BURCH, Cecil Reginald v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of CECIL REGINALD BURCH (1901-1983) physicist and engineer deposited in Brastol University Library (CSAC 110/1/86) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre No 86/1 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP All rights reserved CSAC 110/1/86 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of CECIL REGINALD BURCH CBE FRS (1901 - 1983) including material relating to GEORGE JAMES BURCH FRS (1852 - 1914) and FRANCIS PARRY BURCH (1899 - 1933) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Peter Harper Margaret Erskine All rights reserved Deposited in the Wills Memorial Library, University of Bristol 1986 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Biochemical Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Rhodes Trustees The Royal Society of London The Institution of Mechanical Engineers The Wolfson Foundation C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST WILLS MEMORIAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF CAREER OF C.R. BURCH SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH List of contents SECTION C LECTURES AND TALKS SECTION D PUBLICATIONS A.1-A.74 B.1-B.200 SECTION E BIBLIOGRAPHY CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received at various dates via the Physics Department, University of Bristol, from T.E. Allibone FRS who had assembled it while preparing his Memoir for the Royal Society. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order shown in the list of contents. Although it includes documentation of all aspects of Burch's career and scientific activity, the coverage is uneven and sometimes regrettably scanty. working. This is in part attributable to Burch's temperament and preferred way of His early life (academic upbringing, public school and Cambridge) might often returned to a research topic (e.g. optics) after a break. He was himself aware of psychological complications in his life, sometimes attempting to describe them more or less obscurely (see, e.g. A.25, B.122 - B.125) but generally preferring to look forward with new ideas for continuing research, as he did to the very end of his life (see, e.g. suggest a conventional establishment figure, yet he was in fact a 'loner', working idio- syncratic hours and holding research posts or personal appointments largely independent of departmental structures and bureaucracies. In addition, his career was subject to abrupt changes of direction, offen for personal reasons of which the best documented was his decision to leave the Metropolitan-Vickers Company after the distressing death of his brother Francis in 1933. The changes were rarely permanent however, and Burch there is biographical and scientific material relating to his father George James Burch tive discipline in dating or paginating notes and drafts, and Burch's failure to maintain correspondence files in favour of using the backs of letters - even those in current use - for notes. There are thus serious gaps in all sections of the documentation, and problems * A.3A). The drawbacks of such a personality and career pattern are the lack of administra~ in assigning more than tentative dates or descriptions to much of the technical material. Section A (Biographical) reflects Burch's modest and unassuming personality in that the record of his own career is outweighed by records of his family. In particular, C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 A and his work on optics, as well as various documents relating to his brother Francis. His older brother Raymond, who was responsible for the name 'Bill' which quickly replaced Burch's forenames and who was killed in the Royal Flying Corps in France in 1918, is represented by brief correspondence (A.63). His mother Constance Emily was also a remarkable character, not least for her friendship with C.L. Dodgson (A. 54). As well as this family pietas, Burch's awareness of his own contributions to science, and his prolific '"Capital" of Research Ideas' can be found at A.3, A.3A. Section B (Research) is the most substantial and covers many of Burch's . areas of research in varying degrees of detail, the fullest being those on mineral dressing and on medical matters. The material on optics as originally received was disappoint- ing for this important area of Burch's work, but was much strengthened by the arrival of additional papers when the catalogue was already in draft: the 'new! material now appears as an Addendum (B.186-B.200). The surviving material for the period at the Metropolitan-Vickers Company is almost wholly concerned with the work of his brother Francis which Burch was especially anxious to have adequately remembered. notes are provided to accompany the separate topics in this Section. Explanatory theless somewhat scanty. and lecturing. are documented. Section C (Lectures), though extending widely in time (1932-81), is never Burch's university appointments did not entail regular teaching Thus the surviving lectures were conference talks or invitation lectures such as the Parsons Memorial Lecture in 1959, the Royal Society Review Lecture ‘University physics - the challenge of technology’ in 1965, and the 'Optics 78' Conference at Bath. Although some of the lectures (such as those mentioned above) were subsequently published, it would seem that Burch adopted an informal, even colloquial, lecturing style; this, combined with his haphazard filing methods, may mean that by no means all his talks dressing and mining (E.19 - E.24), but much of the remaining material consists of Burch's MetroVick period and only one article,' "Squeeze" Significance tests', with I.T. Parsons, is fully documented with correspondence, drafts, calculations and diagrams. are however several undated writings (D.32 - D.44) possibly intended for publication. Section D (Publications) is similarly uneven. Very little survives from the methods. Section E (Correspondence) has probably suffered most from Burch's working There is one relatively substantial sequence of letters on aspects of mineral There C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 6 manuscript drafts, carbons or photocopies of his outgoing letters. Replies, if they were received, may have been used for research notes and calculations and thus lost to view. A full account of Burch's career and research can be found in the memoir by T.E. Allibone written for the Royal Society and published in 1984 (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 30, 3-42), a copy of which is enclosed at A.1. Refer- ences to this work are given in the catalogue in the form (Memoir, p. ...). Published works listed in the accompanying Bibliography are given in the form (Biblicg., “20),. For ease of reference, a photocopy of the Bibliography is included, with permission, on pp.62-65. LOCATIONS OF FURTHER MATERIAL The prototype Ultra-Violet Reflecting Microscope, made by Burch c.1946 for use with short wavelength ultra-violet radiation and used by R. Barer in the Department of Human Anatomy, Oxford, is in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford. The grinding and polishing machinery used in the manufacture of the aspherical mirror for the microscope is in the Science Museum, London. Royal Society, London. JBA PH MJE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our main debt is to T.E. Allibone FRS for retrieving the material, for help Additional biographical material relating to George James Burch, including letters of condolence to Mrs. Burch, is in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford. The tape-recording of Burch's lecture ‘MetroVick Memories! is held at the and information, particularly on the history of the screen-grid valve, and for permission Oxford 1986. to include a copy of the Bibliography of Burch's writings. We are also grateful to Dr. G.L'E. Turner and Mr. A.V. Simcock of the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, for information. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SUMMARY OF THE CAREER OF C.R, BURCH b.1901 Oxford educ. 1907-14 Dragon School, Oxford 1914-19 Oundle School 1919-22 1922-33 1933 1933-35 Gonville and Caius Cate Cambridge Research Department, Metropolitan-Vickers Company Death of Francis Parry Burch Leverhulme Fellow in Optics, Imperial College, London 1936 1937 1943 1944 1954 1958 1948-66 Laboratory, Bristol University Marriage to Enid Grace Morice (d.1981) Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society Award of Duddell Medal of the Physical Society Research Associate (Fellow from 1944), H.H. Wills Physics Conferral of C.B.E, Royal Society Warren Research Fellow in Physics, Bristol University Award of Rumford Medal, Royal Society C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.74 A.] OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.2 -A.5A AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.6-A.22 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.23-A.29 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.30-A.71 | Personal correspondence George James Burch Constance Emily Burch Francis Parry Burch A.30 A.31-A, 52 A.53-A.55 A.56~A. 64 Irene Constance Burch Enid Grace Burch Cecil Hicks : A.7]1 A.72-A.74 PHOTOGRAPHS A.65, A.66 A.67-A.70 Society, 30, 1984). Memoir by T:E. Allibone (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Obituary from The Times, 5 August 1983. OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Autobiographical article for McGraw-Hill, 1965. Letter from editor, ms. and typescript drafts, proofs and copy of published article; write on his own work but enclosing a also later letter from Burch to McGraw-Hill (1978) declining to list of published papers 'in order of recall’. Proof of Burch's entry for 1967 edition of Debrett with covering letter. Carbon of Burch's letter to Senior Executive Secretary, Bristol University, 1975, suggesting he should be described as 'Hon. Physicist-in-ordinary'. Relates to his 'Who's Who in America! entry. Invitation (declined by Burch) to write the history of his years at Metropol itan- Vickers, 1976. Correspondence with G,.E.H. Foxon re early work on 'phase~contrast' micrography, 1976. Letter to Vice-Chancellor, Southampton University, 1978, concerning his honorary post at Bristol after his retirement. Letter toF.G. Smith, 1981, re testing and refiguring telescope mirrors at Imperial College, London. Summary of Burch's influence over his colleagues and successors, shown in diagramatic form, Ip. n.d. 'The "Capital" of Research Ideas of C.R. Burch, 1966'. Correspondence with A.Q. Morton, Royal Scottish Museum, re development of Apiezon oils and greases at Metropolitan-Vickers, 1978. Continued App. typescript, probably a summary of Burch's intended areas of research after his retirement, listing and describing 17 topics of active interest. A sequence of documents illustrating Burch's interest in developing new research ideas after his official retirement in 1966. Single page of autobiographical account by Burch, n.d. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.3A (Cont'd.) "Note on Non-Contact Testing of Lens Surfaces', 1973. 6pp. typescript with Ip. ms. diagram on project to develop a test 'for radius of curvature as well as for sphericity’. "Interferometry of Large Autostigmatic Systems', 1973. 6pp. typescript (with photocopy), outlining a student project. 'Preheat Torches', 1974. 8pp. typescript outlining a possible Ph.D. project to design a gas torch using various types of gas. Includes Ip. typescript of ‘Separation of Methane from Marsh gas', also described as a possible student project. Letter to Vice-Chancellor, Bristol, 1975, on the threat to Ph.D. work by the SRC Working Party report on postgraduate training, with specific examples of successful research projects at Bristol. Another copy is at E.29. 'A Preferred Variant of Bates' Inverting Interferometer', n.d. Ip. typescript, outlining a student project. "Dust Core Filter Bridges', n.d. 2p. typescript, outlining a student project. "Autobiographical Notes' written by Burch for the Royal Society, 1981. Ms. and typescript drafts, with related correspondence, June 1980-July 1982, and envelope annotated by T.E. Allibone. For correspondence with the Nuffield Foundation, 1949-51, see B.192-B.197. These notes are chiefly concerned with the development of the aspheric reflecting microscope and include details of involvement of A.M. Tyndall in the joint production and research project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation. Burch dwells upon his reaction to Tyndall's forgery of his signature on the application and the stress, physical and mental, he suffered as a result (Memoir, p.28). The notes conclude with his family and education, with particular reference to his brother Francis's work and early death. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical "Metrovick Memories’ Burch was due to give a lecture on this topic at Warwick University, October 1983, but died in July. and a tape-recording was made in May 1983 (Memoir, p.38). There are however a number of incomplete drafts Correspondence with organiser (F.A. Vick) and former colleague (G.McKerrow), 1982. Typescript draft paginated 1-13 (lacks p.12) and 10pp. transcript of 'tape of Warwick Lecture recorded May 1983'. Background material including lists of Burch's published papers. Various incomplete ms. drafts, variously paginated or unpaginated. Miscellaneous ms. sheets of calculations found with drafts. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Birth certificate (date of registration 8 October 1901) and four educational certificates, 1916-19. Correspondence re Dragon School and early days in Oxford, 1974-81. Letter of 7 October 1981 recalls Burch's debt to the headmaster of the Dragon School (‘The Skipper') (Memoir, pp.5~6). Ip. photocopy re science teaching and facilities at Oundle School, 1978. Letters and telegram from Oundle School re scholarship and exhibitions, 1918, 1919, C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.8 Letter and telegram from Caius College re scholarship, 1917, 1918. Letter from Ewelme Exhibition Endowment, Oxford, re award of exhibition, 1919, Testimonials, Cambridge, 1922 (includes two from R.A. Peters). B.A. certificate, University of Cambridge, 1922. Certificate of exemption from matriculation examination, University of London, 1934, with covering letter. Fellowship of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1935 (letter of election). Fellowship, Institute of Physics (certificate), 1935. Ph.D. University of London, 1936. Letter notifying Burch of the award, 1936. Certificate, 1936. Certificate of Premium awarded to Burch and C. Sykes by The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1935, for joint paper 'Continuously Evacuated Valves and their Associated Equipment' (Bibliog. 42). Completed application form, with recommendation by G.P. Thomson, and abstract of thesis, 1936 (photocopies). Notification of election. 1932 Award of Duddell Medal, Physical Society (certificate), 1943. See also C.2. Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1944. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 A.18, A.19 A.18 A.19 A.20 Biographical The Royal Society's Rumford Medal, 1954. Letter notifying Burch of the award and 10 letters of congratulation. Certificate in presentation folder. Document conferring C.B.E., January 1958. Includes one letter of congratulation. In original envelope. Certificate of membership, Institution of Mining and Merallurgy, 1961. Honorary D.Sc., Bristol University, 1966. Letter of congratulation; presentation address. Letter inviting Burch to accept membership of Convocation, Bristol University, 1966. See C.16 for Burch's speech on presenting the prize in 1981. Certificate of Charter Membership, International Association for Mathematical Geology, 1968. Letter from British Vacuum Council, 1981, requesting Burch to allow his name to be given to their annual prize, including conditions of entry. Includes Kipling and some German texts. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS Miscellaneous material re personal finances. Miscellaneous poems, pieces of prose and humour collected by Burch. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 A.25 ‘Radical Psychectomy' - a Fantasy. Biographical Various drafts for a script of 'an imaginary colour-film talkie', with a note ‘This Fantasy is affectionately dedicated to all my Stoke friends. Bill’. n.d. Card for 80th birthday, 1981, signed by staff of 'the Fort', Bristol University, with a photocopy of the signatures. ‘Taxonomy of Supervisors - Emblazonings' Ms. descriptions and hand-drawn illustrations of coats of arms with humorous intent. Two unidentified sketches. Bristol University Christmas card, with photograph of scientific equipment. Visit to Egypt, 1981. Typescript pages 7-17 of diary, 1-11 February. probably not by Burch. No indication of author and C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.30- A.71 PERSONAL AND FAMILY PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE One folder only, in chronological order, 1931-82. Not indexed. Note: Two of these letters may have been addressed to F.P. Burch. FAMILY George James Burch (father) (1852-1914) Biographical material Scrapbook, ¢.1886-c.1911. Miscellaneous contents include: The Oxford University Scientific Club: term cards, 1886-1910, notices of conversazioni 1887, 1905. Newspaper cutting, 1899, re paper on 'Spectroscopic Examination of Contrast Phenomena! given by G. J. Burch to the British Association at Dover. Reading Literary and Scientific Society: notice of AGM 1897, pages from a printed report of lectures delivered before the Society including 'The Language of Birds' (1893) and 'The Colour Sense' (1897) by G.J. Burch. Continued Lecture timetables for Oxford University Extension Summer Meetings, 1895. ‘Reports of University Institutions', 1902, 1903, with reference to G. J. Burch's lectures and teaching. Page from Oxford University Gazette, 1903, with notice of award of D.Sc. to G.J. Burch. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.31 (Cont'd .) Various newspaper cuttings, 1903-1904, including article on inaugural lecture by G.J. Burch for course of 'evening classes for the people’ at University College, Reading, and a report on the prize day of the Oxford Preparatory School, at which Raymond Burch received a prize. Oxford University Extension Summer Meeting, 1905, newspaper cuttings of photographs and biographies of 'some notable figures', including G.J. Burch and lecture timetables. f Newspaper cuttings re the Oxford Art Society's annual exhibition, with a reference to 1.C. Burch, n.d. Cutting from Oxford Chronicle, 1908, re 'Foreign Women Students! Vacation Course', with reference to Mrs. Burch's teaching. Loose enclosures include: Ms. copy of letter to First Lord of the Treasury from various fellow scientists including J.J. Thomson and J.S. Haldane, requesting a Civil List pension for G. J. Burch and giving details of his financial and familial circumstances, c.9tl, Newspaper cutting, 1924, re lecture given by D.V. Burch (daughter) on 'The World Below the Water' for the Sunderland Naturalists! Association. Photocopy of obituary of G.J. Burch in Nature, 1914. Includes ms. of a poem another hand. 'The Mower and the Maid! dated 11 May 1883 in Letters from G.J. Burch to his wife, Constance Emily Burch, only one dated (30 March 1892). Newspaper cuttings of biographical interest, including notice of Civil Lisi pension, and lists of G.J. Burch's publications, probably from Proceedings of the Royal Society. Copy of The Oxford Magazine, 1914, containing obituary of G.J. Burch. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical Notes and drafts These manuscript notes, nearly all of which are secured into bundles by tape, are mostly undated and all are unpaginated. optics, with one bundle of notes on the reaction of metals with concentrated acids. The subject-matter is usually is probable that these notes were for lectures, some perhaps for the Oxford It University Extension Classes, as the topics covered are not specialist. "Invention of the Telescope’, Untitled notes on the theory of the telescope. "Galileo's Telescope’. "Notabilia for "Light"'. ‘Sources of Light' ‘To show the Re~composition of White Light from the spectrum’. "Testing' (of lenses, etc.). Untitled notes on an experiment with a microscope (Ip. only). "The Colour Sense! . Lecture delivered before the Reading Literary and Scientific Society, 27 April 1897. See also A.48-A.50. ‘On the Behaviour of Certain Metals with regard to Concentrated Acids’. Abstract of lecture given by G.J. Burch and J.W. Dodgson. Includes miscellaneous notes, some dated 1908. Notes described as 'on the Glass workers' cataract research', with forwarding letter from J.G. Malpas, University College, Reading, 12 January 1911. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.45 Notes detailing questions to be asked re glass workers' cataract. See also A.48-A.50. 'On a Perspective Microscope', 1887. Reprint only from Proc .Roy.Soc., 42. ‘The Departmental Committee on Sight Tests’: 1912, Newspaper cuttings, received via several cutting agencies, on the subject of G.J. Burch's memorandum, published by this Committee, on colour- blindness. The Royal Society Glass-workers' Cataract Committee, 1908-1914, These papers chiefly consist of copies of reports, with some minutes and corres~ pondence, made for the Committee. G.J. Burch's name appears on several of these reports, and he gave a paper entitled 'A Confusion Test for Colour Blindness' in March 1912, 3 folders. A.50 includes notification of grant to Burch for research project on optics. See also A.44, A.45, Galley~proofs of article on optics by Sir William Crookes, n.d. Reprints of four articles on human eye-sight, 1912, 1913. Constance Emily Burch (mother) (1855-1937) Includes some personal news. Letter from Burch to his mother, 1925, re attempts to publish a joint paper with N.R. Davis with the help of C.G. Darwin (see Memoir, p.10 and Bibliog. 14). Letters from the Burch children to their mother (includes one letter from Irene to her father), n.d. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Biographical A.54 Photocopies of letters from C.L. Dodgson to Mrs. Burch, 20 May, 2 July, 13 December 1893, 3 May 1896, and correspondence 1971 re sale of these letters from N.R. Davies, C.R. Burch and D.V. Burch (Dorothy Violet, b.1889, testifying to Dodgson's freedom from impediment in his speech when in the company of children). The letters of 20 May and 2 July 1893, and of 3 May 1896 are reproduced in The Letters of Lewis Carroll, ed. M.N. Cohen and R.L. Green, 2 Vols. London 1979, but that of 13 December 1893 does not appear. Vol.Il, pp.955-6, where the editors describe Dodgson's relations with Mrs. Burch and her daughters Irene and Violet and express the view that they are ‘one instance where his friendship with the mother surpassed that with the daughters’. See especially 'Rules' of Norham Hall, n.d. This establishment was a finishing school for foreign young ladies run by Mrs. Burch until August 1914 (see Memoir, p.5 ). Francis Parry Burch (brother) (1899-1933) List of staff and boys of Winchester College, 1917 (Roll). Testimonial from Winchester College, n.d. 21917 or later. Birth certificate, 1899. School Certificate, 1914. Testimonials from Winchester College and the Oxford Preparatory School, 1915. Certificate, Cambridge O.T.C., 1920. Letter informing F.P. Burch of his Goldsmiths' Company's exhibition at Cambridge, 1920. List of successful candidates for the Goldsmiths’ Company's exhibitions to Permit book for Military Area, Harwich (Memoir, p.7). Certificate of exemption from military service, 1918. _ Cambridge, 1920. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 A.59 B.A. certificate, University of Cambridge, 1922. Biographical A.60 Testimonials from Caius and Clare Colleges, Cambridge, 1922. Letter of appointment from Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Limited, and Employment Agreement, 1922. Testimonial fron the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, 1922. Certificate confirming F.P. Burch's degree, 1932. 'F.P. Burch, Caius' Undergraduate notebeok: dynamical theory of gases, thermionics, etc. Page, probably from undergraduate notebook, 26 November 1920. ‘On Potential Dividers for Cathode Ray Oscillographs’. Photocopy of published paper communicated by J.J. Thomson, n.d. 2 letters from Raymond Burch, one enclosing a ‘rather unique’ aerial photograph of Winchester and one from France dated '2 May! shortly before he was killed in action, 2 letters from G. McKerrow (a colleague at Metropolitan-Vickers), 1929, 1930. ‘Two letters to Raymond Burch, n.d. 'S copies of the Christmas Card for 1910, designed by Irene C. Burch. be kept. G.J. Burch! (in original envelope so inscribed). Irene was an’ active member of the Oxford Art Society. Irene Constance Burch (sister) To Burch C.R. CSAC 110/1/86 A.67- A.70 A. 67 A.68 A.69 Biographical Enid Grace Burch (née Morice) (wife) Teacher's Diploma, University of London, 1924. B.A. and M.A. certificates, (Girton College) University of Cambridge, 1929. Miscellaneous financial items. Health Includes letter from C.R. Burch to his wife's doctor, detailing experimental treatment with oral B12 and asking for comment (probably never sent), 1975. Document granting Cecil Hicks 'the exclusive right of Burial and Interment! in the South Metropolitan Cemetery, 1852. (A distant relative on maternal side.) PHOTOGRAPHS Miscellaneous photographs of Burch, including 3 taken at Metropolitan- Vickers. Framed photograph of unidentified member of Burch family. Miscellaneous photographs, probably Burch family and friends. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1 -8B.200 LIST OF CONTENTS B.1 -B.17A METROPOLITAN-VICKERS COMPANY .18 -B.58 and .186-B.200 OPTICS io” -8.86 MINERAL DRESSING AND RELATED SUBJECTS 87 PYTHAGORAS PATTERNS .68: 4B 92 WEIRS ai SDF -1171-B.165 .166-B.185 276 “B.110 STATISTICS MEDICAL AND PSYCHOMEDICAL HOT-BLAST TORCH DEVELOPMENT MISCELLANEOUS C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research METROPOLITAN-VICKERS COMPANY Burch was associated with Metropol itan-Vickers for 11 years, joining the research department in 1922 with his elder brother, Francis. brother, in extremely distressing circumstances in 1933, that precipitated Burch's departure from MetroVick and his return to academic research (at Imperial College under G.P.. Thomson). Burch continued to be associated with the company for many years as a consultant. It was the death of this Given the circumstances of Burch's departure from MetroVick it is unlikely to be an accident that almost all the surviving research material from this period relates to the work of his brother, Francis. In the autcbicgraphical notes written for the Royal Society in 1982, Burch asked his future biographer to make reference to his brother's work at MetroVick (Memoir, pp.16-17). Research notebook of Francis Parry Burch labelled on flyleaf 'Drying No.2'. In use c. June-July 1928. Some loose pages. Work on valves by F.P. Burch, ¢.1931-33, kept together as a unit by C.R. Burch. Internal MetroVick*correspondence for the attention of various persons including F.P. and C.R. Burch, October 1930-March 1932. These documents are F.P. Burch's copies and were presumably kept by his brother for that reason. - Opp. typescript dated 5 May 1932. ‘An Account of the Erecting, Conditioning and Testing of Two Oscillator Valves to be supplied to the G.P.O, for Oscillation in Push-Pull on 15 metres Wavelength’. 18pp. typescript signed by L.H.J. Phillips but with F.P. Burch's name above the title. '500 kW Demountable Valve Tests - Rugby. from 19 August to 16 September 1931', Summarised Log of Tests C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research Research Department Report on Continuously Evacuated Screen-Grid Valves', May 1932. By F.P. Burch. Photocopy of 'Library File Copy’. Folder also includes envelope annotated by T.E. Allibone, February 1984. Charts, graphs and blueprints. Some dated in 1931 and 1932. Ms. notes and narratives, n.d. 4 folders. Ms. drafts for papers, n.d. One on transmitting valves. ‘Hartmann test by Redman! Ms. notes by C.R. Burch (Ip. by F.P. Burch). Notes and narratives in German, mainly on historical topics and including account of Gallipoli by Compton Mackenzie. No scientific content but found with preceding. May represent F.P. Burch's attempts to learn German at this time. Metropolitan-Vickers Research Department Report on Filaments for Small Demountable Valves, April 1932. by T.E. Allibone, 19 October 1985. Later historical account of screen-grid valve, its development and use (to 1943). the war. n.d. or author but part of larger history written for the record after Included in the folder is a comment on the account and its possible date and authorship, taken from a letter sent to the compilers of the catalogue C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research Four Metropolitan-Vickers blueprints, 1933. 'Degasser & Condenser for Pretreatment, Type P.3 Still', 'Arrgt of Oil Pump Unit for Type P.3 Still', 'Preheater for Type P.3 Still’, and one unidentified. Metropolitan-Vickers blueprints (rotors), with covering letter, 9 July 1942. Photographs of distillation apparatus, valves, pumps, etc., 1927-33. Some with ms. identifications on verso by T.E. Allibone. Photographs of furnaces, etc., some with ms. identifications on verso. Photostat of paper on 'a new high temperature furnace on the surface com bustion principle! (translated from the German), Ip. fron The Metropolitan-Vickers Gazette, April 1938. Letter from Metropolitan-Vickers re furnaces, 31 March 1943. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 B.18= B.58 OPTICS Research After Burch's return to university life (first at Imperial College and then, from 1936, at Bristol) optics became his main field of research ‘especially in the figuring of aspheric surfaces to extremely high degrees of accuracy, leading to the production of reflecting microscopes of wide aperture! (Memoir, p.4). Most of the following sequence of research material dates from the 1970s, that is, after Burch's official retirement in 1966. For early work on optics at Metropolitan-Vickers and Imperial College see B.186, B.187, and for work at Bristol see B,.188 et seq. B.18 ‘Optical Notebook No.8! Hardcover notebook, inscribed inside front cover with name, address (Bristol) and title 'Reflecting Microscope'; presumably one of a sequence, of which no.2 is the only other one surviving (B. 187). The notebook is numbered 1-73; The main work probably dates from in poor condition, with covers and many pages loose; pages notes continue on rear cover and on 2 loose pages at rear. The work consists of observations, calculations and narratives, in pencil and in red and black ink, none dated. Burch's earliest days at Bristol (Memoir, p.22) but Burch seems to have returned to the book in the 1970s, filling in the originally blank contents page with references to specific work on Schwarzschild equations and spheres, adding notes and queries in red ballpoint and interleaving a Ip. typescript note "OSC of approximations to Schwarzschild curves. Present position - July 1974'. The main content is a series of drafts and calculations on the design of micro- scopes with spherical and aspherical mirrors, ellipses, astigmatics, convex and concave mirrors, polishing techniques, 'see-saw' diagram, etc. Experiment Department Admiralty’. Folder also includes 'A Study of Schmidt Camera Plates (Project No.440-2), Walter S. Adams for Theodore Dunham, Jr., Official Investigator, Progress Report, November 1, 1941', 2pp. carbon copy with photograph, stamped 'Scientific Research and ‘Tortuous Templates for Pseudo-Planes. n.d. but c.1942 or later (see reference to 'See-saw diagram! (Bibliog. 59). l4pp. ms. draft of 'preliminary note', perhaps intended for submission to Mon. Not.R.astr. Soc. An Essay in Aspherising Technique’. ee C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research Large format notebook (lacks covers) with draft of 1945 paper 'Flat- fielded singlet aplanats' (Bibliog. 66), calculations. 2 diagrams for 1963 paper (with M.R. Tubbs) 'Interference testing of reflecting objectives' (Bibliog. 91). Research on Reflecting Microscopes. In 1972 Professor C, Andrew, then Professor of Applied Mechanics at Bristol, asked Burch to join him in applying to the Paul Instrument Fund for a grant to make 'the best possible reflecting microscope, N.A. = ©.95 (1.42 with oil), to prove its accuracy interferometrically and to demonstrate its per- formance’. However, shortly afterwards Burch was approached by the Czechoslovak Embassy for a formal agreement of collaboration with M. Maly of the Czech Academy of Sciences to develop ‘the best possible doubly aspheric Schwarzschild aplanat'. from Czechoslovakia to learn about aspherising The grant was not made. (Memoir, pp.36-37.) A student came ‘Evolution of the Angle-Control Aspherising Machine', 1970. Unpublished 21pp. typescript note listed by Royal Society memorialist as Bibliog. 97. This copy of the personal note was found attached to the copy of Bibliog. 97 above. Burch's purpose in writing the note was to describe how he came to evolve his ‘various angle-control aspherising machines, and to point out some further steps in the development which cry aloud to be done’. Photocopy of the 5pp. typescript note attached by Burch to his and Professor Andrew's grant application, April 1972. In a section on health (p.2) Burch refers to a recovery in his mathematical ability sufficient to spot an error in a 1947 paper (Bibliog. 68). proposed collaboration and enquiring about SRC policy in such a case. Correspondence re Burch's formal collaboration with Czechoslovak scientists on their reflecting microscope development programme, 1972-75. Includes capy of letter from Burch to B.H. Flowers, 28 June 1973, outlining "Personal Note on Reflecting Microscope Grant Application’. See also B.24, C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research 28 ‘Zonal coma of semi-aplanat reflecting microscope’ (with P.N. Murgatroyd), J.Phys., 1972 (Bibliog. 99). A p f This 'Letter to the Editor’ arose when, 'in the process of planning a research in the manufacture of doubly-aspheric Schwarzschild-aplanat reflecting microscopes, C.R. Burch noted that his calculation (Burch 1947) of the offence against the sine condition of the simpler singly-aspheric semi~aplanat design, was invalidated by an algebraic mistake'. algebra and gives computer-tabulated plots of the offence against the sine condition (OSC) for some semi-aplanats of infinite tube length’. Draft of paper, figures and covering letter; The letter ‘corrects the reprint with ms. corrections. ‘Semi-Aplanat Reflecting Microscope with Elliptic Convex’. 2pp. ms. and typescript note, 2 January 1973, probably intended for J.Phys. as a follow-up to Bibliog. 99. (Not in Bibliog.) Ms. notes and calculations possibly related to preceding. 1974, Some dated in Reprint of Bibliog. 99, with ms. additions. Five folders. 'Wave Front Shearing Interferometer’. 'Knife-Edge Testing Aspheric Astigmatic Systems’. Some papers are dated in 1974 and relate to work Ms. and typescript drafts for unpublished paper, graphs, etc., ¢.1976. Ms. notes and drafts (‘Schwarzschild's Curves', 'Schwarzschild Aplanats', etc.), graphs and calculations. in collaboration with I.T. Parsons. App. typescript. ‘Burch Flat Field 4 Mirror Anastigmatic Telescope, July 1978'. Notes, graphs, etc., 1976 or later. Perhaps related to Bibliog. 106. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research 29 Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, calculations, etc. on Double Purpose Telescope','4 mirror Telescope', ‘Bird watching', etc., ¢.1978. Possibly for lecture. 2 folders. "inverting Interferometer', Ip. typescript, diagrams, etc., c.1978. ‘Concentric Mirror Pair', c.1978. App. ms. draft. Papers relating to work on the Charterhouse-on-Mendip Observatory mirror, 1978. ‘First Report on 18" Telescope Mirror! in form of 3pp. draft letter to P. Armitage (Avon Education Authority); photocopy of report as sent 13 November 1978; letters of thanks, December 1978. 'An Astigmatic Telescope Mirror, and its Correction', n.d. Notes, drafts, figures, photographs re Charterhouse Observatory mirror, work on astigmatism. Notes, drafts, figures, computer programs relating to 'Scatter-fringes of Doughnut', 'Scatter-Fringe Shape of a Paraboloid', etc.; 74" Pretoria Mirror’, ¢.1979. also 'Note on Bates’ tests on the Spp. draft paper (with P. Armitage and J. Chard); second draft with arnended title and additional author (N. Robson). typescript drafts. Ms. and typescript drafts, notes and narratives on various aspects of optics, with special reference to telescopes and reflectors. for publication, but none listed in Bibliography. late 1970s. Typescript drafts with ms. additions and corrections: clean copy. py YP p ; ‘Obstruction-Free Cassegrain-Type Telescopes’. Many apparently intended None dated, but probably 3 folders. ‘On the Use of Astigmatism in Strip-Testing Telescope Mirrors’. 4 f t Photocopy of ms. drafts; C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research B.46 ‘On the Use of Astigmatism in Testing Telescope Mirrors' (with D.F. Gibbs). Ms, and typescript drafts, YP P notes and figures. ’ 'Strip-Test - S-curves'. 1 diagram. "Plate Diagram of a Tilted Mirror System’. App. ms. ‘Plate Diagram Theory’. Ms. drafts. 'The Schmidt plates of Schmidt plates’. Spp. draft. "Skewed Schmidt Plate: Meridional Section’. 2pp. draft. Spp. draft. 2 folders. Spp. draft. ‘Microscopy of Unstained Specimens’. "Note on Two~-Beam Interferometer Design’. Miscellaneous ms. notes, calculations, probably late 1970s, on various aspects of optics. Loose pages. Sequences of notes, etc. kept together by Burch. diagrams and graphs, none dated, / P f C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research cae Miscellaneous data, photographs, notes by others, n.d. ‘A new Interference Microscope’. Photographs by D. Gabor and W.P. Goss. Photographs, notes and graphs from J.M. Burch. 3 folders. Four patents by others on aspects of optics, 1942-48, 2 folders. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research B59 B.86 MINERAL DRESSING AND RELATED SUBJECTS In the 1950s there was a marked shift in Burch's research interests which he discussed in a lecture he gave to the Diamond Conference in 1955: 'Two years ago | decided to start some research on Mineral Dressing, a subject of which | had absolutely no previous knowledge. It all began in Cornwall. | was shown the methods they use in the South Crofty Mine to separate tin oxide from quartz and mica and all the other gangue materials with which it has pleased God to mix it in earth. Considered as a gravity separation problem it seemed comparable with that of separating speculum metal (8 = 8.5) from corborundum (§ = 3.2) with which | was very familiar.' * The surviving material is far more representative than that for Burch's earlier research interests. It covers the period 1953-80 and includes notebooks, research notes and drafts, and correspondence. E.o7e, fang &. 19h. 24. * As quoted in Memoir, pp.31-32. See C.3. Miscellaneous loose papers including For further material related to Burch's interest in Mineral Dressing, see Section E, especially Hard-cover notebook entitled ‘Mineral Dressing' and dated November 1953. Paginated 1-145, with contents list. notes, graph and letters dated in 1965. 1956, ‘recaptured from memory’. Hard-cover notebook entitled 'Mineral Dressing! and dated October 1954. Paginated 1-96, with contents fist. Miscellaneous loose papers including certificate of analysis and correspondence, 1962-68. 12pp. duplicated typescript of lecture to the Cornish Institute of Engineers, "Some Experiments in Gravity Concentration’. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research 33 B.62 ‘Draft No.2. Spp.+ 3pp. appendix by C.A, Masterman, 1956, Full Scale Underground Gasification, using Blind Boreholes'. 'The Tedman Separator’, Letter from manufacturers, 18 January 1956; sketch and photographs of the equipment; Burch's ms. notes, efc. Work at or for the South Crofty Mine, Cornwall. Correspondence, 1960-69, ‘Report on Visit of Mr Hamilton and Mr Cruickshank to Crofty’. JPp. MSs, ned, ‘South Crofty Hydrosizer'. App. of results, 1962. "Screen Analysis’. ‘Electrolysis of Slurries'. Spp. of results, 1963. 2pp. typescript draft by Burch, November 1964. Tables of figures and graphs, ¢.1966-73, 4 folders. Gold', etc. Ms. August 1968-August 1969', 'Kildonan Burn, Panned Gold', notes and graphs: 'Helicoidal Mineral Concentrating & Sizing Units "Mozley Concentrators at the Geevor Slime Plant’. Spp. ms. draft by Burch, 10 May 1965. Spp. typescript, ¢.1967. 'Theory of Og Places’. ‘ a pa . ' PC. eer 'Suisgill Panned eee eT De C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research 'Re~examination of Gold Occurrences, Strath Kildonan, Sutherland, Scotland’, Field examination for the Geological Survey of Great Britain, n.d. Brief correspondence from Geological Survey of Great Britain, 1965. Graphs, tables, notes, etc., probably related to paper on the normality of some frequency distributions of elements in the Dartmoor Granite, c.1969. (Bibliog. 96.) 2 folders. Graphs re Darimoor Granite. (Probably related to Bibliog. 96). Burch's comments on C, Lepeltier's 1969 paper 'A Simplified Statistical Treatment of Geochemical Data by Graphical Representation'; Ip. 'further comments' by P.N. MEurgatroyd]; photocopy of Lepeltier's paper. Material may relate to Burch and Murgatroyd's joint paper on broken-line and complex frequency distributions. (Bibliog. 98.) See also D.7-D.10. Notes, drafts, graphs, etc., c.1971. Calculations, tables, graphs, c.1970-71. "Notes on Post-Sampling Statistics’. App. ms. "Lognormal and Poisson distributions compared’. Reprint of paper by A. Volborth; 7pp. typescript draft and graphs re 'Volborth-Andesite'’ and 'Volborth-Basali'. 2 folders. Includes 3pp. 'Note on justifying the discard of observed values’ and course notes 'Computer methods for geologists! (not given by Burch but some annotated by him). Material relates to unpublished joint paper with P C. Rickwood. dated December 1971, 1 graph C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research — B.83 ‘Professor Young's data', January 1974, Graphs, tables of results, etc. ‘Mineral Concentration - a hydraulic problem', c.1980, Ms. draft, notes and graphs. Miscellaneous notes, graphs, tables of results, etc., re mineral dressing, frequency distribution of minerals. 2 folders. PYTHAGORAS PATTERNS Letter from Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Teaching Project organiser, 13 September 1967, examples of pythagoras patterns, Burch's ms. notes and calculations. B.88- $492 WEIRS Burch assisted two colleagues in the Bristol University Civil Engineering Department (W.H.H. Banks and T.L. Shaw) with the mathematics of fluid flow over a weir. This resulted in the publication of their 1967 paper 'The design of proportional and logarithmic thin-plate weirs' (Bibliog. 95). 4 folders, Ms. notes, calculations, graphs, background material; also letter from Banks ‘enclosing the entire weir flow papers’, Ms. and typescript drafts of a paper (with W.H.H, Banks) 'On the Weirs'. Perhaps early drafts of B Bibliog. 95. Design of See Memoir, p.35. B.88 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research HOT-BLAST TORCH DEVELOPMENT In Burch's Royal Society Review Lecture of 1965 (Bibliog. 92), he explained how in 1952 'wanting a good brazing torch without added oxygen' he made a hot~blast torch, In the mid-1970s he sought to further development of the torch, approaching both the South Western Gas Company at Bristol and the Midlands Research Station of British Gas at Solihull. He also proposed the development of a large hot-blast torch as a project for third year Bristol Physics students. B.93 Ms. and typescript drafts of statement on the development of the torch; photocopy of extract from Review Lecture; draft and carbons of Burch's letters to Sir Charles Ellis, South Western Gas and Research Division, British Gas Corporation, 1976. Folder also includes one earlier (1960) letter re torch. Notes and calculations. STATISTICS See also D.15-D.27. "Howarth Ranked Data', ¢.1979. See also B.109. Photographs. 2 folders. ‘Non-parametric statistics', ¢.1980-82. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Notes, calculations, graphs. C.R. Burch CSAG 110/1/86 B.99, se Research ‘Random numbers’ , Tables, graphs, computer print-out. Ip. dated 17 May 1982, 2 folders. ‘Random 4 Fig Numbers (0000 - 9999)", Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘Notes on Frequency Distributions and Random Sample Sets', n.d. l4pp. typescript draft. ‘Further Notes on Post-Sampling Deviation Statistics', n.d. Ms. draft. ‘Statistical References'. 2pp. ms. 'Vistelius' Significance test - said to be for Normality’. Spp. ms. ‘Note on Confidence Limits for Normal Deviates', n.d. 7pp. typescript. Ms. notes, graphs, printouts. May relate to work with I.T. Parsons. "Stirling's Theorem', n.d. 2pp. ms. "Dr. Henley's Cold Series', etc. Graphs, notes, etc. ‘Statistics of Linear Assays', n.d. App. ms. 'KKW2 (Computer Program), Culver. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research B.109 "lan Howarth-Rank ordering of data’, n.d. Contents of envelope so inscribed. "Kolmogorov~Smirnov Statistic', n.d. Ms. notes, graphs, etc. 6 14i- B.165 MEDICAL AND PSYCHOMEDICAL Burch's interest in medical questions was technological (stethoscopes and pumps used in heart surgery), biochemical (Vitamin B-group therapy and inositol) and psychological (stress, and in particular Burch's response to a mugging incident). Almost all the surviving material, which is extensive, comes from Burch's last Burch's biochemical interests are represented by his drafts on the treatment of years 1975-82 and relates to biochemical interests. There is however correspondence, various medical journals and finally deposited with the Royal Society. Burch's work on an of studies at Cambridge. | One paper on the treatment of sinusitis and gingivitis was pub- with doctors and scientific colleagues including R.A. Peters who had been Burch's director sinusitis and gingivitis with B-group vitamins and on inosital deficiency, and by correspondence Situation - the story of a hold-up' which he sought (unsuccessfully) to have published by improved stethoscope is represented in the collection by drafts for a published article at D.5, 1962-63, with J.M. Sanderson re the heart surgery pump and drafts of Burch's paper 'A Stress t ‘Treatment of Nasal Sinusitis by Lavage with B-group Vitamins', €19761]. lished in The Medical Journal! of Australia in 1977 (Bibliog. 102). Drafts B.111- B.128 B.111 Typescript drafts; of The Lancet. brief correspondence including ms. draft of letter to editor ‘Treatment of Gingivitis by Massage with Riboflavin', 1976. teLal onGie yy C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research B.113, B.114 ‘Treatment of Sinusitis and Gingivitis', The Medical Journal of Australia, 28 May 1977 (Bibliog. 102). Ms. and typescript drafts; copies of printed article (in form of letter to editor), Correspondence with editor; correspondence arising from publication. 2 folders. ‘Pharmaceutical Notes on Nasal Lavage with B-Group Vitamins', 9 July 1977. Ms. and typescript notes. 'Inosital Deficiency’, 1978. Ms. and typescript drafts. 2 folders. Correspondence with doctors and colleagues, note of telephone conversation with R.A. Peters, January 1978. B.118 B-D B.119 NP brief correspondence. (Unpublished but listed by ‘Inositol Supplementation and Epilepsy', 1978. 2 typescript drafts; brief correspondence. 'A Stress Situation - the story of a hold-up', May 1978. listed by memorialistas Bibliog. 104 'Paper sent to the Royal Society'). ‘Inositol Deficiency and Epilepsy', 1978. memorialistas Bibliog. 109 ' Note sent to the Royal Society'), 2 typescript drafts; Ms. ond typescript drafts, Correspondence with editors of journals and others, 1978-82. 'A Stress Situation. Sequel’, n.d. Typescript drafts. (Unpublished but C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research ‘On Optimal Release from Past Experience’, n.d. by memorialist as Bibliog. 107 'Paper sent to the Royal Society’ .) (Unpublished but listed Ms. and typescript drafts; correspondence with Bristol colleague and editors of journals, 1979-80. 'The Consultation’ and 'A Story with a Moral’. Ms. and typescript drafts; covering letter to editor of World Medicine, 19 May 1980. 'Onomatherapy'. Letter to the editor of The Lancet, 5 October 1981. 'On the Psychology and Psychotherapy of a Panic Reaction’, n.d. 3pp. ms. 'first rough draft’. 'On the Psychology of the Alarm Syndrome and Psychotherapy of its Principal Sequels’. 3pp. typescript 'not written for publication’. alphabetical sequence. Aldren, J.T. "Some Topical Applications of Laevoascorbic Acid’, n.d. General correspondence on medical and psychological topics presented in an Ms. draft of essay dedicated to the nursing staff of the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Sinusitis treatment. Bevington, G. Burch's draft only. Bicknell, P.G. 1976-77 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 B.13] Campbell, M, J, Burch's draft only. Research Cates, J.E. 1975-76 Proposed conference on Vitamin B-group Deficiency and the Ageing Process treatment of sinusitis and gingivitis. © / Chappel, J.B. 1977 Davis, D.R. Davis, R. and others Eastham, R.D. Platelet studies. 1978, n.d, 1978, n.d. 1963 Edwards, R.G. and P.C. Steptoe 1980-81 Fry, Everett, D.H. Comfrey. Finn, R. and H.N. Cohen Examination of embryos; microscopy. Food allergy; treatment of epileptic patients with inositol. Streptococci (carbon only of letter from J.P.P. Stock). | 939 Forbes, D.R. Inositol. 1978 1978 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research Grant, R.H.E. 1978 Treatment of epileptic patients with inositol (Burch's drafts and photo~ copies only). Himsworth, H.P. Hislop, Burch's drafts only. 1962 1986 Hodgkin, D.C.M. 1976, 1982 Includes ms. and typescript drafts of note by Burch 'On the Genesis of Arthritis'. Huskisson, E.C. and J. Scott 1978 Treatment of epilepsy; double blind tests (Burch's draft only). Inglis, B. 1977 McElwain, T. J. McVey, A.V. Maendl, A. Double blind tests. Vitamin B therapy (Burch's drafts only). only). B12 assays of the blood~serum of amnesiac geriatric patients (Burch's drafts Mollin, D:L. and others Mitchell, J.P. and others 1976 1978-79 1977 Medawar, P.B. Mitchell, J.F. - C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Peters, R.A. B-Vitamin therapy. April-September 1975 October, November 1975 Research 1975-76, 1978 September~December 1976, January 1978. Read, A.R. 1975 Proposed conference on Vitamin B-group Deficiency and the Ageing Process (Burch's drafts only). Richards, M.B. 1975 Imbalance of Vitamin B factors (Burch's draft only). Sanderson, J.M. 1962-63 Pump used in heart surgery. Sovith, Gils Yakovlef, A.A. and others 1981 1977 Swann, M. and D.E.M, Taylor Heart disease and surgery. Inositol; Vitamin B12 deficiency. Use of antioxidants in retinal infections (Burch's draft only). Unindexed. Correspondence with drug companies, principally relating to therapeutic uses for B-group vitamins, 1976-77, 1982. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence, 1962, 1975-77, 1982 and n.d. Yoffey, J.M. Vitamin B12 deficiency. 1982 letter is incomplete. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research Analyses of Burch's own medical condition and treatment. ‘Diet Sheet of C.R. Burch’, 23 July 1975. Present Medication', 3 August 1977. ‘Supplementary Report of C.R. Burch', n.d. Contents relate to neurological episodes, 1974-77, relevant history and present medication. ‘Second Report of Dr. Burch to Dr. Campbell', 20 December 1977. Relates to further neurological episodes, present medication, diagnosis, etc. Untitled analyses of Burch's medical condition and treatment, 1977. "An Essay: "On Four Cerebral Episedes"'. Dedicated to Dr. J.E. Cates. By The Poor Bloody Patient', n.d. Appointment cards, correspondence re visits to hospital, etc. Miscellaneous. Notebook. Latest date, 1981. Principally notes from the literature, bibliographical references. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes including ‘Supplementary Report on Severe Hypoglycaemic Incident, on Sept 25’. epilepsy. Burch's typescript note on A. Davis's Let's eat right to keep fit, (0.3976. Notes relate to vitamin and mineral deficiency, arthritis, etc. Ms. notes and graphs re ages at death of Fellows of the Royal Society. 2 folders. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes and drafts. Background material o C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 B.163 Background material on inositol. Research B.164 Background material on nutrition. B.165 2 papers (1 typescript) on shortwave therapy by J.P.P. Stock. 85 B.166- B.168 B.166 MISCELLANEOUS Three black hard~cover notebooks, none dated, possibly from Burch's under- graduate period at Cambridge; on various topics in mathematics and physics. Notebook with brief list of contents, headed 'Mathematical' inside front cover. Contains miscellaneous notes on acoustics, vectors, circuits, etc., and miscellaneous mathematical calculations. Both ends of book used. Nocontents page. - | = (probably E.A. Milne FRS) f y A few pages used at rear of book. Includes notes on 'Prof. and miscellaneous mathematical Notebook of similar material, mainly on linear vector operators, waves, functions. draft 'On Linear Selecting Systems’. At rear of book, miscellaneous notes and calculations and 3pp. Notebook of similar material. Miine's Problem' notes and calculations. 3 folders. Hard-cover notebook from Bristol period, n.d. but probably 1960s, 1970s. Contents page. Miscellaneous notes, calculations, tables, bibliographical references re later work on minerals and statistics. unnumbered pages. Photographs of equipment. Photographs of telescope mirrors, lenses, etc. Paginated 1-80 and some 2 loose sheets. 2 folders. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research 8,175- Miscelianeous photographs. B.177 3 folders, Miscellaneous unattributed ms, notes, graphs, calculations, etc. 3 folders. Photocopies annotated by Burch. 2 folders. Publications with superscripts from authors or acknowledging Burch's help. 3 folders. See The Starts 9 July 33. C.R. Burch'. The front cover also ADDENDUM: OPTICS Soft~cover notebook, inscribed on front cover (by Burch) ‘Optical Work. Daily Progress Log. has later ms. note by T.E. Allibone 'Metro-Vick Note book to Burch's going to Imperial College Sep 20 and one month in Imp Col.' Memoir, pp.18-19, where the starting date is given as 8 July 1933. last entry in the log is for 23 October. Physical Society Exhibitions, 1939 and 1947, This is clearly one of a series of optical notebooks kept by Burch at Imperial College and Bristol of which only nos. 2 and 8 (B.18) survive. Photocopies of published notes re Burch's exhibits of reflecting microscopes at Large format hard-cover notebook, inscribed on inside front cover 'C.R. Burch. Imperial College, S. Kensington. 1-48. And Testing Of Optical Surfaces’. At the front of book is a contents page headed 'On The Production Optical Notebook No.(2)' and paginated C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Research B.189 ‘Optical Scraping’, Spp. typescript note by Burch, n.d. but incorporates reference dated 1942, Different Spp. typescript note with same title, n.d. Pp g to the o; tical measurement and/or calibration of ‘Improvements relating tubular surfaces', Patent application by Burch, M. J. Willcocks and Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, 30 July 1948 (Bibliog. 72). l0pp. typescript; 1 sheet of figures. 2pp. typescript carbon paginated 2 and 3, n.d. Subheadings ore 'S!it Orientation’, ' Integrating Exposure Meter’ and ‘Gratings and Prisms'. 1940s, Photocopies of Burch's letters to Nuffield Foundation re production of reflecting microscopes, 1949-51, Burch's letters deal with technical problems and his personal response to being in charge of a production job and reflect on more general questions of research and development. The photocopies were made for Burch's Royal Society memorialist T.E. Allibone who provides an account of the development and production of the microscope at Bristol (Memoir, pp.26~30), 1949, March, June, July Folder includes list of letters copied by Allibone. The first item, A.M. Tyndall to H.T, Tizard, 10 December 1947, was not found. Burch's letter of 18 March 1949 discusses the allocation of the programme's ten reflecting microscopes; letters of July 1949 relate to proposed National Institute of Optics at Bristol. of Burch's report to Warren Committee. 1949, August, September Folder includes copy of letter to H.H. Plaskett, 5 August, and ms. draft Burch and CLR. CSAC 110/1/86 Burch Research B.194 B.195 1950, June In letter of 9 June, discussing the matter of exhibiting the m icroscope in the Festival of Britain, Burch refers to the production job as 'a complete nightmare’. In letter of 20 June Burch considers questions of research and development under such headings as 'Value of a University toa Development Organisation’, 'Value of a Development Organisation to a University’ and 'Psychology of Development & Research’. 1950, September, December Ms. draft of Warren Report, September and 12pp. letter setting out programme for speeding up production on the ten microscopes, December. 1951, January, April, June Letter of 16 January relates to proposal to accelerate production and the technical situation; letters of 24 April and 6 June relate toa suggested symposium on reflecting microscopes. 1951, October, December Two notes by Burch on the optical work of W.J. Bates. One dated in 1979. Includes draft report to Warren Committee which notes that the first m icr oscope had been handed over to the Anatomy Department at Oxford. I Ms. draft of paper by Burch; photocopy of paper and covering letter for W.J. Bates; from his thesis. letter from Bates, 6 May 1980, enclosing photocopy of extract "Microscopy of Unstained Specimens’. Correspondence re Burch's optics research, 1981 and n.d. pond NS C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SECTION C LECTURES AND TALKS C.1-C.18 Meret 'The technique of the high-speed cathode-ray oscillograph', for Electrical Engineers, 2 December 1932. Spp. typescript abstract; related correspondence. The accompanying correspondence is initialled 'F.P.B.' (Francis Parry Burch): and the lecture may have been given by him. Institute of "A technologist looks at the future', delivered when Burch received the Duddell Medal of the Physical Society, 9 April 1943 (Bibliog. 63). also A. 16. See ee Ty 7pp. typescript draft; reprint of published version. PP. Includes photocopy of announcement of the award. Pp F k ‘Mineral Dressing', delivered at the Diamond Conference 1955 (Biblio 2 typescript drafts, each 10pp. 'recaptured from memory'. (Bibliog. 85.) 1971 article ' Sorinlemenioey ‘Research, creativeness and universities’, talk given to the Forum in the Senior Common Room, Bristol University, 17 March 1960 (Bibliog. 86). 2 typescript drafts, 15pp., 12 pp.; brief correspondence. ‘Aspheric imaging systems', the Parsons Memorial Lecture delivered 22 October 1959. Reprint copy; brief correspondence. Folder also includes copy of R.V. Jones's as a way of life’, referring to Burch's expanded version of the lecture given in Aberdeen (Memoir, p.33). reprint. ‘Aspheric reflecting microscope and their future', address to the Royal s Microscopical Society, May 196 1 (Bibliog. 88). Ms. draft; typescript draft; C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 ‘University physics - the challenge of technology', Royal Society review lecture, delivered 25 March 1965 (Bibliog. 92). Six folders. ISpp. ms. draft, with a few notes of references. Two typescript drafts, 1épo. and '7pp., with a few ms. sheets and 2 typescript lists of slides, Brief correspondence, chiefly with the Royal Society. Proofs with ms. corrections, reprint of published version. f Original photographs and diagrams. 3 folders. ‘Application of the plate diagram to reflecting telescope design', delivered at ‘Optics 78' Conference organised by the Institute of Physics at Bath University, 20-23 September 1978. highlights' Burch's talk was regarded as 'one of the of the conference (Bibliog. 105). A See also A.22., Verbatim report, printed in Vacuum, 30, 10-12. Opp. typescript draft. Shorter notes and drafts; diagrams. Reprint of verbatim report; conference programme and list of participants; letter from organiser. Address given on the occasion of presenting the first British Vacuum Council 'C.R. Burch' Prize, 1981. Fragmentary drafts for lectures. Invitation to lecture on 'The Separation of Ores! by the Queen Mary College (University of London) Physical Society, 1964, Invitation to lecture on 'M icrescopes and Microscopy! by the Bristol University Microbiological Soc iety, 1980 (declined). Lecture on statistics, probably for a university audience, n.d. App. ms. draft. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1 -D.45 D.1 ‘An introduction to the theor 'y of eddy-current heating', with N.R. Davis, 1928 (Bibliog. 19; Memoir, p.1). Publisher's blurb only. ‘Een radicontvanger met brugfilter', with F.L. Smallpiece, 1932 (Bibliog. 36). Photocopy of Dutch text; typ escript of re~translation, ‘Improvements in apparatus for short-wave therapy and the like', with C.H. Walker and Metropolitan-Vickers Co; mpany Limited, 1940 (Patent, Bibliog. 56, see also Memoir, p.23). Typescript draft. ‘Improvements relating to upward current classifiers', with F. Bann ister, 1955 (Patent, Bibliog. 80). sation with covering letter, ‘Molecular streaming in a circular tube', n.d., ¢.1960. App. typescript draft; 5pp. notes and calculations. ‘Improvements relating to apparatus for separating solid materials in liquid suspensions' (Patent, Bibliog. 87.) Duplicated typescript, August 1960, with ms. note by T.E. Allibone ‘Probably never granted', 25pp. typescript draft ‘Contribution to the discussion on paper by I.R.M, Chaston, Gravity concentration of fine cassiterite', 1962 (Bibliog. 90). Proofs only. ‘Tests of the normality of fre equency distributions of Na, K, SiO9 and Ci in the Dartmoor granite', 1969-70 (Bibliog. 96). 196] (Bibliog. 89), with J.P.P. Stock, ‘A new "diaphragmatic" stethoscope', Typescript drafts of portions of text. i) I i f & Nee C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Publications 52 "Joint paper with P.C. Rickwood' discussing 'the inference of rock com- position from twin assays of replicate samples of the same specimen', 1971-72. Unpublished. See also B.80. 4 folders. Typescript drafts of lettersto P.C, Rickwood, October 1971-March 1972, with accounts of work in hand. Ilpp. typescript of first draft, November 1971. Spp- photocopied draft, January 1972. 8pp. typescript of third draft, February 1972. App. typescript of ‘Statistical Treatment. Miscellaneous notes, calculations and graphs. Contributed remarks on a paper 'Sampling distribution in South Crofty Tin Mine, Cornwall', by B. Kuseric, T.L. Thomas and J. Pemberly (1.M.M. Transactions, 1973). Typescript drafts; Bibliog.). one graph; photocopy of published text (not listed in Folder also includes 3pp. typescript draft 'South Crofty Sampling Problem’, 1973. 'A Course of Tuition in Mathematics? a "Note" describing tuition given fo a candidate hoping to take the Honours B.Sc. course in mining at Cambourne , n.d., 1975 or later. App. typescript draft. Opp. notes and calculations; 8pp. typescript draft. 'A physicist's introduction to calculus', unfinished draft for a proposed book, n.d., ¢.1976. "A Course of Mathematical Tuition’, n.d. the above. 1Opp. photocopied draft. Expanded, later version, of C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Publications D.14 ‘Artificial star design’, 1976 (Bibliog. 100). 2 typescript drafts, 5pp. and %pp., 11 graphs, 3pp. calculations. "Squeeze" Significance Tests', with I.T. Parsons, 1976 (Bibliog. 101). Correspondence, principally with I.T. Parsons and the editor cf the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1974-77, 2 folders. Reprint of paper as published. ' "Squeeze" Significance Tests', 8pp. typescript. ' "Squeeze" Significance Tests for Certain Parameter-free Univariate Distributions’. 3 typescript drafts, 8pp., 13pp. and \7pp.; 8pp. graphs not included in third draft; 9pp. ms. draft. 2 folders. Miscellaneous ms. calculations. Miscellaneous ms. graphs. 3 folders. ‘On a Class of Non-Parametric Test Statistics', 1973. 2 typescript drafts, l0pp. and 5pp.; 8pp. photocopied draft; 4pp. typescript. Miscellaneous notes and narratives, variously titled. 2 folders. 7pp. ms. notes, calculations and incomplete draft. "It pays to get theory right', 1978 (Bibliog. 103). Typescript draft. 'An Exposition of the Theory of Relativity', n.d., ¢.1978. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Publications D.29A ‘Newton's Telescope, 1979. Typescript draft; photocopy of extract from A. Couder's ‘Recherches sur les d&formations des grands miroirs employés aux observations astronan iques'; brief related correspondence (Burch's carbons only). Comments on Thomas R. Kratochwill's 'Single Subject Research-Strategies for Evaluating Change', 1980. Typescript, photocopy of ms. draft. 'The knife-edge test for mirrors', 1980 (Bibliog. 106), Typescript; Burch's carbon of covering letter. ‘Responsibility for one date', 1982 (Bibliog. 108). Typescript drafi. Undated writings ‘Spherical Triangles’. None are listed in the Bibliography and they were probably not published. D.32 'A Solution of the Triangle’. 2pp. draft with Ip. of calculations. Some of these may be notes or statements of research in progress, for personal clarification or limited circulation. Others are accompanied by a covering letter toa journal or a newspaper editor, or secretary of a scientific body, and were intended for publication. App. ms. draft. Folder also includes 2pp. photocopied draft of 'A Symmetrical Solution of the Triangle’, Publications oe ee C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 D, 34 'Hydrocyclones', 2pp. ms. draft. ‘Rigid Dynamics', 2pp. typescript. Folder also includes 5pp. ms. entitled ‘Dynamics of Rotation of Rigid bodies’, ‘Doughnut Height Curve'. 2pp. photocopy of tables of figures, "On an Extension of Student's Theorem’. 3pp. ms. draft. ‘An Estimate of the Volume of a Teaspoon’. ip. ms. draft, 2pp. photocopied draft. ‘A Test of Normality’. 2pp. ms. draft; Ip. typescript calculations. "Notes and formulae for errors and statistics course’. 7pp. typescript draft. ‘The PseudoScience of Popular Statistics’. Ip. ms. draft of a letter to the Institute of Physics Bulletin. carbon of related letter, December 1981. 'A story with oe moral’, 3 versions, all with variations of title, one dated May 1980, and Burch's ‘The significance of significance coefficients’, 2pp. ms. draft; —~ of Physics. ms. draft covering . letter to the Secretary, Institute C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 D.44 Sociology" by "R.C. Bierce" (Burch's chosen pseudonym), Typescript of poem, written with humorous intent, by Burch, including list of proposed recipients. Publications of C.R. Burch. Reprints and photocopies in chronological order, 1925-1980. Nota complete set. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E,1 -£,48 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION E Burch's scientific correspondence ts both patchy and scant. There are very few substantial sequences of letters and in many cases only Burch's drafis, carbons and photocopies of outgoing letters survive (and some of these are incomplete), patchiness of the surviving matertal is due in part to Burch's practice of using the backs of incoming letters for research notes, calculations, ete. are to be found throughout the collection and especially in Section B. Examples of this practice The The material is presented as follows: E.1 -E.10 E.11-E.41 Correspondence on specific topics. dated and indexed. In alphabetical order, Correspondence with individuals, organisations and firms. In alphabetical order, dated and indexed, E.42 Shorter unindexed correspondence. ointments. Pp 9 TOPICS unindexed, ’ E.43-E.48 References anda In chronological order "CW communications’. Correspondence arising from article by R. Skelton 'Sone thoughts on CW communications’ (Radio Communication, February 1975), 1975, Burch circulated his papers 'On asymmetric telegraphic spectra’ and 'Een radioontvanger met brugfilier! (Bibliog. 33 and 36), 2 folders. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Correspondence "Helicoids'. Miscellaneous correspondence re use of heliceids in mineral concentration, various dates, 1954-69, 3 folders, 1954-57 196] Includes results of tests on vibrated helicoid, Apparatus. 1964, 1966-67, 1969 photoc raphs and diagrams of g t Fick Measurement of time. Burch's draft letters on this topic; folder also includes Burch's obituary of E.H. Linfoot and brief related correspondence. 1979, June P F See B.39, B.40, C19793, September. 1979, February -May Includes catalogue of telescope manufacturer 'Fullerscopes'. g Mirror~testing . Correspondence re Burch's proposal that the British Astronomical Association sct Up a mirrortesting advisory group, 1979-81, Burch's concern arose from his work in correcting the defective Charterhouse- on-Mendip Observatory mirror. 4 folders, Coinmittee Meeting, 30 August 1980. 1980-81 and n.d. Includes copy of minutes of the BAA Instruments and Observing Methods Section C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Correspondence INDIVIDUALS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS ARBITER, N. (1962); ARBRA VERKSTANDS AKTIEBOLAG (1960); ASHDOWN, R. (1964). BAGNOLD, R. (1954); BERGNE, J.A'C. (1964); BIRCH, K.G. (1978); BOWLER, C.M.L. (1960), BRISTOL UNIVERSITY (1931); BRITISH TELECOM INTERNATIONAL (1982); BURCH, J.M. (1978-79), CAPPER PASS & SON LIMITED (1965); COMBINED OPTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (1940); COTTE 8: (1982); CRESSWELL, G. and P.F. NORTON (n.d.) DRAZIN, (n.d.); EDWARDS, A.W.F. (1970); ELVIS, M. (1976). FABER & FABER LIMITED (1979); FLEMING, M.G. (1960); FLOWERS, T. (1982), HALL, G. (1981); HAMILTON, J. (1962-63); HATFIELD, H.R. (1975). HOWARTH, 1.D. (1978-79); HOWARTH, L. (1977); ISAACS, N. (1955-57); JEFFERIES, N. (1981), JONES, G.H. Principally Jones's letters, on many topics relaied to minerals and mining, chiefly in Cornwall. 6 folders. n.d, 1955 1956, 1957 1960, 1963 1953-63 1953 (one letter only); 1954, January -May 1954, June-December C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 £+25 JONES, R.V. (1974); KING, A.J. (1978); KING, R.W. (1935); KITTO,. H.D.F. (1961). Correspondence LEONARD, T. (1977); LUDLOW, JH. (1978), MACKENZIE, EK. (neds); McKERROW, G. (1975, 1978, 1982). MASON, G. (1973); MATTHEWS, R.G. (1954). MERRISON, A.W. (1975, 1978); MORTON, B.R. (1955); MOZLEY, R. (1967, 1977), ORD, K. (1971, 1973); PILKINGTON BROTHERS LIMITED (1976); PLASKETT, H.H. (n.d.); POWELL, C.F. (1968), 1964-65 1966-69 1970-71 1972-76 1977-78 1964-78 RICKWOOD, P.C. Principally Rickwood's letters from University of Otago, New Zealand, and University of New South Wales, Australia, concerning family, career and matters of scientific interest. 7 folders. " SUISGILL ESTATE COMPANY (1969). SIAMESE TIN SYNDICATE LIMITED (1960); STANIER, M,. (1977); RING, J. (1977); ROYAL SOCIETY (1955) Drafts, reprints C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Correspondence E.40 E.4] THOMSON, G.P. (1955); TUBBS, M.R. (1976); VICKERS LIMITED (1973). WURTZBURGER, B. (1976); YOUNG, J.Z. (1962); YOUNG, P.A. (1974), Miscellaneous shorter scientific corresporidence, 1954-78, and undated. Not indexed. REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS In chronological order, not indexed, E.43 ey 1976 1979-80 Ey E47 E.48 1973-74 E.44 E.45 1966-68 1960-65 1981-82 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 62 The bibliography, to which entries in the catalogue are related where possible, is reproduced with permission from T.E. Allibone, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 30, 1984. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1923 1924 1925 (1) (2) (3) (4] (5] [6] 1-33. April). April). (25 May) (18 April). (18 April). Phil. Mag. (6) 49, 480-503. no. 228,647 (12 November). Pat. no. 243,800 (4 September). uencies. Br. Pat. no. 234,218 (12 May). (With W. J. Brown, E. J. E. Hupparp & E. Y. RoBINsoN) Thermionic relays. Br. Pat. Wireless receiving apparatus. Br. Pat. no. 226,050 (14 January). (With R. Connor & C. T. MeLLiNG) Apparatus for measuring sound-wave freq- (With E. Y. Rosinson) Thermionic rectifier systems for three-phase operation. Br. (With W. J. Brown) Wireless signalling. Br. Pat. no. 250,748 (31 March). © (With J. BLoemsma) On an application of the periodogram to wireless telegraphy. (With J. BLoemsma) Une application du périodograrnme a la T.S.F. Onde élect., pp. (With N. R. Davis) High-frequency induction electric furnaces. Br. Pat. no. 251,756 (With N. R. Davis) Circuits for induction heating furnaces. Br, Pat. no. 254,424 (18 (With N. R. Davis) High-frequency induction furnaces. Br. Pat. no. 255,157 (17 (With N. R. Davis) Load-tapping in high-frequency furnaces. Br. Pat. no. 255, 162 (With N. R. Davis) Circuit for induction heating furnaces. Br. Pat. no. 257,021 (With W. J. Brown) Aerials and amplifiers for wircless signalling. Br. Pat. no. 268,029 (With N. R. Davis) On the quantitative theory of induction heating. Phil. Mag (7) 1, (With N. R. Davis) Water-cooled electric induction furnaces. Br. Pat. No. 284,774 (3 (With N. R. Davis) Electricity in the foundry Metropolitan—Vickers Gaz. February, (With F. E. Bancrort & METROPOLITAN-VICKERS Evectricat Co.) Improvements in (With F. E. Bancrort & METROPOLITAN-VICKERS ELectRICAL Co.) Improvements in (With N. R. Davis) dn introduction to the theory of eddy-current heating. London: (With N. R. Davis) Uber eisenlose induktionséfen. Arch. Elektrotech. 20, 211-233, * (With F. E. Bancrort & AssociaTED Evscrricat INpustries Ltp) Improvements in (With N. R. Davis) Improvements in electric induction turnaces. Br. Pat. no. 317,931 Oils, greases, and high vacua. Nature, Lond. 122, 729. Some experiments on vacuum distillation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 123, 271-284. (With F. or relating to. vacuum distillation. Br. Pat. no. 303,078 (21 September). or relating to vacuum distillation. Br. Pat. no. 303,079 (21 September). Ernest Benn Ltd. (23 December). November). 768-783. pp. +7-48. or relating to vacuum distillation. Br. Pat. no. 315,186 (19 August). (5 June). 347,248 (20 January). no. 329,059 (28 (With F. E. Bancrort) Electric glow-discharge tubes for testing vacuum pressures. (With F. E. Bancrort Improvements in gas-tight unions for vacuum apparatus. Br. (With F. E. Bancrort) Improvements in cil-condensation vacuum pumps. Br. Pat. (With N. R. Davis) Electric furnaces for steel making, Metropolitan-Vickers Gaz. (With N. R. Davis & J. H. Luptow) Improvernents in vacuum electric discharge (With N. R. Davis) The generation of alternating electric currents. Br. E. Baxcrort) Values for vacuum apparatus. Br. tubes. Br. Pat. no. 347,210 (20 January). Br. Pat. no. 333,692 (27 June). Pat. no. 336,015 (13 July). no. 346,293 (6 January). March, pp. 67-70. February). Pat. Pat. no. 5 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Bibliography tubes. Br. Pat. no. 351,115 (1 April). discharge tubes. Br. Pat. no. 389,509 (17 September). discharge tubes. Br. Pat..no. 382,996 (17 September). (With N. R. Davis & J. H. LudLow) Improvements in vacuum electric discharge On asymmetric telegraphic spectra. Proc. Am. Inst. Radio Engrs 1$, 2191-2218. (With N. R. Davis, J. H. Luptow & A.E.l. Ltp) Improvements in vacuum electric (With N. R. Davis, J. H. Luptow and A.E.I. Lrp) Improvements in vacuum electric (With F. L. Smattpiece) Een radioontvanger met brugfilter. Radio Nieuws, Juli, pp. (With F. H. Preece and A.E.I. Lrp) Improvements in and relating to high vacuum (With F. E. Bancrort) Improvements in vacuum pumps of the condensation or P. Burcu, J. diffusion type. Br. Pat. no. 407,503 (19 January). H. Luptow & AssociaTED ELectricaL INDUSTRIES ieTD) Improvements in and relating Hi. EVESON):G, . F; FINN, Ronald FLEMING, A, P.M. FLEMING, Marston G. FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FLOWERS, T. 7 EOMeEe att oR B.134 BIS B.134 See B.23 ES B..1a5 E.4 B.135 See also B.120 B.2 16 See B.23 See E.16 B.136 FORREST, Jill HAVELKA, oe, FH. M. B.114 A.3 B.23 E.16 ie EOAUWN, GC, FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles PROSTICK 1,--¥. FULLER, Dudley K. GABOR, Dennis GEEVOOR TIN MINE LIMITED GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN OGss, Ws GOSSLING, B.S. GRANT, R: See B.23 See E.4 D.30A, E.17 See also E,7 | HARTLEY, Sir Harold (Brewer) HATFIELD, H.R. HAMILTON, John HALL, George E17 ej1F P. HL CE, C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Index of correspondents D. HAWKEN, R. HAWKER, Pat HAWKINS, C. HEAD WRIGHTSON MINERALS ENGINEERING G, LIMITED HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HISLOP, HOCKING, HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HOFFBRAND, A. MOLE, GA. VY, HOOPER, HOWARTH, lan D. HOWARTH, Leslie FIUSRISSON, ES. HUTCHIN, F. @: cur Piz E.3 E.4 B.137 See B.137 E.§ B.138 See B.111 See E.7 See E,1 E.18 E.18 See B.138 E.10 See E.18 B.4,:C.5 B.&0 B.138 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding HYSOM, E. — James IMPERIAL SMELTING CORPORATION LIMITED INGLIS, Brian (St. John) INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ISAACS, N, E25 JEFFERIES, Nicholas JONES, George H. JONES, Reginald Victor KEOHANE, Kevin William KERR, Lord John ING, Robert W, A.12 A.13 a KING, Arthur J. A. 54 e325 &. 25 KiTO; HH. oO: i E.18 cme E.19-E.24 3 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Index of correspondents cetera re eee OOM CET LEONARD, Tom LINFOOT, Edward Hubert LIVESEY, R. , LONG, W. LUDLOW, J. LYNDEN-BELL, Donald H. McCALL, Alan L. McELWAIN, T. MACKENZIE, J. K., McKERROW, George PREVEY 3A oe MV: MAENDL, A. MALY, M, MARTIN, Louis Claude E.26 See E.6 E.10 B.112 E.26 See B.200 E. oS? See E.27 A.5, As63, E27 B.139 A.70, B.139 B.2¢ Cy A. G. See A,3A, E.29 E28 B.6] B.87 Eizo MASON, G. MASTERMAN, C, MATTHEWS, G. MATTHEWS, R. MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) MERRISON, Sir Alec (Alexander Walter) MIKS, A, MINERAL RECOVERY LIMITED WHTOCHEUL To MITCHELL, J. MOLLING "DS B.78 MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MOORE, Mary MORTON, Alan Q, MORTON, -B. R. MURGATROYD, P, E29 See also B.60 ' MOZLEY, Richard B.119, B.140, D.43 Py Pp. reL: A.7 A.3 Beet A.18 B.140 See B.140 B.139 B.Z3 Ee N. C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Index of correspondents NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NEEDHAM, Joseph NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NUFFIELD FOUNDATION MATHEMATICS TEACHING PROJECT ORD, Keith PAGE “Foo. T; PARSONS, lan T. -C: PENGIULY Gu? PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY PILKINGTON BROTHERS LIMITED PLASKETT, Harry Hemley E.5 B.119 See B.192-B.197 B.87 E.30 See B.119 D.15-D.27 See also B.26-B.31, B.108 B.63 A.8, B.119, B.141-B.143 A.16 E.30 See E,17 Ei 30 See B.125 cig A.58 PRIDHAM, S. POTTS, Roe W, POWESLAND, PP. F. POWELL, Cecil Frank PYE, Sir David Randall A.18 See also B.193, E.30 See E.7 READ, A. REDMAN, R. REY, M. RICHARDS, M. RICKWOOD, Peter C, ROBERTS, J. ROBSON, N. ROE, E, M, RONAN, GP. Ba7"D,10,. E:3leEpa7 A.18 ca See E.5 Ee c.9 R. O, B. See B.144 See B.144 C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Index of correspondents ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY ROYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM ROYAL SOCIETY RYLE, Sir Martin SALWAY, J. G. SANDERSON, F. SANDERSON, J. L, M. SCOTT, Jane SHAW, ToL SHEPHERDSON, John C, SIAMESE TIN SYNDICATE LIMITED SKELTON, R. SMART, K. SMITH, Ernest Lester A.11 A.3 A.4, A.17-A.19, C.9, E.38 See E.6 8. 120,..B.12] A.7 B.145 See B.138 B.59 E.6 Eor See E,] £.10 B.146 SMITH, Francis Graham A.3 G5 E39 A.60 E.39 B.147 ‘ B.147 B.136 See also B.165 STANIER, Maida SOM Fo Bee: B.60, B.63-B. 69 Bizs SOMERS, Sheila SOUTH CROFTY LIMITED SROM, Antonin STRATTON, Frederick John Marrian SUISGILL ESTATE COMPANY SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron E.9 A.8, A.60 B.63 A.14, A.18, E.40 A.18 E.40 THIRKILL, Sir Henry THOMAS, A. — Leonard THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) TUBBS, M. TURNER, M. _ TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas TAYUGR, De Eo mM, R, C.R. Burch CSAC 110/1/86 Index of correspondents VESELY, Pavel VICK, Sir Francis Arthur VICKERS LIMITED VICKERYS LIMITED WARD, Stacey G. WATT-CARTER, DE. WILKS, WOLF, Emil WURTZBURGER, Bert YASOVLER Ain YOPPCY ¢ Jeo Me A, B.23 A.5, A.18 E.40 B.62 See E.5 See E.1] See E,1 A.18 See E.41 See B.147 B.147 YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, P. A, E.4] ea