COULSON, Charles Alfred Vol1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


mmm te Load b ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISPORICAL MANUSCRIPT a hd Report on the correspondence and papers of FRED COULSON, FRS (1910-1974) 1900 - 78 deposited in the Bocleian Library * Nnanclist of: tne papers reproduced for the 1 hives Contemporary Scientific Archives I “(CSAC 60/4/78) bd V HI ee Ce tS London WC2A THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON Quality House, Quality Court yoraarvea dG CSAC 60/4/78 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Supported by the Royal Society, the British Library, the Council of Engineering Institutions REPORT ON THE PAPERS OF CHARLES ALFRED COULSON, F.R.S. (1910 - 1974) Vol.1. | Handlist of the papers 1978 Deposited in the Bodieian Library, Oxford, Compiled by: Harriot Weiskittel Jeannine Alton C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 CONTENTS OF THE COLLECTION VOLUME | GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A. BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL Introductory note to Section A Note on 'Travel arrangements', Boxes A.5-A.11 SECTION B. SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS Introductory note to Section B SECTION C. © CORRESPONDENCE Introductory note to Sections C and G Note on Shorter correspondence, Boxes C.23 - C.38 Note on Miscellaneous correspondence, Boxes C.39 -C.44 SECTION D. = RELIGIOUS, HUMANITARIAN, PACIFIST Introductory note to Section E SECTION E. SECTION F. WRITINGS Introductory note to Section D. Introductory note to Section F Index to organisations in Section F SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, JOURNALS, CONFERENCES RELIGIOUS, HUMANITARIAN, PACIFIST ORGANISATIONS All requests for access to the papers should be addressed in the first instance to the Keeper of Westerii Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford, SECTION H. OXFORD UNIVERSITY SECTION G. CORRESPONDENCE Introductory note to Section G Introductory note to Section H continued NOTE: C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 CONTENTS OF THE COLLECTION (continued) VOLUME II CONSPECTUS OF CAC'S PUBLICATIONS Note on the Conspectus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CAC'S PUBLICATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS Note on the Index Librory, Oxford. to the papers should be addressed in the first instance to the Keeper of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian | NOTE: All requests for access $s C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE COULSON PAPERS PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mrs. Eileen Coulson (widow) who had assembled them from CAC's Department, his study at home and other sources. They deal primarily with CAC's own career from about 1930 to his death in 1974, but include some earlier material relating to the Coulson family, especially Alfred Coulson, CAC's father (earliest date 1905); there is also reference to posthumously~published scientific papers by CAC, to obituaries and tributes, and to a collection of his lectures scheduled for publication in 1978. Before handing on the collection, Mrs. Coulson, assisted by Miss R. Schwerdt (CAC's secretary), Dr. W.E. Duncanson and other advisers, had perused the papers and placed them in numbered folders and boxes; 'RS' and 'WED' appear on many of the folders. sensitive was removed and transferred by Mrs. Coulson as a separate collection to the Bodleian Library, where it will remain under restriction until 2004. Correspondence was segregated into separate sections (C and G, see notes on pp. 134-135, 242) according to the degree of scientific detail it contained, anda full list of CAC's book reviews was compiled by Mrs. Coulson (Box D.9); the -,. ~ entries for Boxes B.28 - B.42 are based on notes made by Dr. R.B. Mallion, Material considered to be the initials Material which might have been We are very pleased to acknowledge this invaluable Mrs. Coulson and others. work initially done before processing began. The collection, when received, was therefore already partly sorted, numbered and boxed, and this seriously curtailed the degree of flexibility of treatment which it could subsequently bear. re-assembled by subject, chronological or alphabetical order could not be re-assigned because boxes were full and index numbers already allocated. Folders, some exceedingly bulky and heterogeneous in content, could not be split into more manageable units without creating a reference system so complex as to be unproductive. received from time to time throughout the processing period, could not be slotted into its logical place for lack of room and could only be attached at the end of a section. addenda; the anomalies which have ensued, though greatly regretted, were inevitable, and every effort has been made to supply cross-referencing and links between items. Sections A and B have suffered particularly from these Furthermore, new material, which continued to be C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 CONTENT The sections into which the material is divided are listed on p.1-2 and each section is accompanied by a note on the principal features and interest. An account of CAC's scientific achievements, particularly in relation to molecular structure and bonding, is given in the Memoir by S.L. Altmann and E.J. Bowen FRS (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 20, 1974, 73-134) to which reference should be made and a copy of which is included in A.14.2. Mention is made there also of his 'many-sided' life, but only a study of the manuscript collection is likely to convey the actual work~ load he undertook or the charge of energy and dedication which he brought to it. tributes, as is the concluding episode when, learning that his illness was terminal, he signed eighty letters, many of which he typed himself, in the three days before his death to leave his life in order; place in the folders at the end of a lifetime's correspondence and friendship, or to close a newly-projected line of research, that their poignancy is realised. Similarly, his 'legendary' correspondence is referred to in several published is only when these letters take their but it From his first academic appointment at Dundee’ in 1938, CAC attached The care he showed for them extended to material details of housing, The paternalism of the guidance which he gave reflects the 'family' the greatest importance to fostering or creating research schools, and as his international reputation grew,his Summer Schools, Rencontres and other meetings developed into increasingly major undertakings of widely-attended renown, while he was under constant pressure to accept research students and colleagues His successive departments were pro- on sabbatical from all over the world. lific in publications and in students who continued to spread his methods and influence. schooling, and finance as well as to supervision of research and subsequent career. atmosphere he deliberately created through informal coffee gatherings, Christmas parties, summer picnics, reunions, anniversary celebrations and similar activities designed to foster a sense of community. continued This 'group' activity almost certainly derives from his particular pursuit of the religious life, and can already be seen strongly at work in CAC's years at Cambridge 1928 - 38, summer camps, fellowship sessions and the like for friends from city, country and university circles. put into practice in the Second World War) and his many humanitarian interests such as care for the unemployed or the refugees of the 1930s. The extent to which these concerns continued and proliferated in later years can be seen in the collection, though it is less easy to realise at first sight how deliberately he mingled 'science' and 'religion' in his life and how interfused they are in all his dealings. in which he organised meetings, Sunday schools, From the same years also date his pacifism (which he C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 lt might seem from the above that CAC was overly idealistic; but Though he was besieged by calls to lend his time, his the many letters in which he explains his decision this is not the case. name or his support to countless causes, many seemingly worthy, he by no means accepted them all; to decline such appeals are carefully reasoned, kind and helpful, but illumina- ting in their revelation of his sharp eye for ill-conceived, specious or uncandid proposals, Even so, he was prodigal in the causes he undertook and the energy he expended; the unpublished talks, sermons and contributions in the collection would, if brought together, double the official bibliography of 444 items. — Major writing or lecturing commitments were preceded by a culling of material - quotations, press-cuttings, statistics, etc., many annotated - which has its own interest in providing a tour d'horizon of a topic at a particular time. The working papers, calculations and correspondence, particularly in Section B, help to provide a picture of the development of theoretical chemistry as a subject of scientific research and as an academic discipline with which CAC was closely involved from about 1930 until his death in 1974. CAC was himself aware also of the importance of lecture notes and drafts as a source of historical information on teaching methods, curriculum development and the spread of new ideas from the frontiers of research through the various strata of the education system; hence his preservation of his notes taken as an undergraduate and graduate at Cambridge University (A. 19.8) and his retention and updating of his own lectures and talks. CAC's lt could His distinctive style, it reflects an unwearied patience, integrity and unfailing In many respects, the correspondence remains the feature of the most The range and number of CAC's correspondents may indeed lasting interest. be guessed from a glance at the general index, but the brobdignagian size and disparate content of his daily postbag can best be gauged from the folders of ‘shorter! exchanges where the random chance of alphabetical order has thrown together correspondence of every level of discourse and opinion. replies never cease to astonish, while being instantly recognisable. truly be said that he never wrote a routine letter. present from the earliest years, rests on a syntax designed to convey the quality of the speaking voice; concern with the welfare of his interlocutors, be they eminent colleagues, members of a congregation or unknown persons from the general public. touched countless lives, and never without effect. He C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 PRESENTATION Each item has three references, to Section, box and folder. The Sections are listed in the Table of Contents on pp.1-2; each box is given a separate page or pages in the handlist, together with the number of folders it contains, and a running title of its general contents, e.g. BOX B. 34 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 16 folders DESCRIPTIONS. Titles or descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the folders or documents, either in CAC's hand or in those of Mrs. Coulson and her advisers who looked through the material after his death. The documents are too numerous to be individually itemised or placed at the end of the relevant entry or entries. The only other abbreviation used is CAC, which Coulson himself it is hoped will suffice to furnish adequate guidance to its substance. calendared, but an account of the contents of each folder is given which or activities. Memcir by S.L. Altmann and E.J. Bowen are referred to in the form R.S. ... always employed when referring in the third person to his own writings Publications which are listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society ABBREVIATIONS C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 CORRESPONDENCE Two Sections of the collection, C and G, are devoted entirely to E correspondence. Each is further sub-divided as follows: Boxes C.1 - C.22 and G.1 - G.21: individually named folders of correspondents with whom CAC had frequent and extensive exchanges and relations; these folders are all listed, dated and indexed. on pp.134-135, 242. See introductory note Boxes C.23 - C.38: 'miscellaneous folders’ of shorter correspondence in which more than one correspondent is included; these folders are listed and indexed. See introductory note on p.154. Boxes C.39 - C.44: brief exchanges of letters, scientific and personal, not indexed, All other Sections also contain correspondence, much of it extensive, or of interest. correspondents appear in the general index. This has been noted in the handlist, and the names of the From about 1930, CAC almost always typed his letters and kept carbon Many of these copies, in all Sections of the collection, were made Note on the index of correspondents The general index on pp. 311-364 is not exhaustive. To have included the name of every correspondent would have produced an index of unmanageable proportions and doubtful utility. copies. on the backs of incoming letters, invitations, drafts and the like. Although many of these are of interest in themselves, it has not been possible to make a note of such cases or to index the individuals or organisations concerned. This information is repeated on p.)35and p.3!0 for ease of reference. personal letters from the general public (though see note on A.15 = A.17); Correspondents on matters in the following categories have not been minor editorial and publishing arrangements; routine departmental and university administration; formal requests for reprints, permission to use published material; included: NOTE: cases where only CAC's carbon copy survives. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL Bradford University Peace Studies Library: CAC's library. books, periodicals and pamphlets from Cambridge University University Library: and graduate (see A.19.8). CAC's notes on lectures attended as undergraduate Wesley House: CAC's papers relating to the 'Cambridge Group' movement. London University Audiovisual Centre: two videotapes of lecture ‘What happens to an electron in a molecule?! King's College Library: Science and Religion, separately housed as 'the Coulson Collection’. « comprehensive collection of books on Open University (see B. 10.6) Oxford University Royal Society, London (3) collection of CAC's publications. Bodleian Library: addenda to main collection CAC's correspondence with W. Hume-Rothery (2) (CSAC 1/73, Items 132, 132a, 133, 133a). Tape of lecture ‘Making Models. What is applied mathematics all about?' (1) (restricted to 2004, including information about individuals and organisations, and family letters). Collection of CAC's publications. Mathematical Institute: photographs of CAC and scientific books from CAC's library. Theoretical Chemistry Department:. books from CAC's library and collection of CAC's publications. photographs of CAC, scientific Wadham College Library: scientific books from CAC's library. Radcliffe Science Library: scientific books from CAC's library. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 CONSPECTUS Pp. 268 - 290 contain a conspectus of CAC's publications as listed in the Royal Society Memoir and the principal items in the collection to which they refer. Only the more extended references (to research, publica~ tion or reception of work and ensuing correspondence) are given, minor allusions in letters, requests for reprints, etc. being omitted. There are 444 listed publications in the Memoir; B.42.6 and 7 refer to posthumously published articles which take the number to 447. Pp. 291 - 309 contain a photocopy of the Bibliography of CAC's publications as listed in the Biographical Memoir by $.L. Altmann and E. J. Bowen F.R.S. to which reference has been made throughout in the form R.S. _._It is reproduced here by permission in order to enable users of the Conspectus to identify the full titles of published works elsewhere referred to only by their numbers. Although it is hoped that the conspectus will be useful in charting George B. Pegram Lectures at Brookhaven (Box B.5). The box of book reviews (D.9) assembles 200 items of writings and Several series of major invitation lectures given by CAC on scientific and religious matters remained unpublished because of continuing pressure of output through the spoken word in radio and television programmes, sermons, text, attention is drawn particularly to Section D. Religious, Humanitarian panels, conferences, discussion groups, colloquia and meetings. In this con- the fortunes of the listed works, it must be stressed that these represent only a part even of CAC's written work, and virtually ignore his vast and influential This information is repeated on p.267 for ease of reference. correspondence on scientific and religious subjects not recorded in the official Sir D. Owen Evans Lectures at Aberystwyth (A.20.2, D.4.5 = D.4.9) the work; among these are the Firth Lecture at Nottingham (D.4.3, D.4.4), the bibliography. NOTE: C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The catalogue of the Coulson papers has been a collective labour and we are very grateful to the following individuals: to Mrs. E. Coulson, Miss R. Schwerdt, Dr. R.B. Mallion, Dr. W.E. Duncanson and Dr. S.L. Altmann for their initial work in ordering the papers and for information and advice during the later stages of preparing the handlist for publication; to the Department of Western Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library for making available space in the stack in which to work on the collection and for advice on its arrangements and presentation; to Mrs. M.M. Edwards for careful and accurate typing, and immense patience with successive drafts and emendations of the handlist. J.B. Alton H.H. Weiskittel July 1978 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL 20 BOXES Although the boxes in this Section contain the major part of the biographical material, many folders in the other Sections also include biographical and personal information. This arises in part from CAC's distinctive correspondence style but principally from his deliberate mingling of scientific, religious and personal interest throughout his career. The most strfking of these references are indicated and cross-referenced in the handlist. Other biographical material, photographs and correspondence remain in family hands. Since the documents were received and processed piecemeal (see under PROVENANCE in the General Introduction), accurate chronological as fully as possible. There is an explanatory note on Boxes A.5- A.11 or subject order could not be maintained, but cross-references are given (‘Travel arrangements') on p.20. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A. 1 DIARIES 46 items All the items listed below are pocket diaries, with the exception of A.1.8., A.1.31. and A.1.38. Actels 1931] A.1.14. | 1943 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 od. coe 1944. Ae Ges Gee es eletls 1946-47 st. 1S, 1947-48 Lee? 1948-49 1937 1938 1939 1942 12%; 1950-51 els20. 1949-50 lees 1952-53 <1 ee 1951-52 1938 (ledger) Box A.1 continued 1.25. . elnee 1955-56 1.24. 1953-54 1940 194] 1954-55 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.1 continued A.1.27. 1956-57 A.1.28. 1957-58 Ars 1958-59 30. 1959-60 é : ‘ 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1959 N.B. (engagement diary. the period of CAC's service as Vice~ President of the Methodist Conference 1959-60) This covers 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1965-66 1964-65 1969-70 1962-66 (5-year diary) 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.2 BIOGRAPHICAL AND CAREER 15 folders A.2.41; Home, School and University records. 1910-34 Includes family photographs, school reports, notices, letters and press-cuttings of scholarships and awards; CAC's itemised account of his expenditure at Cambridge 1928-31, his letters home re job and career prospects 1931 (before the award of a Research Scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge). Folder inscribed 'Jobs'. 1932-54 Misc. applications for posts, offers of posts abroad, many with lists of publications, testimonials, correspondence. _ Includes: Correspondence re teaching posts at Harrow School, Winchester College 1932. Applications for: Readership in Mathematics, Imperial College Lecturership in Mathematics, Dundee Chair of Mathematics, Bangor Chair of Mathematics, Swansea Chair of Physics, Dundee ICI Research Fellowship, Oxford Fellowship in Mathematics, Magdalen College, yo» | a xfore London Rouse Ball Professorship in Mathematics, Oxford Wykeham Professorship of Theoretical Physics, Oxford Chair of Theoretical Physics, King's College, Offers of posts abroad (declined) and related correspondence: Folder A.2.2. continued Correspondence with W.P. Milne reCAC's réplacing Brodetsky at Leeds University for one term. IIlinois Institute of Technology Ahamabad Physical Research Institute University of Illinois Letter from R.H. Fowler on comparative merits of careers in teaching or research. Folder also includes: (see also B.7.1.-4.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.2 A.2.2. continued continued 5 letters from Sir Edmund Whittaker. Correspondence with H.S. Allen re teaching of Pure and Applied Mathematics at St. Andrew's. Miscellaneous certificates of residence and education at Cambridge. ‘Miscellaneous work correspondence’. Includes: Correspondence and reports on pupils at Cambridge. 1933-34 Invitation to review book on specira for CUP. 1934 Scientific correspondence with Ronald P. Bell. Correspondence on hydrogen spectrum, with W. Mayo Venable. Correspondence with G. Rabel re his script on Max Planck. Correspondence with Oliver and Boyd re CAC's publications (see also E.13.7.). 1942-48, 1957, 1962, 1965 1943 1951 1951-52 1935 1934, 1948-53 Box A.2 continued ‘Centenary Supper Party correspondence 1958". with Charles Raven with lan Ramsey soe 7 (see also D.7.9.) Miscellaneous correspondence of CAC with Bishop of Ely re CAC's Confirmation into the Anglican Church 1951 Pictures for guessing games, etc. at ‘Centenary Party’ 1958, painted by Miss E. Huggett (sister-in-law of D.E. Lea qv.). - This was a party given to celebrate publication of 100th paper by CAC's Quantum Group in the Mathe- matical Institute, Oxford. Folder includes numerous letters and messages of congratulation (not indexed). (see also Box A.4 for papers re other anniversary celebrations) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.2 continued A.2.7. sermon ‘Matters associated with Vice~Presidency of the Methodist Conference 1959’. Includes: miscellaneous biographical notes; 'Christ confronts our age', and various shorter writings and messages for Methodist newsletters and copy of CAC's speech to Conference publications; (part in reply to his nomination as Vice-President; only) schedule of engagements undertaken, and CAC's letter of advice (July 1960) to Marjorie Lonsdale, a subsequent Vice-President, on the problems and pleasures of the office; letter of good wishes sent to CAC from 1973 Conference. (see A.1.31. for CAC's engagement diary for the Vice-Presidential year) Biographical material, recollections and tributes assembled 1974-75 for compilation of Royal Society Memoir, from family, friends and colleagues. (see also A. 14.2.) These are a selection of letters passed on Letters of condolence to Mrs. Coulson with recollections of CAC. by Mrs. Coulson for their biographical interest. The remainder of the correspondence received after CAC's death remains in family hands. 1973-74 CAC's passports 1936-74. Spiral-bound notebook inscribed 'Lending Library' and containing CAC's list of books borrowed from his own library. at Clifton College. Ledger-type notebook, containing list of books pur- chased by CAC for his Quantum Theory Group, with notes of sources of finance. Exercise book, 'Geometrical Conics', begun at Clifton College and continued at Trinity College, Cambridge. Folder of miscellaneous souvenirs, press-cuttings, signed menus, photographs, etc. Folder of mathematical drawings by 'Coulson ma’, C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.3 A.3.1. CORRESPONDENCE AND CAREER 10 folders Correspondence exchanged with parents 1931-43. Includes letters and press~cuttings re CAC's visit to USA to lecture on pacifism, 1937 (see also A.13.3., D.5.7.) and some early photographs of CAC's pakshts, 1905-06. Correspondence exchanged with twin brother, John Metcalfe Coulson, 1934-70. CAC's letter of 27 October 1935 contains a spirited account of the incident when he gave up the set of rooms allotted to, and furnished by, him in Trinity to A.E. Housman, who had reluctantly accepted his doctor's advice to move into ground-floor rooms because of his Housman occupied the rooms until heart condition. his death in April 1936, but CAC declined the offer to move back into them because the alterations made to accommodate Housman had made them less attractive to him (see A.3.3. below). Folder includes a small amount of correspondence with other relatives and friends. Includes: Miscellaneous correspondence of biographical interest, 1933-38. 2 letters from A.E. Housman, December 1935, re his occupation of CAC's allotted rooms in Trinity (see A.3.2. above). Correspondence with Fellows of Trinity re this incident (see A. 3.2. above). Correspondence with R.H. Fowler re CAC's deferred doctorate, November 1936; CONT TICS correspondence re arrangements organised by CAC for elocution classes for local Methodist preachers; correspondence with W.R. Dean, 1932, 1936; letters from Patrick Duff (1935) and H.S.M. Coxeter (1932, offering CAC his rooms and furniture in Trinity); enquiry by CAC re External Ph.D. at London (before award of Prize Fellowship at Trinity) 1933; letter from J.E. Lennard~Jones re CAC's career, February 1937; short notes from J.J. Thomson, G.F.C. Searle; correspondence re pupils at Cambridge; , 3, 7 5 @ on, ond c.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.3 continued Ac 3i3. continued letter from CAC to Junior Bursar, Trinity College, expressing the wish that the 'bedders' for him and D.E. Lea might be excused their duties over Good Friday and Easter Monday, and allowed a holiday, 1934; letter from Charles Raven regretting that a visit to Ireland would prevent him from solemnising the marriage of Charles and Eileen Coulson, 1938. | Miscellaneous correspondence and accounts re purchase of books, furniture, etc. for CAC's rooms in Trinity College, 1934-35 (see A.3.2. above, and R.S. Memoir, p.79). Correspondence with Deans, Bursars, etc. of various Cambridge Colleges re CAC's scheme for helping un- employed men by training them as guides to the colleges, 1933. CAC's appearance before Conscientious Objectors Tribunal, 1939-40. Includes: official documents re registration as Conscientious Objector, and arrangements for Tribunal, with CAC's statement of his beliefs, August 1940; related press-cuttings and printed matter. Miscellaneous correspondence 1933-54. similar statements of belief, and correspondence from G.S. Rushbrooke and others; Folder also includes correspondence with JoE. Lennard- Jones offering CAC a place in his wartime group, which CAC declined on conscientious grounds, 1939. (see also A. 12.6.) Correspondence with Secretary, China Christian Universities Association re invitation to CAC to teach at ‘Yenching University (CAC declined because of his commitments ot King's College, London), 1947. Folder includes letters on personal, scientific and religious matters, some relatively trivial, others of biographical interest. Miscellaneous notes and speeches of thanks by CAC on award of Honorary Degrees. Miscellaneous domestic correspondence, f ; 1950-60 A.3.9. A.3.10. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.4 ANNIVERSARIES AND REUNIONS A.4.1. CAC's 60th birthday conference in Oxford, April 1971. 4 folders 197] Lists of guests and participants, greetings from friends and colleagues (not indexed). (see also A. 14.13. for photograph) Celebration of publications of 100 papers by Department of Theoretical Physics, King's College, London. Correspondence, accounts, lists of guests, souvenirs. "Reunion colloquium and travel claims' re One-day Symposium of Wave Mechanics and Quantum Theory Group, Oxford. Arrangements, correspondence with colleagues and participants (not indexed), lists of guests. A.4.4. (see also A.2.5. and A.2.6., Quantum Group celebrations in 1958 and Miscellaneous correspondence re above (not indexed). A.14.14., Opening of Theoretical Chemistry Department, Oxford, 1973) Ck: Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOXES A.5-A.11 'TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS! The description ‘Travel Arrangements', which was that already on the folders, has been retained for convenience. The boxes contain, in addition to travel schedules and arrange- ments, many other documents relating to CAC's extensive overseas lecture tours and attendance at international conferences. scientific correspondence, notes and drafts for papers to be delivered by CAC or They include personal and colleagues, comments on the above, editorial correspondence and arrangements for publication, and the like. There is also extensive correspondence and material concerning CAC's ‘incidental’ or 'spare-time' visits to churches, chapels, religious groups, student societies and similar organizations during his visits abroad, sometimes on behalf of official sponsors such as the British Council, the Royal Society, or Oxfam, sometimes as a result of the numerous appeals he re~ His reports on some of these visits are included, and ceived to visit or preach. indicated in the list below. The folders attest both the tightly-packed schedules CAC drew care and humanity with which he discharged them. Many of the folders include notes or texts for talks not published elsewhere or listed in the bibliography of the Memoir. References to the latter For similar conferences and activities in the UK, see especially are given where relevant, as are cross-references to other sections of the handlist. up for these visits and the variety of his commitments, as well as the punctilious Section E. C.A.Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOXA.5 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1948-1955 9 folders ALS. Molecular Electronic Quantum Mechanics Con- ference, sponsored by University of Texas and National Science Foundation, held at Austin, Texas, 7-9 December 1955; 4-18 December 1955. and CAC's visits in USA, Includes: conference programme, photograph, travel and financial arrangements, CAC's netes, abstract of CAC's paper, invitations to visit other universities (M.1.T., Universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northwestern and Chicago) and related correspondence. Symposium of the Quantum Theory of Molecules, Stockholm and Uppsala, 21-25 March 1955. Includes: conference programme and abstracts of papers delivered, lists of participants, CAC's notes, correspondence re CAC's lectures in Oslo and Trondheim, travel arrangements. Lectures in Belgium, 11-16 January 1954. (sponsored by the British Council) Invitation and travel arrangements. 18-26 March Lectures in Madrid and Valladolid 1953. (sponsored by the British Council) Includes: CAC's notes for, and typescript of, lectures; invitations to lecture; correspondence with British Council and Spanish Embassy; CAC's report to the British Council on his visit. Box A.5 continued invitation to give lectures, schedule of visits, Includes: printed matter re both universities, correspondence from sponsors and from members of audience aft lecture, inclu- ding exchonge with Mrs. Ellen Knox re Einstein's views on the influence of a scientist's personality on his research. The McNair Lectures were published as Science and Christian Belief. R.S. 165 (see also D.12.1.-D.12.2.) Visit to University of North Carolina to deliver the McNair Lectures, and to Haverford College as Philips Visitor, April 1954. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.5 continued A.5.6. International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, 7-29 September 1953. Includes: extensive correspondence re pacifism and religion; invitations to lecture; CAC's notes on Japanese scientific work. Conference on Quantum-Mechanical Methods in Valence Theory, Shelter Island, New York, 8-10 September 1951. Includes: conference programme and printed informa~ tion; ms. and typescript of CAC's contribution and his comments on other papers presented at the con- ference; offprints and publications; correspondence, including invitation (declined) to lecture at Harvard during visit to USA, 133, R.S. 131, (see also B.1.19, B.1.22, G.3.4.-G.3.6.) 137, 132, 136, 138 Visit to Switzerland, April 1951 Lecture tour in Holland, 5-28 March 1949. Schedule of visit, and lectures to be given at Zurich and Basle; organization of visit. brief correspondence with colleagues re Correspondence with colleagues re subjects and time table of lectures, letters of thanks, etc. Includes: travel arrangements and programme of lectures; extensive ms. notes and drafts for lectures on 'Methods of Molecular Orbitals', ‘Methods of Atomic Orbitals', ‘Hybridisation’, 'Conjugated Com- pounds’, 'Polarities and Strengths of Bonds', 'Colour', ‘Future Developments', extended lecture on ‘Benzene’. (see also B.17.6., B.34.9.) Correspondence with organiser E, Bauer re organiza- tion, and participants, and re subsequent visit to Paris by CAC; with M. Hoaissinsky re publication of paper given by CAC at symposium. Symposium on Chemical Bonding, organized by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 4-11, 12-18 April 1948. "1948 Rio.e0 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.6 A.6.1. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1956-1958 10 folders University of Malaya - External Examiner 1958-59. 1958-59 Correspondence re lectures, examining, appointments. (see also A.6.3. below) Washington USA Methodist Conference, 2-6 July 1958. 1958 Includes: ments, correspondence re -CAC's address. printed matter re conference, travel arrange- R.S. 220 (see also D.7.4.) Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, 8-16 May 1958. CAC was External Examiner. Includes: programme for CAC's visit, requests for visits, talks and sermons, correspondence with academic and religious colleagues and friends, typescript article 'l write as a Christian’ published in Peace News 1.8.58. (see also A.6.1. above) ‘Belgium. Brussels. 10-15 April 1958' Colloque International sur Le Calcul des fonctions d'onde moléculaires, Paris, September 1957. 1957 CAC served as member of the Jury for the award of the Francqui Prize. Includes: printed matter re Fondation Francqui, invitation to serve, correspondence with organisers and colleagues. Box A.6 continued Correspondence with organisers, arrongements for publication of paper, ms. abstracts of papers to be delivered, some scientific correspondence 1956-58 'From benzene to graphite', 3rd Carbon Conference, Buffalo, 10-14 June 1957. 1957 R.S. 226 (see also B.39.8.) Invitation to read paper, travel arrangements, correspondence with organisers and colleagues. Ries cee (CAC cancelled his visit because of ill-health) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.6 A.6.7. continued Lecture tour to Holland, 10-15 December 1956. 1956 Schedule of lectures, travel arrangements, notes on talks to be given, correspondence re scientific and religious talks 1955-57. | International Symposium on Hydrogen Bonding, Ljubljana. Programme, lists of participants, abstracts of papers read, some annotated by CAC; correspondence with organisers; arrangements for publication 1956-58. 9th World Methodist Conference, Lake Junaluska, North Carolina, August-September 1956. 1956 Travel and visa arrangements, printed information re conference, arrangements for delivery and publica- tion of CAC's lecture 'Nuclear knowledge and Christian responsibility’, miscellaneous correspondence with organisers, delegates and participants. Reo. 192 (see also D.1.5., F.7.3. (Epworth Press)) Arrangements for lectures delivered in USA after World Methodist Conference, September 1956, at: Personal and scientific correspondence re lectures and Bell Telephone Co., Murray Hill, New Jersey University of Rochester, New York DuPont Co. Experimental Station. visits 1955-56. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.7 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1959-62 Reda Vs Visit to South Africa, to give Peter Ainslie Memorial Lecture, and to conduct the Mission to Rhodes University, 21 July-14 August 1962. Includes: programme of visit, programmes for services, requests for articles, correspondence with Methodist clergy and student associations re organization and publicity for Mission etc., summary of addresses given by CAC in Belfast (January 1962). R.S. 289 (see also D.1.7. and A.7.3. below) Visit to Israel, April 1962 Includes: correspondence with the British Council re arrangements for visit, programme of Pesach School in Theoretical Chemistry (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) at which CAC lectured, CAC's report to the British Council on his visits to Pesach School and to Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, and Technion, Haifa. 1962 World Council of Churches Assembly, New Delhi, 17 November-8 December 1961. 1961 printed material re Council and Semel, printed programmes, press~cuttings, etc., Includes: correspondence with organisers and with those who had attended the Mission, summary of addresses, typescript of addresses 'Science and the Mission' and 'Prelude to Mission’. Mission to Queen's University, Belfast, 28 January~ 4 February 1962. Box A.7 cantinued Includes: invitations to visit and lecture on scientific and religious topics in course of visit,from many colleagues, organizations, etc., travel schedules, correspondence with scientists and colleagues in India and UK re problems of Indian science and possibilities of assistance from Britain, ms. drafts for CAC's 'Appeal to all Governments and People’. (see also F.6.14.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.7 continued Palid. Conference on Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Boulder, Colorado, June 1959. Includes: programme of conference and abstracts of papers presented, CAC's notes taken during conference, typescript of CAC's paper 'The present state of molecular structure calculations', correspondence. R.5. 251; (see also B.1.6.) George Fisher Baker Lectures, Cornell University New York, Hilary Term, January-April 1959. (includes many subsidiary visits and talks) Arrangements for Sabbatical leave, personal arrange- ments for travel grants, house, car, school, finance, etc., correspondence re programme of lectures at Cornell, numerous invitations to lecture, to visit other universities, industrial and research laboratories, etc.; some scientific correspondence. (see also B.9.1.-B.9.21.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.8 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1963-64 A.8.1. Visit to Russia, 7-22 January 1963. 5 folders 1963 CAC visited Russia under the Exchange Agreement between the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and He visited Moscow, Leningrod the Royal Society. and Kiev. | travel arrangements and schedules, back- Includes: ground information from the British Council, the Royal Society, etc., correspondence with colleagues in UK and USSR, CAC's correspondence and reports on his visit, ms. of Preface to Russian translation of CAC's book Valence. Correspondence with Herbert Dingle on theories and writings of G. Sapunov in connection with CAC's visit to Russia. 1962-63 - Visit to Czechoslovakia, 2-13 July 1963. travel schedules and arrangements for Includes: lectures, some scientific correspondence and ms. notes. 1964 travel schedules and correspondence on Includes: scientific and religious lectures (see also D.2.7.). Visit to Duke University, North Carolina, 3-11 October 1963. During this visit CAC also delivered four Mead-Swing Lectures at Oberlin College, Cleveland, Ohio, on: Overcrowded Molecules The New Fluorides of the Inert Gases Science and the Idea of God Science, Civilization and Religion and Purpose’. Mission to the University, Dublin, February-March 1964. Includes: dence 1962-64, travel schedule, miscellaneous correspon- typescript talk on 'Science, Power TYP p 1 i C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.9 ADs bs TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1964-66 6 folders Visit to Fordham University, Bronx, New York, to deliver a series of four lectures, 17-30 September 1966. 1966 invitation and related correspondence re Includes: scheduling of visit, lectures and other engagements during stay, programme of lectures (including one titled 'Religion and Science 1983-85') (see also D.2.8.), invitation and related correspondence re CAC's participation in Conference on Science and Religion sponsored by Broadway Presbyterian Church. Lectures to Hungarian Academy of Science, 19-29 September 1965. (sponsored by the British Council and the Royal Society) 1965 Includes: correspondence with sponsors re travel arrangements, insurance, etc., background information, correspondence with officers of Academy re topics for lectures, personal and scientific correspondence with Hungarian colleagues, CAC's report to the British Council on visit. Visit to Nigeria, 1-22 January 1965. Includes: schedule of visit, correspondence and CAC's report to the British Council. Visit to Australia, 19-27 April 1964, to deliver scientific and religious lectures in Sydney and Melbourne. 1964 CAC attended meetings organized by World Council of Churches, and gave scientific lectures under the aegis of the British Council. Includes: schedule of visit and printed programme of lectures, correspondence with Wesley Coilege, Universities of Sydney and Melbourne re visits, topics for lectures, letters of thanks, etc.; letters to CAC following his radio broadcast. Box A.9? continued (see also D.7.6.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.9 continued A.9.5. CAC's visit was at the invitation of the Methodist Spiritual Advance Committee. Includes: correspondence with leaders of Methodist community re scheduling of visit, proposed itinerary, topics for lectures, numerous invitations from Methodist, pacifist and university groups, with letters of thanks, etc., correspondence with scientific colleagues re CAC's lectures to university departments. Solvay Conference, 13™© Conseil de Chimie, de l'Institut International de Chimie, Brussels, 25-30 October 1965. Includes: correspondence with conference organisers for CAC to give the opening address, and for its publica- tion in text of the Proceedings, programme, printed copies of papers to be presented and of discussions. Includes unlabelled folder of scientific notes, cal- culations and drawings for figures. R.S. 361 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.10 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1966-71 10 folders — A101. ‘Utah and Vancouver trip, August 1971'. 1971 College of Science Colloquium, Utah State University: programme, official documents, corres~ pondence 1971. | (see also A.20.4.) Fourth Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of British Columbia: programme, list of participants, correspondence 1971. (see also B.20.9.) University of Cincinnati, Ohio CAC was Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, 3-16 January 1970. Includes: correspondence re schedule of lectures and social engagements, invitations to visit other universities, miscellaneous printed matter, news- letters, press~cuttings, programme of symposium on molecular quantum mechanics. A.10.3.-A.10.4. Visit to University of East Africa as Royal Society Visiting Professor, November 1968-March 1969. 1968-69 A.10.3. | Correspondence with Royal Society and University officers re schedule of visit and topics for lectures, 23pp. typescript report to Royal Society (with covering letter to P.M.S. Blackett), and printed copy of report. Box A.10. continued Official documents, financial arrangements re visit, photograph, press-cuttings, corres- pondence with universities and colleges in East Africa, correspondence with Methodist Missionary Society and Overseas Development Institute. (see also B.16.1.-B.16.3. for lectures, corres- pondence and background materia! on East African affairs, and F.5.10. for CAC's reports on Oxfam projects in Africa which he visited in the course of this journey) Ch. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.10 A.10.5. continued XXII Congress of the International Union of Pureand Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Australia, and Chemical Society meetings in Australia and New Zealand, 7-28 August 1969. 1969 CAC's schedule, correspondence re travel and Includes: financial arrangements; lecture schedules and publicetion services to be conducted by CAC, broad- arrangements; casts by CAC, some scientific correspondence, material and correspondence re Hon. D.Sc. conferred by University of Otago, New Zealand. R.S. 401 (see also A.20.3., B.41.10.) 1968 Visit to Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, to deliver a series of lectures on 'Non-Valence Reactions’, 18 March-17 April 1968. Includes: correspondence re schedule of visit, proposed topics for lectures, financial arrangements, accommoda- tion, programme of visit, many invitations to visit universities and research establishments (Rutgers, Princeton, George Washington University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Rochester, Syracuse, McGill, Toronto, Columbia universities). . 1967 1968 A.10.7. (see also B.12.1.-B.12.5.) Visit to Rio de Janeiro, 18-20 April 1968, and correspondence. Visit to Nebraska for convocation on ‘Foundations for Christian Mission', 30 November-3 December 1967. Includes: programme of visit, correspondence with Methodist leaders, ms. drafts and typescript notes for two addresses given at convocation: ‘Foundations in Scientific Understanding’ and 'Foundations in Human Values'; CAC's notes, invitations to deliver scientific lectures at University of Nebraska. Box A.10 continued of West Indies to give valedictory Visit to University service, 16-27 June 1967. Includes: arrangements for visit, scheduling of lectures and sermons, itinerary of lectures and accommodation, correspondence re Oxfam. 1967 pd A mY . t C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.10 continued A,10.9. "India Spectroscopy Conference, Bombay, and Oxfam visits’, 4-13 January 1967. Includes: programme and printed matter re con- ference, invitations to visit other universities and laboratories, itinerary and schedule of visits, draft notes for abstract, ms. and typescripi notes for CAC's conference contribution, and those taken during conference discussions, including comments on CAC's paper by R.S. Mulliken, and CAC's reply; some scientific correspondence. R.S. 353, (see also B.8.10.) Summer Schools on Theoretical Chemistry, Yugoslavia and Hungary, 1967. Includes: correspondence re scheduling, etc., programme, list of participants. 1967 (see also B.4.15. drafts of lectures on Non-Valence Interaction, delivered at the School) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.11 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 1950-74 6 folders A.11.1. 'Foreign engagements pending 1950-57". Miscellaneous invitations to lecture, mostly declined or deferred (not indexed). folder of correspondence 1953-56 \re Includes: proposed symposium on The Resonance Controversy (with L. Pauling and D. Sokolov as contributors) and CAC's intended contribution 'Marxist and Western accounis of resonance’. (see also D.8.6.) "Possible future visits to U.S.A. Invitations 1959-69' Miscellaneous invitations to give scientific and religious lectures, mostly declined or deferred (not indexed). (see also A.13.12.) "Trieste Winter College, 10-16 January 1972'. Includes: correspondence with colleagues and organisers re lectures at International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. R.S. 430 R.S. 428 (see also B.1.8. and B.10.16.) Visit to Israel, January 1973. Visit to U.S.A., 1972. Includes: correspondence re address given by CAC at Robert A. Welch Foundation, Houston, Texas, and other visits, also lectures at General Electric. Correspondence re CAC's last engagements 1972-74, Includes: correspondence, travel schedule, conference programmes, report by CAC to Royal Society on visits 31 December 1972-14 January 1973; to Farkash Symposium, Jerusalem; Tel-Aviv and Negev Universities; Technion, Haifa; Weizmann Institute, Rehovot. (see also A.13.14. and B.1.8.) C.C. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.12 FAMILY AND BIOGRAPHICAL 10 iténis Account books of Alfred Coulson (CAC's father), showing itemised daily and annual income and expenditure. Al’st oe Y200-1915 Asi2.2. “ I91G-1993 A.12.3. 1933-1949 A.12.4. 1950-1953 Includes a note by CAC about his father, left un- finished at his (CAC's) death. The Brotherton Library, University of Leeds, holds the following sets of notes taken by CAC's father at Owen's College, Manchester,and Yorkshire College: Notebook of experiments in physics carried out as an undergraduate at the Yorkshire College, 1694-96 (MS. 239) Notebook of experiments in physics carried out at Owen's College, Manchester, 1899-1900 (MS. 241) _ Honours and awards (c) 1924 1956-73 Physics lecture notes from January 1900 (MS. 243) Physics lecture notes, Yorkshire College, 1895-96 (MS 244) Chemistry lecture notes, Yorkshire College, 1894-95 (MS. 242) Essay by CAC 'The City and County of Bristol’, written at Clifton College. Official correspondence with universities and societies. Whenever there is material in addition to the correspondence, a note is given below. rider A.12.6. continued New York Academy of Sciences, Hon. Life Member- ship: certificate. University of Sheffield, Firth Visiting Professor- ship of Chemistry. University of Leicester, Hon, D.Sc.: copy of loureation address. British Institute of Radiology, Silvanus Thompson Memorial Medal and Lecture. 1956 1962 1963 1968-69 196? Société Chimique de Belgique, Hon. Member. ic 17 : aon C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.12 continued A.12.6. continued University of East Anglia, Hon. D.Sc.: copy of laureation address. University of Otago, Hon. D.Sc. 1969 1969 University of Bradford, Hon. D.Tech. 1970-72 Royal Society, the Davy Medal: copy of citation. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Foreign Member. University of Cambridge, Hon. D.Sc. : news~ clippings, copy of laureation address, menu and seating plan for luncheon. 1970 197] 197] University of Sheffield, Hon. D.Litt. University of Kent, Hon. D.Sc. University of Stockholm, Hon. Fil.D. University of Hull, Hon. D.Sc. University of Manchester, Hon. D.Sc. Goodricke College, York University, member of oO Croatian Chemical Society, Hon. Fellow. King's College, London, Hon. Fellow. (see also A.3.10. for miscellaneous speeches of thanks by CAC for honorary degrees) Pp Perr University of St. Andrews, Hon. D.D.: copy of laureation address. Numerous biographical notes on CAC, prepared for various bibliographical and reference works, lists of publications and of endowed lectures given, etc. Linnett at Nottingham, September 1974, Miscellaneous correspondence on career, 1959, 1967-74. Folder includes tribute to CAC given by Professor J.W. School exercise bock 'Special Set A Chemistry. Muirhead', lecture notes. Mr. School exercise book, with notes on physics, lecture notes. n.d. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.13 BIOGRAPHICAL AND CAREER A.13.1. Notebook 'Long vac. term 1931': miscellaneous laboratory experiments, indexed at front of book by CAC. 18 folders 193] Applications for Commonwealth and other Fellow- ships. Press-cuttings re CAC's first USA tour, when he lectured for the Emergency Peace Campcign. (see also A.3.1., D.5.7.) Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Miscellaneous correspondence re membership and sub~ scription to learned societies: A.13.5. | American Physical Society A.13.6. Chemical Society (see also E.2.1., Be Aread 1939-73 1947-70 A.13.7. | American Chemical Society (see also B.10.4., E.4.1. and E.4.2.) Ac 13.25 Faraday Society (see also E.3.1.) A.13.8. Institute of Physics (see also E.4.3.) Membership of Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, formal correspondence only. Election to Honorary Membership of American Academy of Arts and Sciences: correspondence and certificate, Box A,13 continued 'Half-promises' for numerous engagements and in~ vitations to speak (religiousiand scientific), mainly in UK, Notes taken by CAC of lectures by Professor George Temple FRS on ‘Eigenvalues and Eigen- vectors’. (see also A.11.1., A.11.2.) (see Box B.13.) 1948-70 1952-72 1958 1963 (1955, 1960-66 — (c) 1965 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.13 A.13.14. A.13.15. A.13.16. continued Correspondence, travel arrangements, etc. for CAC's last journey abroad, to receive Hon. degree at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July 1973. Includes transcript of recording of Farkash Memorial Lecture, delivered by CAC in January 1973 in Jerusalem. (see also A.11.5.) ‘Correspondence as member of Committee of Edin- burgh Mathematical Society’. 1939-42, 1974 Miscellaneous biographical correspondence; several of these letters contain interesting thoughts and recollections of a personal and biographical nature, 1959=73 Correspondence with and re Wadham College, Oxford. 197 1-72 ‘Possible scientists' peace appeal', an international text drafted by Michel Magat (Paris). 1948 CAC's correspondence with Magat and other interested British scientists on the merits of the appeal. (see also C.12.7.) C.A,. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.14 A.14.1. REMINISCENCES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Correspondence re cward of the Lecomte de Nouy Prize to CAC for his book Science and Christian Belief 1955, and later correspondence with Mrs. Lecomte de Nouy re CAC's nomination as Hon, Member of the Foundation, and its affairs. (see also D.12.1.-D.12.2.) 17 items 1955-56, 1963-66 E.J, Bowen for the Royal Society Miscellaneous tributes and reminiscences of CAC, collected by Biographical Memoir, frora Norman March, Stanley Rushbrooke, C. Strachan (of personal and scientific interest). Folder includes copy of Memoir. (see also A.2.8.) Group photographs taken at CAC's Summer Schools, arranged chronologically. There is a key for all the photographs except that for 1971. A A A A A A A A A A 1957 14.3, 1959 14.4. 1960 14.5, 1966 14.6. 1967 14.7. 1968 14.8. 1970 14.9. sta, OT9eS Heth a ltl2 Sie te. oe (see also A.4.1.) (see also B.16.4., B.15.5.) Group photograph of CAC's 60th Birthday Conference, held in Oxford, April 1971 (with key). matical Society, May 1938 (with key), Correspondence and papers re dinner for members of Theoretical Chemistry Department, to commemorate its opening. Xerox of photograph of Theoretical Chemistry Building, South Parks Read, Oxford. Photographs of CAC, taken during a lecture given in Denmark, Photograph of Trinity College Cambridge Mathe- 1971 1973 (c) 195 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE, BOX A.15, BOX A.16 CAMBRIDGE 13, and 17 folders These boxes ccntain personal correspondence, mainly local with friends made in Cambridge. and university people, some of short acquaintance and others who became The correspondents include city, lifelong friends. The subject matter is chiefly religion, pacifism, humanitar- CAC's influence as an active moral force janism and principles of conduct. in the lives of others is clearly seen, and the letters cast considerable light on his scientific and personal development. The names of only a few correspondents appear in the general index, but a full dication of subject matter, is enclosed with each box. list of correspondents, with dates and a brief in- A.15.1. -A.15.13. B-L A.16.1. -A.16.17. L-W C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.17 ‘CAMBRIDGE GROUP! AND METHODISM 17 folders Personal correspondence, mainly related to the ‘Cambridge Group' of Methodists in which CAC played an active role 1931-38, and to Methodist activities, meetings and conferences, The subject matter and interest of the correspondence are similar to those of A.15 and A.16, and some of the correspondents overlap. A list of correspondents is enclosed with the box. CAC especially asked that his papers relating to the 'Cambridge Group' movement be preserved. Reverend W.H. Beales, founder of the movement, is housed in the archives of Wesley House, Cambridge. A collection, including papers of the elke cleo Individual correspondence folders (list enclosed in box). Cambridge Group Conference at Cardiff, 1932, organised by CAC and Eric Duncanson: programme, reports, efc. Conference Committee on Corporate Prayer: correspondence, drafts for manuals, reports of activities. Cambridge Group on Psychology, organised by Harold Beales: programme of activities drawn up by Beales, circular letter by CAC. (see also F.1.1.) 'Children's Stories, etc.' Folder of printed material, ms. notes and out~ lines of stories, songs and hymns suitable for children, assembled by CAC. Letter from Eileen Burrett [Mrs. Coulson] recommending suitable material, 1935. Friendship Circle. Miscellaneous correspondence with friends, mainly ‘Cambridge Group' 1931-38 (not sorted or indexed). 1948-50 1931-38 1933-35 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.18 SUMMER CAMPS 1934-42 The box contains 11 folders relating to the organization by CAC of his Summer Camps in various parts of the country. All the folders include correspondence, details of travel and camping arrangements, a budget and journal for the camp. A.18.1. st6.2. > ee > A 18.4. A 18 oD. A st Os Os A » [Oey A. A. A. A, C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.19 BIOGRAPHICAL 9 folders Ac19. 1. 'Philosophical Transactions of the Avuncular Society. Volume two'. Notes and reflections by CAC on ‘factors in his own development, and especially on religion; June 1930-June 1932, with one letter from Douglas Lea 1938. mostly ‘Letters to Arthur, Vol. One July 1930-July 1932'. 10 letters, each separately filed and titled by CAC, on various topics: work and career at Cambridge, politics, Christian marriage, etc. 'C's ideas’. Notes and reflections on: ‘What | believe’ 'Free Will’ "How to pray' 'My testimony’ ‘Sermons. Vol.1 June 1931~July 1932'. 9 sermons, each separately filed and titled by CAC. 'Short diary 1933'. ‘Draft. Albert Hall Speech' (various dates 1931-32) Also CAC's declaration of intent to give 10% of his income throughout his life to religious purposes. Box A. 19 continued Copy of the appeal letter for the Charles Coulson Memorial Fund 'to further study and research in Theoretical Chemistry and related subjects, particu- larly by providing financial assistance for scholars from abroad who would wish to come to Oxford’. Miscellaneous press~cuttings, mainly re CAC's religious activities. Miscellaneous printed cbituaries and tributes to CAC. 1931 1932-62 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.19 continued A196. Correspondence with University Library, Cambridge, re CAC's notes of lectures attended by him as an undergraduate and graduate 1931-33, and deposited by him in the Library 1970 and 1972. The notes, ‘about 2 feet or a few inches more', are of lectures by 'J.J. Thomson, Rutherford, Besicovitch, Sir Harold Jeffreys, Eddington, $. Chandrasekhar, R.H. Fowler, Blackett, Cockcroft and others', des- cribed by CAC as 'the greatest collection of physicists ever to be in the same laboratory at the same time ... To work in the Cavendish at that time was almost overwhelming’. CAC later (1972) added his notes on 'the first set of lectures ever given in this country on quantum chemistry’! by Lennard-Jones in Cambridge in 1933. He also gave various reminiscences of lecturers and their methods, and an account of his own painstaking system of note-taking and writing up of material. (see also B.13.) Miscellaneous printed matter relating to CAC's scientific and religious activities; various dates 1936-73, and a Xerox copy of the advertisement for the first appointment to the newly~established Coulson Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Oxford 1976. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX A.20 TAPE RECORDINGS A.20.1. Speech at official opening of Walsall and Stafford- shire Technical College, October 1962. Sir D. Owen Evans Lectures, Aberystwyth. Three lectures on: Christian faith’. 'The influence of science on the (see also D.4.5.-D.4.9.) 'What is o human being?'. Lecture, with ensuing questions and answers, given in Sydney, Australia, August 196?. (see also A.10.5.) 'Science and society. beings’. The human use of human Lecture given in Logan, Utah, August 1971. ' ‘Letters re engagement; book review; Theoretical Chemistry Institute; Schools; visiting professor from Israel; promotion; letter to OUP about new book; a proposed letter about someone's (see also A.10.1.) Miss Schwerdt lists the contents as follows: Cassette of letters, dictated by CAC ready for typing Miss R. Schwerdt describes it as in the department. ‘a very typical batch of letters, probably November/ December 1973' (CAC was already seriously ill, and died in January 1974). letter to a research student in difficulties’. the future of Summer letter about C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS The material may be divided very roughly as follows: Boxes B.1 - B.27: scientific lectures, talks, addresses, broadcasts, publications Boxes B.28 - B.43: research notes, working papers, publications. The content of the folders throughout this Section varies from short manuscript notes for research projects or an informal talk to a fully~prepared lecture or scientific paper complete with its working notes, background or supplementary research material, drafts, scientific or editorial corres- pondence and a copy or reprint of the published text. Many of the folders bear, on the inside cover, CAC's list of the places or occasions at which the talk was delivered. similar items elsewhere in the collection. The list below contains, as far as possible, an indication of the extent and date of the material in each folder and cross-references to Box B.15 is interesting in showing the way in which CAC conceived and developed ideas for research problems for himself, his collaborators and his teams of research students; see the note on p. 74 about this and similar or related material in other Sections. When a specific publication is dealt with, a reference to the Royal Society Memoir is given in the form and talks in this Section were not published. R.S.... | The conspectus on pp. 268-290 may be consulted for fuller refer- ences to such listed works, but tt should be stressed that many of the lectures C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.1 Bela ls 22 folders 1952 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS ‘The spirit of applied mathematics’. Inaugural Lecture, Rouse Ball Chair of Mathematics, Oxford. Working notes, supplementary material assembled in preparation for lecture. Typescript, annotated offprint. Correspondence re arrangements for delivery and publication. i R.S. 140, 'Wave mechanics in physics, chemistry and biology’. Inaugural Lecture, Chair of Theoretical Physics, King's College, London. Working notes. Typescript. a3, OF 3 n . aa 1967-469 'Symmetry'. The Faraday Lecture, the Chemical Society, Oxford, January 1968. Working notes, ms. and typescript drafts, figures for published version. List of places and dates of delivery is on the inside of the folder cover. R.S. 363 Box B.} continued 'Overcrowded molecules’. Ms. of lecture delivered at Kekul& Symposium on Theoretical Organic Chemistry, London, 1958. List of places and dates of delivery. Working notes and manuscript. (see also B. 3.9.) ‘Compton profi ler. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.1 continued Bul.G. 'What does a molecule look like?’ 1956-61 Working notes for lecture. List of places and dates of delivery. Rice eos ‘Bond lengths involving carbon’. 1962-63 Working notes, ms.,list of slides for lecture, figures for published version. R.S. 309 'd-electrons’. 1968-72 Lecture first delivered at Oxford Symposium on Valence and Relativity, 1968 (see also E.2.3.) and which formed the basis of later papers delivered at the Robert A. Welch Conference, Texas, 1972 (see also A.11.4.) and at the Farkash Symposium, Jerusalem, 1973 (see also A.13.14.) Working notes, ms., bibliography, list of slides for lecture, figures for published version. R.S. 379, 428 ‘Correlation energies in atoms’. Working notes. 1950-62 Working notes, ms., typescript. Supplementary research material. 'What is a dipole moment?’ Notes, brief manuscript. 'Localised and non-localised bonds’. (see also E.1.4.) Notes, typescript of work relative to research carried out by CAC on carcinogenic hydrocarbon molecules with support of grant from British Empire Cancer Campaign, CAC gave a paper in French in Paris, on this material. 1948, based R.S. 49, 90, 93, 118 ft icons ps ecards a (see also B.17.6., B. 34.9.) 'Theory of carcinogens’. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.1 continued 'John-Teller effect in molecules’. Working notes. '20th century revolution in Physics. Eddington’. Planck to Miscellaneous working notes for lecture on history of modern physics. 'Decline and fal! of science’. 1962, 1966 Ms. notes. 'Physics and the philosophers’. Notes, ms. draft. 'Fact and fiction in Physics’. Notes, ms., several different typescript versions. R.S. 241, 250 1957, 1962, 1972 1950-58 ‘Any more physics?’ Notes, ms., related offprints. List of places and dates of delivery. Shull and Annotated typescript. (see also A.5.7.) Report on a (post-conference) informal discussion on integrals, New York, September 1951. Attended by CAC, R.S. Mulliken, M.P. Barnett, H. others. Box B.1 continued Closing speech by CAC at Conference of the American Institute of Physics, 1959. 'Present state of molecular structure calculations’. 'Future of chemistry’. Notes, rough ms. draft. Page proof. 2S. 251 Index of places and dates of delivery. CAs Goulson GSAG 60/4/78 BOX B.1 continued By hsees "Long-range forces’. 1950-54 Paper delivered at Conference on Quantum Mechanical Methods in Valence Theory, Shelter Island, New York, 1951. Working notes, manuscript. (see also A.5.7.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.2 Bisel 21. folders 1951-54 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS 'The contribution of wave mechanics to chemistry’. The Tilden Lecture, The Chemical Society, delivered in London 1951 and in Glasgow 1952. Working notes, supplementary material and related offprints. Ms., heavily corrected typescript, list of slides for lecture, list of figures for published version. g b ’ i Correspondence re arrangements for delivery publication. R.S. 167 LS g and y 'Fun with atomic and molecular charge clouds’. 1962, .1970 Notes, related printed material. ‘Vibrations of large systems’. Notes. 1963-70 ‘Hybridization’. RS. 10Y 1955-56 1951-56 Rie. 187 'Pauling theory y Notes, typescript. "lonic-covalent resonance’. Notes for a lecture. Typescript of ‘Critical survey of the method of ionic~homopolar resonance. ‘ Box 8.2 continued Lecture notes. Includes 2 ms. drafts titled 'Ways to avoid use of the Hamiltonian’ and notes and ms. draft for paper 'The use of hypervirial relationships in determining Schrddinger wave functions’. 'Commutator relationships’. of metals and surface states’. Notes for lectures. R.S. 328 oa ie, oe of C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 continued B.2.8. ‘What happens to an atom in a molecule?! Notes for lecture delivered on numerous occasions (see list inside folder cover). Ms., figures for published version. Correspondence. R.S. 358, 408 ‘Mendeleev periodic table’. 1970-73 Notes for lecture delivered on numerous occasions (see list inside folder cover). Ms., typescript for published version 'Wave mechanics and the periodic table’. R.S. 388 (see also B.4.8.) Bi2.10. "Importance of accurate electron-density determina- tions’. Notes, manuscript. 1970-73 1972-73 Ms. of published version. R.S. 400, 418. ‘Polymers and molecular solids’. "Labs or computers? ' Notes for lecture. 'Dipole moments of excited states’. Notes, typescript of abstract for paper at confer- ence on band structure, Exeter. Notes, manuscript. Includes ms. ‘Molecules and their Behaviour’, Notes, ms., typescript, list of slides. Notes, ms., supplementary material, “t 'The wave equation and its solutions’. « . , 'Shape of the chemical bond’. Correspondence. Bou thd C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 continued ‘Chemistry and maths’. Notes, figures. ‘Quantum theory of the chemical bond’. Lecture given at Royal Society of Edinburgh. Notes, typescript, figures for published version, offprint. Correspondence. R.S.26 ‘Energy levels of long chain compounds’. Manuscript. 'Relation between applied maths and chemistry’. Notes for lecture delivered in Glasgow. "Order of a bond’. Notes for lectures. (c) 1940 ‘Lies, d-n lies and statistics’. Notes for lecture. C.A. Coulson 60/4/78 17 folders 1952 SCIENTIFIC LECTURES 'Recent molecular structure lectures’. Ms. drafts of 'A simplification of Hartree-Fock method', 'The Vj9 plague’, 'The non-orthogonality catastrophe’. 'Virial Theorem lectures’. Ms. draft of lecture 6 'The virial theorem', Ms. 'Notes on virial theerem (Hurley's Thesis)’. 2 typescripts by N.H. March (with covering letter) on 'The virial theorem in the Thomas-Fermi Theory’, and 'The virial theorem for Dirac's equation’. 'Wave Mechanics and its applications’. Course of lectures at at Sir John Cass Coll ourse of lectures John Cass College, London. Lond Sir Ms. draft of lectures. Correspondence re further course of lectures on 'Wave mechanics and molecular structure’ to be given at the college by CAC. 'Ligand-field theory’. 'Methods of calculation’. Notes for lectures, correspondence. Ms., programme of lectures, correspondence. Adult education in H.M. Forces (labelled 'Troops'). Course of 14 lectures delivered at Harwell with Simon Altmann. Early ms. notes on molecular orbitals and various methods of calculation. Box B.3 continued CAC's ms. notes for his own contributions(the first introductory lecture and the concluding lecture of the series) and his netes on the lectures of the other speakers (Drs. E.M. Roe, A.D. Walsh, A. Maccoll, D. Craig, and V.A. Crawford) in the series. 26 pp. Programme and typescript summaries of contributions to colloquium held at King's College, London spring 1948. 'U.V. spectra. Colloquia 1948". ff Te ee ae t re T? q g Oe; C.A. Coulson 60/4/78 continued 'Molecular structure and photoelectron spectros~ copy’. p. typescript abstract of CAC's Introductory 1 Lecture at Oxford Conference, September 1970. Ms. draft, presumably for same Talk. Related offprints. ‘Molecular geometry and steric deformation’. CAC's contribution to the Kekulé Symposium on Theoretical Organic Chemistry, September 1958, London. Programme of the Symposium, typescript of abstract of CAC's talk. Correspondence re arrangements for the Symposium, funded by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (CAC served on the organising committee. ) Ms. notes for CAC's contribution. R.S. 240 (see also B.1.4. for drafts of CAC's lecture) 1951-66 B.3.10. B.3.11. 'U.V. spectra’. 'Valence lectures, Dundee, 1939-43'. Sets of ms. notes on u.v. spectra, of various dates. Includes notes for lecture in Zurich, 1951. Introductory notes and programme for a course of 16 lectures on 'Valence and the structure of molecules’, 1939 and later. 51 pp. typescript draft of lectures. 24 pp. ms. draft of lectures on ‘Spectra and Valence for Chemists', 1943. discussion meeting, September 172. Ms. drafts of various lectures in a series on statistical mechanics, delivered at King's College, London, 1948. *'The teaching of quantum mechanics to oN “'s contribution to a British Associatt .¢ en 7 pp. typescript of paper 'The orbits in benzene’. Le eaching of Quantum Chemistry’. £ 'Statistical Mechanics fi’. te Cc 1 TArEeE ook sts ae « C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.3 B.3.14. continued "Statistical Mechanics Lectures’. Various sets of ms. notes for a course of 8 lectures delivered at King's College, London. titled and paginated. All are Includes CAC's notes (24 pp.) on R.H. Fowler's book Statistical Mechanics. "Spectra Lectures (3)'. 6 pp. typescript draft for a course of 3 lectures on spectra, n.d. but probably c. 1950. B.3.16. 'Critique of molecular structure’. (c) 1942 5 pp. ms. draft/shori notes for lecture(s) on above topic. Includes 1 p. ms. notes in another (unidenfified) hand. "Metals lectures’. 50 pp. ms. draft for delivery at Sir John Cass, with amendments and annotations for Harwell course. Programme announcing lectures at Sir John Cass. Typescript of Chapter XI 'Metals' from unidenti fied book. Correspondence re arrangements for delivery of lectures at Harwell. A course of 6 lectures on 'Quantum Theory of Metals' delivered at Sir John Cass College, autumn 1951, and later at AERE, Harwell, January- Februrary 1953. Miscellaneous ms. notes used in preparing lectures. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, Ri: Bll PUBLICATIC NS Cae netae LECTURES, et ae ek 15 folders Lectures delivered at Dundee University 1938-44 'Theoretical calculations of molecular structure’. Ms. of a series of 6 lectures. "Hydrodynamics. Senior Honours’. Ms. notes. 'Dynamics' and 'Ramsay Dynamics’. Extensive ms. notes and drafts. "Interpolation, Numerical integration. Junior Honours’. 2 booklets of ms. notes and drafts, with plan of course and problems to be set, 1943. Statistics’. 4 numbered booklets of ms. notes and drafts, and loose notes on ‘Best Straight Lines’. ‘Negative bond orders’. 1968-70 'X-ray levels and chemical bonding’. 1968-69 Ms. notes and drafts for lectures and papers on bond orders, with CAC's note on inside cover of the folder of dates and places of the lectures. Ms. notes, offprints of published papers, with CAC's note on inside cover of the folder of dates and places of the lectures. Box B.4 continued Notes, list of slides, correspondence, typescript of CAC's lecture on the Periodic Table adapted for delivery on the tour, Material prepared for CAC's visit to Africa, 1968. "Influence of the new maths on physics’. (see also A.10.3., A.10.4., B.2.9.) 1968-69 Rade Op et R.S. 301, 367 ik. 3. 388° f . 1 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.4 continued B.4.9. ‘Mathematics of some radiation problems in biology’. A ‘Lecture on Bacteria for Mathematicians’. Ms. notes, typescript and ms. of lecture. before 1944, n.d. but "Lecture on Gyroscopes'. 1930 Ms. of lecture given to 'Trinity Mathematical Society, 26 November 1940’ (one of CAC's first lectures). (see also B.27.2.) B.4.11. 'Electron distribution in large molecules’. Ms. notes and drafts for several lectures and papers on the subject. B.4.12. ‘Electronic Structure of the Boundary Atoms of a Graphite Layer’. Paper given by CAC at Fourth Conference on Carbon, held in Oxford, 1959. Annotated typescript, and page proof. Rede 200 R.S. 103 B.4.13. 1962-67 "Interatomic Forces’. (see also B. 39.14.) Folder includes proof of an earlier paper by CAC (R.S. 276). Transcript of CAC's principal lecture on the subject, given at King's College, London, 1962. Ms. notes for several lectures and papers on the subject, with CAC's note on inside cover of folder of dates and places of the lectures. ' Report by CAC on Faraday Society Discussions held at Cambridge, September 1950. 52 pp. ms. draft, and numerous sets of figure c slides, aa et with ms. note by CAC are the Hungary lectures’. co, og "Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure’. "Non-Valence interoctions'. ‘tehimatnet sit M9eriaqk was preparea for | gah 2 i t R.S. 285, 302 B.4.14. 1950 8 folders 1960-61 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.5 INVITATION LECTURES 'The Scientist and Society’ The George B. Pegram Lectures, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, 1961. The lectures were entitled: n Il. Ili. IV. 'Rates of change in society’ ‘Science and politics’ "Science and philosophy' ‘Science and human responsibility’ CAC began preparing the lectures for publication but the book was never completed (see B.5.4. below). Correspondence re arrangements for delivery of lecture, and invitations to CAC to speak at universities in the area. Transcripts of the 4 lectures and of the discussions following the lectures. Notes for Lecture I. Notes for Lecture II. Ms. drafts of the 4 lectures. the series. Brochure advertising Notes and supplementary material for Lecture Ill. Notes and supplementary material collected by CAC in preparing lectures for publication. Correspondence with editors of Columbia University Press (CAC never completed the manuscript for publication). Notes and supplementary material for Lecture IV. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 B.6.2.7B.6.0. SCIENTIFIC LECTURES 6 folders 'Science and human values’ . Collection of notes (ms. and typescript) and printed material on this topic, perhaps assembled for a lecture. Includes copy of J. Bronowski's Carnegie Lectures 'Science and Human Values' sent to CAC by the author. ‘Quantum biology’. Course of 6 post-graduate seminars by CAC, Oxford. Programme for 1964 course ‘Applications of Quantum Theory in Biology' and for 1967 course 'Some Problems (These were in Biochemistry' are included in B.6.2. fundamentally the same course, but the seminars were slightly revised for the 1967 series.) B.6.5. are 2 folders of material on similar topics kept by CAC with his papers for this seminar series. B.6.4. and 22 pp. ms. draft for first 5 seminars. 1964-67 Miscellaneous ms. notes by CAC in preparing course, with bibliographical references.. 1949, 1972 'Some quantum theory considerations in biological problems’. 8 pp. ms. notes for a lecture delivered in 1949 at University College, London, with offprint of CAC's inaugural lecture at King's College, London. Miscellaneous later notes added by CAC when up- dating lecture for 1972 delivery at York University. course. Numerous offprints (many are association copies) and other printed material assembled by CAC when preparing the p. ms. notes for seminar at Allen and Hanburys 1 (pharmaceutical firm), 1968. Letter and photocopies of articles on the use of molecular orbital calculations in the drug research field. 'M.O. Theory and biology’. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.7 SCIENTIFIC LECTURES. B.7.a-By 754. Lectures at Leeds University 14 folders | 1936 These represent CAC's first formal university lectures, delivered at Leeds in 1936 when, at the request of W.P. Milne, he deputised for Professor S. Brodetsky. attended while he was still a schoolboy at Clifton College, that inspired CAC to become a mathe- matician (see p.76 of R.S. Memoir). It was a lecture by Brodetsky, All items are ms. drafts. B.7.1. Bit. B.7.9, B.7.4. (see also A.2.2.) ‘Advanced dynamics’ ‘Projectiles’ 'Statics' ‘Ramsay's hydro solutions' 'Gravitation' "Partial differentiation’ ‘Differential equations’ 1939-40 Bey 102 Oe7sdi All items are ms. drafts. es 5 B.7.6. Be7 07. 5.7.8. BiL.7. 'Electricity (senior honours)' ‘Electricity. Potential theory’ Lectures delivered at Dundee University (c) 1944 ‘General course of mathe~ matical physics' Junior honours dynamics lectures Lectures to Maths general class 1943-44 Lectures to Maths general class 1944-45 'Three dimensional solutions’ C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.8 SCIENTIFIC PUB LICA WORKING PAPERS, LECTURES, 11 folder BGs} .ebsGe/ > Lectures given at Dundee University 1941-45 giv’ ne y B.8.:1. ' Junior Honours Calculus’ 1942. Numbered booklets and loose pages for lectures. ' Junior Honours Applied Dynamics’ 1941-42, 8 booklets and loose pages. 'Thermodynamics' n.d. 1 booklet. ‘Permutations and Combinations’ 9 pp. ms. ‘Kinetic Theory’. 3 booklets. "Special class’. Extensive ms. notes. ‘Calculus special’ 1943-45. ‘Elementary Atomic Theory'. Extensive sets of ms. notes, and CAC's plans and timetables of course, various dates 1942-45. 'Wave-mechanical discussion on the significance of the K-region'. 54 pp. ms. draft for course of 10 lectures (CAC's index is on inside cover of folder), and further ms. notes for tutorial work and problems. (see also B.38.4., C.1.4., Report cn work carried out by CAC and H.H. Greenwoed for British Empire Cancer Campaign. 8 pp. typescript. 1952 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.8 ni tinued B.8.10. ‘Shape and Size of an Excited 1 Molecule’. 1965-69 Several sets of ms. and typescript notes and drafts, lists of slides, diagrams and figures for lectures and papers on the subject. eo es of the lectures is on inside cover of the folder. CAC's list of dates and R.S. 353, 354, 372 B.§.11% ‘Compounds of the rare gases' and 'XeFo'. Extensive ms. notes and drafts for lectures and papers, computer data, background material, correspondence. of the leciures is on inside cover of the folder. R.S. 312 CAC's list of dates and places C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.9 INVITATION LECTURES 21 folders B.9.1.-B.9.21, 'The Size and Shape of Molecules’. The Fisher Baker Lectures, Cornell University, New York, February~April 1959. CAC spent a sabbatical term at Cornell in 1959. The following folders contain ms. drafts for his lectures, duplicated notes and material for the students; folders include related offprints. some Programme of the course, notes for Lecture | duction’. - 'Intro~ ‘Charge distribution in Ha - the only completely calculable situation’. 'Present status of covalent-ionic resonance’. 'Valence angles - particularly in triatomic molecules’. 'Hybridization - dipole moments ~ case of H»O in detail’. A i 2 Bivats B92. B.9.3. B.9.4. B.9.5. B.9.10. B.9.6. Bates « G.750% intensities in the infra-red! e 6.9.9. 'The Hydrogen bond’. Be Se dha ‘Loose ends’. ‘Molecular vibrations - bond following - absolute 'Electron-deficient molecules’. 'Electronegativity - d-orbital contraction - valence state’. 'Electron-correlation and the method of Configuration Interaction - excited states of molecules’. Influence or morecuidal symmetry = tne terrocenes . ‘Compression energy ~ the case of cyclobutadiene’. 'Bond orders and effective charges’. ‘Fundamentals of conjugation’. ie eng is aE A Pe eee cas Ga nea as Bikey ha -Lacrananne Bs eevee 'TT and § electrons’. 8.9. 165 ‘Excited states - colour’. B.9.13. B.9 14. g Buvs lz C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.9 continue d B.9.18. 'Overcrowded molecules - strain - crystal forces’. B.9.19. '‘Hyperconjugation'. B.9.20. 'The free-electron model’. B. FLla Numerous sets of ms. notes t from a variety of sources , used by CAC in preparing lectures. (see also A.7.6., an extensive folder of correspondence relating to the scheduling of the lectures and to arrangements for CAC's visit) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B. 1 See BhiAS stk PAPERS, Bele. Numerous sets of ms. notes and drafts for mothe- matics lectures, Dundee: ‘Kinematics of a particle’. 'Work done by a couple in a small rotation’. "Principle of virtual work’. "Stability of equilibrium with frictionless systems’. 'The kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body’. ‘Moment of momentum about centre of rotation’. "Stretching of elastic bars". Several unlabelled sets. (see also B. 10.11.) B.10.2.-B.10.10. Lectures on mathematics, with extensive list of places and dates of delivery. B.10.2. ‘What makes a beautifu! proof?! 1952-60 Typescript, with above title. n.d. 16 pp. ms. draft. Ms. notes for another lecture on a similar subject. R.S. 381 B.10.3. ‘On liking Mathematics’. Presidential address, Mathematical Association. Typescript of ‘Mathematics and beauty’. Bibliographical notes. R.S. 387, 298 oO Presidential address, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 1972. 23 pp. ms. draft, 18 pp. ms. draft (differen 5 pp. ae 18 pp. ee (different versions). Miscellaneous sets references of ms. notes and bibliographical B.10.4. 'Mathematics and the real world' C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.10. cont inue 1ed B..10,3, "Likes and dislikes in mathematics’. 16 pp. ms. draft. 11 pp. typescript. PI App. ms. draft 'Likes and dislikes in maths and physic Miscellaneous ms. notes and bibliographical references. R.S. 242 What is applied mathematics all Vv "Making models. about?! Typescript, for Open University programme PI 1965-73 Ms. notes. Correspondence with E.T. Copson and A.D. Rawlins, 1972-73, re origin of phrase 'Applied Mathematics’. B.10.7. ‘Mathematics and the Modern Worid'. yO? "72 Ms. and typescript drafts of several talks on related subjects (‘Mathematics is a language', etc.). Yt p p. notes by CAC of references and 'How atoms hang together’. 1966-67 low many different keys?" 6 pp. typescript, with illustrations. Numerous 1 quotations on the subject. R.S. 377 (see also B.41.2. for correspondence and drafts for this article) ONnTiUed Address to the Junior British Association, Birmingham, April 1966, and March 1967. 'The variation method: a chapter in applied mathematics’. 6 pp. and 16 pp. typescripts (different versions). B.10.10. 12 pp. manuscript. Typescript, programme notes. AMPiMIIe C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.10 continued Be dues 'The nature of bonds between carbon atoms: they vary with environment’. Proposed 'Paper symposium! organised by M.J.5. Dewil for publication in Tetrahedron. how Numerous sets of notes varying dates assembled by CAC. (ms. and typescript) P yP of f 1939-42, Includes ms. draft of course of lectures given in with titles similar to those in Dundee, 6.1077, Correspondence with M.J.S. Dewar, 1960, re CAC's contribution. é B.10.12. 'The scientific mind’. 8 pp. typescript, perhaps for broadcast. (c) 1960 'Valency’. 5 pp. typescript for broadcast (with amendments and annotations in another hand). Correspondence with BBC re CAC's contribution to series ‘A Few Ideas', Third Programme. B.10.14. B.10.16. Ms. notes. Reo. oy 'Constants of the motion’. ‘Distribution Theory’. CAC's notes on a course of lectures, perhaps delivered by G. Temple. A28 Address at the Robert A. Welch Foundation Confer- ence on Chemical Research, Houston, Texas, November AGS os 46 pp. ms. (and some pp. typescript) draft. Transcript of discussion following CAC's contribution. List of references, and legends for figures. 'd-electrons in chemical bonding’. Miscellaneous Some correspond Drawings for (c) 1950, 1972-73 1972-73 1955 2 sets of ms. notes for lectures. Cis Coul Ison CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.1 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, _LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS B.Il.1. 'Vector operators’. 1962-66 Ms. notes and drafts for courses of lectures in Oxford. Betieee ‘Quantum mechanics of atoms and molecules’. Typescript and ms. draft for 'first nine lectures 1938', given at Dundee. Includes 2 pp. typescript list 'L. J. lecture schedule’, a robably CAC's note of topics vélod in Lennard= Jones's lectures in Cambridge, used as basis for his own ena) in Dundee. I } B.11.3. ‘Introductory wave mechanics’. 1949-72 Lectures given at various dates in London and Oxford. Ms. drafts, plan of the course, correspondence. CAC's indexes to the courses appear on inside cover of the folder. 1964-65 'Waves'. "Calculus of variations’. (see B.11.11., B.11.12. below) Extensive notes and drafis for course at Dundee. Ms. drafts, notes, list of topics, for courses of lectures at Oxford. 7 numbered booklets, and loose pages numbered 'W1-W16'. I Ms. draft and list of topics at Oxford, and a copy of 30 pp. ms. noies taken by a student of 'Quantum Mechanics (Lectures given by Prof. C.A. Coulson to 27 students - Jan. 69)'. 'Brillouin's Theorem and oe ae Theorem’. for 'Coffee~party talk', November 1970, for a course of lectures with printer $ amendments for pudtis ‘Quantum Mechanics’. ne ~ is 1 it red paper. Ms. notes fypescr ip . r ost ee t ~~ B.11.5. B.11.6. Beller. 1970 C.A. Coulson eae 60/4/78 BOX B.11 continue d B.11.8. 'Bounds to Eigenvalues’. 1969-71] Ms. notes for courses of lectures in Oxford 1969-71 - ds related offprints and research material, ing copy of earlier publication by CAC. £ | 'Hellmann-Feynman Theorem’. Several sets of notes and lectures on including courses at Oxford 1961, 19 ne subject, 1972. Extensive notes and drafts for courses of lectures at Oxford on large molecules, various dates 19 but also includes notes for earlier course on ' molecules', 1958, and correspondence 1963. Notes for lectures on 'Heat', pages numbered H.1-H.8, originally g! B.11.4. above. given ‘i Dundee and kept with YY B.11.10. B.11.11. B.445 be, Notes for lectures on 'Differential Equations', numbered DE1~DE26, originally given at Dun kept with B.11.4. above, with additional materia for courses of lectures on Differential Equations at Oxford, 1964-66. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B. 12 SCIENTIFIC LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Wot. =B.12.5. "Ne n= -Valence _Interact ions! ‘ 7 folders 1967-70 Series of lectures delivered at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York, March~/ April 1968 Je 5 folders of notes, correspondence and research material for uncompleted book based on the lectures. B.12.1. Ms. drafts for lectures. B, 12.2, Correspondence, ms. notes and references assembled by CAC for proposed book. Y proj B.12.3. Notes and material for Chapter 2 of book B.12.4. Be 12.5. Notes and material for Chapters 3 and 4 of book. f Notes and material for Chapter 5 of book. (see also A. 10.6.) uv Y \ R.S. 160 1957-71 1953 R.S. 243, 261 ‘Variation method’. Notes, correspondence. ‘Present tendencies in the theory of large molecules'. Lecture given internationally (index of places and dates inside front cover). \ Ms. notes and drafts for lecture delivered in Rochester, New York. Cae Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 8 BOX B.! NOTES TAKEN BY CAC ON LEC TURES OR PUBLICATIONS BY OTHERS B.13.1. vibrations’. f 5 lectures by D.F. Hornig. 'Vector model and atoms and molecules’. Lecture by W.G. Penney, 28 February 1936. Ms toss ‘Neutron diffraction by crystals’. Lectures by K. Lonsdale, April-May 1949. CAC's notes on the lectures, printed material distributed to audience. B.13.4. "Imperfections in crystalline solids’. Series of 8 lectures by A.B. Lidiard, Oxford, 1955. CAC's notes on the lectures, printed material dis- tributed to audience. Bid. 2s ‘He and H of atoms’. * cally Bilas of notes taken by CAC at departmental Series of 7 lectures by E.C. Titchmarsh, 2 envelopes of miscellaneous notes found inside CAC's books. which is not indexed. Includes some minor correspondence, (see also H.1.1. and H.1.2., programmes for departmental colloquia) One folder colloquia or summer schools where papers were given by outside speakers or by his own studen L tS . The notes are aatcd and are arranged alphabet ri by name of speaker. Box B.13 continuec ‘Statics and particle dynamics', Michaelmas Term 1928 Bs titans Notes on lectures by H. Jeffreys: Rigid dynamics (i)', Lent Term 1929 ‘Dynamics (ii)', Easter Term 1929. C ‘ A ; C ou Iso n CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.13 See also: A.13.13. Notes on lectures by G.F.J. Temple. A lFi8, A folder of correspondence re CAC's donation to Cambridge University Library of his notes taken at lectures during his studies and early career there. These include notes on lectures by: Ruther ford a} i Leni nard- Jones J.J. Thor mson_ H. Jer W fr Preys” A. Eddington P.M.S. Blackett J.D. Cockcroft Ss « Chandrasek char R.H. Fowler A Ss ». Besicovitch ec. Lennard~ ~ Jones’ 's lecture schedule. n.d. Notes on lectures by P.O. L8wdin, E. Kapuy Notes on lectures by J.E. Lennard- Jones on molecular orbitals. Notes on lectures and articles by R.A. Mil jean, G.|. Taylor, T.E. Stanton, H. Je and others. 1934 193] J. « Dunitz, A. Coulson SAG 60/4/78 BOX B.14 BAND STRUCTURE OF COMPOUND SEMI- 4 folders CONDI JCTORS 1957: -66 This work was undertaken as a Research Contract with the Admiralty Department of Research Programmes and Planning for the study of electronic structure of compound semi-conductors of the zinc blend type. Copies of the progress reports on the project, nos. 1-7, are included with the folders. Ms. notes by CAC, including ms. draft for paper on 'Tetrahedral metallic compounds', written on verso of ms. draft of his Tawney Memorial Lecture on ‘Responsibility’. B.14.2. Ms. drafts by CAC's collaborators, G. Doggett, D. Stocker aa L.B. Rédei for published reports on the project. B.14.3. B.14.4. 1957-60 1960-66 Correspondence with Admiralty, Oxford University and collaborators re establishment of contract, proposals for research, administration of grant, equipment, publication of results, etc. R.S. 287, C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.15 IDEAS FOR RESEARCH One box of notes found in CAC's Theoretical Chemistry Department. Some of the notes are unidentified and undated, but most bear headings by CAC; many are accompanied by the relevant offprints or articles or by correspondence (which is indexed). In addition to notes on the literature, there are notes of problems or ideas for future research as suggested to CAC by colleagues' lectures or publications, by con- versation or by e ee Some of the notes are very brief, but some extend to 4-5 numbered pages, per haps intended for an informal discussion paper. 2 also fo be found in the correspondence G) with a heading ‘Problem for ...' Many of the notes are written on the back of correspondence t f when CAC suggested research to pi cs for students. examination scripts, ctc. The type of information and he kept during his early career (Item H.1.5.). the technique are similar to CAC's 'Problem Book' which (see diso B.38..1., B.90,15., Bo? .2.) 5 folders 1968-7 | C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.16 SCIENTIFIC LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS i 16.1] é O% B. B.16.3. 'The problems of higher education in Africa’ A lecture delivered in London to the Royal African An abridged version Society on 17 March 1971. was publishe din African Affairs. See also A.10.3. ond A.10.4., 2 folders of corres; acre and other visit to the University of material relative to CAC's East Africa in 1968-69 as a Royal Society Leverhulme Visiting Professor, which formed the basis of this talk. R.S. 407, 417 B.16.1. B.16.2. Notes on the literature, outline of lecture ms. and typescript fare. offprint, and supplementary material used in the prepara~ tion of the leciure. Correspondence with the Royal African Society re scheduling of lecture and with professional colleagues interested in the problems of science education in developing countries. B.16.3. 4 RAS. 443, B.16.4. Inaugural Lecture, University of Oxford, delivered 13 February 1973. Chair of Theoretical Chemistr uv f vy (see also A.14.14., A.14.15.) ‘Theoretical chemistry ~ past and future’. One folder of numerous reports, newsletters and printed material on East Africa, especially with reference to education and science. Background notes and research material. CAC died before for publication of the text of his Inaugural Lecture. by Dr. Simon Altmann and Miss Rosemary Schwerdt. Arrangements for lecture, guest~lists and correspondence. Editor's notes for pub- i text, slides, etc. The editorial task was discharged completing the preparation . and typescript. Author's (incomplete) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, TALKS, ONS Bietiets "Interstitials in graphites'. Extensive correspondence with colleagues and with publishers re CAC's paper and its findings. ] Pp Notes, charts and diagrams, related offprints by CAC and others. se c Roe oor Ds lf ote "Symmetry in Chemistry Proposed article to be written by CAC for Chemie in unserer Ze it. t Correspondence with editors, material. (CAC died before the article could be written.) £ CAC's notes, background g B.17.3. 'Hyperconjugation'. 1967-74 Proposed article for Chemical Society Reviews, to be written in collaboration with J.P. Coipa. 'Wave mechanics and the alkene bond’. Correspondence with editor and publisher. Correspondence with editors, and with collaborator. (CAC died before the article could be completed a planned.) ’ CAC's notes on the literature, and outline for article (dated 1967), miscellaneous background material, Introductory chapter written in collaboration with E.T. Stewart for book The chemistry of the alkenes ad edited by S. Patai. heat Box Deis Con finu Folder includes correspondence with Interscience Publishers re a proposed ee neore! yh Theory! to be written by CAC and Stewart in coliahoration. (see also G.16.4.~ G.16.6. for CAC's correspondence with Stewart) 'Recent developments in Valency aoe. Ee OR eo ae Plan of the beok. RS. 821 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 / continued B.17.3. ' 'The meaning of resonance in quantum chemistry’. for paper, ms. drawings, BD. 12.0. 'Les Haisons localisées et non-localisées'. Autograph ms. of 2 lectures written and delivered in French in Paris. 1948 R.S. 90. (see also A.5.9., B. 1.1 Balt ise 'Note on an integral of A.F. Saturno’. 5 pp. manuscript. R.S. 373 'The dissociative breakdown of negative fons’. s. and typescript notes and d 1 ivpsaccrint nores Ms dr drafts. ft Rds: oo Rios ore Bol < los "Mathematics is a ' CAC's diagram for paper. Ms. notes for 2 talks with this 'The mathematics of quantum chemistry’. Notes, quotations, press~cuttings, ms. and printed background material. Ca pa Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 . 18.4. ICATIO (first published .18.1. Outline notes for chapters, correspondence, notes on the (teratue: B.18.2. Correspondence with publis colleagues, translations, press~cufting notes. notes for later editions ond for Drawings for book. Correspondence with publishers espe re foreign editions, re possible amendments and new calculatic for later editions. colleagues with | and R.S. 134 (see aiso A.8.1., B.39.16., G.16.3.) B.18.5. Ms. of thesis, chapters 1-24. B.18.6. el: D.Sc. degree, University Thesis submitted for of St. Andrews, 1945. Typescript and drawings, chapters 1-24 (with note by Mrs. Coulson 'typed by 'Carbon-carbon bonds, being a study of bonds of fractional order’. CAC himself"). C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.19 SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPERS, PUBLICATIONS —_Z folders Waves. Oliver and Boyd (first published in 1941). \ é Typescript of preface and contents page, ms. list of additions and corrections for later editions. Galley proofs showing corrections to seventh edition (published 1955). Correspondence with M. Born re error in first edition. Rime at (see also B.35.11.) Electricity. Oliver and Boyd (first published in 1948). Heavily amended and annotated galley proofs of first edition. Typescript of additions to second edition. Correspondence with publisher. Ri. 5.8 Ms. notes and typescript outline of proposed book. Typescript draft of lecture course on ‘Electrons in molecules' (probably delivered abroad), Correspondence re permission for CAC to reproduce diagrams from previously published work by others. The Shape and Structure of Molecules, Oxford University Press ue hed 1973). Correspondence with colleagues and with publisher re CAC's contribution to undergraduate chemistry series. mistry and Correspondence and papers exchanged with editors at Pergamon Press re numerous publications on which Titles include Dicti ionary CAC's advice was sought. Discussion on a paper by W.E. Moffitt of Phy rete Sy NEHA eh Journal of OA / , eS Miscellaneous ms. notes. R.S. 422 lp. typescript. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/7 ‘78 BOX B cot itinued Bail 9x O @ | i fote on a modified Thomas~Fermi equation for ert. Coe ae a ° 7 4 ‘ er " :cules' e 4 pp. typescript. 'The long-range distribution around an impurity in a metal’, Work in collaboration with V.W. Maslen. 2 pp. typescript BOX B B.20 V IRKING PA f I JRES 20 items 'Free valence paper’. t Extensive correspondence, May-July 1950, witt collaborators, H.C. Longuet-- liggins, and with R. Daudel re paper 'Free-valence in unsaturated hydrocarbons’. é f f Typescript draft by Longuet-Higgins. we 3 pp. typescript draft by CAC ‘Free valence in radical reactions’. Set of ms. notes 'Free valence changes due to resonance’. R.S. 113 'Law of alternating polarity’. 8 pp. ms. daft 'Some notes on the law of alter- nating polarity’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. N.B. B.20.3. "Two notes on the shape of charge clouds neor a 1958 wi hydrogen atom' Ms. notes. This paper is believed to be unpublished. 9 pp. ms. and? pp. typescript draft, and some loose papers. Correspondence, January-December 1957, with B.M. Wepster and S. Basu, on points relating to this subject. 7 pp. untitled typescript (differs from the ms. noted above). by Copies of CAC's letters to W. Cochrane, 1958, re Cochrane's paper at a M.I.T. conference. This paper seems to have been the basis of CAC's own work on the topic. He submitted the above ms. for publication in Acta Crystallographica, but it does not seem to have been published. Correspondence with collaborator, J. Koutecky, 1965. ‘Calculation of the difference in the energies of the two systems in HUckel's approximation’. 39 pp. typescript (probably | B.20.4. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.20 continued B. 20coe ‘Correspondence and working papers for possible publication on diamond’. 1964-65 Miscellaneous ms. notes. Correspondence with others working on the subject. B.20.6. 'Halogens'. Notes on the literature. Miscellaneous ms. notes. Related offprints. Correspondence with D. Mayers and L.S. Bartell. 'B9O3H>' ° Ms. draft (photocopy) of 'Boron- Oxygen bonds, the case of H2B2O..' sent by CAC to collaborator, J.P.M. Bailey, for comment. Correspondence with Bailey re joint work. Correspondence with T.W. Dingle re their earlier collaborative paper 'The B-O bond jengths in boron- oxygen compounds’. B.20.9. 1967 Notes on the literature. 'Double-bond character', ms. draft. ‘History of Theoretical Chemistry’. 'Localised benzene regions in condensed aromatics’. Notes by CAC on work of others, with related corre- pondence. R.S. 317, 362, 383, 398. ecnoot on Gluanrum Chemistry, Yugosia Closing speech by CAC at Fourth Canadian Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, University of British Columbia, August 197i. Miscellaneous ms. notes collected for speech. Correspondence re_ proposal to publish the lecture. 16 pp. ms. and 12 pp. typescript. (see also A.10.1.) ei jk oe Pee 2escript of CAC's opening CrARmI : ! eee ' : ~“ ; C Ave Cou fson GSAG 60/4/78 BOX B.20 B.20.10. "Problems with the helicenes’. 1970-72 Wim «thy Bag, laa S lett rs forint. ' One folder of miscellaneous ms. notes, one labell ‘CAC's polic cy". "The en standpoint of n th tructure of moleci eory of ee C Thesis submitted for the Fellowship examination at Trinity College, Cambridge. CAC was elected to this Prize Fellowship (his thesis was examined by G.H. Hardy) at the same time as Douglas Lea (see p.78 of the Royal Society Memoir). CAC typed the thesis himself with numerous figures and charts in his own hand. It was never published. These include an introductory Several loose sheets have been inserted in the fron of the bound volume. note to acco rere the thesis on its sub mission to Trinity, a list of references titled ‘Electronic structure of oan atomic molecules and selorad paper published in Modern in 1938, and one colleague. nofes on a ot : f esis Chemistry by Linus Pauling C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.21 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS iets ks ‘Molecular Theory’. 1953-55 Article written by CAC for Encyclopaedia Americana. Ms. of article and figures. Editorial correspondence. | The article, described by the editor as ‘much admired in this office for its lucid presentation of a technical subject’, is not listed in the R.S. Memoir. highly 'Sigma bonding' and 'Pi bonding’. Chapters for Physical Chemistry, Vol.5: Valency (ed. H. Eyring et al). Working notes and papers, ms. and typescript drafts and figures. Editorial correspondence. Note: CAC's 'Chapter 4' (on sigma Bonds) became Chapter 5, and his 'Chapter 6' (on pi-Bonds) became Chapter 7, in the published work. 1969-70 R.S. 992, 393 (see also B.24.3.) "Shapes of Group JIA Dihalide Molecules’. 'Crystal growth and orientational disorder in bromo- form'. Corrected typescript and figures for published paper. R.S. 434 Ms., working notes, brief editorial correspondence. R.S. 431 R.S. 442 First typescript version prepared by Boyd, and second ms. version by CAC, Correspondence with collaborator, continued after CAC's death with Miss R. Schwerdt. RAS e2zh, 2 'The Fermi hole in atoms’. Work in collaboration with Russell Boyd. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.22 DICTIONARY OF VALUES OF MOLECULAR CONSTANTS The Dictionary was prepared in collaboration with R. Daudel and first printed in a cyclostyled version jointly by the Mathematical Institute, Oxford, and the Centre de Méchanique Ondulatoire Appliquée, Paris, The calculations and data, however, often in 1954. date from an earlier period of CAC's work. Some of the calculations in these folders were made by members of CAC's research group. Early calculations and working papers (beginning in 1937). Vv 'Dihydroanthracene'. Working papers and calculations. pop '‘Polyacenes'. Working papers and calculations. 9g PUp 'Polyphenyls'. Calculations (with index). ‘Structure of "diphenylene"’ 'Free valence in triphenylmethyls'. Calculations, working papers, typescript draft of letter to Nature (1942). Calculations, working papers, correspondence with collaborator J. Jacobs re paper of same title. R.S. 60 (see also B.35.24. and C.10.12.) 4 CONTINUES Calculations and working papers, correspondence with collaborators, G.S. Rushbrooke and M, Bradburn. ‘Graphite problems' (continued). (see also B.36.5.) ‘Graphite problems’. OOD ik S one Lae f we - t ! Typescript of paper of the same title and of paper Graphite crystals and crystallites’, working papers. R.S470,-7) pabmetiie DSi r . p Pp . - t C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.22 continued Bis2. Fu ‘Butadiene’. Calculations by CAC and J. Jacobs. Rede 100 Bs22.10. Bites 10 e Bound notebook of work by CAC and others on tables of integers. y Set of calculations and work on integral tables by one of CAC's research students. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.23 DICTIONARY OF VALUES OF MOLECULAR CONSTANTS continued) Correspondence, ms. notes and corrected typescripts P of the Introduction and Values for Volumes I-IV of the Dictionary. yp ‘ B.23.1. Miscellaneous correspondence, calculations and related papers. | ‘ Introductions for Volumes | and II. Correspondence, ms., typescript, working papers. Values for Volume |. Correspondence, working papers, calcula- tions, charts. Values for Volume Il. Correspondence, calculations. Introductions and Values for Volumes III and IV. Ri2Zd.7. 1961-67 Values for Volume III. Calculations, typescript of introduction to section. Folder of correspondence, typescripts and papers re publication of the ee 2 Perda amon ha? Correspondence, comments and evaluations from colleagues after distribution of Volume I, ms., typescript, working notes, calculations. R.S. 327 CAC collaborated with A. Sfieitwotse rc on this publication. The folder includes corres th towards preparation of pondence re grant from |.C e Dictionary. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.24 Be24.1." B.24.2. SCIENTIFIC LECTURES 8 folders 2 folders containing CAC's mss. lecture notes. Includes: ya ( 'What is atomic theory?! ‘Atomic units' 'Hydrogen atoms' 'Variation theory' ‘'Koopmans' theorem! ‘Self-consistent fields' 'Dirac scheme’ "Excitors' "History of Oxford’ 'Effect of magnetic field on a molecule' (B.24.2. includes programmes and lists of members for the 1960-62 Summer Schools) B.24.3. 'HUckel theory of organic chemistry’. 1967-73 ‘Problems in wave mechanics and quantum theory’. Ms. notes for course of lectures, and problems sheets for distribution to students. Ms. notes for CAC's course of lectures to second year chemists, and related correspondence. Folder includes ms. of chapter on T-bonds, published in H. Eyring’s series on Physicol Chemistry. R.S. 393 (see also B.21.2.~B.21.3., Box B.43.) B.24.8. Ms. lecture notes for a one-year course in Wave Mechanics for M.Sc. students, Oxford. Ms. notes for course of lectures on mathematics for chemists, and related correspondence. 1973 1965-74 B.24.6. 'The hydrogen atom' B.24.7. 'The helium ctom' C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.25 Pees ie SCIENTIFIC LECTURES, EXAMINING, PUBLICATIONS 9 folders ‘Recent Developments in the Theory Equations’. P of the Wave 1949 Extensive ms. notes for a course of 9 lectures given at King's College, London. Includes CAC's notes taken at lectures by Lennard- Jones on 'Molecular orbitals', February 1934. "Introduction to Wave Mechanics’. 1952-69 Extensive ms. notes for courses of lectures, begun at King's College, London, and continued at Oxford, with regular up~dating and additional material by CAC. CAC's indexes of the lectures, and notes on changes to be made, are included. "Quantum Mechanics Ms. notes for an extended course of lectures. 1963-71 1970-72 "Lectures on Atomic Siructure’. Course of 8 lectures given oat Oxford 31 pp. ms. text of lectures; ms. notes and problems. miscellaneous sets of The earliest drafts (for 30 lectures) are dated 1947; the index inside the front cover of the folder refers to a course of 32 lectures at Oxford 1955-56, and there are many additional pages of new material intercalated. Examination problems in Wave Mechanics and Quantum Theory. Box B.25 conti Brief editorial correspondence and corrected type~ script of paper, 1969. R.S. 390 'Why atoms combine'. Miscellaneous brochures re series and participants. Talk given on Granada TV 'Discovery' series. Correspondence, script of talk with ms. corrections by CAC ‘ C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.25 continued B. Bs20.9. Miscellaneous notes, drafts, problems ond corres~ pondence remid=sessional examinations in physics, King's College, London. 1950-52 Brief correspondence re external examinations at University of Edinburgh. C.A. Coulson CS, ac 60/4/78 BOX B.26 SCIENTIFIC LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS 10 folders B.26.1. ‘Dynamics’. Ms. notes. 'Vectors'. Ms. notes. 'Vector operators'. Ms. notes. 'Gravitation'. Ms. notes. 'Rigid bodies’. Ms. notes. '"Mechanics'. Ms. notes. 1960-65 1966-68 Ms. notes. ‘Electricity’. Ms. notes. R.S. 429 'Vector analyses' Examination papers related to some of the above lectures. Miscellaneous correspondence, recollections and material related to Memoir by CAC of Samuel Francis Boys for the Royal Society. seecalso C,24.2., E:8i 30; G. 16.5.) Gi A Cou Ison CSAC 60/ ‘4/78 BOX B.27 Biel) NTIFIC RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND en nese SCIEN Ts PR SECTS 2 'A short historical survey sy manipulation of the knowledge gained from soap~ bubbles and their allied Sens of plane-films and the ¢ discovery and og 7 folders nee 1929 36 pp. manuscript 'Gyroscopes’. An essay submitted for the Yeats Mathematics Prize, Trinity College, ee 88 pp. ms. and 3 pp. erences. (see also B.4.10.) B27 +4, Work on curve tracing. Extensive notes, class exerc cises, diagrams. Vv B.27.4. ‘Problems in molecular structure’. 1952-66 The project was not completed. 92 pp. ms., bound up by CAC and dated 27.2,33, with a in the hand of J.E. Lennard-Jones 2 pp. statement of problems to be solved, Folder of material for a proposed book for 6th- formers, on the relations between science and religion, in the 'Gateway' series. The material includes correspondence, notes, press cuttings, questions for discussion and CAC's answers (at various conferences, discussion groups, etc.) and typescripts of various talks and broadcasts given by CAC, not all of which are listed in the R.S. Memoir. f A proposed book, to be written in collaboration with H.C. Longuet=Higgins. B. 27.6: Ms. oe working papers and corres- "Wave ‘later 'molecules'). ee theory of conjugated systems' 1951-55 Various dates 1952-66 Rese 171 et? pona dence . Destuls C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.28 EARLY RESEARCH NOTES AND PUBLICATIONS B.28.1. st bit of research. 1927’, 1927 ©. manuscript. B. 20.2. Notes by CAC on articles and/or lectures by R.A. Millikan, G.1. Taylor, H. Stanton and Scott. Jeffreys, T.E. . ‘Miscellaneous early research’. 1933-34 Letter to R.H. Fowler, 13 March 1934, enclosing 10 pp. typescript ‘Report on work done and doing since June 1933'. ‘Molecular structure’, 27 pp., 10 March 1933. 'On separability of wave ~ eq. in interaction for 2 electrons', 4 pp., 31 May 1933. 1] dim. with 'The problem of an electron in an ellipse of constant potential', 12 pp., 1 June 1933. "Bessel Functions. and some loose papers, June 193 Addition theorems', 27 pp. ‘Rochelle Sait’. ‘Nil 4 pee. d: ‘Exponential integral', 10 pp. and some loose papers. 'Two electrons with interaction in harmonic oscillator’ & 12 pp., 24 May 1934. Numerous shorter sets of ms. notes, most labelled by CAC. Mostly notes on the literature, on colloquia talks by others or on conversations. 5 Folder of ms. notes and drafts, index inside front cover, 'The problems of Rochelle salt. and other anomalies'. Labelled with titles and ‘Opus nos! by CAC, written ‘Rotating dipoles and Rochelle salt’. November 1932 and bound up October 1933. A ony 54 pp. typescript, perhaps for iste ea cole ns bu onl F ne Bs28 55: B.28.6. Dialectic constant O; Y C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.28 Bi 2867. continued 'Molecular structure. Methods’. Folder of ms. notes and drafts, index inside front cover. Section B Jones, May is carbon of a 7 pp. letter to J.E. Lennard- 1933, 'Problems in Molecular Physics’. B.28.8. ‘Interaction Problems’. Ms. notes, July 1933, bound up October 1933. B.28.9. 'Interlacing spheres and cylinders’. Extensive ms. notes, calculations and diagrams, bound up October 1933. B.28.10. '3 atoms ona circle’. Ms. notes, dated by CAC 'mainly September 1933'. B.28.11. 'Problems of 2 parabolas' (unfinished) and 'Hermite polynomials’. Ms. notes, 33 pp. and 6 pp. 19 pp. ms. notes. B.28.13. B.28.12. ‘Circular ideas October 1933'. 'Triatomics: linear~isosceles~-equilateral'. Miscellaneous ms. notes and drafts. Includes introductory notes by J.E. Lennard-Jones. R.S. 2 C.A. Coulson CSA \C 60/4/78 BOX B.29 Bezels RLY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS Extensive miscellaneous early calculations on wave functions, a 2s and 2p screening, concerning small and large separations. methane and neon, Yy t e 1933-< This is a bulky folder incorporating several folders of notes, some labelled and described by CAC, and some loose papers. B.27.2. Extens sive working [papers and correspondence on - : and Hz" a es letters to HM. James and G.S. Gordadse re pots RS. 8 8, February 1938. 20 Be eteus ‘Vibrational states of methane’. Ms. notes B27 645 'Stark effect’. 14 pp. ms. notes. 4 pp. ms. notes. (c) 'W.K.B. method’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. Bia .Js "Hydrogen bond?' Ms. notes and diagrams. ‘Comparison of Heitler-London, molecular orbital, and true wave~functions and energies’. The folder includes a ms. 'poem' by CAC in the style of 'Hiawatha', thanking a friend for a sponge-cake. Correspondence and working "Hydro'. Notes and references on water flow. B.29.8. 'Excited H9'. ae es Work in collaboration with 7 pp. ms. notes. Deel vy. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.30 EARLY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ANDPUBLICATIONS 15 folders 'Numerical values of integrals’. 4 sets of ms. notes. ‘Self-consistent field method for molecular hydrogen’. | ee e drafts (numbered 0-10 by CAC) and calcu~ latio Includes a note by CAC Sa Mulliken. See correspondence Feb. 1948’. ely calculation to help Rede tt 30.3. ‘Lengthy calculations of beastly integrals’. (c) 1935 Extensive notes and calculations. Includes, in separate binder, CAC's ms. ‘Formulae for beastly integrals’. These notes relate to the work in collaboration with W.E. Duncanson. B.30.4. 1935 Ra and Ms, notes laths Club! ' ‘Radiation calculations’. Short note on exchange integrals. Work in collaboration with D.E. Lea. Kekulé patterns for finding bond order. a Fries an - unexcited states only’. Ms. notes for a talk to be given in collaboration with D.E. Lea, in CAC's and Lea's hands. ms. nores on Tne supjyect. Correspondence and working papers. aad ih ak Mi elk RE fs ee, Byaus is 1935-4 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B. 36 continued B.30.10. manuscript. (see also A.3.3.) Betty ‘Some thoughts on Hg Linear’. App. ms. notes. ka B.W. tts ‘Screening constants Ho" and Hg’. 8 sets of ms. notes and drafis. B.30.13. ‘Diatomics Z,, Zy E% 1937-38 88 pp. ms. notes and drafts, and some loose pages. B.30.14. Early work on the Aromatic Molecules. 10 sets of ms. notes and drafts. B.30.15. (c) 1936 The folder carries a note by R.B. Mallion dated 1975, on the historical interest and seminal! ideas of these notes and papers. Notes and calculations on cyclic polyenes. 7 sets of ms. notes and drafts. C.A. Coulson GSACG 60/4/ 78 BOX Bo EARLY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 14 fol dls ars B. 31.1. "Benzene'. 1937-46 Work in collaboration with J.E. Lennard-Jones. Correspondence and working papers. The folder carries a note by R.B. Mallion about the content and interest of the material. Miscellaneous ms. notes and graphs on bond~order and length. Work ‘to be done’. 3 pp. ms. notes. 2 sets of ms. notes, on the physical and biological properties of sonia ‘ed hydrocarbons, and on ‘Evaluation of A,, for large n', (c) 1938 'Wheland method for graphite’. oi Extensive ms. notes. 1937-41 R.S. 70, 71 ee Go P.32.0;, Bcose«) Includes correspondence with G.W. Wheland, 1937, 1941, and typ escr ipt plans and drafts for two p dapers with the title 'The Electronic structure of graphite | and If' by CAC and J.E. Lennard-Jones. Publication of these collaborative papers was inter rupted by the outbreak of war, and CAC reworked the material for later publication, in collaboration with M, Bradburn and G.S. Rushbrooke, in 1948. etter from J.E. Lennard-Jones. 'Notes on the doubly excited H, atom’. ‘Various thoughts on resonance’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. pn 21¢ b.eol 29.5 & J pp. ms. notes. oy Working papers. Electron M.O. results on chains and rings’. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.3 continued B. oleig ‘Calculations of 3-centre integrals - numerical’, (c) 1936 Notebook of calculations. ‘Bad trictomic integrals’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. ‘Group theory CHy efc.' Miscellaneous ms. notes. Beoks los "General theory x of diatomic molecules’. ! Miscellaneous ms. notes. B.31.14. 'Electron Density. Ht. Numerical’. Extensive notes, graphs and calculations. t soa SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 'Bond orders of links in free radical chains’. Miscellaneous sets of ms. notes, paginated and titled by CAC. Rv5, 14 r tat haw ‘Slater's method for graphite and tight binding’. 1936-38 Miscellaneous ms. notes, ‘Dipole moments’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. ~ ‘Comparison of wave functions for HeH™™ and HeHt', ao $8. Work in collaboration with W.E. Duncanson for paper published in Proc. R.S. Lond. R.SK10 But you'd better not! ‘ ‘i ne B.32.4. B.32De Meetings and some persona! matters are Correspondence with W.E. Duncanson, May-June 1938. This folder consists of an extended exchange of letters, in which ideas are de vslopes d, calculations under~ taken and checked and the finished work prepared fo publication. discussed, and CAC's last letter in the folder (December 1937) refers to the religious group at Leeds in the care of Miss Eileen Burrett and adds; 'You'l! meet the fair Eileen and you shall tell ne if you like her as well as Idol 3") Extensive ms. calculations for HeH", pages numbered 300-621. ‘Structure of graphite - review of existing situation’. arefully indexed by CAC. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 / BC xX 99 B eee B.32.8, ‘Self-consistent field for trigonal carbon in Work in collaboration with J.E. Lennard-Jones. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX 8.33 B.33.1. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS _ 19 folders ¢ 1936-48 a~ ‘Problems on hand’. Extensive folder of notes (many only | long) on problems and questions for research. or 2 pages (see also B.15 'Graphite: tight binding and loose binding Several sets of ms. notes. Includes letter to J.E. Lennord- Jones re publica- tions on graphite, 3 July 1939. (see also B.31.5., B.32.8.) 'Classical lengths of links in aromatics’. Several sets of ms. working notes, with later amend- ments and annotations. Bee of Peper ‘The len ngth ev the links of unsaturated Phy ysics; CAC re-wrote the paper and resubmitted. it was erie with ifcred s comments. R.B. Ma!lion notes (1975) 'Some of the R.B. Mallion notes (1975) that this folder N.B. is of special interest. 'The Electronic structure of some polyenes and aromatic molecules’. Misce!laneous ms. notes, diagrams and drafts, in= cluding ‘first rough draft' July 1938, and 'Revision of July 1939". notes N.B. material in thls apparently unpublished paper appears In paper no. 14! Contribution to London Mathematical Society dis~ cussion, Jonuary 1999. See correspondence with W.G., Penney in B.33.7. below. B. 33.5% ‘Unsaturated hydrocarbons’. * R.S. 14 12 pp. typescript. Polarisation (Data in eters problems’ lA | eee C.A. Coulson BOX B. 33 continued B. 33.7, Correspondence with W.G. Penney, May 1938- February 1939 re calculation of bond orders. 1938-2 Includes reference to London Mathematical Soc ely discussion, January 1939, at which Penney read CAC's paper. ‘Liquid sodium’. Ms. notes and draft. Correspondence with collaborator G.S. Rushbrooke. Bedo.9 'Note on method of molecular orbitals’. Work in collaboration with G.S. Rushbrooke. 5 pp. and 4 pp. ms. nofes. (described as 'a classic and still much~cited paper') R.S. 18 ‘Notes on the calculation of the energy of unsatu- rated hydrocarbon molecules' R.S. 1940-41 6-93.71, Ms. me R.S. 23 13 pp. ms. draft. 20 pp. and 9 pp. Ms. drafts, 52 pp. and 3 pp. "Momentum in single bonds’, 'Van der Waals force between H’ and H'. Includes ca 'Ankarmmonic linear oscillator vibrations, Notes of pa Daudel, Ger Sa Working papers on specific Ms, draft, 11 pp. ‘Bristol Conference’. . . . . . & and others 29 R 16 T.OOe tn ‘ E constant volume ‘ CULOTIONS f y BeGoulé. C.A. Coulson mchem tna ha CSAC 60/4/7 o AMA ‘Momentum tn o’=p { . rehan nf narennal motfere Giscussion of personai ma appearance before Conscient B.33.17. "Momentum of mobile electrons’. 1939-40 19 pp. ms. draft 'Momentum of molecutar orbitals’. 17 pp. ms. draft 'Case of Butadiene’. 10 pp. ms. draft 'Ethylene’, 6 pp. ms. draft ‘Application to benzene’. j Letter from collaborator, W.E. Duncanson, November 1940, Ris cee ‘Momentum distribution in many~electron systems’, 1940 B.33.19. Miscellaneous ms. notes. ‘Colour of unsaturated compounds’, Includes note from 'E.T.C.' (Copson). Miscellaneous ms. drafts and notes. Cu ty Ison /4/78 CSA cS © 60/ BOX B.34 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLIC CATIONS 1s. notes and calculations, separcitely ted, and numbered - and fieeationtbos ne se pages of note 'Elecirolytes'. Work in collaboration with G.S. Rushbrooke; miscellaneous ms. notes, and 3 sets of drafts by collaborator. B.34.3. ‘Electron velocities in molecular hydrogen H9'. 14 pp. typescript ‘Origin of the pean, addressed to {unnamed) collaborator, perhaps W.E. Duncanson. 3 sets of ms. notes, separately paginated and numbered 1-3. Miscellaneous ms. notes and calculations on the subject. 'Generol momentum theory’. ed. Miscellaneous ms. notes. Recs of B.34 “0. es of 4 letters fo W.E. Duncanson on ‘Compton line for CH, CoH, CoH4, C2H2". CAC's bhi se 1941. 'CH4 various attempts and approximations’ (continuation of above). Miscellaneous ms. notes and calculations, 30 pp., 1] pp. and shorter notes. des letter from H.S CAC's copies of 3 letters to W.E. Duncanson, June 1941. A Te 'Diamagnetism of Methane’. Regs es Ms. notes and drafts. C.A. Coulson BOX B.34 continued ‘Approximate molecular orbitals for 2 centres’. Miscellaneous ms. notes variously dated 1941, 1947. 'On the relation between localised and non- localised molecular orbitals’. 2 copies of 13 pp. typescript, with above title, submitted for publication to Royal Society of Edin- burgh July 1942. 2 letters from Max Born, with criticisms of the paper, 1942, Miscellaneous ms. notes and diagrams, 1941-42. wo é CAC withdrew the paper, on Born's advice, but gave a paper in French with similar title in Paris in 1948. R.S. 90 (see also B.1.11., B.17.6.) B.34.10. ‘Dipole moment of CH bond’. 4 sets of extensive ms. notes and drafts. A sets of ms. notes and drafts. K.35,)33! Ks deo B.34.11. 'Wave functions of Lig and No’. 1941-42 Work in collaboration with W.E. Duncanson. Correspondence re publication and referees’ reports, 1942. Correspondence with W.E. Duncanson October 1941- April 1942, with detailed discussion of the progress of the work. R.S. 34 9 pp. ms. draft anc Correspondence with R.P. Bell, June with detailed discussion of the progress of the work. ne ' Work in collaboration with R.P. Bell. B.34.13. Inorganic benzene B.34.12. 'Virial Theorem’. 4 sets of ms. notes and drafts. ‘Dipole movement of C-C bonds’. Miscellaneous ms. notes, some dated 1944, B.34.15. 6 sets of ms. notes and drafts on mathematical problems, probably pre liminary work for paper on "Some diffic ulties in teac hing # he D method in linear differential equations’. ree r 1 RiS. B.34.16. "Momentum in atoms’. aboration with W.E. Duncanson. otes and drafts. espondence with W.E. Duncanson, -N i ember 1° 944, with detailed discussion 2 progress of the work, and some personal correspondence. BOX B.35. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 25 folder B.35.1. ‘Vibrational momenta’. n.d. Miscellaneous ms. notes. ‘Dynamics Book' 4 pp. ms. outline plan for book, dated August Other brief ms. notes. (Work on the book was not completed. ) ‘Activated water’. 1943-44 Letter from D.E. Lea on subject, July 1943, and letter from CAC on subject, July 1944. B.35.4. "Molecular diamagnetism'. 3 sets of ms. notes and drafts, to W.E. Duncanson. t and copy of letter P) B.oore 'Factorising wave equations and other differential equations' ° 11 sets of ms. notes and drafts. 3 sets of ms. notes and drafts. 2 sets of ms. notes on subject. 2 letters from A. Erdélyi, 1944. ‘Energy fluctuations in bonds’. ‘Errors in second-order perturbation theory’. . Work in collaboration with G.S. Rushbrooke. Correspondence with G.S. Rushbrooke, ehiee 1945- March 1947, and with M.S. Bartlett, H.J. Groenewald Box B.35 continued 4 pp. typescript 'Object of the work’. Includes corrected proof for published Pp Pp paper. po} R.S. 40 'Polarisability problems’. ® Z sers OF MS. MoTes, f nat eEe C.A. Coulson SAC 60/4/78 BOX B.35 continued B.35.9. 'C6O2 Lattice Energy’. Work in collaboration with J. Weiss. 4 sets of ms. notes and drafts, and loose pages of o e 1 s r . n Correspondence with 1946, and from 'E.T J. Weiss, October 1945-July TEE 5 (Cor epsony. 'Anharmonic oscillator’. Mainly correspondence with colleagues on the subject. Includes 4 pp. note by CAC 'On the shane of potential energy curves in large molecules’. PP Y Correspondence about CAC's book Waves. 1945-46 Res. (see also B.19.1.) B.oo. 12, 1 Co-operative phenomena. Time variations’. ete aS 2 < s » i ! 1 p. ms. notes only. nl; { ; 4 orbitals’. B.35. 14. ‘The atomic radius of carbon'. 31 pp. typescript draft and 4 pp. references. epresentation of simple molecules by molecular 8 pp. typescript paper contributed by CAC to Conference on Molecular Bonds, Oxford, July CAC organised the conference, and the folder includes programme (heavily annotated), list of participants, accounts, etc. R.S. 49 Folder cover carries a note 'Golden years of M.O. Theory ... Professor Coulson lea ds in teaching and spreading it'. The paper was written by invitation for the first ee volume of Quarterly Reviews of the Chemical Soc Correspondence. Gerber.) (Note is emcees et nt R.B. — anadiias by ~~ een CEN C. A: Gouiso CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.35 continued Bwost0. ‘Suggested researches’. 1946-53 eye lists of possible research topics for CAC and resear tabulated st h A h the names of those udents, various dates 1946-53, some working on them. ‘Oni The folder cover carried a note 'An amazingly broad list of subjects for his eos” students. ae hich oulson some fopics on which students) made distinguished contributions (conjugated systems, for instance). Many of the subjects were not actually pursued’, (Note is by R.B. Ger ber.) List includes qd Proressor (and his Profes iC; oO} (see also B.15, Boos l dt. eS.) Miscellaneous short notes and correspondence re various problems discussed with CAC during his con- sultancy with 1.C.1. 1947 (see also E.3.6.) 'On the eigenvalues and determinants of certain 1946-47 matrices’. Miscellaneous ms. notes. B.35.18. 1946-47 R,5.°53 Correspondence with L. Goddard. (see B. 35.19. below) 10 sets of ms. notes and drafts. 4 pp. typescript draft for paper. 'Note on the random-walk problem'. 'The random-walk problem - Markoff's methed'. Ms. notes, calculations, related to above. ‘ 'The electronic structur Il Unsaturated hydrocarbons derivatives’. Work in collaboration with H.C. Letter from H.C. Longuet-Higgins, notes on the literature, etc. e of conjugated systems Miscellaneous sets of ms. I and their hetero~ notes and loose Longuet-F Diagrams 1 “ ana ty pescrip Tt - dr C raft of paper. Vg 1945 1945, Work in collaboration with J.M. Coulson (twin brother). 2 typescript notes by CAC, 'A theory of mixing! 9 pp., and 'An alternative theory of mixing' 7 pp. 2 sets of ms. notes. Correspondence with J.M. Coulson January 1946~ Janbary 1947. ‘Chemical reactivity’. Folder containing several sets of work of different dates and types. 1947, 1949 Heavily annotated typescript draft of paper with H.C. Longuet-Higgins on ‘Recent develop- ments in the i heory of conjugated substances’, with ms. notes and ms. of a paper in French on similar subject, given by CAC at Institut des Hautes Etudes, the title 'Théorie des Réactivités des Molécules conjugées et Aromatiques'. R.S. 55, 111 (see also B. 37.8.) Bruxelles, December 1949, under | 'Some theories in chemical reactivity for electron systems' Correspondence with editors, collaborator and colleagues, continuing 1962-65. Proposed article for Quarterly Reviews, to be written in collaboration with Brian C. Webster. Miscellaneous ms. notes by CAC on subject, including notes of talks or lectures by others. ey Course of lectures given in Michaelmas Term 1967. 16 pp. ms., with some intercalated pages. 'Wave Mechanics of Chemical Reactions’. Ms. notes, typescript draft for paper ‘Pos Work in collaboration with W.E. Moff Correspondence with W.E. Moffitt, 19% 'D...j3¢ Radial nodes'. 1 PC Rote 1a aaa noaes in aTromic wave functions e oy iM ca ca ane < pan 3OX B. 35 continued Bi 35, 24: "Free Work Miscellaneous ms. notes by CAC Correspondence with J. Jacobs, 1 R.S. 60 (see also B.22.6.) Work on polyphenyls. poly| Y Miscellaneous diagrams of molecules, sent by R. Daudel, and carefully annotated by CAC. Letter from Daudel 1947 proposing a collaborative paper, with detailed reply from CAC on poinis of difference. cr C.A. Coulson CS AG 60/4 4/78 B OX B.36 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION. B.06..1. 'Velocities in atoms. I (p) Curves’. 16 folders 1945-47 Work in collaboration with W.E. Duncanson. ets of notes, diagrams and dratis, Personal and scientific cor nespopS lence with W.E. Duncanson 1945-47, and with editor re referee's comments on paper. R.S. 64 B o0se. 'Graphite-huge molecule approximation’. Vv 1946-47 4 sets of ms. notes on graphite, 43 pp., 55 pp., 24 pp., 4 pp. Ai 5 pp. ‘note on Riley's paper on amorphous carbon’. 2 pp. note on na, Letter on coronene from W.E R.S. 66 pecial determinants’. 7 sets of ms. notes. B.36.4. ‘Method of spin states’ Miscellaneous ms. notes. 'Energy bands in graphite layers’. Work on coupled systems with G.S. Rushbrooke Work in collaboration with G.S. Rushbrooke. Letter from G.S. Rushbrooke, 1947. R.S. 67 Box B.36 conrinvued 11 pp. typescript draft of mobil direction’. Correspondence with G.S. Rushbrooke 1945-4¢ electrons in Crystallites s infinite in one ‘Energies of 5 sets of ms. notes, and loose pages. oa £3 er | C.A. Coulsor CSAC 50/4/78 BOX B.36 col ir inued B.36.6. 'H excited and H™' . pl. rms. notes, and loose pages. B.36.7. ‘Stark effect for H'. Work in collaboration with C.M. Gillam. 3 sets of ms. notes on 'Stark effect’. ao Tf «© Resets '5-ringed hydrocarbons’. r Miscellaneous ms. notes, 'This was agreed at Paris April 1948. pleted Xmas 1948 if pos sible! ; iE RA = ax calculations’. one bearing note by CAC y. To be com- Work in collaboration with R. McWeeny. B, 36.9. B.36.10. 'Fulvene'. Res. 73 Corrected proof of paper. Miscellaneous ms. notes, some paginated by CAC. ‘Quinones, diradicals and free valencies'. Work in collaboration with A. Maccoll. Miscellaneous ms. notes by CAC and collaborator. Miscellaneous sets of ms. notes, and some loose pages, various dates 1939, 1941, 1942 and many undated. Corresponder Correspondence with A. Macccell, 1947 bonds and C-C o=basis type bonds', Extens! ve ms. notes and WwW orking papers itomic radius 'C=H QO nan iu aennnd C¢ FQ > R oe 78 R.S. 74 1946-48 ® G.A. Couts A Fal 1 a) / 72 CSAC: 60/4/ lj BOX B continued "Free radicals’, Work in collaboration with W.E. Moffitt. Draft for paper. Letter from W.E. Moffitt, n.d. Rio. 72. "Free valence’. 5 sets of ms. notes, and some loose pages, on reek. p solarisability prok dae some dated 1947, 1948. 1 < R.S< 83 'Para-amino=Stilbene' Work in collaboration with J. Jacobs. Ms. notes by J. Jacobs, typescript draft of paper by CAC, Programme of meeting of the Chen which the paper was read. 1947-48 R.S. 88 B.36.16. "Atomic wave functions’. Work in collaboration with W.E. Duncanson,. Miscellaneous ms. notes and calculations by CAC and collaborator. Correspondence with W.E. Duncanson, 1942-53. CA. St slson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX B.37 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH -UBLICATIONS 15 fold ers Bohels ‘Bacterial variation’. 1946-50 Work in collaboration with D.E. Lea. Extensive ms. drafts, working pa by CAC and by Lea, most dated 1S Correspondence with D.E. Lea 1947, with detailed salts of the progress of the work. A Correspondence with 1 aibtieat ion of the wor K atte “Bia. Haldane 1948 ? Ms, accounts by CAC of his work wit 4 pp. ms. and 6 pp. typescript nats given as part of a discussion at King' London, 1950. ‘Surface tension of liquid metals’. Correspondence and working papers, various dates, B.37.3. 1947-49 n.d. Work in collaborationwith J. Jacobs. Ms, notes, draft for paper. Extensive correspondence with colleagues. Miscellaneous ms. notes. 2 pp. ms. draft for paper. 'Ultra-violet spectra of conjugated molecules’. ‘The addition of osmium tartrate to dinaphthylethylenes'. Invitation to lecture to Farac y Society on 'Existence and Energies of Surface States’ 1949. R.S. 102 collak ‘Butadiene and FMO and configuration interaction’. Work in collaboration with J. Jacobs and D.P. Craig. BY 3/45. "Momentum functions in a central field’. Ms. notes, calculations and correspondence with 7 pp. ms. notes. Biue0. 1949-50 c > te S - > . Luz. BOX | B.41.1. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBI IONS 15 folders ‘Group IIl-V compounds’. 968-69 “ Ms. notes, some perhaps taken by CAC on lectures by others. arnrun Amt seats avteie a ¢ R.S. 376 'Keys-mathematical problem’. 1968 Notes, diagrams, correspondence. Drafts for paper published as 'How many different keys?! R.S. 977 (see also B.10.8.) "Jahn-Teller effect in vanadium tetrachloride’. Ms, draft by B.M. Deb. RSs. 300 'Tricycloquinazoline'. Computer output, correspondence, typescript draft by J.P.M. Bailey sent to CAC for comment. B.41.5. 1965-69, 1975 ie ales B.20.7.) Notes, ms. draft. "Electronic structure of ‘triapentafulvalene', Contents of the folder are listed on the cover, with note from M.D. Poole (1975) inside. Extensive correspondence with numerous collaborators and colleagues. Box B.41 continued Notes on commutation and hypervirial~t type of relations. Lecture notes on simple line related topic in projective cao Includes copy of letter to J.G. Taylor, October 19 This paper was never published. N.B. B.41.6. . Coulson @ » 60/4 4/ /78 B.41.8. istribution around Ke ft of lecture at Harwell, Ms. draft of ‘Molecular objective neutron scattering’. ¢ io ° R.S. 391 ‘Chemical bonds and cor mplex wave functions’. Ms. notes. Correspondence with collaborator, R.J. White. Rede O70 ‘Recent developments in valence theory’. Ms. draft and galley ee f lecture delivered at Symposium on 'Fifty Years of Valence Theory' held in Australia 1969. é R.S. 401 (see also A.10.5.) 1969-70 B.41.12. B.41.13. Ms. notes, correspondence. "Recent work on molecular structure calculations’. Ms. notes and drafts with suggestions for furthe work, ‘Variation in an operator’ and ‘Gradients and curvature of a function in Hilbert space’. ‘Ring current calculations on decacyclene and related molecules’. ‘Vis. notes Ms. notes and draft of paper for publication, based on a lecture given at the Atomic and Molecular Physics Conference, Manchester, April 1969. Aagnetic properties of molecules and interpre- Further hypervirial ideas’. Correspondence with R.B. Mailion. so hat TO Ae hAal loan, rracnnncdonce tations of N.M.R. data’. Red. AA on C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4, ‘78 biA2, 2. ARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 12 fold "Generalized uncertainty relations’. } 1971-72 Ms. notes and draft, correspondence. : oe a ‘Notes on the two-particle density matrix Ti-electron theory’. eet ee tg ag So 2 ~ % t Ms. draft. R.S. A413 (see also C.12.9.) ‘Energy values of the occupied molecular orbitals in HgO9'. 970-71 Ms. notes, correspondence. 'Vacancy centres in the diamond lattice: critique of current theoretical a treatmenis'. 1972-73 Ms. and typescript drafts. yt t R.S. 420 j 1970-71 B.42.5. in CAC' Ms. notes (not all Correspondence with R.P. ‘Calculation of zero-field integrals’. ‘Calculations of h perpolarizabilities usin¢ Hartree-Fock techniques’ ; YP Notes and drafts for paper submitted to Theoretica The paper reached page-proof but Chemica Acta. was withdrawn by CAC in February 1972 for further investigation; death Dr. Roger Mallion took advice of colleagues about publication of the paper and this correspondence is enclosed in the folder. > continued Notes and correspondence re paper by M.B. Glauert. ‘Bond additivity and the Compton prof file for re-submitted. After CAC's 'The inverted pendulum’. if was not continued t ‘ Notes, correspondence, page-proof, S. AAI Cay | 'An investigation of the short-range interactions between atoms and Beleeul@ using the Hellmann- Feynman theorem: hydr ogen and helium’. Three-body forces in |. 1973-74 Ms. notes and draft by CAC, ms. draft by collaborator, D. Makin. This paper was never published. "On the question of ee aoee "Ring currents' in suite ne and related molecules’. Posthumous publication with R.B. Mallion. 42.12. 1971-76 Mallicn and of Mallion's correspondence Pho stocopies of CAC's correspondence exchanged with R. B. exchanged with colleagues ais CAC's death. R.S. 446 * R.S. 447 * ‘Ring magnetic susceptibilities in conjugated hydrocarbons’, Posthumous publication with J.A.N.F. Gomes and R.B. Mallion. Photocopies of CAC's correspondence exchanged with R.B. Mallion and of Mallion's correspondence exchanged with colleagues after CAC's death. as being in course of preperation: Continuation of Royal Society Memoir num bering of bibliography to those papers ~ouls , 60/4/7 73 HUCKEL One box of material assembled by Dr. R.B. Mallion and Dr. B. O'Leary in preparing a book based on the course of lectures de! CAC to Oxford undergraduates on the subject of 'HUckel theory of organic chemistry’. (See B.24.3 for CAC's manuser for this course. ) CAC gave the course in the the book is based on a transcript of tape-recordings taken in Hilary Term, 197k: Publication is by Academic Press, London 1978 and the authors have contributed all royalties to the Coulson Memorial Fund (see A.19.7). The box includes: hotocopy PY Pp of early draft of Y tape~recordings of the 8 lectures delivered by CAC in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, 21 January - 11 March 1971. included with the file. preface and foreword to p A list of correspondents is transcripts of these lectures, prepared by Dr. O'Leary one file of correspondence, 1974~78, re writing and publication of the book. the book, tig ie SAORI Ee Ey ie WAL, GIG S8¢ ientific PE . in Oien Ch ~ Of itors ¢ a mambkare $ ane mempers Programmes and subjecis Editorial arrar Administrative arrangements for unive rsity adr Research gronis, hte: and awards, msmrrle tee Tal i 8 nA a ~ ACAI responsibil | it AC Re Lgl US All the ise Bi ibliography is I given @ took to ens from overseas also inc! OF | personal separate scieni A short note kas been made of material of part died to CAC's research ements for accom comers i whom he felt dealt with, in accordance activities ance, and when the work refers to ascertainable number of the Royal Society continued ee ¢ rae eaten the relevant SAGE Teg Bin sos « or import ge! o a Ory Nore 1a KE ano re a cac Vos or to ve Inace> \ i NG ve no ~ ~ 7 s e Pe inac na exe CA ti ~ “Ne enerd! cour Hoi res AI se € * a te L.A. COoUutson CSAC 60/4/78 ASTON, John (Jack) G. ATKINS, Peter W. BADGER, Geoffrey Malec R.S. 14] BALDOCK, Gordon R. Rs tke: Oe BAUGHAN, E. — Christopher BERRONDO, Manuel BLINDER, Seymour Michael BLOOR, John E. 1948-54 1941, 1948, 1963-66 1969-73 1956-69 BLYHOLDER, George 1964-70 ~ BOOTH, F. BRACKMAN, Wim 1949, 1955 1941, 1957-58 BOWEN, Edmund John BORN, Max with a note by Mrs. Coulson that CAC especially asked that this folder should be preserved 1961-73 BURNELLE, Louis A. Ride 190, 220 BRADLEY, Christopher John BURTON, Ronald E. BASTIANSEN, Otto ‘ 1948-50 1943-55, 1968 1952-54 1959-67, 1973 CORI CANNON, Peter CARBONELL-VILA, Juan Luis CHERRY, (Edward) Colin CHESTER, Geoffrey V. CHIRGWIN, Brian H. R.S. 97 ar ae Donald D. R, a 38C CLAR, Eric ~ COLEMAN, A. COSTA NETO, Claudio 1964-68 1946-66 BOX C.3 CORRESPONDENCE 5 folders 1966-74 CRAWFORD, Victor Arthur RS. 84, 144 COPPENS, Philip R52 300° COHAN, Norah Violetta R.S. 189, 336, 337_ 1963-67 CURL, Robert Floyd RS. 826 “CYPRECDONIDMENICE CORRI Jr Vi DENCE 11 folders DAILEY, Benjamin Peter 1956, 1962-65, 1970 DANIELSSON, Ulf R.S. 154, 155 DAVIES, Brynmor L. DAVIES, Peter L. RS. 127, 133. DEMPSTER, Michael A. H. DECIUS, John (Jack) Co 1965-66 1947-63 DODSON, Charles Leon DUNCAN, Albert B. 1950-54 1971-73 1953-71 DINGLE, Thomas W. Rade 20d DITCHBURN, Robert William DUNITZ, Jack David 1949-71 CORRESPONDENCE ERS E le ie R LO 5 “AY rel Ja nes Edward - EISENBERG, Dovid 336, 337, 300 Elst ON, Lewi Is Richarc IB ot iami EMERSON, Donald R.S. 434 ENDERBY, John Alfred EPSTEIN, Saul Theodore 396 CORRESPONDENCE FERNANDEZ-ALONSO, José 1972-73 1960-68 1950-57 1970-73 1969-73 9 folde 1951-72 FISCHER=HJALMARS, Inga 1948-66 1951-54 1967-69 1969-70 FLURRY, Robert L. FISHER, Michael Ellis FOSTER-JAKOB, R. FORSLIND, Erik (see also C.4.2.) 1949, 1953 FYFE, William Sefton Ro S50 FLURRY, Robert L. FUKUI, Kenichi 10 folders 195] 1945-65 Robert Martin GOODWIN, Thomas 2S. 280, 283, 295, GREEN, Albert Edward 1949-68 GREEN, Michael Not listed in R,S. Memoir. GRAY, Louis Harold (Hal) includes note on mss. of Douglas Lea, and draft of CAC's memorial tribute to Gray published in British J. Radiol. 1965. Goa claws 1960-64 GRIFFITH, - includes corresp by CAC in preparation of obituary of Griffit Nature, 1972. Not listed in R.S. Memoir. (see also E.7.7.) srial e y Y I { gathered if SRIMISON, Alec Riss 273 GRUBB, Anthea GUSEINOV, |. HADDOW, Alexander includes correspondence re Rutherford's interest in biology 13 folders 1948-72 1952-56, 1972 1965, 1966-72 1961-65 18-50, 1970 1961-65 1953-73 1953-65 HANDLEY, Barbara HALPERN, Vivian Morris HAMILTON, Walter C. HAMMERSLEY, John M. Rea, COL HAWGOOD, John HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HAO, Vo-The HIGASI, Ken-iti 1950-65 29.0; 1 267, 277, 288 LA 64 1961-67, 1973 1951-68 1957-65 1963, 1969 1963-65 1964-65 HOLT, Anthony R. HORNIG, t Donald F. HORVATH, John I. HOWLETT, Jack HUDSON, Robin L. HUNTER, Geoffrey HURLEY, Andrew C. R.S. 288 HUTCHINSON, Douglas A. INGOLD, Christopher Kelk IRIBARNE, Julio V. JAMIESON, John B. R.S. 198 JACOBS, Juliane R.S. 88, 91, 105, 106 (see also in general index) R.5. 274 1961-64, 1973 JEACOCKE, John E. JOHNSTONE, Derek F. JORTNER, Joshua 1953- “7 ry 7° on Lhe ehh hes tts Gill Se Oy ate ab datts alley. FORGUE, Alexandre L. V. LAID LAW, William G. LEFEBRE, Roland LOEBL, Ernest Moshe LOOYENGA, Hans R.S. 308, 333, 371 hes Fredy Krell. LOWDIN, Per-Olov .S. (includes phoi 52, 97, 105, 106, 108, 340, 351 J ee in alphabetical t ete 4° is \CDONALD, David Keith Chalmers MACIAS ’ Antonio MACGILLIVRAY, Archibald Dean MACKEY, G. McGOWA N, John ¢ R.S. 54 MACKAY, Donald M. MAGAT, Mic VE (see also A.13. ig o af MANN, David E. MACLAGAN, Robert G. RS. 463 Relies ti Celeiey CT bmewe C.12.4. CG. T2.5. she. Os Ci lZu7s ct2,e Ree Tae? Gitestos Keke es lest G.l2, 14, 1950-70 1968-70 1950-63 1964~71 Koa Lae, ey SO tes 19% MCHLER, Je. Rs MARQUARDT, Lutz MANGINI, Angelo McMURRY, Henry Lewis MATSEN, Frederick Alfred MAYERS, David F. R.S. 318 1945-60 MOFFITT, William E. the later correspondence deals with the various obituaries, appreciations and memorial volumes which appeared after Moffitt's death in 1958 Ri S.c00, ofp GO, 7, 85 (see also C.18.4. corres spondence with J. Wilson) MILNER, Eric C. MORDAUNT, G. Li cal MUL LE 2 R, Norbert IN C, 14: 16, 1998-5? f 1951- ir He asdair He ‘ 4 Witt rit 1958 -68 WO Cid12.8, NEWTC RS. os | Rt Oeas OLEARI, Luigi Merde Os OLIFF, Raymond Walter CAGed 5 ORGEL, Leslie Eleazer Rio. ast PARKER, Ken PALMER, Arthur PAULING, Peter PILAR, Frank L. PIMENTEL, George C. PINCHERLE, Leo PITTS, Eric POLANSKY, Oskar E. 1950 1962-63 1948-52 1957-69 ©. 14. 10; 341 Cork. POTTS, Alexander Desmond PRYCE, Maurice Henry Lecorney PRICE, William C. R.S. 286, 1947-56 RANDIC, RICHAR EQ vd Mathematical Gazette Logos Press Ltd. Macmillan C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX E.13 B543.0. der Monat Near and Far East News Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. Nigerian Journal of Science North-Holland Publishing Co. Il Nuovo Cimento Oliver and Boyd Ltd. (see also A.2.3.) Organic Mass Spectrometry Oxford Magazine Oxf ord Mail Oxford Times Philosophy Physica Status Solidi Physics Letters A Plenum Publishing Co. Lid. Research 1954 1960 1965-66 1965 1964 1971-72 1961 1973 1955-57 1954 1955 1956 1968 1968-69 1969 1965 1955-56 1954-61 1959-60 Reader's Digest Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange Reviews of Modern Physics Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1955 Scope Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Spectrochimica Acta. Vincent Stuart Publishers Lid. Science for Non-Scientists Scientific American 1949 1973 1963 1962 1963 Society of Chemical Industry Scientific Monthly C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 E.13.9. continued continued Sunday Telegraph ' Tetrchedron Time and Tide Transworld Student Library University Tutorial Press Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. World Science Re Zenith (magazine of the Oxford University Scientific 1964-68 Society) (see also D.2.10.) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 RELIGIOUS, EDUCATIONAL AND HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATIONS 7 BOXES. Although CAC was known as a convinced Methodist and pacifist throughout his life, these folders show the full range of his humanitarian interest, expressed in religious, educational, political and social activities. In some of these he played a public and major role (for example, as Chairman of OXFAM, as Vice-President of the Methodist Conference or as a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches), but others are less well known. To all he brought his dis~ tinctive power of personal involvement; many of the relatively routine letters in the folders contain thoughtful matérial of considerable biographical and general interest. Most of the material in this Section consists of correspondence, reports, committee and organisational matters relative to institutions and publications soonsored by Pp P order; them. ys to meetings, vr conferences and With the exception of Box F.7, the material is not in alphabetical for ease of reference, an alphobetical index to all the organisations in this Section is provided overleaf, and cross-referenced to related materia! in other sections of the collection are given where possible. 4/78 Al p habetical Index to Organizations in Section F Aldermaston March Committee Alliance Amnesty International Anglican-Methodist Student Visitation Anglo-American Theologica! Conferences (Oxford Institute of Methodist Studies) Approach Asia Christian Colleges Association Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Birmingham Central Mission Bradford University - Chair of Peace Studies Appeal British Council for Peace in Vietnam British Council of Churches British Peace Committee British Social Biology Council Christian Action Christian Education Movement Christian Frontier Council Canadian Peace Research Institute Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Christ and Unemployment Crusade Cassowary Central Council for the War on Want Council of Christian Pacifist Groups Christian News-Letter Christian Peace Conference Comimmitiee for the Reprieve of The Mosul Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy Christian Science Publishing Society Council for Education in World Citizenship eee F.7.2. Posed Fi7ee Committee on Science and Freedom Pied. \ ae oe ot ee Council for Volunteers Overseas ; CUPS Wane par eeiyr nani: > See Clifton College Prisoners eB Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 Crux Press Cuban Defence Committee Czechoslovak News Agency Czechoslovak Trade Unions Daily Worker Emergency Committee for World Government Epworth Press Fellowship of Reconciliation Fellowship of the Kingdom The Fellowship Party Fund for Human Need Hastings Encyclopaedia of Religion cycropacaliG: g g Hydrogen Bomb Committee Institute of Christian Education Institute of Christian Education at Home and Overseas International Council for Christian Leadership International Preparatory Commiltee Commiitee Luton Industrial College Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam Bombs John Wesley Society Korean University International War Crimes Tribunal Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Methodist Church - Vith Formers Conference International Voluntary Service for Peace WhOWTEOGe Methodist Recorder - Science Supplement Methodist Spiritual Healing and Psychological National Association for Teachers Ci Methodist Education Committee Methodist Peace Fellowship Methodist Student Work Committee Ministerial Training Committee Mongrels Knawladea Ge hia é A, AC Coulson 60/4/78 National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment National Center of Communication National Council for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Tests National Council for Civil Liberties National Peace Council New Directions Nuffield Foundation Order of Unity Oxfam Oxford Christian Movement Oxford City Labour Party: Oxford Committee (Area Campaign) for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Tests Oxford Commitiee for Community Relations Oxford Coramittee for Racial Integration Retina Piutime Ft «Os F FQ Ful Oy Ref spe Pavia: 10, FOn2 hei sO. Fa/ Oe Ride On F.7.6. Oxford Council of Churches PivO.ds Piske On F.6.4. FrOe0s F760. ray 0s Fda, Oxford House Oxford Pastorate Fat'sOs hatees Queenswood School Queen's College, Taunton Present Question Conference Pulpit Digest Oxford Overseas Students' Hostel Peace News Peace Pledge Union Pel cfs Rencontre pour la Détente Internationale St. George's House, Wolverhampton St. Paul's College, Cheltenham r Anglo-Chinese Understanding a al ties A Regent's Park College, Oxford Scientific Research Committee o St. George's House, Windsor 1 i e owship for Psycl t li F.6.8, F647, Piss Petits Fir. i cl ‘ bi ‘ 5 cz ais OTUdIES Pe C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 Society for Cultural Relations with USSR Society Y for International Development P Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge Society of Friends' Peace Conference Spectator Standing Joint Pacifist Committee Student Christian Movement Survey Magazine Union of Democratic Control Universities Quarterly Urban Theology Unit Vereinigungen des Verfolgten des Naziregimes William Temple College, Rugby Women's Strike for Peace World Christian Digest Piva « F 50.10. Rake? erage Pan rioctt. Fisie. a Fete Is Cal Pe Riva di r.6.12, Figha? F.6.14. Pat Pstiee Fh he F710, Fetel. Fog. IU. F./ 610. World Refugee Year World Methodist Council World Council of Churches World Constitutional Convention World's Student Christian Federation CAC was Senior Treasurer of JACARI (Joint Action Committee Against Racial Intolerance) from about 1956 unti! his death. and CAC's involvement with it, of Professor Kenneth Kirkwood, Rhodes Professor of Race Relations, Oxford University. Material relating tc this movement, is currently in the library agit Cope CSAC 4 0/4/7 BOX F PACIFISM 7 folders ee Fedele Council of Christian Pacifist Groups Correspondence, programme, copies of addresses delivered at public meeting held in Central Hall, Westminster, 9 November 1934, on 'Christ's Call to Make Peace'. Copy of Mani festo issued by Council. (CAC was Chair- man of the Youth Section - see correspondence in F.1.3.) Ms. and typescript of CAC's contribution. *Cambr idge Group’ Numerous drafts of Ss amphlet! written by four members of the Cone idg pondence between keine ers re os hlet. » Movement, and corres~ (see also A.15, A.16,.A.17, D.5.3-D.5.7) One file of extensive, thoughtful correspondence Many of the letters are from members of the on pacifism, conscientious objection, use of the atom bomb. Cambridge Group Movement. to the 'Peace Pamphlet! and to the 1934 Christian Pacifist Groups meeting. Letters include references Fellowship of Reconciliation 1933-36, 1940-45 Misc. correspondence re various activities of the Correspondence re meetings of The Fellowship and re establishment of a Youth Section of the Council of Christian Pacifist Groups. (see also D.5.6,CAC's Alex Wood Memorial Lecture, 1953) Fellowship (meetings, journal, Oxford University branch, etc.). with Japanese scientists and other inte rested parties re possible BBC feature on effects of atomic bomb on births in Japan, Includes a substantial amount of correspondence SAC 60/4 /78 continued Extensive background material (press cuttings, poems, official letters, notices of meetings, etc.) on pacifism and conscientious objection, as assernbled by 1934-4] CAC ‘ Includes ms. and typeser ipt notes by CAC from the current literature, typescript of 3 articles or notes by CAC ‘Something to Do', 'The Undergraduate and War' and ‘Conscription of Women', and copies of 2 letters sent out by CAC to members of the Cambr idge Group. correspondence. Related The material in this folder is very closely linked Note: to the other papers in Box F.1 and therefore has been left in sequence although it more properly belongs in Section D. British Peace Committee Correspondence with members and officers re various appeals, international congresses, publications of the Committee. by the committee and comments by CAC on J.D. Bernal's pamphlet 'Disarmament' (1952). Includes numerous printed documents issued He drafted section of the collection. Christian Action The correspondence especially relates to the Vienna CAC was asked to be one of Peace Congress, 1951-53. the sponsors of the 1952 Congress but declined. a faites to the Times (which was to be signed by several other invited sponsors) setting out their reasons for not participating. CAC's correspondence with the officers of the British Peace Committee and with Canon L.J. Collins (a signatory of the letter to the Times) exhibits the same thoughtful, careful concern which is such a feature of the documents preserved in this organi sdticai Sees tall) re establishn organization, especially re the Defence and Aid Fund. Includes drafts of pamphlet on 'Nuclear deterrent and Christian conscience’. Correspondence and printed material re work of the CAC was a Vice-President for several years. International Voluntary Service for Peace 1958~67 Correspondence with members and officia £ere Ore PACIFIST, eee ATIONAL ANH Cambridge Sunday Schools Reports by CAC (typescript and ms.) on the work of the Sunday Schools in the Cambridge area. 'The Christian View of the Family' Document prepared for the Methodist Conference. Annotated and amended drafts and 2 pp. typescript comments by CAC, 'Christ and Unemployment Crusade' Printed matter and correspondence re arrangements for CAC to speak at Leys School, Cambridge, 1936. Correspondence re German refugees whom CAC tried to assist, mainly through the Secial Welfare Depart- ment of the Methodist Church. Institute of Christian Education at Home and Ove rsecis Printed material and copy of note by A. Comfort for publication in Christian News-letter. Annotaied by CAC, C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX F PACIFIST, EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS 9 folders ORGS ANIZAT [ONS ee ae Alliance CAC became a Vice-President in 1957. Correspondence and printed papers. F.3.2-F,3.3. Anglo-American Theological Conferences (Oxford Institute of Methodist The ological Studies) 1956-69 These conferences grew out of discussions at the They were held in Oxford in the summers 1956 World Methodist Conference ot Lake Junaluska (see A.6.9.). of 1958, 1962, 1965 and 1969. practical leit which used Lincoln College as a base. for organizing and booking the conferences, CAC hi iled all the 2 extensive folders of correspondence and t printed p matier: 1956-58 1960-69 r A] 1955-69 1958-70 British Council of Churches Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Commitiee papers, corresoondence, summary of CAC was one of the sponsors of the organization. CAC's address at the Conference on Scientific and Technological Education, London, March 1955. Minor correspe Extensive printed material, issued by the organization. Committee papers. Branch of C.N.D. and to the Christian Group of C.N.D. Correspondence re aims, activities and publications. The folder includes papers relative to the Oxford CAC was a patron. Ae hae por Central Council for t e War on Wart C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX F.3 os continued Peorre’ Christian Education Movement 1970-73 CAC was a Vice~President. Minor correspondence. | ( (see ais Sane Student Chrisi | 7.8, one folder of correspondence re istion Movement) ! Clifton College 1957-71 CAC's school. He was a Governor of the College. Correspondence, agenda and notices of meetings. Council for Volunteers Overseas 1969-71 CAC was member of the Council from 1969. Minor correspondence, reports, printed matter. ee if AL AND RELIGIOUS 9 folders Fund for Human Need 1960-67 CAC was a patron of the Fund. Misc. correspondence, charter, arrangements for conference, newsletters. Institute of Christian Education Minor correspondence, numerous memoranda for discussion at conference, outline for a proposed book to be published by the Institute, entirely of printed matter.) (Folder consists almost Dee Luton Industrial College CAC was its Honorary President from 1972. Correspondence, printed material re the College. 1955-69 over the years. Methodist Peace Fellowship 1] p. note by CAC re conferences. Methodist Church - Vith Formers Conference Correspondence with organisers and participants. CAC attended many of these annual conferences (see also D.2.9. for copy of Inaugural Lecture delivered at the College, 28 September 1968, by CAC) Spee ial issue of the Supplement which was : issue was in November 1959) Wi David Wright) re suggestions for Mostly committee papers and printed matter, with Correspondence re planning and publication (the first CAC helped to plan and launch the Supplement Methodist Recorder - 'Science Supplement and was a frequent contributor. some related correspondence, articles and/or contributors. Tt ae fhe folder also contains numerous letiers and mss. ws lama: ay Be Spe Bc ole Gay Inge ce ¢ vw ak a ; , th the editor (Professor 1959-73 I C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX F.4 continued F.4.6 (continued) 7 pp. ms. and 3 pp. devoted to psychical research. typescript of CAC's contribution ‘Some comments by a scientist'. other's mss. Comments by the contributors on each (see also the numerous items in Section D, pp. which were published . the Methodist Recorder) if Methodist t Student Work Committee Correspondence and papers re survey on Methodist~ Anglican Union. Methodist Spiritual Healing and Psychological Committee Correspondence re methods of nomination to com- an House in mittees and re proposed International Christia Oxford. National Association for Teachers of Religious Knowledge (NATORK) 1967-68 Correspordence and news-letters. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 OXFAM (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief) 10 folders CAC was elected to membership of the Council of Management in 1960 and was elected Chairmon in December 1965. He served as Chairman until 1971. One box of correspondence, printed material on OXFAM's activities, notes for speeches, committee meetings. 1960-65 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972-73 Third World | Reports by CAC of his visits to OXFAM projects in East Africa during his sabbatical term there, 1968-69, (see also A.10.3, A.10.4, B.16.1.-B. 16.3.) c .A. Coulson SAG 60/4/7 Ay 8 BOX F.6 PACIFIST AND RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS 14 folders F 6st, National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Puni 'shment 1961-69 Printed matter, minor correspondence. Oxford Christian Movement 1972-73 CAC was its Senior Member from 1972. Corres Oxford Council of C : 1960-71 CAC was on the Council from 1961. Correspondence. Oxford Overseas Students' Hostel CAC was a sponsor of the original appeal. igh Oxford Pastorate CAC was on the Council. Correspondence. Correspondence, printed matter. Present Question Canference Correspondence, 14 pp. heavily corrected typescript Minor coirespondence, printed motier. of CAC's address 'The Longing for Truth' delivered at the 1964 conference in Oxford. CAC was a member of the Board of Patrons ond St. George's House, Wolverhampton 1959-63 RS. 145. 1950-53 Advisers. C.A. Coul CSAC 60/4, son /78 BOX F i 6. continued F56.8. St. George's House, Wi indsor 1967-73 Correspondence (especially re weekend meeting on Science and Human Pot entiality held in December 1967), printed matter. titled 'The Impact on Man of his Control of the Ph sical Folder includes summary of his talk and CAC's ees . notes taken at discussion. CAC's address to the meeting was Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding 1965-68 Corresponden ice, committee papers, printed matter re goals and philosop oh of the Society. CAC resigned from the Society in 1968 F.6, 10. Society for International c . Developrnent 1971-73 Printed matter, correspondence. P.6.t Standing Joint Pacifist Committee 1956-57 Minor correspondence rinted matter. sp r P 1956. St. Paul's College, Cheltenham 1957-65 CAC was a Patron. Urban Theology Unit Correspondence, printed matter. p. abstract of CAC's talk 'Technology, Science and Humanity', delivered at conference in 1972. 1 (see also A.7.4 4} its courses on Responsibility in Industry, arrangements for CAC io visit and lecture, notes for his talk on 'The universe revealed by the physicai sciences’, Misc. correspondence on reading-matter, courses and and maintained his interest in the college over the years. Misc. correspondence re the work of the college and CAC examined the Natural Sciences course 1956-58 William Temple College, Rugby examinations, appointments, efc. 1954-63 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SPONDEN 11 folders Miscellaneous shorter correspondence with religious, pacifist, educational and hurdentiarian organizations publishers. e act tribute articles, Invitations to attend meetings, lecture, con- . sign appeals. oe ' » Sig f iA those occasions when CAC decided not to lend his , he always wrote a very full and careful sabi te recisons ae declining. Many of CAC's let information of personal and biographical int eae setting ers include vv Aldermaston March Committee Amnesty International Anglican-Methodist Student Vi Approach Asia Christian Colleges Association Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Birmingham Central Mission Bradford University (Chair of Peace Studies Appeal) 1958 1972 1964. 1967 1956 1964 1953-54 1971-72 1965 1954 1962 1966-67 1955-56 British Council for Peace in Vietnam Cassowery 1956 1959 1955 Christian News- ‘Letter Christian Frontier Council Christian Peace Conference British Social Biology Council Canadian Peace Research Institute Christian Science Publishing Society Committee for the Reprieve of Mosul Prisoners 196] Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy Council for Education in World Citizenshi ip Committee on Science and Freedom statement DY following H-bomb rf ee. Czechoslovak News Agency (ms. and typescrip Czechoslovak Trade Unions AC on effects of radioae tivity 1960 196] 1970 1954 1962 Daily W ork CON Crux Press 1 tests) C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX Re? continued Epworth Press (see also D.12.2.) The Fellowship Party Fellowship of the Kingdom Hastings Encyclopaedia of Religion 1954-56, 1959 195? 1958 1970 Hydrogen Bomb Committee (Oxford University) 1954-55 International Council for Christian Leadership (re Peace conference in Cambridge) International Preparatory F Committee International War Crimes Tribunal Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs John Wesley Society Korean University Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam Methodist Education Committee Ministerial Training Committee 1966 1965 1958 1967 1965 1953 ‘1958 The Mongrels 1967-69 1966 Nuffield Fellowships) Order of Unity National Peace Council New Directions 1962-68 1957 1963-64 1969 National Center of Communication National Council for Civil Liberties National Council for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Tests n.d. Nuffield Foundation (Overseas Development Institute/ Queen's College Oxford Committee (Area Campaign) for the Abolition Oxford Committee for Community Relations Oxford Committee for Racial Integration Oxford House Peace News Oxford City Labour Party 196] 196] 1973 Peace Pledge Union Pulpit Digest of Nuclear Weapons Tests 950, 1958 C.A. Coulse CSAC 60/ 4/78 conti inue d Queenswood School Regent's Park College, Oxford Renconire pour la Détente Internationale 1958 1957 1954 St. Martin-in-the-Fields Discussion Group 1954-55 Scientific Research Committee of the Churches' Fellow- 1972-73 ship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies Society for Cultural Relations between the Peoples of the British Commonwealth and the USSR Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge Society of Friends' Peace Committee tudent Christian Movement (one folder of papers re writings by CAC for S.C.M. Press) Survey Magazine Together Union of Democratic Control Universities Quarterly World Christion Digest 1950 1962-63 1961-62 World Methodist Council World Refugee Year 1964 1955 196] 1956 1959 1960 World Council of Churches Women's Strike for Peace World Constitutional Convention Vereinigungen der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (VVN) Not itemised or indexe CAC by various organizations to enlist his suppori. One folder of miscellaneous duplicated letters sent to World's Student Christian Federation C.A~ Goulson Gs of a 60/ /4/78 SECTION G CORRESP ONDENCE 22 BOXES Boxes G.1 - G.18 contain general scientific and personal correspondence. The content and arrangement are the same as for Section C (s ee note on Ppp. 134 - 135); Boxes G.19 - G.22. While the general content of these folders is similar g to that in CAC's earlier scientific correspondence (research problems, ere publications, arrangements for visiting scholars, staff, appointmenis, etc.) they refer specifically to the new Department of Theoretical Chemistry which CAC was instrumental in creating at Oxford (see also H.11.1 - H.11.13) and whose Chair now bears his name. The folders reflect his efforts to build up a thriving research team as rapidly as possible, and contain a larger element of personal information as he became progressively more unwell. ‘ CAC's solicitude for the academic and personal welfare of his students and for the continuation of his department is clear and touching, as is the sense of shock and personal loss widely felt Box G.22 is particularly interesting in this respect, as much of the correspondence covers the last months of his life, and was continued by Miss R. Schwerdt after his death in January 1974. at his death. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.1 CORRESPONDENCE G.1.1.-G.1.4. ALTMANN, Simon Leona R.S. 122, 123, (see also B. 14.) 200 A NNO, Toshinobu R. 3. 269 1958-62, 1968-6! ARTHURS, Arnold Magowan 1960-73 BOX.G.2 CORRESPONDENCE 2 folders G.2.1.-G.2.2. ALI, Md. Asgar Ruas Anh ole, 2: 39 CORRESPONDENCE BAILEY, John P.M. R.S..398 R.S. 108, 131, 132, 152, 215 BARNETT, Michael P. BANERJEE, Kalyan K. BAILEY, Margaret L. 6 folders 1948-70 C.A. Coulson G SAC 60/4/78 BOX G.4 CORRESPONDENCE 6 folde nes BASU, Sadham BIRSS, Fraser W. R.S. 215 see also G.3.4.-G.3.6.) BOYD, Russell Jaye R.S. 421, 442 BOYLE, Laurence L. R.S. 342, 344 BROWN, Ronald D. 1969-74 1965-72 1947-69 BRUSH, Stephen G. includes biographical notes re R.H. Fowler and Sir John Lennard-Jones CORRESPONDENCE vf folders COHEN, Maurice 1968-73 1957-72 1946-51, 1970 1960-71 1949-73 CHAPMAN, John A. CARLSON, K. Douglas 1959-67 1962-74 CHANDRA, Asish K. R«5:°325 CRAIG, David Parker ReSse02, 74.4106 1954~6 CROSSLEY, Richard J. R.S. 292 CRUICKSHANK, Durward W. GA. Coulson “CAM LIVSA SIO CSAC OU/ 4/40 BOX G.6 ~ ORRESPONDENCE DEL, Raymond 95, 61, 82, 91, 112, 151 DAUDEL, Raymond R.S. 151, 159, 223 DEB, Bidyendu Mohan R.S. 385, 405 DEB, Bidyendu Mohan R.S. 400, 405, 409 DE HEER, Joop 119 R.S. 114, 7 folders 1946-52 1953-73 1970-73 DE HEER, Joop 1951-66 W. DEN BOOR, Diet H. (and DEN BOOR, P.-C.) R.S. 134 (2nd ed.), 280, 309 1956-72 C.A. Coulson SAC 60/4/78 CORRESPONDENCE DEWAR, Michael John Steuart Somer eo DIXON, William T. R.o. 20 DOGGETT, Graham R.S. 376 DUCHESNE, Jules RS. ly 77,78 DUCHESNE, Jules R.S. 408 EPSTEIN, Irving Robert Suto 7 folders 1946-64 1960-70 1960-69 1946-50 1965-73 1939-50, 1956-57 FARMER, Christine M. 1966-71 FELSENFELD, Gary EVERETT, Douglas Hugh 1954-62 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.8 CORRESPONDENC GERRATT, Joseph R.S. 996 3ANTURCO, crane R.S. 367, 368, 36 GIANTURCO, | Francesco A. R.S. 367, 368, 369, 395 XO! Q/7 co) Cc GIANTURCO, Francesco A. HAIGH, Claude William Radel OP, 279 HALL, George Garfield HAYWARD, Robin J. . 186 7 folde “VS 1964-73 1964-67 1968-73 1969 3 folders 1964-67 1968-72 BOX G.9 JOSEPH, Anthony CORRESPONDENCE JOSEPH, Anthony R.S. 346, 351, 359 JOHNSON, Burt P. R.S. 315 1962-64 C.A; Coulsc CSAC 60, 4 70 +/ / BOX G.10 KARAGOUNIS, Geor KEARSLEY, Mary J R.S. 211 : Work wit th Mary Kearsley for papers on diamond Rice 16d, 211 segnal KISELEV, Aleksei Alekseevich KOTANI, Masco KOUTECKY, Jaroslay BOX G.11 CORRESPONDENCE Ga thee LADIK, Janos an FL Ze LARKINS, Francis Patrick 6 folders 1958-72 1954-63 1968-74 1950-62 1963-71 7 folders 1957-74 1965-72 R.S. Ss: . 386, 4l All G, Li. LEVINE, Raphael D. LEVINE, Raphael D. 1933-39, 1948-50 LESTER, George R. R.S. 174, 187 LENNARD-JONES, John Edward KR. 5. 19, 1&7 “includes correspondence with Lady Lennard-Jones and typescript of CAC's Obituary of Lennard-Jones for Nature, 1954-55 1966-73 LEWIS, John T. R.S. 275, 1948-61, 1967 1963-66 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.12 CORRESPONDENCE Giz. 4 LIDIARD, Alan Brian rtmeke LINNETT, John (Jack) Wilfred R.S. 51, 108° ste oe LIPSCOMB, William N. LOMER, William Michael 7 folders 1948-73 1947-63, 1968-73 1953-72 1952-61 LONG, Leon H. 1946-58, 1963-65 LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher R.S. 37, 50, 55, 165, 215 59, 78, 86, 92, BOX G.13 CORRESPONDENCE 1946-49 1950-68 folders MACCOLL, Allan R.S. 62, 74 MACKRODT, William C. 1946-49, 1963, 1968-69 1966-72 116, 123, 1967-73 1949-53 1954-57 MAKIN, Doreen MADDOX, John Roydon MARCH, Norman Henry Ryo. 178 MARCH, Norman Henry R.S. 98, 178 1958-73 MARCH, Norman Henry R.5. 271, 326 BOX G.14 MASLEN, Victor William MASLEN, Victor William R.S. 210. MASON, Stephen F. MATTHEWS, Roger Hardin MAVROYANNIS, Constantine MCWEENY, Roy MCWEENY, Roy R.S. 73, 89 BOX G.15 CORRESPONDENCE G.15.t, MOSER, Carl M. 7 folders 1953-74 1955 1955-62 1970-71 1960-63 1946-50 1951-73 6 folders 1950-53 MOSER, Carl M. 106, MULLIKEN, Robert Sanderson 1939-43, 1948-50 G.15.4. MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis Galas 3.15.3. io. 15.5, G.15.6. 1954~57 1958-67 1945-58, 1968, 1972 MOSER, Carl M. R.S. 143,152 MULLIKEN, Robert Sanderson 123, 314 R.S. 97, 105, 1952-74 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.16 CORRESPONDENCE 160 1% a. 10a as NASH, .John Christopher RAS. 414, 435 PARR, Robert G. R.S. 105, 106 _ 1968-74 1949-73 GL148 PAULING, Linus: (contains a long enikique by 1948-62 Pauling of Valence, and CAC's reply) R.S. 105, 134, 200 POPLE, John A. POOLE, Michael Dines Reo olds 310, ote, oer PULLMAN, Alberte and Bernard R.S. 47, 58, 62, 68. RUSHBROOKE, George Stanley R.S. 67, 70, 71 1950-64, 1! 1961-67 1947-73 BOX G.17 Gilvaa 8 folders 1958-65 1966-74 SLOWINSKI, Emil J. ita ts SHARMA, Chandra Shekhar CORRESPONDENCE SHARMA, Chandra Shekhar Bcc 279) 20k; OO, sal 1965-67 TEWART, Eric Theal RS: 183, 82)" 1959-60, 1968, 1970-73 1951-59 1960-64 1964-68 STOCKER, David NG Ss. 24 ‘5, er STEWART, Eric Theal STEWART, Eric Theal SUTTON, Leslie Ernest 1947-51, 1958-59 | 1957-62 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.18 G.18.1. CORRESPONDENCE 7 folders: VAN DER WAALS, John H. 1950-53, 1968-71 18.2: WALMSLEY, Mary c,18.35 WALMSLEY, Ma ry WEAVER, Ronald F. WILLIAMS, David John WILLIAMS, David John 1964-67 1967-74 1968-74 1958-60 1961-74 ZAULI, Carlo R.S. 301 C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.19 CORRESPONDENCE (Theoretical Chemistry Dept. ) 22 folders GetPvis bas Q G. G. G. . oe ce G. a GC. ABRAHAM, Douglas Bruce BECKEL, Charles L. BENNETT, Margaret N. BERRY, R. Stephen CHILD, Mark S. CHOJNACKI, Henryk COLBOURN, Elizabeth Ann COLLIER, Charles H. DUKE, Brian J. FERREIRA, Ricardo GIARETTA, David Leslie 1972-74 1972-74 1972 1959-60, 1972-73 1972-74 1973-74 1971-74 1973 1971-73 1973-74 1973 GOMBERG, Martin Godfrey Luis 1972-73 1972-73 1972-73 1973 , o. © 1972-73 G. S G. G, G. G. HALL, Brian John HALPERN, Alvin GRAVES, John L. HASKINS, Peter J. GOPINATHAN, M.S. GOMES, José Alberto Nunes Ferreira (KUppei's work in collaboration with CAC). KOPPEL, Horst Hans Georg Folder also contains correspondence re possible publication of paper 'Pure rotational spectrum of BF3' KLEPPMANN, Wilhelm Georg ISSIGONI, Margaret Joan JACKSON, Malcolm 1972-78 GC. &. He Fe TE Gee oa amas 1973-74 1971-73 1971-73 1971-74 1973 Pt Ppt C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.20 Cc ORRESPONDENCE (Theor etical Chemistry Dept 9 12 folders ds Fi LOWE, John P. daa dog 595 MALLION, Roger Blakeney 20.4. MUCCI, Joseph F. 1971-74 1968-74 1972-74 G sh0 0 Os G 20.6. G seeks G <£0. G Bei Oe Vs G. re GS. NWACHUKU, Charles O. | 1973 O'LEARY, Brian Leonard ORLANSKY, Daniel ORTEGA BLAKE, Ivan PAJUNEN, Petri Juhani PETTITT, Brian Ackroyd PULFER, James Douglas PULLIN, A. David E. C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 BOX G.2]1 a 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 G, CORRESPONDENCE \POpre a way GF ed 9 Tas 1G0 RAYMENT, Trevor REED, Pau! R@EGGEN, Inge Arvid SCHORPP, Karl Theodor SHAW, Gilbert B. SHUN, Dick-Huck TAVARES, Maria Amalia THOMAS, Michael W. THORSON, Walter R. (see also C. 19.12) TOUGH, Robert John Alexander 1972-73 1973 1972-73 1972-73 1973-74 1973 1969-73 1972-74 1972-74 Oe G; 1968, 1972-74 TRINAJSTIC, Nenad G. 1972-74 YOUNGSON, Martin WHITEHEAD, Michael Anthony 1973~74 C.A. Coulson hes @ SAC 60/ 4/78 oom . he etical Chemistry Department) emcees anaes een = te ee Correspondence 1973-74, mainly re colloquia and 'coffee party’ talks to be given by visiting scholars and research workers in the Depariment. Much of the correspondence covers the CAC's life, and was continued by Miss Schwerdt after his deat his determination to maintain a thriving ond lively department desp own growing incapacity, and to arrange a constant sequence of talks and visitors throughout the academic year 1974-75, The correspondence in this box is not indexed. a C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 SECTION H OXFORD UNIVERSITY This section relates to CAC's university and departmental work The material ranges over a wide variety of topics: Oxford 1952-74. student admissions, course work, lecture schedules, examining, DSIR/SRC research grants, university and advisory committees, etc. The growth of the School of Mathematics during CAC's service as Rouse Ball Professor is amply documented as is CAC's care for detail and personal concern for the welfare of all the members of the Mathematical Institute. H.7.7 trace the gradual emergence of the new Theoretical Chemistry Items H.7.3 - epariment. See also: A.2.5 andA.2.6, re Centenary Party, 1958 A.14.14 and A. 14.15, re Theoretical Chemistry Department E.3.4 and E.3.5, re IBM Research Fellowship G.19 - G.22, correspondence relating to the Theoretical Chemis! ry Department C.A. Coulson CSAG 60/4/78 BOX H.1 ees PROGRAMMES, REPRINTS AND RESEARCH 5 items _ a S ROB LCT. iO containing printec Two loose~leaf notebooks notices and programmes party! talks, colloquia in atomic and mole structure and seminars in quantum theory. (see also B. 13.6.) for CAC's departmental 'coffee ce 1953-73 Distribution of reprints: two notebooks containing lists of CAC's reprints and of ie recipients with sore correspondence re requests to be put on the mailing list. ‘Problems Book': 1953-56 Each sec tion | is sib indexed by title of bound notebook indexed by CAC by areas of interest (Reactions, Molecular Structure, Wave Mech anics, Metals). problem, page and date. problem was first suggested to CAC (i.e. conversa~ tions with colleagues, students' theses), a description of the problem and CAC's thoughts on how the preblem might best be solved. Each entry notes how the (see also Box B.15 and B.33.1.) C.A. Coulso CSAC 60/. 1/78 BOX H.2 T. GILES, OXFORD 7 items ey and popers relative ipping of the new CAC's scrupulous attention to the myriad details of the project, from the first meetings to discuss tenta- tive requirements for the new building to his weekly notes re minor items which were faulty or lacking after the building was completed and occupied, is much in evidence. Miz. Tt CAC's notes, drafts, and memoranda with floor plan delicties 1252. “gees 3 folders of correspondence: with colleagues in the Maths Department, with Oxford University Registry and Surveyor's Office, with colleagues in other universities re their suggestions, with BBC re possi- bility of closed-circuit television, with suppliers of equipment, with librarians of other departments and universities re design of new library. to Lord Blackett to open the new building. Invitation ie Me.05 kets 1959-62 1963-64 1965-66 Architects' drawings. eee Hi2.3. H.2.4, Bound notebook containing lists of furnishings and requirements for each room. Printed memoranda for circulation within the Depart- ment re meetings of Planning Subcommittee, suggestions to be ‘Incorporated into the design; preveetirice. various dates Two boxes of correspondence with ond re applicants to study at th e Mathematical Institute and/or the Theoretical CHacatebry Department, who, for various reasons, did not come. The correspondence has not been broken down into folders or indexed. BOXES H.3 and H.4. PeHOUa CAL EAL ORETICAL iets TRY DEPARTMENT tHE MATICA Quantum theory lectures: 1969-72 Printed schedules, synopses, correspondence with colleagues and Oxford Univer aa tegistry, notes and memoranda. Sp I Diploma in Advanced Mathematics Memoranda and notes circulated by CAC, corres- poncence with colleagues, students and Reais timetable of examinations, students' work schedules, agenda and minutes of departmental meetings, lists of questions for examinations. later became the M.Sc. in Mathematics by course of special study. The Diploma Bregicinine oe ondence with the DSIR re nistration of the Diploma) to es ablish an advan ced course in quantum Proposa theory which eventually became the Diploma in Advanced Mathematics. e One folder of correspondence and papers re organization and teaching of weekly classes students doing Mather nated Moderati ions. 1956-57 Folder of ep lateanioride nce re arrangements for visit to Oxford by group of chemistry students from Notes and drafts of examination papers in mathe~ matics and theoretical physics, London and Oxford. Leiden. CU vh\. Cou Ison CSAC 60/4/78 BOX .H6 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES AND SOCIETIES 8 folder H,621.-H.6.4. Committee for the Computing Laboratory Four folders of committee papers, annual reports, correspondence and comments by CAC In chronological order: H.6.1. 1h. H.6,2; H.6.4. 1963 1964 1965 1966 (see also Box E.5, Inter-University Committe Computing) One folder of correspondence and papers re a proposal to acquire their own computers in addition to deb access to the central Universit ty computing facilities. individual pent departments to aha CAC was a member of the committee which the Uni- versity established to advise on the merits of the proposal. Many of the letters are replies either to CAC or to his colleagues on the committee who had written to heads of departments in cther universities for views and recommendations. H.6.6.-HiGe7. Oxford d Union Society CAC acted as science adviser to the Library Committee of the Oxford Union, Correspondence with Librarian of the Union re purchase of books, with colleagues for their opinion on book outside CAC's field. purchase. minute bo The folder includes much correspondence arising from CAC's efforts to trace the first minute book of the Sociel Ys When his efforts prove d to be un- successful, he deposited in the Bodleian Library in — the second minute book, which covered the Correspondence re arrangements for meetings and speakers, < Oxford Mathematical and Physical Society Lists of books recommended for The correspondence is not indexed. CAC was President 1969~73. 1970-73 ( nce: C.A. Coulson CSAC 60/4/78 9 folder: rs 1968-67 BOX H.7 UN IVE RST uk c MMI TEE Committee on Applied Mathematics Committee eee correspondence and papers re révision of the syllabus. Sees Atl las ; Computer| Laboratory Applications to use its con nputer, correspondence. ates Sub-Faculty of Chemistry Ger eisondeiae eps les and syn pre ee committee papers, lecture Science Aceon Planning requirements re allocation of space. Suggestions, proposals and correspondence re creation of Department of Theoretical Chemistry. N.B. A note by Miss R. Schwerdt states that 'most oe and minutes have been removed exc wine those particularly connected with the correspondence’. PT Ly Hivsds Hi7 6. : Five folders in chronological order: 1955-61 1961-63 1963-66 1966-73 (includes letter from CAC to F. Dainton, 7 June ot which he sets forth his views on the re ale icnship he anticipates between the proposed Theoretical Chemistry Department and Physical Chemistry Laboratory). Minor committee papers, some annotated by CAC Correspondence, questionnaire and replies, comments on drafts of replies. Oxford University Commission of of Enquiry Franks Commission) Heads of Chemistr ry Depart tments HEZ.7% Architects! plans (The 1964-65 197 3-74 Coulson C.A LoCACrozr COAC 6U 14 reo ie oe BOX H.€ FACULTY BOS RDS > Board of i on Se tt correspon idence re lecture schedules, >~Faculty, repr int eae held e and other items of Sub~ outside Committ syl tee lecturers, of the Mai Faculty business. exar L hematica 1 » H.8.3., Mi Baden H.8.3. H.8.4. 1952-56 1956-59 1959-61 1962 In Trini ity Term of Mathematics was established. 1963 a separate Board of the Faculty Board f the Faculty of Mat hemat tics Correspondence re stu sets, Board, tion statutes, grants, curaro Institute, and other iterns o lecture lists and f nominations to the eee, Diplo vip of the rst a, examina 1G, Mathematical 1967 ] 968-7 a3 Eo i bss rt. 8.0. Hosa. aculty bu ine 2$S. 1963-66 1965-74 Three fold Board of the H.8.8. vil 8.93 Faculty | of Mathe ernatics ers in chronologica! order: Printed material for circulation among faculty lecture fists members or for distribution to students: and synopses, reading lists, information about post~ graduate numbers, analyses of examina . tion results. C.A