NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Arthur Roy Clapham FRS (1904 - 1990) NCUACS catalogue no. 89/2/00 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper, Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Arthur Roy Clapham FRS (1904 - 1990) NCUACS catalogue no. 89/2/00 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper, A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Title: Compiled by: Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1925 - 1994 Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Arthur Roy Clapham FRS (1904-1990), botanist NCUACS catalogue no. 89/2/00 © 2000 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Extent of material: ca 560 items Reference code: GB 0200 Deposited in: Sheffield University Library A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE CURATOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD SECTION C RESEARCH SECTION D NATURE CONSERVANCY SECTION E INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME SECTION F PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES Pallgme a IZA SECTION J G.1-G.26 J.1-J.44 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES H.1-H.50 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in December 1999 from Dr Jennifer Newton (daughter) via the University of Sheffield. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF ARTHUR ROY CLAPHAM Arthur Roy Clapham was born in Norwich in 1904. He was educated at the City of Norwich School and in 1922 entered Downing College Cambridge as a Foundation Scholar. He gained a first class degree in the Natural Sciences Tripos, taking Botany in Part Il. He was awarded the Frank Smart Prize for Botany and this studentship enabled him in 1925 to begin post-graduate research on plant physiology under F.F. Blackman. He was awarded his Ph.D. in 1929. In 1928 Clapham joined the staff of Rothamsted Agricultural Experimental Station, Harpenden as a Crop Physiologist. In 1930 he took up a post as Departmental and then University Demonstrator in of Sheffield, a post he held until retirement in 1969. He was then made Professor emeritus. Chancellor in 1965. As Head of the Botany Department Clapham oversaw an expansion of its was established, which was filled by Clapham’s ex-student and friend J.L. Harley. Clapham had widespread national and international commitments in botany and the related field of years. He was Chairman of its Scientific Policy Committee for seven years, 1963-1970, and and went on to serve as Chairman of the Teesdale Research Trust’s Scientific Committee that Committee for England from 1961. He also headed the Conservancy’s Teesdale Research Panel Clapham served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield 1954-1958 and Acting Vice- activities and a growing reputation as a centre for plant ecology research. In 1965 a second chair Botany at the University of Oxford. In 1944 he was appointed Professor of Botany at the University nature conservation. He became a member of the Nature Conservancy in 1956 and served for many interest in British research conducted for the IBP and participated in its African Savannah project and as Secretary 1948-1950 and President 1954-1956, and on the Council of the Linnean Society 1960- Derbyshire Naturalists’ Trust, which he helped to found in 1962 (Chairman until 1969). Internationally effectively replaced the Panel. Clapham was on the Council of the British Ecological Society, serving 1963 (President 1967-1970). He was an influential member of many local groups, including the Clapham was closely involved in the International Union of Biological Sciences’ International Biological Programme (IBP), serving as chairman of the British National Committee for the IBP and as a member of its Productivity of Terrestrial Communities Subcommittee. He maintained an active A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 in the IBP’s work on various systems of classifying vegetation. He made many overseas visits, including advising on the development of the University of the South Pacific in Fiji 1970-1971. Clapham’s contributions to botany were ecological rather than in the area of taxonomy. His research began from statistical studies of variance on small-plot field experiments at Rothamsted. Papers from his time at Oxford utilised statistical methods in studying the structure of vegetation distribution and its changes over time and the interacting influences at work. Clapham may have been the first to use the term ‘ecosystem’, suggesting it to A.G Tansley in the early 1930s. Following his move to Sheffield Clapham made major contributions to research through his work, with T.G. Tutin and E.F. Warburg, on the Flora of the British Isles, (1st ed., Cambridge 1952). This became the standard British Flora for over forty years, being revised for new editions in 1963 and 1987. The smaller Excursion Flora of the British Isles, (1st ed., Cambridge 1959) also reached three editions. Clapham was active following retirement, writing no fewer than four Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. He also wrote The Oxford Book of Trees (Oxford, 1975), illustrated by B.E. Nicholson and edited Upper Teesdale, the area and its natural history (London 1978). For his distinguished contributions to plant ecology Clapham was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1959. He received the CBE in 1969 and among other honours was awarded the Linnean Gold Medal in 1972. Clapham died in December 1990. summary has drawn. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION overseas. The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. It covers the period 1925-1994. Section A, Biographical, is not substantial. There are letters of congratulation on his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1959 and the award of the CBE in 1969. There is also some A fuller account of Clapham’s life and works can be found in the Royal Society Memoir of Clapham family correspondence, chiefly from Clapham to his wife for the periods when Clapham was by A. J. Willis (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol 39, 1994) upon which this are dated. Section B, University of Sheffield, chiefly comprises notes and teaching material for Clapham’s lectures and field trips at the University of Sheffield. Subjects range from biogeography to statistics. The papers were found in Clapham’s folders and envelopes in considerable disorder and represent lectures delivered over a number of decades and for a number of courses. Very few of the papers A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Section C, Research, is notes and notebooks dating from post-graduate research at Cambridge in the mid-1920s to post-retirement work in the early 1970s. It includes Clapham’s Ph.D. thesis, papers relating to forestry research in the 1940s, survey work in Glen Affric, Invernesshire in 1947 and botanical notes on visits abroad and from field trips. A number of notebooks used by Clapham during visits in the UK and abroad were kept as daily diaries as well as for a botanical record of the visit. Some research material may also be found with the University of Sheffield lecture notes in section B, with which some of it was kept, and in the Publications and lectures section F, including work on German forests undertaken during the Second World War. Section D, Nature Conservancy, covers the period 1957 to 1974. There is some general policy material, 1959-1971, including papers relating to the relationship between the Nature Conservancy and the Natural Environment Research Council. The bulk of the material, however, is Scientific Policy Committee papers including papers for particular meetings and papers on particular topics kept together by Clapham. The best represented of these topics is woodland research. There is also significant material relating to Upper Teesdale in Durham. Following the flooding of a section of the valley for a reservoir the Teesdale Research Trust was established to oversee research into the flora and fauna of the remaining area. Clapham was the chairman of the Trust’s Scientific Committee. 1975. Section F, representative of Clapham’s output in these areas. Publications material covers the period 1944- papers relating to systems of classifying vegetation types. The material covers the period 1964- Publications and lectures, is the largest in the collection though by no means material relating to various UK-supported projects and, the largest single component of the section, Section E, International Biological Programme (IBP), includes miscellaneous general papers relating to various aspects of the IBP, papers for meetings of the British National Committee for the IBP, and its natural history. There are also papers and correspondence assembled by Clapham in the 1982 and includes documentation of Clapham’s major books Flora of the British Isles (with T.G. Tutin course of writing his Royal Society Biographical Memoirs of G.R.S. Snow, W.H. Pearsall, W.O. and E.F. Warburg), The Oxford Book of Trees (with B.E. Nicholson), and Upper Teesdale, the area the Aldabra Research Committee of the Royal Society. Society of the British Isles’ Distribution-Maps Committee and there is also some material relating to documented. The most significant material is for lectures on ‘The shapes of trees’ and ‘Common Section G, Societies and organisations, is slight. The largest component is papers of the Botanical The material relating to Salisbury includes a short sequence of Salisbury’s own correspondence spanning his career. James and E.J. Salisbury. plants’. Public and invitation lectures are not well A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Section H, Visits and conferences, documents a few of the visits made and conferences attended between 1933 and 1984. The section does not fully represent the extent of Clapham’s travel as is indicated, for example, by his notebooks in section C and passports in section A. The most significant groups of material relate to Clapham’s visit to Kenya in connection with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources General Assembly in Kenya in 1963 and visits to Australia and Pacific islands in 1969 and Fiji in 1970-1971. Section J, Correspondence, presents a short alphabetical sequence of incoming correspondence arranged alphabetically. There are few extended sequences but a number of Clapham’s colleagues are represented including H. Godwin and J.L. Harley. There is also an index of correspondents. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper BATH 2000 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL Obituary of Clapham by Trevor Elkington, The Independent, 24 December 1990. Copy of the Biographical Memoir of Clapham by A.J. Willis, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 39 (1994). University of Cambridge, 1924-1928. Clapham’s manuscript notes on F.F. Blackman’s intermediate lecture course on the ‘Physiology of the Cell’, 1924. Memorabilia 1925-1926, n.d. Includes newspaper cutting with announcement of award of the Frank Smart Prize to Clapham, ca 1925; signed menu for Downing College Scientific Society Annual Dinner, 27 February 1925; lodging house account for summer term 1926; By-Laws of the Isaac Newton University Lodge (Free Masons), n.d. Letters of congratulation. Arranged alphabetically. Not indexed. Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1959. Telegram notifying Clapham of his election, 19 March 1959. A.-Bi. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Biographical First name and unidentified A.18-A.25 Award of CBE, 1969. Vice- Letters of congratulation. In alphabetical order. Not indexed. Letter of congratulation on Clapham’s temporary appointment as Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, 27 May 1965. B., C. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Biographical First name and unidentified. A.26-A.34 Family correspondence. This material is nearly all correspondence from Clapham to his wife Brenda for the periods when he was away from home, 1940-1952. The correspondence includes news about work in progress, relations with co-workers, as well as personal and social matters. July, August 1940. September - October 1940. February 1941. 1948-1949. 1950. December 1940 - January 1941. Includes letters from summer expeditions to Scotland 1948 and Ireland 1949. See also C.30, H.2. Letters from visit to Scandinavia, June-July. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Biographical 1951. Letters from visit to Scotland, July. See also C.31. 1952. Letters from visit to Ireland, August. 1969. Letter from David Clapham (son) in Aberystwyth to his father in Hong Kong. Passports. 1949-1959. 1959-1969. in Ecology and her father’s manuscript papers Copy of letter from Jennifer Newton (daughter) re establishment of A.R. Clapham Prize and notebooks, 1993. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD Clapham was appointed to the Chair of Botany at the University of Sheffield in 1944. He remained at Sheffield for the rest of his career. He served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1954-1958 and was Acting Vice-Chancellor for 1965. On his retirement in 1969 he was appointed Professor emeritus. The material is essentially notes and teaching material for Clapham’s lectures and field trips at the University of Sheffield. Subjects range from biogeography to statistics. The papers were found in Clapham’s folders and envelopes in a state of considerable disorder. They include manuscript and typescript lecture notes from a number of decades and for a number of courses as well as duplicated typescript course notes, research material and notes on the literature. Very few of the papers are dated. The papers have been presented in a single sequence. Clapham’s inscriptions have been used as the basis for the organisation of the material and are preserved in the catalogue entries. B.1 ‘Lecture notes biogeography’. Includes typescript notes for Biogeography II and III. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed. Notes for Biogeography lecture 4. Notes on historical ecology. Contents of Clapham’s untitled folder divided into thirteen for ease of reference: manuscript, typescript and duplicated typescript notes on various aspects of biogeography. Notes on Pleistocene vegetation etc. Notes on glaciation and the inter-glacial period. Notes on pollen analysis. Notes on Miocene and Eocene flora. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 University of Sheffield Notes on peat bogs. Notes on effect of climate change on vegetation. Notes on North American vegetation. B.11-B.14 Miscellaneous notes. 4 folders. B.15-B.19 Contents of Clapham’s folder so ‘Ecology lectures and excursions -1969’. inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript, typescript and duplicated typescript notes. Plan of lectures; notes for lectures 1, Sheffield District’. 2 and 4 on the ‘Vegetation of the Duplicated typescript teaching material. Duplicated typescript abstracts of papers given at British Ecological Society symposium, 1964. Notes for excursions for Intermediate Ecology excursions, 1965 and 1st Year biology students, 1969; notes for lectures on intermediate ecology and non-integrated biology. of primary and secondary sucessions. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. ‘Lecture Notes Experimental Ecology’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Manuscript and typescript notes for introductory lecture on Experimental Biology, lectures 2-4 on Rates of Ecological Change and lecture 2 on Rates A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 University of Sheffield Notes for lectures in integrated course for 1st year biology students. B.22-B.24 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. 3 folders. B.25-B.32 ‘Lecture notes. Field ecology and excursions around Sheffield’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Individual pages dated between 1952 and 1967. Manuscript and typescript notes for intermediate lectures 1 on Totley Wood, near Sheffield, some dated 1952 and 1964; duplicated typescript lists of field excursions for intermediate and 1st year students. ‘Profile data on Totley Wood, Totley Moor’. Miscellaneous manuscript and duplicated typescript material so labelled. Manuscript and typescript notes on vegetation of the Sheffield district. Manuscript notes for intermediate lecture 3 on soils; manuscript notes on podsoils and brown earth. Typescript outline of intermediate lecture 5; typescript ‘Lecture to Integrated Course for First-Year Biologists’ on relation of higher plants to surrounding vegetation; duplicated typescript notes. 2 folders. Typescript notes for intermediate lecture 8 on grasslands and heather moors; duplicated typescript notes for intermediate ecology excursions 3 and 4 to Kinderscout 1965 and Cressbrookdale 1964; manuscript notes on Kinderscout; typescript notes on grassland. Miscellaneous notes. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 University of Sheffield B.33-B.38 ‘Gramineae’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Typescript list of ?introductory lecture; typescript notes for lectures 3 and 5; manuscript and typescript notes on angiosperms of lectures on angiosperm taxonomy; typescript draft Typescript and manuscript draft of lecture to integrated course for 1st year biology students; typescript outline of final lecture on gymnosperms for Honours course. B.35-B.38 Manuscript and typescript notes. Includes material on Linnaeus and history of taxonomy; 4 folders. B.39-B.43 ‘Historical Ecology notes’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Typescript and manuscript notes on historical ecology. Manuscript notes on climate change in north-west Europe. Typescript notes for Honours Course on Historical Ecology, 1959; typescript note for lecture 3 and ‘Last Lecture’ on historical ecology; typescript notes for lectures 1 and 2 on post-Glacial history of British vegetation. students on Integrated Biology course. Typescript and duplicated lecture notes and notes for practical work for Manuscript and typescript notes. 2 folders. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 B.45-B.49 University of Sheffield ‘Lecture Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Phyllogeny’. Phyllotaxis. plants. notes. Sex in Contents of Manuscript and typescript notes on angiosperms. Manuscript notes for Special Honours lectures on phyllotaxis; manuscript and typescript notes on phyllotaxis. Manuscript notes on ‘Darwin’s Results with Primulas’, 9pp. ‘Evolution of Sex in Flowering Plants’, 12pp and B.48, B.49 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. 2 folders. B.50-B.60 ‘Statistics Lectures’. ease of reference. Contents of Clapham’s folder divided into eleven for B.50-B.55 Statistics. B.50 Typescript lecture notes. Manuscript course outline; manuscript lecture notes The material is from two courses: Statistics, and Design and Analysis of Experiments. 2 folders. Duplicated typescript and manuscript notes for Statistics practicals. Manuscript and typescript notes on Analysis of Variance. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes on Statistics. B.54, B.55 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 University of Sheffield B.56-B.59 Design and Analysis of experiments. B.56 Typescript notes for lectures 1-3. Duplicated typescript sheet for practical work; manuscript and typescript notes for course. Miscellaneous manuscript, duplicated typescript and typescript notes on design and analysis of experiments. 2 folders. Duplicated typescript sheets on aspects of statistics by M.D. Mountford, 1960. B.61-B.64 ‘Lectures notes. inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: Variability Evolution’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so 2 folders. B.63, B.64 Manuscript notes for lectures 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9. Duplicated typescript sheets for practical work. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. ‘ Duplicated typescript ‘Introduction to the geology and vegetation of the Sheffield area’ for 1st year students; sheet for practical work for students on Non-integrated 3pp typescript. ‘Vegetation. Clapham’s envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. ‘The Padley Wood Nature Trail’, Biology class’; See also B.15. Contents of Sheffield lecture notes. Notes on papers’. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 University of Sheffield Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. B.67-B.72 ‘Water Relations Notes’. Contents of Clapham’s envelope so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Manuscript typescript lecture notes for intermediate lectures 2-4, 9 and 12. duplicated outlines; and typescript course typescript and B.68-B.72 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes re water relations of plant cells and of whole plants. 5 folders. ‘Special Honours Lectures: Autumn Term, 1955’ Manuscript draft reporting on work on Ipomaea caerulea. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION C RESEARCH The material is notes and notebooks dating from post-graduate research at Cambridge in the mid- 1920s to post-retirement work in the early 1970s. A number of the later notebooks were used as much as diaries of visits as to record botanical notes, such lists of plant species. Research material may also be found with University of Sheffield lecture notes (section B) with which some of it was kept and in the Publications and lectures section, including work on German forests undertaken during and after the Second World War. ‘| The effect of a period of illumination on the respiration of green leaves. II Observations on starch formation in green leaves’. 53 pp typescript + references. This was the result of research work under the supervision of F.F. Blackman, ca 1925-1928. ‘Sampling of Agricultural crops’. Bound copy of Clapham’s Ph.D. thesis. Exercise book inscribed ‘A.R. Clapham Grass Samples May 26 [19]30’ on front cover. Exercise book inscribed ‘A.R. Clapham Lime Trees 1928-’ on front cover. Used September 1928-May 1930. The thesis reports research work carried out at Rothamsted Agricultural Experimental Station, Harpenden, in 1928. Clapham was awarded his Ph.D. in 1929. November 1930. Exercise book inscribed ‘A.R. Clapham Competition among Grass spp’. Used 1929. Intercalated material includes letter from Clapham to Parkinson of Rothamsted Agricultural Experimental Station the re wheat experiment, 11 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research Exercise book inscribed ‘A.R. Clapham Grass Samples’ on front cover. Used June-July 1930. Exercise book inscribed ‘A.R. Clapham 3rd Sampling July 22nd [1930] on front cover. Exercise book inscribed ‘4th Sampling Aug 5th [1930]’ on front cover. Spiral bound notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Cothill [Oxfordshire] 1936’. Pocket notebook used for notes on species found at Wembury, April 1937. Most pages not used. Pocket notebook used for notes on ‘Excursion with A.G. Tansley to Scotland [...] (in connection with material for The British Islands & their Vegetation)’, September 1937. C.13-C.23 C.13-C.15 Manuscript and typescript notes on woodland, July-September 1940. Includes botanical notes on a number of different woods. Spiral bound Reporters notebook inscribed ‘Corsica 1939’ on front cover. Used for notes from visit to Corsica organised by T.G.B. Osborn. ‘Forest Data 1940’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. Miscellaneous research material 1940-1952. Widmore Wood (?Kent), Bix (Oxfordshire). Highclere (Hampshire), Inkpen (Berkshire), Burghfield Common (Berkshire), Yattenden (Berkshire), lbstone (Buckinghamshire), Stonor (Oxfordshire). Linch Road Wood (Midhurst, Sussex), Chartridge Wood (Buckinghamshire), July. August. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research September, nd. Medmenham (Berkshire), Swyncombe Down, Ewelme (Oxfordshire), Westleton Heath (Suffolk), Nanfair Wood, Easthampstead (Berkshire). Also includes letter to Clapham from A. ?Foggie re research, n.d. C.16-C.21 Papers principally re Glen Affric survey, July-September 1947. In July 1947 Clapham joined this Botanical and Exchange Club of the British Isles survey to look at possible consequences of the project of the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board to build dams raising the water levels of lochs Mullardoch and Beinn a Mheadhoin in Glen Affric, Invernesshire. Found with this material were a few papers relating to work in Teesdale. Background material. account of the Glen Affric survey, 27 July 1962. Includes letter from Ursula Duncan to Clapham re his General notes re survey. 2 folders. Typescript notes on Loch Mullardoch. Manuscript notes on Loch Beinn a Mheadhoin. Manuscript and typescript notes on Widdy Bank Fell, Teesdale, Durham. Duplicated typescript material re Kinderscout, 1952. Includes typescript notes and remarks on Clapham’s report by C. Williams, sent to Clapham, 23 May 1950. Typescript report on ‘Landslides in Glen Quoich, July 1949’. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research C.24-C.27 ‘ARC. Mostly Oxford notes, from literature, class excursions, early statistical work’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Manuscript and typescript notes. Although very little material is dated it seems to cover a wide time-span. Notes on angiosperms. Includes notes for lectures at Sheffield. Notes on xylem specialisation, plants on sand dunes and chalk grasslands. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. 2 folders. Hardback pocket notebook used chiefly for notes on visit to Scotland, May- July 1949. Used from July - See also A.31, H.2. See also A.31, H.2. The notebook includes some ‘diary’ Clapham’s activities. Notebook (lacking covers) titled August 1950. At the back is a list of photographs. ‘IPE Sweden 1950’. Pocket notebook labelled on front cover ‘Sweden 1950’ and ‘Ireland October 1955’. Pocket notebook used on visit to Denmark August 1953. Pocket jotter used from the front and from the back for notes on visit to western Aberdeenshire, Scotland, July 1951. entries giving a fuller picture of See also A.32. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed ‘Barnack Pen-y- Wales’ on front cover. Used for notes June-August 1954 on various sites including Barnack quarries, Cambridgeshire, Lincoln golf course, Pen-y-Ghent, North Yorkshire and sites in north-west Wales. Pocket notebook used chiefly for notes on visit to ?7Derbyshire June 1954, with later note November 1955. Pocket notebook used for notes on visit to Bristol area, August 1954. Loose pages at front. ‘Squirrels’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence re distribution of Red and Grey Squirrels, 1955. In November 1955 Clapham appealed, through the Sheffield Telegraph and other local papers for information on Red and Grey Squirrels in the Sheffield area. He received a number of replies indicating a population of Red Squirrels in the area. 2 folders. Used for notes on visit Pocket notebook used for notes on the literature and on field trip to area south of Sheffield, September 1956. Pocket notebook labelled ‘Cheddar Woods. Quantocks, Berrow Dunes, Rydal Head etc 1957’. to Somerset, August - September 1957. Spiral bound notebook inscribed ‘Austria: 1958’. Used July 1958. Spiral bound notebook inscribed ‘S. Germany & Austria 1958’. August 1958. Used July- ‘Plants seen when staying with Miss Campbell 30/3/57 - 10/4/57. S. France’. 20pp typescript. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research Manuscript notes on ‘Hainburger Berge July 1958’. notes Hardback pocket notebook inscribed ‘E N Americas 1958’. Used 22 August - 2 September on journey to Canada for the Commonwealth Universities Conference, Montreal and from the front and the back for notes on visit to eastern USA, September. for The notebook includes many ‘diary’ Clapham’s activities. entries giving a fuller picture of Pocket notebook inscribed with German vocabulary on front cover. Used July - August 1959. Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed ‘Mentone 1961’ on front cover. Used for notes on visit to ?Menton, France. Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Nat. Conservancy Excursion. Blean Woods. Wye & [?]dale, Alpeton Brook Pye Hall’ on front cover. Used June - July 1962. Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Ling Ghyll etc’ on front cover. Used August 1962. Pocket notebook labelled ‘Rumania’ on the front cover. Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Sudan 1965 (& Makerere [Uganda])’ on front page. Used March 1965, March 1966 and March 1967. Found in an envelope inscribed ‘Flora Europaea Diary of visit to Rumania 1963 July’. March 1966. Spiral bound pocket notebook used for notes on field work at various unidentified sites and notes on ‘Conservation in Derbyshire Nov 28th 1965’. Spiral bound pocket notebook labelled ‘Uganda 1966’ on front cover. Used A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Uganda 1966’ on front cover. Used March 1966. Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed ‘Uganda & Sudan’ on front cover. Used at the front for notes on national parks policy and later notes on flora at Karamoja and other sites, ca 1965. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed ‘Malaya 1969’ on front cover. The notebook includes some ‘diary’ entries for 23-29 July 1969 giving a fuller picture of Clapham’s activities. Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Adelaide 1969’ on front cover. July 1969. Used from 29 Pocket notebook inscribed ‘1969 Queensland’ on front cover. August 1969. Used 14-22 entries giving a fuller picture of The notebook includes some ‘diary’ Clapham’s activities. of See also H.24-H.32. entries giving a fuller picture The notebook includes some ‘diary’ Clapham’s activities. Spiral bound pocket notebook labelled ‘Australia & New Guinea 1969’ on front cover. Used 24 September - October 1969. Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed ‘New Zealand (N. Island) ?1971’ on front cover. Used from the front for notes January [?1971] and at back for draft of ‘Lectures on Ecology’. n.d. Hardback pocket notebook used for notes on flora near Overy, Oxfordshire, Spiral bound pocket notebook. Used for notes on visit to Norway July 1973. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Research Reporters notebook used for various notes, including ?British Ecological Society business, n.d. Spiral bound pocket notebook. N.d. Pocket notebook, lacking covers. N.d. Pocket notebook inscribed ‘Denmark’ on front cover. N.d. Reporters notebook used for bibliographical references and notes on the literature. N.d. Reporters notebook used chiefly for notes on the literature. N.d. C.68-C.78 Manuscript and typescript notes. Found loose, mostly undated. Five photographs and graph pasted onto pages of the notes. C.70-C.75 Manuscript and typescript notes on the literature. ‘Comparison of Rise & Fall of River’: manuscript notes paginated [1]-12. 4pp typescript notes on ‘Spergularia J. & C. Presl.’ + 7 photographs. The notes, not in Clapham’s hand, refer to readings taken in April 1912. 3 folders. C.76-C.78 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. Arranged in alphabetical order by author. 6 folders. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION D NATURE CONSERVANCY The Nature Conservancy was established in 1949 as the fourth research council. In addition to its own research programmes and research stations the Nature Conservancy owned and managed the national Nature Reserves, over which it had statutory powers. Clapham joined the Conservancy in 1956 and served for many years. He was Chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee for seven years, 1963-1970 succeeding W.H. Pearsall, and of the Committee for England from 1961. The papers cover the period 1957 to 1974. There is some general policy material, 1959-1971, including papers relating to the relationship between the Nature Conservancy and the Natural Environment Research Council, but the bulk of the material is Scientific Policy Committee papers including papers for particular meetings and papers on particular topics kept together by Clapham. The best represented of these topics is woodland research. There is also significant material relating to Upper Teesdale, Durham. Clapham had been Chairman of the Conservancy's Teesdale Research Panel but in 1967, following the flooding of a section of the valley for a reservoir, the Teesdale Research Trust was established to oversee research into the flora and fauna of the remaining area. Clapham was the Chairman of the Trust’s Scientific Committee. D.17-D.50 D.53-D.55 D.73-D.75 D.1-D.16 GENERAL POLICY D.56-D.72 TEESDALE D:517 Di52 COMMITTEE FOR ENGLAND SCIENTIFIC POLICY COMMITTEE NATURE CONSERVATION IN WALES MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy GENERAL POLICY 1959-1971 ‘Education for Conservation. Report to the Nature Conservancy’ by E.M. Nicholson, 21pp duplicated typescript, May and June 1959. ‘The Nature Conservancy’, 12pp duplicated typescript draft of booklet, ca 1962. Press Release on creation of Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve, 12 September 1964. Copy of letter from P.H. Cooper re relationship of the Nature Conservancy to the newly established Natural Environment Research Council, 7 December 1964. ‘Memorandum to Natural Environment Research Council’ on policies of the Nature Conservancy, 8pp duplicated typescript, ca 1964. ‘Conservation and research policy in the Nature Conservancy’ by E.A.G. Duffey, 9pp duplicated typescript + 5pp duplicated typescript appendix, February 1965. ‘The organisation of ecological research and conservation studies in the Nature Conservancy’ by E.A.G. Duffey, 5pp photocopied typescript, 31 May 1965. Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)’s ‘Forward Looks’, 1967. Refers to Clapham’s 1965 recommendation that the Conservancy re- orientate its research programme to the study of management of vegetation and communities discontinue research unrelated to this. ‘The Nature Conservancy Research Policy. duplicated typescript + chart. ca 1965. Duplicated typescript papers re Nature Conservancy contributions to the A Historical Summary’, 7pp animal for conservation purposes and A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy ‘Geomorphology (Physiography) in the Nature Conservancy’, 4pp typescript + covering Office Note annotated by Clapham, November 1967. Duplicated typescript papers re revision of NERC Committee structure, 1970-1971. The Nature Conservancy was unhappy with the NERC’s plans as it was felt It was argued that it it would downgrade the status of the Conservancy. would be preferable for the Nature Conservancy to revert to its former independent status. Typescript memorandum from members of the Nature Conservancy, arguing for renewed independence of the Conservancy from the NERC, February 1971; copy of response from M.H. Thatcher MP, Secretary of State for Education and Science, 23 March 1971. The memorandum is annotated by Clapham but he is not a signatory to it. Agenda and papers for special meeting of Nature Conservancy, 27 July 1971. This meeting was called to consider the status of the Conservancy within the NERC. 2 folders. Agenda and papers for ordinary meeting of the Nature Conservancy, 28 July 1971. ‘Index of declarations and negotiations regarding National, Local and Forest Nature Reserves, SSSI(A)s [Site of Special Scientific Interest] and Wildfowl Refuges’, 21pp duplicated typescript, 1971. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy D.17-D.50 SCIENTIFIC POLICY COMMITTEE 1958-1970 Following Clapham’s own arrangement the material has been organised by topic as follows: D.17-D.30 D.31-D.35 General policy Barrages, estuaries and fens D.36, D.37 Chalk Grasslands D.38-D.40 Deer D.41 Wildfowl D.42-D.50 Woodlands D.17-D.30 General policy 1958-1968 Chiefly duplicated members and for discussion at Committee meetings. typescript papers for circulation among Committee Pearsall), 4pp + 1p annex, June 1960; Scientific (W.H. ‘Interim Report No. 3’, March 1949, with covering Office Note. ‘Review of Committee’ Conservancy's Scientific Committee’, 6pp, September 1960 + appendix and annex. Policy. Memorandum by ‘The Conservancy’s Research Policy. Memorandum from Sub-Committee appointed by Scientific Policy Committee’ by C. Diver, 9pp, September 1958; ‘Background of the Nature Conservancy's Research Policy. Note by the Director-General’, 3pp, October 1958. Miscellaneous Committee papers, 1962, 1964. ‘The Conservancy’s Scientific Policy. Memorandum by the Chairman of the Committee’, 6pp, September 1960 + covering Office Note. Policy. Memorandum by the Chairman of This is a revised version of that at D.19 above. the Chairman of the ‘The the A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy Miscellaneous Committee papers, January 1965. Papers for Committee meeting, 21 July 1965. Some annotated by Clapham. This meeting included consideration of the Conservancy’s research and conservation policy. 2 folders. Papers for Committee meeting, 21 October 1965. Some annotated by Clapham. Clapham ‘A. Conservation-Management Research’. Includes 2pp manuscript rough draft by ‘The Conservancy's Scientific by Clapham, 6pp typescript draft, January 1966, and 6pp duplicated typescript version with covering Office Note. Policy’ D.27, D.28 Papers re ‘Research Policy: Implementation proposals’. D.27 ‘Revised 9.12.66’, 20pp. Typescript draft marked as ‘Revised’, 20pp extensively annotated by Clapham; submissions on the draft from N.W. Moore, F.H. Perring and E. Duffey, October 1966. Miscellaneous Committee papers, 1968. Miscellaneous Committee papers, 1966. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy D.31-D.35 Barrages, estuaries and fens 1958-1969 Contents of Clapham’s folder inscribed ‘Shallow Seas. Barrages etc’. Duplicated typescript Committee papers chiefly on barrages, estuaries and fens. 5 folders Chalk Grasslands 1959-1967 Contents duplicated typescript Committee papers. of Clapham’s folder inscribed ‘Chalk Grasslands’. Chiefly Included at D.37 are two letters from J.F. Hope Simpson re chalk grassland conservation, February and March 1965, and Clapham’s manuscript notes 2 folders. D.38-D.40 Deer 1958-1969 D.38 D.42-D.50 D.42-D.49 Wildfowl Miscellaneous duplicated typescript Committee papers 1962-1969. Duplicated typescript Committee papers on the Deer (England and Wales) Bill, 1962. ‘A Report of the Red Deer Survey in Scotland, 1953-1958’ by F. Fraser Darling’, 39pp duplicated typescript + 7pp annexes. Conservancy woodlands. Includes papers for Committee for England. Duplicated typescript papers of Wildfowl Conservation Committee. Woodlands 1964, 1965 Duplicated typescript Committee papers and 1958-1970 related material re A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy D.42-D.44 Miscellaneous papers 1958-1964. 3 folders D.45-D.48 Papers on Woodland Research in the Nature Conservancy. These papers were prepared when the Nature Conservancy was absorbed into the NERC. A meeting on 22 December 1965 considered the issues ‘Woodland research in the Nature Conservancy; the present situation and the future’ by A. Carlisle and A.H.F. Brown, 14pp photocopied typescript + appendices. Photocopies of typescript submissions and comments on Brown’s paper and response from the authors. Carlisle and typescript Duplicated Nature Conservancy, 4pp, with extensive manuscript annotation by Clapham; and 6pp, incorporating some of his amendments. ‘Woodland Research drafts the of in Miscellaneous papers 1968, 1969. NERC woodland research, 1965-1970. Other papers for and arising from meeting on 22 December. Chiefly papers of the NERC Forestry and Woodland Research Committee. 2 folders. Miscellaneous duplicated typescript papers, 1960, 1964, 1965. COMMITTEE FOR ENGLAND 1960-1965 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy D.53-D.55 NATURE CONSERVATION IN WALES 1960-1968 Miscellaneous duplicated typescript papers, 1960, 1964. ‘Environmental Conservation in Wales. Conservancy 1969-1974’, 1968. A development plan for the Nature Typescript draft, 44pp. Duplicated 39pp typescript draft, with manuscript annotation by Clapham. D.56-D.72 TEESDALE 1957-1974 In 1956 the Tees Valley Water Board proposed to build a reservoir in Upper Teesdale, initially at Cow Green, then Dine Holm. The Nature Conservancy opposed the plan and it was dropped in favour of a site at Balderhead. Clapham was Chair of the Conservancy’s Teesdale Research Panel, and The NERC and ICI (main industrial users of this was re-activated in 1967. the water) created the Teesdale Research Trust to support scientific research in Upper Teesdale and Clapham became Chairman of the Trust’s Scientific Committee which replaced the Research Panel. The Nature Conservancy then established a National Nature Reserve in the Upper Teesdale area. In 1964 the Tees Valley and Cleveland Water Board once again raised the question of building a reservoir and planned to site it at Cow Green, now judged geologically suitable. The Nature Conservancy agreed to concede the upper Cow Green site in order to protect the more sensitive Widdybank Fell (lower Cow Green). Cleveland Water Bill, 25 February 1966. The research overseen by the Committee resulted in the publication of Upper Teesdale, the area and its natural history (Collins, London, 1978) edited by Clapham. See F.42-F.62. Duplicated typescript papers on environmental impact of a reservoir at Cow Green, 1966, and letter re arrangements for meeting on the Tees Valley and Correspondence and papers Conservancy opposition, 1957. re first plan to build dam and Nature A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy Duplicated typescript notes of meeting on the proposed reservoir, 27 July 1966. Correspondence, February - March 1967. Includes correspondence re re-activation of the Teesdale Research Panel. Agenda, papers and minutes of First Meeting of Teesdale Research Panel, 10 April 1967. 2 folders. Agenda, papers and minutes of Second Meeting of Teesdale Research Panel, 28 June 1967. 2 folders. papers on Scientific Teesdale Miscellaneous typescript Committee policy, January - April 1968. duplicated Press Release on establishment of Teesdale Research Trust, September 1967. Duplicated typescript papers re meeting to discuss research on sugar- limestone habitats at Cronkley Fell, 1 November 1967. ‘A preliminary survey of the public access pressures on Widdybank Fell, Upper Teesdale’ tables, November 1968. Papers for meeting of Teesdale Scientific Committee, October 1971. of Teesdale Correspondence from meeting Committee on 19 December 1968, November 1968. Godwin H. re duplicated typescript + by T.G. Buffey, 5pp Scientific A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Nature Conservancy Photocopied typescript list of those receiving grants from the Trust and the nature of their research, 15 March 1972. 2pp typescript notes + plan of excavations at ‘Forcegarth Pasture’, February 1974. ‘Report from the Rev. H.G. Proctor to the Teesdale Scientific Committee. March, 1974. Plants’, 24pp photocopied typescript + maps. 1. Cow Green reservoir: Erosion and Part D.73-D.75 MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES 1963-1970 ‘Inchnadamph National Nature Reserve, Sutherland’, duplicated typescript booklet, June 1963. D.74, D.75 Miscellaneous papers re Banchory New Building, Aberdeenshire, 1967. Banchory was an outstation of the Conservancy's Grouse and Moorland Ecology Unit. 2 folders. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION E INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME The International Biological Programme was established in 1964 by the International Union of Biological Sciences. It was inspired by the success of the International Geophysical Year in 1957- 1958 but took three years from the preliminary meetings to agree on an agenda for the Programme. Its full title was the ‘International Biological Programme. The Biological Basis of Productivity and Human Welfare’ but this longer title was seldom used. The IBP comprised seven sections: Productivity of Terrestrial Communities, Production Processes, Conservation of Terrestrial Communities, Productivity of Freshwater Communities, Productivity of Marine Communities, Human Adaptability and Use and Management of Biological Resources. The British National Committee for the IBP was chaired by Clapham (succeeding A.A. Miles in December 1964) and he was also a Member of its Productivity of Terrestrial Communities Subcommittee. He maintained an active interest in British research conducted for the IBP and participated in its African Savannah project. Clapham believed the chief achievements of the IBP were encouraging research by teams rather of environments. E.1-E.13 GENERAL IBP PAPERS E.21-E.67 E.14-E.20 BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE IBP knowledge of the total functioning of ecosystems and of humankind’s ability to adapt to a wide variety than individuals, so transforming the scientific method in biology, and increasing direct scientific RESEARCH TOPICS A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme GENERAL IBP PAPERS 1964-1975 1. Report ‘Project A Productivity of Terrestrial Communities - Ecology. Proposals accepted at the Paris Meeting July 23rd to 26th 1964’, 12pp duplicated typescript; duplicated typescript papers from Symposium on Australia’s participation in section on Productivity of Terrestrial Communities, February 1965. ‘Review of some conservation situations in Australasia, Antarctica and South-East Asia’, 25pp typescript, 25 March 1965. ‘Survey, conservation and utilization of Genetic resources in plants useful to Man’ by O.H. Frankel, 6pp duplicated typescript + 3pp appendix, April 1965. ‘Requirements for a World Conservation Programme’ and ‘An International Conservation Programme for Nicholson, duplicated typescript papers, June 1966. Islands’ Pacific E.M. the by IBP Report by E.B. Worthington, IBP Scientific Director, given at Third General Assembly, Varna, Bulgaria, April 1968, 9pp photocopied typescript. Record by Worthington of the Fifth IBP General Assembly, Seattle, Canada, September 1972, 38pp photocopied typescript, November 1968. ‘A first approach to the integration of I.B.P. studies on Arctic and Sub-Arctic ecosystems using systems models. Report of a meeting...November 1967’, 5pp duplicated typescript. corrections. Research Studies constituting the Biological Programme, National Academy of Sciences, December 1968. contribution to ‘The International Biological Programme’, typescript draft with manuscript Drafts by Clapham on the IBP. U.S. the International A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme Special Committee for the IBP Report on work of sections of the IBP, 20pp typescript, with manuscript and typescript additions by Clapham for use in a ?lecture on the IBP. E.11-E.13 General articles on the IBP, 1965-1975. E.11 ‘The International Biological Programme. Evening Discourse to the British Association by E. B. Worthington, 3rd September, 1965’, 16pp photocopied typescript. Origin ‘The photocopied typescript, ca 1968. 1.B.P. the of Unofficial Note by C.H. Waddington’, 8pp Copies of printed material re the IBP, various dates ca 1967-1975. E.14-E.20 E.15-E.18 ES 1964-1965. 1964-1974 BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE IBP Duplicated typescript papers for meetings of the Committee Keay’s letter expresses the hope that Clapham will be able to take up the chairmanship of the British National Committee 3pp typescript notes on meeting re IBP, sent to Clapham by Ronald Keay, of the Royal Society, 19 October 1964. rough draft of Clapham’s overall report. Reports to the Third IBP General Assembly on UK-supported research programmes, some annotated by Clapham. Also includes 6pp manuscript 1968. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme 1974. Meeting of ‘Ad hoc Group on U.K. Report on IBP Work’. The United Kingdom Contribution to the International Biological Programme, Royal Society, London, 1967. The United Kingdom Contribution to the International Biological Programme: 1970 Progress Report, Royal Society, London, 1970. E.21-E.67 RESEARCH TOPICS As Chairman of the British National Committee, Clapham maintained an active interest in British research conducted for the IBP and participated in its African Savannah project. He was also interested in the creation and use of classification schemes for vegetation. E.21-E.27 UK-supported projects E.61-E.67 Other background papers E.21-E.27 UK-supported projects 1965-1976 E.28-E.60 Classification of vegetation E.21-E.23 African Savannah Productivity Project. This project supported by the Royal Society and based in Uganda. Clapham participated in it and visited Uganda, reporting to the IBP and Royal Society on his visits to two Ugandan National Parks in 1972. 9 May 1972. Murchison Falls and Kidepo Valley National Parks, Uganda. 1968-1972. Includes Clapham’s reports on visits to the National Parks 13-24 April and 5- Duplicated papers on programmes within the Savannah project. Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda. 1965, ca 1970. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme Correspondence re project, 1969, 1976. E.24-E.27 ‘Pasoh Forest Survey Malaya’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Correspondence 1970. Second Report by P.S. Ashton, 20 February 1971. ‘Complete Species List’, 51pp duplicated typescript, n.d. Plot maps from Pasoh Forest Reserve. Overall map + plots, 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7. E.28-E.60 Classification of vegetation 1964-1973, n.d. E.28 ‘Classification of plant formations. Draft (January 1964)’ by J. Schmithusen and H. Ellenberg, 7pp duplicated typescript. ‘Some thoughts on vegetation classification on a worldwide basis’ by G. Budowski, 3pp duplicated typescript, June 1964. ‘Possible bases for an agreement in vegetation classification on a world wide basis’, 6pp photocopied typescript, n.d. (?ca 1964). Resources, 20pp photocopied typescript, 1973. ‘The UNESCO classification of vegetation: some tests in the Tropics’ by T.E. A.W. Kuchler and J.M. Montoya Maquin, 31pp photocopied typescript + tables and figures, ca 1969. ‘A working system for classification of world vegetation’ prepared by the Secretariat of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 E.33-E.37 E.38-E.40 International Biological Programme ‘Australia, inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. N.d. British Columbia’. Contents of Clapham’s folder Tunisia, so Typescript drafts, notes and figures on Australian vegetational classification 2 folders. Typescript drafts and notes on Tunisian vegetational classification. Typescript table of ‘Fosberg formations occurring in Tunisia’. Typescript drafts, notes and figures on Vegetation of Canada. British Columbia, Fosberg with ‘Comparing Scandinavian “uniform” Classification, etc’. Contents of Clapham’s envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Classification, Australian Veg. Miscellaneous tables and figures ‘Scandinavia’, typescript draft on vegetation types in Scandinavia. ‘The Fosberg Classification’ by G.L. Radford, 5pp photocopied typescript, December 1971. (IBP/CT)’, 6pp photocopied typescript. Photocopied typescript papers on ‘Proposed Classification of Scandinavian vegetation for mapping purposes’. ‘Scandinavian Vegetation. Uniform classification for use in mapping’, 5pp photocopied typescript. ‘The plant communities of Finland according to FOSBERG’s classification 2 folders. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme ‘Netherlands. Classifications’, 9pp photocopied typescript. Comparison Fosberg of and Westhoff-Den Held Note on ‘National Vegetation Classification’, 2pp typescript; ‘Vegetational classification in the United Kingdom’, 4pp typescript. ‘Geogram’. for ease of reference. Contents of Clapham’s envelope so inscribed divided into two ‘Directory of Basic Types’, 26pp typescript, 1972. ‘Supplementary Directory of Basic Types (non-British)’. typescript, 1972. 9pp photocopied ‘List of plant communities in Japan’, 6pp photocopied typescript, 1972. 2 folders. E.53 Blank sample forms. Country Check Sheet: Egypt. These forms were produced for programmes under the IBP Section on the Conservation of Terrestrial Communities. ‘IBP Check Sheets’. Contents of Clapham’s envelope so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. Wales. Bergen Swamp, New Jersey, USA; Biesbosch, Brabant, The Netherlands. Area Check Sheets. E.53-E.60 Borth Bog, Caernarvonshire, Wales; Cors Tregaron, Caernarvonshire, A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme De Weerriben, Overijssel, The Netherlands; Gotska Sandon National Park, Sweden. Great Gulf Wilderness, New Hampshire, USA; Gwongorella National Park, Queensland, Australia. Haparanda Netherlands. Sandskar, Sweden; Het Deelerwoud, Gelderland, The Kinabalu National Park, Sabah, Malaysia; La Clape, Aude, France; La Fontaine d’Estramer, Pyrenees Orientales, France. Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia; Luangwa Valley Game Reserve, Zambia. E.61-E.67 E617 62 1954-1975 Other background material Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda; Warrie National Park, Queensland, Australia; Yosemite National Park, California, USA. ‘Terrestrial Ecosystems, their Management and Control’ by G. Douglas, 39pp photocopied typescript + references, with manuscript annotations by Clapham, 1975. the Systematics Association’, Royal Geographical Society, 1954. Clapham’s manuscript notes of ‘Agenda for Dec 11th’. Printed and photocopied material. E.64-E.67 2 folders. E.64 botaniska av ‘Arkiv avdelning’ ‘The Cartographical Presentation of Biological Distributions. A Symposium with utbredningskartor Hulten, by Naturhistoriska Botanisk | Svensk Riksmuseets Tidskrift, 1954; E. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 International Biological Programme ‘Flore et végétation de l’ile de la Madeleine (Dakar)’ by J.-G. Adam, Bulletin de I'Institut Francais d’Afrique Noire, ‘Apres Yangambi (1956): Notes de phytogéographie africaine’ by T. Mond, Bulletin de I’Institut Francais d’Afrique Noire, vol. 25 (1963). (1961); vol. 23 des Types Floristique ‘Composition de Végétation du Sénégal’ by J.G. Adam, Journal of the West African Science Association vol. 11 (1966); ‘Tentative physiognomic-ecological classification of plant formations of the earth’ by H. Ellenberg and D. Mueller-Dombois, 1967. Physionomiques Principaux Report of the Hungarian Delegation to the Intergovernmental Conference of Experts on the Scientific Basis for Rational Use and Conservation of the Resources of the Biosphere, Budapest, 1968. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES Publications material covers the period 1944-1982 and includes documentation of Clapham’s major books Flora of the British Isles (with T.G. Tutin and E.F. Warburg), The Oxford Book of Trees (with B.E. Nicholson), and Upper Teesdale, the area and its natural history. There are also papers and correspondence assembled by Clapham in the course of writing his Royal Society Biographical Memoirs of G.R.S. Snow, W.H. Pearsall, W.O. James and E.J. Salisbury. The material relating to Salisbury includes a short sequence of Salisbury’s own correspondence spanning his career. Public and invitation lectures are not well documented. The most significant material is for lectures on ‘The shapes of trees’ and ‘Common plants’. The references in the form Bibliog. no. ... refer to the list of Clapham’s publications in the Memoir of Clapham by A. J. Willis, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol 39 (1994). Clapham’s books were listed separately in the list of publications and are not given numbers. feeists.90 PUBLICATIONS F.91-F.95 F.96-F.117 DRAFTS BY OTHERS LECTURES A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures PUBLICATIONS 1944-1982, n.d. ‘Vegetation’. Handbook Series, Naval Intelligence Division (1944), Bibliog. no. 17. Physical Geography, Germany. Vol. In |. Geographical Contents of Clapham’s folder inscribed ‘Vegetation of Germany’ divided into five for ease of reference. ‘Forestry’, 22pp typescript. ‘The Vegetation of Germany’, typescript draft with manuscript corrections and additions. Typescript draft on German vegetation paginated 28-44. Manuscript notes. Manuscript and typescript notes. ‘Check-list of British vascular plants’, J. Ecol., vol 33 (1946), Bibliog. no. 22. Review of Das Pflanzenkleid der Mittelmeerlander by M. Rikli (Berne, 1942), 10pp typescript. ‘Notes on soil types in Germany’. In Germany. Vol. III. Economic Geography, Geographical Handbook Series, Naval Intelligence Division (1944), Bibliog. no. 18. Flora of the British Isles, Cambridge University Press. Correspondence re British vascular plants, principally with E.M. Nelmes, 1943, 1945. App typescript draft of Foreword. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures First edition (with T.G. Tutin and E.F. Warburg), 1952. Corrected proof of pages 129-240. September 1949. Correspondence, principally with T.G. Tutin, October-November 1948. Manuscript, typescript and duplicated typescript notes. F.12-F.24 Third edition (with T.G. Tutin and D.M. Moore), 1987. 12 Typescript drafts of preface to 3rd edition. Correspondence re 3rd edition and related, 1967-1985. Fal Stee 7, F.18-F.21 into three for ease of Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed for chiefly typescript reference: notes Typescript notes and references for 3rd edition. ‘Caryophyllaceae Portulaceae’. divided corrections and amendments for 3rd edition. ‘Cruciferae Resedaceae’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: chiefly typescript notes for corrections and amendments for 3rd edition. for corrections and amendments for 3rd edition. ‘Dipsacaceae’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed: typescript notes Correspondence, 1967-1981. F.19-F.21 Typescript notes. 3 folders 3 folders. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures ‘Orchidaceae’. Contents of Clapham’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: chiefly typescript notes for corrections and amendments for 3rd edition. 2 folders. Excursion Flora of the British Isles (with T.G. Tutin and E.F. Warburg), Cambridge University Press. Correspondence re 1st (1959), 2nd (1968) and 3rd (1981) editions. ‘George Robert Sabine Snow 1897-1969’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 16 (1970), Bibliog. no. 34. Correspondence from family and friends of Snow with reminiscences and tributes, 1970. F.27-F.34 ‘William Harold Pearsall 1891-1964’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 17 (1971), Bibliog. no. 36. Corrected proof copy. Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts used by Clapham in preparing the Memoir. Typescript, manuscript and printed material re Pearsall’s publications. Clapham also wrote the Dictionary of National Biography entry for Pearsall (see F.34). 1964. The Times obituary of Pearsall, 15 October 1964; tribute to Pearsall by Clapham for Nature Conservancy meeting, 1964; obituary of Pearsall by E.B. Worthington, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1965-66. E.Sier.3e Correspondence from family and friends of Pearsall with reminiscences and tributes, 1964-1971. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures 1965-1971. Three monochrome photographs of Pearsall. Correspondence re Biography, 1978. entry on Pearsall for the Dictionary of National Review of: Flore de France by M. Guinochet and R. de Vilmorin, vol 1 (1973) 2pp typescript ‘Author’s proof; letter from New Phytologist (J.L. Harley), 14 May 1973. Book on Nature Conservation in Britain. In 1974 Clapham agreed with the Clarendon Press to write a book for their Science and Engineering Policy Series. The book was not completed. Clapham’s typescript notes used in preparation of the book. F.38-F.41 F.38 The Oxford Book of Trees (with B.E. Nicholson), Oxford University Press, 1975. Correspondence with Oxford University Press, B.E. Nicholson (illustrator) and colleagues, 1975-1976. Correspondence with Clarendon Press, 1974-1977; copy of Memorandum of Agreement, February 1974. 2 folders. Correspondence re 1979 reprint of The Oxford Book of Trees, 1978, 1983. Book reviews of The Oxford Book of Trees. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures F.42-F.62 Upper Teesdale, the area and its natural history (Collins, London, 1978). This book was edited by Clapham. history of Upper Clapham had a long-standing interest He served on the Nature Conservancy's Teesdale Research Teesdale. Panel and later on the Teesdale Research Trust's Scientific Committee (see D.56-D.72). The book was the result of research carried out in Upper Teesdale supported by the Teesdale Research Trust. natural the in The material includes notes and drafts long predating the publication of Upper Teesdale but which seem to have been used in the preparation of the book. F.42-F.47 Typescript and manuscript notes and pages of drafts. F.42 ‘The Flora of Upper Teesdale’. ‘Upper Teesdale as a Plant Refuge’. Miscellaneous botanical notes. Correspondence re publication 1975-1978. ‘The Teesdale Assemblage’. Miscellaneous botanical notes on Teesdale. ‘Teesdale, and Second Thoughts on Perglacial Survival’. Typescript lists of plates and figures. Drafts of notes for proposed book and invitation to contributors; Clapham’s manuscript notes on progress with the book. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures F.51-F.62 Photographs of Teesdale and its flora and fauna. These photographs, most of which were not used in the book, form a number of sets. These have been distinguished by the format of the photographs themselves and by numbers on verso. Some of the photographs are inscribed on verso or otherwise prepared for publication. F.51-F.54 Agricultural IC] sequence. Division photographs 743435-761583. Not a complete 4 folders. (10, 10, 10 and 9 photographs). ICI Agricultural Division photographs |.C. 3112 - I.C. 3122. Not a complete sequence. 4 photographs. F.56-F.59 ICI Agricultural sequence. Division photographs 10617 - 12960. Not a complete 9 photographs. 4 photographs. Division photographs |.C. 10742 - I.C. 10937. Not a 4 folders. (10, 10, 10, 11 photographs). IC! Agricultural complete sequence. ICI Plastics Division photographs G6034-G6037. (see F.68). ‘William Owen James 1900-1978’, with J.L. Harley, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 25 (1979), Bibliog. no. 39. Clapham also wrote the Dictionary of National Biography entry for James Miscellaneous photographs. F.63-F.68 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures 32pp typescript draft. 3pp typescript draft account of James’s life manuscript corrections, November 1978; list James’s publications not held by Harley. by Harley with Clapham’s of publications and of list Correspondence with the Royal Society re commissioning of the Memoir and its publication, 1978-1979. Correspondence from J.L. Harley re progress on the Memoir, 1978-1979. Correspondence from family and friends of James with reminiscences and tributes, 1979-1980. Typescript draft of Clapham’s entry on James for Dictionary of National Biography, 1984; correspondence 1984; typescript notes on James. F.69-F.86 F.69-F.73 TO 5 folders. Lists of Salisbury’s publications. Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts for the memoir. ‘Edward James Salisbury 1886-1978’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 26 (1980), Bibliog. no. 40. Department of Botany and Microbiology. Typescript obituaries of British Ecological Society; 5pp by J.P.M. Brenan for the Botanical Society of the British University College London Nature obituary by Clapham. P. Richards for the Isles; 3pp by D.J.B. White for the Salisbury: 5pp by b/5-Fe0e Obituaries and tributes. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures Other printed obituaries and tributes. Correspondence with the Royal Society re commissioning of the Memoir and its publication, 1978-1980. Correspondence from family and friends of Salisbury with reminiscences and tributes, 1979. ca 1978, January, February 1979. Letter from W.M. Curtis, 10 February, includes photographs of Salisbury and T.G. Hill at University College London, 1927. March -December 1979. Letter from M. Bawden, 6 December, includes photograph of Salisbury. Correspondence arising from the Memoir, 1980-1981. F.82-F.86 Correspondence of E.J. Salisbury. Not indexed but many correspondents are listed in the entries. In the course of preparing the Memoir Clapham was given an envelope of correspondence of Salisbury. The letters, all incoming, cover the period 1925-1969 and n.d. and refer to many key moments in Salisbury’s career. They include letters of congratulation on appointments, letters of thanks for service, comments on publications by Salisbury Richards, N.M.V. Rothschild and W.K. Slater. Correspondents include C.D. Darlington, Margery Fry, A.V. Hill, the Earl of Huntingdon, F.W. Oliver, Lord Rayleigh, C. Shréter, J.J. Thomson and H.T. Tizard. Correspondents include E.D. Adrian, Nora Barlow, D. Bowes Lyon, E.E. Bridges, Mary Cartwright, F.G. Gregory, C. Hinshelwood, Lady Radnor, P. 1925-1948. 1950-1953. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures 1954-1960. Correspondents include E.V. Appleton, H.E. Brittain, Lady Dale, Viscount Falmouth, Himsworth, C. Hinshelwood, W. J. Larke, the Duke of Northumberland and E.J. Russell Heathcoat-Amory, Havelock, H.P. D. E. 1961-1967. Correspondents include Nora Barlow, E.J. H. Corner, P. Richards and J.K. Spearing. 1968, 1969, n.d. Correspondents include the Earl of Antrim, Lady Barnes Wallis, J.W.S Mount and F.R Tubbs Review of: Population biology of plants by J. 1981. L. Harper, ?2nd ed., London, Manuscript draft. F.91-F.95 4pp typescript with manuscript 3pp typescript draft; typescript notes. ‘The management of Grouse moors’, corrections, n.d. Review of: Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen by H. Ellenberg, 3rd ed., Stuttgart, 1982. 4pp typescript. Untitled typescript draft on scientists in Sheffield beginning ‘In 1640 Gilbert Watts translated Bacon’s De Augmentis Scientiarum’, 12pp typescript, n.d. ‘Alchemilla vulgaris agg. in northern England’ by S.M. Walters, ca 1946. DRAFTS BY OTHERS A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures ‘Variation in the petals of Dianthus gratianopolitanus. Vill’ by S. Challenger, 1954. 2pp typescript with Clapham’s manuscript notes found therewith. ‘Some thoughts on the role of the plant physiologist in the study of the ecological aspects of plant nutrition’ by D.H. Jennings, 1967. 3pp typescript. ‘An historical account of the vegetation in the Sheffield district: the Parish of Ecclesfield in 1637. Part!’ by G. Scurfield and |.E. Medley, n.d. 17pp typescript. ‘Multiple pattern analysis, or multiscale ordination: towards a vegetation hologram?’ by I. Noy-Meir and D.J. Anderson, n.d. 19pp photocopied typescript + tables and figures. F.96-F.117 LECTURES 1955- 1979, n.d. F.96-F.100 ‘The Shapes of Trees’. The material presented here documents Clapham’s public and invitation lectures. University of Sheffield lectures material is presented in section B. This lecture was given on a number of occasions over a period of ten or more years. 3pp typescript précis with notes of slides. Typescript draft and pages of draft with manuscript addition at front titled ‘Popular lecture: 14 December 1966’. ‘Lecture at C.N.S.: Jan. 13th 1955’. 4pp manuscript notes; 7pp typescript draft. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures Incomplete 11pp typescript. Incomplete 4pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘A reconsideration of some biogeographical problems’, course of lectures at Birkbeck College London Department of Geography, from 30 January 1958. Letter re arrangements, 1 November 1957. ‘The temperate grassland climax’, Biological Seminar, 20 March 1958. 8pp typescript with manuscript corrections + 1p titled ‘Contra’. ‘President’s Annual Review’, lecture to Linnean Society, ca 1968. 5pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘What is experimental ecology?’, ca 1960s. 9pp typescript. Speech at ‘Field Studies Council: Annual Meeting 30th March, 1976’. ‘Common plants’, Craven Naturalists and Scientific Association, 2 October 198: Miscellaneous typescript drafts and notes found with preceding. Craven Naturalists and Scientific Association Member’s Card with lectures 1978-1979. F.106-F.110 F.108-F.110 3pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections. list of Typescript pages of drafts on common plants. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Publications and lectures ‘Common Wild Plants’. ‘Our commonest wild plants’. Lists of plants etc. ‘Spacing of plants in natural vegetation’, n.d. 9pp typescript + 1p manuscript notes. ‘Rates of ecological change’, series of lectures ?to British Ecological Society, n.d. 20pp typescript with manuscript corrections. 1p manuscript. 1p typescript notes. ‘Ecological research in the Sheffield Botany Department’, n.d. ‘Towards an ecological technology’, n.d. 17pp manuscript. ‘Taxonomy and Taxonomists: [E.F.] Warburg Lecture’, n.d. Untitled ‘Lecture to Hunter Archaeological Society’ beginning ‘The botanist’s main contribution to archaeology has come through peat-analysis’, n.d. Society. Spp typescript draft on occasion of award to E.I. White by the ?Linnean 6pp manuscript rought draft; ‘Dr Errol Ivor White’, n.d. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES 1950-1964 The material is papers of the Society’s Distribution-Maps Committee. This Committee was established in 1950 following a proposal of Clapham’s at the Conference on the Aims and Methods in the study of the Distribution of British Plants held in London that year. Clapham was Honorary Secretary of the Committee. The project overseen by the Committee aimed to map the distribution of plants onto the National Grid’s 10 km squares. Duplicated typescript circular re Conference, Spring 1950; typescript minutes of meetings, 1950-1952. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1953-April 1954. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1955. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1956- 1957. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1958- 1959. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, May- December 1954. 1961. Papers of Editorial Subcommittee re preparation of the maps for publication. 1959. Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1960- A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Societies and organisations Typescript agenda, minutes and Committee papers for meetings, 1962- 1963. Papers for meetings 1964. meeting of 16 April. Includes Clapham’s manuscript minutes of BRATHY FIELD STUDY CENTRE The Brathy Field Study Centre was near Ambleside in Westmorland. Clapham was a member of the Centre’s Committee. Papers of meeting 1 December 1971. The meeting considered plans for the future development of the Centre. COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF RURAL ENGLAND 1983-1984 NATIONAL TRUST LONGSHAW MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1964 Sheffield & Peak District branch newsletters 1983-1984, and Annual Rpeort 1983. contributions to plant ecology. He served on a number of committees. Letter from Derbyshire County Council re plan of access to Longshaw, 14 May 1964; map of area. Clapham was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1959 for his Clapham was chairman of this Committee. G.14-G.21 ROYAL SOCIETY 1961-1976 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Societies and organisations General and miscellaneous papers, 1963, 1976. Typescript reports of discussions with representatives of the Academia Sinica, London, 29 September 1964. The discussions concerned scientific exchanges between the UK and China. Clapham and P.M.S. Blackett represented the Royal Society. G.16-G.20 Aldabra Research Committee ca 1966-1972 Aldabra is an atoll in the Indian Ocean. Owing to its largely unspoiled habitat and rich wildlife, it was a focus for ecological research. ‘Memorandum on Aldabra [...}’, 23pp duplicated typescript + figures, ca 1966. ‘Royal Society Expedition to Aldabra 1967-8. Report on the First Phase 13 August - 18 September 1967’, 32pp duplicated typescript. Miscellaneous duplicated typescript papers on Aldabra, 1971-1972. ‘Report on introduced animals’, 1p duplicated typescript + three distribution maps, 9 July 1968. 5 folders. G.22-G.26 SORBY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY G.22-G.26 Newsletters, 1983-1986. Not a complete sequence. 1971. Elections to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1961-1988. 1983-1986 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES The section documents a few of the visits made and conferences attended by Clapham between 1933 and 1984. The section does not fully represent the extent of Clapham’s travel as is indicated, for example, by his notebooks in section C and passports in section A. Linnean Society Discussion meeting, ?7London, 23 November 1933. 4pp typescript of Clapham’s remarks. Seventh International Botanical Congress, Stockholm, 1950. Duplicated typescript abstracts of papers. See also A.31, C.29, C.30. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) General Assembly, Nairobi, Kenya, 12-24 September 1963. General IUCN papers IUCN Bulletin remarks at opening of ecologiques et developpement'’ by M. Batisse. 8 July/September 1963; duplicated typescript copy of the General Assembly; paper on ‘Recherches no. Workshop on Conservation Education, 12-13 September. Clapham attended the IUCN Assembly and remained in Kenya until October, visiting National Parks, Forest Reserves and Game Reserves. Manuscript notes by Clapham from visit to Kenya, September 1963. Reporter’s-style notebook (lacks covers) used by Clapham for notes on visit to Kenya, 6 September - 23 September 1963. Programme; duplicated typescript papers. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Visits and conferences Report on ‘Visit to Tsavo National Park, Kenya’ by Clapham, F. Bourliere and J.D. Ovington, 23 October 1963, 5pp duplicated typescript. Copies of letters from M. Cowie, Director, Royal National Parks of Kenya, to E.M. Nicholson and F. Bourliere re the Tsavo Park report, 25 November 1963; copy of reply to Cowie from E.B. Worthington on behalf of Nicholson, 12 February 1964. Background information. East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization Annual Report 1962. ‘The development of the semi-arid areas of Kenya’ by L.H. Brown, 45pp duplicated typescript + tables and 2pp Summary and recommendations. 2 folders. Map of Tsavo Royal National Park, Kenya. IUCN Special issues of Barua ya Habari Newsletter and Tangazo Bulletin, 1963. These report on the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanganyika. Report on the Mpanga Research Forest, Uganda, 15pp duplicated typescript + appendices. by |. Mann, 6pp duplicated typescript, 1963. ‘Graphical Field Keys of Uganda Trees’ by H.C. Dawkins, 3pp duplicated typescript + tables. ‘Vitamin content and amino-acid composition of some African game animals’ A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Visits and conferences Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh, August 1964. Clapham chaired the Section on ‘Discussions on Information Problems’. Preliminary programme of the Section, annotated by Clapham. Manuscript notes on proceedings ?of the Congress. Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Visit to China 1964’ and on first page titled ‘[...] 11Sept - 3 Oct’. Used for notes on visit. The notebook is printed ‘Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh: August 1964’ but was not used for such. Invitation to meeting of the Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe, Cracow, Poland, 14-17 September 1966. Two duplicated typescript papers. Spiral bound pocket notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Ceylon: 1966’. Used for notes on visit to Ceylon, 10-24 December 1966. Linnean Society Symposium on Biosystematics and Taxonomy of Higher Plants, Sheffield, 14-15 April 1969. UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference of Experts on the Scientific Basis for Rational Use and Conservation of the Resources of the Biosphere, Paris, France, 4-13 September 1968. bee Clapham went to Australia as a Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, and also visited New Zealand and the University of the South Pacific, Fiji. On his return journey to the UK in October 1969 he visited New Guinea at the request D. and Geomorphology. Visit to Australia and Pacific Islands, August - October 1969. App duplicated typescript programme. H.24-H.32 of Walker of the Department of Biogeography A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Visits and conferences See also C.55-C.59. Clapham returned to the University of the South Pacific in 1970-1971 (see H.34-H.38). Correspondence and papers re arrangements: letter of enquiry whether Clapham would be able to come to Australia, 25 June, and invitation, 12 July 1968; itinerary for period in New Guinea. Exercise book used for notes on visit to Australia, and on the teaching of biology at the University of the South Pacific. Duplicated typescript ‘Details of Units’ offered by Department of Forestry, Australian National University, 1969. ‘Component analysis of subarid vegetation’ by |. Noy-Meir, ‘paper given at Arid Zone Symposium, ANZAAS, Adelaide, Aug. ‘69’. 6pp duplicated typescript. Clapham’s manuscript notes on visit to University of the South Pacific, 18 August. Duplicated typescript information on University of the South Pacific, and its biology course. ‘An outline of the successful development of the Small Farm System in the Fiji sugar industry’ by J.C. Potts, 21pp duplicated typescript, 1962. new Plant Exhibition Hall. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Tercentenary Celebrations, 1-7 June 1970. Clapham’s manuscript notes on plant problems in Fiji and related issues. 2 folders. Correspondence re arrangements, 1970; programme; information on the A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Visits and conferences H.34-H.38 Visit to University of South Pacific, Fiji, 1970-1971. Clapham returned to submitted a report in February 1971. Fiji to advise the School of Natural Resources. He Letter from Department of Education and Science to Clapham in absence from the UK for six months, October 1970. Fiji, re his Letter and papers re Clapham’s membership of the Fiji Society, December 1970. Reports by Clapham for the School of Natural Resources on ‘Basis for estimates and ‘Provisional schedule of accommodation for new building’, 2pp duplicated typescript, February 1971. duplicated typescript, students’, numbers 2pp of of Letter to Clapham from M. Martin-Smith of the University of South Pacific School of Natural Resources reporting on developments since Clapham’s return to the UK, 17 March 1971. Includes memorandum on research at the School of Natural Sciences, March 1971. Clapham’s manuscript notes. Visit to Uganda, February 1972. Invitation to visit Auburn University, Alabama, USA, February 1971. Clapham visited Uganda in connection with the Royal Society supported African Savannah project, part of the British research contribution to the International Biological Programme. See E.21-E.23. List of participants. Seventh Symposium on the Flora Europaea, Coimbra, Portugal, 23-31 May 1972. Papers re flight and accommodation arrangements. H.41-H.44 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Visits and conferences Miscellaneous papers for excursions to Conimbriga-Bucacao-Figueira da Foz, 25 May and Serra da Estrela and Serra do Caramulo, 28-30 May. Duplicated typescript papers from the Symposium and Clapham’s visit to Portugal. 2 folders. Pocket notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Florence 1977’. Used principally for notes on conference 23-26 May. Invitation to attend Italian Ecological Society International Colloquium on 24 October 1978 and to visit the Istituto di Ecologia, Parma. Symposium on the Flora and Vegetation of Britain, Sheffield, 19 May 1984. The Symposium was organised by the New Phytologist Trust and the University of Sheffield to mark Clapham’s 80th birthday. Programme. Manuscript notes on ‘Informal Discussion on Biotites’, n.d. Group photograph of participants at unidentified conference, n.d. Duplicated typescript abstracts for unidentified conference, n.d. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE This short section comprises some of Clapham’s correspondence 1936-1988. The material is arranged alphabetically. There are no extended sequences although a number of Clapham’s colleagues are represented including H. Godwin and J.L. Harley. The correspondence is nearly all incoming; there no copies and very few drafts of letters sent out. J.43, J.44 is a little material relating to references and recommendations and external examining. At 1957, 1980, 1983 Barron, E. 1969-1976 Barron was a colleague from the Sheffield Department of Botany. Chiefly personal news and news of the Department. 1966-1975, n.d. 1949, 1987 1946, 1970, 1981 1950, 1964, 1966, 1980 Letters re statistical methods. 1950, 1965, 1977 1948, 1970 1935, 1942 Fisher, R.A. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Correspondence J.10-J.13 Godwin, H. 1950-1985 with Godwin dated Clapham’s association in Cambridge. In the late 1930s, with Brenda Clapham, they researched at Cothill, Berkshire and their scientific collaboration continued thereafter. With W.O. James they were joint editors of the New Phytologist. Godwin remained at Cambridge, ending his career as Professor of Botany. student days their to 1950-1962. Includes typescript note by J. Small sent to Godwin for publication in the New Phytologist and passed to Clapham, May 1954. 1971-1975. account Includes Nature Conservancy and the Natural Environment Research Council, 10 April 1971. See also D.11-D.13. by Godwin of disagreements between the 1977-1979. 1981-1985 Personal news. Harley, J.L. 1954, 1955 Goodway, K.M. Chiefly personal news. Correspondence re Galium spp. Includes 3pp typescript notes on Galiums. Personal and professional news, including New Phytologist matters. Harley was a former student of Clapham’s. He was appointed to a chair in the Sheffield Department of Botany in 1965. 1978, 1980-1983. 1978-1988, n.d. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Correspondence 1984-1988, n.d. Chiefly personal news. 1949-1978 1967, 1971 Howard, H.W. Correspondence re Nasturtim and Rorippa spp. Ho.-Hu. 1959, 1970, 1984, n.d. Includes typescript note on ‘Fijian Kawri’ sent to Clapham by G.D. Holmes, 23 June 1970. James, W.O. 1948, 1970 1977, 1978 Clapham wrote the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of James, see F.63- F.68. Experimental Station at Harpenden. ‘Newt’ was a colleague of Clapham’s from the Rothamsted Agricultural 1978-1982 1964-1978 Newton, H.C.F. 1956, 1986, 1987, n.d. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Correspondence Pearsall, W.H. 1950, 1960, 1964 Clapham succeeded Pearsall as Professor of Botany at Sheffield in 1944. He wrote the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Pearsall, see F.27-F.34. Includes 3pp manuscript draft ‘Soil character and pH’, sent to Pearsall, 26 August 1964. 1947, 1964, 1975, n.d. Ratcliffe, D. A. 1969-1988 Chiefly personal and career news. 1969-1973, 1988. 1979-1980. 1947-1977 Smith, A. Sm.-St. ‘Sandy Agricultural Experimental Station at Harpenden. colleague Smith was a the Rothamsted 1946-1948, n.d. of Clapham’s from Chiefly personal news, progress of research. to ‘Upper reaches of the Thames’, 7pp typescript + tables, June 1937. Includes letters from H.F. Smith re work with R.A. Fisher, 8 December 1936 and from D.W. Snow re birds in Fiji, 11 May 1970, and 3pp manuscript note from W.T. Stearn on ‘Linneaus’s Ordis eruditi Judicium’, n.d. Note from Tansley to Clapham sending him report by J.W. Smith on field trip 1936-1973, n.d. Tansley, A.G. ca 1937 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Correspondence rutin, v.G. 1945-1948, 1956, 1986, 1988 Tutin was a co-author of two of Clapham’s most important works: Flora of the British Isles and Excursion Flora of the British Isles. 1940s correspondence is re editorial work on their two books. 1949, 1966, 1969, 1976 Willis, A.J. 1969, 1973, 1989 Willis became Professor of Botany at Sheffield after Clapham’s retirement. Chiefly news of the Department of Botany. Woolhouse, H.W. 1946, 1977, 1985 Young, G. 1947-1954. 1938-1982 1964-1983 J.40 ‘Maybud’ J.40-J.42 First name and unidentified Young was Treasurer of the University of Sheffield 1947-1951 and Pro- Chancellor 1951-1967. 1962-1988, n.d. Writing from France and Geneva, Switzerland, 1964-1978. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Correspondence References, recommendations etc, 1970-1981. External examining, n.d. A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABERCROMBIE, R. G. ALLEN, David E. ANDERSON, Derek ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASHBY, Kenneth AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, CANBERRA BAKER, Marjorie BANGSVEzg, P. BARRON, E. BARTON, D. F. BAWDEN, Sir Frederick Charles J.3 J.3 F.31, F.38, J.2 E.23 G.21 BAWDEN, Marjorie Elizabeth BLYTHE, Max BRAIN, P.W. BENDALL, Derek Stanley BEAUMONT, Arthur BEEVERS, Harry BELL, D.S. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION F.80, F.814 J.3 BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES J.4 BRADSHAW, Margaret Elizabeth G.21 F.80, J.43 BOURLIERE, F. BRADSHAW, Anthony David BRENAN, John Patrick Micklethwait BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick H.8 J.4 D.59, D.60, D.69 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Index of correspondents BURNETT, John Harrison BUTLER, Richard Austen, Baron CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMPBELL, Patrick CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie CHALONER, William Gilbert F.25 F.26 G.21 G.21 CLAPHAM, Brenda North A.26-A.33 CLAPHAM, David CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD CLEMENT, Eric J. CLIFFORD, Harold Trevor CONWAY, Elsie A.34 F.36 Ele J.5 J.5 COOPER, P. H. F-79, F.80,.F.81 DALE, Joan DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean DAWKINS, Henry Colyear CORNER, Edred John Henry COWIE, Mervyn CURTIS, Winifred M. D.4 G.21 F.48 H.8 COULSON, John Cameron D.59 COUNTY SURVEYOR’S DEPARTMENT DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL DOMBOIS, Dieter MUELLER- DONY, John George DUCKER,, Brian F. T. J.7 fr: /9; F287, Jr7 Index of correspondents A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 DUFFEY, Eric Arthur Gerald DUNCAN, Ursula Katherine ELTON, Charles Sutherland ENGLEDOW, Sir Frank Leonard FAEGRI, Knut FISHER, Sir Ronald Aylmer FOGG, Gordon Elliott ?FOGGIE, A. FORD, Edmund Brisco FOWDEN, Sir Leslie FRIEND, David A. GOODWAY, Keith M. GRIFFIN, Sir Herbert HALL, R.H. J.8 J.14 J.17 E15 GIGON, Andreas GODWIN, Sir Harry GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE D.12, D.68, F.25, F.38, F.81, J.10- J.13 G.21 F.35, F.38, F.65, F.66, J.15, J.16, J.27 HARPENDEN AND DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY F.81 HALLIDAY, Geoffrey HARLEY, John Laker HARPER, John Lander HARRIS, Tom M. G21 0.17 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Index of correspondents HARRISON, John William HESLOP- HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HARTLEY, Julian HARVEY, R.A. HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Gerald HELBACK, Hans HILL, Robert (‘Robin’) HOLDGATE, [] HOLLICK, Kathleen HOLMES, G.D. HOWARD, Harold Wakefield HULTEN, Eric INGRAM, M. JENKINS, David KAY, Q.0O.N. JAMES, William Owen JAMES (née REDFERN), Gladys Macphail E67, J22 See also F.63-F.68 INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME D.75 KEAY, Ronald William John KRAMER, Lance LEECH, Rachel M. LEONARD, Graham Douglas LEWIS, Dan Index of correspondents A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 LIND, Edna M. LLOYD, Brian B. LOUKES, Mary LUND, John Walter Guerrier MACKENZIE, W.G. MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE FOR SOVIET JEWRY MELLANBY, Kenneth METCALFE, Russell MILBURN, T. Robert NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL D.9, D.11, D.12, D.48, D.59 NATURE CONSERVANCY D.1-D.76, F.48, J.24 NICHOLSON, Ian Andrew NELMES, Enid Maud NEW PHYTOLOGIST F:3 35, 0:15 NORDHAGEN, Ralf : NICHOLSON, Barbara E. J.25 A.37 F.38 NICHOLSON, Edward Max NEWTON (née CLAPHAM), Jennifer NEWTON, Henry Charles Feakes (‘Newt’) PEARSALL, Alan William Halliday OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS D.56, F.31, H.8, J.24 D75 J.24 OLIVER, F.W. PARKINSON, [ ] A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Index of correspondents PEARSALL (née WILLIAMSON), Marjory Stewart Riot F.32,'5.34. PEARSALL, William Harold PERRING, Franklyn Hugh PIGOTT, Christopher Donald PIRIE, Norman Wingate POLUNIN, Nicholas POTTER, George R. POWNALL, J. F. PROCTOR, H. G. PROCTOR, Michael C. F. PUGSLEY, Herbert W. J.26 See also F.27-F.34 D.27 D.56, E.23, J.27 J.27 J.27 A.17 D.56 F.48 F.48 G6, J.27 F.48, J.28, J.29 F.80, F.81 See F.82-F.86 ROYAL SOCIETY RATCLIFFE, Derek A. RECKITT, Basil N. RICHARDS, Paul RUTTER, Arthur John ROBERTS, Brian K. J.30 F.48 D.59 F.80 RORISON, lan Henderson ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW, SURREY E.14, E.23, E.24, F.32, F.65, F.78, G.14-G.21 F.39 SALISBURY, Sir Edward James SALISBURY, Ethel M. SATCHELL, John E. F.67 J.30 J.43 F.79 D.48 SAID, Husein SAIFI, N. SAVITT, | Index of correspondents A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 SCOTT, Walter SENEVIRATNE, A.S. SHAW, [] SIMPSON, John F. HOPE SMITH, A. (‘Sandy’) SMITH, H.F. SMITH, Mike MARTIN- SMYTHIES, B.E. SNOW, Audrey W. SNOW (née PILKINGTON), Christine Mary SNOW, D. W. SNOW, George Robert Sabine SORBY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY F.18 F.26 F.26 J.32 See F.26 G.22-G.26 SUTTON, Leslie Ernest TAYLOR, Sir George STACE, Clive A. F.13, J.32 TANSLEY, Arthur George J.32 J.10 J.32 F.26 SPENCE, David Hugh Neven STEARN, William Thomas ST JOSEPH, John Kenneth Sinclair THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness See also J.4 F.10, F.13, F.18, F.23, J.34 D.12 J.35 F.48 J.33, J.34 F.79, F.81 TRAYNER, John TURNER, Judith TUTIN, Anne TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell F.31, F.32, J.34 A.R. Clapham NCUACS 89/2/00 Index of correspondents UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD J.35 See also Section B. VALENTINE, David Henriques WALKER, D. WALSH, [ ] WALTERS, S. Max WARBURG, Edmund Frederic WARBURG, Primrose WARNOCK, G.J. WATT, Alexander Stuart WEBB, David A. WHITE, Donald James Burt WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODMAN, M. J. WOOLHOUSE, Harold William YOUNG, Gerard WILLIAMS, June WILLIS, Arthur John WHITEHEAD, Frederick Henry WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton ZIMAN, John Michael ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron
CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy v1
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin