THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of THEODORE WILLIAM CHAUNDY (1889-1971) Mathematician deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Archives Centre (csac 25/2/15) As London WC2A 1HP THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Repreduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, No. 75/27 1975 All rights reserved esac 25/2/75 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of THEODORE WILLIAM CHAUNDY (1889 - 1971) University of Oxford Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Harriot Weiskittel Listed by: Jeannine Alton T.W.C. C.S.A.C. 25/2/75 Description of the collection The papers, which cover the years 1910 — 1951, were received from Mrs. Chaundy. They consist almost entirely of lectures on mathematics delivered in the University of Oxford. with a view to publication (see items 25-32). Some have annotations and revisions, perhaps Chaundy kept the lectures in files with his name and address and usually a date; he classified them by a letter and subscript numeral. The alphabetical sequence has been retained, although it does not correspond with chronological order; work classified under one letter group may span several years, while incomplete sequences (e.g. *B* or 'Nt) appear to indicate that some lectures are missing. contained loose notes, calculations or correspondence; these have been extracted and appear as separate items immediately following the relevant file. Some files Unless otherwise stated, all items are manuscript. Titles in inverted commas are those on the manuscripts. Advice on identification and technical terms was kindly given by Dr. Peter Collins, Fellow of St. Edmuna Hall, Oxford. Summary of career bp. 1889 Oxford 1909 1910 1956 Lecturer in Mathematics, Christ Church 1912 — 56 Student and tutor, Christ Church 1947 = 56 University Reader in Mathematics 1906 — 09 Mathematical Scholar at Balliol, Oxford 1927 = AT . University Lecturer in Mathematics Honours School of Mathematics, First Class Retirement; Emeritus Student, Christ Church A photocopy of an obituary of Chaundy which appeared in a Christ Church Report 1971 has been included with the collection. An obituary notice appeared in the Times on 16 April 1966. T.WeCe C.SeA.C. 25/2/75 A 1 ‘Algebra’ 1. 2. 36 4. 5. 6. Te A2 B 1 B2 B 3 BS B 6 ¢ 1 Cc 2 Cc 3 C4 C5 C 6 26 September 1944 September 1944 May 1924 ‘Algebra. Continued fractions! "Analytical projective geometry. The one-fold cross ratio (1,1) correspondence’ ‘Algebraic projective geometry. The straight line’ June 1924 tAnalytical projective geometry. The conic’ ‘Invariants and covariants of conics’ May 1925 May 1925 *Poncelet's poristic polygons’ September 1925 *Theory of convergence. Convergent sequences’ December 1925 ‘Theory of convergence (to be read concurrently with C 1). Infinite sets and their bounds’ September 1927 "Theory of convergence. Irrational number! January 1926 October 1927 "Theory of convergence. Exponential & logarithmic functions! March 1926 October 1927 'The theor; of convergence. Series of positive terms (Convergence tests)! October 1927 kindred expansions! February 1923, November 1927 November 1927 ‘Theory of convergence. C 5. The binomial and 'Solid lecture. T 6. Invariants and covariants of conicoids* 'The algebraic expression as sums of squares of products themselves sums of squares!’ "Theory of convergence. Absolute convergence (including properties of series of positive terms)' ‘Theory of convergence. The binomial expansion. Allied expansions' items 15 — 23) (this file also contained n.d. Letter from 'J.L.B.* to Chaundy on mathematical points; letter from W.G.L. Sutton to "Hodgkinson! enclosing notes on'Transformation group of a linear diff. eq.', Picard, Ch. XVII. "Products of Pfaffians' (2 drafts of lecture) and 2 sets of notes and calculations labelled ‘'pfaffians' ‘add to Riemann's equation’ (miscellaneous notes) Neate *The conditioned positive quadratic form' ‘Application to double—six' ned. 1911 Ne Qs NieGs n.d. 4 June 1943 18 February n.d. *The measure of curvature’ T.WeC. C.SeA.Ce 25/2/75 24. 25- 26. Miscellaneous sets of unlabelled notes and calculations, many on verso of 0.U. Gazette, lecture lists etc. . ‘Elementary differential geometry of the plane. Intrinsic coordinates' NeGe "Differential geometry of the plane. The"elements” of a curve! April 1928 'Differential geometry of the plane. Contact and curvature! (miscellaneous notes included) April 1928 "Differential geometry. Singular points. Evolutes and involutes' May 1928 "Differential geometry. Some (miscellaneous notes included popular curves May 1928 "Differential geometry. Envelopes. (Straight lines)* ‘Differential geometry. Envelopes. (Curves in general)' June 1929 June 1929 "Differential geometry. Curvilinear coordinates* June 1939 ©.1945? May 1921 September September September 1923 1923 1923 September 1923 Addition formulae! Weierstrass's p— function! *I. Doubly periodic functions* Duplicate set of typescripts (with no annotations) "Elliptic functions. (this file also contained items 36 — 39) Singly—periodic functions! "Differential geometry of the plane curve in seven chapters! Typescript with ms. annotations of chapters with titles as above (items 26 — 32); each chapter bears the notation 'T.W.C. copied 1945 K.M.0.' February 1925 'Jacobi's doubly periodic functions. cn and dn transformations! "Elliptic Functions. The definition of sn u' "Elliptic functions. The addition-formulae'® ‘Weierstrass's functions p(z)* January 19 February 1924 22 July 1921 September 1923 ‘IV Pseudo—elliptic functions! July 1921 T.WeCe CoSeA.C. 25/2/75 4. 44. E 6. "Elliptic functions. Integration’ (with set of calculations) February 1922 45- E7 "Elliptic functions. The general elliptic functions! *addition—formilae' (found in item 45) *Partial differential equations. Linear equations of the first order’ ‘Partial differential. Differential equations. Compatible systems (linear, first order)* (with misc. notes and calculations) "Partial differential equations of the first order. Clairaut's equation*® "Partial differential equations of the first order. Method of duality and the equation x f(p,q) + y g (pyq) + 2b (p,q) + k (p,q) = OF *Partial differential equations. First orders non-linear. Structure of ths solution' (with note by Chaundy ‘before F 4°) 'Partial differential equations of the first order. Singular soluticns. Lagrange's equation! (with note "begin here p.68' and miscellaneous notes and calculations) March 1922 Nee March 1932 April 1932 March 1932 November 1935 February 1937 May 1932 November 1935 February 1937 May 1932 November 1935 ned. contained items 55 — 62 as follows: "Real representation of non-real points! *Cycle-points!* March 1937 March 1936, 1937 tPoncelet's poristic polygons (second paper)! August 1924 'Partial differential equations of the first order. Compatible systems: complete systems’ 'Partial differential equations of the first order. Incomplete systems: Charpit's principle! Tee draft of letter to 'Pidduck'; letter from E.B. Elliott to Chaundy on his'intro- duction of the negative radius’ 'The deformation of a spherical sound—wave by a linear wind’ various notes, drafts and calculations n.d. ned. n.d. Nec *A general theorem! notes on ‘*non=-metrical geometry! 11 December 1917 Tes 17 June 1910 T.WeC. CSAC. 25/2/75 63. 64. 65. 66. GO G1 G2 G 3 G4 4 "Spherical trigonometry! *Ruclidean geometry. The fundamental trans— formation' 'Buclidean geometry. Systems of circles! 'Ruclidean geometry. Coaxal circles (continued). Poncelet's theorem. Coaxal spheres’ "Properties of the triangle’ 'Elementary differential equations. Legendre's functions. The hyperbolic equation’ (this file also contained items 69 — 73) Miscellaneous sets of notes entitled as follows: "Solutions that depend on integral equations! "Equations linear' *Questions to be looked into’® ‘Various special forms. Assorted differential equations’ "Change of variables of integration’ Letter from 'J.L.H.* to Chaundy re mathematical problem. containing draft of in J.L.H.'s hand with set of untitled notes imvelope addressed to Professor Dixon 'A problem in elimination’ 5. May 1924 April 1922 April 1922 April 1922 July 1922 May 1951 4 May 1926 'Physical origin of Riemann's equation! 'Partial differential equations. Elliptic equations’ neG. ned. April 1951 June 1936 "Higher partial differential equations. Some extensions of Euler's equation!’ Miscellaneous untitled sets of notes and cal- culations — mostly equations solutions "Partial differential equations of higher orders. Euler's equation* July 1924 'Partial differential equations of higher order. Linear equations with constant coefficients’ (with annotations in unidentified hand) ‘Algebraic forms. Cogredience and contragredience. Standard covariants' ‘Algebraic forms. Elementary theory of the cubic end the quantic! "Algebraic forms. The notion of invariants and covariants. Dimensional relations’ May 1951 July 1925 May 1921 May 1921 'Partial differential equations. Parabolic equations’ February 1939 May 1938 T.W.C. CSAC. 25/2/75 6. 83. I4 ‘Algebraic forms. Canonical forms. Catalecticant. Canonizant. Mu * ° May 1921 84. 85. I5 I 6 17 8 ‘Algebraic forms. Binary quantics' *Algebraic forms. Complete systems of covariants and of seminvariants' May 1921 August 1921 ‘Algebraic forms. The cubic and quantic’ June 1922 "Algebraic forms. Symbolism and founts'* K 1 *Integral calculus. Introduction’ March 1925 August 1929 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 L 1 tIntegral calculus. Rational functions' August 1929 "Integral calculus. Rational integrals of rational function!’ October 1929 "Integral calculus. functions' Irrational algebraic November 1930 ‘Integral calculus. The Riemann Integral' October 1930 *Integral calculus. Recurrence formlae' November 1930 "Particle dynamics. Resisted motion in one dimension! October 1927 ‘Forces in two dimensions? ‘Forces in three dimensions! November 1927 November 1927 September 1920 September 1920 September 1920 Le2 L 3 M1 M2 M3 N 3 N 4 "Particle dynamics. Resisted motion in two dimensions'* 'Determinants. Their definition and reduction. Solution of linear equations' *Particle dynamics. Central forces. Strings over pulleys' ‘Dynamical notions in statics. ("Virtual",Work, Stability)" — September 1938 "Ordinary differential equations. equations. Adjoint operators’ "Determinants. Multiplication of determinants. Reciprocal determinants. Symmetrical determinants’ 'Determinants. Determinants of special form. Skew — symmetrical determinants! Equations with an “absolute” term. December 1924 December 1924 1925, 1938 Linear T.WeC. CoSeA.C. 25/2/75 104. 105. 02 0 3 "Ordinary differential equations. The Green's functions' "Ordinary differential equations. power—series’ Solution in 106. 04 "Ordinary differential equations. definite integrals’ Solutions by 107. 05 *Differential equations. equations with constant coefficients’ Simultaneous linear 108. 0 6 *Ordinary differential equations. Adjoints' (with notation in Chaundy's hand 'But conflate with the more recent 0 0 2") 1, ‘Ordinary differential equations. ferential equations'® Total dif— ned. Ordinary differential equations. Singular solutions! February 1941 File labelled 'Geometrical optics' with name and address: 'J.G. Freeman, Christ Church, Oxford! containing items 111 — 118 in Chaundy's hand ‘Algebraic geometry':draft of lecture n.d. 'Riemann (3)*: set of calculations n.d. *Condition that a certain set of equations (quadric and linear) coexist. Analogy of Jacobians' Untitled draft (first 2 pages missing) re *Chauchy's existence theorem! 'Projoctive geometry. Cross-ratio. Projection. The complete quadrilateral’ Miscellaneous sets of equation solutions (on verso notes. Pencils and ranges of conics’ 'Projective geometry. Newton's theorem. Asymptotes. (amnotated at Quadratic ranges and pencils! a later date) 'Projective geometry. Properties of two triangles. 'Projective geometry. The Conic! 'Projective geometry. Reciprocation. Further focal properties’ 'The general equation of 2nd order’ of examination scripts), bibliographical T.W.C. C.S.A.C. 25/2/75 8. 124. 125. P 6 Q1 'Projective geometry. Plane homographics'* Systems in perspective. August 1910 "Algebraic eliminants. The eliminant of two polynomials! September 1940 126. Q2 ‘Algebraic eliminants. The H.C.F. of f(n),g(n)* Revised November 1936 Q3 Q4 ‘Algebraic eliminants. Sturm's theorem’ February 1928 "Algebraic eliminants. Many common roots?* (with notation in Chaundy's hand 'rewrite') March 1928 Rel "Rigid dynamics. The motion of a rigid body* December 1922 R2 'The rigid body. Dynamics of the motion’ January 1923 ‘Solid geometry. sphere! The line and plane. The October 1925 *Solid geometry. The cone! *Solid geometry. The general quadric. Projective theory (pole and polar)' October 1924 November 1924 ‘Solid geometry. Reduction of the general quadric' November 1924 $1 5 S 2 3 Ss 4 24 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 139. 140. The inte— September 1936 136. mas 1376 2 138, T 4 October 1936 November 1948 'Trigonometric series and integrals. integrals and the elementary Founier series! Introductory (September 1936) September 1947 September 1936 August 1948 (this file October 1936 'Trigonometric series and integrals’ also contained items 140 — 142 'Trigonometric series and integrals. grated series and associated integrals’ 'Trigonometric series and integrals. Further integrals 'Trigonometric series and integrals. Integrated series of the second kind! November 1915 'Trigonometric series and integrals.' (file labelled on cover *miscellaneous' and includes various notes in addition to T 6) Chaundy's notes(on verso of requests for appli- cation forms for Mathematical Scholarship, 1948) on various mathematical problems various miscellaneous notes and calculations "Attractions. Fundamental theory’ tAppendix on Abel's artifice’ November 1936 T.W.C. C.S.A.C. 25/2/75 145. No’ "Potential of ellipsoid at internal point. Addendum to be read in the appropriate place. Alternative method! 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. "Calculus of variations* "Calculus of variations’ Vector analysis in space!* "Vector analysis. Kinematics and statics of a rigid body. (Read with R 1)? January 1935 September 1935 February 1935 July 1936 "Vector analysis. (Read with R 2)? The dynamics of a rigid body. July 1936 "Functions of a complex variable. Conformal representation! February 1931 'The complex variable. The analytic function’ December 1931 "The complex variable. The integration of many— valued functions’ May 1921 Miscellaneous file containing ms. draft of *Chapter IX. Parameters! and set of miscellaneous notes (neither in Chaundy's hand although both carry his annotations) n.d Notes in unidentified hand with annotations and Ms. draft of'II. The Straight Line’ in Chaundy's hand additional notes by Chaundy
CHAUNDY, Theodore William v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin