Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof David Joseph Bohm FRS (1917 - 1992) by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper, NCUACS catalogue no. 66/4/97 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of David Joseph Bohm FRS(1917-1992), physicist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1933-1996 Extent of material: 10 boxes, ca 300 items Depositedin: The Library, Birkbeck College, London Reference code: GB 1832 © 1997 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 66/4/97 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN BIRKBECK COLLEGE LONDON D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.130 SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES B.1-B.82 27 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1-C.92 37 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 50 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 4 The papers were received in March 1995 from Professor B.J. Hiley, Birkbeck College London. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF DAVID JOSEPH BOHM Bohm was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on 20 December 1917. He studied at Pennsylvania State University, graduating in 1939, then movedto the California Institute of Technology for post- graduate work, completing his Ph.D. on neutron-proton scattering in 1943 at the University of California at Berkeley under J.R. Oppenheimer. In 1947, after working on the Manhattan Project at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, he was appointed Assistant Professor at Princeton University. His first book Quantum Theory waspublished in 1951 and was well received by Einstein and Pauli among others. While working at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory Bohm had been active in the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians (FAECT) trade union. The activities of FAECT at the Radiation Laboratory had occasioned some concern during the war and in 1949, as Cold War tensions increased, the House Committee on Un-American Activities began to investigate staff who had been working there. As a member of FAECT and as a former member of the Communist Party (he joined in 1942 but left a year later) Bohm came under suspicion. He was called upon to testify before the Committee on 25 May and 10 June 1949 but pleaded the Fifth Amendment refusing to give evidence against colleagues. In September 1949 the Soviet Union tested its first atomic device and it was thought that atomic bomb secrets must have been passed to the USSR. Pressure to uncover Soviet spies was intensified. It was alleged that Bohm and other members of the FAECT were members of a Communist cell working at Berkeley during the war. In December 1950 Bohm was charged with Contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about colleagues before the Committee and arrested. He was acquitted in May 1951. However, Princeton University had suspended Bohm in December 1950, barring him from the University, and after his acquittal refused to renew his contract, despite support from Einstein and others, thus effectively dismissing him. Bohm left for Brazil in 1951 where he was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Sao Paulo. Having surrendered his US passport Bohm found himself unable to leave Brazil and so took Brazilian citizenship. Bohm left Brazil in 1955, moving to Israel where he spent two years at the D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 5 Technion at Haifa. Here he met his wife Saral, who was to become an important figure in the developmentof his ideas. In 1957 Bohm left Israel for the UK. He held a research fellowship at Bristol University until 1961, when he was made Professor of Theoretical Physics at Birkbeck College London. After retirement in 1987 he continued research and he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1990. Bohm died in 1992. Bohm made a number ofsignificant contributions to physics, particularly in the area of quantum mechanics. As a post-graduate at Berkeley he discovered that in a high temperature gas (plasma), electrons that have been stripped from atoms do not behave as single particles but as part of an organised whole, making collective movements, now known as ‘Bohm-diffusion’. Quantum Theory was followed by his second physics book Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, published in 1957. Both became standard textbooks, being reprinted in later years. In 1959, with his student Yakir Aharonov, he discovered the ‘Aharonov-Bohm effect’, the first demonstration of how an isolated line of magnetic force could affect electrons around it without actually contacting it, so showing how a vacuum could producestriking physical effects. His third book, The Special Theory of Relativity, was published in 1965. Bohm developed an unorthodox approach to quantum theory, described by his Nature obituarist as follows: ‘Dissatisfied with the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation, which he had beautifully expoundedin his text book Quantum Theory in 1951, he published a preliminary investigation of what came to be known as the causal interpretation in 1952. This was a hidden-variables approach, in which the exact location of the particle played the role of the hidden variable and the standard quantum- mechanical predictions were deduced by including an extra term, the “quantum potential” in the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Effectively, the theory involved wavesandparticles instead of the orthodox wavesor particles’. Bohm’s scientific and philosophical views were inseparable. His holistic world-view posited an implicate order of inter-connectedness. He expressed his approach to philosophy and physics in his 1980 book Wholeness and the Implicate Order. The central theme pursuedis that of the ‘enfolded’ or ‘implicate order’, in which forms emerge as distinct entities from the universe, but are reabsorbed into it again later in a never-ending process. The most complete statement of Bohm’s approachis described in Science, Order and Creativity, written with F.D. Peat and published in 1987. In 1959 Bohm came across a book by the Indian philosopher J. Krishnamurti. He was struck with how his own scientific views on quantum mechanics and modern physics meshed with the philosophical perspective on consciousness advanced by Krishnamurti. The two first met in 1961 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 6 and over the following years had many conversations or dialogues, being published as Truth and Actuality (1980), The Ending of Time (1985) and The Future of Humanity (1986). In his later years, partly through his connection with Krishnamurti, Bohm developed the technique of Dialogue, in which a group of individuals engaged in constructive verbal interaction with each other. Out of the Dialogue Bohm believed a more powerful group creativity would emerge, which would transcend the divisions between individuals in the group. He believed that if carried out on a sufficiently wide scale these group Dialogues could help overcome fragmentation in society. Bohm led a number of Dialogues in the 1980s and early 1990s, the most well-known being those held at Ojai Grove School in California. From this a number of ‘Bohmian Dialogue’ groups appeared utilising Bohm’s development of the Dialogue. For further information on David Bohm see Infinite Potential: The Life and Times of David Bohm by F.D. Peat (Addison-Wesley, 1996). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It spans 1933-1996. Section A, Biographical, contains considerable material relating to the impact of Bohm’s ideas on others. There are obituaries of and tributes to Bohm, transcripts and published versions of interviews, discussions and Dialogues with Bohm, including those at Ojai, California. In his later life Bohm’s ideas attracted much interest and there are significant number of articles and papers inspired by him. Material directly recording his life and career is comparatively slight but there are papers relating to Bohm’s difficulties with the House Committee on Un-American Activities 1949- 1951. Thereis a list of Bohm’s publications at A.130. Section B, Drafts, publications and lectures, includes drafts by Bohm of mostly unpublished papers and lectures. There are some drafts on quantum theory although the bulk are of a philosophical nature. The section also includes copies of a few of his published works and book reviewsby others of Bohm’s work. In addition there are drafts by F.D. Peat drawing on Bohm’s work which were found with the papers. Section C, Correspondence, is divided into two. There is a sequence of general correspondence, including photocopied correspondence with Einstein ca.1950-1954. The letters include discussion of quantum theory as well as Einstein’s advice on Bohm’s career. Other significant correspondents are R. Karnette, H.M. Loewy and M. Phillips. The section also includes a set of photocopies of the D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 7 voluminous correspondence on a wide range of philosophical and scientific subjects with the American artist and theorist Charles J. Biederman, spanning 1960-1969. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare very grateful to Professor Hiley for making the papers available. We would also like to thank Dr Olival Freire Jr for advice and making available photocopies of material held in Brazil. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper BATH 1997 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.130 A.1-A.22 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.23-A.58 INTERVIEWS, DISCUSSIONS AND DIALOGUES A.59-A.71 OJAI DIALOGUES A.72-A.107 ARTICLES AND PAPERS ABOUT BOHM’S WORK A.108-A.129 LIFE AND CAREER A.130 BIBLIOGRAPHY D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 Biographical OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.1-A.4 Obituaries A.5-A.12 ‘Obituary letters’ A.13-A.19 Tributes and memorials A.20-A.22 Biography of Bohm Obituaries A.1 J. Hiley, 30 B. Independent, 11 November 1992. Independent, October 1992, and David Stevens, Daily Telegraph, 3 November 1992. J.C. Polkinghorne and Mary Cadogan, Guardian, 3 November 1992. M.I.G. Redhead, Nature, 12 November 1992. Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1992. A.2 Eric Page, New York Times, 29 October 1992. Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre), [?29 October 1992]. Boston Globe, 30 October 1992. San Jose Mercury News, 29 October 1992 Paavo Pylkkanen, Helsingin Sanomat, 2 November 1992. (in Finnish) A.L. da Rocha Barros, ‘Boletim Informativo’, Instituto de Fisica, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12 November 1992. (In Portuguese) Olival Freire Jr, A Classe Operdria (Sao Paulo, Brazil), 23 November 1992. (In Portuguese) D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 10 Biographical A.3 Birkbeck Bulletin, December 1992. ‘Dialogue Quarterly Newsletter, December 1992. David Pines, Physics World, March 1993. The View, Rigpa International Newsletter, Spring 1993. S. Goldstein, Physics Today, August 1994. A.4 Miscellaneous and unidentified. ‘Obituary Letters’ Contents of two bulky folders so inscribed: letters of condolence and reminiscence sent to Saral Bohm on her husband's death. The letters were numbered 1-178 (numbers 151-159 not used), the first folder containing letters 1-80 and the second 81-150 and 160-178, with a list of correspondentsat the front of each folder. A.5 Lists of correspondents. A.6-A.12 Letters of condolence, retained in original order. Unindexed. 7 folders. Tributes and memorials A.13 Meeting of Plasma Physics Division, American Physical Society, Seattle, 18 November 1992. Notes on the career of David Bohm’ by W. Gekelman, 3pp typescript, with covering letter to Saral Bohm. ‘In memoriam, David Bohm’, by T.H. Stix, 2pp typescript, with covering letter to Saral Bohm. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 11 Biographical A.14 A.15 A.16 A.17 A.18 A.19 ‘Bohm Memorial, December 3, 1992’ by S. Schweher, 3pp typescript with manuscript annotation. ‘Professor David Bohm - A Tribute’ by Donald Factor, Scientific and Medical Network Newsletter no. 50, December 1992. ‘Lifework of David Bohm. River of Truth’ by William Keepin, ReVision 16 (Summer1993). Note on David Bohm memorial meeting at Birkbeck College London, 5-6 May 1993 by Basil Hiley, Birkbeck Bulletin, July 1993. ‘David Bohm In Memoriam 1918-1992’, New Dimensions (Winter 1993). ‘A monumental embraceoftotality. In living memory of David Bohm: 1917- 1992’, nd. Appeal leaflet for David Bohm Scholarship, Brockwood Park Krishnamurti Educational Centre, Hampshire. Appeal leaflet for donations in memory of Bohm to Oak Grove School library, Ojai, California. Woodland Trust Certificate for trees planted in memory of Bohm. Poem to members of ‘Bohm Committee’. Covering letter refers to DQN [Dialogue Quarterly Newsletter]. Biography of Bohm After his death David Peat, a colleague of Bohm’s in Canada, began work on a biography. He wrote to colleagues of Bohm and advertised in Physics Todayfor recollections of Bohm. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 12 Biographical A.20-A.22 ‘Letters to D. Peat (concerning Bohm’s work etc) in connection with writing Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for Bohm’s biography’. easeof reference. A.20 A.21 A.22 Manuscriptlist of biographical material seen by Peat. Correspondence 1993. Correspondence 1994. INTERVIEWS, DISCUSSIONS AND DIALOGUES A.23 ‘David Bohm and psychologists. The Nature of the Mind - 5 1982’. 19pp transcript of discussion between David Bohm, Jon Hidley and Tom Krause; covering letter 22 February 1992. A.24, A.25 Discussion between Bohm and Krishnamurti, 11 June 1983. A.24 A.25 ‘Chapter One’, 36pp typescript. ‘Chapter 2’, 32pp typescript. A.26-A.29 Transcripts of panel discussions held at Forum conference, September 1983. A.26 A.27 ‘Panel Francisco Varela’, 31pp typescript. Discussion 10.9.83: David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, Fritjof, ‘Panel to the initial statement of the Dalai Lama’, 15pp typescript. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 13 Biographical ‘Panel 3. Perception of the World’, 23pp typescript. ‘Concluding Panel’, 20pp typescript. College, ‘Interview Participants: David Bohm, Mark Edwards, Alan Hunter’. Birkbeck with David Bohm. 25th June 1986. A.28 A.29 A.30 28pp typescript. A.31, A.32 Interview with David Bohm by A. C. Wagner, July 1987. 43pp typescript. 2 folders. A.33-A.35 Conversations with David Moody at December 1987. Ojai, California, November and A.33 A.34 A.35 A.36 A.37 See also Ojai Dialogues (A.59-A.71) 16 November, 40pptypescript. 21 December, 35pp typescript. 28 December. 17pp typescript. Discussion with Sogyal Rinpoche, Max Velmans, John Crook and John Pickering, The Mind Body Group newsletter no. 2 (July 1989). Interview with John Briggs, New Age Journal (September/October 1989), 44-49, 110-115. Interview with A. L. da Rocha Barros, ‘O aparente e o oculto: entrevista com David Bohm’, Estudos Avancados4 (8) (1990), 188-198. (In Portuguese) D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 14 Biographical A.38, A.39 ‘Physics and the Laws of Nature’, discussion with Saral Bohm and David Moody, ‘circa 1989 or 1990’. A.38 A.39 A.40 ‘Verbatim transcription’, 39pp typescript. Bound ‘Edited transcription’. Plastic spiral bound transcript of Lee Nichol’s ‘Conversations with David Bohm’ on ‘Self, Society and Proprioception’, Ojai, California, November 1989, and ‘Imagination, Time and Being’, Vancouver, Canada, April 1992. A.41-A.45 ‘Art meets Science and Spirituality in a changing economy’, Amsterdam 1990. This event was an exhibition and a symposium bringing together artists, scientists, religious leaders and economists. To precede it a ‘TV/Video Documentof our Time’ wasfilmed, featuring some of the main participants, including Bohm, for display at the event. Bohm wasinterviewed for this on 1 September 1989. At the main event in 1990 Bohm took part in a panel discussion alongside the artist Robert Rauschenberg, the Dalai Lama and the Soviet economist Stanislav Menshikov on 10 September. Brief correspondence re arrangements 1989; photographs of Bohm taken during filming for the interview; brochure, with brief biographical details of participants Transcript of interview, 24pp typescript. Plastic spiral bound copy of ‘Treatment. Television/Video Documentof our Time’. Bohm is featured as the first interviewee. Plastic ‘Foto Television/Video Document of our Time’. bound spiral copy of report on the shooting for A.41 A.42 A.43 A.44 D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 15 A.45 A.46 A.47 Biographical Programme of main event. ‘“Beyond Limits”. A Conversation with Professor David Bohm’. Published transcript of conversation between W.M. Angelos and Bohm, recorded by Dutch Television in September 1990. ‘Dialogues between Indigenous and Western Scientists, May 1992, Kalamazoo, Michigan’, Fetzer Institute occasional paper. The dialogue took place when Bohm was visiting the Institute as a Fetzer Scholar. Bound draft of transcript sent to Saral Bohm, with coveringletter. A.48 ‘Notes of last conversations with David Bohm October 28th 1992’. 2pp typescript, author unidentified. A.49-A.57 Contents of folder: typescript draft of long interview with Bohm probably for publication in book form. The material is divided into two parts - ‘Part | Thought and the Human Condition’, comprising chapters 1 and 2 and ‘Part 2 A Dialogue on Thought’, with chapters 3-6. A.49, A.50 ‘Chapter 1 The World Crisis and Thought’. 2 folders. A.51 ‘Chapter 2 The Technological Ascent and the Psychological Descent of Man’. A.52, A.53 ‘Chapter 3 On the Nature of Thought’. 2 folders. A.54 A.55 ‘Chapter4 Illusion and Reality’. ‘Chapter 5 Dialogue and Collective Thought’. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 16 A.56 A.57 A.58 OJAI DIALOGUES A.59 A.60 A.61 A.62 A.63-A.68 A.63 Biographical ‘Chapter 6 On Meaning’. Miscellaneous pages. ‘David Bohm on Abuse. Dialogue between David and Sara Bohm, and Zhixang and Zhendi Wang’, nd. 18pp typescript. Bohm led Dialogues at seminars at the Oak Grove School, Ojai, California. Edited transcripts of the dialogues were published. Leaflet re 1987 Ojai Dialogues. Plastic December). spiral bound edited transcript of 1987 Ojai Dialogues (4-6 ‘Transcript 1987 - Oak Grove School ?with teachers etc’. Contents of envelope so inscribed: 43pp typescript draft transcript of Ojai Dialogue from 5 December 1987. Plastic spiral bound edited transcript of 1988 Ojai Dialogues (11-13 November). ‘[...] Transcripts of some dialogues /Ojai etc/ [...] Meeting with students Oak Grove School Nov. 14, 1989’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. ‘An account of eight discussions between Krishnamurti and a small group of people - August 1964 (made by D. Bohm)’, 19pp typescript; booklet of Writings by David Bohm (Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, 1970). D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 17 Biographical A.64 A.65 A.66 A.67 A.68 A.69 A.70 A.71 ‘On interpretation’ by Bohm, 2pp typescript ca.1976; typescript note on the finite ‘on the occasion of the memorial for David’s friend Dr M. Sagenkahn’, November 1987. Transcript of session with Bohm at Organisational Learning Seminar, October 1989, 92pp typescript. 5 Booklet of ‘David Bohm Meeting with Students, Oak Grove School, Ojai, California, November 14, 1989’. Draft of Ojai ‘Dialogue |’ , 1 December 1989. Draft of Ojai ‘Dialogue II’, 2 December 1989. David Bohm On Dialogue (Ojai, 1990), published transcript of meeting at Ojai on 6 November 1989. Plastic December). spiral bound edited transcript of 1989 Ojai Dialogues (1-3 ‘Dialogue Quarterly Newsletter’, vol. 1 (June 1992). As a result of Bohm’s Dialogues, the Bohm Committee of Ojai which had organised the seminars established a newsletter in 1992 to keep participants in touch with each other and developmentsin the field. ARTICLES AND PAPERS ABOUT BOHM’S WORK A.72 ‘Matter and metaphor’, section of Ph.D. thesis by John Brigg dealing with Bohm’s work. Includes interview with Bohm. Typescript paginated 226-261 annotated ‘First Draft, incomplete, 1981’. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 18 Biographical A.73 A.74 A.75 A.76 ‘David Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order an interpretative essay’ by S. M. Rosen, Man-Environment Systems 12 (January 1982). ‘David Bohm’ by R. Temple, New Scientist, 11 November 1982. ‘David Bohm’s Suggestive Metaphors and Constructs: a psychological reading’ by R. van Eckartsberg, summer 1983. 11pp typescript. Plastic spiral bound copy of ‘David Bohm. The Implicate Order: Physics Theology. Conference Papers presented 22-23 April 1983. The Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California’. Heavily annotated by Bohm. A.76A ‘David Bohm, Post-Modernism, and the Divine’ by T. Peters, ‘Revised for publication January 18, 1984’. The original paper was presented at the ‘David Bohm’ conference (A.76 above). 41pp typescript. A.77 ‘The Physics of Bohm and its relevance to Theology’ by R.J. Russell, March 1984. 19pp typescript. A.78, A.79 ‘A Dialogic Faith’, M.A. thesis by R.F. Lehmann, 1 December 1986. 50pp typescript. 2 folders. A.80 ‘A visit with David [Hockney] and Stanley Hollywood Hills 1987’ by L. Weschler. Hockney refers to reading Bohm’s Wholenesss and the Implicate Order and the influence it had on him. See also A.106. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 19 Biographical A.81 A.82 A.83 A.84 A.85 A.86 ‘The Science of Wholeness: David Bohm’s Natural Philosophy’ by M. Toms, New Dimensions Radio Network News 15 (3), May-June 1988. 6pp typescript outline for article on ‘Dialogue’ by Diana Durham, sent to Bohm for comment, 23 November 1988. ‘David Bohms virkelighed’ by J. Bang and B. Lautrup, ca.1988. 15pp typescript proof. (In Danish) Newspaper cuttings from Bohm’s visit to Denmark, May 1989, covering Bohm’slife and thought. (In Danish) ‘The nature of physical reality’, New Paradigms Newsletter 7 (June 1989). Bound volume ‘About Chromatics. To David Bohm’, by F. Schandorr, 1989 (In English, Danish and German) Plastic spiral bound copyof ‘ “implicate Order” and the Good Life: Applying David Bohm’s Ontology in the Human World’ by Ph.D. thesis by Ib Ravn, 1989. A.87, A.88 ‘A Passion for Clarity. Angelos. The Life and Work of David Bohm’ by W. M. A.87 A.88 A.89 15pp typescript ‘Corrected draft June 16, 1990’. With covering letter. Plastic spiral bound ‘Overview draft June 25, 1990’. splittelse til ‘Fra newspaper), Oslo, 29 June 1990. helhet’ by H.B. Tschudi (from Norwegian journal or Copy of article (in Norwegian); 3pp typescript English language version titled ‘From Fragmentation to Wholeness’. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 20 Biographical A.90 A.91 A.92 A.93 A.94 A.95 A.96 A.97 A.98 ‘To the Lighthouse and Physics: the corresponding worlds of Virginia Woolf and David Bohm’, author unidentified, November 1990. 29pp typescript. Bound copy of ‘David Bohm and Dialogue’ by Heather Parrish, December 1991. ‘Transforming the culture through dialogue’, Utne Reader, March/April 1991. ‘Quantum Philosophy’ by J. Horgan, Scientific American, July 1992. Includes references to Bohm’s work on quantum theory. ‘Last words of a quantum heretic’, New Scientist, 27 February 1993. ‘Sur les “Variables Cachées” de la Mécanique Quantique - Albert Einstein, David Bohm et Louis de Broglie’ by M. Paty, La Pensée 292 (1993). (In French) ‘Bohm’s Alternative to Quantum Mechanics’ by D.Z. Albert, American, May 1994. Scientific ‘David Bohm: A Life of Dialogue between Science and Spirit’ by W. Keepin, Noetic Sciences Review, Summer 1994. ‘David Bohm, sua estada no Brasil e a Teoria Quantica’ by O. Freire Jr, M. Paty and A.L. da Rocha Barros, Estudos Avancados8 (20) (1994), 53-82 (In Portuguese) ‘Bohm, Einstein e a Ciéncia no Brasil’ by O. Freire Jr, in eds. |.C. Moreira and A.A. Passos Videira, Einstein e o Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 1995), 261- 271. (In Portuguese) ‘The curse of the spirit’ by J.D. Barrow, New Scientist 16 November 1996, 48-49. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 21 Biographical A.99 References to Bohm in transcripts of interviews conducted by the American Institute of Physics’ Center for History of Physics: L.H. Aller (1979), L. de Broglie (1963), E.E. Salpeter (1978), E.P. Wigner (1981). A.100-A.105 ‘Notes on Bohm’s work /by whom??/ Probably: Sean M. Kelly’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: miscellaneous typescript drafts on aspects of Bohm’s work. Nd. A.100 ‘Beyond Materialism and Idealism: reflections on the work of David Bohm and Edgar Morin’ by S.M. Kelly, 20pp. A.101 ‘Meaning. Post-Structuralism. Deconstruction’, 14pp ‘Quantum measurement. Superselection and Quantum Potential’, 4pp, annotated ‘Dave: This is a very brief summary of work | did several years ago [...]’ A.102 ‘David Bohm’s implied order and the principles of orthophysics’, 8pp. ‘Bohm’s notion of order’, 2pp. ‘Order’, 4pp. ‘The role and significance of order’, 2pp. A.103 ‘Order in Art and Science’, 2pp. ‘Structuralism and order. Metaphor and science’, 3pp. ‘Metaphor and movement’, 2pp. ‘Metaphor and language’, 2pp. ‘Is there a distinct boundary between Formal and Informal languages?’, 3pp. A.104 ‘Categories and deception’, 3pp. ‘Bohm on perception communication’, 2pp. ‘Perception-communication’, 3pp. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 22 Biographical ‘Subtle changes of meaning’, ip. ‘Reductionism and dualism’, ip. A.105 ‘Science and history’, 2pp. ‘Orders of space and time’, 2pp. ‘Evolution’, 2pp. ‘Somatic selection and adaptive evolution’ ?by E.J. Steele, 1p. ‘Boundaries and barriers’, 1p. ‘Chance’, 1p. ‘Gaia hypothesis’, 1p. A.106 ‘Bohmedallions’ by R. Zend. Collection of typescript poems sotitled. Nd. ‘Tea with Mr Hockney’ by J. Cornwell, extract of magazine article in which Hockney refers to work of Bohm (p.40). Nd. See also A.80. A.107 Miscellaneous photocopiesetc of shorter pieces on Bohm and his work. LIFE AND CAREER A.108-A.112 Photocopies of manuscript essays and notes by Bohm. A.108 Inventions: ‘The Vertical Wing Tip’, June 1933. ‘A Non-Drip Rim for Bottles’, September 1933. ‘The All Wave Superheterodyne’, 22 January 1934. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 23 Biographical ‘Internal combustion turbine’, nd. ‘The Two-Stroke Cycle Compression-lgnition Engine’, nd. ‘D.C. Electric Motors’, nd. A.109 Letter to editor of ‘Wonder Stories’, 1933. Doodlesand jottings. Mathematics notes, nd. A.110 ‘General Theory of the Cosmos. Part !. The Static Inter-Relations of Space, Time and Matter’, nd. ‘Part Il. The Dynamic Inter-Relations of Space, Time, and Matter’, nd. ‘Assumptions and Definitions’, nd. A.111 ‘Conditions of Industry’ etc, nd. ‘Should the Govt enter the anthracite coal industry?’, nd. A.112 ‘Interplanetary plot’, nd. ‘Science Fiction outline’, ?1950s. A.113 Graduation, 1939. Photocopy of Bohm’s student record etc. A.114-A.121 Appearance before the US House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA) and subsequent dismissal from Princeton University, 1949-1951. While working at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory during the Second World War Bohm was active in the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians (FAECT)trade union. At this time (1942) Bohm also joined the Communist Party but he left a year later. The activities of FAECT at the Radiation Laboratory had occasioned some concer during the war (see A.115) and in 1949, as Cold War tensions D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 24 Biographical increased, HCUA began to investigate staff who had been working there. Bohm wascalled upon to testify before HCUA on 25 May and 10 June 1949 but pleaded the Fifth Amendment refusing to give evidence against colleagues. In September 1949 the Soviet Union testedits first atomic device and it was thought that atomic bomb secrets must have been passed to the USSR. Pressure to uncover Soviet spies wasintensified. HCUA alleged Bohm and other members of the FAECT were members of a Communist cell working at Berkeley during the war. In December 1950 Bohm was charged with Contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions about colleagues before the HCUA and arrested. He was acquitted in May 1951. Princeton University had suspended Bohm in December 1950, barring him from the University, and after his acquittal refused to renew his contract, despite support for Bohm from Einstein and others, thus effectively dismissing him. A.114 ‘Princeton, David Bohm and the Cold War’ by R. Olwell, ca.1992. 33pp typescript draft. A.115 A.116 A.117 A.118 A.119 Photocopies of FBI etc reports on FAECT activities at the Radiation Laboratory, 1943. Photocopies of 1943 report on FAECTactivities, and interviews with G.R. Lomanitz and Bohm conducted by M. Sherwin in 1979, sent to Bohm by E.W. Schreker, 2 September 1993. Photocopyof extracts of HCUA Hearings regarding CommunistInfiltration of Radiation Laboratory and Atomic Bomb Project at the University of California, Berkeley (Washington 1949) featuring Bohm’s testimony. Photocopies of photographs of Bohm and G.R. Lomanitz (a colleague at the Radiation Laboratory who also came under suspicion), with news agency descriptions, 1949. Photocopies of manuscript notes from Columbia Oral History project interviews with H.W. Dodds, President of Princeton University during this period, and C. Durr, Bohm’s Counsel. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 25 Biographical A.120 A.121 ‘Who Gave Russia the A-Bomb?’ by W.B. Huie, American Mercury, ca.1951, alleging Bohm was involved in supplying atomic bomb secrets to the USSR. ‘Science, Security and the Cold War. The case of E.U. Condon’ by Jessica Wang, /S/S (1992). Reference to Bohm on p.257. A.122 Appointment as Professor of Physics, University of SAo Paulo, Brazil. Letter from A. de Moraes, Head of Physics Department, notifying E. Simées de Paula (Head of Faculty), of Bohm’s arrival in Brazil, 10 October 1951; record of Bohm’s service at the University 1951-1956. (In Portuguese) A.123 Correspondence re UScitizenship, 1965-1967, 1985-1986. When Bohm left the USA in 1951 he returned his passport, believing this was required by law. Living in Brazil without a passport he then had no option but to take Brazilian nationality and renounce his US citizenship. Subsequently efforts were made on his behalf to restore US citizenship to him. This was eventually restored to him in 1986. A.124 Appointmentas Professor of Physics, Birkbeck College London. ‘Problems in the basic concepts of physics’, Published version with manuscript annotations of Bohm’s inaugural lecture, 13 February 1963. A.125 A.126 Nomination for National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship at New MexicoInstitute of Mining and Technology, 1966. The nomination of Bohm wasproposedbyhis colleague from the Radiation Laboratory, G.R. Lomanitz. Correspondence 1977-1978, 1984, re Bohm’s employment and pension contributions at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, Princeton University, University of S4o Paulo and the Technicon, Haifa. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 26 Biographical A.127 Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Syracuse University, 13 September - 1 October 1982. Publicity leaflet re the Professorship, with a list of lectures to be given by Bohm, principally on the philosophical implications of his work. A.128 Invitation to serve on editorial board of Foundations of Physics, 1988. Notice of Wegand Foundation Lecture on ‘The Relationship of Mind and Matter’, University of Toronto, 11 October 1988. Programme of ‘Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory. A conference[...] to celebrate 30 years of the Aharonov-Bohm effect’, 14-16 December 1989, Columbia, South Carolina. Bohm spoke at the conference. A.129 Letter of congratulation from B.D. Josephson on Bohm’s election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1990. BIBLIOGRAPHY A.130 List of ‘Publications of Professor David Bohm 25 Nov. 94’. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 27 SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES B.1-B.82 B.1-B.63 DRAFTS BY BOHM B.64-B.69 DRAFTSBY F. D. PEAT B.70-B.77 PUBLISHED WORK B.78-B.82 BOOK REVIEWS D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 DRAFTS BY BOHM B.14 B.2 Drafts, publications and lectures 28 ‘Space, time and quantum theory’, lecture draft, nd but probably related to ‘Space,Time and the Quantum Theory understood in terms of discrete process’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Elementary Particles, Kyoto, Japan (1965). Manuscript draft paginated 1-20, possibly incomplete. ‘Space-Time - Leading up to relativity’, lecture draft, nd but possibly related to preceding. Manuscript draft paginated 1-27. B.3, B.4 ‘Time in Relativistic Quantum Theory’, lecture draft, nd but related to preceding. Manuscript draft paginated 1-34. 2 folders. B.5-B.9 ‘Collective treatment of liquid helium’ with B. Salt, submitted for publication to the Physical Review 1966. B.5 Letter from editor, 8 December 1966, enclosing referee’s comments. B.6, B.7 Manuscript and typescript draft with extensive corrections. 2 folders. B.8 B.9 Incomplete typescript draft, paginated 4-39. References; figures. B.10-B.15 ‘Fragmentation & Wholeness in Science & Society’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.10, B.11 Talk on knowledge, Santa Monica, 1981. 37pp typescript ‘transcript’. 2 folders. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 29 Drafts, publications and lectures B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 ‘Existing knowledge cannot meet the challenge’, ‘based on a talk given in Santa Monica[...] 1981’. 9pp typescript. ‘Fragmentation and Wholenessin Science and Society’, Seminar sponsored by the Science Council of Canada, Ottawa, 10 May 1983. Bound Report. ‘Religion as Wholeness and the problem of Fragmentation’, ‘based on a talk given at St James Church, Piccadilly, London, September 1983’. 13pp typescript. ‘The Implicate Order, Consciousness and Religion’, ‘based on a talk given at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley, California’, nd. 20pp typescript. ‘Soma-significance: a new notion of the relationship between the physical and the mental’. 44pp typescript ‘Corrected version - 1.5.84’. ‘Somasignificance: a notion of the unity of the nature of life’, with J.L Hancke, ca.1984. 32pp typescript. deeper structure ‘The processes as major sourceof conflict’, November 1987. of thought and corresponding neurophysical 17pp typescript. B.19 ‘An ontological foundation for the quantum theory’, ca.1987. 24pp typescript + transparenciesfor figures. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 30 Drafts, publications and lectures B.20-B.24 ‘Bohm: various articles on Dialogue/& connected’. inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Contents of folder so B.20 ‘The discipline of team learning’, latest bibliographical reference 1987. Typescript and manuscript draft. The typescript draft was sent to Bohm for comment and assistance, and there are many manuscript additions by him. B.21 ‘MIT dialogue 10/3/89’. 59pptypescript. B.22 ‘On dialogue’. 8pp typescript. See B.76 below. ‘Addendum to “Dialogue on Science, Society, and the Generative Order”’ , with S. Kelly. 11pp typescript. B.23, B.24 Untitled ?transcript of talk on Dialogue, nd. 43pp typescript. 2 folders. B.25-B.30 ‘Bohm & Peat Order In-between’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Typescript drafts and notes for planned book and background material found therewith. B.25 Twodifferent versions of ‘Notes at the Bailey Farms October 1988’. Both 19pp. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 31 Drafts, publications and lectures B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 B.30 B.31 Twoslightly different versions of Peat’s ‘Notes with David Bohm October 1989’. 5pp and 14pp. ‘Bohm-Peat notes. October 1990 for the book “The Order Between and Beyond”’. 4pp. ‘The Order Between. A book proposal by David Bohm and F. David Peat’. 13pp ‘Uncorrected draft’. ‘Science for Understanding People, Culture, Universe and Struggle’, author unidentified, Native Science Conference, 9-12 July 1989. 18pp typescript Typescript papers by F.D. Peat: ‘Gentle Action for a Harmonious World’, 8pp; ’A science of harmony and gentle action’, 13pp. ‘Notes on General Theory of Thought’, revised 17 November 1989. 9pp typescript outline for book. B.32-B.34 Untitled work beginning ‘This book deals with a crisis that humanity is facing’. B.32 B.33 Boundcopy ‘Edition 6.6.90’. ‘David Bohm’, slightly different version of the work as prepared in electronic hypertext form, nd. Bound copy. B.34 Typescript drafts of ‘Introduction’, 9pp; ‘Sorrow and passion’, 11pp. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 32 Drafts, publications and lectures B.35 ‘Science and spirituality: the need for a change in culture’, talk ‘based on a lecture given at the Fetzer Institute on 23 October 1990’. 12pp typescript. B.36-B.38 ‘P. Pylkkanen & Bohm’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: typescript papers by Pylkkanen and Bohm. B.36 ‘Outline of a paper on cognitive science’, 1991. 14pp with manuscript corrections. B.37 B.38 ‘Cognition as a movement towards coherence’, 12 April 1991. 16pp. Incomplete later draft of ‘Cognition as a movement towards coherence’. 23pp, paginated 9-31. B.39, B.40 ‘Dialogue: a proposal’, with D. Factor and P. Garrett, 1991. B.39 ‘Revision, March 9, 1992’. 15pp typescript. B.40 Later version. 17pp typescript. B.41 ‘Science, Spirituality and the Present World Crisis’. This lecture was given at the 12th International Transpersonal Conference on ‘Science, Spirituality and the Global Crisis: Toward a World with a Future’, Prague, 20-25 June 1992. Two ip typescript ?abstracts; annotated conference programme. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 33 Drafts, publications and lectures B.42 B.43 B.44 ‘The Undivided Universe: an ontological interpretation of quantum theory’, with B.J. Hiley. (Published by Routledge, London, 1993). See also B.81. Bound typescript draft. ‘Creativity in Art and Science’, talk at ‘U.C. Santa Barbara’, nd. 2pp manuscript + transparencies. ‘On the failure of communication between Bohr and Einstein’, with D.L. Schumacher, nd. 8pp typescript. ‘The Post-Modern Physics and the Post-Modern World’, nd. 5pptypescript. ‘Post-Modern Science as involving questions of meaning and value’, nd. 3pp typescript. B.45-B.61 Undated photocopied typescript and manuscript drafts found together and inscribed ‘Copyright D.Bohm’. B.45 ‘Some reflections on thought’. 3pp typescript and 10pp manuscript. B.46 B.47 B.48 ‘Further reflections on the process of thought’. 13pp manuscript. ‘2. On the thought process as an aspect of the “Programme?” ’. Typescript paginated 9-22. ‘6. The movementof the mind beyondthinking and feeling’. 23pp typescript. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 Drafts, publications and lectures B.49 ‘Systems in science and technology’. 10pp typescript. B.50 ‘Understanding in Science’. 19pp typescript. B.51 ‘Understanding Time in Relativity’. 26pptypescript. B.52 ‘The chemistry of words’. Manuscript draft with extensive corrections. B.53 Draft on thought. 10pp manuscript. B.54-B.61 Extensively corrected manuscript drafts on the ‘I’ structure. 8 folders. B.62 B.63 Manuscript notes for ?lectures, nd. Mathematical notes for ?lecture, nd. 4pp manuscript. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 35 Drafts, publications and lectures DRAFTSBYF. D. PEAT Material found in a folder inscribed ‘D. Peat (Various notes on physicsetc)’. It comprises typescript and manuscript notes drafts dating 1980-1982. Bohm and Peat were collaborators in research on quantum mechanics and the drafts contain references to Bohm’s work. Manuscript notes on ‘The “Great Work” revisited’, typescript and manuscript ‘Research Report D. Peat 5 Feb 1980’. 31 January 1980; Manuscript notes 8, 9 August 1981 and nd. Manuscript and typescript notes, manuscript notes, nd. 1 September and 18 October 1981; Typescript notes on ‘Discussion Nov 1981’, with manuscript addition 22 February 1982; 5pp typescript ‘Analysis of previous papers’, November 1981; 1p ‘Some November notes’. 9pp typescript ‘Paper on Structure and Space-time’, nd; untitled 5pp typescript draft on quantum theory, nd; 4pp typescript ‘Introduction’ on problems of physics, nd. Miscellaneous undated manuscript and typescript notes and pagesofdrafts. B.64 B.65 B.66 B.67 B.68 B.69 PUBLISHED WORK B.70 B.71 ‘Comparagao entre a Fisica no Brazil e nos Estados Unidos’, Notas de Matematica e Fisica 1 (1953), 11-28 (In Portuguese) ‘Proof that Probability Density Approaches fw in Causal Interpretation of the Quantum Theory’, New Research Techniques in Physics (Rio de Janeiro, 1954), 187-198. I. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 36 Drafts, publications and lectures ‘Causal Explanation of Probability Distributions Mechanics’, idem, 219-220. in Classical Statistical B.72, B.73 Publications arising from Kettering Foundation Symposium on ‘Knowledge, Education, and Human Values: Toward the Recovery of Wholeness’, 17-20 June 1980, Woodstock, Vermont. B.72 B.73 B.74 B.75 B.76 B.77 ‘Insight, Knowledge, Science, and Human Values’, Record 82 (1981), 380-402. Teachers College Symposium Report. ‘Imagined Worlds: visions of theoretical physics’, book review of Imagery in Scientific Thought: Creating 20th Century Physics by A.|. Miller, Nature 314 (1985). ‘A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter’, Philosophical Psychology 3 (1990), 271-286. ‘On Dialogue’, Noetic Sciences Review 23 (1992), 16-18, republished as ‘For Truth try Dialogue’, Resurgence 156 (1993), 10-13. See also B.21 above. ‘A brief introduction to the work of Krishnamurti’, Krishnamurti Foundation of America leaflet (Ojai, California). Nd. BOOK REVIEWS Reviews by others of books by Bohm. B.78 The Special Theory of Relativity (Massachusetts, 1966). D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 37 Drafts, publications and lectures B.79 B.80 B.81 Wholeness and the implicate Order (Boston, Massachusetts, 1980). Science, Order and Creativity, with F.D. Peat (New York, 1987; London, 1989). The Undivided Universe: an ontological interpretation of quantum theory, with B.J. Hiley, (London, 1993). See also B.42. B.82 Thought as a System (London, 1994). D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 38 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1-C.92 C.1-C.65 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE C.66-C.92 CORRESPONDENCE WITHC.J. BIEDERMAN GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE C.1 Aharonov, Y. ca.1961 Aharonov was Bohm’s research student at Bristol University in the late 1950s. They discovered the ‘Aharonov-Bohm effect’, the first demonstration of how a vacuum could producestriking physical effects. Letter from Aharonov re current research. C.2 Bakhshov,N. Letter to Bohm re idea of meaning. Barfield, O. 1989 1988 Correspondence re Bohm’s book Science, Order and Creativity (1987). C.3 Beck, G. 1952-1953 Photocopies of correspondence from Bohm to Beck re visits, research and Bohm’s position at the University of Sao Paulo. Folder also includeslist of the letters and note of location of originals. " Material received from Dr Olival Freire Jr. The originals are deposited in the Guido BeckArchive, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 39 Correspondence C.4 Berman, M. 1984, 1989 Letter to Bohm 1984 re his paper on ‘soma-significance’ (see B.16, B.17); 1989 correspondence re Berman’s article The Cybernetic Dream of the Twenty-First Century; and letter to Bohm 1989 re idea of ‘embodiment’. Blake, A. Letter to Bohm re analysis of painting. C.5 Brendel, V. Letter re Bohm’svisit to Israel 1986. Briggs, J. Letter re Bohm’s depression. Brown, R.L. Note on ‘Causality & Chance in Modern Physics. D. Bohm 1/3/62’. 1964 1986 1991 1962 C.6 Broglie, L. de 1952, 1953 Photocopies of letters from de Broglie on Bohm’s ideas on quantum mechanics(in French). C.7 Buckley, P. Letter re Bohm’s depression. Carmi, G. 1991 1988 Invitation to and correspondence re conference in Bermuda, April 1988. C.8 Colgate, S. A. 1965-1967 Colgate was President of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology where G. R. Lomanitz, Bohm’s colleague from the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory in the late 1940s, was subsequently employed. Photocopies of correspondence re Bohm’spossible return to the US. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 Correspondence C.9 Cowen, R. D. Letter to Bohm re ‘meditative experiment’. ?Dinggauo, H. Letter to Bohm re his vist to China. Ehresmann, A. C. 40 1987 1987 1990 C.10-C.16 Einstein, A. ca.1950-1954, 1965, 1985 In 1951 Bohm sent a copy of his first book Quantum Theory to Einstein, among other leading scientists. Einstein thought highly of the book and they began a correspondence. After Bohm’s difficulties with the House Committee on Un-American Activities and his subsequent move to Brazil, Einstein sent his advice and provided letters of recommendation. The material is photocopies of correspondence between Bohm and Einstein. The bulk of the letters are a numbered sequence 1-22. Number 16, which waslacking, was supplied by Dr Freire. Some ofthe letters are in German with an English translation also provided. Originals are in the Einstein Archive, Jewish National & University Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. ca.1950-1951. phenomena. Letters from Bohm re his interpretation of quantum 1951-1952. difficulties; work on quantum theory. References and letters of support for Bohm; passport 1953 February. Correspondence re Bohm’s responsetoarticle by Einstein for Festschrift for M. Born. Bohm differed from Einstein in his understanding of Born’s theory of quantum mechanics. C.10 C.11 C.12 C.13 1953 March, April. Born Festschrift. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 41 Correspondence C.14 C.15 C.16 1954 January - June. seek employment. Includes Einstein’s advice on where Bohm should 1954 October, November. Includes exchange of views on quantum theory, Einstein expressing his belief in the logical simplicity of physical laws. 1965. Incomplete letter to Bohm from unidentified correspondent re Einstein’s views on the Michelson-Morley experiments, with copy of letter from Einstein to F.C. Davenport, 9 February 1954. Letter 1985. correspondence. to Bohm from H.M. Loewy re reproducing Einstein Elkana,Y. Invitations to visit Israel. C.18 Garrett, P. Typescript draft on Dialogue by Garrett. Gilbert, D. Letter to Bohm arising from his Dialogues. C.19 Globus, G. G. 1985-1987 1987 1985 1983 Includes draft of ‘Beating about the bushes of the holonomic paradigm’ by Globus, sent to Bohm for comment. C.20 Gyr, J. ca.1983 Re Gyr’s drafts of ‘Proposals about a mathemtical hierarchy of certain autopoietic forms and static special-cases thereof as a means of studying “Schizophrenic-type” development’. C.21 Harrison, W. A. 1959 Letter to Bohm re electromagnetic potentials. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 42 Correspondence C.22-C.26 Heflin, L. 1983-1984 Heflin corresponded with Bohm on philosophy and sent Bohm drafts of his ideas on Time and other subjects. Letters etc from Helfin. 5 folders. C.27 Hubel, D. H. 1963 Letter to Bohm re cell response. C.28 Kahler,L. 195[?], 1962, 1984, 1986 Photocopies of Bohm’sletters to Kahler. Includes 1950sletter on his life in Brazil; 1984 and 1986 letters re copies of Bohm-Einstein correspondence. C.29 Kaloyerou, P. N. 1988 Letter to Bohm re particles in time. C.30-C.34 Karnette, R. 1988, 1989 Karnette corresponded with Bohm principally re the thought of Krishnamurti. His letters were usually enclosed photocopies of extracts of work of Krishnamurti and others. Karnette’s letter of 19 June 1988 (C.30) has been annotated by Bohm. Letters etc from Karnette. 5 folders. C.35 Kell, R. 1989 Includes draft of ‘A reading of Chance and Necessity’ by Kell, sent to Bohm for comment. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 Correspondence C.36 Kolman, A. 43 1962 Kolman was Director of the Philosophical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Letters from Kolman on his workon infinity etc. Laurikanien, K. V. 1987 Letter re Symposium ?in Finland. C.37-C.41 Loewy, H. M. 1950-ca.1955, 1979, 1984-1985 Hanna Loewy wasa closefriend of Bohm’s. The correspondenceis chiefly re Bohm’s difficulties in the US and his time at the University of Sao Paulo. Photocopies of correspondence, nearly all letters from Bohm to Loewy. In 1984 Bohm requested Loewy send him copiesof letters he had sent while in Brazil to strengthen his case for the restoration of his US citizenship. See C.41. 1950, 1951 June. 1951 October-December. Includes Bohm’sinitial reactions to life in Brazil. 1953. 1950s. Undated letters to Loewy from Brazil. Include references to Bohm’s current work and future plans. 1979, 1984-1985. Correspondence 1984-1985 relates to Bohm’s attempts to regain US citizenship. C.37 C.38 C.39 C.40 C.41 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 44 Correspondence C.42 Lomanitz, G.R. 1965, 1966 Lomanitz was a colleague of Bohm’s at the Berkeley High Energy Laboratory and was also called before the House Committee on Un- American Activities. Photocopies of letters to Lomanitz re possible return to the US. In his letter of 21 November 1966 Bohm explains his association with Communism and his subsequentrejection thereof. C.43 Margolis, J. Letter to Bohm re ‘soma-significance’. Maule, P. Letter to Bohm re possible joint seminar. Oak Grove School, Ojai, California 1988 1987 1987 The Ojai Grove School hosted Bohm’s meetings on Dialogue in the late 1980s. Letter of thanks to Bohm. C.44 Pauli, W. 1951 Photocopyof letter from Pauli re Bohm’s ideas on quantum theory C.45 Peat, F. D. 1988, nd. C.46-C.50 Phillips, M. 1951-1955, 1962 With the exception of the one 1962 letter from Phillips to Bohm (C.50), the material is photocopies of letters from Bohm to Phillips sent during his time in Brazil and shortly after his move to Israel. They may have been requested by Bohm to aid his attempt to regain US citizenship in the 1980s. Most of the letters were undated but have been retained in the order in which they were found. The letters give personal news as well as Bohm’s views on Brazilian society, science in Brazil, international affairs and the progressof his research. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 45 Correspondence C.46-C.48 1951-1954. Letters from Brazil. 3 folders. 1955. Letters from Israel. 1962. C.49 C.50 C.51-C.54 Platt, J. R. 1963 ‘Bohm and Platt on Perception. Correspondence 1963’. Typescript copy of correspondence between Platt and Bohm, paginated 1-105, spanning the period 11 March - 10 November. 4 folders. C.55 Polanyi, M. Por, G. Letter (faxed) from Por re Dialogue. C.56 Ribeiro, C. Photocopyof letter from Bohm re research funding. (In Portuguese) C.57 Rosen, S. 1962 1991 1953 1983 Letters from Rosen re Bohm’s ideas. comments on Bohm’s paper on ‘Soma-significance’ (see B.16, B.17). Rosen’s letter of 21 November C.58 Rosenfeld, L. 1952 " Material received from Dr Olival Freire Jr. The original is deposited in the Guido Beck Archive, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 Correspondence Sagenkahn, I. and P. Brief correspondence re Malcolm Sagenkahn, a friend of the Bohms. C.59 Salk, J. Letter to Salk from Bohm setting out his research plans in retirement. Shen, J-P 46 1993 1986 Nd Manuscript draft of ‘The explanation of uncertainty relation in Bohm’s interpretation of quantum theory’. C.60 Taylor, P. Letter to Taylor from Bohm on ‘intelligence’. C.61 Vigier, J.-P. 1965 1962, nd Vigier was co-author with Bohm, L. de Broglie and T. Takabayashi of a paper ‘Rotary model of elementary particles considered as a relativistic extended structures in Minowski space’. Correspondencefrom Vigier re joint work. C.62 Walsh, R. Letter from Walsh re ‘A course in miracles’. Wheeler, J. A. 1987 1965 Letter from Wheeler to W. A. Benjamin re Bohm’s book The Special Theory of Relativity. C.63 White, L.H. 1986 Letter to Bohm re his paper on ‘Fragmentation and Wholeness in Religion and in Science’. D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 Correspondence C.64 Worth, R. R. Worth was Editorial Director of W. A. Benjamin Inc, Publishers. Comments by referees on Bohm’sdraft ‘The Theory of Relativity’. 47 1963 C.65 Unidentified correspondents. First name only. 1956, 1962, 1989, nd CORRESPONDENCE WITH C. J. BIEDERMAN Charles Joseph Biederman (b.1906) was an American painter, sculptor and theorist. The correspondence wasinitiated by Biederman who wrote to Bohm in March 1960 inspired by his book Causality and Chance. Between 1960 and 1969 they conducted an extensive correspondence. Bohm’s letters to Biederman contain detailed expositions of his philosophical outlook and views on a wide range of philosophical and scientific issues. The material is photocopied correspondence, 1960-1969. It was divided into three components: early exchanges 1960-1962, paginated 1-249 (C.66); letters from Bohm to Biederman 1962-1969, paginated 1-3202 (C.67-C.85); and letters from Biederman to Bohm 1962-1969, paginated 1- 673 (C.86-C.92). The 1962-1969 correspondence from Bohm to Biederman and from Biederman to Bohm was divided into nineteen and eight numbered bundles respectively C.66 Correspondence 1960-1962. Paginated 1-249. C.67-C.85 Bohm to Biederman. C.67 C.68 C.69 C.70 Bundle 1, February - May 1962. Paginated 1-140. Bundle 2, June - August 1962. Paginated 141-310. Bundle 3, August - October 1962. Paginated 311-529. Bundle 4, October - November 1962. Paginated 530-731. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 48 Correspondence C.71 C.72 C.73 C.74 C.75 C.76 C.77 C.78 C.79 C.80 C.81 C.82 C.83 Bundle 5, November - December 1962. Paginated 732-905. Bundle 6, December 1962. Paginated 906-1069. Bundle 7, January - March 1963. Paginated 1070-1318. Bundle 8, March - June 1963. Paginated 1319-1467. Bundle 9, June - September 1963. Paginated 1468-1594. Bundle 10, September - December 1963. Paginated 1595-1722. Bundle 11, January - March 1964. Paginated 1723-1848. Bundle 12, March - April 1964. Paginated 1849-1962. Bundle 13, May - September 1964. Paginated 1963-2166. Bundle 14, September - December 1964. Paginated 2167-2406. Bundle 15, January - May 1965. Paginated 2407-2667. Bundle 16, August 1965 - December 1966. Paginated 2668-2808. Bundle 17, January - ?7December 1967. Paginated 2809-2924. D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 49 Correspondence C.84 C.85 Bundle 18, January - ca.July 1968. Paginated 2925-3067. Bundle 19, July 1968 - April 1969. Paginated 3068-3202. C.86-C.92 Biederman to Bohm. C.86 C.87 C.88 C.89 C.90 C.91 C.92 Bundles 1 and 2, May - September 1962. Paginated 1-97. Bundle 3, September - December 1962. Paginated 98-216. Bundle 4, January - May 1963. Paginated 218-293. Bundle 5, June - December 1963. Paginated 294-352. Bundle 6, January - December 1964. Paginated 353-503. Bundle 7, January 1965 - December 1966. Paginated 504-586. Bundle 8, April 1967 - ?October 1969. Paginated 587-673. letter of 11 ?October 1969. Plus undated D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 50 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AHARONOV,Yakir ANGELOS, William M. BAKHSHOV, Nadim BARFIELD, Owen BECK, Guido BENJAMIN, William A. BERMAN, Morris BERNSTEIN, Mary C.1 A.87 C.2 A.21, C.2 C.3 C.62 C.4 A.22 BIEDERMAN, Charles Joseph C.66-C.92 BLAKE, Anthony BRENDEL, Volker BRIGGS, John BRITTEN, RoyJ. BROGLIE, Louis de BROWN, R.L. BUCKLEY, Paul CARMI, Gideon CHAMBERS, Robert J. C.4 C.5 C.5 A.22 C.6 C.5 C.7 C.7 A.22 COLGATE, Stirling A. A.123, C.8 COWAN, Ronald D. ?DINGGUO, Hong DURHAM, Diana EHRESMANN, AndréeC. C.9 C.9 A.82 C.9 EINSTEIN, Albert C.10-C.16 D. J. Bohm NCUACS66/4/97 51 Index of correspondents ELKANA, Yehuda FLEMING, Phildea FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS FOX, Richard J. GARRETT,Peter GEKELMAN, Walter GILBERT, David GLOBUS, Gordon G. GYR, John HARRISON, Walter A. HEFLIN, Llee HUBEL,David H. JORGENSEN, Ole JOSEPHSON, Brian David C.17 A.23 A.128 A.21 C.18 A.13 C.18 C.19 C.20 C.21 C.22-C.26 C.27 A.83 A.129 JOURNAL OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY C.4 KAHLER, Lili KALOYEROU, P. N. KARNETTE, Richard KEENY, Spurgeon M., Jr KELL, Richard KRAMISH, Arnold LAURIKAINEN, K. V. LEVY, Raymond LIPKIN, Daniel M. LOEWY, Hanna M. C.28 C.29 C.30-C.34 A.123 C.35 A.22 A.21 A.22 A.22 C.16, C.37-C.41 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 52 Index of correspondents LOMANITZ, Giovanni Rossi MARGOLIS, Joseph MARSHALL, Ninian MAULE, Peter MERWE, Alwyn van der MOODY,David MORAES, Abrahao de PAULA,E. Simées de PAULI, Wolfgang PEAT, F. David PHILLIPS, Melber PHYSICAL REVIEW PINES, David PLATT, John R. POLANY!I, Michael POR, George POWERS, Lynn RIBEIRO, Costa RICHARDS, Richard T. ROSEN, Nathan ROSEN, Steve ROSENFELD, L. RUSSELL, Robert John SAGENKAHN, Irwin SAGENKAHN, Patricia W. SALK, Jonas C.42 C.43 C.19 C.43 A.128 A.33, A.35 A.122 A.122 C.44 A.21, A.22, A.47, B.26, C.9, C.45 C.46-C.50 B.5 A.3 C.51-C.54 C.55 C.55 A.92 C.56 A.22 A.22 C.57 C.58 C.63 C.58 A.21, C.58 C.59 D. J. Bohm NCUACS 66/4/97 53 Index of correspondents SAVITT, Sam SCHREKER,Ellen W. SEBRING, Harold C. SENGE, Peter M. SHEN Jong-ping STIX, Thomas H. SWEDENBORG FOUNDATION, INC. TAYLOR, Peter TOMS, Michael VIGIER, Jean-Pierre WAGNER, Angelika C. WALSH, Roger WEISS, Mort WHEELER, John A. WHITE, Lillian Hanson WIJERS, Louwrien WORTH, Robert R. A.22 A.116 A.21 A.21 C.59 A.13 B.62 C.60 A.84 C.61 A.31 C.62 A.21 C.62 C.63 A.41 C.64 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof David Joseph Bohm FRS (1917-1992) by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 156/6/07 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 Title: Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof David Joseph Bohm FRS (1917-1992), physicist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1933-2002 Extent of material: 9 boxes ca 200 items Depositedin: The Library, Birkbeck College London Reference code: GB 1832 BOHM © 2007 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACS catalogue no. 156/6/07 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Birkbeck College London Institute of Physics Royal Society D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN BIRKBECK COLLEGE LONDON D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTIONA BIOGRAPHICAL A.131-A.181 SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES B.83-B.192 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.93-C.129 SECTION D NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL D.1-D.20 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 14 28 33 36 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 5 For an outline of the career of David Bohm see the introduction to the ‘Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of David Joseph Bohm’ compiled in 1997 (NCUACS catalogue no. 66/4/97), hereafter referred to as the original catalogue. A longer accountis to be found in B.J. Hiley, 'David Joseph Bohm 20 December 1917-27 October 1992', Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 43 (1997), 105-131, a copy of which is at A.133. PROVENANCE This material was received from Professor B.J. Hiley, via Birkbeck College London, in November 2006. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This material, which spans 1933-2005, forms a valuable additional resource for the study of Bohm’s life and thought. There are some documents that directly relate to material presented in the 1997 catalogue, and this is indicated in the catalogue entries by reference to the original catalogue, but the bulk is new. The catalogue entries in this volume have been numberedto follow on from the earlier catalogue. Section A, Biographical, includes a copy of the Royal Society biographical memoir of Bohm, additional interviews and dialogues material, including a series of contributions to the magazine ReVision, and some additional material relating to the Ojai Dialogues of 1989. There are further articles about Bohm showing the continuing interest his life and ideas inspired. Life and career material includes documentation of his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society including letters of congratulation. The original catalogue contained a solitary letter of congratulation, from Brian Josephson, which reinforced the picture of him as a loner shunned by the mainstream scientific establishment. The addition to this of congratulations from figures such as Lord Flowers, Sir Roger Penrose and Abdus Salam indicates the high regard in which he was widely held. The section also has little personal correspondence, which includes documentation of visits to North America in the 1970s and 1980s, and material relating to his wife Saral Bohm that shows her promoting her husband’s ideasafter his death Section B, Drafts, publications and lectures, is the largest in this catalogue. It covers the period 1951 to 1998. Of particular note is the further material presented on the themes of wholeness and D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 6 fragmentation and the implicate order. The section also presents significant documentation of Bohm’s ideas in quantum theory. Drafts by Bohm include series of lectures ‘On plasma physics’, delivered at the University of Rome in May 1958 and on ‘General theory of collective coordinates’, University of Bristol, about the same date. Bohm’s wider vision is documented in papers delivered at various meetings, such as 'An inquiry into the function of language and thought' (Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, March, 1971), ‘Insight, imagination, reason and the nature of knowledge’ and ‘Consciousness’ (Syracuse University, September 1982), and ‘Fragmentation and wholeness’ (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland, 1986). The coverage of Bohm’s published output in the original catalogue wasratherthin; this catalogue presents significantly more material documenting his publications. It includes articles on quantum theory from the 1950s onwards, drafts of Causality and Chance in Modern Physics (1957) and the final chapter of Wholenessand the Implicate Order (1980), and a posthumously published work 'Cosmos, Matter, Life and Consciousness’, in The Spirit of Science. From Experiment to Experience, 1998 from a lecture originally given in 1983. Section C, Correspondence, presents important new material on Bohm’s life and ideas. It includes a bound volume of correspondence with the philosopher J.G. Bennett (1962-1964) largely arising from ideas put forward in Bennett's book The Dramatic Universe, muchinfluenced by G.I. Gurdjieff. There is correspondence with A. Kahler and her daughter H.M. Loewy 1950-1951, in which Bohm discusses his difficulties with the Un-American Activities Committee, his move to Brazil and future plans. There are exchanges with D.L. Schindler, editor of Communio, a Roman Catholic journal, arising from Schindler's review of Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Correspondence with F. Wilhelm includes discussion of the thought and personality of J. Krishnamurti, who wasa profound influence on the thought of both men, and further discussion of Krishnamurti is to be found in the typescript transcripts of correspondence with Yitzhak (‘Isidore’) Woolfson, Bohm's brother-in-law. This correspondence also discusses individuality, the nature of understanding, memory and the Arab- Israeli conflict. There is an extensive set of photocopies of manuscript letters from Bohm to the mathematician Miriam Yevick. The letters cover the early 1950s after Bohm’s moveto Brazil and cover his experiences there, his future plans, and the state of the world, as well as the development of his ideas in quantum theory. Section D, Non-textual material, is a section not present in the original catalogue. Of particular note are the audio cassette tapes of broadcasts on Radio France in 1982 and the proceedings of the memorial meeting to Bohm held at Birkbeck College London in May 1993. There is also an index of correspondents. T.E. Powell Bath 2007 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.131-A.181 1933-2005 A.131-A.134 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.135-A.148 INTERVIEWS, DISCUSSIONS AND DIALOGUES A.149-A.163 ARTICLES AND PAPERS ABOUT BOHM A.164-A.174 LIFE AND CAREER A.175-A.179 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.180, A.181 SARAL BOHM A.131-A.134 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1992-1998 A.131 Letters of condolence 1992-1993 These are additional to those at A.6-A.12 of the original catalogue and were notin the list in A.5. A.132 A.133 A.134 ‘Remarks by S Schweber at memorial meeting for Dave Bohm’, 3 December 1992 1992 Printed out email, 3pp ‘David Joseph Bohm 20 December 1917-27 October 1992’ by B.J. Hiley, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 43 (1997), 105-131 Offprint. Tribute to Bohm from newsletter of the Instituto de Estudos Avancados da Universidade de Sao Paulo, vol 10 no 2 (1998) The newsletter is announcing a forthcoming symposium on David Bohm’s work. 1997 1998 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Biographical, A.131-A.181 A.135-A.148 INTERVIEWS, DISCUSSIONS AND DIALOGUES 1978-1989 A.135 A.136 A.137 A.138 A.139 A.140 ‘The enfolding-unfolding David Bohm’ by Renée Weber, ReVision 1 (1978), 24-51 universe: a conversation with 1978 Photocopy of published conversation nature and the quantum’, interview with G.W. ‘Mind, Schaeffer, 11 February 1981 1980-1981 21pp arrangements. typescript transcript; correspondence re Schaeffer was Professor of Ecological Physics, Cranfield Institute of Technology. The interview was to have been published (in part) in the Christian Science Monitor. Interview by Lillian Hoddeson, Center for Physics, American Institute of Physics, 8 May 1981 History of 1981 16pp typescript transcript. ‘The physicist and the mystic - is a dialogue between them possible?’, by Renée Weber, ReVision 4 (Spring 1981), 21- 74 1981 Photocopy of published conversation. ‘Conversations between Rupert Sheldrake, Renée Weber, David Bohm’, ReVision 5 (Fall 1982), 23-48 1982 Photocopy of published conversations. ‘Of matter and meaning: the: super-implicate order. A conversation between David Bohm and Renée Weber’, ReVision 6 (1983), 34-44 1983 Photocopy of published conversation. A.141, A.142 ‘Joe Schaeffer interview with David Bohm’ 23 July 1986 1986 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Biographical, A.131-A.181 A.141 Print-out of transcript 42pp. A.142 Revised transcript 31pp. A.143 Interview by Dipankar Home, Science Today November 1986, 25-27, 48-49 1986 Photocopyof published interview. A.144 ‘Interview between David Bohm and Lee Nichol’ 1989 14pp typescript transcript so headed. This an earlier version of the 1989 conversation presented at A.40 of the original catalogue A.145-A.148 Ojai Dialogues See also A.67-A.70 of the original catalogue. A.145 ‘David Bohm meeting with Oak Grove students, Ojai, California, November 14, 1989’ 43pp typescript transcript. This was the basis of the booklet at A.66 in the original catalogue. 1989 1989 A.146, A.147 ‘David Bohm Seminar December 2, 1989’ 1989 64p typescript. 2 folders. A.148 ‘Dialogue Four - (First half)’, 3 December 1989 32pp typescript. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 10 Biographical, A.131-A.181 A.149-A.163 ARTICLES AND PAPERS ABOUT BOHM 1983-2005 A.149 Newspaper references to Bohm’ 1983, 1997 Why Einstein was wrong about light) by Danah Zohar, Sunday Times 20 February 1983 (photocopy); ‘The universe as seen from North Beach’, San Francisco Chronicle, 17 August 1997. A.150 ‘Some remarksonthe significance of David Bohm’s views for biology’ by K. Kortmulder, Acta Biotheoretica 36 (1987), 275-280 1987 Corrected offprint. A.151-A.155 ‘Material collected by David Peat for his 1992 biography + not in folders A.20-A.22’. Contents of folder so labelled 1992-1996 A.151-A.153 Print-outs of unedited transcripts of reminiscences of Bohm 1994 The reminiscences focus in particular on Bohm’s family background, his relationship with Krishnamurti, his move towards the dialogue technique, and his depression. Those interviewed include Saral Bohm, Lee Nichol, Dave Moody and Mort Weiss. 3 folders. A.154, A.155 Miscellaneous letters and copies of letters, information, poems etc. 1993-1996 2 folders. A.156 ‘Remembering Psychosciencevol 1 no 1 (1994), 3-5 Bohm David by M._ Germine, 1994 First issue of Psychoscience, which also includes ‘Soma- significance: a new notion of the relationship between the physical and the mental’ by Bohm, published posthumously (see B.16 of the original catalogue). D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 A.157 A.158 A.159 A.160 A.161 A.162 A.163 Biographical, A.131-A.181 ‘The quantum metaphysics of David Bohm’ by Germine, Pyschosciencevol 1 no 2 (1994), 139-149 T.J. Issue of Pyschoscience. Photocopied pages referring to Bohm from The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and Complex by M. Gell-Mann (1995) ‘3 untitled pages (130 to 132) concerning DAVID BOHM Headed Das Jahr 1951. Dated 13 March 1995’ App photocopy manuscript notes on Bohm’s life, apparently taken from German language draft, one page of which is appended; 1 page of typescript corrections. 11 1994 1995 1995 ‘Talk for Amherst’, 12 June 1995, recollections of Bohm by Saral Bohm 1995 8pp typescript. ‘David Bohm and collective movement’ by A. Kojevnikov, HSPSvol 33 part 1 (2002), 161-192 2002 Offprint. ‘Science and exile: David Bohm, the Cold War, and a new interpretation of quantum mechanics’, HSPS vol 36 part 1 (2005) Preprint. ‘Dialectical materialism and the construction of a new quantum theory: David Joseph Bohm, 1917-1992’ by C. Forstner, 2005 Preprint. 2005 2005 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 12 Biographical, A.131-A.181 A.164-A.174 LIFE AND CAREER 1933-1990 A.164 Curricula vitae A.165 Bibliographies A.166- A.170 Manuscript notes, diagrams and essays 5 folders. These are the notes of which the photocopies at A.108- A.112 of the original catalogue are copies. A.108=A.166, etc. The photocopies have been retained due to the poor condition of the originals. 1933-1934, ne A.171 ‘Statement made by David Joseph Bohm, March 23rd 1960’ and ‘Additional statement made by David Joseph Bohm on April 12th, 1960’; correspondencere visa 1983 [1960], 1983- 1984 Photocopies of statements provided by Bohm to US Consulate in London in seeking return of his US passport. The statements cover his political leanings, his current political views and his wish to return to the USA. A.172 Nomination of Bohm for Nobel Prize in Physics 1988-1989 A.173, A.174 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society 1990 A.173 Arrangements for admission A.174 Letters of congratulation See also A.129 of the original catalogue. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 13 Biographical, A.131-A.181 A.175-A.179 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1977-1985 A.175 A.176 A.177 A.178 Correspondence re University retirement annuity from Princeton 1977, 1983 Requests for leave of absence from Birkbeck College to lecture and attend conferences 1979-1983 Bohm requests leave to makevisits in the US and Canada. Exchange re genealogy of Bohm family 1983 Notes etc of itineraries of overseas visits (to USA and Israel) 1983-1985 1983-1985 A.179 Miscellaneous correspondence 1982-1984 A.180, A.181 SARAL BOHM 1994-1998 Saral Bohm was the widow of David Bohm. She shared many ofhis interests. A.180 Writings by Saral Bohm 1994-1997 and n.d. These short reflective pieces arose from sessions of the London Dialogue. A.181 Correspondenceto Saral Bohm 1998 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 14 SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES, B.83-B.192 1951-1998 The material in this section forms a very significant addition In particular it to that presented in the original catalogue. offers published output. important documentation of Bohm’s_ B.83-B.115 DRAFTS BY BOHM B.116-B.188 PUBLISHED WORK B.189-B.191 REVIEWS B.192 MEETINGS B.83-B.115 DRAFTS BY BOHM B.83, B.84 ‘On plasma physics’ 1958-1987, n.d. 1958 ‘Six lectures delivered at the University of Rome by Prof. D. BOHM’, May 1958 Photocopy typescript. 2 folders. B.85-B.87 ‘General theory of collective coordinates’, lectures at the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, ca 1958 ca 1958 Duplicated typescript, paginated 402-516. 3 folders. B.88 ‘On the role theoretical physics’ of language forms in experimental and ca 1967 27pp duplicated typescript. With covering note to B.J. Hiley. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 B.89 ‘Science as perception-communication’, ‘talk recorded on tape for the Illinois Symposium on Philosophy of Science, March 1969’ 22pp duplicated typescript. B.90 ‘Notes on Holomode’ 2pp duplicated typescript. Holomode was Bohm’s idea for a new conjugation of the verb to convey the senseof ‘wholenessof action’. 15 1969 1970 B.91, B.92 ‘An inquiry into the function of language and thought’. Two papers arising from ‘Colloquy held at the Institute of ContemporaryArts, London, on March 28, 1971’ 1971 B.91 ‘A. Fragmentation and Wholeness’ 43pp duplicated typescript. B.92 B.93 B.94 ‘B. The Rheomode - an experiment with language & thought’ 37pp duplicated typescript. ‘Human nature as the product of our mental models’, talk at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 15 March 1972 1972 26pp duplicated typescript. ‘Fragmentation and wholeness’, talk Jerusalem Foundation, April 1972 at the Van Leer 1972 26pp duplicated typescript. B.95 ‘Reality and knowledge considered as process’, May 1974 1974 27pp duplicated typescript. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 16 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 B.96 B.97 ‘The implicate or enfolded order - a new orderfor physics’, October 1974 1974 12pp typescript. ‘A plot for a science fiction novel’, ‘(Inspired by Joseph Weizenbaum’s talk)’, 7 July 1980 1980 14pp typescript; published copy of ‘Computer science and the need for a human-centred science’ by J. Weizenbaum. B.98, B.99 ‘A series of talks given at Syracuse University, September 1982’. 1982 B.98 B.99 B.100 Duplicated typescripts of papersII and Ill. ‘Il. Insight, knowledge’ imagination, reason, and the nature of Paginated 38-65. ‘II. Consciousness, the limits of knowledge - and what may lie beyond’ Paginated 66-99. ‘Preliminary reply to Schindler's three questions arising from Wholeness and the Implicate Order’ and ‘Further remarks on Schindler's review of my book’ _ ca 1982 14pp typescript and 4pp typescript. See also B.171, C.101-C.104. B.101 ‘Reply to Weingard’s paper by Bohm and B.J. Hiley 1985 5pp typescript. The paper discusses space-time. B.102 realist view of quantum theory’, annotated ‘Urbino ‘A Conference 1985’ 1985 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 17 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 26pp duplicated typescript + references and figures. This paper was a shorter version of ‘An ontological basis for the quantum theory’ by Bohm and B.J. Hiley, published in Phys. Reports 144 (1987), 323-375. B.103 ‘Comments on “The Future of Humanity”’ ca 1986 The book The Future of Humanity (1986) contained two dialogues a conference of transpersonal psychologists at Brockwood Park, Bramdean, Hampshire in 1983. between Bohm and Krishnamurti from 3pp typescript. B.104-B.106 ‘Fragmentation and wholeness’, talk at the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland. 1986 See also B.10-B.15 of the original catalogue. B.104 22pp duplicated typescript. B.105, B.106 ‘Fragmentierung und Ganzheit’, German language version: 13pp typescript; corrected ?proof marked December 1986. 2 volumes. Although apparently intended for publication, this does not appear in either Bohm’s or the Royal Society Memoir bibliographies. B.107 Untitled piece written ‘for the memorial of his friend Dr M. Sagenkahn’ 1987 1p typescript beginning ‘In considering the relationship between the finite and the infinite...’ B.108 ‘My response to Georg B. Tennyson’ N.d. App typescript. This was written in response to Tennyson’s disagreement with Bohm over the meaning of‘imagination’. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 18 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 B.109 B.110 ‘Some further Conference on Theoretical Biology’ remarks on Order for the Bellagio N.d. 24pp duplicated typescript. ‘On self-deception in the individual, society as whole’ in groups, and in N.d. 13pp typescript with manuscript corrections on first page. B.111 ‘The problem and the paradox’ 7pp duplicated typescript. B.112 ‘Consciousness and self consciousness’ 8pp typescript. N.d. N.d. B.113 ‘Insight into measure, in the East and in the West’ N.d. 7pp photocopy typescript. B.114 ‘The negative approach to the meaning of language’ N.d. 1p duplicated typescript. B.115 Incomplete draft (lacks page 1) on the idea of order N.d. Duplicated typescript paginated [1]-26. B.116-B.188 PUBLISHED WORK 1951-1998 B.116 ‘A collective description of |. Magnetic interactions’, Phys. D. Pines, With interactions. (1951), 625-634 Photocopy. electron Rev., 82 1951 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 19 1952 1952 1953 1954 D. Pines, With electron interactions. II. Collective vs individual particle aspects of the interactions’, Phys. Rev., 85 (1952), 338-353 description collective ‘A of Photocopy. ‘A suggested interpretation of the quantum theory in terms of hidden variables’, 11, Phys. Rev., 85 (1952), 180-193 Offprint. D. Pines, With interactions. electron gas’, Phys. Rev., 92 (1953), 609-625 electron ‘A Coulomb interactions in a degenerate description collective Ill. of Photocopy. With J.P. Vigier, ‘Model of the causal interpretation of quantum theory irregular fluctuations’, Phys. Rev. 96 (1954), 208-216. terms fluid with of in a B.117 B.118 B.119 B.120 B.121 Offprint. ‘Space-time geometry as an abstraction from “Spinor” ordering’. Notlisted in bibliographies, latest bibliographical reference 1955 ca 1955 Photocopyproof. B.122-B.138 ‘Modern Physics: a course’ ?1950s Photocopy of typescript draft with manuscript corrections 17 folders. This is probably a draft of a [unpublished] textbook intended for physics undergraduate students which Bohm began in Brazil. It is referred to in some letters and there was a mimeographed copy at the University of Sao Paulo. Information from Dr O. Freire, Jan 2008. B.139 Causality and Chance in Modern Physics. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957, new edition 1984 London, 1984 Preface for 1984 edition 5pp typescript. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 B.140 B.141 B.142 B.143 B.144 B.145 B.146 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 ‘A proposed explanation of quantum theory in terms of hidden variables at a sub-quantum-mechanical level’, Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society held in the University of Bristol, April 1st- April 4th, 1957 Offprint. Y. Aharonov, With electromagnetic potentials in the quantum theory’, Phys. Rev., 115 (1959), 485-491 ‘Significance of Offprint. ‘On the relationship between methodology in scientific research and the content of scientific knowledge’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (1961), 103-116 Photocopy. ‘Classical and non-classical concepts in the quantum theory’, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (1962), 265-280 Offprint. ‘Hidden variables in quantum theory’, part Ill of Radiation and High Energy Physics, ed. D.R. Bates, Academic Press, 1962 Offprint. ‘Basic dyads in contemporary physics’, Systematics 1 (1963), 188-202 Copy of issue of Systematics. With G. Carmi, ‘Separation of motions of many-body systems into dynamically independent parts by projection onto equilibrium varieties in phase space | and Il, Phys. Rev., 133 (1964), A319-A350 Offprints. 20 1957 1959 1961 1962 1962 1963 1964 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 B.147 B.148 B.149 B.150 B.151 B.152 21 1964 1964 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 ‘On the problem of truth and understanding in science’, in ed. M. Bunge The Critical Approach to Science and Philosophy, (1964), 212-223. Notlisted in bibliographies. Photocopy. ‘Problems in the basic concepts of physics’, published in commemoration volume to Satyendranath Bose, Calcutta (1964) Article found torn from original volume. This is a different version of Bohm’s inaugural lecture of 1963 (see A.124 in the original catalogue). ‘Space, time and the quantum theory understood in terms of discrete structural process’, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Elementary Particles, Kyoto, Japan, 1965, 252-286 1965 Offprint. This is the published version of the draft at B.1 of the original catalogue. ‘A proposedtopological formulation of the quantum theory’, in ed. I.J. Good, The Scientist Speculates, New York, 1965, 302-314 12pp typescript draft; offprint. With J. Bub, ‘A proposed solution of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics by a hidden variable theory, Rev. Mod. Phys., 38 (1966), 435-469, and with J. Bub, ‘On refutation of the proof by Jauch and Piron that hidden variables can be excluded in quantum mechanics’, Rev. Mod. Phys., 38 (1966), 470-475. Offprints. With B. Salt, ‘Collective treatment of liquid helium’, Rev. Mod. Phys., in bibliographies. 894-910. (1967), 39 Not listed Offprint. 1965 1966 1967 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 This is the published version of the draft at B.5-B.9 of the original catalogue. B.153 ‘On Creativity’, Leonardo 1 (1968), 137-149 Offprint. 22 1968 1969 B.154 B.155 B.156 B.157 B.158 ‘ “Hidden Variable” theories as a step towards a new language structure for physics’, Contemporary Physics Il (1969), International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 13pp duplicated typescript; offprint. ‘Fragmentation Science on Society 20 (1970), 159-169 in science and in society’, /mpact of 1970 13pp duplicated typescript; offprint. ‘Some remarks on the notion of order and further remarks on order’, in ed. C.H. Waddington, Towards a Theoretical Biology, vol. 2, Chicago (1970), 18-59 Photocopy. ‘On the role in the fundamental structure of physics, in ed. T. Bastin, Quantum Theory and Beyond, Cambridge, 1971, 95-116 of hidden variables Duplicated typescript paginated 32-79 + references. 1970 1971 ‘Quantum theory as an indication of a new orderin physics. Part A. The development of new orders as shown through the history of physics’, Foundations of Physics 1 (1971), 359-371, and ‘Part B. Implicate and explicate order in physical law’, Foundations of Physics 3 (1973), 139-168 1971, 1973 Offprints. B.159 ‘Indication of a new order in physics’, in ed. T. Shanin, The Rules of the Game, London, 1972, 249-275 1972 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 23 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 Copyofarticle. B.159A ‘On the subjectivity and objectivity of knowledge’, in ed. J. Lewis, Beyond Chance and Necessity, 1974, 121-130 1974 Photocopy. B.160 B.161 B.162 B.163 B.164 With B.J. Hiley, ‘On intuitive understanding of nonlocality as implied by quantum theory’, Foundations of Physics 5 (1975), 93-109 Photocopy. ‘On creation of a deeper insight into what may underlie quantum physical law’, in eds. M. Flato et a/, Quantum Mechanics, Particles, Dordrecht, 1976, 1-10 Determinism, Casuality and Offprint. ‘Imagination, fancy, insight and reason in the process of thought’, in ed. S. Sugerman, Evolution of Consciousness. Studies in Polarity in honour of Owen Barfield, Middletown, CT, 1976 24pp duplicated typescript. ‘The implicate or enfolded order: a new order for physics’, in ed. D.R. Griffin and J.B. Cobb, Mind in Nature: Essays on the Interface of Science and Philosophy, Washington D.C., 1977, 37-42 Copy of Mind in Nature. ‘Heisenberg’s contribution to physics’, in eds W.C. Price and and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, London, 1977 Uncertainty Chissick, Principle S.S. The 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 Offprint. B.165 ‘On insight and its significance for science, education, and 1979 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 24 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 values, Teachers’ College Record 80, February 1979, 403- 418 Offprint. B.166-B.169 Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London, 1980 1980, 1994 B.166-B.168 Typescript draft of chapter 7 (final chapter), ‘The enfolding- unfolding universe and consciousness’ 1980 3 folders. B.169 Book review, author not identified 1980, 1994 5pp photocopy typescript. Folder also contains request for copyright permission to publish Chinese version, 1994. This differs from that at B.79 of the original catalogue. With B.J. Hiley, ‘The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it, Foundations of Physics 12 (1982), 1001-1016 1982 Offprint. ‘Response to Schindler’s critique of my Wholeness and the Implicate Order’, /nt. Phil. Quarterly 22 (1982), 329-339 1982 Offprint. See also B.100, C.101-C.104. ‘Religion as wholeness and the problem of fragmentation’, Centre Space Occasional Paper no.2 (January 1984) 1984 Offprint. ‘Fragmentation and wholenessin religion and in science’, Zygon 20 (1985) 1985 B.170 B.171 B.172 B.173 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 25 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 /... Proof copy. B.174 B.175 B.176 B.177 B.178 ‘Hidden variables and the implicate order, Zygon 20 (1985), 111-124 1985 Proof copy; offprint. ‘Response to Conference papers on “David Bohm’s Implicate Order: physics, philosophy, and theology” ’, Zygon 20 (1985), 219-220 3pp typescript; photocopy. ‘Time, the implicate order and pre-space’, in ed. D.R. Griffen, Physics and the Ultimate Significance of Time, New York, 1986, 172-208 Photocopy. ‘The implicate order: a new approach to the nature of D.L. Schindler, Beyond Mechanism: the reality, Universe Thought, Lantham, MD, 1986, 13-37. in Recent Physics and Catholic in ed. 1985 1986 1986 Photocopy ?of preprint. ‘A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter’, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 80 (1986), 113-135 1986 Offprint. B.179 ‘An ontological foundation for the quantum theory’ 1987 21pp typescript draft. This is a corrected version of B.19 in the original catalogue. B.180, B.181 With B.J. Hiley, ‘An ontological foundation for the quantum theory. I. Non-relativistic particle systems’, Physics Reports 144 (1987), 323-348, and with BJ. Hiley and P.N. 1987 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 26 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 Kaloyerou, ‘Il. A causal interpretation of quantum fields’, Physics Reports 144 (1987), 349-375 Photocopy. 2 folders. Hiley, ‘Nonlocality and the Einstein-Podolsky- With B.J. Rosen experiment as understood through the quantum- potential approach’, in ed. F. Selleri, Quantum Mechanics versus Local Realism, Chicago, 1988, 235-255 Offprint ‘A realist view of quantum theory’, in ed. A. van der Merwe et al, Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism, Dordrecht, 1988, 3-18 Offprint. With B.J. Hiley, ‘Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics’, Physics Reports 172 (1989), 93-122. Notlisted in bibliographies Photocopy. 1988 1988 1989 B.182 B.183 B.184 B.185 ‘A newtheory of the relationship of mind and matter’, Phil. Psych. 3 (1990), 271-286 1990 31pp typescript + references This is a typescript draft of paper at B.75 of the original catalogue. B.186, B.187 ‘Cosmos, Matter, D. Lorrimer, The Spirit of Science. From Experiment to Experience, Edinburgh 1998. Notlisted in bibliographies Life and Consciousness’, in ed. 1983, 1998 This was posthumously published work was a lecture originally Mystics and Scientists conference’. ‘1983 given at the B.186 22pp typescript. 1983 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.83-B.192 B.187 Photocopyof publishedarticle. B.188 Photocopies Creativity, Undivided Universe of book reviews Causality and Chance of Bohm’s work: On The edition, 9th 27 1998 1990s B.189-B.191 REVIEWS ca 1983, 1984, n.d. B.189 B.190 B.191 Book review of ‘Paul Davies: GOD AND THE NEW PHYSICS’ ca 1983 7pp typescript. ‘Comments on “Is the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox demanded by quantum theory” ’ by O. Piccioni 1984 5pp typescript; copies ofletters. ‘Comments on Creation out of Everything by David and Marjorie Haight’ N.d. 2pp typescript. B.192 MEETINGS 1971, 1979 Notices for meetings at which Bohm was to be a speaker: into the inquiry ‘An holography’, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 1 July 1971; Sufi Order colloquium on Coevolution of Science and Spirit, New York, USA, 13-14 October 1979. implication laser of 28 ca 1950- 2004 [1962-1964], 2004 1979 1987 ca 1951, 1953, 1984 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE, C.93-C.129 C.93 Bennett, J.G. Spiral bound volume of correspondence between Bohm and J.G. by Anthony Blake, 2004 (with covering letter from Blake). 1962-1964, compiled Bennett, covering The correspondencechiefly relates to ideas put forward by the philosopher J.G. Bennett in his four volume book The Dramatic Universe, heavily influenced by G.I. Gurdjieff. C.94 Bura, P. Letter re visit by Bohm to Canada. C.95 Hiley, B.J. Letter from Bohm (in Israel) to Hiley commenting on The Quantum World by J.C. Polkinghorne. C.96 Kahler, A. Three letters from Bohm to Kahler. That ca 1951, written from Brazil, is on his impressions of the Physics Department of the University of Sao Paulo and his need in leave Brazil (‘For | have no one to talk to, and nothing to do in my spare time’); 1953 letter refers to his plans for the future, he writes of moving to Britain orIsrael; 1984 letter refers to correspondence between Bohm and Einstein. Alice (‘Lil’) Kahler (née Loewy) was the mother of H.M. Loewy (see C.97). The family home at Princeton was the focus for a circle of intellectuals, writers and artists with which Bohm was associated. This material is additional to correspondence at C.28 of the original catalogue. C.97 Loewy, H.M. ca 1950, 1993 Correspondence from Bohm to Loewy, ca 1950, refers to his troubles with the Un-American Activities Committee, views on American society and future plans. Letter of 1993 to Loewy from F.D. Peat refers to meeting to talk about Bohm ca 1950. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 29 Correspondence, C.93-C.129 Folder also contains some empty envelopes indicating Bohm continued to write from Brazil. Hanna Loewy, the daughter of Lili Kahler (see C.96), was a member ofthe circle of intellectuals, writers and artists that met at her family home. This material is additional to correspondence at C.16, C.37-C.41 of the original catalogue. C.98 Parrish, H. 1990, 1992 Copies ofletters to Parrish. C.99 Pauli, W. [1951] This a photocopyof the draft of the letter to Bohm at C.44 of the original catalogue. C.100 Phillips, M. Photocopies of three letters from Bohm to Phillips; letters from Phillips to Saral Bohm (widow) and S. Bohm to Phillips re the Bohm archive. [1966, 1975, 1987], 1992, 1996 Bohm’s letter enjoyment’ and ‘self-indulgent pleasure’. of 1966 explains his views on ‘real This is additional to correspondence at C.46-C.50 of the original catalogue. C.101-C.104 Schindler, D.L. [1983], 1998 Photocopies and typescript transcripts of correspondence between Bohm and Schindler. With 1998 letter to B.J. Hiley covering the correspondence. 4 folders. Schindler was editor of Communio, a Roman Catholic theological journal and Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology at the John Paul Il Institute for the Study of Marriage and the Family in Washington, D.C. The correspondence following Schindler's review of Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate between them arose D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 30 Correspondence, C.93-C.129 Order (see B.100 ‘Preliminary reply to Schindler's three questions arising from Wholeness and the Implicate Order’ and ‘Further remarks on Schindler's review of my book’, and B.171 of my Wholeness and the Implicate Order’, Int. Phil. Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 4, 1982, 329). ‘Response to Schindler’s Critique C.105 Stapp, H. 1987 Letter to Bohm on his interpretations of quantum theory. C.106-C.109 Wilhelm, F. 1977-1983 Correspondence between Bohm and Wilhelm. Fritz Wilhelm, author of Dancing with Maya, met Bohm and J. Krishnamurti in 1975. He was, for a time, a follower of Krishnamurti although later was critical of him and his approach, and the correspondence includes some of these criticisms. C.106 ‘FRITZ - Letters to BOHM 79/80’ [1979-1980] Contents of envelope so inscribed. The correspondence (photocopies) is paginated 1-55. C.107-C.108 ‘BOHM letters to FRITZ 77/83’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. The correspondence (including transcripts and photocopies) is paginated 1-119. 2 folders. C.109 Other correspondence 1977-1979 Chiefly correspondence from Bohm to Wilhelm 1978; also includes J. Krishnamurti, 1979. transcripts Wilhelm from of letters to C.110-C.114 Woolfson, Y. [1957-21980] Yitzhak (or Isidore) Woolfson was Bohm’s brother-in-law. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 31 Correspondence, C.93-C.129 Typescript transcripts of 24 (numbered) letters from Bohm to Woolfson. The letters discuss individuality, the nature of understanding, memory, and relations with J. Krishnamurti as well as views on the Arab-Israeli conflict and personal news. 5 folders. C.115 Yevick, G. early 1950s. Photocopy ofletter to Yevick from Bohm (in Brazil). In the letter Bohm discussesether, relativity and quantum theory. George Yevick was a physicist based at the Stevens Institute of Technology, the husband of Miriam Yevick (see C.116-C.127). C.116-C.127 Yevick, M.L. 1951-[1954], 1995 Yevick was a Miriam the University of Maryland (later Rutgers State University, New Jersey), the wife of George Yevick (see C.115). mathematician based at C.116-C.126 Photocopied manuscript correspondence [1951-1954] Photocopies of manuscript letters from Bohm (in Brazil) to Yevick. The letters 1951-mid 1953 form a sequence 1-49 (though not all letters are actually numbered and some appear to be missing), later letters are unnumbered. Some are incomplete and some undated (C.126). 11 folders. The extensive correspondence covers Bohm’s experiences in Brazil, his future plans, the state of the world, as well as the development of his ideas in quantum theory. C.127 Other correspondence 1951, 1995 Photocopy of manuscript and typescript letter from Yevick to Bohm, including mathematical calculations, 23 October 1951; typescript letter from Yevick to Bohm, 11 December 1951; correspondence from Yevick re her correspondence with Bohm, 1995. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS156/6/07 32 Correspondence, C.93-C.129 C.128, C.129 Unidentified 1979 Three letters from Bohm enclosing drafts on ‘Values’. All photocopies. 2 folders. D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 33 SECTION D NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL, D.1-D.20 1981-1993 D.1 Audio cassette tape session tape with Gregg 5/28/81 (1 of 6 tapes in series)’ labelled ‘Commentary on "JOE" 1981 There are two speakers. The principal speaker introduces a programme in the form of a series of tapes that is presented as a one session cure for neuroses. ‘Joe’ is a client on whom the programmewastrialed. The further five audio cassette tapes were not found. D.2-D.5 Four audio cassette tapes of talks for Radio France in series 'Recherche et pensées contemp' 1982 Bohm is talking on his ideas. Bohm speaks in overplayed. English, with a French translation D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 '12/6/82' 1 '12/6/82' 2 '19/6/82' 1 '19/6/82' 2 D.6, D.7 Two audio cassette tapes of ‘Discussion between J. Krishnamurti and D. Bohm THE FUTURE OF MANKIND' 1983 This is a tape-recording of discussions presented at A.24, A.25 of the original catalogue. D.6 D.7 '11/6/83' '20/6/83' D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 34 Non-textual material, D.1-D.20 D.8 CD-RW of uncorrected transcript of interview with M.F. Wilkins 1986-1987 1986-1987 The CD has two files: 'BohmWilkins Tapes 1-8' and ‘BohmWilkins Tapes 9-16’. D.9-D.20 Audio cassette tapes of proceedings of ‘The Science of David Bohm' Memorial College London, 5-6 May 1993 Birkbeck Meeting at 1993 Thefirst two tapes record the opening talks of the two days of in thereafter alphabetical order by speaker. presented meeting, they the are See also A.17 of the original catalogue. D.9 ‘Basil’ Hiley's opening remarks and opening talk of the B.J. meeting. D.10 ‘Basil Hiley David Peat Goldstein’ Opening talks of the second day's proceedings. D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 'Yakir Aharanov' ‘Mary Cadogan. Suzette van Hansen-Drtcken' ‘Chris Dewdney' ‘Brian Goodwin’ ‘Michael Green’ D.16 ‘Chris Isham’ D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 35 Non-textual material, D.1-D.20 ‘Rupert Sheldrake. Mark Edwards' ‘Jean-Pierre Vigier' "Maurice Wilkins’ D.18 D.19 D.20 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ASH, Sir Eric Albert BATES, Sir David Robert BELL, John BENNETT, John Godolphin BERNSTEIN, Mary 36 A.174 A.174 A.174 C.93 A.181 BIRKBECK COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON A.175, A.179 BLAKE, Anthony George Edward BLUNDELL, Sir Tom Leon BOHM, Saral BURA,Paul BURG, Richard BUTCHER, Peter DOMB, Cyril ELKANA, Yehuda ENDERBY, Sir John Edwin FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron Flowers FRANK, Sir Frederick Charles GOLDSMITH, Maurice GREIF, Aline BOHM GROSS, Eugene HAAR, Dirk ter HART, Michale HILEY, Basil J. C.93 A.174 A.154, A.155, A.181, C.127 C.94 A.154 A.154 A.174 A.174 A.179 A.174 A.174 A.174 A.177 A.178 A.174 A.174 A.155, B.88, C.95, C.101 HOPKINS, Harold Horace A.174 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 37 Index of correspondents KAHLER, Alice (‘Lili’) KATZ, Leon KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman KRISHNAMURTI, Jiddu LOEWY,Hanna M. MACKAY,Alan L. PARRISH, Heather PAULI, Wolfgang PEAT,F David PENROSE, Sir Roger PERCIVAL, lan PHILLIPS, Melber PICCIONI, O. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY READ, Frank Henry SALAM, Muhammed Abdus SCHAEFFER, Glen W. SCHINDLER, David L. SEIGFRIED, Raymond J. STAPP, Henry STONEHAM, Arthur Marshall UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EMBASSY IN LONDON C.96 A.155 A.174 C.109 C.97 A.174 A.154, C.98 C.99 A.154, A.155, C.97, C.127 A.174 A.174 C.100 B.189 A.175 A.174 A.174 A.136 C.101-C.104 A.181 C.105 A.174 A.171 D.J. Bohm (Supplement) NCUACS 156/6/07 38 Index of correspondents WATSON, Alison WILHELM, Fritz WOOLSON, Yitzhak(‘Isidore’) YEVICK, George YEVICK, Miriam L. ZEEMAN, Sir Erik Christopher A.155 C.106-C.109 C.110-C.114 C.115 C.116-C.127 A.174 NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF ~ CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Second supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof David Joseph Bohm FRS (1917-1992) by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 174/5/09 D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 Title: Second supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of David Joseph Bohm FRS(1917-1992), physicist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Description level: SubSection Date of material: 1940s-ca 1951, 1954, 1995 Extent of material: ca 70 items. 2 boxes Depositedin: The Library, Birkbeck College London Reference code: GB 1832 BOHM © 2009 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACS catalogue no. 174/5/09 D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue was made possible by the support of the: Arts & Humanities Research Council D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN BIRKBECK COLLEGE LONDON D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES B.193-B.262 Items Page 5 6 D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 INTRODUCTION 5 For an outline of the career of David Bohm see the introduction to the ‘Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of David Joseph Bohm’ compiled in 1997 (NCUACS catalogue no. 66/4/97), hereafter referred to as the original catalogue. A longer accountis to be found in B.J. Hiley, 'David Joseph Bohm 20 December 1917-27 October 1992', Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 43 (1997), 105-131, a copy of which is at A.133 of the first supplement compiled in 2007 (NCUACS catalogue no. 156/6/07). PROVENANCE The material was received from Dr Richard F. Post via the American Institute of Physics in January 2008. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This material is papers of David Bohm that were passed to Dr Post, then of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, possibly via R.K. Wakerling in 1954. The original folder (1954) is retained at B.193. Subsequently the notes were divided into eight numbered folders and this arrangement has been retained as the basis for the organisation of the material, as it may bear the vestige of a previous, original arrangement. The material is chiefly manuscript drafts on aspects of nuclear physics by Bohm. The great bulk is undated but a few items can be assigned to the late 1940s, prior to his departure from the USA in 1951. The material may have been assembled by Bohm for his lectures in physics as assistant professor at Princeton University and/or in drafting his 1951 book Quantum Theory. It thus predates the drafts and paperslisted in the first two catalogues. The material has been assigned to section B of the Bohm archive, Drafts, publications and lectures, and numberedto carry on in sequence. T.E. Powell Bath 2009 D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 SECTION B DRAFTS, PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES late 1940s, 1954, 1995, n.d. The material presented here is chiefly manuscript drafts on aspects of nuclear physics by Bohm. The material may have been assembled by him for his lectures in physics as assistant University and/or in drafting his 1951 book Quantum Theory. professor at Princeton B.193-B.262 DRAFTS ON NUCLEARPHYSICS B.193 Original folder 1954 Inscribed ‘David Bohm’ and ‘To: R.F. Post Livermore From: R.K. Wakerling Info Div Berkeley 10-14-54’. B.194 Folder ‘1’ N.d., 1995 2pp manuscript note titled ‘Drain diffusion in a magnetic field’. The note was within an envelope inscribed ‘Bohm notes (‘Bohm Diffusion’ derivation)’. Also within was an order for photographic copy made by Post, 1995. B.195-B.203 Folder ‘2’ post 1944, N.d. Divided into nine for ease of reference. three parts of a longer work. B.200-B.202 are B.195 ‘Plasma oscillations, their nature, modes of excitation, and their relation to fluctuations in a perfect gas’ Manuscript. B.196 ‘Paradox of the surface wave’ Manuscript. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.197 ‘Emission or collection of electrons of definite velocity’ Manuscript. B.198 ‘Minimum ionic kinetic energy for a stable sheath’ Manuscript + figure. B.199 ‘Neglect of thermal neutrons’ Manuscript. B.200 ‘Part 3’ ‘Interaction of plasmaoscillations with free particle motion. Unified picture of plasma behavior’ Manuscript. B.201 ‘Part 4 Effect of collisions: self excitation’ Manuscript. B.202 ‘Part 5. Boundary conditions’ Manuscript. B.203 ‘Limiting stable current in electron beams in the presence of ions’ by J.R. Pierce post 1944 Typescript reference 1944. paginated 1-18. Latest bibliographical John Robinson Pierce was based at Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA. Bell Telephone B.204-B.213 Folder‘3’ N.d. B.204 ‘[Beta] decay’ Manuscript paginated 1-36. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.205 ‘Solution of integral equation’ Manuscript. B.206 ‘Positive ion motion’ Manuscript. B.207 ‘Theory of sheath formation’ Manuscript. B.208 ‘Radiation of plasma waves’ Manuscript. B.209 ‘Self-excited vibrations’ Manuscript. B.210 ‘Il. Theory offluctuations in a plasma’ Manuscript. B.211 ‘Ill Time variation - dynamicsof fluctuation’ Manuscript. B.212 ‘'V Force on electrons due to fluctuating electric fields: manybody collisions’ Manuscript. B.213 ‘Outline’ and draft paper beginning ‘I Processof ionization’ Manuscript. Also includes 1p manuscript ‘CaseI. Positive ions fixed’ D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.214-B.219 Folder ‘4’ N.d. B.214 ‘On the finite value of the electron self energy’ Manuscript paginated 1-24 with abstract. One bibliographical bibliography in the Royal Society memoir of Bohm. reference, 1939. Not listed in B.215, B.216 Typescript draft ?0n scattering manuscript annotation. theory, with extensive Paginated 4-12 and [13]-44. 2 folders. B.217 ‘Multiple scattering’ Manuscript. B.218 ‘lon-electron plasma oscillations’ Manuscript. B.219 ‘Part 2. Calculation of contamination in terms of cross- section’ Manuscript. B.220-B.232 Folder ‘5’ N.d. B.220 ‘Plasma oscillations; their nature, modes of excitation, and evolution from random fluctuations in a perfect gas’ Manuscript. B.221 ‘Math. theory of plasma oscillations’ Manuscript. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 10 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.222 variation ‘Time oscillations’ Manuscript. - dynamics of fluctuation - plasma B.223 ‘Theory of probe in a magneticfield’ Manuscript paginated 1-20. B.224 ‘Effect of initial velocities’ Manuscript. Final pages (blank) are on verso of ‘Steady State when electrons of definite velocity are emitted’. B.225 ‘Theory of Steady State’ and ‘Theory of Steady State. Summaryof theory of electron and ion diffusion in electric and magneticfields’ Manuscript outline; manuscript. B.226 ‘Sheath formation’ and ‘Formation of sheath - plasma approach’ Manuscripts. B.227 ‘Formulation of problem. Boundary conditions’ Manuscript. B.228 ‘Small J block Strong field’ and ‘Small J block Weak field’ Manuscripts. B.229 ‘Solution: one dimension’ Manuscript. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 11 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.230 ‘Il Mechanism ofelectron diffusion’ Manuscript. B.231 ‘Ill Process of establishing steady state oscillations’ Manuscript. B.232 ‘Part 2 Electron in a magnetic field’ Manuscript. B.233-B.239 Folder‘6’ B.233 ‘Theory of fluctuations in a plasma’ 21949, n.d. 21949 Manuscript. See also B.234, B.240. With letter to Bohm from Terrell [Terrell Leslie Hill], from the University of Rochester Department of Chemistry, ‘Oct. 10 ?[1949]’, found clipped to manuscript. B.234 ‘Theory offluctuations in a plasma’ Typescript paginated 1-26. formulae and figures to be added by hand. B.233, B.240. The draft has spaces for See also B.235 ‘Fluctuation theory of solid-liquid-gas transitions’ Typescript paginated 1-13. formulae and figures to be added by hand. The draft has spaces for B.236 ‘Statistics’ Manuscript. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 12 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.237 ‘Comparison with experiment’ Manuscript. B.238 ‘Electron diffusion in the steady state’ Manuscript. B.239 ‘Electron Mechanism ofelectron diffusion in a magnetic field’ a magnetic field’ and ‘Sec. diffusion in II: Manuscripts. B.240-B.246 Folder ‘7’ 1946, ca 1947, n.d. B.240 ‘Theoryoffluctuations in a plasma’ Typescript paginated 1-17. See also B.233, B.234. B.241 ‘Theory of the synchrotron’ 1946 Typescript with paginated 1-21 + manuscript references. Dated ‘1/22/46’ manuscript additions and corrections B.242 ‘On the neutron-proton scattering cross-section’ by Bohm and C. Richman ca 1947 Typescript paginated 1-15. Published as ‘On the neutron-proton cross-section’, Phys. Rev. vol 71 (1947), 567-572. No. 5 in the bibliography in the Royal Society memoir of Bohm. B.243 ‘Recombination in plasma’ Manuscript with undated covering note to Dr [?H.S.W.] Massey. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 13 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.244 ‘Equations of motion’ Manuscript paginated 1-13. B.245 ‘Classical vs. Born approximation’ Manuscript paginated 1-7. B.246 Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes B.247-B.262 Folder ‘8’ N.d. B.247 ‘Synchrotron (and betatron) theory for orbits’ Manuscript paginated 1-15. B.248 ‘Effect of space variation of magnetic field’ Manuscript paginated 1-27. B.249 ‘Electron optical equation for U’ Manuscript. B.250 ‘Theory of sideband production’ Manuscript. B.251 ‘Self excitation - self damping Manuscript. B.252 ‘Fluctuation theory of solid-liquid-gas transitions’ Manuscript paginated 1-[12]. D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS 174/5/09 14 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.253 ‘Development of Dirac’s formalism’ Manuscript. B.254 ‘Space charge limitations on thin beams’ Manuscript. B.255 ‘Phase lag in dees’ Manuscript. B.256 ‘Plasma’ Manuscript. B.257 ‘Phase equation for variable frequency’ Manuscript. B.258 ‘Il Complete theory of pure oscillations’ Manuscript paginated 46-53. B.259 ‘Excitation of plasma oscillations’ Manuscript. B.260 ‘Introduction’ Manuscript beginning, ‘Probe characteristics commonly used to investigate plasma conditions, because they are determined in part by such conditions’. Paginated 1-19. B.261 Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes D.J. Bohm (Second supplement) NCUACS174/5/09 15 Drafts, publications and lectures, B.193-B.262 B.262 Untitled calculation and graphs Two sheets bear the initials ‘1.D.S.’
BOHM, David Joseph
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin