of Technology [Japan], 28/8/96’ 1996 Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: 19 colour photographs. Lighthill was accompanied by his wife who appearsin all except one of the photographs. N.15 Lighthill at social occasion with ? colleagues 1998 1 colour photograph found in envelope postmarked in Russia ‘01 06 1998’. The sender is [? Vladimir D.] Pudov N.16 Lighthill in swimming trunks ? on Sark 1 colour photograph. N.d. [1984] N.17 N.18 Lighthill with other recipients of honorary degrees and Chancellor, University of Leeds Large format photograph Lighthill with ? other recipients of honorary degree or similar award N.d. Framedlarge format photograph. N.19-N.41 Research 1950-1955 Contents of large envelope inscribed ‘Photos’. Photographs and little associated material relating to Lighthill's research at the University of Manchester in the early 1950s. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 N.19 ‘Notes on photographs’ 1p manuscript note. 155 N.d. N.20 Lighthill ‘Prof. Department’ [University of Manchester] Mathematics 1951 Box of 75 black and white photographssoinscribed. The photographs are numbered and dated in April and May 1951 with identifying inscriptions, e.g. ‘(1) 23/4/51 conical- nosed probe L/D = 5.14’. N.21 from OD. National Beastall, Letter Aeronautical Establishment, Bedford, 26 January 1953, enclosing ‘a Schlieren photograph of the wake from a small aerofoil striking the lip of a cowl and causing a slight oscillation of the detached shock ahead of the cowl and for comparison a photograph where the wake missesthe cowl’ N.22-N.23 ‘Prof. Lighthill Nozzle Flow ‘ Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of photographs with explanatory note. black and white reference: 10 N.24 Letter from ‘Wayland’ [W.C. Griffith] at Department of Physics, University College London enclosing two sketches and a black and white photograph that he had received from Princeton The photograph has a pencil note on the back beginning ‘CO2 diffuse shock wave...’ 1953 N.d. N.d N.25-N.34 ‘Enlargements for ProfessorLighthill’ 1950-1951 Contents inscribed. of University of Manchester envelope so N.25-N.26 List of enlargements L1-L18, and 18 corresponding black and white photographs dated on the back December 1950 - September 1951 1950-1951 2 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 156 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 For L19, L20 see N.47. For L21, L23-L31 see N.35. N.27 8 black and white photographs with manuscript inscriptions and dated on the back in June 1951 1951 Contents of small untitled envelope. N.28-N.29 N.30-N.34 and black 19 manuscript inscriptions on the back and dated in December 1950 (1 photograph only) and April 1951 photographs white with Found in envelope inscribed ‘Professor Lighthill Further experiments with curved plate 27° and 5° expansion at top of leading edge’. 2 folders. and black 25 manuscript inscriptions on the back and manydated in April, October- December 1950 and November 1951 photographs white with Found loose within the envelope. 5 folders. N.35-N.41 Photographs found loosein the original large envelope N.35 N.36 List of enlargements L21-L31 ‘30/9/52’ and 10 black and with white manuscript in September 1952 prints numbered inscriptions missing) and L21-L31 on the (L22 back dated For L1-L18 see N.25, N.26. For L19, L20 see N.47. 8 black and white photographs numbered H.8, H.20, H.24, H.26, H.29, H.34, H.35 and H.39 and dated in November- December 1952 1950-1951 1950-1951 1951-1955, n.d. 1952 N.37-N.38 17 black and white photographs numbered 1-17 N.d. 2 folders. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 N.39-N.41 18 miscellaneous loose photographs 3 folders. N.42-N.47 Lecture 157 1951-1955, n.d. 1951, n.d. Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Copies of SW lecture photos’ N.42 Manuscript and typescript lists of ‘Legends for Plates’, ‘Origin of Prints for Lighthill’ etc N.43-N.47 42 black and white photographs. 1951, n.d. 5 folders. N.48-N.52 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES N.48 ‘Lighthill Biomechanics of Hearing’ Contents of box so inscribed: 8 slides. N.49 ‘Flagella + Goldstein Lecture’ Contents of box so inscribed: 10 slides. For Goldstein Lecture see J.57-J.60. N.50 ‘Ursell Lecture Lighthill’ Contents of box so inscribed’: 1 slide only. For Ursell Lecture see J.66. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 N.54 N.52 Non-textual material, N.1-N.56 A set of 20 photographic slides found together and marked with red dot In slide case. A set of 16 photographic slides found together and marked with blue dot In slide case. Slides may relate Lighthill's IDNDR_ [International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction] interests such as tropical cyclones. to N.53-N.56 AUDIOTAPES 158 N.d. N.d. N.d. Sound ‘Mathematical Biofl[uiddynamics]. recordings of four lectures by Lighthill on 4 boxed magnetic tapes. M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 159 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA G.49, K.1, M.1 ACADEMIC PRESS INC (LONDON) LTD H.195A, L.32, L.33, M.75 ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO ACHESON, Charles David Nicholas John Sparrow,7th Earl of Gosford ACKROYD, John ACRIVOS, Andreas ACTA MECHANICA SINICA ADAM HILGER LTD ADAMS, John Frank ADAMS, R.D. ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AGARWAL, Manju AIHARA, Yasuhiko ALEXANDER, Robert McNeill ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION ALKEMADE, Fons ALLEN, A.C. ALTMAN, Manfred D’AMBROSIO, Ubiratan AMERICANINSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY A.27 M.91 H.81, K.619 K.540, M.244, M.248, M.256, M.258, M.259 See also M.252 M.1 L.47 F.53, M.2 K.258 M.2 M.2 K.2 M.2 K.516, K.558 L.30, M.3 M.326 M.3 M.4 See M.5 M.64 K.544 L.98, L.99, L.101, L.103-L.105, M.207, M.214, M.219, M.261, M.262 See also M.209 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY M.5 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 160 Index of correspondents AMERICANSCIENTIST M.6 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS M.6, M.195 AMERY,Catherine AMSTERDAM ROYAL PALACE FOUNDATION ANCIENT INDIA AND IRAN TRUST ANDLAUER, L. ANDREWS, David D’ANGELO, Salvo ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron ANNUAL REVIEWS INC APPLEBY,Robert APPLETON, S.T. APPLIED MECHANICS REVIEWS ARANHA,J.A.P, ARGYRIS, John H. ARIS, Rutherford ARORA, M.S. ARTSTEIN, Zvi ARYA, Anand ASANO, Kiyoshi ASH, Sir Eric Albert ASHKENAZI, Vidal ASHLEY OF STOKE, Jack, Baron D.7 M.6 M.7 M.8 RS) M.9 M.236 G.42, M.10, M.106 M.11, M.203 K.609 K.36 M.11 M.12 M.12, M.203 K.27 M.12 M.204 See also M.196 K.406, K.409 See also K.411, K.416 M.13 M.14 M.15 M.15 ASHMORE, Jonathan Felix H.121, M.15, M.269 ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS K.30 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 161 Index of correspondents THE ATHENAEUM D.2-D.5, M.16, M.17, M.271, M.277 ATIYAH, Sir Michael Francis J.36, K.621, M.18 AUSTRALIA, GOVERNMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY M.220 AUSTRALIAN ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY K.103, M.18 AUTON, T.R. AVULA,X.J.R. AXFORD, W.lan AZAD, Ram S. BAINBRIDGE, Richard BAJPAI, A.C. BALL, Sir John Macleod BALLMANN, J. BAMLETT, Michael BANERJEE, Kalyan BANERJEE, M.B. BANKS, Leslie BARENBLATT,Grigory Isaakevich (‘Grisha’) BATCHELOR, George Keith BAXENDALE, A.S. BEASTALL, D. BEDNARCZYK,B.B. BELL, Max S. BELLAIRS, A.d’A. BELLIS, B.T. M.18 M.18 M.19 M.19 B.92 M.20 M.20 M.20 J.92 M.21 M.209, M.215, M.218 M.22 K.437, M.189, M.249, M.261, M.273, M.274, N.11 H.33, H.63, K.27, K.36, K.472, K.473, K.519, K.546, M.22, M.203, M.231 See also D.2, M.258 M.23 N.21 M.23 K.162 M.23 K.24, K.39 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 162 Index of correspondents BELOFF, Nora BELLOT, G. COMTE- BENCE, Brian J. BENGTSSON, Lennart M.23 M.23 M.24 K.6, K.10, M.24 BENJAMIN / CUMMINGS PUBLISHING COMPANY M.25, M.72 BENJAMIN, Thomas Brooke BENN, Tony BENNETT, Bryan BENNETT, Leon BENNETT,Patricia BEN SARI, Driss BENTHAM, Jeremy BENTLEY, Charles R. BERA,Rajendra K. BERG, Howard C. BERGER, Stanley BERRY,Michael J. BERTOCCHI, Luciano BEYER, Robert T. BHADURI, D. BHATNAGAR, P.L. BHATT, Bal Swaroop BIANCHI, Giovanni BICKMORE, D.P. BIDDER, Anna McClean BIGGS, W.D. M.25 See also G.47 K.609 M.25 L.32 H.181-H.183 See K.209 See M.268 K.261 M.26, M.186, M.195 M.250 See M.26 K.236, K.237-K.239, K.241, K.244, K.303, K.396 K.249 G.43 M.27 K.135 M.27, M.213, M.228, M.257 J.67 M.28 M.28 L.32 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 163 Index of correspondents BILLETT, Harold BIORHEOLOGY BIRKHOFF, Garrett BISHOP, Richard Evelyn Donohue BISHOP, Steven R. BLACK,Peter G. BLACKSTOCK,David T. BLAKE, John R. G.39 M.28 K.673 K.486, K.487 L.69 K.308 See L.109 See H.195A H.124, K.104, K.105, M.29, M.221, M.253 See also G.47 BLAKE, Robert Norman William, Baron M.29 BLAKE, Robert W. BLAND,David R. BLUM, J.J. BODMER, Sir Walter Fred BOER, E. de BOGDANOR, Vernon BOGDONOFF, Seymour BOHLE, H.-G. BOLEY,Bruno A. BONDI, Sir Hermann BONE, Quentin BONNET,J.-P. BOROK,Volodya |. KEILIS- BOROVIKOV,V.A. BOSE, N. H.77, H.78. M.30 See G.47 L211 See M.31 M.31, M.179 M.31 A.29 K.210, K.211, K.214, K.393, K.439 See also K.396 K.559 M.31 L.25 K.514 K.249, K.251, K.254, K.255, K.377, K.378, K.386, K.420, K.439, K.441, K.506, M.31, M.242 See also K.187, K.259, K.262, K.401, K.440 M.32 See M.32 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 164 Index of correspondents BOSE, S. BOSQUET,J.-P. BOVEY,K.S. BP VENTURE RESEARCH UNIT BRABB, Earl E. BRABEN, D.W. BRADFIELD, John Richard Grenfell BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRANKOV, Georgi Jordanov BRAS, R.L. BRAY, Jeremy William BRENNER, Howard BRENTNER, Kenneth S. BRETT, Robin BRIDGER, M. BRIGHAM, Robert C. BRIMELOW, Thomas, Baron BRITISH ASSOCIATION M.31 See M.32 M.32 M.33 K.260 M.33 F.66, M.34 See also F.65 K.26 M.34 K.308 See also K.340 See J.89 M.202 M.237 K.267, K.268 K.37 M.238 L.6 M.34 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION D.4, G.49, G.50, K.94, M.23 BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY K.30, M.35 BRITISH COUNCIL K.3, K.6, K.7, K.9, K.12, L.55, L.86, M.36, M.37 BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN FOR RESEARCH BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS BRITISH TECHNION SOCIETY BRITISH THEORETICAL MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM BRIXTON ESTATE LIMITED E.(3 M.248 M.38 M.38 M.38 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 165 Index of correspondents BROCHER, E. BROOM, Trevor BROWITT, C.W.A. BROWN, Susan N. BRUINS, E.M. BRUNEL UNIVERSITY BRYANT,Cyril BUDAL, K. BUDD, Sir Alan Peter BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY BUREAU OF APPLIED SCIENCES LTD BURGEN. Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent BURGHES, David N. BURKE, Kevin BURN, Robert BURNS, J.H. BUSINESS EDUCATION COUNCIL CABANNES, Henri CALDER, Nigel David Ritchie CALINGER, Ronald CALLADINE, Christopher Reuben CALLAGHAN, P. CAMASSA,Roberto CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY M.38 K.473 K.244 H.44, H.123 See also G.47 M.39 M.40 B.92 M.40 L.50 M.40 L.98, L.99, L.101, L.103-L.105 See also L.97 M.40, M.66 M.1 K.161, K.162 K.378 M.40 G.49 M.40 J.54 M.41 M.41, M.326A B.69, M.41 M.41 M.255 M.42 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 166 Index of correspondents CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS K.471, M.43-M.45, M.326 CAMPEDELLI, Luigi CAMPOS, Luis Manuel Braga da Costa K.121 L.58, M.46, M.320 See also K.483 CANADIAN ACOUSTICAL ASSOCIATION K.115, K.116, K.484 CANNON, Jane CANNON, R.H., Jr CARGILL, A.M. M.46 L.45 H.51 CARNEGIE TRUST FOR THE UNIVERSITIES OF SCOTLAND M.321-M.323 CARO, Colin Gerald CARSON, David J. CARTAN, Henri CARTWRIGHT, David Edgar CARTWRIGHT, Dame Mary Lucy CASADEVALL, Tom CASSELS, John William Scott CATTERALL, Peter CEKIRGE, H.M. CHAGELISHVILI, George D. CHAKRABORTY,B.B. CHALLENER, D.G. CHALLIS, Lawrence John CHAMSEDDINE, Ali CHANDRASEKHARAN, K. CHANG, Chien-Chang CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS CHASHECHKIN, J.D. E.6-E.9, E.11-E.17, H.124, K.263, M.33, M.47, M.277 L.88, L.90 K.121, K.125 M.242 See also K.99 M.48 K.388 K.22 M.276, M.277 M.48 M.268 M.51, M.239 K.27 M.48 M.274 K.128, K.132 M.201, M.227 M.51 M.50, M.51 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 167 Index of correspondents CHATAWAY,Sir Christopher John CHAWLA,S.S. CHENG, H.K. CHERNYI, G.G. CHESTER, W. CHESTERS, John Hugh CHEUNG, Y.K. CHILLAG, David CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICS PRESS CHORIN, Alexandre CHOUDHURY, Jamilur R. CHRISTIANSEN, Bent CHU, Jean Juming K.603 M.50 G.60, J.73, M.52-M.56 K.513, M.57, M.197 M.57 M.169 K.510, M.58 M.251 M.254 M.272 K.409, K.410, K.411, K.415, K.416, See also K.394, K.421, K.422 K.138, K.162 K.392, K.395, K.397, K.399, M.58, M.210, M.224 See also K.390 CHURCHHOUSE, Robert Francis K.24, M.58 CHWANG, Allen T. L.27, L.45,M.58, M.211, M.212, M.219, M.235, M.238, M.251 See also M.260 CISM (INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES, UDINE) M.151, M.152 CLARK, George Sidney Roberts KITSON CLARK, Robin Jon Hawes CLARKE, John Frederick CLARKE, Sir Richard W.B. CLARKSON, Brian L. CLOUPEAU, M. COALES, John Flavell COHEN, Sir Bernard WALEY- COHEN, Gideon F.54 M.59 M.59 K.27 K.544 L.31 K.38 See G.39 M.60 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 168 Index of correspondents COHEN, I. Bernard COLDSTREAM, Nicholas COLE, Julian COLES, Bryan Randell COLLINS, lan F. COMBRIDGE, John Theodore COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS PUBLICATIONS CONFERENCE BOARD OF THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. CONFERENCE OF PROFESSORSOF APPLIED MATHEMATICS CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS CONWAY,D.E. CONWAY,Hugh G. COOK,Sir Alan Hugh COOKE, R.U. COOKER, MarkJ. COOPER, Sir Frank COPPOCK,J.T. CORDANI, Umberto CORFIELD, Nick CORRSIN, Stanley COSTEN, Robert C. M.326 M.60 See also G.57 M.249, M.250 See also M.255, M.258 M.60, M.246 M.60 K.14, K.27-K.29 M.326A M.212 M.254 F.20 M.61 M.61 K.33 K.35 K.669 G.49 M.239 M.158 M.61 K.302, K.377, K.378 M.268 M.61 M.258 COUNCIL FOR INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION (CIHE) M.59 COURTNEY,A.L. L.2 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 169 Index of correspondents CRAIG, George C. CRANE, L.J. CRANSTON, W.I. (‘Bill’) CRIGHTON, David George CROCKER, Malcolm J. L.96 M.254 Eg H.34, H.78, H.94, K.509, K.513, M.62, M.243, M.248, M.252, M.253, M.261, M.264, M.271, M.273 See also H.77, H.96, K.508, M.254, M.255, M.270 H.94, J.83, L.108, M.218, M.243, M.245, M.251, M.260-M.262, M.265, M.275, M.277 See also H.121, J.84, M.249, M.250 CROUCHER FOUNDATION M.265, M.266 CROW,John A. CROWE, Sir Colin CULHANE, J. Leonard CUMBERBATCH, Ellis CUMMINS, W.E. CURTIS, A.R. DAM, C.P. van DANDAPAT,B.S. DANI, S.G. DANIEL, R.R. DANIELS, Peter G. DAS, K.P. DATTA, Naomi DAVENPORT,Alan G. DAVENPORT, Harold DAVIS, Stephen H. M.62 M.63 K.610 M.63, M.203 L.26 K.35, K.36 J.73 M.64 M.64 K.208, K.309 M.272, M.273 M.64 M.64 K.395, K.407, K.410, K.411, K.420, K.421 See also K.409, K.416 K.26 F.26 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 170 Index of correspondents DAWID, A. Philip DAY, Michael H. DEAN, Sir Maurice DEBNATH, Lokenath DECAUX,Alain DE LAS ALAS, J. DELSOL, F. DeMARIA, Mark DENNESS, Bruce DENNIS, lan H. DENTON, Sir Eric James DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA L.50 L.46 K.95 M.231, M.233, M.276 M.65 K.309 K.310 K.310 M.66 M.67 B.143 See also H.85, J.57 A.47, M.67 DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT A.53, G.45, M.67, M.240 DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY M.29, M.67 DIONISOTTI, Carlotta DiPRIMA, R.C. DIXON, Bernard DODGSON, J.M. DOLLERY, Sir Colin Terence DONOVAN, S.L. DOOGE, JamesC.I. DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY DOWMAN, lan DOWNING, ThomasE. DRAZIN, Philip G. DRUCKER, Daniel C. M.68 M.68 H.83 M.68 M.68 M.68 G.59, M.69, M.274 M.70 K.616, K.617 G.59, K.212 M.70 K.551, K.575 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 DUBE, G.S. DUBE, S.K. DWARAKANATH, G.S. DYSON, Freeman John EARLES, S.W.E. EASINGWOOD, J. EASTERLING, John E. EDWARDS, Sir Sam (SamuelFrederick) EISENBERG, Theodore ELCOCK,E.W. ELGIN, Joseph C. ELIEZER, Christie J. ELL, Peter Josef ELLINGTON, Charles Porter ELLIOTT, David ELNASCHIE, M.S. ELO, Olavi ELSBERRY, Russell L. ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. EMANUEL, Kerry A. 171 Index of correspondents M.70 K.310, M.236, M.237, M.258 M.70 M.70 M.71 K.27 A.54 M.59 M.254 K.669 A.29 M.71 M.71 L.106 M.326A K.493, M.71 See also K.497 K.374, K.382, K.385, K.386, K.395, K.399, K.400, K.403-K.405, K.407, K.411, K.420, K.422, K.449 See also K.392, K.440 G.59, K.285, K.311, K.342 M.254 K.262, K.312, K.321, K.347, K.348, L.93, L.96, L.98, M.217 See also K.187, K.452, L.88, L.95, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL EST M.72 M.72 ENDEAVOUR K.673, K.675 172 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 ENEVER, K.J. ENGELBRECHT, J. Index of correspondents M.72 M.73 ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL (EPSRC) M.205, M.211, M.276 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS M.73 ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION OF THE COMMONWEALTH M.322 EVANS, David V. EUROMECH EUROPEAN MECHANICS SOCIETY EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR MEDIUM RANGE WEATHER FORECASTS EUROPEAN GAY REVIEW EUROPEAN MECHANICS COLLOQUIA EUROPHYSICS JOURNAL EVANS, David EVANS, Jenni L. EZRATY, Robert FABRIKANT,Valery I. FARTHING, Simon FATMI, H.A. FAULKNER, Douglas FAVRE, A. FEDORCHENKO, Alexander T. K.474 M.243 M.73 M.73 M.73 M.73 M.228 L.93, L.97 See also L.96 K.311 M.74 M.75 M.75 M.76, M.132 M.76 M.249, M.250 FELLOWSHIP FOR OPERATIONAL RESEARCH J.55 FELLOWSHIP OF ENGINEERING FERNANDES, Antonio Carlos FERRARI, Carlo FFOWCS-WILLIAMS See ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING M.78 A.27, M.78 See WILLIAMS, J.E. FOWCS- M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 173 Index of correspondents FIFIELD, Christopher FINANCIAL TIMES FISH, Frank E. FISZDON, W. FLATHER, Roger A. FLECK, James FLETCHER, Trevor J. FLINN, Shirley FLOCK,K.A.I. FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron M.78 H.16 M.201 K.518, M.79 K.99, K.354, M.243, M.247 M.80 K.134 M.81 See M.81 K.668, K.670, K.672, M.47, M.81, M.106 See also G.57 FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH M.82 FOGH, Torkel WEIS- FOLEY,Gary R. FOLLETT,Sir Brian Keith FONG Ching-Zhen FORD, Sir Hugh FOREMAN, John FORREST,A.Pat. M. FORREST,J.R. FOURCIN, Adrian FOX, Leslie FRANCIS, P.H. FRANKLIN, Raoul N. FREEMAN, Richard FRENKIEL, Francois N. FREUD MUSEUM L241, 623,025, L.28-L.31 K.313 See also L.109 M.83 M.83 Ey M.271 M.83 M.34 M.83 M.321 M.83 M.259 M.83 K.518, K.519, K.575 M.84 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 174 Index of correspondents FREUDENTHAL, H. K.120, K.121, K.141 FUJII, Sumiji FUNG, K.-Y. FYFE, W.S. GABRIELOV,Andrei GAD-EL-HAK,M. GADD, G.E. GADGIL, Sulochana GAJJAR, J.S.B. GARRETT,C.J.R. GARRETT,Terry GAS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, CHICAGO GASTER, Michael GAUT, Geoffrey C. GEE)F;C: GELLER, Robert J. GEORGE, Patrick GERMAIN, Paul GHONIEM, A.F. GIARDINI, Domenico GIBBS, Debbi GIBBS, P. M.85 L.85 See K.187 J.75, L.73, M.114 M.263 K.25 K.569 M.86 M.86 M.86 M.87 K.610, K.616 K.604 A.54, M.88 M.219, M.227, M.228, M.265, M.277 G.49 K.416, K.506-K.508, K.513, K.516, K.525, K.535, K.536, K.539, K.540, K.559, M.88 See also K.484, K.514, K.517, M.210 See M.203 G.64, K.226, K.236, K.241-K.243, K.246, K.247, K.394, K.398, K.399, K.413, K.437, K.439, K.442, K.446 See also K.187, K.387, K.392, M.206 M.88 M.88 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 GIBILARO, Larry G. GIBLIN, Roger A. GIESECKE, A.A. GILES, David Laurent GILL, Adrian GILLESPIE, William H. GINIS, Isaac GODDARD, Peter GODFREY,Malcolm GODLEY, Michael GOHEEN, Robert F. GOLD, Thomas GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOLDSPINK, Geoffrey GOLDSTEIN, David J. GOLDSTEIN, Marvin E. GOLDSTEIN, Rosa GOLDSTEIN, Sydney GOLITSYN, George S. GOOD, Irving John GOODWIN, E.T. GORTLER, Henry GOSFORD, Earl of 175 Index of correspondents M.89, M.204 See also B.125 M.89 See K.406, K.409, K.411, K.416 M.90, M.137, M.171 M.89 M.84 K.314 See L.109 M.190, M.272 M.91 M.91, M.268 A.29 M.265 K.141, M.325 L.32 See H.81 M.91 See also H.94 See H.81, M.91 M.91 M.265 K.23 K.37 K.543 See ACHESON GOVERNMENT OF BANGLADESH METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT K.342 GOVERNMENT OF COLOMBIA M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 176 Index of correspondents MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY K.269 GOVERNMENTOF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT K.259 GOVERNMENT OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA DEPARTMENT OF MINING AND PETROLEUM K.269, K.357 GOWER, Michael GOWING, Margaret Mary GRANGER, Robert GRAY, Sir James GRAY, Margaret GRAY, William M. M.91 M.91 M.92 B.102 M.92 K.314 See also L.88, L.95, M.249 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AIR MINISTRY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY OF POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY OF SUPPLY NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ESTABLISHMENT, BEDFORD OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION GREEN, PeterJ. GREENE, Graham Carleton GREENHOW,Martin J. GREENSPAN, Harvey P. GREENWICH FORUM D.1-D.7, L.2, L.6 K.134, K.586 See also K.585 K.609 M.158 K.569 K.603 D.1 N.21 K.347 M.211, M.239 M.92 M.92 K.673 M.93, M.94 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 GREGERSON Seren GREGORY,Nigel GRIBBEN, Ron J. GRIFFITH, T.G. GRIFFITH, Wayland C. GRIGORYAN, S.S. 177 Index of correspondents K.314 E.11 K.611 M.95 M.95, N.24 L.31 GRIMSHAW,Roger Hamilton James K.314, K.516, M.249, M.272, M.273 GRINCHENKO, V. GROOTENHUIS, Peter GROSSBERG, Stephen GROSSO, Giuseppe GUARD, Charles H.P. (‘Chip’) GUERON, Shay GUEST,J.E. GUO Zhong-heng GUPTA,A.S. GUPTA,J.R. GUPTA,Satyendra P. GUTKOWSKI, W. HAINES, Andrew HALL, Alfred Rupert HALL, Robert E. HAMILTON, Robert M. HAMMERSLEY,John Michael HANDLEY, E.W. HARDIN, J.C. (‘Jay’) M.203 M.106 M.96, M.166 A.27 K.314, L.98 M.256, M.258 M.96 M.96 M.96 M.96 K.412 K.568 G.49 K.549, K.553, K.664, K.666, K.667 M.97 K.259, K.303 See also K.187, K.300, K.301, K.395, K.440 K.29, K.34, K.35, K.37 See also K.28 M.97 H.96 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 HARDMAN, David J. HARDMAN, Sir Henry HARLEN, Oliver HARPER, David G. HARRIS, Rosemary HARRISON, John HARTLEY, Frank R. HARTLEY, Sir Harold (Brewer) HARVEY PRIZE FUND HASIMOTO, H. HASIMOTO, Ziro HAWKER, Jeff HAWKING, Stephen William HAYAKAWA,M. HAYASHI, Yoshio HAYES, Michael HAYES, W.D. HAYMAN, Walter Kurt HEGINBOTHAM, Wilfred B. HEIMANN, Paula HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS HELE, Desmond KING- HE Lin HELLENIC SOCIETY FOR THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS HEMPTINNE, Xavier de HEMS, Benjamin Arthur HENDER, V.C. 178 Index of correspondents M.114 DA; D2 M.97 M.97 M.97 M.97 M.246 M.325, M.326 G.43, M.242, M.243 M.98 M.98 M.274 M.98 K.265 M.98 M.98 See A.29 M.98 K.679 M.99 M.99 M.125 See also K.99 K.374 L.55, M.267 M.99 K.658 M.99 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 179 Index of correspondents HEPPLE, B.A. HERAKOVICH, Carl T. HERPIN, A. HESSELINK,L. HEUGHAN, D.M. HIDE, Raymond HIGGINS, Michael Selwyn LONGUET- HILL, Christopher HILL, Dame Elizabeth HINCH, E. John HINCHCLIFFE, R. HINTON OF BANKSIDE, Christopher Hinton, Baron M.99 M.100 M.100 M.100 M.100 B.163, B.167, H.44 B.168, M.143 See also H.189 M.101 M.101 M.21 M.101 K.648 HIORNS, R.W. K.52, K.57, K.58, K.100 HOARE, Sir (Charles) Anthony (Richard) HOBBS, Stephen HOCKING, Leslie M. HODGE, Philip G., Jr HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas HODGES, Andrew P. HOFFMAN, Alan J. HOGG, D.L. HOLDER, Douglas William HOLLAND,Greg M.101 M.188 G.48, M.21 K.541 K.30 See also K.28 M.101 M.101 M.240 K.658 K.283, K.304, K.306, K.315-K.317, K.347, K.452, L.97, L.101, L.103, L.105, M.223 See also H.99, J.96, L.96, L.109, M.249 HOLLINGDALE, S.H. K.27 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 180 Index of correspondents HOLLIS, G.E. HOLMES, Mark H. HOLWILL, Michael Edwin John HOMENTCOVSCHI, D. HOOKE, William H. HOOKER, Sir Stanley George HOPFINGER, Emil J. HOPKINS, H. Geoffrey HOSKIN, Michael HOSKINS, Brian John HOWARTH, Leslie HOWE, Michael S. HOWSON, Geoffrey HUFFMAN, David A. HUI, Clifford A. HULT, Jan K.614 M.180 M.206, M.212, M.214, M.251, M.253, M.263 M.101 K.269, K.302 K.658 See H.100, H.116 M.102 M.325 K.318, M.238 See H.811 H.123 K.145, M.102 K.669 M.103 K.175, K.467-K.476, K.478, K.491, K.518, K.519, K.523-K.526, K.540, K.544, K.545, K.549, K.550, K.582, K.583 HUM, David Maurice M.103 HUNT, Julian Charles Roland, Baron HUPPERT,Herbert E. HURLBUT,Franklin HUSSAIN, A.K.M. Frank HUSSAINI, M. Yousuff H.123, K.98, K.318, K.348, K.377, K.415, M.199, M.237, M.240, M.258, M.274, M.275 See also J.96, K.224, K.421, L.97 M.103 M.103 M.103 H.122, K.355, M.206, M.228, M.243, M.252 See also M.250, M.251, M.254, M.259 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 181 Index of correspondents HUTTER, K. HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) IBIEJUGBA,M.A. ILLINGWORTH, C.R. IMAI, Isao IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON INDEPENDENT INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE M.103 A.54 See also J.61 M.104 M.105 K.541, M.105 M.105 M.106 M.107 M.107 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,DELHI K.3-K.13, M.267 INDIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY M.107 INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMY K.576, M.107 INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS ASSOCIATION INDIAN SOCIETY OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (ISTAM) INGRAM, David J.E. INSTITUT DE FRANCE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCEMENTOF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRAINING, DACCA INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ICASE) INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION INSTITUTE OF ACOUSTICS INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED LEGAL STUDIES M.107 M.116 M.108 M.108 M.108 M.206 H.83 M.109 M.109 INSTITUTE OF CIVIL DEFENCE AND DISASTER STUDIES =M.109 INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARYARTSLTD(ICA) INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF LARYNOLOGY AND OTOLOGY M.105 M.109 M.109 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 182 Index of correspondents INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS H.49-H.51, H.75, K.14-K.100, K.586, K.587, L.38, M.229, M.259, M.261 See also H.102 INSTITUTE OF NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING M.109 M.109 D.7, K.39 H.104, M.237, M.263 See also M.248 INSTITUTE OF STATISTICIANS K.30 INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS G.61, M.110 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS G.40, K.56, K.256, K.403, K.406- K.408, K.413, M.233 See also J.92A INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS G.45, M.111 INTER-AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF ASTRONAUTICS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERICS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEISMOLOGY AND PHYSICS OF THE EARTH'S INTERIOR INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION K.131 M.112 K.301 K.215 M.195 M.113 K.482 M.113 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ACOUSTICS K.101-K.119, K.531 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON MATHEMATICAL INSTRUCTION (ICMI) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR MECHANICS INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (ICSTI) K.120-K.172 M.113, M.117 K.483, M.113 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 183 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS K.173-K.463, M.113 COSTED INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION (IDNDR) K.208, K.209, K.308, K.309 K.182-K.463, M.216, M.223, M.227 INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION K.215, K.217, K.221 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION (IIAV) M.260, M.262, M.271 See also L.108 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NOISE AND CONTROL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION M.262 M.270, M.272 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW M.99, M.114 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING M.114 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES M.114 INTERNATIONAL LITHOSPHERE PROGRAM K.236, K.237-K.239, K.241, K.244 INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL UNION K.120, K.127, K.128, K.132, K.141 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF BIORHEOLOGY M.114 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES L.30 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES K.255, K.267, K.268, K.385, K.491, K.579, M.213 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY L.29 K.175 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS M.115, M.216 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE K.251 See also K.265 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS(IUTAM) G.61, K. 111, K.116, K.117, K.176, K.179, K.207, K.331, K.458, K.464-K.583, L.28, L.29, L.74, L.99, M.202, M.211, M.218, M.225, M.240, M.243, M.269 See also L.108, M.248 INTERNATIONAL WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION K.219 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 INUI, Takao ISHLINSKY, A. Yu. ISLAM, Jamal Nazrul ISRAEL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES IVANOV,NikolayI. IWASAKI, Toshio IYANAGA,I. JACKSON, Horace JACOBSEN, Finn JAFFRIN, Michel Yves JAMES, David F. JAMISON, Robin Ralph JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS JARRELL, Jerry JAYARAMAN, Girija JEFFREY, A. JEFFREYS, Bertha Swirles, Lady JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD JOHNS, Bryan JOHNSON, W. JOHNSTONE, Alan JOINT MATHEMATICAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 184 Index of correspondents M.116 K.541, K.551, M.116 M.116 M.221, M.223, M.226, M.234, M.236, M.237 M.254, M.255, M.261, M.270-M.272 See also M.252 See K.410 K.133, K.134, K.144 M.117 M.275 M.206, M.261 M.117 M.169 M.211, M.235 K.319 See also L.88 M.117, M.229, M.230, M.259 M.117 M.81 M.239 K.484 K.262, K.319, K.339, K.348, K.452, M.118 M.118 M.118 K.584-K.590 JONES, Douglas Samuel H.93, K.37, K.58, M.119 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 185 Index of correspondents JONES, Francis Edgar JONES, Gareth JONES, Garth Owen JONES, Harry JONES, Reginald Victor JONES, Robert T. K.689, K.690 F.54 K.674 See D.6 M.120 M.119 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND TERRESTIAL PHYSICS M.226, M.228 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS M.121 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS M.121, M.204, M.210, M.227, M.240, M.246, M.249 See also M.205 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY M.121, M.226, M.252 JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS M.203, M.231, M.272 JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY M.122 M.122 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES M.203, M.207, M.208 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY M.122, M.258 JUHASZ, Stephen KAHN, Franz D. KALISZKY, S. KAMBE, Tsutomu KAMIMURA,H. KANDA, Hidesada KANDASWAMY,P. KAPUR, J.N. KATSAROS, Kristina KATYAL,S.P. KAUSEL, Edgar K.483, K.484, K.583 M.123 K.509 See also K.508 M.123 M.123 M.123 M.123 K.573, K.574, K.579, M.123 See L.109 M.123 K.259 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 KAUSEL, Edgar KELLAWAY,F.W. KELLER, Joseph B. KEMP,David T. KEMPSON, Ruth M. KENDREW,Sir John Cowdery KENNAWAY, Sasha KENT, Percy Edward (Sir Peter Kent) KEPERT,Jeff D. KERENSKY,Oleg Alexander KERR, E. KESTELMAN, H. KEYNES, Richard Darwin KING, A.C. KING-HELE KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles KING’S SCHOOL, Grantham KIRSCHGASSNER, Klaus KIYA, Masaru KLAUBER, Ruth KLINE, S.J. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS KNIGHT, John H. KNIGHTING, E. KNOPOFF, Leon 186 Index of correspondents K.259 K.28 M.124 K.116 See also H.92, J.61 M.124 K.483, K.492 See also K.482 M.124 K.648 L.91 See also L.109 M.124 K.31, K.32 K.25 L.29 M.239 See HELE K.685 M.125 M.198 M.125 M.126 M.238, M.240, M.255 M.229, M.230, M.236, M.238, M.271, M.274 K.105 K.99 M.127 KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW M.135, M.183 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 187 Index of correspondents KO, N.W.M. KOBASHI, Yasujiro KOENEMANN, Falk H. KOITER, Warner T. KOKSHAYSKY,N.V. KOLANECI, Fejzi KOLSTON, Paul J. KONDO, Hiroki KOOPMANN, Gary H. KORDYLEWSKI, Wtodzimien KORNER, T.W. KOUNADIS, A. KOUTITAS, Christopher KOZLOV,V.V. KRAMER, Dame Leonie L.67 M.127 M.215, M.218 K.525, K.569, K.570, K.583 L.30, L.31, L.33, M.127 M.259 M.272 K.320, K.347, K.412, K.415, M.203 See also K.221, K.343, K.388, K.421, L.90 J.61 M.127 M.216 L565, L.o6 M.127 M.127 M.242 KRIKOR BAYTARIAN & ASSOCIATES (UK) LTD M.128-M.130 KRISHNAMURTI, Ruby KRISHNAMURTI, T.N. KROTHAPALLI, A. KRYLOV,VictorV. KUBOR, I. KUBOTI, Jiro KUCHEMANN, Dietrich KUIKEN, H.K. KUNDU, P. M.131 K.320 M.131 M.272-M.274 M.131 K.410 See also K.412 B.57 M.131, M.202, M.204, M.210, M.227, M.240, M.246, M.249 See also H.118, M.205 M.131 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 KURIHARA,Yoshio KURTI, Nicholas KUWAHARA,Kunio KYNCH, George J. LACEY, Mark LACKENBY,H. LAGARDE, A. LAI, Choi-Hong LAITHWAITE, Sheila LAKSHMINARAYANAN, S. LAM, Martin LAMB, Willis E., Jr LAMING, David R.J. LANDSBERG, Peter Theodore LANDSEA,Chris LANG, William W. LANGE & SPRINGER LANGFORD, John S. LAPWOOD, Ralph LARMAN, David G. LAUTERPACHT,Elihu LAW, F.M. LAWS, N. LECHAT,Michel F. 188 Index of correspondents K.262, K.281, K.320, K.339, L.88, L.96, L.99-L.101 See also K.341, L.97 M.131 M.131 K.28 See M.132 K.26 M.132 M.251, M.253, M.257, M.263, M.278 M.267 M.132 K.682, M.133-M.136 M.259 M.176, M.178, M.180, M.181 K.38 L.96, M.192 See also L.97 M.262 M.137 K.321 M.137 G.59-G.64, M.137, M.141, M.258 See also K.104, M.202 A.54, F.66 K.215 M.137 K.269 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 189 Index of correspondents LEE, Brian LEE, D.A. LEE; E.B. LEE, G:H: LEE, Richard C.T. LEGENDRE, Robert LEHMANN, R. LEI, Z. LEITCH, Sir George LEITER, E. LENHER, S. LEONARD, M. LEPPINGTON, Frank G. LEPSCHY,Giulio LEPSCHY, Laura LE QUESNE., Leslie P. LESIEUR, M. LESPINARD, Georges LEVERHULME TRUST LEWIS, John L. LIDL, Rudof LIDSTONE, John LILLEY, Geoffrey M. LILLY, Sheila LIM Chee-Seng LINSTEAD, Sir Patrick K.224 B.151 M.138 L.2 M.138 L.28, L.29, L.31, M.139 M.140 M.207 See also M.209 M.140 M.140 M.140 See K.386 G.48 M.140 M.140 G15 M.140 M.140 E.13, G.48, G.50, G.58, K.29, K.30, K.33, M.141, M.255 K.138, M.140 M.326A K.384, K.389, K.392, K.438, M.198, M.210 M.142, M.189 M.142 M.51 D.2, D.3, E.6-E.10, K.29 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 LIPPMANN, H. LIRON, Nadav LIU, Joseph T.C. LIUBIMOV,G.A. LIVESEY, Jim L. LOCK,J.M. 190 Index of correspondents M.142 M.239, M.260, M.261, M.273 See also M.238 M.142 K.270 M.142 BA2 LONDON INTERCOLLEGIATE LUNCHEON CLUB M.112, M.143 LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY LONG, Ong Eng LONGUET-HIGGINS LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY LU Jiaxi LUCAS, David KEITH- LUCAS, lan A.M. LUGOVTSOV,B.A. LUKES, T. McCARTNEY,Brian S. McCUTCHEN, Charles W. McEWEN, Ewen MacFARLANE, Alastair George James McGEER, Tad McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY McGROUTHER, D.A. MackKAY, Robert MckEE, S. K.29, M.143 K.412, K.416 See HIGGINS M.144, M.145 M.117 See also M.146 M.146 M.146 M.146 M.146 M.243 M.177 M.147 M.147 K.322, M.187 See also K.387, K.410 A.11 M.147 M.147, M.177, M.178 M.147 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 191 Index of correspondents McKENZIE, J.F. McKINTYRE, Michael E. McNALLY, Derek McNICOL,G.P. MAA, Dah-You MACHIN, K.E. MAINGUET, Monique MAJHI, S.N. M.206 K.323, K.339, M.147, M.232 See also H.89 M.147 M.147 L.62 B.115 H.195A M.148 MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY B.61, M.148 MANDAL, B.N. MANDAL, K.K. MANSFIELD, E.H. MARCHUK,Gury I. MARDIA,K.V. MARJORAM, D.T.E. MARKIN, Vladislav MARKLAND, Eric MARRIOTT, Harry MARTIN, Bernard W. MARTIN, E. Dale MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASON, Paul James MAST, T. Douglas MASURE, Philippe MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION MATHEMATICAL GAZETTE M.148 M.148 K.27 L.10 See also M.149 K.396 K.27 M.208 M.149 M.149 M.149 H.193 L.47 M.246, M.262 M.149 K.253, K.256, K.301 M.150, K.591-K.602 M.212 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 192 Index of correspondents MATHEMATICAL SPECTRUM MATHEMATIKA MATSUNO, T. MATSUZAKI, Yuji MATTHEWS. Geoffrey MATTHEWS. Sir Peter MAUNDER, Leonard MAXWELL,Betty MAXWELL, Edwin A. MAXWELL,(lan) Robert MAXWORTHY,Tony MAZUMDER, B.S. MAZUMDER, N.C. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS LTD MEDAWAR, Jean, Lady MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MEES, Alastair lain MEI, Chiang C. MELTZER, Bernard MENON, M.G.K. MERLANE, Graham M.150 M.150 See K.324 M.235 K.94, K.95 G.46, G.50, M.150 M.151 M.151 K.125, K.127, K.128, K.132, K.141- K.145, K.148, K.150 M.153 M.254, M.255 M.229 M.262, M.267 M.154 M.154 E.9, 6.11 M.321-M.324 See also G.47 M.235, M.237, M.238 K.670 M.154 K.591 MERRIMAN, James Henry Herbert K.604, K.605, K.607-K.609 MERTON SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY M.154 METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE M.155, M.240, M.246, M.262 MEYER, Richard E. MICHEL,R. MICHIE, Donald G.47 K.509, K.510 K.669-K.673 M.J. Lighthil NCUACS175/6/09 193 Index of correspondents MIDWINTER, John Edwin K.611 MIKHAILOV, Gleb Konstantinovich K.541, M.156, M.157 MILES, John W. MILES, Tim R. MILLAR, Fergus G.B. MILLER, Keith J. MILLER, Martin MILLING, M.C. CROWLEY- MILLS, John R. MILOH, Touvia MINSKY,Marvin MIZUNO, Masamitsu MOFFATT,Henry Keith MOHRING, W. MOLINARI, John MONTGOMERY,Michael T. MOODIE, Bryant MOORE, Andrew MOORE, lan M.H. MORITZ, Helmut MORTON, Bruce MOURELATOS, Z.P. MULLER, E.-A. L.50, M.158 M.158 M.158 K.473, K.475, K.481, K.487, K.499, M.158 K.324 M.63 D.6 H.87 K.675 K.409 H.77, H.124, K.477, K.505, K.509, K.526, K.527, K.529, K.535, K.541, K.551, K.553, K.557, K.559, K.560, K.568, M.159 See also H.78, K.497, K.509, K.536 M.160 K.324 K.324 M.160 M.278 See also B.104A K.386, K.395, K.407, K.410, K.416, K.441 See also K.392 K.207, K.255, K.324, K.394 M.160 M.160 K.544 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS175/6/09 194 Index of correspondents MURDOCH UNIVERSITY, PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA MURRAY OF NEWHAVEN, Keith Anderson Hope Murray, Baron MUSAFIR, R.E. MUSTOW,Stuart NACHTIGALL, W. NAGY, A. SZOLLOSI- NAKASHIMA, Motomu NARASIMHA, Roddam NASTASE, Adriana NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING, WASHINGTON, D.C M.160 K.37, M.326 M.160 K.403, K.407, K.408 M.161 K.217 M.225, M.229, M.230, N.12 K.541, K.571, M.161, M.249, M.275 M.161 M.77, M.161, M.271 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON, D.C. M.162, M.253, M.256, M.257 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. M.163, M.256 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL M.31, M.166 NATURE NEALE, Elfreda, Lady NEEDMAN, Roger Michael NEILL. Hugh NEREM, Robert M. NEUMANN, Bernhard H. NEURAL NETWORKS NEWBERY, David NEWHALL, Christopher G. NEWLAND, David E. K.27, M.164, N.165 M.166 K.670 See also K.678, K.685 K.588, K.590 J.61, M.166, M.243 K.121 M.166 F.65 K.268-K.270, K.388, K.441, K.450, L.86 See also K.187, K.387, K.392 M.223, M.268, M.274, M.275 See also M.256 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 195 Index of correspondents NIELSON, Knut SCHMIDT- L.21,-L.29, L.31,°'L.33 NIETO, J.N. NIGAM, S.D. NIORDSEN, Frithiof I. M.167 M.167 See also K.325 K.544, K.551, K.570, K.571, L.28, L.29 NOAKES, Richard M.271, M.272 NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL SOCIETY NORTHERN RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY NUFFIELD FOUNDATION MATHEMATICS TEACHING PROJECT NUMERICAL METHODSIN FLUIDS O’BRIEN, JamesJ. OCKENDON, John R. ODABASI, A. Yucel O’DONNELL, T. OHNISHI, Haruo OLHOFF, Niels OLIVEIRA,Janet B. JONES- OLLERENSHAW,DameKathleen OOl, See Hai OOYAMA,K.V. OSBORNE, A.R. OSBORNE, Nicola OSSE, J.W.M. M.254 D.7 M.168 E.15, M.168 K.94, K.95 M.168 M.169, M.192 See also K.325 M.169 M.169 See K.99, K.100 K.325 K.560 See also J.96 M.119 M.169 K.325 K.325 M.170 M.170 L.33 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 196 Index of correspondents OWEN, Paul Robert E.8, E.16 See also M.171 OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE MUSIC CLUB M.172 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS H.49-H.51, K.58, M.174, M.251 OXFORD JOURNALS OYA, Masahiko PACK, Donald Cecil PANZA, Giuliano F. PARKES, Sir Edward (Walter) PATTERSON, E.M. PATVIVATSIRI, Patipat PEARCE, R.P. PEDLEY, Timothy John PEKERIS, Chaim Lieb PENGUIN BOOKS LTD M.173 K.215, K.217 See also K.219 K.23, K.27, K.30, K.33, K.37, K.38 See also G.47, K.26 K.254, K.259 G.45 See also H.81 L.38, K.97 K.326 K.326, K.327, K.347 See also K.262 K.8, K.564, L.31-L.33, M.263 See also G.47, H.89, H.90, M.229 See H.81 K.100 PENNEY, William George Penney, Baron K.689, K.690 PENNYCUICK,Colin J. PEREGRINE, D. Howell PERGAMON PRESS PETERS, M.T. PHILLIPS, Charles K. PHILLIPS, Owen PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN PICKFORD, Lillian Mary PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian See J.57 M.188 M.51, M.153 G.54 L.28 M.272 M.123 M.23 H.104 See also H.115 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 197 Index of correspondents PLANT OF HIGHFIELD, Raymond Plant, Baron M.273 PLATE, Erich J. PLATE, Nicolai PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward PLESSEY COMPANY LTD POLL, D. lan A. PORTER, George, Baron POST OFFICE BOARD POWELL, Michael J.D. PRABHU, K.S. PRESS, Frank PRICE, William Geraint PRIMEL, L. PROBSTEIN, Ronald F. PROPHET,Arthur PROSPERETTI, Andrea PUDOV,Vladimir D. PURI, Kamal QAYYUM, M.F. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUIRK, Charles Randolph Quirk, Baron QURAISHI, [7] K.410, K.411, K.450, M.216 See also K.187, K.386, K.387, K.392, K.440, M.254 M.254, M.262, M.266 M.10 See D.6 J.57 K.508, K.509, K.619 See also K.610 K.603-K.609 K.35, K.36, K.690 See also K.37 M.7 K.248 See K.567 K.252 J.78, M.245 G.40 M.256 K.327, M.216, M.217, M.228, M.230 See also L.109 K.328, K.347 K.329 M.199. M.243, M.326A G.44, M.25 See K.329 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 198 Index of correspondents RAHMAN, Matiur RAJAONARIVELO, O.A. RAMACHANDRAN, A. RAMKISSOON, Harold RAMSAY,J.A. RAND,David RANGER, Sir Douglas RAO, Balakrishna M.257 See also M.252 K.330 See K.572 L.74 L.21 J.44, J.45 G.15 M.209 RAWLINS, Anthony David M.185, M.211, M.243, M.249, M.250 RAYMOND, David REES, Martin, Baron REID, Robert O. RETHORST,Scott RIBNER, Herbert S. RICHARDS, Sir Rex Edward RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry RIJSBERGEN, C.J. VAN RILEY, Norman RILEY,P.A. ROACH, Margot R. ROBERTS, Sir Derek Harry ROBERTSON, H.H. ROGERS, Claude Ambrose ROGERSON, Alan T. ROITT, |.M. ROMANENKO, E.V. ROOKE, Sir Denis Eric K.330 M.162 K.330 L.30 H.94, K.544 M.141 M.148 K.674 H.43 M.266-M.268 B.59 See G.57 K.35 K.586, M.74 H.182, H.183, K.161, K.162, M.326A G.48 M.200, M.201 M.34 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 199 Index of correspondents ROSEN, Dennis ROSENBERG, Victor ROSENBROCK, H.H. ROSENFELD, CharlesL. ROTHSCHILD, (Nathaniel Mayer) Victor, 3rd Baron ROY, Maurice ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING M.263 K.675 M.322 K.220, K.303, K.449 See also K.219 D.4, D.5 K.518 M.77, M.100, M.239 See also K.388 ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY G.44,L.1, L.2-L.4 ROYAL SOCIETY D.2, D.4, E.1-E.5, H.43, H.44, H.79, H.81, K.29, K.43, K.61, K.103, K.126-K.129, K.262, K.508, K.509, K.511, K.524, K.564, K.590, K.610- K.667, L.6, L.49, L.50, L.54, L.60, L.62, L.64, M.102, M.156, M.157, M.195, M.196, M.227, M.231, M.233, M.240, M.256, M.264, M.265, M.267, M.270 See also K.201, K.224 ROYAL SOCIETY CLUB ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY RUBBER RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYSIA RUBBIA,Carlo RUFER, Libor RUSSELL, Conrad Sebastian Robert Russell, 5th Earl RUSSIAN ACADEMYOF SCIENCES RYLAND, Sir (Albert) William (Cecil) RYLOV,Yuri SACHDEYV,P.L. SADLER, Peter M. M.276 K.30 K.412 M.48 M.63 G.50 M.254 K.603-K.606, K.609 See also K.608 M.272, M.273 M.201, M.206 See also M.205 M.261 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 200 Index of correspondents SAJJADI, Shahrdad SALAM, Abdus SALTER, Stephen H. SARKAR, Sutanu SATO, Hiroshi SAUNDERS, Sir OwenAlfred SAWYER, W.W. SAXENA,V.P. SCHAEFER, Glen W. SCHIEHLEN, Werner SCHLAPP, Robert SCHOOL MATHEMATICS PROJECT SCHROTER, R.C. SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL SCORER, R.S. SCOTT, Joseph W. SEANG, Hak-Joong SEATON, Michael John SEVERTZOV,A.N. SHAPIRO, AscherH. SHAPIRO, Lloyd SHAW,Edgar A.G. SHAW,Steven W. SHEN, Yuan M.246 K.259 M.218 M.254, M.255 L.67 E.13 M.214, M.219 M.231 M.175 K.331, K.478, K.483, K.484, K.486, K.487, K.488, K.491-K.493, K.496, K.498-K.500, K.502, K.503, K.505, K.507, K.509-K.511, K.514-K.516, K.529, K.537, K.538, K.540, K.549- K.553, K.557, K.583, L.74 See also K.481, K.517, L.108 K.665 M.326A M.40 G.40, K.668-K.685 D.6, K.27, K.32, K.35 G.39 K.331 D.6 L.32 J.78 K.331 K.544 L.69 L.60, L.62, L.64 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 SHEPHERDSON, J.C. SHERMAN, W.G. SHUARD, Hilary B. SHUKLA,J.B. SILVER, Leon T. SILVERLEAF, Alec SILVERMAN, A.Paul SIMPSON, Joanne SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINGER, Josef SINGH, Mahendra P. SINGLER, TimothyJ. SINHA, D.K. SKALAK,Richard SLEEMAN, Brian D. SLEIGH, MichaelA. SMITH, Charles George Percy Smith, Baron DELACOURT- SMITH, David G. SMITH, Frank Thomas SMITH, J.H.B. SMITH, Roger K. SMITH, Ronald SNEDDON, lan Naismith SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKEAND CIVIL ENGINEERING DYNAMICS 201 Index of correspondents K.22 K.28, K.29, K.37 K.586 K.575, M.274 K.302 K.98 G.56 K.331 See also K.339 M.146 H.81 K.3, K.6-K.9, K.12, K.57, K.58, K.331, K.357, K.492, K.546, K.571, K.573-K.579, K.581, K.582, M.228 See also K.569, K.572 M.266 K.209, L.81 See also K.355 M.256 See also M.255 L.78, M.185 B.77, B.115 K.603 M.242 H.51, H.195A, K.549-K.551, K.553, K.611, K.616, M.205, M.231 K.32 K.332 M.243 M.92 M.245 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 202 Index of correspondents SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS H.84 SPEDDING, G.R. SPENCE, David A. SPENCER, Anthony JamesMerrill SRIVASTAVA,R.S. STEELE, Charles R. STEELE, John H. STEHBENS, W.E. STEINBERG, Hannah STEPHENSON, Basil STETTER, HansJ. STINTON, Darrol STOCKER, Peter M. STOLTMAN, Joseph P. STONE, Howard A. STONE, Joan STONE, Marshall H. STRATFORD, Alan H. STUART, John Trevor STURTEVANT, Brad SUDO, K. SUTHERLAND, Louis C. SUTYRIN, Georgi G. H.123, M.182, M.211, M.229 G.46 See also G.47 See J.85 M.241, M.246, M.251, M.254, M.264 M.181 See also J.61 K.97 F.25 J.49 L.2 L.66 M.184 K.21 K.209, K.395 See also K.387, K.392 M.248 K.27 K.131 L.2 G.42, H.81, H.195A, K.45, K.484, K.506, K.509, K.510, K.550, M.231 See also K.557 M.92 K.356, K.362, K.382, K.388, K.399, K.406, K.407, K.412, K.440, K.441, M.227 See also K.421, K.445 See H.93 K.332 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 SWALE, Erica SWANI, N.M. 203 Index of correspondents B.63 K.12, K.569, K.571 See also K.572, K.582 SYNGE, John Lighton K.665 TAGG, E. Donovan TAKAKI, Ryuji TANI, Itiro TATSUMI, Tomomasa TAYLOR, Charles A. TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR, John G. TAYLOR, Rodney EATOCK TEODORESCU, Dan TEMPLE, George K.94 B.75, B.76 K.541 See also L.17 K.559, M.209 K.138, K.161, K.162 K.34-K.36 L.47 M.71 M..323 K.14, K.29 See also M.107, K.28 THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS H.96, M.271 THIRD WORLD ACADEMYOF SCIENCES THOMAS, C.J. Hamshaw THOMAS, Neale THOMPSON, Sir Harold Warris THOMPSON, J. Michael T. K.484, K.620 L:2 M.245, M.264, M.277 E.1 K.545 THORNEYCROFT, GILES & ASSOCIATES M.90, M.137, M.171 THWAITES, Bryan TIDMARSH, Elizabeth TILTON, Homer B. TIMES HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT TITLI, André K.30, K.33, K.38, K.39 K.263 M.271 K.42 M.222, M.226 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 TOBIAS, S.A. TOCHER, K.D. TOKATY,Grig A. TONISSON, William TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE TRITTON, David J. TUCKER, G. Brian TURCOTTE, Donald L. 204 Index of correspondents K.679 K.26 L.10 K.104 A.54, D.3 L.50 K.215, K.333 See also K.339 K.536, M.227 See also K.248, K.395, K.457 TURNER, J. Stewart K.105 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT D.7 CULHAM LABORATORY REVIEW PANEL K.686-K.699 UNITED KINGDOM AUTOMATION COUNCIL K.38 UNITED KINGDON COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION (IDNDR) K.700-K.705 UNITED NATIONS IDNDR SECRETARIAT UNESCO UNIDO UNIVERSITE SCIENTIFIQUE, TECHNOLOGIQUE ET MEDICALE DE GRENOBLE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY K.356, K.362, K.374, K.382, K.385, K.387, K.388, K.399, K.400, K.403- K.407, K.411-K.413, K.422, K.440, K.441, K.449 K.123, K.125, K.134, K.138, K.160, K.216, K.242, K.413 See also K.421 K.406, K.408-K.410 K.706-K.713 See Section G M.49, M.60 M.51 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 205 Index of correspondents CRABTREE DINNER DE MORGANSOCIETY MUSIC SOCIETY NATURAL SCIENCE CLUB UNION UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE FACULTY BOARD OF MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY INSTITUTE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES INTERNATIONALINSTITUTE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON BEDFORD COLLEGE BIRKBECK COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL HALL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE UNIT UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT URSELL, Fritz Joseph UYEDA,Seiya M.62 M.65 M.160 M.163 M.60 M.75 M.114 M.114 B.23 B.28 M.114 See UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON M.148 M.148 K.212 M.59 H.124 See also G.47 K.387, K.388, K.391, K.394, K.395, K.398, K.399 See also K.386, K.390, K.392, K.440 VAINSHTEIN, Peter M.229, M.270 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 VALLURI, S.R. VAN BLADEL,J. VAN DYKE, Milton VAROTSOS, P. VERSTAPPEN, Herman Th. VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VICKERY, Barry VILLEVIELLE, Adelin VOISIN, Bruno WAKELY,P.G. WALLIS, Graham B. WANG, Ren WARDLE, C.S. WARNER, Anne Elizabeth WASSERMANN, Gerhard D. WATANABE, Eiichi WATES FOUNDATION WAY, Sir Richard (‘Sam’) WEAVER, Warren WEIHS, Danny WEINGARTNER, Paul WEIZMANN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 206 Index of correspondents K.579 K.251 See also K.265 M.189, M.211 K.391, K.395, M.264, M.265, M.277 See also K.390 K.210, K.215, K.217, K.221, K.262, K.334, K.385, K.388, K.390, K.436, K.440, K.446, K.448-K.450, M.243, M.249 See also K.187, K.203, K.219, K.386, K.387, K.392, K.395, K.399, K.447, M.252, M.254, M.262, M.267 K.686-K.689 See K.407 K.334, K.382, K.387, K.394 See also K.392, K.395, K.440 M.199, M.201 K.26, K.55, K.56 B.123 L.64 See M.178 K.610 K.674 M.246, M.248 E.13, E.14 D.4, D.7 See also D.5, D.6 M.326 A.45 M.206 M.247 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 207 Index of correspondents WELLCOME TRUST WENDT, John F. WESSEL, Walter WESTCOTT, John Hugh WHITESIDE, Derek Thomas WHITHAM, Gerald Beresford WHITTLE, Peter WHYBROW,D.A. WICKHAM, Gerry R. WIJNGAARDEN, Leen van WILKIE, Douglas Robert WILKINSON, James Hardy WILKINSON, K.G. WILKS, Graham WILLIAMS, J.E. FFOWCS-(‘Shon’) WILLIAMS, Trevor Illtyd WILLIAMSON, David Theodore Nelson WILLIS, John Raymond WILLMOTT,A. WILSON, Robert WILSON, Simon WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOLPERT, Lewis E.13, E.14 M.227, M.229, M.235, M.236 G.63 L.50 K.667, M.325, M.326 H.20 See also G.47 M.324 L.2 J.66 K.175, K.335, K.481-K.484, K.487, K.491, K.510, K.512, K.513, K.529, K.534, K.540, K.541, K.550, K.559, K.560, L.99, M.225, M.228, M.240 See also K.517, M.239, M.242 K.616 G.46 See also K.42 L.1 L.76 H.195A See also D.6, G.47, K.544 K.673, K.675 K.648, K.658 K.551, M.196, M.234, M.239, M.267, M.269, M.271 M.160 K.177 M.21 E.13, E.14, M.259, M.261 See M.203, M.238 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 WONG, Roderick WOOD, Sir Frank WOODRUFF, Sir Michael Francis Addison WOODS, L.C. WOOLFSON, M.B. de THE WORLD BANK 208 Index of correspondents M.217, M.219 K.603 H.71 M.264 L.4 K.254, K.301 WORLD COUNCIL FOR BIOMECHANICS M.248, M.261, M.271 WORLD FEDERATION OF ENGINEERING ORGANIZATIONS K.253, K.290, K.301, K.410 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION K.279, K.310, K.320, K.330, K.347, K.412, K.413, K.415, M.203, M.207, M.239, M.242, M.243, M.253, M.263 See also K.221, K.224, M.209 WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO PTE LTD M.199, M.218, M.226, M.272 WRIGHT, A. WU, G.X. WU, J.Z. WU, Theodore Y. WYSS, Max YAMAGATA,Toshio YAMASAKI, Masanori YEH, Harry YIH, Chia-Sun YOUNG, Alec David ZAKHARENKO, Michael N. ZEEMAN, Sir (Erik) Christopher ZENG, Qing-cun ZHANG, H. M.188 M.203, M.269-M.271 See M.194 L.23-L.27, L.30-L.33, L.45 M.212 K.336 K.305, K.336 M.185 M.239 H.195A, M.62 M.259 K.33 K.337, K.347 M.248, M.249, M.255, M.262 M.J. Lighthill NCUACS 175/6/09 ZHANG, Zhaoshun ZHENG, Zhemin ZIEGLER, Franz ZIENKIEWICZ, Olgierd Cecil ZWEIG, George 209 Index of correspondents L.60, L61, L.64 K.279, K.282, K.284, K.303, K.304- K.306, K.308, K.309, K.320, K.337, K.338, K.347, K.348, L.61 See also K.340-K.342, K.387, K.452, L.64 K.395, K.561-K.563, L.66 K.473 M.180