CSAC 105/2/85 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of papers and correspondence of KEITH FREDERICK BOWDEN (1936 - 1982) Relating to the University of Essex / Guy's Hospital Medical Records Project Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in Essex University Library All rights reserved 1985 K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Biochemical Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institution of Mechanical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Rhodes Trustees The Royal Society of London The Wolfson Foundation K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A REPORTS A.1-A.3 SECTION B CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMITTEE PAPERS B.1 - B.59 B.I-B.J2 Ministry of Health (later Department of Health and Social Security) B.13-B.29 Harlow B.30-B.39 Steering Committee B.40-B.53 Essex Medical Project Meetings B.54-B.56 Thamesmead B.57-B.59 Miscellaneous SECTION C FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION C.1- €.33 SECTION D BIOGRAPHICAL D.1 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 15 17 17 K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 3 The Thamesmead Community Health Project was originally suggested by G.A. Barnard of Essex University and W.J.H. Butterfield of Guy's Hospital Medical School. lt envisaged the use of computerfacilities for information handling in respect of positive health care at a medical centre in the new town of Thamesmead. In February 1967 the Ministry of Health agreed to finance, for five years from 1 October 1967, a Senior Lecturership at the University of Essex with special reference to the health service. The person appointed (Bowden) was to work in the first instance on the Thamesmead Project. At the same time the Ministry also agreed to finance two temporary fellowships torun from July to September 1967 'to keep in touch with work on the Thamesmead computer specification'. Bowden and I.R. MacCallum were appointed to these temporary fellowships before starting on their appointments to the staff of Essex University in October. By June 1967 the Ministry of Health had decided that the provision of a computer at Thamesmead did not accord with their priorities for computer development in the health service, but they wished the project to continue if computer facilities could be made available elsewhere. In October, Bowden and MacCallum, with M.E. Abrams and J.O.P. Chamberlain of Guy's Hospital, presented to the Ministry a majorfeasibility study on 'a system of information handling in the Thamesmead Health Project’, which was now defined in terms of the creation of integrated health records stored on and access- ible by means of a computer (see A.1). For the purposes of the project it was proposed to use computers at the University of Essex linked to an established health centre which would provide ‘earlier and diverse experience’ of general practitioner needs. Funding, chanelled through Essex University, was provided for three years from May 1968 and .subsequently extended for eighteen months. The original title of Thamesmead Project was changed to the Guy's/Essex General Practice Computing Project. The computer personnel were based at Essex, Guy's Hospital provided medical support, and an established general practice at Harlow (Dr. J.B. Davis) provided the experience of general prac- titioner needs necessary for the creation of integrated health records. Eventually about 2,500 records were computerised and the project went 'live' for approximately fifteen months with direct links between the Harlow practice and the Essex computer. This was K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 4 the first time all the general medical records of a doctor had been maintained on a com- puter system and also the first time a doctor had the opportunity to consult and update a computer-based record at the time of consultation. The project documentation was subsequently sent to Exeter Hospital where many of the ideas developed in the Essex/ Guy's Hospital project were incorporated into another experimental project with a practice at Ottery St. Mary. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers were received from Mr. I.R. MacCallum of the Department of Computer Science, University of Essex. We are grateful to Mr. MacCallum for help in identifying and describing material, and for comments on sections of the draft catalogue. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 SECTION A REPORTS A.1- A.3 A.1 Thamesmead Report 'A request to the Ministry of Health for support for the development of a system of information handling in the 'Thamesmead' health project’ (4pp.) with 'A report concerning a system of information handling in the 'Thamesmead' health project’ (38pp. +8 appendices), October 1967. In original folder. The report was the work of M.E. Abrams and J.O.P. Chamberlain of Guy's Hospital Medical School and Bowden and |.R. MacCallum of the University of Essex. A.2 Medical Project Report, August 1971 'An application for extension of funds for the period January 1972- 30 September 1973 for the Guy's/Essex medical project (includes progress report)’ 19pp. duplicated typescript +15 appendices. In original spring-back binder. A.3 University of Essex/Guy's Community Health Computer Unit Visitors’ Handbook for the Mark 2.0 System, September 1973. 34pp. duplicated typescript. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 SECTION B CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMITTEE PAPERS B.1 - B.59 B.1-B.12 Ministry of Health (later Department of Health and Social Security), 1967-73 A chronological sequence of correspondence and papers re grant awards and renewals, the progress of the project, policy objectives, computer equipment, etc. B.1 1967 Includes copies of correspondence with G.A. Barnard re appoint- ment at the University of Essex of a senior lecturer in computing with special reference to the health service; also copy of letter to W.J.H. Butterfield re Thamesmead Community Health Service Project computer proposal. 4 1968 Includes correspondence re National Health Computing Services Group. In August Bowden agreed to take on responsibility for a working party on the structure and coding of data. B39 January-February 1969 Includes 3pp. draft statement on the Essex/Guy's Hospital project and the use of computer systems to improve the efficiency of the general practice arm of the health service, 21 January. B.4 July-November 1969 and n.d. Includes undated letter referring to the choice of a group practice at Harlow as a suitable place to install a display/keyboard during the pilot phase of the project. The reference to Harlow and the absence of any claim to have installed the equipment dates the document between July 1968 and July 1969 (private information from 1.R. MacCallum). BuO January-May 1970 and n.d. Includes material re National Health Computer Services Group and conference on 'Man-ComputerInteraction’ organised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. re application for an eighteen-month extension to the project, probably written in the last quarter of 1970 (private information from 1.R. MacCallum). Also includes undated handwritten draft F.K. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 B.6 1971 Correspondence and committee papers Includes correspondence re extension of DHSS support for the project. B.7 January-February 1972 Material re extension of grant including Bowden's letter of 15 February setting out principal objectives of project. B.8 March-April 1972 Includes letter from DHSS, 15 March, confirming extension of support for project. B.9 May 1972 Folder includes copy of DHSS paper setting out the department's views on the principles and methodology for evaluating the use of computers in the health service. July-November 1972 Further material re the renewal of support (to September 1973) and the future of the project. B.11, B.12 December 1972-January 1973 Correspondence and papers re ‘Annual Review of the Use of Computers in the National Health Service (1973)' 2 folders. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 8 B.13-B.29 Harlow B.13-B.22 Harlow correspondence, 1967-73 A chronological sequence of correspondence re the organisation and running of the project at the Lister House group practice, Harlow (Dr. J.B. Davis). B.13 1967-68 Includes copy of press statement issued from the University about the Ministry of Health grant for the development of computerised community health care records, October 1968. B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 B.19 B.20 April-July 1969 August-November 1969 Includes draft checklist of diseases of the lower respiratory system and 2pp. typescript statement by J.B. Davis headed 'Patient Identification (Internal)'. January-April 1970 July-September 1970 October-December 1970 Includes Bowden's ms. note of a meeting with Davis, 5 October. February-September 1971 October-December 1971 Includes copy of ‘Practical Applications of Computing in Medicine: The Doctor/Patient Relationship: The Impact of a Computer on a Group Practice', a paper presented by Davis at the British Computer Society Medical Computing Conference, 1971. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 B.21 B.22 1972 1973 Correspondence and committee papers Includes material about visit to Harlow by members of Ministry of Defence medical computing group. B..23-B.29 "Harlow Working Party. Miscellaneous', 1967, 1969-71 Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into seven folders for ease of reference. B.23 December 1967, January-May 1969 Includes Progress Report on the Lister’ House (Harlow) Working Party, 27 January 1969, and investigation of the work of the receptionists at Lister House with a view to the computerisation of the appoint- ments system. B.24 August-November 1969 Includes material re the editing task of the project and the cost- effectiveness of general practice. B.25 January 1970 Includes proposals for the input editing of check-lists and the definition of check-list assembly code. B.26 1970-71 Includes material re input formats for medical records and the print-out of certificates and forms, note of Harlow Working Party decisions up to 7 May 1970 and restatement of aims of Guy's/University of Essex Community Health Care Project, 26 August 1970. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 10 B.27-B.29 Undated Papers B.27 B.28 B.29 Papers on the administration and organisation of the Harlow practice. Papers re checklists of drugs and diseases. Miscellaneous Includes ms. notes for untitled lecture by Bowden. B .30-B.39 Steering Committee B .30-B ..35 'Signed Steering Committee Minutes', 1968-73 Contents of a spring-back binder so inscribed divided into six folders for ease of reference. The papers are duplicated typescript agendas and minutes of the meetings of the University of Essex/Guy's Hospital General Practice Computing Unit Steering Committee for the Medical Research Project. At the first meeting on 11 June 1968 it was decided that the Steering Committee would be responsible for the progress of the Project and that the project leader, Bowden, and the Medical Adviser, Dr. M.E. Abrams, would report directly to the Committee. At the second meeting on 18 July it was decided to organise a small working party, chaired by Bowden, to cope with day-to-day project studies. The Steering Committee met alternately at Essex University and Guy's Hospital . Continued K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 1] B.30 B.3l B.32 1968 1969 1970 B.33 B.34 B.35 1971 1972 1973 B.36-B.39 ‘Steering Committee for the Medical Research Project. pondence', 1968-73 Corres- Contents of a folder so inscribed, divided into four folders for ease of reference; the material is mainly correspondence relating to organisation of, and attendance at, committee meetings. B.36 1968 Includes 3pp. ms. note by Bowden on meeting of 18 July and letter from Bowden to Ministry of Health, 14 November, rethe ministry's financial support for the project. B.37 1969 Includes copy of British Medical Association Planning Unit Report no.3 'Computers in Medicine’, with heavy underscoring and marginal emphasis, and 3pp. ms. notes, December, on the medical project timetable and hardware. B.38 1970 Includes copy of National Health Computing Services Group 'Report of the Working Party on Education and Training’, March. B.39 1971-73 K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 12 B.40-B.53 'Essex Medical Project Meetings', 1970-74 Contents of a folder so inscribed. B.40-B .48 Agendas and minutes of meetings of the computer personnel at Essex involved in the project. B.40 February 1970 Includes 8pp. duplicated ms. paper 'A note on the proposed |.P.R. [ Integrated Patient Record J structure’. B.41 B.42 B.43 B.44 B.45 B.46 B.47 B.48 B.49 March-April 1970 May-July 1970 January, November 1971 April-May 1972 June-July 1972 August 1972 September-December 1972 1973-74 Undated ms. and typescript notes re computer operations found with the Essex medical project meetings papers. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 13 B.50-B.53 Papers clipped inside front cover of 'Essex Medical Project Meetings’ folder. B.50 February 1970, April 1972 "Input Formats for Past Medical Records of Patients Prior to System Operation. Revised 2.2.70.' 5pp.. duplicated typescript. 2 ms. diagrams: 'Disc map - Side O' and 'Disc map - Side 1", 28 April 1972. B.51 July-August 1972 Includes minutes of Harlow Working Party, 13 July and 24 August, and note on proposed specification for investigations, 2 August. B.52 October-December 1972 Includes ms. notes by Bowden. B.53 n.d. Includes ‘Medical Research Project Installation Instructions’ (24pp. duplicated typescript). B .54-B.56 Thamesmead B.54 'Thamesmead Correspondence’, January-April 1972. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Includes 2pp. memorandum 'Thamesmead & Guy'sfEssex Computer Project', 22 January. By P.M. Higgins. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Correspondence and committee papers 14 B.55 'Thamesmead Working Party. Visit only' Contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence and papers re visit of Bowden to Thamesmead Health Centre, 31 June 1972. B.56 'Thamesmead Information’ Contents of a folder so inscribed. Miscellaneous material re Thamesmead Computer Project including note by P.M. Higgins on the computer at Thamesmead (3pp.) and paper from M.E. Abrams on 'A real time system for the handling of integrated patient records’. B.57-B.59 Miscellaneous B.57 B.58 B37 Institution of Electrical Engineers Control and Automation Division Colloquium on Cathode Ray Tube Displays, 19 May 1969. Duplicated proceedings . National Health Service Computer Policy and Development Branch Seminar on Visual Display Units, 20 January 1970. Duplicated proceedings (25pp.) including presentation on the basic principles of VDUs by Bowden. Printed material re medical records, computers in the health services, etc. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 15 SECTION C FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION C.1 - C.33 C.1-C.5 'Medical Project Financial Correspondence (mainly Harlow)', 1969-74. Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into five folders for ease of reference. 1969 Includes Bowden's ms. note of expenditure ‘calculated as of 19/11/69". C2 1970 Includes 2pp. note of the ‘Burroughs Disc Saga', 23 December 1968- 5 February 1970, and breakdown of costs of medical project, 4 August 1970 (8pp. ms.). C.3 January-August 1971 Includes Bowden's ms. notes of projected costs for 1972, cost break- down of medical project as of 18 January 1971, etc. C.4 C.5 November-December 1971. 1972-74 C.6+C. 12 'N.25 Medical Project Fund', 1968-74 Statements of expenditure on the Ministry of Health (Medical Information Project) Grant N.25. C4 C7 C.8 Cc.) 1968 1969 1970 197] C.10 C.11 C12 1972 1973 1974 K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 Financial administration C.13,.€s14 "N.55 Thamesmead Fund' Statements of the account. 16 C.13 1971 1972 C.15-€,31 Invoices, 1968-74 C. 15 June-December 1968 A 24 July-September 1972 C. 16 January-June 1969 N A “ao October-December 1972 A 17 July-December 1969 A a0 January-March 1973 a A 18 January-June 1970 a A 19 July-December 1970 A A Q A 27 «20 April-June 1973 July-September 1973 a A 20 January-June 1971 a A «2? October-December 1973 A “al July-December 1971 A O A 20 1974 A 22 January-March 1972 O N O ool n.d. O N O 23 April-June 1972 C32 ‘Expenditure. Printing Slips', 1969-70 In original folder. C33 Large hard-backed cash book, with record of expenditure from grants N.25 and N.30, 28 June 1968-20 February 1975. Also includes list of books purchased from grant N.25 enclosed as a loose page. K.F. Bowden CSAC 105/2/85 17 SECTION D BIOGRAPHICAL D.1 Biographical material of K.F. Bowden, founder memberof the University of Essex Department of Computer Science and leader of the project to apply computers to the maintenance of personal medical records. Curriculum vitae and list of publications. Press-cutting of obituary notice published in The Times. INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABRAMS, Michael Ellis BARNARD, George Alfred B.4, B.7, B.9, B.13-B.15, B.19, B.37, B.56 See also B.38, B.54 B.1, B.2, B.37 Seq alsa C.1, C.6, C.8 BUTTERFIELD, Sir (William) John (Hughes) B.1, B.39 CURWEN, Michael P. C. B.55 DAVIS, John B. DRUMMOND, James HIGGINS, Peter M. MACCALLUM, lain R. UPTON, Margaret I. B.13-B.21, C.4, C.5 B.56 B.37, B.39, B.54-B.56 B.13, 8.51 B.15, B.17, B.19, B.21, B.22, B.24, B.26 WITHNELL, Allan B.56
BOWDEN, Keith Frederick v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin