KELLER, Andrew Vol2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES, F.1-F.386 1955-1998 For photographs taken at visits and conferences see A.74- A.91. F.1-F.365 CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE F.366-F.370 NOTES ON PROCEEDINGS F.371-F.380 INVITATIONS, NOTICES AND CIRCULARS F.381-F.386 INVITATIONS DECLINED A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE 1955-1998 may _ arrangements This programme), (correspondence, abstracts of Keller’s contributions, manuscript notes on proceedings, etc include list participants, material sre of Institute Conference, Bristol, 30 March-1 April 1955 Analysis Physics X-ray of Group Spring Abstracts. Spring on Birmingham, spring 1955 Conference Graphisation in Cast Irons, Manuscript notes; papers delivered, including report on research on solid polymers 1951-1952 by Keller. 3 folders. of Physics Semi- Group Union 2 folders. 1955-1956 Royal Technical duplicated X-ray and Autumn Materials, Analysis Non-crystallline Summer Course on Electron Microscopy, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 27 June-4 July 1955 Arrangements; extract from discussion. Arrangements; typescript College sheets on electron microscopy. Institute Conference on London, 18-19 November 1955 2 folders. International of Crystallography Symposium on Structures on a scale between the atomic and microscopic dimensions, Madrid, Spain, 2-7 April 1956 Arrangements, abstracts etc. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy Group Annual Conference, Reading, 24-26 July 1956 Arrangements. Colloque sur les Bases Scientifiques des Essais Relatifs aux Elastomeres aux Fibres et aux Plastiques, Paris, France, 25-26 July 1957 Arrangements; abstracts (with F.C. Frank and A. O’Connor); background material. including Keller's contribution 2 folders. Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy Group Annual Conference, Bangor, 10-12 September 1957 Arrangements. Faraday Society General Discusssion on Configurations and Interactions of Macromolecules and Liquid Crystals, Leeds, 15-17 April 1958 Arrangements. Bad Nauheim, 1958-1959 German Physical West Germany, 20-23 April 1958 Society Conference, Arrangements; proofs of Keller’s lectures and contribution to discussion. Not otherwise documented. International High-Polymer Conference, Nottingham, 21- 24 July 1958 International Conference on Crystal Growth, New York, USA, 27-29 August 1958 Copy of humorous comments by F. Seitz. 2 folders. Circular, manuscript jottings. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 F.19-F.23 IUPAC Wiesbaden, West Germany, 1959 International Symposium on Macromolecules, 1958-1960 Arrangements; typescript copy of paper with manuscript translation into German; discussion remarks etc. Keller’s 5 folders. ‘Proposed discussion contribution to the Royal Society Discussion’ late 1950s Typescript draft + manuscript list of slides. ‘Unpublished lectures...during a trip to Holland and Germany’ proposed material be to included in Typescript draft. for including Programme. Keller’s contribution Symposium on Structures of Cellulose and other High Polymers, Forskning, Norway, 2-4 May 1960 Sentralinstitutt Industriell German Physical Society Conference, Wiesbaden, West Germany, 17-21 October 1960 Volume of abstracts on ‘Crystallinity and morphologic structure of high polymers’, in Norwegian. Keller was an organiser of the Conference. Typescript draft ‘The morphology of crystalline polymers’ by Keller, described as ‘a summary of two lectures...’ Institute Polymers, Bristol, 10-12 January 1961 Conference Summer School, Varenna, Italy 1960-1961 F.29-F.36 Physics of of Physics on the A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 F.29-F.34 Correspondence with participants 1960-1961 6 folders Conference arrangements Abstracts of contributions sent to Keller F.37-F.41 Second World Congress of Man-made Fibres, London, 1- 4 May 1962 Arrangements ‘Polymer single crystals’ by Keller Typescript draft + plates for figures. Social occasions of Physics Arrangements. The Golden Book of Man-made Fibres Hardback conference volume, 435pp. Correspondence re publication of proceedings; typescript of Keller's discussion remarks Arrangements. Institute Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group and X-ray Analysis Group Conference on Inorganic and Intermetallic Crystals, Birmingham, 4-6 April 1963 Institute Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 2-6 July 1963 of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 meeting, Kolloid-Gesellschaft Germany, 24-25 October 1963 Bad Oeynhausen, West Programme. of Physics Institute Group Discusssion Meeting on Solidification and Crystallization, London, 28 February 1964 Materials Testing and Programme. Meeting Pennsylvania, USA, 23-26 March 1964 Polymer High on Physics, Philadelphia, Programme. F.47-F.50 Institute Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 1-3 April 1964 Polymer Physics of Physics Meeting, 1963-1964 Keller was an organiser of the meeting. 3 folders. Lehrstuhl 1963-1964 F.47-F.49 1963-1964 Arrangements Wollforschungsintitut Correspondence with participants Deutsches fur Textilchemie Colloquium, Aachen, West Germany, 26 May 1964 Arrangements. Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, Colby Junior College, New Hampshire, USA, 6-10 July 1964 Keller Polymeren’. Ketteniiberfaltung Notice only. ‘Uber die spoke on in A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 K.N.C.V. Summer Congress, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3- 4 September, 1964 Programme. Institute of Physics Conference on Solid State Physics, Bristol, 5-8 January 1965 Provisional programme. F.55-F.58 IUPAC Chemistry, September 1965 International Prague, on Symposium Czechoslovakia, Macromolecular August-4 30 hoOoshiOr Arrangements 3 folders. Manuscript notes etc. Francaise de meeting, of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, Arrangements. Cristallographie Programme; volume of abstracts. Association Montpellier, France, 17-19 March 1966 British Polymer Physics Group meeting, Royal Military College 15-17 September 1965 Keller gave lectures on crystalline polymers. and Glass Institute, Troy, New York, USA, 30 March-1 April 1966 Rensselaer Polytechnic Lectures, Plastics Arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Symposium on Advances in Polymer Characterisation, Manchester, 20-21 April 1966 Arrangements. F.63-F.65 Second European Conference on Plastics and Rubber, Paris, France, 20-27 May 1966 Arrangements; abstracts; manuscript notes. 3 folders. F.66-F.71 Visit to USA, June-July 1966 1965-1966 of the parts Biennial Polymer Keller attended Symposium, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio and the International Crystal Growth Conference, Boston, visit colleagues and research centres elsewhere in the US. Massachusetts. Third went then He on to F.66-F.68 International Conference on Crystal Growth of fibrous crystal Kellers abstract of lamellar including 3 folders. morphology Third Biennial Polymer Symposium Arrangements, paper ‘Regular rotation of growth terraces in polymers single crystals’; volume of abstracts. Arrangements, including abstract of Keller's paper ‘On the duality with particular reference to oriented crystallization’; volume of abstracts. Correspondence re visits to Chemstrand Research Center and DuPont Experimental Station Institute of Physics Conference on Small-angle Scattering of Electrons and X-rays, London, 17-18 November 1966 Arrangements. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Institute of Physics Solid State Physics Sub-Committee 4th Annual Manchester, 4-7 January 1967 State Conference, Solid 1966-1967 Arrangements; contribution; conference volume including abstracts. typescript Kellers of discussion 2 folders. British Polymer Physics Group Symposium on Surface Characterization College Cambridge, 6-7 January 1967 Polymers, Churchill of Programme. 7G, Rare Visit to USA, April 1967 United Properties, Keller attended the Conference on Polymer Structure and Mechanical Natick April, and then the Laboratories, Massachusetts, 19-21 Conference Cryogenic Temperatures, held at the Case Institute of Technology and Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 25-27 April. Properties Polymers States Army on of on and of Polymer Structure Polymers Properties Mechanical Arrangements. Conference Properties Conference on Temperatures British Polymer Physics Group Conference, Royal Military College 12-14 September 1967 Programme; abstracts. at Cryogenic Arrangements. Shrivenham, Wiltshire, Science, of A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 F.79-F.81 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 High Polymer Committee of the German Physical Society Discussion Meeting on Kristallisationserscheinungen in Hoch 27-29 September 1967 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Polymeren, 1966-1968 Arrangements and publication of proceedings Typescript drafts of contributions to discussions copy of Proof polymer crystals’ Keller’s contribution, ‘Solution grown Macromolecules Colloquium, Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany, 29 February-2 March 1968 Arrangements. Arrangements. Arrangements. Macromolecular 1967-1968 Arrangements. IUPAC Chemistry, Toronto, Canada, 3-6 September 1968 International Symposium on 62nd Weekend Course, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 28-30 June 1968 Keller lectured on Polymer crystallinity. Field, California; University of Akron, Ohio. Arrangements Reserve University; NASA Dialogue on Heterogenous Nucleation Theory and Experiment, Ames Research Center, Moffett Royal Microscopical Society Meeting on Microstructure of Materials, Oxford, 16-19 September 1968 Visit to USA, October-November 1968 Case Western for visits to A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Institute of Physics X-ray Analysis Group and Carbon and of Graphite Group Conference on Partially Sussex, Brighton, 9-11 April 1969 University Structural Materials, Ordered Studies of Arrangements; abstract of Keller’s contribution on ‘Order and disorder in polymer single crystals’. Third Molecular Club Meeting, Varenna, Italy, 28-30 May 1969 Arrangements. Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, New Hampshire, USA, 9-13 June 1969 Arrangements. Royal Society Conversazione, London, 26 June 1969 Wiltshire, on Physics, Imperial College of Science, Shrivenham, Programme. Arrangements; manuscript notes. Colloquium Chemical London, 11 November 1969. British Polymer Physics Group Conference, Royal Military College 16-18 September 1969 January 1970 Visit to ICI Petrochemical & Polymer Laboratory, Runcorn, Cheshire, 11 December 1969 British Polymer Physics Group Conference on Polymer 7-9 Chain Colchester, Invitation (accepted). Arrangements. Flexibility, Essex University, F.94-F.97 1969-1970 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Arrangements F.95-F.97 Conference abstracts 3 folders. Society Discussion Royal Solids, London, 29 January 1970 Meeting on Strong Fibrous Programme. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on New Developments in Electron Microscopy with Special Emphasis on their Application in Biology, London, 12-13 March 1970 Programme. F.100, F.101 2 folders. Arrangements; conference handbook with abstracts. Conference on the Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, Churchill College Cambridge, 31 March-3 April 1970 Arrangements; typescript notes on Frank; abstract of Keller’s lecture on ‘Crystal growth in polymers’. lectures by Mott School on Crystal Growth, University of Bristol, 6-10 April 1970 1969-1970 Groupe Frangais de Physique des Polyméres meeting, Centre Macromolécules, Strasbourg, France, 21-22 May 1970 Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft meeting, Heidelberg, West Germany, 7-10 May 1970 Invitation and programme. de Recherches sur les Arrangements; abstracts. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 rl 05) 106 Second International Conference on Small-angle X-ray Scattering, Graz, Austria, 26-29 August 1970 1969-1970 Arrangements; printed abstracts. 2 folders. 07 108 IUPAC Leiden, The Netherlands, 31 August-4 September 1970 International Symposium on Macromolecules, Arrangements; abstracts; manuscript notes. 2 folders. British Biophysical Society and British Polymer Physics Group joint meeting on Structural Aspects Common to Synthetic Queen Elizabeth College, London, 25 September 1970 Macromolecules, Biological and Programme. Est Os tig 2 folders. 2 folders. Failure), Battelle, Seattle Research Bellasis Arrangements; abstracts. Arrangements; handbook of abstracts. British Biophysical Society Meeting, Leeds, 6-8 April 1971 Seminar on Molecular Order-Molecular Motion and their response to Macroscopic Stresses (Kinetic Theory of High Polymer Center, Washington, USA, 28-30 October 1970 2 folders. Arrangements, including abstract of Keller’s contribution ‘Cristallisation des molecules en chaine’. French Physical Society Colloquium, Evian, France, 25-29 May 1971 ll Ayes io 1970-1971 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Polymer Meeting, University of Essex, Colchester, 4 June 1971 Arrangements; manuscript notes. Re eWiie-b. ua Visit to USA, July-August 1971 1970-1971 Keller visited the USA to lecture at the University of Utah Conference on The Role of Crystallization in Governing Polymer Properties, 19-24 July and to attend the 23rd International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Boston, Massachusetts, 25-30 July 1971. Pal; eel University The Crystallization in Governing Polymer Properties Conference Utah on of Role of Arrangements; summaries of Keller’s lectures. 2 folders. Peo-r 121 23rd_ Chemistry International Congress of Pure and Applied 3 folders. F.122-F.124 Arrangements. the ‘morphology of This was the polymers’, a term coined by Keller. first symposium on IUPAC Microsymposium on Polymer Morphology, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 30 August-2 September 1971 1970-1971 Manuscript draft of Keller’s contribution Manuscript notes on proceedings Arrangements A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 al25; ale Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Physics Polymer Physics Institute of of Conference, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 14-16 September 1971 College Military Royal Group Biennial Science, Arrangements Abstracts submitted for consideration, with manuscript notes One Day Symposium on Uses of Neutron Beams in Materials High Energy Laboratory, Didcot, Berkshire, 21 January 1972 Engineering, Rutherford Science and Arrangements; manuscript notes. High Polymer Research Group 12th Moretonhampstead Conference on Multiphase Systems: their Production and Properties, Moretonhampstead, Devon, 8-12 May 1972 Conference on _ Disclinations, Aussois, 2 folders. F290, 2130 Arrangments; abstracts. Programme; exercise book used for manuscript notes on proceedings. Europhysics France, 21-23 June 1972 Conference on Radiation Scattering by Bulk Polymers, Strasbourg, France, 23-26 May 1972 Ohio to give a course of lectures in July. Keller attended the Gordon Research Conference on New Polymer Hampshire, 26-30 June. visits, including Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Andover, also made other Visit to the USA, June-July 1972 Arrangements. Proctor Academy, F.132, F.133 Physics, He A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 F.135-F.138 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics Arrangements. Correspondence re other visits in the USA 19th Sagamore Army Materials Research Conference on Block and Graft Copolymers, Raquette Lake, New York, USA, 5-8 September 1972 Arrangements. European Fifth (EMCON 72), Manchester, 5-12 September 1972 Congress Electron on Microscopy 1971-1972 Arrangements. 4 folders. colleagues at a number of research F.139, F.140 Arrangements visited Keller establishments. Visit to Hungary, 22-29 September 1972 Exercise books used for manuscript notes on the visit Gordon Research Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 15-19 January 1973 Programme. Keller also lectured at Albuquerque. Deformation of College Cambridge, 26-29 March Arrangements; manuscript notes on proceedings. Conference Polymers, 1973 the University of New Mexico, and Fracture on Yield, Churchill A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 F.145, F.146 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 IUPAC Aberdeen, 10-14 September 1973 International Symposium on Macromolecules, Arrangements. Polymer Physics Group Discussion Meeting, Bristol, 16-18 September 1973 1972-1973 Arrangements. Keller was an organiser of the meeting. Institute of Conference, of Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 19-21 September 1973 Polymer Physics Physics Royal College Military Group Biennial Science, Arrangements; conference handbook of abstracts. 2 folders. Arrangements. Arrangements. 1972-1973 Shirley Institute seminar on Anatomy of Flexible Sheet Materials, Manchester, 13 December 1973 The meeting was postponed to May 1974 (see F.156, F.t7): European Physical Society 2nd Europhysics Conference of the Section of Macromolecular Physics on State of Order in Amorphous Polymers, Naples, Italy, 3-5 October 1973 Visit to Belgium, 18-22 February 1974 Research colloquium, Queen Mary College London, 16 January 1974 Arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 151i raoe Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Arrangements. Includes conference. annotated programme _ for unidentified Colston Research Society Symposium on the Structure of Fibrous Biopolymers, Laboratory, Bristol, 2-4 April 1974 Physics Wills H.H. 1972-1974 Arrangements, including papers of the Colston Research Society re the symposium; abstracts. 2 folders. Keller was Director of the symposium. F.153, F.154 International School of Electron Microscopy, Erice, Italy, 6- 20 April 1974 1973-1974 Arrangements, including summary of exercise book used for proceedings. Kellerss manuscript notes Keller’s lecture; on 1972-1974 the preparations for the but topic was later this Arrangements. Keller was initially involved in session removed from the meeting. on polymer physics Anglo-French Physics Conference, St Helier, Jersey, 5-9 April 1974 The meeting was held to mark the foundations of the Société Francaise de Physique (1873) and the Physical Society of London (1874). 1973-1974 European Physical Society 2nd Europhysics Conference of the Section of Macromolecular Physics on State of Order in Amorphous Polymers, Sorrento, Italy, 1-3 May 1974 This meeting was postponed from 1973. See F.147 Arrangements eloG eh. 107 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Abstracts; Keller's notes on proceedings. 23rd IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Madrid, Spain, 15-20 September 1974 1973-1974 Arrangements. Symposium on Collagen in Health and Disease, Bristol, 27-28 September 1974 Arrangements. on Advice Society Budapest, Hungary, October 1974 possible Condensed speakers Matter Correspondence. European at Division Physical Conference, Visit to Israel, 29 December 1974-12 January 1975 Arrangements F.163-F.165 1974-1975 Arrangements. Arrangements. International Symposium on Macromolecules in Honor of Professor Herman F.Mark, New York, USA, 2-3 May 1975 Keller visited colleagues at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Weizmann Institute of Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other research centres. Keller's manuscript notes on proceedings 4th Research Conference on High Polymer, Ohtsu City, Japan, May 1975 Keller also visited colleagues in Osaka and Kyoto. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Conference handbook of abstracts Visit to Nottingham, July 1975 Manuscript notes headed ‘Nottingham. July 1975’. Institute Group Microscopy and Analysis, Bristol, 8-11 September 1975 of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference Electron Developments on in Arrangements. Institute of Conference, of Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 24-26 September 1975 Physics Polymer Physics Group Biennial Science, College Military Royal Arrangements; manuscript ‘rough notes’. handbook of abstracts; photocopy Frangais d’Etudes et iO) ey State Physics d’Applications Arrangements. 13th Annual Solid Arrangements; conference handbook of abstracts. Institute Conference, Manchester, 5-7 January 1976 Groupe des Polymeres Colloquium on Polymers in Paper, Grenoble, France, 16-17 October 1975 1975-1976 3rd International Conference on Yield, Deformation and Fracture of Polymers, Churchill College Cambridge, 29 March-1 April 1976 Arrangements; handbook of abstracts. Balid2rte tne of Physics 2 folders. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Bl /O-Re7 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Research Meeting on Characterization and Utilization of Orientation in Polymeric Products, Cranfield Institute of Technology, 6 April 1976 Arrangements, including abstract of Keller’s contribution on ultra-oriented polyethylene’. ‘Characterization properties and of European’ on 5th Macromolecular Physics on Orientation Effects in Solid Polymers, Budapest, Hungary, 27-30 April 1976 Conference Physical Society 1975-1976 alone lo Arrangements 2 folders. Conference handbook of abstracts 6; el 19 High 16th Moretonhampstead, Devon, 11-13 May 1976 Research Polymer Group Conference, 1975-1976 of of Catholic Polymers, University F.180, F.181 Arrangements Manuscript notes on proceedings Arrangements; handbook of abstracts. International Microsymposium on the Crystallization and Fusion Louvain, Belgium, 8-11 June 1976 Arrangements. Gordon Physics, Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire, USA, 21-25 June 1976 Conference Research 2 folders. on Polymer A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 F.183, F.184 11th Course of the Scuola Nazionale di Struttura della Materia, Perugia, Italy, 24 August-11 September 1976 Arrangements Manuscript notes lectures on structural aspects of crystalline polymers abstracts of typescript and Keller's Gordon Barbara, California, USA, 10-14 January 1977 Conference Research on Polymers, Santa 1976-1977 Arrangements; Keller's manuscript notes on proceedings. Society of Chemical Industry Plastics and Polymer Group Symposium on in Polymers, 22 February 1977 the Glass Transition the Nature of Arrangements. and lectured at other research 1976-1977 Visit to the USA, May 1977 Allied Chemical Corporation, Arrangements, including itineraries for visits. Seminar Margherita Ligure, Italy, 23-27 May 1977 Keller attended the Fraser Price Memorial Symposium at the University of Massachussets, Amherst and visited centres colleagues including the Morristown, Laboratories, Murray Hill, New New Jersey, and Bell Jersey. 1976-1977 Arrangements, including abstract of Keller’s contribution on ‘Some new aspects of fibre formation, fibre structure and properties’; manuscript notes on proceedings. la Institut Physique Functional Organisation, from Molecule to Cell, Versailles, France, 20-25 June 1977 International Conference ‘De a Arrangements; manuscript notes on proceedings. Vie la Theorique Ultra-High la _ Biologie’ Polymers, Modulus Santa on de 6th on A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Neutron Scattering Group of the Institute of Physics and of the Chemical Society the Faraday Society Division Meeting from Polymers, London, 5 July 1977 Low Angle Temperature Scattering on Arrangements; manuscript notes on proceedings. 2nd _ International Conference on John’s College Cambridge, 31 August-2 September 1977 Reduction, Drag St 1976-1977 Arrangements, including copy of ‘The possible relevance of persistent extensional flow on the interpretation of drag reduction phenomena’ by Keller and M.R. Mackley. Physics Polymer Physics Group Institute of Conference, of Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 19-21 September 1977 College Military Royal Biennial Science, Arrangements; abstracts submitted with assessment of suitability. Akron, 1977-1978 Arrangements. Elastomers, Colby- Research Conference on Visit to the USA, 16-22 April 1978 Arrangements; manuscript notes on proceedings. Gordon Sawyer College, New Hampshire, USA, 24-28 July 1978 Keller visited colleagues at the General Tire & Rubber Co., Ohio, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and the University of Akron. 1976-1978 European Physical Society 8th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics, 19-22 September 1978 Correspondence support for the conference Keller was an organiser of the conference. F.193, F.194 F.193-F.205 Bristol, with European Physical Society re 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Correspondence with Institute of Physics re organisation of the conference. 1977-1978 Correspondence with University of Bristol authorities etc. 1977-1978 Conference sponsorship 1977-1978 Lists of prospective participants and speakers F.199-F.202 Correspondence speakers 4 folders. with prospective participants and 1976-1978 Notices and publicity 1977-1978 Society Residential School on Arrangements. Programme; list of participants Conference handbook of abstracts Chemical Recent Developments in Polymer Characterisation, Bristol, 25-27 September 1978 Arrangements, including abstract of Keller’s contribution ‘Crystal morphologies in bulk polymers’; manuscript notes on proceedings. Polymer Breisach, West Germany, 28-30 September 1978 Discussion Network Group 3rd Meeting, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 B210)F.244 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Polymer Properties Group of the Plastics and Rubber Institute Meeting on Crystalline Polymers - Structure and Properties, London, 14 December 1978 Arrangements, including abstract of Keller’s contribution ‘Some salient recent examples of the existence, nature and importance of crystal morphologies in bulk polymers’. 9th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics, Jablonna, Poland, 23-28 April 1979 Arrangements. for Experimental Society on Mechanical Properties of Biological Materials, Leeds, 4-6 September 1979 Symposium Biology Handbook of abstracts. Polymer Physics Group Biennial Conference on Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, National College of Food Technology, Weybridge, Surrey, 10-12 September 1979 2 folders. 2 folders. of Keller and Bile wee Arrangements, colleagues’ communications; manuscript notes. abstracts including Arrangements; handbook of programme and abstracts. 26th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Mainz, West Germany, 17-21 September 1979 1979-1980 Chemical on Organization of Macromolecules in the Condensed Phase, Cambridge, 25-27 September 1979 Keller served on the Organising Committee. G.18-G.25. Arrangements F.214-F.224 Society Faraday Discussion See also Meeting A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Correspondence with Chemical Society re publication of proceedings 1979-1980 F.216-F.224 Transcripts of discussion contributions, comments questions and 1979-1980 9 folders. Institute of Physics Polymer Physics Group Meeting on Elastic Moduli of High Polymers, London, 19 December 1979 Arrangements. Plastics Education, London, 31 January 1980 Institute Rubber and Forum on _ Polymer 1979-1980 Arrangements. F.227-F.241 Physics of Polymers, College on the Arrangements Course information Keller lectured on ‘Polymeric structure’ at the course 23 April-7 May 1980. See E.10-E.13. Spring Liquid Crystals and Low-dimensional Solids, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 9 April-20 June 1980 1979-1980 Manuscript and typescript lecture notes Includes programme, abstracts of lectures. Photocopy manuscript course notes F.230-F.241 12 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Visit to the USA, May-June 1980 Arrangements. Keller attended a meeting on Roles of Connective Tissue in Aging at Case Western Reserve University, 23 May, and Pont Research & Development Department, Wilmington, Delaware. visited colleagues at the Du F.243, F.244 IUPAC Florence, Italy, 7-12 September 1980 International Symposium on Macromolecules, lectures Arrangements, including ‘Highly extended helix of isotactic polystyrene found in gels’ and ‘On the methodology of morphological and structure research in solid polymers’. abstracts Keller's of 2 folders. Society Royal University College Cardiff, 23-26 September 1980 Chemistry Annual 80th of Meeting, Arrangements. 2 folders. France, 18-28 Workshop, Les Houches, 1980-1981 F.246, F.247 Nucleation February 1981 Arrangements; conference handbook of abstracts. Polymer Physics Group and Macro UK Group Meeting on The Physical Ageing of Polymers, London, 3 March 1981 1980-1981 Science Directorate Leicestershire, 14-15 April 1981 American Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 29 March-3 April 1981. Engineering Loughborough, Arrangements. F.250 258 Progamme. National Meeting, Research Chemical Society 181st Council Polymer Review Meeting, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Tce coo Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Conference handbook of information, programmes and abstracts Manuscript notes on proceedings etc on of Symposium Polyethylene, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1981 Morphology Properties and _ Arrangements. 2 folders. F.254-F.256 27th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Strasbourg, France, 6-9 July 1981 r.294, 255 Arrangements 2 folders. 207 coo Solid State Nuclear 2 folders. Manuscript notes on proceedings Arrangements; conference handbook of abstracts. International Conference on 11th Track Detectors, Bristol, 7-12 September 1981 Arrangements. Polymer Physics Group Biennial Conference on Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, Reading, 14-16 September 1981 Science and Engineering Research Council Synchrotron Radiation Source Users Meeting, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, 18 November 1981 Arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Mechanical Meeting Polymers, Birmingham, 6-7 January 1982 Thermal and on Properties of Arrangements, including annotated programme. Norwegian Chemical Society Section for Macromolecular Chemistry Symposium on Polymers, Oslo, Norway, 21-22 January 1982 Arrangements. F.263-F.267 28th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 12-16 July 1982 1980-1982 F.263-F.266 Arrangements 4 folders. F.268-F.271 F.268, F.269 Arrangements 2 folders. Keller’s manuscript notes on proceedings Conference on the Neutron and its Applications, King’s College Cambridge, 13-17 September 1982 This conference and exhibition were held to mark the 50th Anniversary of the discovery of the Neutron by Sir James Chadwick. Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 September 1982 14th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics, 50th anniversary issue of Physics Bulletin, vol 33 1982 Conference handbook of abstracts F.272-F.274 1981-1982 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Ree teat Arrangements 2 folders. Conference handbook of abstracts F.275-F.278 International 4th Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 4-8 October 1982 Meeting Radiation on Processing, Arrangements Conference handbook of abstracts Conference handbook of invited papers Chiefly arrangements. Brochure for exhibition of publications Keller was W.W. Clyde Visiting Professor at the University of Utah, 1982-1983. Lecture course and colloquia on Polymer Science, College of Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, USA, January 1983 2 folders. 8th International Biophysics Congress, Bristol, 29 July-4 August 1984 Polymer Physics Group Meeting on Cross Linking Polyolefins. Advances, London, 7 December 1983 of Technological Arrangements; conference handbook of abstracts. F.261, F282 Recent Scientific and Arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 17th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 15-18 July 1985 1984-1985 Arrangements. Polymer Colloquium, Lech, Austria, 11-16 August 1985 Brief correspondence re arrangements. Microsymposium Polymers, Reading, 18-20 December 1985 Developments on in Conducting Arrangements. Visit to Japan, 1985 Brief correspondence. 1985-1986 1986-1987 1986-1987 F.290-F.292 meeting, Gomadingen, West Germany, Arrangements. Unidentified December 1986 Contribution to unidentified meeting, April 1986 Typescript draft ‘An investigation of collagen solutions in elongational flow including untwining and retwining of the triple-strand helix as a function of temperature’, annotated ‘April ‘86 Bristol meeting’. Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Stuttgart, West Germany, 7-10 April 1987 Leningrad and Moscow, loffe Physico-Technical Visit to the USSR, 31 May-14 June 1987 Keller initially visited at the colleagues invitation Arrangements. in of the A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 290) 29 Arrangements 2 folders. Keller’s report on visit Typescript. BP Venture Research Conference, London, 23-24 June 1987 Brief correspondence re arrangements. International Conference on Liquid Polymers, Bordeaux, France, 20-24 July 1987 Arrangements. Institute of Physics Conference, Symposium on Polymers and Liquid Crystals, Bristol, 16-17 December 1987 Arrangements. Arrangements. Symposium in Honour of Professor Albert Pennings, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 19 December 1987 Exchange re arrangements. European Physics Society 21st Conference on Physical Mechanisms in Polymer Failure, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1988 International Conference on Extensional Flow, Chamonix, France, 18-22 January 1988 Exchange re arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 F.300, F.301 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Department of Macromolecular Science, Case Western Reserve University 25th Anniversary Symposium, 15-17 November 1988 Letter re arrangements. Polymer Meeting, Miami, Florida, USA, September 1989 the American Division Chemical of Society abstracts; manuscript notes on Arrangements; proceedings. 2 folders. Visit to Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, October 1989 Arrangements. Keller was invited the Department of Material Science and Engineering to give the second Dow Distinguished Lecture. to Northwestern University by F.303-F.305 Arrangements. BP Venture Research Conference, London, 25-27 June 1990 33rd IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Montreal, Canada, 8-13 July 1990 Mounted group photograph of participants 3rd Symposium Polymeric Materials, Sorrento, Italy, 1-5 October 1990 Booking form only. F.307, F.308 Arrangements European Polymer Federation on 1989-1990 3 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 European Congress on Engineering a Better World with Chemistry, 21-23 November 1990 Netherlands, Hague, The The Proceedings International Materials: Preparation, Characterization and Properties, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 February 1991 Symposium Polymer on Invitation, with Keller’s reply indicating his wish to attend if funding could be found; arrangements. Residential University of Bristol, 18-22 February 1991 Introduction Course to Polymer Science, 1990-1991 Arrangements. Conference on Polymer Physics to mark the Retirement of Andrew Keller FRS, Bristol, 3-5 April 1991 of Keller abstracts 1989-1991 F.313, F.314 and _ colleagues’ Conference handbook. See also K.181, K.182. Arrangements; contributions. European Physical Society Meeting on Macromolecular Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 26-31 May 1991 1991 Institute of Physics, Group Conference EMAG 91, Electron Microscopy and Analysis Bristol, 10-13 September 33rd August 1991 Arrangements and arising. Congresss, Budapest, Hungary, 17-22 2 folders. IUPAC A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Visit to Max-Planck Institute fr Polymerforschung, Mainz, Germany, 27-28 November 1991 Itinerary. Visit to Capri, Naples, Italy, 1991 Arrangements. Visit to Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 22-24 January 1992 1991-1992 Arrangements. Keller visited to examine a Ph.D. thesis and deliver a lecture. Visit to DSM Research, Geleen, The Netherlands, 28-31 January 1992 1991-1992 1991-1992 Arrangements. Arrangements. to Arrangements. Visit to China, 15-30 April 1992 Keller visited China principally to attend the China-UK Meeting on Polymer Science, in Beijing 15-19 April 1992. He stayed on visit colleagues at research centres elsewhere in China. Keller visited Bulgaria at the invitation of |. Gutzow. 25th Petersburg, Russia, 6-10 July 1992 Europhysics Conference on Macromolecules, St Arrangements. to Visit Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 25 July-3 August 1992 of Chemistry, Institute Bulgarian Academy of 1991-1992 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 1st European Tri-Service Advanced Materials Workshop: Compressive Strength in Rigid-Rod Polymers, Cambridge, 3-5 September 1992 Arrangements. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on of Polymers, Mons, Belgium, 7-11 September Crystallization 1991-1992 Arrangements, including Keller’s opening lecture ‘A unifying scheme for polymer crystallization with wider implications for phase transformations’. abstract for Property The Relations Netherlands, of 5-7 Course Short Polymers, November 1992 DSM _ on Structure Research, See also E.84, E.85. Programme. 1992-1993 Letter of thanks only. Arrangements. Itinerary only. Meeting in Leeds, April 1993 Visit to unidentified venue, 16 February 1993 95th Faraday Discussion on Crystal Growth, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 14-16 April 1993 Ordering in Macromolecular Systems, 3-6 June. Keller visited Japan to attend the 42nd Society of Polymer Science Japan Annual Meeting, Kyoto, 31 May-2 June and the Osaka University Macromolecular Symposium on Visit to Japan, May-June 1993 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 F.331-F.334 Royal Society Discusssion Meeting on Self Order and Form in Polymeric Materials, London, 14-15 December 1993 1992-1993 Keller and A.H. Windle were organisers of the meeting. It was preceded by an informal meeting of the principal speakers in Cambridge on 11-12 December 1993. Proposal to Hooke Committee, Royal Society Includes Keller’s initial manuscript notes. F.332, F.333 Arrangements 2 folders. Keller’s manuscript notes on proceedings Visit to Naples, Italy, 23-25 May 1994 F.337, F.338 1993-1994 Arrangements. Arrangements. Visit to Japan, October 1994 One letter re arrangements only. 35th IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Akron, USA, 11-15 July 1994 November-17 December 1994 Keller Symposium Birthday, Tokyo, 24-25 October and the Symposium Fiber Yokohama, 26-28 October Kawai’s Physics 70th International Technology, International Professor Course Polymers, on Crystallization and Morphology of the Honoring College de France, Paris, France, on Science and_ Polymer Tohru High 17 1993-1994 2 folders. attended A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Arrangements. Keller was invited to deliver these lectures by P.G. de Gennes on behalf of the Collége. Physics Graduate School, University of Bristol, 25-26 May 1995 Programme. IUPAC International Symposium on Polymer Morphology and Electrical Properties, Lodz, Poland, 5-7 July 1995 1994-1995 Arrangements. European Physical Society Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physics on Morphology of Polymers, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-20 July 1995 1994-1995 Arrangements. F.344, F.345 Keller was on the Advisory Board of the Conference. Visit to Israel, 14-19 December 1995 Arrangements. Arrangements. 2 folders. 101st Faraday Discussion on Gels, Cité des Sciences et de I’Industrie, Paris, France, 6-8 September 1995 European Physical Society Europhysics Conference on Gels, Budapest, Hungary, 25-29 September 1995 1994-1995 Keller was invited to to attend the 24th Annual Meeting of the Israeli Polymer and Plastics Society, Tel Aviv, visited 19 December 1995. While in colleagues in Jerusalem and Rehovot. Arrangements, including abstract of Keller's paper ‘Flow induced structure in polymer processing’. Israel Israel he A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. ‘ANTEC 1996’, 5-6 May 1996 Arrangements. F.348, F.349 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Order and Mobility and Polymer Systems, St Petersburg, Russia, 22- 26 May 1996 1995-1996 Arrangements Keller’s manuscript notes on proceedings; abstract of Keller’s contribution ‘Chain mobility and crystal formation: a new approach to polymer crystallization wider implications’ with International Polymer-solvent 1st complexes and intercalates, Meyrueis, France, 1-5 July 1996 Conference on _ 1995-1996 F.354, F.355 One letter only. role of and Symposium on Macromolecular Visit to the USA, October/November 1996 IUPAC Condensed State, Beijing, China, 20-25 August 1996 International Arrangements, including abstract of Keller's contribution ‘Polymer crystallization: metastability the confluence of thermodynamic and kinetic factors’ 1994-1996 18th Polymer Physics Group Biennial Meeting on Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, Bristol, 10-12 September 1997 Visit to University of Edinburgh, January 1997 Letter re arrangements. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 Conference handbook of programme and abstracts Typescript of Keller’s ‘After Dinner Address’ leacloley [mr ctoy/ Visit to China and Hong Kong, 22 November-6 December 1997 1996-1997 Arrangements. 2 folders. visited Keller International Microsymposium on Polymer Physics, Guilin, China, 20- 25 November. He also visited colleagues in Hong Kong. attend China the to Symposium Polymer A.J. Pennings, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 19 December 1997 Professor Honour of in See also E.105, E.106. to The Eindhoven, Netherlands, Arrangements. Arrangements; expenses. Visits of February and April 1998 University Keller visited Eindhoven 18-20 February and 28 April-2 May for the official opening of the Dutch Polymer Institute. Arrangements. Lecture course on Structure and Morphology of Polymers, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York, USA, May 1998 Lecture course at 3M Technical Development, St Paul’s, Minnessota, USA, 17-22 June 1998 Keller and E.D.T. Atkins gave the course. Arrangements. 1997-1998 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 F.362, F.363 One-day Workshop on AFM and Polymers, Bristol, September 1998 7 Programme and abstracts Manuscript and photocopy manuscript notes Conference on New Polymers, ‘Polymer 98’, Sussex, 9-11 September 1998 Brighton, Programme, with covering letter thanking Keller for advice. Visit to University of Akron, November 1998 Arrangements. F.366-F.370 NOTES ON PROCEEDINGS F.371-F.380 Kellerss manuscript notes on proceedings of of Sets unidentified meetings. INVITATIONS, NOTICES AND CIRCULARS See also Keller’s jotters and pocket notebooks C.47-C.64. 1977-1979 Invitations, evidence of attendance. notices and circulars to conferences. No 1963-1995 5 folders. 1963-1969 1970-1975 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.386 1980-1985 1986-1987 1967-1998 F.381-F.386 INVITATIONS DECLINED 1985-1998 1967-1968 1971-1972 1973-1974 1976-1979 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION G SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS AND CONSULTANCIES, G.1-G.177 1963-1999 This section documents Keller’s involvement as member, officer and/or consultant with overseas and international bodies. fifty UK, ACADEMIA EUROPAEA ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS BRITISH CELLOPHANE BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH PETROLEUM G.9 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR RHEOLOGY G.16 G.17-G.25 G.26 COLLAGEN CLUB G.10-G.15 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE CHEMICAL SOCIETY (later ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY) CLAYS PLC ECC INTERNATIONAL LTD/ENGLISH CHINA G.66-G.68 DUTCH STATE MINES (DSM) G.27-G.64 DECRYPO PROJECT G.65 DOW CHEMICAL CO. G.69 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 Gi70; G71 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Giz EUROPEAN POLYMER FEDERATION G.73-G.75 HUNGARIAN SCIENCE ABROAD G.76-G.81 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES G.82 G.83 INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS INSTITUTE OF METALS G.84-G.88 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS G.89 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY G.90-G.100 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS G.104 G.108-G.110 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL G.105-G.107 MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB G.101-G.103 MACRO GROUP UK MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY RUBBER INSTITUTE) PLASTICS INSTITUTE (later PLASTICS AND NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY MINISTRY OF DEFENCE G.111 Gilii2 Gis G.114 MINISTRY OF AVIATION NETWORK GROUP G.115-G.117 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.118-G.125 POLYMER ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE (PED) G.126, G.127 POLYMER ENGINEERING GROUP G.128, G.129 POLYMER LABORATORIES LTD G.130-G.149 POLYMER PHYSICS GROUP G.150 Golda RAYCHEM ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY G.152-G.156 ROYAL SOCIETY G.157 RUBBER AND PLASTICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION G.158-G.161 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL G.162 G.163 G.163A UNITED STATES NAVY STANDARD TELEPHONES AND CABLES LTD G.164-G.167 UNIVERSITIES OF BATH AND BRISTOL UNITED KINGDOM CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COUNCIL 3M WEST OF ENGLAND METALS AND MATERIALS ASSOCIATION G.169, G.170 UNIVERSITY OF SURREY VENTURE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL G.168 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON G.171 G.172-G.174 G.175-G.177 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA Keller’s response to circular letter Academia Remedying Gaps in European Science’. Europaea_ relating to to members of the and ‘Identifying ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS ‘Brain Drain’ questionnaire with Keller's response. BRITISH CELLOPHANE LTD papers consultancy a U.S. patent application by the Keller’s re Correspondence and services in respect of company. 1972-1977 BRITISH COUNCIL Correspondence and papers re visit to Hungary by Keller (1972) and visits to Britain by overseas scientists under British Council auspices. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) 1989-1996 papers Correspondence arrangements, patent questions, etc. and re consultancy 3 folders. Keller served as a consultant to BP. BRITISH SOCIETY OF RHEOLOGY Correspondence ‘Deformation and flow in High Polymer Systems’ papers and re _ conference’ on G.10-G.15 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY 1994-1997 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE Correspondence and papers re research and teaching, background material re Brunel University etc. Keller was Professor Associate and Consultant on the BRITE-EURAM Programme in the Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing. 1979 Brief correspondence re nomination to Comité Scientifique de l’Unité Propre de Recherche intituleé ‘Institut Charles Sadron’, agenda for meeting of committee. CHEMICAL SOCIETY (later ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY) Chiefly relating to Keller’s service on Chemical Society Faraday Division Organising Committee for G.17-G.25 1973-1986 the A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 discussion meeting (see F.214-F.224). For material relating to the Macro Group UK, see under M. General correspondence and papers 1973-1986 G.18-G.25 Correspondence and papers re Chemical Society Faraday Division Discussion on Organization of Macromolecules in the Condensed Phase, Cambridge, 25-27 September 1979 1977-1979 8 folders. COLLAGEN CLUB Copy of proposed constitution sent to members August 1979 and programme of club meeting, 21 September, no year. G.27-G.64 DECRYPO PROJECT 1995-1998 Partners included Brunel Keller often refers to the project as DECRYPTO. The project on Structure DEvelopment during solidification in the processing of CRYstalline POlymers (DECRYPO) was funded by the European Commission under the (Industrial & Materials Technologies) BRITE/EURAM Ill Programme. University and DSM Research BV. ‘Annex 1 Work Programme’, 15 January 1996 G.27, G.28 Project proposal and related papers 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 G.32-G.34 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 Papers re ‘Kick-Off’ meeting, Brunel, 1-2 April 1996 Includes letter from Keller to M.J. Bevis at Brunel re his own position in the project, 26 March 1996. Consortium Agreement ‘made the day of Apr 1st 1996’ Correspondence Symposium, Linz, Austria, 3-5 October 1996 papers and re DECRYPO 96 3 folders. Correspondence Eindhoven, 4-5 February 1997. _re_informal discussion meeting at G36; G:37, Correspondence and papers re DECRYPO meeting at Mondello, near Palermo, Sicily, 3-4 April 1997 2 folders. ‘Decrypto’ ‘Decrypto A.K. Discussion Material’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: ‘Suggestions for Eindhoven Discussions, 4-5 February’, ‘Agenda for Decrypo meeting April 3-4 1997’. transparencies, manuscript notes etc. material. Contents of envelope so inscribed: includes ‘Suggestions for Eindhoven Discussions’ and ‘Suggestions for Scientific Agenda, Decrypto [sic] Meeting Palermo’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes manuscript notes and photocopied ‘Decrypto Palermo’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.43-G.45 ‘Decrypto Palermo talk’ 1996-1997 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes transparencies, manuscript notes and photocopied material. At G.45 is programme for Materials Research Society meeting on Polymer materials physics, San Francisco, 31 March-4 April Keller attended immediately before the Palermo/Mondello meeting. 1997, that G.46, G.47 Correspondence and Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 9-10 October 1997. papers re DECRYPO meeting, 2 folders. ‘Decrypo Louvain 1997 Transparencies’ Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes ‘Louvain Spares’ Austria, 8 October - re DECRYPO meeting, Contents of folder so inscribed: transparencies. Correspondence and Maastricht, Netherlands, 16-17 April 1998 papers Correspondence and papers re DECRYPO Symposium and Progress Meeting, Rust, 10 October 1998 Background material 11 reports from a series of 15. Reports nos 9-12 missing. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers [1996] -1998, n.d. G.53-G.63 Progress Reports 1996-1998 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 DOW CHEMICAL CO. Correspondence and papers re consultancy agreement. G.66-G.68 DUTCH STATE MINES (DSM) 1986-1998 Correspondence and papers re consultancy agreements, patent cases, etc 1 folder and 2 bundles of patent case papers. Keller was a consultant for DSM. Keller’s research at Bristol, see C.318-C.322. DSM also supported ECC INTERNATIONAL LTD/ENGLISH CHINA CLAYS PLC 1990-1995 1984-1996 G.70, G.71 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Correspondence and papers re consultancy. Correspondence and papers re Macromolecular Section etc. Papers re meetings. EUROPEAN POLYMER FEDERATION elected chairman of the Macromolecular 1985, 1989 2 folders. Keller was Section in 1984. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.73-G.75 HUNGARIAN SCIENCE ABROAD 3 folders. In Hungarian. G.76-G.81 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (ICI) 1970-1991 Correspondence re consultancy arrangements, research etc. visits, 6 folders. Keller was a consultant for ICI. research at Bristol, see C.328-C.338. ICI also supported Keller’s AGM notice only. INSTITUTE OF METALS INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS Survey re education and technology. G.130-G.149. For material relating to the Polymer Physics Group, see training needs in materials G.84-G.88 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1966-1979 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.84-G.86 General correspondence and papers 1972-1979 Much of this material was circulated to Keller as Chairman of the Polymer Physics Group. 3 folders. Crystallography Group Newsletter no.50, July 1977. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Includes Newsletters, June and October 1966. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY G.90-G.100 1972-1977 11 folders. At the 1972 General Assembly Keller was elected a Correspondence and papers re appointment to Advisory Group and meeting. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) Keller was appointed to serve on the Agency's Advisory Group on ‘Stabilization of Polymers and Organic Materials in Radiation Field’. member of the IUPAP Solid State Commission. Correspondence and papers re the work of the Solid State Commission. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.101-G.103 MACRO GROUP UK 1980-1990 Bulletins, July 1980 and January 1981 1980-1981 Bulletins, July 1985 and January 1987 1985, 1987 Circular and call for papers, etc for meeting on the aspects of synthetic and natural polymers MANCHESTER SOCIETY LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL Keller’s withdrawal from membership only. Bulletin, March 1970 G.105-G.107 1969-1970 re Materials Science Club prize for MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB Keller), membership, meeting, article Correspondence (awarded to Bulletin Correspondence and papers re Subcommittee visit. MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Bulletin, December 1970 G.108-G.110 1978-1979 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 3 folders. Keller served on the MRC’s Cell Board Subcommittee Visit to the Division of Structural Studies of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, 8 March 1979. MINISTRY OF AVIATION Brief correspondence re visit in connexion with research on polymer crystallisation, weekend courses in chemistry and physics at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, etc. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE NETWORK GROUP 1977-1978 Brief correspondence re weekend course at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY Correspondence and papers re mutual resaearch interests and consultancy agreement. covering letter from the Secretary of the Group, ‘9.1.1978’. Annual Reports 1976-1977 and list of members with A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.115-G.117 PLASTICS INSTITUTE (later PLASTICS AND RUBBER INSTITUTE) 1967-1976 Correspondence re membership, meetings, etc. 3 folders. G.118-G.125 POLYMER ENGINEERING DIRECTORATE (PED) 1976-1986 The Polymer Engineering Directorate was an arm of the Science was A.A.L.Challis. Research Council. Director The See also F.250, F.251. G.118-G.120 General proposals, meetings, visits, etc. correspondence and papers re_ research if any, on 3 folders. their influence, 1978-1979 G.121-G.125 Correspondence and papers re PEAL [Polymer Chain Entanglements and Adsorbed Layers] Committee The Committee, of which Keller was a member, had the remit of assessing the importance of chain entanglements in general and in absorbed layers in particular in polymer processing product and properties. It was chaired by Challis, the Director of the RED: 5 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.126, G.127 POLYMER ENGINEERING GROUP Correspondence and papers re meeting and research proposal. 2 folders. Group’s The development for the plastics and rubber industries. promote remit was research to and G.128, G.129 POLYMER LABORATORIES LTD 1984-1992 Correspondence and papers. Principally re technology agreement between Polymer Laboratories Ltd and Bristol University in respect of elongation flow instrumentation. 2 folders. 1963-1991 G.130-G.149 POLYMER PHYSICS GROUP The bulk of the material is from the period of Keller’s chairmanship. Correspondence and papers re the founding of the Group, business and scientific meetings, relations with sponsoring organisations etc. chairman 1976-1981. In 1963 Keller and I.M. Ward carried out a preliminary survey to explore reactions to the forming of a group which might serve as a platform for those working in polymers, especially in physics and physical chemistry, to meet, present and discuss their work. A Polymer Physics Meeting was held at Shrivenham, April 1964 where the Group was aims and discussed. Polymer Physics Group, it subsequently became a joint Group of the and Chemical Society/Royal Society of Chemistry. Keller served the Group in many capacities, including membership Group committee a Polymer Physics an independent of Initially original Institute of Physics status British of the and A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 Correspondence and Polymer Physics Group papers re proposal to form a Papers re Polymer Physics Meeting, Shrivenham, 1-3 April 1964 Correspondence and papers re meetings 1965-1967 G.133, G.134 Correspondence and papers re meetings 2 folders. Correspondence and papers including draft constitution and rules for the group for consideration of the Group Committee, 5 December 1974 1971-1975 Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Prof | made some notes on the Chemical Society meeting on Dec 9th about the proposed Review Symposium [on Polymers]. Graham’ 1975-1976 Includes paper on proposed symposium and second draft constitution and rules of the Polymer Physics Group. Correspondence and papers including papers re proposed union of the Society of Chemical Industry's Plastics and Polymer Group and the Macromolecular Group of the Chemical Society Society. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re proposed union of the Society of Chemical Industry’s Plastics and Polymer Group and the Macromolecular Group of the Chemical G.138, G.139 ‘For meeting Dec. 16 [1976]. On merger’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.140, G.141 Correspondence and papers re Group meetings, relations with other Groups etc. 2 folders. G.142, G.143 Correspondence and papers re meetings etc 2 folders. At G.142 is January 1978. a copy of Macromolecular Group Bulletin, G.144-G.147 Correspondence and papers re meetings, etc 4 folders. Includes poster for 21st Anniversary Biennial meeting 1964-1985, 11-13 September 1985 1983-1987 RAYCHEM 1980, 1985 Correspondence and papers re meetings 1989-1991 Includes ‘Report on Visits to the Universities of Akron and Massachusetts (in response to Raychem request)’ by Keller, 18 June 1980. organise. 1985 papers include letter re Keller's renewed consultancy agreement. ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY 1967-1968 Brief correspondence re meeting which Keller helped to A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.152-G.156 ROYAL SOCIETY 1972-1999 General correspondence and papers. 5 folders. Keller was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1972 (Rumford Medal visited Hungary under the Royal Society/Hungarian Academy of Sciences arrangements on exchanges. He served on Government Grant Board B, the Warren Research Fund Committee and Sectional Committee 2. 1972 he 1994). In RUBBER AND PLASTICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (RAPRA) 1970, 1974 Correspondence and papers Supply and Characterisation Centre. re the RAPRA Polymer 4 folders. Board 1966-1976 and papers on G.158-G.161 Voltage Electron SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL Correspondence synchroton radiation research (G.159, G.160). including papers problems. Keller served on a number of SRC bodies including the the High Engineering For material relating to the Polymer Engineering Directorate see G.118-G.125. re discussions with Brief correspondence, calculations Standard Telephones concerning polyethylene moulding STANDARD TELEPHONES AND CABLES LTD Microscope Polymer Science Panel and _ Committee. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 UNITED KINGDOM CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COUNCIL Papers re first meeting of Council. Keller represented the British Polymer Physics Group. UNITED STATES NAVY Correspondence re visit to Naval Research Laboratory, Arlington, Virginia. G.164-G.167 UNIVERSITIES OF BATH AND BRISTOL 1987-1988 Correspondence and papers. material relates in Centre High to a proposed See also B.69, B.70. bringing together UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Performance academics Interdisciplinary Materials the from 3 folders and bound proposal document. This Research Applications Universities of Bath and Bristol and Bristol Polytechnic. Experts in Crystallography. Brief correspondence re re-appointment and continuing service. Keller was a member of the University’s Standing Panel of 1984, 1991 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Societies, organisations and consultancies, G.1-G.177 G.169, G.170 UNIVERSITY OF SURREY Papers re M.Sc. course in Radiation and Environmental Protection. 2 folders. VENTURE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 1991-1993 Includes Progress Reports. G.172-G.174 WEST OF ENGLAND METALS AND MATERIALS ASSOCIATION (WEMMA) 1975, 1991- 1992 3 folders. scientific In on 1975 Keller of G.175-G.177 ‘Crystallisation October the an independent regional lectured to Polymers’. Correspondence and papers. The WEMMA is - technological association comprising the counties west of the London. Association He served as President of the Association, 1991-1993 and gave a Presidential Address on ‘Basic Research and Application: Some Case Histories in Polymer Science and Technology’ in May 1992. headquarters in the US. Correspondence re research, teaching, visits etc. 1991-1996, n.d. Keller was a consultant for 3M. supported Keller polymer research at C.456). The company also Bristol (C.454- 3M’s courses lecture gave also He at 3 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE, H.1-H.595 1955-1999 The correspondence is presented as follows: H.1-H1.557 MAIN SEQUENCE H.558-H.576 MISCELLANEOUS H.577-H.595 CORRESPONDENCE 1972 H.1-H.557 MAIN SEQUENCE 1966-1999 sequence This his correspondence files by year and alphabetically within the year. arrangement Keller's follows of are by A even as a research scientist 1970 and including sequence represented chronological The correspondence deals with a wide range of Keller's activities some represented elsewhere in the catalogue such as lectures, publications and visits and conferences. No correspondence arranged thus survives before 1966 the and within the correspondence for a number of years, 1980-1983, is In addition a number of years, for completely missing. example 1971, an late discovery, incomplete alphabetical sequence. correspondence for 1972, is presented at H.577-H.595. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 K6r6ésy, F. Kot - Kri Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 H.20-H.40 H.20 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Noether, H.D. H.41-H.58 H.41 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Point, J.J. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 H.59-H.70 1969 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Correspondence runs from B-K only. Ba Hoffman, J.D. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.71-H.84 1970 Correspondence runs from A-M only. Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 H.85-H.96 H.85 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 H.97-H.117 H.97 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Point, J.J. H.118-H.142 H.118 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.143-H.170 H.143 Cannon, C.G. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Jennings, B.R. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Overbergh, N. H.171-H.182 H.171 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.183 Ag- Ah Al- Ap H.183-H.211 1977 2 folders. Atkins, E.D.T. H.185, H.186 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Overbergh, N. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.212-H.235 H.212 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Shah, J.S. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.236-H.265 H.236 Du Pont of Canada Ltd A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.266-H.286 H.266 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.287-H.312 H.287 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.313-H.344 H.313 Edwards, S.F. Dijkgraaf, C. Dr - Dy A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Mar -Mat Percec, V. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.345-H.366 H.345 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Kilian, H.-G. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.367-H.384 H.367 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.385-H.409 H.385 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Per - Poi Mar - Mat A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Pon - Pun H.410-H.436 H.410 Hikosaka, M. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Hoffman, J.D. Ohara, T. Mi - My Poliakoff, M. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Waddon, A.J. H.437-H.464 H.437 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.447, H.448 Hikosaka, M. 2 folders. Rastogi, S. H.456, H.457 Piccarolo, S. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 H.465-H.486 H.465 3 folders. H.473, H.474 Hikosaka, M. H.467-H.469 Berghmans, H. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Martuscelli, E. Rastogi, S. H.487-H.500 Saunders, D.W H.487 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Lemstra, P.J. H.501-H.513 Saunders, D.W. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Alfonso, G.C. Mashelkar, R.A. H.514-H.528 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Lemstra, P.J. Correspondence, H.1-H.595 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 H.529-H.538 H.529 Cheng, S.Z. H.539-H.549 H.539 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Petermann, J. Windle, A.H. H.550-H.556 H.550 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 £554, H.555 Ramesh, C. 2 folders. H.558-H.576 MISCELLANEOUS 1955-1998, n.d. Chronological sequence. Undated letters at H.572-H.576. 1955-1958 1961-1964 1965 August, October 1965 December H.563, H.564 1965 November 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 1972-1978 1980-1982 1983, 1985 1992-1998 H.572-H.576 N.d. 5 folders. 1972 missing from the main Correspondence for H.577-H.595 CORRESPONDENCE 1972 sequence above. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.595 Mac - Mat A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION J REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS, J.1-J.150 1959-1998 J.1-J.17 HIGHER DEGREES J.18-J.97 APPOINTMENTS J.98-J.123 GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS J.124-J.140 ROYAL SOCIETY J.141-J.150 AWARDS, PRIZES AND HONOURS A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 HIGHER DEGREES 1967-1996, n.d. higher The material includes invitations to examine theses or oral advise or examinations, candidates, for corrections and final reports. arrangements with theses, co-examiners suggestions correspondence degrees, for on notes on the 1967-1996, n.d. Ph.D. 1967-1969 1970-1972 1976-1977 1978-1979 1984-1987 1994-1995 1990-1993 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 J.12-J.17 J.12 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 1972-1991 197921977 1984-1986 1990-1991 may include correspondence on research J.18-J.97 APPOINTMENTS These are predominantly Keller’s own references for individual candidates for appointments and promotions at colleges, universities and commercial organisations in the Some may extend over several years UK and abroad. and and careers, comparative evaluations, or updating of previous recommendations. 1959-1998 They are presented chronologically by year. 2 folders. 1959 1967 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 1968-1969 J.25-J.28 1972 4 folders. J.29-J.32 1973 4 folders. 1974 2 folders. NOES, 4 folders. 6 folders. 1975 6 folders. J.41-J.46 1976 J.35-J.40 4 folders. J.47-J.50 J.51-J.54 1978 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 J.55-J.57 1979 3 folders. 1981-1982 J.60-J.62 1984 3 folders. J.63-J.65 1985 3 folders. 4 folders. 1987 2 folders. 1988 4 folders. J.66-J.69 1986 J.72-J.75 J.70, J.71 3 folders. J.76-J.80 1989 J.81-J.83 1990 5 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 J.84-J.86 1991 3 folders. 1992 2 folders. 1993 2 folders. J.91-J.93 1994 3 folders. 1974 GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS UK institutions J.98, J.99 Arthritis & Rheumatism Council J.98-J.119 1968-1996 1968-1994 1974-1986 J.98-J.123 J.98 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 1985-1986 J.100-J.102 British Council 1974-1991 J.100 1974 1989-1991 J.103-J.118 Science Research Council Research Council/Science and Engineering 1971-1994, n.d. 1971 1973 2 folders. 2 folders. J.107, J.108 1974 J.105, J.106 1975-1976 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 1985-1988 1992-1993 Belgium 1972-1996 1974, 1988 J.120 Australia J.120-J.123 Overseas institutions Miscellaneous 1974-1996 Canada, Germany, Ireland 1968-1988 1974-1986 1972-1991 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 J.124-J.140 ROYAL SOCIETY 1968-1998 J.124-J.137 Fellowship 1972-1998, n.d J.124 1972, 1974 1975-1977 1978-1979 1982-1983 1992-1994 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 J.138-J.140 Miscellaneous 1968-1997 J.138 1968-1979 1985, 1989 1991-1997 J.141-J.150 AWARDS, PRIZES AND HONOURS 1969-1997 1969, 1973 1977-1984 1987-1989 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 References and recommendations, J.1-J.150 1996-1997 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL, K.1-K.199 1958-1993 and n.d. section comprises illustrative This types, chiefly relating to Keller’s research. material of various K.1-K.176 PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL K.177, K.178 REEL TO REEL TAPES K.179-K.196 VIDEO CASSETTE TAPES K.197-K.199 SPECIMENS AND ARTEFACTS K.1-K.176 PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL 1958-1993 and n.d. its Photographs 1958-1984 and n.d. As far as possible it Where appropriate the material has been retained in original packaging. K.1-K.53 Photographs K.54-K.176 Negatives and slides Contents of Keller's envelopes, photograph boxes and boxfiles. is presented in alphabetical order by title of topic. 2 folders. Many of the photographs have inscriptions giving some identification of topic on the verso. There are biographical photographs in section A, A.53- A.94. ‘Cambios de [?] en monocristalles [...] Contents of Keller’s envelope so inscribed. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Collagen E.M.’ Contents of Keller’s envelope so inscribed. ‘Decoration. Allen’ Contents so _ Laboratory electron micrographs. Kellers box of inscribed: H.H. Wills ‘Photos for electron low-angles’ Contents of Keller’s envelope so inscribed. ‘Flow Jets’ Contents of Keller’s box so inscribed. ‘Jarvis E.M.’ 1980-1982 Includes negatives. Contents of box so inscribed. ‘D. Grubb’s Marlex photos’ ‘E.M. Marlex 600 [...] June ‘82’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed. Contents of envelope so inscribed. 3 folders. Contents manuscript note December 1980 of envelope so _ inscribed: negatives, K.10-K.12 Loose photographs ‘PE Mats M.E.’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 K.13-K.23 ‘Leaf crystal’ Contents of Keller’s boxfile. The material is presented in the order within the boxfile. ‘Film XIl* [...] Contents retained at K.13. of envelope so _ inscribed. Original folder 2 folders. ‘Twisted crystal’ Contents of Keller’s folder. ‘Leaf shaped crystals’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. 2 folders. 2 folders. ‘Film XXXV* [...] 2 folders. K.17-K.18 of envelope so_ inscribed. Original ‘Leaf photo micrographs’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. Contents retained at K.19. folder Envelopes of glass slides Miscellaneous photographs. Contents of untitled folder. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 K.24-K.27 ‘Lotz Kovacs’ Contents of Keller’s box. The photographs were found in envelopes inscribed with information on the work represented. 4 folders. K.28-K.31 ‘Lotz-Kovacs PEO’ Contents of Keller's boxfile: photographs and negatives. Photographs Glass plate negatives 2 boxes. Roll of negatives ‘Norton Blend’ Contents of Keller’s box. K.33-K.35 ‘Octane crystals’ Includes note from David Norton to Keller beginning ‘I have included a few extra photographs’. including three of Keller’s laboratory with covering letter. ‘PE fast growth [?] crystals. Flow - gels PP. gel X-ray’ Contents of Keller’s folder. Contents of Keller's box: miscellaneous photographs, 3 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Polyamides’ Contents of Keller’s envelope so inscribed: photographs; letter 1958. K.38-K.40 ‘Spherulites’ Contents of Keller’s box. 3 folders. Contents of Keller’s untitled envelope Photographs with covering letter. Photographs sent to C.-M. von Meysenburg and returned by him to Keller. K.42-K.44 Contents of Keller’s untitled folder 3 folders. ‘Gold decor’ Contents of untitled envelope ‘Prints for Varenne’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. Contents of Keller’s boxfile. K.45-K.52 ‘Photos for reproduction, loan etc’ The material is presented in the order within the boxtfile. Contents of folder so inscribed. Photographs for figures, some mounted. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘ERS: Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Electr. Microsp.’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. 2 folders. Photographs found loose Miscellaneous photographs found loose K.54-K.176 Negatives and slides 1961-1993 and n.d. its ‘Etching of leaves etc’ K.54 1962 K.54-K.58 Glass plates Contents of box so inscribed Where appropriate the material has been retained in original packaging. ‘Etched terylene spherulites’ 1961, 1962 and n.d. 1961 and n.d. ‘,..(old ICl) negatives EM special samples’ Contents of box so inscribed. Contents of box so inscribed of box so inscribed: glass and celluloid Contents negatives. ‘Leaf crystals’. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘PPX’ Contents of box so inscribed. K.59-K.112 Glass negatives and slides Small format. Arranged in alphabetical order by Keller’s inscription. Retained in original boxes. ‘Andrew (latest paper)’ ‘Artefact’ ‘Au decor’ ‘Electron diffr’ 2 boxes. ‘General’ 2 boxes. K.64, K.65 ‘Dislocation - diffr. [?] moire’ ‘Basic crystals’ ‘BASIC Pyramids Single crystals’ ‘Gold decor’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Growth habit’ 2 boxes. K.72-K.77 ‘Hay’ 6 boxes sellotaped together. ‘He[?]’ ‘Kovacs’ ‘Low angle electric’ ‘Low angle X-ray’ 2 boxes. ‘Martuscelli’ ‘Mary latest’ ‘Mary’s stress cryst’ 3 boxes. ‘Miscellaneous polymers’ K.89-K.91 ‘Multilayers’ K.86-K.88 3 boxes. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Odell SBS’ ‘Paraffins’ ‘Paraffins orient. Hay’ ‘Patel (degradation)’ ‘Pyramids etc. Films - sheaves’ ‘SC Picture home’ ‘Sections Dlugosz’ ‘Single cryst. general’ ‘Single cryst. melting immediat.’ ‘Spherulites’ K.102, K.103 ‘Shish kebab’ 2 boxes. ‘Shish-keb. Mary’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 K.106, K.107 ‘Spherulites deformation’ 2 boxes. ‘Stress-induced cryst. Mary’s’ ‘Windle Annealing paper’ ‘Drawings of models. Diagrams, Structures’ Untitled ‘i.P.P. Gels’ 1976, 1979 K.113-K.122 Non-glass negatives 1965-1993, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: sheets of negatives. Arranged in alphabetical order by Keller’s inscription. Contents of box so inscribed. Contents of envelope so inscribed. Contents of box so inscribed. ‘Bashir’ ‘Lemstra i-PS’ ‘Norton P.P.’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Photo micr. [?] Films’ Contents of box so inscribed. ‘X-ray patterns. Oriented spin’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘X-ray photographs for [?Hou Kins] report’ Untitled Contents of box. Includes letter and notes found with the negatives. K.121, K.122 ‘Negatives + optical micrographs’ K.123-K.176 Plastic mounted slides Plastic wallets of slides so labelled. K.123-K.125 ‘Collagen’ Arranged in alphabetical order by Keller’s inscription. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed. 3 wallets. ‘Collagen’ Contents of card box so inscribed. ‘Deformation Pope work’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Disloc.- Extended chain - (SN)x - mono Gold decor - Disloc. - (curves)’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘EM - Bulk - Fractionation. Neutrons - IR. Kovacs. Grubb EM. El. Diffs - Fold models. Crystal growth - Paraffin’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Fibres. Odell Barham’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Flow. Old Classics’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Flow’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 2 wallets. ‘Gel. SBS LC’ K.133, K.134 ‘Flow’ Plastic wallets of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘(D.T.] Grubb’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Liq. Crystals’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Dr M. Miles’ Contents of card box so inscribed. ‘Nylons (Theory)’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Nucleation’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Odell. Script Folding. Shish-kebab’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Optical Single Crystal Optical Micr’ Micr-Single crys. Low X-Ray-lsoth. annealing. Contents of folder so inscribed. K.143, K.144 ‘Orientation’ Plastic wallets of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Orientation. [?7_Leave home] ‘Orientation. Lquid crystal [...] Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. 2 wallets. ‘PBT Flow [...] A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 IEE Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘PEEK compounds’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘PHB’ Contents of plastic slide holder so inscribed. ‘PS’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘PVC. Also Mary’s latest’ Contents of card box so inscribed. ‘P4MPI’ ‘Paraffin - (gel)’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Paraffins’ and ‘Pressure Liq Cryst’ ‘Paraffins ...Sorrento’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Paraffins’ Contents of box so inscribed. ‘Radiation’ Polaroid slides found in envelope so inscribed. Envelope not retained. ‘Radiation’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘S.B.S. Slides’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Shish kebabs. Merry-old’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Single Crystal general’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Single Crystal E.M.’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Spherulites Basic’ ‘Spherulite’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Spherulites Slides [...] Charles Frank’ Contents of envelope. ‘Spherulites (Ishikawa) Standard’ Contents of box so inscribed. ‘S.A.N.’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘TOP course’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. ‘Wagner P.(SN)y’ Contents of box so inscribed. ‘Dr Windle’ Contents of box so inscribed. ‘Miscellaneous’ Plastic wallet of slides so labelled. Untitled box of slides Untitled plastic wallet of slides. Untitled box of polaroid slides. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘Slides’ Contains inscribed photographic Envelope so inscribed. bags of slides: ‘Gold dec’, ‘Jo’, ‘Leaf crystals’, ‘Low angle electron’, , ‘Misc’, ‘Model diagrams’, ‘Single crystals’. K.177, K.178 REEL TO REEL TAPES Colour 16mm Film of ‘Melt Crystallization’ Second copy of K.177 Labelled ‘Melt crystallization. Mackley & Keller. Run at 18- 16 frames/sec if possible’ K.179-K.196 VIDEO CASSETTE TAPES c 1983-1993 Found in envelope postmarked 1983. Includes manuscript description of contents of tape. Non-standard format video cassette of annealing process VHS video inscribed ‘Polymer Diffraction at CHESS. D.T. Grubb’ Department and polymer physics. See also F.312. Found in envelope inscribed: ‘CHESS SUMMARY. 1) PESC MAT ANNEAL. 2) STRETCHING RUBBER, PE. 3) CRAZES IN PS, FATIGUE.’ Physics VHS Conference to mark the Retirement of Keller, 3-5 April 1991 Includes manuscript description of contents of tape. Filmed lectures by colleagues paying tribute to Keller and his Physics contributions University, Bristol the to K.181, K.182 videos of proceedings of Polymer A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 Part Il Includes Keller. VHS video ‘A lifetime in polymer physics’ Interview with Keller after his retirement, March 1992. The video concentrates on Keller's work on chain folding at Bristol. University of Continuing Education 1992. Bristol video produced by Department of K.185-K.196 of VHS videos Polymer Morphology, Institute of Polymer Science, University of Akron, USA, January-March 1993 Keller's course lecture on ‘Dr Keller #4 2/1/93’ See also E.88-E.93. ‘{st lecture 1/20/93 2nd lecture 1/25/93’ ‘Lecture 2 (cont) 1/25/93 Lecture 3 1/27/93’ ‘2/19/93’ ‘Dr Keller Lecture 5. 2/3/93’ ‘2/10/93’ ‘2/8/93’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Non-textual material, K.1-K.199 ‘3/2/93’ ‘3/3/93’ ‘3/8/93’ ‘3/10/93’ ‘3/17/93’ K.197-K.199 SPECIMENS AND ARTEFACTS Samples of polypropylene Samples of polyethylene and marlex Glass pipette A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 APPENDIX DM 1887 Andrew Keller Medals and objects 17 October 1989 1991 (1991] n.d. [1991] 4 April 1991 of and Science Materials Department to Andrew Keller FRS Case Institute of Technology Centennial Celebration, 1880-1980 Case Centennial Scholar: Andrew Keller Medal in brown case The Engineering, Northwestern University, USA: Andrew Keller, Guest Lecturer, Dow distinguished lectures in Material Science and Engineering Wooden plaque Medal to celebrate the 600" anniversary of the University of Ferrara, Italy, 1391-1991 In blue case Object commemorating the Polymer Science Building of the University of Akron, dedicated 1 April 1991 Bronze medal encapsulated in perspex case, blue case Walnut wood box carved with the University of Akron, Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering Metal and wooden plaque with three dimensional representation Present the Polymer Physics Community Presented to Andrew Keller by the Physics Polymer Group, 1991, on his retirement from the Physics Department Signature etched of 27 colleagues, and University of Bristol coat of arms Glass and stone plaque University of Akron: College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering: Harold A. Morton Visiting Professor Photograph of drawing of University Campus, with signatures of colleagues ‘Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Vinci 1993 Science pour I’art, Andrew Keller’ Three dimensional sided mathematical shape with 12 pentagons tessellating with 20 triangles, in metal Universite de Mons-Hainaut Medal in blue plastic case Kyushu University, Japan: founded in 1911 Commemorative silver medal in blue case Verso lists faculties, schools, and institutes by 1991 Spring 1993 9 September 2003 Sigillum panormitanae studiorum universitatis Ferdin III Rex Siciliae Metal medal in blue bag Hannah Lowery