THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of COLONEL JOHN CUNNINGHAM CIE, FRSE (1880-1968) deposited in the Library of the University of Edinburgh Archives Centre (CSAC £3/7/76) y London WC2A 1HP ' Reproduced for the Contemporary Scfientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 76/38 1976 All rights reserved THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CSAC 43/7/76 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Report on the papers of Colonel John Cunningham CIE, FRSE Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel (1880 - 1968) 1976 Deposited in the Library of the University of Edinburgh JC CSAC 43/7/76 Description of the collection The collection was received from Miss Mary and Dr. Daniel Cunningham, \ children of Colonel Cunningham. Colonel Cunningham was the eldest son of Professor Daniel John t Cunningham (see CSAC handlist 42/6/76), and brother of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope and General Sir Alan Cunniimgham. The collection consists almost entirely of professional and scientific material and photographs; one or two personal photographs of Gunningham, his family and their quarters at stations in India are noted in Section B of tie handlist. |The photographs of the settlements, jails, village conditions, etc. are of interest. Sections C - F relate to medical research of particular interest to Cunningham during his service in India: see the introductory notes ito each section. Some account of his work on Rehabilitation at the Astley Ainslie Instiitution, Edinburgh, is given in Item A.1; some material relating to this work remains in family hands. Descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the manuscripts; all work is manuscript unless otherwise indicated. The help of Dr. Daniel Cunningham and Dr. Michael Dunnill is gratefully acknowledged. JC CSAC 43/7/76 Summary of the career of Colonel Cunningham b.1881 . 1890-95 1895-99 Educ. Loretto School Epsom College 1899-1903 Trinity College, Dublin 1904 1905 1906 1908 1912 1915-16 1916 1919-26 . 1925-29 Edinburgh University entered Indian Medical Service M.D., Trinity College, Dublin Assistant Director, Bacteriological Laberatory, Bombay Secretary, Pathological Section, Bombay Medical Congress Assistant Director, Pasteur Central Research Institute, Kasauli, Punjab War service on Indian North-west frontier (mentioned in dispatches) Acting Director, Pasteur Institute, Kasauli married Bertha Emily Chapman Director, King Institute, Madras Director, Pasteur Institute, Kasauli General Organising Secretary, Severiih Congress of the Far Eastern 1927 1928 1929-48 1930 1951-59 1954 A. Contents of the handlist Association of Tropical Medicine Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Hon. Fellow, World Federation of Occupational Therapists First Medical Superintendant, Astley Aiinslie Institution, Edinburgh Chairman, Board of Management, Astley Ainslie, Edenhall and associated Reports & Publications Obituaries & Personal Notebooks & Bibliographies Seventh Congress, Far Eastern Assn. Work on Vaccine Lymph of Tropical Medicine Photographs taken in India Work on Dysentery Work on Relapsing Fever Work on Rabies G hei hospitals “JC CSAC 43/7/76 A, Miscellaneous obituaries and personal A.1 Application by JC for an appointment in 1926, which includes a full account of his career to that date. rehabilitation on appointment to Astley Ainslie Institution, Edinburgh. Obituary, Year Book Roy. Soc. Edin. 1967 - 68. Lists of scientific publications and papers. Outline of JC's work on Notebooks and bibliographies A.2-A.18 Notes, mainly on phthisis cases, inscribed inside front cover by Cunningham, ‘work carried out by JC in 1905-6 while resident in R.1.E. [Koyal Infirmary, Edinburgh] as H.P. to Dr. G.A. Gibson after a visit to Sir Almroth Wright's Laboratory in St. Mary's Hospital, London, to learn bacteriological techniques. were written up and formed the subject of my thesis for the M.D. at T.C.D. in 1906". The results Sheaf of notes 'Dysentery Inquiry Notes": account of scheme, methods and records, tours of inspection of jails, etc. See also Section C. Loose notes on Chemotherapy. 2 black loose-leaf notebooks. Spirochaetes. A.5 contains index to botln books. Notes on tle literature, mainly on Aa? = “3B-S A.1C. ‘D’ A.11_ Book "“A' is missing and there are They contain notes on the literature, and Black loose-leaf notebook. paper or discussion, on malaria and other iiropical diseases. Notes on the lliiterature, and also for Small loose-leaf notebook, labelled on spiine and on front page "Notes on Diarrhoea’. Series of loose-leaf notebooks with alphabetical guides on spine and in body of the book. notes for lectures and addresses. 2 books labelled 'R'. includes notes on Spirochaeiies and Relapsing Fever. course on Entomology, Helmsiinthology, Protozoology, Edinburgh 1920'. 'E-G', with note on first page 'Ne@fes on Prof. Ashworth's both contain exfensive notes on the literature 'R', A.15 'R'; of rabies. 'H-O' (continues A.11). 'p.qQ! 'S'; JC CSAC 43/7/76 A.17 'T-Z'; includes tables of equipment, chemicals, sera, special apparatus, etc. (perhaps for Kasauli Pasteur Research Institute). Folder of misc. bibliographical references. Photographs B.1-B.11 Colonel Cunningham took a large number of photographs during his long service in India 1905-1928. The subjects are both professional and personal. They include the institutes and laboratories in which JC worked, their personnel, equipment and facilities and the work carried out in them; the scenery and surrounding villages, and the native population. service at Peshawar during the First World War. there are also photographs of JC's own quarters, his family and friends, deals with JC's B.2 Not all the original photographs survive. JC appears to have gone through them during his retirement (c.1961), often adding dates and descriptions, and sometimes noting losses of negatives. It at There are three albums (B.1-B.3) mainly of scientific work, including war service. The remainder are loose mounted photographs; all bear on verso numbers, dates and des- criptions added by JC in 1961. been kept in boxes, and that many are missing. note of the original box designations given by JC. given in view of JC's own descriptions on verso. ‘double extension’, intended to be viewed through a device giving a stereoscopic effect. is clear from these notes that the negatives had originally Numbers B.4-B.11 in the list below have a The photographs in B.4-B.11 are all Only a brief note of the contents is Album of photographs 1915, of war service in Peshawar. medical and some personal photographs, some interleaved with descriptions and identifications added by JC in 1961. Album of photographs (c) 1915-16 , illustrating the large-scale preparation of vaccine lymph for the forces in India, Miesopotamia, E. Africa, Egypt and the East. As material was in short supply, beer and whiskey botiles sometimes had to be used to hold the vaccine, as can be seen in some of the photographs. Two prints of one photograph of Keasauli 1917 (print dated 1964). Album of photographs 1919-1924 of the King Institute, Madras, its laboratories, personnel, equipment; with descriptions and identifications added by JC in 1961. "Box XIX', nos. 1, Kasauli 1916-17; scenery, surroundings, @wn quarters. "Box XX', nos. 1, 3-6, 8-11, 13, 14 Kasauli 1916-18; scenery, own quarters, personnel (nos. 2 and 11 are Military, 2, 4-17 of JC) "XXI'. JC CSAC 43/7/76 B.7 'XXII', nos. 1-11, 13-21 Kasauli 1912-16 and visit to friends and village in Punjab 1917 (no.14 is of JC). 'XXIII', nos. 1, 3-10, 11-13 Kasauli 1918; of winter snows. "Box XXIV', nos. 1-16 Kasauli 1912-16; Central Research Institu@e, settlement and surroundings. 'XKVI', nossa, 24-26, 26, 3-13 Barisal, E. Bengal 1913-14; of jail, prisomers, Black Watch parade. Many of the photographs relate to the enquiiry into dysentery conducted by JC 1912-14, see Section C. 'B.8', nos. 1-8 Madras 1921-25; Nawabs Gardens, and family photographs. C. Work on Dysentery C.1-C.3 Cunningham and Captain H. King undertook an enquiiry into the disease in Bengal in 1912, the results being published as 'Dysentery in the Jaills of Eastern Bengal', Indian J. Med. Res., IV, 3, 1917, V. both before and after the enquiry (see list of publications 1m Section H). JC published other papers on the disease 1 and 2, 1917, Section C contains: the paper was read by JC and! iincludes his ms. introductory The work is presented chronologically as far as possiible. Ditto, 1922-24, case-histories of monkeys inoculated from other analyses, post- Much of this material refers to Barisal Jail, see photorgraphs in B.10. Work on Relapsing Fever D.1-D.65 C3 D.1 D.2 Central Res. Institute folder entitled 'Dysemtery Enquiry 1912-14. of cases and types of organism’. List Box of casenotes of prisoners suffering frorm dysentery; mortems, etc. Preliminary paper 'Dysentery, Problems and! Proposals', prepared by JC and Major W. Harvey for the All-India Saniitary Conference, Madras, Nov. 1912; remarks on the last page. experimental animals. Relapsing Fever, and his outstanding successes in that field" are described by Professor A.D. The various research documents and note- Gardner in his obituary notice of JC (A.1). books cover the period 1922-29, JC's first pub! ications on. tthe subject dating from 19253 File of cards 1922-24, charting case-histaries of squirrels inoculated from other experimental animals (squirrels: and monkeys). JC's 'prolonged and extensive researches on the baciteriology and immunology of JC CSAC 43/7/76 D.3 Ditto, of mice (1922), rats and other animals (1924), immunity charts (1924). relapsing fever in patients' blood. Some of these relate to experiments on rat bite fever and Sequence of laboratory notebooks numbered 1 are kept in their original order, though this is not always chronological, a brief note and not all the work is directly related to Relapsing Fever; of the contents is given below. Not all the work is in JC's hand. - 35b by JC. The books D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 'No.I', 1922-23 dated notes and experiments. 'Relopsing Fever 1-a', 1924. magnifications. Notes on microphotography (not included in JC's numbered sequence) 1923. plans for series of experiments. Notebook with 'No.II', 'Relapsing Fever Immunify Experiments. from 23/4/24". Includes some correspondence, 1925, from J.H. Theodore, JC's collaborator and co-author, aind some notes on human sera. 2nd series 'No.III', 1924, dated notes and experiments (including some 1928). 'No.IV', 'P. Mortems 1922-24'. 'No.V', ‘Morphology’, 1923. Dated blood-counts of momikeys Oct.-Nov. 1922. Notes, graphs, counts, etc. of spirachaetes in 'No.VII'. laboratory monkeys, 1923, and notte on 'Spironema motility’ dated 1929. 'No.VI', ‘Experiments Lice’; 10. ms. draft titled on p.7: 'Result of experiments conducted te find out the feasibility of making use of sunlight for the destruction of lice in infested clothing'. of relapsing fever', May-June 1923. ‘X', work described inside front cover as ‘Blood and leucocyte count of monkeys inoculated with: ithe spironema of relapsing fever', Nov.-Dec. 1922. 'XIV', work described inside front? cover as 'Haemocytometric count of R.B.C. & W.B,C. of squiirrels infected with Spirochaetes June-July 1923. 'XI'. Similar observations. June: 1923. bevel June-July 1923. above 'IX'. IE eis. as 0s JC CSAC 43/7/76 D.19 'XV'. Book titled on front cover ‘Animal Expt. Book': on rats and monkeys to test lice as carriers of relapsing fever, 1923; Notes and draft for paper ‘Relapsing Fever in S. India’, (based on severe epidemic 1921-22). Back cover entitled 'Lice Book" and inside ‘Experiments with Lice’, also related to relapsing fever epidemic, 1923. 'XVI'. Expts. on squirrels 1925-26 XVII". XVI". ALA 4 as as as above 1926-27 above 1927-28 above 1928 'XX'. Notebook of work described inside front cover 'To ascertain the Drug Resistance to Nowarsensobillon (May & Baker, London) by Spirochaetes strains A. B. C.D. E. G. Plan of experiments to be carried owt, and detailed laboratory observations 1927. .25 26 'XXI', labelled on front cover 'Relagsing Fever enquiry. Genealogical tree’. 'XXII'. Laboratory experiment notebook 1926-27. 1926. 1927-28. 1925-28; 1926-28; -27-D.29 D.27 D.28 'XXIII'. and P. strains' 1926. D.29 Similar tests 1926. 'No.XXIV'. Misc. tests as above 1927. Misc. tests of labelled spimochaete strains 1927. ‘Test of E. Spirochaete agaimst its own serum’ 'To test the purity of D. Strain ... E strain... A 3 small black notebooks originally inserted in D. 26: 'No.XXV'. Misc. tests as above, “various squirrel sera' 1928-29. 'XXVI', labelled on front cover ‘Serum Register’; at front: later in book: at rear of book: tables of 'Madras Monkeys’ Sera’ tables of spirochaetes strains Notebook labelled on freant cover 'Relapsing 'XXVIII'. Fever inquiry. inside front cover, complete list of animals treated Salvarsan Second Series'; includes, pasted 1928. 'XXIX'. Misc. tests in 'Salvarsan second series' 'XXVII'. Misc. tests of labelled strains 1928-29. ‘Human Sera’ 1924-28, JC CSAC 43/7/76 37 'Figures' (some loose sheefs inserted) first page 'XXX', dated 1926, no dates given for experimental data, In 1929, JC became Medical Superintendant of the Note: Astley Ainslie Institution, Edinburgl,, and continued his interest in and publications on trepiecal medicine from his own material, and through corresponslence, specimens and information from colleagues. consequence bulkier and more heterexgeneous and have been sub-divided to more manageable size: in the list below. The oriiginal files are in 1925-27". 'XXXI, inscribed on cover ‘Relapsing; Fever, Immunity. Series II]. Misc. contents, including notes on tthe literature and ms. drafts ‘Original proposals for future work on relapsing fever 1925-26, 1926-27', and ‘Proposals showing lines of work to be undertaken for the relapsing fever inquiry during the year 1928-29' (see also D.39-D.42 below). D.39-D.42 Folders originally enclosed with: D. 38: D.39 'Madras strains and sera' 1925-26, with correspondence with J.H. Theodore D.40 D.41 D.42 'General' 1926-28, with letter to J.H. Theodore 2nd relapses’ "Immunity. ‘Punjab Strains’ (graphs of latbelled strains, with laboratory observations amd calculations) Part Il. D.44-D.50 D.44 D.45 'Punjab'; Ms. and typescript draft:: 'Further Observations on Folders originally enclosed witth D.43, giving data of incidence and treatment of Relapsimg Fever epidemics in various areas of India, and related correspondence: ‘European Strains Corresponeence' 1930-32 'XXXII'. Tihe Serology of Relapsing Indian Relapsing Fever. Fever in Human Beings', by JC andi A.G.L. Fraser (see also D.44-D.51 below). Misc. records and notes orm fevers Cases fresm the Kurram Valley’; correspondence and reports of cases 1926-29 correspondence «nd case-notes 1927-28 with Public Health offiicials in India 1926-27, reports on epidemics in Multan area in Dera Ghazi Khan (papers originally the: possession of Col. J.A. Sinton, V.C.) contains material’ on 'Hazro Strain’, correspondence Cases, notes and corresponitlence on tick-fever 1915-17 'Quetia'; 'Drosh', as above, 1928 ‘Relapsing Fever. JC CSAC 43/7/76 D5! Immunity Experiments. 'XXXIIla_ Notes on the literature; experimental animals 1928-29. Series IV." laboratory observations and data on (originally included with D.51) Ms. and typescript drafts: relapsing fever. Fraser 1936, and letter from A.G.L. Fraser 1929. further observations on Indian Part III, and Part IV by JC and A.G.L. "XXXIV (a) Immunity Experiments. Mss. and experimental data 1926-28. Series IV." 'XXXIV (b) Relapsing Fever Immunity Experiments. Series iv. Small black notebook of experimental data, calculations '34c', and graphs, n.d. '34d', ditto 1928 oF ‘35q': . dite 1929 D.58 Notebook labelled on cover 'No.35b Passage Book ending March 1929’. Ms. and typescript drafts, and charts for ‘Further observations on Indian Relapsing Fever Part I, by J. Cunningham, T.H. Theodore and A.G.L. Fraser’. Feb. 1936'. 17 pp. includes 3 folders: D.62 D.63-D.65 ‘Relapsing Fever. General Index. ' for 'His Excellency The Viceroy's visit on 4.10.1928'. Material assembled for an exhibition of work on Relapsing Fever Misc. file of correspondence 1929-46 on relapsing fever; tnotes read at the Medical Congress Bombay Jan. 1919! (on dysentery). 'Observations of Relapsing Fever in India’, lecture with note by Je ‘delivered to Edinburgh Branch of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Other photographs and diagrams of diseases Outline of exhibition, cards of exhibits (not complete) and Photographs of villages and patients with relapsing fever photographs of laboratory animals D.&3 D.64 D.65. JC CSAC 43/7/76 E: Work on Rabies E.1-E.26 While the treatment of rabies had always been an important part of the work of the Pasteur Institutes in india, JC, on his appointment as Director at Kasauli, initiated a major research programme concerned chiefly with the comparative efficacy of etherised The ond carbolised vaccines, and of living and dead virus (see especially E.] and £.15). high incidence of the disease in India (8,000 cases per annum being treated at the Kasauli Institute alone), and the special geographical and social involved administrative decisions about centralised specialist research institutes as opposed to local treatment centres. conditions prevailing, also The first results of JC's research programme were presented at the International Rabies Conference at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, April 1927 (see E.16). in collaboration, as An investigation into the value of an etherised vaccine in the prophylactic treatment of rabies, Parts I-VIII, 1926-1933, and A new technique for handling infected monkeys, 1929. They were published, The papers are presented as follows: E.1-E.11 E.12-E.26 Laboratory experiments, case-notes and phaitographs. Correspondence and reports, including prewious work carried out at Kasauli under earlier Directors and officers (especially Major W.D.H. Stevenson and Colonel H.H. King). Ms. notes by JC, ‘Schema Antirabic Experiments’, probably Jan. 1926. are experimental resulis, case-notes and carrespondence based on the above. 1926-27. 1925-27. eo E.6 ey E.3 E.9 1926-28. E.2 E.3 E.4 'Carbolised vaccine. Resistance fo Ether' 1926-27. 'Ether Experiments |. — ‘Paris Virus’ 1926-27. 'Ether Experiments I]. ‘Corneal Scarification' Patients afier-effects, etc’ Immunity tests in animals’ "Ether Experiments Ill. Human Cases treated Ether virus’ for handling infected monkeys, Ind. J. Med. Res. 1929.) Photographs of equipment devised for handiling expt. animals at Kasauti. (4 of these were used as plates to illustrate J.C's article A new technique Photographs of patients suffering from rabid bites, with details of treatment and results 'Single and multiple types virus’, 1926-27. Etherised brains 1929. 1926. 1926-27. JC CSAC 43/7/76 E.12-E.14 Correspondence and reports relating to wark on rabies at Kasauli and other Pasteur Institutes 1924-25. of storage and temperature on vaccines, cwwd refers to work carried out by JC's predecessors, Major W.D.H. Stevenson and Colonel H.H. King. Thits concerns dosage, effects 3 folders. Correspondence and reporis by and to JC, lan. 1926-Feb. 1927; includes letter and report from Colonel A.G. McKendrick, Dec. 1925, which suggested the research to compare carbolised and etherised vaccine preparations. Correspondence and reports by and to JC, ‘March-July 1927, dealing especially with International Rabies Confererce, Pasteur Institute, Paris, April 1927, with official report andi:resolutions, notes by the Indian Government representative Colonel: J. Taylor, and the League of Nations representative Colonel A.G. MicKendrick, and their Ms. correspondence and accounts of the preceedings sent to JC. (See especially Col. McKendrick's letter @f 11 May 1927 in which passing reference is also made (p.4.) to J's father, Professor D. J. Cunningham FRS. ) Further notes and reports on International Rabies Conference and on continuing Rabies Research programme iin India. 1927 Correspondence and reports Aug. 1927-Julhy 1928. bare, £.23 1934 Correspondence and reports Jan.-July 192. Correspondence and reports Aug. 1929-Apiril 1931. The comparative immunizing value of Carbolized, 2 folders. E.a0 Ewa | E.24 Correspondence and reports Aug.-Dec. 1428, including Rabies Conference, Calcutta, Dec. 1928. Comments by A. Hempt, Pasteur Institute @f Novisad, Yugoslavia, on Kasauli experiments, and correspondemme arising. Mss. drafts, notes, tables and correspondemce relating to work on rabies, and especially to publication of Part VIII of JC's Investigation: Ether-Carbolized and Etherized Vaccines. research. Correspondence with publishers, draft of article, photographs Article by JC on rabies, written for Britisla Surgical Practice, VII. 1947-50 E.26 Misc. correspondence with colie@agues on recent rabies £. 20g bi 20 E.25 JC CSAC 43/7/76 F. Work on Vaccine lymph F.1 - F.7 This work was carried out at the King Institute in Madras, which was'the principal research laboratory in the public health and bacteriological service in the Madras Presidency as well as serving as the Vaccine lymph depot for the area" (A.G. Gardner: obituary, see A.1). (See also photographs in B.3.) Pid Folder, cover inscribed 'Vaccine Lymph‘: intracutaneous injection of lymph’. Ms. Plans of courses of experiments, descriptions and photographs of experimental animals. Abstract fer paper ‘Studies in Vaccinial Imamunity in Rabbits', and Ms. draft of paper. ‘Immunization by sub 1924 Folder, inscribed inside ‘Experiments on fixe Correlation between "PH" and potency of lymph 1924'. and photographs. Details of experiments Ms. and photographs, ‘Generalised vaccimia on calf and its succeeding generations’, Ms. and photographs of vaccines on a cock. ‘Practice of Vaccination’; circular. draft and photagraphs for official Misc. photographs of vaccinated rabbit, buffalo, and calf. The Congress was held in Calcutta, 5-11 Dec. 1927; JC was General Seventh Congress of The Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine G.1-G.6 Misc. photographs of vaccinated Indian amd European children, showing use of glycerine and lanoline vaccines (1921-22), and of rotary lancet (1924) (includes photograyshs of immune reactions of JC's own children 1920). Orders, and procedure regarding Ceremonies, etc. JC's Report on the Congress, Parts I-IV. Only Part Il, dealing with the proceedings of the congress itself, was published by the Government of India Press, Calcutta, 1929 (see G.5). Parts I, Ill and IV, dealing with the organisation. of the congress, were not published. Specimens of Congress Literature, Circulars, Cards and Badges, etc, Part IV Important Administrative papers, Circular letters, Part Il Report on The Proceedings of the Seventh Congress Honorary secretaries of Local Cammittees G. Organising Secretary. G.1-G.4 Part | Partlll JC CSAC 43/7/76 G5 G.6 Published Report of the Congress, Calcutta, 1929 JC's Press-cuttings book of the Congress. H. Lectures, Reports and Publications H.1 -H.25 H.1-H.6 H.7-H.9 H.10 Annual Reports of the King Institute, 1919, 1920-21, 1921-22, 1922-23, 1923-24 and press cuttings. Annual Reports of the Pasteur Institute, Kasauli 1925, T3926; 1927. Work on Public Health Propaganda in Madras (with index by JC) includes JC's Memorandum on ‘Health Propaganda’ 1921-25; Board, notes for lecture-demonstration, misc. printed health propaganda material, and JC's ‘Report on the work done during deputation in England 1921' describing visits to laboratories, tropical medicine schools, equipment manufacturers, etc. H.11-H.24 Lectures and papers by JC on tropical medicine: H.11 H.12 'Micro-organisms and their relationship to disease’ 23 August 1922 11 pp. "Snakes and Snakebites' and 'Snake Venom', delivered to Madras Medical College Association. 13 pp. and 14 pp. Sept. 1922 24 pp. 'The value of the Bacteriologist fo the Clinician’ 11 pp. 8 Dec. 1922 "Some observations on Experimental Inoculation with Spironemarecurrentis', given at Lucknow Congress 1922 8 pp. "Relapsing Fever', delivered to British Medical Association of Madras Presidency 20 pp. 6 Dec. 1922 "Some factors in racial immunity @nd susceptibility to disease', read to Royal Anthropofegical Society, London, 3 June 1925, and subsequently published in Man 7 Feb. 1936 'The Serology of Spironema Cartferi in the Indian form of Relapsing Fever', to be read at Congress of Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Tokyo 1925. Text and photographs. "Lecture on principles of immunify and inoculation, to P.T. Class, Kasauli, June 7 1926' 8 pp. ‘Review of Acton and Knowles: 10/8/28' (some pages missing). ‘Lecture on Tropical Medicine’ Dysenteries of India JC. CSACHR 2G H.21 H.22 H.23 H.24 'Two talks on gas warfare and treatment. to nurses Oct. 1940' Given On toxins n.d. To 'National Council of Women’ n.d. On ‘Blood cultures' Publications by JC and collaborators. JC drew up a list of his publications, not always complete or in chronological order; the offprints are in the numbered sequence drawn up by him.
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin