Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of William John Hughes Butterfield, Baron Butterfield of Stechford (1920-2000) VOLUME 2 Section E: Publications Section G: House of Lords Section F: Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue 157/7/07 by Peter Harper and Simon Coleman W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.57 1947-1994 EI-E.39 DRAFTS E.40-E.56 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E57 REPRINTS DRAFTS 1954-1994, nd Publications and lectures resulting from research carried out by Butterfield and others for the War Office on flash Their principal paper was burns from atomic bombs. 'Flash Burns from Atomic Weapons: 1. Observations on flash burning of human subjects in the laboratory using infrared and predominantly white light sources’, with E.R. Drake E.E.E. Treadwell, ‘Surgery’, Vol. 103, December 1956 (see E.2). Seager, J.R.B. Dixey and 'A Preliminary Report of Observations on Flashburning of Human Subjects Predominantly White Light Sources’. Infra-red Using and of a drafts so entitled, two with 4pp typescript Contents of a file. Authors as given above. with manuscript revisions; Three manuscript revisions. 11pp typescript draft the paper 'Flash Burns from Atomic Weapons...'’, few manuscript notes (mostly in unidentified hands) and a letter (1954) re the article etc. to the draft in E.3); 2pp manuscript list of slides. 8pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of a talk by Butterfield on flash burning; revised typescript draft with further manuscript revisions. 15pp typescript draft (first page missing), with manuscript revisions, apparently of a lecture on flashburns (different file inscribed 'Washington Burns Talk’. Contents of a W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7I07 Publications Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript data, diagrams etc. notes, 'No Rage to Live’, short article in The Sciences Vol. 9, No. 12, December 1969, published by The New York Academy of Sciences. Correspondence re publication; one page typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and typescript revised version; offprint. ‘Doing envelope so inscribed. Something about Diabetes’, contents of an This material relates to an article, with the above title, which Butterfield wrote for issue of World Health (published by the World Health Organization) devoted to diabetes. an re October 1970; Brief correspondence incomplete 10pp typescript draft torn away) with manuscript revisions; further typescript draft entitled 'A Review with manuscript revisions. publication, (title '12/8/70', Diabetes Mellitus’, dated of of proof, corrected publication; Brief correspondence re offprint. 'A Modern Approach to Diabetes’, Nursing Mirror, August 1971. ‘ls There any Future for Bioengineering?’, article for the University Graduates Association Newsletter, July 1972. 5pp typescript revised draft; offprint. Correspondence re publication with manuscript draft and Engineering Nottingham W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 Publications ‘Shed a Tier and Listen to the People’, British Hospital Journal and Social Service Review, August 1972. This paper was a comment on the Government's White Paper Health Service. re-organizing National the the on of Correspondence re two further revised typescript drafts and a 4pp ‘final version’; offprint. manuscript draft, publication; The above typescipts are entitled 'Shed a Tier and Listen to the People, Sir Keith’. Obituary for gazette [?Guy's Hospital]. Sir Rowan (E.R.) Boland, published in a manuscript draft; 7pp Butterfield, 1972. typescript draft with letter by E.14-E.15 1972-1973 Medicine’, Tribuna Medica (Spain), 23 E.12-E.13 Curriculum’, 1972-1973 the Planning of ‘Priorities November 1973. in Correspondence re publication. ‘Epidemiology in Medical Epidemiology, Manuscript draft of the article; 15pp typescript revised version; offprint. 1972-1973 R.M. Acheson greatly assisted Butterfield in the drafting of the article. the Undergraduate Journal _ of Revised 11pp typescript draft by Butterfield. Included is a typescript draft by Acheson. Correspondence re publication. International W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 Publications Article (title unknown) for Norwich Churchman (diocesan newspaper) on the topic of human communication. Correspondence publication; manuscript draft; untitled revised typescript. (1973) re untitled 2pp Foreword to 'Lecture Notes on Geriatrics’ by Nicholas Coni, William Davison and Stephen Webster, Oxford 1977. typescript Two the correspondence re publication (1976). versions of Foreword; _ brief Untitled 4pp typescript of problems of universities. an article on the financial Inscribed '1979' on first page. E.19-E.20 Editorial Investigation’, October 1979. article for the ‘European Journal of Clinical ed. W.H.W. Foreword to ‘Monitoring for Drug Safety’, Inman, Lancaster 1980. Two photocopied typescript drafts of papers by others sent to Butterfield for reference. Brief correspondence re publication; 5pp typescript of the editorial entitled ‘Anatomical Biochemistry’. Inscribed '8th January 1980’. Untitled article concerning challenges of medical students with reference to University of London. 2 typescript drafts with manuscript revisions; 3pp revised typescript; brief correspondence re publication (1979). typescript the the 5pp of an W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 Publications E.23-E.24 Chapter for 'The Advancement of Medical Science and World Health’, ed. R. Lanza, New York 1985. 1983-1984 of Butterfield's chapter, as given in a of The title contents, was ‘Behavior [sic] and Motivation about Health in Medical Research’. The chapter appears to have been based on material from Butterfield's file on the Health Promotion Research Trust (see note to his secretary in E28): list Correspondence re publication; untitled manuscript draft; 2 typescripts, one entitled 'Health Education leads to Health Promotion: Some Lessons from Britain’, the other untitled and incomplete. 1983-1984 Correspondence and papers re The Health Promotion Research Trust. 1983-1984 to draft and ed. Stephen N. R.D. Hill on a book (title unknown) by Foreword to diabetes. Manuscript draft; extended version; correspondence re publication. typescript Foreword Kreitzman and Alan N. Howard, London 1993. 'The Swansea Trial’, 2pp typescript dated July 1987, with copy of covering letter. Contribution accompanying Cambridge: Christie's, London, January 1995. Brief correspondence etc; unidentified contribution to the exhibition catalogue. 8pp typescript draft of probably used for catalogue University — of at held medicine) exhibition talk by Butterfield, 7pp typescript Foundations for the Future’, (on the the to ‘The an his W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 Publications E.28-E.33 ‘Living with Diabetes’, with Leo Krall. Butterfield and Krall intended to publish a series of books (possibly four) under the above title. The publication details are unknown E.28-E.30 Typescript drafts books, with manuscript revisions in places. of various sections of one or more 3 folders. ES-E:33 Later typescript draft of sections of one or more books, with a few manuscript revisions. 3 folders. for doctors, demand midwives and ‘The community-based health visitors in British National Health Service and the arrangements for the recruitment, education and training of these professions’. nurses, the revisions, so draft, with typescript manuscript 12pp entitled. 16pp typescript (possibly incomplete) so entitled. ‘Carbohydrates - Food - Nutrition - Agriculture: the sun for food, physics for fuel?’ Untitled 7pp typescript of an article re the organisation of medical care provision for Thamesmead. version. Foreword to unknown book on iatrogenic diseases from medicines. Untitled 4pp typescript of an geriatric medicine. 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions and revised article on the status of W.J.H. Butterfield 1D FALOT Publications proofs ‘Diseases of Corrected Metabolism’ for 'A Short Textbook of Medicine’ (edition unknown). a chapter entitled for E.40-E.56 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1970-1985 'Health M.E.J. Wadsworth and R. Blaney, London 1971. the choice of treatment’, Sickness: and with Correspondence re publication. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK. 1973-1974 Correspondence entitled ‘Sociological Basis of Medicine in the Community’ to be authored by Butterfield and M.E.J. Wadsworth. proposed book re a_ its between Butterfield and E.43-E.51 E.42-E.51 1974-1975 1974-1985 John Wiley & Sons Inc. Butterfield advised the company in connection with medical publishing programme. International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology (\DMB), published by John Wiley & Sons Inc. Correspondence Ossian Goulding, the company's European Publishing Director, re planned publications and other matters. 9 folders. Correspondence etc re appointments of Advisory Editors, Board meetings and related social functions. Butterfield was a member of the Editorial Board of IDMB. 1975-1985 W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 Publications Australasian Drug Information Services Pty Ltd. Correspondence re Butterfield's review of a manuscript on fenfluramine for the international journal Drugs, and copies of parts revisions and annotations in Butterfield's hand. the manuscript with of E.53-E.56 Miscellaneous correspondence with publishers. 1970-1974 Chiefly re requests to Butterfield to contribute articles or books, requests for advice with medical publications, and other editorial matters. 4 folders. REPRINTS 1947-1987 1 box. a typescript chronological list of Butterfield's Included is reprints and a supplementary list of 'undated papers’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, F.1-F.2467 1953-2000 F.1-F.2082 GENERAL SEQUENCE F.2083-F.2467 SECONDARY SEQUENCE F.1-F.2082 GENERAL SEQUENCE 1953-2000 F.1-F.9 F.6-F.61 F.62-F.63 F.64-F.101 1942 CLUB ACTION LEARNING AD EUNDEM CLUB AGE ACTION YEAR 1976 F.102-F.126 AGE RESEARCH / BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH ee 128 ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP AMERICAN CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION F.130-Fitst AMES MILES eg F.132-F.142 F.145-F.146 F.147 F.148-F.159 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS F.160-F.162 ATHENEAUM CLUB F.143-F.144 ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE DE MEDICINE INTERNE D'ENSEMBLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY ANIMALS IN MEDICINES RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE (AMRIC) ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY (ABPI) BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH see AGE RESEARCH Pol o-e. 179 BOOTS COMPANY LTD F.176-F.181 BRITISH COUNCIL F.182-F.214 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION (BDA) eZ Oat 2 /. BRITISH DIETETIC ASSOCIATION F.163-ho tn BEECHAM GROUP PLC W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.218-F.221 BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION F.222-F.225 BRITISH INSULIN MANUFACTURERS F.226-F.230 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION F200 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION F.232-F.234 BROCADES (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD F.235-F .236 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND F.237 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD F.238-F.239 CHARING CROSS MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE F.240-F .256 CIBA F.257-F.260 COLLEGE CLUB F.261-F.338 COLLEGE OF TEACHERS F.339-F.371 COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (CVCP) F.372 F.373-F.420 COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD F.421-F.461 CRITICAL SCIENCES LTD COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD POLICY see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY COUNCIL FOR THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF HEALTH VISITORS COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF MEDICINES see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY ELSIE INGLIS MEMORIAL FUND F.636-F.641 ELLIOT MEDICAL AUTOMATION LTD F.462-F.476 CROUCHER FOUNDATION F.477-F.546 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY (DHSS) F.563-F.635 EAST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL F.547-F 562 EARTHWATCH F.642-F.646 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.647-F.652 ELY CATHEDRAL RESTORATION TRUST F.653-F.657 F.658-F.715 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES FLOWERS WORKING PARTY ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH see AGE RESEARCH 70 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ieee 0 FRANK LEE SOCIAL CLUB F.720 GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL F.721-F.776 GREAT BRITAIN SASAKAWA FOUNDATION Path lAll HATFIELD HOUSE TENNIS CLUB F.778-F.781A HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL F.782-F.946 HEALTH PROMOTION RESEARCH TRUST F.947-F.951 HEALTH VISITORS ASSOCIATION F,952-F 967 EERE AGED Puli276 son F.973-F.981 IMPERIAL TOBACCO LTD F.982-F.1008 Tue F.1030 F.968-F.972 HOECHST UK LTD F.1009-F.1012 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION F.1013-F.1026 JARDINE MATHESON & CO LTD F.1027-F.1028 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY JOSLIN CLINIC / JOSLIN DIABETES FOUNDATION INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD MEDICINES COMMISSION LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH F.1072-F.1214 MEDICAL PILGRIMS F.1215-F.1275 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.1070-F.1071 MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB (MCC) F.1031-F.1069 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations MINISTRY OF HEALTH see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY F.1352-F:1372 MILES LABORATORIES LIMITED F.1373-F.1374 NEW ENTERPRISE TRUST F.1375-F.1381 NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES F.1382-F.1390A NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.1391-F.1418 NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST / NUFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES FUND PARKE-DAVIS RESEARCH UNIT / PARKE-DAVIS NEUROSCIENCE CENTRE see WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY F.1419-F.1432 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED / PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC F.1433-F.1443 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS RESEARCH IN AGEING see AGE RESEARCH F.1444-F.1445 THE RICHMOND SOCIETY F.1456-F.1462 F.1544-F.1546 F.1635-F.1639 F.1464-F.1474 ST GEORGE'S HOUSE, WINDSOR F.1463 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE F.1450-F.1455 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS F.1446-F.1449 ROBIN HOOD CHARITABLE TRUST R.lo29r. 1932 SECONDARY RESOURCES PLC F.1533-F.1541 SERVIER LABORATORIES LIMITED F.1475-F.1528 SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND F.1542-F.1543 SLIM-FAST FOODS COMPANY ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND UNITED OR BORO' HOSPITALS CLUB SOCIETY FOR HEALTH EDUCATION F.1551-F.1594 THAMESMEAD PROJECT F.1614-F.1634 TRAINING FOR LIFE (TLF) F.1547-F.1550 SYNGENIX LIMITED F,1595-F.1613 TOMMY’S CAMPAIGN W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1640-F.1914 Fi1915-F.1921 UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC GRANTS COMMITTEE (UPGC) OF HONGKONG UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX / GUY'S GENERAL PRACTICE COMPUTER UNIT F.1922-F.1938 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WORKING PARTY ON FUTURE OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES see FLOWERS WORKING PARTY F.1939-F.1953 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM F.1954 UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE F.1955-F.1961 UPJOHN LTD F.1962-F.1999 WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY F.2000-F.2004 WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD F.2005-F.2013 WELLCOME TRUST F.2047 F.2051-F.2057 F.2058-F.2082 F.2014-F.2044 WILLIAM HARVEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (WHRI) F.2048-F.2050 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION F.2045-F.2046 WIMPOLE HALL WORLD HEALTH NETWORK FOUNDATION WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON YAKULT LTD W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1942 CLUB 1976-1988 in by the was Club 1942 1942 Health discuss National founded The Harold Himsworth, Harry Platt and other Heads of Academic the Departments to proposed of academic medicine. It developed into a "think tank" for paraclinical departments to professors discuss and produce reports on academic medicine in all clinical limited membership which is by election. The Club meets twice yearly. possible on impact the paraclinical disciplines. Service clinical future has and of or of It a Correspondence and papers re meetings. 5 folders. ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT 1969-2000 to in of to the the join and and 1991, invited Health Service. involved facilitated reference overseas, Butterfield organisation Revans's particularly This group of papers documents Butterfield's interest and management philosophy support for R.W. ‘Action Learning’, with the National first came into contact with Revans at Guy's Hospital where he led The Hospital Internal Communications (HIC) Project, 1965- 1968. The papers principally document Butterfield's later interest in Action Learning (from the late 1980s). He was in regular contact with Revans and his supporters in Britain Steering Committee of the International Centre of Action Learning in an International Action Learning Congress (held 17-25 April 1995), his supporters and the UK Ministry of Health, etc. ‘Action Learning was the term introduced by pioneer Professor Reg Revans to describe his work for the Coal Board encouraging Pit Managers to take control of their enterprises and exchanging experiences. Butterfield wrote his own definition of Action Learning in January 1996 (F.25): contacts between Revans and together learning the job on by W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations The words now reflect a code word for the application of social microscope which can be focussed on a a sort of situation under consideration, to the circumstances which obtain and which need "sorting out" to improve the situation’. detail look at in The papers were found under the general title ‘Action Learning’. See also F.2083-F.2091, F.2223-F.2240. General correspondence and papers 1988-2000 Correspondence Revans and Learning.. and papers exchanged supporters re the promotion with of R.W. Action 1988 Includes background papers on the HIC project, ‘Action Learning in Brief’ and 'The Manchester Action Learning Exchange’ sent by Revans to Butterfield. 1990 2 folders. 1991 1989 Includes background material on the HIC project. Includes copies of Revans's correspondence with others interested in Action Learning and NHS problems, etc. Includes minutes of the steering committee of the International Centre of Action Learning and Presidential Address of British Association of Medical Managers by Cyril Chantler on 'Why should clinicians help to manage the National Health Service?', 7 June (F.10). first meeting of F.10-F.11 2 folders. the W.J.H. Butterfieid NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations is F.11 background National At Association for Staff Support (NASS) within the Health Care Services. material the on 1992 Includes correspondence and papers exchanged with British and American supporters of Revans and Action Learning. F.13-F.15 1993 3 folders. At F.14 is a 25pp typescript document by Revans entitled ‘Education: to respect Conscience? Or, nowadays, to market Con Science?’ F.16-F.20 1994 5 folders. 4 folders. F.21-F.24 Includes correspondence and papers on organisation of ‘First International Action Learning Mutual Collaboration Congress' for April 1995 in London. Times, 12 April. Includes correspondence arising from the international action learning congress, April. At F.24 is draft paper by N.F. Coghill and J.S. Stewart on ‘Learning, Maturity and Management in the Hospital Workplace’, note of meeting with Baroness Cumberlege, Department of Health, 28 November and papers for 'Celebratory Opening’ of the Revans Research, University of Salford, 30 November and 1 December. At F.26 is ‘Interview with Reg Revans' from the Financial FZ 5h, Learning 3 folders. Centre for Action and 1995 1996 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1997 with action ‘'Link-up Includes a ‘publication created by and for individuals who desire to research bring experience’, Revans Research, for University of Salford. together Centre learning’, Learning practical volume Action and and 1, F.29-F.30 1998 2 folders. 1999-2000 Nd Includes 'sheaf of papers' re 1995 ‘First International Action Learning Mutual Collaboration Congress’. F.33-F.42 9 folders and bound volume. Publications of N.F. Coghill Correspondence and drafts for publications by Coghill and colleagues on the National Health Service inspired by the thinking of R.W. Revans. Butterfield provided a foreword for 'Enlivening Hospital Management: All Talents of Value’ a report on 'work at West Middlesex Hospital following engagement in the Hospital Internal Communications Project’, November 1993. A copy of the report is at F.42. 1991-1997 Contents of box folder divided into twelve for ease of reference: ‘The Hospital Internal Communication Project’, London 1969. The introduction to the report was written by Revans. ‘Early Action Learning’ duplicated typescript F.43-F.54 draft' ‘final of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.55-F.61 Background material 2 folders and 5 bound papers. F.57 is Revans's' 'Extended paper Disclosing Doubts’ for the Mutual Collaboration Congress 17-25 April 1995. International Learning Action First F.62-F.63 AD EUNDEM CLUB 1978-1982 Correspondence and papers re meetings. The Ad Eundem Club was the oldest dining in Oxford and Cambridge. Butterfield accepted an invitation to join the club in 1978. club Guildhall the Year, re of life Trust set up a ' F.64-F.101 1976 was a Year quality AGE ACTION YEAR 1976 Lord Mayor of London on Butterfield was a member of national campaign to Age Action of the aged by means of improve the research into the ageing process, by encouraging retired people to become more self-sufficient and by stimulating It was launched at voluntary efforts in the welfare field. 10 the by November 1975. the Arising from the Age National Executive Committee. Action the Age Action British Foundation for Age Research, also known by the shorter title Age Research. See F.102-F.126. 1972-1978 The report on the care of the elderly (volumes 1 and 2) mentioned in the letter are at F.98 and F.99. One letter only, from M.R.P. Hall, Professor of Geriatic Medicine at Southampton University. Correspondence campaign, National Executive Committee papers. and campaign papers year of the including organising activities etc, NZ W.J.H. Butterfield NGUACS 1S 7/107, Societies and organisations F.65-F.76 1975 12 folders. F.77-F.92 1976 16 folders. Photographs Eleven photographs of the elderly taken by Joan Pyle Dufault in 1973 and made available to Butterfield for 'your geriatric conference’. See Dufault's letter to Butterfield, 18 May 1976 (F.80) which refers to twelve photographs. F.96-F.101 Background material 1972-1978 F.102-F.126 2 folders and 4 bound volumes. Manuscript identifications on verso. AGE RESEARCH / BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH 1979-1997 Arising from Age Action Year 1976, the Age Action Trust set up a British Foundation for Age Research, also known by the shorter title Age Research. The title Foundation for Age Research was also used subsequently (1983), becoming by 1988 Research into Ageing. The purpose of the Foundation was to stimulate and sponsor scientific research that greater knowledge could lead to the relief of the many physical and Butterficeid was a Governor and Trustee of the Charity, member of the Management Committee of the Foundation and member of the Research Advisory Committee. social problems of old age. into ageing and the aged so W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers for meetings. the material seems to have been filed Much of for Butterfield under either Age Action (see also F.64-F.101) or Age Research. oS F.104-F.110 1981 7 folders. Fede =P 13 1982 3 folders. — 1983 5 folders. F.114-F.118 1994-1995 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1996-1997 Research Appeal into Ageing 1976-1997 21st Anniversary Document pack ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP 1981-1982 Correspondence re training for Saudi Arabian doctors. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL 1982-1983 1973-1992 re election as Corresponding AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS Re Butterfield's election to honorary membership. Brief correspondence Fellow, Honorary Fellow, etc. 1964-1977 Correspondence re meetings, equipment, research etc. F.130-F.131 AMES COMPANY 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.132-F.142 ANIMALS IN MEDICINES RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE (AMRIC) 1984-2000 in is Research information Medicines an_ Information up Centre Animals (AMRIC) by the pharmaceutical industry to provide information about the role of animals in the development of medicines. AMRIC (Association is British Pharmaceutical Industry). Butterfield was Chairman of the Advisory Board. office of the set part of the ABPI Correspondence including publications sent to Butterfield for comment. papers and drafts of See also F.2092-F.2101. 1984 Papers re setting up of Advisory Board and its inaugural meeting. ‘Speaking to Schools' A document designed to assist school speakers. June 1992 Includes copy of 'understanding animal research’ booklet. 1994 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.138-F.139 1995 2 folders. Includes drafts of GSCE science publication 'Finding out about Animals in Medicines Research’. 1996 first issue Monitor, of AMRIC Includes February, published quarterly and ‘designed to help those working with the public to communicate effectively the need for the animals in importance on laboratory animals’. the development of the medicines industry pharmaceutical and places 1998-2000 and = re 2 folders. 1970-1974 F.143-F.144 membership, Correspondence papers subscription, EC Council directive. ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE DE MEDICINE INTERNE D'ENSEMBLE Committee of the Association. ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY Past President and member of the Butterfield was a F.145-F.146 1975-1981 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, including News bulletins, agendas and programmes for committee and scientific meetings, proposed constitution, the papers postdate Butterfield's service as President. etc. All 2 folders. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS 1976-1981 Brief correspondence re honorary membership, etc. F.148-F.159 ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY (ABPI) 1963-2000 In 1984 1963-1965 1965-1967 Correspondence and papers. The ABPI is the trade association of the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and _ Butterfield had a long involvement with the association in a variety of capacities. In 1967 he accepted an invitation to become a member of the panel of consultants to the ABPI Code of Practice Committee. He was regularly invited to the ABPI Annual Dinners, as Guest of Honour in 1978, and gave an address at the he became Chairman of the 1985 Dinner. Advisory Board of the newly established Animals in Medicines Research Information Centre (see also F.132- F.142). As a member of the House of Lords he took an interest in matters coming before the House of concern to the ABPI. 1968-1969 1970-1977 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.154-F.155 1985 2 folders. F.155 includes Butterfield's address to the Association's Annual Dinner, 11 April. 1986-1989 Includes copy of a former Chairman of the Medicines Commission’, to the Editor of The Times, 4 December 1986 letter from Butterfield, 'as 1990-1991 1992-2000 F.160-F.162 ATHENAEUM 1978-1985 Correspondence re membership, meetings, etc. Butterfield was elected a member of the Club in 1963. 3 folders. 1963-1977 1963-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.163-F.172 BEECHAM GROUP PLC 1976-1983 Butterfield opened the new Medicinal Research Centre of In Beecham's Research Division, Harlow, 10 April 1980. with early Beechams again as consultant when his term at the Medicines Commission expired. to become associated agreed 1982 he Correspondence and consultancy, meetings, etc. papers re Beecham products, 1976-1980 Includes text of Butterfield's speech at opening of new Medicinal Research Centre. 1983 3 folders. Nd 1982 4 folders. F.169-F.171 F.165-F.168 ‘List of participants’ with manuscript note 'File Beechams'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Bil 73-75 BOOTS COMPANY LTD 1976-1981 Correspondence and papers re research, University of Nottingham, etc. 3 folders. principal Butterfield's Chairman of University of Nottingham. correspondent is G.l. Boots who became Chancellor of Hobday, the 1976-1979 F.176-F.181 1976-1977 1976-1983 for International Cooperation BRITISH COUNCIL was a member of the Higher See also F.2136-F.2137. Correspondence and papers. Education He served on its Higher in Butterfield Delegation which visited China in 1977. the British Council's Medical Advisory Committee and _ Committee Education. field in China’ by Butterfield. Includes correspondence re follow-up meeting for Higher Education Delegation to China, May-June 1977. ‘Report on a visit to China: Some observations about further and higher education that is related to the medical Nd [1977] W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1979-1980 1981-1982 1983 Principally papers re Clinical Medicine of Old Age’, Cambridge, 13-25 March. Council course on British ‘The F.182-F.214 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION (BDA) 1972-2000 the care 1972 1975-1976 Correspondence and papers. and treatment of people with a British charity devoted The BDA (later Diabetes UK) is to Diabetes. Butterfield was a member of the Executive Council for an extended period. He was Chairman of the Council in 1972. 2 folders. F.187-F.188 F.185-F.186 1978 2 folders. 1979 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.189-F.192 1981 4 folders. F.193-F.199 1982 7 folders. F.200-F.204 1983 5 folders. 1985-1989 Includes 1989 correspondence re BDA's Statement on the Government White Paper - Working for Patients’. 1990-1991 F.207-F.208 1992 2 folders F.207 includes paper re celebration of the life of Dr R.D. Lawrence 1892-1968. 1993-1996 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.213-F.214 2000 2 folders. F.215-F.217 BRITISH DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 1979-1982 British The association for dieticians. Dietetic Association is the professional Principally members’ newsletters. 3 folders. F.218-F.221 BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION (BHF) 1963-1980 it’ for the British 1963-1965 ideas behind Correspondence and papers. Established in 1961 the BHF is a national charity funding heart research and education. Includes correspondence re research application from Butterfield, Tobacco Research Council sponsorship and draft of article by Butterfield 'Some vascular research and the Heart Foundation journal Heart. Draft of talk or article by Butterfield 'A meditation of the arteries’ Professor Butterfield and his colleagues at Guy's Hospital, London is being carried on with the aid of a grant from the British Heart Foundation’. postscript Nd [21967] 1966-1967 ‘The work of with a W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1978-1980 Includes correspondence re BHF support for research in cardiac transplantation. F.222-F.225 BRITISH INSULIN MANUFACTURERS 1959-1969 Correspondence and papers re support for diabetic and insulin research at Guy's Hospital. 1959-1962 Includes grant application from Butterfield. 1963-1964 Includes ‘Report to the British Insulin Manufacturers of the work supported by their grant, 1963-4'. 1963-1982 1965 1966-1969 ‘Trial of Neutral Soluble Ox Insulin’ 22 June 1965 and abstracts for the Colloquium Manufacturers Insulin Includes report on from Guy's Hospital, British on_ Immunology of Insulin, London, 16 September 1965. See also F.2138-F.2140. The BMA is a professional association for doctors. BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) General correspondence and papers. F.226-F.230 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1963, 1967 Correspondence re papers submitted to British Medical Journal. 1969-1970 Includes correspondence re investigating the value of medical check-ups and invitation to Butterfield to take over the Directorship of the Planning Unit. 1971-1973 Includes invitations to Butterfield (declined) to chair Audio Visual Communication Panel and special panel dealing with the problems of medical education. 1974-1976 1977-1982 (declined) to chair the Board of Papers re general council meeting. Includes Education and Science. invitation BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION 1964-1973 Correspondence and research collaboration, symposium, etc. BROCADES (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD See also F.2141-F.2154. F.232-F.234 Brocades_ products, papers re 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.235-F.236 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND 1974-1980 Butterfield Memorial Fund which supported medical research. Trustee was the of Louise Buchanan a Correspondence and papers including Trustees. reports to the 2 folders. See also F.2155. CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD Butterfield was a consultant on his relinquishing the Directorship. Director for a period, becoming a Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. F.238-F.239 Butterfield was an Appeal Vice-President. CHARING CROSS MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE Correspondence and papers re Charing Cross Medical Research Centre Appeal. administered by the CIBA Foundation. Presented CIBA Laboratories and Foundation and the Science of Science Foundation based at the CIBA Foundation offices and the Foulkes Fellowship scheme was F.240-F.256 Butterfield's Foundation 1959-1982 here are papers re whose W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.240-F.244 CIBA Laboratories 1959-1978 Includes correspondence and Guy's Hospital supported by CIBA. papers re research at 1959 1961-1964 1967-1969 1962-1982 took part in a colloquium on aetiology F.245-F.251 CIBA Foundation Correspondence and papers re meetings, etc. Includes manuscript notes headed 'CIBA 1962’. of Butterfield diabetes mellitus and its complications, 8-10 October 1963 and gave a paper on 'Peripheral Action of Insulin’ (F.247). 2 folders. Correspondence aetiology of diabetes mellitus. and papers F.246-F.247 1963 1962 re colloquium on the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1964-1966 Includes papers re meetings on visual communication in medicine. 1969-1970 1970-1973 1974-1982 Science of Science Foundation 1967-1969 Notices of meetings etc. 1974-1982 postgraduates who wanted to make F.253-:256 See also F.2175-F.2176. Correspondence and papers. degree course to supplement their Foulkes Foundation Fellowships The Foulkes Foundation, established in 1975, was a charitable organisation, which promoted the training of scientists through the study of medicine and medical men and women through the study of science. It wished to enable an outstanding contribution to medical research to take a second existing qualifications. 1978-1979 Butterfield advised on the proposed operations of the Foundation and served as a member of the Selection Committee. 1974-1975 1976-1977 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1980-1982 F.257-F.260 COLLEGE CLUB 1975-1998 Correspondence and papers re dinners, including those hosted by Butterfield in Cambridge, membership etc. Butterfield was elected to the membership of this dining club of senior physicians at the 26 February 1975 dinner. 1975-1977 1978-1979 1980-1981 1990-1998 F.261-F.338 COLLEGE OF TEACHERS Butterfield joined the steering group / Interim Council for the proposed College of Teachers in 1997. He was an active supporter of the College (established 1998) right up to his death in July 2000, taking a particular interest in fundraising. 1993-2000 Correspondents include a wide range of supporters and potential supporters of the College including Lord Caldecote (died 1999). The College of Teachers was established by adapting and taking over the Charter of the College of Preceptors (incorporated by The College described itself as a professional institution and a learned society for all phases of education. Royal Charter 1849). Correspondence meetings, planning and financial documents. including papers and minutes of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.261-F.274 1997 14 folders. F.275-F.300 1998 26 folders. F.301-F.323 1999 23 folders. F.324-F.328 2000 5 folders. 9 folders. 1993-1999 and duplicated material ROS 9sE.ort re the College and F.330-F.338 COMMITTEE AND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (CVCP) VICE-CHANCELLORS OF Printed educational matters more generally. 1975-1987 were In reconsituted Medical Advisory Committee met for the first time on 22 October. Butterfield who had attended meetings of the Medical Sub-Committee became the University of Cambridge's representative Medical Advisory Committee. Medical Sub-Committee / Medical Advisory Committee F.339°F7370 reconstituted 1975-1989 on the newly reconsituted and the newly medical committees 1976 the CVCP's W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.339-F.349 ‘Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Medical Sub-Committee’ 1975-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease committee papers. correspondence reference: and of F.350-F.370 Medical Advisory Committee 1976-1987 Correspondence and committee papers. 21 folders. Miscellaneous Briefing papers, etc. 1979-1983, 1989 COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD 1978-1982 F.373-F.420 1971-1978 was a Director of Correspondence and papers. COUNCIL FOR THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF HEALTH VISITORS the Company which Butterfield published a number of journals in the biological field. In 1978 he offered his resignation as meetings clashed with those arising from other responsibilities. 1971-1977 Butterfield was Chairman of the Council for the period covered by the papers. ‘Health Visitors Council Minutes / Agendas’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes annotated Chairman's briefs. F.373-F.400 ASH W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.374-F.377 1972 4 folders. F.378-F.381 1973 4 folders. F.382-F.384 1974 3 folders. F.385-F.388 1975 4 folders. F.389-F.399 1976 11 folders. 4 folders. F.401-F.404 General correspondence and papers 1972-1978 1972-1975 Correspondence 1972 represents Butterfield's attempts to acquaint himself with as many facets as he could ‘of the work that health visitors do up and down the country’ so that he could 'be in a strong position to discuss their future education and training in preparation for the tasks which lie ahead, particularly when the new arrangements are brought in for the organisation and administration of the Health Service in 1974’. Personel and appointments F.405-F.420 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.405-F.409 Director of Training (E.E. Wilkie) 1972-1975 5 folders. F.410-F.414 Secretary & Registrar (F.E. Frayn) 1972-1974 5 folders. Deputy Secretary & Finance Officer (C.C. Gutteridge) F.416-F.419 Appointment of Director-Designate (N.B. Batley) 1974-1975 4 folders. Appointment of Turner) Principal Administrative Officer (H.D. 1987-1996 F.421-F.461 a new non-invasive laser The aim was to use it CRITICAL SCIENCES LTD Correspondence and papers. this small company that Butterfield had an interest in spectroscopic researched held patent acoustic detection instrument for which it rights. to measure the levels of glucose in diabetics through the skin i.e. without having to take a blood sample. Bound document. Sciences ‘Critical Spectroscopic December 1987’ Invasive Draft - Pathology] Technology First 1987 Limited N.I.S.P [Non Butterfield W.J.H. NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.423-F.428 1988 6 folders. F.429-F.F.445 1989 17 folders. F.446-F.451 1990 6 folders. F.452-F.457 hehe, 6 folders. 1993-1996 2 folders. F.460-F.461 Nd CROUCHER FOUNDATION 10 folders. Butterfield was a Trustee of this Foundation established by the Hong Kong businessman, Noel Croucher. Lord Todd was the first Chairman of the Trustees and was succeeded as Chairman by Butterfield. F.462-F.471 General correspondence and papers F.462-F.476 1979-1999 1979-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.472-F.474 Committee papers Agenda and papers for eighth meeting of Trustees, 29 March 1982. 3 folders. F.475-F.476 Reports F.475 'First Report: 1980-84' Second Report: 1875-1990' F.477-F.546 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY (DHSS) 1967-1981 The papers are organised as follows: F.477 F.479-F.534 F.535-F.538 Eoog F.478 Programme of research and development Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy Committee on Medical Aspects of Chemicals in Food and the Environment Proposed study of the training of ancillary staff in the Hospital Service Standing Joint Committee on the Classification of Proprietary Preparations F.2158-F.2169. See also F.1276-F.1351 (Medicines Commission) and F.540-F.545 | Chief Scientist's Organisation: Panel on Medical Research F.546 Committee on Safety of Medicines W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Proposed study of the training of ancillary staff Hospital Service in the Correspondence and papers. The study was to be based at Guy's Hospital and related to the work of R.W. Revans and the Hospital Internal Communications Project. See also F.6-F.61. Programme of research and development on Document development sent entries relating to research under his direction. DHSS © supported to Butterfield for comment on research and the F.479-F.534 Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) 1968-1981 In August 1968 Butterfield was thanked for his service on the Committee, his term of appointment expiring July 1968, and invited to serve for a further period of four years, 1968-1976 1970-1975 F.484-F 493 F.479-F 483 on Diet in relation to ‘DHSS COMA Corresp.' ‘DHSS COMA PDCD [Panel Cardiovascular Disease] Corresp.' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. 1968-1977 In 1970 Butterfield accepted an invitation to join a new panel to advise COMA 'on the significance of any relation nutrition between cardio- vascular disease, future indications action’. The Panel was chaired by F.G. Young. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twenty-four for ease of reference. cerebro-vascular on any ‘DHSS COMA Minutes & Agendas' F.494-F.517 and and and for W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.518-F.534 General correspondence and papers 1975-1981 Contents of seventeen for ease of reference. Butterfield's untitled folders divided into The sequence includes examples of Ministry Agriculture, Fisheries and Food publication Food facts. the of F.535-F.538 Committee on Medical Aspects of Chemicals in Food and the Environment 1972-1974 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. Butterfield was not a member of received the papers for information. the Committee but Standing Proprietary Preparations Joint Committee on the Classification of 1967-1968 Correspondence and papers. Includes Panel on Medical 1974-1975 6 folders. F.540-F.545 Scientist's Organisation: served on the panel Chief Research Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a member of the Panel. Butterfield on metabolism and diabetes, one of a number of panels set up to advice the Standing Joint Committee. Committee. Committee on Safety of Medicines chairmanship — of correspondence re W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.547-F.562 EARTHWATCH 1988-1997 The UK Trust named Earthwatch was registered as a charity in London on 3 January 1986. Butterfield was a Trustee. Although he subsequently resigned as a Trustee in 1990 he remained associated with Earthwatch as a scientific adviser. Correspondence and papers. Includes early strategy documents prepared by Nicholson. E.M. 16 folders. F.563-F.635 EAST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL 1974-1975 F.578-F.579 ‘Replies to Chairman's note’ F.563-F.577 ‘EMEPC Corresp. 1974' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ease of reference. fifteen for Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Butterfield succeeded the Duke of Rutland as Chairman of the Council in 1974. of reference. The Chairman's note for Council members was dated 21 November 1974 and began 'The purpose of this short paper is to show my colleagues on the EMEPC the way my mind is moving’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease F.580-F.588 ‘EMEPC Agendas & Minutes' 1974-1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.589-F.596 'EMEPC - Committees of Council 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of referemce 097-098 Meeting with the Secretary of State for the Environment, 21 January 1975 1974-1975 Correspondence and papers re meeting between minister and chairmen of economic planning councils. 2 folders. F.599-F 601 ‘EMEPC Regional Forum 31/2/75' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.602-F.604 'EMEPC - Joint Meeting of East & West Midlands EPCs. 28/2/75' Minutes of meetings. East Midlands Economic Planning Board 1974-1975 F.605-F.621 ‘EMEPC - Minutes of other Planning Councils’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seventeen for ease of reference. committee papers. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers found loose or in untitled folders Papers at F.628-F.635 form a numbered sequence of Includes regional newspapers written Butterfield in his capacity as Chairman of the EMEPC. articles for by F.623-F.635 1974-1975 13 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.636-F.641 ELLIOT MEDICAL AUTOMATION LTD 1962-1965 Correspondence and generation, collaboration in data survey work, etc. medical papers re automation 6 folders. Butterfield gave a paper on 'Computer-Assisted Diabetic Progress in Screening Analysis' at Medical The symposium was organised by Elliott Medical Automation Ltd. a symposium on June Computing, London, 1965. 2 F.642-F.646 ELSIE INGLIS MEMORIAL FUND 1970-1981, 1994 5 folders. correspondence Includes HP. Himsworth and on Himsworth's resignation, his successor C.C. Booth. trustee fellow with of F.647-F.652 Butterfield was a Trustee. the Physiological Institute ELY CATHEDRAL RESTORATION TRUST Butterfield was appointed a Trustee in 1970. The Trust was set up in 1954 to make grants for the support of research in the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade. 1988-2000 Correspondence and papers. 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.653-F.657 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES 1971-1975 5 folders. Includes grant applications. F.658-F.715 ‘FLOWERS WORKING PARTY' ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES 1976-1981 University of London Working Party on future of medical and dental teaching resources chaired by Lord Flowers. Butterfield was a member of the Working Party. F.658-F.660 Correspondence 1979-1980 3 folders. Manuscript notes F.663-F.694 1979-1980 Minutes of meetings of Working Party 1979-1980 Includes Butterfield's reply to invitation of Lord Annan, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, to join the Working Party. 1976-1981 Numbered sequence of Working Party documents F.695-F.714 Duplicated and printed background material F.695 Guy's Hospital Medical and Dental Schools Not a complete sequence 32 folders. Butterfield W._J.H. NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.696-F.697 Institute of Dermatology 2 folders. F.698-F 699 Institute of Laryngology and Otology 2 folders. F.700-F.703 Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 4 folders. King's College Hospital Medical School London Hospital Medical College 2 folders. Westminster Medical School Ee AO-Fera St George's Hospital Medical School 2 folders. Royal Dental Hospital of London F.706-F.707 Middlesex Hospital Medical School St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College Miscellaneous University College Hospital Dental School W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations ‘London Medical Education - A New Framework’ Report of Dental Teaching Resources a Working Medical Party on & February 1980 Bound copy. FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Correspondence and papers re meetings. Bid fem tan FRANK LEE SOCIAL CLUB 1976-1981 Correspondence and papers. 1973-1980 F.721-F.776 The Club provided recreational facilities for hospital and university staff at the Addenbrooke's Hospital Hills Road site, and research staff. other Cambridge hospital Butterfield was a Trustee. Cambridge and GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL Principally re Annual Registration Certificates. 1984-2000 Butterfield was a Trustee from 1985, succeeding Robert Maxwell and _ subsequently Chairman becoming Patron in 1997. GREAT BRITAIN - SASAKAWA FOUNDATION Correspondence and papers. 1985, 1987, 1989 as in 1992 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1990 September, November Fe eoer 20 1991 3 folders F.726-F.729 1992 4 folders. F7S0°F. 733 1993 4 folders. F.734-F.745 1994 12 folders. 11 folders. fo od 1996 F.746-F.756 1996 3 folders. F.763-F.765 i. (On- 7O2 3 folders. 1998 2 folders. 1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 2000, nd F.767-F.776 Printed and duplicated papers 1984-2000 6 published or duplicated bound volumes and 4 folders. HATFIELD HOUSE TENNIS CLUB 1975-1979 Correspondence and papers re membership etc. F.778-F.781A HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL 1973-1981 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. F.782-F.946 HEALTH PROMOTION RESEARCH TRUST 1982-1997 Includes (F.779) launched in February 1979. an invitation to open the campaign. papers re Respect for Medicines campaign Butterfield accepted At F.781A are papers relating to Dental Health Study based at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. See also F.2158, F.2179-F.2183. The Trust was set up in 1983 as part of an agreement between the Department of Health and Social Security and the tobacco industry which involved '£11m diverted from Tobacco Advertising to research’. Butterfield was Chairman. Correspondence and papers W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Minutes of Joint Working Group on Health Promotion Research, 30 September 1982. Butterfield attended the meeting. F.783-F.795 1983 13 folders. Includes grant applications. F.796-F.808 1984 13 folders. Includes grant applications. F.809-F.811 1985 3 folders. 2 folders. F.812-F.814 1986 3 folders. F.815-F.816 1987 (F.812) newspaper coverage of controversy Includes over 'tobacco funding’. Includes (F.811) newspaper coverage of criciticism of ‘tobacco funding’ 8 folders. F.817-F.824 1988 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.825-F.840 1989 16 folders. F.841-F.852 1990 12 folders. F.853-F.860 goa 8 folders. F.861-F.875 1992 15 folders. F.876-F.885 1993 10 folders. 15 folders. 13 folders. papers re_ F.886-F.900 1994 F.901-F.913 1995 international Includes correspondence and conference organised by the HPRT on 'The Future of Health Promotion: the way forward’, 21 November 1994 including contents of plastic folder at F.899-F.900. 4 folders. Papers at F.911-F.913 were found in 'HPRT Final Annual Report’. F.914-F.917 1996 folder inscribed W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.918-F.920 N97 3 folders. meO2I 22 a Nd 2 folders. is F.921 Butterfield's At the background to, and the establishment of, The Health Promotion Research Trust in 1984’. ‘Personal review of F.923-F.946 Printed and duplicated papers. F.923-F.934 Annual reports 1984-1995 12 reports. 1982-1984 11 folders. October 1992 Press releases F.936A-F.946 Health Promotion Research Trust publications 'A Review of the Health Promotion Research Trust 1984- 1992' The 1982 and 1983 press releases were issued by the Department of Health and Social Security. At F.936A is a list of publications dated '17/2/92'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.947-F.951 HEALTH VISITORS' ASSOCIATION 1966-1981 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. Printed papers at F.947 include ‘Rules of the Health Visitors' Association’, 'revised 1966’. Butterfield became Vice-President of the Association in 1972. F.952-F.967 HELP THE AGED 1977-1998 Contents of Butterfield's 'Help the Aged' / 'Gerontology' files. 16 folders. See also C.132-C.136C. 5 folders. F.968-F.972 HOECHST UK LTD 1969-1980 Correspondence and papers. Includes papers re proposed Cambridge Chair of Clinical Gerontology. Pharmaceutical Forum, 5 December 1979. At F.972 is draft of Butterfield's opening remarks at an informal symposium on ‘Testing New Medicines in the This formed part of the Statutory Meeting of Medico- UK’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.973-F.981 IMPERIAL TOBACCO LTD 1977-1980 Correspondence and support for research in medical school, etc. papers tobacco re substitutes, 9 folders. Papers at F.979-F.980 were found clipped together. F.982-F.1008 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD OF 1975-1984 Correspondence and papers. 27 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Scientific Committee. F.1009-F.1012 1975-1981 4 folders. Application by 1975 is at F.1009. See also F.2203-F.2221. Butterfield for individual membership in INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION Correspondence and papers re meetings, visits by J.J. Hoet to Cambridge etc. See also F.2241. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1013-F.1026 JARDINE MATHESON & CO LTD 1981-1983 Correspondence of educational trust to commemorate the company's 150th anniversary. establishment papers and re_ 14 folders. Butterfield agreed to become Chairman of the Trustees. For the work of the educational trust see under Jardine Foundation at F.2242-F.2259. F.1027-F.1028 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1959-1981 Miscellaneous correspondence re Butterfield's connexion with Johns Hopkins including Alumni Association. 2 folders. See also F.2260-F.2268. 1975-1983 Correspondence and papers. JOSLIN CLINIC / JOSLIN DIABETES FOUNDATION Butterfield was a student at Johns Hopkins, 1942-1944, sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. Butterfield was Visiting Professor in the Clinic in 1974. Includes outline of proposed monograph on ‘The human forearm’, 1983, sent to Butterfield for comment. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1980-1982 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a member of the Institute ex officio and describes himself as 'a poor attender of meetings’. See also F.2272-F.2274. F.1031-F.1069 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH 1979-1986 Correspondence and papers re establishment etc of a branch of the Institute at Cambridge. 36 folders and 3 annual reports 1981-1983 at F.1066- F.1068. F.1070-F.1071 1966-1987 2 folders. 4 February 1975 considers ‘the Butterfield's pyschological aspects of tough tours out there [Australia]'. letter of Miscellaneous re membership, fixtures, etc. MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB (MCC) Butterfield played a major part in its establishment as Regius and served on the Cambridge Branch Committee of the Ludwig Institute. K. Sikora was appointed Director of the Cambridge Institute in 1980. Butterfield was a member of the MCC. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1072-F.1214 MEDICAL PILGRIMS 1953-2000 The club was founded in 1928 by Sir Arthur Hurst and consisted at first largely of his old pupils. Its object was to make a visit to some foreign medical centre annually. Butterfield was elected to the membership in 1962 and took over as Secretary from R.R. Bomford in time to organise the 1971 Pilgrimage. ‘a brief Newsletter’ he explained to members that Bomford left ‘all our papers in my office at Guy's and | have bought a large Deed Box to medical keep historian them!)’. Bomford took over as Secretary from J.L. Lovibond who died suddenly in 1954 after only a short period in office. that some young want over thought day might one them mull to In in (I F.1072-F.1073 Early history eli O2 'The Medical Pilgrims 1928-1955' 1956, 1998 1956 by D. of was Clement for the meeting at typecript University F.1074-1149 Bound volume of 'Extracts from the Minute Books’. ‘Sir Arthur Hurst and the Medical Pilgrims’ Bound Manchester Intercalated B.Sc. History of Medicine. for Newcastle, This ‘prepared September 1956, by F.J. Nattrass in collaboration with the Department of Photography, Medical School, King's College, University of Durham’. 1953-1974 Inside the three large folders were individual folders for annual are . principally correspondence and papers re the organisation of the pilgrimages. Contents of three folders so inscribed ‘Pilgrim's Sec's Papers’ pilgrimages. The contents W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1074-F.1076 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1954' 1953-1955 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. R.R. Bomford took over as Secretary in 1954. ‘Medical Pilgrims Holland 1955' Contents of folder so inscribed. F.1078-F.1080 ‘Medical Pilgrims Marseilles & Montpellier 1960' 1959-1960 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Includes photographs (F.1080). F.1082-F.1088 ‘Medical Pilgrims Zurich 1963' 1962-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed. typescript account 'The Medical ‘Medical Pilgrims Stockholm 1962' Includes Pilgrims - 1963' (F.1088). duplicated Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. Includes photograph and duplicated typescript report on ‘Pilgrimage to Stockholm and Uppsala September 1962’. 1963-1964 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. F.1089-F.1092 ‘Medical Pilgrims - London 1964' W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1093-F.1100 ‘Medical Pilgrims - Moscow & Leningrad 1965’ 1964-1965 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Includes notebook (F.1100). photograph at F.1098 and small format F.1101-F.1105 ‘Medical Pilgrims - Paris 1966' 1965-1966 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Includes at F.1105 duplicated typescript report on pilgrimage. the F.1106-F.1108 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1967 Ireland’ 1966-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.1109-F.1112 1966-1968 PaO dg ‘Medical Pilgrims 1969 Holland’ 1968-1969 Includes (F.1119). duplicated typescript report on pilgrimage ‘Medical Pilgrims 1968 Germany’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 1969-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. ‘Medical Pilgrims 1970 Copenhagen’ F.1120-F.1123 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1124-F.1126 '1971 Pilgrimage (Birmingham)' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript report on pilgrimage. This was Butterfield's first pilgrimage as Secretary. Beatle tal oz '1972 Pilgrimage (Vienna / Budapest) July 23rd - 29th' 1971-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript report Fen2ire on pilgrimage at F.1133-F.1140 ‘Pilgrimage to see Scotland, September 1973' 1972-1973 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. F.1150-F.1188 Annual Pilgrimages 1963-1981 Contents of files of material for individual pilgrimages. Includes list of pilgrimages 1928-1974 (F.1144) F.1141-F.1149 ‘Pilgrimage to Belgium, Sept 1974' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. Includes typescript and duplicated typescript versions of report of 1973 pilgrimage (F.1133). F.1166) complement the Secretary files of R.R. Bomford. These were found separate from the Pilgrim's Secretary files (F.1074-F.1149). The 1963-1970 files (F.1150- W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations £.1150-F.1151 '1963 Pilgrimage (Switzerland)' 1962-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes Pilgrims - 1963' incorporating page of photographs. duplicated typescript account ‘The Medical '1964 Pilgrimage (London)' Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes incorporating two pages of photographs. duplicated typescript account of pilgrimage F.1153-F.1158 '1965 Pilgrimage (USSR)' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of pilgrimage . with reference: typescript manuscript additions black white photographs of pilgrims and Russian hosts. of and (F.1153) account and 1965-1966 Includes programme. '1966 Pilgrimage (Paris)' '1967 Pilgrimage (lreland)' Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of folder so inscribed. Germany 30th April to 7th May, 1968' (F.1162). Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript account of ‘Pilgrimage to '1968 Pilgrimage (Germany - Heidelberg)’ Includes itinerary. F.1161-F.1162 1966-1967 1967-1968 Butterfield W.J.H. NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1163-F.1164 '1969 Pilgrimage (Holland)' 1968-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes group photograph (F.1164). F.1165-F.1166 '1970 Pilgrimage (Denmark)' 1969-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes Denmark 10-17 May 1970'. typescript account of ‘The Pilgrimage to F.1167-F.1186 ‘Pilgrims Visit to China 1980’ 1974-1981 Contents of two large folders so inscribed divided into twenty for ease of reference. Includes duplicated and typescript background material (F.1183-F.1185) and typescript account of ‘Pilgrimage to China 28 April - 15 May 1980' (F.1186). 1955-1956 of reference. pilgrimage to be organised by 1980-1981 F.1187-F.1188 ‘Pilgrimage - Bristol! 1981' was This Butterfield as Secretary. last the Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease This visit of the Pilgrims to China had a long gestation since such a visit seems to have been first broached in 1974. 1955-2000 Almost all the material presented in this sequence was found loose and in considerable disorder. Includes photograph of tray presented to F.J. Nattrass in recognition of his service as Secretary, 1928-1953. General correspondence and papers F.1189-F.1210 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1957-1960 Includes programmes for visits to Denmark 1957 and St Andrews 1958. 1961-1965 1969-1970 1971 Principally re election of members. F.1194-F.1195 1972 2 folders. Principally re election of new members. 1973-1976 1977-1980 Photograph 'Pilgrims 27.7.72 Vienna’ is at F.1195. Includes correspondence re possible visit to China. Includes typescript accounts of 1977, 1978 and 1979 pilgrimages. pilgrimage to Norway. 1981 Includes correspondence re arrangements for 1982 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1199-F.1200 1982 2 folders. Includes correspondence and papers re 1982 Norway Pilgrimage. 1984-1985 1986-1987 Includes account of 1985 Pilgrimage. 1988-1989 1991-1994 1998-2000 2 folders. account of 1997 Medical 1996-1997 Pilgrimage to Includes Nottingham. 1982 Lists of members F.1209-F.1210 nd, 1964- W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Bt 24 d-Ra212 Notebooks AaA2A4 Small format notebook used by Butterfield during visit to Denmark Small format notebook used by Butterfield during visit to Sweden. F.1213-F.1214 Photograph albums Two albums of photographs documenting visit of pilgrims to China, May 1980 F.1215-F.1275 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1966-1984 The papers are organised as follows: F.1215-F.1225 General correspondence and papers F.1256-F.1266 F.1267-F.1275 F.1226-F.1255 Army Personnel Research Committee Standing Committee for the Use of Medical Information for Research Agricultural Research Council / Medical Research Council Joint Committee on Nutrition Butterfield was a member of the MRC 1976-1980 and served on a number of MRC committees for varying periods. AOE The sequence includes a small number of Council papers annotated by Butterfield. Fet215-F225 General correspondence and papers 1977-1983 See also F.2286-F.2290. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations beards PATE 1978 2 folders. F.1218-F.1219 1979 2 folders. F.1220-F.1222 1980 3 folders. 1981-1982 F.1224-F.1225 1983 2 folders. 1966-1967 2 folders. 1966-1983 F.1226-F.1255 Army Personnel Research Committee Butterfield chaired the Scientific Advisory Panel. The sequence includes lists of members and minutes of meetings. 2 folders. F.1228-F.1229 1969 F.1230-F.1231 1970 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Fi1232-611234 1971 3 folders. F.1235-F.1236 1972 2 folders. F.1239-F.1242 1975 4 folders. NOE 1979 A Brief Description’ and 2 folders. are booklet 'Army Personnel F.1244-F.1245 F.1245 At Establishment photographs. Research three In original folder. At F.1247 are papers for Committee meeting, 20 March 1979. F.1247-F.1249 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations EA262-Fs42903 1982 2 folders. F.1254-F.1255 1983 2 folders. F.1256-F.1266 Standing Committee for the Use of Medical Information for Research 1978-1984 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield chaired the Committee. He was succeeded by B.J. Banham in 1982 but remained a member of the Committee. 1978-1979 2 folders. 1980 4 folders. F.1257-F.1258 1979 F.1259-F.1262 F.1263-F.1265 1983-1984 1982 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Pal26/-F2/9 Societies and organisations Agricultural / Council Joint Committee on Nutrition Research Council Medical Research 1978-1983 Correspondence and papers. The joint committee was established to act as a bridge between the two Research Councils and met for the first time in February 1979 with Butterfield as Chairman. 1978 F.1268-F.1270 1979 3 folders. BAZ TAZ 1980 2 folders. re 1982 1983 MRC/ARC_ papers on Committee to Dietary Nutrition Responses Includes Seminar ‘Immunological Components’, 1 October 1982. Seminar on 'Protein, Energy and Growth’, 19 May 1983. Includes papers re MRC/ARC Nutrition Committee W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1276-F.1351 MEDICINES COMMISSION 1975-1984 Correspondence and papers. The coverage is patchy. meetings are well documented. Only a number of Commission Butterfield chaired the Commission 1976-1981. F.1276-F.1284 1975 Letter of 12 November from Secretary of the Medicines Commission for information. Butterfield papers sent with to 9 folders. F.1285-F.1293 1976 9 folders. 1976-1977 1978 notes on the Commission from the Ee1295-F:1308 Papers for meeting, 28 September 1976. Some papers annotated by Butterfield. Includes memorandum to Chairman, 10 November 1976. 9 folders. Papers for meeting of 20 January and the agenda for the Chairman for meeting of 17 March 1978, etc Some papers annotated by Butterfield. F.1304-F.1325 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1304-F.1314 Papers for Commission Meeting, 20 July 1979 11 folders. Feis1o-F 1349 Papers for Commission Meeting, 19 October 1979 Contents of folder inscribed 'Chairman's Papers’ divided into five for ease of reference. F.1320-F.1325 General correspondence and papers 6 folders. 1980 Principally papers sent to Butterfield for information. F.1327-F.1349 1981 F.1332-F.1335 F.1336-F.1339 5 folders. 4 folders. 4 folders. RAs2ien oon Papers for Commission meeting, 19 June 1981 Papers for Commission meeting, 20 November 1981 Papers for Commission meeting, 18 September 1981 10 folders. Includes papers for 'Retreat on Licensing of Medicines’, 13-15 February 1981. F.1340-F.1349 General correspondence and papers This was Butterfield's last meeting as Chairman. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1350-F.1351 1982-1984 Correspondence. 2 folders. F.1352-F.1372 MILES LABORATORIES LTD 1964-1982 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield Laboratories which also provided research funding. a consultancy arrangement with Miles had 1964-1965 1968 2 folders. 2 folders. 1969 4 folders F-1354-F 1350 F.1356-F.1359 One bound volume (F.1363) and one folder. F.1363-F.1364 1972 F.1361-F.1362 1971 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1366-F.1367 1974 2 folders. 1981-1982 2 folders. Correspondence and papers. 1972-1973 Correspondence and papers. F.1373-F.1374 NEW ENTERPRISE TRUST The proposed trust was interested in tackling problems of unemployment. 1960-1964 Principally re membership and 1967 diabetes conference. F.1375-F.1381 NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1960-1981 Butterfield W.J.H. NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1376-F.1378 1966-1967 3 folders. 1968-1969 1971-1973 F.1382-F.1390A NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1959-1998 Correspondence and papers. Principally colleagues. re research applications of Butterfield and of the 1959 research was cerebral See also F.2291-F.2296. The topic prospective mechanism in psychiatric states. Includes statements of proposed combined research project by the Department of Psychological Medicine and the Department of Experimental Medicine, Guy's Hospital London. 1960-1961 Progress Includes on ‘research into cerebral metabolism in states of psychiatric disturbances’. Report year's work first on W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1967-1969 1967 correspondence relates to possibility of setting up a General Hospital, London. Teaching Practice Guy's Unit at 1975 Includes drafts of proposal for enquiries into education aspects of establishment of clinical school at Cambridge in 1976. 1976-1977 1984 of proposal for Nuffield support for Includes ‘Proposal for research funds to evaluate our teaching programme from Nuffield Trust’, January 1977. Includes drafts a feasibility study of setting up alternative curricula in the Cambridge clinical school. 1997-1998 F.1390A W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 F.1391-F.1418 Societies and organisations NUFFIELD TRUST NUFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES FUND PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS / 1976-1997 Correspondence and papers. the of The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust was established as a charitable foundation by Viscount Nuffield in 1940 improved with organisation hospital, medical and associated health services throughout the provinces. development promoting the of purpose efficient main and Butterfield was a Trustee of the Trust and the Health and Social Services Fund Fund and the papers were filed together. 1976 1977-1978 1982 5 folders. F.1400-F.1404 P.1399-h. 1399 1988-1989 1984-1986 5 folders. 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1990-1991 F.1408-F.1409 1992 2 folders. Trust At F.1408 is copy of a report to the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals of programme physically assessed’ with manuscript inscription very valuable review of NPHT research’. McClean a by disabled on core persons: care 'This is a Una ‘The F.1410-F.1412 1993 3 folders. F.1413-F.1414 1994 2 folders. 1995 F.1415-F.1417 2 folders and a bound set of agenda and papers for meeting of governing trustees, 20 July 1995. The set of committee papers is inscribed on front cover by Butterfield 'Keep as example’. 1996-1997, nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1419-F.1432 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED / PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC 1981-1999 Correspondence and papers. Includes papers re appeals for financial support. Butterfield was a Director 1981-1992. See also F.2309-F.2318. 1981 Includes portrait photograph of Butterfield. F.1420-F.1422 1982 3 folders. 1983 3 folders. F.1428-F.1429 1992 F.1423-F.1425 1994-1995 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1996-1999 F.1433-F.1443 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS 1978-1982 Correspondence and papers. Principally Cambridge. relates to the teaching of nutrition at F.1433-F.1434 1978 2 folders. F.1433 includes programme of international symposium on 'The diet of man - needs and wants’, Bath, Somerset, 17-22 April 1978. F.1435-F.1436 19:79 1980 3 folders. 3 folders. F.1440-F.1442 1981 2 folders. F.1437-F.1439 1982, nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1444-F.1445 THE RICHMOND SOCIETY 1971-1976 Newsletters, annual reports, etc. 2 folders. Butterfield was a founder member of the Society while resident in the London borough. F.1446-F.1449 ROBIN HOOD CHARITABLE TRUST 1972-1975 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. the Nottingham Council of The Trust was created by Social Service to raise funds on its behalf. Butterfield agreed to become a Trustee in 1972 when he was Vice- Chancellor of Nottingham University. He resigned on his move to Cambridge in 1975. 1982-1999 F.1450-F.1455 Correspondence and papers. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 1987-1989 F.1451-F.1452 1983 1982 2 folders. 1985-1986 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1990-1999 F.1456-F.1462 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND 1957-1999 Principally Hunterian Collection. papers re meetings of Trustees of the 1957-1958 1964-1965 1969-1974 1975-1976 1977-1979 1980-1984 1985-1987, 1999 meetings. ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE Correspondence and publications and papers re_ 1988-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1464-F.1474 ST GEORGE'S HOUSE, WINDSOR 1987-1993 Correspondence and papers. The House served as courses, consultations and workshops. a conference centre for clergy Butterfield was a member of Council. 1987-1988 1992 F.1470-F.1474 1993 2 folders. F.1468-F.1469 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1475-F.1528 SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND 1978-1983 Correspondence and papers. Principally re Stop Polio Campaign including promotional literature. Butterfield chaired the Save the Children Fund Stop Polio Board and also was a member of the charity's Council and Executive Committee. Save the Children describes itself Britain's largest international children's charity. The Stop Polio Campaign was launched publicly in September 1979. as F.1475-F.1486 1979 12 folders. Papers re Stop Polio Campaign launch including notes and drafts for speeches are at F.1480-F.1484. 10 folders. 1981 10 folders. F.1506-F.1509 1982 F.1487-F.1495A 1980 F.1496-F.1505 Includes field reports re polio campaign. 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1514-F 1623 1981-1983 This sequence of papers relating Polio Campaign was found separately and in poor physical condition. the Stop to 13 folders. letter At F.1523 is 16 February 1983, from his successor as Chairman of the Stop Polio Board. of thanks for service, F.1524-F.1528 Printed and duplicated papers 1978-1980, nd Papers at F.1524 and F.1525 were the contents of two plastic wallets. 5 folders. and papers including promotional 4 folders. F.1529-F.1532 1990-1991 F.1533-F.1541 SECONDARY RESOURCES PLC this company which was SERVIER LABORATORIES LTD Correspondence literature (F.1532). Butterfield was interested in concerned with waste recycling. Association for distribution to general practitioners. 8 folders and one bound volume of abstracts for obesity symposium (F.1538). Correspondence and support, clinical trial etc. papers re symposia, At F.1536 is booklet published by French Diabetic 1973-1981 research W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1542-F.1543 SLIM-FAST FOODS COMPANY 1993-1995 Correspondence and papers re institute, diabetes, etc. diet, obesity, nutrition 2 folders. F.1544-F.1546 SOCIETY FOR HEALTH EDUCATION Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield chaired a working party on the future of the Society. at an extraordinary general meeting in September. It was wound up in to F.1551-F.1594 1993-1994 F.1547-F.1550 SYNGENIX LTD Correspondence and papers. Syngenix was a biotechnology-based research company interested nervous system. Butterfield chaired the Scientific Advisory Board. delivery drug the 2 folders and 2 bound documents. 1963-1996 The project related to the development of a new housing previously estate on former Ministry occupied of medical services in the area. Contents of two box folders inscribed 'Thamesmead'. THAMESMEAD PROJECT Guy's Experimental Hospital where Medicine Butterfield agreed Professor area by Woolwich Arsenal and the provision of Defence land was to make this of a W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations general practice training and research centre and was involved in the planning of medical services with local service government authorities. unique opportunities for studying many of the problems facing the National Health Service. health The project was seen as offering regional national and Dr Robert Smith of the Medical Research Department of the Wellcome Foundation came to the Guy's Department of Medicine to work on the planning of the ‘proposed Guy's / Greenwich Housing Estate [later Thamesmead] was obtained from the Nuffield G.P. Project’. Foundation Practice Research Unit [GPRU] within the Department of Medicine at the organising and integrating of the medical care of the more than 50,000 people who were going to live there. establishing consider Funding towards General Smith. would Guy's This led by a F.1991-F.1578 General correspondence and papers 1963-1971 November 1963 - February 1964 May 1964 March - April 1964 Re Nuffield grant application. Includes report on 'The Woolwich Estate Project’ sent to Butterfield by R. Smith, 14 January 1964. Includes project proposal 'An Experiment in Integrated Medicine’ sent to Butterfield by R. Smith, 13 March 1964. Includes Butterfield's exchanges of correspondence with American architect Welton Becket and architectural writer to Lewis American on Environmental Man's Environment in Tomorrow's Cities’. Association Problems’ September 1964 October 1964 Congress Mumford ‘Creating Becket's address Medical Health and copy of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1556-F.1558 November 1964 3 folders. At F.1556 are Practice at Woolwich’, 3 November. papers re press conference ‘General December 1964 January 1960 February 1965 March 1965 Includes [Guy’s] General Practice Research Unit Internal Paper No.12 'The Woolwich Project: Aims and Methods’, 14 March. in general April 1965 May - June 1965 'The Medical Plan’ on which '‘the Includes paper on G.P.R.U. is at present working’. Includes memorandum on ophthalmology practice. [Greater General This Practice Research Unit at Guy's Hospital in collaboration with Includes Riverside Town at Woolwich and Erith’. 'A Community Health the Planning Department of the G.L.C. August - November 1965 Service for the New December 1965 undated paper was ‘prepared by the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations London Council] as a basis for discussion rather than as a final statement of our views’. January - April 1966 Includes Development’ Conference, 6 April 1966. ‘Woolwich papers re / Erith Riverside May - June 1966 an into Inquiry of Camden' sent Department of the Community Includes 'Proposal for the London Need for Social and Medical Services in Margot by Borough Butterfield College, Jefferys, University of London, 2 May, and 'Brief for Lord Robens [Chairman of Guy's Hospital Board of Governors] for the meeting with local General Practitioners’ by Butterfield 14 May 1966. Sociology, Bedford to Report 1964 July - December 1966 October, OT Rio73: School and December 1966- Includes ‘The General Practice Research Unit: Hospital September, services for 1966. Guy's - Medical 1966' ‘Planning Community Medical the New Town at Woolwich’, November 'First Medical Centre Woolwich & Erith Brief’ January 1967 Includes. application to Nuffield Foundation from Guy's Hospital Medical School 'for a grant for the establishment of a General Practice Teaching Unit in connection with the Thamesmead development’, 1 May and proposals for ‘Woolwich / & Social Work', sent to Butterfield, 3 June 1967. January - February 1967 Erith Project - Nursing, March - June 1967 Health Visiting W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 'Thamesmead First Health Centre Brief June 1967 The ‘definitive’ version sent to Butterfield, 22 June 1967. Cr 1570; July 1974 Includes paper on a record system for Thamesmead sent to Butterfield 25 July. September - December 1967 Includes proposed constitution for the Thamesmead Joint Health Services Advisory Committee. 1968 Includes 'Note on Guy's Hospital Medical School and General Practice’ by R.G. Gosling, April and paper on Thamesmead by Robert Smith and David Acton Stow, British Hospital Journal and Social Service Review, May 31, 1968. paper on Thamesmead Social 1971 Services British Includes perpared by Thameside Sub-Committee of the Association of Social Workers. 1965-1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers ‘Greenwich General Purposes' (Thamesmead) Liaison SubCommittee - Ralorg-aliood W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1586-F.1587 ‘Opening of Lakeside Health Centre (1972)' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: invitation, order of proceedings, signed copy of 'glossy hand-out', etc. F.1588-F.1594 History of project F.1588-F.1593 draft’ ‘First correspondence of a history of Thamesmead with related 6 folders. "Thamesmead' History of Thamesmead. In bound volume. 1995-1999 started to raise funds F.1595-F.1613 F.1595-F.1596 Butterfield chaired It was based at TOMMY'S CAMPAIGN Correspondence and papers. Tommy's Campaign was for research into the causation and prevention of poor fetal growth, prematurity and stillbirth, St Thomas's Hospital, the Medical Advisory Group. 3 folders. F.1601-F.1603 1997 F.1597-F.1600 1996 London. 1995 2 folders. 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1604-F.1609 1998 6 folders. F.1610-F.1611 1999 2 folders. F.1612-F.1613 Printed papers 2 folders. F.1614-F.1634 TRAINING FOR LIFE (TLF) 1994-1996 TLF was a charitable organisation which sought to place the long-term unemployed back into the labour market. Butterfield the Trustees resigning at the end of 1995. first Chairman of was the 1994-1996 4 folders. 1995 8 folders. 3 folders. F.1614-F.1628 F.1614-F.1617 1994 F.1618-F.1625 General correspondence and papers nd One bound paper and 5 folders. Duplicated and printed papers F.1629-F.1634 F.1626-F.1628 1996 1994-1995, W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1635-F.1639 UNITED OR BORO' HOSPITALS CLUB 1971-1981 Correspondence subscriptions and meetings. and papers re membership, 5 folders. small number of papers relating A Hospitals’ clubs were found filed with these papers. other to ‘United The Club was founded 14 February 1828 and comprised 31 members from the staff of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals the profession who were past students of hospitals. the Butterfield was invited to join the Club in 1971. non-staff members of from and the F.1640-F.1914 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE (UPGC) OF HONGKONG POLYTECHNIC AND GRANTS 1977-1991 should be set up the Grants reflect the the Legislative Council during Committee F.1640-F.1644 University inclusion of the Committee was retitled Butterfield was a member of the UPGC and chaired its Medical Sub-Committee. The Committee, originally know as the University Grants Committee, came into being as a result of suggestions made by the Budget Debate in 1964, that a committee similar to the British University in the facilities, Hongkong to advise the Government on In development and financial needs of the Universities. and 1972 Polytechnic Committee, to the Hong Kong Polytechnic within its purview. Contents of binder divided into two for ease of reference. Terms of reference and brief history Committee administration Notes on procedures F.1641-F.1642 F.1640 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Lists of papers issued by UPGC Secretariat Three lists cover the periods, 1 July 1977 - 30 June 1978, 1 October - 31 December 1979 and 1 January - 30 June 1980. Lists of Committee members Three lists: medical Sub-Committee, 21 July 1980 and 1 January 1981 and the UGPC, 21 July 1980, 1 October 1981 and 15 February 1982. F.1645-F.1700 General correspondence and papers 1977-1982 Includes correspondence with Secretariat in Hong Kong, fellow committee members, etc. ASCE 16 folders. NOS 13 folders. 1981 F.1646-F.1661 1978 F.1675-F.1684 1980 F.1662-F.1674 9 folders. Papers unlabelled plastic wallet. Papers at F.1677 are in original covers. at F.1683-F.1684 F.1685-F.1693 were the contents of an 10 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1694-F 1698 1982 5 folders. F.1699-F.1700 Nd 2 folders. F.1701-F.1823 Numbered sequence of UPGC papers 510-1042 1977-1982 Not a complete sequence. The sequence incorporates a few related unnumbered papers and a little correspondence. Bl (Odette 1977 12 folders. 9 folders. 10 folders. 1980 41 folders. Rel? Vocative 1978 Wie 2p 19:79 elec teniiane F.1811-F.1823 F.1773-F.1810 1981 1982 13 folders. 38 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1824-F.1900 Numbered sequence of Medical Sub-Committee (MSC) papers 120-470 1978-1985 Not a complete sequence. The sequence incorporates a few related unnumbered papers and a little correspondence. F.1824-F.1825 1978 2 folders. F.1826-F.1853 1979 28 folders. F.1854-F.1879 1980 26 folders. 16 folders. 4 folders. 13 folders. F.1896-F.1899 1982 F.1880-F.1895 1981 1980-1982 Includes papers prepared by the Secretariat, newspaper extracts, newsletters, reports, etc re higher education in Hong Kong and related topics. Not a complete sequence. F.1901-F.1913 Numbered sequence of 'Infformation]’ papers 830-993. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous reports and papers 1980-1991 1 box. F.1915-F.1921 UNIVERSITY ESSEX PRACTICE COMPUTER UNIT OF / GUY'S GENERAL 1968-1973 Correspondence and examine the practice: application for extension of funding, etc. papers to of using computers in general steering committee minutes, progress report, feasibility research project re 7 folders. The project was funded by the Department of Health and Social the Steering Committee. a member of Butterfield Security. was F.1922-F.1938 1963-1971 F.1922-F.1928 1963-1971 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Butterfield was Professor of Medicine at Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1963-1971. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. ‘University of London - Board of Studies in Preventive Medicine & Public Health’ 1963-1967 The sequence includes a the University of London Board of Studies in Pathology, the Guy's London clinical professors' evidence to the Todd Commission on Medical Education. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. ‘University of London - Exams' Medical Committee and F.1929-F.1930 few papers relating to Hospital the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations ‘University of London - Central Research Fund B' Contents of folder papers so inscribed: correspondence and F.1932-F.1938 ‘University of London - General’ 1967-1971 of Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease re committee representation, Todd Commission, examining, etc. correspondence reference: papers and F.1939-F.1953 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 1967-1984 Butterfield Nottingham, 1971-1975. was Vice-Chancellor, University — of See also F.2447-F.2460. the 1971-1975 setting up reference: and papers’ private account held with 1967-1976 F.1940-F.1947 Vice-Chancellor's University. 'Vice-Chancellor's personal files - subscriptions’ Brief correspondence re record of monies paid into and taken out of the account. the account and Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of correspondence re subscriptions, appeals and similar. 1971-1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re grant to support Butterfield's diabetes research from Humphrey Cripps. ‘Medical Research at Derby and Nottingham - Cripps Grant’ F.1948-F.1949 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations University 'The Possible Solutions. (Note by the Vice-Chancellor)’ of Nottingham: Some Platitudes and Typescript with manuscript revision. F.1951-F.1953 ‘Nottingham Business' 1982-1984 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of later University of Nottingham connexions. correspondence reference: papers and re _ UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE Correspondence and papers re the University of the Third Age in Cambridge. 1961-1962 1958-1959 1958-1982 F.1955-F.1961 UPJOHN LTD Correspondence and papers with Upjohn researchers and medical advisors in Britain and Kalamazoo, Michigan re meetings, laboratory investigations, patient study, etc.. Butterfield participated. Includes correspondence and papers re conference on 'Tolbutamide which in Therapy’, February 1962, W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1964-1970 Includes correspondence and ‘Tolbutamide Therapy’, March 1967. papers re meeting on F.1959-F.1960 1972-1974 2 folders. 1982 Correspondence and papers re opening of expansion of Upjohn's Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory, Crawley, Sussex. F.1962-F.1999 WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY 1981-1994 1981 9 folders. establishing the Unit and chaired Correspondence and papers principally re Parke-Davis Research Neuroscience Research Centre) established at Cambridge in 1983. Parke-Davis (later Unit F.1962-F.1970 Butterfield played a leading role Parke-Davis was the pharmaceutical research division of in Warner Lambert. Cambridge in the Scientific Advisory Committee. F.1971-F:1976 F.1977-F.1978 1983 1982 6 folders. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1983-F.1985 1988 3 folders. F.1986-F.1988 1989 3 folders. 1995 2 folders 1990 3 folders. F.1994-F.1995 1992 F.1989-F.1991 F.1992-F.1993 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 'The Parke-Davis Neuroscience Research Centre’ Bound document setting latest bibliographical reference 1994. out the ‘Cambridge Record’, F.2000-F.2004 WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD 1959-1980 Correspondence treatment of patients, etc. and papers re visits, cooperation, 1959 1961-1962 1963-1965 F.2005-F.2013 WELLCOME TRUST Re Wellcome Centenary Symposium on 'Drug Research in Transition’, 19 May. 1970-1976 Includes applications etc. Correspondence and papers. correspondence re Trust policy, grant 1980 1963-1969 1963-1993 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2007-F.2008 1977 2 folders. F.2009-F.2010 1978 2 folders. 1980-1984 1985-1993 F.2014-F.2044 Correspondence and papers. WILLIAM HARVEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (WHRI) Includes scientific audits and papers on the future of the WHRI on the retirement of its founder, Sir John Vane in 1997. Butterfield was closely associated with the WHRI for many years as chairman of the original trustees and, after a re-structuring, as a trustee under the chairmanship of Sir David Jack, resigning:in March 2000. 1988-2000 F.2018-F.2019 1993 F.2015-F.2017 1992 1988-1991 3 folders. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2020-F.2024 1994 5 folders. F.2025-F.2028 1995 4 folders. F.2029-F.2031 1996 3 folders. F.2032-F.2033 1997 2 folders. F.2034-F.2037 1998 F.2039-F.2044 6 folders. 4 folders. 1999-2000 F.2045-F.2046 WIMPOLE HALL Background papers and reports. Butterfield was a member of the Appeal Group. The papers relate to a campaign by the Hall's owner, the National Trust, to complete the restoration of the estate's South Avenue. Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. 1981-1982 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations WORLD HEALTH NETWORK FOUNDATION Correspondence and papers. The Foundation's aim was ' to promote the application of information technology in the healthcare field on a global basis ensuring that the information "have nots" should not be seriously disadvantaged’. F.2048-F.2050 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION 1978-1996 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a longterm member of the WHO Expert Advisory Diseases (Diabetes). Degenerative Chronic Panel on 7 folders. 1977-1998 1994-1999 F.2051-F.2057 F.2058-F.2082 Correspondence and papers re meetings of Court of Assistants, membership of the Society, etc. WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON products. Butterfield had a consultancy agreement with Yakult UK Ltd. The Japanese Yakult Company described itself as Japan's principal producer of fermented milk products. It was particularly associated with 'Yakult', a drink derived from lactobacilli and health promotion in relation to its Correspondence literature. YAKULT UK LTD and papers including promotional W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2059-F.2061 1995 3 folders. F.2062-F.2067 1996 6 folders. F.2068-F.2070 1997 3 folders. 1998-1999 papers on_ probiotics, health claims 2 folders. F.2074-F.2082 F.2072-F.2073 Promotional literature 4 folders and 5 bound documents. Background foodstuffs, functional foods, etc. on W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2083-F.2467 SECONDARY SEQUENCE 1976-2000 This appears to be Butterfield's alphabetical sequence. Although overwhelmingly made up of societies and organisations it also contains a small number of topic files which have been retained in the sequence for convenience. Cross-references are given to the main 'General Sequence’ and to other parts of the archive. F.2083-F.2091 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT F.2092-F.2101 ANIMALS IN MEDICINE RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE F.2402-F.2131 'APTITUDES' F.2132-F.2135 BRENDONCARE FOUNDATION F.2136-F.2137 BRITISH COUNCIL F.2138-F.2140 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) F.2141-F.2154 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION / BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS ASSOCIATION BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CHARITY E2550 2156. Riciloys F.2158-F.2169 F.2171-F.2174 F.2177-F.2178 CENTRE FOR MEDICINES RESEARCH Ze O ‘DOWNING STREET’ F.2175-F.2176 FOULKES FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION (EIC) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND SOCIETY INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD GIBRALTAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL PROJECT F.2179-F.2183 'HALE SURVEY' F.2192-F.2202 HOWARD FOUNDATION F.2184-F.2191 HINDUJA FOUNDATION Fa2203-Re222i) reaae?e W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F,.2223-F.2240 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT (ICOM) LTD F.2241 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION F.2242-F.2259 JARDINE FOUNDATION F.2260-F.2268 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY F.2269-F.2271 KING EDWARD'S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON F.2272-F.2274 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE F.2275-F.2276 LONDON CONFERENCE ON OVERSEAS STUDENTS (LOCS) F.2277-F.2285 MARYLEBONE CENTRE TRUST F.2286-F.2290 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.2291-F.2296 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.2297-F.2308 OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (OHE) F.2309-F.2318 PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC F.2319-F.2339 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY F.2405-F.2446 F.2447-F 2460 F.2461-F.2467 VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM F.2083-F.2091 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT F.2340-F.2404 UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY (UKPDS) UNITED MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCHOOLS OF GUY'S AND ST THOMAS'S HOSPITALS (UMDS) 1991 Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Action Learning’. F.2083-F.2086 Correspondence with R.W. Revans 1991-1995 1991-1993 See also F.6-F.61. F.2083 .J.H. Butterfield VW NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2084-F.2085 oe 2 folders. F.2087-F.2091 Correspondence and papers 1994-1995 Principally re International Action Learning Congress, 18- 20 April 1995. 4 folders and bound paper by Revans. F.2092-F.2101 ANIMALS IN MEDICINE RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE 1986-1991 1986 F.2094-F.2095 1989 2 folders. Correspondence and papers. See also F.132-F.142. The lecture was introduced by Butterfield. Includes first AMRIC annual lecture 'The role of in vitro tests for toxicity in the pharmaceutical laboratory’ by O. Flint, 2 July 1986. the Foreseeable Future’ by W.F. Bodmer. Includes (F.2095) draft for school poster on heart disease and 1989 AMRIC lecture 'Animals in Cancer Research - W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2096-F.2098 1990 3 folders. F.2099-F.2101 1991 3 folders. F.2102-F.2131 ’"APTITUDES' 1983-1987 Correspondence and papers so inscribed. Butterfield was interested skills and aptitudes of school leavers - especially those without prospects of employment. in surveying the contact with 1986 April F.2104-F.2105 1986 June He was in educationalists, employment specialists, politicians etc interested in these questions and arranged informal meetings to consider them. ‘The Aptitude Society’ was the title of a lecture Butterfield gave at Clayesmore School, Dorset, 25 February 1983. He revised the lecture in 1986. F.2106-F.2108 1986 May 2 folders. 1986 July 3 folders. 1986 August W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1986 September F.2111-F.2112 1986 October 2 folders. Fi2443-F. 2714 1986 November 2 folders. 1986 December 1987 January-February P.20W-F.2118 1987 March 2 folders. 1987 June 2 folders. 1987 May F.2119-F.2120 1987 April 4 folders. Published Clayesmore School, revised drafts, 1986. ‘The Aptitude Society’ lecture Dorset, February 1983 F.223-bee 120 text of by Butterfield 1983, 1986 given 25 at and W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2127-b.2134 Background papers 1985-1987 5 folders. F.2132-F.2135 BRENDONCARE FOUNDATION 1988-1994 Brendoncare was improving the quality of life for older people. registered charity a dedicated to 4 folders. Includes papers re workshop on the care of the elderly chaired by Butterfield, July 1988. F.2136-F.2137 BRITISH COUNCIL 1988-1994 2 folders. See also F.176-F.181. Health - F.2138-F.2140 1983-1997 Correspondence and papers. BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) Butterfield visited the Sultan Quaboos University, Oman to advise on the establishment of research facilities. See also F.226-F.230. At F.2139 is Butterfield's annotated copy of discussion document ‘Leading for A BMA Agenda for Health’, 1991. Includes papers re parliamentary business. Correspondence and papers. Three folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2141-F.2154 BRITISH BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION / 1987-2000 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was President. See also F.231. 1987-1989 F.2142-F.2143 1990 2 folders. 1o9S 2 folders. 2 folders. F.2148-F.2149 1996 F.2146-F.2147 F.2149 includes photograph featuring Butterfield. 2 folders. F.21951-Fi2192 1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND 1988-1993 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Trustee. See also F.235-F.236. CENTRE FOR MEDICINES RESEARCH 1987-1988 Correspondence and papers re workshop on appraisal of international medicines regulation. F.2158-F.2169 General correspondence and papers. Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Trustee. CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CHARITY 1985-1989 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1982-1998 See also F.477-F.546. Topics include Health Promotion Research Trust, medical matters in Cambridge, hospital medical staffing, resource allocation formula, nosocomial infections, primary care and physical activity in children. Correspondents include civil servants and politicians. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1982 Minutes of first two meetings of Joint Working Group on Health Promotion. Relates Research Trust (see F.782-F.946). establishment to the of Health Promotion 1984-1985 1986-1988 F.2161-F.2162 1989 2 folders. 1992-1993 1997-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations "DOWNING STREET’ 1987-1994 of Contents so __ inscribed: correspondence with Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major. Butterfield's folder F.2171-F.2174 ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION (EIC) 1995-1999 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders and bound report. The EIC, which was launched in 1995, described itself as the and services industry. UK environmental technology voice the of 1989-1996 1989-1990 2 folders. F.2175-F.2176 F.2177-F.2178 See also F.253-F.256. Correspondence and papers. FOULKES FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP GIBRALTAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL PROJECT 2 folders. Correspondence and papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2179-F.2183 ‘HALE SURVEY' 1983-1984 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. This was a health and lifestyle study for which funding was sought from the Health Promotion Research Trust (see F.782-F.946). F.2184-F.2191 HINDUJA FOUNDATION 1988-1996 8 folders. Includes newsletters and other printed material. health and benefactions to Downing 1986, 1988 1986-1999 F.2192-F.2202 HOWARD FOUNDATION Correspondence and papers. The Howard Foundation was established as a charitable trust in 1982. Its aims included support for biomedical research in the fields of obesity, nutrition and key areas of College, Cambridge. 1989-1990 Includes papers for Second Annual Howard Foundation Scientific and Medical Research Meeting, 26 May 1988. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2194-F.2195 1991 2 folders. Includes papers re meeting on VLCD[Very-Low-Calorie Diet]s, Downing College, Cambridge. Butterfield chaired the meeting. F.2196-F.2197 1992 2 folders. 1993-1994 1996 Includes Butterfield's 'Foreword to The Cambridge Diet by Alan Howard and John Marks’. 1997-1998 F.2203-F.2221 See also F.982-F.1008. INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD Butterfield was a member of the Scientific Committee. OF 1984-1996 Correspondence and papers. 19 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND Butterfield accepted an Comittee. invititation to join the Advisory F.2223-F.2240 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT (ICOM) LTD 1993-2000 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield business school specialising in Action Learning. ICOM as described the an_ independent Butterfield's principal Chairman of the ICOM. correspondent is C.R. Kinder, oor, 1998 1994 2 folders. 2220-6 22217, F.2228-F.2234 1999-2000 7 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2237-F.2240 Four bound documents 1993-1996 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION Correspondence and papers. See also F.1009-F.1012. F.2242-F.2259 JARDINE FOUNDATION 1984-2000 Correspondence and papers. 18 folders. under F.2260-F.2268 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1982-1999 educational establishments, primarily was Chairman of the Trustees and _ the establishment of For Jardine Matheson & Co. Ltd at F.1013-F.1026. the Foundation see Butterfield later Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, stepping down in 1993. The Foundation was established in 1982 to mark the 150th anniversary of the Jardine Matheson Group. It awarded scholarships to students to enable them to selected attend colleges in Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the United Kingdom. See also F.1027-F.1028. Correspondence and papers re appeal, anniversaries, reunions, etc. Butterfeld was awarded an honorary degree in 1997. 9 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NGUACS 57/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2269-F.2271 KING EDWARD'S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON 1976-1977 Correspondence and papers re meetings etc 3 folders. Butterfield felt unable to accept an invitation to join the management committee because of other commitments. F.2272-F.2274 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1985-1995 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Institute. See also F.1030. F.2275-F.2276 1992-1997 Correspondence and papers. 2 papers. Butterfield agreed to become President of the LCOS in LONDON CONFERENCE ON OVERSEAS STUDENTS (LOCS) 1992. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2277-F.2285 MARYLEBONE CENTRE TRUST 1992-1996 Correspondence and papers. 9 folders. as a P.C. focus Pietroni, is the development of Butterfield became a Trustee in 1992, retiring in 1995. The Trust was described in 1992 by the Chairman of the small voluntary charity Trustees, ‘whose integrated approach to the delivery of primary health and community care. The work originally developed out of the NHS General Practice at Marylebone Health Centre and we now and consultancy unit'. The Trust was currently in the process of undertaking a major development with the University of Westminster (F.2277). educational, expanding research have an_ an F.2286-F.2290 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 5 folders. F.2291-F.2296 See also F.1215-F.1275. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION General correspondence and papers. 1976-1981 Includes ‘Proposal for research funds to support and evaluate our teaching programme from Nuffield Trust’ by Butterfield (F.2291-F.2292). Correspondence and papers. See also F.1382-F.1390A. 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2297-F.2308 OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (OHE) 1983-1995 Correspondence and papers. The Office of Health Economics was founded in 1962 by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry: to undertake research on the economic aspects of medical care, to investigate other health and social problems, to collect data from other countries, and to publish results, data and conclusions relevant to the above. Butterfield was an Honorary Adviser and served for period Committee and Editorial Board, retiring 1995. Chairman Editorial a Policy both the as of 1983 1984 OHE 1988 1989 2 folders. for OHE Benefits of ‘Cost and Industries’ publication 1986-1987 symposium and Includes Butterfield's introductory remarks at seminar to mark the 40th Anniversary of the NHS. programme Includes ‘Pharmacueticals among the Sunrise Butterfield's paper ‘Adding Life to Years’. Includes Pharmaceutical Research’ with foreword by Butterfield. Includes at F.2301 paper by OHE Director G.T. Smith ‘The Black and White Lists in the NHS' and at F.2302 Butterfield's on diabetes. F.2301-F.2302 introduction to an OHE _ publication the OHE W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2306-F.2307 1993 2 folders. Included at F.2307 is text of proposed OHE briefing 'The Impact by Butterfield. of Unemployment on annotated Health’ 1995, nd F.2309-F.2318 1986-1991 See also F.1419-F.1432. Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Director 1981-1992. PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC Includes papers re appeals for financial support. 1986 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2314-F.2315 1990 2 folders. F.2316-F.2318 1991 3 folders. F.2319-F.2339 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY 1988-1993 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield made visits and attended meetings at University to advise on medical developments. the A small number of papers relating to the University of Qatar were found with these papers and are presented at F.2338-F.2339. 1988 F.2320-F.2324 1989 5 folders. visit the Faculty of Medicine and Includes invitation to Health Sciences. Includes Butterfield's report on visit (F.2321-F.2322). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2327-F.2335 1992 9 folders. re symposium on Principally U.A.E. Aspirations’, March 1992 University - Present 'Scientific Status Research and in Future Background papers. F.2338-F.2339 Correspondence and papers re University of Qatar 2 folders. F.2340-F.2404 committee papers, grant applications and Includes reports. Correspondence and papers. UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY (UKPDS) The project co-ordinator and principal investigator was R.C. Turner, Diabetes Research Laboratories, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford. In July 1980 he wrote to enquire whether Butterfield would be willing to advise on the projected study of therapies of Butterfield chaired the Review maturity-onset diabetes. Committee, subsequently Ethics Committee and then The study was Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee. published in Autumn 1998. Turner died in 1999. 1980-1999 In original folder so titled, inscribed by Butterfield 'Start a Files 'UK prospective diabetes study’ Sample patient survey papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 F.2343-F.2344 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous papers found loose in folder at F.2340 General correspondence and papers 1980 Prospective 'U.K. Supplement to December 1980' Diabetes Study Long-Term 1980-1981 B.D.A. [British Diabetic Plans Association] Contents of folder so labelled divided in two for ease of reference: Grant Application to British Diabetic Association’ and related correspondence and papers. ‘Supplement September 1980 to F.2345-F.2348 General correspondence and papers 1981 4 folders. General correspondence and papers 1982 F.2351-F.2360 'UKPDS' Butterfield, January- General correspondence and papers 1984 Papers relate to project meeting, January and July. Exchanges between Turner and February 1982 only. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: includes 'UKPDS Protocol’ Bound volume so titled of agenda and committee papers. 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Ethics Committee 15 March 1988 Agenda’ 1987-1988 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Report to MRC/BDA Review Committee June 1988’ Bound volume so titled, annotated by Butterfield. Papers found loose at front of bound volume (F.2362) General correspondence and papers 1989 September - October 1989 only. F.2365-F.2367 General correspondence and papers 1990 3 folders. 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee May 1991' of Data Study Hypertension in General correspondence and papers 1991 Prospective 'UK Diabetes Study May 1992' Diabetes Bound volume of agenda and committee papers. Bound volume of agenda and papers for meeting of Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee Meeting, 15 May 1992 9 folders. Agenda and committee papers for meeting Monitoring and Ethics Committee, 27 November 1992 General correspondence and papers 1992 Bound volume. F.2372-F.2380 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 'DMEC May 1983' Bound volume so titled of agenda and papers for meeting of Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee, 18 May 1993. F.2382-F.2386 General correspondence and papers 1993 5 folders. F.2387-F.2388 General correspondence and papers 1994 2 folders. F.2389-F.2390 General correspondence and papers 1995 2 folders. 2 folders. ‘DMEC January 1997’ 'DMEC May 1997’ F.2391-F.2392 General correspondence and papers 1996 Bound volume so titled of agenda and committee papers for Data and Monitoring Committee meeting, 21 January 1997 3 folders. Bound volume so titled of agenda and committee papers for Data and Monitoring Committee meeting, 20 May 1997. F.2395-F.2397 General correspondence and papers 1997 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2398-F.2399 General correspondence and papers 1998 2 folders. F.2400-F.2401 General correspondence and papers 1999 2 folders. Includes Butterfield's letter of condolence to his widow. announcement Turner's of death and F.2402-F.2404 Background papers. 3 folders. 1983-1998, nd Publications arising from the study are at F.2404. F.2405-F.2446 Correspondence and papers. the Council [of Governors] of the UNITED MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCHOOLS OF GUY'S AND ST THOMAS'S HOSPITALS (UMDS) In 1982 Butterfield agreed to his nomination as member of United Medical Schools for a period of three years from 1 October 1982. He subsequently became Chairman of the Council of Governors. Issues dealt with include the merger of the UMDS and King's College London, the Report of the Inquiry into London's Health Service, Medical Education and Research (Tomlinson Report), of the Guy's Hospital site, etc. 1982-1999 Butterfield's correspondents include the Principals of the UMDS, senior administrators, medical colleagues and politicians. See F.2441 for copy of the Tomlinson Report annotated by Butterfield. 1982, 1989 future use |.R. Cameron and C. Chantler, F.2045A 1990-1991 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2406-F.2407 1992 2 folders. F.2408-F.2411 1993 4 folders. F.2412-F.2421 1994 10 folders. F.2422-F 2427 1995 6 folders. F.2428-F.2431 1996 4 folders. and the Johns Hopkins Hospital and F.2435-F.2437 F.2432-F.2434 ' "Molecular Medicine: The Dream, The Promise, The Reality", 20-21 June 1996, Guy's Campus' Contents of folder so labelled (with manuscript instruction ‘For UMDS File’), divided into three for ease of reference: papers re symposium and 50th anniversary celebrations of the link between the UMDS and Guy's & St Thomas' Trust Medical School. 2 folders. F.2438-F.2439 1998 1997 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.2441-F.2446 Background papers. 6 folders. F.2447-F.2460 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 1984-1999 Butterfield was Vice-Chancellor, 1971-1975 and and was in subsequent developments in very much interested Nottingham affairs. He was a member of the University Court. See also F.1939-F.1953. F.2447-F.2453 General correspondence and papers 1984-1999 1984-1989 1990-1993 1995 2 folders. 1996-1998 F.2450-F.2451 Campbell. Correspondence of controversies during the Vice-Chancellorship of Sir Colin Butterfield's ‘confidential’ Nottingham correspondence F.2454-F 2460 and papers re a number 1993-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations 1993-1994 F.2455-F.2458 1995 4 folders. 199i, 1999 F.2461-F.2467 "VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY’ 1999-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed 3 folders. F.2464-F.2467 F.2461-F.2463 Virt- 1999-2000 internet-based educational institution to Correspondence and package of documents re u.com 'Virtual University for the 21st Century’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. ‘London School of Graduate Studies + Clive Kinder's latest projects with Nottingham University’ 1999-2000 The London School of Graduate Studies was intended as an provide postgraduate courses ‘to recently graduated students and those already in employment to further their qualifications in areas that will be of direct benefit to their careers’. Butterfield was approached to become Chancellor. For Kinder see International Centre for Organisational Management (ICOM) F.2223-F.2240. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 SECTION G HOUSE OF LORDS, G.1-G.98 1986-2000 Butterfield was made a He took an active role in Committees dealing with medical research, the National Health Service and education and a close interest in a number of Bills. Life Peer in 1988. G.1-G.2 MAIDEN SPEECH G.3-G.37 COMMITTEES AND BILLS G.38-G.98 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS MAIDEN SPEECH maiden Butterfield's House delivered on 25 January 1989. reading of Hours) Bill. of was He spoke on the second the Junior Hospital Doctors (Regulation of speech Lords typescript draft of the with British speech, January 1989 Letter from the Medical Association enclosing papers as background to the Bill; additional background material. 5pp extensive manuscript revisions and 2pp manuscript inserts; House of Lords Official Report containing Butterfield's speech. organisation. In the original boxes some of this material was organised by Committee, while the bulk appeared to have little Correspondence and papers relating to House of Lords Committees and legislative business. COMMITTEES AND BILLS 1986-c.1997 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 House of Lords Included are drafts of some of Butterfield's speeches in the (some annotated by Butterfield). committee House of papers Lords and Science and Technology Committee, Sub-Committee II Priorities in Medical Research. - 1986-1987 Butterfield was a member of the Sub-Committee. Correspondence and papers. 7 folders. G.10-G.22 ‘Lords - NHS', contents of a box so inscribed. 1989-1991 G.10 typescript 7pp speech. draft, with manuscript revisions, of a c.1990 The speech moved an amendment to a National Health Service. bill to reform the G.12-G.22 11 folders. draft, of 1989-1991 At G.22 are manuscript notes, possibly for a speech. Spp typescript a speech on NHS salaries, apparently in support of an amendment moved by Lord Pitt. with manuscript revisions, Correspondence and papers chiefy re medical issues, in particular the Government's proposed reforms of the National Health Service. 1989-1990 6pp draft, speech headed 'For (Student Loans) Bill 27.2.90'; typescript draft of the same. manuscript revisions, a Lords Debate on Education further two pages of Education (Student Loans) Bill. Correspondence etc. G.23-G.24 of a G.23 typescript 1989-1990 with the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 House of Lords G.25-G.26 ‘Education Bill’, contents of an envelope so inscribed. 1991-1993 Correspondence and reading of the Further and Higher Education Bill House of Lords, November 1991. papers chiefly the re second in the 2 folders. G.27-G.34 European Communities Committee, Sub-Committee C (Social and Consumer Affairs). 1991-1994 Butterfield was a member of the Sub-Committee. 3pp manuscript draft of legislation and the Maastricht Treaty. a speech on European Social 1992 or 1993 8pp manuscript draft of a speech, chiefly on health issues in the European Community. 1992 or 1993 6 folders. G.35-G.37 S535 with of a G.29-G.34 Committee papers. manuscript revisions, Education Bill 1996-1997 6pp typescript draft, speech headed ‘Education Bill 1996/7’. 1991-1994 11pp typescript, various details of the Bill. Various papers. concerning apparently of a speech, W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 House of Lords G.38-G.98 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1987-2000, nd A few drafts of speeches by Butterfield are included. correspondents ministers, civil peers, Butterfield's Government various individuals and organisations. A wide range of legislative, parliamentary and professional issues are covered. include _ servants, fellow and G.38-G.46 1987-1991. 9 folders. G.47-G.64 1992-1993. Included at G.48 is a 4pp typescript draft (with manuscript notes) teaching of profession. Butterfield speech the on by a 18 folders. 16 folders. 12 folders. G.93-G.98 G.81-G.92 G.65-G.80 1994-1995. 1996-1998. 6 folders. Included at G.94 is National Health Service. a 5pp typescript of a speech on the 1999-2000, nd.