Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Keith Gordon Cox FRS (1933-1998) NCUACS catalogue no. 96/1/01 by Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Description level: | Fonds Date of material: 1951-1998 Deposited in: Title: Compiled by: Extent of material: ca 500 items Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Keith Gordon Cox FRS (1933-1998), geologist NCUACS catalogue no. 96/1/01 © 2001 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Oxford University Museum of Natural History Reference code: GB 0462 OUMNH Cox papers K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN PARKS ROAD OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OXFORD OX1 3PW K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES SECTION D LECTURES AND CONFERENCES SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.16 SECTION J J.1-J.104 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.73 SECTION H NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ H.1-H.27 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mrs Cox and from the Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences via Professor W.J. Kennedy, on various dates June 1999 - October 2000. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF KEITH GORDON COX Keith Gordon Cox was born in 1933 in Birmingham where his father Ernest Gordon (later Sir Gordon) Cox was Reader in Chemistry at the University of Birmingham. In 1940, after the outbreak of the Second World War, and along with other children of Birmingham University families, he and his sister Pat were evacuated to Canada and spent the next four years in Toronto. Returning the England in autumn 1945, Cox went to King Edward VI School, Birmingham, and subsequently to Leeds Grammar School on his father’s appointment as Professor of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry at the University. In 1950 he was awarded a Hastings Scholarship at The Queen’s College Oxford. At this time, the National Service Act was still in force and Cox served in the Royal Engineers in Hamburg and Berlin, acquiring a useful knowledge of German. He took up his scholarship at Queen’s in 1952 and graduated with First Class Honours in geology in 1956. His postgraduate work was at the Research Institute of African Studies at Leeds University, where he was the first Oppenheimer Scholar. intrusive rocks from the Earth’s depths which carry with them samples of the Earth’s mantle. In 1957 his field season took him for the first time to Southern Africa (Northern and Southern Rhodesia), mapping the igneous complex of the Nuanetsi River, which became the subject of his research developed to encompass the source of basalts in the Earth’s mantle, the ascent of mantle Africa to the late Cretaceous sequences known as the ‘Deccan Traps’ in north-west India. His thesis and began his main research interest, basaltic lavas. This is the Earth’s most abundant volcanic rock. Cox’s studies on basalts took him from the Jurassic ‘flood basalt’ lavas of south-east elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1988. University as University Lecturer, spending 1971 on a Royal Society European Fellowship at Ruhr Petrology 1990) and in 1973 was elected to a Senior Research Fellowship at Jesus College. He was Universitat Bochum, Germany. In 1972 he was appointed Lecturer in Geology at Oxford (Reader in plumes and the evidence of continental break-up. In his work Cox extensively studied kimberlites, In 1960 Cox married Gillian Palmer and in 1962 moved to the Grant Institute of Geology at Edinburgh K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 In 1997, after many years of full participation in all the teaching, research and administrative activities of the Department and university, Cox had indicated his intention to resign with effect from 30 September 1998, and his retirement had been marked with parties and celebrations at the end of his last Trinity (summer) term 1998. On 27 August, during a sailing holiday with his wife, he was lost at sea in an accident off the coast of Mull in the Hebrides. The shock of the event, and of the heroic attempts at rescue by his wife, herself injured in the accident, elicited many tributes at memorial services and in a special issue of the Journal of Petrology, vol 41 (2000). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of contents. It covers the period 1951-1998. Preponderantly, however, it dates from Cox’s time at Oxford from 1972 to his death. There are no direct remaining records of his work at Edinburgh, and only his doctoral thesis commemorates the Leeds period. Section A, Biographical and personal, includes Cox’s incomplete autobiographical account of his career, his doctoral thesis at Leeds, and correspondence showing his concern with the life, work and gardens of Jesus College Oxford where he was Senior Research Fellow and Garden Master. The whose elucidation Cox was an acknowledged master. Siberia and Italy. The material includes correspondence, research proposals, plans and results, data, analyses, calculations, and drafts for papers (though these are few). Diagrams, charts and maps have been left in place when closely related to the work, although additional non-textual material, maps or photographs are in Section J. The interpretation of results promoted the devising as well as the scholarly achievements throughout his career. Section B, Research, covers Cox’s work on volcanic basalts in diverse regions of the globe. Beginning with Southern African and the Karoo basalts, Cox extended his field work to Aden, Yemen, account of his death and the many tributes received from school friends, research students and senior colleagues give insights into his friendliness, dry humour, unpretentious charm and integrity, the Deccan, Brazil, Scotland and the Falklands, while his research students contributed work in introductory information for participants, and the detailed maps provided. of techniques such as x-ray fluorescence and the computerisation of complex experimental data at attached to accurate geological mapping can be seen in the material for student field trips, his own which follows the development of Cox’s research interests and methodology. The importance he Section C, Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences, includes teaching and lecture material, K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Section D, Lectures and conferences, is a scanty section which does not adequately record Cox's activities. He was a lively lecturer to conferences but virtually never wrote or delivered a prepared text. Section E, Publications, editorial and advisory, is also deficient in drafts or manuscripts for Cox’s own publications, but gives quite a full picture of his extensive involvement in editorial and refereeing work. He had a long association with the Journal of Petrology of which he was Managing Editor from 1972 and where many of his papers were published. He was also highly regarded as a prompt and careful referee and reviewer by many other journals in the UK and overseas. Section F, Societies and organisations, is another somewhat thin section. Cox did not actively seek out participation in the public life of science or in general advisory work. There is documentation of his Chairmanship of the Scientific Advisory Board of GEOMAR (the Research Centre for Marine Geosciences at Kiel) and some of his appointments and work at the Royal Society. Section G, Correspondence, often provides a useful complement to the research material, being almost entirely concerned with research and publications, though it is mainly confined to the Oxford period. Cox adopted electronic communication enthusiastically in his later years, leaving 18 disks of miscellaneous outgoing material from which the correspondence of the 1990s has been assembled. Cox appears not to have retained all his incoming letters. reproduced. Cox was a talented amateur water-colourist and several of the maps and diagrams Section J, Non-textual material, comprises transparencies, maps, diagrams and photographs, the Section H, References and recommendations, deals with academic or institutional appointments. latter including a famous photograph of the Deccan Traps which was frequently borrowed and held in the Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences, catalogue ref: MUG 0611-0635. An extensive collection of 25 boxes of rock specimens assembled by Cox from various locations is LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL Mrs Cox retains letters and memorabilia. show his skill. There is also an index of correspondents. Miss P.A. Cox (Cox’s sister) retains letters relating to early days and to Cox’s early expeditions. K. G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 A smaller collection of geological specimens, mainly of African rocks, is held in the University of Leeds. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mrs Cox for making material available and for her advice and encouragement and to Mrs P. McNiff (Cox’s secretary) for much helpful information. Thanks are due to Professor W.J. Kennedy, Dr J.D. Bell and Mr K. Walsh for help in identifying and describing documents, photographs and maps. Mr R. Hall has given expert help in the care and storage of sometimes fragile material. J.B. Alton T.E. Powell Bath, 2001 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1992-[1998] Miscellaneous cvs and information, prepared at various dates: 20 May 1992. 23 April 1995. Appraisal form 1995. HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise 1996. Miscellaneous biographical information: Cox’s doctoral thesis, presented May 1960. Another copy is held in the List of publications. 7pp typescript. Short note for publication 1983. Cox’s report on his sabbatical leave from Oxford University 1993-1994. Autobiographical account, printed out from Cox’s computer where it was found at his death. Probably intended for a fuller autobiography, it covers Cox's career in fair detail up to 1957, and then gives a brief unfinished account of his expedition to the Falkland Islands in 1985. Kennedy Library, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds. ‘The geology of the Masukwe igneous complex and its relation to the main granophyre Nuanetsi district, Southern Rhodesia’. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1960-1999 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Biographical and personal Election to Arthur Holmes Society, Durham, 1986. Award of Murchison Medal of the Geological Society, 1986. One letter only. See also F.1. Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1988 Letters of congratulation, mainly photocopies, a few with replies. Many additional letters and messages remain in family hands. B-G. Brief correspondence re Oxford University appointments, 1990-1998. Election to Honorary Fellowship of the Geological Society of India, 1994. Ad hominem Readership in Petrology, 1990. Grant from Lockey Bequest, 1991. Intention to retire with effect from 30 September 1998 at age 65, 1997. Conferral of title of Reader Emeritus June 1998 (Cox died in August 1998). recommendations for prizes, scholarships, etc., 1991-1996. Correspondence and papers re Jesus College, Oxford, 1991-1999. Correspondence Cox was elected to valued the connection highly taking Gardens. He was Garden Master from 1991, and Vice- until his death. a Senior Research Fellowship at Jesus in 1973. He the College Principal from 1995 a special interest in admissions, on academic A.13-A.16 affairs of the college, K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Biographical and personal Personal correspondence, requests for grants, sabbatical leave, 1993-1998. Correspondence on Memorial Garden for Peter Brunet, 1991-1996. gardens, college including Fellows’ Garden and Correspondence on the commission of a Weather Vane given by Mrs Cox in memory of her husband and installed May 1999. Miscellaneous shorter personal and social correspondence, 1992- 1997. A.18-A.25 Correspondence and papers re Cox’s death. Cox was lost in a sailing accident off the Isle of Mull on 27 August 1998. He had resigned from the university and was enjoying a holiday with his wife Gillian who was with him when he The unexpected and tragic circumstances of the event and Mrs Cox’s attempts to rescue him were widely reported. Memorial services held at Kennington village church and at Jesus College gave rise to many tributes and letters of condolence. died. A.21-A.25 Published obituaries, memorial orders of service. Manuscript tributes by colleagues and friends given at memorial services: Published reports of the accident, Mrs Cox’s account of the accident and her own injuries and rescue attempt, photograph of memorial plaque on Mull. remain in family hands. J.D. Bell, ‘A life at Oxford’. A.J. Downs, ‘A college perspective’. S.G. Moorbath, ‘For Keith’ A.J. Moore, (Jesus College). M.J. O’Hara. R.Rose, ‘Keith Cox - some memories’ (school and university recollections). C. Semple (school friend). L. Sloman (doctoral student). Letters of condolence (photocopies). Many additional letters and messages K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Biographical and personal K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION B RESEARCH The material is presented alphabetically, by area or topic, although it is realised that this does not necessarily correspond to the chronological order of Cox’s research. The material may include correspondence, research proposals, plans and results, data, analyses, calculations, drafts for papers (though these are few). Diagrams, charts and maps have been left in place when closely related to the work. Additional non-textual material, maps or photographs are in Section J. The correspondence in Section G is almost entirely concerned with research. Other projects can be followed in correspondence with B. Gianetti (on Roccamonfina) and E.M. Piccirillo (on Parana basalts, Brazil). The material is presented as follows: B.1-B.7 ADEN B.8-B.32 AFRICA B.38-B.48 DECCAN B.33-B.37 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS JOINT OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTIONS FOR DEEP EARTH SAMPLING (JOIDES) MISCELLANEOUS X-RAY FLUORESCENCE (XRF) B.53-B.63 SHUQRA, YEMEN B.52 MANTLE PLUMES B.49-B.51 B.64-B.68 B.69-B.74 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research ca 1965-1972 Most of this material relates to expeditions, research and publications in collaboration with I.G. Gass and D.I.J. Mallick, during Cox’s period at the Grant Collaborative papers were published in 1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1973. of Geology at Edinburgh. Institute See also work on Shugqra, Yemen. Letter from |.G. Gass on analysis of specimens 1966, lists of specimens sent for analysis 1967. Drawings and diagrams of the area, some by Cox. ‘Petrographic studies of Shamsan Caldera series rocks’, manuscript draft and notes, perhaps for lectures. detailed ‘Descriptions of experimental charges, Aden’, ‘Experimental Petrology’. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Cox’s manuscript notes on the literature of Aden vulcanism, n.d. ‘Some Aden conclusions’, notes and diagrams 10 January 1972. Includes miscellaneous charts and calculations, 1p dated 25 October 1971. See also J.1-J.6. Envelope of aerial photographs of Aden taken 25 and 26 April 1962, many with annotations, indications of location of specimens or descriptions of rocks on recto, some annotated on verso. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research AFRICA 1964-1996 The basaltic rocks of Southern Africa were Cox’s earliest field of study and remained his most lasting interest. In 1960 he presented his doctoral thesis on the geology of the region (see A.5). Frequent expeditions, many published papers and much collaborative research followed on aspects of igneous and tectonic processes, kimberlites and magmatic heating. One of the latest-dated items in the research collection is Cox’s comments on his research proposal for further work on Karoo basalts (B.31), which are also one of the most frequent topics in his correspondence with colleagues in section G. Maps and photographs of the region are in Section J. B.8-B.27 Notebooks and data B.28-B.32 Notes and correspondence Notebooks and data 1964-1991 1964. Specimens collected by B.G. Jamieson. Begun 1964 by B.G. Jamieson, continued 1974 by M.J. Norry. At rear of book, later specimens and analyses 1986, and (by R.M. Ellam) 1988. Two red cloth-bound large format notebooks, containing chemical and probe analysis of numbered basaltic rocks from Nuanetsi province, collected and compiled at different dates and by different researchers. 1987 and 1988. These are analyses of numbered Nuanetsi rocks, undertaken by R.M. Ellam who published collaborative papers with Cox on Karoo picrites in 1988, 1989 and 1991. Each folder may contain a photograph of the specimen of the specimen (N = Nuanetsi), calculations, diagrams and descriptions. A few bear dates in See also B.28. B.10-B.27 Rock analyses. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research ‘Project on Nuanetsi Orthopyroxenes’. Notes, summaries of analyses, charts and diagrams (some in Cox’s hand). Photographs, charts of analyses. B.28-B.32 Notes and correspondence 1964-1996 B.28 of rock specimens analysed Lists various researchers. Includes B.G. Jamieson 1964, Cox (at Cape Town) 1976, M.J. Norry 1986 and others. various dates and by at Correspondence and papers 1973-1981. Petrographic descriptions of Southern Lebombo volcanics, Central Lebombo volcanics, untitled basaltic specimens. Mainly related to the South African Geodynamics Programme, particularly of the Karoo Volcanics, co-ordinated by A.J. Erlank of Cape Town University. Cox held a South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Visiting Fellowship in the Geochemistry Department at Cape Town July-December 1979, and contributed the introduction and two chapters to the published volume Geocongress ’81, 1981. undertaken by him, Nesbitt and Briden, 1996. Folder includes information on specimens and analyses, Geodynamics Programme, Cox’s report on his visit, plans for the publication etc. Karoo flood ‘The tectonic and petrogenetic interpretation.’ province: chronostratigraphic framework, referees’ comments on research proposal basalt replies to Cox’s a and to be K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research Drawings and figures for a paper on continental underplating and the early stages of the break-up of Gondwanaland. B.33-B.37 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS 1979-1986 Material principally relating to a collaborative paper by Cox and P.. Clifford, ‘Correlation coefficient patterns in volcanic suites’, J. Geo! Soc. London vol 139 (1982). coefficient the multi-stage ‘Correlation and magmatic evolution in basaltic suites’. Draft paper by Cox, intended to be presented at the Deccan Traps Symposium at Kandala in November 1979, June 1979. interpretation patterns of ‘Correlation coefficient patterns and their interpretation in three basaltic suites’. Two typescript drafts Clifford. with manuscript revisions for paper by Cox and ‘Mixing Models’, data produced for paper using ‘Darwin’. ‘Partition coefficient database’, three microfiches sent to Cox from University of Queensland, Australia, n.d. Miscellaneous notes and drafts, including note on ‘The program Darwin’ used in the paper (see B.36), and a later letter on the subject 1986. ix. The flood basalt province of the Deccan, Western India, became one of the Cox’s chief areas of interest, second only to Southern Africa. He published on the Deccan from 1977 to 1996, and also chaired or spoke at conferences. His photographs of the Deccan Traps became famous and were frequently borrowed or reproduced. See also E.50-E.54, J.34-J.40, J.47, J.54-J.93. B.38-B.48 DECCAN ca 1980-1996 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research all the material consists of research data With the exception of B.38, compiled at Oxford or by collaborators elsewhere. There are no drafts for papers, or correspondence. ‘Report on Field Trip-W.D. West Workshop’. This was a meeting in March 1996 to commemorate West’s work in India. 1p only. Comparative data, University, some dated 1983, 1984. graphs and tables, from Oxford and from Open Graphs and tables from Deccan samples, carried out at King’s College London 1981. 8pp. analysis of geochemistry of lava groupings. Geochemical plots. rocks from Sasaune and Kihim (south west of Strontium isotope, trace element and other analyses. Geochemical data on Bombay), some dated 1982. Microprobe analyses using Oxford Earth Sciences instrument, 1982. Diagrams and drawings of locations. ‘Deccan probe’. Analyses, Cox’s diagrams for slides of specimens, 1982. Printout and manuscript analyses and notes, some dated 1980, 1981. 3pp. manuscript classification of specimens. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research B.49-B.51 JOINT OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTIONS FOR DEEP EARTH SAMPLING (JOIDES) 1991-1996 Proposals, research proposal ‘A Mantle plume origin of the North Atlantic volcanic rifted margins’. little correspondence on referees’ comments, a The proposal was put forward by H.C. Larsen of the Geological Survey of Greenland; Cox was a ‘Proponent’, 1991. ‘Proposal Continuing Greenland rifted margin’, by Larsen. 1994. proposal, research for drilling at the Southeast Cox was again a ‘Proponent’. Brief correspondence, and contribution by Cox and C. Curtis to report on UK involvement in ODP (Ocean Drilling Programme) prepared for Natural Environment Research Council, 1996. B.53-B.63 SHUQRA, YEMEN 1975-ca 1987 MANTLE PLUMES Correspondence, referees’ comments and Thirlwall’s reply, on research proposal on mantle plumes submitted by Cox and M.-F. Thirlwall, to Natural Environment Research Council, 1995. collaborative paper in Lithos vol 10 (1977), 1975-1978. This area, on the coast of South Yemen, had formerly been part of the Aden Protectorate, and lies 120 km. East of Aden. It was visited by Cox, I.G. Gass and D.1.J. Mallick in the course of their earlier expedition in 1964. See B.1-B.7. The material consists mainly of research data, with a little correspondence on published papers with Gass and Mallick. Correspondence with |.G. Gass, D.I.J. Mallick and others, principally on their K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research Proof copies of 1977 Lithos paper, and of a paper (a few corrections) on Perim Island, Geol. Mag. vol 127 (1990). Also enclosed here is a typescript abstract of a paper by Cox on ‘The origin of the Shuqra basanites, South Arabia’, n.d and not in Bibliography. ‘Shuqra, whole rock channel data’, with calculations and plots, some dated 1976. Shuara, figures and calculations, analyses etc. reference, 1987. Includes 1p notes, latest Data, notes, calculations, some for numbered rocks, some dated 1977, 1978. B.58-B.63 Detailed analyses by microprobe of numbered Shuqra rocks (S = Shuara), some dated 1980. Includes notes, printout (annotated), drawings. Not all in Cox’s hand. $.954. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research B.64-B.68 X-RAY FLUORESCENCE 1974-1976 and n.d. This material deals with the devising of programs for calculating trace elements. Cox’s early notebook (B.64) uses manual calculations using a flow counter. On his visit to Cape Town University in 1976 (see B.30) he attended a computer programming course by A.R. Duncan which he subsequently developed. Hard-backed notebook inscribed ‘XRF Vol.1’ inside front cover. Analyses of rocks from Roccamonfina 1974 and Swaziland 1975, graphs, calculations, programs, most but not all in Cox’s hand. See also B.69. ‘Andy's basic course’. Cox’s 32p. manuscript notes on course given by A.R. Duncan at Cape Town, [1976]. Miscellaneous material relating to the XRF Laboratory at Oxford. Miscellaneous manuscript notes for programs for calculating trace elements and geochemical analyses, most but not all in Cox’s hand. Miscellaneous programs, instructions, information on methods used in other institutions, sent to Cox by colleagues. Includes Nottingham, Edinburgh, Rothamsted Experimental Station. Field notes, research data, correspondence and ideas. Methods, circulars and bulletins, equipment. B.69-B.74 MISCELLANEOUS ca 1976-1995 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Research Soft-backed notebook, few pages used. Notes on Bavarian rocks, various dates in August, no year. At rear of book, XRF calculations on Roccamonfina samples. Cox’s manuscript notes on field excursions, made on photocopied pages of a 1981 diary. Includes Shap Field Trip March 1984, Falklands expedition (with C. Mitchell) January 1985 with details of expenses, distances covered, locations etc., Skye April 1985, Parana, Brazil August-September 1985. Thoughts and ideas written by Cox during expeditions. ‘Some thoughts on the uplift of coastal tracts’, November 1990, at Bombay, India. ‘Hot spots’, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 1994. Data and correspondence on global basaltic volcanism, perhaps for a paper, some dated 1976, 1977. Charts for determining felspar composition, probably teaching material, n.d. Copies of Cox’s letters to colleagues, containing research ideas for his own or for colleagues’ work, research proposals, programming etc., 1992-1995 and undated. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES C.1-C.62 After working at Leeds and Edinburgh Universities, Cox returned to Oxford as a University Lecturer in Petrology in the Department of Geology and Mineralogy (later Earth Sciences), becoming Reader in Petrology in 1990. all departmental activities from the admission of new undergraduates to the regular supervision of doctoral students. The correspondence testifies to the He played a full part in humanity with which he undertook these tasks and the respectful affection he inspired. Cox accepted regular responsibilities in university examinations, devising new methods of computerising entries and marks to simplify some of the work. The material is presented as follows: C.1-C.24 LECTURES AND TEACHING C.25-C.33 FIELD EXCURSIONS C.34-C.40 EXAMINING C.41-C.53 C.54-C.62 GRADUATE STUDENTS GENERAL DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences LECTURES AND TEACHING 1974-1997 The material is presented for convenience in alphabetical order by topic. A few are dated, though they were probably updated and given over several years. The material consists mainly of handouts, notes for practicals or tests, instructions, bibliographies and the like. Cox rarely wrote out a text, though see C.21. C.1-C.3 C.4-C.15 C.16 Geological maps Igneous petrology Phase equilibria problems C.17, C.18 Statistics C.19, C.20 Tectonics C.21 X-ray fluorescence C.22-C.24 Miscellaneous material Geological maps 1974-1991 and undated Students’ maps of Shuqra Yemen, based on aerial described as a class exercise, n.d. plots, coloured and Maps, data, questions for the First Year course on mapping, a few dated 1974, 1977, and note on ‘course questionnaire’ May 1975. Includes some original diagrams and a very few notes by Cox. Practicals and discussion sheets, numbered 1-13 and 28, mainly dated 1976, 1977, some dated 1982. Igneous petrology 1973-1995 and undated ‘First Years Maps. Chepstow Sheet’ 1991. Maps and instructions for class exercise. This was a second year course given regularly by Cox 1976-1995. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences ‘Additional problems’ and discussion sheets, numbered 1-4, 1976, 1977. ‘Tests’, 1976. ‘Structural aspects of igneous rocks’, a mapping exercise, 1977. ‘Figures to accompany lecture’, 1977. Rooi Rand Dolerites, Karoo Province’, notes for class exercise, 1989. ‘Alkaline rocks from Brazil’, brief notes, 1991. Miscellaneous notes for lectures and practicals, 1993, 1994, 1995. Miscellaneous handouts and diagrams on mantle melting. Notes and practicals, tables and Cox’s outline of lectures and programme of work for Second Year Igneous Petrology and Third Year Mineralogy and Petrology Michaelmas Term 1992 - Hilary Term 1993. Notes for lectures and practicals, parts of paginated sequence (incomplete), Michaelmas Term 1992. crystallography, n.d. Third Year course on igneous petrology. diagrams, some dated 1973, 1975, 1977. Includes 1p data and diagrams on interfacial angles, perhaps for lecture on Phase equilibria problems Teaching material, data and questions, 1976. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences C.17, C.18 Statistics 1990 Cox gave the geologists. statistics component of a course on mathematics for Paginated manuscript sequences of lectures by P. Clifford and Cox, May- June 1990. Questions and practicals for first year statistics, 1990. Tectonics 1995 Lectures given for a Third Year option on Tectonics, Regional and Historical Geology. ‘Tectonics Lectures’, notes, slide references, diagrams, for lectures 1 and 3 of course. C.22-C.24 Miscellaneous 1973-1997 C22 X-ray fluorescence Manuscript notes for four lectures for M.Sc. course, March 1980. ‘Hot spots and continental break-up’, notes, slide and photograph references for lectures 1 and 2, Michaelmas Term 1995. Miscellaneous time tables and lecture schedules. Cox’s notes and information on courses and lecture commitments, some dated 1994. Question papers for second year tutorial collections (tests). 1973-1977. Various dates, K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Miscellaneous letters by Cox on budgeting, organisation of department, note of activities in petrology (perhaps prepared for Higher Education Funding Council visit), various dates 1987-1997. C.25-C.33 FIELD EXCURSIONS 1991-1997 This material all relates to Skye in north west Scotland, which was a regular location for mapping projects by members of the Department of Earth Sciences. Cox also conducted his own research on Skye granites (see his letter of 24 May 1991 in C.25 explaining the purpose of the project), and one of his most important papers in collaboration with J.H. Scarrow was on Skye basalts (J. Petrology vol 36 (1995)). Cox’s correspondence with the Principal, Jesus College Oxford, requesting a Major Research Grant for his research on ‘The mechanism of emplacement of the Beinn an Dubhaich Granite, Isle of Skye’. 1991. Background notes on Skye geology. At rear of book, notes on expenditure of grant, and on pronunciation of place-names. Cox's field notebook of observations and locations September 1992, April 1994. Maps of areas of Skye, many coloured and / or annotated by Cox, some dated 1991, 1992, 1993. correspondence for 1994, 1995. Material relating to geological mapping excursions by students, principally in April 1997. Travel and accommodation arrangements, mainly for 1997 but brief See also J.44. C.29-C.33 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Detailed geological maps and information on areas to be studied, made in Department 1990s. ‘Introduction to geological mapping’, 6pp information by Cox for participants. ‘Master copy’ of areas 1-4 (large magnification maps) for detailed study. Included here are examples of students’ field work, with corrections or comments by Cox. Maps of Skye. Includes original Ordnance Survey ref: NG 61 NW, and photocopies of areas, magnification, made for mapping courses. a few annotated, some high C.34-C.40 EXAMINING 1992-1998 ‘Chairmen’s Book’. External Examiner’s report for 1992 and 1993. This material all relates to the Preliminary Examination in Physical Sciences at Oxford. There is no surviving material on Cox’s service as External Examiner elsewhere. des. Small soft-back notebook, passed on to Cox by previous Chairman J.M. of Sykes. examinations, entries, invigilation, marking, practicals, resits etc. Cox’s entries are for 1995 and include reference to computerisation of entries and marks. There is only one entry (not in Cox’s hand) for 1996. Letter of appointment as Moderator 1994, correspondence with colleagues, arrangements, meetings, notes and ideas by Cox. Correspondence and papers 1980, 1994-1998. includes schedules, detailed dates information of meetings, on the organisation paper-setting, This K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Also included is letter of appointment as examiner in Geochemistry for M.Sc. degree (no other material survives), 1980. Arrangements and Chairman’s Report (by J.M. Sykes), 1995. reports Examiners’ Chairman’s Report. on Prelims examination 1996, including Cox’s Miscellaneous reports and statistics on Prelims examination, 1997. General information, statistics and reports on Prelims examination, 1998. C.41-C.53 GRADUATE STUDENTS 1982-1997 Work on stratigraphical and petrological studies in the Deccan Traps. Bletcher, J. 1992-1997 Bilgrami, S.Z. 1990-1995 In some cases, continuing correspondence on collaborative work and career may be found in Sections G and H. This is an alphabetical sequence which may include research proposals, recommendations, funding arrangements, correspondence with colleagues, reports on progress of work, and of the final doctorate submission, of students under Cox’s sole or joint supervision. Includes arrangements for fieldwork in Yemen, final examiners’ report. Work on the Shamsan lava sequence of the Aden volcano, Yemen. was joint supervisor. Cox K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Brown, D.J. 1989-1997 Work on the composite sills of Strath, Isle of Skye. Brown’s first topic, on the petrology of the Aden volcano, Yemen, had to be abandoned as a result of difficulties of communication with the Yemenis. Includes specimen drafts and diagrams, with comments by Cox, and final examiners’ report. Devey, C.W. 1982-1986 Work on the stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Deccan Trap lavas. Includes arrangements and funding for fieldwork, paper by Devey on ‘Problems posed by the Deccan Trap lavas and suggested approaches to their solution’, final examiners’ report. Mitchell, C. 1984-1988 Work on the petrology and geochemistry of the Falkland Islands and the Deccan Traps. Includes final examiners’ report. O'Neill, A.M. 1990-1995 For continuing correspondence with Mitchell, see G.38. Work on the petrology of the Tertiary Dykes of central Skye. O’Neill’s first topic, on the Karoo Dolerites of southern Malawi, had to be abandoned as a result of delays in arranging fieldwork in Malawi. For continuing correspondence with Scarrow, see G.46. Work on Tertiary lavas of Skye. and joint author with Scarrow of a paper on Skye basalts. Cox was joint supervisor with P. Clifford, Scarrow, J.H. 1988-1992 Includes final examiners’ reports. Includes final examiners’ report. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Skae, A.J. 1993-1997 the Work on Queensland, Australia. Queensland University. petrology the of Cox was joint Buckland volcanic province, supervisor with A. central of Ewart Includes arrangements for fieldwork in Australia. Sloman, L.E. 1984-1987 Work on Middle Triassic magmatism in the Dolomites, Northern Italy. Includes arrangements for funding for fieldwork and for attendance at conference, progress report on research, proposal for Sr-isotope work (and reply by S.E. Moorbath), final examiners’ report. Tait, R.E. 1988-1989 Work on mafic migmatites from the Rauer Islands, E. Antarctica. joint supervisor with S.L. Harley of Edinburgh University. Cox was Includes final examiners’ report. Widdowson, M. 1985-1991 1987-1991 Whittingham, A.M. Includes arrangements for fieldwork in Brazil and examiners’ final report. Work on stratigraphical petrogenesis of the volcanic formations in S. Brazil. Work on the uplift of the Western Ghats, India. Cox was joint supervisor with A.S. Goudie of the Department of Geography, Oxford. submission dates, supervisors, 1991-1993. Includes statements of research by Widdowson and others, examiners’ final report. General correspondence with graduate students on admission, theses, For continuing correspondence with Widdowson, see G.55. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences C.54-C.62 GENERAL DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 1981-1998 Appointments, 1993, 1998. Correspondence with candidates and with schools on admissions, 1991- 1997 and undated. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on departmental affairs, 1988-1996. Shorter correspondence on graduate research projects, 1990 and n.d. C.58-C.62 Requests to visits, etc visit, work in department, collaborate in research, thanks for 1981-1987. 1988-1989. 1990-1991. 1992-1993. 1994-1996. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION D LECTURES AND CONFERENCES The surviving material, which covers the years 1982-1996 only, is scanty and far from giving an adequate record of Cox’s activities in this sphere. Cox rarely wrote out the text of a lecture, preferring to speak to a choice of slides, overheads or similar illustrative material. Hence, such texts as survive (D.1-D.3) are essentially outline notes to accompany visuals, though the lively progress of Cox’s thought can be seen. Even invited lectures such as those given at Kiel do not carry a written text. Although it is clear that he was a frequent attender and speaker at conferences, and was invited to many more than he attended, few folders include Cox’s contributions, which can be documented only by references in correspondence. Cox’s lectures at Oxford are in Section B. LECTURES CONFERENCES K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Lectures and conferences LECTURES Cox’s Lectures 1987-1995 ‘Seminar on composition of the mantle. November 1* 1993’. No indication of place. and controversy over Skye Basalts the major element With a headnote ‘based on the work of Jane Scarrow’ (q.v.) 2pp. Notes for six lectures at Leicester University, October-November 1994. Includes brief correspondence on arrangements. ‘Lectures for Kiel - September 1996’ See also CONFERENCES 1982-1996 Correspondence and arrangements. Invitations to lecture, letters of thanks, 1987-1995. 3pp. On ‘Recent work on the morphology of the Deccan Traps’. F.9. Union of Geology and Geodesy (IUGG) meeting, August 1991. Includes Cox’s 2pp report on ‘Workshop of the Mainz consortium “Accretion and differentiation of the Planet Earth” 15-17 November 1984’ and 3pp Abstract of continental flood basalts’, perhaps given at the Mainz meeting. Includes brief report by Cox on Symposium V3 “Flood basalt vulcanism; relationships to extinctions, impacts and hotspots” held at International Invitations, lists of participants, arrangements, correspondence, 1982-1989. Invitations, arrangements, correspondence, 1990-1993. evolution and origin of a paper by Cox ‘Contamination, K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Lectures and conferences International Symposium on the physics and chemistry of the upper mantle, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 14-19 August 1994. Correspondence, lecture ‘Sources of Basaltic Magmas’ published in the Symposium Proceedings, Sao Paulo, 1994. information, programme, typescript of Cox’s Invitations, arrangements, correspondence, 1994-1996. Conferences declined, 1984-1994. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY No extended drafts for Cox’s own publications survive. The material presented here at E.1-E.3 and in brief references elsewhere is editorial correspondence only. Cox was a respected editor, with long associations with the Journal of Petrology and the Open University Press, and a prolific reviewer of papers submitted by others for publications in these and in many other journals. Much of the material in this section illustrates the extent of his commitments, which he discharges with diligence tempered with humanity. Most of the correspondence is Cox's outgoing letters, often reconstructed from printouts of his disks, and not always fully addressed or dated. OWN PUBLICATIONS EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY SHORTER GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory OWN PUBLICATIONS 1965-1996 Other references to Cox’s publications can be found at E.8, E.13, E.16, E:26;.E:27..E 36, 6.44; Cambridge University Press. 1992 Correspondence mainly about Cox’s contribution magmatic evolutions’ Cambridge, 1992. Understanding the in ‘The interpretation of a new synthesis, Earth: Also includes comment on a publication proposal. Chapman & Hall. 1989-1995 Correspondence mainly about reprints and corrections to The Interpretation of igneous rocks, a collaborative work by Cox, J.D. Bell and R.J. Pankhurst originally published by Allen & Unwin, London, 1979. etc, and about McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1965-1996. Includes contract reproduction of Cox’s photograph of Deccan Traps in later publications. 1965, correspondence about reprints Also includes correspondence 1994 on a proposal by Cox for a book on techniques of microscopy in geology. Correspondence on An introduction to the practical study of crystals, minerals and rocks, a collaborative work by Cox, N.B. Price and B. Harte published in 1967. Comment on papers submitted for publication. Comment on book submitted for publication. EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY Bulletin of Vulcanology Allen & Unwin 1983-1998 1988-1991 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Comment and discussion on paper submitted for publication Chemical Geology 1990-1994 Comment on papers submitted for publication Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1985-1996 Cox was an editor of the journal 1981-1985 and continued to review papers regularly after that date. Comments on papers submitted for publication, also brief correspondence 1995 on Cox’s collaborative paper with M. Widdowson ‘Uplift and erosional history of the Deccan Traps’ published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters vol 137 (1996). Elsevier 1991-1992 Geological Journal Geoscientist Geology 1994, 1995 various publishing projects, including Essays on Comment on paper submitted for publication. Comments on papers submitted for publication. Correspondence on magmas and other earth fluids 1992, edited by Cox and P.E. Baker. Letter to the editor by Cox, dated 3 March 1998. Not in Bibliography. Comment on paper submitted for publication. Geophysical Research Letters ca 1996 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1991 Comment on paper submitted for publication in Ran Gerson memorial volume. Journal of African Earth Sciences Comment on paper submitted for publication. Journal of the Geological Society 1990-1994 Comments on papers submitted for publication. Includes correspondence 1991-1992 on the sesquicenntenial volume of the journal to be published in 1993, for which Cox was to write an historical article on ‘Volcanic action in Earth history’. E.17-E.20 Journal of Petrology 1983-1996 1983-1987. 1988-1991. 1992-1993. Cox had a long association with the journal, serving as managing editor, then editor, 1972-1984, and subsequently as a member of the Honorary Advisory Board (later Assistant Editorial Board). He continued to review regularly. Comment on paper submitted for publication. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 1992-1996 and undated. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Brief comment on paper submitted for publication. Longman Group Advice on proposed publication. Mineralogical Magazine 1986-1987 Comments on papers submitted for publication. Mineralogy and Petrology (formerly Mitteilungen) TMPM Tschermaks Mineralogische 1986-1996 und _ Petrographische Comments on papers submitted for publication. Nature 1986-1994 and undated 1986-1990. Natural History Possible publications. Comments on papers submitted for publication. Some correspondence on papers submitted by Cox is also included. Press. Cox was series editor of the Geological Society's Handbooks published by the Press. The material includes draft outlines and chapters for proposed contributions to the series, reports and progress statements, Cox’s notes on meetings, correspondence with colleagues and with staff and editors of the 1991-1994 and undated. E.29-E.35 Open University Press 1985-1990 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory 1985-1986. 1988 (1). 1988 (2). 1989 (1). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 1992 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Book review. Oxford University Press 1988-1992 Comment on proposals for books submitted for publication, and on Cox’s projected ‘basalt book’. Mainly with contributors to Melting and Melt Movement within the Earth; Cox was one of the editors of this Special Publication and contributed a paper on ‘Continental magmatic underplating’. publication. Invitation to join the editorial board, comments on papers submitted for South African Journal of Geology 1990, 1995 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory Tectonics Comment on paper submitted for publication. Tectonophysics Comment on paper submitted for publication. Times Higher Education Supplement Book review Unwin Hyman Ltd 1986-1991 Comments on books submitted for publication. E.44-E.47 Special Publications in Geological Society of in Mineralogy and by published be to E.44 Comment on paper submitted for publication London Special Publication, vol 108 (1996). Comment 1993 on paper submitted for publication Petrology of small- and medium-scale structure, University of Natal, South Africa, n.d. Correspondence on Cox’s paper Karoo igneous activity’ published in Magmatism and the Cause of Continental Break-up, Geological Society of London Special Publication vol 68 (1993). journal given. 1992-1996 and undated. Comment on paper submitted for publication in Large Igneous Provinces, AGU Press 1995. Comments on papers submitted for publication, no name or indication of K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Publications, editorial and advisory E.49-E.54 SHORTER GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1983-1997 Shorter correspondence with colleagues and editors, requests to review etc. 1988-1994 and undated. write, Correspondence and arrangements for BBC TV ‘Horizon’ programme The day the Earth melted, filmed in India and featuring Cox and other colleagues, broadcast February 1991. E.51-E.54 Requests for photographs, transparencies, slides. Almost all Mahabaleshwar on the Western Ghats escarpment, western India. for Cox’s photographs of of these are thé Deccan Traps, The original is at J.47. Correspondence with Geological Museum London for use of photograph in Museum booklet ‘Volcanoes’ 1986-1987. Shorter correspondence with authors, editors, museums requesting loans, permission to use etc of Deccan Trap photographs. 1990-1996. Shorter correspondence with authors, editors, museums requesting loans, permission to use etc of Deccan Trap photographs. 1990-1996. Shorter miscellaneous requests for photographs etc. 1983-1997. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY GEOMAR (Forschungszentrum fiir marine Geowissenschaften) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VOLCANOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH’S INTERIOR (IAVCE]) F.114 MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY F.12-F.16 ROYAL SOCIETY K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Societies and organisations GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1982-1992 Correspondence and papers, 1982-1986 Includes the award to Cox of the Murchison Medal for 1986, and letters of congratulation. See also A.7. Correspondence and papers 1988-1992. Includes Cox’s election to Council 1988, and as a Vice-President 1989, 1990. GEOMAR (Forschungszentrum fir marine Geowissenschaft) 1991-1998 The Research Centre for Marine Geosciences known as GEOMAR was part of the Christian-Albrechts Universtiy at Kiel, Germany. Cox was Chairman of its Scientific Advisory Board, which held its first meeting in February 1992, and subsequently met in February 1996. Correspondence and papers 1991-1992. Documentation supplied for meeting. Includes Cox’s appointment and arrangements for meeting in February 1992, timetable for meeting, Cox’s manuscript notes of presentations and discussions, press-cutting. N.B. Cox is wrongly identified in the caption of the photograph. He is standing far right. Drafts and versions of report. Correspondence with colleagues and board members on the report to be submitted, letters of thanks, March - June 1992. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Societies and organisations Correspondence 1994-1996 on GEOMAR affairs and meeting of Advisory Board in February 1996. Includes letter 1998 accepting Cox’s resignation from the Board on his intended retirement from Oxford. Correspondence with colleagues and board members, drafts and comments on report to be submitted after February meeting, March-May 1996. Arrangements and drafts for lectures given by Cox at Kiel, in February 1992 on ‘Current work on the Karoo Province’, and in September 1996 on ‘Recent work on the morphology of the Deccan Traps’ (see also D.3). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VOLCANOLOGY AND __ 1989-1993 CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH’S INTERIOR (IAVCE!) Correspondence and papers on IAVCEI affairs 1989-1993. MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY Brief correspondence on membership, 1991. Includes Cox’s report on Symposium V3 of IUGG Conference 1991, report on work of 'Large Igneous Provinces’ group, support for IAVCEI Congress in Canberra 1993 etc. geodynamic processes. Appointment to serve on committees and panels: IGCP scientific committee 1991; Selection Board D 1991; Research Appointment Panel A 1997; International Exchanges Panel | (B) 1998. Correspondence, 1988, 1991-1992 on possible discussion meeting on F.12-F.16 ROYAL SOCIETY 1988-1998 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Societies and organisations Editorial Correspondence on membership of Transactions A and matters relating, 1992-1995. Board of the Society's Correspondence and papers relating to the Royal Society Club. Cox’s manuscript notes of meetings. 1993-1997. Includes Brief correspondence on the biographical memoirs of S.R. Nockolds and I.G. Gass, 1992. See also G.40. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE The correspondence is concerned almost exclusively with research and publications, mainly on the basaltic rocks of Cox’s areas of interest. Always friendly in tone, it includes a few references to personal or social contacts. Much of the later correspondence is Cox’s copies only, printed out from his disks. SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE In alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with brief indication of information of particular biographical or scientific interest G.58-G.73 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1977-1998 Al’mukhamedov, A.lI. 1987-1991 Al’mukhamedov was a geochemist working at the Institute of Geochemistry, Irkutsk, Siberia. Correspondence on research and publications, and on visit by C. Mitchell (q.v) to work on Siberian trap basalts in Al’mukhamedov’s laboratory. Arndt, N.T. 1986-1996 Correspondence 1986-1993 is on research, comments on publications etc. Correspondence 1995-1996 is on collaborative project between the Oxford Department of Earth Sciences and Géosciences Rennes for an Alliance proposal (supported in the UK by the British Council) on ‘Constraints on plume-related magmatism from picrites and peridotite xenoliths’. Includes detailed proposals, exchange of visits, progress report. The programme was renewed for 1997. Baksi, A.K. 1986-1993 Includes probe analyses of mineral phases of Bose’s rock specimens, carried out in Oxford. Research and publications on flood basalts, especially from India, possible collaborative research, exchange of samples. Correspondence and graphs. Much of the correspondence concerns Bose’s major book on igneous petrology and includes comments by Cox on the proposed contents and on sample chapters, and also the foreword he contributed to the book which was eventually published in 1997. Boyd, F.R. 1986, 1994 Bose, M.K. 1983-1997 Bose was a Professor of Geology at Presidency College, Calcutta, India. Correspondence and data on peridotite xenoliths. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Printout, comment and notes Department (Cox’s letter of 10 August 1986 refers). of XRF analyses carried out in Oxford Bristow, J.W. 1985-1993 Research and ideas on orthopyroxes and Karoo picrites. Brown, R. 1991-1992 Fractionation of Karoo magmas. Burke, K. Drainage patterns, uplift. 1988-1989 Campbell, D.B. 1987-1989 Campbell, |.H. 1989-1993 Coffin, M. 1991-1996 LIP (Large Igneous Provinces) workshop and other IAVCEI Earth’s the Research and publications on geochemistry of plumes, drainage patterns. Report on (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Interior) matters. 1987-1989 Courtillot, V. Mainly Deccan research. 1986-1991 Devey, C.W. 1986-1992 Research and collaborative paper with Cox published 1987. Dott, R. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Duncan, A.R. 1986-1993 Duncan, always referred to by Cox as ‘Big Andy’, was a colleague at Cape Town University. General correspondence on research, publications, visits and conferences, 1990 excursion to Namibia. Ellam, R.M. 1989-1996 Ellam was a NERC-supported post-doctoral research assistant at the Oxford Department 1989-1990, before moving to the Open University and later to the Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre. He collaborated with Cox on several papers on Karoo picrite basalts, and on Cox’s posthumous paper on dolerite dykes of the Falkland Islands, 1999. Research and publications, funding for projects. Erlank, A.J. 1985-1992 Ewart, A. on research and publication, 1988-1995 Erlank was a colleague at Cape Town University, South Africa. General correspondence (especially Canberra 1993). Research, publications, visits (including Cox's visit to review the work of the research unit, see H.21) and some personal news. Ewart was a geologist at the University of Queensland, Australia and Australian editor of the Journal of Petrology. including Cox’s collaborative paper with J.H. Scarrow on Skye basalts. Correspondence 1993-1995 deals with the collaborative research project on the petrology of Buckland volcanic province, central Queensland, carried out by Cox’s doctoral student A. Skae (q.v.) under Ewart’s supervision. papers submitted for publication, Mainly discussion of research and confernces Francis, D. 1993-1994 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Gass, I.G. 1986, 1990-1995 Gass, a long-term collaborator and friend of Cox, was Professor of Earth Sciences at the Open University. Cox contributed a paper on a memorial volume for Gass, Magmatic Processes and Plate Tectonics 1993, and also wrote the memoir of Gass for the Royal Society 1995. ‘Alkali basalts from Shuqra, Yemen’ to General correspondence, including correspondence on Cox’s contribution to the memorial volume 1986 (one letter only), 1990-1992. Correspondence (Cox’s copies only) on Royal Society memoir, information requested from colleagues, 1992-1995. Includes draft of memoir. Gianetti, B. 1979-1989 1979-1980. Harris was a geochemist at Cape Town University, South Africa. 1986-1993 Cox’s letters of statement of the research. 17 October 1980 and 7 October 1985 give the clearest 1983-1989. Includes a geological map of the Roccamonfina volcano. Correspondence (not all dated) and drafts by the Italian geologist Giannetti on the geochemistry of the Roccamonfina Volcano, Campania. Includes data recalculated by Cox and his team. Correspondence on career, research on oxygen isotopes in Karoo basalts. Green, D.H. Harris, C. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Harris, P.G. and others 1991-1992 Mainly correspondence with colleagues on a festschrift for Harris, edited by Cox and P.E. Baker and published in a special volume of the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research vol 50 (1992). Herzberg, C. 1987-1989, 1994-1995 Correspondence, 1987-1989, on research and papers on fractionation in South African rocks. Correspondence 1994-1995 (Cox’s copies ‘hotspots’. only) on Skye basalts and Hooper, P.R. 1985-1995 Research and publications on Deccan and South African basalts. Khan, M.S. 1989-1994 Huppert, H.E. 1992-1993 Krishnamurthy, P. 1970-1995 volcanic rocks (Kashmir collaborative research on Panjal Possible Himalayas). Mainly on Huppert’s paper on modal and rhythmic igneous layering. See also G.33. a Commonwealth Companies 1970 is on the award to Krishnamurthy of Scholarship to work with Cox at Edinburgh on Deccan Traps. A long letter from Cox 21 July 1970 outlines outlines the work to be done. Krishnamurthy was later in charge of the XRF Laboratory, Atomic Minerals Division, Hyderabad. Krishnamurthy published collaborative papers with Cox on Deccan Traps in 1977 and 1980. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence McKenzie, D.P. ca 1985-1995 Most of McKenzie’s letters are in longhand and dated only with day and month. The earliest year date is 1985. Research ideas and reflexions, comments on publications, plots of African rocks. Mahoney, J. 1984-1995 Research and publications, mainly on Deccan Traps. Includes correspondence 1985 on priority, and notes on borehole samples collected in 1974 by Krishnamurthy (q.v.) sent to Mahoney 1990. Martin, A.K. 1986 Comment and reply by Martin to Cox’s collaborative paper on Falkland Islands Rotated Microplate (Nature vol 319 (1986)). Menzies, M. 1990-1995 1987-1994 1989-1998 Melluso, L. and others 1990-1996 Expedition to Yemen and collection of specimens by Menzies, possible contribution by Cox to work on continental rifting. Correspondence 1994-1996 is on a paper by Melluso and collaborators, on Deccan basalts, submitted to J. Petrology, with referees’ comments, detailed notes, queries and emendations by Cox. Correspondence on career, research and publications. Mitchell was a research assistant and doctoral student of Cox 1985-1988 and collaborated with him in work and publications on Deccan Traps, Siberian and Falkland Islands basalts. Milner, S. Mitchell, C. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Moore, A.E. 1993-1998 Research and publications on South African geology. Includes comments and discussion by Cox of Moore’s papers. Moore’s last letter to Cox (May 1998) suggests possible collaboration with Cox. Muir, 1|.D. 1993, 1995 Recollections of S.R. Nockolds for Royal Society biographical memoir, written by Muir 1994. See also F.16. Mussett, A.E. 1984-1989 Analyses of Deccan lavas and Falkland dykes. Piccirillo, E.M. 1985-1989 See also D.7, G.45. Rice, A. Paper on ‘shocked minerals’. Roberts, N. 1983 Research and publications, mainly on Parana volcanics, Brazil. Includes comments and discussion by Cox of Piccirillo’s drafts, and arrangements for Cox’s visits to Brazil and other conferences and meetings. carried out in the field by Cox’s research student A.M. Whittingham. Roisenberg worked in the Institute of Geosciences, Porto Alegre, Brazil and was a colleague of E.M. Piccirillo (g.v.). Proposed work on a petrological and palaeomagnetic study of Stormberg lavas of Lesotho, Southern Africa. Correspondence, data, references, maps relating to Cox’s visit to Brazil in 1985 and to the joint research project on acid volcanism of the Parana basin, Roisenberg, A. 1985-1987 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Scarrow, J.H. 1991-1998 Scarrow was a doctoral student of Cox. Her work on Skye basalts led to a collaboration with him and an important paper (often referred to by Cox in correspondence of this period) published in J. Petrology vol 36 (1995). Correspondence on research and career. Includes comments, revisions etc. on J. Petrology paper. Most of the material is Cox’s copies only. Subbarao, K.V. 1986-1998 Subbarao was a distinguished Indian geologist working at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. General correspondence on research, publications and conferences with special research projects. the Deccan, comments on papers and reference to 1986-1990. 1991-1998. Sukheswala, R.N. 1977-1983 Sukheswala, a professor of geology at St Xavier's College, Bombay, India, was retired at the time of this correspondence, but continued to work and write on the Deccan Traps. The material is almost entirely concerned with a proposed book on the Deccan Traps, originally intended as a collaborative work with Cox but finally to have Sukheswala as sole author. 2 March and 12 December 1977, 17 October 1980, 2 July 1981, 2 August 1982 and 23 July 1983 are of interest in giving detailed information and guidance on the content and presentation of the work. participants. Correspondence includes Summertield’s comments on Cox’s paper on mantle plumes (Nature vol 342 (1989)), proposed Royal Society discussion meeting and suggestions for topics on ‘macroscale’ geomorphology, Summerfield, M.A. 1990-1991 Cox’s letters of K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence Sweeney, R.J. 1989-1993 Discussion and papers on Karoo picrites. Travers, W.B. 1981-1983 Possible research on basalts of the Nicola-Takla group, central British Columbia. Watts, A.B. 1989 Mainly on Cox and Watts collaborative paper on Deccan Traps (EPSL, vol 93 (1989)). White, R.S. 1987-1991 Publications on flood basalts, ideas for proposed Royal Society discussion meeting. 1993-1997 1983-1987 Wilson, B.M. 1986-1988 Widdowson, M. Proposed on comments by Cox on draft paper. research project Career, research and publications. Widdowson was a doctoral student of Cox and published a collaborative paper with him on the Deccan Traps (EPSL, vol 137 (1996)). Papers and proposed book on Siberian basalts. Zolotukhin was a geologist working at the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Novosibirsk. Zolotukhin, V.V. Karoo dykes in Southern Zimbabwe, K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence G.58-G.73 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1977-1996 G.58-G.64 Shorter research, meetings, suggestions for collaborative work etc. 1986-1996. correspondence colleagues with on publications, In alphabetical order. A, B. G.65-G.70 Comments and discussion on manuscripts and drafts submitted to Cox by the authors, some with re-workings and drafts annotated by Cox. 1984- 1994. 1984. In chronological order. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Correspondence 1991, 1992. 1993, 1994. Miscellaneous references, specimens and samples etc. 1980-1996. information, programs, _ bibliographical requests for In chronological order. G72,,G.73 Requests and thanks for reprints or publications sent or received, some with additional information on research and publications. 1977-1994. 1977-1990. 1991-1994. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION H REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS THESES AND EXAMINING APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, RESEARCH PROPOSALS H.17-H.21 DEPARTMENTAL AND INSTITUTIONAL REVIEWS H.22-H.25 ROYAL SOCIETY H.26, H.27 MISCELLANEOUS K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 References and recommendations THESES AND EXAMINING 1985-1998 Material relating to UK and overseas universities 1985-1989 1991-1994 1995-1998 Includes brief correspondence on external examining 1992. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS RESEARCH PROPOSALS 1984-1998 H.4-H.10 UK universities and institutions UK universities and institutions 1987-1998 H.9 refers to recent The material is H.11-H.16 Overseas universities and institutions Most of the material deals with senior appointments. graduates of the Oxford Department of Earth Sciences. presented in alphabetical order by university or institution. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, 1995. Cambridge University, 1991, 1992, 1998. Edinburgh University, 1993. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), 1995 and undated Leverhulme Trust, 1991 London University, 1993 Manchester University, 1991 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 References and recommendations Open University, 1987, 1991 Oxford University, 1987, 1993-1995 Oxford University, 1991-1998 Recent graduates of the Department of Earth Sciences applying for MSc or PhD courses, junior appointments etc. Royal Society research proposals, fellowships etc., 1990-1997. H.11-H.16 Overseas universities and institutions 1984-1997 H.114 Australia, 1993-1994. Canada, 1995. Hong Kong, 1992-1993. South Africa, 1984-1997. United States, 1987-1994 and undated Survey. Appointment, arrangements for meeting, information on work of British Antarctic Survey Review Panel, 1995-1997 H.17-H.21 DEPARTMENTAL AND INSTITUTIONAL REVIEWS 1988-1997 Unidentified, 1993, 1995. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 References and recommendations Danish National Research Centre: Danish Lithosphere Centre, 1993, 1997. Includes Cox’s report on the Centre, March 1997. University College London, 1988. Cox was an external adviser. Includes report on ‘The future of geological science departments in London University’. Natural Environment Research Council, 1995. Mid-Term Review of British Mid-Ocean Ridge Programme (BRIDGE). Includes copy of report. South Africa, 1990, 1991. 1990-1997 Correspondence, arrangements. H.22-H.25 ROYAL SOCIETY Geochemistry Research Unit Cape Town, and Unit for Bushveld Geology, Pretoria. General correspondence on grants, research proposals, discussion meetings, 1991-1997. 1992-1997. H.23-H.25 Elections, 1990-1997. H.23 1990. 1992-1995. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 References and recommendations MISCELLANEOUS 1986-1994 Requests for references, 1986-1991 and undated. Requests declined, 1987-1994. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 SECTION J NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL J.1-J.104 J.1-J.44 MAPS, DIAGRAMS, CHARTS J.45-J.47 TRANSPARENCIES AND IMAGES J.48-J.104 PHOTOGRAPHS MAPS, DIAGRAMS, CHARTS 1987-1995 These are works on paper or tracing paper, many coloured in part or whole by Cox, most bearing annotations of sites specimens. localities, routes, in of They are presented in alphabetical order of region. 6 folders. Africa. 27 folders. Deccan. 7 folders. Aden (Shugra). Russia (2). Parana basalts on East coast of South America, Brazil-Argentina border. Gondwanaland reconstruction with large igneous provinces. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Non-textual material J.45-J.47 TRANSPARENCIES AND IMAGES Transparencies of locations in Aden, Africa, Deccan, Falklands and other miscellaneous locations (Australia, Guatemala, New Zealand and others), not all taken by Cox, most with identifications and descriptions. Digital images transferred to 2 CDRoms. Transparency of Cox’s photograph of Deccan Trap basalts, Mahabaleshwar (2 copies). This photograph was greatly in demand and frequently reproduced. E.51-E.54. See J.48-J.104 PHOTOGRAPHS Aden Deccan J.54-J.93 Deccan J.48-J.53 Aden J.48-J.53 J.54-J.93 J.101-J.104 Personal photographs. J.94-J.100 Miscellaneous 6 RAF photographs taken 6 November 1955, most with localities marked. Large format photographs. Small format photographs, numbered on verso 1/2-37, 2/4-6 Medium format photographs. J.54-J.89 J.90-J.92 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Non-textual material J.94-J.100 Miscellaneous J.94 Yemen, localities marked. Zimbabwe, Save river. J.96-J.98 Rock specimens, with identifications. J.96 Tuff, Skye “a natural chill’ Translucent kennedyite Dendritic clinopyroxene J.99, J.100 1951-1997 Cox is 2nd right, back row. 2 copies. J.101 Officer cadet squadron 18 August 1951. J.101-J.104 Personal photographs Two satellite photographs of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Horn of Africa. With friends, skating at Roundhay Park, Leeds, winter 1957-1958. 2 copies. Cox at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, October 1997. Cox is at rear, leaning on car. 2 copies. Queen’s College, Oxford 2nd Rugby XV 1952-1953. Cox is 2nd left, front row. 2 copies. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ALEXANDER, P. Oliver ALLEGRE, Claude J. ALLEN & UNWIN AL’ MUKHAMEDOV, A.1. ANDERSON, Robert ARNDT, Nicholas T. BAGGALEY, Richard W. BAJPAI, Sunil BAKSI, Ajoy K. BARNES, John W. BAS, Michael John LE BOYLE, Alan E. E.30-E.35 G.58 G.3 E.32 E.16 Balls E.2 A.21 G.4 BELL, Brian R. BELL. John David BENNETT, Alan BISHOP, Daniel J. BLETCHER, Jason G.69 C.48 A.21 G.67 BERTRAND, Herve BATEMAN, Richard C.41 H.26 C.42 BILGRAMI, Syed Zain A.8 BOTT, Martin Harold Phillips BOYD, Francis R. (‘Joe’) BRASIER, Martin David BOGOCH, Ron BOSE, Mihir K. BRAVO, Manuel S. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Index of correspondents BRISTOW, John W. BROCK, Patrick BROOKS, C. Kent BROWN, Daryl John BROWN, Geoffrey C. BROWN, Sir (George) Malcolm BROWN, Roderick BRUNDIN, Clark Lannerdahl BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY BURKE, Kevin CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CARLSON, Richard W. CATT, John A. CAWTHORN, R. Grant CHAPMAN & HALL CAMERON, Euan CAMPBELL, D. Barrie CAMPBELL, lan H. CANN, Johnson Robin (‘Joe’) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES G.59 CHIARAMONTI, Piero COMIN- CHARLES, Michael AUDLEY- CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill E:2 H.19 5/; A.8 A.8 CONDIT, Christopher D. CHRISTODOULOU, A. COFFIN, Mike CHEMICAL GEOLOGY G70;Gr7 A.21, G.11 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Index of correspondents COURTILLOT, Vincent CRAIG, Harmon CRUIKSHANK, Durward William John CUMMING, Bruce DAVIES, Stephen DAWSON, John Barry A.11 A.8, A.21, H.24 DE FREITAS, Michael Henry See FREITAS, Michael DE DESSAI, A.G. DEVEY, Colin W. de WIT, Maarten Johan DISSANAYAKE, C.B. C.62 A.21, C.44, F.3, G.13, G.35 See WIT, Maarten Johan de G.60 DIXON, Rose A. E.29, E.30 A.21, G.60 G.14 A.8 DUGGAN, Morrie DOTT, Robert DOWNS, Tony DUFF, Donald DOGLIONI, Carlo DUNCAN, Andrew Rae A.21 A.8 F.10 DUNHAM, Ansel Charles G.15 See also B.65 F.5; £8 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS C.57 See also G.29 E.8 G.60 A.22 EALES, Hugh V. EBY, E. Nelson EDWARDS, Ted ELDHOLM, Olav K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 ELLAM, Robert Mark ELLIOT, David H. ELSDON, Ron ELSEVIER EMELEUS, Charles Henry ENCARNACION, John ERLANK, Anthony J. EWART, Anthony EXLEY, Colin Stewart FENWICK, Michael FITTON, John Godfrey Index of correspondents G.16 See also B.10-B.27 G.65 C.58 E.9 G.60 C.62 B.30, G.17 C.48, E.18, E.20, G.18 A.8 A.22 E18; E19 FRANCHETEAU, Jean FRANCIS, Donald FRANCIS, lan FLOWER, Martin FRAISER, Don E:2 G61 E.29-E.32 5; £8 G.19 FREITAS, Michael Henry DE E13 GEOMAR (Forschungszentrum fiir marine Geowissenschaften) A.22, F.3-F.F.9 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY A.8, B.1, B.53, G.20, G.21 E.10 Pali ine E.11 GEOSCIENTIST GARWIN, Laura GASS, lan Graham GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL GEOLOGY — A.22 A.22 E2 E.27, E.28 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 GIANNETTI, Bernardino GIBSON, Sally A. GILCHRIST, Alan GILL, Robin C.O. GOLES, Gordon GOUDIE, Andrew Shaw GRAY, Peter GREEN, David Headley GRIFFIN, William L. HABAKKUK, Sir John Hrothgar HALLAM, Tony Index of correspondents G:22Gi23 G.68 E.37, H.26 G.61 C.58 A.58, C.52, C.58 A.8 G.24 B.53 A.23 alea. 72 HANCOCK, Jake M. HARTE, Ben HAY, William Winn A.9 G.61 E.16 G.26 .o HARRIS, Christopher HARRIS, Nigel B.W. A.23, G.61 £819 HARRIS, Peter Graham HARGREAVES, Robert B. HENDERSON, C. Michael B. HAWKESWORTH, Christopher J. HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM G.28; G35 HIRSCH, Sir Peter Bernhard E.14 G.72 G.27 A.23 A.9 G.61 HOLLAND, Charles H. HERZBERG, Claude HILDEBRAND, Peter HOFMAN, AI W. HOOPER, Peter R. =18;G.25 rl Index of correspondents K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 HORDER, Tim HOWELLS, Malcolm Fletcher HOWIE, Robert A. HOYLE, Jim HUMPHREYS, Colin J. HUPPERT, Herbert E. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VOLCANOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH’S INTERIOR (IAVCEl) JAMIESON, Brian JENKYNS, Hugh JOLLY, Asit A.9, A.24 A.24, C.48 See G.32, G.58 G.69, G.71 E.17-E.20 JONES, Roger JOSEPH, Babu E.43 EAS E.16 E21 E22 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH See also G.33 E.35 A.24 G.31 KHAN, Mohammad Sabir A.24 Eo G.30 KRISHNAMURTHY, P. KINNAIRD, Judith KIRKMAN, Andrew KARCZ, laakov KERKHOF, Berlinda K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 LARSEN, Hans Christian LARSEN, Lotte M. LATIN, David LE BAS, Michael John LEGAULT, Frangois LEMESURIER, Wes LISTER, John LLOYD, John W. LONGMAN GROUP LOVELL, Brian McBIRNEY, A.R. Index of correspondents B.49, B.50 E.19 G.62 See BAS, Michael John LE C.61 G.62 G.68 E.32 E.23 A.24 G.62 McCLAY, Kenneth Ronald MACDONALD, Ray E.33 A.24 G.33 E.3 Et, G32 C.42, C.47, G.36 MARTIN, Daniel MAHONEY, John McKENZIE, Dan Peter MARSH, J.S. (‘Goonie’) E.47;G:33 B.53, G.72 A.24, B.30 MACDOUGALL, J. Douglas MALLICK, Donald Ivor John McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY 25 MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY G.37 E.24 Robt G.62 A.9, H.23 A.24, G.35 MELLUSO, Leone MENZIES, Martin MILNER, Simon Index of correspondents K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 MITCHELL, Clive MOFFATT, John MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin MOORE, Andrew MOORE, Andrew E. MUIR, lan Douglas MUSSET, Alan Ernest NATURAL HISTORY NATURE NAYAK, V.K. NESBITT, Robert W. NICOL, Ed PEATE, David A.9, G.69, G.70 E.29-E.35 OFFICER, Charles B. O’ HARA, Michael John OLLIER, C. NORTH, Sir Peter Machin ORCHARD, Mary E. ORMEROD, David G.69 G.69 C.46 O’ NEILL, Anthony Michael OPEN UNIVERSITY PRESS SOCIETY OF LONDON PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXBURGH, Ernest Ronald, Baron G.62 A.9 C.49 E.36 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Index of correspondents PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS PICCIRILLO, Enzo M. PRICHARD, Hazel RICE, Alan RICHARDS, Keith S. ROBERTS, Neil ROISENBERG, Ari ROYAL SOCIETY RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RUSHWORTH, Geoffrey RUTTER, Michael G.43 E.8 G.44 G.45 F.12-F.16, H.10, H.22-H.25 A.9 A.25 C.58 SARNTHEIN, Michael SELLWOOD, Bruce A.25, F.3, F.10, G.63 SEMPLE, Ali SEN, Gautam SINGH, Satish Eb E38 D.2;:G.73 C.47, G.46 SCHMINKE, Hans Ulrich SCARROW, Jane Hannah SAUNDERS, Andrew David SAGGERSON, Edward Phillips A.10, H.24 C.48 See also G.18 SLOMAN, Lynn Elizabeth C.34 A.25 G.63 G.69 E.50 SMITH, Joseph Victor SMITH, Barbara Scott SINGTON, David SKAE, Andrew James A.7 C.49 A.25 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Index of correspondents SMITH, Mike R. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY SPARKS, R. Stephen J. STANTON, Richard S. STEWART, Duncan Montgomery STEWART, Sir Frederick STOREY, Brian C. STRONG, David F. STUMPL, Eugen F. SUBBURAO, K.V. (‘Subbu’) SUBRAMANYA, K.R. SUESS, Erwin G.63 E.39 E.18 A.10 A.10 A.10, F.1 E.44,E.45 E.29 E:25 C.52, G.47, G.48 G.70 Salk SUKHESWALA, Ratan N. TAIT, Rhoda Elspeth TECTONOPHYSICS THIEDE, Jorn SWEENEY, Russell J. SYKES, John M. TAYLOR, Paul TECTONICS SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SUMMERFIELD, Michael A. G.52 TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT THIRLWALL, Matthew F. TEMPLE, John Tempest C.50 B.30 E.40 E.41 fale tS Ok Ont 7, B.52, C.47, E.19 E.42 TRAVERS, William B. K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 Index of correspondents UNWIN HYMAN LTD E.43 UPTON, Brian Geoffrey Johnson VAIL, John Randolph VENCIL, Jiri VINCENT, Ewart Albert (‘David’) VINES, Ken VOLLMER, Roald WAGER, Phyllis Margaret WALSH, J. Nicholas WALSH, John AS10: E.TitE186:20) bal F1S: G.35 A.10, C.57, H.26 G.72 A.25 G.66 H.26 A.10 E.24 A.25 WATKINSON, Anthony E.31,, 6:33, £34, E:35 WATSON, Sarah WATTS, Anthony B. WEST, Graham WEST, W.D WELLS, Maurice Kingsley G.64 See also B.38 WHITTINGHAM, Andrew Miles C.59 C.51 See also G.45 WILSON, Blanche Marjorie E.46, G.64 G.56, H.26 E.36, F.1 G.64 WILKINSON, John F. G. WIT, Maarten Johan de WOODHEAD, Jon WIDDOWSON, Michael WILCOCK, Bruce EAl/ G.64 G.53 A.10 G.54 G.66 WHITE, Robert S. WILSON, Allan A.25, C.52, G.55 K.G. Cox NCUACS 96/1/01 WORKMAN, David WRIGHT, Thomas L. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. Index of correspondents A.25 G.64, G.66
COX, Keith Gordon v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin