BENJAMIN, Thomas Brooke v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of THOMAS BROOKE BENJAMIN FRS (1929-1995) mathematician in the Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford Reproducedfor the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS63/1/97) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1997 All rights reserved No8/97 NRA 41120 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in association with the Royal Society Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of THOMAS BROOKE BENJAMIN FRS (1929-1995) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford NCUACS63/1/97 All rights reserved University of Bath 1997 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS BODLEIAN LIBRARY OXFORD T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.61 Career, honours and awards A.1-A.25 Music Poetry A.26 - A.32 A.33 - A.55 Photographs A.56 - A.61 15 SECTION B NOTES, DRAFTS AND CALCULATIONS B.1 - B.165 16 University teaching B.1-B.17 17 Othernotes, drafts and calculations B.18-B.165 18 SECTION C LECTURES, CONFERENCESANDVISITS C.1-C.41 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS D.1-D.5 43 SECTION E MATHEMATICS AND HIGHER EDUCATION E.1-E.18 45 National Conference of University Professors (NCUP) E.1-E.14 Articles and writings E.15 -E.18 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1-F.20 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 49 52 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 4 The papers were received from Mrs Natalia Benjamin (widow) and via Professor John Toland, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, at various dates in 1996. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF THOMAS BROOKE BENJAMIN Benjamin was born on 15 April 1929 in Wallasey, Merseyside, and educated at Wallasey Grammar School. He studied electrical engineering at Liverpool University 1947-1950, before moving to Yale University on a Rotary Foundation Fellowship to take an M.Eng. Benjamin then went to Cambridge University where he took his doctorate on cavitation in fluids. He was elected Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge in 1955, and appointed Assistant Director of Research 1958-1967 and Reader in Hydrodynamics 1967-1970, working in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, on problems of fluid dynamics such asthin films, wave instability, drag reduction, and vortex breakdown. He waselected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1966, at the early age of 36. In 1970 Benjamin moved as Professor of Mathematics to the University of Essex, where he set up the Fluid Mechanics Research Institute, to promote interaction between mathematicians and experimentalists in advanced fluid mechanics. In 1979 he accepted appointment to the Sedleian Chair of Natural Philosophy at Oxford, which carried with it Fellowship of The Queen’s College. Apart from periods as visiting professor at overseas universities, principally in America, Benjamin remained in Oxford until his death on 16 August 1995. In addition to his contributions to the study of fluid dynamics, Benjamin retained a lifelong interest in music, as executant (piano and strings), conductor and composer. Somewhat laterin life, he also turned to the composition of poetry. Benjamin wastwice married: in 1956 to Helen Ginsburg, by whom he had a son and two daughters; the marriage wasdissolved in 1974. In 1978 he married Natalia Court, by whom he had a daughter. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections and the individual entries. The surviving documentation of many aspects of Benjamin's career, is unfortunately sparse; several of his career moves seem to haveresulted in the loss or destruction of papers. Section A, Biographical, provides a useful outline of the principal events of Benjamin'slife including his appointment to the Sedleian Professorship at Oxford. His non-professional interests, music and poetry, are well recorded, with examples of Benjamin’s own scores and writings on music, and poems,almost all wrtten in 1980. Section B, Notes, drafts and calculations,is the largest in the collection. It includes materialrelating to university courses taught by Benjamin and a considerable quantity of notes and other material relating to research, publications and lectures, much of it undated and difficult to assign as to category. Section C, Lectures, conferences andvisits, is far from being a complete record of Benjamin’stravel and conference commitments, although something of the extent of his travels and his reputation as a lecturer can be seen. It covers the years 1970-1994. Section D, Societies and organisations, is slight and does not convey the full involvement of Benjaminin the life of professional mathematical societies, or of his contribution to the publication of learned journals (he was a foundereditor of the influential Journal of Fluid Mechanics). Section E, Mathematics and higher education, records Benjamin’s concer with various aspects of higher education, especially the National Conference of University Professors of which he was a founderand first Chairman. Section F, Correspondence,is slight. There is also an indexof correspondents. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 Weare pleased to acknowledge the help of Mrs Natalia Benjamin and Professor John Toland in making the papers available and in helping to date and identify some of the documents and photographs. Jeannine Alton Timothy E. Powell BATH 1997 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 7 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.61 A.1-A.25 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.26-A.32 MUSIC A.33-A.55 POETRY A.56-A.61 PHOTOGRAPHS T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 Biographical CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.1 Miscellaneous curricula vitae and biographical information, compiled at various dates. Includes ‘main accomplishments over last three years’ (1989-1992),listing recent significant honours and publications. List of publications to 1993. References to publications in the form Bibliog. ... refer to thislist. A.2 Obituary notices and tributes: The Times The Independent The Daily Telegraph The Guardian King’s College Cambridge Annual Report The Queen's College Oxford Record Service of Thanksgiving 27 January 1996; Order of service, addresses by D.G.Crighton, T. Mullin, J.F. Toland. A.3 University of Liverpool, October 1947-July 1950. Record of courses attended. Press cuttings. Letter from unidentified University friend, mainly about music, written shortly before Benjamin's departure for America. See A.30 for Benjamin’s musical activities at Liverpool. A.4 Yale University, Dunham Laboratory, 1950-1952. Benjamin spent 1950-1952 as a Rotary Foundation Fellow, obtaining an M.Eng. for work on the effects of ultrasonic frequencies on cavitation in liquids. Manuscript ‘Progress Report of Research Work by B. Benjamin during session 1950-1951’, press cuttings. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 Biographical A.5 Award of William Hopkins Prize of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1969 ‘for outstanding work on the mechanics offluids’. Notification, letter of congratulation. See A.31 for Benjamin’s musical activities at Cambridge. A6, A.7 University of Essex, 1970-1978. A6 A.7 Benjamin was Professor of Mathematics at Essex 1970-1978, where heset up and directed the Fluid Mechanics ResearchInstitute. In 1974 there was a period of serious student unrest at the University. Press cuttings on Benjamin and on research grants for Fluid Mechanics ResearchInstitute 1971. List of visiting professors and seminars at Institute, 1974-1975. List of 91 research reports published by Institute, 1971-1977. Press cuttings on student unrest at Essex, including letters to the press, interviews etc by Benjamin; brief correspondence, 1974. See A.32 for Benjamin’s musical activities at Essex. A8 Not used. A.9-A.18 Sedleian Professorship of Natural Philosophy Oxford. A.9 Benjamin’s application for the Chair November 1977, his acceptance ofit February 1978, formal acknowledgement of his resignation from Essex February 1978. A.10 Correspondencewith references. A.11-A.15 Letters of congratulation on the Sedleian Chair. A.11 A-C. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 10 Biographical A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.16 H-Mc. M-R. S-W and unidentified. Correspondence and papers about Science Research Council grant to Benjamin for phenomena’ at Mathematical Institute Oxford. Includes correspondence with T. Mullin who came to work on the project as a post-doctoral researcher and became a long-term collaborator. of hydrodynamic bifurcation ‘Studies A.17 Miscellaneous teaching, seminar and lecture schedules 1981-1982. Undergraduate report on Benjamin'slecture course, nd. A.18 Distinction award, 1994. A.19 A.19A Letter on proposed collaboration between Meteorological Office and Oxford University, 1994. Offer of Visiting Professorship, Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980. Draft of application to Science and Engineering Research Council for further grant for research on ‘Combined mathematical and experimental research on nonlinear systems’, ca.1987. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 11 Biographical A.20 Honorary Doctorate, University of Bath, June 1989. Oration by University Orator (J. F. Toland), Benjamin’s reply on behalf of Honorands. A.21 Brief correspondence on Benjamin’s election to Council of the Royal Society and nomination as a Vice-President, 1990. Honorary Doctorate, Brunel University, July 1991. Photocopy ofcertificate only. A.22 Election as Foreign Member, Académie des Sciences, Institut de France, 1993. Arrangements for presentation, oration. A.23 Honorary Doctorate, University of Liverpool, July 1993. Correspondence,oration, Benjamin’s speech at the ceremony. A.24 Election Engineers, 1994. to Honorary Membership, American Society of Mechanical The award was conferred at the Society’s International Congress in Chicago, November 1994. Correspondence about honour, arrangements for conferral, biographical information, press release, letters of congratulation. A.25 Election to Membership, New York Academyof Sciences, 1995. Certificate of membershiponly. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 MUSIC 12 Biographical player, orchestral Benjamin wasinvolved with music throughout his life. As an undergraduate at Liverpool he played a major part in the university's Music Society as violin conductor and choir-master, manager and chairman, and as a composer. He wrote light-hearted music for reviews, pantomimes and performances by ‘Pantopera’, and more serious works which were regularly performed and attracted favourable critical comment. The university string orchestra, which he founded, performed widely in Liverpool and outside. At this time, when musical talent at Liverpool was unusually strong - John Shirley-Quirk, Michael Moores and Patricia Routledge were among contemporaries - Benjamin was almost drawn to a full-time career in music. Having decidedin favour of science, he kept music firmly in second place at Cambridge, but at Essex he again played an important part in the orchestral and choral concerts of the University Music Society. Scores and writings on music are at A.26-A.29. The remainder of the material bears witness to his activities through critical comment and printed notices. String Quartet 1948. Photocopied manuscript score. ‘Comedy Overture’ 1953. Photocopied manuscript score. ‘The Progresse of The Soule’. typescripts with manuscript indication of possible musical settings, nd. Extracts from English metaphysical poets, Manuscript paper, probably for reading to a society, on the history of musical composition and patronage, nd. Music Programmes, announcements, various dates 1948-1951. Liverpool. at press comments, publicity, Music at Cambridge, 1954, 1956. Music at Essex 1972. Chancellor. Includes letter of congratulation from Vice- A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 A.30 A.31 A.32 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 POETRY 13 Biographical A.33 A.34 A.35 A.36 A.37 A.38 A.39 A.40 A.41 A.42 A.43 A.44 Poemswritten almost entirely in 1980. Indexed by Benjamin’stitle. ‘A saying to myliking’. Manuscript and typescript versions. ‘Encounter. explanatory note. Manuscript and typescript versions, the latter with an ‘First thoughts’. Manuscript. ‘Four from which Childe Roland went’ (on Essex University). Typescript. ‘Gulls in fields’ and ‘The mooring cord’. Typescript. ‘Haiku on science’. with an explanatory note. Heavily corrected manuscript draft, typescript version ‘Homage’. Manuscript with corrections, typescript with an explanatory note. ‘In Warsaw’. Manuscript sketch, typescript. ‘K.529, Act I’. Manuscript, typescript with an explanatory note. ‘Lesson’. Typescript. ‘Le monde ancien presque oublié’ (in French). Manuscript. ‘The mooring cord ‘and untitled. Typescript. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 14 Biographical A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 A.49 A.50 A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 A.55 ‘The neutron beam’. Manuscript sketches. ‘Nightmare’. Manuscript, typescript with an explanatory note. ‘The old railway’. Manuscript and typescript sketches. ‘Rayleigh’. Manuscript with corrections and an explanatory note. ‘Reflection’. Manuscript and typescript versions. ‘Sleeping baby’. Manuscript and typescript versions. ‘Soliloquy’. Manuscript. ‘Sonic boom’. Manuscript and two typescript versions. ‘Students 1975’. Multiple manuscript and typescript drafts. ‘The worry worm’. Manuscript and typescript versions. Sketches anddrafts. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 PHOTOGRAPHS A.56 A.57 A.58 A.59 15 Biographical These are all copies made available by Mrs Benjamin. Conducting at Liverpool, ca. 1950. West Freedom Railway, Wisconsin, 1980. Lecturing at Florida, ca. 1991. Third Anniversary of the founding of the National Conference of University Professors, 1992. A.60 With his daughter Victoria, 1992. A.61 On election as Associé Etranger, French Academyof Sciences, 1993. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 16 SECTION B NOTES, DRAFTS AND CALCULATIONS B.1-B.165 The papers in this section were received via Professor John Toland, University of Bath, in 1996. It includes material for research, lecture notes and drafts for publications but it has not always been possible to distinguish between these categories. B.1-B.17 UNIVERSITY TEACHING B.18-B.165 OTHER NOTES, DRAFTS AND CALCULATIONS B.18-B.143 Shorternotes, drafts, calculations B.144-B.156 Incomplete longerdrafts B.157-B.164 Miscellaneous B.165 Notebook T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 17 Notes, drafts and calculations UNIVERSITY TEACHING Material relating to university courses on identified topics. Further teaching material which cannot be so clearly assigned is to be found in Other notes, drafts and calculations (B.18-B.168). B.1 Applications of D[ifferential] E[quation]s. Typescript problem sheet 2 for ‘MODS, Trinity Term’; manuscript lecture notes paginated 1-25 with 3pp notes on ‘Parametric excitation’. B.2-B.4 ‘B5 Notes’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes re course on Applied and Numerical Analysis. B.2 Review of course; work sheets; ‘material not used 1994’. B.3, B.4 Lecture notes, paginated 1-65. 2 folders. B.5 Applied Functional Analysis. Typescript class papers and manuscript lecture notes; manuscript draft examination question on ‘Topics in Analysis’. B.6, B.7 ‘M.Sc. course (8 lectures Mich. Term)’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lectures on PDEs, paginated 1-22. B.8 B.9 B.10 Manuscript Benjamin’s participation in IMA Symposium, 8 May 1980. notes and transparencies; letter from B.D. Sleeman re Photocopied manuscript Pure Maths test sheets, Spring 1975. Manuscript Theoretical Mechanics work sheets. Nd. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 18 Notes, drafts and calculations B.11, B.12 Contents of Benjamin’s folder divided into two for ease of reference. B.11 B.12 Manuscript and typescript worksheets. Manuscript lecture notes paginated 1-38. B.13-B.17 M.Sc. course on Waves and Compressible Flow. B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 Manuscript lecture notes, paginated 1-20, with later annotations 1988, 1989, 1990; manuscript draft exam question. Miscellaneous pages of manuscript lecture notes. Manuscript and typescript class papers 1, 2, various versions. Manuscript and typescript class papers 3-5, various versions. Manuscript and typescript class papers 6-8, various versions. OTHER NOTES, DRAFTS AND CALCULATIONS Presented in a single sequence arranged as far as possible by subject. Some of the material was found in Benjamin’s own folders and envelopes, sometimeswith an indication of the subject of the material inscribed thereon, but the bulk of the papers were found loose and unordered. The papers include drafts of publications and lectures, teaching material, research notes and calculations and transparenciesforillustrating lectures. The bulk of the material is undated. Where applicable reference has been madeto the bibliography at A.1 in the form Bibliog.... T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 19 Notes, drafts and calculations B.18 ‘Air lubrication of tape’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-13. B.19 ‘Asymptotics of new solitary wave’. incomplete manuscript calculation paginated 1-6. ‘More about asymptotics’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-4. B.20 B.21 Manuscript draft beginning ‘4. Estimates for axisymmetric steady motions’ paginated 1-5, latest bibliographical reference 1974. ‘Generalized BBM equation’. Photocopied manuscript calculation paginated 1-11, latest bibliographical reference 1987. B.22 ‘BICC wire-unwinding problem’. 6pp photocopied typescript by D.C.Handscomb, 26 February 1981. B.23 B.24 Manuscript notes and transparencies for lecture on bifurcation theory. See also C.10 ‘R.R. Huilgol Théor. Méc. Univ Paris VI June at Bath Slides 1-5’. Contents of envelopeso inscribed. Multi-parameter Bifu Probs ~ 15 Transparenciesfor lecture. See also C.10. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 20 Notes, drafts and calculations B.25 ‘Notes about Boussinesq system’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-3 20 February 1995. ‘Operator needed in modified Boussinesq system’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-3. B.26 ‘Chaotic bubbles’. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed. Transparencies and figuresfor lecture. B.27 ‘Free vibrations of bubbles’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-9, latest bibliographical reference 1964. B.28, B.29 ‘Capillary problem’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed. B.28 B.29 B.30 Incomplete manuscript draft of ‘Liquid drops suspended by soap films. Part 1. General formulation and the case of axial symmetry’ by Benjamin and A.D. Cocker, 1983. Bibliog. 60. Summary, Introduction, ‘2. Equations of equilibrium’ paginated 1-8. Axisymmetric drop’ and conclusion paginated 1-13, list of references; ‘4. graphs and data provided by colleague in March and April 1983. ‘Nonlinear capillary problem’. Contents of Benjamin's envelope so inscribed. Manuscript calculations. B.31, B.32 ‘Cones Uniqueness’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and calculations. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 21 Notes, drafts and calculations B.33 ‘Contraction mapping principle’. Photocopied manuscript calculations paginated 1-8 (lacks p7), with typescript question on the contraction mappingprinciple. B.34 ‘The contraction ratio for a sluice-gate on whose vertical parts the fluid velocity is zero’. Manuscript calculation. B.35 ‘New aspects of unsteady Couette flow’. Typescript draft paginated 1-11 ca.1980, and manuscript notes, figures etc found therewith. Bibliog. 55. See also C.13. B.36, B.37 B.36 ‘Slides: Degree th[eorly.. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Letter from W.G. Pritchard, 31 October 1989 enclosing photographs of film thickness during experiments; set of 16 transparencies, latest bibliographical reference 1980. B.37 Miscellaneous transparencies. B.38-B.40 ‘Discontinuities’. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscriptdrafts, latest bibliographical reference 1986. B.41 Energy demandin the United Kingdom. Manuscript note paginated 1-4, latest reference 1972. B.42 ‘Outline of existence theory’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-4. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 22 Notes, drafts and calculations B.43 Manuscript draft beginning ‘[...] My own interest pragmatic’. in f.a. is essentially Conference lecture on ‘nonlinear positive operators (“positone” problems)’ paginated 1-6. B.44 Flows. Manuscript notes and transparencies for conference lecture on ‘what happens in various flow situations where nonlinear effects are delicately balanced’. B.45 ‘Gas dynamics’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-5. B.46, B.47 ‘Gravity current in Strat. fluids’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript calculations. B.48 ‘Gravity currents’. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed. Letter from M. Mcintyre to H. Huppert re lecture by Benjamin, 9 May 1988; set of 12 transparencies. B.49 ‘Hamiltonian Structure’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-3. B.50-B.53 B.50 ‘Stability of Hill vortex’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. ‘The alliance of practical and analytical insights into the nonlinear problems of fluid mechanics’ by Benjamin, University of Essex Fluid Mechanics Research Institute Report no.67 September 1975. Bound volume with manuscript notes and calculations intercalated. B.51-B.53 Miscellaneous manuscript notes and calculations. 3 folders. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 23 Notes, drafts and calculations B.54 ‘Some recent work on the Hodgkin-Huxley nerve equations’. 6pp photocopied typescript draft. B.55 B.56 Manuscript draft beginning ‘Appendix. A formulation of the complete hydrodynamic problem’ paginated 1-6, latest bibliographical reference 1987. Manuscript draft beginning ‘Appendix: Formulation of hydrodynamic problem’ paginated 1-3. Contents of Benjamin’s folder: manuscript notes, figures and transparencies for lectures on hydrodynamic stability, 1980s. B.57 ‘Generalization of results for ILW eqn’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-10, September 1994. B.58 ‘Proof that periodic steady solns of the ILW eqn are parameterized in exactly the same wayas those of KdV eqn’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-8, September 1994. B.59 ‘Simple theory ofinstability’. Photocopied manuscript notes paginated 1-4. B.60, B.61 Incomplete manuscript draft on ‘Internal waves’ paginated 35-76. Latest bibliographical reference 1967. 2 folders. Possibly related to Bibliog. 29. B.62 ‘K & de V eqn’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed. Manuscript calculations, some on verso of 1965 duplicated typescript course sheets. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 24 Notes, drafts and calculations B.63 ‘Generalized KdV equation’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-24, latest bibliographical reference 1987. B.64 ‘Slides Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed. Lecture on genferalize]d KdV eqn Hull 13/5/93)’. Contents of Transparencies. B.65 ‘Kelvin - Amol’d’. Manuscript bibliographical reference 1967. calculation paginated 1-13, with later addition. Latest B.66-B.68 ‘Reappraisal of the Kelvin-Helmholtz problem’. Structure’ by Benjamin and T.J. Bridges. Bibliog. 74. Part 1. Hamiltonian Manuscript draft for publication. 3 folders. B.69 ‘Applications of Leray-Schauder degree theory to problems of hydrodynamic Stability’. Bibliog. 41. Manuscript draft paginated 1-21. B.70 Navier-Stokes problems. Transparencies. B.71 ‘Some qualitative properties of Nagumo’s Nerve Axon Equation’. 13pp typescript draft by M. Green, ca.1972, with covering letter inviting Benjamin to comment and to add his name to the paper; manuscript note by Benjamin on ‘Nagumo’s equation’ paginated 1-8. B.72 ‘Necessity of upstream influence ahead of cavity in swirling flow, when angularvelocity is not uniform’ Photocopied manuscript draft paginated 1-8, 23 July 1973. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 25 B.73 B.74 B.75 B.76 Notes, drafts and calculations Incomplete manuscript draft beginning ‘Chapter 3. systems with one space variable’ paginated 1-31 bibliographical reference 1984. Nonlinear dispersive (lacks pp7-11), latest Lecture to Faculty of Mathematics, Cambridge University, on non-linear equations. Manuscript draft paginated 1-10. See also C.12. Contents of Benjamin’s folder: manuscript notes and transparencies on work with P. Olver. Possibly related to Bibliog. 56. ‘New approach to 1-D nonlinear hyperbolic systems’. Manuscript calculation. B.77, B.78 Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so ‘Planar motions of a perfect fluid’. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript drafts, latest bibliographical reference 1977. B.77 B.78 B.79 ‘Introduction’ paginated 1-13 (lacks p3); two different drafts of ‘2. General Theory’ paginated 1-4 and 1-5. ‘3. Planar motions’ paginated 1-16; ‘3.5 Confined flows with disconnected sets of S’ paginated 1-5; photocopied manuscript calculation paginated 1-6. ‘Positive-operator theory’. Manuscript Th[eore]m’ paginated /-iii. draft paginated 1-10; manuscript ?appendix ‘Existence B.80 Manuscript ‘Notes’ chiefly on Ro paginated 1-8. Probably Benjamin’s commentson draft sent to him to referee. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 26 Notes, drafts and calculations B.81 ‘Lecture on rimming flows’. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed. Typescript draft paginated 1-12, transparencies. latest bibliographical reference 1988; B.82 Manuscript drafts on rimming flows, September 1989. ‘Thin rimming flows’ paginated 1-9; ‘Second-order approximation for rimming flows’ paginated 1-7; ‘Notes on stability of thin rimming flows’ paginated 1-6. B.83 B.84 Miscellaneous manuscript calculations and notes found with preceding. ‘Spherical vortex’. Manuscript calculation. B.85 ‘The solitary wave with surface tension’. Bibliog. 58. Manuscript draft for publication paginated 1-13 + references. See also C.17. B.86 Incomplete manuscript draft beginning ‘6. Conclusion. The topological method of analysis expoundedin section 2 has been applied to three specific solitary wave problems’ by Benjamin, J. L. Bona and D. K. Bose, paginated 1-8, latest bibliographical reference 1981. Possibly related to Bibliog. 73. B.87-B.89 Incomplete manuscript draft on solitary waves paginated 11-77. Latest bibliographical reference 1987. B.87 B.88 B.89 ‘2. Properties relating to solitary-wave solutions’; ‘3. Stability’. ‘4. Instability’. ‘5. Generalized BBM solitary waves’, ‘6. Conclusion’. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 27 Notes, drafts and calculations B.90 ‘Proper “regularization” of solitary-wave equation’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-3, 8 September 1993. ‘Integrals of generalised equations with periodic and solitary-wavesolutions’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-8, September 1994. B.91 ‘Surface solitary waves: outline of theory’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-24. B.92 ‘Notes on solitary-wave problem’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-14. B.93 Contents of Benjamin’s envelope. Manuscript notes and transparencies on solitary waves. B.94 Contents of Benjamin’s envelope. Transparencies on stability of solitary waves, latest bibliographical reference 1987. B.95 Solitary waves. Transparencies. B.96 Manuscript list of ‘Conférences par T.B. Benjamin’ on stability and related mathematical problems; manuscript draft beginning ‘Maintenant pour ma premiére conférence, je voudrais introduire plusieurs idées et définitions fondamentales’, paginated 1-13. B.97, B.98 ‘Stability’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 28 B.97 B.98 B.99 B.100 B.101 Notes, drafts and calculations Manuscript ‘Proposed outline photocopied manuscript ‘Notes on [Chapter] 5’, paginated 1-10. for the sequel to BBM’ paginated 1-5; In two different hands, neither Benjamin’s. Miscellaneous manuscript calculations. ‘Stability of kinematic waves (general, approximate theory)’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-4. Incomplete manuscript draft beginning ‘3. The effect of surface tension on Stability’ paginated 10-16. ‘Existence d’autres solutions stationnaires dans le cas ou A, est négative’. Manuscript drafts in French. B.102 ‘Stationary waves on a running stream’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-24. B.103, B.104 ‘Steady flows drawn from a steady stratified reservoir’. Bibliog. 52. Possibly related to B.103 B.104 B.105 B.106 Manuscript draft reference 1969. for publication paginated 1-46, latest bibliographical Notes and pagesof drafts found therewith. Manuscript notes and figures for lecture on steady flows paginated 1-16. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope: manuscript outline of two lectures on steady flow; transparencies. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 29 Notes, drafts and calculations B.107 Incomplete manuscript draft beginning ‘3.3 stable steady flow paginated 17-24,latest bibliographical reference 1964. Existence and regularity of B.108 ‘Steady flows ofideal fluid in rectangular channel’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-7. B.109 Manuscript draft beginning ‘My object today is to show you what can be done to solve the exact equations of steady motion for stratified fluids’ paginated 1-8, latest bibliographical reference 1963. B.110 ‘Complete theory of steady waves in a two-fluid solution’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-28, September 1994. B.111 B.112 ‘Steady wavesolutions of generalized KdV and BBM equations and systems, including case of non-local operators’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-13, September 1994. Manuscript draft of Benjamin’s contribution to Festschrift for M.J. Lighthill on his Sixtieth birthday (1984) beginning ‘[...] We had independently noticed several facts that classified the theory of steady long waves in a horizontal water channel’, paginated 1-20. B.113 ‘Notes on the multiplicity of flows in the Taylor experiment’. Bibliog. 57. Manuscript draft for publication by Benjamin and T. Mullin paginated 1-15. B.114 Manuscript calculation on ‘events observed in the Taylor experiment’ paginated 1-8. Incomplete manuscript draft beginning ‘The purpose of this paper is to review the mathematical problem posed by realistic models for Taylor's famous experiment’. Latest bibliographical reference 1978. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 30 Notes, drafts and calculations B.115 Manuscript draft beginning ‘Outline of theoretical issues’ on “high multiplicity in the Taylor experiment’ paginated 16-30, latest bibliographical reference 1981, and pagesof drafts found therewith. B.116 ‘Thin films’. Manuscript draft and transparencies for lecture at unidentified ‘international center of mathematical research’. B.117 ‘Tensors’. Manuscript notes paginated [1]-18. B.118-B.120 ‘Transitions in parallel flows’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. B.118 Includes letter to Benjamin from Marten Landanhl re alterations to draft paper, 21 February 1962, manuscript draft by Landahl, 20 March 1962, manuscript draft titled ‘Possible title: Progress Report on theoretical studies concerning Boundary Layers over compliant surfaces’, paginated 1-3. B.119, B.120 Manuscript notes and drafts. 2 folders. B.121 Manuscript draft beginning ‘Turbulence is paginated 1-3; transparencies found therewith. still a mysterious subject’, B.122 ‘Two-dimensional flows’. Photocopied manuscript notes paginated 7-10 and figures found therewith. B.123 B.124 Manuscript considerations regarding 2-D flows’ paginated 1-7. beginnning draft ‘[...] some elementary but important Manuscript draft beginnning ‘In this comparatively simple case of two- dimensional motions’ paginated 1-7, latest bibliographical reference 1984. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 31 Notes, drafts and calculations B.125 ‘Unsteady wave motions of small but FINITE amplitude’. Manuscript draft paginated 6-10, latest bibliographical reference 1967. B.126 ‘Cellular flows of a viscous liquid that partly fills a horizontal rotating cylinder’, by Benjamin and S.K. Pathak. Bibliog. 68. Incomplete manuscript draft for publication. See B.127, B.128. B.127 ‘Benjamin & Pathak horizontal rotating cylinder” [...]’. “Cellular flows of a viscous liquid that partly fills a Transparencies and figures for lecture. See B.126, B.128. B.128 ‘Pathak paper’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed. Transparencies. See B.126, B.127. B.129, B.130 Contents of Benjamin’s folder divided into two for ease of reference. B.129 ‘Notes on the problem of buckling instability in sheets and columnsof highly viscousliquid’ by Benjamin, 24pp photocopied manuscript, November 1967. B.130 Manuscript notes and calculations on viscosity. B.131 Manuscript draft of lecture on viscousfluid in a stationary solution, Grenoble, France (in French) paginated 1-23. B.132, B.133 ‘Visc. sheet’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript calculations. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 32 Notes, drafts and calculations B.134 ‘Viscous flow downinclined plane’. Manuscript calculation paginated 1-12. B.135, B.136 ‘Vortex stab.’ Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and calculations. B.137 ‘Notes on water-wavetheory (Part Il)’. Manuscript notes for lecture in autumn course on mathematical and numerical methods in fluid dynamics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 17 September - 15 December 1973. Paginated 1-22. B.138 ‘Water waves’. Contents of Benjamin’s envelope so inscribed. Manuscript notes paginated 1-8, transparencies. latest bibliographical reference 1984; B.139, B.140 Contents of Benjamin's envelope divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript introduction and set of 19 transparencies for mathematical theory of water waves. lecture on B.141 ‘Variational principle for steady water waves’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-8. B.142 "Wavesoffinite amplitudein film’. Manuscript draft for lecture paginated 1-15; manuscript notes. B.143 ‘1973 Wavesin strat. fluids’. Contents of Benjamin’s folder so inscribed. Manuscript calculations. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 33 Notes, drafts and calculations Incomplete longerdrafts B.144-B.146 Manuscript draft for lectures, latest bibliographical reference 1984. B.144 Beginning ‘Shallow-water theory’ paginated 1-23. B.145 Beginning ‘KdV theory’ paginated 30-40. B.146 Beginning ‘Planar (2-D) motions’ paginated 52-86. B.147-B.151 Lectures material. Contents of Benjamin's set of envelopes. The inscriptions on the envelopes are reproduced in the catalogue entries. B.147 ‘Lecture 1°. Manuscript draft paginated 1-8; transparencies B.148 ‘Lecture 2’. Transparencies. B.149 ‘B[enjamin]-O[no] Eqn 4’. Manuscript draft paginated 1-7; transparencies. B.150 ‘Water Waves 5’. Transparencies. B.151 ‘Inviscid FM & Planetary waves 7’. Manuscript calculations; transparencies. B.152-B.156 Manuscript drafts ?for lecture series. B.152 ‘1. General theory’ paginated 1-26, latest bibliographical reference 1974. B.153 ‘2. Systemsof differential equations with one space variable’ paginated 1-27, latest bibliographical reference 1982. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 34 Notes, drafts and calculations B.154 B.155 Systems with ‘4. bibliographical reference 1976. several space variables’ paginated 1-17, latest ‘5. Surface solitary waves’ paginated 1-26, latest bibliographical reference 1981. B.156 ‘6. Water waves’ paginated 1-42, latest bibliographical reference 1983. Miscellaneous B.157-B.160 Miscellaneous sets of manuscript calculations. 4 folders. B.161, B.162 Miscellaneous manuscript sections of drafts. 2 folders. B.163 B.164 Notebook B.165 Data and graphs, some sent to Benjamin by unidentified colleague. Two photographs of ?flow in normal and abnormal cells. Hardback notebook used for data and calculations 16 November 1978 - 21 January 1979, paginated 1-126. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 SECTION C LECTURES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES 35 C.1-C.41 Benjamin lectured and travelled widely, and wasvisiting professor for varying periods at many He attended numerous conferences, several of which he universities, particularly in America. helped to organise. The documentationfor these activities is unfortunately very sparse and maysurvive only in the form of brief correspondence, or the notification of a meeting or lecture. The material below, listed in chronological order, nevertheless gives some idea of this aspect of Benjamin’s career. It covers the years 1970 - 1994. Where applicable reference has been made to the bibliography at A.1 in the form Bibliog.... A small group of notes and drafts is included at C.37 - C.41. Some of the shorter notes and drafts in Section B may refer to lecture or conference papers, and are cross-referenced when such identification may reasonably be made. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS 63/1/97 C.1 C.2 Lectures, conferences andvisits to Clarkson Visit distinguished visiting professor, spring semester 1970. College of Technology, Potsdam, New York, 36 as Benjamin taught on ‘Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics’. Information only. Fluid Dynamics Symposium, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 25- 27 August 1970. Benjamin gave a Keynote Address on ‘New ideas about wavesin fluids’. Programme only. C.3 McGill University Montreal Quebec, seminars in mechanics. Special seminar by Benjamin on ‘The Stability of Solitary Waves’, 18 December 1970. (Bibliog. 34). Notice only. C.4 C.5 Seventh Summer Seminar in applied mathematics, on ‘Nonlinear wave motion’, Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam New York, 6-28 July 1972. Benjamin wasa principal lecturer (Bibliog. 38). Announcementonly. International Symposium in honour of the 7Oth birthday of Sydney Goldstein, on ‘Modern developments in fluid dynamics’, Haifa, Israel, 16-23 December 1973. Benjamin spoke on ‘New ideas about hydrodynamicstability’. Programme, list of participants. C.6 Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1 June 1974. Benjamin lectured on ‘Modern mathematics and mechanics’. Notice only. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 37 C.7 C.8 C.9 Lectures, conferences and visits University of Essex Association Science and Technology Section, 5 December1975. Benjamin spoke on ‘Science and music’. Notice only. Autumn course on ‘Applications of Analysis to Mechanics’, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 22 September - 10 December 1976. Benjamin was a co-Director. Circular letters only. Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Debate, Winchester College, 14 March 1977. Benjamin opposed the motion ‘that academic scientists and mathematicians should be employedin more useful activity’. Notice only. C.10 Special seminar, Université de Paris VI, Théorique, 22 April 1977. Laboratoire de Mécanique Benjamin spoke on ‘Quelques nouvelles idées concernant les phénoménes de bifurcation danslesfluides’ (related to Bibliog. 42, 43). Notice only. See also B.23, B.24. C.11 Meeting of Conference of Professors of Applied Mathematics, University College London, 28 September 1977. Minutesonly, with contributions by Benjamin. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 38 Lectures, conferences andvisits C.12 Rouse Ball Lecture, Faculty of Mathematics, Cambridge, 4 May 1979. Benjamin lectured on ‘New Usesfor nonlinear analysis’. Notice only. Possibly related to B.74. C.13 C.14 ‘New aspects of unsteady Couette flow’, conference paper, 1981 (Bibliog. 55). abstract for collaborative See also B.35. International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), Second Symposium on Stability Niimbrecht, Germany, 28 August - 4 September 1981. in the Mechanics of Continua, Benjamin servedon the Scientific Committee. Brief correspondence,participants. C.15 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) symposium, 1982. Benjamin spoke at the symposium on ‘Methods in Non-linear Analysis’ at SIAM ‘ 82. List of speakers and symposia only. C.16 NATO/London Mathematical Society Advanced StudyInstitute on ‘Systems of nonlinear partial differential equations’, Oxford, 26 July - 7 August 1982. Benjamin was on the organising committee and gave some ofthe lectures. Programme, participants, information. C.17 ‘New ideas about wavesin fluids’. Manuscript for short talk, nd. but kept with paper by A.E. Green ‘The solitary wave with surface tension’ commenting on Benjamin's paper of the same title (Bibliog. 58), 1982. See also B.85. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 39 Lectures, conferencesandvisits C.18 Intemational Mathematical Union General Assembly, Warsaw, August 1983 (postponed from 1982). Information only. C.19 Talk to Sussex Branch, Mathematical Association, Brighton, January 1984. Correspondence, Benjamin’s manuscript notes. C.20 L.S.G. Kovasznay Distinguished Lecture, Houston, Texas, April 1984. Benjamin lectured on ‘Old questions and new answers in fluid dynamics’. Notice of lecture only. C.21 17th IUTAM Assembly, 16th IUTAM International Congress, Lyngby, Denmark, 19-25 August 1984. Benjamin led the Royal Society’s delegation. Information only. C.22 Distinguished Lecture, Houston, April 1985. Benjamin spoke on ‘A novelstability problem in hydrodynamics’. Notice of lecture only. C.23 C.24 ‘Report evaluate Mathematics’ (Chicago), in collaboration, March 1986. Visiting Committee to of the the Department of Invitation to present a main lecture at conference on ‘Mathematical problems in fluid dynamics and plasma physics’, Oberwolfach, Germany, July 1987. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 40 Lectures, conferencesandvisits C.25 Penn State University Applied Mathematics Seminars, Fall Semester 1988. Benjamin headed a Departmental Colloquium on ‘Hydrodynamic bifurcation phenomena’, 1 September, and lectured on ‘Vortex breakdown’, 23 September. Programmeonly. C.26 C.27 C.28 C.29 C.29A ‘Nonlinear Phenomena in Fluid Mechanics’, Conference in honour of Benjamin’s sixtieth birthday, held at Penn State University, 13-15 April 1989. Benjamin spoke on ‘Several outstanding problems in hydrodynamics’. Programme, lists of participants. Alicia Golebriewska Herrmann Memorial Lecture, Stanford University, California, 28 September 1989. Benjamin lectured on ‘Vortex breakdown: a partially solved enigma’. Notice only. University Theoretical Physics, George Batchelor Symposium, 16 March 1990. Department of Applied of Cambridge, Mathematics and Benjamin spokeon ‘Self-propulsion of asymmetrically vibrating bubbles’. Programme only. ‘Albert Ellis: an appreciation’, tribute by Benjamin to be read at memorial service, Manuscript, 22 April 1990. British North November1990. Differential Equations Seminar, Sheffield University, 6 Benjamin spoke on ‘Hamiltonian theory for continuous equations’ and ‘Stable and unstable solitary wave solutions of generalised KdV and BBM equations’. Notice. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 41 Lectures, conferences andvisits C.30 NSF-CBMS Regional Conference on Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Systems, University of Central Florida, Orlando, 11-15 March 1991. Benjamin was Principal Speaker and gave a courseoften lectures. Notice, programme. C.31, C.32 C.31 C.32 C.33 C.34 British (incorporating Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium), Oxford, 9-12 April 1991. Mathematics Colloquium Applied 33rd British Benjamin was Chairman and gave the opening andclosing remarks. Conference booklet with programme,abstracts, list of participants. Miscellaneous on university teaching and research adopted at colloquium and Benjamin’s account of the meeting prepared for publication. correspondence resolution including and papers, for Research Society Annual Conference on ‘Research and higher education in Europe’. Leicester, 17-19 December1991. Higher Education (SRHE) 1991 into Programme, participants, abstracts. Canadian Applied Mathematics Society Conference on ‘Wave Phenomena Il: modern theory and applications’, Alberta, Canada, 15-18 June 1992. Benjamin spoke on ‘A new kindof solitary waves’. Information, programme. C.35 Royal Society Bakerian Lecture, London, 12 November 1992. Benjamin lectured on ‘The mystery of vortex breakdown’. Notice only. C.36 Meteorological Office/Oxford University Lunch, 6 December 1994. List of guests only. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 42 Lectures, conferences and visits Lectures and notes by Benjamin. C.37 C.38 C.39 C.40 Manuscript note on the work of Benjamin’s group at Oxford (in French), nd. 1p only. Manuscript note on proposed consortium to be set up by European Science Foundation (in French), nd. 1p only. Manuscript lecture in French, nd. 12pp. ‘Supplement’ to ‘Lecture by T.B. Benjamin’, nd. 2pp typescript. C.41 1p manuscript note (poor condition) on public perception of mathematics. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 43 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS D.1 -D.5 See Section E for material relating to Benjamin’s involvement with the National Conference of University Professors and the organisation of higher education. CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHESCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1975-1978 Benjamin was a member of the Comité de Direction, Laboratoire de Mécanique Théorique, Université de Paris VI, 1975-1978. D.1 Information and agenda for meetings. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICSANDITS APPLICATIONS 1976 Benjamin was a Vice-President 1976-1978. The President at this period wasthe Duke of Edinburgh. D.2 Papers for meeting of Council at Buckingham Palace, 11 March 1976. Includes correspondence and report from Benjamin on co-operation with French mathematicians. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE INTERACTION OF MECHANICS AND MATHEMATICS 1976-1982 Benjamin was a founder member, member of the organising committee, and Vice-President of this new society founded at Lecce, Italy, in May 1975. D.3 Correspondence information on newsociety etc. papers and 1976-1977, 1982, membership lists, JOINT MATHEMATICAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 1977 Benjamin was a member 1977-1978. D.4 Minutes of meeting of Council 24 November 1977, the first attended by Benjamin. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 44 Societies and organisations ROYAL SOCIETY/INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1982 Benjamin was Chairman 1979-1985. D.5 Minutes of meeting, brief correspondence 1982. Includes drafts of Benjamin’s ‘Memorandum to Members of the Royal Society/IMA Mathematical Education Committee’, and of a draft report by the Committee on ‘A-level mathematics: the balance of pure and applied.’ Papers byothers on the subject are also included. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 45 SECTION E MATHEMATICS AND HIGHER EDUCATION E.1-E.18 Muchof this section (E.1-E14) is given to the National Conference of University Professors (NCUP) of which Benjamin was a founder and first Chairman. He was active in writing for its Policy Documents, and in contributing more generally in articles and letters to the press to the discussion of current issues in educational policy such as selection, curriculum content, quality control and appraisal. Some of these appear at E.15-E.18. E.1-E.14 NATIONAL CONFERENCEOF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS(NCUP) E.15-E.18 ARTICLES AND WRITINGS T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 46 Mathematics and higher education NATIONAL CONFERENCEOF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS(NCUP) The NCUPwas founded in 1989. A preliminary meeting was held in March and at a more formal meeting at Manchester in Decemberofficers were elected and a constitution approved. Benjamin was the first Chairman, serving until 1992, and subsequently as a memberof Council. The NCUPwasset up as a non-political independent organisation. Its aims, as set out in its brochures were: to support university professors in carrying out their responsibilities for the maintenance of academic standards; to provide a forum for discussion and a corporate voice on matters of concern to the nation’s university system; to improve public perceptions about the work of universities; to act as a means of collecting and disseminating information relevant to universities. The Conference held an Annual Assembly, commissioned policy documents for general publication on specific issues of concern and circulated newsletters and information to its members. Benjamin was closely involved in or contributed to, the policy documents, made representations to ministers, conducted correspondence and wrote articles and letters to the press as NCUP Chairman. Some of these survive only as press-cuttings at E.6. Drafts for other publications or reports are at E.2-E.4. all these activities; he wrote, circulars and General information on NCUP 1989-1995. newsletters, arrangements for first assembly at Manchester December’ 1989, press releases, constitution, annual assemblies London 1990, 1992 (includes Benjamin’s last annual report on retirement as Chairman), 1995. Includes Policy Document1: ‘Quality-control of Teaching Standards’ (Bibliog.75). Proof with corrections by Benjamin. Policy Document 2: ‘The Role of the Professoriate’. (Bibliog. 77). Benjamin’s heavily-corrected manuscript draft; proof with corrections by Benjamin. Policy document4: ‘Improving public opinion of universities’ (Bibliog. 81). Manuscriptdraft, title ‘Public perceptions of higher education’. See also E.18. E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 46 Mathematics and higher education NATIONAL CONFERENCEOFUNIVERSITY PROFESSORS(NCUP) The NCUP wasfounded in 1989. A preliminary meeting was held in March and at a more formal meeting at Manchester in December officers were elected and a constitution approved. Benjamin wasthe first Chairman, serving until 1992, and subsequently as a memberof Council. The NCUP wasset up as a non-political independent organisation. Its aims, as set out in its brochures were: to support university professors in carrying out their responsibilities for the maintenance of academic standards; to provide a forum for discussion and a corporate voice on matters of concern to the nation’s university system; to improve public perceptions about the work of universities; to act as a means of collecting and disseminating information relevant to universities. The Conference held an Annual Assembly, commissioned policy documents for general publication on specific issues of concern and circulated newsletters and information to its members. Benjamin was closely involved in or contributed to, the policy documents, made representations to ministers, conducted correspondence and wrote articles and letters to the press as NCUP Chairman. Some of these survive only as press-cuttings at E.6. Drafts for other publications or reports are at E.2-E.4. all these activities; he wrote, E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 information on NCUP 1989-1995. circulars and General newsletters, arrangements for first assembly at Manchester December’ 1989, press releases, constitution, annual assemblies London 1990, 1992 (includes Benjamin’s last annual report on retirement as Chairman), 1995. Includes Policy Document1: ‘Quality-control of Teaching Standards’ (Bibliog.75). Proof with corrections by Benjamin. Policy Document 2: ‘The Role of the Professoriate’. (Bibliog. 77). Benjamin’s heavily-corrected manuscript draft; proof with corrections by Benjamin. Policy document4: ‘Improving public opinion of universities’ (Bibliog. 81). Manuscriptdraft, title ‘Public perceptions of higher education’. See also E.18. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 47 Mathematics and higher education Published versions of Policy Documents 1, 2, and 3 (‘Higher education: a new framework’ Bibliog. 79). Articles and letters to the press by Benjamin 1990-1992. These are press-cuttings only. Most are written by Benjamin as Chairman NCUP, a few are in Benjamin’s own right advocating two-level university courses. Theyinclude itemslisted as Bibliog. 76, 78, 80. Miscellaneous press-cuttings, news items and comments on NCUP 1989- 1992. Correspondence. general exchanges with colleagues and circular informing them of Benjamin’s publicationsetc. Includes correspondence re meetings with ministers, to members arising from letters correspondence current activities, 1989. 1990 May-July. Education. Includes account of meeting with Minister for Higher 1990 August-December. 1991. 1992 January. presentation of universities and academics. Correspondence with R. Sheppard, on the fictional E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8-E.14 E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 1992 February-April. E.14 1993. Correspondence on public image of universities. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 48 Mathematics and higher education ARTICLES AND WRITINGS E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 ‘The importance of mathematics in the secondary school’, nd. ca.1980. ‘The public image of mathematics’, nd. ‘Advice on the composition of mathematical theses’, June 1987. ‘Public perception of Higher Education’, Oxford Rev. of Education, 19, 1993 (Bibliog. 84). A fuller version of NCUP Policy Document 4. See also E.4, E.12, E.14. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 49 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1-F.20 F.14 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 F.5A F.6 Arnold, D. W. 1995 Bona,J. L. 1982, 1993 Bridges, T. J. Crighton,D. G. Dixon, B. 1991 1981 1989 On Benjamin’s 1967 paper (Bibliog. 27) as a Citation Classic. Dixon, H. B. F. 1986 Francis, J. ca.1967-1969 Letter re paper by Benjamin on gravity flows, enclosing photograph of water wave. (The envelope, with a note to J.F. Toland, Benjamin’s Royal Society memorialist, about the letter, has been retained). F.6A Granger, R. A. 1985 On Benjamin’s article for festschrift edited by Granger (published 1988, Bibliog.71). F.7 F.8 Herczynski, A. Hopf, E. 1983 nd T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 50 Correspondence F.9 Keller, J. J. On Benjamin’s work on vortex breakdown. F.10 Lakshmikantham, V. 1993 1976 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis; Benjamin was on the Board of Associate Editors. F.11 Leibovich, S. 1994 Photocopy of Benjamin’s reply only, on a paper submitted by him to J. Fluid Mechanics. F.12 F.13 Lighthill, M. J. 1984, 1988, 1990 Mitterrand, F. 1981 Benjamin’s draft only, of his letter of congratulation on Mitterrand’s election as President of France (in French). F.14 Neale, M. C. 1994 Benjamin’s work for Commission for the 1851 Exhibition. the Science Scholarships Committee of the F.15 Phillips, O. M. 1988 Photocopy of Benjamin’s reply only, on his paper Bibliog. 72. F.16 Price, W.G. On Benjamin’s Bakerian Lecture. F.17 Restrepo, J. 1992 1995 Photocopy of Benjamin’s reply only, on a paper submitted by him to Phil. Trans. T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 51 Correspondence F.18 F.19 F.20 Sneddon,I. N. Wilson, J. H. Unidentified Letter re data on shape transitions. 1983 1979 1988 52 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACRIVOS,Andy ALLEN, Michael ARNOLD,Douglas N. ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) BARNARD, GeorgeAlfred BATCHELOR, George Keith BINNIE,Alfred Maurice BLAKE, Robert Norman William, Baron BONA,Jerry L. BONE, Geoffrey BRIDGES, ThomasJ. BRYSON, (James) Graeme A.11 E.14 F.1 A.11, A.21 A.11 A.11 A.11 A.14 F.2 A.11 F.3 A.114 CRIGHTON, David George A.11, F.4 DEERE, Malcolm DI PRIMO,Dick DIXON, Bernard DIXON, Henry Berkeley Franks DRAZIN, Philip EDMUNDS,David Eric FERNANDES, John H. FERSHT, Alan Roy FRAENKEL, Eduard FRANCIS, John FRIEDLANDER, Frederick Gerard GIBSON, Alan F. GORDON, Manfred GRANGER, Robert A. GREEN, Albert Edward GREEN, Mike E.13 A.12 F.5 F.5A A.12 A.12 A.24 E.9 A.12 F.6 A.12 A.12 A.12 F.6A A.12 B.71 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 53 Index of correspondents GRIST, Edward HERCZYNSKI, Andrzej HOCKING, Leslie HUNT, Julian Charlies Roland JACKSON, Robert Victor JEFFREY,Alan JOSEPH, DanielJ. KELLER,Jakob J. KINGMAN, Sir John (Frank Charles) LAKSHMIKANTHAM, V. LEIBOVICH, Sidney LIGHTHILL,Sir (Michael) James LIONS, J. L. McINTYRE, M McLEOD, Bryce MAHONEY,JohnJ. MAIR, William Austyn MAJOR,John MOFFATT, Henry Keith MOORE, Derek William MULLIN, Tom NEALE, Michael Cooper NEUMANN, Peter NEWELL,Alan C. NOHEL, John A. PEARSON, Anthony PHILLIPS, Owen Martin PRICE, Williams Geraint PRITCHARD, W.G. A.24 F.7 A.13 A.18 E.8 A.13 A.10, A.13 F.9 A.13 F.10 F.11 F.12 A.10, A.13 B.48 A.13 A.14 A.14 E.10 A.14 A.14 A.16 F.14 A.14 A.14 A.19 A.14 A.14, F.15 F.16 B.36 T. B. Benjamin NCUACS63/1/97 54 Index of correspondents QUINLAN, Sir Michael (Edward) RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RESTREPO,Juan RILEY, Norman RILEY, Patrick A. SCHULLER, Thomas SEWELL,Michael John SHEPPARD,Richard SLEEMAN, Brian D. C.13 A.5 F.17 A.14 E.10 E.10 A.15 E.12 B.8 SLOMAN,Sir Albert (Edward) A.9, A.15, A.32 SNEDDON, Ian Naismith STEWARTSON,Keith STUART, John Trevor THORPE, Steven VAN WIJNGAARDEN, | WILSON, James Harold, Baron WOODS, Leslie Colin WRIGHT,John ZORSKI, Henryk F.18 A.15 A.15 A.15 A.10 F.19 A.5, A.15 A.15 D.3