THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SIR FREDERICK CHARLES BAWDEN FRS (1908-1972) » . including papers of ALFRED ALEXANDER PETER KLECZKOWSKI FRS (1908-1970) and of NORMAN WINGATE PIRIE FRS (B. 1907) London London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific deposited in the Library of the Royal Society, No. 76/16 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, Archives Centre (CSAC 37/1/76) b y 1976 All rights reserved THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CSAC 37/1/76 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Report on the papers of Sir Psdoitck Charles Bawden FRS Plant Pathologist (1908 - 1972) and including papers of and Norman Wingate Pirie FRS Biochemist Bio-Mathematician (1908 - 1970) Dr. Alfred Alexander Peter Kleczkowski FRS 1976 Deposited in the Library of the Royal Society, London Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 Description of the collection The papers, which cover the years 1936-73, were received from Lady Bawden, from Rothamsted Experimental Station, and from the Royal Society. Personal correspondence remains in the possession of Lady Bawden. Some of Bawden's correspondence and papers dealing with Rothamsted Experimental Station are held there. Bawden's close collaboration with scientific colleagues and members of the staff of Rothamsted is shown in the laboratory notebooks (Section B) and in all sections of the corres= pondence. In particular, his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and A.A.P. Kleczkowski is kept as a single section (B.1-38, see notes on pps. 3 to 6). Dr. Kleczkowski's note- book (B.38) was received from Miss Helen Kleczkowski (daughter), who retains some personal papers of her father. The help of Lady Bawden and Miss Mildred Ashford (Bawden's secretary) is gratefully acknowledged. The papers are not yet necessarily all available for consultation. Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 Summary of the career of Sir Frederick Bawden b. 1908 1925-26 1926-30 1928 1930-36 1934 1936-40 1940-4059 1949 1950-58 1958-72 1967 1968 North Tawton, Devon Educated at Okehampton Grammar School Crediton Grammar School Emmanuel College, Cambridge First Class, Natural Sciences Tripos Research Assistant to R.N. Salaman, Potato Virus Research Station, Cambridge Married Marjorie Elizobeth Cudmore Virus Physiologist, Plant Pathology Department, Rothamsted Experimental i Station, Harpenden Head of Plant Pathology Department, Rothamsted Fellow of the Royal Society Deputy Director, Rothamsted Director, Rothamsted Knighthood Treasurer of Royal Society (see also A.1, A.2 of the hendlist) Contents of the handlist A. conferences Scientific correspondence F. Correspondence on publications A. Kleczkowski, N.W. Pirie) Correspondence on overseas visits Correspondence on lectures and Biographical and Personal Laboratory notebooks (F.@. Bawden, Index to the principal correspondents Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 A. Biographical and Personal A.1 Memoir by N.W.. Pirie, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol.19, 1973, pp.19-63. Rothamsted Report for 1971: Bawden. tributes and appreciations of Typescript summary of career (including all committees and awards) 5pp. Typescript list of Royal Society Committees on which Bawden served. Typescript list of all Bawden's visits abroad, 4pp. Travel diary of trip to Ghana (then the Gold Coast) and Nigeria to study swollen shoot disease. agricultural institutes. Detailed descriptions of crops and 1946-47 Letter from J. Henderson Smith to publisher recommending Bawden as author of book on viruses. Letter from Sir Alexander Fleming asking Bawden to lecture at the Wright-Fleming Institute of Microbiology and congratulating him on his election to the Royal Society. Invitations to University of Minnesota as visiting professor, and to Pennsylvania State University as Senior Foreign Scientists Fellow (both declined). A.? Laboratory Notebooks A.10-A.12 Misc. invitations and social engagements (personal and official), Hon. D.Sc. conferred by Hull University: related correspondence. Opening of Plant Pathology Laboratory at Harpenden by Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: and responses. invitation, luncheon invitation File of misc. shorter personal correspondence (selectively indexed). Agricultural Research Council of Central Africa: letter of con- gratulation on Bawden's appointment as Chairman, photocopy of final annual report and of Bawden's report (with letter to Lady Bawden from H.C. Pereira) (see also C.4). (see also C.15, C.16). Large green loose-leaf laboratory notebook in Bawden's hand with correspondence from N.W. Pirie interleaved. data (the experiments are dated but do not appear in the book in chronological sequence) on work done on viruses in collaboration with Pirie. tobacco leaf in relation to time of feeding’. Photographic record of ‘depth of penetration of a Experimental 1936-40 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 BZ Green loose-leaf binder with notes of experiments and corres= pondence with Pirie. Some loose sheets of notes at the front of the book are of a later date. Notebook included 4 small exercise books which have been extracted and are numbered separately (B.3-B.6). a 1939-44 1946-48 Small green notebook labelled on cover with name and 'Virus Purification’. 1936 Notebook labelled on cover 'Potato Virus Y'. experiments deal with tobacco necrosis. Some of the later 1938-39 Notebook labelled on cover 'Tests on outside plants’. Notebook of work on tobacco mosaic virus. Green loose-leaf binder with notes on experiments (mostly work on tobacco mosaic virus), notes on the literature, correspondence with James F, Duncan, photographs. Bawden and Pirie) originally intended for publication in J. Gen. Proofs of 2 articles (by Microbiol. but which appeared in Proc. Roy. Soc. Loose pages (from a binder) of laboratory notes (mostly on bushy stunt and tobacco mosaic virus). 1941-42 1959-60 1943-57 I972- 1940-43 1960-62 1962-70 they Small exercise book containing record of experiments (TMV, cowpea virus). Small exercise book containing record of experiments (cowpea, TMV, RNA). ltems B.10 to B.37 comprise the remaining 28 volumes in a series of 45 laboratory notebooks documenting the collaboration between F.C. Bawden and N.W. Pirie from 1934 to 1970. The notebooks are in Pirie's hand and labelled with his name and address; are numbered in a chronological sequence and the pages are num- bered consecutively in sets of 1-1000. In most of the later note- books there are typescript content lists of page references with a descriptive note of the experiments therein. The wide range of topics reflects the changing focus of ideas and problems for research. Titles given in inverted commas are those which appear on the note-- books; the underscored number is that of the notebook in the original sequence. Separation of layers June 24th p.40.' 'Virus work continued from Book 10. Ammonium sulphate ppin results on p.142 of Book 10. Acetiqunhydride experiments on pp.160-163. ‘Brucella Potato X' with note inside front cover 'Potato X started (p) 139". ; Sept.1934- Oct. 1935 Oct.1935 Oct.1936 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 s12 13 14 in 216 wth 'Virus' (tobacco mosaic, potato X, tobacco necrosis). 'Viruses' (potato X, tobacco necrosis). 'Viruse's' (bushy stunt, tobacco mosaic). 'Virus' (tobacco mosaic, necrosis, bushy stunt, etc. ). 'Virus' (tobacco mosaic, necrosis). ‘Normal Leaf Protein' with note inside first page 'leaf protein experiments in previous books'. plant pathologists, notes of experiments. Notes of conversations with other 'Virus'. 'Virus': ‘continuation from book 23'. 'Virus' with note inside front cover of contents with page references: 5 Oct. 1936- Aug. 1937 Aug. 1937- Oct. 1938 Oct. 1938- April 1940 March 1940- Feb.1941 Feb.1941- Nov.1941 Aug.1941- Feb.1951 Nov. 1941- Nov. 1942 Nov. 1942- June 1943 June 1943- March 1944 ‘Results not yet absorbed King Edward potato Lack of effect on drying T.M.V. Single lesions of T.N. (Markham's rosette) 'Virus'. typescript 'Virus' with note inside front cover: (notes on experiments, notes March 1944- July 1945 Prep. of TN Il Single lesions of T.N. B.S. inhibition’ ‘continuation from book 26' on the literature). inside front cover ‘survey of chloroform, etc. results'; list of page references. May 1954 At end of book 'Ribonuclease and N.P.' and 'Ascorbic acid on Necrosis': 'NP' with typescript index of contents at back of book. ‘continued from book 30'; contents ‘in vitro inactivation of Rothamsted! at back of book fypescript index of 'NP Fission expts. -2-' with typescript index of contents. Sept.1948- Nov. 1949 Nov.1949- Aug.1950 Sept. 1950- Nov. 1951 April 1945- Oct. 1947 Sept. 1947 2 typescript indexes of contents. At end of book 'TMV': index of contents. Nov.1951~ May 1953 May 1953- Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 B.29 . B.30 B.3] B.32 B.33 B.34 Book labelled ‘Nothing on Necrosis’. Mg contents' and 'RNase activity of TMV preps...'. Indexes labelled 'Ca and 'T Necrosis Inactivation’. 'TMV fragments', ‘infectivity of TMV fragments': contents. index of Inside front cover labelled 'still interesting: unassimilated thiaminase expts.' Notebook of experiments: not labelled. _ Notebook of experiments with typescript index at back. Lab. notebook with list of experiments and page references on first page. Lab. notebook with list of experiments on first page. Lab. notebook with list of experiments on first page. 6 May 1954- Aug.1955 Aug. 1955- Dec. 1956 March 1957- March 1959 March 1959- Oct. 1963 Oct. 1963- Dec.1965 Dec. 1965- May 1967 May 1967- Oct. 1968 Oct. 1968- April 1970 April 1970- May 1971 1942-69 c. Scientific Correspondence Green loose-leaf binder containing work of Dr. Alfred Kleczkowski FRS,carried out in the Plant Pathology Department at Rothamsted. _ The notes are in roughly chronological sequence, some have been annotated (at a later date?), and two sets of notes made in 1953-54 and 1968-69 have been inserted in the front of the book. notebook includes graphs and charts, photographs, working notes, tracings, tabular summaries of data, diagrams. (see Bawden's Memoir of Kieeekowela Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 17, 431-440, 1971. The Correspondence with individuals, or with institutions and official bodies. extensive files, and the principal correspondents are listed in the general index on pp.18-20. An indication of the contents is given for the more 1959-71 Agricultural Research Council Correspondence with officials and professional colleagues in ARC Research Units re: publications, research proposals etc. submitted to Bawden for comment; conferences, symposia, discussions, lectures and talks to be attended or given by Bawden and his staff; visits to research stations and laboratories; secondments and courses. Annals of Applied Biology (Bawden served on the editorial committee 1942-1965) Correspondence and comments with editors and colleagues on papers submitted for publication: staff appointments, C.2 C.3 1958-62 1963-65 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 C.4 Agricultural Research Council of Central Africa, 1964-65 Andrewes, Christopher H. Badami, R.S. Batisse, M. Best, Rupert J. 1958-60 (on Virus nomenclature) 1963 1970 1961 Bos, L. 1960-71 *.D.. 1960-61 Broadbent, Leonard 1959-62 Buxton, Eric W. Caspar; Don Ly Chessin, Meyer 1961, 1965 Close, Ronald C. Dhow, Ne. Dunworth, J. 1968 East Malling Research Station 1963 1961 V. Ri 1958 1959-65 1961 (on proposed FAO Food and Agriculture Organization research programme under Freedom from Hunger campaign ) Francki, R. Gates, L. Harrison, Bryan D. Hodge, C. H. Hull, Raymond 1959-60 1964, 1968 1960 1959-60 1961 A. rs (Dr. Hull was Head of Dunholme Field Station mtil 1962 and thereafter Head of Broom's Barn.) 1961 Ww. 1962 1966 1959 Arthur 1959, 1968 Institute of Biology 1959-71 (Bawden was President of the Institute, 1969-71); misc. corres= pondence on symposia, lectures, etc., including ‘The biological hazards of disease control' summaries of papers read, etc. Oct. 1959; programme drafts and Israel Agricultural Research Station Kalbfleisch, W. Knight, C. Knorr, L. ns Mann, Harold H. Maramorosch, Karl 1963-71 (includes correspondence on Methods in Virology, of which Maramorosch was Joint Editor, while _ Bawden servedon the Advisory Board) in Agriculture visits, lectures, meetings at sub-stations, research units, etc. recommendations and reports on research proposals submitted to 1953 1949 (on bunchy-top disease of manilla hemp in publications and exchanges of publications, especially articles National Agricultural Advisory Service; Council). The correspondence deals with: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Needham, Dorothy Nye, G. Bawden and his staff for comment; Agricultural Improvement 1958-71 (including cule Cit North Borneo) Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 10 ©.11 1958-1960 1961-1971 (including correspondence on enquiry into soil fertility and structure 1970) Nattrass, R. M. 1943-46 (on potato viruses in Kenya) Nature 1958-71: re articles written for Nature by Bawden, books reviewed by Bawden or his staff, mss. submitted to him for appraisal or comment. John 1949-50: re Bawden's visit to Zanzibar on Nutman, F. Colonial Office mission 'to examine certain aspects of 'Sudden Death" of clove trees in Zanzibar and Pemba', his report and scientific correspondence with Nutman as Director, Clove Research Scheme. (see also D.8) io, Cs 16 Pirie was Bawden's chief collaborator the chemical and physical properties of viruses, beginning Correspondence exchanged with Norman Wingate Pirie ('Bill'). (see also B.1, B.2, B.10-B.37). in work on at the Potato Virus Research Station, Cambridge (1930-36), and continuing after Bawden's move to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist (1936). When Bawden became Head of the Plant Pathology Department in 1940, Pirie succeeded him as Virus Physiologist. In his Royal Society Memoir (pp.23, 39-55) Pirie describes their collaboration, conducted mainly _ by exchanging preparations and results by post 1936-40. These files, in conjunction with the laboratory notebooks listed in Section B, are the record of the work. C.15 Pirie's correspondence (C.15) is very Bawden's letters (C.16) are more Letters from N.W. Pirie to Bawden (c) 1937-40, from School of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, and 4 letters from the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Massachusetts. The letters are almost wholly confined to experiments, results and conclusions, and the preparation of papers for publication; some brief personal and social references are included, and Bawden's ‘editorial! hand can also be seen at work. rarely dated, headed, or signed; _frequently, but by no means generally, dated. 1958 (on Virus nomenclature) Letters from Bawden ‘to N.W. Pirie (c) 1937-40 and one letter 1946 (includes some correspondence, 1937, with J.T. Edwards, Cattle Testing Station, Pirbright, re visit by Bawden and Pirie to collect foot and mouth virus). Peachey, J. Roland, G. Rose, J. Single, B. Solo, Robert A. Steere, Russell L. Thung, T. H. 1968 M. 1958 (on Virus nomenclature) 1945 (on Coconut disease. See also C.14) N. 196] 1964-71 1962-63 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 .48 Personal and scientific correspondence with Sir E. John Russell (Director of Rothamsted 1912-1943). Official letter of appointment, and private letter of welcome, to Bawden on his appointment as Virus Physiologist at Rothamsted, 1936. Letters exchanged with Sir John during his retirement 1959-64. Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan Salaman was Director of the Potato Virus Research Station, Cambridge, where Bawden worked as his research assistant 1930-36. 1936-51. Shell Chemical Company Limited 1959-71. Misc. correspondence re books received and articles written by Bawden for Shell journals 'Span' and 'Land', conferences, etc. Smith, Kenneth M. virus experiments and results, publications, Virus nomenclature, etc. The correspondence deals with 1935-50. Spooner, E. Ts Cc. 1937-41. Stanley, W. M. 1936-47. Correspondence exchanged between Bawden, Pirie and Stanley 1936-38, with a letter from and drafts of papers submitted for publication; Pirie 1974 t- tady Bawden, explaining and dating the material. (see Pirie's discussion of Bawden's views, C.26 C.26-C.29 Virus nomenclature. Memoir, pp .52-54) Storey, Harold Haydon. Correspondence on misc. virus diseases: Correspondence between H.H. Storey and R.N. Salaman on Johnson's nomenclature 1935-36 Misc. printed reports etc. on systems of nomenclature and classification. Virus multiplication, 1940 Cocoa cloves, 1946 Sudden Death of cloves, 1947-50 ie also C.14) Rosette disease of groundnuts, 1949-51 Unexplained disease of coconuts in Jamaica, 1948 of the Plant Pathology Department at Rothamsted. ) Papers and correspondence relating to the International Committee on Description and Nomenclature of Plant Viruses 1938-40, with special reference to the System of Nomenclature proposed by the Committee in 1939, a draft of which is included. correspondents are: Samuel, H.M. Quanjer, G. Dufrénoy, L.O. Kunkel, Carlyle W. Bennett, H.H. Storey. (Bawden was not a member of the Committee, and the papers were originally in the possession of Dr. J. Henderson Smith, a member of the Committee and Bawden's predecessor as Head James Johnson, J. Henderson Smith, Geoffrey The chief Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 G28 Correspondence and papers relating to the Plant Virus Section of the sub-committee on virus nomenclature set up by Inter- national Microbiological Congress (1949); Bawden served on this Committee and the Chairman was Dr. Lindsay M. Black 1950-55. The chief correspondents are: P. Limasset, Christopher H. Andrewes, G. Roland. Includes correspondence re International Conference on 'Virus and Rickettsial Nomenclature and Classification’, organised by New York Academy of Sciences, Jan. 1952, at which Bawden spoke on 'Criticism of Binomial Nomenclature as applied to Plant Viruses’. Lindsay M. Black, T.H. Thung, Valleau, W. Waddington, C. Programme) D. 1964 His 1961-62 (on International Biological Western, J. Wildy, P. Wood, Ronald K. Aik 1965 1964 9 1960 Misc. shorter scientific correspondence (not indexed). Misc. shorter scientific and personal correspondence re invitations to lecture, attend conferences, requests for advice on publications and papers, etc. ‘aot indexed). Crs2 C.33 C.32-C.40 Misc. reports and advice on research projects, application for grants, etc. Australian Research Grants Committee 1965. National Science Foundation, Washington 1959-72. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Department of Education and Science National Science Council, Dublin National Environment Research Council, Nature Conservancy Research Grants Sub-Committee 1967-73 (the work was continued by the Deputy Director of Rothamsted after Bawden's death in 1972). degrees referred to Bawden. Correspondence and reports on theses and application for higher Fellowships: nominations from Rothamsted with Kellogg research proposals, supporting statements, related correspondence, etc. 1959-67. Misc. reports by Bawden on research proposals The Nuffield Foundation 1962-70. Science Research Council 1965-67. 1968-71. Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 B Correspondence re Overseas Visits D.1-D.46 ‘Invitations and Visits’. This section consists of correspondence re visits abroad by Bawden or his staff to attend symposia or conferences, to lecture, or to act as advisor/ consultant to agricultural institutes and laboratories. arranged alphabetically by name of country visited and their contents are briefly summarised. Most of the correspondence is necessarily re invitations, programme scheduling, travel arrangements, visas and other matters appropriate to the journeys. been noted in the handlist and the principal correspondents have been listed in the general index on pp.18-20. (See also item A.2, a chronological list of all visits abroad by Bawden.) Very few documents remain which relate to Bawden's visits abroad before 1958. Scientific correspondence has The files are 13th Conference of the International Association of Australia. Agricultural Economists (1967): correspondence re conference arrangements, invitations to visit various agricultural institutes and laboratories in Australia, itinerary. Typescript report by Bawden to A.R.C. on visit. Australia. with Australian Scientific Liaison Office in London. Misc. correspondence re invitations, correspondence 1966-67 1959-63 1961-71 1958-73 1967-69 misc. correspondence and Cyprus. Secondment of staff. Invitations to conferences(IX International Botanical Royal Society invitations to visit as part of exchange Bawden's visit Bulgaria. programme with Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. at invitation of Academy of Agricultural Sciences: correspondence re travel arrangements. itinerary, Correspondence re staff secondment, re Bawden's visit Canada. Congress; Pugwash), staff visits; letters of thanks. Ceylon. (1967), re invitation to address Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science (declined). on the Biosphere. East Africa. Bawden's visit to Tobacco Research Board of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1960); correspondence re visits to Kenya (1962, 1965, 1967), staff secondment and visits. (See Item C.14, 1959-66, correspondence wiih F.J. Nutman, re Bawden's visit fo Zanzibar in 1949 to report on the scheme for — the control of Sudden Death‘disease in cloves, and C.25, corres- pondence with H.H. Storey.) Suggestion for U.K. delegation to UNESCO conference Czechoslovakia. Invitations to Bawden (delined). 1967 1961-68 1959-67 Egypt. Staff secondment. France. Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 D.11 Germany. (United Kingdom). Bawden's visit to agricultural institutes of BSAF Ghana. Staff secondment and visits. Greece. Staff secondment. Guinea. Staff secondment. 12 1970 1959-68 1964-68 1965 Holland. Invitations to Bawden (declined). 1963, 1968 Hong Kong. Request for slides for staff lecture. Hungary. Bawden's visit under arrangements for exchange of visits of scientists between the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society: correspondence re travel and programmes, typescript of Bawden's report. a India. Invitations to Bawden (declined). Bawden's visit at invitation of Indian Science Congress India. Association to attend Science Congress at Hyderabad and to visit universities and agricultural research stations: official invitation, correspondence re proposed titles for lectures, itinerary, travel arrangemeni-. 1961 1969 1959-72 1954 Indonesia. Staff secondment. Staff secondment and visits (includes scientific corres- 1958-71 Israel. Staff secondment. India. pondence and staff members' reports). Bawden's visit to attend 2nd International Symposium on India. Plant Pathology: correspondence with British Council re travel arrangements, invitations to lecture and subsequent correspondence re scheduling, some scientific correspondence, lists of talks given by Bawden, itinerary. misc. notes and information. Italy. | Bawden's visit to attend VIth International Congress of Microbiology, Rome: Bawden's list of possible speakers for pro- Bawden's invitation gramme on viruses and related correspondence. to attend International Seminar on Change in Agriculture (declined); Bawden's visit to Rome for meeting of FAO Sub-Panel of Experts on Organisation and Administration of Agricultural Research; staff secondment and visits. Kytshu University, invitations to various research laboratories and experimental stations, itinerary (in English and in Japanese), Japan. Bawden's visit (1970) as member of Royal Society dele- 1969-71 19é0 1959, 1970 1969-70 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 13 D225 “nO Malaya. Malaya (1967): Staff visits; Bawden's visit to Rubber Institute of 1966-69 includes some scientific correspondence. Bawden's visit to attend Ilth Congress of the Inter- Mauritius. national Society of Sugar Cane Technologists; related correspondence. invitation and Mexico. Staff secondment. 1961-62 1962-64 New Zealand. Bawden's visit, with lecture in Christchurch. 1967 North Africa. Staff secondment. 1965-66 Pakistan. (declined). Staff secondment and visits, invitations to Bawden 1961-68 Persia. Staff secondment and visits. Poland. Invitations to Bawden (declined). Rumania. Invitation to Bawden (declined). South Africa. Technologis*:' Association Congress: correspondence re planning of visit. Bawden's visit to address South African Sugar 1959, 1966 1960-61, 1966 1960, 1967 1966 : Turkey. 1962-71 1967 1958-67 1969 Spain. Staff visit. Sweden. Secondment of staff. South America. Secondment of staff. Secondment of staff and visits. Secondment of staff, Bawden's visit (1969) as member of Sudan. Scientific Advisory Committee for Agricultural Research, some scientific correspondence. research laboratories and institutes. U.S.S.R. (declined); Sciences to lecture in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev: invitation and related correspondence, travel arrangements, Bawden's report on visit (sent to ARC). Visits to USA by Bawden (3 folders). The files include invitations and subsequent correspondence re topics and scheduling of lectures, travel arrangements, hospitality, plans to visit other agricul tural Secondment of staff and visits. Bawden's visit as guest of Academy of Agricultural Invitation to Bawden 1958-64 1964, 1967 197] 1959 1959-66 -41-D.42a Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 D.41 invitation and related correspondence. Visit to Yale to deliver course of lectures on plant virology: Invitations from laboratories and universities in USA and Canada and planning of itinerary. pondence. Scientific corres- New York Academy of Sciences conference on Nomenclature and Classification of Viruses (see also C.28). International Symposium on Dynamics of Virus Infection, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Conference on ‘Cellular Biology, Nucleic Acids and Viruses’ sponsored by NY Academy of Sciences. Conference on Latency and Masking in Viral and Rickeftsial Infections, Wisconsin. Duquesne University, Symposium on Evolution, Pittsburg, Pa. Seminar on Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases, University of Maryland. Regents' Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of California. Visit to University of Arizona. Centennial of the University of California, Symposium on ‘A Century of Scientific Discovery', with lecture by Bawden on ‘The Agricultural Sciences-Retrospect and Prospect’. related correspondence. 1958-67 1947-72 USA. Correspondence re staff visits, grants, visas, etc. Dedication of Entomology-Plant Pathology Building, Cornell University. with talk by Bawden on ‘Plant virus research’. Symposium on Potentials in Crop Protection, Bawden's visit to Ghana (then the Gold Coast) and West Africa. itinerary, Nigeria in 1947 to study swollen shoot disease of cocoa: agenda and minutes of meetings held in Head Office of Department of Agriculture, Bawden's report, related correspondence (see also A.3, Bawden's diary of this trip describing crops, agricultural institutes, meetings, conversations, etc.). purpose: swollen shoot disease. Staff secondment and visits (1958-72). file covers one financial year and contains: West Indies. Bawden's visits to attend meetings of Advisory Technical Committee for Regional Research Centre, Trinidad: correspondence and itinerary, staff secondment and visits. ‘Visits Abroad', application to the ARC for travel grants to enable members of the Each Rothamsted Soil Survey staff to attend conferences abroad. 1954 visit for the same Later correspondence (1958) re ay Yugoslavia. Bawden's invitation (declined). This section consists of correspondence re 1958-59 1962-7] 1964 D.46 D.47-D .60 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 - proposals submitted to Bawden by department heads re individuals desiring a travel grant so - Bawden's list submitted to the ARC of grants requested for that year, in order of priority - correspondence with the ARC re additional grant requests after the - list of all travel grants received by Rothamsted during the course of the year. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 47 48 49 ae 54 ive .53 54 295 96 vor 08 59 .60 1959 1960 196] 1962 1963 1964 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 Correspondence on lectures and conferences Not itemised or indexed unless dealing with The correspondence is Agricultural Adjustment Unit -- Association of British Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals (1959-65). Queen's University of Belfast -- British Insecticide and Fungicide Council. Invitations to lecture, chair meetings and discussions, open or visit laboratories or field stations, attend demonstrations of equipment (mainly scientific and professional, but includes some correspondence with local societies, newspapers, or non-professional bodies, and some social engagements). matters of scientific or personal interest. arronged alphabetically, the first and last name in each file appearing in the list below. and biographical note prepared by him for the occasion. British Association for the Advancement of Science (1958-70) re many lectures given by Bawden for the B.A., and also recommendations for B.A. Lecturerships. British Motor Corporation -- Brunel University (1959-72): conferment of Hon. degree of Doctor of Technology on Bawden 1967 includes British Broadcasting Corporation 1958-63 (re Bawden's broadcasts on 'Who knows?! and ‘Silent Spring'). The British Council 1959-73 (including talk by Bawden on Rothamsted). Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 ner E.8 E.9 .10 me | wee 13 14 slo 16 Cambridge University -- Colston. The Ciba Foundation. Commonwealth Entomological Conference -- Durham. East Scotland College of Agriculture -- University of Exeter. Farmers' Club -~ Guinness. _ Harpenden -~ Imperial Chemical Industries. Imperial College -- John Innes Horticultural Institute. Lawes Chemical Company -- National Inst. Agricultural Botany (includes Leeuwenhock Lecture, Royal Society, 1959). National Inst. Agr. Engineering -- Oxford University (esp. re Oxford Farming Conference, 1972). includes also some scientific correspondence Reading University; on publications, on International Seminar on Change in Agriculture held at Reading 1968, and on conferment of Hon. D.Sc. on Bawden 1970. Research and Control Instruments Ltd. -- Royal Statistical Society. Tate and Lyle Ltd. -- Wye College. Correspondence on Publications The index is selective. Scottish Horticultural Research Institute -- University College, Swansea. Misc. shorter correspondence re invitations to Bawden and his staff to lecture, attend discussions, etc. 1958-71. General correspondence with editors and publishing houses, presented An indication is given when alphabetically and dated where possible. a manuscript, or any point of special interest, accompanies the corres- pondence. Cornell University 1970. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1971-72 Annual Review of Phytopathology 1968-70 Annual Review of Plant Physiology 1956-59 Avi Publishing Co. Inc. (includes typescript article by Bawden on history of Rothamsted) 1970 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 1960 California, University of 1968-70 Central Oftice of Information 1960-71 (includes misc. notes for entries on Rothamsted) Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 17 Ez Dictionary of National Biography 1963 (includes Bawden's biographical notice of Tom Goodey) Empire Cotton Growing Corporation 1959-63 Encyclopaedia Britannica 1959-69 (includes Bawden's articles on Sir John Lawes, and Rothamsted Experimental Station) Farm Mechanization and Buildings 1967 Farmer and Stockbreeder 1970 Farming World 1963, 1968, 1969 Fox, H. Gardeners Chronicle 1964, 1970 Harpenden Free Press 1970 W. Heffer and Sons 1958-59 Herts. Advertiser 1959 (includes Bawden's memorial tribute to Dr. F. Munro (for Hutchinsons) 1960-61 Tattersfield) L. Higgs International Cane Sugar Journal 1962 1963 (re Bawden's Plant Diseases) Journal of Biological Chemistry 1960-61 (correspondence with editors and collaborators, includes some scientific corres= pondence on Rhoeo Discolor) Ji Journal of General Microbiology 1959 Journal of Nutrition 1965 Koren, H. 1959 McGraw-Hill Book Company 1961-62 T. Nelson and Sons (re Plant Diseases) 1969 (see also F.12) New Scientist 1961-72, i(i«C~™*s Pergamon Press 1958-59 (re Bawden's contribution on ‘Viruses! to The Ronald Press Company, New York Correspondence re Bawden's Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases; includes original photographs for figures in re-written 4th ed. published by the Ronald Press Company, 1964 1958-64. Vistas in Botany) Pettersson, M. 1962 Plant Pathology 1960 Plant Virology 1964 Pleins Champs 1970 Power Petroleum Co. Limited 1965 1964 (with Bawden's Obituary notice of Dr. Herbert Greene) Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen 1968 Sadasivan, T. (for Indian Botanical Society) 1962, 1970 Science Journal 1966-68 Scientia Sunday Times 1959 Thames and Hudson The Times Royal Agricultural Soc. of England Journal 1963-66 Royal Institute of Chemistry 1964 (includes report of a lecture given Royal Society 1965 (invitation to write biographical memoir of 1961 (with Bawden's Obituary notice of Dr. Harold Mann) by Bawden to Conjoint Chemical Council, Dublin 1968) Dr. Hedley Marston - declined) S. 1960-61 1967 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 'Tools for Progress’ UNESCO 1959 Virology 1967 1961, 1968 (re articles by Bawden in collaboration with R.C. Sinha and B. Kassanis) Misc. shorter correspondence on publications: permission to quote or reproduce published material, requests to write books or articles, supply information, etc. (not indexed). of the letters also include scientific information on research in or exchanging g g reprints or information. p fk Misc. correspondence requesting Many progress. 2 Files (not indexed). ¥. Book reviews. Correspondence with publishers, editors and authors; includes some drafts of reviews by Bawden, and some scientific correspondence arising from books, articles, or reviews. Misc. shorter correspondence with colleagues and members of staff at Rothamsted and field stations, mainly on drafts for publications submitted for approval and comment to Bawden. include: Correspondents S.N. Adams William J. Byford C.E. Cornford A. Philip Draycott R. Andrew Dunning Philip H. Gregory Geoffrey D. Heathcote Raymond Hull C.R. Ribbands RK... Scott C.A. Thorold P.B. Tinker 1959-61 1959-67 1958-64 1967 1960-67 1960 1962-68 1967 1967 1967-69 1959-68 1965 1944-5] Index to the Principal Correspondents Correspondence with Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited re Bawden's Plant Diseases, and reprint Alexander, W. Andrewes, Christopher H. Badami, R. Batisse, M. Bennett, Carlyle W. Best, Rupert J. Bhatnagar, Sir Shanti S. Black, Lindsay M. Bos;iks Brakke, Myron K. Broadbent, Leonard Bunting, A. g g n g a a v a a m a m o e o b e o h Gordon D n Hugh Z = W ® S O N I n o O s N . o o C w w Q O N O R o c O o - ws D A O O G N O F A O O O F O O O O O O D O O F O o O O O O R H A D N N O W — l e m I H E H s e w a N N O U O N N — W b h n t r o w t o s o w .27 Al .28 523 9 .9, D.42, D.42a 4 12 .8 9 14 9 Esg BP AQ. 4 EL Bie Os oe ce A 6 oa ee ‘4 +9 Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 R. Pr. D. Gordon Arthur os OO. Buxton, Eric ‘W. Caspar, Don L. Chessin, Meyer Close, Ronald C. Coe, ait ts DelbrUck, Max Dhar, N. Dufrénoy, G. Duncan, James F. Dunworth, John V. Edsall, John T. Finney, David J. Francki, R. Gates, L. Gordon, Milton Paul Harrison, Bryan D. Hunn, Raymond Hutchinson, Sir Joseph B. Ives, Walter Johnson, James Jourdain, E. Kalbfleisch, W. Kenten, Ray H. Knight, C. Knorr, L. Kunkel 66-2 Lewis, Harlan Limasset, P. Lwoff, A. Mann, Harold H. Maramorosch, Karl Marsh, R. Nattrass, R. Neas, Ivan Needham, Dorothy Nutman, F. Nye, G. Peachey, J. Pereira, H. Pirie, Norman Wingate Posnette, A. Prunster, Ronald W. Quanjer, H. M. Raeburn, John R. Raychaudhuri, S. Roland, G. Rose, J. Russell, Sir (Edward) John Russell, J. Salaman, Redcliffe Nathan Salt, G. Samuel, Geoffrey Singh, B. N. W. M. (Peter) W. A. A. John M., i. S O O A M O S O D O S A V A N ay 18 A4 F O oad FF. N ! Bawden CSAC 37/1/76 H. Tigers Slater, Sir William Smith, Kenneth M. Smith, J. | Henderson Solo, Robert A. Spooner, E. Stanley, Wendel M. Steere, Russell L. Storey, Harold Haydon Thung, T. Tinsley, Thomas W. Treffers, Henry Peter Tubbs, Frank R. Valleau, W. Varma, Anupam Voelcker, J. Waddington, C. Western, J. Wildy, P. Williams, Robley C. Wood, Ronald K. Wyckoff, Ralph Walter Greystone D. 4H. nF d 21 27 Az 24 28, C.24.. 049 17 35-6, 7, °D.8 sg AA Al 6 29 19 44 29 29 29 42 29 S O F O O N O O B 8 9 - 0 ) 0 2 O ) 0 . 0 . : @ S 2 O 2 O s f 0 U N i o N