Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of CYRIL DEAN DARLINGTON (1903 - 1981) geneticist deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific (CSAC 106/3/85) THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS WC2A i1HP Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, by London CSAC 106/3/85 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s c Catalogue of papers and correspondence of CYRIL DEAN DARLINGTON (1903 = 1981) Compiled by Sections F = J VOLUME II Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper AGE PIQHTS reserved Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Index Abe ete i C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCASTS F.1 - F.120 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION F F.1 -F.66 Lectures F.67-F.120 Broadcasts Although not exhaustive there is material re Darlington's activity as a lecturer covering a 50-year period beginning in 1931, and as a broadcaster, especially on BBC radio, for over thirty years beginning in 1939. The material includes notes and drafts for the lectures and scripts for many of the broadcasts. There is also correspondence including, in respect of the wartime broadcasts, a little correspondence with George Orwell. F.1-F.65 LECTURES : Fx | Three lectures on 'The Cytological Theory of Heredity and Variation’, Royal institution, 10, 17 and 24 March 1931. See also D.12, E.21. Letter of invitation, ms. notes, programme of Royal Institution lectures. Yt f / typescript and P p printed obstracts, Ms. notes for ? lecture, 28 April 1935. Darlington lectured on the 'Microscopic Studies of the Mechanism of Heredity', 13 October. Programme of lectures of the Queckett Microscopical Club, October~ December 1931. the hand of another. ‘The origin of cultivated plants’, Royal Institution, 12 November 1943. Typescript draft, with ms. additions by Darlington and cerments in "Heredity against disease or genetic warfare’, 24 March 1945. 2pp. draft by Darlington for 'Joint Meeting 23. 111.45. Ms. notes for lecture dated by Darlington '1941?'. ‘The genetic analysis of disease’ Brief correspondence; abstraci. ‘What is Botany?! See F.80 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Lectures and broadcasts F.4 Three lectures on 'The Physiology of Chromosomes', Royal Institution, 21, 28 January and 4 February 1947. Brief correspondence, ms. notes and programme of Royal Institution lectures. Programme of intercollegiate lectures in Botany, 2nd Term. 1947-48. Session Darlington lectured on cytology and genetics at University College, London. F.5-F.12 ‘The Conflict of Science and Society' Darlington gave the South Place Ethical Society's Conway Memorial Lecture on this topic, 20 April 1948. The Society published the lecture which also formed the basis of two broadcast talks on the BBC, Third Programme, October 1948. Darlington lectured on the same. topic at the Ronald Cartland Club, 2 December 1948 and sections of his Conway Lecture were reprinted by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 1951. 5 Invitation for Darlington to deliver Conway Lecture, memorandum of agreement between Darlington and the South Place Ethical Society, correspondence, etc. with Watts and Company, publishers of the Conway Lecture. 26.11.48"); Published copy of lecture. Pre-publication printed copy of lecture, with ms. corrections of 27 March. Typescript draft of lecture, with ms. corrections ('2nd draft. also draft foreword by R. Gregory and Darlington's ms. notes on conflict of science and society. Advance copy re Darlington's lecture prepared by the publisher and addressed to the news editor; correspondence arising from lecture; reviews. arising. Script of first of Darlington's two radio talks on the conflict of science and society; letters re broadcast. Typescript draft of Darlington's lecture to the Cartland Club; brief correspondence arising. Copy of article in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; brief correspondence C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 F.13 Letter ond Ip. ms. note re Athenaeum talk, [23] May 1949. Lectures and broadcasts 'Gene activities observed in the cell’, Milan, 25 May 1949. Spp. ms. and typescript notes. ‘Physical and chemical breakage of chromosomes', Naples, 27 May 1949. 2pp. typescript notes. ‘Chromosomes and heredity’, Christ's Hospital, Horsham, Sussex, 28 March 1950. Copy of school science magazine with report (p.28) of Darlington's lecture. 'The new genetics', St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, 6 June 1950. Invitation (from A. Fleming), notice of iecture and Ip. ms. note. 3pp. ms. notes for introductory remarks or lecture at Stockholm Congress, 19 July 1950. See H.78-H.83. F6-F 19 The Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford, 1950. Invitation, correspondence te arrangements, 1949-51. The draft of 5 May is noted as being discarded. RIG 8A9 ‘The Way of Heredity’ 3lpp. typescript draft, dated 22 November 1950. Drafts for Spencer Lecture on 'The Coming of Genetics', May 1950. The original manuscript was deposited in the Bodleian Library in 1951. Two folders. Notes on the history of genetics for Herbert Spencer Lecture and possibly other lecture or lectures of the same time. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 . Lectures and broadcasts Ip. ms. note for prize-giving, Hertford Grammar School, 7 March 1951. "The new world of the microscope', 15 June 1951. 6pp. typescript draft. "History of genetics', 2 July 1951. 2pp. ms. notes. ‘The two theories of heredity', Royal Institution, 9 November 1951. Lecture programme, ms. notes and 3pp. typescript draft. ‘Recent Advances in Cytology: a retrospect, 1952-1932', 7 November 17a. Ms. notes and 30pp. typescript draft. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1952. Includes brief notes for lecture on Lysenko and Russian science, for Foreign Office. Ms. notes and ms. and typescript drafts of lecture. 4 folders. Not used. F.23°6. 28 ‘The Place of Botany in the Life of a University’ Darlington's inaugural lecture as Sherardian Professor of Botany, Oxford, 27 November 1953 (published 1954). Notes for. lectures on embryology and the chromosomes as a chemical entity. Miscellaneous lecture notes and drafts, 1953. Includes material re lectures on chromosomes and heredity, and heredity and environment during visit to Yugoslavia. - Includes notes on genetics and society, reproductive systems and plant breeding, ond sex in microorganisms. Brief correspondence re published lecture, 1954. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1954. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1954-55. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 F.32 Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1956. Lectures and broadcasts Includes notes for lectures on ecology and the breeding system, messages and movements, and radiation and heredity. "Philosophy of Genetics', University College, London, 11 March 1957. Ms. notes and diagrams. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1957. Includes notes for lectures on Huxley, Mendel and the establishment of genetics and the objectives of teaching school biology. F.35-F.39 ‘Control of Evolution in Man', Royal Institution (Woodhull Lecture), 21 March 1958. The lecture was p published in the Proceedings of the Royal Institution, Nature, and Eugenics perenne ate It was subsequently reprinted by the International Association for the Advancement ie au Review. of Ethnology and Eugenics, Inc., for world-wide distribution. Darlington was a member of Pis6 2) or F.35 F.38 F.39 ? folders. Ms. notes and typescript drafts of lecture. 2 folders. the Executive Committee of the |.A.A.E.E. See E.368. Printed versions of lecture; review of lecture. Correspondence re arrangements for Royal Institution lecture, with abstracts of lecture and press release. Photocopies of letters from those who had received copies of ‘Control of Evolution in Man' from the IAAEE, 1962-63. and mutants and monsters. Notes of lectures on chromosomes, genetics and man, academic freedom, and evolution in the sixth form. Includes notes for lectures on heredity and human society, chromosomes, Folder includes brief correspondence with Sir Charles Darwin. Notes for lectures on Darwin, 1958-59. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1959. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1960. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Lectures and broadcasts F.44 ‘Cousin Marriage', Eugenics Society, 24 May 1961. Abstract and verbatim report, with ms. corrections. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1962. Notes for lectures on evolution of society, hereditary genius, and psychology, genetics and the evolution of society. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1963. Notes for lectures on the origins of agriculture and evolution, mon and society. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1964. Notes for lectures on genetics and religion, social sciences and biology and genetics of social stratification. Notes of Darlington's introductory remarks for inaugural lecture on microbial genetics by Professor Bevan, 7 May 1965. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1967. P35 Notes on 'Genetics of the universities’, 6 February 1969. P02, F tae Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1968. Includes notes on 'Genetic Systems in E.M.S. (Connectedness)', Paleolithic man, and heredity and environment in man. Notes for lectures on teaching genetics, anthrepology and genetics, and evolution and derivation of social divisions of man. ‘Man's Impact on Nature’, Institute of Contemporary Arts, 4 November 1970. Ms. notes and typescript draft of lecture. Darlington was asked to contribute a lecture, on the early impact on the natural environment of man's appearance, to a course of lectures on ecology organised by the I.C.A. Correspondence re arrangements; abstract of lecture and lecture programme. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 P54, F595 ‘Race, Class and Culture’, Oxford, 20 November 1970. Lectures and broadcasts Darlington contributed this topic toa series of Herbert Spencer Lectures on ‘Biology and the Human Sciences'. by the OUP in 1971. The lectures were published Correspondence re afrangements for lecture series and publication, with |. Berlin and J.W.S. Pringle (one letter), 1969-71. Ms. notes for Darlington's lecture; note of date, final draft sent to Pringle (editor of published volume). typescript contents-page with ms. Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1970. Includes notes for lectures on origin of society, evolution of genetic systems and heredity, environment and intelligence; also brief reiated correspondence. ae ’ ° > . e e e . ! Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1971. Includes notes for lectures on the origin of cultivated plants, the geographical origins of civilisation and human progress. "Is Man Master of his Fate?' Miscellaneous lecture notes, 1972. "The Premises of Genetics Reconsidered’ Correspondence re arrangements; ms. notes for lecture. This topic was the subject of Darlington's Mendel Leciure before the Genetical Society, 11 November 1972. Includes notes for lectures on race, genetics and intelligence, chromo- somes and genes, and the origins of agriculture. October 1976. This topic was the subject of Darlington's Gregynog Lectures, given at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 11-13 March 1975, on which Little Universe of Man was partly based. Correspondence, 1973-74, abstract and notes for lectures. lectures on meiosis, December 1975, and evolutionary prospect See E.634. Notes for C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 F.62 F.63 Lectures and broadcasts Notes for lectures on the chromosome revolution and eco-genetics, 1977. Notes for lectures on the origin of genetics, March 1978, and genetics, evolution and the chromosomes, March 1980; also brief related correspondence. F.64 Miscellaneous lecture notes, n.d. (ca.1935-55). Invitations to lecture F.G 1935-64 : 1965-80 F.67-F.120 BROADCASTS For further references to broadcasts, some additional to the ones listed below, see D.94, D.95, E.109, E.192, E.460, E.470, H.65, H.66, H.87. "Heredity and Evolution' Darlington's F.68-F.70 "Life's Workshops: Cells, Chromosomes and Heredity' Darlington's contribution, broadcast January 1942, to ‘Science Lifts the Veil’, a series of broadcast talks organised by the BBC in collaboration with the Science Committee of the Drafis, script, correspondence arising, and published version in The Listener, with ms. note 'My first broadcast’. Contribution no.3 to a series of programmes on 'What is Inheritence?', broadcast 20 April 1939. the broadcast talks as published for the British Council. Draft of Sir William Bragg's broadcast, 5 January 1942; script as published in London Calling; article about the ‘Science Lifts The Veil' series in London Calling; Science Lifts The Veil: British Council. Darlington's talk was introduced by Sir William Bragg. Correspondence, 1941-42. Ms. and typescript drafts; broadcast script. F.68 F.69 F.70 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 75, Fare 'The Origin of Species' Lectures and broadcasts Contribution to 'Books that Made History’ series broadcast in Home Service, May 1942. See also E.109. Brief correspondence; ms. draft of talk. Typescript drafts,with ms. corrections. "The Future of Science' Contribution to a history of science series, broadcast in Eastern Service, 21 July 1942. Includes letter from George Orwell; typescript draft of talk; copies of script; talk as published in The Listener. ‘India in the Steel Age' Contribution to 'A.D. 2000' series broadcast in the Eastern Service, July 1942. Includes letter from George Orwell; typescript draft of talk; as published in The Listener. talk "Ariel in wartime’ Script only. "Research Workers’ "Answering You' Talk broadcast in Home Service, 21 August 1942. Ms. notes, dated August 1942, for broadcast 'not given’. Includes letter and script with ms. corrections. Darlington took part in this North American Service programme in which speakers in London talked to speakers in New York, January 1943. Darlington's fellow~speakers in London were R. Watson-Watt, Janet Vaughan, J.G. Crowther and J.S. Huxley. ‘Royal Society' Talk broadcast April 1943. Broadcast script only. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 P.a7 ‘National Temperament' Lectures and broadcasts Ms. and typescript drafts of broadcast for BBC, dated 24 June 1943. Fife tea? "Plant Breeding in India’ Talk for Eastern Service, broadcast July 1943. Letter and postcard from George Orwell; ms. draft of talk. Typescript drafts of script, with ms. corrections. "Heredity versus Disease or Genetic Warfare’ Talk broadcast in French service, April 1945. See F.3. | Letter; version of script. ms. and typescript draft of talk in English; French~language "Science Magazine’ no.1 Darlington took part in the first programme of this Home Service series, broadcast 5 August 1945. J.D. Bernal, E. Hindle and R. Waison-Watt. Other participants included J.B.S. Haldane, Letter from producer; 29 July; magazine script. ful! transcription of discussion recorded "Science Survey' ‘Belief and Unbelief' Typescript draft, with ms. corrections, of Darlington's talk in this programme, September 1946; newspaper review. Darlington took part (with the Rev. Dr. Eric Baker) in the last of a series of discussions between those who held the Christian faith and those who did not, broadcast December 1947. 2 typescript drafts of script with ms. corrections. Letters from producers; ms. notes for Darlington's contribution. See also G.70. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 F.85- F.90 "Facing the Facts' Lectures and broadcasts Talk broadcast September 1948. Ms. and typescript drafts. 3 folders. Talk as published in The Listener; newspaper comment re Darlington's talk, including Daily Mirror editorial. Correspondence arising from broadcast. A- L (includes BBC) M - V and unidentified See E.158-E.161 for related publication on 'The dead hand on discovery’. ‘The Lysenko Controversy' Darlington contributed to this Third Programme discussion, broadcast 30 November 1948. S.C. Harland and J.B.S. Haldane. His fellow-contributors were R.A. Fisher, See also D.94, D.95. Reval at? "Galactic Life' Possibly for BBC Russian service. Darlington's contribution to a programme on life elsewhere in the universe, broadcast on the Third Programme, July 1949. was F. Hoyle. His fellow-contributor Correspondence; opening announcement; script. Folder also includes 4pp. typescript draft 'The Work of Academician Lysenko', 12 December 1948. parts of the universe. Correspondence with BBC producer, F. Hoyle, translator of talk into Esperanto, etc., 1949-52. Script of talk by F. Hoyle on ‘Continuous Creation', broedeast March 1949. ‘Corrected copy, 5/VII/49'. Copy 'retyped 5 Oct 1955'. Typescript draft of Hoyle's contribution to the programme on life in other Ms. and typescript draft of talk with ms. note 'Discarded'. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Lectures and broadcasts ‘The Coming of Heredity' Talk for Third Programme, broadcast December 1951. Letter from producer; typescript draft; newspaper cutting. See also E.191. "Heredity' Talk for Asian Service, July 1952. Typescript drafts and script. F.100, F.101 "Genetics and Man' Television broadcast, 4 September 1954. Ms. and typescript drafts. 2 folders. "Behind the News' Midland Home Service programme, 7 April 1955 and 26 January 1956. Letters from producer; notes of suggested topics for discussion.. ‘The Chemical Basis of Life' Scripts only. See al sO. E279: Third Programme series; Darlington contributed talk no.5 'On being descended from a molecule’, broadcast 1 March 1957, and talk no.6 ‘Gene and Virus', broadcast 8 March 1957. Third Programme series; on nucleic acids and the virus, broadcast 17 April 1957. was chaired by E.F. Gale and the other members of the panel were André Lwoff, F:H.C. Crick and K.M. Smith. synopsis. Correspondence; drafts of statement on virus research prepared by Darlington in advance; broadcast script. 'The Conflict of Science and Society’ Talk for BBC Manchester, 13 May 1958. Darlington was a panel member for a discussion The discussion "Research' Ms. notes; C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 F.106 ‘Darwin's Experiments with Plants' Lectures and broadcasts Talk for BBC German Service, broadcast 1 July 1958. "Ist draft' and 'Finally corrected 2nd draft’. F.107-F.110 "Evolution in Action’ Third Programme series; Darlington contributed talk no.4 'The Natural History of Man', broadcast 12 July 1958. F.107-F.109 Ms. and typescript drafts. 3 folders. Broadcast script; Listener re Darlington's talk. talk as published in The Listener; letters to The ‘Why people are different’ Talk at St. Andrew's Hall, 31 August 1961, and shown on closed circuit television to the British Association and the general public. Ms. and typescript notes and script. "Artificial Insemination by Donor’ "Science and Society in the Thirties' Correspondence and script. ‘Recollections of J.B.S. Haldane’ Darlington contributed his recollections to this Third Programme broadcast, 10 December 1965. Talk for BBC radio's 'Woman's Hour’ programme, broadcast ? September 1962. Brief correspondence only. may relate to an earlier (1963) BBC programme. Folder also includes request for article on Haldane in respect of Haldane celebrations in India, March 1966. Proposed programme on 'race problems, seen from the scientific and specially from the genetical standpoint’ for ORTF. Typescript draft of recollections broadcast by BBC, February 1966. Correspondence, 1970; ms. notes in English and French, some of which C.D. Darlington _ CSAC 106/3/85 ris F.116 Lectures and broadcasts Miscellaneous notes for broadcasts, various dates, 1959-72. Miscellaneous notes for broadcasts, 1978. o117-F.119 Correspondence with BBC, 1943, various dates 1965-78. elit 1943 Includes letter from Darlington to the British Association for the Advence- ment of Science re BBC science broadcasts. 1965, 1967, 1969-70 1969-70 correspondence relates to proposed BBC television programme on Darlington's book The Evolution of Man and Society. 1971, 1973-74, 1978 1978 correspondence relates to proposed discussion programme re Darlington's book Little Universe of Man . See also E.638. Brief correspondence with Thames Television, 1972-73. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.110 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION G The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence and covers both British and overseas organisations. Many entries are relatively trivial and deal with membership, invitations to meetings and the like but there is interesting material, under British Empire Cancer Campaign, te Darlington's inspection of the Strangeways Research Laboratory and substantial folders relating to the Genetical Society, including Heredity, the journal founded by Darlington and transferred to the Society in 1970, and to the Royal Society. For Darlington's honours and awards, see G.1, G.2, G.9, G.66, G.67, G.73, G74, G.75G.81, G.103. LIST OF CONTENTS ACADEMIE D'AGRICULTURE DE FRANCE . ATHENAEUM G.3-G.8 G.1 G2 G.9 Gi9 GF G.9 G2 G.9 TO GENERAL BIOLOGY AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ANTI SLAVERY SOCIETY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SYSTEMATICS IN RELATION DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU BERLIN BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE CONTROL COMMISSION FOR GERMANY - RESEARCH BRANCH CONGRES POUR LA LIBERTE DE LA CULTURE BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH PLANT BREEDERS BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION GHI0, 6.41 .13-G.16 ie “ar Far BRITISH COUNCIL COLONIAL OFFICE 18 18 18 .19-G.65 -66 66 66 67 67 68 73 43 74 74 .75-G .102 A D @ A A A A A D A A D A A D A D O Q O Q O M O Q .106-G.110 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations EUGENICS SOCIETY FORESTRY COMMISSION FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS GENETICAL SOCIETY GENETICS SOCIETY OF JAPAN INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY INDIAN SOCIETY OF GENETICS LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON Paes RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION SERVICE RATIONALIST PRESS ASSOCIATION LIMITED ROYAL AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF INDIA ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN ROYAL SOCIETY . 103 .103 Q . 104 .105 105 TOTS AND QUOTS SCIENCE AND FREEDOM SOCIETE BELGE DE BIOLOGIE SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETY OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR FREEDOM IN SCIENCE / COMMITTEE ON C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations ACADEMIE D'AGRICULTURE DE FRANCE 1949, 1964-67, 1978-80 Darlington was elected 'Correspondant Etranger' in 1949. Later correspondence is about invitations to annual meetings. ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCE! 1951-52, 1961, 1967 Darlington was elected to the Academy in 1951. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1931, 1933, 1943-44, 1948, 1950-51, 1953 ARC charter 1931, supplemental charter 1933, list of council members, July 1948. "Planning Agricultural Research' [719501 Ms. and typescript draft of a paper by Darlington. Report to the ARC by Darlington on his visit to the United States in September 1950. See also H.84. Report on visit to West Germany and Switzerland, 20 July-16 August 1951. Report on Genetics Congress and visit to Yugoslavia, 19 September 1953. Ip. ms. note on planning agricultural research, n.d. G.6-G.8 a member of a small survey party on plant breeding. G.6 Statements of the purpose and procedure of the survey, 24 November 1943. The AIC and ARC undertook a review of agricultural research in Britain. Darlington was Agricultural Improvement Council/Agricultural Research Council Joint Sub-Committee 1943-44 correspondence and press-cutting. Note for plant breeding survey party from its chairman, F.L. Engledow, 24 January 1944. Note on forest tree breeding, 28 January 1944, with brief related C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 S,.7 "Insertion in the PBSP Report', 5 February 1944. Societies and organisations ‘Notes and Suggestions on Draft Report P.B.S.P.', 3 March 1944. Note on the seed trade, 1 June 1944. ‘Report of the Plant Breeding Survey Party', September 1944. Ip. insertion and amendment for survey report, 20 October 1944. ‘Memorandum on Genetics and Plant and Animal Breeding', n.d. ‘Suggested draft for summary of report', n.d. Ms. notes re work of survey party. Reprint of article by Pp Darlington on g P y production genetics in Sweden. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Subscription (only). ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF SYSTEMATICS ANTI SLAVERY SOCIETY Subscription (only). ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS 1950 IN RELATION TO GENERAL BIOLOGY 1937-41 Prospectus, annual reports and note by Darlington on plant and animal systematics for discussion with Linnean, 10 July 1941. Election as Corresponding Member. Cancellation of subscription / Russian geneticists. ATHENAEUM Entrance fee, resignation. 1949, 1969 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 G:10, Gal Societies and organisations BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1931, 1936-38, 1944-45, 1953, 1970 See also A.172, F.111, F.117, H.86-H.88 1931 Centenary celebrations. 1936-37 Organisation of contributions on genetics and cytology for B.A. conference; also news of 7th International Congress of Genetics and Russian geneticists. 1938 Life membership 1944-45 Proposal for a British Association Year Book of Science. 1953 Genetics at the Association's annual meeting. 1970 Finances. Darlington became a member of the Council in 1947. BRITISH COUNCIL 1947, 1971 BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN 1940-44 1940, August 1941. Invitation to undertake inspection and correspondence re arrangements for visit and Darlington's report, May-July, October 1940; on Strangeways Laboratory’, 23 July 1940 (Ip. typescript), and 'Third Report By Dr. C.C. Darlington’ (Spp. typescript) (2 copies). The material principally relates to Darlington's inspection of research at the Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge. Correspondence and typescript notes (found with the preceding) re research problem submitted to Darlington for advice, August, Septembe ‘Report C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 O:15 Societies and organisations Typescript copies of letters and memoranda re Darlington's report sent to the Secretary of the British Empire Cancer Campaign by the Chairman of the Cambridge Branch Council, March 1941. Continuing correspondence re Darlington's report, 1941-44. BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION 1965, 1969, 1976 Darlington was a member of the BHA Advisory Council. COLONIAL OFFICE Membership of committee for colonial agricultural, animal health and forestry research, 1945-48. 1948 COMMONWEALTH PLANT BREEDERS Proceedings of meeting, Cambridge, 24-25 June. CONTROL COMMISSION FOR GERMANY - RESEARCH BRANCH 1948-49 Invitation to jubilee celebrations, Invitation to Darlington to chair international committee. CONGRES POUR LA LIBERTE DE LA CULTURE 1953 Correspondence re political behaviour of scientists under the Third Reich. 10-14 July. DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU BERLIN 1950 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations EUGENICS SOCIETY 1927, 1933, 1948, 1950, 1953, 1956-58, 1960:62, 1967, 1976, 1978 Miscellaneous correspondence re affairs of the society; also statement of objectives (revised 1950), annual report 1956-57, programme of symposium on genetic and environmental influences on behaviour, 28-29 September 1967. 1953 correspondence relates to invitation for Darlington to give 1954 Galton lecture. FORESTRY COMMISSION 1946 Sub-committee on the potentialities of forest tree breeding and genetics for British foresiry. FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS Brief correspondence only. 20 a2 G.22 General 1943-46, 1948 1932, 1937-38 GENETICAL SOCIETY General correspondence on the affairs of the society. List of original members, programmes of meetings, visits, etc., various dates, 1919-37 (photocopies). Continued wider audience ‘indeed to the whole world of Biology since the whole world of Biology needs R.A. Fisher, with the intention, according to the prospectus, of introducing genetics to a Heredity: An Intemational Journal of Genetics was founded in 1947 by Darlington and . a a lt was published by Oliver & Boyd and appeared three times a year, with articles in Ciel os fe the fields of 'experimental breeding, cytology, statistical and biochemical genetics and evolutionary theory. 1969-72, 1976 .24-G .65 1964-68 Heredity New research, history, review and criticism ore accepted’. (G.32). ne pe 2 . h ss ° . . . © , t G.23 . * * it'. > > : : C.D Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 (Cont'd.) Societies and organisations In justifying a new journal to the publisher Darlington referred to the expected revival of genetics with the end of the war, the demise of three important German and Japanese journals in the field and the ‘traditional policy’ of the Journal of Genetics ‘of keeping within the narrow limits established thirty years ago, which both Professor Fisher and | regard as dangerously restrictive’ (G.28). Darlington's 1970 note for the archives of Heredity (G.53) details the difficulties he experienced in getting his papers published in the 1930s and 1940s, which encouraged him to found the new journal. See also the memoir by D. Lewis (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 29, 145). For the first ten years all the editing and book reviews were the responsibility of Darlington; Fisher contented himself with publishing the papers of his department in the journal. Subsequently, while Darlington continued to handle the reviews, a succession of colleagues undertook editoric! responsibilities: K. Mather, 1957-64, K.R. Lewis, 1965-67, and J.L. Jinks, 1967-70. In 1962 on the death of R.A. Fisher, Darlington became the sole owner of Heredity. The journal's connection with the Genetical Society was always G .24-G .32 Foundation of Heredity (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 29, 145). G.41. There are drafts and copies of reviews in Section E passim. conferences. It was therefore a logical step for Darlington to transfer ownership of the journal to the society in 1970. As his memorialist notes, ail Darlington asked in return For an example of Darlington's editorial work, see the heavily-corrected paper at strong and it had from its foundation carried abstracts of papers presented at the society's for this profitable gift was to receive copies of each part and supplement during his lifetime Giz Memorandum of agreement between Darlington, R.A. Fisher and Oliver and Boyd Limited, 1947. 3426; G27 Invitations to become collaborating editors, contribute papers to new Correspondence with R.A. Fisher, 1944-47. . journal, 1946-47. Arranged in alphabetical order. G.24 oS. 20 G.26 B-K C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 G.28-G.31 Correspondence with Oliver and Boyd, 1946-47. Societies and organisations G .28 May-September 1946 Darlington's letter of 13 May sets out the case for a new journal of genetics. October-December 1946 January-March 1947 April-August, October 1947 Ms. drafts, printed specimen copies of prospectus for new journal; reviews of first number of journal. Editorial correspondence, 1947-70 with R.A. Fisher, 1947-56 1947-48 1949-52 1954-56 and n.d. 1958-60 1961-64 1949 (one letter), 1956, 1957 with K. Mather, 1949, 1956-64. See also G.60. ——— ‘Concurrent Inbreeding and Selection in the Domestic Fowl’ Example of a heavily-corrected paper for Heredity. with J.L. Jinks, 1966-70 1966-67 1968-70 s C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations G.42-G .56 Business Papers re Heredity, 1947-70 G .42-G .53 Correspondence with Oliver and Boyd. G.42 G 43 G.44 G 45 1947-49 1950-53, 1955 1956, 1957 1958-57 Includes memorandum prepared for Oliver and Boyd 'on the likely cost and other implications if the Journal known as "Heredity" were to be managed or owned by a company instead of as at present being the property of Dr. Cyril D. Darlington and Professor Sir Ronald A. Fisher’. 1960-62 1963-64 1965 Includes correspondence and papers re R.A. Fisher's estate. 1966 1967-68 1970 1969, February-April 1969, June-December Includes Dariington's list of ten points on the acceptance and editing of papers for Heredity, 31 January. 1960-66 Includes 6pp. note by Darlington 'for the archives of Heredity’ on the origin and development of the journal (2 copies). 1947-55 = 19 G6"S7 Statements of account C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations G.57-G .60 Correspondence with contribuiors, 1947-67 57 1947-49 Includes extract from the minutes of Genetical Society meeting, 29 May 1947, re publication of the society's proceedings. 1950-53 Includes correspondence re publication of J.S. Huxley's Bateson Lecture given at John Innes. See B.98. 1954-55 Includes continuing correspondence re publication of Huxley's Bateson Lecture. 1956, 1959-61, 1964, 1965-67 Includes invitation (1956) for K. Mather to become an editor of Heredity. Transfer of Heredity to Genetical Society, 1970 Correspondence D.G. Catcheside, 1968-69 J.L. Jinks, 1969-70 D. Lewis, 1968-70 J.M. Thoday, 1969 Includes discussion of the desirability of achieving a balanced representation of genetics in the journal. Proposals, drafts, reports of working party, etc., re transfer of Heredity and the reorganisation of the society after the transfer of ownership (1978). Folder includes a request for Darlington to write a review for Heredity 1968-69 1970 and n.d. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations GENETICS SOCIETY OF JAPAN 1947-48, 1956 Letter signed by Japanese geneticists desiring 'to resume as 1947. soon as possible their communications and cooperations with geneticists and cytologists abroad’. 1956. Honorary membership. INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY Honorary membership. INDIAN SOCIETY OF GENETICS 1965, 1978 1965 correspondence is re Honorary fellowship. LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON 1933-34, 1947 1933-34. Election and subscription dues. Pear Membership. 1963 1947. Trail Award and Medal. RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION SERVICE Third Radiobiology Forum on Planning and Interpretation of data from Studies on Naturally Occurring High Background Areas, London, 25 June. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations G.69-G.72 RATIONALIST PRESS ASSOCIATION LIMITED 1943, 1947-49, 1960 1968, 1977 f G.69 1943 Includes correspondence and papers re proposal 'for the solution of the religious difficulty in schools’. 1947-48 Darlington accepted invitation to become President of the Association from 1 January 1948. Folder also includes correspondence re Darlington's broadcast in a series on ‘Belief and Unbelief'. See F.83, F.84. 1949 Material re editorial policy of The Free Mind, resignation of the editors, resignation of Darlington from Presidency of the Association, etc. Folder also includes Darlington's preface to The Story of the R.P.A. (2 drafts) written for the Association's fiftieth anniversary (founded 1899). 1960, 1968, -1977. INDIA Honorary membership. ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 1962-64 ROYAL AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF 1960 invitation for Darlington to write article for the Rationalist Annual. See E.346. 1932, 1958 Meetings of Blood Group Committee. ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Election as foreign member. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies end organisations G.75-G .102 THE ROYAL SOCIETY G.75-G.81 Darlington's Election and Royal Medal G .82-G .89 Elections and awards G.90, G.91 Publications G .92-G .98 General correspondence on affairs of the Society G .99-G .102 Meetings and invitations G.75-G .81 Darlington's Election and Royal Medal Election to the Fellowship. G75 Draft for Darlington's Royal Society certificate, 1938, receipts for admission fee and draft biographical account for Royal Society Green Book. G .76-G.78 Letters of congratulation on election to the Fellowship, 1941. G.76 Sar G.78 A-K M-W Royal Meda! G.79 G.80, G.81 Letters of congratulation, 1946-47. First names only and unidentified. Letters, citation, announcing award of Royal Medal to Darlington, in recognition of his distinguished contributions to cytology, 1946. 1951 1935 correspondence is exchange between E.J. Russeil and A.D. Hal! re application on behalf of N.!. Vavilov for foreign membership of the 1945, 1947, 1948, M - Z and first names only. Elections and awards 1935, 1943 Society e 80 81 A-K C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations 1951, 1953 1954, 1955, 1958, 1959 1961, 1962, 1965 January-July 1966 August-December 1966, 1967 1969, 1971 Publications Correspondence etc. re submission of papers to, and refereeing papers for Proc .Roy.Soc. 1937, 1942 1942 correspondence includes exchanges with D. Keilin, Chairman of Royal Society Zoology Committee. 1945, 1950, 1953, 1957 General correspondence on affairs of the Society 1944, 1945, 1948 1950-51 1953-55 Includes correspondence re invitations to Soirées and proposed science centre. Includes copy of a memorial to the President and Council of the Royal Society (not signed by Darlington) on the selection of the Society's next President, 4 April 1945, and drafts of a memorandum by Darlington on a science year book. length of service of the Society's officers. Includes letter appointing Darlington Chairman of the Sectional Com- mittee for Botany, 16 October 1953, correspondence with R.A. McCance re the value of Proc .Roy.Soc.B. and letters from K. Mather re ihe C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 G.95 Royal Society reform, 1956 Societies and organisations Note (by Darlington) on 'Royal Society Problems', 1 January; corres- pondence and papers re meeting of Oxford scientists to discuss the note, 9 March; H.A. Krebs. later papers re Royal Society reform including note by 1958, 1960 1962-63 Includes correspondence and papers re Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of Civil Science, proposed dictionary of scientific biography and the biographical memoir of R. Ruggles Gates. 1964-65, 1967, 1977 Includes material re Mendel centenary (1964) and biographical memoir of R.C. Punnett and encouragement of the history of science (1967). G.99-G .102 Royal Society meetings G.99 Annotated programmes, 1947-48, 1955, 1959. G.100 Programme; Darlington's introductory remarks on ‘Meiosis in Perspective’. of those attending; ms. and typescript notes for list Annotated programme, 1974 Discussion meeting on 'The Meiotic Process’, 1975. Discussion meeting on 'The Manipulation of Genetic Systems in Plont Breeding', 1980. Letters from organiser, programme, ms. and typescript notes for Darlington's introductory remarks, newspaper cutting. 1964-66. Miscellaneous invitations, - es 1950, C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations SOCIETE BELGE DE BIOLOGIE Associate membership. SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 1939 Correspondence, etc. re the small support which the Society received from botanists. SOCIETY FOR FREEDOM IN SCIENCE / COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND FREEDOM 1953, 1962 1953 material includes Darlington's replies to questions on the equality of man. 1962 correspondence relates to founding of a new journal on the social, economic, administrative and political problems in which science and scholarship had become involved. SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS 1950 SOCIETY OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY Discussion meeting on ‘The Planning of Agricultural Research in Great Britain’. Correspondence, ms. notes of Darlington's contribution, duplicated notes of discussion meeting. Invitation to attend symposium. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Societies and organisations G.106-G.110 TOTS AND QUOTS Various dates 1940-46 Tots and Quots was a society of scientists (including Darlington, J.B.S. Haldane and S. Zuckerman) concerned that the press should carry informed articles about science. The scientists apparently met over dinner Cca. 1940-457] and were responsible for Science. in War (Penguin Books, 1940) and for a variety of articles in the national press. G.106, G.107 Correspondence ee G.106 June-September 1940 notes of Tots and Quots meeting, 28 September. G.107 October, November 1940, and various dates 1941-46. G.108-G.110 Articles List of topics and ms. and typescript drafts of short articles on scientific topics, corrections for second edition of Science and War, etc. all the articles are by Darlington. Noi 3 folders. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES —H.1 - H.187 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION H This Section deals with visits, lecture-tours, scientific congresses and symposia, 1927-81. It begins with Darlington's first visit abroad to attend the Fifth International Congress of Genetics in Berlin and includes a substantial record of his 1929 seed and bulb- collecting expedition to Persia. Important for his chromosome research, this journey also encouraged his wider interest in the family of man - an interest stimulated by later farflung visits to Russia in 1934, India in 1937, South and East Africa in 1963, and Australia and New Zealand in 1968 and 1971-72. The second antipodean visit incorporated a month's stay in Papua New Guinea. Visits important for Darlington's scientific career include his year in the USA and Japan as a Rockefeller Fellow (1933-34) and a small conference at Klampenborg, Austria, in April 1938 which was intended to be the first of a series to bring together scientists of different disciplines to consider the physical and chemical basis of heredity. Material relating to the organisation of the Seventh International Congress of Genetics at Edinburgh the traumas of Russian genetics during this period. In his later career Darlington attached the greatest significance to the series of after a number of overseas locations the conference returned to Oxford in 1980. Darlington he hoped would establish the basic importance of chromosome studies in biology. The International Chromosome Conferences which he initiated in Oxford in 1964 and which second and third conferences in this series were also held in Oxford (1967 and 1970) and in 1939 and the Seventh International Botanical Congress at Stockholm in 1950 illuminates usually gave the opening or Presidential address. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences V. Internationaler Kongreg fir Vererbungswissenschaft, Berlin, 11-17 September 1927. Published proceedings; note. etc. by J.B.S. Haldane; signed menu cards, Conference on Polyploidy, John Innes Horticultural Institution, 19 January 1929, to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the founder . Reprint of conference papers; ‘The significance of chromosome behaviour in polyploids for the theory of meiosis’. typescript of Darlington's paper on H.3-H.40 Visit to Persia, February-July 1929 Darlington visited Persia with J.M. Cowan of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to collect seeds of Prunus species and bulbs of Tulipa species. The visit was of great importance for his chromosome studies and for the contact it brought with different peoples and their languages, customs, behaviour and religions which played its part in stimulating his later interest in man and society. Darlington left England on 22 February travelling by sea to Correspondence See also A. 24, A.176-A.182. Port Said and then overland by way of Palestine, Syria and Irag to Persia. tHe returned to England via Russia. N.I. Vovilov assisted in obtaining a visa for the Russian visit. Nicolson. 1928 Includes undated letter [? from A.D. Hall applying to the Empire Marketing Board for a grant in aid to the John Innes Horticultural Institution to send Darlington ‘to Irag and the confines of Persia’; also includes letters to Hall from the Agricultural Inspectorate, Iraq, and the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and letter from N.1. Vavilov to Darlington re Russian visa. 1929, January, February Correspondence re arrangements for visit, including continuing pie Vita pondence with Vavilov re Russian visa and exchange of letters with C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences 1929, March Includes correspondence between Darlington in Egypt, Iraq and Persia, and the John Innes Institution; also letter from Vavilov re Russian visa. 1929, April, May Correspondence between Darlington in Persia and the John Innes Institution; also letter from Vavilov re Russian visit. 1929, June, July Continuing correspondence between Darlington (and Darlington's father) and the John Innes Institution. 1929, August-December Correspondence arising from Persian visit. 1930-33 Correspondence arising, including account of earthquake devastation at Salmas, draft newspaper article based on interview given by Darlington and list of the bulbs from the Cowan-Darlington expedition flowered at Kew. 1965 Includes ‘Material H.13-H.15 3 Account books for Persian visit. H.11 H.12 Correspondence re quince seed obtained by Darlington in Russia in 1929. Accounts of expenditure, invoices, hotel bills, etc. for Persian visit. Ms. notes made by Darlington during Persian visit. for Report on Visit to Persia - Feby. to July 1929'. General of Azerbaijan and permit to leave Tabriz. Includes application for the Travellers in Persia’ (2pp. duplicated typescript). des letter of introduction from British Legation at Teheran to the p Russian visa, certificate of i nnoculation against plague and vaccination against smallpox, and 'Hints to Business a i v 1.16, Fil7 Travel documentation H.16 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences Persian driver's licences and book of motor vehicle regulations. Persian Self-Taught, with Darlington's ms. notes. ‘Wellcome’ Photographic Exposure Calculator, Handbook and Diary. Contains Darlington's record of photographs taken on Persian visit. H.21-H.38 Photographic negatives and prints Many of the prints are dated and identified by Darlington. The original envelopes have been retained. HZ H.22 H.23 "Persia 1929 Negatives’ "Mr Darlington's films' - Negatives. Miscellaneous photographs taken on Persian visit, with covering letter from their developer and printer at the John Innes Institution. 24 "Better Persian Photos’ (1). ‘Better small photos’. "Best Persian Photos’. "Best'. fy eo 26 oer 28 Pe . 30 ool 32 "Enlarged Persian Photos’. "Persia 1929 Enlarged Photos’. "Better Persian Photos’ (2). "PERSIA / 2nd and 3rd rate photos’. Miscellaneous photographs taken on Persian expedition (Persia). Miscellaneous photographs taken on Persian expedition including Egypt, Jerusalem, Baghdad and Yugoslavia. Miscellaneous photographs taken on Persian expedition (Persia). '‘Soukhoum P.B. Station July 1929' [Russia ‘Agric. and Botanical Photos (Persia)'. ‘Persian Pictures, Books etc.' ‘Portraits’. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences "Flowers from Bethlehem' Dried flowers on card. Press~cuttings on Persia and the expedition, 1930. Fifth International Botanical Congress, Cambridge, 16-23 August 1930. Correspondence re arrangements for Cytology and Genetics Section, 1928-29. Continuing correspondence re arrangements, 1930. Reprint of Darlington's contribution to Congress; typescript and reprint of Vavilov's contribution (on the Linnean Species as a System). Programme; invitation card; Cambridge. table plan for dinner at Trinity College, H.45-H.50 Visit to USA, Japan and India, 1932-33 See also A.26, A.66, A.67, A.184-A.190. H.45 months from 1 June 1932. During the tenure of his Fellowship, Darlington visited Woods Hole, Massachusetts, the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin, Berkeley, Stanford and Cal Tech. He also attended the Sixth International Congress of Genetics at Cornell, 24-31 Darlington also mentioned a visit to Coimbatore, India. for an unexpired period of the Fellowship. In his report to the Rockefeller Foundation August 1932. Although the original Fellowship provided for study in the USA only, Darlington was allowed to change his place of study to the Imperial University of Kyoto Darlington was awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship in Cytology for study in the USA for 12 Ms. drafts of reports to Rockefeller Foundation. Letters of recommendation from A.D. Hall and J.B.S. Haldane and letter from Rockefeller Foundation confirming Derlington's Fellowship, be Darlington's correspondence with Rockefeller Foundation and colleagues in America and at the John Innes, 1932-33. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences Programme of Sixth International Congress of Genetics. Darlington chaired a session on chromosome structure and crossing-over. Proceedings of the Association of Economic Biologists, Coimbatore, 1930-33. Includes abstract of Darlington's lecture on chromosomes and plant breeding, 13 August 1933. Memorabilia of transatlantic crossing, theatre, 1932 election, etc. Theatre programmes include Theatre Unit production of Lysistrata, West Falmouth, Massachusetts, with James Stewart and Joshua Logan in the cast, and Pasadena Community Playhouse production of Hamlet with Lee J. Cobb as Horatio and Darlington as Voltimand. See also A.187. Visit to Russia, 1934 Invitation to lecture in Leningrad during Russian visit; calling cards of Russian scientists. See E.53. Sixth International Botanical Congress, Amsterdam, 1935. invitation card; menu card inscribed to N.1. Vavilov ms. of latin poem; "Indian Science Congress, (? 19371’. Abstract of talk on the integration of species; granting Darlington leave of obsence from the John Innes; arising from Indian visit. Ms. notes for talk; ‘with red greetings to Red Russia from your friends’ and signed by Darlington et al; 'A short illustrated history of botany in the Netherlands' being a special supplement of Chronica Botanica. 3 folders. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts of contributions to the conference. The scientists represented include Darlington, J.D. Bernal, N.W. Timoféeff-Ressovsky and C.H. Waddington. See also E.681, J.220. H.54-H.56 Rockefeller Conference, Klampenborg, Denmark (April 1935]. letter from A.D. Hall letter C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences H.57-H.61 Seventh International Congress of Genetics, Edinburgh, 23-30 August 1939. This Congress was originally planned to be held in Moscow, August 1937, and Darlington was invited by the Exhibition Committee to take responsibility for the section 'Chromosome structure and the mechanism of meiosis'. It proved impracticable to hold the Congress in Moscow in 1937 but the Russian government gave permission for the Congress to be held there in 1938. The question of the location of the Congress was reconsidered by the International Committee of Genetics Congresses and Edinburgh decided upon. Russian scientists were unable to attend the Congress in Edinburgh. See correspondence with P.C. Koller and O.L. Mohr in Section J. oy. H.58 nor H.60 Correspondence re arrangements for Moscow Congress, 1936. Correspondence re postponement of Congress, 1937. Correspondence re arrangements for Edinburgh Congress, 1938. Continuing correspondence re arrangements for Edinburgh Congress, 1939. Includes list of German participants. Correspondence, 1942-43. Visit to Sweden, December 1942. See also J.27. Itinerary; to the Mendelian Society, Lund; hotel bill; Programme of 1939 Congress; two reprints from Nature of Congress proceedings. Today’. Diary; ¥ vr political attitudes; ms. and typescript notes for lecture on 'X-Rays, Chromosome Breakage and the Nucleic Acid Cycle’ and 'Darwinism ms. and typescript notes on Sweden in wartime, ‘a little ballad' celebrating Barlington's visit press~cuttings; photograph. including ’ C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.65 Visits and conferences ‘Planning of Science', Caxton Hall, Westminster, 30-31 January 1943. Conference organised by the Association of Scientific Workers. Darlington summed up the conference and his remarks were broadcast by the BBC. Programme; letter from organiser; Darlington's remarks. ms. and typescript draft of "Science and the Citizen: the Public Understanding of Science', 20-21 March 1943. Conference organised by the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Darlington contributed to a session on ‘Radio and Cinema’. Programme; ms. notes by Darlington; played by Soviet Radio in the dissemination of scientific knowledge by 'P.Y.'; published proceedings of session on 'Radio and Cinema’. typescript noties on the part H.67-H.71 International Genetics Conference, London, 31 October-2 November 1945. The ‘conference was organised by the Genetical Society in collaboration with the British Council. letter from editor of Nature who felt Programmes; notices; Nature; press-cuitings. typescript account of conference; reprint from Correspondence, 1944-45, re possibility of holding Eighth International Genetics Congress in Sweden in 1946. Correspondence with Belgian, Dutch, French, Russian and Scandinavian scientists re arrangements for London conference, wartime and immediate postwar conditions. for 1945 London conference. Typescript draft of talk by M.J. Sirks on the ‘conditions under which we lived and worked in the Netherlands during the last five hard years, especially in our Universities'; that no useful purpose would be served by publishing it. Heredity, Vol.1, Part |, July 1947 Includes abstracts on genetic research in Britain, 1939-45, prepared C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 M./2, 4173 Visit to Portugal, April-May 1947. Visits and conferences H.72 H73 Itineraries; invitation to lecture; press-cutting, etc. Biographical note and summary of lecture on Darwinism. In Portuguese. Notes for three lectures on chromosomes. In French. Visit to France, May 1947. Invitation card for lecture by Darlington on 'Le méchanisme de I'hérédité'; ms. note; correspondence re publication of lecture on ‘nucleic acid and the chromosomes’. See E.137. Hite, T1756 Eighth International Congress of Genetics, Stockholm, 7-14 July 1948. H.75 Copy letter from B. Ephrussi to G. Dahlberg re presidency of International Congress, 17, October 1946; 'the differentiation of genetic notions and methods’. abstract of Darlington's contribution on H.78 H.78-H.82 Invitation for 1949 European Cultural Conference, Lausanne, 8-12 December. Seventh International Botanical Congress, Stockholm, 6-11 July 1950. See also D.104, F.14. Programme; table plan and guest list; newspaper cutting, etc. See alsoD.104. 2 drafts of Darlington's report on visit to Botanical Congress and to Research Stations-in Sweden and Finland; also 5pp. draft ‘Botanic Congress (Russians)' re Russian delegation and the questioning of its head, Glushe 'The study of the cell in the understanding of life’ Darlington's Presidential Address to the Cytology A4pp. typescript draft, summary and bibliography. ete in te sic ee SL cee pete Discarded draft for Congress address. Brief correspondence, 1950-51. Material re Congress excursions. Bigi< a ko, by Darlington and others. 1" oe at “~ - Section. y Y g ‘i n “ g oe i CG " C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.83, H.84 Visit to USA, September 1950. Visits and conferences Darlington attended the Seventh International Congress of the International Society for Cell Biology at Yale and the annual meeting of the American Genetical Society at Columbus, Ohio. H.83 Brief correspondence, 1948, 1950. Jotter used by Darlington during American visit; programme of Cell Biology Congress, annotated by Darlington. Ms. drafts of lecture on history of genetics, given at Columbus. Report on visit to America for Agricultural Research Council (6pp. typescript). Another copy is at G.5. Conference on the Biological Hazards of Atomic Energy, Royal Institution, 20-21 October 1950. The conference was organised by the Institute Scientists' Association with the support of the British Association. of Biology and the Atomic Conference programme only. Symposium on Chromosome Breakage, 9-10 June 1952. Ms. and typescript drafts of Darlington's introductory remarks. 'M.R.C. Conference on Genetics', 23 September 1953. Darlington's typescript notes (lO0pp., including bibliography). H.86-H.88 Symposium on genetics, Oxford, September 1954. Darlington preented a paper on 'The cell and heredity under ionisation’. British Association meeting. Draft for Darlington's BBC talk on genetics at the British Association; drafts of note for Eugenics Review on the impact of genetics; related correspondence. Duplicated typescript press~summary on the expansion of genetics; Darlington's typescript draft, with ms. corrections. The symposium formed part of the annual British Association meeting. Press-cutting; reprints from Discovery and Nature re genetics at the C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences Committee on Science and Freedom Siudy Group, Paris, 29 August- 1 September 1956. Darlington gave a paper on freedom and responsibility in academic life. Conference agenda; reprint from Manchester Guardian of article by E. Shils on the conference; reprint from Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of article by Darlington based on his conference paper. See E.278. Folder also includes copy of telegram (addressed to G. Polanyi) received from Szeged University, Hungary, 3 November 1956; Committee of Science and Freedom Statement on Hungary, with ms. note by Darlington of what happened when it was taken to the Soviet Embassy and the Hungarian Legation, 4 December 1956; telegram re appointment of Neo-Nazi Minister of Education in Lower Saxony. — H.90-H.?2 13th Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, Houston, 26-28 February 1959. Darlington presented a paper on plasmagene theory and cancer genesis. Programme and abstracts of papers; The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Ms. notes on evolution of viruses. letter of thanks; typescript drafts of R. Guthrie's 'Comment and question’ put to Ms. notes for paper; tion; Darlington and Darlington's ms. reply (relate to O, Warburg's contribution to the genetics of cancer), etc. brief correspondence re publica- Mattingley Symposium, 21 January 1960. Other invitations received by Darlington in connection with American visit. September. Inauguration ceremony, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, 26 November 1961. Sixth International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry, Edinburgh, One letter and enclosure only. Invitation for 1962. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.95-H.102 Visit to South and East Africa, June-July 1963. Visits and conferences Darlington visited Johannesburg and Pretoria and made tours to 'S.W. Africa, Transkei and Northern Transvaal [Bantu] Homelands’. He lectured in Pretoria on genetics and the origin of society, 22 July. He broke his return journey to spend a few days in Kenya. He accumulated much material which he later used for his book The Evolution of Man and Society. 9o 96 i 98 Correspondence re arrangements for South African visit, March, May 1963. Continuing correspondence re arrangements, June-July 1963. Correspondence re visit to East Africa, May-June 1963. Correspondence arising from visit to Africa, July-November 1963, 1964. Includes exchange with Editor of The Humanist re exhibits on evolution in the Transvaal Museum to which the South African Minister of Education had taken exception. ltinerary, 2-5 July, and background information re visit to ‘Northern Bantu Areas: Okavango and Ovamboland'. Notebook used by Darlington during his African visit. Plants .103, H.104 XIth International Congress of Genetics, The Hague, 2-10 September 1963. Ms. notes for lectures on genetics and the origin of society,and chromo- somes and man. Notes on Africa used by Darlington for his book The Evolution of Man and Society, including material for lecture on ‘South Africa: Animals and People’, dated 26 November 1963. Lists of participants. Programme annotated by Darlington. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.105-H.109 Proposed NATO Study Institute on Genetic Problems in the Evolution of Man and Society, 1-12 April 1964. Darlington submitted to the NATO Science Division on application for funds to support the Symposium on the Evolution of Man and Society, 15 May 1963. On 25 June 1963 he wrote to those provisionally invited to the symposium that after five weeks’ discussion he had to withdraw the application since it appeared, contrary to what he had been led to suppose, that the scope of his proposal was too wide and the cost too great for their scheme. H.105 H.106 Outline programme; lists of possible contributors; copy of Darlington's letter of 25 June 1963. Correspondence with NATO Science Division, Rockefeller Foundation, eic. re symposium arrangements. S. Zuckerman was consulted on the appropriateness for the NATO programme of Darlington's proposal . H.107-H.109 Correspondence with those invited to symposium, arranged alphabetically. H.107 A-C D-L O-Z H.108 H.110 H.110-H.113 Oxford Chromosome Conference, 28-31 July 1964. Correspondence re arrangements for and correspondence arising from conference. Printed booklet with letter of invitation, statement of scope of conference, provisional programme, etc. and typescript draft of the same; conference programme with list of members and abstracts of papers; Invitation for Darlington to give special lecture. Ms. and typescript drafts of Darlington's introduction to the conference, ‘The chromosomes and the various ways of looking at them’. Correspondence re publication of proceedings; reviews of published proceedings; also reprint from Nature of article by K.R. the conference. Lewis on International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh, ? September 1964. dinner menu, eic. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 ; Visits and conferences Pc tio Planned visit to India, 1964-65. Darlington intended to take the opportunity of a visit to India to visit Persia where he had last been in 1929. Correspondence re arrangements with British Council and Punjab University, Chandigarh. Proposed International Institute of Sociology Congress, 1964-65. Correspondence re arrangements. Miscellaneous invitations, conference correspondence, 1964-65. International Symposium on ‘Statistics as the Method of the Social Sciences', held in honour of Corrado Gini, Rome, 13-15 March 1966. Brief correspondence re arrangements; abstract of talk on Gini's scientific work by A. James Gregor. H.119-H.121 Visit to USA, March-April 1967. Correspondence re arrangements, July-November 1966. Continuing correspondence re arrangements; itinerary; thanks, January-May 1967. letters of Ms. notes for lectures on Breeding and Genetics, and Meiosis and Recombination. Darlington visited, for academic and recreational purposes, Athens Georgia, Austin Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia. Miscellaneous invitations, 1967. Printed booklet with list of members, programme, abstracts, etc.; ms. and typescript notes for Darlington's introductory remarks. Second Oxford Chromosome Conference, 5-8 September 1967. H.123 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences H.124-H.130 Visit to Australia and New Zealand, January-April 1968. Darlington attended the Christchurch meeting of the Australia and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science and spent two months at the Australian National University as a Visiting Fellow. H.124 Correspondence re arrangements, 1964-67. Includes references to Heredity. 25 Continuing correspondence re arrangements, news from Oxford during Darlington's absence, 1968. See also C.56. .126-H.128 ‘Chromosomes, Genetics and Man' lee Programme and typescript notes for five seminars on this topic. 12/7, Az Ms. notes. 2 folders Ms. notes for lectures on 'Precocity theory of Meiosis’ and 'The Chromosomes'; ms. and typescript notes for lecture: a biologist's view of education?' 'Is it all true: Miscellaneous invitations, 1968. orale ede sion a Letter of invitation; programme, etc. Newspaper-cuttings; biographical details re Darlington. Ms. and typescript drafts of talk on 'Virus and Provirus in the Evolution of Disease'; transcript of talk; background material. Symposium on Virus Diseases of the Nervous System, Somerville College, Oxford, 5 and 6 July 1968. Miscellaneous invitations, conference correspondence, 1969. Correspondence, 1963, re proposal to hold this congress in Oxford in September 1968. International Genetics Congress, 1968. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.136, H.137 Visits and conferences Symposium on 'Human Difference and Social Issues', Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London, 17 and 18 August 1970. Participants included H.J. Eysenck, A.R. Jensen and E.T.O. Slater. Programme and abstracts of papers; correspondence re arrangements, 1970-71. Ms. and typescript drafts of Darlington's paper on 'Heredity and Environment in the Study of Intelligence’. note to the effect that the paper was never published. The second draft has ms. Oxford Chromosome Conference, 22-25 September 1970. Invitation (printed booklet); conference programme incorporating list of members, abstracts, etc., annotated by Darlington; ms. notes and typescript draft of Darlington's introductory remarks. Miscellaneous invitations, 1970-71. H.140-H.143 Visit to USA, March-April 1971. H.140 H.141 H.142 Ms. notes and typeseript draft for Miami paper. ms. notes for lectures; corresponcence The Ecology of Child Development, 1973). The symposium proceedings are noted as published in 1971 in the official bibliography. Darlington also visited Georgia during his trip. environment in the development of human intelligence’ (published in Brain and Intelligence: Darlington attended a symposium on 'The ecology of child and human development’ at the University of Miami, 21-25 March. He presented a paper on 'The effects of heredity and Correspondence re arrangements for Miami symposium; programme; press-cuftings. publications projects. Itinerary for Georgia visit; re arrangements for visit; correspondence arising from visit, including Includes correspondence re publication of proceedings, brief return visit to Miami, 1972. Correspondence arising from symposium, 1971-73. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Symposium on 'Study of an Isolated Population’, Iceland, 2-4 May 1971. Invitation, list of participants. H.145-H.154 Visit to New Zealand, February-May 1972. Darlington made a lecture tour under the auspices of the New Zealand University Grants Committee and took the opportunity of the outward sea voyage to make short stays in South Africa and Australia.. From Australia he flew to New Guinea to spend a month before resuming his journey to New Zealand. H.145 H.146 H.147 Correspondence re arrangements, 1970-71. Correspondence re arrangements, 1971-72. Letters from Oxford Botany School Darlington during his absence, 1972. with news, letters forwarded to H.148 Ms. notes and typescript memorandum on visit to Papua New Guinea. H.149 H.150 Jotter with notes on New Guinea. 15) Ms. notes on Australian aboriginals, Maoris. Newspaper-cuttings re Darlington in New Guinea and New Zealand. Itineraries for New Zealand; ms. notes for lectures at Auckland, Dunedin and Waikato. Newspaper-cuttings principally re New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. Annotated reprints re Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Pacific Islands, etc. participeints. This was the fourth in the series of International Chromosome Conferences inaugurated in Oxford by C.D. Darlington and K.R. Lewis. H.155-H.158 Jerusalem Chromosome Conference, 11-15 September 1972. H155 H.156 Annoucements; correspondence re arrangemenis. Programme; printed abstracts; C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 H.157 H.158 Visits and conferences Ms. draft for Darlington's Presidential Address: 'The place of the chromosome in the genetic system’. Typescript draft of Darlington's address. "XII. Gen. Cong. Berkeley 1973’ Abstract only: 'Meiosis as a problem in Evolution (1932-73)' H.160-H.166 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Workshop on the Evolutionary Synthesis, Boston, 23-25 May 1974. H.160 H.16] H.162 Correspondence with organiser re arrangements; agendas and list of particisants. Correspondence arising from workshop, editorial correspondence. Ms. and typescript drafts of paper on 'My approach to genetics and evolution’, dated in May and June 1974. H.164 H.163 £. Boesiger. H.167-H.171 Replies of B. Rensch, G.G. Simpson and Replies of G. Ledyard Stebbins and T. Dobzhansky. Miscellaneous ms. notes, including note on evolutionary synthesis, 21 February 1975. Replies of Darlington and E.B. Ford to questionnaire on evolutionary synthesis . Conference abstracts. Fifth International Chromosome Conference, Leiden, 15-17 July 1974. Darlington accepted the Presidency of the Conference and in that capacity gave the opening address. Miscellaneous notes, bibliographical references found with conference naterial. Announcements of conference; correspondence re arrangements. Typescript and printed versions of Presidential address. Oe Cases ees lel . : Ms. notes for Presidential address. c< ' - © . eat Go 8 ah pe aT i C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1974. Symposium on ‘Aspects of Education’, New York, June. Institute of Biology Symposium on ‘Speciation in Man', September. H.A7G, Nh. P4 Symposium on 'Man and the Ocean', Japan, November 1975. H.i73 Brief correspondence; cutting, etc. list of participants and programme; press~ 74. Notes and drafts for contribution on 'The Ocean in Man's Evolution’. Invitations for 1975. Wesleyan University, Connecticut, Spring Term. Xil International Botanical Congress, Leningrad. HalsoeF3/7 H.178-H.181 session was video-taped typescript draft of Darlingron's the epening address on ‘The great ev romosom nference at Kew, 1-3 July 1976. Programme with abstracts and list of participants. Brief correspondence; ms. notes; address. rs were Vorlingron, Darlington chaired a session on the past and future of chromosome research and contributec a paper on the chromosome revolution (published in Chromosomes Today, vol.6). Helsinki Chromosome Conference, 29-31 August 1977. Ms. notes for Darlington's contribution; drafis of Correspondence re arrangements; programme. Video-tape of ion on past and future chromosome Ms. and typescript drafts of Darlington's contribution. H.178 rete? H.180 H.181 The e “Ti ee C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Visits and conferences Invitation for 1978. XIV International Congress of Genetics, Moscow, iz f August. H.183-H.186 7th International Chromosome Conference, Oxford, 26-30 August 1980. H.183 Correspondence re arrangements; circulars; scientific programme. H.184-H.185 Ms. notes and drafts for Darlingiton's welcoming remarks. 2 foiders. H.186 Ms. and typescript drafts and Organisms: the Evolutionary Paradoxes’ (published in Chromosomes Today, vol.7, 1981). of Darlington's Presidential Address ‘Chromosomes 1 See also E.651. Invitations for 1980 and 1981. Seminar on ‘Evolutionary Theory in Law and Economics', Key Biscayne, 16-18 May 1980. Transdisciplinary Symposium on Glossogenetics, 1981. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.1 - J.287 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION J ‘The material is presented as follows: Jb 8236 Correspondence with individuals. indexed, with a brief indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. In alphabetical order, dated and J.237-J.244 Shorter unindexed correspondence: exchanges of seeds, plants and specimens, reprints and publications, information and advice. J.245-J.261 "Lustige Bl&tter' as262~ 4, 207 References and appointments. This Section comprises letters received in Darlington's box-files of correspondence, or as loose papers. Other correspondence relating to Darlington's research, departments, ublications, & committees has been left with the related material elsewhere in the collection. Although the correspondence includes letters from Darlington initiating or replying to Even However, many of them Box' and the plain ‘'Mad'. The material is extremely disparate. As would be expected, it correspondence, the majority of the letters are incoming only. most of them in the characteristically pungent Darlington style. or - most frequently ~ underlinings and marginal markings, in red and blue pencil. The 'Lustige Bldtter' at J.245-J.261 is Darlington's own designation of two boxes of material and of several of the documents therein, though sometimes he used the English 'Fun includes intentionally humorous or satiric articles, cartoons, parodies, etc. in the form either bear ms. notes by Darlington either for a reply or of comment on points of interest to him, relatively trivial communications may be illumined by reflections or comments of this kind, The parodies, cartoons and jokes are similar to those at A,138 of reprints and press-cuttings of published work, or of ms. drafts perhaps intended for social In this category would come administrative ineptitudes, ill-timed or mis-directed requests e es ills, visionary sects, cosmologies) others are as revealing of Darlington as of the authors. es ° . ° : t The majority, however, are what appeared 'lustige’ to Darlington, i.e. caught his by most readers (secrets of the universe, cures for physical and mental for advice on careers, manuscripts or theories, writings by some of Darlington's friends or Thus, while some of the material would probably be enemies which struck an amused response from him. ' Much of the material can in fancy or made him laugh at the time. paralleled elsewhere. . S53 R Ae A 7 2 deemed 'cranky' occasions. f f oa 9 i : - ° C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Several of the letters and accompanying material appear to differ little from, and may emanate from the same correspondents as, those in the mainsequence. The difference is in Darlington's judgment of them, and they have therefore been kept as a separate chronological sequence 1923-80. Agor, U.E. Alvesalo, L. Oral facial genetics. Ambrose, E.J. Nuclear hydration. Anderson, E.G. Tradescantia. 1928-35 Archer, N. Colour lechante in cats. Babcock, E.B. 1967 Back, F. ‘allocycly' Armstrong, H.W. Astbury, W.T. 1942, 1949 St W932 Letter of 1932 is invitation to lecture during his visit to California. and re Darlington's Memoir, a copy of which is included. Barber worked at the John Innes 1936-41, and later in universities in Australia and Tasmania. Royal Society in 1972. 1958-63, 1972-76. Later correspondence is with Mrs. Barber, 1962, 1974 1938-76 Baker, J.R. Barber, H.N. Darlington wrote his obituary for the 1938-52 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Barnard, J. Structure of chromosomes. Bateman, A.J. 1966, 1968 Mistakes in examination questions on genetics. Bates, M. 7 Writings on Darwin. 1958 Bauer, H. and others Various dates 1927-64 Correspondence 1945-47 is re postwar difficulties in reviving Chromosoma, German scientists in the 1930s, etc. included is a message of greeting from Darlington for Bauer's 60th birthday, 1964. See also E.681. Also Beadle, G.W. 1931-35, 1975-79 and n.d. Letter of 1931 is on the death of K. Bélar (q.v.). is a note by Darlington on Beadle's work for the Oxford Magazine, November 1958. Also included Beal, J.M. Beale, G.H. Bélar, K. 1934 1942-47 1927-31, 1949 Mainly Tradescantia. Bell, G.D.H. Belling, J. Letters of 1942 and 1946 describe experiences in Russia. Includes an obituary of B&lat by Darlington, 1931, and a letter from Gertrud Béla, 1949. Mainly on publications. Includes correspondence on the death of Belling, 1933, and a ms. note headed 'R.C. Cook on John Belling', dated November 1976. Large chromosomes in liverwort. 1967 193} , 1933 Blackman, V.H. and others 1937, 1940, 1948 1968 1939 Berrie, G.K. _ Bisbee, R.C. Tortoiseshell cats. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Blakeslee, A.F. Bloomfield, P. ‘Glamis Castle mystery' Bonnier, G. Animal Breeding Institute at Wiad. 1928-29, 1937 1963 Bouflour, R. Bowles, E.M. Bragg, W.L. Srat, 3. Vs Bridges, C.B, 1948 1952 1943 Various dates 1965-75 1932 Russia, Pasadena. H.J. Muller, Nature, 1939. Includes obituary notice of Bridges by Brierley, J.K. Various dates 1962-72 Writings and lectures on biology teaching in schools. Bronowski, J. 1952 1942 1932-37 Burch, C.R. Brown, L.C. Brooks, F.T. Various dates Buller, A.H.R. Parthenogenesis. One letter only, on Laplace. Correspondence 1937 is about Darlington's possible candidature for a post at Cambridge. Specimens from South Africa. Darlington's carbon only, on cytological terms for Oxford English Dictionary. History of cytogenetics; development of his ideas death of Frank New : "Important'. Phase-contrast microscopy in biological research. Burchfield, R.W. See also E.695. Burnham, C.R. includes Darlington's account of the on } chiasma theory before and after the -orrespondence has a ms. note “eye SOTO haca a c c + } 4 ‘ e ° r le 1 1943 1946 Burras, K. . r f oa K 1967 1974 ‘ C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Burt, C. : 1960-66 Callan, H.G. (Mick) 1941-43, 1950, 1961, 1980 Correspondence 1941-43 is from various RAF stations during Callan's war service. Corr, 1.0, Feulgen reaction. Corfer, C0. Castle, W.E. 1945 1962 1952 Coat-colour of thoroughbred horses. Caspersson, T.O. 1939-44 Includes reference to Darlington's visit to Sweden in 1942. See H.62-H.64. Catcheside, D.G. Various dates 1930-79 Mainly research, publications, recommendations. correspondence includes a little personal news and letters from Kathleen Catcheside (see Memoir, p.127). Later Cleland, R.E. 1929-31, 1961 Coleman, A. Cook, KG. Clarke, C.A. Claude, A. 1971-72 1944-45 Early correspondence is on segmental interchange in Oenothera. Later correspondence is on Cleland's historical review of chromo- some structure in Oenothera (see Memoir, p.128). Cripes, Js ti Proposed University of Thanet. Mendel's descendants. Coen, Gs 5, Cooper, K.W. 1959 1954, 1967 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Dahlberg, G. 195] Mixed eye~colour. but underscored by Darlington. Letter sent to G. Haskell at John Innes, Dale, H.H. Science and politics. Darling, F.F. Davidson, D. Davis, B.M. 1948 1970 1979 1929, 1931 Letter of 1931 is recommendation for E.K. Janaki-Ammal (q.v.). Darwin, C.G. de Beer, G.R. 1951 correspondence is on neolithic skull; is on natural selection. Delaunay, L.N. Delbrick, M. Demerec, M. 1962 1951, 1957-58 later correspondence 1927 1948 1941 1966-67 1933-64 Various dates Dennys, R.O. i Correspondence 1930s is on research and news from Caltech Pasadena fincludes a letter from J. Schultz), some political comments. paper ‘Temperature and “sex-ratio" in Drosophila’ (published 1942). Correspondence 1940-42 relates to collaborative ’ i f Dobzhanksy, Th. Proposed genealogical study of British Prime Ministers. Darlington's reply only, on cancer research funding. included is a letter from Lady Driver after her husband's death. Letters and postcards, few dated, many from Magdalen where both Darlington and Driver were Fellows. Most refer’ to various botanical or genetic cruxes in the Bible on which Driver sought or gave information while working on the New English Bible. . eee Dodds, E.C. Dodds, E.R. 1943, 1945 1958 Cousin marriage. Various dates 1950s-75 Driver, G.R. j ° r ; = Laan aes Also aa . ; - C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Dyer, A.F. Edwards, J.H. Edwards, J. 1979 1978, 1980 ; 1958 Genetic selection of bulls. Emerson, S. 19Sa Letter to Haldane referring to his (Emerson's) earlier disagreement with Darlington on interstitial segments in Oenothera. Attached isa Spp. ms. note 'Some advantages of "Sax's Theory of Crossing- Over" and criticisms of Darlington's offered by Bridges and Beadle’, April 1931. The ms., which has some underscorings by Darlington, bears in the margins the initials of the various parti- cipants; (Emerson). they include CBS (Bridges), GWB (Beadle), SHE Engledow, F.L. n.d.,1948 Undated letter is addressed to Bateson (d.1927). is re suitable crops for Southern Rhodesia. Letter of 1948 Ephrussi, B. 1938-53 Eysenck, H. J. 1964, 1973-77 1979 1950 Erlanson, E.W. (later McFarland q.v.) 1928, 1930-1931, sage Various topics in sociobiology, twinning, etc. Correspondence of 1946 concerns renewing European contacts, scientists in. Germany (especially Timoféeff) and includes a letter from H. Baver. Letter of 1930 refers to discussions of ‘crossing-over’ by Sox, Anderson, Cleland, etc., and also to 'very good' early paper by B. McClintock. 1948 Human population selection. Fair, C.M. Federley, H. Fell. H.B. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence J.47-J.50 Fisher, R.A. and others 1936-57, 1979 Correspondence on research, on publicatioris in Heredity and a little personal material. Fisher was co-founder with Darlington of Heredity in 1947 (see G.24-G.65). Two letters, on Mendel, and on choice of journals for publications, 1936. 1943 (race, colour~blindness), 1947, 1951 (proposal for a section of Biometry and Genetics of British Association). 1954-56. March 1954, miscellaneous correspondence on Heredity. Includes proposal for a Genetic Garden in Cambridge, Includes material about Fisher's retirement plans, presenia- 1957. tion to him, Heredity. Joan Box (Fisher's daughter), on her biography of her father. Also included is a letter, 1979, from Fleure, H.J. Race and brain-size. Florey, H.W. 1951 1962 1974, 1978 1947-80 Ford; ©. Ford, E.B. (Henry) Research and publications. Includes draft of joint 1947, 1955-56. Includes a letter from W.E. Le Gros Clark. Ford was Professor of Ecological Genetics and Director of the Genetics Laboratory at Oxford. 1963-66. memorandum by Ford and Darlington on Genetics in Oxford, April 1965. Changes in height. 1976-80. joint paper with Ford, 1979. Includes correspondence with C.A. Clarke on his 1970-73 Extt.h, C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 eof » Bos Frankel, O.H. Pps 98 1934-46 1950-53 Correspondence Freeman, D. 1969 Includes copy of draft paper by Freeman ‘In Defence of Darwin’. Freeman, F. Fritsch, F.E. ; Genetics in examination papers. Fujii, K. Darlington's visit to Tokyo. Fuller, J. Galton, F. 1936, 1945 1938 1933 n.d. 1865 A letter from Francis Galton to Dr. Hooker (on meeting of Geographical Society); ‘presented by Mrs. J.M. Thompson (Magdalen)'. in an envelope with ms. note by Darlington 1936, 1938 1947 1924-72 Few of the letters are Garber, E.D. Gates, R.R. Letters sent to Bateson, on Gates's candidature for 1924-25. Fellowship of the Royal Society, requests for students {including C.L. Huskins) to work at John Innes, etc. Darlington had many disagreements with Gates, on research theory and practice (see Memoir, p.118). mutually addressed, many being sent to successive Directors of the John Innes, and some antedating Darlington's emergence on the research scene. Later correspondence with Mrs. Gates, various dates, 1962-72. 1927, 1932-33 (addressed to Sir Daniel Hall, on Oenothera cultures), (Correspondence about disputed figures in a publication, 1938 see also J.15), 1939. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Geitler, L. 1946 Renewing contacts with Germany. Gershenson, S. : 1936 (From Moscow.) ‘crossing-over’. Confirmation of Darlington's theory of Goddijn, W.A. Goldschmidt, R. Grant, M. Grant, V. Research and publications. Griffiths, J.C. Gruneberg, H. Red blood cells. 1932 1948, 1950 1965 1966, 1971 1972 1942 o Gustafsson, A. Various dates 1935-49 Includes letter from K. Mather. Hagedoorn, A.L. Hair, J.B. 1949 JP Or ey Haldane, J.B.S. Various dates 1954-79 Hdd a 1952-53, 1972 1915, various dates 1930-68 Correspondence, drafts and other material exchanged with or related to Haldane. JLT ess Haldane was at John Innes from 1927 to 1936, as 'Officer in charge of Genetical Investigations', a post he combined with a Readership at Cambridge (to 1933) and Chairs at London. this time ores at the John Innes. friends, as can be seen from diaries and autobiographical writings, they Sosuiaed a collaborative paper (with P.C. Koller) in 1934. Haldane had expected, and been expected, to succeed A.D. Hall Director, but Hall's resignation was delayed. Haldane resigned in and Darlington became Director in 1939. the Memoir of Haldane by N.W. Pirie, | "of the Royal Society, 12, 1966, He and Haldane became pe Correspondence ond writings by Haldane at 4.73- yg Drafts, articles, press-cuitings and correspon nde Darlington and others, mainly after death in 1964, are at ald ne's and passim in the m el bela Darlington was at See C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence 15 Letter to Bateson, from 'J. Haldane 2/Lt.' serving with the Black Watch in France, March 1915, describing his research on re- duplication in mice with A.D. Sprunt and his sister (Naomi, later Mitchison). found it among Bateson's papers, in a broadcast tribute to Haldane (see J.86). The letter was quoted by Darlington, who says he Haldane's paper, with A.D. Sprunt and N.M. Haldane, was published in J.Genet., 5, 1915. 1930-34 1935-36 Letter of 14 November 1936 suggests that Darlington shouid draw some illustrations for Haldane's My friend Mr. Leakey and some pen sketches by Darlington are enclosed in the folder. 1 October 1936 is draft letter to The Times about Macbride (referred to by Darlington in J.88). Letter of 1936 1941, 1945, 1946, 1964 This may be the memorandum which Darlington requested sight of from the Secretary of John Innes in 1968 (see J.82). Memorandum by Haldane on problems of the organisation of John Innes and his recommendations, 4pp. ms. dated 10 December 1936. In a covering letter to Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan, Heldane announces his forthcoming departure for Spain ‘dictated both by patriotic and humanitarian motives’. Darlington and Koller, Nature, 133, 1934. Research notes by Haldane and Darlington, 1928. Ms. and typescript drafts for Haldane's Preface to Darlington's Recent Advances in Cytology, 1932, and 3pp. detailed comments on the draft book. 3pp. ms. drafts and diagrams on 'The possibility of incomplete sex linkage in mammals'; probably related to collaborative paper with C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Later correspondence and writings on Haldane Correspondence with N.W. Pirie and recollections, for Royal Society Memoir, 1965. Correspondence with BBC re talks and films on Haldane, 1966. Correspondence re Haldane Memorial Volume; includes corres- pondence with editor, list of contributors, comments on draft of Darlington's article. 1966 and one letter 1973. Correspondence with R.W. Clark re his biography J.B.S. some ms. notes by Darlington, 1966-67. Includes Also included here is correspondence with the Secretary, John Innes, re Haldane's 'programme' for the Institute in 1936 (possibly the document at J.76), 1968. Correspondence on Darlington's review of Clark's biography in Nature, some with recollections of Haldane. In alphabetical order. Miscellaneous press~cuittings mainly reviews of Clark's biography but also includes poem by N. Mitchison in memory of her brother. Yt P 7 all with different corrections, for a ? "Recollections of J.B.S. Haldane’ 2pp. note by Darlington on Haldane, for the Public Orator, Oxford, 1961. 7pp. ms. draft and Ip. notes, for talk on Haldane for BBC, October 1968. Ms. and typescript drafts, broadcast tribute, variously dated August, September 1965, January, February, April 1966. G Ms. and typescript drafts for review of Clark's biography, various dates November 1968. 2pp. ms. undated note on Haldane (related to Clark's biography). headings, QS, quotations on Haldane. "JBS' Miscellaneous short notes, C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence 5.90 Hall, A.D. : Voriousddness 1990-46 Hall succeeded Bateson as Director of John Innes in 1927, when he was sixty-three and retired only in 1939 at the age of seventy-five. Darlington succeeded him as Director. Material includes a letter from Ramsay MacDonald (1930) expressing disappointment that -"no well-thought-out scheme for purchasing and marketing has been produced', a lecture by Hall 'The cultural and social values of science’(1935), correspondence re Russian science (1937), correspondence on tulips (1942), request to Darlington to write a biography of Halil (1944), his recollections of Hail (1946). vey Haque, A. 1953-54, 1968 Correspondence 1968 is Darlington's draft only, and research notes, re-Haque's resulis. Probably related to collaborative paper published in Heredity, Lond. 1969. Harding, A.S. ie a Hig Sa Harland, S.C. 1939, 1942 1936-80 Harland was a long-term colleague and friend. Many of the letters are sent from research institutes in South America (chiefly Lima, Peru). Harland had a special interest in cotton, maize and rose-breeding which is often referred to. Almost none of Darlington's letters survive. 1936-37 1939-45 1946-53 1962-66 1967-80 Mainly on the work of Skovsted. Mainly research news, but includes a little correspondence on Vavilov (1945). similar correspondence on Oxford street and place names. Correspondence 1967 includes recollections of Vavilov and Lenin. Latin and pre-Saxon place-names of London. See C.125 for Harrison, M. 1964-65, 1968 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Hatton, R.G. Hawkes, C. Archaeological botany. Hayek, F.A. Darlington's draft only. Heite, E. Triploids. Helbaek, H. 1944, 1950 1963 1979 1930 198] Correspondence with Helbaek's widow re obituary, bibliography, recollections, etc. of Helbaek, a pioneer Danish archaeological botanist. Hellyer, G.C. Intersexuality in goats. Henderson, S.A. Henley, M.F.E. 1946 1967 1974 Cousin marriage. Herklots, atc: Hertwig, P. Heslop-Harrison, J. Rust disease in maize. 1970-74 1939 1935-36 Heslop-Harrison, J.W. (Father of J. Heslop-Harrison). Chromosome list of British plants. Mainly about Kew (Heslop-Harrison was Director 1971-76). Biology teaching in schools. Enquiry re 'Critical Notes' on Darlington's Recent Advances in Cytology, by Belling; the paper was suppressed by the University of California Press. in his ms. draft reply Darlington writes that Hoyle, F. Indeterminacy. 193] 1950 Hirst, A.W. Hollingshead, L. Hurry, S.W. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Hurst, R. 1948-50 Early Rosa research. Huskins, C.L. Hutchinson, J. One letter only. Various dates .107-J.110 Huxley, J.S. and others 1936-62 . 107 1936-38 Mainly on affairs of John Innes; H.J. Muller on research in Moscow and forthcoming genetics congress, correspondence on speciation, publications. includes letter (1936) from 1940-49 Russian genetics, publications. 1950-55 1956-62 1941 195] 1931-80 Huxted, L. Iltis, H. o112-J.116 Janaki-Ammal, E.K. Dr. Janaki-Ammal, an Indian cytologist, worked at the John Innes at various times, and retained lifelong contact with Darlington. Includes correspondence with C. Singer on variation in colour vision, and (1962) Darlington's recommendation of Huxley for the Prix Balzan. 1971-80 Includes draft paper by Janaki-Ammal. 1931, 1934, 1937-38. 1940-50 1967-70 1953-54, 1959-62 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Jensen, A.R. 1972 Enclosing ‘Resolution on scientific freedom regarding human behavior and heredity’, submitted by E.B. Page. See also D.146. Jones, K. Various dates 1970-81 Mainly on Darlington's publications. Karpechenko, G.D. Keith, A. Brain size. Kemp, R. Kihara, H. Genetics research in Japan. King-Hele, D.G. Erasmus Darwin. 1928-38 195] 19737-1976 1948, 1951 1969 Kirk 20: Various dates 1962-66 Research and publication. pers 1938, 1947 1927 1934-78 JAZ TS P.C. and others search in Finland. Of Hungarian origin, Koller was a life-long friend and colleague. In 1944 he moved to London as Research Cytologist at the Royal he worked at the Institute of Animal Genetics, University of Edinburgh, in the 1930s with several visits or longer periods of work at the John Innes. Cancer Hospital (1944-46) and the Chester Beatty Research Institute (1946-69), becoming Professor of Cytogenetics, University of London. He died in 1979. some una lated mate e concerns resea TT! There 1s ce. aw . volatility of temps In August 1939 the Seventh International Congress of Geneti Deg uagtee was the Recorder and Koller the ets : held in Edinburgh. of the Cytology for 1938-39 since the Saag difficulties attendant on the participation of Russian and German scien In the event, the Russians withdrew, 1e Congress looms large in the corre spo h t ity of war added to the already consic Section. efe ' * ional life. | 6 Fined ily TOUNG Co - F « C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 J.122-5.139 (Cont'd.) Correspondence Koller continued to use up stocks of the 1939 on grounds of content. Congress writing-paper well into 1941 and this adds to the difficulties of The foiders include letters from other colleagues working or dating. in touch with Koller at a particular time. There are few letters from Darlington, but frequent ms. comments by him on the income corres- pondence. Koller usually signs himself, and is addressed as, 'Pio', but some- times the form 'Peo' is found. 1934 and some undated noies. 1935, March-June 1935, July-December 1936 1937 Not used Includes correspondence from others, on research and 1938. publications. 1949 | Mainly about Congress, attendance of Russian Includes correspondence from others, on 1939, Jenuary-June. research, publications, International Congress of Genetics, etc.; letter of 17 March from H.J. Muller is a long appreciation of the work of E.B. Wilson. 1939,. July. geneticists, especially N.1. Vavilov who was to have been President; also includes draft review by H.Jj. Muller of Darlington's Evolution of Genetic Systems. genetics. Various provisional and final copies of Congress programme, all with annotations or amendments by Darlington. 1943, January-May, and some undated. on post-war plans for organisation 1939, August-December. Nature, November). Includes reprint of report on Congress Includes correspondence of research in cytology and . ee ‘e . 1 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 J. 137 J.138 J.139 Correspondence 215 1943, June~December; and some undated. tumour cells, for British Empire Cancer Campaign (June). Includes Koller's report on 1946-55 Includes ms. notes by Koller and Darlington on early 1961-79. chromosome theory in America with recollections of Morgan, Muller, Bridges and others (July, August 1976). Kottermann, G. Chromosome numbers. Kupzow, A.J. Various dates 1957-77 Kupzow was a pupil of Vavilov, and became a professor of genetics and plant-breeding in Moscow. Most of the correspondence is brief exchanges of news, publications, etc., with special reference to any commemoration of Vavilov. another Russian geneticist, A.R. Zhebrak, and includes tributes fo his work. Correspondence 1965 refers to death of 1934, 1951, 1975 1 i its He died in 1984. Kuwada, Yo Laane, M.M. La er, 43 F . Lang, Th. Chromosome studies in Norway. 1979 1969-72 He was Darlington's technical assistant, collaborating Letter of 1975, written when Kuwada was 93, encloses photographs. La Cour was one of Darlington's earliest colleagues; he joined the staff of the John !nnes as a lab. boy in 1922 and moved with it in various migrations. with him on several papers and on the textbook The Handling of Chromosomes. Lewis, D. The correspondence is of late date and mainly on publications, La Cour's election to the Royal Society, Honorary Professorship at University of East Anglia, etc.; includes c.v. and list of publications. - Lehmann, E. Leitenberg, M. Race in Alabama. Lesley, J.W. Genetic determination of homosexuals. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Lilienfeld, F.A. Lcisy, T.P. _ 1937, 1949 1930, 1931 Live, A. and Léve, D. 1947, 1955-65 Correspondence 1958, 1960 is on cousin marriage and human genetics in Iceland. Lowndes, A.G. Ludford, R.J. Arsenical compounds. McClintock, B. 1949 WSS 1934 Three letters only, with several references to funding problems for her research. Macfarlane, E.W. (formerly Erlanson q.v.) Various dates 1963-79 MacKie, E.W. 1974-77 Diffusionism in archaeclogy. 1955, 1967, 1974 1948-64 McWhirter, K.G. Socio-genetics. Mainx, F. 1947 1950 1946 s S52 F196 Mather, K. Martens, P. Martin, G. Post-war genetics in Germany. Darlington's carbon only, on plant breeding on rubber. to Chair of genetics at Birmingham, 1948. Correspondence 1933-34 is from Sweden where Mather was working, on secondment from John Innes. \merica where Mather held a Rockefeller Fellowship. Includes note for Nature by Darlington on Mather's appointment 3355 1933-38 1933-64 Correspondence 1938 is from C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence J, 15/7 Matthey, R. Darlington's chromosome theories. J.158 Melchers, G. Various dates 1957-71 Mainly brief scientific and personal exchanges. Mitchison, J.M. Moffett, A.A. 1977 1964 Botany, socio-genetics in Africa. Mohr, O.L. 1937, 1947 Correspondence 1937 is re Seventh International Genetics Congress scheduled to be held in Moscow in 1938 and treatment of Russian geneticists: the Congress was held in Edinburgh in 1939 and the Russian scientists did not attend. J. 163=3-165 Muller, H.J. 1931-61 J.161 1931, 1934-36 Correspondence 1934-36 is from Leningrad and Moscow, where Muller was working. 1937-39? 1941-49 1952-54 Includes some material on Russian scientists, mainly arising from Muller's resignation from the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1949, and various ms. and printed notes about Muller's Pilgrim Trust lecture, 1945. Chiasma pairs. 1961, 1973 (re proposed biography of Muller). also includes note by Darlington for publication Mainly on race; on Muller's election as Foreign Member of the Royal Society, ond Muller's letter declining, for political reasons, honorary membership of Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural. Statistical methods. Newcombe, H. Nelder, J.A. r [2 ‘ tre C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 J. 167* 5.170 Newton, W.C.F. and others 1925-29 Correspondence Newton was one of the earliest scientific influences on Darlington. He had been appointed by Bateson as cytologist at the John Innes in 1922, only a few months before Darlington, who worked under his guidance until his illness in 1926 and death in 1927. collaborative papers, some posthumous. Batten, herself a distinguished botanist. pondence with Newton and his wife, and from Darlington's parents and members of the John Innes staff who kept him posted about Newton's declining health during his visits abroad. Newton morried in 1925 Lily The folder includes corres~ They published several 1925 Includes report of research by Newton and C.E. Pellew, 1924. 1926, August-December. was convalescing. Later letters from Algeria where Newton Includes Newton's comments on Darlington's draft article 1927. for Nature on polyploids, continuing scientific correspondence and Darlington's 'Notes written on my last discussion with Frank Newton by Frank and myself 13.XI1.27.' Oakeshott, W. 1945-48 Olby, R.C. Ogden, C.K. One letter only. Includes comments by Mrs. Newton on posthumous publica- Mainly arrangements for Darlington to lecture at St. Paul's and Winchester. 1929. tions, and a copy of obituary of Newton by A.D. Hall, Nature, 1928. Pandey, K.K. History of science, especially Olby's programme of archive collection in cell chemistry,and other writings. 1971; T972 1927, 1928 Osborne, R.T. Ostenfeld, C.H. Prunus. n.d. 1966-73 1969, 1977-81 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Pdtau, K. German science. Peake, H.I.E. Penrose, L.S. 1946 1939, 1941 1957, 1970 letter of 1970 is on Letter of 1957 is on chromosome uncoiling; inherited ability at chess and includes a pedigree of the Penrose family . Périer, P. 1966-67 Inheritance laws and marriage practice in France. Perroti, R. Heredity. Peters, R.A. Philp, J. Polanyi, M. 1967 1752 Various dates 1938-45 1962 1940-58 1940-50 Price, J.R. Priestley, J.H. One letter only, on transmission of acquired learning. included is letter from Mrs. Polanyi after Polanyi's death, 1976. Also «1O2pds 1Oe Pontecorvo, G. Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes correspondence re Bateson and Mendelism 1953-58. (1953), and some letters from others. Pringle, J.W.S. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence J.185, J.186 Punnett, R.C. 1928-51 Mainly on publications in J.Genet., of which Punnett was then Editor. 1928-38. from Punnett on early uses of terms 'tetraploid', ‘factor’ and ‘gene’. Mainly on Darlington's papers. Includes letter (1932) 1942-51. and on his own papers. of early genetics research. Mainly on papers submitted to Darlington for comment, Punnett's letter of 1951 includes recollections Purrmann, R. Human genetics. Randall, J.T. 1972 1941 One letter only, on bio-physical chromosome research. Randolph, L.F. Tradescantia. Rapkine, L. 1928-29, 1940 1940 1962 Various dates 1928-66 Darlington wrote 1928-29, 1939 1947-49 Rees, H. Rye. J.189-J.192 Renner, O. and others News of colleagues in occupied France and Rapkine's efforts to obtain American visas for them. Renner was a German geneticist, working first at Jena and moving in 1948 to Munich as Director of the Botanic Institute. his obituary for the Royal Society in 1961. Includes a little material after Renner's death. 1951-58. of the Royal Society (1955), and translation into English by Darlington of a paper by Renner, for Heredity, 1958. Includes letter on Renner's election as Foreign Member 1960-66. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 J.193 Richardson, M.M. 1938, 1942 Correspondence Margaret Richardson was a colleague of Darlington at John Innes, later working at Exeter. M. Richardson from C. Pellew, also of the John Innes, and a letter from her parents after her death (1956). a later (1951) letter to Also included is Riley, R. Various dates 1959-78 Mainly research on wheat ; includes a little personal correspondence. Roberts, D.F. 1969 Kinship in Tristan da Cunha. Roberts, J.A.F. Rothschild, M. 1951-55, 1974 1960-81 On various genetic topics. material on G.S. Fraenkel. 1981 correspondence includes some Rothschild, N.M.V. 1949-50 Various topics in research, research policy and methods. Sahni, D. Schafer, B. Russell, E.J. 1952 Salisbury, E.J. Saez, F.A. Sochs;.. i. 1952 1939 1961 1937, 1945, 1948 Chromosome numbers. Early research in agricultural science. 1947, 1962 Mainly on affairs of John Innes, where Miss Schafer was Librarian- Registrar. Early correspondence is on chromosome theory. 1929-34, 1955, 1961 Schiemann, E. Salmon, E.S. Samuel, H.L. Sansome, E. Sax, K. 1932 1951 1936, 1937 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Bchinkel: 7.6... * Sheep-breeding regulations and 'telegony'. Schrédinger, E. Determinacy, selection. Schultz, J. Shockley, W. 1950 1933 ez. On Shockley's genetic and sociological interests. Simon, F.E. Sinclair, H.M. Singer, C. Slack, 4.0. Heteroptera. Smith, K.M. "Provirus' and latent virus (1951). 1952 1973, 1938, 1938 1951, 1974 Snow, C.M. Stebbins, G.L. Steele, D.G. Evolution of heredity. Sonneborn, T.M. Stapledon, G. 1948, 1965 1940, 1962 Various dates 1971-76 Snities Co. * Smith-White, S. Mrs. Snow was a benefactor, especially of the Nuneham Courtenay Arboretum. See C.81. ¢.1935, 1939, 1947 1963, 1968 Cribbing. Includes reflections on university teaching, especially of biology, by Stapledon, sent to Darlington for comment by R. Waller, author of biography of Stapledon. 1946 1959 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence a2i4, 2.205 Stern, F.C. and others 1941, 1948-52 Stern was Chairman of the Council of John Innes 1947-61. 1941 (one letter only), 1948-50 Research, John Innes affairs including move to Bayfordbury. 1951-52 Mainly about invitation to Darlington to give the Master Memorial Lectures of the Royal Horticultural Society, which Darlington accepted, then cancelled in view of the Society's decision to discontinue cytological research at Wisley. Sturtevant, A.H. Symons, M. Inheritance of eye-colour. Taylor, G. Kew. Tekimov, V.P. 1956-57 Prunus. Thompson, B.W. Tilney-Bassett, R. Various dates 1958-77 Thompson, D.W. Chromosome spirals. Timoféeff-Ressovsky, N.W. Research into 'tongue-rolling’. L} A iODS Correspondence 1937-38 is re conference organised by Timofée and Ephrussi under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation a limited to twelve participants from several disciplines. meeting, referred to in the correspondence as the 'Band of and Glory', took place at Klampenborg in April 1938 and was considered significant for the diffusion of chromosome theory. See also H.54-H.56. is T £ i i na The 1937-39, 1947 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Sigal Tischler, G. 1936-37, 1947 Chromosomes. Trueman, A.E. ; 1947-48 Development of university research in cytology. Tschermak-Seysenegg, E. Turner, J.S. Botanic gardens at Melbourne. Unstead, J.F. : Vernalisation. 1932 1945 1948 J.223- 5.226 Vavilov, N.1I. and others Various dates 1930-66 After his appointment by Lenin in 1921 to the Vavilov, a great Russian geneticist, had worked at the John Innes with Bateson in 1913 and 1914. joint post of President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Director of the Institute of Applied Botany, Vavilov was an influential figure in Russia and also in international scientific circles. was to be President of the Seventh International Congress of Genetics (held in Edinburgh) but the Russian delegation did not attend. fell victim to the rise of Lysenko and the acceptance by Stalin of the latter's theories; (See D.114.) largely through Darlington's good offices (see J.224). elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 1942. See also ‘Russian Genetics’ in Section D. he was arrested, sent to Siberia, where he died. An English version of his last work was published in 1940, Vavilov was In 1939 he Vavilov (copy of letter to Arrangements for publication of Vavilov's 'Theoretical Includes letter 1930 (card only, re Amsterdam Congress); 1938 S.C. Horland, on current research and personnel). election to Royal Society). 1940. Bases of Plant Breeding‘ in English translation. from Vavilov dated 25 April 1940 which may be among the last he wrote. Later correspondence on Vavilov P.T. Thomas (enclosing printed material), M. Popovsky (proposed biography of Vavilov; Correspondence with K. Sax, C. Stern, arising from Obituary notice of Vavilov by Darlington and S.C. Harland in Nature, 1945. includes correspondence on date of Vavilov's 1965-66 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Verdoorn, F. Mainly publications in Chronica Botanica. ao Ts Speech. Voelcker, O.U. Swollen shoot disease. Naddington, C.H. 1938, 1945 Waines, J.G. Crop plant evolution. Walker, 1.M. | . Offa's Dyke and farming. Warburg, O. (ard only) Wernich, D.H. Chromosome division. 1971 1964 1955 1930 Nerskey, G. Sociobiology. Weyl, N. 1969 1971 Cattle-breeding. White, M.J.D. Meiosis. Whittaker, R. Wheaton-Smith, C. Character of chess players. Wifts,:4.J. Conservation of Pyrus cordata. Winiwarter, H. de Widdowson, E.M. Wilson, A. Gentian violet. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence Wo, 1.5, 1950-51 Research in China. Yates, F. Brief correspondence only. Young, G. Including writings. Zuckerman, S. WS, 1950,;4703 Correspondence 1951 is on breeding habits. Zulueta, J. de Rice. 1975, 197 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 J.237-J3.244 SHORTER UN INDEXED CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence Each of the categories of material here is presented in two parts, corresponding respectively to Darlington's period at the John Innes and the Department of Botany, Oxford. Specimens, seeds, plants Requests for supply or exchange, letters of thanks, sent or received by Darlington. 1926-53 1954-70 Publications, slides, information Requests for reprints, thanks for books or articles, brief requests for information, slides, equipment, etc. sent or received by Darlington. 1929=53 1954-80 1946-53 1957-80 1939-53 Miscellaneous Permission to quote, reproduce diagrams, etc. 1955-80 Shorter correspondence on work in hand or projected, news of careers, laboratories, requests or thanks for meetings and discussions. Eto C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence .245-J.261 'LUSTIGE BLATTER' _ 1923-80 See the Introduction to Section J. 1923-32. Includes 'Some Russian Impressions', by C.L. Huskins, 1927. 1932. all relating to visit to America by J.B.S. Haldane. Ms. notes, journal entries, draft article 'Hands off materialism', 1933-36 1937-39 1939. Includes correspondence with J.B.S. Haldane. 1940-44 1946-49. Includes correspondence re E.W. Macfarlane, 1946. 1950-52 1953-56 1960-63 1964-67 1968-71 1972 1977-80 1957-59 1974-76 n.d. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Correspondence J2262-5 5207 REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS Not indexed. References, appointments, promotions 1937-39 1944-46 1947-48 1950-51 1953-54 1955-57 1958-59 J.269 J.270 J.2/ 1 Js2h2 J.273 J.274 deel 1960-62 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967-69 197 0-72 J.276 n.d. Theses, dissertations, higher degrees 1947, A971 1950-58 1961-70 1936-39 1940-44 Js2/? 43.280 Grant applications Correspondence with publishers and editors on books or articles submitted for 1980 and undated Correspondence and papers from individuals: requests for advice on careers, publications, scientific ideas or research projects. Various dates, 1937-75. J.286 e2Os: 1948-53 1962-69? publication. P r 1938, 1956 Publications Personal 1970-77 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS ABERCONWAY, Henry Duncan McLaren, Baron ACADEMIE D'AGRICULTURE DE FRANCE ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DE! LINCE} ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron AGAR, U._ E. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AITKEN, Sir Robert ALEXANDER, Wiliiam Gemmell ALEXANDROWICZ, J. S. ALLEN, Gordon ALVESALO, Lassi AMBROSE, Edmund Jack AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ANDERSON, Edgar G. ARMSTRONG, H.W. ANSON-OWEN, R. S. ARCHER, Nora ARMITAGE, John ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY ARMSTRONG, C. A. John ARMSTRONG, Henry Edward ANDREWES, Sir he ikGalier (Howard) aLG6 ATHERTON, George C. ATKINSON, J. ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS B.77 PAs Ges * ARNOLD, Hermann ARTHURS, Arnold M. ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASTBURY; William Thomas ATCHISON, Elizabeth ATHENAEUM AUERBACH, Charlotte i. tae H.107 Ju“ts G.] ie J7183 hg G.3-G.8 C.88 B.45 D.88 See also D. 100, D.116 G.59 se ie G.9 E.372, G.76, J.2 E.332 C.43 G.9 rs D.77 6.77, C8002 A.150 1,3 E.372, H.107 C.93 C.93, D.75, D.83, D.90, E.66, F.9, G.20 G.9 8.6 G76, 1.3 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations BABCOCK, Ernest B. BACK, Friedrich BADASH, Lawrence BADDILEY, Sir James BAKER, John BAKER, John Randal BALFOUR, Archie P. GALLARD,.C. =f. BALLS, William Lawrence BANKS, Charlotte BARBENSI, Gustavo BARBER, Horace Newton BARBER, M. Elizabeth BARLOW, Nora, Lady BAUER, Hans C.4 B14), 3.4 J.4 D.66 F.89 H.125 as & A: G-402 0.66 ante, 522, G.104, J.4 B.56, C.71, G.80 H.107 B.6 D.131 E.164 C.57, E.141, E.480, G.835, H.124, J.5, J.6 C.101 E.172, E.316 E.533 17 D.127 E.216 B42, 37 H.107, J.7 D.46-D.57 BARLOW, Peter BARNARD, J. BARTH, Frederik BASS, Joan BATES, Marston BATESON, Gregory BATESON, William BATEMAN, Angus J. BATTAGLIA, Emilio 34, G.26, G.60, H.57, G.58 A.120, B.6, E.681, J.8, 5.43 C.4, G.97 A.10 H.146 B.1 See also B.75, D.31-D.45, J.62 BAWDEN, Sir Frederick (Charles) BAYLIS, Geoffrey T. S. BEADLE, George Wells BAYLEY, Peter C. BEAL, J. M. BEALE, Geoffrey H. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations BECKMAN, Lars BELAR, Karl " BELGOVSKY, M.L. BELL, George Douglas Hutton BELL, Ronald Percy BELLING, John BENNETT-CLARK, Thomas Archibald BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERNAL, John Desmond BERRIE, G.. Ki. BERTALANFFY, Ludwig von BERTRAM, G. = Colin L. BEVAN, EdwynR. BEVERIDGE, William Henry, Baron BILGER, Otto BIRNBAUM, Norman H.107 3.72 See also E.23, J.9 ror C.4, 38 C.48 Hi4), dsis See also J.102 C.4, G.84 F.54 B.6 J.14 E.205 D.9 E.450 A.130 E.215 C.93 J.14 B26, C.4 D.94 C.43, E.360 B.6, E.74, E.79, G.76, J.15 BLACKER «Gc. 2 P BLAKESLEE, Aibert Francis BLOOMFIELD, Paul BLOUNT, Bertie Kennedy BISBEE; Rs. °C. BISWAS, K.P. BLACKMAN, Vernon Herbert BLACKMAN, Geoffrey Emmet B.6, G.76 E.34).16 See also E.220 e 3 37 G.17 C.110 C.55, F.66 F.114, H.165 D.108, H.68, J.18 E.142 BOASE, Thomas Sherrer Ross BOESIGER, Ernest BONNIER, Gert BOOTH, Charles O. MISie a. Re BODMER, Walter Fred C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Indiex of individuals and organisations BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BOUFLOUR, R. BOURNE, Geoffrey H. BOWEN, Edmund John BOWLES, E..° M. motte, a. BA, BRABEC, Franz BRACHET, Jules BRADE-BIRKS, S.. Graham BRAGG, Sir William Henry BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAT, Sharma Ved BRIDGES, Calvin B. BRIEGER, F. BRIERLEY, John K. G.9 J18 E.197 C122 J.18 E.480 E.274 H.68 B.38 F.68, F.70 F.35, J.19 D.489, J.19 J.19 H.41 A.120, D.137, E.392, E.641, J.20 BRIGGS, Asa, Lord Cok. SCIENCE G.13-G.16 3m BRIGGS, George Edward Shoes LS eR. BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF _ BRONOWSKI, Jacob BROOKE, Eileen M. BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION BROADHURST, P. _L. J.183 6.6, C.4; 0.77, ©. 6.76 FLL G.10, 61H. H.86-H.88 G.88, J.119 D.165 B.6, B.41, E.66, G.76, G .80,-G.82, G90, J.21 H.107, H.125, H.146 B.70 C.54, €.93 $22 BROWN, Sir George Lindor ke D197 sea BROWN, L. Christie BROWN, Robert BROSNAHAN, L. Frank BROWN, Sir Edward BROOKS, Frederick T. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations BROWN, William BROWNLEE, A. : BRUMWELL, J. R. Marcus BRUNN, H. BULLER, A. G. H. Reginald BULLOCK, Alan (Louis Charles), Baron BURCH, Cecil Reginald BURN, Joshua Harold BURNET, John H. BURNHAM, Charles R. BURRAS, Kenneth BURT, Sir Cyril Lodowic BUTT, Vernon S. BUTTERFIELD, Sir Herdert 235 B.41, G.76, G.82 St D.66 ae rise 6.6; G 7643.22 Sic) J. me C.42 C.40 #20 Jeae J.24 See also D.129-D.134 ae C.56 Es? D. Hale CASPERSSON, Thorbj&8rn Oskar CASTELLANO, V. H.118 CARE fe. CAEEAN® Harold Gathered J: G.58 B:7, FAIS G86 GC ey J.25 G.76 $26 E.372 E.140 D.165, G.18, J.26 CARPENTER, G. Care js: 6: CARR-SAUNDERS, Sir Alexander (Morris) Y. CARSTAIRS, C. CARTER, Cedric O. See A.117, B.3 D.42, J.26 B.7. Bib6, C.4, E113, G.-C. 217 G6, 2.50 G89 “HH. 124, A133, ai Ze CASTLE, W. CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie E. CHAMPION, Sir Harry George G26, 1.62 5:27 See also H.181 CHITTENDEN, Reginald John E.480 See also D.145 C.2, G48 G.1376.16 CATTELL, Raymond B. ; CHAPMAN; EE. J. + C. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy CLARK, Barbara Gordon CLARK, Colin Grant CLARK, Ronald W. CLARK, Sir Wilfrid (Edward) Le Gros CLARKE, Sir Cyril (Astley) _ CLAUDE, Alberi CLAUSEN, Jens CLAUSEN, Roy E. CLEGG, Hugh Anthony CLELAND, Ralph E. CLOWES, Lionel COCK, Alan G. COGCKAINE, Ee “A. COLE, John Morrison COLEMAN, Alice G.87 E.316 E.287, £.372, E.478 J.82 E.318, J.52 3.29, 3.55 J.29 E.269 GA D.81 B.7, J.30 C.56 D.43, D.44 G.21 C.101 J.31 B.75 G.17 G.17 G17 BRANCH GAT COOK, Robert C. COLEMAN, William COLONIAL OFFICE D.83, E.70, E.644, J.31 See‘ also J.13 CONTROL COMMISSION FOR GERMANY-RESEARCH COMMONWEALTH PLANT BREEDERS CONGRES POUR LA LIBERTE DE LA CULTURE B.36, B.37, B.39 H.4l B.7, B.14, B.17, B.18, B.27, B.30, B.33, B.34, E J .197, E.644, H.107, «al COURTHOPE, Edward Arthur COPROCK 0B... Ae J.3] E.140 ey es 464 COOPER, Kenneth W. GOMER: Ra wey COPLEY, John COON, Carleton S. CORRENS,-C. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations COVE, David J. CRANE, Morley Benjemin CREW, Francis Albert Eley L. CRIPPS, J. Crossy, J): CROWTHER, J. CULIEN) 3. ° ¢ 4, G. DAHLBERG, Gunnar BALE, “Blarold Edward DALE, Sir Henry (Hallett) DANIELLI, James Frederic DARBY, H.C. OFAC ss G.65 8,45)... 5° Bi6, E.66, G0, Giza, H:.59,..H.60,) 4.67,-JAZ, J.130 See also H.68 a See G.11 F.68, J.224 B.7 cule, ee See also H.75 5.90 E. 60, £23, Hues: ace See H.83 H.108 CG .58 DARLINGTON, Bertha DARLINGTON, Henry DARK, Sa: .O% > > > 142 .164-A.168, A.179, 191, A.195 DARLINGTON, Thomas Henry 143 162, A.163, A.164, .169-A.178, A.184- .187, A.189, A.191- .195, J.168 . 142 165, A.167, A.179, £195 DARLINGTON, Maud (later SPEAKMAN, g.v.) DARLINGTON, Margaret Blanche née Upcott DARLINGTON, Ellen (Nellie) née Hilton DARLINGTON, Gwendolen Pearl DARLINGTON, Oliver F. o c w w O n 143 > > > = C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations DARLINGTON, William Henry Robertson DART, Raymond A. DARWIN, Sir Charles (Galton) DAVIDSON, Douglas DAVIS, Bradley M. DAWSON, George W. P. DAY, Peter R. 238 A.105, A.141-A.163, A.165, A.169-A.178, A.191, A.192, H.46, J.168 See also H.6, H.7 H.98 F.40, J.33 D.13275.58 J.33 E.373 A.120 de BEER, Sir Gavin (Rylands) E.314, E.485, J.34 de CASTRO, Duarte DELAUNAY, L. N. DELBRUCK, Max DE Aen, SoS. DEMEREC, M. E. 269 J.35 C26; 5:35 H.108 H.41 See H.67, J.35 DENNYS, Rodney Onslow BERLIN DICK, William E. E.453, J.36 G.17 DODDS, Eric Robertson DODDS, Kenneth S. DOBZHANSKY, Theodosius DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU D683, D388, 0,90; bit E:i91, E. Gag @. 682 J.40 A.120, D:76, 0.83, D.10r D105, Dut 1, E374, G26, 5757S 58, J.87 See also E.386, H.166 G.16, G.76, J.38 J.38 B.51 C.110,2 C425 8 Aer J.81 H.68 D.90 D.373 G.26 DRIVER, Sir Godfrey (Rolles) Durie, ts: 204 DUSTIN, Pierre DYER, Adrian F. DUBININ, N. P. DUNLOP; WW. . RB, DRONAMRAJU, K. R. H.4]1 H172 F.89 E.487, E.661, J.40 D.94, D.114, E.373, E.485, F.9, J.41 E.89 D.154, H.108 E.478 J.4] G.B0, G.86, J.42 See also G.6 B.8, D.90, G.26, G.58, H.60, H.68,.H.75, J.43 B.8, J.44 E.331 J.A5 See G.2] ¢ 5) J.46 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations East. «eM. EBLING, F. John ECCLES, William Henry EDEN, Michael Francis see HENLEY EDWARDS, John Hilton EDWARDS, Joseph ELLERTON, Sydney ELSTON, Robert Noél ELTON, Charles Sutherland EMERSON, Sterling H. ENGLEDOW, Sir Frank Leonard EPHRUSSI, Boris ERLANSON, Eileen Whitehead See also MACFARLANE, E.W. Syerecy, OD. €...-C, FEDERLEY, Harry FIELD, Henry FAGG, Bernard FAIR, Charles M. FABERGE, A. C. EYSENCK, Hans Jurgen FELL, Dame Honor Bridget FARMER, Sir John Bretland H.41, J.62 5.46 8.57, B. 69, B70, G. 225 FINCHAM, John Robert Stanley FERGUSON-SMITH, Malcolm FISHER, Sir Ronald (Aylmer) J.46 E.487 23 A.116 FINNEY, David John FIGGIS, T. Paton C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations FLANAGAN, Dennis FLEMING, A. A. FLEMING, Sir Alexander FLEMING, Mary Pert Grier, H.R; FLEURE, Herbert John FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FOGG. CG... E. FORD, Charles Edmund FORD, Edmund Brisco (Henry) PUR be He Be FORESTRY COMMISSION E.3I9 H.. 120 F.14 A.143, A.179 See also A.186, A.190 C.76 E.120, E.373,'G.76, J.51 J.51 B.57 A. 120, 8.8, -Di27.- 6.74, G.86, H.183, J.51 C.2, C.415 Di108, €. 66, E.172, E.274, E.374, G; 2h,.3.52-3.55 See also E.344, E.637, H.164 3.06 G.18 FRANKLAND, John William FRANKS, Oliver Shewell, Baron FREEMAN, Derek FOX, Harold Munro FRANK, Victor S. FRANKEL, Sir Otto (Herzberg) FREEMAN, Frank J. FREEMAN, P. J.60 B* 6,6 757,70. 5, B.a88, FilQ, Giz; Hie, sor J. 06, 3583 See also D.58 A.163 C.82 J.59 J.60 C193 H.144 B.38, G.82, G.92, J.60 B.32, B.33, B.34, B.36, G.76, G.80, H.8 FRYER, Sir John Claude Fortescue FUJII, K. FULLER, John FRIDRIKSSON, Sturla FRITSCH, Felix Eugen FULTON, John Scott, Baron FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS G.76 ours J.60 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations GAISER, toe .O. GAJDUSEK, OD. .C. GALE, Ernest F. GALTON, Francis GARBER, E.:. .D. GARDENER, William GATES, Laura Ruggles GATES, Reginald Ruggles GAYER-ANDERSON, T.G. GAYRE, Robert GEITLER, S. GERSHENSON, S. GILLIAT-SMITH, Bernard Joseph Leo E.141 See D.138 F.104 J.61 E.141, J.61 E.142 G.97, H.146, J.66 D.33, D.84, H.41, H.42, J.62-J.66,. J. 128, 3.129, BK} See also E.17, E.78, G.97 <5 E.370, €.477, 1.95 See also E. 689 H.57, J.67 G2 1 D.99, J.161 GILMOUR, John S.L. GINI, Corrado B.9,5C.5,.C.Bo, Sy See also C.71 GODDIJN, W. A. B. GINSBERG, Benson F. GLACKEN, Clerence J. GLADSTONE, Johri ~GODWARD, M. E. H.108 H.108 E.482 GIUSHCHENKO; 4, .« Y.. E, 2/0, H.416 See also H.118 H.78 See also D.104, H.82 A.147 5.68 B.57 E.373, E.478, G.88 J.68 B.9 F.9 B.9, E.91, G.80 H.146 G.60 GOODWIN, Michael GORDON, Cecil GORDON, H. GODWIN, Sir Harry GOLDSCHMIDT, R. GOODSPEED, T.¢. Bi: C,D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations GRANT, Micheel GRANT, Robert GRANT, Verne GRAVES, Robert Ranke GRAY, Louis Harold GREGOIRE, V. GREGOR, A. James GREGORY, Sir Richard (Arman) GRIFFITHS, James Howard Eagle GRIFFITHS, John G. GRUNEBERG, Hans GUEST, Evan GUILLEBAUD, W. H. J.69 C.5 J.69 E.149 G.14 H.4]1 E.367-E.369, H.116, H.119, H.i35, He136)-41 140: See also H.118 B.36, E.21, E.57, E.65, E.72, E.690, J.90 C.1%3 J.69 C.76;: J? 5 G.6 E..451 D.108, H.57, H.78, J.70 GUINNESS, Brian C. GUSTAFSSON, Ake GUTHRIE, O. GWYNNE, Michcei D. Isabella HALDANE, Charlotte See H.90 n.97 HADDOW, Sir Alexander HAGEDOORN, A. L. G00, 'G.36 37) Hy 5.72 B.9, H.41 See also J.76 HAGERUP, O. HAIR, John B. GWYNNE-VAUGHAN, Dame Helen Charlotte @ E.34 C.5, E.485, J.72 D.84 A194 C399 206. H.45, J.73-J.89, 5.246, J.249 See also D.60, G.16, H.1 A.191, D.72, F.60, G.82, H.3-H.7, H.41, H46,,0.53, 3,905.3. 1a0 See also E.32, HALL, Sir. (Alfred) Daniel HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson H.45, 4:57 G2, 0oVLz, E.78 Bef C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations HALSEY, Albert Henry HAMERTON, John L. HAMILTON, William J. HAMMOND, John HAQUE, Ashraful HARDEN, Harold HARDIE, Colin Graham HARDIN, Garrett HARDING, T. Swann HARDY, Sir Alister (Clovering) HARDY, Leslie, I. HARLAND, Sydney Cross HARLEY, Jack Laker HARPER, Alastair E.374 D.27, H.111 E.487 J.203 E.493, J.91 A.120 E.374, E.484 E.215 J.91 C.5 E.216 B: 50, 8.58, Cog, aa, E.486, G.80, J:83, J.92- J.96 See also D.74, 53.223 C.54, G.88 E.215 HARRISON, Brian J. HARRISON, G.. Ainsworth G.107 ‘ HATTON, Sir Ronald George HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HARVEY, Edith née DARLINGTON HARWOOD, J. H. HASKELL, Gordon HARRISON, Michael HARRISSON, Tom B.77,; D.48, D.62 See also B.80 E.374 J.97 E.288, J.100 G.96 A.179 D.138 C.69, E.477 B.9, G.92, J.98 C.51, J.98 C.108," 3.83 J.98 B.4 G.26 See J.98, J.99 J.100 HEDRICK, Uy.2?. HEITZ, E. HAWKES, (Charles Francis) Christopher HENLEY, Michael Francis Eden, 7ih Baron HELBAEK, Hans HENDERSON, S. Alan HAWTON, Hector HAYEK, Friedrich August C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations HERKLOTS,.G. A; SC HERTWIG, Paula HESLOP-HARRISON, John (Jack) HESLOP-HARRISON, John William HIERNAUX, J. HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL, Arthur HILL, Robert (Robin) HILLIER, Harold G. HINDLE, Edward HIRST, Sir Arthur W. Minot, us Fe HOBB, Harry Pome ch, J.) HOGBEN, Lancelot Thomas Oe 3 J.100 J:100 E.270, C.57, J.101 H.60, J.101 H.108 G.90, G.91 See also G.86 athe C.43 © .76 E, 252, Gd) J.102 D.84 D427 H.96 8.9, G.76, Owes HOLLINGSHEAD, Lilliam later HILL B.9, E.34, J.102 E.452, E.486 D.89, G.107 HORNING, E. HORRABIN, J. S. F. C15 E.168 HORNE, Frank R. F.58 coo eae bo HOLMYARD, L. J. HOPWOOD, D. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, Tom A. HOOK, Sidney HOPKINSON, Sir Tom C.89, E.476 D.75 See also E.72 Fi92, F. 9645.97; 30103 HUME-ROTHERY, William HUGHES, J. Trevor HUDSON, Harry J. HULSE, Frederick S. HUDSON, P. °S. Hho H.108 HOWARTH, F. HOYLE, Sir Fred B.9, J.15 E.476 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations HURRY, Stephen W. Huns? Cc... C: HURST, Rona HUSKINS, C. Leonard HUSSEY, Graham HUTCHINSON, Sir Joseph Burtt HUTTON, J.-H. HUXLEY, Elspeth HUXLEY, Gervas HUXLEY, Sir Julian Sorell HUXTED, J.104 E.35 J.105 See also E.679 E.36, H.57, 3.106," 4.245 B.58, B.68 B.58, E.140, G.80, G.86, J.106 E.374 A.129 E.485, E.486- A.120, B.98, C.48, D.99, E.130, E.207, E.208, E.251, E.252, E.375, E.469, G.58, G.59, G.80, J.93, J.107-J.110 seth INNES, James Archibald JACOB, Ernest Fraser JAMES, William Owen B.14, B.25, B.30 E.367-E.371 INDIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY INDIAN SOCIETY OF GENETICS D.67 dae G.66 G.66 MENT OF ETHNOLOGY AND EUGENICS ILTIS, Hugh H. ILTIS, Hugo INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- D. 139, 4. fie C.44 A.120 S:71 C.40, E.54 B.9, E.268, G.66, H.60, 5.65, 5.13 253,1 16 See also E.138-E.142, J. 14 G.80 JINKS, John Leonard JOHNSON, H. JANAKI-AMMAL, Edavaleth Kakkat JAAN, He K, JAMES, Irene M. JENKIN, T. J. JENSEN, Arthur R. Daintree JONES, Donald F. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations JONES, Keith J@RGENSEN, C. A. JOSEPH, Sir Keith (Sinjohn) JOSHI, A. C. JUCCI, Carlo KALLMAN, Franz J. KAMIN, Leon J. KANELLIS, A. KARPECHENKO, G. OD. KAY, H. ’D: KEEBLE, Sir Frederick William KEEN, Sir Bernard Augustus KEILIN, David 246 C52) &. 270, EiA¥a, ee Jsaty E.34, G.57 E.487 H.115 G.80 G.26, G.59 D.132 D.73 B.10, £.40, H.51, J.118 E.478, G.87 D.85, E.33 G.76 G.90 E.693 J.119 E.482 D.146 D.140, E.492, E.644 B.59, 3.119 J.195 Gs E.89 E.376 E.376 C.101 G.60 D.67 H.41, J.120 3.120 E.393, J.121 KEISEL, Hermann KEITH, Arthur KELLOGG, Charles E. KELLY, E. Lowell KELLY, Peter KEMP, Tage SSERINED YY; Rar 5 As KENNAWAY, E. L. KEMP, Roger F. O. KENNEDY, Clarence H. H.68 KERMODE, (John) Frank KETTLEWELL, B. KEVLES .. Dontel J: KENYON, Dame Kathleen (Mary) KING-HELE, Desmond George KIRK, John KISLOVSKY, D. KIHARA, H. C,D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations KLINGSTEDT, Holger. MiGs Fe P. KOBEL, KOLLER, Pius Charles KORNITZER, Margaret NOSTGEF, D. KOTTERMAN, G. KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KUPZOW, A.” KUWADA, Yoshinari LAANE, Morten M. 1131 Cir JAG B10. C.122, Gite. Gas, 1.60; 5,8, J. 122-5437, J.160 See also D.101 D.9 B.10 J.140 E7634,-6.95 See also B.59 D.67, D.108, D.110, J.141 J.142 Jit 43 LA CHAPELLE, Albert de H.178 E.641 G.107 J.145 D.100 Oly beee LACK, David Lambert see ROTHSCHILD LA COUR, Leonard Francis E.376 B.69, C.69, E.115, E.116, E.529, £.647, J.144 LAMBRECHT, Frank L. LANE, Sir Allen (Lane Williams) LANE, Miriam LANG, Th. LANGDON-DAVIES, John LASKY, Melvin Jonah G:100, 0..132,;48.507, E.510 LAWRENCE, William J.C. LASLETT, (Thomas) Peter (Ruffell) LAWRENCE, Sir William LEITENBERG, Milton LEMARCHAL, Robert ? r r e e e e e G > . 4 e . i 316 145 .145 -476 59... B68, B74), 5.8) LEHMANN, E. LESLEY, Jenny W. of 0; ds 140 w C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations LEVAN, A. LEVEILLE, A. LEVIT; Se LEVY, H. LEWIS, Dan G. LEWIS, Harlan LEWIS, Hilda, Lady LEWIS, W.- Bennett PIMENTEL, Fy 2A LIPSET, David LIVINGSTONE, Frank B. LLOYD, Brian Beynon LOCKHART-MUMMERY, J. P. LORENZ, Konrad LOTS es LOVE, Askell See H.18] EV 132 eee g See G.70 B.60, C.55, G.63, G88, H.144, J.83, J.145 H.135 D.9, E.376 E.492 J.146 D.47-D.57 H.108 C115 G.13, G.16 E.636 J.147 A.134, Cs, E:215) © one E.274, E.376, E.477, H.120, J.148 J. R: J.148 D.85 J.149 J.149 Asko ~McCALLUM, Robert B. LOVE, Doris LOVESTONE, Jay LOWNDES, Ashley G. LUDFORD, R. EVCEIT Conv. See also D127, 5-251 MeCLUNG..C.-E. McCONNELL, R.A. MACFARLANE, Eileen Whitehead formerly ERLANSON MACDONALD, James Ramsay McCANCE, Robert Alexander McCLINTOCK, Barbara E.34 D.146 D.37 C.88 G.94 A.130 McCLEAN, Douglas E.34, H.59, 22100 G./7, setae C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations McGRATH, Earl J. MACINTYRE, Angus MacKENZIE, Donald MACKIE, Euan W. McWHIRTER, Kennedy G. MAHESHWARI, P. MAINX, Felix MANDELSTAM, Joel MANTON, Irene MARKHANW, Roy MARSH, RR. W. MARSHALL, V. C. MARTENS, P. MARTIN, Nicholas MASKELL, Ernest John MASSEY, Daniel G. MATTHEY, Robert MAUD C.93 D.68 B.75 D.68, E.488, J.152 C.68, ©.71, D. 157, baa, 36153 D.105, D.107 J.154 C.57 J.128, J.130 G.89, J.144 E.151 E.644 3.154 D.133 C6, 6.77; GR Se C.74 C.9, C.6, bits) Eom G .36-G .38, G.50, G.85- G.87, G.89, G.94, J.49, 3:70, 3.155, I-16 See also £.156, E.164, E.173, G.46, G.60 MATHER, Sir Kenneth D. 27, EucEGy See also E.198 2 57 a tae MAUD, John Primatt Redcliffe, later REDCLIFFE- D.140 G.192 D.68, E.644, H.160,H.161 C.93 C.93 C6 Gig E.379 C.6, J.158 H.172 D.100 MAYR, Ernst MAYS, Wolfe MEADE, David MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) MEIGGS, Russell MELCHERS, Georg MELLANBY, Kenneth MENKEN, Jules MEREDITH, A. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations MEICALFES.C.: i R. -METRAUX, Alfred MEYERS, Charles J. MICHIE, Donald MIDDLETON, Sir Thomas H. MITCHISON, John Murdoch MOFFETT, Alan A, MORFRR, Otto Lous MONRO, George MONTAGU, M.-F. Ashley MORAN, T.. MORETON, C. Oscar MORGAN, Thomas Hunt MORRISON, Marie Vera Murray See E.83 E.18] A.12 D.100 B..27 5-8. 260; ist La J.159 D.85, G.26, H.58, H.68, J.160 B.37 E.182 E.161 C.68 H.46, J.155 See also D.62, £.649, E.650 A.153, A.165, A.188, A.193 A.193 G.14 H.58 G.58 C.717E.ias, Gira See also G.58 MORRISON, Sir (William) Murray MOTTRAM, J.C. I. MOURALCV, A. MOURANT, A. E. E.120 B.19; DOI x DL Ea; G.2/ O36, Gir roe, H.59,. J 107y 4. 12974 198 J.131, J. 38 Be 1Gta a J.224 See also D.63, D.85 D.738,/D;140,-6 27, iads H.67; Ald See also H.58, H.181 MULVANEY, D. MUNTZING, Arne J. MURRAY, (George) Gilbert (Aimé) P.O, £90,671 E.641 MULDAL, S. MULLER, Hermann Joseph MURRAY, Margaret A. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations NABAKOV, Nicolas NABOURS, Robert K. NAVASHIN, M. NEBEL, Bernard R. NEEDHAM, Joseph NEEDHAM, Rodney NELDER, John A. NEMEC, B. NEWCOMBE, Howard B. NEWELL, John NEWTON, H. C. NEWTON, Lily NEWTON, William Charles Frank NICOLSON, Victoria Mary (Vita) NILSSON-EHLE, NOBLE, Clyde E. | G.17 B.10 B.24 H.57, H.59 G.27 E.476 3.166 .35, H.41 .377, 3.166 .60, B.74, B.76 .10, E.487 .170 J.167-J.170 See also D. 64 H.4 See H.62 E.526 OEHLKERS, Friedrich Pi jae 161 ee OGDEN, Charles Kay C. Wardleworth OFFERMANN, Carlos A. OAKESHOTT, Sir Walter (Fraser) OAKESHOTT, Michael Joseph 44, C.46, C.50 216 NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) NUTTALL, H. OSBORN, Theodore George Bentley OGILVIE, Lady (Mary Helen) ORWELL, George (Eric Blair) O o a t f O OGG, Sir William Gammie o o a m a w w o C OLBY, Robert C. OLLARD, Richerd ORTON, Harold T f 84 .102 3-122, D368; 479 5/7, £683 oe lst 7; Oa O'KANE, J... C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations OSBORNE, R. Travis OSTENFELD, C. H. OWCZARZAK, Alfred OZGUC, Toksin PAGE, Ellis Batten PAINTER, Theophilus S. PANDEY, Kamla Kent PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PANTIN, William Abel PARSONEN, G._ S. PATAU, K. PATTERSON; Jy 1. PAXMAN, J. Graham 252 D.145, E.485, E.487, E.526, | E.642, £.644, H.119, H.120, | H.143, J.174 | 3 174 E.141 H.109 D.146 G.27 H.146, J.175 F.68 C74 E.641 B.24, J.176 B.24 B.60 B11, £.120, G77, J-176 B.38, G.82 H.167 G.20, H.68 E.317; 4 16a; 3:193 G .67 PE. PEARSON, Peter L. PEASE, Michael PELLEW, Caroline PEAKE, Herold !. E. PENSTON, N.L. PERIER, Philippe PEARSALL, William Harold PENROSE, Lionel Sharples 5.79 G.58, J.177 G.81 E.453, E.479, E.486, J.178 J.179 A.104 CISA Ci 1.300 H.146 D.69 E.36 E451 Sir George White PICKERING, 3. Pens Ac? PIGGOTT, Keith PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PERROTT, Roy PETAVAL, Arthur PHILP, James PHILIPSON, W. R. PIRIE, Norman Wingate C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations PLASKETT, Harry Hemley POLANI, Paul Emanuel POLANYI, Michael PONTECORVO, Guido POOLE, Austin Lane POPOVSKY, Mark POPPER, Sir Karl (Raimund) POSNETTE,. Adrian Frank (Peter) PRAIN, Sir David PRENDERGRAST, J. G. PRESTON, Reginald Dawson Petes RK; PRICE, William H, PRIESTLEY, Joseph Hubert PRINGLE, John William Sutton G.95 D.69 D.86, G.104, J.181 C.7) Gi57, G8) Jc 18zZ, J.183 A.131 3.226 E.483 C.68 B.17, B.18, B.24, B.30 H.146 C.45, G.87, G.88 C.7, G77, 3.184 D.157 E.66, J.184 E.149 J.187 PROVINE, William B. PUCK, Theodore T. PUNNETT, Reginald Crundall PRINGSHEIM, E. PROSHANSKY, Harold M. G. PURCELL, Hugh D. -PURRMANN, Robert C.49; C2525 on 45,08; H.74 See also G.86, J.184 E.692 D.146 D.147, H.161 D.27 B.11; C.J, EV E37. G.20:-G. OF: Gets 168 J.186 J.188 B.60, C.71 See also G.21 RANDOLPH “Lb... RAPKINE, Louis Fy C7, JAF J.187 RANDALL, Sir John (Turton) QUINTANILHA, A. RACE, Robert Russell C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations RATIONALIST PRESS ASSOCIATION LIMITED G.69-G.72 RAVEN, Peter H. REES, Hugh REING, Wi. E, RENNER, Otto RENSCH, B. REXWORTHY, D. R. RHOADES, Marcus M. RICHARDSON, Frank RICHARDSON, Margaret M. RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) RIEGER, Rigomar Pi RILEVS B... RILEY, Ralph E.142 E519 jE. 524, O40 J. bee Say) Giz, 8368, EoIG, E274, E3177) 5.189%) AvZ See H.165 D.95 E.19 H.140, H.142 £.66, HiS/;: oe F.4 H.111 Eizo B.60, C.57, E.676, G.22, G.96, J.194 ROBERTS, John Alexonder Fraser ROBERTSON, Muriel E.34 E.477 ROBERTSON, Robert H. S. ROBINSON, Sir Robert i DOF : C.125, E.317 D.154, H.109, J.194 RIVERS, J. ROBB-SMITH, Alistair Hamish Tioreach ROBERTS, Derek F. ROE, Anne ROSE, Frederick G. = G. A.120, G7, uae; E.476, G.86,°G.88 os oy, J,.195 See also D.142 G.75-G.102 C75 ats D.8, D.146 E.121 E.34, H.41 E.445 E.377 A.120, E.252, E.487, £.500, J.83, J.196 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Meyer Victor, Baron ROYAL AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF INDIA ROYAL SOCIETY ROSENBERG, Ofto ROSS, Michael J. ROTH, Cecil ROTHSCHILD, Miriam B52, 07 og oa 2i4 S.73 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations RUDD, E. RUDE, George RUMBLE, Sir Bertram T. RUSS, Sidney RUSSELL, Sir (Edward) John RUTISHAUSER, A. SACH, Josef SACHS AL. SAEZ, Francisco Alberto SAHNI, D. SALAMAN, Redcliffe Nathan SALISBURY, Robert Arthur James Gascoyne-Cecil, C.85 E.379 B.5, B.18, B.26, B.27, B.30 G.16 C.7, Fi28, G.77, G.8), G82. 3:90, J.11%2 1798 HeTti See also G.60 A45 .198 .92, E.140, H.60, J.198 .199 12 C.8-C 7h G. Be SANSOME, E. SAX, Karl 5th Marquess S: SANSOME, F. W. SAUNDERS, E.R. SAMUEL, Herbert Louis, Viscount SALISBURY, Sir Edward James SALMON. E> E.34, J.8 B.41, B.61 B.34, B.37, E.66, J.199 6.3, Bid, B12, 2 199 J.199 J.199 G.10 G.18, H.41 A: 120; J: 200; «5,295 H.4-H.7, J.201 D.92, J.202 J.203 E.34, H.57, H. 5.204 J.38, J.205 H.109 D.147 SCHAFER, Brenhilda SCHIEMANN, Elisabeth SCHINKEL, P. SCHRADER, Franz SCHRODINGER, Erwin G. SEAGRIM, G. SEILER, J. N. SCHULTZ, Jack SCHWIDETZKY, Ilse C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations K. SHARMA, A. SHARMAN, G. B. SHEWELL-COOPER, W. SHILS, Edward SHINE, lan E. SHOCKLEY, William (Bradford) SHULL, George H. SIMMONDS, NN. W. SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugen) SIMPSON, Esther SIMPSON, G. , SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINGER, Charles SINOTO, Y. SIRKS, M. Se H.125 H.146 B.12 E.517, G.104 D.70, £.528 J.205 See also E.516, E.517 H.6, H.41 C.8, C74, Hig G95; 3.206 Fy12 See H.165 Care. & Ge CTH. C.114, D.70, H.146, J.206 G.8, 3.110: i207 G.58 D. SMALLPIECE, Victoria SLATER, Humphrey SLATER, Sir William Kershaw SLATER, Eliot Trevor Oakeshoit SISAM, Kenneth SITWELL, Sir Sacheverell SKIDELSKY, Robert Jacob Alexander SKILBECK, Dunstan SLACK, H. H.68 See also G.27, H.67, H.70 5904 C.68 E.288 A, 120: 86k C8, G81 J.208 D.147, E.377, E.488, J.83 D.78 B.48, B.53, C.8, D.102 See also C.1 G.103 SMITH, Kenneth Manley SMITH, S. , SOCIETE BELGE DE BIOLOGIE B12, J.209 a. 20e J.277 C81 4.218 SMITH-WHITE, Spencer SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SNOW, Christine Mary C.124 C.8; 7105) 39208; 3.219 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR FREEDON IN SCIENCE SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS SOCIETY OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SONNEBORN, Tracy Morton SOROKIN, K. SPARROW, John Hanbury Angus SPEAKMAN, Maud née DARLINGTON Sree, ra O, SPOKES, Anne SPRINGALL, Harold Douglas STANLEY, John STAPLEDON, Sir George STEBBINS, G. Ledyard STEELE, Dewey, G. STERN, Curt G.103 G.104 G.105 G.105 D.86, H.83, H.92, J.211 D.102 J.55 A.179 G.13 C.125 E.265 E.205 5.212 H.166, J.213 J.213 E.34, J.225 B.34, B.39, B.40, B.41, B.45, B.48, B.61, C.3, E.139, E.268, G.77, G.81, J.214, 5.215 D.27, D.165, E.287, E.323 B.4, H.41 J.192 G.13-G.16 STOUT, A. *8; POTOUTEMY ER va Th. SUTTON, Eileen + Seen, tt. STUESSY, Robin E. STRONG, Sir Roy (Colin) STERN, Sir Frederick Claude STEVENSON, Alan Castle STRANGEWAYS RESEARCH LABORATORY B.12 See G.97 D.96, G.17 D.71 J.216 F.58, G.22, G.23 SUBAK-SHARPE, J. H. STURTEVANT, Alfred H. SUTTON, Martin A. SWAINGER, KK. H. SWANN, Donald A. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations SWEET, Gi. D, SYMONS, Dom Martin SZCZERBA-LIKIERNIK, K. TABORI, Michael TAYLOR, Sir George TAYLOR, W. Randolph TEAGUE, Gerard W. TEMPLE, George THIELKE, Ch. THODAY, John Marion THOMAS, P. J. THOMAS, Percy T. THOMPSON, Brian W. 53.64 J.216 E.181, E.182 DLT B.6F iB; £270 1217 M41, 42 E.141, E.142 A.120, G.95 See C.68 A. 120; 8.61 G8, B47 F.66, G.30, G.63, G.86, G.89, H.109 G.81 B62, J226 J.218 TIRELLI, Mario W. TOIGO, John G.77, as2t8 H.109 sch 2 sCpwo pers oY. TISCHLER, Georg TISDALE; W. E. File J.220 E a7 THOMSON, Andy D. THOMPSON, W. R. THOMPSON, Sir D'arcy Wentworth TIMOFEEFF-RESSOVSKY, N. TILNEY-BASSETT, Richard Adrian Earle B.12, E.678, J.107 TSCHERMAK-~SEYSENEGG, Erich TRUEMAN, Sir Arthur Elijah TURRILL, William Bertram TOMEINSON,. P..2°B. TRAUB, Hamilton P. TREVOR, Jack C. E.456 i221 J.221 E.377 H.96 E.490 C.88 E.67 E, 35, d.ae Bi2, 3-9 TURNER, Ashley TORPSER Je K. TURNER, John S. D.140 eee C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations GUNG rs J. UNDERWOOD, Edgar Ashworth UNSTEAD, J. F. UNWIN, Sir Stenley USSHER, Patrick VAN OSS, M.D. VARAGNAC, A. VAVILOV, Catherine VAVILOV, Nikolai Ivanovitch VEALE, Sir Douglas E.398 E.133, E.194 _ Adee a eee Ci9, D587, B24 lay eee, E161, :&. 1642, E212; £278, E.465, E.676 E.480 B26, Weer D.140 D.38 H.3-H.6, H.42, H.58, H.60, J. TAV,: L220 da5. 726 Salis fe 72-D.116 E.71-E.73, G.382, 5.93; 3.96 CT a2 3.227 J.228 5.228 H.109 D.138 E.647 VERDOORN, Frans VIG, Peter VOELCKER, O. VOGEL, Friedrich VOGT, Marthe VORONTSOV, Nikolay N. WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal G.81 C.9, E.66, E.90, G.77, Gi8l, G.107,.1.83, 1/239 E.484 WALKER, James WALLACE, J. WALLACE, 1 WAGNER, Sir Anthony (Richard) H.155 See also H.181 J.230 J.230 Ore G.27 WALKER, |. Morgan WAINES, J. Giles WAHRMAN, Jacob M. C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations WALLER, Robert WALPOLE, E. H. WALSH, R. J. WALTERS, James L. WARBURG, Otto Heinrich WATKIN, lestyn Morgan WATKINS, A. WATSON, R WAITS FS Gere, WATTS, Stephen EDGWOOD, Dame (Cicely) Veronica WELGH, Aw > ct. WELLS, George Philip WELLS, John J. WERNICH, D.- H. WHALEY, W. Gordon WHATLEY, Frederick Robert WERSKEY, Gary WETTSTEIN, F. von WEYL, Nathaniel WHEATON-SMITH, Craig wee, Fo: WHITE, Lynn WHITE, Michael James Denham See also C.69 8.62, G77, Ga. OF, S200 H.124 J.232 J.233 D.71 B.75, E.691 D.123, D.378 Ce WILLIAMS, Glanville Llewelyn WILLIAMS, Carrington Bonsor WIDDOWSON, Elsie May WILLIAMS, W. T. WILLIAMS, Watkin WHITE, Spencer Smith WHITTAKER, Robert WILCZYNSKI, Jan J.212 €.73 H.145 A.120 J.230 See also H.90 C.9, E.378, £.486, F.60, G.60 B.12, G.77 E.288 E.171, G.69-G.71 E.186, E.217 G.67 C.80 D.71 B.62, B.69 J.231 5.231 H.41, H.60 E.378, J.231 C.86 C.57 5.232 E.478 E.378 H. ta, C.9 C.D. Darlington CSAC 106/3/85 Index of individuals and organisations WILLMER, E. N. WILSON, Alison WIND, lan WINGE, @. WINIWARTER, H. de WITTS, Leslie John WOME Fe S. WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron WOODWARD, Chad WOOLHOUSE, Harold W. WOOTTON, Barbara, Baroness WRIGHT, Jonathan W. WU ss, Wrarr, H. -V. WYLIE, Ann P. G.86 J.233 E.933 C:77, 6.9 J.233 J.233 E.14] E202 C.9 B.77 BiZo¢ E.141 J.234 C.45 E.268, H.146 YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Michael ZULUETA, Julian de _ZERBIN-RUDIN, Edith ZIRKLE, Conway YATES, Frank YATES, Pauline YOUNG, Géryke YOUNG, Wayland later KENNETT G81. 3.50, 3:236 D.72 J.235 C.9, E.485 E.287 D.123 E.641, J.236 E.288 D.96 H.109 C.9, D.116, E.378, F.9, G.81, G.85, G.106, G.107 H.106, J.236 ZOHARY, Daniel ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron