THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of JOHN FRANK ADAMS FRS (1930-1989) mathematician in Trinity College Library, Cambridge CBl 1TQ Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 26/2/91) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1991 All rights reserved No 8/91 NRA 34000 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN FRANK ADAMS FRS (1930-1989) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library, Trinity College, Cambridge All rights reserved University of Bath 199] J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: E P Abraham Cephalosporin Fund The British Library British Petroleum plc British Telecom plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust The Wolfson Foundation J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A. 19 SECTION B RESEARCH B.173 it SECTION C LECTURES C.708 24 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS 70 SECTION E CORRES PONDENCE E.299 Le INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 98 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in March 1990 from the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Cambridge University, through the good offices of Dr C B Thomas. Additional material assembled during the preparation of the Royal Society memoir of Adams was received from Professor I M James FRS in December 1990. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF J F ADAMS John Frank Adams was born in Woolwich on 5 November 1930. He was educated at Bedford School and won an Open Scholarship to Trinity College Cambridge in 1949 where he studied mathematics. Following his graduation he began research at Cambridge, initially under A S Besicovitch then under S Wylie, and received his PhD in 1955. Adams was appointed to a Junior University Lecturership in 1955 and was a Research Fellow at Trinity College Cambridge 1955-58. He spent 1957-58 studying at the University of Chicago and at Princeton as a Commonwealth Fellow. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 On his return to Cambridge Adams was appointed Fellow, College Lecturer and Director of Studies in Mathematics at Trinity Hall, posts held until 1962 when he took up a Readership at Manchester University. In 1964 Adams succeeded M H A Newman as Fielden Professor of Pure Mathematics there. In 1970 Adams returned to Trinity College Cambridge as a Fellow when he was appointed to the Lowndean Chair of Astronomy and Geometry in succession to Sir William Hodge, a position he held until his death in January 1989. Adams's most important area of research was in homotopy theory. He developed the algebraic system known as the Adams Spectral Sequence and did pioneering work on Cohomology operations in K-theory. In 1965 he introduced the Adams conjecture (now the Adams theorem) into the study of K-theory. His outstanding achievements in mathematics were recognised by his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1964 (while still only 34) and the award of the Society's Sylvester Medal in 1982. Adams was also elected a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and an Honorary Member of the Royal Danish Academy; in 1986 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Heidelberg. For a full account of the life and career of Adams see the memoir by I M James (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 36, 1990). J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection is particularly noteworthy for its coverage of Adams's lectures, research and incoming correspondence. Section A, Biographical, is not substantial. It includes a little material of Adams's relating to his own career including three Bedford School notebooks and his PhD thesis, and material assembled by I M James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir. Section B, Research, provides extensive documentation of Adams's research from the 1950s until his death. It is presented in an alphabetical sequence arranged by subject title. Section C, Lectures, is the largest in the collection. Two subsections comprise Adams's lecture notes and other teaching material for courses given at Manchester and Cambridge, and material from conferences and seminars attended by Adams throughout the world including drafts of Adams's contributions and notes of contributions by others. A third subsection consists of Adams's ms notes found in filing cabinet drawers labelled 'Other people's lectures'. It includes notes taken by Adams as an undergraduate at Cambridge in 1949. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 4 Section D, Publications, is very slight. It includes drafts of a few of Adams's scientific papers. Section E, Correspondence, contains virtually no extended exchanges of correspondence as very few copies of Adams's own letters survive. There is, however, significant correspondence from colleagues such as M F (later Sir Michael) Atiyah, MG Barratt, P J Hilton, I M James and S MacLane, sometimes extending over a period of twenty or thirty years. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Dr C B Thomas and Professor I M James for making the material available, and to Professor J H Davenport, University of Bath, for comments on the draft catalogue. Timothy E Powell Peter Harper 1991 JF Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.19 The Times obituary 30 January 1989. Independent obituary 14 January 1989. List of publications. List of Adams's Cambridge research students (includes only those working under Adams for more than one year). Three hardback notebooks used for Bedford School sixth-form mathematics notes, numbered '1', '2' and '3' on front covers. Inscribed inside front cover 'D. Adams I. VI 1s with list of contents given beneath. from the back for mathematics notes. Paginated. Calculus' Also used "2! . Inscribed inside front cover 'D. Adams VI Mathematics'. Also used from the back. 13°. Inscribed inside front cover 'J.F. Adams VI ‘'. Also used from the back. ‘On spectral sequence and self-obstruction invariants’. Adams's Cambridge Ph.D. thesis Bound copy. 1955. Correspondence from S Wylie, 1958, re appointment to University Assistant Lectureship, possible College Fellowship, etc. Offers of appointment at University of Chicago 1959 and 1960-61; letter declining Adams's application for post at State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1970. offer of appointment at Rutgers University 1966; Correspondence re award of Honorary Doctorate of the University of Heidelberg, May 1986. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 9 Biographical A.10 Notice of Adams's death; death. letters to family after Adams's A.1l- A.19 Material assembled by I M James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams. consists of reminiscences of Adams and other material sent to James by friends and colleagues, arranged alphabetically by contributor. This principally A.1l Bahn, T includes photograph of Adams. Best, G Bousfield, A K Clegg, AB A.12 Davis, DM Greenlees, J PC Gugenheim, VK AM A.13 Johnstone, P Kendall, DG May, J P. Address at Memorial Service for Adams, 29 April 1989, l2pp typescript. A.14 Moss, RMF Polkinghorne, J C J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 10 Biographical A.15 Ravenel, DC Ray, N Sjogren, JA Snaith, V A.16 Sutherland, WA Tangora, MC Thomas, C B Walker, G A.18,A.19 Other material. A.18 "Report on Tenure of a Commonwealth Fund Fellowship', Adams's report on his research conducted in USA 1958. 7pp photocopied typescript. "Conversation between a Topologist and Two Machines’, 5pp photocopied ms, 10 January 1984. "An Inquiry into some work of William M Singer'. llpp photocopied ms, nd. Photocopied letter to research student, ll November 1981. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 Li. SECTION B RESEARCH B.1 - B.173 The material is principally Adams's undated ms drafts, notes and calculations documenting his research from the 1950s until his death. It was found in Adams's own folders with titles inscribed thereon. These titles have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and form the basis for the arrangement of the material in an alphabetical sequence. At the end of this sequence is miscellaneous research material including "work done' and 'work in progress’. The contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for ease of reference. At B.173 is Adams's card-index of bibliographical references. B.l B.2 "On Adem-Steenrod Operations'. draft beginning 'Let N be a principal ideal domain of coefficients’. Includes untitled 12pp ms "Algebraic Geometry'. Adams's hand). 22pp duplicated ms draft (not in B.3 ‘Amusements’. Miscellaneous puzzles, calculations etc. B.4 "Anderson's work'. 9pp ms note 'Definition in terms of bdles ' on verso of 1963 example sheets. Notes on work of Anderson. Includes B.5 - B.7 'Atiyah's "Maps of degree k" idea’. Notes on work of M F Atiyah. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 12 Research "MGB [M G Barratt ] stuff'. ‘WORK WITH MGB'. Letter to Michael [Barratt ]re 'the argument you left on my blackboard', written 'Manchester 12th Feb'; calculations (some on verso of 1963 example sheets ). See also B.113. ms B.10, B.11l Miscellaneous ms notes etc. 2 folders. B.12, B.13 "Bass. Alge. K-theory'. Notes on work of H Bass. B.12 Ms notes on 'Topics in Algebraic K-theory'. B.13 Ms notes on 'Higher K-theory'. B.14-B.18 'N Blackburn. Lie algebras'. Notes on work of N Blackburn. 5 folders. B.19-B. 32 Work by D P Carlisle and P H Kropholler. B.19,B.20 "David Carlisle and Peter Kropholler's work'. B.19 'On the "magic formula" of Carlisle & Kropholler', 14pp ms; "Statement of the work of Carlisle and Kropholler', 5pp ms. Correspondence with Kropholler, August, September 1987; ms notes. "Results, n=2'. "Results, n=3'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 13 Research B.23 'Tabulated results’. B.24, B.25 "General theory'. 2 folders. B.26 -B.28 "Proofs of results asserted". 3 folders. B.29- B.32 ‘INVARIANTS ' Be2g 'Final steps in the symplectic case' by Kropholler and Carlisle, 5pp ms, with Adams's comments of 4 September 1987; ms notes on "Bilinear Algebra' and 'Quadratic Algebra’. 'Notes on Galois Theory', 3pp ms; B.30 - B.32 Miscellaneous ms notes and calculations. 3 folders. B.33 - B.35 "Work on chain complexes with extra structure, iterated cobar etc.' 3 folders. B.36 —- B.38 ‘Ciphers etc.' Ms tables and notes. 3 folders. B.39 - B.44 "Conway'. Notes on work of J H Conway. B.39 B.40 B.41 'A simple construction for the Fischer-Griess Monster Group' by Conway, dedicated 'To one who will understand. July 8, 1984'. 25pp typescript + appendix. 'The Steiner triple system S(5,8,24)'. Ms notes. Ms notes on 'The Hexacode', and 'The Golay code’. 'Sylvester's combinatories' B.42 - B.44 Miscellaneous ms notes on Conway's work. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 14 Research B.45, B.46 ‘CONWAY ON MONSTER'. B.45 B.46 Ms notes on 'J H Conway. Monster'. 'The Golay code€ and cocode Ge ° + appendices. 19pp typescript draft B.47 ‘Cubes'. B.48 - B.50 'Fibre-Bundles and Characteristic Classes’. 3 folders. B.51 B.52 "Hirzebruch problem'. 'Work with [P N] Hoffman'. B.53, B.54 'Hurwitz-Radon'. 'Hurwitz-Radon Revisited', lOpp ms; Radon 3% la Wood'. ms note "Hurwitz- B.54 Ms notes. B.55 - B.58 ‘Drafts on J & Work’. 4 folders. B.59 - B.66 'Work on K-theory spectral sequence’. research with D W Anderson, c 1964. Material re joint Correspondence, including Adams's ‘attempt to explain my approach to our spectral sequence', 39pp ms. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 15 Research Ms notes on 'Requisites for setting up a spec. seq.' etc. Correspondence from Anderson. typescript drafts of 'Vector fields on Spheres' by Anderson. Includes 7pp ms and 12pp Letter from M Boardman, 9 December 1964, reAdams's ‘comments on the spectral sequences'; spectral sequence’ by Anderson 22pp ms; '‘'A generalization of the Adams ms notes. Correspondence from Anderson. sequence for generalized cohomology', lOpp ms, ‘Cohomology operations in p-adic K-theory', 4pp typescript and ms, "Convergence of the K-theoretic Adams spectral sequence’, Q9pp ms. Includes 'The Adams spectral 'A spectral sequence defined using K-theory' by Adams, 28pp photocopied ms. B.65, B.66 Ms notes, some on verso of 1963 and 1964 University of Manchester circulars. 2 folders. 'K-theory spec. seq; Anderson & notes on him'. B.68-B. 70 'K poo. Ms notes, calculations, tables etc., some on verso of 1965 circulars. 3 folders. B.71-B.74 "Work on K(U)'. B.71 "Two results on Chern characters', 9pp ms; 'Talk for Bonn', 4pp ms; "Draft for Atiyah', 7pp ms. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 16 Research B.72-B.74 Miscellaneous ms notes, tables etc. 3 folders. B.75-B.78 "QL(K)'. B.75 ‘On the cobar construction', l6pp ms; ms note on verso of 1955 letter. B.76-B.78 Miscellaneous ms notes etc. 3 folders. B.79 "Knopfmacher's problem'. 1962-63 example sheet. Includes notes on verso of B.80 ‘Lang’. Notes on work of S Lang. B.81 'Ledgard course on K! ', Notes on work of R Ledgard. B.82-B.84 ‘Lie Groups notes’. B.82 "Notes on maximal tori, etc." ms notes on it by Adams, Qpp. by R G Swan, 29pp typescript; B.83 Ms notes on work of I M Singer and H Hopf. B.84 Miscellaneous notes, bibliographical references etc. B.85, B.86 "Landweber'. bordism. 2 folders. Notes on work of P Landweber and complex B.87 "MacLane Categories, Sheaves and Logic’. of S MacLane. Notes on work J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 17 Research B.88-B. 93 B.88,B.89 'Maps inducing non-zero homos of Kp '. Ms note 2 folders. ‘Alternative approach to the Essential Map'. B.90 B.91 B.92 B.93 B.94-B.96 ‘Calculations using method of "killing htpy groups"...'. "Killing htpy groups: unstable case’. 'Killing htpy groups: stable case'. "Some applications of K-theory to homotopy theory', ms notes and tables. Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces'. Notes on "May: work of J P May. 3 folders. B.97,B.98 "Notes on Peter May, etc.' 2 folders. B.99-B.102 B.103-B.107 'Obstr [uctio]ns: of duplicated typescript sheets 1954. draft of letter to G W Whitehead. Homotopy Groups'. Some material on back At B.100 is rough 4 folders. ‘Calculations about Operations of Higher Kinds in RP® , Cp". register of addresses. later annotations by Adams. Includes note on back of 1960 Trinity Hall Some sets of calculations have 5 folders. B.108 'Oper [atio Jns on simp'l chains’. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 18 Research B.109-B.112 'Pproj[ective ] Class Groups'. calculations etc. Ms notes, tables, B.109 Includes letter from D Rees, nd, and C Hooley, 17 March 1966. B.110 Ms notes on 'o) Jordan-Holder Theorem'. B.111,B.112 Miscellaneous notes. 2 folders. B.113-B.118 ‘Quadratic Constr[uctio]n & MGB[arratt ] on hf'. B.113 Duplicated ms notes on work of Barratt and ME Mahowald, 1968; copy of letter from ?Mahowald to Barratt. 'MGB notes on my blackboard', 4pp ms (See also B.9); B.114 "Princeton lecture' on recent work of Barratt and Mahowald, 13pp ms; ms notes. B.115 Ms notes on 'Quadratic Construction’. B.116-B.118 Ms notes 'On the quadratic construction', 'On the squaring approach', etc. B.119 "Ravenel'. Notes on work of D C Ravenel. B.120 "Reciprocity Laws'. B.121 'Samelson'. Includes notes on work of H Samelson. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 19 Research B.122-B.129 ‘Work with Saunders [MacLane ]' on PACTS. correspondence 1963, 1966. Chiefly Ba122 B.123 B.124 B.125 Correspondence with MacLane, May-June 1963. Correspondence to MacLane, 21 and 25 April 1966, enclosing 'a draft on the "interpreted" PACT®', paginated 1.1-8.2. Correspondence April-May 1966. "Draft 1 on the Bar Construction', Includes Adams's 8pp ms. Correspondence June 1966. ‘Comparison of Cobar and Loop Space Construction for the operations of a Steenrod PACT', Includes MacLane's draft 9pp ms. B.126 Correspondence July 1966, re MacLane's draft. B.l27 Correspondence August 1966. B.128 "Draft on the Acyclic-Models Argument', 10 September 1966; untitled 9pp ms note beginning 'My first objective is a fairly good PACT TT) ...'. B.129 Miscellaneous notes. B.130-B.133 ‘Splitting Cohomol. Theories’. B.130 "Splitting generalized cohomology theories with coefficients', 13pp duplicated ms; cohomology theories, 7pp ms. ‘Seminar for B.M.C.' on splitting J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 20 Research B.131 Untitled note beginning 'It seems to me that Proposition 1.15 could be proved more lucidly by using a certain amount of general theory', 17pp photocopied ms; ms notes. B.132,B.133 Lecture notes 'On splitting cohomology theories with coefficients’. 2 folders. B.134,B.135 'Notes on [R G] Swan'. 2 folders. B.136-B.139 ‘Swan course'. by Swan March-April 1973, with Adams's ms notes found therewith. Photocopied ms notes on lectures given 4 folders. B.140,B.141 'New work on Systematic htpy theory with [? ] 2 coeffts'. 2 folders. B.142 '"Zariski'. Notes on work of O Zariski. Miscellaneous B.143-B.146 "Manuscript Notes of Papers'. B.143 Correspondence 1954-55 from J H C Whitehead, J-P Serre and J C Moore. B.144 Correspondence June, October 1955 from Moore. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 21, Research B.145,B.146 Ms notes on the literature etc., some in French. 2 folders. B.147-B.149 '‘'Notes' on the work of others. 3 folders. B.150,B.151 ‘Work on Mark's problem'. 2 folders. B.152 "Problems etc.' B.153-B.156 ‘Work Done'. annotations identifying the work. Ms notes and calculations, some with later B.153 Includes 'On the topology of Cauchy's Theorem', ‘On Operations' (described as ‘work done in Trin. Summer 57'.) B.154 Includes ‘Relative spaces'. B.155 B.156 Includes 'Chain algebras'; "Cartan constructions’. ‘Combinatorial work'; Includes 'On isotropic Cartesian tensors', 3pp; null sets'; ‘Existence of a non-Abelian group complex'. ‘On B.157-B.159 ‘Various sorts of Work Done'. with later annotations identifying the work. Ms drafts and notes, some B.157 Ms drafts annotated 'This is a draft about the connections between Homological Algebra & Algebraic Topology which I started writing in connection with Saunders [MacLane ]'s book', and 'This is a draft for Irvin on the index of a manifold'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 22 Research B.158 (1) ‘Contents. by subdividing a simplex. (3) Idea of Stallings for obtaining K",L” (2) Draft on Aoe-spaces. Some sheets with diagrams making things explicit’. B.159 Includes ‘Annular neighbourhoods in manifolds', 3pp; "Homological algebra', 3pp. B.160 "WORK DONE'. Ms notes and calculations. B.161-B.169 "Work in progress' B.161-B.163 Ms tables, notes, calculations. 3 folders. B.164 Ms tables annotated 'Final answer'. B.165 "Generalities on change of rings' annotated 'Good proof’. B.166 "Good proof'. B.167 "Direct definition of Pp. B.168,B.169 Ms notes, etc. 2 folders. B.170,B.171 ‘Work in (?) progress’. B.170 "Stable Homotopy Theory', 7pp ms; oper [atio ]ns of the nth kind, for Richard'; "Remarks on stable ms notes. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 23 Research B.171 Index cards from Adams's 'Work-to-be-done file'; "Research problems...'; etc. B.172 ‘Current Research’. B.173 Bibliographical references arranged alphabetically by author. In card index box. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 24 SECTION C LECTURES C.1l - C.708 Cc. 1- C.344 Teaching C.345 - C.646 Conferences and Seminars C.647 - C.708 ‘Other people's lectures' TEACHING Lecture notes and a little other teaching material from courses Adams gave at Manchester and Cambridge. The material was found in Adams's folders usually with the title of the course inscribed thereon. These titles are reproduced in the catalogue entries. Contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for ease of reference. The lecture notes are manuscript and often written on the verso of earlier lecture notes, students' examination scripts etc. They are sometimes paginated, either as a complete course or as a series of individual lectures. With these notes were found drafts of examination questions, lists of students, sheets of students' comments on Adams's lectures etc. The material is arranged according to subject as follows: Cc. 1-C. 89 Algebra Cc. 90 = C.129 Geometry C.130 - C.143 Homology c.144 - C.218 Homotopy C.219 - C.230 K-theory C.231 - C.248 Lie Groups C.249 - C.263 Representation Theory Cc.264 - C.315 Topology C.316 - C.344 Miscellaneous J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 25 Lectures Algebra C1, =| C41 "Algebra Year 1. Term 1.' 'MT 111 Algebra, Michaelmas Term 1966' lecture notes. C.2 = C.7 "Algebra Notes'. 6 folders. 'MT 111 Mich.Term 66 Examples 6'; ms draft 'Challenge Problem' and examination questions. '111 Algebra Examples 1'; 'MT 111 Revision Notes Autumn 67'. "Course examinations January 1969 MT 111'; vacation questions and model answers. MT 111 Ca, Miscellaneous notes. C.12 - C.21 "ALGEBRA I'. Course summary, compiled summer 1981; examination questions. example sheets; Questionnaires on contents and style of Adams's algebra lectures completed by first year students 1980; from students for topics to be covered. requests c.14 - c.17 ‘Algebra I' lecture notes. 4 folders. c.18, C.19 Students' questions, requests for guidance etc. are on slips of paper clipped to drafts of Adams's replies. 2 folders. These J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 26 Lectures C.20, C.21 Miscellaneous notes. 2 folders. C.22 - C.29 ‘Algebra IA'. C.22 - C.27 Lecture notes. 6 folders. Cc. 28 C.29 Students' questions and requests for guidance on the course. Notes arising from '3 requests for work on duality’. c.30, C.31 ‘ALGEBRA IA'. Students' questions and requests for guidance, with Adams's answers. 2 folders. C.32 ‘111 algebra: solutions to examples’. C.33, C.34 ‘ALGEBRA II'. Lecture notes. 2 folders. c.35 - C.38 "MT 200 Algebra Course’. 6.35) = Ga37 Lecture notes. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 27 Lectures Cc. 38 Algebra II question sheets. C.39 - C.43 "Multilinear Algebra Prof Adams’. C.39 - C.42 "Multilinear Algebra' lecture notes annotated '117 pages. Lecture at rate of 10 pages a lecture’. 4 folders. C.43 "Exterior Powers' lecture notes; Summer I'. ‘MT 211 - Examples - c.44, C.45 ‘211 Algebra’. C.44 C.45 ‘2nd year [ summer-term ] algebra course’. Miscellaneous notes. C.46 - C.53 'F[urther ] II Algebra’. C.46 - C.48 'F II algebra' lecture notes. 3 folders. c.49 - C.51 'Chap.II Modules, Vector Spaces. Linear Algebra'. 3 folders. C.52; €.53 Notes on ‘worked examples'. 2 folders. c.54 - C.59 'Third-year Normal Algebra Course’. Cc. 54 "Proposed schedule for third-year normal algebra course'; note of questions on the course raised list of students; by students. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 28 Lectures c.58 "Algebra course' lecture notes. 4 folders. 'Chap.III. Fields' lecture notes. "Commutative Algebra’. C.60 Examples, examination questions on commutative algebra for Part III of the Mathematical Tripos 1972. "Commutative Algebra' lecture notes. 5 folders. "Commutative Algebra (2)'. C. 66 Draft examination questions, examples etc. Lecture notes. 3 folders. "Commutative Algebra, Version 2'. Miscellaneous notes. 5 folders. C.75 "Algebra for Applied Algebraists'. ‘Algebra for Applied Algebraists' lecture notes. 6 folders. "Algebra for Applied Algebraists' lecture notes; "Modules over a principal ideal domain', duplicated ms notes. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 29 Lectures c.82 - C.86 ‘Further topics in algebra’. Exercises for Further Topics in Algebra course, 1987. Students' questions and requests for guidance on the course. Ms and typescript course notes. C.85, C.86 Lecture notes. 2 folders. ‘Further Topics in Algebra’. Booklists circulated 27 April 1987; exercises for Lent Term 1987. Duplicated ms course notes. "Further Topics in Algebra' lecture notes. Geometry C.90 - C.95 "Geometry IB course’. c.90 ‘IB Geometry' example sheets; D W Babbage re geometry examination questions 1974-75. correspondence from J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 30 Lectures G2 91. Questionnaires on content and style of Adams's IB geometry lectures completed by students 1974. C.92 = C€.95 Lecture notes. 4 folders. C.96, C.97 "Geometry hand-outs'. 2 folders. c.98 - C.104 ‘Geometry’. C.98 Questionnaires on Adams's geometry lectures completed by students 1982; letter from student requesting 'a lecture on lie groups' 25 April 1985, with ms notes on lie groups. C.99 - C.104 Lecture notes for course of eight summer-term lectures. Some sheets marked 'OLD'. 6 folders. C.105-C.112 "Geometry. 3rd Yr'. c.105 C.106 "Draft 3rd-year Geometry course' by Adams and J Peters; "Draft Geometry Syllabus'. ‘Examples - Pl Geometry', for geometry classes 9 October - 11 December 1967. set of duplicated ms sheets C.107-C.112 "Geometry lecture notes'. 6 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 31 Lectures C.113-C.120 'pifflerentilal Analysis & Geometry’. C.113 Questionnaires on Adams's differential analysis and geometry lectures completed by third-year students 1979; duplicated ms course notes compiled by C B Thomas for 1988-89. C.114 Ms and duplicated typescript example sheets. @.115-¢. 119 'piff[erenti Jal Analysis and Geometry' lecture notes. 5 folders. C.120 Differential Analysis course notes. CG. £21=C. 129 'D.G'. C.121 Two sets of completed questionnaires on Adams's differential analysis and geometry lectures. third-year students 1985. First set completed by C.122 Example sheets; students questions, requests for guidance etc. C.123-C.128 "Differential Analysis and Geometry' lecture notes. 6 folders. C.129 Miscellaneous notes. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 32 Lectures Homology C.130-C.133 "Homology Theory III'. Cc.130 Attendance list for Adams's third-year homology course, summer term 1963; good for?'; 4pp ms draft ‘What is homology theory miscellaneous notes. c.131-C.133 "Homology theory' lecture notes. 3 folders. C.134-C.143 "Diploma course on generalised homology'. C.134-C.138 ‘Extraordinary Cohomology Theories' 5 folders. lecture notes. C.139,C.140 Lectures on K*(xX)' c.139 c.140 Typescript notes for lectures 1-4. Typescript notes for lectures 5,6; on K*(X). ms lecture notes C.141-C.143 Miscellaneous lecture notes. 3 folders. Homotopy c.144-c.151 "Homotopy Theory'. Lecture notes, latest reference 1961. 8 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 33 Lectures Csl52 ‘III Homotopy Theory'. Ms note of basic definitions etc., attendance sheet, Adams's note re supervision of homotopy theory course 4 May 1977, etc. €..153=C..159 "Homotopy-theory'. C.153 Course outline; correspondence from R Luckwith re draft examination questions 1976 and 1981; etc. lists of students for 1980 and 1981; C.154-C.159 "Homotopy Theory' lecture notes. 6 folders. C.160-C.163 "HOMOTOPY'. Cc.160 Homotopy theory exercises and examination questions 1982 and 1983; lists of students 1982;etc. C.161-C.163 Lecture notes. 3 folders. C.164-C.167 "HOMOTOPY THEORY. ('83 version)'. Cc.164 "Homotopy-Theory Exercises'; lists of students. C.165-C.167 Lecture notes. 3 folders. c.168-C.171 "Homotopy'. Cc.168 List of students 1985; questions, etc. examples sheets; draft examination J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/21 34 Lectures c.169-C.171 ‘Notes on Homotopy'. 3 folders. C.172 ‘Homotopy theory'. Lecture notes on 'Toda brackets". C.173-C.176 ‘Advanced Homotopy Prof. J F Adams'. Lecture notes. 4 folders. C.177-C.183 ‘Advanced Homotopy Theory'. Lecture notes. 7 folders. C.184-C.189 ‘Adv. Htpy'. Lecture notes on ‘Obstruction theory", etc. 6 folders. 'Postnikov systems' c.190 Lecture notes, annotated 'Add to other file of notes on Advanced htpy theory'. c.191-C.195 'Further homotopy’. cont'd... J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 35 Lectures €.191 Ms draft and typescript Part III examination paper on further homotopy theory 1976; further homotopy theory course completed by third-year students 1976. questionnaire on Adams's C.192-C.195 ‘Further homotopy' lecture notes. 4 folders. C.196-C.199 ‘Calculating Homotopy Groups'. "Lecture notes on calculating homotopy groups'; miscellaneous notes. 4 folders. C.200-C. 207 "Stable Homotopy and Generalised Cohomology'. C.200 "Topology Diploma Courses Michaelmas Term 1970'; examination paper for Stable Homotopy Theory and Generalised Cohomology Theories, 1971; ms calculation (not in Adams's hand). draft Cc.201 Ms ?course outline. C.202-C. 207 "Stable Homotopy and Generalised Cohomology' lecture notes. 6 folders. C.208-C. 215 "Systematic Phenomena in p-primary Homotopy Theory'. C.208 Draft letter to Arunas, 25 February 1986, re 'Young idempotents’. C.209-C. 215 "Systematic phenomena in Mod p Homotopy Theory' lecture notes. 7 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 36 Lectures C.216-C.218 Untitled lecture notes beginning ‘Introduction to localisation. In homotopy theory, we have known for a long time that it is sufficient to attack our problems one prime at a time'. 3 folders. K-theory C.219,C.220 'K-theory'. Lecture notes. 2 folders. C.221-C.223 'K-theory'. Lecture notes. 3 folders. C.224-C. 230 "Algebraic K-theory'. C.224 Example sheets; algebraic K-theory examination paper 1974. C.225-C. 230 "Algebraic K-theory' lecture notes. 6 folders. Lie Groups C.231-C. 241 ‘Lie Groups’. C.231 ?Introductory lecture notes. C.232-C.241 "Lie Groups' lecture notes. 10 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 37 Lectures C.242-C. 248 ‘Lie Groups II'. C. 242 Ms example sheets; bibliography. lie groups examination paper 28 May 1974; C.243 List of students for Pt III class; etc. C.244-C. 246 Lecture notes. 3 folders. C.247,C. 248 'LIE GROUPS 1965, by J.F.Adams Lectures given in the University of Manchester, Notes by M.B.Mather'. 2 folders. Representation Theory C.249-C.255 'Reptn Theory'. C.249 Questionnaires on Adams's representation theory lectures completed by third-year students 1976, with Adams's "Analysis of Replies...'; representation theory'. typescript 'Questions on C.250-C.252 "Representation Theory' lecture notes. 3 folders. Cc. 253 "Worked Examples...'; of 32 matrices'; representation’. ms notes beginning 'Dirac group ms notes on 'The theory of group C.254,C.255 Miscellaneous notes. 2 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 38 Lectures C.256-C. 261 'R [epresentation ] Theory’. C.256 Students questions and requests for guidance; sheets, dated 'Mich[aelmas ]77'. example C.257-C.259 "Lecture notes on Representation Theory'. 3 folders. C.260 Ms notes on Representation Theory'; ms notes 'For appendix’. €. 261 Miscellaneous notes. C.262,C. 263 "Rep Theory Examples, Hand-outs'. Ms and duplicated ms example sheets and hand-outs. 2 folders. Topology C.264-C. 270 "Topology II & III'. C.264-C. 269 "Topology II' lecture notes, some on verso of 1963 Royal Society accounts. 6 folders. C.270 Continuation of the preceding on 'The Husenicz Isomorphism Theorem'. C.271,C.272 "Diploma Course on Alge[braic]. Topol’. Lecture notes. 2 folders. J F Adams Ncuacs 26/2/91 39 Lectures C2273 "Reading List'. "Reading list for algebraic topology’ October 1958; "Syllabus (for Research Students) of Algebraic Topology'; bibliography. C.274-C€. 283 "Algebraic Topology'. C.274 Algebraic topology examination paper 1979; C R F Maunder 3 March 1980 re draft algebraic topology examination paper; course outline; etc. letter from C.275 Example sheets. C.276 Lists of students etc. C.277-C. 282 Lecture notes. 6 folders. C.283 Miscellaneous notes. C.284-C. 287 "Diploma Course'. Lecture notes on algebraic topology. 4 folders. C.288-C.295 "Topics in Algebraic Topology'. C.288 C.289 Correspondence with D S Kahn rethe Kahn-Priddy Theorem, January-March 1972. to stable homotopy theory' by Kahn and S B Priddy, 8pp typescript, and Adams's ms note 'Peter May on KAHN-PRIDDY THM' Includes 'Applications of the transfer Two duplicated ms calculations by Adams; 'Frank: Here is a complete calculation of Hy(C#S®)'. ms note beginning J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 4o Lectures c.290-C. 295 Lecture notes. 6 folders. C.296-C. 301 "Part III Further Topics in Alge. Topol’. C.296 Circular letter re 'Part III Mathematical Tripos 1988'; course outlines for ‘Algebraic Topology' and 'Further Topics in Algebraic Topology'; examination questions; example sheet; etc. draft C.297-C. 301 Lecture notes. 5 folders. C. 302 "'TOPOL'. List of students for Advanced Algebraic Topology 1985; 4pp ms draft 'Eilenberg-Maclane spaces example sheet; and "killing homotopy groups"'; 7pp ms draft 'Classes of abelian groups and localisation’. C. 303-C. 306 "Analytic Topology'. C. 303 "Analytic Topology Problems' "Connection in the Plane and Sphere'; ?from students. May 1957; 8pp ms draft ms list of 'Requests' C. 304-C. 306 ‘Analytic Topology' lecture notes. 3 folders. c.307-C. 311 "Bundles'. cont'd... J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 41 Lectures C.307 Topology of Bundles and Classifying Spaces course outline 1974-75; Classes'; course completed by students 1974. questionnaires on Adams's topology of bundles examination paper 1975; 'Examples on Characteristic C. 308-C. 311 "Topology of Bundles & Classifying Spaces' lecture notes. 4 folders. C.312-C.315 "Topology of Manifolds'. C.3127C. 313 "Manifolds' lecture notes. 2 folders. C.314,C.315 Miscellaneous lecture notes. 2 folders. Miscellaneous C.316-C. 319 ‘Cartan Theory'. Lecture notes. 4 folders. C.320-C. 324 Lecture notes on CW-complexes. 5 folders. C.325-C. 327 'The Projective Class Group: Lecture Notes'. Lecture notes. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 42 Lectures C. 328-C. 337 "Representations of the Classical Groups’. Lecture notes (some on verso of 1962 example sheets). 10 folders. C. 338-C. 344 "Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves'. C. 338 Notes on times of tutorials and syllabus, ms note on "Algebra needed for Atiyah stuff', etc. of 1962 example sheets. Some on verso C.339-C. 344 "Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves' lecture notes. 6 folders. CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS Material re conferences and seminars attended by Adams in Britain and overseas: principally ms notes etc., on contributions by others and notes and drafts of his own contributions. With the exception of notebooks at C.345 and C.346 the material was found in Adams's folders with titles inscribed thereon. These titles are reproduced in the catalogue entries. Contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for ease of reference. The material is presented in a chronological sequence with a little undated material at the end. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 43 Lectures Where applicable reference has been made to Adams's List of Publications ( A.2 ) in the form Bibliog. no. €,.345 C.346 Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Seminar notes 1954/55, including Young Topologists' Conference at Oxford'. Used from both ends for notes and calculations. At back are loose notes. Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Seminar Notes 1955/56, including British Mathematical Colloquium.' Used from the front for notes and calculations. At the back are loose notes. C.347 's M C[British Mathematical Colloquium ] lecture’. 'The existence of division algebras, and related topological questions', reference 1955. 13pp ms, latest bibliographical C.348,C. 349 "Seminar Notes etc'. 2 folders. 1955 and 1956. A little correspondence at front is dated C.350-C. 353 "Bristol notes’. C.350 Untitled draft beginning 'I want to talk about the homology and cohomology theories for certain algebraic structures', 19pp ms. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 44 Lectures C.351-C..353 Ms notes and calculations, some on verso of 1956 Cambridge college minutes. 3 folders. Cc. 354 "Bundles'. "Lecture on fibre-spaces for the Quintics', 7pp ms; ms notes, some on ‘Classification theorem', 9pp ms; verso of information sheet for colloquium to be held in June 1956. C.355,C. 356 "Seminar Notes - America'. 2 folders. Latest bibliographical reference 1957. C.357,C.358 "Seminars Given At Columbia. 1957/58'. Ms notes. 2 folders. C.359-C. 361 "Seminar Notes (1958/59/60)'. 3 folders. Mathematische Arbeitstagung, Bonn, July 1959. Includes notes on verso of programme for C. 362 -C. 367 "Seminar Notes - 1959/60'. 6 folders. characters' by Adams, l1Opp ms. Includes 'Theory of representation and J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 45 Lectures C.368-C. 370 "Seminar Notes 1960/61'. C. 368 ‘Untitled draft beginning ‘In this seminar I would like to give an account of some work which is to appear in the Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. under the title "On Chern characters and the structure of the unitary group" ' 8pp ms; algebra', 6pp typescript; typescript note on work of Sho-Kwan Chow. (Bibliog. no.18) 'S.P.Novikov on the cohomologies of the Steenrod €.369,C- 370 Ms notes. 2 folders. Go S15 37/5) "Seminar notes (2nd trip to America, 1961)'. 5 folders. ©, SVGpC6 377) "Seminars on K(x)'. Rough ms drafts. 2 folders. Ca IVS, Se "Seminar Notes M' [anches ]ter '62'. Ms notes and calculations, some on verso of duplicated typescript example sheets etc. 7 folders: €2885-=C2 390 ‘Aarhus & Stockholm'. Material from Colloquium on Algebraic Topology, Aarhus, 1-10 August 1962. Adams spoke on ‘Applications of the Grothendieck-Atiyah-Hirzebruch functor K(x) ' (Bibliog. no.24). J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 46 Lectures C.385-C. 388 Duplicated typescript texts of lectures. 4 folders. C. 389 Ms notes on lectures. C.390 Miscellaneous duplicated typescript and ms material. C.391-C.393 "Seminar notes, Morse symposium & M[ anchester ] '63'. e. 391 Abstracts of lectures, including Adams's 'On the groups J(X)', with ms notes on them. C.392,C.393 Ms notes. 2 folders. C.394-C. 396 ‘Ideas for Seattle talks'. C.394 Invitation from N E Steenrod to deliver 'two expository lectures to the [Seattle Summer ] Institute on the subject of cohomology operations', 6 May 1963. C.395,C. 396 Ms notes and calculations. 2 folders. C.397 "Lecture Notes (Seattle)'. Rough ms drafts of first, fourth and fifth lectures. Cc. 398-C. 404 "Seattle'. Ms notes. 7 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 47 Lectures c.405-C.411 ‘Lecture Notes BMC [British Mathematical Colloquium ] '63 & '63 - '64'. 7 folders. C.412 "Wood Seminar on Atiyah-Singer'. Ms notes on 'Wood seminar' and 'Wood II‘; ms notes. Latest reference 1963/64. miscellaneous C.413-C.419 "Summer 64- C.413 ‘an exercise in Obstruction Theory November 1964'. llpp duplicated typescript annotated 'JFA'. C.414-C.419 Ms notes. 6 folders. C.420,C.421 "Kuiper Seminar'. C.420 'The general linear group of Hilbert space is k - connected' by N H Kuiper, June 1964. C.421 Rough draft of ‘Seminar on Kuiper's work', etc. C.422-C. 432 '"Seminars'. C.422 Programme of Topology Conference, Oberwolfach, W Germany, Adams is not listed as a speaker. 20-30 September 1965. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 48 Lectures C.423-C. 432 Ms notes etc. "Arbeitstagung '67'. 10 folders. The first page of notes is annotated C.433-C. 439 "Seminar'. Ms notes etc, latest bibliographical reference 1965. 7 folders. C.440,C.441 'Arbeitstagung '66'. Cc.440 '‘Arbeitstagung lectures of M. Atiyah - June 1965. Euler Characteristic Theorem I', ms notes on Atiyah's lectures. 4pp duplicated typescript; The C.441 Ms notes on other lectures. C.442,C.443 "Hattori-Stong Talk'. C.442 'The work of Stong and Hattori on Complex Cobordism', 20pp ms. Latest bibliographical reference 1966. C.443 'Talk for Bonn', 3pp ms; ms notes. C.444-C. 446 "International Geometry Symposium'. Ms notes, latest reference 1966. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 49 Lectures C.447 "Seminar on Quillen on Adams's Conjecture’. 'Quillen's work on approximating BU by BG', 'Talk on Quillen', reference 1967; 'Talk on Quillen III', l10pp 2Opp ms, latest bibliographical 5pp ms; ms. C.448 "Lectures given at Waterloo & Chicago. Easter 69'. "Lecture for Waterloo', 14pp ms; on Geom. & Homol', llpp ms; "General Notes’. "Expository lect. C.449-C.452 "Notes, Chicago, Easter 69'. Ms notes. 4 folders. C.453,C.454 "Bonn 1969'. Ms notes. 2 folders. C.455-C. 457 "AMS lecture Swinnerton-Dyer'. C.455 C. 456 Duplicated ms draft of 'Algebraic number theory by H P F Swinnerton-Dyer', June 1969. Introduction; 'Part I - The Classical Theory'. "Part II - Valuations and their consequences'; "Part III - Abelian extensions of the rationals’. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 50 Lectures C.457 'Ppart IV - Zeta functions and L-series'; 'Examples Sheet I'. C.458-C. 466 "Seminars'. c.458 Pan American airline menus used on verso for Adams's ms calculations. c.459-C. 464 Ms notes etc, latest reference March 1969. 6 folders. C.465,C. 466 Ms notes on lectures by others 1968-69, not in Adams's hand. 2 folders. C.467,C. 468 "Notes of lectures’. 2 folders. Latest reference 1969. Cc. 469-C. 473 ‘Seminars 1969/70'. C. 469 'The j-homomorphism in bordism theory', ms not in Adams's hand. 12pp duplicated C.470-C. 473 Ms notes. 4 folders. C.474,C.475 ‘Chicago, summer 1970'. Ms notes. 2 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 51 Lectures C.476-C. 479 "Seminars - Int'l Congress 1970'. The material is re the Congres Nice, September 1970. des varietes' and a seminar on algebraic topology. Adams chaired a section on 'Topologie International des Mathematiciens, C.476 Correspondence re arrangements from E Michael and R H Bing 1968-69. C.477-C. 479 Ms notes, some on verso of pages of Congress programme. 3 folders. C. 480-C. 486 "Seminars 1970/1971'. C.480 "Some comultiplications' by M G Barratt 1970, 2pp duplicated ms; 'On/J’-structures' by Barratt, 5pp typscript; 'On a theorem of D.S.Kahn's' by Barratt and P J Eccles, 5pp typescript; title page missing). untitled lOpp typescript (paginated 2-11, c.481 "Chapter I The Magic Exact Sequence’ and 'Chapter II The functors [+, [ ' by Barratt, 8pp duplicated ms. C.482 Three sets of Adams's ms notes annotated 'From: Seminars '71'. C.483-C. 486 Ms notes etc. 4 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 52 Lectures C.487-C. 498 "Chicago Course Summer '71.' This course of. lectures by Adams on ‘Stable Homotopy and Generalised Homology' was published by Chicago University Press in 1974 (Bibliog. no.49). notes are divided into seventeen chapters. three chapters have addenda. Adams's The last C.487 Chapters 1, 2 Cc. 488 Chapter 3 C.489 Chapter 4 C.490 Chapters 5, 6 c.491 Chapters 7, 8 C.492 Chapter 9 Cc.493 Chapter 10 Cc.494 Chapters 11-13 c.495 Chapter 14 C.496 Chapter 15 + Addendum c.497 Chapter 16 + Addendum Cc. 498 Chapter 17 + Addendum J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 53 Lectures C.499-C. 501 "Atiyah-Singer seminar’. Ms draft and notes etc., latest bibliographical reference 1971. 3 folders. C.502-C.510 "Seminars '71-'74'. Ms notes etc. 9 folders. ¢€. 511. "Talks at Oxford, June '72'. "Programme for the Topology Symposium' (Adams is listed as a speaker); June '62'. ms notes annotated 'Out of Talks at Oxford, C.512-C.516 "ICM 1974'. Ms notes; some dated July and August 1974. photocopied ms notes (not in Adams's hand), 5 folders. C.517 ‘JHCW lecture'. Adams was invited to give the London Mathematical Society's first J H C Whitehead Lecture. 14pp ms draft of Whitehead Lecture with incomplete rough ms draft of ?later lecture to the London Mathematical Society, on verso of 1974 questionnaires. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 54 Lectures c.518-C.529 "Seminars'. C.518-C.526 Ms notes, including those taken at'Oxford Conference 1975' (C.521), and at London Mathematical Society (C.524). 9 folders. C.527,C.528 Programme of and ms notes on ‘Mathematische Bonn, June 1978. Adams spoke on 'Finite H-spaces and algebras over the Steenrod Algebra' (Bibliog. no.63). Arbeitstagung', C.529 Ms notes, the first page annotated 'Cartan Do Starts Here', final page annotated 'Cartan Do Ends Here’. €.530,C.531 "Zurich Notes'. Programme of and ms notes on International Colloquium on Topology and Algebra, Ziirich, 12-16 April 1977. spoke on 'Maps between classifying spaces' or'Finite H-spaces'. 2 folders. Adams C.532-C.534 "Aarhus file'. C..532),C..533 Ms and duplicated ms notes on Algebraic Topology symposium, Aarhus, 7-12 August 1978. 2 folders. C.534 Ms poem in Adams's hand beginning 'My tale of Chicago begins with MacLane. His papers with Sammy showed a vigorous brain’. programme. Written on verso of pages of Aarhus 6.535, 6.536 "Helsinki file 1978'. Ms notes. 2 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 55 Lectures €.537-C.539 "Seminars '78-'. Ms and duplicated ms notes. 3 folders. c.540, C.541 "Arcata talks'. Ms notes, latest bibliographical reference 1978. 2 folders. C.542-C.545 'Talks'. C.542,C.543 Programme of and ms notes on 'Mathematische Arbeitstagung', Bonn, 6-12 June 1979. on 'G. Segal's Burnside ring conjecture' no. 65). 2 folders. Adams spoke (Bibliog. C.544,C.545 Ms notes. 2 folders. C.546-C.565 "Seminars 1979 - '' c.546-C.551 Ms notes, latest bibliographical reference 1980. 6 folders. @.552 C.553 Conference handbook for 'Mathematische Arbeitstagung', Bonn, 12 - 18 June 1981. Adams did not deliver a lecture. Programme for 4th Topology Symposium, Edinburgh, 30 June - 2 July 1981. c.554 Ms notes on 4th Topology Symposium. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 56 Lectures Cs555 List of student participants at 'Topology Gathering [cambridge ]1981'; tree' of eminent topologists). 'genealogia topologica' (a ‘family c.556-C. 560 Ms notes, latest bibliographical reference 1981. 5 folders. c.561 Programme for Northwestern [ University ] Conference on Homotopy Theory, 22-26 March 1982; on lectures (not in Adams's hand). duplicated ms notes C.562-C.565 Ms notes, some (not in Adams's hand) dated 16 March 1982. 4 folders. C.566-C. 569 'Notes from Durham'. Ms notes, latest reference 1982. 4 folders. C.570-C.573 "Seminar Notes’. Ms notes, latest bibliographical reference 1982. 4 folders. C.574-C. 576 "Moore'. Programme of and ms notes on Algebraic Topology and K-theory Conference in honour of John Moore's 60th birthday c 1983. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 57 Lectures G.577-C. 579 "Bonn, NOTES'. Programme of and ms notes on 'Mathematische Bonn, 15-22 June 1984. 3 folders. Arbeitstagung', c.580,C. 581 ‘SEMINARS MINNEAPOLIS' Programme of and ms notes on conference, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, 23-27 July 1984. 2 folders. Adams spoke on 'G-homology theories’. C.582 "Oxford Talk'. Rough ms draft of Adams's lecture on the recent work of M J Hopkins and colleagues, latest bibliographical reference 1984. C.583-C. 601 "Seminars 1985'. C.583,C.584 Programme of and ms notes on Northwestern University Conference on Group Cohomology and its Applications, Adams spoke on 'Maybe elementary 18-22 March 1985. abelian p-groups are just as good as tori?'. 2 folders. c.585 Programme of and ms notes on West Coast Topology Symposium Stanford University, 25-26 March 1985. Adams spoke on 'The Adams spectral sequence in equivariant groups'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 58 Lectures C.586 Programme of and ms notes on conference on algebraic topology, Palaiseau, France, 13 - 15 June 1985. c.587,C.588 Ms notes annotated on first page 'Start Newfoundland’ and on last page 'End Newfoundland’. 2 folders. c.589 Adams's ms notes for 'My Newfoundland talk'. are on a sheet of cardboard from the back of a notepad. The notes c.590,C.591 Ms notes annotated on first page ‘Start Warsaw' and on last page 'End of Warsaw'. 2 folders. C.592-C.601 Ms and duplicated ms notes. 10 folders. C.602 ‘April lst Seminar'. Ms draft of ?spoof press release 'New N.S.F. grants', dated 1 April 1985; untitled draft of Adams's lecture. C.603-C.605 "Notes of Barcelona 1986'. Programme of and ms notes on '1986 BCAT', Institut Adams d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 2 - 8 April. spoke on 'New proofs of two theorems of Jean Lannes'. 3 folders. C.606,C.607 "Bonn 1986'. C. 606 Conference handbook Bonn, 13 - 20 June. of 26th Mathematische Arbeitstagung, Jd F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 59 Lectures C.607 Ms and duplicated ms notes. C.608,C. 609 "New Seminars'. Ms notes, including notes on 'Simon Donaldson at LMS, 21 Feb '86,17.00-18.00 Homology and Moduli Spaces'. 2 folders. C.610-C.612 "Congress Talks'. Ms notes, latest bibliographical reference 1986. 3 folders. C.613-C.621 "Seminars 1986 -' C.613 C.614-C.616 photocopied ms notes of Talks on 'Group Photocopied ms notes, not in Adams's hand, October and November 1986; characters and complex-oriented theories' by Nick K[?] delivered at Warwick 17 January 1987; motion and the Riemann ¥ function' by D.Williams delivered at Number Theory Seminar, Cambridge, 10 May 1988; and on ‘Brownian etc. Programme of and ms notes on International Conference on Homotopy Theory 19 - 24 August ?1988. theory and Toda's works'. and Related Topics, Kinosaki, Japan, Adams gave a ‘Survey on homotopy 3 folders. C.617-C.621 Ms notes. 5 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 60 Lectures C.622-C.625 'D Williams Seminar'. Ms, photocopied ms and typescript material re Williams's proposed 'seminar/workshop called Connections on differential geometry and its relation to probability and other subjects', 1988. 4 folders. C.626-C.633 ‘Seminars Given'. Miscellaneous ms drafts of lectures found in Adams's folder so inscribed. Mostly undated, retained in original order. C.626 C.627 C.628 C.629 C.630 "Topology of H-spaces', Cambridge 1959, 7pp; Fibre-Bundles for the Quintics', 7pp; llpp; topological spaces and chain complexes, 8pp. ‘Seminar for Manchester' on the analogy between "Talk on 'On Loop Spaces', "Oxford Seminar' on cohomology operations of higher kinds, 6pp; ‘Report on C.T.C.Wall's work on the Cobordism AlgebraQ', 6pp (see Bibliog. no.13; plan of 'Seminar for Bonn. ‘No more division algebras?', lOpp; Strasbourg', lp. Heidelberg. "Hatfield Seminar' on applying topological methods to analysis, llpp; notions of manifolds", 9pp. 'Cohomology operations', llpp; "Fundamental Comments on lectures at 'Bonn' [?Mathematische Arbeitstagung], 9pp; 'E.H.Brown's work on Cohomology Theories', 14pp. "Mahowald's Result on the J-homomorphism', 7pp; ‘Talk for Warwick', lOpp; theorem for K*¥ , 6pp; mathematics, l14pp. ‘Atiyah's work on the Kunreth 'Talk to student teachers' on pure J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 61 Lectures C.631 C.632 C.633 K-theory of infinite complexes', l6pp; ‘Seminar: "Seminar on Atiyah-Singer', 8pp; e-invariant', l13pp. ‘More about the "Cobordism', 14pp; K-theory of Grothendieck-Atiyah-Hirzebruch (in French), 15pp; ‘A new method in Algebraic Topology', (Draft 1)' on the 'Paris Talk 10Opp. "Work of Bronder "Seminar' on some of the lectures at the Morse symposium (1963, see C.391-C.393), Ipp; dimensional knots', 4pp. Peterson & Liulevicius, 2lpp; ‘Kerraire on higher- C.634 ‘Ideas for Seminars’. Miscellaneous sets of ms notes on possible subjects and speakers for symposia, various dates. Undated. C.635-C. 637 "Clifford Modules Ms'. C.635 Rough ms draft 'Clifford Modules, Part II'. C.636,C.637 Ms drafts of seminars on A.B.S. (Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro) , continuing the preceding. 2 folders. C.638 "Coates-type lecture'. Rough ms draft. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 62 Lectures C.639 ‘Course on Mike Hopkins'. Two rough ms drafts on work of M G Hopkins (the second is in French). C.640 ‘Lectures to Swedish course'. Rough ms drafts of lectures on 'Lie groups' and 'A-S [Atiyah-Singer ] index theorem’. C.641,C.642 "Lectures to Training College lecturers'. Rough ms drafts of three lectures. 2 folders. C.643 "Vector fields on spheres'. Rough ms draft. C.644-C. 646 ‘Weil Seminar'. C.644 C.645 Rough ms draft of 'Seminar' on perverted naturality. Rough ms drafts of Atiyah-Hirzebruch's Philosophy of Riemann-Roch-Type Theorems. C.646 Miscellaneous drafts and notes. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 63 Lectures ‘OTHER PEOPLE'S LECTURES' Material found in two filing cabinet drawers so labelled. The material is chiefly ms notes on lectures found in Adams's folders with the name of the lecturer and usually the subject of the lecture/s inscribed thereon. These inscriptions are reproduced in the catalogue entries and form the basis for the arrangement of the material in an alphabetical sequence by lecturer. Contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for ease of reference. A little miscellaneous material is presented at the end of the sequence. The bulk of the material is undated but a few of the sets of notes were taken by Adams as an undergraduate in 1949. It is probable much of the rest dates from the early 1950s. C.647,C.648 "Atiyah. Algebraic F[unctiolns & Riemann Surfaces'. 2 folders. C.649 "Atiyah-Zeeman Seminar on stacks'. Duplicated typescript text with Adams's ms annotation. Cc.650 "Prof. Besicovitch. Non-Absolute Integration. ' J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 64 Lectures C.651 "Besicovitch Point Sets'. C.652 "Besicovitch Research Problems'. C.653 "Bryan Birch Zeta f[unctio]ns'. Photocopied ms notes (not in Adams's hand). C.654 "Burkill Real-Variable'. C.655 "Series & Complex V[aria]ble. Burkill’. C.656,C.657 "Burkill - Transfinite Nos.' 2 folders. C.658 "Miss Cartwright. Complex V[aria]ble'. C.659,C.660 "Cassels & Smithies Linear Spaces’. C.659 Notes on Cassels. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 65 Lectures C.660 Notes on Smithies. C.661,C.662 ‘Miss Edmonds Fourier Series'. 2 folders. C.663,C.664 "Miss Grimshaw. Absolute Integration'. 2 folders. C.665-C. 667 "'P.Hall Abelian Groups'. 3 folders. C.668 "Mr Hall - Groups’. C.669 'P. Hall Topics In Group Theory'. C.670 "Hall Universal Algebra’. C.671 "Hilton Homotopy Theory'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 66 Lectures C.672 'Haselgrove Analytic Theory of Nos.' C.673 ‘Mr Ingham - Complex Variable'. C.674 ‘Ingham Divergent Series‘. C.675 "Mr Ingham - Lebesgue Integration". C.676,C.677 ‘Ingham Theory of Numbers’. 2 folders. C.678 "Little Seminar'. C.679 "Littlewood Theory of Functions’. Cc. 680 'Littlewood's Research Problems'. Duplicated ms problem sheets. C.681 "Mahowald Seminar'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 67 Lectures C.682,C.683 "Analysis I Dr Rankine’. Notes taken from 10 October 1949. 2 folders. C.684 ‘Mr Rees Abstract Algebra‘. C.685,C. 686 ‘Smithies. Integral equations! 2 folders. Maths IV, Astronomy Tutorial" papers dated 11 April 1949. Some notes are on verso of''University of Natal C.687,C. 688 "Linear algebra Dr Smithies'. Notes taken from October 1949, 2 folders. C.689,C.690 "Steen Differential equations’. 2 folders. c.691 ‘Steen Distributions C.692-C. 694 "Stein F[unctio]ns of Several Complex V[aria]bles'. 3 folders. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 68 Lectures C.695 'Swinnerton-Dyer: Fields'. The Riemann Hypothesis in Function Duplicated typescript text. C.696 ‘Taunt - Groups'. C.697-C.699 "Mr Ward Topology'. 3 folders. C.700 'Mr White. Diff[erentia]l Geom[etry]'. c.701 'JCHW [Whitehead ] S-theory'. C.702 ‘Wylie Alge.Top. II'. C.703 "Wylie Combinatorial Topology'. Cc. 704 "Geometry I Mr Wylie (& Todd)'. Notes taken from 11 October 1949. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 69 Lectures Miscellaneous c.705 "Supervision, etc'. Notes taken ?at tutorials from 12 October 1949. C.706 'Edsac'. Notes on operation and programming of Edsac computer, e. 1951. C.707 "Several complex variables Seminar’. C.708 Miscellaneous ms notes. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 70 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1 - D.15 Where applicable reference has been made to Adams's List of Publications (A.2) in the form Bibliog. no. ..-. "On the chain algebra of a loop space', with P J Hilton. Bibliog. no.5 (1956). 44pp typescript. D.2,D.3 ‘The cobar construction’. Prize 31 December 1956. Essay submitted for the Adams 53pp ms. 2 folders. D.4,D.5 "On the non-existence of elements of Hopf invariant one mod p'. Bibliog. no.10 (1958). 2lpp ms + references. 13pp typescript. ‘On the anticommutative law and and the Jacobi identity for stable Toda Brackets', with RMF Moss. Not published but written c.1958-61. 8pp ms. "On the non-existence of elements of Hopf invariant one'. (1960). Letter from N E Steenrod, Editor of Annals of Mathematics with suggestions for expanding Adams's draft. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 7 Publications D.8-D.10 ‘Algebraic Topology, Homotopy Theory'. In January 1967 Adams was invited to edit a reprint collection in a series for graduate students to be published by Worth Publishers, Inc. abandoned. Adams accepted but the project was later Editorial correspondence 1967-68. 3 folders. D.11 ‘Lectures on Lie Groups'. Bibliog. no.38 (1969). Letter from publishers, 22 November 1968. ‘Algebraic Topology: no.44 (1972). a student's guide'. Bibliog. Correspondence with publishers, July 1970. D.12 "A-rings and¥-operations'. Nd. 4pp typescript. ms "BOOK" . notes outlining topics to be covered by projected book. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed: Nd. D.14, D.15 ‘Offprints Dist. List'. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: of those receiving off-prints of Adams's publications. Contents of Adams's folder so lists D.14 Index cards. D.15 Miscellaneous typescript and ms lists. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 72 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.1 - E.299 There are virtually no extended exchanges of correspondence, the great majority of the letters are incoming, with very few carbons of Adams's replies. The content is essentially mathematical; chiefly requests for Adams's advice or comments on specific problems, reflecting Adams's high standing in his field. Of special interest is the extensive correspondence from M F (later Sir Michael) Atiyah, M G Barratt, P J Hilton, I M James, A Liulevicius, S MacLane and C W Wilkerson. Where applicable reference has been made to Adams's List of Publications (A.2) in the form Bibliog. no. ... The material is arranged as follows: E. 1 - E.272 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. In alphabetical order. E.273- E.299 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. chronological order. Tn J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 13 Correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE E.1 Adem, J 1960 Papers on secondary operations. E.2,E.3 Anderson, D W 1963-71, nd Ba2 E.3 1963-65. 1968-71, nd. type of spectral sequence', 7pp. Letter of 1 April 1971 is re'"Hurewicz E.4-E.12 Atiyah, MF 1961-88, nd E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 Hel3 E.14 Atiyah and Adams were contemporaries as undergraduate and postgraduate students at Cambridge. Comments on draft of Adams's paper ‘Applications 1961. of the Grothendieck-Atiyah-Hirzebruch functor K(X)' ( 1962. 1963. 'On the groups J(X)-I' ( Includes comments on draft of Adams's paper 1964-66. Atiyah 'K-theory and the Hopf invariant’ Includes correspondence re joint paper with ( 1966-71. 1969-73. 1976-80. Arrangements for Atiyah's seminars in Cambridge. 1978-88. Nd. Aubry, M Baas, NA 1977-80 1968-74,1982-83 1968-69 correspondence chiefly re the Adams spectral sequence. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 74 Correspondence E.15-E. 20 Barratt, MG 1960-76, nd E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 E.19 E.20 1960. 1961-62. Chiefly re periodicity tables. 1961, 1964. 1963-64. 1967-76, nd. 1967,1970. E.21 Bass, H 1972,1983 Visit to Cambridge 1972; Columbia University 1983. invitation to visit E.22 Berrick, A J 1980-87 Chiefly re appointments. E.23 Boardman, J M various dates 1964-76 Includes 3pp ms notes on spectral sequence, 1964. E.24 Bott, R 1959-62,1968,1969 E.25 Browder, W various dates 1967-79, nd Includes correspondence re refereeing for Annals of Mathematics. E.26,E.27 Brown, E H various dates 1965-83 E.26 1965-76. "Properties of B(K)', 1976. Includes 5pp photocopied ms note on E.27 1980-83. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 75 Correspondence E.28-E. 32 Brown, R 1966,1971-87 E.28 E.29 E.30 E.31 1966,1971-75. 1976-81. on the work of Brown and Higgins. Includes 1976-77 correspondence repaper 1982-83. Includes correspondence re refereeing. Includes 'Revised abstract April 1985' 1984-85. of book on 'lie groupoids and the algebroids in differential geometry' by R Brown. E.32 1986-87. E.33 E. 34 Bundgaard, S Burghelea, D E. 35-E. 38 Carlsson, G 1963,1969-70 1966,1979,1987 1981-84 The correspondence is chiefly re Carlsson's work on Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture. 1981,1982. 1982. 1983. Includes draft of 'Equivariant stable homotopy and 1984. Sullivan's Conjecture’ by Carlsson, with Adams's comments thereon. E.35 E. 36 E.37 E.38 E.39 E.40 Cartan, H P Caruso, J L various dates 1957-80 1979-81 1984-87 E.41 Cathcart, AG Cathcart was a PhD student of Adams, between spectra and the Steinberg Idempotent'. working on 'Maps E.42 Chern, S S Chiefly re visits. 1978,1983-85 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 76 Correspondence E.43 Clarke, F W 1974-77 Includes correspondence re joint paper with Clarke "Stable operations on complex K-theory' no.59). (Bibliog. E.44 Cockcroft, W H various dates 1962-70 E.45 Cohen, F R various dates 1975-87 E.46 Cohen, J M E.47 Cohen, RL 1968,1972,1983 1979-88 1981-82 correspondence re 'the Immersion conjecture'. E.48 Cohn, P M 1966,1976,1979-82 E.49 Davis, DM 1972-82 E.50 Deleanu, A 1971-74,1980,1983 1973 correspondence chiefly re 'the existence of the Adams completion’. E.51 Delzell, CN Drafts sent to Adams for comment. E.52-E.58 Dibag, I E.52 E.53 E.54 1974. 1975 Feb, May. 1975 Nov, Dec. 1981-82 1974-87 gd F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 77 Correspondence. E.55 E.56 E.57 E.58 1976 Feb. 33pp letter on 'the number-theoretical problem’. 1976-79. 1980. 1981-87. E.59,E.60 Dold, A 1959-85 E.59 E.60 E.61 1959-65. Chiefly re visits. 1968-85. Dyer, E Later correspondence chiefly re visits. 1958-68,1975 E.62 Eckmann, B various dates 1956-78 E.63-E.65 Epstein, DBA 1960-81,1984 E.63 E.64 E.65 1960-66. 1968-81, 1984. 1980. E.66 Feshbach, M , 1980-87 Chiefly re papers sent to Adams for comment, visits. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 78 Correspondence E.67-E. 70 Friedlander, EM 1974-85 E.67 E.68 E.69 1974. 1975. 1976-78. "stable Adams's conjecture', visits. Chiefly re Friedlander's work on the 1980-86. E.71 Frohlich, A 1969,1980,1984 Gandy, RO Gray, B Greenlees, J PC 1976,1978 1966-83, nd 1986-88 Includes 8pp ms draft on ‘a fully equiv- 1986. ariant version of Lin's theorem’ by Greenlees sent to Adams for comment. E.75 1987,1988. Correspondence 1987 chiefly re b,UCTs. E.76 Gugenheim, V KA M- various dates 1960-76, nd Hazewinkel, M Heller, A 1974-75 1969-74 E.79 Henn, H-W 1980-83 ,1986 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 79 Correspondence E.80-E.85 Hilton, P J 1955-84, nd E.80 1955-63. between members of the Department of Mathematics Includes 'Proposal for collaboration of Cornell University and European Mathematicians', 1963. 1964,1967-71. 1970. 1972-76. E.84 E.85 1977-84. at International Congress of Mathematics, Warsaw, ?1982. Includes correspondence re participation 1984. M H A Newman, Adams's predecessor as Fielden Professor Includes 15pp typescript draft obituary of of Mathematics at Manchester University. Hirsch, GC 1958,1964 Includes llpp ms draft beginning 'Consider a fibre space E, base B, the fibre F being a K(M,n)' by Hirsch sent to Adams for comment, 1958. E.87,E.88 Hirzebruch, F 1959-75,1984 1959-69. Chiefly re conferences. 1971-75, 1984. E.89,E.90 Hoffman, P N 1966-77 ,1982 1966-73. Hoffman's PhD thesis. Correspondence 1966-67 chiefly re 1974-77,1982. 1975-76. Chiefly re sabbatical year in UK, Jd F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 80 Correspondence E.91-E.93 Hubbuck, J R 1966-78 ,1982-88,nd. E.91 E.92 E.93 Includes lOpp typescript draft 'The 1966-70. type of an associative H-space' by Hubbuck sent to Adams for comment. 1972-78. 1982-88, nd. E.94 Hunton, J R 1986-88 Hunton was a PhD student of Adams. E.95,E. 96 Husemoller, D 1964-71,1979 E.95 E.96 1964-68. Chiefly re visits. 1969-71, 1979. Chiefly re visits. E.97,E.98 Jackowski, S 1983-87 The correspondence chiefly relates to work towards two 1988 joint publications by Adams, Jackowski, J-P Haeberly and J P May 'A generalisation of the Segal conjecture' ( and 'A general- isation of the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem' ( E.97 E.98 1983-84, 1984-87. E.99-E.104 James, IM E.99 1956-60. 1956-86 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 81 Correspondence E.100 E.101 E.102 E.103 E.104 1961-66. Visits, papers for Topology, examining etc. Correspondence chiefly re tape-recorded 1967,1968. Also includes 7pp typescript draft lectures by Adams. 'On sphere-bundles' by James sent to Adams for comment. 1969-75. conferences. Chiefly re visits, participation at 1976-79. 1980-86. E.105 Kaplansky, I 1973-75,1979 Correspondence 1973-74 re publication of Stable homotopy and generalised homology by Chicago University Press (; (graded Lie algebras) by Kaplansky; honour of S MacLane. 1975 Newsletters on GLA's 1979 poem in E.106 Karoubi, M various dates 1966-75 Correspondence 1974-75 re Karoubi's draft book on K-theory. E.107 Kassar, RG 1976-79 E.108,E.109 Kelly, GM various dates 1962-88 E.108 1962-64. function spaces. Includes correspondence re homology of E.109 1971-88. J F Adams NCUACS 2 26/2/9 1 82 Correspondence E.110,E.111 Kendall, DG 1982,1984,1988 Chiefly correspondence and notes re Kendall's work on ‘the homology etc of shape-spaces for use in statistics and probability'. E.110 1982. E.111 1984,1988 E.112 Kervaire, MA various dates 1958-67 E.113,E.114 Kochman, S O 1975-81 E.113 1975-77. E.114 1979-81. E.115-E.117 Kono, A 1985-86 Kono worked on exceptional Lie groups in Cambridge April-June 1986. E.115 Correspondence re arrangements to work in Cambridge, etc 1985-86. E.116,E.117 Miscellaneous notes and calculations by Kono and Adams. 2 folders. E.118,E.119 Kreisel, G various dates 1976-85 E.118 E.119 1976-78. 1981, 1982, 1985. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 83 Correspondence E.120-E.122 Kuhn, N J 1981,1985-88 E.120 E.121 E.122 1981. conjecture of G W Whitehead' and visit to Cambridge. Correspondence re Kuhn's work on ‘a Includes lOpp photocopied ms draft on 1985. "Morava K-theories of some classifying spaces' by Kuhn. Includes correspondence re joint work 1986-88. (published as 'Atomic spaces and spectra', Bibliog. no.80). E.123 Lam, K Y various dates 1970-84 E.124-E.126 Landweber, P various dates 1967-86 E.124 E.125 E.126 1967,1970-73. comments on Adams's 1971 Chicago Lecture Notes and correspondence re visit to Includes Landweber's May 1973 Cambridge. 1974. Re visit to Cambridge 1984,1986. talk 'Dickson Invariants and Prime Ideas Invariant under Steenrod Operations' by Landweber, March 1984. Includes 19pp photocopied ms seminar E.127 Lang, S E.128 Lannes, J 1969-74 1984-86 Includes 8pp photocopied ms draft 'Cohomology of groups and functions spaces' by Lannes, 1986. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 84 Correspondence E.129 Lax, P D 1964-65 Re joint paper 'On matrices whose real linear combinations are non-Singular' by Adams, Lax and RS Phillips ( 32) typescript draft. Includes 9pp E.130 Leslie, JA 1964-65 Includes 5pp typescript draft 'Une description axiomatique des operations cohomologiques stables d'Adams-—Peterson'. E.131 Lewis, LG E.132,E.133 Leytem, C 1982-83 1984-86 E.132 1984. Brown-Gitler type' sent to Adams for comment. Includes 9pp typescript draft 'Spectra of E.133 1985, 1986. E.134-E.137 Lin, WH 1975-82 E.134 E.135 E.136 E.137 LOTS. Steenrod algebra'. Re Lin's paper 'Unstable modules over the 1976. Algebras of the Steenrod algebra'. Re Lin's papers on 'Cohomology of Sub-Hopf 1977-79. Chiefly re papers by Lin. 1980,1982. Kahn-Priddy Theorem'and 'Cohomology of the Steenrod algebra’. Chiefly re Lin's papers ‘Algebraic J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 85 Correspondence E.138-E.147 Liulevicius, A 1960-88 E.138 E.139 E.140 E.141 1960-65. Theorem. Correspondence 1960 re work on Browder's 1966-67. covered Liulevicius's 'daily instalments of the Correspondence 9-30 November 1967 translation of Novikov' sent to Adams. Letter of 25 May 1969 encloses llpp 1968-69. typescript 'write-up on the Novikov algebra' by Liulevicius sent to Adams for comment. Correspondence 1970 re visit to Chicago 1970-71. and subsequent preparation of texts of Adams's lectures for circulation. E.142 1972-73. E.143 1974-75. E.144 1976. conjecture on G-homotopy types of linear actions Includes llpp photocopied ms notes on a on CP" sent to Adams for comment 11 February, and 7pp photocopied ms 'UC University of Chicago Topology Seminar. approach'. Representation rings of Sy, - a Hopf algebra 20 October. E.145 1977-79. E.146 1980-83. E.147 1986, 1988. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 86 Correspondence E.148 McCleary, J 1978,1980,1983 E.149-E.153 MacLane, S 1956-85 E.149 1956-60. of book on homological algebra. Correspondence 1960 re MacLane's drafts E.150 1961-65. E.151 E.152 B.L53 1966-69. Correspondence 1966 re PACTs. 1971-77. 1979-85. E.154 Madsen, I 1975-83,1988 Correspondence 1975 re Commuting maps. E.155-E.157 Mahmud, Z 1973-83,1988 E.155 E.156 Chiefly re Mahmud's thesis and work on 1973-75. joint paper 'Maps between classifying spaces' (Bibliog. no.55). 1976-79. Kuwait 1979. Includes correspondence re visit to E.157 1980-83, 1988. E.158,E.159 Mahowald, M E 1974,1976,1979,nd E.158 E.159 1974, 1976, 1979. Nd. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 87 Correspondence E.160 Margolis, H R 1968-73 Chiefly re joint paper 'Modules over the Steenrod algebra' (Bibliog. no.42). E.161 Mather, M 1968,1972,1975 E.162 Mathias, A 1979,1988 E.163 Maunder, CRF 1962-67,1981 E.164,E.165 May, J P | 1984-86 Material re joint papers with Adams, J-P Haeberley and S Jackowski (Bibliog. nos 78 and 79). 2 folders. E.166-E.172 Miller, HR 1980-86 E.166 E.167 E.168 E.169 E.170 Chiefly re work on the Segal conjecture etc. 1980, 1981 Jan-Apr. 1981 Aug, Oct. draft beginning 'Our object in this section is the Tor-equivalence', sent to construction of another Includes 19pp photocopied ms Adams for comment. 1982 Jan-June. sent to Adams for comment. Includes ms 'memoranda' and ‘essays' 1982 July. 1982 Sept, Dec. Includes llpp photocopied ms draft beginning 'The first of my assignments is to produce a description of the "Singer Construction" T(M)'. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 88 Correspondence E.171 1983. E.172 1984-86. E.173 Milnor, J W various dates 1957-77 E.174 Mimura, M 1966,1973-76 E.175 Mislin, G 1973-74 Visit; construction of ‘exotic maps BGBG’'. E.176,E.177 Morava, J J 1979,1986-87,nd. E.176 E.177 1979, 1986-87. Nd. E.178 Moss, RMF various dates 1964-75, nd. Correspondence 1964-66 re Moss's PhD thesis. E.179-E.181 Neisendorfer, JA 1979-80,1986, nd E.179 1979-80, 1986. E.180,E.181 Nd. 2 folders. E.182 Novikov, S P 1968-69 Correspondence in Russian (three letters have ms translations into English). J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 89 Correspondence E.183 Oguchi, K Chiefly re visit to Cambridge. E.184 Pengelley, DJ 1985-86 1979-85 Includes 9pp letter re 'a curious algebraic phenomenon’, 11 March 1985. E.185 Peterson, F P various dates 1959-88 E.186,E.187 Petrie, T E.186 E.187 1980. 1981-82, nd. 1980-82, nd E.188-E.190 Priddy, S B 1974-84 E.188 E.189 E.190 1974-76. ‘Uniqueness of BSO' ( Includes correspondence re joint paper 1977-82. 1983, 1984, E.191 Puppe, D various dates 1960-88 E.192 Quinn, FS 1982,1985-86 E.193 Ranicki, AA 1971,1979-83,1987 Ranicki was a PhD student of Fellow at Trinity College Cambridge 1972-77. Adams, and a Research J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 90 Correspondence E.194-E.196 Ravenel, DC 1973-83 E.194 E.195 E.196 1973-77. 1979. Re visit to Cambridge. 1980-83. E.197 Ray, N various dates 1972-88, nd Ray was a PhD student of Adams University. at Manchester E.198 Rector, D 1976,1981-82 Chiefly correspondence 1981 re abelian subgroups and tori. E.199 Rees, E E.200 Rose, W E.201 Rourke, C P 1974,1980-83 1985-88 1971-72,1977 Chiefly correspondence 1977 re Adams's criticisms of 'Lecture Notes' by Rourke and B J Sanderson. See also E.203. E. 202 Samelson, H 1961,1966,1978 Correspondence 1961 chiefly re visit to Stanford University. E. 203 Sanderson, B J various dates 1972-77, nd J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 91 Correspondence E.204-E.206 Segal, G 1969-84, nd E.204 E.205 E.206 1969-73. 1975-78. 1980-84, nd. conjectures in stable homotopy theory. Includes exchange November 1981 re E.207 Serre, J various dates 1958-87 E. 208 Shaw, R E.209 Shih, W 1986-88 1964-67 ,1981 E.210 Siebenmann, L various dates 1971-85 E.211,E.212 Singer, WM 1980-86 E.211 1980. paper. E.212 1981-86. Includes correspondence re possible joint E. 213-E. 216 Smith, L 1968-85 E.213 E.214 E.215 E.216 1968. 1969. 1970-71. 1973-85. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 92 Correspondence E.217-E.221 Snaith, V P E.217 1970-75. 1970-88 E.218 E.219 E.220 E.221 1976. Includes correspondence re idempotents. 1977-79. Includes correspondence re visit to Cambridge. 1980-82. Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture. Includes correspondence 1982 re 1984-88. Explicit Brauer Induction. Chiefly correspondence 1986-87 re E.222 Spanier, E H 1960-63,1981 Chiefly re 1961 visit to University of California, Berkeley. E.223-E.225 Stasheff, J various dates 1958-87, nd E.223 Includes Stasheff's comments 'on the 1958-59. first draft of the Hopf Invariant One paper' (Bibliog. no.1l), 1958. E.224 1960-63. Bs225 1966-87, nd. January 21, 1974', and correspondence revisits. Includes Stasheff's 'H-space news - E.226 Steenrod, N E 1963,1967-70 Chiefly re visit to Cambridge 1970-71. E.227 Steiner, R 1976-80 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 93 Correspondence E.228 Stong, RE various dates 1967-88 E.229 Sutherland, WA various dates 1962-80, nd E.230 Tangora, MC 1969,1974,1976 Chiefly re visit to Manchester 1969-70. E.231-E.234 Thomas, C B E.231 E.232 E.233 E.234 1969-71. 1974-76. 1977-79. 1980-85. E.235 Thomas, P E E. 236 Tits, J 1969-71,1974-85 1962,1967,1975 1973,1985 Correspondence 1973 re lie groups E.237 Toda, H 1961,1968-70, nd E.238,E.239 tom Dieck, T various dates 1967-86 E.238 Includes 9pp ms ‘results on power 1967-86. operations in cobordism theories' sent to Adams May 1967. E.239 1981. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 94 Correspondence E.240 Wall, CTC 1961-70,1985, nd Chiefly re examining and visits. E.241 Whitehead, G W various dates 1957-79 E.242 Whitehead, J HC 1956-59 Chiefly correspondence 1956 re homotopy types. E.243-E. 251 Wilkerson, C W 1974-88, nd E. 243 E.244 E.245 E.246 E.247 E.248 E.249 E.250 E.251 1974-76. 1977. over the Steenrod algebra' Rejoint paper 'Finite H-spaces and algebras (Bibliog. no.63) 1978. Feb-Aug. Re joint paper. 1978 Sept-Dec. Re joint paper. 1979 Jan-Mar. Re joint paper. 1979 May-Nov. Re joint paper. 1980. Recorrection to joint paper. 1981-84. 1986-88, nd. E.252 Wilson, WS E.253-E. 261 Wojtkowiak, Z E.253 1979-81. Chiefly re visit to Cambridge. 1975-79 1979-88 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 95 Correspondence 1982-85. Includes report on work since visit to Cambridge 1982. 1986 May, Sept. draft 'On the mapping space map (BG,BH)...' sent to Adams for comment. Includes 14pp photocopied ms 28pp photocopied ms draft 'A remark 1986 Dec. on maps between classifying spaces of compact Lie groups' sent to Adams for comment. 1987, 1988 Jan-Apr. 1988 May, June. between p-completed classifying spaces' no.81). Re work towards joint paper "Maps (Bibliog. 1988 July-Sept. Re joint paper. 1988 Oct. Re joint paper. 1988 Dec. Includes draft paper by Wojtkowiak. E.254 E.255 E.256 E.257 E.258 E.259 E.260 E.261 E.262 Wood, R MW various dates 1984-88,nd Chiefly re work on the Peterson conjecture. E.263 Yagita, N various dates 1980-86 E.264-E. 269 Zachariou, A 1966-77,1980 E.264 E.265 E.266 1966-67. formula. Chiefly re: work on generalised Cartan 1968. Chiefly re Zachariou's PhD thesis. 1969-70. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 96 Correspondence E.267 E.268 E.269 L971. Chiefly re projects on cohomology. L972. 1974-77, 1980. E.270 Zahler, RS 1969-74 E.271,E.272 Zeeman, EC various dates 1958-88 Bia27 E.272 1958-75. 1981-88. J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 97 Correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE E.273 1954-59 E.287 1979-80 E.274 1960-62 E.275 1963 E.288 E.289 1981 1982 E.276 1964-66 E.290 1982 July E.277 1967-68 E.291 1982-83 E.278 1969-70 E.279 1969-75 E. 280 1971-72 E.281 1973-74 E.282 1975 E.283 1976 E.292 E.293 E.294 E.295 1983 1984 1985 1986 E.296 1986-88 E.297 1987-88, nd E.284 1976-79 E.298 Nd (1) E.285 1977 E.286 1978 E.299 Nad (2) J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 98 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ADAMS (née RHODA), Grace ADEM, Alejandro ADEM, Jose AGUADE, J ALBERT, AA ALEXANDER, James C B.75 E.295 E.1 E.287,E.294,E.295 A.9 E.278 ANDERSON, Donald Werner B.59,B.61,B.63,E.2,E.3 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS E.36,E.37,E.292 ARNOLD, Vladimir Igorevich E.282,E.283 ,E.298 ARTHAN, Robert D E.289 ASSOCIATION DES COLLABORATEURS DE NICOLAS BOURBAKI E.293,E.294 ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) D.9,E,.4=-E.12 AUBRY, Marc E.13 BAAS, Nils Andreas BABBAGE, Dennis William BAHN, Tony BAKER, Andrew BAKER, Lawrence J BANCHOFF, Thomas F E.14 See also E.33 Cc.90 A.1ll E.295,E.297 E.286 E.287 BANULESCU, Martha E.289,E.290 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 99 Index of correspondents BARRATT, Michael George B.9,B.113,E.15-E. 20 BASS, Hyman BAUES, Hans Joachim BAUM, Paul Frank BEAUVILLE, Arnaud BECKER, James C BERGMAN, George M BERRICK, Alan Jonathan BERSTEIN, Israel BEST, Geoffrey BING, R H BIRCH, Bryan John BOARDMAN, J Michael BODIGHEIMER, Carl-Friedrich BOMBIERI, Enrico BOREL, Armand BOTT, Raoul BOUSFIELD, A K ('Peter') BROUGHTON, J BROWDER, William BROWN, Edgar Henry, Jr BROWN, Ronald E.21 E.289 E.275,E.277 E.293 E.281 E.281 E.22 E.276 A.1l C.476 E.275,E.298 B.62,E.23 E.287 E.281 D.10,E.273,E.274,E.277 E.24 A.1l E.279 E.25 E.26,E.27 E.28-E.32 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 100 Index of correspondents BRUMFIEL, Gregory BUCHSBAUM, David BULLETT, Shaun BUNDGAARD, Svend BURGHELEA, Dan CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CARLSSON, Gunnar CARTAN, Henri Paul CARUSO, Jeffrey L CASSELS, John William Scott CASTELLET, Manuel CATHCART, Alan G CHAN, Ping Hung CHANG Su-Cheng CHERN, Shiing-Shen CHESS, Daniel CHURCHILL & BENJAMIN LIMITED CLARKE, Francis W CLEGG, Arthur B COATES, John Henry COCKCROFT, Wilfred Halliday E.298 E.275 E.288 E.33 E.34,E.103 E.281 D.11 E.35-E. 38 E.39 E.40 E.282 E.286,E.287 E.41 E.288 E.287,E.289,E.293 E.42,E.286 E.298 D.LL E.43 A«ll E.296,E.298 E.44 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 101 Index of correspondents COHEN, Arjeh M COHEN, Frederick R COHEN, Joel M COHEN, Ralph L COHN,- Paul Moritz COMENETZ, Michael CONNER, Pierre E, Jr COOKE, George E COXETER, Harold Scott Macdonald CRABB, Michael C CROFT, Hallard Thomas CURTIS, Edward B CURTIS, Morton DAVIS, Chandler DAVIS, Donald Miller DELEANU, Aristide DELZELL, Charles N de PRIETO, Ménica Clapp DIBAG, Ibrahim DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY E.295 E.45 E.46 E.47 E.48 E.280 E.280 E.277 E.293 E.297 E.298 E.277 E.273 E.276 A.12,E.49 E.50 E.51 E.287 E.52-E.58 A.10 DOLD, Albrecht A.9,D.8,D.9,E.59,E.60 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 102 Index of correspondents DONKIN, S DROR, Emmanuel DUNWOODY, Martin DYER, Eldon E.298 E.287,E. 288 E.298 E.61 ECKMANN, Beno E.62,E.279,E.289 EDWARDS, David A EDWARDS, Robert D EELLS, James E.282 E.284 E.282 EINSTEIN-MATTHEWS, Stanley M E.281,E.282 EISENBUD, David ELMENDORF, Antony D EPSTEIN, David BA EVENS, Leonard FESHBACH, Mark FIEDORWICZ, Zbigniew FLOYD, Edwin Earl FRANCIS, Nigel L FREYD, Peter E.298 E.283,E.286 E.63-E.65 E.275 E.66 E.281,E.288 E.275,E.298 E.281 E.278 FRIEDLANDER, Eric M A.9,E.67-E.70 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 103 Index of correspondents FROHLICH, Albrecht FUJII, Michikazu GAETA, Giuseppe GANDY, Robert Oliver GANEA, Tudor GARLING, David John Haldane GIFFEN, Charles H GITLER, Samuel GLEASON, Andrew Mattei GOLDBERG, Samuel I GOLUBIATNIKOV, V GOOD, Irving John (Jack') E.71,E.284 E.288 E.298 E.72 E.277 A.10 E.278,E.282,E.283 E.275,E.276,E.278 E.294 E.286 E.286 E.293 GOSSLING, William F E.281,E.283 GOTTLIEB, Daniel Henry GRAY, Brayton GREENLEES, John P C GRIFFITHS, Hubert Brian GUGENHEIM, Victor KAM GUTIERREZ, Mauricio A E.292 E.73 A.12,E.74,E.75 E.275,E.298 A.12,E.76 E.298 J F Adams NcuACS 26/2/91 104 Index of correspondents HAEBERLY, J-P HAEFLIGER, A HALL, Philip HALMOS, Paul R HALPERIN, Steve HANSEN, Idar HARRIS, Bruno HARRIS, John C HASTINGS, Harold M HATTORI, Akio HAZEWINKEL, Michiel HELD, René P HELLER, Alex HENN, Hans-Werner HIKIDA, Mizuko HILDITCH, A Stephen HILTON, Peter John HIRSCH, Guy C HIRSCH, Morris William HIRZEBRUCH, Friedrich E.164,E.165 E.277,E.278 E.276,E.277,E.279 E.286,E.287,E.292 E.285 E.285 E.277,E.298 E.294 E.280,E.281 E.281,E.282 E.77 E.282 E.78 E.79 E.297 E.293 E.80-E.85 E.86 E.293 A.10,D.9,E.87,E.88 E.284 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 105 Index of correspondents HOCHSCHILD, Gerhard Paul HOCHSTER, M E.282 E.286 HODGE, Sir William (Vallance Douglas) E.275,E.279 HODGKIN, Luke E.276,E.278,E.285,E. 298 HODGSON, Jonathan Peter Edward E.276 HOFFMAN, Peter Norman E.89,E.90 HOGGAR, Stuart HOLMES, Barbara HOOLEY, Christopher HOPF, Heinz HSIANG, Wu-chung HU, Sze-Tsen HUBBUCK, John R E.288 E.298 B.109 See E.296 E.289,E.293,E.295 E.273 E.91-E.93 HUEBSCHMANN, Johannes E.286,E.291,E.292 HUGHES, Anthony C HUNTON, John Robert E.276 E.94 HUSEMOLLER, Dale H E.95,E.96 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) E.296 ISBELL, John ISHIGURO, Kenshi E.279 E.287 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 106 Index of correspondents JACKOWSKI, Stefan JAMES, Gordon D JAMES, Ioan Mackenzie JANKOWSKI, A JARDINE, R JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JOHN, Fritz JOHNSON, David Copeland JOHNSON, Francis EA JOHNSTONE, Peter Tennant JONES, John DS JONES, Leslie P KAHN, Daniel Stephen KAHN, Donald W KAPLANSKY, Irving E.97,E.98 E.282 A.3,A.11-A.19,E.27, E.99-E.104 E.281 E.297 E.273 A.9 E.286,E.288,E.295 E.283 A.13,E.291 E.287,E.299 E.299 C.288,E.278,E.280,E. 281 E.277 E.105 KANE, Richard Michael E.286,E.292 KAROUBI, Max KASSAR, Raymond G KEGEL, Otto H E.106 E.1O7 E.281 KELLY, Gregory Maxwell E.108,E.109 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 107 Index of correspondents KENDALL, David George A.13,E.110,E.111 KERVAIRE, Michel A KEUNE, Frans J KINGMAN, Sir John (Frank Charles) KIRBY, Robion C KNESER, Martin KOCHMAN, Stanley Oscar KONO, Akiri KOSINSKI, A KOSNIOWSKI, Czes KOSTANT, Bertram KOZMA, Ilan KREISEL, Georg KRISTENSEN, Leif KROPHOLLER, Peter H KUHN, Nicholas J KUIPER, Nicolaas H LADA, Thomas J LAITINEN, Erbbi LAM, Kee Y E.112 E.280 E.287 E.278,E.284 E.292 E.113,E.114 E.115-E.117 A.9 E.291 E.282 E.299 E.118,E.119 E.274,E.276,E.277,E.280 B.20,E.292,E.294,E.295, E.297 E.120-E.122 E.280,E.282 E.282 E.287 E.123 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 108 Index of correspondents LAM, Tsit-Yuen LANDWEBER, Peter LANG, Serge LANNES, Jean LASHOF, Richard K LAWSON, D LAX, Peter David LEDGARD, RC LEE, Chung Nim LEHMANN, Daniel LEMAIRE, Jean-Michel LERUSTE, Christian LESLIE, Joshua A LEWIS, L Gaunce, Jr LEYTEM, Charles LICKORISH, WBR LIN, T Y¥ LIN, Wen-Hsiung E.288 E.124-E.126 E.127 E.128 E.274 E.294 E.129 E.278 E.278 E.286 E.288 E.278 E.130 E.131 Bol32,5 1.83 E.102 E.281,E.299 E.134-E.137 LIULEVICIUS;, Arunas C.208,E.138-E.147 LOMONACO, S E.285 LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY E.278,E.287 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 109 Index of correspondents LUCKWITH, Raymond LUNDELL, Albert T LUSZTIG, George McCLEARY, John MACDONALD, Ian Grant McDUFF, Dusa McGIBBON, Charles MACLANE, Saunders McLEOD, John MADSEN, Ib MAGAN, John W MAHLER, Kurt MAHMUD, Zafer MAHONY, Louis M C.153,C.160 E.275,E.281 E.281,E.282 E.148 E.277,E.287 E.299 E.285 B.122-B.127,D.9,E.149- E.153 E.283 A.9,E.154 E.282 E.283 E.155-E.157 E.299 MAHOWALD, Mark Edward B.113,E.158,E.159 MAKINEN, Jukka MARDESIC, Sibe MARGOLIS, Harvey R MASSEY, William S E.299 E.278,E.281 E.160 E.273,E.276,E.278, E.288,E.299 MATHER, Michael E.161 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 110 Index of correspondents MATHIAS, Adrian E.162 MAUNDER, Charles Richard Francis C.274,E.163 MAY, J Peter MAZUR, Barry MEISTERS, Gary Hosler MICHAEL, Ernest MICHELSOHN, Marie Louise MILGRAM, R James MILLER, Haynes Robert MILNOR, John Willard MIMURA, Mamoru MINAMI, Norihiko MING, Ronald MISLIN, Guido MITCHELL, Stephen A MITCHELL, WJ R A.13,E.164,E.165,E.286 E.299 E.293,E.297 C.476 E.285 E.288 E.166-E.172 E.173 E.100,E.174 E.292,E.293 E.282 E.175 E.288,E.299 E.287 MONTGOMERY, Deane E.273,E.275-E.277 MOORE, John Coleman MORAVA, Jack Johnson MORIN, Bernard B.143,B.144,E.273, E.281,E.286 E.176,E.177 E.274 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 111 Index of correspondents MORRIS, Lawrence E E.283 MOSS, Robert Michael Forester A.14,E.178 MUDRINSKI, Vojislav MUL, Huynh MUKAI, Juno NAKAMURA, Tokushi NANDA, Sribatsa NEISENDORFER, Joseph A NEUMANN, Bernhard Hermann E.289 E.289,E.292 E.295 E.299 E.286 E.179-E.181 E.275,E.277 NEWMAN, Maxwell Herman Alexander a Gee NISHIDA, Goro NOAKES, J Lyle NOVIKOV, S P NOWINSKI, Krysztof S OGUCHI, Kunio OKA, Shichird OLUM, Paul OSSA, Erich E.289,E.292,E.295 E.281,E.285 E.182 E.292 E.183 E.287,E.289,E.292 E.273,E.274 E.289 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 112 Index of correspondents PALERMO, F P PALMQUIST, Paul H PAPAKYRIAKOPOULOS, C D PARKS, James M PAVEL, Monique PAZHITNOV, A V PENGELLEY, David J PETERSON, Franklin P PETRIE, Ted PHILIPSZ, Basil E PHILLIPS, Ralph S E.274 E.283 E.274 E.285 E.283 E.297 E.184 E.185 E.186,E.187 E.281 E.129 PICCAMINI, Renzo Angelo Antonio E.292,E.293 PLYMEN, Roger J POENARU, Valentin E.289 E.275 POLKINGHORNE, The Reverend John Charlton A.14 PORTEOUS, Ian Robertson PORTER, Timothy PRASAD, Gopal PRIDDY, Stewart Beauregard PRIETO, Carlos PUPPE, Dieter PUPPE, Volker E.277 E. 286 E.295 E.188-E.190 E.287,E.292 E.191 E.280 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 113 Index of correspondents QUILLEN, Daniel Gray E.278,E.280 QUINN, Frank S RAGHUNATHAN, M S RANICKI, Andrew A RAVENEL, Douglas C RAY, Nigel RECTOR, David REES, David REES, Elmer E.192 E.297 E.193 A.15,E.194-E.196 A.15,E.197 E.198 B.109 E.199 REIFENBERG, Peter E.273,E.274,E.299 REYES, Arturo RILEY, Robert F ROBERTSON, Stewart A ROBINSON, C Alan ROITBERG, Joseph ROSE, William E.292 E.283 E.278 E.282,E.283,E.287 E.283 E.200 ROSEBLADE, James E E.280,E.283,E.299 ROSEN, Sholom S ROTHENBERG, Melvin ROURKE, Colin P E.280 E.278 E.201 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 114 Index of correspondents ROUSH, Frederick W RUBEL, Lee A RUTTER, John Westhead SAMELSON, Hans SANDERSON, Brian Joseph SASAO, Seiya SCHOCHET, Claude E.280 E.276 E.297 E.202 E.203 E.280 E.280,E.286,E.287 SCHWARZENBERGER, Ralph Ludwig Edward E.275,E.280,E. 281 SCHWEITZER, Paul A SCOTT, Dana S SEGAL, Graeme Bryce SEITZ, Garry SERRE, Jean-Pierre SEYMOUR, Robert SHARMA, B L SHAW, Ronald SHEN Xin-yao SHEPHERDSON, John Cedric SHICK, Paul L SHIH Weishu SHIMADA, Nobuo E.291 E.118 E.204-E. 206 E.295 B.143,E.207 E.285 E.288 E.208 E.289 E.284 E.295,E.297 E.209 E.274 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 115 Index of correspondents SHIRAIWA, Kenichi E.274 SHUTRICK, Hubert B.84,E.276,E.297,E.299 SIEBENMANN, Larry SIGRIST, Francois SIMONS, James SIMONS, Stephen SINGER, William Merrill SJOGREN, Jon A SMALE, Stephen SMITH, Frank D (Tony), Jr SMITH, Larry SMITHIES, Frank SNAITH, Victor P SOLECKI, Andrzej SONDOW, Jonathan SPANIER, Edwin Henry SPENCER, Christopher SPRINGER, TA STALLINGS, John R STASHEFF, James Dillon E.210 E.280,E.299 A.9 E.274 E.211,E.212 A.15,E.287 D.8,D.10 E.295 E.213-E.216 E.279 A.15,E.217-E. 221 E.282 E.278 E.222 E.278 E.283 E.284,E.291 E.223-E.225 STEENROD, Norman Earl C.394,D.7,D.9,E.226 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 116 Index of correspondents STEER, Brian STEINER, Richard STONE, Arthur H STONG, Robert E STRETCH, C SUGAWARA, Tamio SULLIVAN, Dennis E.275,E.283,E.299 E.227 E.278 E.228 A.19 E.281 E.299 SUTHERLAND, Wilson A A.16,E.229 SWINNERTON-DYER, Sir (Henry) Peter (Francis) E.296 SWITZER, Robert M SYMONDS, Peter A TAMAKI, Bob TANGORA, Martin Charles TAUSSKY-TODD, Olga TEMPLE, George Frederick James TENNISON, Barry TERRELL, George R TEZUKA, Michishige THOM, René THOMAS, Charles Benedict THOMAS, P Emery E.276,E.278,E.280,E. 282 E.299 E.289 E.295 A.16,E.230 E.294,E.297 E.274 E.280,E. 282 E.285 E.294 E.274,E.275 A.16,E.231-E. 234 E.235 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 117 Index of correspondents THOMEIER, S THOMPSON, John Griggs TITS, Jacques TIWARI, Sanjay TODA, Hirosi tom DIECK, Tammo TOOMER, Graham Hilton TOPOLOGY TORNEHAVE, Jorgen TUTTE, William Thomas VACCARO, Michelangelo VALDIVIA, Oscar VAN BUSKIRK, J M VARAPOULOS, VASTERSAVENDTS, Marie-Louise VRANCEANU, G E.276 E.289 E.236 E.286,E.299 E.237,E.273 E.238,E.239 E.282 E.101-E.103 E.288 E.296 E.296 E.276 E.286 E.275 E.276 E.276 WALKER, Grant A.17,E.278,E.280,E. 283 WALL, Charles Terence Clegg E.240 WHITEHEAD, George William. B.100,D.9,E.241 WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine B.143,E.242 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 118 Index of correspondents WHITGIFT, David WILKERSON, Clarence W WILLIAMS, David - WILLIAMSON, John H WILSON, John S WILSON, Pelham M H WILSON, W Stephen WOJTKOWIAK, Zdzislaw WOOD, Alastair WOOD, Jay A WOOD, RM W E.299 E.243-E.251 C.622-C.625 E.287 E.299 E.293 E.252 E.253-E. 261 E.281 E.295 E.262 WOODWARD, Lyndon M E.283,E.285 WORTH PUBLISHERS, INC. WU, Soon Yi WYLIE, Shaun YAGITA, Nobuaki YATES, Charles Edmund Michael ZABRODSKY, Alexander ZACHARIOU, Andreas D.8-D.10 E.287 A.8,E.274 E.263 E.284 E.287-E. 289 E.295 E.264-E. 269 J F Adams NCUACS 26/2/91 119 Index of correspondents ZAHLER, Raphael S ZDRAVKOVSKA, S ZEEMAN, Erik Christopher ZVENGROWSKI, Peter E.270 E.280 Es 271,E.272 E.276 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the further correspondence and papers of JOHN FRANK ADAMS (1930-1989) mathematician in Trinity College Library, Cambridge CBl 1TQ Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 34/2/92) by The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1991 All rights reserved No 7/92 NRA 34000 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN FRANK ADAMS FRS (1930 - 1989) Material additional to NCUACS 26/2/91 Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library, Trinity College, Cambridge NCUACS34/2/92 All rights reserved University of Bath 1992 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.20 SECTION B RESEARCH B.174 - B.394 SECTION C LECTURES C.709 - C.742 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.16 - D.108 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.300 - E.319 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 4 6 7 21 25 32 35 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The supplementary material presented here and the original collection of papers (NCUACS 26/2/91) were made available for cataloguing and deposit by the family of Professor Adams. PRESENTATION The material has been arranged into sections and numbered to follow the sequence of the catalogue compiled in 1991 (NCUACS 26/2/91), which should be consulted in conjunction with this Supplementary Catalogue. DESCRIPTION The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Material supplementary to the 1991 catalogue has been found for all sections. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 5 Section A, Biographical, consists of one new item; an intellectual 'family tree' compiled by Adams tracing pupils of J H C Whitehead. Section B, Research, provides significant further documentation of Adams's research. It is presented in an alphabetical sequence arranged by subject title. Section C, Lectures, comprises two subsections presenting further teaching material for courses at Cambridge and notes from conferences and seminars attended by Adams. Section D, Publications, presents much new material relating to Adams's publications over the period 1971-89. Of particular note is the extensive documentation of two important joint papers 'The Segal conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups', with J H Gunwardena and H Miller, Topology 24 (1985) and 'A generalisation of the Segal conjecture', with J-P Haeberly, S Jackowski and J P May, Topology 27 (1988). Section E, Correspondence, is a slight addition to the extensive correspondence in the catalogue compiled in 1991. T E Powell P Harper Bath 1992 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.20 A.20 ‘Family tree'. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re 'J H C Whitehead supervision tree'. On the occasion of the inaugural J H C Whitehead Lecture, 28 June 1974, Adams prepared ‘a wall-chart showing the pupils of J.H.C.W., and his pupils' pupils, and so on'. Folder includes the wall-chart. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION B RESEARCH B.174-B. 394 The research material in this section complements that in the previous catalogue, which it exceeds in quantity. in Adams's own folders with titles inscribed thereon. have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and form the basis for the At the end of arrangement of the material in an alphabetical sequence. this sequence are the contents of Adams's folders containing mathematical problems for research students and colleagues, and miscellaneous research material. These titles It was found ease of reference. The contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for Many of Adams's notes are written on the back of earlier notes, pages of drafts (generally undated), reports and correspondence. Some of the reports and correspondence are concerned with Trinity College Cambridge or Royal Society business and are subject to restricted access. B.174 ‘Ideas on Adams Resolutions for Leytem'. B.175-B.177 "Current work on ASS [Adams Spectral Sequence ]'. 3 folders. B.178-B.180 ‘Work on Adams Spectral Sequence’. 3 folders. B.181 "Work on ASS'. Colloquium ]talk', 5pp ms and 'Paris talk', 17pp ms (in French). Includes 'BMC [British Mathematical B.182 "Convergence of ASS'. B.183 ‘Generalised ASS'. B.184 "Amusements'. Miscellaneous puzzles and problems. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 8 Research B.185 ‘Baird work'. 7pp ms. Includes 'The structure of A=Kg (k)® Zp', B.186,B.187 "Notes on talks on BPy by Morava et al. 2 folders. B.188 B.189 "bu,(bu) for[D W ]Anderson'. ‘archives of [G ]Carlsson work’. B.190,B.191 'G-spectra work on Carlsson’. B.190 Letter from Maurice [? theory, 9 August 1982; proof of G Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture; Convergence Theorem', 4pp ms. ‘'Carlsson's j xe equivariant stable homotopy ‘Aarhus lecture' on Carlsson's B.191 Ms notes. B.192-B.196 'New work on Carlsson'. B.192 ‘Conversation between a Topologist and Two Machines', 5pp ms, 10 January 1984. B.193-B.196 Ms notes. 4 folders. B.197 B.198 B.199 ‘Cohen - Moore - Neisendorfer'. 'Cohomol[ogy ] of Groups'. 'For work on completion conjecture’. Chiefly re J P May. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 9 Research B. 200-B. 203 "Archives: lie groups (May Cohen sources) '. Duflot - Landweber - Stong > work on cohomol. B.200 Correspondence with R E Stong 1985. enclosing 'A problem of Adams on Stong, 18 January, H*® (BG;Zp)' by J Duflot, P S Landweber and Stong, and Adams's reply of 22 February commenting on the paper. Includes letter from B.201-B. 203 Ms notes. B. 204 ‘Work on E< for Kleidman'. B.205,B.206 "BA eurmitted for Trinity College Fellowship competition 1982. Some notes on verso of abstracts 2 folders. B.207-B. 209 "Es at the prime 2'. 3 folders. B.210 B.211 "Es, at prime 5'. ‘EASS [Equivariant Analogues of the Adams Spectral Sequence | file'. B.212-B.214 ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. (1). B.212 B.213 B.214 Index cards of bibliographical references. "Roots of Ec for Weyl formula'; formula’. "Roots of E. for Weyl Ms notes 'From Cornwall file'. 1982 Trinity College Fellowship reports. Some notes on verso of Bei2L5=BaZl7 ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. (2). 3 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 10 Research B. 218-B. 222 ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. (3) « Five folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. B.218 ' 'Ee B.219-B.221 "Eg at prime 5°. 1976-77 correspondence reRoyal Society elections. Some notes on verso of 3 folders. B.222 ‘Collection of verifications on E7, E¢ Se B.223 B. 224 B.225 ‘Spare material on exceptional lie groups’. "Ext Ky (K)'. and ‘case of p odd', 28 May. Includes 'Basic definitions', 27 May 1972, ‘Work on Ext’. papers. Some notes on verso of ?Royal Society B. 226-B. 232 'Fy'. B.226 B.227 Ms drafts on Fy , December 1978, January 1979. Letter from Adams, 26 June 1979; lie group Fytr 1l6pp ms. ‘A bit about the exceptional B. 228-B. 232 Ms notes. 5 folders. B. 233 "Small subgroups of G, (and FA)! 2 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 ll Research B.234 ‘Note on G-cohomology'. Includes note from N Kuhn, April 1987. B.235,B. 236 "New drafts via Gen Homol'. 2 folders. B.237, B.238 ‘Products in Generalised Cohomology Theories'. 2 folders. B.239,B.240 "Geometry'. 2 folders. B.241,B.242 "yosé in Go’. Ms notes and calculations re the game of Go. 2 folders. B.243 "Work for Goto'. B.244 ‘Thoughts on Greenlees problem'. Includes 'summary of progress' from J P C Greenlees, January 1983; February 1977. and photocopies of work on 'False HP@'s' B.245 ‘Greenlees work'. B. 246 'H spaces & [? ]lie groups’. B.247 "New Hattori-Stong'. B.248 "Scraps of work with Haynes, on Burnside Ring Conj, June-July '82'. B.249-B. 251 "Homol. Alge.'. 3 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 12 Research B.252-B. 254 ‘Work on using homology in Novikov Spectral Sequence’. B.252 "Care and Feeding of Comodules', C comodule over R, flat over R.' 14pp ms; 5pp ms. "Data: R ring: B.253,B.254 Ms notes. 2 folders. B.255 B. 256 'Homotopy'. Physical Secretary of the Royal Society, October 1978. Some notes on back of draft letter to T M Sugden, "Homotopy Theory'. C W Wilkerson, 1977-78. Some notes on back of copies of letters to B.257-B. 261 ‘Jackowski'. Bs 257 Adams's 'Remarks on the draft "Families and completions in equivariant cohomology" by §S Jackowski'; Jackowski enclosing revised draft, ?January 1984. letter from B.258-B. 261 Ms notes. 4 folders. B.262 'Jackowski - McClure on BG'. S Jackowski and J E McClure 'An approximation theorem for classifying spaces of compact lie groups’. Comments on ms draft by B.263 ‘Johnstone problem'. Work re P T Johnstone. B.264-B. 267 "Kahn thing'. B. 264 Correspondence with D S Kahn re ‘line of attack on the conjecture of Mahowald and Whitehead’ B.265-B. 267 Ms notes. 3 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 13 Research B. 268-B. 270 "Work for [A] Kono'. 3 folders. B.271 ‘LIE'. B.272-B.274 'New Lie Groups‘. 3 folders. B.275-B. 278 ‘LIN'. Four folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. B.275 Ms notes for ‘Chicago seminar'. B.276 "New work on Lin'. B.277,B.278 Ms notes. 2 folders. B.279 "Bits about localisation & completion’. B.280 ‘Work for Miss[C ] Luz'. B.281 ‘Work for Chuck McGibbon'. B.282 'Mislin localisation thing'. B.283-B. 286 "Mahowald'. (1) B. 283 Correspondence with M E Mahowald, March-April 1972. B.284-B. 286 Ms notes. 3 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 14 Research B.287,B.288 'Mahowald'. (2) B. 287 Drafts by Mahowald: 'The order of the image of the J-homomorphism', "Periodicity in the Adams Spectral Sequence’. ‘The order of the image of J', B.288 Ms notes. B.289-B. 292 "Mahowald'. (3) B.289 Ms draft 'On a result of Anderson" by Adams. B.290-B. 292 Ms notes. 3 folders. B.293 "Exposé on Mark [Mahowald ] on hyhit. B.294,B.295 ‘Vanishing theorems: 2 folders. notes on Mark [Mahowald], letters’. B.296 "Modules'. llpp ms draft. B.297 ‘File On MSp'. ‘On the groups J(X)-lv' by Adams (, 1966). Some notes on back of corrected proof of B.298 "MSp (new)'. B.299-B. 301 ‘Work on Non-abelian Homol. Algebra’. B.299 Seminar notes. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 15 Research B. 300,B. 301 Ms notes. draft by Adams on wartime work of M H A Newman, probably for his Royal Society Memoir of Newman (, 1985). Some on back of incomplete ms 2 folders. B. 302-B. 304 Novikov: Liulevicius translation & work on him'. See also E.139, E.140 of the previous catalogue (NCUACS 26/2/91). B. 302 -“ Letters to A Liulevicius, January 1968. B. 303,B. 304 Ms notes. 2 folders. B. 305-B. 308 "Novikov seminar: [? ], calculations’. 4 folders. B. 309-B. 313 ‘Periodicity'. 5 folders. B.314 "PSU (3) etc’. B.315 ‘Quillen thing'. Notes on work of D G Quillen. B. 316-B. 321 ‘TD C ]Ravenel, BP, p-homotopy'. Six folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. B.316 "Notes on Ravenel & BP applied to p-homotopy'.. notes for 'Seminar talk on BP-theory'. Includes B.317-B. 319 ‘HTPY, CALCNS'. 3 folders. B. 320 "Ravenel'. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 16 Research B.321 ‘Ravenel's notes, re Shen thing'. B.322-B. 326 ‘RECTOR-LAM' . Five folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. B.322,B. 323 "Work on Rector'. B.322 Correspondence with D Rector, October-November 1981. B.323 Ms notes. B. 324-B. 326 ‘LAM'. B.324 B.325 S P Lam was a Research Student of Adams's. Letter to Lam, 31 December 1981; Steenrod Algebra‘, 19pp ms. ‘Algebras over the ‘Work of Lam and Adams', 9pp ms by C Wilkerson, 11 April 1982; ‘Work of Wilkerson on “Work of Lam and Adams" ' 3pp photocopied ms by Adams, 19 April . B.326 Ms notes. B.327 'Segal-Jackowski Conj.' B.328 "Sources on Serre Conj.' Photocopied. papers and corresvondence. B. 329-B. 332 ‘SHEN'. B.329 Correspondence with Shen and S Oka, 1981-82, re calculating Ext groups. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 17 Research B. 330-B. 332 Ms notes. 3 folders. B. 333,B. 334 "Larry Smith work'. 2 folders. B.335 B.336 'A child's guide to Larry Smith's construction’. ‘Thoughts on Steinberg [?symmetry ]'. B.337 'Steinberg'. B.338-B. 341 "Sullivan (Work on Sullivan's cals)'. B. 338 Correspondence with D Sullivan and Brian [? ]. B. 339-B. 341 3 folders. Ms notes. University Department of Mathematics minutes, November 1970. Some on back of Manchester B.342-B. 344 3 folders. ‘Symmetry thing'. Royal Society papers, 1976-78. Some notes on back of B.345 B. 346 B.347 ‘Cc B T [homas ] problem'. ‘TRANSFER'. 9pp ms. "Transfer and Dyer-Lashof structure’. ‘Triality’. of outer automorphisms', 1lOpp ms. "Some precise details on the group ze, B. 348 ‘Work on Unstable Algebra'. B.349,B.350 'G Walker'. 2 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 18 Research B.351,B. 352 "Study on Weyl groups’. 2 folders. B.353-B.355 "work on (ayy 3 folders. B.356,B.357 ‘Work on[R S ]JZahler'. 2 folders. "Problems' Contents of Adams's folders so inscribed containing mathematical problems for research students and colleagues. B.358 1965, 1968. B.359,B.360 1974, 1976. 2 folders. B.361 1977. "Problems from Chicago Easter 77'. B. 362,B. 363 1978-79. 2 folders. B. 364 1982. ‘Current problems in homotopy theory'. B. 365 '1983'. B. 366-B. 368 1985. 3 folders. B. 369,B.370 Problems from participants at International 1986. Conference on Algebraic Topology, Arcata, California, 1986. 2 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 19 Research B.371 1986. B.372 Miscellaneous B. 373 B. 374 "Problems proposed at the Chicago Circle Algebraic ‘Problems for problem session'; Nd. Topology Conference’; etc. ‘Work done in Chicago'. Chiefly re work of J P May. "Draft for Jeremy[?Gunwardena ]'. September 1979. 15pp research problem, B.375,B.376 ‘Work for Nigel'. 2 folders. B.377 ‘Thoughts for Princeton'. B. 378 "Notes on papers’. B.379 "Suggs. for Further Work etc’. B. 380 ‘My own....' B.381 "work in progress’ 20 February 1977. Includes 'False HP™'s',9pp ms, B.382,B. 383 ‘Work'. 2 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.384, B.385 "Scraps'. B. 384 Includes 'A problem in homological algebra’ 9pp ms; notes for P T Johnstone. B.385 Ms notes. B. 386-B. 394 Untitled. 9 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 21 SECTION C LECTURES C.709-C. 742 C.709 - C.717 Teaching C.718 - C.742 Conferences and seminars TEACHING C.709-C. 714 'Equivariant topology '. Lecture notes; examination questions. 6 folders. C.715-C. 717 "Course on Exceptional Groups (Materials, preliminary sessions etc)‘. divided into three for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes, examination questions. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 22 Lectures CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS c.718 "Algebraic Topology Seminar’. Programmes of speakers and subjects for Departmental seminars, 1985-86. C.719-C. 721 "Proceedings of Monday seminar’. folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of Contents of Adams's reference. C..719 Programme for Departmental seminars on ‘Algebra over the Steenrod algebra', Lent Term 1986; Seminar by J H Gunwardena; commutes with suspension' Adams's notes on ms note by Gunwardena 'T arising from the seminar. C.720 Adams's notes on seminars by K Schuch, A Cathcart, J Greenlees, D Carlisle. G.721 Adams's notes on seminars by D Carlisle, D Barden; typescript note by Barden 'The geometric parts of Haynes Miller's proof of the Sullivan conjecture' arising from the seminar. C.7122 ‘Bonn, Dynamics'. _ Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed. Lecture notes. C.723;,C.724 Namboodiri Lectures, University of Chicago, latest reference 1985. , €.723 First lecture. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 23 Lectures C.724 Second and third lectures. C.725 'Talk for Chicago'. Lecture notes. C.726 'Generalisation of the Adams spectral sequence, I: The category of fractions associated with a homology theory'. Lecture notes. C.727 "Talk for Hull', latest reference 1966. Lecture notes. C.728,C. 729 "Seminar on Lannes'. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so Notes for two lectures. C.730 'Lannes (Notes from Paris Meeting)’. Adams's folder so inscribed. Contents of Ms notes. C.731 'Talk for Notre Dame (Midwest Topology Seminar) '. Lecture notes. C.732-C. 734 Contents of Adams's folder divided into three for ease of reference. Lecture notes, beginning 'I have been instructed ... to present proofs of what I said in the Midwest Topology Seminar’. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 24 Lectures C.735,C. 736 "Talk for Oxford'. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so Lecture notes on 'The theorem of Madsen, Snaith & Tornehave'. C.737 "Oxford Talk' . Lecture notes. C. 738 ‘Peaks, passes & pits of Adams's folder so inscribed. Talk to Archimedeans'. Contents Lecture notes. C.739-C. 741 'Talk on theorems of R M W Wood, H R Margolis, D W Anderson Contents of Adams's folder so and M E Mahowald'. inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Lecture notes. C.742 Contents of Adams's folder. Lecture notes. J F Adams NCUACS 34/2/92 (Supplement) 25 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.16 - D.108 Where applicable reference has been made to Adams's List of Publications (A.2) in the form Bibliog. no.... D.16,D.17 "Modules over the Steenrod algebra’, with H R Margolis. Bibliog. no. 41 (1971). D.16 28pp typescript by Margolis; on the draft. letter from Adams commenting D.17 l5pp typescript by Adams. D.18-D. 20 "Sub-Hopf-Algebras of the Steenrod algebra', with H R Margolis. (1974). D.18 Correspondence from Margolis, 1972-73; drafts of 'Subalgebras of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra', probably earlier version of the paper. ms and typescript D.19 lOpp photocopied ms by Margolis; 22pp ms by Adams. l5pp typescript; by Adams. 14pp ms 'Notes for the Author' D.21-D. 26 "Geometric dimension of bundles over RP®"', no.51 (1974). Bibliog. D.21 23pp ms. 17pp typescript. D.23-D. 26 Material found with the preceding: 1973-74, with C Luz, research student; ms notes. 4 folders. correspondence, J F Adams NCUACS 34/2/92 (Supplement) 26 Publications D.27-D. 32 'Idempotent functors in homotopy theory'. Bibliog. no.52 (1975) . 12pp ‘OLD' ms; 18pp ms. llpp typescript. D.29-D. 32 Material. found with the preceding: ms notes. 4 folders. D.33-D. 35 "Calculation of Lin's Ext groups', with W H Lin, D M Davis and M E Mahowald. Bibliog. no. 64 (1980). D.33 Correspondence with co-authors and Editor, 1979. 34pp ms 'Draft for Lin-Davis-Mahowald'. 22pp ms; proof with ms corrections. D.36,D.37 D. 36 D. 37 "Graeme Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture’. (1980) . See also Bibliog. nos. 68 and 69 (1982). Bibliog. no.65 18pp typescript. Ms notes for talks on Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture found with preceding. Book review of 'The classifying spaces for surgery and. cobordism of manifolds' Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society c.1980. by I Madsen and R J Milgram for J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 27 Publications D.39-D. 44 ‘Spin (8), (1981). triality, F, and all that'. Bibliog. no.67 2lpp photocopied ms. D.40-D. 44 Material found with preceding: ms notes. 5 folders. D.45 "The case of an odd prime', in Bibliog. July 1982. Not listed 40pp ms. D.46-D.48 ‘Maps between classifying spaces. Bibliog. no.71 (1983) III', with Z Mahmud. D.46 D.47 Correspondence with Mahmud, 1980-81. 6pp ms; 6pp ms 'Amencments'. Material found with preceding: ms notes. ‘An exposition of Carlsson's proof'. Bibliog., latest bibliographical reference 1983. Not listed in 19pp typescript. D.50, D.51 "Prerequisites (on equivariant stable homotopy) for Carlsson's lecture’. Bibliog. no.72 (1984). 28pp typescript. Later craft, 5ipp typescript + ms corrections. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 28 Publications D.52-D.59 'The Segal conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups', with J H Gunwardena and H Miller. Bibliog. no.76 (1985). D.52 D.53 Letters to Miller re collaboration, 1981. 29pp ms ‘Draft for H Miller', July 1981. "Jerusalem manifesto April '82 Gunwardena & Miller'; ‘Seminar from Jerusalem'. Draft for Adams D.55 Correspondence, 1982. D.56,D.57 "Function-Object Draft July '82'. 2 folders. D.58 "Draft Part I', February 1983. D.59, D.60 "Draft Part II', March 1983. 2 folders. D.61 Letters to J P May, 20 May 1984, H Miller, 9 June. D.62-D.65 129pp typescript. 4 folders. D.66-D. 69 Material found with preceding: 4 folders. ms notes and drafts. '2-tori in E,'- Bibliog. no.77 (1987). Correspondence with editors, 1984-86; 28pp ms. 24pp typescript. '2-Tori in Exceptional Groups Draft 5', Ms drafts: '2-tori in Eo‘, 'The 6 8-dimensional relation in H * (BA(T ))'. 'A start on the InvariantsTheory'. J F Adams NCUACS 34/2/92 (Supplement) 29 Publications D./3 ‘The work of M J Hopkins'. but submitted for publication in the 'Proceedings of the Barcelona conference' catalogue) . (see C.603-C.605 of the previous Not listed in Bibliog. Letter from editor with referee's report, 15 May 1987; l2pp typescript. D.74-D. 93 'A generalisation of the Segal conjecture', with J-P Haeberly, S Jackowski and J P May. Bibliog. no. 78 (1988). D.74 Ms draft, August 1984, with covering letters to co-authors. D.75,D.76 Ms draft, December 1984, with covering letters to co-authors. 2 folders. Correspondence, March 1985. Includes Jackowski's draft introduction. D.78,D.79 Ms draft 'A', c. July 1985, with covering letter and Notes to co-authors. 2 folders. Ms draft 'B', July 1985. 2 folders. Ms draft 'C', August 1985, with covering letters to co-authors. Ms draft 'D', September 1985, with covering letter to co-authors. 2 folders. Comments on 'D' and other drafts from co-authors, September-November 1985. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 30 Publications Letters to co-authors, January 1986, (not surviving). redraft 'F' D.87 Comments on 'F' from co-authors, January-March; further generalisation of the Segal conjecture' by 'A J P May. 39pp typescript; letter from Topology, 13 May 1986. D.89-D. 93 Material found with preceding: of drafts. 5 folders. ms notes and pages D.94, D.95 'A generalisation of the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem', Bibliog. no.79 (1988). with Haeberly, Jackowski and May. D.94 Correspondence from May, March-April 1985; ms (by May), ‘Revised March 27, 1985'. 1l6pp photocopied D.95 Opp typescript. D.96, D.97 ‘Atomic spaces and spectra', no.80 (1989). with N J Kuhn. Bibliog. D.96 Correspondence with Kuhn and Editor, 1987-88; "Note on atomic spectra', 19 June 1987. 5pp ms 13pp ms with corrections; l1lOpp typescript. 'Maps between p-completed classifying spaces', with Z Wojtkowiak. Bibliog. no.81l (1989). Letter to Wojtkowiak, 14 April 1988; ms note. Opp ms; 6pp typescript. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 31 Publications ‘an Inquiry into some work of William M Singer'. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. 15pp ms 'OLD';12pp ms 'NEW'. D.101 "On Wente's surface’. Nd. Not listed in Bibliog. lOpp ms. D.102-D.104 "Draft L'. divided into three for ease of reference. Nd. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes. D.105-D. 108 ‘Draft 3'. divided into four for ease of reference. Nd. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 32 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.300-E. 319 E. 300 Bousfield, A K E. 301 Carlsson, G 1979,1984 1982, nd Includes 6pp ms note by Adams 'On your paper about the Segal conjecture’. E.302 Drensky, V S Friedlander, E M E. 303 ; Goddard, P Classification of G-bundles Hikida, M Resolution of Ky (S). E. 304 Jackowski, S 1984 1975 1983 1981 Nd E. 305 Kropholler, P H 1987-88 ‘Invariants of some classical finite groups over GF(2)' by Kropholler and D P Carlisle, December 1987, sent to Adams for comment, with Adams's comments thereon. See also B.19-B.32 of the previous catalogue. E. 306,E. 307 Lannes, J 1985-86 E. 306 1985 September. E. 307 1985 November-December, 1986. 'Two theorems of J Lannes' by Adams, sent to Lannes for Includes 22pp ms draft comment. J F Adams (Supplement) Ncuacs 34/2/92 33 Correspondence E.308 Lees, Nd Includes 8pp ms draft 'On Lees' problem' by Adams. E. 309 Leruste, C Liulevicius, A E.310 Lusztig, G E.311 Mahowald, M E May, J P Representation theory E.312,E.313 Priddy, S B 1975 Nd 1974-75 1976 21973 1973 Re visit to Cambridge, September 1973-August 1974. Priddy of Northwestern University, Illinois, was Senior Visiting Fellow in Adams's Department. E.312 January - July E.313 August - November E.314 Samelson, H Convergence of spectral sequences Smith, L Snaith, V P| 1978 1969 1976 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 34 Correspondence E.315 Tangora, MC Tits, J Lie groups Topology 1976 1973 1969 E.316, E.317 Zahler, R S 1972-73 Papers sent to Adams for comment E.316 1972 E.317 1973 E.318 Zarati, S 1985 E.319 First names only 1968,1974,1976,1982 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS . AGUADE, J D.73 ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) B.219,B.344 BARTLETT, Maurice Stevenson BATCHELOR, George Keith BAUER, Heinz BLACKWELL, David BONDI, Sir Hermann BOUSFIELD, A K 'Peter' B.219 B.343 D.70 B.219 B.219 E.300 BURKILL, John Charles B.219,B.386 CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY CARLSSON, Gunnar CHADWICK, Peter CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan DALITZ, Richard Henry DAVIS, Donald Miller DOMB, Cyril DRENSKY, Vesselin S DYSON, Freeman John D.33 E.301 B.219,B. 386 B.219 B. 386 D.33 B. 386 E. 302 B. 386 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 36 Index of correspondents EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY ERDELYI, Arthur FRIEDLANDER, Eric M GODDARD, Peter GOLD, Thomas GRAUERT, H D.96 B. 386 E. 302 E. 303 B. 386 D.70 GUNWARDENA, Jeremy H D.58,D.59 HAEBERLY, Jean-Pierre D.74,D.76,D.79,D.82 D.84-D.87 HIKIDA, Mizuko HOWARTH, Leslie HOWIE, John M JACKOWSKI, Stefan JAMES, Gordon D KAHN, Daniel Stephen E. 303 B. 386 B.20 B.257,D.74,D.76,D.79 D.82,D.84-D.87,E. 304 E.302 B. 264 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 37 Index of correspondents KAPLANSKY, Irving KARLIN, Samuel B.219 B.219 KEMMER, Nicholas B.219,B.344 KENDALL, David George B.219 KUHN, Nicholas J B.234,D.96 LAM, S P LANNES, Jean LEES, LEHMANN, Erich LERUSTE, Christian LEYTEM, Charles LIN Wen-Hsiung . B.324 . E. 300,E. 306,E. 307 E.308 B.219 E. 309 B.363 D.33 LIULEVICIUS, Arunas B.302,E. 309 LUSZTIG, George LUZ, Clothilde E.310 B.280, D.23 LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur B.343 MAHLER, Kurt B.219 MAHOWALD, Mark Edward B.283,D.33,E. 311 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 38 Index of correspondents MANSFIELD, Eric MARGOLIS, Harvey Robert B.344 D.18,E.315 MAUNDER, Charles Richard Francis A.20 MAY, J Peter B.360,D.61,D.74,D.76 D.79,D.82,D.84-D.87, E.311 MILLER, Haynes Robert D.52,D.55,D.58,D.59 D.61 MORAN, Patrick Alfred Pierce NEUMAN, Bernhard Hermann B.343 B. 344 NORTHCOTT, Douglas G B.219,B. 344 OFFORD, Cyril OKA, Shichird PEARSON, Egon PHILLIPS, Owen Martin PRIDDY, Stewart Beauregard B.344 B.329 B.219,B.344 B. 344 E.312,E.313 QUILLEN, Daniel Gray B.32€ F Zdams (Supplement) 3G NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents RECTOR, David ROSENBROCK, Howard Harry ROTH, Klaus Friedrich RUBINSTEIN, Richard SCHUCH, Klaus SEGAL, Graeme Bryce SERRE, Jean-Pierre SHEN Xin-yao SMITH, Larry SNAITH, Victor P STEWARTSON, Keith STONG, Robert E STUART, John Trevor SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris SULLIVAN, Dennis TANGORA, Martin Charles TAYLOR, John Bryan B.322 B.343 B.219 B.359 E. 307 D.74,D.88 B.219 B.329 E.314 E.314 B.344 B.200 B.219 B.255 B.338 E.315 B.219 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 40 Index of correspondents TITS, Jacques TOPOLOGY E.315 D.88,E.315 URSELL, Fritz Joseph B.219,B.344 WALL, Charles Terence Clegg WALLER, Derek A A.20 A.20 WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine See A. 20 WILKERSON, Clarence W WILKES, Maurice Vincent WOOD, Reg M W WYLIE, Shaun YATES, Frank B.356 B.219 B.366 A.20 B.344 ZAHLER, Raphael S ZARATI, S E.316,E.317 E.318
ADAMS, John Frank v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin