BOWEN, Edmund John

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


CONTEMPORARYSCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of EDMUND JOHN BOWEN, FRS (1898-1980) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham-Jackson Deposited in the Museum ofthe History of Science, Oxford CSAC81/5/81 All rights reserved E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Items Page SUMMARY OF THE CAREER OF E.J. BOWEN SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.17 SECTION B HISTORICAL WRITINGS ' B.1 -B.2 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 11 E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 3 The material was received from Mrs. E. Bowen (widow) and Dr. H.J.M. Bowen(son). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Dr. Bowen kept almost no records of his scientific work in the field of photochemistry, though see the reprints in A.17. The surviving documents, other than biographical, relate mainly to his interests in the history of science, and of Oxford University and City. Section A contains mainly personal material, including an autobiographical account of Bowen's childhood, service in the First World War and subsequent career to 1929 (see A.3); Section B consists of drafts and background material relating to Bowen's keen interest in the history of science, including some interesting reminiscences of Oxford chemistry between the First and Second World Wars. LOCATION OF FURTHER MATERIAL A copy of Bowen's history of University College, Oxford (of which he was a Fellow from 1922), is held in the College Library. E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 SUMMARY OF CAREER b. 1898 Parish of St. John in Bedwardine, Worcester Educated Worcester Royal Grammar School 19715 = 1716 Balliol College, Oxford 1917 - 1919 Lieutenant, No. 13 Siege Battery, R.G.A. 1919 - 1920 Balliol College, Oxford 1921 Lecturer, University College, Oxford 1922 - 1965 Fellow, University College, Oxford 1924 1935 Married Edith Moule. Fellow of the Royal Society 1938 - 1952 Demonstrator in Chemistry, Oxford University 1952 - 1965 Aldrichian Praelector in Chemistry, Oxford University 1963 1965 Davy Medal (Royal Society) Honorary Fellow, University College, Oxford E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1 -A.17 A.1 A.2 Copy of obituary published in The Times, 22 November 1980. Photocopy of Bowen's Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications. 10 pp. typescript. Reprints of some of Bowen's publications appear at A.17. A.3 Autobiographical reminiscences prepared by Bowen in 1973. This is a photocopy of the autograph manuscript, 24 pp. covering the period from Bowen's childhood up to 1929. A large part of it is devoted to Bowen's experiences in the trenches during the First World War. A.4 "Notes on Research Work of E.J. Bowen et al.' 11 pp. typescript, n.d., describing research completed up to:c. 1957; A.5-A.9 Letters of congratulation on Bowen's election as a Fellow of the Royal Society, 1935. A.5-A.7 Letters from colleagues. alphabetical order and indexed. The correspondenceis arranged in A.5 A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 A-E F-L M-S Letters from staff and classmates of the Royal Grammar School, Worcester. In alphabetical order. (Not indexed. ) Letters from friends and relatives; the majority of these are from Oxford addresses. included at the front of the folder. Unidentified correspondents are (Not indexed.) Correspondence re honours and awards, 1960-68. letter from the Royal Society announcing the award of the Davy Medal, 1963. Includes E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 6 Biographical and autobiographical A.11-A.16 Personal correspondence, 1931-80. Mainly letters of thanks for hospitality, gifts of specimens, The correspondence lectures, letters of congratulation, etc. is arranged in chronological order and indexed, except in the case offirst name or illegible signatures. A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.16 1931, 1936-37 1942-44, 1946-48 1952-53, 1956-57, 1959 1960, 1962-63, 1967, 1969 1970-72, 1974-75 1980, n.d. A.17 Large envelope containing a set (incomplete) of reprints of Bowen's publications in the field of photochemistry, 1921-63. There is a bibliography of Bowen's publications in A.2. E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 SECTION B HISTORICAL WRITINGS B.1 - B.29 B.1-B.5 General History of Science B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 Ban Ms. draft on the history of atomic and molecular concepts in chemistry. 12 pp., n.d. 'Notes on the concepts of the Electron, Atom, Molecule, etc.' Envelope containing 3 sets of ms. notes, all undated. 'The Progress of Photochemistry' Ms. draft, n.d. "Notes on early spectroscopy' App. ms., n.d. 'The Beginning of the Royal Society', by M. Purver and E.J. Bowen. Pamphlet, published by the Clarendon Press, 1960. Folder also includes photocopy of ms. poem entitled 'Who founded the R.S.?' B.6-B.17 History of Science at Oxford University B.6 ‘Science and Scientists at Oxford’ B.7 B.8 B.9 Ms. draft, variously paginated, tracing the history of Oxford science from the thirteenth century. Ms. notes and jottings mainly re history of Oxford science. ‘Oxford Physical Science from 1850' Photocopy of 13 pp. typescript, n.d. ‘Chemistry at Oxford' 27 pp. typescript, with some ms. corrections, 1969. A few loose papers were found tucked inside the front cover of the typescript and these have been removed to a separate folder for safe keeping (see B.10 below). E.J.Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 8 Historical writings B.10 Miscellaneous papers originally kept with B.9. They include: 1 p. ms. notes by Bowen. Summaries of careers of 2 Oxford scientists. Brief correspondence, 1934. Copy of agreement with D. Van Nostrand Company Limited, 8 February 1967, for publication of a book by Bowen entitled 'Luminescence in Chemistry’. Photocopies of pages 46, 48, 50, 52 of the ms. draft of B.9 B.11 'The Alembic Club. The First Fifty Years' Spiral-bound ms. incorporating photocopies of some original documents relating to the Oxford University Alembic Club, n.d. B.12 Ms. notes, drafts and printed matter re the Alembic Club assembled by Bowen. Club held by the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford. Includes a note of material relating to the Alembic B.13 ‘Oxford University Chemical Club' 7 pp. ms., n.d. A photocopy of a humorous dinner menu ofthe club is also included in the folder. B.14 ‘The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford 1853-1940', by E.J. Bowen. Offprint from Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 25, 2, 1970, B.15 Letters of thanks from colleagues on receipt of copies of B.14. Some of these contain interesting reminiscences of the Laboratories. The correspondenceis arranged in alphabetical order and indexed. B.16 Duplicated typescript draft of B.14, 17 October 1969. Folder also includes 1 p. ms. notes and a photograph. B.17 Duplicated typescript draft with ms. annotations re Oxford science in the seventeenth century. 17 to 25. The typescript is paginated from E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 Historical writings B.18-B.28 Biographical Writings Mainly of Oxford scientists. B.18 'Robert Boyle, 1627-1691' 21 pp. ms. draft, n.d. B.19 ‘Dalziel Llewellyn Hammick, 1887-1966' Offprint from Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 13, 1967. Folder also includes typescript and printed obituary notices of Hammick and letters from friends and colleagues, some containing additional comments and reminiscences. B.20 'Sir Harold Hartley' Ms. draft and proof of obituary by Bowen. Folder also includes copies of printed obituaries by others. B.2] 'Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, 1897-1967' Typescript draft and offprint of obituary by E.J. Bowen published in Chemistry in Britain, 3, 12, 1967. Additional printed matter re Hinshelwood is also included in the folder. B.22 Letters from colleagues commenting on Bowen's obituary of Hinshelwood. B.23 ‘Dr. Bertram Lambert' 2 ms. drafts of obituary for publication in the Proceedings of the Chemical Society, 1963. Folderalso includes invitation to write the obituary and corres- pondence with colleagues from whom Bowen sought information or advice. B.24 'Dr. Peter Pringsheim' Offprint of obituary published in Nature, 205, March 1965. E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 10 Historical writings B.25 Dr. A.S. Russell Ms. drafts for obituary of Russell. Someprinted matter is also included in the folder. B.26 Sir Harold Thompson 4 pp. typescript biography of Thompson by Bowen. Some printed matter is also included in the folder. B.27 'The Right Reverend John Wilkins, F.R.S. (1614-1672)', by E.J. Bowen and Sir Harold Hartley. Offprint from Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 15, 1960. B.28 L.A. Woodward Typescript draft and offprint of Preface to a Festschrift presented to Woodward on his retirement. Folder includes invitation to Bowen to write the Preface and misc. background material. B.29 Miscellaneous ‘Park Town, Oxford! Photocopy of 7 pp. ms. account of the history of Park Town, March 1976. E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS if ACHESON, Morris ALLEN, Sir Carleton (Kemp) ALLMAND, Arthur John ALLOTT, E. N. B.19 A.5 A.5 B.15 ARKELL, William Joscelyn A.5, A.11 BELL, Ronald Percy BINNIE, Alfred Maurice BLACKWELL, Donald Eustace BOASE, Thomas Sherrer Ross BOURDILLON, Robert Benedict BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor B.10 B15 A.15 B.19 A.5 B.22 BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David A.16, B.22 BUNN, Charles William BUZZARD, Sir (Edward) Farquhar CARLISLE, Hilary CASE, H. als CHAPMAN, Sydney CHERRY, Philip W. M. CHERWELL see LINDEMANN COSTIN, William Conrad COULSON, Charles Alfred EGERTON, Sir Alfred (Charles Glyn) ENNEVER, L. F, FFENNELL, Raymond William FREETH, Francis Arthur GADSBY, John GATTY, Oliver B.22 A.11 A.15 A.13 A.5 A.14 A.5 B.22 A.5 A.12 B.10 A.6 B.22 A.6 GOODHART, Arthur Lehman GOODHART, Cecily A.10, A.13, A.14 A.14 E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 Index of correspondents HAMMICK, Dalziel Llewellyn HAMMOND, George S. HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewis HEALD, Charles Brehmer HEIDT, Lawrence J. HILL, (John Edward) Christopher 12 See B.19 A.14 A.14 B.19, B.22, B.23 A.12 A.13 B.15 HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman See B.21, B.22 HINSHELWOOD, Ethel HODGE, Sir William (Vallance Douglas) HUME-ROTHERY, William HUNTER, E. JOSHI, Janardan KEENAN, H. WwW. KEENE, L. R.~ R. KOIZUMI, Masao LEEDS, E._ T. LENNARD-JONES, Sir John Edward LINDEMANN, Frederick Alexander (later Viscount Cherwell) LONG, D. A. MADDISON, Francis R. MARTIN, Sir David Christie MATSUI, A. MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) MILNE, Edward Arthur MURRAY-RUST, David M. NELSON OF STAFFORD, Henry George, 2nd Baron NEW, Randal G. A. NONHEBEL, Gordon NORRISH, Ronald George Wreyford A.6 A.10 B.23 B.22 A.15 | A.12 B.23 A.15 A.12 A.6 A.6 B.28 B22 B.22 A.13 A.12 A.7 B.15 A.15 B.19 B.15 A.7 B.22 E.J. Bowen CSAC 81/5/81 13 Index of correspondents OWSTON, P. G. PAL, Medini K. PANKHURST, Kenneth G. A. PARKER, C. Allen PHILLIPS, CC, $, G, PICKERING, Sir George White PITTS, James N. PLASKETT, Harry Hemley POULTON, Sir Edward (Bagnell) PRIDEAUX, Walter Arbuthnot RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) ROBERTS, Colin Henderson ROBINSON, Sir Robert SADLER, Sir Michael Ernest SAHIN, S. SANTAMARIA, Leonida SIGDWICK, Nevil Vincent SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black Mc Ivor) SWANSON, Carl P. TERENIN, A. TURPIN, Kenneth Charlton UREY, Harold Clayton VAUGHAN, Dame Janet (Maria) WILSON, Sir (James) Harold WISWESSER, William J. A.14 A.15 A.13 A.14, A.16 B.22, B.23 B.22 A.15 A.7 A.7 B.22 A.7 B.22 A.7 A.7, A.ll A.13 A.15 A.5 B.22 A.10 A.14 B.19 A.12 A.14 A.14 A.12