DAVIES, Donald Watts v1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Donald Watts Davies FRS (1924-2000) NCUACS catalogue no.143/8/05 By Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Donald Watts Davies FRS (1924-2000) NCUACS catalogue no.143/8/05 By Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Date of material: 1936-2004 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Donald Watts Davies (1924- 2000), computer scientist NCUACS catalogue no. 143/8/05 © 2005 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath College Archives, Imperial College London Reference code: GB 0098 B/DAVIES Extent of material: ca 850 items Deposited in: D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society British Computer Society Institute of Physics Needham Charitable Trust Royal Society Royal Society of Chemistry Trinity College Cambridge Wellcome Trust D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH A.1-A.43 B.1-B.313 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.101 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS D.1-D.37 SECTION E CONSULTANCIES SECTION F HISTORICAL TOPICS E.1-E.28 F.1-F.265 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.60 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from the family of Mr Donald Davies in June 2004. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF DONALD WATTS DAVIES Donald Watts Davies was born in Treorchy in the Rhondda Valley in Wales on 7 July 1924. 1925 his father died and Davies moved with his mother and twin sister to Portsmouth to live with his the maternal grandmother and aunt. Portsmouth Boys Southern Secondary School, he took up a ‘Royal’ Scholarship at Imperial College In 1943 he graduated with first-class honours and was directed to London where he studied physics. his school education at the completion of 1941, on In July In work at Birmingham University as a research assistant in the Tube Alloys Project (the British M.L.E. Oliphant. the requirements for a mathematics degree in Peierls and later A.H. Wilson. purpose, graduating with first class honours in 1947. contribution to the development of nuclear weapons) under R.E. Davies’s main work was concerned with the stability and control problems for the gaseous diffusion In 1944 he continued to work for the Tube Alloys Project at ICI, Billingham, on Teeside and in plant. 1945 at the close of the project he returned to Birmingham to work in the Physics Department under The overlap between the courses at Imperial College allowed Davies to complete a year and he resumed the scholarship for that The National Physical Laboratory was setting up a group to build a stored program computer under the direction of A.M. Turing and Davies joined this group and began working on the logic design and When the Pilot ACE was built, Davies became a user, later the building of the ACE Computer. working on a variety of simulations, including the behaviour of road junctions controlled by traffic In 1954 Davies was awarded a Harkness Fellowship to study in the USA. He came to view his lights. choice of MIT as an error because all the interesting computer work was classified. The period at MIT was interrupted by a special mission for the United Nations, investigating a request from the Indian Subsequently he was accepted public view of machine translation’. involved for a number of years on two new projects. superconducting device with potential for the large-scale integration of logic and storage. efforts in this area foundered on engineering problems of many kinds. The other was the translation Davies concluded that although ‘we were not able to set up a is noteworthy that our real experience ... was very different from the Institute, Calcutta for funds to buy equipment from the USSR. One was the development of the cryotron, a by computer from Russian to English. service based on this work ... it Statistical However, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 In the early 1960s time-sharing whereby a large computer gave an online service to a number of users was very much the coming thing. In 1965 Davies proposed, in a privately circulated paper, the principle for a data communication network which he subsequently named ‘packet switching’. In March of the following year he lectured to a large audience, advocating the use of this technique in a public switched data network. In 1966 Davies was appointed Superintendent of the Division of Computer Science where the programme of research included data communication systems, information systems, pattern recognition and man-computer interaction. The data communication proposals for specialised networks using packet switching were widely publicised in 1967 and greatly influenced the early development of the ARPA Network. Davies successfully promoted packet switching for public networks at the CCITT (International Consultative Committee for Telephones and Telegraphs) and elsewhere. In 1973 he published (with D.L.A. Barber) Communication Networks for Computers and in 1979 (with Barber, W.L. Price and C.M. Solomonides) Computer Networks and their Protocols. In 1975 Davies received the John Player Award of the British Computer Society for his work in packet switching and shared the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) internet Award for 2000 for work on packet switching. In 1978 Davies was given the status of an ‘individual merit’ appointment at the NPL enabling him to relinquish administrative responsibilities, and he led a small research team concerned with security of data in networks. The team developed the application of cryptographic methods to the practical work of network security, especially the use of asymmetric (public key) cryptography. Consulting work under contract to financial institutions and others provided the practical experience. After Davies Davies was appointed CBE in 1983 and elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1987. In 1955 Davies married Diane Burton with whom he had three children. He died on 28 May 2000. cipher machines and published a number of articles on the topic. computer networks: an introduction to data security in teleprocessing and electronic funds transfer. retired from the NPL in 1984, he provided consultancy to financial institutions on high value payment telephony and direct broadcast satellite television. In 1984 he published (with W.L. Price) Security for systems and advised suppliers and users of secure systems of many kinds, for example mobile Davies also pursued his interests in cryptography as a hobby with research on Second World War Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, volume 48 (2002), 89-96. archive collection and on the memoir by Roger M. Needham, ‘Donald Watts Davies, C.B.E.’, This biographical account draws on Davies’s curricula vitae and similar material which form part of the D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. It covers the period 1936-2004. Section A, Biographical, is not extensive. An overall sense of Davies's life and work is provided by the contents of his ‘Personal’ folder of biographical notes, curricula vitae, lists of publications, examples of projects undertaken, etc. There is a little material recording Davies's schooling and university education and some documentation of his career. for which Davies acted and individuals with whom he came into contact later in his career is given by a collection of Also documented in this section is Davies’s his business cards, some annotated. An unusual insight into the companies interest in various types of puzzles. There is a little posthumous material, including obituaries. As a number of biographical papers have been retained in family hands, some of the material is photocopy only. Section B, Research, is the largest in the collection. These materials were found in Davies's labelled ‘transfer cases’ or box files which form the basic unit of organisation. There is a sequence of ‘Notes of Miscellaneous Scientific Work’, covering an extended period, 1952-1996. The contents of many of the containers relate to Davies’s security interests with material from the 1970s onwards, for example ‘Data Security MS Notes’, 1978-1984 and ‘Public Key Ciphers’ (two containers), 1970-1997. Papers relating to packet switching are to be found in Section F Historical Topics. which publications by Davies appeared. and Correspondence. lectures or publications. relates to computer history and security questions. The publications material covers a much more period 1987-2000: British Computer Society, International Council for Computer Communication lectures and publications in other sections of the catalogue, especially Research and Historical topics Section D, Societies and organisations, is not extensive comprising just four bodies, covering the extended period, 1956-2000, and includes off-prints, photocopied papers and copies of the journals in There may be additional material relating to Davies's Section C, Lectures and publications, presents sequences of papers designated by Davies as either The lectures sequence covers a relatively short period, 1990-1995, and World War cipher machines. These materials were found in Davies's labelled ‘transfer cases’ or box Section F, Historical topics, presents important documentation of some of Davies’s most important research, such as packet switching, as well as interests he pursued in his spare time such as Second consultancies which Davies held after his retirement from the National Physical Laboratory. (ICCC), Royal Society and Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. Section E, Consultancies, provides documentation, 1986-1998, relating to a small number of D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Notes / copies of to early of organisation. There are interesting records relating files which form the basic unit computers organised in relation to a meeting held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pilot Model ACE (Automatic Computing Engine) in the year 2000. Packet switching is represented by a sequence original ‘Historical documentation and historical reflections by Davies and others. Davies’s interests in the history of cryptography including correspondence with others who shared his original interests, documentation. Also represented in the section are Davies's interests in the history of the National There is an extensive record of Early Packet Switching etc’, 1949-2000, which includes photocopies of photographs and by Davies, typescript drafts of articles Physical Laboratory itself and the Turing Machine Section G, Correspondence, is not extensive and is presented in four sequences. The first is the contents of Davies’s folder of ‘Misc. Correspondence’, 1970-2000. from the last fifteen years of Davies's life, the sequence also includes three letters from Sara Turing, mother of Alan Turing, 1970-1971. There are also separate sequences of correspondence with W.W. Mache, 1991-2000, relating principally to their mutual interest in Second World War German cipher a patent machines; of publications correspondence, 1988-1999; and of correspondence relating to Although the great bulk comes case, 1994-2001. There is also an index of correspondents. P. Harper T.E. Powell Some biographical papers and photographs are retained in family hands. Bath 2005 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.43 1936-2004 A.1-A.15 ‘PERSONAL’ A.16-A.18 EDUCATION A.19 CAREER A.20-A.21 ARTICLES ABOUT DAVIES’S CAREER A.22 OPEN UNIVERSITY A.23-A.35 (BUZZEES: A.36-A.39 PHOTOGRAPHS A.40 BUSINESS CARDS A.41-A.43 ‘PERSONAL’ lists publications, examples of POSTHUMOUS MATERIAL Davies's folder so inscribed divided At A.14 is Davies’s ‘short diatribe on the matter of how kilometre should be pronounced’. Contents of into fifteen for ease of reference: biographical notes, curricula vitae, projects of undertaken, etc. 1941. Portsmouth Southern Secondary School for Boys School Reports The reports cover Davies’s secondary education 1936- Photocopies. Originals retained by family. A.16-A.18 EDUCATION 1936-1940s D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Biographical, A.1-A.43 Imperial College London In 1941 on the completion of his school education at the Portsmouth Boys Southern Secondary School, Davies took up a ‘Royal’ Scholarship at Imperial College London where he studied physics, graduating in 1943 with first class honours. After war work Davies took advantage of Imperial College the overlap between the courses at which allowed him to complete the requirements for a mathematics the scholarship for that purpose, graduating with first class honours in 1947. resumed degree year. He in a Binder of notes Inscribed with Davies’s name and address in Southsea, Hampshire inside front cover. Contents include contents list and from page 1 notes on ? lecture course by Dr Kebby on ‘Differential Equations in Mathematical Physics’. Roth was CAREER Mathematics Softback notebook Used for notes on mathematics topics. Leonard the Department at Imperial College, 1931-1965. a member of With Imperial College Bookstall label on front cover where the name given is ‘Roth’ and the date ‘Post-Grad’. Album retained in family hands. Photocopied pages from photograph album used newspaper Davies's career over this period. for documenting photographs 1941-1987 cuttings and D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Biographical, A.1-A.43 A.20, A.21 ARTICLES ABOUT DAVIES’S CAREER ‘Packet switching: the history lesson’, The Guardian Photocopy of article by Davies. ‘Almost an accident’, /EE Review, July 1998 Typescript draft of interview with Davies and copy of the IEE Review in which the interview appeared. OPEN UNIVERSITY 1991-1997 Papers re Open University courses taken by Davies. (RUZZEES: 1973-1995 correspondence, programs, photographs, A.23-A.35 of reference: papers re Davies’s Includes catalogues, manuscript working, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease longstanding interest in puzzles. Laboratory Division Group photograph taken Translation Analysis’, NPL, Teddington, Middlesex, UK at Languages the Symposium ‘Machine and Language Applied Group photograph of staff of Davies’s National Physical PHOTOGRAPHS 1961, 1972, n.d. A.36-A.39 of With key. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Biographical, A.1-A.43 Copies of a selection of the photographs retained in family hands Copies of six photographs taken at Post Office (1972), National Physical Laboratory and Science Musem London occasions portrait Includes group photograph of computer pioneers including Grace Hopper and Konrad Zuse. photograph Davies and of Copies of history at the National Physical Laboratory five photographs illustrating early computer The original photographs were returned to Davies in 1992. lent to the BBC and BUSINESS CARDS A.41-A.43 Obituaries: The Times, 31 May 2000. POSTHUMOUS MATERIAL Three bundles in original envelope. 2000-2004 Biography of Davies from Project’ website Jack Schofield, The Independent, 7 June 2000. Martin Campbell-Kelly, The Guardian, 2 June 2000. ‘Metromnia’ [NPL Newsletter], Summer 2000. ‘The History of Computing D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Biographical, A.1-A.43 Reports on tributes to Davies: 2003, 2004 Plaque in honour of Davies, Treorchy, 2003. Imperial College Donald Davies Prize for best final year project a student of Mathematics and Computing, 2004. by D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION B RESEARCH, B.1-B.313 1952-1999 The materials presented in by Davies in a number of ‘transfer cases’ and box files with labels indicative of their content. These containers have been used as the basic unit of organisation of the section. this section were kept is The contents of the containers are presented in the order found. This may mean that later material comes first and earlier material towards the end of the sequence though this chronological sequence. The technical nature of the papers and the frequency of undated material makes the reordering of material unsafe. The contents are therefore divided only for ease of reference. straightforward reverse rarely a The materials comprise typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by Davies, calculations, computer print-outs, technical drawings, correspondence including printed-out emails and much background material including papers by others, with annotations or manuscript notes by Davies attached. often This is followed by 1952-1996 Contents of transfer case so labelled. ‘Notes of Miscellaneous Scientific Work’ Technical drawings re noughts and crosses machine The first container presented here covers many aspects of his work at the National Physical Laboratory from the early 1950s although described by Davies simply as ‘Notes of Miscellaneous Scientific Work’. a sequence of containers presented in alphabetical order by topic or topics as indicated on the labels. 1920; 1972 °n:a: Correspondence with M.L. Minsky re article by Minsky on universal Turing machines with Davies’s manuscript notes and copies of by Minsky and of Turing’s 1937 article on computable numbers Contents of Davies’s plastic folder: correspondence and papers re article ball lightning including off-print of published article, Nature, vol. 240, p. 144, 17 November 1972 by Davies and R.B. Standler on article D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Includes typescripts by Davies on ‘Packing a Circular Suitcase’ and ‘Theories of Games’, also headed ‘For NPL News’ and ‘Article for NPL News’, respectively Includes six photographs of oil rings ‘Non-Blocking Switching Networks’ 1950s or 1960s, 1996 n.d. manuscript, 3 Photocopied the December 1996. typescript copy: ‘This note was written some time in the fifties or sixties and has been transcribed from an almost illegible photocopy of a manuscript. Davies explains at the head of typescript copy, and Includes letters ‘76:10:28’ and 9 May 1979 1976; 1979 Computer print-out, calculations Computer print-out, calculations, etc Illustrative material for publication or lecture Photocopied material from a published source Manuscript draft on ‘Dijkstras Generalisation of the ‘Dining Philosophers’ Problem’ Characters’ ‘Simplified Description of Numbers’ Typescript by ‘Maurice Cox DNACS, NPL 13/12/78’. of Survey Point sequences Two ‘Etymological Davies Kanji ‘Some _ Useful Implicit Sort Lessons’ of manuscript notes by and D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Untitled typescript draft ?by Davies beginning ‘Given a connected graph and one of the nodes as starting point, a path is defined which traverses all edges of the graph exactly twice and ends at the starting point’ Includes Distribution and a Simple Queuing Problem’ manuscript Davies draft by ‘The Poisson an Algebraic Treatment of ‘Notes on Some Work on Graphs’ by Hsu Kung-shih, Autonomics Division, National Physical Laboratory, December 1965 ‘Programming Project’, photocopied typescript by Bell, October 1971 D.A. Photocopied papers by others 1973, 1974 A method devised by Steffens Lamport, Martin, Scholten and _ ‘Simple example of “functional Photocopied article on mathematical games Photocopied typescript segregation” ’, manuscript working ‘On-the-fly garbage collection Dijkstra, (EWD496, 30 May 1975)’ ? bibliographic reference ‘Nov 1958’. ‘Power Spectrum of a “Periodic” message-carrying wave’ Manuscript notes re ‘Poisson arrivals ...’ Manuscript workings: ‘Fourier transforms’ c.1958, n.d. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Includes ‘Calculations of the Spectral Density at HDB3’ manuscript typescript and drafts _ titled Miscellaneous manuscript notes including ‘Power Spectra Etcetera’ and ‘Electronic Computers at N.P.L: Chronology’ The chronology begins in 1945 with Turing joining the staff of the NPL and continues in the same style to 1952 with a final note ‘Deuce delivered May ? 1955’ and Manuscript program’, ‘Address Mechanism of XL12’, ‘Address Mechanism of PDP8’, etc typescript ‘Sprouts notes: Triplicated Manuscript notes: ‘Effect of Fan-in / Fan-out on Reliability of - Electronics Sept 29 1961’, ‘Fairchild Micrologic Lecture by Dr Robert Norman 13 December 1961’, ‘Features of the SIMBOL Language’, etc Geometries ‘Transistor Systems’, c.1964, n.d. 1964-1965, n.d. Includes bibliographic reference, 1964. Manuscript notes: ‘Electronic Combination Lock’, ‘Average Number of Runs in a Random Time Series’, etc Includes manuscript note for Davies from P. Vigoureux, 26 October 1964, and off-print of short paper by Vigoureux on ‘Electromagnetic levitation forces’, 1965 1959 or later Manuscript notes titled ‘Elementary Problem in Theory of Games - Two Salesmen’ Manuscript draft titled ‘The Universal Calculating Machine’ Include bibliographic reference 1959. Manuscript Transformers’ ‘Nanosecond headed notes Pulse D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Correspondence and papers re puzzles published in the New Scientist 1962-1963 Manuscript notes: ‘Helices for Offset Right-Angle Bends (A hypothetical plumber's problem)’ and ‘Conical Problem’ Manuscript drafts: ‘Multiple Reflection Delay Lines based a Cube’ and ‘Information Preserving on the Diagonals of Transformations of 2 binary channels to give minimum ones’ Manuscript notes and drafts: ‘Directional Rotation Signals’, ‘Reversible Binary Variables’ and ‘Error Correcting Codes’ Transformations Linear Three of Nids 621956 draft The bibliographical reference January 1956. correcting error on codes _ includes 1952-1953 Includes circuit diagram and off-print Complete specification Davies was the inventor Patent specification for ‘Electronic Pulse Counting Circuits’ Miscellaneous manuscript notes, NPL Electronics Section Information sheets memory trade-off in the repeated encipherment attack on NPL Autonomics Division Floor Pattern’ Manuscript notes: ‘The apparent impossibility of Contents of transfer case so labelled. ‘Data Security MS Notes’ ‘The Hexagonal 1978-1984, n.d. off-print on B.42-B.62 N.d , 1956 was published 20 July 1955. a time- D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 RSA’, ‘The Complementary Property of the DES [Data Encryption Standard]’, etc. ‘Bibliography of public key cryptosystems’ Latest bibliographical reference, 1978. draft Typescript with manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘From D.W. Davies, NPL’ Computation’ ‘Limits titled to Undated but includes reference to ‘Professor Hellman’s lectures to Infotech in October / November 1978’ Manuscript draft titled ‘The control of operations on keys by tagging keys with a “type” ’. Undated but includes bibliographical reference, 1978. draft titled random Untitled manuscript notes, one sheet dated ‘16.5.79’ Manuscript of functions’, signed by Davies and dated ‘25.11.78’ properties ‘Some Typescript draft titled ‘The Birthday Problem’, 7 November 1978 and related papers 1981 or later Typescript draft by Davies and G.I.P. Parkin titled ‘The Average Output Feedback Encipherment’ Typescript structure “transpositions” used in the DES’, 30 May 1979 Typescript evaluation Cryptosystems Addendum at June 1979’ Stream note titled Public Key of the Cycle Size note titled in the Key in ‘Some ‘An of D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Latest bibliographical reference, 1981 Typescript draft titled Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm’ ‘The So-Called “Weak” Keys of the Signed by Davies and dated ‘18.2.’83’. by paper Typescript ‘The “Guardian” Technique for Document Protection’, 23 January 1984 and typescript paper by Davies titled ‘Donald Bell’s “Guardian” ‘, 13 February 1984 titled D.A. Bell Donald A. Laboratory, East Kilbride. Bell was Director of the National Engineering Manuscript notes: ‘Transformations of the DES algorithm for software implementation’, ‘Lecture Bristol (Revised)’, ‘Ralph C. Merkle Some communications over insecure channels’, etc notes: ‘Software Security’, ‘A simple introduction to Galois Typescript paper titled fields’ Manuscript and typescript notes: ‘Sixteen funny keys for the DES’, ‘Quadratic residues’, etc. Manuscript ‘Time-memory trade-off for analysis of the RSA Cipher’, ‘Time-memory trade-off for the discrete exponential’, ‘Treatment of final short blocks in cipher block chaining’, etc. enciphered values’, etc Typescript draft titled ‘Some Regular Properties of the “Data Encryption Standard” Algorithm’ Manuscript notes: Problem’, ‘One-way Function ‘Cryptanalysis problem - Birthday DES’, plaintext P given n ‘A problem related to find a Derived from the to the D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Typescript drafts: ‘The authentication of transactions’ and ‘A note on passwords’ Figures Manuscript and typescript drafts by colleagues 1981, n.d. B.63-B.78 ‘Elliptic Curves European Scrambling Syst. Misc. Crypto’ 1993-1998 Contents of transfer case so labelled divided into sixteen for ease of reference: principally duplicated and printed background material. Includes pages printed from the web. 16 folders. Manuscript working by Davies is at B.67 and typescripts by Davies at B.68, B.71, B.73, B.75-B.77 re Videocrypt system, attacks on smart cards, architecture for trusted third parties, linear and differential cryptanalysis, etc. B.89-B.109 1974-1988 B.79-B.88 ‘Hash functions’ 1988-1996 a typescript by Davies titled ‘Collision-Free ‘Key MGT [Management] & Encipherment US + ISDN etc’ At B.80 is Functions and Damgard’s Principle’. Contents of box folder so labelled divided into ten for ease of reference: printed and duplicated background material. 1974-1999 Contents of transfer case so labelled divided into twenty- one duplicated background material, with some annotation, manuscript notes by Davies (see especially B.101). Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘A Brief Tutorial on Elliptic for ease of reference: printed and B.110-B.134 ‘Number Theory and Algorithms’ Contents of transfer case so labelled. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Curves’ B.111-B.112 Background papers including pages printed from the web 1996-1999, n.d. Two folders. Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘The Significance of New Methods for Factoring Large Numbers’, February 1990; background papers 1982-1990 Correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript draft titled ‘The the RSA Modulus’, etc Need for Selecting Primes used for 1974-1990, n.d. NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 25/86 by Davies titled ‘Fast RSA Operations using the Chinese Remainder Theorem’, November 1986 1990, 1994 Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘Evaluation of Odlyzko’s Projection for the Future of Factoring’ Includes photocopied ‘preliminary draft’ of paper by A.M. Odlyzko on the future of integer factorization and discrete logarithms Includes copy of manuscript letter from Davies, 6 February 1990: ‘l am sending ‘a brief report on the “number sieve” method of factoring large numbers ...’ 1982-1993 Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘Minimum Difference between the Factors of an RSA Modulus’, November 1994 and copy of letter from Davies on the same topic, 8 April 1995 Letter from J.M. Pollard on ‘State of the Number Field Sieve’, 23 October 1992 and background papers including copies of manuscript notes on quadratic sieve by ‘DH’ 1995-1996 1994-1995 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 [Don Hunter], May-June 1993 Duplicated and printed background papers 1978-1988 Includes manuscript notes Numbers’ by Davies on ‘Carmichael Includes correspondence 1986-1987 Duplicated papers including ‘Postscript to my letter of 29 June’ from J.M. Pollard, 25 July 1985 Duplicated papers, manuscript notes by Davies Two folders. Six folders. B.135-B.145 B.126-B.127 1975-1984 B.129-B.134 1977-1983 University August Duplicated papers of Cryptographic Technique’, Santa Barbara, 21-24 B.127 includes a little correspondence. Papers re ‘Crypto 83 A Workshop on the Theory and Application of California, 1983’ programme, letter from C.P. Schnorr re submitted paper and Davies's report on the meeting 1984-1995, n.d. B.132 August 1982. Duplicated and printed papers Contents of folder so labelled. ‘Programmes’ includes manuscript notes from J.M. Pollard, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Computer print-outs Computer print-outs, typescript draft by Davies titled ‘An Algorithm for a Cryptographic Sum’ Computer print-outs Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘Proposed cryptographic check algorithm for Lanis and Gyr’ Typescript draft Absence of Linearity’, August 1995, computer print-outs by Davies titled ‘Testing an S-Box for Computer print-outs 1984-1985 draft Typescript Cryptographic Check Algorithm for Landis and Gyr’, July 1995, computer print-outs ‘Proposed Davies by Computer print-outs Computer print-outs Contents of box folder so labelled divided into seventeen Typescript draft Message Microprocessor’, 27 January 1984, manuscript notes by Davies and D.G. Clayden titled ‘Public Key Ciphers Part 1’ Authenticator Algorithm Computer print-outs for an_ ‘A 8-Bit B.146-B.162 1970-1982 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 for ease of reference: duplicated and printed background papers. B.159 includes manuscript notes by Davies. B.163-B.184 ‘Public Key Ciphers Part theory’ 2 except Signature Number 1976-1997 Contents of transfer case so labelled divided into twenty- two for ease of reference: predominantly duplicated and printed background papers. B.164 At Statement of the LUC Cipher’, 5 November 1992. typescript Davies draft by is titled ‘Brief At B.167 is typescript draft titled between the Factors of 1994. ‘Minimum Difference an RSA Modulus’, November At B.179 is ‘Crypto 84 - Report by D.W. Davies’. B.181 includes manuscript notes by Davies. B.185-B.190 B.191-B.212 B.191-B.192 1978-1992 of so illustrative material ? for presentation by 1997-1998, n.d. transfer case labelled: predominantly At B.188 is Davies. ‘Signatures Authentication Log-on’ Three bound volumes and three folders. Contents background material. ‘S.E.T.[Secure Electronic Transaction] + slides + Internet Open Trading’ 1980-1992 Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘El Gamal’s Signature’, 25 April 1990 Contents of transfer case so labelled Duplicated background papers Two folders. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Typescript draft by Davies titled Protocol of Guillou and Quisquater’ ‘The Zero-knowledge B.195-B.197 Duplicated and printed background papers 1984-1989 Three folders. Includes manuscript notes by Davies 1982-1983, n.d. & Includes manuscript notes sheet headed ‘A Note on”Sedlak’s Condition” ’, signed by Davies and dated 8 March 1987 by Davies including 1985-1987 B.200-B.202 Duplicated and printed background papers 1979-1984 Three folders. of Public Davies Keys for by large titled number of NPL Technical Memo TTCC 27/86 ‘Registration a terminals’, November 1986 NPL Technical Memo TTCC 11/83 by Davies titled ‘Digital Signatures Using Approximation by Quadratic Forms’, August 1983 Typescript draft by Davies titled ‘Further Developments in Public Key Signatures’, 9 January 1984 with sheet of manuscript notes attached and manuscript notes etc by J.M. Pollard, 14 April 1984 Manuscript notes by J.M. Pollard, 17 May 1984, attached to paper by H. Ong, C.P. Schnorr and A. Shamir which is annotated on its first page by Davies Includes typescript draft by Davies titled ‘Update for the Paper by Approximation Signatures Digital Using D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Quadractic Forms’ B.208-B.212 Duplicated and printed background papers 1978-1983 Five folders B.213-B.248 ‘TTCC [Tokens and Transactions Control Consortium] Information Published Technology [Message Authenticator Algorithm] + DITC [Division Computing) of MAA’ Notes etc and + 1982-1992 Contents of box folder so labelled. Principally NPL technical memoranda and Davies and others. reports by NPL Report TTCC 3/82 by Davies and W.L. Price titled ‘Security of Tokens used for Identification’, July 1982 NPL Report TTCC 4/82 by Davies titled ‘Tokens used for the Storage and Transport of Keys’, July 1982 NPL Report TTCC 5/82 by Davies and W.L. Price titled ‘Security of Tokens used for Identification Supplementary Report’, October 1982 NPL Report DITC 17/83 by Davies and D.O. Clayden titled ‘A Message Authenticator Algorithm Suitable for a Main Frame Computer’, February 1983 ‘The Use of NPL Report TTCC 9/83 Tokens to Store Data and Control Access to Stored Data’, April 1983 by Davies titled Report TTCC NPL Developments in Public Key Cryptosystems’, June 1983 NPL Technical Memo TTCC 11/83 by Davies titled ‘Digital ‘Recent Davies titled 10/83 by D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Signatures Using Approximation by Quadratic Forms’, August 1983 NPL Technical Memo TTCC 12/83 by Davies titled ‘Use of the “Signature Token” to create a negotiable document’, August 1983 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 24/86 by Davies titled ‘A General Description of the Transaction Key Method’, June 1986 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 25/86 by Davies titled ‘Fast RSA Operations the Chinese Remainder Theorem’, November 1986 using of Keys for a NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 26/86 by Davies titled ‘Chaining Methods for RSA Encipherment and Signature’, November 1986 large Public NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 28/86 by Davies titled ‘Tokens for Personal Identity Verification’, November 1986 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 27/86 by Davies titled ‘Registration number of terminals’, November 1986 Implementation’, February 1988 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 31/87 by Davies titled ‘A Proposed Standard for Digital Signature of Multi-Block Messages’, June 1987 NPL Report DITC 109/88 by Davies and D.O. Clayden titled ‘The Message Authenticator Algorithm (MAA) and its NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 30/87 by Davies titled ‘Fiat Methods and Signature’. ‘Revised’ June 1987 Identification Shamir and for D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 50/88 by Davies titled ‘An Investigation of the Effect of “False Witnesses” on the Reliability of Algorithm P’, October 1988 NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 51/88 by Davies titled ‘Further Results Concerning False Witnesses in Algorithm P’, October 1988 NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC [Advanced Token Technology Club] 01/89 by Davies titled ‘The Security of the 8731-2’, March 1989 Authenticator Algorithm” “Message ISO NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC 03/89 by Davies titled ‘The Need for Selecting the Primes used for the RSA Modulus’, March 1989 Signature and Exponential NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC 04/89 by Davies titled ‘Fixed Points in the RSA Cipher’, March 1989 NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC 02/89 by Davies titled ‘A Review of Eurocrypt ‘88 and Crypto ‘88 Papers’, June 1989 NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC 07/89 by Davies titled ‘Schnorr’s Method New Random Number Generator’, November 1989 1982-1989 NPL Technical Memorandum ATTC 08/89 by Davies titled ‘A Review of Papers’, November 1989 NPL Reports and Technical Memoranda in which Davies does not appear as an author Nine documents. B.237-B.245 Eurocrypt ‘89 and Crypto ‘89 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 B.246-B.248 Duplicated background papers Three folders B.249-B.282 ‘Zero Knowledge / RSA Program / Life Program’ 1983-1995 Contents of transfer case so labelled. B.249-B.254 Duplicated and printed background papers 1986-1995 Six folders. NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC 49/88 by Davies titled ‘New Forms of Digital Signature using the Fiat-Shamir Principle’, April 1988 B.256-B.258 Duplicated background papers 1986-1988 B.260-B.268 of typescripts by Davies, Three folders. Manuscript notes, typescript draft by Davies ‘The Zero- knowledge Protocol of Guillou and Quisquater’ Contents of unlabelled plastic folder divided into nine for reference: computer print-outs annotated by ease Davies, duplicated background papers etc re the game ‘Life’ invented by J.H. Conway 1983, n.d. Computer printout with manuscript inscription ‘ASSY 14 May ‘84’ Computer printout with manuscript inscription ‘RSA 14 May ‘84’ Typescript draft BBC Microcomputer’, ‘Copyright 1984’ by Davies titled ‘RSA Program for the D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Research, B.1-B.313 Typescript draft ? by Davies titled ‘Version RSAY dated July 1986’ Figures, manuscript notes, computer printout, etc ‘RSA Keys for Signature with September 1993 Public Exponent 3’, 7 Computer printout with manuscript inscription ‘RSAY’ Letter from D.G.N. Hunter, 27 July 1986, etc Computer printout manuscript notes, etc with manuscript inscription ‘RSA’, 1984, n.d. Manuscript notes, computer printout Computer printouts with manuscript inscriptions ‘PKSF’, ‘RSA’, ‘ASSY’, etc Computer printouts with manuscript inscriptions ‘RSA’ and ‘PKS’ 1960-1995 Duplicated papers and computer printout with manuscript inscription ‘PKSF’ ‘Copies of Miscellaneous Scientific Papers from Journals Plus RSA Papers and Patents’ Computer printout renumbered’ with manuscript inscription ‘RSAZ B.283-B.296 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 B.297-B.306 Research, B.1-B.313 Contents of transfer case so labelled divided into fourteen for ease of reference: printed and duplicated background papers. Manuscript notes by Davies are at B.288 and B.289. Contents of for ease of reference: duplicated background papers including draft international standards. box predominantly ten and _ divided folder into printed 1977-1999 Papers at B.302-B.305 were found together in folder within the box folder. a plastic B.301 includes typescript draft by Davies titled ‘The cipher and signature of El Gamal as alternative to RSA’, n.d. B.302 includes typescript drafts by Davies titled ‘The So- the Data Encryption Standard Called “Weak” Keys of (DES) 1983; ‘Some Regular Properties of the “Data Encryption Standard” Algorithm’, n.d. the DES Complementation Property and Weak Keys’, December 1984. ‘A New Look at 18 February Algorithm’, and B.307-B.313 Manuscript notes by Davies are at B.313. Contents of box folder divided into seven for ease of reference: financial telecommunications documentation. Most of the documentation is retained in the orginal covers or binders. 1982-1995 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS, C.1-C.101 1956-2000 C.1-C.6 LECTURES C.7-C.101 PUBLICATIONS LECTURES 1990-1995, n.d. ‘Lectures - Past’. Contents of folder so inscribed. in ‘Security Colloquium University of London, 19 December 1990 payment Information systems’, Security, on Hewlett-Packard Holloway Royal Typescript and illustrative material for Davies’s lecture, programme and letter re arrangements. list Security in Banking’, the illustrative Transition Two folders. from 1940-1950’, Mechanisms Asiacrypt ‘91, re arrangements, programme, to Japan, Electronic 11-14 ‘Information to Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 20 July 1993 presentation ‘The Computers, November 1991 Typescript and illustrative material for Davies’s lecture, correspondence of participants, etc. Correspondence and papers arising. Typescript and material for Davies’s paper, ‘current draft’ of paper of fellow participant, background material re the Committee. ‘Smart Card Europe’, 13-14 December 1994 Davies contributed to the discussion. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Summary for Talk on May 20th’ Typescript for talk on early NPL computer developments. See also F.37. C.7-C.101 PUBLICATIONS 1956-2000 Contents of two containers labelled ‘Own Publications or Reports’ and ‘Publications Part 2’ presented in a single chronological sequence. The sequence includes off-prints, photocopied papers and copies of the journals in which publications appeared. C.86-C.89 are undated papers that it was not possible to assign a place in the chronological sequence. C.90-C.101, Additionally, journal Cryptologia in which Davies published, found separately from the papers at C.7-C.89. are numbers of the of of on “Business 103, part of Electrical Engineers, vol. Proceedings Digital Electrical Davies contributed to the discussion. ‘Discussion Computers’, Engineers, vol. 103, part B supplement no.1 Applications Institution ‘Sorting of Data on an Electronic Computer’, Proceedings Institution B supplement no. 1 ‘Switching Functions of Three Variables’, /RE [Institute of Radio Engineers] Transactions on Electronic Computers, Volume EC-6, December 1957 ‘The Exhibition’, 28 December 1956 ‘The Limitations of Computers’, /mpulse, May 1957 Eastern Joint Computer Conference 1956 and D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Mechanization of Thought Processes’, Nature vol. January 24, 1959 183, ‘Report Joint Computer Conference and Visits in USA’, December 1959 Eastern Davies 1959 D.W. the on by ‘Electronic work’, [Federation of British Industries] Review, March 1960 Computers: Digital they how FB/ ‘The Organization of a Russian-English Stem Dictionary on Magnetic Tape’, Language and Speech, vol. 3, part 4, October-December 1960 ‘A Technique for Consistent Splitting of Russian Words’ (with A.M. Day), NPL Paper 23 ‘Report on a Latest bibliographical reference, 1960. Language Translation by Machine’, The Times Science Review, Winter 1961 ‘Report on the 1961 conference on machine translation and applied language analysis’, Rev. Int. Doc., vol. 29, 1962, no.2 Electronic Computers, vol EC-12, June 1963 ‘Parallel binary adders using the crossed-film cryotron’, Proceedings Institution of Electrical Engineers, vol. 110, no.6, June 1963 Visit to USA - June, 1962’ /EEE Transactions 11-Cryotron Adder’, Full ‘An on D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 Review of: (London:1964), Mathematical Gazette ‘Digital Storage Computers’ by W. Renwick ‘Longest “Separated” Paths and Loops in an N Cube’, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, vol. EC-14, April 1965 ‘Remote on-line Data Processing and its Communication Needs’, 10 November 1965 ‘Further November 1965 Speculations on Data Transmission’, 16 for ‘Proposal National Communication Service for on-line Data Processing’, 15 December 1965 Development the of a a ‘Proposal for 1966 Digital Communication Network’, June ‘New Uses for Computers’, Security Gazette, vol. 9 no. 6, June 1967 ‘A Digital Communication Network for Computers Giving Rapid Response at Remote Terminals’, (with K.A. Bartlett, R.A. Scantlebury and P.T. Wilkinson), ACM [Association for Computing Operating Systems Principles, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, October 1967 Communication Network’, 15 July 1968 ‘A Communication Network Remote Symposium Systems, Brighton, Sussex, 12/13 December 1967 their for Computers and _ Joint Industry and _ Switching Transmission Machinery] Symposium on Experimental Peripheral Devices’, Low Speed ‘Proposal on PCM P.O. / for an Data D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 Communication ‘A Systems’, The Radio and Electronic Engineer, vol. no.1, January 1969 Real-time Network Computer 37, for réseau Un souplesse d’emploi’, L’Onde Electronique, October 1969 transmission données a de de grande Davies gave this paper at a Colloque International sur la Téléformatique, Paris, France, 25 March 1969. ‘A Decomposition Theorem for Crossbar Switching with Transient Blocking’, NPL Com.Sci. T.M. 32, December 1969 ‘Communication Rapid-Response Computers’, Information Processing 1968, North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1969) Networks Serve to Holland and British for Exploring a Spectrum Peripherals’, Communications’, ‘Algorithm Determining October 1970 ‘Computers Science News, 1969 no.62 ‘The Principles of and Computers Processing 1968, Amsterdam (1969) a Data Communication Network for Remote /nformation Publishing Company, North NPL Com Sci TM 56, September 1971 ‘The Control of Congestion in Packet Switching Networks’, Latest bibliographical reference, 1970. Paper by Davies published in Russian Hexagonal Com. Pattern Sci.T.M. Topology’, and 48, its NPL D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Teleprocessing and data communication of the future’, Electronics & Power, vol. 17, December 1971 ‘Design for Transmission Supplement, January-February 1972 Public Network’, Data Processing, Data a ‘Measurement of the topology of taken on a regular array’ a picture from samples With manuscript inscription ‘From Inst. of Physics Conf. on Perception of Pattern and Pictures held at NPL, April 1972’. ‘Packet Switching in Processing (1972) 1971, a Public Data Network’, Information Publishing Company Holland North the Post Office early Packet Experimental ‘Introduction Switched Service’ to ‘A Review of Computer Communication Technology’ With manuscript inscription ‘NATO meeting at Sussex University Sept ‘73’. The paper is undated but describes the service ‘as it was envisaged in 1973’. With manuscript inscription ‘Now available as COM 70’. July-August 1975 ‘Packet Switching, Message Switching and Future Data Communication Networks’, Information Processing 74, North-Holland Publishing Company (1974) ‘New Data Networks in Europe’, Te/ecommunications, vol. 9, no.6, June 1975 ‘Future Networks - Public or Private?’, Data Processing, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘A Review of Computer Communication Technology’, NATO Advanced Study E: Computer Communication Applied 4 Networks Institutes - Sciences Series Series vol ‘Exploitation of Seismograph Networks’, NATO Advanced Study Series Exploitation of Seismograph Networks Series E Applied Sciences ‘Packing a Circular Suitcase’, NPL News, no 327, 21 July 1977 networks’, Three articles in Computer Weekly. ‘The need for private data in cryptography’, 15 September 1977; and ‘Practical public- key cryptosystem simply explained’, 22 September 1977 ‘Breakthrough 1977; May 12 of for into titled ‘The DES Block divided ‘Future Networks’ Lecture typescript Capability; ‘Application With 1977. Cryptography manuscript inscription ‘Network Security by Encryption’ sections: Untitled Cipher ‘Cryptographic Algorithm’; Data Transmission’; ‘Application of Cryptography in Networks’; ‘Security of Keys’ See also C.55, C.64. With manuscript inscription ‘NATO - BONAS’. Probably relates to presentation at NATO Advanced Study Institute, Bonas, France. It formed NPL Report Com 98 January 1978, see C.56, and was published in 1980 in Information Privacy, see C.64. ‘The Protection of Data by Cryptography’ (with D.A. Bell), NPL Report Com 98, January 1978 Latest bibliographic reference, 1977 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Human Factors in Display Terminal Procedures’ (with D.M. Yates) Latest bibliographical reference, 1978 ‘An Evaluation of Public Key Cryptosystems’ (with W.L. Price and G.|. Parkin), NPL Report CTU 1, March 1979 See also C.65. ‘A decade of development in computer communications’, Alta Frequenza, August 1979, vol. 18, no.8 ‘New Techniques for Data Security’, Congresso AICA [Associazione Italiana il Calcolo Automatico], Bari, October 1979 per of Numerical Analysis ‘An Evaluation of Public Key Cryptosystems’ (with W.L. Price NPL Report CTU [Computer Technology Unit] 1, (Revised) April 1980 Parkin), and G.I Christopher Evans’, obituary for Computer Bulletin, Series 2, no. 22, December 1979 ‘An Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications on Price), NPL Data Security & Cryptography’ (with W.L. Report DNACS [Division and Computer Science] 25/80, January 1980 1980 ‘Evaluation of public-key cryptosystems’ (with W.L. Price and G.|. Parkin), /nformation Privacy, vol. no.4, July ‘Protection Information Privacy, vol. 2 See also C.55, C.56. , no. 3, May 1980 of Data by Cryptography’ (with D.A. Bell), 2, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 See also C.58. ‘The Application of Digital Signatures Based on Public Key Cryptosystems’, Proc. Fifth ICCC [International Council for Computer Communication], Atlanta, October 1980 This is an abbreviated version of the NPL Report at C.68. ‘Selected Papers in Cryptography and Data Security’, NPL Report DNACS 38/80, November 1980 ‘The Application of Digital Signatures Based on Public Key Cryptosystems’ (with W.L. Price), NPL Report DNACS 39/80 December 1980 See also C.66. Procedures to Incorporate Latest bibliographical reference, 1981 Latest bibliographical reference, 1980 ‘Enhancement of Encipherment and Signatures’ Teletex ‘Encipherment and Signature in Teletex’ (with I.K. Hirst), Proc ICCC ‘82, North Holland, 1982 ‘Standards for Privacy and Authentication Systems’ (with W.L. Price) With manuscript inscription ‘Oslo, Nov’ 82’. Siemens ‘The Cryptologia, October 1982 ‘Security Aspects of Teletex Communications’ See also C.90. and Halske T52E Cipher Machine’, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Applying the RSA Digital Signature to Electronic Mail’, Computer, February 1983 vol. 16, no.2 ‘The So-Called “Weak” Keys Standard (DES) Algorithm’, February 1983 the of Data Encryption ‘The Early Models of the Siemens and the Halske T52 Cipher’, Cryptologia, July 1983 See also C.91. ‘The Average Cycle Size of the Key Stream in Output Feedback Encipherment’ (with G.I. Parkin), Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol. 149, Berlin: Springer-Verlag), 1983 ‘Digital Signatures - An Update’ With manuscript inscription ‘ICCC Sydney 1984’. ‘Public key ciphers and signatures’, /nformation Age, vol. 6, no.1, January 1984 ‘A New Look at the DES Complementation Property and Weak Keys’, December 1984 and Transactions Control Consortium], 31/87, June 1987 ‘COMNET ‘85 A Personal View of the Origins of Packet Switching’ ‘A Proposed Standard for Digital Signature of Multi-Block Messages’, NPL Technical Memorandum TTCC [Tokens ‘How to use the DES Safely’ With manuscript inscription ‘IFIP Sec ‘85 Dublin’. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘EFT-POS Security’, IBC Seminar, 6 September 1988 in Electronics ‘Security Special Problems in Banking’, Science in Parliament, Oct/Nov 1993 Computers and Il: C.86-C.89 Undated papers C.86 ‘Discussion on Symposium on Monte Carlo Methods’ ‘Modes of Use for a Block Encipherment Algorithm’ ‘Some Standard” Algorithm’ Regular Properties of the “Data Encryption C.90 Siemens and Halske 1982 1982-2000 Cipher Machine’, C.90-C.101 See also C.72. ‘A Theory of Chess and Noughts and Crosses’ Davies's publications in the journal Cryptologia ‘The T52E Cryptologia, vol. 6, no.4, October 1982 8, no.2, April 1984 ‘The Early Models of the Seimens and Halske T52 Cipher Machine’, Cryptologia, vol. 7, no.3, July 1983 ‘The Cryptologia, vol. 8, no.1, January 1984 Autocryptograph’ ‘Sidney Hole’s Cryptographic Machine’, Cryptologia, vol. See also C.76. (with J. Gillogly), Mysterious D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.101 ‘Sir Percy Scott's Cipher’, Cryptologia, vol. 1984 8, no.3, July ‘Charles Wheatstone’s Cryptograph and Machine’, Cryptologia, vol. 9, no. 2, April 1985 Plett’s Cipher ‘Cipher Equipment - Bolton’s Cypher Wheel’, Cryptologia, vol. 10, no.1, January 1986 ‘New Information on the History of Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machines’, Cryptologia, vol. no.2, April 1994 18, ‘The Lorenz Cipher Machine SZ42’, Cryptologia, vol. no.1, January 1995 19, ‘Effectiveness of the Diagonal Board’, Cryptologia, vol. 23, no. 3, July 1999 ‘An Unidentified Cipher Device’, Cryptologia, vol. 24, no.2, ‘The Bomb - A Remarkable Logic Machine’, Crypto/ogia, vol. 23, no.2, April 1999 2000 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, D.1-D.37 1987-2000 D.1-D.23 BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY (BCS) D.24-D.30 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR COMPUTER COMMUNICATION (ICCC) D.31-D.33 ROYAL SOCIETY D.34-D.37 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY (BCS) 1997-2000 ‘BCS' 1997-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. of include electronic signatures, strategic Security Committee Correspondence and papers. include Topics security practitioners, working party on systems and computer history. protection, data register information plastic banking General correspondence and papers re the affairs of the Society. export Topics control, dual-use goods and technology and electronic commerce. Includes compact disc (D.22). Miscellaneous information about the Society Davies was a member of the Committee. Fourteen folders. Two folders. 1998-2000 1997, n.d. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Societies and organisations, D.1-D.37 D.24-D.30 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR COMPUTER COMMUNICATION (ICCC) 1990-2000 Correspondence, miscellaneous information, newsletters, brochures etc. Seven folders. Davies was an ICCC Governor (first elected 1985). D.31-D.33 ROYAL SOCIETY 1987-1999 Correspondence and papers. Three folders. Davies was elected to the Fellowship in 1987. D.34-D.37 1992-2000 Correspondence and papers. Four folders. Davies was admitted to the freedom of the Company of WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS Information Technologists, 12 October 1992 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION E CONSULTANCIES, E.1-E.28 1986-1998 Davies worked as retirement from the NPL in 1984. a Data Security Consultant after his ARM [ADVANCED RISC MACHINES] LTD Eee EASYCHIP BV &.12-2.16 HOUSLEY COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS eye aD E.17-E.23 TELENOR CONAX AS E.24-E.27 ‘VISA CHIP CARD’ Eres WEGENER COMMUNICATIONS portable Ten folders. ARM [ADVANCED RISC MACHINES] LTD 1994-1997 principally relates to Documentation a research project funded by the European Commission through the Esprit Programme (EP8670) under the name CASCADE (Chip Architecture for Smart CArds and intelligent DEvices). Correspondence and papers. EASYCHIP BV 1997-1998 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Consultancies, E.1-E.28 E.12-E.16 HOUSLEY COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS PTY, LTD 1986-1990 based Australia. Housley was Davies gave a number of seminars on computer network security in association with Housley in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore. in New South Wales, Correspondence re arrangements, publicity material etc. Five folders. E.17-E.23 TELENOR CONAX AS 1997-1998 Correspondence and papers. Seven folders. Telenor intelligent cards and associated systems and services. developed, produced Conax and marketed E.24-E.27 Four folders. 1995, 1997 ‘VISA CHIP CARD’ Discussion document and specifications. Includes printed out emails. WEGENER COMMUNICATIONS D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION F HISTORICAL TOPICS, F.1-F.265 1949-2000 by The materials presented in Davies in a number of ‘transfer cases’ and box files with labels indicative of their content. These containers have been used as the basic unit of organisation of the section. this section were kept The technical The contents of the containers are presented in the order found. the frequency of undated material makes the reordering of material unsafe. The contents are therefore divided only for ease of reference. the papers and nature of F.1-F.40 EARLY COMPUTERS F.41-F.175 CRYPTOGRAPHY F.176-F.190 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY F.191-F.236 PACKET SWITCHING 1955-2000 National 1955-2000 F.249-F.265 F.237-F.248 MISCELLANEOUS TURING MACHINE EARLY COMPUTERS 2000’, Science Museum, 18 May and ‘ACE Physical Laboratory, 19 May 2000 Pilot Ace Computer. Davies was to have given the opening address and a ‘Demonstration The demonstration was a simulation program which Davies wrote in Microsoft Visual Basic. In fact he was not well and his paper was introduced by Derek Barber while Roger Scantlebury demonstrated the Virtual Rebuild of the The meeting was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pilot Model Automatic Computing Engine ACE. The first program at the NPL on 10 Pilot Model ACE ran its May 1950. of Pilot Ace Virtual Build’. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Correspondence re arrangements (principally printed out emails), programme, list of particpants, etc. 1998-2000 Four folders. The correspondence sequences include emails on early history of networking. the F.4 includes a ‘draft’ of D.O. Clayden’s paper ‘Advanced Aspects of the ACE Pilot Model Circuit for Design’ sent to Davies for comment. Typescript drafts of Davies’s contributions, ‘The ACE Pilot Model and ‘ACE Pilot Model Simulation Program’, etc its Creators, 1999-2000 Five folders. F.10-F.14 Manuscript working, typescript drafts, Model simulation etc re ACE Pilot 1999, n.d. Five folders 1981-1983 F.16-F.40 F.16-F.18 1955; 1987 1966-1995 Printed papers Contents of transfer case so labelled. ‘Early Computers (Babbage, Eniac, etc)’ Principally printed, typescript and photocopied background material relating to articles or talks by Davies. 1980-1995 Published article by Davies on Ada, Countess of Lovelace and photograph of portrait used to illustrate the article. Photocopied articles and off-print re Charles Babbage includes correspondence and Stormy ‘The Computer Weekly, 10 January 1980 world’s Life the of Three folders first programmer’, Folder also papers re D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 exhibition, portrait, 1984, 1995. The portrait hung in the entrance hall part of the National Physical Laboratory. of Bushy House, F.20-F.28 Photocopied papers, off-prints re ENIAC, EDVAC, Turing, Zuse, etc 1966-1991 Nine folders. e29-hee2 NPL Reports re pioneers of computing with forewords by Davies 1972-1980 Four reports. little ‘A Extracts from correspondence on file at NPL’ light the prehistory of ACE and EDSAC on for a_ pilot with 1977 February Extracts from NPL Reports for the period 1946 to 1956 extracts The machine and Turing’s internal note commenting on them. proposals Wilkes’s include The typescript extracts were prepared by M. Woodger and are dated 1 February 1977. They cover the period 1945- 1947. The principal correspondents are M.V. Wilkes at Cambridge and J.R. Womersley at the NPL. a letter from Wilkes to The folder also includes copy of Woodger, 7 his ‘Comments on extracts from correspondence on file at NPL’ of the same date. [Bs The summary was prepared by T. Vickers, May 1993. The period covered in the summary is from 1944 when the Mathematics Division at NPL was established to 1960. Papers re Computer Conservation Society and meeting ‘Design Decisions on Early Computers or Why we did what we did’, Science Museum, London 24 May 1990 ‘Use of ACE/DEUCE Computers at NPL (Summary based on extracts from NPL annual reports)’ 1989-1990 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Davies with David Clayden talked on Pilot ACE. Typescript drafts by Davies: ‘Summary for Talk on May 20th’ of Mathematics’ Foundations Turing ‘Alan and and the The typescript draft for ‘Talk on May 20th’ has manuscript inscriptions at the top of the first page ‘1. Understand AMT[uring] contribution 2. Early history at NPL’ and may relate to 24 May 1990 Computer Conservation Society meeting (see F.36) F.38-F.39 Illustrative material for talk or talks by Davies Two folders. Technical drawings 1977-1999 1981-1994 F.41-F.65 F.41-F.50 1977-1999 F.41-F.175 CRYPTOGRAPHY Contents of transfer case so labelled ‘Historic Cipher Machine Papers’ ‘Crypto History Cipher Machines’ Contents of large envelope so inscribed: typescript papers and reports, figures, manuscript notes, correspondence, photographs, and printed papers. 1982-1992 Includes photographs of cipher machines correspondence, Includes of postcards) and 1992 and “Notes from IEE meeting on Colossus’, 26 March 1987 correspondence 1983 (typescript copies with W.W. Mache and 1988-1994 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 ‘The Enigma Symposium 1992’ by Hugh Skillen Published symposium proceedings. Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘The Early Models of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machine’ with figures attached. See also C.91 and F.98. Typescript draft Halske T52e Cipher Machine’ by Davies entitled ‘The Siemens and See also C.90 and F.99, F.100. Typescript draft Development of Machine’ by Davies entitled ‘The Sequence of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Figures draft by Davies entitled ‘The by Davies entitled the T52e Cipher Machine, Method One of of the Typescript Operation of “Geheimschreiber’” ’ with figures attached Typescript draft ‘The Siemens and Halske T52e and some other cipher machines of World War Il’ Machine’, 20 March 1981 the ‘Master’ typescript of T52e Cipher Machine, One of the “Geheimschreibers” ’ with two postscripts and figures. ‘The Method of Operation of Typescript draft by B. Randell entitled ‘The Enigma Cipher D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 F.51-F.65 Correspondence and papers found loose in case the transfer 1977-1999 F.51-F.53 Correspondence re cipher machines 1980-1988 rol 1980, 1982 Includes copy of lecture by W.W. Mache ‘Der Siemens- der Geheimschreiber Telekommunikation’, 26 August 1984 Geschichte der in 1987-1988 Typescript Schluesselzusatz Cipher Machine’ Davies draft by entitled ‘The Lorenz 195 e199 Manuscript notes Figures ‘A Brief History of by Davies entitled Typescript draft Cryptography’, 3 July 1997 Off-prints of three papers by Davies published in Journal of Cryptology and Cryptologia 1976-1999 At F.60 is paper by W.W. Mache with Davies’s manuscript ‘remarks’. At F.65 are photocopies of Second World War material. Printed and duplicated background material F.59-F.65 Seven folders. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 F.66-F.97 ‘Crypto History Enigma / Bombe’ 1977-1999 labelled: correspondence Contents of transfer case so including printed-out emails, typescripts and off-prints of papers by Davies, photographs, figures, diagrams, and duplicated and printed papers by others. F.66-F.74 Duplicated and printed background papers 1977-1997 Nine folders. e75-le 20 Photographs 0 Thirteen photographs found in envelope with postmark dated ‘1.12.82’ and inscribed ‘Oslo Photos Not Used’ Seven photographs with negatives Computer print-out Contents of plastic folder: figures plastic Contents of Davies entitled October 1997 and figures folder: includes typescript draft by ‘How Did the Polish Bombe Work?, 30 cipher machines of WWII’. Davies gave this address on the 30th Anniversary of the Computer Holloway University of London where he was Visiting Professor: ‘The subject belongs to my hobby, which is the German Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Notes for the Address on 19th March’ Figures Science Department at Royal D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Includes ‘Enigma and the Turing Bombe’ by N. Shaylor, 17 April 1997 (pages printed from website) Correspondence including printed-out emails, July-August 1998 Figures F.85-F.87 Correspondence, papers re ‘The Enigma Uhr principally printed-out emails, and 1984-1998 Three folders. F.85 includes typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Principle of the Enigma Uhr’, 29 August 1998 on the deciphering of Enigma by Correspondence, and papers, re ‘The diagonal board’, ‘Enigma rotor movement’, ‘Enigma; bombe; Welchman’, etc printed-out principally emails, Photocopied article Polish mathematicians, 1981 Correspondence ‘Turing’s Treatise on Enigma’, etc (printed-out Correspondence (printed-out emails), circuit diagrams, etc re Bombe rebuild project, sense circuits etc Correspondence, principally printed-out diagonal ‘bombe paper’, visit to the USA, etc. Includes ‘some genuine Hut 6 Cribs’ re the Davies’s ‘Papers about Alan Turing’, emails, board, emails) and papers re D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘The Effectiveness of the Diagonal Board’, 5 September 1998 Typescript draft by Davies ‘The Bombe - A Remarkable Logic Machine’, 30 June 1998 with manuscript inscription ‘Corrected 27 Oct 98’ Correspondence re publication of papers by Davies Off-prints including two bombe papers by Davies F.98-F.139 ‘T52 Crypto History’ 1977-1997 Contents of transfer case so labelled. Typescripts, miscellaneous photographs, patents, photocopied background material. figures, | correspondence, __ interviews, manuscript drawings, technical notes, series of cipher machines designated 7152 See also C.91 and F.43. Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘The Early Models of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machine’ With manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘Corrected’. A was manufactured by Siemens and Halske between 1934 and 1944. Davies researched and published a number of articles on the history of the Siemens and Halske T52 Cipher Machines. See also C.90 and F.44. Two typescript drafts by Davies entitled ‘The Siemens and Halske manuscript revision Cipher Machine’, Two folders. F.99-F.100 one with T52e D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Off-print of Davies’s paper ‘New Information on the History of Machines’, Cryptologia, vol 18, April 1994 Siemens and Halske Cipher T52 the See also C.97. ‘Artwork to Return to Davies July 83 Crypto’ Contents of folder so inscribed: figures. F.104-F.109 Figures Six folders. See F.108 for photographs of T52 cipher machine. BelO-e a2 Correspondence 1980-1997 1982 11 June 1984 FealuhO 1980-1981 1983-1985, 1997 Includes two photographs of ‘Dieppe Model d’. Includes typescript by W. Mache entitled ‘Siemens Cipher Teleprinters 1930-1945, primary G-Schreiber T52 a-f, the “Geheimschreiber’” ’, September 1981. 1977, n.d. Includes typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Principle of the T52 three photographs, one July, 1984’, Includes notes of interviews and discussion and _ ‘Dieppe 5 inscribed on verso cypher machines’, D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 F.114-F.117 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts Four folders. Fel 8- teat 22 Technical drawings Five folders. F.123, F.124 Patents Two folders. F.125-F.131 Photographs Eal25 Includes ‘T52d in Oslo’ Unidentified Two folders. F.132-F.134 El2etealtes ‘My Photos / T52 etc’ ‘T52D photographed in Norway’ Includes ‘Siemens T25’ and ‘10 April, 85, Bad Godesberg’ Three folders. ‘42 Photos / Some are my best or only (and original) copies / D.W. Davies’ Papers photocopied background material Davies sent to by W.W. Mache _ including D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Typescript draft ‘Chapter VI Waiting for Baudot’ ? sent to Davies for comment entitled With manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘Replied ~ 26 Jan 1983’ F.136-F.139 Photocopied background material Two folders and two bound items archival material / DWD’. inscribed ‘Valuable F.140-F.175 Contents of unlabelled transfer case F.140-F.164 ‘Crypto History SZ42’ Contents of folder so labelled. The SZ42 was researched and Machine SZ42’ for Cryptologia. a German cipher machine. wrote article ‘The an Lorenz 1980-1995 1980-1995 Davies Cipher 1980, 1983 F.140-F.151 Photographs Twelve folders. Correspondence Reports by Davies on examination of SZ42 carried out on 28 April, 4 May, 8 June and 27 June 1994 1994-1995 Typescript draft by Davies ‘The Lorentz Cipher Machine SZ42’, July 1994 Correspondence 1994 May-June eSorenloo 199 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 1994 July-August Includes galleys of paper by Davies entitled ‘The Lorenz Cipher Machine SZ42’ and figures. 1995 January 1995 February-April typescript for Includes Running the SZ42 Cipher Attachment at Bletchley Park’, February 1995 by Davies entitled ‘Plan draft 1995 May-August F.160-F.161 Miscellaneous working notes and drafts, etc. Two folders. by Davies ‘The Lorenz F.163-F.164 Contents of plastic folder Photocopied background papers includes typescript draft F.161 Schluesselzusatz Cipher Machine’ Letter from A.E. Sale, manuscript working, programs, two computer disks, etc re Lorenz SZ42 Simulator. photograph of cipher machine, found clipped together Jon D. Paul was the Curator of the Crypto-Museum of Marin, Novato, California. Business card and compliments slip for J.D. Paul, and ‘Crypto History T52 Papers + Copies (Jon Paul)’ Contents of padded envelope so labelled. Two folders. 165-1 70 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 F.166-F.175 Photocopied documentation technical drawings and other technical Nine folders and one bound volume. F.176-F.190 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY 1962-1998, n.d. ‘Historical Notes NPL etc’. Contents of transfer case so labelled. F.176-F.181 Admin Historical Notes 1-6 1969-1970 ‘The Origin of the Laboratory’ by H.J. Hadow March 1969 ‘Expenditure and Staff Hadrow ‘Bushy Park and Bushy House’ by H.J. Hadow February 1970 ‘NPL Archives A plan and a plea for help’ by H.J. Hadow January 1970 in Post 1900 to 1968 by HJ. February 1970 ‘The Development of the NPL Site at Teddington 1900- 1970’ by H.J. Hadow 1962-1972, n.d. ‘Teddington Laboratories Children’s Party History: 1923-1998’ by Colin Lea Printed and duplicated background material re NPL and F,183-F.186 March 1970 ‘The Newton’s Apple Tree’ by H.J. Hadow April 1970 An Anecdotal D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Bushy House Four folders F.183 reprint is At Glazebrook, Days Laboratory’, 23 March 1933. 1970 ‘Early of at lecture the by Sir National Richard Physical F.187-F.188 Two typescript drafts, slides, and background material for talk by Davies about William IV Two folders. William IV (as Duke of Clarence) was a former resident of Bushy House. F.189-F.190 Miscellaneous papers of historical interest F.189 Photocopied papers 1957, 1980, n.d. draft by Davies entitled ‘Augusta F.191-F.236 ‘Draft outline PACKET SWITCHING Includes manuscript notes. Typescript Ada, Countess of Lovelace’; off-print of D.R. Hartree’s address to the British Computer Society at their inaugural meeting, 12 October 1957; of Turing’s Collected Works’; and signed menu of dinner to mark the retirement of M.V. Wilkes, 18 July 1980. Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1969) ‘Historical Notes / Early Packet Switching etc’. Off-prints of papers by Davies: ‘Communication networks to serve rapid-response computers’ and ‘The principles of a data communication network for computers and remote peripherals’, North-Holland Information Processing 68, Contents of transfer case so labelled. 1949-2000 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Correspondence including printed-out emails re history of packet switching concept and IEEE Internet Award, March 2000 F.193-F.194 ‘An Two typescript drafts Historical Study of the Beginnings of Packet Switching’, March 2000 of paper by Davies entitled Two folders. Davies’s opening sentence explains that the purpose of the paper was ‘to help those who study the early history of pointers to primary computer networking by documents concerning one of the first steps in the new technology - the introduction of packet switching’. providing Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Notes from the Early History of Packet Switching’, January 2000 from the internet: 1999-2000 Correspondence including printed-out emails re history of packet switching Copy (printed from the internet) of ‘Information Flow in Large Communication Nets Proposal for a PH.D Thesis’ by Leonard Kleinrock, 31 May 1961 ‘Internet Chronology Pages printed Lawrence G. Roberts March 22 1997 - updated Aug 29, 1997’ and ‘Brief Summary of Firsts, Key Accomplishments and Contributions for Len Kleinrock’ 1999-2000 P. Correspondence, principally printed-out emails, Baran, J. Gillies and L. Kleinrock and others re internet history, February-March 2000 with Photocopy of 1964 paper by Paul Baran entitled Distributed Communication Networks’ notes by Davies attached. with ‘On manuscript D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Manuscript notes (Stochastic Flow Kleinrock McGraw-Hill 1964’ Message by Davies on ‘Communication Nets Leonard Delay) and By Correspondence (printed-out emails) principally with Baran Internet Award nomination, history packet switching, etc., December 1999-February 2000 re IEEE P. of 1999-2000 F.203-F.206 Papers re ACM [Association for Computing Machinery] Symposium on Operating System Principles, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 1-4 October 1967 Programme and list of ‘registered attendees’ Photocopy of conference paper by L.G. Roberts entitled ‘Multiple and __ Intercomputer Communication’ Computer Networks and P.T. entitled Wilkinson Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Historical Note on the Early Development of Packet Switching’ ‘Report on Visit of R.A. Scantlebury to the 1967 A.C.M. Symposium U.S.A.’ Copy of conference paper by Davies, K.A. Bartlett, R.A. Digital Scantlebury ‘A Communication Network for Computers giving Rapid Response at Remote Terminals’ Davies states that there were two purposes in writing this note: ‘One is to help the Science Museum project on the history of computing and the other is to provide material forthcoming for the IEEE Proceedings on Packet Switching. Davies states that some of the events in this undated note ‘are now more than ten years away’. Copy of Speculations on Data Transmission’, 16 November 1965 by Davies entitled typescript historical ‘Further paper in the note D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 With manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘Early History - Preservel’. Copies of papers by Davies entitled ‘Remote on-line Data Processing and its Communication Needs’ and ‘Proposal for the Development of a National Communication Service for on-line Data Processing’, 15 December 1965 The papers were found stapled together. manuscript inscription top of their first pages. Both have the ‘Early History - Preserve!’ at the Photocopied pages headed ‘18.3.1966’ and ‘Mr D.W. Davies: The Future Digital Communication Network’ with signatures of those attending Davies’s presentation and the names of the organisations they represented NPL paper by Davies entitled Communication Network’, June 1966 ‘Proposal for a Digital Routing Techniques /EEE Systems’, F.213-F.214 for Transactions Correspondence etc re paper by M. Campbell-Kelly on the NPL data communications network With manuscript inscription on the title page ‘Early History - Preservel’. Photocopy of paper by B.W. Boehm and R.L. Mobley, Distributed ‘Adaptive Communications on Communication Technology, June 1969 1987-1988 Includes paper by Davies entitled ‘The principles of a data communication remote peripherals’ The paper was published in the Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 9, 1988. Booklet of papers for Hardware 1, Federation Edinburgh, August 1968 Information for Processing] [International 68, Congress network for computers and_ Two folders. IFIP D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Proceedings of Session on Resource Sharing Computer Networks, Spring Joint Computer Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, 7 May 1970 Includes papers by L.G. Roberts and L. Kleinrock. NPL Report Com 85 Wilkinson on Communication Network’, December 1976 National ‘The Scantlebury and P.T. Physical Laboratory Data R.A. by Paper by Davies, K.A. Bartlett, R.A. Scantlebury and P.T. Wilkinson entitled ‘A Data Communication Network for Real-time Computers’ Latest bibliographical reference November 1966 and meeting, 26 paper by Davies 1970 at Telephones Telegraphs] November 1970; 23-27 November 23-27 November 1970: Duplicated typescript entitled ‘A Communication Network for Computers and Devices’, October 1967 their Remote Peripheral Papers re CCITT [International Consultative Committee for Geneva, Switzerland, paper by Davies entitled ‘C.C.I.T.T. Meeting at Geneva, November 23 to 27', entitled ‘Preparation for the NRD meeting of November 1970, 16 November 1970; and ‘Report on CCITT Meetings on New Networks Data Geneva’, December 1970 from one Node Computer to Another’, August 1966 Photocopy of paper by Davies entitled ‘Some Design Aspects of a Communication Network Rapid-Response Computers’ Photocopy of paper by Davies entitled ‘Transfer of Data ‘A Store-and- Real-time Photocopy of paper by Davies entitled Forward Computers and their Peripherals’ Communication Network for D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Photocopy of paper by Davies entitled ‘The Control of Congestion in Packet Switching Networks’ Latest bibliographical reference 1970. Photocopy of paper by R.A. Scantlebury entitled ‘A model for data communication network objectives and hardward organization’ local area the of a Latest bibliographical reference, October 1969. Photocopy of paper by P.T. Wilkinson entitled ‘A model for the local area of a data communication network Software organization’ Latest bibliographical reference October 1969. ‘Report on Visit to USA, October 16-27, 1972’ by Davies, 14 November 1972 see the state of the present network NPL Report Com. Sci. T.M. 47 Davies entitled ‘The NPL Data Network’, October 1970 by D.L.A. Barber and Davies explained that the purpose of the visit was ‘to renew contacts with those engaged in the ARPA network project, and experience its use, visit establishments engaged in work relevant to [NPL] Computer Division and attend the first International Computer Communications Conference’. 1969, 1972 ‘A Papers by Davies’s NPL colleagues: off-print entitled note Full-Duplex Transmission over Half- Duplex Links’ by K.A. Bartlett, R.A. Scantlebury and P.T. Wilkinson, Communications of the ACM [Association for Computing Machinery], vol 12, May 1969 and duplicated typescript entitled ‘A Review of the Performance of the N.P.L. Data Communications Network’ by D.L.A. Barber, K.A. Bartlett and I.G. Dewis, with manuscript inscription ‘Symposium on Networks - Bonn 1972’. Brief correspondence with Janet Abbate re early history of computer networks Reliable on D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 letters Two (photocopy) and ‘8.2.50’ (original and photocopy) Neumann, ‘May from von J. 4, 1949’ 1949-1950 ‘Origins of Packet Switching and the Early ARPA Network - Talk on 12/3/98 to CCS [Computer Conservation Society] Transparencies F.233-F.236 Duplicated and printed background material 1969-1989 Four folders. F.237-F.248 TURING MACHINE 1996-1999 an to of with Typescript Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’, May 1996 ‘Explicit entitled Davies application Contents of box folder: principally typescripts by Davies Two typescript drafts by Davies entitled ‘Documentation of Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’, May 1996 Photocopy of Turing’s 1936 paper entitled ‘On computable numbers, the Entscheidungsproblem’ and 30 September 1997 Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Verifying the Design of a Universal Turing Machine’, June 1996 Two typescript to Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’, 27 August 1996 by Davies entitled 1996-1997 ‘Repairs drafts Form draft by D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 Typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Corrections to Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’, 2 October 1996 Proof copy of ‘Repairs to Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’ and related papers Davies’s paper ‘Repairs to Turing’s Universal Computing Machine’ was a contribution to Machine Intelligence 15 (Oxford University Press). ‘Turing Machine Software’ Programming by Davies. F.245-F.247 Contents of plastic folder divided into three for ease of reference: typescript draft by Davies entitled ‘Guide to the Documentation’, programming etc. 1964-2000 box Contents of reference: computers, communication networks and cryptosystems for ease of early nine material folder divided duplicated printed and into re F.249-F.257 F.249-F.265 MISCELLANEOUS Manuscript sheet headed ‘Dependencies of Abbreviated Tables’ 1997-2000 Contents of folder divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence (including printed-out emails) and papers re early history computers There are copies of papers by Davies at F.250, F.251 and F.254. At F.259 is typescript of paper by Davies entitled ‘How did the Polish bombe work?’ Includes photocopies of earlier material. cryptography, F.258-F.265 1964-1979 of the internet and D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Historical topics, F.1-F.265 At F.261 are Davies’s comments on the first two chapters of How the Web was born: the story of the World Wide Web by James Gillies (Oxford University Press, 2000), sent to Gillies. Cailliau Robert and a list of of are F.264 papers At interest concerning electronic digital computers, 1945-1959 held by M. Woodger in the Division of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, National Physical Laboratory and a catalogue of the papers of M. Woodger at the time of his retirement, 31 March 1983. historical D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE, G.1-G.60 1970-2001 G.1-G.9 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE G.10-G.24 CORRESPONDENCE WITH W.W. MACHE G.25-G.36 PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE G.37-G.60 PATENT CORRESPONDENCE MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1970-2000 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Misc. Correspondence’. 1970-1971 1985-1991 1993-1996 19977, Three letters from Sara Turing. Includes copy of letter from Davies on bar codes, 20 April 1997, and article by Davies on ‘Packet switching: the history lesson’ published in The Guardian, 21 August 1997 etc. Includes correspondence re possible role for Davies as an expert witness, historical cryptology, current cryptosystem, 1998 Two folders. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Correspondence, G.1-G.60 1999 Two folders. Includes cryptology and current internet topics. correspondence and papers re _ historical 2000 Includes letter from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE), 6 March 2000, informing Davies of his being named as the 2000 IEEE Internet Award along with Paul Baran, Leonard Kleinrock, and Lawrence G. Roberts, with the following citation: a co-recipient of ‘For their early, preeminent contributions in conceiving, analyzing and demonstrating packet-switching networks, the foundation technology of the internet’. G.10-G.24 CORRESPONDENCE WITH W.W. MACHE 1991-2000 machines. Mache was Contents of folder inscribed ‘W. Mache’. Correspondence principally re historical cryptology and German cipher a German engineer working for Siemens in Munich who shared Davies’s interests. In 1991 Davies was proposing a book on German cipher machines of the Second World War with Mache as collaborator. For 1996-1997 there is also correspondence and papers re a documentary film made by Davies’s son Michael on the First World War German flying ace von Richthofen. Includes ‘New Book Proposal by D.W. Davies and W.W. Mache’. 1993 January-February D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Correspondence, G.1-G.60 1993 March Includes article by F.-P. Heider entitled ‘A Colossal Fish’ sent to Davies for his comment. 1993 May-December Includes ‘newest version’ of Heider’s article. 1994 January-May G.16-G.19 1995 May-August Includes copies of German patents. Four folders. G.20-G.21 1996 Two folders. Six folders. Correspondence and Editorial Board. PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE ICL Technical Journal 1988-1999 G.25-G.36 papers re the business of the 1999-2000 G.25-G.30 1993-1999 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Correspondence, G.1-G.60 Davies was a member of the Board for the period covered by the papers. G.31-G.36 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1988-1993 Six folders. Principally re Davies’s book (with W.L. Price) Security for Computer Networks, Second Edition, 1989. Davies was also asked to advise on a number of book proposals. G.37-G.60 PATENT CORRESPONDENCE 1994-2001 Contents correspondence and papers. transfer of case labelled ‘Patent’: 1994 April-May Two folders. for transmitting a dispute in G.39, G.40 1994 September 1994 July-August relates to the invention by Davies of a receiving respect of patent and The material method and apparatus for encrypted signals and application. 1994. See also G.47 and G.50. Includes typescript note by Davies entitled ‘The invention the “Difference Method” ‘, November and patenting of At G.40 are two typescript drafts Apparatus and Signals’. Transmitting entitled ‘Method and Receiving Encrypted 1994 October-November D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Correspondence, G.1-G.60 1994 December 1995 January-March 1995 April-September G.45-G.46 1995 October Two folders. 1996 February-March G.48-G.49 1996 April Two folders. 1996 May-June 1996 July-December 1997 September-December 1997 February-March 1997 January 1997 April, June 1997 July-August D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Correspondence, G.1-G.60 1998 February-October 2000-2001 Photocopy of European Patent Application filed ‘17.09.90’, annotated by Davies The patent application was for a system for controlling access to broadcast transmission. Davies was not a party to the application. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABBATE, Janet AMSTRAD PLC ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING ARM LTD BARAN, Paul BARBER, Derek BELL, Donald A. BENNETT, Geoffrey BLETCHLEY PARK TRUST LTD BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY (BCS) BROKATE, K. F.199, F.230 G.39, G.41, G.43-G.45 F.213 E.1-E.10 F.3;,F.4,,F.196, F.202 F.4 B.53 F.3, F.4 Flioo D.1-D.23 eas lore CHASSE, G. DAVIS, George EASYCHIP BV F.4 F386; huloo COPELAND, B. Jack CRYPTOLOGIA CLAYDEN, David O. CLIFFORD CHANCE COMRIE, L.J. CONWAY, J.H. See F.33 See B.4 F.2-F.4 G.46, G.48-G.51, G.53-G.57 COMPUTER CONSERVATION SOCIETY 53; Fali2 DE VRIES & METMAN B.V. FolOO-RalOvsgel OO, bz209 ohne G.57-G.59 ELLSBURY, Graham ERSKINE, Ralph Et F.83 D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 Index of correspondents FARNCOMBE TECHNOLOGY LTD RIEED; dave FLETCHER, Gerry FLOWERS, T.H. GAMMERMAN, Alex GILLIES, James GLASSPOOL, Andrew GORE ASSOCIATES (UK) LTD GUY, Richard K. HAGELIN, Boris C.W. HEIDER, Franz-Peter ily 200 F.253 Fro haloes baloS F.83 4 Oem oo ecOe E.9 See also B.68 G.2 B.7 Ou aloo 52 F.42 HORWOOD, D.C. HUNTER, Don G.N. ICL TECHNICAL JOURNAL IMAI, Hideki HUSKEY, Harry D. HUTTENHAIN, Erich eo On ealio2 HINSLEY, Sir (Francis) Harry HOUSLEY COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS PTY, LTD E.12-E.16 Bal2c; Bal2 7 Ballo deeineoal 7o; B.276 209 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR COMPUTER COMMUNICATION (ICCC) IRDETO CONSULTANTS B.V. F.258 G.31-G.36 G.25-G.30 C2 D.24-D.30 JACOBSON, Eric JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD G.38, G.44, G.46, G.57 KAHN, David D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 KELLY, Martin CAMPBELL- KIRSTEIN, Peter T. KLEINROCK, Len KOCHANSKI, Martin KRUH, Louis KUROSAWA, Kaoru LEA, Colin LEE, Matt LINKLATERS & PAINES McKENZIE, Alex Index of correspondents F.213 beOy moo F.199 See also F.4 B.176 F.155, F.156 See also F.51 B.173 Feloe See E.8, E.9 Gi3/7,.G:oin F.4 MACHE, Wolfgang W. MALLER, V.A.J. MASONS Solicitors MICHIE, Donald F.258 G.42 F.110 B.2 MINSKY, M.L. MOOI, Wim G.42-G.47, G.49, G.52 MUGGLETON, Stephen Pat aoey aeldOsulk aye oes F.158, F.159, G.10-G.24 See also F.60 MALLINICK RESS RICHMAN & CLOSENBERG F.3 OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) G.38, G.44 R22 NEW SCIENTIST NIELSON, Don NAUGHTON, John NEUMANN, John von Fi2vinebe2oo F.231 B.34 O'BEIRNE, T.H. D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 ONG, Heidrun E. PARKIN, Graeme I. Index of correspondents PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PHILIP WOODS & CO., Solicitors PIPER, Fred POLLARD, John M. POMERANCE, Carl RANDELL, Brian REDDIE & GROSE, Patent agents RIX, Simon G.2 .2oo C.4 G.53,G.54 Cr B2120..B.126) Bai24, Bi ie7. 5180 See also B.132, B.199 B.123 5c See also F.51 G.38, G.39, G.43, G.54 See also G.42 See F.253 ROSIN, Robert F. ROYAL SOCIETY .00; ellos res B.197,,br250 i2y ico SINGH, Simon SMID, Miles E. E213 D.31-D.33 SALE, A.E. (‘Tony’) SCHNORR,, Claus P. SCANTLEBURY, Roger A.28, A.31 SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS STURZINGER, Oskar ine Gi2 Gre C.4 2 SZENTIVANYI, Tibor F.83 B.198 B.114 SMITH, Peter SMITH, Rod SHARP, Robert SUNDT, C.E. SWADE, Doron D.W. Davies NCUACS 143/8/05 TAUNT, Derek TELENOR CONAX AS TURING, Alan Mathison TURING, Sara TURNER, Graham UNGER, Dieter VEER, Gert van der WALDEN, David C. WARE, Willis WEGENER COMMUNICATIONS WEIERUD, Frode Index of correspondents F.83 E.17-E.23 See F.33 G.1 Err See also F.258 Reon G.2 F.192 F.192 E.28 alee Fulo6, Palio, malo) b.2o9 D.34-D.37 B.3 F.3 YOST, Jeffrey R. WILKES, Sir Maurice Vincent WINKEL, Brian J. F.33 See F.33 WOMERSLEY, John R. WOODGER, Mike YORKSHIRE ELECTRICITY BOARD B42) F 2oee. 200 See also F.33, F.264 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS See also F.196 YURKANAN, C. EDMONDSON- E67 202