FLOWERS, Brian Hilton

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Brian Hilton Flowers FRS, Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster (b. 1924) VOLUME | List of Contents General Introduction Sections A- E by Adrian Nardone and Alan Hayward NCUACScatalogue no. 76/5/98 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Brian Hilton Flowers FRS, Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster (b. 1924), physicist Compiled by: Adrian Nardone and Alan Hayward Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1940s-1998 Extent of material: 69 boxes, ca 2070 items Depositedin: The College Archives, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London Reference code: GB 98 © 1998 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 76/5/98 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST IMPERIAL COLLEGE ARCHIVES LONDON B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.180 11 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER B.1 - B.29 32 SECTION C RESEARCH C.1, C.2 36 SECTION D LECTURES, SPEECHES AND BROADCASTS D.1 - D.577 37 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS E.1 - £.70 109 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1 - F.686 120 SECTION G. CORRESPONDENCE G.1 - G.529 197 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 246 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 6 The papers were received in December 1995 and May 1998 from Lord Flowers andin April 1997 from the University of Manchester. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF LORD FLOWERS Brian Hilton Flowers wasborn in Blackburn, Lancashire on 13 September 1924, although his family moved to Swansea, Wales in 1932. He attended Bishop Gore Grammar School, Swansea and was awarded a State Scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge to read mathematics. However, Flowers was then offered a State Bursary to take physics and electronics at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in order to assist the war effort. This guaranteed him two years of study before call-up, rather than one. At Gonville and Caius Flowers won an Exhibition and graduated with a wartime degree after two years. In September 1944 he crossed the Atlantic to join the Anglo-Canadian Atomic Energy Project in Canada, workinginitially at the University of Montreal until moving to Chalk River, Ontario in 1945. Flowers returned to England in the summer of 1946 and began workat the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, where he joined O.R. Frisch’s group in the Nuclear Physics Division. His work during this period included measuring the thermal cross-section of tritium and devising a method of measuring the photodisintegration of the deuteron. In 1948 Flowers transferred to the Theoretical Physics Division at Harwell where he undertook work on nuclear reactions under M.H.L. Pryce. In 1950 Flowers wasgranted study leave to carry out research under R.E. Peierls at the Departmentof Mathematical Physics, University of Birmingham. During the next two years he workedlargely on problemsof nuclearstructure relating to the nuclear shell model, in collaboration with A.R. Edmonds. His work during this period was the basis of his successful submission to the University of Birmingham for a D.Sc. in 1953. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 7 In the autumn of 1952 Flowers returned to Harwell and was soon appointed Head of the Theoretical Physics Division in succession to K.E.J. Fuchs. He undertook to reconstruct the Division to makeit morelike a university department, whilst continuing with his own research in collaboration with J.P. Elliott. In 1958 Flowers was appointed Chief Research Scientist but decided in the same year to return to academiclife at the University of Manchester, firstly as Professor of Theoretical Physics and then from 1961 as Langworthy Professor of Physics and Head of Department. At Manchester Flowers took on undergraduate teaching responsibilities and some of his lectures formed the basis of his book Properties of Matter published in 1970 (with E. Mendoza). In 1967 Flowers took unpaid leave of absence from the University of Manchester and movedinto scientific administration by accepting appointmentfor a term of five years as Chairman of the Science Research Council (SRC). During that period his achievements as Chairman included ensuring United Kingdom participation in the 300 GeV project at CERN and the SRC’s establishment and developmentof the Engineering Board to sponsor and encourage engineering. He also succeededin raising the SRC’s public profile. In 1972 he agreed to a secondterm of office as Chairman, this time for three years, and resigned the Langworthy Professorship at Manchester. Almost immediately, however, he was offered and accepted the position of Rector of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. Flowers took up his duties as Rector of Imperial College in 1973 and in the same year was also appointed Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, a position he held until 1976. The 4th, 5th and 6th Reports of the Royal Commission were published during his chairmanship and proved influential, with many of their recommendations subsequently accepted by Government. Flowers continued at Rector of Imperial College until 1985, when he was appointed as Vice-Chancellor of the University of London. Flowersretired in 1990, although he continued to play a very active part in public life and in 1994 was appointed Chancellor of the University of Manchester. Flowers contributed articles to scientific periodicals about the structure of the atomic nucleus, nuclear reactions, science policy, energy and the environment. He published the books Properties of Matter, with E. Mendozain 1970 and An Introduction to Numerical Methods in C++ in 1995. Flowers played an active role in public life from the 1960s, frequently acting as chairman of committees and other bodies. These include the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils, 1966-1970, the Standing Commission on Energy and the Environment, 1978-1981, the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, 1983-1985, the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, 1989-1993 and the Nuffield Foundation, 1987-1998. Flowers served on the Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, 1962-1964 and the Council for Scientific Policy, 1965-1967, and was also President of several societies and organisations including the Institute of Physics, 1972- B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 8 1974, the European Science Foundation, 1974-1980 and the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 1993-1997. Flowers was a founder member of the Social Democratic Party in 1981, having been persuadedto join by Shirley Williams MP. As life peer he served, in his spare time, as a front bench spokesman on issues relating to science, education, energy and the environment until he decided in 1989 to return to the cross benches. Flowers was accorded many honours and awardsfor his contributions to both science and publiclife. He waselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1961 and awarded the Rutherford Medal by the Institute of Physics and Physical Society in 1968. In the following year he received a knighthood and this wasfollowed in 1979 with life peerage. Flowers’s achievements were also honoured by the French Governmentin 1975 and 1981 with thetitles of Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur and Officier de la Legion d’Honneur respectively. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period from the early 1940s to 1998. Section A, Biographical, documents most stages of Flowers’s career from 1958 to 1990, including papers relating to his various appointments and the honours and awards he received. His undergraduate studies at Cambridge are also represented, through five notebooks from the early 1940s. There is material reflecting his concerns for science education and research, as well as material relating to his wider political interests such as the Suez Crisis of 1956, the entry of Britain into the Common Market in 1971 and his resignation from the Social Democratic Party in 1989. The section also contains some family material, photographs of Flowers with colleagues at various functions and a large collection of press cuttings illustrating his public profile over the period 1969 to 1981. Section B, University of Manchester, covers the career of Flowers atthat institution from 1960 to 1967 when he was Professor of Theoretical Physics (1958-1961) and Langworthy Professor of Physics (1961-1967) and from 1994 to 1997 when he was Chancellor. There is correspondence and papers relating to University Grants Committee visits, the Department of Physics Steering Committee, the establishment of the Honours School of Liberal Studies in Science, and the office of Chancellorof the University of Manchester. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 9 Section C, Research, consists of a notebook on pulse chambers from the late 1940s and a copyof Flowers’s D.Sc. submission to the University of Birmingham in 1953. Section D, Speeches, lectures and broadcasts, is substantial. Its principal component is a main sequenceof invitation and public speeches and lectures covering the period 1946-1995. Flowers gave numerous speeches and lectures over the years especially during his Rectorship of Imperial College, London from 1973 to 1985 and theseare well represented, as are his contributions to House of Lords debates from 1979 to 1995. There are also lecture courses which Flowers gave while a lecturer at University of Birmingham (1950-1952) and at the University of Manchester (1958-1967). There is some broadcast material for BBC radio over the period 1957 to 1983. Section E, Publications, consists of a series of correspondence and drafts chiefly covering the late 1940s to early 1980s. As well as material relating to articles by Flowers and interviews about him there are also papers relating to his books Properties of Matter with E. Mendoza (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1970) and An introduction to numerical methods in C++ (Clarendon Press, 1995) as well as two unpublished books from the 1950s entitled ‘The Structure of Light Nuclei’ and ‘Group Theory and Nuclear Structure’. There is also editorial material from the 1970s and a large collection of offprints of Flowers’s publications from the late 1940s to the 1990s. Section F, Societies and organisations documents Flowers’s involvement with numerous UK, overseasand international bodies over the period, 1957-1998. His interest in the policy-making and administration of higher education both at home and abroad is represented through papersrelating to the Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of the Academic Year, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Catching Up with European Higher Education Fund and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee. Flowers’s association with the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority between 1958 and 1977 is well documented and there is also a considerable body of material relating to his chairmanship of the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils, the National Physical Laboratory’s Steering Committee, the House of Lords Select Committee for Science and Technology and the Nuffield Foundation. Political concerns are reflected through correspondence and papersrelating to Pugwash Conferences for the period 1962-1967, while his continued interest and involvement in the affairs of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London and the University of London, following his retirement in 1990, are also well represented in this section. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 10 Section G, Correspondence, includes an extensive sequence described by Flowers as ‘personal correspondence’, addressed to him in his various official capacities. The subject matter is broad, covering a wide range of professional issues and more personal matters relating to colleagues, friends and family. There is also a sequenceof day files from 1990 to 1997. Other series of correspondenceare those with J.W. Bray MP in 1966 and Lord Rothschild in the 1970s and 1980s. There is also a large sequence of references and recommendations. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We arevery grateful to Lord Flowers for making his papers available for cataloguing and for his advice and encouragement. A.F. Nardone A.P. Hayward BATH 1998 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 11 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.180 A.1 BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.2-A.6 UNDERGRADUATE NOTEBOOKS A.7-A.137 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.138-A.152 POLITICAL INTERESTS A.153-A.156 FAMILY A.157-A.165 PHOTOGRAPHS A.166-A.174 PRESS CUTTINGS A.175-A.180 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 12 A.1 A.1 Biographical BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL 1979 Biographical sketch, 1p typescript, March 1979. A.2-A.6 UNDERGRADUATE NOTEBOOKS 1940s Flowers was an undergraduate student at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridgein the early 1940s. Arrangedin alphabetical order by subject. A.2-A.6 Five notebooks with manuscript notes. and inside covers are reproducedin the entries below. 1940s. The subjecttitles on front A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 Hardback with intercalated material. ‘Electromagnetics’; ‘Electricity and Magnetism (Field Theory)’ (at back). Softback with intercalated material. ‘Electronics’. Softback. ‘Magnetism and electricity’. Hardback. ‘Mechanics; Properties of matter; Quantum theory (at back)’. Softback with intercalated material. ‘Mineralogy’. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 13 Biographical A.7-A.137 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1958-1990 Arranged in chronological order. A.7 Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, 1958. Letter re promotion, 17 March 1958. Official Secrets Act declaration, 24 September 1958. A.8 Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Manchester, 1958, 1959. Flowers took up his duties on 1 October. Correspondence re appointment, February-July 1958; 1p typescript form re conditions ‘Original signed 7/10/58’ with ip typescript note attached entitled ‘The determinationof office of a professor’. of appointment inscribed 2pp typescript report by Flowers re 1958-1959 session of the Departmentof Theoretical Physics, ca 1959. A.9 Correspondence re offer of appointment as Deputy Director of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, (declined), February-May 1960. A.10, A.11 Langworthy Professor of Physics, University of Manchester, 1961-1972. Flowers took up his duties on 1 January 1961 and resigned on 30 September 1972. Flowers took leave of absence from the post in October 1967 to assume the Chairmanship of the Science Research. Flowers did not resume his chair and resigned on 30 September 1972. A.10 Correspondence re appointment, December 1960-February 1961; typescript form re conditions of appointment (unsigned). 1p Correspondencere resignation with 1p typescript resolution of thanks from the University Senate and Council attached, November 1972. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 14 Biographical A.12-A.15 Fellowship of the Royal Society. 1961. Letters and telegrams of congratulation. Flowers has numbered the letters 1-116 and has included some additional unnumberedletters at the end. 4 folders. A.16 Award of M.Sc., University of Manchester. 1962. Letter informing Flowers of decision to award him degree, 16 May 1962. A.17 ‘Jobs rejected etc.’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1964-1966. Correspondencere offers of appointments etc declined: Principal, University of Swansea, December 1964. Vice-Chancellor, University of Sheffield, March, April 1965. Letter from J. Fulton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sussex re Flowers career, 1 April 1965. National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, 28 July 1965. Principal, Queen Elizabeth College, University of London, November 1965. Vice-Chancellor of proposed new University for Northern Ireland, November 1965. Vice-Chancellor, University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, October 1966. A.18 ‘Farewell Card from Manchester 1967’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. 1967. Best wishescard with signatures. A.19-A.31 Chairman, Science Research Council. 1967-1973 Flowers took up his duties on 1 October 1967 obtaining leave of absence from his post as Langworthy Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester in order to do so. He resigned from the Science Research Council on 30 September 1973. A.19 Correspondence re appointment including arrangements to take leave of absence from Langworthy Chair, October 1966-March 1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 Biographical A.20-A.29 Letters of congratulation, January-March 1967. Arranged by surname. A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 A.30 A.31 A, B. C, D. F,G. H, J. K, L. M, P. R, S. T,V. W, Z. Unidentified. Letter of congratulation re re-appointment as Chairman, February 1972. Correspondencere resignation, October 1973. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 16 Biographical A.32-A.48 Award of Knighthood, 1969. A.32 A.33 A.34 This honour was conferred on Flowers in the Birthday Honours List June 1969. Correspondence etc notification investiture ceremony, April-June 1969. re of honour and arrangements for Press cuttings etc, June 1969. Notebook with alphabeticallist of persons who sent letters and telegramsof congratulation. ca June-September 1969. See also A.35-A.47. A.35-A.47 Letters and telegrams of congratulation, June-November 1969. Arranged by surname. Unindexed See also A.34. A.35 A.36 A.37 A.38 A.39 A.40 A.41 A. B. C. D. E, F. G. H. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 17 Biographical A.42 A.43 A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 J-L. N-P. R, S. Unidentified. ‘Investiture - July 1969’, two 2pp typescript draft accounts by Lady Flowers re investiture of Sir Brian, ca July 1969. A.49-A.72 Appointment as Rector of Imperial College, London, 1973. Flowers took up his duties on 1 October 1973 and resigned in 1985. A.49, A.50 ‘Imperial College - appointment as Rector’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1972-1973. A.49 A.50 Correspondencere appointment, March 1972- January 1973. Typescript papers re Murray Report on the governance of the University of London found with preceding, 1973. 10pp minutes of Imperial College, London, Board of Studies special meeting, 10 January; two 6pp typescripts by the Board of Studies commenting on the report, with annotations, 14 February, 9 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 18 Biographical A.51-A.72 ‘Congratulations letters of Rectorship of Imperial College’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into twenty-two for ease of reference. A.51 Material re official announcementof appointment, 1972. 1p typescript formalcircular letter on behalf of Flowers, 26 May; 1p typescript press release from Imperial College, London, 26 May 1972; press cutting, The Times, 29 May 1972. A.52 6pp typescript addresslist of persons thanked by Flowersfortheir letters or telegrams of congratulation, ca May-July 1972. See also A.53-A.72. A.53-A.72 Letters and telegrams of congratulation, 1972. Arranged by surname. A.53 A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 A.58 A.59 A.60 A.61 A. B. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 19 Biographical A.62 A.63 A.64 A.65 A.66 A.67 A.68 A.69 A.70 A.71 L. M. N. P. R. Ss. T. V. W. Z. A.72 . Unidentified. A.73 Honorary Fellowship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 1974. Letter of thanks from Flowersto the Fellows re his election, February 1974. A.74 Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur. 1975. Correspondence re award, January-February 1975. See also D.139. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 20 Biographical A.75 Honorary Membership, Royal Irish Academy. 1976. 1p typescript letter informing Flowers of election, 16 March 1976. A.76 Knight of Mark Twain. 1978. 1p typescript letter etc informing Flowers of his election, 18 October 1978. A.77-A.109 Award of Life Peerage, 1979. A.77 A.78 Flowers was appointed a life peer in the New Years Honours List of 1 January 1979. ‘Press cuttings new year’s honours list ‘78-79’. inscribed. December 1978-January 1979. Contents of folder so Announcement of honour in the Imperial College newsletter Topic, front page, 22 January 1979. A.79, A.80 ‘Introduction of Lord Flowers into House of Lords’. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. papers. 1978-1979. Contents of folder so Correspondence and The introduction took place on 28 March 1979. A.79 A.80 December 1978-February 1979. March-May 1979. A.81-A.83 ‘Maiden Speech’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. January-July 1979. Flowers gave his maiden speechin the House of Lords on 5 July 1979. Correspondence etc re proposed European and Economic Social Policy Research Institute and maiden speech. A.81 17 January-5 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 21 A.82 A.83 A.84 Biographical 8 February-19 June. 5 July, including 12pp A5 typescript of speech with annotations. 33pp typescript list of those sending letters and telegrams of congratulation to Flowers, ca January 1979. See also A.85-A.109. A.85-A.109 Letters and telegrams of congratulation etc, August 1978-April 1979. Arranged by surname. Unindexed See also A.84. A.85 A.86 A.87 A.88 A.89 A.90 A.91 A.92 A.93 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 Biographical A.94 A.95 A.96 A.97 A.98 A.99 A.100 A.101 A.102 A.103 A.104 A.105 A.106 A.107 A.108 J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Z. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 23 Biographical A.109 Unidentified. A.110 Officier de la Légion d’Honneur. 1981. 1p photocopy of typescript letter to Flowers announcing the honour, 2 February 1981. See also D.279 and G.8. A.111 Proposal to elect Flowers Governor Emeritus of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, (declined). 1983. Correspondence, November 1983, January 1984. A.112 Honorary D.Sc., University of Oxford. 1985. Encaenia booklet containing biographical notes on those receiving degrees on 26 June 1985. A.113-A.137 Vice-Chancellor, University of London. 1985. Flowers took up his duties on 1 September 1985 andretired in 1990. A.113 Annual Report 1984-85, Imperial College, London, 1985. Incomplete copy of Report with article re Flowers’s retirement as Rector and appointment as Vice-Chancellor of the University of London. A.114-A.135 Letters of congratulation, November 1984-February 1985. Many of the letters below are accompanied by photocopies of Flowers’s acknowledgements. Arranged by surname. A.114 A.115 A.116 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 Biographical A.117 A.118 A.119 A.120 A.121 A.122 A.123 A.124 A.125 A.126 A.127 A.128 A.129 A.130 A.131 Dz. E. Es G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. P. Q. R. Ss. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 25 Biographical A.132 A.133 A.134 T. W. Y, A.135 Unidentified. A.136 Honorary life membership, University of London Union. 1990. Certificate of honorary life membership, with typescript note attached, presented to Flowers onthe occasionof his retirement as Vice-Chancellor, 3 May. A.137 Leaflet re presentation of graduates to Flowers as Vice-Chancellor, Royal Albert Hall, London, 9 May 1990. A.138-A.152 POLITICAL INTERESTS 1956-1990 A.138-A.147 Science policy and education A.148-A.151 General politics A.152 Visit to Bulgaria A.138-A.147 Science policy and education 1963-1974 A.138-A.140 ‘Politics’. reference. 1963-1966. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of Correspondence re the state of science administration and higher level science education in England and its future. A.138 May 1963, March 1965. A.139 April-July 1965. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 26 Biographical A.140 November 1965-December 1966. A.141-A.143 ‘Labour Party science meetings’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. 1964. Correspondence and papers re Bonnington Science Meeting, London, 29 February, 1 March 1964. The meeting concerned the Robbins Report (Report of the Committee on Higher Education, HMSO, 1963) and the Trend Report (Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of Civil Science, HMSO, 1963). A.141 Extract from official report on the House of CommonsScience Debate, 17pp typescript, 24 February 1964; 2p manuscript notes. A.142, A.143 Letter and papers re arrangements, 22 February 1964. 2 folders. A.144-A.146 ‘Eton Discussion 1967’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. 1967. Correspondence and papers re meeting at Eton College, Berkshire, to discuss the supply of graduate teachers in science, 23 May 1967. Flowers attendedin his capacity as Chairman of the Science Research Council. The demandfor and supply of teachers 1963-1986, HMSO, 1965. Correspondence and papers re arrangements including 9pp typescript discussion paper entitled ‘The future of science education in Britain’ by J. Goodier, March-April 1967. Includes correspondence with Tony Benn MP, Minister of Technology re findings of meeting. A.144 A.145 A.146 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 A.147 Biographical Council Conference on Science and Technology, 30 October 1973. Engineering Science of Institutions and Research 27 Council Flowers raised the issue of university education and its relationship to the Total Technology concept. Brief correspondence re amendments by Flowers to the account of his contribution in the report of the Conference, including 1p typescript extract with annotation, February 1974. A.148-A.151 Generalpolitics 1956-1990 A.148 Suez Crisis. 1956. Copies of 1p typescript letter to Anthony Eden MP, Prime Minister and 1p typescript letter to A.M.S. Neave MP, Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, November 1956. A.149 Common Market entry. 1971. ‘Common Market Correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re Flowers’s views on Britain’s entry into the common market, July 1971. A.150 Israeli military policy in the Middle East. 1972. Correspondence re proposedletter from Flowers to A. Sabin, President of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, September 1972. A.151 Resignation from Social Democratic Party. 1989-1990. Correspondenceetc re Flowers’s resignation, October 1989-March 1990. A.152 A.152 Visit to Bulgaria 1977 Visit to Bulgaria. 19-29 March 1977 Flowers was invited to Bulgaria by the President of the Committee for Science, Technical Progress and Higher Education. At the time Flowers was Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution and President of the European Science Foundation. 17pp typescript report. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 28 Biographical A.153-A.156 FAMILY 1947, 1971-1985 A.153, A.154 ‘Correspondence re Father's death No 36 etc’. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 1947, 1971-1985. Contents of folder so Correspondence and papers re Flowers’s parents, Harold Joseph Flowers and M.V.‘Madge’ Flowers. 2 folders. A.155 A.156 2pp typescript copyof letter by Flowers re his marriage, 17 February 1953. Letter and form undergraduate study at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. re proposed application Flowers’s of step-son to A.157-A.165 PHOTOGRAPHS 1960s-1990 The photographs in folders A.158-A.160, A.162, and A.163, A.164 are accompanied by photocopies annotated by Flowers indicating persons, locations and dates where known. A.157 A.158 A.159 Department photographs), ca 1960s. of Theoretical Physics, University of Manchester, (two First meeting of the Council for Scientific Policy, 1965. Visits made while Chairman of the Science Research Council, 1967-1973. NASA,Florida, USA. Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. A.160 Departmentof Theoretical Physics, University of Manchester, 1967. Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Cheshire, [between 1967 and 1969]. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 29 Biographical A.161 ‘K Transparencies’. Contents of envelopeso inscribed. Three transparencies of Flowers and his wife on the occasion of conferralof Knighthood on Flowers, July 1969. A.162 Conferral of Fellowship of Imperial College, London, 1972. Conferral of Honorary D.Sc., University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1972. A.163 A.164 A.165 First Imperial College Commemoration Day Speech, Royal Albert Hall, London, 15 October 1973. See also D.92. Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Berkshire, ca 1970s. Retirement of W.M. Lomer, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 1990. A.166-A.174 PRESS CUTTINGS 1969-1981 A.166-A.173 Folders of press cuttings, 1969-1979. The original reverse chronological order within each folder has been retained. A.166-A.170 Five folders each inscribed with ‘Chairman Press Cuttings’ and the years covered. 1969-1973. A.166 ‘1969’. December 1968-December 1969. A.167 ‘1970’. January-December 1970. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 30 Biographical A.168 1971’. December 1970-December 1971. A.169 1972’. January-December 1972. A.170 ‘1973’. January-November 1973. A.171 February 1974-December 1975. A.172, A.173 Twofolders each inscribed with ‘Personal File Press Cuttings’ and the years covered. 1976-1980. A.172 ‘1976’. January-December 1976. A.173 ‘1977, 78, 79 and 80’. January 1977-August 1980. A.174 ‘Miscellaneous Press Cuttings Sir Brian/Lord Flowers’. Contents of plastic sleeve so labelled. 1972-1981. Press cuttings, June 1972-December 1981 (including manuscript doodle on photograph of Flowers appearing on press cutting dated 7 December 1979); 1p manuscript doggerel inscribed ‘Pomes [Poems] by Sir Denys Wilkinson not to be thrown away’, n.d. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 31 Biographical A.175-A.180 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL 1961-1986 A.175 Miscellaneous biographical correspondence. September 1961-April 1986. A.176-A.179 ‘Letters concerning Lord Flowers’ill-health, January to April 1985’. Contents of folder so labelled. Divided into four for ease of reference. 1985. A.176 January. A.177, A.178 February. 2 folders. A.179 March, June. A.180 Three University of London Vice-Chancellor seasonal greeting cards (each with a differentillustration), ca 1986. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 32 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER B.1-B.29 Flowers was Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Manchester from 1958 to 1961 and Langworthy Professor of Physics from 1961. In 1967 Flowers took leave of absence to assumethe chairmanship of the Science Research Council (SRC) and in October 1972 heresigned his position as Langworthy Professor. His professional association with the University of Manchester was renewed when he waselected Chancellor in December 1994 andinstalled as such in a ceremony on 5 May 1995. The material in this section has been arranged chronologically, it covers the periods 1960 to 1967 and 1994 to 1997. B.1-B.3 of the University Grants Committee (UGC) to the University of Visit Manchester, 14-16 February 1961. Flowers was appointed as a representative of the University Senate to meet the UGC on the occasionoftheir visit. Correspondenceandpapersrelating to the visit, 1960-1961. 3 folders. B.4-B.6 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Dept. of Physics Steering Cttee June 1961-Nov. 1966’. Divided into three for ease of reference. Correspondence and printed matter re University of Manchester Department of Physics Steering Committee, 1961-ca 1966. B.4 B.5 B.6 June 1961-ca 1964. ca 1965. ca 1966. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 33 University of Manchester B.7-B.11 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Liberal studies in science’, divided into five for ease of reference. Correspondence and papers re establishment of the Honours School of Liberal Studies in Science at the University of Manchester, 1962-1967. Flowers was a key figure in the establishment of this school designed to provide an education for those interested in the function and administration of science. B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 B.13 B.14 See also D.537. 1962 July-November. 1964 April-1965 January. 1965 duneDeeember. 1966 January-September. 1967 March. Circular letter re survey of scientific and technological manpower by the UGC, 21 January 1965. Correspondence and papers re UGC etc, 1965-1966. Includes papers re visit of the UGC to the University of Manchester on 10 and 11 November 1965. Correspondence re proposed appointment of H. Kronberger as honorary Professor of Physics, December 1966-March 1967. B.15-B.29 ‘University of Manchester Chancellor 1994-1997’, contents of boxfile so inscribed, divided into fifteen for ease of reference. 1994-1997. The material below consists of two folders of correspondence re Flowers’s election as Chancellor and onefolder re installation details. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 34 University of Manchester In December 1994 Flowers was elected Chancellor of the University of Manchester andinstalled on 5 May 1995. B.15-B.21 ‘University of Manchester 1994-end 1995’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 Correspondence. 1994-1995. 1994 September-December. 1995 January-February. 1995 March. 1995 April, May. 1995 June-August. 1995 September. 1995 October-December. Contents of folder re installation of Chancellor. 1p typescript statement of Vice-Chancellor announcing date of installation, 7 March 1995; programme; ‘Fanfare for a new chancellor’, 3pp sheet music composedby J. Casken for the installation ceremony; press cuttings, 9, 10 May 1995. B.23-B.29 ‘University of Manchester Jan 1996-Dec 1997’. inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. Contents of folder so Correspondence 1996-1997. B.23 1996 January, February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 University of Manchester B.24 B.25 B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 1996 March. 1996 April, May. 1996 June, July. 1996 August-October. 1996 November, December. 1997 February-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 SECTION C RESEARCH 36 C.1, C.2 C.1 Softback notebook, ca 1947/1948. ‘Theory of Pulse Chambers’ inscribed on front cover. Contains manuscript notes, calculations, graphs, tables etc. Includes intercalated photograph of laboratory equipment. ‘The notebook on pulse chambers was written for my own benefit. | was working on gridded pulse chambers at the time, and O R Frisch gave me some notes of his own on the subject.There was also some publishedstuff. | assembled what appeared relevant to my needs, working out a few things myself as | went along, although how much wasoriginal | can no longer guess. It was done while | wasstill in the Nuclear Physics Division in Harwell, around 1947-48.’ (Lord Flowers, private communication, 10 April 1998). C.2 D.Sc. submission ‘Contributions to the theory of nuclear reactions and of nuclear structures’ by Flowers, University of Birmingham, May 1953. This contains some of Flowers’ more important early research papers. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 37 SECTION D SPEECHES, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS D.1-D.577 D.1-D.476 INVITATION AND PUBLIC SPEECHES AND LECTURES D.1-D.469 Main sequence D.470-D.476 Selected early speeches and lectures D.477-D.572 TEACHING D.477-D.525 Birmingham lecture course D.526-D.572 Manchester lecture courses D.573-D.577, BROADCASTS B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 38 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.1-D.476 INVITATION AND PUBLIC SPEECHES AND LECTURES 1946-1995 The main sequence of invitation and public speeches and lectures (D.1- D.469) covers the period 1946-1995. Flowers gave numerous speeches and lectures when he was Rector of Imperial College, London from 1973-1985 and these are well represented in the main sequence. A folder of selected lectures and speeches (D.470-D.476) compiled in September 1985, covers the period 1956-1965. When it is not known wherea particular speech or lecture was given this has been indicatedin the text by ‘[?]’. Arranged in chronological order. D.1-D.469 Main sequence D.470-D.476 Selected early speechesandlectures D.1-D.469 Main sequence 1946-1995 D.1 Eleven typescript lists of lectures and speeches given by Flowers, 20pp, June 1946-July 1985. Originally each list accompanied a boxfile of lectures and speeches to which it referred. The lists have been grouped together and the lectures and speechesin each boxfile amalgamated, with others found elsewherein the papers, to form a continuous sequence. Flowers frequently had his speeches and lectures print on approximately A5 format pages to aid his delivery of them to audiences. Wherethis is the case it has been indicatedin the text. large in D.2 D.3 1946 ‘The theory of the deuteron: a series of lectures’, National Research Council of Canada, Division of Atomic Energy, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, May, June 1946. 15pp typescript + bibliography with 3pp intercalated notes. ‘On the photo effect in deuterium’, Harwell Nuclear Physics Colloquium, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire, 11 November 1946. 6pp manuscript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 39 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 1948 ‘Atomic energy for good or evil’, Walter Road Congregational Church, [?], 7 March 1948. 6pp manuscript. ‘Applications of atomic energy’, Rotary Club, Swansea, 8 March 1948. 6pp typescript. ‘Nuclear properties of the heavy elements’, University College of Swansea, 10 March 1948. 5pp manuscript. ‘The scattering of neutrons in helium’, Harwell Colloquium, Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Harwell, Berkshire, April 1948. 8pp manuscript. 1950-1954 ‘Theory of nuclear cross sections’, Physics Colloquium, [?], 19 June 1950. 9pp manuscript. ‘The nuclei above oxygen’, with J.P. Elliott, Glasgow Conference, July 1952. 6pp typescript + graphs and tables. ‘Nuclear power in the future’, Rotary Club, Swansea, 22 June 1953. App typescript. ‘Statistical theory of fission’, theoretical physics seminar, [?], 29 July 1953. 7pp manuscript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 40 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts D.12 ‘Nuclear spectroscopy’, Birmingham, July 1953. 9pp typescript. D.13 ‘Imperial College Lectures’, contents of folder so inscribed. 1953. ca October Flowers gave a series of eight lectures on ‘Recent developments in the theory of the stationary states of nuclei’, beginning 16 October 1953. 1p typescript list of lectures with annotations; manuscript material for lectures, 39pp. ‘Law energy spectra of nuclei’, Kapitza Club, Cambridge, 7 December 1954. 11pp typescript draft with annotations. 1955 D.15 American Physical Society Meeting, [?], January 1955. 7pp typescript describing research carried out on the Harwell cyclotron with J.M. Dickson and D.C. Slater. D.16 ‘Nuclear Physics Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed. May 1955. In May 1955 Flowers presented a series of six lectures on ‘Recent developments in nuclear structure’, at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. 35pp typescript. D.17 D.18 ‘Theory of neutron reactions’, Neutonics Symposium at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire and Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston, Berkshire, 25-28 October 1955. 7pp typescript; 2pp typescript programmeandattached note. ‘The work of the Theoretical Physics Division, [Harwell], Colloquium at University College, London, 1955. 15pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 A Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Low-lying energy levels of nuclei’, Meeting of the Physical Society, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire 1955. 5pp typescript + figures. D.20 ‘U.C.L.A. University of California, Los Angeles, Lecture course’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1955. Flowers gave a series of six lectures on ‘Recent developments in nuclear structure’. 56pptypescript. D.21 ‘The structure of nuclei’, Ritchie Lecture, University of Edinburgh, ca 1955. 7pp typescript with annotations. D.22 ‘Betu-Brueckner theory of the nucleus’, [?], ca 1955. D.23 D.24 D.25 14pp manuscript draft. 1956-1959 ‘Recent work at Harwell on nuclear structure’, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 1956. 13pp typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript notes. ‘Some reactor calculations of current interest’, Stockholm, Sweden, April 1956. 12pp typescript ‘Personal Management Conference, AERE, Harwell, Berkshire, 20-24 May 1957. establishment’, Research research relations in a Group 15pp typescript draft; published transcript of four talks given at conference including that given by Flowers, 27pp typescript with attached 7pp typescript entitled ‘Communication in research work’. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 42 D.26 D.27 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Interpretation of transition probabilities in light nuclei’, Moscow Conference on Nuclear Reactions, USSR, latest bibliographical reference 1957. 6pp typescript + 4 diagrams. ‘Lecture series on nuclear physics’, annotated ‘AERE/TRE Malvern’, ca 1958. Flowers gavesix lectures. 21pp typescript. D.28 Lecture on atomic energy, Administrative Staff College, Henley, ca 1958. 10pp typescript. D.29 ‘Polarization of nuclear spins’, [7], ca 1958. 6pp manuscriptdraft. D.30 ‘Structure of the atomic nucleus’, Manchester University Chemical Society, 19 November 1959. 20pp manuscript draft with annotations. See also E.18. 1961-1966 D.31 ‘The fundamental structure of matter’, Percival Lecture, [?], 1961. 11pp typescript. D.32 D.33 ‘Symmetry in physics’, Manchester Mathematical Society, 14 February 1962. 11pp typescript draft with annotations and 2pp manuscript notes. ‘Organisationof civil research (as seen from a university)’, [?], 25 April 1963. 12pp typescript draft with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 43 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.34 Introduction of M. Ryle Guthrie Lecturer for 1964, [?]. 1p typescript. D.35 ‘Recent developments in nuclear structure’, Institute of Physics and the Physical Society Conference, Liverpool, September 1965. 17pp typescript draft with annotations. D.36 ‘The irrelevance of scientific research’, Leeds, 12 October, 1966. 33pp typescript draft with annotations. D.37 D.38 D.39 D.40 Talk on a report re computers for research, Department of Education and Science, London, 8 December 1966. Correspondencere arrangements, August-November 1966. 1967 ‘Financing science’, Nuclear Physics Conference Dinner, Manchester, 27 September 1967. Correspondence etc re arrangements and issues arising from speech, September-October 1967; 7pp typescript notes sent to Flowers by R. Lindgren, 21 September 1967; 7pp manuscript draft and 4pp typescript, ca September 1967. Annual Dinner, Institute of Physics, Liverpool and North Wales Branch, 23 November 1967. 5pp typescript. ‘Technology and the research councils’, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, North Western Branch, Manchester, 7 December 1967. 47pp typescriptdraft. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 44 D.41 D.42 D.43 D.44 D.45 D.46 D.47 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 1968 ‘Other research councils’, IPCS [?Institution of Professional Civil Servants] Science Research Council Branch Annual Delegate Conference, [?], 10 February 1968. 16pp typescript. Banquet speech, Fourth International Vacuum Conference, Manchester, 18 April 1968. 7pp typescript. Chairman’s opening speech, Second International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Brighton, 7 May 1968. Correspondence etc re arrangements, December 1967-January 1968; 9pp typescript notes. Inauguration Engineering Department, 18 June 1968. Hybrid Computing of Facility, University of Cambridge Correspondence re arrangements etc, April-July; 15pp typescript of speech by Flowers; 8 photographs of the Computing Facility and the opening ceremony; 1p typescript programme; background material control engineering studies. re Reply on behalf of fellow honorary graduates, Degree Ceremony, University of Sussex, Brighton, 9 July 1968. 15pp typescript draft. Opening speech, Summer School in Spectroscopy, Royal Institute Chemistry, London, 4 September 1968. of Correspondence typescript draft with annotations. re arrangements etc, June-September 1968; 10pp Address, Presentation Ceremony, Borough Polytechnic and National College for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Fan Engineering, London, 27 November 1968. 9pp typescript draft with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 45 D.48 D.49 D.50 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts 1969 Announcementof new radio telescope, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 6 February 1969. Correspondence re arrangements, January 1969; 6pp typescript; 3pp typescript draft with annotations. ‘Science, industry and government’, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 25 March 1969. 43pp typescript draft with annotations. ‘Industry and the universities’, Confederation of British Industries, Leeds, 17 April 1969. Due to illness Flowers was unable to give the lecture and it was delivered instead by C. Jolliffe. Correspondencere arrangements etc, September 1968-April; 3pp typescript notes; 19pp typescript draft with annotations. D.51 ‘Science and society: Fabian Society, London, 12 July 1969. priorities’, Science and Technology Conference, Correspondence re arrangements etc, April-August 1969; 3pp typescript proposal for conference; 3pp typescript programme; 4pp typescript report of conference proceedings and findings; 6pp manuscript notes for lecture by Flowers; 2pp article by unidentified author ‘Would Mr Heath have more to offer’, Nature, 222, (21 June 1969). After-dinner address, Conference on Computational Physics, Institute of Physics, [?], 30 July 1969. 13pp typescript with annotations. 1969 International Symposium on Electron and PhotonInteractions at High Energies, University of Liverpool, 14-20 September 1969. Flowers appears to have addressed the conference on 18 September. D.52 D.53 10pp manuscript notes for address inscribed ‘Daresbury [Nuclear Physics Laboratory, participants, programme and list of contributions. 18/9/69’; 58pp typescript, Lancashire] list of B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 46 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.54 Opening of King’s College Computer Centre, King’s College, London, 16 October 1969. 13pp typescript with annotations. 1970 D.55 ‘Engineering and the SRC’, Institution of Electrical Engineers, [?], 5 February 1970. 56pp typescript with annotations and 2pp manuscript notes of references. D.56 ‘Sciencein universities’, University of Nottingham, 6 March 1970. 17pp typescript. D.57 D.58 D.59 Thanks for Lord Bessborough’s opening speech, London Science Fair, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Imperial College, London, 13 July 1970. 3pp typescript. Opening of the Sir Harold Hartley Computing Laboratory, University of ManchesterInstitute of Science and Technology, 2 October 1970. Correspondence etc re arrangements, July-October 1970; 18pp typescript draft; 7pp typescript draft with annotations; 6pp typescript paper + tables re grant aid from the University Science and Technology Board. Memorial address for Hans Kronberger, West London Synagogue, 26 October 1970. ‘1970, The Kronberger File. Royal Society: Dr. Hans Kronberger’, contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re memorial address, memorial service and biographical memoir by L. Rotherham, October 1970-June 1972; 17pp typescript draft with annotations. D.60 Awardspresentation address, Colchester Lathe Company Limited, Essex, 3 December 1970. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 47 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.61 Awards presentation address, unidentified school, London, ca 1970. 18pp A5 typescript D.62 Notes for FrenchInstitute, [7], ca 1970. 2pp manuscript notes inscribed ‘Notes for French Institute’, n.d. with note attached re a speech by Flowersillustrating success stories resulting from Science Research Council support, 22 October 1970. 1971 D.63, D.64 Degree Conferment Ceremony address, Brighton Polytechnic, Sussex, 2 April 1971. D.63 D.64 D.65 Correspondence re arrangements etc, January-April 1971; programme. 8pp typescript draft with annotations. Opening of Imperial College High Volt Electron Microscope, Imperial College, London, 20 April 1971. Correspondence etc re arrangements, February, April 1971; 4pp typescript draft with annotations; 4pp typescript. D.66, D.67 ‘Science, industry and government’, Copenhagen, Denmark, [22] April 1971. D.66 D.67 D.68 Correspondenceetc re arrangements, January-May 1971. 36pp typescript. Annual Dinner, Institution of Chemical Engineers, Manchester, 27 April 1971. 8pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 48 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.69-D.71 ‘The scientific background of Centenary Congress, Institution of Electrical Engineers, [?], 18 May 1971. electrical engineering in the year 2000’, D.69 D.70 D.71 D.72 D.73 Correspondence re arrangements, and in response to content of Flowers’s speech, August 1970-July 1971; 4pp typescript of speech by H.K. Bourne entitled ‘The emerging seventies’, April 1970; 4pp typescript notes by W.D.H. Greening re Flowers’s speech and resulting topics for discussion, 29 May 1971. 20pp programme with synopsis of speech by Flowers andbiographical note. 23pp typescript. Opening of the Oxford Nuclear Physics Laboratory, 20 July 1971. Correspondence re arrangements, March-July 1971; 3pp typescript with annotations. ‘Science and the Common Market’, British Association Meeting, Swansea, 6 September 1971. 13pp typescript. D.74 NATO Advanced StudyInstitute, [7], 22 September 1971. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.75 Reply on behalf of guests, Weizmann Dinner, Weizmann Institute for Science, Rehovot, Israel, 20 October 1971. 6pp typescript with annotations. D.76, D.77 ‘Technology and man’, First Leverhulme Memorial Lecture, University of Liverpool, 25 October 1971. D.76 Correspondence re Flower’s lecture, November 1971-February 1972; dinner seating plan, 25 October 1971. D.77 52pptypescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 49 D.78 D.79 D.80 D.81 D.82 D.83 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 1972 Reply on behalf of guests, Pharmaceutical Society Dinner, [?], 29 February 1972. 6pp typescript with annotations. Silvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture, British Institute of Radiology, London, 20 April 1972. 16pp typescript. Graduation ceremony, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 7 July 1972. 13pp A5 typescript. at the and Address Development Establishments and Research) Winter Conference, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 8 December 1972. (Controller, Research CER’s’ The address was a revised version of ‘Engineering and the universities’, Maitland Lecture 1972, Institution of Structural Engineers, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 9 November 1972. Correspondence re arrangements, October, November 1972. 1p manuscript notes; 6pp incomplete typescript draft with annotations + manuscript graphs and tables. 1973 ‘The idea of a research council’, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 15 March 1973. Correspondence re arrangements, subsequent publication (Physics Bulletin, 24 (1973), pp 345-349); correspondence in lecture from colleagues, December 1971-July 1973; 18pp typescript; 5pp proof. reaction to ‘The organization of scientific research in the United Kingdom’, Conference organised by the Association of Research Personnel of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (Spain), Madrid, 12 April 1973. 16pp typescript draft with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 50 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts D.84 Toast to the Institution, Annual Dinner of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 16 April 1973. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.85 ‘The Queen’s Lecture’, Berlin, West Germany, 23 May 1973. 24pp typescript. D.86 Addresson receipt of Honorary D.Sc., University of Leicester, 13 July 1973. 3pp typescript. D.87 D.88 D.89 D.90 D.91 ‘Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students’, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1973. 7pp typescript draft with annotations. ‘Rector’s welcome to undergraduate students’, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1973 5pp typescript draft with annotations. Reply to farewell speech by Margaret Thatcher MP, Admiralty House, London, 4 October 1973. 11pp A5 typescript draft with annotations. Welcome address to guests at sherry party, College and Union Overseas Students Committees, Imperial College, London, 16 October 1973. Note and 2pp typescript notes for welcome address, 16 October 1973; 3pp typescript. Speech, Farewell Dinner for Flowers, Science Research Council, 17 October 1973. 11pp A5 typescript notes with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 51 D.92 D.93 D.94 D.95 D.96 D.97 D.98 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 15 October 1973. 18pp A5 typescript with annotations. See also A.163. President's welcome, Reception to mark the 50th anniversary of the Journal of Scientific Instruments (Journal of Physics E), \Institute of Physics, London, 23 October 1973. 3pp Ad typescript notes with annotations. ‘Reply by the rector to the toast to the guests’, Annual Dinner, Royal College of Science Association, Imperial College, London, 9 November 1973. 5pp Ad typescript with annotations. ‘Government administration of science’, Institute of Physics, Scottish Branch, Edinburgh, 16 November 1973. 11pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Gamekeepers and poachers’, Old Centralians’ Luncheon, [?], 13 December 1973. 5pp typescript. 1974 Rector’s welcome to Margaret Thatcher MP at hall dinner, Imperial College, London, 22 January 1974. 2pp Ad typescript with annotations. Address, Presentation Ceremony for students of the Polytechnic of Central London, RoyalFestival Hall, London, 25 January 1974. 20pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 52 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.99 Address by the President, Opening of the Institute of Physics Exhibition to mark the Physical Society Centenary, Science Museum, London, 14 February 1974. Includes 8pp A5 typescript with annotations; 1p proof of published version of speech entitled ‘Past, present and future’ in Physics Bulletin, 25, (January 1974), p8. See also D.105, E.31 and E.33. D.100 D.101 D.102 D.103 Welcome address, Meeting with Schools, Imperial College, London, 18-29 March 1974. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. President's opening and plenary session addresses, Institute of Physics Franco-British Centenary Conference, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, 5 April 1974. Opening address, 2pp typescript; plenary session address, 27pp typescript. Presentation of the Holweck Prize, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, 7 April 1974. 2pp typescript. Welcomebythe Rector, British Institute of Radiology 33rd Annual Congress, Imperial College, London, 18 April 1974. 14pp A5 typescript. D.104 Possible lecture, unidentified, ca April 1974. 2pp manuscript notes; 2pp typescript notes; press cuttings re views of Lord Stokes, chairman of British Leyland Motor Corporation on higher education, 19 April 1974. D.105 President's welcome to guests, Institute of Physics Centenary Banquet, London, 7 May 1974. 10pp typescript. See also D.99 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 53 D.106 D.107 D.108 D.109 D.110 D.111 D.112 D.113 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts President’s introduction, Institute of Physics Celebrity Lectures, London, 8 May 1974. 12pp typescript. Rector’s welcome, Meeting of University Information Officers, College, London, 16 May 1974. Imperial 6pptypescript. Rector’s introduction to K. Berrill, Second Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 30 May 1974. App typescript. Open Day, Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, 12 June 1974. 11pp A5 typescript draft intercalated with 5pp manuscript additions. ‘The work of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution’, National Society for Clean Air, Imperial College, London, 3 July 1974. 46pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech of thanks on behalf of the Honorary Graduates, Congregation for Conferment of Honorary Degrees, University of Liverpool, 12 July 1974. 16pp A5 typescript; printed orations, ca July 1974. Rector’s welcome, 11th International Congress on High Speed Photography, Imperial College, London, 15 September 1974. 3pp typescript. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 30 September 1974. 8pp typescript draft. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 54 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.114 Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, 30 September 1974. 6pp typescript. D.115 D.116 D.117 Rector’s address, Imperial College, Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 24 October 1974. 24pp A5 typescript with annotations. President's speech, European Science Foundation Dinner, Strasbourg, France, 18 November 1974. 3pp typescript. Hall Dinner, Imperial College Silwood Park, Sunning Hill, Ascot, Berkshire, 22 November 1974. 2pp Ad typescript notes with annotations; letter and note re arrangements, October, November 1974. D.118 Opening of the Braddick Library, Schuster Laboratory, Manchester, 9 December 1974. University of 7pp typescript. D.119, D.120 Rector’s farewell to Lord Sherfield, Board of Governors Meeting, Imperial College, London, 20 December 1974. D.119 1p typescript. D.120 7pp A5 typescript. 1975 D.121 Rector’s address, Opening Ceremony for Computer Laboratory, Imperial College, London, 3 February 1975. 8pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 55 D.122 D.123 D.124 D.125 D.126 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s speech, British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, Imperial College London Branch, 4 February 1975. 2pp typescript notes. Rector’s speech, Registrar's Dinner, Imperial College, London, 13 February 1975. 3pp typescript notes. Address to the European Medical Research Councils (EMRC), [?], 11 March 1975. 4pp typescript. European Science Research Councils Conference, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 7, 8 April 1975. 10pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of O. Kahn-Freund, Third Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 7 May 1975. 3pp typescript. D.127 Opening of Computer Gallery, Science Museum, London, 30 May 1975. 2pp typescript. D.128 D.129 Rector’s address, Control of Air and Water Pollution, British Council Course, Imperial College, London, 7 July 1975. 3pp typescript. President’s address, Social Science Meeting, European Science Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 July 1975. 5pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 D.130 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 56 Opening address, International Scientific Symposium on Man and His Environment - 18 September 1975. of Birmingham, Climacteric?, University Crisis or 30pp typescript with annotations. D.131 Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 29 September 1975. 22pp Ad typescript. See also E.35. D.132 D.133 D.134 D.135 D.136 D.137 Rector’'s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 29 September 1975. 14pp A5 typescript. Rector's welcome to overseas students, Imperial College, London, 30 September 1975. 6pp Ad typescript with annotations. Farewell address to A.R.J.P. Ubbelohde, Imperial College, London, 10 October 1975. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 23 October 1975. 23pp A5typescript. Rector’s College, London, 28 October 1975. introduction, University Grants Committee Visitation, Imperial 3pp typescript notes; 4pp manuscript notes. Acceptance speech, Honorary Membership of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, [? London], 12 November 1975. 2pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 57 D.138 D.139 D.140 D.141 D.142 D.143 D.144 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s reply to Prime Minister's speech, Naming of Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, 3 December 1975. 3pp A5 typescript. Acceptance speech, Conferment of the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Official Residence of the French Ambassador, Kensington Palace Gardens, London, 15 December 1975. 2pp Ad typescript with annotations. See also A.74. 1976 Opening of New Common Room, Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College, London, 3 March 1976. 2pp A5typescript with annotations. Address, Committee on Science and Technology of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, [?], 25 March 1976. 17pp A5 typescript with annotations. Opening address, Symposium on Design for Need, Royal College Art, London, 12 April 1976. 7pp typescript. ‘Science in Europe’, Monsignor Padrig de Brun Memorial Lecture, University College, Galway, Republic of Ireland, 23 April 1976. 71pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p A5 manuscript intercalated addition. Introduction to the presidential address, Institute of Physics, London, 5 May 1976. 2pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 58 D.145 D.146 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Vote of thanks, Opening of the Charles Hayward Research Laboratory, Imperial College, London, 20 May 1976. 2pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of Lord Ashby, Fourth Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, 27 May 1976. 5pp typescript. D.147 British Council Scholars Dinner, [?], 21 June 1976. 28pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.148 D.149 D.150 D.151 Remarks, National Energy Conference, [?Imperial College, London], 22 June 1976. 6pp Ad typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript addition. Welcoming address, International Conference on Steel Plated Structures, Imperial College, London, 6 July 1976. : 10pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘The nuclear issue as seen by a watchdog of the public interest’, Financial Times Conference on Nuclear power and the public interest, [?], 8 July 1976. 24pp A5 typescript with annotations; 1p typescript distribution list. See also E.36. Introduction to press conference, Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, London, 22 September 1976. 13pp A5 typescript. D.152 British Pugwash Group Discussion Meeting, [?], 28 September 1976. 16pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 59 D.153 D.154 D.155 D.156 D.157 D.158 D.159 D.160 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 4 October 1976. 20pp Ad typescript. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 4 October 1976. 14pp A5 typescript. Rector’s welcome to overseas students, Imperial College, London, 5 October 1976. 7pp A5 typescript. ‘Air pollution control: the recommendations of the Royal Commission’, 43rd Clean Air Conference, National Society for Clean Air, Edinburgh, 13 October 1976. 27pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript addition; 1p typescript distribution list. Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 21 October 1976. 22pptypescript with annotations. President’s speech, European Science Foundation Dinner, [?], 26 October 1976. 4pp A5 typescript. Speech re 2nd Annual Report of the European Science Foundation, British Embassy, Washington D.C., USA, 1 November 1976. 3pp typescript notes. Speech annotated ‘Presidents Introduction to the Annual Report: 1976’, 1 November 1976. 9pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 60 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.161 Academyof Sciences, Washington D.C., USA, 2 November 1976. 8pp typescript. D.162 D.163 D.164 D.165 D.166 D.167 Rector’s vote of thanks, Opening of the Huxley Building, Imperial College, London, 4 November 1976. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introductory remarks, Meeting on Health and Safety in Universities, Imperial College, London, 25 November 1976. 2pp typescript. ‘Nuclear power and public policy’, British Nuclear Energy Society, [?], 2 December 1976. 71pp A5 typescript with annotations; 19pp typescriptdraft distribution list with annotations, notes etc. See also E.37-E.39. Environment Committee, Chemical Industries Association Ltd, December 1976. [?], 14 12pp photocopy of annotated typescriptdraft. Speech to postgraduate students, Birkbeck College, London, 15 December 1976. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations. 1977 Introductory remarks, Impact of a U.K. Fast Reactor Programme, Imperial College Energy Studies Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, 15 January 1977. 9pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 61 D.168 D.169 D.170 D.171 D.172 D.173 D.174 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Conservative Back Bench Committee, House of Commons, Westminster, London, 3 February 1977. 9pp photocopy of annotated typescript draft. Speech at Geographical Society Annual Dinner, University College London, 18 February 1977. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to the Secretary of State for Education and Science, Meeting with Schools, Imperial College, London, 31 March 1977. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘The approach of the European Science Foundation’, Science Policy Foundation Symposium on Strategies for Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 14-16 April 1977. Flowers delivered his speech on 15 April 1977. 17pp typescript; 2pp typescript abstract; 1p typescript distribution list, 20 April 1977 Informal address, Anglo-Swedish Society and the Danish and Swedish Societies of Engineers in Great Britain, [?], 21 April 1977. 33pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of A. Weinstock, Fifth Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 11 May 1977. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction, Conference on Technological Assessment and Public Benefit, Council for Science and Society, Imperial College, London, 16 May 1977. App typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 62 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.175 21st Plenary European Committee for Future Accelerators Meeting (ECFA), [?], 25 May 1977. 2pp typescript notes. D.176 Farewell Party for R. Malone, Imperial College, London, 29 June 1977. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.177 D.178 D.179 D.180 D.181 D.182 ‘HMPI [?Her Majesty’s Pollution Inspectorate] in wonderland and other vexations’, National Society for Clean Air, [?], 6 July 1977. 26pp Ad typescript with annotations; 1p typescript distribution list. Opening of the Eastwood Muscular Dystrophy Research Facility, Imperial College, London, 7 September 1977. Note re distribution of copies; 5pp A5 typescript. ‘The nuclear debate’, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 23 September 1977. 62pp A5 typescript with annotations; 5pp typescriptdistribution list. See also E.41. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 3 October 1977. 16pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 3 October 1977. 11pp A5 typescript. Rector’s welcome to overseas students, Imperial College, London, 4 October 1977. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 63 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.183 Addressto visiting group of German university professors, Imperial College, London, 6 October 1977. 5pp typescript; 27pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.184 Prize giving, Hampton School, Middlesex, 10 October 1977. 23pp A5 manuscript. D.185 ‘Fast reactors and the fuel cycle’, Royal Institution Forum, London, 11, 12 October 1977. 15pp typescript; See also E.40. D.186 D.187 D.188 D.189 D.190 Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 27 October 1977. 14pp A5 typescript draft with annotations. President’s Foundation, Palais des Congres, Strasbourg, France, 1 November 1977. J.C. Kendrew’s lecture, European Science introduction to 4pp A5 typescript with annotations; 3pp A5 typescript with annotations (French). President’s introduction to the Annual Report 1977, European Science Foundation, Palais des Congres, Strasbourg, France, 1 November 1977. 5pp typescript; 8pp A5 typescript. Responseto the toast of the guests, Annual Dinner, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 10 November 1977. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s opening speech, First Meeting of the Education Forum, Imperial College, London, 15 November 1977. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 64 D.191 D.192 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s vote of thanks to |. Maddock, First Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 22 November 1977. 4pp Ad typescript. Annual Dinner, December 1977. British Computer Society, Imperial College, London, 2 ‘ 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.193 Clean Air Dinner, National Society for Clean Air, [?], 9 December 1977. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.194 Rector’s opening address, Nuclear Data Forum, Imperial College, London, 12 December 1977. D.195 D.196 D.197 D.198 App Adtypescript. 1978 Rector’s address, installation of new computer system, Imperial College, London, 19 January 1978. 4pp typescript; 7pp typescript ‘The nuclear debate’, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, 28 January 1978. 60pp A5typescript. ‘Social consequences of nuclear dependence’, Catholic Chaplaincy for West London, 19 February 1978. 17pp typescript. Opening speech, Conference on New Energy Policies, Department of Extra- Mural Studies, University of London, 27, 28 February 1978. 4pp typescript, 27 February 1978; 8pp A5 typescript with annotations; 2pp typescript programme etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 65 D.199 D.200 D.201 D.202 D.203 D.204 D.205 D.206 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Environmental Policy Making, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, [?], 22 March 1978. 45pp Ad typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of Lord Plowden, Meeting with Schools, Imperial College, London, 13 April 1978. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. Introduction of Departmentof Physics, Imperial College, London, 3 May 1978. B.J. Mason, Institute of Physics Presidential Address, 2pp A5 typescript; 1p typescript notes re lecture by Mason and1p typescript biographical note. ‘Energy and the environment - the public debate’, Gerald Walters Memorial Lecture, University of Bath, Avon, 16 May 1978. 27pp typescript; 56pp A5 typescript; 1p typescript distribution list. See E.43, E.44. Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) Meeting with French University Presidents, Imperial College, London, 9 June 1978. 16pp A5 typescript draft with annotations. Rector’s introduction of M.F. Perutz, Opening of the Biophysics Section, Imperial College, London, 9 June 1978. 5pp Ad typescript. Rector’s introduction of Tony Benn MP, ‘Industry and democracy’, Second Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 15 June 1978. 6pp A5 typescript. Dinner, Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) Introductory Course for 13 September 1978. Administrators, University Imperial College, London, App typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 66 D.207 D.208 D.209 D.210 D.211 D.212 D.213 D.214 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s address, farewell drinks for C. Grey, Imperial College, London, 27 September 1978. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Energy and the environment- the public debate’, 45th Clean Air Conference, Brighton, Sussex, 2 October 1978. 47pp A5 typescript. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 2 October 1978. 9pp typescript. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 2 October 1978. 14pp typescript. Rector’s welcometo overseas students, Imperial College, London, 3 October 1978. 7pp typescript. Rector’s speech, ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) Symposium Dinner, Imperial College, London, 11 October 1978. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rectors speech, Opening Ceremony, Anti-Racialist College, London, 23 October 1978. Festival, Imperial 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 26 October 1978. App typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 67 D.215 D.216 D.217 D.218 D.219 D.220 D.221 D.222 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts President’s introduction of L. van Hove, Second Annual Lecture, European Science Foundation, Paris, France, 7 November 1978. 2pp Ad typescript. President’s introduction to the Annual Report, European Science Foundation, Paris, France, 7 November 1978. 9pp A5 typescript. President’s speech, Dinner, European Science Foundation, Jardins de 'Orangerie, Paris, France, 7 November 1978. 3pp typescript. Chief guest’s speech, 10th Anniversary Dinner, International Computers Limited (ICL), London, 15 November 1978. 12pp A5 typescript. ‘The European Science Research Institutions, Rome, Italy, 20 November 1978. Foundation’, European Meeting of National 16pp typescript with attached note. See also D.125. Rector’s speech, Annual Dinner, Royal College of Science Association, Imperial College, London, 24 November 1978. 4pp A5typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of D. Davies, Sixth Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 28 November 1978. App A5 typescript. Farewell Party for L. Scarborough, Imperial College, London, 6 December 1978. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 68 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 1979 D.223 ‘European Science Policy’, Department of Science and Technology, Delhi, India, 1 January 1979. 16pp typescript with annotations. See also D.124. D.224 D.225 D.226 D.227 D.228 D.229 ‘The nuclear debate’, Department of Science and Technology, Delhi, India, 2 January 1979. 38pp typescript with annotations. Cocktail party in celebration of Flowers’ peerage, [?lmperial College, London], 16 January 1979. 3pp A5 manuscript notes. ‘Problems of nuclear power’, Colloquium on Nuclear Energy, Groupe de Bellerive, Geneva, Switzerland, 15 February 1979. 24pp typescript. ‘The work of the standing commission on energy and the environment’, speech to the Parliamentary Liaison Group for Alternative Energy Strategies, House of Commons, London, 5 March 1979. 35pp A5 typescript with annotations and attacheddistribution list. Rector’s introduction of Sir John Hackett, Third Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 13 March 1979. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘The work of the Commission on Energy and the Environment’, Seminar to M.Sc. Environmental Technology students, Imperial College, London, 21 March 1979. 45pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 69 D.230 D.231 D.232 D.233 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s address and introduction of G. Allen, Meeting with Schools, Imperial College, London, 29 March 1979. 4pp A5 typescript. introduction of D.E.C. Chairman’s Lecture, Department of Social and Economic Studies, Imperial College, London, 1 May 1979. Wedderburn, Inaugural 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome at ‘Meet Imperial College’, Imperial College, London, 2 May 1979. 24pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘The European Science Foundation - an experiment in_ international collaboration in science and the humanities’, Tenth J.D. Bernal Lecture, Birkbeck College, London, 10 May 1979. 43pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.234 Prize giving, Queenswood School, Hertfordshire, 24 May 1979. 11pp typescript. D.235 Dinner, Lycée Frangais, [?], 20 June 1979. 3pp typescript. D.236 Toast to the College, Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College, Oxford, 25 June 1979. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.237 Farewell Party for M.J. Davies, Imperial College, London, 27 June 1979. 6pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 70 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.238 Annual Dinner, British Academy, Middle Temple Hall, London, 28 June 1979. 20pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p attacheddistribution list. D.239 Farewell Party for J. Webb, Imperial College, London, 29 June 1979. 2pp A5 typescript. D.240 D.241 D.242 Farewell Party for F.W.G. Annas and J. Annas, Imperial College, London, 4 July 1979. 3pp A5 typescript. Introduction of incoming president, D. Ezra by Flowers (outgoing president), Council Meeting, National Society for Clean Air, [?], 19 July 1979. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. Presentation Dinner, Total Technology Undergraduate Course in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, 11 September 1979. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.243 Farewell Party for D. Huddie, Imperial College, London, 25 September 1979. 6pp Ad typescript with annotations. D.244 D.245 D.246 Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1979. 8pp Ad typescript. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1979. 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to overseas students, Imperial College, London, 2 October 1979. 5pp Ad typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 71 D.247 D.248 D.249 D.250 D.251 D.252 D.253 D.254 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Inauguration of session, Institution of Electrical Engineers, [?London], 4 October 1979. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Presentation of an ambulance by Imperial College to the British Red Cross Society, Imperial College, London, 30 October 1979. 3pp A5 typescript. Speech on receipt of Chalmers Medal, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenberg, Sweden, 5 November 1979. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of H. Phelps Brown, Seventh Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 4 December 1979. 3pp A5typescript. 1980 Rector’s introduction of A. Salam, Special Lecture, Imperial College, London, 18 February 1980. 3pp typescript. President’s introduction to the Annual Report 1979, European Science Foundation, [?], [?1 March 1980]. 8pp Adtypescript. Address to the Joint Medical Advisory Committee of the Academic and Collegiate Councils, [?], 11 March 1980. 13pp A5 typescript. Rector’s introduction of Lord Denning, Fourth Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 13 March 1980. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 72 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.255 ‘International co-operation in science and humanities’, Inaugural Einstein Memorial Lecture, Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Israel, 25 March 1980. 70pp A5typescript. D.256 ‘Issues of nuclear power’, Meeting of the Eye Constituency Labour Party, Leiston, Suffolk, 12 May 1980. 19pp typescript. See also D.270. D.257 Response to the toast of the guests, Tenth Standard Telephones and Cables Communication Lecture, London, 13 May 1980. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations; ‘What to say and howto sayit’ by Edward Heath MP, published lecture. D.258 Rector’s speech, Imperial College Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs (ASTMS) Commemoration Dinner, Imperial College, London, 23 May 1980. App typescript. D.259 Farewell to H. Ford, Imperial College, London, 15 July 1980. App typescript. D.260 D.261 D.262 Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 29 September 1980. 8pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 29 September 1980. 5pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of T. Science, Imperial College, London, 15 October 1980. Beckett, 25th Anniversary of Management 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 73 D.263 D.264 D.265 D.266 D.267 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Retirement presentation to C. Newens, Imperial College, London, 31 October 1980. 8pp A5 typescript. General Council and International Conference of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Imperial College, London, 5 November 1980. 3pp Ad typescript. President's speech, General Assembly, European Science Foundation, [7], 12 November 1980. 8pp typescript. ‘Nuclear power policy and prospects’, Churchill College, Cambridge, 17 November 1980. 29pp typescript with annotations and notesre distribution of copies. Rector’s presentation speech, Imperial College award scheme for members of the non-academic and related Imperial College, London, 26 November 1980. staff, 1p typescript notes with annotations; letter and attached details re scheme 27 February 1980. D.268 Prize giving, Tiffin School, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, 5 December 1980. 11pp typescript with annotations. 1981 D.269 Rector’s introduction of W.K.H. Panofsky, Special Lecture, Imperial College, London, 14 January 1981. 2pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 74 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.270 ‘Issues of nuclear power’, Catholic Chaplaincy for West London, 18 January 1981. Correspondencere arrangements, October 1980-January 1981. See also D.257. D.271 D.272 D.273 D.274 D.275 D.276 Unveiling Ceremony of the Donald Campbell Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College, London, 11 February 1981. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. Opening of Imperial College International Week, Imperial College, London, 16 February 1981. 7pp A5 typescript. Speech by Flowers in debate on the nature and organisation of research funded from the public purse, especially in relation to forestry. The parliamentary debates (Hansard): House of Lords: official report, H.M.S.O., 417, 23 February 1981. See columns 910-913. Rector’s introduction of P. Baxendell, Fifth Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 10 March 1981. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. Annual General Meeting, Royal College of Science Association, Imperial College, London, 5 May 1981. 5pp A5 manuscript notes. ‘Prospects for Universities’, Diplomatic Scientific Club, London Diplomatic Corps, 6 May 1981. Correspondence re arrangements, April, May 1981; 7pp AS manuscript notes. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 75 D.277 D.278 D.279 D.280 D.281 D.282 D.283 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Energy and the environment’, 1981 Marc Finnegan Memorial Lecture, Kensington, London, 21 May 1981. 31pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Fundamental research and the universities of Europe’, Fifth Parliamentary and Scientific Conference, Committee on Science and Technology, Council of Europe, Helsinki, Finland, 3-5 June 1981. 4pp typescript with 1p manuscriptdistribution list. Acceptance speech for Conferment of Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, Official Residence of the French Ambassador, Kensington Palace Gardens, London, 9 June 1981. 3pp typescript (French). See also A.110 and G.8. Speech as guest of honour, Reception, Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 21 September 1981. 6pp A5 typescript. Chairman’s welcome, Press Conference to launch report on Coal and the Environment, Commission on Energy and the [?], 30 September 1981. Environment, 6pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of Lord McCarthy, Ninth Joan Woodward Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 13 October 1981. 3pp typescript with annotations and 1p typescript guestlist. Rector’s welcome, ‘International Year of Disabled People (IYDP) and then...?’, Active Autumn Conference, Imperial College, London, 17 October 1981. 2pp typescript with annotations; programme. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 76 D.284 D.285 D.286 D.287 D.288 D.289 D.290 D.291 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Guest speaker, Oxford Students’ Social Democratic Club, Lincoln College, Oxford, 28 October 1981. 9pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of M. Finniston, Total Technology Dinner, Imperial College, London, 10 November 1981. 4pp Ad typescript. Introduction of Lord Todd, Centenary Lecture, Royal College of Science Centenary Celebrations, Imperial College, London, 16-27 November 1981. 2pp A5 typescript with annotations, 16 November 1981; programme. ‘Universities’ contribution to industry, particularly in science and engineering’, Universities and Industry, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Imperial College, London, 19 November 1981. 11pp typescript. Speech in support of Shirley Williams Social Democratic Party candidate for Crosby, Lancashire, 1981 by-election, 21 November 1981. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of G. Holton, lecture, Imperial College, London, 24 November 1981. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations. Guest speaker, Friendship for Overseas Students, London, 25 November 1981. Meeting, Kensington Committee of Annual General 7pp typescript. Rector’s welcomeand introduction of A.F. Huxley, Royal College of Science Association Ball, Imperial College, London, 27 November 1981. 4pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 77 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.292 Speech by Flowers in debate on the effects of Government policies on education, training opportunities and industrial efficiency, House of Lords, London, 2 December 1981. 11pp typescript with annotations. D.293 Guest of honour, Jubilee Speech Day, Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School, Kent, 16 December 1981. 10pp typescript with annotations; programme; correspondence re issue raised in speech, March 1982. D.294 Farewell for J. Brown, Imperial College, London, ca 1981. 4pp A5 manuscript. 1982 D.295 D.296 D.297 Rector’s introduction, Nuclear Power and Radioactivity: a short course for elected membersof local authorities, Imperial College, London, 7-8 January 1982. 8pp typescript, 7 January 1982. Rector’s introduction of C. Freeman, First Science, Technology and Public Policy Lecture, Imperial College, London, 9 February 1982. 5pp typescript. Speech by Flowers in debate on Tidal power from the Severn Estuary, House of Lords, Westminster, London, 15 February 1982. 11pp typescript with annotations. D.298, D.299 Speech by Flowers in debate on the first report of the Select Committee on Science and Technology on ‘Science and Government’, House of Lords, London, 15 February 1982. D.298 D.299 17pp manuscriptdraft. 14pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 78 D.300 D.301 D.302 D.303 D.304 D.305 D.306 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s introduction of Lord Zuckerman, Sixth Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 18 February 1982. 4pp Ad typescript. Rector’s introduction of K. Cornfield, Imperial College Industrial Society, Imperial College, London, 9 March 1982. 6pp typescript. Annual Dinner, 75th Anniversary of the British Federation of University Women, London, 19 March 1982. 8pp typescript. Speech for Hong Kong Imperial College Alumni Association Meeting, Hong Kong, 20 April 1982. 1p typescript. Speech for Hong Kong Imperial College Alumni Association Inauguration Dinner, Hong Kong, 20 April 1982. 7pp typescript. Discussion evening on the report on coal and the environment, Fellowship of Engineering, [7], 11 May 1982. 16pp typescript. Speechby Flowersin debate on the report of the Commission on Energy and the Environment entitled ‘Coal and the Government’, House of Lords, London, 19 May 1982. 14pp typescript with annotations. D.307 Bearwood College Speech Day, [Wokingham, Berkshire],19 June 1982. 7pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 79 D.308 D.309 D.310 D.311 D.312 D.313 D.314 D.315 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts Meeting of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, House of Commons Grand Committee Room, London, 22 June 1982. 12pp typescript with annotations. Symposium in commemoration of the late Germany,8 July 1982. F. Schneider, Bonn, West 15pp typescript with annotations. Opening speech, Britain, Europe and the Environment 1982, Centre for Environmental Technology Conference, [Imperial College, London] 24 September 1982. App typescript. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 4 October 1982. 7pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate students, Imperial College, London, 4 October 1982. 5pp typescript. Rector’s speech, ‘Class of ‘42’ 40th Anniversary Dinner, Imperial College, London, 16 October 1982. 3pp typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript addition. Press Conference, Launch of Imperial Software Technology Ltd, [?Ilmperial College, London], 18 October 1982. 3pp typescript. 49th Conference, National Society for Clean Air, Llandudno, Gwynedd, 18 October 1982. 21pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 80 D.316 D.317 D.318 D.319 D.320 D.321 D.322 D.323 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 28 October 1982. 8pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of Lord Caldecote, Guest of Honour, Total Technology Dinner, Imperial College, London, 9 November 1982. 5pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s speech, Dinner to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the granting of the Imperial College Royal Charter, Imperial College, London, 16 November 1982. 8pp typescript with annotations. ‘Relationship between university research and national research agencies’, CRE [?Conference of Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities] Conference, Hamburg, West Germany, 18-19 November1982. 14pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of P. Baxendell, Third Pryor Memorial Lecture, Imperial College, London, 22 November 1982. 3pp A5 typescript. Rector’s speech and toast, Farewell dinner for B. Neal, Imperial College, London, 1 December 1982. 5pp Adtypescript. Speech by Flowers in debate on the continued development of the commercial fast reactor, House of Lords, London, 8 December 1982. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. Introduction of D. Rooke, W.A. Simmonds and P.A. Cubbage, Nuffield Lecture, [?London], 9 December 1982. 3pp Ad typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 81 D.324 D.325 D.326 D.327 D.328 D.329 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Retirement presentations to J. Lindley, A. Loveday, M. Loveday, L. Pelham and E. Whitehead, Imperial College, London, 13 December 1982. 8pp typescript with annotations. Prize giving at South Hampstead High School, Camden, London, 13 December 1982. 13pp typescript with annotations. 1983 Speech by Flowers in debate on the second reading of the Water Bill, House of Lords, London, 7 February 1983. 9pp A5 typescript with annotations and 2pp A5 manuscript additions. Speech by Flowers in debate on report of the European Communities Committee on Strategic Minerals, House of Lords, London, 21 February 1983. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on reactivating the Commission on Energy and the Environment, House of Lords, London, 21 February 1983. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of B.A.O. Williams, Seventh Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 24 February 1983. 4pp A5 typescript. D.330 ‘Issues of nuclear power’, Harrow School, London, 12 March 1983. 20pptypescript with annotations. D.331 Speech by Flowers in debate on the second reading of the Nuclear Material OffencesBill, House of Lords, 21 March 1983. 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 82 D.332 D.333 D.334 D.335 D.336 D.337 D.338 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Speech by Flowers in debate on Government policies for protecting the Environment, House of Lords, London, 23 March 1983. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of M. Bullock, Imperial College, London, 24 March 1983. 2pp Ad typescript. ‘The painter and the swordsman: insulting tales for engineers’, Sefi: Second World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Paris, France, 6-8 April 1983. 37pp A5 typescript with annotations; 11pp typescript (French). See also E.46. ‘Issues Transportation of Irradiated Fuel, London, 12-14 April 1983. International non-issues’, and Conference on the Urban 46pp typescript. Rector’s introduction of P.F. Chester, Imperial College, London, 13 April 1983. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. Convocation address, Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada, 7 May 1983. 23pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p A5 manuscript addition. Speech in support of Shirley Williams, Social Democratic Party parliamentary candidate for Crosby, Lancashire, 1983 General Election, Hightown and Melling, Merseyside, 27 May 1983. 16pp A5 typescript and manuscript with annotations. D.339 Farewell for D.D. Raphael, Department of Humanities, Imperial College, London, 27 June 1983. 5pp Ad typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 83 D.340 D.341 D.342 D.343 D.344 D.345 D.346 D.347 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Farewell for A. Sloman, Chairman of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals, [?], 1 July 1983. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Using our technological expertise’, Conference on Industry and Higher Education: Future Collaboration, London Business School, 7 July 1983. 28pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Coal and the Chartered Surveyors, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire, 20 July 1983. Environment’, Annual Conference, Royal Institution of 34pp A5 typescript with annotations. collaboration ‘Improving industry’, Cranfield/University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Conference, Imperial College, London, 21 July 1983. and between universities 48pp A5typescript. Introduction to Lord Caldecote, Guest of Honour, Cranfield/University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Conference, Imperial College, London, 21 July 1983. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Chairman’s introduction to discussion on lecture by B. Williams, Thirteenth Commonwealth Universities Congress, Birmingham, 14-20 August 1983. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Special Meeting, Imperial College, London, 28 September 1983. 1p typescript programme. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 3 October 1983. 21pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 84 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.348 Rector’s welcome to postgraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 3 October 1983. 18pp A5 typescript with attached note re amendments. D.349 Farewell for H. Evans, Imperial College, London, 11 October 1983. 2pp Ad typescript. D.350 Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Imperial College, London, 27 October 1983. 14pp typescript with annotations. D.351 ‘Malaysians’, Imperial College, London, 21 November 1983. 1p manuscript notes. D.352 D.353 Rector’s welcome to Dutch administrators, Imperial College, London, 23 November 1983. 5pp Ad typescript notes with annotations. Rector’s opening address, Seminar on Traffic in Towns - 20 Years On, Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London, 23 November 1983. 7pp A5 typescript. D.354 ‘After Flowers’, Surgical Specialists Annual Dinner, [?], 2 December 1983. 18pp typescript with 1p manuscript notes. 1984 D.355 Speechby Flowers in debate on the Alvey Report, House of Lords, London, 18 January 1984. 14pp typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 85 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.356 Speech by Flowers in debate on the first joint report by the Chairman of the Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development and the Advisory Board for the Research Councils etc, House of Lords, London, 10 February 1984. 13pp typescript with annotations. D.357 Conference on Anglo-Korean Collaboration in Science and Technology, London School of Economics, 1 March 1984. 10pp typescript; correspondence re conference June 1984. D.358 Annual Dinner, Medical Society of London, 8 March 1984. 6pp typescript. D.359 Speech by Flowers in debate on the need for change in universities, polytechnics and colleges in higher and further education, House of Lords, London, 14 March 1984. 11pp typescript with annotations. D.360 Rector’s introduction of J. Egan, Eighth Jubilee Lecture, Imperial College, London, 15 March 1984. 2pp typescript. D.361 AnnualDinner, Institution of Chemical Engineers, 16 March 1984. 5pp typescript. D.362 D.363 Assembly dinner, Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, 22 March 1984. Annual Assembly of the Engineering Professors’ 13pp typescript. Spring meeting on the public image of the universities, Standing Conference of University Information Officers, King’s College, London, 23 March 1984. 16pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 86 D.364 D.365 D.366 D.367 D.368 D.369 D.370 D.371 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Symposium dinner, APCOM ‘84 Application of Computers and Mathematics in the Mineral Industries, Eighteenth International Symposium, Imperial College, London, 29 March 1984. 8pp typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on report on ‘Remote sensing and digital mapping’, House of Lords, Westminster, London, 25 April 1984. 15pp typescript with annotations; 1p incomplete typescript. Toast to Engineers, London, 10 May 1984. Institution, the Anniversary Dinner, Institution of Structural 10pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s introduction of W. Rodgers MP, First O’Sullivan Lecture, Imperial College, London, 23 May 1984. 4pp A5 typescript with annotations and attached notere lecture details. Rector’s introduction of Sir Denys Wilkinson, Eighth Science, Technology and Public Policy Lecture, Imperial College, London, 5 June 1984. 3pp typescript with annotations. Rector’s welcome to undergraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1984. 15pp typescript. Rector’s welcome to postgraduate freshmen, Imperial College, London, 1 October 1984. 13pp typescript. Rector’s address, Imperial College Commemoration Day, Royal Albert Hall, London, 25 October 1984. 12pp typescript with annotations and attacheddistributionlist. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 87 D.372 D.373 D.374 D.375 D.376 D.377 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Speech by Flowers in debate on the Tenth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, House of Lords, London, 29 October 1984. 11pp typescript with annotations and attached note re arrangements. Prize giving presentations, College Award Scheme for Non Academic Staff, Imperial College, London, 5 November 1984. 5pp Ad typescript with annotations. ‘University research and industrial development’, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 13 November 1984. 9pp typescript. ‘The ESF - the first twenty years!’, Annual Lecture, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France, 20 November 1984. 12pp typescript. Degree day, Newcastle Polytechnic, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 28 November 1984. 11pp typescript with annotations. of co-operation’, British ‘The future (CBI) Conference on Innovation Through Co-operation with Higher Education, [7], 29 November 1984. Confederation of Industry 10pp typescript with attached notes re speech. D.378 Rector’s address to senate, Imperial College, London, 12 December 1984. 2pp A5 manuscript notes. 1985 D.379 Rector’s welcome and introduction of N.S.H. Lamont MP, Major Projects Symposium, Imperial College, London, 4 January 1985. 5pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 88 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.380 Symposium on Organisation of Basic Research in the United Kingdom, Imperial College, London, 10 January 1985. 5pp typescript notes. D.381 Farewell for V. Mooney, Imperial College, London, 13 May 1985. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.382 D.383 Vote of thanks for N.L. Franklin, Imperial College Science Policy Research Unit Lecture, Imperial College, London, 4 June 1985. 2pp typescript notes; 1p manuscript notes. Introduction of P.L. Brooke MP, Opening of the IBM Institute Project, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College, London, 27 June 1985. 3pp typescript with annotations. D.384 Rector’s farewell to the Governors, Imperial College, London, 2 July 1985. 13pp typescript with annotations. D.385 Annual Dinner, British Student Health Association, Imperial College, London, 18 July 1985. 3pp typescript. Schuster Manchester, 23 November 1988. Centenary Celebration, Schuster Laboratory, University of See also G.68, G.72. 1989 D.386 Toast to the couple, Wedding of Monica Flowers (Flowers’s sister) and Thomas Stiff, Headington, Oxford, 9 September 1989. 3pp typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 89 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts 1990 D.387 Opening address, 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 16 September 1990. 16pp A5 typescript with annotations. See also G.101. D.388 D.389 D.390 Reply to Vice Chancellor, University of London, 8 October 1990. Collegiate Council Dinner, Senate House, 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. Dinner, Launch of the Imperial College Computing Forum, Imperial College, London, 19 October 1990. 11pp A5 typescript. Vote of thanks to J. Ziman, 24th Science and Public Policy Lecture, Imperial College, London, 20 November 1990. 7pp A5 typescript with 1p manuscript addition. D.391 Farewell dinner for L. Cohen, Cafe Royal, London, 4 December 1990. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. 1991 D.392 D.393 Opening speech, University of London Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Semiconductor Materials, Imperial College, London, 11 February 1991. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Conference banquet, First Annual Public Health Forum on Malaria - waiting for the vaccine, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 16 April 1991. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations and 2pp manuscript additions. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 90 D.394 D.395 D.396 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Conference dinner, Annual conference, United Kingdom Environmental Law Association, Nottingham, 20 April. 19pp A5 typescript with annotations. Tribute by Flowers, thanksgiving service for the life of D.F. Jackson, Guildford Cathedral, Surrey, 24 April 1991. 17pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on education, House of Lords, London, 1 May 1991. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.397 Computer Board Commemorative Dinner, London Zoo, 2 May 1991. 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.398 D.399 Speechby Flowersin debate on reports by the Select Committee on Science and Technology, House of Lords, London, 23 May 1991. 19pp A5 typescript with 1p manuscript addition. Centenary dinner celebration for Goldsmith’s College, London, Worshipful Companyof Goldsmiths, London, 23 May 1991. 22pp A5typescript with annotations. D.400 Seminar on Research Evaluation, Oslo, Norway, 29 May 1991. 21pp A5 typescript. D.401 ‘Science and politics in the House of Lords - another sort of peer review’, Royal Norwegian Academy, Oslo, Norway, 30 May 1991 58pp A5 typescript (Norwegian). with annotations; 1p typescript note re lecture The speech waslater adapted for use on other occasions, see D.411, D.415. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 91 D.402 D.403 D.404 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Conference dinner, Conference on Developing Medical Education, University of London, 26 June 1991. 19pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on amendments to the British Technology Group Bill, House of Lords, London, 27 June 1991. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Presentations to Fellows, Lloyd’s Tercentenary Foundation, [?London], 12 July 1991. 6pp A5 typescript. D.405 Birthday speech, [?], 21 July 1991. 1p A5 typescript notes. D.406 Speech by Flowers in debate on amendments to the British Technology Group Bill, House of Lords, London, 22 July 1991. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript addition. D.407 Lunch, Nuffield Council on Bioethics, [?], 26 July 1991. 1p typescript notes, small note paper format. D.408 Presentation Day, Goldsmith’s College, London, 27 September 1991. 6pp Ad typescript with annotations. D.409 Speech by Flowers in debate on amendments to the British Technology Group Bill, House of Lords, Westminster, London, 15 October 1991. 6pp Ad typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 92 D.410 D.411 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘The case of the Nature Conservancy Council’, Centre for Environmental Technology M.Sc. Lecture, Imperial College, London, 28 October 1991. 9pp typescript. ‘Science and politics in the House of Lords - another sort of peer review’, Centre for Environmental Technology, M.Sc. Lecture, Imperial College, London, 28 October 1991. 11pp typescript. See also D.401, D.415. D.412 Speech by Flowers in debate on second reading of the Further and Higher Education Bill, House of Lords, London, 21 November 1991. 3pp typescript; 11pp A5 typescript with annotations and 2pp manuscript additions. D.413 D.414 Speech by Flowers in debate on committee stage of the Further and Higher Education Bill, House of Lords, London, [?21 November 1991]. 5pp Adtypescript with annotations. ‘The future of higher education’, Court and Council, University of Bristol, 19 December 1991. 13pp typescript; 56pp A5 typescript with annotations. 1992 D.415 Annual Luncheon, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, London, 26 February 1992. An earlier speech by Flowers, ‘Science and politics in the House of Lords - another sort of peer review’, appears to have been usedasthe basis for the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee speech. 25pp A5 typescript with annotations; 13pp typescript of Flowers’s ‘Science andpolitics...’ speech with annotations. See also D.401, D.411. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 93 D.416 D.417 D.418 D.419 D.420 D.421 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Who wants nuclear weapons now?’, Birmingham Town and Gown Club, Birmingham, 9 March 1992. 24pp A5 typescript. Awards ceremony, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Mathematics, Middlesex Polytechnic, London, 4 April 1992. 16pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on Queen’s speech, House of Lords, London, 13 May 1992. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on safety aspects of ship design and technology, House of Lords, London, 1 June 1992. 15pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speechby Flowers in debate on the committee work of the House, Houseof Lords, London, 3 June 1992. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. Opening speech, Conference on Technology Transfer and Implementation, QueenElizabeth Conference Centre, London, 6 July 1992. 16pp A5 typescript. See also G.162. D.422 Speech by Flowers in debate on systematic biology, House of Lords, London, 9 July 1992. 16pp A5 typescript with annotations and 1p manuscript addition. D.423 Reception in memory of A. Sier, Imperial College, London, 15 July 1992. 10pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 94 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.424 Presentation of A. Rutherford for Honorary Fellowship of the College, Presentation Day, Goldsmiths’ College, London, 26 September 1992. 18pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.425 Farewell to D. Tyrrell, Nuffield Foundation, London, 5 November 1992. 1p typescript notes. 1993 Introduction to R.E. Peierls, Lunch Time Lecture, Imperial College, London, 20 January 1993. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Introduction to interim report Review of the academic year, Higher Education Funding Council for England Annual Conference,Birmingham, 6 April 1993. 34pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on forensic science, House of Lords, London, 15 April 1993. 15pp A5typescript with annotations. Introduction to interim report Review of the academic year, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Seminar, Cardiff, 17 May 1993. 36pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Science Czechoslovakia, 28 May 1993. parliament’, and Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 59pp A5 typescript. ‘Structure of the academic year’, AGCAS[Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Service] Conference, London, 9 June 1993. 38pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.426 D.427 D.428 D.429 D.430 D.431 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 95 D.432 D.433 D.434 D.435 D.436 D.437 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Structure of the academic year, Northern Universities Working Group, Sheffield, 15 June 1993. 34pp A5 typescript with annotations. ‘Innovate or perish’, North West Innovation Lecture, Manchester, 12 October 1993. 69pp Ad typescript with annotations. Welcome to Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, London, 12 November 1993. the Chinese Committee for Science and Technology, 6pp A5typescript with annotations. Dinner speech, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, Chinese Embassy, London, 12 November 1993. 7pp A5 typescript. Press launch re report Review of the academic year, Senate House, University of London, 1 December 1993. 9pp Ad typescript with annotations. Talk re report Review of the academic year, 5th Annual Conference on ‘Europe and beyond’, European Association for International Education, The Hague, Netherlands, 3 December 1993. 29pp Adtypescript with annotations. 1994 D.438 Talk re report Review of the academic year, Access and Community Education Services Conference, London 14 January 1994. 45pp Adtypescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 96 D.439 D.440 D.441 D.442 D.443 D.444 D.445 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Welcome and toast to Scientific Committee, London, 2 February 1994. guests, Annual Luncheon, Parliamentary and 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on statutory instruments re scientific research, Houseof Lords, London, 7 February 1994. 11pp A5 typescript with annotations. Faculty Research Day Programme, Middlesex February 1994. University, London, 9 8pp typescript notes with annotations and 1p manuscript notes. Speech by Flowers in debate on the report Priorities for the science base, House of Lords, Westminster, London, 3 March 1994. 22pp A5typescript with annotations. Talk re report Priorities for the science base, London Diplomatic Science Club, 21 March 1994. 25pp A5typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on his move to amend the Education Bill 1994, House of Lords, London, 22 March 1994. 9pp Ad typescript with annotations. Introduction to B. Wiik and the First Pickavance Lecture, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford, 21 April 1994. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. D.446 Council dinner, General Dental Council, [7], 10 May 1994. 19pp A5 typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 97 D.447 D.448 D.449 D.450 D.451 D.452 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts Presentation Speech to St Mungo and Centrepoint, 50th anniversary of the Nuffield Foundation, Nuffield Foundation, London, 6 July 1994. 7pp Ad typescript. Response to the toast of the guests, Livery dinner, Tallow Chandlers Company, 17 November 1994. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Opening address, Annual Residential Conference on Communication, Learning and Technology, Association for Colleges, Glasgow, 22 November 1994. 19pp A5typescript with annotations. Opening address, General Assembly, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France, 24 November 1994. 21pp A5 typescript with annotations. 1995 President’s toast to the guests, Annual Luncheon, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, London, 22 February 1995. 6pp AS typescript with annotations. ‘Environmental policy: the last 25 years and the next 25 years’, Jubilee Seminar, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, London, 28 March 1995. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. See also G.193, G.194. D.453 Chancellors speech, Convocation dinner, University of Manchester, 29 April 1995. 14pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 98 D.454 D.455 D.456 D.457 D.458 D.459 D.460 D.461 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts President’s vote of thanks, Presentation of Beacon awards by T. Boswell, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 3 May 1995. 3pp A5 typescript with annotations. Chancellors response, Manchester, 9 May 1995. 8pp A5 typescript. Inauguration of the Chancellor, University of Speech by Flowers in debate on second reading of Atomic Energy Authority Bill, House of Lords, London, 19 May 1995. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. Farewell dinner for J.L. Knill, Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee, St Ermin’s Hotel, [?], 31 May 1995. 11pp A5 typescript. President’s speech, Annual General Meeting Reception, Association for Colleges, House of Commons, London, 14 June 1995. 6pp Adtypescript. Chancellor's address, Degree Ceremony, University of Manchester, 3 July 1995. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers in debate on second reading of the Queen Mary and Westfield College Bill, House of Lords, London, 19 July 1995. 7pp typescript with annotations. Address by Flowers at Annual Prize Giving, Colston Girls’ School, Bristol, 22 September 1995. 13pp A5 typescript with annotations. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 99 D.462 D.463 D.464 D.465 D.466 D.467 D.468 D.469 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts Funeral address for R.E. Peierls, Oxford Crematorium, Oxford, September 1995. 9pp A5 typescript with annotations. Speech by Flowers as President of the Association for Colleges, Opening of NewBuilding, Barnet College, London, 6 October 1995. 8pp A5 typescript with annotations. Introduction, as President of the Association for Colleges, Conference on Catchwords and Policies, Association for Colleges, London, 26 October 1995. 7pp A5 typescript with annotations. Chancellors speech, Honorary Masters Degree Ceremony, University of Manchester, 1 November 1995. 5pp Ad typescript with annotations. Videoconferencelaunch, East Anglian Distance Learning Project, BT Centre, [?], 16 November 1995. 6pp A5 typescript with annotations. Welcome speech, 1995 Annual Conference, Association for Colleges, London, 21 November 1995. 3pp typescript. Chancellor’s speech, University of Manchester Annual Alumni Dinner, The Reform Club, London, 1 December 1995. 12pp A5 typescript with annotations. Chancellor's response, ‘Spadein the ground ceremony’, Chancellor’s House, University of Manchester, 7 December 1995. 6pp Ad typescript. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 100 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.470-D.476 Selected early speeches and lectures 1956-1965 ‘Selected early speeches and lectures by Brian Hilton Flowers IC September 1985’. Contents of folder so labelled. 1956-1965. D.470, D.471 ‘The structure of the nucleus’, Salford Lectures, [?], 1956. A series of two lectures. D.470 ‘Lecture 1 Nuclear Forces’, 12pp manuscript. D.471 ‘Lecture 2 Nuclear Structure’, 10pp typescript. D.472 ‘High energy physics’, Properties of Matter Colloquium, [?], 18 March 1959. 22pp manuscript. D.473 ‘Some reflections on reactor theory’, [7], ca 1950s. 13pp manuscript. D.474 Going downdinner, Ashburne Hall, University of Manchester, July 1961. App typescript, small note paper format. D.475 . ‘Science, state, society’, Old Dy’vorians, Swansea, 18 October 1962. 20pp typescript. D.476 After dinner speech, Old Dy’vorians Annual Dinner, Swansea, 1 March 1965. Correspondence re arrangements and biographical profile for the Western Mail, 10pp A5 typescript; etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 101 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.477-D.572 TEACHING ca 1951-1967 The material below consists of lecture courses given by Flowersas lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Physics, University of Birmingham, (1950-1952), as Professor of Theoretical Physics (1958-1961) and then Langworthy Professor of Manchester, 1958-1972. (1961-1972) University Physics the of at D.477-D.527 Birmingham lecture course D.528-D.572 Manchester lecture courses D.477-D.527 Birmingham lecture course ca 1951-1959 D.477-D.527 Lecture course etc, Department of Mathematical Physics, University of Birmingham, ca 1951. Year ‘Final Birmingham 1951/52 1958/59’. reference. Honours Physics/Postgraduate Mechanics Manchester Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into 50 for ease of Harwell 1956/57 Harwell 1955/56 Quantum In general The material consists of manuscript notes for a lecture course. Flowers has indicated the number and date of each lecture. He has numbered the pages 1-317 but there has been sub-numbering, and occasionally additional pages have been added. D.477 3pp manuscript syllabus for quantum mechanics course, n.d.; 1p manuscript note of recommended books, n.d. D.478-D.526 Lectures 1-[49]. The lecture titles given are those listed by Flowers in his syllabus for the course, see D.477. D.478 D.479 D.480 1. ‘Classical mechanics’, 6pp. 2. ‘Wave nature of electrons’, ‘Schréddinger’s equation’, 7pp. ‘One dimensional Schrédingers equation’, [‘Eigen solutions for bound 3. states’], 9pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 102 D.481 D.482 D.483 D.484 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts . ‘Normalisation and onthogonality’, ‘Expansion theorem’, 8pp. . ‘Free Rotator’, ‘Continuous eigen values’, ‘5-function’, 7pp. [?’5-function’], ‘Momentum representation’, ‘Harmonicoscillator’, 12pp. 7. ‘Properties of Hermite polynomials’, 4pp. D.485 [8]. ‘Periodic potential’, ‘Uncertainty principals and complementarity’, 23pp. D.486 9. ‘Minimum uncertainty product’, ‘Spread of a wave packetwith time’, 6pp. D.487 10. ‘Three dimensional wave equation’, 4pp. D.488 D.489 D.490 D.491 D.492 11. ‘Properties of the Legendre polynomials’, 6pp. [‘Angular momentum operators’], ‘3-dimensional square well potential’, 12. 7pp. ‘Hydrogen atom (Bound States)’, ‘Momentum distribution of H-atom 13. ground state’, 10pp. 14. ‘Collision Problems’, 10pp. 15. ‘Phase shift’, ‘Matrices’, 7pp. D.493 16. [?’Matrices andlinear transformations’], 8pp. D.494 17. [?’Matrix mechanisms’], 11pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 103 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.495 18. ‘Solution of Harmonic Oscillator in matrix mechanisms’, ‘Transformation from Schrédinger to Heisenberg equation of motion’, 4pp. D.496 [19]. ‘Angular momentum’, 9pp. D.497 20. ‘Variational method’, 5pp. D.498 21. ‘Helium atom’, 7pp. D.499 22. ‘Perturbation theory, (non-degenerate and discrete case)’, 7pp. D.500 D.501 D.502 23. ‘Stark effect of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator’, anharmonicoscillator’, ‘Degenerate case’, ‘Discrete spectrum’, 7pp. ‘Slightly 24. [?’Degeneracyin perturbation theory: two electron atom’], ‘Stark effect in hydrogen’, 7pp. 25. ‘A generalized perturbation treatment’, ‘Contour integration’, ‘Cauchy, Taylor, Laurent theorems’, ‘Singularities’, ‘Calculus of residues’, ‘Sketch of theory of contour integration’, ‘Perturbation treatment in the continuum: Born’s approximation’, ‘Green’s function’, 13pp. D.503 26. ‘Born approximation formula’, 7pp. D.504 ‘Rutherford formula’, ‘Complete integral equation for 27. ‘Transition matrix’, ‘Greens function’, ‘Phaseshifts’, 17pp. scattering’, D.505 28. ‘Time dependentperturbation theory’, 5pp. D.506 29. ‘Elastic scattering’, ‘Interaction representation’, 15pp. D.507 30. ‘[Hamiltonian] oscillating in time’, ‘Theory of radiation’, ‘Hamiltonian for charged particles in electromagnetic field’, 7pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 104 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.508 31. [?’Hamiltonian for charged particles in electromagnetic field’], 6pp. D.509 [32]. ‘Spontaneous emission’, ‘Live breadth’, ‘Derivation of Planck’s radiation hypothesis’, 6pp. D.510 33. ‘Quantization of the radiation field’, 6pp. D.511 34. ‘Methods depending upon dH/ct’, 6pp. D.512 35. ‘Sudden approximation’, 6pp. D.513 D.514 D.515 D.516 D.517 D.518 D.519 D.520 36. ‘Identical particles’, ‘Distinguishability’, ‘Exclusion principle’, 5pp. 37. ‘Spin’, ‘Addition of angular momenta’, ‘Spins of several particles’, 6pp. 38. ‘Spin functions’, 6pp. 39. ‘H-atom zero order perturbation [wave functions]’, ‘Scattering of identical particles’, ‘Exchangecollisions of electrons with hydrogen’, 7pp. 40. ‘Relativistic quantum mechanics’, ‘Diracs theory of the electron’, 6pp. 41. ‘Dirac equation’, 6pp. [?’Diracs equation for the electron, anomalous magnetic movementof 42. the electron’], ‘Large and small components’, 6pp. 43. [?’Large and small components’], ‘Angular momentum’, ‘Polar variables, Hydrogen atom’, ‘Negative energy solutions’, 12pp. D.521 44. ‘Nuclear dispersion theory’, ‘Orthogonality’, 4pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 105 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.522 45. 8pp. D.523 46. 6pp. D.524 D.525 D.526 D.527 ‘The Born-Oppenheimer approximations’, ‘Rotational and vibrational [47]. motion’, 9pp. ‘Crystal dynamics. The Phonon Field. [48]. heat’, ‘Fermi pseudo potential’, 11pp. 1. The Linear Chain’, ‘Specific [49]. [?’Neutron scattering by crystals: Debye-Walter factor’, 8pp]. 2pp manuscript entitled ‘Further examples’, 2pp manuscript calculations entitled ‘Perturbation Theory in Matrix Form’. D.528-D.572 Manchesterlecture courses 1958-1967 D.528-D.534 ‘The University of Manchester’. Contents of ring binder so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. ca 1958-1960. D.528 ‘Electromagnetism 1958-9’, 2pp typescript. D.529-D.534 ‘Relativity and Electrodynamics’, 99pp manuscript inscribed. lecture course so The material has been annotated with dates from January to March 1960 but it is probable that it originally dates from 1958 (see D.528). 6 folders. D.535, D.536 ‘The University of Manchester’. September 1959. Contents of ring binder so inscribed. ‘Jugoslav Summer Meeting Reactions’, 55pp manuscript lecture course so inscribed. September 1959. General Theory of Nuclear Sept 1959 2 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 106 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.537-D.549 Lecture course entitled ‘Properties of matter’. See also E.21-E.28. D.537-D.543 ‘Properties of matter Part’, lecture course so entitled. 1959. D.537 3pp manuscript notes re lecture course, ca 1959 and 1966. See also B.7-B.11. D.538-D.543 114pp manuscript lecture course, October-December[1959]. 6 folders. D.544-D.549 ‘Properties of matter Part Il’, 117pp manuscript lecture course so inscribed. 1960. 6 folders. D.550-D.566 Twodrafts of a nuclear physics course given by Flowers. ca 1961-1963. D.550-D.557 ‘Nuclear Physics Course (3H2)’. Contents of ring binder so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. D.550 1p typescript syllabus. D.551-D.557 158pp manuscript lecture course. Annotated with dates covering October 1961-February 1962 but probably earlier. 7 folders. D.558-D.566 177pp manuscript lecture course. ca 1962-1963. This lecture course is a later draft of D.550-D.557 and incorporates pages taken from the earlier draft. 9 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 107 Speeches, lectures and broadcasts D.567-D.572 Material re first year honours physics lecture course entitled ‘Vibrations and Waves 1964/65 and 65/66’. 1964-1967. D.567-D.571 ‘The University of Manchester’. Contents of ring binder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. D.567 Correspondence etc manuscript notes and 1p manuscript and 4pp typescript drafts, July 1965. for course including re syllabus typescript and D.568-D.571 85pp manuscript lecture course. 4 folders. D.572 ‘Vibration’s and Waves for Chemists Manchester 1st year Hons Chemists 1966/67’, note-book so inscribed. 1966. Manuscript lecture course. D.573-D.577 BROADCASTS 1957-1983 Arrangedin chronological order. D.573 ‘4. Parity and particles’, BBC ‘Third programme’. 1957. 18pp typescript transcript, first broadcast 15 July 1957. D.574 ‘The emigration of scientists’, BBC ‘Third Network’. 1964. Correspondence re arrangements, transcript, first broadcast 3 April 1964. March, April 1964; 7pp typescript D.575 ‘What future for nuclear power’, BBC World Service. 1977. 11pp typescript transcript, first broadcast 30 January 1977. D.576 ‘Whipping the cream’, BBC Radio Four ‘Analysis’ programme. 1981. Letter re broadcast, June 1981; 11pp typescript transcript, first broadcast 3 June 1981. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 108 Speeches,lectures and broadcasts D.577 Interview re university finance cuts, BBC Radio Four ‘Today’ programme. 1983. Letter re broadcast, November 1983; 3pp typescript transcript, broadcast 9 November 1983. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS 109 E.1-E.70 E.1-E.56 DRAFTS E.57-E.67 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.68-E.70 OFFPRINTS B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 110 Publications E.1-E.56 DRAFTS 1947/1948-1982 Arranged in chronological order. E:1 ‘Theory of ionization chambers’. 1947/1948. Contents of folder so inscribed, ca 9pp incomplete typescript draft entitled ‘The Theory of Pulse Chambers’; 1p manuscript graph; 3pp incomplete manuscript notes. In a private communication of 10 April 1998 Lord Flowers indicated that he wrote an article on the theory of pulse chambersin the period 1947-1948 but that it was never published. The material above mayrelateto this. E.2-E.6 ‘Unfinished Book. Group Theory and Nuclear Structure’. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. ca 1952-1954. In June 1952 the North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, wrote to Flowersinviting him to participate in the writing of a book on group theory as part of their series Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Physics. Flowers wasto co-author the book with A.R. Edmonds. E.2 ‘Book’. Contents of folder so inscribed, 1952-1954, n.d. Correspondence etc re negotiations with North-Holland Publishing Co., N.F. Mott and Clarendon Press; 1p typescript abstract entitled ‘Group Theory and Nuclear Spectra’, June-December 1952. Correspondence with A.R. Edmondsre book; 10pp typescript notes, and 4pp typescript scheme of book, October 1952-May 1954. 15pp typescript draft scheme for the book entitled ‘Group Theory and Nuclear Spectra’, n.d. ‘Chapter |. inscribed, n.d. Group Theory and Nuclear Structure’. Contents of folder so 1p typescript entitled ‘Notation’; 19pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Chapter |. Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics’. ‘Chapter Il. inscribed. The Concepts of Groups & Rings’. Contents of folder so 23pp manuscript draft and later 27pp annotated typescript draft, n.d. E.3 E.4 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 111 E.5 E.6 E.7-E.17 E.7 Publications ‘Chapter Ill. Representation Theory’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 14pp manuscript draft and later 16pp typescript draft, n.d. ‘Chapter IV. the Group of the Hamiltonian’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp typescript draft entitled ‘Chapter IV’ and annotated by Flowers ‘A R E’s rough draft’ with attached 4pp manuscript draft, in the hand of A.R. Edmonds, entitled ‘Ch IV. continued. Diagonelisation of the Energy Matrix’. n.d. ‘Unfinished Book, The Structure of Light Nuclei’. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. The contents were further contained within a folder entitled ‘The Structure of Light Nuclei’ (retained at E.7). Latest bibliographical reference 1958. ‘The Structure of Light Nuclei’, Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Harwell issue folder so inscribed enclosing E.8-E.17. The contents were subdivided by Flowers into a bundle consisting of nine manuscript draft chapters of the book (E.8-E.13) and 2 folders with further draft material (E.14-E.16 and E.17). E.8-E.13 Bundle consisting of manuscript drafts of chapters 1-9, with annotations, dividedinto six for ease of reference. E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 ‘Chapter |. Body Problem’, 22pp. Introduction’, 14pp; ‘Chapter Il. Nuclear Forces and the Many- ‘Chapter Ill. The Simple Shell Model’, 30pp+graph. ‘Chapter IV. Refinements of the Simple Shell Model’, 40pp. ‘Chapters V. Angular Momentum and Tensor Operators’, 20pp; ‘Chapter VI. The Symmetries of Nuclear States’, 21pp. ‘Chapter VII. Other Coupling Schemes’, 12pp+table. Individual Particle Wave Functions’, 21pp+table; ‘Chapter VIII. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 112 Publications E.13 ‘Chapter IX. Fractional Parentage Coefficients’, 18pp. E.14-E.17 Further draft material. E.14-E.16 Contents of folder. Typescript draft of chapters 1-9, divided into three for ease of reference. The typescript draft incorporates in the text changes madein annotated form to the manuscript draft bundle (see E.8-E.13). E.14 E.15 E.16 ‘Chapters | Introduction’, 9pp; ‘Chapter Il Nuclear forces and the many body problem’, 14pp. ‘Chapter Ill The simple shell model’, 16pp; ‘Chapter IV Refinements of the simple shell model’, 26pp; ‘Chapter V Angular momentum and tensor operators’, 18pp; ‘Chapter VI The symmetries of nuclear states’, 16pp. ‘Chapters VII Individual particle wave functions’, 18pp; ‘Chapter VIIl Other coupling schemes’, 11pp complete draft, 7pp incomplete draft; ‘Chapter IX Fractional parentage coefficients’, 17pp. E.17 ‘Structure of light nuclei. Typed Chapters’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp incomplete typescript draft of Chapter 3 with manuscript graph and corrections; 8pp incomplete typescript draft of Chapter 6; 18pp typescript draft of Chapter 7 with manuscript graph. E.18 ‘The structure of the atomic nucleus’, The Times Science Review, Spring 1960, pp 14, 17-18. The article was subsequently printed as ‘The structure of the nucleus’ in Journal of Chemical Education, 37, (December 1960), pp 610-615. 18pp typescript draft. See also D.30. E.19 Computers in the service of medicine, | and Il, edited by G. McLachlan and R.A. Shegog, Oxford University Press, 1968. Flowers wrote an introduction. Correspondence etc re publication and critical response, December 1967- August 1968; 3pp typescript draft with annotation. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 113 Publications E.20 ‘Confidential. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1968-1972. Prof. Sir Rudolph Peierls. Draft obituary notice. (1972!!)’. Flowers wrote an obituary notice of Peierls at the invitation of the Oxford University Correspondentof The Times. Correspondence etc relating to the production of the obituary; typescript and manuscript bibliographies, three typescript drafts (4pp, 5pp and 4pp) with annotations and 2pp typescript notes re Peierl’s war and post war atomic energy work. E.21-E.28 Properties of Matter by B.H. Flowers and E. Mendoza, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1970. The book was based on a lecture course on statistical properties of matter considered as a collection of interacting atoms and moleculesfirst given at the University of Manchester in the 1959-1960 academic session. See also G.46. E.21-E.23 Correspondence re publication, subsequent new and foreign editions etc, 1968-1979. E.21 E.22 E.23 1968 March—1969 December. 1970 January—1971 October. 1972 July-1979 May. E.24-E.27 Folder of correspondenceandproofs, divided into four for ease of reference. 1969-1970. E.24 Correspondencere proofs, November 1969-March 1970. E.25-E.28 Publishers proofs with annotations. E.25 E.26 ‘Chapter 1 The study of the properties of matter’, 61pp. ‘Chapter 4 Energy, temperature and the Boltzmann distribution’, 17pp; ‘Chapter 5 The Maxwell speed distribution and the equipartition of energy’, 20pp; ‘Chapter 6 Transport properties of gasses’, 20pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 E.27 114 Publications Liquids and imperfect gasses’, 22pp; ‘Chapter 8 ‘Chapter 7 properties of solids’, 19pp; ‘Chapter 9 disordered solids’, 27pp; ‘Index’ 4pp. Defects in Thermal solids: Liquids as E.28 ‘Science on a tight budget’, Science, 170, (25 December 1970), p 1361. Flowers wrote a short editorial. Letter re publication including attached 1p proof with annotations. E.29 Authorised statement prepared for The Times, New Scientist etc. Two letters re statement made by Flowers as Chairman of the Science Research Council re parliamentary Green Paper, January 1972. E.30 Tenth year anniversary publication, Atlas Computer Laboratory, (1974). Flowers wrote a short article entitled ‘Atlas plus and minus ten’. Correspondence re publication; 3pp typescript draft, October 1973-January 1974. E.31 ‘Past present and future’, Physics Bulletin, 25, (January 1974), p 8. Correspondence etc re publication; 1p proof with annotations and 3pp typescript draft, October-December 1973. See also D.99, D.105. E.32 ‘Funding research’, Physics Bulletin, 25, (July 1974), pp 293-298. Correspondence re publication including 6pp proof with annotations, 28 June 1974. E.33 ‘1874-1974 The Physical Society of London’, Physics Bulletin, 25, (October 1974), pp 435-437. 3pp proof with annotations. See also D.99, D.105. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 115 E.34 E.35 E.36 Publications ‘Universities finance’, University of London Bulletin, 21, (December 1974), pp 2-3. Correspondence re December 1974. publication; four typescript drafts 33pp, October- ‘Rectors welcome to freshers’, FELIX, Imperial College, London, newsletter, (29 September 1975). App typescript draft, annotated on first page ‘Rector’s article for FELIX-to be published on 29/9/75 sentto Felix on 15/9/75’, 15 September 1975. See also D.131. ‘Nuclear power and the public interest a watchdog’s view’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, (December 1976). Note with attached photocopiedfirst page of article, 10 February 1977. See also D.150. E.37-E.39 ‘Nuclear power andpublic policy’. Originally a lecture given by Flowers to the British Nuclear Energy Society, 2 December 1976it appeared in print in three different publications. See also D.164. E.37 ‘Nuclear power problems’, Morning Star, ca February 1977. Correspondencere publication; 6pp typescript draft, January 1977. E.38 ‘Nuclear power and public policy’, J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc., 16, (April 1977), pp 113-121. Correspondence re publication; 8pp proof with corrections, February 1977; 29pp typescript of lecture annotations for publication. E.39 ‘Nuclear power and public policy’, Chemtech, 7, (August 1977), pp 484-494. Correspondence re with annotations, February-July 1977; 29pp typescript of lecture annotated for publication. publication; 6pp incomplete typescript draft B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 116 Publications E.40 ‘Fast reactors and the fuel cycle’, Nuclear or not?: choices for our energy future: a Royal Institution forum, edited by Gerald Foley and Ariane van Buren, Heinemann Educational (1978). Flowers’s lecture at the Royal Institution Forum on 11/12 October 1977, was adapted for publication. Correspondence re publication including 15pp typescript of lecture annotated for publication, February 1978 See also D.185. E.41 ‘The Nuclear Debate’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, (March 1978). Flowers’s lecture at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA on 23 September 1977, was adapted for publication. Correspondence re publication; 38pp typescript of lecture annotated for publication. 1977 November—1978 March See also D.179. E.42 Foreword to proposed handbook. Flowers wrote a foreword to a proposed handbook‘Principia’ to celebrate the centenary of the Royal College of Science Association. No evidence of publication. Letter re possible publication, 26 October 1981; 3pp typescript draft. E.43-E.44 ‘Energy and the environment - the public debate’, Energy policy: a common approach edited by D. Ezra. Flowers’s Gerald Walters Memorial Lecture at the University of Bath on 16 May 1978, was adapted for publication. No evidence of publication. See also D.202. Correspondence re publication, January 1980-June 1982. 29pp typescript draft with annotations and 1p contents page of book. E.43 E.44 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 117 Publications E.45 ‘Ecology observed’, Ecology in the 80’s edited by J.N.R. Jeffers, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, (1984). Correspondencere publication including 3 typescript drafts with annotations, October 1982-September 1984. E.46 "The painter and the swordsman: insulting tales for engineers’. Flowers keynote address at the Second World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, Paris, France, 6 April 1983 entitled ‘The painter and the swordsman: insulting tales for engineers’, was adapted for publication in the Journal of Engineering Education. No evidenceof publication. Letter re publication, 15 April 1985; 21pp typescript draft with annotations. See also D.334. E.47-E.56 An introduction to numerical methods in C++, Clarendon Press, 1995. ‘B.H. Flowers Typescript draft with annotations, divided into ten for ease of reference. Draft C++ book’, contents of ring binder so inscribed. E.47 E.48 E.49 E.50 E.51 E.52 E.53 7ppfigures. Title pages, ‘Contents’; 7pp, ‘Preface’, 4pp; ‘1 Preliminaries’, 17pp. ‘2 Expressions, statements and functions’, 29pp. ‘3 Errors, theorems and speed’, 12pp; ‘4 Roots of non-linear equations’, 22pp. ‘5 Classes’, 23pp; ‘6 Derived classes and streams’, 22pp; ‘7 Integer arithmetic’, 24pp with intercalated addition. ‘8 Tests or randomness’, 16pp; ‘9 Vectors and matrices’, 14p; ‘10 Direct solution of linear equations’, 21pp. ‘11 Errors in matrix manipulation’, 9pp; ‘12 Iterative solutions of systems of equations’, 10pp; ‘13 Matrix eigenvalue problems’, 27pp. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 E.54 E.55 E.56 Publications Interpolation ‘14 Differentiation and integration’, 20pp with intercalated addition. Graphics’, 22pp; and data fitting’, ‘15 118 23pp; ‘16 ‘17 Orthogonal polynomials’, 24pp; ‘18 Differential equations’, 27pp. ‘19 More about differential equations’, 22pp; ‘20 Recursive data types lists’, 29pp; ‘21 Elements of Fourier analysis’, 9pp; ‘Bibliography’, 2pp; ‘Appendix’, 7pp. E.57-E.67 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1973-1977 Arrangedalphabetically by publisher or journaltitle. E.57 Cambridge University Press 1973 Invitation to comment on a book submitted for publication (declined), November 1973. E.58 Central 1973 Correspondence re article on Flowers, September, October 1973; 11pp typescript draft with annotations. E.59 Financial Times 1973-1974 Invitation to comment on a chapter of a proposed book entitled The business of science by D. Fishlock, December 1973, January 1974. E.60 Higher Education Invitation to write reviews (declined), July, August 1976. E.61 London Institute of World Affairs 1976 1977 Invitation to write article for the 1978 yearbook on the subject of deficiencies in the international control of nuclear energy (declined), June 1977. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 119 Publications E.62 Nature 1973-1974 Invitations to write reviews (declined), 1973-1974. E.63 New Scientist 1974, 1977 Invitation to write review (declined), December 1974. Invitation to write article (declined), February 1977. E.64 Oxford University Press 1977 Correspondencereinvitation to write a book on energy resources (declined) and Flowersofferto assistin finding a suitable author, August 1977. E.65 Scotsman Invitation to write article (declined), 28 April 1977. E.66 Survival Invitation to write review (declined), November 1977. E.67 Times Higher Education Supplement 1977 1977 1977 Invitations to write articles (declined), January, February and August 1977. E.68-E.70 OFFPRINTS 1947-1992 E.68 E.69 E.70 List of articles published by Flowers 1947-1969. Bundle of offprints, 1947-1974. Bundle ofoffprints, 1977-1995. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Brian Hilton Flowers FRS, Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster (b. 1924) VOLUME Il Sections F - G by Adrian Nardone and Alan Hayward NCUACScatalogue no. 76/5/98 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 120 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.686 F.1 F.2-F.28 F.29 F.30 F.31-F.67 F.68-F.179 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CATCHING UP WITH EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND CERN (EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH) COMMISSION ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR COMPUTER BOARD FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH COUNCILS F.180-F.184 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION F.185-F.191 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.192-F.271 HOUSE OF LORDS HUNGARIAN ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE See F.2-F.28 F.272-F.294 IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON F.295-F.297 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS F.298-F.310 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS F.311-F.327 LLOYD’S OF LONDON TERCENTENARY FOUNDATION B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 121 Societies and organisations F.328-F.346 LONDON SCHOOLOF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE F.347 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE F.348-F.422 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX F.423-F.522 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.523-F.556 PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE F.557-F.579 PUGWASH CONFERENCESON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS F.580-F.587 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION F.588-F.599 ROYAL SOCIETY F.600-F.651 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY F.652-F.661 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE F.662-F.686 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 122 Societies and organisations F.1 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1987 Flowers was Chairman of a Working Party, originally set up by the Advisory Council on Applied Research and Development (ACARD) to examine the industrial implications of the future UK nuclear programme. This work continued after ACARD was reconstituted as the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST)in August 1987. F.14 51pp typescript ACOST report, ‘The industrial impact of Sizewell ‘B”, 21 December 1987. F.2-F.28 CATCHING UP WITH EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND and HUNGARIAN ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE 1991-1995 F.2-F.19 ‘Hungarian Correspondence’ F.20-F.22 Meetings F.23-F.28 Background material Flowers was Honorary President of the Advisory Board of the Catching Up with European Higher Education Fund (CEF), 1991-1993. In 1993 the CEF was reformed and he served as a member of the Board of Trustees until the following year. The CEF’s purpose was ‘to award supplementary grants to enable selected university activities in Hungary to develop in modern directions’ (Lord Flowers, private communication, 1 May 1998). Flowers served on the Advisory Board of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC), 1993-1994. HAC’s primary purpose was to oversee the establishment and accreditation Ph.D. programmes at Hungarian universities. of The correspondence about Flowers’s association with these two separate organisations was kept together because of the common link to Hungarian higher education. F.2-F.19 ‘Hungarian Correspondence’ 1991-1995 Correspondencerelating to Flowers’s involvementwith both the Catching Up with European Higher Education Fund and the Hungarian Accreditation Committee was kept together in a file inscribed ‘Hungarian Correspondence’. This correspondence has been divided into eighteen folders for ease of reference. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 123 Societies and organisations F.2 1991 July-August. Includes correspondence re acceptance of the honorary presidency of the CEF Advisory Board; correspondenceanditinerary re arrangements for Lord and Lady Flowersto visit Hungary, 29 August-5 September 1991; newspaper cutting (in Hungarian) mentioning Flowers, 31 August 1991. F.3 1991 September-October. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Flowers’s attendance at meeting of CEF Curatorium, Budapest, Hungary, 21-22 October 1991; correspondencere applications for CEF funding. F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 1991 November. 1992 January. Includes correspondencere the handling of the CEF’s affairs and the drafting of a ‘Call for Applications’; correspondence re arrangements for Lord and Lady Flowersto visit Hungary, June 1992. The purpose of the visit to Hungary was to attend an Academia Europaea conference, a CEF Curatorium meeting (both held in Budapest) and to visit a number of higher education institutions. 1992 February-March. Correspondence re arrangements to visit Hungary, June 1992 and re CEF business. 1992 April-May. Includes correspondence re the World Bank’s support for the CEF programme and for a proposed public health programme in Hungary; correspondencere arrangementsto visit Hungary, June 1992. F.8 1992 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 124 Societies and organisations F.9 1992 July. 2pp typescript letter from Flowers to J. Maddox re inaccuracies in a Nature article ‘Hungarian science confrontsits past’, with copies of related material. F.10 F.11 1992 August-September. 1992 October. Includes correspondence re CEF board meeting, 28 October 1992. Flowers was unable to attend the meeting but sent a 3pp fax messagefor distribution to membersof the Advisory Board. F.12 1992 November-December. Includes invitation for Flowers to serve on a committee charged with the preparation of guidelines for the selection and evaluation of CEF projects (accepted); correspondence re the CEF’s assessment procedures. F.13 1993 January. Includesinvitation for Flowers to become a member of the Advisory Board of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (accepted); correspondence re arrangements to visit Hungary for the CEF Curatorium meeting, 27 January 1993 (see also F.20, F.21) and re the CEF’s assessment procedures. F.14 1993 February-March. Includes correspondence re meeting of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee and Advisory Board, 1-2 March 1993; 4pp typescript version of a paper, ‘PhD studyin Britain’, given by Flowers at the meeting. F.15 1993 March. Correspondence between Flowers and J.A. Birch, British Ambassador to Hungary re the possible conferring of an honour. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 125 Societies and organisations F.16 1993 April-August. Includes correspondencere the establishment of the CEF in Hungarian law; invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the CEF’s Board of Trustees (accepted). F.17 1993 December-1994 March. Includes correspondence etc re first Plenary Meeting of HAC’s Advisory Board, 28 February 1994 (Flowers attended); invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the Committee’s Advisory Board (accepted). F.18 1994 June-September. Includes papers re meeting of CEF Board, 2 July 1994 (Flowers was unable to attend); letter of resignation by Flowers from CEF Board, 7 August 1994. F.19 1994 December-1995 January. Includes letter of resignation by Flowers from HAC Advisory Board, 11 December 1994. F.20-F.22 Meetings 1993-1994 F.20, F.21 Papers re meeting of the CEF Curatorium, 27 January 1993 (some annotations). 2 folders. F.22 Typescript extract minutes of the CEF board session, 26 February 1994. F.23-F.28 Background material 1991-1992, n.d. F.23-F.28 Background material on higher education in Hungary etc. 6 folders B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 126 Societies and organisations F.29 F.29 CERN (EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH) 1960-1963 Three CERN pressreleases, 1960; brief correspondencere circulation of the Report of the Amaldi Working Party, 1963. F.30 COMMISSION ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1981 The Commission on Energy and the Environment was appointed in March 1978 by the Secretaries of State for Energy, the Environment, Scotland and Wales. Flowers served as Chairman of the Commission, 1978-1981. In its 1981 report, Coal and the Environment, the Commission stated: ‘Our major effort has been concentrated on a study of the longer term environmental implications of coal production, supply and usein the United Kingdom looking to the period around and beyond the end of the century, including likely new technologies and conversion to other fuels and raw materials’. F.30 Coal and the Environment, HMSO, 1981. F.31-F.67 COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1991-1994 F.31-F.47 Correspondence F.48-F.50 Reports F.51-F.67 Background material The Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of the Academic Year was established in September 1992. The review of the academic year wasjointly commissioned by the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP), the Standing Conference of Principals (SCOP), the Higher Education Funding Councils for England (HEFCE) and Wales (HEFCW) and the Department of Education for Northern Ireland. Flowers served as Chairman of the Committee of Enquiry, 1992-1993. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 127 Societies and organisations F.31-F.47 Correspondence 1992-1994 The correspondence was kept in a folder inscribed ‘Funding Council Correspondence’ and has been divided into seventeen folders for ease of reference. F.31 1992 July. Includes correspondence (annotated) re the organisation of the review of the academic year, with draft terms of reference. F.32 1992 11 August-9 September. Includes correspondence re experiences of methods of structuring the academic year; draft and final press releases re the enquiry into the organisation of the academic year. F.33 F.34 F.35 F.36 F.37 F.38 1992 10-23 September. 1992 23-25 September. Includes correspondence resulting from the press release announcing the enquiry into the academic year; 5pp typescript draft paper (annotated by Flowers) setting out issues to be addressed by the Committee of Enquiry. 1992 25-29 September. 1992 October. 1992 November. 1992 December. Includes correspondencere the future organisation of the academic yearat the University of London. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 128 Societies and organisations F.39 1993 January-March. Includes typescript minutes of meeting of the Committee of Enquiry, 11 December 1992, with 2pp typescript paper ‘Models for the re-organisation of the academic year’ attached. F.40 1993 7-24 April. Includes correspondence re Vice- Chancellors and Principals at the HEFCE Annual Conference, Birmingham, 6 April 1993 and the Committee of Enquiry’s interim report. presentation Flowers’s to English F.41 1993 22-30 April. Includes correspondence and copies of newspaper cuttings re Flowers’s presentation at the HEFCE Annual Conference, Birmingham, 6 April 1993. F.42 F.43 F.44 1993 May-June. 1993 August. Includes correspondence re modelsfor the structure of the academic year. 1993 September-October. Includes correspondence re the Committee of Enquiry’s recommendations for the future of accelerated degrees; 3pp typescript draft brief for Baroness Blatch, Minister of State, Department of Education, on the Committee’s work for a meeting on 18 October 1993 (see also F.49). F.45 1993 November. Correspondence, copies of newspaper articles etc re the Committee of Enquiry’sfinal report. F.46 F.47 1993 December. 1994 January-April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 F.48-F.50 Reports Societies and organisations 129 1993 F.48 Review of the Academic Year: Interim Report for Consultation, April 1993. This report was produced by the Committee of Enquiry. F.49 ‘Report for Baroness Blatch and Mr Boswell. 18 October 1993’, 3pp typescript, October 1993. See F.44 for an almost identical version of this document. F.50 The Review of the Academic Year, HEFCE, November 1993. Includes intercalated press release re the launch of the report on 1 December 1993. This is the final report of the Committee of Enquiry. F.51-F.67 Background material 1991-1993 F.51-F.67 Background material. 17 folders. F.68-F.179 COMPUTER BOARD FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH COUNCILS 1966-1967 F.68-F.117 Main correspondence F.118-F.120 General correspondence F.121-F.140 Subject files F.141-F.171 Meetings F.172-F.178 ‘Booklets and brochures’ F.179 Circulationlist Flowers served as Chairman of the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils, 1966-1970 and its Large Machine Working Party set up in 1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 130 Societies and organisations The Computer Board was established of the recommendations by the Working Group on Computers for Research (of which Flowers was Chairman), set up by the University Grants Committee and the Council for Scientific Policy. in 1966 as a result See F.172 for a copy of the Report of the Working Group on Computers and F.652-F.661 for material relating to the University Grant Committee’s Interim Computer Panel, which operated between the publication of the report and the establishment of the Computer Board. F.68-F.117 Main correspondence 1966-1967 The main correspondence sequenceincludes correspondencerelating to applications to the Board together with copies of applications by universities, proposals by computer companies, papers for meetings and reports of meetings F.68 1966 March-June. Includes correspondence re the recruitment of Americans tofill vacancies in British computing laboratories; correspondence re University of Edinburgh building proposals; invitation for Flowers to take on chairmanship of the Computer Board (accepted). F.69 1966 4-19 July. Includes correspondence re membership of the Computer Board. F.70, F.71 1966 20-21 July. Papers re Flowers’svisit to University of Edinburgh, 25 July 1966. 2 folders. F.72 1966 19 July-8 August. Includes correspondence re membership of the Computer Board; copies of the Computer Board’s constitution and the proposed financial arrangements covering its operations; correspondence re computing facilities at the University of London. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 131 Societies and organisations F.73 1966 2-17 August. Includes 2pp typescript report by A.V. Cohen of meeting with Ministry of Technology employees on 2 August 1966 entitled ‘Implementation of the Flowers brief correspondence re the University of London’s computing requirements; minutes of Edinburgh Regional Computing Centre Policy Committee meeting, 25 July 1966 (Flowers attended as an observer). computers’; Report. largest Likely availability of F.74 1966 6-19 August. Typescript proposal by the Universities of Newcastle and Durham for a joint computersystem, with related correspondence. F.75 1966 17-31 August. Includes ‘A regional configuration’, 15pp typescript paper by J.G. Laski, with related correspondence. F.76 1966 22 August-5 September. Includes correspondencere plans for computer facilities in Manchester. F.77 1966 31 August-1 September. Typescript proposal by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield for a new digital computer, with related correspondence. F.78 1966 5-14 September. Correspondencearising from the first meeting of the Computer Board, 2 September 1966, including correspondence re the University of London computer situation. F.79 1966 15-26 September. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966; correspondencere the proposal by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield for a new digital computer; letter to Flowers re J.G. Laski’s paper ‘A regional configuration’, with 2pp typescript notes attached. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 132 Societies and organisations F.80 1966 21-30 September. Typescript application by Queen Mary College, Londonfor a general purpose College computer, with related correspondence F.81 1966 23 September. ‘Computer education’. Typescript copy of an interdepartmental working group report so entitled, sent to Flowers with coveringletter. F.82 F.83 1966 23-30 September. 30 September, n.d. Papers re meeting between representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966. F.84 1966 3-11 October. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to become a founder member of a proposedInstitution of Computer Sciences and Cybernetics; 2pp typescript proposal by the Medical Research Council to order a computer for work on molecular structure at Oxford, with coveringletter. F.85 1966 11-17 October. Papers re the meeting between representatives of the Computer Board and the University of London, 6 October 1966. F.86 1966 14-17 October. Correspondencere the application to the Computer Board by Queen Mary College, London. F.87 1966 18 October-2 November. Includes correspondence re Computer Board’s decision on the University of London’s computer requirements. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 133 Societies and organisations F.88 1966 1-8 November. Includes papers re a Parliamentary Question put down by P. Horden MP for oral answer on 10 November 1966. F.89 1966 15-24 November. Includes brief correspondence re issue of charging universities for computer time; typescript application by University of Bradford for computer equipment. F.90 1966 24 November-2 December. Includes correspondence re the computing needsof universities in the south- west and re the cost of operating regional computer centres. F.91 1966 5-12 December, n.d. Papers re a Parliamentary Question put downbyJ. Ellis MP for oral answer on 10 November 1966. F.92 1966 6-23 December. Includes correspondence re Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre and re computer systems at the Universities of Bradford, Essex and Lancaster. F.93 F.94 F.95 1966 22-30 December. 1967 4-27 January. 1967 16-27 January. Includes correspondence re financial to improve computer facilities at the University of London and correspondence re the Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre. resources available F.96 1967 23-24 January. ‘Computing requirements of the hospital and medical school’. Report, by D.E. Clarke, University of Manchester, with related letter. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 134 Societies and organisations F.97 1967 25 January-8 February. Includes 2pp typescript proposal to upgrade computer at University College, London. F.98 1967 30 January. ‘1908 Technical Report for University of London’. 36pp typescript with card cover by International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT). F.99 1967 3-13 February. Includes correspondence re fundsfor a large machine in London. F.100 1967 14-21 February, n.d. Includes papers re first meeting of the Large Machine Working Party, 28 February 1967. F.101 1967 20 February. ‘Computer Policy. Note of third meeting held in Joint Parliamentary Secretary (Dr. Bray)’s office on 16 February 1967’. 4pp typescript so entitled. Flowers attendedpart of this meeting. F.102 1967 3-9 March. Includes correspondence re arrangements for meeting of representatives of the University of London and the Computer Board, 10 March 1967; typescript draft minutes of first meeting of the Large Machine Working Party with related correspondence. F.103 1967 17-31 March. Includes correspondence re the ICT 1908 computer system. F.104 1967 ca March. Papers re second meeting of the Large Machine Working Party, 31 March 1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 135 Societies and organisations F.105 1967 31 March-10 April, n.d. Includes correspondence re the London Regional Centre; ‘The design of the 1908 Computer’, 4pp typescript by D.W. Davies with related correspondence and diagrams; 2pp typescript copy of application for computer equipment by the University of Sussex. F.106 1967 11-14 April, n.d. Includes typescript draft minutes of second meeting of the Large Machine Working Party; manuscript notes by L.F. Rutterford re the 1908 computer system etc; papers re application by University of London for a CDC 6600 computer. F.107 1967 17-24 April. Includes correspondencere proposal to install a CDC 6600 computer at the University of London andthe related building problem. F.108 1967 25 April-16 May. Includes correspondence re computing at the University of Birmingham. F.109 1967 2-3 May. Papers re meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), 8 May 1967. Includes copy of EELM ‘Extracts’, summarising the Company's proposals for computingfacilities for the South West Region. F.110 1967 2-13 May. Includes papers re the costs of installing a CDC 6600 at the University of London. F.111 1967 15 May-5 June. Includes correspondence re the CDC 6600 proposal by the University of London; correspondencere the design of the ICT 1908 computer system. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 136 Societies and organisations F.112 1967 ca June. Papers sent by D.W.Davies re a national data communication network. F.113 1967 2-8 June. Includes correspondence re provision of a CDC 6600 for the University of London. F.114 1967 16 June. Papers re a possible multi-access computer for Imperial College, London. F.115 1967 20-29 June. Includes correspondencere proposal for University of London to rent a CDC 6600 andre tentative proposals for Imperial College, London to acquire a new computer. F.116 1967 4-6 July. F.117 1967 7-26 July. Includes correspondencere proposal for University of London to rent a CDC 6600. F.118-F.120 General correspondence 1966-1967 Material found in twofiles marked ‘General’. F.118 ‘General’. Contents of file so inscribed, November 1966. Includes brief correspondence re applications to the Computer Board; letter to the Computer Board from A. Kirk re deficiencies in KDF9 software. F.119, F.120 ‘General’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into two folders for ease of reference, January-May 1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 137 Societies and organisations F.119 1967 January-February. Includes invitation for Flowers to address a Manchester Business School course, July 1967 (declined). F.120 1967 March, May. Includes correspondence re Elliott-Automation Computers Ltd and re large computers. F.121-F.140 Subjectfiles 1966-1967 Material kept in these subject files includes correspondence, papers for Computer Board meetings, reports, manuscript notesetc. Inscriptions on the files have been reproducedin the entries below. F.135-F.140 were found in numbered files. These numbers relate to the agenda items for the third meeting of the Computer Board, 18 November 1966. F.121-F.123 ‘Computer February 1967. Board - Edinburgh University’, September-October 1966, Correspondence and papers re Edinburgh Regional Computer Centre. 3 folders. F.124 ‘Computer Board - Manchester University’, September 1966. Papers re proposed Manchester Regional Computer Centre. F.125-F.128 ‘Computer Board - Software. KDF9’, September-November 1966, May 1967. Papers re KDF9 Software Projectetc. 4 folders. F.129 ‘Senior Principal Scientific Officer Interviews. Friday 21st Oct. 1966’. Papers (annotated) re interviews on 29 September and 21 October 1966. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 138 Societies and organisations F.130 ‘Computer Board - Data Transmission’, October 1966. Paper re the General Post Office’s transmission facilities with related correspondence. F.131 ‘International Comp. Centre’, October-November 1966. Correspondencere arrangements for S.R. Thakore of the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India to visit computerfacilities in England. F.132 ‘Computer Board - Newcastle and Durham’, October 1966, n.d. Paper for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966, re proposal to buy a new computer for the universities of Newcastle and Durhametc. F.133 ‘Computer Board - NERC’ (Natural Environment Research Council), October 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966, re NERC proposal to purchase computers and data systems. F.134 ‘Computer Board - Bristol’, October 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 14 October 1966 re University of Bristol's computer requirements etc. F.135 ‘Computer Board -13 - Bristol, Bath and Exeter Universities’, October 1966. Submission (annotated) for the provision of a new computer at Bath. F.136 F.137 ‘Computer Board - 15 - Cardiff University Financial Submission’, October- November 1966. Papers re application for a supplementary grant for University College, Cardiff. ‘Computer Board - 17 - Oxford (Phys.Chem.Lab) Computer Proposal’, October 1966. Application for a small computer for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, with covering letter. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 139 Societies and organisations F.138 ‘Computer Board - 19 - College of Aeronautics - Cranfield’, November 1966. Paper for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, re application for a computer by the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield etc. F.139 ‘Computer Board - 20 - Creation by French Govt. new post for Delegate General for ADP [Automatic data Processing]’, November 1966. Paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, with related correspondence. F.140 ‘Computer Board - 21 - Any Other Business’, November 1966. Includes paper (annotated) for meeting of Computer Board, 18 November 1966, re the Universities 4100 Group. F.141-F.171 Meetings 1966-1967 The following sequence of material was found together in a file labelled ‘Computer Board. Papers for mtgs.’ and has beendividedinto 31 folders for easeof reference. The papers have been arranged by meeting, in chronological order. The material includes papers for meetings, reports of meetings etc. Papersrelating to meetings can also be found within the subject files and the main correspondence. F.141 First meeting of the Computer Board, London, 2 September 1966. Agenda and papersfor meeting. F.142 Second meeting of the Computer Board, London, 14 October 1966. Agenda and papersfor meeting. F.143 Third meeting of the Computer Board, London, 18 November 1966. Agenda andpapersfor meeting. See also F.135-F.140 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 140 Societies and organisations F.144 F.145 F.146 Meeting of representatives of the Computer Board and representatives of the University of Manchester, University of ManchesterInstitute of Science and Technology and other university in the Manchester area, University of Manchester, 2 December 1966. institutions Manuscript agenda (in Flowers’s hand); typescript minutes of meeting. Meeting between J.K. Steward (a member of the Computer Board) and IBM representatives, USA, 6 December 1966. Typescript report, 5 January 1967. Meeting on the KDF9 Software Project between representatives of the Computer Board and English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), London, 8 December 1966. Typescript notes and proposed agenda for the meeting by K.W. Morton, 1 December; formal agenda, 5 December. F.147-F.150 Fourth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 13 January 1967. Agenda and papersfor meeting. 4 folders. F.154 Meeting between Computer Board members and representatives of the University of London, 2 February 1967. F.152, F.153 Fifth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 10 February 1967. Agenda andpapersfor meeting. 2 folders. F.154 Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT), London, 1 March 1967. Agendaandtypescript notes for meeting. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 141 Societies and organisations F.155 F.156 F.157 Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from English Electric-Leo Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM), London, 1 March 1967. Agendaandtypescript notes for meeting. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from Elliott- Automation Ltd, London, 2 March 1967. Agendaandtypescript notes etc for meeting. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from International Business Machines Ltd (IBM), London, 2 March 1967. Agendasand typescript notes for meeting. F.158 Sixth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 10 March 1967. Agenda and papersfor meeting. F.159, F.160 Seventh meeting of the Computer Board, London, 14 April 1967. Agenda and papersfor meeting. 2 folders. F.161-F.163 Eighth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 12 May 1967. Papers for meeting (agenda missing). 3 folders. F.164 F.165 Ninth meeting of the Computer Board, Schuster Laboratory, University of Manchester, 16 June 1967. Agenda and papers for meeting, including submission by the University of Aston, Birmingham. Meeting between the Computer Board and representatives from the Univac Division Sperry Rand Ltd, London, 20 June 1967. Agendaandtypescript notes for the meeting etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 142 Societies and organisations F.166-F.169 Tenth meeting of the Computer Board, London, 11 July 1967. Agenda and papersfor meeting. 4 folders. F.170 Meeting between representatives of the Computer Board and of the universities and colleges of the South West, [12 July 1967]. Typescript notes for the meeting. F.171 Typescript financial forecast (found loose amongst the papers), ca 1967. F.172-F.178 ‘Booklets and brochures’ 1966-1967 The following material was found together in a folder inscribed ‘Booklets and Brochures’. It consists of published background material and proposals drawn up by computer manufacturers. F.172, F.173 Background material, 1966-1967. F.172 A report of a Joint Working Group on Computers for Research, HMSO, 1966. Flowers was Chairman of the Working Group (also referred to as the Flowers Committee) which producedthis report. F.173 Other background material (front pages only have been retained for most of these publications), 1966-1967. F.174-F.178 Proposals by computer manufacturers, 1966-1967. F.174 F.175 Elliott Automation Computers Ltd to the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford, September 1966. International Computers and Tabulators Ltd (ICT) to the Bath University of Technology, ca 1966. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 F.176-F.178 143 Societies and organisations English Electric-Leo Marconi Computers Ltd (EELM) to the South West Universities, comprising the University of Bath, the University of Bristol, the University South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff and the Welsh College of Advanced Technology, Cardiff, February 1967. University Exeter, College of of the 3 folders. F.179 Circulation list F.179 Circulation list for Computer Board papers, n.d. F.180-F.184 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1973-1978 In September 1973 it was agreed in principle by representatives of academies and research councils of sixteen European countries to set up the European Science Foundation (ESF). Flowers played a leading role in the establishment of the ESF in November 1974 and served asits President from then until 1980. The Foundation’s inaugural meeting was held in Strasbourg, France, in November 1974. The aims of the Foundation included advancing co- operation in fundamental research, promoting exchanges of research workers, contributing to the free circulation of ideas and information and harmonising the activities of member bodies. F.180-F.184 ‘ESF/2 folders for ease of reference, 1973-1978. Press Cuttings’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five The material consists of press cuttings, press releases, journal articles etc. (including somein French and German) re the ESF and related matters. F.180 1973-1974. Includes cuttings etc re the establishment of the ESF. F.181 F.182 1975 January-June. 1975 October-November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 144 Societies and organisations F.183 1976-1977. F.184 1978. F.185-F.191 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1991-1993 Flowers served on the President’s Advisory Board of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1991-1993. F.185 1991 January-February. Includes invitation to serve on the President’s Advisory Board (accepted). F.186 1991 March. Includes correspondence re other possible appointments to the Advisory Board. F.187 1991 July-October. Correspondence re arrangements for the visit of Flowers to Hong Kong for the inaugural meeting of the President’s Advisory Board and the University’s opening ceremony, 8-13 October 1991. F.188 1991 December-1992 January. Includes draft outline report of the inaugural meeting of the President's Advisory Board, 8-9 October 1991. F.189 1992 March. Includes brief correspondence re HKUST matters; executive summaries for two papers on HKUSTadministration (annotated with Flowers’s comments). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 145 Societies and organisations F.190 1992 May-November. Correspondence re arrangements for Flowers to attend the second meeting of the President’s Advisory Board, Hong Kong and visit Guilin, China, 24 November-4 December 1992. F.191 1992 November-1993 March. Includes brief correspondence re a proposed science park for Hong Kong; letter of thanks for Flowers’s service to HKUST. F.192-F.271 HOUSE OF LORDS 1979-1996 Flowers wascreated life peer in 1979 as Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gate in the City of Westminster. See A.77-A.109 for material relating to the award of the peerage and section D for copies of Flowers’s speechesin the House of Lords. F.192-F.215 General correspondence F.216-F.271 Select Committee for Science and Technology F.192-F.215 General correspondence 1979-1983 F.192 1979 February-April, n.d. F.193 1979 May. Includes informal invitation for Flowers to accept membership of the Sub Committee on [European Communities. Select Committee on the Energy of the F.194, F.195 1979 July, September. to Viscount Hanworth’s motion on shortages of raw Papers relating materials. 2 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 146 Societies and organisations F.196 1979 December. F.197 1980 January-February. F.198 1980 May. 11pp typescript speech by Flowers (annotated), House of Lords, 1 May 1980, contributing to the debate on the Report of the European Communities Committee on energy objectives for 1990 and convergenceofthe policies of MemberStates, with related correspondence. F.199 1980 June. Papers re Lord Flowers’s question in the House of Lords about academic salaries, 25 June 1980. F.200 1980 July. F.201 1980 November-December. F.202 1981 January. F.203 1981 March-May. F.204 1981 June. F.205 1981 October-December. Includes correspondenceetc re the costs of University education. F.206 1982 January-February. F.207 1982 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 147 Societies and organisations F.208 1982 April-May. Includes correspondencerethe future of the Princes Risborough Laboratory of the Building Research Establishment; correspondence re the House of Lords debate on Coal and the Environment, the report by the Commission on Energy and the Environment(of which Flowers was Chairman). F.209 1982 June-July. F.210 1982 August-September. F.211 F.212 F.213 1982 October. 1982 October-November. 1982 November. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s re-appointment as a Vice-President of the Institution of Environmental Health Officers. F.214 1982 November-1983 April. Correspondence and papers re the Abortion Act 1967 (Amendment)Bill. F.215 1982 December-1983 February. F.216-F.271 Select Committee for Science and Technology 1990-1996 Flowers served as Chairman of the Select Committee for Science and Technology, 1989-1993. F.216-F.265 Correspondence F.266-F.271 Background material B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 148 Societies and organisations F.216-F.265 Correspondence 1990-1996 F.216 1990 June, August. F.217 1990 5 September-4 October. Includes brief correspondencere a proposed national bioethics body. F.218 1990 27 September, 6 October. Correspondence re the corporate plan of the Natural History Museum, London. F.219 1990 1-31 October. Includes correspondence re the Natural History Museum. F.220 1990 November-December, n.d. Includes correspondence re the Natural History Museum and systematic biology. F.221 1991 2-8 January. F.222 1991 24 January-12 February. Includes correspondence re the possible closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire. F.223 1991 13 February-9 March. Includes correspondence re a paper by B. Denness on global climate change. F.224 1991 3-21 March. Includes letter by Flowers to the Editor of The Times re an article on the UK manufacturing industry, with correspondenceresulting from the publication of the letter on 13 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 149 Societies and organisations F.225 1991 8-21 March. F.226 1991 20-28 March. Includes copies of newspapercuttings re the report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Science Budget 1991-1992. F.227 1991 27 March-19 April. Papers re an exchange between Sir lan Lloyd MP and Peter Lilley MP, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, on UK Government funded civil research and development. F.228 1991 2-15 April. Includes correspondence re the report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, Science Budget 1991-1992. F.229 1991 12 April-11 May. Includes correspondence re the privatisation of the British Technology Group. F.230 1991 8 May. Typescript notes re membership of the Select Committee on Science and Technology. F.231 1991 13 May-7 June. Includes correspondence re the closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire. F.232 1991 10 June-24 July. Includes correspondenceretopics to be considered by the Select Committee on Science and Technology; written answer by Baroness Blatch to a parliamentary question by Flowers re University Funding Council funding. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 150 Societies and organisations F.233 1991 24 July-25 August. Correspondencere the closure of the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury Laboratory. F.234 1991 14 October-22 November. F.235 1991 6-30 November. F.236 1991 27 November-1992 7 January. Includes correspondence re remarks by Kenneth Clarke MP, Secretary of State for Education and Science, about the Select Committee on Science and Technology’s report in 1987 on UK Space Policy. F.237 1992 7-27 January. Includes correspondence re a meeting with Kenneth Clarke MP concerning remarks by him about science, arranged by Sir lan Lloyd MP for 12 February 1992 (Flowers unable to attend). F.238 F.239 F.240 F.241 1992 27 January-15 February. 1992 12-25 February. Includes correspondence re the report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Committee Work of the House; written answer by Baroness Denton of Wakefield to a parliamentary question by Flowers re the grant-in- aid to the Science and Engineering Research Council for 1992-1993. 1992 21-29 February. 1992 4 March. Recommendation. F.242 1992 4-18 March. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 151 Societies and organisations F.243 1992 26, 30 March. Correspondence re the use of the European Science Foundation by the Commission of the European Communities as an agent for supporting EEC programmesof basic research. F.244 1992 April. F.245 1992 May. F.246 1992 June. F.247 1992 July-September. Includes correspondence re the House of Lords debate, 9 July 1992, on systematic biology research in the UK; correspondence re the Select Committee on Science and Technology report Innovation in Manufacturing Industry. F.248 1992 October-November. Includes brief correspondence between Flowers and J. Major MP, Prime Minister re public expenditure on the science base. F.249 1992 December-1993 January. F.250 1993 3 February-12 March. F.251 1993 10 March-15 April. Includes correspondence re the future of the Science and Technology Section of the British Embassy, Washington DC, USA. F.252 1993 21 April-1 May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 152 Societies and organisations F.253 1993 14 May-9 June. Correspondence between Flowers and William Waldegrave MP, Minister of Public Service and Science re research and developmentin forensic science and re the White Paper ‘Realising our potential. A strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology’. F.254 1993 4 June-5 July. F.255 1993 2, 6 July. F.256 1993 13-22 July. F.257 1993 26 July. Letter re future Select Committee matters. F.258 F.259 1993 September-October. 1993 November-December. Includes 6pp typescript background notes on medical research by S. Rodger for circulation to the Select Committee, with related correspondence. F.260 1994 January-February. Includes correspondence re the Select Committee report Priorities for the Science Base and re Ph.D. training. F.261 1994 3, 17 February. Recommendations. F.262 1994 March-April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 153 Societies and organisations F.263 1994 June-December. Includes correspondence re report by the NHS Task Force on Supporting Research and Developmentin the NHS. F.264 1995. F.265 1996. Includes correspondencere the need for a major study of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ and re the Select Committee report Information Society: Agenda for Action in the UK. F.266-F.271 Background material. 1991, n.d. 6 folders. F.272-F.294 IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON 1990-1997 Flowers was Rector of Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1973- 1985. Correspondencerelating largely to various Imperial College matters and former colleagues of Flowers. F.272 F.273 F.274 1990 September-October. 1991 March-April. 1991 September-1992 April. Includes correspondence re the sponsorship appeal for the 1992 Scrédinger Imperial College (Flowers approached companies on the Lecture at College’s behalf); invitation (accepted) for Flowers to give the 1993 Scrédinger Lecture on science policy. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 154 Societies and organisations F.275 1992 February-March. Correspondencere the Rectorship of Imperial College. F.276 1992 May-July. Correspondencere the Furse House Appealetc. Flowers was a member of the Appeal Committee. F.277 1992 August-September. Includes brief correspondencere J. Sutton. F.278 1992 2-15 October. Includes letter by Flowers, withdrawing from the 1993 Scrédinger Lecture. F.279 1992 23, 24 October. Correspondencere the relationship of Imperial College to the University of Londonetc. F.280 F.281 F.282 F.283 F.284 1992 26 October-9 November. 1992 27 November-22 December. 1993 February-May. 1993 June-November. 1994 February-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 155 Societies and organisations F.285 1994 March-July. Includes correspondence re Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology. F.286 1994 August-November. F.287 1994 September. F.288 1995 February-July. F.289 1995 June. F.290 1995 December-1996 February. Correspondencere the Royal Postgraduate Medical School Council etc. F.291 1996 March. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to chair an advisory committee set up in connection with a proposed Salters’ A Level Physics Course. F.292 1996 September-December. Includes invitation for Flowers to become a Member of the Graduate School of the Environment (accepted); 2pp typescript notes by Flowers re Imperial College’s draft Charter. F.293 1997 January-March. F.294 1997 June-October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 156 Societies and organisations F.295-F.297 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1984-1990 Flowers was a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and served as President, 1972-1974. F.295 1984. Election etc. F.296 1985-1986. Includes correspondencerethe Institute’s awards. F.297 1988-1990. Awardetc. F.298-F.310 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) 1957-1966 Flowers was a member of an ad hoc committee, 1957-1960, investigating the possible formation of a low energy nuclear physics commission within IUPAP. Following its establishment in 1960 he served as a member of IUPAP’s Low Energy Nuclear Physics Commissionuntil 1966. F.298 1957 December. Correspondence re the formation of a commission on low energy nuclear physics, including possible membership and activities. F.299 1958 May, June. Correspondence re the formation of a commission on low energy nuclear physicsetc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 157 Societies and organisations F.300 1958 September-December. Correspondence re arrangements for a committee meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, 24-25 November 1958 (cancelled) and re future international nuclear physics conferences. F.301 1959 September. 2pp typescript report of the committee for low energy nuclear physics, with related correspondence. F.302, F.303 1960. Includes papers re the 10th General Assembly of IUPAP, Ottawa, Canada, 7-9 September 1960. Flowers was a member of the UK delegation. 2 folders. F.304 1961 June-September. Correspondence re the availablilty of funds for British physicists to attend international meetings on low energy nuclear physics. F.305 F.306 1962 September-December. 1963 October-1994 January. F.307 1964 May. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics: General Information and Report of the General assembly, Warsaw, 1963. F.308 1964, July, December. Includes 2pp typescript minutes of meeting of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Commission, Paris, 6 July 1964. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 158 Societies and organisations F.309 1965 April, October-November. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s resignation as a member of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics Commission. F.310 1966 February, August. Includes 3pp typescript Commissionfor the period 1964-1966. report of the Low Energy Nuclear Physics F.311-F.327 LLOYD’S OF LONDON TERCENTENARY FOUNDATION 1987-1993 Flowers was a founder Trustee of the Lloyd’s of London Tercentenary Foundation, 1987-1991, a charitable trust with the objective of funding researchin the fields of medicine, science and business. The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s service as a Trustee of the Foundation. F.311 1987 October-November. Papers (some annotated) re inaugural meeting of the Trustees of the Foundation, 9 November 1987. F.312 1988 January. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 11 January 1988. F.313 1988 February. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 18 February 1988. F.314 1988 April. Correspondencere arrangements for meetings. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 159 Societies and organisations F.315 1988 May-June. Includes press release etc re the first awards of Lloyd’s Tercentenary Foundation Fellowships. F.316 1988 July. Application. F.317 1988 August-September. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 13 September 1989. F.318 1989 February-March. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 27 February 1989 (Flowers unable to attend) etc. F.319 1989 May-June. Papers (annotated) re meeting of the Awards Sub-Committee, 9 Mayetc. F.320 1990 January-February. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 20 February 1990. F.321 1990 June-July. Papers re Fellowships. applications for Lloyd’s Tercentenary Foundation 1990 F.322 1990 August-September. F.323 1991 May-September. Correspondencere the appointment of new Trusteesetc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 160 Societies and organisations F.324 1991 October. Papers re meeting of the Trustees, 5 November 1991. F.325 1991 October-December. Request (accepted) for Flowers to write an article on the work of Lloyd’s Tercentenary Foundation for inclusion in Lloyd’s Log, with related papers; correspondencere Flowers’s retirement as a Trustee. F.326 1992 January-May. Correspondence re Flowers’s article for Lioyd’s Log, including offprint. F.327 1993 October. Brief correspondence re the criteria for awarding Lloyd’s Tercentenary Foundation Fellowships. F.328-F.346 LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE 1991-1995 (LSHTM) Flowers was a member of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Board of Management, 1992-1995 and served as Chairman, 1994-1995. The material consists of correspondence, typescript minutes of meetingsetc. F.328 1991 March-April. Correspondencere Flowersjoining the LSHTM Board of Managementetc. F.329, F.330 1991 April-May. Correspondence and papers re the 1991-1992 recurrent grant allocation to the LSHTM andthe decisions of the University of London Court. 2 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 161 Societies and organisations F.331 1991 June-December. F.332 1992 January-March. Includes correspondence re LSHTM seeking direct accessto the Universities Funding Council. F.333 1992 March. Brief correspondence re a memorial for C.E. Gordon Smith, former Deanof LSHTM. F.334 1992 April-July. Includes papers (annotated) for meeting of Board of Management, 10 June 1992. F.335 1992 October-November. F.336 1993 March-April. F.337 1994 July-August. Correspondence re the death of Sir John Field, Chairman of the Board of Managementand re the appointment of a new Chairman. Flowers agreed to act as Chairman for an interim period. F.338-F.346 1994 October-1995 August. Correspondencelargely re the appointment of a new Chairmanof the Board of Management and a new Deanof the LSHTM. F.338 F.339 1994 3 October-10 November. 1994 11-21 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 162 Societies and organisations 1994 22 November-2 December. 1994 2-9 December. 1994 12-19 December. 1994 21, 22 December. F.340 F.341 F.342 F.343 F.344 1995 3 January-22 February. F.345 1995 22 February-25 April. F.346 1995 May-August. F.347 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 1965-1967 Flowers served as Chairman of a working party to review conventional armaments. F.347 General correspondence. F.348-F.422 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX 1965-1967 F.348-F.394 General correspondence F.395-F.422 Meetings Flowers was Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), 1965-1967. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 163 Societies and organisations The Steering Committee was established in 1965 to be responsible to the Minister of Technology for advising on the selection of NPL projects and the allocation of resources to them. F.348-F.394 General correspondence 1965-1967 F.348 1965 8-13 October. Correspondence re Flowers’s appointment as Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Physical Laboratory etc. F.349 F.350 1965 26 October-15 November. 1965 22 November-13 December. Includes correspondence re membership of the Steering Committee. F.351 1965 10 December-1966 4 January. Includes correspondence re the organisation of the NPL and re a proposed British Calibration Service. F.352 1966 5-17 January. Correspondence re membership of the Steering Committee etc. F.353 F.354 1966 18-19 January. 1966 27 January. Copy of typescript draft entitled ‘Proposals for: Unit for Radio-Frequency Measurement Standards at NPL’, with related correspondence. F.355 1966 1-25 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 164 Societies and organisations F.356 1966 1, 3 March. Papers re meeting of Promotions Sub-Committee, 22 February 1966. Flowers wasin the Chair. F.357 1966 1-7 March. F.358 1966 4 March. Appointments. F.359 1966 8-16 March. F.360 1966 17-22 March. Includes 12pp typescript, ‘A note on materials science at the National Physical Laboratory 10 March 1966’, by N.P. Allen. F.361 1966 18-30 March. Includes papers re the Froude Committee; 3pp typescript entitled ‘Notes on Materials at NPL’(with ‘Note prepared by Dr J.N. Fendley of NRDC’ inscribed on front page). The Froude Committee was set up to replace the Froude Ship Research Committee and advise on the work of NPL’s Ship Division. F.362 1966 24 March-4 April. Correspondencere promotionsetc. F.363 1966 1-19 April. F.364 1966 4-20 April. Includes 3pp typescript memorandum by A.H. Cottrell re materials science at NPL and 2pp typescript comments by N.P. Allen. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 165 Societies and organisations F.365 1966 20 April-5 May. F.366 1966 6-17 May. Includes brief correspondence re the composition of the Morgan Committee. The Morgan Committee was set up to advise the Steering Committee on the NPL’s work on materials science. F.367 1966 17-26 May. Includes correspondence re membership of the NPL Steering Committee and the Metrology Committee. F.368 1966 3-14 June. Includes correspondence re NPL building proposals. F.369 1966 15-28 June. F.370 1966 28 June-4 July. 9pp (annotated) typescript draft, ‘Industrial Aerodynamics: The Case for a new Low Speed Wind Tunnel at NPL’, by J.V. Dunworth, Director of the NPL, with letter by Flowers commenting on the paper. F.371 1966 6-21 July. Includes 3pp typescript minutes of meeting re membership of the Visiting Board of the NPL, 24 June 1966 (Flowers attended). F.372 1966 25 July-1 August. Appointment. F.373 1966 27 July-12 August. Includes papers re the Morgan Committee. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 166 Societies and organisations F.374 1966 12 August. Papers re the Glazebrook Committee. The Glazebrook Committee was established to advise the Committee on the NPL’s work on measurementscience. Steering F.375 1966 16-31 August. Includes correspondence re meeting between Sir Frank Mason, member of the Steering Committee and Mr Shaw, Ministry of Aviation, about hovercraft research and development. F.376 1966 September-October. Appointment. F.377 1966 5-23 September. F.378 1966 29 September-10 October. Correspondence and papers re hovercraft development. F.379 1966 6-17 October. industrial Correspondence re a proposed low speed wind tunnel for aerodynamics research at NPL, including copies of letters, September- October 1966. F.380 1966 18-31 October. F.381 F.382 1966 1-24 November. 1966 21 November-7 December. Appointment. F.383 1966 21 November-12 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 167 Societies and organisations F.384 1967 12-27 January. Includes correspondence and papers re the organisation of hovercraft research. F.385 1967 25 January-27 February. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s position as Chairman of the NPL Steering Committee following his appointment as Chairman of the Science Research Council. F.386 1967 24 February-15 March. Recommendation. F.387 1967 27 February-16 March. F.388 1967 16, 21 March. 10pp typescript copy of paper entitled ‘The Structure of Problems in Process Control’ by Westcott, with related correspondence. F.389 1967 17 March-14 April. Includes correspondence re membership of the Aerodynamics Working Party and re carbon-14 dating by NPL. F.390 1967 13 April-2 May. Includes copy of revised typescript minutes of the meeting of the Ministry of Technology’s Advisory Council on Technology, 15 March 1967. F.391 1967 27 April-17 May. Includes correspondencere the chairmanship of the Steering Committee and the chairmanship of the NPL Hovercraft Research Committee. F.392 1967 16-26 May. Includes brief correspondence re carbon-14 dating. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 168 Societies and organisations F.393 1967 22 May-23 June. Correspondence re the chairmanship of the NPL Hovercraft Research Committee. F.394 1967 31 May-25 July. Includes correspondencere carbon-14 dating. F.395-F.422 Meetings 1966-1967 The following sequence of material was found together and relates to meetings significant to the NPL Steering Committee. It includes agendas, papers for meetings (some annotated), briefing documentsetc. The material has been arranged by meeting, in chronological order. F.395-F.397 Second meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 28 April 1966. 3 folders. F.398 Copyof Ministry of Technology press notice re the NPL Steering Committee, 5 April 1966. The press notice was found with papers for the second meeting of the Steering Committee. F.399-F.401 Third meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 21 July 1966. 3 folders. F.402, F.403 Fourth meeting of the Steering Committee, Royal Society, London, 18 August 1966. 2 folders. F.404-F.406 Fifth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 27 October 1966. 3 folders. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 169 Societies and organisations F.407-F.411 Sixth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 29 December 1966. 5 folders. F.412-F.416 Seventh meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 23 February 1967. 5 folders. F.417 F.418 Meeting of the NPL Promotion Committee, NPL, 3 March 1967 (Flowers was in the Chair). Meeting of the Advisory Council of Technology, Ministry of Technology, London, 15 March 1967 (Flowers attendedfor oneitem). F.419 Eighth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 27 April 1967. F.420, F.421 Meeting of the NPL Visiting Board, NPL, 9 May 1967. 2 folders. F.422 Ninth meeting of the Steering Committee, NPL, 13 July 1967. F.423-F.522 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1990-1998 Flowers was a Managing Trustee of the Nuffield Foundation from 1982-1988 and served asits Chairman, 1987-1998. The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to Nuffield Foundation activities, grant applications to the Foundationin particular. Correspondentsare largely serving officers of the Foundation. F.423 1990 June-July. F.424 1990 31 August, 1 September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 170 Societies and organisations F.425 1990 3 September-10 October. F.426 1990 1-23 October. Correspondence re Trustees meeting, 19 October 1990etc. F.427 1990 13-24 November. Includes correspondence re the chairmanship of a proposed consultative committee for a technology project. F.428 1990 27 November. F.429 1990 30 November, 3 December. F.430 1990 4 December-1991 4 January. F.431 1991 11 January-8 February. F.432 1991 11-14 February. F.433 1991 14-23 February. Includes correspondence re possible financial support for the British Academy. F.434 1991 3-23 March. F.435 1991 3 April-17 May. Includes faxed copyof letter to Flowers by J. Major MP, Prime Minister re the Nuffield Foundation’s proposed Council on Bioethics. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 171 Societies and organisations F.436 1991 8 May, n.d. Includes typescript draft paper re membership of the Nuffield Council of Bioethics. F.437 1991 8-22 May. Includes correspondence re an application by the Scholarships Trust to set up a project in Kaliningrad, Russia. Nuffield Farming F.438 1991 23 May-9 July. F.439 F.440 1991 2 July. 1991 July-November. F.441 1991 11-16 July. F.442 F.443 F.444 F.445 F.446 1991 17 July-8 August. 1991 8-30 August. 1991 2-7 September. 1991 9 September-3 October. 1991 3-11 October. Correspondencere internal Nuffield Foundation matters. F.447 1991 11 October-2 November. Includes correspondencere possible new Trustees. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 172 Societies and organisations F.448 1991 13 November-24 December. Includes correspondence re the Further and Higher EducationBill. F.449 1992 January-February. Correspondence and papersre possible new Trustees. F.450 1992 2-21 January. F.451 1992 30, 31 January. F.452 1992 3-20 February. F.453 1992 19-24 February. F.454 1992 2-13 March. Includes correspondence re possible new Trustees. F.455 1992 11 March-1 April. F.456 1992 29 April-29 May. F.457 1992 30 April, 2 May. F.458 1992 4, 6 June. F.459 1992 12 June-24 July. Includes correspondencere proposal by R. Gregory. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 173 Societies and organisations F.460 1992 31 July-11 September. Includes correspondence and papers re the difficulties of the Nuffield Chelsea Curriculum Trust. F.461 1992 16 September-3 October. Includes correspondencerestaff matters. F.462 F.463 F.464 F.465 F.466 F.467 F.468 F.469 F.470 F.471 1992 16 October-20 November. 1992 30 November. 1992 7-19 December. Correspondencere internal Nuffield Foundation matters etc. 1992 9 December-1993 7 January. 1993 7 January. Papers re the Nuffield Chelsea Curriculum Trust etc. 1993 19 January-24 February. 1993 1-15 March. 1993 18 March. 1993 26 March-27 April. 1993 May-June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 174 Societies and organisations F.472 1993 10-18 May. F.473 1993 11-21 June. F.474 1993 5 July. F.475 1993 7 July. F.476 1993 14-30 July. Includes papers re Nuffield Inquiry into dental auxiliaries. F.477 1993 August-September. F.478 1993 12-28 August. F.479 1993 1 September-7 October. F.480 1993 19 October-20 November. F.481 1993 3-22 December. F.482 1993 7 December. F.483 1994 January-February. F.484 1994 March. F.485 1994 April-May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 175 Societies and organisations F.486 1994 June. F.487 1994 6-18 July. F.488 1994 20 July-22 August. F.489 F.490 1994 7 October-14 November. 1994 17 November-16 December. F.491 1994 14-23 December. Papers re the appointment of a new Director of the Nuffield Foundation etc. F.492 1994 23, 30 December. Includes 2pp manuscript letter to Flowers re the work of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics from its Chairman, Sir P. Nairne. F.493 F.494 F.495 1995 January-February. 1995 2 March, 27 April. 1995 March-May. Includes correspondencere the appointment of a new Director of the Nuffield Foundation. F.496 1995 June. F.497 1995 4 July. Typescript paper re House of Lords reform (annotated by Flowers), sent by R. Hazell, Director of the Constitution Unit, London. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 176 Societies and organisations F.498 1995 7 July-24 August. F.499 1995 31 August-13 September. Includes implementation of constitutional reform. correspondence re the Constitution Unit's work on_ the F.500 1995 18 September-4 October. F.501 1995 3-10 October. F.502 F.503 F.504 F.505 F.506 F.507 F.508 1995 11 October-23 November. 1995 25 November-29 December. Includes correspondencere a proposedjointinitiative by the Royal Institution of Great Britain and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 1996 19 January-3 March. 1996 28 February. Papers re appointments to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1996 5-25 March. 1996 2-16 April. 1996 29 April-20 May. Correspondencere grant application to write a book. F.509 1996 3 May-10 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 177 Societies and organisations F.510 1996 5 June-19 July. F.511 1996 October-November. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Flowers re the payment of university overheads. F.512 1996 December. Includes papers re the appointment of Flowers’s successor as Chairman of the Foundation. F.513 1997 February-March. F.514 1997 May. F.515 1997 June-July. F.516 1997 August. F.517 1997 3-29 October. Includes correspondence re proposalto establish a College of Teachers. F.518 1997 23 October-7 November. F.519 1997 11 November-22 December. F.520 1998 January. F.521 1998 February. Correspondencerestaff matters. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 178 Societies and organisations F.522 1998 March. F.523-F.556 PARLIAMENTARYAND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 1990-1997 Flowers served as President of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 1993-1997. The material is arranged in a single chronological sequence and includes correspondence, minutes of meetingsetc. F.523 1990 October-1991 January. Papers re meetings etc. F.524 1991 March, December. Invitation (accepted) to become a member of the new Council of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee etc. F.525 1992 January-April. Includes correspondencere a Science in Parliamentarticle ‘20 years ago’. F.526 ca 1993. F.527 F.528 F.529 F.530 1993 February-April. 1993 May-August. Includes correspondencere science and technology representation in British Embassies. 1993 13 September-25 October. 1993 26 October-29 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 179 Societies and organisations F.531 1993 9-11 November. F.532 1993 December. F.533 1994 6 January-3 February. Includes correspondence re the need for legislation to protect medical research workers who use animals in experimental work; correspondence re the decision to dispense with the office of Chief Scientist and Technologist in the Departmentof Trade andIndustry. F.534 1994 21-28 January. Recommendation. F.535 1994 February. Includes correspondencere the protection of medical research workers. F.536 F.537 1994 March. 1994 ca April. Includes Annual Report 1993 of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee (with foreword by Flowers). F.538 1994 May-June. Includes copies of correspondencere science and technology representation at British Embassies. F.539 1994 23 May, 15 June. F.540 1994 July-November. F.541 1994 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 180 Societies and organisations F.542 1995 January-February. Includes invitation by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (accepted) for Flowers to represent the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee as a member of the Consultative Group on Overseas Science and Technology Work, with material re its first meeting, 6 February 1995 (Flowers unable to attend). F.543 1995 8-26 March. Correspondenceand papersre the future funding of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). Flowers, as President of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, encouraged Parliamentary Members of the Committee favourable to POST to write letters in its support. F.544 1995 March-September. Correspondencere awardetc. F.545 1995 April. F.546 1995 May. Includes typescript report by H.P. Jost on the meeting of the Consultative Group on Overseas Science and Technology Work, 18 May 1995. F.547 F.548 F.549 1995 June-July. 1995 September. 1995 October-November. Includes papers re the visit to China by a Parliamentary and Scientific Committee delegation (Flowers was a member), 3-12 November 1995. F.550 1995 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 181 Societies and organisations F.551 1996 January. F.552 1996 1 February. F.553 1996 February-March. Includes correspondencere prior options reviews of public sector research establishments. F.554 1996 April. F.555 1996 May,July. F.556 1997 May. Elections. F.557-F.579 PUGWASH CONFERENCESON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS 1962-1967 The material consists of correspondence, papers relating to conferences and meetingsetc. F.557-F.559 1962 March-May. Correspondence and papers re Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (COSWA) meeting, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 19 May 1962 (Flowers attended as an observer). 3 folders. F.560 1962 ca May-June. Distributed papers. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 182 Societies and organisations F.561 1962 ca July. Correspondence and papers re meeting of participants at the Cambridge Pugwash COSWAConference, 21 July, London (Flowers unable to attend). British F.562 1962 June-September. Correspondence and papers re Ninth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Cambridge, 25-30 August 1962 (Flowers attended as an observer). Includes typescript reports of Working Group | on ‘Problemsof reduction and elimination under international control of weapons of massdestruction and of their meansof delivery’ (the Final Report has ‘written by BHF’ annotated on it). F.563 F.564 1962 4 September-5 October. 1962 26 September-3 December. Correspondencere arrangements for a meeting of West European scientists on the subject of disarmament, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 8-10 December 1962 etc. F.565 1963 February-June, n.d. Includes informal invitation (accepted) for Flowers to attend Pugwash Conference in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; invitation (accepted by Flowers) to a dinner meeting to discuss disarmament, London, 9 May 1963. F.566-F.568 1963 May-ca September. Correspondence and papers re 11th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 20-25 September 1963. 3 folders Includesinvitations for Flowersto visit research institutes in Yugoslavia. F.569 1963 October. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Flowers re the method of operation of Pugwash working groups. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 183 Societies and organisations F.570 1963 December-1964 February. Includes brief correspondence re the possibility of international seismic research in the Alaska (USA) - Kamchatka (USSR) region. F.571-F.575 Material re 13th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Karlovy-Vary, Czechoslovakia, 13-19 September 1964. Flowers attended the Conference, as well as a preparatory meeting in Prague, 9-12 September. F.571, F.572 1964 February-April. 2 folders. Includes correspondence re arrangements; brief correspondence re the possible establishment of a Manchester Pugwash Group. F.573, F.574 1964 May-June. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re meeting in Cambridge, 23 May 1964 to discuss the programme for the Conference etc, including 1p (annotated) typescript draft by Flowers entitled ‘Progress for complete disarmament’. F.575 1964 July-October. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a de-briefing meeting on the Conference, Whitehall, London, 26 October 1964; 2pp typescript paper by Flowers entitled ‘A step towards nuclear disarmament’; 7pp typescript paper by of disarmament’, with precis attached. ‘Anti-rocket and the systems N. Talenski entitled problem F.576 1964 November-December. F.577 1965 January-February. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to attend the 14th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Venice, Italy, 11-16 April 1965; brief correspondence re Pugwashand the Charity Commissioners. Flowers appears to have attended the Venice Conference despite initially declining the invitation. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 184 Societies and organisations F.578 1965 April, October-November. Includesinvitation (declined) to attend 15th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 29 December 1965-4 January 1966. F.579 1966-1967. F.580-F.587 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 1974-1976 Flowers was Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, 1973-1976. The material is arranged in chronological order and consists largely of press cuttings, many relating to the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, Nuclear Powerand the Environment, published in September 1976. F.580 1974-1975. Copiesof two pressnotices. F.581 1976 June. F.582-F.585 1976 September. Press cuttings re the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, Nuclear Powerand the Environment. 4 folders. F.586 1976 October. Newspaper cuttings etc re the Royal Commission’s 6th Report, including letter by Flowers to the Editor of The Times, sent in responseto letter written by R.H. Mole. F.587 1976 November-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 185 Societies and organisations F.588-F.599 ROYAL SOCIETY 1976-1983 Flowers waselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1961. The material consists of correspondence and papersrelating to elections and awards. F.588 1976 June-September. F.589 1976 October. F.590 1976 December-1977 January. F.591 1977 August. F.592 1979 July-September. F.593 1980 January-April. F.594 F.595 1980 November. 1981 January-February. F.596 1982 March. F.597 1982 April-June. F.598 F.599 1982 October-1983 May. 1983 January-May. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 186 Societies and organisations F.600-F.651 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY (UKAEA) 1958-1977 Flowers worked at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Harwell, 1946-1950 and was Head of Theoretical Physics Division, AERE, Harwell, 1952-1958. His association with the UKAEAcontinued following his appointmentat the University of Manchester, in particular through his role as a consultant. Flowers resigned his consultancy in 1964 but in 1971 he was appointed a part-time Member of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. The material below consists of correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s association with the UKAEA during the years, 1958-ca 1967 and 1973-1977. F.600-F.603 ‘UKAEA Correspondence’. Contents offile so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. 1958-1961. F.600 1958 August. 2pp typescript ‘Notes on a Tour of the Reactor Division on 12 August 1958’, by Flowers. F.601 1958 May. Appointment. F.602 1960 January, April. Includes letter by Flowers re a brief visit to the Atomic Energy Establishment, Winfrith, Dorset. F.603 1961 July-August. C orrespondence re d Flowers’s consultancy etc Flow U : B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 187 Societies and organisations F.604-F.617 ‘Harwell’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into fourteen for ease of reference. 1958-1966. F.604 1958 October-November. Includes invitation (accepted) for Flowers to become a memberof the CTR Advisory Committee. F.605 1958 December-1959 January. Includes 8pp (annotated) typescript by P. Schofield, ‘A review of neutron thermalisation work at Harwell’. F.606 1959 May-November. Appointmentsetc. F.607 1960 February. F.608 F.609 F.610 F.611 F.612 Appointment. 1960 April-May. 1960 July-August. 1960 September-November. Appointments. 1960 November-1961 February. 1961 June. Appointment. F.613 1961 June-November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 188 Societies and organisations F.614 1962-1963. F.615 1964 March-November. Includes correspondencere Flowers’s resignation as a UKAEAconsultant. F.616 1965. Includes correspondence re appointments. F.617 1966. F.618-F.624 ‘UKAEA (London)’. Contents offile so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. 1961-ca 1967. F.618 1961-1962. Correspondencere Flowers’s service on Appointments Board Panels etc. F.619 1963 March. Brief correspondence re the Experimental Officers. value of ordinary degree courses for F.620 1963 June. Appointment. F.621 1963 July, November. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Flowers re the organisation of the UKAEA. F.622 1964. F.623 1965-1966. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 189 Societies and organisations F.624 ca 1967. F.625, F.626 ‘Harwell Cyclotron’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 1964-1965. Flowers was one of several consultants brought together to discuss the merits of a proposal to modify Harwell’s 180 MeV cyclotron to give a much higher beam current. F.625 1964 August-November. Includes typescript notes by B. Rose re the Harwell synchrocyclotron. F.626 1964 December-1965 January. Includes 3pp manuscript notes by Flowers; 4pp typescript letter by Flowers re the future of the Harwell synchrocyclotron; 8pp typescript draft report by W.E. Burcham entitled ‘The Harwell Synchrocyclotron’; copy of typescript minutes of meeting to discuss the Harwell synchrocyclotron, 30 December 1964 (Flowers attended). F.627-F.651 Correspondence and papers relating to Flowers’s service as a part-time Memberof the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. 1973-1977. F.627 1973 August-October. F.628 F.629 1973 29 October. 1973 November. Includes 6pp typescript entitled ‘Note of a discussion at a meeting of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and Minister for Industry with the Atomic Energy Authority ... 8 November 1973’. F.630 1973 4-10 December. Typescript UKAEA paper on ‘Fast Reactor Strategy’, 14pp, with related correspondence. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 190 Societies and organisations F.631 1973 17-18 December. Includes copy of 3pp typescript letter from Flowers to Edward Heath MP, Prime Minister, re the nuclear power programme. F.632 1973 18 December. F.633 1974 January-May. F.634 1974 19-26 June. F.635 1974 26 June-3 July. Includes typescript draft (annotated) of the UKAEA’s twentieth Annual Report, with 2pp typescript comments by Flowers. F.636 1974 July-September. Appointmentetc. 1974 November. 1974 December. F.637 F.638 Includes 2pp letter by Flowers re papers for a UKAEA meeting, 5 December 1974 (he was unable to attend). F.639 1975 February-May. F.640 1975 June-September. Includes brief correspondence re a proposed proton pituitory therapy project involving the Harwell cyclotron. F.641 1975 November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 191 Societies and organisations F.642 1976 5-9 March. F.643 1976 10-29 March. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s re-appointment as a_ Member of the UKAEA. part-time F.644 1976 April, June. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s speech at the National Energy Conference, London, 22 June 1976. See also D.148. F.645 1976 July. F.646 1976 August-September. F.647 1976 September-October. F.648 1976 October-November. Includes correspondencere British Nuclear Fuels Ltd’s Windscale planning application. F.649 1976 December. Includes copy of 3pp typescript letter from Flowers to P.D. Shore MP, Secretary of State for the Environment re the Windscale planning application and the processing of foreign fuels. F.650 1977 February-April. F.651 1977 May-July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 192 Societies and organisations F.652-F.661 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE(UGC) 1965-1966 In 1965 Flowers was appointed Chairman of a Working Group set up by the University Grants Committee and the Council for Scientific Policy, with the terms of reference: ‘To assess the probable computer needs, during the next five years, of users in Universities and civil research establishments receiving support from Governmentfunds’. be succeeded The report of the Working Group chaired by Flowers recommendedthatit should permanent body’. Consequently the Computer Board for Universities and Research Councils was created and Flowers accepted appointmentasits first Chairman in June 1966. constituted by a ‘suitably An Interim Computer Panel was established by the University Grants Committee, with Sir Willis Jackson as Chairman. Its purpose was to make recommendations on computers for universities where urgent action arising from the report of the Working Group could not be delayed until the creation of the Computer Board. listed below was found together. The material largely consists of correspondence and papers for meetings relating to the Interim Computer Panel. It See also F.68-F.179 for papers relating to the Computer Board. F.652 1965 May-October. Includes invitation (accepted) to attend meeting organised by N. Mott ‘UGC - Dirigiste or Laissez-faire?’, Cambridge, 16-17 July 1965, with related correspondence; brief correspondencere the implementation of A report of a Joint Working Group on Computers for Research. F.653 1966 January. Includes copy of 2pp typescript letter from Flowers to Sir John Wolfenden re the control of scientific research expenditure, 10 January 1966. F.654 1966 ca February. Papers re meeting of the UGC Computer Panel, 11 February 1966 (Flowers unable to attend)etc. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 193 Societies and organisations F.655 1966 February. 12pp typescript paper by K.V. Roberts for the UGC Computer Panel, entitled ‘Some notes on the large KDF9 computers’. F.656 1966 ca March. Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 7 March 1966. F.657 1966 March. Includes reply by Flowersto an invitation for him to become a memberof a new Sub-Committee on Mathematics. F.658, F.659 1966 ca April. Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 13 April 1966. 2 folders. F.660 1966 1-22 April. Includes correspondence re the financing of the computing needs of Universities and Research Councils. F.661 1966 ca April. Papers re meeting of UGC Computer Panel, 28 April 1966. F.662-F.686 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1980-1998 Flowers was Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, 1985-1990. F.662-F.664 Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources F.665-F.686 General correspondence B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 194 Societies and organisations F.662-F.664 Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources 1980-1981 F.662 F.663 Flowers was Chairmanof the University of London Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources, 1979-1980. London Medical Education - A New Framework: Report of a Working Party on Medical and Dental Teaching Resources, February 1980. 10pp typescript press statement by Flowers, Senate House, London, 26 February 1980. The pagesare of approximately A5 size. F.664 Printed material, 1981. F.665-F.686 General correspondence 1990-1998 Correspondencekept together in a file inscribed ‘University of London’. The correspondence largely relates to Flowers’s continued interest and involvement in matters affecting the University of London following his retirement in 1990 from the Vice-Chancellorship. F.665 1990 April-September. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s retirement. F.666 F.667 1990 October-December. 1991 January-May. Includes brief correspondence with S.R. Sutherland, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London re his paper on the Federal University. F.668 1991 July-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 195 Societies and organisations F.669 1992 May. Brief correspondence re University of Londonaffairsetc. F.670 1992 July-September. Includes correspondence re a proposal by Goldsmiths’ College, London to purchase and developa site. F.671 1992 September. F.672 1992 October-December. F.673 1993 January-May. F.674 1993 May-June. F.675 1993 July. Award. F.676 1993 July-October. F.677 1994 April-June. F.678 1994 July. Correspondencere reforms affecting London teaching hospitals etc. F.679 1994 September-October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 196 Societies and organisations F.680 1995 June, September. Includes invitation (declined) for Flowers to join the Council of Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London. F.681 1996 January-March. Invitations (accepted) for Flowers to accept nomination for an Honorary Degree and to become an Honorary Fellow of Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London; correspondence re charges for the use of the University of London Library; request (accepted) for Lord and Lady Flowers to host a celebration of 25 years of Nightline, 6 June 1996. F.682 1996 May-September. Includes November 1996. correspondence re arrangements for Foundation Day, 13 Flowers was awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of London on this occasion. F.683 1996 September-October. Recommendation. F.684 F.685 1996 November-December. 1997 January-August. Includes brief correspondence re Flowers’s contribution of a supporting statement about Nightline for its Annual Report. F.686 1998. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 197 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.529 G.1-G.242 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE G.243-G.437 DAY FILES G.438 CORRESPONDENCEWITHJ.W. BRAY MP G.439-G.469 CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD ROTHSCHILD G.470-G.529 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 198 Correspondence G.1-G.242 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1979-1997 Contents of Flowers’s correspondencefiles inscribed ‘Personal’. correspondence incoming The personal correspondence in the collection with copies of replies by Flowers. The correspondence is addressed to him in various capacities so the subject matter is broad, covering a wide range of professional issues and more personal matters relating to his colleagues, friends, and family. sequence of is the main Correspondencerelating to the same subject was generally grouped into bundles within each of Flowers’sfiles. These bundles were arranged in chronological order by the latest date within each bundle. As a result there is frequently an overlap in date span between bundles. The correspondencein the files has been subdivided into folders for ease of reference without any alteration to the original arrangement. As a result this date overlap is reflected in the catalogue entries. G.1-G.3 1979 August-1981 May. G.1 G.2 G.3 1979 August-December. 1980 January-July. 1981 March-May. G.4-G.10 1980 January-1982 January. G.4 G.5 G.6 G.7 1980 January-March. 1980 April. 1980 April, May. 1980 June-December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 199 Correspondence G.8 1981 January-March. Includes correspondence re retirement from the Atomic Energy Authority, award of Officier de la Légion d’Honneur. See also A.110 and D.279. 1981 April-October. 1981 December, 1982 January. G.9 G.10 G.11-G.17 1982 January-December. G.11 G.12 G.13 G.14 G.15 G.16 1982 January-June. 1982 May. 1982 June-August. Includes correspondencere the work of H. Bohr including typescript offprints and drafts. 1982 July. 1982 August-October. 1982 October-December. G.17 1982 November, December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 200 Correspondence G.18-G.25 1983 January-October. G.18 G.19 G.20 G.21 G.22 G.23 G.24 G.25 1983 January-April. 1983 January, February. 1983 April-August. 1983 May. 1983 June-August. 1983 August-October. 1983 September, October. 1983 September. G.26-G.28 1983 April-November. G.26 G.27 1983 April-September. 1983 September, October. G.28 1983 October, November. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 201 Correspondence G.29-G.43 1983 November-1984 December. G.29 1983 November, December. Includes correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976) G.30 G.31 G.32 1984 January. 1984 January, February. 1984 February. G.33 ~ 1984 February, March. G.34 G.35 G.36 G.37 G.38 G.39 1984 March-May. 1984 April-May. 1984 April, May. 1984 April-June. Includes correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976). 1984 April-July. 1984 August-October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 202 G.40 G.41 G.42 Correspondence 1984 August. 1984 September-November. 1984 October, November. G.43 1984 November, December. G.44-G.60 1984 March-1987 December. G.44 1984 March-December. G.45 G.46 G.47 G.48 G.49 G.50 Includes correspondence re the treatment by Yugoslav authorities of I. Supek. 1984 December, 1985 January. 1985 January-May. Includes correspondence re second edition of Properties of Matter by B.H. Flowers and E. Mendoza, John Wiley & SonsLtd, 1970. See also E.21-E.28. 1985 March, April. 1985 April. 1985 May, June. 1985 May-July. Includes correspondence re honorary degrees from Dundee and Oxford. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 203 Correspondence G.51 1985 July. Letter to Lord Rothschild, 10 July 1985 and correspondence and papers May-September 1976 re Nuclear Power and the Environment, Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO, 1976). See also D.151, D.152 and F.580-F.587. 1985 July, August. 1986 January-July. Includes correspondencere proposal of R.E. Peierls for Copley Medal. See also A.154. 1986 August, September. 1987 July-October. Includes correspondencere the establishment of the Rank Chair of Human Nutrition, University of London; correspondence re arrangementsfor the 80th Birthday Symposium in honour of R.E. Peierls. 1987 July. 1987 August. 1987 September. 1987 November, December. 1987 December. G.52 G.53 G.54 G.55 G.56 G.57 G.58 G.59 G.60 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 204 Correspondence G.61-G.66 1987 December-1988 March. G.61 G.62 G.63 G.64 G.65 G.66 1987 December-1988 February. 1987 December-1988 February. 1987 December, 1988 January. 1988 February, March. 1988 March. 1988 March. G.67-G.69 1988 March-June. G.67 G.68 G.69 G.70 G.70 1988 March-May. 1988 June. correspondence Centenary Includes Celebration, Schuster Laboratory, University of Manchester, 23 November 1988. Schuster re arrangements for See also G.72. 1988 June. 1988 June-September. 1988 June-September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 205 Correspondence G.71-G.74 1988 September-December. G.71 1988 September, October. There is some correspondencefrom January 1988. Includes correspondence re invitation to be principal guest speaker at the Installation Dinner for the new Master of the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, London, 21 October 1988. G.72 1988 September-November. There is some correspondencefrom March 1988. Includes correspondence and 20pp A5typescript speech with annotations re Schuster of Manchester, 23 November 1988. Celebration, Centenary Schuster Laboratory, University See also G.68. 1988 September. 1988 November, December. G.73 G.74 G.75-G.85 1988 November-1990 January. G.75 G.76 G.77 1988 November-1989 January. 1988 December-1989 February. 1989 February, March. Includes correspondence reinvitation to write obituary of Sir Alec Merrison for Physics World (declined). See also G.79. G.78 1989 March, April. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 206 Correspondence G.79 1989 April-June. Correspondenceetc. re arrangementsfor service of thanksgiving for Sir Alec Merrison, Bristol Cathedral, 8 June 1989. See also G.77. G.80 1989 June. G.81 G.82 G.83 G.84 G.85 1989 June. 1989 July, August. 1989 September-November. 1989 December, 1990 January. 1989 December. G.86-G.96 1990 January-July. G.86 1990 January. G.87 G.88 G.89 1990 January-October. 1990 January, February. 1990 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 207 Correspondence G.90 1990 March, April. Includes correspondence re election of Lord and Lady Flowers to honorary life membership of the University of London Union, (see A.136); invitation from the International Atomic Energy Agency to chair a proposed group to investigate the radiological consequences in the USSR from the Chernobyl accident. G.91 G.92 G.93 G.94 G.95 1990 May. 1990 May. 1990 May, June. 1990 June, July. 1990 June, July. There is some correspondence from April 1989. Includes correspondence re conferral of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from the National University of Ireland. G.96 1990 July. G.97-G.109 1990 April-December. G.97 1990 April-July. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s acceptance of invitation to give opening address at the 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 16 September 1990. See also D.387. G.98 1990 July, August. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 208 Correspondence G.99 1990 July, August. G.100 1990 August. G.101 1990 August, September. Includes correspondence re Flowers’s opening addressat the 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 16 September 1990, and correspondence re tenth Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee. anniversary of the See also D.387, G.97. G.102 1990 September, October. G.103 1990 September, October. G.104 1990 September. G.105 1990 October, November. G.106 1990 November. G.107 1990 November. G.108 1990 November, December. G.109 1990 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 209 Correspondence G.110-G.124 1990 December-1991 July. G.110 1990 December, 1991 January. G.111 1991 January. G.112 1991 January. G.113 1991 February. G.114 1991 February, March. G.115 1991 February-May. G.116 1991 March, April. G.117 1991 March-May. G.118 1991 March, April. Includes correspondence re service of thanksgiving for the life of D.F. Jackson. G.119 1991 March. G.120 1991 April. G.121 1991 April-June. Includes correspondence re proposals to break up the Australian National University and correspondence with J. Freemanre her recent autobiography. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 210 Correspondence G.122 1991 May. G.123 1991 May. G.124 1991 June, July. Includes correspondence re proposals to break up the Australian National University. G.125-G.137 1991 June-December. G.125 1991 June, July. G.126 1991 June-October. G.127 1991 July. G.128 1991 July, August. Includes correspondence re proposed European Theoretical Nuclear Physics Institute. G.129 1991 July, August. Includes correspondence re Honorary Fellowship of Goldsmith’s College, University of London. G.130 1991 July, August. G.131 1991 September. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 211 Correspondence G.132 1991 October. Includes correspondence re funding arrangements for the Institute of AdvancedStudies at the Australian National University. G.133 1991 October, November. Includes correspondencere the British Technology Group Bill. G.134 1991 October-December. There is some correspondencefrom July 1991. G.135 1991 November, December. Includes correspondencere British Technology Group Bill. G.136 1991 November, December. G.137 1991 November, December. G.138-G.151 1991 December-1992 June. G.138 1991 December, 1992 January. G.139 1992 January. G.140 1992 January. G.141 1992 January, February. G.142 1992 February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 212 Correspondence G.143 1992 February. G.144 1992 February. G.145 1992 February, March. G.146 1992 February-April. G.147 1992 March. G.148 1992 April, May. G.149 1992 May,June. G.150 1992 June. G.151 1992 June. G.152-G.163 1992 June-December. G.152 1992 June, July. G.153 1992 June,July. G.154 1992 July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 213 Correspondence G.155 1992 August, September. Includes correspondence re the Royal Society biographical memoir of Sir Alec Merrison. G.156 1992 September. G.157 1992 September, October. G.158 1992 October. Includes correspondence re Daphne Jackson Memorial Fellowships Trust. G.159 1992 October, November. G.160 1992 November. G.161 1992 November. G.162 1992 November, December. Includes correspondencere publication of opening speech by Flowersat the Conference on Technology Transfer and Implementation, London, 6 July 1993. See also D.421. G.163 1992 December. G.164-G.171 1993 January-August. G.164 1993 January. There is some correspondence from September and November1993. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 214 Correspondence G.165 1993 February, March. G.166 1993 February. G.167 1993 February. Includes correspondence re European Science Foundation. G.168 1993 April, May. G.169 1993 May, June. Includes correspondencere arrangementsto visit to the Czech Republic. G.170 1993 June. G.171 1993 June-August. G.172-G.177 1993 June-December. G.172 1993 June-August. correspondence Includes and correspondence re Royal Society biographical memoirs of Lord Kearton and Sir Alec Merrison. accident re Chernobyl after effects; G.173 1993 August, September. Includes correspondence re biographical memoir of K.E.J. Fuchs. G.174 1993 October, November. G.175 1993 November, December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 215 Correspondence G.176 1993 December. There is some correspondence from October 1993. G.177 1993 December. G.178-G.185 1994 January-June. G.178 1994 January, February. Includes correspondencere biographical memoir of Sir Alec Merrison. G.179 1994 February. Includes correspondencere article in The Sunday Times on the Wellcome Trust. G.180 1994 February, March. G.181 1994 March, April. G.182 1994 April, May. G.183 1994 May, June. Includes 4pp typescript autobiographical sketch sent to Lord Dainton. G.184 1994 May, June. G.185 1994 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 216 Correspondence G.186-G.191 1994 June-December. G.186 1994 June-August. There is some correspondencefrom April 1994. G.187 1994 August. G.188 1994 September. G.189 1994 October. G.190 1994 November. There is some correspondencefrom July 1994. Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on the Crown Prosecution Service. G.191 1994 December. G.192-G.203 1994 December-1995 June. G.192 1994 December, 1995 January. Includes correspondencere biographical memoir of Sir Alec Merrison. G.193 1995 January, February. Includes correspondence re University College London Hospitals; and correspondencere arrangements for ‘Environmentalpolicy: the last 25 years and Commission on Environmental Pollution, London, 28 March. next 25 years’, Royal the Jubilee Seminar, See also D.452 and G.194. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 217 Correspondence G.194 1995 February, March. Includes correspondence re biographical memoirs of Sir Alec Merrison and J.M. Cassels; and correspondence re arrangements for ‘Environmental policy: the last 25 years and the next 25 years’, Jubilee Seminar, Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, London, 28 March See also D.452, G.294. G.195 1995 February. G.196 1995 April. Includes correspondence re changesto hospital services in London. G.197 1995 April, May. G.198 1995 April. G.199 1995 May. G.200 1995 May, June. G.201 1995 June. Includes correspondence re the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee and radioactive waste management. G.202 1995 June. G.203 1995 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 218 Correspondence G.204-G.213 1995 June-December. G.204 1995 June, July. G.205 1995 July. Includes correspondencere report of the British Pugwash Group on British nuclear weaponspolicy. G.206 1995 July, August. G.207 1995 August. Includes correspondence re award of Honorary D.Sc. from the University of Reading. G.208 1995 September. There is some correspondencefrom July 1995. Includes correspondence re award of Honorary D.Sc. from the University of Reading. G.209 1995 September, October. Includes correspondencere research project of J. Argyris. G.210 1995 October. G.211 1995 November, December. There is some correspondencefrom July 1995. Includes correspondence re research project of J. Argyris; correspondence re the award of an Honorary Fellowship of the University of Wales Swansea. G.212 1995 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 219 Correspondence G.213 1995 December. G.214-G.228 1996 January-December. G.214 1996 January. G.215 1996 January. G.216 1996 February. G.217 1996 February. G.218 1996 February-April. G.219 1996 March. G.220 1996 April, May. G.221 1996 June. Includes correspondence re Royal Society biographical memoir of W.L. Francis. G.222 1996 July. G.223 1996 July-September. G.224 1996 October. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 220 Correspondence G.225 1996 October. G.226 1996 October-December. G.227 1996 November. G.228 1996 December. Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on personal firearm ownership. G.229-G.242 1996 December-1997 December. G.229 1996 December, 1997 January. Includes correspondencerelating to Nirex. G.230 1997 January, February. G.231 1997 February. Includes correspondencere Nirex and the ‘leak’ of an internal document. G.232 1997 February. G.233 1997 March. Includes correspondence re planning application by Nirex for a rock characterisation facility near Sellafield, Cumbria. G.234 1997 April-June. There is some correspondencefrom June 1997. Includes correspondencewith the Marchioness of Anglesey re the Chernobyl accident and Nirex; and correspondencere biographical memoir of G. Gee. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 221 Correspondence G.235 1997 May, June. G.236 1997 June. G.237 1997 June, July. G.238 1997July. G.239 1997 August. G.240 1997 September-November. Includes correspondence re views of Flowers on the Dearing Report. G.241 1997 December. G.242 1997 December. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 222 Correspondence G.243-G.437 DAY FILES 1990-1996 The material consists of copies of outgoing correspondence produced by Flowers from his home address and maintained in a chronological order. The majority were typed on a word processor although there are also photocopies of his handwritten correspondence. The subject matter is broad, covering a wide range of professional issues and morepersonal matters relating to his colleagues, friends and family. G.243-G.256 1990 G.243 1990 August(1). G.244 1990 August(2). G.245 1990 September (1). G.246 1990 September (2). G.247 1990 September (3). G.248 1990 October (1). G.249 1990 October (2). G.250 1990 October (3). G.251 1990 November (1). G.252 1990 November (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 223 Correspondence G.253 1990 November(3). G.254 1990 December(1). G.255 1990 December(2). G.256 1990 December(3). G.257-G.291 1991 G.257 1991 January (1). G.258 1991 January (2). G.259 1991 January (3). G.260 1991 January (4). G.261 1991 February (1). G.262 | 1991 February (2). G.263 1991 February (3). G.264 1991 March(1). G.265 1991 March(2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 224 Correspondence G.266 1991 March(3). G.267 1991 March (4). G.268 1991 April (1). G.269 1991 April (2). G.270 1991 April (3). G.271 1991 May(1). G.272 1991 May(2). G.273 1991 May(3). G.274 1991 June (1). G.275 1991 June (2). G.276 1991 June (3). G.277 1991 July (1). G.278 1991 July (2). G.279 1991 July (3). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 225 Correspondence G.280 1991 August(1). G.281 1991 August(2). G.282 1991 August(3). G.283 1991 September(1). G.284 1991 September(2). G.285 1991 October(1). G.286 1991 October(2). G.287 1991 October(3). G.288 1991 November(1). G.289 1991 November (2). G.290 1991 November (3). G.291 1991 December. G.292-G.332 1992 G.292 1992 January (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 226 Correspondence G.293 1992 January (2). G.294 1992 January (3). G.295 1992 January (4). G.296 1992 February (1). G.297 1992 February (2). G.298 1992 February (3). G.299 1992 March(1). G.300 1992 March(2). G.301 1992 March(3). G.302 1992 March (4). G.303 1992 April (1). G.304 1992 April (2). G.305 1992 April (3). G.306 1992 May(1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 227 Correspondence G.307 G.308 G.309 G.310 G.311 G.312 1992 May(2). 1992 May(3). 1992 May(4). 1992 June(1). 1992 June (2). 1992 June(3). G.313 1992 July (1). G.314 1992 July (2). G.315 1992 July (3). G.316 1992 July (4). G.317 G.318 G.319 1992 August(1). 1992 August(2). 1992 August(3). G.320 1992 September (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 228 Correspondence G.321 1992 September(2). G.322 1992 September(3). G.323 1992 September (4). G.324 1992 October(1). G.325 1992 October(2). G.326 1992 October(3). G.327 1992 October(4). G.328 1992 November(1). G.329 1992 November(2). G.330 1992 November(3). G.331 1992 December(1). G.332 1992 December(2). G.333-G.367 1993 G.333 1993 January (1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 229 Correspondence G.334 | 1993 January (2). G.335 1993 January (3). G.336 1993 February (1). G.337 1993 February (2). G.338 1993 February (3). G.339 1993 March(1). G.340 1993 March (2). G.341 1993 March (3). G.342 G.343 G.344 G.345 G.346 1993 April (1). 1993 April (2). 1993 April (3). 1993 May(1). 1993 May(2). G.347 1993 May(3). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 230 Correspondence G.348 1993 June(1). G.349 1993 June (2). G.350 G.351 1993 June(3). 1993 June (4). G.352 1993 June (5). G.353 1993 June(6). G.354 1993 August (1). G.355 1993 August(2). G.356 1993 August(3). G.357 1993 September(1). G.358 1993 September(2). G.359 1993 October (1). G.360 | 1993 October(2). G.361 1993 October(3). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 231 Correspondence G.362 1993 November(1). G.363 1993 November(2). G.364 1993 November(3). G.365 1993 December (1). G.366 1993 December(2). G.367 1993 December(3). G.368-G.391 1994 G.368 1994 January (1). G.369 1994 January (2). G.370 1994 February (1). G.371 1994 February (2). G.372 1994 March. G.373 G.374 1994 April (1). 1994 April (2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 232 Correspondence G.375 1994 May(1). G.376 1994 May(2). G.377 1994 June (1). G.378 1994 June (2). G.379 1994 July (1). G.380 1994 July (2). G.381 1994 July (3). G.382 1994 August(1). G.383 1994 August(2). G.384 1994 September. G.385 1994 October (1). G.386 1994 October(2). G.387 1994 November(1). G.388 1994 November(2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 233 Correspondence G.389 1994 December(1). G.390 1994 December(2). G.391 1994 December(3). G.392-G.417 1995 -G.392 1995 January. G.393 1995 February (1). G.394 1995 February (2). G.395 1995 February (3). G.396 1995 March(1). G.397 1995 March(2). G.398 G.399 G.400 G.401 1995 March(3). 1995 April (1). 1995 April (2). 1995 May(1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 234 Correspondence G.402 1995 May(2). G.403 1995 June(1). G.404 1995 June (2). G.405 1995 June(3). G.406 G.407 G.408 1995 July (1). 1995 July (2). | 1995 August(1). G.409 1995 August(2). G.410 1995 September(1). G.411 1995 September (2). G.412 1995 October (1). G.413 1995 October (2). G.414 1995 November. G.415 1995 December(1). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 235 Correspondence G.416 1995 December(2). G.417 1995 December(3). G.418-G.437 1996 G.418 1996 January (1). G.419 1996 January (2). G.420 1996 February (1). G.421 1996 February (2). G.422 1996 March(1). G.423 1996 March(2). G.424 1996 April. G.425 1996 May(1). G.426 1996 May(2). G.427 1996 June (1). G.428 1996 June(2). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 236 Correspondence G.429 1996 July. G.430 1996 August. G.431 1996 September. G.432 1996 October. G.433 1996 November (1). G.434 1996 November (2). G.435 1996 December (1). G.436 1996 December (2). G.437 1996 December (3). G.438 G.438 CORRESPONDENCEWITH J.W. BRAY MP 1966 ‘Correspondence with Dr. J. Bray’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1966. J.W. Bray MP was Chairman of the Labour Party Science and Technology Group from 1964 to 1966 and Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Power from 1966to 1967. a Service; and Correspondence etc. re Report on Computers for Research and proposals for re arrangements for meeting re provision for research in on-line computer process control. February-May 1966. correspondence National Data Processing B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 237 Correspondence G.439-G.469 CORRESPONDENCEWITH LORD ROTHSCHILD 1972-1986 ‘Rothschild correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed: professional correspondence between Flowers and Lord Rothschild (Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron). Lord Rothschild frequently wrote to Flowers to seek advice on specific issues relating to nuclear and solar energy, scientific research in general and personal research interests. During the period covered by the correspondence Lord Rothschild held the positions of Director General and First Permanent Under-Secretary of the Central Policy Review Staff in the Cabinet Office (1971-1974), Chairman of N.M. Rothschild’s Continuation Ltd (1976-1988). Rothschild & Sons (1975-1976) and Chairman of G.439 1972 January-July. Correspondence re ‘45 different varieties of R & D’ by Lord Rothschild; correspondencere Lighthill Report on Artificial Intelligence. G.440 1972 August. Correspondence re ‘45 different varieties of R & D’ by Lord Rothschild including 11pp typescript draft. G.441 1972 September, October. Correspondence re Science Research Council Report, 1971-1972; etc. G.442 1973 March-September. Correspondence re report on the future of solar energy in the United Kingdom including 5pp typescript; correspondence re satellite power stations; etc. G.443 1973 April. Correspondence re proposed successors to Flowers as Chairman of the Science Research Council. G.444 1973 March, November. Correspondence re taxation of travel and subsistence allowances of Board and Committee membersof the Science Research Council. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 238 Correspondence G.445 1973 November, December. Correspondence re radioactive waste; correspondence re taxation of travel and subsistence allowances of Board and Committee members of the Science Research Council; etc. G.446 1974 January-July. 1p typescript proposals for an Advisory Council on Energy; correspondence re draft papers on radioactive waste sent to Flowers by Lord Rothschild; etc. G.447 1974 September —1975 January. Refereeing. G.448 1975 January. Correspondencere Central Policy Review Staff. G.449-G.451 1975 September, October. Correspondenceand papers re a study of Klinokinesis by Lord Rothschild. Rothschild wrote to Flowers asking him to suggest a mathematician who could aid him with his study. 3 folders. G.452 1975 October —1976 April. Correspondence re arrangements for meeting with Lord Rothschild and S. Ramo; etc. G.453 1976 June. Refereeing. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 239 Correspondence G.454 1976 June-August. Correspondence re Lord Rothschild’s decision to resign as Chairman of N.M. Rothschild & Sons and to assume the Chairmanship of Rothschild’s Continuation Ltd; Correspondence re Nuclear Power and the Environment Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO 1976). G.455 1976 August, September. Correspondence etc re address by Sir Sam Edwards to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, the Rothschild Report. re consequences and implications of G.456 1976 October —1977 February. Correspondencere article re peaceful uses for plutonium; correspondence re published lecture by M. Benedict ‘The case for nuclear power’;etc. G.457 1977 March-May. Correspondence re Commercial Fast Reactor | at Windscale and French developed nuclear fuels; etc. G.458 1978 February. Correspondence re water evaporation; correspondence re lecture by W. Marshall re plutonium given at Glasgow. G.459 1978 March. Correspondence re Lecture being prepared by Lord Rothschild re plutonium and nuclear energy. G.460 1978 June, July. Correspondence re data given in Table 8 of Nuclear Power and the Environment Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (HMSO 1976). B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 240 Correspondence G.461 1978 June, July. Correspondence re arrangements for Lord Rothschild’s Dinner, London, 19 July 1978 including 12pp typescript of speech by Lord Rothschild. G.462 1978 September. Correspondence re operational research aspects of combine harvester problem posed by Lord Rothschild. G.463 1978 October, November. Correspondence re ‘Risk’ by Lord Rothschild, the 1978 Richard Dimbleby Lecture; etc. G.464 1979 May,June. Recommendation. G.465 1980 January-November. Correspondence re arrangements for meeting; correspondence re safety aspects of Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactors (CANDU Reactors). G.466 1981 March. Correspondence re proposal by Y. Ne’eman for a United Kingdom/Israeli Astronomical Observatory in Israel. G.467 1981 March—1982 February. Cartesian Correspondence re Funding for St Cross College, Oxford; correspondence re Rothschild; correspondence re definition of ‘research’; correspondence re views of A. Ailberston on Social Science Research Council. co-ordinates problem posed by Lord G.468 1984 February—1985 October. Correspondence re queries from Lord Rothschild re gold and impuritiesin it, Dirac and the prediction of the existence of anti-matter; correspondence re request from Lord Rothschild to meet with a Number Theory specialist with whom he candiscuss Primes. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 241 Correspondence G.469 1986 October, November. Correspondence re proposal by M. Boxer of the Tatler Publishing Company Ltd for a feature on objects and people lost to Britain, including the brain drain issue; etc. G.470-G.529 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1959-1978 The material consists of references and recommendations by Flowers for persons proposed for honours and awards or for persons seeking appointments and grantaid. G.470-G.528 ‘Confidential reports outside Dept.’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1959- 1967. G.470 1959 January. G.471 1959 May. G.472 1960 May. G.473 1960 June. G.474 1960 September-November. G.475 1960 December. G.476 1961 January, February. G.477 1961 February. G.478 1961 July. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 242 Correspondence G.479 1961 September. G.480 1961 November. G.481 1961 December, 1962 January. G.482 1962 February. G.483 1962 May. G.484 1962 August. G.485 1963 March. G.486 1963 October, November. G.487 1964 February. G.488 1964 February-April. G.489 1964 March-May. G.490 1964 April. G.491 1964 May-October. G.492 1964 May-July. G.493 1964 June. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 243 Correspondence G.494 1964 June-September. G.495 1964 September, October. G.496 1964 November, ee G.497 1964 December, 1965 January. G.498 1965 January. G.499 1965 January, February. G.500 1965 February. G.501 1965 February, March. G.502 1965 April. G.503 1965 April, May. G.504 1965 August, September. G.505 1965 October-1966 January. G.506 1965 October, November. G.507 1965 November, December. G.508 1965 November-1966 January. B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 244 Correspondence G.509 1965 December, 1966 January. G.510 1966 January. G.511 1966 February, March. G.512 1966 April. G.513 1966 April, May. G.514 1966 May, June. G.515 1966 June-September. G.516 1966 June,July. G.517 1966 July. G.518 1966 July, August. G.519 1966 August. G.520 1966 November. G.521 1966 December. G.522 1966 December, 1967 January. G.523 1967 January, February. B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 245 Correspondence G.524 1967 February, March. G.525 1967 March, April. G.526 1967 April. G.527 1967 May. G.528 1967 June. G.529 1978 August. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Brian Hilton Flowers FRS, Baron Flowers of Queen’s Gatein the City of Westminster (b. 1924) VOLUME Ill Index of correspondents by Adrian Nardone and Alan Hayward NCUACScatalogue no. 76/5/98 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 INDEX FOR LORD FLOWERS 246 ABDELMALEK,N. N. See G.494 ACHESON, Sir (Ernest) Donald F.338-F.340, F.342, F.345 ADAMS, John Bertram ADAMSON, Colin ADDISON WESLEY PUBLISHING CO. INC ADESOLA,Atkin O. ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron A.17, F.68, F.69, F.73, F.120, F.348, F.351-F.353, F.355, F.357, F.377, F.622 A.53 E.21 G.131 F.239, F.240, F.245, F.254, F.260, G.171 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.1 AEA TECHNOLOGY AGAR, Jon ALBERT EINSTEIN PEACE PRIZE FOUNDATION ALDHOUS, Peter ALLAN, Harold R. ALLDAY, Coningsby ALLEN, Arnold Millman ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALLEN, Kenneth William ALLEN, NormanPercy F.249, F.252 B.25 G.24 G.132 F.576 F.648 F.571, F.627, F.629, F.631, F.633, F.636, F.639, F.640, F.641, F.642, F.647, G.1, G.37, A.20, A.114, B.5, F.250, F.590, G.7, G.22, G.234 D.38, D.72 F.359 ALL-PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP ON AIDS G.103, G.159 AMALDI, Edoardo AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm ANDREW, Sir (George) Herbert ANDREW, Raymond G.37 G.36 F.220, F.277, G.142, G.174, G.180 F.69 G.35 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 247 Index of correspondents ANGLESEY,(Elizabeth) Shirley Vaughan Paget, Marchionessof See PAGET,(Elizabeth) Shirley Vaughan ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron A.53, A.79, A.114, G.9, G.141 APSIMON, Helen ARCHER, John S. ARGYRIS,John H. ARMITAGE, Arthur ARNOLD, Henry ASH, Sir Eric Albert ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASHWELL, Margaret ASHWORTH, George ASHWORTH, John Michael ASSHETON, Ralph, 1st Baron Clitheroe ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES G.45 F.191, G.209 G.22, G.60, G.76, G.128, G.186, G.203, G.205, G.209, G.211 See also F.599 A.53 F.623 F.36, F.226, F.228, F.273, F.277- F.279, F.323, G.47, G.84 F.215, G.138 F.525 A.13 G.8, G.148 F.235 G.7, G.8 G.229 ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES A.116, G.112, G.474 ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COUNCILS ASSOCIATION OF FIRSTDIVISION CIVIL SERVANTS G.114 G.190 ASSOCIATION OF LONDON AUTHORITIES G.108, G.112 ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS ASTBURY, Norman Frederick ATIYAH, Sir Michael Francis ATKINSON, Anthony Barnes ATKINSON, J.R. (‘Jim’) ATKINSON, Norman B.27 F.390 F.222, F.344, G.90, G.105 F.502 G.182 G.223, G.227, G.233 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 AUSTRALIA 248 Index of correspondents SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING AVERY,Christine E. BAKER, J.R., WILCOX- BAKER, John Fleetwood, Baron BAKER, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron BAKER, Philip John, NOEL- BAKOS, Istvan BALDWIN, John G.140, G.142 G.106, G.111 D.59 F.197 G.31 A.139 F.2, F.3 G.27 BALL,Sir (Robert) James A.115, G.37 BANHAM, Sir John Michael Middlecott F.504, F.511, F.519, G.134, G.135 BANKS, W. Laurence BARD, Basil Joseph Asher BARKER, F.C. BARLOW, Henry S. BARNES, Robert S. BARNET COLLEGE, LONDON BARNHAM, Keith BARRELL, Henry BARRON, John Penrose BARTLETT, Maurice S. BARTON, Sir Derek Harold Richard BATCHELOR, George Keith BATES, Sir David Robert BATES, Eric B. BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BATTERSBY, Alan Ruston F.290, G.242 A.54, F.229, F.361, G.191 See G.191 F.218, G.144 A.115 G.202, G.204, G.207, G.208, G.209, G.233 G.43 F.354 G.85 A.12 A.54 G.475 A.12 F.470 A.12 G.138, G.139 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 249 Index of correspondents BAUER, S.G. BEAMENT,Sir James William Longman BEARDSHAW,Virginia BECHER, R. Anthony BEGG, Ernest BEHRENS, Andrew J BELBY, John BELL, Donald, LYNDEN- BELOFF, Max, Baron BENDALL, Robert BENJAMIN, Bernard A.12 G.4 G.103, G.152 F.36 See G.486 F.452 F.533, F.535 G.42 G.59 G.182 F.69 BENN, Anthony Wedgwood (‘Tony’) A.146, F.381, F.384, F.394, F.647, F.648, F.394, G.101 BENNETT, John BENNETT, Steve BENYON, William Richard BERGAN, Pal G. BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERNARD, George W. BERNARDINI, G. BERRIMAN, Sir David BERRY,Roger Julian G.90 F.342 G.102 G.121 G.18 F.41 F.381, F.383 G.84 G.129, G.132, G.145, G.149 BESSBOROUGH, Frederick Edward Neuflize (‘Eric’) Ponsonby, 10th Earl of See PONSONBY, Frederick Edward Neuflize (‘Eric’) BETHE, HansAlbrecht BETTS, Alan O. BEVERIDGE, Sir Gordon Smith Grieve BEYNON, Sir (William John) Granville BIBRA INTERNATIONAL E.20 G.15 G.205 A.12 G.234 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 250 Index of correspondents BIDDISS, Michael D. BIGGS, (Felicity) Jane, EWART-, Baroness BINNIE & PARTNERS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS BIRK, Alma, Baroness BIRLEY, James Leatham Tennant BISHOP, Richard Evelyn Donohue BLACK, Gordon G.222 F.430 F.208 A.79, G.228 G.101, G.108 G.9 F.69, F.75, F.76, F.79, F.92, F.100, F.106, F.120, F.121, F.130, F.136. See also F.506, G.479, G.522 BLACK, Nick F.341 BLACKETT,Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLACKMAN, Anne O. BLAIR, Anthony Charles Lynton (‘Tony’) BLAND, Sir (Francis) Christopher (Buchan) BLATCH, Emily May, Baroness BLEANEY, Brebis BLOW, David Mervyn A.10, A.138, A.139, F.387, F.389, F.393, F.621 See also G.484 G.22 F.549 G.164, G.235 F.232, F.247 A.12 F.274, F.295, G.240 BLUNDELL, Sir Tom (Thomas Leon) F.614, G.223, G.228, G.229 BOARD FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BOBROWSKI, Jan BODEN, Margaret A. G.53 G.38 G.172 BODMER,, Sir Walter Fred G.46, G.101, G.103 BOHR, AageNiels BOHR, Erik BOHR, Hans BOHR, Henrik BOLT, Gordon J. D.66, F.300, G.190, G.191, G.474 G.6 G.13 G.13 G.145, G.152 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 251 Index of correspondents BONDI, Sir Hermann BOOKAID INTERNATIONAL BOOTH, Clive BOOTH, Hartley BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf A.140, F.69, F.73, F.534, G.6, G.182, G.183 F.507 F.32 G.222 F.598 BOTTOMLEY, Virginia Hilda Brunette Maxwell G.204, G.205 BOVIN, A. Joan BOWCOCK,John E. BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron BOWDEN, Frank Philip BOWEN, Kenneth Crewdson BOWLER, Percy A.13 E.21 F.76 F.355, F.361 See G.525 A.20 BOYD, Alastair Ivor Gilbert, 7th Baron Kilmarnock A.151, F.208, F.441, G.70, G.103, G.108, G.159 BOYD, Robert David Hugh BOYDEN, Harold James BRADLEY, Daniel Joseph BRADLEY,David John BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRATT, Guy Maurice BRAY, Jeremy William BRAZIER, Margaret BRENNAN, Mark BRESLIN, Richard BRETSCHER, Egon BRETT, Christian, Viscountess Esher BREWSTER, Kingman B.26 A.138 G.28 F.342 A.54 G.19 D.51, F.120, G.33, G.438 G.99 G.135 G.141 F.613 G.23 G.45 BRIDGES, Edward, 1st Baron B.8, F.576, F.577 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 252 Index of correspondents BRIER, Peter N. BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC BRINK, David BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. LTD BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION G.513 D.63 See G.521 F.212 F.535, G.118 D.574, D.576, D.577, F.224, G.44, G.140, G.174, G.219, G.235, G.240 BRITISH COAL CORPORATION BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH EXECUTIVE SERVICE OVERSEAS G.142 A.53, F.173 F.2, F.4 F.470 BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION G.223, G.224 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION F.201, F.203, F.209 BRITISH NEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH TRUST G.165 BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS PLC F.220, G.129 BRITISH NUCLEAR INDUSTRY FORUM G.131, G.138, G.172, G.184 BRITISH PUGWASH GROUP BRITISH SCIENTISTS ABROAD BRITISH TECHNOLOGY GROUP BROCK, George BROCK,Michael BROMLEY,D. Allan BROOKE, Peter Leonard BROWN, David Anthony BROWN, Robert Hanbury BROWN, Roger John BROWNE, Anthony Montague G.97, G.205 F.235, F.236 F.433, G.133, G.135, G.146, G.148, G.155, G.156, G.172, G.194 G.18 A.115 F.244 G.133, G.155 G.90 A.12 F.31 G.33 BROWNE, Peter Finlay See G.482 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 253 Index of correspondents BROWNING, Alison M. BRUCE, Margaret BRUECKNER, Keith A. G.46, G.54 B.27, B.28 G.477 BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp A.12, F.570, F.574 BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS E.41, G.46, G.72, G.204 BULLOCK,Alan Louis Charles BULLOUGH, Robert Keith BUNEMAN, MichaelL. BUNEMAN, Naomi BUNEMAN, Oscar BUNEMAN, Peter BURCHAM, William Ernest BURGE, Ronald Edgar BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BURKHARDT, Hugh BURNETT,Sir John Harrison BURNEY, Georgina M. BURNS, G. D.72 See G.519 G.135 G.219 A.155 F.273, G.125, G.178, G.187, G.188 F.222, F.233, F.593, G.4 G.4, G.91 A.13 G.112, G.486, G.510 F.247 G.201 G.16, G.18 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION COUNCIL F.42 BUTLER, Sir Clifford Charles A.12, A.20, A.54, A.115 BUTLER, Sir (Frederick Edward) Robin F.498 BUTTERFIELD, William John Hughes, Baron G.55, G.68, G.224 BUTTERWORTH, lan A.115, G.31, G.33, G.159 BUTTERWORTH, John Blackstock, Baron BUTTERWORTH, Mary CADOGAN, Sir John Ivan George CAHN, Andrew Thomas F.249 G.83 A.116, G.189 G.156 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 254 Index of correspondents CAINES, Sir John F.431, F.438, F.441, F.442, G.109, G.111, G.113, G.114, G.220 CALDECOTE, Robert AndrewInskip, 2nd Viscount See INSKIP, Robert Andrew CALDER, Nigel David Ritchie CALLAGHAN, Leonard James, Baron CALVERLEY, ThomasE. CAMBRIDGE REVIEW CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMERON, Neil, Baron CAMPAIGN FOR THE GENERAL TEACHING COUNCIL G.44 A.79, G.168 G.442 F.94 E.21, E.57 G.35 F.203 CAMPBELL, Anne CAMPBELL, Colin F.538, F.539, F.541, F.544, F.551, F.553-F.555 F.502, G.178 CAMPBELL, Gordon Thomas Calthrop, Baron of Croy F.209, F.210, F.212, G.179 CAREY, Nicholas Anthony Dermot CARLEBACH,, Felix F. CARMI, Michael CARSWELL,John Patrick G.186 B.19 G.64 G.24 CARVER, Richmond Michael Power, Baron F.206, F.232, F.234, F.246, G.86, G.129 CASHMORE, Roger John CASSELS, James Macdonald CASTON, Geoffrey CASTON, Judy R. CATCHING UP WITH EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION FUND CATTERALL,John Ashley CAVENDISH, Andrew Robert Buxton, 11th Duke of Devonshire CAWKWELL, G. L. CENTRE FOR THE EVALUATION OF PUBLIC POLICY AND PRACTICE G.189 A.12, A.21, F.304 F.205, G.88 G.24 F.2-F.38 G.24 B.25 E.20 G.207 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 255 Index of correspondents CERN (EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH) CHADWICK, William Owen CHALKER, Lynda, Baroness CHAMBERS,Robert Guy CHANDLER, TonyJ. CHANTLER, Sir Cyril CHAPMAN, Brian CHAUDHARI, Rafi M. CHELSEA PHYSIC GARDEN CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CHESTER, Peter Francis CHIDAMBARAM, R. CHILVER, Sir (Amos) Henry CHORLEY, Roger Richard Edward, 2nd Baron CHULABHORN, Mahidol, Princess of Thailand CHURCHILL, Winston Spencer (b. 1940) F.29 G.231 F.332 G.74, G.84 A.116, G.46, G.64 G.125 See G.522, G.526 A.15 F.509 E.39 F.206, G.29 G.112 G.7, G.11 F.234, G.150 G.106, G.109 G.195 CITY TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM G.169, G.174 CLAPHAM, Sir Michael John Sinclair CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD CLARK,Donald W. CLARK,Michael CLARK, Timothy John Hayes CLARKE, Kenneth Harry CLARRICOATS, Peter John Bell CLAYTON, Sir Robert James CLEAVER, Sir Anthony Brian A.116 D.59, E.2 G.91 F.543 G.81 F.226, F.232, F.236, F.332, G.103, G.105 G.90 F.296, F.364 G.199, G.223 CLITHEROE, Ralph Assheton, 1st Baron See ASSHETON, Ralph B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 256 Index of correspondents CLOSE, Frank E. COALES, John Flavell COCKCROFT,Bill F.252 D.44 G.18 COCKCROFT,Sir John Douglas A.9, A.12, A.21, F.557, F.604, F.622 COHEN, Adrian COHN, Paul Moritz COLDSTREAM, Patrick COLERIDGE, David Ean COLLIER, John Gordon COLVIN, Michael Keith Beale COMMISSION ON ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE OF CHAIRMEN OF UNIVERSITY COUNCILS A.21 G.53 G.164 F.450 G.90, G.186 F.543 F.30 F.448 COMMITTEE OF ENQUIRY INTO THE ORGANISATION OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR F.31-F.67 COMMITTEE OF PROFESSORSIN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH COMMONERS (political organisation) COMMONWEALTH HUMAN ECOLOGY COUNCIL G.52 G.189 G.171 COMPUTER BOARD FOR UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH COUNCILS F.68-F.179 CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY CONRAN, Terence Orby CONSTITUTION UNIT CONTROL DATA LTD CONWAY, Gordon Richmond CONWAY, Hugh Graham COOK,Sir Alan Hugh COOK, Sir James Wilfred D.50, F.351, F.363, F.366, F.367, F.383, F.394 G.18 F.497, F.499, F.502, F.509, F.511 F.113 E.45, F.36, F.534, G.70, G.75, G.158, G.164, G.173, G.191, G.199, G.229, G.240 A.21, F.391 F.385 A.17 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 257 Index of correspondents COOK,Sir William Richard Joseph COOPER, Sir Frank COOPER, Sir William Mansfield CORFIELD, Sir Kenneth George CORNER, John CORNFORD, JamesPeters COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard A.9 F.275 A.8, A.12, A.14, A.17, A.19, A.116, B.1, B.2, B.10, B.14, F.69, F.76, F.89, F.118, F.124, F.348 A.116, G.38 See also F.595 A.12, G.102 F.490, F.499, G.94, G.182 A.9, A.116, B.9, F.198, F.206, F.355, F.361, F.364, F.372, F.631, F.648, G.153 COULSON, Charles Alfred A.8, A.12, F.381, F.391 COUNCIL FOR INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTES COUNCIL OF DEANS OF UK MEDICAL SCHOOLS AND FACULTIES COWAN, Charles Donald (‘Jeremy’) COX, Sir David Roxbee COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon G.102 G.182 F.37, F.38 G.89 A.117, G.145 F.117 COX, Harold Roxbee, Baron Kings Norton F.207, F.209, F.210, F.212 CRAIG, David Brownrigg, Baron F.264 CRANBROOK,Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 5th Earl of See HARDY, Gathorne, GATHORNE- CRAWFORD, Frederick William CREAMER, Brian G.47 A.116 CROSLAND, Charles Anthony Raven A.149, F.68, F.69, F.73, F.76 CROSS, Sir Barry Albert CROSS, R.B. CROSSLAND, Sir Bernard CROSSMAN, Richard Howard Stafford G.80 F.40 G.94 A.139 258 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 CSURGAY, Arpad CUFF, Gwen CULYER, AnthonyJ Index of correspondents F.8 G.230 F.263 CUMBERLEGE, Julia Frances, Baroness G.196, G.197, G.199 CUNNINGHAM, Catherine M. CUNNINGHAM, Sir Charles Craik CURTIS, A. CZIGANY, Magda D’AETH, Nicola DAHRENDOFPRF, Ellen G.148 D.59 See F.607 F.2, F.8 G.150, G.214 G.8 DAHRENDOFPRF, Ralf, Baron A.82, F.204, G.15, G.24, G.39, G.49 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron A.21, A.55, B.16, F.229, F.238, F.247, F.252, G.183, G.228 DAINTON, John B. DALITZ, Richard Henry DALYELL, Tam DANIEL,Sir John Sagar F.242 E.20, G.55, G.71 A.138, A.140, A.142 G.174, G.209, G.239 DAPHNE JACKSON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIPS TRUST F.455, F.481, F.494, G.201, G.204 DAVIES, Donald Watts DAVIES, Duncan S. DAVIES, Glyn Arthur Owen DAVIES, Graeme John DAVIES, John Emerson Harding DAVIES, R.G. DAVIES, Rodney Deane DAVIS, G.R. (‘Rex’) DAVIS, Sir John DAVIS, Sir Peter John F.105, F.111, F.112 F.377, F.379 See also F.590 F.599 F.332 F.351, F.357 F.220 B.19, B.21 G.46 G.65 G.183 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 259 Index of correspondents DAWSON, Sir Anthony Michael DAWSON, SandraJ. DEARING, Sir Ron (Ronald Ernest) DENNELL,Ralph DENTON, Jean, Baroness DERBYSHIRE, Andrew DESIGN COUNCIL DEVONS, Samuel DIAMOND, Jack DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY DILKS, David Neville DIPLOMATIC SCIENTIFIC CLUB DITCHBURN, Robert William DOBBS, Edwin Roland DOLLERY, Sir Colin Terence DONNACHIE, Alexander(‘Sandy’) DONNISON, David DOWIE, Mrs Robin DOWLING, Patrick DRASAR, Bo S. DREW, Robert L. DRISCOLL, Michael DRUCKER, Henry Matthew DUCKWORTH, Eric DUDLEY, Hugh Arnold Freeman DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley Charles G.164 F.278, G.204 F.31, F.472, F.478, F.480, F.483, G.242 B.9 F.235, F.237, F.239 G.23 F.231 A.8 A.8, A.55 G.172, G.174, G.178, G.179, G.192, G.194, G.220 G.140, G.141, G.146, G.150, G.153, G.162 D.276 A.10, A.13, A.21 G.102 D.345, F.335, F.340 B.15, B.28, G.83, G.86 A.55 F.216, F.217, G.135 G.216 F.342, F.346 F.647 G.227 F.501, F.503, F.504, G.192, G.194, G.199 F.450 G.68 A.55 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 260 Index of correspondents DUNNING, Norman DUNWORTH, John Vernon DURHAM, Sir Kenneth DYER, Sir Peter, SWINNERTON- DYNEVOR SCHOOL, SWANSEA EABORN, Colin A.10 A.13, A.21, F.349-F.355, F.357- F.370, F.373, F.375-F.381, F.383- F.385, F.387, F.389-F.394, F.418, F.419, F.602 G.45 F.273, G.47, G.69 D.476 A.56 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL G.122, G.169 EDEN, Nicholas, 2nd Earl of Avon EDEN, Robert Anthony, 1st Earl of Avon EDMONDS, Alan R. EDWARD,A.P.J. (‘Tony’) EDWARDS,MichaelE. EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) EGGAR, Timothy John Crommelin EGGINTON, Anthony Joseph EILON, Samuel EISNER, Thomas ELLIOTT,C.J. ELLIOTT, James Philip ELLIOTT, Sir Roger James F.208 A.148 E.2, G.159 See also G.474 G.141 G.149 A.56, F.576, F.597, G.24, G.29, G.33, G.169, G.179, G.186, G.455 F.445, F.448, F.450 F.221, G.111 A.118, F.500, G.83, G.462, G.452 F.219 G.180 See G.488 A.118, F.500, G.15, G.47 ELLIOTT-AUTOMATION COMPUTERS LTD F.119 ELLIS, Sir John Rogers A.118, G.4, G.9, G.59 ELTON, Lewis Richard Benjamin EMERY,Sir Peter Frank Hannibal EMERY,V.J. A.13 F.543 See G.471 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 261 Index of correspondents EMIR, Suhail Abdul ENGINEERING EMPOLYERS’ FEDERATION G.177 F.213 ENGLISH ELECTRIC-LEO-MARCONI COMPUTERS LTD F.72, F.76, F.134 ENGLISH, Sir Terence Alexander Hawthorne EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony ERMOLAEV,Alex M. ERROLL,Frederick James, 1st Baron Erroll of Hale EUROPEAN COMMITTEE AGAINST TAXING BOOKS EUROPEAN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM G.111 G.111 G.42, G.86 F.234 G.60 G.205 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION F.180-F.184, G.194, G.241 EVANS, William Emrys EVERETT, Douglas Hugh EYRE, Brian Leonard EZRA, Derek, Baron FABIAN SOCIETY FAIRBROTHER, Fred F.510, F.5114 F.365 G.164, G.192 E.43 D.51 A.12 FAIRCLOUGH, A.J. (‘Tony’) G.77, G.84, G.117 FAIRHURST,Harry M. FALK, Charles E. FARMER, Frank Reginald FASELLA, Paolo Maria FAY, James William John FEACHEM, Richard George Andrew FELLOWSHIP OF ENGINEERING FENDER, Brian Edward Frederick FENSTAD, Jens Erik FERRANTI, Basil Reginald Vincent Ziani de A.22, B.15 G.446 G.8 F.186, F.188, F.189, F.237, G.148 G.9 F.328-F.340, F.342, F.344, F.470, F.540 G.112 G.222, G.223 G.121 F.107 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 262 Index of correspondents FERRANTI LTD F.75 FERRERS, Robert WashingtonShirley, 13th Earl See SHIRLEY, Robert Washington FIELD, Gerry FIELDING, Sir Leslie FINANCIAL TIMES FINER, Samuel Edward FINNEY, David John A.57 G.105 D.59, E.59 See G.522 F.73, F.78, F.92, F.96, F.120, F.121, F.478, G.114, G.153 FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague (‘Monty’) A.22, A.119, F.355, F.391 FISH, Sir Hugh FISHENDEN, R. Martin FISHER, Sir Henry Arthur Pears FLATHER, Shreela, Baroness FLEMING, Marston Greig FLOWERS, Harold Joseph FLOWERS,M.V.(‘Madge’) FLOWERS, Mary FLOWERS (née BEHRENS), Mary Frances FLOWERS, Monica FOLEY,Gerald FOLLETT,Sir Brian Keith G.76 F.615, F.616 G.47 G.211 F.195 See A.153 See A.153, A.154 G.177 G.101, G.156 See STIFF (née FLOWERS), Monica E.40 B.29, G.182, G.186 FOOD HAZARD RESEARCH CENTRE, ENFIELD G.29 FORD, Sir Hugh FORT,Alec F. FORTY,Arthur John FOSKETT, Douglas John FOSTER, Hylton, Baroness FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A.57, G.47 F.460 G.91 G.67 A.151 G.232 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 263 Index of correspondents FOX, Diane, PATTERSON- F.280, F.285-F.287 FRANCE, Sir Christopher Walter FRANCE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION FRANCIS, William Lancelot F.339 G.121 A.22 FRANK,Sir (Frederick) Charles A.14, A.22 FRANKLIN, Norman Laurence FRANKLIN, Raoul Norman FREEMAN, Joan FREEMAN, Sir Ralph FREITAG, Edouard FRIENDS OF THE EARTH G.15 F.240 G.121 See F.590 G.41 G.118 FRIENDS OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM G.14 FRICKER, Peter G.168, G.191 FRIEDLANDER, Friedrick Gerrard FROHLICH, Herbert FRY, Donald William FRY, Thomas Maxwell FULTON, John Scott, Baron FUSSELL, James GABE, Miriam G. GABOR, Dennis GAILLE, Walter Bryce GAINSFORD, lan Derek GALLOWAY, John GARLAND, Peter Bryan GARTON, William Reginald Stephen G.473 A.12 A.10 A.13 F.204 G.149 See G.518 A.12 G.145 G.202 F.489 F.281 A.58 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 264 Index of correspondents GEC COMPUTERS & AUTOMATION LTD F.89 GEE, Geoffrey GEE, Ruth GENERAL POST OFFICE GEOGRAPHICAL CLUB GEORGE, Bruce Thomas GEORGHIOU, Luke GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICE GERSHON, Neil GIBBONS, Michael GIBBS, Peter A.12, B.7, F.361, F.365, F.366, F.373, F.378, F.385 F.36, F.39, F.42 F.130 G.128 F.207 G.148 G.146 F.290 G.52, G.168 G.101 GIFFARD, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury F.85, F.92, F.213, G.220 GILLIAT, Sir Martin John GILLON, Raanan Evelyn Zvi GINOCCHIO, J.N. GODDARD, Anthony J.H. GODDARD, Peter GODDIER, Jack GODFREY, Malcolm Paul Weston GODIN, Emmanuel GOFF, Robert Lionel Archibald, Baron GOLDANSKII, Vitali I. GOLDBERG, CarolElla GOLDBERG, David J. GOLDSMITH, Maurice G.102, G.108 F.285, F.288, F.293 G.70 F.274, G.90 G.224 A.145, A.146 A.120, F.553 G.174, G.178 G.61 G.102, G.169 See G.514 See G.511 B.18 See also F.534 GOLDSMITH’S COLLEGE, LONDON G.128, G.129, G.131, G.133 GOODMAN, CarolJ. G.132, G.146 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 265 Index of correspondents GOWER, Norman GOWING, Margaret Mary GRADE, Michael lan GRANT,Peter J. GRAY,Peter GRAYLING PUBLISHING SERVICES GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND G.222 G.6 G.6 A.120, G.90, G.450, G.451, G.459 G.140, G.219 G.166 DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION F.44, F.46, F.468 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT A.19, A.145, D.37,F.68, F.69, F.72, F.73, F.77,F.81, F.82, F.84, F.85, F.87, F.88, F.91, F.92, F.108, F.111, F.139, F.222, F.431, F.437, F.441, F.442, F.445, F.448, F.450, G.16 F.226, G.196, G.197, G.199 F.256, F.258, G.216, G.219,G.224, G.233 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY D.76, F.256, G.9 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT F.248, F.250 FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE F.542, F.547, F.553, G.63 HOUSE OF LORDS HOUSE OF LORDS SELECT COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.192-F.271 F.216-F.271 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE F.82, F.347, F.360-F.365 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY F.72, F.78 F.68, F.69, F.73, F.89, F.92, F.93, F.100, F.101, F.111, F.113, F.120, F.140, F.348, F.350-F.355, F.357, F.360-F.363, F.369, F.371, F.375, F.379, F.381, F.384, F.385, F.387, F.388 OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.256, F.258 GREEN ALLIANCE(political party) GREEN, Chris G.39 F.191 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 266 Index of correspondents GREEN, Sir Kenneth GREENBAUM, Sidney F.34 G.90, G.91, G.93, G.95, G.128 GREGORY,Richard Langton F.459, G.76, G.142, G.145, G.146 GREGSON, John, Baron GREGSON, Sir Peter Lewis GRIFFIN, Vera G. GRIFFITH, Caroline Aydon GROOTENHUIS, Peter GUARDIAN GUGELOT,P.C. (‘Ken’) GUMMER,, John Selwyn GUNN, Sir John Currie G.83 F.256 F.618, F.620, F,622 G.197, G.199, G.201, G.209, G.226 A.120 G.21 F.575 G.201, G.204, G.205, G.229, G.231 A.58 HABGOOD, John Stapylton, Archbishop of York F.341, F.344 HAINES, Tony A.121 HALE, Dame Brenda Marjorie F.446, F.461, F.463, F.481, F.482, F.483, F.495, F.510 HALL, David Oakley HALL, Geoffrey Ronald HALL, Henry Edgar HALL, Irene HALL, Sir Noel Frederick HALL, Peter D. HALL, William Bateman HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, 3rd Earl of HAMBURGER, Sir Sidney Cyril HAMLIN, Michael HAMMERSLEY,John Michael G.125 A.59 B.6, B.13 F.521 A.12 A.14, A.59, F.111 E.22 See GIFFARD, John Anthony Hardinge B.15 G.91 See G.471 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 267 Index of correspondents HAMMOND, Roger HANCOCK,Sir David John Stowell HANCOX, Roger HANDLER,Philip HANKINS, Harold Charles Arthur G.7 F.498 G.147 G.7 G.212 HANSEN, Otto, KOFOED- F.570, F.575 HANWORTH, David Bertram Pollock, 2nd Viscount See POLLOCK, David Bertram HARDY, Gathorne, GATHORNE-, 5th Earl of Cranbrook HARPER, John Lander HARRIS, Sir Alan James HARRIS, Martin Best F.220 F.219 A.121, G.18, G.37 B.15-B.21, B.23-B.29, G.99, G.152, G.157, G.195 HARRISON, Sir David F.31, F.246, G.228 HARRISON, Sir Richard John HARROP, Sir Peter John HARTCUP, Guy HARTLEY, Brian Selby HARTLEY, Sir Frank F.219 G.37 G.7 F.596, G.5 A.121, G.74, G.77, G.84 HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer D.58, D.59 HARVEY,lan HASSELL, Michael Patrick HAWKE, Robert James Lee HAWKINS, Harold C.A. HAWTHORNE, Sir William Rede HAYMAN, Walter Kurt G.133, G.135, G.146, G.148, G.155, G.156, G.172, G.194 E.45 G.121, G.132 G.214 A.59 A.121 HAYTER, Paul David Grenville F.236, G.211 HAZELL, Robert John Davidge F.495, F.497, F.499, F.502, F.511 HEALEY, Denis Winston, Baron A.149, F.347 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 268 Index of correspondents HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George HEDGECOE, John HELE, J.A. KING- HELMERS, Klaus HENDERSON, Sir Peter Gordon HERBERT,E.J. (‘Ted’) HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY HERITIER, Adrienne Windhoff HERMAN, Ros HERZBERG, Gerhard HERZENBERG, A. HERZIG, Chris F.631 A.121 See G.516 See G.498 G.31 G.125 F.84, F.123 G.165 G.194 A.12 F.577 F.643 HESELTINE, Michael Ray Dibdin F.208, F.529, F.533, F.535 HIDE, Raymond HIGGINS, Julia Stretton HIGGINSON, Sir Gordon Robert HIGHER EDUCATION G.84, G.88 G.213, G.214 F.35, F.38 E.60 HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND F.31-F.33, F.36-F.39, F.42-F.46, G.204, G.222, G.223 HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY COUNCIL HILDEBRAND, Ed HILL, Christina B.T. HILL, Sir John McGregor HILL, Oscar HINTON, Christopher, Baron HIRSCH, Sir Peter Bernhard HOARE, Charles Anthony Richard HOARE, Janet G.180 G.215 G.120 F.628, F.630, F.632, F.634, F.638, F.643-F.646, F.648 G.88, G.187 D.76 F.212, G.15, G.33, G.119 G.11 G.182 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 269 Index of correspondents HOFF, Harry Summerfield HOFFENBERG, Sir RaymondBill F.619 G.37 HOFFMANN, Ernst G.110, G.120, G.121 HOGGETT, Brenda Marjorie See HALE, Dame Brenda Marjorie HOLLAND, Sir Geoffrey. HOLLAND, Walter Werner HOLLIDAY, Sir Frederick George Thomas HOLT, John Riley HOLTER, Heinz HOLTON, Gerald HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY HOOPER, F.J. HOPKINS, Harold Horace HORLOCK,Sir John Harold HORVATH, TamasD. HOUGHTON, Sir John Theodore HOWARD, Donald Euan Palmer, 4th Baron Strathcona and MountRoyal HOWARD, Michael HOWARTH, Alan Thomas HOWE, Richard Edward Geoffrey, Baron HOWELL, David Arthur Russell HOWIE, Robert Andrew HOWIE, William, Baron HOWLETT, Jack HUBBARD, Geoffrey HUBER, P. F.468 F.234, G.183 G.42, G.93, G.94 G.155, G.194 D.66 G.20 F.185-F.191 B.27 A.13 A.59 F.3-F.8, F.10-F.12 G.124, G.223 F.192 F.533 F.222, F.242, F.441, G.125 F.493 G.8 A.121 F.259 A.10, E.30, F.116, F.614 G.29 F.300, F.304-F.306, F.308-F.310 HUGHES, Cledwyn, Baron F.234 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 270 Index of correspondents HUGHES, Meredydd Glyn HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A.15 G.214, G.219 HUNGARIAN ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE F.13-F.19 HUNGARY MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND EDUCATION F.2, F.6, F.12, F.16 HUNT,J. Andrew HUNTER, Robert Brockie, Baron HURD, Douglas Richard, Baron HUSBAND, Tim HUSSEY, Marmaduke James HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding IBBS, Sir (John) Robin IBM (UNITED KINGDOM) LTD F.472 F.206 F.538, G.19 G.90 G.180, G.182 F.599, G.237 A.122, G.83 F.88, F.116 IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON A.49, A.55, D.65, D.267, F.85, F.88, F.111, F.114, F.115, F.272-F.294, G.46 IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM, LONDON INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY INDEPENDENT TELEVISION NEWS LTD INFORMATION FOR ALL INGRAM, David John Edward G.14, G.15 G.207, G.208 F.225 F.265 G.111 INSKIP, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote F.234, F.246, F.247, F.249, F.515, F.517 INSTITUT RUDER BOSKOVIC, ZAGREB, YUGOSLAVIA INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, USA INSTITUTE FRANCAIS DU ROYAUME-UNI INSTITUTE OF AQUACULTURE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTS F.566 G.276 G.35 G.183 F.458 F.506 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 271 Index of correspondents INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS A.12, D.99, E.31, E.32, F.295- F.297, G.142, G.146, G.162, G.169, G.171, G.214, G.237 INSTITUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS F.209, F.213, F.215 INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL MANAGERS AND SPECIALISTS INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY G.175 G.191 G.90 INTERNATIONAL COMPUTERS AND TABULATORS LTD F.69, F.76, F.111, F.140 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS F.298-F.310 IRVINE, John IRVINE, John Maxwell IRVINE, Miles ISHAM, Chris IZBICHI, John JACKSON, Daphne F. JACKSON, Robert F. JACKSON, Robert Victor JACKSON, Willis, Baron JAHN, Hermann Arthur JAMES, J.F. JAMES, Oliver JAMES, Robert Rhodes JAMESON, Graeme J. JAPAN TRADE CENTRE, LONDON G.9 B.16, F.35, F.41, F.229, G.22, G.72, G.108, G.133, G.202 G.192 G.206 G.135 G.92 B.21, F.502 G.59, G.64, G.65, G.101 A.23, F.78 A.8 See G.493 A.13 A.123, G.124 G.458 G.99 JARRETT, Sir Alex (Alexander Anthony) F.452, G.208 JAY, Kenneth JEFFERS, John Norman Richard A.12 E.45 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 272 Index of correspondents JEFFREYS, Sir Alec John F.454 JELLICOE, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe F.231, F.239, F.240, G.88, G.180 JENKIN, Charles Patrick Fleeming, Baron F.485, F.543, G.148 JENNINGS, Sir John Southwood JENNINGS, Roger D. JENNISON, Roger C. JEVONS, Frederic Raphael G.206 F.251 A.12 A.23, B.8, B.9, B.10 See also G.495 JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD(publishers) E.21-E.24, G.37, G.46 JOHNS, David John JOHNSON, Elizabeth A. JOHNSON, Michael JOHNSON, Ronald C. JOHNSON, William JOHNSTON, Derek F. F.32, F.33, F.40 F.455, F.481, F.494, G.140, G.158 G.84 G.498 B.19 See G.487, G.489, G.493 JOHNSTON, ThomasLothian F.535, F.553 JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH G.94 JONES, Andrew, MILLAR- JONES, Cliff B. JONES, Sir Ewart Ray Herbert (‘Tim’) JONES, Frank, LLEWELLYN- JONES, Frederick, ELWYN-, Baron JONES, G.A. JONES, Harry JONES, Sir Lewis JONES, Rod Rhys JONES, Roger S. JONES, William Francis Kenrick, WYNNE-, Baron G.136, G.145 B.17, B.19, B.23, B.24 A.23, A.60, E.20 A.60 A.79 See G. 478 A.13 A.17 E.58 G.155 F.74 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 273 Index of correspondents JOSEPH, Keith Sinjohn, Baron JOST, H. Peter JOYCE, Elisabeth JUDD, Dave KAPITZA, Sergei KAY,Clifford KAYE, Greg KAYE (née CUTLER), Lady Elizabeth KAYE, Sir Emmanuel KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron KEDDIE, Alistair KELLGREN, Jonas Henrik (‘Jonki’) KELLY, Anthony KEMMER,, Nicholas KENNAWAY,Alexander KENNEDY,Charles Peter KENNEDY,lan M. A.123, G.31, G.38, G.39, G.45, G.47, G.55 F.251, F.528, F.529, F.536-F.538, F.542, F.543, F.545, F.547-F.549, F.551, F.553, F.555, G.118 F.44 G.39 G.35, G.37 B.15, G.162 G.130 G.71 G.149 G.149 G.179, G.188 G.192 A.61, F.43, F.376, F.389, G.119, G.128 A.12 A.124 G.178 F.475 KENNET, Wayland Hilton Young, 2nd Baron See YOUNG, Wayland Hilton KENYON, Christopher KENYON, Sir George Henry KEOHANE, Kevin William KEREKES, Peter KERR, David KEYBOARD TRAINING HOLDINGS LTD B.21, B.23 A.12 A.61, F.471 G.212 G.138 F.92 KIBBLE, Thomas Walton Bannerman F.274, F.295, G.132, G.468 KILBURN, Tom F.79, F.105 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 274 Index of correspondents KILMARNOCK,Alastair Ivor Gilbert Boyd, 7th Baron See BOYD, Alastair Ivor Gilbert KILNLE, Paul KING, David Anthony G.108 G.164 KING EDWARD’S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON G.103, G.108 KING, R.W. G.220 KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles A.124, G.29, G.45, G.134 KING’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE G.221 KINGS NORTON, Harold Roxbee Cox, Baron See COX, Harold Roxbee KIRK, Alan KIRKWOOD, David Harvie, 3rd Baron KNILL, Sir John Lawrence KNOX, Julian J. KOGAN, Maurice KOHLER, Karin KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KORNHAUSER,, Aleksandra KOSARY, Domokos KRONBERGER, Hans F.89, F.118 F.258 A.124, F.205, F.208, G.60, G.101, G.140, G.173, G.176, G.180, G.201, G.236 G.37 G.199 G.142 F.254, F.426, F.437, F.449, F.461, F.467, G.9, G.16 G.125, G.170 G.214, G.219 A.138, F.352, F.365, F.373, F.377, F.380 See also B.14, D.59 KRONBERGER, Zoé Esther G.1, G.2, G.3, G.226 KURER, Peter F. KURTI, Nicholas LAING, Sir (John) Martin (Kirby) LAJTHA, Laszlo George LANE, Anthony Milner B.25 A.12, A.24, F.110, F.419, G.76, G.152, G.172 G.228 F.570 See F.615, G.470 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 LANG, lan Bruce LASKI, John G. LASKO, Peter Erik LASLETT, L. Jackson 275 Index of correspondents F.264 F.75, F.120 A.125 A.13 LAUDERDALE, Patrick Francis Maitland, 17th Earl of See MAITLAND, Patrick Francis LAVER, Frederick John Murray F.73, F.75, F.89, F.92, F.93, F.111, F.113 LAWRENCE, Nocholas LAWSON, John David LEARMOUTH, I.A. LEE, Eugene C. LEHMAN, Meir (‘Manny’) LEIBNITZ, Heinz, MAIER- LEQUESNE, Leslie Philip LESLIE, Drummond LESSOFF, Maurice Hart LEVERHULME TRUST LEVY, John F. LEWIS, Jack, Baron LEY, Stephen Victor LI, Andrew LICHFIELD, Nathaniel LICKLEY, Sir Robert Lang LIDIARD, Alan B. G.22 G.155, G.171 F.613, G.476 G.90 A.125 G.11, G.50 A.125, G.37 A.125 A.125 G.104, G.115, G.123, G.127, G.137, G.143, G.161, G.162, G.165 A.125 B.16, F.264, G.129, G.206, G.229 G.90 F.185, F.186 G.88 G.37 G.4 LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James F.358, F.365, F.367, G.73 LILLEY, Peter Bruce LINDLEY, John LINDOP, Patricia Joyce F.227 A.125 F.639, F.575 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 276 Index of correspondents LIONS, J.L. LIPSON, Henry Solomen LITTING, C.N.W. LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE LLEWELLYLN, Sir (Frederick) John LLOYD, Gerran, Baron LLOYD, Sir lan Stewart G.153 A.24 See G.513, G.521, G.523, G.527, G.528 G.235 F.196 A.125 F.209, F.210, F.220, F.222, F.227, F.236, F.237, F.544, G.109, G.128, G.183 LLOYD’S OF LONDON TERCENTENARY FOUNDATION F.311-F.327 LOGAN, Sir Douglas William LOISELLE, Gilles LOMER,, William Michael F.69, F.72, F.73, F.78-F.80, F.82- F.90, F.95, F.97, F.99, F.100, F.102, F.103, F.105, F.106, F.110, F.111, F.113, F.115, F.117, G.35 F.201 F.382, F.605-F.608, F.610, F.614, G.90, G.147 LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL LONDON DIPLOMATIC SCIENCE CLUB LONDONINSTITUTE OF WORLD AFFAIRS LONDON LIGHTHOUSE G.190 G.180 E.61 G.145 LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE F.328-F.346 LONDON STUDENT RADIO G.180, G.182 LONDON WEEKEND TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS LONG, F.A. LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen LORD CHANCELLOR’S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON JUSTICES OF THE PEACE LORD, William Burton Housley LOSTY, Howard Harold Walter G.184 F.573 A.12 G.57 F.82 G.31 LOVELL,Sir (Arthur Charles) Bernard A.8, A.12, A.24, B.14, B.16, G.174 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 277 Index of correspondents LUCE, Sir Richard Napier G.153, G.156 LUST, Reimar LUTZ, Jeffrey G.93, G.95, G.97, G.102 F.247, F.249, F.456 McCARTHY,Dennis N. MACDONALD, David Keith Chalmers McEWEN, Ewen MacFARLANE, Alistair George James MacFARLANE, Sir George Gray MacFARLANE, Malcolm H. McGRATH, Brian MacGREGOR, John Roddick Russel MACKAY, James Peter Hymess, Baron McKEE, Martin MacKENZIE, lan S.G. MACKEY,Alan F.248 A.12 A.126 G.239 D.81 G.504 See also G.507, G.527 G.95 G.105 F.430 F.2 F.614 G.64 McLAREN, Dame Anne Laura F.262, G.164 MacMILLAN, Alexander Daniel Alan, 2nd Earl of Stockton F.456 McMILLAN, Jim McNICOL, George MacPHERSON, lan F.C. MacRORY, Richard Brabazon MADDOCK, Sir leuan MADDOxX, John MAHANONDA, Pharani MAHER, Ena MAHLER,, Kurt MAIBAUM, Thomas Stephen Edward B.16, F.247 G.138 F.185, G.152 A.126, F.273, F.278, F.286 F.360, F.368, F.369, F.590 F.9 G.128 G.38 A.12 G.106 B.H. Flowers . NCUACS 76/5/98 278 Index of correspondents MAITLAND, Patrick Francis, 17th Earl of Lauderdale F.212 MAJOR, John MAKEPEACE, Jennie MAKEPEACE, John MAKHUBU, Lydia P. MAKINS, Roger Mellor, Baron Sherfield MALLARD, John MALLINSON, Anne MALPAS, Robert MANDL,Franz MANN, John MANNERKOSKI, Markku MARCER,, Peter J. MARK TWAIN JOURNAL MARSHALL,Robin MARSHALL, Walter Charles, Baron MARSHAM, Thomas Nelson MASLOW, Andrew MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASON, Sir David Kean MASON, Sir Frank Trowbridge MASON, Paul James MASON, Sir Ronald MASSEY, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson F.226, F.241, F.248, F.251, F.261, F.435, G.195, G.223 G.95 G.95, G.102, G.103 G.196 A.49, A.62, A.126, F.193, F.197, F.203, F.205, F.209, F.210, F.219, F.228, F.260, G.6, G.222 See also F.596 F.229 G.91 G.153 A.63, B.17, E.21, E.22, G.231 F.521 G.133 G.39 A.76 B.29 A.25, A.63, E.20, F.220, F.222, F.375, F.592, F.603, F.610, F.613, F.615-F.617, F.634, F.637, F.641, F.642, G.11, G.14, G.199, G.200, G.442, G.458 See also G.480 G.8 G.45 B.15, B.18, G.8, G.226 G.184 F.361, F.375, F.378 G.209 A.63, G.35, G.193 A.140 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 279 Index of correspondents MATHER, Sir William Loris MATHESON, Johnathan A.L. MATONIS, Anne T. G.12 G.472 G.156 MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton A.25, A.63, G.29 MATTHEWS, Robert Charles Oliver F.426, F.433, F.437, F.446, F.464, F.470 MAUDE, Gillian H. MAWHINNEY, Brian Stanley MAY, Robert McCredie MAYNE, David Quinn F.341 F.423, F.478 F.249, F.499, F.514, G.154, G.202, G.204, G.212, G.214 See also F.519 A.126 See also F.593 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.84, F.94, F.229, G.212 MEE, Peter MELVILLE, Sir Harry Work MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg F.272, F.292, F.293 A.20, A.25 A.12, D.43 MENDOZA, Eric B. E.21-E.23, G.31, G.37, G.46, G.52 MENON, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar (‘Goku’) G.112 MENTER, Sir James Woodham A.22, A.126 MERRISON, Sir Alec (Alexander Walter) A.25, G.14, G.18, G.24, G.29 MERRISON, Andria G.155 MERRISON(née BARRY), Lady Maureen Michele G.80, G.172, G.178, G.187, G.199 METCALFE, J.S. METROPOLITAN POLICE, FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY MEYER, Niels I. MEYER, Wolfgang MEYERSON, Martin MICHIE, Donald B.15 F.250 D.66 G.68 G.109, G.239 F.71-F.73, F.76 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 280 Index of correspondents MILLAR, T.B. MILLER, Sir Peter North G.99 F.246, F.316, F.320, F.322, F.323, F.325, F.327 MILLING, Michael Crowley, CROWLEY- G.129, G.131, G.146, G.149 MILLINS, Tony MINERVA(publishers) MITCHELL,Sir (Edgar) William (John) MLADJENOVIC, Milorad MLADJENOVIC, Nebojsa MONTEFIORE, Hugh William MOON, Philip Burton MOORE, DerekWilliam MOREH, Raymond MORGAN, Mary MORNING STAR MORRIS, Alfred MORRIS, Sir (James) Richard (Samuel) MORTON, Keith William MORTON, Sir (Robert) Alistair (Newton) MOSS, Norman MOTT,Sir Nevill Francis G.175, G.179, G.183 G.173 A.63, G.94, G.95, G.100, G.102 See also F.594 F.566, G.188, G.202 G.202 D.76 A.12, A.63, F.304 G.90 G.505 G.103, G.106, G.194 E.37 G.211 F.448, F.465, F.489, G.152, G.156, G.173, G.188, G.206, G.222, G.223, G.226, G.227, G.229, G.233, G.234, G.239, G.240 F.89, F.126 F.527 G.11 A.12, A.140, A.156, E.2, F.452, F.557, F.562, F.564-F.567, F.569, F.571, F.572, F.576, F.578, G.202 MOTTELSON, Ben F.222, G.128 MOTTISTONE, David Peter Seely, 4th Baron See SEELY, David Peter MULLER, S. MULLETT,Leslie Baden MULVEY, John H. G.139 F.608, F.609, G.182 F.263 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 281 Index of correspondents MUNRO, Charles N., WATSON- MURRAY, Gillian MURRAY, Peter MUSGRAVE, Gerald NABARRO, David G.99 G.497, G.501 F.521 F.32 F.344 NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes A.14, G.211 NAIRNE, Sir Patrick Dalmahoy F.442, F.465, F.475, F.479, F.486, F.492, F.498, F.503, F.505 NASSIBIAN, George F.608, F.609 NATHAN, Roger Carol Michael, 2nd Baron F.201, F.208, F.209, F.212, G.120, G.220 NATIONAL ENERGY FOUNDATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN NUCLEAR SCIENCE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, LONDON NATURE NAYLER, Winifred S. NAYLOR, Paul F.D. F.425 F.611 F.348-F.422 F.38, G.146 F.218 E.62, F.9 G.178 G.28 NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield A.64, A.148, D.76 NEEDHAM, Joseph NE’ EMAN, Yuval NEW SCIENTIST NEWBY, Howard Joseph NEWELL, Jane NEWMAN, B.H. NICHOLAS, Sir David A.73 G.466 E.29, E.63, G.24, G.185, G.188, G.191 F.495, G.174, G.192, G.219 G.235 A.12 F.225 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 282 Index of correspondents NICHOLSON, David L. NICHOLSON, Edward Max NICHOLSON, EmmaHarriet NICHOLSON, Robin NIGHTINGALE, Michael NIXON, Sir Edwin Ronald NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY A.64 G.80 F.542, F.543 G.35, G.46, G.47 A.127 G.31 E.2 NORTH LONDONTRAINING & ENTERPRISE COUNCIL G.176 NORTH WEST TECHNOLOGY CENTRE G.172, G.174 NORWEGIAN ACADEMYOF SCIENCE AND LETTERS G.146 NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PLC NUFFIELD ADVANCED MATHEMATICS NUFFIELD COUNCIL ON BIOETHICS NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NYHOLM, Sir Ronald Sydney OBERMANN, Carl O’CARROLL, Maura G.164, G.175 F.488 F.442, F.448, F.455, F.456, F.459, F.465, F.467, F.475, F.476, F.478, F.479, F.484-F.486, F.492, F.503, F.505 F.256, F.423-F.522 F.375 See G.495 G.148 OGILVIE, Dame Bridget Margaret F.260, F.263, G.228, G.229 OLD DY’VORIANS ASSOCIATION OLDHAM, Geoffrey O'NEILL, Onora Sylvia OPEN UNIVERSITY O’REILLY, Francis Joseph OSBORN, Frederic Adrian Derek Osborn OSBORN, Sir John Holbrook OUROUSOFF, Alexandra G.35 G.93 F.515 G.239 G.77, G.78 F.505 F.258 G.173 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 283 Index of correspondents OVERSEAS STUDENT TRUST G.149 OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron A.151, G.150, G.184, G.185 OWEN, Omig P. B.21, B.23 OXBURGH,, Sir (Ernest) Ronald F.276, F.277, F.285, F.286, F.288- F.290, F.294, G.152 OXFORD PHILANTHROPIC LTD F.501, F.503, F.504, G.192, G.194 OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP OXFORD TELEVISION COMPANY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS F.234, G.34 G.242 E.64 PAGE, Ewan Stafford F.79, F.89, F.113 PAGET,(Elizabeth) Shirley Vaughan, Marchionessof Anglesey A.128, G.6, G.11, G.50, G.53, G.86, G.109, G.169, G.170, G.219, G.220, G.234 PALETHORPE, Lynn B.21, B.28, B.29 PALMER, John Roundell, 4th Earl of Selborne F.260, F.263-F.265, F.283 PARKER, Sir Peter PARKER, William Charles PARKINSON, JackD. G.169, G.172 G.9 G.124 PARLIAMENTARYAND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE F.236, F.523-F.556 PARLIAMENTARY WIVES FOR THE RELEASE OF SOVIET JEWRY G.52 PARRY, G. PARTRIDGE, Sir Michael John Anthony PASHLEY,Donald William See G.482 G.197 G.10 PATEL, Indraprasad Gordhaubhai A.128, G.102, G.112 PATTEN, Christopher Francis PATTIE, Sir Geoffrey Edwin PAUL,Eric PAXMAN, Jeremy Dickson G.148 F.462 See G.510 G.79 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 284 Index of correspondents PEART, ThomasFrederick, Baron PEART, Sir (William) Stanley PEASE, Rendel Sebastian PECKHAM, Michael PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst PELDENIK, Janez PELLEW, Jill PENNEY, William George, Baron PERERA, Katharine PERRY, Pauline, Baroness PERRY, Walter, Baron PETER, D. Keith PETERS, Sir (David) Keith PETO,Richard PEYER, David de PHILLIPS, Sir Cyril Henry PHILLIPS, David Chilton, Baron PHILLIPS, Trevor PHILLIPS, W.R. PHYSICS WORLD PICK, Joan Margaret PICKAVANCE, Thomas Gerald PICTON, Glyn PILKINGTON, Sir Alastair (Lionel Alexander Bethune) PILKINGTON, Ruth J. PINKER, Robert Arthur PIPPARD,Sir (Alfred) Brian A.79 G.45 G.39, G.97, G.99, G.205 See also F.590 F.231 F.300, G.8, G.13, G.51, G.190 F.125 F.280, F.281 A.9, A.12, A.49, D.65, F.373, F.572, F.612, F.618, F.621, F.622 B.25 F.245, F.262, G.169 See F.598 F.323 G.193 G.168 G.194 A.128 F.265 G.239 B.20 G.77 F.224, G.196 F.306, F.625 G.196, G.208 G.45 G.116 F.481 A.12 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 285 Index of correspondents PIRIE, Sir Gordon Hamish Martin PLAIN ENGLISH CAMPAIGN PLASTOW, Sir David Arnold Stuart PLATT, Beryl Catherine, Baroness PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward Wilder PLEASANCE, Simon PLOWDEN, Lady Bridget Horatia PLOWDEN, Edwin Noel, Baron PLUMB, Charles Henry, Baron POINTON, A.J. POLLOCK,David Bertram, 2nd Viscount Hanworth PONSONBY,Frederick Edward Nenflize (‘Eric’), 10th Earl of Bessborough PONSONBY, ThomasArthur, 3rd Baron POPE, Sir Joseph Albert POPE, Rosalind PORTER, George, Baron POSNER, Michael Vivian POWELL, Cecil Frank POWELL, Peter POWELL, Veronica PRATT,Peter L. PREBBLE, John PRICE, William Charles (‘Bill’) PRICE, William Geraint PRIOR, A.N. PRYOR, Pat G.37 B.21, B.26 F.553 F.435 A.128 G.17 G.6 F.211 F.445 F.46 F.194, F.202 F.246, G.141 F.192 A.65 See G.492 A.17, A.128, F.219, F.291, G.46, G.93 A.128, F.209, F.242, F.243, G.168 A.12, A.25, F.569 F.231 G.142 A.128 G.222 G.14 F.240 F.577 A.128 PUGWASH CONFERENCESON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS F.557-F.579 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 286 Index of correspondents PULLAN, Brian S. QUAYLE, John Rodney QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY, BELFAST QUIRK, Charles Randolph, Baron RADCLIFFE TRUST RADICE, Tom E. RALFE, Michael RAMAVATARAM, Sathyavathi RAMPTON, Sir Jack RANK PRIZE FUNDS RAPHAEL,David RATCLIFFE, Frederick William RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RAVETZ, Jerome R. RAWCLIFFE, Gordon Hindle RAYNER, Derek George, Baron RAYNER, Tim READ, Douglas M. READ, Frank H. REDICKER, Claus-Henning REES, David Allan (‘Dai’) REES, Merlyn, Baron REEVE, Suzanne REID, R.P. RENFREW, Andrew Colin, Baron B.24 A.129 F.89 B.25, B.26, G.9, G.37, G.45, G.50, G.95,G.159, G.164, G.184, G.185 G.42, G.45, G.55 G.41 G.70 See G.503 F.636 G.55 G.467 B.16 A.12, A.26 G.159, G.160 A.65 G.95 G.211, G.216, G.237, G.239 G.71, G.73 B.15, G.33 G.78 F.229, G.118, G.186 G.153 G.152 G.83 G.7 RENWICK, Harry Andrew, 2nd Baron F.235, G.218 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 287 Index of correspondents RESEARCH DEFENCE SOCIETY RESEARCH INTO AGEING REVIEW BODY ON TOP SALARIES RHIND, David RHODES, Frank H.T. RHYS JONES CONSULTANTS RICHARDS, Elfryn John RICHARDS, Sir Rex Edward RICHARDSON, Irene RICHARDSON, W.N.B. RICHETT, Sir Raymond RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry RIMINGTON, DameStella RINSLER, NormaS. RITCHIE, Harold Malcolm, 5th Baron ROBBINS, Eric John ROBERTS, Derek Harry ROBERTS, Gareth Gwyn G.118 G.179 F.211 G.62 G.60, G.181, G.182 G.106, G.108 A.26, F.380, F.383 F.137, F.115, G.137, G.161, G.162, G.165 A.130, G.24 G.7, G.15 G.84, G.88 B.15, B.17, F.222, F.232, F.233, F.256, G.86, G.128, G.131, G.186, G.214 G.173 F.33, F.38, F.46 G.172 See F.623, F.624, G.493, G.524 G.47, G.202 G.168, G.172, G.173, G.193, G.194, G.235, G.237 ROBERTS, Keith F.69, F.73 ROBERTS, Lewis Edward John ROBERTSON, W.S. ROBINSON, Freda ROBINSON, Geoffrey ROBINSON, Geoffrey Walter ROBSON, Sir Hugh Norwood ROCHESTER, George Dixon G.11 G.7 G.103 F.212 F.259 A.66 A.15 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 288 Index of correspondents RODGERS, William, Baron RODIN, Yuri L. ROE, Anthony Maitland ROENGPITHYA, Viphandh ROGERS, M.H. ROLT, Don A. ROOKE, Sir Denis Eric ROSE, Basil ROSE, J. ROSENBROCK,Howard Harry ROSS, David R. ROSSER, Lady Margaret ROTBLAT,Sir Joseph G.134 G.64 F.220 F.284, G.109, G.128, G.197, G.227, G.231 See G.511, G.512 F.251 F.462, G.92, G.116 F.616, F.625, F.626 F.84 D.58, F.593 F.342 G.158 F.562, F.571, F.577, F.578, G.51, G.193, G.194, G.208 ROTHERHAM, Leonard A.10, D.59, G.47 ROTHSCHILD, Hon. Miriam Louisa F.219-F.221, G.101, G.133, G.216 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron A.49, A.150, D.76, G.43, G.50, G.51, G.439-G.469 ROTHSCHILD VENTURE LTD G.112 ROYAL COLLEGE OF NURSING G.180, G.181, G.182 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ASSOCIATION F.280-F.283, G.79, G.106 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION F.580-F.587, G.37, G.165, G.193, G.194, G.209 ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREATBRITAIN ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY ROYAL SOCIETY D.46 G.233, G.240 A.75 A.12-A.15, F.302, F.304-F.306, F.309, F.351, F.355, F.363, F.364, F.367, F.380, F.588-F.599, G.228 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS F.599, G.121 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 289 Index of correspondents ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS, NORTH WEST REGION BRANCH RUBERTI, Antonio RUISLER, Norma RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCE B.19 F.254 G.91 F.547 RUTHERFORD, Andrew RUTTER, Sir Michael Llewellyn RUTTERFORD, Lionel RYAN, John W. RYLE, Sir Martin SALAM, Abdus SALISBURY,AndrewJ. SALOMON, Jean-Jacques SALTER, John SALTER, Stephen H. SAMET,Paul A. SANDIFORD, David SARABHAI, Vikram A. SARGENT,Roger William Herbert SAUNDERS (née MCKECHNEY), Lady Marion Isabel F.346, G.121, G.139 F.454, F.455, F.508 F.642, G.460 G.180 F.363, F.366 A.12, A.67, G.84 F.534 G.28 F.510 G.22 F.73, F.203 B.27, E.21 F.131 G.458 G.174 SAUNDERS, Sir Owen Alfred F.85, F.88, F.111, F.114, F.115 SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE SAXON, Anthony SAXON, David F.228 G.108 See G.506 SAYERS, Bruce McArthur F.282, F.283, G.55, G.83, G.190 SCARMAN, Leslie George, Baron SCHAFER, John F., SHARPEY- SCHELLENBERG, Joanna R.M.A. F.205 F.233 F.341 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 290 Index of correspondents SCHIFFER, John P. SCHNEIDER, Christoph SCHOFIELD, Peter SCHON, Frank, Baron SCHONLAND, Sir Basil Ferdinand Jamieson F.222 G.9 See G.502 F.204 F.604 SCHOOL CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY F.46 SCIAMA, Dennis SCIENCE SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCOTT, Sir David SCOTT, John Fraser SEARBY,NormanH. G.18 E.28 A.19-A.29, B.10, B.11, D.48, F.88, F.386 G.86 G.55 F.75 SEEAR, Beatrice Nancy, Baroness A.82, G.45 SEEBOARD PLC SEELY, David Peter, 4th Baron Mottistone SEGAL, Anthony W. G.165 F.223 F.345 SELBORNE, John Roundell Palmer, 4th Earl of See PALMER, John Roundell SELLSCHOP, J.P.F. SHACKELTON, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron SHANLEY,Diarmuid B. SHARMA, Dhirendra SHAW, D.C. SHAW,Rory J. SHEGOG, R.F.A. SHELDON, Robert Edward SHEMILT, John SHEPHERD, lan Wingate G.193 F.236 F.481 G.52 B.29 F.294 A.26, E.19 F.238 G.41 G.478 See also G.481, G.483, G.507, G.509, G.511 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 291 Index of correspondents SHEPPARD, Peter A. A.67 SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron See MAKINS, Roger Mellor SHERRINGTON, David See F.597 SHIFA-UL-MULK MEMORIAL CHARITABLE TRUST SHILLINGFORD, John Parsons SHILS, Edward SHIRLEY, Robert Washington, 13th Earl Ferrers SHOENBERG, David SHORE, Peter David G.88 G.68 G.29 F.485 A.12 F.200, F.648 SIEFF, Marcus Joseph, Baron A.67, A.111, A.150, G.4, G.18 SIEGBAHN, Kai SILBERSTAN, Zangwill Aubrey SILMAN, Alan J. SILVERLEAF, Alexander SIMPSON, Oliver SIMS, Howard SINCLAIR, Craig SINCLAIR, Leonard SINGH, Virendra SIZEWELL B INQUIRY SECRETARIAT F.298-F.301 A.131, G.467 B.24, B.26 F.353, F.355 A.26, F.359, F.374, F.390 G.141 G.60 F.283, G.238 G.112 G.26 SKEHEL,John J. G.114, G.118, G.148, G.221 SKIDELSKEY,Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron G.133, G.134, G.139 SKOURAS, LeonidasD. SKYRME, Tony Hilton Royle SLOMAN, Albert Edward F.226 A.13 See also G.474 G.15, G.29 SLOSS, Dame(Ann) Elizabeth (Oldfield), BUTLER- F.344, F.468, F.486, G.167 SMITH, Alan G.16 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 292 Index of correspondents SMITH, Charles Edward Gordon A.131 SMITH, Sir (Francis) Graham SMITH, John Hilary SMITH, Kenneth SMITH, Maxine SMITH, Peter SMITH, Robert Allan SMITH, Sir Roland SMYTH, J. Desmond SNAITH, M.S. SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION IN THE APPLICATIONS OF SCIENCE SOFER, Anne SOULSBY, Ernest Jackson Lawson, Baron SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SPEER, Robert J. SPENCE, R. (‘Bob’) SPERRY RAND LTD UNIVAC DIVISION SPICER, William Michael Hardy SPINKS, Alfred SPRING, John SPRING, Kenneth SQUIRES, E.J. B.14, G.33, G.119 F.337-F.339 A.26, F.73, F.105, F.107 G.202 G.134, G.139 A.67 G.196 F.206 G.208 G.145 F.438, F.476 F.232, F.250 D.117, F.200, F.219, F.323, F.448, F.597, G.9, G.22, G.31, G.35 F.283 F.363, F.371, F.625 F.116 G.214, G.224 See F.590 G.193 A.14 See G.470, G.471, G.473, G.476 STAFFORD, Godfrey H. A.26, A.30, A.31, G.467 STANDING CONFERENCE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES STEDMAN, Phyllis, Baroness STEPHENSON, Geoffrey STEVENS, Auriol F.47 A.151 A.131 G.142 B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 293 Index of correspondents STEVENS, Sir Jocelyn Edward Greville A.131, G.71, G.145, G.148, G.212, G.214 STEWARD, John King STEWARD, Michael W. STEWART,Sir Frederick Henry STEWART, James Robertson (‘Hamish’) STEWART, William Duncan Paterson STIBBS, Douglas Walter Noble STIFF, (née FLOWERS), Monica STIFF, Thomas STIRLING, John L. STIRLING, William G. F.79, F.138 F.342 A.67 A.131 F.217, F.219, F.232, F.251, F.258, F.465, F.528, F.535, G.141, G.142, G.185, G.199, G.209 A.31 G.201 G.227, G.230, G.231 G.173 F.238 STOCKTON, Alexander Daniel Alan MacMillan, 2nd Earl of See MACMILLAN, Alexander Daniel Alan STONER, Edmund Clifton STOYLE (née BALMFORD), AudreyElizabeth, BLIN- A.10 G.120 STOYLE, Roger John, BLIN- A.67, A.131, F.483, F.594, G.7, G.99, G.128, G.288 STRASSMANN, Paul G.37 STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL, Donald Euan Palmer Howard, 4th Baron See HOWARD, Donald Euan Palmer STREATFIELD, E. Leslie STUART, John Trevor STURGESS, J.W. SUCKLING, Charles SUMNER, C. SUNDAY TIMES SUPEK, Ivan A.131 A.131, G.37, G.226 See also G.472 See G.493 See F.590 G.174 G.179, G.180 G.44 294 Index of correspondents B.H. Flowers NCUACS76/5/98 SURVIVAL SUTCLIFFE, Brian SUTCLIFFE, F.E. SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor E.66 G.191 See G.522 A.12, F.303 SUTHERLAND, Sir Stewart Ross F.38, F.329, F.332, G.135 SUTTON, Betty SUTTON, John SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron SWANSON, Alan SWARUP, Govind SWISS ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES SYMONS, T.H.B. SZIFETI, B. F.277 F.599, G.24 A.67, F.68, F.69, F.92, F.95, F.99, F.123 F.294 G.113, G.118 G.162 A.131 See G.508 SZPIKOWSKI, Stanislaw A.67, G.11, G.20, G.65, G.67, G.88 TAIT, J.H. TARGETT, Geoffrey A.T. TAS, Andras, RONA- TATLER (publishers) TAYLER, Roger J. TAYLOR, C.A. TAYLOR, Denis TAYLOR, lan TAYLOR, Sir James TAYLOR, John Bryan TAYLOR, Thomas, Baron of Blackburn TAYLOR, ThomasJohnston, Baron of Gryfe TAYLOR, William See F.601 F.335, F.345 F.13, F.14, F.16-F.19 G.469 G.193, G.226 See also G.475 See G.494 A.14 F.553 A.27, F.368, F.385 G.28 F.148 F.435 G.88 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 295 Index of correspondents TEACHING COMPANY SCHEME THAKORE, S.R. G.162 F.131 THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness A.31, A.68, G.7, G.15, G.72, G.75 THE TIMES THOMAS,G.E. F.224, G.196 F.121 THOMAS, Sir John Meurig G.128, G.152, G.153 THOMAS, Trevor THOMPSON J.R. A.68 F.621 THOMPSON, Sir Michael Warwick G.90, G.109, G.111 THOMPSON, Trudi THOMPSON, William Bell THONEMANN, Peter Clive THWAITES, Sir Bryan G.11 G.478 Seealso F.605, F.606, F.622, G.470 A.13, F.611 A.68, E.34, F.479, F.480 TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT E.67, G.11, G.88 TIOMNO, Jaymie TITTERTON, Sir Ernest William TOKUOKA, Naochika TOLKOWSKY,Dan TOMBS, Francis Leonard, Baron TOMEI, Anthony Laurence TOMLINSON, Steve TOTTLE, Charles Ronald TRANI, Eugene P. TRAUB, Robert TRENCH, Anthony, CHENEVIX- TRENCHARD, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Wolfeton See G.506 A.14, G.11, G.37 G.90, G.111 G.9, G.15 F.186, F.235, F.237, F.239, F.247, G.84, G.178 F.504, F.506-F.509, F.511-F.516 B.16, B.17, B.21 F.372 G.112 F.220 A.145 F.205 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 296 Index of correspondents TREND, Burke St. John, Baron TRIER, Peter Eugene TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN TRUMAN, Aubrey TUCKER, Anthony TURNBERG, Sir Leslie TURNER, B.G. TURNER, Cedric TURNER, Louis A. TYNDALL, Arthur Mannering TYRRELL, David Arthur John UNDERHILL, L.H. G.18 A.68, G.4 G.172 F.255 G.172 F.340 See G.495 A.132 F.299 A.12 F.462, F.478 See F.620 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY A.7, A.9, F.600-F.651, G.152, G.192, G.228, G.474 UNITED KINGDOM NIREX LTD G.129, G.160, G.164, G.200, G.229 UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF GREATBRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND G.135, G.142, G.149, G.222 UNIVERSITIES RESEARCH REACTOR, RISLEY, LANCASHIRE F.73 UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC GRANTS COMMITTEE, HONG KONG F.185, F.186 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CARDIFF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE F.90, F.136 G.95 F.68, F.69, F.72, F.73, F.78, F.79, F.82, F.84, F.89, F.90, F.94, F.103, F.107, F.125, F.134, F.136, F.140, F.652-F.661 UNIVERSITY OF BATH F.90 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, COMPUTER COMMITTEE F.108 UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL F.90, G.15, G.22, G.79, G.80, G.111, G.118, G.134, G.139, G.142 UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE G.89 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 297 Index of correspondents UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY OF EXETER UNIVERSITY OF KEELE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS UNIVERSITY OF LONDON F.97 F.84 F.68-F.73, F.76, F.92, F.95, F.99, F.123 F.90 F.93 F.128 F.69, F.72, F.73, F.78-F.80, F.82- F.90, F.95, F.97, F.99, F.100, F.102, F.103, F.105, F.106, F.110, F.111, F.113, F.115, F.117, F.662- F.686, G.125, G.189 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON UNION G.90 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER B.1-B.29, F.69, F.76, F.89, F.94, F.124, G.237 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.76, G.22 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER STUDENT’S UNION B.28 UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE D.82, F.74, F.97 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD DELEGACY FOR EXTRA-MURAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF SURREY UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX, SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT URSELL,Fritz Joseph VAUGHAN, Sir Gerard Folliott F.76 A.140 F.137 F.487 G.118 G.60 F.351 F.239, F.550, F.530, F.531, F.555, F.536, G.162, G.193, G.226, G.227, G.228, G.233 VERDON, Frank P. G.189, G.202 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 298 Index of correspondents VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VINSON, Nigel, Baron VOICE, Eric VOSS, Robert VUJICIC, Misha A.12, A.69, F.89, F.603, F.613, F.615, F.616 F.232 G.149 G.102 F.566, G.503 WADE, Henry William Rawson G.9, G.29, G.44, G.59 WADE, William Oulton, Baron WADIA, Wahby WAGNER, Leslie WAGSTAFF, Malise WALDEGRAVE, William Arthur WALDRAM, J.R. WALKER, Jeremy WALKER, Raymond St. John (‘Henry’) WALSH, T.R. WALTON, John Nicholas, Baron F.249, G.174 See G.499 F.35 G.101, G.102 F.244, F.245, F.248, F.251, F.253, F.256, F.260, F.485, F.529, F.538, G.84, G.88, G.186 E.23 G.5 G.444 F.623 F.258 WARNER, Sir Frederick Edward F.462, F.468, G.194 WARNER (née REEVE), Suzanne WARREN, Andrew WARREN, Robert Francis WARWICK, Diana G.172, G.173 G.120 See G.504 A.133, G.202 WARWICK, Dame Margaret Elizabeth Harvey, TURNER- F.235, G.111 G.124, G.126, G.135, G.140, G.141, G.185 WATSON, Gordon Russell WATSON, Kenneth M. WATT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY WAY, Michael D.293 G.476 G.218 See F.597 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 299 Index of correspondents WEATHERALL, Sir David John F.475, F.487 WEBB, Colin Edward WEBB,Ida M. WEDDELL, Klaus WEDDERBURN, Dorothy Enid Cole WEDELL, Eberhard Arthur Otto George WEIDENFIELD, Arthur George, Baron F.232 G.90 G.140 G.16 A.28, B.16 A.149 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, REHOVOT,ISRAEL A.111 WELLCOME TRUST F.511, G.179, G.180, G.182, G.191, G.196 WELSH COLLEGE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, CARDIFF WEST, Geoffrey Brian WESTMINSTER PUBLISHING LTD WEYL,David A. WHIFFEN, David Hardy WHIPPLE, Raymond ThomasPittar WHITE, David G. F.90 F.617 F.525 See F.386, G.514 F.377 See G.490 F.69, F.76, F.140 WHITE, Eirene Lloyd, Baroness F.192, F.193, F.198, F.200, F.212 WHITE, John K. WHITE, John William WHITELAW, William Stephen lan, Viscount Whitelaw WHITMORE, Sir Clive Anthony WHITROW, Gerald J. WICKHAM, E.R. WILKES, Maurice Vincent WILKINSON, Sir Denys Haigh F.576, F.577 G.121, G.124, G.132, G.135, G.140, G.141, G.222 G.38 G.59 A.133 D.76 A.12, F.103 A.12, A.28, E.20, F.304, F.626, G.6, G.7, G.10, G.60, G.105, G.217 WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey A.70, F.596 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 300 Index of correspondents WILKINSON, George Randall WILKINSON, Lindsay WILLIAMS, David Glyndur Tudor E.22 G.107 G.6 WILLIAMS,Sir David Innes G.67, G.84, G.149 WILLIAMS, E.C. (‘Bill’) WILLIAMS, Fredric Barry WILLIAMS, John Kyffin WILLIAMS, Paul Randall WILLIAMS, Peter WILLIAMS, Robert C. WILLIAMS, Robert Hughes(‘Robin’) WILLIAMS, Roger WILLIAMS, (née CATLIN), Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain, Baroness WILLIAMSON, Rajkumari WILLMOTT, John Charles WILSON, Alan WILSON, Sir David Clive WILSON, Dick WILSON, Edward Osborne WILSON, JamesHarold, Baron WILSON, Laurence WILSON, Sir Robert WINTER, Michael WISE, Michael John D.76 See G.500 G.46 G.182, G.209, G.212, G.214 F.14 G.37, G.79 G.211 F.245, G.59, G.66, G.87, G.103, G.162, G.179, G.192, G.194, G.207, G.208, G.216 G.164 G.68 B.4-B.6, B.13, B.14, F.75, G.27, G.72, G.163 G.133 G.139 G.9 F.219 A.149 G.7, G.8 B.21, F.384, G.80 D.270 A.133 WOLFENDALE, Arnold Whittaker F.223, G.133, G.135, G.192 WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron F.73, F.89, F.90, F.94, F.103, G.45 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 301 Index of correspondents WOLPERT,Lewis WOMEN’S ENGINEERING SOCIETY WOO, Chia-Wei WOOD, Sir Alan Marshall, MUIR- WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODING, Sir Norman Samuel WOODS, John David WOOLF,Harry Kenneth, Baron WORLDWIDE FUND FOR NATURE WRIGHT,John K. WUFENG, Wu YANG, Ti-Liang YOUNG, Charles E. YOUNG, Eliabeth Ann, Baroness YOUNG, Michael YOUNG, Sir Robin, MACKWORTH- F.593, G.88 G.118 F.185-F.191 G.46 A.133, F.206 G.172 F.292, G.141 F.489 F.222 F.575 F.549 A.134, G.55 G.52 F.563, F.564 F.498 G.6 YOUNG, Wayland Hilton, 2nd Baron Kennet F.206, F.213, F.215, F.252, F.561, F.563, F.576 ZACHAROV,Vasilii (‘Basil’) ZEKI, Semir ZELLICK, Graham ZIENKIEWICZ, Olgierd Cecil ZIMAN, John Michael ZINBERG, DorothyS. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON A.71 G.90 G.209 F.599, G.77, G.99 A.28, G.108 See also G.485 G.50 F.231, F.232, F.527, G.145, G.184, G.185, G.235 ZUCKERMAN, Joan G.235 B.H. Flowers NCUACS 76/5/98 302 Index of correspondents ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron F.347, G.95