COOK, Alan Hugh

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS — Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Alan Hugh Cook FRS (1922-2004) by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 169/12/08 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Alan Hugh Cook FRS (1922-2004), physicist Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1931-2005 Extent of material: 17 boxes Deposited in: The Archives, Selwyn College Cambridge Reference code: GB 0276 SEPP/COO © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 169/12/08 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST SELWYN COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.62 SECTION B RESEARCH AND TEACHING B.1-B.22 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.47 SECTION D LECURES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES D.1-D.22 SECTION E HISTORY OF SCIENCE E.1-E.140 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 13 15 19 22 34 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 4 The material was received for cataloguing from Lady (Isabell) Cook, widow, via the Archives of Selwyn College, Cambridge in September2007. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR ALAN HUGH COOK Alan Hugh Cook wasborn in Felsted, Essex on 2 December 1922 and educated at Westcliff High School for Boys and Corpus Christi College Cambridge where he followed the Natural Science Tripos with geology as an additional experimental subject. On graduating in 1943 he was drafted to do war work becoming a temporary experimental officer in the Army Signals Establishment, Witley, Surrey where he wasinvolved in radar research in the Test and Measurement Section. At the end of the war he returned to Cambridge for Ph.D. research (awarded 1950) on measurements of gravity in the British Isles supervised by E.C. Bullard and B.C. Browne in the Department of Geodesy and He continued in the Department as a research assistant working on gravity Geophysics. measurements and geodetic applications, 1949-1952. In 1952 Cook went to work in the metrology department at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, in south-west London, where he researched on precise measurements and standards Principal investigations and became superintendant of the quantum metrology department in 1966. were on the density of mercury, absolute determination of acceleration due to gravity, precise wavelength measurements and satellite theory applied to geodesy. He used digital computers to In 1969 Cook analyse experimental results, including those on absolute gravity measurements. became the first professor of geophysics at Edinburgh University. At Edinburgh he extended his use of computers to carry out some massive calculations on the rocking motion of the moon, which depends on the gravity field of the moon and the earth. After only three years Cook wasappointed to the Jacksonian Chair of Natural Philosophy held in the Cambridge physics department, a position he In 1979 he became head of the Cavendish held until 1990 and to a Fellowship at King’s College. Laboratory in Cambridge (to 1984) and in 1983 Master of Selwyn College Cambridge, retiring in 1993. He also became responsible for Cambridge University’s computer facilities and chairman of the board of directors of Cambridge University Press. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 5 Cook took an active part in scientific affairs nationally and internationally. In Britain he served the Royal Astronomical Society (President 1977-1979), Institute of Physics, Royal Society and Research Councils in many capacities. Internationally he was active in both the International Astronomical Union and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, and enjoyed a long association with International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste as consultant for geophysics programmesand as course organiser and lecturer. He spent periods as Visiting Fellow or Professor at a number of leading US institutions: Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, Boulder, Colorado, 1965-1966, University of California, 1981-1982, and Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, 1993. Cook was devoted to the history of science. In particular he spent twenty years researching Edmond Halley, publishing a well-received biography in 1998: Edmond Halley: Charting the Heavens and the Seas (Oxford: the Clarendon Press). He was Editor of Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 1996- 2003. Cook was elected FRS in 1969 and knighted in 1988. He died on 23 July 2004. For a full account of Cook’s life and work see the memoir by Terry Quinn, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 51, 87-100 (2005). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The archive covers the period 1931-2005. Section A, Biographical, includes curricula vitae, lists of publications and the personal records Cook prepared for the Royal Society of Edinburgh, documentation of career, honours and awards including early education, election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society and knighthood, and photographs. Section B, Research and teaching, presents a sequenceoffolders of notes and drafts and notebooks, c.1973-2004. Folder and notebook titles include ‘Libration’, ‘Theory of Lunar Libration’, ‘Theory of the Internal Gravity Field’, 'Melting' and ‘Melting of Metallic Hydrogen’. Some of this material relates to periods Cook spent as Visiting Professor at the University of California, 1981-1982 and Visiting Fellow at Princeton, New Jersey, 1993. It is possible that other material relates to courses prepared by him for the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Section C, Publications, comprises nine bound volumes of Cook’s offprints arranged by such topics as earth sciences, metrology and ‘history and miscellaneous’, and covering the period 1948-2001; drafts of publications or intended publications, 1982-2001; correspondence about publications, 1967- 2002, and reviews of a number of Cook’s publications, 1994-1995. Drafts include the contents of containers titled ‘Ideas of Theoretical Physics’ and ‘Molecules’. Cook’s principal correspondentis A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 6 Cambridge University Press. The sequence of correspondenceincludes contracts and memorandaof agreement in respect of Cook's own publications. Section D, Lectures, visits and conferences, covers the period 1973-2005. It documents a visit to China in 1984 (including little material relating to an earlier visit in 1973) and a small numberof lectures on scientific and history of science topics including "The Achievements of Sir John Cockcroft’, at Cockcroft’s birthplace Todmorden in 1982; 'Les Bases empiriques de la Théorie scientifique’, Humphrey Davy Lecture, Académie des Sciences, Paris in 1994; and the Royal Society Lunchtime Lecture on Benjamin Franklin at the National Portrait Gallery London in 2001. Section E, History of Science, documents Cook’s research and publications and his editorial role for Notes and Records of the Royal Society. The great bulk of the material relates to his research on Edmond Halley which resulted in the biography published in 1998: Edmond Halley: Charting the Heavens and the Seas (Oxford: the Clarendon Press) and a numberoflectures and articles. There is also interesting material for his Royal Society memoirs of Louis Essen (1908-1997) and, especially, R.V. Jones (1911-1997). His association with Notes and Records is represented by editorial correspondence and offprints of his own papers publishedin it, 1992-2005. There is also an index of correspondents. Peter Harper Bath December 2008 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 SECTIONA BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.62 1931-2005 A.1-A.2 OBITUARIES AND MEMOIR A.3-A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUOBIOGRAPHICAL A.8-A.52 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.53-A.58 PUBLIC AND SOCIAL OCCASIONS A.59-A.62 PHOTOGRAPHS A.1-A.2 OBITUARIES AND MEMOIR 2004-2005 A.14 Obituaries 2004 The Times, 6 August 2004. Independent, 31 July 2004. By A.B. Pippard. A.2 Royal Society memoir of Cook: T. Quinn, 'Sir Alan Hugh Cook’. Biogr. Mems.Fell. R. Soc. 51 (2005), 87-100 2005 Offprint. A.3-A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.3-A.5 Curricula vitae and lists of publications 3 folders A.6 A.7 ‘Personal Records of Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh’ Biographical notes on Cook's parents A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 Biographical, A.1-A.62 A.8-A.52 Career, honours and awards 1931-2003 A.8-A.15 School Education 1929-1940 A.8 Felstead Council School 1929-1931 Letter from headmaster, 18 December 1931 and school report, n.d. 71931 A.9 WestLeigh School 1931-1933 Scholar's Reports for 1932 and 1933, photocopyof letter from headmaster to Cook's parents, 8 May 1933, papers re 90th birthday celebrations of school, 2003. 1931-2003 1931 1932-1933, 2003 A.10-A.15 Westcliffe High School for Boys 1933-1940 1933-1969 A.10 Terminal Reports 1933-1940 In book form. A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 3 certificates awarded to Cook for excellent work in the years 1933-1934, 1934-1935 and 1935-1936 1934-1936 Programmesfor Distribution of Prizes and Certificates 1935, 1937-1939 and press-cutting, 1939 School certificates 4 certificates. In roll. 1937-1940 Competition essay by Cook on ‘Our Milk Supply’ n.d. Letter from Head Master to Cook as the school's first Cambridge PhD, 3 May 1950 and 'The Old Westcliffian’, 1950, 1969 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 Biographical, A.1-A.62 May 1969. A.16 Miscellaneous diplomas and certificates awarded to Cook for literature and first aid 1937-1940 A.17-A.20 University of Cambridge Corpus Christi College 1940-1943 1939-1946 A.17 re Cook's Correspondence, newspaper cuttings, success in gaining an entrance scholarship to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge etc 1939 A.18-A.19 Correspondence and papersre state scholarship, etc. 1940-1941 2 folders. A.20 BA 1943 1943, 1946 2 certificates dated 28 June 1943 and 4 June 1946 and extracts from Cambridge University Reporter, 1943 A.21 Admiralty Signals Establishment 1943-1946 1943-1944 Letter from Ministry of Labour and National Service re wartime employment at Admiralty and copy of memorandum and accompanying letter re appreciation of workcarried out in preparation for invasion of Normandy.. the A.22 Home Guard 1944 Certificate of proficiency, 1944 and certificate of service, 1941-1944. A.23 University of Cambridge Department of Geodesy and Geophysics 1946-1951 1947, 1950 MA 1947. PhD 1950. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 Biographical, A.1-A.62 A.24-A.25 National Physical Laboratory 1952-1969 10 [21965], 1969, 2000 [21965], 1969, 2000 A.24 A.25 A.26 Press-cutting, [?1965], March and June 1969 issues of Quanta, newsletter of Division of Quantum Metrology, letter, 2 September 1969 from ?Cook's successor as Superintendant of the Division and letter,14 November 2000, re NPL centenary conference Autograph book signed by colleagues and presented to Cookon his leaving the NPL for Edinburgh, August 1969 1969 Institute of Physics Charles Vernon BoysPrize for 1967 1966-1967 Includes letter from the President of the Institute informing Cook of the award ofthe Prize. A.27 University of Cambridge DSc. 1967 Certificate etc. A.28-A.29 Royal Society Election to the Fellowship 1969 1969-1997 A.28 A.29 A.30 Correspondence and papersre election 1969 Correspondence re Committee service etc. 1972-1997 Chair of Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, 1969-1972 1968, n.d. Includes letters of congratulation on appointment, 1968, and Cook's account of ‘The start of Geophysics in Edinburgh’, undated but written while Cook was Head of the Laboratory, Cambridge, 1979-1984. Department Cavendish of Physics, A.31 Royal Society of Edinburgh Election to the Fellowship, 1970 Includes letters informing Cookof his election. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 11 Biographical, A.1-A.62 A.32 A.33 Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Cambridge, 1972-1990 1971-1972 Letters of congratulation, newspaper cutting Accademia Nazionale dei Member1973 Lincei Election as Foreign 1973 Includes letter informing Cook of his election. A.34 Explorers Club Membership 1980 1980 Certificate of membership. A.35-A.37 Selwyn College, Cambridge Master, 1983-1993 1983, 1993 Letters of congratulation etc. 1983, letter of thanks for service, 1993. 3 folders. A.38-A.48 Knighthood 1988 1987-1988 Letters of congratulation etc. 11 folders. At A.38 is a list of congratulations. Unindexed. A.49 A.50 International Association of Geodesy Election as Fellow 1991 Certificate. Institute of Physics Charles Chree Medal and Prize for 1993 Announcement of award in The Independent and Physics World. 1991 1992 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 12 Biographical, A.1-A.62 A.51 A.52 Retirement as Chairman of the Cambridge University Press Syndicate 1993 1993-1994 Includes copy of speech by A.K. Wilson, Chief Executive of the Press, at a dinner in honour of Sir Alan and Lady Cook, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 25 January 1994. American Biographical Institute Inc. Research Board of Advisers 1994 Letter of welcome on Cook's honorary appointmentto the Board and certificates. A.53-A.58 PUBLIC AND SOCIAL OCCASIONS 1975-1993 Includes orders of proceedings, guestlists, seating plans etc. 6 folders. A.59-A.62 PHOTOGRAPHS A.59 A.60 A.61 A.62 3 school photographs including Cook Photograph of Cook and his wife Isabell Found with University of Edinburgh papers at A.30. 1930s, 1982, n.d. 1930s n.d. Photograph of Cook with Cavendish Cricket Team 1982 Photograph occasion of presentation to Cook on unidentified n.d. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 SECTION B RESEARCH AND TEACHING, B.1-B.22 13 1973-2004, n.d. A sequence offolders of notes and drafts and notebooks relating to research and/or teaching. Some of this material relates to periods Cook spent as Visiting Professor at the University of California, 1981-1982 It is possible that and Visiting Fellow at Princeton, 1993. other the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. prepared courses material relates to for B.1-B.3 'Libration' 1973-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes, offprint, data. B.4 ‘Theory of Lunar Libration’ 1973 Notebook so titled list and paginated sequence of notes 1-69, unpaginated notes on differential geometry. contents with 1 page of notes dated 14 August 1973. B.5 ‘Theory of the Internal Gravity Field’ c.1973 Notebook sotitled. Loose including notepaper of Hotel Colombia, Trieste. enclosed papers notes on headed Latest bibliographical reference 1973. B.6 ‘Melting’ c.1978 Notebooksotitled onfirst page and paginated 1-170. Latest bibliographical reference 1978. Loose papers enclosed. B.7-B.11 ‘Melting of Metallic Hydrogen’ 1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript notes, drafts, calculations etc. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 14 Researchand teaching, B.1-B.22 Includes ‘Trieste Talk / Melting of Metallic Hydrogen at Planetary Pressures' (B.8) and draft paper of the same title (B.9). Latest date 31 May 1982 on a notice of a seminar given by colleague in 'IGPP [Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics] Conference Room’. Some of this material at least would appear to relate to Cook's period as Visiting Professor and Green Scholar, University of California at Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego, 1981-1982. B.12 ‘Dynamics’ [1993] Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes on ‘Implications of Chaos’, typescript draft on ‘Confronting Chaos', etc Relates to Cook's period as Visiting Fellow, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, USA, 1993. B.13 Untitled notebook used for manuscript working N.d., 2004 1 loose sheet dated 8 January 2004. B.14 ‘Molecules / Dirac Electron Theory’ Notebook sotitled on first page and paginated 1-89. Loose Separation’. papers at front titled ‘Born Oppenheimer B.15 ‘Relativistic Treatment of Simple Molecules’ Notebooksotitled on first page. B.16-B.22 ‘Molecules' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lecture course on molecular structure and spectra. N.d. N.d. N.d. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 15 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS, C.1-C.47 1948-2002 C.1-C.9 BOUND VOLUMES OF COOK'S OFFPRINTS C.10-C.40 DRAFTS C.41-C.46 CORRESPONDENCE RE PUBLICATIONS C.47 REVIEWS OF COOK'S PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.9 BOUND VOLUMESOF COOK'S OFFPRINTS 1948-2001 CA C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 Volume 1 Earth Sciences 1948-1958 Volume 2 Earth and Planets 1959-1968 Volume 3 Earth and Planetary Sciences 1969-1989 Volume 4 Metrology 1953-1969 Volume 5 Astrophysics 1963-1989 Volume6 Physics (including Metrology) 1970-1989 Volume 7 History and Miscellaneous 1963-1989 Volume 8 Memoirs 1950-1983 Includes loose item at front: offprint from Physics Bulletin, Barrell, 23, 1972 including Cook's appreciation F.Inst.P. H. of A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 16 Publications, C.1-C.47 C.9 Unnumbered bound volume, 1990-2001 Topics include history of science and biography. Loose items at front of volume. C.10-C.40 DRAFTS C.10-C.25 '|\deas of Theoretical Physics’ 1982-2001 1984, n.d. typescript reference: Contents of binder so labelled divided into sixteen for ease of with manuscript additions and corrections, manuscript draft of lectures on ideas of theoretical physics and duplicated typescript of the 1984 Ciaran Memorial Lecture ‘The Discovery of the Rigid Body Dynamics’. chapters drafts of 11 The 'Ideas of Theoretical Physics' may have been intended as a publication based on earlier lectures represented by the manuscript draft. C.26-C.32 ‘Molecules' 1982-1988 Contents of box folder so labelled divided into seven for ease of reference: notebook and notes, drafts, offprints. Includes notes and drafts for chapters of ?unpublished book. Oppenheimer Separation’ and ‘Symmetry’. Chapter include ‘Born titles C.33-C.34 ‘Molecules’ 1988-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts titled 'Electron Pairs from a relativistic standpoint’, offprints etc. At C.34 are manuscript notes headed 'Book on Molecules’. C.35-C.37 ‘Gravitation’ 1988-2001 Correspondence and papers re revision gravitation for editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica. of article on 3 folders. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 17 Publications, C.1-C.47 C.38 'Can there be a theoretical biology?’ 1993, n.d. Typescript draft and manuscript notes for publication or lecture. Includes article from Physics World by G. ‘Statistical physics and biology’, September 1993. Parisi on This work relates to period as Visiting Fellow at Princeton. See also B.12, D.14. C.39-C.39A ‘Simple Abstract Models for Autoimmune Response’ 1992-1993 C.39 C.39A letter from Journal of 24pp typescript paper + figures, Theoretical Biology re publication, 9 October 1993, and referee's report. 4pp typescript on ‘Autoimmune models', correspondence, figures. 1992-1993 C.40 ‘Expert systems in University Education’ N.d. Typescriptdraft. C.41-C.46 CORRESPONDENCE RE PUBLICATIONS 1967-2002 Principally Cambridge University Press. Includes respect of Cook's own publications. contracts and memoranda of agreement in C.41 C.42 C.43 1967-1969 1971-1982 1987-1988 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 18 Publications, C.1-C.47 C.44 C.45 C.46 C.47 1989 1993 2000-2002 REVIEWS OF COOK'S PUBLICATIONS 1994-1995 1 folder. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 19 SECTION D LECTURES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES, D.1-D.22 1976-2005 D.1 D.2-D.3 International and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Pakistan, 2-20 August 1976 Summer Physics College on 1976 Photocopyofletter from Cookto his wife, 13 August, with accountofvisit. ‘The Achievements of Sir John Cockcroft’, Cockcroft Memorial Lecture, Todmorden Town Hall, West Yorkshire, 8 December 1982 1982-1983 Correspondence re typescript of Cook's lecture. arrangements, letters of thanks, 2 folders. of in Cook wasinvited to give a lecture to mark the fiftieth anniversary first mechanical splitting of the atom’. He also appeared as guest of honour and presented the prizes at Todmorden High School Speech Day. ‘involvement Cockcroft's the D.4-D.7 Visit to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China, March-April 1984 1983-1984, n.d. from invitation University Formal of appointment as Visiting Professor, itinerary, 'Notes on a visit to China, 16 March - 17 April 1984’, outline of lectures, brochures in Chinese and English on two Chinese Observatories, invitation cards, photographs, etc. President, letter 4 folders. Cook wasinvited to present lectures in the Department of Physics, Huazhong University, on ‘Dirac equation in molecular physics’, 'Inner planets' and 'Research activities at the Cavendish Laboratory’. Although all of the material was found together, some relates to Cook’s first visit to China in November 1973 as part of a delgation of six Fellows of the Royal Society. This visit included Shanghai and Beijing. D.8-D.12 ‘Immune response to mutation of an antigen’ 1993, n.d. Contents of folder divided into five for ease of reference: typescript draft manuscript notes, of paper so titled, A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 20 Lectures, visits and conferences, D.1-D.22 transparencies, France. papers re Société Mathématique de D.13 ‘Metrology and the structure of theoretical physics’ 1993 Abstractof'talk' with this title, manuscript notes and Cook's report on his 'Membership of the Center for Theological Inquiry, 1993 October 1 to December 28', Princeton, USA, 13 December 1993. See also B.12, C.38 and D.14. D.14 ‘Can there be a theory of biology?’ [1993] Typescript draft found with the preceding (D.13). See also C.38. D.15 D.16 D.17 Bases empiriques ‘Les scientifique’, Humphrey Davy Lecture, Académie des Sciences, Paris, France, 14 November 1994 Théorie de la Typescript draft with manuscript corrections (in French), transparencies, letter re arrangements. 'B. Free Franklin: the Enlightenment and America’, Royal Society Gallery, London, 23 October 2001 Lunchtime Lecture, National Portrait Typescript draft, correspondencere arrangements etc. 'The Royal Society of London and the Improvement of ‘Le Natural Knowledge’, on nel accademie nazionali europeo’, Rome, Italy, 12 March 2002 International contesto meeting culturale 1994 2001 2002 Abstract of papers including Cook's on the Royal Society, and transparencies for Cook's paper D.18-D.21 Visit and lectures, Italy, 2003 2003, 2005 Cook gavelectures in Padua and Venice. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 21 Lectures, visits and conferences, D.1-D.22 The Venice occasion was a meeting on 'L'esperanza delle accademie e la vita morale e civile dell'Europa’, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 27-28 November 2003. D.18 ‘Padua Lecture Nov 2003, Venice Nov 2003, Accademia Lincei Lecture’ 2003, 2005 Contents of envelope so inscribed D.18 ‘Padova Lecture English Version’ Typescript draft so titled of lecture on Halley. D.19 ‘One World or Many' Typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. Refers in opening paragraph to founding of Accademia dei Lincei four hundred years ago. D.20 ‘Conclusions’ Typescript draft and proof copy of Cook's conclusions at the meeting in Venice about academies, and letter re proof. D.21 D.22 Correspondence and papers re meeting in Venice. 'Méthodes géométriques pour les dynamiques dans les travaux d'lsaac Newton et Henri Poincaré’, no location Typescript draft and transparencies. 2003 N.d. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 22 SECTION E HISTORY OF SCIENCE,E.1-E.140 1976-2005 E.1-E.119 SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY E.120-E.125 MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS E.126-E.140 NOTES AND RECORDSOF THE ROYAL SOCIETY E.1-E.119 SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY 1982-2003 For offprint of Cook's Royal Society memoir of Sir Harold Jeffreys see C.9. For lecture by Cooke on Benjamin Franklin see D.16. E.1-E.3 Louis Essen 1908-1997 1997-1999 Cook wrote the Royal Society memoir of Essen: Biog. Mems.Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 44 (1998), 141-158. Offprint of Cook's memoir 1998 Correspondence with the Royal Society, Essen's family and colleagues re preparation of memoir 1997-1999 Background material including photocopies of obituaries, NPL [National Physical Laboratory] Newsetc. E51 E.2 E.3 E.4-E.101 Edmond Halley 1656-1742 1982-2003 Cook published a biography of Halley in 1998: Edmond Halley: Charting the Heavens and the Seas (Oxford: Clarendon Press). He also lectured and published a number of articles about aspects of Halley's life and career. See also D.18. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 23 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.4-E.30 Correspondence 1982-2003 A chronological publications correspondence. sequence of Cook's research and Correspondents include scientific colleagues, historians, librarians, archivists and publishers. E.4-E.6 E.7-E.9 1982 3 folders. 1983 3 folders. At E.8 is a typescript note by Cook 'Search for documents relating to Edmond Halley in Austria andItaly’, April. E.10 1984 E.11-E.12 1985 2 folders. E.13 1986-1987 Includes 'piece’ by Cook on Halley for Queen's College Oxford magazine. E.14 E.15 E.16 E.17 1988-1989 1990 1991 1992 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 24 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.18 1993 E.19-E.20 1994 2 folders. Papers at E.20 were found together in Cook's untitled folder. E.21-E.22 1995 2 folders. E.23-E.25 1996 3 folders. At E.23 is memorandum of agreement between Cook and Oxford University Press in respect of the Halley biography. E.26 1997 Includes letters of thanks from recipients of copies of the Halley biography. E.27 1998-1999 Includes letters from readers of Cook's biography of Halley, reviews of the biography and formal invitation to Cook to accept appointmentto the Halley lecturership, University of Oxford for 2000. E.28 2000 Includes copy of review of Halley biography sent to Cook by the reviewer I.B. Cohen. E.29 2001-2003 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 25 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.30 N.d. Includes publisher's readers’ reports on Cook's biography of Halley. E.31-E.46 Research notes N.d. E.31-E.37 ‘Halley’ Contents of ring binder so labelled with related notes separated by card dividers. E.31 E.32 E.33 E.34 E.35 ‘Admiralty Papers' ‘People’ ‘Letters’ ‘Wills and Property’ ‘Chancery’ E.36-E.37 Papers following 'Chancery' papers in the binder without separate divider 2 folders. E.38-E.41 ‘Halley’ Contents of ring binder so labelled: alphabetical sequence of notes. E.38 ‘Arbuthnot' - 'Comets' A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 26 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.39 E.40 E.41 ‘Conics' - 'Huyghens' ‘Julius Caesar’ - 'Newton' ‘Oldenburg’ - 'Pepys' E.42-E.44 ‘Halley’ Contents of ring binder so labelled: alphabetical sequence of notes. E.42 E.43 E.44 ‘Phil Trans' - 'Publications' ‘Rigaud’ - 'Southern Stars' ‘Street' - '3-voyages' E.45-E.46 Miscellaneous manuscript notes Includes notes headed ‘Halley Books'at E.46. E.47-E.69 Drafts 1982-2003 A chronological sequenceof drafts and related material for a number of shorter publications and lectures by Cook on Halley. There are no drafts for Cook's 1998 biography of Halley. E.47-E.54 ‘Halley - Istria’ 1982-1983, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: includes photocopies of original documents, manuscript notes and typescript draft of ‘Halley in Istria Letters and Documents, 1703’. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 27 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.55-E.57 Manuscript and typescript drafts re Cook's paper Halley in Istria Letters and Documents, 1703' N.d. Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference. E.58-E.62 ‘Halley Documents and Lectures’ 1989, 1996, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts for lectures by Cook on Halley, transcripts and photocopies of original documents, etc. At E.58 are manuscript notes for talk by Cook on ‘Halley - Some Puzzles' and at E.61 is typescript draft for lecture by Cook on 'Edmond Halley, Comets and Ideas of the Enlightenment’ with manuscript inscription at head of first page ‘For UCD, Jan 11’. E.63 ‘Halley the Londoner’ c.1993 2 typescript drafts so titled. A paperofthis title by Cook was published in Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond. 47 (2), 163-177 (1993). E.64 ‘Edmond Halley and John Observatory’ Flamsteed at the Royal 1997 Typescript draft so titled, offprint, etc.. This was Cook's contribution to Flamsteed’s Stars edited by Frances Willmoth and published by Boydell & Brewer Ltd (1997). E.65 ‘ESF Notes' 1997 Typescript notes and 2 transparencies for paper by Cook given at European Science Foundation workshop ‘Network on Science and the Visual Image: 1500-1800". Folder also includeslist of participants at workshop. A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.66 ‘Halley - |UGG 99" Manuscript notes for conference paper by Cook. E.67 ‘Halley's World’ Typescript draft and transparency for Cook's paper at Royal 300th Anniversary of the First Magnetic Chart: Edmond Halley's Work in Geophysics and Navigation’, 10 November Astronomical ‘The Society meeting Folder also includes programme andletter re celebrating Thomas Young's bicentenary. E.68 ‘Edmond Halley’ Typescript draft of Cook's contribution to Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism,letter from editor and review of Cook's article. 28 1999 2000 2003 E.69 ‘Edmond Halley, Comets and Ideas of the Enlightenment N.d. Typescript draft. E.70-E.74 Offprints 1984-2001 E.70 E.71 E.72 E.73 E.74 1984-1985 [1988]-1991 1993 1996-1999 2001 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.75-E.92 Background papers E.75-E.81 ‘Transcripts’ 29 1983-1987, n.d. 1983-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of and reference: correspondence. manuscript includes notes E.82-E.85 ‘Graz / PRO' N.d. Contents of ring binder so labelled divided into four for ease of reference: principally photocopies etc. of original documents E.86 ‘Halley’ 1985, 1987 Contents of folder so labelled: includes programme of conference on ‘Newton and Halley’, UCLA, USA, 11-14 August 1985 and notice of talk by Cook on 'Edmond Halley - polymath’, at University of California, Berkeley, USA, 11 September 1985. E.87-E.92 Contents of untitled binder divided into six for ease of reference: photocopiesetc of original documents E.93-E.101 Illustrative material Includes figures, photographs, transparencies, etc. N.d. N.d. E.93 E.94 E.95 E.96 ‘Original figures’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of plastic folder Contents of plastic folder. Contents of plastic folder A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 30 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.97-E.101 Miscellaneous 5 folders. E.102 Hendrik Christoffel Van De Hulst 1918-2000 2001 Offprint only of Cook's memoir, Biog. Mems.Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 47 (2001), 465-479. E.103-E.113 Reginald Victor Jones 1911-1997 1997-2000 Cook wrote the Royal Society memoir of Jones, Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 45 (1999), 239-254. E.103 Offprint of Cook's memoir 1999 E.104-E.108 Correspondencewith Royal Society, colleagues, etc 1997-2000 Includes recollections of Jones sent to Cook for information and comments on draft of memoir. 5 folders. E.109 Notes and drafts etc. E.110-E.112 Background papers Includes obituaries and memoirs of Jones by others. 3 folders. At E.112 is typescript by Jones headed ‘The writer of my Biographical Memoir for the Royal Society and others who may beinterested’. E.113 Photograph of Jones A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 31 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.114-E.119 Shorter biographical accounts 1993-2003 Contents of folder divided into six for ease of reference: principally for the New Dictionary of National Biography. Includes Edmond Halley. E.120-E.125 MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS E.120 ‘Naval Radar’ 1976-2004 1987-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and recollections of ASE [Admiralty Signals Establishment], Witley, Surrey. E.121-E.123 Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: principally re Chapel of King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells and Royal Society Fellows. N.d., 2003- 2004 Includes contributing campaigns, 1676-1684 and 1688-1696. of those lists to fund raising E.124-E.125 Offprints, etc of papers by Cook 1976-2003 2 folders. For Halley see E.70-E.74. E.126-E.140 NOTES AND RECORDS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 1992-2005 Cook was a regular contributor, member of the editorial board and then editor, 1996-2003. E.126-E.135 ‘Notes & Records Editorship' 1992-2003, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 32 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.126 1992, 1994 Correspondence of D.G. King-Hele, Cook's predecessor as editor of Notes and Records. E.127 E.128 1996 1997 E.129 1998-1999 E.130 E.131 2000 2001 E.132-E.134 2002 3 folders. E.135 2003, n.d E.136-E.140 Offprints of papers by Cook for Notes and Records 2000-2005 For Halley offprints see E.70-E.74. E.136 E.137 2000 2001 E.138 2002-2003 E.139 2004 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 33 History of science, E.1-E.140 E.140 2005 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ALLEN, John F (‘Jack’) ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward AMSON, John C. APPLEBY, J.H. ASHCROFT,Frances ASHGATE PUBLISHING LTD AUSTIN, Brian A. BENDER, PeterL. BLACK, Christopher F. BLACKWELL, Donald BLEANEY, Brebis BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BRITISH LIBRARY BRUCK, Hermann Alexander BRYDEN, David J. CAHN, Robert Wolfgang 34 A.33, D.21 E.18 El, E18 E.123 E.134, E.135 E.130 E.130 E.131 E.2 E.14 A.30 E.105-E.107 E.131-E.133 E.9 A.32 E.19 E.130 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C.42-C.45, £.17, E.18, E.21 CARTER, Jennifer CHADWICK,William Owen CHAPMAN, Allan CLARENS, Jeannie de CLOKE, Henry COALES, John Flavell COCKCROFT, Lionel F. E.104, E.107, E.108 A.35, A.36 E.17 E.107, E.108 A.15 E.120 D.2 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 35 Index of correspondents COHEN, I. Bernard COOKE, Anne CORNER, W.Derek CORPORATION OF LONDON COWLEY, Roger Arthur EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) EMERTON, Norma ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNION ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES PRESS LTD ESSEN, Joan FARA,Patricia FARVIS, William Ewart John FOGG, Gordon Elliott (‘Tony’) FORSTER. Leonard W. FRANK,Sir (Frederick) Charles FRANK, Maita, Lady GARFINKLE, Robert A. GASTER, Michael GINGERICH, Owen GOLDIE, Mark GOVIER, Mark GUBBINS, David HALLEY’S COMET SOCIETY HAHN, Roger HART, Michael E.27, E.28 See C.39A E.120 E.13 E.104 A.32 E.12, E.26 C.35-C.37, C.46 E.108 C.41 E2 E.128, £.135 E.106 E.129 E.10 E.129 E.106, E.108, E.129 C.46 E.131 E.36 E.17; £.19)-E.20 E.129 E.118 E.13 E.128 A.29 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 36 Index of correspondents HATTENDORF, John B. HEBDEN. lan E.7-E.10, £.13 E.132 HELE, Desmond George KING- A.30, E.27, E.126, E.129 HEWISH, Antony HINSLEY, Sir (Francis) Harry HOLMES, A.T. HORSFIELD, Tony HUNTER, Michael INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS IRVING, E.(‘Ted’) JACKSON, lan JONES, Reginald Victor JONES, Robert B. JONES, R.W. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY KEAY, Ronald William John KEYNES, William Milo KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS KNOWLES, Michael Hugh KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KOVALEVSKY,J KURTI, Nicholas LASLETT,Peter LEE, Sir Frank A.32 D.2, E.104 A.8 A.32 E.21, E.129 C.46 A.26 E.131 E.128 E.126 E.106-E.108 E.132 C.39 E.128 E.131 E.118 E.129 A.35 D.15 E.104 E.4 A.26, A.31 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 37 Index of correspondents LEWIS, Jack, Baron Lewis of Newnham LIDDLE, Peter H. LLOYD, Geoffrey LOVELL. Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard McCOMBIE, Charles W. McGEOUGH, J.A. McLEAN, Angela MALIN, Stuart R. MARUSSI, Antonio MATTHEW,Colin MITTON, Simon MORRIS, Ernest MUNK, Walter Heinreich NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes NATIONAL GALLERIES OF SCOTLAND NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY A.35 C.46 E.16 E.135 E.108 E.106 See C.39A E.8 A.32 E.114, £.115 C.42, E.17, E.21 A.9 A.32 E.106 E.24 E.4,E.8, £.25 E:23 NEW DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY E.114-E.117 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS E.23, E.25-E.27 PEARL, Valerie PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst PETLEY, Brian W. PICKARD, George L. PIPPARD, Alfred John Sutton PLAYER, Michael PLESCH, Peter Hariolf E.1/7,,E:19 E.4 E.2 E.105 A.30 E.108 E.135 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 38 Index of correspondents PRESS, Frank A.32 PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE E.4, E.5, E.7, E.47, E.77 PULLAN, Wendy RAE, John RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth (‘Jack’) RAY,J.D. REDMAN, Roderick Oliver RICHARDS, John C.S. ROBINSON, Judith K. E.22 E.2 A.35 E.123 A.32 E.104 E.2 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY C.42, E.23, E.25, £.26 ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS E.4-E.6, E.11 ROYAL SOCIETY A.28, A.29, C.42, D.16, E.2, E.7, E.17, E.26, £.104, E.108, E.127, E.129 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH E.104, E.128 RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RYAN, Henrietta SCHELDE, Ole SCHWARZ,K.K. SELDEN SOCIETY SERIES, George William SHAW, Trevor R. SINGH, Rajinder SMITH, Alan SMITH, David F. SMITH, Sir Francis GRAHAM- SPEISER, David A.30 E.123 E.105 E.131, E.133 E.15 A.30 E.129, E.130 E.133 E.127 E.105-E.108 A.30 E.12,£.14, £.15 A.H. Cook NCUACS 169/12/08 39 Index of correspondents STEELE., J. McA. STEWART,Sir Frederick Henry SUPPLE, Barry SURDIN, Maurice TAYLOR, Fred. W. TELEGDI, V.L. THIRLAWAY,Henry Ivison Shipley THOMAS, Christiane THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THOMAS, Richard N. THROWER, Norman Joseph William E.2 A.32 E.13 E.120 E.27 E.131 A.32 E.4, E.6, E.7, £.9, E.11- £.13 E.130 A.26 E.6, E.8-E.10, E.24, E.25, E.27, E.135 See also E.134 TODMORDEN HIGH SCHOOL, WEST YORKSHIRE TUNBRIDGE, Paul VIGOUREUX,Paul WALLARD, Andrew WARNER, Sir Frederick Edward WATT, W.S. D.2 E.134 E.2 A.24 E.131 E.104 WHITESIDE, Derek Thomas E.23, £.127 WILLIAMS, John Eirnwyn FFOWCS WILLMOTH. Frances H. WILSON, Anthony K. WILSON, David WOLPERT,Lewis WRIGHT,Sir Edward ZWITTER, Fran E.68 E.19 A.51 E.130 C.39 E.108 E.10