ADAMS, John Frank Supplementary Part2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


J.F. ADAMS (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the further correspondence and papers of JOHN FRANK ADAMS (1:9:3 0198-97) mathematician in Trinity College Library, Cambridge CBl 1TQ Reproduced for the by LOO London WC2A 1HP All rights reserved Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 34/2/92) Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of NRA 34000 No 7/92 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN FRANK ADAMS FRS (1930 - 1989) Material additional to NCUACS 26/2/91 Deposited in the Library, Trinity College, Cambridge NCUACS34/2/92 Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper 1992 All rights reserved University of Bath J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society British Library Geological Society Royal Society Institute of Physics Society of Chemical Industry Royal Society of Chemistry Wellcome Trust J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION RESEARCH SECTION LECTURES SECTION PUBLICATIONS SECTION CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The supplementary material presented here and the original collection of papers (NCUACS 26/2/91) were made available for cataloguing and deposit by the family of Professor Adams. PRESENTATION Supplementary Catalogue. DESCRIPTION The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Material supplementary to the 1991 catalogue has The material has been arranged into sections and (NCUACS 26/2/91), which should be consulted in conjunction with this numbered to follow the sequence of the catalogue compiled in 1991 been found for all sections. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Section A, Biographical, consists of one new item; an intellectual 'family tree' compiled by Adams tracing pupils of J HC Whitehead. Section B, Research, provides significant further documentation of Adams's research. It is presented in an alphabetical sequence arranged by subject title. Section C, Lectures, comprises two subsections presenting further teaching material for courses at Cambridge and notes from conferences and seminars attended by Adams. with J-P Haeberly, S Jackowski and J P May, Section D, Publications, presents much new material relating to Adams's publications over the period 1971-89. Of papers 'The Segal conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups', with particular note is the extensive documentation of two important joint J H Gunwardena and H Miller, Topology 24 (1985) and 'A generalisation of the Segal conjecture', Topology 27:(1988) . Bath 1992 Section E, Correspondence, is a slight addition to the extensive correspondence in the catalogue compiled in 1991. T E Powell P Harper J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL ‘Family tree'. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re 'J H C Whitehead supervision tree'. On the occasion of the inaugural J H C Whitehead Lecture, 28 June 1974, Adams prepared ‘a wall-chart showing the pupils of: U.HsG.W.., and his pupils pupils, and” so: on’. Folder includes the wall-chart. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION B RESEARCH B.174-B.394 The research material in this section complements that in the previous catalogue, which it exceeds in quantity. in Adams's own folders with titles inscribed thereon. have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and form the basis for the arrangement of the material in an alphabetical sequence. At the end of this sequence are the contents of Adams's folders containing mathematical problems for research students and colleagues, and miscellaneous research material. These titles It was found ease of reference. The contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for Many of Adams's notes are written on the back of earlier notes, pages of drafts (generally undated), reports and correspondence. Some of the reports and correspondence are concerned with Trinity College Cambridge or Royal Society business and are subject to restricted access. «175-B.197 3 folders. .178-B.180 ‘Work on Adams Spectral Sequence’. J*rolders:, Includes 'BMC [British Mathematical ‘Ideas on Adams Resolutions for Leytem'. ‘Current work on ASS [Adams Spectral Sequence ]'. "Work: on- ASS" :, Colloquium ]talk', 5pp ms and 'Paris talk', 17pp ms (in French). Miscellaneous puzzles and problems. "Generalised ASS'. ‘Amusements’. "Convergence of ASS'. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research "Baird work'. 7pp ms. Includes 'The structure of A=K, (k)@®Zp', . 186782187 'Notes on talks on BPy by Morava et al. 2 folders. . 188 e1o9 ‘buy(bu) for[D W jAnderson'. ‘Archives of [G ]Carlsson work'. «190782192 'G-spectra work on Carlsson’. oO a boe [? Letter from Maurice theory, 9 August 1982; proof of G Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture; Convergence Theorem', 4pp ms. j re equivariant stable homotopy ‘Aarhus lecture' on Carlsson's ‘'Carlsson's Ms notes. -192-B.196 "New work on Carlsson’. .193~-B.196 Ms notes. 4 folders. ‘Cohen - Moore - Neisendorfer'. ‘Conversation between a Topologist and Two Machines', Spp ms, 10 January 1984. Chiefly re J P May. 'For work on completion conjecture’. 'Cohomol[ogy ] of Groups’. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research - 200=B.. 203 ‘Archives: lie groups (May Cohen sources) '. Duflot - Landweber - Stong -» work on cohomol. Correspondence with R E Stong 1985. Stong, 18 January, enclosing 'A problem of Adams on H* (BG;Zp)' by J Duflot, P S Landweber and Stong, and Adams's reply of 22 February commenting on the paper. Includes letter from .201~-B.203 Ms notes. ‘Work on E6 for Kleidman'. -205,B. 206 wie", submitted for Trinity College Fellowship competition 1982. Some notes on verso of abstracts 2 Lolders. -212-B.214 Gly aZ1L© ' E, at prime 5'. ' ; - 207-B. 209 "Eg at the prime 2'. 3 folders. ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. Index cards of bibliographical references. ‘EASS [Equivariant Analogues of the Adams Spectral Sequence] file. 3 folders. Ms notes 'From Cornwall file'. 1982 Trinity College Fellowship reports. "Roots of Ee for Weyl formula'; formula’. "Exceptional Lie Groups'. ‘Roots of E. for Weyl Some notes on verso of aed $243 -215-B.217 (2). J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research ~218=Bs222 ‘Exceptional Lie Groups’. C3) 9 Five folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. eos Ee: .219-B.221 'EG at prime’ 57. 1976-77 correspondence re Royal Society elections. Some notes on verso of 3 folders. "Collection of verifications on E7, E¢ es ‘Spare material on exceptional lie groups’. TEXt Ky (K)'. Includes 'Basic definitions', 27 May 1972, <226 - 226-B. 232 oF Avie and ‘case of p odd', 28 May. "Work. on’ Ext'.. papers. Some notes on verso of ?Royal Society Ms drafts on Fy , December 1978, January 1979. Letter from Adams, 26 June 1979; lie group Fy{r 1l6pp ms. 4 ‘Small subgroups of G, (and F 'A bit about the exceptional ~228-B. 232 Ms notes. 5 folders. 2 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research ‘Note on G-cohomology'. Includes note from N Kuhn, April 1987. wie sons 250 "New drafts via Gen Homol'. 2 folders. BO lee LOO ‘Products in Generalised Cohomology Theories'. 2 folders. 312397, Bs 240 "Geometry'. 2. folderss -241,B.242 "Yosé in Go'. Ms notes and calculations re the game of Go. 2 folders. "Greenlees work'. ‘New Hattori-Stong'. ‘Work for Goto'. ‘Thoughts on Greenlees problem'. 'H spaces & [? ]lie groups’. and photocopies of work on 'False HP@'s' Includes 'summary of progress' from J P C Greenlees, January 1983; February 1977. 3 folders. ‘Scraps of work with Haynes, on Burnside Ring Conj, June-July '82'. 249-8251 ‘Homol. Alge.'. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research 3. 252-B.254 ‘Work on using homology in Novikov Spectral Sequence’. (22 ‘Care and Feeding of Comodules', C comodule over R, flat over R.' 14pp ms; 5pp ms. "Data: R ring: $293,Ba204 Ms notes. 2 folders. ‘Homotopy’. Physical Secretary of the Royal Society, October 1978. Some notes on back of draft letter to T M Sugden, "Homotopy Theory'. Some notes on back of copies of letters to C W Wilkerson, 1977-78. .257-BeZ26k: 'Jackowski'. <2 letter from .258-B. 261 ‘Johnstone problem'. Work re P T Johnstone. Ms notes. 4 folders. 'Jackowski - McClure on BG'. S Jackowski and J E McClure 'An approximation theorem for classifying spaces of compact lie groups’. Comments on ms draft by Adams's 'Remarks on the draft "Families and completions in equivariant cohomology" by S Jackowski'; Jackowski enclosing revised draft, ?January 1984. 3 folders. Correspondence with D S Kahn re ‘line of attack on the conjecture of Mahowald and Whitehead‘ “209-Be 267 Ms notes. .264-B. 267 Kenn TOLders, ms notes and pages 'A generalisation of the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem', with Haeberly, Jackowski and May. Bibliog:s; NOs 19,61. 988) l6pp photocopied 9pp typescript. with N J Kuhn. Bibliog. 5pp ms ‘Atomic spaces and spectra', no.80 (1989). Correspondence with Kuhn and Editor, 1987-88; "Note on atomic spectra', 19 June 1987. Correspondence from May, March-April 1985; ms (by May), ‘Revised March 27, 1985'. 6pp typescript. ‘Maps between p-completed classifying spaces', with Z Wojtkowiak. 13pp ms with corrections; 1lOpp typescript. Letter to Wojtkowiak, 14 April 1988; ms note. Bibliog. no.81l (1989). Opp ms; J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications ‘An Inquiry into some work of William M Singer'. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. eo PP ms" OLD": 12 Pp ms ‘NEW’. ‘On Wente's surface’. Nd. Not listed in Bibliog. lOpp ms. D.102-D.104 ‘Drakt, 1° i Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Givided into three for ease of reference. Nd. Ms notes. D.105-D. 108 epract s°s Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Ms notes. Nd. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION E CORRES PONDENCE E. 300-E. 319 Bousfield, AK Carlsson, G 1979,1984 19827 end Includes 6pp ms note by Adams 'On your paper about the Segal conjecture’. Drensky, V S Friedlander, E M Goddard, P Classification of G-bundles Hikida, M Resolution of Ky 5). Jackowski, S » 300, t. SOT Lannes, J 1985-86 Kropholler, P H 1987-88 ‘Invariants of some classical finite groups over GF(2)' by Kropholler and D P Carlisle, December 1987, sent to Adams for comment, with Adams's comments thereon. See also B.19-B.32 of the previous catalogue. comment. 1985 November~—December, 1986. 'Two theorems of J Lannes' by Adams, sent to Lannes for +306 1985 September. Includes 22pp ms draft J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Correspondence Lees, Nd Includes 8pp ms draft 'On Lees' problem' by Adams. Leruste, C LIS Liulevicius, A Lusztig, G Mahowald, ME May, J P 1974-75 1973 Representation theory 3127 Bee 1S Priddy, S B Re visit to Cambridge, September 1973-August 1974. Priddy of Northwestern University, Illinois, was Senior Visiting Fellow in Adams's Department. Snaith, V.P Convergence of spectral sequences January - July August - November Samelson, H Smith, & J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Correspondence Tangora, MC Tits, oa Lie groups Topology ‘IOP BsoL7 Zahler, R S$ 1972-73 Papers sent to Adams for comment G72 Zarvati Ss First names only 1968,1974,1976,1982 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AGUADE, J A ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) .219,B.344 BARTLETT, Maurice Stevenson BATCHELOR, George Keith BAUER, Heinz BLACKWELL, David BONDI, Sir Hermann BOUSFIELD, A K 'Peter' 210 elo -219 . 300 BURKILL, John Charles 209178. 386 DALITZ, Richard Henry DAVIS, Donald Miller CHADWICK, Peter .219,Bs386 05 301 eo CARLSSON, Gunnar CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY DYSON, Freeman John DOMB, Cyril DRENSKY, Vesselin S J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY ERDELYI, Arthur FRIEDLANDER, Eric M GODDARD, Peter GOLD, Thomas GRAUERT, H GUNWARDENA, Jeremy H HIKIDA, Mizuko HOWARTH, Leslie HOWIE, John M JACKOWSKI, Stefan i. 303 B. 386 A.20 HAEBERLY, Jean-Pierre Die/4y Ds Coy DiciorD.aoe D.84-D.87 KAHN, Daniel Stephen B3257,De/4)D./76,Da9 D.82,D.84-D.87,E. 304 JAMES, Gordon D E2302 J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents KAPLANSKY, Irving KARLIN, Samuel B.219 B.219 KEMMER, Nicholas Be zl97B. 344 KENDALL, David George B.2ig KUHN, Nicholas J B.234,D.96 LAM, S P LANNES, Jean LEES, B.324 E.300,E.306,£E. 307 E. 308 LEHMANN, Erich LEYTEM, Charles LUSZTIG, George B. 302;,8309 B.280, D.23 B.219 E. 309 B. 363 Diss E.310 LUZ, Clothilde LIN Wen-Hsiung LERUSTE, Christian LIULEVICIUS, Arunas LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur BY2837D-83,;EsokL MAHOWALD, Mark Edward B. 343 B29 MAHLER, Kurt J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents MANSFIELD, Eric MARGOLIS, Harvey Robert MAUNDER, Charles Richard Francis A.20 MAY, J Peter B.360;,D. 61 ,D..74,D..76 D.79,D.82,D.84-D.87, Be ou MILLER, Haynes Robert D2), D959 AD.58,D.59 D.61 MORAN, Patrick Alfred Pierce B. 343 PEARSON, Egon NORTHCOTT, Douglas G B.219,B. 344 OFFORD, Cyril OKA, Shichird NEUMAN, Bernhard Hermann B. 344 PHILLIPS, Owen Martin QUILLEN, Daniel Gray PRIDDY, Stewart Beauregard B.219,B.344 B. 344 Hes L 2b. 313 J EF Zdams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents RECTOR, David ROSENBROCK, Howard Harry ROTH, Klaus Friedrich RUBINSTEIN, Richard SCHUCH, Klaus SEGAL, Graeme Bryce SERRE, Jean-Pierre SHEN Xin-yao SMITH, Larry SNAITH, Victor P STEWARTSON, Keith STONG, Robert E SULLIVAN, Dennis STUART, John Trevor SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris TAYLOR, John Bryan TANGORA, Martin Charles J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Indexofcorrespondents TITS, Jacques TOPOLOGY URSELL, Fritz Joseph B.219,B.344 WALL, Charles Terence Clegg WALLER, Derek A WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine WILKERSON, Clarence W WOOD, Reg M W WYLIE, Shaun YATES, Frank Selo, B31! / ZARATI, S ZAHLER, Raphael S WILKES, Maurice Vincent .318