NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARYSCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof John David Lawson FRS (1923-2008) By Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 173/4/09 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 1 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of John David Lawson FRS (1923-2008), physicist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Date of material: 1945-2009 Extent of material: ca 200 items Depositedin: Churchill College, Cambridge Reference: GB 0014 LWSN © 2009 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACScatalogue no. 173/4/09 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the wt Arts & Humanities Research Council J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CHURCHILL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.24 SECTION B PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS B.1-B.99 SECTION C LECTURES C.1-C.42 SECTION D VISITS AND CONFERENCES D.1-D.21 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.1-E.33 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 11 29 36 40 46 5 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Lawsonin 2007. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JOHN DAVID LAWSON John David Lawson wasborn on 4 April 1923. He was educated at Wolverhampton GrammarSchool before going on to St John's College, Cambridge to study for the short (two year) Mechanical Sciences degree, including a special wartime radio course. He graduated BA in 1943 and then joined the Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern, where he was assigned to work on microwave antenna design under D.W.Fry, as part of the ongoing work on developmentof radar. At the end of the war Lawson continued to work at Malvern, although in 1947 he was made a member of the staff of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE). He undertook experimental work with the new 30 MeV synchrotron. In 1951 Fry’s group wastransferred to the General Physics Division of the AERE at Harwell. Lawson was assigned to working on the klystron, a device for producing high-power microwaves, in a group led by Peter Thonemann. Thonemann was also in charge of the ZETA (Zero Energy Toroidal Assembly) fusion work, and it was through Lawson’s association with Thonemann that he became interested in the topic of nuclear fusion. Lawson also worked with the 1980 MeV cyclotron and on early accelerator proposals. He remained onthe staff of the AERE to 1961, spending 1959-1960 as Research Associate at the W.W. Hansen Laboratories at Stanford where his work included the study of the properties of caesium plasma. In 1961 Lawson transferred to the newly established National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, based very close to Harwell, an institution shortly to become the Rutherford Laboratory and then the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. He continued his work on accelerators and led the project to build the Variable Energy Cyclotron (for AERE Harwell). He had responsibility for building up the superconducting magnet programmeandretained an interest in new accelerator concepts. In the 1970s he moved onto the study of very high current beams and in 1977 his book The Physics of Charged Particle Beams was published (second edition 1989), which became a classic textbook on particle accelerators. In 1975-1976 Lawson returned to fusion research with a two year sabbatical at the Culham Laboratory, working on a design study of a conceptual fusion power reactor based on the reversedfield pinch principle. JD: Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 6 He returned to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in 1977 where he continued working on free electron lasers and accelerator design, and also played a leading international role in promoting and critically examining ideas for future accelerators. In the early 1980s he recognized the potential that high-power lasers could have for particle acceleration, and set up a small research group in laser plasma accelerators. He retired in 1987. Lawson was awardedthe University of Cambridge Sc.D. in Physics in 1959 and made a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 1970. In 1983 he waselected a Fellow of Royal Society ‘for his contributions to the field of applied electromagnetism, in particular the physics of charged particle beams and high temperature plasmas’. He is particularly remembered for the LawsonCriterion, a general measure of a system that defines the conditions needed for a fusion reactor to achieve net power. Formulatedin 1955, it was first published in 1957, in ‘Somecriteria for a power producing thermonuclear reactor’, (Proc. Phys. Soc. vol. 70, pt. 1, no. 445, B, 6-10). Lawson died on 15 January 2008. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This is a small collection covering aspects of Lawson’s professional career as a physicist in governmentlaboratories from immediately after the Second World Warto his death. Section A, Biographical, includes autobiographical and biographical accounts, including material assembled for an interview by C.A. Muldoon in the course of her Ph.D. research on visualisation, analogy, insight and communication in physics. There is also little material relating to Lawson’s career, including the inauguration of the Variable Energy Cyclotron in 1966. Section B, Papers and publications, is the largest in the collection. It is chiefly memoranda and reports prepared by Lawson from his time at the Telecommunications Research Establishment, Atomic Energy Research Establishment and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, as well as reports produced during his periods in the USA and Japan. Thereis also a setof offprints and photocopies of published papers, including many conference papers. The section concludes with a few book reviews, short articles for the New Scientist and reviews relating to The Physics of Charged Particle Beams. Section C, Lectures, is principally the contents of Lawson's two folders labelled ‘Informal lectures notes' and ‘Copies of lecture note transparencies' (many later lecture notes are in the form of photocopies of Lawson's overhead projector transparencies). However, the distinction between material presented in this section and the 'as published’ lectures in section B is not absolute. A J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 7 number of the papers there were given as lectures and conference papers. This section also includes some illustrative material - photographs and transparencies, and notices and abstracts of lectures and talks given by Lawson. Section D, Visits and conferences, presents Lawson's material (chiefly reports) on visits made over the period 1957-1989. It is the contents of two folders labelled 'Conferences' and ‘Moreinteresting visits made’, though as the material contained therein overlapped in terms of both content and date, they are presented in a single sequence. Not all Lawson's travel and conference attendanceis represented in this section; evidence of other travel is represented by drafts of lectures in both sections B and C. Section E, Correspondence, consists of the contents of Lawson's two folders of correspondence.It is a very partial record, for although both incoming and (copies of) outgoing correspondence are included, many of the letters record only one half of an exchange or are individual pieces from a clearly more extended sequence of correspondence. Correspondents represented include Ch’en Chia-erh, Martin Reiser, A.M. Sessler and D.H. Wilkinson. There is also an index of correspondents. T.E. Powell Bath, 2009 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL,A.1-A.24 1948/1949- 2009 A.1-A.13 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.14-A.22 CAREER AND HONOURS A.23, A.24 MISCELLANEOUS A.1-A.13 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL 1980s-2009 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 Obituaries, Fusion Power Report, 1 March 2008; CERN Courier, May 2008 Print-out of text from the ‘John Lawson: Life in Science’ website The website was established on the website of ‘ISIS’, the major userfacility (a pulsed neutron and muon source) at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. 2008 2009 Lawson’s ‘Biographical Notes’ 1980s Chiefly a summary of Lawson’s ‘Places of work, and work done’. Summaryof scientific career 1998, 2002 ‘Draft dated Feb 6 1998. Copy deposited with Royal Society (Some modifications, 2002)’. A.5-A.10 Interviews with C.A. Muldoon 2003-2004 Papers found in Lawson’s envelope divided into six for ease background information on Lawson’s life, research and publications, interview questions and answers. correspondence, of reference: Muldoon interviewed Lawson in the course of her Ph.D. research (‘Shall | Compare Thee To A Pressure Wave? J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 Biographical, A.1-A.24 Visualisation, Analogy, Insight, and Communication in Physics’). She was based at the Science Studies Centre, Department of Psychology, University of Bath. A.11 A.12 A.13 Interview for Joint European Torus website to mark the 50th anniversary of the ‘Lawson Criterion’ 2005, 2006 Original version; adapted version for Danish website. 2pp manuscript account by Lawson of some of his work References to work and achievements of Lawson A.14-A.22 CAREER AND HONOURS 1948/1949- 1987 A.14 Group photograph of ‘Team that worked in Malvern on early synchrotron’ 1948/1949 Inscribed on verso. With key (tracing paper) identifying some of those featured. ‘Occasion of photo was successful operation of the first purpose built synchrotron, which accelerated electrons to 30 MeV’. A.15 Correspondencere appointments 1953-1962 Appoints within Ministry of Supply, UK Atomic Energy Authority and National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science. A.16-A.20 Inauguration of the Variable Energy Cyclotron, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, 8 November 1966 1966 T.G. Pickavance put Lawson in charge of the project to construct the Variable Energy Cyclotron. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 10 Biographical, A.1-A.24 A.16 Menu card for inauguration celebration; information sheets on the Variable Energy Cyclotron. A.17-A.20 Photographs ofthe facility and inauguration 1966 16 photographsin 4 folders. Mostare identified on verso with typescript caption. A.21 A.22 Letter of congratulations on award of Thomas Young Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics 1985 Retirement, 1987 1987-1988 Report from Rutherford Laboratory Bulletin (photocopy); correspondence. A.23, A.24 MISCELLANEOUS 1976, ca 1998 A.23 Humorous note from ‘Tokamak meeting Erice 1976’ 1976 The note is headed ‘Annex 1: Fusion fantasy’ purporting to be from ‘Lawson’s Conference 1901’, and calculates the breakeven point for aeroplane flight. A.24 ‘Rough Notes & Drafts’ ca 1998 A4 notepad with loose pages, used for various notes including rough notes on visits made, and lists of and observations Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. material archive on at the J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 11 SECTION B PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS, B.1-B.99 1945-1995 B.1-B.94 MEMORANDA, REPORTS AND OTHER PAPERS B.95 OFFPRINTS OF PUBLISHED PAPERS B.96-B.99 MINOR PUBLICATIONS B.1-B.94 MEMORANDA, REPORTS AND OTHER PAPERS 1945-1995 This material includes papers that were also given as lectures by Lawson. B.1-B.9 ‘Various early papers and notes. Aerials accelerators general physics’ B.10-B.54 ‘Study group papers. Informal notes’ B.55-B.59 Atomic Energy Research Establishment reports B.60, B.61 Microwave Laboratory internal memoranda B.62-B.77 B.78, B.79 B.80, B.81 Rutherford and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory reports United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group studies Institute for Nuclear Study, Tanashi, University of Tokyo, Japan papers B.82-B.94 Other papers B.1-B.9 ‘Various early papers and notes. Aerials accelerators general physics’ 1945-1947 Folder of reports so labelled by Lawson. Presented in chronological order. They were compiled by Lawson while he was working at the Telecommunications Research Establishment. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 12 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.1 B.2 ‘Experiments on Reradiation from Aerials’ by Lawson ?and MJL 21 March 1945 1p duplicated typescript. Reference G10/M151/JDL. File 2163. ‘Low angle cosecant patterns obtained from paraboloid and prisms’ by Lawson 18 May 1945 Bound TRE Report. 4pp duplicated typescript + figures. Reference G10/R153/JDL. T.1856 B.3 ‘A wing aerial for G.A.P.’ by Lawson. 2pp duplicated typescript + figures. References GP/WORK/5/A35, S4/M161/JDL, D3728/JDL. B.4 ‘Radiation from small rectangular apertures’ by Lawson 1p duplicated typescript + figures. Reference S4/M163/JDL. 1 December 1945 19 December 1945 B.5 B.6 B.7 ‘A new front feed for paraboloids’ by Lawson 20 December 1945 1p duplicated typescript + figures. Reference S4/M164/JDL. ‘An adjustable plate that will pass unchanged, circularise or rotate through a right angle, the polarisation of an incident plane wave’ by Lawson and F.K. Goward 5 January 1946 Bound TRE Report. 3pp duplicated typescript + figures. Reference T.1989. ‘Surface guides treated by means of the impedance concept’ by Lawson 14 March 1946 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 13 Papersand publications, B.1-B.99 3pp duplicated typescript + figures. Reference S4/M172/JDL. B.8 ‘The possibilities and limitations of suppressed microwave aerials’ by Lawson 6 February 1947 2pp duplicated typescript + 5pp duplicated typescript appendix and figures. Reference R4/M56/JDL. B.9 ‘Mutual impedancein linear aerials’ by Lawson 18 June 1947 8pp duplicated typescript + figures. Reference R4/M10/JDL. B.10-B.54 ‘Study group papers. Informal notes’ 1946-1995 Folder of reports, memoranda and notes so inscribed by Lawson. Presented in chronological order. Items B.10-B.12 are notes compiled by Lawson while working Research Establishment. Those at B.13-B.19 are from his period at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Telecommunications at the B.10 B.11 ‘Some practical hints on designing simple waveguide fed paraboloid aerials’ by Lawson 11 March 1946 2pp duplicated typescript. Reference S4/M171/JDL. ‘A new type of omni-directional aerial with a shaped pattern in the vertical plane’ 31 December 1946 2pp carbon copy typescript + 1p appendix and figures. Reference R4/M4/JDL. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 14 B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 ‘A scheme for obtaining elliptical split with three lenses’ by Lawson [1946] 2pp typescript. Reference S4/M177/JDL ‘A survey of experiments which may be performed with 20 MeV electrons from the synchrotron’ by Lawson and W.B. Lasich November 1950 7pp duplicated typescript. AERE Memo. G/M 73. ‘The relation between electron current and forward target radiation intensity in high energy electron accelerators’ 9 October 1951 Bound AERE Report, 7pp duplicated typescript. ‘Some experiments on strip electron beam confined by a magnetic field’ by Lawson 28 February 1952 2pp duplicated typescript + figures. Reference AERE G/M 124. ‘On the possibility of a reactor using fast fission of U238 by T-D neutrons’ 1955 1p photocopy typescript + figure. Reference P17/P1. B.17 ‘Energy balance’ by Lawson. 4pp typescript. November 1956 Annotated ‘From AERE GP/R 2073’. The paper is a talk given by Lawson. B.18 ‘Design parameters for 200 Mc/s klystron’ by Lawson March 1957 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 15 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 2pp duplicated typescript. Reference HAG/Kly/1. B.19 ‘On the possibility of using proton or deuteron accelerators for neutron production’ by Lawson and J.M. Dickson 1962 3pp duplicated typescript. ‘Paper to be presented at the E.N.E.A. Symposium ‘Scientific User Requirements for High Flux Reactors, A.E.R.E Harwell July 1962’. B.20 B.21 ‘Oscillation amplitudes induced by orbit coil leads’ by Lawson 18 May 1963 6pp duplicated manuscript. Rutherford Laboratory, Harwell, Cyclotron Group Design Note. Reference CDN 500/14/49. ‘Measurements of alternating magnetic fields from trim coils in the 1/3 scale magnet’ by Lawson and P.H. Beckett 12 June 1963 4pp duplicated manuscript. Rutherford Laboratory, Harwell, Cyclotron Group Design Note. Reference 500-14-052. B.22 ‘The effect of trapped ions on the Q-valuesatinjection’ 2 February 1968 Photocopy typescript. Paginated 298-300. Reference WC/ERA-4. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. B.23 ‘Whatis the axial extent of the ring, and the field available to accelerate the ions?’ by Lawson 7 February 1968 Photocopy with manuscript corrections. 378. Paginated 376- Reference WC/ERA-12. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.24 ‘Notes on relativistic kinematics’ Photocopy with manuscript corrections. 227. Paginated 224- Reference WC/ERA-13. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. B.25 ‘Some useful parameters’ Typescript. Paginated 184-185. Reference WC/ERA-14. Annotated ‘From UCRL-18103’. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. 16 7 February 1968 7 February 1968 B.26 for electrons to ‘Criterion crossing the gap’ by Lawson. pull away from ions when 8 February 1968 Photocopy with manuscript corrections. 382. Paginated 379- Reference WC/ERA-16. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. B.27 ‘Build up ofelectron oscillation amplitude in ring if the Q°=1 resonanceis crossed’ by Lawson 9 February 1968 Photocopy with manuscript corrections. 303. Paginated 301- Reference WC/ERA-20. These notes appear to have been compiled in a US context. B.28 ‘High current and beam-beam effects in EPIC’ by Lawson April 1973 6pp typescript. Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-021 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/17 B.29 ‘Deuterons in EPIC?’ by Lawson July 1973 App photocopytypescript. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 17 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-057 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/24 B.30 ‘Reflections on Erice’ by Lawson July 1973 5pp typescript. Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-075 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/27 The note summarises the Erice Summer School on High Intensity Relativistic Particle Beams, Italy, June 1973. ‘Q-shifts and Q-spreads associated with the head on collision of bunches of unequalsize’ by Lawson 1973 5pp typescript. Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-079 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/29 ‘Multi-mode excitation of Lossy line by a pulsed beam’ by Lawson 1973 6pp typescript. Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-117 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/35 ‘Particle scattering in EPIC - some preliminary comments’ by Lawson 1973 5pp typescript. Reference Storage Rings. RL-73-156 Nimrod Division EPIC/MC/40 for Coulomb intra-beam 1973 ‘Note on the scattering’ by Lawson cut-off angle 2pp typescript. Annotated ‘Hamburg 1973’. B.31 B.32 B.33 B.34 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 B.35 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 18 significance ‘The scattering - an example’ by Lawson of transition energy in intra-beam 1973 2pp typescript. Annotated ‘Hamburg 1973’. B.36 ‘Heating in RFPR’ by Lawson 5pp typescript + 1p addendum of 1977. Reference RFPRS(76)9. January 1976 and January 1977 B.37 B.38 B.39 ‘Stabilizing windings for a reversed field pinch reactor’ by Lawson 1976 7pp typescript. Reference FTSG(76)87 ‘Energy dissipated in RFP plasma during start up and run down. Some preliminary thoughts’ by Lawson 15 March 1977 9pp typescript. Reference RFPRS(77)27. ‘Free electron laser. Summary of present understanding’ by Lawson 1978 App typescript. Reference FEL Note 78/6. B.40 ‘First thoughts on a 40-1000yu FEL’ by Lawson 1978 7pp typescript + appendix by G. Saxon, with manuscript correction and annotation. Reference FEL Note 78/9. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 19 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.41 ‘Optical constraints arising from FEL magnet’ by Lawson 1978 2pp typescript. Reference FEL Note 78/10. B.42 ‘Note on ‘Echo techniques’ for removing velocity spread in the output beam ofthe F.E.L.’ 1 December 1978 App typescript. Reference FEL Note 78/14. B.43 ‘Powerbuild-up in the FEL’ 1978 1p typescript. Reference FEL Note 78/15. B.44 ‘Basic theory of the F.E.L.’ June 1978 7pp typescript + list of symbols. ‘Informal note for internal use’. B.45 ‘Parameters for 40 FEL w’ by Lawson 20 April 1979 App typescript ‘Final corrected version’. Reference FEL Note 79/17. B.46 ‘Electron beam experiments at Maryland University’ by Lawson et al 1979 6pp typescript + figures. Annotated ‘HIF Workshop 1979 LBL10301’. B.47 ‘The SRC and fusion research’ by Lawson 29 April 1980 7pp typescript. ‘Discussion paper for Energy Round Table May 1980’ J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 20 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.48 ‘Free electron laser with photon wiggler’ by Lawson 12 February 1980 2pp typescript. Reference FEL Note 80/. B.49 B.50 B.51 ‘How faris Felix from the ‘collective’ scattering regime?’ by Lawson 3 March 1980 2pp typescript. Reference FEL Note 80/23. ‘Proposal for experimental programme on the formation of electron beams with variable emittance’ by Lawson March 1981 Draft of statement for grant application to the Science Research Council. ‘New ideas for accelerators: what should be done?’ by Lawson 7 May 1985 8pp typescript. Reference LEP/DI/JDL-1/mpt. B.52 ‘Note on the disruption parameter by Lawson 2pp typescript. Reference CLIC Note No. (no number given). B.53 ‘Some comments on the fusitron concept’ 6pp typescript. Annotated ‘Proposal by Ansaldo’. 28 January 1986 9 January 1990 B.54 ‘The status of research into inertial confinement fusion driven by heavy ions’ by Lawson 4 September 1995 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 21 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 10pp typescript with manuscript annotation and including appendix by R. Hancox. Reference ‘Assessment for Culham 1995’. F/PL/H-WP/HION/0010. Annotated B.55-B.59 Atomic Energy Research Establishment reports 1955-1957 B.55 ‘A survey of some suggested methodsof realising fusion reactors’ AERE GP/M 185. B.56 ‘Some criteria for a useful thermonuclear reactor’ AERE GP/R 1807. 1955 1955 1957 B.57 B.58 B.59 ‘On the possibility of producing relativistic self-constructed ring currents’ AERE GP/M 196. ‘On the electron stream’ adiabatic AERE GP/M 197. self-construction of an accelerated 1957 ‘The relaxation time for the contraction of a relativistic self- constricted electron beam’ 1957 AERE GP/M 200. B.60, B.61 Microwave Laboratory internal memoranda 1960, 1961 These were produced by Lawson underthe auspices of the W.W.Hansen Laboratories of Physics, Stanford University, California, USA. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 22 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.60 ‘Some measurements of the fluctuations in the positive column of a low pressure hot cathode discharge’ May 1960 Internal Memorandum M.L. No. 713. B.61 Reports on Cesium plasma 1961 ‘Some experiments with a thermally generated column of Cesium plasma’, January 1961; ‘Some experiments with a Cesium plasma column in a magnetic field’, July 1961; ‘Generation and study of a Cesium plasma’, ca 1961. The January 1961 report is Internal Memorandum M.L. No. 781, B.62-B.77 Rutherford reports and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 1968-1988 Bound reports. Further Rutherford Laboratory documents are in section C, Lectures, e.g. C.14, C.17, C.20. Rutherford Reports and papers produced by Lawson while working at the the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Chilton, Didcot, Berkshire (later Oxfordshire). A number of the papers were delivered at conferences. Laboratory (later High Energy B.62 ‘Radiation from a ring charge passing through a resonator’ April 1968 RHEL/M 144. E22: For 1986 correspondencearising see E.8, B.63 B.64 ‘Orbits and Q values in partially neutralized electron ring beams’ August 1968 RHEL/M 152. For correspondencearising see E.8. ‘Some physical relativistic particle beams’ limitations of linear and ring shaped July 1969 RPP/A 69. 7th International Accelerator Conference, Yerevan, USSR, This paper was submitted the to J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 23 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 August-September 1969. ‘How can wecalculate the radiation loss in the electron ring accelerator?’ 1969 RPP/A 70. 7th International Accelerator Conference, Yerevan, USSR, August-September 1969. This paper was submitted to the ‘Studies at the Rutherford Laboratory on the problems of superconducting synchrotrons’ 1969 This paper was submitted RPP/A 71. 7th International Accelerator Conference, Yerevan, USSR, August-September 1969. to the ‘Radiation from relativistic electron rings passing through cavities’ September 1969 Bound copy; 4pp typescript ‘Updated version’. B.65 B.66 B.67 The bound copy is RPP/A 72. rapporteurs talk Conference, Yerevan, USSR, August-September 1969. This was Lawson's Accelerator International 7th at the B.68 ‘A comparison ofdifferent models of the Bennett pinch’ August 1971 RHEL/MA/3. B.69 ‘Design and status of EPIC’ May 1974 RL-74-083. This report, compiled by the EPIC Machine Design Study Group, of which Lawson was a member, was presented by G.H. Rees at the International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, May 1974. B.70 ‘Problem areasin heavyion fusion’ 1978 RL-79-003. Lawson's paper forms part of ‘Notes of a Symposium on Heavy lon Fusion, held at The Cosener's House, Abingdon on 16 June 1978' ed. D.E. Gray. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.71 ‘The technology of heavy-ion fusion’ 24 September 1980 This was a paper Lawson gave at the 11th RL-80-064. Symposium on 15-19 September 1980. Technology, Fusion Oxford, B.72 ‘A survey of some ideas for accelerators using laser light’ October 1980 RL-81-030. This was a paper Lawson gave at the Chinese National Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, October 1980. B.73 ‘Ideas for accelerators for the 21st century’ RL-83-082. This was based on a paper Lawsongaveat the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brighton, July 1983. B.74 ‘Heavyion inertial fusion - an overview’ RL-83-083. This was a paper Lawson gave at the Colloquium ‘Interaction Faisceaux de Particules Chargeés- Matiére’, Grenoble, France, September 1983. September 1983 September 1983 B.75 B.76 BiT ‘Collider constraints in the choices for wavelength and gradient scaling’ June 1986 RAL 86-069. Stanford Linear Accelerator Conference, USA, June 1986. This was a paper Lawson gave at the ‘Mechanisms for constraints’ particle acceleration: possibilities and March 1987 RAL-87-016. This was a paper Lawson gave at the Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington DC, USA, March 1987. ‘Lasers, microwave tubes, and accelerators: a unified point of view’ November 1988 RAL-88-085. This was a paper Lawson gave at the Conference on Trends in Quantum Electronics, Bucharest, Romania, August-September 1988. It was subsequently published. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 25 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.78, B.79 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group studies 1977 Bound papers. B.78 B.79 ‘Reversed field pinch reactor study |. Physical principles’ by Lawson etal 1977 Reference CLM - R 171. ‘A 600 MVV(e) reversed field pinch reactor study’ by Lawson etal 1977 Reference CLM - P 501. B.80, B.81 Institute for Nuclear Study, Tanashi, University of Tokyo, Japan papers 1988 Bound papers. Lawson visited Japan March-April 1988 (see D.19). B.80 B.81 ‘The physics of high current beams’ May 1988 ‘The physics of particle acceleration and the search for newideas’ June 1988 B.82-B.94 Other papers B.82 ‘Universal beam chart’ 2pp duplicated typescript + figure. 1957-1993 28 March 1957 B.83 ‘Classical hyper-electrodynamics and the K,° meson’ by Lawson 11 December 1964 7pp duplicated manuscript. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 26 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.84 B.85 B.86 B.87 B.88 B.89 ‘Notes on the solution of the equation dx [over] d6? + Q’x = f (8) 19 December 1967 6pp duplicated manuscript. With note at bottom, ‘This note, written the evening before the lecture, is not checked’. ‘What new developments can we expect in acceleration?’ by Lawson particle January 1971 17pp duplicated typescript. ‘Background notes for the SPSC meeting on January 12, 1971’. ‘A simple model of a rotating layer of charged particles ina magnetic field’ January 1972 16pp typescript. ‘Experimental studies of electron beam focusing with solenoid lenses near the space charge limit’ by Lawson et al 1981 3pp typescript. ‘Paper presented at 1981 Linear Accelerator Conference, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 19-23, 1981’. ‘Comments on the FMIT accelerator proposal’ by Lawson and A. Carne ca 1982 5pp typescript + references. ‘First thoughts on a suggested form for new accelerators ECFA workshop’ September 1983 6pp manuscript+ list of participants for workshop. B.90 ‘The beat-waveaccelerator: twenty questions’ by Lawson 1984 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 2 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 3pp typescript. From ‘Frascati Workshop on The Generation of High Fields for Particle Acceleration, September 1984’. B.91 Papers on high current beam transport 1984 ‘High current beam transport’ by Lawson, 5pp typescript + figures, May; ‘The high-current electron beam transport experiment at University of Maryland’ by Lawson et al, typescript, paginated 309-311. Both are reference G.S.I. Report GSI-84-11, 1984. The first is also headed ‘Invited paper presented at the 1984 Linear Accelerator Conference, Seeheim/Darmstadt, May 7-111 1984’. B.92 ‘Some thoughts on future work’ January 1988 2pp typescript. The note begins, ‘The purpose of this note is to discuss somefuture options now that | am retired’. B.93 ‘Note on ‘Accelerator Physics’ ‘ by Lawson December 1989 3pp typescript. B.94 Untitled ‘Revised draft’ by Lawson 19 May 1993 3pp typescript. The paper considers the history and prospects of research into nuclear fusion. B.95 OFFPRINTS OF PUBLISHED PAPERS 1946-1991 Lawson’s collected offprints (and some photocopies) of journal articles and published conferences proceedings. 1 bundle. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 28 Papers and publications, B.1-B.99 B.96-B.99 MINOR PUBLICATIONS ETC 1958-1994 B.96 ‘Reviews etc (Books, Conferences)’ 1958-1994 Contents of Lawson’s folder so inscribed: copies and drafts of book reviews and obituaries by Lawson. Also includes review of Fusion Research in the UK 1945-1960 by Lawson and J. Hendry (1994). B.97 ‘Contributions to books & encyclopedias’ 1960s, 1981 Contents of Lawson’s folder so inscribed. B.98 ‘Popular articles (New Scientist)’ 1966, 1982 Contents of Lawson’s folder so labelled. Articles on ‘The new cyclotrons’ (1966), ‘Heavy ions beam in on fusion’ (1982) and ‘Particle accelerators: the next big step’ (1982). B.99 Flyers for and book reviews of The Physics of Charged- Particle Beams by Lawson (‘st edition 1977, 2nd edition 1989) 1977, 1989 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 SECTION C LECTURES, C.1-C.42 29 1950-1997, n.d. C.1-C.33 LECTURE DRAFTS AND SCRIPTS C.34-C.39 ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL C.40-C.42 NOTICES C.1-C.33 LECTURE DRAFTS AND SCRIPTS 1950-1989, n.d. The bulk of the material here was found within Lawson’s folders labelled ‘Informal lectures notes’ and ‘Copies of lecture note transparencies’. Many of the later lecture notes are in the form of photocopies of Lawson’s overhead projector transparencies. However, the distinction between material presented here and the ‘as published’ lectures in section B (both B.1-B.94 and the published offprints at B.95), is not absolute. A number of the papers there were given as lectures and conference papers. C.1 C.2 ‘Lectures on the interaction of high energy photons and electrons with matter’ Duplicated typescript notes and figures for series of four lectures. October- November 1950 ‘Wave guides and wave mechanics. Some similarities and differences’ January 1951 App duplicated typescript + figure. ‘Based on a lecture given on 15th December, 1950 by J.D. Lawson’. C.3 ‘Nuclear fusion as a possible source of power September 1957 5pp photocopytypescript + figures. ‘Paper to be read by J.D. Lawson at the meeting of the British Association in Dublin’. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 30 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.4 ‘Charged particle streams’ June 1958 Duplicated manuscript notes and figures for series of six lectures. ‘Notes on a series of lectures given in May-June 1958’. C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 ‘Optics, radiation and accelerators’ June 1962 Duplicated manuscript and typescript notes for a series of twolectures. ‘Fundamentals of Accelerators Lecture 8 The Strong Focusing Synchrotron’ November 1962 Duplicated manuscript notes. ‘Oscillations and waves Some basic ideas’ Duplicated manuscript notes. September 1963 ‘Physics for Engineers Fundamentals of Electromagnetism’ March 1964 Duplicated introduction. manuscript with duplicated typescript ‘A microwave engineer looks at fundamental particles’ March 1964 Duplicated manuscript and typescript notes. ‘Notes for Laboratory’. have as yet been only roughly checked’. a Rutherford Note at bottom of front page, ‘These notes Lawson, lecture J.D. by C.10 ‘An electrical engineer looks at photons’ June 1964 10pp duplicated typescript. ‘Thursday Research in Nuclear Science] 25th June 1964’. N.I.R.N.S. [National Lecture, Institute for J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 31 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.11 ‘Space charge effects at the centre of the Cyclotron’ April 1965 2pp duplicated manuscript. ‘Presented at Eindhoven Colloquium, April ‘65’. Also given reference CDN/50/097. C.12 ‘Space charge limited current in the Cyclotron’ October 1967 10pp duplicated manuscript. ‘Very preliminary notes for CERN lecture - algebra and arithmetic not checked’. CAs ‘Diversity and unity in sources and beams’ August 1971 7pp typescript. ‘Paper to be presented at the Symposium on lon Sources and National Laboratory, October 19-21, 1971’. Brookhaven Formation of lon Beams, C.14 ‘Laser accelerators?’ 19pp photocopy manuscript + supporting material. ‘Given at the Rutherford Lab. March 10 1975 (Corrections and additional references, Sept 75) (and at various times thereafter)’. Reference RL-75-043. C.15 ‘Different ways of thinking about beams’ Typescript paginated 199-217. Lecture delivered at International Conference on Electron Beam Research and Technology, 3-5 November 1975. post- September 1975 November 1975 C.16 ‘Particle beams and plasmas’ 1976 Bound volume oflectures. The lectures were originally given in the Academic Training Programme of CERN 1973-1974 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 32 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.17 ‘Coherent interaction between waves and particle beams’ June 1978 16pp photocopy manuscript. ‘Lecture Notes...for Frascati Wiggler Meeting June 29-30 1978. Reference RL-78-058. C.18 ‘Coherent wave-particle interaction mechanisms’ December 1978 10pp typescript. ‘Presented at the Second International Conference on Energy Storage, Compression and Switching, Venice, Italy, December5-8 1979’. C.19 ‘Inertial confinement fusion’ January 1982 Photocopy manuscript of transparenciesfor talk. C.20 ‘The physics of particle acceleration’ September 1982 Photocopy manuscript of transparencies with typescript front matter. ‘Invited paper presented at ECFA-RAL meeting at New College, Oxford, Sept 27-30 1982, entitled ‘The Challenge Energies. A Review of Limitations and of Ultra-High Possibilities in Particle Acceleration’. Reference RL-82- 109. C.21 ‘Particle acceleration by laserlight’ May 1983 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies. 1983’. ‘Trieste May 31 the Workshop on Laser and Plasma Collective Accelerators, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 31 May-1 June 1983 (see D.15). Lawson was attending C.22 ‘Ideas for Accelerators for the 21st Century’ July 1983 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies. ‘Brighton Conf. Jy ‘83’. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 33 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.23 ‘Review of laser based accelerators’ 1984 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies with typescript front matter. ‘INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. CAS-ECFA-INFN Workshop, Frascati 25 September - 1 October 1984’. C.24 ‘Future accelerators for high energy physics. What are the problems?’ July 1985 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies; 3pp typescript summary. The summary explains the paper was ‘presented at the International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Bari, July 1985’. C.25 ‘Accelerators for the Future. Problems and challenges’ August 1985 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies. ‘CAS Colloquium, CERN, Aug 21 1985’ C.26 ‘The physics of particle acceleration’ June 1986 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies for series of five lectures. Lecture series delivered to CERN in Academic Training Programme. their 1985-1986 C.27 ‘Accelerators, microwave tubes and lasers’ February 1987 Photocopy of manuscript and typescript transparencies. C.28 ‘The need and use of plasmas as focusing devices for particle beams’ October 1987 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies with typescript front matter. Given at CERN Workshop on Plasma Focusing, Capri, 1-3 October 1987. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 34 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.29 ‘First thoughts on Naples beat-wave experiment’ April 1989 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies. ‘Prepared Laboratory], April 13-14 1989’. for meeting at RAL [Rutherford Appleton C.30 ‘Particle-photon interactions’ April 1989 Photocopy of manuscript transparencies. ‘CAS/DL course Synch. Rad. FELS Chester April 1989’. C.31 ‘An approach to some quantum mechanical concepts’ N.d. Duplicated manuscript notesfor series of two lectures. C.32 ‘Electromagnetism’ Duplicated manuscript notesfor series of six lectures. 6:33 ‘Beams - some fundamental constraints’ Photocopy of manuscript transparencies with typescript front matter. C.34-C.39 ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL C.34-C.36 Photographs C.34 ‘Plot of X-Y space’ and similar Found in Lawson’s envelope. 10 photographs. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 35 Lectures, C.1-C.42 C.35 Equipmentin the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory N.d. Found in Lawson’s envelope. 5 photographs. C.36 Mounted photographs for creating overhead projector Apparently transparencies. used 5 sheets. Transparencies Poster on investigating ‘limitations to high current beam transport systems’ Manuscript. C.37 C.38 C.39 Manuscriptfigures N.d. N.d. N.d. N.d. C.40-C.42 NOTICES 1957-1997 Contents of Lawson’s folder: notices and abstracts of lectures and talks to be given by Lawson. 3 folders. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 36 SECTION D VISITS AND CONFERENCES, D.1-D.21 21956-1989 This section presents Lawson’s material (chiefly reports) on visits made over the period 1957-1989. It is the contents of two folders labelled ‘Conferences’ and ‘Moreinteresting visits made’, though as the material contained therein overlapped in terms of both content and date, they are presented here in a single sequence. The material does not include papers given at meetings. Not all Lawson’s travel and conference attendance is represented here, evidence of other travel is represented by drafts of lectures in sections B and C. D.1 Visit to the USSR, 16-25 September 1957 21956, 1957 Notes on the visit by Lawson and W. Walkinshaw, 5pp duplicated typescript; photocopy of autographed item ?from visit to USSR 1956. The notes on the visit are AERE reference HAG/GEN/3. The autographed item bears the signature of Lawson, along with colleagues T.G. Pickavance, M. Snowden and others (including Russians). Los Angeles Conference on Sector Focused Cyclotrons, April 1962 1962 Report on conference by Lawson, 6pp typescript + tables. Visit to Canada and the USA, February-March 1967 1967 Report by Lawson, 14pp duplicated typescript. Lawson principally visited North America to attend the US National Accelerator Conference, Washington DC. Here he spoke on ‘Beam measurements in the Harwell Variable Energy Cyclotron’. International Seminar on Perspectives in High Energy Physics, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, 5-7 September 1969 1969 Report, 5pp typescript, with letter from Science Research Council covering ‘introductory paragraph’ to the report by Sir Brian Flowers. D.2 D.3 D.4 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 37 Visits and conferences, D.1-D.21 D.5 D.6 D:7 Fifth International Cyclotron Conference, St Catherine’s College Oxford, 17-20 September 1969 1969 Photocopy of Lawson’s concluding remarks. Visit to the USSR, 24 May-6 June 1970 1970 Itinerary, correspondence. Lawson visited colleagues at various research centres in the USSR. Opening of the Swiss Institute of Nuclear Research, Villigen, Switzerland, 4 October 1974 1974 Programme, annotated by Lawson, ‘Il was on advisory group to choose injector cyclotron - a very controversial matter!’ D.8 Visit to Israel, 9-23 May 1976 Noteson visit, 2pp photocopy typescript. principally Israel Lawson on_ International Separators and Related Sources. visited Conference to attend the Electromagnetic 9th lon D.9 Christophilos and Conference on Plasma Physics, Spetses, Greece, 20-30 July 1977 International Summer School 1976 1977 Report onfirst part of the Summer School and Conference by Lawson, 3pp typescript. D.10 Visit to Hungary, 21 May-2 June 1979 1979 Itinerary, report by Lawson, 12pp typescript + appendices. Lawson visited Hungary under the auspices of the Anglo- He visited Hungarian colleaguesat various research centres and lectured. Exchange Scheme. Cultural J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 38 Visits and conferences, D.1-D.21 D.11-D.13 Visit to China, 28 September-31 October 1980 1980 Lawson was invited to visit China at the initiative of Professor Ch’en Chia-erh of Beijing University. Ch’en had been one ofthe first Chinese research students to study in the UK in the early 1960s and had worked in Lawson’s group at the Lawson visited colleagues and lectured in Beijing and Shanghai. Laboratory. Rutherford D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 Correspondenceincluding invitations Exercise book inscribed on front ‘Visit to China’ Used for notes on the visit, with visiting cards, photographs and other memorabilia taped or glued to pages. Report by Lawson, 13pp typescript. Visit to France and Germany, 11-18 February 1983 1983 Report by Lawson, 6pp typescript. Lawson visited France and Germany to discuss work towards nuclear fusion. Workshop on Laser and Plasma Collective Accelerators, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 31 May-1 June 1983 1983 Report by Lawson, 7pp typescript. See also C.21. D.16 Visit to France, September 1983 1983 Report, 2pp typescript + photocopies of meeting material. Lawson lectured at the University of Clemont-Ferrand and attended a meeting of the French Physical Society at Grenoble (see B.74). J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 39 Visits and conferences, D.1-D.21 D.17 Visit to USA, 3 October-2 November 1983 1983 Report by Lawson, 4pp typescript. Lawsonvisited colleagues at a number of research centres in the USA. D.18 Meeting to review the program of United Sciences Inc, New York, USA, 26-27 January 1985 1985 Report of meeting. Lawson was a member of the Blewett/Litton Committee appointed to review the proposed ‘MIGMAcell’. D.19 Visit to Japan, 13 March-29 April 1988 1988 Report by Lawson, 4pp typescript. Lawson visited Japan at the invitation of colleagues at the Institute of Nuclear Study, Tanashi. For scientific papers from the visit see B.80, B.81. D.20 Visit to Romania, 28 August-11 September 1988 1988 Report by Lawson, 9pp typescript + appendices. Lawson visited Romania under the auspices of the British Council at the formal invitation of Professor loan Ursu, National Council for Science and Technology. D.21 Visit to CERN, Switzerland, 26-27 January 1989 1989 Report by Lawson, 2pp typescript. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 40 SECTION E SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE, E.1-E.33 1947-2005 This material is the contents of Lawson’s two folders of correspondence. It is a very partial record, for although both incoming and (copies of) outgoing correspondence are included, manyofthe letters record only one half of an exchange or are individual pieces from a clearly more extended sequence of correspondence. E.1-E.14 ‘CORRESPONDENCE UP TO 1980’ E.15-E.33 ‘CORRESPONDENCE AFTER 1980’ E.1-E.14 ‘CORRESPONDENCE UP TO 1980’ 1947-1979 Contents of Lawson’s folder so labelled. original, chronological, order. Presented in E14 1947, 1949 1947 correspondence with D.G. Reid re ‘Yagi’ Array (with 1949 correspondence chiefly re calculations attached). Lawson’s Research Establishment, to undertake unspecified research. to Armament possible transfer E.2 1950-1952 Chiefly with H.C Pollock, General Electrical Company Research on radiation from electron beams from synchrotrons. Schenectady, New York, Laboratory, E.3 1953-1954 Includes Lawson’s announcement ‘You may be interested to know that we ran up the x-band C.W.klystron for the first time yesterday and this morning obtained an output of over 900 watts’, with notes of congratulation. E.4 1957-1959 Includes note and calculation on colliding electron beams J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 4 Scientific correspondence, E.1-E.33 by Lawson and supplementary note arising by J.S Bell; Lawson’s synchrotron; correspondencewith J.B. Adams, CERN, reinstabilities. Soviet note on 10 GeV E:5 1960-1964 Includes copy correspondence between F.A. Vick and G. Vendryés (refers to role of Lawson in design of cyclotron at AERE Harwell). E.6 1965-1966 Chiefly congratulations to Lawson on successful operation of the Variable Energy Cyclotron at the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, December 1965-January 1966, and successful extraction of the first beam, July 1966. For commemorative material from the inauguration of the cyclotron, see A.16-A.20. 7 1967 Includes notes (by Lawson) on visit by members of the British Oxygen Company to the Rutherford Laboratory, 4 January. E.8 1968 Includes comments by Lawson on the Diplomatic Wireless Service proposal for the industrial application of electron beams; correspondence from B.W. Montague on collective ion acceleration referring to Lawson’s reports RHEL/M 144 and RHEL/M 152 (see B.62, B.63). Lawson believed the proposal made by the Diplomatic Wireless Service wasinteresting but required further work and wasreluctant to becomefurther involvedin the project. E.9 E.10 1969-1970 1971-1973 Includes letter from S.D. Putnam re ion acceleration and J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 42 Scientific correspondence, E.1-E.33 Lawson’s summary of the localised pinch model, 2 August 1971: letter from P. Gratreau arising from Lawson’s paper ‘Self-consistent Vlasov description of relativistic electron ring equilibria’, Particle Accelerators vol 4 1972), 14 March 1973. E.11 1974-1975 Includes correspondence responding to Lawson's lecture on laser accelerators April and May 1975 EZ 1977 Includes exchange with B. Schnitzer re research problem, 4 May, and letter to A.G. Hereward setting out Lawson's research plans, 17 November. E.13 1978 Includes correspondence with M. Reiser, chiefly on heavy ion fusion, and letter to F.T. Cole with Lawson’s ‘Notes on emittance’, 26 July. E.14 1979 Includes correspondence re article on the free electron laser in the New Scientist, for which Lawson had provided information and with he was disappointed. of which the quality E.15-E.33 ‘CORRESPONDENCE AFTER 1980’ 1980-2005 Contents of Lawson’s folder so labelled. original, chronological, order. Presented in E.15 1980 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 43 Scientific correspondence, E.1-E.33 E.16 1981 Includes letter University of Maryland in October-November. to M. Reiser, on forthcoming visit to El? 1982 Includes correspondence on 1950s experiments on early betatron work in the UK, and accelerator physics and workshops. E.18 1983 Includes correspondence on beat wave accelerators, with D.F. Sutter; proposed study group of the European Future Committee particle Lawson’s note ‘Some thoughts on accelerators with collaboration in the field of particle accelerators’, 2pp photocopy manuscript Accelerators; and_ for E.19 February-June 1984 Includes exchange with D.P. Chernin re suppression of the negative mass instability and correspondence with R. Becker re comments on paper. E.20 August-December 1984 Chiefly re submission to the Kendrew Committee. correspondenceon distributions in long beams. Also The Kendrew Committee was established to consider UK policy for particle physics and in particular to review the future of British participation in CERN. E21 1985 Includes exchange with P. Lapostolle re research problem; responseto invitation to join CERN Advisory Panel on New Techniques for Particle Acceleration, with comments on main tasks. J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 44 Scientific correspondence, E.1-E.33 E.22 1986 Includes letter to J. Nation re his paper ‘A novel high field gradient accelerator’; letter from M. Sands re Lawson’s 1968 Report RHEL/M144 (See B.62). E.23 June-August 1987 Includes letters expressing good wishes to Lawson on his retirement. E.24 September-December 1987 Includes letters expressing good wishes to Lawson on his retirement; correspondence with T. Jackson, Centre for Energy Studies, Southbank Polytechnic, report to European Parliament on nuclear fusion; letter to J. Mulvey on synchrotron design. re E.25 1988 Includes Lawson’s revised entry on ‘Charged-Particle Optics’ for the Encyclopedia of Physics (VCH Publishers); letter to A. Glover on Lawson’s current workto ‘classify in a clear and fundamental way the essential features of all these devices in which radiation interacts with ensembles of charges’. E.26 E.27 January-April 1989 May-December 1989 Includes letter to R.B. Palmer commenting on particle acceleration; invitation to act as consultant to Ansaldo Ricerche. E.28 January-August 1990 Letter to A.M. correspondence Humphries’s draft book on Charged Particle Beams. Sessler with memories of with J.S S. Humphries commenting Bell; on J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 45 Scientific correspondence, E.1-E.33 E.29 July-October 1990 Chiefly exchange with G. Wustefeld on maser cooling of particle 1979 correspondenceand papers exchanged with C. Rubbia. Lawson’s’ beams, with copies of E.30 E.31 1991 1992 Includes personal appreciation of Lawson’s work. E.32 1993-1994 Includes reminiscences and appreciations of Lawson’s work. E.33 1995-2005 Includes responses to Lawson’s historical recollections. 46 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR ADAMS, John Bertram ALFVEN, Hannes AMPHLETT, Colin B. ANSALDO RICERCHE APPLEYARD, Raymond K. ATKINSON, H. H. BAKER, David BEATRICE, [?] BECKER, Reinard BELL, John Stewart BENNETT,Willard H. BERENYI, D. BLASER, Jean P. BLEWETT,John P. BOGGASCH, E. BORAX CONSOLIDATED LTD BURLEIGH, Richard J. CAPPS, Richard H CERN ADVISORY PANEL ON NEW TECHNIQUES FOR PARTICLE ACCELERATION CERN COURIER CHAO, Alex CHARLTON, J. D.6 E.4 E.9 E.6 E.27 E:1 E.24 E.23 E.32 Es19 E.4 See also E.28 E.8 E.14 E.6, E.19 E21, E22 E.29 E.4 E.6 E.4 E21, E22 E.17 E.23, E.25 E.5 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 CH’EN Chia-erh CHEN Yin bao CHERNIN, David P. CHEW, Geoffrey Foucar COCKCROFT,Sir John Douglas COIGNET, Guy COLE, Frank T CONTE, Mario CORKUM, Paul B. CSONKA, Paul L. DATTOLI, Giuseppe DOMB, Cyril DURAND, Alain 47 Index of correspondents E-6,-E.13; E.14, E.15, E.16; E.18, E23, E.24,E.27, E.32 E.24, E.26 Ele E19 E.6 E.3, £4 E.23 E.13 E.11 E.21 E.31 E.11 E18 EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR FUTURE ACCELERATORS E.18 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS ASSESSMENT FARLEY, Francis J.M. FERRARI, Lawrence FINKELSTEIN, D FLANDERS, P. H. FLEROV, G.N. FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FONDS NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM FRY, Donald William FURMAN, Miguel E.24 E.6 E.8 E.4 E.2 Ed See D.4 Eo: E:1.0 E.3 E.23 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 48 Index of correspondents GAJEWSKI, Ryszard GONELLA,Luigi GOVER, Avi GRATREAU, P. GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION MINISTRY OF SUPPLY ARMAMENT RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT GRUNDER, Hermann HAAS, F. HANCOX, R HARMS, Archie A. HARVIE, R.B.R.-S. HAUS, Hermann A HEINDLER, Manfred HENIZ, Werner HEREWARD, A.G. (‘Hugh’) HERMANN, Armin HERLOFSON, Nicolai HUGHES, Vernon W. HULBERT, John A HUSSEY, Trevor INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS RUGBY SUB-CENTRE JACKSON, Tim E.15, E.16 E.6 E.23, E.25 E.10 E12 A.13 E.1 E.11 E.17 E.17 E.16 E.8 E.3 E.24, E.30 E.9 E.12 E.21 E.11 E.4 E.9 E.25 E.3 E.24 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 JAMESON, R.A. JOHO, Weinrer KAPTIZA, S.P. KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles KNEUBUHL, Fritz LANZL, Lawrence H LAPOSTOLLE, Pierre LAU, Y.Y. LAURIE, Peter LEWIS, Wilfrid Bennett LIDSKY, Lawrence M. LIGOU, J. LOHMANN, A. LOVE, Allan W. LUGANSKY,L.B. McDONALD, Kirk McLEAN, G.A. McNALLY,J. Rand, Jr ?MAHL, Dieter MEER, Simon van der MIZUNO, Koji MONTAGUE, Bryan W. MOON, Philip Burton MOTZ,H. MULDOON, Ciara Aisling MULVEY, John 49 Index of correspondents E.24 E.24 D.6 A.21 E.21 E.2 E:21,E:24, 6.26 E.26, E.30 E.13 E.10 See also E.7 E.11 E.21 E.11 E.14 D.6 E.22 E.18 E.21 E.31 E.24 E.11 E.8 E.31 E.8 A.4-A.9 2E.20, E.24, E.27 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 MURPHY, JamesB. NABLO, Sam V. NAIMI, Taha T. AL- NATION, John NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY EDUCATIONALFILMS NATURE NEMES, G. NEW SCIENTIST NUCLEONICS OBAYASHI, Atsuko and Hamo PALMER, R. B. PALOCZ, Istvan PEASE, Rendel Sebastian (‘Bas’) PETERSON, Jack PICKAVANCE, ThomasGerald POLLOCK, Herbert C POWELL Cecil Frank PUTNAM, Sidney D. RABINOVICH, M. RAMAKRISHNAN, Alladi RAUDORF, W.R. REICH, Herbert REID, DG REISER, Martin ROSENFELD, Arthur H. 50 Index of correspondents E.33 E.9 E.25 E.22 E.25, E.26 E.19 E.19, E.32 E.14, £.23, £.27 E.5 E.29 E.18;E.27 E.5 E.5, E.8 EAT See E.7 E.2 E.6 E10 D.6 E.9 E.10 E.1,,E:2 E41, E11 E11,.E.13, E.16,E.19 E.5 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 5A Index of correspondents ROWLANDS, George RUBBIA,Carlo RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY E.15 E.23, E.29 A.15, A.22 SABCHEVSKI, S. SALAM, Mohammed Abdus SAMETBAND, MoisesJ. SANDS, Matt SANDERSON, Allan SCHNIZER, Bernhard SCHUMACHER, B.W. SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SELIGMAN, J. SERVICES ELECTRONICS RESEARCH LABORATORY EXTENSION (ADMIRALTY), HARLOW, ESSEX E.32 EM7 E.8 E.22 E23 E.12 E.11 D.4 E.4 E.4 SESSLER, Andrew Marienhoff E.21, E.28, E.32, E.33 SMITH, Sir Christopher Hubert LLEWELLYN SMITH, Glenn S. SMITH, Lloyd SNOWDEN, M. STANDARD TELEPHONES AND CABLES LTD VALVE DIVISION STOVELL, Jim E. STRZALKOWSKI SUTTER, David F. TAGLIATERRI, G. TAKEDA,Seishi TAKEUCHI, Satoshi E.22 E.33 E.20 E.4 E.10 E.30 E.8 E.17, E.18 E.6 E:15;E.16 E.21, E.22 J.D. Lawson NCUACS 173/4/09 TENG, Lee TEODORESCU, I.E. THIRRING, Walter THOMPSON, D J (‘Jerry’) THOMSON, J. TIGNER, Maury TYTE, L.C. UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY USPEKHIFIZICHESKIKH NAUK VARLEY,Derek VENDRYES, G. VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VONBERG, Derek D. WANGLER, Tom P. WELLCOME TRUST 52 Index of correspondents E19 E.6 E.9 E.12, E.17 E:3 E17, £.25 E.1 A.13 E.25 E.6 E.5 E-5 E.6 E.20 E9 WILKINSON, Sir Denys Haigh E6,E.9;-E.12 WILLMOTT,John C. WILSON, E.J.N. WILSON, Martin WILSON, Perry B. WITALIS, Erik WUSTEFELD, Gode YONAS, Gerold ZELBY, Leon W. ZUCKER, Martin E.16 E.33 E19 E.22, E.23 E.13 E.28 E.14 E.5, E.6 E.8
LAWSON, John David v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin