HOGBEN, Lancelot Thomas v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on papers of LANCELOT THOMAS HOGBEN, FRS (1895-1975) zoologist deposited in Birmingham University Library (CSAC 78/2/81) by Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A HP THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre No 81/7 All rights reserved CSAC 78/2/81 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of LANCELOT THOMAS HOGBEN, FRS, (1895 - 1975) Julia Latham-Jackson Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Library of the University of Birmingham, 1981 L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION B NOTES AND WORKING PAPERS SECTION C DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The material was received from Mrs. K.A. Lloyd and from Professor G.P. Wells, author of the Memoir of Hogben prepared for the Royal Society (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 24, 1978) and editor of Look Back with Laughter, the autobiography left uncompleted at Hogben's death (see A.3 - A.20). Partly through temperament, and partly through external factors and the vicissitudes of war, Hogben led a peripatetic life and left few records other than his prolific and diverse publications. His scientific research was in various aspects of biology, vertebrate and invertebrate zoology, genetics, and related disciplines of social biology, medical and applied statistics; he also contributed tothe founding of two scientific journals, the Journal of Experimental Biology and the British Journal of Social Medicine. Tothe general public he was internationally known as a brilliant expositor of science in his two most famous books, Mathematics for the Million and Science for the Citizen; these and other works reflect his 'scientific humanism' several holiday retreats since 1947 and where he retired. moved to the Universities of Edinburgh (1922), Montreal (1925) and Cape Town (1927) before returning to Britain and the London School of Economics (1930). In 1937 he The diversity of Hogben's interests is reflected in the changing locations in which he pursued his career. Starting in 1917 at two of the Colleges of London writings: the historical and comparative study of languages. In his later years, his This urge to 'provide a sufficient equipment for the constructive tasks of the Society in which we live' underlay the second main strand in his popular linguistic interest focussed on the culture and speech of Wales where he had had University (Birkbeck and then the Imperial College of Science and Technology), he and the wish to improve, through education and clear thinking, the general condition of mankind, for several periods in his life he had no temperament, and certainly do much to explain the unfortunate paucity of the re- moved to Aberdeen, and finally to Birmingham (1942) where he remained, with second- ment to the War Office 1944 - 46, until he retired to Wales in 1961. These move- ments testify and also contributed to a restlessness, not to say an impatience of maining records. Hogben kept no diary; L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 home and lived with friends or relations, or in hostels; and his research or writing took precedence over administrative paperwork. Thus, although several of his interests (mathematics, statistics, popular educa- tion, language) are represented in the collection, there is little substantial scientific material, and virtually no correspondence despite Hogben's known long acquaintance with many leading figures in scientific and political life. Of interest are the "Interglossa Dictionary' (C.7), the autobiographical writings in Section A, and several items which show his gifts as a teacher for simple, striking, easily memorable methods and examples. There are also the manuscripts of various unpublished projects (C.8, G2). A collection of Hogben's scientific papers, in five bound volumes arranged “by subject, is included at A.30 - A.34. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.34 Acily Aiz Obituaries and tributes. A.1 A.2 "Lancelot Thomas Hogben', by G.P. Wells (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 24, 1978, 183-221). 'A Professor Retires', article by 'R.H.C.' on the occasion of Hogben's retirement (The Queen's Medical Magazine, Journal of the Birmingham Medical School, 54, March 1962). "Look Back with Laughter' This is the title of Hogben's autobiography, left incomplete at his death. It was collated and edited by G.P. Wells, but remains unpublished. Several drafts, all with ms. corrections and variations, were received from G.P. Wells. They include 'Draft H' (A.3 - A.5) and 'Draft S' (A.6 - A.8), and the final version as prepared for publication and with an introduction (A.9, A.10). An explanatory note by Wells (quoted below with permission), and at A.11. Other early, partial or incomplete drafts found among Hogben's papers, are at A.12 - A.20. (see A.11), Wells writes: In his 'Notes on my edited version of Look Back with Laughter "Hogben's family was not eager to see his autobiography published because there was too much in which he often assurned as a mask, and not enough about his real faith and his positive achievements. This is why | wrote the Introduction. it of the cynicism information on copyright from Hogben's literary agent, appear Unhappily, this work was finished when publishers everywhere were finding it increasingly difficult to sell books, and they did not want to take on the autobiography. Norton, his U.S. publisher, wrote to the effect that Hogben was no longer a world-famous figure, and even Mathematics for the Million had ceased to move. one or two tries, we stopped trying to find a publisher.' So after L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Biographical and personal An important addition to the autobiography are the ‘Professional Reminiscences' at A.21. G.P. Wells, in an ex- planatory note included in the folder, writes: "At one time, Hogben meant to include a chapter about his scientific achievements in his Autobiography. did not do so. (received there on 20 April 1961) a document called "Professional Reminiscences', written in conjunction with a five-volume collection of his scientific papers. He However he sent to the Royal Society The attached copy was sent to me by his eldest It has a number of daughter, Mrs. Sylvia McCrory. corrections in his own hand.' The five-volume collection of scientific papers referred to above, and in Hogben's account, is included at A.30 - A.34. Draft H, with a note by G.P. Wells, 'This is the typescript | worked on. It was made available to me by Helga Greene’. Three folders as follows: Quarto typescript with ms. corrections. 9, Epilogue and postcript. Photocopy foolscap, Original chapters | - IX (publisher's chapters 1 - 3). Quarto typescript with ms. corrections. Chapters 8, very heavily corrected. Original chapters X - XVII (publisher's chapters 4 - 7). Original chapters XVIII - XXIV, Epilogue. Draft S, with a note by G.P. Wells 'This is a Xerox-copy of a typescript in the possession of the family in U.S.A. It was handed to me by Mrs. Sylvia McCrory CHogben's daughter J shortly before the end of my 1979 visit'. Three folders as follows: Original chapters | - IX. Original chapters X - XVII. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Biographical and personal A.9, A.10 Final typescript as prepared by G.P. Wells, who has con- tributed an introduction, 'The faith of a scientific humanist’. Two folders as follows: Introduction, Chapters 1 - 4 (pp.1-132). Chapters 5 - 10, Epilogue (pp. 133-307). ‘Notes on my edited version of Look Back with Laughter', by G.P. Wells. Note on copyright by Helga Greene (Hogben's literary agent). Ant) Asis First draft. Foolscap typescript, with a few ms. corrections. first draft from which later mss. were compiled; This is the it ends at 1937. Chapters 1 - 3 (Chapter 4 missing). Chapters 5 - 7. Typescript drafts, all with ms. corrections and variations. Chapters I - IV. Chapters V - VII (2 copies of each). Chapters VIII - X (2 copies of each). Chapters XI - XIV (1 copy of each, no corrections). Chapter XXIV_ Epilogue (3 copies, all with ms. corrections, expanded (1 copy, no corrections). Chapters XV - XVII (1 copy of each, no corrections). Copies of ‘Publisher's note' for insertion in book. ‘Chapter fourteen’ (later twenty-three, finally 10, des- cribing events in British Guiana 1963-64). versions of above). Miscellaneous shorter drafts or fragments. pp. 19-24 of Chapter 5. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Biographical and personal "Professional Reminiscences.' Hogben's account of his scientific achievements. 37 pp. typescript with ms. corrections, plus 7 pp. bibliography. With an explanatory note by G.P. Wells. See introduction to A.3 - A.20 above, and also A.30- A.34. ‘Journey Through Ghana, ' 286 pp. negative photostat copy of typescript original, bound. With a ms. note, 1979, by G.P. Wells inside front cover, identifying item as the ‘descriptive book commissioned by the Colonial Office to celebrate the country's inde- pendence’ (in 1956). Shorter autobiographical writings (on verso of proofs): Poem 'At seventy ...' Draft 'At the end of the day ...' Draft, ‘Brighter British’. 3 pp. ms., on developments in the English language. Hogben's address book. "Lloches y Fwyalchen.' (Hogben's bungalow at Glyn Ceiriog.) 2 pp. ms. reflections on his life; Hogben concludes: "lam with Belloc all the way that to look back with laughter is well worth the winning. I could wish that I learned to do so earlier’. Miscellaneous receipts, etc. 1974-75. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1970-72, with planning authorities, solicitors and builders re above. Includes some of Hogben's plans and specifications, accounts and receipts. | Not indexed. Miscellaneous receipts, etc. 1950-73. Includes material re other properties owned by Hogben in Wales. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Biographical and personal Ms. verses by Hogben. Drafts for two humorous alphabets. Small notebook, c.1942, analysing songs and pieces of music in a numerical notation. A collection of Hogben's published scientific papers, arranged by subject; Reminiscences' (A.21) are to this set, which does not follow chronological order. references given in his own ‘Professional There is a typed list of contents inside each volume. 5 volumes as follows: . 1. The chromatic function. Internal secretion, Biophysical and biochemical. Genetics and cytology. Statistics medical and theoretical. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 SECTION B NOTES AND WORKING PAPERS B.1 - B.25 B.1-B.14 Work on Mathematics and Physics B.1-B.3 Three examination answer-books, McGill University. n.d. but c.1926-27. Labelled by Hogben as follows: "Fourier Series and Integrals. ' (Includes another sequence of notes in another hand. ) "Cylindrical and Spherical Harmonics. ' ‘Differential Equations Il. Partial Differential equations involving Fourier series, Bessel's and Legendre functions. ' Examination answer-book, University of Cape Town, dated ‘Dec. 1928' and labelled 'Generalised Coordinates’. Sequences of ms. notes. ‘Linear Difference Equations.' ‘Non-Linear Difference Equations.' "Factorial Notation. ' ‘Stirling's Theorem. ' Shorter notes. 'Finife differences and Interpolation Formulae.' ‘General Expansion based on the operators ZS and E.' Copy of printed booklet on Relativity. 2 typescript sets of notes, ‘Relativity 1', ‘Relativity 2'. Ms. draft on sets and. of notes. subsets, and some loose pages Folder labelled 'The Ordered Tetrad'. Folder labelled ‘Relativity’. Ms. notes on 'The Lorenz Transformation’. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Notes and working papers B.15-B.24 Work on language. B.15 Work on English. Includes notes on English patronymics, syntax, rhymes. Errata lists for The Mother Tongue (London 1964). B.16-B.23 Work on Welsh. B.16 Miscellaneous ms. notes on Welsh syntax and accidence, some on writing-paper of Lloches y Fwalchen and therefore after 1971. B.17-B.19 Three stapled folders labelled 'Welsh Syntax', 'Essential Welsh Verbs', ‘Welsh Semantics’. B.20 Typescript drafts on various aspects of Welsh, ‘Interrogation’, "Infixed pronouns', ‘Additional notes on Welsh', etc. B.2] 'Gwlad heb Genhadwr' (Country without a Missionary). 33 pp. typescript narrative by Hogben. 3 copies. "Guinness yn Gymraeg Printed matter in Welsh, mainly hymns in tonic sol fa notation. ‘A reformed Oggam.' A Guinness i Gymru.' Ms. and typed versions of diagram of rationalised orthography . Stapled folder of advertising slogans for Guinness, in Welsh, with English translations. Mathematical diagram. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 SECTION C DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS C.1 - C.13 C.1 "Science for the Citizen' (first published 1938). Hand-drawn and coloured diagrams. Letter and related material from D. L. Simms, 1960, correcting error in 4th edition. ‘Analytical Thermodynamics (based on Planck). ! 27 pp. typescript. 3 copies. "Bedside Reflections on Thermodynamics. ' 11 pp. typescript. 3 copies. Papers on statistics, n.d. 'A type of series of special interest to biologists." 12 pp. typescript and ms. 'The extraction of square roots by use of continued fractions as an exercise in machine tabulation.' 14 pp. typescript and ms., 2 copies, one marked ‘corrected’. "Two exercises in use of recurrent series.' 3 pp. +2 pp. addendum,typescript. 'Interglossa Dictionary. c.1943 381 pp. typescript in folder. In the ‘Foreword with instructions for use’ tothe This was probably intended as the companion volume to Interglossa (Penguin Books, 1943) in which Hogben attempted to construct an auxiliary language, based on Latin and Greek roots, as a tool for international communica- tion. '‘Dictionary', he refers to an ‘introductory volume’ which had previously appeared, and says ‘The introductory volume provided the tools and raw materials. The dictionary gives Interglossa a gestalt’. (addressee unidentifiable), is postmarked Llangollen, April 1971. N.B. The folder, which had been sent direct by post See Wells, Memoir, p. 204. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 Drafts and publications "Figurate series and related functions.' 23 pp. ms. draft + 2 tables. Includes letter from Russell Parker re suitable placements for publication of a proposed monograph by Hogben on "Figurate Numbers', October 1971. ‘Mathematics with the machine. ' Photocopy of ms. draft for projected work with this title, 68 pp. Foreword, Ts Powers and roots. Common logarithms. Trigonometrical ratios. The binomial theorem. Natural logarithms. Trigonometrical and allied series. Some statistical series. Appendix | Stirling's formula. Miscellaneous copies of publications by Hogben. Included here is correspondence, 1971-72, with Addo Limited re possible publication of the work. Appendix || Square roots by continuous fractions. Miscellaneous pages of 'Astronomer, priest and ancient mariner! (London 1972), some with ms. corrections and notes. Draft, probably for 'Maps, mirrors and mechanics' (London, 1973), Chapter 5. Miscellaneous drafts for 'Columbus, the cannon ball and the common pump' (London 1974), Chapters 6 and 7, heavily- corrected typescript. Miscellaneous printed matter. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.1 - D.10 Letters from readers of The Mother Tongue . Correspondence with literary agents and publishing houses work in hand or projected. re contracts, publications, reprints, royalties, Mainly with Hogben's literary agent, Helga Greene, but also with others. 1964-71 1964-66. Includes correspondence with Jonathan Cape Limited. 1964 1965. Includes correspondence with Allen & Unwin Limited, with W.W. Norton and Company (Hogben's publishers in America), and arrangements for assign ment of royalties. 1966 1967 1968. 1969 1970-71. Includes royalty statements. Limited. Includes correspondence with William Heinemann Miscellaneous royalty statements. L.T. Hogben CSAC 78/2/81 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley GANT, Roland GREENE, Graham Carleton GREENE, Helga LOHMAN, Tanya LOMICKA, Helen NEUBACH, Meir PARKER, Russell SIMMS, D. L. UNWIN, Philip