BACON, Francis Thomas v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in association with the Royal Society Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of FRANCIS THOMAS BACON (1904-1992) Compiled by Peter Harper and Alan Hayward Deposited in the Churchill College Archives Centre Cambridge NCUACS68/6/97 All rights reserved University of Bath 1997 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CHURCHILL COLLEGE ARCHIVES CENTRE CAMBRIDGE F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.37 SECTION B RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT B.1-B.1360 13 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.169 106 SECTION D PATENTS D.1-D.109 123 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.33 128 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.38 133 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.269 138 SECTION H NON-PRINT MATERIAL H.1-H.26 164 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 169 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 4 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Churchill College Archives Centre, Cambridge in 1994. OUTLINE OF CAREER OF FRANCIS THOMAS BACON Francis Thomas Bacon wasborn at Ramsden Hall, Billericay, Essex on 21 December 1904. He was educated at Eton College, 1918-1922, specialising in science and winning the Moseley Physics Prize in 1922, and at Trinity College, Cambridge obtaining a third class in the Mechanical Sciences Tripos in 1925. He served an apprenticeship at C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd, Heaton Works, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1925-1928, subsequently working in the Searchlight Reflector and Research and Development Departments at Parsons, 1928-1940. __It was while at Parsons in 1932 that hefirst cameto appreciate the potential of the fuel cell and set himself the task of carrying out the practical engineering to prepare the wayforit to be considered for commercial application. In 1940-1941 he started full-time work on the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell at King’s College London with the financial support of the consulting engineers Merz and McLellan. From 1941 to 1946 he was temporary experimental officer at H.M. Anti-Submarine Experimental Establishment, Fairlie, Ayrshire, working on ASDIC, the underwater submarine detection system. In 1946 he resumed experimental work on the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell at Cambridge University, first in the Department of Colloid Science, then in the Department of Metallurgy and from 1951 to 1956 in the Department of Chemical Engineering. This work was supported financially by the Electrical Research Association. In 1956 Bacon became consultant to the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) undertaking fuel cell development work at the Cambridge engineering firm Marshalls where a 6kW forty cell battery unit was demonstrated in August 1959. From 1962 to 1971 he wasprincipal consultant on fuel cells to Energy Conversion Ltd, the first British effort to manufacture fuel cells, first at the BP Research Centre, Sunbury on Thames, Surrey and then at Basingstoke, Hampshire. From 1971 to 1973 he was consultant on fuel cells to Fuel Cells Ltd, at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Oxfordshire. In 1973 he retired though he continuedto follow the developmentof fuel cells very closely for the rest ofhis life. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 5 Although Bacon hopedto see the adoption of a high efficiency/low pollution fuel cell in everyday applications such as transport, it was in the unforeseen application of space exploration that the Bacon cell achieved its most notable successin his lifetime. In the USA the Pratt and Whitney Division of United Aircraft took out a licence on the Bacon patents and used the concept of the Bacon cell in a successful bid to provide electrical power for the Apollo moonshot. The fuel cells operated successfully in the manned moon flights and subsequent space applications, providing electricity for the functioning of systems and the production of drinking water. Thus Bacon’s pioneering work may beconsidered essential to the Apollo programme Bacon wasappointed to the Order of the British Empire in 1967. He was elected FRS in 1973 and becameaninitial Fellow of the Fellowship of Engineering in 1976. Amongst other honours and awards of note are the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Award for Scientific and Technical Contribution in 1976, the Electrochemical Society's Vittorio de Nora - Diamond Shamrock Award in 1978, an honorary degree from the University of Newcastle upon Tynein 1980 andthefirst Grove medal commemorating the work of Sir William Grove in 1991. He married Barbara Papillon in 1933 (one son, one daughter, and one son deceased). He died on 24 May 1992. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection provides comprehensive documentation of Bacon’srole in fuel cell research and development. It covers the period 1917-1993. Section A, Biographical, includes obituaries, curricula vitae, articles about Bacon and press-cuttings. His fuel cell career is represented by agreements between Bacon and Merz and McLellan, the National Research Development Corporation and Energy Conversion Ltd and his honours and awardsbyletters of congratulation on the appointment to the Order of the British Empire in 1967 and the Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1973, and correspondence re the award of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Award for Scientific and Technical Contribution in 1976. Also of interest are school notebooks from Eton College including a ‘Science Notes’ notebook used by his elder brother A.W. Bacon in 1917 and subsequently by Bacon for notes of work at C.A. Parsons Ltd 1930-1931. Section B, Research and development, is exceptional in extent and comprehensiveness, documenting the successive stages of Bacon’s involvement with fuel cell research and development: Parsons and early fuel cell research, ERA/Cambridge University, NRDC/Marshalls of F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 6 Cambridge, Energy Conversion Ltd, and his continuing interest in fuel cell research and development after his formal retirement. The documentation takes many forms including a numbered sequence of Bacon’s fuel cell notebooks and the notebooksof his colleagues, manuscript notes, drafts, calculations and test data, reports prepared for and correspondence with principal sponsoring bodies such as the ERA and the NRDC, correspondence and papers relating to the fuel cell interests of other organisations such as government departments in the UK and companieslike General Electric and Pratt and Whitney in the USA, correspondence and papers assembled by Bacon on research and development topics such as hydrogen storage and the underwateruse of fuel cells, and technical drawings. There are also a relatively few papers from the 1930s which relate to Bacon’s work at Parsons and are not concerned with fuelcells. Section C, Lectures and publications, is extensive. There is a chronological sequence of drafts for Bacon’s lectures and publications, 1953-1984 and his publications correspondence files, 1952-1991. Bacon’s publications correspondence files include invitations for Bacon to write, lecture and broadcast and also to advise authors, editors and publishers on publications in the fuel cell area. The files also contained a numberof drafts by Bacon or sent to him for comment which have been retained in the sequence with the related correspondence. Section D, Patents, presents Bacon’s papers relating to patent applications, 1949-1967. The papers were found in a numbered sequence of binders whose contents included manuscript notes, typescript drafts of applications, specifications and related correspondence. Section E, Societies and organisations, provides documentation of eight societies and organisations with which Bacon wasassociated. The Electrochemical Society which Bacon joined about 1960 and the Royal Society to whose Fellowship he was elected in 1973 are represented by the most extensive material. The Electrochemical Society papers principally relate to its Spring meeting in Seattle 1978 at which Bacon received the Society’s Vittorio de Nora - Diamond Shamrock Award and delivered the Award Address. Much of the Royal Society material relates to Bacon’s 1973 Review Lecture on the Development and Practical Application of Fuel Cells. Also represented in this section is the Aeronautical Research Council which invited Bacon to a numberofits committee meetings in 1959 and 1963. Section F, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1956-1984. Although not extensive it provides a record of Bacon’s participation as speaker at a number of international conferences such as the Fifth World Energy Conference in Vienna, Austria, in 1956 and the Fifth World Hydrogen Energy F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 7 Conference in Toronto, Canada, in 1984, and of a series of visits to the USA, 1959-1971, to attend and speak at meetings and visit centres of fuel cell research and development. Section G, Correspondence, includes much of Bacon’s most important fuel cell correspondence and covers an exceptionally extended period 1933-1993. Although Baconkept correspondence files for a small number of named individuals such as the Cambridge University authority on metallic corrosion U.R. Evans and fuel cell associates T.M. Fry and R.G.H. Watson, most of the correspondence presentedin this section was kept in three major chronological sequences:‘fuel cell’ correspondence 1933-1991, ‘personal’ correspondence, 1952-1991, and ‘miscellaneous’ correspondence, 1953-1975. The ‘personal’ and ‘miscellaneous’ correspondence sequences also relate to Bacon’s fuelcell interests. For long periods Bacon wrote mostof his letters by hand. Nevertheless, even when writing by hand he made carbon copies and thus his correspondence is unusually complete. Bacon’s correspondence files also often include notes of telephone calls and meetings including those with visitors to his private home. There is other important fuel cell correspondence in Section B, Research. Section H, Non-print material, is principally photographs. There are photographs of Bacon himself at a numberof conferences and awards ceremonies etc., 1950s - 1991, photographs of equipment from the late 1950s, photographs usedasillustrative material for Bacon’s publications and lectures, 1956-1978 and publicity photographsrelating to fuel cell developments sent to Bacon by the US General Electric Company, Shell Research Ltd and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, 1963-1968. In addition to the photographs there are photographic slides, a film relating to the fuel cell demonstration at Marshalls in 1959 and a card index box containing metal or treated metal samples and film strips which mayrecord test results on the samples. The samples and film strips are in envelopes with manuscript inscriptions, some including dates in 1955 and 1956. Thereis also an index of correspondents. Peter Harper Alan Hayward Bath 1997 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 SECTIONA BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.37 A.1, A.2 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTE A.3-A.14 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.15-A.19 SCHOOL NOTEBOOKS A.20-A.37 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 Biographical A.1, A.2 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTE 1992 A.1 Obituaries: Fuel Cell Power, Vol. 2 No. 2, May 1992. The Times, 1 June 1992. Independent, 3 and 13 June 1992. The Daily Telegraph, 8 June 1992. A.2 Memorial tribute by J.F. Coales, Cambridge, 16 June 1992. A.3-A.14 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.3 Curricula vitae, entry in biographical directory, lists of publications. A.4-A.6 Articles about Bacon andhis work. 3 folders. A.7-A.14 Press-cuttings. 8 folders. A.15-A.19 SCHOOL NOTEBOOKS Bacon was educated at Eton College 1918-1922. A.15 ‘Science Notes. Lent Half 1917. Heat’. School notebook so inscribed kept by Bacon’s elder brother Anthony W. Bacon and later used by Bacon for notes of work at C.A. Parsons Ltd 1930- 1931. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 10 Biographical A.16 A.17 A.18 A.19 Notebook used by Bacon’s elder brother for history notes and by Bacon (from the rear) for draft of lecture on ‘The Steam Turbine’. Notebook used by Bacon for physics notes, n.d. Notebook used by Bacon for notes on heat, n.d. Notebook used by Baconfor physics notes, Michaelmas 1920. A.20-A.37 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1940-1990 A.20 A.21 Agreement between the consulting engineers Merz and McLellan and Bacon in respect of Bacon’s employmentas a research engineer, 27 July 1940. Agreement between the National Research Development Corporation and Baconin respect of work on the development of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cells and Electrolysers. 1957 Agreement between the National Research Development Corporation and Baconin respect of work on the developmentof the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cells and Electrolysers. Draft dated 12 October 1959. Letter from Marshalls Flying School Ltd, Aeronautical Engineers re Bacon’ s services as a consultant in respect of work on the development of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cells and Electrolysers carried out on behalf of the National Research Development Corporation. N.d. A.22 Agreement between Energy Conversion Ltd and Bacon for Baconto act as consultant to the Company re research development and manufacture of fuel cells. Final draft with manuscript annotations by Bacon. 1962. Agreement between Energy Conversion Ltd and Bacon for Bacon to act as consultant to the Company re research development and manufacture of fuel cells. 1963. Letter from the National Research Development Corporation re closure of the Bacon’s consultancy/employment agreements with Fuel Cell Ltd, 27 July 1972. Ltd’s programme and the termination Fuel Cells of F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 11 Biographical A.23-A.25 Appointment to the Order of the British Empire (OBE). 1967. See also G.200. A.23 Official correspondencereinvestiture etc, 1967, 1969. A.24, A.25 ‘Personal Letters’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: principally letters of congratulation re award of the OBE. A.26, A.27 Royal Aeronautical Society British Silver Medal for Aeronautics. 1969. The medal was awarded for Bacon’s work on the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell that led to the development and construction (by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, USA) of fuel cell units which were being used as the auxiliary power source in the Command and Service Modulesin the Apollo Space Project. Letter informing Bacon of the award, press release, guestlist for dinner on the occasion of the 58th Wilbur and Orville Wright Lecture etc. Letters of congratulation. A.26 A.27 A.28-A.31 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. 1973. A.28 Correspondence re candidature, formal admission etc. A.29-A.31 Letters of congratulation. 3 folders. A.32-A.36 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Award for Scientific and Technical Contribution. 1976. See also G.36, G.37, H.4. A.32-A.34 A.35 Correspondence re Embassyin London etc., 1974-1976. application, formal presentation at the American 3 folders. Later NASA correspondence found with Award correspondence, 1979-1980, 1989-1990. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 12 A.36 A.37 Biographical Letters of congratulation on NASA Award. Honorary degree, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1980. Correspondence re arrangements etc. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 13 SECTION B RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT B.1-B.1360 This exceptionally large and comprehensive section documents the successive stages of Bacon's involvementin fuel cell research and development and his continuing interest in fuel cell research and development after his formal retirement. There are a relatively few papers from the 1930s whichrelate to his work at C.A. Parsons and are not concernedwith fuel cells. Papers in the section coverthe period 1929-1993. B.1-B.14 FUEL CELL NOTEBOOKS B.15-B.77 PARSONSAND EARLY FUEL CELL RESEARCH B.78-B.272 ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION/ UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE B.273-B.643 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/MARSHALLS OF CAMBRIDGE B.644-B.854 ENERGY CONVERSION LTD B.855-B.1077 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TOPICS B.1078-B.1186 RESEARCH CENTRES, LABORATORIES AND SPONSORS B.1187-B.1268 TECHNICAL DRAWINGS B.1269-B.1360 BACKGROUND MATERIAL F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 14 Research and development B.1-B.14 FUEL CELL NOTEBOOKS 1938-1958 A numbered sequence of notebooks kept by Bacon recording his fuel cell work. 1938-1958. For other fuel cell notebooks kept by Bacon and his collaborators see B.154-B.171, B.432-B.461A. Unnumbered. Used for record of work 1938 -1941. Bacon's addressis given as ‘Acomb House Hexham’. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume II’. Used for record of work 25 February - 23 July 1941. Enclosed loose at front of notebook ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell. Report for two weeks ending 15 August 1941.’ Bacon’s addressis given as ‘King’s College, Strand, London W.C.2’. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell VolumeIll’. Used for record of work at King’s College London, 24 July - 16 August 1941 and at Department of Colloid Science, University of Cambridge, 27 May - 16 December1946. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume IV’. Used for record of work 3 March - 5 May 1947. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Colloid Science, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume V’. Used for record of work 6 May - 6 November 1947. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Colloid Science, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume VI’. Used for record of work 7 November 1947 - 28 March 1950. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Colloid Science, Cambridge. B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 15 Research and development B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 B.13 ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume VII’. Used for record of work 4 and 6 April 1950. Bacon’s address is given as the Departmentof Metallurgy, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell VolumeVIII’. Used for record of work 5 May 1950 - 18 April 1951. Bacon’s addressis given as Department of Metallurgy, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume IX’. Used for record of work 25 April 1951 - 4 February 1953. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume X’. Used for record of work 27 February - 23 June 1953. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge. ‘Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell Volume XI’. Used for record of work 25 June 1953 - 4 February 1954. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge. ‘H202 Cell Research (Unit 1.) Volume 12’. February 1954 - 15 February 1955. Used for record of work 5 Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge. ‘H2 - O> Cell Research (Unit 1) Volume 13’. Used for record of work 16 February 1954 - 28 January 1958. Bacon’s address is given as the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 16 Research and development B.14 Unnumbered notebook. Used for record of work (diagrams for machine parts) 23 November 1942 - 6 May 1943 and 7 June 1946 - 12 September 1953. Bacon’s address is given as King’s College Strand, W.C.2. However by November 1942 he had joined the Admiralty team at Fairlie in Scotland working on ASDIC. He resumedfuel cell research at Cambridge in 1946. B.15-B.77 PARSONS AND EARLY FUEL CELL RESEARCH 1929-1949 Bacon served his time as apprentice at C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd., Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne from 1925-1928 and subsequently workedin the Searchlight Reflector Department and the Development and Research Department. It was while working for Parsons that Bacon’sinterest in fuel cells was aroused. In 1937 he drafted a report to the directors suggesting that a workable fuel cell might be developed (see B.41). Although the report relevant to the business Bacon began was rejected as not being experimental work, first at home and then surreptitiously at Parsons. In January 1940 he submitted a second report to the directors (B.36-B.38) admitting that he had been doing fuel cell work in his employers’ time. Given an ultimatum to stop work on the fuel cell or leave, Bacon chose to leave. After Bacon left Parsons Dr Charles Merz, founder of the consulting engineers Merz and McClellan agreed to finance his work on fuel cells and asked his friend A.J. Allmand, Professor of Chemistry at King’s College Londonto provide space in his laboratory. Putting to use the training of his engineering apprenticeship, Bacon wasable to build his own fuel cells and embark on an experimental programme 1940 -1941. The material is presented as a roughly chronological sequence of reports, notes, drafts, calculations and data. The sequence includes some postwar fuel cell papers (to 1949) which were found in the same binder as prewar material. Asfar as possible papers found in binders have been presented in the order in which they were found which wasnot alwaysa strictly chronological one. B.15 Report on ‘Deflection test on “U” steam pipe for 2163 machine’ 16 December 1929. Report on ‘Visit to the Parsons Marine Works’ 28 January 1930. B.16-B.20 Contents of untitled binder divided into five by subject dividers: manuscript notes 1931-1936. Thetitles of the subject dividers are used in the catalogue entries. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 17 Research and development B.16 B.17 B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 ‘Polishing’. ‘Bending & Anneal’. ‘Grinding’. ‘Miscellaneous’. ‘Silvering’. Untitled manuscript calculations, 31 May 1932. B.22-B.26 ‘Special extraction pump’. Contents of binder so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference: test data, manuscript calculations, reports, memos etc, 1935, 1938-1940. B.27, B.28 Engineering drawings related to extraction pump work. 2 folders. B.29 B.30 B.31 Development and Research Department‘Report on experiments carried out with a view to improving the silvering and backing of mirrors with special reference to those of the high temperature cinema projection type’ by Bacon and E.R. Elliott. December 1937. Development and Research Department Report on ‘Schlieren experiments on fluid flow with spark photography’. 1938. Miscellaneous shorter Development and Research Department Reports, signed by Bacon. 1938-1940. B.32 ‘Air Raid Precautions’ Notes for ‘Lesson 1’ and ‘Lesson 4’ found with preceding. N.d. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 18 Research and development B.33, B.34 Development and Research Department ‘Report on the present postition of the internal combusion turbine’ by Bacon. September1939. Report and drafts. 2 folders. B.35 B.36 B.37 B.38 B.39 B.40 Development and Research Department Report ‘Fuel Couples by Emil Baur and Jakob Tobler. Translated from Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie Vol 30, No.3, 1933’. [1939]. Development and Research Department Report ‘The Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’ by Bacon. ‘First Edition’. December 1939. Annotated draft of preceding. Development and Research Department Report ‘The Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’ by Bacon. Revised and expandedversion of B.36. January 1940. Development and Research Department Report ‘Generating electricity from coal without a heat engine’ by Bacon. Contents list and first two pages only of this report. Found with preceding. See also B.56. Development and Research Department Report ‘Comparative tests of a standard extraction pump impeller and a Salerni impeller’ signed by Bacon. May 1940. B.41-B.55 ‘F.T. Bacon Reports’. Contents of C.A. Parsons Ltd binder divided into fifteen for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts at Parsons 1937-1940, King’s College London 1940-1941 and at Cambridge from 1946. B.41 ‘Proposed Electric Storage Battery’. typescript dated 7 July 1937. Manuscript and typescript drafts, F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 19 Research and development B.42 ‘Application of Proposed Electric Battery’. 12pp typescript signed by Bacon + 7pp appendix signed by Bacon. N.d. B.43 ‘Questions to Prof. Ellingham’. 1p manuscript. N.d. ‘Points mentioned by Prof. Ellingham 15.3.40 and 17.3.40’. 6pp manuscript, 19 March 1940. Copy of ‘Report on Visit to Professor Ellingham at Imperial College South Kensington to discuss the Proposal to develop the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell for Commercial Use’. 1p typescript signed by Bacon. Copyof letter from H.J.T. Ellingham to C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd, 30 March 1940 and copyofits enclosure Ellingham’s ‘Opinion on the possibilities of a type of Hydrogen Oxygen Cell proposed by Mr F.T. Bacon’. 11pp typescript. See also B.183. B.44 ‘Notes on Professor Ellingham’s Report on the Possibilities of the Hydrogen- Oxygen Cell’. 7pp typescript dated 24 April 1940 + 2pp ‘Conclusion’. Two copies, one signed by Bacon and one unsigned with manuscript annotation. C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd memo from W.D. Horsley to Bacon re ‘Hydrogen- Oxygen Cell’, 6 May 1940. ‘The Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Notes on Old Report, dated November 1937’. 3pp typescript signed by Bacon, 28 May 1940. ‘Qualifications of F.T. Bacon’. 1p typescript signed R. Dowson, Head of Research and Development, C.A. Parsons & Co. Ltd, Heaton Works, 3 July 1940. ‘Brief Report on Progress of Experiments with Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. 5pp typescript signed by Bacon, 2 January 1941. Weekly reports on progress, all signed by Bacon, from report week ending 11 January 1941 to report on week ending 29 March 1941. Reports on progress, all signed by Bacon, from report on weeks ending 8 and 12 April 1941 to report for the two weeks ending 15 August 1941. Manuscript notes re fuel cell work, June, July and December 1946 and March 1947. B.45 B.46 B.47 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 20 Research and development B.48-B.52 ‘The Hydrogen-OxygenFuel Cell’. B.53 B.54 Manuscript draft comprising Contents List, Synopsis, Brief Summary of Previous Work, Experimental Method of Attack, Summary of Experimental Results and Conclusions, Proposals for Further Experiment, Conclusion, Appendices; also ‘Rewritten’ Synopsis, Introductory Remarks etc. N.d. 5 folders. Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes, drafts, graph including ‘Notes on Memorandum’, 16 August 1949 and ‘Work required to Separate Oxygen from the Air, 21 September1949. ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. Manuscript draft of Bacon’s Progress Report to British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association (Electrical Research Association) for the 6 months ending June 1949’. Appendix 3 ‘Factors determining the efficiency of the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell’ is by T.M. Fry. B.55 ‘Comments on Mr Bacon’s Report on his work on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. 8pp typescript signed by A.J. Allmand and dated 24 September 1941. ‘Professor A.J. Allmand’s Comment on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Report’. 7pp typescript, 18 December 1941. B.56-B.60 Contents of untitled folder divided into five for ease of reference: drafts and reports relating to hydrogen-oxygen cell, 1937, 1940. The contents relate to the contents of the C.A. Parson’s binder presented at B.41-B.55 and include some duplication. B.56 is typescript pages 3-33 of Development and Research Department Report ‘Generating Electricity from Coal without a Heat Engine’. See also B.39. B.61-B.72 ‘F.T. Bacon Miscellaneous & Experiments’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: manuscript notes, test data, 1938-1942. The papers are presentedin their original order. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 21 Research and development B.73-B.76 Contents of untitled C.A. Parsons Ltd binder divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes, calculations and sketches, 1938, 1940-1942. B.76A ‘The Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell. (January 1942)’. Report on Mr F.T. Bacon’s Research In original binder. Addressed on front cover ‘Merz and McLellan, 32 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1’. B.77 Printed and duplicated material re Sir Charles Parsons found with other C. A. Parsons Ltd material in the collection. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 22 Research and development B.78-B.272 ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION/ UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 1942-1976 The Electrical Research Association (ERA) supported a programme of research into the properties of the hydrogen-oxygencell for ten years 1946- 1956. When Bacon’s work wasfirst supported by the ERA thefull title of the organisation was the British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association. The shorter form was first used as an alternative and then supplanted the longer title. Bacon reported to the Association’s Section Z: Unclassified Researches Sub-Committee F: Storage of Electrical Energy. The Secretaries of the Committee were D.V. Onslow 1946-1948 and A.P. Paton 1948-1956. The ERA Director of Research was S. Whitehead 1946-1956. The work sponsored by the ERA was located at the University of Cambridge, first in the Department of Colloid Science, then in the Department of Metallurgy and from 1951 to 1956 in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Although a six cell fuel battery was successfully demonstrated there was no interest from British industry and the ERA felt obliged to withdraw its support. For papers relating to Admiralty and Ministry of Power interest in Bacon’s fuel cell work during the latter part of the ERA sponsored programme at Cambridge see B.1078-B.1089 and B.1162-B.1165 respectively The material relating to the ERA sponsored fuel presentedasfollows: cell programme is B.78-B.126 Reports B.127-B.132 Agendas and minutes of meetings B.133-B.153 Correspondence B.154-B.171 Notebooks B.172-B.260 Notes, drafts, calculations, data B.261-B.272 Equipment and supplies B.78-B.126 Reports 1946-1962 See also B.1274-B.1299. B.78-B.90 ‘H - O Cell Reports |’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference: duplicated reports to British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association Section Z: Unclassified Researches Sub-Committee F: Storage of Electrical Energy (Storage and Generation of Electrical Energy from B.81). 1946-1951. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 23 Research and development B.78 ‘The Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Summary of Mr T. Bacon’s Research’. January 1946. 17 ‘Technical Statement by Mr F.T. Bacon Concerning Proposal to Develop the Hydrogen-OxygenCell.’ 5 February 1946. Programme of Researchinto the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. 27 March 1946. B.79 B.80 B.81 B.82 B.83 B.84 B.85 ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Report to August 1947. By F.T. Bacon’. 19 August 1947. Progress See also B.181. ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Report for Year Ending August 1948. By F.T. Bacon’. 3 September 1948. Progress ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Overall Technical Report for the Period from May 1946 to October 1949. By F.T. Bacon. ...’. 26 May 1949. ‘Memorandum on a High Temperature and High Pressure Hydrogen- Oxygen Cell’. 17 October 1949. ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Overall Technical Report for the Period from May 1946 to October 1949. By F.T. Bacon. ...’. 2 November 1949. See also B.85, B.116. ‘Estimation of Possible Efficiency of the Hydrogen Oxygen Fuel Cell Working on Gases Produced from Coal and Air’. 28 November 1949. Overall ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Technical Report for the Period from May 1946 to October 1949. By F.T. Bacon. ...’. 6 December 1949. Revised version of B.83. See also B.116. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 24 Research and development B.86 ‘Comments on E.R.A. Reports ... (Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell) Received from Crompton Parkinson Ltd.’ 5 April 1950. ‘Programmeof Researchinto the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. 2 June 1950. ‘Energy Losses in the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. By T.M. Fry’. 29 September 1950. B.87 B.88 B.89 ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Progress Report for the Six Months Ending June 1950. By F.T. Bacon. ...’. 9 June 1950. Condensed ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Progress Report for the Period Commencing November 1949 and ending September 1950. By F.T. Bacon. ...’. 29 September 1950. ‘The Properties of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. An Account of Research from May 1946 to October 1949. By F.T. Bacon... ‘. 11 October 1950. Addendum. 16 October 1950. B.90 ‘Programme of Research on the Hydrogen Oxygen Cell’. 11 July 1951. ‘A Theory of the Diffusion Gas Electrode. By T.M. Fry...’. 16 July 1951. Progress ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Report for the Six Months Ending June 1951. By F.T. Bacon ...’. 24 July 1951. B.91-B.113 ‘H - O Cell Reports II’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into twenty-three for ease of reference: duplicated reports to British Electrical and Allied Unclassified Researches Sub-Committee F: Storage and Generation of Electrical Energy. 1951-1960. Industries Research Association Section Z: B.91 ‘Programme of Research on the Hydrogen Oxygen Cell for 1952’. December 1951. 7 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 25 Research and development B.92 ‘Fuel Cells. A Non-Technical Outline of their Development. Paton...’. 14 August 1952. By A.P. See also B.134. B.93 B.94 B.95 B.96 B.97 B.98 B.99 ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. The Oxidation of Nickel in Alkaline Solutions at High Temperatures and Pressures. By R.G.H. Watson...’. 25 August 1952. ‘Research into the The Preparation of Porous Nickel Electrodes. By J.E. Bowers...’. 3 December 1952. of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Properties ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Progress Report for the Period of July, 1951 to November, 1952. By F.T. Bacon...’. 9 December 1952. ‘Researchinto the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. The Corrosion Resistance of Pre-Oxidised Nickel. By J.E. Bowers...’. 16 July 1953. ‘Research Preparation of Porous Nickel Electrodes. By J.E. Bowers...’. 16 July 1953. of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Properties into the The ‘Research into the Properties of. the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Progress Report for the Period of December 1952 to June 1953. By F.T. Bacon...’. 17 July 1953. ‘Research Electrochemical Studies. By R.G.H. Watson...’. 17 July 1953. Properties Hydrogen-Oxygen into the of the Cell. ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Bacon...’. By F.T. ‘First Draft’ 12 August 1953 and ‘Final Copy’ 19 October 1953. B.100 ‘Reduction in the Rate of Oxidation of Nickel by Use of Inhibitors. By J.E. Bowers...’. 9 December 1953. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 26 Research and development B.101 B.102 B.103 B.104 ‘Research into Preparation of Porous Nickel Electrodes. By J.E. Bowers...’. 12 May 1954. of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Properties the The ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Report for the Period of July, 1953 to April, 1954. By F.T. Bacon...’. May 1954. Progress 13 ‘Research Electrochemical Studies. By R.G.H. Watson...’. 19 May 1954. Properties Hydrogen-Oxygen into the of the Cell. ‘Notes on Conference at Cambridge on 4th August, 1954, Regarding Position of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell Research’. 15 September 1954. ‘Continuation of Research on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. 1955.’ 2pp typescript found with 1954 reports, n.d. Calendar Year B.105 ‘Programmeof Research on Fundamental Aspects of the Bacon Cell’. draft’, 22 July 1955. ‘First Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Interim Report on miscellaneous experiments involving the use of polytetrafluoroethylene (fluon). By William J. Davis’. Manuscript draft, n.d. B.106 B.107 B.108 ‘The Hydrogen Oxygen Fuel Cell. Problems. By J.E. Bowers...’. 22 September 1955. A Summary of the Metallurgical ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Progress Report for the Period of May 1954 to September 1955. By F.T. Bacon...’. 14 October 1955. ‘The Electrochemistry of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell’. Carried out During 1954-55. By R.G.H. Watson...’. 3 November 1955. Report of Work F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 27 Research and development B.109 ‘A Technical Assessment of Selected Applications of the Bacon Hydrogen- Oxygen Cell in its Present State of Development’. 14 November 1955. ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Formation, Properties and Corrosion of the Oxygen Electrode. By William J.Davis...’. 18 November1955. ‘The Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell. A Modified Oxygen Electrode. By J.E. Bowers...’. 23 November 1955. B.110 ‘An Appreciation of the Technical Assessment of the Bacon Cell.... By F.T. Bacon, R.G.H. Watson and J.E. Bowers’. 9 January 1956. ‘The Possibilities of the Bacon Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell when used in Association with Wind Power’. 20 January 1956. ‘The Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Researches for the Period September 1955 to January 1956. Bowers...’. 3 April 1956. Progress Cell. Report on Electrode By J.E. B.1114 ‘The Electrochemistry of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Carried out During 1955-56. By R.G.H. Watson...’. 27 November 1956. Report of Work ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Report for the Period of October 1955 to September 1956. Bacon...’. 10 December 1956. Progress By F.T. B.112 ‘The Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell. Research up to September 1956. By F.T. Bacon...’. 27 September 1957. Overall Report of B.113 ‘Reports’. Manuscript note by Bacon, n.d. ‘Copyof Letter of 18th November, 1957, From Dr J.N. Agar’. 19 November 1957. ‘The Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell. 1956. By F.T. Bacon...’. 8 December 1958. Report of Research up to September ‘Fuel Cells (1938-1960). June 1960. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 28 Research and development B.114-B.118 ‘Mr Bacon’s Manuscript’. Contents of binder so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts etc re preparation of report or reports on fuel cell work in 1949. B.116 includes Bacon’s manuscript draft of ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell. Overall Technical Report for the Period from May 1946 to October 1949’. See also B.83, B.85. B.119-B.126 ‘E.R.A. F.C. Reports. Papers etc by F.T. Bacon (Old)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: miscellaneous typescript, duplicated and printed papers, 1954-1962. Papers relate principally to period when Bacon’s work was sponsored by the National Research and Development Corporation. B.127-B.132 Agendas and minutes of meetings 1947-1957 Agendas and minutes for the second to thirteenth meetings of Electrical Research Association Section Z: Unclassified Researches: Sub-Committee F: Storage of Electrical Energy (Storage and Generation of Electrical Energy from B.128). B.127 28 November 1947. Agenda, memorandum from A.J. Allmand on the research on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell, unconfirmed minutes (two copies, one heavily annotated by Bacon). B.128 29 October 1948. Unconfirmed minutesonly. 8 June 1949. Unconfirmed minutes only. 29 November 1949. Unconfirmed minutesonly. B.129 13 June 1950. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. 17 November 1950. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. B.130 3 August 1951. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. 12 December 1952. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 29 Research and development B.131 27 July 1953. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. 24 May 1954. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. B.132 24 February 1956. meeting’ and unconfirmed minutes. Agenda, Bacon’s manuscript ‘Notes for Committee 20 November 1957. Agenda and unconfirmed minutes. B.133-B.153 Correspondence 1952-1976 This sequence is Bacon’s correspondence with officers of the Electrical Research Association 1952-1976 (bulk 1952-1961). His correspondents include S. Whitehead, the Director (until 1956) and A.P. Paton, Secretary of Section Z SubCommittee F. Bacon’s ERA correspondence 1946-1951 was not kept in a separate sequence and is to be found with other fuel cell correspondencein Section G. B.133-B.147 ‘E.R.A. I’. reference. 1952-1956. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into fifteen for ease of B.133 1952 January - April. B.134 1952 May- August. Includes copy of draft by Paton ‘Fuel Cells - A Non-Technical Outline of their Development’. See also B.92. B.135 1952 September - December. B.136 1953 January - April. B.137 B.138 1953 May- August. 1953 September - December. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 30 Research and development B.139 1954 January - June. B.140 1954 July - December. B.141 1955 January - April. Includes ‘Inventory of items, costing more than £25, bought since 1951’. B.142 1955 May, June. Includes memorandum on‘High Pressure Electrolyser’. B.143 1955 July, August. Includes ‘aide memoire’ by Paton ‘Some Aspects of Hydrogen Oxygen Fuel Cell Research and ‘Outline of Research Proposed for 1956 (if work remains in Cambridge)’ by R.G.H. Watson. B.144 1955 September - December. B.145 1956 January - April. Includes papers re expenditure on ERA contract and ‘Programme of Research and Development. B.146 1956 May - August. B.147 1956 September - December. Includeslists of equipment purchased for research on the Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell. B.148-B.153 ‘E.R.A. Il’. reference. 1957-1976. Contents of binder so inscribed divided six into for ease of B.148 1957 March - June. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 31 Research and development B.149 1957 July - December. B.150 1958 January - November. Includes circuit diagram of electronic temperature control. B.151 1959. B.152 1960 - 1961 April. B.153 1971, 1976. B.154-B.171 Notebooks 1954-1958 Bi54, B.155 Notebooks kept by Bacon 1954 -1956. B.154 B.155 ‘Cell No. 3’ 1955. Used for record of work 16 September 1954 - 29 November ‘Cell No. 3 1-12-55’. Used for record of work 1 December 1955 - 7 August 1956 and also (not in Bacon’s hand) for work on ‘Cell No.1’ 31 January and 11 February 1958. B.156-B.164 Notebooks kept by R.G.H. Watson 1952 - 1956. B.156 B.157 B.158 ‘CELL 2 & Electrode flows’. Used for record of work 21 January 1952 - 23 February 1954. ‘CELL UNIT 1’. Used for record of work 15 March 1952 - 27 October 1952. ‘POT’. Used for record of work 17 July 1952 - 2 February 1954. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 32 Research and development B.159 B.160 B.161 B.162 B.163 ‘Practical Chemistry Results’. Largely Nickel Oxide experiments. Used for record of work 27 October 1953 - 28 March 1956. ‘OBVERSE: CELL 2. REVERSE: POT’. Used for record of work 5 February - 17 August 1954. ‘Cell 2. Aug ’54-’. Used for record of work 17 August 1954 - 20 January 1955. ‘POT August °54 - ’. Used for record of work 10 August 1954 - 23 April 1955. Untitled. Used from the front for record of work 5 May 1955 - 12 December 1955, 17 February 1955 [possibly in error for 1956] - 12 March 1956 [possibly in continuation of B.162]. Used from the back for work 19 July 1955 - 6 July 1956 including work from September 1955 ‘from Cell 2 book cont.’ and from 8 February 1956 ‘ELECTROLYSIS’. B.164 ‘CELL 4’. Used for record of work 3 June 1956 - 18 July 1956. B.165-B.171 Notebooks kept by J.E. Bowers 1952-1956. B.165 B.166 B.167 B.168 B.169 ‘Porous Nickel Electrodes Book 1’. Graphs and text re work in 1952-1954. ‘Porous Nickel Electrodes Book 2’. Graphs and text re work in 1954. ‘Porous Nickel Electrodes Book 3’. Graphs and text re work in 1954. ‘Bubble Tests & Displacement Tests on Electrodes’. work 30 October 1953-26 October 1955. Used for record of ‘The Preparation of Pure Nickel Electrodes for the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’. Used for record of work 2 November 1953 - 8 March 1956. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 33 Research and development B.170 ‘Experiments on the Permeability of Porous Nickel’. February 1955. 1p only dated 25 B.171 ‘Microsections’. N.d. B.172-B.260 Notes, drafts, calculations, data 1942-1974 Some data from this period can be found with papers from the period of National Research and Development Corporation sponsorship at Marshalls of Cambridge. B.172-B.214 A chronological sequence of manuscript notes by Bacon relating to the work on the Fuel Cell 1942 - 1956. Includes notes on the literature, experimental results, calculations, ideas and reflections, programmesof work, notes re meetings, notes of telephone conversations, sketches etc B.172-B.188 Contents of Bacon’s binder: notes 1942 - 1949. B.172 1942-1943. B.173 1944 April - June. B.174 1944 July - December. B.175 1945 February - June. B.176 1945 July - September. B.177 1945 October. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 34 Research and development B.178 1946 January - October. Includes Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 5pp typescript. ‘Technical Statement Concerning Proposal to Develop the B.179 1946 November, December. B.180 1947 January - July. B.181 1947 August. Includes ‘Appendix II Notes on the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 20pp typescript by T.M. Fry (see B.215) and manuscript draft of ‘Research into the Properties of the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell. Progress Report to August 1947’ by Bacon (see B.79). B.182 B.183 1947 September, October. 1947 November, December. Includes copy of H.J.T. Ellingham’s 1940 Report to C.A. Parsons Co. Ltd. on the possibilities of the type of Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell proposed by Bacon. See B.43. B.184 1948 January - April. B.185 1948 May - September. B.186 1948 October - December. B.187 1949 January, February. B.188 1949 March- May. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 Research and development B.189-B.205 Contents of Bacon’s binder: notes 1949 - 1953. B.189 1949 June - October. B.190 1949 November. B.191 1949 December. B.192 1950 January, February. B.193 1950 March, April. B.194 1950 May, June. B.195 1950 June - October. B.196 1950 November, December. B.197 1951 January - March. B.198 1951 April - June. B.199 1951 July, August. B.200 B.201 1951 September - December. 1952 January, February. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 36 Research and development B.202 1952 March, April. Includes ‘Analysis of materials’, 1p typescript and ‘Sintering furnaces’, 2pp typescript. B.203 1952 May- August. Includes ‘Fuel Cell Programme’, 1p typescript. B.204 1952 September - December. Includes ‘Basis of the Fuel Cell Programme’, 2pp typescript. B.205 1953 January - July. B.206-B.214 ‘Miscellaneous’. Contents of binder so inscribed: notes 1953 - 1956. B.206 1953 July - September. Includes ‘Programme 1953’, 3pp typescript. B.207 B.208 1953 November, December. 1954 January, February. B.209 1954 March, April. B.210 1954 May. B.211 1954 June - August. B.212 1954 September - December. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 37 Research and development B.213 1955 January - July. B.214 1956 January - July. B.215-B.228 ‘T.M. Fry Calculations etc’. Contents of binder so inscribed: notes, drafts, correspondence, calculations 1947-1959, 1965-1968, 1974. B.215 1947 July. Includes ‘Notes on the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’ by Fry, 20pp typescript , 1 July 1947. See also B.181. B.216 1947 September, October. B.217 1948 January - June. B.218 1948 July - December. B.219 1949. B.220 1950. B.221 1951. B.222 1952. B.223 1953. B.224 1954. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 38 Research and development B.225 1955. B.226 1956 - 1959. B.227 1965, 1966. Includes Energy Conversion Limited Technical Note no. ‘Current Distribution over a Screen Electrode with High Resistance Catalyst’ by Fry, 15 July 1966. 9 B.228 1968, 1974. Includes ‘Technological forecasting for energy’, draft paper by Fry for National Conference on Technological Forecasting, Harrogate, 4 and 5 July 1968. B.229-B.235 ‘Sketches’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: sketches of equipment, apparatus, etc. ca 1948 - ca 1960. Keptin original order (not strictly chronological). B. 236, B.237 Sketches, technical drawings, n.d. 2 folders. B.238-B.242 Programmesof work: manuscript and typescript drafts 1952 - 1961. B.238 1952. B.239 1953-1954. B.240 1955-1956. B.241 1957. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 39 Research and development B.242 1960-1961. B.243-B.245 ‘Discussion on Fuel Cells 25.4.52’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: list of members, duplicated papers, Bacon’s manuscript notes. The discussion was held at the British Laboratories, Leatherhead, Surrey. Electricity Authority Research B.246-B.249 ‘Self-Spaced Electrodes (Bowen)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, data etc. 1951-1953. B.250 ‘Physical constants. manuscript and typescript notes, data, etc. 1952. Solubilities, etc.’ Contents of binder so inscribed: B.251-B.255 Contents of untitled binder divided into five for ease of reference: corrosion test data etc. 1951-1952, 1965. 1965 item (See B.251) is reprint by U.R. Evans from Corrosion Science. B.256 ‘Corrosion Tests @ 200 °C and 600 p.s.i.’ Contents of binder so inscribed: test data, 1954. B.257 ‘Corrosion Tests @ 300 °C’. Contents of binder so inscribed: test data, n.d. B.258, B.259 William J. Davis ‘J.E. Bowers Oxidation of Nickel in the Presence of Lithium Salts’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: data, 1955. B.260 ‘J.E. Bowers Contents of folder so inscribed: data etc., 1955. Some Tests on the Compression of Fluon @ 300 °C’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 40 Research and development B.261-B.272 Equipment and supplies 1952-1965 B.261-B.272 Contents of binder: correspondence, manuscript notes, technical drawings, etc., arranged by type of equipment. 1952-1959, 1964-1965. B.261 B.262 B.263 B.264 B.265 B.266 ‘Laboratory equipment’. 1957-1959. ‘Instruments’. 1952-1954, 1957. ‘Heaters and Resistances’. 1952-1959. ‘Insulated Terminals’. 1954-1955. ‘Furnaces’. 1952-1953, 1956-1958. ‘Refractories’. 1952-1955, 1957. B.267-B.270 ‘Valves and Level Gauges’. 1952-1958, 1964-1965. B.271 ‘Protective Coatings and Plating. correspondence etc., 1952-1956, 1958. Contents of binder so_ inscribed: B.272 Correspondence etc re nickel products, 1952-1953, 1957-1958. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 41 Research and development B.273-B.643 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION/ MARSHALLS OF CAMBRIDGE 1951-1991 Whenthe Electrical Research Association withdrew its financial support for Bacon’s fuel cell work, he was able to interest Lord Halsbury, Managing Director of the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), in the fuel cell. The NRDC gavefinal approval to support the fuel cell project in the spring of 1956 and the work moved to the Cambridge engineering firm of A.G.G. Marshall (with J.C. Frost of Marshalls as project manager). Although Bacon was able to demonstrate a 6kW forty cell battery to a variety of interested people in August 1959 there wasstill no commercial interest in the UK and the NRDCfelt obliged to close down the project. However, in October 1961 three leading British Petroleum, British Ropes, and the Guest, Keen, Nettlefolds Group, joined with the NRDC to form a new company- Energy Conversion Limited. The aim of the new companywas to promote research into the development of fuel cells which could be produced commercially. The NRDC had already made licensing arrangements in the USA with the Leesona Corporation who, in turn, associated themselves with the United Aircraft Corporation. Leesona and the Pratt and Whitney Divsion of United Aircraft carried out a joint fuel cell research and development programme most notably in connexion with the US space programme. British companies - The longertitle of the Cambridge company which housed the project was Marshalls Flying School Limited. For Bacon’s Energy Conversion Ltd papers see B.644-B.854. For papers relating to Leesona and Pratt and Whitney see B.1132-B.1147. The material relating to the NRDC sponsored fuel cell programme at Marshalls and continuing NRDCinterest in fuel cell activities (to 1991) is presentedas follows: B.273-B.342 Correspondence B.343-B.431A Notes, drafts and reports B.432-B.461A Notebooks B.462-B.599 Data B.600-B.634 Equipment and supplies B.635-B.643 Visitors F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 42 Research and development B.273-B.342 Correspondence 1956-1988 B.273-B.287 ‘N.R.D.C. I’ Contents of binder so inscribed: Bacon’s correspondence with the National Research Development Corporation. 1956-1960. Bacon’s NRDC correspondents include H.J. Crawley, D. Hennessey and Lord Halsbury (Managing Director 1949-1959). The sequence includes manuscript and typescript notes and drafts by Bacon. B.273 B.274 1956 February - July. 1956 August - December. Includes ‘Details of Research and Development Work for the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell, leading up to the Construction of a Unit of about 10kw’, by Bacon, 10pp manuscript. B.275 1957 January - March. Includes ‘Details of Research and Development Work for the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell, leading up to the Construction of a Unit of about 10kw’, by Bacon, 9pp typescript with manuscript annotation. B.276 1957 April - May. Includes ‘Details of Research and Development Work for the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell, leading up to the Construction of a Unit of about 10kw’, by Bacon, 7pp typescript. B.277 1957 June - July. Includes ‘Contract for the Development of Oxygen/Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electrolysers and the Construction of a Working Fuel Cell Unit’. B.278 B.279 1957 August - October. 1957 November - December. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 43 Research and development B.280 1958 January - March. B.281 1958 April - June. B.282 1958 July - December. B.283 1959 January - March. Includeslist of firms and other organisations engaged onfuel cell research, list of recent fuel cell patents and draft article on the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell for the NRDC Bulletin. B.284 1959 April - June. B.285 1959 July - September. B.286 1959 October - December. B.287 | 1960 January - February. B.288-B.304 ‘NRDCIl’. Contents of binder so inscribed: Bacon’s correspondence with the National Research Development Corporation. 1959-1982. Bacon’s NRDC correspondents include Willis (Electrical Engineering Group) and J.C. Duckworth (Managing Director 1959-1970). NRDC’s_ successor organisation British Technology Group. Correspondence 1982 is H.J. Crawley, K.E.V. with the The sequence includes manuscript and typescript notes and drafts by Bacon, lists of Bacon’s expensesetc. B.288 1959 August, 1960 February - March. B.289 1960 April - June. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 44 Research and development B.290 1960 February, July - September. B.291 1960 October - December. B.292 1961 January - June. B.293 1961 July - September. B.294 1961 October - December. Includes ‘Report on Visit to Rome, from August 24th-31st, 1961, for United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy’ by Bacon. B.295 1962 January - March. B.296 B.297 1962 April - November. 1963-1966. B.298 1967-1968. B.299 1969. Principally re dinner given in Bacon’s honour by the NRDC. Includes Bacon’s speech of thanks which enumerates the major turning points in the fuel cell work since 1932. B.300 1970-1971. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 45 Research and development B.301 1972 January - June. Includes ‘Brief Statement on the Possible Production of Hydrogen from Nuclear Energy and Water’ by Bacon. B.302 1972 July - November. B.303 1973. Includes ‘Fuel Marshall)’. Cell Work at Harwell. (Progress Report by Dr W.C. B.304 1974-1976, 1978, 1982. B.305-B.308 ‘NRDC/BTG’. Contents of binder so inscribed: Bacon’s correspondence with the National Research Development Corporation, 1972, 1975-1976 andits successor organisation British Technology Group, 1983-1988. Bacon's correspondents include A.B. Parker (BTG Science Investment and Operations Division). B.305 1972, 1975-1976. B.306 1983-1984. B.307 1985. B.308 1986-1988. B.309-B.312 Contents of binder so inscribed ‘N.R.D.C. Letters May 1957 - Aug 58’. divided into four for ease of reference: copies of correspondence between Marshalls and the National Research DevelopmentCorporation. The principal correspondent from Marshalls is J.C. Frost, the Project Supervisor. Most of Bacon’s correspondence with the NRDCfor this period is to be found at B.276-B.282. The NRDC correspondents include D. Hennessey and H.J. Crawley. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 46 Research and development B.309 1957 May - December. B.310 1958 January - March. B.311 1958 April - June. B.312 1958 July - August. B.313-B.319 Contents of binder so inscribed ‘Letters to and from N.R.D.C. divided into seven for ease of reference: copies of correspondence between Marshalls Corporation. September 1958 - December 1959. Development 2ndfile’. Research and the National The principal Marshalls correspondent is J.C. Frost though the sequence includes a number of carbons from Bacon. H.J. Crawley is the principal NRDCcorrespondent. B.313 1958 September - December. B.314 1959 January - February. B.315 1959 April - May. Includes note by Bacon on the concentration cell effect and two draft schedules re ‘Contract for the Development of Oxygen/Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Construction of a Working Fuel Cell Unit’. B.316 1959 June - July. B.317 1959 August. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 47 Research and development B.318 1959 September- October. Includes ‘Report on Visit to the United States from 10th to 24th September’ by Frost and ‘Suggested Programmefor 1960 by Mr H.J. Crawley - October 6th’. B.319 1959 November- December. Includes ‘Visitors to H.O.C. Section. From 25th August 1959’ and papers re future programme of work. B.320-B.323 Contents of untitled binder divided into four for ease of reference: copies of correspondence Research Development Corporation. January - December 1960. Marshalls between and the National The principal Marshall’s correspondentis J.C. Frost. NRDC correspondents include H.J. Crawley and K.E.V Willis of the Electrical Engineering Group. B.320 1960 January - February. B.321 1960 March B.322 1960 April - June. Includes ‘Visitors to H.O.C. Section 1960’. From 25 August, 1959 to 18th April, B.323 1960 July - December. Includeslists of visitors. B.324-B.330 ‘Letters January 1959 to June 1959’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: miscellaneous Marshalls fuel cell section correspondencewith suppliers, etc. In addition to Bacon, Marshalls correspondents include J.C. Frost, P.W. Jones, H.J.H. Perry, H.J. Young. B.324 1959 January. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 48 Research and development B.325 1959 February. B.326 1959 March. B.327 1959 April. B.328 1959 May. B.329 1959 June(1). B.330 1959 June (2). B.331-B.342 ‘Letters from 1/7/59’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: miscellaneous Marshalls fuel cell section correspondence with suppliers, etc. July - December 1959. In addition to Bacon, Marshall’s correspondents include J.C. Frost, P.W. Jones, H.J.H. Perry, H.J. Young. B.331 1959 July (1). B.332 1959 July (2). B.333 1959 August. B.334 1959 September. B.335 1959 October (1). B.336 1959 October(2). F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 49 Research and development B.337 1959 November (1). B.338 1959 November (2). B.339 1959 December (1). B.340 1959 December(2). B.341 1959 December(3). B.342 1959 December(4). B.343-B.431A Notes, drafts and reports 1957-1991 B.343-B.351 ‘Marshalls’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence with A.G.G. Marshall (later Sir Arthur Marshall), manuscript and typescript notes and drafts re fuel cell project at Marshalls, 1957-1961, later correspondence principally with Marshall, 1973-1991. B.343 1957 January - February. Includes letter from Marshall inviting Bacon to discuss his project with him, 7 January and ‘Summary of the Initial Requirements and Provisional Programme for the BACON DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - 21st January 1957’. B.344 1957 April - November. B.345 1958. B.346 1959. Includes papers re pressvisit to Marshalls, 24 August. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 50 Research and development B.347 1960. B.348 1961. Includes ‘Inventory of Documents, Materials and Equipment’ in respect of the Fuel Cell Development Contract. B.349 1973, 1974, 1980, 1984-1986, 1989, 1990. Includes newspaperprofile on Marshall on the occasion of his retirement at the age of 86 (Cambridge News, 12 December1989). B.350, B.351 1991. Include correspondence and papers re account of fuel Marshalls companyhistory. cell work for 2 folders. B.352-B.358 ‘General 1957 - Aug 1959 G1’. Contents of binder so inscribed dividedinto seven for ease of reference: miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. B.352, B.353 1957. 2 folders. B.354, B.355 1958. 2 folders. B.356 1959. B.357, B.358 N.d. 2 folders. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 51 Research and development B.359-B.365 Contents of binder so inscribed divided ‘General 1959 - Dec. 1959 G2’. into seven for ease of reference: miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes anddrafts. Not in chronological order. B.366-B.375 ‘INTERNAL NOTES’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: staff memoranda re fuel cell project. April 1957 - December 1959. duplicated and typescript Marshalls internal B.366 1957 April - June. B.367 1957 July - September. B.368 1957 October - December. B.369 1958 January - March. B.370 1958 April - June. B.371 1958 July - December. B.372 1958 January - March: B.373 1958 April - June. B.374 1958 July - September. B.375 1959 October - December. B.376-B.393 ‘Weekly Reports’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eighteen for ease of reference: typescript ‘Daily Report Notes on the Progress of Hydrogen/Oxygen Cell Section’ (prepared for each week of the project), F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 52 Research and development April 1957 - January 1960, duplicated weekly progress reports, January - February 1960. B.376 1957 April - May. Includes ‘Preliminary Notes on N.R.D.C Project at Marshalls Cambridge WeekMinus 1’, 29 April. B.377 1957 June - July. Includes record offirst quarterly meeting held 1 July. the NRDC, Ministry of Fuel and Power and Marshalls attended. Representatives of B.378 1957 August - September. B.379 1957 October - December. B.380 1958 January - February. Includes record of quarterly meeting held 13 February. Representatives of the NRDC, War Office and Marshalls attended. B.381 1958 March- April. B.382 B.383 B.384 B.385 1958 May- June. 1958 July - August. 1958 September - October. 1958 November - December. B.386 1959 January - February. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 53 Research and development B.387 1959 March - April. B.388 1959 May- June. B.389 1959 July - August B.390 1959 September - October. B.391 1959 November - December. B.392 1960 January. B.393 1960 January - February. B.394-B.396 ‘WEEKLY NOTES’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes of ‘Weekly Meetings’, ‘Notes on Work in Hand’, etc. May, September 1957 - January 1962. B.397-B.405 ‘Quarterly Reports’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: duplicated reports, manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, etc. April 1957 - October 1959. B.397 First Quarterly Report 23 April -29 June 1957. Second Quarterly Report 1 July - 19 October 1957. B.398 Third Quarterly Report 21 October 1957 - 18 January 1958. B.399 B.400 Fourth Quarterly Report 19 January 1958 - 18 April 1958. Fifth Quarterly Report 19 April - 19 July 1958. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 54 Research and development B.401 Sixth Quarterly Report 20 July - 19 October 1958. B.402 Seventh Quarterly Report 20 October 1958 - 19 January 1959. B.403 Eighth Quarterly Report 20 January - 19 April 1959. B.404 Ninth Quarterly Report 20 April - 19 July 1959. B.405 Tenth Quarterly Report 20 July - 19 October 1959. B.406 ‘The Hydrox Fuel Cell Terminal Report on Work Undertaken by Marshalls Flying School for the National Research Development Corporation’. January 1960. Enclosed at front of report Ip manuscript ‘Notes on Terminal Report’. 9 April 1960. In Marshalls Flying School Limited binder. B.407 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: * “Bacon” Project Section, March 1960’. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report and Gold’. The Activation of Hydrox Oxygen Electrodes with Silver ‘Special Report Operation of Gold-Activated Oxygen Electrodes’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 55 Research and development B.408 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: * “Bacon” Project Section, April 1960’. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report of the Type 5E Mod. III’. Analysis of Permeability Test Results for 101 Electrodes B.409 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘“Bacon’ Project Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell Section’, May 1960. ‘Special Report Some Recent Estimates of Hydrogen Production Costs’. ‘Special Report Endurance Tests on Ten-Inch Multicell Packs’. B.410 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘ “Bacon” Project Section’, June 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report Manufactured from |.C.1. Pre-Sintered Sheet’. The Performance of 2 3/4-Inch Diameter Electrodes ‘Special Report Variations in Manufacture’. Plate-Type Ten-Inch Electrodes - Analysis of Some B.411 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: “ “Bacon” Project Section’, July 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report Fabrication of Hydrox Fuel Electrodes from Porous Sheet’. B.412 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘ “Bacon” Project Section, August 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report Specimens’. Some Autoclave Corrosion Tests of Pre-Oxidised Nickel F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 56 Research and development B.413 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘ “Bacon” Project Section’, September 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Report on Ten-Inch Fuel Consumption’. ‘Special Report Technique’. Study of Electrode Polarisation by Current-Interruptor B.414 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘ “Bacon” Project Section’, October 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report Interruptor Technique’. Measurements of Electrolyte Conductivity by Current- B.415 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘ “Bacon” Project Section’, November 1960. Monthly Report of the Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell ‘Special Report Electrodes at Room Temperature and Pressure’. Exploratory Experiments with Porous Silver Plug B.416 Marshalls Flying School Limited binder containing: ‘Special Report Carbonate Electrolyte’. Trials of Hydrogen/Oxygen Cell with Potassium Hydrogen ‘Notes on Design Study for 2OKW Hydrox Battery’. B.417 ‘Progress Report of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell Section for the Period 1st December, 1960 to 28th February, 1961’. B.418-B.421 ‘Miscellaneous Reports’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: typescript and duplicated notes, drafts and reports. 1957-1961. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 57 Research and development B.418 ‘Hydrogen Recirculation Emergency Programme, 22 November 1957. ‘Report on a Visit to Telegraph Construction Co. December 1957. Ltd. Crawley’, Sussex, 9 ‘Hydrox Cell for Tractor Application’, 7 January 1958. ‘Fuel Cell Research in the Federal Republic 25.2.58’ German Report No. 85 ‘Optimum Pressure for Bacon Cell’, 27 May 1958. B.419 ‘Hydrox Fuel Cell December1959. Operation of the Silverised Oxygen Electrodes’, 27 ‘The Hydrox Fuel Cell January 1960. Electrode Manufacture at Marshalls Flying School’ B.420 ‘Notes of Meetings during week 25th - 29th January 1960’. ‘Notes on Visit of P.W. Jones to Mond Nickel Co. Ltd., Development and Research Laboratory, Birmingham 16 on 9th March, 1960’. ‘Notes on Visit of Representatives of Marshall’s Flying School Ltd to ICI Metals Division’, 28 March 1960. B.421 “High Pressure Electrolysis 18th May, 1960’. Report on visit to Lonza, Visp., Switzerland ‘The Electrolysis of Water under Pressure’ by A. Ewald Zdansky(translation of article from book published in 1959). ‘The Oxidation of Nickel in the Bacon Cell’, 6 September 1960. ‘Visit of P.W. Jones to Edwards High Vacuum Ltd, Crawley, on 5th October, 1960’. ‘Single-Step Pre-Oxidation Process’ and ‘Multiple-Stage Pre-Oxidation Process’. 13 January 1961. ‘Visit to Chloride Electric Storage Company, Clifton Junction on 4th November, 1960’. B.422-B.427 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. 1957-1960 and n.d. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 58 Research and development B.422 B.423 1957(1). 1957(2). B.424 1958 (1) B.425 1958 (2). B.426 1959-1960 B.427 N.d. B.428 ‘Demonstration notes and data’. relating to demonstration of fuel cell to interested parties in August 1959. Contents of folder so inscribed: papers B.429, B.430 ‘G.C. Smith’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: papers re consultancy work of G.C. Smith, principally Bacon’s manuscript notes 1957-1963 and correspondence with Smith 1965-1967. B.431 ‘Automatic Controls Hymatic’. Contents of folder so inscribed: undated typescript ‘Notes on Design Study for 20OKW Hydrox Battery’, duplicated typescript paper ‘Trials of Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell with Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate Electrolyte’, 2 March 1961. B.431A Manuscript ‘Notes on Design Study for 20KW Hydrox Battery’. Undated but written on verso of sections of technical drawings, 1957-1958. B.432-B.461A Notebooks 1957-1961 B.432 ‘'H.O.C. Section. Register’. In use 1957-1961. Existing Material & Equipment Record Drawing For related technical drawings see B.1237-B.1259. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 59 Research and development B.432A B.433 ‘Sin Cell Assembly’. Used for record of work 31 January 1958 - 17 February 1959. ‘10in Cell Assembly’. Used for record of work 10 March 1958 - 18 June 1960. B.434 ‘10” Cell’. Used for record of work 9 June 1958 - 18 September 1958. B.435 B.436 B.437 B.438 B.439 B.440 B.441 B.442 ‘Daily Sintering Book’. Used for record of work 19 October 1958 - 26 April 1959. ‘Daily Sintering Log’. Used for record of work 13 November 1959 - 20 July 1960. Untitled. Used for record of sintering programme, programmeof electrode manufacture etc. 19 March 1960 - 27 January 1961. ‘2 3/4” H’ Electrode’. Used for record of work 8 May 1958 - 15 December 1960. ‘2 3/4” O, Electrode’. Used for record of work 13 May 1958 - 12 January 1961. ‘Electroliser Plates’. Used for record of work 8 May 1958 - 2 September 1960. ‘Electrode Investigations’. November 1960. Used for record of work 13 June 1958 - 14 ‘H.O.C. [Hydrogen Oxygen Cell] Night Order Book’. Used for record of work 17 February 1959 - 10 March 1960. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 60 Research and development B.443 ‘H.O.C. [Hydrogen Oxygen Cell] Section Night Orders 14th March 1960 Book No.2’. Used for record of work 14 March 1960 - 19 May 1960. B.444 ‘Oscillograms’. Used for record of work 16 July - 6 October 1960. B.444A Untitled. Used by H.J. Young in 1959. B.445-B.461A Small format notebooks. B.445-B.449 Five ‘Rough Notes’ books used by P.W. Jones 9 September 1957 - 2 July 1960. B.445 B.446 9 September 1957 - 18 March 1958. 18 March - 13 October 1958. B.447 14 October 1958 - 15 May 1959. B.448 B.449 15 May 1959 - 19 September 1959. 19 September 1959 - 2 July 1960. B.450-B.459 Ten ‘Day Books’ used by H.J. Perry to record work 23 June 1958 - 2 January 1961. B.450 B.451 The booksarelettered A - J. 23 June - 11 October 1958. 12 October 1958 - 25 March 1959. B.452 26 March - 21 July 1959. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 61 Research and development B.453 22 July - 22 October 1959. B.454 23 October 1959 - 16 January 1960. B.455 18 January - 28 March 1960. B.456 B.457 B.458 B.459 B.460 26 March - 16 June 1960. 17 June - 5 September 1960. 6 September - 23 November 1960. 24 November 1960 - 2 January 1961. ‘2 3/4” Cell (i) Hot Hours (ii) Assembly (iii) Uniselector Note Book’. Used by A. Head for record of work 23 September 1958 - 21 July 1960. B.461 Untitled. Used by H.J. Young in 1958. B.461A Untitled. N.d. B.462-B.599 Data 1951-1961 Includes some data from period sponsorship. of Electrical Research Association B.462-B.464 ‘Characteristics. for ease of reference. 1951-1958. Cell |’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 62 Research and development B.465-B.474 ‘Characteristics Cell | for ease of reference. 1957-1960. 2.’ Contents of binder so inscribed divided into ten B.475-B.479 ‘Cell characteristics III’. Contents of binder so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference. ca 1954-1960. B.480-B.484 ‘10 inch Cell Characteristics’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 1958-1960. B.485-B.490 ‘Test Results’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. 1954-1960. B.491-B.497 ‘Microsections’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 1954, 1958-1961. B.498-B.503 Contents of untitled folder divided into six for ease of reference. 1960. 1957- B.504-B.511 ‘5” Test Sheets | (5:7:57-30:6:58)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. 1957-1958. The last test sheet is dated 27 June 1958. B.512-B.517 ‘S” Test Sheets 2 (30:6:58- )’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. 1958-1959. B.518-B.521 ‘5 Inch’. reference: test sheets. 1959-1960. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of B.522 B.523 ‘5” Cell 1959-1960. H.O.C. Section Electrical Tests.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. "Test and performance data sheets for Electrodes in 5in Cell’. Contents of folder so inscribed. N.d. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 63 Research and development B.524, B.525 Contents of untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: test sheets re cell assembly. 1957-1959. B.526, B.527 B.528-B.536 B.537-B.543 ‘Assembly Record for ease of reference. 1958-1959. 10”.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two Test Sheets’. ‘10” ease of reference. 1958-1959. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into nine for ‘10 inch Cell inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 1959-1960. XR22-XR41A’. Data Sheets Contents of binder so B.544-B.547 ‘10” cell data sheets four for ease of reference. 1960-1961. XR42-‘. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into B.548-B.550 ‘Unserviceable Electrodes 10” H.’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1958-1960. B.551-B.554 ‘Unserviceable electrodes 10” inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1959-1960. Folder lil O,’. Contents of binder so B.555-B.557 10” O, Electrodes Serviceable’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1959-1960. B.558-B.562 ‘Electrodes in 10” Rig’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 1959-1960. B.563 B.564 10” Cell HOC Section Electrical Tests’. Contents of binder so inscribed. 1959. ‘10 inch Hydrogen electrodes ready for use in cell’. Contents of binder so inscribed. 1959-1960. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 64 Research and development B.565 ‘10 inch oxygen electrodes ready for use in cell’. inscribed. 1959-1960. Contents of binder so B.566, B.567 Performance of electrodes as function of time. ‘Tabular 10in. cell’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1957-1959. 5in. cell. B.568, B.569 ‘Graphical performance of Electrodes as function of time 5in. in front behind.’ reference. 10in. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of B.570 ‘Dismantling conditions 5in. and 10 in.’ 1958-1959. Contents of binder so inscribed. B.571-B.575 ‘2 3/4 in. cell’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: test data sheets. 1959-1960. B.576-B.578 ‘2 3/4 in. Runs 151-160’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: test data sheets. 1960-1961. B.579-B.581 ‘2 3/4 in Runs 161-175’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: test data sheets, graphs. January 1961. B.582 B.583 B.584 B.585 B.586 Contents of untitled folder: test data sheets, graphs. January 1961. ‘2 3/4 in. Performance.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contentsof untitled folder. 1958, 1960. ‘Hydrogen Blower Test Data’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1959. ‘Reliability data’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1959. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 65 Research and development B.587 ‘Cracked Base Plates’. Contents of binder so inscribed. 1959, 1960. B.588, B.589 ‘Electrodes - Leesona’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1959-1960. B.590, B.591 ‘Autoclave Test’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1960. B.592 ‘Metallography’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1960. B.593-B.599 ‘Debris (PW4J)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 1958-1961. P.W. Jones was a member of the Fuel Cell Section at Marshalls. B.600-B.634 Equipment and supplies 1957-1961 B.600-B.618 Bacon’s folders relating to equipment and supplies arranged alphabetically by folder title. Include correspondence with drawings, etc. suppliers, technical literature, technical B.600 ‘Cast End Plates’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1957, 1958. B.601, B.602 ‘Cell Heating’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1958, 1959. B.603, B.604 ‘Gaskets & Plastics’. ease of reference. 1958-1960. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for B.605-B.608 ‘Hydrogen Blower divided into four for ease of reference. 1958. Howard and Higgs’. Contents of folder so inscribed F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 66 Research and development B.609 ‘Hydrogen Blower. Miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1957. B.610, B.611 ‘Hydrogen etc circulation by water powered ejector (Mitchell, Chempumps, Gresham & Craven, Hydromechanics Res. Ass.)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. B.612, B.613 ‘Northern Transport Agency (London) Ltd’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1959-1960. B.613A ‘Perforated Plate’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1959. B.614-B.617 ‘U.S. (Leesona) Cell Packs’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1959-1960. B.618 ‘Miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1958-1960. B.619-B.634 Correspondence with suppliers arranged alphabetically by supplier 1957- 1961. Include technical literature, technical drawingsetc. B.619 A. B.620 B.621 B.622 B.623, B.624 E. 2 folders. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 67 Research and development B.625 F,G. 2 folders. B.626 B.627 B.628, B.629 B.630 B.631 B.632 B.633 B.634 B.635-B.643 Visitors 1957-1969 B.635-B.639 ‘Visitors’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and manuscript notes re visitors to Marshalls Middlesex (until headquarters of Energy Conversion Limited or Bacon’s private address near Cambridge. 1957-1965. Sunbury-on-Thames, 1961) the and thereafter to B.635 1957-1958. B.636 1959 January - June. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 68 Research and development B.637 1959 July - December. B.638 1960. B.639 1961-1965 B.640-B.642 ‘Visitors (Discussions)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: Bacon’s manuscript notes of discussions with visitors 1959-1962, 1964, 1967, 1969. B.640 1959. B.641 1960. B.642 1961, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1969. B.643 Visitors Book. In use 1958-1963. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 69 Research and development B.644-B.854 ENERGY CONVERSIONLIMITED 1961-1974 with In October 1961 Britisn Petroleum, British Ropes, and the Guest, Keen, Nettlefolds Group, joined National Research Development Corporation to form a new company- Energy Conversion Limited. The aim of the new companywasto promote research into the developmentof fuel cells which could be produced commercially. Bacon acted as a consultant to ECL and a successor company Fuel Cells Ltd which was based at the Atomic Research Establishment, Harwell and ceased operations in 1973. the Bacon’s ECL material is presented as follows: B.644-B.666 Correspondence B.667-B.671 Programmesof work and forward planning documents B.672-B.779 Reports B.780-B.837 Notes B.838-B.854 Miscellaneous B.644-B.666 Correspondence 1962-1974 Contents of Bacon’s ECL correspondencefiles 1962-1964, 1968-1974. Include Bacon’s manuscript notes of expenses, telephone calls, meetings, visits etc. Correspondencefor the period September 1964 - June 1968 wasnot found. B.644 B.645 1962 March- June. 1962 July - September. Includes ‘Note on Fuel Cell to Power Main-Line Locomotive’, 4pp typescript. B.646 1962 October - December. Includes ‘Advantagesof the Bacon Type Cell’, 19pp typescript. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 70 Research and development B.647 1963 January - February. Includes ‘Note on discussion regarding methanol reforming catalysts’, 2pp typescript and ‘Proposal for New Patent Application for “Selective Hydrogen Electrode” ’, 3pp typescript. B.648 1963 March - April. B.649 1963 May- June. B.650 1963 July - August. B.651 1963 September- October. B.652 1963 November- December. Includes ‘Note on Possible Applications for Methanol Fuel Cells’, 14pp manuscript. B.653 1964 January - February. B.654 1964 March- April. B.655 1964 May - June. Includes papers for patents meeting. B.656 1964 July - August. B.657 1968 July - December. B.658 1969 January - March. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 71 Research and development B.659 1969 April - June. B.660 1969 July - August. B.661 1969 October - December. B.662 1970 January - June. B.663 1970 July -September. B.664 1970 October - December. Includes ‘Note on Regenerative Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell Systems’, manuscript and typescript drafts. B.665 1971. B.666 1972-1974. B.667-B.671 Programmesof work and forward planning documents 1963-1969 B.667 ‘Fuel Cell Programme for January to September Ist, 1963’. B.668 ‘Draft Research Programme Proposals for 1965’. B.669 Three forward planning documentsin the area of standby power, 12 and 16 June and 10 July 1969. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 72 Research and development B.670 B.671 ‘Policy Plans for Fuel Cell Development’ by J.C.H. Hart, 11 September 1969. In original binder. ‘Policy and Plans for Metal/Air Battery Development’ by J.C.H. Hart, 11 September 1969. In original binder. B.672-B.779 Reports 1961-1971 B.672-B.679 ‘F.T.B. Reports (E.C.L.)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript, typescript and duplicated typescript versions of papers prepared by Bacon for the ECL. B.672 B.673 B.674 B.675 ‘Report on Visit to U.S.A., from July 14th-31st, 1961, to see the Present State of Developmentof Fuel Cells’ by Bacon. ‘Visit by Mr. F.T. Bacon and Mr. K.E.V. Willis of N.R.D.C. to Fuel Cell activities in the U.S.A. - July 1961’. ‘Possible Replacementof Palladium-Silver Cathode by a Cheaper Material’ by Bacon, July 1963. ‘Note on Possible Application for Methanol Fuel Cell’ by Bacon, September 1963. In original binder. ‘Note on Methanol/Oxygen-Air Fuel Cell System’ by Bacon, 10 January 1964. ‘Note on Visit to Dr. E.C. Wadlow at the Admiralty, Whitehall, on Friday, 17th January 1964’, by Bacon. ‘Note on Possible use of Oxygen or Air Electrodes in the Alkali-Chlorine Process’ by Bacon, 26 March 1964. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 73 Research and development B.676 B.677 B.678 ‘Note on Reasons for wanting to start work on a cell based on the Cyclohexane/Benzene Reaction (or Decalin/Tetralin etc)’ by Bacon, 24 September 1964. ‘Note on Future Development Programme at December 1964. E.C.L.’ by Bacon, 14 ‘Visit to Admiralty Materials Laboratory, Holton Heath, Poole, Dorset, on 22nd December, 1965’ by Bacon, 1 February 1966. ‘Reason for the Original Choice of the Hydrogen-Oxygen Cell, working at medium temperature, in preference to other types of cell’ by Bacon, 12 January 1967. ‘Report on a visit to Professor Justi at the Institute for Technical Physics of the Technical University, Braunschweig, Western Germany, November 17th to 19th 1971’ by Bacon. B.679 ‘Note on Possible use of Mixed Gases in Medium Temperature, Medium Pressure, Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell’. N.d. ‘Safety Precautions Advisable when using Methanol/Air Battery’ by Bacon. N.d. B.680-B.698 ECL Fuel Cell Research Reports. 1963-1966. In original binders. B.680 No.1 June 1963. B.681 B.682 No.2 1963 1 July - 31 August. No.3 1963 1 September - 13 December. B.683 No.1 1964 1 January - 29 February. B.684 No.2 1964 1 March - 30 April. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 74 Research and development B.685 No.3 1964 1 May- 31 [sic] June. B.686 No.4 1964 1 July - 31 August. B.687 No.5 1964 1 September- 31 October. B.687A No.6 1964 1 November - 31 December. B.688 B.689 No.1 1965 1 January - 28 February Part One. No.1 1965 1 January - 28 February Part Two. B.690 No.2 1965 1 March - 30 April. B.691 No.3 1965 1 May- 30 June. B.692 No.4 1965 1 July - 31 August. B.693 No.5 1965 1 September - 30 October. B.694 No.6 1965 1 November - 31 December. B.695 No.1 1966 1 January - 30 April. B. 696 No. 2 1966 1 May - 30 June. B.697 No.3 1966 1 July - 31 August. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 Research and development B.698 No.4 1966 1 September - 31 December. B.699-B.714 ECL Fuel Cell Development Reports. 1963-1966. B.699 B.700 B.701 B.702 B.703 B.704 In original binders. No.2 1963 July - December. No.3 1964 January - March. No.4 1964 April - July. No.5 1964 August - October. No.6 1964 November - December. No.1 1965 1 January - 31 March. B.705 No.2 1965 1 April - 31 May. B.706 No.3 1965 1 June - 31 July. B.707 No.4 1965 1 August - 1 November. B.708 No.5 1965 1 November - 31 December. B.709 No.1 1966 1 January -28 February. B.710 No.2 1966 1 March - 30 April. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 76 Research and development B.711 No.3 1966 1 May - 30 June. B.712 No. 4 1966 1 July - 31 August. B.713 No. 5 1966 1 September- 31 October. B.714 No.6 1966 1 November - 31 December. B.715-B.723 Fuel Cell Engineering Reports. 1965-1966. B.715-B.719 Series A: Methanol/Air Cell. In original binders. B.715 No.1 1965 16 March - 15 May B.716 No.2 1965 16 May - 15 August. B.717 No. 3 1965 16 August - 1966 15 February. B.718 No.4 1966 16 February - 15 May. B.719 No.5 1966 16 May -15 August. B.720-B.722 Series B: Cyanamid Cell. In original binders. B.720 No.1 1965. B.721 No.2 1965 16 June - 1966 15 February. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 77 Research and development B.722 B.723 No.3 1966 16 February -15 May. Series C: Low Temperature Hydrogen-Air Cell. No.1 1965 November - 1966 10 June. B.724-B.736 Fuel Cell Research Programme Special Reports. 1961, 1964-1967. B.724 B.725 B.726 B.727 B.728 B.729 ‘Special Report No. 8. A Review with Reference to Future Research’ by A.D.S. Tantram, 20 November 1961. ‘Preliminary report on Regenerative fuel cell systems Special Report no.4’ by T.M. Fry, 17 April 1964. In original binder. ‘A General Review of Fuel Cell Research and Development Special Report No.5’ by T.M. Fry, 21 May 1964. In original binder. ‘Special Report No.7 cells at constant fuel utilisation’ by T.M. Fry, 15 July 1964. Voltage-current characteristics of high temperature In original binder. ‘The Preparation of Ultrafine Novel Catalysts’ by A.C.C. Tseung and S.M. Pearson Special Report 1965 - No.1’. In original binder. ‘Special Report No.10 Fuel Review Part 1. The economics of dissociated ammonia asa fuel for fuel cells’ by T.M. Fry, 25 January 1965. In original binder. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 78 Research and development B.730 B.731 ‘Special Report No.10 Fuel Review Part 2. Hydrocarbons’ by T.M. Fry, 22 February 1965. In original binder. ‘Special Report No.13 Proposals for a Regenerative Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell Suitable for Transport and Other Applications’ by S.B. Bailey, 23 March 1965. In original binder. B.732 Figures for preceding. In original binder. B.733 B.734 ‘Special Report No.14 The useof fuel cells for the propulsion of heavy road vehicles’ by T.M. Fry, 22 July 1965. In original binder. ‘Special Report No.15 Studies of systems incorporating the silver-palladium anode Part 1. A comparison of methanol fuelled systems with external and internal reforming’ by T.M. Fry, G.J.W. Pettinger and D.K. Ross, 6 August 1965. In original binder. B.735, B.736 ‘Special Report MCR 50 Fuel Cell Power Plant for Vehicle Propulsion 1967- 1982’ by H.R. Espig, 1 August 1967. 2 folders. B.737-B.745 ECL Topic Reports. 1967-1968. B.737 B.738 No.20 ‘The Cracking of Methane’ by R.H. Dahm, 3 February 1967. No.27 ‘Alternative Methods of Hydrogen Purification’ by J.L. Jones, July 1967. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 79 Research and development B.739 B.740 B.741 B.742 B.743 B.744 B.745 No.39 ‘Alkaline Fuel Cell Tolerance to Carbon Monoxide & Dioxide’ by J.L. Stones, 20 May 1968. No.40 ‘The Electrochemical Reduction of Oxygen on Nickel Oxide and its Solid Solutions with Lithium and Chromium Oxides’ by A.C.C. Tseung, A.D.S. Tantram and B.S. Hobbs, 16 October 1968. No.46 ‘The Catalytic Decomposition of Methane’ by R.H. Dahm, 15 November 1968. No.47 ‘Half-Cell Testing of High Temperature Cell Testing’ by T.F. Marsh. N.d. No. 57 ‘Secondary Batteries’ by D.G. Conning, 13 June 1969. No.58 ‘Hydriding Titanium by Electrolysis’ by P.C. Jones, 7 August 1968 [sic]. In original binder. No.59 ‘Evaluation of Constructional Materials for Low Temperature Alkaline Fuel Cells Corrosion of Plastics in 5N KOH at 80°c’ by H.M. Smith, 3 November 1969. No.60 ‘Evaluation of Constructional Materials for Low Temperature Alkaline Fuel Cells Corrosion of Metals in 5N KOH at 80°c’ by H.M. Smith, 3 November 1969. B.746-B.773 ECL Visit Reports. 1964-1970. B.746 B.747 ‘Visit to Leesona-Moos and Pratt & Whitney March 16th - 20th 1964’ by A.D.S. Tantram. In original binder. ‘Visit Report VR 66 Woolwich Polytechnic’ by T.M. Fry, 31 March 1965. Notes on a Symposium on Direct Conversion at F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 80 Research and development B.748 B.749 B.750 B.751 B.752 ‘Visit Report VR 68 Symposium on hydrogen in industry’ by T.M. Fry, 9 April 1965. In original binder. ‘Visit Report V.R. No.71 Paris Fuel Cell Conference and visit to Electricite de France. 23-26th February, 1965. A.C.C. Tseung’. ‘Visit Report VR 81 Visit to Fuel Cell Conference Brussels 21st -24th June, 1965’ by C.G. Clow, 6 July 1965. ‘Visit Report VR 91 Dept. ... 12th November, 1965’ by R.E. Bates, 18 November 1965. Visit to International Nickel Development & Research ‘Visit Report VR 93 University of Paris ... 15th December 1965 - 16th January 1966’. Report on a Visit to A Fuel Cell Exhibition at the ‘Visit Report VR 99 by Dr D.P. Gregory, 3rd May, 1966. Visit of Dr McKay and Dr Jenkins of U.K.A.E.A., Harwell, on 28th April, 1966’. ‘Visit Report VR 105 Plastics Research Laboratories ... on 7th July, 1966’. by Dr D.P. Gregory, 12th July, 1966. Visit to BX ‘Visit Report VR 106 by H.R. Espig, 17th August, 1966. Midlands Gas Board ... Leicester, on 17th August, 1966’. Visit to East B.753 ‘Visit Report VR 110 by T.M. Fry, 21st September, 1966. Brussels, on 16th September 1966’. Visit to SERAI, ‘Visit Report VR 111 by T.M. Fry, 21st September, 1966. Charleroi, on 19th September, 1966’. Visit to ACEC B.754 ‘Visit Report VR 114 by A.C.C. Tseung and J.G. Bannochie, 26th September, 1966. Visit to Institute of Metals, Autumn Meeting, Chester, 19- 23rd September, 1966’. ‘Visit Report VR 116 by D.P. Gregory, 4 October, 1966. Visit to Energy Conversion Limited, by N. Breele and M. Degobert, of Institute Francais Du Petrole, 23rd September, 1966’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 81 Research and development B.755 B.756 B.757 B.758 Visit to the ‘Visit Report VR 119 by T.M. Fry, 24th November, 1966. National Institute of Oceanography, Wormley, Surrey, on 21st November, 1966’. ‘Visit Report VR 120 by H.R. Espig and T.M. Fry 22nd December, 1966. Visit Heath, on 19th December, 1966’. to the Admiralty Materials Laboratory, Holton ‘Visit Report VR 121 by T.M. Fry 12 January 1967 Report of a meeting at the Institution of Electrical Engineers to discuss recent developments in fuel cells ... London, 9th January 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 122 by Dr H.R. Espig and E.G. Orpet 16th January 1967. Visit to Signals Research and Development Establishment, Christchurch, Dorset, on 6th January 1967’. ‘Visit Report 123 VR 123 by Dr H.R. Espig and E.G. Orpet 16th January 1967. Visit to Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products Ltd. on 2nd January 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 130 by D.P. Gregory and A.C.C. Tseung, 30th March, 1967. Visit to the Acheson Industries Ltd., Plymouth on 28th March, 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 131 Visit to Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Conn. February 27th, 1967 by Dr. D.P. Gregory and Mr J.G. Bannochie. 20th April, 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 132 by H.R. Espig and T.M. Fry, 18th April, 1967. Report of a conference on the technology of the sea and sea-bed, held at A.E.R.E. Harwell, 5th - 7th April, 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 133 1967 by Dr. H.R. Espig and Mr E.G. Orpet. 1st May 1967’. Visit to 1.E.E. Colloquium ... London, on April 21st, B.759 ‘Visit Report VR 135 Visit to |.G.T. Chicago April 25th - 27th 1967 by Mr A.D.S. Tantram and Mr T.F. Marsh’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 82 Research and development B.760 Visit Report VR 136 1967’. Visit to America by F.T. Bacon March 13th - 24th Bacon visited Leesona MoosLaboratories, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, General Electric, Schnectady and Lynn, the U.S. Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, the University of Pennsylvania and the State University of New York. The primary object of Bacon’s visit to the USA wasto deliver the Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania. See C.64- C.67. B.761 ‘Visit Report VR 137 Visit to the Propulsion and Energetics Panel Meeting of A.G.A.R.D. - N.A.T.O. Liege, June 1967 by D.P. Gregory and F.T. Bacon’. ‘Visit Report VR 138 Visit from Mr K.R. Thorne, Laporte Industries Limited. Subject - Sodium Borohydride 21st September, 1967’. ‘Visit Report VR 145 Visit to IGT and P & WAto discuss High Temperature Fuel Cell Work. Dr D.P. Gregory November 1967’. B.762 ‘Visit to Batelle Institute London office Gregory’. 8th February 1968 by Dr D.-P. ‘Visit Report 149 Pratt & Whitney: 25-28th March 1968 (Molten Carbonate cell discussions) Sylvania: 29th March 1968 (Iron Electrodes) by Mr A.D.S. Tantram’. B.763 B.764 ‘Pratt and Whitney Visit Report May 14, 15 and 16th 1968 by C.G. Clow’. ‘Visit Report No.158 Notes on a Paper by W. Juda of Prototech Company on a Hydrocarbon Fuel Cell With Molten Alkali Hydroxide Electrolyte presented at Electrochemical Society Montreal October 4th 1968’. ‘Visit Report 160 Notes on the Fuel Cell Symposium at the Electrochemical Society Meeting Montreal October 1968 by D.P. Gregory’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 83 Research and development B.765 ‘Visit Report No.163 to Admiralty Materials Laboratory Holton Heath 11th November 1968 by Mr C.G. Clow’. ‘Visit Report No.165 October 1968 by D.P. Gregory and D.G. Conning’. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Hartford, Connecticut, ‘Visit Report 169 1968 Eindhoven, The Netherlands by R.E. Bates’. Symposium on Electrocatalysis 21st 22nd November B.766 ‘Visit Report 170 British Rail Research Centre, Derby by H.R. Espig on 3rd February 1969’. ‘Visit Report 177 The following German firms were visited in connection with Long Range Planning: A.E.G., Bosch, Siemens and Varta. Dr P.D. Power 21st May 1969’. ‘Visit Report 180 Electricity Council Research Centre, Capenhurst to discuss Secondary Battery Systems by: D.G. Conning and P.C. Jones 21st May 1969’. ‘Visit Report 181 U.S.A. Concerned with Forward Planning Exercise. 1969’. Power Sources Conference and to Industrial Firms in 19th May to 4th June, ‘Visit Report No. 183 U.S.A. 14 - 22nd May 1969 Part !. A Brief Status Report by C.G. Clow’. ‘Visit Report No. 184 A.S.E.A Vaesteras, Sweden June 13th Tantram’. By: A.D.S. ‘Visit Report 186 Rocket Propulsion Establishment Westcott, Aylesbury, Bucks July 21st, 1969 F.T. Bacon & T. Doran’. ‘Visit Report 195 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft ... U.S.A. September 29th to October 2nd 1969. By: J.G. Bannochie’. ‘Visit Report No.199 British Oxygen Company F.T. Bacon and T.M. Fry. 25th June and 13th August 1969’. ‘Visit Report No.203 November 1969’. Normalair-Garrett F.T. Bacon and T.M. Fry 19th B.767 B.768 B.769 B.770 B.771 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 84 Research and development B.772 ‘Visit Report No.205 The Gas Council January 1970 T.M. Fry &A.D.S. Tantram’. London Research Station 2nd ‘Visit Report No.214 Rolls Royce Limited, Rocket Department ... by F.T. Bacon and T.M. Fry 3rd March, 1970’. B.773 ‘Visit Report 216 3rd Conference on Industrial Carbons and Graphite 14th - 17th April, 1970, Imperial College ... London R.E. Bates - 23rd April 1970’. ‘Visit Report 226 Visit to E.C.L. of Dr A.B. Hart on 30th June 1970’. B.774-B.779 Miscellaneous ECL reports. 1962-1971. B.774 B.775 B.776 B.777 B.778 ‘Report of the Technical Working Party January, 1962’. ‘Preliminary Report on the feasibility of a novel electric motor and its application to Fuel Cell traction’ by J.M. Jenkins, 1 April 1963. ‘Report on Supply of Porous Nickel for Fuel Cells July 1963’ by J.M. Jenkins. ‘Preliminary Consideration of Fuel Cell Powered Rail Cars for German Railways’, by J.M. Jenkins. N.d. ‘Water Removal from the Hydrogen Diffusion Membrane Type of Fuel Cell’ by A.D.S. Tantram, 30 August 1963. ‘Physical and Chemical Properties of Refractory Materials A Compilation of Published Data’ by A.C.C. Tseung, 25 February 1964. ‘A Surveyof Vehicles to assess their Suitability as Applications for the Fuel Cell’ by P.R. Hall and A.E. James, October 1966. In original binder. ‘Electrochemical Generation and Storage near the Load Centres’ by A.B. Hart. N.d. (latest bibliographical reference 1969). In original binder. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 85 Research and development B.779 ‘Submarine Power Sources’ by C.G. Clow, April 1971. B.780-B.837 Notes 1965-1970 B.780-B.801 Duplicated ECL ‘Research Notes’. 1965-1967. B.780, B.781 1965 July-August. 2 folders. B.782, B.783 1965 September-October. 2 folders. B.784 1965 November. B.785 B.786 1965 December. 1966 January. B.787 1966 February. B.788, B.789 1966 March-April. 2 folders. B.790 1966 May. B.791 1966 June. B.792 1966 July. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 86 Research and development B.793 1966 August. B.794, B.795 1966 September. 2 folders. B.796-B.799 1966 September - October. 4 folders. B.800 1966 December. B.801 1967 January. B.802-B.805 Duplicated ECL ‘Research Activity Notes’. 1967. B.802 1967 February. B.803 1967 March. B.804 1967 April. B.805 1967 May. B.806-B.808 Duplicated ECL ‘Engineering Activity Notes’. 1967. B.806 1967 January. B.807 1967 February. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 87 Research and development B.808 1967 March. B.809-B.813 Duplicated ECL ‘Development Activity Notes’. 1967. B.809 1967 January. B.810 1967 February. B.814 1967 March. B.812 1967 April. B.813 1967 May. B.814-B.837 Duplicated ECL Technical Notes. 1966-1970. B.814 No.4. ‘Power losses in Current Collectors’ by C.G. Clow. 4 February 1966. No.5 ‘Notes on CO, and Alkaline Cells’ by C.G. Clow, 4 May 1966. B.815 B.816 B.817 ‘A comparison of the Efficiency of Different Fuel Cell Systems’ by No.7. J.G. Bannochie, 16 May 1966. No.8. ‘The Application of Potential - pH Diagrams to Fuel Cell Electrodes’ by J.G. Bannochie, 12 July 1966. No.14. ‘Reagents used in the General Electric self-contained fuel cell power source’ by T.M. Fry, 28 November 1966. No.15. ‘Economics of the Brown, Boverie Cell’ by T.M. Fry, 10 January 1967. No.18. B.S. Harris. N.d. ‘Materials for High-Temperature Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells’ by F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 88 Research and development B.818 B.819 B.820 B.821 B.822 B.823 B.824 B.825 B.826 B.827 No.19. ‘Voltage Drop and Current Distribution on Porous Nickel Electrodes Having Current Collection on the Edges’ by M. Grenness, 12 June 1967. No.20. A.D.S. Tantram, 22nd June 1967. ‘Loss of water from zinc-air cells by evaporation’ by T.M. Fry and No.25. ‘Titanium hydride - air battery’ by F.T. Bacon, October 1967. No.34. ‘Water Removal from Air Cathodes’ by J.G. Bannochie. Corrections only to technical note no.34, 20 September 1968. No.42. different electrolytes at low temperatures’ by J.G. Bannochie, 31 May 1968. ‘Electrolyte concentration polarisation at fuel cell electrodes in No.43 ‘Corrosion Tests on O-Ring Materials’ by R.E. Bates and H.M. Smith, 19 June 1968. No.45. ‘Hydrogen-generating reactions for small scale applications’ by T.M. Fry, 17 July 1968. In original binder. No.47. 1968. ‘Fuel for Unattended Generators’ by C.G. Clow, 11 September In original binder. No.51. ‘Note on Proposed Rechargeable Potassium Air Cell’ by F.T. Bacon. N.d. No.52. ‘ “INTER4” a computer programme for interpolation by Lagrange’s Method’ by T.M. Fry, 7 November 1968. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 89 Research and development B.828 B.829 B.830 B.831 B.832 B.833 B.834 B.835 B.836 B.837 No.54. ‘Electrolyte Polarisation at the anode of low temperature fuel cells due to foreign anions in KOHelectrolyte’ by J.G. Bannochie. N.d. In original binder. No.55. ‘The feasibility of using a low temperature alkaline electrolyte fuel cell as its own electrochemical electrolyte regenerator by J.G. Bannochie. N.d. In original binder. No. 57. ‘Comments on Topic Report No.42, a method for the calculation of particle size distribution from sedimentation data’ by T.M. Fry, 5 December 1968. In original binder. No.74. ‘A Brief Technological Appraisal of Fuel Cell Research in Germany’ by P.D. Power, 22 May 1969. No.78. Clarke, 12 June 1969. ‘Deactivation of the Hydrogen Electrode by Mercuric Acid’ by J.S. No. 91. Electrode’ by T.M. Fry, 3 December 1969. ‘The Position of the Gas/Liquid Interface in a “Hydrophobic” No.102. Hydroxides’ by B.S. Harris. N.d. ‘Some Physical Properties of Molten Potassium and Sodium No.105. ‘U.K. Electricity Tariffs’ by T.M. Fry, 22nd April 1970. No.110. ‘Nickel-Zinc Batteries and the Urban Electric Car’ by B.S. Harris, 28 May 1970. No. 122. Electric Vehicle’ by B.S. Harris, 27 September 1970. ‘The Weight, Range, Speed and Energy Requirements of an F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 90 Research and development B.838-B.854 Miscellaneous 1965-1969 B.838 Application for the MacRobert award on behalf of Bacon and his collaborators R.G. Watson, J.C. Frost and T.M. Fry. Submitted by ECL 14 April 1969. See also E.6. B.839-B.850 Lectures on fuel cells by ECL staff. B.839 Lecture to Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers on ‘Aspects of Development and Application of Fuel Cells’ by C.G. Clow, 16 February 1965. B.840-B.848 Lectures given as part of a course on fuel cells, Leicester, September 1965. B.840 B.841 B.842 B.843 B.844 B.845 B.846 B.847 ‘Introductory lecture on fuel cells’ by T.M. Fry. ‘Lecture No.2’ ‘Fuel Cell Reactions’ by J.M. Parry. ‘Lecture 3’ ‘Rate-controlling factors’ by J.M. Parry. ‘Lecture 4’ ‘Fuel Cell Systems’ by T.M. Fry. ‘Lecture 7’ ‘High Temperature Fuel Cells’ by A.C.C. Tseung. ‘Lecture 8’ ‘Medium Temperature fuel cells’ by T.M. Fry. ‘Lecture 9’ ‘Fuels for Fuel Cells’ by G-R. Lomax. ‘Lecture 10’ ‘Materials for Fuel Cells’ by A.C.C. Tseung. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 91 Research and development B.848 B.849 ‘Lecture 12’ ‘Review of applications and prospects for fuel cells’ by J.W. Pearson. ‘How doesa fuel cell work’ by T.M. Fry, 23 September 1965. Inscribed ‘Foreword’ on first page and possibly related to lecture course given at Leicester in September 1965. ‘How doesa fuel cell work’ by T.M. Fry, 17 February 1966. B.850 ‘The Use of Fuel Cells on and underthe Sea’ by H.R. Espig and T.M. Fry. Paper delivered at Ministry of Technology British National Conference on the Technology of the Sea and Sea-Bed, A.E.R.E., Harwell, 5-7 April 1967. B.851-B.854 Other papers by ECL staff 1966-1969 and n.d. 4 folders. B.855-B.1077 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTTOPICS ca 1935-1991 The topics have been identified from the titles of Bacon’s binders and have been arranged in chronological order as far as possible. They may cover extended periods of time, span more than one of the sponsored programmesof research with which Bacon wasassociated and demonstrate his continuing interest in fuel cell matters right to the end ofhislife. B.855-B.865 Diaphragm Materials ‘Electrodes, activation etc. Electrode Processes Faraday Society Meeting’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: manuscript notes, correspondence, printed material. ca 1935-1948. Porous Nickel B.866-B.877 ‘Electrolysers’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: manuscript notes, correspondence, printed material. ca 1939- 1987. B.878-B.888 ‘Electrodes and Materials’. eleven for ease of reference: manuscript notes etc. ca 1944-1953. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 92 Research and development B.889-B.896 ‘Electrodes’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript notes, correspondence etc. 1948-1983. B.897, B.898 ‘Theoretical E.M.F.’. ease of reference: manuscript notes, correspondenceetc. 1948-1977. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for B.899-B.902 ‘Electrolyte’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes, printed material etc. 1949-1972. B.903-B.909 ‘Pump, Circulating H2’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript notes, graphs, technical drawings, correspondence, printed material. 1950-1965. B.910, B.911 ‘Analysis’. reference: manuscript notes, correspondence. 1950-1959. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of B.912, B.913 ‘Carbon Fibres, etc and Graphite’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: printed material, sample of carbon fibre. 1950, 1964-1971. B.914, B.915 ‘Automatic Control Calculations’. into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes. 1950-1955. Contents of binder so inscribed divided B.916 ‘Batteries, Primary’. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondenceetc. 1951-1968. B.917-B.927 ‘Supply of Nickel’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: supply orders, correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material etc. 1951-1973. B.928-B.935 ‘Automatic Control’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, technical drawings. 1952-1960. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 93 Research and development B.936 ‘Asbestos etc’. manuscript notes. 1952-1971. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, B.937-B.941 ‘Batteries, storage’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, patent specifications etc. 1952-1975. B.942 ‘Corrosion’. notes. 1952-1966. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, manuscript B.943, B.944 Contents of binder so ‘Miscellaneous papers on oxidation and corrosion’. manuscript notes, inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: duplicated paper by U.R. Evans on ‘Corrosion research in Cambridge’, printed material. 1952-1971. B.945, B.946 ‘Porous Materials’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes etc. 1952-1970. B.947-B.957 ‘Hydrogen Production’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed and duplicated material etc. 1952-1983. B.958-B.960 ‘Hydrogen Production Ill. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: mostly printed material. 1951-1983. Cracked Ammonia’. See also B.1028. B.961-B.968 ‘Joints & Packing’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material etc. 1952-1965. B.969-B.978 ‘Development’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: 1952-1957. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 94 Research and development B.979, B.980 Contents of binder so inscribed ‘Electrodes, Slurry and Fluidised Bed’. divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, duplicated and typescript papers including ‘Note on the present position in the fuel cell field, with special reference to regenerative cells’ by Bacon. 1953-1970. B.981-B.994 ‘Battery Traction |’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into fourteen for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated and typescript papers, printed material. 1953-1990. B.995 B.995A ‘Battery Traction Il’. manuscript notes etc. 1977-1987. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, ‘Nickel Powders’. reports, patent specification etc. 1954-1984. Contents of binder so inscribed: manuscript notes, B.996-B.999 ‘Larger Unit’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, technical drawings, printed material. 1955-1959. B.1000 B.1001 ‘Short currents’. Contents of binder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. 1955-1961. Untitled binder: manuscript notes and drafts, technical drawings re nickel oxide, nickel corrosion. 1955-1967. B.1002, B.1003 Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of ‘Activation’. reference: correspondence, manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, printed material. 1958-1974. B.1004, B.1005 ‘Air Compression and CO, Removal’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, correspondence, printed material. 1958-1972. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 95 Research and development B.1006-B.1014 ‘Hydrogen (liquid)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers including ECL ‘Visit Report No.214 Rolls Royce Limited, Rocket Department, Anstey ... 30 March 1970’ by Bacon and T.M. Fry, printed material. ca 1958-1970. B.1015-B.1017 ‘H2-02 Regenerative Fuel Cells’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers including ‘Note on regenerative hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell systems’ by Bacon, printed material. 1958-1971. B.1018-B.1024 ‘Hydrogen Diffusion’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated papers, printed material, patent specifications. ca 1960-1970. B.1025 ‘H2 + O> Mixtures’. 1960-1966. Contents of binder so inscribed: manuscript notes. B.1026, B.1027 CeHs —> CeHi2 Cell’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, printed material etc. 1961-1964. B.1028 ‘Hydrogen Production, Cracked Ammonia’. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed and duplicated material. 1962- 1974. See also B.958-B.960. B.1029-B.1033 ‘Fuels (Fossil etc.)’. ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes. 1963-1981. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for B.1034 ‘Energy storage’. manuscript notes, printed material. 1963-1988. Contents of binder so inscribed: corespondence, B.1035-B.1040 ‘Hydrogen storage’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material. ca 1964- 1986. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 96 Research and development B.1041-B.1044 ‘Fuel Cells Regenerative Cells’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, patent specifications etc. 1966-1970. B.1045-B.1048 ‘Electrodes, Titanium hydride’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material. 1966-1977. B.1049, B.1050 ‘Hydrazine and ammonia’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: duplicated papers, correspondence, manuscript notes etc. 1966-1975. B.1051 B.1052 ‘Metal-air battery’. duplicated papers. 1968-1970. Contents of binder so inscribed: manuscript notes, ‘Oxygen Electrode’. manuscript notes, duplicated papers. 1970-1979. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, Includes earlier printed material. B.1053-B.1061 ‘Hydrogen as fuel’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material. 1971-1980. B.1062 ‘Fuel Cells (Regenerative H2-O2)’. correspondence. 1973-1974. Contents of binder so inscribed: B.1063, B.1064 ‘Hydrogen Energy’. easeof reference: correspondence. 1975-1991. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for B.1065-B.1076 ‘Undersea use of F.C.’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers, printed material. 1979-1991. B.1077 ‘Solar energy’. 1987. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence. 1986- F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 97 Research and development B.1078-B.1186 RESEARCH CENTRES, LABORATORIES AND SPONSORS 1952-1992 Arranged alphabetically by title of company, organisation or government department undertaking, sponsoring or expressing interest in cell research and development. fuel B.1078-B.1089 ‘Admiralty and C.J. B.’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers, printed material etc. 1954-1974. Investigations were carried out on the Bacon Cell for the Admiralty under contract with the Electrical Research Association at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge 1954-1956. R.G.H. Watson who worked with Bacon in Cambridge subsequently joined the Admiralty Materials Laboratory (AML), Holton Heath, Poole, Dorset. Discussion meetings on fuel cells were held at the AML in April 1966 and October 1967. Apart from Watson Bacon's principal correspondents are E.C. Wadlow of the Royal NavyScientific Service Department of Materials Research at the Admiralty in London and C.H. Secord and A.B. Tavendale of CJB Constructors John Brown Limited. B.1090, B.1090A ‘H-O Cell Reports (Admiralty). Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: Watson’s progress reports to the Admiralty. 1954-1956. B.1091-B.1093 ‘Fuel Cells (American Cyanamid)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers. 1963-1974 In April 1963 Bacon visited American Cyanamid Central Research Center, Stamford, Connecticut with H.G. Oswin of Leesona Moos Laboratories to discuss fuel cell activities. American Cyanamid personnel visited ECL in April 1964. B.1094 ‘Batelle’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence. 1977. Bacon’s correspondentis K.D. Beccu of the Batelle Centre de Recherche de Genéve. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 98 Research and development B.1095 ‘Brookhaven National correspondence. 1979-1980. Laboratory’. Contents of binder so_ inscribed: Bacon’s principal correspondentis F.J. Salzano, Head, Energy Storage and Conversion Division. B.1096-B.1100 ‘C.E.G. B. and Electricity Council’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, typescript and duplicated papers. 1959-1982. Bacon’s principal correspondent is A.B. Hart of the Central Electricity Generating Board Research and Development Department and CEGB Central Electricity Research Laboratories, Leatherhead, Surrey. B.1101-B.1104 ‘E.E.C. Hydrogen Programme Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence etc. 1978- 1986. City University’. Bacon was appointed as a Consultant to the EEC Hydrogen Programme (161-76-11 EH UK) for one year with effect from 1 March 1978. Bacon’s correspondentis A.C.C. Tseung, Director of the Chemical Energy Research Unit at the City University, London. Before taking up an appointmentat the City University Tseung had been Leader of the Materials Group at ECL, 1963-1967. B.1105-B.1108 ‘E.E.C. (Hydrogen) + Dept of Energy’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated papers, printed material. 1979-1987. Bacon corresponded with officials and scientists at the Department of Energy Energy Technology Division and the Energy Technology Support Unit about the EEC research and development programme 1979-1983 which covered amongst other areas of interest the production and utilisation of hydrogen. at AERE Harwell B.1109 ‘Hawker-Siddeley’. 1961. Contents of folder so inscibed: correspondence 1960- Bacon’s correspondents are E.P. Hawthorne and J. Lamborn of the Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power CompanyLtd. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 99 Research and development B.1110-B.1116 ‘1.C.1 & I.M.I and Fluon (or Teflon)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes etc. 1956-1978. Bacon approached ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd) in 1956 with the view to interesting the companyin the developmentstage of the hydrogen- oxygen fuel cell. ICI did not undertake the development work but Bacon was given permission to go at any time to the Research Directors of the various divisions of the company andaskfor any advice he might need. B.1117-B.1131 ‘Johnson Matthey’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into fifteen for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, Bacon’s ‘Thanks’ for the presentation of the Grove Memorial Medal etc. 1982-1992. The sequence wasinitiated when Johnson Matthey invited Bacon to an exhibition on ‘Johnson Matthey Technology Worldwide’ and a fuel cell In November 1984 Bacon entered into a formal demonstration day. consultancy with Johnson Matthey in respect of their fuel cell work. Johnson Matthey was a sponsor of the second Grove Symposium in September 1991 at which the first Sir William Grove Memorial Medal was presented to Bacon. Bacon’s association with Johnson Matthey dated from the 1930s when they supplied activated metal gauzesfor his own early fuel cell work. B.1132-B.1147 ‘Leesona-Moosand P. & W.’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into sixteen for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material. 1957-1968. The correspondenceis with the Patterson Moos Division of the Universal Winding Company, subsequently Patterson Moos Research Division of the Leesona Corporation and then Leesona Moos Laboratories of the Leesona Corporation, and the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corporation. Bacon’s principal correspondents are at ‘Leesona-Moos’, A.M. Moos, H.G. Oswin and K.L. Rapp and at Pratt & Whitney, J.W. Connors, A.E. Edwards, J.R. Foley, H.M. Hershenson, W.H. Podolny and J.G. Tschinkel. The NRDC made licensing arrangements in the USA with the Leesona Corporation who, in turn, associated themselves with the United Aircraft Corporation. Leesona and United Aircraft carried out a joint fuel cell research and development programme of considerable magnitude most notably in connexion with the US space programme. Bacon wasinformedin a telegram (B.1142) from A.M. Moosthat ‘Pratt and Whitney have been awarded the contract by Grumm [sic] Aircraft to deliver the Bacon Fuel Cell for the Lunar Excursion Module. All of the electrical power that will ensure that success of the moon excursion program and the survival of the first astronauts to the moon will be provided by the Bacon Cell’. fi F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 100 Research and development See also B.1148, B.1149, B.1150-B.1152, B.1301-B.1323. B.1148, B.1149 ‘Leesona-Moos & P&W Il’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence. 1969-1984. B.1150-B.1152 ‘Patterson Moos Pratt & Whitney’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: purchase orders, correspondence. 1959- 1960. B.1153-B.1156 ‘London Electricity Board’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, printed material, paper by Bacon ‘Preliminary notes on proposal of London Electricity Board for 500 kW Fuel Cell Units in Substations’ etc. 1963-1970. B.1157, B.1158 ‘Merz and McLellan’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, Merz and McLellan papers re a proposed high and low speedelectric passenger transit system (HALSEPT) etc. 1970-1975. Bacon’s principal correspondent is W.W. Campbell whose Timesobituary is included at B.1158. The consulting engineers Merz and McLellan had sponsored Bacon’s fuel cell work at King’s College London 1940-1941. B.1159-B.1161 [Ministry ‘M.E.X.E. Experimental Establishment]’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated and printed material. 1958-1963. Engineering of Supply Military MEXE, Christchurch, Hampshire wasinterested in the hydrox cell for tractor application. B.1162-B.1165 ‘M. of P. and C.E.A.’ Contents of binder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes. 1952-1962. Bacon’s correspondence is with the Ministry of Fuel and Power/Ministry of Powerand the British Electricity Authority/Central Electricity Authority. In May 1956 Bacon wasinformedformally by Sir David Brunt, Chairman of the CEAthat ‘the question of supporting further work on the hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell, under the aegis of the Central Electricity Authority, has been considered and the Authority has decided not to support the work’. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 101 Research and development B.1166-B.1170 ‘M. of T. and D. of E.’ Contents of binder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated papers, printed material. 1966-1978. Bacon’s correspondenceis with the Ministry of Technology re its Fuel Cell Working Party 1966-1967 and with the Ministry of Energy re EEC interestin projects demonstrating energy saving or for the exploitation of alternative energy sources 1978. At the Ministry of Technology’s request Bacon prepared a paper for the Fuel Cell Working Party ‘Note on the present position in the fuel cell field, with special reference to regenerative cells’. B.1171 ‘M.P.D. Technology Ltd’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence. 1979-1991. Bacon’s correspondent is H.C. Angus. He approached Angus after hearing a paper by him on ‘Energy storage using metallic hydrides’ at an International Conference on Future Energy Concepts at the IEE in London in 1979. B.1172-B.1175 ‘Sondes Place Research Institute’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, laboratory reports, printed material etc. 1959-1969. In addition to sponsoring work on the hydrogen/oxygen (Bacon) cell the NRDCsponsored a programme of work on high temperature carbonaceous fuel cells at the Sondes Place ResearchInstitute (Sondes Place Research Laboratories Limited), Dorking, Surrey. See also B.1324-B.1333. B.1176-B.1181 ‘U.K.A.E.A (London) A.E.R.E. (Harwell)’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes etc. 1965-1990. Bacon wasa consultant to Fuel Cells Ltd and visited Harwell regularly 1971- 1973 while fuel cell work was being carried out there. B.1182-B.1184 ‘Fuel Cells Union Carbide’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, duplicated and printed material, photograph. 1957-1975. The National Carbon Company Division of the Union Carbide Corporation announced‘a practical hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell’ in 1958. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 102 Research and development B.1185 ‘Warren Spring’. manuscript notes. 1959. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence, Research on fuel cells was carried out at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Warren Spring Laboratory, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. See also B.1335. B.1186 ‘Weir Group’. Contents of binder so inscribed: correspondence. 1979. Bacon visited Weir Pumps Ltd, Cathcart, Glasgow to discuss the fuel cell situation with Weir Group personnel. B.1187-B.1268 TECHNICAL DRAWINGS ca 1935-1961 For notebook used(in part) as Drawing Register at Marshalls of Cambridge see B.432. B.1187-B.1197 ‘Drawings (Old)’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: technical drawings, figures, proposed laboratory layout (Cambridge University Metallurgy Department) etc. ca 1935-1947. Includes drawings from Department of Science and Industrial Research Chemical Research Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, Merz and McLellan, Richard Klinger Ltd and University of Cambridge Estates Department. B.1198-B.1208 ‘Drawings 5” ’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: Marshalls of Cambridge drawings re ‘Oxygen Electrode 5 inch’, ‘Hydrogen Electrode 5 inch’, ‘Bipolar Electrode 5 inch’ etc., some with manuscript annotation and amendment. 1957-1959. B.1209-B.1231 ‘Drawings 10”’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into twenty three for ease of reference: Marshalls of Cambridge drawings re ‘Oxygen Electrode 10 inch’, ‘Hydrogen Electrode 10 inch’, ‘Bipolar Electrode 10 inch’ etc., some with manuscript annotation and amendment. 1957-1960. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 B.1232-B.1236 103 Research and development ‘10” Cell drawings’. Contents of folder so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference: Marshalls of Cambridge drawings re layout of ‘H.O.C. Section - No. 6 Hangar’, ‘10” Cell pipe layout’, ‘Internally ported 10” bipolar electrode’ etc., some with manuscript annotation and amendment. 1958- 1961. B.1232 includes drawing from Sunvic Controls Ltd, Harlow, Essex. B.1237-B.1259 Marshalls of Cambridge drawings found loose and arranged by drawing number (see Drawing Register at B.432), some with manuscript annotation and amendment. 1957-1960. 23 folders. B.1260 Marshalls of Cambridge drawingsof ‘H.O.C. Section - No. 6 Hangar’. N.d. B.1261 Drawings from Patterson Moos Division of University Winding Company, Jamaica, New York. Nd. B.1262-B.1268 Miscellaneous drawings. 1957, 1959 (most undated). 7 folders. B.1269-B.1360 BACKGROUND MATERIAL 1933-1980 B.1269-B.1335 Fuel Cell reports B.1336-B.1360 Miscellaneous B.1269-B.1335 FuelCell reports 1945-1967 B.1269 Associated Electrical Industries (Manchester) Limited. 1960. B.1270, B.1271 British Petroleum Research Centre. 1962. 2 folders. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 104 Research and development B.1272 C.A. Parsons & Company Nuclear Research Centre. 1960 B.1273 Central Electricity Research Laboratories. 1962. Folder also includes 1p manuscript notes by Bacon, 27 April 1963 and two photographs found with CERL Report. B.1274-B.1299 Electrical Research Association. 1945-1958. B.1274-B.1276 Published reports by A.P. Paton 1952 and Bacon 1953 and 1958. 3 folders. B.1277-B.1283 ‘Fuel Cell Reports’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: duplicated ERA fuel cell reports (not by Bacon). 1945- 1958. These reports are papers for Sub-Committee Z/F: Storage of Electrical Energy. See also B.78-B.126. B.1284-B.1290 ‘Battery Storage Reports’. seven for ease of reference: duplicated ERA reports. 1947-1957 Contents of binder so inscribed divided into These reports are papers for Sub-Committee Z/F: Storage of Electrical Energy. See also B.78-B.126. B.1291-B.1299 ‘Russian Fuel Cell Booklet’. nine for ease of reference: duplicated and typescript papers. 1947-1954. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into These papers are translations of Direct conversion of chemical energy of fuel into electrical energy by O.K. Davtyan, Moscow, 1947. B.1300 General Electric Company (UK) Research Laboratories. 1955. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 105 Research and development B.1301-B.1323 ‘Leesona-Moos and P & W’.. twenty-three for ease of reference: papers. 1958-1967. Contents of box so inscribed divided into printed, duplicated and typescript These papers are from the Patterson Moos Division of the Universal Winding Company, subsequently Patterson Moos Research Division of the Leesona Corporation and then Leesona Moos Laboratories of the Leesona Corporation, and the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division of United Aircraft Corporation. B.1324-B.1333 Sondes Place ResearchInstitute, Dorking, Surrey. 1954-1960. B.1334 U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories. 1959 B.1335 Warren Spring Laboratory, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. 1960. B.1336-B.1360 Miscellaneous 1933-1980 B.1336-B.1338 ‘Miscellaneous papers and photocopies’. divided into three for ease of reference. 1938-1954. Contents of folder so inscribed B.1339-B.1346 ‘Fuel Cell Articles (Shell)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: articles, patent specifications, conference papers, manuscript notes etc. re fuel cell work of “Shell” Research Ltd’s Thornton Research Centre, Chester. 1960-1980. B.1347-B.1355 Contents of untitled folder divided into nine for ease of reference: printed and duplicated material etc. re fuel cell developments in the USA. 1963- 1974. B.1356-B.1360 Printed, duplicated and typescript background material. 1933-1979. 5 folders. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 106 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.169 C.1-C.127 DRAFTS C.128-C.163 CORRESPONDENCE C.164-C.168 OFF-PRINTS C.169 BACKGROUND MATERIAL Forfurther material relating to Bacon’s lectures and publications see Section E Societies and organisations and Section F Visits and conferences. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 107 Lectures and publications C.1-C.127 DRAFTS 1953-1984 A chronological sequence of drafts and related material for Bacon’s lectures and publications. C.1 C.2 ‘Colloquium 5 - 2 - 53’. 3pp manuscript notes. Lists of slides only for lectures, 11 and 13 February 1956. C.3, C.4 ‘Hydrogen-oxygen energy storage cells’, World Science Review, 1959. Manuscripts and typescript drafts etc. 2 folders. C.5-C.8 ‘The High Pressure Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel’, paper at meeting of American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September 1959. In Fuel cells (ed. G.J. Young). Reinhold 1960. See also C.143. C.5 Correspondencere preparation and publication of paper. C.6,C.7 11pp duplicated typescript + references and figures. 2 folders. C.8 Manuscript notes anddrafts. C.9-C.14 ‘Fuel Cells: Will they soon become major sources of electrical energy?’, Evening Discourse, Royal Institution, London, 12 February 1960. Proc.R. Instn Gt Br. 68, 171 (1960). The substance of the discourse was also published in Nature, Lond. 186 (1960). See also C.145. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 108 Lectures and publications C.9 Correspondencere arrangementsforlecture. C.10-C.13 Typescript drafts for lecture and publication. 4 folders. C.14 Manuscript notesfor lecture. C.15-C.21 ‘Energy storage based on electrolysers and hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells’, paperat United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy, Rome, 21- 31 August 1961. C.15, C.16 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 2 folders. C.17-C.19 Manuscript and typescript drafts of paper. 3 folders. C.20 C.21 Manuscript notes re preparation of paper. Manuscript and typescript drafts of report on visit to Rome for United Nations Conference. C.22, C.23 ‘Fuel Cells’, paper at London branch ofInstitution of Plant Engineers, 5 December 1961. J. Inst. Plant Eng. 8 (1963). See also C.150. Typescript and manuscript drafts. 2 folders. C.24-C.29 ‘Fuel Cells’, paper at United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas, Geneva, 4-20 February 1963. C.24-C.26 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 3 folders. C.27-C.29 Manuscript and typescript drafts of paper. 3 folders. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 109 Lectures and publications C.30-C.33 ‘The Medium Temperature Hydrogen/Oxygen(Air) Cell’, paper at American Institute of Chemical Engineers meeting, New Orleans, 13 March 1963. Published in Chemical Engineering Progress technical manual. See also F.16. C.30, C.31 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 2 folders. C.32 C.33 C.34-C.44 20pp duplicated typescript + figures. Manuscript draft of paper. ‘The High Pressure Hydrogen Oxygen Cell’ (with A.M. Adams & R.G.H. Watson). In Fuel Cells (ed. W. Mitchell, Jr). Academic Press, New York. 1963. ‘Book on fuel cells’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence with editor, publisher and collaborator (A.M. Adams), drafts, figures, manuscript notes etc. 1960- 1964. C.45, C.46 Lecture on the engineering aspects of fuel cells, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 11 March 1964. C.45 C.46 C.47 31pp duplicated typescript + list of slides. 23pp manuscript draft + list of slides. Paper on energy storage prepared for Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 2 March 1965. K.E.V. Willis of the National Research Development Corporation gave a paper on energy storage to the Institution and Bacon contributed to the discussion by preparing some notes on the subject of hydrogen storage. See C.60-C.62. Correspondence re arrangements, typescript drafts of Bacon’s contribution. manuscript notes, manuscript and F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 110 Lectures and publications C.48, C.49 ‘Progress review no. 57: fuel cells’. J. Inst. Fuel, September 1965. C.48 C.49 C.50, C.51 C.50 C.51 Correspondence 1964-1965. 30pp typescript + references. ‘Some engineering aspects of the hydrogen oxygen fuel cell’, paper at an American Chemical Society symposium on Fuel Cells, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September 1965. In Hydrocarbon fuel cell technology (ed. B.S. Baker). Academic Press, New York. 1965. See also F.18-F.22. Correspondence re arrangements. Manuscript drafts. C.52, C.53 ‘Some engineering aspects of fuel cells’, article for Department of Education and Science periodical for fifth and sixth form science students. 1966. C.52 C.53 C.54 Correspondencere arrangements. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Lecture on fuel Capenhurst, 24 March 1966. cells at United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Correspondence re arrangementsonly. C.55-C.59 ‘Lecture for Sheffield & Coventry and G.E.C.’. Contents of Bacon’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence, notes and drafts. 1965-1967. Bacon contributed a lecture on the hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell in a short course on fuel cells organised by the University of Sheffield for Royal Air Force personnel, 28 March - 1 April 1966. Poe F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 111 Lectures and publications short course on He was also asked to advise and lecture unconventional of at Technology, Coventry, May 1966 and give a lecture to the G.E.C. Wembley Engineering Society, April 1967. in Lanchester power sources electrical a College Bacon suggested J.C.H. Hart of Energy Conversion Ltd for Coventry and T.M. Fry of Energy Conversion Ltd for G.E.C. C.55, C.56 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for Sheffield course including programme, summaries of lectures and copy of lecture by T.M. Fry on fuel cell technology ‘for Sheffield’. 2 folders. C.57 C.58 C.59 18pp typescript of Bacon’s lecture for Sheffield with manuscript additions and corrections. Manuscript draft of Bacon’s Sheffield lecture; manuscript notes. Correspondence re Coventry and G.E.C. invitations. C.60-C.62 ‘Energy storage using fuel cells’, paper at Institution of Electrical Engineers colloquium on A New Look at Energy Storage, London, 23 May 1966. This colloquium was organised by K.E.V. Willis who invited Bacon to present a short paper based on the notes he had prepared for the occasion of Willis’s paper on energy storage in 1965. See C.47. C.60 Correspondencere arrangements, programme and summaries of papers. C.61, C.62 Manuscript and typescript drafts. C.63 Professional Group meeting Joint Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 9 January 1967. Novel on Bacon wasinvited to attend and contribute to the discussion. Invitation, abstract of introductory remarks by D.P. Gregory, Bacon’s notes of meeting. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 112 Lectures and publications C.64-C.67 ‘Fuel Cells, Past, Present and Future’, the Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecture, University of Pennsylvania, 16 March 1967. In Electrochemica Acta 14 (1969). C.64 C.65 C.66 C.67 C.68 See also F.23, F.24, H.17. Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks, correspondencearising re fuel cells, publication of lecture, etc. 24pp typescript of lecture + list of slides. Manuscript draft; manuscript notes re lecture. Institution of Electrical Engineers Colloquium on Electric Cars, London, 21 April 1967. Bacon wasinvited to attend and contribute to the discussion. Correspondence re arrangements, colloquium ‘digest’ with programme and summaries of papers, Bacon’s manuscript notes of meeting. C.69 ‘Beckoning star of stored power’ The Times, supplement on the National Research Development Corporation, 28 April 1967. Correspondence with The Times, typescript and manuscript drafts of article under title Cells: prospects of development’, press-cutting and photocopyof published article. ‘Fuel C.70-C.73 C.70 ‘Fuel Cells: past, present and future’, paper at Materials Science Club informal meeting on materials for fuel cells and high energy density rechargeable batteries, The City University, London, 19-21 February 1968. Correspondence re arrangements, programme and participants, information about City University Chemistry Department, correspondence arising from meeting. C.71 18pp typescript of lecture with manuscript additions and corrections. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 113 Lectures and publications Manuscript draft and notesre lecture. Bacon’s manuscript notes on meeting. ‘Power for Apollo’, transcription of a recording for BBC Radio, 7 July 1969. See also C.154. 13pp duplicated typescript. ‘Fuel Cells’, lecture at Department of Education and Science Engineering Summer School, Huddersfield College of Education (Technical), 16 July 1969. Correspondencere arrangements, programme. 44pp typescript of lecture. ‘A historical and general survey of the problems associated with fuel cell design and construction’, lecture at two-day course on Fuel Cells (Theory and Applications), Woolwich Polytechnic, London, 9 December 1969. Correspondence manuscript notes on meeting etc. arrangements, re programme, list of participants, 25pp typescript draft of lecture. C.72 C.73 C.74 C.75, C.76 C.75 C.76 C.77-C.80 C.77 C.78 C.79, C.80 Manuscript drafts. 2 folders. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 114 Lectures and publications C.81 Invitations declined: To lecture on Fuel Cells to the physical chemistry group at Imperial College London 1969. To chair a session and give a review paper on recent advancesin fuel cell technology at symposium ‘Electrochemistry 70’, University of Surrey, Guildford, April 1970. C.82-C.89 ‘Fuel Cells’, public lecture at meeting of British Association, Swansea, 7 September 1971. C.82 C.83 C.84 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising from lecture. Press summary of Bacon’s lecture; Annual Meeting Swansea 1971 (printed booklet). Selections from Press Cuttings of the C.85-C.89 Typescript and manuscript drafts of Bacon’s lecture. 5 folders. C.90-C.93 ‘High Temperature Aqueous Fuel Cells’, lecture at International Conference on High Temperature High Pressure Electrochemistry in Aqueous Solutions, University of Surrey, Guildford, 8 January 1973. C.90 C.91 C.92 Correspondencere arrangements; conference information. Correspondencearising from lecture. 21pp typescript of lecture + references and list of slides; manuscript notes re lecture. C.93 Figures. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 115 Lectures and publications C.94-C.97 ‘Fuel cells and the growing energy problem, Melchett Lecture, Institute of Fuel, 8 November 1973. In J. Inst. Fuel (1974). In addition to giving the Institute’s Melchett Lecture for 1973 Bacon was awarded the Melchett Medal in recognition of his outstanding contribution to fuel technology by the development of the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell as used for power supplies in the Apollo spacecraft. C.94 C.95 C.96 C.97 See also G.34, H.18. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising from lecture. Incomplete typescript of lecture. Manuscript draft of lecture. C.98-C.100 ‘Production of hydrogen by hydrolysis’, paper at Symposium on Prospects for the Hydrogen Economy, Queen Mary College, University of London, 6 June 1974. For Bacon’s notes on proceedings see F.30. C.98 C.99 Correspondence re arrangements, programmes, symposium information etc. 13pp typescript + references, list of slides, slides (photocopies). C.100 Manuscript draft of lecture. C.101 ‘Energy Storage based on Fuel Cell Principle’, lecture at Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, 12 June 1974. Manuscript draft of lecture; brief correspondence 1975. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 116 Lectures and publications C.102-C.105 ‘The production and use of synthetic fuels in military applications’, J. R. Utd Services Inst. Defence Stud. (1974). C.102 C.103 Correspondencere article for Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies. 20pp typescript + references; 7pp typescript ‘Fuel Cells: prospects of development’ found with typescript of RUSI article. C.104 Manuscriptdraft of article. C.105 Photocopy of manuscript draft with manuscript additions and corrections by Bacon in blue ink and ‘comments and suggestions’ in another handin red ink. C.106-C.109 ‘Fuel cells’ lecture in a series on research problems related to energy, Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge, 21 November 1974. C.106 C.107 C.108 C.109 C.110 Correspondence re arrangements with W.A. Mair, Head of University Engineering Department; for Cambridge Reporter. notice about lecture series 25pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections + list of slides. Press-cutting; December 1974. manuscript notes on the literature, August, October- Proposal for an Energy Research Group in the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge sent to Bacon by Mair. ‘Fuel Cells and Nuclear Power’, talk at a nuclear technology colloquium, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, Imperial College London, 21 February 1975. Correspondence re colloquium, notice etc. research at Imperial College, arrangements for F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 C.111-C.117 117 Lectures and publications ‘The development and practical application of fuel cells’, Bruno Breyer Memorial Lecture at the Fourth Australian Electrochemistry Conference, Flinders 1976. (Published in the proceedings of the conference: Trends in electrochemistry. Plenum Press 1977). of Southern Australia, University Adelaide, February Bacon also gave a lecture at Perth during his Australian visit. For photographs taken at the conference see H.4. C.111, C.112 Correspondencere arrangements. 2 folders. C.113 C.114 C.115 C.116 C.117 Letters of thanks, correspondencearising from lecture and visit to Australia. Conference information: programme, list of registered delegates, list of contributors to conference proceedingsetc. Abstract and 28pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections and manuscript pagesintercalated + references. 22pp typescript draft + references. Manuscript notes re conference lecture and lecture at Perth, etc. C.118-C.120 ‘Fuel Cells’, lecture for Department of Mechanical Engineering, Queen Mary College, University of London, 28 February 1979. C.118 C.119 C.120 Correspondence re arrangements. 19pp typescript + list of slides. Manuscript draft of lecture etc. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 118 Lectures and publications C.121-C.123 ‘The Developmentand Practical Application of Fuel Cells’, lecture for South Coast Section Institute of Energy (joint meeting with the Portsmouth and District Chemical Society), Portsmouth Polytechnic, 14 February 1980. C.121 Correspondence re arrangements. C.122 C.123 C.124 24pp typescript + list of slides. Typescript of lecture for Queen Mary College (C.103-C.105) with manuscript additions and corrections and intercalated pages for Portsmouth. ‘The Development and Practical Application at Department of Physical Chemistry Colloquium, University of Cambridge, 17 February 1981. of Fuel Cells’, talk Correspondencere arrangementsonly. C.125 Miscellaneous unidentified drafts. C.126, C.127 Figures. 2 folders. C.128-C.163 CORRESPONDENCE 1952-1991 The contents of Bacon’s ‘Publications’ files including invitations for Bacon to write, lecture and broadcast and also to advise authors, editors and publishers on publications in the fuel cell area. The files also contained a number of drafts by Bacon or sent to him for comment which have been retained in this sequence with the related correspondence. 1952-1991. C.128-C.144 ‘Publications |’. seventeen for ease of reference. 1952-1960. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into C.128 1952-1953. C.129 1954 January - March. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 119 Lectures and publications C.130 1954 April - June. C.131 1954 July - September. C.132 C.133 C.134 C.135 C.136 C.137 1954 October, December. Includes typescript draft report on the hydrogen oxygen fuel manuscript alterations. Consulting Engineer with Bacon’s cell for 1955 January - June. World Newsentitled ‘Bigger and Better Fuel Cells on the Way’. Includes advance copyof article for McGraw Hill 1955 July - December. 1956 January. Science Review. Includes typescript draft of article by Bacon for Times 1956 February - June. 1956 July - December. C.138 1957. C.139 1958. C.140 1959 January - June. C.141 1959 July - August. Includes typescript draft of article for New Scientist. C.142 1959 September. series Science Survey. Typescript drafts etc for talk by Bacon in BBC Radio F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 120 Lectures and publications C.143 C.144 1959 October - December. Includes typescript draft of talk for BBC transcription service (see C.144) and condensed version of American Chemical Society paper on the hydrogen oxygenfuel cells (see C.5-C.8). 1960 January - February. transcription service (See C.143). Includes typescript draft of talk for BBC C.145-C.156 ‘Publications II’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference. 1960-1969. C.145 C.146 C.147 C.148 1960 January - June. Includes typescript drafts of article for Nature based on Bacon’s Royal Institution evening discourse (See C.9-C.14). 1960 July - December. Includes typescript copy of article by B.C. Lindley on ‘Direct electricity generation by fuel cells’ and duplicated typescript of lecture by P.W. Jones to the Birmingham Electric Club on ‘The fuel cell - A logical developmentin the conservation of natural resources’. 1961 January - June. Includes Bacon’s typescript ‘Contribution to the discussion on Dr Chambers’ paper on Fuel Cells’ for the Transactions of the North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. 1961 July - December. Includes ‘brief summary’ of lecture for National Physical Laboratory and ‘summary of lecture’ for Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby) Limited. C.149 1962 January - March. C.150 C.151 1962 March. Copies of lecture by Bacon to Institution of Plant Engineers on fuel cells and discussion arising (December 1961) revised by Bacon and returned for publication. See C.22, C.23. 1962 May - September. Includes drafts for Bacon’s article in World Energy, a Financial Times Survey. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 121 Lectures and publications C.152 C.153 C.154 C.155 C.156 1963-1965. Includes drafts of ‘Three minute statement on fuel cells for a weekly programme in the USA’ recorded by Central Office of Information, September 1964. 1966-1968. Includes draft of article on Bacon and his fuel cell work for Achievement international sent to Bacon for comment, October 1966 and typescript of Cambridge Newsprofile article on Bacon, April 1967. 1969 February - June. Radio entitled ‘To the moon and back’ (see C.74). Includes transcription from a recording for BBC 1969 July - September. featured Bacon. Principally arising from BBC broadcasts that 1969 July - December. Record’ programme. Includes script for BBC World Service ‘Off the C.157-C.163 C.157 ‘Publications III’. Contents of Bacon’s binder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 1970-1991. 1970. Includes typescript draft with manuscript revisions of chapter 5 ‘Bacon’s “magic battery” ’ of book written by P. Fairley in connexion with the 21st anniversary of the National Research Development Corporation. C.158 1971-1973. C.159 1974-1976. C.160 Includes letter from Bacon to the Financial Times, published under 1979. the title ‘Development of the hydrogen fuel cell’, 12 April. C.161 1980. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 122 Lectures and publications C.162 1981. C.163 1982-1983, 1987, 1991. C.164-C.168 OFF-PRINTS 1954-1984 C.164-C.168 Off-prints etc of Bacon’s publications 1954-1984. 5 folders. C.169 BACKGROUNDMATERIAL C.169 Printed, photocopied and typescript material possibly used by Bacon in the preparation of his lectures and papers. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 123 SECTION D PATENTS D.1-D.109 Section D presents Bacon’s papersrelating to patent applications, 1949-1967. D.1-D.102 were found in a numbered sequence of folders whose contents included manuscript notes, typescript drafts of applications, specifications and related correspondence. The applicants were usually either Bacon or the body sponsoring the research. The inventor for each patent is Bacon unless otherwise stated in the entries. D.103-D.109 consists of miscellaneous patents material. D.1 ‘1. Patent 667,298 Twin-Pore Electrodes’. Contents of binder so inscribed. The British galvanic cells and batteries’. The application date is given as 8 June 1949. entitled ‘Improvements relating patent specification is to D.2-D.5 ‘2. Patent B.P. 725,661 USP 2,716,670 Inhibiting Corrosion’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to electric batteries’. The application date is given as 16 January 1953. D.6-D.13 ‘3. Patent 25802/56 binder so inscribed, divided into eight for ease of reference. Inhibiting Corrosion in Electrolysers’. Contents of patent specification The British to hydrogen-oxygen cells particularly for use as electrolysers’. The application date is given as 23 August 1956. entitled ‘Improvements relating is D.14-D.20 ‘4. Patent 25801/56 inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. “Dished Plate Electrode”. Contents of binder so The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to electric cells of the hydrogen-oxygen Type’. The application date is given as 23 August 1956. D.21 ‘5. Patent 14221/57 Electrode Sintering Conditions’. Contents of binder so inscribed. The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to electric cells. The application dates from 1957. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 D.22-D.27 124 Patents ‘6. Patent binder so inscribed, divided into six for ease of reference. Fuel Cell Details B.P. 822,086 U.S. 731,263’. Contents of The British electrical batteries’. The application date is given as 3 May 1957. patent specification entitled ‘Improvements relating is to D.28-D.32 ‘7. Patent 19691/58 Electrode Porting Arrangement’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. patent specification The British to electrical cells of the oxygen-hydrogen type’. The application date is given as 19 June 1958. entitled ‘Improvements relating is D.33-D.37 ‘8. Patent 34127/58 Electrode with Feathered Edges’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. patent specification The British to electrical cells of the oxygen-hydrogen type’. The application date is given as 24 October 1958. entitled ‘Improvements relating is D.38-D.43 ‘9. Patent 22436/59 Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into six for ease of reference. Oxygenation & Activation of Oxygen Electrodes’. patent specification The British to electrodesfor electrical fuel cells’. The inventor is given as H.J.H. Perry and the application date as 30 June 1959. entitled ‘Improvements relating is D.44, D.45 D.46-D.48 ‘40. Patent inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 29073/59 Concentration Cell Effect’. Contents of binder so The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvementsrelating to fuel cells’. The inventors are given as Bacon and R.G.H. Watson andthe specification is dated, 25 August 1959. ‘41. Patent inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. 30806/59 Very strong electrolyte’. Contents of binder so The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The inventors are given as Bacon and J.N. Agar and the specification is dated 9 September 1959. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 125 Patents D.49-D.58 ‘12. Patent 31099/59 Trapped Electrolyte’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into ten for ease of reference. The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The application date is given as 11 September 1959. D.59-D.68 ‘13. Patent inscribed, divided into ten for ease of reference. 34692/59 Fuel Cell Desiccants’. Contents of binder so patent specification The British electrical fuel application date as 13 October 1959. to cells’. The inventor is given as H.J.H. Perry and the entitled ‘Improvements relating is D.69, D.70 ‘14. Patent “Water Injector Hydrogen Circulation” binder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 2644/60’. Contents of The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to electric fuel cells’. The inventor is given as H.J. Young and the application date as 25 January 1960. D.71-D.75 ‘45. Patent “Temperature Control”. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The inventors are given as Bacon and J.C. Frost and the application date as 17 October 1960. D.76-D.78 ‘46. Patent Electrodes made from pre-sintered sheet’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. The British hydrogen/oxygen cells’. The application date is given as 24 July 1961. entitled ‘Improvements relating patent specification is to D.79-D.86 ‘17 Patent Improved pre-oxidation’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into eight for ease of reference. The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The inventors are given as Bacon, G.C. Smith and P.W. Jones and the application date as 28 February 1961. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 126 Patents D.87-D.90 *“18. Patent Egg box electrode” 1960-1963 5581/62’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The inventor is given as J.C. Frost and the specification is dated 17 February 1961. D.91-D.94 ‘19. Patent Three Layer Electrode’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. There are two provisional specifications entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The first is dated 29 December 1961 and the other 1 August 1963. D.95-D.100 ‘20. Patent divided into six for ease of reference. “PD activated Electrode”. Contents of binder so inscribed, The British patent specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to fuel cells’. The application date is given as 29 December 1961. D.101 ‘21. Patent Cyclohexane cell’. Contents of binder so inscribed. The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvements in and relating to electricity supply systems’. The application dates from 1963. D.102 ‘22. Patent Carbon fibre electrode’. Contents of binder so inscribed. The provisional specification is entitled ‘Improvements relating to current carrying members’ and dated, 27 October 1966. D.103-D.109 Miscellaneous patents material. D.103-D.106 ‘Patent (Misc) & proposed new applications’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. 1960-1967. Includes papers, 1964-1967, relating to the opposition by the Leesona Corporation of a British patent application by the Societe des Accumulateurs Fixes et de Traction. Bacon advised the Leesona Corporation on technical aspects of the opposition. D.107 ‘Patent Specs:’. Contents of binder so inscribed. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 127 Patents D.108, D.109 ‘Fuel cell patents’. Contents of binder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 128 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.33 E.1-E.5 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL E.6, E.7 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS E.8-E.16 ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,INC. E.17 INSTITUTE OF FUEL E.18-E.20 INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS E.21 ROYALINSTITUTION E.22-E.32 ROYAL SOCIETY E.33 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 129 Societies and organisations E.1-E.5 E.1,.E.2 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1958-1963 Correspondence, agendas, manuscript notes etc. re meetings of ARC committees 1958-1960, 1963. Bacon wasinvited to attend meetings of the Propulsion Committee, 10 March 1959, Engine Sub-Committee, 15 December 1959 and Engineering- Physics Sub-Committee, 27 September 1963. E.3-E.5 Papers by Baconcirculated to ARC Committees, 1959. 3 folders. E.6, E.7 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS 1969-1976 E.6 E.7 McRobert Award application 1969-1971. See also B.838. Establishment of a Fellowship of Engineering 1976. Bacon wasinvited to be an initial Fellow. E.8-E.16 ELECTROCHEMICALSOCIETY,INC. 1977-1985 At its Spring Meeting in Seattle May 1978 Bacon received the Society’s Vittorio de Nora - Diamond Shamrock Award Medal and Prize and delivered the Vittorio de Nora - Diamond Shamrock Award Address on ‘The Fuel Cell: Some thoughts and recollections’. In 1985 Bacon indicated that he felt it was time to resign from the Society but having been a member for 26 years he was invited to continue his association with the Society as an emeritus member. E.8-E.10 Correspondencere arrangementsfor visit to Seattle 1977-1978. 3 folders. E.11 26pptypescript of Award Address+ list of slides. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 130 Societies and organisations Manuscript draft of Address. Bacon’s manuscript notes of discussions during and after the Seattle meeting, May 1978. E.12 E.13 E.14,£.15 Correspondencearising from Seattle meeting, 1978-1979. 2 folders. E.16 E.17 E.17 Miscellaneousinvitations from and contacts with the Society, 1979-1985. INSTITUTE OF FUEL 1973-1978 Correspondence and papers, 1973-1978. Includes papers re meetings in 1976 and 1978. E.18-E.20 INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 1964-1991 E.18 E.19 E.20 Correspondence and papers re meeting on FuelCells, 1964. Correspondence and papers re the award to Bacon of the S.G. Brown Award and Medal for his work in the developmentof fuel cells, 1965. Correspondence and papers, 1966-1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1991. Includes papers re meeting on Fuel Cells, 1968. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 131 Societies and organisations E.21 ROYALINSTITUTION 1973-1990 Bacon waselected a Member of the Royal Institution in 1973. E.21 Correspondence and papers, 1973-1990. Includes correspondence with Directors of the Royal Institution, G. Porter and J.M. Thomas. E.22-E.32 ROYAL SOCIETY 1972-1991 Bacon gave a Review Lecture at the Royal Society on the Development and Practical Application of Fuel Cells, 1 February 1973. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 334, 427-452. See also G.33, G.34. Bacon was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1973. See A.28-A.31. E.22, £.23 Correspondence re arrangements for lecture including publication, 1972- 1974. 2 folders. E.24-E.28 Manuscript and typescript drafts of Review Lecture. 5 folders. E.29-E.32 General correspondence and papers, 1973-1991. E.29 E.30 E.31 E.32 1973-1976. 1977-1979. 1980-1984. 1985, 1987-1989, 1991. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 132 Societies and organisations E.33 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS 1970-1984 Bacon waselected a Fellow of the Society in 1970. E.33 Correspondence and papers, 1970-1971, 1976, 1979, 1984. Includes papers re Symposium on Renewable Sourcesof Energy in 1976. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 133 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.38 F.1-F.8 5th World Power Conference, Vienna, 17-23 June 1956. Bacon wasinvited to contribute a paper (jointly with J.S. Forrest, Director of the Laboratories, Central Electricity Authority) on ‘Recent Research in Great Britain on Fuel Cells’. F.1-F.7 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, preparation of conference paperetc. F.14 1955 May- June. F.2,F.3 1955 July. 2 folders. Include manuscript and typescript notes and drafts for paper. F.4 F.5 F.6 ed F.8 1955 August - December. 1956 January - April. 1956 May. 1956 June. Correspondencearising, July 1956 - August 1957, 1958, 1960. F.9, F.10 Visit to USA, September 1959. Bacon visited the USA to give a paper at a meeting of the American Chemical Society (see C.5-C.8). He also visited a number of research laboratories including G.E.C. Schenectady, New York and the National Carbon Company, Parma, Ohio. F.9 Invitations to visit research laboratories, background information re fuel cell interests of the Universal Winding Company, Cranston, Rhode Island. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 134 Visits and conferences F.10 Bacon’s manuscript and typescript notes on his visit. F.11-F.15 Visit to USA, 14 - 31 July 1961. Bacon visited the US to see the state of development of fuel cells. The organisations visited were: Batelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio; Research Laboratories Union Carbide, Parma, Cleveland, Ohio; Research Laboratories General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York; Leesona-Moos Laboratories, New York; Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, Connecticut; General Electric Company Aircraft Accessory Turbine Department, West Lynn, Massachusetts. F.11 Brief correspondence, manuscript notes re arrangements. F.12, F.13 ‘Report on Visit to U.S.A., from July 14th-31st. 1961; to see the Present State of Developmentof Fuel Cells’. F.12 F.13 F.14 F.15 F.16 24pp typescript by Bacon. Manuscript draft of report. Typescript notes on ‘S/M Power Plant’ with manuscript note at head offirst page ‘Typedout for J.CH.H[art]., from visit to U.S.A in July, 1961’. Notebook used by Baconduring USvisit. Visit to USA, March 1963. Bacon visited the USA to give a paper at a meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (See C.30-C.33). He also visited a number of firms and organisations including Leesona-Moos and Batelle Memorial Institute. Notebook used by Bacon during US visit. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 135 Visits and conferences F.17 Invitation declined: Sixth AGARD [Advisory and Development] Combustion and Propulsion Colloquium on ‘Energy Sources and Energy Conversion’, Cannes, France, 16-20 March 1964. Aeronautical Research Group for F.18-F.22 Visit to the USA, September 1965 Bacon visited the USA to give a paper at an American Chemical Society symposium (see C.50, C.51). He also visited a number of firms and organisations including Leesona-Moos and Pratt & Whitney. F.18 F.19 F.20 F.21 F.22 Correspondence re arrangements. Letters of thanks. Manuscript notes re arrangements, American Chemical Society meeting, etc; business cards received by Bacon during visit. Small format notebook used for ‘Sep. 1965 Miscellaneous Notes’. Small format notebook used for ‘Notes for Speech’. F.23, F.24 Visit to the USA, March 1967. Bacon visited the US to deliver the Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania (See C.64-C.67). He also visited a number of firms and organisations including Leesona-Moos, Pratt & Whitney and the General Electric Company. Correspondencere arrangements, correspondencearising. Small format notebook usedfor ‘Miscellaneous Notes Visit to U.S.A. March 1967’. F.23 F.24 F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 136 Visits and conferences F.25 29th AGARD [Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development] Propulsion and Energetics Panel meeting on ‘Performance Forecast of Selected Static Energy Conversion Devices’, Liége, Belgium, 12-16 June 1967. Correspondence re arrangements, programme, attendancelist etc. Folder also includes manuscript notes re AGARD meeting to be held in Brussels, October 1967 F.26-F.28 Visit to USA, 27 February - 6 March 1971. F.26 F.27 F.28 F.29 F.30 Baconvisited Pratt & Whitney, Institute of Gas Technology, Chicago and the Argonne National Laboratory. ‘Preliminary Conclusions drawn from visit to U.S.A., 27.2.71 to 6.3.71’. 5pp manuscript by Bacon. Bacon’s manuscript notes on his visit to the USA. to Pratt and Whitney, Hartford, of Gas ‘Visit Technology, Chicago and the Argonne National limited distribution report (Energy Conversion Ltd and United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) by G.T. Rogers, July 1971. Institute Laboratory’, Connecticut, Fourth International Symposium on Fuel Cells, Antwerp, Belgium, 2-3 October 1972. Bacon’s manuscript notes on conference papers or abstracts of papers, dated 24 October 1972. Symposium on Prospects for the Hydrogen Economy, Queen Mary College, University of London, 6 June 1974. Bacon gave a paper of the production of hydrogen by hydrolysis (see C.98- C.100). Bacon’s manuscript notes on proceedings. F.31, F.32 Joint Chemical Society/Society of Chemical Industry Conference on the Electrolytic Production of Hydrogen, City University, London, 25 and 26 February 1975. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 137 Visits and conferences F.31 F.32 F.33 F.34 Brief correspondence, programme, list of participants, Newsletter of the Electrochemistry Group of the Chemical Society (Spring 1975) with report on meeting. Bacon’s manuscript conference notes. Invitation declined: Ninth World Energy Conference, [Detroit, Michigan, ? September 1975]. International Future Energy Concepts, Electrical Engineers, London, 30 January - 1 February 1979. Conference on Institution of Brief correspondence, list of participants, Bacon’s manuscript notes on proceedings. F.35-F.38 5th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Toronto, Canada, 15-20 July 1984. Bacon gavethe keynote addressfor the Conversion andUtilisation Division. F.35, F.36 Correspondencere arrangements. 2 folders. F.37 F.38 Correspondencearising. Bacon’s manuscript ‘notes taken during reading of papers’; miscellaneous conferenceinformation. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 138 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.259 This section includes much of Bacon’s most important fuel cell correspondence and covers an exceptionally extended period 1933-1993. For long periods Bacon wrote mostofhis letters by hand. Nevertheless even when writing by hand he made carbon copies and thus his correspondence is unusually complete. His correspondence files also often include notes of telephone calls and meetings including those with visitors to his private home. There are other important fuel cell correspondencefiles in Section B Research. The correspondencein this section is presented as follows: G.1-G.43A ALPHABETICAL BY CORRESPONDENT G.44-G.185 FUEL CELL CORRESPONDENCE G.186-G.221 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE G.222-G.251 MISCELLANOUS CORRESPONDENCE G.252-G.259 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 139 Correspondence G.1-G.43A ALPHABETICAL BY CORRESPONDENT 1952-1993 Contents of Bacon’s files with namedindividuals. G.1-G.25 Evans, U.R. 1965-1977, 1980 Evans was Emeritus Reader in the Science of Cambridge University. Metallic Corrosion, In 1967 he became a Consultant to Energy Conversion Ltd. Correspondence re fuel cells and general energy questions including copies of Evans’s correspondence and reports written in connexion with his consultancy work and Bacon’s notes of meetings with Evans. 1965 July - December. 1966 January - February. Includes copy of report ‘A Practical Fuel Cell. Tentative suggestions by U.R. Evans’ sent to J.G. Waller of the National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), February 1966. 1966 March. Includes draft report ‘Fuel Cell Prospects’ by Evans, Bacon’s manuscript notes on Evans’s proposals and Evans’s report ‘An Economic Fuel Cell’ sent to Waller of the NRDC. 1966 April - June. Includes Appendix to Evans’s report ‘An Economic Fuel Cell’. 1966 July - December. Includes copy of paper by Evans ‘Corrosion Cells and Fuel Cells’ which was also sent to A.D.S. Tantram of Energy Conversion Ltd (ECL). 1967. Includes Bacon’s notes of meetings with Evans, copies of Evans’s letters to Tantram and J.C.H. Hart of ECL, synopsis of talk by Evans for fuel cell symposium held at ECL and draft paper for Nature based on talk ‘The Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen in Fuel Cells and Corrosion Cells’. G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G.5 G6 F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 140 Correspondence G.7 G.8 G.9 G.10 G.12 G.13 1968 January. Includes copies of Evans’s report ‘A Near-Neutral Fuel Cell with Special Reference to a Total-Energy System’ and copiesof his letters to Tantram. 1968 March. Generation’ and ‘A General-Purpose Fuel Cell’. Includes copies of Evans’s reports ‘The Fuel Cell in Power 1968 April - June. Includes copies of Evans’s report ‘Choice of Fuel for Primary Cells’ and copies of his letters to Tantram; also photocopy of his Nature paper (see G.6). 1968 July - September. Includes copies of Evans’s report ‘Proposed Iron- Bromine Cell’ and copies of his letters to Tantram and A.B. Hart of the Central Electricity Research Laboratories. 1968 October - December. Includes copies of Evans’s reports ‘Pit-Mouth Fuel Cell’ and ‘Basic Requirements of a Compact Accumulator and copies of his letters to Tantram, A.B. Hart and Lord Energlyn of the Nottingham University Geology Department. Includes copies of Evans’s reports ‘Possible 1969 January - March. of Sudden Improvement Improvement of Performance of Oxygen Electrode High Alkali Concentrations’ and copies of letters from R. Weck to Evans and Evansto Tantram. ‘Cause at Catalysis’ of Shift-Reaction and 1969 April - August. Includesinvitation from King’s College Cambridge to a luncheon in honour of the eightieth birthday of Evans and ‘Two Eightieth Birthdays’ article from Br. Corros. J. re Evans (and W.H.J. Vernon); also copies of Evans’s letters to Tantram and correspondence between Evans and J.P. Hoare of the General Motors Corporation Research Laboratories. 1969 September - December. 1970 January - June. Cathodic Reduction of Oxygen’. Includes draft report by Evans ‘Mechanism of the F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 141 Correspondence G.16 G.17 G.20 G.21 G.22 G.23 G.24 G.25 1970 July, August. Includes copies of Evans’s reports ‘Basic requirements of a compact accumulator and ‘Possibility of using compact metal in electrodes where porous metal is used at present.’ 1970 September - December. Includes copy of Evans’s report ‘A light lead accumulator for electric cars and copies of Evans’s letters to J.G. Bannochie of ECL and M.A. Pound of Le Carbone (G.B.). 1971 January - March. 1971 April. Accumulator for Vehicles’. See G.20 for later version of this report. Includes copy of Evans’s report ‘The Problem of the Light 1971 May. Includes further version of Evans’s report ‘ The Problem of the Light Accumulator for Vehicles’. See also G.19. 1971 June. Includes copy of Evans’s report ‘Possible improvements of the Bacon Cell’ and copy of Evans’sletter to G.T. Rogers of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. 1971 July - November. Includes copy of Evans's letter to Rogers re the end of his Consultancy in September and letter to Tantram sending copy of report on the problem of the light accumulator for vehicles. See G.20. 1972-1974. Cranfield Institute of Technology and J.R. Maddox, MaddoxEditorial Ltd. Includes copies of Evans’s letters to B.B. Hundy of the 1975. College, Cambridge and R. Eden, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. Includes copies of Evans's letters to A.H. Cottrell, Master, Jesus 1976-1977, 1980. Includes copy of Evans’s letter to Sir Christopher Cockerell re Cockerell’s letter to The Times, 21 December 1976, re solar, wind and wave sourcesof power. 1980 item is obituary of Evans from The Times. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 142 Correspondence G.26-G.38A Fry, T. M. 1952-1988 and Bacon were at the Admiralty colleagues Fry Experimental Establishment, Fairlie, Ayrshire during the Second World War. Fry was one of Bacon’s oldest associates in the fuel cell work, helping him in the role of scientific adviser during the early years of the fuel cell development when Fry worked at the Atomic the work was based at Cambridge University. Energy Research a Consultant to Energy Conversion Ltd. 1964-1971 and then Scientific Adviser to Associated Nuclear Services, consulting engineers. and was subsequently Establishment, Harwell, G.26 G.27 G.28 G.29 G.30 G.31 G.32 G.33 See also B.215-B.228. 1952-1959. 1961, 1963-1966. Includes text by Fry of proposedlecture on ‘Fuel Cells’ at a Symposium on Direct Conversion, Woolwich Polytechnic, London, 29-30 March 1965. 1967-1968. Includes ‘Fuel Cell Long Range Policy and Planning. Detailed breakdown of Phase 1’ signed by Fry and dated 31 December 1968. 1969-1971. 1972 February - April. notesre article for New Scientist on non-fossil chemical fuels. Includes correspondence and Bacon’s manuscript 1972 May. Includes correspondence re New Scientist article and ‘Draft of 14th May 1972’ and ‘Draft of 22nd May 1972’ of the article entitled ‘Hydrogen from Nuclear Energy - The Next Major Fuel?’. 1972 June. Includes ‘Draft of 1st June 1972’ and ‘Draft of 10 June 1972’ of New Scientistarticle. 1972 July - December. Includeslist of names and addresses of those to be sent New Scientist reprints and correspondence re preparation of Bacon’s 1973 Review Lecture on Fuel Cells for the Royal Society (see E.22-E.28, G.34). F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 143 Correspondence G.34 G.35 G.36 G.37 1973. Continuing correspondence re Royal Society Review Lecture, correspondence and papers re Bacon’s Melchett Lecture for Institute of Fuel (see C.94-C.97) and draft of Fry’s article for Financial Times, which was to form part of a supplement on power storage. 1974. Includes correspondence re paper on fuel cells for 9th World Energy Conference. The initial invitation was to Bacon who suggested Fry as speaker. 1975. Includes letter of support from Fry in connexion with application by Bacon for a NASA award for scientific and technical contribution (see A.32- A.36, G.37). 1976. Includes correspondence re Bacon’s Bruno Breyer Memorial Lecture at the Fourth Australian Electrochemistry Conference (C.111-C.117), the NASAaward, etc G.38 1977-1982, 1985-1988. G.38A ‘Fuel Cell Power Sources their development-status and prospects’ review paper prepared by Fry for the Senior Energy Adviser, United Nations Energy Programme, 12 October 1974. G.39 Marshall, A.G.G. 1988, 1991, 1993 Marshall was head of the Cambridge engineering firm Marshalls of Cambridge Ltd where development work on the fuel cell was carried out in association with the National Research and Development Corporation. Bacon’s letters to Sir Arthur Marshall February - October 1991 sent to K.R. Williams (Bacon’s Royal Society memorialist) to show that Bacon ‘retained his interest in fuel cells right up to the end’. Bacon died 24 May 1992. 1993 item is letter from Marshall to Williams enclosing copies of letters from Bacon to J. Huntridge, July, August 1988. Huntridge was the boss of J. C. Frost, the Marshalls of Cambridge Ltd engineer in charge of the fuel cell project during Bacon’s time with the Company. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 144 Correspondence G.40-G.43A Watson, R.G.H. 1956-1971 Watson wasan electrochemist who joined the fuel cell team in November 1951 when it was based at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Cambridge University. He later worked at the Admiralty Materials Laboratory, Poole, Dorset and did consultancy work in respect of the fuel cell project. 1956-1957. Includes copy of Bacon’s report ‘Details of Research and Development Work for the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 16 January 1957, with manuscript comments by Watson. 1958-1959. Includes Bacon’s notes re meetings with Watson, advice from Watson. 1960-1962. Includes Bacon’s notes re meetings with Watson, advice from Watson. G.40 G.41 G.42 G.43 1963-1971. G.43A Papers found with Watson correspondenceincluding ‘Loss Analysis Charts’ and ‘The Oxidation of Nickel in the Bacon Cell’ by Watson, n.d. G.44-G.185 FUEL CELL CORRESPONDENCE 1933-1991 Contents of Bacon’s correspondence files chronological order. inscribed ‘Fuel Cell’. In This is Bacon’s principal sequence of fuel cell correspondence. After 1951 Bacon appearsto have divided his fuel cell correspondence into a number of chronological sequences andthere is a gap of three years 1952-1954 in See, however, the ‘Personal’ the ‘Fuel Cell’ sequence presented here. correspondence the ‘Miscellaneous’ correspondence which begins in 1953 (G.222-G.251) Both these sequencesrelate to Bacon’sfuel cell interests. (G.186-G.221) 1952 and which begins in Up to 1951 the ‘fuel cell’ sequence includes Bacon’s correspondence with sponsors of his fuel cell work such as Merz and McLellan and the Electrical Research Association and suppliers such as Johnson Matthey & Company Ltd and the Mond Nickel Company Ltd. Later correspondence with the ERA, 1952-1976, and other sponsors such as the National Research DevelopmentCorporation is to found in Section B Research. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 145 Correspondence G.44, G.45 Lists of expenses, receipts, 1933-1942. 2 folders. 1937 August - December. 1938 January - September. 1938 October - December. 1939 January - February. 4939 March - May. 1939 June - July. 1939 August. 1939 September - October. 1939 November- December. 1940 January - March. 1940 April - June. 1940 July - August. G.46 G.47 G.48 G.49 G.50 G.51 G.52 G.53 G.54 G.55 G.56 G.57 F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 146 Correspondence 1940 September - December. 1941 January - March. 1941 April - July. 1941 August - December. 1942 January - February. 1942 March. 1942 April. 1942 May- July. 1943 June - December. 1944 January - June. 1944 July - September. 1944 October - December. G.58 G.59 G.60 G.61 G.62 G.63 G.64 G.65 G.66 G.67 G.68 G.69 G.70 1945 January - March. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 147 Correspondence G.71 1945 April - June. Includes Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 3pp manuscript dated 23 April 1945. ‘Technical Statement Concerning Proposal to develop the G.72 1945 July, August. Includes ‘The Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 6pp manuscript dated 20 August 1945 and 4pptypescript version. G.73 G.74 1945 September - December. 1946 January. ‘Technical Statement Concerning Includes to develop the Hydrogen - Oxygen Cell’, 6pp manuscript draft dated 30 January 1946 and 5pp typescript version. Proposal G.75 1946 February - April. Includes manuscript list of firms, research institutions and individuals approached by Bacon in respect of the hydrogen - oxygen cell and notes on his proposed research. G.76 G.77 G.78 G.79 1946 May- June. 1946 July - September. 1946 October - December. 1947 January - March. Includes list of ‘sundry expenses’ incurred by Bacon November 1946 - March 1947. G.80 1947 April - June. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 148 Correspondence G.81 1947 July - September. G.82 1947 October - December. G.83 1948 January - February. Includes drawings of equipment. G.84 1948 March- April. Includes drawings of equipment. G.85 1948 May. G.86 1948 June - August. Includes lists of expenses, December 1947 - June 1948 and June 1948 - August 1948. G.87 1948 September- October. G.88 1948 November. Includeslist of expenses, August - November 1948. G.89 1948 December. Includeslist of expenses, November - December 1948. G.90 1949 January - February. Includes drawings of equipment. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 149 Correspondence G.91 1949 March - April. Includeslist of expenses, December 1948 - April 1949. G.92 1949 May. Includes ‘Application for Provisional Patent on Bacon’s H2-O>2 Cell’, 3pp typescript and ‘Comments by Mr Bacon on Draft of the Proposed Patent Concerning H2-02 Cell Electrodes’, 3pp typescript. G.93 1949 June. Includes ‘Some Notes on Crystallographic Work on Oxides Collected at the Conversazione at G.E.C. Research Laboratories on June 21st’, 4pp typescript sent to Bacon bythe Electrical Research Association and notes of discussion at the Electrical Research Association Laboratory, 29 June 1949, on Bacon’s work on the hydrogen oxygen fuel cell, 4pp typescript. G.94 1949 July. Includeslist of expenses, April - July 1949. G.95 1949 August. Includes printed material re compressed gases. G.96 1949 September - October. Includeslist of expenses, July - October 1949, ‘4. Summary of Performance Achieved’, 1p manuscript and ‘Lost Current in the H2-O2 Cell. Note by Mr Daniel’, 1p typescript. G.97 G.98 1949 November. 1949 December. Includeslist of expenses, October - December 1949. G.99 1950 January. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 150 Correspondence G.100 1950 February. G.101 1950 March. G.102 1950 April. G.103 1950 May. G.104 1950 June. Includes list of expenses December 1949 - June 1950. G.105 1950 July - August. G.106 1950 September. Includes accountof fuel cell exhibit at British Association meeting. G.107 1950 October. G.108 1950 November. G.109 1950 December. G.110 1951 January. Includeslist of expenses, June 1950 - January 1951. G.111 1951 February. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 151 Correspondence G.112 1951 March. G.113 1951 April - May. G.114 1951 June. G.115 1951 July. Includeslist of expenses, January - July 1951. G.116 1951 August - September. G.117 1951 October. Includeslist of expenses, July - September 1951. G.118 1951 November. G.119 1951 December. Includes research data. G.120 1955 - 1957. Includes duplicated and typescript papers re fuelcells. G.121 1958. G.122 1959. G.123 1960 January - June. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 152 Correspondence G.124 1960 July - December. Includes notes on visits and meetings. G.125 1961 January - June. Includes notes on the literature, notes on visits and meetings. G.126 1961 July - December. Includes notesof visits and meetings. G.127 1962 January - June. Includes notes on the literature, notes on visit to B.P. Research Centre, notes Society lectures, Conversazione, etc. papers exhibit re fuel re cell at Royal G.128 1962 July - December. Includes notes on visits and meetings. G.129 1963 January - March. Includes notes on visits and photographofa ‘trailer for liquid Helium’. G.130 1963 April - June. G.131 1963 July - September. Includes notes on the literature etc. G.132 1963 October - November. Includes notes on visits. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 153 Correspondence G.133 1964 January - June. G.134 1964 July - December. Includes notes on the literature and notes on visits and meetings including ‘Demonstration at Admiralty, Min. Defence.’ G.135 1965. G.136 1966. G.137 1967. Includes notes on the literature. G.138 1968. G.139 1969. G.140 1970 January - June. G.141 1970 July - December. G.142 1971 January, May - October. G.143 1971 November- December. Includes programme and manuscript notes and draft report on ‘Visit to Professor Justi at the Institute for Technical Physics at the Technical University, Braunschweig, Western Germany, November 17th to 19th, 1971, by F.T. Bacon’. G.144 1972 January - April. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 154 Correspondence G.145 1972 May - August. Includes biographical details of Bacon, list ‘Accomplishmentsin the field of Electrochemical Science and Corrosion’. of published papers and G.146 1972 September - December. G.147 1973 January - June. G.148 1973 July - December. G.149 1974 January - June. G.150 1974 July - December. G.151 1975 January - June. G.152 1975 July - October. G.153 1975 November- December. G.154 1976 January - June. G.155 1976 July - December. G.156 1977 January - June. G.157 1977 July - December. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 155 Correspondence G.158 1978. G.159 1979. G.160 1980 April - September. G.161 1980 October - December. Includes Bacon’s manuscript notes of Royal Society meeting on ‘Prospects for Industrial Electrochemistry’, 10 and 11 December 1980. G.162 1981 January - March. G.163 1981 April - June. G.164 1981 July - September. Includes Bacon’s manuscript notes re ‘Electric Vehicle Development Group Fourth International Conference & Demonstration entitled Hybrid, Dual Mode & Tracked Systems. (15th - 16th Sept. 1981)’. G.165 1981 October - December. G.166 1982 January. G.167 1982 February - April. Includes Bacon’s manuscript notes re meeting on fuel cells at the Royal Society, 8 February 1982. G.168 1982 May - June. Includes 5pp typescript draft (not by Bacon) ‘Hydrogen as an automotive fuel’, 8 May 1982. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 156 Correspondence G.169 1982 July - December. G.170 1983 January - April. G.171 1983 May- June. G.172 1983 July - December. G.173 1984. G.174 1985 January - June. G.175 1985 July - December. G.176 1986 January - June. G.177 1987 January - April. G.178 1987 May - August. G.179 1987 September- December. G.180 1988 January - June. G.181 1988 July - December. G.182 1989. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 157 Correspondence G.183 1990 January - June. G.184 1990 September- December. G.185 1991 G.186-G.221 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1952-1991 Contents of Bacon’s correspondencefiles inscribed ‘Personal’. Despite the designation ‘Personal’ thesefiles relate to a very considerable degree to Bacon’s fuel cell interests. G.186 1952-1953. G.187 1954. G.188 1955 January - August. G.189 1955 September - December. G.190 1956-1957. G.191 1958-1959. G.192 1960. G.193 1961. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 158 Correspondence G.194 1962. Includes correspondence re Bacon’s ‘Service Agreement’ with Energy Conversion Limited. G.195 1963-1964. G.196 1965 January - May. G.197 1965 June - December. Includes letters of congratulation on the award of the S.G. Brown Award and Medal by the Royal Society. G.198 1966 January - June. G.199 1966 July - December. G.200 1967 January - February. Includes letters of congratulation on appointment to the Order of the British Empire (OBE). See also A.23-A.25. G.201 1967 April - December. G.202 1968. G.203 1969 January - June. G.204 1969 July - October. Includes correspondencere visit of Apollo 11 astronauts to the UK. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 159 Correspondence G.205 1969 November - December. Includes notes for Bacon’s speech for senior staff Christmas Dinner, Marshall of Cambridge. G.206 1970. G.207 1971. Includes notes for Bacon’s speech at Prize-Giving at All Hallows Junior School, 22 October. G.208 1972 January - September. Includes notification of award of the Churchill Gold Medal Award by the Society of Engineers. G.209 1972 October - December. Includes correspondence and papers re presentation of Churchill Gold Medal Awardincluding Bacon’s speech of thanks. G.210 1973 January - February. Includes notes on ‘Visit to Cape Kennedy for the launch of Apollo 17 on 6th December 1972’. G.211 1973 March - December. G.212 1974. G.213 1975. G.214 1976. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 160 Correspondence G.215 1977. G.216 1978. Includes copy of questionnaire on the education and training of engineers, with Bacon’s answers. G.217 1979. G.218 1980-1983. G.219 1984-1986. G.220 1987-1988. G.221 1989-1991. G.222-G.251 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1953-1973 Contents of Bacon’s correspondencefiles inscribed ‘Miscellaneous’. These files relate to Bacon’s fuel cell interests and include requests for information, requests for reprints, invitations for Bacon to write, lecture etc. G.222 1953-1954. G.223 1955. G.224 1956-1957. G.225 1958. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 161 Correspondence G.226 1959 January - March. G.227 1959 April - June. G.228 1959 July - October. G.229 1959 November- December. G.230 1960 January - March. G.231 1960 April - June. G.232 1960 July - September. G.233 1960 October - December. G.234 1961 January - March. G.235 1961 April - May. G.236 1961 June. Principally correspondence and papersre British Hydromechanics Research Association Open Days. G.237 1961 July - September. G.238 1961 October - December. F.T.Bacon NCUACS 68/697 162 Correspondence G.239 1962 January - April. G.240 1962 May - December. G.241 1963 January - May. G.242 1963 July - December. G.243 1964 January - June. G.244 1964 July - December. G.245 1965. G.246 1966. G.247 1967-1968. G.248 1969 January - June. G.249 1969 July - December. G.250 1970. G.251 1971-1973. F.T.Bacon NCUACS68/697 163 Correspondence G.252-G.259 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1954-1990 G.252-G.258 Contents of Bacon’s ‘Personnel’ files: correspondence and papers re appointment of research workers to the fuel cell project and references and recommendations for researchersin the fuel cell field. 1954-1988. G.252 1954. G.253 1956 -1960. G.254 1961 - 1962. G.255 1963 - 1969. G.256 1971 - 1972. G.257 1973 - 1975. G.258 1977 - 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988. G.259 Recommendations etc for Japan Prize, 1984-1990. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 164 SECTION H NON-PRINT MATERIAL H.1-H.26 H.1-H.23 PHOTOGRAPHS H.24-H.26 MISCELLANEOUS F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 165 Non-print material H.1-H.23 PHOTOGRAPHS H.1-H.7 People H.8-H.14 Equipment H.15-H.19 Lectures and publications H.20-H.23 Publicity material H.1-H.7 People ca 1950s-ca 1991, n.d. Bacon appears in almostall of the following photographs, both on his own and in the companyofothers. H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 Photographs[taken during visit to USA], ca.1965. 1969. Photographs taken at a Society of Engineers Dinner, 1972. Photographs taken at the 4th Australian Electrochemistry Conference (see also C.111-C.117); photographs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Award for Scientific and Technical Contribution to Bacon (see also A.32-A.36). 1976. presentation of the Photograph album, including intercalated photograph, [?re visit to Johnson Matthey], ca 1980s. ca 1991. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 166 Non-print material H.7 Undated photographs, including photographs from 1950s. H.8-H.14 Equipment 1957-1959, n.d. H.8-H.11 Photographs and drawings of equipment, identified by annotations on envelopes, labels etc. H.8 1958-1959. H.9-H.14 N.d. 3 folders. H.12-H.14 Unidentified photographs. H.12 May 1957. H.13, H.14 N.d. 2 folders. H.15-H.19 Lectures and publications 1956-1978 Photographic materials relating to lectures and publications by Bacon. The annotations on the envelopes in which they were found have been reproducedin the entries below where relevant. H.15 H.16 Photographs and diagrams for article in The Times Science Review, 1956. Small proofs for American Chemical Society lecture, June 1959. F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 167 Non-print material H.17 Photograph for Philadelphia lecture, [16 March 1967]. See also C.64-C.67. H.18 Photographsetc. relating to the Melchett Lecture, [8 November] 1973. See also C.94-C.97. H.19 ‘Photos and negs. for Seattle lecture’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. 1978. See also E.8-E.16. H.20-H.23 Publicity material 1963-1968, n.d. This material consists of photographs demonstrating fuel cell development. They have been arranged according to the organisations which sent them. H.20 H.21 General Electric Company, 1963. Shell Research Limited, 1964. H.22, H.23 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, 1966, 1968, n.d. 2 folders F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 168 Non-print material H.24-H.26 MISCELLANEOUS 1955-1956, 1959, n.d. H.24 H.25 H.26 Card index box of metal or treated metal samples and film strips. Each sample and film strip is in an envelope with manuscript identification, sometimes including date. 1955-1956. 35mm. film in metal tin labelled ‘40 cell demo’, 1959. Box of slides, n.d. F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 169 ABE,Satsuki ACADEMIC PRESS,INC G.173 C.34 ACCUMALATOREN-FABRIK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT B.938, B.939, B.976, B.982 ADAM, Neil Kensington ADAMS, A.M. B.638 B.973, B.1163-B.1165, C.34, C.36, C.40, C.44, C.134, F.1, F.4, G.107, G.108, G.116 ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron A.29 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL B.340, B.342, E.1-E.5 AGAR, John Newton AGNEW,Hugh Ladas AGRELL,S.O. AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND (EUROPEAN OFFICE) ALDOUS,Alan ALEXANDER,PaulJ. ALKALINE BATTERIES LTD ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward ALLIS-CHALMERS MANUFACTURING CO. ALLMAND,Arthur John ALLMAND, Christopher ALLMAND, Dorothy AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AMERICAN CYANAMID CO. B.142, B.143, B.333, B.957, B.961, C.132, D.47, D.48, G.75, G.147, G.183, G.186, G.197, G.224, G.244 See also B.113, B.145, C.83, G.127, G.134, G.161, G.230 G.202 G.208 B.978 See G.183 G.148, G.150 B.937, B.939, B.941, B.973, G.103-G.108 See B.144 B.875, C.34, G.135 See also G.230 G.47, G.61, G.67, G.68, G.71, G.72, G.75, G.77 Seealso B.55, B.127, G.57 A.36, C.113 C.155 C.5 B.1091-B.1093, C.31 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 170 Index of correspondents AMERICANINSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS ANDERSON, John, 1st Viscount Waverley ANDERSON, JohnT. ANDERSON, John Stuart ANDREW,Maurice R. ANGLIA TELEVISION LTD ANGUS, H.C. APPLEBY,A. John APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor A.P.V. CO. LTD ARCHER,Mary Doreen (Lady Archer) ARMOUR RESEARCH FOUNDATION ARNOLD,H.R. ARTHURD. LITTLE INC. C.30, C.31 G.187 B.875-B.877, F31 B.942 G.147, G.148 C.142 B.1171 B.995, C.113, E.9, E.10, E.14, G.147, G.156-G.158, G.160-G.162, G.164, G.170-G.173, G.182 See also G.176 G.62, G.64 G.103, G.104, G.109 G.158, G.159, G.164, G.177, G.183, G.220 Seealso E.21, G.162 B.636, B.637, B.894 B.636 B.973, B.974 ASEA ALLMANNA SVENSKA ELEKTRISKA AKTIEBOLAGET B.638, G.136 ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES (MANCHESTER) LTD B.638, G.232-G.234 ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES (RUGBY) LTD ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LTD ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT C.148 B.978 B.637, B.942, B.1054- B.1056, B.1145, B.1176- B.1181, E.9, E.10 AUSTIN CROMPTON PARKINSON ELECTRIC VEHICLES LTD B.982, B.983 AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LTD BACKHOUSE,J. B.972, B.978 B.969 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 BACON, Anthony W. BACON, Barbara Index of correspondents BACON, Charles BACON, Sir Edmund Castell, 13th and 14th Baronet BAGLEY,Donald BAJ VICKERS LTD BAKER,Bernard S. BAKER, Henry E. BAKER,John Fleetwood, Baron BANNOCHIE,J.G. BARAK, Monty BARNARD,K.N. BARNES,Robert S. BARNES, S.C. BARRER,Richard Malling BARTLEY, George A.S. 171 G.49 See also G.192 A.32, A.33, C.112, G.209, G.210 See also B.1109, B.1181, G.146, G.192, G.197, G.204 G.213 G.186-G.193, G.195-G.197, G.199, G.206, G.216, G.218, G.219 B.948 B.1039 See also BRISTOL AEROJETS LTD C.50 B.1038, B.1039, B.1050, B.1153, G.56, G.61, G.63, G.64, G.71, G.73, G.77, G.78, G.80, G.82-G.84, G.88, G.91, G.95, G.99- G.102, G.109, G.173, G.177, G.179, G.186, G.206, G.208, G.210, G.212, G.216-G.221 C.133, F.37, G.75, G.92, G.93, G.217 B.1056, B.1177, B.1178, G.147, G.155, G.156, G.213 See also G.17 B.933, B.938-B.941, B.973, C.31, C.48, C.56,G.107, G.108, G.149, G.210 See also B.621, C.55, C.60, F.34, G.148 G.224 B.1056 G.129, G.130 G.252 G.50 BATTELLE CENTRE DE RECHERCHE DE GENEVE B.986, B.1045, B.1094 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 172 Index of correspondents BATTELLE INSTITUTE LTD BATTELLE MEMORIALINSTITUTE BAUMGARDNER,Fanning M. BAWN, C.E.H. BEAMA JOURNAL BEARD, JamesR. BECCU,K.D. BEECH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION BEEN,Julian F. BEER,J.M. G.143, G.144 B.620, G.235, G.236 B.280, G.191, G.253 See also B.277 G.252 B.136, C.128-C.130, C.132, C.137, G.138, G.223, G.233 G.65 B.1045, B.1048, B.1094 B.1014 A.35 C.55, C.56 BELLS ASBESTOS AND ENGINEERING LTD B.962, B.963, G.60, G.62, G.79, G.80 BENNION, Douglas N. BERKOVITCH, I. BERL, Walter G. BIDWELL,R.G. Shelford BIEGLER, T. BILLERBECK,W.J. BILSLAND,Sir Steven BISCHOFF,AlexanderG. BLACK,William Rushton, Baron BLAKE, Alan R. BLOMGREN, Erik A. E.8,E.14 C.139 B.916 C.102 C.112 See B.1062 G.68, G.69 G.238, G.239 B.299 B.1098 B.639, C.151 Index of correspondents F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 BOCKRIS, John O'M. BODE,H. BOEING AIRPLANECO. BOLDRINI, Marcello BORMAN, Frank BOSCAWEN, Evelyn Hugh, 8th Viscount Falmouth BOSCAWEN, Robert BOWEN, C.E. BOWERS, J.E. 173 B.1008, B.1011, B.1012, B.1034, B.1038, B.1056, C.64, C.65, C.111-C.113, F.18, F.19, F.37, G.135, G.140, G.141, G.144, G.145, G.148-G.150, G.174-G.183, G.188, G.189 See also B.153 B.637, B.938, B.939, B.976, B.978, G.225 See also B.285 G.226 C.148 G.206 G.64 G.218 G.71 B.1078, G.190 See also B.94, B.96, B.100, B.101, B.106, B.109, B.110 BOWLBY,Sir Anthony Hugh Mostyn, 2nd Baronet B.665 BOYD, Mark Lennox- BP CHEMICALCO. BP VENTURES BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRAGG, Sir William Lawrence BRAUNHOLTZ, W.T.K. BREGMAN, J.I. BRIGHT, James BRISTOL AEROJET LTD B.1067, B.1070 G.128 B.1077 B.1012 C.9, C.129, G.71, G.72, G.75, G.206 G.65 B.894, G.128, G.129 G.248, G.249 B.1016, B.1036, B.1038 See also BAJ VICKERS LTD BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE C.82, C.83 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 174 Index of correspondents BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION C.140-C.144, C.153-C.158, See also B.149 BRITISH CHEMICAL ENGINEERING C.139 BRITISH COAL UTILISATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATION G.51, G.67, G.68 BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH ELECTRICAL AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BRITISH ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY BRITISH ERMETO CORPORATION LTD BRITISH HYDROMECHANICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION G.236 See ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION B.1162, B.1163, G.111, G.119 G.111 G.236 BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDER’S CABLES LTD B.962, B.963 BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD BRITISH PETROLEUM CO. LTD BRITISH RAILWAYS BOARD BRITISH ROPES LTD B.620, B.911, B.947-B.950, B.955, B.957, B.1008- B.1010, G.89-G.91, G.96, G.107-G.109, G.118 B.644, B.645, B.647, B.648, B.650, B.952, B.1061, C.24, C.25, E.14, G.126, G.127 B.985 B.644-B.646, B.662 See also B.649, B.658 BRITISH RUBBER PRODUCERS’ RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BRITISH SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY TRUST B.966 B.1131 BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION G.51, G.54 BRITISH STEEL CORPORATION BRITISH TECHNOLOGY GROUP BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTONCO. LTD BRITISH UNITED TRACTION LTD B.1056 B.304, B.306-B.308 B.972, B.975 B.983 BRITISH WELDING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION B.620, B.945, G.99 BROECK,H. van den G.162-G.165, G.167, G.170, G.173, G.176, G.184 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 175 Index of correspondents BROERS,G.H.J BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY BROWN, BOVERI & CO. LTD BROWN, David E. BROWNE, Benjamin Chapman BROWNELL,Lloyd E. BRUNDRETT,Sir Frederick BRUNT,Sir David B.S.A. GROUP RESEARCH CENTRE BUDDEN, Kenneth George BUDENBERG GAUGE CO. LTD BURROWS, R. BUSSE, JamesG. BXL BAKELITE XYLONITE LTD CAIRNS,E.J. CALDECOTE,Robert Andrew Inskip, 2nd Viscount CALDER,Nigel David Ritchie CAMBRIDGE EVENING NEWS CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENTCO. LTD CAMBRIDGE NEWS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING SOCIETY CAMERON, Donald S. CAMERON, H. Keith See G.123 B.1095, B.1101 B.639, G.126, G.128, G.129, G.136 B.1061, E.14 G.75 G.227, G.228 See G.94 B.1164 B.945, B.946, G.110, G.111, G.116-G.119 G.220 G.49, G.76, G.78, G.84, G.85, G.90, G.91, G.100, G.104, G.111-G.113, G.118, G.119 B.636 G.226 B.1023, B.1024 G.135 See INSKIP C.141 C.158 See also C.163 B.162, G.88, G.112, G.113, G.116, G.119 C.152, C.153 C.148, C.149 B.1117, B.1120, B.1126-B.1131 B.637, B.971, B.972, G.107, G.204, G.226 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 176 Index of correspondents CAMPBELL,Wilson William C.A. PARSONS & CO. LTD CARBORUNDUMCO. LTD CASAZZA,J.A. CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY CENTRAL ELECTRICTY GENERATING BOARD CHAMBERS, H.H. CHANDLER,William A. CHAPLIN, Michael R. CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CHEMICAL PROCESSING CHEMISTRYIN BRITAIN CHESTERFIELD TUBE CO. CHESTERS, John Hugh CHICAGO BRIDGE AND IRON CO. CHLORIDE BATTERIES LTD CHLORIDE ELECTRICAL STORAGE CO. LTD B.1157, B.1158 B.971, C.142, C.143, C.145, C.146, G.47, G.50, G.55, G.56, G.73, G.74, G.101, G.191, G.230, G.231, G.233 G.115, G.116 B.1062 B.973, B.1164, B.1165, C.34, C.36, C.40, C.44, C.48, C.134, C.135 B.1096-B.1100 B.1172-B.1174 B.1014 G.247 C.129 G.150 C.136 C.153 B.951 B.898, C.94, C.95 See also E.17 G.135 G.107, G.108 B.621, B.933, B.938-B.940, B.973, G.65, G.69 CHURCHILL, Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-, Baroness G.209 CITY UNIVERSITY CJB CONSTRUCTORS JOHN BROWN LTD CJB DEVELOPMENTS LTD CJB (PROJECTS) LTD B.1101-B.1104 B.1083-B.1086 B.876, B.877, B.1123, F.31 B.875 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 177 Index of correspondents CLEARE, MichaelJ. CLEAVER, A.V. CLOVER, Charles CLOW,Colin G. COALES,JohnFlavell COATES, George L.A. COCKERELL,Sir Christopher Sydney COHN, Emst M. COHN, G. COMSAT COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION CONNORS,John W.(‘Jack’) CONSIGLIO, Joe A. CONSOLIDATED EDISON CO. OF NEW YORK,INC. CONWAY,C.G. COOKE, Edmund A. COOKSON, Roland COOPER,A.R. CORK,Dennis CORLETT,Roy C. CORRINGHAM, A.F.M. COSTAIN-JOHN BROWN LTD COTTON, Arthur F.R. COTTON, J.B. B.1117 B.1012, B.1014, G.149 G.181 B.1177, B.1178, C.90 See also C.82 B.1060, E.7, G.200, G.206, G.216 B.1159-B.1161 A.30, A.36 See also G.25 B.1008, G.138-G.141, G.145-G.157, G.159, G.170, G.174, G.201, G.202 G.133 B.1016 See also B.1062 B.1141-B.1143 G.132 B.1120 B.1162- B.1165, G.117-G.119 B.1110 G.69, G.70 B.1162 G.170-G.172, G.211 B.1065-B.1076, G.180 B.663-B.665 B.869, B.870 G.187, G.188 B.1114 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 178 Index of correspondents COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS COURTAULD, August COX,Sir (Ernest) Gordon CRAWLEY,H. John CRITCHLEY,Michael CROFT,AnthonyJ. CROMPTON PARKINSON LTD CUNLIFFE, Hon. Geoffrey CUNNINGHAM, Max CURTISS-WRIGHT CORPORATION DAGLISH, A.G. DAILY TELEGRAPH DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DALE, B.W. DANCKWERTS, PeterVictor DAVID BROWN INDUSTRIES LTD DAVIDSON, H.W. DAVIDSON, John Frank DAVIES, C.W. DAVIS,William J. DAVIS, Sir William Wellclose DAWSON, H.C. A.29 See also G.216 E.6, E.7 B.969 G.251 A.22, B.274-B.287, B.288- B.292, B.295-B.304, B.305, B.309-B.312, B.313-B.319, B.320-B.323, B.339, B.630, C.140, G.238 See also B.1127, C.83 C.101 B.1039, G.177, G.178 B.973, B.978 G.68 G.228, G.229 G.228 G.136 G.181 A.31, G.252 G.178 G.159, G.227, G.236 See also G.197 B.635, B.637 G.200 G.202, G.212, G.218 G.252 B.942, G.188, G.190 See also B.105, B.109 G.162, G.164, G.165 B.1111, B.1151 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 DAWSON, J.K. DAY, G.V. DEDRICK,J.H. DE HAVILLAND PROPELLERS LTD DELL, R.M. DENBIGH, Kenneth George DEUTSCHE BUNDESBAHN DEWAR,M.J.S. DIXON, Bemard DOLLIN, Frank DORAN, Trevor DOUGLAS, David L. DOWSON, Robert DOWTY SEALS LTD DUCKWORTH, JohnClifford DUNLOP RUBBERCO. LTD DUNWORTH, J.V. EAGLE-PICHER INDUSTRIES, INC. EASTERN GAS BOARD EDEN, Richard J EDEN, Roger EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CoO. LTD EDWARDS,Alfred E. 179 Index of correspondents B.1180, B.1181 B.1180 B.1034 B.972 B.1180, B.1181, E.9, E.10 A.28, A.29, C.113 B.872, B.891, B.893 G.187, G.252 C.158 G.74, G.191 B.1010 B.639, G.124-G.126, G.130, G.131 G.66 Seealso B.44 B.964 B.289, B.290, B.294, B.298, B.299, B.317-B.319, B.1067 B.966 C.134, C.136 B.1099 G.116 G.215 G.168 B.962-B.964 B.342, B.1139, B.1150- B.1152 EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM LTD B.1005 EGERTON, Sir Alfred Charles Glyn B.142, G.72-G.76, G.96, G.190 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 180 Index of correspondents E.1. DUPONT DE NEMOURS& CO. EISENBERG, Morris ELDREDGE,K.R. B.1116 G.225 G.118, G.119 ELECTRIC BOATDIVISION (GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION) B.977 ELECTRIC POWER STORAGELTD. G.141 ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION ELECTRICAL REVIEW ELECTRICITY COMMISSION ELECTRICITY COUNCIL ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY,INC. ELENCO N.V. ELEY, Daniel Douglas ELLINGHAM, H.J.T. ELLIOTT BROTHERS (LONDON) LTD EMELEUS,Harry Julius EMMERSON, T. ENERGY CONVERSION LTD ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION ENGELHARD INDUSTRIES, INC ENGELHARDINDUSTRIES LTD ENGELHARD SALES LTD THE ENGINEER B.133-B.147, B.148-B.153, B.910, B.936, B.947, B.971, C.133, F.2, G.74-G.119, G.197 C.161-C.163 G.72 B.339, B.1098-B.1100 C.146, C.147, D.1-D.6, E.8- E.16, G.224, G.225, G.239 G.162-G.165, G.167, G.170, G.173, G.176, G.184 G.151 B.43, B.136, B.183, G.54-G.56, G.96, G.97, G.98, G.187 G.126, G.132, G.133 G.225 See C.83 B.644-B.666, B.956, B.1010, B.1011, B.1045, B.1058, C.25, C.82, C.157, E.6, F.18, G.243 See also G.194 B.1017 B.956, G.133 G.170 G.150, G.152-G.154 C.163 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 181 Index of correspondents ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND DESIGN C.147 ENGLISH ELECTRIC CO. LTD ERICKSON, Claud R. ESPIG, Hans R. ESSO DEVELOPMENT Co. LTD ESSO PETROLEUM CO. LTD EULER,Karl-Joachim B.970-B.972, B.975, G.187, G.188, G.231 G.226-G.228, G.231, G.232 B.665, B.666, B.1058 C.136 B.971 G.137, G.142, G.150, G.159 EURATOM MATERIALSDIVISION B.1054, B.1056 EVANS, A.G. EVANS, G.A. EVANS,Ulick Richardson EVANS, William Davis, Baron Energlyn EVENING NEWS FAIRLEY,Peter FARADAY SOCIETY FELL, John R. FELLGETT, Peter Berners FELLOWS, T.G. FELLS,lan FENTON, Wilfrid David Drysdale FERGUSON BATTERY CO. LTD FESCOL LTD FICKETT, Amold P. FINANCIAL TIMES G.252 B.1012 A.29, B.942, B.977, C.128, G.1-G.25, G.105 See G.11 C.145 C.157 G.80, G.224 B.1070, G.126, G.132, G.133 A.30 B.301, B.302 A.37, G.159, G.161, G.165, G.166, G.168, G.175, G.176, G.178, G.179, G.184 B.1156 B.916 G.100, G.118 E.8, E.9, G.154 See also G.156 B.1031, C.151, C.160 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 182 Index of correspondents FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague B.1054, C.82, C.83, G.233 FISHER,Keith R. FLECK,Alexander, 1st Baron FLEISCHACKER, Herman FLEISCHER,Arthur FLETCHER,James C. FLUID CONTROL (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD FOLEY,J.R.(‘Dick’) FORD,Sir Hugh FORD MOTOR CO. LTD FORREST, John Samuel FORRESTER,R.D. FOX, Terence R.C. FOXBORO-YOXALL LTD FOYLE, Christina FRISCH, Otto Robert FROST, John Creigh B.1077 B.1110 See also E.19 B.636, B.637, F.9 G.136, G.137, G.142, G.155 A.31 G.109, G.111 B.1147, B.1148, B.1149, C.160, E.10, E.14 Seealso B.1146, B.1176 E.23 B.991 B.973, B.975, B.1162, B.1163, B.1165, C.135, F.1, F.2, F.4, F.6,G.119 G.211, G.212 G.188, G.190 See also B.144, B.145, C.134, C.138, G.112, G.113, G.240, G.241, G.252 B.929-B.932 G.210 G.229 A.21, B.288, B.309-B.312, B.313-B.319, B.320-B.323, B.324, B.328-B.330, B.331- B.333, B.335-B.342, B.347, B,364, B.423-B.425, B.630- B.632, B.637, B.638, B.872, B.931, B.950, B.983, B.1039, B.1061, B.1111, B.1133, B.1134, B.1137, B.1150- B.1152, B.1181, C.1414, D.38, D.59, G.166, G.167, ie F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 183 Index of correspondents FROST,JohnCreigh, cont'd FRY, Tom M. FUEL CELL CORPORATION FUEL CELLS LTD FURUYA, Nagakazu F.W. BERK & CO. LTD GAIRDNER,J.O. Hugh GALLAGHER-DAGGITT,G. GARDNER,F.W. GARNER,William Edward GAS COUNCIL GAS RESEARCH BOARD GATES, Sylvester G. GEE,G. GENERAL ELECTRIC Co.(US) GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD (UK) GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GETTY,J. Paul G.169, G.173, G.184, G.185, G.195, G.200, G.201, G.203, G.209, G.212, G.214-G.218, G.230, G.240, G.248 B.215-B.228, B.333, B.664, B.898, B.956, B.1009, C.136, C.157, G.26-G.38A, G.81-G.83, G.86, G.87, G.90, G.98, G.101, G.105- G.107, G.111-G.113, G.119, G.198 See also B.54, B.86, B.90, B.181, C.56, C.59, G.166 G.130, G.241 B.302, B.303 G.178, G.179 G.104, G.105, G111-G.113 G.219, G.221 G.165-G.167 G.73 G.252 B.1053, G.136, G.238, G.239 G.65 G.193 G.252 B.635, B.639, B.954-B.956, C.130, C.160, E.9, E.10, F.23, G.124-G.126, G.130- G.137, G.152, G.173, G.193, G.226, G.233, G.234, G.253 See also C.111, F.9, F.11, F.19 B.265, B.637, B.971-B.974, B.981, G.107, G.226 B.991 G.145 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 184 Index of correspondents GIBB, Sir Claude Dixon GIBSON, E.J. GIFFARD, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl Halsbury GIFFEN, E. GILBERT, N.J. GILLIBRAND,Maurice | GKN ROLLED AND BRIGHT STEEL LTD GOSLAND,L. GOSS,F.R. GOTT, Howard GRANT,Sir Anthony GRAY, John GRAY,Peter GRAY, ThomasJ. GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND ADMIRALTY AIR MINISTRY BOARD OF TRADE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEPARTMENTOF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH B.971, G.74, G.101 B.1185 A.29, B.273, B.274, B.1057, B.1058, C.113, G.101 See also B.141, B.145 G.228, G.229 B.1081 C.160, G.197 B.1054 B.146, B.147 G.252 G.37, G.38 G.176 G.141 G.162 B.638, G.128, G.202 B.133, B.323, B.1078- B1090A, G.62, G.64, G.65, G.67, G.73, G.74, G.94, G.119, G.186 G.64 G.192 B.1061, B.1105-B.1107, B.1181, G.185 B.139, B.591, B.622, B.929, B.930, B.963, B.970, B.981, B.1185, G.47, G.57, G.62-G.64, G.67, G.69-G.71, G.73, G.222 DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY B.995 B.1108 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 185 Index of correspondents HOME OFFICE MINISTRY OF AVIATION MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF ENERGY MINISTRY OF FUEL AND POWER MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE MINISTRY OF POWER MINISTRY OF SUPPLY MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE WAROFFICE GREAVES,C. GREEN, Bertie GREEN, Robert D. GREENWOOD,H.D. GREGORY,DerekP. GREGSON, John, Baron GRENNESS,M. GRIFFIN, G.J.L. GRIMES,Patrick R. G.94, G.95 E.1,£.2 B.1071, G.94, G.118, G.176 B.1170 B.324, B.871, B.928, B.1162-B.1164, G.70, G.71, G.87, G.106, G.107, G117-G.119 G.57 B.1165 B.1159-B.1161, E.1, G.107, G.108, G.118 B.1009, B.1010, B.1166- B.1169 B.986 G.192 B.639, B.648 C.59 B.876 G.183 B.957 B.1053, B.1057-B.1061, B.1063, B.1143, B.1144, C.160, E.10, E.14, F.36, G.145, G.157, G.161, G.164, G.165, G.173 See also C.63, C.82, F.19, G.172 B.995 See also B.1071 B.1003 G.157 G.135 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 186 Index of correspondents GROSS,Nicol GROSVENOR,Peter GUARDIAN GUEST KEEN & NETTLEFORDS LTD GUGGENHEIM, Ernest Armand HAAG, Fred G. HAKIM, Jack HALDANE, Thomas Graeme Nelson HALDEMAN, R.G. HALE, HAMILTON & CO. HALL, J.M. HALSBURY,John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, 3rd Earl HAMMOND, P. HAMPSON, P.J. HARDING, Graham HARDMAN, John S. HARESNAPE,J.N. HARLECH TELEVISION LTD HART,A.B. (‘Tony’) HART, John C.H. HARTLEY,Sir Harold Brewer G.99 C.158 B.1123, C.163 B.665 G.252 G.228 G.130-G.133, G.135 B.970, B.971, F.6, G.58- G.65, G.67, G.71, G.75, G.82, G.116, G.117, G.200-G.202, G.217 F.23 B.928-B.933, G.110- G.113, G.115, G.119 B.613A See GIFFARD C.149 B.1100 G.47 C.121 B.125, B.644, B.645, B.952, C.25, G.126, G.127 C.156 B.1096-B.1100, C.15, C.48 See also C.70, C.83, G.10, G.11 B.644-B.662, B.1045, E.6, F.18, G.6, G.201, G.210, G.211 See also B.125, B.1156, G.194, G.208 C.9, G.111 See also G.100 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 187 Index of correspondents HATFIELD, W.H. HATSOPOULOS, G.N. HAWKER SIDDELEY NUCLEAR POWERCO. LTD HAWLEY,Robert HAWTHORNE,E.P. HAWTHORNE, Sir William Rede HAYES, John HEAD WRIGHTSON & CO. LTD HEATH, C.E. HEATH, Sir Edward George Richard HEMMING, H.H. HENDRIE,H.A. HENNESSEY,Dennis HENRY WIGGIN & CO. LTD HERRMANN, W. HERSHENSON, H.M. (‘Herb’) HEWITT, Margaret HEYMAN, Horace W. HEYWOOD,C.Phillip HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman HINTON OF BANKSIDE,Christopher, Baron HIRSCHENHOFER,J.H. G.47 B.978 B. 637, B.1109 C.145, C.146 B.1109 A.29, ©.129, G.152- G.154 See also B.331, B.1156 G.215 B.871, B.872 G.146, G.153 G.183 B.971 B.910, B.1143 B.273-B.280, B.282, B.301, B.309-B.312, B.313, B.320, B.321, B.422, B.423 Seealso B.285, B.317, B.1133, B.1182 B.910, B.917-B.922, G.48, G.50, G.53, G.58-G.60, G.63, G.72, G.76-G.81, G.84, G.86, G.99, G.105, G.109 G.130, G.131 B.1147, B.1148, B.1149 F.35 B.985-B.988, B.991, G.154 B.1081, G.195-G.201,G.213, G.214 G.252 E.20 G.184 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 188 Index of correspondents HOAR,T.P. HOARE,JamesP. HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas HODGKIN, Sir Alan Lloyd HORSLEY, W.D. HOUGHTBY,W.E. HOUSTOUN, Robin H. HOWARD, Donald Euan Palmer, 4th Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal HOWARD, Sir (Stephen) Gerald HULBERT,H.M. HUNDY,B.B. HUNTRIDGE,John H. HURST, W., Martin- HUTCHISON, Sir JamesRiley Holt, 1st Baronet HUTCHISON, Sir Kenneth ICl IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD IHRIG, Harry K. ILFORD LTD IMI IMPERIAL METAL INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY INGOLD, Christopher Kelk INSKIP, Robert Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote B.945, B.973, B.974, C.65 G.13 A.29, G.204 See E.23 See B.44 B.1149 See also B.1148 G.100 B.1068 G.192 C.31 See G.23 B.349, B.351, B,364, G.199, G.220, G.221 See also G.39 E.15, G.173, G.175 G.189 See G.168 B.626, B.942, B.947, B.962, B.964, B.970, B.1028, B.1110-B.1116, B.1151, C.147-C.149, G.56, G.68, G.105 C.34 B.1134 B.1114 C.129, C.131, C.132, C.138, C.143, C.145 G.252 G.185 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 189 Index of correspondents INSTITUT BATTELLE CENTRE DE RECHERCHE DE GENEVE INSTITUTE OF ENERGY INSTITUTE OF FUEL INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS See BATTELLE CENTRE DE RECHERCHE DE GENEVE B.1119, C.121 B.954, B.1030, C.48, C.94, C.95, E.17, G.91, G.157, G.242-G.244, G.246, G.250 C.140, G.242, G.244 C.129, C.130, C.146 B.995, B.1061, C.60, C.63, C.68, C.142, C.145, F.34 INSTITUTION OF GAS ENGINEERS B.951, B.954 INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF PLANT ENGINEERS INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS C.139, C.143, C.144, E.18- E.20, G.186 C.146-C.151 C.159-C.163 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HYDROGEN ENERGY B.1063, B.1064 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROLYTIC PLANT CO. LTD B.869, B.874, G.71 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS B.1060 INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO. (MOND) LTD/ INTERNATIONAL NICKEL LTD IRVING, David Blair JACOBI, J.W. JACOBY,Robert H. JEFFERSON, J.L. JENKINS, Jonathan M. JENNY,Ernst B.925-B.927 B.1153, B.1156 G.226, G.227 G.226 G.57 B.649 See also B.1050 G.126, G.232, G.233 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 194 Index of correspondents MILLS,Mark P. MILNE, A.G. MINKOFF, G.J. MITCHELL,E.B. MITCHELL,Will, Jr MOND NICKEL CO. LTD MONTGOMERY,C.W. MOORE,John E. MOOS, Anthony M. MORGAN CRUCIBLE CO. LTD MORRILL, Carle C. MOTOO,Satoshi MOULE.lan A. MOULIN, E.B. MPD TECHNOLOGYLTD M.W. KELLOGG CO. MYERS,F.H.E. See G.178 B.1156 G.128 G.233 C.34, C.36, C.40, C.44 B.254, B.629, B.858, B.889, B.910, B.917-B.924, B.942, B.945, B.946, B.1002, B.1003, G.52, G.53, G.55, G.60, G.62, G.65, G.77- G.80, G.83, G.85-G.89, G.92, G.94, G.95, G.97, G.99-G.101, G.103-G.105, G.107-G.114, G.116-G.119, G.222, G.223, G.230 See also INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO. (MOND) LTD F.9 B.1065-B.1067 See also B.1073 B.279, B.317, B.1132, B.1133, B.1135, B.1137- B.1140, B.1142, B.1145- B.1147, B.1148, B.1149, B.1152, B.1182, D.104, E.8, £.14, F.19 See also B.310, B.1144, C.40 G.98, G.99, G.120, G.121, G.137 B.1144 G.168, G.169 G.182, G.221 C.134 B.1171 B.949, B.951 G.127 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 195 Index of correspondents NARDINI, G.V. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION G.129 A.32-A.36, B.1014, B.1148, G.139, G.145, G.146, G.149-G.151, G.174, G.201, G.206, G.209 See also G.36 NATIONAL CARBONCO.(DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION) G.120 See also B.1182 NATIONAL COAL BOARD NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NATURE NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE RUNDSCHAU NEI PARSONSLTD NEUMAYR,Franz M. NEWELL, John NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NEW SCIENTIST NICHOLSON, R.L.R. NORA,Vittorio de NORMALAIR LTD NORMALAIR-GARRETT LTD B.957, B.975, B.976, G.233 G.215 B.978 A.22, A.29, A.30, B.142, B.143, B.273-B.287, B.288- B.304, B.305, B.309-B.312, B.313-B.319, B.320-B.323, B.630, C.24, C.47, C.60, C.140, D.5, D.7, D.8, D.10- D.13, D.15-D.21, D.23-D.28, D.31-D.34, D.37-D.50, D.52- D.67, D.69-D.77, D.79- D.101, D.103-D.106, F.11, G.5-G.7, G.101, G.238 See also A.21, B.1133 C.145, G.233 G.229, G.230 A.37, G.162, G.163 B.638 F.19 C.113, D.110 B.1060, C.141, C.158, G.30-G.33 B.1179, B.1180 E.14 B.931, B.932 B.1010, B.1011 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 196 Index of correspondents NORTH EAST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL NORTH OF SCOTLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC BOARD NORTHERN TRANSPORT AGENCY(LONDON) LTD NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENTSLTD NUTTALL,L.J. O'BRIEN, Frank T. OERLIKON ENGINEERING CO./OERLIKON LTD OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) ONSLOW,D,V. OSTHOFF,R.C. OSWIN, Harry G. OVENSTON, T.C.J. OXFORD CRYOGENICS LTD PAINE, T.O PALMER,NigelI. PANETH, Friedrich Adolf PARKER,Alan B. PARKINSON & COWAN LTD PARRISH, Michael Anthony PARRY,John M. PARSONS,Roger C.154, G.205 B.981 B.612, B.613, B.614 B.895 E.9, E.10, G.152, G.173 C.160 See also E.9 B.870, G.95 C.113 See also C.112 G.74-G.79, G.81-G.83 G.132, G.234 B.1140, B.1142-B.1147, B.1148, C.50, E.9, E.10, E.14, F.18, F.36, G.141, G.155, G.158, G.160, G.161, G.171, G.184, G.185, G.193, G.202 B.1078 B.1008, B.1009 B.1148, C.111, G.139 B.1012, B.1147, G.141 G.51, G.53 B.304, B.306-B.308 G.96 G.158, G.161-G.163, G.165, G.167, G.169-G.173, G.175- G.181, G.184, G.185 See also G.159 B.1016, G.243 G.154 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 197 Index of correspondents PATERSON, James G.T. PATON, A.P. G.72-G.80, G.82, G.96-G.98, G.191 B.133-B.147, B.148-B.152, G.85-G.119 See also B.92, B.280 PATON, Sir (Thomas) Angus(Lyall) B.1059 PATTERSON MOOSDIVISION (UNIVERSAL WINDING CO.INC.) PATTERSON MOOS RESEARCH(DIVISION OF LEESONA CORPORATION) PEAKER,Gilbert PEART, Stanley PENZIAS, Walter PEPPER, D.C. PERCY, Lord Eustace PERGAMONPRESS LTD PERRY, Henry James Harkness PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETERSEN, Peter P.G. ENGINEERING LTD PHILLIPS, W.A. PHIPPS,Ivon M. PITKETHLY,R.C. PLESSEY CO. LTD B.279, B.280, B.612, B.630, B.631, B.972- B.974, B.977 B.1132-B.1135, B.1137, B.1150, B.1182 See also B.1116 B.1138, B.1139, B.1150-B.1152 See also LEESONA CORPORATION, LEESONA MOOS LABORATORIES See G.25 G.252 B.995, G.159, G.166, G.167, G.172 G.252 G.51 C.144 B.316, B.324, B.325, B.327, B.331-B.339, B.341, D.43, D.65, G.125, G.193- G.197, G.200, G.203 E.31 B.950, G.129 B.950 G.212, G.230-G.232 G.231 C.24 B.638 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 198 Index of correspondents PLUST, Heinz-Gunther PODOLNY,William H. POLLARD,D. POOLEY,Derek PORTER,David F. PORTER, George, Baron POSNER,A.M. POST,J.L. van der POTTER, Edmund C. POUND,M.A. POWDER METALLURGY LTD POWELL,Blennie B.639, B.995, G.128, G.129, G.136 See also B.647, G.158, G.179 B.1141, B.1142, B.1148, B.1149, E.8, E.9, E.14, F.19 See also B.1144-B.1146, B.1150, B.1176 G.177 B.1181 B.665, B.1099, C.82 E.21, E.32 G.118 B.1053 C.111-C.113, G.162 See G.17 B.919, B.920, B.946 C.67, G.202, G.204, G.212 POWER-GAS CORPORATION B.949, B.951, G.96 POWERJETS (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) LTD G.100, G.101 PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT (DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION) B.342, B.900, B.1138, B.1139, B.1141-B.1149, B.1150- B.1152, G.148 PRESTON, G. PUBLIC SERVICES ELECTRIC AND GAS CO. PURDY,JohnF. PYE OF CAMBRIDGE LTD PYM, Francis Leslie, Baron RAND,David A.J. RAPP, Kenneth J. B.1170 B.1062 B.636 G.213 A.36, B.1071, G.204, G.212, G.220, G.221 C.112, €.113, G.162 B.280, B.630, B.972-B.974, B.977, B.1132-B.1134, B.1137, B.1150-B.1152 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 199 Index of correspondents RAYMER, JamesA. REDMAYNE, R.A.S. REID,William T. RESEARCH REYNOLDS METAL CO. RICARDO & CO. LTD RICHARD KLINGER LTD RICKERTON, Barrie W. RIDDELL COUSLAND& CO. LTD RIDEAL, Sir Eric Keightley RIDLEY, G.A. RIDLEY, Matthew White, 3rd Viscount RITCHIE, lan M. ROBENS, Alfred, Baron ROBERTS, Lewis Edward John ROBERTS,Ralph ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINSON, F.D. ROGERS, C.F.C. ROGERS, Geoffrey T. ROLLS-ROYCE LTD B.1014 G.63 C.31, G.130, G.235, G.236 C.130, C.131 B.1034 B.974, B.975 B.933, B.961, B.962, B.964-B.967, G.57, G.59, G.60, G.77-G.80, G.82- G.84, G.86-G.88, G.91, G.92, G.95, G.97-G.100, G.103, G.104, G.107, G.113, G.115 B.1012 G.50-G.53, G.59, G.60, G.76 A.30, G.93, G.100, G.110, G.187 See also G.75, G.76, G.188 G.230 B.971, G.65, G.71, G.192, G.230, G.231 C.112, C.113, G.227 B.1118, B.1119 B.1053-B.1055, B.1057 B.636, B.872, B.942, B.975, G.224, G.225, G.230 G.252 C.138 See G.25 B.637, B.1176-B.1178, B.1180, G.31, G.132, G.227 See also B.302, G.21, G.22, G.152 B.1009, B.1012, B.1014 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 190 Index of correspondents JOHNSON MATTHEY & CO. LTD JOLLEY,L.J. JONES, Dudley de G. JONES, Sir Henry Frank Harding JONES, Paul William JUSTI, Eduard W. KASTNER,L.J. KATZIN, Alfred G. KEMMETT, FRANCIS W. KENDALL, JamesP. KENNEDY,Sir John Macfarlane KENT,C.E. KESTNER EVAPORATOR & ENGINEERING CO. LTD KIDD, Franklin KING, Frederick Emest KLEIN, Martin B.272, B.627, B.910, B.917-B.919, B.1018, B.1020, B.1021, B.1117, G.46, G.49-G.53, G.56, G.60, G.63, G.76-G.79, G.84, G.86, G.89, G.91, G.94, G.119, G.223 See also G.122, G.183 B.1165 C.90, C.91 B.1031-B.1033 See G.151, G.152 B.310, B.322, B.324-B.330, B.331-B.334, B.336-B.339, B.612, B.613, B.619-B.634, B.946, B.1084, B.1151,D.79, D.81, G.193-G.195, G.199, G.202, G.218 See also B.348, B.594 B.1039, B.1162, B.1163, G.123, G.126-G.128, G.130-G132, G.135, G.137, G.140, G.142- G.144, G.148, G.151-G.153, G.157, G.158, G.242 See also G.220 C.138 C.15 A.32-A.34 See also G.36 G.252 G.72 G.133 G.63, G.84 A.29 B.644, B.647, B.648, C.82, G.252 B.1017 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 191 Index of correspondents K.L.G. SPARKING PLUGS LTD G.48-G.52 KORDESCH, Karl V. KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KREVELEN, D.W.van KURTI, Nicholas LACEY, Stephen LAMBORN, J. LANGLEY,Kevin F. LAWRIE, James LE CARBONE LTD LEESONA CORPORATION LEESONA MOOS LABORATORIES (DIVISION OF LEESONA CORPORATION) LENY, W. d’ LESLIE,D.C. LEWIS,J.D. LEWIS, Wilfred Bennett LEVINSON, T.G.D. LIEBHAFSKY, Herman A. LINDLEY, Bryan C. LINDSTROM, Olle LIPSCHUTZ,Heinz B.1008, B.1009, B.1183, B.1184, E.10, G.120, G.156, G.177, G.178-G.180, G.182, G.183 E.29 G.188 B.1007, B.1008 G.64 B.1109 B.1181 C.34, C.138-C.140 G.96-G.98, G.105, G.106, G.108 B.1145-B.1149, E.8 B.1012, B.1140, B.1142, B.1143, B.1145-B.1147, C.50, F.18, F.19 See also B.954 B.1110 C.98 B.1010 B.978 G.138 B.1052, F.23, G.126, G.134, G.135, G.137, G.151, G.233 Seealso F.9, F.11, F.19, G.130 C.146, G.230, G.231 See also B.153 G.136 B.1075, B.1076 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 192 Index of correspondents LLOYD, Geoffrey W. LOCKE,H. Brian LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LOFTHOUSE, E. LOMBE,Sir Edward Malcolm Evans- LONDON ELECTRICITY BOARD LONDON TRANSPORT EXECUTIVE LOW,Toby (Austin Richard William), 1st Baron Aldington LURGI APPARATE-TECHIK GMBH LURGI GESELLSCHAFT FUR WARMETECHNIK M.B.H. LYDALL,Francis McDANIEL, Randall McDONALD, |.R. McGREGOR,A.M. McHUGH, G. McKAY,H.A.C. MADDOCK,Sir leuan MADDOX,Sir John Royden MAIR, W.Austyn MANGOLD, Tom MANSERGH, Nicholas MARCHETTI, C. G.70, G.71, G.196, G.203 B.299, B.300, B.302 G.225 B.1113-B.1115 G.94, G.188, G.194 B.1153, B.1156 B.637, B.971, B.972 G.193 B.876 B.871-B.873 G.56, G.57 G.174 C.124 G.147 B.1180 B.1145, B.1176 B.1059 See G.23 B.1063, C.106, G.149, G.150, G.154, G.212 C.143 G.204 B.1054, B.1056, B.1060 See also B.1058, B.1059 MARCONI SPACE AND DEFENCE SYSTEMS LTD B.1070 MARGERISON, Thomas Alan MARPLES, Alfred Ernest, Baron B.975, C.130,C.131, C.141, G.224 B.1060 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 193 Index of correspondents MARSHALL,Sir Arthur Gregory George MARSHALL CAVENDISH LTD MARSHALL,Walter, Baron MARSHALLS OF CAMBRIDGE LTD MASSEY,Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson MATOO,Satoshi MAY, John R. MEGAW,Helen D. MELVILLE, Sir Harry Work MENTER,Sir James Woodham MENZIES,R.C. MERZ, Charles H. MERZ AND MCLELLAN A.30, B.285, B.312, B.317, B.319, B.321, B.330, B.331, B.341, B.343, B.346, B.347, B.349-B.351, G.33, G.39, G.159, G.191, G.198, G.200, G.205, G.206, G.212, G.221 See also B.1134 C.159, C.160, C.162 A.29, B.1179 See also B.664, B.1180, B.1181 A.21, B.309-B.312, B.313- B.319, B.320-B.323, B.324- B.330, B.331-B.342, B.343, B.346, B.347, B.349-B.351, B.600-B.618, B.619-B.634, B.1127-B.1129, G.191, G.192, G.205, G.210 E.30 G.179 B.639 B.910 G.252 G.76 G.187 G.56, G.57 B.970, B.971, B.1157, B.1158, F.6, G.56, G.57, G.60-G.65, G.67, G.75, G.82 See also A.20 METAL & PLASTIC COMPACTS LTD G.116 METALLIC MANUFACTURING CO. LTD METALLISATION LTD MICHAELIS,Anthony R. MILITARY ENGINEERING EXPERIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENT MILLER,T.W. G.48, G.49, G.58, G.59, G.65 B.945, B.946, G.117, G.118 C.159-C.163 B.1159-B.1161 G.242 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 194 Index of correspondents MILLS, Mark P. MILNE, A.G. MINKOFF, G.J. MITCHELL,E.B. MITCHELL,Will, Jr MONDNICKEL CO. LTD MONTGOMERY,C.W. MOORE,John E. MOOS,Anthony M. MORGAN CRUCIBLE CO. LTD MORRILL, Carle C. MOTOO,Satoshi MOULE. lan A. MOULIN, E.B. MPD TECHNOLOGYLTD M.W. KELLOGG CO. MYERS,F.H.E. See G.178 B.1156 G.128 G.233 C.34, C.36, C.40, C.44 B.254, B.629, B.858, B.889, B.910, B.917-B.924, B.942, B.945, B.946, B.1002, B.1003, G.52, G.53, G.55, G.60, G.62, G.65, G.77- G.80, G.83, G.85-G.89, G.92, G.94, G.95, G.97, G.99-G.101, G.103-G.105, G.107-G.114, G.116-G.119, G.222, G.223, G.230 See also INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO. (MOND) LTD F.9 B.1065-B.1067 See also B.1073 B.279, B.317, B.1132, B.1133, B.1135, B.1137- B.1140, B.1142, B.1145- B.1147, B.1148, B.1149, B.1152, B.1182, D.104, E.8, E.14, F.19 See also B.310, B.1144, C.40 G.98, G.99, G.120, G.121, G.137 B.1144 G.168, G.169 G.182, G.221 C.134 B.1171 B.949, B.951 G.127 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 195 Index of correspondents NARDINI, G.V. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION G.129 A.32-A.36, B.1014, B.1148, G.139, G.145, G.146, G.149-G.151, G.174, G.201, G.206, G.209 See also G.36 NATIONAL CARBONCO.(DIVISION OF UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION) G.120 See also B.1182 NATIONAL COAL BOARD NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NATURE NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE RUNDSCHAU NEI PARSONS LTD NEUMAYR,Franz M. NEWELL,John NEWITT, Dudley Maurice NEW SCIENTIST NICHOLSON, R.L.R. NORA,Vittorio de NORMALAIR LTD NORMALAIR-GARRETT LTD B.957, B.975, B.976, G.233 G.215 B.978 A.22, A.29, A.30, B.142, B.143, B.273-B.287, B.288- B.304, B.305, B.309-B.312, B.313-B.319, B.320-B.323, B.630, C.24, C.47, C.60, C.140, D.5, D.7, D.8, D.10- D.13, D.15-D.21, D.23-D.28, D.31-D.34, D.37-D.50, D.52- D.67, D.69-D.77, D.79- D.101, D.103-D.106, F.11, G.5-G.7, G.101, G.238 See also A.21, B.1133 C.145, G.233 G.229, G.230 A.37, G.162, G.163 B.638 F.19 C.113, D.110 B.1060, C.141, C.158, G.30-G.33 B.1179, B.1180 E.14 B.931, B.932 B.1010, B.1011 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 196 Index of correspondents NORTH EAST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL NORTH OF SCOTLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC BOARD NORTHERN TRANSPORT AGENCY (LONDON) LTD NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENTS LTD NUTTALL, L.J. O'BRIEN, Frank T. OERLIKON ENGINEERING CO./OERLIKON LTD OLIPHANT,Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) ONSLOW,D,V. OSTHOFF, R.C. OSWIN, Harry G. OVENSTON, T.C.J. OXFORD CRYOGENICS LTD PAINE, T.O PALMER,Nigel|. PANETH, Friedrich Adolf PARKER,Alan B. PARKINSON & COWAN LTD PARRISH, Michael Anthony PARRY,John M. PARSONS, Roger C.154, G.205 B.981 B.612, B.613, B.614 B.895 E.9, E.10, G.152, G.173 C.160 See also E.9 B.870, G.95 C.113 See also C.112 G.74-G.79, G.81-G.83 G.132, G.234 B.1140, B.1142-B.1147, B.1148, C.50, E.9, E.10, E.14, F.18, F.36, G.141, G.155, G.158, G.160, G.161, G.171, G.184, G.185, G.193, G.202 B.1078 B.1008, B.1009 B.1148, C.111, G.139 B.1012, B.1147, G.141 G.51, G.53 B.304, B.306-B.308 G.96 G.158, G.161-G.163, G.165, G.167, G.169-G.173, G.175- G.181, G.184, G.185 See also G.159 B.1016, G.243 G.154 F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 197 Index of correspondents PATERSON, JamesG.T. PATON, A.P. G.72-G.80, G.82, G.96-G.98, G.191 B.133-B.147, B.148-B.152, G.85-G.119 Seealso B.92, B.280 PATON, Sir (Thomas) Angus(Lyall) B.1059 PATTERSON MOOSDIVISION (UNIVERSAL WINDING CO. INC.) PATTERSON MOOS RESEARCH(DIVISION OF LEESONA CORPORATION) PEAKER,Gilbert PEART, Stanley PENZIAS, Walter PEPPER,D.C. PERCY,Lord Eustace PERGAMONPRESS LTD PERRY, Henry James Harkness PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETERSEN, Peter P.G. ENGINEERING LTD PHILLIPS, W.A. PHIPPS, Ivon M. PITKETHLY,R.C. PLESSEY CO. LTD B.279, B.280, B.612, B.630, B.631, B.972- B.974, B.977 B.1132-B.1135, B.1137, B.1150, B.1182 See also B.1116 B.1138, B.1139, B.1150-B.1152 See also LEESONA CORPORATION, LEESONA MOOS LABORATORIES See G.25 G.252 B.995, G.159, G.166, G.167, G.172 G.252 G.51 C.144 B.316, B.324, B.325, B.327, B.331-B.339, B.341, D.43, D.65, G.125, G.193- G.197, G.200, G.203 E.31 B.950, G.129 B.950 G.212, G.230-G.232 G.231 C.24 B.638 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 198 Index of correspondents PLUST, Heinz-Gunther PODOLNY,William H. POLLARD,D. POOLEY,Derek PORTER,David F. PORTER, George, Baron POSNER,A.M. POST,J.L. van der POTTER, Edmund C. POUND, M.A. POWDER METALLURGY LTD POWELL, Blennie POWER-GAS CORPORATION B.639, B.995, G.128, G.129, G.136 See also B.647, G.158, G.179 B.1141, B.1142, B.1148, B.1149, E.8, E.9, £.14, F.19 See also B.1144-B.1146, B.1150, B.1176 G.177 B.1181 B.665, B.1099, C.82 E.21,E.32 G.118 B.1053 C.111-C.113, G.162 See G.17 B.919, B.920, B.946 C.67, G.202, G.204, G.212 B.949, B.951, G.96 POWER JETS (RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT) LTD G.100, G.101 PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT (DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION) B.342, B.900, B.1138, B.1139, B.1141-B.1149, B.1150- B.1152, G.148 PRESTON, G. PUBLIC SERVICES ELECTRIC AND GAS CO. PURDY,JohnF. PYE OF CAMBRIDGE LTD PYM, Francis Leslie, Baron RAND,David A.J. RAPP, Kenneth J. B.1170 B.1062 B.636 G.213 A.36, B.1071, G.204, G.212, G.220, G.221 C.112, C.113, G.162 B.280, B.630, B.972-B.974, B.977, B.1132-B.1134, B.1137, B.1150-B.1152 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 199 Index of correspondents RAYMER, JamesA. REDMAYNE,R.A.S. REID,William T. RESEARCH REYNOLDS METAL CO. RICARDO & CO. LTD RICHARD KLINGER LTD RICKERTON, Barrie W. B.1014 G.63 C.31, G.130, G.235, G.236 C.130, C.131 B.1034 B.974, B.975 B.933, B.961, B.962, B.964-B.967, G.57, G.59, G.60, G.77-G.80, G.82- G.84, G.86-G.88, G.91, G.92, G.95, G.97-G.100, G.103, G.104, G.107, G.113, G.115 B.1012 RIDDELL COUSLAND & CO. LTD G.50-G.53, G.59, G.60, G.76 RIDEAL, Sir Eric Keightley RIDLEY, G.A. RIDLEY, Matthew White, 3rd Viscount RITCHIE, lan M. ROBENS, Alfred, Baron ROBERTS, Lewis Edward John ROBERTS,Ralph ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINSON, F.D. ROGERS, C.F.C. ROGERS, Geoffrey T. ROLLS-ROYCE LTD A.30, G.93, G.100, G.110, G.187 See also G.75, G.76, G.188 G.230 B.971, G.65, G.71, G.192, G.230, G.231 C.112, C.113, G.227 B.1118, B.1119 B.1053-B.1055, B.1057 B.636, B.872, B.942, B.975, G.224, G.225, G.230 G.252 C.138 See G.25 B.637, B.1176-B.1178, B.1180, G.31, G.132, G.227 See also B.302, G.21, G.22, G.152 B.1009, B.1012, B.1014 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 200 Index of correspondents ROLLS-ROYCE(1971) LTD ROSEN, Jessel ROVERCO. LTD ROYAL AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS RUDDOCK,F.A. RUSTON & HORNBY LTD RUTTLEY,E. RYAN, FrankJ. RYLE, Sir Martin SALZANO, Frank J. SARTORI, R. SATHYANARAYANA,S. SAUFFERER,Helmut SAUNDERS,Sir OwenAlfred SAVAGE,J.C. SCHARLAU, A. SCHIFFRIN, D.WJ. SCHON, Sir Frank SCHORI METALLISING PROCESS LTD SCHULDINER, Sigmund G.149 G.47 B.635 A.26 G.107, G.108 G.229, G.230 E.21, G.251 A.28, E.22-E.32 See also G.127 E.33 B.910 B.637 C.158, F.33 B.1118-B.1126 B.1034 B.1038, B.1095, E.8, E.9, E.14, £.15, G.179, G.180 G.238, G.239 G.162 G.159-G.161 E.1, G.150 See also G.154 G.54 B.872, B.873 B.1039 A.29 B.945, G.118, G.119 B.977, B.978 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 201 Index of correspondents SCHWABE,K. SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON SCOTT, David S. SCOTT POLAR RESEARCHINSTITUTE SCURLOCK,R.G. SECORD, Campbell H. SEKULES,Walter SELLERS,E.S. SERBY,John Edward SHARMAN, G.L. SHELL DEVELOPMENTCO. “SHELL” RESEARCH LTD SHEPPARD, Norman SHOENBERG, David SIEMENS CORPORATION SIEMENS-SCHUCKERT(GREATBRITAIN) LTD SILLARS,R.W. SIMON, Sir Francis Eugene SIMPLIFIX COUPLINGS LTD SINGER,Felix SINTERED PRODUCTSLTD SISSON, H.A. SLATER,Sir William Kerslake SLAUGHTER,Fred. SMITH, Anthony E. SMITH, Sir Frank Edward SMITH, Gerald Clive G.246 G.229, G.230 F.35, F.37 B.652 B.1012 B.1083, B.1085 C.131-C.134 G.200, G.224 B.1166-B.1169 C.136 G.225 B.635, G.124-G.126 A.30 G.214 G.148 G.114, G.115, G.117 G.232-G.234 B.137, B.970, G.99-G.101 G.63, G.73, G.76-G.79, G.84-G.86, G.88, G.90, G.91 G.115 G.111-G.114 G.66 C.24-C.26 G.169 B.647, B.648 G.47 B.430, B.632, G.197 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 SMITH,Harry SMITH, S.S. SMITH’S DELIVERY VEHICLES LTD SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS SOLOMON, P.J.B. SONDES PLACE RESEARCHINSTITUTE SOUTH AFRICAN SCIENTIFIC LIAISON OFFICE SOUTH EASTERN ELECTRICITY BOARD SOUTHERNTELEVISION LTD SPENGLER,H. SPOTNITZ,R.M. SPRING, Frank Stuart SPRING, Kenneth H. SPRINGALL, H.D. SRINIVASAN, S. STAEHLE, Roger W. STANDARDOIL CO. 202 Index of correspondents B.644-B.646, B.662 See also B.649, B.658 B.895, B.1110-B.1112 B.982-B.985 G.230, G.231 G.208, G.209 See C.110 B.328, B.333, B 632, B.969, B.978, B.1172-B.1175 B.978 B.1156 C.156 G.123 B.896 G.252 B.1096 G.252 B.1038, F.23, G.133 See also B.1095 C.90, C.94 B.638 STANLEY, Charles W. Wentworth- B.970-B.972, B.975, G.205 STANLEY,D.T.dJ. STANLEY MARINE CONSULTANTS STEINBERG, Meyer STERN, F. STERN, Kurt G. STEWART,Robert A. STONEHEART,Paul B.1072 B.1072 B.873 G.127 C.129, C.130 B.1142, B.1143 B.1149 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 203 Index of correspondents STROM, Clifton O. SUNDAY EXPRESS SUNDAY PICTORIAL SUNDSTRANDAVIATION SUNVIC CONTROLS LTD SUTTON, Sir Oliver Graham SWAN, Sir Kenneth R. SZEGO, George C. TAM, W.A. TAMURA,Hideo TANLAW,Simon Brooke Mackay, Baron TANTRAM, A.D.S. (‘Tony’) TATCHELL, A.R. TAVENDALE,AlexanderBlease TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR,H.D. TAYLOR, J. Bryan TAYLOR,S.R.G. TECHNICAL RESEARCH WORKSLTD TEED,Philip L. THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD THE TIMES THIRSK,H.E. B.970, B.971, G.197, G.228-G.230 C.153 C.143 B.639 B.932, B.933 C.83 G.191 C.30, C.31, E.2 G.135 G.237 B.1058 B.328, B.632, B.646, B.647, B.650, B.1172, B.1173, C.25, G.147 See also G.5-G.7, G.9-G.13, G.22, G.146, G.152, G.153 C.77 B.1084-B.1086 A.31, G.211 G.187 F.35-F.37 G.226, G.227 G.53, G.54 B.921, G.198, G.199, G.201, G.207 G.52, G.53, G.101-G.103 B.1059, C.69, C.134-C.136, C.139, C.158 B.937 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 204 Index of correspondents THOMAS,Alan THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THOR, Janusz THORNTON, W.M. THRELFALL, P.M. THRING, James B. THRING, Meredith Wooldridge THURNHAM, Peter G. TORELL,Bruce N. TRACKED HOVERCRAFT LTD TRANSPORT AND ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY TREFGARNE, David Garro, 2nd Baron TSCHINKEL,J.G. (‘Hans’) TSEUNG, Alfred Chan Chung TUCKER,Anthony TURNER BROTHERS ASBESTOS CO. LTD G.158 E.21, G.230 G.237 G.47 G.213 G.146-G.148 C.118 C.148, C.149 See B.1138, B.1151 B.301, B.302 B.995 G.176 B.1139, B.1144, B.1145 See also B.1152 B.1048, B.1101-B.1104, C.70, C.112, E.10, G.146, G.148, G.149, G.153, G.157 See also B.1052, G.152 B.1123, C.163 B.936, B.962-B.964, B.967, G.63, G.65, G.79, G.81- G.83, G.86, G.93, G.98 TYCHO CORPORATE TECHNOLOGY CENTER B.1016 UBBELOHDE,Alfred René John Paul UNESCO UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION UNION CARBIDE U.K. LTD UNITED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION A.30, C.130, G.147, G.252 See also G.187 C.134 B.1012, B.1182-B.1184 See also NATIONAL CARBONCO. B.1008 See PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT F.T. Bacon NCUACS 68/6/97 205 Index of correspondents UNITED GAS CORPORATION UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U.S. ARMY ENGINEER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORIES U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY U.S. NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY UNITED TECHNOLOGIES UNIVERSAL WINDING CO.INC. UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE UTSI, P.A. Vincent VALENTA,Pavel VARLEY,C.H. VARTA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT VEZIROGLU, T. Nejat VIELSTICH, W. VINEYARD, G.H. VOCCA, Ottavio VOYSEY,R.G. WADLOW,E.C. WALKER,R.A.E WALKLEY,Allan WALLACE,N.G. B.977, B.978 B.1179-B.1181 B.952 G.184 B.977, B.978 B.1149. E.10, £.14 See PATTERSON MOOS DIVISION (UNIVERSAL WINDING CO.) A.37 G.212 G.235, G.236 See G.97 G.137, G.145 B.1060, B.1063, B.1064, F.37 G.122, G.134, G.135, G.137, G.139 B.1038 B.635, B.636, B.639 B.1163, B.1165, G.106, G.107, G.119, G.224 B.133, B.323, B.324, B.1078-B.1086, B.1088, G.119 B.142, B.143 G.228, G.229, G.234 G.157 See also G.159 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 206 Index of correspondents WALLER,J.G. WALTON, G.N. WANSBROUGH, George WARD,A.M. WARDLOW,William WARNER,Philip C. WARREN SPRING LABORATORY WATSON, Rex Gordon Harry WATT,William J. WECK,Richard WEIL,Kurt H. WEIR,Charles D. WEIR GROUP WEIR,W.H. WELBOURN, Donald B. WESTINGHOUSEELECTRIC INTERNATIONALCO. WEST MIDLANDS GAS BOARD WHARTON, W. WHITEHEAD,S. WILCOCK,Donald F. See G.1, G.2 C.110 G.47, G.201 G.252 G.252 G.162, G.163 B.591, B.622, B.1185 B.143, B.144, B.333, B.594, B.634, B.981, B.1080, B.1087, B.1089, D.45, G.40- G.43A, G.174, G.182, G.202, G.210, G.221, G.222 See also B.93, B.98, B.103, B.108, B.110 G.226, G.227 G.12 F.36 G.97, G.107, G.108, G.112, G.186 B.1186 B.1009 B.349 B.637 G.94 B.869, B.871, B.977, B.978 B.133, B.134, B.136, B.137, B.139, B.140, B.142-B.145, B.971, G.72, G.93, G.94, G.101, G.107, G.108, G.110, G.112, G.113, G.119 B.635 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 207 Index of correspondents WILKE, Gerhard WILKIE, Douglas Robert WILKINSON, John A.E. WILLIAMS, C.G. WILLIAMS,Keith Rolls WILLIAMS, Richard WILLIAMSON, F.S. WILLIS, Hector Ford WILLIS, Kenneth Edmund Victor WILLS, L. Goodwyn WILSON, Harold WINSEL, August W.M. CHRISTY & SONS LTD WOLLASTON, Nicholas WORLD ENERGY CONFERENCE B.285, B.316, B.872, B.981-B.983, B.988, C.137 See also B.144, G.207, G.208 B.898, G.150 G.176 C.124, C.126 B.340, B.341, B.635, B.1057, C.48,C.56, G.39, G.122, G124-G.126, G.140, G.142, G.144, G.145, G.147, G.150, G.152, G.157, G.158, G.160, G.163, G.167, G.183-G.185, G.197 E.14 G.224 B.1083 B.289-B.295, B.297, B.321- B.323, B.645, C.47, C.60, F.11 See also B.1152 B.1033, B.1061 See G.204 G.144, G.145 G.49 G.216 C.158, F.33 WORLD SCIENCE REVIEW B.965, C.138-C.140 W.R. GRACE & CO. WRIGHT,Philip WYNNE-JONES, W.J.K YEAGER, Ernest YIM, G.K. B.896, G.141 B.319 B.937, G.101 B.637, C.30, C.31, G.125, G.228 B.896 F.T. Bacon NCUACS68/6/97 YORKSHIRE POST YOSHIZAWA,Shiro YOUNG, George J. YOUNG,Henry John YOUNG, Leslie E. YOUNG, P.A. ZVEGINTZOV,M. Index of correspondents 208 C.142 B.639 C.5, C.146 B.313, B.321, B.322, B.324- B.328, B.331, B.333-B.340, B.601-B.603, B.610, B.611, B.614, B.1151, D.70, D.103, G.193, G.194 B.929, B.930 B.871, B.872, G.191 B.321, C.24