ANDREW, Edward Raymond

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Edward Raymond Andrew, FRS (1921-2001) By Anna-K. Mayer and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 164/7/08 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 1 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Edward Raymond Andrew FRS (1921-2001), physicist Compiled by: Anna-K. Mayer and Timothy E. Powell Date of material: 1939-2001 Extent of material: 847 items Depositedin: The University of Nottingham Library Reference: GB 0159 PRA © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACS catalogue no. 164/7/08 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM LIBRARY NOTTINGHAM E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SERIES1 PUBLICATIONS SERIES 2 BIOGRAPHICAL SERIES 3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERIES 4 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SERIES 5 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM SERIES 6 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA SERIES 7 RESEARCH SERIES 8 SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SERIES 9 LECTURES SERIES 10 VISITS AND CONFERENCES SERIES 11 CORRESPONDENCE SERIES 12 NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 10 51 60 62 63 67 76 83 93 107 112 128 131 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from University of Nottingham Library in May 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF EDWARD RAYMOND ANDREW Edward Raymond Andrew was born in Boston, Lincolnshire, on 27 June 1921 and educated at Wellingborough School, Northants. In 1939 he entered Christ’s College Cambridge with an Open Scholarship, obtaining first class honours in both Part | and Part Il of the Natural Sciences Tripos. Following his graduation in 1942, he undertook wartime service as a Scientific Officer at the Telecommunications Research Establishment in Malvern, Worcestershire, studying the attenuation of microwave radar signals through gun flashes. As he recalled, in the process he also ‘learnt a great deal of practical electronics and microwave and radio frequency technology which camein handy later’.' At the end of the war he resumed academic studies at Cambridge, working under David Shoenberg on low temperature physics in the Cavendish Laboratory, where he completed a Ph.D. on problems of the penetration of magnetic fields into Type | superconductors (Resistance measurements on superconductors in magnetic fields, 1949). During this period he held the prestigious Stokes Studentship at Pembroke College. In 1948 Andrew received a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship to spend a postdoctoral year at Harvard University in the laboratory of Edward M. Purcell, who was to share the 1952 Nobel Prize for Physics for his independent discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in liquids and in solids. From 1948 Andrew continued to study NMR and its applications in physics, chemical physics, biophysics and medical physics. Returning to the UK in 1949, he spentfive years as a lecturer in Natural Philosophy at St Andrews University, where he wrote the first textbook to be published about NMR (Cambridge University Press, 1955). In September 1954 he moved to the University College of North Wales at Bangor as Professor of Physics and Head of the Department. While at Bangor in 1958 Andrew discovered the technique of magic angle spinning. In solid-state NMR, spinning the sample at a particular (‘magic’) angle to the magnetic field increased the resolution, thus making for more accurate identification and analysis of the spectrum. Magic angle spinning became the foundation of modern high resolution NMR studies for chemical structures. Andrew left Wales in 1964 to become Lancashire-Spencer Professor and Head of the Physics Departmentat the University of Nottingham. There, he continued his work on using rapid rotation of ' Spectroscopy Europe, vol. 10/5 (1998), 28. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 6 samples for high resolution studies and made another major contribution to the field of magnetic resonance with his pioneering studies on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He was one ofthe first to obtain detailed images from human wrist and brain, and established Nottingham as a centre for researchin this area. He was also Dean of the Faculty of Science from 1975 to 1978. In order to avoid compulsory retirement at age 65, Andrew left the UK in 1983 to become Graduate Research Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, a joint appointment of the Department of Physics and the Radiology Department of the Medical School there. He continued his research in the area of magnetic resonance tomography and played a role in establishing the US National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. He retired in 1999. Andrew wasthe founder Chairman (1956-1959) of the British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group and served a second period as Chairman in 1981-1983. Likewise, he was a founder member (and President 1974-1980) of the Groupement AMPERE (‘Atomes et Molécules Par Etudes Radio- Electriques’), whose meetings in France and other, mostly European, venues he regularly attended. In 1984-1987 he acted also as President of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR). He was an editor of Physics Reports and Editor-in-Chief of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1983-1991. Andrew waselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1952 and to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1984. He also received the Royal Society’s Wellcome Medal, 1984, and was awarded honorary degrees from the universities of Turku (Finland), Adam Mickiewicz, Posnan (Poland), Leipzig (Germany) and Wales. He was married twice, first in 1948 to Mary Ralph Farnham, who died of cancer in 1964. They had three daughters. In 1972 Andrew married Eunice Tinning, who survives him. He died on 27 May 2001. For a full account of Andrew's life and work see ‘Edward Raymond Andrew 27 June 1921-27 May 2001’ by Norman Sheppard, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 49 (2003), pp. 1-14. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The archive covers the period 1939-2001. While there is significant material from Andrew’s education and early career, a large portion of this archive dates from 1983 to the late 1990s and there is thus a pronounced emphasis on Andrew'sactivities following his relocation to the US. His war-time and doctoral research, and the transition to NMR research are documented more sketchily. There are gapsalso for the years spent at St Andrews, Bangor and Nottingham. Series 1, Publications, documents Andrew's written output. A large number of offprints and shorter publications were found, starting with his 1946 paper on the visibility of signals on radar range E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 presentations. The chronological listing of this material, which looks to be comprehensive, was constructed in part with the aid of the bibliography in the Biographical Memoirs ofFellows of the Royal Society, vol. 49 (2003). Also documented is the production of Andrew's 1955 monograph on NMR, which wasreprinted four times and appeared also in Russian (in a pirated translation). There are also drafts of later publications (1998-2000) on which he collaborated with colleagues in Poland. Series 2, Biographical, presents a range of material relating to Andrew's life and career. It includes reminiscences and autobiographical accounts, notebooks from Andrew’s student days at Cambridge, documentation of his elections to fellowships and of his honorary doctorates, and material relating to celebrations of his 70th and 75th birthday. There is some photographic material. Series 3, Telecommunications, is a small series comprising seven Royal Air Force exercise books, all dating from Andrew’s time as a Scientific Officer with the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) at Malvern College, Worcestershire. The notebookschiefly cover Andrew's TRE entrance courses on radar equipment and radar systems, and also contain notes e.g. on experiments. Series 4, University of Cambridge, documents the years when Andrew completed his doctorate in low temperature physics. This is the smallest series byfar in this collection, consisting of three itemsonly: copies of the Cavendish Laboratory’s practical course for Part Il in Physics and a manuscript of the electro-magnetic course at the Mond Laboratory, 1945-1948. Series 5, University of Nottingham, includes Andrew's lecture courses 1965-1983 on suchtopics as spectroscopy, wave mechanics, biophysics, atomic physics and mechanics. The Nottingham Physics Laboratory is documented in photographs and slides. A file of correspondence and memoranda offers someinsight into the life of the Department. Among others there is also correspondencewith foreign visitors who cameto workin the Laboratory for an extended period, notably the Swedish chemist Rolf Sj6blom (1973-1974), the Hungarian biophysicist Rezsé Gaspar (1974-1975) and the Chinese physicist Meng Qing-An (1979-1981). Series 6, University of Florida, forms one of the largest componentsof this collection. It documents Andrew's lecture courses 1984-1997 on NMR, polymer physics, MRI, diagnostic radiological physics etc, through which Andrew contributed to teaching at UF although this was not a requirement of his position as Research Professor. He lectured widely all over Campus andthe widerFlorida region, and attended numerous colloquia and special lectures in the departments with which he was associated, meticulously recorded in two spiral-bound notebooks. There is administrative correspondence, 1983- 2000, including the annual evaluations Andrew received from the Departments of Physics and of Radiology. Further correspondence covers a project to build a 6 tesla whole body magnet. Series 7, Research, features a number of notebooks that provide near continuous, if probably not exhaustive, coverage from Andrew's postdoctoral year at Harvard through to his early months in Nottingham. Another, much later, notebook records his ‘new development of a device for active magnetic field gradient screening which may be useful in NMR imaging, NMR spectroscopyand other applications of magnetic resonance in medicine, radiology, biology and microscopy’, 1990-1993. A E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 8 subseries of technical reports documents research 1962-1969. Likewise documented is Andrew's involvementduring the 1970sin grant applications to the Medical Research Council (for research on the application of spin mapping to medical diagnosis and treatment) and to the Wolfson Foundation (for an NMR body scanner). The series also includes a section on patents 1956-1981 relating to NMR imaging machines, which Andrew evaluated at the request of the General Electric Company, for whom he acted as a consultant from 1982. There are also notes on spin maps. Series 8, Societies and organisations, another substantial series, documents some of Andrew's involvements with organisations such as the British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group, EMI (for whom hedid consultancy work on the commercial production of NMR equipment), the Groupement AMPERE, and the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR). Andrew also advised the MRC on NMR imaging in clinical problems. Series 9, Lectures, spans a quarter century and over a hundred items, and testifies to Andrew's popularity as a speaker. Among other things this series includes material documenting Andrew's lecture on being awarded a share in the Royal Society's 1984 Wellcome Foundation Prize in recognition of his contributions to the development of NMR imaging as a diagnostic tool in medicine. There is material also on Andrew’s Royal Institution Lecture on MRI, ‘Seeing Safely Inside the Human Body’, given in October 1986. Series 10, Visits and conferences, similarly speaks of Andrew's powersofclear exposition, which led to his becoming for many years a favoured choice for introducing scientific conferences on NMR. This series testifies also to what his biographer called ‘his principal non-family interest’, namely travel. In the period covered here, 1968-2000, Andrew visited countless European countries, as well as India, South Africa, the USSR, China, Australia, North and South America, among others. Series 11, Correspondence, compriseshalf a century (1950-2000) of correspondencewith colleagues all over the world. Indeed the chief ordering principle Andrew appears to have followedin filing correspondence was geographical, inducing him to create files based on the location of correspondents (e.g. ‘Scientists in Japan’, one of the oldestfiles here) or based on Andrew’s own location at the time (e.g. ‘Bangor’), or a mixture of both (e.g. ‘Cambridge’ includes correspondence with Cambridge-based colleagues as well as letters Andrew wrote while he wasvisiting Cambridge). In addition to this geographical principle he tended to keep personal files on colleagues in his Nottingham department(‘Peter Mansfield’), former colleagues (‘Waldo Hinshaw’, ‘L.J. Challis’), former students with whom he continued to keep in touch (‘Gwilyn Parry Jones’), visitors to the department (‘Prof. Helion Vargas’) or those whose correspondence with him simply exceeded a certain volume (e.g. ‘Guo Quanzhong’, a Chinese physicist who wrote to Andrew on his research on delayed Fourier transformation of the NMR free induction delay). There is also an extensive series of correspondence with Polish scientists, 1984-2000, many of whom worked with Andrew at the University of Florida for extended periods. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 9 Series 12, Non-textual media, includes slides, transparencies and photographs, none of which are explicitly dated. Andrew's slide collection, filed in pocket sheets that were kept in four ring-binders, features photographs of magnets and MRI equipment, graphs and tables, NMR imagesof Andrew's anatomy, etc. He appears to have drawn on them for his lecturing activities. The transparencies similarly appear to have been created for lecturing purposes. The photographic material consists of NMR imagesof Andrew’s anatomy. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATION OF FURTHER MATERIAL Additional Andrew material is still in the hands of the family. Reports indicate that this material sheds light on aspects of Andrew’s career not much covered here, notably his postdoctoral year in Purcell’s laboratory at Harvard and his discovery of magic angle spinning while at Bangor. Also included in this additional material are research reports from Andrew's time as a Scientific Officer during the Second World War, and notes from his student years in Cambridge and the early British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group,etc. It is expected that this additional material will be deposited at the University of Nottingham Library to join this collection in due course.” ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare grateful to Dr Waldo Hinshaw for help with some of the photographic material, and to the University of Florida for permission to use the portrait of Andrew,originally shown on their poster announcing the symposium to celebrate Andrew's 75th birthday, University of Florida, 5 January 1997. Anna-K. Mayer Bath, 2008 2 Communication from L. Shaw at the University of Nottingham Library, 16 July 2008. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 10 SERIES 1 PUBLICATIONS 1946-2000 PRA/1/1 OFFPRINTS PRA/1/2 DRAFTS 378 items in 47 folders. PRA/1/1 OFFPRINTS 1946-2000 A number of these are photocopies, notoriginals. 365 items in 22 folders. PRA/1/1/1 E.R. Andrew, The visibility presentations, J. Inst. Elect. Eng. 93, IIIA, 1559 (1946) of signals on radar range PRA/1/1/2 E.R. Andrew, Resistance in the intermediate state, Phys. Soc. Cambridge Conf. Proc., 101 (1947) PRA/1/1/3 PRA/1/1/4 PRA/1/1/5 E.R. Andrew, measurement of ionization Farad. Soc. 44, 427 (1948) D.W.E. Axford and T.M. Sugden, The in a transient flame, Trans. E.R. Andrew, The intermediate state of superconductors. Il. The resistance of cylindrical superconductors in transverse magnetic fields, Proc. Roy. Soc. A194, 80 (1948) E.R. Andrew, The intermediate state of superconductors. III. Theory of behaviour of superconducting in transverse magnetic fields, Proc. Roy. Soc. A194, 98 (1948) cylinders PRA/1/1/6 E.R. Andrew, An automatic temperature control for a liquid helium cryostat, J. Sci. Instr. 25, 416 (1948) PRA/1/1/7 E.R. Andrew, Size variation of resistivity for mercury and tin, Proc. Phys. Soc. A62, 77 (1949) 1946 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/8 PRA/1/1/9 PRA/1/1/10 E.R. superconducting tin foils, Proc. Phys. Soc. A62, 88 (1949) measurements Andrew, Critical field on 1949 E.R. Andrew, The magnetization of superconducting plates in transverse magnetic fields, Proc. Int. Conf. LT Phys., MIT, 91 (1949) 1949 Andrew, E.R. hydrocarbons, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 607 (1950) Molecular motion in certain solid 1950 PRA/1/1/11 E.R. Andrew, Superconductivity, Chambers Encyclopaedia 13, 290 (1950) PRA/1/1/12 PRA/1/1/13 of E.R. Andrew and superconducting plates in transverse magnetic fields, Proc. Phys. Soc. A63, 13 (1950) Lock, The magnetization J.M. E.R. Andrew and R. Bersohn, Nuclear magnetic resonance lineshape for a triangular configuration of nuclei, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 159 (1950) PRA/1/1/14 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear resonance in solid hydrocarbons, Physica 17, 405 (1951) PRA/1/1/15 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance absorption in NaSbF6, Phys. Rev. 82, 443 (1951) PRA/1/1/16 E.R. Andrew and R.G. Eades, Proton magnetic resonancein solid cyclohexane, Proc. Phys. Soc. A65, 371 (1952) PRA/1/1/17 E.R. Andrew and F.A. Rushworth, Ring shims for coned magnet polecaps, Proc. Phys. Soc. B65, 801 (1952) PRA/1/1/18 PRA/1/1/19 E.R. Andrew and magnetic resonanceinvestigation of solid cyclohexane, Proc. Roy. Soc. A216, 398 (1953) Eades, A nuclear R.G. Andrew E.R. intramolecular and second moment of and RG. Eades, intermolecular nuclear the Separation contributions magnetic of to the the resonance 1950 1950 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/20 PRA/1/1/21 spectrum, Proc. Phys. Soc. A66, 45 (1953) magnetic E.R. Andrew and resonanceinvestigation of three solid benzenes, Proc. Roy. Soc. A218, 537 (1953) Eades, A nuclear R.G. E.R. Andrew and D. Hyndman, Proton magnetic resonance evidence for the planar structure of the urea molecule, Proc. Phys. Soc. A66, 1187 (1953) PRA/1/1/22 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance modulation correction, Phys. Rev. 91, 425 (1953) PRA/1/1/23 PRA/1/1/24 PRA/1/1/25 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance evidence ofself- diffusion Defects in Crystalline Solids, Bristol, 60 (1954) in molecular solids, Report Conf. E.R. Andrew and F.A. Rushworth, A large permanent design, performance and magnet: some details applications, El. J., 155, 1344-1346 (1955) of its magnetic E.R. Andrew and resonanceinvestigation of the structure of urea, Disc. Farad. Soc. 19, 195 (1955) Hyndman, A_ proton D. PRA/1/1/26 E.R. Andrew, Magnetic resonance symposium at Bangor, Nature 178, 1382 (1956) 1953 1953 1953 1954 1955 1955 1956 1957 1957 E.R. Andrew and K.M. Swanson, A method for determining the nuclear relaxation mechanism in crystals, Proc. Phys. Soc. 70B, 436 (1957) E.R. Andrew and N.D. Finch, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum for isosceles triangular configurations of nuclei, Proc. Phys. Soc., 70B, 980 (1957) PRA/1/1/27 PRA/1/1/28 PRA/1/1/29 Andrew, Nuclear E.R. study molecular motion in crystals, Acta. Cryst. 10, 853 (1957) resonance magnetic of 1957 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/30 E.R. Andrew, R.G. Eades and D.G. Hughes, The nuclear quadruple coupling constant of 23Na in sodium nitrate, Proc. Phys. Soc. 71, 1019 (1958) 1958 PRA/1/1/31 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance in Chem. Soc. Spec. Pub. 12, 177 (1958) crystals, 1958 PRA/1/1/32 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra from a crystal rotated at high speed, Nature 182, 1659 (1958) PRA/1/1/33 PRA/1/1/34 E.R. Andrew and R.A. Newing, The narrowing of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra by molecular rotation in solids, Proc. Phys. Soc. 72, 959 (1958) Bradbury and R.G. Nuclear E.R. Andrew, A. magnetic resonance spectra in solids: invariance of the second momentunder molecular reorientation, Arch. Sci. 11, 223 (1958) Eades, PRA/1/1/35 E.R. Andrew, Rotational narrowing of nuclear magnetic resonancespectra, Arch. Sci. 12, 103 (1959) PRA/1/1/36 E.R. Andrew, A. Bradbury and R.G. Eades, Removal of dipolar broadening of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of solids by specimenrotation, Nature 183, 1802 (1959) PRA/1/1/37 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonancein solids, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 10, 431 (1959) PRA/1/1/38 PRA/1/1/39 PRA/1/1/40 E.R. Andrew and K.M. Swanson, An experimental study of the nuclear relaxation mechanism in several crystals, Proc. Phys. Soc. 75, 582 (1960) E.R. Andrew, Thermal motion in crystals and molecules as revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance, Acta Cryst. 13, 1111 (1960) E.R. Andrew, A. Bradbury, R.G. Eades and G.J. Jenks, Fine structure of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of solids: of phosphorus pentachloride, Nature 188, 1103 (1960) spectrum chemical of the shift structure 1958 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/41 PRA/1/1/42 PRA/1/1/43 PRA/1/1/44 PRA/1/1/45 PRA/1/1/46 E.R. Andrew, A. Bradbury, R.G. Eades and G.J. Jenks, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of crystals rotated macroscopically: of phosphorus pentachloride, 9th Colloque AMPERE, Pisa, 371 (1960) spectrum structure fine the of E.R. Andrew, R.G. Eades, Z.M. El Saffar and J.P. Llewellyn, Proton of 9th Colloque molecular solids containing CH3 groups, AMPERE, Pisa, 379 (1960) temperatures resonance magnetic low at E.R. Andrew, J.W. Hennel, S. Clough and R.G. Eades, The temperature dependence coupling constant of 23Na in sodium nitrate, 9th Colloque AMPERE, Pisa, 412 (1960) quadrupole the of Andrew, solids E.R. containing small molecules, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 18, 9 (1961) resonance magnetic Nuclear in_ E.R. Andrew, K.M. Swanson and B.R. Williams, Angular dependence of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time for several alkali halide crystals, Proc. Phys. Soc. 77, 36 (1961) E.R. Andrew and D.P. Tunstall, Spin-lattice relaxation in imperfect cubic crystals and in non-cubic crystals, Proc. Phys. Soc. 78, 1 (1961) PRA/1/1/47 E.R. Andrew, Some nuclear magnetic resonance studies with solids, 10th Colloque AMPERE, Leipzig, 210 (1961) PRA/1/1/48 E.R. Andrew, The 10th Colloque AMPERE at Leipzig, September 1961, J. Sci. Instr. 39, 1 (1962) PRA/1/1/49 PRA/1/1/50 Andrew E.R. on radiospectroscopy of solids, Bangor, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 13, 94 (1962) Conference’ Clough, and S. E.R. Andrew, University College of North Wales, New Laboratories for the Department of Physics, Nature 193, 921 (1962) 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/51 E.R. Andrew, R.G. Eades, J.W. Hennel and D.G. Hughes, The magnetic resonance of 23Na nuclei in monocrystalline sodium nitrate, Proc. Phys. Soc. 79, 954 (1962) PRA/1/1/52 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance and other topics, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics 5, 70 (1962) PRA/1/1/53 PRA/1/1/54 PRA/1/1/55 PRA/1/1/56 PRA/1/1/57 PRA/1/1/58 PRA/1/1/59 PRA/1/1/60 E.R. Andrew and G.J. Jenks, The narrowing of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra by molecular rotation in solids. ll. Further calculations for a system or reorienting nuclear pairs, Proc. Phys. Soc. 80, 633 (1962) E.R. Andrew and R.G. Eades, Possibilities of high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonancespectra in crystals, Disc. Farad. Soc. 34, 38 (1962) E.R. Andrew, A. Bradbury, R.G. Eades and V.T. Wynn, Nuclear cross-relaxation induced by specimen rotation, Phys. Lett. 4, 99 (1963) E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonanceinvestigation of solids, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft f. Phys. Chem. 67, 295 (1963) E.R. Andrew and D.P. Tunstall, Anisotropy of chemical shift for some fluorine compounds, Proc. Phys. Soc. 81, 986 (1963) E.R. Andrew, R.G. Eades and G.P. Jones, Removal of dipolar broadening in solids, Proc. 5th Experimental NMR Conf. Pittsburgh (1964) Typescript and originalillustrations, including a photograph. E.R. Andrew, The measurement of phosphorus chemical shifts in solids by the rotating-specimen technique, Proc. Int. Symp. NMR, Tokyo, M-3-6 (1965) E.R. Andrew, NMR in solid phosphorus compounds by the rapidly rotating specimen method, Proc. 7th Experimental NMR Conf., Pittsburgh (1966) 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1964 1965 1966 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/61 PRA/1/1/62 PRA/1/1/63 E.R. Andrew and P.S. Allen, Developments in the nuclear magnetic resonance study of molecular motion in solids, J. Chim. Phys. 63, 85 (1966) E.R. Andrew and V.T. Wynn, Solid-state 31P magnetic resonance shifts and fine structure, Proc. Roy. Soc. 291A, 257 (1966) E.R. Andrew, S. Clough, L.F. Farnell, T.D. Gledhill and I. Roberts, nuclear magnetic resonancespectra, Phys. Lett. 21, 505 (1966) broadening Resonant rotational of PRA/1/1/64 E.R. Andrew, I. Roberts and R.C. Gupta, Helmholtz-type coils offinite cross-section, J. Sci. Instr. 43, 936 (1966) Andrew E.R. Chambers Encyclopaedia 13, 289 (1967) Williams, D.LI. and Superconductivity, 1967 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 PRA/1/1/65 PRA/1/1/66 PRA/1/1/67 PRA/1/1/68 PRA/1/1/69 PRA/1/1/70 E.R. Andrew, L.F. Farnell and T.D. Gledhill, Resolved spin multiplets in the NMR spectra of solids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 19, 6 (1967) E.R. Andrew, Y. Apaydin and W.S. Moore, Magnetic resonancein a rotating magnetic field, Phys. Lett. 25A, 44 (1967) (Revised edition, Pergamon Press) E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonancein rapidly-rotated solids, Proc. 14th Colloque AMPERE, Ljubljana, 1966, 388 (1967) E.R. Andrew, P.S. Allen and A. Cowking, Proton magnetic resonance in polymethylbenzenes, Proc. 14th Colloque AMPERE, Ljubljana, 1966, 1163 (1967) E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance, applications of, Enclyclopedic Dictionary of Physics, Supplementary Volume 2, 201 (1967) PRA/1/1/71 E.R. Andrew, Spin temperature, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics, Supplementary Volume 2, 363 (1967) E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/72 PRA/1/1/73 PRA/1/1/74 PRA/1/1/75 PRA/1/1/76 PRA/1/1/77 PRA/1/1/78 E.R. Andrew, Factors affecting the resolution of NMR spectra from Cultura (Sociedade Brasiliera para o Progresso da Ciencia) 20, 528 (1968) rapidly-rotated Ciencia e solids, E.R. Andrew and L.F. Farnell, The effect of macroscopic rotation on anisotropic bilinear spin interactions in solids, Mol. Phys., 15, 157 (1968) E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular motion Molecular Dynamics and Structure of Solids, NBS Special Publication 301, 415 (1969) crystals, organic in E.R. Andrew, L.F. Farnell, M. Firth, T.D. Gledhill and |. Roberts, High speed rotors for nuclear magnetic resonance studies on solids, J. Mag. Res. 1, 27 (1969) E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance with rapidly- rotated Tagung Physikalischen Hochfrequentzspektroskopie Gesellschaft der DDR, 443 (1969) specimens, solid der E.R. Andrew, M. Firth, A. Jasinski and P.K. Randall, NMR spin multiplets in solids resolved by high-speed rotation, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Il 15, 257 (1970) E.R. Andrew and A. Jasinski, Wplyw makroskopowej rotacji na widma cial stalych zawirajacych reorientujace sie grupy molekularne [Macroscopic rotation and spectrum of solid with Ogdlinopolska Konferencja Radiospektroskopia i Elektronika Kwantowa [Polish Conf. Radiospectr. & Quant. Electronics] 1, 96 (1970) reorienting molecular groups], IV Photocopy. PRA/1/1/79 E.R. Andrew, M. Firth, A. Jasinski and P.J. Randall, 19F nuclear spin coupling constants in solids by the high-speed rotation method, Phys. Lett. 31A, 446 (1970) PRA/1/1/80 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonancein rapidly rotated solids, Magnetic Resonance, Plenum Press, 163 (1970) PRA/1/1/81 E.R. Andrew and J. reorienting nuclear R. Brookeman, NMR spectra of pairs to application solids: in 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 conformational changes, J. Mag. Res. 2, 259 (1970) PRA/1/1/82 E.R. Andrew, The absence of chemical shift anisotropy in the multiple pulse NMR spectrum of a solid, Phys. Lett. 32A, 520 (1970) PRA/1/1/83 E.R. Andrew, Conformational motion and conformational order-disorder in solids, Phys. Lett. 34A, 30 (1971) PRA/1/1/84 PRA/1/1/85 PRA/1/1/86 PRA/1/1/87 E.R. Andrew and A. Jasinski, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra reorienting molecular groups, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 4, 391 (1971) rapidly-rotated containing solids of E.R. Andrew, The narrowing of NMR spectra of solids by high-speed specimen rotation and the resolution of chemical shift and spin multiplet structures for solids, Prog. NMR Spectroscopy8, | (1971) E.R. Andrew, J.L. Carolan and P.J. Randall, More precise Knight shift measurements: application to copper, Phys. Lett. 35A, 435 (1971) E.R. Andrew, J.L. Carolan and P.J. Randall, Measurement of the Ruderman-Kittel interaction for copper, Phys. Lett. 37A, 125 (1971) PRA/1/1/88 E.R. Andrew, NMR and conformational motion in solids, Proc. 16th Congr. AMPERE, Bucharest, 1970, 11 (1971) PRA/1/1/89 PRA/1/1/90 E.R. Andrew and A. Jasinski, Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra reorienting molecular groupsII, Proc. 16th Congr. AMPERE, Bucharest, 1970, 1019 (1971) rapidly-rotated containing solids of E.R. Andrew, J.L. Carolan and P.J. Precise measurements of the 63Cu and 65Cu NMR chemical shifts in solid cuprous halides by the high-speed rotation method, Chem. Phys. Lett. 11, 298 (1971) Randall, PRA/1/1/91 E.R. Andrew, Twenty-fifth anniversary of the discovery of NMR, Nature 233, 374 (1971) 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 E.R. 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Andrew and dynamiki molekularnej glukozy metoda JRP [Molecular dynamicsof alpha-D glucose as studied by NMR], Materiaty XVIII Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 18th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 24-35 (1986) Og6lnopolskiego Seminarium Badanie Na Photocopy. 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/218 E.R. Andrew and J. Kapturczak, Badanie amorficznej celulozy metoda magnetycznego rezonansu jadrowego [NMR studies of amorphous cellulose], Materiaty XVIII Ogoélnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 18th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 93-99 (1986) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/219 T.Z. Rizvi and E.R. Andrew, Hydration studies in solid proteins using pulsed NMR, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 23, 141-154 (1986) PRA/1/1/220 J. Mao, T.H. Mareci, K.N. Scott and E.R. Andrew, Optimal selective inversion RF pulse, Proc. SMRM Montreal, 1404-5 (1986) PRA/1/1/221 Andrew, E.R. resonance, Int. Symp. Quant. Biol. Abstracts 1 (1987) Human images by nuclear magnetic PRA/1/1/222 E.R. Andrew, NMR basic principles and magic angle spinning, NATO Adv. Study Inst., Pisa, | 1-9 (1987) PRA/1/1/223 E.R. Andrew and K. Jurga, NMR probe with short recovery time, J. Mag. Res. 73, 268-276 (1987) PRA/1/1/224 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczesniak, Magnetic shielding of magnetic resonance systems, Proc. SMRM NewYork, 395 (1987) PRA/1/1/225 E.R. Andrew and R. Gaspar, Proton magnetic relaxation in adenosine monophosphate in solution, Proc. SMRM New York, 1031 (1987) PRA/1/1/226 E.R. Andrew and J.R. Fitzsimmons, Developments in NMR imaging, Bull. Mag. Res. 9, 53-65 (1987) PRA/1/1/227 E.C. Reynhardt, K. Jurga and E.R. Andrew, An NMR study of 1H, 31P and 23Na relaxation and molecular dynamicsin the of adenosine di- and triphosphate, J. Mag. Res. 74, 480-502 (1987) polycrystalline sodium salts 31 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/228 Mao, T.H. J. Scott and E.R. Andrew, Experimental study of the optimized selection of pulses, Abstracts 28th Experimental NMR Conf., WK32 (1987) Mareci, K.N. PRA/1/1/229 E.R. Andrew, resonance, Int. 331-339 (1987) Human images magnetic J. Quant. Chem.: Quant. Biol. Symp. 14, nuclear by PRA/1/1/230 E.R. Andrew, Fruits of NMR. Review of P.G. Morris, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine and Biology (Clarendon 1986), Nature 325, 116 (1987) PRA/1/1/231 E.R. Andrew, Principles and practice of NMR tomographyin medicine, Proc. 9th AMPERE Summer School, Novosibirsk, 9 (1987) PRA/1/1/232 E.R. Andrew, Magnetic resonance in medicine: historical overview & future, SMRM Newsletter 13, 6-7 (1987) PRA/1/1/233 E.R. Andrew, Magnetic resonance imaging: seeing safely inside the human body, Proc. Roy. Inst. GB 59, 279-296 (1987) PRA/1/1/234 E.R. Andrew, Recent developments in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, Arabian J. Sci. & Eng. 13, 133-144 (1988) PRA/1/1/235 E.R. Andrew and R. Gaspar, Proton magnetic relaxation of adenosine 5’ monophosphatein solution, Chem. Phys. Lett. 146, 184-188 (1988) PRA/1/1/236 E.C. Reynhardt, K. Jurga and E.R. Andrew, An NMR study of 1H, 31P and 23Na relaxation and molecular dynamicsin the of N-phosphocreatine hydrate, J. Mag. Res. 78, 97-112 (1988) polycrystalline disodium salt PRA/1/1/237 E.R. Andrew and R. Gaspar, Proton magnetic relaxation of in adenosine diphosphate and adenosine triphosphate solution, Chem. Phys. Lett. 147, 551-556 (1988) PRA/1/1/238 E.R. Andrew, Theory of NMR imaging. In: NMRin the Life Sciences (Plenum Press: New York), 187-197 (1988) 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 33 PRA/1/1/239 J. Mao, T.H. Mareci and E.R. Andrew, Experimental study of optimal selective 180 degree radiofrequency pulses, J. Mag. Res. 79, 1-10 (1988) PRA/1/1/240 E.R. Andrew, NMR from molecules to man, Rev. Roum. de Phys. 33, 335-340 (1988) PRA/1/1/241 PRA/1/1/242 E.R. Andrew, J. Kapturczak and S. Gtowinowski, Dynamika molekularna kolagenu [Molecular dynamics of collagen], Materiaty XX Ogdlnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 20th Polish Seminar on NMR& its Applications], 67-71 (1988) Photocopy. Peplinska. Includes a translation into English by B. L. and Andrew Latanowicz, grup E.R. hydroksylowych polikristalicznych cukrach [Dynamics of hydroxyl groups in polycrystalline sugars], Materiaty XX Ogodlnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 20th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 72-81 (1988) Dynamika Photocopy. Peplinska. Includes a translation into English by B. PRA/1/1/243 E.R. Andrew, Advances in NMR imaging, Abstracts 24th Congr. AMPERE, Poznan, Poland, L-42 (1988) PRA/1/1/244 PRA/1/1/245 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczesniak, NMR study of molecular dynamics 2-methyl- 2propaneselenol, Abstracts 24th Congr. AMPERE, Poznan, Poland, A-40 (1988) transition phase solid and in L. Latanowicz, Z. Pajak and E.R. Andrew, NMR second momentand relaxation rate in the presenceoffluctuations of the radial part of the dipolar interaction, Abstracts 24th Congr. AMPERE, Poznan, Poland. A-52 (1988) PRA/1/1/246 E.R. Andrew, NMR in medicine: a historical review. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ed. C.L. Partain et al., W.B. Saunders Co: Philadelphia, 9-20 (1988) PRA/1/1/247 E.R. Andrew, K. Jurga and E. SzczeSniak, Molecular motions and polymorphic properties of solid 2-methyl-2- propane-selenol as studied by NMR, Molec. Phys. 65, 1421- 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 1430 (1988) PRA/1/1/248 PRA/1/1/249 E.R. Andrew, Advances in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging Mtg. on 5th Magnetic Res., Fuzhou, China, 1 (1988) Abstracts medicine, National in A. Qiu W.S. Gaspar, Brey, magnetic Andrew, R. Phosphorus-31 adenosine monophosphate, adenosine diphosphate and adenosine triphosphate in solution, Chem. Phys. Lett. 156, 619-622 (1989) E.R. of relaxation and PRA/1/1/250 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczesniak, Magnetic shielding of magnetic resonance systems, Mag. Res. Med. 10, 373-387 (1989) PRA/1/1/251 P.A. Bottomley and E.R. Andrew, RF magnetic field penetration, phase shift and powerdissipation in biological tissue: In: NMR in Biomedicine: The Physical Basis, ed. E. Fukushima, Am. Inst. Phys. 123-136 (1989) for NMR imaging. implications PRA/1/1/252 E.R. Andrew, K. Jurga and E. Szczesniak, An NMR investigation of solid t-butyl selenol, Proc. 10th ISMAR Mtg., Morzine, P 1-11 (1989) PRA/1/1/253 E.R. Andrew and B. Peplinska, An NMR investigation of solid cholesterol, Proc. 10th ISMAR Mtg., Morzine, P 1-12 (1989) PRA/1/1/254 E.R. Andrew and M.F. Kempka, NMR study of molecular motion in solid cortisone, Proc. 10th ISMAR Mtg., Morzine, P1-13 (1989) PRA/1/1/255 S. Froneman, Reynhardt, E. E.C. Szczesniak, An NMR study of 1H, 31P and 23Na relaxation and molecular dynamicsin the polycrystalline sodium salt of adenosine monophosphate, J. Mag. Res. 84, 110-120 (1989) E.R. Andrew and 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 PRA/1/1/256 E.R. Andrew, Topical questions in magnetic resonance imaging, Proc. 14th Congr. AMPERE, Poznan, 45-51 (1989) 1989 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/257 E.R. Andrew, W.S. Brey, R. Gaspar and A. Qiu, 31P relaxation of AMP, ADP and ATP in solution, Proc. 8th SMRM Mtg., Amsterdam, 769 (1989) PRA/1/1/258 E.R. Andrew, An overview of magnetic resonance imaging, Abstracts, British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group Mtg. on Spatially Determined NMR, Cambridge, 9 (1989) PRA/1/1/259 E.C. Reynhardt, K. Jurga and E.R. Andrew, An NMR study of 1H and 31P relaxation and molecular dynamics in polycrystalline nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), J. Mag. Res. 85, 506-523 (1989) PRA/1/1/260 E.R. Andrew, Anintroduction to nuclear magnetic resonance in biomedicine, J. Canad. Assoc. of Radiologists 41, 2-7 (1990) PRA/1/1/261 E.R. Andrew, NMR penetration into the body, Citation Classic, Current Contents, Clinical Medicine 18, 24 (1990) PRA/1/1/262 PRA/1/1/263 E.R. Andrew, Introduction to nuclear magnetic resonancein biology and medicine. In: Non-invasive Techniques in Biology and Medicine, ed. S.E. Freeman, E. Fukushima and E.R. Greene, San Francisco PressInc., 75-87 (1990) E.R. Andrew, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In: Conductivity and Magnetism, The Legacyof Felix Bloch, ed. W.A. Little, World Scientific 1269-1281 (1990) Singapore, Publishing Co., PRA/1/1/264 R. Gaspar and E.R. Andrew, Phosphorus-31 magnetic relaxation of inorganic ortho-phosphate in solution, Chem. Phys. Lett. 170, 171-174 (1990) PRA/1/1/265 E.R. Andrew and B. cholesterol, Molecular Physics 70, 505-512 (1990) Peplinska, NMR study of solid PRA/1/1/266 E.R. Andrew, W.S. Brey and R. Gaspar, 31P relaxation mechanisms in phosphorus metabolites, Proc. 15th Congr. AMPEREon Mag. Res. and Rel. Phen., Stuttgart, 194-195 (1990) 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/267 E.R. Andrew, Passive magnetic screening, Mag. Res. Med. 17, 22-26 (1991) PRA/1/1/268 E.R. Andrew, Magnetic resonance imaging, Int. Phys. B4, 1269-1281 (1991) J. Mod. PRA/1/1/269 E.R. Andrew, Message from the retiring editor, Mag. Res. Med. 21, 1 (1991) PRA/1/1/270 E.R. Andrew, The new U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Abstracts, BRSG Mtg., Canterbury, England, L19 (1991) PRA/1/1/271 E.R. Andrew, M.L. Buszko, M.F. Kempka and B. Peplinska, NMR studies of polycrystalline cholesterol, cortisone and lactic acid, Abstracts, BRSG Mtg., Canterbury, England, P12 (1991) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/272 E.R. Andrew, W.S. Brey and R. Gaspar, Phosphorus-31 magnetic relaxation of phosphocreatine in solution, Chem. Phys. Lett. 184, 17-20 (1991) PRA/1/1/273 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance at high magnetic fields, Abstracts, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 36. 2753-2754 (1991) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/274 E.R. Andrew, NMR imaging the future, Abstracts, Soc. Eng. Sci. 28th Ann. Techn. Mtg., Ta9-1 (1991) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/275 E.R. Andrew, NMR imaging reminiscences, Abstracts, 1st Forum AMPERE, Rome, Italy, 9 (1991) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/276 E.R. Andrew, J. Radomski and S. Sagnowski, Aktywne ekranowanie cewki gradientowej Gz [Active screening of Gz gradient coil], Materiaty XXIII OgéInopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 23rd Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 100-103 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/277 (1991) Photocopy. E.R. Andrew, W.S. Brey and R. Gaspar, 31P relaxation mechanisms Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 25 January 1992 metabolites, phosphorus’ in Photocopy. PRA/1/1/278 E.R. Andrew, A message of greeting to the readers, Solid State NMR 1, v (1992) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/279 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Abstracts, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Workshop on Functional Brain Imaging, 8 June 1992, 10-12 (1992) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/280 E.R. Andrew, NMR imaging and in vivo spectroscopyin high magnetic fields, Proc. Workshop on NMR, 21-29 (1992) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/281 E.R. Andrew, K. Jurga, J.M. Radomski and E.C. Reynhardt, Proton relaxation NMR study of polycrystalline progesterone, Solid State NMR 1, 121-125 (1992) PRA/1/1/282 M.L. Buszko and E.R. Andrew, 1H NMR study oflithium D- lactate, Solid State NMR 1, 115-119 (1992) PRA/1/1/283 E.R. Andrew and M.L. Buszko, Proton relaxation in solid lactic acid and solid lithium lactate, Extended Abstracts, 26th Congr. AMPERE, Athens, 455-456 (1992) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/284 E.R. Andrew and J. in polycrystalline progesterone and testosterone, Extended Abstracts, 26th Congr. AMPERE, Athens, 457-8 (1992) Radomski, relaxation Proton Photocopy. 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/285 E.R. Andrew, Magnetic resonancereflections. In: Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, ed. B. Blumich and W. Kuhn, VCH Weinheim, 589-593 (1992) PRA/1/1/286 M.L. Buszko and E.R. Andrew, NMR study of solid lactic acid (2-hydroxypropanoic acid), Mol. Phys. 76, 83-87 (1992) PRA/1/1/287 E.R. Andrew, The New U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, J. Mol. Liquids 54, 283-288 (1992) PRA/1/1/288 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance and the brain, Brain Topography 5, 129-133 (1992) PRA/1/1/289 PRA/1/1/290 E.R. Andrew and J. Radomski, Magnetic resonance of two hormones: Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 23 January 1993 progesterone and testosterone, S. Sagnowski and E.R. Andrew, Special purpose gradient coils for MRI and MRS, Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 23 January 1993 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/291 E.R. Andrew, Sir Joseph Banks and Boston, Int. 250th Anniv. Comm. Conf. Sir Joseph Banks, Royal Society, London, Abstracts (1993) Draft. PRA/1/1/292 E.R. Andrew and J.M. Radomski, Molecular dynamics in polycrystalline testosterone studied by proton NMR, Solid State NMR 2, 57-60 (1993) PRA/1/1/293 E.R. Andrew, Resistance in the intermediate state. In: The International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, ed. R.J. Donnelly, University of Oregon Press, 101-104 (1993) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/294 E.R. Andrew and M.F. Kempka, Molecular dynamicsin solid cortisone, Abstracts, BRSG Conf., St Andrews (1993) Photocopy. 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/295 E.R. Andrew and J.M. Radomski, Relaxation and dynamics in solid testosterone, Abstracts, BRSG Conf., St Andrews, 14-15 September 1993 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/296 E.R. Andrew,A long relaxation time: NMR past, present and future, Abstracts, 25th SE Mag. Res. Conf., Gainesville, Florida, 29-30 October 1993 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/297 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Proton NMR study of molecular motion in solid cortisone, Solid State NMR 2, 261- 264 (1993) PRA/1/1/298 M. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, NMR study of molecular of motion in Radiology Medicine Research Day, 22 January 1994 solid University Department Abstracts, cortisone, College Florida of of Photocopy. PRA/1/1/299 E. Szczesniak and E.R. Andrew, Low inductance transverse gradient head coil, Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 22 January 1994 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/300 PRA/1/1/301 E.R. Andrew and S. Sagnowski, Nested Maxwell pairs: a simple shielded Z gradient system, Abstracts, Department of Radiology Medicine Research Day, 22 January 1994 University College Florida of of Photocopy. phosphorus E.R. Andrew and R. Gaspar, Mechanisms of 31P relaxation Nottingham in Symposium Medicine, Nottingham, 6-8 April 1994, 35 metabolites, Magnetic Abstracts, Resonance 1st in on Photocopy. PRA/1/1/302 L. Latanowicz, E.R. Andrew and E.C. Reynhardt, Second moment of an NMR spectrum of a solid narrowed by molecular groupsin potential wells with nonequivalentsites, J. Mag. Res. A 107, 194-202 (1994) 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/303 E.R. Andrew, Sir Joseph Banks and Boston. In: Sir Joseph Banks: A Global Perspective, ed. R.E.R. Bankset. Al., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 197-200 (1994) PRA/1/1/304 E.R. Andrew, M.F. Kempka and J.M. Radomski, Relaxation and molecular dynamics in two solid steroids: cortisone and testosterone, Extended Abstracts, 27th Congr. AMPERE, Kazan, 84-85 (1994) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/305 E.R. Andrew, Introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance. In: NMR in Physiology and Biomedicine, ed. R.J. Gillies, Academic Press, 1-23 (1994) Photocopy. 1994 1994 1994 PRA/1/1/306 Andrew, E.R. recollections, MAGMA2, 143-146 (1994) After-dinner speech: Nottingham NMR 1994 PRA/1/1/307 E.R. Andrew and R. Gaspar, Mechanisms of 31P relaxation in phosphorus metabolites, MAGMA2, 421-423 (1994) PRA/1/1/308 M. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, NMR study of molecular motionin solid estrogen, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 23, 28 January 1995 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/309 E. Szczesniak, M.F. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, Magnetic application, field Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 24, 28 January 1995 microimaging assembly gradient for Photocopy. PRA/1/1/310 E.R. Andrew, Fifty years of magnetic resonance, Abstract, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 25, 28 January 1995 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/311 M.L. Buszko. M.F. Kempka, E. Szczesniak, D.C. Wang and E.R. Andrew, Abstracts, 36th ENC Boston, P524, 360 (1995) 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/312 E. Szczesniak, M.F. Kempka, and E.R. Andrew, Magnetic field gradient coils for NMR microimaging, Abstracts, 16th RAMIS-95, Poznan, 25-27 April 1995, P-89 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/313 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Molecular motions in solid resonance estradiol spectroscopy, Solid State NMR 4, 249-253 (1995) magnetic studied by nuclear PRA/1/1/314 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczesniak, Low inductance transverse gradient system of restricted length, Mag. Res. Imaging 13, 607-613 (1995) PRA/1/1/315 E.R. Andrew, B.A. Inglis, M. Kempka, T.H. Mareci and E. Szezesniak, A compact low inductance transverse gradient system for magnetic resonance microscopy: application to the human spinal cord, Abstracts, 3rd Int. Conf. Mag. Res. Microscopy, Wurzburg, 27-31 August 1995, 6 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/316 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, The NON-CON transverse gradient coil for NMR microscopy, Abstracts, 3rd Int. Conf. Mag. Res. Microscopy, Wurzburg, 27-31 August 1995, 53 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/317 PRA/1/1/318 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczesniak, Krotki, niskoindukcyjny system wytwarzajacy gradienty poprzeczne [Short, low inductance transverse gradient system], Materiaty XXVII Ogélnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 27th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], Cracow, 393-395 (1995) Photocopy. E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Magnetyczna_ relaksacja jadrowa a ruchy molekularne w cortisolu [Nuclear magnetic relaxation and molecular motion of cortisol], Materiaty XXVII Ogélnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 27th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], Cracow, 155-158 (1995) Photocopy. 41 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/319 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Dynamika molekularna w B- estradiolu [Molecular Dynamics of 8-estradiol], Materiaty XXVII Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 27th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], Cracow, 159-162 (1995) Ogdlnopolskiego Seminarium Na Photocopy. PRA/1/1/320 E.R. Andrew and J. Radomski, Magnetycza relaksacja jadrowa w pochodnych cholesterolu [Magnetic relaxation in derivatives of cholesterol], X Ogdlnopolska Konferencja Krysztaly Molekularne [Proc. 10th Polish Conf. Molecular Crystals], Poznan, P-1 (1995) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/321 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear magnetic resonance: past, present and future, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 40, 2061 (1995) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/322 E.R. Andrew, Fifty years of NMR: a personal account, Abstracts, 17th Ann. SE Mag. Res. Conf., Tallahassee, 30 November-2 December 1995, 23 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/323 E.R. Andrew, A history of NMR from a lifetime’s work, Abstracts, 12th ISMAR Conf., Sydney, Australia, L1.4 (1995) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/324 E.R. Andrew, Fifty years of nuclear magnetic resonance, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 14, 20 January 1996 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/325 B. Peplinska, M. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, NMR study of Abstracts, molecular Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 15, 20 January 1996 adrenaline, motions in solid 42 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/326 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, NON-CON gradient coil, Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida 1996 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 College of Medicine Research Day, 16, 20 January 1996 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/327 E.R. Andrew, Spinning the spins: a lifetime of NMR. In: Encyclopaedia of NMR, ed. D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris, Wiley, Chichester, 180-187 (1996) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/328 E.R. Andrew, Magic angle spinning. In: Encyclopaedia of NMR, ed. D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris, Wiley: Chichester, 2891-2901 (1996) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/329 Andrew, Imaging: a_ E.R. In: Encyclopaedia of NMR, ed. D.M. Grant and R.K. Harris, Wiley: Chichester, 2462-2472 (1996) overview. historical 1996 1996 1996 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/330 E.R. Andrew, A history of NMR from Mag. Res. 18, 16-20 (1996) lifetime’s work, Bull. 1996 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/331 PRA/1/1/332 E.R. Andrew, B.A. Inglis, M. Kempka, T. Mareci and E. gradient system for NMR Szczesniak, microimaging, MAGMA4, 85-91 (1996) Magnetic field E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, NON-CON gradient coil, 197-198 Abstracts, (1996) Congr. AMPERE, Canterbury, 28th Photocopy. PRA/1/1/333 E.R. Andrew, B. Peplinska and M. Kempka, Molecular dynamicsofsolid L-adrenaline by NMR, Proc. 28th Congr. AMPERE, Canterbury, 313-314 (1996) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/334 E.R. Andrew, M. Kempka and A. Szyczewski, Molecular dynamics of solid cortisol studied by NMR, Mol. Phys. 88, 605-610 (1996) 1996 1996 1996 1996 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/335 E.R. Andrew and E. Szczegsniak, A historical account of NMR in the solid state, Progr. NMR Spect. 28, 11-36 (1996) PRA/1/1/336 of E.R. Andrew and J.R. reorienting pairs in solids: applications to conformational changes. In: Magnetic Resonance in Perspective, ed. W.S. Brey, Academic Press: San Diego, 1-8 (1996) Brookeman, NMR spectra Photocopy. PRA/1/1/337 PRA/1/1/338 PRA/1/1/339 M.L. Buszko, M.F. Kempka, E. Szczesniak, D.C. Wang and E.R. Andrew, Optimization of transverse gradient coils with coaxial return paths by simulated annealing, J. Mag. Res. B112, 207-213 (1996) E.R. Andrew, Making the human body transparent: the impact of nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging; a general historical introduction, History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group Witness Seminar, 2 July 1996, 1-6 (1996) Photocopyof proofs. w_ (-)-adrenalinie B. Peplinska, M. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, Dynamika molekularna in adrenaline], Materiaty XXIX Ogdlnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 29th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 299-302 (1996) [Molecular dynamics Photocopy. PRA/1/1/340 M. Kempka and E.R. Andrew, Cewka gradientowa do eksperymentow MRJ [Gradient coils in experimental MRI], Materiaty XXIX Ogédlnopolskiego Seminarium Na Temat Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 29th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], 303-306 (1996) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/341 E.R. Andrew, Radiology Research. Report commissioned by the Chairman of the UF Radiology Department (1996) Draft. PRA/1/1/342 E.R. Andrew, Transverse gradient coils for NMR imaging, Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 7, 8 February 1997 44 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/343 E.R. Andrew, M.L. Buszko, M. Kempka and B. Peplinska, Abstracts, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 12, 8 February 1997 Photocopy. PRA/1/1/344 E.R. Andrew, relaxation study of polycrystalline AMPERE/RAMIS, P-39 (1997) M. Kempka and J. Radomski, Proton B-estradiol, Abstracts, PRA/1/1/345 B. Peplinska and E.R. Andrew, Molecular motions in all- trans retinoic acid by NMR, Abstracts, AMPERE/RAMIS, P- 36 (1997) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/346 E.R. Andrew, In memoriam: Edward Purcell, Mag. Res. Med. 38, 177-178 (1997) PRA/1/1/347 Novel E.R. Andrew, M. Kempka and E. transverse gradient coils for MR microscopy, Abstracts, 4th Int. Macroscopy, Albuquerque, 52 (1997) SzczeSniak, Microscopy Conf. & Mag. Res. Photocopy. PRA/1/1/348 Proton spin-lattice E.R. Andrew and S. relaxation in polycrystalline riboflavin (vitamin B2), Abstracts, 29th SE Mag. Res. Conf., P14 (1997) Gtowinkowski, Photocopy. PRA/1/1/349 E.R. Andrew, J.R. Fitzsimmons and K.N. Scott, Magnetic resonance 26th AIPR Workshop, Washington (1997) Abstracts, imaging, Photocopy. PRA/1/1/350 E.R. Andrew,75 years, Solid State NMR 9, 1-11 (1997) PRA/1/1/351 E.R. Andrew, B. Peplinska and M. Kempka, Molecular dynamics in solid L-adrenaline by proton NMR, Solid State 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 NMR 10,117-121 (1998) PRA/1/1/352 S. Gtowinkowski and E.R. Andrew, Molecular dynamics in polycrystalline riboflavin (vitamin B2), Extended Abstracts, Joint 29th AMPERE-13th ISMAR Conf., Berlin, 636-637 (1998) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/353 B. Peplinska and E.R. Andrew, NMR study of solid all-trans retinoic acid, Extended Abstracts, Joint 29th AMPERE-13th ISMAR Conf., Berlin, 652-653 (1998) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/354 M. Kempka, J. Radomski, E. Szczesniak and E.R. Andrew, Relaxation and molecular dynamics in solid §-estradiol, Extended Abstracts, Joint 29th AMPERE-13th ISMAR Conf., Berlin, 695 (1998) Photocopy. PRA/1/1/355 E.R. Andrew, M. Kempka, S. Sagnowski and E. Szczesniak, Novel gradient coils for magnetic resonance microscopy. In: Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance, ed. P. Blumler, B. Blumich, R. E. Botto and E. Fukushima (Wiley-VCH 1998), 683-693 PRA/1/1/356 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Transverse gradient coil with circle current paths, MAGMA7, 55-60 (1998) See also PRA/1/2/4. PRA/1/1/357 E.R. Andrew and B. Peplinska, Molecular motion in solid all- trans retinoic acid (vitamin A acid) by proton NMR, Solid State NMR 13, 39-43 (1998) PRA/1/1/358 E.R. Andrew, Portrait of a spectroscopist: Professor E. Raymond Andrew,Spectroscopy Europe 10 (5), 28 (1998) PRA/1/1/359 Andrew, M. Kempka, Radomski E. E.R. J.M. Szczesniak, Molecular dynamics in solid anhydrous B- estradiol studied by 1H NMR, Solid State NMR 14 (2), 91-94 (1999) and See also PRA/1/2/6. 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/1/360 PRA/1/1/361 PRA/1/1/362 J. Radomski and E. E.R. Andrew, Szezesniak, 1H NMR study of solid pregnenolone, 18th Conf. Mod. Mag. Res., Poznan-Kierkrz, April 11-15, 1999 Gtowinkowski, S. Photocopy. E. E.R. Andrew, S. Glowinkowski, J. Radomski, A. Szyczewski relaxation and and molecular dynamics in polycrystalline estrogens: estrone and estriol, Mol. Phys. Reports 29, 110-113 (2000) Nuclear magnetic Szczegniak, Photocopy. S. Gtowinkowski, J. Radomski and E. E.R. Andrew, solid pregnenolone Szezegniak, studied by 1H spin-lattice relaxation, Solid State NMR 15 (4), 227-230 (2000) Molecular dynamics in See also PRA/1/2/7. PRA/1/1/363 E.R. Andrew and S. Gtowinkowski, Molecular dynamics in solid riboflavin as studied by 1H NMR, Solid State NMR 18 (1-4), 89-96 (2000) See also PRA/1/2/8. PRA/1/1/364 PRA/1/1/365 E. E.R. Andrew, S. Gtowinkowski, J. Radomski, A. Szyczewski and in polycrystalline estrogens, Abstracts, 30th Congr. AMPERE, Lisbon, P.130 (2000) Szczegsniak, relaxation magnetic Nuclear Photocopy. E.R. Andrew, S. Gtowinkowski, J. Radomski, A. Szyczewski and E. Szczegniak, Jadrowa relaksacja magnetyczna i dynamika molekularna w_ polikrystalicznych estrogenach: in estronie polycrystalline estrogens], Materiaty XXXII Ogdlnopolskiego Seminarium Rezonansu Jadrowego [Proc. 32th Polish Seminar on NMR & its Applications], Cracow, 2000 Magnetycznego relaxation magnetic [Nuclear estriolu i Na Temat 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Photocopy. PRA/1/2 DRAFTS 1952-2000 13 items in 25 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/2/1 48 E.R. Andrew, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Cambridge Monographs of Physics Series: Cambridge University Press (1955) 1952-1981 5 items in 9 folders. PRA/1/2/1/1 Correspondence 1952-1955 1952-1955 Correspondence re Andrew's proposed monograph on NMR, in chronological order. Includes outlines and drafts at various stages of production, with detailed comments by D. Shoenberg and others. Also includes correspondence re potentially rival book projects of G.E. Pake in the US and A.K. Sahain India. Andrew delivered the manuscript to the Press in August 1954. 3 folders. PRA/1/2/1/2 Reviews 1955-1957, n.d. As found. Includes pre-publication announcements and draft reviews. PRA/1/2/1/3 Correspondence 1956-1966 1956-1966 In chronological order. Chiefly correspondence with the Press re royalties, sales, reprints, corrections etc. Includes material re translations of the book into Japanese and Russian and re attemptsto plagiariseit. A pirated Russian translation appeared with the Foreign Literature Publishing House, Moscow,in 1957. PRA/1/2/1/4 Correspondence 1967-1981 1967-1981 Chiefly correspondence with the Press re a second edition, for in reprinting. chronological corrections order. Also includes 2 folders. PRA/1/2/1/5 Royalty Statements 1955-1981 In chronological order. income 1955-1981. 2 folders. Includes an overview of royalty E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/2/2 PRA/1/2/3 49 E.R. Andrew, B. Peplinska and M. Kempka, Molecular dynamicsin solid L-adrenaline by proton NMR, Solid State NMR 10, 117-121 (1998) 1997-1998 Correspondence, drafts, diagrams. 2 folders. E.R. Andrew, M. Kempka, S. Sagnowski and E. Szczesniak, Novel gradient coils for magnetic resonance microscopy. In: Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance, ed. P. Blumler, B. Blumich, R. E. Botto and E. Fukushima, Wiley-VCH, 683- 693 (1998) Correspondence, referee’s comments, drafts. 2 folders. 1997-1998 PRA/1/2/4 E.R. Andrew and M. Kempka, Transverse gradient coil with circle current paths, MAGMA7, 55-60 (1998) 1997-1998 Correspondence, referee’s comments, drafts. Also includes photographic material. 3 folders. PRA/1/2/5 E.R. Andrew and B. Peplinska, Molecular motion in solid all- trans retinoic acid (vitamin A acid) by proton NMR, Solid State NMR 13, 39-43 (1998) 1996-1998 Correspondence, annotated drafts, diagrams. 2 folders. PRA/1/2/6 PRA/1/2/7 Andrew, M. and Kempka, E.R. E. Szczegniak, Molecular dynamics in solid anhydrous beta- estradiol studied by 1H NMR, Solid State NMR 14 (2), 91-94 (1999) Radomski J.M. Correspondence and drafts (some annotated). 2 folders. S. Gtowinkowski, J. Molecular dynamics in Radomski and E. E.R. Andrew, solid pregnenolone Szezegniak, studied by 1H spin-lattice relaxation, Solid State NMR 15 (4), 227-230 (2000) Correspondenceand drafts (some annotated). 2 folders. 1998-1999 1999-2000 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/1/2/8 E.R. Andrew and S. Gtowinkowski, Molecular dynamics in solid riboflavin as studied by 1H NMR, Solid State NMR 18 (1-4), 89-96 (2000) Correspondence, drafts (some annotated). Also includes a 3 1/2" computer disk. 2 folders. 50 2000 PRA/1/2/9 Miscellaneous shorter publications 1984-1987 Correspondence, drafts, proofs of the following: Nuclear Resonance applied. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Basic Principles (Raven 1984); M.A. Foster, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Pergamon 1984), Nature 310, 803 (1984), Review of S.W. Young, Foreword. In: NMR in Medicine: The Instrumentation and Clinical Applications, ed. S.R. Thomas and R.L. Dixon, Am. Inst. Phys., Med. Phys. Monograph 14 (1986), Fruits of NMR. Review of P.G. Morris, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine and Biology (Clarendon 1986), Nature 325, 116 (1987), Magnetic resonance in medicine: historical overview & future, SMRM Newsletter 13, 6-7 (1987). E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 SERIES 2 BIOGRAPHICAL 51 1939-2001 PRA/2/1 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES PRA/2/2 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PRA/2/3 BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS PRA/2/4 EDUCATION PRA/2/5 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS PRA/2/6 COMMEMORATIVE OCCASIONS PRA/2/7 PHOTOGRAPHS 42 items. PRA/2/1 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES Copies of obituaries. Andrew died on 27 May 2001 at his home in Gainesville, Florida, US. 2 items in 1 folder. P.A. Bottomley, P. Mansfield and P.S. Allen, ‘E. Raymond Andrew. June 27, 1921-May 27, 2001’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 46 (2001), 417-418 J. Klinowski, ‘In memoriam. E. Raymond Andrew (1921- 2001’, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, vol. 20 (2001), 85-86 PRA/2/1/1 PRA/2/1/2 2001 2001 2001 PRA/2/2 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1973-1998 5 items in 5 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/2/2/1 Curricula Vitae etc In chronological order. 2 items in 2 folders. PRA/2/2/1/1 CVs PRA/2/2/1/2 Miscellaneous 52 c.1979-1999 c.1979-1980 1981-1999 Includes a questionnaire and a portion of a Witness Seminar to which Andrew contributed in conjunction with the History of Twentieth Century Medicine Group, Wellcome Institute, London, on 2 July 1996. Also includes a list of publications, c. 1981. PRA/2/2/2 Reminiscences from Wellingborough School 1983-1990 Correspondence. Andrew attended Wellingborough School, Northants, until 1939, and later served as a Governor. PRA/2/2/3 ‘Portrait of a spectroscopist’ 1996-1998 Correspondence re Andrew’s autobiographical account in the magazine Spectroscopy Europe, vol.10 (1998), p. 28. Includes a typescript and proof copyof the article. PRA/2/2/4 Entries for Biographical Directories 1973-1980 alphabetical In order. Correspondence and entries for Dictionary of International Biography, Men of Achievement, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Europe, Who’s Who in Science in Europe, Who’s Who of British Scientists, World’s Who’s Who of Authors, International Authors and Writers Who’s Who, and Writers Directory. PRA/2/3 BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS 1955-1996 order. chronological clippings, In correspondence and an historical account of the physics department of University College of North Wales, where Andrew taught 1954-1964. Includes press PRA/2/4 EDUCATION 1939-1942 Comprises 19 notebooks from Andrew's student days at Cambridge, 1939-1942. All inscribed ‘E.R. Andrew Christ's’ E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 53 on the front or on inside cover. Not paginated unless so stated. 19 items. PRA/2/4/1 Large Format Notebooks 1939-1942 Hard cover, c. 10"x8". 6 items. PRA/2/4/1/1 ‘Practical Physics Book 1’ Notes and drawings on experiments, starting with a table of contents. With intercalated material, including a typescript handout ‘Cavendish Laboratory practical class’ (front inside cover) and original readings (at exp. 20, ‘Gyroscope’). Blue cover. PRA/2/4/1/2 ‘Practical Physics Book 2’ Notes and drawings on experiments, starting with a table of contents. With typescript handouts (‘Cavendish Laboratory practical class’, ‘Part | class Easter term 1940’) intercalated at front inside cover. Blue cover. PRA/2/4/1/3 ‘Practical Physics Book 3’ Continues on from ‘Book 2’. With typescript handout (‘Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, Part | class, Easter term, 1941’, with calculations in pencil on back) intercalated at front inside cover. Only front third of notebook used. Blue cover. PRA/2/4/1/4 ‘Practical Crystal Physics’ on drawings total with and Notes of ‘Kolrausch’s notebooks used. Somecalculations in pencil at back inside cover. Also includes original photographic material in sleeve at back inside cover. reflectometer’. experiments, starting Only front third Blue cover. 13 October 1939-1 March 1940 4 March 1940-31 January 1941 3 February-30 April 1941 23 January 1940-24June 1941 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/2/4/1/5 ‘Part Il Physics Practical Book 1’ Paginated to 153. Notes and drawings on eight experiments, starting with a table of contents. Table glued in at p. 141. Loose sheet with drawings and measurements at back inside cover. Blue cover. PRA/2/4/1/6 ‘Part Il Physics Practical Book 2’ Continues on from ‘Book 1’. Paginated to 159 and usedto p. 113. With eight film strips in four cellophane sleeves (from polarisation experiments and x-ray analyses, conducted February and March 1942)intercalatedat front. Black cover, red spine. 54 8 July-25 November 1941 25 November 1941-30 April 1942 PRA/2/4/2 Smaller Format Notebooks 1939-1942 Hard cover,c. 9"x7". 9 items. PRA/2/4/2/1 ‘Mineralogy |’ 1939? Lecture notes (with drawings), starting with a two-year outline of the course. Used nearly cover to cover. With intercalated material inside front cover and at beginning of section ‘Crystal optics’, ‘The polarising microscope’. Blue cover. PRA/2/4/2/2 ‘Mineralogy II’ 19392-1941? Notes (with drawings) on ‘Descriptive mineralogy’. Includes and intercalated ‘Carbonates’. Most pages unused. manuscript ‘Quartz SiOQ2’ notes at Blue cover. PRA/2/4/2/3 ‘MineralogyIII’ 1941 on and notes ‘X-ray Lecture crystallography’ (with drawings). Paginated and used to 112. notes and handouts) Intercalated throughout. Manuscript calculations at back inside cover. (handwritten physics’ material ‘Crystal Blue cover. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/2/4/2/4 ‘Mineralogy IV’ Lecture notes on ‘Crystal structure’ and ‘Crystal chemistry’ (with drawings). Paginated to 73 and used cover to cover. Intercalated manuscript notes throughout. Additional page Pencil (‘Interatomic bending forces’) glued in drawings and notes at backinside cover. p. 47. at Blue cover. PRA/2/4/2/5 ‘Roberts 1940’ Lecture(?) notes on ‘Heat & thermodynamics’. Paginated and used to 78. Intercalated manuscript notes throughout. Notes on ‘Conduction of heat’ at end (reference to this at front). Brown cover (marble effect). 1941 1940 PRA/2/4/2/6 ‘Electric Oscillations and Waves’ ‘Stoner’ From 14 January 1941 Lecture notes (with drawings). Paginated and used to 253. Intercalated material (manuscript notes and handouts) inside front cover and throughout. Manuscript calculations at back inside cover. Red cover. PRA/2/4/2/7 ‘Physics and the Quantum Theory’ and ‘Mrs Jeffreys’ From 10 April 1941 Lecture notes with drawings. Paginated to 95 and used cover to cover. Intercalated manuscript notes at front inside 35 (‘Quantum theory’, cover (‘Laplace’s ‘Correspondenceprinciple’) and inside back cover (‘Planck oscillator’). equation’), p. Black cover, red spine. PRA/2/4/2/8 ‘Properties of Matter’ and ‘Prof. Ferguson’ Lecture notes with drawings. Paginated to 113 and used nearly cover to cover. Manuscript notesintercalatedat inside front cover (e.g. ‘Methods of measuring s-tension’). Used from the back to record Sixth Form(?) essay markings. Blue cover. PRA/2/4/2/9 ‘Optics’ and ‘Prof. Sir W.L. Bragg’ From 12 May 1939 & from 11 October 1941 From 14 January 1942 Lecture notes with drawings, starting with a course overview etc). (Wave Paginated and used to 195. Manuscript note (‘Infra red ‘Interferometers’ ‘Interference’, motion’, E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 spectra’) intercalated at p. 89; others glued in at pp. 89, 151. Some manuscriptnotes at back. Also used from back. Red cover. PRA/2/4/3 Soft Cover Notebooks 4 items. PRA/2/4/3/1 ‘Special Functions andIntegrals’ and ‘Miss Cartwright’ Lecture notes (no drawings), starting with a course overview (‘Fourier Series’, ‘Fourier integral’, ‘Solutions of diff. equs. in etc). Used cover to cover. series’, in at ‘Recurrence Manuscript note intercalated one third formulae-see Example 14 Paper | 1940 Pt I’ and inside back cover. ‘Bessel’s functions’, C. 8’x6 %”. Red cover. PRA/2/4/3/2 ‘Statistics’ and ‘Stoneley’ 56 n.d. n.d. n.d. Lecture Manuscript note intercalated inside front cover. drawings. Many pages notes with unused. 9”x7”. Orange cover, purple spine. PRA/2/4/3/3 ‘Vectors and Tensors. Equations’ and ‘Stoneley’ Numerical Methods. Differentials n.d. Lecture notes. Mostly equations; some drawings. Last third unused. Manuscriptnotes intercalated inside front cover. 9”x7”. Light green cover, dark green spine. PRA/2/4/3/4 ‘Mathematics. Analysis’ and ‘Steen’ n.d. Lecture notes. Mostly equations; some drawings. Used nearly cover to cover. 9”x7”. Orange cover (faded), purple spine. PRA/2/5 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1963-1998 12 items in 11 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 57 PRA/2/5/1 Sc.D., University of Cambridge, 1964 1963-1964 Correspondence, list of publications. PRA/2/5/2 Honorary D.Sc., University of Turku, Finland, 1980 1980 Includes coverage of the ceremony, featuring Andrew (in Finnish). correspondence photocopy and a of press PRA/2/5/3 Appointment as Graduate Research Professor, University of Florida, 1983 1979-1982 Correspondence. Also includes a copyof the draft advert of the position in Physics Today. Andrew spent the autumn of 1979 on leave at the University of Florida, working with T.A. Scott whom he had known since their Harvard days. Scott died of a brain tumour during Andrew’s sabbatical term at UF. One consequence ofthis was that Andrew wasinvited to join the staff there as a Graduate Research Professor, taking over Scott's NMR activity (in the Department of Physics) yet also developing a programme of work on NMR imaging in relation to medicine in the Departmentof Radiology. PRA/2/5/4 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, March 1984 1984 Copy of the announcement, handwritten draft of Andrew's speechatthe party in celebration of the news, University of Florida, 23 March 1984. PRA/2/5/5 Honorary Doctorate, Adam Mickiewicz University, Posnan, Poland, October 1989 1988-1989 etc. Polish Correspondence colleagues dated back to a visit from Z. Pajak of the Adam Mickiewicz University to Bangor, where Andrewtaught 1954- 1964. Andrewfirst visited Poland in 1964. Andrew's contact with 3 items in 3 folders. PRA/2/5/5/1 Notification etc. 1988-1989 Correspondence re arrangements for Andrew's visit to receive the honorary degree and re invitations to other Polish universities on the occasion. PRA/2/5/5/2 Visit to Poland on the occasion of the ceremony 1989 Includes a copy of Andrew's itinerary for the duration of his his visit, draft and typescript October 1989, 1-7 of E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 acceptance speech, draft of a lecture given at the Polish of Nuclear Physics in Academy of Sciences’ Cracow, etc. Institute PRA/2/5/5/3 Correspondencearising PRA/2/5/6 Election to Fellowship of the American Physical Society, November 1989 Correspondence. Alsoincludes a copyofthe certificate. 58 1989 1989-1990 PRA/2/5/7 Honorary Doctorate, Karl Marx University, Germany, October 1989 Leipzig, East 1988-1990 Andrew's Correspondence. acceptance speech and ofa physics colloquium on ‘Modern developments in NMR spectroscopy’. includes Also copies of PRA/2/5/8 Retirement as Resonance in Medicine, 1991 Editor-in-Chief Copyof Andrew’s last editorial. of the journal Magnetic 1991 PRA/2/5/9 Honorary D.Sc., University of Wales, Bangor, 18 April 1998 1997-1998 Chiefly correspondence re the award, arrangements for the trip etc. 2 items in 2 folders. PRA/2/5/9/1 1997 PRA/2/5/9/2 1998 PRAI2/6 COMMEMORATIVE OCCASIONS 1991-1997 2 items. PRA/2/6/1 70th Birthday 1991-1992 Correspondence. Also includes copies of R. Blinc’s laudatio of Andrew, given at the First Forum AMPERE, Rome, Italy, November 1991, and that by |. Ursu, given at a special E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 59 meeting of the British Radio Spectroscopy Group (BRSG) on ‘NMR: new applications to materials and medical imaging’, Nottingham, in April 1992. Andrew's 70th birthday was on 27 June 1991. PRA/2/6/2 75th Birthday 1996-1997 E.R. Andrew 75th Anniversary Correspondence re the Symposium, University of Florida in Gainesville, 5 January 1997. Includes a copy of the conference poster, draft of the programme, etc. Andrew’s 75th birthday was on 27 June 1996. PRAI2/7 PHOTOGRAPHS 1983-1984 8 monochrome photographs featuring Andrew (including body scans of him) and apparatus. One of them shows him with the Technicare Teslacon body scanner. This image, was ‘probably was taken at a trade show,either RSNA (Radiological Society of North America) or the SMRM (Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine) in the early 1980s. The RSNA meeting probably was in Chicago and the SMRM meeting probably was in New York’ (communication from Dr Waldo Hinshaw, 13 October 2008). Some of these images were used in Andrew’s Wellcome Foundation Lecture on ‘NMR imaging in medicine’, given at the Royal Society, London, 6 November 1984. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 60 SERIES 3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT (TRE) 1942 This section comprises seven Royal Air Force exercise booksall inscribed at top left ‘T.R.E. Entrance Course’ and at top right ‘E.R. Andrew Pale Manor Malvern’. The Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) was established in Worth Matravers, four miles to the west of Swanage, Dorset, in May 1940, as the central research group for RAF applications of radar. In March 1942 TRE moved to Malvern College, Worcestershire. 7 items. PRA/3/1 ‘Dr Huxley General RDF’ Notes on radar equipment and radar systems (e.g. ‘Chain Home’, ‘Ground Control Interception’, ‘Aircraft to Surface Vessel’). Paginated up to 45 and used to p.37. At back of notebook is list of abbreviations. Manuscript calculations on back cover. PRA/3/2 ‘Lines & aerials (1)’ Paginated up to 95 and used to p.[90]. Used for notes on circuits, ‘Applications’ (pp 27-59) and ‘Aerials’ (pp. 63-90). At back of notebook is an account of a ‘Transmission Line Expt’. Manuscript calculations on back cover. PRA/3/3 ‘Lines & aerials (2)’ Paginated up to 27 and used to p.[24]. Used for notes on aerials. Used from the back for calculations, circuit diagrams etc. PRA/3/4 ‘Circuits. incl. Filters (1)’ Paginated and used 1-97. Intercalated material at p. 24. Manuscript calculations on back cover. PRA/3/5 ‘Circuits. incl. Filters & Noise (2)’ Paginated and used 1-[49]. Notes on ‘Noise’, construction of circuits, transmitters etc. Intercalated material at p. [49] [1942] [1942] [1942] [1942] [1942] E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/3/6 ‘25/7/42 Practical’ and ‘ADRDE’ Notes on experiments, with list on p.1. Paginated up to 93 and used up to p.[82]. Intercalated material at pp 25, 77. Manuscript calculations on back cover. 61 1942 the Army’s Air and ADRDE, DevelopmentEstablishment, had likewise moved to Malvern in 1942. Eventually it was fused with TRE into the Radar Research Establishment, subsequently renamed the Royal Radar Establishment. Research Defence PRA/3/7 ‘25/7/42 Miscellaneous lectures’ 1942 Not paginated. Used from the front for notes on topics including ‘Fighter Command’, ‘A-A Command’, ‘Devices for Safety of Aircraft’, ‘Night-Fighting’, etc. Used from the back for calculations. Manuscript calculations on back cover. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 SERIES 4 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 62 1941-1948, 1960-1962 Material associated with the period when Andrew was a PhD Student, and subsequently reused. teaching-related 1945-1949; possibly 3 items in 4 folders. PRA/4/1 ‘Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge; Practical Course for Part I] Physics’ 1941-1942, 1946 So inscribed. Sets of instructions for practicals. 2 folders. PRA/4/1/1 ‘Part Il Physics; E.R. Andrew, Christ’s’ 1941-1942 So inscribed. 37pp. Manuscript annotations, drawings and calculations on title leaf and on the back of pp 13, 14a [‘Valve Ray Oscillograph’], 17, 18 [‘The Rayleigh Refractometer’], 26 (‘Polarisation Experiments’], 36 [Frequency of a Tuning Fork’]. Experiments’], Cathode 15, 16 [‘The PRA/4/1/2 ‘E.R. Andrew, Mond Laboratory’ 1946 So inscribed. 52pp. Intercalated material at p.28. Reading list. PRA/4/2 ‘Electro Magnetic Course; Mond Lab. Cambridge University; 15 Oct 1945-Aug 1948 1945-1948, 1960-1962 Found in a folder so inscribed. Manuscript (in ink) of a lecture course, with pencil annotations (both in Andrew's hand). Paginated to 127 with intercalated sheets and a separate lecture on ‘Magnetism’, paginated to 25 with two additional sheets. Top sheet bears notes suggesting that Andrew lectured on the material in 1960, 1961 and 1962 (while at Bangor). 2 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 63 SERIES 5 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 1964-1983 Material documenting Andrew’s years at the University of Nottingham, 1964-1983. PRA/5/1 LECTURE COURSES PRA/5/2 THE WORK OF THE NOTTINGHAM LABORATORYIN PHOTOGRAPHS AND SLIDES PRA/5/3 DEPARTMENTAL PAPERS PRA/5/4 ROLF SJOBLOM CORRESPONDENCE PRA/5/5 REZSO GASPAR CORRESPONDENCE PRA/5/6 MENG QING-AN CORRESPONDENCE PRA/5/7 NOTEBOOK PRA/S/8 ‘THIRD REPORT FROM THE EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE, SESSION 1973-74: POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION’ 14 items. PRA/5/1 LECTURE COURSES 1965-1983 ring Andrew’s lecture notes (handwritten). binders. Paginated. Normally with notes at front re how far into the lecture script Andrew progressed each year or term that he gave the respective course. Originally in 6 items. PRA/5/1/1 Spectroscopy 1970-1975 Includes duplicated hand-outs (overview of the course, list of textbooks, problem sheets). Pencil annotations in lecture script suggest that these lectures may include material used also in courses Andrew gave 1964-1969. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/5/1/2 Wave mechanics Includes typescript overview of the course, with handwritten annotations re the 1972 course. 64 1972 PRA/5/1/3 Biophysics 1977-1981 Includes copies of typescript overview of the course 1977- 1981, with handwritten annotations. Also includes copies of hand-outs (‘Structural formulae of the twenty amino acids’, ‘Structure factor and electron density’, ‘structure of nucleic acids’, ‘The genetic code table’). PRA/5/1/4 Mechanics 1978-1983 Includes copies of typescript overviews of the course. Also includes a copy of the ‘Second Year Honours Mid-sessional Examination’, January 1983. Further includes an announcement by Andrew that this was his last ever lecture at the University of Nottingham since he is retiring, but that as of 1 March he would be taking up a new appointmentat the University of Florida. PRA/5/1/5 Atomic physics 1980-1982 Includes copies of typescript overviews of the course during various terms. Also includes an overview of the ‘P1B lecture demonstrations and examples classes 1981-1982’, etc. PRA/5/1/6 First year atomic physics course 1965-1967, 1973, n.d. In original order. First part of the script (pp. 1-[64]) followed by a lecture on ‘Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle’ (pp. 65- [81}). Includes a typescript overview of the course. Appended material includes a 19-page opening lecture, a 133-page script of the course (with notes suggesting that it was given with 1965-1967), and another 5-page opening lecture personal recollections. PRA/5/2 THE WORK OF THE NOTTINGHAM LABORATORYIN PHOTOGRAPHS AND SLIDES 1976-1977, n.d. Three sheets of slides and one album of photographs ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance images by spin entitled mapping’. Photographs mounted on cardboard (front and back), twelve sheets. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 65 There are overlaps betweenthe slides and the photographs in the album. A photocopy of the album is at PRA/7/3/2, suggesting that the original accompanied a grant application to the Wolfson Foundation. PRA/5/3 DEPARTMENTAL PAPERS 1964-1983, n.d. 2 items. PRA/5/3/1 Correspondence, 1964-1983 etc., Correspondence, Andrew’s official announcementofhis retirement. announcements, notes PRA/5/3/2 Miscellaneous 1964-1983 including 1976-1983, n.d. 1976-1983 information draft Admissions admissions talk by Andrew), copies of departmental minutes 1979-1983 (incomplete set), and material re a one-day meeting on NMR imaging in the Physics Department, 10 April 1976. (including a PRA/5/4 ROLF SJOBLOM CORRESPONDENCE 1972-1974 Correspondencechiefly re and with the Swedish chemist R. Sjéblom, who spent the academic year 1973-1974 in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Nottingham. At the time Sjéblom was studying for a Swedish doctoral degree. See also PRA/11/8. PRA/5/5 REZSO GASPAR CORRESPONDENCE 1974-1982 Correspondence chiefly with the Hungarian biophysicist R. Gaspar, who spent the academic year 1974-1975 in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Nottingham, thus starting a collaboration with Andrew that would continue into the 1990s. Gaspar returned to Nottingham for another year in January on 1980, ‘Molecular dynamics in the solid state by proton magnetic resonance’. to work on Andrews SRC-funded project Also includes a handwritten fact-sheet on Hungarian culture and history, presumably by Gaspar. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 66 PRA/5/6 MENG QING-AN CORRESPONDENCE 1978-1982 Correspondencechiefly with the Chinese physicist Meng Qing-an, who arrived in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Nottingham in the summer of 1979 and spent close to two years there. Also includes correspondence with the physicist Guo Quan- zhong (including 1 photographic reproduction). See also PRA/11/18, PRA/11/21/1. PRA/5/7 NOTEBOOK 1971 on inside ‘E. R. cover: Andrew 1971’. Inscribed Unpaginated. First half used for reference re structure and literature on amino acids, in alphabetical sequence starting with Alanine and ending with Valine. Last third used similarly for the nucleic acid bases that form components of DNA and RNA. Related notes intercalated at back, dated12 March 1971 and 12 March 1971 respectively. PRA/5/8 REPORT FROM’ THE ‘THIRD COMMITTEE, EDUCATION’ SESSION 1973-74: EXPENDITURE POSTGRADUATE 1973-1974? This was published by HMSO, 20 December 1973. Copy of the report with typescript summary and comments on its implications, and a handwritten note by Andrew intercalated. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 67 SERIES 6 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1983-2000 Material from Andrew’s time at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, where he was Graduate Research Professor from 1983 to 1999. This was a joint appointment of the Departments of Physics and Radiology. At UF Andrew pressed on with his research in the area of magnetic resonance tomography and playeda role in establishing the US National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Florida at Tallahassee. He also contributed to the teaching of his Departments whenthis was not a requirementof his position as Graduate Research Professor, and lectured widely all over Campus andin the wider Florida region. PRA/6/1 LECTURE COURSES PRA/6/2 LECTURES WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY PRA/6/3 LECTURESIN THE WIDER FLORIDA REGION PRA/6/4 NOTEBOOKS PRA/6/5 ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE PRA/6/6 6 TESLA WHOLE BODY MAGNET 64 items. PRA/6/1 LECTURE COURSES 1984-1997 Handwritten lecture scripts, paginated. 6 items. PRAVJ6/1/1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 1984 1984 Originally in ring binder. Includes a typescript cover sheet and reading list, and a handwritten overview. Cover sheet contains annotations re how far into the script Andrew progressedin eachofthe overall 26 lectures. 186pp + 4pp. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/6/1/2 Advanced Polymer Physics, 1985 Two lectures on ‘Fundamentals of NMR’ and ‘Solid state NMR’, given as part of the course on advanced polymer physics of Andrew's colleague C. Batich. With a typescript overview of the course. Also includes a handwritten note by Andrew re the arrangementwith Batich. 35pp + 3pp. PRA/6/1/3 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 1988 Originally in ring binder. With typescript cover sheet bearing annotations re how far into the script Andrew progressedin each of the overall 15 lectures. Andrew gave the course jointly with his colleague T.H. Mareci. 101pp + 1p. PRA/6/1/4 Radiological Physics, 1988 magnetic Four lectures on ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, ‘Principles pulse of sequences in MRI’ and ‘Gradient-recalled echoes’, given as part of the course on radiological physics of Andrew's colleague J. Brookeman. resonance imaging’, ‘Pulses and PRA/6/1/5 Principles of MRI, 1991 Course given Department, Shands Hospital. medical to residents in the Radiology 68 December 1984- February 1985 1988 1988 1991 129pp. PRA/6/1/6 Diagnostic Radiological Physics (ENU6657), 1995 1990-1997 Lectures on the NMR componentof a course on diagnostic radiological physics taught by a colleagues. With pencil Includes typescript annotations dating from 1990-1996. ‘NMR questions for ENU6657final exam’, 1996. PRA/6/2 LECTURES WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY 1983-1997 Handwritten lecture scripts, paginated. 37 items in 19 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 69 PRA/6/2/1 ‘NMR imaging’, Visit of the Lt. Governor J. Wayne Mixson, 15 June 1983 1983-1984 Correspondenceetc. Includes J.W. Mixson’s itinerary. University Also given on 24 February 1984 at the Florida Day on ‘MicrofabritechTM’, a collaborative effort of the faculties of the engineering departments to ‘pursue fundamental investigations in the areas of modern physical and electronic devices that will provide the basefor the technology tomorrow’. Florida’s of science and PRA/6/2/2 ‘Application of NMR in medicine’, Lecture to 3rd year premedical students, 1983 1983-1984 Delivered on several occasions in 1983-1984 in a number of courses. PRA/6/2/3 ‘Introduction Lecture to 3rd year medical physics students, April 1984 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)’, to 1984-1985 Also given on 8 April 1985. PRA/6/2/4 ‘The physical basis of NMR imaging’, 9th Annual Florida Graduate Student Symposium, 5 May 1984 1984 Includes a copy of the symposium programme (with abstracts) and letter of invitation. First page original script, the rest is photocopy. PRA/6/2/5 ‘NMR imaging Advisory Panel, 30 August 1984 analytical and studies’, Microfabritech 1984 Includes a copy of the programme. PRA/6/2/6 ‘NMR basic physics’, Lectures to ‘UF Radiology residents & others’, March 1985 Given also in May and July 1985. PRA/6/2/7 Untitled, Pink Ladies, 7 October 1985 ‘Pink Ladies’ were volunteers working out of the Shands Hospital, University of Florida. PRA/6/2/8 ‘Imaging Section, Nuclear Engineering Department, January 1986 by NMR’, American Nuclear Society Florida 1985 1985 1986 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 70 PRA/6/2/9 ‘Paramagnetics’, MRI morning conference, Department of Radiology, 13 May 1986 1986 PRA/6/2/10 ‘Relaxation conference, Departmentof Radiology, 20 May 1986 resonance’, magnetic MRI in morning 1986 given title Also ‘Relaxation in MR - a basic talk’. Includes transparencies. ‘Relaxation under the revisited’ and 6 transparencies. PRA/6/2/11 ‘Developments in NMR imaging’, Physics Colloquium, 4 September 1986 Incomplete. PRAJ6/2/12 ‘Magnetic screening’, Radiology Seminar, 7 January 1987 PRA/6/2/13 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)’, ERC [Engineering Research Center] meeting, Reitz Union, 18 May 1987 PRA/6/2/14 ‘Report on AMPERE Novosibirsk’, Radiology Seminar, 28 October 1987 1986 1987 1987 1987 PRA/6/2/15 ‘Magnetic November 1987 susceptibility, Includes transparencies. Radiology MRI Seminar, 4 1987 PRA/6/2/16 ‘Microscopic imaging by NMR’, Radiology Research Review, 7 November 1987 PRA/6/2/17 ‘The physics of MRI’, Course for Radiological Inspectors, 18 November 1987 Health PRA/6/2/18 ‘Advisory committeesite visit’, 3 December 1987 With appended material (photocopies of transparencies from various presentations, not all by Andrew). 1987 1987 1987 PRA/6/2/19 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance’, January 1988 Neurosciences Institute, 1988 E.R. Andrew NCUACS164/7/08 PRA/6/2/20 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging’, Lecture to 3rd year premedical students, 2 February 1988 1988 Given in the course of Andrew's colleague P. Kumar. Also in a course on nuclear engineering science of given Andrew's colleague G. Roessler. PRA/6/2/21 ‘NMR in materials science’, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, February 1988 PRA/6/2/22 ‘The physical basis of contrast agents in MRI’, UF Radiology Thursday evening, 21 March 1988 PRA/6/2/23 ‘Magnets’, Radiology Seminar, 7 April 1988 PRA/6/2/24 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Mini-symposium Illustrating Outstanding College Programmes, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1 October 1988 Includes a copyof the programme. PRA/6/2/25 ‘Shielded gradients’, Radiology [no further information], 26 March 1990 Includes transparencies. PRA/6/2/26 ‘Relaxation’, Talk to MRI Technologists, 24 July 1990 PRA/6/2/27 ‘Principles of contrast agents’, Talk to MRI Technologists, 20 November 1990 PRA/6/2/28 ‘Contrast agents Part 2’, Talk to MRI Technologists, 27 November 1990 1988 1988 1988 1988 1990 1990 1990 1990 PRA/6/2/29 PRA/6/2/30 ‘Magnetic Engineering Science, 7 November 1991 resonance imaging: the future’, Society of 1991 ‘'31P relaxation mechanisms in phosphorus metabolites’, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 25 January 1992 1992 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/6/2/31 ‘Magnetic resonance of two hormones: progesterone & testosterone’, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 23 January 1993 Includes transparencies. PRA/6/2/32 ‘Core 3: magnetic field gradients’, Advisory Committee Visit, 25 January 1993 Includes transparencies. PRA/6/2/33 ‘Nested Maxwell pairs: a simple shielded z-gradient system’, Department of Radiology University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 22 January 1994 Includes transparencies. PRA/6/2/34 PRA/6/2/35 PRA/6/2/36 of years ‘Fifty Radiology Research Day, 28 January 1995 University magnetic of Department of Medicine resonance’, Florida College of Includes programmeetc. transparencies. Also include copy of the gradient Radiology ‘NON-CON University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, 20 January 1996 Department coil’, of ‘Transverse gradient coils for NMR imaging’, Departmentof Medicine Radiology Research Day, 8 February 1997 University College Florida of of Includes a typescript abstract. PRA/6/2/37 ‘Relative imaging times’ No further details. 1993 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 n.d. PRA/6/3 LECTURESIN THE WIDER FLORIDA REGION 1983-1995 Handwritten lecture scripts, paginated. 11 items. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 73 PRA/6/3/1 ‘MRI imaging: a challenge to Tampa, October 1983 x-rays’, Eckerd College, 1983 Eckerd College is a small liberal arts college. PRA/6/3/2 ‘Magnets’, American College of Radiology (ACR) NMR Symposium, Miami, January 1984 1984-1985 Given also under the title ‘Magnets & pulse sequences at MRI in medical practice’, Bal Harbour, Florida, March 1985. PRA/6/3/3 [Magnetic resonance], Tallahassee, 31 October 1984 1984 Presentation ‘to CON people at HRS’. PRA/6/3/4 ‘MR Physics for the physician’, 23rd Annual Seminar, Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Practice, Bal Harbour, 10- 14 March 1985 1984-1985 Includes programme, originalflier. correspondence, copy of the provisional Andrew gave the opening talk and also a workshoptalk on ‘MR physics and imaging for radiologic technologists’. PRA/6/3/5 PRA/6/3/6 ‘NMR imaging’, Florida State University, Tallahassee, March 1985 1985 ‘The use of nuclear magnetic resonance in medicine’, 10th Annual Meeting, American Council of Life Insurance Medical Section, Palm Beach, 8-12 June 1985 1984-1985 Includes correspondence, copy of the programme, list of participants. PRA/6/3/7 ‘Human images by nuclear magnetic resonance’, Sanibel International Symposium on Quantum Biology and Quantum Pharmacology, Marineland, 12-14 March 1987 PRA/6/3/8 ‘New developments in medical NMR imaging’, ‘FCCB88’, Sheraton Palm Coast Resort, Palm Coast, April 1988 Includes a note. PRA/6/3/9 Colloquium, ‘Imaging Physics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, by nuclear magnetic resonance’, 1987 1988 1990 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 October 1990 74 PRA/6/3/10 ‘NMR research at UF’, Steinhatchee Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Steinhatchee, 22 January 1993 1993 Includes programme, transparency, etc. correspondence, copies of the tentative PRA/6/3/11 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance: past, present and future’, SE Society (SESAPS) Section Conference, Tallahassee, 9 November 1995 the American of Physical 1995 PRA/6/4 NOTEBOOKS 1983-2000 Spiral-bound, unpaginated. Containing notes on colloquia etc. Both items inscribed ‘E.R. Andrew, Department of Physics, Williamson Hall’ at top right cover. 2 items. PRA/6/4/1 ‘Colloquia and speciallectures, 1983-1993’ PRA/6/4/2 ‘Colloquia and special lectures, 1993-’ PRA/6/5 ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE 5 items. PRA/6/5/1 General Letters and photocopiesofletters chiefly re Andrew's many achievements, honours, invitations, travels etc. 3 items. PRA/6/5/1/1 1983-1988 PRA/6/5/1/2 1989-1995 Includes a ten-year summary of Andrew's achievements. April 1983- March 1993 April 1993- March 2000 1983-2000 1983-2000 1983-1988 1989-1995 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/6/5/1/3 1996-2000 Includes a copy of a proposal on ‘Use of high magnetic field gradient for magnetic resonance imaging ofsolids’. PRA/6/5/2 Evaluations Annual evaluations of Andrew’s performance. 2 items. PRA/6/5/2/1 Departmentof Physics PRA/6/5/2/2 Departmentof Radiology PRA/6/6 6 TESLA WHOLE BODY MAGNET In original order. 3 items. PRA/6/6/1 Workshop, File 1 Correspondence between researchers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL)in Tallahassee and at the University of Florida, re a workshop to be held at the NHMEL. Includes a schedule (in Andrew's hand) ofall letters and email. Apparently the project was abandoned. PRA/6/6/2 Workshop, File 2 Likewise correspondencere the organisation of a workshop on whole-body MRI magnets at 6T or higher. PRA/6/6/3 Miscellaneous Correspondence etc. re a variety of proposals, including a proposal from the University of Florida's Imaging Systems Science and Technology Center to the National Science Foundation. 75 1996-2000 1983-1998 1984-1998 1983-1997 1988-1998 1 June 1995- 12 January 1996 21 August 1995-18 March 1996 1988-1998 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 76 SERIES 7 RESEARCH 1948-1993 PRA/7/1 NOTEBOOKS PRA/7/2 TECHNICAL REPORTS PRA/7/3 GRANT APPLICATIONS PRA/7/4 PATENTS PRA/7/5 MISCELLANEOUS 40 items. PRA/7/1 NOTEBOOKS 7 items. PRA/7/1/1 Harvard 1948-1965, 1990-1993 1948-1949 Inscription on cover reads ‘E.R Andrew, Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass.’. Lecture notes taken during Andrew's postdoctoral year at the University of Harvard. PRA/7/1/2 ‘St Andrews research notebook |’ 1950-1951 ‘E.R. So inscribed on inside Andrew, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of St Andrews, Fife’. University of St Andrews crest embossed on front cover. Further inscribed cover. Includes notes on ‘Thermocouple data’, ‘Heat losses (or rather cold losses) in Gas cryostat’, etc. Loose material intercalated at front. Graphs throughout (glued in or tapedin). PRA/7/1/3 ‘St Andrews research notebook II (& later Bangor)’ ‘E.R. So inscribed on inside Andrew, Department of Natural Philosophy, University of St inscribed cover. Further 1951-1958, 1960 I... E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 at Andrews, Fife’ and ‘Department of Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caerns’. University of St Andrewscrest embossed on front cover. Includes notes on ‘Solubility of Urea’, ‘Tendency of NaNO3 to become cubic on heating’ etc., drawings, notes on scientific literature. Graphs tapedin throughout, one intercalated. PRAI7/1/4 ‘Research notebook 3’ and ‘20 September 1958’ 1958-1959 So inscribed on inside ‘E.R. Andrew, Department of Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caerns’. Name and crest of University College of North Wales embossed on front cover. Further inscribed cover. Includes notes on ‘Anisotropy’, ‘Tendency of NaNO3 to become cubic on heating’ etc., drawings, calculations. Graphs tapedin throughout. Some notesintercalated. PRA/7/1/5 ‘Notebook No. 4’ and ‘3 March 1960’ 1960-1963 So inscribed on inside ‘E.R. Andrew, Department of Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caerns’. Further inscribed cover. Includes notes on ‘Aluminum’, ‘Potential energy of two dipoles’, calculations, etc. Loose material intercalated at front and throughout. Graphs taped in throughout. PRA/7/1/6 ‘Notebook No. 5’ and ‘Started February 1963’ 1963-1965 So inscribed on inside ‘E.R. Andrew, Department of Physics, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caerns’. Not used beyondfirst third. Further inscribed cover. notes on ‘Calculations theoretical second Includes moment for phosphorus pentachloride’, ‘Tetraphosphorus pentasulfide’, etc. of Loose Calculations tapedin. material intercalated at front and throughout. PRA/7/1/7 ‘Physics and radiology’ 1990-1993 So inscribed on front cover. Further inscribed ‘Professor E. Raymond Andrew, Williamson Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA’. Paginated and used up to p.70. Proceeds through numberedentries. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 78 The first entry [20 February 1990] starts: ‘This notebook is opened today to record my new developmentof a device for active magnetic field gradient screening which may be useful in NMR imaging, NMR spectroscopy and other applications of magnetic resonance in medicine, radiology, biology and microscopy. The notebook will record subsequent work | do in this area of science. The work recorded here has notyet been published in any journal, or book, or poster, not has it been presented in any lecture or talk given publicly. The essential ideas were outlined in an application to NIH submitted 31st January 1990 for grant support to exploit the ideas, as part of an NIH Research Resource. ...’ Also includes a declaration signed by Andrew's colleague T.H. Mareci, stating that he read and understood all the entries in the notebook from pp.1-10. Graphs glued in throughout. Includes also original drawings. PRA/7/2 TECHNICAL REPORTS 1963-1969 6 items. PRA/7/2/1 ‘Possibilities for high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance in solids’ 1963 Final technical report covering the period 1 December 1962 to 31 July 1963, contract number DA-91-591-EUC-2783. PRA/7/2/2 ‘High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonancein solids’ 1964-1965 Final technical reports covering the period 1 August 1963 to 31 July 1965, contract number DA-91-591-EUC-3077. 2 reports. PRA/7/2/3 ‘Solid-state 31P magnetic structure’ resonance shifts and fine 1965 Final technical report co-authored with V.T. Wynn, contract number DA-91-591-EUC-3353. PRA/7/2/4 ‘The development of high-speed non-metallic turbines and resonance their spectroscopy. First annual technical report’ application magnetic to nuclear November 1966 Co-authored with L.F. Farnell, T.D. Gledhill and |. Roberts, contract number DA-91-591-EUC-3921. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/7/2/5 ‘The development of high-speed non-metallic turbines and their magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Second annual technical report’ application to nuclear 79 November 1967 Co-authored with L.F. Farnell, M. Firth and T.D. Gledhill, contract number DAJA 37 67 C 0044. PRA/7/2/6 non-metallic ‘High-speed resonance spectroscopy’ turbines for nuclear magnetic March 1969 Final technical report co-authored with M. Firth and P.J. Randall, contract number DAJA37 67 C 0724. PRAI7/3 GRANT APPLICATIONS 1975-1982 6 items. PRA/7/3/1 Medical Research Council 1975-1981 Material re a grant application for research on the application of spin mapping to medical diagnosis and treatment. 2 items. PRA/7/3/1/1 Correspondence 1975-1981 in support by R.E. Coupland and B.S. Includes letters Worthington. 2 folders. PRA/7/3/1/2 Application 1975-1978 Drafts and copies of the original application (1975-1978), interim report (1977) and applications for follow-up project on ‘Development of NMR spin mapping in medicine’ (1978- 1981). PRAI7/3/2 Wolfson Foundation Material re a grant application for an NMR body scanner. 3 items. PRA/7/3/2/1 Correspondence 1976-1977 1976-1977 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/7/3/2/2 Application 80 1976-1977 Copies of the application. Includes visual information on ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance images by spin mapping’ in support of the application. PRA/7/3/2/3 Technical notes 1976-1977 Notes on the instrumental requirements of the project. PRA/7/3/3 Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) 1982 Copy of a memorandum detailing in which respect the Physics Department at the University of Nottingham lags behind the rest of the world in major instrumentation re NUR spectrometry. PRAI7/4 PATENTS 1982, n.d. Andrew's appraisals of patents filed 1956-1981. See also PRA/11/12. Unless stated otherwise, copies of handwritten and typescript appraisals (undated), with copies of patent specifications. It appears as though all these appraisals had been prepared at the same time, sometime between May 1982 and prior to Andrew's departure to the US in spring 1983. 19 items. PRA/7/4/1 UK Patents 14 items. PRA/7/4/1/1 UK Patent 1496886, filed 8 April 1974 PRA/7/4/1/2 UK Patent 1508438, filed 5 April 1974 PRA/7/4/1/3 UK Patent 1525564, filed 11 September 1974 PRA/7/4/1/4 UK Patent 1580787, filed 14 April 1976 PRAI7/4/1/5 UK Patent 1585259, filed 8 July 1976 1982, n.d. 1982, n.d. n.d. 1982, n.d. n.d. n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/7/4/1/6 UK Patent 1596160, filed 15 December 1976 PRA/7/4/1/7 UK Patent 1601816, filed 27 May 1977 PRA/7/4/1/8 UK Patent 1601970, filed 31 May 1978 PRA/7/4/1/9 UK Patent 2034123, filed 8 October 1979 PRA/7/4/1/10 UK Patent 2034123, filed 8 October 1979 PRA/7/4/1/11 UK Patent 2048490, filed 29 February 1980 PRA/7/4/1/12 UK Patent 2079463, filed 13 March 1981 Further ‘Methods of producing image information from objects’. describing an invention includes typescript re PRA/7/4/1/13 UK Patent 2079946, filed 13 March 1981 Likewise includes typescript describing an invention re ‘Methods of producing image information from objects’. PRA/7/4/1/14 UK Patent 2091884, filed 25 January 1981 Includes techniques’. typescript ‘Investigation of samples by NMR PRA/7/4/2 US Patents 4 items. PRA/7/4/2/1 US Patent 3287629, filed 29 August 1956 PRA/7/4/2/2 US Patent 3475680, filed 26 May 1965 Includes Andrew’s notesonrelatedliterature. PRA/7/4/2/3 US Patent 3873909, filed 21 August 1967 81 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/7/4/2/4 US Patent 4034191, filed 19 June 1975 PRAI7/4/3 Miscellaneous Patents Copies of various patents re NMR imaging. 82 n.d. n.d. PRAI7/5 MISCELLANEOUS 19742-1982, n.d. 2 items. PRA/7/5/1 ‘Notes on the spin maps’ 1974?, n.d. Typescript notes on illustrations of an experiment. With 14 photographic reproductions of drawings. PRAJ/7/5/2 Notes 1978-1982 Various handwritten notes (‘Comments on Brunner & Ernst’, ‘Visit of Barry ?Mason?, Oxford Instruments’, ‘Planar spin mapping’, ‘Discussion with PeterAllen ...’). E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 83 SERIES 8 SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS 1958-2000 PRA/8/1 BRITISH RADIOFREQUENCY SPECTROSCOPY GROUP PRA/8/2 EMI PRA/8/3 GROUPEMENT AMPERE PRA/8/4 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE PRA/8/5 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 61 items. PRA/8/1 eRSGy, RADIOFREQUENCY SPECTROSCOPY GROUP 1972-1991 The BRSG was founded in 1956 by a small group of scientists who shared an interest in the physics of magnetic resonance, a then rapidly developing field. They also shared the belief that small meetings at which graduate students could talk and meet others were important for future progress. While British in name, British-based and with a British committee, these meetings (usually twice a year) were international in character. The BRSG became a Group of the Institute of Physics in 2000, with the new name ‘BRSG: The Magnetic Resonance Group’. Andrew was the BRSG’s founder chairman (1956-1959) and served a second period as chairman in 1981-83. He also oversaw the accounts of the Group from its beginnings. 6 items. PRA/8/1/1 Committee papers, 1972-1980 1972-1980 minutes, Includes correspondence, etc. circulars, meeting programmes, In spring 1975 the BRSG met abroad (in Paris) for the first time. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/1/2 Committee papers, 1981-1983 84 1981-1983, 1991 Includes drafts of addresses Andrew gavein his capacity as chairman of the Group, annotated drafts and copies of minutes, circulars, meeting programmes, correspondence etc. Also includes a handwritten draft of Andrew's talk on ‘NMR of solid biopolymers’, given at the autumn 1983 meeting of the BRSG in Dublin, Ireland. PRA/8/1/3 Jubilee Meeting, Nottingham, 3-4 September 1981 1980-1982 Correspondence, draft of Andrew's opening address, copy of notice, list of participants, overview of meeting of the Group in its first 25 years, photocopy of account of the meeting as published in ‘ESN-European Spectroscopy News’, etc. PRA/8/1/4 Accounts, 1973-1980 re Bank arrangementsfor public liability insurance, etc. correspondence statements, 1975 payments, PRA/8/1/5 Accounts, 1981-1983 Correspondence re payments, arrangements for liability insurance, etc. public PRA/8/1/6 Mailing list, updated to December 1980 PRA/8/2 EMI From 1977, Andrew acted as a consultant to EMI, on the commercial production of NMR equipment. 3 items. 1981-1983 December 1980 1972-1982 PRA/8/2/1 Correspondence, 1976-1978 1972-1978 Includes a copy ofthe original consultancy agreement. Also includes a monochrome photograph juxtaposing an NMR head scan (1978) with an early CT brain scan (1972). PRA/8/2/2 Correspondence, 1979-1982 1979-1982 Includes notes on discussions. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/2/3 Additional material PRA/8/3 GROUPEMENT AMPERE 85 1973-1974 1958-2000 in two bundles, Originally Correspondence, correspondenceis in French. notes 1958-1982 and 1984-2000. the papers. Some of and fields of magnetic resonance, AMPERE stands for ‘Atomes et Molécules Par Etudes Radio-Electriques’. Groupement AMPERE (sometimes also referred to as Groupement AMPERE, Ampére or indeed AMPERE)is a European association of scientists active in dielectrics, the magnetic resonance imaging, as well as in the development The of Groupement was established in 1952 in France with the purpose of informing and coordinating different European laboratories and, at the same time, helping scientists in It developed difficult economic or particularly close relations with Poland in the 1990s. Andrew was a founder member and acted aspresident 1974-1980. methodologies technologies. conditions. political the related optics, and 13 items. PRA/8/3/1 Correspondenceand Papers, 1958-1976 1958-1976 Includes a copy of the statutes and material re the 19th AMPERE Congress(1976), including Andrew's notes on the event. He waspresident at the time. PRA/8/3/2 Correspondence and Papers, March-October 1977 1977 Includes Andrew’s handwritten notes on meetings and telephone conversations between membersofthe AMPERE Bureau (the Groupement’s executive), and correspondence re the treatment of Russian colleagues by the organisers of the Tallinn congress (August 1978). PRA/8/3/3 Correspondence and Papers, November-December 1977 1977 Includes Andrew's handwritten notes on meetings of the AMPERE Bureau. PRA/8/3/4 Correspondenceand Papers, February-July 1978 PRA/8/3/5 Correspondence and Papers, August-December 1978 Includes Andrew's notes on the Tallinn congress (August 1978 1978 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 1978). 86 PRA/8/3/6 Correspondence and Papers, 1979 1979 Includes notes taken during the 4th Specialised Colloque AMPEREon Dynamical Processes in Molecular Systems studied Germany, September1979. rf-Spectroscopy, Leipzig, by East PRA/8/3/7 Correspondence and Papers, 1980-1982 1980-1982 Chiefly correspondence re and notes on meetings of the AMPERE Bureau. One topic was the appointment of a successorfor Andrew as chairman. PRA/8/3/8 Correspondence and Papers, 1984-1988 1984-1988 Includes material re the 9th AMPERE summer school in Novosibirsk, USSR (1987), where Andrewin the absence of the President and the Vice-Presidents provided the official representation of the AMPERE executive. Also includes correspondence re the 24th Congress AMPERE in Poznan, Poland (1988). PRA/8/3/9 Correspondenceand Papers, 1989-1992 1989-1992 Includes Andrew's notes form a round-table discussion at the 26th Congress AMPERE in Athens, Greece (1992). PRA/8/3/10 Correspondenceand Papers, 1993 1993 Includes material re the 2nd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy(‘Heidelberg Conference’). Also includes notes and correspondencere the creation of a new division Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance) to organise the International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (ICMRM). (Division of Andrew wasaskedto consult on the by-lawsfor the division. PRA/8/3/11 Correspondence and Papers, 1994-1995 1994-1995 Continues the discussion re the bylaws of the proposed of Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance, of Division whose executive committee Andrew became a member. Also includes material re the 27th Congress AMPERE in Kazan, Russia (1994). E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 87 PRA/8/3/12 Correspondence and Papers, 1996-1998 1996-1998 Includes Canterbury, Kent (1996). material re the 28th Congress AMPERE in PRA/8/3/13 Correspondence and Papers, 1999-2000 1999-2000 Includes material re the 30th Congress AMPERE in Lisbon, Portugal (2000). Andrew was invited to chair the opening session. PRAI8/4 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE (ISMAR) 1971-1998 The International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR) was set up in 1971 and legally registered in Israel a year later. It was incorporatedin Illinois in 1982. ISMAR’s main public function was piloting the organisation of international applications. meetings on magnetic resonance and its into Similar consideration the economic conditions of its members in eastern and developing countries, waving membership dues and other fees. Groupement AMPERE it took the to Andrew was a founding member. He served as President of the organisation, 1983-1986, and was a member of Council for many years. 37 items. PRA/8/4/1 Correspondence and Papers, 1971 Includes a copy of the original Constitution and Andrew's commentson it. PRA/8/4/2 Correspondenceand Papers, 1972 Includes AMPEREactivities. correspondence to coordinate ISMAR and PRA/8/4/3 Correspondenceand Papers, 1973 1971 1972 1973 Includes a copy of the official translation of the Society's the Constitution. International publication of the proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Magnetic Resonance, to be held in Bombay, India, in January 1974 correspondence includes Also re E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/4/4 Correspondence and Papers, 1974 Includes a copy of the proposal for the Sixth International Symposium on Magnetic Resonance to be held in Canada in 1977. 88 1974 PRA/8/4/5 Correspondence and Papers, 1975-1977 1975-1977 a copy of Society's Includes Constitution and Andrew’s comments. Also includes his notes from the Council meeting in Banff, Canada, in May 1977. revisions draft to the PRA/8/4/6 Correspondence and Papers, 1978-1979 1978-1979 Includes correspondence re the launch of a quarterly ‘a pronounced need for communication publication to fill among [ISMAR] members’. The first number of the Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance appearedin winter 1979. PRA/8/4/7 Correspondence and Papers, 1980-1981 1980-1981 Includes a copy of the revised Constitution. Also includes the ISMAR Council Andrew’s handwritten meeting during the Seventh International Symposium of Magnetic Resonancein Delft, Netherlands, in August 1980. Further includes correspondence re difficulties with the Bulletin. notes from PRA/8/4/8 Correspondence and Papers, January-September 1982 Includes correspondence re a proposal (spearheaded by O. Jardetzky of Stanford) to establish a division of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine, and to reorganise ISMAR‘into a truly scientific society, attractive to those in the field, and, above suspicion’. January- September 1982 PRA/8/4/9 Correspondence and Papers, October 1982 October 1982 the Continues administration. discussion over changes in ISMAR’s PRA/8/4/10 Correspondence and Papers, November 1982 November 1982 Includes Andrew's comments on the proposed revision of the ISMAR Constitution. Also includes correspondence re the Bulletin (whose editorial board Andrew was invited to join), and re the question of whether a division of Magnetic Resonancein Biology and Medicine should be set up within ISMARor indeed as a separate organisation. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/4/1 1 Correspondence and Papers, December 1982-March 1983 Continues discussion over the proposed division. Includes draft letters. PRA/8/4/12 Correspondence and Papers, April-June 1983 Includes Andrew's handwritten report on a meeting in the office of F. Bloch at Stanford to discuss future arrangements for ISMAR. PRA/8/4/13 Correspondenceand Papers, July-August 1983 Constitution. Continues attempts to produce a revised Includes a draft with Andrew's comments in pencil. Also includes extensive notes (in Andrew’s hand) on telephone conversations, the history of ISMAR, Council’s comments on the draft of the Constitution etc. Further includes copies of the announcement and programmeof the Eighth meeting of ISMARin Chicago, US, 22-26 August 1983. December 1982-March 1983 April-June 1983 July-August 1983 PRA/8/4/14 Correspondence and Papers, September 1983-January 1984 September 1983-January 1984 Includes copies of the amended Constitution (handwritten and typescript). Also includes correspondence re the death of F. Bloch, who shared the 1952 Nobel Prize in physics with Andrew’s mentor E. M. Purcell. PRA/8/4/15 Correspondence and Papers, February-March 1984 Chiefly re administrative matters. PRA/8/4/16 Correspondenceand Papers, April-July 1984 July 1983- March 1984 April-July 1984 its Continues the discussion re the proposed division of Biology and Medicine. Also includes correspondence re ISMAR’s experimental finances, California, US, etc. summer school in Santa Barbara, Further includes a proposal for the 10th Conference on Radio and Microwave Spectroscopy (RAMIS), Poznan, Poland, in April 1985. reorganisation, a proposed PRA/8/4/17 Correspondence and Papers, August 1984-January 1985 August 1984- January 1985 Continues the discussion re a proposed division of Biology and Medicine within ISMAR. Also includes correspondence re the finances of the Society. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/4/18 Correspondence and Papers, February-March 1985 February- March 1985 Continues the discussion re a proposed division of Biology and Medicine within ISMAR. Also includes correspondence re suitable dates for the 1986 meting of the Society in Rio de Further includes typescript of Andrew’s Janeiro, ‘Message from the President of ISMAR’, March 1985. Brazil. PRA/8/4/19 Correspondence and Papers, April-October 1985 April-October 1985 Continues the discussion re a proposed division of Biology and Medicine within ISMAR, which wasfinally put to vote by Council. The proposal was approved. PRA/8/4/20 Correspondence and Papers, November-December 1985 Chiefly re nominations for ISMAR Council. November- December 1985 PRA/8/4/21 Correspondence and Papers, January 1986 January 1986 Includes correspondence re the Society’s accounts and re the organisation of the 1989 ISMAR meeting near Grenoble, France. Also includes correspondence re administrative procedures. PRA/8/4/22 Correspondence and Papers, February 1986 February 1986 Asbefore. PRA/8/4/23 Correspondence and Papers, March 1986 March 1986 Includes correspondence re the upcoming ISMAR meetings in Rio de Janeiro (1986) and Grenoble (1989), financial issues, the first meeting of the Society’s new Division of Biology and Medicine, etc. PRA/8/4/24 Correspondence and Papers, April-May 1986 Nominations for the next President of ISMAR. April-May 1986 PRA/8/4/25 Correspondence and Papers, June 1986 June 1986 Includes correspondencere the election of C. P. Slichter to succeed Andrew as President. Also includes a handwritten draft of Andrew's opening address at the ISMAR meeting in Rio de Janeiro. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/4/26 Correspondence and Papers, July 1986 July 1986 Includes Andrew's notes from the first meeting of the Society’s new Division of Biology and Medicine at the ISMARmeeting in Rio de Janeiro, 29 June-5 July. PRA/8/4/27 Correspondence and Papers, August-October 1986 August- October 1986 Includes correspondencere the election of a Chairman for the Society's new Division and re China as a potential location for the 1992 ISMAR meeting. PRA/8/4/28 Correspondence and Papers, November 1986 Includes correspondence re proposed changes with the appointmentof R.K. Harris as ISMAR Secretary-General. PRA/8/4/29 Correspondence and Papers, December 1986 Includes a handwritten copy of Andrew’s last letter to ISMAR Council in his capacity as President and ofa letter to his re whether Slichter’s successor in candidacy wasconstitutional in view of the fact that both he and Andrew resided in the US (the constitution stipulated that successive presidents should come from different countries). office, C.P. Slichter, PRA/8/4/30 Correspondence and Papers, 1987 report of the ISMAR Includes correspondence re the Elections Committee. Also includes correspondence re financial disputes with the outgoing Secretary-General. PRA/8/4/31 Correspondence and Papers, 1988 Includes correspondence re the proposed cancellation ofa special symposium to honour the late Y. Ovchinnikov at the upcoming ISMAR meeting in Morzine near Grenoble, 1989. PRA/8/4/32 Correspondence and Papers, January-March 1989 Includes correspondencere the scientific programme of the upcoming ISMAR meeting in Morzine near Grenoble. PRA/8/4/33 Correspondence and Papers, April-July 1989 Chiefly re nominations for ISMAR Council. November 1986 December 1986 1987 1988 January- March 1989 April-July 1989 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/8/4/34 Correspondence and Papers, August-November 1989 Chiefly re nominations for ISMAR Council. PRA/8/4/35 Correspondence and Papers, 1990-1998 PRA/8/4/36 Division of Biology and Medicine Documents the creation of the Society’s Division of Biology and Medicine. Mostly duplicates. Includes undated copies of the ISMAR Constitution. 92 August- November 1989 1990-1998 1982-1989 PRA/8/4/37 ‘Rio de Janeiro meeting, 1986’ 1983-1986 Documents the planning of the 1986 ISMAR conference. Mostly duplicates. PRA/8/5 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1976-1979 ‘an ad hoc Correspondence and Committee papers re meeting to discuss NMR imaging in clinical problems’ on 17 December 1976. 2 items. PRA/8/5/1 Correspondence and papers re an ad hoc meeting on 17 December 1976 Also includes Andrew’s note on telephone conversations. PRA/8/5/2 Minutes and correspondencearising Also includes undated material and an issue of ‘MRC News’ (February 1979) featuring an article on ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance’. June- December 1976 1977-1979 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 SERIES 9 LECTURES 93 1974-1997, n.d. PRA/9/1 ‘LECTURES GIVEN WHILE AT NOTTINGHAM’ PRA/9/2 ‘INVITED TALKS 1981-1988’ PRA/9/3 ‘NMR IMAGING IN MEDICINE’, WELLCOME FOUNDATION LECTURE, ROYAL SOCEITY, LONDON, 6 NOVEMBER 1984 PRA/9/4 ‘INVITED LECTURES 1985-1989’ PRA/9/5 ‘MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING: SEEING SAFELY INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY’, ROYAL INSTITUTION LECTURE, ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREATBRITAIN, LONDON, 24 OCTOBER 1986 PRA/9/6 ‘INVITED LECTURES 1989-1997’ 107 items in 46 folders. PRA/9/1 ‘LECTURES GIVEN WHILE AT NOTTINGHAM’ 1974-1982 Contents of a folder so inscribed. Handwritten drafts, in chronological order. 17 itemsin 4 folders. PRA/9Q/1/1 ‘BRSG’, University of East Anglia, April 1974 PRA/9/1/2 PRA/9/1/3 PRA/9/1/4 ‘Proton magnetic relaxation in solid amino acids’, Dallas, Texas, US, 18 April 1975 ‘An NMR study of molecular dynamics in solids’, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, US, November 1979 ‘Imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance’, Students’ Physics Society, Johannesburg, South Africa, May 1980 1974 1975 1979 1980 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/1/5 PRA/9/1/6 PRA/9/1/7 PRA/9/1/8 ‘Double Resonance’, Hammersmith Hospital, London, 18 February 1981 ‘Developments in nuclear magnetic resonance’, Cardiff, 24 April 1981 ‘Introduction resonance’, Nuclear Engineering [Science, Florida,] Gainesville, Florida, US, September 1981 protein imaging nuclear by to magnetic University of progress of ‘Recent Radiology, [University of Florida,] Gainesville, Florida, US, September 1981 Department imaging’, NMR_ in PRA/9/1/9 ‘Applications Thailand, December 1981 of nuclear magnetic resonance’, Bangkok, PRA/9/1/10 ‘NMR imaging’, 6th AMPERE International Summer School, Seggau, Styria, Austria, 1981 PRA/9/1/11 ‘NMR imaging’, CIBA Foundation, London, October 1981 PRA/9/1/12 ‘Whatare lipids?’, GEC Wembley, 5 March 1982 PRA/9/1/13 ‘NMR in medicine: methods of NMR imaging’, ?Asclanov?, 1982 PRA/9/1/14 ‘MRI imaging’, Queen Elizabeth College London, March 1982 PRA/9/1/15 ‘MRI imaging’, Liége, Belgium, May 1982 PRA/9/1/16 ‘Principles of NMR’, Liége, Belgium, June 1982 PRA/9/1/17 ‘Principles of NMR imaging’, 2nd lecture, Liége, Belgium, June 1982 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 95 PRA/9/2 ‘INVITED TALKS 1981-1988’ 1981-1988 Contents of 2 files so inscribed. Manuscript drafts, chronological order. in 41 items in 13 folders. ‘The medicine], Brussels, Belgium, June/July 1981 nuclear of International application 15th Includes a copyof the abstract. magnetic Congress resonance of in Radiology, 1981 PRA/9/2/1 PRA/9/2/2 PRA/9/2/3 ‘Principles Summer School, Portoroz, Yugoslavia, June 1982 of spin imaging’, 7th AMPERE International ‘Principles of NMR imaging’, Satellite Symposium on the California, US, 3 Clinical September 1982 of NMR, Stanford, Potential Includes a copy of the symposium program. PRA/9/2/4 ‘Developments in NMR imaging’, 6th European Experimental NMR Conference (EENC), Super Nendaz, Switzerland, September 1982 PRA/9/2/5 ‘History of NMR (& basic principles)’, American College of Radiology (ACR) Course, Chicago 1983 Also given in Miami in January 1984. PRA/9/2/6 of Washington ‘Whole-body NMR Symposium on Biochemical and Biological NMR, Seattle, US, 25-26 March 1983 University imaging’, 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 Includes additional notes. PRA/9/2/7 ‘Farewell 1983 dinner, Nottingham’, Nottingham, 26 February 1983 Includes a copy of the menu and correspondence. PRA/9/2/8 ‘NMR imaging’, Stanford University, California, US, 11 May 1983 1983 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/2/9 ‘NMR of solid biopolymers’, Dallas, Texas, US, September 1983 PRA/9/2/10 review of spin 6th ‘A Specialised International Colloque AMPERE, Crete, Greece, September 1983 recent developments’, imaging: Includes a sheetentitled ‘Recent advances in NMR imaging, SE Mag. Res. Conference Johnson City Tennessee Oct 1983’. PRA/9/2/11 ‘NMR imaging’, ‘Texas A&M Physics Department’, US, October 1983 Also presented at the Physics Department of Florida State University, Tampa, Florida, US, in February 1984. PRA/9/2/12 PRA/9/2/13 PRA/9/2/14 PRA/9/2/15 ‘Historical perspective & introduction to NMR’, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Orlando, Florida, US, 27 February 1984 ‘NMR imaging: a new method of seeing inside the human body’, Eleventh John Albert Southern Lectures, Department of Chemistry, Furman University, South Carolina, US, 10 April 1984 Includes a pamphlet advertising the lecture. ‘NMR imaging: seeing inside the human body’, Frontiers of Science Lecture Series, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, April 1984 Also presented at ‘Furman University, April 1984’ and in Madrid [no further details given]. ‘Introduction to NMR spectroscopy’, 3rd Annual Meeting of Magnetic Resonance in the Medicine, New York, US, August 1984 International Society for PRA/9/2/16 ‘NMR imaging’, Physical Chemistry Department, University of Cambridge, June 1984 Also presented at ‘Duke University Oct 1984’. PRA/9/2/17 ‘Advances in NMR imaging’, 36th South East Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Raleigh, North 96 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 Carolina, US, October 1984 Also presented as ‘MAIC Lecture Nov 1984’ and at ‘UF Reitz Union’ [no further details given]. PRA/9/2/18 ‘History of NMR imaging in medicine’, Lexington, Kentucky, US, 18 April 1985 PRA/9/2/19 of ‘Physics and principles Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Symposium on NMR Imaging, San Francisco, California, US, 21 October 1985 of NMR imaging’, Institute PRA/9/2/20 ‘Recent advances in NMR imaging’, Rome, Italy, November 1985 27 Also presented at ‘Alcon, Fort Worth [Texas] 13 March 1986’. PRA/9/2/21 PRA/9/2/22 ‘Introduction to high resolution NMR in solids’, Meeting of the (BRSG), British Oxford, April 1986 Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group Dinner Magnetic After Resonance Spectroscopy Conference (ENC), Baltimore, April 1986 Experimental Speech, Nuclear 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 PRA/9/2/23 ‘Some problems in Massachusetts, US, May 1986 MRI’, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, 1986 PRA/9/2/24 the ‘Developments International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June-July 1986 Conference imaging’, NMR_ of in PRA/9/2/25 ‘NMR imaging’, Brazilian Federation of Biological Societies, SAo Paulo, Brazil, 6 July 1986 presented on Also applications of magnetic resonance in biology & medicine, Univ. of Sao Paolo, 7 July 1986’. ‘International Symposium the at PRA/9/2/26 AMPERE ‘Developments International Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Rome, Italy, September 1986 imaging’, NMR_ 13th in 1986 1986 1986 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/2/27 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging for medical diagnosis’, William Moore Memorial Lecture, Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, 29 October 1986 Announcement and note in Andrew's hand. Draft of lecture missing. PRA/9/2/28 ‘Imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance’, BP Research Centre, 31 October 1986 An annotation states ‘Used pages 2 & 3 of UF Colloquium & pages 6-15 of Bill Moore Lecture’. PRA/9/2/29 PRA/9/2/30 PRA/9/2/31 ‘Human images by nuclear magnetic resonance’, Sanibel International Symposium on Quantum Biology and Quantum Pharmacology, Whitney Laboratory and Marineland, Florida, US, 12-14 March 1987 Conference announcement, abstract, etc. Draft of lecture missing (see PRA/6/3/7). by nuclear magnetic resonance’, Colloquium, ‘Imaging Chemistry Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, US, April 1987 resonance Lecture, ‘Magnetic Conference of the American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, US, May 1987 President's imaging’, With a notereferring to slides. See also PRA/12/1/4. PRA/9/2/32 ‘An introduction to NMR spectroscopy’, NATO Advance Study Institute, Pisa, Italy, June 1987 Also marked ‘1st lecture’. PRA/9/2/33 Lecture, of Magnetic Resonance in Opening Medicine (SMRM) Teaching Course, New York, US, 15 August 1987 Society Presented also at the ‘Introductory Seminar on MRI, Coll. Medicine UF’. PRA/9/2/34 Welcome, 9th AMPERE International Summer School, Novosibirsk, USSR, September 1987 As immediate Past President of the Groupement AMPERE, Andrew stoodin for the President who was unable to attend. 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/2/35 PRA/9/2/36 PRA/9/2/37 PRA/9/2/38 PRA/9/2/39 ‘Principles and practice of NMR tomography in medicine’, 9th AMPERE International Summer School, Novosibirsk, USSR, September 1987 Some applications of NMR imaging in the solid state’, 9th AMPERE International Summer School, Novosibirsk, USSR, September 1987 ‘NMR in biomedicine’, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Dedication of the In-vivo NMR Research Center, Bethesda, Maryland, US, 1987 The In-vivo NMR Research Center began operations in October 1987. ‘Topical questions in magnetic resonance imaging’, 24th Congress AMPERE, Poznan, Poland, August-September 1988 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Mini-symposium Illustrating Outstanding College Programmes, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, 1 October 1988 Draft missing. PRA/9/2/40 in ‘Advances in medicine’, 5th National Meeting on Magnetic Resonance, Fuzhou, China, November 1988 nuclear magnetic resonance imaging Typescript. PRA/9/2/41 ‘Nuclear relaxation and dynamics in biomolecular solids’, workshop lecture, Fuzhou, China, November 1988 Includes a colour transparency on ‘dynamical motions in proteins’. PRA/9/3 IMAGING IN WELLCOME ‘NMR FOUNDATION LECTURE, ROYAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 6 NOVEMBER 1984 MEDICINE’, The Wellcome Foundation Prize for 1984 was awarded jointly to E.R. Andrew, J.M.S. Hutchison, J.R. Mallard and P. of their development of NMR Mansfield in in medicine. Andrew and imaging as a diagnostic tool recognition 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1984-1985, n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 100 Mallard were invited to deliver the lecture associated with the award on behalf of all four prize winners. Both lectures were published in the Proceedingsof the Royal Society. 4 items in 5 folders. PRA/9/3/1 Correspondence Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and its subsequentpublication. PRA/9/3/2 Lecture Manuscript draft. Also includes a copy of the announcement and list of slides, with illustrations attached. PRA/9/3/3 Published version Manuscript and typescript copies (1 each). PRA/9/3/4 Images Includes 6 polychrome photographs (2 of them mounted), 17 monochrome photographs (all mounted and numbered), 7 transparencies. 2 folders. 1984-1985 1984 1984-1985 n.d. PRA/9/4 ‘INVITED LECTURES 1985-1989’ 1985, 1986, 1989 Contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript drafts, chronological order. in 12 items in 7 folders. PRA/9/4/1 ‘Medical imaging by nuclear magnetic resonance’, Plenary Lecture, Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Akron, Ohio, US, 6 June 1985 Includes correspondencewith the organisers, abstract, etc. PRA/9/4/2 ‘Theory of MRI imaging’, NATO Advanced Study Institute on NMR in the Life Sciences, Erice, Sicily, Italy, June 1985 Also includes a copyof the typescript. 1985 1985 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/4/3 PRA/9/4/4 PRA/9/4/5 PRA/9/4/6 PRA/9/4/7 PRA/9/4/8 101 Royal Society of 1985 ‘Developments Chemistry, Cambridge, July 1985 NMR_ in imaging’, Also presented at the 7th Specialised Colloque AMPERE, Bucharest, Romania, September 1985, under thetitle ‘MRI: the new imaging modality’. early days of NMR imaging’, ‘The Harvard Memorial Massachusetts, US, May 1986 Lecture, William Medical School, S. Moore Boston, 1986 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging for medical diagnosis’, William S. Moore Memorial Lecture, Department of Physics, University of Nottingham, 29 October 1986 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance in physics and in medical physics’, Physics PG Seminar, 27 February 1989 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Conference on the Frontiers of Biological Imaging, State University of New York, Albany, New York, US, April 1989 ‘Magnetic resonance in medicine: seeing safely inside the human body’, University of Queensland Medical School, Herston, Queensland, Australia, 23 May 1989 Includes a copy of the announcement. 1986 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 PRA/9/4/9 ‘Some contributions imaging’, Melbourne, Australia, May 1989 of physics to magnetic resonance PRA/9/4/10 ‘Introduction to NMR in biology and medicine’, Lovelace Noninvasive Medical Techniques in Biology and Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico, US, 14-15 September 1989 Symposium: Foundation Annual Includes a flier of the meeting. Also includes a draft and proof copy of the published version. PRA/9/4/11 ‘NMR imaging’, Los Alamos, September 1989 1989 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 102 PRA/9/4/12 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Bloch Symposium, Stanford University, California, US, 27-28 October 1989 1989 Includes a typescriptof the lecture. PRA/9/5 ‘MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING: SEEING SAFELY INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY’, ROYAL INSTITUTION LECTURE, ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, LONDON, 24 OCTOBER 1986 1986-1988 4 items in 4 folders. PRA/9Q/5/1 Correspondence PRA/9/5/2 Lecture Handwritten draft. Also presented at ‘Cambridge University Clinical School 27 Oct 86’, ‘St Andrews 22 Oct 86’,’Sigma Xi 14 Oct 86’. The scientific research society Sigma Xi was founded in 1886 by a group of Cornell University students and F. Van Vleck, to honour excellence in scientific investigation and encourage a sense of companionship and cooperation among researchersin all fields of science and engineering. PRA/9/5/3 Published version Copies of handwritten draft, typescript draft, offprint. PRA/9/5/4 Photographs 46 monochrome photographs of graphical illustrations and MRI scans (12 mounted). PRA/9/6 ‘INVITED LECTURES1989-1997’ Contents of 2 files so inscribed. Manuscript drafts, chronological order. in 29 items in 13 folders. 1986-1988 1986 1986-1987 n.d. 1990-1997, n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/6/1 PRA/9/6/2 PRA/9/6/3 ‘Passive magnetic screening’, CIBA Foundation, London, 7 June 1990 ‘31P relaxation mechanisms in phosphorus metabolites’, 15th AMPERE Congress on Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Stuttgart, September 1990 ‘Magnetic resonancereflections’, After Dinner Speech, First International Conference on NMR Microscopy, Max-Planck- Haus, Heidelberg, Germany, September 1991 Typescript. PRA/9/6/4 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging reminiscences’, First Forum AMPERE, Rome, Italy, 21 November 1991 PRA/9/6/5 ‘Nuclear magnetic resonance at high magnetic fields’, SE Society (SESAPS) Section Conference, Durham, North Carolina, US, 13 November 1991 the American Physical of Includes a set of transparencies. PRA/9/6/6 Reply to Toast, BRSG Dinner,Nottingham, 14 April 1992 PRA/9/6/7 PRA/9/6/8 103 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 ‘Resonancerecollections’, BRSG Meeting, Nottingham, April 1992 ‘Report AMPERE congress in Athens Sept 1992’ [no further details] 1992-1993 Includes a set of transparencies with snapshots from the meeting. PRA/9/6/9 ‘Introduction of Ted Becker as after-dinner speaker, 8 September 1993 PRA/9/6/10 After Dinner Speech, BRSG Meeting, St Andrews, 14 September 1993 PRA/9/6/11 ‘Seeing safely inside the human body forclinical purposes’, University of Frontiers of Human Knowledge Lectures, 1993 1993 1993 bees E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 104 /... Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, Autumn 1993 3 lectures. PRA/9/6/12 ‘Mechanisms of 31P relaxation in phosphorus metabolites’, First Nottingham Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nottingham, 6-8 April 1994 Includes transparencies and an abstract. PRA/9/6/13 ‘Nottingham NMR recollections’, After Dinner Speech, First Nottingham in Medicine, Nottingham, 6-8 April 1994 Symposium Resonance on Magnetic PRA/9/6/14 ‘Relaxation and molecular dynamics in solid steroids’, 27th Congress AMPERE, Kazan, Russia, August 1994 PRA/9/6/15 PRA/9/6/16 PRA/9/6/17 Speaker Introduction, 1994 Fall Convocation, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, 13 September 1994 ‘A history of NMR from lifetime’s work’, Conference of the Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), International Sydney, Australia, 16 July 1995 Includes an abstract and a copyof the revised proofs. ‘A compact low inductance transverse gradient system for magnetic resonance microscopy: to human spinal cord’, Third International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Wurzburg, Germany, August 1995 application Includes Andrew’s introduction of the opening lecturer. PRA/9/6/18 ‘Fifty years of NMR: a personal account’, Poznan, Poland, October 1995 Also presented at Cracow, Poland, October 1995 PRA/9/6/19 ‘Fifty years of NMR: a personal account’, 17th Annual SE Magnetic Resonance Conference (SEMRC), Tallahassee, Florida, US, 2 December 1995 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/9/6/20 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Harvard Jubilee, Harvard, Massachusetts, US, 10 December 1995 PRA/9/6/21 ‘Fifty years of nuclear magnetic resonance’, Department of Medicine Radiology Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, 20 January 1996 University College Florida of of PRA/9/6/22 ‘Imagining presentation to Dr Bill Harris NSF 5 April 1996’ No further details. At the time, W. Harris was Assistant Director for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF). 105 1995 1996 1996 PRA/9/6/23 ‘Imagining presentation to Dr Adriaan de Graaf NSF 8 May 1996’ 1996 No further details. A. de Graaf likewise was an executive officer of the NSF’s Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences. PRA/9/6/24 ‘Magnetic resonance imaging’, Witness Seminar, Wellcome Institute, London, 2 July 1996 PRA/9/6/25 Introduction Canterbury, Kent, 1-7 September 1996 Speakers, 28th of Congress AMPERE, Introductions of Y. Servant, R. Pound, B. Bleaney and J. G. Powles. PRA/9/6/26 ‘Five minute talk at Clare Hall’, Cambridge, 12 November 1996 PRA/9/6/27 ‘Relaxation & molecular dynamics in estradiol and other biomolecular solids’, BRSG Meeting, Guildford, 15 April 1997 Includes notes and calculations. Also includes a set of Symposium, transparencies. Gainesville, 2 November 1997’. Presented ‘Brey also at PRA/9/6/28 ‘Novel gradient coils for magnetic resonance microscopy’, Magnetic Resonance 4th International Conference on 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 106 hava Microscopy & Macroscopy, Albuquerque, New Mexico, US, September 1997 Includes an abstract and a copy marked‘Ms sentto Dr Botto 28 Oct [19]97’. PRA/9/6/29 ‘NMR basic physics’ n.d. Typescript of a lecture, with manually inserted graphs and tables. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 107 SERIES 10 VISITS AND CONFERENCES 1968-2000 In chronological order. Assembled from a file inscribed ‘Miscellaneous’. 27 items in 11 folders. PRA/10/1 Visiting Professor of Physics, Florida, US, 1969-1970 University of Gainesville, 1968-1971 Correspondence. Also includes Andrew's lecture notes for a special course on ‘Molecular motion in solids as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance’. Handwritten and paginated, with a typescript overview. Andrew spent the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Florida. the academic year 1969-1970 in PRA/10/2 18th AMPERE Congress, University of Nottingham, 9-14 September 1974 Photocopy of announcement. Andrew acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee. PRA/10/3 ‘C[omputed] Tomography] conference’, Bordeaux, France, 24 September 1979 Copyof the abstract with handwritten note by Andrew. PRA/10/4 Visit to the Physics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, US, Fall Quarter, 1979 Copy of Andrew's report. 1974 1979 1979 PRA/10/5 PRA/10/6 Visiting Professorship, Solid State Physics Research Unit, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 April-10 May 1980 1979-1980 Correspondence. Also includes a copy of the agreement. basic course on ‘First University of Granada, Spain, 2-5 June 1981 nuclear magnetic resonance’, 1981 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 108 I. Correspondenceinviting Andrew to teach in this new course. PRA/10/7 Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-29 May 1982 Symposium on Diagnostic Imaging, 1982 Correspondence. PRA/10/8 Visit to Madrid, Spain, 12-18 June 1984 1983-1984 Correspondence re Andrew's lecture on ‘NMR imaging and its contribution to medicine and biology’, delivered in the main auditorium of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) on 14 June 1984. CSIC is the Spanish equivalent of the Science Research Council. PRA/10/9 International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in XI. Biological Systems, Goa, India, 16-24 September 1984 1984 Correspondence re Andrew's travel arrangements (18-25 September 1984). Includes handwritten drafts of his invited presentation on ‘Developments in NMR imaging’ and his remarks concluding the conference. Further includes his remarks on the premature death of R. Srinivasan, for whose Ph.D. on electronic spin resonance Andrew had acted as external examiner. PRA/10/10 International Conference on Magnetic Resonancein Cancer, Banff, Canada, 30 April-4 May 1985 1985 Includes correspondence, list of participants, copy of the abstract of Andrew's paper on ‘MRI in the preoperative evaluation of musculoskeletal tumors’, handwritten draft of the paper and notes to introduce another speaker. Also includes notes on a discussion with H. Pettersson, Andrew’s co-author in the published version of the paper, draft of that version, etc. See also PRA/1/1/201, PRA/12/1/4. PRA/10/11 PRA/10/12 Seventh University of Cambridge, 8-12 July 1985 International Meeting on NMR_ Spectroscopy, Copy of the programme, with Andrew’s notesintercalated inside the front cover. Fourth Resonancein Medicine, London, 19-23 August 1985 Annual Meeting Society of the of Magnetic 1985 1985 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 109 Ise Andrew's comments on the meeting. PRA/10/13 ‘High resolution in NMR solids’, Meeting of the British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group (BRSG), Oxford, 9-11 April 1986 1986 Correspondence, copy of the programme. PRA/10/14 Royal Society Joint Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, 24-26 April 1986 Society-American Philosophical 1985-1986 Correspondence, copy of the programme, list of participants. PRA/10/15 IX AMPERE Summer School, Novosibirsk, USSR, 20-26 September 1987 1986-1987 Correspondence, conference announcement. Andrew was an invited speaker. PRA/10/16 Visit to China, 17 November-1 December 1988 1987-1988 Correspondence. Includes a copy of the invitation from the Academia Sinica. During his visit Andrew visited Beijing, Shanghai and Fuzhou, where he attended the Sth National Meeting on Magnetic Resonance, 24-29 November 1988. PRA/10/17 Lecturing tour in Australia, 24 April-27 May 1989 1988-1989 Correspondence, copies ofitinerary and schedule. Andrew travelled as the Selby Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. En route to Australia he also visited Tahiti and Easter Island, arriving in Perth on 4 May.In Australia his tour led him from Townsville and Perth out West to Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. PRA/10/18 ‘Noninvasive Techniques in Biology and Medicine’, Lovelace Medical Foundation Annual Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, US, 14-15 September 1989 1988-1989 Also draft Correspondence. programme lecture and ‘Introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance in biology and medicine’. includes typescript copies of Andrew’s a_ of the E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 110 PRA/10/19 Bloch Symposium, Stanford University, California, US, 27-28 October 1989 1983, 1989- 1990 Correspondence. Includes a copy ofthe original programme. Felix Bloch was a Stanford physicist and NMR pioneer who shared the 1952 Nobel Prize in physics with E.M. Purcell. Bloch died in 1983. The symposium celebrated his work on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his paper on the theory of metals. PRA/10/20 Visit to the UK, 10 July-18 December 1989 1988-1989 magnetic Correspondence etc. Includes handwritten drafts for the following: opening remarks for a lecture on ‘Magnetic resonance imaging: a new diagnostic aid in medicine’, given at the University of Wales, Bangor, on 16 November 1989; the ‘Nuclear Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, in the November 1989; ‘NMR on cholesterol’, University of St Andrews, in December 1989; and ‘An at a overview of magnetic resonance imaging’, meeting of the British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group (BRSG), Cambridge, in December 1989. resonance imaging’, given given given in at PRA/10/21 European Congress of NMR in Medicine and Biology, Strasbourg, France, 2-5 May 1990 Correspondence. Andrew chaired the session on ‘Electron spin resonance’ on 5 May 1990. PRA/10/22 PRA/10/23 Molecular Motion and Structure in Disordered Condensed Matter, Meeting of the British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group (BRSG), Canterbury, Kent, 4-6 September 1991 Correspondence, list of posters etc. Andrew presented a paper on ‘The new U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory’. Conference Resonance (ISMAR), Sydney, Australia, 16-21 July 1995 International Society the of of Magnetic Invitation. PRA/10/24 Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental 6th Analysis (BCEIA’95), Beijing, China, 24-27 October 1995 Correspondence. 1990 1991 1995 1995 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/10/25 28th Congress AMPERE, Canterbury, Kent, 1-7 September 1996 Correspondence. 111 1996 PRA/10/26 Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental 7th Analysis (BCEIA’97), Shanghai [sic], China, 14-17 October 1997 1996-1997 Correspondence. PRA/10/27 Experimental Resonance 42nd Spectroscopy Conference (ENC), Orlando, Florida, US, 11- 16 March 2001 Nuclear Magnetic 2000 Correspondence. Andrew wasinvited to give the Banquet After Dinner Speech. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 112 SERIES 11 CORRESPONDENCE 1950-2001 In chronological order. PRA/11/1 ‘FRENCH SCIENTISTS, 1950-1981’ PRA/11/2 ‘SCIENTISTS IN JAPAN, 1950-1982’ PRA/11/3 ‘BANGOR, 1958-1964’ PRA/11/4 ‘GENERAL, 1965-1983’ PRA/11/5 ‘PETER MANSFIELD, 1968-1976’ PRA/11/6 ‘BRITISH UNIVERSITIES, 1969-1983’ PRA/11/7 ‘WALDO HINSHAW, 1971-1977’ PRA/11/8 ‘DR ROLF SJOBLOM, 1974-1978’ PRA/11/9 ‘L.J. CHALLIS, 1974-1978’ PRA/11/10 ‘GERMANSCIENTISTS, 1974-1982’ PRA/11/11 ‘DUTCH SCIENTISTS, 1976-1982’ PRA/11/12 ‘GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYLTD, 1977-1983’ PRA/11/13 ‘PETER SCOTT, 1977-1980" PRA/11/14 ‘DR GWILYN PARRY JONES, 1978-1981’ PRA/11/15 ‘PROF. HELION VARGAS, 1978-1981’ PRA/11/16 ‘PROF. MIKE HOCH, 1978-1982’ PRA/11/17 ‘NORTH AMERICAN SCIENTISTS, 1979-1990’ PRA/11/18 ‘GUO QUANZHONG, 1980-1981’ E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 113 PRA/11/19 ‘CAMBRIDGE, 1982-2000’ PRA/11/20 ‘EAMONN CASHELL, 1982-1982’ PRA/11/21 ‘SCIENTISTS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, 1982-2000’ PRA/11/22 ‘UK & IRELAND, 1982-1989" PRA/11/23 ‘NOTTINGHAM, 1983-2000’ PRA/11/24 ‘FORMER PHD STUDENTS, 1983-2000’ PRA/11/25 ‘EUROPE, 1984-2001’ PRA/11/26 ‘POLISH SCIENTISTS, 1984-2000’ PRA/11/27 ‘NORTH AMERICANSCIENTISTS, 1990-2001’ PRA/11/28 ‘UK, 1990-2000’ 95 items. PRA/11/1 ‘FRENCH SCIENTISTS, 1950-1981’ 1950-1981 Includes correspondence with the future Nobel laureate A. Kastler re rotatory oscillations in aromatic monocrystals etc. Also includes notes and calculations in Andrew’s hand. PRA/11/2 ‘SCIENTISTS IN JAPAN, 1950-1982’ 1950-1982 in Tokyo, including Correspondence with Japanese solid state physicists based S. Fujiwara re a Japanese chiefly translation of Andrew's book Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Cambridge, 1955). Also includes a letter of condolence for International Andrew, Symposium on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Tokyo, 1-3 September 1965 (Andrew's wife Mary had just died of cancer). Further includes Andrew's notes on a visit from colleagues at Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd on 25 January 1982, re magnets for whole-body imaging. by 22 delegates signed to the PRA/11/3 ‘BANGOR,1958-1964’ 1958-1964 Correspondence dating from Andrew's time at the University College of North Wales at Bangor. Includes letters from a E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 114 Polish colleague (H. Niedwodniczanski). PRA/11/4 ‘GENERAL,1965-1983’ 1965-1983 Chiefly correspondence with colleagues both at Nottingham and beyond, including behind the Iron Curtain. 6 folders. PRA/11/4/1 1965-1976 PRA/11/4/2 1977-1978 PRA/11/4/3 1979-1980 Includes correspondencewith the future Nobel laureate P.C. Lauterbur re his application for an extension of his NATO grant for the project ‘The development of NMR imaging techniques’. Both Andrew and his Nottingham colleague P. Mansfield were Principal Collaborators on this project. Further includes correspondencere the unexpected death of Andrew’s friend and colleague T.A. Scott. PRA/11/4/4 1981 correspondence Nottingham Includes colleague S. Clough re his work on methyl group hopping etc. with Andrew's PRA/11/4/5 January-May 1982 Includes correspondence with Andrew's colleague P.B. Moon re ‘the process of discovery of the magic angle - whether it dropped out of very complicated mathematics or whether [Andrew][was] able to see it physically and followed it up by the equation-work’. Also includes correspondence with J. Carolan or Nalorac Cryogenics outlining possible collaborations between the company and General Electric Company (GEC) to develop and produce human size imaging magnetics. 1965-1976 1977-1978 1979-1980 1981 1982 PRA/11/4/6 June 1982-February 1983 1982-1983 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 115 PRA/11/5 ‘PETER MANSFIELD, 1968-1976’ 1968-1976 Correspondence memoranda)with and re P. Mansfield. (some the in form of extensive PRA/11/6 ‘BRITISH UNIVERSITIES, 1969-1983’ 1969-1983 12 items in 3 folders. PRA/11/6/1 |. M. Ward Correspondence with the Bristol physicist |. M. Ward re research carried out by Andrew in 1948-1949. PRA/11/6/2 J. W. Emsley Correspondence re an article on zeugmatography for Progress in NMR Spectroscopy. Emsley was oneofthe editors of the journal. PRA/11/6/3 D. Melville Correspondence with biological effects of magnetic fields. the physicist D. Melville re the PRA/11/6/4 F.A. Rushworth Correspondencewith fellow physicist F.A. Rushworth re his preprint of ‘The NMR second momentof solid cyclohexane’. PRA/11/6/5 T. Green Correspondencewith T. Green re his research on lysozyme relaxation. PRA/11/6/6 B. Bleaney Correspondencewith the Oxford physicist B. Bleaney re the organisation of a protest about the trial of the Russian dissident Y.A. Orlov at the upcoming AMPEREconference in Tallinn, USSR. PRA/11/6/7 C. Hall 1969 1976-1979 1976 1976 1978 1978 1979 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 Correspondence with the Manchester physicist C. Hall re his team’s research on NMR technique in porous media. Includes a typescript draft of a paper for joint publication. PRA/11/6/8 R.J.P. Williams Correspondence with the Oxford chemist R.J.P. Williams re recent data on alpha-chymotrypsin used for Andrew’s_ publication on proton magnetic relaxation of proteins in the solid state. PRA/11/6/9 J.A.S. Smith the Correspondence International Committee on NQR Spectroscopy, on which Smith asked Andrew to comment. proposed statutes the re of PRA/11/6/10 R.K. Harris Correspondence with re R.K. Harris re his work on rapid rotation for quadrupolar nuclei. PRAJ1 1/6/11 K. J. Packer Correspondence re a manuscript submitted to Molecular Physics, of which K.J. Packer was associate editor. PRA/11/6/12 Miscellaneous Letters and notes from various correspondents. 5 pieces. 116 1980 1980 1981 1982-1983 1980-1983 PRA/11/7 ‘WALDO HINSHAW,1971-1977’ 1971-1977 Chiefly documents Hinshaw’s appointmentto a fellowship at the University of Nottingham (from September 1971). The collaboration between Andrew and Hinshaw continued for many years. PRA/11/8 ‘DR ROLF SJOBLOM, 1974-1978’ 1971, 1974- 1978 Correspondence with the Swedish chemist R. Sjéblom, who had spent the academic year 1973-1974 in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Nottingham. Topics covered projects, include arrangements re Sjéblom’s doctoral examination at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, on 21 November 1975 publications, research ongoing joint E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 117 (Andrew acted as external examiner), etc. Includesa draft of the seminar Andrew gaveduring his visit to Sweden. See also PRA/5/4. 2 folders. PRA/11/9 ‘L.J. CHALLIS, 1974-1978’ 1974-1978 Correspondence with Andrew's Nottingham colleague L.J. Challis, re who should next act as head of the Department of Physics, Challis’s activities and responsibilities, the true story of how NMR imaging came tobe, etc. PRA/11/10 ‘GERMANSCIENTISTS, 1974-1982’ 1974-1982 Includes press coverage from a visit of Andrew to Giessen, handwritten Germany, in May 1982 (in German, with translations, not in Andrew's hand). PRA/11/11 ‘DUTCH SCIENTISTS, 1976-1982’ 1976-1982 Includes correspondencere atherosclerosis in rabbits. PRA/11/12 ‘GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYLTD, 1977-1983’ 1978-1983 Correspondenceand notes on exchanges with colleaguesat the Hirst Research Centre of the General Electric Company Ltd (GEC), Wembley. From February 1982 AndrewsOfficially acted as a consultant for GEC, among others evaluating patents relating to MRI imagine machines. See also PRA/7/4. PRA/11/13 ‘PETER SCOTT, 1977-1980’ 1977-1980 Correspondence with P. Scott and other representatives of the US healthcare giant Johnson and Johnson Ltd. Scott acted as a consultant to Johnson and Johnson. PRA/11/14 ‘DR GWILYN PARRY JONES, 1978-1981’ 1978-1981 Covers research and personallife. G.P. Jones was a former an student appointment at the University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. of Andrews (PhD 1963) who took up E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 118 PRA/11/15 ‘PROF. HELION VARGAS, 1978-1981’ 1978-1981 Correspondence re Vargas’ one-year visit (1979-1980) at Andrew's laboratory in Nottingham under the Royal Society de exchange agreement with Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnolégico (CNPq). the Conselho Nacional CNPq was the National Council for Technological and Scientific Development, Brazil. PRA/11/16 ‘PROF. MIKE HOCH, 1978-1982’ 1978-1982 Correspondence with M.J.R. Hoch of the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, re Hoch’s work on the DNAbases, the biological effects of magnetic fields, etc. PRA/11/17 ‘NORTH AMERICANSCIENTISTS, 1979-1990’ 1979-1990 7 folders. PRA/11/17/1 North American Correspondence, 1979-1982 1979-1982 Includes correspondence with Andrew’s former postdoc W-S. Hinshaw re his work on NMR imaging systems for the Technicare Corporation. PRA/11/17/2 North American Correspondence, 1983 Re Andrew’s relocation, invitations to conferences, etc. PRA/11/17/3 North American Correspondence, 1984 Includes correspondence re Andrew's John Albert Southern Lecture at Furman University, South Carolina, US, on 10 April 1984, and other invitations. 1983 1984 PRA/11/17/4 North American Correspondence, 1985-1986 1985-1986 Topics covered include invitations and career advice to younger colleagues. PRA/11/17/5 North American Correspondence, 1987 1986-1987 Chiefly re an invitation to a NATO Advanced Study Institute to be held in Il Ciocco, Italy, 14-26 June 1987. Also Includes material re a speaking engagement at the University of E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 Virginia, Charlottesville, US. PRA/11/17/6 North American Correspondence, 1988 PRA/11/17/7 North American Correspondence, 1989-1990 Includes an exchange with P. Beckmann re D.E. Woessner’s classic paper on ‘Spin relaxation processes in a two-proton Journal of system undergoing anisotropic reorientation’, Chemical Physics 36 (1962). 119 1988 1988-1990 PRA/11/18 ‘GUO QUANZHONG, 1980-1981’ 1980-1981 Re Guo’s research on delayed Fourier transformation of the NMR free induction delay. See also PRA/5/6. PRA/11/19 ‘CAMBRIDGE, 1980-2000’ 1980-2000 at the Correspondence with colleagues and University of Cambridge, English. Also includes Andrew's own correspondencewhile visiting. institutions 5 folders. PRA/11/19/1 Cambridge Correspondence, 1980-1983 Chiefly subsequentrelocation to the University of Florida. Andrew's re retirement at Nottingham 1980-1983 and PRA/11/19/2 Cambridge Correspondence, 1984 1984 Re Andrew's election FRS, President of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), etc. Includes a letter detailing Andrew's take on the story of NMR imaging and the extent to which it can be argued that NMR was a British invention (to J.M. Thomas, 6 February 1984) PRA/11/19/3 Cambridge Correspondence, 1986-1991 1986-1991 Re Andrew's upcoming research visit (at the invitation of L.D. Hall in the School ofClinical Medicine) in the summer and autumn 1989. For the duration of his stay Andrew was elected to a Fellowship at his old College, Christ's, and also Visiting Scholar at Pembroke College. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 120 Citation Classics Also includes a commentary (for the section of Current Contents) on Andrew's 1978 publication with his research student P.A. Bottomley on ‘RF magnetic in field biological tissue: implications for NMR imaging’, Physics in Medicine and Biology 23 (1978). By 1989 this publication emerged as one of the most heavily cited papers in its field. penetration, phase shift and power dissipation PRA/11/19/4 Cambridge Correspondence, 1992-2000 1992-2000 Re the Cavendish Laboratory's centenary celebration of P. birth on 8 July 1894. Andrew attended the Kapitza’s workshop organised to mark the occasion. PRA/11/19/5 Visiting Fellowship, Clare Hall, 1996 1995-1997 Documents Andrew's election to a Visiting Fellowship (in 1996) and subsequently to Life Membership at Clare Hall, Cambridge. In 1996 Andrew paid another research visit to Cambridge, again at the invitation of L.D. Hall in the School of Clinical Medicine. PRA/11/20 ‘EAMONN CASHELL,1981-1982’ 1981-1982 Correspondence colleague E.M. Regional Technical College in Ireland. with Nottingham Cashell, who had moved to the Cork Andrew's former PRA/11/21 ‘SCIENTISTS IN OTHER COUNTRIES, 1982-2000’ 1982-2000 4 items in 5 folders. PRA/11/21/1 China 1982-2000 Correspondence with Meng Quin-An and others. Meng had spent nearly two years (1979-1981) in Andrew's Nottingham laboratory. See also PRA/S/6. laboratory matters. Covers research, Includes correspondencere the 7th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA’97), Shanghai, 14-17 October 1997. life and personal 2 folders. PRA/11/21/2 India, Brazil, Japan 1983-2000 Includes correspondence with G. Gorvil, C.R.K. Murty and H. Vargas. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/11/21/3 Thailand, Israel, South Africa Christmasletters from the Thai physicist S. Ketudat and his wife Emilie, and correspondence with J. Genossar of the Technion, Haifa, Israel and with M.J.R. Hoch in South Africa. 121 1989-1996 PRA/11/21/4 Australia, New Zealand 1992-1998 letters from old Christmas and Includes correspondence re Andrew's visit to the region on the occasion of the Conference of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR), Sydney, 16-21 July 1995. colleagues PRA/11/22 ‘UK & IRELAND, 1982-1989’ 1982-1989 4 folders. PRA/11/22/1 Correspondence July 1982-February 1983 1982-1983 Chiefly re Andrew's relocation to Florida. PRA/11/22/2 Correspondence March-July 1983 1983 As before. Also includes correspondencere aninvitation for Andrew to write a review article on NMR body scanners for Reports on Progress in Physics,etc. PRA/11/22/3 Correspondence August 1983-December 1984 PRA/11/22/4 Correspondence October 1986-October 1989 Institution Includes correspondence re Andrew's Royal Lecture, ‘Magnetic resonance imaging: seeing safely inside the human body’, London, 24 October 1986. PRA/11/23 ‘NOTTINGHAM, 1983-2000’ 1983-1984 1986-1989 1983-2000 Starts off just before Andrewleft Nottingham but then turns into correspondence with colleagues back in Andrew’s old department. 4 folders. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 122 PRA/11/23/1 Nottingham correspondence, 1983-1985 1983-1985 Chiefly with Andrew's secretary in Nottingham. PRA/11/23/2 Nottingham correspondence, 1986-1990 PRAV11/23/3 Nottingham correspondence, 1992-1995 PRAV11/23/4 Nottingham correspondence, 1996-2000 PRA/11/24 ‘FORMER PHD STUDENTS, 1983-2000’ 1986-1990 1992-1995 1996-2000 1983-2000 Correspondence with former PhD students re their research activities, life, etc. 5 items in 5 folders. PRA/11/24/1 Gwilyn Parry Jones 1983-1992 Includes correspondence re the closure of the Physics Department at Bangor. Jones worked at the University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. PRA/11/24/2 Goska Jaroszkiewicz 1983-1994 Chiefly re E. M. Jaroszkiewicz’s research for PhD and subsequentactivities. Also includes correspondencere other Polish researchers in Andrew's group at the University of Florida. Jaroszkiewicz started her PhD with Andrew at Nottingham but did not completeit before he relocated to the US. PRA/11/24/3 Chunpen Simaroj Thomas C.S. Thomas and her husband lan had relocated to Khon Kaen University, Thailand. PRA/11/24/4 Tasneem Zahra Rizvi 1983-1999 1983-1995 Includes correspondence re doctoral research and her subsequent activities Pakistan Rizvi’s experiments for her at the Research Scientific & Industrial Council of E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 123 /... Laboratories, Lahore, and other research institutes all over the world. Rizvi started her PhD with Andrew at Nottingham. Following her successful viva (1985) she relocated to her country of origin, Pakistan. PRA/11/24/5 Lei Yang 1997-2000 Chiefly comments on Lei Yang’s thesis at various stages. Lei Yang was Andrew’s last PhD student. Andrew continued to supervise him after Yang relocated to Canada. Yang defendedhis thesis in May 1999 PRA/11/25 ‘EUROPE, 1984-2001’ 1984-2001 with colleagues on the European Correspondence Continent. 6 folders. PRA/11/25/1 European correspondence, 1984-1988 PRA/11/25/2 loan Ursu Correspondencewith and re the Rumanian physicist |. Ursu, who wasdetained for several months in 1990 following the collapse of the Rumanian government. Andrew knew Ursu from their collaborations on the councils of the Groupement AMPERE and ISMAR. PRA/11/25/3 European correspondence, 1989-1991 PRA/11/25/4 European correspondence, 1992 PRA/11/25/5 European correspondence, 1993-1997 PRA/11/25/6 European correspondence, 1998-2001 PRA/11/26 ‘POLISH SCIENTISTS, 1984-2000’ 1984-1988 1988-1994 1989-1991 1992 1993-1997 1998-2001 1984-2000 i E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 15 items. 124 PRA/11/26/1 Jacek Hennel 1984-2000 Covers research, news about colleagues, personal life, the political situation in Poland. Hennel was a close friend of Andrew's since he worked with him in Bangor, 1959-1960. Among other occasions, they met again when Hennel came 1974-1975, and the to University of Florida, January-March 1988, both times as a Visiting Professor. Hennel also attended the Andrew 75th in Anniversary Symposium at the University of Florida January 1997. of Nottingham, University the 3 folders. PRA/11/26/1/1 Hennel correspondence, 1984-1989 PRA/11/26/1/2 Hennel correspondence, 1990-1995 PRA/11/26/1/3 Hennel correspondence, 1996-2000 PRA/11/26/2 Joanna Kapturczak Scientific correspondence. Includes a typescript draft ofa joint paper entitled ‘NMR study of noncrystalline cellulose’. Further includes notes by Andrew on the chronologyof their collaboration. PRA/11/26/3 Lidia Latanowicz Covers research, colleagues, personallife, the situation in Polish universities. Latanowicz spent two years in 1983- 1985 at the University of Florida as a visiting research scientist. PRAV11/26/4 Kasimierz Jurga Chiefly re joint research. Jurga spent 9 months (starting in September 1985) in Andrew's laboratory at the University of Florida as a visiting research scientist. Their collaboration continued afterthat. 1984-1989 1990-1995 1996-2000 1985-1987 1985-2000 1985-1991 PRAI11/26/5 Eugeniusz Szczesniak 1986-2000 in Covers Szczegniak’s Poznan laboratory, etc. SzczeSniak spent 18 conditions research, joint personal life, E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 125 visiting research scientist at the University of months as Florida, 1986-1988, and another 16 or so months in 1993- 1995. His collaboration with Andrew continued until 2000, when their last joint paper (on pregnenolone) appeared. PRA/11/26/6 Barbara Peplinska 1987-2000 Peplinska spent 21 months (starting in October 1987) in Andrew's laboratory at the University of Florida as a visiting for another extended research scientist. She returned researchvisit 1995-1996. PRA/11/26/7 Stefan Jurga Correspondencereinvitations for Jurga to give seminars at the University of Florida, etc. PRA/11/26/8 Andrzej Jasinski also gave a Chiefly scientific correspondence. Jasinski seminar at the University of Florida in December 1994 and visited again in January 1998. The collaboration between him and Andrew went back to 1970, possibly even before then. PRA/11/26/9 Marek Kempka Chiefly re research. Kempka wasa visiting researchscientist at the University of Florida, 1988-1989 and 1993-1994, and continued to work with Andrew, notably on solid cortisone. PRA/1 1/26/10 Stanislaw Sagnowski 1987-1999 1988-1998 1988-1998 1988-1998 Correspondence re arrangements for Sagnowski’s visiting research fellowships at the University of Florida, 1988-1989 with and Sagnowski’s son Piotr, who hoped to follow his father into the field of NMR. correspondence 1991-1992. Also includes PRA/1 1/26/11 Jacek Radomski 1989-2000 Chiefly re arrangements for Radomski’s research visits and his activities back in Poland, where he worked as a physicist at Adam Mickiewicz University, but in 1992-1993 also acted as advisor to the then Deputy Prime Minister, Pawel Laczkowski. Radomski wasa visiting research scientist at the University of Florida in 1990 and again 1991-1992 and 1997-1998. He had also been at UF in 1982-1983. He and Andrew E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 continued to publish together until 2000. PRA/1 1/26/12 Marian Buszko Buzko wasa visiting scientific researcher at the University of Florida from October 1990. Subsequently he returned to UF on a permanentbasis. PRA/1 1/26/13 Stanislaw Gtowinkowski Covers arrangements re Gtowinkowski’s fellowship at the University of Florida, May 1997 to March 1998, etc. 126 1989-1999 1995-2000 PRA/11/27 ‘NORTH AMERICANSCIENTISTS, 1990-2001’ 1990-2001 4 items. PRA/11/27/1 North American correspondence, 1990-1994 1990-1994 Includes correspondence with R.G. Shulman re a report for the National Academy ofScience, US, illustrating how basic research paved the way for the discovery and development of MRI. PRA/11/27/2 North American correspondence, 1995-June 1997 1995-June 1997 Includes correspondence re the golden jubilee of NMR Harvard and re Andrew's obituary of E.M. Purcell for the journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (including drafts and an offprint ofit). PRAV11/27/3 North American correspondence, June-December 1997 Includes correspondence re a workshop on fundamental aspectsof diffusion in NMR, to be held in September 1997 at the University of New Mexico; Andrew was invited to chair the opening session. Also includes correspondence re a symposium in honour of E.M. Purcell at Harvard University. June- December 1997 PRA/11/27/4 North American correspondence, 1998-2001 1998-2001 Includes an invitation to join the North American Board of the Joumalof Physics: CondensedMatter. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PRA/11/28 ‘UK, 1990-2000’ 7 items. PRA/11/28/1 British correspondence, 1989-1990 Includes correspondence with Pergamon Press re their proposed Encyclopaedia of NMR Spectroscopy. PRA/11/28/2 British correspondence, 1991-1992 PRA/11/28/3 British correspondence, 1993-1995 PRA/11/28/4 British correspondence, 1996 PRA/11/28/5 British correspondence, 1997 PRAV11/28/6 British correspondence, 1998 127 1989-2000 1989-1990 1991-1992 1993-1995 1996 1997 1998 Includes correspondence with John Wiley & Sons Ltd re Andrew's contribution to the Medical Spin-off volume of their Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. PRA/11/28/7 British correspondence, 1999-2000 1999-2000 128 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 SERIES 12 NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA PRA/12/1 SLIDES PRA/12/2 TRANSPARENCIES PRA/12/3 PHOTOGRAPHS PRA/12/1 9 items. SLIDES 4 items. PRA/12/1/1 Slide Album 1 Blackplastic cover. Eight sheets with slides (some gaps). dividers labelled ‘Lecture’, ‘Amino Acids’, ‘Proteins, DNA’, Includes ‘Dipeptides, Ribonuclease, ‘General’. Tripeptides, Homopolypeptides’, Insulin’, ‘Lysozyme, Chymotrypsin, PRA/12/1/2 Slide Album 2 Red cardboard cover. Ten sheets with slides (some gaps). Top sheet labelled ‘SOLID STATE SLIDES and invited lectures in 1995’. PRA/12/1/3 Slide Album[?] 3 Cover missing. Ten sheetswith slides (few gaps). Some sheets labelled (‘Magnets in Nottingham’, ‘Magnets in ‘Other UF’, Magnets’, ‘Instruction NMR’, ‘Instruction MRI’). scanners/3T MRI’, ‘NHMFL’, ‘Technicare NHMEL is the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida, US. PRA/12/1/4 Slide Album[?] 4 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 129 Cover missing. Eleven sheets with slides (some gaps). Some sheets labelled as followed: ‘The above 8 slides were shown in New Orleans’, ‘My head-saggital senes-Technicore imager 1986’, etc. An additional note (not Andrew’s handwriting) reads ‘Slides for New Orleans and Banff lectures’ and ‘Slides of mag. res. images of ERA’s anatomy’. See also PRA/1/1/201, PRA/9/2/31, PRA/10/10. PRA/12/2 TRANSPARENCIES 3 items. PRA/12/2/1 ‘Diffusion of water [etc]’ 4 sheets. PRA/12/2/2 ‘Shielding factor [etc]’ PRA/12/2/3 16 sheets. ‘NMR [etc]’ 5 sheets. PRA/12/3 PHOTOGRAPHS 2 items. PRA/12/3/1 Folder1 9 monochrome photographic reproductions of MRI scans. Chiefly of Andrew himself. 9 pieces. PRA/12/3/2 Folder 2 4 monochrome photographic reproductions of MRI scans. Chiefly of Andrew himself. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. E.R. Andrew NCUACS164/7/08 130 bcs An additional note (not Andrew's handwriting) reads ‘These scans werein a year 2000 file’. 4 pieces. E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABACUS PRESS ABRAGAM, Anatole ACADEMIA SINICA ACADEMIC PRESS ACKERMAN, Jerome L. ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POSNAN, POLAND INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS RECTORATE ADAMS, Dwight ADRIAN, Richard Hume, Baron AIME, Silvio AKSYONOV,S. I. ALEKSANDROV,K.S. ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDTSTIFTUNG ALLEN, Jack Frank ALLEN, PeterS. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY AMTEY,Sharad R. ANDREW,Eunice (neé Tinning) ANGLISTER, Jacob APS NEWS AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE BAKER, J. Michael BALLARD, Graham BALLARD, Stanley S. BARKLA, Hugh BATES, Colin A. BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BEATTY,C. L. BECKER, Edwin D. 131 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/11/1, PRA/11/25/1 PRA/10/16 PRA/11/28/7 PRA/8/3/10 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/11/26/11 PRA/11/17/1 PRA/11/19/3 PRA/11/17/5 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/10/15 PRA/10/1 PRA/11/22/1, PRA/11/28/3, PRA/11/28/6 PRA/10/10, PRA/11/17/2, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/9/4/1 PRA/2/5/6 PRA/8/4/8 PRA/11/26/6 PRA/8/4/34 PRA/11/27/4 PRA/10/17 PRA/8/1/2 PRA/11/19/4 PRA/10/1 PRA/11/28/5 PRA/2/2/1/2, PRA/11/23/1-4 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/11/17/1 PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/29, PRA/11/17/2-3, PRA/11/17/6 Index of correspondents E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 BECKMANN, Peter BEER, Dame Gillian BENDALL, M. Robin BENE, GeorgesJ. BERRY,Sir Michael BERSOHN, Richard BIOPHYSICS OF STRUCTURE AND MECHANISM BJORKSTAM, John L. BLACKBAND, Steve BLACKIE AND SON LTD BLACKWELL, Donald E. BLANSHARD, John V. BLEANEY, Brebis BLESSING, A. BLINC, Robert BLIN-STOYLE, Sir Roger BLOCH, Felix BLOOM, Myer BLUMICH, Bernhard BLUMLER, Peter BOCHNACKI, Zbigniew BODEN, Neville BOLMAN, Pieter S. H. BOOTH, Sir Christopher Charles BOOTH, Frank B. BORE, PeterJ. CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGYAND POLICY, BOSTON UNIVERSITY 132 PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/17/7, PRA/11/27/1 PRA/11/19/4-5 PRA/10/17, PRA/8/4/31, PRA/8/4/34 PRA/8/3/1-9, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/11/25/5-6 PRA/11/28/6 PRA/11/2, PRA/11/17/2, PRA/11/17/4 PRA/11/10 PRA/4/14 PRA/6/6/1 PRA/11/4/5 PRA/11/22/3 PRA/11/23/2-3 PRA/8/1/2, PRA/11/6/6, PRA/11/22/2, PRA/11/23/1, PRA/11/27/4, PRA/11/28/1-2, PRA/11/28/5, PRA/11/28/7 PRA/11/10 PRA/2/5/9/2, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/8/3/8, PRA/8/4/12-13, PRA/8/4/16-18, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/23, PRA/8/4/32-33, PRA/8/4/36, PRA/11/25/2, PRA/11/25/4 See STOYLE, Sir Roger BLIN- PRA/2/5/3, PRA/8/4/13-14, PRA/8/4/36, PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/17/2 PRA/2/6/2, PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/23, PRA/8/4/27, PRA/8/4/33 PRA/8/3/10-12, PRA/11/25/3-4 PRA/1/2/3/1 PRA/11/26/1/1, PRA/11/26/10 PRA/8/1/2, PRA/11/23/1 PRA/11/25/1 PRA/11/28/4 PRA/1/2/1/3 PRA/10/17 PRA/2/2/1/2 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 BOTTO, Robert E. BOTTOMLEY, Paul A. BOURNE, John R. BOWERS, C. Russell BOYD, T. J. M. BRADBURY,A. BRADBURY,J. Howard BREY,Wallace S. BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN BRITISH RADIOFREQUENCY SPECTROSCOPY GROUP BROOKEMAN, JamesR. BROWN, Michael F. BRUKER PHYSIK AG BRUKER SPECTROSPIN LTD BRUNEL UNIVERSITY, UXBRIDGE BRUNEL, Louis BRYANT,David J. BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David BUDERI, Bob BUDINGER, ThomasF. BULLETIN OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE BURGASS, Rosemary BUTTERFIELD, (William) John (Hughes), Baron BYSTROV,Vladimir F. CAHN, Robert Wolfgang CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 133 Index of correspondents PRA/1/2/3/1, PRA/11/27/3 PRA/10/18, PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/4/6, PRA/11/17/2, PRA/11/22/2, PRA/11/27/1 PRA/11/4/3 PRA/6/5/1/3 PRA/11/22/3 PRA/9/2/7 PRA/8/4/7-8 PRA/6/5/1/2-3, PRA/8/4/2, PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/30, PRA/11/17/1 PRA/5/4-5 PRA/9/3/1 PRA/11/22/1-3 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/8/1/1-5, PRA/11/23/4 PRA/2/5/3 PRA/11/17/5 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/4/4-5, PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/22/1-2 PRA/2/6/2 PRA/11/22/3, PRA/11/28/1 PRA/8/4/4, PRA/11/19/1, PRA/11/19/3 PRA/2/3 PRA/11/17/1 PRA/8/4/7-8, PRA/8/4/10-13, PRA/8/4/18-19, PRA/8/4/27-28, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/2/5/3, PRA/11/5, PRA/11/19/2- 3, PRA/11/19/5, PRA/11/22/4 PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/20, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/8/4/27-28, PRA/11/4/3 PRA/11/19/3 PRA/1/2/1/1-4, PRA/11/19/1 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 134 Index of correspondents CAMBRON, J. CAMPBELL,Sir Colin Murray CAROLAN, JamesL. CASHELL, Eamonn CHALLIS, Lawrence John CHAMBERLAIN, J. Martin CHAPELIN, Simon [of CUP] CHAPMAN, Dennis CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS CHEMICAL SOCIETY, LONDON CHEN, Wayne H. CHEZEAU, J. M. CHIHARA,Hideaki CHILES, Lawton CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CONSULATE, LONDON EMBASSY, LONDON CHRIST’S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE CLARE HALL, CAMBRIDGE CLAYDEN, N. CLOSE, David CLOUGH, Stanley CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGATIONES CIENTIFICAS (ISIC), SPAIN CONTI, Filippo COUPLAND, R. E. COZZONE, Patrick J. CRAIK, Paul CRC CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOENGINEERING CRC PRESS CREVASSE, Lamar CREYGHTON, J. H. N. CROSS, Timothy Aureal CROW,Jack E. PRA/10/21 PRA/11/23/3-4 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/4/5 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/20, PRA/11/25/4 PRA/5/6, PRA/6/5/1/2, PRA/11/23/2- 4 PRA/11/23/2 PRA/11/19/1 PRA/11/28/2 PRA/11/19/3, PRA/11/25/1 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/6/5/1/1 PRA/11/1 PRA/8/4/34 PRA/2/6/2 PRA/10/16 PRA/S/6 PRA/11/19/3-4 PRA/11/19/4-5 PRA/11/17/5 PRA/11/17/2 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/5/3, PRA/9/3/1, PRA/11/4/1, PRA/11/4/4, PRA/11/21/3, PRA/11/23/1-3, PRA/11/28/2, PRA/11/28/6 PRA/10/8 PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/21 PRA/7/3/1/1/1 PRA/8/4/23 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/4/3 PRA/11/17/7 PRA/6/3/6 PRA/11/11 PRA/6/6/1 PRA/2/6/2, PRA/6/6/1-2 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 CUTTLER, Alan Howard DAMADIAN, Raymond DAMASK,Arthur C. DAMJANOVICH, Sandor DAS, T. P. DEAKIN, J. DEKABRUN, L. L. DEPAUL UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO DEPIREUX, Joseph DESLAURIERS, Roxanne DHANARAJAN, Z.C. DICTIONARY OF INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHY DOBSON, Christopher Martin DOSKOCILOVA,Danica DRANEY,Daniel R. DRAYTON, Colin J. DUNCAN, William DUNELL, Basil A. DUNNAM, Gene DWEK, Raymond Allen EAVES, Lawrence ECKERD COLLEGE, FLORIDA ECONOMIST EDE AND RAVENSCROFT ELLENBERGER, Michel ELSAFFAR, Zuhair M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. ELSEVIER SCIENCE IRELAND LTD EMI CENTRAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES EMSLEY, James W. ERNST, Richard R. 135 Index of correspondents PRA/8/3/3 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/11/17/1-2 PRA/5/5 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/19/2 PRA/11/4/6, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/25/3 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/8/4/13 PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/33 PRA/11/17/7 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/10/13 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/11/28/1-2 PRA/11/28/5 PRA/2/6/2, PRA/11/17/1-2, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/11/28/1 PRA/11/28/6 PRA/11/23/4 PRA/11/17/2 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/2/5/9/1-2 PRA/8/3/4 PRA/11/4/1, PRA/11/17/2 PRA/1/2/2/1, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/25/4-5 PRA/1/2/3/1, PRA/1/2/5/1, PRA/1/2/6/1-2, PRA/1/2/7/2 PRA/8/2/1-2, PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/6/2 PRA/8/4/17, PRA/8/4/20, PRA/8/4/23, PRA/8/4/25-26, PRA/8/4/33, PRA/11/4/4, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/25/3 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 136 Index of correspondents EUROPEANPHYSICAL SOCIETY EUROPEAN SPECTROSCOPY NEWS FALALEEV,O. V. FEATHER, Norman FEDON, E. |. FEIO, Gabriel FETTER, Alexander L. FIAT, Daniel FIELD, Leslie D. FINLAYSON, David FITZSIMMONS, Jeff FLORIDA SENATE FOERSTER, John FOREIGN LITERATURE PUBLISHING HOUSE, MOSCOW FORSEN, Sture FRANKS, Felix FREEMAN, Raymond FREYMANN, René FRIDAY EVENING POST, UF FUJIWARA,Shizuo FUKUSHIMA,Eiichi FYFE, Colin A. GADIAN, David GANSSEN, A. GARRETT, Graham GASPAR, Rezs6 GAVIN, Pierre SERVOZ- GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LTD HIRST RESEARCH CENTRE PRA/8/3/5-6, PRA/11/25/2, PRA/11/25/5 PRA/8/1/3 PRA/11/25/4 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/11/4/3 PRA/8/3/13 PRA/10/19 PRA/8/3/1, PRA/8/3/3, PRA/8/4/1- 30, PRA/8/4/36-37, PRA/11/17/1-2 PRA/10/23, PRA/11/21/4 PRA/11/28/6 PRA/6/6/1-2 PRA/2/5/7 PRA/11/17/7 PRA/1/2/1/3 PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/21 PRA/9/2/7, PRA/11/4/1-2, PRA/11/19/1 PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/30, PRA/8/4/32-36, PRA/11/19/2-4, PRA/11/28/6-7 PRA/8/3/2 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/2, PRA/8/4/3, PRA/8/4/17, PRA/8/4/21, PRA/8/4/23, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/10/18, PRA/11/27/3 PRA/11/17/1 PRA/11/6/12 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/28/3 PRA/5/5, PRA/11/25/5-6 PRA/8/3/2-3, PRA/8/4/19-21, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/8/4/30, PRA/8/4/33-35, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/25/3 PRA/11/12 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 137 Index of correspondents METAL SYSTEMS OPERATIONS GENOSSAR, Jan GERIG, J. T. GERVEN, Lieven VAN GIBBS, Steve GILBRAITH, C. GLOWINKOWSKI, Stanislaw GOLDMAN, M. GORE, John GORENSTEIN, David GOVIL, Girjesh GRAY, Peter GRAYBEAL,John M. GREEN, Trevor GREENSPAN, Richard H. GRIFFIN, Robert G. GROUPEMENT AMPERE GUNTHER, Harald GUO, Quanzhong GUTOWSKY, Herbert Sander HAASE, Axel HAHN, Erwin Louis HALL, Christopher HALL, Laurie D. HARPER, John HARRIS, Robin Kingsley HASHI, Tsuneo HAUPTMANN, S. PRA/11/17/3 PRA/11/21/3 PRA/8/4/17, PRA/8/4/23 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/25/5 PRA/6/6/3 PRA/11/19/1-3 PRA/1/2/8/1, PRA/8/4/17-18, PRA/8/4/20-22 PRA/11/27/2 PRA/8/4/10-13, PRA/8/4/16-19, PRA/8/4/21, PRA/8/4/24, PRA/8/4/27-28, PRA/8/4/30, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/10/9, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/11/19/4 PRA/6/6/3 PRA/11/6/5 PRA/11/17/3 PRA/11/17/5 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/8/3/1-13, PRA/8/4/18 PRA/11/10 PRA/5/6, PRA/11/18, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/8/4/16-17, PRA/8/4/19, PRA/8/4/22 PRA/8/3/11-13 PRA/8/4/21, PRA/8/4/33, PRA/11/17/3, PRA/11/22/4, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/11/6/7 PRA/2/6/2, PRA/11/19/5 PRA/2/5/9/2, PRA/11/28/1 PRA/8/4/16-18, PRA/8/4/21, PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/28-29, PRA/8/4/31, PRA/8/4/33, PRA/8/4/35, PRA/11/6/10 PRA/11/2 PRA/8/3/5 Index of correspondents E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 HAUSSER, Karl H. HEATH, Leslie HEGEDUS, Viktor HENDERSON, B. HENNEL, Jacek HENNEL, Jozefa HINSHAW,Waldo S. HO, Chien HOCH, MichaelJ. R. HOFFMANN, S. K. HOLLAND, G. Neil HOOPER, CharlesF. HOULT, DavidI. HOUNSFIELD, Sir Godfrey Newbold HOVI, Vain6d Toivo HUANG, Shaw HUBBARD, Paul S. HUDA,Walter HUGHES, D. G. HUGHES, O. H. HULL,William E. HUTTEN, H. HYDE, JamesS. INGRAM, David John Edward INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION, UXBRIDGE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PHYSICS BULLETIN REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL AUTHORS AND WRITERS WHO’S WHO INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR MAGNETIC RESONANCE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE 138 PRA/8/3/1, PRA/8/3/4-8, PRA/8/4/9- 10, PRA/8/4/16-18, PRA/8/4/20-24, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/25/3 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/10/7 PRA/8/3/4 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/8/4/15, PRA/8/4/20, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/8/4/24, PRA/11/26/1/1-3 PRA/11/26/1/1 PRA/7/3/1/1/2, PRA/11/7, PRA/11/17/1 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/8/4/34, PRA/10/5, PRA/11/16, PRA/11/21/3 PRA/8/3/8 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/2/5/3, PRA/6/5/1/1, PRA/11/26/4 PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/22/3 PRA/8/2/2 PRA/2/5/2: see also PRA/11/4/6 PRA/11/27/2 PRA/11/7 PRA/11/27/4 PRA/11/17/1 PRA/11/23/2 PRA/11/25/6 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/11/22/3 PRA/11/19/3 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/8/3/1-2 PRA/11/22/2 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/11/27/2 PRA/8/4/1-37 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 ISELIN, Louis H. JARDETZKY, Oleg Index of correspondents JAROSKIEWICZ,E. M. (‘Goska’) JASINSKI, Andrzej JENKS, GeoffreyJ. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD JOHNSON AND JOHNSON JONES, Gwilym PARRY JONES, Howard A. JONES, Reginald Victor JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE 139 PRA/11/28/5 PRA/11/2, PRA/8/3/7, PRA/8/4/8-17, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/23-24, PRA/8/4/27, PRA/8/4/29-33, PRA/8/4/36, PRA/11/17/4, PRA/11/27/1 PRA/11/24/2, PRA/11/28/4 PRA/11/25/3, PRA/11/26/8 PRA/10/17, PRA/11/21/4 PRA/11/22/1, PRA/11/28/6 PRA/11/13 PRA/11/14, PRA/11/24 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/11/22/1-2 PRA/6/5/1/2-3, PRA/8/4/2, PRA/8/4/8, PRA/11/25/1, PRA/11/27/3 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PRA/11/27/4 PRA/1/2/1/3 JURGA, Kasimierz JURGA,Stefan KAKIUCHI, Yoshinobu KAPTURCZAK, Joanna KARL MARX UNIVERSITY, LEIPZIG, EAST GERMANY RECTORATE SECTION PHYSICS KASTLER, A. KEMPKA, Marek KESSEMEIER, Horst KETUDAT, Sippanondha KIND, Raymond KING, PeterJ. KINGSBURY, C. A. KLEIBEUKER, J. F. KLINOWSKI, Jacek PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/25/6, PRA/11/26/4 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/26/7 PRA/11/2 PRA/11/26/2 PRA/2/5/7 PRA/2/5/7 PRA/2/5/3 PRA/1/2/4/1, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/26/9 PRA/11/7 PRA/11/4/4-5, PRA/11/21/3 PRA/8/3/9-11, PRA/8/3/13, PRA/11/25/3, PRA/11/25/5 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/11/11 PRA/11/19/3-4 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 140 Index of correspondents KNIGHT,Lon B. KNIGHT, Sarah KOCHELAEV,Boris KOMOROSKI, Richard A. KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KOWALKEWSKI, ValdemarJ. KUCHEL, Philip W. KUHN, Winfried KUMAR, Pradeep LAINE, Derek C. LASZLO, Pierre LATANOWICZ,Lidia LAUKIEN, Gunther R. LAUNAY, J. P. LAUTERBUR, Paul C. LEAKEY,A. R. LEIGH, Denise LEVERHULME TRUST FUND LIBERTY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIGTHELM, D. J. LINDER, M. LIPPMAA, Endel LIPSICAS, Max LITTLE, William A. LIU, Hangin LLEWELLYN, J. Patrick LOCHER, P. R. LOFTS, P. F. LOHMANN, Wolfgang LONG, Gary J. LOSCHE, Artur PRA/11/17/3 PRA/6/5/1/3 PRA/11/4/3 PRA/11/17/4 PRA/11/19/2-3 PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/11/17/7 PRA/10/17 PRA/8/3/10 PRA/6/6/3 PRA/8/1/1-3, PRA/11/23/1 PRA/2/2/3 PRA/11/26/3 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/17/5 PRA/8/4/16-17, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/26, PRA/11/4/3 PRA/7/3/2/1 PRA/6/5/1/3 PRA/5/5 PRA/6/3/6 PRA/11/11 PRA/11/4/4 PRA/8/3/1, PRA/8/3/4, PRA/8/4/14, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/20, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/8/4/33 PRA/11/17/3 PRA/10/19, PRA/11/17/7 PRA/10/16 PRA/10/20, PRA/11/28/1 PRA/11/11 PRA/11/13 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/17/4-5 PRA/2/5/7, PRA/8/1/2, PRA/8/3/3-5, PRA/10/15, PRA/8/4/17-18, PRA/8/4/22, PRA/11/25/5 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY PRA/11/23/1 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 141 Index of correspondents LOVELACE MEDICAL FOUNDATION LOWDIN, Per-Olov LUITEN, A.L. LUTTGE, William G. McBRIETY,Vincent J. McCAMMON, JamesA. McCONNELL,JackB. McDONALD, Peter J. McDOWELL, Charles A. McWHIRTER, Norris Dewar MAGMA MAGNETIC RESONANCEIN MEDICINE MAGNETIC RESONANCE REVIEW MAGNEXSCIENTIFIC LTD, ABINGTON MAIN, PeterC. MALLARD, John R. MANSFIELD, Sir Peter MARAVIGLIA, Bruno MARECI, Tom MARGULIS, Alexander R. MARKIEWICZ, W. Denis MARKLEY,John L. MARSON, G. Barrie MASON, John B. MEDICAL PROGRESS THROUGH TECHNOLOGY MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) MEHRING, Michael MELVILLE, D. MEN OF ACHIEVEMENT MENG, Qing-An METHUEN & CO LTD PRA/10/18 PRA/11/25/6 PRA/11/11 PRA/6/6/2 PRA/8/1/2, PRA/11/6/12, PRA/11/22/4, PRA/11/28/4 PRA/5/5 PRA/11/13 PRA/11/28/2, PRA/11/28/5 PRA/11/17/3 PRA/11/22/4 PRA/1/2/4/1 PRA/11/27/2 PRA/11/17/3, PRA/11/27/1 PRA/8/3/13 PRA/11/23/2-4 PRA/9/3/1, PRA/11/22/1, PRA/11/28/3 PRA/8/1/1, PRA/8/3/4, PRA/9/3/1, PRA/9/6/12, PRA/11/5, PRA/11/23/3-4, PRA/11/28/7 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/8/3/12, PRA/11/4/5, PRA/11/25/3-4 PRA/6/6/1-2, PRA/11/24/5 PRA/11/4/4 PRA/6/6/1-2 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/11/4/3 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/11/10 PRA/7/3/1/1/1-2, PRA/8/5/1-2 PRA/8/4/34, PRA/11/10, PRA/11/25/3 PRA/11/6/3 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/5/6, PRA/10/16, PRA/10/26, PRA/11/21/1/1 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 MICHEL, D. MILIA, F. MILLER, Alan MILLS, Michael W. MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MITTON, Simon MIXSON, Barbara MOERLAND, Tim MOHAPATRA,S. N. MOLECULAR PHYSICS MOLIN, Yu. N. MOON, Philip Burton MOORE, William S. MORRIS, DewiP. MORRIS, Peter MOSKVICH, Yu. N. MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MOUNTSINAI MEDICAL CENTER OF GREATER MIAMI MOUNTFORD, Carolyn E. MULLER, K. Alexander MULLER-WARMUTH, Werner MURTY,C. R. K. 142 Index of correspondents PRA/8/3/11 PRA/8/3/9, PRA/8/3/11, PRA/11/25/4 PRA/11/28/6 PRA/7/3/1/1/2 PRA/11/28/1 PRA/11/19/1 PRA/6/5/1/1 PRA/6/5/1/2, PRA/11/27/2 PRA/11/4/4, PRA/11/12 PRA/11/19/1 PRA/10/15 PRA/11/4/5 PRA/7/3/1/1/1 PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/23/4 PRA/10/15 PRA/2/5/1 PRA/6/3/4 PRA/10/17 PRA/8/3/3, PRA/8/3/5, PRA/11/25/1 See WARMUTH, Werner MULLER- PRA/11/4/6, PRA/11/21/2 N. V. PHILIPS’ GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN, EINDHOVEN NAKAJIMA, Haruo NALCIOGLU, O. NALORAC CRYOGENICS CORPORATION NARASIMHAN, P. T. PRA/11/11 PRA/11/2 PRA/11/4/4-5 PRA/2/6/1 PRA/11/21/2 NASH, W. Frederick NATIONAL HIGH MAGNETIC FIELD LABORATORY, FL PRA/5/3, PRA/9/2/7, PRA/11/23/2 PRA/6/5/1/2-3, PRA/6/6/1-3, PRA/11/27/2 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NRDC) NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK LIMITED NATURE NEWSON, John NIEMELA, Lasse PRA/11/4/2 PRA/8/1/4-5 PRA/1/2/9, PRA/11/22/3 PRA/S/4 PRA/11/4/6 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 143 Index of correspondents NIEWODNICZANSKI, Henryk NIKOLIC, Panta NORBERG, Richard E. O’TOOLE,Neil OHANIAN, M. Jack OJA, Aarne OLD WELLINGBURIAN CLUB OLOVSSON, Ivar ONORI, Sandro OPELLA, Stanley J. OTERO, Francisco CONDE- OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PACKARD, Martin E. PACKER, Ken J. PAJAK,Zdzislaw PAKE, G. E. PALMER, Arthur C. PALMER, Jo Ann PALMER, MichaelH. PANEPUCCI, Horacio C. PARTAIN, C. Leon PASCUAL,C. PATTERSON, Marlann PAULUS, Kurt PECK,Richard PEDRAZA,Vicente PEGG, David PEMBROKE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE PEPLINSKA, Barbara PERGAMON PRESS LTD PETERS, Sir Keith PRA/11/4 PRA/11/25/5 PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/33 PRA/6/5/1/2 PRA/6/2/1 PRA/11/25/1 PRA/11/28/7 PRA/11/8 PRA/11/25/1 PRA/8/4/26 PRA/11/4/2, PRA/11/4/5 PRA/11/22/2 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/6/11, PRA/11/19/1, PRA/11/22/2, PRA/11/28/2, PRA/11/28/5 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/26/5-6 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/10/27, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/6/5/1/3 PRA/8/4/15 PRA/11/17/4 PRA/11/17/2 PRA/10/8 PRA/11/28/3 PRA/11/22/2 PRA/11/28/7 PRA/10/6 PRA/11/21/4 PRA/11/19/1 PRA/1/2/2, PRA/1/2/5/1, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/26/6 PRA/1/2/1/1/1, PRA/11/28/1 PRA/11/19/4 Index of correspondents E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 PETERSEN, Steffen B. PETHIG, Ronald PFEIFER, Harry PHILIPSBORN, Wolf von PHILLIPS, Joan PHYSICS WORLD PILKINGTON ELECTRO-OPTICALDIVISION PINES, Alex PINTAR, Mik M. PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian POLAND ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS, CRACOW EMBASSY, WASHINGTON POLDY, Franzi POLDY, John and Kathleen POOLE, Charles P. POPPLEWELL, John POULIS, N. J. POUND, Robert V. POURQUIE, Jean PREWITT, J. M. S. PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY PUNKKINEN, Matti PURCELL, Beth B. PURCELL, Edward Mills QIU, An 144 PRA/10/7 PRA/2/5/9/2 PRA/2/5/7, PRA/8/4/12, PRA/8/4/16- 18, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/33, PRA/11/25/3-6 PRA/8/4/13, PRA/8/4/17-18, PRA/8/4/20, PRA/8/4/25 PRA/11/23/2 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/22/1 PRA/8/4/18, PRA/8/4/20-21, PRA/8/4/23, PRA/8/4/28, PRA/8/4/35 PRA/8/4/9, PRA/8/4/30 PRA/11/19/5 PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/11/4, PRA/11/26/1/1 PRA/11/26/1/1 PRA/10/17 PRA/10/17 PRA/8/4/15-23, PRA/8/4/26-28, PRA/8/4/30, PRA/8/4/32, PRA/11/17/3, PRA/11/27/1 PRA/10/20 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/17/4, PRA/11/17/7, PRA/11/27/4 PRA/11/11 PRA/11/4/4 PRA/11/6/2 PRA/2/5/2PRA/8/4/34 PRA/6/5/1/3, PRA/11/27/1-2 PRA/2/5/3, PRA/11/4/3, PRA/11/17/2, PRA/11/17/6-7, PRA/11/27/1-2 PRA/11/17/7 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 145 Index of correspondents RADDA, Sir George Charles RAOULT,G. RATHMANN, L. REDFIELD, Alfred G. REYNHARDT,Ed C. REYNOLDS, E. Osmund RICHARDS, Rex Edward RICHARDSON, David E. RICHARDSON, H. O. W. RIO DE JANEIRO MAYOR RIZVI, Tasneem Zahra ROBERT, J. B. ROBERTS, Sir Gareth Gwyn ROBERTS, Gordon C. K. ROBERTS, J. D. ROMANIA ACADEMY PRIME MINISTER PRESIDENT ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS ROMANOV,A. S. BOROVIK- ROSBAUD, Paul ROTH, Klaus ROWAN, Lawrence G. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREATBRITAIN ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH RUSHWORTH, Francis Alwyn RUSHWORTH, Gwen SAGDEEV,Renad Z. SAGNOWSKI, Piotr SAGNOWSKI, Stanistaw SAHA,A.K. PRA/11/28/7 PRA/8/3/2, PRA/8/3/5-6 PRA/8/3/2-3 PRA/8/4/34 PRA/11/21/3 PRA/11/28/3 PRA/8/5/1, PRA/11/22/2-3 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/8/4/37 PRA/11/24/4 PRA/11/25/1 PRA/11/28/5 PRA/8/4/24, PRA/8/4/26 PRA/8/4/18 PRA/11/25/2 PRA/11/25/2 PRA/11/25/2 PRA/8/4/31 PRA/8/3/1, PRA/8/3/4, PRA/10/15, PRA/11/4/1 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/7 PRA/9/5/1 PRA/5/6, PRA/9/3/1, PRA/10/14, PRA/11/15, PRA/11/22/1, PRA/11/22/3-4 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/11/6/4, PRA/11/28/3, PRA/11/28/5 PRA/8/3/8, PRA/10/15 PRA/1 1/26/10 PRA/11/26/10 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 SAIKA,A. SALIKHOV, Kev SALUVERE, T. A. SANYO ELECTRIC CO. LTD SATOH, Shiro SAUNDERS, K.B. SCHLICK, Shulamith SCHMIDT, Maria Angélica SCHNEIDER, Bohdan SCHREIER, Shirley SCHUTZ,J. U. von SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL SCOTT, Kate N. SCOTT,Peter SCOTT, ThomasA. SCOTTER, D. G. SELBY SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION SELBY, Benn A. SHEARD, F. W. SHERLOCK, Robert A. SHOENBERG, David SHULMAN, Robert G. SIEMENS AG SJOBLOM, Margareta SJOBLOM, Rolf O. I. SLICHTER, Charles Pence SMIDT, Jacob (‘Jaap’) SMITH, Helen SMITH, Sir John A. S. SMITH, Kirk SMITH, Peter SNEL, Jeroen 146 Index of correspondents PRA/11/21/2 PRA/8/3/10-11 PRA/8/3/3 PRA/11/2 PRA/11/21/2 PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/11/4/1 PRA/8/4/27, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/8/3/9 PRA/11/22/2 PRA/2/5/3 PRA/11/13 PRA/10/1 PRA/11/12 See also PRA/11/4 PRA/10/17 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/23/3 PRA/11/21/4 PRA/1/2/1/1/1-2, PRA/1/2/1/3, PRA/11/19/1-4 PRA/11/27/1 PRA/11/10, PRA/11/25/1 PRA/5/4 PRA/5/4, PRA/11/8 PRA/11/2, PRA/8/4/24-26, PRA/8/4/28-35, PRA/11/25/2, PRA/11/27/1-2 PRA/8/3/2-3, PRA/8/4/11-12, PRA/8/4/16-17, PRA/8/4/24-25, PRA/8/4/29, PRA/8/4/37, PRA/11/11, PRA/11/25/3 PRA/11/23/1 PRA/11/6/9, PRA/11/23/3 PRA/6/2/3 PRA/11/17/3 PRA/11/25/6 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 147 Index of correspondents SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY EUROPE SPRINGER-VERLAG SRIVASTAVA,B. N. STAAB, Edward V. STANDLEY,K.J. STANKOWSKI, Jan STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STEINER, R. E. STEPHAN, Halina STIEVE, H. STOYLE, Sir Roger BLIN- STRADLING, R. Antony STRANGE, John H. STREET, Robert SULLIVAN, Neil S. SUNDERLAND, Eric SUTCLIFFE, Leslie Howard SWARTZ, Harold M. SZAYNA,Maigorzata SZCZESNIAK, Eugeniusz (‘Eugene’) TANNER, David TANSEY,E. M. (‘Till’) TEGENFELDT, Jorgen TER HAAR, Dirk THANVARACHORN, Pakdi THOMAS, Chunpen Simaroj and lan THOMAS, Gero PRA/1/2/2/1, PRA/1/2/5/1, PRA/1/2/6/1, PRA/1/2/7/1, PRA/1/2/8/1, PRA/11/19/3 PRA/2/2/3 PRA/11/25/1 PRA/1/2/1/4/1 PRA/6/5/1/2-3, PRA/10/16-17 PRA/8/1/2 PRA/8/3/3-5, PRA/8/3/7-8, PRA/8/3/12, PRA/8/3/13, PRA/8/4/16, PRA/8/4/17, PRA/8/4/19, PRA/11/26/11 PRA/11/4/2 PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/26/9 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/22/2 PRA/8/1/2 PRA/8/3/12, PRA/10/22, PRA/10/25, PRA/11/28/5 PRA/10/17 PRA/2/5/6, PRA/6/5/1/2-3, PRA/6/6/3, PRA/11/17/7, PRA/11/19/5, PRA/11/27/2 PRA/11/28/1 PRA/11/28/1 PRA/8/4/26 PRA/2/5/5/3 PRA/1/2/6-7, PRA/2/5/5/3, PRA/2/6/1, PRA/11/26/5, PRA/1 1/26/11 PRA/10/17, PRA/6/5/1/1-2, PRA/11/26/9 PRA/11/28/4 PRA/5/4 PRA/11/28/4 PRA/11/4/5 PRA/11/4/4-5, PRA/11/24/3 PRA/11/25/2-3 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THOMAS, StephenA. TING, Shih-Fan TOLLEY, Brian H. TOMANEK,Bogustaw TOMITA, Kazuhisa TOMITA, Mrs TORREY,HenryC. TRUTNEY,K.F. TULENKO, James TUNSTALL, David P. TZALMONA,Aron 148 Index of correspondents PRA/11/19/1-2, PRA/11/19/5, PRA/11/22/4, PRA/11/28/2-3 PRA/1/2/9, PRA/11/28/3 PRA/11/4/6 PRA/11/23/2 PRA/2/5/5/3 PRA/11/2 PRA/11/21/2 PRA/1/2/1/1/3 PRA/8/3/11 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/22/1, PRA/11/22/3-4, PRA/11/28/1, PRA/11/28/3, PRA/11/28/5-6 PRA/11/16 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES, BANGOR PRA/11/4, PRA/11/28/1-2 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE BOARD OF GRADUATE STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA(UF) CENTER FOR MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES (CLAS) COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SCIENCE DEPARTMENTOF PHYSICS DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY GRADUATE SCHOOL AND DIVISION OF SPONSORED RESEARCH HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER COMMUNICATION J. HILLIS MILLER HEALTH CENTER PRA/2/5/1 PRA/11/28/4 PRA/10/1, PRA/10/15 PRA/6/5/1/1 PRA/2/5/7, PRA/6/2/1, RAV/6/5/1/1-2 PRA/2/5/7, PRA/2/5/9/1, RA/6/5/1/1-3, PRA/11/19/5 PRA/6/5/1/3 PRA/6/3/6 PRA/6/5/2/1 PRA/2/5/3, PRA/2/5/5/1, PRA/2/5/6, RA/2/5/7, PRA/2/6/2, PRAV/6/5/1/1-3, PRA/6/5/2/1, PRA/11/17/3, RA/11/19/3, PRA/11/26/9, RA/1 1/26/11 PRA/2/5/3, PRA/2/5/9/1, RAVJ6/5/2/2 PRA/6/5/1/1, PRA/11/26/9 PRA/2/5/7 PRA/6/2/3, PRA/11/27/2 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 149 Index of correspondents OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE OF RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY AND GRADUATE EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF THE PROVOST UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM CHANCELLOR INFORMATION OFFICE REGISTRAR VICE CHANCELLOR UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA UNIVERSITY OF TURKU, FINLAND RECTOR UNIVERSITY OF WALES UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND URSU, loan VADERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASHVILLE VANE, Sir John Robert VARGAS, Helion VAUGHAN, R. VEEMAN, W. S. VENNART, William VIAMONTE, Manuel VICHAI, Hayodom VICTORIAN COLLEGE OF PHARMACYLTD VIDAL, Jorge TEIJEIRO VILFAN, Marija VISSER, R. VOLD, Regitze R. (‘Gitte’) VUGMAN, Ney Vernon WANG, Erkang PRA/11/17/3 PRA/2/5/9/1 PRA/6/5/1/1-2 PRA/6/5/1/2-3 PRA/10/6 PRA/7/3/2/1, PRA/5/5, PRA/S/6 PRA/11/23/3 PRA/10/17 PRA/11/4/1, PRA/11/23/1-2 PRA/2/5/9/2, PRA/8/2/1, PRA/11/5, PRA/11/23/1-2, PRA/11/23/4 PRA/10/17 PRA/2/5/2 PRA/2/5/9/1-2 PRA/10/5 PRA/2/6/1, PRA/8/3/2, PRA/8/4/21- 24, PRA/8/4/26, PRA/11/25/2 PRA/11/17/2 PRA/11/22/3 PRA/11/15, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/8/1/1 PRA/11/11 PRA/9/3/1 PRA/6/3/4 PRA/11/4/5 PRA/10/17 PRA/10/6 PRA/8/3/8 PRA/8/3/3 PRA/8/4/32, PRA/11/17/7 PRA/8/4/15, PRA/8/4/17, PRA/8/4/19-20, PRA/8/4/22-23, PRA/8/4/26, PRA/8/4/29, PRA/8/4/33, PRA/8/4/37, PRA/11/21/2 PRA/10/26 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 150 Index of correspondents WANG, Tian-Juan WARD, lan M. WARMUTH, Werner MULLER- WAUGH, John S. WEAVER, Harry E. WEBLEY, R. Sidney WEEDON, Basil Charles WEHRLI, Felix W. WEIL, John A. WEINER, Michael W. WELLINGBOROUGH SCHOOL, NORTHANTS WELLS, Peter Neil Temple WERTZ, George E. WEST, Jean and Geoff WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA WHO’S WHO IN EUROPE WHO’S WHOIN SCIENCE IN EUROPE WHO’S WHO OFBRITISH SCIENTISTS WILLIAMS, Edward W. WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WIND, Robert A. WINDOM, Robert E. WINKLER, H. WINTER, J. M. WOKAUN, Alexander WOLF, H. C. WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOOD, Sir Martin Francis WORLD’S WHO’S WHO OF AUTHORS WORTHINGTON, Brian S. WRITERS’ DIRECTORY WU, Xue-Wen WUTHRICH, K. WYATT,Adrian WYNN, V.T. PRA/10/16, PRA/8/4/27-28 PRA/11/6/1 PRA/11/10 PRA/11/5 PRA/1/2/1/1/2 PRA/8/2/1 PRA/7/3/2/1, PRA/11/23/2 PRA/11/17/3, PRA/11/27/2 PRA/8/4/2 PRA/8/4/19 PRA/2/2/2, PRA/11/22/4, PRA/11/28/1, PRA/11/28/3, PRA/11/28/7 PRA/11/22/1 PRA/1/2/1/1/1 PRA/10/17, PRA/11/21/4 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/8/2/1-2, PRA/11/22/1 PRA/11/6/8 PRA/11/11 PRA/11/17/6 PRA/2/5/7 PRA/11/1 PRA/11/25/5 PRA/8/4/16-18, PRA/8/4/20-25 PRA/7/3/2/1 PRA/2/6/2 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/11/23/2, PRA/11/23/4 PRA/2/2/4 PRA/10/16, PRA/11/21/1/2 PRA/8/4/33 PRA/11/28/7 PRA/9/2/7 E.R. Andrew NCUACS 164/7/08 YANG, Lei YANNONI, C. S. YAZAKI, Takehito YE, Chaohui YOSIDA, Kei YOUNG, lan R. Index of correspondents 151 PRA/11/24/5 PRA/8/4/34 PRA/11/2 PRA/10/16, PRA/10/24, PRA/10/26, PRA/11/21/1/2 PRA/11/2 PRA/8/2/2, PRA/11/12, PRA/11/22/2, PRA/11/22/4, PRA/11/28/6