CHAIN, Ernst Boris

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of SIR ERNST BORIS CHAIN (1906 - 1979) biochemist deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, London (CSAC 92/3/83) Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A HP 1983 AN) CSAC 92/3/83 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR ERNST BORIS CHAIN FRS (1906 - 1979) Compiled by: 1983 VOLUME III Section K List of Publications Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham- Jackson Index of Correspondents, Organisations and Firms All rights reserved Deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 SECTION K GENERAI. CORRESPONDENCE _ K.1 - K.341 The material is presented in 3 sequences as follows: K.1 -K.291 Correspondence with individuals, in alpha- betical order. and indexed, and an indication is given of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. The correspondence is dated K.292-K.311 Shorter unindexed correspondence: brief exchanges of information, reprint requests, etc. K.312-K.341 Examining, references and appointments. K.1-K.291 CORRESPONDENCE WITH INDIVIDUALS Alexander, P. 19693. 1971, 1973 1969 correspondence includes 9 pp. typescript on "Anti-Leukaemic Action of L-Asparaginase' and copy of letter to Beecham Research Laboratories outlining proposals for co! laborative research. Alper, T. 1970 1971 1953-59 P. Rona's Altman, M. Ammon, R. Enclosing draft of paper on 'Inactivation of the Scrapie Agent by Near-Monochromatic Ultraviolet Light'. Mainly personal correspondence. Ammon was one of Chain's oldest friends and colleagues; they had worked together in laboratory 1930-33 and written collaborative papers. Early correspondence does not survive and the remaining letters are chiefly re lectures and papers to be given by Chain. See also G.14, G.15, G.21. Anfinsen, C. B. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Aschberg, O. and Aschberg, F. 1946-52 Olof Aschberg was a banker who negotiated consu!t- ancies for Chain with various firms and government departments wishing to become involved in penicillin production. Folder includes correspondence re negotiations in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and India, miscellaneous re taxation (particularly in relation to Chain's con- tract with Astra) and some personal letters from Olof's son Folke. Aykroyd, W. R. Bach; S.-J. Backus, M. P. re Penicillium chrysogenum. Wd 1953 1952 Bacg, D. E. n.d., 1950 1953 1970, 1978 Bailey, K. re hexokinase. Balliri, S. Balogh, T. Bamonte, N. Baker, J. R. 1970 correspondence is re The Society for Freedom in Science. See also F.95. Includes correspondence re the problem of resistance to penicillin and copies of correspondence with Beecham Research Laboratories re collaborative research on the new penicillins. 1954 1950 1968 Barber, M. 1960-64 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Barnett, V. J. Mainly personal correspondence. Baudet, P. Beloff, N. Ben-Ami, O. re personal and Jewish affairs. Benatt, A. J. Berenblum, I. 1973, 1977-78 1970 1963-64, n.d. 1967-70, 1975 1950-55 1949-62, 1977 A rather fragmentary sequence of letters on personal and scientific topics. Correspondence 1949-55 consists of Berenblum's letters only and includes references to Chain's tentative plans for moving to the Weizmann Institute after his first year in Rome. Correspondence 1958-62 is Chain's carbons only, with one exception. Berlin, I. Bernhard, S. Bevan, A. 1953-57 Toa; A700, Aids Bergmann, E. D. Bergmann, F. Personal letter te death of his mother. Includes arrangements for visit to Chain's laboratory in Rome. See also B.47, K.286. re British scientific policy, particularly in relation to pharmaceutical research. 'Aide-mémoire concerning the state of scientific research in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Great Britain and the desirability of creating a National Centre for Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research’. Includes 4 pp. typescript re Dahlem Konferenzen. 1974 1949-50, 1954 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Beznak, A. coke Bhatnagar, S. S. Includes drafts of letter from an Italian firm offering to supply fermentation equipment to Bhatnagar's laboratory. Binkerd, E. F. 1974 re relative costs of soy and other protein products. Blackest? Pe. Me °S; Blaszezak, J. Blaxter, K. L. 1964, 1965 1953 1967-7) Includes correspondence re agreement with Nestlé for collaborative work on microbial proteins conducted at the Rowett Research Institute. Blond, E. 1970 1958 1958 1952-53 Bragg, W. LL. Bovet, D. ‘Brachet, J. Bonino, G.. 8B. Bonventre, P. 1967, 1970-72 Born, .G. 1949-53, 1959 K .70/5K.71 K.70 Edholm, O. G. Edwards, R. xi te appeal to the Syrian government for the release of Professor Shlomo Samueloff. Samueloff, February 1970. Includes letter from News of research and personal affairs, arrangements for visits toRome. 1959 correspondence includes announcement of Duthie's sudden death, arrange- ments for memorial service, etc. See also K.120. Correspondence re formulation of a memorandum on the administration of Government-supported scientific research, for submission to the Prime Minister. was to have signed the memorandum along with Chain and F.E. Jones, but later decided against it Several ms. and typescript drafts of the memorandum. Edwards . E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence te Ehrlich, P. Letter from M. Landau (Ehrlich's daughter). Eidus, L. Elefant, M. 1975 1961-63, 1966 Includes letters re project for translation and publica- tion of Maimonides Medical Manuscripts. Ennor, A. H. Evans, D. G. 1962 197] Enclosing article on Edward Jenner. Falini, R. 1964-65, 1972, 1974 correspondence is Chain's carbon only. ahs Feilden, G. B. R. Feld 0, Ts 1969 W/5 re Pugwash Conferences. Feldman, Feldman, W.-H. Fischgold, R. see K.78 1979 1946-68 1961-75 Chain's carbon only, re biography of J.B.S. Haldane. Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes arrangements for visits to Rome by various friends and colleagues. Medicine particularly in regard to the food industry. Includes correspondence te invitation to Sir Isaac Wolfson to visit Chicago to receive a citation from the City of Hope Institute for Advanced Learning. 1974 correspondence is re editorial policies of World Fishbein, M. 1961-64 1968, 1970, 1974-75 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Fischgold, R. 1945 (brother of H. Fischgold) re arrangements for a visit to Oxford. Fisher, R. B. re mode of action of insulin. Fleming, A. 1 letter only - thanks for hospitality in Rome. K.79=K,82 Fleming, Lady Amalia K.79 1955-58 1957 1953 1955-71 personal Thanks for Chain's letter of condolence on the death of Sir Alexander Fleming, March 1955; correspondence re plans for visit to Greece by Chain and his family; correspondence arising from the biography of Fleming by André Maurois. copy of 5 pp. letter to Maurois from Chain containing reminiscences of the early penicillin work and letters from Maurois and R. Dubos who was asked to write the preface for the French edition of the book. Includes 1963 1965 1967-7) There is no correspondence for 1964. te Lady Fleming's plans for building a scientific research institute in her native Greece. Includes arrangements for Chain to visit Athens in order to discuss the project and accounts of negotiations with various government ministers. prison, September 1971. Copy of letter from Lady Fleming to M. Perutz re possible collaboration between the Hellenic Institute and EMBO; photograph of the Institute, December 1970; correspondence re proposed letter to The Times appealing to the Greek Government to release Lady Fleming from Further correspondence about the institute (Hellenic Institute for Fundamental Biological Research). Includes copy of the government decree authorising its establish- ment, 19 February 1965, and letter confirming Chain's membership of the Scientific Committee of the Institute. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Florey, H. W. re patenting of natural products. at 1970, 1976-77 1970 letter is re results of recent general election. Later correspondence is re the office made available to Chain in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College and re negotiations by Powdrex Limited in Israel. Foster, P. 1966-67 Personal correspondence arising from Chain's visit to South Africa in 1966. Frazer, AC. Personal and social correspondence. Gabor, D. Personal and social correspondence. 1964-65, 1969 1968-69, 197] Garberini, A. Includes some 17o/ 1966 Gans, O. 1954-55 Gardner, A. ; -Garrod, L. P. Mainly re arrangements for Gans to visit Rome to discuss suitable candidates for the newly-establ ished Ehrlich Chair of Chemotherapy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitdt, Frankfurt. personal correspondence. work in Gdumann's laboratory in ZUrich. 1970 correspondence is re ethics of university professors accepting industrial consultancies. 1972 correspondence is re effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of typhoid. te fermentation techniques. Includes arrangements for a member of Chain's laboratory (A. Tonolo) to 1963, 1970, 1972 1972 1954-55 Garzanti, L. Gdumann, E. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Genera | correspondence Ghilchick, M. W. 1971 Includes typescripts of 2 papers on insulin responses in patients with vascular disease. Giacomello, G. Ginsburg, D. Ginsburg, J. Ginsburg, S. Giri, K. Glees, P. 1965 1972 1959-64 f 1938, 1943, 1944 1970 1954 1969-70 Mainly re problem of causality in drug action and the testing of drugs. Gluschkov, R. G., 1968 1967-68 1969-76 Goldblith, S.A. tre A. Haddow. Includes communications with the Home Office re Gluschkov's visit to England, 1967. Mainly re food technology and the food industry. Includes invitation to conference on 'Single Cell Protein' at M.I.T., October 1967. Institute (L.A. Wiseman). Arrangements for meetings and visits and miscellaneous personal correspondence. introduces G.C, Seybolt (President, Wm. Underwood Co. - see F.1 - F.3). re research in the textile and clothing industries. Includes letter from the Research Director of the Shirley Lett er of 7 October 1971 Goldman, M. te Goodman, A. Goodman, L. A. R. 1967-76 1965, 1971 1977 197) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Gorecki, M. Green, %. ©. I; re Open University course on ‘Biological Bases of Behaviour’. Grisolia, S. Includes letter re visit by Grisolia to London, October 1976. Gualandi, G. 1974 1975 1973, 1978 1965-67 re collaborative research and publications, equip- ment for the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, arrangements for meetings and visits. Guidotti, G. 1965 (Chain's carbon only) re opening of new Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College. Guttmann, L. 1976 1971-72 1972-74 K.98-K.100 Haddow, A. K.98 1958-70 1958-74 Includes correspondence re work on asparaginase and te Haddow's resignation as Director of the Chester Beatty Research Institute. Mainly re grant applications by Haddow to the Cancer Research Campaign and other organisations. Includes copies of letters from Chain to Lord Nathan in support of Haddow's application. 1976. Invitations to meeting of the British Association for Cancer Research, November 1972 and miscellaneous personal correspondence. Includes letter re Remem- brance and Thanksgiving Service for Haddow, February E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Haigh, M. Personal correspondence. Paige FY, re two-dimensional radiochromatography . Halsbury, J, -Ag oy G; Includes thanks for hospitality during visit to Rome, 1953. 1970, 1972 1957 1953-54 Hamelin, R. Mainly re proposals for training Iranian students in French scientific and technical institutions. Includes some personal correspondence. Hammarsten, E. 1951 (Chain's carbons only) re supply of heavy water and chemicals and Hammarsten's proposed visit to Rome. Hampson, C. P. 1962 re possible use of surplus potatoes in fermentation processes. eerie ha: ae 1953, 1955 T754,. 1957-58 +949 1954, 1955; 1962 rostiqas: J. us tt. Includes correspondence re supply of proportioning pumps to Chain's laboratory in Rome. 1962 correspondence is re granting of licences to French firms for production of the new penicillins. Thomas's Hospital. re draft chapters of book by Hayward on science and religion. Mainly re funding for the Myocardial Metabolism St. Research Laboratories at the Rayne Institute, 1976-77 1972-78 Hauduroy, P. Hayward, A. Pecitse, Wesco. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Hechter, O. re mode of action of insulin. Hedén, C.-G. 1951, 1963-70 1951 correspondence is re experiments with E. Coli and arrangements for Hedén to work in Rome. Later correspondence is mainly re the activities of the International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Hedges, R. W. Henderson, D. W. Herold, M. Heseltine, N. re occurrence of ergots in West Africa. Hevesy, G. de 1976 1954, 1959 1950-60 1959 1949 Heymans, C. 1956-61 ricky, oreo: Himmelweit, F. and Himmelweit, H. Includes later correspondence from Pia de Hevesy (1954, 1976). Includes correspondence re government sponsorship of scientific research, and later letters from colleagues re commemoration of Heymans's 70th birthday and his death in 1968. 1978-79 Includes letter from A. J.P. Martin. Hinekrey uly Au" al, Hinshelwood, C. N. Himsworth, H. P. 1967, 1970 1969 1958, 1966 1945 Hirsch, J. Hobby, G. : 1948 i 1944-79 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Hodgkin, D. Ci 1954-65 Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes reference to Astra's request for a statement re accessibility of penicillin reports in 1946 (see F.25ff) and a detailed account (17 December 1955) of crystallographic investigations of ferroverdin. Holmes, B. E, Personal correspondence. Mortobin, 2; << F4 1974-75 Correspondence arising from an article by Horrobin in the British Medical Journal re grant-giving and refereeing procedure of the M.R.C. Hoskin, #.: 20... Ge re ‘chromatographic "maps"'. Fliaword, J... Mao. ot. re cardiac metabolism. Hughes, A. 1969-70, 1977 1952-53 Hull, G. W. Hughes, D. cE: Humphrey, J. H. Mainly re work on ds-RNA. Includes technical specifications. re press for the disintegration of microorganisms manufactured at Sheffield University for Chain's laboratory in Rome. research plans and results and some personal letters. re collaborative work on interferon. arrangements for visit to Rome, correspondence re Includes 1961, 1964-66 Ing, H. R. 1963 1972 1962 Isaacs, A, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Jacobson, F. 1954 James, W. O. 1961 (Chain's carbon only) re funding for new mycological laboratory at Silwood Park. Jenkins, T. t. N. re abdominal surgery. Jewkes, J. re historical background to the development of the semi-synthetic penicillins. Johnson, E. k te wording of the Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1964. Jones, B. R, 1976 1968 1969 1979 re arrangements for discussions with Italian researchers on interferon. Jones, F. See also K.70, K.71. Joseph, D. Kahane, E. 1970 1957 re text of memorandum to the Prime Minister on the position of the Research Councils. te possibility of establishing an antibiotics industry in Israel. aspects of Jewish life. Correspondence with Katzir and members of his staff, mainly re arrangements for seminars on various te prospects for development of antibiotics industry in Israel. re the Centre National de la Pénicilline. 1949 1969 1974 Kaplan, A. Kardos, N. Katzir, E. 1976 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Kendrew, J. C. te Z. Medvedev. Kenner, G. W. re use of peptides as drugs. King...» 3: E: re textile research associations. ming, £..° side 1953-58 Correspondence 1953 is re arrangements for visit to Rome. Chain's draft letter of condolence on King's death is also included in the folder. King, H. Kirkness, J. M. re antibiotics in China. 1949 1961 Kissin, Kégl, F. 1974, 1976 1963, 1966 19945-1997 Klejner, G. ; Mainly re invitation to Kgl to lecture at the VII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society, with an account by K&gl of research in progress. Some personal correspondence is also included. B, Includes correspondence with E. Bachrach re Chain's interest in purchasing a house in Israel. Mainly re plans for a holiday in Ireland. Kovach, A. G. 1969 1977-79 Kohn, R. Kollek, T. Kornberg, A. 1976 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Krasil'nikov, N. A. Krebs, H. A. 1964 1957-63, 1975 Includes discussion of experimental results reported by Chain and M. Cohen on brain metabolism, 1962, and some personal correspondence. Krebs, R. H. K.126-K. a2: Kring Mo, 1950, 1957 1977-78 Correspondence re funding and organisation of research on interferon at the Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center, New York. a member of the Board of Consu!tants. ) (Chain was May-August 1977 Includes 12 pp. typescript ‘History and Description of the International Laboratories for the Molecular Biology of Interferon Systems’ and copies of agree- ment and correspondence re arrangements for collaboration between the Sloan-Kettering Institute and the Theodor Kocher Institute of the University of Berne on 'research in the production, extensive purification and characterization of human leukocyte interferon in preparation for controlled clinical trials’. September-December 1977 January-June 1978 July-December 1978 Includes 12 pp. typescript by Chain on 'The urgent need for the larger scale production of interferon from human leucocytes’. Janvary-May 1979, Includes copy of draft grant application for collabora- tive work by the Egyptian Organisation for Biological and Vaccine Production and the Sloan-Kettering Institute on the use of interferon in the treatment of human rabies. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Kriger-Thiemer, E. KUhnau, J. re proposed reform of medical curriculum. Kula, M.-R. K.134-K.137 Kulaev, I. a 1976 1975-79 Mainly re arrangements for English translation and publication of a book by Kulaev on polyphosphates. Includes correspondence with John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1975-76 1977 1978 Includes request to Chain to write a foreword to Kulaev's book. 1979 Larsen, H. re 6-APA. Laviolette, P. tasker, Aue D, (Chain's carbon only). (Chain's carbon only). te fermentation pilot plant techniques. Personal correspondence. Levinson, M._ L. Levine, B. B. 1973 1961 Leather, E. Leese, H. J. 1973, 1974 1976-77 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence. Lightbown, J. W. (Chain's carbon only). Lighthill, M. J. Linderstrdm-Lang, K. U. 1965-79 1949-50 Includes arrangements for visit by Chain to the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen, 1950. Lockspeiser, B. 1951-54, n.d. re arrangements to meet, exchanges of technical information. Loeser, A. A, re treatment of gonorrhea. Longmore, D. B. 1954 197] re research on use of foetal material for heart tissue replacement. McLennan, H. Luck, W. Lutzker, E. Macheboeuf, G. Mackaness, G. B. 1974 1968-74 Mainly re W.M. Haffkine. Mainly personal correspondence. re balance of teaching and research in universities. Continued re work on synthesis of amino-acids from glucose in the brain. 1954 1955 1977 1958 Mahalanobis, P. C, Maister, D. re theory of evolution. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.144(cont'd.) Malagarne, O. General correspondence Written from Prisoner-of-War camp in Algeria, asking Chain to send him scientific books. Mandelstam, J. Mann, T. Mantle, P. G. 1973-74 1957 1960-61, 1963 te collaborative work on ergot alkaloids. correspondence with W.O. James. Includes K.146-K.149 = Marotta, D. Correspondence with and re Marotta. Correspondence with C.N. Hinshelwood and B. Lockspeiser, 1954-55, re arrangements to have Marotta invited to visit various laboratories and institutions in the U.K., including the Royal Society. Correspondence with the Society for Visiting Scientists and the British Council re arrangements for Marotta's visit in May 1955. Also included here are letters from colleagues unable to attend the Royal Society meeting on 12 May 1955 at which Chain and Marotta gave an account of work at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita. by G. Sermonti, n.d. Correspondence with Marotta and others, 1957-58. Includes arrangements with the British Ambassador in Rome for a lunch to celebrate the award of the C.B.E. to Marotta. Letters from Marotta and family to Chain, 1964-70. Folder also includes press-cuttings re the 'Marotta trial', ms. draft of letter from Chain to Marotta regretting his absence at the Royal Society anniversary dinner, n.d., ¢.1967, and press-cutting of obituary E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Marre, A. Marshall, J. J. re culture of Pseudomonas stutzeri. Marshall, W. RR. re spray-drying of biochemical materials. Martelli, P. Mascherpa, P. 1972 1954, 1962-63 1954 letters are re 'Sostanza M' discovered by Mascherpa. Later correspondence includes announcement of Chain's election as Honorary Fellow of the Societa Farmaceutica del Mediterraneo Latino. Maske, H. LZ Gpte/o, 1972S 1970 1939 19765, 1976 Massam, A. Maurois, A. May, B. 5/7 ord: 1949-50 Matthews, J. W. re communication to Mikrochemie. _Medawar, P. and Medawar, J. re funding of scientific research. re proposed news service for medical specialists. research work 1950-65. Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes 2 pp. letter from Chain summarising his re L-Asparaginase. Miles, A. A. and Miles, E. Meleny, F. a 1934-35, n.d., 1950-65 1970 1957 1950 Mehrishi, J. N. Meyer, K. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Minas: Le 4, 1968-69 te Medintron, pH telemetering capsule. Includes laste from B. Sayers. Mirsky, |. A. $95/-58,..196] Personal and scientific correspondence, mainly re work on insulin. Mittwoch, U. Mainly re grant application for work on sex chromosomes in embryos. Monroy, A. 1969-70 1958, 196] 1958 correspondence is re arrangements for Monroy to use radiochromatography facilities in Chain's laboratory. Morton, O. re Lucidril. Munday, K. A. 1970 1953-70 Murray, I. G. Kit159,K. 168 Nachmanson, D. re policy of the Research Councils. Personal and scientific correspondence. te work on isolation of antigens from pathogenic fungi. Includes correspondence with J.M. Dewdney . 1948, 1953-55 Includes correspondence re lawsuit against $. Ochoa, and undated ms. of speech by Chain introducing a lecture by Nachmanson. Includes arrangements for exchange of visits, accounts of research in progress, etc. Naftalin, J. M. 1953-59 1965-70 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Nathan, Ist Baron 1954-63 Mainly personal correspondence. Includes letter from S. Berwin following Nathan's death in October 1963. Nathan, 2nd Baron Neri, P. 1770, 1977 1973-74, 1979 Includes comments on progress of research on interferon at the Istituto Sieroterapico e Vaccinogeno Toscano "Sclavo". Neuberger, A. Mainly personal correspondence. Nowinski, W. W. Ochoa, S. K.167-K.169 Okami, Y. 1954-79 1963 1974 1976-79 1976 LaA7 Mainly re arrangements for Okami and colleagues to visit the fermentation pilot plant at Imperial College. Correspondence resulting from Chain's meeting with Okami during his visit to Japan in 1976 (see a. 65° 7, 171). rubrus . Arrangements for a visit by Okami to the 1.C.1. laboratories at Billingham (cancelled at the last minute). Kakenyaku Kako Co. Ltd. re supply of Myroridin. Includes correspondence with the 1978-79 Includes correspondence re toxicity of Monascus E.B. ‘Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Olbert, T. Personal correspondence. Olson, J. A. 1950-51) n.d: 1952, 1958, 1969 1952 correspondence consists of a letter from H. Koffler, addressed to Olson at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, re paper by Olson on glutamic acid dehydrogenase. Chain in the same field. The letter also refers to work by Opler L. cH. Opitz, D. Ko 2; Kelgs Painter, N. a 1979 1976 1971-75 re fibre and diverticular disease. 197] Includes draft of paper by Painter and others on treatment of diverticular disease. 1955; 1957 1756, 497 1. 4972 1970, 1972 Pendse, C. SG, 1972-75 Pauling, L. Pekeris, C. and Pekeris, L. Personal correspondence. 1957 correspondence is re appeal to ban testing of nuclear weapons. the Gabon. Includes typescript reports on visits to Taiwan and 1938 1970 ‘renigk,- oc ° Penn, J. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.176-K.178 Peters, R. A. 1949-78 General correspondence Personal and scientific correspondence. 1949-59 Earlier letters are mainly personal. pondence 1957-59 includes arrangements for collabora- tive work on the metabolism of labelled pyruvate in brain tissue, with plans for research and comments on experimental results. Corres- 1961-64 Continuing correspondence re work on labelled pyruvate, interspersed with arrangements for musical evenings. 1966-78 Mainly personal correspondence. speech proposing vote of thanks to Peters on the occasion of the Second Prize Lecture of the British Nutrition Foundation, 7 November 1972. Includes drafts of 1968 1978 1978 1949-52 1967 Petrow, V. Philipp, L. Philpott. de UBlops*) PRilipp, Fock, te ‘cancer families’. on 'Familial carcinoma of the Ovary’. Includes typescript report Programme. News of research and personal affairs. Several letters refer to her joint patent application with Chain for 'Improvements in or relating to the prepara- tion of stable penicillin-containing solutions' (see B.42). 1963, 1963 correspondence is re meeting of the provisional U.K. Committee for the International Biological 1949 letter is re crystalline penicillin. Pe, Na OW: E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 KR. 161-8 8a Prt, Gos d, 1949-75 General correspondence Personal and scientific correspondence. 1949-57 Includes several letters from Pirt re grant applica- tions for research to be done in Chain's laboratory in Rome (1949-50), and news of research and personal affairs. 1958-60 Includes correspondence re negotiations for Pirt to be seconded to assist in department at Imperial College. setting up Chain's new 1961-69, 1975 Mainly re research in progress at Queen Elizabeth College, London (including work on interferon) and possibilities for collaboration with Imperial College. K.184, K.185 Pocchiari, F. 1957-77 Personal and scientific correspondence. 1957-68 1971-77 re research methods and results, suppliers of equip- ment (for Imperial College), publications, etc. Includes comments on the progress of the 'Marotta case' (q.v.). projects, and arrangements for meetings and visits. Includes photocopy of typescript draft by Chain on 'The Case for the Creation of an Independent European Research Institute for Physiological Biochemistry in Italy', sent to Pocchiari, 14 June 1973, and letters re negotiations with Montedison and others. 1950 letter is re penicillinase. Remaining corres- pondence includes letters re policy of the Medical Research Council, requests for help with research See also F.195, F.266, K.65. Pollock, M. R. 1950, 1961-75 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Polonovski, M. 1949-54 Personal correspondence. for visits and lectures. Includes arrangements Popjak, G. J. and Popjak, H. Popper, H. Porritt, A. re visit of H. Ford to New Zealand. Porter, G. 1¥63;. 1969; 1977 9/2) nd, / 1963 197] 1970, 1972 Includes invitation to Chain to become a member of the Royal Institution (declined). Postgate, J. 1958-59 Pragier, G. 1974 (Chain's carbon only) re innovation in the develop- ment of the semi-synthetic penicillins. 1937 1977 itt: R. Quayle, J. 1974, 1978 Bunuel. Jf: Pullinger, B. = D. 1953, 1957, 1973 1974 correspondence is re experiments with yeast growing on methanol. 1978 correspondence is re undergraduate courses in industrial microbiology. B. 1954 re arrangements for supply of stainless steel fermentors and other equipment to the National Chemical Laboratory of India. Bonn a... ° a A Radi, I. Raper, K. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Rayne, M. 1976-77 Includes correspondence re the Museum of the Diaspora (Beth Hatefutsoth) and the Max Rayne Institute. Reading, H. W. Reid, L. Reith, W. S. re work on fat absorption and transport. K.194-K.196 Rey, L. 1975-79 as he was Research Director of Most of Chain's earlier correspondence with Rey is in Section F, Nestlé Alimentaria S.A. until his early retirement due to The following letters cover a wide variety of topics and refer to various scientific and industrial projects in which both Chain and Rey were involved. ill health in 1974. 1975-76 1977 1978 1969 Includes discussion of various projects and arrange- ments for meetings and visits. Includes copy of a letter from R. Hamelin re possi- bility of developing a 'Service de Biosynthése' at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (ILN.S.A.) and correspondence re progress of other projects including development and production of synthetic proteins. Richter, D. Includes personal correspondence and arrangements for meetings and visits as well as reports on progress of various projects in hand. Riccoboni, L. re fermentations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas testosteroni to be carried out at Imperial College. Ribbons, D. W. Richards, G. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Riley, M. V. Rittenberg, D. Robertson hia Re Te Includes letter from D.F. de Almeida. Robinson, D. K.199-K.202 Robinson, R. 1963 1957, 1964 1969, 1970 1969 1945-75 Personal and scientific correspondence. 1945, 1951-61 Includes letter from Chain re arrangements for visit to Rome by Robinson, 1951, information re research in progress, etc. negotiations with Marks and Spencer for formation of consultancy panel consisting of Chain, Robinson and E.C. Dodds. 1961 correspondence is re 1965-67 1969-72 1973-75 Includes exchanges re research, Nobel Prize nomina- tions and social activities. 22 December 1971 mentions the forthcoming absorbtion of Glaxo by Beechams and the controversy over the research record of the two companies. Robinson's letter of Includes correspondence re Nobel Prize nominations and availability of cultures of Helminthosporium gramineum and Helminthosporium cynodontis. research, Most of Chain's letters for this period were written in response to requests for information required by Robinson during the writing of his autobiography. Chain's letter of March 1973 contains an outline of his career including a description of scientific and musical life in Berlin during the 1920s. His letter of 28 March 1974, for which there are several drafts, contains a description of his work in Oxford and an outline of his subsequent scientific eyo Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Rothschild, A. Rothschild, E. de Rothschild, J. Rothschild, M. (Miriam Lane) 1970, 1972 1975 197] 1971-78 Includes correspondence about the Scheu Foundation for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases. K.205, K.206 Rothschild, N. M. V. 1966-76 K.205 K.206 1966, 1970-71 1972, 1976 Includes two drafts of a long letter from Chain, February 1972, in reply to a request from Lord Rothschild for 'a brief note about the discovery of cephalosporin and its commercial exploitation’. An earlier letter (January 1972) contains comments on the Medical Research Council's attitude to the development of penicillin. Rowley, D. 1948, 1957 Sabin, A. B. Rubbo, S._D. 1961 1948 letter is re research on penicillin. 1957 letter is re lysozyme. Includes discussion of Fleming's view of the thera- peutic uses of penicillin. A.L. Olitzki and K. Burg. te request to Chain to write a preface to a book by Schindel on antibiotics. 1969 correspondence is re development of oral polio vaccine in the U.S.S.R, Includes letters from 1965 (Chain's carbon only), 1969 Sampson, M. T. (Chain's carbons only). Schindel, L. 1957 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Schlitter, C. te visits to India and Japan. Schwartzkopf, O. Schweiger, A. 1934, 1973 1975 Includes correspondence re Farmitalia and Montedison. Sellinger, Ou +. Z. 1961-62 re publication of papers in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta and Proceedings of the Royal Society. Includes correspondence with the editors of both journals. Semerano, G. Serlupi, G. Sermonti, G. 1950, 1955 1961 1958, 1962 1952 1973 1972 Sinclair, H. M. Sine 3, abe Shannon, Ro 8B, Shelesnyak, M. C. Personal correspondence. re the Conference of Industrial Research Associations. (Includes duplicated material.) pondence. re plans for an Institute of Human Nutrition. Also includes draft of grant application for study of 'The relation of dietary fatty acids, sugars and fibre to coronary heart disease’. Mainly re industrial production of antibiotics in Czechoslovakia. Includes personal corres- Sinker, P. Vv Skola, V. 1971 955 1949-62 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Skryabin, G. K. 1959-72 Letters from Chain to Skryabin only, with one exception (1964). Skryabin (father). Includes one letter to K.J. Slater, W. (Chain's carbons only). Smith, H. G. re request to Chain to write foreword to book by Smith on antibiotics. Sitti, Jo Hae 1967-68 1957 re infrared derivative spectroscopy . from C.S. French. Includes letter Se, Fe Ls 1970 te research projects in fermentation technology. Sorsby, A. 1952-54 1957-59, 1961 Sporn, P. Springer, A. SOkNSY, 9.5.) 4 9. Includes letter from R.S. Edwards. re organisation of penicillin production in India. te arrangements for collaborative work on carbo- Includes letter hydrate metabolism in the retina. from J.P. Newhouse (1958) with details of the proposed research. Dimethyl Sulfide in a Gas Mixture’. Enclosing ms. on 'Quan titative Determination of Methy! Mercaptan, Dimethyl! Disulfide and Starkey, Ri Es Squire, Ja. KR. 1974, 1976 1963 1953 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Steinman, H. G. Mainly re 6-APA. Stern; Ky %. Sfawart GO. uF. LYSF7 nds 1961, 1965 1965 correspondence is re request to Chain to write preface to book by Stewart on 'The Penicillin Group of Drugs’. te Stickings, C. —E. 1969, 1971-72 Mainly re fund-raising for the C. Ewart Stickings Memorial Fund established to provide two annual prizes at Imperial College 'for excellence in Biochemistry’. Strohmaier, K. te ultrafiltration apparatus. Stromas, A. Swet, G. Sykes, G. 1974 1970 Stulned, Se * T te possible collaboration between the proposed Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences and the Weizmann Institute of Science. Includes copy of a letter from |. Sieff to C. Weizmann written on the occasion of the opening of the Daniel Sieff Institute at Rehovoth in 1934 and 2 letters from D.M. Singer. 1950) and some personal correspondence. Includes brief correspondence, 1950, re Chain's proposed visit to U.S.A., ms. draft of talk about the International Research Centre for Chemical Micro- biology (on verso of letter from Tahourdin, 11 December re plans for Anglo-Italian meeting in Rome on fermentation problems. 1957-58, 1966 Swinburne, J. K. ABhourdin, Pro eA. Oo 1970 1958 1949-6] E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Tayeau, F. Mainly personal correspondence. K.228-K.230 Theorell, H. Personal and scientific correspondence. 1963-76, n.d. 1949-75 1949-54 1955-59 1962-75 Thomas, A. 1975 Copy of letter to the Editorial Board of the Biochemical Journal in reply to criticims of papers submitted by Thomas and colleagues. Thompson, K. W. Thompson, R,.. Hy .S. 1974 1956,:1971,. 1976 Thornton, G. Tiselius, A. Teed Ao. 1955 1949-63 1957-79 1958 letter is Chain's carbon only re plans for holding an International Biochemical Congress in Rome. Fragmentary correspondence, mainly replies to letters of congratulation from Chain. Includes arrangements for a visit to Todd in September 1979. (Chain died in August.) te a visit by Tonolo in 1961. Mainly reports on progress of research in ZUrich where Tonolo spent most of 1955 improving his knowledge of mycology. R. Falini, December 1954, describing a visit to Astra (q.v.) with Tonolo, and a letter from Zeltia S.A. Mainly re arrangements for a member of Chain's laboratory (G. Gualandi) to visit T&dt's laboratory in order to compare methods of measuring concentra- tions of dissolved oxygen. Tédt, F. 1954-55 Tonolo, A. 1950-55, 1965 Folder also includes a letter from E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Trabucchi, E. 1957-65 Correspondence 1962 is re proposal for formation of European Society for Biochemical Pharmacology (q.v.) and includes letters from R. Paoletti, lists of industrial firms and individuals supporting the scheme and copy of the draft constitution. Corres- pondence 1964 includes copies of telegrams sent by Trabucchi to colleagues and officials re the imprison- ment of D. Marotta. Tréfoudl, J. 1947-70 Personal and scientific correspondence. Early letters include a request for a sample of British Anti-Lewisite (1947), and correspondence tre the constitution of penicillin. Also included in the folder is a copy of an appreciation of Tréfoud! and his wife Thérése published in Annales de Micro- biologie, April 1979. K.238, K.239 Trowell, H. 1971-72 re work on dietary fibre. K.238 197] 1972 Includes draft of paper on 'Diabetes mellitus and dietary fiber’. Includes typescript draft on 'Atherosclerosis and Evolution’ and memorandum on ‘Experiments with hypocholesterolaemic agents' written for a discussion meeting at Imperial College on 24 November (see J.118). Nobel Prize, and the death of his wife in October 1975. Correspondence with Trueta's daughter, Amelia Trueta de Strubell, re Trueta's last illness and death and arrangements for the publication of an English version of his memoirs. Chain was to have written the preface to this, but he was unable to finish it before his own death in August 1979. re Trueta, J. 1975-79 Earlier letters are about nomination of Trueta for the E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 K.241-K.245 Umezawa, H. 1969-79 General correspondence For correspondence re Chain's visit to Japan in 1976 see J.165-J.171. 1969 Brief correspondence only re Chain's plans for a visit to Japan. 1972-73 re visit to England by Umezawa with other members of the Japan Academy in March 1973. correspondence with the Royal Society re schedules and other arrangements and letters of thanks from Umezawa after visit to Imperial College. There is also an exchange in July and August 1973 about the Japanese Government's attitude to the production of yeast from paraffin. Includes 1976-78 Includes letters of introduction for colleagues visiting England or Japan. 1978 1979 Correspondence with E.P. Abraham re proposal to recommend Umezawa for the award of an Honorary Doctorate by Oxford University. Includes long letter from Umezawa discussing his work with T. Akiba, and correspondence re award of the Paul Ehrlich Prize to Akiba and Umezawa in June 1979. Personal and scientific correspondence. Arrangements to do some research in Chain's laboratory in Rome and correspondence with colleagues re publication of a paper on glycogen. Includes a letter of introduction from W.E. van Heyningen (q.v.). Van Beusekom-Kits van Heijningen, A. J. M. 1977 letter is mainly personal news. 1961-63, 1977 Van Heyningen, W._ E. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence K.248, K.249 Venkataraman, K. K.248 1953-58 Includes arrangements for Venkatamaran to work in Chain's laboratory. 1963, 1977 Mainly personal correspondence. Includes exchange with K.R.L. Mansford re supply of Amoxycillin for Venkataraman's personal use. Vernon, C. A. re future of biochemical research in England. Vicktage, J... Dy. M, 1974 1973 te work on the biochemistry of the crystalline lens. Ki 251,18. 25a: Virtanen Asoo K.251 1949-55 1949-71 Virtanen,O. E. 1953, 12757 Copy of an undated 1957-59, 1963, 1971 Mainly re arrangements for Chain to lecture in Helsinki in March 1959. 1971 correspondence contains exchanges of personal news. Includes arrangements for Virtanen to give a lecture in Rome, April 1950, and personal correspondence re further visits to Rome. and some more personal correspondence. News of work on penicillin, requests for samples of penicillium chrysogenum. article in Finnish on ‘Penicillin and Penicillinase' (with English translation) is also included here. Includes arrangements for visit to Imperial College by the Soviet Delegation on Protein Synthesis, invitations to Chain to visit the Tate and Lyle Research Centre, Viitos, A. J, 1969-72, 1977 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Volke, W. Vonderbank, H. Waelsch, H. re metabolism of glutamic acid. Ko 207). Saeoe Waksman, S.A. 1948-76 K.257 1948-55 re meetings, visits, research, etc. Includes corres- pondence with the Science Attaché of the American Embassy re prospects of obtaining a visa to attend the opening of Waksman's new Institute of Micro- biology,and some personal correspondence. 1959-68, 1976 Walker, N. 1950 1958 Wall, P. Dz Includes correspondence re the activities of the Committee on Antibiotics of the World Health Organisation (q.v.) and ms. drafts of message to Waksman on his 80th birthday. folder contains a request to Chain to join the Advisory Board of the Organising Committee for the Selman A. Waksman Memorial Lectureship (1976). In addition the Includes copy of report to the Agricultural Research Council on work done in Chain's laboratory on 2 :4-D and naphthalene. Ward, P. re proposed Clinic and Research Centre on Pain to be set up in Israel. re proposed research and information centre on antimicrobials, biocides and disinfectants. 1972 1969 Walters, A. H. Warburg, O. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 1950, 1953 1977 Wartenberg, F. Waterworth, P. (Chain's carbon only). Weber, H. H. Wel; D,. ..W, (Chain's carbon only). Weiss, E. re use of enzyme preparations for preventive medical purposes. Weissberger, A. Personal and scientific correspondence. Wells, G. W. 1949-70 195] te supply of radioactive isotopes to institutions in Italy and Sicily. K.264-K.268 Westphal, O. 197077 Personal and scientific correspondence. Includes copies of several letters to F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdney of the Beecham Research Laboratories re collaborative research projects. Includes copies of letters to F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdney (Beecham Research Laboratories) and P. Alexander (Chester Beatty Research Institute) re preparations for collaborative work on 'Lipid A’. Council of the Independent University (q.v.) Includes copies of correspondence with F.P. Doyle and J.M. Dewdney re negotiations to include Sandoz in collaborative research on further developments of the ‘Lipid A' work, and invitation to Chain to attend Westphal's 60th birthday celebrations in February 1973. Includes correspondence re nominations for the Paul Ehrlich Prize, further correspondence with Beechams and copy of a letter from Westphal to M. Beloff accepting membership of the International Advisory 1970-71 1972 1973 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence 1974 Includes several letters from Westphal to J.M. Dewdney re progress of collaborative work on ds-RNA, a further exchange with M. Beloff about the University College at Buckingham, and some personal correspondence. 1975 Includes copy of a letter about the closure of the Lister Institute and correspondence re nominations for the Paul Ehrlich Prize. K.269-K.276 Whelan, W. J. 1967-73 Correspondence arising from proposal by Chain to offer Whelan a Visiting Professorship for 3 months each year at the Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, in order to continue to direct a research group on glycogen synthesis. 1967 Includes letter from Whelan offering Chain the appoint- ment of Visiting Professor in the Department of Bio- chemistry at the University of Miami for 3 years, and Chain's letter of acceptance. Includes: correspondence with the Acting Rector (O.A. Saunders) and others at Imperial College re arrangements for Whelan's appointment as Visiting Professor; brief correspondence re grant application to the Medical Research Council; correspondence re staffing arrangements. See also J.93, J.94., June-December 1968 Includes correspondence re the M.R.C. grant applica- tion, arrangements for Chain's visit to Miami in January 1969, including programme of symposia and lectures, and miscellaneous administrative correspondence. February~April 1968 May 1968 Drafts of grant application to M.R.C. by Chain and Whelan for work on glycogen metabolism, with letter from Whelan, 9 May. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence January-December 1969 re arrangements for travel between Miami and London and miscellaneous other administrative affairs. Includes letter from Chain, November 1969, regretting his inability to travel to Miami in January 1970 because of ill health. Reports on experiments performed by Whelan and others, ¢.May-July 1969. January-November 1970 Includes letters Professor at Imperial College and miscellaneous personal and administrative correspondence. re Whelan's resignation as Visiting 1971-73 Brief correspondence only. Wildenthal, K. re possible collaborative work on insulin. re ferroverdin. Wilson, “3. 4H; Williamson, A. C. Williams, BR. 03. Ra re protein in edible fungi. (Chain's carbon with reply by secretary) re science policy. desalination in Israel. re activities of the Shirley Institute, Manchester. Includes correspondence re research on Wiseman, L.A. Wolfson; L.°- G; 197] 1961-62 1959, 1969-70, 1977 Wolfson, I. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 General correspondence Woodruff, M. re plans for research after his retirement from active clinical work. N¥OOdSs, 43." D., 1952 (Chain's carbons only). Also included is ms. draft of letter of condolence to Mrs. Woods on the death of her husband, 1964. Work, E. 1952; 196! 1952 correspondence is Chain's carbons only, re arrangements for growing bacteria in Chain's laboratories for Dr. Work. Wren-Lewis, J. Weight, B, DRUKER, M. DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) DUBOS, René J. DUTHIE, lain F. a B.27, K.68 DUMBELL, Stanley DUNCAN, John G. DUCKWORTH, John Clifford DURAN-REYNALS, F. DUTHIE, Edward S. §.83,, 6:89, £.97, £.98.:£.108 e. 107, E. 11069812 ‘ DUTHIE, Ruth DZIALOSZYNSKI, Lech K.69 B.100, C.57, C.58, C.62 A.197 A.125 A.160, F.324 A.125 EDELMAN, Jack EDGAR, Leslie I. Pyots tetel, Fae EAGLE, Harry EASTWOOD, Sir Eric EBAN, Isaac EDHOEM, ©. * G. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, D.C, EDWARDS, Sir Ronald Stanley EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM EDWARDSON, J. EGAN, Michael J. EGHBAL, Manouchehr EHRHART, Gustav EHRLICH, S. EIDUS, Leslie EIGEN, Manfred EISNER, Freia ELATH, Eliahu ELEK, Stephen Dyonis ELIASCHEFF, Horace E.220 A425; €:173; F174, G16. PaGl, 70, K.71 F.187 D.130 A.125, A.191 F.273, F.275, F.278 F.216, F.217, F.218 A.125 J.182, K.72 J.185 A.214 H.29 G.30 A.63 es B.30 E.116, E.167, E.168 B.100 E.230 ENNOR, A. — Hugh 460A; ELEIOIE 3G. ELLIS, Sir Arthur (William Mickie) ELTON, George Alfred Hugh ENEBACK, Carl ENGEL, Leonard ENI (ENTE NAZIONALE IDROCARBUR]) E.58, G.190 F.188-F.190 See also F.11, F.26] Ks G.44 B.2] J.49 C.50 F.279 A.49 H.104, H.123, H.126 EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR BIOCHEMICAL ESTERMANN, R. ESTRIN, Gerald PHARMACOLOGY EPSTEIN, D. EPSTEIN, Leslie A. ERIKSEN, K. — Riewerts ERLANGER, Bernard F. ESKAMANI, A. — Gus E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents EVANS, Sir David (Gwynne) A.197, E.175, K.73 EVANS OF HUNGERSHALL, Benjamin Ifor, Baron EVOLUTION PROTEST MOVEMENT FABRE, René FAIRLEY, Gordon Hamilton FAIVOVICH, Angel FALINI, Raffaele FALKAS, L. FALMOUTH, Evelyn Hugh Boscawen, 8th Viscount FARFEL, Bernard FARHI, F. FARMITALIA A.125 ay See A. 104 E.36 H.121 A.125, D.77, D.81, F.28, F345 F. 192;:Fi 197, Ko va: K.235 A.79 D.14 J.90 F.278, F.279, F.280, F:281 FAR QUHARSON, John FAZELI, Abbas FEDER, Walter FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL F.191-F.200 See also F.4-F.6, F.68, F.74, F795 7 .143,.F. 150" .F.258- F.267, F.329, K.209 F.53, F.54, F.55, F.56, F.5 F.59, F.60, F.61, F.63, F.69, F.70, F.71, F.72, F.75, F.79, F.80, F.82, F.84, F.89 K.74 E.60 H.110, H.112, H.116, H.117 A.125 A.125, K.74 A.125, H.69, H.95, H.96, H.97 H.98, H.102, H.104, H.105, H.106, H.107, H.108, H.109, H.110, H.116, H.118 G.197 FEINERMANN, Emmanuel FEKETE, M. FELD, Bernard T. SOCIETIES (FEBS) FEDERMANN, Yekutiel X. FEIGL, Fritz FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FEINBERG, Abraham Pil 2;)" 270 H.1] A.79 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FELDMAN, Michael FELDMAN, William H. FELIX, A. FENATI, Erminia FENTON, Michael J. FERRETTI, Aldo FILDES, Sir Paul FINER, Leslie FINGERHUT, John Hyman FINLAND, Maxwell FINLAY, Alexander C. FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague FISCHGOLD, Harry FISCHGOLD, R. FISHBEIN, Morris A.125, K.147 H.105 A.46, A.93, C.56, K.75 A.63 A.125 A.125 F.19] C.55 H.35 A.125, F.255 8.77 5.68 F.294, F.295, F.296 A.153 B.9 K.78 J27 1 S6le Ke, KTP A.63 D.66, D.67 K.78 H.22 F.201 H.113 K.78 K.79, K.80, K.81, K.82 F.284, F.333, F.345 FITERMAN, Morian FLEMING, Sir Alexander FLEMING, Amalia, Lady FLEMING, Archie FISHER, H. FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FISHER, Reginald Brettauver FISHER, Samuel, Baron Fisher of Camden FISONS LIMITED D.74, E.189, E.191-E.195 G. 204 A.30, A.56, A.84, A.86, B.28, B.52, E.171, K.83 A.125, A.197, D.55, D.56, D.65,: D717; Di 72. D.73, FLETCHER, R. FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron F, E.61-E.63 See also D.72, D.94, D.124- D.126 THE FLEMING MEMORIAL FUND FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents FLYNN, Edwin H. FOLKERS, Karl F.234 C.65, D.21, F.252 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) FORD, Brian J. FORD, Sir Hugh FORE, Harold FORNARA, Angelo FORNI, Gherardo FORQUET, Riccardo FORSHAM, Peter H. FOSTER, Allan (Bentham) FOSTER, Peter FOUQUET, Franco FOX, de cak, FOY, Henry E.64 B.101 D.99, D.156, K.83 E.125, E.126, E.127, E.128 F.262 K.50 F.189 J.25 K.98 K.84 C117 B.65 E.22] J.175 A.125, G.92 E.53 FRANCON, Frangois FRANKEL, William FRASER, Sir Michael FRAZER, Alastair Campbell Gia? pb. 18, FF. 246,°G.44, G.48, J.65, K.84 See also E.132 FRAZIER, Claude A. FREIER, S. FRENCH, C._ S. FRIEDHEIM, Ernst A. FRIEDMANN, G. A.63 H.24, H.25 J.119 J.169 J.13] FRIENDS OF THE FUND FOR THE ADVANCEMENT G.197 H.123 K.216 A.49 A.86 FULLER, Keith W. FULTON, Forrest OF MEDICINE IN ISRAEL H, FUGIMAKI, Maseo FUKUI, Saburo E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents FULTON, John FUNDACION GENERAL MEDITERRANEA FURER, A. A.48 E.65, J.163 F.291 GABOR, Dennis GADDUM, Sir John (Henry) GADEN, Elmer L. GADSDEN, Henry W. GAGUIK, H. GAINSFORD, lan GAIRON, Schabtai GALE, Ernest F. GALENIKA GALIN, Miles A. GALLARDO, Antonio GARDNER, Arthur Duncan GARDNER, Dame Frances GARDNER, Violet D.156, J.136, K.84 G.36 E.81, G.186 J.70 F.41, F.276, F.278, F.279, Pree, Fe 26) 357 H.56 Tage A.195, K.331 F.202 F.337 E.65 A.63 E.187 K.107 K.85 A.16] A.161, H.17, H.20 K.85 A.38, A.43, A.126, D.22, K.85 See also G.123 K.269 G.123 F.120, K.86 K.86 K.87 E.189 GANS, Oscar GAON, Haham GALLOP, Edward GAMMON, Max GANAPATHI, K. GARBACZ, Bernard GARBERINI, Arturo K.18 GARROD, Lawrence P. GARZANTI, Livio GAVIN, Malcolm Ross GAVOSTO, Felice GAUMANN, Ernst E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GEFFEN, Maxwell M. GEISSLER, Erhard GENONI, A, GEORGE, John H. GERRANS, H. GESTETNER, Jacqueline GHILCHIK, Margaret W. GHIONE, Mario GHOSH, D. GIACOMELLO, G. GIAMMARRUTO, Alfredo GIBB, Cecil A. GIBSON, Tes. B: GIBSON, William C. GILBERT, David A. GILBERT, Joseph C. CrerT, J. I70E RAL B.101 F.283, F.284, F.285, F.286, F288, F.292,.K.12 A.126 G.8 A.126 K.88 F.194, F.195, F.196, F.198, F.199 F253 K.88 F.233 ds 1G2 G.89 K. 336 Ful 23,: £424 A.126 A.86 H.103, K.89 GILDESGAME, Pierre GINSBERG, H. GINSBURG, David GINSBURG, Jean GINSBURG, Sara b.1 22, A.126, A.161, H.14, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.18 F.106 B.86, E.86 GLUSHKOV, Robert Georgievich GLYNN, Alan A. GLENISTER, Tony William GLISTER, George A. GIORDANI, Francesco GIORGINI, GLASS, David GLEES, Paul K.90 H.50 K.90 K.89 K.89 Ese E.23 a K.90 CRE Kot NV; A.126 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GOLDBERG, Alexander GOLDBERG, Hilary GOLDBLITH, Samuel A. GOLDENBERG, Nathan GOLDMAN, Moisés GOLDMAN, Robert P. GOLDMANN, Nahum GOLDRING, Gvirol GOLDSCHMIDT, Alexis GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Israel GOLLANCZ, Livia GOOD, Robert A. GOODCHILD, Rita GOODMAN, Lewis R. H.62 A.126 #. ¥60,-E 105, Git6r, E.168, E.169, F.248, F.251, F.315, f.920, 3.40, K.9], K.92 A.126, A.161, E.4, E.31, F.241-F. 251 A. 223,-8. 238; 5137, 3.42, J.130 G.177 A.126 H.113, H.118 J.127 G.44 A.126 K.240 E.197 A126 GOODMAN, Ronald A. 0.,66,:71.2 See also K.93 GOODMAN, Bruce GOODMAN, Harris Fi by PA See C.6 GOODMAN, Neville M. GOODWIN, Leonard George GOODMAN, Arnold Abraham, Baron F.184 GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GOPALKRISHNAN, K. GORLINSKY, Sander A. GORRILE "RH. F295 “A.126, A.180 GORECKI, Marian GORINI, Lorenzo Eta, £. 96, <, 220 A.126, F.215 A.126 F.336 H.56 A.126 G.198 K.95 E.186 GOSLING, RR. H. GORBMAN, Aubrey S. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GOTTLIEB, David GOURGEX,.. B.S. GOWANS, Sir James Learmonth GRAHAM, Roland GRANDI, Alberto GRANITI, Antonio GRANT, Patrick T. GRAVE, Walter Wyatt GRAY, Sir John (Archibald Browne) GRAZIADEI, Ercole GREEN, David E. GREEN, J. GREEN, Robert T. GREENBAUM, Avraham C.46, C.57 A.126 E.95 See also E.141 G.92 F.266 K.32 D.101 A.190 A.126, A.161, E.94, E.100, E.104 C2n-C, 26 C.59 F.150, F.155, F.162, K.20 K.95 H.5, H.6, H.8, H.10 G.34 C.57 E.04;-£ 335; £.96,. 6.37. Bia E.42, E.43, K.99 E.207, E.208, E.213 F.234 O95, 5-187; 3.190. K.95 G.121 C.61 4:62 A126 A.126 GRIFFIN, Francis J. CRITE RS. GRISOLIA, Santiago GROS, Francois GROSS, Ruth T. GREGOIRE, Herman GREGORY, Philip Herries GRIBBIN, K. David B.10 GROSSOWICZ, Nathan GROVE, Patrick GRUNEBERG, Hans GRUNENTHAL (CHEMIE GRUNENTHAL GUALANDI, Giuseppe GUERRA, Francesco Paolo GUILLERY, Eva GULLAND, J. F.203-F.211 C7, 6.98 F.195, F.198 A.63 GMBH) Mason E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents GUREWICH, Vladimir CURVE 1: GUTTMANN,, Sir Ludwig HADDOW, Sir Alexander HADLEY, James HAHN, Fred E. HAIGH, Margaret HALDANE, Charlotte HALES, Charles Nicholas HALEVY, Jacob L. HALL, Edward Thomas HALL, Henry W. HALLE, Robert A.63 H.65 A.126, A.161, K.97 f A.127, A.194, E.175, G.81 K.98-K.100 E.149-E.155 G64; 3.75 Ala7y: K161 A.24 G.189 A.127, H.137 K.101 B.10 A.127, H.16, H.20 HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, Earl A.171 HAMELIN, R. HARE, Ronald A.153 K.102 K.102, K.194 Guy W. P. A.127, K.101 See J.116 HAMPSON, C._ HARDY, Solomon HANINGTON, Edda HALSTEAD, Ronald HAMILTON, F. S. HANNAN, RR. HANNAY, Jack W. HANSON, L. G. E.70, E.76 B.83 A.86, A.127, E.88, E.96 A.127, H.29, H.34 A168, Rol? HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) HARMAN, Avraham HARRIS, Cyril K. A.25, A.64, K.103 A.127,E.66, E.67, E.69, HARRIS, Henry HARRIS, Leslie J. BE. 221 E.168 D.153 F.246 E.79 HARRIS, Ralph E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents HARRIS, W. Z. HARTLEY, Sir Frank HASS, Simon HASTINGS, John J. H., HASZELDINE, Robert Neville HAUDUROY, Paul HAUSMANN, Gordon HAWKINS, S. W. HAWLEY, H. Bernard HAYWARD, Alan HAZARD, René HEARSE, David J. HEATH, Edward Richard George HEATLEY, Norman G, HEATON, Kenneth W. THE HEBERDEN SOCIETY HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM HECHT, Réuben R. HECHTER, Oscar H.66 A.127, D.69 A.161 K.103 D.102 E:96; J.2,.K 303 A.127 F.220 C.100, F.265 K.104 K.336 E.25, K.105 E.53 A.30, B.12 J.118 A.18] HEDEN, Carl-Géran FMEDGES RR, °° Ww, HEGLER, Hedwig HEILBRON, Sir lan (Morris) HEIMANN, Hugo BEI Tr. &, J.65 H.26-H.38 See also J.62 H.8 K.106 J.85, K.107 K.108 F.306, F.307, F.308, F.310 A.64, D.3,°F 46 A.79 A.75 F.272 C.50 A.128, A.161, F.24] G.125 K.108 HEINEMANN, William E. HELLER, Jézef HELLINGER, Esther HEMS, Douglas HENDERSON, David W. HENDERSON, G. N, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents HENRIQUES, Rose, Lady HERBERT, J-J. HERBERTSON, Basil HERBSTEIN, F. H, HEROLD, Milds HERSOM, A. HERTZ, Josephine HERVEY 'G; oR. HERZOG, Chaim HESELTINE, Nigel HESKETH-WILLIAMS, P. HESSELBACH, Walter HETHERINGTON, Alastair HEVESY, Georg de HEVESY, Pia de A.128, H.65 J.175 A.190 H.62 3,24, J.57,°K.108 E.167, E.168 A.128 E.28 H.110 .108 .64 .35 152 .108 .108 126, E.186, G.50 64 e r K O e o e o K.110 HILLABY, John HILLMAN, Peter HIMMELWEIT, Freddie B'NAI B'RITH HICKMAN, K. C.D. HIMMELWEIT, Hilde T. K.109 See also J.144 HILLEL FOUNDATION see HEWITT, Richard Thornton HEYDEN CHEMICAL CORPORATION HEYMANS, Corneille C.98, D.156, K.111, K.146 G.81 H.80 A.161, K.110 K.110 A.161, C.64, E.89, E.90, E.96, E:97, E.174, 6.44. K.110 K.110 A.128, A.194 F.212-F.215 C.56, C.59 HINDLE, Edward HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LIMITED HINSHAW, H. — Corwin HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HINCRLEY: n° 6. N. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents HINTZE, Will HIRSCH, Julius HIRSH, Joseph HITCHINGS, George H. HOBBY, Gladys L. MOORS. bi. HODGES, M. 5 i W. HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HODGKIN, Edward C. HODSON: T.. HOECHST (FARBWERKE HOECHST AG.) ow HOFFMANN-OSTENHOF, Otto HOLCZABEK, W. HOLIDAY, Ensor R. A.92 K.11] J.37, J.59 E.220 F.295, K.111 A.128 D.38 E.182 A.49, A.86, K.112 C.24 B.65 / HOLMES, Barbara E. HOLMES, Eric HOLTER, Heinz HOMER, RR. F. HOLLAND, Gerald F. HOLLAND, D. O. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dorothy F.216-F.218 See also A.91, A.161, G.52 BhOo)' J. 165 B.91 J.135 A. 64 F.54 F.296 K.20 E72, kK. A.29 C.83 E122, E123, B24, £125, G.126,9E 128; Fase. F.316 A.27, B.10 See also A.22, A.46 F.18] H.46, H.47 A.128 K.113 C.65 H.15 HORNE, David G. HOROVITZ, Baruch, Rabbi HOROVITZ, Lotte HORROBIN, David F. HORVATH, I. HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland B. HORWELL, Arnold R. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents HORWITZ, Abraham HORWOOD, Ellis Os MOORING Foe Ge HOWARD, John M. — H. HOWARD-JONES, N. HUBBLE, Douglas V. HUBERT, Walter I. HUBLING, Albert C. HUDDLESTON, Trevor HUGGINS, Charles B. HUGHES, Arthur HUGHES, Cledwyn PIUGHES #020 B. HUGHES, Geoffrey HULBERT, Lionel HULL, Geoffrey W. E.135, J.124 G.193 K.114 K.114 B.101 G.48 H.47 A.128 G.92 A.128, C.49 A.128, K.114 E.115 K.115 G.156 A.180 K.115 C.65 E78 5:75 G.92, K.115 A.128 E.157 HULTMAN, Eric HUMPHREY, Arthur E. HUMPHREY, John Herbert HUNT, Michael HUNT, Thomas C. HUNTER, Alastair HUTCHISON, (Joseph) Douglas HUTTRER, Charles P. G.30 D.47, D.49, F.320, J.118 C.70 A, 128; Bigg Hi39 IGLESIAS, Rigoberto IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED IMPERIAL COLLEGE JEWISH SOCIETY F.219-F, 227 See also F.276ff. HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorrel) (ICI) Jetan E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, London THE INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY ING, Harry Raymond INGLE, Dwight J. INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY THE INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS LTD. INSTITUTE OF JEWISH AFFAIRS THE INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICRO- BIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES (IAMS) WOMEN D.1-D.168 See also A.110, C.16, E.25, .39-E.43, E.57, E.61-E.63, ¥O-E 6112," EF. 120, £.124- 129, E.190, E,195, F.121- 168 passim, F.182, F.260, ebelts,' Fal 2, F813; -Sl4ff., F.330, F.343- 345, H.39, J.118, J.158, 159, K.49ff., K.96, K.97, K.182-K.184, K.269ff. E.66-E.72 See also G.158, K.266, K.267 K.116 G.92 E.73°E 75 E74 H.40 R77, E.78 a9 E.80 E.81 E.82 £:63 H.41 E.84 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRON- MENT AND BIOPOLITICS INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR BIO- TECHNOLOGY & BIOENGINEERING (1OBB) F.228 THE IRAN SOCIETY IRANIAN PROTEIN COMMITTEE ISAACS, Alick INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY INTER-UNIVERSITY JEWISH FEDERATION OF E.91, G.44, K.117 See also E.48 GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND See F.269ff. ISF S.p.A. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ISRAEL, Ernst ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ISRAEL NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL PENICILLIN AND BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY ISRAEL UNIVERSITIES' STUDY GROUP FOR MIDDLE EASTERN AFFAIRS ISRAELI EMBASSY (London) ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO E VACCINOGENO TOSCANO "SCLAVO" S.p.A, ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, Rome A.79 H.42 H.43 F.229 H.44 H.45 F.230 See also K.164 F C.1-C.101 See also A.2, A.228, E.96, £.156, £.208, £,225, £.239~ E.231, F.12-F.4] passim., F.44-F .86, passim., F.175, F.216, F.294-F.296, F.328, pion, 3s 179, Jigs, K-13, K.35-K.38, K.47, K.52, K.68, K.75, K.87, K.1Gl) Kae: Ki 108, K:907; R15, 2117, K.157, K.181, K.184, K.234, K.246, K.248, K.259, K.283, K.291 ISTRIK, Leo JACKSON, James G. L. JACKSON, Robert Victor JACKSON, Willis, Lord Jackson of Burnley D.157 JAKOBOVITS, Sir Immanuel D.95, D.142, D.150, JACOBS, David M. JACOBSON, Fritzi JACOB, Francis JACOBY, F. JAFFE, Joshua E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents JAMES, Anthony Trafford JAMES, William Owen JANNER, Barnett, Baron BANSEN, BoC. P, JAPHET, Ernest I. AES 15 PWN JEQUIER, E. JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF JEWISH STUDIES JERUSALEM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY JEWISH NATIONAL FUND JEWKES, John JEWS' COLLEGE, LONDON JICK, Hershel JORNSON 36. ok JOHNSON, Howard W. JOHNSON, John R. E.192, E.195 D.158, K.145 A.129, A.162, H.22 C.467-C, 57 H.98 K.118 F.289 H.46-H.48 H.49 H.50 K.118 H.51, H.52 F.184 K.119 J.151 A.45 S12, SA G.179, G.180 A. 24 JONES, Barrie R. JONES, Francis Edgar JONES, Harry JONES, Reginald Victor PALESTINE APPEAL) JOHNSON, Marvin J. JOHNSON, Walter J. BONS Ome, J... -o- JONES, Sir Francis Avery JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JOINT ISRAEL APPEAL (including JOINT A.129, £.53, F.322 H.53 F.278, K.119 E.189 K.336 K.120 A.129, D.158 E.54 Ke. 121 SIGEPT, Ds JOSEPH, Sir Keith E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents KADDARI, M. Z. KADOORIE, Horace KAHAN, Joe KAHANE, Ernest KAHN, HH.” Y. KAISER, Herbert R. KAISER, Ludwig KAPLAN, Abbott , KAPLANSKY, S. KARDOS, Nelson KAREL, Leonard KASS, Edward H. KATCHALSKY, Aaron KATCHALSKI-KATZIR see KATZ, Sir Bernard KATZ, V. see AMBROSE KATZIR H.6 J.104 A.162 K.121 F.201 356 F.302 K.121 A.79 K.121 G61 Jie H.66 A.130, A.197, B.72, E.179 REAM BPA KEIL, Alfred H. KEELE, Cyril Arthur KAYA, Seiji KAZIN, Louis E. KATZEN, Howard M. KATZIR, Ephraim KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron KEDEM, Ora F.2oner aan F.280, F.281, H.100, H.121, K.122 5.166 A.45 F272 REI He KELLEHER, William J. KENDALL, Edward Calvin KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNER, George Wallace KERMANSHAHCHI, H. MM, Mtl F122 J93 A.130 A.130 G71G/ E.16 C.51 A.195 K.123 A.130, K.123 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents KERRIDGE, David KESSLER, David KEYNAN, Alex KHAJENOURI, A. KHERADJOU, A. Gasem KIEFFER, M. KING, Brian Edmund KING, de oh. KING, Earl Judson KING, Frederick Ernest KING, Harold KIRKINESS 52 cM. KIRTLEV EW: . Rs KISSIN, Harry, Baron KLAUNBERG, Henry J. A.190 A.130 Hh. 28 p Pinde pad ted Oy. eee Peagre F.281 Pi Ge/p dao? K.123 E.121 K: 425 D.22, K.124 See also G.75 A.130, F.179 A 65. Ai 86, K.125 F.234 A.130, A.162, K.125 G.182 KLEEMAN, Derrick , KLIBANSKY, Raymond KLEEMAN, Peter J. KLEINER, Ge ..I. H.132 K.125 A.189 A.162, E.72, G.161, H.95, H.97, H.98, H.100, H.102, H.104, H.106, H.107, H.108 H.109, H.110, H.114, H.117, H.118, H.120, H.129, H.131, H.132 H.107, H.118 D.22 A.130, F.107, F.117, F.120, F.121, J.100 A.155 J.19, K.170 A.130 H.5, H.9, H.10, H.11, H.12 KODICEK, Egon Hynek KLIBANSKY, Rosa KNOBIL, Henry E. KNOBLOCH, H. KNOX, Robert KNUDSEN, Eric T. KOFFLER, Henry KOFFLER, Murray B. F.308 H.138 K.125 B.12 A.130, A.162, F.4-F.6, F.332, J.146, K.126 See also A.181 A.50, A.183 A.130, A.161, K.126 F.257 H.54 4,28. 3¢37 H.103, J.160, K.126 A.130, A.197, E.189 A.65, A.197, D.22 3.169 K.126 K.127 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents KOGEL, Marcus D. KOGL, Fritz KOHLER, Fritz KOHN, Ralph KOLINSKI, Mieczyslaw (Mieco) KOLLEK, Teddy KOLLONITSCH, Janos KOL YISROEL GROUP KOREY, Saul R. KORNBERG, Arthur KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KOSTERLITZ, Hans Walter KOTAKE, Yahisa KOVACH, Ay (GCG. 3B. KRASIL'NIKOV, N. A, KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KREBS, Rudolf H. KREMER, Michael KREMER, William F. As153, D. 22.6.6) A. 60, Alou, 204,029, Pier DO 206.8; 171 26. 192, K.127 See also G.71, G.118 K.127 F.290 F.325 J.136 A.130, H.42 K, 128-K. 182 K.133 C.67 K.133 K.133 K.134-K.137 See also E.218 KRETZ, Johannes KRIKLER, Dennis KRIM, Mathilde KRUGER-THIEMER, Ekkehard KUHN: Ludwig R. KUHNAU, J. ILA, Marle-Regine KULAEV, Igor Stepanovitch KURTI, Nicholas E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents LABORATOIRES BRISTOL LABORATORIES see BRISTOL LACEY, Brian W. LAIMIS, Nora LAJTHA, Laszlo George LAKE, Bernard LAMBERT, Harold P. LAMBERTI-ZANARDI, Bruno LAMBIE, John J. LAMPEN, Joseph Oliver LANDAU, Bernard R. LANDAU, Marianne LANE, Miriam see ROTHSCHILD LANGER, Erich LANGLYKKE, Asger F. LAPIAN, B. E.206 A.13]1 E.36 J.100, J.108, J.109 E.204 F.191 Jeli2 FIBA? F £255 K.72 G.202 J.53 H.47 LASKI, S. LEACH, Gerald LEDERER, Wilhelm J.48, J.52 LAURENT, Michel LAWLEY, Edgar LARSEN, Helge LARSSEN, Stig K.138 C.49 A.13]1 G.65 LAURENCE, Di; ®: LAZELL, Henry George Leslie F.231-F. 233 A.131 A.131, F.169, F.170, F.171, F172, @xva See also G.26 G.157, G.191 K.138 A.213 K.139 F.279 F.225, F.226 E .207 LEESE, Henry J. LEGUESDRON, Henri LEONARD, Brian J. LEONARD, Julian M. LEPETIT, S.p.A. LEATHER, Sir Edwin (Hartley Cameron) EB. 4Chein CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents LERNER, Alec F.124, F.247, F.248 LESTER SMITH, Ernest see SMITE, 26." B, LEVENE. Po A LEVER, Harold, Baron LEVINE, Bernard B. LEVINE, Frank H. LEVINE, Harry LEVINSON, Morris L. LEVINSON, Norman LEVITT, Harry N. LEVITT, William J. LEVY, <1. LEVY, Isaac LEWANDO, Sir Jan (Alfred) LEWIS, Desmond F. LIEB, Hans LILJESTRAND, G. & COMPANY LINDBERG, Olov A.20 H.15, H.16 K.139 H.51, H.52 A.131, H.89, H.103, H.109 K.139 H.98 H.42 H.138 F.243, F.244, F.245, F.246, F.247, F.248 A.162, A.194, H.50 A.13] G.105 E.128, E.129 A.177, A.194 A.17 A.131, E.167, K.140 A.56 FE. 204, 6,235 See also A.46 LEWIS, J.B. LEWY, Rudolf LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LINDERSTR@M-LANG, Kaj Ulrik LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES, ELI LILLY J.54 pie, D7, 0:28 10.29. 0.8 D.33, D.125, E.171, E.207, 5, D.6 D.7, 0, Delt. LINDNER, Fritz LINDNER, Hans R. C.49 K.140 Piatt A.13] A.131 LINSTEAD, Sir Hugh (Nicholas) LINSTEAD, Marjorie, Lady LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick PIt9S, asl E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents LINTON, J. LIOTARD-VOGT, P. I. THE LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE LITVINOFF, Barnet LIVINGSTONE, Sir Richard Winn LLOYD, Dennis, Baron Lloyd of Hampstead LOCKE, H. Brian LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOESER, Alfred A. LOEWE, Raphael LOEWENSTEIN, Martha LOGAN, Sir Douglas (William) LOM-SCHEU, Dina LONDON JEWISH HOSPITAL MEDICAL SOCIETY A.13] F.290 E.85 G.201 A.60 D.65 A.131 B23), Clas KOU: RK! 146 K.142 H.86 A.131, H.128, H.129 D.20 H.60 LOURIE, Arthur LOUSTALOT, Prosper LUCAS, Robert LONGMORE, Donald LOW, W.. LUBIEZ, N. 3.2: LONGMUIR, lan S. LOOKSTEIN, Joseph H. F775 269 H.55 E.21, K.142 D.23, J.93 H.9 A.13] F.184 H.49 A.65 G.157 H.3, H.8 E.167 K.142 K.269, K.331 F.37 G.192, J.15 J115 K.128 LUS, R. Gémez LUSCHER, Ernst F. LUCAS, Victor LUCK, John V. LUCK, W. LO JeencA. LUND, Harald LURIA, Luciano LUSH, Brandon S. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents LUTZKER, Edythe LWOFF, André LYNAM, A. E. LYNEN, Feodor MAAS, Werner K. MACADAMS, Lewis P. McALISTER, W. E. McANUFF, John W. MACARTHUR, C, W, THE MACCABEANS McCARTHY, Denis W. C. McDADE, Herbert MACDONALD, Adam Davidson MACDONALD, William MACER, Richard Charles Franklin MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn K.142 H.127, H.128 A.176 A.196 J.19 E.151 F.186 E.131 F.313 H.56, H.57 A.132 F.336, F.337, F.338, F.339 E.147 J.106 A.132 t o e e e i l a a T “ U W “ Y O ~ S N O e e a N O C s k a n A A N I N O B.102-B.104 Fures, F272 McGRATH, W. McGEE, James O'Donnell Mc GEORGE, Walter F.45, v9 “ae, 64, 7a, ‘+d, 04, 108, F118, F.119 K.143 MACKANESS, George Bellamy McKEEN, John E. MACHEBOEUF, G. MACINTYRE, lain MACLENNAN, Sir Hector McKENZIE, Alexander F.ayay Fy erO; F297 A.163, D.49, D.50 McLENNAN, Hugh F.336 K.143 o w eo, : K.143 A.16, A.86 E.186 Robert E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents McMICHAEL, Sir John McQUEEN, E.G. MACTAGGART, Sir Andrew (McCormick) MADDAN, Martin MAEGRAITH, Brian Gilmore MAEIR, David MAGEE, Peter N. MAHALANOBIS, Prasanta Chandra MAHFAR, Jack MAHONY, J. F. MAISELS, Israel A. MAISTER, Dolly MAITLAND, F. EE. MAJOR, Randolph T. MALAGARNE, Osvaldo MANDELSTAM, Joel MANNING, Edward MALKO, Nicholai A. MALLETT, Allen A. MANSFORD, KeithR. — L. MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph A.132 MARGERISON, Thomas Alan MARINI- BETTOLO, G. MANTLE, PP. G. MARGALITH, P. MARIOTTI, Luigi MARK, H. MARK, Hermann MARKS, Abraham J. A.132, A.196, D.149, E.21, G.82 J.105 D.84 E.238 J.104, J.105 H.10 F.155 A.97, K.144 F.276, F.281 F.333 132, b 79 K.144 A.189 F.252 K.144 A.50 F.92, F.99, F.109, F.119, F.120, F.125, F.127, F.143, F.150, F.156, J.122 A.163, K.144 K.144 A.66 F.93, F.100, F.157, F.164, F.165, F; 182, Fast, G86. K.20, K.249 K.145 H.62 B.97, G.4 C,16; E33 hs A132 H.85 BB. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MARKS, J. MARKS AND SPENCER LIMITED F.326, J.152 F.236-F 25] See also G.72, K.199 MARKS OF BROUGHTON, Simon, Baron F.236 MAROTTA, Domenico MARRE, Sir Alan (Samuel) MARSAL, Alberto MARSHALL, Dorothy MARSHALL, John J. J. R. MARSHALL, M. MARSHALL, W. MARTELLI, Paolo MARTI-IBANEZ, Felix MARTIN, Archer John Porter / A2100,A.132,°E.3, £.238, G.44, K.148, K.149, see also CiA4, C.5; Co6: C.7 C.8,°C,9..C. 16, E299, ugGs Oo gt ly Kld6 KG 147 H.37, K.150 A.173 A.132 K.150 E.79 K.150 K.150 G.203 C.B5 K.110 A. 132, 8.73, B82, DB, 167. E.55, E.162, E.165, E.167, E.168, E.179 F.268, J.81 E.135 F.183 J.40, J.48, J.143, K.15] C.25 A.192, F217, 3.135, °K. 15! F.1 K.152 A.132, E.15, J.95 K.152 A.23 J.89 K.79, K.152 MARTORELLI, M. MASCHERPA, Pietro MASERA, Giuseppi MASKE, Helmut MARTIN, Gustav J. MARTINS DA SILVA, M. MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MATHIAS, Antony P. MATTHEWS, Janet W. MASON, R. Steven MATVEYEV, A. MAUROIS, André MATTUCK, Israel 1. MASSAM, Alan E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MAY, Ben MAY, Phineas L. MAYER, Sir Robert MAZZANTI, Giorgio MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) K.152 A.132 A.132, A.180 F.188, F.190, F.199 A.196, E.143, E.175, K.117, K.153 MEDICAL RESEARCH CLUB E.86 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) MEE, P. E. MEHRISHI, Jay N. MELENEY, Frank L. MELLANBY, Sir Edward MELLETT, -L.. +84 E.87-E.112 See also D.30, D.33, D.94, E696, Eto? reaia: K, 186, K. 269, Kugel, Ke272 A, 132 Ki 153 K.153 See A.41, B.23, B.24, B.25, Ca F.340 J.106, J.107 H.68, H.70 A.132 A.66, B.14 bo. F 17 A.132, E.55 F.231 J.115 G.218 B.40 MERCIER, Pierre MERCK SHARP & DOHME MENSFORTH, Sir Eric MENZOCCHI, Fernando MENKIN, Valy MENOTTI, Amel R. MELROSE, Andrew J. MELTZER, Julian L. MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg A.163 P. 2o27Pi or, See also B.54, J.70-J.73, Jabie MEYER, Sir Anthony John Charles A.132, E.53 351 A.108, K.153 MEYER, Karl A. MEYER, Kurt H. MEYER, Shirley MERIEUX, Charles MEYER, Francois EB. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents M. MIALL, L.- MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MICHAELS, David MIGLIACCI, Adele MILES, Sir (Arnold) Ashley MILES, Ellen MILL, Patrick MILLER, Edward MILLER, George MILLER, Harry M. MILLER, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre MILOVIDOV, V. MINER, Eunice Thomas F.297 A.163, H.111 E.85 F.197, F.198, F.199 A.93, A.132, A.163, A.196, A. 206, K.154 A.29, K.154 A.132 A.155, A.190 62,382 A.47 E.143 K, 135 J.18 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD E.113-E.118 See also J.83 MIRSKY, |. Arthur A.132, H.24, H.61 MINISTRY OF HEALTH Eenee MINTZ, Louis J. MIRANDA, Mario MIRHEYDAR, H. J124 ries K.156 E.120 See also D.98 A132) HG, HO ac 155 MISHCON, Victor, Baron MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY MITCHISON, Nicholas Avrion F.290, K.185, K.209 E20 Eta K.157 F.258-F, 267 See also F.183, F.191-F.200, Riversdale MONROY, Alberto MONTECATINI EDISON S.p.A. MONCKTON OF BRENCHLEY, Gilbert Walter W127 K.157 J.165 G.189 A.66 MITTWOCH, Ursula MIZUNO, Den'ichi MODELL, Walter MOIR, John Chassar MONTEDISON) (later E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents MOORE, F. Joan MORANDI, Luigi MORGAN, Walter Thomas James MORRISON, Hyam MORRISON, J. K. MORRISON, Jack MORRISON, Sylvia MORTON, O. MORTON, Richard Alan MOSS Do WwW: MOSTOFI, B. MOULDER, James W. MOUSHINE, David E.117 F.258, G.44 E472 279 A.132 F.297 A.132, A.194 ACS? A163 K.158 E.174 E.16] F.280 J.60 H.107, H.108, H.109, H.110 H.112, H.115, H.116, H.119 H.121, H.130, H.131 / f MUDGE, Pauline E. A. 66 F.308 F.298 MUELLERRATH, Carl MUNDAY, Kenneth A. MOUTON, RR. F. MUCKTER, Heinrich F..280,. F. 262): F 2eo, F264 C.62 F.203, F.204, F.209, F.210, F.211 MUELLERRATH, Ursula MULLER, H.R. MUSHETT, Charles W. MYRBACK, K. MUSEUM OF THE DIASPORA (BETH MURAKAWA, Takeo F204, © 255,27, 257 B.11 K.158 D.23 J, T6P K.158 oo B.14 MUNCH, James C. MUNZ, F. Robert MURRAY, I. = G. HATEFUTSOTH) E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents NABARRO, Felix NACHMANSOUHN, David NAFTALIN, J. NAFTALIN, J. E. M. NAGATSU, Toshiharu NAJMABADI, F. NARASIMHAN, M. J. NATHAN, Eleanor, Lady NATHAN, Harry Louis, 1st Baron Nathan NATHAN, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY OF A.133 Ai, Say) Tye 83 1.90, K Dee K..760 See also J.6 H.55 K.161 J.166 F.276 A.93,:Fs213 A.133 De; ° Daa Kia? 95 F See also E.61 37 b.Ge kris G.174 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOVIET JEWRY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND NATIONAL DRUG COMPANY NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY ris? CORPORATION (NRDC) E.121-E.129 See also F.316 NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield NATTA, Giulio NAYLER, JohnH. C. NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT F.268 F.269-F. 281 See also F.291, F.292, J.157 See also F.6, F.276ff., K.16 A.196 B.77, F.121, F.135, F.142, F.149, F.150, F.157 E.53 E.203, G.187 Files, Sige J.192 A.133 25, K.164 NEMON, Oscar NERI, Paolo NESTLE ALIMENTANA S.A, NEEDHAM, Joseph NEEDS, R.A, NELSON, John D. F ..282-F 292 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents NEUBERGER, Albert NEUBERGER, Herman N. NEUBERGER, James MEUZIE. E. MEWOOUSE; J.-P. NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NICKELL, Louis G. NICOLAUS, B. NIEDERGERKE, R. NOBEL COMMITTEE NOJAR, Aviva NOLAN, Anne NORRIS, John Robert NORRIS, Peggy NORRIS, W. G. NORRIS, Wilfred F. NUSSBAUM, Michael NUTMAN, Phillip Sadler NOWINSKI, Wiktor W. THE NUFFIELD FOUNDATION THE NUTRITION SOCIETY NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) A.194 A.50, J.95, K.166 See also A.195, J.160, J.161, J.190 O'DONOGUE, P. N. OESTREICHER, Ludwig OCHOA, Severo OFFENHAMMER, Kurt A.163, C.86, D.58, D.106, E.61, £785, E.87,° E.aS0; GiASG, ioe) Kae °K 165 See also E.104, E.139 G.113 A.133 F286, Jag Ki 227 K.218 0.2 F.296 F.228 23 E. 130 See also K.335, K.336 J.87 A.133 A.133 E.222 E.208, G.202 F.238 K.166 E.131, E.132 A.66 A.133 E.133 A.133 E73 F.300 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents OFFICE DE RADIODIFFUSION-TELEVISION FRANCAISE OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS OGG, Sir William Gammie OGSTON, Alexander George OKADA, Hiroshi OKAMI, Yoshiro OLBERT, Th. OLBY, Robert OL ZR Ages OLSON, James Allen OPIE, Lionel H. OPITZ, Dietrich OPPINGER, Heinz ORD, Bernhard G.175 E.134 D.23, £.207 A.195 J.169, J.170 $165,,92166, J.169 J AZT. K.167-K. 169 A.93, K.170 B.106 A.98, K.208 K.170 F171 K.171 F.218 A.176 J.160 H.15 A138, A169 Caz F.332 J.81 E.65, J.163 A.67 A.46 E.56 A.133 J.191 ORSONI, Jose OSBORN, O'Neill OSOL, Arthur OTTENBERG, Reuben ORO, Juan ORR, James OSORIO, Leopoldo Martinez E.61-E.63 F220, F.222,-F.293, F. 294. F.273 C.39 A 67; Bs PAGET-COOKE, Richard A. OWEN, Paul Robert OREORD a). 2S; PACKARD, Lyle B. PAGEL, Walter OSTER, Kurt OWEN, David PACE, George H. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents PAINE, Peter S. PAINTER, Neil Stamford PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO) PAOLETTI, Rodolfo PAPANDREA, Giovanni PARASCANDOLA, John THE PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PATCHORNIK, A. PATELSKI, Ray A, PATON, Sir William Drummond Macdonald PAUL, John R. PAUL EHRLICH FOUNDATION PAUL EHRLICH INSTITUTE F.119 Ke; Kage E.135 K.236 F.194 J.186, J.187 E.136 H.99, H.121 E.23] E.174 J E.137-E.145 See also K.266, K.268 E.146 A.195, C.99, K.174 E.67, E.70 A.164 A.134 E.104 E.172 F.234 PAULING, Linus PAULLEY, John W. PEART, Peggy PEAT, Stanley PEART, William Stanley PEART, (Thomas) Frederick, Baron PECK, Franklin B. PEKERIS, Chaim L. A.134,A.196, J.128 F.196 D.43, D.45, D.48, D.49, D.50, D.51, D.52, D.53, D.144, D.146, E.43, E.110, F.317, K.272, K.275 faa... 06, Tetua, 1. 1295 Keo PENNEY, William George, Baron Penney of RK. 175 K.178 R17 oe PEREIRA, Helio Gelli Perot, C, Prreiok,. oy s Ba PENN, Jack PENNELLA, Paolo East Hendred E.B. Chain CSAC.92/3/83 Index of correspondents PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert) Charles PERLMAN, D. PERLMAN, Harold L. PERRIN, Sir Michael (Willcox) PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PEUEY W.. 6G, PETROW, Vladimir PETTINGA, C. = Ww, PFIZER (CHAS, PFIZER & CO, INC.) PFLEGER, Elisabeth PFLEGER, Robert E.117, E.118 J.63 H. 106 A.134 A.67, A.134, eed, 6.174, K.176-K.178 See also G.107 F.161 K.179 B./8, F234. F.295;* 5,63 F.293-F . 297 See also B.58, G.36 F.308 A.24, C.19, F.298, F.299, F.300, F.301, F.302, F.303, F.304, F.305, F200, Fay See also F.309 PFLEGER (DR. R. PFLEGER CHEMISCHE FABRIK GMBH) F ..298-F.310 BRITAIN PHILIPP, Elliot E. PHILIPP, Lucie PHILIPPSBERG, Lucie THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT PHILIPS, Sir Cyril (Henry) PHILLIPS, Joan See also G.69 E147 See also G.104, G.105, C217 K.179 K.179 A.134 D.68 A.67 E.207 B.29, K.180 B.25 A.134, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.19 K.18 A.22, E.163, K.180 PIRIE, Norman Wingate PrUcciPS, Mo FOmerOL, Fy A aed, PHILPOT, John St. L. PINNER, Hayim D.85, K.181-K.183 PINTO, Guglielmo Pike, S. John E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents PITT, David Thomas, Baron PIZZI, Enrico PIZZIO, Francesco PLANTEROSE, Donald N. PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward (Wilder) POCCHIARI, Francesco POCOCK, Robert POLLER, Leon POLLOCK, Martin Rivers POLONOVSKI, Jacques POLONOVSKI, Michel POM'ERANIEC, Jasha POMERAT, Gerard R. PONTECORVO, Guido more Cs) POPJAK, George Joseph PRATESI, Pietro PREISKEL, David PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS A.197 F.260 E.] F.143 D.56, D.57, D.59 A.134, C.17, K.184, K.185 B.7] K.43 A.134, E.88, E.173, K.186 G36 G.3, K.187 A.134 E.156 A.195 E.220 D.45, D.103, K.188 K.188 A.134, K.188 G.103, K.188 E.172 C.54 A.67 A.134, K.189 A.86 A.148, J.23 A.134, A.194, A.212 A.67, A.134, A.164 A.103 A.90, E.146 G. 200 duoe PORTHEIM, L. POSTGATE, John Raymond POYNTON, W. M. POPPER, Hans PORRITT, Arthur Espie, Baron PORTER, Sir George PORTER, Helen Kemp PORTEVIN, A. E.148 PREISKEL, Ella PREVOT, A. PRIGGE, R. PROSKAUER, Eric S. PRYWES, Moshe K.189 F311 34 105 K.189 K.190 K.331 A.164, H.51 E.180 H.11 K.191 G.176 A.177 See B.21, G.99, K.3] E.231 K.191 C.60 J.8 A.195 K.331 A.135, F314; F316, £.317, F.318, F.319 A.135, E.32, E.149, F.316, F319, Fagg0) F raat > Fie. F.324 3120-313 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents PULEINNGER, 8.) 3 D; PULLMAN ASSOCIATES GMBH PURANANANDA, Chaloem QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch QUAYLE, John Rodney RABIN, Brian Robert RABINOVITCH, NN. L. RACE, Robert Russell RACKMAN, Emanuel RADI, I. RADIO ITALIANA RADO, Richard RAISTRICK, Harold RAJA AR. OG: S. Govinda RANK, Joseph McArthur RAJAN, V. RAJCHMAN, Ludwig RAMAN, Sir (Chandrasekhara) Venkata RAMON, Gaston RANDLE, Philip John RANK, Joseph Arthur, Ist Baron FTI RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS RANKS HOVIS McDOUGALL LIMITED E.149-E. 155 F.314-F, 324 See also E.122, F.122, F.188, F.275ff., F.288 RAPER, Kenneth B. RASKOVA, Helena RATTI, G, K.19] J.128 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents RAUEN, H. M. RAYNE, Max, Baron READING, H.W. READING, William REGENSBURGER, K. REICHEL, John REID, Eric REID, Lynne M. REISS, Sir John (Anthony Ewart) Rerrn, Wwe SS: REMEZ, Aharon RENZ, Jany REWALD, Bruno REY, Louis G.209 Kaa PZ K.192 A.135 A. 68 BH ECT Ke 192 E.36 D.24, K.193 H.45 F.328, F.329 ee a REYMOND, D. REYNALS, Duran RIBBONS, Douglas W. RICCOBONI, Luigi RICE, Raymond M. RICHARDS, Graham RICHARDS, Merfyn REYNOLDS, Peter William John RIBAS, Bartolomé A.135, E.167, F.282. F.263, F.284, F.285, F.286, F207, F.288, F.289, F.290, Vier. J9129, D14L nk 129, J:183, Kibo Kul Od ieox See also E.158 F.283, F.284, F.285, F.288 A.68 F.275, F.324 E.65 K.197 K.197 F 234 K.197 A.135 A.135 A.135 A.135, A.164, B.84 F.325 G.201, K.197 RICHARDS, Owain Westmacott RICHARDSON, Frederick Denys RICHARDSON, John Samuel, Baron RICHARDSON-=MERRELL INC. RICHTER, Derek E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) RILEY, Mes. We RIMINGTON, Claude RINTOUL, John O. RITCHIE-CALDER, Peter Ritchie, Baron H. RITTENBERG, David ROBB-SMITH, A. ROBERTS, Eric R. EE. ROBERTS, g. ROBERTS, Eugene ROBERTSON, Alan ROBERTSON, lanR. T. ROBINSON, D. ROBINSON, Frank Arnold ROBINSON, O, eta, ROBINSON, R. HH, ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROBLIN, RO: cae K.198 E.64, G.45 F.64, F.65 A.135, B.96, K.28 A, 135 C.43, 198 A.68 A.136, D.159 G.64 J.27 F.224, F.227 K.198 K.198 A.136, E.17, F.325 See also B.23, B.24, B.25 RAQN 7 BO, 3108 F.187 ROBSON, Sir Kenneth ROBSON, J. Norman ROBSON, John Michael ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION A.1, A.136, E.211, K.199- K.202 See also B.23 C.54 A.136, E.167, F.248, F.251 A.68 A.136 F.326 E.156 E.18, E.132 G.209 ROGERS, D. ROHLFING, Duane L. LABORATO IRE ROGER BELLON 2220 See also A.198 E327 See also J.39 ROE Francis:d 5: C, ROESLER, Frank F. D.160 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ROLINSON, George Newbolt RONA, Peter ROSBAUD, Paul ROSE, «Ax. °M, ROSE, Francis Leslie ROSGe ROSE, John Donald ROSEN, Dolly ROSENBLITH, Walter A. ROSENHEIM, Max Leonard, Baron ROSENSTOCK, W. Ross: ie. B ROSS, John ROSS; W..° Ay BOoy, L. 8>3- A.136, B.79, F.84, F.94, F-101, F110; 6.317, F, 300. F.135, F.144 A.18 G.201 H.8, H.46 G.36 G.200 F.219 A.136, A.164 A.68 A.136, A.197, A.198, B.74, B.76, B.79, E.157 A.136, A.164 E.25 H.121, H.122 D.56 A.164 E.148 A.136, A.164, H.40 A.135, H.29, H.34, H.36 F.283 RASe A.136 K.203 K.204 H.91, H.92, H.94, H.95, H.96, H.98, H.101, H.108, H.115, H.117, H.118, H.119, H.121, H.123, H.125, H.126, H.128, K.203 ROTBLAT, Joseph ROTH oe ROTHBERG, Samuel ROTHMEIER, W. W. ROTHSCHILD, Albert ROTHSCHILD, Dorothy ROTHSCHILD, Edmund de ROTHSCHILD, Miriam (Miriam Lane) ROTHSCHILD, (Nathaniel Charles) Jacob K.203 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROUHANI, M. ROUS, (Francis) Peyton £1166, H.7d)K.205, K.206 R273 B,198 Ee B. -Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ROUTIEN, John B. ROWLAND, Frank ROWLEY, Derrick ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL GEO GRAPHICAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY THE ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS F.295 3101, 3106 K.207 Bol 57 See also G.5] Ryion E159, E.160 See also G.102, G.103 Exon See also G.75 E.162-E.183 See also B.73-B.84, B.90, G.210 E.184 See also A.108, G.35, G.36, G.62, G.115 E.185 E.186, G.50 K.207 A.136 A.136 F.329 D. 153, K. 271 2. toe SABBAGH, Karl SABIN, Albert B. THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF HEALTH THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE RUBBO, Sydney D. RULE, Leonard G. RUMBALL, Sir (Campion) Aubrey RUTSCHMANN, Jurg RYMAN, Brenda Edith A.137 SACCHETTI, Mario SACHARINA, Anna (Nura) SACHER, Gabriel D. SACHER, Michael Moses A.137, C.65, H.82, H.84, H.85, H.87, H.93, H.94, 73. H.97, 4.98; K;208 See also E.185 K.235 A.206-A.212, G.44 A.137 A.'197,, F237, Hi53 See also A.165 SACHER, Miriam E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SACHS -Léc SACKS, SAINSBURY, Alan John, Baron ST, MICHAEL'S FOUNDATION LIMITED SAINT-VINCENT INTERNATIONAL PRIZE SALAM, Abdus SALAMAN, Myer Head SALAMAN, Redcliffe Nathan SALAMON, B. SALERNI, Luigi SALMON, Neil Lawson SALTON, Milton Robert James SAMEK, H. SAMII, Mehdi SAMO JLOVNA, Rebecca H.112, H.113 A.137 A.137 E.187 E.188 A.137 D.101 A.21 F.125 c.19 C2 E.3] J.143 H.4 F.280 A.50 A.137, A.165 H.85, H.86, H.124, H.132 K.69 E.9, H.56 SAMUEL, David Herbert, Viscount SAMUEL, Rinna SAMUELOFF, Shlomo SARETT, Lewis H. SARGENT, Evelyn E. SANGER, Frederick SARAULT, Gilles E. SANDLER, Merton SANDOZ LIMITED J.83 F .328-F.330 See also J.84, J.135, K.265 A.195 4,138 A.137, F.256, F.257 A.69 A.69 B.84 A.137, D.96, D.97, D.99, D.139, D.160, E.175, K.269 A.137 F.333, F.334, F.339, J.75, SAUNDERS, Sir Owen (Alfred) SARKISOV, S. SAUNDERS, Basil SAVAGE, A. E. SAVAGE, George M. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SAYERS, Bruce McA, SCASSELLATI, Ubaldo SCHENK, G. SCHERAGA, H. A, SCHETTLER, G. SCHEU FOUNDATION FOR ASTHMA AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES SCHILLING, Richard Selwyn Francis SCHINDEL, Leo SCHLESINGER, Sondra SCHLITTER, C. SCHMIDT-POLEX, Hans Walter SCHMIDT-THOME, J. SCHOLEM, Gershom A.137, D.150, K.155 F.266 A; 187,. 3.97 H.100 G.47, J.133 H.60 See also K.204 K.222 K.208 C50 K.209 A.92, Poele K.337 E.tZ? F.216 B:197:E.198, G;017 J.149 Privo ate A.69 HOS SCHON, Frank, Baron SCHORNIG, Ludwig SCHROEDER, Hasso SCHRODER, Karl SCHULDENFREI, Jack SCHUTZ, F. SCHWARTZ, Benjamin SCHWARTZKOPF, Otto SCHWARTZMAN, Gregory SCHWARZENBACH, G, SCHWEIGART, Hans Adalbert SCHWEIGER, Acon SCHWERIN, Gunter K. SGMWICK;"H. "© Gerhard S.p.A, E VACCINO GENO TOSCANA "SCLAVO" SCIAKY, Roberto SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) SCLAVO see_ ISTITUTO SIEROTERAPICO J.149 See also A.165 A.46 a. E.82 FP. 192," L209 E17, t+ 139 F.308, K.209 F.196 E.189-E.196 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SCOTT, John H. MacCallam SCOTT, Sir Ronald Bodley SCROCCO, Pietro SEBAG MONTEFIORE, D.C, SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, Harold Henry SEBBA, Bella SECONDI, A. SELA, Margalit SELA, Michael SELDON, Arthur SELLINGER, Otto Z. SELLORS, Sir Thomas Holmes SELWYN-CLARKE, Sir (Percy) Selwyn SEMERANO, G., SHEBA, Chaim E.69, E.70, E.72 E.21 F.197, F.199 A.137 A.137 A.69, A.137 F.228 H.66, H.68, H.73, H.76, H.77, H.78 B.79, B.108, H.74, H.102, H.114, H.117, H.119, H.120, H.121, H.122, H.123, H.124, H.125, H.126, H.129, H.130, H.132 E.66 K210 B.84 A.137, E.175 B.66, K.210 E.64 H. 26 G7 Ki K.211 F.192 Pete. H.61 A.138 B.79, H.121, H.131 3. 81193 SERLUPI, Giovanni SERMONTI, Giuseppe SESSAy Schdro SEN, Shri Binay Ranjan SENATOR, David Werner SEYBOLT, George C. SHAARE ZEDEK HOSPITAL, Jerusalem SHALIT, Sophie SHALTIEL, Shmuel F.123 K.212 H.25 F.149, H.119 H.13, H.14, H.15, H.16 SHAPIRO, Alexander SHARON, Nathan SHAW, Henry SHANNON, Richard Bentinck Boyle, 9th Earl E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SHECHTERMAN, Abrasha SHEEHAN, John C. SHELESNYAK, M. C. SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Ist Baron Sherfield SHILLINGFORD, Jack SHILS, Edward A. SHINE, Cyril I. SHULE, Gee Mi SHUTTLE, Neville SHWARTZMAN, Gregory SIEBURG, F. SIEFF, Israel Moses, Baron Sieff of Brimpton SIEFF, Joseph Edward SIEFF, Marcus Joseph, Baron Sieff of Brimpton Fit24, Hi 25 Caf: 9 K.212 A.138, D.55, D.56, D.57, D.59 A.138 Ree Aero rt. 23 eee a ve A.69 A138, F520, F; 241, 3258, K.224 See also H.75 SIEFF, Michael David SIGG, Hans Peter SIIM, J. Christian SILVERMAN, Godfrey E. F237 A.138, A.165, E.178, F.240, H.67, H.82, H.85, H.91, H.92, H.93, H.101, H.103, H.107, H.108, H.110, H.113, Ff 417, aho20, M1. 12) 4122: H.127, H.128, H.129, H.130, H.131, H.132, K.201 A.138 F.330 G.92, 5.69 H.5 E.222 A.138, J.165, J.166, J.169, K-212 A.195 A.93, A.138, D.24, K.147 A.138, G.91 H.42 A.138 SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugen) SIMPSON, Esther SIMPSON, William Wynn SINAI, E. SINCLAIR, Edward SIM, Myre SIME, John M. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspendents SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINCLAIR, Neil SINCLAIR, Walter I. SINGER, Aubrey Edward SINGER, Daniel M. SINGER, Jack SINKER, Sir (Algernon) Paul SJOBERG, Berndt SJOGREN, Bertil SKOLA, Vladimir SKRYABIN, Georgi Konstantinovitch SLATER, Edward Charles SLESS, Herz] K.213 F.336 H.18 CG, 15/ K.224 A.165 762, K.214 See also E.19, E.42 #:36, Fi37, F.39) F.40, Foal A.138, F.12, F.14, F.16, F.18, F.19) F.20, F.21, F.22, F.23, F.24, F.26, F.27, F.28, E20) By a0) 8. Ot P32. F338. F.35 J.24, K.214 E<218, °K, 190; es elD K.210 H.15 RESEARCH SMIT Annie Charles G. Charles Edward Gordon SMITH, SMITH, SMITH, SMITH, SMITH, E.197 See also K.128-K.132 LABORATORI BIOCHIMICO-FARMACEUTICI SLOAN-KETTERING INSTITUTE FOR CANCER F.331 A.69 E.119, G.81, G.92 F.335, F.338, F.339, F.340, F.341, F.342, K.131 F.283, F.284 F.144 E.207 E.206 K.216 A.69 K.216 F.303 SMITH, JamesH. C. SMITH, H. Greville BPA: Gee ey SMITH, Harry SMITH, Hillas Douglas D. Ernest Lester SMITH, P. A. SMITH, 55105 D.9] SMITH, H. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES LIMITED SMITHER, R. SMITHERS, Sir David (Waldron) SMYTH, Francis T. SNELE AS Jor. SNELLING, Margaret D. SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SOBELL, Sir Michael SOCIETA CHIMICA ITALIANA SOCIETA ITALIANA DELLE SCIENZE VETERINARIE SOCIETA ITALIANA DI CHEMIOTERAPIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI MICROBIOLOGIA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI SCIENZE FARMACEUTICHE DELLE SCIENZE PF igoe Relay Ps122, Fi ias Faz. F.138, F.158, F.166 E.35 K.216 P2933 G.64 A.138 H.16 E.198 See also E.207-E.210 ee) E.200 B20! A148, £.202, 5.428, 3.362. J.163 SOKHEY, Sir Sahib Singh STANDING THERAPY SOCIETY FOR DRUG RESEARCH A.169 E.203 E.204 E.205 E.206 SOCIETA ITALIANA PER IL PRO GRESSO SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDER- SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMO - SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY K.218 Eeeus-Eeele E.229, E.230, E.231, E.233, K.217 A.139, A.148, E.58, J.128 A.139 F.120, F.321, F923, 6.824 J.95 E.24 SOLDI, Alberto SOLOMON, Flore SOLS, Alberto SOMERVILLE, Walter SORSBY, Arnold SOLOMONS, Gerald L. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents SOSKINS, SOSNOW, Eric SOUTHWOOD, Thomas Richard Edmund SPALDING, Dudley Brian SPEEDWELL, Ernest SPERBER, Erik SPERL, Friedrich SPICER, Arnold A.139 A.139, A.165 A.139, D.51, D.140, D.142, D.143, D.144, D.146, D.160, E.43 D.161, H.5 A.139, A.165 Ce Pe 6 Fa Pose Flee oF eect ot, Be ee: E 2h, Kido, Feet 27) Fae, 4?) eet eee rs oe, Foe, See'also C4 7C.5,.C.6°C:9 A.165, E.138-E.142, E.144 Av139, A, 191,.D.47, D.59, G0, E149, e452, E,147, PF. 246)-7 214, Fi 315, F.316, Faaid,phacvor + .aty, F,320, FOZ), FogegFeOee: Piuged See also E.4 SPINKS, Alfred SPOONER, Edward Tenney Casswell SPORN, Philip SPRINSON, David B. SQUIER, Christopher A. SQUIRE, John R. STACEY, Maurice STAFFORD, C. SPRECHER, Milon SPRINGER, Axel 139, Balad, E2476, F221, F. 222, F.226 A.139, D.24 A.139, H.81, H.85, K.219 H.10 A.165, K.219 J.19 G.45 C.64, K.220 E.172 A.185, F.54, F.55, F.68, F.79, F.80, F.82, F.95, F111, F.118, F.128, F. F.144, J.65, K.8 D.58, G.75 A.139, J.93 A.139 K.220 STAMP, Trevor Charles, 3rd Baron STANFORD, Henry King STANKIEWICZ, A.M. STARKEY, Robert L. Douglas W. F. 102, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents STARNES, William H. STAROSELSKY, Vladimir A. STEIN, Erwin STEINBERG, Jack STEINMAN, Harry G. STENTON, Eric STEPHENS Ref. STERN, E. - M. STERN, Kurt G. STERN, Max STERNSCHUSS, P. STETLER, C. Joseph STETTEN, Marjorie R. STEVENS, Cia 2.€; STEVENS, Martin STEWART, Gordon T. SIASLER, ‘Eric 1? J.192 A.216 E.142 A.165 K. 292 A.139 F.243 H.63 A.47, A.50, H.8, K.221 H. 138 H.64 J.8] K.246 E.147 E.37 K.221 A.48 E.207 F226 B.75, B.82 A.69 H.10 A.139, H.70, H.73, H.76, STONE, Dewey D. STIRNEMANN, Ernst STOKES, E. Joan STOLBACH, Henry STOLLMAN, Phillip STOKER, Sir Michael (George Parke) B.80 .78, H.82, H.86, H.90 A139, E.139 .60 .139, E.207, E.208, E.211 335 £19 298 .223 STREATFIELD, E. Leslie STREBINGER, Robert STRICKER, Henry H. STROHMAIER, Karl STROMAS, A. STROMINGER, J. STRALAU, F. STRAUSS, Bernard S. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents STRONG, Sir Roy Colin STULMAN, Stephen L. A.192 .82, H.87, H.90, H.93, .98, H.99, H.101, H.103, 106, H.108, H.113, H.115, hike 204 SUDHOFF, F. SULMAN, F. SUMPTION, Jonathan G. SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black 345 aay 298 .139, D.24, E.54, E.177 225 225 225 .195, E.172 15 Mc Ivor) SWET, Gershon SWINBURNE, J. SYKES, G. K. SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert TADMOR, Shlomo TAGGART, Peter TAHOURDIN, Peter Anthony Ivan TAYEAU, Francis TAL, Eliezer TALBURT, William F. TAUB, William TAVERNIER, Jean B, TANNER, Cicely TATUM, Edward L. 91, H.92, H.93, H.94, H.96, .97, H.98, H.101, H.102, .103 23 226 43 (oe 140 195, J.75 74 50 162, 11.63 166, GOP 44, 5747, S149, Kv .140 119 140, E.16] TAYLOR, Joan TAYLOR, Norval TECHNION = ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TAYLOR, Selwyn Francis E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents TEELING-SMITH, George TELETZKE, G, 3h TENBY, David Lloyd George, Viscount THATCHER, Margaret (Hilda) THELIN, Hugo THEORELL, (Axel) Hugo (Teodor) THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. THOMAS, Alan J. THOMPSON, H.W. A.140, E.134, G.36 J.83 E.6] E.53 F.39, F.41 A.74, K.228-K.230 See also E.50 F213 K.23]1 hielo THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) Gis6, 6.178, .86 THOMPSON, Kenneth Wade K.23] THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart THOMSON, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) A.140, B.84, E.83, E.174, K.231 A.42 A.140 A.140, K.231 E.58, G.190 E.70 E.229, E.231, E.233 AT A:76, CBR K. 232 A.140, F.253, F.254, F.255, H.91, 192, 3.70, J.71. 3:73 TISHLER, Max TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas THUILLIER, J. THWAITES, Bryan TIMMERMAN, W. A. TISELIUS, Arne (Wilhelm Kaurin) THORNTON, Sir (Henry) Gerard TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron P.29e See B.25 A.140, G.92, H.118, K.233, K.331 A.177 G.23)'C.25, 2:58, £:200, Spt 1-99) USF K. 236 TODD: EW. TODT, F. TONOLO, Antonio TOTENBERG, Roman TRABUCCHI, Emilio TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford A. 28 K.234 cov A.166, K.235 TRAELNES, Knut R. Pigbo, E.aoe, -F, 207, oer, E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents TRAILL, David TREFOUEL, Jacques TREFOUEL, Thérése TRENCHARD, Thomas, Baron TROWELL, Hugh TRUESDEEG, Clifford TRUETA, Joseph TRUETA DE STRUBELL, Amelia TSUNODA, Toshinao TURNER, Peggy TUTSCH, Gerhart TVEIT, M. UBBELOHDE, Alfred René John Paul UDENFRIEND, Sidney UEBEL, Horst UNESCO UNTERMAN, Baruch E.207 A.106, A.196, G.217, K.237 See also G.121 G.121 A.140 G.2dae'K. 239 A.166 B.109 See also J.184, K.240 J.184, K.240 J.169 A.140 J.134, J.137 J.49 A.141, D.99, D.162 C.64, E.135, F.326 A.141, F.306 H.104 ULAM, Stanislaw Marcin UMEZAWA, Hamao Cr68, d.319,: Fclee J166, K.241-K.245 See also J.17] WM. UNDERWOOD COMPANY see AC'CENT INTERNATIONAL See also F.184 URGOITI, Ricardo USIFROID (SOCIETE D'UTILISATION SCIENTI- FIQUE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU FROID) Be 27 See also J.89 H.64 H.65 H.10, H.11, H.12 UNION MONDIALE DES ETUDIANTS JUIFS UNION O.5S.E, P.gac, F 2334 See also J.83 F.10 F.335 A.170, E.218 F .336-F. 342 UPJOHN INTERNATIONAL INC, USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USV PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents VAIZEY, John Ernest, Baron VALENTINE, A. H. VALENTINI, L. VALETTE, Guillaume VALLE, G. VALLERY-RADOT, Paul VAN ABEELE, F. R. VAN BEUSEKOM KITS VAN HEIJNINGEN, Adrienne J. M. VANDEWELDE, H. VAN HEYNINGEN, William Edward VANNOTTI, A. VANSON, M. VARELA, Benito Reguiro VARGA, V. VARIN, René G.16] B.14 F.194 C.50 Jeo A.83 B.80 K.246 A.70 B.110, K.246, K.247 aie A.141] ee: Ale F.224 A.86 VASQUEZ, D. VIRGILIO, M, R. cus? K.250 K.250 A pr ge C.46 hte G.22 E.161 VASSALLI, Giuliano A.141, K.248, K.249 VIRTANEN, Artturi [mari VERNIONS C.: . A, VICKRAGE, 55° VILLANUEVA, J. DS VELLACOTT, George H. VENKATARAMAN, K. VERNEY, Stephen 260 A.93, C.46, E:207, K.251, K zoe See also A.105, G.13 VIRTANEN, O. — Erik MulMos, A.’ oof, VOGEL, Gunther VOLKE, Werner VITA, Giulio C.46, K.253 F.183 F305 J.133, K.254 E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents VOULWILER Eu. ods VONDERBANK, Hermann VON HASE, Karl- Gunther VRBA, Rudolf WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADE-GEARY, Robert Lucian WAELSCH, Heinrich WAGNER, F. WAKAKI, Shigetoshi WAKSMAN, Byron H. WAKSMAN, Selman Abraham WALD, George A.45 A, 90,:K.255 A.166 K.336 E.194 J.t60 K.256 J.164 J.169 J.142 K.260 WALL, Patrick David WALKER, D._ G. WALKER, James WALKER, Norman WALKER. J... K WALLACE LABORATORIES WALEY-COHEN, Sir Bernard (Nathaniel) Ca, baer, eee, od Ki2b/, Ki2es See also J.142 J.19 A.196 G.86 E.87 A.141, K.259 i K.259 F.343, F.344 G.201 J.49 E.110, E.112 J.104 J.53 K.260 B.8 G.167 A.14] See also C.90, E.58 WANSBROUGH-JONES, Sir Owen (Haddon) WALLo. a. WALSH, E. WARBURG, Otto Heinrich WALLACH, Michael WALLMARK, G&sta WALTER, A. M. WALTERS, A. Harry eds O'F. WALTON, A. WALTON, Peter A. E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents WARBURG, Sir Siegmund (George) WARD, Patricia Spain WARDER, Michael Young WARE, Martin WARREN, Peter T. WARTENBERG, Fritz WASIELEWSKI, Eberhard V. WATERLOW, John Conrad WATTS, Hector WAY, M. J. WcBB, David Evan WCBER, Hans H. WECHSEER,> 1, °.. 5S, WEIDENFELD, Arthur George, Baron WEHE Re H.109 K.260 A.167, E.79 B.69 E.170 A.70, K.261 A.167, F.218, J.156, J.185 E.28, E.29, F.324, J.120 .180, F.181] 122 141 261 5] .192 24 Al 138, J.59 33] .85, H.101, H.102 m m K e e e e e e e WEIL, Michael WEILER, Jack D. WEIS-FOGH, Torkel WEISS, Eric WEISS, Joseph WEISGAL, A. David WEISGAL, Meyer W. Sl4l; 4.45, H.66, H.68, 1 Th. / ae Pee 14,85, C0). Hove AAs 105, i106, #420, 44 125 e e e e e See also A.167, H.7] K.262 A.70 ABE A706, K.14) kK 363 H.66 H.66-H.135 See also A.79, A.167, F.126- F.168 passim., J.87, J.88, K.12, K.39, K.224 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE WEISSBERGER, Arnold WEIZMANN, Chaim E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents WELBOURN, Richard Burkewood WELCH AS” 28 oR, THE WELLCOME FOUNDATION LIMITED THE WELLCOME RESEARCH LABORATORIES THE WELLCOME TRUST WELLS, A. WELLES. Gato W. WELLS, James D. WEMBERG, Jesaja WEST cooFy WESTCOTT, John Hugh WESTENBRINK, i, 30. 2K. WESTERDIJK, Johanna WESTFALIA SEPARATOR LIMITED WESTPHAL, Otto WHEELER, Denis E. E.161 D.163 E.219 E.220 E.221 A.86 O83 F.3 H.58 A.153 D.87 G.185 E.23] F.345 E.140, K.264-K.268 E.10, E.219 alain E G.212, K.269-K.276 See also J.93 Aplal deol oo 7 oe WHITFIELD, George B. te Fae £:172, D.102 Eels Doo WHITE “A.M: WHITE, Abraham WHite et. 2. WHELAN, William Joseph WHITEHEAD, Thomas Patterson WHITTINGEHAME COLLEGE (Sussex) F164. J, 100;.5.112, K-83 K.277 A.142, F.79, F.96, F.103, i112 -cF, 120,°-6 122; F139; F.145, F.150, F.158, F.163, H.136 A.141, D.140, D.142, D.144, D.146, D.163 WILKINS, Sir Graham (John), (Bob) WHITTINGHAM, Charles Percival WIDDOWSON, Elsie May A.197 F.39 H.70 cis WIDENGREN, Ulf WIESNER, Jerome Bert WIJERATNE, P. — Brian WILDENTHAL, Kern F.333, F.334 EB; Chain CSAC 92 /3/83 Index of correspondents WILKINSON, A. E. WILLIAMS, Gwyn WILLIAMS, Harley WILLIAMS, Max WILLIAMS, Paul WILLIAMS, Peter Orchard WITGHAMS, Roo< 32 "R, WILLIAMS, Trevor IIltyd WILLIAMS, W. WILLIAMSON, Jessie WILLIFORD, John H. WILLSON, (Francis Michael) Glenn WILSON, A. David WILSON, Sir Graham (Selby) WILSON, Sir (James) Harold B.80 A.70 A B42, F. 21,7 E222 E23, E.25, G.68 A.142 fh oe F.ean, Mido / Rigs] A.51, A.70, A.142, E.207 G.184, G.187, K.147 G.22 K.277 F.337, F.338 D.69 B.111 A.142, A.196, A.197 K.286 €.91,2G.44 A.142 A.142 A.91 D.153, E.12 K.94, K.278 G.161 A.142 A.142 C60 Cr6l J.124 D.96 A.143 A.143, K.279 A.143, H.49, K.279 WINDSLEY, Henry WISEMAN, L.A. WITTS, Leslie John WINGATE, Maurice WINNACKER, Karl WIX, Abraham WIX, Anna WINTERINGHAN, F. Peter W. WINDEYER, Sir Brian (Wellingham) WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron WOLF, George WOLF, Walter WOLFSON, Sir Leonard (Gordon) WOLFF, Eric WOLFSON, Sir Isaac E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents WOLLMAN, E. WOLPERT, Lewis WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) Ne, eo aD. WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODRUFF, Sir Michael WOODS, Donald Devereux WORK, Elizabeth WORKS 4. Se G12) E.194 A.143, A.167, E.48-E.52, E.68 F.129 A.143, D.73 K.280 A.30 F.285, K.280 E.98 WORLD FEDERATION OF DOCTORS WHO RESPECT HUMAN LIFE E.222 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS E.223-E. 237 See also C.6, J.120-J.126, K.258 487. See also J.58, J.91 WRIGHT, Sir Norman (Charles) WORMSER, Jacques WREN-LEWIS, John WRIGHT, Basil C. WRIGHT, M.D. WrRiGht, P..°H. WRIGLEY, Fred WORMALL, Arthur WORMS, Fred S. B.97 D.24 A.143, H.15, H.16, H.17, H.18, H.19, H.20 H.95 K.281 B.24 C.59 A.143, E.64 K.281 E.219, G.77, G.101 A.51, B.11, K.281 B.112 E.232 E.238 WY NDHAM PLACE TRUST WYNNE-MORGAN, David WRINCH, Dorothy M. WYATT. Hoe. WYMAN, Jeffries E.B.- Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents YAAKOV, I. YAGISAWA, Yukimasa YAPP, W. YEATES, Sidney E. B. K.282 J.170 G. 213 ee YEDA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED YEKUTIELI, Gideon YESHIVA UNIVERSITY YOUNG, Brian YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) YOUNG J. Ba YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Richard J. See F.126, H.74, H.124 1.92, Fs93 H.138 See also J.37, J.59 Rotal; oie A.144, C.92, D.24, E.172, E.176, G.33, K.283, K.284, K.33] See also B.25 F.332 H.80 Piles; Pines, tieels Fae’ YUDKIN, John M. AAD So he Re ZAIMIS, Eleanor ZANDER, Walter YUDKIN, Michael D. YUDKIN, Milly ZANOFF, Walter ZARGHAMEE, Mehdi S. ZARIFI, A. KG C149 A. 167,"8. Th, F314, H.65; K.285-K.288 Seéiaiso C,.6°C.4, €:7 K.288 B. 1h, K.285,..K. 287, K.288 E.58 K.66 H.27, H.30, H.32, H.33 A.144 F.275 F.273 E.71 Ja6 F.79, F.231, F.232, F.299, G.44, K.289 J.75 C.59 See E.114, J.83 ZHDANOV, V. ZIMMERLI, Adolph ZIMPRO INC, ZOTTERMAN, Y. ZELINKA, Jan ZERILLI-MARIMO, Guido M., Baron ZARNITZ, Marie Luise E.B. Chain CSAC 92/3/83 Index of correspondents ZUCKER, Hermann ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron ZUR Zvi A.167, K.290 A.144, K.291 H.110