BLACK, Joseph v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Joseph Black CBE FREng (1921-2000) by Lizzie Richmond and Peter Harper NCUACS catalogue no.107/6/02 J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Joseph Black CBE FREng (1921-2000), engineer Compiled by: Lizzie Richmond and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1938-2000 Extent of material: 4 boxes, ca 122 items Depositedin: University of Bath Library Reference code: GB 1128 Black © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no.107/6/02 J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry Trinity College, Cambridge The Wellcome Trust J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF BATH CLAVERTON DOWN BATH BA2 7AY J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.35 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.47 12 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.18 18 SECTION D LECTURES AND SPEECHES D.1-D.26 21 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 25 J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 5 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in August 2001 from Mrs M. Black, the widow of Professor Black. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JOSEPH BLACK Joseph Black was born in Belfast on 25 January 1921. He was educated at the Royal Belfast AcademicalInstitution, where he showed great promise in mathematics and physics, and at Queen's University, graduating in 1941 with first class honours in mechanical engineering. After three years as a scientific officer with the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough, Hampshire, Black returned to Queen's in 1944 as a research fellow. He was awarded an MScin 1945. Later in the same year Black joined de Havilland Aircraft as an aerodynamicist and worked with the team designing the revolutionary Cometjet aeroplane. In 1946 Black left de Havilland to begin an academic career. His first appointment was asa lecturer in mechanical engineering at the University of Bristol where his colleagues included Sir Alfred Pugsley, Lord Chilver and Sir Bernard Crossland. Shortly after his appointment Black helped to establish the department of aeronautical engineering under the leadership of A. R. Collar. His gifts as a teacher and researcher were quickly recognised and led to his early promotion to senior lecturer. Black left the University of Bristol to become Head of the Department of Engineering at the newly created Bristol College of Science and Technology (subsequently Bristol College of Advanced Technology) in January 1960. He decided that from the outset his new department should embrace both aeronautical and mechanical engineering. In 1966 the transformation of the College into Bath University of Technology (later the University of Bath) presented Black with new challenges as he helped to guide and foster the institution's development. Between 1960 and 1966 he wasinvolved in the intensive academic planning which immediately preceded the university's creation and was a member of the committee that chose its Claverton Downsite. From 1964 to 1974 Black served as a memberof the University Grants Committee (UGC). Throughout the period of major construction at the University of Bath, Black was required to act impartially in the allocation oflimited UGC resources to all universities. He performed his duties with skill and integrity and his original appointment was extended for a further five years. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 6 Between 1970 and 1973, as one of the University of Bath's first pro-vice-chancellors, Black was instrumental in devising and implementing a number of innovative administrative and academic structures, including the establishmentof a unified School of Engineering encompassing mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering. Black laid the foundation of the school's outstanding reputation in engineering design. He was a keen advocate of design as an integral part of engineering. Particularly enthusiastic about new techniques in computer-aided design, he ensured that appropriate emphasis was placed on design in the University of Bath undergraduate engineering curriculum. Recognising the need in engineering education for closerlinks between universities and industry Black played an important part in the introduction of the ‘thin sandwich' course whereby students alternated academic terms with periods spent on industrial placements. He was also largely responsible for instigating degree courses in engineering with French and German. On his retirement from the University of Bath in 1985 Black was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship to research and write on engineering in art. Black wasa Fellow ofthe Institution of Mechanical Engineers, of the Royal Aeronautical Society and of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He was awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Loughborough and bythe City University. He was a memberof the Design Council between 1977 and 1982 and acted as chairman of the Engineering Components Awards, 1976 and the Engineering Products Awards, 1977. He served as Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)/Design Council Engineering Design Co-ordinator from 1985 to 1989. Black received the Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977 and was appointed CBE in 1979 for his workin the field of university education. Black was also passionately interested in art. He was chairman of Bath's Holburne of Menstrie Museum, a committee member of the Victoria Art Gallery, Bath and a trustee of Bath Industrial Heritage Museum. He wasa devoted theatre-goer, a keen photographer and a talented silversmith. Black married Margaret Hewitt in 1946. They had a daughter and three sons. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the contentslist. It covers the period from 1938 to 2000. Section A, Biographical, contains a small amount of material relating to various aspects of Black's career.It includes letters of reference dating from before Black's graduation from Queen's University, J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 7 Belfast, a report on his visit to educational establishments in the USA and papers relating to the conferment of his honorary degrees. It also contains a small number of photographs documenting various aspects of his career between 1976 and 1989. Section B, Research, comprises material relating to several aspects of Black's research work. It includes documentation of Black's involvement in the development of a specially designed ‘floating stretcher’ for use in ambulances and his interest in Gustave Eiffel's early contribution to experimental aerodynamics. The section also contains Black's Queen's University, Belfast MSc thesis and some blue print drawings he executed in 1938 for Robert Craig and Sons Ltd, Belfast. Section C, Publications, contains a small amount of material relating to some of the papers and other publications written by Black between 1947 and 2000. It includes correspondence and drafts of papers on a wide range of subjects, from supersonics to Renaissance art, published in various journals. Section D, Lectures and speeches, presents an incomplete record of lectures, speeches and talks given by Black throughout his career. The sequenceincludes material relating to seminars and talks given by Black to students and membersofstaff both at the University of Bath and at other schools, colleges and universities. It also contains documentation of lectures he gave to a variety of professional audiences.A large proportion of the material appears to relate to theillustrated lectures on engineering and art which Black delivered after his retirement in 1985. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare very grateful to Mrs M. Black for her assistance in making this material available. L. Richmond Bath 2002 J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.36 A.1-A.5 OBITUARIES A.6-A.29 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.30-A.36 PHOTOGRAPHS A.1-A.5 OBITUARIES 2000 A.1 A.2 A.3 A4 A.5 The Bath Chronicle, 7 October 2000. The Guardian, 23 October 2000. The Independent, 23 October 2000. The Times, 7 November 2000. Bristol Evening Post, 11 November 2000. A.6-A.29 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1938-1993 The presentation is chronological. A6 Letters of reference from Robert Craig and Sons (Engineers) Ltd, Belfast, 1 July 1938. See also B.43. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 Biographical A.7 A8 A.9 A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.16 Letters of reference from Davidson and Co Ltd, Engineers and Ironfounders, Belfast, 30 August 1940. Letters of reference from Professor F. V. W. Arnock, College of Technology, Belfast, 19 May 1941. Letter re Engineering, University of Bristol, 7 August 1946. Black's appointment to the position of lecturer, Faculty of Copy of application for the post of head of the department of aeronautical engineering, College of Technology, Bristol, 26 June 1959. Letter from Sir Philip Morris, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bristol re Black's departure from the university, 23 December 1959. 6pp typescript entitled 'Report on Visit to USA on English-Speaking Union Technical Teachers Exchange Scheme’, September-December1962. Black was awarded an English-Speaking Union (ESU) Fellowship and designated a Gillette Fellow in December 1961. The award enabled him to spend three months in the USA studying various aspects of North American technical education with particular reference to undergraduate curricula, the architecture of teaching buildings, libraries and student accommodation, co- operative courses and programmesof postgraduate study. Colleges of Advanced Technology, printed prospectus, January 1963 Letter re Black's Bristol College of Science and Technology salary, 10 July 1963. 3pp typescript cv with 1p typescript entitled ‘Personal and Extra-Mural Activities’, nd ca 1964. Letter indicating receipt of Black's cv as application for a post at the University of Sussex, Brighton, 29 April 1968. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 10 Biographical A.17 A.18 A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 Correspondence and cv re Chancellor, University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, 30 April 1968. Black's application for the post of Vice- Correspondenceand papersre an invitation to apply for the position of Vice- Chancellor, Brunel University, Middlesex, UK, November-December 1969. Copyofletter re the end of Black's term of service with the University Grants Committee, 4 February 1974. 3pp typescript cv and career summary, nd ca 1974. Correspondencere an invitation to apply for the post of Vice-Chancellor, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia, 2 February 1976. Correspondencere an invitation to apply for the position of Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide, Australia, 6 February 1976. Copy ofletter inviting Black to become a member of the Design Council, 8 December 1976. Copy ofcertificate of Black's receipt of a Royal Medal to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth Il, 7 June 1977 Copy of letter re the submission of Black's name for appointment to Commander of the Order of the British Empire, 14 November 1979. 3pp typescript introductory address delivered on the conferment of the of degree Loughborough, 1990]. Technology, [University Honoris of Doctor of Causa, A.27, A.28 Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, City University, London, 2 December 1991. A.27 Congregation programme. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 11 A.28 A.29 Biographical 2pp typescript introductory address delivered by A. Jebb. Certificate Aeronautical Society, 1 July 1993. to commemorate fifty years of membership of the Royal A.30-A.36 PHOTOGRAPHS 1976-1989, nd A.30 Colour photograph of the staff and students of the School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, June 1976. A.31, A.32 Design Council Award presentation ceremony, 1978. A.31 A.32 A.33 A.34 A.35 A.36 Four black and white photographs. Two colour photographs Colour photograph of the staff and students of the School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, (?)June 1980. Black and white photograph endorsed 'Kenneth Grange, Jane Priestman, Chris Laughton, Wally Olins, Alan Livingstone: Chartered Society of Designers Seminar, Truro, April 21 1989". Untitled black and white photograph showing Black receiving a (?)Design Council award, nd. Three black and white portrait photographs of Black, nd. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 12 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.47 This section contains material relating to several aspects of Black's research work. It includes his MScthesis, submitted in November 1944, some early engineering drawings completed by Black while he was employed by Robert Craig and Sons (Engineers) Ltd of Belfast in 1938 and papersrelating to Black's research on Gustave Eiffel's early work on aerodynamics. Papers, reports and notesrelating to Black's supervision of University of Bath research into the design of stretchers used in ambulances and the productiona ‘floating stretcher’ to reduce the detrimental effects of road vibration on patients in transit is also presented in this section. B.1 THESIS B.2-B.30 ‘FLOATING STRETCHER’ B.31-B.42 GUSTAVE EIFFEL B.43-B.47 MISCELLANEOUS J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 Research B.1 THESIS 13 1944 MSc thesis (bound) entitled 'The Flow of Compressible Fluids at High Speeds with Black, Queen's University, Belfast, November 1944. Particular Reference to Aeronautics’, J. See also C.1, C.2. B.2-B.30 ‘FLOATING STRETCHER’ 1981-1987 During the 1981-1982 University of Bath academic year the problem of vibration in commercial vehicle-based ambulances used in the UK wasthe subject of a final year undergraduate project supervised by Black. In late 1982 University of Bath postgraduates undertook a project to devise a way to reduce the discomfort and medical deterioration caused by stretcher vibration alleviate problems of road vibration by means of a specially sprung suspension system which isolated of collaborative work between the University of Bath and Bath Institute of Medical Engineering (BIME). in ambulances. The ‘floating stretcher’, designed to result the patient during transit, was the The material in this sub-section relates to Black's involvementin the design and developmentof the stretcher and his unsuccessful attempts to secureits widespread adoption by UK health services. The presentation is chronological. 7pp typescript entitled ‘Medical Evidence which Indicates the Need to Improve the Comfort and Reduce the Levels of Vibration During the Ambulance Journey’, M. A. Foster and N. G. Luard, 14 December 1981. 4pp typescript entitled Literature Search to Determine Undesirable Frequenciesof Vibration’, M. A. Foster and N. G. Luard, 15 December 1981. 'A European Patent Specification Application No. 83305088.3 entitled ‘Vibration Damping Supports’, University of Bath, 2 September 1983. Interim Report: Stretcher Suspension System for Vibration Isolation in Ambulances (Report No. 658) D. Leyshon, School of Engineering, University of Bath, September 1983. B.1 B.3 B.4 B.5 J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 14 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 Research Copyof engineers' drawing entitled 'Camp Plate’, 5 December 1983. Engineers' drawing entitled 'Isolator Assembly’, 4 January 1984. 2pp typescript notes with 2pp graphs enitled 'Tests on Hydragas Stretcher Suspension System’, D. Leyshon, 13 March 1984. Graphentitled 'Graph 1 - Hydragas Suspension System: Transmissibility with Load Mass of 60kg', 14 March 1984. 2pp typescript notes with 1p graph entitled ‘Tests on Hydragas Suspension System’, D. Leyshon, 4 April 1984. 2pp typescript entitled ‘Comments on British Patent Office Search Re: British Patent Application No. 8323591’, 31 July 1984. 2pp typescript entitled ‘Suspension Systems for Stretchers in Ambulances’, J. Black, July 1984. Hardback notebookcontaining notes and a diary of developments re work on the design and promotion ofthe ‘floating stretcher’, July 1984-July 1985. 1p typescript notes with 1p graph entitled 'Tests on Hydragas Suspension System’, D. Leyshon, 20 September 1984. 3pp typescript entitled ‘Comments on US Patent Search Report Re: US Application No. 525816', 21 January 1985. University of Bath internal memo from D. Leyshon to J. Black with 1p graph re vertical mode transmissibility, 1 February 1985. University of Bath internal memo from D. Leyshon to J. Black with 1p graph re vertical mode transmissibility, 4 February 1985. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 15 Research B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 B.23 B.24 B.25 B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 Engineers' drawing entitled 'Standard Displacer 700 Series + 40mm Stroke’, 14 February 1985. 2pp typescript notes entitled 'Hydrogas Suspension System: Vertical Transmissibility' with 2pp graphs and covering letter, 13 February 1986. Copy of Certificate of Grant of United Kingdom Patent entitled ‘Vibration Damping Supports’, 25 June 1986. The BIMEFloating Stretcher, with covering correspondence, 1987. 14pp manuscript notes and graphsentitled ‘Friction Damping’ recording the results of mathematical modelling of a vibration isolation system with friction damping as the medium, nd. 2pp untitled manuscript notes re experimental and design work on the ‘floating stretcher’, nd. 8pp manuscript notes and graphs entitled 'Hydragas Spring Modelling’, nd. 22pp typescript withillustrative figures entitled ‘Vibration Damping Supports, nd. Background material re US patent applications, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1981. Background material re European patent applications, 1981, 1984. Background material re stretcher design and vibration, 1973-1986. Eight black and white and one colour photographsof the ‘floating stretcher’ prototype and its components, nd. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 16 Research B.30 Balsa wood modelofthe ‘floating stretcher’ suspension mechanism, nd. B.31-B.42 GUSTAVEEIFFEL 1984-1990 This sub-section contains material relating to research carried out by Black on Gustave Eiffel and his contribution to the development of experimental aerodynamics. Black's work resulted in a paper that was published in The Aeronautical Journal in 1990. See also C.12. Correspondenceand two colour photographs re Black's research onEiffel, September 1984-July 1985. Correspondence re the possibility of Black giving a talk on Eiffel to the Historical Group of the Royal Aeronautical Society, March 1990. 2pp typescript notes (annotated) entitled ‘Comments on Prof. Black's paper on Eiffel’, J. A. Bagley, June 1990. 3pp typescriptlist of references with copiesofillustrative figures, nd. 2pp manuscript notes re reference works on Eiffel and his work, nd. B.31 B.32 B.33 B.34 B.35 B.36-B.42 Background material, 1964-1990, nd. Copies of papers, newspaper cuttings, post cards, photographs and publication extracts re Gustave Eiffel and his work used by Black as a research resource. Seven folders. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 17 Research B.43-B.47 MISCELLANEOUS 1938-1980 B.43 B.44 B.45 Blue print drawings entitled '3" Centrifugal Pump Enclosed Impeller’, J. Black, Robert Craig and Sons (Engineers) Ltd, Belfast, 4 May 1938. See also A.6. Softback notebook containing general meetings, teaching and conferences, 1968-1973. notes on research, committee Thirty-eight aerodynamics and aeroplane wing design, nd. black and white untitled photographs re research into B.46, B.47 Background material, 1956-1980. Publications, offprints and extracts re engineering design, the history offlight and aerodynamics. Twofolders. J. Black NCUACS107/6/02 18 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.18 This section contains material relating to papers and other publications written by Black between 1947 and 2000. It includes a copy of his early ground-breaking book, An Introduction to Aerodynamic Compressibility (1947) and correspondence and drafts relating to some of his papers, on subjects ranging from supersonics to Renaissanceart, published in various journals. A report compiled by the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Engineering Design Working Party of which Black was a member is also includedin this section. The presentation is chronological, 1947-2000. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 19 Publications C.1,C.2 An Introduction to Aerodynamic Compressibility, J. Black, London, 1947. C.1 C.2 Published volume. Typescript proof review. C.3, C.4 ‘Ernst Mach - Pioneer of Supersonics', Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 54 pp371-377, 1950. C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 Photocopied extract. Correspondence, October-December 1957. 1p typescriptlist of Black's publications, 1946-1956. 'A Systems Approach to Training Commercial and Industrial Education 27(2) pp35-39, June 1973. Instruction’, British Association for Newspapercuttings of correspondencere the teaching of engineering design at British universities, October 1977. Report of the Engineering Design Working Party, Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), 1983. Black was a member of the working party. Copy of Black's review of Industrial Design in Engineering: a Marriage of Techniques, ed C. H. Flurscheim, Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 May 1984. Designing Our Technological Future: A paper Based on a Summary of Lectures Given by Professor Joseph Black, CBE, FEng, Mr Geoffrey Shillito and Mr Merrick W Taylor, FBIM, FRSA to the Foundation for Science and Technology, British Gas, November 1985. J. Black NCUACS 107/6/02 20 Publications C.11 C.12 C.13 C.14 C.15 C.16 C.17 C.18 Engineering Design Education on Undergraduate Degree Courses in UK Engineering, Universities and Polytechnics, December 1986. Fellowship Black, of J. ‘Gustave Eiffel - Pioneer of Experimental Aerodynamics’, The Aeronautical Journal 94(937) pp231-244, August/September 1990. Correspondence and papers re the publication and distribution of copies of Black's paper, June 1990-February 1991. See also B.31-B.42. 'Saving the Lagoon’, History Today 48(4) pp10-16, April 1998. 13pp typescript draft entitled 'A Renaissance Artist and the New Inventions: The Nova Reperta (1553) of Johannes Stradanus (1523-1605)' with Spp illustrative figures, February 1999. Correspondence and newspaper cuttings re a letter written by Black published in The Times concerning government agreements with foreign car manufacturers, 2 August 2000. 5pp typescript Development ofFlight - The Forerunners, BC to 1899', nd. illustrative notes figures with entitled ‘The Historical 4pp typescript entitled 'UGC Reserves: Educational Development and Implementation’, J. Black, nd. Black was a member of the University Grants Committee (UGC) from 1964 to 1974. 7pp typescript (extract) entitled ‘The Allocation and Assessment of Final Year Project Work in the Engineering Degree Course at the University of Bath’, J. Black, nd. J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 21 SECTION D LECTURES AND SPEECHES D.1-D.26 This section contains material relating to lectures and speeches delivered by Black at various events and venues between 1971 and 1995. The typescript lectures are often accompanied bylists of slides, illustrative figures and diagrams, and overhead projector transparencies. Mostofthe notes and typescript drafts are notdated. It is not always possible thereforeto identify the occasion for which the lectures were prepared. Following his retirement from the University of Bath in 1985 Black was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship to undertake research on engineering in art. He subsequently gave many illustrated lectures on this subject to a wide range of audiences. Much of the undated material in this section appears to relate to this period of Black's work. Dated lectures have been placed at the beginning of the sequencein chronological order while those without any discernible date have been placed in alphabetical order of title at the end of the sequence. J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 22 Lectures and speeches D.1, D.2 'Two Thousand Years of Fluid Motion - From Aquae Sulis to Sonic Booms’, Bath University of Technology Public Lecture, 9 February 1971. D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 Apptypescriptlist of slides entitled ‘University of Bath School of Engineering Lecture: Two Thousand Years of Fluid Motion’. Ticket. 10pp typescript entitled ‘Teachers, Libraries and the New Resources- A Plea for an Educational Partnership’, address delivered to a Standing Conference Libraries (SCONUL) Meeting on Non-Print of National and University Material, University of Surrey, December 1971. 2pp typescript notes entitled ‘Lecture to Wandsworth School: How Man Harnessed the Power of Water and Wind' with 2pp typescriptlist of slides, 9 January 1973. 2pp manuscriptlist of slides entitled 'Lecture to Imperial College’, 19 March 1977. 8pp typescript lecture cards entitled ‘Engineering Employers Federation’, nd latest bibliographical reference 1984. 11pp typescript speech entitled '50th Anniversary of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Bristol' nd ca 1995. 10pp typescript (annotated) lecture entitled 'The Conquestof Flight’, nd. D.9-D.14 Various typescript lectures beginning ‘Civilisation emerged as man learnt ...’, nd. D.9 D.10 30pp untitled typescript labelled ‘Cranfield Seminar,Feb. 8'. 30pp untitled typescript with amendments. J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 23 Lectures and speeches 30pp untitled typescript draft (annotated). App untitled typescript draft. 2pp manuscriptlist of slides. Various manuscript and typescript versions of an illustrative figure depicting the chronology of developments in man'sutilisation of water and wind. ‘History of Fluid Mechanics - Man the Thinker’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp manuscriptlist of slides with illustrative diagrams and 14 slides, nd. D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 D.16-D.21 'O/H Transparencies: Design Council’. Contents of folder so inscribed divide into five for ease of reference. D.16 3pp manuscript notes entitled 'Design Teaching, I. C. July 15', nd. D.17-D.21 40 transparenciesentitled 'Systematic Engineering Design’, nd. Five folders. D.22 D.23 D.24 D.25 1p typescript entitled ‘Seminar: Research in Engineering Design’, nd. 3pp typescript lecture notes entitled 'What is Research in Engineering Design?’ nd. 2pp untitled manuscript draft beginning 'In Part 1 of this chronicle of man's achievements...', nd. 5pp typescript untitled lecture cards (annotated), nd. J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 24 Lectures and speeches D.26 6pp typescript and manuscript untitled lecture cards, nd. J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 25 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa ARNOCK,F. V. W. BAGLEY, John A. BROWNING, K. DUNNILL, Peter EDWARDS, Stephen HARTENBERG, R. S. JAKAB, Peter L. MACKENZIE, Norman MOORE, David MORRIS, Sir Philip MOULTON, Alexander Eric PICK, Joan Margaret ROBERTSON, Andrew ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY SAMUELS, Helen W. STAMMERS, Charles W. B.46 A.8 B.32, B.34 C.15 B.21 B.31 B.47 C.12 A.16 C.12 A.11 C.15 C.15 AQ B.32, C.12 C.12 B.19 J.Black NCUACS 107/6/02 26 Index of correspondents STUCHBERY,A.L. THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness VARLEY, Eric Graham, Baron YOUNG, Alec David A.18 A.19 A.23 C.12