Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin OM FRS (1914 - 1998) VOLUME 2 Section C, Research NCUACS catalogue 136/1/05 by Simon Coleman, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION C RESEARCH, C.1-C.1127 1934-1991 C.1-C.105 NOTEBOOKS C.106-C.1127 FILES FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL WORK C.1-C.105 NOTEBOOKS 1934-1987 C.1-C.67 Experimental notebooks C.68-C.105 Theoretical and general notebooks Experimental notebooks 1934-1986 nature of information at the Laboratory, Physiological and The notebooks chiefly cover experimental work carried out the of Cambridge, Association laboratory, Plymouth. Hodgkin’s first summer at the MBA was in 1939 when he worked for the first time with A.F. Huxley on squid nerve fibre. After the interruption of the war years their work resumed at Plymouth in 1947 and was completed by the publication of five papers in 1952. University Biological Marine the Where experiments is given. The contents are chiefly tables of experimental results, often with notes on the details of particular experiments, with diagrams and calculations etc. Dates, where found, are sometimes inscribed at the top of a page, on the cover, or on pages, though some notebooks have no dates on them. Intercalated pages of notes or graphs are also found. Entries in the hands of others, frequently appear. 1934 Re Hodgkin’s first research on nerve action in year experiments to block conduction in frog’s nerve. Pagination given where found. Arranged chronologically. October - December Hardback notebook. an undergraduate. his final on Huxley and Included are notes chiefly A.F. B. Katz, known, on the as A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research be At the front are loose pages of notes giving an account of the experiments up to Christmas 1934. Paginated 1-35. Spiral bound notebook. Contains photographic data, adhesive, and accompanying manuscript notes. attached to pages with Spiral bound notebook. Included are notes on further ‘blocking’ experiments (see C1): December 1935 - July 1936 Paginated 1-89. Hardback notebook. October 1936 Paginated 1-52. [?November] 1937 Hardback pocket notebook. July 1938 Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. Included are notes on further ‘blocking’ experiments (see C.1 and C.2). Used by Hodgkin during his year at the Woods Hole Marine Laboratory, Massachusetts, USA, 1937-1938. 1938 Possibly Marine Laboratory before Hodgkin returned to Cambridge in the summer of 1938. June [71938] - December used, in part, at the Woods Hole Paginated 1-80. Softback pocket notebook. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Spiral bound hardback notebook. February - August 1939 Used at summer, at the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth. Trinity College Cambridge and, during the Re experiments on squid nerve fibres, including early work at Plymouth. Paginated 1-11. Most of the notebook is unpaginated. Softback notebook. May - June 1939, 1945 Includes notes re experiments on lobster nerve. brief notes only are dated 1945. A few Some pages are in a hand other than Hodgkin's. Paginated 1-68. Softback notebook. May - June 1939, 1945 A few Hardback notebook. August 1939, 1940 Paginated 1-7. Most pages are unpaginated. Re early experiments on squid nerve fibre at Plymouth. Includes notes re experiments on lobster nerve. additional notes only are dated 1945 (June-August). Notes on one page summarize the results thus: ‘These results suggest that a revision of the membrane theory is required. Instead of the simple picture of membrane the breakdown of membrane changes in resting potential is reversed during activity.’ They are described below as two separate items. These two notebooks were found to be stuck together with adhesive and could not be physically separated. A few additional notes only are dated 1940. a potential we must suppose that such a way that the C.11-C.12 1939, 1946 Paginated 1-39. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Softback notebook. August 1939 Rough notes re early experiments on squid at Plymouth. Paginated 1-7. Most pages are unpaginated. Softback pocket notebook. Hardback notebook. Includes notes re experiments on crab nerve fibres with regard to the action of potassium. Paginated 1-166. Softback pocket notebook. Rough notes. August 1945 - May 1946 November [21945] - 1946 Hardback notebook. Hardback notebook. May - July 1946 May 1946 - May 1947 Softback pocket notebook. Rough notes. December [?1945] - 1946 Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Includes notes on early sodium experiments. Included ‘Sodium experiments Jan 1947 - C.18 - the corresponding ‘rough notebook’. July 1946 - 1947 also is an envelope, intercalated, tidy notebook’. inscribed See Paginated 1-126. Hardback notebook. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research [ox Included ‘Sodium experiments Jan 1947 - Rough notebook. Tidy note book [C.17]’. an envelope, intercalated, also is inscribed See Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Hardback notebook inscribed 1947 - 10 Aug 1948’ on cover. ‘Tidy notebook May 20 May - August 1947 front cover is Inside experiments May 20 1947 - ‘. an envelope inscribed ‘Sodium Hardback notebook. the Near experiments July 4 1947. Rough notebook’. envelope front an is inscribed July- September 1947 ‘Sodium Paginated 1-95. Softback pocket notebook. Hardback pocket notebook. Re experiments on [? squid] axons. September 1947 - August 1948 Rough notes, many in hands other than Hodgkin's. Rough notes. A few brief notes only are dated 1949. August - September 1948, August 1949 1948 The name ‘W.L. Nastuk’ is inscribed at the top of the first page, of cathode resistance’. Most of the notes are in the same hand. Includes notes re the action of sodium on frog sartorius nerve fibre. August - November 1948 Most of the pages are unused. Spiral bound softback notebook. September - December Hardback notebook. above the heading ‘Determination A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Hardback notebook. October 1948 Inscribed ‘Sartorius Muscle 1948. [?W.L. Nastak] ‘s notebook’. Duplicate of W.L.N. Most of the pages are unused. Hardback notebook. Re experiments on frog sartorius nerve fibre. Notes are in the same hand as those in C.24. Most of the pages are unused. October - November 1948 C.27-C.28 These two notebooks were found stuck together by adhesive and could not be separated. 1948-1949 Small softback notebook. The notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. December 1948 - July 1949 23-28 July 1949 July-August 1949 The notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Included are references to experiments using the ‘voltage clamp’. Re experiments on squid nerve fibre, with reference to the ‘voltage clamp’. August 1949 This appears to be a continuation of C.29. The notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. This appears to be a continuation of C.28. The notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Exercise book. Exercise book. Hardback notebook. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Hardback notebook. Most notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. September 1949 - October 1950 C.32-C.34 ‘Notebooks 1939-1949’, contents of a box so inscribed. 1939-1949 Exercise book. Rough notes. 1939-1949 Hardback pocket notebook. 1939-1949 Some notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 81-114. Hardback notebook. Hardback notebook. Paginated 1-65. Large hardback notebook. Large exercise book. 1939-1949 Some notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Most of the pages are unused. October- December 1950 October 1951 - May 1952 Includes notes re experiments on cuttlefish nerve fibre. 1954 Included are notes re experiments on cuttlefish nerve fibre. Re experiments on squid and cuttlefish nerve fibres. September 1952 - February A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Softback pocket notebook. Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. Large hardback notebook. Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. Large hardback notebook. Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. September 1952 July 1953 - January 1954 August- November 1954 Large hardback notebook. Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. October 1954 - February 1955 Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. Large hardback notebook. Re experiments on squid nerve fibres. May- December 1955 Large hardback notebook. October 1954 Some notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. At the back are loose notes dated September 1954, possibly taken from another notebook. - May 1956 Inscribed ‘Muscle |. 1955-1956. inside front cover. frog muscle. Hodgkin & Horowicz’ Included are notes re experiments on Large hardback notebook. October 1955 Some notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-212. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Muscle 2. 1956. front cover. Hodgkin & Horowicz’ inside May- December 1956 Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Large hardback notebook. October 1956 - March 1957 Inscribed ‘Muscle 3. 1956-7. Hodgkin & Horowicz’ inside front cover. Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Large hardback notebook. March- October 1957 Inscribed ‘Muscle 4 inside front cover. frog muscle. ( [?Tracer] ) 1957. H. Horowicz’ Included are notes re experiments on Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Large hardback notebook. October- December 1957 September 1958 - January 1959 ' Inscribed ‘Added 1987. Arg P & ATP Exp Sept Some notes added by [?RDK]’ Jan 12 1959. Inscribed ‘Muscle 5 (some [?Tracer] ) 1957. H. Horowicz’ inside front cover. A few intercalated pages are dated October 1960. Inscribed ‘1958 Hodgkin, Caldwell, Shaw. injection’ on cover. 1958 - inside cover. Re experiments on squid. Inscribed ‘1959 Caldwell Hodgkin Keynes Shaw p™ etc squid’ on spine. Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. December 1958 - December 1959 Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Large hardback notebook. Hardback notebook. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘1959-1961. cover. Tracer & perfusion |’ inside front Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. November 1959 - January 1961 Paginated 1-202. Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘1960-64. squid TIS, PFB (& ALH). with Luttgau. chlorine in squid?’ inside front cover. Summary of first perfusion exp on Also single muscle fibre exp Also ?exp with Conrad Martin on C™ The notes appear to relate to experiments in 1960 and 1964 only. Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-37. Most pages are unpaginated. October 1960- [c.November 1964] Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘1961. Perfusion 2’ inside front cover. September- December 1961 Paginated 1-171. Spiral bound softback notebook. First page headed ‘Woods Hole 1962’. Notes re early experiments on vision. Most notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin's. 1962 Inscribed ‘Perfusion 3’ inside cover. squid. Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Re experiments on October- November Large hardback notebook. June-July 1962 Paginated 1-207. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Perfusion 4. 1962-3’ inside front cover. experiments on squid. Re Many notes are in hands other than Hodgkin's. December 1962 - January 1963 Paginated 1-63. Large hardback notebook. Re experiments on squid. Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-92. November 1964 - January 1965 Large hardback notebook. Included are notes re experiments on frog sartorius. November 1965 - October 1966 Paginated 1-99. Large hardback notebook. Paginated 1-119. November 1966 - January 1967 Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Inscribed ‘M.P. Blaustein & A.L. Hodgkin’ inside front cover. First page headed ‘lon Fluxes in loligo forbesi. Book III’. Re experiments on squid. March 1968 Large hardback notebook. July 1967 - Inscribed ‘Squid calcium studies 1967’ on spine. Some notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-200. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Turtle retina I’ on the cover and ‘Baylor & 1971’ on the spine. dated 1967. H. Included at the front are a few notes Most notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. August- December 1971 Paginated 1-208. Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Turtle retina cover. Inscribed ‘B & H’ on spine. Il. Dec 1971 - May 1972’ on December 1971 - May 1972 Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-212. C.63-C.64 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Copy of PBD lab book Nov 16 - July 4 1977’. November 1976 - July 1977 a hand other than 2 folders. Large hardback notebook. August 1977 - May 1978 Re experiments on vision using turtle retinas. Loose pages of photocopied notes in Hodgkin’s. Inscribed ‘A.L. Hodgkin & P. McNaughton. Note book 3 of PD, PMcN, ALH series’. July 1982 Inscribed experiments on vision. ‘ALH, Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Re experiments on vision using turtle retinas. PMcN & KWY [K-W Yaul’. Re Large hardback notebook. May 1980 - Paginated 1-72. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research [e Most notes are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-83. Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Hodgkin McNaughton & Nunn. Oct 1982-’. Re experiments on vision using toads. Experiments October 1982 - October 1986 Notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Paginated 1-188. C.68-C.105 Theoretical and general notebooks 1940-1987 chiefly notebooks These notes, usually with reference to published work by others, as background to Hodgkin’s experimental work. Intercalated notes etc are found. theoretical contain Hardback notebook. St Athan Feb-April February - April 1940 He was stationed at ' November 1939-May 1940. Re electro-magnetic radiation. In Hodgkin’s hand unless otherwise stated. Inscribed ‘Radar notebook kept at 1940 (Added July 1981)’ inside front cover. Sometimes the covering dates are inscribed on the cover or inside. Hodgkin worked on airborne radar during World War St Athans, South Wales, Two. c.1941-1949 Exercise book. Re nerve axons. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. c.1950-1967 Inscribed ‘Nerve etc 1950 - ‘. The notes appear to be chiefly on muscle. C.71-C.85 Contents of five ring binders. 1950-1953 These binders were identical in appearance and were probably all written 1950-1953 and c.1952. Only some could be dated by inscriptions. C.71-C.74 Contents of a ring binder. 1950-c.1952 Inscribed ‘1950 - and other physiological topics. ‘ inside front cover. Re nerve, muscle 4 folders. ? 1952’ inside cover. Re C.78-C.80 C.81-C.82 Contents of a ring binder. 1952-1953 Contents of an unmarked ring binder. Inscribed ‘1953’ and ‘end general physiology. 3 folders. Re nerve action and general physiology. Contents of an unmarked ring binder. C.83-C.85 Contents of an unmarked ring binder. Re general physiology. 3 folders. 2 folders. Re nerve and muscle. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Small softback notebook. Re nerve physiology. Large hardback notebook. 1954-c.1957 Chiefly re nerve and muscle. Included is a letter from [?Reinhard] [?], 1957. Large hardback notebook. c.1956-1960 Chiefly re muscle and nerves. Included scientists relating to work on nerve axons and vision. beginning letters from are the at various Large hardback notebook. 1959-1969 ‘Theory. Re particle physics. Paginated 1-71. 1960-1965 Large hardback notebook. Inscribed ‘Physics | 1960-1965’ on cover. Paginated 1-13. Some pages are unpaginated. Inscribed ‘Theory 1959-1969’ on cover and_ Early Na/Ca Exchange Theory’ on spine. A note in Hodgkin’s hand relating to an experiment on squid at Plymouth is written inside the front cover. headed ‘For Sherrington Lectures’. Re muscle, nerves, vision and other topics. One page is Large hardback notebook. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Re nerve, muscle and general physiology. Paginated 1-187. Softback ring bound notebook. Chiefly re vision. Ring bound softback notebook. Inscribed ‘Jan 1973 (perhaps June 1972) - Sept 1973’. Re vision and other topics. Hardback notebook. Re vision, nerve and other topics. Paginated 1-159. September 1971 - May 1972 [?June 1972] - September 1973 c.[September 1973 - September 1974] 1973 - 1974 Large hardback notebook. Chiefly re vision. Hardback notebook. Chiefly re vision. Paginated 1-116. 1976 Included are notes on following: the history of science in the USA under a heading ‘Royal Society of Arts 12.xi.75’; the Royal Society Anniversary Address, 1975; vision. December 1974 - September 1975 September 1975 - March Large hardback notebook. Paginated 1-122. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Large hardback notebook. Chiefly re vision. Paginated 1-150. Large hardback notebook. March 1976 - July 1977 August 1977 - April 1979 Notes re Hodgkin’s Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Lord Adrian. Also notes re vision and other topics. Paginated 1-181. Hardback notebook. c. April 1979 Re vision and other topics. Inscribed ‘April 1979- ‘ Paginated 1-157. Large hardback notebook. Large hardback notebook. January 1980 - January 1982 Re vision and nerve. Paginated 1-133. Chiefly re vision. Paginated 1-155. January 1982 - February 1985 1986 - 1987 February 1985 - December 1986 Re vision. Paginated 1-161. Large hardback notebook. December Large hardback notebook. Chiefly re vision and squid nerve fibes. Paginated 1-163. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.106-C.1127 FILES WORK FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL 1935-1991, nd periods various muscle and files vision relating to experiments on The large number of nerve, from has necessitated their division into the groups listed below. ‘Early research’ includes materiai up to 1939. Material from inscribed box files post-1939 and other pre-1952 files (1952 being the year of the publication of Hodgkin and Huxley’s five papers on the nerve impulse) has been placed in ‘Various topics’. ‘Later experiments and theory (chronological series)’ is the largest group and largely comprises papers of similar format dating from 1960. C.106-C.156 Early Research C.157-C.308 Various topics C.308A-C.1120 Later experiments and theory (chronological series) C.1121-C.1127 ‘Circuits’ C.106-C.156 Early research 1935-1939 C.106-C.128 1935-c.1938 containing manuscript data and notes ‘Electrical transmission 1936-7’, contents of a box file so inscribed. Papers relating to Hodgkin’s experiments, begun in his final undergraduate year (1935), on blocking conduction in frog’s nerve by cooling. re Files experimental results and photographic data (contained in inscribed envelopes). 1936 The material in C.106 was the contents of internal file inscribed ‘Special relations of effects’. the earliest being ‘2.12.35’; the latest being ‘20.3.36’. a separate pi and theta A number of dates are also inscribed on this file: Inscriptions on files are given below. November 1935 - June ‘Pi [Greek letter] effect’. C.106-C.111 6 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Apparatus’. C.113-C.114 ‘Time relations’. 2 folders. C.115-C.118 ‘Spatial thresh[hold]. Long vac. Michaelmas’. Art[ificial] distrib. Nat[ural] E, E. Changes in 4 folders. C.119-C.122 ‘Time relations - cold block. Michaelmas 1936’. 4 folders. ‘Time curves pressure block’. February- May 1936 June-July 1936 July - December 1936 October - November 1936 November - December 1936 and natural Potential and Chiefly December 1936. May [1936 or 1937] March - December 1936 ‘Artificial change in threshold. Mostly December 1936.’ [?electrotonus]. ‘Calibration. Linearity of recording system. May 28, 30’. c.1937-1938 Experimental results etc, in the same format as those in C.106-C.125. Re experimental results. Chiefly photographic material. December 1936 C.127-C.128 Miscellaneous papers. Loose papers. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.129-C.155 ‘Local response data N.Y. 1937-1938’, contents of a box file so inscribed. 1937-1938 Files consisting almost entirely of manuscript graphs of experimental results. Accompanying manuscript notes are occasionally found. Dates are often found on the graphs. Inscriptions on files are given below. ‘Some Cambridge experiments’. August 1937 A further inscription ‘Archibald Roberts’ is inside the file cover. ‘Callinect[uJs. Cf LR & AP & propagated AP’. October 21and 22. Development of LR. October 1937 Untitled file. October 1937 ‘October 30th’. October 1937 ‘Nov 9th 1937’. November 1937 ‘Ligie Souffront’ is inside the file A further inscription cover. ‘Nov 3. Development of LR. Supernormal phase’. 1937 ‘November LR. Polarisability during [?spike]. Nov 14th. Controls. Shock artefacts (electrode polarisation on dead nerve)’. November 1937 ‘November supernormal phase and refractory period’. Development 1937. 16th November 1937 13th and 14th. Development of of LR_ in November A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Nov 26th. LR development A B. Extent of spread of LR’. ‘Dec 6th. Polarisability during [?spike]’. ‘Supernormal phase Dec 7th’. ‘December 10th 1937’. ‘[?] Refractory P’. November 1937 December 1937 December 1937 December 1937 December 1937 ‘December 10th. Development of LR’. ‘Relative amplitudes data’. ‘Spatial spread’. December 1937 December 1937 - January 1938 ‘Calibrations’. January 1938 December 1937 - December 1938 1938 ‘Feb 2 1938. Refractory period of local response. Nerve treated with 10cc 1.15gm% KCI per 100cc sea water’. ‘Jan 28 1938. LR & Excitability’. January 1938 February A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Polarization potential. Effect of alcohol. Feb 15th’. February 1938 ‘Short interpolar distance experiment’. 1937 or 1938 Untitled file. 1937 or 1938 Untitled file. ‘Excitability curves’. Printed graphs. 1937 or 1938 1937 or 1938 Graphs and photographic data. ‘Old photographs’. Photographs, chiefly of nerve axons. ‘Impedance change. LR has Ref: P’. 1937 or 1938 ‘Early data on Carcinus May 1939’. Loose papers, chiefly manuscript graphs. 1937 or 1938 Manuscript graphs with calculations and notes. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.157-C.308 Various topics 1942-1991, nd Contents of a series of inscribed box files and other files. A small amount of material relating to Hodgkin’s work during World War Two is also included at C.157. The contents of the box files are further constituent files (and some loose material), most with titles of topics or dates of experiments inscribed on the cover. Papers relating to Hodgkin’s work during World War Two. 1942-1943 Copies of radar. official documents re Airborne Interception See C.1121-C.1127 for further papers relating to wartime work. C.158-C.159 ‘Miscellaneous inscribed. calculations’, contents of a file so ‘Chemical data’, contents of a file so inscribed. Chiefly manuscript data re experiments on frog nerve. Theoretical notes and calculations, in Hodgkin’s hand, concerning experiments on nerve. Letters to Hodgkin from Andrew Huxley re experiments on nerve and mathematical solutions; personal matters are briefly mentioned. Manuscript experimental data, some rough. C.161-C.163 Experiments on the electrical activity of muscle. ‘Electrical measurements’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. March 1945 December 1948 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Sodium experiments’, contents of a file so inscribed. December 1948 C.162-C.163 ‘Muscle 1948. Sodium experiments’, contents of a file so inscribed. December 1948 2 folders. Contents of a file inscribed ‘18.8.48’. August 1948 Experimental data. In A.F. Huxley’s hand. Contents of a file inscribed ‘W.L.N. Measuring grids Oct- Nov 49 [sic] Manuscript graphs in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. Dates (1948) are inscribed on the papers. October- November 1948 notes entitled as above; 1948-1949, 1955, 1962 Brief manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Cathode follower oscillations 1948’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Calculations about microelectrodes 1948-1949’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical later correspondence on the same subject, chiefly with J.C. Eccles, 1955, 1962. 1949-c.1951 ‘Voltage clamp (1). Summary expts. Notes on numerical methods and calculations’, contents of so inscribed. The titles sometimes appear on papers within the files. are reproduced below. of the files C.168-C.182 a box file Dates A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Axon II’. Notes on experiments and theory, with graphs. In A.F. Huxley’s hand. June 1949 - May 1950 C.169-C.171 ‘°24.7.49 Axon Il’. July 1949 Experimental data, notes and graphs. In A.F. Huxley’s hand. 3 folders. C.172-C.174 ‘24.7.49 Axon’. July 1949 Experimental data, notes and graphs. In A.F. Huxley’s hand. C.175-C.176 ‘Summary’. June-August 1949 3 folders. 2 folders. Loose pages of experimental data and notes. July 1949 Manuscript experimental data and notes. The first paper is headed ‘June-August 1949. Squid - Summary of experiments’. 1950] ‘Currents carried by sodium and potassium ions through the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo’, a paper by Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley. ' This material appears to be related to the experiments covered in C.168-C.174. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Paper 2 draft’. C.178-C.182 [21949 or Chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.178-C.179 Two 35pp typescript drafts with revisions in A.F. Huxley's hand. [?1949 or 1950] 2 folders. Manuscript drafts of figure legends etc and data, with one page of another typescript draft of the paper. [71949 or 1950] In A.F. Huxley’s hand. Contents of an unmarked file. Graphs and notes, mostly manuscript. ‘Membrane current in nerve’. Notes and experimental data etc, mostly manuscript. Chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand. C.183-C.184 C.183-C.194 calculations’, contents of a box file July-August 1949 Titles of constituent files are reproduced below. This material is closely related to that in C.168-C.182. The material consists of manuscript experimental data. It is chiefly in A.F. Huxley’s hand, a small amount being in Hodgkin’s. ‘Voltage clamp (2). Summary expts. Notes on numerical methods & so inscribed. July 1949 ‘22.7.49. Axon’. C.185-C.186 ‘28.7.49’. 2 folders. 2 folders. ‘28.7.49. July 1949 July 1949 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘31.7.49’. July 1949 ‘3.8.49 Axon 2’. August 1949 ‘5.8.49 Axon I’. August 1949 August 1949 ‘12.8.49 Axon 2’. August 1949 '12.8.49’. August 1949 Loose manuscript graphs. C.195-C.209 ‘Membrane capacities’. July or August 1949 1949-1951 Titles of constituent files are given below. The material consists of manuscript experimental data and analytical notes. ‘Voltage clamp 1949 exp. Capacity 9k 24.7.49’, contents of a box file so inscribed. July 1949 July 1949 July 1949 ‘20.7.49’. In A.F. Huxley's hand. C.197-C.202 ‘Gk’. 6 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.203-C.205 ‘24.7.49’. July 1949 3 folders. C.206-C.207 ‘Inactivation’. August 1949 2 folders. Loose pages of manuscript data. July 1949 Included are the following headings: ‘Restoration time constants’ and ‘Steady state Gk summary’. C.209 ‘Squid 1949. Misc analysis 1951’. July 1949, 1951 C.210-C.223 1959 Misc. etc. so carriers box file 1949-1962, nd notes and graphs ‘Theory. Voltage clamp - speculative theory. 1960 - Spreading inscribed. More recent theory - a depression’, contents Rectiffn. of squid axon re the 2 folders. ‘Theory’. C.210-C.211 July 1949- [c.June]1950 Titles of files are given below. Theoretical experiments of 1949. 1959-1962 Manuscript theoretical notes; correspondence (1960- 1962) between Hodgkin and various foreign scientists re his paper on spreading depression. ‘Spreading depression theory’ 1959’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.213-C.214 ‘Delayed rectification theory’. notes Manuscript correspondence between Hodgkin and K.S. Cole (1960) re a paper by Cole. data; brief and 2 folders. ‘Theory. during train of impulses’. Carriers [?] choline. Changes in Na i and Li Manuscript notes etc. ‘A Theoretical Model of Neurons Transmission’, a paper by Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley. 17pp manuscript draft headed ‘rough draft’; copy of typescript revised version. entitled ‘Electrical interactions in a Brief manuscript notes. ‘Fourier and Laplace notes’. Loose manuscript notes etc. Headings include ‘Capacity of relatively thick membrane’, ‘Action ‘Oscillatory behaviour’. potential theory - sodium current’, Manuscript notes Ommatidium retinula cell: linear region’. 1955-c.1960 ‘Muscle. Contractures: transients. Unpublished osmotic expts’, contents of a box file so entitled. by Hodgkin at C.219 (1954) and Hodgkin & Horowicz 1961. Included are C.222 (draft). letters 5 folders. C.219-C.223 1954, nd C.224-C.241 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research jhe Titles of files are given below. See D.193-D.207A for publications material relating to these experiments. C.224-C.227 ‘Muscle 1955-6. Twitches & tension’. Manuscript experimental data. November 1955-May 1956 C.227 consists of the contents of an internal file inscribed ‘Stockholm photographic data. includes muscle’ Misc. and 4 folders. C.228-C.230 ‘Single muscle fibres. Mainly transients’. Manuscript experimental data. 3 folders. March 1956 - November 1957 C.231-C.233 1956-1957 C.231 Contents of first file. C.232-C.233 Contents of second file. October- November 1956 Some pages are in an unidentified hand. Manuscript data, notes and part of a draft. ‘Osmotic experiments’, contents of 2 files so entitled. c.1960 ‘Muscle Oct-Nov 1957. Mainly contractions’. October- November 1957 C.235-C.236 ‘Transients’. Manuscript experimental data etc. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘The effect of sudden changes in ionic composition on the membrane potential of single muscle fibres’. Manuscript draft (incomplete) so entitled. Further manuscript draft pages, data and notes relating to the draft in C.231 or, possibly, to an earlier paper. ‘Hodgkin & Horowicz - K contractures’. Correspondence between Horowicz chiefly re their paper on ‘potassium contractures’ and related work. Hodgkin and P. ‘Hypertonic solutions’. Untitled incomplete); manuscript notes. manuscript draft of a paper (possibly ‘Ca on contractures’. A few manuscript pages of a draft paper. ‘Chloride contractures’. Parts of a manuscript draft, or drafts, of a paper. Loose pages of manuscript experimental data. 1957-1964 The following papers relate to experiments on vision using the /imulus crab by Hodgkin and M.G.F. Fuortes. The work was carried the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA during the summer of 1962 and was the beginning of Hodgkin’s interest in vision. ‘Limulus 1962-1964’, contents of a box file so inscribed. C.242-C.263 out at A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ee The greater part of the material consists of manuscript experimental data is described where found. Correspondence _ notes. and Chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand. Titles of constituent files are given below. See D.239-D.255 for publications material these experiments. relating to ‘Fuortes. Amer J. Opthalm. about 20 degrees C. In Bethesda’. Exp’s Nov. 1 1957. Temp ‘July 20 1959’. ‘July 28 1960’. November 1957 July 1959 July 1960 August 1960 June 1962 June 1962 June 1962 ‘June 23’. ‘June 20 1962’. ‘19 June 1962’. ‘Aug. 1 1960’. July 1962 ‘July 12 1962. Light adaptation run’. ‘July 10 1962’, ‘July 4 1962. Unit 2’. ‘July 24, 25 1962’. July 1962 July 1962 July 1962 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘July 26 1962’. July 1962 ‘Aug 2 1962. Unit 1. p.512-514’. August 1962 ‘Aug 3 1962’. August 1962 ‘Mike Fuortes. August 14 1962’. August 1962 ‘Aug 17 1962’. August 1962 ‘August 26 1962’. Included concerning the final draft of a paper. letter (1964) is a to Hodgkin from August 1962, 1964 Fuortes C.259-C.260 1962-1963 2 folders. August 1963 Contents of an unmarked envelope. ‘1963 August. Limulus preliminary look at records’. Letters, with data, to Hodgkin from M.G.F. Fuortes re experiments and the preparation of a related paper. 1957 Letter from Fuortes with enclosed figures. Contents of an unmarked envelope. Manuscript graph found loose. November A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 C.264-C.267 Research Data. Ca- Na. Ca-Cn. 1966-1968’, contents 1966-c.1968 ‘Squid. of a file so inscribed. Titles of constituent files are given below. C.264-C.265 ‘Ca Efflux expts Plymouth’. 1966-1967 Manuscript experimental data and graphs. 2 folders. ‘Ca - Na. Baker et al. Tables’. Manuscript drafts of data tables for a paper. Loose material. Pages from a manuscript draft and notes; part a typescript draft and figures relating to a paper, possibly the one mentioned in C.266. of C.268-C.283 1965-1991, nd 1965-1967 Titles of constituent files C.268-C.270 ‘E.M. waves theory. 1965-7’. Notes 1973-5 ( some 1967-8)’, Manuscript theoretical notes. are given below. ‘Shroedinger [sic] Eqn. contents of a box file so inscribed. 1973-1975 ‘Notes on spin and other reading. 71973’. C.272-C.273 ‘Shroedinger [sic] 1973, 75’. 3 folders. 1972". 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.275-C.276 ‘EM waves. Gravity. Misc & modified Schroedinger eqn. 1975. Notes.’ 2 folders. ‘Compton scattering. 2 dimensions. 1975’. C.278-C.279 ‘Rough c.1975. First two sets look ?interesting. 1986’. ¢.1975, [71986] 2 folders. ‘Maths. waves, density of dipoles etc. Nov. 1976’. Vectors in spherical polars and notes on EM November 1976 ‘"Parabolic" oscillations. Schroedinger equation with v(x) = Kix] Loose manuscript graph. C.284-C.292 Titles of constituent files ‘Retina theory. 1982’, contents of a box file so inscribed. Misc theory. 1974-1979 and 1980-81, c.1974-1982 ‘Reading. Mott & Massey, Dicke & Gittke, Jordan’. Manuscript theoretical notes. are given below. c.1974-1978 ‘Misc. theory. Calculation of response area relation from effect of displacing small spot spread in H. cell network or coupled cones. And theory added 1977- (sy C.284-C.285 Sf = Ss x ti. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.286-C.287 ‘Maths - turtle’. c.1974-1979 2 folders. C.288 ‘Independent activation & desensitization. circuit theory’. May 1979. & 1979-1980 ‘2 Dimensional array with lateral inhibition and electrical coupling’. August 1979 ‘Cable maths applied to rods’. c.1979-1982 ‘Maths theory’. c.1979-1982 Some notes in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. All the material relates to experiments on vision. Loose manuscript notes. c.1979-1982 C.292-C.303 ‘Muscle’, contents of a box file so inscribed. 1974-1985 a Only later annotations are in Photocopies of manuscript notes on experiments in number of different hands. Hodgkin’s hand. 1975-1977 Contents of a ring binder labelled ‘PBD-ALH Retina Book I. Nov. ‘75 to Jan ‘77’. C.293-C.294 Annotations in Hodgkin’s hand. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.295-C.298 Contents of a ring binder inscribed ‘Lamb-Simon. Retina Book II. Oct ‘74 to June ‘76’. 1974-1975 The papers were also inside a file inscribed ‘PBD Retina Bk Il Feb. 1977’. 4 folders. C.299-C.300 a Contents of with PD. AP min. 1975’. ring binder labelled ‘Chelhydra rods etc Nov. End notebook 1+ notebook 2. 1976-1977 the same hand as C.293-C.294. In Hodgkin’s hand. Annotations in 2 folders. C.301-C.303 Contents of ring binder labelled ‘Summary’. 1982-1985 Annotations in Hodgkin’s hand. 3 folders. Some of the material C.304-C.308 Mainly theory. C.304-C.305 ‘P.McN. Inductive cable & ALH theory’. Titles of constituent files are given below. Manuscript theoretical notes etc. appears to relate to a published paper. ‘Detwiler, Hodgkin & McNaughton 1980. Rod - current theory’, contents of a box file so inscribed. ‘High pass filter’. Included at C.305 is part of a typescript draft paper. 2 folders. ‘Appendix’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Maths for inductance. re Nature paper’. C.308A-C.1120 Later experiments and theory (chronological series) 1960-1988, nd sequence. a rough Much of this material was found organised in of chronological experimental data (manuscript and computer-generated), calculations and theoretical notes, many of the papers being similar in format and content. A large proportion of the experiments are on vision. consists chiefly It C.308A-C.308B ‘Limulus theory & retina. 1960-65’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1960-1965 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘Latency in Limulus etc’. 1960-c.1962 Manuscript theoretical notes etc; typescript draft entitled ‘Problems in the Organization of Rod Vision’. c.1962-1963 C.309-C.380 Manuscript theoretical notes etc. ‘Retinal potential. Theory & draft of theory paper’. The following files were found together and relate to experiments on muscle by Hodgkin, R.H. Adrian and Titles of files and their constituent files W.K. Chandler. (where appropriate) following descriptions. are reproduced in Experiments on muscle, 1965-1967 (chiefly 1966-1967). 1965-1967 The material consists chiefly of manuscript experimental data, calculations and theoretical A few files appear to relate directly to a published paper or papers. The files covered by C.309-C.359 were labelled in a similar fashion and appeared to form a sequence. Some of the papers are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. the notes. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 C.309-C.310 Research Tests ‘Cable Theory and Cole’s Theorem. 5.vii.67. equation. Simple cable theory. 1965. Theory and analysis of current equation. 5.7.67. Threshhold and Cole’s Theorem etc’. potential spread of of and 1965-1967 current Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘Muscle. 1965 theory’. ‘5 July 1967. Reel 2’. July 1967 C.311-C.315 ‘March 1966. Delayed rectification V(eg)1. ALH some RHA’. Titles of constituent files as follows: C.312-C.314 3 folders. C.316-C.325 c.1966-1969 ‘15. ii1.66’. March 1966 ‘21, 22, 23 & 24. 3. 66’. Loose manuscript graphs etc. May 1966 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘ Inactivation (slow)’. ‘Recently analysed expts’. May-June 1966 ‘Muscle 11.v.66’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘3 August 1966. Gk inactivation’. August 1966 C.319-C.321 ‘Nov. 66. Gargouil’. 1966-1969 3 folders. ‘4845 - 1. Miyamoio’. 1966-1969 ‘4865 ALH RHA’. c.1966-1969 c.1966-1969 ‘23 March 1967. Inactivation’. March 1967 C.326-C.327 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘7 July 1966’. July 1966 ‘11 Aug 1966’. August 1966 ‘May, June, July 1966. Gk Veg(1) Veg(2). August 1966. Time course of slow 9k from tails’. August 1966 ‘Gk inactivation ALH. [?beam] ). Gna inactivation RHA. June 1966.’ 3 Aug 66 good. 23 March 67 (4 One manuscript graph only. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.329-C.335 ‘WKC & RHA (ALH). WKC Misc figures & tables. RHA complete list of expts. RHA 5.xii.66 5007, 5008 creeps. ALH 19.x.66 & WKC 25.x.66 - creeps. RHA 5.xii.66 5011’. October- December 1966 There is a further inscription on the cover: ‘Knox Oct-Dec 1966. WKC, RHA & ALH’. Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘19.x.66. 4986 (20 degrees C) 5mM-K, SO4. No suc[rose]’. - 4991 (2 degrees C). October 1966 C.330-C.331 ‘25 Oct 1966. 4993-4994 2.5 4995-4998 2.5 - K, SO4 suc[rose]’. - K, SO4 no suc[rose]. October 1966 2 folders. ‘1 Nov 1966’. 2 folders. November 1966 December 1966 December 1966 June-July 1967 ‘5 December 1966. 5007 5008’. C.334-C.335 ‘5 December 1966. 5011’. 1966-1967 All the contents were found in an internal file inscribed ‘WKC. Creep. Differentiating check constants’. ‘RHA July 1967. SO4’. Analysis of anodal creep. Mainly 1967 Slow changes in Gk. 10k & 10R6 - ‘WKC (Mainly). exp’ts’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.338-C.346 ‘Contraction kinetics. WKC & ALH. c.1967-1968 . SD curves. 136 wide range good. 134 good & others. . 144145 . Gk and contraction kinetics. . Figs for paper. . . Skeleton of paper. . Re{[?] curve from 1965. All ALH’s photographs Not in order.’ Constituent files listed in the order in which they were found. Their titles are as follows: ‘Muscle kinetics. Misc sums’. August 1967 ‘Contractions paper. 2 pulse and step experiments’. August 1967 ‘Tables & figs for contraction paper’. ‘S-D curves analysis. RHA’. C.343-C.344 S-D curves - muscle. 1967 WKC & ‘Stanfield’s exp’ts. ALH’. ‘Threshold for delayed rectification & contraction - SO4 solutions’. 1967-1968 ‘Muscle kinetics’. Data kinetics’. 2 folders. Loose papers. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.347-C.355 ‘Knox Chandler. K2S04. 19k - SO4’. Figs for paper 3. Summary of 2.5 Constituent files listed found. Their titles are as follows: in the order in which they were ‘8 Mar 67’. March 1967 C.353-C.354 ‘Summary of 2.5 KSO4, 1mm spacing’. Titles of constituent files as follows: C.356-C.359 ‘RHA. Constants’. C.356-C.357 ‘WKC. Capacities’. 2 folders. ‘10KSO4’ 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.358-C.359 ‘Constants’. 2 folders. ‘11.v.66. Teorell’. Data for foot of MS. Cole’s Theorem fibres. May 1966 C.361-C.363 ‘'17.V.66 - 18.v.66’. 3 folders. ‘23 June 1966. WKC analysis. Constancy of V(eg)1’. June 1966 ‘ 4891 Veg[?]. Inactivation RHA’. June 1966 W2325- 767. July 1967 July 1967 July 1967 August 1966 ‘Areas in transients. Creep’. October 1966 ‘4.viii.66. gk component from tails’. 8.viii.66. 9.vii.66. Mainly time course of slow c.1967-1968 ‘Voltage clamp experiments in striated muscle fibre’, by Hodgkin, R.H. Adrian and W.K. Chandler, ‘Journal of general physiology 51 (suppl.), 1968. See D.272-D.274 for related publications material. C.370-C.371 ‘MS’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research 28pp manuscript draft of the paper (in Hodgkin’s hand), with drafts of figure legends. c.1967-1968 Typescript revised version. c.1967-1968 C.372-C.373 ‘Knox Chandler Theory. Muscle’. Included is a letter to Hodgkin from Chandler (October 1968) arising from the preparation of a paper on muscle (possibly with theoretical notes by Chandler. C.370-C.371), described one the in 2 folders. ‘Adrian & Chandler. Chandler Theory. Creep. K in tubules etc’. Diffusion Theoretical notes only. C.378-C.379 1966-c.1969 1966-1967 Contents of an unmarked file. ‘Summary of data - muscle. 1966-9’. ‘Voltage clamp. Methods. Constants. Sodium’. The material was found in an internal file inscribed ‘Slow changes in conductance/permeability’: Titles of constituent files as follows: Data re experiments on headed ‘Creep. All SO4’. Contents of an unmarked file. muscle. Some pages are A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Nakajima’s AP’s. Copies sent to Knox’. (1969) Letters experimental results notes etc. from S. Nakajima re the former; manuscript data, Hodgkin to by ‘Nakajima’s APs. Copies sent to Knox’. Figures and data. ‘ACP top copy’. 1969 or later AOpp typescript activation of muscle fibres, with figures. draft of a paper (untitled) on the No authors’ names appear. The paper makes reference to an earlier paper: Adrian, Chandler & Hodgkin (1969). November 1971 8 Dec. 72.381-C.388 ‘Calibrations’, contents of a box so inscribed. 1971-1973 Old first attempt. See C.382-C.383 _ Titles of constituent files are as follows: Most of the papers are in hands other than Hodgkin’s. ‘Filter calibration 3 Nov. 1971. book’. ‘Interference filter specifications and calibration. 1971’. Manuscript data, graphs and notes re experiments on vision. January 1973 ‘13/14 July. Checking stimulus calibration in far red end. Schott Depal interference filter characteristics’. December 1971-January 1973 Titles of further constituent files as follows: December 1971-July 1972 Description of calibrations etc’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Calibration of light at preparation. Also calibration of color [sic] spectra. version’. filters Re-done: 22 April 1972. 31 Jan & 1 Feb 1972. & Liebman-Granda See 3 May 1972 ‘3 May 1972. Calibration of stimulus re-done’. C.386-C.388 runs sensitivity results. ‘Spacial Expts of 25 Apr, 29 Apr, 6 May, 10 May, 13 May, 15 May. absolute sensitivities & corrections. Add rod absolute sens 4 July’. Sens A need finishing collected cones: also. on January-April 1972 April-July 1972 April-May 1972 Photocopies. 3 folders. ‘Michaelis fits. 1-19 Jan. 1972. Summary table’. January 1972 (not in re C.390-C.399 Hodgkin’s hand) manuscript data Titles of constituent files as follows: Autocatalytic destruc 101[?] theory. ‘Paper 3 theory. Perturbation’. ‘Theory’, contents of a box so inscribed. Manuscript notes on theory in Hodgkin’s hand. Brief experiments on vision. 1972-c.1976 All the material was found in an internal file inscribed ‘Tentative theory & draft of theory paper’. Included are a manuscript draft by pages which appear to be part of Hodgkin. Titles of further constituent files as follows: ‘Misc theory. Retina early’. C.390-C.391 C.392-C.399 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.392-C.394 ‘Autocatalytic destruction theory. Perturbation method for flash on [?stop]’. 3 folders. ‘Filtering. Noise & speed of response in linear system’. c.1974-1976 ‘Theory 1976’. C.397-C.399 ‘Instantaneous equilib. Michaelis etc’. [?c.1976] The papers in C.399 are the contents of an internal file inscribed ‘Circuit. Michaelis. When not in steady state. Modified Michaelis - substance not in large excess. One sac one channel - exponential form’. Formula for correcting. 3 folders. Jan 19 (1)’, contents of a file so and of are 1972-1974 C.400-C.407 ‘Computer runs inscribed. Computer run 1. for flashes’. n=5. Variants T=15 msec. Wrong data experimental included. results. of Titles ‘Computer run 1. n=5. For 19 Jan 1972’. Chiefly computer print-outs Manuscript data notes constituent files as follows: Manuscript notes. ‘Overshoot. Computer run of 31 March 1973’. Computer run 2 for steps and flashes. ‘For 19.1.72. n=6'. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Computer run of full model. Curves available on May 10 & 11 1973. Variable T feedback [?] model’. ‘Computer runs of full model. Const T feedback. other parameters’. Model 2. (May 14 1973). Calculation of integration time and ‘Graphs for fitting. & tables’. 1962, c.1973 Included are pages dated ‘July 1962’. ‘Economy model (no Analytical check’. rate limit), 1) Integration 2) January 1974 ‘Theory notes. August 1973.’ August 1973 C.409-C.431 1973-1977 C.409-C.412 ‘Paul O’Bryan. Notebook One’. manuscript notes and data relating Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘Pseudemys Expts’, contents of a box so inscribed. Photocopied to experiments on vision. Almost all the material is in hands other than Hodgkin’s. January 1974 ‘ERP Expt. 3 red cones. 3 H cells. January 24 1974’. July- September 1974 C.413-C.414 ‘Paul O’Bryan. Notebook Two.’ ‘Red cone - ERP. Jan 22 1974’. January 1974 4 folders. 2 folders. June 1973- July 1974 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘ERP. 1) Green cone few responses 2) Red cone - long run - Ag feedback effect. Feb 5th 1974’. February 1974 ‘1 Red cone ERP. good cell Vmax 15mV. Very stable & quiet. Feb 6 1974’. February 1974 2 cones. ‘ERP Expt. 1 green cone (small response). T + s cap comp of electrode. Feb 28th 1974’. silent + ERP. 1 February 1974 2 red. 1 ‘3 cones. Bipolar - small spot. completed. May 10th 1974’. Large. red green? Al Tung no ERP. 1N displace [?] not [?Ann]. May 1974 N-Bipolar. Ann (660m - June 1974 2) Std Int Xenon on ‘Feb 20 1976 - cone pair #3’. ‘Red cone. Std. Int run tung. conditioning light. July 3rd 1974’. ‘June 28th. Lg spot (1.1mm). 1.4mm). Small (216m). moving small spot. June 29th. Green cone. Med resp. Vmax = Al [?xenon]. ERP. time of bleach. 0 cordit 0.6 [ditto] 0.3 [ditto] June 28th, 29th 1974.’ 1976 ‘Feb 20 1976. Red cone pair #2’. ‘Feb 20 1976. Red cone pair #1’. February 1976 February 1976 1) July 1974 February A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Feb 25th 1976. #2’. H cell pair (spiking H. cell?) pairs #1 & ‘Feb 27 1976. resistance pulse’. Red cone pair #2. Single cone with ‘Sept 9 1976 (horizontal cell pairs)’. February 1976 February 1976 September 1976 ‘Sept 23 1976. slit method, dye mark’. Red cone pair #2, #3, #4. Separation - September 1976 ‘Sept 24 1976. Red cone pair #1, #2’. September 1976 1974-1976 ‘13 Dec 1974. Red bipolar’. December 1974 Loose pages of data. 1976-1977 C.432-C.450 Experiments on vision. Very few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Titles of files as follows: Contents of a box. Chiefly computer-generated data with manuscript annotations. There are also other manuscript data and graphs. March 1975 ‘Summary. Bipolars. ES & TDL. PD & ALH’. 1974-1976 ‘30 Jan ‘75. Red bipolar #1’. January 1975 ‘19 March ‘75. Bipol #3’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘26 March ‘75. Bip #1’. March 1975 ‘26 Mar ‘75 Bip #2’. ‘28 May ‘75. Amacrine?’ March 1975 May 1975 ‘30 May ‘75. Red bipolar #1’. May 1975 ‘30 June ‘75. Red bipolar #1 (after C [?] 2 L-cells)’. June 1975 ‘1 July ‘75. Depol. bipolar #2’. July 1975 ‘7 July ‘75. Red bipolar #1’. ‘17 July ‘75. Red bipolar #1’. 3 folders. July 1975 July 1975 August 1975 ‘Amacrine? 16 Jan ‘76. Run 213’. January 1976 ‘4 Aug ‘75. "Amacrine" #1. Run 167’. ‘14 Aug ‘75. Bipolar #1. Run 196, 197, 198’. January 1976 C.448-C.450 ‘Spiking blue cone’. Manuscript graphs with annotations. ‘16 Jan ‘76. Blue cone #1’. January 1976 August 1975 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.451-C.471 Experiments on vision. 1974-1976 a box. Contents of Manuscript (in hands other than Hodgkin’s) and computer-generated experimental data. The material in C.451-C.464 is all photocopied. Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘5 red cones. ERP: but series xenon only. May 11 1974’. May 1974 ‘2 rod cones. 1974’. Rod Al tung (short series). May 14th May 1974 ‘5 cones ERP Al position. May 17th 1974’. 2 green , 3 red. 1-N bipolar - slit May 1974 3 June 1974 June 1974 May 1974 Film ‘June 10th, 12th 1974’. Green cone - paper record ‘May 23rd: no film, only paper record. May 24th: jammed. N-bipolar - slit position. Red cone ERP Al xenon. May 23rd & 24th 1974’. only. ‘June 4th 1974. red cones J ERP on 7 INT conditioning light’. 1 Rod Al Tung & single xenon flash. June 1974 2 red cones: single ERP on cond. light (ox). June 10th. 1 green cone: 4 ERP (0 xenon) on 1.8 + 1.2 cond light. 0 cond. light. Red Type II H-cell: 0 xenon on 2.4, 1.2 + cone - same penetration as H-cell. 2 ERP (0 xenon) on 2.4 cond. ‘June 18th 1974. 2 red, 1 green - few xenon flashes only. 1 red: recovery of sensitivity following 0 bleach (long: > 1 min)’. June 12th. Type Il H cell. green cone. ERP (0 xenon). Large fast resp. Type | H-cell. Good cell. Vmax 50mv’. 0 xenon c +s cond. light. 1 Effect of T Int. cond. light. 0 xenon c +s cond. light. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research 18th ‘July & Bleaching run c 19th 1974. Red cone - sensitive cell. July 1974 0, 0.3 + 0.6 bleaches. Al xenon ‘July 22nd & 23rd 1974. Begin notebook #2. July 22nd: 4 cells. backgrd. 2) Green cone. STD INF Run Tung. on cond. light. after green cells moving electrode). 4) Red cone. X flash on cond. x flash 3) Red on doubie cone (penetrated just 1) Type Il Hcell. 1 July 1974 ‘Aug. 1st 1974. + Al. Slit position - out only. (good record)’. P-bipolar: [triangle] stimulus dimensions August 1974 ‘Aug 5th 1974. Al Tung, Al xenon dim & Intermed. light INT, Al Tung, Al xenon - high levels, Al xenon on cond. background’. Red cone : August 1974 August 1974 August 1974 September 1974 Al xenon - 00c, bright’. Al xenon (dim 2 red cones (noisy!). STD INT runs Cell #1. N-bipolar. Al Tung with diff. ‘Sept. 12th 1974. tung & xenon’. Red cone: SRD INT run Tung & xenon High Int xenon run - 00 cond., ‘Aug 7th 1974. light (low - INTER INT). 1.8 cond. light (low noise cell)’. ‘August 10th 1974. spot dimensions (not traced). Slit movement. Cell #2. Green cone. Al Tung (STD run). - inter). August 1976 ‘Aug 24 1976. Bipolar...not very good’. ‘Oscillating bipolar. Jan 14 1976’. January 1976 ‘Jan. 12 1976. Bipolar’. January 1976 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.468-C.469 ‘Bipolars. (depol), #4 - 23-9-76. #5, #6 - 24-9-76’. Digitalising runs 947 thru 957. #1, #2, #3 September 1976 2 folders. ‘Wiring diagram & flow charts. Information about copying tapes’. ALH lab (PD's script). 1974-1976 Loose material. C.472-C.489 Experiments on vision. 1974-1976 Contents of a box. Almost all the material is dated 1976. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data. Some photocopies. Most manuscript papers in hands other than Hodgkin’s. Titles of constituent files as follows: September 1974 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘Current voltage curves’. b) Recovery ERP to OXr following OXm C.473-C.476 ‘Coupling expts. Spatial data & IV data’. a. Sensitisation b. Al xenon on condit. light. R & M ‘Sept 18th 1974. 2 red cones. 1) flashed simultaneously. 2) a. Sensit. run flash’. 1976 ‘ "Does hypapolarisation A the time to peak" signal ave. data.’ ‘Dye marking cells for cone coupling: Lucifer’. February- April 1976 March-April 1976 September A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Spatial profiles: to be fit to scatter function’. November 1976 C.477-C.484 Unmarked file. Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘April 21 1976 Rod’. April 1976 C.478-C.480 ‘Rod. June 1. Photon noise’. June 1976 3 folders. ‘Data summary sheets. Rod: photon noise’. June 1976 Titles of constituent files as follows: August 1976 August 1976 ‘June 2 1976. Rod. Photon noise’. June 1976 C.485-C.489 Unmarked file. ‘August 25 1976. Rod #1, rod #2 - photon noise’. ‘August 27 1976. Cone (red). Photon noise expt’. 23.4‘. ‘Oct 6 1976. Red cone pair #1 - R mutual 17.8 m[ohms] separation ? Red-green cone pair #2 - 108.8u Red cone pair #3. ‘Oct 12 1976. mfohms]. Red cone pair #1. R mutual = 1.875 Separation: slit method = 26.2u, dye mark = R mutual 6.25 m[ohms] separation ?’ not coupled. separation = October 1976 October 1976 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Oct 26 1976. R = 36m[ohms] separation 10’. Possible 2 electrodes in 1 cell. Red cone October 1976 ‘Oct 27 1976. Red cone pair #1 24.7[mu]m. Red cone pair #2 21.0[mu]m.’ R mutual = 2.78m[ohms] separation = R mutual = 4.16m[ohms] separation = October 1976 ‘Oct 28 1976. red cone pair #1 - R mutual = 9.24m[ohms] separation 14.7 um. R mutual = 1.62m[ohms] separation 43.5um’. Red cone pair #2 - October 1976 C.490-C.508 Experiments on vision. 1976-1977 Contents of a box. experimental data. Manuscript and computer-generated Most of the manuscript material is not in Hodgkin’s hand. November 1976 November 1976 November 1976 C.492-C.493 Nov. 18 Rod. Chart record; computer print-out. ‘Rod A-1 : chelydra Nov. 18 1976.’ ‘Nov. 16 1976. Chelydra. Bipolar: some noise reduction in steady light, flashes of dark. Rod: very insensitive rod. No useful data’. 1976 ‘Nov 30. 1976. Rod #2’. November November 1976 2 folders. ‘Nov 25 1976. Rod A-1’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Dec 1 1976’. ‘Chelydra rod #1, rod #2. Dec 14 1976’. ‘Dec 20 1976. Chelydra rod’. ‘Dec 21 1976. Rod #1B, Rod #2B’. ‘Dec 28 1976. Pseudyms cones |[?] "new" ALH lab’. December 1976 December 1976 December 1976 December 1976 December 1976 3 folders. ’ 2 folders. January 1977 C.505-C.506 January 1977 December 1976 January 1977 C.502-C.504 ‘Jan 3 1977. Rod 3 chelydra’. #2, #3 & #6 - 1 - also contains voltage ‘Dec 29 1976. Chelydra cone. Spatial properties’. ‘Jan 19 1977. Chelydra file 1. Rod #1, file calibrations. Original chart record. Rod #4 - file 2 Rod #5 - file 3 January 1977 ‘Jan 19 1977. Rod #4A. Chelydra. File 2’. ‘Jan 19 1977. Chelydra rod #5A. File 3’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.509-C.520 Experiments on vision. 1976-1977 Contents of a box. data. Manuscript and computer-generated Most of manuscript material is Titles of constituent files as follows: not in Hodgkin’s hand. C.509-C.511 ‘Jan 26 1977. Chelydra. Rod B-3. Rod B-3 file 1. Rod B-4 file 2’. File 1. January 1977 3 folders. ‘Jan 26 1977. Chelydra rod B3’. January 1977 C.513-C.515 ‘Jan 26 1977. Rod B3. Additional material’. January 1977 3 folders. File 2’. January 1977 File 3’. - Loose papers. February 1977 February 1977 ‘Feb 3 1977. Rod A-2. File 2’. ‘Jan 26 1977. Rod B-4. ‘Feb 3 1977. Chelydra. Rod B-2. April 1976 roll Long annotations. of computer-printed data with manuscript January 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.521-C.538 Experiments on vision. 1976-1977 Contents of a box. data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: C.521-C.524 ‘Bipolar expt & figures’. 1976-1977 Titles of further constituent files as follows: C.521-C.523 ‘April 21 1976. Bipolar’. April 1976 3 folders. ‘Bipolar mss’. 1 figure only. 1976 or 1977 Rod January 1977 May 1977 C.525-C.527 ‘Preliminary rod figs’. Titles of further constituent files as follows: ‘Fig: effect of B’d on flash response. Jan 26 1977. B-3’. Fig on step intensity series. Rod B4 May 20. Fig showing [?] during plateau phase of step. Rod B5 1977 ‘8 September 1977. Rod A1’. September ‘1. 2. May 20’. Loose papers. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research 8 September 1977. Rod B1’. ‘8 September 1977. Rod A2’. ‘13 September 1977. Rod B1’. C.532-C.533 ‘Erice 1977’. September 1977 September 1977 September 1977 1976-1977 in a course ‘Noise Hodgkin participated in Biological Membranes’ at the International School of Biophysics, delivered two Erice, lectures of vertebrate photoreceptors’. 10-20 March 1977. ‘Analysis He responses Sicily, on of Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising. C.534-C.536 ‘Erice figs’. 1976-1977 a 2 folders. 1976-1977 lecture, headed In Hodgkin’s hand. The material in C.534-C.537 also relate to this course. 3pp incomplete manuscript draft of ‘BHL theory Erice’. 1976-1977 Material relating to figures for the published version of the lecture. 11pp typescript draft of one of Hodgkin’s lectures entitled ‘Electrical Analysis of Light Reception in Turtle Cones’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Bipolar figures. P. Detwiler. Erice’. 1976-1977 2pp manuscript draft hyperpolarizing bipolar cells draft figures etc. by Hodgkin entitled in the turtle’s ‘A note on retina’, with C.538 A few loose pages of data. September 1977 C.539-C.555 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. Divided into two large files labelled ‘A’ and ‘B’. Very few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. C.539-C.550 File ‘A’. Titles of constituent files as follows: C.539-C.540 C.541-C.542 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. February 1977 February 1977 ‘Feb. 31977. Rod A-1. File 1’. ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod A-2’. ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod A-3’. 1977 C.545-C.546 ‘Feb. 10 1977 ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod A-4’. February 1977 February 1977 February A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod A-6’. C.548-C.550 ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod A-1’. 3 folders. C.551-C.555 File ‘B’. Constituent files as follows: ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod B-1’. Feb. 10 1977. Rod B-2’. February 1977 February 1977 February 1977 February 1977 2 folders. C.556-C.579 Experiments on vision. C.553-C.554 ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod B-3’. Manuscript and computer-generated in papers Very few are ‘Feb. 10 1977. Rod B-4’. Contents of a box. data, some photocopies. Hodgkin’s hand. March 1977 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘March 30 1977. Rod B-2’. ‘March 30 1977. Rod B-1’. ‘March 30 1977. Rod A.1’. March 1977 February 1977 February 1977 March 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘March 31 1977’. March 1977 ‘April 1 1977. Rod B-1’. ‘April 1 1977. Rod B-2’. April 1977 April 1977 One page of notes found loose. April 1977 Relates to the material in C.560 and C.561. ‘April 4 1977. Rod A-1’. ‘April 4 1977. Rod A-2’. April 1977 April 1977 April 1977 April 1977 April 1977 April 1977 ‘April 4 1977 : ‘April 4 1977. Rod A-3’. ‘April 4 1977. Rod A-4’. ‘April 25 1977. Rod A-1’. April 1977 April 1977 April 1977 : : ‘April 25 1977 ‘April 25 1977 ‘April 25 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Loose manuscript notes. April 1977 ‘27 April 1977. Ganglion cell with rod input. Rod A1 and A2’. April 1977 ‘April 27 1977. Rod B1’. ‘April 29 1977. Rod B1’. ‘May 3 1977. Rod A-1’. ‘May 3 1977. Rod A-3’. April 1977 April 1977 May 1977 May 1977 ‘May 3 1977. Rod A-4’. ‘May 3 1977. Rod B1 & B2’. May-June 1977 Titles of constituent files as follows: May 1977 May 1977 C.580-C.607 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Very few papers are in Hodgkin’s May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 ‘Rod A-1. May 5 1977’. ‘Rod A-2. May 5 1977’. ‘May 5 1977. Rod A-3’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘May 5 1977. Rod B-1’. ‘May 5 1977. Rod B-2’. ‘May 5 1977. Rod B-3’. ‘Rod B-1. May 11 1977’. ‘May 11 1977. Rod B-2’. ‘May 11 1977 ‘May 11 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 ‘May 11 1977. May 1977 ‘May 16 1977. ‘May 16 1977. ‘May 11 1977. Ganglion cell. Horizontal cell’. May 1977 May 1977 Loose papers relating to the material in C.592-C.595. ‘May 16 1977. Ganglion cells’. ‘May 16 1977. May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 ‘June 3 1977. Rod A-6b’. June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. ‘June 3 1977. "Deleted rods" ‘. ‘June 3 1977. Ganglion cells A-1, A-2, B-1’. June 1977 Contents of a box. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data, some photocopies. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Experiments on vision. C.608-C.625 Divided inscribed respectively, the third inscribed with a date. large files, into two 3 ‘A’ and ‘B’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.608-C.615 File ‘A’. Titles of constituent files as follows: May-June 1977 ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-1’. May 1977 ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-6)’. Ganglion cells. A-1, A-2 (same track as May 1977 ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-2’. ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-5’. May 1977 May 1977 ‘May 20 1977. track)’. Rod A-6 (Ganglion cell A-2 in same May 1977 ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-8’. ‘May 20 1977. Rod A-7’. May 1977 May 1977 C.616-C.620 File ‘B’. ‘June 13 1977. Ganglion cell A-2’. May 1977 Titles of constituent files as follows. May 1977 May 1977 June 1977 May 1977 ‘May 20 1977. Rod B-1’. ‘May 20 1977. Rod B-2’. ‘May 20 1977. Rod B3’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research “May 20 1977. Rod B-4’. ‘May 20 1977. Rod B-5’. C.621-C.625 ‘May 25 1977’. Titles of constituent files as follows. ‘May 25 1977. Rod A-1’. ‘May 25 1977. Rod B-1’. ‘May 25 1977. Rod B-2’. May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 May 1977 ‘May 25 1977. Rod B-3’. May 1977 May 1977 C.626-C.652 Experiments on vision. Loose papers relating to the material in C.621-C.624. Contents of a box. experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. June 1977 C.628-C.629 ‘June 17 1977. Rod A-3’. ‘June 13 1977. Ganglion cell A-1’. June 1977 ‘June 13 1977. Rod A-1’. June 1977 Manuscript and computer-generated June-August 1 O77 Titles of constituent files as follows: 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘June 17 1977. ‘June 17 1977. ‘June 17 1977. ‘June 17 1977. ‘June 17 1977. ‘June 17 1977. June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 ‘June 17 1977. Ganglion cell B-1’. June 1977 ‘June 28 1977. Deleted rods’. June 1977 ‘June 28 1977. ‘June 28 1977. ‘June 17 1977. July 1977 ‘July 41977. Rod A-1’. ‘June 28 1977. Deleted rods’. ‘June 28 1977. Ganglion cell’. June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 June 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘July 4 1977. Rod A-2’. ‘July 4 1977 ‘July 4 1977. ‘July 4 1977. ‘July 4 1977. ‘July 4 1977 July 1977 July 1977 July 1977 July 1977 July 1977 July 1977 ‘August 10 1977. Rod B-1’. August 1977 August 1977 August- October 1977 Titles of constituent files as follows: C.651-C.652 ‘August 10 1977. Rod A1’. C.653-C.674 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. hand. Manuscript and computer-generated None of the material is in Hodgkin’s August 1977 ‘25 August 1977. Rod A1’. August 1977 ‘25 August 1977. Rod A2’. August 1977 2 folders. ‘25 August 1977. Rod A3’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘25 August 1977. Rod A4’. August 1977 ‘25 August 1977. Rod B1’. August 1977 September 1977 September 1977 September 1977 September 1977 ‘6 September 1977. Rod A1’. ‘6 September 1977. Rod B1’. ‘6 September 1977. Rod B2’. ‘28 September 1977. : 2 folders. ‘28 September 1977. ‘28 September 1977. 4 : ; : , ‘28 September 1977. C.663-C.664 ‘28 September 1977. September 1977 September 1977 October 1977 ‘11 October 1977. Rod A1’. September 1977 September 1977 September 1977 ‘28 September 1977. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘17 October 1977. Red cone B1’. October 1977 ‘17 October 1977. Red cone B2’. October 1977 ‘17 October 1977. Red cone B3’. October 1977 ‘17 October 1977. Red cone B4’. October 1977 C.673-C.674 ‘{7 October 1977. Red cone B5’. October 1977 2 folders. C.675-C.683 Experiments on vision. C.1976-1977 November 1976-1977 [? P.B. 3 folders. ‘Variance calibration’. C.675-C.677 ‘Light calibrations. ALH lab’. Titles of constituent files as follows: Included at C.677 is Detwiler] re the light calibration experiments. by Hodgkin to letter a Only a few papers are dated 1976. Contents of a box. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data, some photocopies. Some papers are in Hogkin’s hand. August 1977 ‘30 August 1977. Photomultiplier calibrations’. ‘Calibrations of spatial properties: ALH lab’. [c. February] 1977 June 1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘31 August 1977. Light leak’. August 1977 ‘5 September 1977. Tests of light leak after adding light- tight box in back beam - ok’. September 1977 ‘Light calibrations. PBD lab’. A few photocopied pages. C.684-C.700 Experiments on vision. January-May 1978 Contents of a box. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data in Hodgkin’s hand are at C.686. calculations. Calculations and Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘26 January 1978. January 1978 ‘23 January 1978. January 1978 ‘23 Jan 1978. Rod A1’. January 1978 ‘23 January 1978. January 1978 ‘26 January 1978. Ganglion cell A1 (same place in retina as rod A1)’. ‘26 January 1978. Ganglion cell A2’. ‘26 Jan. 1978. Rod A2’. January 1978 January 1978 January 1978 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.691-C.692 ‘26 Jan 1978. Rod B1’. January 1978 2 folders. ‘26 Jan 1978. Rod B2 (plus chart cal pulses)’. January 1978 ‘9 Feb 1978. Rod A1’. ‘9 Feb 1978. Rod A2’. ‘9 Feb 1978. Rod A3’. ‘10 May 1978. Rod A1’. February 1978 February 1978 February 1978 May 1978 ‘10 May 1978. Rod A2’. ‘10 May 1978. Rod B1’. ‘10 May 1978 May 1978 May 1978 May 1978 1979-1980 Manuscript and computer-generated C.701-C.714 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. Some papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. 1979 Titles of further constituent files as follows: C.701-C.703 ‘1979 LMY data. Relevant’. Titles of constituent files as follows: October- November A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.701-C.702 ‘31 Oct 1979. Rod 1. 1) Flash intensity - response family 2) Desensitization profile from steady slit’. October 1979 2 folders. ‘Fits to LMY background underswing data’. ‘20 May 1980. Cell #1’. ‘20 May 1980. Cell #2’. ‘20 May 1980. Cell #3’. November 1979 May 1980 May 1980 May 1980 ‘7 June 1980. Rod 1’. June 1980 Cells 1 & 2. To examine pH 7.2 on May 1980 ‘7 June 1980. Rod 2,3,4’. ‘21 May 1980. photoresponse’. Examine effect of 22mM HCO3- / 10% ‘22 May 1980. CO, on photoresponse’. June 1980 ‘11 June 1980. Cell 1’. ‘11 June 1980. Cell 2’. ‘8 June 1980. Cell 1’. May 1980 June 1980 June 1980 June 1980 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Loose material. C.715-C.731 Experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Titles of constituent files as follows: May - June 1980 June-July 1980 C.715-C.716 ‘12 June 1980. Cell 1’. June 1980 2 folders. ‘13 June 1980. Cell 1’. June 1980 ‘17 June 1980. June 1980 ‘17 June 1980. C.722-C.723 June 1980 2 folders. 2 folders. June 1980 June 1980 C.720-C.721 ‘17 June 1980. ‘18 June 1980. Cell #1’. July 1980 ‘23 June 1980. Cell #2’. June 1980 July 1980 ‘3 July 1980. Cell 1’. ‘4 July 1980. Cell 1’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘8 July 1980. Cell 1’. ‘8 July 1980. Cell 2’. ‘8 July 1980. Cell 3’. ‘14 July 1980. Cell 1’. ‘14 July 1980. Cell 2’. C.732-C.749 Experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July-August 1980 Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘17 July 1980. July 1980 July 1980 ‘15 July 1980. Cell 2’. ‘15 July 1980. Cell 1’. July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 ‘17 July 1980. ‘18 July 1980. ‘18 July 1980. 48 July 1980. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘22 July 1980. Cells 1, 2, 3’. C.740-C.741 ‘24 July 1980. Cell 1’. Included are photographs at C.741. 2 folders. ‘24 July 1980. ‘25 July 1980. ‘25 July 1980. July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 July 1980 August- ‘29 July 1980. ‘29 July 1980. ‘4 August 1980. Cell 1’. August 1980 ‘1 August 1980. Cell 1’. August 1980 ‘4 August 1980. Cell 2’. August 1980 October 1980 Manuscript and computer-generated Much of the material is in Hodgkin’s Contents of a box. experimental data. hand. C.750-C.765 Experiments on vision. Titles of constituent files as follows: A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Rod 1. 8 August 1980’. Photographs are included. August 1980 ‘Rod 2. 8 August 1980’. August 1980 Photographs are included. ‘15 August 1980 August 1980 ‘15 August 1980 August 1980 ‘18 August 1980 August 1980 ‘18 August 1980 August 1980 C.757-C.759 3 folders. ‘22 Sept. 1980’. 15 September 1980. Rod 1 (only)’. September 1980 September 1980 ‘19 Sept. 1980. Rod #1 only. See 3 Aug 81 #2 file’. October 1980 ‘15 Oct. 1980. Study of noise increase. Not v. good’. ‘17 Oct. 1980. Study of noise increase. Not v. good’. October 1980 ‘20 Oct. 1980. Cell 1. Not v. good’. September 1980 October 1980 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘21 Oct. 1980. Cell 1. Study of dark noise increase’. October 1980 ‘21 Oct 1980. Cell 2. Study of dark noise increase’. October 1980 C.766-C.782 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Much of the material is in Hodgkin’s Titles of constituent files as follows: October- November 1980 C.766-C.767 ‘24 Oct. 1980. Cell 1’. October 1980 2 folders. ‘24 Oct. 1980. Cell 2’. October 1980 ‘11 November 1980. Rod 1’. ‘24 Oct. 1980. Cell 3’. October 1980 November 1980 November 1980 ‘11 Nov. 1980. Rod 2. Attempted noise run with Na 0Ca unbuffered’. 1980 ‘11 Nov 1980. Rod 3. Interesting cell.’ November 1980 November November 1980 Photographs included. Included are photographs. ‘13 Nov. 1980. Cell 1’. ‘25 Nov 1980. Rod 1’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘25 November 1980. Rod 2’. ‘26 Nov. 1980. Cell 1. No good’. ‘26 November 1980. Bars and tongue’. Cell 2. Superlinearity in 20Na. ‘26 Nov. 1980. Cell 3’. ‘27 November 1980. Rod #1’. November 1980 November 1980 November 1980 November 1980 November 1980 ‘27 Nov. 1980. current of Ringer 20Na 1Ca’. Rod #2. Only shows effect on dark November 1980 November 1980 C.781-C.782 2 folders. Titles of constituent files as follows: November- December 1980 C.783-C.792 Experiments on vision. ‘27 November 1980. Rod #3 (Rod #2 no good)’. Contents of a box. experimental data. hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Most of the material is in Hodgkin’s 1980 ‘13 Nov. 1980. Cell 3. Bars. Superlinearity in 20Na’. November ‘13 Nov. 1980. Cell 2’. November 1980 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘4 Dec. 1980. Cell 1’. C.786-C.788 ‘4 Dec. 1980. Cell 2’. Photographs are included at C.787. 3 folders. ‘9 Dec. 1980’. ‘10 Dec. 1980. Rod 1’. C.791-C.792 ‘12 December 1980. Rod 1’. December 1980 December 1980 December 1980 December 1980 December 1980 November 1982 Titles of constituent files are as follows: ‘1 Nov. 1982. Rod 1 only’. Photographs at C.792. 2 folders. C.793-C.803 Experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated in Hodgkin’s Contents of a box. experimental data. Some of the material is hand. 1982 ‘4 Nov. 1982. Rod 1&2 - short. Rod 3 - main expt. Much useful material and possible figures’. ‘8 Nov. 1982. Rod 2 (&1). Rod 1 enclosed - no good’. November November 1982 November 1982 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘8 Nov. 1982. Rod 3’. ‘11 Nov. 1982. Rods 1 & 2’. ‘12 Nov. 1982. Rod 1 & rod 2 (hour glass pipette)’. ‘12 Nov. 1982. ‘12 Nov. 1982. November 1982 November 1982 November 1982 November 1982 November 1982 Manuscript and computer-generated 2 folders. Loose material. November 1982 November 1982 C.804-C.817 Experiments on vision. C.801-C.802 ‘19 Nov. 1982. Contents of a box. experimental data. Some papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. 1982 November- December 1982 ‘16 Nov 1982. Rod 2’. November Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘16 Nov. 1982. Rod 1. No good’. November 1982 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘6 December 1982 [Rod 1]’. ‘6 December 1982. Rod 2’. . One rod only - poor’. December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 C.813-C.814 December 1982 ‘15 Dec. 1982. #1’. 2 folders. Rod 1. Some analysis is in 14 Dec. 82 1982 ‘15 Dec. 1982 #1. Additional analysis by Brian N[unn]’. ‘15 Dec. 1982. Rod 2. 400 p[?A] at end’. ‘15 Dec. Rod 3’. December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 December A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.818-C.831 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. Some papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: C.818-C.820 ‘14 Dec. 1982. #1’. 3 folders. ‘14 Dec. 1982. #2’. ‘22 Dec 1982. #1’. December 1982- February 1983 December 1982 December 1982 December 1982 ‘22 Dec. 1982. #2’. December 1982 January 1983 ‘3 Jan 1983. #2’. January 1983 ‘4 Jan. 1983. #1 & #2. Poorish’. ‘3 January 1983. #1. Poorish’. February ‘5 Jan. 1983. #1 (and #8, no #2)’. ‘14 Feb. 1983. Rod #1’. ‘5 Jan 1983. #5. Brief pulses’. January 1983 ‘5 Jan. 1983. Rod 4’. January 1983 January 1983 January 1983 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘14 Feb. 1983. Rods #2 &3’. C.832-C.848 Experiments on vision. 1983 February 1983 January- March 1983 Contents of a box. experimental data. Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated in Most of material the not is Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘25 Jan. 1983. #1. n.v.g.’. January 1983 ‘25 Jan. 1983. #2’. January 1983 ‘25 Jan. 1983. #3’. January 1983 January 1983 January 1983 January 1983 . 1983. #1’. January 1983 ‘26 Jan. 1983 #2’. . 1983. Salamander cone #1 (red?)’. ‘26 Jan. 1983. Salamander rod #1 (red?)’. March 1983 ‘15 Feb. 1983. Toad rod. Rod #2’. ‘15 Feb. 1983. Rod #1’. ‘9 March 1983. Rod #1’. February 1983 February 1983 C.841-C.842 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘9 March 1983. Rod #2. Run 230’. March 1983 ‘10 March 1983. #3. Rod #2 no good - record discarded’. March 1983 ‘10 March 1983 March 1983 ‘15 March 1983. Rod #1’. March 1983 C.847-C.848 ‘15 March 1983 March 1983 2 folders. C.849-C.865 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: May- September 1983 ‘10 May 1983. Salam. rods 2 & 3’. May 1983 ‘Salamander. 10 May 1983. Rod 1’. May 1983 ‘21 May 1983. Salamander rod #1 (& 2, n.v.g.)’. May 1983 ‘22 May 1983. Toad rod #1. Results ‘ok’ & not plotted’. ‘21 May 1983. Salamander. Rod #3’. Toad rod #1. Recording no good - not May 1983 May 1983 May 1983 ‘23 May 1983. digitized’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 C.856-C.857 Research ‘24 May 1983. Toad rod #1’. ‘24 May 1983. stage-movement method of changing solutions’. Toad rod #2. Experiment using new May 1983 May 1983 2 folders. ‘23 June 1983. Rod #1. Not v. useful’. June 1983 ‘23 June 1983. Rod #2. Not digitized - not v. useful. Note inward (Na+, Ca++ ?) current ongoing. 55Na, 1pCa - 110Na, 1Ca (1) Also delayed activation on doing reverse of (1)’. 27.5K, June 1983 ‘24 June 1983. Rod #1’. June 1983 ‘23 Sept. 1983. Rod #1’. September 1983 September 1983 ‘23 September 1983. Rod #2’. ‘Solutions for 22-23 Sept. 1983’. 1983 ‘23 Sept. 1983. Rod #4’. ‘23 Sept. 1983. Rod #3’. September 1983 September 1983 September A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.866-C.870 Experiments on vision. 1982-1984 Contents of a box. Experimental data and notes. Some papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘Summaries for selectivity paper - Ca++ currents’. March 1983 - January 1984 ‘Selectivities of monovalent cations in 1uM-Ca. June-July 1983’. June-July 1983 ‘Collected results Nov. 1982-May 1983. 1uM-Ca. OMg. Inward dark current’. Responses in November 1982-May 1983 C.871-C.881 _ June 1983 Loose material. c. 1983 Experiments on vision. June-July 1983 Manuscript and computer-generated in Most of material the not is ‘Nov. - Dec. 1982, Jan 1983 - summaries’. Titles of constituent files as follows: November 1982 - January 1983 Contents of a box. experimental data. Hodgkin’s hand. June 1983 inverted ‘25 June 1983. responses from distal tip when proximal portion of o.s. is in 1uCa, 110Na’. ‘25 June 1983. Rod #2’. ‘80 June 1983. Rod #1’. Rod #1 n.v.g. Rod #8 - June 1983 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘30 June 1983. Rod #4’. June 1983 ‘80 June 1983. Rod 5’. June 1983 ‘1 July 1983. Rod #1. 1 expt. (55 - 110Na) only’. ‘1 July 1983. Rod #2’. July 1983 July 1983 ‘2 July 1983. Rod #1’. Not useful’. July 1983 2 July 1983. July 1983 ‘2 July 1983. Rod #3. Activation : ONa - 55K 1u.Ca’. July 1983 ‘2 July 1983. Rod #4’. July 1983 July 1983 C.882-C.899 Experiments on vision. ‘9 July 1983. #1’. Contents of a box. experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: July 1983 ‘9 July 1983. Rod #2’. Rod in 1/2 activated state (20 Na 1uCa) & 90K or 9ORb added’. ‘9 July 1983. Rod #3. n.v.g.’. July 1983 July 1983 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.885-C.886 ‘20 July 1983. Rod #1’. July 1983 2 folders. ‘20 July 1983. #2. Analysis (graphs in main file)’. July 1985 C.888-C.889 ‘20 July 1983. inside pipette’. 2 folders. Rod #2. Note cell position - cilium well July 1983 ‘15-25 conductance & voltage measurements’. 1983. Sept. Flow / change rate using September 1983 Photographs are included. ‘22 September 1983. Rods 1 & 2: nvg. 3, 4, 5: nvg’. ‘27 Sept. 1983. Rod #2’. September 1983 September 1983 September 1983 ‘22 Sept. 1983. Rod #6’. ‘27 September 1983. Rod #1’. 1983 ‘27 September 1983. Rod #4. Good experiment’. ‘27 Sept. 1983. Rod #3’. September 1983 September 1983 September A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘28 Sept. 1983. #1. n.v.g.’. ‘28 Sept. 1983. #2. n.v.g.’. ‘28 Sept. 1983. #3. Also fragment rod 5’. C.900-C.917 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. Some papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘29 Sept. 1983. Rod #1’. September 1983 September 1983 September 1983 September- October 1983 September 1983 ‘29 Sept. 1983. #2’. September 1983 September 1983 September 1983 ‘29 Sept. 1983. #3’. ‘29 Sept. 1983. Rods 4, 5, 6, 7. Poor - perhaps 7 should be looked at’. October 1983 ‘29 Sept. 1983. Rod #8’. C.905-C.906 ‘12 Oct. 1983. Salamander rod #1’. October 1983 September 1983 2 folders. ‘12 Oct. 1983. Rod #1’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘12 Oct. 1983. Rod 2’. October 1983 ‘12 Oct 1983. #3’. October 1983 C.910-C.911 ‘12 October 1983. Rod #4’. October 1983 2 folders. ‘12 Oct. 1983. Rod #5’. October 1983 ‘14 Oct. 1983. Toad rod #1’. October 1983 ‘14 Oct. 1983. #2’. October 1983 ‘14 Oct. 1983. #3’. October 1983 '15 Oct. 1983. #1’. October 1983 ‘15 Oct. 1983. #2’. October 1983 C.918-C.941 Experiments on vision. October 1983 Manuscript and computer-generated in Contents of a box. experimental data. Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Solutions for week beginning 9 October 1983’. October- December 1983 Titles of constituent files as follows: Most of the material is not October 1983 ‘{1 October 1983. Rod #1’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘{1 October 1983. Rod #2’. October 1983 C.921-C.922 ‘11 October 1983. Rod #3’. October 1983 2 folders. ‘11 Oct. 1983. Rod #4’. October 1983 ‘11 Oct. 1983. October 1983 ‘11 Oct. 1983. October 1983 ‘11 Oct. 1983. Rod #7’. October 1983 ‘22 Nov. 1983. #1. Short’. November 1983 November 1983 ‘22 Nov. 1983. #3. Good but incomplete’. ‘22 Nov. 1983. #2. Not worth digitizing’. ‘Solution making rough notes (20 Nov 1983, week of)’. 1983 ‘23 Nov. 1983. Rod #1. Good but incomplete - not worth digitizing’. Rod #4. Actually 2 cells. Not worth ‘22 Nov. 1983. digitizing?’. November 1983 November 1983 November 1983 November A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘23 Nov. 1983. Rod #2. Best run on this day’. ‘23 Nov. 1983. digitizing’. Rod #3. Good, then packed up - worth ‘23 Nov. 1983. ‘23 Nov. 1983. Rods 5 & 6. Poor - haven't digitized’. ‘24 Nov. 1983. 6 rods - none very good’. C.938-C.939 ‘25 Nov. 1983. Salamander rod 1’. 2 folders. November 1983 November 1983 November 1983 November 1983 November 1983 November 1983 December 1983 December 1983 December 1983-January 1984 December 1983 Titles of constituent files as follows: C.942-C.962 Experiments on vision. ‘1 Dec. 1983. Salam. rods 4, 5. Nothing useful’. ‘1 Dec. 1983. Sal rods 1-3. Not worth digitizing’. Contents of a box. experimental data, with some theoretical notes. papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. 1983 Manuscript and computer-generated Some ‘2 December 1983. Salam rod #1. n.v.g. not digitized’. ‘2 Dec. 1983. Salam rod #2’. December A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘2 December 1983. digitizing’. Salam rods 3-6. Not worth December 1983 ‘2 Dec. 1983. Salam rod #7’. ‘2 December 1983. Salam rod #8’. ‘2 December 1983. Sal rod #9’. ‘2 Dec. 1983. #9. Extra graphs’. Included are theoretical notes in Hodgkin’s hand. December 1983 December 1983 December 1983 December 1983 ‘20 December 1983. Toad rod #2’. ‘20 December 1983. Toad rod #3’. December 1983 December 1983 ‘20 December 1983. Toad rod #1’. 1983 ‘20 December 1983. Rod 4 (and 4b no tape)’. December 1983 December December 1983 December 1983 ‘21 December 1983. ‘21 December 1983. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘23 December 1983. digitizing’. Rods 1 & 2. Short but worth ‘23 Dec. 1983. Rod 3’. ‘23 December 1983. Rod 4’. ‘4 January 1984. ‘4 January 1984. ‘4 January 1984. ; : ; December 1983 December 1983 December 1983 January 1984 January 1984 January 1984 ‘4 January 1984. : January 1984 January 1984 26 January 1984. Rod #1’. January 1984 C.963-C.974 Experiments on vision. Titles of constituent files are as follows: Contents of a box. experimental data. Manuscript and computer-generated In hands other than Hodgkin’s. January 1984 ‘5 January 1984. Rod #1 (toad)’. January 1984 ‘5 January 1984. Rod #2 (toad)’. January 1984 ‘5 January 1984. Rod 3 (toad)’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘5 January 1984. Rod 4 (toad)’. January 1984 ‘18 January 1984 January 1984 ‘18 January 1984 January 1984 ‘18 January 1984. Toad rod #3’. January 1984 ‘20 January 1984 January 1984 C.971-C.972 20 January 1984. Toad rod #2’. January 1984 2 folders. January 1984 April-May 1984 Some of April 1984 C.975-C.990 ‘27 January 1984 January 1984 Experiments on vision. ‘27 January 1984. Rod #1’. Titles of constituent files as follows: Manuscript and computer-generated with photographs. the Contents of a box. experimental data, material is in Hodgkin’s hand. of Ca transients etc’. April 1984. ‘10 Rod #2 (rod transient. Not worth digitizing’. ‘12 April 1984. Rod #1. Excellent cell - extensive study #1 no good). One Ca April 1984 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘12 April 1984. transients" ‘. Rod #2. Effects of light on "pumping April 1984 April 1984. ‘13 transient". 20 sec pulse of ONa’. Rod #1. Effect of La on "pumping April 1984 April ‘13 transient (short pulses of ONa)’. Rod #2. 1984. Effect La3+ on pumping ‘13 April 1984. Ca, before flash, on plat[?] duration. but some data. Not worth digitizing’. Rod #3. Effect of pulses of high K, high - Not very good all April 1984 April 1984 ‘16 May 1984. #1. Salamander’. May 1984 C.985-C.986 May 1984 May 1984 _ 2 folders. Rod 4. Series May 1984 May 1984 May 1984 Excellent cell. ‘16 May 1984. #3’. ‘16 May 1984. #2. Salamander’. ‘17 May 1984. Rods 1-3 salamander’. ‘17 May 1984. of exposures to 1Ca, 10Ca, ONa while in 110Na 1pCa & in Ringer’. May 1984 ‘17 May 1984. Rod #5. Superb cell. Compare flashes of light & 1Ca while in 10Na 14MCa’. ‘18 May 1984. #1 & dud. Salamander’. | vs. Na in 1uMCa. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.989-C.990 ‘18 May 1984. #2. Salamander’. May 1984 2 folders. C.991-C.1007 Experiments on vision. Contents of a box. experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: May- November 1984 ‘25 May 1984. Rods 1, 2, 3 poor. A few 75Na 1uCa with [?] w/o Mg. Salamanders’. May 1984 ‘25 May 1984. currents. away Mg’. #4. Salamander. 600pA in 75-Na 1pCa. Good expt. Big Nice effects taking May 1984 ‘25 May 1984. ‘25 May 1984. ‘5 June 1984. #4’, May 1984 May 1984 May 1984 May 1984 May 1984 ‘25 May 1984. ‘25 May 1984. Salamander rod #8’. ‘25 May 1984. Salamander rod. #6’. June 1984 ‘5 June 1984. #2. No rod #3’. ‘5 June 1984. Salamander rod 1’. June 1984 June 1984 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘5 June 1984. #5’. June 1984 ‘5 June 1984. Salamander rod 6-7’. June 1984 ‘5 June 1984. Rod 8’. June 1984 ‘24 November 1984. Salamander rod #1’. ‘24 November 1984. Rod #2’. ‘24 Nov. 1984. Salamander rod #3’. November 1984 November 1984 November 1984 C.1008-C.1034 Experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘24 November 1984. Salamander rod #4’. November 1984 April 1984- January 1985 ‘17 April 1984. #1. Not worth digitizing’. April 1984 Contents of a box. experimental data. A few papers are in Hodgkin’s hand. April 1984 ‘18 April 1984. #1 (toad). in 35 Na 1uCa - 74Ca’. Similarity between decay in Li 1Ca & April 1984 ‘17 April 1984. #2. in 35Na 1p.Ca - 74Ca’. Similarity in decay in Li 1Ca & A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘18 April 1984. in 35Na 1pCa - 74Ca’. #2 (toad). Similarity in decay in Li 1Ca & April 1984 ‘23 April 1984. 1BMX & 6 kg lights’. Rod 1. [?] of current decay in Li with April 1984 ‘23 April 1984 (toad). Rod 2 (and rod 3 poor). Ringer - Li 1Ca - Li 0.1Ca’. ‘23 April 1984. Rod 4. [?] of current decay in Li 0.1Ca, Li 1Ca, Li 10Ca, Li 1Ca & 1BMX’. April 1984 April 1984 ‘26 May 1984. Rod #1’. May 1984 ‘26 May 1984. Rod #2 (no rod #3)’. May 1984 May 1984 May 1984 ‘26 May 1984. Rods 5 & 6’. ‘26 May 1984. Rod #4 (no rod #3)’. ‘8 June 1984. Rod 1. Salamander’. June 1984 ‘9 June 1984. June 1984 June 1984 June 1984 ‘8 June 1984 ‘9 June 1984 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.1023-C.1024 ‘9 June 1984. #3’. June 1984 2 folders. C.1025 ‘{2 November 1984. Salamander rod #1’. ‘{2 November 1984. Salamander rod 2’. ‘6 December 1984. Salamander rod #1’. ‘6 December 1984. Rod 2’. November 1984 November 1984 December 1984 December 1984 2 folders. ‘7 December 1984. Rod 2’. Not worth December 1984 C.1030-C.1031 ‘7 December 1984. Rod 1’. ‘6 December 1984. Salamander rods 3 & 4. plotting’. January 1985 ‘31 Jan. 1985. mixtures. Worth analysis. Oscillation weak flashes’. ‘31 Jan 1985. Rods 1-3. Not much good’. Rod 4. Long exp’t with various Na Li December 1984 December 1984 January 1985 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.1035-C.1043 Experiments on vision. June 1984 Contents of a box. experimental data. Manuscript and computer-generated Titles of constituent files as follows: ‘4 June 1984. Rods 1 & 2’. June 1984 ‘4 June 1984. Rod 3. Salamander’. June 1984 ‘4 June 1984. ‘4 June 1984 June 1984 June 1984 ‘4 June 1984. Rod 6 (&7 no good)’. June 1984 ‘23 June 1984. Rod 1’. Rod #2. June 1984 June 1984 ‘23 June 1984. Rod #3’. June 1984 ‘23 June 1984. Nice expt showing a dim flash has immediate effect in speeding closure by Ca pulse; effect of flash lasts less than 5-10 sec’. 1984 Contents of a box. experimental data. C.1044-C.1061 Experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated ‘23 June 1984. Rod #4’. June 1984 May- December Titles of constituent files as follows: A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘24 May 1984. Rods #1 - #3’. May 1984 ‘22 June 1984. pulses in 20 Na 1uCa’. Rod #1 (2 no good). Flashes & 1Ca June 1984 ‘22 June 1984. Rod 3’. A photograph is included. June 1984 ‘22 June 1984. Rod 4 & 5 (no good?)’. June 1984 . Salamander rod #1. Not worth plotting’. November 1984 November 1984 November 1984 November 1984 . Salamander rod #3’. . Nothing useful’. . Salamander rod 1’. . Not plotted - not v. good’. May 1984 ‘24 May 1984. Salamander #1, 2, 3. ‘23 Nov. 1984. Salamander rod #2’. November 1984 November 1984 November 1984 Poor’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘38 December 1984. plotting. No repeat of flash alone after flash + pulse’. Salamander rod #1. Not worth ‘3 December 1984. Salamander rod #2’. ‘4 December 1984. Salamander rod #2’. ‘4 December 1984. Salamander rod #3’. December 1984 December 1984 December 1984 December 1984 ‘5 December 1984. expt & no controls / returns’. Rod #1. Not plotted - short, poor December 1984 ‘5 December 1984. Rod #2’. December 1984 all relates to C.1062-C.1080 Experiments on vision. ‘March 18 1976. Red cone pair #2’. Titles of constituent files as follows: a box inscribed ‘Expts 1984’ experiments. | Photocopied This material was found in but 1976 manuscript experimental data. Not in Hodgkin’s hand. April 1976 ‘March 18 1976. Green cone #2 and green cone #1’. Red cone #5 and green cone #[?]. ‘March 25 1976. Red cone pair #1’. March 1976 March 1976 March 1976 ‘April 1 1976. Red cone pair’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘April 6 1976. Red cone pair #1’. April 1976 ‘April 6 1976. Red-green cone pair. Not coupled’. April 1976 ‘April 7 1976’. April 1976 ‘April 20 1976. Single red cone = spatial run’. April 1976 ‘April 21 1976. Red cones pair #2’. April 1976 ‘May 25, 26, 17 1976’. May 1976 ‘May 27 1976. peaks in spatial profile’. Red cone #1, #2. Green cone #1 - two May 1976 May 1976 ‘June 2 1976. Pair #2. Red cones’. June 1976 ‘June 3 1976. Red cone pairs #1 - #4’. June 1976 ‘May 31 1976. Pair #1 red cones’. June 1976 ‘June 11 1976. Voltage and current calibrations’. ‘June 10 1976. Red cone pairs #1 and #2’. ‘June 9 1976. Red cone pairs #1 - #4’. ‘June 8 1976. Gain calibrations’. June 1976 June 1976 June 1976 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research Figures. Contents of a file. C.1081-C.1094 ‘Alphabetical sequence A-Z’, inscribed. contents of a box so 1974-1976 A piece of paper found in the box was inscribed thus: ‘Dated files in alphabetical sequence. Part of pseudemys expts series?’ box filed behind ‘Whittenberg’ this in Photocopied Hodgkin’s hand. manuscript experimental data. Not in Contents of constituent files as follows: ‘March 1 Xenon flash. Cone #3. ERP & recovery after flash’. 3 cones (red). Int. series & Tung & 1974. March 1974 April 1974 May 1974 June 1974 June 1976 June 1976 ‘April 9 1974. Green cone: Al xenon. Red cone: 3 xenon flashes on -0.5 + 0 condit’. ‘June 21 1974’. Bleaching & April 1974 On-off ganglion cell - but run 12 (643). 1) red cone - Al xenon. ‘April 23 1974. recovery of ERP’. ‘May 7 1974. Bipolar cell; moving [?] 140u’. June 1976 ‘June 18 1976. #1 red cones. #2, #3 red-green. #4 - #6 red cones. #7 "red-green coupled cell" ‘. ‘June 16 1976. Red cones #1 - #3, #5. Red green #4’. ‘June 17 1976. Pair #1 red cones’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘July 29 1976. Red cones #1 - #3. Red-green cones #4’. July 1976 ‘July 30 1976’. July 1976 ‘August 2 1976. Green cone pair’. August 1976 ‘August 3 1976. Red cone pair’. August 1976 ‘August 4 1976. #3. Red-green cone pair #4’. H cell pair coupled. Red cone pair #1 - August 1976 ‘August 5 1976. Red-green pair #1. and #3’. Red cone pairs #2 August 1976 Much of the material is in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Notebook one. flashes’. T. Lamb - computation. Stronger C.1095-C.1105 ‘Misc. experiments’, contents of a box so inscribed’. c.1972- The material appears to relate to experiments on vision. Manuscript and computer-generated experimental data. The titles of constituent files (listed in the order in which found) are as follows: c.1975, nd ‘Misc theory. Retina - early on. cones’. Photocopied manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Coupled curves. Jan. 1972 fig’. Baylor theory. Turtle Manuscript theoretical notes etc. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Noise - ALH, Lamb’. Manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Maths. Graphs with Baylor’. Manuscript data. ‘Computing tables (Hewlett-Packard)’ c.1972-1974 Manuscript data etc. ‘Graphs for fitting. Poisson curves etc’. c.1972-1974 Manuscript data. ‘EDSAC. Limulus. Sterne. Pulse with background. c.1972-1974 c.1972-1974 ‘EDSAC. Sterne’. c.1972-1974 in the hand Manuscript data. ‘EDSAC equations’. Manuscript theoretical notes. Manuscript notes of signature appears after some); data. c.1972-1974 Manuscript data. M.D. Sterne (his ‘EDSAC plots’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.1106-C.1120 Miscellaneous files. of Titles appears to relate to experiments on vision. are given where found. files 1981-1988, nd The material Some of the material is in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Exp. of Jan. 81’. January 1981 Manuscript theoretical notes and analysis. In Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Tracings’. Tracings of graphs re experiments. ‘Extra results including IBMX’. Photocopied manuscript data. ‘Trevor et al. Results’. September- October 1984 Manuscript analytical notes and data. Manuscript experimental data, some photocopied. ‘Application of theory to expts. Computing: unit impulse. 4 Dec. 1984 #1. Na-Li. Baylor & Nunn’s figs & ms’. 1984 ‘TDL Program. charge and j vs time curves’. ‘Fitting file. possible figures - see also large figs’. DE’s’. 2 buffer model. Fitting of j vs December Tracings of graphs etc. Graph tracings and data. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Trevor Lamb’s computation on IBM. April 1988’. Called ALH 1. 5 April 1988 Manuscript analytical notes in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘April 1988. Oscillations. Immediate working’. April 1988 Equations in Hodgkin’s hand. 4. Shape of flash Theory file response. See 2 Feb 1985 #3 analysis, 10 Oct 1986 #2 & #1analysis. Summary file copied to Brian’. Square, cube or linear. Manuscript notes, chiefly on theory, in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Further simulations of ALH model 12 Apr 1988. ALH 2, ALH 3’. April 1988 Data, chiefly computer-printed. [words illegible] And other ‘AFH’s suggestion for optical bench’. 1p manuscript diagrams. ‘Misc. physics’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Delay on [?inactivation]. recent theory’. Manuscript theoretical notes and data in Hodgkin’s hand. Miscellaneous manuscript theoretical notes. Manuscript theoretical notes. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research C.1121-C.1127 ‘Circuits’ 1939-1960, nd files airborne chiefly c.1945 (from occasional dates on Contents of a box so inscribed. The material appears to be or relate to Hodgkin’s work in designing papers) and to It appears to cover some of his later electrical circuits. wartime work the on_- Telecommunications (TRE), 1940-1945, and work on the nerve impulse, which he resumed with A.F. Huxley in 1946. The few dates found inscribed on papers are usually post-June 1945, when he was discharged from the TRE. It is probable that some of the circuit diagrams represent Hodgkin’s preparations for the resumption of the nerve impulse research (he and Huxley discussed their plans in the autumn of 1945). Establishment Research radar at _ Titles on files are reproduced below. ‘1939 circuits’. 1939-c.1944 Manuscript diagrams of electrical circuits with one letter (1944). ‘Electrical data’. circuits. ‘Current circuits’. 1944-1945, 1953 Various papers re equipment for research at the TRE; a few later papers re electrical equipment. Manuscript diagrams of electrical The dates ‘July 1945’ and ‘August 1945’ are inscribed on a few papers. Included is a letter from A.F. Huxley to Hodgkin (June 1949) in which Huxley briefly reports on work at the M.B.A. Laboratory, Plymouth. 1945-1949 Brief correspondence etc tubes for Hodgkin’s laboratory. re the purchase of vacuum ‘VX - 32B. Data etc’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Research ‘Circuits - old’. c.1945-1960 Rough manuscript diagrams, manuscript notes (some in a hand other than Hodgkin’s) and typescript papers relating to electrical circuits; manuscript notes (not in Hodgkin’s hand) on blood and other physiological topics; letter from R.H. Cook (Hodgkin’s instrument maker at the Physiological electrical equipment (1960). Laboratory) Shaw to T. re Contents of an unmarked file. Manuscript data and notes re experiments (there is reference to ‘crab nerve’ on one paper). a Miscellaneous manuscript diagrams of electrical circuits. Mostly copies.
HODGKIN, Alan Lloyd Vol2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin