csac 4/73 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of PROFESSOR GEOFFREY Ws. HARRIS, C.B.E., F.R.S. (1913 - 1971) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford 1973 t G.W. Harris CSAC 4/73 : 1. Description of the collection. The papers cover the years 1913 — 1971. The extensive laboratory notebooks cover the whole of Harris's career. Much correspondence was destroyed by Harris when he moved from the Maudsley Hospital to Oxford in 1962. A considerable amount of experimental observations and laboratory material,including photographs and slides,remains in the Department of Anatomy, Oxford,pending selection by former colleagues of Harris. (See list on p. 9) Material relating to the running of the Department of Anatomy has been offered to the Keeper of the Archives,Oxford University. Publications of historical interest relating to the Quatercentenary of Vesalius have been accepted by Dr. C.Webster for the Wellcome Unit of the History of Medicine. Back issues of medical journals have been given to the Radcliffe Science Library. Professor Bernard Donovan accepted Harris's collection of reprints for the Maudsley Hospital. Case-notes have been returned to Professor Sir John Stallworthy,John Radcliffe Hospital,and to Dr.T.D.R.Hockaday,Radcliffe Infirmary. Harris's experimental apparatus is to be deposited in the Wellcome Historical Medicai Museum. Unless otherwise stated,all notebooks,lectures and working papers are manuscript. Summary of the career of Professor Harris. b. 1913 1927 —- 31 Dulwich College 1932 — 39 Emmanuel College,Cambridge.M.A.,M.B.,B.Chir. 1936 Married Georgina Mary Birnie (marriage dissolved 1951) 1936 ~ 40 Clinical training,St. Mary's Hospital, London 1939 Hillington County Hospital 1940 ~ 47 Demonstrator in Anatomy, Cambridge 1944 M.D. Cambridge 1947 ~ 48 Lecturer in Anatomy, Cambridge Lecturer in Physiology,Cambridge 1951 Married Margaret O'Kane 1952 ~ 62 Laboratory of Experimental Neuroendocrinology,Maudsley Hospital, London; Senior Lecturer in Physiology,University of London 1953 Fellow of the Royal Society 1962 — 71 Dr. Lee's Professor of Anatomy,Oxford Harris GW. C SAC 4/73 1962 — 71 (cont.) Professorial Fellow,Hertford College; D.M.,Oxford. 1965 1971 C.B.E. Dale Medal,Society for Endocrinology Contents of the handlist I. Biographical material II. Laboratory Notebooks III.Lectures and Demonstrations IV. Working Papers - me V. Publications Vi. Correspondence Vii.List of experimental material in Dept. of Anatomy VIII. Index to principal correspondents items ij - 13 14 — 69a 7O — 136 137 — 150 151 -— 160 161 — 180 Page 2 3 4 7 | 7 8 9 10 Handlist I. Biographical material 1. 2. 3. 3a - 4. Memoir,by Marthe Vogt.(Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society ,Vol.18, 1972) Family letters from father, 1913 -— 14,1932 — 39; from grandfather, 1940 Correspondence re early career; includes certificates,5t.Mary.'s 1940 — 571 Hospital. Correspondence re offers from University of California and Stanford Medical Schools. 1956 — 69 Appointment to Oxford Chair; correspondence,newspaper cuttings, 1960 -62 incorporation of degree. 4a Appointment as Consultant,Littlemore Hospital. 5. Letters of congratulation on Oxford Chair. 5a 6. Text of Address by Harris at Memorial Service to Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark Election to Royal Society; newspaper cuttings,letters of congratulation,etc. 1961 1971 1953 GW. Harris CSAC 4/73 Correspondence re honours.(Detailed list on file) Correspondence re chi dren Correspondence re non-scientific interests Address by Professor A.G.M.Weddell at Harris's Memorial Service,29 January 1972 10. 11. 12. Group photograph of Zurich Conference Photographs of Harris in laboratory Diaries Diaries 13. il. Laboratory Notebooks. 14 = 32 Notebooks numbered 1 - 19 by Harris. 1962 — 70 1961 — 1 1962 — 70 1972 1938 1952 — 61 1962 — 71 1. 2. Bs 4 5. Ge 7. 9- 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1935 1935 1936 1937, 1940 1941 — 43 1943 — 47 1947 — 49 1950 1953 1953 - 55 1955 — 56 1959 — 61 1961 — 63 1963 ~ 66 1966 — 771 1970, labelled "Remote Control Stimulator’ Notebook inscribed 'Science VIth Dulwich College',and later worki931 ~ 36 1932 1932 1933 1933 = 39 1934. 1934 33. 34. 35-6 Notebook inscribed ‘Practical Zoology,!ich.32! Notebook inscribed ‘Physical Chemistry 8.7.32! 36. Notebook 37° 38. 39- Notebook inscribed 'tAbs. of techniques! Notebook inscribed 'Practical comparative anatomy 11.4.34' Notebook inscribed 'Lent Term '34.Systematic morphology.’ 'Greents supervisions.'! 40. Notebook inscribed 'Physiology — Part II notes. Book A! ? 1935 G.W. Harris CSAC 4/73 41. Notebook inscribed 'Physiology ~ Part II notes. Book B! 42. Notebook inscribed ‘Work with Professor Popa! 43. Notebook: Zurich 44. Notebook inscribed'Hillingdon Cownty Hosvital! 45. Notebook: diary and working notes of journey to America 46. Notebook: Lund, Sweden 47. Notebook inscribed 'Data normal rats and rabbits't 48.— Notebooks: Berkeley 5i. 52. Notebook 53. Notebook 54. Notebook: notes on amines and enzymes 55. Notebook inscribed ‘Xmas T. 1970! 56. Notebook inscribed 'Notes on Stimulator 57. Notebook: examination questions on General Physics (?Cambridge ) 58. Notebook: notes on books read 59. Ms. and typescript nctes on books read 60. 61. British Medical Journal, 17 July 1949, with annotations and a Ms. note Ms. notes in folder inscribed 'References. Physiol. Abstr. 1935 ont 62.— Ms notes in folders numbered I, III ~ IV by Professor Harris 66. (II missing) 67. Ms. notes in folder inscribed 'Diabetes Insipidus' 68, Ms. notes in folder inscribed 'Notes on the Hypothalamus! 69. Ms. notes in folder inscribed 'Structure of Hypothalamus? 69a. Ms. exercise book. Notes on lectures by Professor Barcroft, Dr. Davies n.d. Neds 1948 1935 1940 -~ 43 1942 1940 1940 1942, 1946 III. Lectures and demonstrations (Short title only given) 70. teotires on Thalamus and Hypothalamus n.d. Ti. wiscellaneous material for demonstrations, mainly typescript ned. G.W. Harris CSAC 4/73 72. WMiscellancous Ms. lecture notes on endocrines, lactation, embryology. TBe- 136. Ms. folders and notes as follows: 73. ‘Primates! Cambridge, January 74. ‘Pituitary. Lectures Part II', February 75. 'Osteology Class. i! 6 lectures, July 76. ‘Topographical and osteology class 2' 6 lectures, July 71.- '‘Osteology class 3' 8 lectures, October 78. ‘Embryology', August 79. ‘Comparative Morphology', December 80. 'Topographical Anatomy! 5 lectures, January 81. ‘Practical Neurology Class! , October—December 82. ‘Neurology Revision Course', April 83. ‘Neurology Lecture 1 ~ 8! , October 84. ‘Neurology Lecture 9 - i17' , November 85. 'Comparative Anatomy! , January 86. ‘Surface Anatomy', May 87. ‘Topographical ARM! 88. ‘Comparative Neurology! (inside: ‘Comparative anatomy brain‘) 89. 'Histology', February 90. ‘Revision Lecture’ 91. '4 lectures on lymphatic system', Laster term 92.— 'Lectures to Part II, Natural Science Tripos' numbered 102. I —- XI by Professor Harris 103. Lectures on brain 104. ‘Histology A’ 105. ‘Lecture on Oestrous Cycle' 106. 'Physiology' 107. 'Physiology — Part II' t 108. 'Physiology — Part II' 1942 - 47 1946 - 49 1948 = 49 1948 1948 - 51 GW. Harris csac 4/73 | 109. 'Physiology. Supervision A! 110. "Physiology. Supervision B' 111. "Part I Students. 5 lectures on Reproductive Physiology' 112. 'Neurophysiology' 112a.'imotional States and the Pituitary Gland' typescript of Inaugural Lecture, Maudsley Hospital 113. 'D.P.M. Lectures. Maudsley 1952! 114. 'Neuroanat ony. Spinal cord! 115. "Oxford D.P.M. Course! 116. 'Spinal Cord! . 117. 'D.P.M. Lect. i Spinal Cord’ 118, 'D.P.M. Lect. II' 119. "Lecture XVI. Neuroanatomy! 120. 'Endocrinology* 121. 'Gen. Princ. Anat.' 122. ‘Honour Schools. Neuroendocrinology' 123. 'Reproduction' Shorter lectures, addresses and speeches (short title only; a detailed list is given on each folder) 124. 4 pieces 125. 7 pieces 126. 17 pieces 127. 'San Francisco! Lectures given as visiting Professor, Berkeley 128. 12 pieces 129. 10 pieces 130. 6 pieces 131. 7 pieces 132. 8 pieces 133. 8 pieces 134. 15 pieces | 6. 1943 1948 1949 1949 1954 1952 — 61/62 1962 — 63 1964 — 68 1966 1969 1968 1962 — 64 1963 ~— 67 1964 - 65 1964 — 70 1970 c.1948 1950 — 51 1952 = 54 1954 — 55 1954 1956 — 63 1959 — 69 1941 — 63 1965 - 66 , 1965 ~ 66 1967 — 68 GW. Harris csac 4/73 135. 15 pieces 136. Miscellaneous introductions of lecturers, votes of thanks, after—dinner speeches etc. IV. Working papers 137. Ms. tables of experimental observations, Gembridge 1949 Lund, 1950 138. Notes and correspondence on I.C.1. 33, 828 139. 5 folders, miscellaneous laboratory observations and records 140. Ms. folder inscribed 'Behavioural tests’ 141. Ms. folder: detailed expcrimental case-notes by Harris aud another 142. Ms notes on transplants and stimulators 143. Ring notebook inscribed ‘December 1966, Lab.' 144. Ms and typescript notes on writing commitments and other engagements 145. liiscellaneous notes 146. Ms. laboratory observations and experiments, 10 pieces 147. 'Activity Cycles': graphs, notes, calculations 148. Miscellaneous working papers and experiments 149. Ms. folder inscribed 'Glycotropic Results' 150. Vacant V. Publications (for nos. 151-155 see p.12) 156. “Humours and hormones! The Sir Henry Dale Lecture, 1971, Notes, manuscript, Journal of Indocrinology, 53 ii-xxii. typescript with Ms. corrections, later typescript, proof, correspondence. le 1969 1949 1962 1962 1963 1965 1965 1966 1968 1970 n.d. nod. ned. n.d. 1971 157. '4 Whales Pituitary! Ms.drafts, working papers and calculations 1945 for articles 1947 Nature, 159, 874 and 1950 Journal of Physio- logy, iii, 361-367. 158. 'Neurohumoral mechanisms in reproduction’ with B.T.Donovan, in Marshall's physiology of repreduction, Vol 3, Third edition, 301 375. Typescript with iis. corrections by both authors. 1966 GW. Harris csac 4/73 159. ‘Royal Commission on Medical Education’ with Professor D. Whitteridge, letter in 'The Lancet! 4 January 1969, p.4&. Includes letters on the above from Professor G.J.Romanes, Sir Francis Walshe 160. Vacant VI. Correspondence 161. with Medical Research Council re grant 162. re grant by The Royal Society, includes reports from 1945, 1946, 1949 163. iiiscellaneous correspondence with The Royal Society 164. with Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark 165. with Sir George Pickering 166. Miscellaneous requests from various scientific journals for articles by Harris 167. Miscellaneous invitations to lecture, to symposia, conferences (detailed list on file cover) 167a.Invitations to act as thesis and external examiner 168. Scientific correspondence (see Index to Correspondents) 169. Scientific correspondence (see Index to Correspondents) 170. with Heinrich Kltiver i71. with Dr. Charles W. Lloyd 172. with Dr. Andrew Schally 173. Miscellaneous correspondence (primarily social invitations) i174. Miscellaneous correspondence 175. re collaboration of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd, National Research Development Corporation, and Medical Research Council on luteinizing hormone releasing factor 176. Scientific correspondence (see Index to Correspondents) 177. with World Health Organization 1969 1950 — 52 1945 ~ 49 1965 — 69 1961 - 65 1961 - 63 1962 - 71. i954 - 71 1962 — 64 1948 - 71 1948 - 71 1964 — 71 1962 - 71 1964 - 71 959 — 64 1965 ~ 71 1966 — 71 1963 — 71 1954 - 74 178. xe early work (1936) by Harry B. Friedgood, correspondence 1966 — 69 and offprints 179. with Professor Sir John Stallworthy re co-operation in future ' research projects 180. with Dr. Frederick Naftolin re experiments on releasing factors 1969 ~ 71 1870: = 71 G.W. Harris csac 4/73 VII. Experimental observations and working papers Material currently housed in the Department of Anatomy, Oxford pending further selection and photographing as appropriate. Le Documents and photographs 12 boxfiles as follows: 4le 2. 36 4. 11. 12. 'Pituitary Infusions I', 37 folders of graphs and observations, 3 envelopes of photographs of rabbits. ‘intravenous Infusions II', 56 folders of graphs and observations on rabbits. 'Pituitary Infusions IfI', 39 folders of graphs and observations, photographs of rabbits. ‘Intravenous Infusions IV', 31 folders of graphs and observations of rabbits. 3 folders, Rabbit TSH, Vasopressin, post-pituitary extracts. 4. folders of photographs, observations, calculations, correspondence on rabbit experiments. 8 folders of photographs, observations, calculations, correspondence ‘Rabbits and Controls', 20 folders of observations, photographs, X—-Lrays e 7 labelled packets of photographs of experimentel material. 14 envelopes of photographs and observations of rabbits. Miscellaneovs photographs and graphs. Box of miscellaneous photographs and graphs of experiments. II. Slides Boxes of histological sections of control and experimental work on %he pituitary gland and other endocrine organs. GW. Harris CSAC 4/73 10. VIII. Index to principal correspondents (see also items 5 and 6: files of congratulatory letters which are not indexed) ADRIAN, Dr. R. He. ALVARZ--BUYLLA, Ramon BEESON, Professor Paul BOBROW, Martin BONNAR, John 3, 166 168 176 175 175 BROWN, Sir George Lindor 4,1 CALDERO—BARGTIA, CANDAU, Dr. Maurice Gomes CHAUDHURY, Dr. Ranjit R. CLARK, Professor Sir Wilfrid Le Gros CLEMENTS, E. COWIE, Dr. A. Me T. Be 168 176 177 164, 177 175 176 DAVEY, D. DOLL, Professor Sir William @ichard G. 175 174 DONOVAN, Professor Bernard T. DOWNIE, Dr. C. DOWNMAN, Professor Charles B. We Be 154 138 166, 168 ‘EDWARDS, Dr. R. G. EVANS, Professor Herbert McLean EVE, Dr. Ivor 166 168 173 FELDBERG, Professor Wilhelm Siegmund 3, Ya FLOREY, Sir Howard W. FOX, Professor Harold liunro FRAPS, Richard GANONG, Dr. William F. GELLERT, Ronald J. GILBERT, Dr. D. GOOLDEN, A. GREGORY, H. We Ae C. | 173, 174 166 168 166 153 175 168 175 11. G.W. Harris csac 4/73 HAMMOND, J. HARRIS, Professor Henry Albert HAWORTH, Dr. Sheila HILL, Dr. Oscar HOCKADAY, Dr. T.D. HUGGETT, Professor Arthur St. George HAYMAKER, W. JAMES, Dr. V. He ie JONES, Professor I. Chester KALMUS, Dr. H. . KLUVER, Dr. Heinrich KNOWLES, Sir Francis Gerald William KRAMER, Dr. Martin LLOYD, Dr. Charles W. McDOWELL, Professor R. Je Se NADLER, Dr. Ron NAFTOLIN, Dr. Frederick NEUBERGER, Professor Albert NICOL, Professor Thomas PARKES, Professor Alan Sterling PHILLIPS, Dr. John PICKERING, Sir George POLANI, Dr. Paul Emanuel PORTER, Dr. John C. POWELL, Tom PRUNTY, Professor Francis Thomas ROBSON, Professor Jchn Michael ROMANES, Professor George John ROSENHEIM, Sir Max Leonard 168 175 166 179 173 168 166 166 166 170 174 176 171 169 153, 169 169, 180 166 T, 174 176, 178 173 165 176 178 166 166 159 12. G.W. Harris CSAC 4/73 SANDFORD, Sir Folliot Herbert SCHALLY, Dr. Andrew SCHUTE, Dr. Charles STALLWORTHY, Professor Sir John THOMPSON, Dr. A. P. D. VAN DYKE, Dr. Harry B. WALSHE, Sir Francis Martin - ZUCKERMAN, Professor Sir Solly 173 172 173 1, 119 177 169 159 169 V. Publications (cont. from p.7) 151% 152. 153. 154. 1556 "The Development and present status of endocrinology,' The Feldberg lecture, 1964, Cologne, Dt. med. Wschr., 90, 61-65. Ms. draft, typescript with corrections. ‘Sex hormones, brain development and brain function,! The Upjohn Lecture of the Endocrine Society of America, crinology, 75, 627-648, Ms. notes and draft. Endo— "The site of action of chlormadinone in blocking ovulation in the mated rabbit," Journal of Physiology, 186, 128-129 (with D. Exley, R.J. Gellert, R.D. Nadler). Manuscript and correspondence. Tae Pituitary Gland in 3 volumes, edited with Bernard Donovan, Butterworths, 1966. and of chapter 7, outline of chapters with progress sheets, correspondence with Donovan, sample of letter sent to potential contributors, miscellaneous notes. Manuscript of introduction 1964 1964 1966 1966 ‘Interactions between the central nervous system and the endocrine system,’ in 'Biological and clinical aspects of the central nervous system,' Symposium commemorating 50th anniversary of Pharmaceutical Department of Sandoz Ltd. Basle, pp. 85-102, Vets 1967 156. See p.7
HARRIS, Geoffrey W.
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin