BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart Vol2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


CSAC 63/1/79 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of PATRICK MAYNARD STUART BLACKETT, O.M., F.R.S. BARON BLACKETT, OF CHELSEA (1897 - 1974) VOLUME II Sections E - J List of publications Index of correspondents Conspectus of publications Deposited in the Library of the Royal Society, London, 1979 Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Jutia Latham- Jackson PLM.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 \ SECTION E POLITICAL ACTIVITIES E.1 - E.76 The papers in this Section fall into two groups. There is a relatively small amount of material relating to the Association of Scientific Workers, with which Blackett had a long connection and of which he was President 1943-47. The bulk of the material consists of papers relating to the work of discussion groups in the Labour Party which met under various names and sponsors with the aim of preparing a policy for science and technology to be implemented under a future Labour Government, and in particular to the development of the idea of a Ministry of Technology which was instituted after the Party's victory in the General Election of October 1964. A considerable amount of duplicated or typescript reports, research and dis- cussion papers and similar documents, circulated to Blackett by the Labour Party or other groups, or by individuals, remains in the folders. Blackett drew upon it as recorded in the collection. Reference should also be made to Section F, in particular to F.26 - F.38 (The Trend Committee), and to lectures and writings in formation of the Ministry of Technology. as background material at various times for his own papers, and it is alsoa record Although all the material in this Section is concerned with political activity, of activity in one aspect of the preparation for the 1964 General Election and the it by no means represents the whole of Blackett's involvement in political matters Sections G. and H. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities The material is presented in the following sub-sections, though there is inevitably some degree of overlap. Each sub-section is preceded by an intro- ductory note. Ett E saa Association of Scientific Workers 1939-48, 1963-67 (A. Se. W.) E.24 E.34 'The Gaitskell Group' 1956-63 E.35 E.47 Misc. Socialist and Labour Party activities 1956-64 E.48 E.65 Ministry of Technology (Mintech) 1963-72 E.66 ; Misc. Labour Party and official committees 1954-69 E;75;.6:76 Press-cuttings and printed matter P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.4-§.23 ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS (A.Sc.W.) Blackett became a Vice-President of the Association in 1939 and served as its President from 1943 to 1947. During his term as President, Blackett delivered numerous lectures relating to the work of the Association in which he stressed the need for scientists to play a larger role in post-war economic and political affairs. He also called for closer links between scientists and the organised trade union movement. To this end, he sponsored a resolu- tion at the 1945 T.U.C. that a scientific advisory committee should be established; Blackett was one of the three A.Sc.W. representatives on the first committee, which was formed in 1946. In addition to the lectures and publications, the papers also include 2 chronological sets of correspondence, 1939-48 and 1963-67, and one folder of printed matter re the Association. See also F.11. Includes: Be: One folder of early correspondence and papers re A.Sc.W. 1939-48 Letter from secretary, Mrs. R. Fremlin, 16 October 1939, asking Blackett if he would accept nomination as a Vice-President of the Association. Ms. notes for and drafts of Blackett's correspondence with the secretary re publications of the A.Sc.W. One set of notes is titled 'Dangers of academic scientists going too industrial’, written from Admiralty. November 1948. Correspondence with W.A. Wooster re finance for World Federation of Scientific Workers, c. 1945 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Correspondence and papers re A.Sc.W., 1963-67 Includes: Correspondence re question of higher degrees for scientific workers in non-university institutions. Correspondence re proposal for a universities architectural advisory service. One file of printed matter. 1938-66 Includes: Copy of resolution adopted at Council, 1938. Report of executive meeting, 1939. Summary of J.D. Bernal's Presidential address to Council, 1948. Misc. pamphlets and brochures. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.4-E.23 Lectures and publications During his term as President, Blackett delivered numerous addresses either on behalf of the Association or to its members. from brief jottings on a postcard to very full ms. drafts; remain in the form of typescripts written up for publication in the Association's journals or for distribution to the national press. His notes vary some lectures The material is presented below in date order. E.4 "Science and Society', 10 March 1937. 2 pp. ms. notes. used in lectures at Oxford and Hampstead (see below). Second page was reworked and material ‘Background of Scientific Discovery in 17th X', Oxford, 20 October 1937. November 1937.) (Lecture was also delivered in Hampstead, 7 pp. ms. notes, are very full and were reworked and annotated by Blackett before his address in Hampstead. pages numbered 1-3a, 4-6. The notes 2 sets of ms. notes, one has been reworked by Blackett (possibly for delivery in Edinburgh). Talk by Blackett in Liverpool, 16 June 1938, prior to the formation of an A.Sc.W. branch there. Letter from A.Sc.W. Secretary, Mrs. R. Fremlin, enclosing 4 typescript pp. of notes on the origin and objectives of the organisation. Conference on the planning and direction of scientific work, sponsored by A.Sc.W., January 1943. the third session on the problems of re-building research teams after the war. see H.6-H.14. 7 pp. typescript on 'Some Immediate Problems of the Post- War Period’. (This is probably Blackett's talk written up for publication.) Blackett spoke at Correspondence with A.Sc.W. Secretary re the scope of his talk; 3 pp. ms. notes for talk. For further talks and papers on the organisation of science, P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Article by Blackett on post-war science, for publication by A.Sc.W. 9 pp. typescript amended and annotated by Blackett, 14 September 1943. Related to E.7 above. ‘Planning of Science'., 2 pp. Ms. notes for talk delivered in Manchester, October 1943. Talk delivered by Blackett in 1943, place and date not known. 4 pp. misc. ms. notes. "A.Sce.W. Council 1944', 2 pp. Ms. notes for Blackett's Presidential Address c. 25 May (see Blackett's address to Council 1945, in E.15, in which he refers to previous year's meeting as being on ‘What was to turn out to be D-12 day’). ‘Reflections on the Trades Union Congress 1944'. union movement. Short notes by Blackett for his opening remarks as Chairman and for his introduction of the speakers. A.Sc.W. Conference on ‘Science in Peace’, Caxton Hall, London, February 1945. the initiative for the formation of the World Federation of Scientific Workers' (see Lovell, Memoir, pp.95-96). This Conference 'led to 7 pp. typescript report by Blackett on the Congress at Blackpool - with special reference to the Congress's acceptance of the A.Sc.W. Council's interim Report on Post-War Reconstruction, and to the internationalism of the trade Ms. notes written on postcard for talk by Blackett. "Fundamental Science'. speech at session 2. of Blackett's speech (10 pp. numbered 105-114) with 2 pp. of notes and comments by 'I.C.P.' 3 pp. ms. notes for Blackett's Typed transcript of shorthand account See also H.8. ‘Delegates Conference, London area, 15.4.45.' P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Presidential address to Council, June 1945, 1T pp. ms.draft. 1945 if In this speech Blackett made the statement 'We believe that the Association of Scientific Workers can aspire - it works hard and draws into its ranks the ablest scientists in the country who sympathise with its aims - Scientific Advisory Council, to the Trade Union movement’. Later in the year Blackett 'moved a resolution at the Blackpool T.U.C. that a scientific advisory committee to the T.U.C. General Council should be constituted’. Blackett then became a member of this committee when it was constituted (see Lovell, Memoir, p.96). to acting as a Talk delivered in Oxford, 14 July 1945. 3 pp. ms. notes. Talk delivered in Bristol, September 1945. 1 p. ms. notes. 'The A.Sc.W. and the tasks of the next few years’. Talk in Nottingham, 1 December 1945. 2 pp. notes on the literature. 2 pp. ms. notes, "Atomic Energy and the United Nations Charter’, 15 pp. stencilled typescript of article by Blackett, 30 January 1946, for distribution by A.Sc.W. Rud .54: Talk delivered in Sheffield, 16 November 1946. ms. notes, with 1 additional unnumbered page. 3 pp. "Science and Human Needs’, talk delivered in Glasgow, 7 April 1946. 3 pp. ms. notes. Later published as a booklet 'The Atom and the Charter’, the first in a ‘Science and Social Affairs' Series of the Fabian Society and the A.Sc.W., September 1946. relationship to the Trades Union Congress. This was Blackett's last address as President and he took the opportunity to express his ‘personal views on some aspects of current events', including the Barlow Report on Scientific Manpower, the fuel crisis in the spring of 1947, the newly- formed Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, etc. 'The Development of Associations of Scientific Workers'. 4 pp. typescript of brief history of A.Sc.W. and of its Presidential Address to Council, 24 May 1947. stencilled typescript for distribution to the press. 10 pp. c. 1948 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.24-E.34 THE 'GAITSKELL GROUP' 1956-63 This was a group of senior scientists and politicians who met occasionally ‘with the aim of evolving a scientific and technological policy for the country’. The meetings were organised and hosted by J.R.M. Brumwell, who also acted as secretary. When the group began meeting in July 1956, H. Gaitskell was the Leader of the Labour Party and attended the meetings. Later he was rep- resented by H. Wilson. Even after Wilson succeeded Gaitskell as Leader, Blackett continued to refer to it as the 'Gaitskell Group’, and this description has been used in the entries. In 1959 a set of ‘Cabinet Papers' was prepared for Gaitskell (see E.27 and E.28). Blackett often used or commented on these papers during the next several years - see especially E.39 and E.54. In July 1963 another set of ‘Cabinet Papers' was prepared, this time for H. Wilson and R.H.S. Crossman. See E.41, E.44, E.45, and E.50 for copies of, or comments on these papers. The composition of the group varied over the years but it included on activities. After Crossman became Shadow Minister for Education, he initiated more official conferences, several of which were held in the Bonnington Hotel, London. and one of its most senior scientists. The note sent along with the letter to R.H.S. Crossman, J.D. Bernal, J. Bronowski, G. Dickson, R.G. Forrester, and G. Mitchison. Blackett was a senior member of the group from its inception D. Glass, B. Lockspeiser, P.M. Newitt, C.P. Snow, B.R. Williams, P. Shore occasion (in addition to ti. Gaitskell and H. Wilson) J. Callaghan, A. Robens, Gaitskell in November 1962 (E.33) provides a useful summary of the group's (See E.42, E.56, F.33, F.34.) P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E = Political Activities The 'Gaitskell Group’ 1956-63. 11 folders in chronological order. E.24 1956 Minutes of a meeting at the Reform Club, 17 July 1956: 6 pp. typescript. Folder also includes 3 pp. typescript titled 'The Labour Party and Science’ (notes to begin the discussion on 17 July - presumably written by Brumwell) and 2 pp. typescript appendix on the 'social sciences’. This 1956 meeting seems to be the first one although Note: Lovell (Memoir, p.76) states that they began in 1950. The note sent to Gaitskell in November 1962 (E.33) states specifically 'We have been meeting as a group since July T¥90": 1958 1958 Minutes of meeting at Brown's Hotel, 27 June 1958, to discuss draft report on 'Science and the Labour Party’. of Blackett's contribution to the discussion was amended and annotated by Blackett anda prepared. p. ‘suggested revision’ was The report 7 pp. typescript of comments by J.D. Bernal on the draft report, printed and circulated September 1958. The Blackett's correspondence with Brumwell, June-December The letters refer to arrangements for meetings, topics 1958. and papers te be discussed, drafts of policy statements and of report 'Science and the Labour Party' (see E.26). correspondence also includes references to the set of 'Cabinet Papers' produced by the Senior Scientists Group (see E.27 and E.28). leaders. This report was prepared by a Working Party. printed and circulated through A. Robens to Labour MP's and Trade Union 19 pp. typescript of comments by Cecil Gordon on draft report, sent to Blackett September 1958. It was eventually P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities 1958 "Senior Scientists Group’. This subset of the larger group held several meetings in 1958-59 with the aim of preparing a series of ‘Cabinet Papers' for Gaitskell. a copy of the report as produced. section on 'Government Machinery'.) prepared a leaflet based on these papers; rewritten and issued as a pamphlet by the Labour Party for the October 1959 election. (Blackett contributed the Later C.P. Snow See E.28 for this was eventually Minutes of Ist meeting, 26 September 1958. Minutes of 2nd meeting, 13 October 1958. not attend the first 2 meetings.) (Blackett did Includes copy of notes by George Dickson on 'Priorities, etc.' which was tabled by him at the meeting. Minutes of 4th meeting, 8 December 1958. 1959 "Science and a Labour Government. Some Policy Points’. 32 pp. typescript dated 31 July 1959, annotated by Blackett. Included here are the Minutes of a meeting of the full group to discuss the above dccument, held at Brown's Hotel, 27 August 1958. The introductory notes state that ‘this set of papers was written at Mr. Gaitskell's request, by a group cf distinguished scientists, as a series of brief statements to help Labour Ministers to points of decision’ on scientific and technical manpower, fundamental science, civil research and development, science and industry, government machinery (see E.27 and E.24), and priorities. to power’. Mr. Gaitskell attended the meeting and ‘said that the docu- ment is precisely what he asked for and that he is prepared to accept it as the basis for his policy on Science if returned P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 E.2? 1959 Section E - Political Activities Correspondence from Brumwell re the document. Copy of letter from B. Lockspeiser re proposals for research contracts as set out in Blackett's paper 'Government participation in industrial research and development’. (See E.38 and E.53 for copies of this paper.) E.30. 1960 Blackett's correspondence with Brumwell, April and July 1960. Minutes of meeting held on 27 June 1960. 3 pp. typescript. Appended to the minutes isa 1p. ‘Progress Report on "Labour and Science"' summarising results and future programme of the Group. 1961 Correspondence with Brumwell, March-June 1961. 1962 Copy of 3 pp. typescript note by Brumwell on ‘Labour Party and Science’. A shorter version was distributed by Brumwell! prior to meeting called for 23 June 1961. Minutes of 25 June 1961 meeting, which was held at the suggestion of H. Wilson 'to enable him to consult our senior scientists and tell them what the Party needs’. Correspondence with Brumwell, March-June 1962, re arrange- ments and dates for meeting. Includes list of questions sug- gested by G.R. Mitchison (Shadow Minister for Science) for discussion at 5 June 1962 meeting. bilities of the Shadow Minister for Science. Attached to the minutes is date for Co-ordination of Scientific Activity’ which recommended (1) a Minister for Science with a ‘high powered’ Secretariat, Board, (3) Inter Departmental Scientific Co-ordinating Committee and (4) Development Contracts Programme . 2 pp. typescript memorandum from J. Bronowski to Brumwell, 13 July 1962, beginning between scientists and representatives of the Parliamentary Labour Party on 5th June 1962'. Bronowski then goes on to make suggestions for expanding the office and responsi- ‘| was distressed by the meeting Minutes of the 5 June meeting, 3 pp. typescript. a 1 p. ‘Summary of proposals of (2) a Scientific and Technical Planning P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 E.33 1962 Section E - Political Activities Correspondence between Brumwell and Blackett re Bronowski's letter, and re draft of letter to be sent to Gaitskell on behalf of the group. Copy of draft letter to Gaitskell (which was sent in November 1962) with 2 pp. attached note on ‘Science and the Labour Party'. activities of the group to date, decisions and implementations by the Labour Party in the science field and its recommendations for the future. This note summarises the its reactions to various 1963 Minutes of meeting, 24 June 1963, at which it was agreed to prepare various documents for use by the Labour Party in election or in government. Correspondence between Blackett and Brumwell, February- October 1963. Note: See introductory note to E.43-E.47 for papers and correspondence resulting from 24 June meeting. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.35-E.47 MISCELLANEOUS SOCIALIST AND LABOUR PARTY ACTIVITIES 1956-64 The Fabian Society Science Group, 1962-63. Folder of duplicated or typescript papers, prepared by various authors for the Science Group of the Fabian Society, on science and politics with special reference to a Labour Govern- ment. claim the purpose of the Group ‘to be a blue-print for the next Labour Government’. The introductory notes, prepared by Stanley Mayne, Includes 1 16.2.63. p. ms. notes on the papers by Blackett, dated E.36 Misc. correspondence re the Labour Party and its activities. 1956-62 E.37-E.40 Labour Party Science and Industry Sub-Committee 1960-64 See also E.67, E.68. The Sub-Committee was reconstituted several times, so that there are sets of minutes for four firs? meetings. It was chaired by H. Wilson until January 1963 when R.H.S. Crossman took over the duties. December 1960 and continue to mid-1964. The papers begin in 4 folders. Includes draft programmes of papers on civil space programme, notes on technical Blackett's correspondence with P. Shore, J. Millwood and from M. Zvegintzov, January 1961-May 1962. Includes invitation to Blackett to serve on Sub-Committee (16 March 1961). Committee papers, 1960-62. work; agenda; minutes; scientific and technical resources; assistance, on the Report on Long-Term Demand for Scientific Manpower; paper on training skilled workers for industry. Several of the papers are annotated by Blackett. See. also ©.49, E.53./H. 123: Folder also includes a copy of the paper prepared by Blackett in July 1959 on 'Government Participation in Industrial Research and Development' which was discussed at the meeting on 13 April 1961. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Committee papers, 1963-64. Includes: Draft programmes of work; agenda; minutes, papers on industrial training, apprenticeship. Several papers prepared by and for Redundancy Policy Group whose remit was to 'work out the machinery of Government and social provisions necessary to deal with the whole problem of re- dundancy and industrial mobility’ (minutes of 21 November 1963 meeting). Notes prepared for various meetings, etc. Scientific Copies of Blackett's ‘Note on Paper |: and Technical Manpower' (Revised March 1963) and ‘Comment on Paper 5 - Government Machinery to Co-ordinate Science’ (March 1963). These papers are part of the ‘Cabinet Papers' prepared for Gaitskell in 1959. ‘Misc. papers collected by Blackett for his work on this committee - press releases, press-clippings, Labour Party background papers, etc. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Scientific Manpower Working Labour Party Science Group: Party Includes: Minutes of 13 March 1963 meeting of the Science Group at which 3 working parties were established: Scientific Manpower, Government Machinery for Science Policy, and Civil Research and Development. (Blackett served on the Scientific Manpower Working Party.) List of members of the Science Group (which was chaired by R.H.S. Crossman). Copies of papers by W.F.K. Wynne-Jones: ‘Note on Rate of University Development’ and ‘Memorandum on Development of Higher Education’ as considered by the Scientific Manpower Working Party at its meeting on 1 April 1963. Correspondence with R.H.S. Crossman and T.J. Pitt (Secretary of the Science Group), May-June 1963, re preparation of report for use in science debate at House of Commons at end of July. Crossman and concluded by Wilson. Debate was to be opened by 10 pp. annotated typescript by Blackett of ‘Draft Report of Scientific Manpower Panel’ (5 June 1963) circulated to other working party members for comment. Replies from Bowden, Annan, Wynne-Jones. Copy of 'Draft Report of Scientific Manpower Panel’ as printed for distribution (June, 1963), annotated 3 pp. typescript list of amendments agreed by Blackett. at meeting. This was later used as Background Paper No.4 of the ‘Cabinet Papers' prepared for Wilson and Crossman in July 1963. science teachers, etc. Committee papers and discussion papers circulated by the Science Group or by its working parties. Topics include the expansion of technical colleges, correspondence colleges in UK and abroad, technical education in uni- versities, single subject honours degrees, maths. and P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.43-E.47 ‘Labour Party Conference 1963' At the meeting of the 'Gaitskell Group’ on 24 June 1963, several points of action were agreed: a Labour Party and Science Conference to be held in London on 20 and 21 July 1963, a set of Cabinet papers to be prepared by mid-July, an ‘association of labour scientists' to be formed, and an election manifesto to be written. Blackett assembled numerous papers which followed from that meeting and kept them in a folder labelled 'Labour Party Conference 20-7-63'. The papers are itemised below and are cross-referenced to other material in the collection where necessary. See especially the folder on the Scientific Man- power Working Party (E.41) which contains Blackett's correspondence with Crossman and T.J. Pitt re the July debate in the House of Commons and the Report on Scientific Manpower which was used as ‘Background Paper No.4! of the Cabinet papers. of timetable for cunference (1 p.) The notes were probably made ‘Comments on Background Papers’. E.43 'Gaitskell Group 1956-59". typescript (photocopy) of comments by Bernal on ‘Cabinet 5 pp. Papers’ prepared by scientists for the Labour Party, as agreed at 24 June meeting. See also E.50, folder of papers used by Blackett in writing a lengthy memo. to Crossman in February 1964. 11 pp. ms. noite by Blackett: followed by 10 pp. of notes of individuals’ opinions or preferences on various ideas for scientific research and development and relations with government, etc. from committee papers and correspondence of the Gaitskell Group (see E.24-E.34). Letter of comment on papers, from R.R. Neild, June 1945. Letter from R.G. Forrester (16 July 1963) commenting on Back- ground Paper No.4, the Report on Scientific Manpower (see E.41) and enclosing 5 pp. typescript of paper 'The Machinery of Government’ which he had sent to Wilson and Crossman. rP.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Correspondence with R.H.S. Crossman, July-August 1963 re proposed association of labour scientists and re proposal to hold annual Labour Party and Scientists Conferences on _the lines of the July 1963 conference. p. typescript memorandum by Crossman. Includes 1 is made to the forthcoming Annual Conference of the Labour Party. This Conference, at which H. Wilson made his famous speech on the ‘white heat' of the Labour Party's technological revolution, was held at Scarborough 30 September-4 October 1963. Reference ‘Miscellaneous problems' on science and education with special reference to Labour Party, prepared for discussion by ‘Crossman Group', perhaps by Tam Dalyell (Secretary of Labour Party Standing Committee on the Sciences, 1962-64). 22 numbered pp. (+ 1 with note from Dalyell) of typescripts of problems, suggestions, considerations. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.48-E.65 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY (MINTECH) 1963-72 The formation of the Ministry of Technology followed the victory of the Labour Party at the General Election of October 1964; the Minister was F. Cousins. Blackett became Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council on Technology and Scientific Adviser to the Ministry. This gave him at the time ‘immense power' (Lovell, Memoir, p.80), but he had also had an important say in the formation of the Ministry, through many writings and discussions and through his close relations with H. Wilson and R.H.S. Crossman. He wrote himself of his paper 'The case for a Ministry of Technology’ (E.49): 'I believe that this memorandum had considerable influence in the setting is of the Ministry of Technology soon after the General Election of 1964'. The folders E.48-E.65 contain various writings, reports and correspondence relating to this period. Reference shou!d also be made to F.26-F.38 (The Trend Committee) since Blackett used much of the material and ideas contributed by scientific colleagues for the Royal Society's submission to the Trend Committee in the formation of his plans for the organisation of science and technology at ministerial level. science and government. E.48 ‘Ministry of Industry’. Many of the lectures and talks in Section G deal with similar problems of Correspondence with officials of N.R.D.C. re science and scientists and relations with government, the Trend Report, research and development, and civilian economy. annotations by Blackett. Memorandum on government purchasing, A.E.R. E transcript of Gallery (Television programme in which H. Wilson answered questions from businessmen, 30 January 1964) - almost all with 1963-64, 1967 ., P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.49 Papers and correspondence on the new ministry. 4 papers by Blackett: "Government participation in industrial research and development'. 16 July (revised 20 September) 1959. (This is the paper submitted to N.R.D.C., Board of Trade, D.S.1.R. and Minister of Science. See Lovell, Memoir, pp.76-77.) 5 pp. typescript. appear in E.38, E.53, H.123. Further copies or versions 'The cost of a new deal for British scientists and technologists’. 2 pp. typescript. April 1963. 'The case for a Ministry of Industry and Technology’. 5 pp. typescript. January 1964, With a covering 1 Ministry of Industry and Technology (M.O.1.T.)' 8.2.64. p. 'Note on memorandum on 1] pp. typescript. September 1964. 'The case for a Ministry of Technology’. This has a ms. note by Blackett at the foot of the last page ‘This report appears to have been incorrect. PMSB 1966'. Another copy appears in H.123. (This was the forerunner of the Ministry of Tech- nology and ‘made use of much material prepared by the Crossman Group'.) and D. Jay, January-February 1964. Copies of Blackett's letters to Crossman (February, November 1963, February 1964). 6 pp. heavily corrected typescript beginning: ‘In view of the debate tomorrow | send some tentative conclusions about the ministerial set up relative to technology and industry’. is an earlier ms. draft (first page only) of this letter, which differs significantly from the typescript. File also includes copies of Blackett's letters to J. Hart, T. Pitt His letter of 24 February 1964 isa There P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities One folder of selected papers of the Labour Party's Science Group, Science and Industry Sub-Committee, and ‘Science Meetings’ which Blackett 'found very useful' in reaching the conclusions set out in his letter to Crossman (E. 49). One folder of papers and correspondence re formation and organisation of the Ministry of Technology after the General Election of October 1964. 1964-65 Blackett's official role was as Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council on Technology and Scientific Adviser to the Ministry. The press release of 28 October 1964 states that Blackett 'will be employed substantially full-time on his work for the Ministry of Technology’. Folder includes press announcements, correspondence and papers re appointment of John Adams as Controller, memoranda and notes re organisation of Mintech and its p. typescript of note by Principal Officers, annotated | Blackett commenting on the Estimates Committee Report (22 July 1965), misc. internal memoranda and correspondence. ErDZ Letters of congratulation on Blackett's appointment at Mintech. 1964 E.53-E.60 Ministry of Industry and Tech- 'L.P. Conference 1964. nology’. One folder of notes and papers assembled by Blackett from The contents are itemised below and various sources. cross-referenced to other items in the collection where necessary. of this paper. "Government Participation in Industrial Research and Develop- ment', paper prepared by Blackett, 16 July 1959, revised 20 September 1959, for Board of the N.R.D.C. See Lovell, Memoir, pp.76-77 for a full description of the proposals and recommendations set out in this paper. copy of letter from B. Lockspeiser to M. Brumwell commenting on Blackett's proposals, and E.38 for meeting of Labour Party Science and Industry Sub-Committee which discussed the paper in March 1961. See also E.38, E.49, H.123 for further copies of versions See also E.29 for P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Government Machinery to Co- ‘Comment on Paper 5. ordinate Science’. 6 pp. typescript of paper in which Blackett sets out his conclusions as to 'the most practical and useful steps’ for reorganising civil science, 26 February 1963. of covering letter to R.H.S. Crossman. With copy This 'Paper 5' Senior Scientists Group for H. Gaitskell (see E.28). in the sequence of papers prepared by the is Note from M. Zvegintzov, 7 January 1964, re F.B.1. Research Delegation to Russia, enclosing copy of his 4 pp. memorandum on the subject, 10 December 1963. Ms. notes titled ‘Bonnington 1-3-64'. Extensive notes of individuals' opinions and preferences as expressed at meeting of the Science Committee to discuss the ‘Organisation of Civil Science’ (the ‘Trend Report’). 5 pp. ms. See also papers re the Trend Committee (F.26-F.38) and list of references to meetings at the Bonnington Hotel a in the introductory note to E.24-E.34, The 'Gaitskell Group’. ‘Constitution and Function of the Proposed Civil Science Board’. 5 pp. typescript of note which ‘is an elaboration of Section 6(a) of the paper "Notes on Ministerial set-up for Science and Technology" by RHSC, 11.3.64.' Blackett's note is dated 28 March 1964. Copy of letter from B. Flowers to R.H.S. Crossman comment- ing on Blackett's note. economic statistics. ‘Civil R and D’. 2 pp. ms. notes by Blackett of points on which "Immediate Decisions’ were required. 3 pp. typescript setting out points for ‘immediate decision’ as discussed by two Science Group working parties. E.58 for Blackett's ms. notes for this paper. Selected Labour Party papers, re N.R.D.C. and various Misc. ms. notes by Blackett. See E.59 for typescript of this paper. ‘Organisation of Civil Research and Development’. See P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities Industrial Reorganisation Corporation. 3 files relative to the planning and organisation of this government body (which was created in December 1966) to deal with the restructuring of industry. See Lovell, Memoir, p.83. Correspondence, notes and memoranda. discussion of UK engineering, executive salaries, productivity vs. size of organisation, export sales, and statistical data sent to Blackett for his information. Papers include 1965-69 Blackett's ms. and typescript notes: ‘Paper on Structure for Advisory Council. 1965". 33s ,.:ap: September 3 pp. heavily annotated 'The Structure of Industry’. typescript written after the establishment of the [.R.C. C Industrial Reorganisation Corporation]. "It be done’. is the object of this note to argue that more needs to Misc. ms. notes and statistics taken by Blackett from official publications. 42+pp. Includes copy of speech by Some are 1965-67 "Successful Development', report by Central Advisory Council for Science and Technology. 1970 Report by Mintech on ‘Employment of Persons with Qualifica- tions in Engineering, Technology and Science, 1959 to 1968', Misc. printed papers re organisation of Mintech. annotated by Blackett. C.P. Snow at Caxton Hall, London, 3 December 1965, on ‘Technology and the Nation's Needs’ in which he made the statement that 'the inception of the Ministry of Tech- nology was Blackett's idea put forward in the 1950s’. Retrospect’, 1972. Correspondence and memoranda re Blackett's resignation as Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council on Tech- nology and as Scientific Adviser to the Minister. Includes letter from Sir Richard Clarke requesting Blackett's views on his (Clarke's) proposed article 'Mintech in P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 - Political Activities Section E E.66-E.74. MISCELLANEOUS LABOUR PARTY AND OFFICIAL COMMITTEES 1954-69 Blackett was often called upon to give evidence to various political committees. Papers relative to these occasions are listed below in date order. E.66 Labour Party Joint Committee on Civil Defence. 1954-55 Blackett addressed the Committee on the possible effects of an atomic or hydrogen bomb attack. Correspondence re scheduling of Blackett's appearance and re on the Committee's Report. =e his comments Parliamentary Labour Party Science Group. 1960-62 Blackett addressed the first meeting of the This Group was formed in 1960 under the Chairmanship of A. Robens. Group (25 February 1960) and spoke on the ‘pre-Election Scientific Report to the Labour Party' (this Report was the set of papers prepared by senior scientist members of the Gaitskell group - see E.28). Arrangements were made for Blackett to address a Labour Party Science and Industry Sub-Committee: Study Group on Further Education. 1962, 1964 File includes correspondence with the Secretary (F. Barlow) and with F. Peart. List of members. Correspondence with P. Shore re invitation to Blackett to attend meeting of the Group, November 1962. (Meeting was postponed.) later meeting of the Group (8 February 1962) on the 'Long- Term Demand for Scientific Manpower Report' but Blackett had to cancel his appearance at this meeting and it was not rescheduled. See also E.37-E.40. See also E.37-E.40. Misc. committee papers on adult education, industrial training, technical colleges, etc. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.69-E.71 Committee on the Civil Service (the 'Fulton Committee’). 1966-67 This committee was established in February 1966 'to examine the structure, recruitment and management, in- cluding training, of the Home Civil Service’. Blackett was called upon to give evidence on the role of the scientist in the Civil Service. This he did on 7 March 1967. 3 folders as follows: Correspondence re arrangements for Blackett's meeting with the Committee. | Correspondence and papers arising from Blackett's evidence. Ms. notes and draft prepared by Blackett prior to his appearance before the Committee. Copies of evidence presented to the Fulton Committee by the Royal Society, the Council of Engineering Institutions, H.M. Treasury, Labour Party. 1966-67 Press-cuttings assembled by Blackett. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section E - Political Activities E.72-E.74 The Select Committee on Science and Technology. 1967-69 This Select Committee of the House of Commons was appointed in November 1967. enquire into 'the system for the proper and effective use of qualified scientists and engineers and of resources in defence research and development in relation to - (a) defence needs, (c) the broader needs of the national economy’. (b) defence procurement, and Its brief was to 3 folders as follows: Correspondence re memorandum submitted by Blackett to the Committee prior to his appearance at the formal hearings of evidence, March 1968. Includes 3 pp. typescript of comments by |. Maddock on Blackett's paper, and correspondence received by Blackett following his presentation of evidence. Blackett's memorandum of evidence: - 9 pp. typescript Committee and press - copy us published in The Science of Science Foundation Newsletter, February 1969 B.S. 115. ~ related press-cuttings, September 1968. - 7 pp. duplicated typescript for distribution to Includes misc. typescript pages taken from other speeches or Background papers used by Blackett in preparing his memorandum. - text as published by The Times Business News, July 1968 reports, not dated or identified. P.M.S. Black CSAC63/1/79 ett Section E - Political Activities Bsvoy E376 PRINTED MATERIAL E:/5 Extensive folder of press-cuttings, duplicated reports, news releases, etc., some annotated by Blackett, re science education, industry and technology, with special reference to the Labour Party and its science policies. Not itemised. Various dates, 1957-64. Folder of press-cuttings and printed material, press releases, party manifestos, lists of candidates relating to the General Election of October 1964. Not itemised. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 SECTION F SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS F.1 - F.85 This Section assembles notes and working papers, lectures, broadcasts and publications, and correspondence on: Pits = PB History of Science and Technology 1936-59 Fe Pes F.51 Science, Education and Government 1944-70 F.52 - F.85 Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament 1948-64 Each sub-section is preceded by an introductory note on the material and its presentation. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.1-F.8 HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1936-59 This Section comprises material, chiefly notes and lectures, specifically related to the history of science. It should be noted that many of Blackett's major lectures and addresses on developing countries, overseas aid and allied subjects elsewhere in the collection, also use material on the history of science and technology and in particular on the disparate rates of growth of Eastern and Western science. All material is autograph manuscript, in pencil or pen. Ms. notes, perhaps for talk, headed ‘Highgate February 1936', 1 p. ‘Birkbeck Physical Society. Presidential address. 1 p. ms. notes. May 1937". n.d. Shorter ms. ‘History of Science’, 5 pp., probably similar date. 2 ms. drafts, and 16 pp. on ‘Science Today', n.d., but probably similar. 11 pp. headed ‘Draft for article? 1938?', 'New York'. history of science and social function of science. 8 pp. ms. notes (p.1 missing) for lecture on 3 ms. lectures on History of Science with ms. note ‘Faculty of Arts 1938-39?' (probably given at Manchester University). ms. notes. 2 lectures given at Manchester University Faculty of Arts 1947 on 'The History of Science from Columbus to Newton', 5 pp. and 7 pp. 'The study of the history of science’. 11 pp. typescript with ms. corrections. 1943-44. "History of Science Ill E, May 1951. 3 lectures’. '‘Baconian Society St. Albans, January 1941'. 2 pp. ms. notes. n.d., probably P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests ‘Historic Trends of Technology’. Lecture given at Calcutta, February 1958. 2 pp. ms. notes. 2 lectures at Nottingham under title ‘Alteration of order’, 3 pp. ms. notes. 'Reflexions on History of Technology since 3000 B.C.' (the Mond Lecture, Manchester 1959). 5 pp. ms. notes. ‘Aspects of the History of Technology. lectures at Imperial College, October-November 1959'. outline, ms. notes for lectures, quotations, etc. Three lunch time ‘History of Science. Folder of background material on history of science and technology; Notes and statistics’. notes on the literature, graphs, statistics, offprints, press- cuttings, etc. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.9-F.51 SCIENCE, EDUCATION AND GOVERNMENT _ 1944-70 The topics covered here include university expansion (especially in science and technology); student intake, intelligence quotient, economic background and achievement; the financing and organisation of science and its relations with government. Blackett's interest in these topics developed during the war and his service on the Barlow Committee (F.9 - F.14). The items below fall into 2 main periods of activity: at Manchester c.1945-51, and 1962-68 when formulation of ideas was encouraged both by the preparation for the 1964 General Election and by the institution of the Trend Committee. Many lectures and writings here and in Section H and his pressure on Labour Party leaders to devise a policy for government involvement with science and technology (see Section E) scientists and engineers (referred to passim in his notes on QSEs), and the organisation of science both nationally and internationally were frequently referred to in his Anniversary Addresses as President of the Royal Society and formed the main theme of the 1969 Address (R.S.119, see F.49 - F.51). Unfortunately, no manuscripts remain related to Blackett's long service but F.23 - F.25 show his concern with the organisation and financing of science asa member of the Council of the Department of Scientific and testify to Blackett's lifelong commitment to these matters. The training of on the National Research and Development Council (N.R.D.C.) (1949-64), Committee 1956-60. Industrial Research (D.S.1.R.) from 1955 and Chairman of its Research Grants P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests The material is presented as follows: F.9 F.14 The Barlow Committee 1945-46 Ete F.22 Manchester University c. 1944-53 F.25 Advisory Committees 1954-57, 1963-64, 1967 The Trend Committee University expansion 1962-64 1962-68 Anniversary Address to the Royal Society 1969-70 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.9-F.14 Committee on Future Scientific Policy (the Barlow Committee) Blackett was one of the six members of this Committee, which produced the report ‘Scientific Manpower' in April 1946. The Committee also produced a second report, never published, on proposed ‘central government machinery for science’. See Lovell, Memoir, p.45. a Agendas and minutes of the Barlow Committee, many annotated by Blackett, covering Meeting 1 (December 1945) - Meeting 24 (October 1946). A copy of the published report is included here. Official Committee papers of the Barlow Committee, many annotated by Blackett. There is a partial index to the contents inside the folder and a note on the outside cover of those which are missing. 1945-46. F.11,F.12 Correspondence with members of the Committee and other interested parties. August 1945-March 1946 Includes drafts of various proposals and statements, with com- ments, suggestions and annotations. Includes Blackett's letter as President, Association of Scientific Workers, to Herbert Morrison (then Lord President of the Council) urging the setting-up of a Committee on the organisa- tion of science and education, August 1945, committee and discussion papers and misc. papers relating toa Two-Day Conference on Industry and Research, March 1946, organised by the Federation of British Industries. April 1946. Drafts, reports and correspondence, mainly concerned with the organisation of science through various central or advisory bodies, and the unpublished section of the Barlow Committee's work continuing after the publication of the official Report in See E.1-E.23 for other material on Blackett's long connection with the Association of Scientific Workers. April-AAugust 1946 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Blackett's misc. notes and drafts (one dated November 1944) on organisation of science. Misc. typescript and duplicated reports and papers on science and government, assembled as background material, some annotated by Blackett. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.15-F.22 Material assembled at Manchester University B.tS ‘Britain's need for higher education’. 3 pp. notes, dated 1946 and 1949. Statistics on careers of Honours Physics graduates of Manchester University 1949, with notes and drafts by Blackett for an article or talk, variously paginated. Correspondence 1950 with The Times Educational Supplement, re articles on University Selection and request for a con- tribution by Blackett. Correspondence and data 1949-52 re possible relation between 1.Q. and parental income, especially re statis- tical survey carried out at Manchester University Depart- ment of Mathematics (at Blackett's suggestion). The results of the investigation were published as 'A note ‘on the relation between intelligence and parental income! by A.M. Walker (J. Roy. Statistical Soc., 1953), a copy of which is enclosed. including 1 p. Pelyer sz) ‘Training for the professions’. Later correspondence on the subject and re paper, 1955, 1956. The fifth talk in a series of 6, broadcast on BBC Third Pro- gramme under the title 'The Idea of a University’, March- April 1950. Blackett's notes and data on the subject, ms. notes for a talk on '1.Q. and Universities’ at Adelaide, 1953. manpower, university expansion, etc., 1944-49, Correspondence with Ronald Lewin (Organiser, Third Programme Talks) re series and Blackett's talk, 1950. Ms. draft of talk, and copy of The Listener, 6 April 1950, in which it was printed. Copies of talks by other participants in series, with Blackett's comments and annotations, are included in the folder. Correspondence with members of the public following the broad- cast and publication. Misc. reports, articles, press-cuttings, etc. re scientific P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.23-F.25 Advisory Committees F.29,F.24 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (D.S.1.R.) F.23 Blackett's folder inscribed 'Pure Science and the R.S.', October 1954-October 1955. Correspondence with officials and colleagues re grants for scientific research as distributed by the D.S.1.R. and the Royal Society, especially re D.S.1.R. grants for Special Researches (Blackett was appointed to the D.S.1.R. Advisory Council in October 1955). 1954-55 The correspondence mainly reflects Blackett's concern at the dwindling proportion of scientific research funds distributed by the Royal Society, and his wish to increase the total amount of government money available for scientific research. refer also to his own research plans at Imperial College. Some Also includes: 2 copies of article by Sir Francis Simon The Sunday Times, 7 August 1955, titled "A Ministry of Science?'. in 1955 1954-55 Blackett's ms. notes on D.S.1.R. ex- penditure. — "DSIR 5 year Plan’. Copy of letter from D.S.1.R. to Royal Society, 3 February 1948, sent as background information. ; Papers relating to Research Grants Committee's estimates and expenditure for period 1959-64; includes committee papers and estimates 1957-58 (some annotated by Blackett), memorandum on quinquennial financing scheme, and Blackett's 4-page ms. note on 'Grants for Special Researches', n.d. ¢.1957. Council for Scientific Policy for further three years, 1967. Blackett did not attend a formal meeting of the Council but met informally with the Chairman, Lord Todd. Folder also includes invitation to Blackett to serve on invitation to Blackett to attend meeting of the Includes: group; set of committee papers sent to him for information (with comments by C.C. Butler, prepared at Blackett's request). Deliberations re future policy on High Energy Physics in Europe. Department of Education and Science Advisory Council on Scientific Policy P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.26-F.38 Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of Civil Science (the Trend Committee) Blackett assisted C.F. Powell (Chairman, Sub-Committee on Physics) in assembling evidence submitted by the Royal Society to the Committee, and attended various meetings, interviews, etc. both before and after the drawing- up of the Society's report on its evidence. He continued to compile material and draft discussion papers for wider use, including meetings with the Labour Party under the Shadow Minister for Education, R.H.S. Crossman. Several of the papers in F.31-F.34 are headed ‘Bonnington Hotel’ where cne-day conferences were held (see Lovell, Memoir, p.76). See also E.48, E.56. F.26 Correspondence and papers on the Trend Committee, August- December 1962. copy of official request to Royal Society to submit Includes: evidence, invitation to Blackett to serve on Physics Sub- Committee, annotated minutes, Blackett's notes of meetings, his draft report of evidence (12 November, 4 ccpies), a second version after discussion with Lord Bridges, and final agreed version drafted by F.C. Williams. Folder inscribed 'Royal Society Evidence to Trend Committee’. Duplicated copies of views on organisation of civil science, sought from Feliows of the Royal Society and submitted to The C.F. Powell as Chairman of Physics Sub-Committee. documents were sent to Blackett with a covering letter, 9 October 1962. arising. From: L.F. Bates, J.D. Bernal, W.L. Bragg, W.E. Burcham, J.M. Cassels, J.D. Cockcroft, C.A. Coulson, B.H. Flowers, N. Kurti, K. Lonsdale, A.B. Pippard, O.G. Sutton. Misc. Royal Society duplicated reports, memos., etc. on Trend Committee and organisation of science, and matters Many are annotated by Blackett. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Copy of published Report, with many annotations and comments by Blackett, and 3 pp. typescript 'Comments' dated 2? November 1963. F.30-F.38 Blackett's notes, reports, writings and discussion papers on the organisation and finance of scientific research, 1961-64. Some of these antedate the Trend Committee, and some represent the continuing evolution of Blackett's ideas. Many were prepared for Labour Party meetings at the Bonnington Hotel and elsewhere. See also Section E. Writings and speeches by Blackett, 1961-62. ‘Finance of University Research’, letter in Manchester Guardian (press-cutting), 10.7.61. ‘Science and Government'. -3 pp. ms. notes, perhaps for speech for Labour Party, 21.7.61. ‘Policy for University Expansion’, April 1963. Part | University Expansion 1945-1962 Part Il Planning for the Future. with ms. corrections. Report of speech at Newcastle (press-cutting), 17.3.62. ’ Heavily-corrected ms. draft, 2 copies of typescript version This paper, probably prepared for the Labour Party, is concerned primarily with organisation and finance of university expansion. See F.39-F.48 below for correspondence and material on academic aspects of the question. in E.49. ‘The cost of a new deal for British scientists and technologists', April 1963. 2 pp. typescript and ms., perhaps prepared for same occasion as above. Another copy is P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Shorter drafts and writings, mostly for Labour Party discussion group: ‘Additional finance of Scientific Research 1964-67', May 1963. "The Cost of a New Deal for British Scientists and Technologists', June 1963 (3 pp. ms., different from F.32 above). ‘The Recurrent Grant to the Universities, June 1963. "University Finance. Bonnington Hotel', July 1963. "Grants for University Building’, n.d., but probably for the same occasion. Shorter drafts and writings: ‘Organisation of Science in U.K.', ms. notes for a talk in Zagreb, September 1963. -'The finance of Robbins's short-term emergency', February 1964. Another ms. with same title, for Bonnington Hotel, March 1964. _ ‘Public Schools', 4 pp. ms. draft, n.d. probably later. ‘The Research Councils. Office', prepared February 1964 for meeting at Bonnington Hotel, held in March 1964. Function of the Lord President's Correspondence and papers re organisation and proposed re- constitution of University Grants Committee, mainly re paper on the subject prepared by R.H.S. Crossman, March-July 1964. Misc. research material. Official statements on Trend Committee Report and consequences, annotated by Blackett. Correspondence and papers on science organisation, mainly re contribution by Royal Society. Blackett's research material, with dated notes of meetings and discussions, various dates, 1964. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.39-F.48 Work on University expansion Working papers and correspondence, mainly related to 1.Q. and the academic aspects of the problem. General correspondence on university expansion, |.Q., parental income, etc. In chronological order. R.V. Jones W.D. Wright Socialist Medical Association D.V. Glass R.W.B. Stephens B.H. Flowers University Grants Committee —-: M.J. Davies “N.F. Mott 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 D.V. Glass A.R.D. Wright D.V. Glass W.L. Bragg 1963 1968 1968 1968 Misc. ms. graphs and charts on university numbers, |.Q., parental income, etc. Ms. notes, statistics and drafts on various aspects of university expansion, some dated 1963, probably prepared for Labour Party discussion papers. Delegation visit, 1968. Ms. notes on the literature, from reports, data, etc. supplied by University Grants Committee and on work by E. Ashby, Boyd Carpenter, C. Burt, W.D. Furneaux, D. Glass, F.Newsom, etc., 1963-68. Ring-backed notebook of notes on universities and research in S. America, mainly Brazil, probably taken on Royal Society P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Folder of press-cuttings on university expansion. Typescripts and duplicated reports collected by Blackett for his university expansion investigation. Includes work by G. Leybourne-White, B.V. Bowden, E. Ashby, W.D Various dates, 1946-63. Furneaux, C.C. Butler, R.P. Linstead. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.49-F.5] ‘Thoughts on the Ph.D. degree’ Presidential Address to the Royal Society, Anniversary Day 1969. RvSi7 iy. Blackett's ms. notes. Press-cutting, timetable of meeting, copy of published version, and a corrected copy. Misc. reports, articles, statistics on post-graduate education, science and industry, etc., assembled by Blackett for his lecture and many annotated by him. Correspondence arising from lecture, 1969-70. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.52-F.85 NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND DISARMAMENT 1948-64 Blackett's earlier involvement with the problems of atomic weapons began in 1945 (see especially D.148 - D.218). It will be seen from the itéms below that he continued to voice his concern on the subject almost continuously until 1964 (cf. Lovell, Memoir, p.75). It is also clear how widely he lectured on this topic, to political, military, religious and academic audiences of varying composition and influence. Several items in the list below represent published talks and lectures omitted from the Bibliography in the R.S. Memoir, and many more are un- published. F.52 F.80 - - F.82 1948-64 1958-64 F.83 - F.85 F.79 Lectures, broadcasts, talks Correspondence Research notes and background material The material is presented as follows: Additional material on these topics appears widely in the collection, and especially in Sections D, Gand H. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests FiS2-Fi79 Lectures, broadcasts, talks, 1948-64 Pipe ‘The Use and Limitations of Weapons of Mass Destruction’. Talk at Imperial Defence College, February 1948. 4 pp. ms. notes. ‘Military consequences of atomic energy’. The Sir Halley Stewart Lecture 1948, published as Chap. || of The Atomic Age, London 1949, reprinted in Studies of War, Edinburgh 1962. Heavily-corrected typescript pages numbered 1-20, and renumbered for later publication 37-57. R.S.94. Blackett's reply to article by Sir John Anderson in Evening Standard, 19 June 1950, criticising Blackett's remarks in his introduction to Association of Scientific Workers pamphlet "Atomic Attack’. 7 pp. typescript, no title or indication of place of publication. ‘Also included here is a letter from Sunday Pictorial, 21 June 1950, re possible contributions by Blackett. "R.U.S.1.' 4 pp. ms. notes for talk, 21 October 1954. (Royal United Services Institution). "Scientific method and the conduct of war’. Talk at King's College, London, March 1955, and at Londonderry, February 1956. 3 pp. ms. notes + 8 pp. ms. draft. 'The peacefui uses of atomic energy’. Summary of a discussion meeting at Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), 29 June 1954. 6 pp. typescript. 4 pp. + notes. 'The Role of Atomic Weapons in Western Defence’. Imperial Defence College, 4 November 1957. 6 pp. + notes on the literature. "Implications of the Atomic Age’. Ruskin College, 5 March 1958. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Copy of New Statesman, 17 May 1958, with article by Blackett, ‘Limited nuclear war', pp.625-6. ‘Tactical Atomic Weapons’. Talk for Labour Party Disarmament Group, 15 July 1958. 2 pp. ms. notes (uses similar material to above). ‘Why the Tests’. Discussion between Blackett and R. Goold-Adams, broadcast on BBC Home Service, 22 August 1958. 2 sets of ms. notes, transcription of broadcast. ‘Atomic Heretic’. Talk given on BBC Home Service, September 1958. 7 pp. heavily-corrected typescript (corrections not in Blackett's hand), press-cutting of version published in The Listener, correspondence from members of general public (mainly hostile). eee SF ‘The Nuclear Controversy’. Talk at Imperial Defence College, 3 November 1958. 5 pp. + notes. "Strategy in the Nuclear Age’. Talk at NATO Defence College, 8 January 1959. 3 pp. and 4 pp. ms. notes (2 drafts). ‘Essential Facts of Situation’. Talk delivered to 'Canon Bentley's Group’(25 May 1959), 'The Religious Bodies’ Consultative Group’ (25 May 1959), and ‘Lambeth Meeting’ (28, 29 May 1959). ] Reprinted from New Statesman, December 1959. ‘Conversation on Nuclear Warfare and the Strategy of Defence’. Lambeth Palace, May 1959. 6 pp. ms. (including notes on discussion). 'The Nuclear Controversy’. Talk at Imperial Defence College, October 1959. 3 pp. ms. notes. ‘Thoughts on British defence policy’. p. ms. notes. See also item above. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests ‘Cambridge. 2 pp. ms. and notes. Scientists Lunch Club’, 20 January 1960. "Manchester Left Club', 11 March 1960. 2 pp. ms. 'L.P. CLabour Party Chelsea, 27 January 1961, Peace- ful Uses of Atomic Energy’. 1 p. ms. notes. ‘Bow Group', House of Commons, 28 June 1961. 1 p. ms. notes. "Some Notes for Consideration by the British Team'. Draft with sub-title: 'On Maintaining the Balance during the First Stages of Disarmament'. Typescript and duplicated drafts, both with ms. annotations, June 1961. , F.67 ‘Prelude to Disarmament’. 14 pp. typescript. December 1961. ‘Report to the Plenary Session of Meeting of Group 3' (at Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Stowe, Vermont). 3 pp. ms. notes on own views and those of other participants. September 194]. 'The Relationship between East and West Military Policies and Disarmament Plans’. Talk at Imperial Defence College (11 October 1961) and Birmingham (21 November 1961). 6 pp. ms. International Affairs, 1962. Copies of both articles, with Blackett's circulation list for each, and typescript copy of Foreword to translation of Blackett's New Statesman article which appeared in F360, F269 ‘The Real Road to Disarmament. The military background to the Geneva talks’. New Statesman, 2 March 1962 and ‘Steps toward Disarmament', a shorter version published in Scientific American, April 1962. Rio. 275, P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests Correspondence arising from the articles, 1962: C. Bay Blatter fur deutsche ... Politik E. Diamond (Newsweek) A. Etzioni J. Freeman A.T. Hart G. Holton T.H. Hunter L. Marsh J.A. Miles Requests for reprints (not itemised or indexed). See also J.63. "Brussels and Cuba’. 14 pp. ms. heavily corrected. n.d. but probably 1962. "Science and Disarmament', Vienna, September 1962. 1 p. ms. Talk to the Imperial Defence College, October 1962. 3 pp. ms. 'The Relationship between Eastern and Western Military Policies and Disarmament Plans’. Institute for Strategic Studies, 12 December 1962. 2 sets of draft notes. to above. ‘What are the H-Bomb Tests for? 4 pp. ms. heavily corrected. n.d. but probably related P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.72-F.74 ‘The first real chance for disarmament', Harper's Magazine, January 1963. This was an expanded and revised version of Blackett's address ‘The way ahead' given to the Ninth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs at Cambridge, September 1962. Correspondence with Harper's Magazine and other publishers re publication of article, revisions, royalties on sale of reprints, foreign rights and later reprints, etc., 1962-64, 1966. Misc. texts of the lecture and article as follows: Address as given to Pugwash, September 1962 19 pp. heavily-corrected typescript; Copy of above, with extensive alterations suggested by editor for American publication; 2 duplicated copies of 'revised and shortened' version of speech peecn, “10 pp. each with different ms. corrections; p Pp C. Bay G. Dessart W. Massie E.A. Pesonen - G.R. Swafford H.D.W. Lamoureux W.A. Turner Reprint of article as published in Harper's Magazine. Correspondence arising from article and editorial comment in Harper's Magazine, 1963: 4 pp. (includes copy of address given by A. Yarmolinsky). 'The Nuclear Balance - Cuba and After’. London School of Economics, 3 May 1963, 3 pp. notes (includes notes for talk to 'P.S.' on 10 May in Cambridge). ‘NM .LE,’ Talk at Anglo-American Conference at Ditchley Park, 29 September 1963. ‘Disarmament Prospects’. Talk at 11th Pugwash Conference, Dubrovnik, September 1963. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests 'The Western Defence Posture’. Imperial Defence College, Wilton Park, 15 October 1963. 4 pp. + notes. ‘Disarmament Prospects and Western Defence Posture’. Imperial Defence College, 28 October 1963. ms. and typescript notes. ‘What are the prospects of disarmament?'. The Cyril Foster Lecture given at Oxford, 26 November 1963. 34 pp. typescript with ms. note by Blackett on p.1 ‘corrected’. ‘Memorandum on possible British initiatives at the Geneva Disarmament Conference’. 22 pp. typescript with Appendices A, B andC, anda second annotated copy of the appendices. December 1963. on Discimament e- Folder inscribed 'L.P. Disarmament Committee’. ‘Minutes of Labour Party Joint Committee on Disarmament, 25 February 1964. at a meeting of the Committee.) (This was Blackett's first attendance Includes report 'Llow Gear at Geneva', Conference, March 1964. ‘Deadlock or progress at Geneva?', March 1964. 29 pp. typescript with ms. note by Blackett 'Rome, April 1964.! P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section F - Science-related interests F.80-F.82 Correspondence on Blackett's writings and other matters connected with disarmament, 1958-64. Sir Hugh Constantine K. Hahn H.A. Kissinger 1964 1959 1959 Mountbatten of Burma 1958 (comments on a lecture by Blackett) R.R. Nield Bertrand Russell 1961 (Blackett's carbon only), 1963 1963 (on nuclear arms race in Middle East) T.C. Schelling 1961 (copy of letter to Editor of Encounter re article by Blackeit) E. Simon H.K. Smith 1959 1958, 1959 F.83-F.85 Research notes and background material atomic weapons, etc., mainly 1962-63. Folder of notes and graphs inscribed 'USSR-USA Total Man Power', Misc. ms. notes by Blackett on defence, atomic power, etc. Misc. notes on the literature, and of discussions re defence, Includes letter from J.P. Wright, n.d. F.83 F.84 1961. * P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 SECTION G OVERSEAS ACTIVITIES G.1 - G.126 This Section comprises material relating specifically to India (G.1 - G.55), and that concerned with matters more generally affecting developing countries (G.56 - G.126). The items under ‘Visits and Conferences’ include some wholly scientific meetings, but mainly refer to conferences on international co-operation, overseas aid, etc. Blackett's involvement in India, from which sprang his general concern with the problems of developing countries, had a double origin. Through his researches on cosmic rays, he had become acquainted with Homi Bhabha, whose research establish~ ments, and those of other scientific colleagues, he visited for lectures, conferences and discussions and whose plans - especially for atomic energy research in India - he encouraged (see his correspondence with Bhabha in G.33). Secondly, his visit to India for the Indian Science Congress Association in 1947, and his consequent meeting with Nehru, led to his reports and advice to the Government of India on military and defence matters, using the technique of Operational Research developed in wartime period, and for recollections of Nehru. These two interests, fostered by frequent visits to India, encouraged a broaden- wealth, overseas aid, population control and the like. In this later work, India re- mained the principal, though not the exclusive, example of the disparity between developed and undeveloped countries in Blackett's thinking. Blackett's lasting sense of personal commitment to India can be seen from ing of Blackett's concern to include problems of economic growth, distribution of (see D.83 - D.125). See especially G.1 - G.6, G.23, G.29 for material on this G.23 - G.31, a folder probably made up in 1972, containing a list of his visits to presence and advice were valued. but reference to India is frequently made in lectures and writings in other sections of material, intended as part of a book or section of collected writings devoted to the India and his own collection of his earlier writings, together with some new linking the collection, some of which were indeed given there. Repeated invitations in the It will be seen that relatively little material survives for the period c. 1955-70, correspondence for Blackett to visit, lecture or tour in India show how greatly his problems of India. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities The material is presented as follows: G.1-G.55 INDIA 1947-73 G.] G.31 Reports, lectures, papers, 1947-72 G.32 G.43 Correspondence, mainly on science and defence, 1949-73 G. 44 G.45 G.52 j : Miscellaneous correspondence, 1963, 1966 Correspondence, mainly on development, 1970-73 Visits G.56-G.126 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES 1944-73 G.56 G.77 G.81 1959-73 G.82 G.84 G.85 G.126 G.76 lectures and addresses, 1953-70 Correspondence, 1951, 1964-71 Visits and Conferences, 1944-71 Organisations and Committees, With an introductory note. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities INDIA REPORTS, LECTURES, PAPERS AND RELATED CORRESPONDENCE 1947-72 Speech at Delhi, January 1947. 3 pp. ms. notes, headed 'Indian Association of Scientific Workers', for a speech delivered at Indian Science Congress Association. It was at a lunch at this meeting that Blackett met Nehru and was consequently asked to advise on the development of Indian defence forces. See G.2-G.6 below, and Lovell, Memoir, pp.96-97. See also G.23. Blackett's Report to the Defence Minister of India. Carbon of original typescript report and covering letter dated 10 September 1948. 29 pp. ‘Duplicated version, 37 pp., with ms. annotations perhaps of a later date. W.E. Parry H.M. Patel Correspondence with Jawaharlal Nehru: Letter from Nehru on Blackett's report, 1948. Letter from Blackett on atomic warfare, 1951. These are photocopies of originals in the possession of Lady Blackett. Printed version of Report dated 23 November 1948, under title ‘Scientific problem of defence in relation to the needs of the Indian armed forces’. 1950 1949 (announcing 'l am glad to be able to inform you that the Government have accepted your Report practically in its entirety') Correspondence and papers re report, its implementation and Indian defence matters, 1948-52. E.C. Williams B.P. Pal S.S. Bhatnagar 1948 1950 1950 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities H.A. Sargeaunt 1951 (on weapons for Indian army) H.H. Williams 1951 Blackett's folder of notes and discussions, mainly on tanks for India. Includes his 2 pp. ms. ‘Some Notes on Supply of Tanks’, December 1952 and some background material. N.B. Blackett in a separate folder, see G.24-G.26. Some lectures, reports, etc. for 1955-62 were kept by Notes for talks and lectures given in India. ‘Operational Research. 1 p. ms. notes only. Kanpur. December 1950'. "Atomic Weapons and Military Planning. 1955. _2 pp. ms. notes. War Room'. New Delhi. January ‘War Room. 2 pp. ms. notes. Delhi, 28 January 1958'. 13 pp. heavily annotated by 5 January 1962 to Defence College, New ‘Military Policy and Disarmament’. 2 lectures, Delhi. 8 pp. + notes. 3, Report on National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, 1963. Letters from Director-General, Council of Scientific and Copy of report of meeting of N.P.L. Council to discuss Blackett's recommendations. Blackett. Industrial Research, accepting 'the basic recommendations’. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.12-G.16 First Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture, New Delhi, ‘Science and Technology in an unequal world’. 1967. R.S.114. No manuscript survives of this lecture (though see G.14 below) but while Blackett was in Delhi he recorded an interview with B.R. Nanda for the Oral History Project of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, with reminiscences of Nehru, Indian scientists, etc. Correspondence with B.R. Nanda, 1971-72, when Blackett was preparing his 4th Nehru lecture given in December 1971 (see G.17-G.22 below) and wished to refresh his memory. He intended to revise the transcript of the 1967 interview but found the required emendations to be so extensive that he preferred to leave the text as a classified document in the Museum. A photocopy of the transcript, 24 pp., heavily annotated and revised, is included in the folder. Includes copies of various versions as published. 1967-70 Blackett's ms. notes and plans for the lecture, dated August, September 1967. 7 pp., some Correspondence and press-cuttings re lecture , arrangements for publication of shortened versions in various journals, letters of thanks, etc. Includes a letter of comment on the draft speech from W.D. Clark in which he says '| do wonder whether in delivering it you should not explain some of the initials (R & D, QSE,etc.) more than once. 1973 Press-cuttings, quotations, background material re Nehru, and re Blackett's lecture, 1967 Otherwise | fear the Indians may get lost’. Brief correspondence, 1973, re publication of 1967 lecture. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.17-G.22 ‘Aspects of India's Development’. The Fourth Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture, given in London, December 1971. R.S.130. Correspondence with Earl Mountbatten of Burma (Chairman, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust) re invitation to lecture, arrangements, and comments on text. 1970-71 3 copies of draft text, all with ms. revisions. Copy of 'Text for publication', typescript with ms. revisions. ‘Science and Wealth in developing Countries', with heading ‘Royal Scottish Museum! (deleted), 17 February 1972. This is an adapted version of the above, typescript, with ms. revisions and new pagination (lacks p.1). 1971-72 1971 L. Meitner- Graf D.V. Glass ge riort (Blackett's carbons only) Misc. correspondence re lecture. Correspondence with Secretary, Nehru Memorial Trust, re delivery and publication of lecture. es A.B. Pant P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.23-G.31 Blackett's folder of material on India, assembled probably in 1972 for a collection of his writings on the subject, or for an autobiography. The material has been split into separate folders for ease of handling, but remains in Blackett's order. : This is Blackett's original folder, inscribed 'Defence. Book', and, affixed to cover, his list of visits to India 1947-71. India Includes: 1p. ms. plan for contents of book. Offprint of proceedings of 34th Indian Science Congress, January 1947. Blackett's Address at Inaugural Meeting of above, A pp. Blackett's ms. report on the British Delegation's visit to above. p. only. 1 Report on Blackett's visit, December 1954-January 1955, prepared by Scientific Adviser, with ms. annotations by Blackett (on Indian Air Force). Typed transcript. 1 December 1963. p. ms. notes for speech at 'C.R. [Cosmic Rays] Conference, Typed transcript with extensive ms. corrections. Another (untitled) lecture on same subject, 4 January 1962. 'Military policy and disarmament', 3 January 1762. Lecture at India International Centre, New Delhi. Version published in Science Reporter, 1968. ‘Britain and India's development plans’, 16 November 1964. (The Rickman Godlee Lecture). Typescript with extensive ms. corrections, 24 pp. + 2 pp. additions on China, and his visit there. Speech at Tata Institute, to introduce First Homi Bhabha Memorial Lecture (given by C.F. Powell), November 1948. 3 pp. ms. ‘Science and Technology in an unequal world’. (First Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture). P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G — Overseas activities ‘India and Defence’. Draft of recollections of first meeting with Nehru and work on Indian defence, adapted from 1967 lecture and 1969 Rede Lecture (see G.72), 12 pp. 3 pp. document headed ‘Personal. Atma Ram! (not by Blackett). Drafts on population problem and contraception (adapted from 1971 Nehru lecture). Another draft on population problem. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.32-G.43 CORRESPONDENCE, MAINLY ON SCIENCE AND DEFENCE 1949-73 The correspondence is presented alphabetically, dated and with a brief indication of any material of particular personal or scientific interest. Extensive correspondence with an individual is allotted a separate folder or folders; shorter exchanges are grouped together. All correspondents are listed in the general index. G.32 G.33 Godfrey Armitage 1951 (Blackett's carbons only) Correspondence with Homi Bhabha £1941], 1951-55, 1963 The letter of 1941 (on mesons) is p.2 only and dated only Note: from internal evidence. General correspondence on scientific research, Conference on Elementary Particles and publication, atomic warfare, etc. Correspondence with family and colleagues following Bhabha's death, 1966. S.S. Bhatnagar 1951 195] 1951 D.S. Kothari 1950-53, 1960, 1966, 1972-73 (Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi). J.D. Cockcroft and - Bergeron (on solar energy) Includes printed material, tributes, etc. and letter from Indira Gandhi. The early correspondence, which constitutes the bulk of the folder, relates to aspects of Indian military research, and Blackett's advice and visits. 1951 (on family planning in India) oS Krishna K. Krishnan C.H. Madge 1951 (Blackett's carbons only, on solar energy) P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities P.C. Mahalanobis 1950-53, 1971-73 (on village economy in India) The later correspondence contains a letter of reminiscence dictated by Mahalanobis while awaiting a rectal operation. 1972 A.W. Mailvaganam 1950-51 (on cosmic ray lectures in R.G.W. Norrish H.M. Patel L. Pearson F. Richter M.N. Saha N. Srinivasan R.S. Thakur _M. Tyagi M. Young Colombo) 1951 1949 1951 1951 (Blackett's carbon only) 1953 195] 1952 1953 1951-52 (on a Labour Party pamphlet on India) Shorter personal and social correspondence, 1951-52 (not indexed). and problems of aid). 1966 (report on Wynne's visit to India, MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE J.B.S. Haldane 1963 C.G. Wynne P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.45-G.5]1 CORRESPONDENCE, MAINLY ON DEVELOPMENT 1970-73 G.45 Correspondence with Atma Ram, 1971-72 (Director-General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi). Includes lectures by Atma Ram, reminiscences of P.C. Mahalanobis, award of Man of the Year Award to Atam Ram in 1972, etc. B. Behari S.N. Bose M.L. Dhar V. Kalidas -G.L. Kapoor 1972-73 1971 1971 (includes paper by Dhar on development of Indian economy and comments on book by Graham Jones. See also G.80, G.81) 1972 (re book on Indira Gandhi) 1973 (re Man of the Year Award to M.S. Swaminathan) 1971 1970-71 1971-72 1971 1971 1971 197] 1971 W. Marshall B.N. Mukerjee news of Pant's death, 1973) K.S.R. Murthy Y. Nayudamma A.B. Pant P. Pant 1971 (includes letter from Pamela Robinson with thanks for visits, social and personal exchanges (not indexed). 1971-73 Misc. shorter correspondence: requests for lectures or publications, 1972 (re Festschrift for K.R. Ramanathan) 1972 (re Award of Meghnad Saha Medal) 1972 (re population growth in India) 1971 (re Symposium on Nehru) M. Srinivasan S.R. Valluri P.C. Randeria C.R. Rao R.G. Rastogi B.R. Seshachar K. Singh Narang P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.52-G.55 VISITS TO INDIA See G.23 for Blackett's complete list of his visits to India. G.52 Schedule of visit, December 1965-January 1966. G.53-G.55 Visit as Royal Society Leverhulme Visiting Professor, March-May 1971. Much of the correspondence in G.45-G.51 above refers to this visit and matters arising. Itineraries and schedules for the visit. Misc. reports on visit and on conferences and meetings, by Blackett and by Royal Society Delegation. Includes Summary of Blackett's contribution to Appropriate Technology Symposium, New Delhi. Misc. ms. notes for talks and speeches at various centres during visit to India, 1970 and 1971. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.56-G.126 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.56-G.76 LECTURES AND ADDRESSES 1953-70 The lectures and writings deal with such topics as economic aid, world poverty, population growth, and the disparity between 'rich' and ‘poor’ countries. Blackett described the latter as the 'Gap', a term which he used and adapted in various ways as the title of several of his published works on the subject. See G.60, G.72, G.120, and also 'H.57-H.73, H.146-H.153. The material is presented chronologically. G.56 Speech (untitled, on the 'gap') at Canberra, 31 March 1953. Heavily-corrected typescript. 6 pp. Speech at R.P.A., 11 June 1953. 2 pp. ms. notes. "Science and the Future’. R.S.78. ‘Science and World Poverty', December 1955. With ms. note ‘Japanese Paper’. 9 pp. heavily-corrected typescript draft, probably for newspaper article. Speech at UNESCO, Paris, November 1955, heavily-corrected 3 pp. and similar 3 pp. ms. material headed 'T.V.', ree ms. for broadcast on same occasion. date being 1955, and the latest Cornell, 1960. Accompanying correspondence, and Blackett's own notes on p. 1,show that this was the title and substance of material for the David Davies Memorial Lecture given in December 1959 under the title 'The Problem of the underdeveloped countries’. The notes indicate that Blackett gave the lecture both before and after the occasion of the David Davies Lecture, the earliest 'The Widening Gap', November 195 ?8. 5 pp. heavily-corrected ms. notes. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities ‘Technology and World Advancement’. Lecture to the Bow Group, March 1960, and elsewhere. Heavily-corrected ms. notes and background statistics. "Science and the underdeveloped countries’. Speech to Council on Foreign Relations, New York, November 1960, 2 pp. ms. notes. ‘What | am interested in’. Speech at Chicago, November 1960. 1 p. ms. notes. ‘Science and technology and the developing countries’. (Tenth Hinchley Memorial Lecture, February 1961). Correspondence, typescript summary of lecture, offprint ‘of published version. (On underdeveloped countries.) ‘Science, technology and world advancement’. (The Irvine Memorial Lecture, University of St. Andrews). Offprint of published version only. 1962. Ri 5,86. Transcript of discussion on BBC Third Programme, March 1961. a: 3.77; ‘The University's Mission’. R.S.101. 7 pp. typescript, perhaps for speech at United Nations Conference, Geneva. ‘Government and scientific and technical development in emerging countries', February 1963. Offprint of article in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists with ms. date 'May 1962'. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities Notes for speech at City and Guilds College, October 1964. lp. ms. ‘British Scientist's Impression of China’. Photocopy of excerpt from recorded talk from Peking in English for Australasia. 10 October 1964. ‘The Contribution of Science to Development’. Address to World Conference of Society for International Development, Washington, March 1968. 6 pp. ms. notes; 13 pp. heavily-corrected draft (pages variously numbered); Copy of 1967 Nehru lecture (R.S.114) edited and adapted for Washington Conference. G.70 ‘Reflections on science and technology in developing countries’. (The Gandhi Memorial Lectures, delivered at University College, Nairobi, January 1969). 8.54120; M.L.E. Oliphant S. Zuckerman Blackett's folder, containing: Copy of lectures as published, 1970. Correspondence with University College, Nairobi and with East African Publishing House Limited re publication of lectures. Correspondence with colleagues re Gandhi lectures and the Rede lecture on similar subject, R.S.121, see G.72, with comments, letters of thanks for copies, etc. J. Humphrey A.W. Benn A. Salam C.P. Snow S.S. Sokhey S.P. Ambasta J.B. Hutchinson C.F. Goodeve J.W. Bray J. Cook ‘ D.G. Osborne Atma Ram P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities Contribution to conference on ‘The Social Control of Science and its applications’, University of Chicago, March 1969. 15 pp. heavily-corrected notes and drafts; Offprint of version of address as published in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 1969. 'The Gap Widens'. (The Rede Lecture, Cambridge, May 1969). RS. bers Blackett's folder containing: Corrected text of lecture as for publication by C.U.P., 23 pp. typescript with ms. corrections. Copy of published version and of agreement with C.U.P. Later typescript copy, c.1972, for projected collection of writings, with extensive annotations and corrections by Blackett and another. Correspondence with C.U.P. re diminished sales, 1973. R.S.124, Brief editorial correspondence, 1971. 'The role of science and technology in economic development'. Speeches at Conference on Urbanisation and Regional Change, Oxford, Aprii 1970. "Science, Technology and Aid in Developing Countries’. (Third Encyclopaedia Britannica Lecture, Edinburgh, 1970). "Science and Technology in under-developed countries’. 24 pp. ms. notes and drafts. 6 pp. ms. notes headed ‘Blackett, Oxford', probably for same occasion. 2 ms. drafts for talk so titled, n.d. 15 pp. typescript, with ms. note 'for O.D.1. Review', n.d. but after 1970. 2 typescript versions, one incomplete, both with ms. revisions and corrections. "Science policy in an unequal world’. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.77-G.81 ORGANISATIONS AND COMMITTEES 1959-73 G.77.G.78 Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Blackett played an active part in establishing ODI (see especially G.77), acting as Secretary at its early meetings, some of which were held in his room at Imperial College, London. G.77 Blackett's folder inscribed 'O.D.1. Beginnings’. Includes: ‘Project for an institute for development 5 pp. studies', typescript with ms, revisions, signed by E.A.G. Robinson and Blackett, dated 11 December 1959. establishment of such an Institute, its terms of reference, sources of finance, staffing, etc. This memorandum sets out the case for the Agendas, committee papers and Minutes of the meetings of the provisional Executive Committee, March-July 1960. 1961-71 1970-72 Misc. committee papers. Press Release announcing establishment of ODI (Director: Council, etc., 16 September 1960 William Clark), list of Inaugurating Includes letter from Richard Wood (Minister of Overseas Development) thanking Blackett for his services to ODI on his retirement from the Governing Body, December 1970. Correspondence and papers re publication of a series of ODI Agricultural Pamphlets, discussion meeting on the Robbins Report, financial appeals. on the committee. UN Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development and Ad Hoc Working Group on Population (ACAST). Correspondence re arrangements for meetings in New York (February), and Geneva (July, September, November 1971). Letter of thanks from Secretary-General for Blackett's service 1971-72 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.80, G.81 Committee on Science and Technology in Developing 1970-72 Countries (COSTED). Established by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) at its General Assembly, Bombay, January 1966, under Blackett's Chairmanship. Only material for 1970-72 survives, and is largely concerned with the publication of The role of science and technology in developing countries, by Graham Jones (OUP 1971). See Lovell, Memoir, p.100. G.80 COSTED committee papers and ICSU reports, includes material re book by Graham Jones. Correspondence with Secretary, F.W.G. Baker, especially re future programme and membership of COSTED. Correspondence re publication and circulation of book written “by Graham jones, under Blackett's direction. Correspondence with OUP, members of ICSU and other interested organisations in UK and overseas re circulation and promotion of book, requests for copies, etc. 1971 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.82-G.84 CORRESPONDENCE 1951, 1964-71 The correspondence is presented alphabetically, with dates and a brief indication of any material of particular personal or scientific interest. G.82 K.O. Dike J.L. Loam K. Natarajan 1965 1971 1971 (Blackett's carbon only) on population control in Pakistan A. Nove 1964 (on development of Soviet Central Asia) H.C. Pereira 1971 (on high wage costs in developing countries) Royal Inst. International Affairs i Saunders 1951 1970 R.S. Scorer D. Seers S. Unwin H.1. Usmani Britain) J.A.V. Willis 1970 1970 1971-72 (includes programme of visit to 1967 (request for Blackett to write book on subject) 197] P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.85-G.126 VISITS AND CONFERENCES 1944-71 The material is presented chronologically. It includes correspondence, travel arrangements, manuscripts or notes for lectures, papers, broadcasts, publications, etc. This Section contains all surviving records of Blackett's attendance at international conferences, and of his foreign tours (see G.23 - G.3]1 for visits to India). though it is clear that many other journeys were made and have left no documented evidence. G.85 - G.91 is of interest in recording Blackett's view of the episode in 1945 when he and other eminent British scientists were refused visas to visit Russia (see the note to these items). The majority of the visits referred to in this Section were concerned with international co-operation, aid to developing countries, disarmament, etc. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.85-G.91 Proposed visit to Russia June 1945 The visit was for the celebration of the 220th Anniversary of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Invitations to a large number of British representatives were issued and accepted (see G.85 for a list of those invited, and Blackett's own invitation At the last moment, visas were refused for J.D. Bernal, and acceptance). P.M.S. Blackett, Sir Charles Darwin, P.A.M. Dirac, E.A. Milne, N.F. Mott, R.G.W. Norrish and E.K. Rideal, on the grounds that they could not be spared until the conclusion of hostilities with Japan. Blackett led protests against this, by letters and interviews, but the ban remained. The items below are kept in Blackett's folder, variously marked '1945 ‘Blackett Bernal Mott Norrish’; these notes were in a proposed autobiography. G.85 Invitation, including Blackett's application for exit permit. list of others invited, travel arrangements, Previous correspondence with Sir Henry Tizard and E.F. Collingwood re possible scientific missions or conferences in Russia, 1943, 1945. Russia’, ‘Visas Refused', probably added at a late date in his career, indicating the lasting impression made on him by the matter, or perhaps the intention to refer to it at government advisory councils, June-July 1945. 13 June 1945, and Letter from Home Office refusing visa, Blackett's correspondence with other colleagues involved requesting meeting with Royal Society to discuss the matter. Includes letters from: P.A.M. Dirac, E.A. Milne, E.K. Rideal, Sir Charles Darwin. Draft letter of protest to President, Royal Society, and misc. letters by Blackett declining to continue attendance P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities 2 letters from Lord Woolton (Lord President of Council) on subject. Correspondence, preliminary notes, and ms. and typescript’ account for President, Royal Society, of meeting between Sir John Anderson, Bernal, Blackett and Sir Thomas Merton. Misc. correspondence re colleagues, etc. whom Blackett was to have looked up in Moscow; includes a characteristic letter from G.|. Taylor to be delivered to P. Kapitza, with personal and university news. (A copy of this letter is held, by permission, in Trinity College, Cambridge.) Misc. press releases. Folder of printed material relating to visit, misc. press releases, address and reports, etc. Includes also (duplicated) address by P. Kapitza to Soviet Academy of Sciences 1943 and subsequent discussion, and -note on organisation of Science in USSR, written 1944, published 1945. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities World Congress for Peace, Paris, April 1949. Correspondence with F. Joliot-Curie re organisation of Congress. Blackett was unable to attend, but folder includes 3 pp. heavily-corrected ms. draft of his letter to Joliot-Curie stating his own views on dangers of war with USSR. Visit to Australia, New Zealand and Singapore 1952-53. Correspondence re visit and itinerary, lectures and arrange- ments (including the possibility of a return journey via Canada which did not take place). correspondence is included. Schedule for engagements in Australia, February-March 1953. Some personal and scientific G.94-G.97 International Conference on Science in the Advancement of New States, Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth, Israel, August 1960. Conference agenda, programme, list of participants. Included here is a letter from Roger Quirk re possible links with Overseas Research Council, May 1960. Correspondence with Abba Eban (President, Weizmann Institute) re aims of conference, contribution by Blackett, and letter after conference (January 1961) re possible Continuation Committee and possible links with Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 1959-61. paper, etc. Misc. correspondence re travel arrangements, publication of "New science or old technology’. Blackett's contribution to conference, given at opening session. 4 pp. ms. notes; typescript version with ms. corrections, 5 pp. R.S.84. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities World Food and Population Symposium, British Association Annual Meeting, Cardiff, 31 August-7 September 1960. The Australian press reported Blackett as saying in his summing up at the conclusion of the symposium that a nuclear war was 'the only answer to the problem of the growing world population’. letter for publication and a copy of the written version of In his covering letter to the editors Blackett his remarks. wrote that 'The remark about atomic bombs which became somewhat distorted in the reporting, was an aside not con- tained in the original script'. printed Blackett's letter of disavowal. Many of the newspapers Blackett replied with a The folder includes: 2 draft ms. notes (1 4 pp. typescript copy for distribution. p. each) by Blackett for his remarks. Letters from members of the Australian public, many enclosing clippings from the local press re Blackett's “ remarks. Copies of other papers (by W.A. Lewis and T.A.1. Grillo) of various dates. Anglo-Soviet Conference, February 1961. Correspondence with Fitzroy Maclean (Chairman) and organisers, 1960-61. Correspondence re formation of B.A. Committee on World Food and Population (Blackett was a member). Organised by Great Britain-USSR Association and USSR- Great Britain Society. Russian delegate, and on usefulness of the conference. Includes agenda, programme, communiqué (annotated by Blackett), speeches and background material. Group photograph of members of the conference. 3 pp. ms. note by Blackett on Test Ban, on comments by P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.100, G.101 Centennial Celebration, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, April 1961. G.100 Invitation from President to participate, and correspondence with organisers re travel arrangements, Blackett's paper, etc. Includes list of UK participants, papers to be given, etc. Blackett was the official Delegate of Imperial College at the Conference, and folder includes letter from Rector con- firming this. G.101 ‘Scientific and engineering education in newly-developing countries’. Includes: Inaugural address' by Blackett for Topic A of Conference. 2 pp. ms. notes. 5 pp. typescript with ms. revisions. G.102 3 pp. ms. notes on speeches and discussions at Conference. Duplicated summary of discussions of Topic A, 16 pp. Printed material: conference programme, list of participants, reports on visit. G.102, G.103 International Conference on Magnetism and Crystallography, Kyoto, Japan, September 1961. Correspondence with organisers re conference arrangements, Blackett's paper and publication, with colleagues in Japan re programme of visit, requests to visit and lecture, letters of thanks, etc., 1961. See also J.69. Invitation (declined) and prospectus. Includes also brief correspondence re Pugwash conferences. Includes: typescript with ms. corrections. duplicated copy of Blackett's contribution, 8 pp. Rio. 20. See also C.97, C.207. International Seminar, Yugoslavia, July 1964. ‘University Today', Dubrovnik, P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.105-G.108 Visit to China, September-October 1964, and correspondence, 1965 Blackett visited China as a member of a Royal Society Delegation, with Professor A.R. Clapham. He lectured on rock magnetism, and participated in discussions with repre- sentatives of Academia Sinica re exchanges of information, training, visits, etc. between British and Chinese scientists. He heard the result of the General Election of October 1964 while in China, and returned for the setting-up of Mintech (see Section E). Blackett's visit to China made a considerable impression on him, and he referred to it frequently in talks and correspondence and made serious efforts to ~ help Chinese scientists with equipment, exchanges of information and the like. See also C.216, C.247-C.249, G.27, G.68. G.106 Programme of activities in China. Note of discussion with Academia Sinica (by A.R. Clapham). Correspondence with Indian Chargé d'affaires in Peking. G.105 Correspondence re visit, and visit to Hong Kong during return journey, letters of thanks to colleagues in China, 1964. Correspondence with W.B. Harland re geological co- operation with China. Correspondence, reports and memoranda re scientific visits and exchanges between Academia Sinica and Royal Society, meetings to discuss same, and especially re work on rock magnetism (see below), November 1964-June 1965. until 1966. Correspondence, October 1964-June 1965, re his visit to China to advise on rock magnetism research under exchange scheme (see above). planned for 1965, was postponed at the request of the Chinese with R.L. Wilson The visit, originally P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities Administration and Management of Research and Development. A series of discussion meetings held at Caius College, Cambridge, 6 July-3 August 1965. Blackett attended the meeting held on the weekend 16-17 July, when a small (12) group of people met at the invitation of N.F. Mott. the relationship between Government and the Universities, and the function of University Grants Committee. The general theme of the discussion was Folder includes correspondence re arrangements for meeting, publication of an account of the meeting, draft report (22 pp. typescript) and an amendment by Blackett. G.110, G.111 Visit to National Academy of Sciences, Washington, April 1966. (On the occasion of Blackett's election as Associate Member, National Academy of Sciences). Address at dinner (on organisation of science), 26 April 1966. 2 corrected typescript versions, 16 pp. G.112 G.111 "Science and the national interest’. Folder includes: 6 pp. ms. notes 10 pp. ms. draft 7 pp. summary of speech for publication in News Report. Copy of N.A.S. News Report with summary of address. Science Foundation, assembled by Blackett as background material. Agenda, list of participants, timetables and speakers, Blackett's ms. notes for his introductory remarks on Item 5 of Agenda ‘Relation between academies of science and government', and on other speeches and discussions at meeting. Folder of reports, articles, etc. mainly on science and govern- ment, includes material on changes in American National ms. notes for talk at Council for Foreign Relations, 5 pp. New York, 29 April 1966. G.112, G.113 Visit by Royal Society Delegation to National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 26-27 May 1966. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities Tercentenary Celebrations, Académie des Sciences, Paris, June 1966. Printed matter and letter of acceptance only. G.115-G.119 Chancellor's Lectures, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, September 1966. (and Blackett's visit to Australia on same occasion) Correspondence with Convenor and with Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University, re arrangements and scheduling of lectures, fees, etc. 1964-66. - Includes press-cuttings of visit. Blackett's four Chancellor's Lectures were: Shorter private correspondence re tour, 1966. Correspondence with officers of Royal Society of New Zealand re meeting during Blackett's visit, 1965-66. Includes schedules and itineraries, and ] for talk at seminar in Canberra on ‘War against Hunger’. p. ms. notes Correspondence with colleagues in Australia, June- October 1966, re visits and lectures. Schedule and itinerary in New Zealand are included here. Folder includes ms. notes and drafts for lectures 3 and 4 (labelled by Blackett 1 and 2), and also notes for a version to be broadcast on New Zealand radio. Technology, Science and Government Today. The Drift of the Continents? The History of the Earth's Magnetic Field Technology, and Science in the Past ile 2 3. 4 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities G.120-G.121 Visit to Washington, December 1966. Blackett delivered an address 'The Ever Widening Gap' (R.S.107) ata meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), held on the general topic of ‘Science in International Perspective’. The AAAS meeting was widened to become a joint meeting with the Washington Academy of Sciences (WAS) which sponsored Blackett's lecture as part of its 500th meeting programme. G.120 Invitation, correspondence re lecture and publication, with AAAS and WAS officials, programme of meeting, letters of thanks. 1 p. ms. draft for introduction to speech, not used in - published version in Science. Copy of published version. Visit to University College, Dar-es-Salaam, December 1968- January 1969. (This was a Royal Society visit with Dr. R.W.J. Keay.) he also acted as Delegate Blackett was made Hon. Fellow of WAS, and enrolled as Fellow of AAAS on this occasion; of the British Association. Duplicated report on visit, by R.W.J. Keay. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities European Physical Society. Conference on April 1969. 'The Growth Points of Physics', Florence, Blackett delivered a lecture, ‘The old days of the Cavendish’. R.S.118, Correspondence re conference and lecture. Includes transcript, copy of printed text, and of other speeches at conference; misc. printed matter and newsletters. 8 pp. ms. notes on 'The Old Cavendish’. Also included is correspondence with President of Italian Physical Society asking Blackett to serve on Steering Com- mittee of European Physical Society (declined), 1966. “See G.125, and under Rutherford in the index of corres- pondents, for other talks and material on Rutherford, and Blackett's period at the Cavendish. Visit to Spain, September 1969. Brief correspondence and background material only. Blackett declined nomination as Corresponding Member, Real Academia de Ciencas. Rutherford Centenary Celebrations, Moscow, August 1971. Rutherford's achievements’). Blackett had intended to attend, and to give a paper based substantially on his 1954 Rutherford Memorial Lecture (R.S.69, see H.51). read for him by N. Feather. Folder includes correspondence with Russian and UK colleagues re conference, and 2 typescripts of the lecture (draft titled "Memories of Rutherford', and text as read 'Some remarks on In the event, he did not go, and his paper was P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section G - Overseas activities Misc. invitations to conferences: Nobel Prizewinners Conference, Lindau 1971 (declined) International Conference on Product Development and Manufacturing Technology, University of Strathclyde 1971 (declined) USSR Academy of Sciences Jubilee Celebration 1972 (declined) Possible UN conference on 'One World - Prospects and Problems', suggested for 1972-73. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 SECTION H ~~ LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, ADDRESSES, BROADCASTS 1934-73 Fl de Hye 157 This Section assembles in chronological order all surviving material in these categories not included among any of the specific topics in Sections B - G above, although there is often a considerable degree of overlap in subject-matter. The material varies from brief manuscript notes for an informal talk to substantial folders including several drafts, comments from colleagues and from the general public, particulars of conferences or symposia at which the lecture or address was given, editorial correspondence, arrangements for foreign publication, translation rights, etc. Some entries are accompanied by explanatory notes,and references are given to related matters in other Sections of the collection. Several items include or refer to publications not listed in the Royal Society Bibliography. See especially H.8, H.45, H.74, H.77, H.105, H.122, H.132, H.136, H.137, H.139. Many more are unpublished. ‘ P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ‘ ‘The frustration of science’. Originally a broadcast talk given in March 1934 and subsequently published as Ch. VII! of a book of that title. This is a late typescript, c.1972, with some ms. corrections by Blackett, prepared for a collection of readings to be published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson under the title The Government of Science in Britain, and perhaps for Blackett's own proposed collection of writings. brief editorial correspondence and information about Includes the book, 1971-72. RS 592: "Some Aspects of Present Day Affairs. December 10, 1934'. Very heavily-revised ms. 10 pp., with 1 hand. : p. notes partly in another ‘Science and Politics. Dalton Hill. 11.3.37.' 1 p. ms. notes only. Misc. ms. undated political speeches. Includes: ¢.1942. ‘The Frustration of Science Exhibition. May 16, 1938'. 1 p. ms. notes for speech or lecture at opening. 2 pp. notes on necessity of help to Russia (possibly an Operational Research paper). 3 pp. notes in the form of an open letter to 'Dear Mr. C.' [Neville Chamberlain], attacking armament race. c.1938. ‘The Triumph of Chamberlainism' 4 pp. ms. draft for speech on similar subject and attacking Churchill. at Dartington Hall, March 1944, Misc. manifestos, quotations, background material, particulars of conference on ‘Progressive Politics', held P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Talks and papers on organisation of post-war science, and fundamental research 1943-45 ‘Science and Society. International Youth Centre, 22.9.43.' ms. 5 pp. ‘Churchill Club, January 1944. Science after the War'. ms. 3 pp. ‘Fundamental Research in Relation to Industry’. Blackett's contribution to a British Association discussion. Includes: 1 p. ms. plan of talk dated January 1944, 9 pp. Typescript and ms. draft dated January 1945. 5 pp. typescript 'Stenographer's report’. Offprint of a talk entitled ‘Relation between Fundamental and Applied Science’, same text with minor differences. See also E.13. ms. 13 pp. Correspondence from A.P. Rowe re talk. ‘Fundamental Science. Relation with Society’. l p. ms. notes. n.d. probably 1944. p. ms. notes. n.d. but kept with correspondence exchanged ‘The Social Duty of Fundamental Scientists’. Talk on science after the war, at T.R.E. Malvern, December 1944. 1 with 'Martin' re science in socialist and capitalist societies, March-May 1944. p. ms. notes. "Instructors Course, Bloomsbury House. and the Education of the Citizen’. 2 pp. ms. notes. n.d. probably 1944. Notes on similar subject, 2 pp. n.d. probably 1944. ‘Fundamental and applied Science’. 1 122.1.45. Science P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ( Papers and talks on science and society by others, collected by Blackett, many annotated by him. J.D. Bernal, ‘Applied Science and Technology’, February 1945. E.L. Bowler, 'A growing challenge to technological education’, n.d. E.C. Bullard, ‘Science in national life’ (broadcast talk), December 1943. J.G. Crowther, 'The Royal Society’ (2 copies), November 1944. A.V. Hill, a paper on neutrality, 1938, a printed copy of a British Association address with annotations by Blackett, and a ms. 2 pp. ‘note on A.V. Hill's address to B.A.' by Blackett. M. Polanyi, 'Science and the decline of freedom! (broadcast talk), May 1944, annotated by Blackett. A.C.B. Lovell, talk on post-war society given at T.R.E., October 1944 as part of A.P. Rowe's series (see H.10), annotated by Blackett. C.H. Waddington, 'The need for an organised study of the influence of science on human affairs', n.d. "Science for peace. Synopsis’. Printed reports on post-war scientific research. "How planning might be organised’, January 1946. Introduction, and outline for 11 chapters. Typescript. 2 talks on the planning of science, for the BBC Chinese service. 'The creation of matter from energy', August 1946. Typescript with ms. corrections. With ms. note by Blackett ' Bernal's draft for the now abandoned book'. Brief correspondence re possible publication (declined for lack of time). Contribution to discussion following a talk by R.L. Oppenheimer, on pure and applied scientific research. 'The Scientist in the Socialist State’. November 1946. Typescript report of lecture, and of ensuing discussion, 14 pp. 3 pp. typescript and ms. Notes for speech at T.U.C., Brighton, October 1946. l p. ms. 2 pp. ms. notes. Fabian Jubilee Lecture, Press release summary of points made in lecture, 6 pp. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.18-H.23 Papers relating to Evan James Williams FRS, 1945-47 Williams had been a close wartime colleague of Blackett, who was largely responsible for his appointment to R.A.E. Farnborough, to Operational Research, Coastal Command, and to the Admiralty where he was Assistant Director, Operational Research. Blackett wrote an obituary of Williams for Nature and the Biographical Memoir for the Royal Society. RiSi ae: The folders include correspondence with family and colleagues re material for the Memoir, often containing material of personal interest not used in the publication, and fuller notes of Williams's wartime contribution than was avail- able at the time. For further material, see under E.J. Williams in the Index of correspondents. Correspondence with family and close friends. with Williams's parents, 1945-47 with Williams's brother, 1945-46, with autobiographical notes prepared by E.J. Williams, comments on Blackett's Memoir and personal recollections Bibliographies and summaries of Williams's work. Letter from Williams, 8 September 1945 CWilliams died 29 September J enclosing his own ‘Summary of War Work', and hoping to see Blackett before leaving London for the last time. September 1946 Correspondence with scientific colleagues, with recollections and information on Williams's work and personality. W.H. McCrea N. Bohr J. Chadwick W.L. Bragg E.T. Davies H.R. Hulme October 1945 November 1945 December 1945 (Blackett's carbon only) December 1945 December 1945-January 1946 September 1946 from Marion Guild, 1946. H.T. Tizard J.D. Cockcroft September 1946 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Correspondence with Royal Society re writing of Memoir, Brief correspondence re circulation of Memoir. Misc. ms. notes by Blackett for Memoir. Misc. copies of obituaries of Williams. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ‘Industrial use of atomic energy’. Typescript of broadcast talk, February 1947, used as T.U.C. Committee paper, April 1947. 'W.E.A. Manchester, April 1947. "The Next Few Years"'. 4 pp. ms. notes for an address given at short notice after the sudden death of Ellen Wilkinson, then Minister of Education. Another talk using similar material, given as 'Celebrity Lecture’, November 1947, under title 'How can science -help?', 6 pp. heavily-revised ms. notes. 'B.A. 1 10.5.47. p. ms. notes. Manchester. Origin of Barlow Rept. ' ‘How can science help us?' 5 pp. ms., with note ‘unfinished for Empire News May 1947". "Science and the British Economic Crisis', Milan, April 1948. 3 pp. ms. notes. 2 pp. ms. notes. 'Draft message to N.Y. Conference, March 1949', 'Science and Industry. T.U.C. Summer School’, July 1948. Typescript 2 pp. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Military and political consequences of atomic energy, London, Turnstile Press, 1948. R. Sear. The folders below contain only correspondence, with N.B. colleagues, publishers, readers, etc. remain. No manuscript or drafts H.29,H.30 Correspondence with publishers (Turnstile Press Limited, London) re original and subsequent editions, foreign rights, possible film rights, sales and reviews, etc., exchanged mainly with R.G. Ernest Willison and Michael Hodson. Hig? H.30 1948-49 1950-53 Sales and royalty figures, list of foreign and translation rights of book. Correspondence re translations and foreign editions of book. America (McGraw-Hill) Czechoslovakia France (Albin Michel) Germany Holland Poland Sweden Yugoslavia under the title ‘Fear, War and the Bomb’. and international control of atomic weapons. Correspondence with Frederick Osborn, and with BBC, 1948 re criticism of book by Osborn, and Blackett's reply, broadcast on Third Programme, 15 December 1948. is concerned mainly with bombing policy in the Second World War, This broadcast is referred to passim in the correspondence and Includes transcripts of both statements. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.35-H.38 Correspondence with colleagues and friends, 1948-49, re text or opinions of the book. Note: Other correspondence on the book sometimes accompanies letters of congratulation on the Nobel Prize, see also A.45-A.54. J.R.M. Brumwell (enclosing extracts of comments by Lewis Mumford) J.D. Cockcroft R. Crawshay-Williams S.S. Dell G.C. Dickens (copy only) E.M. Earle (on bombing policy) B.H. Liddell Hart (includes copy of an article by Liddell Hart on ‘Global Strategy’) B. Kingsley Martin (2 letters re proposed book Why Not Live? with chapters by Martin, Priestley, Ritchie Calder, Boyd Orr, Blackett) N.F. Mott (comments on draft text) H. Johnson C.H. King M.L. Oliphant G.P. Thomson survived) H.T. Tizard (detailed comments on draft text) J.B. Priestley (ideas on East-West relations) S. Zuckerman (to accompany comments on draft text which have not Correspondence with friends or members of the public, 1948-49 re book, containing personal or factual information on atomic energy or on Blackett's views. W. Lippmann G.W. Cadbury R. Fraser J. Langdon-Davies F. Wood-Jones M. Phillips MoH. Strovs J.B. Thomas V. Torrey A. Lee (bombing policy) 'Norman' P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Misc. requests from Blackett for information, when writing or revising the book. Shorter correspondence with members of the general public re the substance and reception of the book (not indexed). Misc. shorter correspondence with editors of newspapers and journals re reviews and comments after publication of book (not indexed). P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.42-H.45 Federation of British Industries, Conference on Industry and the Universities, Ashorne Hill, 25-28 November 1949. H.42 Correspondence with J.S.B. Stopford (Vice-Chancellor) re Manchester University representative, and with organisers of conference. 4 pp. ms. notes, typescript draft, typescript verbatim record (heavily annotated by Blackett), final typescript (for publica- tion) of Blackett's contribution. List of delegates. Reports of the conference and other printed material. Copy of N.F. Mott's summary of the conference. Article in the Universities Quarterly based on Blackett's talk to the Federation of British Industries Conference, November 1949, Correspondence with C.R. Morris (editor), re conference and article. 2 typescripts (one is annotated). Galley proofs. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Misc. short notes for speeches, 1950. 'L.P.* Clabour Party] 6:3.50.' 3 pp. ms. "Graduands Dinner, July 1950' TBs iss "Science Freshmen 1950' 1 p. ms. ‘Liverpool Rotary, November 9, 1950' 1 p. ms. Misc. short notes for speeches, 1951. "Stockport Luncheon Club, 1.3.51.' l p. ms. ‘Computing Machine, 9.7.51.' 1 p. ms. "Ferranti Dinner, 11.7.51.' lp. ms. ‘ReEsA, 10.0.00'. 4 pp. ms. draft of speech. ‘Bellevue, October 1951'. (for Labour Party) Misc. short notes for speeches at Imperial College, 1952-56. ‘Forward (sic) to The Physics of Experimental Method', by H.J.J. Braddick. (Both of these latter speeches were made during the Inaugural Conference of the Manchester University Computing Machine, 9-12 July 1951.) 3 pp. ms. notes. Offprint of published version, with some marginal scoring. Typescript 4 pp., October 1953. Rutherford Memorial Lecture, 1954. Re oe "Ashridge, August 1954. The Power of the Atom’. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.53-H.56 Atomic weapons and East-West relations, C.U.P. 1956 (The Lees Knowles lectures on military science) Reaa fe. Correspondence with publishers, 1955-57. Includes negotiations re publication, drafts for preface and publisher's blurb, agreement, circulation arrangements, etc. Correspondence with Kurt Hahn re possible German translation, 1956-57. The project fell through as Blackett felt unable to adapt or up-date the book to cover German rearmament. Correspondence re Italian translation, 1957-61. The original book was rejected as being too narrowly aimed at the ‘anglo-saxon' public, but Einaudi published a collection of Blackett's writings on defence, including the material of the 1956 book, in 1961. A.M. Compton Jawaharlal Nehru A.P. Singh Sir John Slessor N. Joviéevié B.H. Liddell Hart F.O. Miksche Sir Anthony Buzzard D. Gabor J. Grant Includes correspondence with Einaudi (Blackett's letter of 12 October 1960 describes his choice of articles for the book), with C.U.P., holders of copyright, and others. Letters of thanks, comment, etc. from friends and colleagues, 1956. See also J.15. Mountbatten of Burma P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.57-H.73 ‘Technology and World Advancement' Blackett's Presidential Address to the British Association at its meeting in Dublin, 1957. This was one of Blackett's most influential addresses, in which he developed his theme of the 'gap' between developed and under-developed countries, and the necessity for financial and technological support. The various drafts for the address (H.62 - H.66) show Blackett's care in the preparation of the written and spoken versions of the address, and the folders of correspondence contain comments on the draft material (H.57 - H.61), and also on the reception of the final product (H.67 - H.68). The many requests for reprints, and the press-cuttings testify to the wide interest aroused by the address. For other writings on these topics, see Sections F and G. See Lovell, Memoir, pp.97-98. R.S.74. T. Balogh H.J. Bhabha (Blackett's carbon only) R. Calder (comments on draft) 1957. In alphabetical order. C.G. Clark A.M. D'Rozario H.57-H.61 Correspondence with colleagues, advisers and friends in preparation for Address, requests for information, statistics, comments on ideas or drafts, etc. World Power Conference, Belgrade, June 1957) H. Hartley (comments on draft, and also including photocopy of an address on underdeveloped countries given by Hartley at H. Gaitskell (comments on draft) P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts N. Kaldor S. Kuznets P.C. Mahalanobis (Blackett's carbon only) J. Needham (Blackett's carbon only) Correspondence with E.A.G. Robinson [Sir Austin Robinsond and Phyllis Deane, January-September 1957, especially re comparative economic growth figures, financing of British industrial revolution, etc.; draft, annotated background material, ms. notes, etc. includes advice on expert advisers, comments on Blackett's C. Singer H.W. Singer D. Tyerman (Blackett's carbon only) Drafts and versions of Address. Second and third drafts, both typescript with extensive ms. corrections. "Reading copy', 24 pp. typescript with many ms. corrections and deletions. Another typescript copy, probably taken from a published text as basis for later work (see below). Misc. press-cuttings, reporting the British Association meeting and Misc. proofs for published version, R.S.74, all with ms. corrections. Heavily-revised and corrected version, probably prepared for a The text is considerably projected collection of writings, c.1972. cut, statistics revised and tenses altered. Most of the corrections are in Blackett's hand, but there are some notes by another; also includes an offprint of R.S.74, with deletions marked by Blackett for a shortened version. the address. Misc. published versions, reports and comments on Address, some annotated. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.67,H.68 Correspondence with colleagues and friends after delivery/publication of Address. H.67 |. Cripps G. Crowther C.F. Goodeve T.G.N. Haldane J.S. Huxley C. Judd R. Kahn B. Lockspeiser P.C. Mahalanobis (on aid to underdeveloped countries, especially Russian aid to China) Bertrand Russell A. Salam C.O. Schaeffer R.W. Urquhart (on Crofters Commission in Scottish Highlands) R.H. Tawney B.N. Wallis W.L. Wyatt Brief correspondence with officials of B.A. re meeting and Address. C.C. Tanner (includes copies of letters to Press disputing Blackett's views) Copies of Blackett's covering letters sent with complimentary copies of Address, some with replies or acknowlegements (not indexed), 1957. Presidential Toast to De Valera at B.A. dinner at Dublin meeting. List of recipients of complimentary copies of Address. Autograph ms. and amended typescript versions of Blackett's P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Letters from members of the general public, requests for support for misc. organisations, etc. after delivery /publication of Address. In alphabetical order (not indexed), 1957. Requests for copies of the address (not indexed), 1957, 1959. Correspondence with editors and journalists re publication/ translation of the address, mainly in foreign journals (not indexed), 1957. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts 'The Challenge of Calder Hall' for News Chronicle, 17 October 1956. Typescript, 5 pp. Speech at dinner, Royal Aeronautical Society, May 1957. Typescript and ms. 3 pp. 'Alst Physical Society Exhibition, 1957'. Ms. notes, 5 pp. Ms. plan and notes for 4 lectures delivered at London University, February 1958. The subjects were: Organisation of Pure Science Application of Science to living standards in U.K. Application of Science to living standards of world Beyond Material Wealth. “Speech at Elliot's School, November 1958. 2 pp. ms. notes. 'The education of an agnostic', Punch, September 1958. 2 typescript and ms. drafts, variously corrected, one dated 3 September 1958. Later revised version, 1972. Includes: Invitation to write article and correspondence with Editor of Punch (Bernard Hollowood), May-August 1958. Later correspondence with Punch requesting copy or transcript of article (perhaps for projected collection of writings), 1972. this correspondence is all hostile. Correspondence received from readers after publication of original article, September-November 1958 (not indexed). toned down his first ideas (Hollowood's letter of 27 August 1958 says '| am sorry that you have taken out the reference to the Royal Family and the efficacy of prayer’), Although Blackett seems to have considerably P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.78-H.80 The Rutherford Memorial Lecture, 1958. Delivered at McGill University, Montreal, September 1958 and published in Proc. Roy. Soc., A, 1959. Re oe/70 Offprint of published version. Mss. of two earlier, unrecorded,talks on Rutherford by Blackett: 'Cérémonies Rutherford', Paris, 8 November 1947, 9 pp. 'Rutherford', with ms. note 'M.G. Nov. 30 1950! (perhaps for Manchester Guardian), 5 pp. heavily-corrected typescript. Background material. Includes copy of 'Rutherford by those who knew him' (Physical Society, 1954), ms. notes by Blackett, and 'Explanatory Notes' on the concept of 'Strangeness' dated April 1957 and with the name 'K. Barker’ added by Blackett. Press-cutting. Background material. See Lovell, Memoir, p.29.) 28 pp. typescript reminiscences of Rutherford and others, by William Kay. These reminiscences are of some interest. (Kay was steward of the Physics Department, Manchester University. For other material see under Rutherford in Index of correspondents. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Transcript of TV Press Conference at British Association meeting at York, September 1959. Typescript 12 pp. 5 pp. ms. notes, probably for speeches at B.A. meeting or for press conference above. ‘Sloane School, 29 October 1959'. 1 p. ms. notes. 'R.C. of Sc. [Royal College of Science] Association, 13 November tr es 2 pp. ms. notes. ‘Scientific and technological change and human values’. toThe Humanists, University College, London, January 1961. Talk 3 pp. ms. notes. 'Q.M. CQueen Mary“I College, 19.2.60.' 1 p. ms. notes. Duplicated paper. 3 pp. ms. notes. Summing-up of World Food and Population Symposium at British Association meeting at Cardiff, September 1960. "Speech of thanks to J.D.C. [Sir John Cockcroft] at Opening Ceremony of Physics Building, 20.10.60.' [at Imperial College, London]. See also J.19. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.83-H.88 ‘Tizard and the Science of War’. The Tizard Memorial Lecture, delivered at the Institute of Strategic Studies, February 1960. The folders of correspondence (H.85 - H.88) contain reminiscences and information about wartime events in which Tizard played a part. In his letter to Admiral Middleton (H.87), Blackett writes '| took a great deal of trouble in writing it, but feel it was very worth while because | wanted to put across what a did for the country’. terrific amount Tizard R.S.83. See also under H.T. Tizard in the Index of correspondents. Blackett's notes for lecture, requests for information, copy of Tizard's autobiographical notes for his Royal Society record. H.84 Circulation list for reprints, requests and thanks for copies (not indexed). H.85-H.88 Correspondence re lecture, 1960. In alphabetical order. L.J.F. Brimble (Nature) D.D. Dempster B. Ifor Evans (Cherwe!l-Tizard controversy) A.N. Frankland (substantial comments on draft) Unidentified (on Future Weapons Committee) The folders include comments on the draft lecture, and on the final version as delivered or published, some with personal recollections of Tizard and wartime events. J.35). A.V. Hill (comments on draft, and recollections of wartime events and controversies. Includes a copy of a letter from Tizard to Hill, 18.6.36. about the presence of Lindemann on the 'Tizard Committee’, and on early radar trials. See also D. Ginsburg H.B. Hartley P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts R.C. Hovendon B.H. Liddell Hart T.R. Merton (recollections of Cherwell and Tizard) G.B. Middleton A.P. Rowe (Cherwell-Tizard controversy) H.M. Sinclair Lord Swinton K. Tizard J.P.M. Tizard R.H. Tizard H.E. Wimperis P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Speech by Blackett delivered at Bristol, 28 April 1961, in support of Anthony Wedgwood Benn (now Tony Benn), at the by-election for Bristol South-East. Expresses Blackett's views on science and industry, and the Labour Party's plans for their future. Heavily-corrected typescript, 12 pp. Misc. speeches, 1961. "Wilson's Grammar School. July 1961'. 12 pp. ms. notes for opening of new laboratories. "Eltham Green School. Tomorrow’. 2 pp. ms. notes. 19 July 1961. Britain Today and "Rutherford Celebration, 1961'. 2 pp. ms. notes for speech at dinner. H.91, H.92 Contribution to 'Freedom From Want', produced by ATV. Introductory background brochure on 'The Four Freedoms' by Lord Gladwyn, annotated by Blackett. Draft outline script, and script intended for transmission on 25 February 1962. Blackett's notes on questions to be asked of participants. The programme was to be produced by John Nelson Burton for screening on 25 February 1962, with contributions from Blackett and many other distinguished participants. Filming took place as planned, but shortly before transmission the producer was replaced and the programme revised. The new script was not acceptable and the distinguished contributors withdrew from the programme, sending an explanatory letter to The Times. Commons. Correspondence with contributors, with original producer, and with ATV re change of plan and withdrawal of contribution. Press-cuttings about the incident, including question in House of P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts t H.93-H.95 Studies of War A collection of writings on military and defence problems, published by Oliver and Boyd, 1962. R.S.91-98. H.93,H.94 Correspondence with Paul Rosbaud re plan of book, with UK publishers Oliver and Boyd, and American publishers, Hill and Wang, re agreement, publication, UK and overseas editions and reviews, permission to reproduce previously-published work, and also publication by Oliver and Boyd of Blackett's lecture ‘Organisational problems of scientific research in the Universities' (R.S.100) as a contribution to Physics in the Sixties (see H.96). 2 folders: H.93 H.94 1961-62 1963-66 Reviews of Studies of War. ‘Organisational problems of scientific research in the universities’. Typescript taken at later date, c.1972, for projected collection of writings. Address at the opening of the new Physics Building at King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, March 1962, published in Nature, May 1962. Misc. ms. notes. 4 pp. ms. (on the occasion of Blackett's visit to deliver the Irvine Memorial Lecture, R.S.99). ‘Bridging Gap between Politicians and Professions’. p. ms. notes for lunch of Fabian Society. "Institute of Welding, 1.11.62.' 2 pp. ms. notes. "Northampton CAT, 12.12.62.' Lecture at British Association meeting, Manchester. p. notes and typescript summary. Misc. shorter notes for speeches, 1962. 'Toast of the University’ at St. Andrews, April 1962. R.S.100. Offprint of published version. 1 1 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.98-H. 100 'The universities and the nation's crisis’. The British Association Granada Lecture, 8 October 1963. R.S.102. H.98,H.99 Drafts, revisions, reading version, all with extensive ms. corrections. 2 folders. Background material, notes and graphs on university expansion; includes papers prepared by Blackett for the Labour Party, March - and May 1963, on scientific and technical manpower. ‘Chelsea Labour Party, 22.1.64. Policy’. 4 pp. ms. notes. The Universities and Scientific "LSS. Es Dinner,: }2.3.64." 4 pp. ms. notes. ‘Geological Society, 22.4.64.' ] p. ms. notes. Copy as published. Professionalising the Civil Article published in the New Statesman, 11 September "Wanted: A Wand Over Whitehall. Service’. 1964. Photocopy of typescript as prepared for collected writings ‘Science, Technology and Government' (see H.123). R.S.103. Letter from J. Freeman, outlining plan of a series of articles by various authors on their expectations of a new government, and inviting Blackett to contribute his ideas on science, July 1964. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts H.103-H. 107 Royal Society's Anniversary Meeting and Dinner, 1965. Blackett was elected President of the Royal Society at the Anniversary Meeting of the Society on 30 November 1965 and presided at the Anniversary Dinner that evening. five folders contain material relative to the Meeting, Dinner and Blackett's speech at the Dinner. The following Anniversary Meeting: agenda, seating arrangement, balloting list. Proof copy of the Address of the President, Lord Florey, and of his remarks at the presentation of the Society's Medals. (Copley Medal to Professor A.L. Hodgkin; Royal Medals to Dr. R.A. Lyttleton, Dr. J.C. Kendrew, Dr. H.C. Husband; Davy Medal to Professor H.W. Thompson; Hughes Medal to Professor D.H. Wilkinson). Blackett was inducted as President following vote of thanks to Florey for his Address. proof copy of toast by Sir John Wolfenden at reply. Misc. Anniversary Dinner, Dorchester Hotel: list of principal guests, typescript of speech by Rt. Hon. Harold Wilson, Prime Minister, who proposed the toast to the Society and to the President. plan of tables, menu, Speech by Bluckett in response to toast by Prime Minister: photocopy of ‘corrected copy 2', typescript of final version as spoken with ms. annotations by Blackett. Offprint of Prime Minister's speech and Blackett's reply, as published in Notes and Records, 21, no.1, June 1966. Background material compiled by Blackett in preparation for his speech: Anniversary Dinner, 1964, and of Florey's ms. notes by Blackett of statistics and of apposite quotations culled from a variety of sources. elected to the Presidency, etc. Correspondence re preparation of speeches, including information and references re speakers at previous Dinners, age of Fellows P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts Misc. shorter speeches, 1965. 'Goldsmiths' Dinner, 2.2.65. Reply to The Guests’. 9 pp. ms. (on future plans for Royal Society). "M/C EManchesterJ Coll. Sc. & Tech. 10.3.65'. 3 pp. ms. notes. Athenaeum Monthly Talk Dinners - correspondence re Blackett's Chairing of Talk on ‘Science, Government and Industry’ to be opened by R.V. Jones, November 1965. 'The First Year of the Ministry of Technology’. Lecture at the annual conference of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Aviation, 26 November 1965. Various texts of the lecture, as follows: 6 pp. ms. plan of lecture, with additional notes in red and black pencil. 11 pp. typescript version described as 'copy with references’ with many ms. revisions and additions (lacks last page). "Science, technology and government’. Brief correspondence re lecture. R.S.105. See also H.123 and Lovell, Memoir, pp.81-82. Copy of text as printed in Exeter University Gazette, and a typescript, c.1972, taken for projected collected writings. later This is the paper which was used as no.4 in Blackett's privately- Address at Inauguration of the Newman Building, University of Exeter, 4 December 1965. 18 pp. typescript copy taken c.1972 for projected collected writings. circulated set of papers on ‘Science, Technology and Government', December 1966. (both on science and government) Tribute to Homi Bhabha, broadcast on BBC European Service, 26 January 1966. Duplicated copy of script. ‘Spontaneous speech’, February 1966. 1 p. ms. notes. Similar, February 1966, J p. ms. notes. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section H - Lectures, publications, addresses, broadcasts ‘Education and the Trade Gap’. A Tizard Memorial Lecture, given at Westminster School, 24 February 1966. Extensively-corrected duplicated copy (lacks last page) and typescript reading version. R.S.106. ‘Science and Government’. Talk at Imperial Defence College, March 1966. 4 pp. ms. notes. Includes correspondence with Commandant and others re visit, list of those attending course, etc. Speech of welcome to Piotr and Anna Kapitza at Royal Society when Kapitza gave lecture on recollections of Rutherford, May 1966. l p. ms. notes, and press-cutting. Includes published copy of Kapitza's lecture, inscribed by him for Blackett. 3 pp. ms. "Science in the service of mankind’. Royal Geographical Society, toast at Dinner, June 1966. Heavily- ! e a e e @ .135 . 136 . 137 .134 123 124 olay < 120 e e 8 2 4 e e e e s S e e J.122-J.144 ) e e . - . e . G e G Personal references and appointments 0 " Q r . 130 & » bez & . 133 j 131 . t t a A A W A s S 4 i O O C x - “ e S . 138 139 . 142 . 143 . 128 a . 140 141 1 c C . 144 m4 0 6 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Section J - Correspondence J.145-J.149 Misc. shorter correspondence 1964-74 Requests for meetings, brief exchanges of information, social or personal greetings, Blackett's letters of congratulation or condolence to others, etc. Not itemised or indexed. 5 folders in date order: J.145 J.146 J.147 J.148 J.149 1964-65 1966-67 197] 1972 1973-74 Invitations to lecture Not itemised or indexed. 1957, 1970-72 153 Misc. social invitations, with Blackett's replies. 1970-73 154, J.155 1971-74 Requests for autographs and photographs. Shorter correspondence on publications, requests for reprints, permission to quote, etc. Requests for support, from scientific, academic, humanitarian organisations, or from individuals. 2 folders. Brief correspondence with publishers, editors and authors to accompany complimentary copies of publications, reports and documents sent to Blackett. Letters and material from eccentrics. Brief correspondence with scientists or members of the general public about their work or theories. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 CONSPECTUS Pp.348-355 contain a conspectus of Blackett's publications as listed in the Bibliography of Lovell, Memoir, and the principal items in the catalogue to which they refer. Only the more extended references (to research, publication or reception of work and ensuing correspondence) are given, minor allusions in letters, requests for reprints, etc. being omitted. Pp.356-360 contain a photocopy of the Bibliography of Loveil, Memoir; it is reproduced here by permission in order to enable users of the Conspectus to identify the full titles of works elsewhere referred to in the form RS... P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue R.S.1 Bo has, B2261B oA RS.2 B.22, B.24, B64, B.133 R.S.3 B.4, B.9, B.23, B.26, B.27, B.62. B.64 R.S.4 Risso - 1O-B. 12 R.S.6 .8,:B.17, 8.29, B.62,.8.63, B.145-B, 147 Redan, R.5.8 cle R59 13, B.14, B.15 19, B.20, B.26-B.30, B.145-B. 147 Ri5ctQ Raoet] R.5.12 R.5.13 R.S.14 R.5.15 Res, 16 R.S.17 R.S.18 RvS.19 R.S.20 -19, B.20, B.111, B.146, B.147 17,818 19, °B.20 -65, B.66 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue R.S.21 R.S.22 B.134, B.138 R.S.23 R.S.24 B.65, B.66, B.138 Reo A.26 R.S.26 Rs S27 R.S.28 B.134, B.138 Coe B.33, B.111 B.34, B.85 R.S.30 R.$.31 Rig. oo R.S.36 R.S.37 B.84, B.144 R.S.32 R.S$.33 R.S.34 B.136-B.138 R.S.38 R.S$.39 B.90, B.91 B.84, B.104 R.S.40 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue R.S.4] B.35-B.37 R.S.42 B.86, B.95, B.99, B.136-B. 138 R.S$.43 R.S.44 R.S.45 R.S.46 R.S.47 R.S.48 R.S.49 B.87, B.90 cine H.18-H.23 R.S.54 R, 5.33 KR, o.08 RwS.57 R.S.58 Rod. OF R.S.60 R.S.50 Reasol R352 R,5.52 B.69, B.70, B.140, C.1-C.4 8.67, 6.70,'B.74, 8.139, 8.142, C.9eC.12, CAF B. 115°C 17, C. 18 H.29-H.41 B.58-B.62 B.102 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Reference to folders or items in this catalogue Number in Royal Society Memoir R:Sch1 C. 19630 R.S.62 B.141 R.S.63 B.40, B.55, B.95, B.104 R.S.64 Ri9s65 W.27) D105 -5.66 B.38, B.39, B.113 09.67 B.55,°8.112, Byl14 .5.68 09.69 H.5] C.87-C.90 itt ep: eto Hee" H373 B.38, B.39, B.108, B.113 -9-70 09.71 edeF2 25.73 ~S.74 «9075 2976 C:79-C,83, ©C.87-C.90, C.91-C.92, C193 «aed 7: -S.78 oDeF? -5.80 H.78-H.80 G.60 F.60 B.125 C. 101, C.107;C.206 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue R.S.81 Re Siee R.S.83 H.83-H.88 R.S.84 G.96 °9.85 5.85 C.106-C. 124 J.44, J.63,: J. 107 C.97, C.207, G.102-G.103 D.103, H.93-H.95 F.Saarl- Fo" 95 Hi 9S°8: 95 HiZS-H.9S D.86,.D.101-D. 102, Ht.93-1.95 D.84, D.101-D.102, H.93-H.95 ©. 65," 1.97 H.93-H.94, H.96 D.109, H.93-H.95 E.O0+h Ore Mito bavoy a 60 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue R.S.101 G.67 R.S.102 H.98-H. 100 R.S$.103 H.102 R.S.104 C.215, 0.244 R.S.105 H.110 R.S.106 H.113 R.S.107 G.120-G.121 R.S.108 H.119 R.S.109 Cay R.S.110 R.S.111 R.a.h2 R.S.113 R.S.114 Re aet lo E.73 R.S.116 H.126-H. 132 H.124 H.120 H.118 H.134 G.12-G.16, G.69 H.139 G.123 R.S. 119 F .49-F 51 R.S$.120 G.70 R.S.117 R.S.118 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Number in Royal Society Memoir Reference to folders or items in this catalogue ~S.121 O.72 hee H.146-H. 149 123 . 124 G.74 * Fi. et: AITKEN, Sir Robert (Stevenson) ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron Adrian of Cambridge MER, Dos A.55 C.114 J.128, J.130 C.226, G.102 D.113 A.74 E.72 A.45 A.74 A.45, H.143 A.74, C.63 J.70 G.70 A.56 ji. A.45, B.48, J.132 G.89 A.74, H.114 A.45, A.74, J.78 ANDERSON, General Sir John D'Arcy ANDERSON, John, Viscount Waverley ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa ANDERSON, Carl David P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents ANDREW, Sir Herbert ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron Annan APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) ARCHIBALD, William ARLEY, Niels ASAMI, Eizo ASHBY, Eric, Baron Ashby of Brandon ASHWELL, lan Y. ASHWORTH, J. Reginald ASTBURY, William Thomas ASWELL, Edward C. ATKINS, Sir Hedley (John Barnard) ATMA, Ram ATTLEE, Clement Richard, Earl Attlee AUGER, Pierre Victor A.56 A.74, E.41 B.36, B.137, D.5 A.35 C.45 G82. C. 151, €.225,.C: 250 A.45 C.230 B.140 A. 45 H.32 A.74 G.13, G.45, G.70. D.184, J.3 A.45, B.42, B.43, B.45, J.4 B.76 See also G.30 BAGRIT, Sir Leon BALL, Tom Hampstead D.214 G.80 C.240 A.56, A.65, A.74 BALAKRISHNA, S. BAKER, ‘Fs Wee G. AULUCK, Fs 4. BABCOCK, Horace W. BALL, John Geoffrey BAIRSTOW, Sir Leonard BALOGH, Thomas, Baron Balogh of B.53 Ao; E5t, 4.97, 34 A.56 A.55 A.74 BARFORD, N.C. BANERJEE, S._ K. A.45 A.41 Capt BALTAN, F. BANERJEE, K. BARKER, Keith H. BANKS, F. = Rod BARCROFT, Henry BARFORD, Norman C.46 A.56 C.25 J.5 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents BARLOW, Frank BARLOW, Harold Everard Monteagle BARNARD, George A. BARNES, George BARNETT, James A. BARNOTHY, J. M. BARON, George BARRETT, A... -C. BARTLETT, Maurice Stevenson BATES, Leslie Fleetwood E.O7, A.56 C.98 D.127 A.45 C.47 D.127 A.74 B17 Auidd; A556, Act 4; A. 83; C2477 C98, J.121. See also F.27 BAUER, Edmond H.32 BAUGHAN, E. Christopher Ae Dalla. Dales BAY, Christian BAYLISS, Leonard E. BEADLE, George W. Fi69; F774 D.105 A.43 A.38 BECK, Guido BEHARI, Bepin BEER, (Anthony) Stafford 3.0 G.45 Je A.56, A.65 Bi 133, J.95 BEAGLEHOLE, John Cawte BENN, Anthony Wedgwood BEHRENS, Sir Leonard (Frederick) BEAVER, Sir Hugh Eyre Campbell BELL, Rose BELSHE, John C. G.123 A.65, A.83, C.98, C.114. 0149, E526, 6.48, 6.1 2)- Fe tay J.7, 53.44 BERNADOTTE, Count Lennart G.70, J.6. See also H.89 C.47 G.35 A.74 A.37 BERGERON, General BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BENNETT, Je) G. BERGEL, Franz BERNAL, John Desmond BERNARDINI, Gilberto A.45, A.56, A.74 G52, sa lao A.65, A.74 See also P.M:S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents BESSBOROUGH, Frederick Edward Neuflize Ponsonby, Earl Bessborough H.151 BESWICK, frank, Baron Beswick A.84 BHABHA, Homi Jehangir €.4,. 6.33, G.93, 5.68, 3:79. G.34, G.28, H.111 See:.also BHABHA, Jamshad J. G.34 BHATNAGAR, Sir Shanti Swarupa A.45; G.6, G.35 BHIMASANKARAM, V. L. S. C.240;. © 257, C262 BIRTWISTLE, D. BJERKENS, V. BLACK, Sir William BLACKMAN, Moses BLATON, J. BLEANEY, Brebis BLOCH, M. BLOOR, W. F.51 ca A.25, A.56, A.65, A.74 Ai 96) A.742-G. 100; JiTet f tshe B.50 A.56 A.45 A.65 BLUMER, Albert BEUNDELL; D.::: J. BOHR, Niels F.23 H.33 C.243 C.11 BOREHAM, John BORN, Max BOSANAC, Tomo BONDI, Sir Hermann BODDINGTON, L. BLUNDEN, Roger M. C.107. See also C.101 BLOUNT, Bertie Kennedy A.45, H.21. See also B.24 A.56 BOYD ORR, John, Baron Boyd Orr BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron Bowden BOTTRALL,(Francis James) Ronald A.55, B.76, B.132, J.9. See also B.75 BOWDEN, Frank Philip BOWEN, Edward George BOYDEN, H. James BOSE, Satyendranath B44 55.10 A.45, A.55 J.8 E.61 J.69 A.45 A.45 G.118 He BOSE, Karl of Chesterfield G.46, J.79 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents BOZORTH, R. M. C.100 BRABAZON of Tara, John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon Apes 4/7, D128 BRADLEY, Daniel Joseph BRADLEY, David BRADDICR Hid. SF, BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence J.123 A.38, A.74 A.74, B.41 FB A. 45, #255; A.74,-F. 422576120, 24:21, Js; Jad?.. See also-F. 27 BRANDMUELLER, Josef BRAY, Jeremy William BRETSCHER, Egon BRIDGES, Edward, Baron Bridges BRIGGS, Asa, Baron Briggs of Lewes BRIMGLES Gb. Fs A.45 G.70 B.61 A.74 welal H.85 BRITTAN, Samuel BROCK, A. J. 12 €.229 C.266 G.118 J.14 BROWN, Robert T. BROOK, G. L. BROWN, John BRODE, Robert B. BROWN, S. Harrison BRONK, Detlev W. BROADHURST, F. M. J.13 A.83 A.45 A.74 BROWN, Robert Hanbury H.I55 A.56, A.65, A.74, E.25, E.29-E.34, H.35 BROWN, Wilfred Banks Duncan, BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick BUCHAN, Alastair Francis BUCHANAN, R.A. BRUMWELL, J. R. Marcus BRUNT, Sir David - A.42, G.81, J.67 dota, Javon A.18, A.55 A.56, A.74 E.69 A.27 Baron Brown BRUCE,: Charles E. BRUCE, Duncan A. B.139, J.14 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents BUDDINGTON, A. F. BUILDER, Geoffrey BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) BULLERWELL, William BULLIVANT, Stanley BUNDY, McGeorge BUNTING, Arthur Hugh BURCH, Cecil Reginald BUREK, Peter BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BURKHARDT, George Norman BURN, Michael BURTON, John Nelson Ci99,-C. 23! C.61 Ao (An 56, Cre Gao; C2221 5.0. 223, C.23], C. 204, Ge2e2, C251 36.260, C3263; D191, DA96s So, 3. 140, See also C.75, D.84, H.12 C.253 J.124 J.16 G.79, J.143 A.55 C.241 A:65, J.174:3.87 A.83, F.18 A.65 H.92 BUTLER, Clifford Charles CANT, Ben R. Wass CACCIAPUOTI, Ne 7B. J.44 A.56 CACHON, André CADBURY, George W. CAINE, Sir Sydney A.06, A.65, ‘A.74, H.56 BUTLER, Sir James Ramsay Montague BUZZARD, Rear Admiral Sir Anthony A.21, A.56, A.74, B.49, B.52, B.53, E.6F; Fy20,.J.08,: 3,93, a 04) 9001 ar, J.130 EIS) J. 17 Middleton Campbell, Baron Campbell of Camis Eskan CAMPBELL OF ESKAN, John (Jock) CALDER, Nigel David Ritchie CALLAGHAN, Rt. Hon. James G.81 B.43 H.38 G.93 G01 CANNON, H. Graham A.56, A.74 D.144 ALPINE, 5° &: A.56, A.74, D.77, D.81 CALDER, Ritchie see under RITCHIE-CALDER P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents CARON A. © F. CAREY,’ S. Warren D.129 (501, tact CARMICHAEL, Charles M. A.65, C.99, C.234. See also C.134 CARTER, Charles Frederick CASEY, Richard Gardiner, Baron Casey CASSON, Lady Sybil Thorndike CAVE; fe MM. A.56 A.83 A.74 A.46 CAWLEY, Sir Charles (Mills) A.56, A.65, A.74, F.23 CHADWICK, Sir James CHADWICK, John CHAGULA, W. _ K. A.24, A.46, A.56, A.65, D.129, D.190, J.18 A.74 G.81 CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) AGS As56 CHALFONT, (Alun) Arthur Gwynne Jones, Baron Chalfont CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan A.65, A.84 A.55, C.4l A.74 B.44 ‘A, 58, -C.41°C.49/, A.46 H.156 C.240 A.46, J.39 CHOU, Chang Ning CHOUBERT, Boris CHAPMAN, Sydney CHARNOCK, Joan CHASSON, R. Ls D.197. See also D.66 CHAPMAN, A. H. CHAUDHARI, M. W. CHANDRASEKHAREN, K. Viscount Cherwell of Oxford CHERWELL, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, A.56, A.74, E.61, E.65 CLARK, William Donaldson CLARKE, Major-General Sir Edward A.56, G.14, G.78, J.106 CHOWDHURY, K. A. CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy Hoe C.49 E.36 3297 C.260 G.106 CLARK, Colin Grant CLARK, E. Fowler CLARK; de> Be Montagu Campbell CLARKE, Sir Richard A.56 Index of Correspondents JSel-t6 A. 46, B.44 A.65 6: 79,:C 221 G.21 Je Pe A. 46, °A555,: :56,;.D.7, Ditaeo G85) Hi2t. Hi 35;: 5.19, 3.63. See aie Fa J.48 5.67 J.132 A. 46 G.85 A.65 H.92 C.248 H.56 J.20 J.117 D.117 D.130 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 CLARKE, Robin CLAY. J. CLEGG, Hugh CLEGG, Jc: A: CLIFFORD, Graham Douglas COCCONI, Giuseppe COCKCROFT, Sir John (Douglas) COHEN, Sir Andrew (Benjamin) COHEN, John COLES. B....R, COLEIER, Harry-O. J. COLLINGWOOD, Sir Edward (Foyle) COLLINS, Henry E. COLLINS, Norman Richard COLLISON, :D.. W. COMPTON, Arthur M. Sir Hugh (Alex) F.80 COOMBS, Pe Gs GOOFER, Exvaskin AY COMPTON, Karl T. CONNELL, Brian COOK, Sir James (Wilfred) A.56, G.70 A.56,/*E.69 CONNOLLY, Cyril (Vernon) CONSTANTINE, Air Chief Marshal CONNELL, John Henry Robertson COOK, Sir William (Richard Joseph) J:22 COSYNS, Max COTTRELL, Sir Alan (Howard) COURTNEY, Anthony Tosswill COPISAROW, Alcon Charles COULSON, Charles Alfred A.74 A.46 A.46 J.20 G.81 June COULOMB, J. COURANT, R. CORDINGLEY, R.A. A.74, E.48, J.20 Aaa JZ) A.56. See also F.27 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents : COWLING, Thomas George COX, Allan V. COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon COX, lan COR ae 8, CRANE, Diana CRAWSHAY-WILLIAMS, Rupert CREASY, Admiral Sir George Elvey CREER, Kenneth Midworth C.50, J.79 C.232, C.258 H.144 A. 46 A.46 J.23 A.74, H.35 A.74, D.130, J.24 Rees 0 160: Bee, tuo, to See also C.267 ee CRIPPS, Dame Isobel H.67 CROSSMAN, Richard Howard Stafford E.36, E.41, £.46.. See also F.35 GROW, A... “Di CROWTHER, Geoffrey, Baron Crowther of Headingley CROWTHER, 3.2: -'G; A.35, A.46;C.115, DB. Fa@e Oo 446. DO. 147. See also H.12 D.23 H.67 H.147 Cette DABROWSKI, A. DAGLEY, Peter CURRAN 5... CURZON, Fo° C; OL. CUTCLIFFE, Winifred A.56 A.56 Ji ¥27 A.65 CUNNINGHAM, George CUNNINGHAM, Sir Graham DAINTON, Sir Frederick (Sydney) See alsoC.51 DARWIN, Sir Robin (Robert Vere Darwin) DARWIN, Sir Charles Galton DALE, Sir Henry Hallett DALITZ, Richard Henry Alo G.115 B.45. J.84 J.25 B.134 A.46, D.194, G.86 C.142, C.144 A.25, G.45 DALY, Charles U. DARROW, Karl K. E.Se A.46, A.55 DASENT, Wi Ez DAUDIN, J. DALE, Ernest r.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 DAVIES, E. DAVIES, John Index of Correspondents H.2] E.65 DAVIES, Michael John A.21, A.58, A.75, F.40 DAVIES, M.°° T, DAVIES, Richard DAVISSON, Clinton J. DAWBARN, Graham DAY, M. > -F. DEAN, Sir Maurice (Joseph) DEANE, Phyllis Mary DE BEER, Sir Gavin (Rylands) DE BRUYNE, Norman Adrian DEE, Philip Ivor A.46, A.75 A.57, A.66 A.46 A.57 G.118 A.75 H.60 C.116 A.46, A.66, A.75 A.46, B.33, J.26 DEER, William Alexander 3.27 DE FERRANTI, Basil Reginald Vincent Ziani A.57, A.75 J. Cio A.46 G.79, G.81 P(ercy) DESSART, Gina DELL, Sidney S. D.115, H.35 Cris H.86 A.66 DEMAREST, Michael DEMPSTER, Derek D. DEULOFEU, Venancio DE SEYNES, Philippe DENNY, Sir J(onathan) Lionel DE HAAS, W. DELBRUCK, Max Gi. 247, DE WINTON, John Cc. JF G.46 F.69 DEUTSCH, E. 2 2h. F.74 G.81 C.101 DIAMOND, Edwin DIAMOND, J. DICK, William E. DIGKE;’ Ror D.206, D.207 A. 46 DHAR, My ol, P. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents DICKENS, Admiral Sir Gera!d Charles DICKINS, Basil Gordon DICKINSON, H. _ D. DIENES, Paul DIKE, K. Onwuka DILWORTH, Constance H.35 D.105 A.57 A.46 A.66, G.82 B.42 DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice A. 46, B.137, G.86 DITCHBURN, Robert William DIXON, Bernard DIXON, Edmund J. C. DOBB, Maurice Herbert DOBSON, Denis William A.46 J.114 Fit2 A.46 A.84 DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles Azoo, A.o7,.A.66,:As75 DOELL, Richard R. C, 26, C. lou © eee, Ci Pod, Cae DONNAN, Frederick George DONOVAN, D._ T. A.46 C.254 A.57, E.48 G, 100, C227, Cigee 4 D'ROZARIO, A. M. DUPERIER, Arturo BUTT; 5. he DUTTON, John K. DRUCQUER, Sir Leonard D.131 H.57 A.75 A.75 B.37 CiZot DUNWORTH, John Vernon DUCKWORTH, John Clifford DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) Caswall Tremenheere, Baron Dowding DOWDING, Air Chief Marshal Hugh D.131 EDINBURGH, H.R.H. The Prince Philip, EDWARD-COLLINS, Admiral Sir (George) ECCLES, Rear Admiral Henry E. EDGAR, N. Terence H.36 G.94 A.66 belt EARLE, Edward Mead EBAN, Abba Duke of Edinburgh A.57 Frederick (Basset) P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 EDWARDS, D. L. EDWARDS, Joseph EDWARDS, Sir Ronald Index of Correspondents C.42 C245, 4 200 A.75 EGERTON, Sir Alfred (Charles Glyn) A.47, A.55, J.78 EHRENBERG, W. EHRENFEST, Paul EILERS, William E. EINARSSON, Trausti EKLUND, Sigvard D.144 B.132-B.135. See also C.41 G.81 €383,-€. 105 A.75 ELKINGTON, Reginald Geoffrey A.57, E.51 ELLIOT, Harry H.129 ELLIS, Sir Charles (Drummond) A.47, A.55. See also D.156 EMELEUS, Karl George ENNALS, David Hedley EPSTEIN, Sir Jacob EPSTEIN, Lady Kathleen A.47, 5.13) E.36 AZ? A.29 F.69 A.47 A.57 D.131 FAGE, Arthur Hungershall EVANS, Ivor ETZIONI, Amitai EMANS-G.e oR; EVANS, W. M. A.30, A.57, H.85 EVANS, W. David EVERITL,: Ga We Francis D.122,'D. 123. See’aiso D, 139 C.268. See alsoC.195, C.203 EVANS, Benjamin Ifor, Baron Evans of J.84 A.46 D.118, D.120 B.43 C.265 A.55 5.58 A.47 A. 42) 6.125 FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FARREN, Sir William (Scott) FARRINGTON, Benjamin FARRER-BROWN, Leslie FALCONER, Noel FARNES, W. FARRELL, W. R. OD. FEATHER, Norman P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents FERRARO, V2). Ge* FIEININES, D;: 3° -E. GAs M. FINCH, George Ingle C.5) E.6] A.47 FINLAY-FREUNDLICH, Erwin B.76,.C. 52. See also B.75, 8.77 FINNUISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague A.57, A.66 FISCHER, Alfred G. FISHER, Norman FITCH, Frank FLECK, Alexander, Baron Fleck of Saltcoats C.116 A.57 stor A.37 FLEMING, Charles (Alexander) G.116, J.90 FLEURE, Herbert John FLORENCE, Philip Sargant D.144 A.57 FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron Florey F536, 41. 13a FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron Flowers A.57, A.75, €.72, Fi40s J, 28): 22419: See also F.27 FOLLETT, Sir David (Henry) A.57, A.66, A.75, B.34 FOX, Leslie Cc.109 A.47 J.142 A.22 FORES, Michael J. FORREST, John FORRESTER, Reg G. E.61, J.28 A.75 A.75, E.45 FORBES, Colin L. FOREMAN, Clark FOWLER, Peter Howard A.47 B.43 J.90 FOURNIER D'ALBE, E. M. FORSTER, Edward Morgan A.57 D.131 H.38 A.75, F.69, H.102 EV, :6; £.7, Pell, &. te A.47 FREMLIN, Reinet FROHLICH, H. FRASER, Admiral Bruce Austin, Baron FRANKLAND, (Anthony) Noble ERANCIS, Ji cK 2D, FRASER, Ronald FREEMAN, John Fraser of North Cape Ds 149, 1.85, 3.544 FRY, Donald P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents FULTON, John Scott, Baron Fulton of Falmer FUNNELL, Brian M. PURI R.A. FURTMULLER, L. GABOR, Dennis GAITSKELL, Arthur GAITSKELL, Hugh Todd Naylor GALBRAITH, W. GAMOW, George GANDHI, Indira (Nehru) GARDINER, Gerald Austin, Baron Gardiner of Kittisford GARDNER, Sir George GARDONE, Marcello A.57, A.75 C.262 B Bay ds A.47 B76 723 6115,.D. 1095.56, 1229 A.76 H.58 B.6] B.29 G.34 GINSBURG, David GLASS, David Victor GERLACH, Walther GIBSON, Brian GIBSON, Sir Donald GILES; Gi Ca. Ty GARNER, H. M. GEORGE, Eric Paul A.84 A.58 A.47 D.132, D.209, D.211, D.212 J.30, J.129 A.47 J.117 A.58 F.12 H.85 A.38, A.58, A.76, F.39-F.41, G.22, H.92 A.76 A.58, A.76 A.47 D.6 D.132 KGa MH K-76; €.70) 7 B.33, D.209, D.213 F.12 A.76 A.47, A.58, G.70, H.67 GODDARD, Air Marshal Sir (Robert) GOODEVE, Sir Charles (Frederick) GODFREY, Admiral John Henry GOODDEN, Robert Yorke GLUCKMAN, Mary GLUCKMAN, Max GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Sydney Victor GOLLIN; E. ak. GOODLETT, 8....L. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents GOOLD-ADAMS, Richard John Moreton D.182 GORDON, Cecil A.47, D.114. See also E.26 GORDON-WALKER, Patrick Chrestien, Baron Gordon-Walker of Leyton GORODETZKY, S. GORTER, bs We GOUGH, D. lan F.23 A.47 tee Aa Pee creme C38): Je490 GOWING, Margaret Mary A.31, A.35, D.183 GRAHAM, Captain Lord Alastair Mungo A.11 GRAHAM, Bobby GRAHAM, (Godfrey) Michael J.30 J.30 GRAHAM, John W. GRAHAM, K. W. GRANT, John GRASTY, Robert L. GRATTAN, Donald CO 1165°C.. 253; Gidoen Sea niso gro C.230 H.56 C.239, 6.254 B.130 F.72 G.120 GREGOR, Bryan GREGORY, Alan T. GRAY, Ernest P. GRAY, Sir James A.24 A.55 C.42 A.67 D.58 GRAY, John Archibald GREENHILL, Basil Jack GRAUBARD, Stephen R. GREENALL, Philip D. GREAVES, William Michael Herbert A.47 GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GRUBB, Sir Kenneth (George) GUY, Sir Henry (Lewis) GRIFFITHS, Do oH. GUSSOW, William G. GROGAN, RR. M. A.58 A.47 C.105 A.58, A.76 G.79, G.81 GREIG, James GRESFORD, Guy B. GRIFFITHS, James C.247 G.81 CiaitaG ee) E.36 G27 A.58, J.30 GRUNDY, Eric P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents HADAMARD, Jacques A.48 HADDOW, Sir Alexander A.58, A.76, J.1 HADFALVI, Peter P. A.48 HAGGERTY, Stephen E. C.143, C.144, C.262 HAHN, Kurt (Matthias Robert Martin) F.90, 4.54 HAHN, Otto HALBAN, Hans A. 48 J.31 HALDANE, T. Graeme N. A.58, H.67 HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson D.133, G.44 HALES, Anton L. HALES, Michael HALL, Alfred Rupert HALL, Sir Arnold (Alexander) HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge, Earl Halsbury HAMILTON, James pe reedl . F730 D.118 A.6l D.214 A,30,'A.58; A.76, D.U7, H.151,3,140 A.76 Baron Hankey of The Chart HAPGOOD, Charles H. HARDAS, M. W. HAMILTON, Walter HAMMOND, A. B. A.24, A.76 A.58 HARLAND, S.C. HARLAND, W. B. HANKEY, Maurice Pascal Alers, HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) A.22, A.55 D.133 C.105 C.251 A. 48 A.58 CiVignGe247. GC. 166 F.69 G.22, H.147 A:@7, K.76 A.55, A.58, A.76, H.58, H.86, J.32 A.48, D.144 A.48, B.115 C.117 A.48 A.28, A.83 HAWTHORNE, Sir William (Rede) HART, Judith (Constance Mary) HARTLEY, Sir Harold (Brewer) HASLETT, A. Ws HAWKES, Leonard HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HART, Alex Tudor HARTKE, Werner HAWORTH, Sir Norman HAYMAN, Walter Kurt P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 HAYNES, G. HEATH, John Baldwin HEAVENS, Oliver S. HEILBRON, Sir lan HEISENBERG, Werner HEITLER, Walter Heinrich HENDERSON, James HENTSCHEL, Christopher Carl HERZBERG, Gerhard HERZIG, Christopher HEVESY, George de HEWITT, Cecil Rolph (C.H. Rolph) HICKS, Donald HIDE, Raymond HILL, Archibald Vivian Index of Correspondents D.133 E.61 J.32 A.48 A. 48, B.139, J.33 A.48 A.18 A.58, A.67, A.76 A, 99, 3.00, J.t42 A.76 A.55 J.74 A.67 J.34 A 46. S550. 67; 0.134; 1 Bb. See also H.12 HILL, Lady Helen HILL, Robert (Robin) Maxwell HILLS, Edwin Sherbon HINDLE, Edward A.76 A.76 A. 48 10%, Coli J.loe A.48, D.16 HILL, Dorothy HILL, Geoffrey A.18 "Cte 5.36 HILL, (John Edward) Christopher HILL, Air Chief Marshal Sir Roderic HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) H.29, H.30 HODGE, Sir William (Vallance Douglas) HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman D.115. See alsoD.81, D.109 HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) A.76 A.58, J.78 A.55, A.58 A.67 HIRST, Sir Edmund (Langley) A.48, A.55, A.58, A.67 HITCH, Charles HODGE, Jane Aiken Add, A658, Di209;" Di 212 HODSON, Michael P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents HOFSTADTER, Robert HOLBEIN, Arthur M. HOLLIS, Sir Leslie Chasemore HOLLOWOOD, A. Bernard HOLMES, Arthur HOLTON, Gerald HOPKINS, Harold Horace HOSKIN, Michael A. HOSPERS): Js HOUGHTON, A. M. HOUTERMANS, Fritz HOVENDEN, Ronald C. HOWARTH, Leslie HOWELL, Lynn G. HOYLE, Sir Fred HU, Chien-Shan J.37 A.58, A.76 D.16] H.77 C.82,-C..100;.G. 418 F.69 J.38 A.28 C30 A.67 A.B H.87 A.55 C.118 B.142, C.53 scar HUBER, P. A.67 A.48 A.48. See also D.154 HULL, Gordon Ferrie HULME, Henry Rainsford McCarthy HUGHES, Guy E. HUDSON, Sir Edmund HUDSON, Sir William A.48 A.58 G.118 A.48, D.91, D.114, G.93, H.21 HULTON, Sir Edward (George Warris) HUGGETT, Arthur St. George Joseph A.38 J.134 A.65, G.70, H.144 C.53 A.58 A.48, A.58, A.76, A.83, H.67, J.40 HUTCHISON, Sir (William) Kenneth HURCOMB, Cyril William, Baron HUTCHINSON, Sir Joseph (Burtt) a. bod G.70 C.243 F.on HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorel!) HUNTER, A. N. HUNTER, Thomas H. Hurcomb of Campden Hill HUTCHISON, Robert HUMPHREY, John Herbert HYAMS, Bernard Index of Correspondents P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 ILIFF, Neil A. INGELS, Bert Dee INGLEFIELD, Sir Gilbert (Samuel) INGOLD, Sir Christopher (Kelk) INNES, Roy INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY IRVING, E. RVING, THe B. IVANENKO, O. JACKSON, Willis, Baron Jackson of Burnley JAMES, Eric John Francis, Baron James of Rusholme JAMES, R. W. A.76 C.118 A.76 A.67 A.49, E.2 J.4] €.100, C.223, :G, 284 B.43 G.125 .C.246 A.59, A.68, A.77, J.42. See also F.24 SERPRNA Ki; gs cee JEFFERSON, Sir Geoffrey JELLEY he JAPOLSKY, Nicholas S. JARMAN, Charles JAY, Douglas Patrick Thomas JELLICOE, George Patrick John JAMES, Walter JANOSSY, Lajos A.42, J.128 A.49, A.55 KO ENG A.49, A.68, C.118, D.145, G.90 A.49, A.59, A.77, J.43 A.49 A.25 A.59 A.49 B.61 A.49 H.147, H.151 J.43 A.55, A.59 J.43 A.49, A.59, A.77 D.8 A.77 H.38 JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JESSEL, Robert JESSOP, Laurence JEWKES, John JOHNSON , Hewlett JOHNSON, Martin DENKS, “Fa ~.G. JEPHCOTT, Sir Harry Rushworth, Earl Jellicoe P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents JOHNSON, R. L. JOLIOT CURIE, Jean Frédéric AOLEYS Hy 2k, Pe JONES, Aubrey C.234 A.49, G.92 C.84 J.43 JONES, Sir (Bennett) Melvill D.210, G.87 JONES, Ernest Turner JONES, Francis Edgar JONES, Graham Alden D.215 J.133 G.81 JONES, Sir Harold Spencer Pigoe;, CeA2,-C.54 JONES, Harry JONES, Leslie J. JONES; OF? oie JONES, Reginald Victor — moo D.135 C.105 ASG 2168; C.55, F.s9, 3244. See also J.63 JORDAN, Pascual JOSE) Fy Peter C.55 A.59, A.77 D.173 JUDD, Charles KAEMPFFERT, Waldemar D.113 of Hampstead KAISER, Thomas R. JUKES, John Andrew JUNANKAR, N.S. H.56 H.67 J.45 A.77 KAHIN, Richard Ferdinand, Baron Kahn JOUBERT DE LA FERTE, Air Chief Marshal Sir Philip Bennet JOVICEVIC, Niko A.59, A.68, J.47 H.59 G.47 G.125, J.46. G. 48647 5.47 KALDOR, Nicholas, Baron Kaldor of See also G.90, G.91 KALASHNIKOV, A. G. Newnham KALIDAS, V. A.24, H.67 J.132 C9 KAPITZA, Piotr Leonidovich KAPOOR, Goverdhan Lall KAPPEE; we Wa KAPUR, General B.D. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 KASHA, Henry KATZ, Sir Bernard KAWAI, Naoto KELEER, Ky. vl, KELLEY, Don Cero. KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNEDY, William Quarrier KEYNES, Richard Darwin KIDWAI, A. J. KING, Anthony Highmore KING, Cecil (Harmsworth) Ri, Wis. Bs aR: KINGS NORTON, Lord Index of Correspondents Is%9 A.26, Asd?,, 3.82 C.2415°G102 A.49 A.55 A.59 J.48 J.82 G.13 Rae, ike A.37, H.38 A.55 see ROXBEE COX KIRWAN, (Archibald) Laurence Patrick A.68 KISSINGER, Henry Alfred A.26, F.80 KOENIGSBERGER, Otto KOEPPLER, H. KOPAL, T. A.59 A.59 Coe KRISHNA, S. A.49 B.72 G.37 A.49 KRAUS, B. Fs KRISHNAN, R. _ S. KRUMBEIN, W. C. KRAMERS, D. H. A. KOTHARI, Daulat Singh KROPOTKIN, Peter N. B.76,._ G.13);.G. 36) 5.79 H.57 KUHN, Heinrich Gerhard KUZNETS, Simon KUMAGAI, Naoiti C.243 G.102 KURTI, Nicholas C.235A Cory A.55 KUION, Louie 3347): 470 Index of Correspondents A.55 A.49 J.116 F.74 A.59 D.135 C.148,:C.164, C7260 H.38 A.49 A.68 2/0; 4,192 A.68 A.49 H.38 A.59 A.59 B.135 J.49 A.49, B.42 E.61 F.19 wy, H.143, J.90 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 LACK, David Lambert LADENBURG, Rudolph LAMBERT, Jack Walter LAMOUREUX, H. D. W. LANE, Sir Allen (Lane Williams) LANG, H.R: LANGBEIN, Jennifer L. (later GRASTY) LANGDON-DAVIES, John LASKI, Harold LAST, Denis LATHAM, Robert LAWRIE, James LEDERMANN, Walter LEE, Asher LEE, Edward _ LEE, Frederick LEIPINSKY, &. LENOSKI, Gerard LESLIE, Samuel Clement LEWIN, Ronald LEWIS, Wilfrid Bennett LIBBY, Willard Frank LIDDLE, Peter H. LINDSAY, P. A. LEPRINCE-RINGUET, Louis LIDDELL-HART, Sir Basil Henry D.209, D.217, H.67 G:233 A. 21, A.30,:A,59, As68; C.ga5k, G.100 H.38 A.49 A.49 G55 G.82 A. 49, A.59, A:77;-B:13, D.17, 0 22):0.135, A.77, D.109, H.36, H.56, H.87, J.50 5:5) H.110 LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LIPWORTH, Edgar LIVEDNO,. Wie tM LINDSLEY, Donald H. LIPPMANN, Walter LIPSON, Henry Solomon LOAM, Je As V - Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents LOCKWOOD, Sir John (Francis) A.55 LOCKWOOD, Sir Joseph (Flawith) LOFTUS, Dora M. LOGAN, Sir Douglas (William) LOTHIAN, Peter Francis Walter Kerr, Marquess of Lothian LOTZE, Franz LOVELL, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard A.5?, A.68 E.36 A.21, A.59 A.25 GA? A.30; A; 59, 8:76; H.429,. J:63,-5.70, J.103. See also D.7, H.12 LUNDBAK, Asger LYOICH, Fo Ps LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur C795 G.115 B.142 McANUFF, J. W. McCONNELL, - McCREA, William Hunter MACDONALD, lan W. (Alastair) A.78, 6:52 C.119 A.50, A.55, B.79, C.56, C.62, H.21, H.129, i-36-. 4,85, A.60 See also D. 157 McKERROW, George MACLEOD, Roy A.69, A.78 C.120 G.93 McGEE, James Dwyer McKEE, Edwin D. J.44 Cite J.52 MACEWAN, Lawrence McELHINNY, M. W. 746; °D. 19, 052122 MACKENZIE, Chalmers Jack MACLEAN, Sir Fitzroy Hew MACDOUGALL, Sir (George) Donald See also B.41, B.49 MAHALANOBIS, Prasanta Chandra G.39, H.68, J.79. See also G. 45 MAILVAGANAM, A. W. MADGE, Charles Henry MADDOX, John (Royden) MADDOCK, Sir levan G.99 A.28 C.262 J.114 J52) 3.08 J.53, J.114 McMURRY, Earl W. McWILLIAMS, Carey G.38 H.32 A.50, G.40. MAGAT, Michel P.M S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 MAIR, William Austyn MAJOR, F. G. MAKINS, R. M. MANLEY, H. Index of Correspondents C.23 C.62 see SHERFIELD C.gee MANSFIELD COOPER, Sir William A.50, A.60, J.120 MARSDEN, Sir Ernest A. 83)°C er, Grl7 MARSH, John MARSH, Lyn MARSHAK, Robert E. MARSHALL, Walter Charles A.78. Fb? A.50 G.47 MARTIN, (Basil) Kingsley H.36, H.55, J.54. See also J.74 MARTIN, Sir David Christie MARTIN, Sir John (Miller) MARTIN, PP. R. MASON, Basil John MASON, CC. M. A. 50, A.55;.Ae60;-Ci 235A, F. 267. Pi36; G.54,;'G.107, ‘5,54, 5.143 A.40 CT A.60, A.78 A.60 MATHUR, K. N. MAXWELL, (lan) Robert A.60, A.78, J.115 MASSIE, Winfield MATHER, Gilbert A.50 F.74 Jeon A.50 B.142 Charles Edward Hastings MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MAYNEORD, William Valentine MEDHURST, Air Chief Marshal Sir Bide, Prey 10, J2123,:° J.187 MATTHEWS, Sir Bryan (Harold Cabot) F.51, J.55 D.136 A.69 G.106 C.240 AGB, 6.22 A.69 A.55 C.120 MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) MEITNER-GRAF, Lotte MEDELOCK, &.:- 'S. MEHTA, J. > MENARD, H.W. MENCHER, Alan G. MEHTA, Mohan Sinha MELLANBY, May P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg A.55 MENON, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar MENZIES, Alexander Charles MERTON, Sir Thomas (Ralph) MESSEL, Harry MIDDLEMISS, Howard MIDDLETON, Admiral Gervase Boswell MIKSCHE, Ferdinand Otto MILES, Sir (Arnold) Ashley MILES, John A. MILES, .Jotin As: oR: MILES, Walter MILLER, John A. MILLIS, Charles Howard Goulden MILLMAN, Anthony P. MILLS, Air Chief Marshal Sir George 5.90 A.60, A.78, D.136 A.50, A.60, H.87 G.118 A.39 H.87 H.56 A.60, J.82 F.69 G.116 _A.50 C.254 A.60 C227; C24} A.84 MILINER; Co Mitchison MILLWOOD, John MITRA, Sisir Kumar MIYAJI, Denzaburo MILNER, Marion MISHIMA, Sumie E.36, E.37 A.50, G.86 fet 2l A.29 J.68 MILNE, (Edward) Arthur MITCHISON, Gilbert Richard, Baron Bian MORRIS, Charles Richard, Baron MONNINGTON, Sir Thomas A.78 A.41 A.50 MOON, Philip Burton MONTEVERDI, Angelo A.79 3:77 G.102 Morris of Grasmere MORRIS, Sir Philip MORRISON, Phil H.45 A.60 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents MORRISON, S.J. MORRISON-SCOTT, Sir Terence Charles Stuart MORTON, Sir Desmond John Falkiner MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) D147 J.56 SbF A.50, A.55; D.175,-F. 40, G.89,-G.109, See also D.123, H.44 H.36, J.15, J.71. MOTZ, Hans Ji9d MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, Admiral of the Fleet Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) MUKERJEE, B. N. MURRELL, Ss MURTHY) Kia's (A Seas FB. Ra MURTY, C. Radha Krishna WEERS, Je EG A.83, F.81, °Gi17;H.56 G.47 C.259 G.48 C.259 A.50 NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes J.139 NAGATA, Takesi NASH, T. MASH Wa OF. NAYEER; J. °° °:07 NEAL, B..... G; of Stafford G.102 NANDA, B. R. A.60, J.136 D.209-D.216 NEHRU, Jawaharlal NAGAMIYA, Takeo A.78 G.12 €.56 NAYUDAMMA, Y. NAGRETTI, P. Anthony C7222, C.232,; ©. 29%). Gis 2 See also D.132 A.50, G.5, H.56. G.17-G.22 D.182, £.45; £.51, F.81 NELSON, Henry George, Baron Nelson NEWMAN, Maxwell Herman Alexander NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NEILD, Robert Ralph See also G.12-G.16, NEWMAN, Charles NEUBERGER, Albert A.60 J.82 D.137 A.60 D.109 A.55. NEWMAN, James R. G.48 A.60 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents NEWTH, Anthony NICHOLLS, 43..-° Be NICHOLSON, John Henry NICOLESCU, Miron NICOLSON, Phyllis NOEL-BAKER, Philip John NORMAN, Frederick NORRISH, Ronald George Wreyford NOVE, Alexander NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NUTTALL, J. M. A.60, B.53 CeCe C277 A.78 A.78 B.36 D.184 J.07 G.4l G.82 Js58 D.127 OCCHIALINI, Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao B.42, B.43. See also J.59 O'CONNELL, James B. OUBHAM, -C.. oH. D.117 G.8] OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) A.51, A.55, A.60, D,192, D,198, G70, G.93,G.116, ‘Hig, 2.427 C.262 A.51, C.247 OM PARKASH O'REILLY, W. OROWAN, Egon C.42 A.51 J.60 OSBORN, Frederick OLIPHANT, W. D. OSBORNE, Denis G. OSGOOD, Thomas H. ORTON, James Herbert OLIVER, Richard Alexander Cavaye G.22, G.48 PANT, Apasaheb Balasaheb PANETH, Fritz A. G.6 A.51 A.5]1 PALMER, L.. -R. C.56 H.34 G.70 A.69 J.118 OXLEY, John PAL, Bas Pi P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents PANT, Pitambar PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PAPAPETROU, A. PARISy Es ots PARKER, A. K. PARKER, Kenneth PARRY, Admiral Sir (William) Edward PARSONS, RR. W. PASCAL, Roy PASSANT, Ernest James PATEL, be Ma See also C.55 G.48 C.246 B.76. D.36 C.230 J.114 G.6 G.118 A.51 D.137 A.51, G.6, G.41 PATERSON, Sir Clifford Copland Jae PATON, Sir William (Drummond A.83, J.82 Macdonald) PATTEN-THOMAS, P. C. PATTERSON, Admiral Sir Wilfrid Rupert PEKERIS, Chaim L. Frederick (Bernard Raymond) D.214 PEARSON, Lionel Godfrey PEART, (Thomas) Frederick PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PAULI, Wolfgang PEAR, T.° H. PELLY, Air Chief Marshal Sir Claude PEMBERTON-PIGOTT, Alan Desmond See also D. 189 A.61 Ao2T A. 22, A.28 PENNEY, William George, Baron PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert) Charles PERRIN, Sir Michael Willcox A.55, D.203, D.207. PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PESONSEN, Everett A. Penney of East Hendred G.83 A.70 F.74 A.5]1 PEPPE, Lionel A.61, A.79 PERKIN, Richard S. PETERS, Bernard A.5] J.60 A.51, B.134, C.57 A.51 Ast. oe E.67 A.51, B.45, B.138, J.60 J.61 A.70, B.44 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents A.55, A.70 A.51 $62 A.26 H.38 F.72; G.79, 3.43 A.11, A.51, C.58 A.26, A.61, D.137 A.61 A.28 D.137 A.51, D.137 A.55, A.61, A.79 D.209 E.4] A.55, C.41, J.64, J.79 A.61, A.70, A.79 A.61, A.79 D.137 Asél, Au79 PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PETRZILKA, V. PHILIPS, Sir Cyril (Henry) PHILLIPS, David Chilton PHILLIPS, M. PIEL, Gerard PIGGOTI, He E. PILE, General Sir Frederick Alfred PILKINGTON, Lawrence Herbert Austin PINGREE, Jeanne PINKS. (Es PIPER, S.A PIPPARD, Alfred John Sutton PITT, Harry Raymond PITT, Terence John PLASKETT, Harry Hemley PLATT, Sir Harry PLESE.H) Je See also H.12 PORTER, Arthur PORTER, Helen Kemp POWELL, Cecil Frank POLANYI, Magda POLANYI, Michael PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward (Wilder) A.61, D.216 D.147, J.65. A.51, A.61 A.55 A.55, J.83 C.245, C.250, C.259 A.61 J.114 H.37 J.115 A.51 A.61 PROCTOR, Sir (Philip) Dennis PUGSLEY, Sir Alfred Grenville POWELL, Dy .W: POWELL, Richard PREECE, Warren E. PRIESTLEY, John Boynton PRINGLE, Margaret PROCA, A. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents PUGWASH CONFERENCES PYE, Sir David (Randall) J.66-J.72 D.12; D141) QUIRK, Roger RADLEY, Gordon RAIMES, S. RAJA, PeeoK, 23s RAJAGOPALACHARYA, Chakravarti RAMANATHAN, K. — R. RAMSEY, Arthur Stanley RAMSEY, William Henderson G.94 A.61 J.138 C.167 A.52 H. 156 A.52 5.139 RANDALL, Sir John (Turton) As52.:BiS8 RANDERIA, Paniker C. RAO, Calyampudi Radhakrishna RAPER, Henry Stanley G.49 G.49 A.52 RELF, Ernest F. REYNOLDS; G. . :W. RASTOGI, R.. G. G.49 REDFIELD, A. W. REID; A. Bs RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth A202, Asoo, A. Graal 4) REYNOLDS) tr GG. Bi REID, Thomas Bertram Wallace REDCLIFFE-MAUD, John Primatt, Baron Redcliffe-Maud of Bristol A797 RS7 A.61 C.58 C.260 A.79 D.138 E.66 A.16 AS, Aio7s Ki6! A.52 A.52, G06 A.70 G.102 A.79 Baron Ritchie-Calder of Balmashannar RITCHIE-CALDER, Peter Ritchie, RICHARDS, Ivor Armstrong RIENACKER, G. RIKITAKE, Tsuneji RICHARDSON, Justin RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) RING, J. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents RITTENBERG, D. ROBERTSON, Sir Malcolm Arnold ROBIE, John W. ROBINSON, Sir (Edward) Austin (Gossage) ROBINSON, Harold Roper ROBINSON, Kenneth Ernest A.55 D.138 G.120 A.79, H.60, J.73. See also G.77 A.52 J.120 ROBINSON, Sir Robert A.52,°A.55, A, 61, "J. 135 BOGHES A. C. 150, C.246 ROCHESTER, George Dixon Ai61;, A.79;.:J.83, 3.84, 5.103, J. 121 ROGERS, C(laude) Ambrose ROGERS, Claude Maurice J.82 A.61, A.79 ROLPH, Cecil Hewitt see HEWITT, C.R. : ROTBLAT, Joseph ROTHERHAM, Leonard ROSE, b. 2:-C. ROSENHEAD, ’ Louis Baron Rothschild ROWAN, Sir Leslie ROSS; bie bk. ROSSI, Bruno ROSKILL, Stephen Wentworth ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, ROSBAUD, Paul ROSC H, Jean Add, C198, Dello, Heda 55,4. 93; J.75 B.42-B. 45 B.133, B.140 A.55 D.76 A.61 A.52, J.76 A.52, J.67-J.70 H.155 C9 Ces mio); Coo, C.l2l OC. gee. gee, © oeeu, C.231, C.237, J.87, J.126, J.139. See also D.139, H.10, H.87. See also D.150 ROXBEE COX, Harold, Baron Kings RUNCORN, Stanley Keith A.44, A.61, D.209, J.68 HH. St 559 A.61, A.70 C.240 J.77-J.92 ROYON, Betty RUFFINI, E. ROWE, Albert Percival Norton of Wotton Underwood Roy, oa CU: ROYAL SOCIETY, THE J.70 A.52 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents RUSSELL, Bertrand, Earl Russell F.81, 1.68 RUTHERFORD, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, New Zealand and Cambridge B.136 See also B.143, G.123, G.125, H.51, H.78-11- 80,90, Hill5; J.18 RUTHERFORD, Lady Mary RUTTER, Mark G. RYLE, Sir Martin SADRON, Charles SAHA, M. N. A.52 C fon 5.493 Ge A.54 G.4l SAHASRABUDHE, P. W. Can, Ci 252,-0 259.5; 182 SALAM, Abdus A.71, A.80,.G.70, H.68, -J.132; 5143 SALMERON, Roberto A. Setad, Jotee SARABHAI, Vikram SARACENO, Pasquale SARAGA, W. — B.36, B.39, B.81, J.68. See also H.156 J.93 D.140 G.7 A.d2,'0.7% L. R. SOOORERG Rees SAUNDERS, Lesley H.68 Cay Cul2) SECORD, Campbell SCHATZMAN, Evry SCAG ER &» 2. OF SAUNDERS, Sir Owen (Alfred) SARGEAUNT, Henry Anthony aeHOVE; Died, SCHRODINGER, Erwin G.83 K.O1; fe 62, D283. 3.89 G.49 D.208, F.11. See also D.163 J.16 G.102 Cyiz} A.52 SELIGMAN, G. SEN GUPTA, R. SESHACHAR, B. G.83 A.52 G.84, H.147 SOS, 4: SEERS, Dudley SEITZ, Frederick SEKIDO, Yataro P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents A.84 A.35 A.52 C.243 D.140 A.7] Fo} SHACKLETON, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron Shackleton of Burley SHANKLAND, R. _ S. SHAPLEY, Harlow SHARMA, P. — Vallabh SHAW, C.K. SHAWCROSS, Hartley William, Baron Shawcross of Friston SHENSTONE, Allen Goodrich SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron Sherfield SHIRE, Edward S. SHOENBERG, David SHOENBERG, |. SHONFIELD, Andrew SHORE, Peter (David) SHORT, Edward Watson A.21, A.62, D.202 A.52 A.52, J.93 A.52 A.80 E.37, A.83 A.52, A.55 A.52 D.16, F.72 E.68 SIMPSON, Esther SIMPSON, John A. SILLARS, Ru SILVERS, R. W. B. A.52, A.52, A.46 A.62, p.19, D.2f D. 22 SIDGWICK, Nevil Vincent SIMONSEN, Sir John Lionel SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugene) SHOTTON, Frederick William SIMON OF WYTHENSAWE, Ernest Darwin, Baron Simon of Didsbury A.62, A.80, D.145, F.82 B.139, D.186, D.191, D.196, F.23 A.80 SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINGER, Aubrey Edward H.60 H.60 H.56 SINCLAIR, Archibald H.87 G.100 J 117 SINGER, H. W. A.7] see THURSO SINGER, Arthur L. SINGER, Charles SINGH, A. P. SINGH, Karan G.13 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents SINGH NARANG, Kirpal SITTE, Kurt G.50 J-90 SKINNER, Herbert Wakefield Banks A.52, D.206 SKOBELZYN, D. SLESSOR, Air Marshal Sir John Cotesworth SLICHTER, Louis B. SLIM, Field-Marshal William Joseph, Viscount Slim SMART, William Marshall SMITH, Alpheus SMITH, A. M. SMITH, Howard K. SMITH, Peter John SMITH, Robert Allan SMITHIES, F. B.135 H.56 0.121 D.113 A.80 A.14 G.81 F.82 C.250, C.255, C.265. See also C.170 A.80 A.52 J.96 SOLOMONS, E. MINCED, Aaah. G.70 A.62 C.240 SORHEY; 5.0 oe SPENCER, Co" As 3226 A.52 A.52 A.52 SOONAWALA, M.-F. SPROTT, Walter John Herbert SOUTHWELL, Sir Richard Vynne SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron Snow SORLEY, Air Marshal Sir Ralph Squire A.55, A.80, A.84, D.109, G.70, J.44 A.52 STANSFIELD, Ronald G. STEAGIE, Ga 7 We eR, STEPHENSON, Donald STEHBENS, William E. STEPHENS, R. W. G.50 G.42 B.143 G.93 A.62 J.96 F.39 A.62 A.52, A.71 SRAFFA, Piero SRINIVASAN, M. SRINIVASAN, N. STEEL, James STERN, Bernard J. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents STEVENS? Ficciuek. STEWART, Frederick Henry STOKES, Donald Gresham, Baron Stokes of Leyland STONER, Edmund Clifton STOPFORD, John Sebastian Bach Lord Stopford of Fallowfield STOREY, Clifford G. STORMER, Carl STRADLING, Sir Reginald Edward STRANGEWAY, David W. STRATTON, Frederick John Marrian STRATTON, J. A. STRAUB, Fe. : B. SiRAUSS OS De TG STREAT, Sir (Edward) Raymond STUBBLEFIELD, Sir (Cyril) James a i27, F119 Hea? D.212 G12) A.62 A.52 A.1Z, D.125 A.52 D.140 C.248 A.52, A.55, C.42 G.100 G.81 H.38 D.103 C1122 A.80 A.52 A.35, J.97 D.140 J.98 A.62 A.52 Mclvor) A.55, A.62, A.80 SULLIVAN, Walter SURDIN, M. SUSSKIND, Charles SUIGLIPFE, Ree Cy STUDD, Peter SUGDEN; 5S. SUTHERLAND, George Arthur SUTTON, Sir (Oliver) Graham SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black J.98 SWINTON, Philip Cunliffe-Lester, SWANN, Sir Michael (Meredith) SWANN, W. F.. G. C.255. See also F.27 F.74 A.62 B.73 H.87,° J,99 A.62 SYKES, Sir Charles SZILARD, Trude SWAFFORD, Gerald R. SWANN, Bernard A.62, A.71 Ist Earl P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents TRNER, Root SO. TARLING, Don H. TASKER, Antony Greaves TAWNEY, Richard Henry TAYLOR, Alan John Percivale H.68 C.248, C.264 H.147 H.68 J.100 TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram G.90, J.100 TAYLOR, Sir James TAYLOR, Raymond L. TAYLOR, Stephen TEDDER, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Arthur William, Baron Tedder TEICHERT, Curt TEISSEYRE, R. TEMPLE, George TER HAAR, Dirk TERMIER, Henri TETT, Hugh Charles A.80 G.120 Pott D.175 C,121 C. ia A.53 B.76 C422 A.62, A.80 THIMANN, Kenneth V. THOMAS, Edward G. THOMAS, Hugh THOMAS, Jesse Burgess THAKUR, Re THATTE, Ro? °'S. Fe THELLIER Jc Es THOMAS, Hugh Hamshaw 6:48 G.42 A.53 THACKERAY, A. David THURSFIELD, Rear-Admiral Henry George A.53, D.105 ©.123, © 150, €.225, C284 34g A.53 J.101 J.102 D.141 H.38 J.18 J.102 A.53 A.62 J.95 A.53, A.55, A.62, D.200, H.37, J.104. See also C.269, D.152, J.6 THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) THOMSON, Sir Joseph (John) THOMPSON, Edgar Hynes THOMAS, Trevor Cawdor Aria seer, Pec Gy THOMPSON, W. THOMSON, D. M. A.26 P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents THURSO, Archibald Henry Macdonald Sinclair, Viscount Thurso J.105 TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas Betas te, Dias DiS; Dole, egos Dole, G.85,°H.21 ,.Hid7,; 5105... B.107, Da¥37;) 306, 3044," I-98, S599, 5100; .416 63H. 88.5. 113; 5.3, See disdD 66; TIZARD, Lady Kathleen TIZARD, John Peter Mills TIZARD, Richard H. TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington TOLANSKY, Samuel TORREY, Volta TOV, Fo TREND, Burts: St. John#-Baren Trend 3G; of Greenwich TREVELYAN, Humphrey, Baron Trevelyan H.88 H.88 H.88 A.55 A.55, D.146 H.38 A.45, A.51 A.71 A.62 TRKAL, Viktor TUVE, Merle A. TWYMAN, Frank TYAGI, Mahavir TREVOR, Jack C. TRIVEDI, S.- A. TREVELYAN, Julian Otto F.74 C.123 D.141 A.80 C.244 D.147 A.53 TURNER, William A. TYNDALL, Arthur Mannering TURNBULL, Sir Frank (Fearon) Core UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Paul C.4. See alsoC.57, C.59, G.105 URQUHART, Sir Robert William UCHIYAMA, Masakuma USMANI, Ishrat Husain UNWIN, Sir Stanley UNSOLE Ae Os A.53, A.80, G.84 A.55, A.62, J.89 TZU, Hung-Yuan F205: Ai 107, G.42 C.63 G.102 A.80 H.68 G.84 UYEDA, S. P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 VACQUIER, Victor VALENCIO, Daniel A. VALLURI, S.. Re VAN-ZIJIL, Jon’S... ¥. VENABLES, Sir Peter VERMA, RR. K. Index of Correspondents C.231 C.247 G.50 C.156 A.62, A.80 C.253 VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur A.55, A.63, A.71, A.80, D.24 VINCENT, Ewart Albert VOGELSANG, Dieter VON ENGEL, Alfred Hans de Janosi VON KRAMER, Henry C.134 ieee, C204 A.62 H.33 WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal A.54, D.119, D.212. See also D.102, H.12 WADIA, Darashaw Nosherwan Gii233,25579 WAIN, Ralph Louis A.63 WALDHEIM, Kurt G.79 A.8]1 J.85 A.54 A.54 A.63, H.68 A.37, A.54 WALLER, Ronald D. WATAGHIN, Gleb WATERMAN, Alan T. WARDLAW, C. W. WALTON, Sir Ji: 2€: WALKER, RR. Ay. €. WALLIS, Sir Barnes (Neville) A.55, A.63, D.209, D.211 WALL, Charles Terence Clegg WANSBROUGH~JONES, Sir Owen A.35 C.148, C. 174, C246, C. 252% Cita WATSON-WATT, Lady Margaret WATERS, David Watkin WATKINS, Norman D. J.5? J.106 D.109 A.81 A.54 A.26 see ANDERSON, John WAVERLEY WEBB, Beatrice WEBER, Robert L. (Haddon) WATES, Ronald W. See also P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents WEBSTER, Thomas Bertram Lonsdale WEINER, Theodore WEISS, Charles WELSH, Aww Ji WESTCOTT-LEWIS, Martin J. WEYSSENHOFF, J. WHEARE, Sir Kenneth Clinton WHEELER, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer WPCELER, F.* 6. WHIDDINGTON, Richard WHIPPLE, George A. WHITE, Di: sd. WHITE, Sir Frederick William George WHITE, Stephen WHITEHOUSE,: W.° J. F.12 C.59 5.106 C.81 J.106 A.54 H.131 A.81 A.55 A.54, A.63 A.63 D.121 G.118 A.54 B.61 A.54 A.63 A.72, G.100, J.76 B.36 A.63 A.59 J.107 5.48 E.61 G.6 WILLIAMS, Bruce R. WILLEY, Frederick Thomas WILKINSON, Patrick WILLETT, John WHITTAKER, J. M. WICKING, G., C. WIESNER, Jerome B. WILLIAMS, Eric Charles WILKES, Maurice Vincent WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) A.81 H.18-H.23, J.78, J.108. D.80 WILLIAMS, Sir Frederic (Calland) WILLIAMS, General Sir Harold WILLIAMS, Evan James F.26 A.63, G.7 WILLIAMS, Sir Osmond WILLIAMS, Peter R. C. WILLIAMS, Philip G. J.109 G.78 See also D.10, P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents WILLIAMS, Shirley Vivien Theresa Brittain WILLINK, Sir Henry Urmston WILLIS 23 Jac Ae a WILLISON, R. G. Ernest WILLS, Leonard Johnston WILSON, Sir (Archibald) Duncan WILSON, Charles Thomas Rees WILSON, Geoffrey WILSON, Fo:: iC. WILSON, Sir (James) Harold WILSON, John Graham WILSON, John Tuzo WILSON, Leslie WILSON, Roderick L. J.109 A.50, A.63, A.72 G.84 H.29, H.30 C.123 G.105 A.17 A.8] C.59 J.110 A.58, B.58, D.142, J.140 C.235A Gist G84; ©.126, Col42, &. 144, © Tsay C.178, C.182, C.234, 6-236, C.24?, C. 259; G.108, J.123. See also C.183-C.185 WINKLER, Louis T. A.81 A.51 H.39 sai G.120 WOHLFARTH, £.:557. WISKEMANN, Elizabeth H.88 D.147 A.54 D.142 WIMPERIS, Harry Egerton WOLFENDALE, Arnold W. WINSTANLEY LUNT, R. WINTERBOURNE, Harold WINTERBOTHAN, Frederick William G.88 WOOLTON, Frederick James, Marquis WOOLLEY, Sir Richard (van der Riet) WOODWARD-NUTT, Arthur Edgar A.26 G.78 H.38 D.5 A.63 WOOD, Richard Frederick Cieey C.223 B.41, B.144 WOLFERS, Arnold WOLFLE, Dael WOOD, Alex H.429 WIRTZ, Karl WOOD-JONES, F. WOOLDRIDGE, H. Earl Woolton P.M.S. Blackett CSAC 63/1/79 Index of Correspondents WOOSTER, W._ A. WRIGHT, (Arthur Robert) Donald WRIGHT, Harold WRIGHT, J.P. WRIGHT, Sir Norman (Charles) WRIGHT, William David WYATT, Woodrow Lyle WYNN, Arthur Henry Ashford WYNNE, Charles Gorrie WYNNE-EDWARDS, Sir Robert (Meredydd) WYNNE-JONES, William Francis Kenrick, Baron Wynne-Jones of Abergele YATES, Frank A.54, E.1 F.41 A.26 F.84, J.101 A.63, J.134 F.39,. tl? H.68 A637 R92) ie G.44 A.81 E.41 A.63 A.81 A.72 YEOMAN, John YORK, Carl M. YOUNG, Edgar P. YOUNG, Hugh YOUNG, Michael A.55, A.72 G.42 A.63, A.81 A.63, A.8]1 J.58 A.81 A.81 YOUNG, John Zachary YOUNG, Brian Walter Mark YOUNG, Sir Richard (Dilworth) YOUNGER, Sir Kenneth (Gilmour) A.55, A.63, A.72, A.81, E.37, E.48, E.55 A.25, A.54, A.55, A.63, D.109, D.188, E.G), pele, G.70, tGe> Jvive ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron Zuckerman ZEIGE CGO J aD we: A ZIMAN, John Michael G.11 C.232 J.t13 ZVEGINTZOV, M. ZAHEER, S. Husain of Burnham Thorpe