ABRAHAM, Edward Penley Vol2 v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Edward Penley Abraham FRS (1913 - 1999) VOLUME Il Section E: Lectures and broadcasts Section H: Correspondence Section J: Non-text material Index of correspondents Section F: Visits and conferences Section G: Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 103/2/02 by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SECTION E LECTURES AND BROADCASTS E.1-E.52 LECTURES E.53-E.63 BROADCASTS E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts LECTURES 1942-1993, n.d. E.1-E.22 Lectures associated with teaching E.23-E.52 Public lectures For further papers relating to lectures see Section F. Lectures associated with teaching 1942-1973, n.d. Lectures on pathology given by Abraham at the University of Oxford. Copies of lecture or course handouts for students, 1942-1951, n.d. 2 folders. Contents of 2 files inscribed ‘Lectures — School of Pathology’. Lectures by Abraham to students at the Oxford University Department of Pharmacology from 1957 or earlier. Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts for various lectures, ca 1957-ca 1971, n.d. Most sets of notes have titles. At E.3 are a page inscribed ‘1957’ and three sets of notes which appear to relate to a card containing a list of lecture titles dated 1962. A few photographs are included at E.4. 1971 New Class Sheets’. 3 folders. Letters (invitations and acceptance) re proposed lectures by Abraham in early 1970 and early 1971. Typescript entitled ‘Haemostasis and Thrombosis’, inscribed ‘Pathology E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts Re-prints of various lectures and papers by Abraham, 1958-1966, n.d. Found with the material in E.3-E.5 and apparently unrelated to it. ‘Lectures on General Pathology’, contents of hard-back binder. by Abraham, many with Copies of typescripts of lectures, most, or all, manuscript revisions. A number of the lecture titles correspond to those of some pages of notes and drafts in E.3-E.5. Some of the texts include inserted pages of manuscript notes. First page (list of contents) inscribed as above. Most of the material shows continuous pagination (with gaps) and division into chapters, indicating that many or all the lectures formed part of a publication. 12 folders. Hardback notebook containing notes for various lectures, n.d. University of Bath seminars, 1970-1973. Abraham spoke at seminars for staff and research students. E.23-E.52 Public lectures ca 1960-1993, n.d. Inscribed ‘E.P Abraham Sir William Dunn School of Pathology Oxford’ inside cover. Correspondence re arrangements for 3 seminar talks in 1970, 1972 and 1973. Penicillins and Cephalosporins’. Arranged chronologically, though some miscellaneous material at E.37-E.45 has not been incorporated into the chronological sequence. Material relating to undated lectures is at E.46-E.51. Invitations declined are at E.52. First ‘ONR’ Lecture (banquet speech) by Abraham at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, 19-24 August 1973. E.23-E.25 The title of the speech was ‘Some Aspects of the Development of the E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts Correspondence re arrangements and arising, May-February 1974. 29pp typescript draft of lecture with manuscript revisions; 22pp copy of typescript of the lecture. The lecture was published in Developments in Industrial Microbiology Volume 15. Copy of Society of Industrial Microbiology Newsletter, July 1973, containing programme etc for the Annual Meeting 1973 and a short biography of Abraham; a few miscellaneous papers found with the material relating to the ‘ONR Lecture’. E.26-E.28 Lecture by Abraham given at the Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany, 4 June 1982. The lecture was within the framework of the University’s research branch ‘Structure, Function and Biosynthesis of Peptides and Proteins’. Other correspondence Technische Universitat, January-November 1982. arising Abraham’s from Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising, March-June 1982. 18pp typescript draft of lecture, with manuscript corrections, headed ‘Berlin’; 2pp of typescript and manuscript notes. as slides. 2pp incomplete manuscript draft with revisions; 1p manuscript draft entitled ‘Slides’ and typescript pages for use Correspondence re arrangements and arising, July 1982-May 1983. Squibb lecture, University of Nottingham, 12 May 1983. ‘The Cephalosporins — origins and future’. association with the of Abraham’s lecture so entitled, E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts E.31-E.33 Lecture by Abraham given at the Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany, 24 June 1983. The lecture was in the framework of the University’s research branch ‘Structure, Function and Biosynthesis of Peptides and Proteins’. Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising, March-November 1983. 20pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 15pp typescript revised version with manuscript annotations and 1p manuscript list of slides. 19pp manuscript notes with copies of figures, probably related to the drafts described in E.32. Talk given to the Southampton Medical Society, (arranged for) 2 October 1991. the origins and developments of penicillins and The lecture was on cephalosporins. Correspondence re invitation and arrangements, February-July 1991. Correspondence re arrangements and arising, October 1992-April 1993. Lecture given at the National Portrait Gallery: ‘Alexander Fleming and his Remarkable Discoveries’, 31 March 1993. Included is correspondence etc (found with the above correspondence) re a proposed Fleming Museum in St Mary’s Hospital, October 1992-February 1993. Contents of a file entitled ‘Miscellaneous lectures’. E.37-E.45 draft 12pp incomplete manuscript draft with revisions; incomplete typescript draft with and photocopied material used as slides. manuscript typescript revisions; revised prints with E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts 20pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, entitled ‘Mode of Action of Antibiotics’; headed ‘Canberra’; 19pp copy of a typescript entitled ‘The Impact of Antibiotics on Medicine’; revised version of the latter, probably for publication. manuscript typescript revisions, draft, with 9pp file inscribed ‘Lectures — Australia’. From a The lectures were probably given at the International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Australia, 15-25 August 1960 (see F.2). ‘Some Aspects of Resistance to Antibiotics’, given at a seminar on infectious disease organised by the Oxford Regional Committee for Postgraduate Medical Education and Training, 16 February 1971. Correspondence re arrangements, August-November 1970; 6pp manuscript notes for lecture; 17pp typescript draft of lecture, with manuscript revisions, and 4 typescript pages (probably used for slides). incomplete 3pp headed ‘Orthopaedic Centre March 1st 1975 and 3pp manuscript notes for the remainder of the lecture. manuscript typescript revisions, draft, with 12pp copy of typescript of the lecture; programme etc. ‘Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: A Brief Modern History’, lecture given at the 9th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Royal Albert Hall, London, 13-19 July 1975. 25pp typescript of lecture entitled ‘The Cephalosporins’, inscribed ‘History of Science April 1976’, with 1p manuscript list of slides; 3pp typescript notes for the lecture with manuscript annotations. photographs, for unidentified lectures, n.d. 21pp copy of typescript of lecture entitled ‘Cephalosporin’, inscribed ’50th Anniversary April 1977, with 2pp typescript of speech introducing Abraham. 7pp Contributions to Antibiotics and Progress in Chemotherapy’, n.d. manuscript Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and lists of slides etc, with 2 ‘Some British typescript revisions entitled draft with E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts Miscellaneous correspondence, mostly re arrangements and arising, relating to various lectures, 1960-1985; typescript of article entitled ‘The Penicillin Nucleus’ and ‘inscribed 14 March 1959’, with letter re its publication in the British Medical Journal, 1959 (found with the other material in this folder). E.46-E.51 Undated lectures. E.46 Contents of a file entitled ‘Lectures — Biochemistry’. Manuscript notes for Proteins’ and ‘Hypertension’. N.d. 2 lectures entitled ‘Sequence of Amino Acids in ‘The Chemistry of the Penicillins’. 24pp copy of typescript so entitled with manuscript diagrams, n.d. E.48-E.51 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Ceph-Pen structures photographs’, n.d. 3 folders. Invitations declined, 1988, 1991. E.48 E.53 E.49-E.51 Figures for slides etc (mostly photographs). Incomplete untitled 11pp manuscript draft with 4pp manuscript diagrams and notes; incomplete untitled 8pp manuscript draft. 1963. BBC interview (Abraham and Guy Newton) on the subject of Cephalosporin for a television programme. Correspondence re arrangements and arising, November 1962-January E.53-E.60 Contents of a file inscribed ‘BBC’. E.53-E.63 BROADCASTS 1962-1991, n.d. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts 4pp copy of transcription (probably incomplete) of monologue by Abraham on Howard Florey radio programme, 17 December 1968. the development of penicillin from and a Correspondence re Abraham's assistance in research for University chemistry programme, June 1977. a BBC Open ‘Antibiotics — a Failing Weapon?’, BBC World Service, 21 September 1977. Abraham spoke about Brétzu’s discovery of cephalosporium. 10pp typescript of programme script and copy of contract. Correspondence re a proposed BBC radio programme on the discovery penicillin. October 1979. ‘Breakthrough’ No.4: Howard Florey, broadcast in 1983. ‘The Mould, the Myth and the draft script Letters re Abraham’s contribution to the programme, 1985, 1986. Horizon documentary about penicillin: Microbe’, 27 January 1986. Brief correspondence re preparation and arising and with manuscript revisions and annotations by Abraham, August-December 1982. A film in a documentary series on great medical figures. Abraham made a brief (non-speaking) appearance in the film and assisted in checking the script and in filming at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. introduction to it. ‘The Cephalosporins’, an educational film apparently made by E.R. Squibb & Sons Ltd to increase understanding of the cephalosporin group of antibiotics. Abraham assisted in the making of the film and contributed a historical Letters in connection with an interview Abraham gave to Radio Oxford, n.d. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Lectures and broadcasts Correspondence re preparations and arising, with 2 typescript draft scripts of Abraham’s introduction and amended version. November 1974-January 1975. 2pp typescript draft script of preamble (introducing Abraham); 14pp copy of typescript programme script with manuscript revisions by Abraham. Brief correspondence re arrangements for an interview which Abraham agreed to give to Fulcrum Productions Ltd, April, May 1991. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES The material covers the period 1955-1995 and is arranged chronologically. Papers relating to undated and unidentified visits are at F.88, F.89. See Section H for substantial further material relating to visits and conferences. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences 3éme Congrés International de Biochimie, Brussels, Belgium, 1-6 August 1955. Abraham, with I.M. Lockhart gave a lecture ‘Hydrogenolysis of bacitracin’ and, with Guy Newton, ‘Antibacterial peptides related to penicillin’. Copy of printed ‘Résumés des Communications’ (abstracts of the lectures). International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, Australia, 15-25 August 1960. The symposium was organised by the Australian Academy of Science and held under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry lecture ‘Degradation of cephalosporin C’. Abraham, (IUPAC). Newton, gave Guy with a Copy of Symposium Handbook interleaved with pages of rough manuscript notes, some in Abraham's hand; copy of book of Abstracts of Papers, on by 2pp of which (including Abraham; 2 loose pages of manuscript notes. are manuscript notes inside back cover) See E.37, H.335-H.340 for related material. Studies on Microbiological See also H.451, H.452. Cephaloridine Conference, New College Oxford, 13-16 March 1967. lecture ‘Biochemical and Abraham gave a Derivatives of 7-Amino-cephalosporanic Acid’. Programme with manuscript notes by Abraham on a number of pages; letter arising, July 1962. Conference (Gordon research Conference) on Medicinal Chemistry, Colby Junior College, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 30 July-3 August 1962. typescript of Guy Newton’s speech from the same session. The conference was arranged jointly by the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine and Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. Abraham chaired one session for which he gave a short introductory speech. re arrangements, with programmes; 1p Letter of Abraham's speech entitled ‘Cephaloridine — Historical Remarks’; 1p copy of copy of typescript E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Visit to the USA, April 1967. Abraham was invited to give lectures at the University of Wisconsin (one of a series of Rennebohm Lectures) and at a ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins’ symposium held during the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Las Vegas. The papers described below were the contents of a single file. Rennebohm Lecture by Abraham, University of Wisconsin, 6 April 1967. The title of the lecture was ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins — their chemistry in relation to biological activity’. Correspondence re arrangements for Abraham’s visit to the USA and for his lecture University of Wisconsin, December 1966-March 1967; programme for Rennebohm Lectures. the at 39pp copy of typescript of lecture, with corrections and additions, and 1p manuscript figures. ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins’ symposium, Las Vegas, 9-14 April 1967. Correspondence etc re invitation and arrangements, December 1965-March 1967. 3pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections, of abstract of Abraham’s lecture. The title of Abraham’s lecture was ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins — their chemistry in relation to biological properties’. probably for a lecture (or lectures), one page entitled ‘Chicago’. Miscellaneous F.2-F.6, apparently with organisations in the USA, August 1966-April 1967; 2pp manuscript notes Correspondence arising from the two lectures and from the visit to the USA in general, November 1966-September 1967. found with described the USA visit: correspondence, papers the in mostly material unrelated to E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences F.11-F.15 5th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Vienna, 26 June-1 July 1967. Abraham delivered Antibiotics’. a lecture ‘Synthesis and Semisynthesis of Some Correspondence re arrangements, with conference programme, October 1966-June 1967. Correspondence arising, May 1967-April 1968. 2 folders. 16pp manuscript draft of lecture, with corrections; 13pp corrected typescript version with manuscript annotations. F.16-F.21 F.16-F.18 to, the drafts Manuscript notes and typescript lists of ‘technical terms’, found with, and probably relating Fifth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy and IVth International Congress of Chemotherapy, 1965, attended by Abraham; programme and other printed material, annotated by Abraham, from the Sixth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1966 which he does not appear to have attended. F.14; programme from the in Conference _Interscience Visit to the USA, October 1967. This material was found with the papers in F.11-F.14. Abraham delivered lectures at the annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and at the Seventh on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, both in Chicago. 1967. Correspondence etc re arrangements for the USA trip and for Abraham’s participation at the meeting, with preliminary programme, May-October Annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 23 and 24 October 1967. A provisional title Cephalosporinases’ in the preliminary programme at F.16. for Abraham’s lecture is given as ‘Penicillinases and E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 F.19-F.21 Visits and conferences Correspondence arising, November 1967-January 1968. typescript 19pp corrections and revisions. draft of lecture, headed ‘Chicago’, with manuscript Seventh Chemotherapy, Chicago, 25-27 October 1967. Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Abraham, with Guy Newton and S. Kuwabara, lectured on ‘Preliminary observations of “Cephalosporoic acids” and their derivatives’. spontaneous breakdown formation and the on Correspondence re arrangements, with programme etc, May 1967. Correspondence arising, 1967. Included is a letter, 1969, found with the material relating to this conference. workers in industry research F.22-F.25 Gregynog Natural Products Symposia, 1969-1975. Abraham participated in the 1973 and 1975 symposia. Printed booklet of abstracts of the papers presented at the conference. The papers described in these folders were the contents of an original file inscribed ‘Gregynog’. The purpose of the symposia, held in Gregynog Hall, Wales, was to facilitate communication between and academic institutions. In 1971 the event was re-named ‘European Symposium on Bio- Organic Chemistry’. bibliography, found with the correspondence in this folder. Abraham agreed to participate in the event and partly prepared a lecture, but found he was unable to attend due to a mix-up in his diary. Correspondence re arrangements etc, with preliminary programme, July 1969-April 1970. Included are a re-print of a paper co-authored by Abraham and a typescript Invitation to the 1970 Gregynog Symposium. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences ‘Biosynthesis of Some Peptide Antibiotics’. 35pp typescript draft so manuscript corrections, and accompanying figures, tables etc. of Abraham’s intended lecture entitled, with European on_ Chemistry’, 18-21 May 1973. Symposium Bio-Organic Chemistry: ‘Microbiological Abraham delivered a lecture on ‘Aspects of the Biosynthesis of Penicillin and Cephalosporin’. Correspondence re arrangements, with programme etc, October 1972-April 1973. European Symposium on Biotransformation’, 16-19 May 1975. Bio-Organic Chemistry: ‘Biosynthesis and Abraham chaired one of the lecture sessions. Correspondence re arrangements and December 1974-June 1975. arising, with programme etc, lecture in a session on F.26-F.31 invited to give the opening Abraham was cephalosporins. Correspondence re arrangements, with programme, December 1969-April 1970. 8th [Italian] National Congress of Chemotherapy held by the Societa Italiana di Chemioterapia (Italian Society of Chemotherapy), Sardinia, 8-[?9 or 10] May 1970. 19pp typescript of the lecture with manuscript editing (for publication). ‘Reflections on the Development of the Cephalosporins’, Abraham’s lecture, published (after editing) in Giornale Italiano di Chemioterapia. 12pp typescript draft, with corrections and revisions; copy of typescript of the lecture in Italian. Correspondence arising, May-July 1970. F.28-F.31 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Copy of typescript of edited version with related photographs of chemical structures; copy of enclosing letter by Abraham, May 1970. Copy of galley proof with enclosing letter to Abraham, 1971. Symposium on Antibiotics, Quebec, Canada, 1-3 March 1971. Organised by The Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada. Programme Cephalosporins‘. listing Abraham as a _ lecturer on ‘Penicillins and See H.351, H.352 for further papers concerning the symposium. F.33-F.36 FEBS Special Meeting on Industrial Aspects of Biochemistry, Dublin, 15-19 April 1973. Abraham delivered a lecture at the symposium on ‘Biological Syntheses’. Correspondence re arrangements and arising, with programme etc, August 1972-July 1973. This appears to be a draft of the published version of the lecture with which F.34-F.36 ‘Studies on the Biosynthesis of Penicillins and Cephalosporins’. Abraham’s lecture, subsequently published in a ‘volume’ on the Symposium. 2pp copy of typescript abstract of lecture with copy of enclosing letter by Abraham, January 1973; published volume of abstracts of lectures given at the conference. Abraham required the help of a colleague due to lack of time. 20pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections and revisions, entitled ‘Penicillins, Cephalosporins and the Biosynthesis of Peptide Antibiotics by Fungi’, by Abraham and Patricia Fawcett. 11pp incomplete typescript draft of lecture, with manuscript corrections; draft figures (for ?slides) and manuscript bibliography. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Penicillinase Workshop, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 16-18 April 1975. Abraham introduced and chaired a panel discussion. Correspondence re arrangements, with programme, March 1975. On the back of one letter (12 March) are rough manuscript notes by Abraham relating to topics and other speakers. F.38-F.41 5th FEMS Symposium, Basel, Switzerland, 14-16 September 1977. Abraham Biochemistry of Beta-lactam Antibiotics’. lecture gave on a ‘Developments in the Chemistry and Correspondence re arrangements February-August 1977. and arising, with programme etc, 2 folders. of with 2pp lecture Correspondence re proof, manuscript notes and copies of figures (for ?slides). March-May 1978. publication corrected 28pp copy of typescript of Abraham’s lecture with manuscript corrections and revisions; copies of bibliography and figures (for ?slides). The lecture was published in Metabolites) containing the contributions made at the symposium. a book (Antibiotics and Other Secondary ‘Future Prospects and Past Problems in Antimicrobial Therapy: the Role of Cefoxitin’, Harvard Club of Boston, USA, 24 and 25 May 1978. moderator. Table Rondes Roussel Uclaf: ‘Mode of Action of Beta-Lactams’, Paris, 6 and 7 December 1979. Programme listing Abraham as an invited speaker. See H.465 for further papers re this conference. the Roussel Uclaf Group. Organised by Abraham participated as a E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Correspondence re arrangements, with list 1978-November 1979. of participants etc, December Correspondence with individuals at Division Scientifique Roussel Uclaf and Roussel Laboratories re various matters, one letter arising from the above conference, October 1979-July 1980. Found with the material in F.43. F.45-F.51 International Symposium on B-lactam Antibiotics: ‘Mode of Action, New Developments and Future Prospects’, New York University Post-Graduate Medical School, 29 September-2 October 1980. ‘Launching the Antibiotic Era: Personal Accounts of the Discovery and Use of the First Antibiotics’, a symposium held at the Rockefeller University, New York, on 23 October 1989. The papers relating to these two symposia were originally the contents of a file inscribed ‘Rockerfeller University / New York’. F.45-F.47 Correspondence September 1980. re arrangements, with programme etc, February- International Symposium on B-lactam Antibiotics, 1980. 1p manuscript notes for lecture; 13pp typescript of lecture with manuscript revisions (probably for publication). Abraham gave a lecture entitled ‘Discovery, Chemistry and Antibacterial Properties of Cephalosporins’. publication Launching the Antibiotic Era, New York 1990. The symposium was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of Gramicidin by René Dubos. Abraham gave a lecture entitled ‘Oxford, Howard Florey and World War II’. Abraham’s lecture and the contributions by other speakers appeared in a subsequent Rockefeller University Press 15pp copy of typescript of ?7published version of lecture. Symposium ‘Launching the Antibiotic Era’, 1989. F.48-F.51 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Correspondence re arrangements, with programme, March-October 1989. with 1p manuscript notes for manuscript corrections; 15pp typescript of expanded version; off-print of the published lecture. 12pp typescript draft lecture; lecture of Correspondence, mostly re publication, 1989-January 1991. Rockefeller Copy of the symposium and some of the participants (including Abraham); copies of printed literature providing general background to the symposium. Newsletter University including about note 21st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Chicago, USA, 4-6 November 1981. The subject of the conference was biosynthesis of B-lactam antibiotics. Abraham gave a the Biosynthesis of Cephalosporin C’. lecture probably entitled ‘Enzymes Involved in First ASEAN Workshop on to utilization of food waste materials’, Kuala Lumpur 22-24 February 1982. ‘Fermentation Technology applied Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising, April-October 1981. 7pp typescript of lecture, with manuscript corrections, entitled as above and inscribed ‘Written from memory after the Chicago meeting’ on front page; 8pp typescript of the same with extensive manuscript revisions (probably for publication), the original title being altered to ‘An Outline Biosynthesis of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics’. See H.424-H.426 for related material. 2 lectures given by Abraham entitled ‘B-lactam 6pp typescript copies of Antibiotics — an Outline’ and ‘Biosynthesis of B-lactam Antibiotics — an Outline’. the E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences F.54-F.57 International 13th September 1983. Congress of Chemotherapy, Vienna, 28 August-2 At the conference Abraham was presented with the Hamao Umezawa Award for Chemotherapy by the International Society of Chemotherapy and gave an Award Lecture entitled ‘Aspects of the Biosynthesis of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics’. Correspondence re arrangements, February-August 1983. a 6pp copy of typescript of Award Lecture, with brief manuscript annotations, and 14pp manuscript draft, with revisions, of unidentified lecture (on the biosynthesis of B-lactam antibiotics) headed ‘Vienna’. manuscript and typescript possibly related; notes, few Copies of 2 printed ‘Proceedings’ of sections of the conference, one co- edited by Abraham; printed news bulletin on the congress. Found with the material in F.54-F.56. 12:56; 42.09 Correspondence re arrangements, July-September 1983. Correspondence with individuals in Austria and West Germany re various matters, mostly unconnected with the congress 1982-1985. Held to commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the founding of E.R. Squibb & Sons Inc. Meeting organised by E.R. Squibb & Sons Inc.: ‘Therapeutics for a Changing World’, Princeton University, 27 September 1983. and Genetics of Antibiotic Producing Organisms’. 9pp untitled manuscript draft of lecture with revisions; first page of another manuscript draft of the same; 1p manuscript notes and 5pp annotated typescript information for lecture. 607th Meeting of the Biochemical Society, Polytechnic of Central London, 19-21 December 1983. Abraham gave a lecture at a colloquium on ‘Advances in the Biochemistry E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences Correspondence re arrangements, with typescript summary of Abraham’s lecture and provisional programme, November 1982-November 1983. 1p manuscript notes for the lecture; correspondence re publication, June- September 1984; 8pp copy of typescript published version of the lecture entitled ‘Aspects of with bibliography and figures for slides. the Biosynthesis of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics’, F.62-F.67 Visit to India, January 1985. The principal reason for Abraham’s visit was to participate in the Asian Congress of Pharmacology, New Delhi, 14-19 January 1985. After the congress he visited the Indian Institute of Technology, Ciba Geigy Research Centre, (Bombay), Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd and the National Chemical Laboratory (Poona), the Indian Food and Technology Research Institute (Mysore). He gave a total of five seminars. of Fundamental Research of Sciences (Bangalore), Institute Institute Central Tata and and the the A photograph taken during this visit is at J.24. 2 folders. F.65-F.67 itineraries etc, February 1984- Correspondence re arrangements, with January 1985. Correspondence etc arising, February-March 1985. ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins and Antibiotics of the future’. Lecture given by Abraham at the Asian Congress of Pharmacology. elsewhere, probably for this lecture (one page is headed ‘New Delhi’). 23pp copy of revised version with copies of material for slides; 3 additional typescript pages, possibly part of the final text. 21pp typescript draft of lecture, with corrections and revisions, and related tables and information. Copy of printed abstract of the lecture, with possible manuscript draft of the same; 8pp manuscript notes and draft slides; manuscript notes found E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences F.68-F.71 Hoechst Workshop Conference on ‘Regulation of Secondary Metabolite Formation’, Schloss Gracht, Germany, 12-16 May 1985. Abraham gave a lecture ‘Enzymes Involved in Penicillin and Cephalosporin Formation’. Correspondence re arrangements, with 2 annotated copies of programme, March 1984-May 1985. Correspondence arising; brief correspondence with German scientists re various matters. April-October 1985. 3pp incomplete manuscript draft of Abraham’s lecture with revisions; 14pp typescript of the lecture with additional pages of bibliographic references for possible publication. Typescript abstract of lecture with copy of earlier or expanded version; figures (for ?slides accompanying lecture). F.72-F.74 17th FEBS Meeting, West Berlin, 24-29 August 1986. Abraham gave a lecture entitled ‘Beta lactamases’ at one of the Meeting’s symposia. Correspondence re arrangements and arising, November 1985-October 1986. Abraham. 1p manuscript draft outline of lecture; 18pp copy of typescript of lecture, with manuscript corrections; additional typescript pages and figures (for ?slides). 1p typescript entitled ‘Abstract’; manuscript notes for lecture; miscellaneous papers, probably relating to the lecture, including re-print of earlier article by E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 F.75-F.81 Visits and conferences ‘50 Years of Penicillin Application’, a Symposium in Honour of Abraham organized 9-12 September 1990. Technische Universitat Berlin, Berlin, West the by Abraham gave a lecture entitled ‘From Penicillins to Cephalosporins’. See J.28 for photographs taken at the event. Correspondence re arrangements, with programme, and correspondence arising, October 1989-December 1990. 2 folders. F.77-F.81 Abrahams lecture: ‘From Penicillins to Cephalosporins’. The lecture was published in History and Trends (Technische Universitat Berlin). a book 50 Years of Penicillin Application — 2pp manuscript and 1p typescript notes; 6pp and 2pp incomplete manuscript drafts manuscript corrections and 1p manuscript list of references; 11pp typescript final version (for publication). typescript revisions; version 10pp later with with and version 3 folders. F.79-F.81 publication Figures for slides. with expanded typescript Correspondence re corrected proofs, 1991-1994. Penicillin Symposium, University of Oxford, 28 September 1990. 1990. The event was held to mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of the paper on in the Lancet which described animal experiments. Abraham gave Beta-lactam F lecture descendants: chance, motivation and personalities’. Correspondence etc re arrangements, with 1 letter arising, January-October See J.40 for a videotape of this event, including Abraham’s lecture. penicillin a ‘Penicillin entitled and its E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Visits and conferences 1p typescript notes for Abraham’s lecture; 1p typescript entitled ‘Extract from the Will of Sir William Dunn’. Science and Medicine Conference, Royal College of Physicians, London, 6 and 7 November 1991. Abraham gave a lecture entitled ‘Overview: past history of penicillins and cephalosporins’. Correspondence re arrangements, with programme, and correspondence arising, March-November 1991. 18pp typescript draft of lecture, with manuscript corrections and revisions, and drafts for accompanying slides. ‘Phenoxymethylpenicillin amidohydrolase from penicillium chrysogenum’. Typescript drafts of corrections, [?1995]. a lecture so entitled, with manuscript revisions and draft 9pp manuscript corrections, inscribed ‘2nd Draft — reversibility - 6-APA?’. manuscript revisions, inscribed Draft’; with ist with draft F.88, F.89 3 further drafts one entitled ‘4th Draft Oct 1995’, with manuscript notes written to Abraham by another. Inscriptions on the drafts in F.86 indicate that the lecture was intended for a FEBS meeting. One page is headed ‘New Delhi’, another ‘Biosynthesis’. Manuscript notes by Abraham for a lecture or lectures, n.d. 1 page of a manuscript draft of an unidentified lecture, n.d. Undated and unidentified visits. F.88 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.5 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES G.6-G.20 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY G.21-G.28 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY G.27-G.29 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE G.30-G.32 BRITISH COUNCIL G.33-G.39 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY G.40-G.44 CHEMICAL SOCIETY G.48-G.57 G.74-G.78 G.79-G.81 G.82-G.90 G.45-G.47 CIBA FOUNDATION G.58-G.73 ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY WELLCOME TRUST E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1983-1985 Abraham was elected a foreign honorary member in 1983. In 1985 he gave an address to the Academy on ‘Penicillin and its successors: a personal view’. Correspondence and papers re honorary membership and address, 1983- 1985. Papers include manuscript notes and typescript drafts for address. 5 folders. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 1981-1988 Correspondence, agenda, committee papers and minutes, 1981-1988. Correspondence and papers, 1981. Includes invitation for Abraham to serve on Advisory Board. In 1981 Abraham accepted an invitation to join a newly formed Advisory Board for the John Curtin School of Medical Research. He attended its first meeting in Canberra, 24 September 1982 but does not appear to have attended subsequent meetings. Abraham’s correspondent is the Director of the John Curtin School, R. Porter. Includes papers for third meeting of Advisory Board, 6 July 1984. Includes papers for second meeting of Advisory Board, 5 August 1983. Correspondence and papers, 1982. Includes papers about the Advisory Board and its first meeting. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1983. Correspondence and papers, 1984. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations G.12-G.18 Correspondence and papers, 1985. Includes papers for fourth meeting of Advisory Board, 29 May 1985 and fifth meeting of Advisory Board, 25 September 1985. 7 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1986. Correspondence and papers, 1987-1988. G.21-G.26 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY 1981-1997 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers,1981, 1984, 1989, 1992, 1997. G.22-G.26 5 folders. G.27, G.28 Bradford (see J.41 for G.27-G.29 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1980, 1986-1988 Correspondence and papers re Abraham's participation in the Society's programme of video recordings and related matters, 1989-1993. Abraham was recorded in conversation with Professor Robert Thomas at Imperial College London on 1 May 1990. The interview was arranged by the Society's Honorary Archivist, Professor H.F. a videotape of the interview). 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re Abraham’s 53rd Royal Society BAYS [British Association Youth Section] Lecture, 1980. Abraham delivered the lecture on ‘Penicillin and after’ at Gravesend School for Boys, Kent, 23 October 1980. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and Advancement of Science Annual Meeting at Oxford, 1986-1988. papers British Association for 1988 the re the G.30-G.32 BRITISH COUNCIL 1960-1975 Correspondence and papers re Abraham’s involvement in British Council activities. 1960, 1963. 1964. Includes papers re course on the use and abuse of antibiotics. 1965, 1970, 1975. G.33-G.39 1972-1996 Abraham delivered the 5th BRITISH SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMISTRY The Society was formed in August 1971 at the VIlIth International Congress of Chemotherapy in Prague. Abraham was invited to join the Society in 1972 and became an honorary member in 1979. In 1974 he accepted an invitation to join the Editorial Board of the Society's new journal Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. L.P. Garrod Lecture to the Society on ‘B-Lactam Antibiotics: motivation, science and luck in their past and future’, 21 November 1986. 1991. Includes typescript draft of Abraham’s L.P. Garrod Lecture. Correspondence and papers. 1972, 1974, 1979. 1984-1986. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations 1993-1994. G.40-G.44 CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1965-1979 G.40-G.43 Correspondence and papers re publications, meetings, protein group etc., 1965-1979. 1971-1973. 1975-1979. 1957-1979 1965-1968. 1969-1970. held in March 1958, 1957-1958. Papers re symposium on ‘Recent advances in the chemistry of B-lactam antibiotics’, Cambridge, 28-30 June 1976. Correspondence and papers re symposium on amino-acids and peptides G.45-G.47 THE CIBA FOUNDATION E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re study group on resistance of bacteria to the penicillins, 1961-1962. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973-1979. G.48-G.57 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 1985-1986 The Council for Science and Society was founded in 1973 and published a number of reports on various social issues connected with science and technology. Abraham accepted an invitation in 1985 to join a study group on access to scientific information. G.48-G.57 Correspondence and papers re the work of the study group. 10 folders. G.58-G.73 1958-1998 G.58 1958-1961. G.58-G.67 General correspondence and papers, 1958-1998. THE ROYAL SOCIETY Abraham was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1958 (Royal Medal, 1973; Mullard Medal, 1980). 1973-1976. 1962-1963. 1964-1968. 1970-1972. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations 1977-1978. 1979-1982. 1983-1989. 1990-1994. 1995-1998. G.68, G.69 Correspondence, papers and photographs re antibiotics exhibit for Royal Society Tercentenary exhibition, 1960. 2 folders. 1971-1979. 1985-1989. 1990-1995. G.70-G.73 G.70 1959-1968. Correspondence and papers re elections, 1959-1995. 1985-1995 General correspondence and papers, 1985-1995. G.74-G.78 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations G.75-G.77 Correspondence and papers re Centenary Tribute to Sir Robert Robinson at the 1986 Annual Congress, 1985-1987, Abraham talked on ‘Sir Robert Robinson and the early history of penicillin’. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers re article on ‘The biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins’ written with J.E. Baldwin, 1985-1988. G.79-G.81 SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY 1963-1997 Abraham became a member in 1948 and resigned from the Society in 1997. Correspondence and papers re meeting etc, 1963. G.82-G.87 6 folders. G.82-G.90 WELLCOME TRUST 1957-1989 Correspondence and papers re publications, 1973, 1975. Correspondence and papers re publications, meetings and membership, 1981-1997. Correspondence and papers re Abraham’s applications to the Wellcome Trust for grants for equipment, travel and to modernise / extend the chemical pathology section of the Oxford Department of Pathology, 1957-1965. Correspondence, 1979, 1981. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence with historians at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London, 1985-1989. 2 folders. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.334 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (presented alphabetically by individual) H.335-H.495 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (presented alphabetically by country) H.496-H.534 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (chronological sequence) H.535-H.563 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (presented alphabetically by individual) 1944-1998 This sequence includes a large number of the scientists who researched in Abraham’s laboratory including D.Phil. students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting scientists. Baker, W.L. 1976 Baker was based at the Swinburne College of Technology, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia. Correspondence re possibility of work on penicillin problems in Abraham’s laboratory during sabbatical leave. Baldwin, G.S. 1974-1992 Includes references and recommendations. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1974-1992. Baldwin came to Abraham’s laboratory from the University of Melbourne in 1975 to work for two years as a postdoctoral researcher on the mechanism of enzyme function. He was subsequently based at the University of Adelaide and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne Tumour Biology Unit, Australia. Correspondence and papers re research and publications, 1975-1990. 1974. 1976-1978. 1980, 1983. 1991-1992. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1975-1976. Includes correspondence and report re work of M. Tully on the production of B-lactamase | and Il, 1976. 1976-1977 and n.d. Includes manuscript drafts by Baldwin. 1978. Includes correspondence with Biology, University of Edinburgh. R.P. Ambler, Department of Molecular 1979-1981, 1985, 1990. H.12-H.19 1971-1996 a research Berks, M. (née McPhail) Includes references and recommendations. Berks worked in Abraham’s laboratory, 1971-1977, first assistant and then as a post-doctoral researcher. She died in 1996. as Career, research, publications and personal news. Arrangements for visit, publication etc. Betina was based at the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, Slovak met Abraham at the ‘Antibiotica Congressus’ in Prague, 1964 and subsequently worked in Abraham’s Laboratory for a period in 1966 on the antibiotic activity of cyanein supported by a World Health Organization Senior Research Training Grant. Polytechnic University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. He 8 folders. Betina, V. 1964-1972 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Blackwell, C.M. 1977 a two-year postdoctoral post in Abraham’s Blackwell was appointed to laboratory in 1977. Appointment only. Includes recommendations. H.22-H.29 Bleaney, R.C. 1974-1978 Bleaney was a postdoctoral organic chemist appointed to research in Abraham's laboratory on the synthesis of compounds related to penicillins and cephalosporins. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1974-1978. Includes references and recommendations. H.23-H.29 Correspondence and papers re research, 1976-1978, n.d. Includes recommendations. 1977 1972-1975 Appointment only. Includes references and recommendations. 7 folders. Brannan, S. H.31-H.37 Brightwell, M. a two-year postdoctoral post in Abraham’s Brannan was appointed to laboratory, 1977. 2 folders. Brightwell came to Abraham’s laboratory as a research assistant in 1972 to work on the structure and function of members of the penicillinase group of enzymes. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1972-1975. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.33-H.37 Research notes, drafts and data, 1973-1975, n.d. 5 folders. H.38-H.42 Brotzu, G. 1971-1981 Institute the discovered Cagliari, Brétzu was Director of Sardinia, _ Italy. the of He cephalosporium organism in 1945 and provided it for further study to H.W. Florey and Abraham and their colleagues at Oxford University and the Medical Research Council in England which resulted in the development of the cephalosporin antibiotics. He died in 1976. of Hygiene, University of properties the antibiotic For related correspondence see C.1038-C.1041. Correspondence and papers re award of an honorary degree to Brétzu by Oxford University, 1971. Correspondence and papers re reception and dinner given in Brétzu’s honour by the National Development Research Council, 1972. Duplicated papers by Brétzu including ‘Ricerche su di un nuovo antibiotico’, Lavori dell'lstituto d’Igiene di Cagliari, 1948. Miscellaneous correspondence re Brétzu’s death, history of antibiotics etc, 1976-1981. Pathology at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford. In 1980 Brownlee came from the MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cambridge to take up the post of E.P. Abraham Professor of Chemical Browne was a D.Phil. student in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. Recommendations. Brownlee, G.G. 1979-1980, 1987 Photographs. Browne, C.A. 1970-1976 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.45-H.49 Chaudhury, R.R. 1971-1993, 1998 Chaudhury was an Indian scientist who was a graduate student of Lincoln College, Oxford, 1955-1958. He pursued his career with the World Health Organisation (WHO) with a period at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India. Chaudhury visited Oxford for a WHO seminar in October 1971 when he renewed his acquaintance with Abraham. Career, visits etc. 5 folders. See also H.381. H.50-H.52 Chmara, H. 1978-1984, 1989 Chmara came from the Department of Pharmacology Technology and Biochemistry of the Technical University, Gdansk, Poland to work for a year, 1978-1979, in Abraham’s laboratory on the antibiotic bacilysin. 3 folders. Coombe, R.G. 1971-1977 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for visit, research etc. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for visit, research, publication, conference, etc. Coombe came from the Pharmacy Department, University of Sydney to spend a sabbatical year from December 1971 in Abraham’s laboratory. The correspondence is initiated by Chmara’s head of department in Gdansk, E. Borowski. 12 folders. Cornelis came from Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium to work in Abraham’s Laboratory for a few months in 1974. Includes research reports. 2 folders. H.55-H.66 Cornelis, G. 1973-1978 Correspondence and papers re visit, research and publications. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Crawford, K. 1958, 1959, n.d. Crawford was a Departmental Demonstrator in the Oxford Department, commencing 1 December 1954. Includes report on ‘The enzymes inactivating Cephalosporins P and N and Penicillin’. H.68-H.73 Crout, D.H.G. 1979-1984 Crout was based at the Department of Chemistry, Exeter University. Correspondence and papers re research and publications. 6 folders. H.74-H.78 Davies, R.B. 1969-1974 Davies was a D.Phil. student of Abraham’s from October 1970. Includes references and recommendations. 4 folders. Principally research reports. Dougall, D.K. 1953-1956 H.75-H.78 Correspondence and papers re research and publications, 1971-1974 Correspondence and papers re career, 1969-1974. Includes references and recommendations. Duncan was a D.Phil. student in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Duncan, M.J. 1965-1971 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Dyke, K.D.G. 1966-1967 Correspondence and papers re research and career. Includes references and recommendations. H.82-H.84 Edwards, G.F. StL. 1974-1979 Edwards worked in Abraham’s laboratory as assistant, 1974-1977. a post-doctoral research Correspondence and papers re career and publication. Includes references and recommendations. H.83, H.84 Research notes and reports. 2 folders. 1971-1997 See also C.1075-C.1082. Includes references and recommendations. H.85-H.91 Fawcett, P.A. Correspondence re career, 1971-1975. Fawcett came to Oxford to work as a research assistant After graduating from the School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, in Abraham’s laboratory, taking a D.Phil. under his supervision. After a period in the USA she returned to England in 1979 and resumed research in Abraham’s laboratory in 1983. Correspondence and papers from 1975 are under her married name of Whiteman. Fisher undertook D.Phil research under Abraham’s supervision. Correspondence and papers re research, publications, etc., 1971-1997. H.92-H.97 Fisher, A.J. 1976-1980 H.86-H.91 6 folders. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.92-H.94 Correspondence and papers re D.Phil. supervision, 1976-1980. 3 folders. H.95-H.97 84pp typescript draft on B-lactam antibiotics with extensive manuscript revision. 3 folders. Freeman, R.F. 1972-1973 Correspondence and papers re application to undertake D.Phil research in Abraham’s laboratory. Includes references and recommendations. Fukumura, T. 1975-1979 Fuller, K.W. Fuller was based at the Botany School, Oxford University. Includes paper on proposed course on industrial biology. Correspondence re arrangements, etc. H.101-H.107 Furth, A.J. 1971-1977 Fukumura came from Osaka City University, Japan to research on lactamase in Abraham’s laboratory for a period in 1976. B- 6 folders. Furth was a post-doctoral researcher in Abraham’s laboratory from January 1971 working on the active site of B-lactamase enzymes. She subsequently took up a post with the Open University. Correspondence and papers re research, publications, etc., 1972-1977. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1971-1976. Includes references and recommendations. H.102-H.107 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Ghuysen, J.-M. 1976-1977 Ghuysen was based at the University of Liege, Belgium. Correspondence re research. H.109, H.110 Glynn, M.F. 1970-1973 Abraham took over Glynn’s D.Phil. supervision on the sudden death of his previous supervisor. Principally re Glynn’s Oxford D.Phil. thesis. 2 folders. Gore, P.J.M. 1975-1978 Gore worked as a research assistant in Abraham’s laboratory for a period from 1 February 1977 Correspondence re career and research. 2 folders. H.112-H.115 1967-1978 problems penicillins who came from the Department See also H.128. was a Sinhalese Gunetileke, K.G. relating to the biosynthesis of Includes references and recommendations. Gunetileke of Biochemistry, University of Toronto to spend a year in Abraham’s laboratory, 1968-1969, as a postdoctoral fellow before returning to Ceylon. In Oxford he worked on and cephalosporins. He died ca 1989. 2 folders. Correspondence re arrangements subsequent career etc., 1967-1978. Research notes, September 1968-July 1969. Includes references and recommendations. in Abraham’s to work laboratory, H.112, H.113 H.114, H.115 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.116-H.118 Harris, H. 1962-1992 Harris was head of the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, 1963-1994 and Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford, 1979-1992. 1962-1963. Includes correspondence re Harris’s move to Oxford in 1963. 1972-1992. Includes typescripts ‘Thoughts on the Regius Professorship of Medicine’ and ‘Why scientists do animal experiments’. Curriculum vitae and bibliography. H.119-H.121 Heatley, N.G. 1948, 1962, 1983-1991 ‘The antibiotic from tulip’. 1962, 1983-1991. Heatley was a member of the team of scientists under H.W. Florey who produced in Oxford and tested also contributed to some of the early work on cephalosporium cultures. investigated penicillin. and He Typescript and manuscript draft with manuscript comments by Abraham, 1948. See J.48 for a videotape of lectures, including one by Heatley, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the paper describing the therapeutic properties of penicillin. work saved thousands in the war’. Features Heatley on the cover ‘Honoured at 80 The bedpan boffin whose Copy of Yours magazine, January 1991. Includes papers re the history of penicillin. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Hopwood, D.A. 1982 . Hopwood was the head of the Department of Genetics, John Innes Institute, Norwich. Correspondence re research. H.123-H.125A Huddleston, J.A. (née Mitchell) 1974-1980 Huddleston worked as a research assistant in Abraham’s laboratory from October 1974. See C.698-C.833 for laboratory notes by Huddleston. Correspondence re appointment etc, 1974, 1980. H.124-H.125A Research notes and drafts. 3 folders. H.126-H.128 Principally references and recommendations. 3 folders. H.126-H.131 Jayatilake, G. S. 1978-1993 See C.251-C.268 for laboratory notes by Jayatilake. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1978-1993. Jayatilake was a Sri Lankan organic chemist who came to Abraham’s laboratory in 1978 where he worked on the biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins in cell-free systems. 3 folders. H.129-H.131 Research reports, printed material etc., 1979-1981, 1991. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.132-H.134 Jeffery, J. 1959, 1970-1981 Jeffery was a graduate student in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, 1958-1961, working on the chemistry and biochemistry of a member of the cephalosporin family. After a period with ICI (Pharmaceuticals Division), Alderley Park, Cheshire he moved to the University of Aberdeen. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments. Principally references and recommendations. 3 folders. H.135-H.139 Kasik, J.E. 1965-1986 In 1966 Kasik spent sabbatical leave from the Department of Medicine, University of Chicago researching in Abraham’s laboratory where he worked on the relationship between penicillinase production and the sensitivity of returned mycobacteria to the University of Chicago, subsequently moving to the University of lowa. and cephalosporins. penicillins He to 1970-1976 H.140, H.141 H.142-H.148 Correspondence re research, publications etc 5 folders. H.140-H.148 Kenig, M.D.J. Includes references and recommendations. Correspondence re career and appointments, 1970-1974. Kenig came from the Beecham Research Laboratories, Brockham Park, Surrey, to undertake D.Phil. research on the peptide antibiotic bacilysin under Abraham’s supervision. Fleming. Correspondence re proposed television documentary about Sir Alexander Correspondence and papers re research and publications, 1971-1976. Khuon, E. von 1984 2 folders. 7 folders. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.150-H.153 Kiener, P.A. 1973-1990 Kiener was a D. Phil. student (supervisor S.G. Waley) in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology where he He researched on the active sites of two enzymes triosphosphate isomerase and B-lactamase | from Bacillus cereus. later did postdoctoral work. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments. Chiefly references and recommendations. 4 folders. H.154-H.160 Kuwabara, S. 1964-1993 He was already an experienced enzymologist Kuwabara came to Abraham’s laboratory as a postdoctoral member of his research staff paid for by the Medical Research Council from 1 January 1966. after working in the At Oxford he Netherlands and at studied two extracellular B-lactamases (| and II) produced by Bacillus He was subsequently based at the Institute of Medical Science of cereus. the of Occupational & Environmental Health, Japan. a number of institutions in the USA. the School of of Tokyo, University University Medicine, and 2 folders. 5 folders. H.156-H.160 H.154, H.155 Includes references and recommendations. Correspondence re career and appointments, 1964-1970. Correspondence and papers re research, publications, etc, 1966-1978, 1985, 1993. See C.234, C.235 for laboratory notes by Loder. Loder was graduate assistant to G.G.F. Newton in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, 1957-1959 and research assistant to Abraham, 1965- 1966 and 1968-1972 working on cephalosporin and penicillin antibiotics. She moved from scientific research to administration in 1972 when she took a post at the head office of the Medical Research Council. 1956-1975, 1986 H.161-H.165 Loder, P.B. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.161-H.163 Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1956-1975, 1986. Includes references and recommendations. 3 folders. H.164, H.165 Research notes and drafts. 2 folders. H.166-H.169 Luego, J.M. 1979-1985 Luego came from the University of Salamanca, Spain to work in Abraham’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. Correspondence re arrangements to work in Abraham's laboratory including fellowship application, 1979-1981. 2 folders. Marston, R.Q. 1973 Marston was Maryland, 1968-1973 (Rhodes Scholar, Lincoln College, Oxford, 1947). Director of Institutes National Health, the of Bethesda, H.168, H.169 Research report. Correspondence and papers re publications, 1985. Includes curriculum vitae and lists of addresses and publications. 4 folders. Also found with papers relating to Migliacci were papers relating to the work of ‘Mrs Jago’. Migliacci came from Farmitalia, Milan, Italy to work for a period in Abraham’s laboratory. See also H.366. Correspondence and papers re research, 1961-1963, 1969, most undated. 1961-1963, 1969 H.171-H.174 Migliacci, A. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.175-H.181 Miller, J.M.T. Hamilton- 1965-1981 Hamilton-Miller came to Abraham’s laboratory from Guy’s Hospital Medical School in January 1967 with a Junior Research Fellowship from the Medical Research Council, subsequently moving to the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School and the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London. H.175-H.179 Correspondence and papers re move to Oxford, research, publications etc., 1965-1979. 5 folders. H.180, H.181 Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1967-1971, 1981. Includes references and recommendations. 2 folders. H.182-H.196 Newton, G.G.F. 1944-1997 the Some of the money from the development of the cephalosporins was diverted also commemorated in the title a Visiting Professorship at Oxford in the Medical, Biological and Chemical Sciences which Abraham set up. a Guy Newton Research Fund. His name was into of D.Phil. student in See C.228, C.308, C.1042-C.1048 and elsewhere in section C for papers and correspondence relating to Newton's work. Newton became a Sir William Dunn School of Pathology in 1947 with Abraham as his supervisor. They continued to work together until his death in 1969. Much of the early work was concerned with antibiotic peptides such as bacitracin. Later Newton made substantial contributions to the isolation of Penicillin N and Cephalosporin C and the determination of their structures. Includes reports on work done, 1952-1953 and 1953-1954. Some of the letters from Abraham are undated and their assignment is tentative. Correspondence and papers re career, research, publications, visits etc with Abraham and others, 1948-1968. H.182-H.189 1948-1955. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1956-1957. 1958-1959. 1960-1965. 1966. Includes two copies of ‘G.G.F. Newton - Senior Research Officer Report on first period of office. Oct. - Sept. 1966’. 1967. Includes ‘Report on visit to the USA by E.P. Abraham and G.G.F. Newton October-November 1967’. Undated papers. Include ‘Comments by GFN on HSB[urton]’s Declaration’ and ‘Possible experiments to be considered for the new Honours School of Physiological Sciences Experiments in “Chemical Pathology”.’ Letter from E.J. Farrar, Chief Chemist, to T.I. Williams at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 8 December 1944 with a ‘rough draft of the few experimental fermentations, using Aspergillus Fermagatus, Mut. Helvola which we have been able to set up so far’. January. Correspondence and obituaries, January-September 1969. Found with Newton’s papers. Newton’s death H.191-H.194 papers arising from including E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence April - September. Correspondence about Newton or with or about members of 1971-1997. his family, Photographs. H.197-H.201 O’Sullivan, J. 1975-1994 H.197-H.199 Includes references and recommendations. 3 folders. 2 folders. H.200, H.201 Correspondence and papers re research, publications etc, 1977-1994. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1975-1992 Sullivan came from the Eidgenéssiche Technische Hochschule, Zurich, to work in a postdoctoral position in Abraham's laboratory, 1975-1979, on the biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins. He subsequently made his career at the Squibb Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, New Jersey, USA. See C.284 for laboratory notes by Pang. Pang was born in Hong Kong and took a first degree at Chelsea College, Phil. student at University of London, 1975-1978 before becoming a Oxford under Abraham’s supervision, 1978-1981. He was a postdoctoral research assistant in Abraham’s laboratory, 1982-1983. His career was subsequently based at the Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong. H.202-H.211 Pang C.-P. 1975-1996 D. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.202, H.203 Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1978-1994. Includes references and recommendations. 2 folders. H.204-H.210 Correspondence and papers re research, publications, visits 1996. etc., 1978- 7 folders. Duplicated research notes, 1975-1978. Pre-date Pang’s arrival at Oxford but found with papers relating to his work. Park, J.T. 1970 Park was based at the Department of Microbiology, University of Umea, Sweden. Correspondence re visit to Oxford, 1970. See C.1071-C.1074 for related material. H.213-H.226 Perry, D. 1974-1989 H.213-H.215 Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1974-1986. Perry came from the University of Birmingham to work in a postdoctoral position in Abraham’s laboratory, 1974-1978, on the mechanism of action of the dipeptide antibiotic bacilysin. After a period at Princeton he returned to Abraham's laboratory in 1983 to work on isopenicillin N synthetase before moving to a lectureship at the Polytechnic of Central London. 6 folders. Correspondence and papers re research and publications, 1974-1989. Includes references and recommendations. 3 folders. H.216-H.221 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.222-H.226 Research notes and drafts, 1976, 1977, n.d. 5 folders. Richmond, M.H. 1970-1978 Richmond was Professor of Bacteriology, University of Bristol. Correspondence re research etc., 1970-1978. H.228-H.231 Robinson, R. 1971-1990 Correspondence re biography of Robinson etc. historical reflections, Robinson's scientific memoirs, Correspondence with Robinson re history of penicillamine, etc, 1971-1975. The sequence includes Abraham’s correspondence with W. Baker on the same subject and a brief outline of the work on penicillin and cephalosporin with which Abraham was concerned between 1940 and 1961. Includes corrected typescript on ‘chemistry of penicillin’. Photocopies of Baker’s correspondence with Robinson on penicillamine, and ‘Some recollections of the early work on penicillamine’ by Baker, 1971. Correspondence re section of Robinson’s memoirs on penicillin sent to Abraham by Lady Robinson after his death ‘for help on checking the chemistry and putting in formulae’, 1975. es Sabath came from the Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, to a US Public Health Service Special work in Abraham’s laboratory as Research Fellow, September 1963-September 1964, his support being He returned to the Harvard Medical School renewed for a second year. subsequently of Medicine, Minnesota (Head of the Infectious Diseases Section) in 1974. Correspondence, 1983-1990, is re biography of Robinson by T.I. Williams. moving to the Department of University Correspondence and papers, 1976, 1983-1990. H.232-H.246 Sabath, L.D. 1962-1993 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence In 1970 he accepted an invitation to become a Trustee of the E.P. Abraham Cephalosporin Fund. See C.233 for laboratory notes by Sabath. H.232-H.245 Correspondence re arrangements to come to Oxford, research, publications and visits, 1962-1993. 1962. H.235, H.236 1965. 2 folders. 1967-1970. 2 folders. 1972-1973. 1966 2 folders. H.240, H.241 1971. H.237, H.238 1976-1985. 1974-1975. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1987-1993. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1967,1972. H.247, H.248 Schaaf, C.H. 1971-1993 Schaaf was Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme in Ceylon when the correspondence was initiated. Principally non-scientific correspondence but includes a few references to Abraham’s work. 2 folders. H.249-H.253 Stevens, C.M. 1972-1980 Stevens came from the Chemistry Department, Washington State University, Pullman to spend a sabbatical year in Abraham's laboratory, 1973-1974. 5 folders. H.254, H.255 Thorniley, M.S. 1984-1986 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for sabbatical, publications etc. research, See C.1083-C.1088 for laboratory notes by Thorniley. Thorniley was appointed as a research assistant in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology from 1 October 1984. She worked on the isolation and properties of isopenicillin N synthetase, an enzyme with a central role in the biosynthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins. Research notes and drafts, 1986 and n.d. Correspondence re appointment etc., 1984-1985. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.256-H.266 Umezawa, H. 1972-1986 Umezawa was Director of the Institute of Microbial Chemistry, Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation, Tokyo, Japan. leading chemical microbiologist in Japan, distinguished for his discovery and study of compounds with microorganisms, particularly by actinomycetes. He visited Oxford on a number of occasions, receiving an honorary degree from the University in 1981. He died in 1986. He was the biological produced activity by See also H.419. H.256-H.261 Correspondence re visits to Oxford, honorary degree etc, 1972-1986. 6 folders. H.262-H.266 Obituary and miscellaneous biographical information. 5 folders. H.267, H.268 Umezawa, K. 1972-1986 1972-1973. H.269-H.281 Usher, J.J. 1970-1991 1976-1977, 1982-1983, 1986. Includes references and recommendations. Correspondence and papers re move to Oxford in 1973 and subsequent visits. Kazuo Umezawa was the son of H. Umezawa. In 1973 he came to Oxford to read medicine after obtaining a Ph.D. in Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (supervisor J.C. Sheehan). 8 folders. Usher undertook D.Phil research under Abraham’s supervision, 1970-1974, working on the role of certain peptides and antibiotics in the synthesis of penicillins and cephalosporins. Correspondence and papers re career, appointments and publications, 1970-1991. H.269-H.276 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.277-H.281 Research notes and drafts. 5 folders. H.282-H.286 Vandamme, E.J.M.C. 1973-1994 Vandamme came from Belgium to work in Abraham’s laboratory during the summer of 1973 on the mode of a peptide antibiotic bacilysin which inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis. Abraham was a member of the board of examiners for Vandamme’s D.Sc. thesis in 1976. University of Ghent, the H.282-H.285 Correspondence re arrangements for stay in Oxford, research, publications, D.Sc. thesis, etc., 1973-1977. 4 folders. Correspondence re career and appointments, 1985-1994. Correspondence re research, visits, etc., 1973-1984. Vlietinck, A.J. 1977 H.287, H.288 Vanderhaeghe, H. 1973-1987 Correspondence re Abraham’s visit on the occasion of Vanderhaeghe’s retirement and draft of his lecture, 1987. Vanderhaeghe was based at the Rega Instituut, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and researched in the penicillin field. Abraham gave a lecture on ‘B-Lactam Antiobiotics: Science and Serendipity’ on the occasion of Vanderhaeghe’s retirement in 1987. with immunoregulatory properties’. Correspondence re proposed research project on Levamisole, ‘a new drug Vlietninck was based at the Pharmacy Department, Antwerp University. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.290-H.297 Waley, S.G. 1969-1994 Waley was Senior Research Officer, Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Oxford, 1954-1970 and University Lecturer in Pathology, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, 1970-1989. He was particularly noted for his work on the mechanism by which enzymes exert their activity by converting one chemical substance to another. He died in 1993. Correspondence and papers re move to Pathology, 1969-1970. Sir William Dunn School of H.291-H.296 Research notes and drafts, 1973-1977, n.d. 6 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1989-1994. Includes obituary by Abraham, Independent, 1 January 1994. staff scientist at H.298-H.300 1995, H.298-H.301 Walker, J.E. 1969-1976, 1988, 1995, 1997 See C.237-C.240 for laboratory notes etc by Walker. Correspondence re research and publications, 1969-1973, 1988, 1997. Walker undertook D.Phil. research under Abraham’s supervision, 1966- 1969, working on the isolation, structure and biological properties of a After a number of postdoctoral positions in the USA and peptide antibiotic. Europe he became a the MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory, Cambridge. He was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for work on the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). October-December 1970. 1969-September 1970. Includes photographs. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1971-1973, 1988, 1995, 1997. Walker's letter to Abraham of 10 August 1995 gave him ‘the opportunity to ... express my appreciation of the help and guidance that you gave write to me at a critical time in my scientific development’. Correspondence and papers re career and appointments, 1969-1976. Warren, S.G. 1966-1967, 1980 Warren was based at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, 1962-1966, working in close association with G.G.F. Newton on the problem of the biosynthesis of antibiotics by certain fungi. Correspondence re research and career. H.302 Includes recommendation. H.303-H.305 White, R.L. 1979-1989 H.306-H.334 Wylie, J.A.H. 1968-1987 3 folders. White came from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada in November 1979 to work as penicillin- cephalosporin biosynthesis, returning to Canada in 1981. in Abraham’s group on_ a Postdoctoral Fellow H.303-H.305 Includes references and recommendations. Correspondence re research, publications, career and appointments. 1968. Wylie was a microbiologist and experimental pathologist. He came to Oxford in 1945 as assistant bacteriologist in the Emergency Public Health Service, temporarily situated in the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. After two years he became departmental demonstrator in the same building. He was helped through difficult times in his later years by many friends and former colleagues including Abraham. Correspondence and papers. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.307, H.308 1969. 2 folders. H.309, H.310 1970. 2 folders. H.311, H.312 1971. 2 folders. H.313, H.314 1972. 2 folders. 2 folders. 1977. 2 folders. 1978. 2 folders. H.316, H.317 1974. H.318, H.319 1975. 2 folders. H.323, H.324 H.321, H.322 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1980-1981. H.327, H.328 1982. 2 folders. 1983-1984. 1985-1987. Correspondence and drafts re obituary of Wylie (published in The Lancet, 7 November 1987), 1987. H.333, H.334 H.335-H.342 Australia H.335-H.340 H.335-H.495 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (Presented alphabetically by country) Biographical information about Wylie including curriculum vitae and list of publications; photograph of Wylie. Copies of Wylie’s publications in the history of medicine and the history of religion. See E.37, F.2 for related material. IUPAC International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, Australia, 15-25 August 1960. 1946-1995 1959-1995 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.335-H.338 Correspondence re arrangements for Abraham to give a paper at the symposium with associated visits and travel, 1959-1960. 4 folders. Abraham's addresses, 3 August-1 October 1960; reprint of his symposium paper, etc. Correspondence arising from his visit to Australia, 1960-1961. H.341, H.342 Miscellaneous correspondence with Australian scientists, 1961-1995. H.341 1961-1966. 1968-1972, 1976-1978, 1988, 1995. H.343-H.349 Belgium 1969-1993 H.343-H.346 European Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Brussels, 14-17 September 1970. Correspondence re arrangements for meeting, publication of plenary lecture etc., 1969-1971. Abraham gave a plenary lecture on ‘Some contributions of synthesis and semisynthesis to antibacterial and antiviral chemotherapy’. Duplicated papers (? background material for lecture). Typescript draft of Abraham’s plenary lecture. Programme, list of participants, etc. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Miscellaneous correspondence with Belgian scientists, 1972, 1976, 1983, 1978, 1989. 1993. H.348, H.349 Correspondence and papers re the George Sarton Chair, University of Ghent, 1988-1991. 2 folders. Abraham was chosen for the George Sarton Chair for the academic year, 1989-1990. the Development of the Penicillins and Cephalosporins’ He gave his Sarton Chair lecture on ‘Reflections on A typescript draft of Abraham’s lecture is at H.349. H.350-H.353 Canada 1955-1985 H.350 Miscellaneous correspondence with Canadian scientists, 1955-1963. H.351, H.352 H.354 2 folders. A typescript draft of Abraham’s paper is at H.352. H.354, H.355 China 1982-1987 Abraham gave a paper on ‘Penicillins and Cephalosporins’. Correspondence and papers re Symposium on Antibiotics, Ste Marguerite, Quebec, 1-3 March 1971. Miscellaneous correspondence with Canadian scientists, 1972-1973, 1981, 1985. 1986-1987. Correspondence re review article by Abraham for the Chinese Journal of Antibiotics, with draft of article, 1982-1984. Correspondence re visit to Abraham’s department by Chinese scientist, E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.356-H.360 Czechoslovakia 1960-1974, 1986 H.356-H.358 Correspondence and papers re Antibiotics Congress held in Prague, June 1964, 1960, 1963-1965. 1960 research correspondence was found with the Congress papers. 3 folders. H.359, H.360 Miscellaneous correspondence with Czechoslovak scientists, 1961-1974, 1986. 2 folders. H.361-H.363 Denmark 1971-1972, 1982-1991 H.361, H.362 Correspondence Antibiotics Biosynthesis and Function held in Aarhus 28 August-2 September 1972, 1971-1972. re Euchem Conference papers and on Germany 1970-1979. 1985-1994. Italy H.366 2 folders. 1970-1994 H.364, H.365 Miscellaneous correspondence with German scientists. Miscellaneous correspondence with Danish scientists, 1982-1991. See also H.171-H.174. Correspondence re arrangements etc for A. Migliacci of Farmitalia to work for a period of six months in Abraham’s laboratory, 1961-1962. H.366-H.377 1961-1991 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Miscellaneous correspondence with Italian scientists, 1962-1965. the Correspondence International Society of Clinical Pathology held in Rome October 1966, 1965-1966. International Congress papers and 6th re of Abraham gave a paper on ‘Old and New Antibiotics’ in a symposium on the evaluation of antibiotic activity. Miscellaneous correspondence with Italian scientists and others, 1968-1971. In 1971 Abraham stayed for a short period at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio to write his memoir of Lord Florey for the Royal Society. Miscellaneous correspondence with Italian scientists, 1973-1976. round on in draft at International Symposium on ‘Future H.372, H.373 table Trends’ Correspondence and papers re scientific meetings held in Italy, 1978. Abraham gave a paper on ‘Bioconversion of antibiotics’. The symposium was held just before the 12th International Congress of Chemotherapy, also held in Florence. Includes cerufoxime Chemotherapy’ held in Pisa, May 1978. of Abraham’s introductory remarks for 3rd Correspondence and papers re symposium on ‘Action of Antibiotics in Patients’ held in Florence 18 July 1981 and publication of proceedings, 1980-1981. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re symposium ‘From Genetic Experimentation of Biotechnology the Critical Transition’ held in Rome, 20-23 September 1981, 1981. Abraham cephalosporins - similarities and contrasts’. H.374, H.375 development penicillins 2 folders. gave a paper on ‘The of and E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 H.376, H.377 Correspondence Correspondence and papers re international meeting on ‘Trends in Microbial Resistance Clinical Implications' held in L’Aquila and Rome, 12-15 May 1990. 1989-1991. Antibiotics Molecular B-Lactam Aspects and to The meeting marked the fiftieth anniversary of the paper by Abraham and E.B. Chain (Nature, Dec. 28, 1940) in which the ability of some bacterial extracts to destroy penicillin was reported. Abraham gave a paper on ‘A retrospective view of B-lactamases’. See J.29 for a related photograph. H.378-H.381 ‘India and Pakistan’ 1961-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re research, publications and visits. 1961-1969. Japan H.382 1970-1979. 1980-1987. H.382-H.421 ‘Herbal Therapeutics’. 29pp typescript by R.R. Chaudhury, n.d. 6 folders. Correspondence and papers re IUPAC Symposium on ‘The Chemistry of Natural Products Kyoto, 12-18 April 1964, 1963-1964. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1953-1954, 1961-1962. H.383-H.388 1953-1992 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1965-1966. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1967. Includes papers re the Journal of Antibiotics. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1968-1969. Correspondence with Japanese scientists and others, 1970-1971. Correspondence with Japanese scientists and others, 1972. Abraham had to cancel a Symposium, 19-25 March. visit to Kyoto for the 4th International Fermentation H.395-H.400 6 folders. Correspondence with Japanese scientists and others, 1973. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1974-1977. Correspondence and papers re visit to Japan and the USA, 1974. Abraham attended the First Intersectional Congress of the International Association of Microbiological Societies in Tokyo in early September and then flew to San Francisco for the Fourteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 7 folders. Abraham attended a meeting to mark the 15th anniversary of the Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation Institute of Microbial Chemistry and the 30th anniversary of the Journal of Antibiotics, Tokyo, 25 and 26 October. He gave a Related Substances. Abraham also visited other locations in Japan and India and Malaysia. Correspondence and papers re visit to Japan in 1977, 1976-1977. H.402-H.408 lecture at the meeting on B-lactam Antibiotics and E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1978. H.410, H.411 Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1979. 2 folders. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1980. Includes ‘A short history of the B-lactam antibiotics’, 17pp typescript by Abraham for a volume on B-lactam antibiotics. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1981. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1982. Includes penicillins cephalosporins’, 12pp typescript + references and figures by Abraham. discovery history brief the the ‘A of of and Includes Abraham’s curriculum vitae after 1979. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1983 Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1984. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1985. Institute of Microbial Chemistry and re Journal of Antibiotics. Includes correspondence and papers re obituary and memorial symposium for H. Umezawa, Director of the Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1987-1988. Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1986 Includes Abraham’s curriculum vitae. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Correspondence with Japanese scientists, 1989-1990. Includes correspondence and papers re Journal of Antibiotics. Correspondence with System International, 1991-1992. S. Yamabe, System Director of Drug Research H.422-H.429 ‘Malaysia’ 1976-1994 The sequence includes correspondence with Singaporean scientists. Correspondence with Malaysian scientists, 1976-1977. Includes invitation from Royal Society for Abraham to consider Royal Society Inter-University Council Visiting Professorship at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Abraham visited the Department of Genetics and Cellular Biology at the University for a few days in October 1977. H.424-H.426 See also F.53A. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers re Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, 22-24 February 1982, 1981-1982. First Asian Workshop on Fermentation Correspondence with Ho Coy Choke of the Department of Genetics and Cellular Biology, University of Malaya and others, 1980-1981. Abraham spoke at the Kuala Lumpur meeting on ‘B-lactam Antibiotics’ and the ‘Biosynthesis of B-lactam Antibiotics’. He also visited Singapore and Sri Lanka. Correspondence with Malaysian and Singaporean scientists, 1986-1988. Correspondence with Malaysian and Singaporean scientists, 1982-1985. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence Correspondence with Ho Coy Choke, Department of Genetics and Cellular Biology, University of Malaya, 1989-1994. H.430-H.432 Spain 1970-1993 H.430 Correspondence re article on the chemistry of new antibiotics for Tribuna Medica, 1970-1971. Correspondence and papers re Third International Symposium on Yeast Protoplasts in Salamanca 2-5 October 1972, 1972. Correspondence with Spanish scientists re research and visits, 1978-1981, 1986, 1993. H.433-H.438 Sweden 1975-1992 H.433-H.437 5 folders. H.439-H.493 USA 1946-1993, n.d. Correspondence with Swedish scientists and others, 1976, 1984-1992. Correspondence and papers re visit to Sweden in December 1975, 1975- 1976. Abraham was invited by the British Council to visit the University of Umea and by the Pharmacological Society of Sweden to give its Scheele lecture. 1950-1951. H.439-H.464 General correspondence with American scientists and others, 1946-1991. H.439 1946-1949. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1955 January-June. 1955 July-December. 1956-1957. Includes papers re 1962 Gordon Conference on Medicinal Chemistry. Includes papers re 1962 Gordon Conference on Medicinal Chemistry. 1962 January-April. 1962 May-December. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1965-1966. 1967. Includes short article on E.B. Chain written by Abraham for Encyclopedia Americana. 1975, 1978-1979. 1980-1981, 1984-1988. 1990-1991, n.d. 1971-1972. 1973. Correspondence and papers re visit to the USA by Abraham in May. publications etc. Correspondence with colleagues at Harvard re visits, conferences, lectures, H.465-H.469 Harvard University 1978-1993 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1978. Includes correspondence and papers re symposium on the cephalosporin derivative cefoxitin held at Harvard in May. Abraham gave a talk on the early history of the cephalosporins. Symposium proceedings were published in the first issue of Reviews of Infectious Diseases, January-February 1979. 1979. Includes draft by Abraham on ‘Fleming’s Discovery’ for Reviews of Infectious Diseases. 1980-1984. 1985. Includes partial Finland Lecture on the B-lactam antibiotics. draft, pp14-23, probably for Abraham’s 1985 Maxwell 1988, 1993. 1959-1960. 1961-1963. 1959-1963 H.470, H.471 Lederle Laboratories Correspondence with colleagues at Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, New York. 1973-1977. Correspondence Technology re research, visits, publications etc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology with colleagues at the Massachusetts 1973-1991 Institute of H.472-H.476 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1978-1979. 1980-1981. Includes Abraham and N.G. Heatley’s comments on the typescript of J.C. Sheehan’s book The enchanted ring: the untold story of penicillin and Abraham’s foreword for the book. 1983-1991. H.477-H.480 ‘Rutgers’ 1957-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence with colleagues at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey and others. H.478, H.479 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re publication of lectures, June-December 1957. Correspondence re visit to Rutgers and other US research centres on the occasion of Abraham’s CIBA Lectures, January-May 1957. In April 1957 Abraham gave the CIBA Lectures in Microbial Biochemistry at Rutgers. His topic was ‘Biochemistry of Peptide and Steroid Antibiotics’ and they were published in book form by John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1977-1980. Correspondence with colleagues at Rutgers and others, 1957-1960, 1972- 1981. H.481, H.482 University of California, Berkeley 1977-1988 Correspondence with colleagues at Berkeley, principally Melvin Calvin and others at the Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1982-1988. H.483-H.493 University of Wisconsin-Madison 1973-1986 Correspondence with colleagues at Madison re research collaboration in the field Abraham’s principal correspondent is C.J. Sih of the School of Pharmacy. of penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis, visits etc. 1973 January-April. 1973 May-June. 1973 July-September. 1973 October-December. 1974 January-June. 1974 July-November. 1978. 1975 January-June. 1975 August-September. 1979-1986. Includes papers re meeting on ‘Mechanisms of B-lactam Antibiotics’ at Madison, 15 December. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.494, H.495 USSR 1960-1984 Correspondence with colleagues re research, visits etc. 1960-1962. 1963-1967, 1984. H.496-H.534 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (chronological sequence) 1944-1997 A chronological sequence of shorter correspondence re research, visits, publications, equipment and supplies, etc. 1944, 1947, 1949. 1950-1952. 1953-1955. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1963. Includes experimental results. 1964 January-June. 1964 July-December. 1965 January-May. Includes ‘Commentary & Dialogue’ for ?radio broadcast on a new antibiotic from the fungus cephalosporium. 1965 June-November. 1970-1971. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1973 January-June. 1973 August-December. 1974. Includes review of book on Contributions Abraham. Antibiotics to protoplasts and article on ‘Some British by and Progress in Chemotherapy’, both 1975. Includes short article on the cephalosporins by Abraham for the Oxford Medical School Gazette. 1986-1989. 1981-1982. 1983-1985. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1990-1991. 1992-1993. 1996-1998. 1967-1969. 1970-1971. H.535-H.563 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1958-1996 H.535-H.549 1958, 1964-1966. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re appointments, promotions, grant applications etc, 1958-1996. 1972-1976. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence 1978-1979. 1980-1982. 1983-1984. 1985-1986. H.544, H.545 1988. 2 folders. 1992-1994. 1995-1996. Indian higher education and research institutions Correspondence and papers re external examining. 1962-1963 550; Son Andhra University 1961-1976 1962-1964 H.550-H.559 2 folders. Banaras Hindu University E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Correspondence H.553-H.558 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 1961-1976 H.553 1961-1962. 1964-1965. 1967-1968. 1968-1969. 1974-1976. H.560-H.563 Malaysia 1977-1994. 1977-1979. University of Calcutta Correspondence re external examining and refereeing for the University of Malaya. 1985-1989. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SECTION J NON-TEXT MATERIAL J.1-J.31 PHOTOGRAPHS J.32-J.38 SLIDES J.39-J.43 VIDEOTAPES E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material PHOTOGRAPHS 1930-1995, n.d. J.1-J.15 J.17-J.31 Abraham and family Visits, events and colleagues Abraham and family 1930-ca 1990, n.d. 2 photographs (mounted) of school hockey teams, including Abraham The photograph in J.1 is inscribed 'King Edward VI School. Hockey Eleven 1930'. 2 folders. Photograph (mounted) of school rugby team, including Abraham, inscribed 'School 2nd XV 1930’. Abraham seated on a terrace, possibly on a visit to Norway, n.d. Abraham and [?his wife] on a picnic, n.d. Portrait of Abraham, n.d. 2 photographs of Abraham standing in a room, location unknown, n.d. Abraham in group photograph (mounted), possibly from his undergraduate years, 1932-1936. Abraham at home, inscribed '19 February 1978, by S. Kuwabara. Abraham and his wife, inscribed on verso 'Dr and Mrs Abraham, June 1975’. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material Abraham, with mountain scenery in background, possibly taken in Norway, 1979. Portrait of Abraham in later years seated at a desk, n.d. Portrait of Abraham in later years. Abraham standing on a roof top, possibly of his home, n.d. Abraham reading in a chair in later years. J.16-J.31 Visits, events and colleagues ca 1938-1995, n.d. Various photographs of Abraham and some of his colleagues and others taken at conferences and events. Photographs, one each of Abraham [ca 1938-1950]; Ernst Chain, n.d.; and Howard Florey, n.d. Abraham received the Mullard Prize in 1980. Group photograph of Abraham and other Royal Society medallists, 1980, inscribed ‘Sir Denys Wilkinson, Professor W.F. Vinen, Dr. J.P. Wild, Sir Edward Abraham, Dr. F.J.M Farley, Dr. C. Milstein, Professor A.W Johnson, Sir Derek Barton, Professor Henry Harris, Professor Wright’. Photograph of Guy Newton, n.d. Photograph of a portrait of Robert Robinson with inscription: 'Pleased to have your photo in the D.P album. Original at R. Soc. rooms', 4 November 1955. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material Labelled on verso: Abraham and Edwin H. Flynn in front of an exhibition display. ‘Professor E.P Abraham, who was involved in the early development work on the cephalosporins in Oxford, recently visited Eli Lilly in Indianapolis. He is shown with Dr. Edwin H. Flynn, one of the Lilly scientists who contributed to the development of this new antibiotic “family” ’. N.d. Abraham and Edwin H. Flynn in front of an exhibition display. Labelled on verso as in J.20. Photograph of Abraham's wife with various people, including Henry Harris, n.d. Abraham, in later years, seated in an audience at a ?conference, n.d. Photograph of Abraham with Indian scientists, taken during his January 1985. visit to India in The names of the Indian scientists, as inscribed on verso, are R.K. Nand, P.V. Deshmukb, Rama Rao (from National Chemical Laboratory), P.S Borkar, N.R. Chatterjee’. Abraham visited the Hope Library to mark an extension to the Library made possible by a grant from the E.P. Abraham Cephalosporin Fund. This appears to have been taken on Abraham's visit to India in January / February 1985 (see F.62-F.67). Group photograph of Abraham and colleagues inscribed ‘Sir Edward Abraham's visit to the Hope Library [Oxford] on Tuesday, October 10th 1989’ Also featured are. F.B. Atkins, Curator of Mineralogical Collections; T. S Kemp, Curator of Zoological Collections; D. Spencer Smith; J.D.C. McConnell, Dept. of Earth Sciences; W.J. Kennedy, Curator of Geological Collections; S.J. Simpson, Principal Scientific Collections.’ Abraham and other Honorary graduands, including Jack Baldwin. Award of Honorary Doctor of Science Degree ceremony at Strathclyde University, 13 July 1989. Curator; G.A. Harrison, Chairman of the Committee for See also J.39. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material Abraham with Chancellor of Strathclyde University. ‘50 Years of Penicillin Application’, a symposium organized by the Technische Universitat Berlin, West Berlin, 9-12 September 1980. Various photographs taken at the symposium, contents of an envelope inscribed ‘Photographs Berlin, sent 1990’, sent from the Technical University of Berlin’. Included is one of Abraham delivering a lecture. See F.75-F.81 for correspondence and papers re the symposium. International meeting on ‘Trends in Microbial Resistance to B-lactam Antibiotics: Molecular Aspects and Clinical Implications’, held in L'Aquila and Rome, 12-15 May 1990. Photograph of Abraham, inscribed ‘Int. Congress T.M.R.A-L'Aquila and Rome May 12-15 1990.’ See H.376, H.377 for correspondence re this meeting. J.32-J.38 SLIDES J.32-J.34 Lantern Slides J.32 Photograph inscribed ‘John Walker, Admission to R. S. 1995’. Visit by Abraham to King Edward VI School, Southampton, his old school. Various photographs, contents of an envelope inscribed ‘Portrait by Daphne Tod, Sent 1991’. 1 box of 13 slides labelled 'Ceph. Mycelin Electron Micrographs’. 1 box of 3 lantern slides contained in a box labelled 'Pen. Chem.' Slides used for a lecture. 1 box of 41 lantern slides used to illustrate a lecture or lectures on penicillin. 1978, n.d. Undated E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material J.35-J.38 Lecture Slides 1 box labelled 'Prof. Abraham' containing 18 slides. Some slides are dated 1978. 1 box labelled 'Sulphanilamide other antibiotics-bioconversion' containing 11 slides. 1 box of Enzyme’. 14 slides labelled ‘Pseudomonas B-lactam' and 'Mary Pseudomonas 1 box labelled' Set 1 Baldwin’ and 'B-lactamases' containing 16 slides. J.39-J.43 VIDEOTAPES 1989, 1990 See F.82, F.83 for further material relating to this event. ‘Conversation with Eminent Biochemists, E.P. Abraham in conversation with R. Thomas, Imperial College London, 1 May 1990. The title of the video is ‘Penicillin and after, the Rise of the Antibiotic Era’. Video recorded for the UK Biochemical Honorary Doctor of Science Degree ceremony at Strathclyde University, 13 July 1989. Abraham was one of the graduands. See also official photographs of the ceremony at J.26, J.27. Series of lectures organised to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of a paper on the production and therapeutic application of penicillin. The venue was the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology and speakers included Henry Harris, Norman Heatley and Abraham. The main topic was the creation of the Dunn School, research and production of penicillin. Society archives. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Non-text material In the conversation Abraham recollects parts of his early career, giving anecdotes, and the cephalosporins. The video case also contains two pieces of correspondence. development penicillin account of the gives a detailed of and See G.22-G.26 for further material relating to this interview. ‘The Action of antibodies on Bacteria’. ‘Cephalosporins in Perspective’. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABBOTT LABORATORIES H.443-H.446 ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) ACHESON, R.M. ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK LTD ADIS PRESS LTD ALBERT, Adrien ALBERTI, Carlo G. ALDERTON, Gordon ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice AMBLER, Richard P. C.613, D.123, D.275, F.41, H.512 See also C.649-C-664 H.218 D.91, D.134 D.236, D.237, D.239 H.337, H.340 H.367 H.442 A.104 H.9 See also H.75 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES G.1-G.5 ANSLOW, Gladys A. AMERICAN CYANAMID COMPANY H.444, H.445, H.503 ANWAR, Rashid A. ARNSTEIN, H.R.V. H.456 H.477 20 H.112 G.68 AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY ASIAN CONGRESS OF PHARMACOLOGY ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY H.422 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY F.62, F.63, H.515 See also F.65-F.67 AUSTRIAN, Robert AZIZ, Ungku A. D.34, D.46, G.6-G.20 H.508, H.510 ASTRA PHARMACEUTICALS AB H.433-H.435, H.438, H.498 E.62 H.340 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 BACHMANN, Lawrence P. BADDILEY, Sir James BAKER, John Randal BAKER, Warren Leslie BAKER, Wilson F.82 H.98 D.41, D.42, D.62 H.1 C.188, G.70, H.228, H.229, F.019 BALDWIN, Graham Sherard G.7, H.2-H.11, H.363 BALDWIN, Sir Jack Edward C.455, C.457, C.460, C.520, C.523, C.625-C.628, C.688, C.695, C.912, C.913, F.75, G.63, G.78, H.126, H.301, H.472, H.525, H.526 See also C.696, C.697, H.533 BALLIO, A. H.369 BANYARD, Michael R.C. G.7 BARTLEY, W. 537547313 See H.504 See H.503, H.505 H.184, H.191 BARBER, Mary BARD, Basil J.A. H.12 H.213 BARKER, G.R. BARKER, S.A. BATCHELOR, F.R. BARNES, John Morrisson D.58, D.162 C.304, C.305, H.184, H.506, H.514 BEECHAM RESEARCH LABORATORIES LTD BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS BEESON, Paul Bruce H.506 H.364 H.336 H.493 D.135 BAUER, Karl BAZELEY, P.L. BAXTER, R. Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 BENEDICT, Robert G. BEN-ET, G. BERGMEYER, J. BERKS, Jonathan BERKS, Mary (née McPHAIL) BERNHEIMER, Alan W. BERNLOHR, Robert W. BETINA, Vladimir BETTER BUSINESS PROMOTION INC. BEVAN, E.A. BICKEL, H. BIDE, Sir Austin Ernest H.441 H.142 H.525 H.19 H.12-H.19 C.991 H.447 F.10, H.20, H.191 See also H.502 H.413, H.414 H.17 le DAlss BINON, F. H.343 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY D.131, F.61, G.21-G.26 BIRCH, Arthur John See H.501, H.502 07 D.247 D.165 H.21 BIOCHEMIE BIOESSAYS BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BLACK, Sir Douglas Andrew Kilgour C3239 17.19.1018; BE125, D127, D221, ):242, D:271- D.274, H.478 See also H.500 H.22-H.29 BLAKE, Robert William Norman, Baron H.185 H.536 H.359 BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth Lyon BLAZEJ, Anton BLEANEY, Roger Clive BLACKWELL, Carol Mary BLAKEWAY, John D. A.26, D.106 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 BLOCH, Konrad BODANSZKY, Miklos BOHONOS, Nestor BOMAN, Hans G. BOND, Godfrey W. BOOTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD G.1, G.2, H.469 F.9,H.512 H.448, H.470, H.471, H.477, H.502, H.507 H.434, H.435 H.260 H.506 BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf C.928, G.61, H.109 BOROWSKI, Edward BOYS, Omar R. BRADFORD, Harry F. BRANDL, Ernst BRANNAN, Sarah r50;,boi H.185 F.76, G.22-G.25 F138) P57 H.30 BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL G.24 BRISTOL-MYERS COMPANY BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION H.494, H.495 H.31-H.37 H.513 C.615 BRAZHNIKOVA, M. BRIGHTWELL, Malcolm BRIGHTWELL, R. D.100, D.101, E.43, E.45, E.48, E.49 G.30-G.32, H.336, H.396, H.413, H.424, H.425, H.433- H.435, H.495, H.561 C.1066, C.1067 BRITISH TECHNOLOGY GROUP see NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION C.1038, C.1041, F.27, H.38- H.42, H.367 See also C.412, C.426, BRITISH SOCIETY FOR ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMISTRY G.33-G.39 D.31, D.114, D.275, H.508 See also H.502 BRITTON, H.G. BROTZU, Giuseppe E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 BROWN, Nigel L. BROWNE, C.A. BROWNLEE, George Gow BRUMFITT, William BRUNET, P.C.J. BRUNT, P.A. BUD, Robert BULLARD, Sir Reader William BU’LOCK, J.D. BURTON, Henry S. BUSSE, Louis W. BYCROFT, Barrie W. Index of correspondents G.65 H.43 H.44, H.268 D.59 H.92 H.508, H.510 H.533 D.62 H.85, H.256, H.5114 C.470, D.75 See also C.325 H.491 H.89, H.489 G.89 D.140 BYNUM, W.F. CAHN, R.S. CAIN, James C. CALLOW, Donald CALVIN, Melvin H.501 See also H.498, H.503, H.504 ).1867D:1374E.7.F.9: H.385, H.388, H.395, H.396, H.399, H.413, H.435, H.461 See also H.501 D.141, D.161, D.172 H.448, H.451, H.454, H.460, H.477, H.481, H.482, H.521 See also H.501, H.504 CENTRAALBUREAU VOOR SCHIMMELCULTURES C.1041 CAMERON, G.R. CANNON, D.L. H.499 H.518. H.519 CHAIN, Anne Beloff, Lady D.135, D.137, D.138, D.140, E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 CHAIN, Sir Ernst Boris CHALMERS, D.K.M. CHAS. PFIZER & CO. INC CHATTAWAY, F.W. CHAUDHURY, Ranjit Roy THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN CHEN Han Yuan CHEN Yee Foong Index of correspondents C.179, C.197, D.164-D.166, H.259 See also C.989, H.499. H.514 D.67 C.884, C.886, H.479 H.217 F.62-F.64, H.45-H.49, H.247, H.336, H.378, H.379, H.424, H.425, H.450 See also H.381 C.884, C.885, C.887, D.275, G.40-G.44 H.192, H.194 H.355 H.427 CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CHMARA, Henryk CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill CIBA FOUNDATION CIBA LTD H.501 H.354 C.616-C.620, C.883, C.886 CIMMINO, Aldo CITRI, Nathan H.50-H.52 G.62 G.45-G.47 H.450, H.453, H.477, H.479 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS CIBA PHARMACEUTICALS PRODUCTS INC F.48, F.50 H.509, H.515 See also H.503, H.504 CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD See H.439 H.443-H.445 H.374 H.347 H.511 CLARKE, Hans T. COGHILL, Robert D. COHN, Zanvil A. CLAES, P. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents COMMERCIAL SOLVENTS (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD COOMBE, R.G. COONEY, Charles L. COOPER, Bernard A. CORCORAN, John W. CORNELIS, Guy H.190 H.53, H.54 H.130, H.474, H.475 H.109 D.191, H.201, H.462 H.55-H.66 CORNFORTH, Sir John Warcup (‘Kappa’) C.989, H.230, H.522 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY G.48-G.57 COWEN, David L. COWEY, Alan CRAIG, Lyman C. CRAM, Donald J. D.138 G.65 H.440, H.441, H.443, H.444, H.446, H.447, H.449, H.477 See H.499 CRAWFORD, K. CROUT, David H.G. H.67 H.529 H.443-H.445 CRESPI, R. Stephen CROOKS, Harry M., Jr CUELLO, A.C. CUMMINS, C.S. H.342 H.68-H.73 H.353 CROSSLEY, Maxwell J. G.68 See also H.500 CYANAMID OF GREAT BRITAIN LIMITED G.70 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DALGLIESH, Douglas G. H.75, H.518 H.20, H.360 DAVIDSON, B.E. DAVIDSON, J.N. D.75 H.448 H.2 CURTIN, John DATTA, Naomi G.2, H.527, H.528 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 DAVIES, Richard Brownlow DAVIS, Bernard D. DEMAIN, Arnold L. Index of correspondents DHALIWAL, S.S. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY DIDDENS, Heike THE DISTILLERS COMPANY LTD H.74-H.78 G.68 H.392, H.393, H.460, H.472- H.474, H.476, H.519, H.521, H.524, H.526 H.423 D.228, D.231 H.216, H.218, H.364 C.621-C.624, C.1042, C.1043 DIVISION SCIENTIFIQUE ROUSSEL UCLAF F.43, F.44 DOCTOR, V.M. DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles DOI, Roy H. H.378 D.48 H.463 D.41 H.80 DYKE, Keith G.H. E.R. SQUIBB & SONS INC. EBERT, Robert H. EDWARDS, Giles F. St L. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY DOUGALL, Donald K. DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) H.259 DRURY, Sir Alan Nigel DUNCAN, Margaret Janet DYSON PERINS LABORATORY H.3, H.81 C.625-C.632 H.79, H.336, H.340 See also H.499 Di275; Di276; F.519 C.362, C.485, C.505, C.633- C.881 passim, H.85, H.89, H.184, H.337, H.446, H.452, H.477, H.493 ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY H.82-H.84 B.42, D.61 E.512F:58 D.59, D.162 EDWARDS, Sir Ronald Stanley E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents ELVIDGE, John A. EMBORG, Claus ENCICLOPEDIA MEDICA ITALIANA H.23 H.363 D.11 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA F.10, H.456 ENDEAVOUR ENNOR,, Sir A. Hugh ERDTMAN, Gunhild ERDTMAN, Holger ERICSON, Hans ERIKSEN, K. Riewarts ETTLINGER, L. EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON BIO-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (ESBOC) D.2-D.10, D.130, D.180 D.42, H.336, H.338 H.438, H.496, H.504 H.501 D.162, H.434 H.497, H.505, H.506 F197 F:24F.25 EVANS, Sir David Gwynne H.32 EULER, Hans von FALK, Leslie A. FARQUHARSON, John FARRAR, E.J. D.76, H.452 H.184 H.190 FEBS LETTERS FENNER, Frank FAWCETT, Patricia Angela A.18, G.23 See also H.500 H.442 D.59, H.235, H.273, H.430, H.458 See also H.452, H.468 D.49, H.308, H.507, H.511, H.512 H.85-H.91 D.227 D.62, H.342 FISHER, Adrian John FITZGERALD, Robert J. FILDES, Sir Paul Gordon FINLAND, Maxwell H.92-H.97 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 FLEMING, Sir Alexander FLEMING, Peter C. FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FLOREY, Margaret, Lady FLOREY, Mary Ethel, Lady FLOSS, Heinz G. FLYNN, Edwin H. FOLKSON, Aleck FORD, Brian J. See H.497 H.350 C.300, C.358, C.362, C.466, C.471, C.504, C.893, C.1038, C.1044, C.1048, C.1070, D.42, D.47, D.66, D.70-D.75, D.139, D.164, H.477 See also D.76, H.500, H.512 D.48, D.49, D.57, D.63, D.103, D.105, D.162, H.162 D.70, D.71, D.103 H.415 C.477, F.10, H.184, H.191, H.461 H.307, H.308, H.310, H.313 H.520 THE FORD FOUNDATION FOWDEN, Sir Leslie FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FREEMAN, Richard F. FRAMM, Joachim H.513, H.518 FREESE, Ernst FUJISAWA, Y. FUJISAWA PHARMACEUTICAL CO. LTD G.63 H.98 H.85 H.519 G.60, H.513, H.514, H.541 See also H.506 H.449, H.454, H.461, H.516, H.520 H.498 C.488, C.510, H.385, H.388, H.389, H.391, H.401, H.404, H.409, H.411, H.412 H.99, H.402-H.404, H.409, H.411 H.100 D.70-D.72 FULLER, Keith W. FULTON, John Farquar FUNDER, Sigurd FUKUMURA, Takashi E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents FURTH, Anna J. H.101-H.107, H.413 GADDUM, Sir John Henry GAIT, M.J. GALE, Ernest Frederick GARDNER, Arthur Duncan GARDNER, Joan GARROD, Lawrence Paul GAUCHER, G.M. GAUSE, G.F. H.507 H.214 C.964, C.965, C.967, G.68, G.70, H.219 See also H.500, H.505 D.52, D.61 See H.319, H.320 D.48 C.341, C.399, D.61, D.64, D.104, H.511, H.505 See also H.502, H.506 H.353 H.494, H.495 See also H.493 GEIGY RESEARCH LABORATORIES H.450-H.452 GLAXO GROUP LTD C.488, C.882-C.913, G.27 GHUYSEN, Jean-Marie H.108, H.347, H.514 GLAXO LABORATORIES LTD GIBSON, William C. GILVARG, Charles H.446 D.50 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY H.142, H.213, H.216, H.217, H.396, H.519 See also H.508 C.231, C.304, C.305, C.363, C.1048, G.68, H.186, H.191 See also H.501 GLYNN, M.F. GMELIN, Rolf G.40 H.109 H.363 GODTFREDSEN, Sven GODTFREDSEN, W.O. GLAXO RESEARCH LTD GLOVER, S.W. G.81, H.143 H.508, H.509 £13615 £1363, 1-505 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents GOLDBLITH, Samuel A. GOODMAN, Arnold Abraham, Baron GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GORDON, Siamon GORE, Pamela Jean Marian GOTTLEIB, David GOULDEN, Steve A. GOWANS, Sir James Learmonth GOWING, Margaret Mary GRAHAM, Christopher Forbes GRASSI, Giuliana Gialdroni H.476, H.482 D.139 G.21, H.21 F.82 H.1114 D.275, H.455, H.456 H.186, H.191 H.527 B.78, D.64, D.135, D.163 H.525 226, hi27; F-30 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND MINISTRY OF HEALTH H.495 B.39, B.40, B.44, H.323 H.447 GROGER, D. GROSKLAGS, J.H. GRUCHY, G. Carl de GUILLET, James GREGORY, Roderic Alfred GREENSTEIN, Jesse P. H.454 D.59, H.342 H.353 H.112-H.115 GREEN, Vivian Hubert Howerd GUNETILEKE, Kapugama Geeganage H.195, H.519 H.364, H.522 See MILLER C.287-C.307 passim, C.309, C.1043, C.1045, C.1046, D.13 C.964 See also H.498, H.501 HADDOW, Sir Alexander HALE, Clifford William GUTFREUND, Herbert HAMILTON-MILLER H.306 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 HANBURY, Harold HANCOCK, R. HANES, Charles Samuel HANKS, John H. HARE, Ronald Index of correspondents B.53, H.507 H.452, H.453 BeAgd2 H.479 D.61 HARINGTON, Sir Charles Robert C.326, C.330, C.1044 HARLEY, John Laker HARRE, H.R. HARRIS, Sir Henry HARTLEY, Brian Selby HARUNG,, Harald Steinar HASH, John H. H.519, H.524 See H.512 G.58, G.59, H.116-H.118 See also H.321, H.499, H.503, H.504, J.48 H.99 H.518 H.515 HAYES, William HEATLEY, Norman George H.362 G.65, H.512 See also H.503 HASHIMOTO, Masashi HASSALL, Cedric Herbert H.412 G.60 D.165 HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George A.102, A.103, B.40, B.49, C.1039, C.1041, D.70, D.71, D.76, D.101, D.104, D.138, H.119-H.121, H.331 See also J.48 C.477, C.929, C.931, C.990 H.439, H.440, H.449 See also H.337, H.338 HENDERSON, David Willis Wilson HEMING, A.E. HEN Nga Been H.498, H.504 H.337 H.423-H.425 HEDEGAARD, Jens HEIDELBERGER, Charles HEIWINKEL, Heinz E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents HENNESSEY, Robert Samuel Fleming HERBERT, Richard B. HERBERTSON, Stig HEROLD, M. HETEROCYCLES HEYNINGEN, Ruth VAN HEYNINGEN, William Edward VAN HIGUCHI, Takeru HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold Percival HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LTD HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman HIRD, F.J.R. HO Coy Choke C.322 G.78 H.499 H.356, H.357, H.359, H.506 H.410, H.411 H.522 D.162, H.502 H.511 C.322 F.62, F.64, H.378-H.380 G.70, H.498 H.2 H.422-H.425, H.427, H.428, H.545, H.560, H.562, H.563 HOBBY, Gladys L. HOLT, Geoffrey HOLTERMAN, Hugo HOOD, J.L. Linsley HOPE, Derek B. H.462, H.463, H.479 HOLMLUND, Chester E. H.450 H.470 meat HOFFMAN - LA ROCHE INC. HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot C.304, C.465, C.471, C.1069, H.350, H.526 See also H.524 H.513 HOPWOOD, Sir David Alan HOWIE, Sir James William HUDDLESTON, Joyce Anne G.64, H.122 H.356, H.506 D.62 H.123-H.125A H.497, H.498 H.509 H.513 HOSTALEK, Z. HUGHES, David E. Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 HUTCHINGS, B.L. IBANEZ, Felix Marti IKAWA, Miyoshi IMADA, Akira IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD H.471 H.440 H.447 H.218, H.414 C.199, C.914-C.921 INFECTIOUS DISEASES SOCIETY OF AMERICA C.952, C.959, F.16, F.17 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF CHEMOTHERAPY INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION OVERSEAS J.A. KEMP & CO., Chartered Patent Agents JACKSON, Willis, Baron D.132 F.54 H.535 H.518, H.519 D.104 H.506 H.395, H.400 H.126-H.131 D.61 JAGO, Margaret THE JAPAN ACADEMY JEFFERSON, Sir Geoffrey JEFFERY, Jonathan JARBOE, Charles H. JAWETZ, Ernest JAYATILAKE, Gamini Senerath H.457 H.441 D.75 H.382, H.390, H.404 JAPAN ANTIBIOTICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION See H.315, H.316 H.132-H.134, H.191 See also H.503 H.259, H.260 H.337 JOHNSON, Marvin J. JOLL, James H.374, H.447, H.478-H.480 JEPHCOTT, Sir Harry JOHN WILLEY & SONS LTD JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents JONES, Sir Ewart Ray Herbert (‘Tim’) JONES, Hardin B. JORPES, J. Erik JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS C.496, C.1089, H.231, H.256, H.391, H.518, H.522 See also H.497, H.499, H.500 H.439 H.500, H.502, H.503 See also H.501 D.277-D.281, F.52, H.188, H.193, H.390, H.391-H.393, H.396, H.411, H.419, H.420, H.459 JOURNAL OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY D.207, D.275, H.478 JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY H.465 D.275 KAMETANI, Tetsuji H.410, H.411 KANZAKI, Toshihiko KATO, Koichi H.395, H.401 H.365 F.16, H.135-H.139, H.188 KASCHE, V. KASIK, John E. KASS, Edward H. KATZ, Sir Bernard KATZ, Edward D.60, D.162, H.462, H.465- H.469, H.536 See also G.1 H.404, H.409, H.410, H.417, H.420 See also G.23 See also H.501, H.502 C.287-C.307 passim, C.472, C.473, C.1042, C.1043, C.1045, C.1046 See also H.499 H.358, H.447-H.449, H.454, H.455, H.480 KAY, Robert KELLY, Brendan Kevin H.140-H.148 B.81, F.22, G.60, H.182, H.191, H.192 KENIG, Martin D.J. KENNER, George Wallace D.165, D.166 H.18 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 KHUON, Ernst von KIENER, Peter Alexander KISHIDA, Yukichi KITAHARA, Kakuo KITANO, Kazuaki KJAER, Anders KLEINKAUF, Horst KLENK, Grete KLUENDER. Harold KLYNE, W. KNIGHT, Bert Cyril James Gabriel H.149 H.150-H.153 H.415 H.388 H.401, H.417 H.503, H.505 E.26, E:28; E.31, F.68, F.69; F.75, F.76, F.81, H.364, H.365, H.532, H.533 H.509 H.483-H.485 H.507 D.63 H.459, H.520 H.175 H.214 H.393, H.394 KURABAWA, Seishi KRYNSKI, Stefan KUMMERLE, H.P. See H.499 A.34 KNOX, James KNOX, Robert KNOWLES, Jeremy Randall G.2, G.63, G.72, G.73, H.465-H.467, H.469, H.523 See also A.38 KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo H.480 H.154-H.160, H.394, H.396, H.400, H.401, H.404 H.416 H.382 A.104 H.494 H.16 KURTI, Nicholas KUZNETSOV, V.D. KURAHASHI, Kiyoshi KURAHAWA, Shogo KUROYA, Musahiko LABIA, R. LAMPEN, J. Oliver Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 THE LANCET LANDMAN, Otto E. LANDOR, S.R. LANSING, David LEAF, Alexander LEDERBERG, Joshua LEDERLE LABORATORIES LEFEBVRE, G. LEIN, Joseph C.946 H.450-H.452 H.516, H.517 H.461 D.60 G.68 See also H.499 H.443, H.454, H.470, H.471, H.477, H.507, H.502 See also H.502 H.527 H.390, H.423, H.450, H.462, H.475 LEO LABORATORIES LTD E.62 LEONARD, F. LEWIS, Harold E. LIERSCH, M. LODER, John W. LEO PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS LTD H.361, H.363, H.504, H.505, H.508 H.450-H.452 LEWIS. J.C. LEWY, Rudolf LEWIN, J. LEWIS, G. H.439 H.516 D.40 H.497 D.138 LIDDELL, Edward George Tandy (‘Pat’) H.162 C.883, C.886, C.994, D.121, F.10, F.20, H.442, H.443, H.446, H.447, H.461, H.484 See also C.1047 LILLY RESEARCH LABORATORIES LINNANE, Anthony W. LJUNGBERG, Sixten D.49, D.58 F.39 H.342, H.516 H.433 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 LODER, Patricia Bronwen LOMAKINA, Nina LONG, Alan G. LOSEL, Dorothy M. LOVE, Jack W. LOWBURY, Edward J.L. LUEGO, José Maria LUSH, Brandon McELROY, W.D. McFADZEAN, A.J.S. MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn McHARDY, Jack Index of correspondents H.161-H.165 See also H.341 H.495 G.40 H.197 H.188, H.191, H.512 D.59, H.516 H.166-H.169, H.432 H.81 H.154 H.336 D.64, D.104, D.105, D.107, D.136, D.137, D.139, D.161, D.163, D.166, G.70, H.316 MAEDA, Kenji H.396, H.400-H.402 MAEGRAITH, Brian Gilmore MAGNUSSON, Staffan MacKEITH, Ronald Charles MADDOx, Sir John Royden A.2 H.514 See also H.527 D.60, D.62 H.512 McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY H.503 H.81, H.141, H.299, H.511, H.543 Fatiitt3 See also H.499-H.501, H.171, H.366 See also H.498-H.500 MARCUS, Abraham MARGREITER, Hans MAKINS, John MANDELSTAM, Joel D.50 H.506 H.524 H.307 MARCO, A. Di Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 MARKHAM, Roy MARSTON, Robert Quarles MARTIN, Sir David Christie MARTIN, Joseph J. MARTIN, Juan Francisco MASLEN, E.N. MATHISON, G.E. MAXWELL, lan Robert MEDICAL NEWS MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ANTIBIOTICS RESEARCH STATION MEISTER, Alton G.70 B.39, B.40, C.959, F.50, H.170, H.459, H.463 See also H.195 D.40, D.44 H.447 H.166, H.432, H.533 H.341, H.342 H.197 H.320, H.507 D.15 C.393, C.1045, D.47, D.54, D.66-D.69, D.139, H.184 C.287-C.303, C.1042- C.1046 H.443 C.199, C.205, D.66-D.69 MICHEL, G. MELLANBY, Sir Edward MERCK & CO. INC. MERRICK, M.J. MICHEL, Charles H.520 H.267 H.218 C.467, C.884, C.886, C.922- C.928, C.991, C.992 See also C.1047 MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, PORTON DOWN, WILTSHIRE See H.506 H.171-H.174, H.191, H.366, H.367 MILLER, Jeremy Marcus Tom HAMILTON- MILLER, C. Phillip MILLER, Duane D. MIGLIACCI, Adele (‘Lilli’) D.75, H.306 H.439 H.512 H.175-H.181 C.405, C.929-C.940, C.1010 MILES, Sir (Arnold) Ashley E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 MILLS, John MILLSTEIN, César MINGOS, D.M.P. MITCHELL, Peter Dennis MITCHISON, D.A. MITSUHASHI, S. MIYASAKI, M. MIZUSHIMA, Sanichiro MOBERG, Carol MOLE, R.H. MOORE, Stanford Index of correspondents H.463 G.62 A.101 G.62, G.68 See also H.500 H.517 H.402, H.410-H.413 H.385, H.388 H.409 F.50 See H.498 H.337, H.439, H.442, H.447, H.500 See also H.522 MORE, Robert H. NAKANO, H. H.231, H.528, H.533 H.510, H.522 D.41, D.42, D.58 H.391, H.392 MUNEKATA, Masanobu MORGAN, Walter Thomas James MORIN, Robert B. MORRELL, Jack MOSES, Vivian MUIR, Helen H.512 H.394 H.350 H.156 H.460 MURRAY, Keith Anderson Hope, Baron See also H.501 B.58, C.303, C.307, C.358- C.605, C.633-C.640 passim, C.666, C.684, C.922, C.923, C.930, C.947, C.977, C.978, C.980-C.984, C.1047, C.1048, C.1060-C.1062, C.1066, F.7, F.52, H.75, H.184, H.191, H.197, H.385, H.395, H.396, H.413, H.435, H.461, H.519, H.526, H.527 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 NATURE NAVASHIN, S. NEEDHAM, Joseph NELSON, John D. NEUBERGER, Albert NEWTON, Anthony NEWTON, B.A. Index of correspondents D.18, D.19, D.28, D.92, D.96, D.225, D.252, D.285, D.286, H.192, H.512, H.535 H.494 C.964 See also H.502 H.473 D.137, D.140, D.141, H.507 See also H.311 H.195 G.68 NEWTON, Guy Geoffrey Frederick C.290, C.294, C.297, C.331, C.359, C.362, C.467, C.470, C.475, C.478, C.487, C.488, C.890, C.893, C.990, C.1042, C.1043, C.1045, C.1047, C.1048, F.9, H.161, H.182-H.196, H.302 H.191-H.194, H.516 NOMINE, G. NOVO INDUSTRI A/S NIEMANN, Carl NISHIDA, Minoru H.477 H.439 H.391 H.343 H.363 NICKERSON, Walter J. NEWTON, Rosemary Enid OAKSHOTT, Sir Walter Fraser H.267 H.259, H.260, H.261, H.392, H.401, H.402, H.404, H.410, H.411, H.417-H.419 B.41, B.53 See also B.56 OHARA, M. OKADA, H. H.388, H.389 H.393 OGAWARA, Hiroshi O’GRADY, Francis H.410, H.411, H.413 E.29, H.517-H.519 OKAMI, Yoshiro OKI, Michinori Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 OLLIS, William David OLSON, Birger H. ORATORE, Arduino O’SULLIVAN, Joseph OTSUKA, Hideo OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn OWEN, John B. OWEN. Samuel Griffith THE OXFORD SOCIETY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS C.977-C.986, D.63, G.61, H.508 H.444, H.445, H.450 H.376 H.197-H.201 H.409 D.165 B.38 H.170 D.95, D.103 D.233, D.234, D.287, H.231, H.515 PAGE, M.I. H.523 PANG Chi-Pui (‘Calvin’) PARK, James T. PARKER, Charles W. PARRY, Adam PARKE, DAVIS & COMPANY PAINE, Tom PALISSA, Harriet H.202-H.212 H.212 H.443-H.445 H.452, H.453 H.511 H.446 H.528 PAGE, WHITE & FARRER, Chartered Patent Agents H.431 A.99, E.6, G.61, H.319, H.324-H.326 PATON, Sir William Drummond Macdonald A.109, A.110 See also H.517 H.460 A.109 H.471 H.218 PAYNE, J.W. PEBERDY, John F. PARRY, Barbara Lillian PARRY, Catherine PATTERSON, Ernest L. E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst PELCZAR, Michael J., Jr PELLING, Margaret PENNEY, William George, Baron PERGAMON PRESS LTD PERHAM, Richard Nelson PERLMAN, David PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETERSON, W.H. PFIZER INC. G.61 H.464, H.521 H.525 D.140 H.507 G.72 59; F.9) E10; Fad, A187, H.188, H.191, H.298, H.300, H.459, H.460, H.484, H.485, H.491, H.492, H.511 See also H.448 D.167, D.226 H.445, H.447 C.941-C.943 PFIZER LTD PHILLIPS, Charles Garrett PHILLIPS, David Chilton, Baron PIRIE, Norman Wingate (‘Bill’) D.45, D.58, H.378 PICKERING, Sir George PIRIE, Antoinette (‘Tony’) PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS D.136, D.139, D.140, G.63, H.2, H.513, H.505, H.524 H.306-H.316, H.318, H.319, H.321, H.323, H.324, H.331 G.6-G.20 C.323-C.333, C.968-C.971, F.9, F.10, G.70-G.72, H.75, H.81, H.510, H.511 See also H.501 H.448, H.449. H.453, H.463, H.514 See also H.517 PORATH, Jerker PORTER, Robert H.444 C.282 H.508 H.290 H.439 H.498 PISANO, Michael A. POLLOCK, Martin Rivers POMERAT, Gerard P. Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 PORTER, Rodney Robert PORTER, Ruth POSTGATE, John Raymond POUND, Allan W. PREOBRAJENSKAYA, T.P. PREMABAI, M. PRICE, J.R. QUAYLE, John Rodney QUEENER, Stephen W. QUINN, Jack A. D.131 H.470 See also H.502 H.98 H.342 H.494 H.378 H.335, H.336 G.71 F.52, H.128 F.7, F.9, F.10, H.449, H.454, H.461, H.516, H.520 See also H.512 RANDLE, Sir Philip John RAKE, Geoffrey W. RAKHIT, S. REYNOLDS, Thelma M. RICHARDS, Eva, Lady RAPER, Kenneth B. RENKONEN, K.O. C.946 G.65 G.65, H.527 H.441, H.493 RAMALINGASWAMI, Vulimiri REVIEWS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES H.446 G.61, H.513 See also H.466 H.170 H.455 H.498 H.338 H.69 RINGROSE, Peter S. RIVETT, Robert W. RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry D.58, H.16, H.227, H.525 RICHARDS, Sir Rex Edward RICHARDSON, Elliot Lee RINEHART, Kenneth L., Jr H.351, H.353 H.466, H.467 H.217, H.218 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 ROBERTSON, J.S. ROBERTSON, James S. ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROBINSON, Stearn, Lady ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROGERS, David E. ROGERS, Howard J. ROSE, Francis Leslie H.340 D.41 C.186, C.188, C.197, C.199, C.205, C.508, D.63, D.166, H.228-H.231, H.335, H.508, H.519 See also C.989, H.502, H.503 H.230 H.217. H.218 H.369, H.370, H.439, H.458, H.460 B.40 H.81 C.915-C.921 ROSENHEIM, Max Leonard, Baron D.59, H.307-H.310, H.313 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY G.74-G.78, H.545 F.84 See also F.85 G.42, H.541 A.27, A.33, D.40, D.45, D.47, D.53, D.54, D.57, D.135, D.141, E.35, F.62, F.63, G.27, G.58-G.73, H.256, H.261, H.383, H.385, H.422, H.538, H.543, H.544 H.414 C.400, C.949, F.9, F.16, F.82, H.191, H.232-H.246, H.372, H.373, H.461, H.536 See also H.451-H.453, H.509 H.357, H.359 See also H.504, H.505 RUSSELL, Peter E. D.64 SABATH, Leon David (‘Lee’) RUDINGER, J. SAINO, Yushi E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SALTON, Milton Robert James Index of correspondents SANGER, Frederick SANKAWA, Ushio SAUBER, K. SAUGMAN, Per SAUKKONEN, Jussi J. SAWADA, Yosuke SCHAAF, C. Hart SCHAEFFER, Pierre SCHAFFNER, Carl P. SCHOENTAL, Regina G.68 See also H.501 C.964, G.71 H.420 F.69 B.39, B.41, D.63 H.505 H.473 H.247, H.248, H.336, H.337 See also H.502, H.503, H.515 C.990, C.992 H.480 G.65 SCHON, Sir Frank SELWYN, Sydney H.31 SHAMMA, Maurice SHAW, Robert W. SEXTON, W.A. SHALL, Sydney D.183, D.184 H.522, H.523 C.914-C.919 D.59 H.510 SHARPLESS, K. Barry SCIENCE JOURNAL SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN H.378 H.267, H.443, H.446, H.473- H.475 SIDDIQUI, Salimuzzaman H.126 H.267 H.516 SHEEHAN, John Clark H.409 H.389 G.75 F.64 SHIBA, Tetsuo SHIBATA, S. SHORTER, John SIDDIQI, Obaid E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 SIH, Charles J. SIM Tiow Suan SIMMONDS, Alan SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SJOBERG, Berndt SMITH, A.T.H. ROBB- SMITH, Emil L. SMITH, Ernest Lester SMITH, John Maynard Index of correspondents £:5;6:/6.9,/11.103, H-298, H.447, H.460, H.483-H.493, H.520 H.425, H.427, H.428 F.82 D.61 H.433, H.435, H.438 See H.321 G.2 G.68 G.71 SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES C.884, C.944, C.945, H.452, H.461 SNELL, Eric S. D.60 SNYDER, Eugene E. SPOONER, D.F. SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY SODA, Kenji SONDHEIMER, E. SOCIETA ITALIANA DI CHEMIOTERAPIA SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) G.1, G.73 SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY B.40, H.439, H.440, H.449, H.462, H.463, H.517-H.519, H.522, H.529 See also C.1047, H.500 C.633, C.884, C.886, C.946- C.962, F.9 SQUIBB INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH SPENCER, Brian SPRINGER-VERLAG D.59 F.33 H.506 SPARROW, John Hanbury Angus 5.26, F270). o1 G.79-G.81 E.23, E.24 E.62 H.401 See H.448, H.449 D.216, H.476, H.512 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 STAUFFER, J.F. STEIN, William H. STEINMAN, Harry G. STEMBERGER, Heinrich STEVENS, Carl M. STEVENS, LANGNER, PARRY & ROLLINSON, Chartered Patent Agents STEWARD, Frederick Campion STEWART, Gordon Thallon STODOLA, Frank H. STRAHS, Gerald H.448, H.453 H.440, H.446 H.452-H.454, H.508 H.514, H.515 H.249-H.253 H.511 H.448 C.293, C.294, C.1065, D.63, D.128, E.47, H.455-H.459, H.506-H.508, H.513, H.534 See also H.504, H.505 H.448 H.453 STROMINGER, Jack L. STURGESS, Elizabeth H.456, H.465 H.448, H.449 H.62, H.126 SYMINGTON, T. SUHADOLNIK, R.J. SUMIKI, Yusuke SUTHERLAND, I.W. H.517 H.382 D.63 F.38, F.39 H.310 SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington SUTHERLAND, Dame Lucy Stuart SWISS SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY G.90 H.388, H.389, H.393, H.394, H.403, H.404, H.409, H.412, H.413 H.497, H.498 See also H.500 TAKANO, Tadayoshi H.415 H.448 TAKEDA, Katsuo TANENBAUM, Stuart W. TANSEY, E.M. (‘Till’) E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 TAYLOR, Marilyn THOMAS, Robert THOMPSON, Penelope, Lady THORNILEY, Maureen Susan Index of correspondents H.532 G.22, H.516, H.525 H.516 H.254, H.255 THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT D.128, D.129, D.224 TISHLER, Max TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TODRICK, A. TOSONI, A.L. TOYO RAYON COMPANY TREND, Burke St John, Baron TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES D.62 See H.502 H.529 H.350 C.1042 D.161 H.515 TRIBUNA MEDICA TROWN, Patrick W. H.430 UEDA, Yasushi UMEZAWA, Hamao TSUDA, Kyosuke TULLY, Michael TURNER, John M. H.454, H.493 H.384, H.388 HF H.21 H.508 H.413 TWYFORD LABORATORIES LTD H.269-H.281 G.64, H.216, H.256-H.266, H.268, H.383, H.384, H.388- H.393, H.395, H.396, H.400- H.402, H.404, H.410, H.418 See also H.155 UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO PRESS THE UPJOHN COMPANY A.34, H.267, H.268, H.419 USHER, John James H.368 C.960 UMEZAWA, Kazuo UNGAR, J. C.963, H.452, H.454 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 Index of correspondents VANARENDONK, A.M. H.452, H.477 See also H.510 VANDAMME, Erick Jerome Maurice Cornelius H.142, H.282-H.286, H.348 VANDERHAEGHE, H. VANEK, Zdenko VAUGHAN, Dame Janet Maria VEALE, Douglas VELLA, Luciano VERMA, R.D. VLIETINCK, A.J. VOROS, Laszl6é WAKAZAWA, T. H.287, H.288, H.347, H.508, H.513, H.514, H.516, H.517, H.534 H.356-H.360 G.64, H.509 D.73 H.369 H.378 H.289 H.506 H.404 WALLMARK, Gésta WATANABE, Tetsuo H.302, H.385 WALDMANN, Herman H.509 H.185 H.382 H.518 WALSHE, J.M. WARREN, S.C. A.38, A.39 H.290-H.297 H.298-H.301 WALEY, Stephen Gerald WALKER, Sir John Ernest WATERWORTH, Pamela M. H.499 WELLCOME RESEARCH LABORATORIES WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD C.401 H.505, H.506 WATSON, K.C. WEISS, David W. WELCH, Arnold D. H.506, H.509 H.337, H.338, H.449 Index of correspondents E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 WELLCOME TRUST WHALLEY, W. Basil WHELAN, W.J. WHITE, E.P. WHITE, Peter J. WHITE, Robert Lester WHITEMAN, Patricia Angela (née Fawcett) WHITTENBURG,, John V. WIELAND, O. WIGGINS, L.F. WILD, D.G. G.82-G.90, H.323, H.335, H.383-H.385 H.538 See also H.500 F.24 H.374 H.337 H.65 H.303-H.305 See FAWCETT H.471, H.503 H.43 H.371 H.90 WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey G.33, G.34 WOODWARD, Robert Burns H.447, H.455, H.465, H.511 WILSON, Sir Graham Selby D.51, G.63 WILLIAMS, J. David WILLIAMS, Trevor Illtyd WINSHELL, Elaine WINTERSTEINER, O. WOODRUFF, H. Boyd H.460 H.452 E.24 A.97, C.1067 See also H.516 D.91, D.134. H.231, H.438 See also H.190, H.500 H.306 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION H.438 D.45, D.55 WRETLAND, Bengt WRIGHT, R. Douglas H.508 See also H.500 WORK, Elizabeth WRIGHT, Eric H.20, H.45-H.47, H.495 E.P. Abraham NCUACS 103/2/02 233 Index of correspondents WRIGHT, S.E. WRIGHT, Winifred G. WRINCH, Dorothy WRISTON, John C., Jr WU, Henry C. WYLIE, John Anthony Hamilton YAGISAWA, Morimasa YAGISAWA, Yukimasa YAMABE, Shigeru YAMANAKA, Kunio YANKWICH, Peter E. YONEDA, Masahiko YONEHARA, Hiroshi YOSHIDA, Akira YOSHIDA, Tadashi YOUNG, Douglas W. ZAHNER, Hans ZERVAS, L. ZIMAN, John Michael H.336-H.338, H.340 H.509 H.450 See also H.504 H.448 H.217 H.306-H.334 H.419, H.420 H.382, H.390-H.392, H.396, H.402, H.411, H.459 H.409, H.412, H.415-H.417, H.421 H.382 H.439, H.442 H.409 H.385 H.415 H.413, H.418 C.758, H.87, H.486, H.487, H.490, H.520 H.214, H.218, H.364 See H.185 G.48, G.49, G.52