BEAVER, Hugh (Papers)

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION O& HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CSAC 40/4/76 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of SIR HUGH BEAVER, K.B.E. (1890 - 1967) 1976 Deposited in the British Library of Political and Ecomomic Science (London School of Economic and Political Science) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Description of the Collection The papers were received from Mrs. C.Lawson—Tancred, Sir Hugh's elder daughter. Throughout his career, Sir Hugh maintained correspondence or personal relations with former friends, colleagues and acquaintances; in addition, he collected photographs, press—cuttings, published reports or records bearing on people or subjects of interest to him (see note to Item A.43). The collected papers thus contained information about the British Army in India, Wellington College, as well as matters immediately connected with Sir Hugh's own life and work. The extensive family documents and papers relating to early generations of the Beaver, Eyre, Campbell and Harrison families remain possession of Mrs. Lawson—fancred (Wrington Rectory, Bristol). in the Sir Hugh had intended to write, during his retirement, an account of his family and its branches, including his own life and times. He had accumulated a great deal of material, drawn up outlines of the work, and completed drafts of some sections, but died before the task was finished. The collection contains his account of his schooldays at Glengorse (A.5) and his service in India (A.44 - A.61), and some of his intended recollections of distinguished colleagues (D.200 — D.208, and note on p 22). Many of the shorter, less formal speeches and addresses in Section D include autobiographical reflections, and there are also notes of meetings, conversations and discussions passim. The documents are not yet necessarily available to scholars. Documents and correspondence dealing with Wellington Coléege, where Sir Hugh was educated and of which he was Chairman of the Governors, are in the Archives of the College. Summary of the career of Sir Hugh Beaver Johannesburg Wellington College Service in the Indian Police Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners (Partner 1932 — 42) Married Jean Atwood Beaver Survey of the national ports of Canada Election to Institution of Chemical Engineers Election to Institution of Civil Ingineers Director General and Controller General, Ministry of Works Knighted Managing Director, Arthur Guinness, Son & Co. Ltd. Member, Committee on New Towns (Chairman: Lord Reith) Member, Building Industry Working Party Director, Colonial Development Corporation Chairman, British Institute of Management Chairman, Committee on Air Pollution Chairman, Advisory Council on Scientific and Industrial Research K.BoE. b. 1890 1904 = 10 1910 = 22 1922 = 42 1925 1931 1934 1940 1940 = 45 1943 1945 — 60 1946 — 47 1948 — 50 1951 = 60 1951 = 54 1953 = 54 1954 - 56 1956 1957 - 66 1957 = 59 1957 — 58 1958 — 63 1958 = 63 A. Be Professional including: Contents of the Handlist Biographical and personal Presidency, Federation of British Industries Presidency, Institution of Chemical Engineers Chairman, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Chairman of Governing Body, Ashridge College; of Council, Wellington College Chairman, Industrial Fund for the Advancement of Scientific Education in Schools Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners Lectures, speeches and addresses B.35 — B44 B.54 — B.60 Arthur Guinness, Son & Co. Ltd. Federation of British Industry C.1 D.1 = Co7 = D.208 Index to the correspondents A.1 — A.63 Bo1 — B67 Bei — B16 Bo17 — B.34 Ministry of Works Correspondence Items Re Biographical A.1 'The First Sir Hugh Beaver Memorial Lecture' delivered by Sir Norman Kipping, 6 December 1972. (A series of three memorial lectures was sponsored by The Brewers’ Society, The National Society for Clean Air and The Institution of Chemical Engineers; the first lecture was about Sir Hugh's own life and career.) Memoir in ‘Guinness Time, Vol.20, no.2 Address by the Bishop of Chichester at Memorial Service for Sir Hugh, 22 February 1967 Miscellaneous ms. notes and outline prepared by Sir Hugh for his autobiography 'Glengorse': typescript of Sir Hugh's reminiscences of his days at Glengorse and reflections on boarding schools Glengorse: photocopies of early correspondence (with head— master), of "The Glengorse Daily News,' of school report, of holiday excursions, cast for play etc. J.V. Appleton, 1930, re register of ‘old boys* ° One letter from ‘My readings. "Beaver poems': collection of poems by Sir Hugh, his mother and others (some poems are dated 1914, but most are undated) Books I have loved’: short ms. list. *Mother's Scrap Book’: envelope containing misc. poems collected by Sir Hugh's mother 1943 1945 2 letters written to Sir Hugh on the death of his brother John 3 misc. personal letters Letters to Sir Hugh from his daughters, newspaper cutting of daughter's wedding ‘Mother. Sundry letters’: letters exchanged between Sir Hugh's mother and her sons and with other members of her family 2 letters from Field Marshall Sir Claude Auchinleck (Sir Hugh's cousin); one letter includes his views on the Suez operation. Note by Sir Hugh re one of their conversations; newspaper cutting Hon. D.Econ.Sci. conferred on Sir Hugh by the National University 1959 of Ireland: newspaper cuttings, text of introductory address by Vice-Chancellor), seating plan for dinner Michael Tierney (Pro hosted by Sir Hugh that evening Letters of congratulation on his honorary degree, correspondence 1959 re the dinner Letter to Sir Hugh on the occasion of his K.B.E. signed by the staff of Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners. the staff of Ministry of Works and Buildings on occasion of Sir Hugh's retirement in 1945. Card signed by ' Sir Hugh's 'Postscripts' to his earlier writings on Colin G. Beaver, India (see also item A.45), Winston Churchill (see also item D.208),John Reith (see also items D.201 — D.206) and Harold Macmillan Guy MSS dated 1 December 1966 in which Sir Hugh considers how his various 'outside' interests and activities affected his work at Guinness Misc. notes, drawings,menus, postcards etc. 'H, Beaver. Personal. Index No. list of people whom Sir Hugh met in his work or travels 1*: journal with alphabetical ‘Where Is It's: address book (in several hands) 'Reminders': notebook indexed "books, house, persons, garden’ etc. with notes ‘Data's notes on metric conversicn, measurements, temperature, astronomy, water analysis etc. Notes and collections. 'Vol.II. the 5.5. Nankin Completed 26th August in the S.S. Tara off the Eddystone Lighthouse, on our way into Plymouth’: between Crete and Italy. Started 7 April 1918 in daily journal (7 vols.) Started Ended 1940 — 46 1945 — 51 Diary Diary Pocket diaries (7 vols.) Pocket diaries Pocket diaries A.33 Desk diaries "Private journal. Vol. III. Punjab, India and Highlands, Amersham, Bucks. 27th August 1918, just after leaving Plymouth. 22nd October 1922, at Gruinard’: lengthy daily journal with postcards, newspaper cuttings, correspondence etc. added H.E.C. Beaver, Indian Police, ‘The Magpie's Collection. . .I kept everything that interested me and my interests were catholic’: note by Sir Hugh describing ‘the first clearance’ of ‘the accumlation of 60 acquisitive years.’ 5 files of miscellaneous press—cuttings collected by (4 vols. incl. 2 for 1960) (4 vols., 1963 missing) A.42 Sir Hugh Pocket diaries 1929 1930 1952 = 58 1959 = 61 1962 66 A.44 — A.61 India A.44 Short notes and outline made by Sir Hugh for the writing up experiences and recollections of India (see also item of 6) A.16 ‘India’: 230 pp. typescript account by Sir Hugh of his life Much of the material is taken verbatim and work in India. from his journals of that period. 11 November 1963. The MSS is dated List of names of fellow police officers with note that ‘most of these were at the Punjab Police Dinner, 24 February 1911, other names I have recollected. seniority." entitled "Colleagues in the Indian Police’: memories of fellow officers in the Indian Police. which Sir Hugh could not recollect. names* ‘Queries’: points of detail List of *India — other Chronology of service in India 1910-21. They are largely in order of Notes Misc. papers re India: press—cuttings, cards, photographs etc. Mise. letters from Indians (not indexed) Sir Misc. personal correspondence from colleagues in India. Hugh continued this correspondence for many years after his return from India (not indexed) *Report on the Punjab Disturbances. April 1919": published report by the THunter Committee A.50 A.51 1933 — 35 1919 = 20 1923 = 40 1919 1964 A.52 A.53 1923 = 60 Massacre at Amritsar by Rupert Furneaux: reviews and corres— pondence in the press, letter from Librarian of Sussex Unive offering photocopies of reviews ‘These are not really India’: misc. correspondence from family (1923), later correspondence with Sir Richard Maconachie (1958), telegrams A.52 — A.61 refer to loose papers originally inserted between the pages of a large scrapbook; each section carried a title or description by Sir Hugh which is given below as a heading to the accompanying papers. ‘Cuttings and papers relevant to my time in India’s misc. press cuttings, Sir Hugh's notes (including drafts of letters +o newspapers on "India as a career,‘ obituary of Sir Behram Khan), results of 1910 examination for Indian Police Service (in which Sir Hugh placed First), correspondence re Sir Hugh's request for commission in Indian Army (n.d.) and in British Army (1918) ‘The Richards* (Philip Ernest and Norah Richards): correspondence, 1920 = 28 photographs, memoir of P.E.Re, press—cuttings 1920 — 23, 1936 ‘Letters from Indians — friends afd colleagues, subordinates’: personal correspondence (not indexed ) 1910 = 18 \ 6. nede ned. 1920 =— 23 'Indianisms! 'A few misc. India’: press-cuttings 'D.0. concerning transfer, leave, etc': letter to Sir Hu re his wish to transfer to North-West Frontier Province F190), letter from L. Tomkins re possible application by Sir Hugh for return to India (1923) (the index is selective) 'The Punjab Arms': Sir Hughs descriptions of conversations and local politics as observed in ‘the popular hostelry'* ‘Letters from brother officers and things about the Punjab in my time's: press—cuttings (esp. re Amritsar), copy of H.A.Q. 16 November 1918 on the defeat of Germany A.61 ‘Letters from brother officers and things about the Punjab in my time’: personal correspondence (the index is selective) 1920 = 23 1945, 1956 Sir Hugh donated his large collection of books on India to the Library The collection included a MSS in Punjabi of the University of Sussex. a of a Guru') and a ms. diary of-a Briton in India during 1839. see the relevant correspondence re this donation in Item B.63) A.62 and A. 63: two essays written at Wellington College On Edward Fitzgerald, for the anniversary of his birth A.62 A.63 On Charles Lamb; the essay is in two hands, one Beaver’s and the other unknown Bs Professional Bei — B16 Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners The Sir Hugh joined the firm in 1922 and was a partner from 1932 ~ 42. files of personal and professional correspondence include extensive ex— changes of letters between Sir Hugh, Sir Alexander Gibb and other partners in the course of overseas travel on the firm's business and almost daily reports from Sir Hugh to Sir Alexander during the months of August. In 1931 the firms was commissioned by the Canadian Government to conduct Sir Hugh spent 7 months in Canada during a survey of its national ports. which he was asked to supervise the rebuilding of the Port of Saint John, New Brunswick, destroyed by fire. Det File of correspondence which also contains a ms. note from Sir Hugh on arrangements for contract of work on Port of Saint John and 'Mr. Beaver's note on his meeting with the Prime Minister (of Canada). . .November 12th’ on administration of ports in Canada 1929 — 31 Journal of meetings in Canada, private and official conver— sations (including discussions on Saint John and other ports) Personal record of stay in Canada written on board ship during return voyage to England copies of verse etc. (includes list of books read, Newspaper cuttings Letters exchanged between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander / 1931 = 32, 1960 1931 1931 1933 = 35 1936 = 39 Letters exchanged between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander Photographs of people and places (almost all bearing dates and notations), postcards mailed to family etc. Letters exchanged between Sir Hugh and Sir Alexander, corres— pondence with F.C. Cornell, menu of staff dinner, 1936, cables Sir Hugh's own compositions on Canadian subjects: recounting of Canadian legends, recollections of people he met (intended as ‘Canadian sketches’, perhaps for publication; referred to in journal, Item B.3) Harrison's biography of Sir Alexander. Misc. correspondence on firm's personnel and affairs during early stages of war; Sir Hugh's resignation from firm; later letters exchanged with Sir Alexander; letter from Jocelyn Gibb re Sir Hugh's contribution to suggested re-issue of Godfrey Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on contracts, personnél and firm's affairs at outbreak of war and its early stages. 1939 = 40 1940 = 65 Misc. correspondence re trust established by Sir Alexander for his family (Sir Hugh was one of the Trustees) Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners Newsletter, Number 1 Alexander Gibb, The Story of an Engineer by Godfrey Harrison: Volume inscribed on flyleaf 'To Hugh Beaver from Alexander Gibb The book is heavily annotated by Sir Hugh. 21-2—5—.! ‘Various war—time scraps': memorandum dated 25 August 1939 sent by Sir Hugh to General Sir Edmund Ironside (Field Marshall Lord Ironside) on conditions in Turkey, esp. re reasons for decline in British influence. General Ironside 2 autograph letters from Various war-time scraps’: reports by W.C. Devereux on his his visits to several factories in Germany in 1937 and 1939. The report was sent to Sir Hugh in September 1940. ie B.34 The Ministry of Works One—page ms. outline for chapter in autobiography on years in the Ministry of Works Sir Hugh's correspondence and material collected for projected work on Lord Reith) (see also Items D.201 — D.206, *Private correspondence with Mr. Ash re deputising for Mr. Beaver on Ministry of Supply work': letters exchanged between Sir Hugh and Wilfred C. Ash following appointment to Ministry 1940 These are misc. pp. on AG & P was prosecuted for alleged mis—use of petrol 1939 — 41 'Private correspondence with Ash. various subjects including ROF expenses and the petrol case. I shall need them when dealing with that part of war work.': correspondence and memoranda re work performed by AG & P for Ministry of Supply 'Petrol Case* while on contract with Ministry of Supply for construction of filling factories. Sir Hugh received a technical fine of £12. correspondence and papers re contract, correspondence with solicitors, statement of evidence, newspaper cuttings, extracts from transcripts of court proceedings Hugh on the outcome of the case *M.O.W. Select Committee on T.P. Bennett and myself?’ Certain appointments in the Ministry of Works were examined by a Select Committee following questions in Parliament on the dual capacity of individuals who retained associations with their firms while serving in government departments. Correspondence, report of Select appointments were upheld. Committee, press—cuttings, letters of congratulation to Sir Sundry pp and attaches': correspondence re Sir Hugh's "‘MOW. appointment to Ministry as ‘priority officer and controller of building materials,* correspondence with Lord Reith, memoranda 1940 = 42 1942 The Misc. duplicated papers — see list on file Correspondence with Major General K.C. Appleyard re B.E.0. and Emergency Works Department; memoranda and correspondence within the Ministry 96 1940 | 42 1941 "The capacity of the building industry’: typescript with note by Sir Hugh ‘done in 1942 when we had in mind the com pletion of a war-time building programme on an ever decreasing building labour force and the necessary arrangements to be able to take up the challenge of immediate post-war requirements‘ 1942 "Building Industry. broadcast by Sir Hugh, Sir Richard Coppock, and Sir George copies of scripts, correspondence with BBC and with Burt: other. participants Making plans for rebuilding Britain‘ Mise. duplicated papers re wat-time and postwar building Several of the papers carry short notes in programmes. Sir Hugh's hand 1942 1941 = 46 ‘War Cabinet. of industry.': misc. duplicated papers Committee on Reconstruction Problems. Allocation 1941 = 45 *Control of building industry’: duplicated papers, minutes, memoranda, amended drafts of memos with note by Sir Hugh ‘There are several periods and proposals intermingled in these papers = various drafts and revisions' 1940 = 42 1943 = 45 1943 = 45 Misc. printed matter re Ministry: poems, cartoons, press—cuttings Some of the letters briefly mention 1940 = 65 One file of memoranda and reports circulated within the Ministry 1940 = 42 "Building Costs. Hansard, typed extracts from Parliamentary debates, memoranda Parliamentary Questions.’ clippings from ‘Export of Civil Engineering’ with note by Sir Hugh 'This is a subject I gave a good deal of thought to immediately before and at times during the war.': duplicated papers, memoranda, (Sir Hugh urged the establishment of British correspondence. civil engineering construction projects in foreign countries. ) One file of correspondence (72 letters) relating to Sir Hugh's years in the Ministry. professional matters, but most of them are of a personal nature. e.g» letters written to Sir Hugh on his joining the Ministry in 1941 and on his retirement in 1945; replies to letters of con— gratulation or of condolence; Christmas wishes etc. the autograph letters are from eminent individuals whose careers in public service touched upon that of Sir Hugh's during the war years. ‘The correspondence has been fully indexed in Section E. Many of B.o35 — B44 Guinness Sir Hugh joined the firm of Guinness in 1945 and was its Managing Director from 1946 to 1960. B.35 B.36 Exchange of letters, professional and personal, with the Earl of Iveagh, Chairman of Guinness, and with the Countess of Iveagh. Continuation of the correspondence between Sir Hugh and Lord Iveagh; the file also contains copies of correspondence with other individuals re business affairs, correspondence re rowing, misc. press—cuttings B.37 — B.39 ‘Correspondence with Lord Moyne’: both professional and personal B.40 ‘Correspondence with Lord Boyd’ B.41 Misc. correspondence re business affairs of Guinness B.42 2 press—cuttings re was commissioned by Guinness on Sir Hugh's recommendation The Guinness Book of Records which B.43 Misc. press—cuttings and photographs re Guinness B.44 Misc. correspondence B.45 Work on Air Pollution. B.47 on Air Pollution (1953) whose report was the basis of the Clean Air Bill 1956 Sir Hugh chaired the Committee B.46 Misc. file of press—cuttings and published comments on the Beaver Committee on Air Pollution and on the Clean Air Bill. in Section D.) (see also numerous speeches on the subject Survey on Transport Services (for Institute of Civil Engineers Postwar Development Committee) especially on road and rail misc. correspondence with Oxford Institute of transport: Statistics, Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey, Offices of the War Cabinet, Institute of Civil Imgineers etc. Sir Hugh's accompanying note on file says ‘Eventually the report when produced got sat on completely.’ Correspondence with Minister, M.P.s and officials on Clean Air Bill, memos and drafts etc., including renewal of service on Clean Air Council (1964) and resignation (1966) British Institute of Management (Sir Hugh served as Chairman from 1951-54): misc. notes for discussion, correspondence (see also the speeches in Section D.on management ) Scottish Union National Insurance Co.: misc. correspondence (Sir Hugh resigned from the London Board on his acceptance of the Presidency of the F.B.I. in 1957) 11. ( 1954 = 56 ’ 1956 = 58 Advisory Council, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Sir Hugh was Chairman): correspondence, including letter of appointment from Lord Salisbury, press—cutting Industrial Fund for the Advancement of Scientific Education in Schools (Sir Hugh was Chairman): press-cuttings, misc. correspondence, drafts for speeches at schools opening new labs, science buildings etc. (see also Section D) Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd. the Board in 1956): misc. correspondence on company (Sir Hugh was appointed to Ashridge Management College (Sir Hugh was Chairman of Governors 1959-63): misc. correspondence, drafts of speeches, memos of meetings etc., re establishment, staff, courses, policy and success of Ashridge B.60 Federation of British Industry 1957 -— 59): Material relating to misc. trade missions, and visits; negotiations and meetings, especially on early formation of Common Market and E.F.T.A.3 drafts and reports of speeches; correspondence etc. (Sir Hugh was President Sino-British Trade Council (Sir Hugh was President): misc. correspondence, notes of meetings with Chinese and other officials, press releases etc; mainly re visit to U.K. of Chinese trading group December 1957 European Foreign Trade Association: pondence on meetings in Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm etc.} drafts and reports of speeches misc. reports and corres— 1961 1960 1962 — 65 1958 = 66 Misc. correspondence, including letters of appreciation of Sir Hugh's Presidency 1958 = 59 Misc. notes, memoranda and meetings re proposals for long-term economic planning Trade with East Germany: memos, statistics, official documents, correspondence with M.P.'s, congratulations on agreement of F.B.I. and East Germany Trade Mission to Moscow leading to 5-year trade agreement: invitation to accompany mission, notes for speech on results of mission, misc. travel documents and background information, press—cuttings, correspondence London Correspondence re various educational concerns: School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Public Schools Appointment Bureau, St. Catherine's College, Oxford (Sir Hugh was an Honorary Fellow), Wellington College Correspondence re The Civic Trust, the Duke of Bdinburgh Award for Industry, N.P.A.C.1. Printed report to delegates at Conference, November 1960, annotated by Sir Hugh University of Sussex: correspondence, meetings of Council, papers and memoranda re building plans, appeal funds, Sir Hugh's donation of books on India Treasurer ) (Sir Hugh served as Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine (Sir Hugh was Treasurer) 1964 misc. committee papers, notes, Treasurer's reports, correspon— dence Correspondence (mainly appeals for donations and letters of thanks from various charities): Peace Foundation, National Association of Leagues of Hospital Friends, Institute of Child Health, Listening Library, Royal College of Nursing, Community of Nursing Sisters of St. John the Divine 1964 = 66 St. Luke's Home, Oxford (Sir Hugh was President of the Board): correspondence re negotiations on building plans, on purchase of property The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (Sir Hugh was Chairman of Council): misc. correspondence on Institute Cc. Correspondence C.i—C.7 Personal correspondence arranged chronologically: Christmas 1961 — 64 1964 — 66 Neo greetings, family news, social engagements, gifts, letters of sympathy, letters of congratulations, requests for advice, etc. The index is selective C.1 1929 =— 35 Ce2 1940 = 49 1962 — 66 1950 = 59 Lectures, speeches and addresses ‘Industrial Zonimg' of Canada. advance proof paper to The Engineering Institute 'The problems of industrial planning’ of Ingineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. offprint paper to The Institution 1937 1938 British Institute of Management, European Conference, Torquay. typescript with amendments 7? 1952 'The principles of management’ offprint Society of Chartered Accountants. 1952 'The effect of management on the changing economic and financial conditions of our time’ I.I.A. Summer course, Oxford. typescript 1952 'Skills and Techniques' Conference. typescript Office Management Association National 1953 ‘Changing jobs* Imperial College. typescript 1953 Administrative Staff College, end of session lecture. typescript 1953 Gleneagles, opening address. typescript 'Presentation of biographies' typescript Administrative Staff College. 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 typescript typescript Meeting of the 1953 Sheffield Technical College. Thanet Technical College prize—giving. typescript Personnel Management Conference. "Research and industrial productivity’. Huddersfield Technical Training College. "The age of specialisation’ typescript ‘Management Education in Britain and the USA’ Education Institution. ‘A comparison of the facilities for management education in England and the USA' typescript Harrogate Conference, British Institute of script with ms. annotations. Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association. ‘Management. Council. Structures and organisation’ with ms. annotations typescript Nottingham Technical College. typescript typescript with ms. annotations Management Conference, Bristol. 1953 1953 1953 1953 ‘Management — a new chapter’ British Productivity 1954 typescript 1954 'The manager's job' ee type= "Responsibility of management' typescript I.I.A. Conference, Oxford. Smoke Abatement Society Conference. typescript with ms. annotations Address on air pollution to the Romney Street Group. typescript 1954 1954 1954 ‘Industry and air pollution! typescript with ms. annotations Combustion Engineering Association, 1954 Northampton College of Technology. tions typescript with ms. annota— 1954 Opening address, course for teachers, Nottingham University. typescript "Productivity and you' typescript British Productivity Council. "Engineering and Management* typescript Speech to Old Centralians. Harrogate Conference on Work Study. typesoript 1954 1954 1954 1954 ‘Efficiency of British Industry’ typescript Oxford Business Summer School. 1954 typescript 1955 press-—cutting Speech to Rotary Club. typescript Institute of Industrial Supervision. Students of Estate Management, London 1955 Course for apprentices, Ashridge College. typescript *'Rconomics of clean air’ University. typescript Speech to Institute of Fuel on the Clean Air Bill. Speech on air pollution to Institute of Chemical Ingineers Symposium. typescript with ms. annotations ‘How far can you go?’ typescript with ms. annotations Letter to the editor of the N.A.P.T. Bulletin re atmospheric pollution. 'Selection in perspective’ Institute of Management. Chadwick Trust, Royal Institution. typescript report on Sir Hugh's address to Irish 1955 Convention of Coal Utilisation Council. typescript BritishInstitute of Management Conf. 1955 ‘Industry and oitizenship' 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 'Clean Air’ typescript Royal Society of Health. typescript with ms. annotations 'The battle for clean air’ 10, No. 7 cutting from Public Health Reports, 'The control of air pollution and the burden on sanitary typescript inspectors’ Sanitary Inspectors Association. "Clean air’ Women's Gas Federation Conference. typescript ‘The clean air bill' under the chairmanship of Dr. A. Parker. Sir Hughts contribution Discussion of the bill held in London typescript of ‘Air pollution. Sanitary Institute. typescript of introductory remarks and of address The problem of administration’ Royal 1955 ‘Air pollution. of Mechanical Ingineers. advance copy of speech The growth of public opinion’ American Society 1955 "Control of air pollution in Great Britain' Institute of Canada. duplicated copy of paper Engineering ‘Clean air: the next chapter’ advance proof of speech, offprint -National Smoke Abatement Society. "The pace of change* Cotton Board Conference. offprint 1955 1956 1956 offprint of 1956 1956 1956 1956 Irish Management Institute. Speech Day. Berkhamstead School. Speech Day. Wellington College. typescript with ms. annotations 1956 Message for *'Commentary' on fuel industries. Toast to Institution of Mining and Mettalurgy. speeches delivered at annual dinner. Course for Business Managers, University of Edinburgh. typescript with ms. annotations ‘Delegation of authority’ typescript with extensive ms. annotations, related correspondence, offprint Speech at opening of clean air exhibition at Stevenage. typescript ‘Initiation and administration of smoke control areas’ «. printed article in unidentified journal article for ‘Evening Post*. typescript article for ‘Commentary’. typescript "Clean air’ article for *The Townswoman’. typescript 1956 1956 1956 1956 1 page typescript 1956 "Clean air’ ‘Clean air’ typescript 1956 ‘Industry and citizenship’ ference. typescript North-western Management Con— Opening session lecture, Henley Management Conference. typescript 'Clean air. Friday Evening Discourse, Royal Institution. What we know and what we do not know' offprint Clean Air Exhibition, Coventry. typescript Opening of laboratory, Fettes School. cuttings typescript, press— Opening of laboratory, Gordonstoun. typescript Opening of new science block, Forest School. typescript Contractors’ Plant Association, speech in reply for guests. typescript Speech to Old Aldenhamians. typescript with ms. annotations Reply for guests, Old Brentwoods’ Dinner. typescript the Institute of Refrigeration Anniversary Dinner. typescript Institution of Civil Imgineers. "Role of industry’ typescript Purchasing Officers’ Association. F,B.I. London and SE Regional Dinner. typescript outline Speech to National Council of Building Materials Producers. typescript *An attempt to assess the avoidable waste of materials and resources due to air pollution’ offprint Review of 'The Irish Economy viewed from without’ by C.F. Carter. cutting from Studies, summer issue British Chemical Plant Manufacturers Association. with ms. annotations "Some current problems and anxieties'* typescript Lower School of John Lyon, Speech Day. typescript F.B.I. London and SE Region. typescript F.B.I. Bristol. typescript with ms. annotations typescript Electrical Industries. 'The responsibilities of top line management’ Conference at Henley. typescript with ms. annotations, printed paper ‘Statistics to accompany talk by Sir Hugh Beaver' Management Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton, opening of Advanced Physics and Chemistry Laboratories. Hugh's speech, published in school magazine an account of Sir Foreword to publication of lectures on air pollution given at University of Sheffield, 1956. typescript Prize—giving, Malvern Girls' College. annotations, letter of thanks typescript with ms. Ewell County Technical College. typescript with ms annotations ‘An industrialist's view of the teaching of science’ Presidential Address, Conference of Educational Association. typescript with ms. annotations *Clean Air’ with ms. annotations Institution of Chemical Engineers. typescript "Clean Air’ with ms. annotations speech to ‘citizens of Wakefield’. typescript ‘Management — the old and the new’ Commerce. typescript with ms. annotations Newcastle College of typescript "Reading Speech’ London Productivity Conference. Giggleswick, Speech Day. typescript ?F.B.I. Regional Council. typescript "How we stand today’ advance press release F.B.1. Annual General Meeting, London. Sir Hugh's speech F.B.l. Overseas Scholarships reunion dinner. with ms. annotations Woolich and Dartford Productivity Association. with ms. annotations Message to ‘Business Visitors to Britain’. correspondence Institute of Journalists. ms. notes . Nottingham ? F.B.I. Regional Council. typescript with ms. annotations "Glass technology’. typescript typescript printed copy of typescript, D.104 D.105 D.106 "Annual review of British industry" Industrial Development. typescript, correspondence published in Italian—British Industrial Management Conference, Rome. 2ms. drafts, list of delegates Institute of Trade Marks Agents. annotations typescript with ms. D.107 "Britain's future — social, economic, industrial’ Welfare Society. typescript The Industrial D.108 "Responsibility of private enterprise to the country’. of Directors. typescript with ms. annotations Institute D.109 Westcliffe High School for Boys. typescript D.110 Photographs and account published in The Blackburnian of the opening of the Holden Laboratories, Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School (Sir Hugh delivered a speech on the occasion. ) Article for the Echo de la’ Bourse Trade Supplement. typescript "Science and the state’ Institution of Chemical Engineers. correspondence Sir Hugh's Presidential Address to the offprint, press—cuttings, ‘Occupational health’ Eastbourne. typescript Congress of Royal Society of Health, typescript review of L.T.C. Rolt: April. press=—cutting typescript 'Pendulum' typescript Address at A.G.M., F.B.I.. press-cutting F.B.I. Review speech at Northampton College of Foreword to N.U.T. Careers Guide. December. "Gas and clean air’ for ‘The Times’. typescript "Is management ‘a science or an art’ notes for speech to the "Science and the nation’ Technology. May. "Telford, Founder of civil engineering’ Thomas Telford. New Scientist. ‘Technical education is a primary responsiblity on industry’ N.E. Essex Technical College. annotations ‘The evolution of management’ in Financial Times 17 March. press—cutting Speech to Marshall Society. annotations November. typescript with ms. Institute of Builders. March. typescript with ms. annotations November. typescript with ms. ‘How the busy man works’! January. typescript with ms. annotations article for The Chemical Mngineer, 'The effect of inflation on management and productivity’ Manchester and district Productivity Association. typescript with ms. annotations January. "Relations between brewer and retailer’ typescript Notes for speech at The Guinea Club, House of Commons, 24 March. typescript, correspondence ‘The state and industrialisation! article in The Irish Banking Review, September. offprint Presidential address, National Society for Clean Air. typescript "Britain's needs in chemical engineers’ Trade Journal and Chemical Ingineer, May. article in Chemical offprint ‘The chemical engineer’ article in The Professional Engineer. January. offprint ‘The British steel industry’ press—cutting Speech at Speech Day, Canford School. press—cutting "Chemical Engineering: a progress report’ Address, April. offprint Presidential vacant Review of History of the Brewing Industry in Ingland by P, Mathias, published in The Economic Journal. offprint "Our overseas markets’ notes for talk to Nottingham City Business Club, February. typescript with ms. annotations ‘Business and the community’ speech to National Liberal Club, January. typescript with ms. annotations ‘Advertising and selling: notes for discussion’ at Seminar in Industrial Economics, Birmingham University, January. typescript with ms. annotations ‘Statistics as a tool of Management’ President's Inaugural Address, Royal Statistical Society. ‘Industry and politics’ typescript with ms. annotations N.C.B. conference at Harrogate, March. Federation of Master Builders. manuscript *F.Bel. Conference’ manuscript offprint ‘Engineering and Civilisation'; 6th Graham Clark lecture, Institute of Civil Engineers. Offprint. 'The Individual and the Team’, Ashridge College. Ms. and typescr. 1960 2 Dec. 1960 ‘An Industrialist's views on education and training’, William Temple College, Ms. & Typescr. 26 Sept. 1960 Nel. PsBeSs Conference, Leeds. Opening speech, Ms. & typescr. Jan. 1960 British Productivity Assn.,Acton; speech on European Free Trade. Ms. & Typescr. The Royal Statistical Soc. Vote of thanks.Ms.& typescr. London Branch Dinner B.I.M., speech. Ms.& typescr. Assn.of Land & Property Owners, speech. Ms.& typescr. D.152 L.C.E.A.Dinner, speech. Typescr. with Ms note "Scrapped? D.153 Cromptonian Assn.Dinner, speech. Ms & typescr. D.154 Opening of Isotope Information Bureau, speech.Ms & typescr. June 1960 D.155 Hendon Technical College, Specialised Meeting on Work Study, speech. Ms & typescr. Mar. 1960 D.144 D.145 D.146 Dot4{ D.148 D.149 D.150 D.151 D.159 Jan. 1960 1960 1960 May 1960 May 1960 May 1960 April1960 July 1960 ? 1960 Owen's School, speech at Prize—giving.Ms. D.158 Engineers Guild, speech. Typescr. n.d. D.157 A.E.I.Staff Course, speech. Ms & typescr. D.156 Talk to members of Management Training Course,J.elyons & Co. Speeches at Shrewsbury School, Ms & typescr. and note °I departed quite considerably’. Headmasters & Careers Masters Conference organised by Institute of Practitioners in Advertising; opening speech, ‘What Advertising means today’ & summary of closing remarks, Ms & typescr.; offprint of published paper. ‘The Status of Imgineers', speech at March Luncheon of Old Centralians, Ms notes & printed report. Lecture at Ardingly College, Ms.notes & drafts,typescr., correspondence. (on the establishment of N.E.D.C.) Cocoa,Chocolate & Confectionery Alliance, speech. Ms & typescr. Tettenhall College, speech at Prize—giving.Ms.& press—cuttings. Obituary notice of Mr. F.A.Greene, typescr.& press—cutting Jan. King's School,Rochester, speech at Prize-giving.Ms. Talk at Athenaeum (on education). Ms. July Dec. July 21. Perse School,Cambridge, speech at Prize-giving, Ms.& typescr. ‘Economic Planning', speech at Joint Engineers Meeting, Cardiff. Mar. Ms & typescr. 1962 1962 "Co-operation in Commerce and Industry", speech at Junior Chamber of Commerce for London Seminar. Ms & typescr. Mar. 1962 Speech at meeting of Newport and District Metallurgical Soc. Ms & typescr. Mar. 1962 Speech at Norwich, inaugurating National Productivity Year, Ms & typescr. 'Productivity at Royal Society of Arts; invitation to speak, typescr. & printed texts of speech. in Great Britain’, contribution to Symposium Ellesmere College, speech at Prize-giving, Ms. typescre, correspondence. William Ellis School, speech for Centenary Appeal. Ms. Speech at Junior Chamber of Commerce Seminar on Communic— ations in Industry, Ms & typescr. Speech at Ashridge College of Management, Notes & Ms~ Notes for speech at Cardiff. 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 Speech at Dinner, BORD. Ms. 1963 Dec. 1963 May 1963 Sept. 1964 'For T.V. on Air Pollution’, Ms. Notes for speech at Management Conference. Ms. Marling School, speech at Prize-giving. Ms. Obituary notice of Sir Henry Spencer, printed notice,corresp. Introduction to Tenth Elbourne Memorial Lecture, Brit. Inst. Man. Ms.,correspondence. "Responsibilities of Management’, speech at Ashridge College of Management, typescr. ‘Management Techniques',article for Financial Times Review of Industry. Ms. & typescr. Draft of obituary notice of Harvey Hugh Montgomerie (not printed), Ms.,corresp. Summary of Speech, Institute of Fuel Conference Session V. 'The Fight against Corrosion',draft of speech, typescr. 'The Ministry of Works 1941 — 1947", printed article. Ms. drafts of speech, perhaps for Ashridge Coll. 1964 1964 n.d. ned. node ned Ned Oct. 1964 April 1965 Talk on Housing, given at Post War Britain Lecture Course at Chatham House; programme of Course,text of talk,corresp. Article for Financial Times. & press—cutting of leading article on the series. series on management. Typescr, 1945 1952 ‘Training for Management',draft & typescr. perhaps for B.I.M. n.d. Speech for Nursing Sisters of St. John the Divine. Ms. 1948 Misc. official reports on the building industry, some with annotations by H.E.C.B. 1941 = 50 Report of the Power Station Committee (H.E.C.B. served as Chairman), and 'The Construction of Power Stations’ (observations of the British Electricity Council on Report ) 1953 Report of Pilot Survey "Business and Philanthropy’ prepared by The Economist Intelligence Agency, correspondence. 1955 = 5 D.200 — 208 Biographical Reminiscences Beaver collected material, prepared notes, and partly completed drafts for biographical studies of friends and colleagues. One of his rough notes, headed 'Ready for dictation’ (D.200) indicates the intended scope of the work: is in each case I hope a fair portrayal of a friendship from It which I got much and for which I am most grateful. It is not the whole story because one can only tell of things as one has seen them and that is a one-sided view. But friemship depends on tolerance and that tolerance should I feel outlast even the end— ing of the friendship. * This is the story of three friendships in my business life. I record them because all three had an impact and two of them a profound effect on my life. All three ended in misunderstanding which at least to me was and still is a matter of great sadness. And I write down these accounts because I want to put on record how much I appreciated them, their friendship and their loyalty to myself; and partly because inevitably I must understand how far the fault was my own. They are Sir Alexander Gibb, Lord Reith and Major A.E.Allnatt; and it been asked to give for publication my recollections of the first two — Sir Alexander as a foreword to a new issue of his life and Lord Reith as a contribution to the normal special programme that the BBC has ready for the passing of great men. Here I have expended these notes, putting in the intimate details which are not for public, None of these accounts survive} early correspondence with Sir Alexander so happens that I have recently r HlelieGe CSAC 40/4/76 Seaver Bea 55. Gibb appears in D.202, and a small amount of correspondence with Ma jor Allnatt is enclosed with the above manuscript note in D.200. D.201 — D.206 comprise a considerable amount of material, including personal and official correspondence, concerning Beaver's long association with Reith 1940 — 66. Beaver also left an account, dated 1964, of his relations with Sir John Anderson (D.207) and reminiscences of Sir Winston Churchill, with related printed matter and correspondence (D.208). D.200 Ms. note transa@ibed above, correspondence with A.E.Allnatt 1952 — 58; Ms. note probably 1967,unfinished at Beaver's death. 1950 = 55 1956 = 59 1960 — 66 1940 — 41 1944 — 48 D.201 D.202 D.203 D.204 D.205 D.206 Plan of work, photograph of Reith at wedding of Beaver's daughter Cerise. ‘'REITH M.O.W.'Corresp. re Reith's appointment Minister of Works & Buildings, Beaver's appointment as Director~ General. 'REITH Post M.O.W. up to C.D.C.'; corresp. & notes of conversations, mainly re New Towns Comm. of which Reith was Chairman. 'REITH 1950 — 55*s Corresp.,press—cuttings etc.notes of official conversations, mainly re Colonial Development Corporation. Text of speech by Reith 'The Executive Emergent’ 1952. ‘"REITH 1956 — 59"; personal & official corresp.,notes of meetings,includes Reith's report of his last tour as Chairman,C.2.@.annotated by Beaver. ‘'REITH 1960 — 66"; corresp. & printed matter by or re Reith; includes text submitted by Beaver for BBC programme on Reith — the eventual recording was considerably altered. Ms. and corrected typescript of recollections by Beaver of Sir John Anderson as Lord President of theCouncil during Second World War. Material relating to Sir Winston Churchill. Misc. press—cuttings 1948, and 1966 relating to Lord Moran's book Winston Churchill: fhe Struggle for survival. 2 autograph letters from Lady Churchill 1964 re New Hall,Cambridge. 2 autograph letters from Lord Bridges 1965, 1966 1 typescr.copy of Beaver's recollections of Sir Winston 5ipp. dated 24 Jan 1965, the day of Churchill's death,with note added in 1966 after reading Moran's books; includes recollections of Churchill's military,civilian and political career and colleagues, and autobiographical material of Beaver. ALFORD, Vincent ANDREWS, C. ANDREWS, Todd ANSON, Sir (George) Wilfrid APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) APPLETON, J. V. APPLEYARD, Sir E. APPLEYARD, Kenelm Charles ASH, Wilfred C. AUCHINLECK, Field-Marshall Sir Claude John Eyre BALDWIN-WEBB, J. BALFOUR, Sir John BARMAN, Christian BARNES, Sir James (Horace) BARTLETT, Sir Frederic B.26 A.15 C.5 B.51 B.34 AS6; 6.2 B.34 B.24 B.18, B.19, B.22, D.202 A.12 B.10 B.58 B.34 B.34 D.112 B.34 B.20 B.34 B.24, B.34 B.34 B.36 B.34 C3 B.1 D.207 D.102 BERESFORD, Jack BLAKE, Rustat BENNETT, Peter F. BEVIN, Dame Florence BENNITT, Mortimer Wilmot BEARD, James Robert BEDFORD, H. a BENNETT, Sir Thomas (Penberthy) BOYD OF MERTON see LENNOX-BOYD BEVERIDGE, William Henry, Baron Beveridge of Tuttal B.26, B.34 BULLOCK, Sir Alan (Louis Charles) BRIDGES, Edward, Baron Bridges B.63 5 B.34 B.62 BURT, Sir George Mowlem BRIDGES, John Cowley BRIGGS, Asa BROWN, Henry Philip BUCHANAN, George se DEA Tarn VOL CIA Peso A AA NO/ Ase L {C Lif tee wp CAFFRYN, Sydney M. CHURCHILL see SPENCER-CHURCHILL COBBALD, Cameron Fromanteel, Baron Cobbald of Knebworth COLQUHOUN, (Cecil) Brian (Hugh) COPPOCK, Sir Richard CORNELL, F. G. COX, Dennis CRAIG, Maurice CROMWELL, R. G. DALTON, Thomas Wilson Fox DANE, William Surrey DAVIDSON, John Colin Campbell, Viscount Davidson of Little Gaddesden B.52 B.10, B.20, B.34 B.26, B.34 B.9%. A.51, B.63 B.36 B.34 B.34 B.62 D.206 B.56 A.6l A.15 B.36 M. DAVIES, Rt. Hon. Clement DENNYS, L. DE VALERA, Eamon DEVEREAUX, W. DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) DUFF, Sir (Charles) Patrick DYER, Capt. Ci B.36 B.34 B.16 B.64 B.55, B.56, B.57, C.4 B.61 ECCLES, David McAdam, Viscount Eccles EDINBURGH, H.R.H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh ELEY, Sir Geoffrey (Cecil Ryves) ELGIN, Edward James Bruce, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine ELMHIRST, Leonard Knight EMMERSON, Sir Harold Corti ENGLAND, Eric C, EVANS, I. B.4] EWBANK, Sir Robert Benson EVERY, C. Bod) B eT] Gordon D.112 A.61 G. a B.52 B.22 B.34 B.34 FAIRWEATHER, Herbert M. FARRINGTON, R. D. FERGUSON, John FINDLAY, S. FISHER, N. A. Fe FREEMAN, Rt. Hon. John FREEMAN, Sir Ralph FRENCH, M. R. Warren FULTON, John Scott, Baron Fulton of Falmer GALBRAITH, J. GIBB, Alastair GIBB, Sir Alexander GIBB, Gen. Sir Evan GIBB, Jocelyn GIBSON, J. WwW. GLASCOCK, R. GREEN, Sir John B.34 B.34 B.1, B.11 B.63 B.34 B.34, C.5 A.61 B.63 B.34 B.1] B:1, B.7;,'B. 8 BOeBalis D.202 B.11 B.11 B.31 A.58 B.52 B.47 B.22 A.15, B.37, B.38, B.39 B.35 B.35, B.36 C.4 B.34 GUNN, Sir James GUY, W. L, HAAS, Frederick J. GREENWOOD, Rt. Hon. Anthony GRIDLEY, Arnold Babb, Baron Gridley GUINNESS, Bryan Walter, Baron Moyne of Bury St. Edmunds GUINNESS, Gwendolyn, Countess of Iveagh GUINNESS, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee, Earl of Iveagh B.61 HUNT, (Henry Cecil) John, Baron Hunt HARMAN, Sir (Clement) James C.6 B.30 C.4 B. 34 HILL, Sir Austin Bradford B.62 B.10 B.63 A.15 B. 34 HANTON, P. Ke HUGHES, Arthur H. HOLT, James HOWARD, R. HEALING, Oswald HUMPHREYS, Alisa HUNT, Sir William (Edgar) HUTSON, Lockhart W. INCE, Sir Godfrey H. IRONSIDE, William Edmund, Baron Ironside of Archangel and of Ironside IVEAGH, Earl of see GUINNESS JOSEPH, Edna JOSEPH, Sir Keith KENDALL, Maurice George KEYNES, John Maynard, Baron Keynes of Pilton KING, Alexander KIPPING, Sir Norman (Victor) LAING, Sir (John) Maurice 47 C.3 B.34 D.104 B.55,;°B.50,°B. 39 B 98 B oe B.35 B.36 B.52 B C.4 B.21 B.6]1 LEWIS, Harold ae B.40, D.127, D.205 B.34, C.3 Aili Gg LEIGH-BREESE, D. Li. LEITCH, Sir William LEMASS, Sean Francis LEVER, Sir Ernest (Harry) LATHAM, Gustavus Henry LENNOX-BOYD, Lady (Patricia) LEYDON, John LIDDELL, Alvar LENNOX-BOYD, Alan Tindal, Viscount Boyd of Merton 23] see PAKENHAM, Edward Arthur Henry LLOYD, Rt. Hon. (John) Selwyn (Brooke) LONGFORD, Earl of LLEWELLIN, Col. J. LOVATT, H. Leslie B. LYNCH, Patrick ° eaver YO AN CSAC 40/4 LL sfc f roe McDONALD, Alexander McELLIGOTT, James McLAREN, Sir Charles McPATRICK, J. MACONACHIE, Sir Richard MARSH, (Henry) John MARSHALL, Howard (Percival) MAUD, John Primatt see REDCLIFFE-MAUD MOYNE, Lord see GUINNESS, Bryan Walter MAYCOCK, Alan Lawson MERCER, C. Ww. MERCER, Dorothy MERRISON, C. METHUEN, M. MIKARDO, lan MILNE-WATSON, Sir Michael B.62 A.61 A.61 B. 34 B.22 B.56 B.52 B.21 B. 34 Agld; B41, C.5 MONTGOMERIE, Harvey Hugh B.26, B.34,.€.3, C.4 O'BRIEN, George ORMONDE, Sean NABARRO, NEWMAN, H. MUIR, A. H. B.47 C.3 B.36 B.34 NICKALLS, Guy Oliver MUIR, Sir Edward (Francis) Sir Gerald (David Nunes) NOTT-BOWER, Sir William Guy 6 PAKENHAM, Edward Arthur Henry, 6th Earl of Longford PALMER, E. PEVSNER, Sir Nikolaus PEMBROKE, John PATON, Sir Angus B.20 B.Al A.15 A.15 B.34, C.5 Bs 10,-B. 22, C5 PATTESON, J. PILKINGTON, Harry (William Henry), Baron Pilkington of St. Helens PLANT, Sir Arnold POLLOCK, Sir George PORTAL, Charles Frederick Algernon, Viscount Portal of Hungerford POTTER, Gillie PROBYN, Sir Deighton QUIGLEY, Paul REDCLIFFE-MAUD, John Primati, Baron R-M of City and Co. of Bristol Glo Cu, B.34 rs ASS D.55 B.34 REITH, John Charles Walsham, Baron Reith of Stonehaven RENNIE, Sir John (Ogilvy) B.21, D.202-D.205 B. 34,7 C.2 RENOLD, Sir Charles Garonne RICHARDS, Norah RICHARDS, Philip Ernest RITCHIE, A. G. G35 A.54 A.54 C.3 ROGER, Sir Alexander ROSSER, David Be N. Sth Marquis of Salisbury ROWE, Sir Michael (Edward) RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William, Earl Russell SALISBURY, Robert Arthur James Gascoyne Cecil, B.41, B.47, B.61, C.3 B.51 SANDYS, Rt. Hon. Duncan Edwin SAVAGE, Sir (Edward) Graham SAVILE, Sir Leopold B.22, B.34 SPENCER-CHURCHILL, Clementine Ogilvy, Baroness S—«C SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron Snow , Baron Simon of Wythenshawe: of Chartwell W. , Lady Simon of Wythenshawe A.53 B.34 D.193 B.26 cor A.53 D.112 ae SMITH, Sir Dunlop SIMON, Ernest D. SETON, M. Secu YA. SIME, John SIMON, Shena D. 8.18.11 SPEAR, Percival STIRLING, R. B.31 D127 B.34 B.65 B.50 D.208 TAGGART, A. TALBOT, A. THOMPSON, C. THOMPSON, J. TIERNEY, Michael TIZARD, Sir Henry (Thomas) TOMKINS, L. TOMLINSON, Sir George (John Frederick) VAUGHN, Louis VEALE, Sir Douglas WALKER, Douglas Learoyd WARNER, Sir Christopher WATSON, John Arthur Fergus WEEKS, Sir Hugh (Thomas) WEEKS, Ronald Morce Weeks, Baron Weeks of Ryton WEST, James WILLIAMS, Oliver WILSON, Alan WILSON, Anthony WEIR, Sir Cecil M. WILSON, W. WINDHAM, W. Storey A. WHEARE, Sir Kenneth Clinton WHEELER, Prof. Thomas Sherlock WELLINGTON, 7th Duke of, Lieut. Col. Gerald Wellesley YOUNG, Alexander WORSLEY, E. M,. WOODS, C. Roland WOODHOUSE, Douglas WORNUM, Grey