ADAMS, John Frank Supplementary Part1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN FRANK ADAMS FRS (1930 - 1989) Material additional to NCUACS 26/2/91 Deposited in the Library, Trinity College, Cambridge NCUACS 34/2/92 Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper 1992 All rights reserved University of Bath F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society British Library Geological Society Royal Society Institute of Physics Royal Society of Chemistry Society of Chemical Industry Wellcome Trust F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B SECTION C LECTURES SECTION D PUBLICATIONS SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The supplementary material presented here and the original collection of papers (NCUACS 26/2/91) were made available for cataloguing and deposit by the family of Professor Adams. PRESENTATION Supplementary Catalogue. DESCRIPTION The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Material supplementary to the 1991 catalogue has The material has been arranged into sections and (NCUACS 26/2/91), which should be consulted in conjunction with this numbered to follow the sequence of the catalogue compiled in 1991 been found for all sections. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Section A, Biographical, consists of one new item; an intellectual ‘family tree' compiled by Adams tracing pupils of J H C Whitehead. Section B, Research, provides significant further documentation of Adams's research. It is presented in an alphabetical sequence arranged by subject title. Section C, Lectures, comprises two subsections presenting further teaching material for courses at Cambridge and notes from conferences and seminars attended by Adams. Section D, Publications, presents much new material Of Topology 27 (1988). of the Segal conjecture’, with J-P Haeberly, S Jackowski and J P May, J H Gunwardena and H Miller, Popology 24 (1985) and 'A generalisation relating to Adams's publications over the period 1971-89. papers ‘The Segal conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups', with particular note is the extensive documentation of two important joint Bath 1992 Section E, Correspondence, is a slight addition to the extensive correspondence in the catalogue compiled in 1991. T E Powell P Harper F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL ‘Family tree'. correspondence and papers re 'J H tree 1. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed: C Whitehead supervision On the occasion of the inaugural J 28 June 1974, Adams prepared ‘a wall-chart showing the pupils of J.H.C.W., and his pupils' pupils, and so on'. Folder includes the wall-chart. C Whitehead Lecture, H J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION B RESEARCH B.174-B. 394 The research material in this section complements that in the previous catalogue, which it exceeds in quantity. in Adams's own folders with titles inscribed thereon. have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and form the basis for the At the end of arrangement of the material in an alphabetical sequence. this sequence are the contents of Adams's folders containing mathematical problems for research students and colleagues, and miscellaneous research material. These titles It was found ease of reference. The contents of bulky folders have been subdivided for Many of Adams's notes are written on the back of earlier notes, pages of drafts (generally undated), reports and correspondence. Some of the reports and correspondence are concerned with Trinity College Cambridge or Royal Society business and are subject to restricted access. Bede/5=B. 77 3 folders. B.178-B.180 ‘Work on Adams Spectral Sequence’. 3 folders. Includes 'BMC [British Mathematical ‘Ideas on Adams Resolutions for Leytem'. "Current work on ASS [Adams Spectral Sequence ]'. "Work on ASS‘. Colloquium ]talk', 5pp ms and ‘Paris talk', 17pp ms (in French). Miscellaneous puzzles and problems. "Convergence of ASS'. ‘Generalised ASS'. ‘Amusements'. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research ‘Baird work’. 7pp ms. Includes 'The structure of A=Kg(k)®Zp', B.186,B.187 "Notes on talks on BPy by Morava et al. 2 folders. B.188 B.189 ‘bu,(bu) for[D W ]Anderson'. ‘archives of [G ]Carlsson work'. B.190;B.191 'G-spectra work on Carlsson’. [7 Letter from Maurice theory, 9 August 1982; proof of G Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture; Convergence Theorem', 4pp ms. j re equivariant stable homotopy ‘Aarhus lecture' on Carlsson's ‘'Carlsson's B.190 Ba192 Ms notes. 10 January 1984. B.192-B.196 'New work on Carlsson'. B.193-B.196 Ms notes. 4 folders. "Cohen - Moore - Neisendorfer'. ‘Conversation between a TFopologist and Two Machines’, 5pp ms, Chiefly re J P May. "For work on completion conjecture’. "Cohomol[ogy ] of Groups'. F Adams (Supplement) J NNCUACS 34/2/92 Research B. 200-B. 203 "Archives: lie groups (May Cohen sources) '. Duflot - Landweber - Stong ~ work on cohomol. Correspondence with R enclosing 'A problem of Adams on Stong, 18 January, S Landweber and Stong, and H* (BG;Zp)' by J Duflot, P Adams's reply of 22 February commenting on the paper. E Stong 1985. Includes letter from B.201-B. 203 B. 204 ‘Work on E< for Kleidman'. B.205,B. 206 Vas subaitted for Trinity College Fellowship competition 1982. Some notes on verso of abstracts 2 folders. B.212-B.214 CL) B.210 "Ey at prime 5°‘. Bo222 B.213 B.207-B. 209 'E, at the prime 2'. 3 folders. ‘Exceptional Lie Groups’. Index cards of bibliographical references. ‘EASS [Equivariant Analogues of the Adams Spectral Seauence ] Fite‘. 3 folders. Ms notes 'From Cornwall file'. 1982 Trinity College Fellowship reports. "Roots of Es for Weyl formula'; formula’. ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. (2). ‘Roots of EQ for Weyl Some notes on verso of BetlS—Bo2hy/ F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.218-B.222 ‘Exceptional Lie Groups'. (3)x Five folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. ' ' Ee: B:219-B. 221 "Eg at prime 5'. 1976-77 correspondence re Royal Society elections. Some notes on verso of 3 folders. "Collection of verifications on E7, E¢ '. ‘Spare material on exceptional lie groups’. B. 226-B. 232 Ke Z Ba226 ‘A bit about the exceptional ‘Work on Ext’. papers. Some notes on verso of ?Royal Society Includes 'Basic definitions', 27 May 1972, Ms drafts on Bass December 1978, January 1979. TEXt Ky (K)'. and ‘case of p odd', 28 May. Letter from Adams, 26 June 1979; lie group By? 16pp ms. ‘€mall subgroups of G, (and Fy Jia Bi225-B. 252 Ms notes. 5 folders. J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research ‘Note on G-cohomology'. Includes note from N Kuhn, April 1987. Ba1235, 8.256 "New drafts via Gen Homol'. 2 folders. Bo237,. Bbe235c ‘Products in Generalised Cohomology Theories’. 2 folders. B.239,B.240 ‘Geometry'. 2 folders. B.241,B.242 "yosé in Go'. Ms notes and calculations re the game of Go. 2 folders. ‘Work for Goto’. P C Greenlees, "Greenlees work'. ‘Thoughts on Greenlees problem'. and photocopies of work on 'False HP@'s' Includes ‘summary of progress' from J January 1983; February 1977. 3 folders. ‘Scraps of work with Haynes, on Burnside Ring Conj, 'H spaces & [? ]lie groups’. ‘New Hattori-Stong'. June-July '82'. B.249-B.251 ‘Homol. Alge.'. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.252-B. 254 ‘Work on using homology in Novikov Spectral Sequence’. Be252 "Care and Feeding of Comodules', C comodule over R, flat over R.' 14pp ms; 5Spp ms. ‘Data: Rering:: B.253,B.254 Ms notes. 2 folders. Bs255 Some notes on back of draft letter to T ‘Homotopy'. Physical Secretary of the Royal Society, October 1978. M Sugden, ‘Homotopy Theory'. Some notes on back of copies of letters to C W Wilkerson, 1977-78. letter from Comments on ms draft by Bs257 B. 264 B.258-B. 261 Ms notes. 4 folders. B.257-B. 261 ‘Jackowski'. E McClure ‘An approximation theorem for ‘Jackowski - McClure on BG'. S Jackowski and J classifying spaces of compact lie groups'. Adams's ‘Remarks on the draft “Families and completions in equivariant cohomology" by S Jackowski'; Jackowski enclosing revised draft, ?January 1984. 3 folders. Correspondence with D conjecture of Mahowald and Whitehead! ‘Johnstone problem'. Work re P T Johnstone. S Kahn re ‘line of attack on the B.264-B. 267 ‘Kahn thing'. B.265-B- 267 Ms notes. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B. 268-B. 270 ‘Work for [A] Kono'. 3 folders. CULE B.272-B.274 ‘New Lie Groups‘. 3 folders. Be275-B-278 “GLEN* . Four folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. Ms notes for ‘Chicago seminar'. "New work on Lin'. B.277,B.278 Ms notes. 2 folders. ‘Work for Chuck McGibbon'. ‘Work for Miss[C ] Luz’. ‘Bits about localisation & completion’. 3 folders. ‘Mislin localisation thing'. Correspondence with M E Mahowald, March-April B.284-B. 286 Ms notes. B.283-B.286 "Mahowald'. (35) B.283 F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.287,B.288 *‘Mahowald'. (2) B.287 Drafts by Mahowald: ‘The order of the image of the J-homomorphism', "Periodicity in the Adams Spectral Sequence’. ‘The order of the image of J', Ms notes. B.289-B. 292 ‘Mahowald'. (3) B.289 Ms draft 'On a result of Anderson" by Adams. B. 290-8 5292 Ms notes. 3 folders. "Modules'. lipp ms draft. 'MSp (new)'. B.299 B.294,B.295 "Exposé on Mark [Mahowald] on h leheare ds n notes on Mark [Mahowald], letters’. Some notes on back of corrected proof of ‘Vanishing theorems: 2 folders. ‘File On MSp'. "On the groups J(X)-1V' by Adams (, 1966). Seminar notes. B.299-B. 50) "Work on Non-abelian Homol. Algebra'. J F Adams (Supplement) “ NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.300,B. 301 2 folders. Ms notes. draft by Adams on wartime work of M for his Royal Society Memoir of Newman (, 1985). Some on back of incomplete ms A Newman, probably H B. 302-B. 304 Novikov: Liulevicius translation & work on him'. See also E.139, E.140 of the previous catalogue (NCUACS 26/2/91). Letters to A Liulevicius, January 1968. B.303,B. 304 Ms notes. 2 folders. B. 305-B. 308 ‘Novikov seminar: [? ], calculations’. 4 folders. BeSl6=B8. 321: G Quillen. Includes B 309-8; 3E3 5 folders. ‘PSU. 63) 2ecc ‘Periodicity'. ‘Quillen thing'. Notes on work of D ‘TD C ]Ravenel, BP, p-homotopy'. Six folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. "Ravenel'. ‘Notes on Ravenel & BP applied to p-homotopy'.. notes for ‘Seminar talk on BP-theory'. Basl7=B-329 "HTPY, CALCNS ‘3 3 folders. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research "Ravenel's notes, re Shen thing’. B. 322-B. 326 ‘RECTOR-LAM' . Five folders of Adams's so labelled as a group. Be322,B.3235 ‘Work on Rector'. Be S22 Correspondence with D Rector, October-November 1981. Ms notes. B. 324-B. 326 *LAM'. S P Lam was a Research Student of Adams's. ‘Algebras over the 3pp Letter to Lam, Steenrod Algebra', 19pp ms. 31 December 1981; ‘Work of Lam and Adams', 9pp ms by C Wilkerson, 11 April 1982; ‘Work of Wilkerson on "Work of Lam and Adams" ' photocopied ms by Adams, 19 April calculating Ext groups. Correspondence with Shen and S Oka, 1981-82, xe) Photocopi.ed. papers and corresvondence. ‘Sources on Serre Conj.' Br 329282332 SSHaN" ; BeoZ9 Ms notes. ‘Segal-Jackowski Conj.' F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.330-B. 332 Ms notes. 3 folders. B2333,B2334 ‘Larry Smith work’. 2 folders. Be 335 'a child's guide to Larry Smith's construction’. ‘Thoughts on Steinberg [?symmetry ] '. ‘Steinberg’. B.338-B. 341 "Sullivan (Work on Sullivan's cals)'. B. 338 Correspondence with D Sullivan and Brian [? B.339-B. 341 1Opp ms. ‘C B T [homas ] problem'. ‘TRANSFER’. 9pp ms. B.342-B. 344 Some notes on back of 3 folders. Some on back of Manchester 3 folders. ‘Symmetry thing'. Royal Society papers, 1976-78. Ms notes. University Department of Mathematics minutes, November 1970. 2 folders. PriaLity: of outer automorphisms', ‘Some precise details on the group z3 'Transfer and Dyer-Lashof structure'. ‘Work on Unstable Algebra'. B2349 782350 'G Walker'. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research Bo351, 8-392 "Study on Weyl groups’. 2 folders. B.353-B- 355 "Work on (Z, ym 3 folders. B. 356,B.357 ‘Work on[R S ]Zahler'. 2 folders. ‘Problems' Contents of Adams's folders so inscribed containing mathematical problems for research students and colleagues. BOTT: B. 362,B. 363 B. 364 1982. PLoS. 1965, 1968. B:359,B. 360 1974, 1976. 2 folders. 1978-79. 2 folders. "Problems from Chicago Easter 77'. ‘Current problems in homotopy theory’. 2 folders. 1986. Conference on Algebraic Topology, Arcata, California, 1986. Problems from participants at International B. 366-B. 368 1985. 3 folders. B25069,,B 2370 F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Research Nd. Topology Conference'; ‘Problems proposed at the Chicago Circle Algebraic "Problems for problem session'; etc. Miscellaneous "Work done in Chicago’. Chiefly re work of J P May. "Draft for Jeremy[?Gunwardena ]'. September 1979. 15pp research problem, "Notes on papers’. UMY Own <<). 4. B.375;, Bs 3:16 ‘Work for Nigel'. 2 folders. ‘Thoughts for Princeton’. "Suggs. for Further Work etc'. 2 folders. "Work in progress’. 20 February 1977. Includes 'False HP™'s',9pp ms, B.562758.5395 ‘Work! . J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Research B.384, B.385 'Scraps'. Includes 'A problem in homological algebra’ 9pp ms; notes for P T Johnstone. Ms notes. B. 386-B. 394 Untitled. 9 folders. F Adams (Supplement) J -NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION C LECTURES C. 709=C. 742 C.709=— Cis) Teaching C2718: —" C742 Conferences and seminars TEACHING C. 709-C. 714 ‘Eguivariant topology'. Lecture notes; examination questions. 6 folders. CliiS-CoTLy "Course on Exceptional Groups (Materials, preliminary sessions etc)'. divided into three for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes, examination questions. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Lectures CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS "Algebraic Topology Seminar'. Programmes of speakers and subjects for Departmental seminars, 1985-86. C.119-C, 721: ‘Proceedings of Monday seminar'. folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of Contents of Adams's reference. J Greenlees, D Carlisle. Lecture notes. C.923;,,C. 724 Programme for Departmental seminars on ‘Algebra over the Steenrod algebra', Lent Term 1986; Seminar by J commutes with suspension’ Adams's notes on ms note by Gunwardena 'T arising from the seminar. H Gunwardena; Adams's notes on seminars by K Schuch, A Cathcart, Adams's notes on seminars by D Carlisle, D Barden; typescript note by Barden 'The geometric parts of Haynes Miller's proof of the Sullivan conjecture' arising from the seminar. First lecture. Namboodiri Lectures, University of Chicago, latest reference 1985. ‘Bonn, Dynamics'. ' Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Lectures Second and third lectures. ‘Talk for Chicago'. Lecture notes. 'Generalisation of the Adams spectral sequence, I: The category of fractions associated with a homology theory'. Lecture notes. Lecture notes. CeI2E,65129 Notes for two lectures. Contents of 'Talk for Hull', latest reference 1966. ‘Seminar on Lannes'. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so "Lannes (Notes from Paris Meeting) '. Adams's folder so inscribed. Seminar'. Lecture notes, beginning 'I have been instructed ... present proofs of what I said in the Midwest Topology 'Talk for Notre Dame (Midwest Topology Seminar) '. C.732-C. 734 Contents of Adams's folder divided into three for ease of Ms notes. Lecture notes. reference. to F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Lectures Co 13940. 136 “Talk for: Oxford: ¢ Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Lecture notes on 'The theorem of Madsen, Snaith & Tornehave'. "Oxford: Talk! = Lecture notes. "Peaks, passes & pits Talk to Archimedeans'. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed. Lecture notes. C.739-C.741 'Talk on theorems of R M W Wood, H R Margolis, D W Anderson Lecture notes. and M E Mahowald'. Contents of Adams's folder. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Lecture notes. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.16° ~ D.108 Where applicable reference has been made to Adams's List of Publications (A.2) in the form Bibliog. no.... "Modules over the Steenrod algebra', with H Bibliog: no; .41:.,(1971):. R Margolis. 28pp typescript by Margolis; on the draft. letter from Adams commenting l5pp typescript by Adams. ‘Sub-Hopf-Algebras of the Steenrod algebra', with H (1974). R Margolis. ms and typescript D.23-D.26 14pp ms 'Notes for the Author' D-.248-D:26 Bibliog. lOpp photocopied ms by Margolis; 22pp ms by Adams. l5pp typescript; by Adams. ‘Geometric dimension of bundles over RP®'. no. 51. 7(1:974).< Correspondence from Margolis, 1972-73; drafts of 'Subalgebras of the mod 2 Steenrod algebra', probably earlier version of the paper. 4 folders. 1973-74, with C Luz, research student; ms notes. Material found with the preceding: correspondence, 23pp ms. l7pp typescript. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications D.27-D. 32 ‘Idempotent functors in homotopy theory'. (8975): Bibliog. no.52 12pp ‘OLD' ms; 18pp ms. llpp typescript. Ds 29-D- 32 Material. found with the preceding: ms notes. 4 folders. D253-D. 55 ‘Calculation of Lin's Ext groups', with W and M E Mahowald. Bibliog. no. 64 (1980). H Lin, D M Davis Correspondence with co-authors and Editor, 1979. Bibliog. no.45 68 and 69 (1982). proof with ms corrections. 34pp ms ‘Draft for Lin-Davis-Mahowald'. "Graeme Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture'. (1980) . See also Bibliog. nos. Book review of 'The classifying spaces for surgery and. cobordism of manifolds' Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society c.1980. Ms notes for talks on Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture found with preceding. by I Madsen and R J Milgram for 22pp ms; 18pp typescript. J F Adams (Supplement) _NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications *“Spin(8)j4. (1981). treiality, F, and all that’. Bibliog. no.67 2lpp photocopied ms. Material found with preceding: ms notes. 5 folders. ‘The case of an odd prime', in Bibliog. July 1982. Not listed 40pp ms. D.46-D.48 ‘Maps between classifying spaces. Bibliog. no.71 (1983) III', with Z Mahmud. 19pp typescript. De50, *Di5L Bibliog: no./2 (1984). ms notes. 6pp ms; 6pp ms ‘Amencaments'. ‘An exposition of Carlsson's proof’. Bibliog., latest bibliographical reference 1983. Not listed in Material found with preceding: Correspondence with Mahmud, 1980-81. 5ipp typescript + ms corrections. ‘Prerequisites (on equivariant stable homotopy) for Carlsson's lecture'. 28pp typescript. Later Craft, F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications D252=D.59 ‘The Segal conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups', with J H Gunwardena and H Miller. Bibliog~. no.76 (1985). Letters to Miller re collaboration, 1981. 29pp ms ‘Draft for H Miller', July 1981. ‘Jerusalem manifesto April '82 Gunwardena & Miller'; ‘Seminar from Jerusalem'. Draft for Adams Correspondence, 1982. 'Function-Object Draft July 7825. 2 folders. D- 59,7). 60 2 folders. H Miller, 9 June. D.62-D.65 129pp typescript. 4 folders. “Draft. Part I, .rebruary 1983. ‘Draft Part -IF‘, “March; 1983. Letters to J P May, 20 May 1984, Material found with preceding: 4 folders. 'The 6 8-dimensional relation in H* (BA(T ))'. Ms drafts: ‘2-tori in. Es), © ‘A start: on the iInvariant=Theory, - Correspondence with editors, 1984-86; '2-Tori in Exceptional Groups Draft 5', *2-tori in E,'- Bibliog. no.77 (1987). ms notes and drafts. - /0=D-72 310 D.66-D.69 24pp typescript. 28pp ms. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications J Hopkins'. ‘The work of M but submitted for publication in the ‘Proceedings of the Barcelona conference' catalogue) . (see C.603-C.605 of the previous Not listed in Bibliog. Letter from editor with referee's report, 15 May 1987; 1l2pp typescript. ‘A generalisation of the Segal conjecture', with J-P Haeberly, S Jackowski and J Bibliog. no. 78 (1988). P May. Ms draft, August 1984, with covering letters to co-authors. D.75,D. 76 Ms draft, December 1984, with covering letters to co-authors. 2 folders. introduction. to co-authors. 2 folders. draft; Bt, vuly 1985. Includes Jackowski's draft Correspondence, March 1985. Ms draft 'A', c. July 1985, with covering letter and Notes draft 'C', August 1985, with covering letters to co-authors. September-November 1985. Ms draft 'D', September 1985, with covering letter to co-authors. and other drafts from co-authors, 2 folders. 2folders. Comments on 'D' F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications Letters to co-authors, January 1986, re draft 'F' (not surviving). Comments on further generalisation of the Segal conjecture' by from co-authors, January-March; 'F' ‘A J P May. 39pp typescript; letter from Topology, 13 May 1986. D2b0-).95 Material found with preceding: of drafts. 5 folders. ms notes and pages D.94, D.95 Opp typescript. l16pp photocopied D-96,,,D-97 with N J Kuhn. Bibliog. ‘Atomic spaces and spectra’, no.80 (1989). Correspondence from May, March-April 1985; ms (by May), ‘Revised March 27, 1985'. Correspondence with Kuhn and Editor, 1987-88; "Note on atomic spectra', 'A generalisation of the Atiyah-Segal completion theorem', with Haeberly, Jackowski and May. Bibliog:: no. 79.-(1989):. 6pp typescript. ‘Maps between p-completed classifying spaces', with Z Wojtkowiak. 13pp ms with corrections; Letter to Wojtkowiak, 14 April 1988; ms note. Bibliog. no.81 (1989). 19 June 1987. 5pp ms lOpp typescript. Opp ms; F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Publications ‘An Inquiry into some work of William M Singer'. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. 15pp ms 'OLD';12pp ms 'NEW'. "On Wente's surface’. Nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 1Opp ms. D.102-D.104 ‘pratt: Ths divided into three for ease of reference. Nd. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes. "pratt 35 divided into four for ease of reference. Contents of Adams's folder so inscribed Ms notes. D.105-D. 108 Nd. F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.300-E. 319 Bousfield, AK Carlsson, G 1979,1984 1982, nd Includes 6pp ms note by Adams 'On your paper about the Segal conjecture'. Drensky, V S Friedlander, EM Goddard, P Classification of G-bundles Hikida, M Resolution of Ky (S)) < Jackowski, S Kropholler, P H 1987-88 ‘Invariants of some classical finite groups over GF(2)' by Kropholler and D P Carlisle, December 1987, sent to Adams for comment, with Adams's comments thereon. See also B.19-B.32 of the previous catalogue. comment. 1985 November—December, 1986. "Two theorems of J Lannes' by Adams, sent to Lannes for Includes 22pp ms draft B2306 ,Ba307 Lannes, J E. 306 1985 September. 1985-86 F Adams (Supplement) J "NCUACS 34/2/92 Correspondence Lees, Nd Includes 8pp ms draft 'On Lees' problem' by Adams. Leruste, C 1975 Liulevicius, A Lusztig, G Mahowald, M E May, J P Smuth;,: 5 EB. 312,56. 383 Priddy, S B 1973 January - July August - November Representation theory Re visit to Cambridge, September 1973-August 1974. Priddy of Northwestern University, Illinois, was Senior Visiting Fellow in Adams's Department. Snaith;:V 2 Convergence of spectral sequences Samelson, H F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Correspondence Tangora, MC Tits, J Lie groups Topology 31677 bs 317 Zahler, RS 1972-73 Papers sent to Adams for comment 1972 Zarati; Ss First names only 1968,1974,1976,1982 F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AGUADE, J 0.93 ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) B.219,B.344 BARTLETT, Maurice Stevenson BATCHELOR, George Keith BAUER, Heinz BLACKWELL, David BONDI, Sir Hermann BOUSFIELD, A K 'Peter' BURKILL, John Charles B.219,B.386 B.219,B. 386 CARLSSON, Gunnar CHADWICK, Peter Dao E.301 B.219 DALITZ, Richard Henry CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY DYSON, Freeman John DAVIS, Donald Miller DOMB, Cyril DRENSKY, Vesselin S J F Adams (Supplement) NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY ERDELYI, Arthur FRIEDLANDER, Eric M GODDARD, Peter GOLD, Thomas GRAUERT, H GUNWARDENA, Jeremy H HIKIDA, Mizuko HOWARTH, Leslie HOWIE, John M JACKOWSKI, Stefan E303 B. 386 B.20 HAEBERLY, Jean-Pierre Di-74 De 767D.79',D.82 D.84-D. 87 KAHN, Daniel Stephen B.257,D.74,D. 76,D-79 D.82,D.84-D.87,E. 304 JAMES, Gordon D Bs302 F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents KAPLANSKY, Irving KARLIN, Samuel B.219 BL 229 KEMMER, Nicholas B.219,B.344 KENDALL, David George B.219 KUHN, Nicholas J B.234,D.96 LAM, S P LANNES, Jean LEES, B.324 E.300,E.306,E. 307 E.308 LEHMANN, Erich LEYTEM, Charles LUSZTIG, George B.302,E. 309 B.280, D.23 LUZ, Clothilde B.219 E. 309 B. 363 Do33 LIN Wen-Hsiung LIULEVICIUS, Arunas LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur LERUSTE, Christian B.2057D2 55,8. SLL MAHOWALD, Mark Edward E310 B.343 B.219 MAHLER, Kurt F Adams (Supplement) J NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents MANSFIELD, Eric MARGOLIS, Harvey Robert B.344 D.18,E.315 MAUNDER, Charles Richard Francis A.20 MAY, J Peter B.360,D.61,D.74,D.76 D.79,D.82,D.84-D.87, E.311 MILLER, Haynes Robert D252 ,D-95,D.58,D-.59 D.61 MORAN, Patrick Alfred Pierce B.343 NORTHCOTT, Douglas G B. 344 B.219,B.344 OFFORD, Cyril OKA, Shichird NEUMAN, Bernhard Hermann E-312,82312 PRIDDY, Stewart Beauregard B.219,B.344 B. 344 PEARSON, Egon PHILLIPS, Owen Martin QUILLEN, Daniel Gray F Zdams (Supplement) 3 NCUACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents RECTOR, David ROSENBROCK, Howard Harry ROTH, Klaus Friedrich RUBINSTEIN, Richard SCHUCH, Klaus SEGAL, Graeme Bryce SERRE, Jean-Pierre E. 307 D.74,D.88 B.219 SHEN Xin-yao SMITH, Larry B.329 E.314 E.314 SULLIVAN, Dennis Be338 STONG, Robert E SNATTH,: Victor 2 B.344 B.200 STEWARTSON, Keith B.219 B.255 STUART, John Trevor SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris TAYLOR, John Bryan TANGORA, Martin Charles F Adams (Supplement) J NcuACS 34/2/92 Index of correspondents TITS, Jacques TOPOLOGY B.3L5 D.88,E.315 URSELL, Fritz Joseph B.219,B.344 WALL, Charles Terence Clegg WALLER, Derek A WHITEHEAD, John Henry Constantine See A.20 WILKERSON, Clarence W B.356 WYLIE, Shaun YATES, Frank ZARATI, S Bs 219 B.366 A.20 WOOD, Reg M W ZAHLER, Raphael S WILKES, Maurice Vincent E.318 E.316,E. 317