Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


TH ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SiR BOI. O* EEO 8: UF URS (1899-1967) deposited in the University College London Library THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, ye London WC2A 1HP Archives Centre (csac 32/9/75) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific No. 75/74 All rights reserved 1975 CSAC 32/9/75 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Sir Roy Cameron (1899 — 1967) Deposited in the University College London Library Harriot Weiskittel Listed bys Jeannine Alton R.C. C.S.A.C. 32/9/75 Description of the collection The collection was received from Professor Cyril L.Oakley shortly before his death. Professor Oakley had been a colleague and friend of Cameron, and author of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir (vol. 1968, pp.83 — 117). 14, Cameron had been compiling material for a history of pathology, and had collected some autograph letters (see esp. A.4, D.12). Printed material relating to the history of medicine has been accepted for the library of the Wellcome Unit of the History of Medicine, Oxford, by the Director, Dr. Charles Webster, who also gave valuable help with dating and selection of the handlist. Summary of the career of Sir Roy Cameron 16 b. 1899 1911 — 1916 1923 1925 = 1927 1928 — 30 27 1930 — 33 1932— 52 1934 =— 37 1937 — 64 1939 = 45 1946 — 64 1946 1957 1960 1962 Victoria, Australia educ. Kynaton High School University of Melbourne, Queen's College Tutor in Physiology, Histology and Pathology, Queen's College Assistant, and Deputy Director, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute work under Aschoff, Freiburg—im—Breisgau Graham Scholar in Pathology, University College Hospital Medical School, London Beit Fellow, U.C.H.M.S. Assistant Editor, Journal of Pathology & Bacteriology Reader in Pathology Professor of Morbid Anatomy,U.C.H.M.S seconded to Chemical Defence Experimental Station, Porton Down Director of the Graham Department, U.C.H.M.S. F.R.S. created Knight Bachelor Royal Medal, Royal Society Foundation President, College of Pathologists. served may be found in the Biographical Memoir mentioned above. A full account of the professional and government committees ONwhich Cameron R.C. C.S.A.C. 32/9/75 Contents of the handlist Biographical & Personal Notebooks & Working papers Items A.1 — A.5 B.1 — B.5 Lectures ,publications,manuscripts C.1 — C.11 Work on pathologists & history of D.1 = D.12 pathology Biographical & Personal A.1—A.5 from A.5 2 Ex. Bks., ‘Pure Mathematics Part I' A.2 Courses given by GRC at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, where he was First Assistant & Deputy Director 1925 = 27 & 'Part II’. 1928 — 37. Cameron's matriculation certificate at University of Freiburg— im—Breisgau 1927, and 14 autograph letters or cards Ludwig Aschoff (Aschoff directed Cameron's work at the Pathological Institute of the University of Freiburg.) Misc. biographical & personal material: printed matter, laureation addresses & souvenirs of honorary degrees, invitation lectures etc.; photographs; corresp. re Linacre Lecture given by GRC 1964. (Includes letters of thanks to C.L.Oakley for copies of his Royal Society Memoir of GRC). 1962). Scientific & personal correspondence with Professor Hou Pao—chang, of Peking, where he moved in 1962 after his retirement from the Department of Pathology & Bacteriology, University of Hong-Kong. Professor Hou and Cameron collaborated on scientific papers, and on Biliary Cirrhosis,(Oliver & Boyd, 1959 = 65 R.C. C.S.A.C. 32/9/75 Notebooks & Working papers B.1 — B.5 Red notebk. 'Research', dated inside "Jan .1961 — of notes (some on loose cards) of research problems to be undertaken by GRC. * 'Pathology as a Science! Ms. & notes for lecture or talk. 1 file Work on Liver Pathology, esp. reversibility & regeneration; notes on cases & on the literature; annotated related off prints; correspondence (1957,1958); Ms. draft 'The principle of reversibility in liver damage. Ciba Symposium. Manchester.' 1 ELS. Work on Oedema, esp. pulmonary oedema. Casenotes & notes on the literature; annotated related offprints; correspondence Bernard Halpern i951, Sir Aubrey Rumball 1961. 1 file. Work on Spleen, Banti's disease, splenic vein stenosis. Notes on cases & on the literature; annotated related off- prints; correspondence 1957,1961. 1 file. Lectures, publications, manuscripts. C.1 — C.11 (c) ‘Exploring the injured cell." (The Mathison Memorial Lecture, Melbourne). Notes & correspondence. Notes for ‘Edinburgh Lecture’ on history of cellular pathology, with special reference to the work of John Thomson, John Goodsir, William S.Greenfield, James Lorrain Smith. Hudson: Cardiovascular Pathology 'The changes in cells associated with malignancy.' Ms. at Postgraduate Medical School of London, 1965. of opening speech at meeting on ‘Malignancy’ held "Some remarks on the future of dermatological research! 2 Ms. drafts,notes & related material (see Brit. J. Derm, 78, 365) "Defence mechanisms and the oral cavity.’ (after) Review of R.C.Curran: Atlas of Pathological Histology E R.C. C.S.A.C. 32/9/75 C.8 Draft Report of College of Pathologists to Royal Commission on Medical Education. Typescr. with Ms. annotations. 1966 C.9 = C.11 Obituaries C.9 Wilson Smith (published in J.Path.Bact.,95,326) C.10 George Payling Wright (published in J. Path. Bact.,92, Both files contain extensive correspondence with friends and colleagues for information to be used in obituary. An itemised list of correspondents is enclosed with the files. 613) 1968 1966 'A tribute to Edgar King': Ms. draft of foreword to C.11 collection of essays in honour of Edgar King, 1965. (includes list of contributors and abstracts of their essays. 1965 Work on pathologists & history of pathology D.1 — D.12 Cameron gave papers and lectures on these subjects during the later part of his career, and was compiling material for a more extensive history to be written during his retirement. He had also accepted D.1 1966. D.2 —D.4 Julius Cohnheim (March 1966, see item D.8) an invitation from Dover Publications to Pathology. Cameron died before this could be completed. write an introduction to a reprint edition of R.Virchow, Cellular The material has been grouped under headings, mainly biographical. Ludwig Aschoff. Misc. obituaries & printed tributes. Letters from Franz Btlchner 1965, (see also item A.4) from Dover Publications for GRC to write introduction to Foolscap notebook, 'Notes for an Experimental Pathology': Contains ‘scheme’ for book, then remainder of book devoted to account of Cohnheim's life, his work and that of his pupils; includes photograph of Cohnheim. Misc. correspondence in response to GRC's requests for information on Cohnhein. Work on Giambattista Morgagni Notes, correspondence, printed material. Includes 3 letters from Virchow 1891, 1892, 1894; request D.3 Misc. notes & drafts on Cohnheim and his times. D.2 D.4 D.7 D.5 Notes on Ludwig. D.6 D.7, D.8 Work on Rudolf Virchow. 1954 - 65 C.S.A.C. 32/9/75 reprint edition of Virchow's Cellular Pathology; misc. correspondence in response to GRC'S requests for information on Virchow 1958 (see 'A Symposium in honour of the centenary of Virchow's Cellular Pathology 1858 — 1958", J.Clin.Path., 1, 463) D.8 misc. notes & drafts on Virchow and his work D.9 Notebook of material on German science & education in 19th century D.10 Diary for 1965 used as notebook of material on Virchow & other German scientists. D.11 Shorter notes on Vesalius, Recklinghausen, W.H.Welch. D.12 Autograph letters of personal & scientific interest: Letters concerning an abnormal brain: from W.L.Begley to William Jenner, to accompany specimen sent as Sharpey 1656; from Jenner to Thomas Barlow re specimen 1891; from Thomas Barlow to "my dear Gran" (Cameron's nickname among his friends) enclosing the previous correspondence 1935. a gift to Jenner and Wiliiam 4 letters from R.A.K8lliker 1862 1954 (2), 1961 3 letters from Walter Pagel Letter from Peyton Rous 1959