BULLARD, Edward Crisp

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


ROYAL COMMISSION Y¥ HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of SIR EDWARD CRISP BULLARD (1907-1980) Geophysicist deposited in Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre Reproduced for the (CSAC 100/4/84) by All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane ondon WC2A LHP 1984 CSAC 100/4/84 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR EDWARD CRISP BULLARD FRS (1907 - 1980) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper 1984 Deposited in Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge List of publications Atl rights reserved VOLUME II Sections F - J Index E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS _F.1 - F.i20 INTRODUCTION AND LIST OF CONTENTS The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence and covers both British Gand overseas organisations. While some entries are relatively trivial and deal with membership, invitations to meetings and the like, others are substantial folders covering a lengthy time-span and matters of consequence such as research policy cnd the refereeing of grant applica- tions. Of particular importance in these respects is the material re the Natural Environment Research Council of which Bullard was a founder member. Also included in this Section are the papers reflecting Bullard's continuing interest in the work, history and personnel of the National Physical Laboratory after he resigned as Director in 1955 to return to Cambridge. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA GLACIOLOGICAL SOCIETY SCIENCE AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION ASTOR FOUNDATION ATHENAEUM CLUB GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ao0 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES fuer sae -23-F. 34 35 «dorks 38 .39-F AP eX) 14 8 awe P16 re NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 c societies ana organisations sowie me y x ; NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL F.51-F.74 PUGWASH CONTINUING COMMITTEE /PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON OCEANIC RESEARCH SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS Fefore. 61 F.82 F.83-F.116 F.1I7-F.119 F.120 SOME OF THE MATERIAL IN THIS SECTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTION E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1974-76 Includes correspondence re Bullard's membership of the Rumford Committee and the nomination of candidates for the Rumford Medal. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1966 Brief correspondence with editor re encouraging foreign scientists to publish their findings in Science. AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION Various dates 1963-78 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1963, 1970, 1975-76 See also A.118. Invitation to Bullard to serve on the Bucher Medal Sub- Committee, 1978. ASTOR FOUNDATION 1968-70, 1974 1975 correspondence relates to the award of the William Bowie medal to Bullard. See also A.115 Correspondence re award of Maurice Ewing Medal to Bullard, with the citation prepared for the presentation by Walter Munk, 1978. October-December 1968 Correspondence re grant applications arranged in a chronological sequence. Bullard advised on the award of grants to applicants in the physical sciences. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4,'84 Societies and organisations January 1969; with accounts for 1968 February~March 1969 April-June 1969 July-October 1969 November-December 1969; with minutes of Advisory Com- mittee meeting of 6 November. January 1970 1974 Correspondence relates to Bullard's ‘retirement! as adviser in respect of the physical sciences awards. ATHENAEUM CLUB Various dates 1963-77 Brief correspondence re a British Association Young Scientists Miscellaneous correspondence re candidates for membership, subscriptions, etc. Includes exchange with Bronwen, Lady Astor, and Bullard's letter of advice to his successor (R.E. Richards). Lecture. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1974 £.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY 1977, 1979 Brief correspondence re membership. See also A.108. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Various dates 1954-78 Bullard was elected a Correspondent in 1954. Brief correspondence re membership. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA 1973 Brief correspondence re request fer Bullard to write for the Society's journal. See also A.105. Brief correspondence only. GLACIOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1970-71 Brief correspondence only. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 1945, 1947 and Prize in 1960. 1959-60 correspondence with Physical Society precedes the amalgamation of the two organisations and one letter from H.H. Hopkins discusses the problems involved in amalgamation. THE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY. Bullard nominated M.N. Hill for the Charles Chree Medal P QU-F 22 1959-63, 1969, 1975-79 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations 1961, 1983 1963 correspondence relates to the disposal of the Society's collection of old books. 1969, 1975-76, 1979 Principally requests for assistance with publications, for editorial advice, for Bullard himself to write, etc. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS (IUGG) 1963-69, 1972, 1974 is regretted that no papers survive before the 1960s but the It extant papers for that period are of some interest and relate to Bullard's nomination (by French and Russian delegates) for the Presidency, the restructuring of the union and the Inter- national Geomagnetic Reference. Pe23-F 26 General correspondence F.23 1963-64 Memorandum on Geochemistry and ICSU and magnetic measurements of the water surface of the Earth. Bullard's candidature for the Presidency of the 1UGG and advice on research funding, provided by M.N. Hill in the cibsence of Bullard. and Aecronomy. Heat flow uniis and the collection of heat flow data, internal reorganisation of International Association of Geomagnetism Bullard's resignation from the International Upper Mantle Committee. 1965 1967 1969, 1972 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations "Four Wise Men' Committee Bullard served on a Committee of Four (the 'Four Wise Men’) to consider the submissions of national committees and report toa 14-member Committee on the future structure of the union. Draft report of Bullard's committee, with covering letter from the Union's Secretary General, dated 15 June 1964; from the President of the Committee of Fourteen to the members of the committee enclosing recommendations of Bullard's committee, 30 November 1964; exchange of correspondence between the International Association of Volcanology and the President of the Committee of Fourteen re the recommendations of Bullard's committee. letter Meeting of the 14~member committee, Paris, 13-15 January 1966. As a member of the Committee of Four, Bullard was invited to take part in a consultative capacity. Correspondence re arrangements with organisers, 1965, 1966. report of the Committee of Fourteen on Future Report and recommendations on future structure of the union by four-member committee, summary minutes of the meeting of the committee of fourteen, proposed changes in the statutes, draft resolution, Structure. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations International Geomagnetic Reference Field, 1966-69 As a result of many discussions and in particular of « colloquium on the World Magnetic Sutvey at Herstmonceux, 4-6 October 1966, the urgent need for agreement on an International Geomagnetic Reference Field had become clear. It was felt that a proposal should be formulated for the 1967 General Assembly of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy by the working group on ‘Analysis of Geomagnetic Field' of Commission III ‘Magnetism of Earth's Interior’. Bullard did not attend the colloquium nor does he appear to have been a member of the working group, but his advice and support were actively sought. F.30 Correspondence arising from the Herstmonceux colloquium, with draft report of the colloquium and memorandum from B.R. Leaton on International Reference Field, November 1966- June 1967, Correspondence of, and submissions to, working party chairman, A.J. Zmuda, copies of which were sent to Bullard and others, May~July 1967. Zmuda's circular letter of 10 July includes (p.5) a summary of Bullard's early comments on IGRF. There are letters of Bullard on IGRF of 28 July (enclosure ina circular of Zmuda, dated 7 August) and 14 September. There is @ summary of comments by Bullard with a circular of 11 September. Newsletter. Includes Bullard's comments on a paper (not found here) by Zmuda and a statement on IGRF by Bullard for the UK Upper Mantle Continuing correspondence of working party chairman, August- October 1967. Correspondence and papers re IGRF, 1968. Correspondence re IGRF, 1969 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1976-79 Miscellaneous correspondence including 1976 letter from Bullard re possibility of increasing total number of members elected to the Academy. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY (NIC) 1962, 1970-72 See also E.159 1962 Correspondence with the Director, G.E.R. Deacon, re financial difficulties of the NIO and possible DSIR support. 1970-71 Brief correspondence with NIO staff. that Bullard should attend JOIDES * Pianning Committee meeting at Includes suggestion La Jolla. 1972 Correspondence re cppointment of a successor to Deacon as Director of the N!O and the possible move of an NIO group to Cambridge to be constituted as an NERC unit attached to the Department of Geodesy and Geophysics. Earth Sampling. * Acronym of Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Bullar rd C 100/4/84 Societies and organisations E.39-E.49 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY 1955-70, 1973-75, 1977-75 / For Bullard's appointment as Director of NPL, see A.63-A.77. For research projects undertaken during Bullard's Directorship, see Section D passim. For photographs taken at NPL or on NPL occasions, see A. 241-A. 246 Correspondence with G.B.B.M. Sutherland (Bullard's successor as Director) re NPLand staff, 1956. Scientific correspondence with NPL personne! arranged alpha- betically, 1956-69. A-E P-W Correspondence re arrangements for lecture at NPL, 30 October 1967, witha little scientific correspondence arising. The theme of Bullard's lecture was the reversals of the earth's magnetic field. Correspondence re glass discs for thermal conductivity measure~ ments, prepared by E.H. Ratcliffe of NPL, and offered for loan to various research groups, 1964-66, Leiter from Secretary of the British Committee (J.E. Burns) on Radiation Units and Measurements, recommendations of the Commiitee on the introduction of SI units (published by the NPL), paper by the Secretary presented at International Symposium on Advances in Radiation Protection Monitoring, extract from NPL News, 1978. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re portrait of Ada, Countess Lovelace and the ADA computer language, including draft of short biography of Ada, Countess of Lovelace (9pp. typescript) by D.W. Davies; also photograph of NPL personnel with the portrait, 1979. Correspondence re administration of grant from Royal Society Scientific Relief Fund to widow of NPL staff member, 1955-62, 1965. Miscellaneous correspondence, mostly personal, with NPL staff, congratulations, expressions of good wishes on retirement, etc. 1970, 1973-75, 1977-79. Arranged alphabetically, 1957, 1962-63, 1966, 1968, Correspondence re the history of NPL. letter from Bullard re Barnes Wallis and his work, with particular reference to the swing-wing project and the NPL's attitude towards it. 1968, 1979. includes interesting NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION n.d. (1965 or later), 1973, 1976 1970, Correspondence re Newton's apple tree, 1968, 1970, 1977, 1978. mendations. 1970 correspondence includes an invitation, which Bullard accepted, to write a brief statement on ‘Scientific Under- standing of Deep Earth Dynamics and the Earth's Magnetic Field, including especially the Dynamo Theory of the Earth's Core', for the Committee charged with preparing the annual report on the status of science for Congress. Later correspondence is mainly on research grants and recom- £.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations F.51-F.74 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL (NERC) 1965-69, 1972, 1974 See also E.159 Bullard was appointed a member of the Council when it was first set up and served for a period of three years until 31 May 1968. General correspondence This very substantial body of material relates to policy, committee meetings, staff appointments, grant applications and the general affairs of the Council and is presented as a chronological sequence. April-May 1965 Invitation to become member of council, formal letter of appoint~ ment, DES science press notice, final draft of text of royal charter, invitation to become a member of working group on upper structures of NERC. June-August 1965 September 1965 Includes Bullard's response to request for information about his department's facilities for isotope geology and mass~spectrometry trace element studies, minutes and committee papers of third council meeting and minutes of hydrology committee meeting. Includes Bullard's letter to the Secretary of the Council with his thoughts on the first meeting, correspondence re committee structure for Geology and Geophysics, and minutes and committee papers of first and second meetings. minutes and committee paper of fifth council meeting. October-December 1965 Includes two papers from the NIO re the expansion of geology and geophysics there, grant application, papers re the National Science Foundation's support for American oceanography, E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations January-February 1966 Includes notice of council and standing committee meetings for 1966, grant applications with Bullard's letter suggesting he was being sent too many, minutes of sixth meeting of the Council. March-April 1966 Includes minutes of the seventh meeting of the Council. May-July 1966 Includes committee paper for tenth meeting of Council and tables of requests for sea-time on R.V.'John Murray', 1966-68. Correspondence re grant application. January-June 1967 August-Ocitober 1967 September~December 1966 Includes grant applications and minutes of thirteenth meeting of the Council. Includes grant application, correspondence re charges for computer time, office note on proposed experimental cartography unit. cussion meeting on global geophysics organised by S.K. Runcorn. Includes paper on UK Continental Shelf Exploitation prepared for the NERC by K.C. Dunham, with pencil note by D.H. Matthews, and correspondence re pension arrangements for widow of member of NERC Ship Unit Group staff, grant applica~ tion, retirement of chairman and members of Council and dis- E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Socteties and organisations November-December 1967 Includes correspondence re Carbon 14 dating, and NERC booklet, Cruise Programmes of United Kingdom Research Vessels 1967. January-May 1968 Principally relates to grant applications including letter from Bullard suggesting the new procedure for appointing referees also letter from the Secretary of State was not satisfactory; on the occasion of Bullard's retirement from the Council. 1969, 1972, 1974 Brief correspondence re NERC affairs. F.65-F.74 "John Murray!’ Programming Committee, 1966-68 The 'John Murray' was a research vessel intended primarily for use by universities. The material, Browne's correspondence and committee papers, is arranged in a chronological sequence. Correspondence re setting up of the committee and the organisa~ tion of the first meeting, February-October 1966. The chairman of the committee until his death in 1968 was B.C. Browne of the Cambridge Deportment of Geodesy and Geophysics. November-December 1966. Correspondence and papers re work of the committee and working group set up at the first meeting to examine the requirements for a new ship for the Scottish Morine Biological Association, Tagged folder containing agenda, chairman's brief and com- mittee papers for the first meeting, 13 October 1966; loose pages of ms. notes. three E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations Tagged folder of agenda and committee papers, with ms. comments, for second meeting, 9 January 1967; also two loose letters re H.F.P. Herdman, head of NERC Research Vessel Management Unit. Tagged folder of Chairman's brief, with ms. comments, and committee papers for second meeting, 9 January 1967. Correspondence and papers re work of the Committee, January- February 1967, Tagged folder of agenda, with ms. notes, and committee papers for third meeting, % March 1967; also loose in this folder, request for sea~time on the 'John Murray! from the Cambridge Department of Geodesy and Geophysics. Correspondence and papers re work of the committee, March- June 1967. Brief correspondence, 1968. Includes carbon of Bullard's letter to R.J.H. Beverton on matters arising from the death of B.C. Browne. Miscellaneous undated papers relating to the work of the "John Murray' Committee, including three requests for sea- Includes chairman's brief for meeting of 9 March and minutes of 12 April meeting, material re the shakedown cruises of the ‘John Murray! and report of the Liverpoo! University cruise, 24 April-4 May. time from the Cambridge Department of Geodesy and Geophysics. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations Perot sal PUGWASH Various dates 1958-79 r.fo 1958-59 Correspondence re Bullard's membership of the Pugwash Continuing Committee. Bullard resigned after a few months because of renewed involvement in Geneva negotiations. See also E.119. 1963 Correspondence and papers re private meeting of British, American and Russian scientists on nuclear test ban problems, London, 16-18 March. Brief correspondence with J. Rotblat and S. Zuckerman (Bullard's carbons only) on the advisability of a small unofficial meeting to discuss the number of inspections required for a test ban treaty, February. Agreed statement of proceedings of meeting. virtually identical. Two copies, Brief correspondence arising from the meeting. Circulated by N.F. Mott, 19 March 1943, to ali those who Bullard's notes of the proceedings of the meeting on 16-17 March (3pp. typescript). M.N. Hill's notes of the proceedings of the meeting on 18 March (4pp. typescript). went to the Cambridge Pugwash meeting. Noe on the United States and Soviet Proposals on Disarmament laid before the Committee of Eighteen by Philip Noel-Baker. . Bullard C 100/4/84 Societies and organisations 1964 Note by O. Frisch for Pugwash pre-Prague meeting in Cambridge on underground tests, spread of nuclear weapons, and anti- missile missiles. Sent to Bullard by Sir John Cockcroft. Correspondence arising, with Mott, Cockcroft and Frisch, and Bullard's letter on the detection of underground tests for circulation to those who had received the Frisch note. 1966-72 Invitations to conferences and symposia. oro 72 Correspondence re membership contribution to Friends of Pugwash. Miscellaneous papers and press~cuttings relating to disarmament questions filed by Bullard under Pugwash. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 1946, various dates 1963-79 1968, 1972-74 correspondence relates to the refereeing of papers 1963 correspondence includes abbreviated account (Ip. typescript) of Bullard's remarks on heat flow from the earth at an RAS meeting. for the Geophysical Journal. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations F.83-F.116 THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1936, 1944-49, 1961-64 1968-69, 1971-79 z E.On er. Wea Committees, meetings, symposia F,104=F 11.1 Elections and awards F.112-F.116 General correspondence on the affairs of the Society. Po63-F 5103 Committees, Mestings, Symposia For Halley Tercentenary Committee, see G.127~G.130 Letters from Bullard to the Secretary of the Montserrat Committee and Dr. Whipple, explaining why he was turning down an invita- tion to go to Montserrat, 1936. Royal Society National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, 1944-46. Miscellaneous correspondence with Proudman and colleagues Circulars of the Committee chairman (J. Proudman), agenda and minutes of meetings of the Committee and its Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity Sub-committee. Also found with these papers are 'Proposed programme of experimental work at the Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, Cambridge’ (pp. typescript) and Bullard's note on 'Radar and Geodesy’ (Ip. typescript). re work of Committee. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations F.86-F.89 Royal Society Post-War Needs in Geophysics Committee, 1944, 1946 List of projects for the Committee's consideration, notes on ‘Development and Testing of Instruments for Geophysical Investigations', and ‘Application of Radar to Geodesy', by Committee chairman, A.O Rankine, draft minutes of Committee meeting of 1! May, draft recommendations and notes on the recommendations, draft report and report of Committee, statistical information on post-war Geology in tabular form. Miscellaneous correspondence re work of the Committee. Correspondence re establishment of a school of Geochemistry at Leeds University, 1946. Brief correspondence re establishment of a National Geophysica! Laboratory, 1946, P.90eF. 92 F.90 FoI rite Byerr 90 Minutes and committee papers, 1947, Minutes and committee papers, 1945, 1946. Royal Society Airborne Research Facilities Committee, 1945-47 Correspondence with Royal Society and colleagues re work of the Committee, 1945-47. 1945-46, 1949, In 1945 and 1946 Bullard was chairman of Board A, which was responsible for making recommendations on applications for government grants in aid of scientific investigation, in mathematics, astronomy, statistics, geodesy and geophysics. In 1949 his advice was sought though he was no longer a member of the committee. Royal Society Government Grant Committee Board A, 1945-46, 1949, r Correspondence with Royal Society re work of the Committee, E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations F.94, F.95 Correspondence with colleagues re work of Committee, arranged alphabetically, 1945-46. a= «6 M-P Grant applications, printed books of applications, report of Board A on grant application, summary statement of the reports of the Boards, etc. F.97-F.101 Royal Society Empire Scientific Conference, 1946 Bullard made arrangements for evening discussions in Cambridge and agreed to act as leader and recorder of a morning discussion on Mapping and Exploration by Air. F.99, F.100 ae | M-T Correspondence with the Royal Society re arrangements for conference. Correspondence with contributors and colleagues, arranged alphabetically. Tables of arrangements for evening discussions, executive com- mittee minutes, lists of delegates to conference, those invited to evening discussions, etc., invitation card for conference. with related correspondence. Ms. list of speakers at session on methods in mapping, 1 ms. and typescript remarks on discussion for printed report, July, E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations ‘Total Force Magnetic Variometer. Society Magnetic Survey Sub-Committee of the A.C.A.R.F. and Senior Officers of other Government Departments at Langley Airport, Slough, Bucks., 28 and 31 May 1948'. Demonstration to Royal Lists of those present and photographic record, preserved in original folder. Discussion meeting on 'The Effects of Two World Wars on the Organisation and Development of Science in the United Kingdom', 28 March 1974, Brief correspondence with contributors and Roya! Society, proof copy of 'The effect of World War II on the development of knowledge in the physical sciences’ (Bibliog. 1975a), with Bullard's ms. notes on Sir Bernard Lovell's discussion remarks, ms. notes and figures. S40408 1344 Elections and awards F.104 1946 1963-64 (Awarded 1948). 1968, 1971-72 Brief correspondence and statement in support of the candidature of H. Jeffreys for the Royal Medal. 1979 1973-74 1975 1976-77 1978 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations Foll2-F 116 General correspondence on affairs of the Society Cokie 1946, 1948-49 Potts 1961-63 F.114 1969, 1971-75 Principally relates to submission of papers to, and refereeing papers for, Proc. Roy. Soc. 1976-77 Includes invitation for Bullard to prepare biographical memoir of R. Stoneley. 1978-79 Ra li 7eF Al? SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON OCEANIC RESEARCH (SCOR) 1964, 1974-76, 1978 Includes material re centenary celebration of birth of Albert Einstein and invitation for Bullard to give Rutherford Memorial Lecture. words. At the 1976 Edinburgh meeting Bullard received the Albatross award of the American Miscellaneous Society - 'a prestigious but slightly looney association of oceanographers', in Bullard's Correspondence re meetings, with Bullard's report to IUPAP on the activities of SCOR, 1972-75. Invitation to represent the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics on SCOR. 1964 1974-76, 1978 Enc. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Societies and organisations 1975 Brief correspondence and papers re Law of the Sea and oceanic research. SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS 1945-48 Report to Annual General Meeting, 1945. Invitation for Bullard to speak at discussion meeting on 'The Outlook in Physics', duplicated notes (22pp.) of the discussion, 20 November 1946. - Brief correspondence re British Council support for the Society, 1948. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 SECTION G PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES, BROADCASTS G.1- G.268 et @-G..110 WRITINGS ON SCIENTIFIC TOPICS ei ile@.135 BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS «bby Sekar REVIEWS .138-G.175 LECTURES .176-G.192 RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTS .183-G.268 CORRESPONDENCE re PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES and BROADCASTS publications reproduced on pp. 311-337, in the form (Bibliog ....) References to published works are given, when known, to Bullard's list of his SOME OF THE MATERIAL IN THIS SECTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTION E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.1-G.110 WRITINGS ON SCIENTIFIC TOPICS Most of the material in this Section is in the form of drafts and notes for published works. The drafis are sometimes accompanied by correspondence and background material. In addition there are a number of entries for unpublished work, e.g. an early 1928 paper (G.1), drafts of chapters of a book on optics, on ~ which Bullard was working in the 1930s in collaboration with P.B. Moon (G.2-G.18), and a report on heat flow through the ocean floor written with A.E. Maxwell at La Jolla in 1949 (G.25). The following items also contain or refer to writings by Bullard which are not listed in the Bibliography: G.19, G.27, G.31-G.33, G.38, G.39, G.68- G76 G70 G80) Gol. 6 10eG 10 ‘Optics’ Chapter 1] 'The resolving power of spectroscopes' 18 pp. ms. draft, December 1928. (Not listed in Bibliog.) Bullard and his collaborator, P.B. Moon, signed a contract with Cambridge University Press in 1934 for a book on optics, and substantial progress had been made when the Second World War brought work toan end. In notes written for P.M.S. Blackett's Royal Society memorialist (A.C.B. Lovell) Bullard remarked that in starting a book on optics he and Moon had been influenced by Blackett. pages, and ms. corrections and additions. Contract, list of contents and brief correspondence with Cambridge University Press, 1937 and 1939. Contents page and typescript draft of pp.1-22, with intercalated The book was never published. See G.111. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts Typescript draft of pp. 23-47, with intercalated pages and ms. Corrections and additions. Ms. tables and figures. Chapter 4 Contents page, 8 pp. typescript summary of questions dealt with and ms. notes. Typescript draft of pp.1-29, with intercalated pages and ms. additions and corrections. Typescript draft of pp.30-63, with intercalated pages and ms. additions and corrections. G.9 Figures. G10, Gell G.10 Gil G.1] Further sequences of typescript, variously paginated. G.12-G.14 . Chapter 6. ‘'Interference of many beams' Chapter 5. ‘Interference patterns and their uses: two beams' Contents page and typescript draft of pp.1-57, with ms. corrections by P.B. Moon. Figures and tables. Contents page and typescript draft of pp.1-25, with inter- calated pages and ms. additions and corrections by Bullard and Moon. Typescript draft of pp.26-52, with intercalated pages and ms. corrections and additions, ms. notes by Bullard. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G15, 6.96 Chapter 7. ‘Electromagnetic theory of Continuous Media' Gt Typescript draft of pp.1-35, with intercalated pages and ms. additions and corrections, tables and figures. Further typescript draft of pp.1-35, with intercalated pages and ms. additions and corrections, unpaginated ms. and typescript notes. Chapter 8. App. typescript 'skeleton' draft with ms. additions. Unattributed ms. and typescript notes found with material for "Optics' book. Three unpublished wartime papers: 'The relation between pressures and velocities in the sea' "Propagation of elastic waves in the ground', October 1942. "Design of a marine magnetometer’ 3pp. typescript with 1 diagram dated February 1944, and 2 diagrams dated February 1945. Z2pp. report, with figures, for the Ministry of Home Security, Civil Defence Research Committee. (2 copies.) 3pp. duplicated report with ms. note ‘written by Dr. Bullard while at the Admiralty 1941' tion, provided the introduction. Contract and correspondence with publisher and contributors re publication of a series of broadcast talks, 1944-45. acted as editor of the series and, in addition to his own contribu- Science at your service, 1945. (Bibliog. 1945a). ‘Geological Time', Mem. Proc. Manchr. lit. phil. Soc., 1944 Bibliog. 1944). Brief correspondence only, 1946. Bullard E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts .2e, Giza Articles on 'Earth', 'Geophysics' and 'Seismographs', in Chambers's Encyclopaedia (Bibliog. 1947e). 3pp. typescript draft of seismograph article and 2pp. draft, with ms. corrections, on the motion of the earth, Correspondence with Chambers's Encyclopaedia, the advisory editor for the geological section, A.E. Trueman, and the Astronomer Royal, H. Spencer Jones, 1945-46. 'Speed’. (Bibliog. 1948b). Article for Children's Encyclopaedia, 1948 Spp. typescript draft and brief correspondence, 1944-46. "Heat Flow through the Ocean Floor’, with A.E. Maxwell. (Not listed in Bibliog.) The Listener, 1950. (Bibliog. Part 2, "How old is the earth?' 1950b.) See also A.4, A.249, C.12-C.14, C.26 and G.31-G.33. Copy of reprint in The Arabic Listener. includes a second Arabic reprint of a Bullard article, 'What is inside the Earth?' (See Bibliog. Part 2, 1951.) The folder also 9pp. typescript, with ms. corrections, appendices, and figures. According to ms. note written at La Jolla during the summer of 1949, Copy of published article only. App. duplicated typescript, with ms. corrections, written for Training and Education Division of the Treasury, June 1951. ‘British standard of radioactive iodine (131 I)’. (Bibliog. 1952h.) "Notes on H Human Relations in Research and Development' p (Not listed in Bibliog.) Nature, 1952. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 G.29 Publications, lectures, broadcasts ‘Magnetic Survey from the Air', Winter 1953/54. (Bibliog. 1953a.) in Aerial Survey Review, Gopy of published article only. "Newton's Apple Tree', NPL News, June 1953 (Bibliog. 175sc), 2pp. typescript (photocopy). 'The interior of the earth', in The Solar System, Vol.2. as a planet, 1954. (Bibliog. 1954g.) The earth Correspondence only, with editor, G.P. Kuiper, 1953-55. See D.477-D.483. G.31-G.33 "Heat flow through the ocean floor' (Not listed in Bibliog.) 2 and 4). Bullard explained the non-publication of this work in a 1973 taped conversation with the Archivist of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, published in a slightly short- For a photocopy of ened form in EOS, 28 February 1984. the published article see A.4. Three of a series of four papers on heat flow (nos. 1, Bullard was co-author with H.G. Ferris of no.2 only, but is acknowledged at the end of no.1 thus: 'the authors wish to express their gratitude to Sir Edward Bullard, who initiated this work at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, for his con- tinuing interest and advice’. Bullard's paper was submitted to the Bulletin of the Geological Survey of America in 1954 (see paper no.1, p.12) but does not appear in the bibliography. 29pp. typescript draft with references, tables and figures. 'A probe for measurement of temperature of gradients in deep sea sediments’, by A.E. Maxwell, J.M. Snodgrass and J.D. Isaacs. Paper no.1: 12pp. typescript draft, with acknowledgements and figures (including photographs of equipment). Paper no.2: 'The measurement of geothermal gradients in the ocean bottom by means of a tempercture probe’ E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.33 Paper no.4: 'Resulis of heat flow measurements in the North Pacific on the Mid-Pacific expedition’, by R. Revelle and A.E. Maxwell. S2pp. typescript draft, with references and figures. "Power from the sun', The Observer, 13 November 1955. (Bibliog. Part 2, 1955b.) Translation in Le Currero del Mundo, Revista mensual in Interlingua. G.35-G .37 'Heat flow through the deep sea floor’, and R. Revelle). Adv. Geophys., 1956. (with A.E. Maxwell (Bibliog. 1956.) Brief correspondence with co-authors, 1955. Ms. notes and diagrams for heat flow article. (Not listed in Bibliog.) Abstract only, for Faraday Society. New Scientist, ‘Punch Control Unit for Magnetometer', 18 February 1958. (Not listed in Bibliog.) ‘Geophysical evidence on the properties of materials at high pressure’, ?1956. 17pp. typescript draft, appendix, references and figures, with ms. additions and corrections, of a paper 'On the conductivity of Solids in a Fluid Medium', by Maxwell, Bradner, et al. Published article only. ‘Geophysics: substantial additions to knowledge’. 1959. Bibliog. 1959.) 9pp. typescript draft and figures, with ms. additions and corrections. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 G.43, G.44 Publications, lectures, broadcasts ‘The origin of the Earth's Magnetic Field’ (? Bibliog. 1960a.) Spp. typescript draft, with ms. corrections. This is probably the English text of the Russian version of Bullard's Halley Lecture (Bibliog. 1950a), ‘The Mohole', Endeavour, 1961. (Bibliog. 1961d.) Copy of Norwegian reprint in Teknisk Ukeblad. ‘Earth, radicactivity in' and 'Geomagnetism, origins of', Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics, 1961. (Bibliog. 1961f.) in Corrected proofs with different pagination from that given in the bibliography. supplementary article on 'Ocean floor, heat flow through’, 1965 or later. The folder also includes typescript draft of 'The language of machines' Endeavour, 1964. (Bibliog. 1964a.) G.47, G.48 ‘What makes a good research establishment?' of research establishments, 1965. (Bibliog. 1965h. ) Correspondence with Pergamon Press, 1959, 1964-65. This article was reprinted with great success by IBM UK. See E.62. German, Italian and Spanish published versions and brief correspondence, 1968. figures and ms. notes. Brief correspondence re request for permission to translate into Spanish and copy of Spanish translation. Duplicated typescript draft with note by Bullard 'This is my original MS'; 'The detection of underground explosions', Scient. Am., July 1966. (Bibliog. 1966c.) in The organisation E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts Correspondence with Scientific American, $. Zuckerman, and readers after publication. Because of the sensitivity of the subject, Bullard was greatly annoyed by Scientific American's editorial changes. ‘Electromagnetic induction in the earth’, Q. Jl. 1967. (Bibliog. 1967a.) R. Astr. Soc., Brief correspondence only re publication. "Closing review', in The history of the earth's crust, 1968. (Bibliog. 1968.) Brief correspondence with editor, R.A. Phinney. 'The origin of the oceans’. 1969b.) Scient. Am., 1969. (Bibliog. G.53-G .59 After Hill's Bullard agreed G52 Brief correspondence. ‘The Sea. Vol.4', 1971. (Bibliog. 1970a, b.) Duplicated typescript draft, figures and captions for illustra- tions, with ms. additions and corrections. entitled 'The History of the Sea'. The draft is 2pp. typescript. The first three volumes were edited by M.N. Hill. death, A.E. Maxwell took over the general editorship of volume 4 which was dedicated to Hill's memory. to serve on the editorial board and contributed an appreciation of Hill and, with R.L. Parker, an article on 'Electromagnetic Induction in the Oceans'. butors were assigned to the Maurice N. Hill research fund administered by the Royal Society. The fees of Bullard and other contri- ‘Maurice Neville Hill, 1919-1966' E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts "Electromagnetic Induction in the Oceans' Typescript draft, with ms. additions by Bullard. Editorial correspondence, 1966-72. 1966 1967 1968 1969-70 1971-72 3pp. typescript and covering letter. (Revised for 2nd ed. 1972). (Bibliog. in Understanding Includes correspondence re M.N. Hill research fund and royalty statements. Brief correspondence only, but see also G.192. "Geomagnetic dynamos ina stable core' (with D. Gubbins). Nature, 1971. (Bibliog. 1971a.) 'The earth's magnetic field and its origin’, the earth, 1971. 1971b.) 12pp. typescript draft with ms. additions and corrections. ‘Dynamo Theory', in World Magnetic Survey (ed. A.J. Zmuda). Bull. Intn. Ass. Geomag. Aeron., 1971. (Bibliog. 1971c.) E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.63-G.65 ‘Britannia ruled the waves: A History of British Oceanography' Oceans, 1971. (Bibliog. 1971d.) lépp. typescript, with ms. additions and corrections. Correspondence with editors of Oceans magazine, 1969-71. Correspondence with colleagues and others re illustrations for the article. comments on draft article. Folder includes letter from M. Deacon with Preface to The great ocean business by B. Horsfield and P.B. Stone, 1971. (Bibliog. 1971j.) 2pp. typescript draft. "The earth's cores' Nature, 1971. (Bibliog. 197ik.) Brief correspondence and 3pp. typescript draft. ‘Geological Time’. See also G. 254, Not listed in Bibliog. Drafts and correspondence, 1971-74, re contribution by Bullard to an introductory geology textbook proposed by CRM Books. Bullard attended the planning seminar at La Jolla and agreed subsequently to write an essay on geological time for the book. However, when Bullard's contribution was rewritten by the publisher, he was unable to accept it for publication as his work. and 4pp. typescript corrections by Bullard. Duplicated copy of the preceding with ms. additions and corrections by Bullard and ms. comments in another hand. 35pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections and additions, and figures. Duplicated 32pp. typescript with ms. corrections by Bullard, "First edit' of Bullard's essay by CRM Books. Y YP) E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts 73 Additional typescript redrafts of portions of Bullard's manuscript. G.72-G.76 Correspondence with CRM Books, arranged chronologically. Gi72 July-August 1971 Folder includes schedule of planning seminar, the publisher's blueprint for the proposed book and Bullard's 'detailed, incisive comments' on the blueprint. September-December 1971 January-June 1972 July-December 1972 1973-74 ‘Geomagnetic dynamos', in The nature of the solid earth, 1972. (Bibliog. 1972b.) llp. typescript draft, with ms. corrections and additions, duplicated typescript draft with figure, and brief correspondence. 'The oscillating disc dynamo and geomagnetism' (with D. Gubbins), in Flow and fracture of rocks, 1972 (Festschrift for David T. Griggs). (Bibliog. 1972a.) distribution list. 3pp. typescript note, unpublished but distributed by Bullard to colleagues; with covering letter, 16 December 1972, and Typescript draft with ms. corrections and additions, corrected proof, and brief correspondence with editor, E.C. Robertson. "Continuity (Not listed in Bibliog.) y; of poloidal and toroidal fields at the origin', gin, I 1972. E.C. Bullard CSAC ] 00/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.80 ‘Some preliminary thoughts on "Limits to Growth"! listed in Bibliog.) (Not App. typescript draft, September 1972. G.81-G.83 Sections on ‘Physical properties of sea water', 'The geological time scale', 'Abundances of the elements! and ‘Composition of the earth's atmosphere’, in Tables of physical and chemical constants by Kaye and Laby, 14th ed. 1973. (Bibliog. 1973a.) Correspondence with editor and fellow contributors, with drafts of tables, Further ms. and typescript drafts of tables, corrected proof Copies. Bullard's later correspondence and comments on the 14th edition of Kaye and Laby, 1976, 1979. Also included in this folder is a 1957 letter of Bullard commenting on an earlier edition of Kaye and Laby : G.84-G .86 ‘Basic Theories', in Geothermal energy, review of research and development, 1973. (Bibliog. 1973b.) Correspondence with editor, H.C.H. Armstead, including author's Contract and 2pp. ‘Queries on Sir Edward Bullard's draft article "Basic Theories"! lépp. typescript draft, references and figures, with ms. corrections; ms. notes of heat fluctuation in rocks and of material apparently omitted from final draft. ms. notes for article. ‘Minerals from the deep sea', Endeavour, 1974, (Bibliog. 1974c.) G.86 Correspondence with colleagues re reproducing figures. G .87-G .90 G.87 23pp. duplicated typescript draft; E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.88 Correspondence with Scientific American re publication of article, 1971-73. Publication by Scientific American was delayed because of 'an absolute glut of good articles here about new discoveries in geology’ and Bullard eventually withdrew the article for publication elsewhere. G.240. correspondence see For Endeavour Correspondence with colleagues re information, material for illustrations. Brief correspondence with colleagues arising from publication. 'Some remarks on geothermal heat in the U.K.', 1974 or later. (Not listed in Bibliog.) This paper was written, in part at least, 8pp. typescript draft. as a commentary on the 1.G.S. paper Geothermal energy for the United Kingdom - geological aspects, by K. Dunham (March 1974). Ms.-and typescript notes. G.92-G.94 Annual Typescript draft, with ms. additions and corrections. 'The emergence of plate tectonics: a personal view' Rey. earth planet. Sci., 1975. (Bibliog. 1975b.) Correspondence with Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1973-74; letter from reader after publication, 1975. editors’ preface and 'connective tissue’. Typescript version of Bullard's talk at Princeton conference in honour of Hollis D. Hedberg, March 1972, prepared for published volume. ‘Overview of plate tectonics', in Petroleum and global tectonics, 1975. (Bibliog. 1975f.) Folder also includes brief correspondence with editors, and E Cs C. Bullard AC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.96 Course by Newspaper on the oceans. Bullard contributed two articles 'Exploration of the Sea’ and 'A New World Picture’ (Bibliog. 1976a, b) to this extension course of the University of California, San Diego. Brief correspondence, background material and newspaper cuttings of Bullard's contributions. ‘Generation of magnetic fields by fluid motions of global scale’ (with D. Gubbins). (Bibliog. 1977a.) Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 1977. 1 letter only. G.98, G.99 'The disk dynamo', in Topics in Non-linear Dynamics. tribute to Sir Edward Bullard. A (Bibliog. 1978b.) See also E.187. Duplicated typescript draft, with slight ms. correction. Continuing correspondence, 1977-78. G99 G.100-G.105 Correspondence between Bullard and Malin, 1975-76. r f Correspondence re reproduction of figures for article. 'The direction of the earth's magnetic field at London 1570- 1975' (with S.R.C. Malin), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1981. (Bibliog. 1981.) Plots of magnetic declination. Tables 1 and 3 and biographical notes for appendix, with ms. suggestions by Bullard. Typescript notes with ms. corrections and additions. Continuing correspondence, 1979-80. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts Undated writings. ‘Sunspots' Spp. typescript draft. ‘Deep earth dynamics and the earth's magnetic field! 2pp. typescript draft. Foreword for a book on geochemistry. 3pp. typescript draft. ‘Geophysical consequences of induction anomalies' 2pp. typescript abstract. ‘The geometry of subduction! Spp. ms. draft, with Ip. ms. calculations. at Scripps Institution. n.d. but written 26pp. transcription of tape of undated and untitled Bullard talk on the study of the solid earth. Ilpp. rewrite of the tape of the talk with legends and sources for figures. Scripps Institution. Spp. ms. draft, n.d., but probably written in retirement at ‘Chapter 1. The earth as a planet! E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS ‘Patrick Blackett, an appreciation', Nature, 1974. 1974a.) (Bibliog. Ms. and typescript drafts of Bullard's article. in the folder are brief correspondence with Blackett's Royal Society memorialist, A.C.B. Lovell, 1975-76, and duplicated copy of Bullard's ‘Notes on PMSB for Lovell’, the first page of which is missing. Also included H.J.J. Braddick Letter to editor of The Times, 29 May 1972, with note for publication, elaborating upon Braddick's ‘many endearing eccentricities’ mentioned in The Times obituary notice. See also J.16. (Bibliog. Part 2, 1972). B.C. Browne A.H. Cook G.113-G.122 W.M. Ewing Obituary notice, 9pp., 1969. (Bibliog. 1969c.) Typescript draft of biographical notice of Cook on the occasion of his election to the fellowship of the Royal Society (NPL News, April 1969). There are very many corrections and additions. Bullard wrote both the Royal Society Biographical Memoir (Bibliog. 1975d) and the National Academy of Sciences _ Biographi ical Memoir Bibliog. 1980). Early ms. and typescript drafts of the Ewing memoir for the Royal Society. "Ist draft of Ist part’. calated pages. G.113-G.118 AQpp. ms. draft, with a few inter- E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 "Ist draft of pp.1-16 done in Berkeley Feb.-Mar. 1975 Woods Hole pp.17-28'. MQi 28pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections. ‘Ist revise’. the foundation of the Lamont Geological Observatory. Ms. and typescript draft of the memoir up to Ms. draft of the section of the memoir on seismology at sea. Ms. draft of latter part of memoir including sections on Ewing's move to Galveston and his personality and achievement. Ms. draft of Ewing bibliography. Duplicated copy of Ewing memoir with ms. comments by 'ACV', Eventually it was agreed that the Duplicated copy of the Ewing memoir, as amended for the National Academy of Sciences. Ip. ms. note: 'Things to be done to MS for Nat. Acad. Sci.' Correspondence with National Academy of Sciences re the biographical memoir of Ewing, 1974~80. When Bullard was first approached by the NAS to write the memoir he declined as he had already said he would write the Royal Society memoir. NAS would reprint the Royal Society memoir, corrected and slightly amplified by Bullard. 1971). Brief correspondence with Columbia University about the deposit of the Ewing material collected by Bullard in the course of writing the memoirs, 1980. Obituary notice published in ACUA (Association of Cambridge University Assistants) Newsheet, 1971 (Bibliog. Part 2, G.122A LH. Elavil E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.123-G.138 Halley Tercentenary Publications. Bullard took an active part in the celebrations of the three- hundredth anniversary of Halley's birth, writing articles for Nature and Endeavour and taking a oti role in the Royal Society's marking of the event. continued for the rest of his life. His interest in Halleiana ‘Edmond Halley: the first geophysicist', Nature, 1956. (Biblicg. 195ée.) Corrected proof copy only. G.124-G.126 ‘Edmond Halley (1656-1742)'. 1956f. ) Endeavour, 1956. (Bibliog. l5pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections, references, legends and sources of figures. pondence arising from Seni ication. G.126 G.127-G.130 ‘Catalogue of exhibition to celebrate the tercentenary of Edmond Halley’. Royal Society, 1956. (Bibliog. 1956g.) Published foreign language versions of the article. catalogue. Bullard was chairman of the Royal Society Halley Tercentenary Committee appointed by Council on 1 March 1956 to consider arrangements for a commemoration of the three-hundredth anniversary of Halley's birth. that a conversazione be held on 21 November 1956, that during the conversazione a lecture on the life and work of Halley be given and an exhibition held. Bullard played an energetic part in securing material for the exhibition and prepared the catalogue which was published by the Royal Society. Minutes of committee meetings and correspondence with officers of the Royal Society and holders of and advisers on Halley material re arrangements for exhibition and preparation of At its first meeting the Committee recommended E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts March-June 1956 September-October 1956 November 1956-April 1957 12pp. carbon copy of draft entries for catalogue of Halley exhibition and published catalogue. Correspondence re Halley, principally on bibliographical questions, 1963-70, 1973-74. Small hardback notebook with bibliographical references re Halley; and index cards. further bibliographical references on loose sheets Miscellaneous bibliographical notes re Halley. ed Lenox-Conyngham, see J.82. ‘Drummond Hoyle Matthews' Y 'Sir Harold Jeffreys', Nature, 1958. 2pp. typescript draft of obituary notice, with brief related correspondence. ‘Edward Stanley Hiscocks, CBE’, NPL News, November 1973. (Bibliog. 1973c.) Ip. typescript note for The Times 'sent Aug. 1978'. Biographical notice on the occasion of Jeffrey's retirement from his Cambridge Chair. Not listed in Bibliog. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts Ms. draft and duplicated copy of the typescript draft sent to Nature, 22 July 1974, photographs of Cavendish personnel 1900 and 1929, and brief related correspondence. G.136, G.137 REVIEWS 1954-70 1973-79 See also J.55. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, f f broadcasts G.138-G.175 LECTURES Bullard was greatly admired as a lecturer and talked to a wide variety of academic and non-academic audiences in Britain and overseas. He lectured on topics of current interest in geophysics, such as dynamos, seismic work at sea and plate tectonics, historical topics such as Halley, the wartime organisation of science and the development of ideas in geophysics, and important matters of public policy such as disarmament and the disposal of nuclear waste. For many of these lectures the sole evidence in the collection is a single page of ms. notes, with title, note of audience and date. Some idea of the quality | y and nature of Bullard's lectures can be seen from the following extract of an article written during his lifetime (see also A.1): 'To see the essential Teddy, never miss the opportunity to It was once said of him that he would rather be What better After an hour and a half he politely enquired of someone in On being told, he said only, "Heavens, hear a lecture by him, whether it be a departmental seminar, a lecture at the Royal Society or a talk to oil-men in Libya. His ability to think on his feet is astounding and his way of putting complex ideas over by anecdotes is singular. wrong than duli - he worries little about reputation. example of this than two years ago, when giving an invited lecture to some of the most formidable theoretical geophysicists in the world: after about three quarters of an hour it was obvious that he was letting his mind loose on some new idea and the suggestions that came forth were novel and intriguing. the front row what the time was. my watch stopped an hour ago and I've been extemporising ever since. "' For further material relating to lectures see also Section H. For Bullard's departmental lectures see Section B (Cambridge) and Section C The material is arranged chronologically as far as possible. (California). E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 G.138-G.140 1946 Publications, lectures, broadcasts 'The protection of ships from magnetic mines' Royal Institution (Bibliog. 1946a.) Friday evening discourse, 15 February. Programme of Royal Institution lectures and correspondence re arrangements for lecture and its subsequent publication, with Royal Institution and Admiralty. lépp. typescript draft of text for publication, with ms. additions and corrections and ms. note of figures. 2pp. typescript comments on draft. App. typescript headed 'Notes on D.G.' Figures, photographs and ms. notes. G.142, G.143 1955 Scott lectures, Cambridge University. Brief correspondence and ms. notes of three lectures. 1953 1956 Includes lectures at Cambridge and University of California. the Earth', Oxford University, 4 December. Further ms. notes, calculations and figures used in preparation of lectures. Includes the Herbert Spencer Lecture on 'The Interior of Publications, lectures, broadcasts 1957 Includes lectures at Harvard and for Shell and IC}. 1958 Includes two lectures on 'The Inside of the Earth' at London University. 1959 Includes lectures at Queen Mary College, London, the Institute of Physics and Cambridge. Undated lecture notes found with 1950s material. Includes lectures on the earth's magnetic field, and on rockets and satellites. 1959-60, 1962-63 Lecture notes on topics relating to disarmament and the detection of nuclear tests. Includes lectures on the earth's magnetic field and the ocean floor, given at Moscow. Includes lectures given at Berkeley, Oxford, Bangor, Cambridge and Newcastle. of the earth. Includes lectures on the ocean floor and the structure of the oceans. 1960 196] 1962 Lecture for IBM and two lectures on structure and history E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts 1963 Lectures on properties of mantle and continental shelf. 1965 Lectures on the ocean floor, the earth's magnetic field, and the Royol Astronomical Society's Jeffreys Lecture on electromagnetic induction in the earth. 1966 Includes lectures at Girton College, Cambridge, Moscow and Tokyo. s156).Gi157 1967 9.2156 'Reversals of the earth's magnetic field' (the Bakerian Lecture for 1967). (Bibliog. 1968a.) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1968. Folder includes notice and abstract of lecture, ms. notes and calculations for lecture, scientific correspondence with colleagues and request for permission to reproduce figures. Notes of lectures delivered in Canada, principally Toronto, while Bullard was Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto, January-March. brief correspondence, the Rand Corporation. Includes lectures at Oxford, Glasgow, Madrid and, with See also A. 98. 1968 1969 Lectures in Libya and New York. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.160 Undated notes found with 1960s material and multiple- dated material. Includes lecture on the Moho and the Mohole given at Harwell, Oxford, the Royal Society and ICI, Widnes, 1961-64. 1970 Includes lectures at Fredericton, Harvard and Woods Hole Oceanographic Insiitution. 1972 Includes lectures for Birkbeck College, London, Princeton and NATO. 1973 Includes lecture for IBM. 1974 1975 Bullard's own schedule of his lectures, September 1974-April 1976. Lectures at Toronto, Woods Hole, NATO Defence College, Rome, Cambridge and Calgary. Includes lectures on continental shelves, earth's magnetic field and minerals from the deep sea, at various American locations and the IGRF opening address at Colorado Springs. See A.261 for cassette recording of the lecture. l4pp. typescript, with ms. corrections, of lecture given at Santa Barbara, 4 March. .167-G.169 1976 G.167 "Science and the British Government’ Brief correspondence. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.168 Ewing memorial meeting, Columbia University, March 1976, 6pp. transcript of tape of talk at the dinner in honour of Maurice Ewing, 29 March. o.% 'Geomeiry of sinking plates’ Ip. ms. note of lecture delivered 30 March. Lectures at Pennsylvania State University, California Institute of Technology, and Cambridge. 1977 Lectures at Canberra on the uranium dilemma and plate tectonics. 1978 1979 1977-79 Undated lecture notes found with 1970s material. Includes lectures on plate tectonics, the origins of the recent Includes lectures on plate tectonics and the development of the Atlantic. Lecture on ‘oceanography as it used to be’, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology. Lectures on nuclear waste at Goddard Space Flight Center, La Jolla, Canberra, and, with related correspondence, Philadelphia. revolution in geology, and the use of Computers in science. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, Undated lecture notes including material for lectures on heat flow at sea, geological time, the moho and solar energy. magnetic field of the sun, / f v Miscellaneous lists of slides for lectures. Bullard's tagged folder containing lists of lantern slides, under various subject headings, with index. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/8 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.176-G.192 RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTS ‘What is the Point of Physics? ' Talk for Home Service, broadcast June (postponed from May) 1945, Draft and brief correspondence. 'War Science Organisation' Contribution no.1 to 'Science in the War' series, broadcast in Chinese service, July 1945. Draft and brief correspondence. 'What Science should be planned for' Draft and correspondence. See G.177 above. ‘Explosions and earthquakes’ Bullard was also asked to write the concluding talk of the series but the BBC did not receive the script in time and it was used, in an amended form, in 'The Planning of Science’ series broad= cast the following year. See G.178 below. Contribution to 'The Planning of Science’, broadcast in Chinese service, February 1946. This is the talk which, in clude the 'Science in the War' series broadcast the previous year. Draft and broadcast copy of script. Talk for Home Service 'Science Survey', broadcast February 1948. its original form, was intended to con- E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, broadcasts thst lectures, t "Inside the Earth' Talk for Home Service 'Science Survey', broadcast April 1950. Script and correspondence (1957) re reprint in a collection of writings by scientists. "Sources of Energy' Draft headed ‘European Talks', with ms. note ‘first broadcast 1 January 1952'. 'The Floor of the Atlantic! Talk for Home Service 'Science Survey', broadcast June 1953. Broadcast script only. "Energy from the Sun?! Talk for the General Overseas Service. 'V oyages Interplanetaires' Script only. "Science is News' Reprint in London Calling, 19 January 1956. Interview with Sir Edward Bullard for French Service, broadcast October 1956. See also E.118. Contribution on detection of H Bomb Tests for this television programme, broadcast October 1958. Draft, script and correspondence. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts Excerpt from 'Ten O'Ciock' Programme, Home Service, 10 October 1961. Bullard was interviewed on the evacuation of Tristan da Cunha, in the face of volcanic disaster. Script only. 'The Earth's Dynamo’ Contribution no.3 to Third Programme ‘Experiment’ series, broadcast October 1963. Broadcast script and audience research report (very favourable). 'The Quiet Sun' Network Three series; 'The Earth', broadcast January 1964. Bullard contributed programme no.9 Draft and script. Script only. ‘Charles Babbage’ Talk broadcast March 1969. Draft and contract. 'The Spreading of Oceans and Drifting of Continents’ Contribution to 'The Frontiers of Knowledge! series, BBC Europe (English Service), broadcast 3 May 1968. See alsoG.6l. ‘Origin of the Earth's Magnetic Field! "Mountains' Radio 3 talk, 1970. Draft and correspondence. Outline of script, n.d. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 G.193-G.2 CORRESPONDENCE re PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS G.193-G. Publications G.260-G. Lectures G .264-G. Broadcasts G.193-G.268 presents, in alphabetical order, correspondence with editors, publishing houses and scientific colleagues. The material includes requests to write articles or books, to comment on works submitted for publication by others, to serve on editorial or advisory boards, etc. There isa little scientific corres- The material is dated and an indication given of any information of pondence. or talks. G.193-G .259 PUBLICATIONS casts for which no script survives. special biographical or scientific interest. G.260-G.263 presents, in chronological order, requests to give lectures G.264-G.268 presents, in chronological order, correspondence re broad- Cambridge University Press Atoll Research Bulletin E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts a heen neni ne ln intemal dene tenant sCneetimeni ent G.194-G.230 Clarendon Press, Oxford In 1947 Bullard agreed to act with N.F. Mott as an editor He of the International Monographs in Physical Science. continued in that capacity for nearly twenty years, resigning at the beginning of 1966. specific projects. He subsequently advised on This is a very substantial, though uneven, correspondence with the Press, Mott and prospective authors, amongst whom were very distinguished physical scientists such as $. Chandrasekhar and S. Chapman, and includes ouilines of proposed books and Bullard's comments on manuscripts. It is arranged chronologically. Invitation from N.F. Mott for Bullard to write a book on Geophysics for the Oxford Press, 1945. April-December 1947 January-May 1948 July-September 1948 April-August 1949 1953 (1 letter only) January~ July 1956 January-March 1949 October-December 1948 October-December 1956 September-December 1949 July-September 1959 August-December 1957 January-March 1957 April-July 1957 1958 January-May 1959 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lec ctures, 3, broadcasts G21] October-December 1959 Correspondence and papers re revision of monograph by A.E. Benfield, 1959-61. Folder includes 19pp. typescript draft of '4, Bullard found it necessary to rewrite chapter four of Benfield's book and eventually passed on the manuscript to D.W. Allan. Temperature distribution within the earth’, January-May 1960 July-November 1960 January=July 196] 1962 (2 letters only) February-May 1963 November-December 1963 January-June 1964 September-December 1964 1965 1966 Includes correspondence re Bullard's resignation as editor. The Press continued to seek his advice. Bullard was asked to give his opinion, at the proof stage, on Solar-terrestrial physics, by S. Cha pman and S.-I. Akasofu. ) This folder also includes an undated 2pp. ms. letter by Bullard discussing a book on computers. Royalty statements for 1953, 1957-60. 1972 (73 1974 1968 197] 1975-76 1980 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcast Earth and Planetary Science Letters ‘ Y Le 1965, ’ 1967-74 Bullard was a member of the advisory and corresponded with editors and contributors for nearly ten years. in 1974, He'was relieved of 'the burden of the advisory editorship’ board of the new journal | The material is presented in a chronological sequence. G.23) G £232 G .238 G .234 G.235 1965, 1967 1968 1969 1970 197] Includes 3pp. typescript draft of Bullard and D.P. McKenzie! paper ‘Remarks on Uncertainties in Continental Fitting’. (Bibliog. 1971g.) Poles of Rotation in: 1972 1965, 1970 1972 1973-74 G.239-G.247 Earth-Science Reviews Elsevier Publishing Company Bullard served for many years on the editorial advisory board. (Bibliog. 1974c.) There is correspondence re advisory board mee ae , emerson tions of contributors, comments on man generally and Bullard's own article published by Endeavour in 1974, Includes draft as prepared for Endeavour. article on 'Minerals from mae deep sea' 1970, 1972-79 1970, 1973 Endeavour of E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 ectures, broadcasts January-June 1974 July-December 1974 1975 Correspondence re ICI's withdrawal of support for Endeavour. G.244 G.245 1976 1977 Folder includes duplicated fee ‘The Aurora: by S.-I. Akasofu, with Bullard's ms. corrections. on electrical discharge process around the earth’, of draft article for Endeavour, 1978 Includes correspondence arising from an artic (not by Bullard) on energy policy. LZ? W.H. Freeman and Company 1966, 1970, 1975, 1978-79 Harper & Row Limited 1974 Institute for Scientific Information Geophysical Journal, see Section F under Royal Astronomical Society. 1975 correspondence related to proposed geophysic textbook. publications General correspondence re articles submitted by Bullard for publication and articles submitted to B Sullerd for assess~ ment. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 1946, 1967-68 1970-78 Bullerd was for a number of | go Nature Pergamon Press Limited E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.254 Random House, Inc. See also G.68-G.76 G.255-G .257 C255 G.256 Science Journal 1965, 1967 Shorter requests for books, articles, contributions, arranged alphabetically by publisher or editor. A-B C=£ M-Z Includes invitation for Bullard to write on Rutherford in the Fontana Modern Masters series, 1975. Includes Bullard's reply to an invitation to contribute a chapter on electronic computers for a History of Technology, 1975, , 250; G59 1963-64, 1966-70 Shorter correspondence re permission to quote from publications by Bullard, reproduce photographs, etc. 19/1975, 1977, 1979 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.260-G. 263 LECTURES Invitations to lecture arranged chronologically. 1937, 1943-46 1946 correspondence relates to an invitation to lecture to the Admiralty Mine Design Department at Havant. 1960, 1963-66 1960 invitation was from The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee interested to 'reach some conclusion as to the extent to which it would be worth while (if at all) for our Government to support Space Research on a really big scale’. 1967-69 . 1967 correspondence includes invitation to give a talk at a NATO conference at Greenwich. 1970-73, 1975, 1979 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Publications, lectures, broadcasts G.264-G. 268 BROADCASTS G.264-G.267 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION The folders document broadcasts or projects for BBC radio and television for which no identifiable script survives, and unscripted discussion programmes or interviews to which Bullard contributed. for payment, has survived. In some cases only the contract, or receipt 1943-44 1964, 1967, 1969-73 1969-70, 1976-78 ‘ 1974, 1977 UNESCO Includes 1p. ms. note on programme Correspondence and contract re radio and television programmes for the Open University. on nuclear test ban agreement and notice of meeting between University of California, San Diego, and BBC and OU personnel at La Jolla, 29 November 1976, re educational prograrmmes in general and the possibility of co-producing a television course On oceans. Brief correspondence re radio science programmes. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 SECTION H H.1- H.24 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION H This small section does not adequately reflect the very extensive travel under- taken by Bullard for scientific congresses, lectures and the like, and for government and private consultancy work. There is, however, other material in the collection bearing on visits. For Bullard's visits to Southern California see Section C, for visits in connection with consultancy work see Section E; the material relating to lectures in Section G also gives some indication of visits not documented elsewhere. The presentation is chronological as far as possible. Invitation for 1961 20th anniversary meeting of the Oceanographical Society of Japan, Tokyo, 8-i2 November. Invitation for 1964 1965 1966 Deep drilling symposium, Ottawa, September. Brief correspondence only. Symposium on geological research in Africa, Leeds, 12-14 March. organisers. Bullard accepted an invitation to give a lecture on 'Marine Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean'. probably the lecture published under the title 'The rocks beneath the oceans’ Bibliog. 1969d; see Bibliog. 1968b for Russian language version). Second International Oceanographic Congress, Moscow, 30 May-9 June. This is very : Preliminary announcement, programme and correspondence with E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Visits Continuing correspondence re arrangemenis. Correspondence arising from Congress, especially re publication of plenary lectures. 1967 University of British Columbia, Vancouver. One letter only, re a visit by Bullard. Invitation for 1967 Symposium on the Upper Mantle Project, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, January. 1968 Invitations for 1968 International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy ~ World Magnetic Survey Symposium on Description of the Earth's Magnetic Field, Washington, D.C., 22-25 October. Invitation, list of participants and brief correspondence. Pan-American Symposium on the Upper Mantle, Mexico City, 18-21 March. participants. Ditchley Foundation conference on the Resources of the Ocean Bed, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 26-29 September. Invitation to visit New Zealand under the Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme. 1969 Brief correspondence re arrangements, agenda and list of E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Visits Invitations for 1969 Symposium on the International Regime of the Sea-Bed, Rome, 26 June-2 July. Symposium scientifique international sur la gSodésie de mines, la géologie de mines et 26 August-1 September. la géometrie des gisements, Prague, Annual meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, La Jolla, California, September. 1970 Nato Advanced Study Institute on 'The Moon and Planets', Newcastle upon Tyne, 9-16 April. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Invitations for 1970 NASA Apollo I! Lunar Science Conference, Houston, 5-8 January. Fourth Irish Sea Colloquium, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 6-8 January. Conference on Law, Science and Politics, organised by the David Davies Memorial Institute, London, 11-12 July. Windsor Castle, 6-9 March. 16th Chania Conference of The International Science Foundation, "Science and the International Man: Engineering and the Future of Man', Crete, 27-31 July. Invitation for 1972 Conference on the Human Environment, St. George's House, Symposium on the Rotation of the Earth, n.d. time Affairs Confere ence, 12-14 September. Royal Naval College, Greenwich, Brief correspondence re arrangements and 'nominal' list of participants. Invitations for 197 etn neh Symposium on 'Secular Variation with Particular Reference to the IGRF', Kyoto, Japan, September. Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, December. NASA Ames Research Center, December. 1974 Invitation for 1974 1¥75 Visit to University of California, Berkeley. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Invitation to visit between August a wi Dec the Australian National University, Canberra, ecember. Bullard agreed to become a member of the sponsoring committee. International symposium in honour of George P. Woollard on Geophysics of the Pacific Basin, Honolulu, 8-11 December. Cc ont Inveo His two public lectures (January, February 1975) were on 'The floor of the deep oceans - what are they like?! and 'The floor of the deep oceans - what is happening there?', and he also conducted geophysics and physics seminars. Bullard was appointed to the 'Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock Professorship', originally for the 'Winter Quarter! of 1974 but deferred until after his retirement from Cambridge. . . ' E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 H.20 (Cont'd.) Visits. Folder includes correspondence re appointment, travel and visa arrangements, academic and social invitations, etc., Ip. (only) notes for 2nd Hitchcock lecture, 1lpp. notes for course on "Origin of the Earth's magnetic field’ (given for seminar in geophysics), list of ‘Lectures and Seminars given .. as Hitchcock Prof., Jan.-Mar. 1975'. See A.258, A.259. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, March=August. Bullard visited Woods Hole as the Doherty Fellow. Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, office memoranda and material re salary and expenses. Note on 'High heat flow on axis of mid-ocean ridges', 1975, written in response to a query from J.R. Heirtzler (1p.). 1 July 'The MBL Library: a note on its adequacy for marine geology and geophysics', written at the request of J.R. Heirtzler (18pp.). Undoted research proposal found with Woods Hole material with t t Photographs. Bullard's ms. Comments. XVlth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Grenoble, August-September. University of Victoria, British Columbia, 16-19 September. Bullard was interested in attending as a representative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics but declined an invitation to speak at a symposium on 'Tidal Interactions, including Earth Tides', explaining that he had never worked on any aspect of tides. E.C. Bullard CSAC 1006/4 /84 1 cu Visits Invitations for 1976 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Invitation to visit New Zealand. 2 Oregon State University, January. Brief correspondence re arrangements, history of science research topics. University of Houston, February. One letter only. NASA Goddard Space Flight Research Center, Maryland, 24-25 March. Letter and enclosure only. a? t nd Invitation for 1977 He also lectured on Visit to New Zealand, September Bullard gave a colloquium on the ‘Origin of the Earth's Magnetic Field’. : Bullard visited universities at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Otago and gave a public lecture sponsored by the Royal Society of New Zealand on nuclear waste. the earth's magnetic field. joint Sandia-UNM colloquium series. Correspondence with organisers, abstract of talk on nuclear waste and abstract and ms. note of lecture on earth's magnetic field. Invitation to visit University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, as a speaker for the E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 1977-79 Visits to Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Bullard visited Fairbanks in 1977 and returned in 1978 and 1979 as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Geophysics. 1980 was cancelled because of Bullard's last illness. A visit in Correspondence re arrangements for visits, Geophysical Institute generally. the affairs of the Lectures delivered in Alaska, 1975, 1978-79. Bullard's remarks to the Advisory Board of the University of Alaska Geophysical Institute, 18 May 1979 (lp. ms. note) and background material re the Geophysical Institute. 1978 Harvard University, October-November. Invitations for 1979, 1980 International Conference on the Thermal Regime of the Earth's 'The Development of the Ideas of Plate Correspondence with organisers and colleagues, ms. notes, abstracts and notices of lectures. Bullard was invited by the Harvard Committee on Oceanography to deliver the Columbus O'Donnell Iselin I! Lectures for the Fall semester, 1978. He gave lectures on 'The Disposal of Nuclear Waste at Sea', Tectonics' and 'What is wrong with Plate Tectonics ?' Interior, ?Boulder, Colorado, July or August 1980. IAGA symposium on ‘Planetary Dynamo Theory' as part of the General Assembly of UGG, Canberra, 2-15 December 1979. Bullard Se ne CSAC 100/4/84 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE _J.1 - J.206 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION J This Section comprises letters received in Bullard's correspondence folders or as loose papers. Other correspondence kept by Bullard with his research, committee or P publications papers has been left in pap place in the appropriate Sections. pprop Pp The remaining letters are sporadic in incidence. Though there are a few from earlier periods, there is very little from the National Physical Laboratory and the majority date from the later part of Bullard's career. Several contain historical reminiscences, or Bullard's views on research, its organisation and personnel. The material is presented as follows: a1 =i. ee Correspondence with individuals. In alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. ‘ J.169-J5.176 J.177=J.206 Builard's carbon only. References and appointments. reprints, specimens, information. Shorter unindexed correspondence: exchanges of SOME OF THE MATERIAL IN THIS SECTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTION Heat flow. On geological time. 1945 1970 Althem, Ps M238. Statistical methods. Alldredge, L. R. Mantle conductivity. 1972-73, 1976 Ahrens, L. H. Akasofu, S.-l. Andrade, E. N. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Corresponden ce Archer, A. A, Arkell, W. J. Armetead, fi. 2... Hi. Proposed research on geothermal energy. Athavale, R. ON. Oriented core samples. Bdcker, H. Backus, G. E. Publications, research proposed and in hand, recommendation Badash, L. 1972 1967-69 1971-79 Historical writings, on Rutherford and others. Baker, Ps & Banks, R. Baker, J. “Fy 1971-73 On Juan Fernandez Island rocks. | got rid of everything in 1945'. In his letter of 26 November Bullard Correspondence 1973 is re explosives and blast waves. writes: 'l enormously regret that I did not keep war-time papers; Continued Includes Bullard's reminiscences of his work with H.S.W. Massey on electron scattering, written for a 70th birthday tribute (see A.13, J.91). Mainly reminiscences of G.I. Taylor. Batchelor, G. K. 1971 1976 1978 1975, 1978 Bates, D. R. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 J.10 (Cont'd. ) Becky A. bs ; Correspondence Bernal, J. OD. Earthquakes; Bu!lard's reply is addressed to "Dear Sage’. Bethe, H. A. Energy policy; Bethe and comments. includes published article by 1973 1964 1975 Beynon, We: J...G. Birch, F. 1973 1946, 1971 1946 correspondence is on various sea-floor research projects. Bicchony 2 Black, I. Black, M. J.14 Jet4, J.15 Blackett; -7.° M.S. Various dates 1945-46 1945-46 (Bullard's carbons only). Addressed to 'Tom' (Margaret Bullard). 1965-66 on magnetic reversal and palaeomagnetic Continued (wife of H.J.J. Braddick, about Bullard's obituary of her husband). 1974-76 Reminiscences of Blackett, and arrange- Ocean conductivity. Braddick, M. 1972 See G.112. research. ments for his papers. Brace, W. . F. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Correspondence J.16 (Cont'd.) Bragg, Wa L: 1938, 1946 1938 letter is to Lenox-Conyngham about Bullard's research, Brockamp, B. Seismology. Browne, B.C. 1932, 1934 1948-49, 1959, 1968 Correspondence 1948-49 is on research, Correspondence expeditions, department, etc. 1968 includes material relating to Browne's death in August of that year. Budgett, H. M. Bullen, K. E. Bullerwell, W. 1938 1955, 1963, 1970 1967 Magnetic survey data. Byrd; B.C 1939 Burchfield, J.D. History of science. Get: Carr, R. Spherical harmonics. Gravity survey measurements. Cherwell, Viscount (F.A. Lindemann) Computer Sciences Corporation Conan, te: By Halley and Newton. 1968-69, 1979 IFT se E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Corresponde nce Cook, A. 1948 Pendulum swings; to Bullard's 1933 work. includes data and reference Cooper, L. 1946 Proposed research on chemical oceanography. Cooper; Be <1," By 1948-49 Mainly on dynamo theory. Cowling, T. G. Cox, A. Crane, H.R. Greer, kK. M. Bullard's carbon only, comments on paper by Creer. Crick. ti Davies, D. Deseo, t.. Ey oR. Microseisms David. tac a ¥ Dynamo problem. Continental drift. Continental drift. de Beer, G. Orake, £41. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Correspondence Edmonds, J. M. Bullard's views on geological studies. Evateictec.s bs Organisation of geology at UK universities. Evans, R. Core densities. Evans, T. 1964 1971 1975 Comments and re-workings of Buliard's work on boreholes, especially Bibliog. 1947b. data and calculations. Includes Ewing, W. M. Falconer, N. 1946 1974-77 Uranium glass. 1973, 1975 Fellgett, P. ; 1967-68, 1972-73 History of Operational Research; comments on wartime convoy size. includes Bullard's Faul, H. and others Boater the: © her biography of her father. Correspondence 1958-59 is with Fisher on 'smoothing formulae'. Correspondence 1977 is with Joan Box (daughter) and includes reminiscences of Fisher for Magnetic variations. Fisher, R. A. 1958-59, 1977 Figen Fock. 1958, 1962, 1964 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Correspondence Fitzpatriek, J.:< A: Flower M. 6, oJ. 1970 1973 Proposed research on petrological data retrieval. rronk; Fey Bullard, E. & Massey, H.S.W. The effect of a magnetic field on relative solution of E asonast ay linear differential Camb. phil. Soc. 29, 288-296, gravity determinations with invar pendulums. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publ ications Bullard, £ The observation of gravity by means of invariable pendulums. Proc. R. Soc. A., 141, 233-258. Bullard, E. Note on the Hayford-Bowie tables for calculating aie Geophys. 10, 318-322. pave ne eae Bullard,E. Gravity measurements in East Africa. Build geol. Surv. Uganda No. 2, 28-29. Bullard, E Gravity measurements in East Africa. Phil. 2eaNS « Rs SOc. A, (235, 405=53i1 . Bullard; hs & Joli Holo. Gravity measurements in Great Britain. Mon. Not. Re as. Ci Soc. Geophys. Suppl. 3, 443-477. BUuLlardsb< astr. ° - Suppl. 4 4, Tanganyika Territory. Mon. Not. R. Str. IC. geophys. Suppl. 47114-1217 Horstlela, aw. & Bullard... Gravity measurements in 8’. “Gravity measurements in geophys. Suppl. 4, 94-113. Munsey, D.F. & Bullard, E. the Anglo-Eqyptian Sudan. Mon. Not. R. The theory of the Benioff seismograph. 336-340. Mon. Not. R. astr. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. & Kerr-Grant, C. The design and testing of geophones and their amplifiers. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. 4, 341-350. Bullard, E. Thermal conductivities of rocks (report of a committee). Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt. Sci. 271-277. Bullard, E. Underground structure near Cambridge. In The Cambridge Region. Appendix to Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt. Sci. Bullard, E. The disturbances of temperature gradient in the earth's crust by inegalities of height. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. 4, 360-362. Bullard, E. & Gaskell, T.F. Seismic methods in submarine Mon. Not. R. : geology. Mace, C. & Bullard, E. Bullard, E. committee). 237-248. Bullard, E. Sci. PLOG., On: 154, Bullard, E. Submarine geology. Nature, Lond. 142, 916. Gravity measurements in Cyprus. Advmt. Sci., Lond. 1939-40, 330-331. Thermal conductivity of rocks (report of a Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. 4, 473-480. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. 4, 534-536. Temperatures within the earth. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. Heat flow in South Africa. Proc. R. Soc. A, 173, 474-502. Bulland,;—b.; Gaskell TFs, Harland: :WiB. & Kerr-Grant, C. Seismic investigations on the Palaeozoic floor of east England. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 239 29-94, Browne, B.C. & Bullard, E. Comparison of the acceleration due to gravity at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington and the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C .#Procs Roy. Soe. A, al75,: J10—11:7 . Bullard, E. Geophysical study of submarine geoloay. Nature, Lond. 145, 764-766. Bullard, E. Submarine canyons. Nature, Lond. W46),.43:2). Bullard, E. ETOG> R. coce A, 177, 476-499. 672-673. Bullard, E. & Gaskell, T.F. Bullard, E. Builard, E. Bullard, E. The continental shelf. Nature, Lond. 143, Submarine seismic investigations. wrOoce sR. Instn. Gh Br. ol jelso=14 7 Radioactive heat generation in rocks. The geophysical study of submarine geology. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. 5, 41-47. 105-108. The earth's gravitational field. Mon. Not. Endeavour 2, ca Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications eu Nications Bullard, Er, Geological time Phil. Soc, 86, 55-82. Bullard, g&, (and Others) Science at your Service, London: Allen & Unwin. Bullard, kz. Thermal history of the 156, 35, nOaS:, Bullard, fF, Bullard, F, The Protection of Ships from magnetic mines, PTOG: Re instn. Gt. p mh oe 554-566. Remarks on @ paper by Pp. Evans & w. Crompton “Geological factors in gravity interpretation Bullard, Ee & Slichter, Re - Lond, 102, 246-247, Lond. Bullard, re ferr. Magy Bullard, Bie Researches Dep, Bullard, Be Bullard, EB. of terrestrial magnetism, On magnetic work in Africa. Frenkel's views on the Origin The time necessary for a bore carnegie Inst, Mash. 8, 20-21, temperature equilibrium, geophys. Suppl. 5, 127-130, = Opaedia "Geophysics" and "Seismographs" in Chamber's Encyclopaedia. Say Gerald Lenox Conyngham,. Articles on “Earth", Bull. geod. 1-3, Sh OE! S ——— E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications a nn een Bullard, E. The figure of the earth. Mon. SOG. geophys. Suppl.) 5, 1s6-192 . Bullard, E. Article on "Speed" in the Children's Encyclopaedia. Bullard, E. & Cooper, R.I.B. Determination of the masses “necessary to produce a given gravitational field. - soc. A, 194, 332-347. Bullard, E. The secular change in the earth's magnetic field. Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geovhys. Suppl. 5 , 248-257. Bullard, E. The magnetic field within the earth. Proc. Re OC. A, 197, 433=453 3 Bullard, E. & Stanley, J.P. The age of the earth. Suom. Budlvard«°hs Bullard, E. Physics Today 2, 6b13. sphere. Proc. R. Soc. A, 199, 413-443. Bullard, E. Terrestrial magnetism. geod. Lait. Julki Now 36, 33-40. (The Halley Lecture). Observatory 70, 139-143. Electromagnetic ition Ewa rotating The origin of the earth's magnetic field Bullard, E., Freedman, C., Gellman... & Nixon, abs oOK4iL. The westward drift of the earth's magnetic field. The transfer of heat from the core of the earth. Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc Fhil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 243, 67-99; Bullard, E. bp , EC. Bullerd CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications d Bullard, E. Sections on “gravity", “constants connected with the earth" ana “abundances of the elements" in Kaye, G.w.c, & Laby, T.H. Tables 2 Physical constants, 10th €d. London: Longmans. 195le Bullard: (Es c< Niblett, Bio Terrestrial heat flow in England. 222-238, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. oF L952. 3 Bullard. 7p. Remarks on de formation Of the earth's crust. Trans. Am. gdeephys. Un. 32, p20 b 1 Bullard, Rk. Fluid motion Of the earth's interior as inferred from geomagnetism. 32. 535. trans Trans. Am. ¢ feophvs. Un. © Bullard, B. « & Geophysik) 3, 385-386. @ Buliard, Bo): (Esperanto translation hydrodynamics. J. Phys. Earthy} 6s. on self-exciting Processes in magne to~ he origin of the earth's magnetic field. Geologie Mijnb,. 14, 355-359, in Science Review 4a, Utilisation of solar energy (report of a committee) . meena enero, £ Research 3, 522-529. EC CSAC 100/4/84 - Bullard List of publications Bullard, Bp. Heat flo w through the floor of the eastern Bullards np . North Pacific Ocean. Nature, Lond. £70. 360 British standard of radioactive iodine greta” Nature, Lond. 170, 916-917. Bullard, RB, Magnetic Survey from the air. No. Sane Aerial Surv Bullard; Beers the earth's dipole moment increasing! dis geophvs. Res 28, 2/7 7=2 78. Bu WSow Bullard, fF. ey Gi Marty, BApQs Ria, MPL Nae 3 Introduction to a discussion on "The floor nies (953, of the Atlantic Ocean". Proc. Soc. 287~289,. in comparison of oceans and continents. BR: Soc..A, 222, 403-407. Bullard. wis PYLOG., Bullard, & part - Bullard, ane magnetism. Bullard, 5. the floor of the » 408-429, the ocean. Deep Sea Res, 1] 65-66. Atlantic Ocean, Proc. R. Science and management. Phil. Trans. RS SOG GA ‘BULLard, Bar. Gellman, H The flow of heat through Homogenous dynamos and terrestrial] 222 He at flow through the floor Of University Pres S. The interior of the earth. System (ed. G-eP. Kuiper) vol. 2 Planet. 57-137, The Manager 22, 89-91 and 112. Wee]. 213-278 Bullard, E Chicago; tin E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. The magnetic field of sunspots. In Vistas in astronomy. (ed. A. Beer). Bullard, E. The stabrility of a homopolar dynamo. Proc. Camb. phil. Soc. 51, 744-760. Bullard, E. Definition of the second of time... Nature, ond. 176, 252. Bullard, E. Introduction to a discussion on "Movements in the earth's core and electrical conductivity”. Annis. Géophys. 11, 49-52 Bullard, E. Remarks on a paper by S.K. Runcorn "The earth's: core. Trans. Am. «geophyss Uns.36,7,491 < Bullard, E. Introduction to a discussion on "Magneto- Internattonal Nature, hyarodyvnamicsi« Bullard, BE. The unit of time: Heat flow through the deep sea floor. Adv. Geophys. 3, 153-187. Lond. 177; UZ=13.. Proc. R. Soc. Ay, 233),.. 289). Astin, AsV., Bullard, Bs: & Lewis, W.B. comparisons of radioactive standards. Bullard, E., Maxwell, AE. & Revelle, R. (suppl. t), Engineering and scientific applications of Observatory 76, 238-239. Intn. elect. hrars. 20a, Pt. iS Bullard, E. computers. : E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. Edmond Halley: the first geophysicist. Nature, Lond. 178, 891-892. Bullard, E. Edmond Halley (1656-1742). Endeavok 15, asa nN 189-199. Bullard, E. Catalogue of exhibition to celebrate the tercentenary of Edmond Halley. Iondon: Royal Society. Bullard, E. The floor of the ocean. ite phils, 560.197, 4 1-12/- Bullard, Es, Sections on “Gravity”, "Physical constants of the earth" and "Abundances of the elements” in Tables of physical and chemical constants by Kaye, G.W.C. & Laby, T.H., lith ed. London: Longmans. Biogr. Ro, 4a Park: Bullard, E. In Proc. we Menlo Bullard, E. Welcoming luncheon address. Bullard, E. & Ronan, C.A. The exhibition to commemorate Stanford Research Institute. Gerald Ponsonby Lenox-Conyngham. Mem. Fellows R. Soc. 3, 129~140. symposium on applied solar energy 41-42. Edmond Halley 1656-1742. Notes rad. R. Soc. Ser F.A. Vening Meinesz (ed. Bullard, E. The density within the earth. tend /.19, 166-167. I.A. van Weelden). Verh. yeol.-mijnb. Genoot. Ned. geote~mijnd. Genoot. Ned (qeol. Ser). l Geore. 23-41. In Gedenkboek E.C. Bullard CSAC 100 /4/84 Bullard E. The secular variation of the earth's magnetic field (Chree lecture). Yb. phys. Soc. for 1958, 47-60. Allan, D.W. & Bullard, E.° Distortion of:a toroidal field by convection. Rev. mod. Phys. 30, 1087-1088. Bullard, E.C.. The inside of the earth. In Scientific background (ed. A.N. Jaffares). London: Pitman. Bullard, E. Geophysics: substantial additions to knowledge. New Scient. 5,6,59. Bullard, E. Proiskhozdenii magnitnogo polya zemli. Priroda, Mosk. No. 12, 80-85. Bullard, E. The automatic reduction of geophysical data. Geophys. J. 3, 237-243. Allan, D.W. & Bullard, ©. Runcorn). London: Interscience. Origin of the secular variation (abstract only) Bull. Ass.int. Geomagn. Aeron. Methods and techniques in geophysics (ed. S.K. Measurement of temperature gradient in the earth. 91-92. Presentation of Arthur L. Day medal to Edward Cc. Bullard (with his reply). Proc. geol. Soc. Am. (for 1959) Nos: 16.349. In E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. Opening remarks to a discussion on Bopace, research. = dl. Br. instn. Radio Engrs. Bullard, E. & Day, A. The flow of heat through the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Geophys. J. 4, 282-292. Bullard, E. Forces and processes at work in ocean basins. In Oceanography. New York: Publs. Am. Ass. Advmt. Sci. No. 67, 39-50. Bullard, B236.Mason: R.G.° Dhe magnetic field astern of a ship. Deep Sea Res. 8, 20-27. Bullard, E. The Mohole. Endeavour 20, 188-196 (also in French, German, Spanish & Italian editions and PLOC. Re isec. As Bullard, E. In Encyclopaedic ibid 3, 456-458. ibid 5, 180-181. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Bullard, E. & Griggs, D.T. Earth, radioactivity in. Geomagnetism, origins of. discontinuity. Geophys. J. 6, 118-123. The nature of the Mohorovicic dictionary of physics (ed. J. Thewlis). 2, 593-594. reprinted in Norwegian in Teknisk Ukeblad 1137-1144). 265. The deeper structure of the ocean FLOOR, Ocean floor, heat flow through. 1962 a Bullard, E. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications D.-Bulllard,.©., BLlL, MoNs & Mason, CoS. ssenart or the total force of the earth's magnetic field for the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. Geomagnetica 186-191. Lisboa: Servico Meteoroldgico Nacional. c Bullard, E. Richard’ Montgomery Field. Procs qeol> Soc. No; 1602, 154-155, dad. Bubtard, 5, Ogiebay, F., Munk,” W.H. & Miller. c . User's guide to BOMM, a system of programs for the analysis of time series, preliminary version. La Jolla: University of California. (see also 1964e & 19663) Bullard, E. & Munk, W.H. Patching the long-wave spectrum across the tides. New York: Interscience. Bullard; E. ocean. Bullard, E. & Mason, R.G. Buldard,°E. Contribution No 18. In anvestiqations, of The magnetic field over the iin. The Sea. (6d. "MeN. Hi). 3) 21S =252). Enawhe Sea (eds MN v Hr be 3), L75=227% oceans... NI Yrici Dtiroctiones , The flow of heat through the floor of the J. geophys. Res. 68, 3627-3634. 4, 316-317. Monogr. int. Un. Geod. Geophys. Gharles Galton Darwin: O. wl. Re a the earth's crust. NO. ¢22):7< Budilard, B.. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 List of publications Bullard, E. The language of machines. Endeavour 23, 160-164. (also published in French, German, Italian & Spanish). 5** '9¢57 Bullard, E. Continental drift. Q. Jl Geol. Soe... Lond. 120, 1—34. Budlarcd.: vm. Mason, C.S. & Mudie, J.D. Curious behavior of a proton magnetometer. Proc. Camb. phil. Soc. 60, 287-293. Bullard, E. The flow of heat through the earth. Icsu Rev. World Sci... 6, 78=837. Bullard, H.,,,0glebay, FAE., Munk7owW He & Miller, GsR. A user's guide to BOMM. La Jolla: University 258, 41-51. 472-476. Bullard, E. (abstract only). The fit of the “Continental Drift". Phil. Trans. R. SOG.7A,.7258 continents around the Atlantic. Phils “Trans A, Buitard, 36. Concluding remarks to .a discussion on Of Galifornia. (see also 1962d & 19665). Bullard, He, Everett, d.B. & Smith, A) ae wn Neko, berd: oF (oie : ; a Shieptefpheet RS Krone 8 ARR endl a OM Us ure £A2 » FIuadl. pela 6G. es 2 tes 1 + VIS Soc c aw a el. lee ‘ [cae ~«¢ Parra Load [Re Snrrn ‘= 1922~> 192 ae aye Re inten uaen ~ . Paneer AC nh [eda ot £. j on Mp. h SUF oo 4 an Ae , “ny 3B. Lev ne 16 AO 2, a Y Zz by A-S May hon i, Om c are tees ee ; E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Pere List of publications bee eb e St A Wen en Ah > ae e e pe PER Me Sheet Wan Ry Re V, Sera we Noles Cad. Ue a2 hea oe Freee Ate &. WorSen~ds Ay Sel, . Sika cai: Dasye- i ae Thy 23, FOF EA : | ee « = ‘% Semphs elean tte Yn oF CS tees ote a S ofpreKie pte. Ox Lent, Lg set lF7L one Ay kee Se) a Arey iS a a fee $$ a or Jes sae oe 7 — we . é a Ct ~Y We Rea Sed Fel ue 2 ae i . —_— ma Set jek nds Cae ME BAL: AOR cecil Cnnd cre E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS ADAMS, Robin ADMIRALTY AHRENS, L. H. AITKEN, Martin J. AKASOFU, Syun-Ichi AKERS, Sir Wallace Alan ALBASINY, E. — L. AL-CHALABI, M. ALDERMAN, A. R. ALLDREDGE, Leroy R. ALLEN, Fergus Hamilton ALLEN, John Frank (Jack) ALLEN, Percival H.28 E.1-E.8 See J.1 F.8 (224 49, eo. Hou, d | F.88 F.40, F.43 G.235 D.514 pe bee > 182 Ath oGH95, C2196, C199 A.111 ALPER, Marshall E. ALT, Fred E. 102 D.596 SCIENCES sat Ft Paz ANDERSEN, Einar MENT OF SCIENCE ALTHAM, Ps om... ©. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION AMERY, Julian J.3 GAlZe. Oo i126.. J. 2 See also G.129 ANDRADE, Edward Nevill da Costa ARDEN-CLOSE, C. F. see under CLOSE APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) ANDERSON, E. M. ANDERSON, David V. D.514 D.376 Ba zo Fig, Pe E.47 F.28 ARCHER, Alan A. ANDERSON, J. al E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms LS f ARDERN, Jim ARKELL, William Joscelyn ARMSTEAD, H. Christopher H. ARRHENIUS, Gustaf ASTIN, Allen Varley ASTOR FOUNDATION ASTOR, Janet Bronwen Alun, Lady ATHAVALE, R. N. ATHENAEUM CLUB ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT (AERE) HARWELL ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT (AWRE), ALDERMASTON AWBERRY, J. H. D.569 J.3 G.85, J.4 C.18 G.120 Fiarnt2 Ci t2 J.4 F.13 E.9-E.13 E.14-E.22 D.395 BACKER, H. BADASH, Lawrence BILE OAs ie. BASS, Manuel N. J.4 Jid J.6 D.102 G.83 J.8 FSG, PATE .7 BARR, Poo €, BANKS, Roger BACKUS, George E. BAGLIETTO, Eduardo E. BAKER, John Fleetwood, Baron BARNES, Winston Herbert Frederick J.10 B; 90, D444, D,A575: 5.9, J.190 See also F.63 BATCHELOR, George Keith BARTON, James Juxon Talbot BATES, Sir David (Robert) BARRON, David W. Setar D.565 D.150 C.20 BARTELS, Julius Bybe; elo Ci, 4.8, Sever E.C. Balled CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms BAXENDALE, Lawrence R. BLAITY;.S. BEAUMONT, J. O. BECK, Alan E. BELON, Albert E. BELOUSSOV, |. M. BELOUSSOV, V. BELSHE, John BENHELD, A; E. BENJAMIN, (Thomas) Brooke BENKOVA, NN. P. BENN, Anthony Wedgwood BENOIT. Lat ck, BERNAL, John Desmond BETHE, Hans Albrecht A. 64 A.59, A.61 See B.49 bilQ H.30 H.6 Faz C17 A. 64, G.212 See also D.352-D.358, D. 364 F.109 G.234, G.236 A.77 B.1 i. 10 dhe A.111, F.37, F.51-F.59, F.61, Fi65, F.67, F.72, F.73 A.111 A.201 BIRD, Gina BISCHOFF, James L. BISSELL, Claude BHABHA, Homi Jehangir BIGKMORE, D. °P. BIRCH, Albert Francis ste Eve G.221 BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy Aimy 37.198; © 204, J.12 BEYNON, Sir (William John) Granville A.191-A.194 wee Ash. D.AG7..F.94.G, 905, Jit de hee See also E.184, F.87, G.111 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLAKE, Robert Norman William, Baron BLACKETT, Costanza (Pat), Lady J.13 A.98 J.13 Jst3 BLACK, lan BLACK, Max BLANDY, John Peter E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms BLOCH. R. 0A, BLOUNT, Bertie Kennedy BODE, Hendrik Wade BOLT, Bruce A. BONDI, Sir Hermann BONSALL, Frank Featherstone BONSER, Stanley Haslam BOOKER, John R. BORCHERT, H. BORN, Max BOTT, Maurice Harold Phillips BOTTINGA, Yan BOULNOIS,. Pluk; BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron BOWKER, Albert H. D.514 E.154 See E.168 H.18 G.221 See also E.89 F111 E.163, E.164, E.166-E.170 C.20, D.592 D.514 A. 64 E.135 C28 D.288 E.160 H.20 D.33 J.34 C2 J.16 See G.112, J.16 C5 AA 60 £148 G.21, J46 A. 64 F.64 G.247 G.127 BRACE W. ..F-. BRADNER, Hugh BRAND, Arthur BRENNER, Alwyn BRIDSON, Peter BOWYER, W. BOX, Joan G. BOYS, Samuel Francis BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRADDICK, Henry John James Fedo BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- BRITISH PETROLEUM F.14 E.24 a 16 D.152 BROCKAMP, Bernhard BROWN, Alexander BROWN, Harold BRINK, Charles Oscar MENT OF SCIENCE E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms BROWN, Rb. F.101 BROWNE, Benjamin Chapman BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick BRUNE, James N. BRUNT, Sir David BRYAN, R. M. BUDGETI, He Mm. BULLARD, Belinda BULLARD, Edward BULLARD, Henrietta BULLARD, Margaret Ellen (Tom), Lady BULLARD, Molly BULLARD, Ursula Margery, Lady 65-F. 74.517; A.64, A.79, A.80-A.82, Mi 20, Badd, Bs 20. bi 26,8 F.60)6 See also B.2, B.46, B.48, D.86-D.88, D.90, D.91, D.94-D.96, E.1, E.227, G.112 . 164, Eek. 118) Fev, Getsa See also E.117, E.119 C97 A.71 D.339 J.18 A.145 A. 64 A.134 A.130-A.133 A.129 A.139 J.18 D.584, J.18 D.85 F.116, G.196, G.199 J.19 J.181 E.25 F.44 B.1 H.34 F.117, F.118 A.111 E.40, E.43 J.153 BURNS). J. "@. BURCHFIELD, Joe D. BURKILL, John Charles BULLEN, Keith Edward BULLERWELL, William BURCH, Cecil Reginald BURCHAM, William Ernest BURMAH OIL COMPANY LIMITED J.19 BURRARD, Sir Sidney Gerald BUXTON, Paul William Jex BYERS, Horace R. BYNG, Robin C. Siioe er: - F. BUTLER, Clifford Charles BUTTS, Nancy E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms CAIN, Joseph C. CALLOW, W. J. CARR, Rupert Ellis CARROLL, J. CARRUTHERS, J. N. CASSINIS, G. CHADWICK, Sir James CHADWICK, (William) Owen CHAKRABORTY, B. BB. CHALFONT, (Alun) Arthur Gwynne Jones, Baron CHANDRASEKHAR, P. CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan D,612, J.20 D.411 J.20 Eo A.65 E.6 See also F.85 A.54, A.62, A.80, A.81 Ewco See also E. 84 F.116 E.40, E.43, E.132 D.571 A.201, G.197, G.203, G.204, G.208, G.209, G.213, G.214. . G:217; G. 222 CHAPMAN, Sydney CHARNOCK, Henry CHEETHAM, G. CHERRY, (Edward) Colin CHESTERMAN, W. C. CHERWELL, Frederick Alexander, Viscount Dsio\, D.457; G.127,Gs128, G.201, G.204, G.215, G.219, G.223 See also F.85, F.87, F.104, 5214. °C;217;: G24 A.106, F.38, J.99 A.65, J.20 F.101 G.206 B.11 F.99 E.166 D.514 E.26 D.471, F.40 F.68, F.72 B.] CLOSE, Sir Charles (Frederick) (later Arden- CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman (Guy) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CLENSHAW, C. W. CLEVERLY, John Cranvowe. €, CHUTE, Newton E. Close) E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms COCKBURN, Sir Robert COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas COHEN, |. Bernard COLE. 13..., James S. COLLINSON, D. W. COLLIP... di COMMITTEE ON COLONIAL GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION COMRIE, Leslie John COOK, Alan Hugh E68, E770, E173, sles See also E.167, E.174 Ecy, for a7 a, cee See also E.50 Hi 33,: J 24 See D.514 Ei 7 Foe Bue/-E, 36 ee) A.65 #3320, 480, F202; G.81; J.2e See also G.112,.G.193, G.209 COOK, Phyllida COOMBS, Douglas Saxon A.65 H.28 COOPER, Leslie Hugh Norman D.406, J.23 COX, Allan COOP eR ye mas be a COUSINS, Frank COULOMB, J. CORDIER, Andrew W. See E.66 P.27, baao E.145 A.93 A.11 COPISAROW, Alcon Charles COTTRELL, Sir Alan (Howard) COWLING, Thomas George D.105-D.107, J.24 See also D.104, D.108 B.1 CRICK, Francis Harry Compton Fey, F562 Gi.209; deco COX, Roland A. CRAIG, Harmon CRANE, th. .&; S297, 029 PiAp Jeu are ged Gaze, D.6av dco CREER, eKnatt M. CROMBIE, James E. E.C. Bullard GSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms CROMER, George Rowland Stanley Baring, Earl of CRONAN, David S. CROSLAND, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) Cre iGR, We ui Dy CULLINANE, John L. CULLIS, Michael Fowler CURRIE, Ronald I. CURTIS Ass ks. £40,604, Es 7 oye oe J.149 F.5! de¥2 D.563 E.45, E.46 Pir, 54/0 F.43 D'ARCY EXPLORATION COMPANY D.381-D.389 passim DALE, Sir Henry Hallett DANBY, GG. 4. DARLING, F. W. DARWIN, Sir Charles Galton G.138 Poor ie J.79 A.65, D.98 See also F.85 B.1 G.20 DAVIES, David DARWIN, Horace UP iee, ts. Ve DAVIS, T. Neil DAVIDSON, Ce FP. DAVIES, Donald W. DEACON, Sir George (Edward Raven) Atal, oF. 82, G.236)°C5252, Gi Zoe. 3. 26 See also A. 1 F.45, F.47 G.207, G.209, J.26 H.30 D.416 F.116, G.59 Ey, rae, Erloy) aaa, ©. 36, Fore F964, FF, 10S. £4.60, J.26 G.65 F.99 F.47 J.26 de BEER, Sir Gavin Rylands DENTON, Eric James DAY, Alan A. DEACON, Margaret DEAN; H... R. DEAN, Paul E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE - See MINISTRY OF SCIENCE DEUTSCH, Ernst R. DEWAR, Michael James Steuart Dib ei Rs. Se DISHON, Menachem DIVITA, E. DIXEY, Sir Frank DORMER, Florence - see under OGLEBAY DRAKE, Ellen T. DRALKIN, A. DRAPER, Charles Stark DRYDEN, Hugh L. DUFFIELD, W. Geoffrey DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) DUNWORTH, John Vernon D.584 See D.58] See C.12 Jia See E.104 F.109 5.26 H.4, G 205 E.145, E.146 B.1 Arg6, FAs, 658, 661, F.A06 See also G.91 PADS Fas 62 See also E.88 DURRANI, Saeed A. OU TOT Pi, DYKSTRA, C... GA; Ee roe Fv? C.14 B.1 DYSON, Sir Frank (Watson) DURLACKER, Sir Lawrence (George) D.458 C,12, 6.209 B.] E.100 E.1, E.4 JW H.20 H.16 EDDINGTON, Sir Arthur Stanley EDGELL, Sir John Augustine ELSASSER, Walter Maurice ELLIS, Edward William EDMONDS, James M. ELBERG, Sanford S. ECKART, Carl EDEN, Richard J. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms ENDTZ, J. ENGLEDOW, P.. L. ENGLISH, Thomas D. ESSEN, Louis EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY EVANS, Benjamin Ifor, Baron EVANS, Pu. £. EVANS, R. EVANS, Tom EVERARD, Pierre EVISOM, Fo Fe EWING, John EWING, William Maurice D.511 C9? e100 See also E.100, E.101, E.102, E.104, £.105,'E:106 UD, 98, F 40, GO .206, G21, G.215 F15 aay Eee sae, J.28 Ryan H.28 H.21 A. 93, A.94; D343) J. 29 See also D.416, G.113-G.122, G.168 FALCON, Norman Leslie FEARNSIDES, William George FALCONER, Noel FAUL, Henry F.107 J.30 D.514, G.173, J.31 D.333 G.95 mot, J.c2 See also F.94 H.5, H.6 A. 186 C5910, 5:32 G.204, G.208, G.210, G.213, G.215, G.217 D.342 D.100, D.101, D.505, J.33 FERRARO, Vincenzo Consolato Antonino FIELD, Richard M. FIND OM, |. Fe FEATHER, Norman PEDEROV, K.caN. FEISENBERGER, H. A. FELLGETT, Peter B. FISCHER, Alfred G. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 FISHER, Sir Ronald (Aylmer) FISHER OF LAMBETH, Geoffrey Francis, Baron Index of individuals, organisations and firms a) A.65, J.34 E.168 D.151 J.35 G.48, G.52, G.88 FISK, James Brown FITZGERALD, T. FITZPATRICK, John A, FLANAGAN, Dennis FLAVILL, Leslie R. FLEMING, J. FLEMING, W._ A. L. FLINN, Edward A. FLINT, Richard Foster FLOWER, Martin Frederick Joseph FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FOLLETT, Samuel Frank B.2e See also D.72, G.122A D.146 R99 G.208 A.88 J.35 A.201, G.204 See also E.79 E.164-E.166 See also E.168, E.173 Ener My JO FRANKEL, Henry FOREIGN OFFICE D.570 D.444, G.219 See B.47 F, tar, Jico FOX, John FOX, Leslie PRAM le des Ce FRASER, Ronald G. F., A.5] See also E.3 FOWLER, Sir Ralph Howard FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles A.99 PREMLIN, J: FREWEN, Sir John Byng B.5, D.334, E.49=E.52, eee, Fl, 20; Jane FUCHS, Sir Vivian (Ernest) FRAZER, Murray C. FUNNELL, B. M. FRISCH, Otto Robert J.36 Jee E.126 F.78 J.38 G.156 FRAUTSCHY, J. FYE, Paul M. J.36 See C.12 : A. E.G; Bul lard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms J.39 GAERTNER, Herbert GALBRAITH, John S. GAMOV, George GARDNER, Sir George William Hoggan GARLAND, George D. GARWIN, Richard Lawrence GASKELL, Thomas Frohock GASS, lan G. CEE SG, sR GELLMAN, Harvey GENTNER, W. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA Cz G.199, J.40 Eire hear J.4] diA2, F< 106 See also D, 298, D.300 D.301-D.332, D.338, D339, e341, S593 t F.63, G.61, G.266 D.514 D.445, D.459 G.235 F.16 F.17 F.18 J.42 A.112 J.42 J.43 G.8] G.159 J.44 J.44 F.63, F.114, J.45 See also E.106 GEORGE, Eric Paul GEORGE, Hywel GILPAM: EL oJ. GILINSKY, Victor GILBERT, James Freeman SERRARD U. OAL FE: GILMOUR, John Scott Lennox GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON F.63 GLENAMARA, Edward Watson Short, Baron GLAZEBROOK, Sir Richard Tetley GLACIOLOGICAL SOCIETY GIRDLER, Ronald W. | D146 ray B.1 GILL, Adrian Gish, <2. A E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms GLENNAN, T. Keith GLENN Aj.«-E. GODDARD, David Rockwell GODWIN, Harry GOLD, Thomas GOLDBERG, &.. D. GOLDSBROUGH, George Ridsdale GOLLIN, Alfred GOODEVE, Sir Charles Frederick GOODWIN, E:T; GOODY, Richard Mead GOrrste.. CG, . -G, GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS HEAD- QUARTERS GOWING, Margaret Mary E.15] E.15 F.35, G.120 B.89 D.640, J.46 G.56 F.94 J.46 A.66 E.88, F.47 H.33 A.66, D.566 E.56 Jsd9 GRAHAM, Emily GRAHAM, Michael A.149, A.150 G2 J.48 GREEN, Cecil H. GREEN, Ronald Baron GREB, Allen See E.101 F.94 See J.46 Fiore GRAVES, Glen A. GREEN, Albert Edward GREAVES, William Michael Herbert GREENHILL OF HARROW, Dennis Arthur, Jy47,° 5-00, JctGO See also A.109, C.6, C.8, C.27 G.21 E. 37 F.65 J.48 D.395 G.77, J.48 J.48 F.7 GROSS, Michael J. Ghirritia: CU... GRIFFITHS, D... th 24, GRIGGS, David T. GROSS, Gordon A. COG Cay GR: ee GRIFFITHS, Ezer E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms GUBBINS, David GUDMUNDSSON, G. GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GUNN, John C. GUTENBERG, B. Se? ye Ae See also D.474, G.60, G.97 J.50 A. 66 waloo D.483 HADOW, H. = John HAILSHAM OF ST MARYLEBONE, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron HALDANE, Ty 20G,. WN. HALES, Anton L. HALL, Sir Arnold (Alexander) HALL, Edward Thomas HAMILTON, E. I. HAMMOND, John A.76 E.157, E.159 See also E.145, E.153, E.158 J.4 D.108, D.460, H.19 B93 ro G.232-G,. 234 vy See E.4 Cen du MARIS Wa SA, BT A.96 ie HARPER, Wallace R. HARRISON, Kenneth HATHERTON, Trevor HARLAND, W. B. HARDY 4 Nix. Aca Gy HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HARRISON, Christopher G. A. HARDY, Sir Alister (Clavering) ds ae F.108 A.85, A.112, E.139 See also E.166, E.171 HEISKANEN, Weikko A. HERDMAN, Mabel A. HERINGTON, E. HERZENBERG, A. HAWTHORNE, Sir William (Rede) HEEZEN, Bruce C. A.75 F.99 D.461 H.28 HAWKES, Leonard aoa A.66, J.52 E Ory oh vod G.81 F. G. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms HERZOG, we. HESLOP-HARRISON, John HESS, Harry H. Movs Om. oT. HEXT, George R. HIDAKA, Koji HILL, Maurice Neville Jen A.112 J.53 Jide ©. 15,;D 3663 He] B67; D415, .D. 416, F232. F100, Joe See also A.1, B.30-B.32, B.39-B.64 passim, D.351, EVG?, F.20..F. 76 HILL, Polly Victoria (née Bullard) A.135-A.137 HILLE, HILLS, Ea oH. HINKS, Arthur Robert HHINS Goh HISCOCKS, E. Stanley B B D E D, A . 106 ehl2, F164, doe Byio6, fi ror E,too, F.98, fo ta HISCOCKS., “Steve £. - R. HOBBS, Bruce A. HOCHSTIM, Adolf R. HOLMES, Arthur HOLSER, William T. HODGSON, John H. D.478 B.1 © 20 HOLLISTER, Charles D. HITCH, Charles Johnston HOLDICH, Sir Thomas Hungerford HODGE, Sir William (Vallance Douglas) A F.8 See also G.66 HOOKER, Sir Stanley (George) HOPKINS, Harold Horace D.514 F.114 F.20 F.99 A.86, A.87 PEAty MORAS Oe 4, HORSFIELD, Brenda HOSKIN, Michael A. HOSNI, Sayed M. A.66, J.57 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms HOTINE, M. HOWARD, Robert HOWARTH, Osbert John Radclyffe HOWLETT, Jack HOWSE, H. Derek HOYLE, Sir Fred HUDSON, Thomas Charles Peahics, a 3S, HULME, Henry Rainsford HUNTER, Arthur N. HORtEY, PSM HURWITZ, Louis HUTTON, V. Rosemary S. HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorell) D.46 G;220 B.1 D.570 fod E.154 See also G.215 E.61, E.63-E.69 03 (15 $00; J.ue sn. detoo x oo IBM UK E,97-E.98 SOCIETY F.206F 22 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICAL (IC1) INFELD, Eryk INGLIS, David R. D.334-D.338, D.381-D.389 See also D.515 J.59 D.461 F,24 IRVING, Sir Edmund (George) IRVING, Edward AND GEOPHYSICS (IUGG) F.23-F.34 AACS. 1D. IVANOV, M. M. A.61 ELON 5.126 Cws See also C.12 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY IRETQN OH CC E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individua Is, organisations and firms Se oon isations and firms JACKSON, John JACOBS, John (Jack) Arthur Doe A. 120, B.71, C22, Hz 382 S560 J.61 J.62 J.63 D.478, F.107, J.63, J.107, J.108 See also A. 92, D.481-D.483 J.64 E.99-E.113 D515 Hi D.33, D.46, D.82, D. 148 See also D. 32, D.39, D.40, D.47, D.52, D.83 Beis J.189 JAEGER, John Conrad JAMES, Ronald William JEFFREYS, Bertha, Lady JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JENKINS, Romilly James Heald JET PROPULSION LABORATORY lg) JOHNSON, R. JOHNSON, R.sL. IGE, Ho 1p JONES, Aubrey JONES, Ernest John Wallace JONES, Sir Harold Spencer JONES, Reginald Victor JONES, Wee oP: JUDSON, Sheldon Gis J.66 G.90, J.66 G.207 F.74, G23. S94 A.106, J.65 G.207 F.49 KAITERA, Pentti KALB, Jon E. KALLMANN, Hilde Korf KAPITZA, Pyotr Leonidovich KAPLAN, Joseph KARPEN, N, KEE, Charles W. KEEN, Charlotte RECOUNGS RG: J.67, J.139 F.24, G.203, G.207 J-7 E.100 D. 584 Vasilesco E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms KEILIS-BOROK, Volodya KELLY, Anthony KEMP, Stanley KEMDALE 2. C. KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNEDY, George C. KENNEDY, William Q. RENT SIS ty KENT, Peter KERMODE, (John) Frank KERR-GRANT, Colin KERWIN, Larkin KHAN, Mohammed Asadullah KIBBLEWHITE, Alexander C. KIMBALL, T. E.81, J.68 F.110 D.346 J.68 A.88, A.112, D.640 J.69 F.88 G.21 D.570, D.572 G.256 J.70 See also D.92, D.94, D.297, D.300 F.118, H.24 7 H.28, J.71 A.15] D.294 B.67 E.142 D.339 324 See D.625, E.101 D.569 H.10 F.94 KLOOT, Peter L. KLIMBERG, Joe KINNEAR, R. H. B. KING, Anthony J. KING, Basil Charles KITCHENER... ° A: KING-HELE, Desmond George KNOPOFF, Leon KNOX-SHAW, H. KOHLSCHUTTER, 2.106; Java D.147 See also D.157, D.289, J.45 woe wil ke sihe KOLM, Henry H. KORRES, GAN. KRAUSE, Dale C. KREISEL, Georg E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms Kiel os, KUBASCHEWSKI, Oswald KUIPER, Gerard P. KURTI, Nicholas KYNTERA, F. LABORDE, E. OD. LACHENBRUCH, Arthur H. LAMB, Sir Horace LAMB, Hubert H. LAMBERT, Walter D. LAMDEN, R. J. LANDSBERG, H. E. LANE, Alfred C. LARMOR, Sir Joesph LARSEN, Jim LAWS; os OG D.361, D.366 F.47 G.30 A.88 H.12 J.74 J.74 B.1 A.91 J.75 E.16 A.93 J.76 B.1 C,20, D.612. @- a7 B.68, D.423, E.202, F.37, f/38, .Fis4. 6.65. GC. 89 See also B.41, E.135 See D.25-D.29 177 7 E.30, £.34, E.59, J.77 J.78 D.148 G.201 G15, CAé, C.1S-6. 20 See E.101, E.103 G.199 D.478, G.203 LEATON, Bruce R. LE BORGNE, E. LEATHERLAND, T. ~M. - LAWVER, Lawrence A. LEE, Sir (Albert) George LAUGHTON, Anthony Seymour D.568 LEHMANN, 1. LENNON, G._ W. LEE Witliets © i. LEES, Lester LEGGET, Robert F. Lit, be ath E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms LENOX-CONYNGHAM, Elsie Margaret, Lady J.82 LENOX-CONYNGHAM, Sir Gerald Ponsonby LE PICHON, Xavier LEWIS, Jack LEWIS, Vaughan LEWIS, We L, LIBBY, Leona M. LIBBY, William F. LIEBER, Paul LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LILLEY,. Be. (Ted) LEY GO. = LIMOND, J. M. LINDSEY, Jack B. LONCAREVIC, Bosco D. Aidt, A.66;: B.2> B14, 8.23; D.33, D.99, D.154, D.155, Cools Jit vo iete See also B.9, D.24-D.29, D.32, D.39, D.72, D.89, D.145, D.274, E.1, F.87 G.232, J.83 B.91 A. 66 G.201 J.83 502 1135 J.83 E.100, E.166, E.176, F.111 J.84 E.146 G.237 J.84 See E.147, E.155, E.156 F.82, J.84 E.5 A.63, A.80 G.214 D.566, D.584, G.56, G.233, J.85 E.71,'£.72, J.99 LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOGAN, Nelson A. LINES, Albert Walter Listen, VliveR.. Be LOCHNER, R.A. LONGUET-HIGGINS, Michael Selwyn J.85 Ai. G6y A112, Geril, &. SFR Ca See also E.151, F.103 6, 1 PO. C256, J.15 LOTHIAN, Peter Francis Walter Kerr, LOVELL, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard LOWE, A. Barbara LOWRIE, Allen Marquess of LOVE, John E.45, E.46 A.66 A.152 LYONS, Dennis John (Joe) LYONS, Sir Henry George LYTHALL, Basil Wilfred LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur McCANCE, Robert Alexander McCREA, William Hunter MACDONALD, Gordon J. F. McELHINNEY, Michael W. McELROY, William D. McGHEE, George C. McGILL, William J. MeHENRY Ja. J. MACKAY, J. Ross McKEE, Edith M. C.18, H.5, J.86 J.4, 5.87 B.1, D.157 E134, 6,136 See also E.90 J.88 B.14 E.154 C.20 J.88 C.8 Jie? A.94, J.184 D.116 J.60 Dono EC. Bullord CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms LUBIMOVA, Elena A. MACKIN, R. J. McLELLAN, A. G. MACLEOD, Roy M. McNAB, John McKENZIE, Dan Peter MACKERETH, F.....J. MACKEMZie, C. oJ, J.91 A.67 A.120, C.27, F.109 See also A.3 J.90 E.106 H.28 J.90, J.96 J.90 A.54 G.252, G.264 G.100-G.102, J.91 D.397 G.207, G.208, G.210, J.91 F.100 MARSHALL, Sir Walter Charles MARTIN, Archer John Porter MADDOX, John (Royden) MALIN, Stuart R. = C. MARSTON, Hedley R. McNAIR, Sir Arnold D. MARLAND, E. F. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASON, John T. MASSEY, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MAUDLING, Reginald MAXWELL, Arthur E. 67 A,71, E.114,.E.135, b.1 54, &.156, 2. toe, fF. 23, E20, €.46;-Fo 113, Glos. 1908 See also E.128, E.155 F.114 A.8 A. 11; £.146,.E. 154, F,95. J.91 See also D.18-D.23, E.155, G.244 A. 120, 8.27, F 6, 76). F.67 See also B .34, B.36 P106,, Jv1e0 E.163 A106): C 13, D406) D415, FA. 35, G7 55-G 59. Haha 1626, °3, t52 See also A.121, G.25, G.31, ..35; Mecoe MENZEL, Donald H. MERZER, Anthony M. MESTEL, Leon MAYINE. Kit, MEDARIS, John B. Be 4 E.164 J.139 J.188 E.114 MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MENARD, Henry William METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE METRO POLITAN-VICKERS ELECTRICAL E124, G48 G. 2440 G, 246, i205 MILLER §:G,.) MILLER, Gaylord R. MILLER, John Alfred See D.420 D.562 D.85 Seve F.47 cer MICHAELIS, Anthony R. WittetteL, ds a bk. COMPANY LIMITED MILES, John W. oF, G.16+C.18. C.22 C205, Gi 217 Dimes, Fete E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms MILLER, Stephen P. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE CO. 25, .G.9¢ E.115-E.143 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE E.144 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE (OFFICE OF THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE, later DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE) MINISTRY OF SUPPLY MITCHELL, Sir (Seton) Steuart Crichton MOFFATT, Henry Keith MONTGOMERY, David MOON, Philip Burton MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin MOORE, Donald P. MOORE, George W. MOORE, Richard E.145-E.161 E.162-b.170 E.163 D.476 D.475 G.2-G.18 F.58, G.234-G.237 D547 Wing D.566 MOO Hs ort, MORRIS, Hans R. DSL fies -b ie, £202, E.204-E.212 A.67 F.42, J.94 MORELLIi, Carlo MORGAN, Paul MORAN, P. A. J.94 F.48 J.94 MORRISON, Peter R. MORPURGO, Jack Eric MORSE, Robert W. MORTH, Hans T. G.207, G.211, J.97, J.143 D.395 A.60, A.79, A.80, B.90, ©.23; 0.461, &.89..F.77; F.78, F.94, F.120, G.142, G.194-G.198, G.203, G.205- MORTIMER, Clifford Hiley MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) NWOSSOP, SiC. J.188 Pitty ao 90 D .566 a 70 MOSELEY, Russell E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations, firms MOUNTFORD, Sir James (Frederick) MULLER, Max MULLEY, Frederick William, Baron MUNBY, Alan Noel Latimer MUNK, Walter Heinrich MLUNSEY, DoF, MURRAY, Bruce J.98 See E.50, E.5] E.43, E.44 A.75 Aine Gea 6.6. CBC Te Cuts; C215, Cis, © 18. ©2000 Or Ocak. Cua. D.561-D.576 passim, D.640, F.4, F.50, G.55, G.205, G.226, J.99 See also A.7, D.624, G.201 See D.66 E99) ES tol 2103 See also E.105, E.106 NAFE, John E. NARAIN, Hari B.68 H.8 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES F.35 He Ke NIERENBERG, William Aaron Re 50 See also F.54 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION F.39-F.49 See also A. 63-A.77 NEEDHAM, Roger NELSON, Ju F.36-F.38 See also E.159, F.54 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY See also A. 121 ReOlek 74 See also E.159 B.91 H.9, J.100 G.206, G.209 B.2 B.11 E.132 See E.100 D.389, D.392, D.393, D.406 A, votre iz; ore, Gl7, C.n, Cool G34 1099 NEYMAN, Jerzy NIBLEIT, Eo 228 NEUBERT, “He. OF NEWALL, Hugh Frank NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NEWLEY, Edward Frank E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms NIMKOVICH, Charles Dragan Jd 790 NIXON, Sir Edwin Ronald NOBLANC, O. NOEL-BAKER, Philip J. NORGAARD, G. N@RLUND, Niels Erik NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) NORWICH, John Julius Cooper, Viscount NOZIERES, P. NYE; John.) E.70~+E.98 passim, J.16] D.505 See F.77 De7Z See also D. 89 D.74, J.100 A. 67 E.124 D.476 G.220 OATLEY, Sir Charles (William) Beale Bola, 3.133 OCCIALINI, Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao J.101 OGLEBAY, Florence E. (later DORMER) D.561-D.576 passim See also D.528-D.559 passim J.101 J.101 O'KEEFE, John A. OLOWIN; Re oP: OLVER, Frank W. J, OROWAN, Egon OSBORNE, Eric A. OLDHAM, Richard Dixon OGSTON, Alexander George OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) B.1 A638. GS . 260 See also F.120 D.573 D.444, D.462, F.47, J.101 A.120 OSCAR WEISS, CONSULTING GEOPHYSICIST, E.177-E.184 Ey ty es tte ““J162 A.185, A.186 (JOHANNESBURG) OWEN, Paul Robert OWEN, Tim E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 PIL fa Index of individuals, organisations and firms hes PAPWORTH, K. M. PARKER, Eugene N. PARKER, Robert L. PARKIN, David W. PAU Os. ihe PAYNTER, Henry PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PEKERIS, Chaim Leib PENNEY, William George, Baron PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PELLEY, By. a V4y PETTERSSON, Hans J.103 F.101 J.103 D.596, G.56 F.63, ai, 104 See also E.153 J.105 J.105 C.40, J.105 See also C.41, F.114 G.214, J.106-J.109 See also E.132 Gc tee. Eelee, £.132, A, 67. Py to, dati See also E.10 A.67, J.11] F.41 JetRZ Iatt2 G50 E.185-E.187 INSTITUTE PICKLES, Alan PINA, Luis da Camara PRreuiro, Oe We PHINNEY, Robert A. PIORE, Emanuel Ruben be Use. d112 E.80 Js 3 PIPER, Sir David Towry PLASKETT, Harry Hemley PHYSICAL DYNAMICS INC./ LA JOLLA J.114 BL HI/, BE. 122, 0. lar ee alas, Ev.135, £.142,<143, 8.114 POWELL, R. PRATAP, R. POLKINGHORNE, John Charlton .210; Gigli, 2.08, Jl J.114 A.113 See F.90 H.12 POLUNIN, Nicholas POTTER, William F. PODMORE, Frank W. F.4] POTTS, A. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 364 Index of individuals, organisations and firms PRESS, Frank PRESS, Robert PRICE, Albert Thomas PRICE, Alfred PRICE, (Benjamin) Terence PROUDMAN, Joseph PRYOR, Matthew PUGH, Sir William (John) PUGWASH RABI, Isidor Isaac RACE, Robert Russell RANDELL, Brian RANKINE, Alexander Oliver RATGUIPFE, £0.34, 1.4/8, D.640,:E.126, F.3 See also F.76 E4456. 1185-6, 123380128 rtd 116 E.124 rua, £65, Jol 16a le Lal O07 g ds 120 F.75-F.81 S197, °C.199 See also J.118 F.100 J.118 63 18ls F877, G2) See also F.86 11, £2153, F.103, D.71 A.67 F.63 Reco, Ay” 1. REICH, Hermann REITZEL, John RAYNER, Eo OH: RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth REDMAN, Roderick Oliver A113, 8 G.251 See also E.157 fy, 186,,.02.417;-£ 4), F.42 See also D.408, D.420 A.113 G12; O18. F 118, © .247, J.118 See also C.11, D.415A, G.33, woo REYNOLDS, John H. RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) RICHARDS, T. LI. REVELLE, Roger Randall Dougan RICHARDSON, W. Norman B. See D.592 ea70; bse H.20 F.12 F.62, 3.118 E.C. Bullard CSAC] 00/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms RICHTER, Beryl RIDLEY, Joan M. A.153 F.46 RINGWOOD, Alfred Edward Py 109 ue clita tL Ee RIO TINTO COMPANY LIMITED (later RIO TINTO-ZINC CORPORATION) E.188 RITCHIE, George Stephen RIZZOLI, Paola Malanotte ROBERTS, Glyn ROBERTS, Paul H. ROBERTSON, Eugene C. ROBIN, Gordon de Quetteville ROBINSON, Allan R. ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROBSON 0. Rw ROCHESTER, Michael G. ROEDERER, Juan G. B.69 C.27 J.120 O27, JA! G.78 E,10t J.12) See also F. 64 H.33 A.63 Mag) G.228, J.121 G.247, H.30 J.121 A.109 G.200 A.67, B.11 G.89 Fiza, Fivee 7, 3.122 E.90 E.205-E.209, J.123 D.515 AV6l; G20) J.124 F.82 ROGERS, D. * J: ROGERS, Lorene L. ROSBAUD, Paul ROSENHEAD, Louis ROTHSCHILD, Evelyn de ROSS, David A. ROTBLAT, Joseph ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron J.125, J.126 ROYAL SOCIETY RUDE, G._ RUDWICK, Martin J. S. RUNCORN, Stanley Keith J.124 A.120, C.23 (462; F.7, F.60, F.6l, F.63, F.105, F, 106; fs 109, 2060 331,11 34; ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY F.83-F.116 D.346 ROWLEY, Graham W. ROWAT, R. M. ROY, Amalendu T. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William, Earl RUSSELL, Richard Joel RYLE, Sir Martin Wee es ion See G.215 SABATIER, P. SAGAN, Carl C. SAHASRABUDHE, P. SALAM, Abdus W. SALISBURY, Sir Edward (James) SALMON, Rick SANDYS, Duncan Edwin SATTERLY, John SAUL, Ve A SAUNDERS, B. R. SAUNDERS, J. T. SAXENA, Mahendra Nath F.114, H.17, J.127 $427 J.127 A113 See F.87, F.88 a7 E.117 A.59 F.42 F.100 B56) A.62,: BEV Bel4) B.24, B.29 F.106-F.109, F.111 A.115 B.14, F.4] G.199 F.7 B.1 Ei? SCHAEFFER, Vincent J. SCHMIDT, Arnold J. SCHOVE, -D..° Justin SCHRAGER, Guy R. SAXON, David S. SATCE, L.A, SCHONLAND, Sir Basil John D.359, D.366, F. 100, Gul9? See also F.90 D.515 SCHYTT, Valter SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON OCEANIC M. SCHURMEIR, H. SCHUSTER, Sir Arthur F.V7-F.119 AW SIs J.129 SCOLLAR, Irwin SGOE 1... D573 J l29 See E.101 RESEARCH (SCOR) SCLATER, John G. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SCOTTISH IRON AND STEEL COMPANY SEATON, Michael John SEELARDS. Bie: SERBY, John Edward SHACKLETON, Robert M. SHAPIRO, Ralph BAW Ja. Js SHEA, James H. SHELL OIL COMPANY SHEPARD, Francis P. SHIRE, Edward S. SHOENBERG, David SHOR, Elizabeth N. SHOR, George G. SHOTTON, Frederick William D.339, D.340 Esco Este See also E.77 J.150 E.163-E.174 passim A.113 J.129 B.1 J18,.3,130 E.189-E.229 J.131 B.11 A.68, J.102 See also A.4 C.24 F.106 SIEDNER, Gerard J.131 J. 132 J.132 A.68, G.196 MOF, G. 12,4. ino SKEAT, William O. SLICHTER, Louis B. SLOAN, Pat SLOUKA, Zdenek J. SILVERLEAF, Alexander SanesON B48 Sec Ww, E.91 See also E.89 SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugen) SMIDTH, F.L. AND COMPANY LIMITED G59 SMITH, George Frederick Herbert SMITH, Sir Frank (Edward) SMITH, Sir (James) Eric A.68 J.134 E.230 H.3 A.82 F.89 SMITH, (Francis) Graham SMITH, Alan SMITH, Charles H. A.120, J.134 See E.153 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SMITH, R. Michael SMITH, Sidney SNODGRASS, James M. SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS SOWARD, Andrew SPEAKMAN, J. B. SPEAR, Ruskin SPIESS, Fred N. SPIESBUR, Bu.” S; SPINKS, Alfred SPOONER, Edward Tenney Casswell SPROUL, Robert G. SRIVASTAVA, B. J. STAFFORD, Catherine STEPHENS, William Henry D.524 A.59, A.61 See C.12 E.26 GE. 5p F120 J.134 >, 2) A.197 Cal F 47 G,243-G, 245 A.68 C.14 J, 135 A.154 Clas Gs lea) Baise See also E.171 STONELEY, Robert STOCKWOOD, Anne STODDART, Di °R, S199 A.113 G.201 A.134 J.1806 D.333 A.155 STOICHEFF, Boris P. STOMMEL, Henry Melson STEWART, Emily (née Bullard) STEWARTS AND LLOYDS LIMITED STEWART, Sir Frederick (Henry) D.444, D.471 F.106 See also F.115 D.151 G.232, G.236 A.83 J.136 A.113 D.377, D.389 STORETVEDT, Karsten M. STRATTON, Julius Adams STRENS, M. Rosalind STONEMAN, H. F. STRIDE, Arthur STRONG, W. W. SIUARL, J: S. E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SUCKSDOREF, C. SUESS: Hane © SULLIVAN, Walter SUMMERHAYES, David Michael SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black Mclvor) SUTTON, George H. SUTTON, John SUTTON, Sir (Oliver) Graham SUTTON, Robert G. SWALLOW, John Crossley SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron SZILARD, Leo SZILARD, Trude 3.136 C8 5.126, 35197 E.46-E.48 F.39, G.205 H.18 F.106 E.114, F.51, F.52, F.54, F.56, F.60, F.61 J,180 tea, FHI See also E.192 J.138 See J.139 tae TAYLOR, Angus E. TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR, James Howard G. 223.440 J.140 C.24 TAYLOR, William H. TAYLOR-SMITH, D. TARLING, Don H. TARRANT, Gerald TAYLOR, Sir George TAYLOR, Harold M. A.89, A.90 JeT4 I See also J.9 B.72 Assi, 8.29, B72 F.52 G.218-G. 220 E.69, J.142 A.201 77 D.84 A.57, A.68 E.16 See also E.19, E.158 TEAL, Gordon K. THELLIER, Emile THIRKILL, Sir Henry THIRLAWAY, H. I. THERMAL SYNDICATE LIMITED THISTLETHWAITE, Frank bins Ballard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms THODE, Henry George THOM, W. Taylor THOMPSON, Roy THOMPSON, W. THOMSON, David THONEMANN, P. C. TILLEY, Cecil Edgar TILLOTSON, Ernest TITTERTON, Sir Ernest (William) TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas TIZARD, Richard TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TOOME, Alan TRINAST, Elizabeth M. TRUEMAN, Sir Arthur Elijah TRUESDELE, GC. TUCKER, Patricia TUCKER; R. TUKEY, John W. UYEDA, Seiya F.109 J.142 J.142 G.208 5.143 G7205, G, 206, G. 215, Gai7 A.80, J.144 A. 68 J.145 E.29, F.90 A.85 E.154 J.146 J.146 G.23 J.146 A.156 F.41 J.147 B.1 H.5 F.62 TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell TURNER, Herbert Hall TURNER, John Stewart TYNDALL, Arthur Mannering A. 68, J.147 See also F.85 J.149 Ce 691 6. 2p J.149 J.149 VACQUIER, Victor VALLIANT, H. G. VAN ANDEL, Tj. H. (Jerry) VAN BEMMELEN, R. W. UREY, Harold Clayton Balised ei CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms VAN ORSTRAND, C. VAN WEELDEN, Arie E. VARGHESE. Te: Gy VELDKAMP, J. J. Fou B.26, D.288, E.190-E.199, F.90, J.15] See J.151 D.505 VENING MEINESZ, Felix Andries See A.92, D.24 VERHOOGEN, John VERNON, John Gordon VESTINE, Es = i: VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VINE, Frederick John VINEN) Wi PF, VINOGRADOV, M._ E. VOULROFE) Con” MM, VON HERZEN, Richard P. VON NEUMANN, = John H.20 ad, 551 D.445, D.462 E.86 A.114, A.120, G.156 G.209 H.4-H.6 G.199, G.201 | H.4-H.6, J.148, J.152 A,69, G:201, J. 152 VRAILVAYAM, A. W. B Pe Be 4 @.257 Eon, sat 53 J. lo D580 WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WAGER, Lawrence Rickard WAINERDI, Richard E. WALKER, A. — Morris WANSBROUGH-JONES, Sir Owen (Haddon) D.476, J.155 J.154 See also F.48 E.163, E.168, E.169, E.174, E.175 E. 20! WEAVER, John T. WEGENER, Peter G. A.69 D.287 H.25 J.180 J.155 WEIGHTMAN, J. WEISS, Nigel A. WARBURG, S.G. & COMPANY LIMITED WALLIS, Sir Barnes (Neville) ‘WATSON, David WAYLAND, Edward James EC. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms WEISS, Oscar WEISS, Ri SF WEIS. R.A, WESTOLL, Thomas Stanley WHEILDON, Jim WHIDDINGTON, Richard WHITE, Antony WHITE, Donald E. WHITNEY, Paul WHITTINGTON, Harry Blackmore WHITTLE, Peter WICHMAN, Brian A. WIESNER, Jerome B. WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) WILKINSON, James Hardy WILLIAMS, Alwyn E.177-E.184 J.:158 Jeo F.106 J. toe A. 69 Jen, G.89 aoe F.106 Gio, G,217 F.45 Jetae Gy211 AW14).F.41,-F.47, Belli E877 F 64 WILLIAMS, Sir Frederic (Calland) 0.428, £.65, J. 157 WILLIS, Bailey Dito/ WILLMORE, Patrick L. WILSON, ©. Dee V. (‘Noggin’) WILLIS, J. Christopher T. WILKES, Maurice Vincent WILLIAMS, Trevor Illtyd WILSON, Sir (Archibald) Duncan Day, 245 See also D.33, D.83 £2166, 5,17) G.125, G.240-G.247 passim See also G.257 J.159-J.161 WILSON, Roderic Leith G2tF EY! ator WILSON, Peter R. WILSON, Robert WILSON, Henry Moir WILSON, John Tuzo WILSON, Peter E.168-E.170 AiG; C. 27.3156 A.114 J.62 Ata, C.7 E.C. Bullard CSAC 100/4/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms WINTERBOTHAM, Harold St. John Loyd D.40, D.46 WINTERER, Edward L, WISEMAN, J. = 2. 3H: WOODGER, Michael WOODWARD-NUTT, Arthur Edgar WOOLILARD, George Prior WOOLLEY, Sir Richard (van der Riet) WOOSTER, Warren S. WORBIE, g.5° WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton WORZEL, J. Lamar WRIGLEY, Walter WYATT, Woodrow Lyle WYNNE-EDWARDS, Vero Copner eee D.345 D.444, D.463 JeiGe A.106, J.163 See also H.18 J.164 C20 F.90 D.346 See also J.165 D416. G56, G57 G.206, G.221 E.145 Peat YODER, Hatten S., Jr. ZMUDA, Alfred J. YOUNG, Hugh S. CPOE 420 tage; 125 bdo J 165 Je1¢ 0 © G.253 YORK, Derek YORK, Herbert F. A.180, A.201, C.1 See also J.165 YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Wayland Hilton, later Baron Kennet See also E.124, F.76 J.178 A.201, E.121, E.122, E.125- E.129, E.131, E.147, G.48, J.168 ZOLTAI, Tibor ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron ZEILGR Bernard D. ZIMAN, John Michael C.27, J.99 J.167 PF. S0-F.34, 4, 17 See also G.62