THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of BRIGADIER RALPH ALGER BAGNOLD (1896-1990) geophysicist in Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 ODS Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 35/3/92) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1992 All rights reserved No 8/92 NRA 35165 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists underthe guidanceof the Royal Society's National Committee for the History ofScience, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of BRIGADIER RALPH ALGER BAGNOLD FRS (1896 - 1990) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge NCUACS35/3/92 All rights reserved University of Bath 1992 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of BRIGADIER RALPH ALGER BAGNOLD FRS (1896 - 1990) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge NCUACS35/3/92 All rights reserved University of Bath 1992 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the supportof the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Petroleum plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The WellcomeTrust R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.61 SECTION B EXPEDITIONS AND RESEARCH B.1-B.38 16 SECTION C LONG RANGE DESERT GROUP C.1-.32 22 SECTION D MAPS D.1-D.196 SECTION E PHOTOGRAPHS E.1-E.81 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 53 59 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 3 The papers were received in November 1991 and January 1992 from Brigadier Bagnold's son, Mr S. C. Bagnold. OUTLINE OF THE CAREEROF R. A. BAGNOLD Ralph Alger Bagnold was born in Devonportin 1896, the son of Colonel A. H. Bagnold, Royal Engineers and grandson of Major-General M. E. Bagnold of the East India Company. He was educated at Malvern College and the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, before his commission in the Royal Engineers with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in 1915. During the First World War he served at Ypres, the Somme and Passchendaele. Heroseto the rank of Captain. In 1919 Bagnold returned to England and entered Gonville and Caius College Cambridge to study for the Engineering Tripos. He completed his degree in two years and returned to the army in 1921. He wasposted to the 5th Division Signal Company,then serving in Ireland. Onthetransfer of the signal units from the Royal Engineers to a new Royal Corps of Signals, Bagnold wassentto the Signal Training Centre at Maresfield Park, Sussex,first as instructor in electricity, then as Chief Instructor. In 1926 Bagnold wasposted to Egypt. He served for two years before promotion to the rank of Major took him to the North-West Frontier of India 1928-31 where he commandedthe Waziristan Signals. After a period in England as Chief Instructorat the School of Signals at Catterick, Bagnold wasposted to the Far East as Officer Commanding Signals, China Commandin 1933. Heretired from the army in 1935 on health grounds. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 4 Bagnold's time in Egyptinstilled in him a fascination with desert exploration. He went on expeditions with fellow officer into Sinai, Transjordan and the Libyan Desert and, evenafter his posting to India, returned to North Africa to lead expeditions in 1929, 1930 and 1932. The 1932 expedition was the most adventurous, covering the unexplored frontier between Chad and northern Sudan. This and the earlier explorations are recounted by Bagnold in Libyan Sands. Travel in a dead world,first published by Hodder & Stoughton in 1935. In recognition of his explorations in North East Africa Bagnold received the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society in 1934. During his desert expeditions Bagnold had becomeinterested in the physics behind the creation and movementof sand dunes. Onretirement from the army he began scientific research in C. M. White's laboratory at Imperial College London using a home-made wind tunnel. This work culminated in The physics of blown sand and desert dunes, first published by Methuen in 1941. This became the standardtext- book on the subject and wasstill in print when Bagnold died in 1990. Onthe outbreak of the Second World War Bagnold wasrecalled to the army. He was originally posted to Kenya buthis troopship collided in the Mediterranean en route and put in for repair in Egypt. General Wavell requested that Bagnold remain in Egypt. In 1940, with General Wavell's support, Bagnold founded the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), a small motorised force which undertook reconnaissance and raids deep into enemyheldterritory. The LRDG metwith considerable success and madea valuable contribution to the Allied victory in North Africa and Bagnold received the OBE (Military) for the part he played in establishing the Group. He handed over commandin July 1941 and joined the General Staff in Cairo with the rank of Colonel. Bagnold was later promoted to Brigadier, serving as Deputy Officer-in-Chief of Signals in the Middle East. Bagnold returned to England in 1944. He was married in 1946 to Dorothy Plank. In 1947 Bagnold was offered and accepted the post of Director of Research at Shell Refining and Marketing Company, based at the new Thornton Research Centre, near Chester. He resigned in 1949 in orderto be able to concentrate on research into the transport ofsolids by a stream of water, at Imperial College London. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 5 Heserved as consultant on several projects, most notably for the US government from 1958. This arose from an approachin 1956 by L. B. Leopold, Head of the Water Resources Division of the US Geological Survey, to undertake collaborative work on the annualrate at which rivers transport solids. Bagnold's experiments demonstrated that transport rate is an inherent function of flow-depth, a fact previously unknown. He remainedan authority on the transport of blown sand and in 1977 wasinvited by NASAto be key-note speaker at a meeting on the desert landscapes of Earth and Mars. In later years Bagnold also beganto study patterns of random distributions, work whichhadits origins in observations he had made in 1927. The paper Bagnold published onthis in the Proceedings of the Royal Society in 1983 prompted a friendly letter from B. B. Mandelbrot, a pioneer of chaos theory. Bagnold received many honoursand awardsfor his scientific work. In 1944 he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. In 1969 he received the G. K. Warren Prize of the US National AcademyofSciences, and in 1970 the Penrose Gold Medal of the Geological Society of America and the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society of London. Bagnold waselected a Fellow of Imperial College in 1971. He received an Honorary D.Sc. from the University of East Anglia the following year, waselected a Foreign Honorary Memberof the American Academyof Arts and Sciences in 1974, and in 1978 was awarded the Sorby Medalof the International Society of Sedimentologists and an Honorary D.Sc. from the University of Aarhusin Denmark. Shortly before his death in 1990 Bagnold was awarded the James Alfred Ewing Medalofthe Institution of Civil Engineers and Royal Society. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. There is good documentation of Bagnold's desert expeditions and a substantial collection of maps and photographs supplementing the manuscript and printed material in sections A, B and C. Section A, Biographical, includes two drafts of Bagnold's autobiography, published by the University of Arizona Press in 1991. There is a fascinating sequence of Bagnold's childhoodletters to his family from St Wilfrid's School, Bexhill-on-Sea, and Malvern College. Of especial interest is a letter to Bagnold from T. E. Lawrence (‘Lawrence of Arabia’) dated 7 March 1928. Section B, Expeditions and research, provides good documentation of Bagnold's early explorations with fellow officers in the Middle East and North Africa 1926-32. The expedition of 1932 is particularly well represented. Thereis also a little material from other overseas visits 1933-38. Bagnold's scientific research is less well documented; mostof the material dates from the post-war period and the work best represented is Bagnold's later research on random distributions. Thereis also a set of Bagnold's publications. Section C, Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), presents documentation of the history and activities of the Group. Bagnold intended to write a history of the LRDG from an early date and assembled materiallikely to be of interest. This includes original instructions for and reports of many LRDGoperations and draft chapters of a 'war diary and narrative’. A lecture by Bagnold on 'Early Days of the Long Range Desert Group’ was published in The Geographical Journal 105, nos. 1 and 2 (1945), but the contemporaryhistory of the unit was written by W. B. K. Shaw, LRDG Intelligence Officer, and published as Long Range Desert Group (Collins, London, 1945). Section D, Maps, is the largest in the collection. It principally consists of the contents of Bagnold's large map cabinet and includes mapsrelating to his First World War service in France and Belgium,his explorations in North Africa and the Middle East (the 1932 expedition in particular) and the LRDG. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Section E, Photographs, includes an extensive collection of photographs and negatives chiefly relating to desert exploration and the Long Range Desert Group. This section also presents sets of glass photographic plates used by Bagnold in the 1930s for recording results of experiments on wind-blownsand. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 8 LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL The following items are retained by the family (Mr S. C. Bagnold) and may be consulted with his permission: Bagnold's First World Warnarrative covering the period 20 July 1915 (when Bagnold arrived in France) to 26 August 1917. Five photograph albums: 1) 1909-26, including his home on ShootersHill, the First World War, Cambridge, and detailed ‘diarised' accounts of holidays in France, the Pyrenees, North Africa, Italy, Sicily, Greece, Constantinople, the Balkans, Palestine and Transjordan. 2) 1926-28, covering early desert travels in Transjordan and the Libyan Desert together with a personalnarrative. 3) 1928-30, covering India and Himalayas 1928, India to Cairo 1929 and Libyan Desert exploration 1929 and 1930. 4) 1932-33, covering Libyan Desert exploration 1932 and Peking and Malaya 1933. 5) 1933-36, including Siam, Angkor, Champery, Japan and Tanganyika. In addition the family retain papers of Bagnold’s grandfather Major General Michael Edward Bagnold (1787-1857), his great uncle Captain Thomas Maxwell Bagnold RN (1780-1848) and his father Colonel Arthur Henry Bagnold (1854-1943). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare very grateful to Mr S. C. Bagnold for making the material available, and for his advice and encouragement. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper Bath 1992 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 9 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.61 A.1-A.15 Autobiographical and biographical A.16-A.34 Career, honours and awards A.35-A.47 Family A.48,A.49 Personal correspondence A.50-A.58 Passports A.59-A.61 Miscellaneous AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.l Memoir by M.J. Kenn, Biographical Memoirsof Fellowsof the Royal Society, 37 (1991). A.2 Obituaries: The Times, 30 May and 5 June 1990. Independent, 30 May, 8 June and 11 June 1990. A.3 Biographical entry for Bagnold by Col. R. M. Adams, Historical Officer, Royal Signals Institution, sent to Bagnold for approval 10 March 1964. Biographical entry in McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers 1980. Entry in Who's Who 1990. A.4-A.14 Sun, Wind, War and Water, Bagnold's autobiography. This was published by the University of Arizona Press in 1991. A.4-A.12 269pp typescript draft. 9 folders. A.13 Binderlabelled by S. C. Bagnold (son) 'An early draft script of RAB's autobiography containing, mainly latterly, scientific sections not includedin the final, published work’. Includes someloose pages and corrections. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 10 Biographical A.14 Two 3pp typescript outlines, one incomplete; draft 'Foreword' andfirst page; ‘Amendments and additions’to earlier draft. A.15 Contents of Bagnold's 'Personal File’. This file contains: a family tree tracing the Bagnold family back to the seventeenth century, list of birthdays of family members, list of publications from July 1927 to June 1939, record of ‘insurances’, letter from Lloyd's Bank, 1 November 1935, listing Bagnold's bankers orders and Bagnold's list thereof, short list of "Bookslent’, annual records of 'Important happenings’ covering 1933 - August 1939, and record of investments 1917-35. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.16,A.17 Papers re Army Entrance Examination, June 1914. Bagnoldsat this examination to enter the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. A.16 Timetables, regulations etc. A.17 Examination papers. A.18 First World War Msnote by Bagnold listing announcements of his promotions and awards, covering 1916-21. A.19-A.21 Gonville and Caius College Cambridge A.19 Exchange with WarOffice, August 1920, re course of studies; note from Mayor of Cambridge, 26 January 1921, authorising Bagnold to play a street organ for the Lord Roberts Memorial Workshop Fund; MAdegreecertificate, 13 February 1925. A.20 Menusfrom College functions (chiefly rowing) 1920-25, some signed on back by someof those attending. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 11 Biographical A.21 Other College memorabilia. A.22 North WestFrontier, 1930. A.23 A.24 Letter of thanks for Bagnold's service, 4 November 1930; notification of mention in despatches, 14 November 1930; display card warning "Your conversation can be overheard bythe rebels on any line that goes outside this building...’ Medical Report on Bagnold, June 1935, and information on sprue, from which he had been suffering. Election to Athenaeum Club 1935; menu for Dinner to Earl Baldwin, 29 November 1937, held at the Club. Award ofInstitution of Civil Engineers Telford Premium, 1941, for paper on ‘Beach formation by waves: some model-experiments in a wavetank' J. Inst. Civil Engrs, no. 5237 (1940). A.25,A.26 Second World War See also Section C The Long Range Desert Group. A.25 Includes notifications of promotion (acting rank of Lieutenant- Colonel, 13 December 1940, acting rank of Brigadier and appointment as Deputy Signal Officer in Chief General HQ Middle East, 4 July 1943, Brigadier, 30 August 1944); notification of mention in despatches, 30 December 1941 and award of oak leaf bar to War Medal 1939-45, 13 January 1949; service record to September 1943. A.26 Diary, August 1939-May 1944. A.27 O.B.E. (Military). Bagnold was awarded the OBE in 1941 but received the award in February 1947. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 12 Biographical A.28 Offers of employment, April 1944. Appointmentas Director of Research, Shell Refining & Marketing Co. Ltd., 10 May 1946. Election to University of Liverpool Council, 21 November 1947. A.29 Miscellaneousinvitations to social functions received duringvisit to Egypt, December 1950 - January 1951. Bagnold wasinvited to Egypt to attend the foundation of an Egyptian DesertInstitute. A.30 Election as Correspondent(later Honorary Fellow), Geological Society of America, 1960. Penrose Medal of Geological Society of America, 1970. Material includes biographical sketch and press-cutting on Bagnold's career. A.31 Royal Society Club/Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers Club Dinner, Buckingham Palace, 3 November 1966. G. K. Warren Prize of the US National AcademyofSciences, 1969. A.32 Fellowship of Imperial College London, 1971. For photograph of occasion see E.59. A.33 Foreign Honorary Member, American Academyof Arts and Sciences, 1974. Honorary D.Sc., University of Aarhus, 1978. Sorby Medalfor Excellence in Sedimentology of the International Association of Sedimentologists, 1978. Material includes citation for award and Bagnold's reply. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 13 Biographical A.34 Ninetieth birthday, 1986. Ninety-fourth birthday, 1990. FAMILY A.35-A.42 Bagnold's childhood letters and memorabilia, kept by his mother. A.35 1896-1904. A.36 1906. Letters from St Wilfrid's School, Bexhill-on-Sea. A.37 1907-08. Letters from St Wilfrid's School. A.38 1909 January-April. Letters from St Wilfrid's School. A.39 1909 April-August. A.40 1909 September-October. Letters from Malvern College. A.41 1909 November-December. Letters from Malvern College. A.42 1911, 1914. Includes envelope of 'White heather from Ralph Aug. 10 [1914] at the momenthe received newsthat he had passed[...] into the R.M.A.' A.43 Father (Arthur Henry Bagnold) Letters from father 5 June 1920 (re Bagnold's mention in despatches, 13 November 1916 and marriage of Enid, Bagnold's sister), and 31 July 1930 (chiefly financial matters). Folder also includespress- cutting re mother's death, July 1931. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 14 Biographical A.44 Sister (Enid Algerine Bagnold) Invitation to wedding, 8 July 1920;letters 1941; correspondence 1971-72 re family papers. A.45,A.46 Wife (Dorothy Alice Plank) Bagnold was married 8 May 1946. A.45 Correspondence from Dorothy, February-March 1946. A.46 Papers re marriage. Include press-cuttings, letters of congratulation and marriagecertificate. A.47 Son (Stephen Chester Bagnold) Letter re mathematical problem, nd. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.48 A.48A 1918, 1920. Includesinvitation to tea from E. Rutherford, 21 February 1920. 1928. Autograph manuscriptletter from T. E. Lawrence (signed T. E. Shaw) commenting on 'Dr Musil's recent notes on N. Arabia’ and on topography of Arabia, 7 March. A.49 1984, 1986, 1989. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 PASSPORTS Biographical 15 A.50 A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 A.58 1920-26 1933 (China, Japan, Hong Kong) 1937-42 1943-48 1947-52 1952-53 (Israel) 1957-62 1968-78 1978-88 MISCELLANEOUS A.59 ‘Truth, belief and make belief’, 7pp typescript. A.60 Msdrafts by Bagnold written c.1990: Drafts of poem alternatively titled 'Household wisdom'or "Winter wisdom’, on the difference between a doorbeing closed andit being properly shut. Note by S.C. Bagnold, explains the origins of the poem. ‘Evolution and confusion of the British linear measure’, 5pp (incomplete). Notes on evolution. A.61 Memorabilia Second World War Identity Card; driving licence 1938-50; motorfuel ration book; headed notepaper, calling cardsetc. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 16 SECTION B EXPEDITIONS AND RESEARCH B.1 - B.38 The pre-second world war material relates almost entirely to Bagnold's expeditions in the Middle East and North Africa from 1926. This material is supplemented by maps in Section D and photographsin Section E. Bagnold's explorations between 1926 and 1932 are recounted in his book Libyan Sands. Travel in a Dead World first published in 1935. At B.38 is Bagnold's ownset of his published papers, with bibliography. Bagnoldfirst becameinterested in the creation and movementof sand dunes as a result of his expeditions in the desert in 1929 and 1930. He began his study of the physics of blown sand onhis return to England in 1934,in a laboratory at Imperial College London with a home-made windtunnel. Theresults of this pioneering work were published in The physics of blown sand and desert dunes (Methuen, London, 1941). B.1 Typescript lists of 'Letters from R. A. Bagnold', 1924-28. Thelists for 1924 and 1925 record only the month in which and from wherethe letters were sent. Those 1926-28 also contain summaries of the contents of the letters. B.2-B.8 Middle East, 1926-28 B.2 B.3 Bagnold wasposted to Egypt in 1926. It was during his period in Egyptthat he began his explorations by motor-car with fellow officers. 'A trip from Egyptto Palestine and Transjordan by car March 1926’, 8pp duplicated typescript account; photograph of map with route inscribed thereon. 'A journey to Transjordan’, December 1926 - January 1927, 13pp typescript account; photograph of mapof Sinai and southern Palestine and Transjordan. B.4 Msnotesontrip to southern Sinai, April 1927. B.5,B.6 Expedition to Siwa, October - November 1927. B.5 Msnote 'Siwa November 1927’; 'Route Report’ on expedition completed for the Frontier Districts Administration of the Egyptian Ministry of War; photograph of map with route inscribed thereon. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 17 B.6 B.7 B.8 Expeditions andr h 'The Western Desert’, 13pp typescript account of journey submitted for publication in The Times, with account as published 3 July 1928; ‘Motor-cars in the Orient’ [?by Bagnold], The Times, 9 August 1929, found with preceding. 6pp typescript accountof 'road information gained on a recent motor trip in Sinai, Transjordan and Palestine’, December 1927 - January 1928, prepared by Bagnoldfor use of British troops in Egypt; 'A blighted land’, 4pp typescript accountofpart of the trip from Aqaba to DeadSea. 'The Tamarisk Islands’, 8pp duplicated typescript account of reconnoitring expedition to Bir Terfawiin the Libyan Desert to search for signs of a possible invasion of locusts, January 1928; 4pp msdiary of the expedition; photographs of maps. Bagnold acted as navigator on this Egyptian Governmentexpedition, shortly before his posting to India. B.9-B.15 Libyan Desert, 1932. This expedition was made possible by the new Ford Model A car. Bagnold received the Gold Medal of the Royal Geographical Society in 1934 for leading this expedition. B.9 "Notes on area of proposed expedition to the southern Libyan desert 1932' by W.B. K. Shaw, 24pp duplicated typescript. B.10,B.11 Newspapercuttings on the expedition 1933. Sent to Mrs Dorothy Bagnold byhissister, January 1974. B.10 Series offive articles by Bagnold for the Daily Telegraph, 13-21 February. B.11 Otherpress cuttings. B.12 Correspondence 1934 re publication of Libyan Sands and award of Gold Medal of Royal Geographical Society. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 18 Expeditions and research B.13 Red hardback ‘Newspaper Cuttings’ book. Used by Bagnold 1935-36 for reviews of Libyan Sands, cuttings re the award of the Gold Medaland 1936 expedition to Japan to view the solar eclipse (see B.17). B.14,B.15 Bagnold's 'flat-files' containing data on size of sand grains from the Libyan Desert. B.14 B.15 Data. Last page is headed 'Experimental deposit 24/3/35 failed to be firm’. Graphsplotting the above data. All samples are taken from identified locations. Several samples dated to 1932. B.16 Far East, 1933. Accountof journey in Indo-China November 1933, 5pp typescript, with earlier typescript draft; copy of letter to his father on which the accountwasbased; unfinishedletter to father 2 April [71933]. B.17 Japan and East Africa, 1936. Unfinishedletter to his sister written in Japan 6 May; "The mountain of Tanganyika. A climb abovethe clouds’ by Bagnold, 9pp typescript with ms corrections. B.18 Zerzura Club Zerzura was the namegivento a legendary oasis saidto lie in the heart of the Libyan Desert beyond the then knownoases. It lent its name to a Club for explorers of the Libyan Desert by motor-car, of which Bagnold was a member. Correspondence from Count L. E. de Almasy re Zerzura Club dinner, 1936. Includes 'Abd El Melik', 11pp typescript account by de Almasy of the possible discovery of the Zerzura oasis, which he asked Bagnold to read at the dinner, and 'Thelast of the Zerzura legend? (New evidence obtained by Count L. E. de Almasy)' by Bagnold,draft of explanatory pages to accompany de Almasy's accountfor publication in the Geographical Journal. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 B.19 Turkey, 1937. Expeditions andr h 19 ‘Notes on a motor journey across Turkey (Anatolia) from Payasto Mudania via Konya April 30th to May Sth 1937. T. W. Kirkpatrick and R. A. Bagnold', 2pp typescript. B.20 Egypt, 1938. 'The Libyan Desert. A journeyinto the homelandofthe earliest Nile Valley settlers' by Bagnold, Spp ms and typescript account of archaeological expedition to the Gilf Kebir for publication in Scientific American, with account as published, November 1939; correspondence with publishers. B.21 B.22 ‘Experimental work on the movementof coastal sands and shingles. Lecture to the Geological Society of London and the Challenger Society, 16 April 1947' by Bagnold, 11pp duplicated typescript + figures andplates. Letter from British Petroleum, 2 December 1963, seeking Bagnold's advice on burying oil pipeline across the Calensio Sand Sea in Libya. Onversois a brief typescript note by Bagnold on the background to the request. B.23 'Sand encroachmentoninstallations in the Ahwaz area’ by Bagnold, 3pp typescript report, c.1970. ‘Pressure measurementsin gravel beds' by B. S. Jenkins, sent to Bagnold, ?1977. B.24,B.25 'Squeaking sand’, schoolscience project sent to Bagnold for comment, 3 February 1983. 2 folders. B.26 Scientific correspondence 1983-84. Includes letters re Bagnold's paper 'The nature and correlation of random distributions’, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 388 (1983), from O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen, A. R. Dexter and B. B. Mandelbrot. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 20 Expeditions and research B.27 "Hyperbolic distributions in theory and in the physical world: for example sands, the relativistic ideal gas, turbulence, word lengths, palaeomagnetism' by Bagnold and O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Royal Society Review Lecture, 12 April 1984. Invitation; notice; 6pp typescript of Bagnold's contribution, with transparencies; brief correspondence. B.28,B.29 "Experimental decay rate of average randomness’ by Bagnold, submitted for publication in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 1987. B.28 Opp typescript + figures etc; amendment; referee's comments. B.29 ‘Scatter of lead shot’, 9pp typescript + figures; ms data. B.30 Correspondence with C. Bergmann, 1987-88, re 1986-87 camel expedition in Egypt and Sudan. See also B.32. For photographs of expedition sent to Bagnold see E.62,E.63. B.31-B.33 Correspondence with C. V. Haynes, Jr, 1988-90. B.31 B.32 1988. 'Bagnold's Barchan: a 57-year record of dune movementin the eastern Sahara and implications for dune origin and paleoclimate since neolithic times' by Haynes, sent to Bagnold 21 December. With coveringletter. 1989. Includes Haynes's 'Summary report on the 1989 field season for investigations of Late Quaternary geochronologyin the eastern Sahara’. B.33 1990. Includes Haynes's 'Summary report’ for 1990. B.34 Scientific correspondence, 1989-90. B.35 Hand-drawn28in. x 22in. diagram of 'Counter-flow velocity-head balance For measurementof low liquid speeds’. Nd. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 21 Expeditions and r h B.36 B.37 B.38. 'Text-FiguresIllustrating "Desert Reconnaissance by Motor-car"', printed on linen. Nd. Miscellaneousdrafts, notes, data etc. Includes 'Two-phase flow' by Bagnold, 3pp typescript, nd. '"R. A. BAGNOLDCollected papers'. Contents of Bagnold's folder so inscribed: reprints of published papers, with bibliography. 1 box. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Ze SECTION C LONG RANGE DESERT GROUP (LRDG) Cd -(.32 Bagnold wasrecalled to the army in August 1939. He wasoriginally posted to Kenya but his troopship collided in the Mediterranean en route and putin for repair in Egypt. General Wavell requested that Bagnold remain in the Middle East and he was posted to the signals unit of General Hobart's armoureddivision. With the threat of Italy entering the war and launching an attack into Egypt through the Libyan Desert, Bagnold began pressing from November 1939 for the establishmentof a unit prepared to undertake reconnaissance and small-scale raids in the desert behind enemy lines. Italy declared war in June 1940 and in July General Wavell gave Bagnold permission to establish the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) along the lines he had suggested. Initially all the LRDG were drawn from New Zealand forces, later Rhodesian and British patrols were formed. The LRDG wasa great success and madea significant contribution to the Allied victory in North Africa. Bagnold was awarded the OBE (Military) in 1941. Bagnold conceivedthe idea of writing the story of the LRDGatan early date and retained and collected material for this purpose. He began drafting chapters during the war. In 1945 he gave an accountofthe 'Early Days of the Long Range Desert Group' which appeared in The Geographical Journal 105. The contemporary history of the LRDG was, however, written by W. B. K. Shaw (Long Range Desert Group, Collins, London, 1945). Maps usedby the LRDG,and compiled using information supplied by them, may be found at D.70-D.96. Photographs of the LRDG maybe found at E.45-E.54. C.1-C.11 "LONG RANGE PATROLS ESTABLISHMENT". Contents of Bagnold's bulky folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: reports on operations, notes on the history of the LRDG and press-cuttings. Cl C.2 C.3 ‘Reports "A" Squadron’. Operation reports R2-R7 and R9, September-November 1941. 'L.R.D.G. Operation No 14. Coast road watching - Olivey 6/10/41’. Operation instructions, cipher messages. ‘Operation No 16. Coast road watching - Holliman 21/10/41’. Instructions for operations 15 and 16, cipher messages. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 23 ng Range D rou C.4 ‘Operation No 17. Gialo Olivey 20/10/41'. Operation report. ‘Operation No 18. Ambush Hon- Misurata road. Holliman 15/11/41’. Operation report. ‘Operation No 19', 6-11 November 1941. Operation report. C2 ‘Operations Nos 20 & 22', November 1941. Operation instructions and reports. C.6 ‘Operation No 21', December 1941. Operation instructions. ‘Operation No 25', February 1942. Operation report. ar C.8 C9 C.10 Operation No 23, December 1941. Operation instructions andreports. Operation reports for patrols of ' "A" Squadron’, December 1941- January 1942; individual reports by members of T2 patrol, attacked by aircraft 31 December. "Notes on Long Range DesertPatrols. (For operationsin the interior of Libya)’, by Bagnold, January 1941, 11pp duplicated typescript. 'L.R.D.G.', 15pp typescript accountof origins and early operations, c.1942. ‘Some accountof the part played by L.R.D.G. in the operations of 8 Armyin Cyrenaica in November - December 1941. Period Nov.1 - Dec.6', 4pp typescript; 'L.R.D.G.'s part in the 8 Army's offensive The Second Phase6 - 24 Dec. 41', 3pp typescript. C.11 Press-cuttings, 1939-41. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 24 ng Range Desert Gr C.12-C.14 ‘War Diary and Narrative Long Range Desert Group’. Bagnold's bulky softback bindersso inscribed. The binders contain papers and reports by Bagnold, copies of operation instructions and reports and miscellaneousofficial papers and maps. The materialis retained in the original binders. C.12 "VOLI CHAPTERS 1-3 June 1940 - November 1940". C.13 'VOL II CHAPTER 4 Dec 1940 - March 1941’. C.14 "VOL IIIT CHAPTER 5 April 1941 - August 1941". C.15-C.17. Material found with preceding. C.15 C.16 C.17 ‘For inclusion in Ch 4'. Contents of Bagnold's folder so inscribed:list of operation reports for July - December 1941 and maps sentto General HQ Middle East. ‘War Diary Ch 5’. Contents of Bagnold's folder so inscribed: typescript and ms draft offirst three chapters of war narrative. Contents of Bagnold's untitled folder: notes and pages of draft for narrative. C.18-C.20 Material re Bagnold's warnarrative. C.18 Msdraft outlines of narrative; ms and typescript drafts of chapter one. HMSO exercise book used from the front for account of ‘Operations at Aujila’, October 1940. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 25 Long Range D rou C.19,C.20 The Kufra convoys. The oasis of Kufra was captured from the Italians by Free French forces from Chad on 1 March 1941. In April 1941 it became LRDG Headquarters. The material relates to the supply of the oasis by the Sudan Defence Force oververy difficult terrain and with the constant threat of enemyattack. C.19 Typescript information on the Kufra convoys. C.20 C.21 ‘Chapter V - The Kufra convoys’ by Bagnold, typescript ;'The Story of a Convoy’, ms, not in Bagnold's hand but annotated by him 'Maj. J. V. Simpson March 44', with ‘Observations on "The Kufra Convoys"' in the same hand. Correspondence, 1941-42, between Bagnold and Colonel Leclerc, commanderof Free French force which captured Kufra oasis; letters to Bagnold 26 June 1942, and 29 March and 19 April 1943, re background to Chad Territory rallying to the cause of De Gaulle in August 1940. ‘Glimpses of the Western Desert, and the capture of the Kufra oasis by the Free French' by Col. E. G. Hume, 'Christmas lecture, January 7, 1942’. Printed. C.22 Posters of 'Kufra Proclamations' numbers one and two, 1941. Bagnold commandedBritish forces in the Kufra oases group after their capture and these proclamations were issued by his authority. C23 C.24 Middle East Training Pamphlets No. 9 Part VI. 'Field Navigation Parts 1 to 3. Dead Reckoning’ and ‘Part IV. Astro-Fix' by Bagnold, 1942. General Orders, issued by General Sir Bernard Paget 4 February 1944, listing Bagnold's ‘inventionsor applications of existing principles to military purposes’ (sand channels, sand mats, sun compasses and methodsof desert navigation, expansion tank for conservation of radiator water, and composite ration pack);illustrations of vehicle sand channels and engine water conservator; instructions for use of Bagnold sun-compass. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 26 Long Range Des rou C.25 Commendations received by Bagnold and the LRDG. Mostof the material concernsa letter of congratulation Bagnold received from General A. P. Wavell in October 1940. This was counterpart to a similar letter his father had received in December 1881 during the First Boer War from Colonel A. H. Wavell (uncle of the Second World War general). C.26-C.32 Miscellaneous LRDGandrelated material. C.26 C.27 C.28 C29 Review of Long Range Desert Group by W.B. K. Shaw; extract from letter of congratulation to Shaw, 19 January 1946; photocopy of Daily Telegrapharticle re book on LRDG by General D. L. Lloyd Owen, Providence Their Guide (Harrap, London, 1980). Correspondence with Major-General I. S. O. Playfair, 1952, ‘responsible for the official history of the "War in the Mediterranean and Middle East 1939/45"', re account of LRDGactivities for the history. Includes copy of personalletter from Sir Roderick Jones, Bagnold's brother-in-law, to G. Dawson,editor of The Times, re picture of Bagnold published in The Times, 12 December 1940; copyofletter from D. Newbold to G. Murray enclosing 4pp typescript note on Mergaoasis, 19 March 1941; letter to Bagnold re possible renaming of Bir Natrun oasis, 23 November 1942. Includes information on the Darb El Arba'in slave route from Sudan to Egypt; letter from Sir Roderick Jones passing on Wavell's good wishes, 3 December 1948. Bagnold's collection of supplements to the London Gazette June- September 1946 reporting on operations in North and East Africa and the Middle East 1939-42, and recording appointments to OBE for services in the Middle East 1940-41 (includes Bagnold). C.30 Printed booklet 'Destruction of an army. The first campaign in Libya Sept. 1940 - Feb. 1941', HMSO 1941. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 aa ng Range D T C.31 Correspondence with Jean Howard, 1978, 1980,an Intelligence Analyst at Bletchley Park during the Second World War,re desert campaign, with particular reference to the activities of Count L. E. de Almasy,a desert explorer who worked for the Germansin the war. C32 Long Range Desert Group Association. Bagnold was President of the Association. Correspondence with Maj-Gen. D. L. Lloyd Owen, Chairmanof the Association, 1983, 1987, 1989-90. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 28 SECTION D MAPS D.1 - D.196 Mostof the maps were found in Bagnold's upright map cabinet dividedinto labelled compartments. The presentation of this material follows Bagnold's own arrangement. D.1-D.69 ‘Egypt & Sudan...’ D.70-D.96 Libya...’ D.97-D.109 Asia..." D.110-D.160 "Misc...' D.161-D.192 ‘Egypt & Sudan Misc.’ At D.193-D.196 are maps not found in Bagnold's cabinet. "EGYPT & SUDAN1/500,000 & 1/250,000' Presented in a broadly chronological sequence. The maps D.1-D.50 were used for the 1932 expedition and are annotated with routes taken, features noticed along the route and with notes of ease of travel by car. Most have Bagnold's own numbering, from 1 to 41 (incomplete sequence). The material has not been rearranged to follow Bagnold's sequencebut the sequence maybereconstructed as follows: K e N W B H N M N N A N A m M O D.1 D.2 D.47 D.11 D.13 D16 D7 D.6 D.5 D.46 D.26 D.18 D.29 D.33 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ao 36 37 38 39 40 40A 41 D.27 D.35 D.28 D.37 D.39 D.43 D.4 D.44 D.41 D.38 D.36 D.34 D.31 D.32 D.21 D.23 D.15 D.48 D.49 D.3 D.50 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 29 D.1 D.2 D.3 "Wadi Natrun - Moghara - Baharia’, 1:500,000. Compiled by Survey of Egypt 1917, revised to October 1922. Printed on linen- backed paper. Annotated in ink with route. Numbered '1'. "Baharia and Farafra oases, and their approaches’, 1:500,000. Compiled by Survey of Egypt October 1916, revised to October 1917. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated in ink with route and features. Numbered '2'. "Libyan Desert West of Aswan and Halfa’, 1:500,000. Compiled by Survey of Egypt April 1924. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated in pencil with route taken and calculations, and on verso "Material for Major Bagnold's map of Libyan Desert’. Numbered '40A’. D.4 "El Fasher', 1:1,000,000. Compiled by Sudan Survey DepartmentJuly 1925. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated in ink with route taken. Numbered'28'. D.5-D.45 1:250,000 maps of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. These maps were prepared by the Sudan Survey Office at Khartoum. There are two series - those compiled 1928-29 which Bagnold used during his 1932 expedition, and those compiled 1934-36 which include information provided by Bagnold's expeditions of 1930 and 1932. The earlier maps have been trimmedat top and bottom, sometimes removing key information about the map. Most have been annotated, originally in pencil butlater in ink, with the route taken by the Bagnold expedition of 1932, with notes on topographical features and on the ease of travel by car. The detail provided by the maps is generally sparse, indeed someare virtually blank save for the information provided by Bagnold's team (see for example D.35). A numberalso have hadthe route of the 1930 expedition added neatly in ink prior to the 1932 expedition. The maps are presentedin orderof their classification number. The index to these sheets is at D.171. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 30 D.5 D.6 ‘Wadi El Faregh’, sheet 33-J. Compiled September 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '15'. 'Sarra Wells', sheet 33-K. Compiled June 1928. Printed on linen- backed paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '14'. D.7 Untitled, sheet 33-L. Compiled July 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered ‘13’. D.8 As D.7. Printed on linen-backed paper. Unannotated. D.9 Untitled,part of Italian Libya, sheet 33-P. Compiled May 1935. Printed on linen-backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition. D.10 ‘J. 'Uweinat', sheet 34-I. Compiled March 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates routes of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. D.11 Untitled, sheet 34-J. Compiled August 1929. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of the 1930 and 1932 expeditions. Numbered '9". D.12 Untitled, sheet 34-J. Compiled March 1934. Printed on linen-backed paper. Incorporates routes of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 31 D.13 Untitled, sheet 34-K. Compiled October 1929. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. Numbered'10'. D.14 Untitled, sheet 34-K. Compiled March 1934. Printed on linen-backed paper. Incorporates routes of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. D.15 'Selima’, sheet 34-L. Compiled September 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with part of route of 1932 expedition. Numbered '38'. D.16 'Selima’, sheet 34-L. Compiled September 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route of 1930 expedition and part of route of 1932 expedition. Numbered '11'. D.17 'Selima', sheet 34-L. Compiled March 1934. Printed on linen-backed paper. Incorporates routes of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. D.18 Untitled, sheet 34-M. Compiled post-1925. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '19'. D.19 Untitled, sheet 34-M. Compiled November 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition. D.20 Untitled, sheet 34-N. Compiled November 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1930 expedition. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 32 D.21 ‘Burg Et Tuyur’, sheet 34-O. Compiled July 1929. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. Numbered '36’. D.22 ‘Burg Et Tuyur', sheet 34-O. Compiled November 1934. Printed on linen-backed paper. Incorporates routes of 1930 and 1932 expeditions. Ms correction of two heights. D.23 'J. Hadada’, sheet 34-P. Compiled July 1929. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Onthis part of the journey Bagnold wastravelling on the Darb El Arba’'in slave route and the maphas been corrected by Bagnold to showthetrueline of the route. Numbered '37'. D.24 'J. Hadada’, sheet 34-P. Compiled November 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition. D.25 "Wadi Halfa', sheet 35-I. Compiled June 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. Includes acknowledgementof information provided by Bagnold. D.26 "Hagar Wagif’, sheet 43-D. Compiled June 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated in ink and pencil with route and features of 1932 expedition. Three routes are recorded. Numbered '16'. D.27 'Erdi Well’, sheet 43-H. Compiled July 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '22'. D.28 ''Ein Aga’, sheet 43-L. Compiled June 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated in ink with route of 1932 expedition. Numbered '24'. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 33 D.29 ‘Desert’, sheet 44-A. Compiled July 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '20". D.30 Untitled, sheet 44-A. Compiled November 1932. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition. D.31 "‘Nukheila oasis’, sheet 44-B. Compiled September 71928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '34'. D.32 "Laqiya’, sheet 44-C. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. The plan of Lagqiya has been crossed out by Bagnold and a more accurate hand- drawnplan inset. Numbered'35’. D.33 ‘Desert’, sheet 44-E. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '21'. D.34 ‘Bir Natrun', sheet 44-F. Compiled post-1927. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '33'. D.35 ‘Desert’, sheet 44-I. Compiled July 1928. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered'23’. D.36 'Zolat El Hammad’, sheet 44-J. Compiled post-1927. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '32'. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 34 D.37 ‘Libyan Desert’, sheet 44-M. Compiled post-1926. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered'25'. D.38 ‘J. Mafarit', sheet 44-N. Compiled April 1930. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '31'. D.39 "Musbat', sheet 54-A. Compiled post-1925. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition. Numbered '26’. D.40 "Musbat'’, sheet 54-A. Compiled September 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition. D.41 "Meidob', sheet 54-B. Compiled August 1929. Printed on paper. Annotated with route and features of 1932 expedition, and with 'Note. Route on this sheet follows Sandison's tracks approximately up to W. Darrikki. Printed detail on this sheet is very inaccurate...’ Numbered ‘a0, D.42 "Meidob', sheet 54-B. Compiled December 1934. Printed on linen- backed paper. Incorporates route of 1932 expedition.This sheet has been extensively corrected compared with its predecessor (D.41). D.43 "Kuum', sheet 54-E. Compiled August 1930. Printed on paper. Annotated with route of 1932 expedition. Numbered '27'. D.44 'Tagabo Hills’, sheet 54-F. Compiled March 1927. Printed on paper. Annotated with route of 1932 expedition. Numbered '29'. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 35 D.45 D.46 'TagaboHills’, sheet 54-F. Compiled November 1936. Printed on linen-backed paper. Mapgrid probably intended for ms mapping of route and features on sheet 33-F. Hand-drawnfeatures in top-left and bottom-right corners (the former crossed out). Numbered '15A'. D.47 Untitled map of Jebel 'Uweinat, 1:250,000. ?7Hand-drawn on paper. Includes route of 1930 expedition and later annotation of route of 1932 expedition. Numbered'8’. D.48 Hand-drawn1:250,000 scale plan of route from Selima to Wadi Halfa. In pencil on ?waxedlinen. Numbered '39". D.49 ‘Desert north of Halfa', 1:250,000. Printed on linen-backedpaper. Annotated in pencil with route. Signed 'P.A. Clayton Nov-Dec. 1930. Numbered '40". D.50 'Sheb', 1:250,000. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated in pencil with route. Signed 'P.A. Clayton Jan 193[?1]'. Numbered ‘41’. D.51 ‘North Eastern Desert and Southern Sinai’, 1:500,000. Compiled by Survey of Egypt January 1920, revised to 15 May 1933. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps D.52-D.69 1:500,000 mapsof Egypt. 36 These maps were compiled by the Survey of Egypt from 1933. Those D.60-D.69 are provisional issues. They are presented in order of classification number. "Matrih', sheet 1. Published 1933, reprinted October 1935. Printed on linen-backed paper. "Matrih', sheet 1. Published 1933, reprinted September 1938 with Egyptian purple grid. Printed on linen-backed paper. 'Cairo', sheet 2. Published 1934, reprinted October 1935. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Cairo’, sheet 2. Published 1934, reprinted May 1941 with Egyptian red grid. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.52 D.53 D.54 D.55 D.56 ‘North Sinai’, sheet 3. Published 1934. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.57 ‘North Sinai’, sheet 3. Published 1936, reprinted May 1941 with red and Palestine black grids. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.58 'Bahariya', sheet 4. Published 1935. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.59 D.60 D.61 ‘Bahariya', sheet 4. Published 1935, reprinted September 1938 with purple grid. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Asyit', sheet 5. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. Right and left edges trimmed. ‘South Sinai’, sheet 6. Published 1941, reproduced by Royal Engineers July 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 37 D.62 '‘Dakhla’, sheet 7. Provisional issue published post-1933. Printed on linen-backed paper. Trimmedat the bottom removing key information. Annotated with route of expedition in red ink. D.63 'Qena’, sheet 8. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. Annotated with route of expedition in red ink. D.64 D.65 'Quseir’, sheet 9. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. ''Uweinat'’, sheet 10. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated in red pencil. D.66 ''Uweinat'’, sheet 10. Provisional issue published by Departmentof Survey and Mines 1938. Printed on paper. Extensively annotated with route of expedition exploring the Gilf Kebir plateau in red ink. See also D.94. D.67 ‘Aswan’, sheet 11. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. D.68 As D.67 with red grid. D.69 ''Elba', sheet 12. Provisional issue published 1935. Printed on linen- backed paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps "LIBYA 1/500,000 1/M 1/2M_ 1/4M' 38 These maps were used during the war. Italian maps captured by the LRDGprovedoflittle use, being very inaccurate (see W.B.K. Shaw, Long Range Desert Group, pp.24-25) and the LRDG collected its own material which formedthe basis for many of the 1:500,000 mapsof Libya (D.78-D.93). D.70 ‘General map of Egypt’, 1:2,000,000. Published by Survey of Egypt 1928. Printed on linen-backed paper. Somepencil annotation of places off the map in Libya.. D.71 'Djado' (French West Africa), 1:1,000,000. Provisional edition compiled by Service Geographique de l'Armee 1925, reprinted by Royal Engineers November 1940. Printed on paper. Annotated 'A’. D.72 'Faya’ (Chad), 1:1,000,000. Compiled by Service Geographique de l'Armee 1936. Printed on paper. Annotated 'B’. D.73 ‘Libyan Desert’, MDR. 601/10394, 1:2,000,000. Compiled by LRDG September 1942, reprinted by Royal Engineers February 1944. Printed on paper. Annotated 'C’. D.74-D.77 Wartime 1:1,000,000 mapsof Libya D.74 D.75 ‘Tripoli - Socna', MDR. 1/7603 sheet N I/H 33. Compiled by Royal Engineers November 1941, reproduced April 1943. Printed on paper. 'Bengasi Augila', MDR 1/1660 sheet N I/H 34. Compiled by Royal Engineers June 1943. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 39 D.76 D.77 'Sebha', MDR 1/921 sheet NG 33. Compiled by Royal Engineers March 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. 'Cufra', MDR 1/708 sheet NG 34. Compiled by Royal Engineers January 1942, reprinted January 1943. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.78-D.93 Wartime 1:500,000 mapsof Libya. The mapsofthe desert areas rely heavily on LRDG information for coverageofItalian territory (see D.86-D.93). "Bengasi', MDR 125/1563 sheets 4 and 12. Reproduced (from Italian maps) by Royal Engineers March 1942, revised to May 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. Annotated on verso 'Issue voucherinside via G.H.Q. map depot. For X Branch G.H.Q. M.E.(for Brig. Bagnold)’. "‘Derna’, MDR 125/1412 sheets 5 and 13. Compiled by South African Survey Company (SASC) September 1941, revised to April 1942. Printed on linen-backedpaper. 'Aghéila - Marada', MDR 125/1754 sheets 11 and 20. Compiled by Royal Engineers June 1942. Printed on paper. 'Bardia', MDR 125/1341 sheet 14. Compiled by SASC September 1941, revised to March 1942. Printed on paper. 'Gialo', MDR 125/321 sheet 21. Compiled by SASC October 1941, reprinted June 1942. Printed on paper. 'Garet Khud', MDR 125/371 sheet 22. Compiled by SASC October 1941. Printed on linen-backed paper. 'Giarabub', MDR 125/372 sheet 23. Compiled by SASC October 1941, reprinted November 1941. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.78 D.79 D.80 D.81 D.82 D.83 D.84 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 40 D.85 D.86 D.87 ‘Bu Hasciscia', MDR 125/295 sheet 29. Reprinted (from revision of Italian map) by SASC January 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. '‘Calanscio (Kalansho) Serir', MDR 125/641 sheet 30. Compiled by SASC November1941, reprinted August 1942. Printed on paper. Reproduced from 1:400,000 compilation of LRDG material dated October 1941. 'Calanscio (Kalansho) Sand Sea’, MDR 125/642 sheet 30. Compiled by SASC November1941, reprinted August 1941. Printed on linen- backed paper. Reproduced from 1:500,000 compilation of LRDG material dated October 1941. D.88 ‘Big Cairn’, MDR 125/643 sheet 32. Compiled by SASC November 1941. Printed on paper. Reproduced from 1:500,000 compilation of LRDG material and surveys by P.A. Clayton. D.89 'Tazerbo', MDR 125/882 sheet 39. Compiled by SASC February 1942. Printed on linen-backedpaper. Reproduced from 1:400,000 compilation of LRDG material dated October 1941. D.90 'Cufra (Kufra)', MDR 125/1999 sheet 40. Compiled by Royal Engineers October 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. Compiled from LRDGsurveys. D.91 'El Riqiiba', MDR 125/739 sheet 41. Compiled by Survey of Egypt, reproduced by SASC November 1941. Printed on paper. The map covers the Egyptian-Libyan border. Information on the Libyan side was supplied by the LRDG. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 41 D.92 "Ma’aten Bisciara’, MDR 125/2143 sheet 48. Reproduced (from Italian map) by Royal Engineers October 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. "With track revision by the LRDG’. D.93 ‘Archenu', MDR 125/740 sheet 49. Compiled by Survey of Egypt, reproduced by SASC November 1941. Printed on paper. The mapcovers the Egyptian-Libyan border. Information on the Libyan side was supplied by the LRDG. D.94 ‘"Uweinat'’, Survey of Egypt sheet 10, 1:500,000. Provisional issue published 1935 (see D.65). Printed on linen-backed paper. The western edge of the map charts Italian territory. A moredetailed map of the Gilf Kebir plateau has been pasted onto the original map (on whichit was blank). Extensively annotated in red ink with route and features. D.95 Untitled 1:500,000 map of desert north of Gilf Kebir plateau. Post- 1932. Printed on linen-backed paper. The western edge of the map chartsItalian territory. Annotated with route and features around the north edge of Gilf Kebir. D.96 ‘North East Africa’, MDR 236/778, 1:4,000,000. Revised and reprinted by Royal Engineers January 1942. Printed on paper. Material for map supplied by LRDG November1941. Annotated in red pencil. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 ‘ASIA 1/4 M' 42 D.97-D.107 —1:4,000,000 conical orthographic projection mapsofAsia. These maps were compiled by the War Office between 1923 and 1932. The key information has been trimmed from the edges of the maps and pasted onto the verso. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.97 ‘South Russia’, sheet 20, 1924. D.98 ‘Central Asia’, sheet 21, 1931 (2nd edition). D.99 "Mongolia’, sheet 22, 1931 (2nd edition). D.100 "Manchuria’, sheet 23, 1931 (2nd edition). D.101 ‘Persian Gulf, sheet 32, 1924, revised 1928. D.102 "Northern India’, sheet 33, 1927. D.103 ‘China’, sheet 34, 1926, railways revised February 1932. D.104 ‘Japan’, sheet 35, 1923. D.105 ‘Southern India’, sheet 45, 1926. D.106 "Malay Peninsula’, sheet 46, 1926, railways revised 1931. D.107 ‘Philippine Islands’, sheet 47. No key information. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 43 D.108 D.109 ‘China and Japan’, MDR 520/253, 1:8,000,000. Compiled by Royal Engineers December 1941. Printed on linen-backed paper. South East Asia, MDR 520/254, 1:8,000,000. Compiled by Royal Engineers December 1941. Printed on paper. "MISC. FRANCE 1914-18 E.AFRICA MIDDLE EAST INDIA' The mapsin this subsection have been subdividedas follows: D.110-D.133 First World War D.134-D.140 East Africa D.141-D.157 Middle East D.158,D.159 India D.160 Newfoundland First World War Bagnold wasposted to the 83rd Field Company, Royal Engineers in July 1915 The unit was posted to the Ypres salient in the autumn of 1915 and to the Sommein July 1916. At the end of 1916 Bagnold joined the signals branch of the Royal Engineers. In Spring 1917 he wasposted to the 19th Corps Signals in Ypres, where he spentthe rest of the war. D.110 Small scale map of entrenchments south of Boesinghe Station, north of Ypres. Dated 29 February 1916. Printed on paper. The 83rd Field Company wasattachedto the 60th Brigade holding the most northerly part of the salient. D.111 D.112 ‘60th Brigade Front Mayto July 1916', Ypres. Map gridded at 5000 yard intervals. Printed on paper. Mapofarea north-east of Longueval, north of the River Somme, showingsector held by 12th Division and 60th Brigade. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 44 D.113-D.116 Ordnance Survey 1:40,000 maps of Belgium and northern France. D.113 D.114 D.115 D.116 Area round Ypres, sheet 28 relief map. Compiled September 1917. Printed on paper. Area round Ypres, sheet 28 road and rail map. Compiled November 1917. ‘Albert’, combined sheet 57c SW, 57d SE, 62c NW, 62d NE. Compiled April 1918. Printed on linen-backed paper. Areaeast of Bertincourt, sheet 57c, second edition. Printed on paper. Theleft side of the map, and the key information has been trimmed. D.117-D.130 War Office 1:100,000 maps of Belgium and northern France. D.117 D.118 DA19 D.120 D.121 D.122 D.123 'Tournai', sheet 5 relief map. 2nd edition compiled May 1916. Printed on paper. 'Tournai’, sheet 5 road and rail map. 2nd edition compiled May 1916. Printed on paper. 'Hazebrouck', sheet 5A relief map. 2nd edition compiled 1916. Printed on paper. "Hazebrouck’, sheet 5A road and rail map. 2nd edition compiled 1916. Printed on paper. ‘Namur’, sheet 8 road and rail map. Compiled December 1910. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Lens’, sheet 11 road and rail map. 2nd edition compiled 1916. Printed on paper. 'Valenciennes', sheet 12 relief map. 2nd edition compiled April 1916. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 45 D.124 "Valenciennes', sheet 12 road and rail map. Printed on paper. Trimmed around all edges removing the key information. Pin-holes suggest the map wasattached to a noticeboard. D.125 D.126 D.127 D.128 D,129 D.130 ‘Amiens’, sheet 17 relief map. 2nd edition compiled October 1916. Printed on paper. ‘Amiens’, sheet 17 road and rail map. 2nd edition compiled October 1916. Printed on paper. ‘St Quentin’, sheet 18 relief map. Compiled November 1915. Printed on paper. ‘St Quentin’, sheet 18 road and rail map. Printed on paper. Trimmed around all edges removingthe key information. Pin-holes suggest the map wasattached to a noticeboard. "Méziéres', sheet 19 road andrail map. 2nd edition compiled November 1915. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Soissons', sheet 22 road and rail map. Printed on paper. Trimmed aroundall edges removing the key information. Pin-holes suggest the map wasattached to a noticeboard. D.131 ‘North West Europe’, sheet 1, 1:250,000. Printed on paper. Trimmed at the bottom removing the key information. Pin-holes suggest the map wasattached to a noticeboard. D.132 North West Europe, ?sheet 2, 1:250,000. Printed on linen-backed paper. Trimmedat the top and bottom removingthe key information. Pin-holes suggest the map wasattached to a noticeboard. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 46 D.133 Mapof Western Front from Soyecourt (Somme) to Ypres salient. Printed on linen-backed paper. Trimmed around all edges removing the key information. East Africa D.134-D.139 1:2,000,000 maps compiled by the War Office. Printed on paper. D.134 "Kenya Colony’, compiled 1919, 2nd edition 1935. D.135 "Kenya Colony’, 3rd edition 1938. D.136 ‘Juba River’, compiled 1925, 2nd edition 1936. D.137 "Zanzibar, compiled 1927. D.138 ‘Abyssinia’, compiled 1925, 3rd edition 1937. D.139 ‘Somaliland’, compiled 1926, revised to 1935. D.140 ‘German East Africa Kilimanjaro’, GSGS 3026, 1:300,000. Compiled by OS 1915. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Middle East 47 D.141-D.146 1:1,000,000 maps of Middle East D.141 D.142 D.143 D.144 D.145 D.146 'El Djuaf, North H-37. Compiled at Royal Geographical Society and printed by War Office 1918. Printed on paper. 'Esh Sham (Damascus)', North I-37. Compiled at Royal Geographical Society and printed by War Office 1918. Printed on paper. ‘Baghdad’, North I-38. Provisional edition, compiled at Royal Geographical Society and printed by War Office 1918, revised to 1924. Printed on paper. ‘Izmir’, North J-35. Compiled by War Office 1916, reprinted and revised by Royal Engineers to August 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Ankara’, North J-36. Compiled by War Office 1916, reprinted by Royal Engineers July 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Istanbul’, North K-35. Published by War Office 1937, reprinted by Royal Engineers May 1942. Printed on paper. D.147-D.150 French 1:500,000 maps of Sahara compiled by Service Geographique de l'Armee. Printed on paper. D.147 'Hi. Inifel', NH 31 SE. Compiled February 1929, revised to 1939. D.148 ‘Ouargla', NH 31 NE. Compiled September 1923. D.149 "Fort Lallemand', NH 32 NO. Compiled October 1927, revised to 1938. D.150 ‘Fort Flatters', NH 32 SO. Compiled 1936. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 48 D.151,D.152 1:750,000 'Surveys of Syrian & Arabian Deserts by Major A.L. Holt... 1920-1922'. Printed by War Office November 1925. Printed on paper. D.151 Syria, Transjordan and Hejaz,sheet1. D.152 Iraq, sheet 2. D.153 D.154 D.155 D.156 ‘Route traverse across the Rub' Al Khali from Dhufar to Doha [Arabia] by Bertram Thomas 1930-31’, 1:3,000,000. Published in the Geographical Journal , September 1931. Printed on paper. Arabia, 1:2,000,000, with maps of northern coast of Arabia and of ‘Rub' Al Khali by H.St. J. B. Philby’ 1932, pasted on. Trimmedat the top and sides. Printed on paper. ‘Damascus’, 1:500,000. Compiled by Department of Lands & Surveys, Amman, 1941. Printed on linen-backed paper. 'S.E. Kuwait’, 1:50,000. 'Drawn by P.M. Devereux Dec. 1946... Revised Aug. 1948'. Printed for Kuwait Oil Co. Ltd, London. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.157 'The Near and Middle East’, 1:4,000,000. Compiled at War Office 1940, published 1941. Printed on paper. India D.158 D.159 '‘Cooch Behar’, Assam, Bengal & Bhutan sheet 78 F, 1:253,440. Published by Survey of India 1934. Printed on paper. ‘North-West Frontier Province’, 1:1,000,000. Third edition 1925. Printed on paper. Trimmed at bottom removing key information. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Newfoundland 49 Maps D.160 "Newfoundland Upper South-West GanderRiver...By the Public Schools Exploring Society August 1935’, 1 inch = 1 mile. Printed on linen. The mapasprinted includes Bagnold's signature at bottom right corner. Bagnold wasanassistant leader in this expedition, led by G. Murray- Levick. "EGYPT & SUDAN MISC.' D.161-D.166 Maps drawn by Bagnold reproduced in Libyan Sands(1935). D.161 ‘Libyan Desert with outline of India super-imposed'. Hand-drawn on thin cardboard. D.162 ‘Sinai and surrounding countries’. Hand-drawn on thick cardboard. D.163 D.164 D.165 D.166 ‘Egypt and Western Desert , showing journeys of 1927, 1929 and 1930'. Hand-drawnon thick cardboard. ‘Libyan Desert, showing caravan routes, etc’. Printed on thick cardboard with ms corrections. ‘Libyan Desert, showing route of 1932 expedition’. Draft printed on thick cardboard with ms corrections. ‘Libyan Desert, showing route of 1932 expedition’. Hand-drawn on thick cardboard. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps D.167-D.177 Other expedition maps 50 D.167 D.168 'The Libyan Dr John Ball, 1:4,000,000. Published by Survey of Egypt c.1925. Printed on paper. "Map to accompanyreport on explorations in the south Libyan Desert by Messrs D. Newbold and W. B. K. Shaw (Winter 1927)’, 1:2,000,000. Published by Sudan Survey Department July 1928. Printed on paper. D.169 ‘Route map of Bagnold expedition 1932’, 1:4,000,000. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.170 As D.169 but annotated. D.171 'The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Index to 1:250,000 sheets published by the Sudan Survey Dept Khartoum’, 1:8,000,000. Published May 1925, revised to 1932. Printed on paper. Annotated with route of 1932 expedition in green pencil. For 1:250,000 sheets see D.5-D.45. D.172 Untitled map of area round Selima oasis and Gilf Kebir plateau, 1:2,000,000. Hand-drawn on ?waxedlinen. D.173 As D.172 but printed on paper. D.174 As D.173 but annotated with archaeologicalsites. D.175 'The Gilf Kebir southern plateau Hand-drawnon cardboard. 1938' by R. F. Peel, 1:250,000. D.176 Photocopyof draft of D.175 annotated with place-names. D.177 Photocopyof draft of D.175 annotated with comments on place-names and identified features. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps vl D.178-D.181 1:1,000,000 maps from Atlas of Egypt, 1928. D.178 D.179 ‘Orographical Map (North-Western Section)’, plate 2. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Orographical Map (South-Western Section)’, plate 4. Printed on paper. D.180 ‘Orographical Map (South-Eastern Section)’, plate 5. Printed on paper. D.181 ‘Geological Map (North-Western Section)’, plate 7. Printed on paper. D.182-D.184 1:100,000 Survey of Egypt maps. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.182 ‘Luxor’, 1934. D.183 ‘Qena’, 1934. D.184 ‘Nag’ Hammadi’, desert detail overprinted 1936. D.185 ‘Cairo’, 1:25,000. Published by Survey of Egypt 1929, new roads and waterways added 1940. Printed on linen-backed paper. D.186,D.187 1:1,000,000 mapsof Egypt. D.186 D.187 D.188 "‘Dakhla’, sheet NH-35. Special edition compiled by Survey of Egypt August 1942. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Cairo’, sheet NH-36. Compiled by Survey of Egypt April 1930. Printed on paper. ‘Alexandria - Tobruch’, 1:1,000,000, MDR 1/9676 sheet NIH 35. Compiled by Survey of Egypt 1941, revised by Royal Engineers to May 1942. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Maps 52 D.189 D.190 D.191 D.192 'The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan’, 1:3,000,000. Compiled by Geographical Section, General Staff 1928. Printed on linen-backed paper. ‘Sudan’, 1:2,000,000. Compiled by the War Office 1933, 2nd edition 1939, reprinted by Royal Engineers July 1942. Printed on linen- backed paper. 'The Nile Valley’, 1:6,000,000. Published by Edward Stanford Ltd., London,pre-Second World War. Printed on paper. Untitled map of North East Africa, 1:4,000,000. Hand-drawn on paper. Mapsnot found in the map cabinet D.193 D.194 D.195 D.196 'The Libyan Desert showing the routes of Major R. A. Bagnold's expeditions 1929 & 1930. With those of previous expeditions’, 1:1,000,000. Published in the Geographical Journal, December 1931. Printed on paper. 'The Libyan Desert showingthe route of Major R. A. Bagnold's expedition, 1932’, 1:8,000,000. Published in the Geographical Journal, August 1933. Printed on paper. ‘Sketch map to show area of proposed expedition, autumn 1932’, 1:4,000,000. Printed on paper. ‘Libya’, 1:4,000,000. Reproduced by Royal Engineers, August 1941. Printed on paper. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 33 SECTION E PHOTOGRAPHS E.15 E31 E.1-E.69 E.70-E.81 Biographical and expeditions Research BIOGRAPHICAL AND EXPEDITIONS E.1 Photograph of Col. A. H. Bagnold. Nd. 'The hatted subject on the left of the photograph is myfather's father, Colonel Arthur Henry Bagnold (1854-1943). The other subjectis unknownto me; possibly it is Major Charles Philips, who is mentioned in my father's autobiography (pages 16 and 17). The location of the shot is undoubtedly outside the bay window onthe south west corner of Warren Wood, on Shooter's Hill, south east London, my grandparents’ home from 1903 until the time of the Colonel's death. The house was demolished a few years ago’. (Information from S. C. Bagnold, 7 June 1992). Photocopies of photograph of 'Cold Spring House Jamaica’. ‘Coldspring House wasthe Jamaican homefor myfather and his family from June 1899 to March 1902, during the period when my grandfather had an armyposting in Kingston, Jamaica’. (Information from S. C. Bagnold, 7 June 1992). E2 Two childhood portrait photographs of Bagnold,the first taken 19 December 1902. Pre-First World War photographsof Bagnold as a young man. Taken in the garden of Warren Wood. E.3 E.4 Mountedportrait photograph of Bagnold in military uniform (First World War). Photographs of Bagnold in military uniform (First World War). Probably taken at Warren Wood while on leave. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Photographs E.5-E.17 Bagnold's set of photograph wallets and envelopes, numbered 1-13, containing chiefly negatives of photographstaken c.1924-33. ES E.6 E.7 E.8 ED "1st Album Egypt Early Photos’. "No 2 Sinai 1926’. "No 3 Petra’. '4. Southern Sinai’. "No 5 Siwa Nov 1927’. E.10 "No 6 Wadi Rayan’. E.11 "No 7 Wadi Araba Xmas’. E.12 ‘No 8 Bir Terfawi'. E.13 "No 9 Pindari Sept 1928'. E.14 "No 10 Persia & Dalla’. E.15 "No 11 Sand Sea Uweinatetc 1930. E.16 ‘12. Libyan desert 1932’. E17 '13 Angkor 1933’. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 55 Photographs E.18 Contents of Bagnold's photograph wallet: photographs taken in Egypt, mid-1920s. Photograph of Old Siwa, annotated on verso'Picture from 1927’. E.19 Photographs from the 1929 and 1930 expeditions to the Great Sand Sea. Annotated on verso. E.20,E.21 Photographs from the 1932 expedition, including photographsof membersof the expedition. Annotated on verso. 2 folders. E.22-E.24 Contents of Bagnold's photograph wallet divided into three for ease of reference: photographs from ?1932 expedition. E.25,E.26 'Various Pre-War Expedition Photos’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Some annotated or labelled on verso. E.27-E.32 'Prints'. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: miscellaneous photographs from pre-war expeditions. E.33-E.37 ‘Illustrations andoriginals of "Libyan Sands"- withouttables’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference. Some annotatedor labelled on verso. E.38 ‘Negatives’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope soinscribed: negatives of photographs of maps for Libyan Sands. E.39-E.41 '116 photographs. "Voyages in the Sand" by Major Bagnold’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Some annotatedor labelled on verso. "Voyagesin the Sand’wastheinitial title of Libyan Sands. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 56 Photographs E.42 ‘Possible illustrations for book on Sand’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed. The physics of blown sand and desert dunes was completed in 1939 and published by Methuen & 1941. E.43 ‘Rock pictures (view of Wadi Sora to RGS 31/1/39)’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed. ‘Archaeology’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed. Found with E.42. E.44 Twophotographs of Bagnold rock-climbing in Egypt, sent to him at the Turf Club, Cairo, 21 December 1939. ?Pre-Second World War photograph of Bagnold. E.45-E.49 'LRDG Photos'. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: chiefly photographs of personnel and equipment of LRDGin the desert. A few photographs annotated on verso. E.50,E.51 "Various LRDG photos’. Contents of Bagnold's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes photographs from pre- war expeditions. Some annotated or labelled on verso. E.52,E.53 Miscellaneous photographs of personnel and equipment of LRDG. 2 folders. E.54 Negatives of LRDG photographs. E.55 Portrait photograph of Bagnold in Second World War uniform. Portrait photograph of Bagnold, with copyofa print of it from magazine under caption 'Colonel R. A. Bagnold - for (like an Eastern sand-diviner) finding the fortunes of the British Armyin Libya writ in sand’, probably re award of the OBE to Bagnold in 1941. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 a7 Photographs E.56,E.57 Thornton Research Centre, Chester. Bagnold was Director of Shell's Thornton Research Centre 1947-49. E.56 Photographs of Bagnoldat his desk andatan official ?opening ceremony. E.57 Other photographs. E.58 E.59 E.60 E.61 Photograph of 'Removal of RAB's oesophagal diverticulum by d'Abreu in Westminster Hospital 26 Apl 51’. Photograph of Bagnold receiving scroll of Fellowship of Imperial College London, 1971 (see A.32). With covering letter. Contents of photograph wallet: colour photographs from Libyan Desert 1980-82. Include photographsof debris left 7>by Bagnold's expedition. Some photographs annotated on verso. Contents of photograph wallet: colour photographs from ?Libyan Desert, numbered 1-10. Most are of tracks or debris left ?>by Bagnold's expedition. E.62,E.63 Colour photographs from C. Bergmann's camel expedition, 1987-88. See B.30. Annotated on verso. E.64 Colour photograph of Bagnold with C. R. Thorne, ?King's College London, and Charles [? ], Marksburg, Mississippi, taken August 1989. E.65 Miscellaneous monochrome photographs. E.66 "‘Dufaycolor' transparencies, nd. E.67,E.68 Miscellaneous negatives. 2 folders. E.69 Bagnold's box of miscellaneousplate glass negatives. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 RESEARCH Photographs 58 Photographsand glass photographic plates recording results of wind tunnel experiments on sand movement. The material was found in Bagnold's boxes, the titles of which are reproducedin the catalogue entries. E.70 ‘Grain path negatives’. E.71 ‘Grain path prints’. E.72 ‘Ripples & wind tunnel photos’. E.73-E.81 Boxes of photographic plates recording ?saltation experiments. E.73 "Run 5’. E.74 ‘Run6. E.75 ‘f= 150 m/m'. Sets of photographic plates labelled 'Run 7' and ‘Balloons’, and unlabelledset. E.76 "Run 9. 1/2/39 v=50. 1/2cm=3]lbs'. E.77 ‘Run 9. 1/2/39. v=50. 1/2cm=10lbs + 3 plates of [? ] vibration’. E.78 Untitled, run 9. E.79 Untitled, run 9. E.80 Untitled, run 10. E.81 Untitled. R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ADAMS, Colonel Ralph M. A.3 ALMASY, Count Lazlo E. de B.18. See also C.31 AMERICAN ACADEMYOF ARTS AND SCIENCES ASHER,Michael ATHENAEUM CLUB A.33 B.34 A.24 BAGNOLD, Colonel Arthur Henry A.36-A.41,A.43, B.16, C.25 See also E.1 BAGNOLD(née Plank), Dorothy Alice A.45,A.46,B.10 BAGNOLD, Enid Algerine A.37-A.41,A.44,B.10, B.12, B.16, B.17 BAGNOLD(née Alger), Ethel A.35-A.41 BAGNOLD, Stephen Chester BARNDORFF-NIELSEN,Ole E. BERGMAN,Carlo BIRCH, Francis BRITISH PETROLEUM CHRISTY & MOORE LIMITED CULLEN, A. L. DEXTER,A. R. FRYER,W. G. A.47 B.26 B.30, B.32 A.31 B.22 B.12 B.27 B.26 A.28 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A.30 GOODENOUGH,Admiral Sir William Edmund B.12 HARDING-NEWMAN,Brigadier Rupert B32 HAYNES,C.Vance,Jr WILLIAM HEINEMANN LIMITED HESELWOOD,KennethJ. B.30-B.33 B.12 A.49 R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 Index of corr nden HOWARD(néeAlington), Jean HUGUENIN,Claude HUMBLE,Peter INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SEDIMENTOLOGISTS JOLLEY,B. JONES, Dominick JONES(née Bagnold), Enid Algerine, Lady JONES, Sir Roderick KOMAR,Paul D. KUPER, LANCASTER,N. LAWRENCE,Thomas Edward LECLERC, Colonel LEOPOLD, Luna Bergere C.31 B.34 B.24 A.24 A.33 A.19 A.49 See BAGNOLD,Enid Algerine C.27, C.28 A.4 B.30 B.26 A.48A C.21 A.30 LLOYD OWEN, Major-General David Lanyon B.32, C.32 MANDELBROT,Benoit B. MURRAY,George B.24 C.27 NATIONAL ACADEMYOF SCIENCES A.30 PENNEY, William George, Baron PLAYFAIR, Major-General Ian Stanley Ord ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel MayerVictor, 3rd Baron ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY A.32 C.26 A.50 Belz R. A. Bagnold NCUACS35/3/92 61 Index of corr nden ROYAL SOCIETY RUTHERFORD,Ernest, Baron SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SHAW,W.B. Kennedy SKEAT, Theodore Cressy SHELL REFINING & MARKETING COMPANYLIMITED TSEO, George VINCENT,Peter WAVELL,Archibald Percival, 1st Earl B.27,B.28 A.48 B.20 B.12, C.26 A.35 A.28 B.26 B.26 C.25
BAGNOLD, Brigadier Ralph Alger
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin