National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JANET VIDA WATSON FRS (1923 - 1985) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper 1994 Deposited in the Library of the Geological Society of London NCUACS 48/4/94 All rights reserved University of Bath Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JANET VIDA WATSON FRS (1923 - 1985) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library of the Geological Society of London 1994 NCUACS 48/4/94 All rights reserved University of Bath J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are madepossible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B NOTEBOOKS SECTION C RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION D INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in March 1993 from Mrs Betty Sutton, the widow and secondwife of Professor John Sutton FRS. Janet Watson was Professor Sutton'sfirst wife. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JANET WATSON Janet Vida Watson was born in London on 1 September 1923, the daughter of D. M. S. Watson FRS, the palaeontologist, and K. M. Watson (née Parker) D.Sc. She was educatedprivately and at South Hampstead High School, a school chosen by her parents for the high quality of its science teaching for girls. She studied for her B.Sc. in General Science at Reading University 1940-1943, graduating with first class honours. Watson spent 1943-1944 working at the National Institute for Research in Dairying at Reading and 1944-1945 teaching biology at Wentworth School, Bournemouth. In 1945 she entered Imperial College London to study for a B.Sc. in Geology. She graduated in 1947, again withfirst class honours. In 1946, on the advice of Professor H. H. Read, she undertook a mapping project in the Highlands of Scotland, initiating her lasting interest in Highland geology. On graduation she registered as a Ph.D.student supported by a Department of Scientific and Industrial Research studentship and, again on the advice of Professor Read, studied the Lewisian complex in the Scourie area of north west Scotland. At the same time John Sutton, another postgraduate student of Read, was working 1949. and the results of their work were written up in a joint paper. Watson and Sutton married in June on the Lewisian complex in the Torridon area. Watson and Sutton reached very similar conclusions After receiving her Ph.D. in 1949 Watson was awarded a three year Senior Research Fellowship by Fellow. the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. In 1952 she took up a Research Assistantship under H. H. Read at Imperial College, a post she held until 1973 when she was appointed Senior Lecturer. She was employed on a part-time basis 1956-1974, having also to look after her elderly parents and parents-in-law. In 1974 Watson was appointed to a personal Chair in Geology at Imperial College and on herretirement in 1983 became Professor emeritus and Senior Research J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Watson's professional and public responsibilities also included service as President of Section C of the British Association 1972, membership of the National Water Council 1973-1976 and service on project 86 of the International Geological Correlation Programme surveying the south western border of the East European platform. In connection with the latter she made a numberofvisits to East Germanyin the 1970s and 1980s. Watson's first geological research was undertaken as an undergraduate at Imperial College on the Moine metamorphic rocks of the Strath Kildonan area in Scotland. This was followed by her postgraduate work with John Sutton on the Lewisian granite of north west Scotland. This research, which identified two succesive Pre-Cambrian tectonic provinces, initiated a new stage in studies of Lewisian rocks and Watson continued to work on Lewisian rocks during her tenure of the 1851 Senior Research Fellowship. From this developed a more general study of the geology of northern Scotland, with which Sutton was involved, but Watson moved on to study of the evolution of the Scottish Caledonides. This research was concentrated on the north east Scottish coast (Banffshire). In the later 1960s Watson returned to work on the Lewisian rocks of Scotland (with particular reference to the Outer Hebrides), and she and her research students collaborated with the Highlands Unit of the Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS, later British Geological Survey) on geological mapping of the Outer Hebrides. The late 1970s saw Watson moveinto newfields of research. She studied ore-forming processes as an aspect of Pre-Cambrian crustal evolution and from 1977 was involved with joint work with Jane Plant of the IGS on the regionaldistribution of uranium in relation Society and was appointed a Vice President of the Society in 1983. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION on the effects of diagenesis and hydrothermalactivity in the post-Caledonian evolution of Scotland. In recognition of her contributions to geology the Geological Society of London awarded herthe Moiety of the Lyell Fund (jointly with Sutton) in 1954, the Bigsby Medal (again jointly with Sutton)in 1965 andthe Lyell Medal in 1973. From 1982 to 1984 she was President of the Geological Society, sediment sampling and usedit for investigation of fundamental geochemical problems. In addition the first woman to hold this office. In 1979 Watson was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal to the structural evolution of northern Scotland. This work took the well-known technique of stream from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s Watsonalso undertookcollaborative research with IGSstaff includessignificant records of her geological researchesin the Highlands of Scotland. The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection, though small, J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 Section A, Biographical, is the largest in the collection. It includes obituaries of Watson and her own autobiographical notes for her Royal Society personal record, records of her career and someof the honours accorded her. There are also the letters of condolence John Sutton received on her death, many with recollections of Watson. A particularly interesting component of this section are the poemsand short stories by Watson (possibly including someby hersister and mother) chiefly dating from the 1940s. There are also a numberof photographs of Watsonincluding somefrom visits to East Germanyin connection with the International Geological Correlation Programme. Section B, Notebooks, is a sequenceofthirty-six notebooks covering Watson's research, chiefly in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, from undergraduate research in 1946, through her Ph.D. research in the Scourie area during the late 1940s and the 1950s research in Banffshire and central Rosshire, to her work on the Lewisian granite of the Outer Hebrides from the later 1960s andlater work in Orkney during the early 1980s. Additionally a few notebooks record some of Watson's overseasvisits. Section C, Research and publications, brings together miscellaneous drafts, annotated off-prints and other material relating to some of Watson's researchactivities and publications arising. The bulk of the material relates to work in Scotland during the 1970s, including drafts prepared in the courseof Section D, Maps, includes maps from Watson's Ph.D. research in the Scourie area and work in Watson's research. from the 1960s. Geological Sciences. There is also a very short sequence of scientific correspondencerelating to southern Skye. However, the largest component is annotated maps of the Outer Hebrides used compiling a memoir on the geology of the Outer Hebrides in collaboration with the Institute of BATH 1994 There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wearevery grateful to Mrs Sutton for making the papers available. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.4 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.5-A.31 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.32-A.46 POEMS AND SHORT STORIES A.47-A.53 FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.54-A.60 MISCELLANEOUS A.61-A.68 PHOTOGRAPHS BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Obituaries: The Times, 3 April 1985 (by P. Sabine). Includes 4pp typescript draft. Episodes (International Johnstone). 'Geologic' (newsletter of Imperial College Geology Department), 19 April 1985 (by Jane Plant). Watson's 'Personal Record' for the Royal Society. ‘Womenin Geology: forty years back'. for ‘Geologic’, 18 January 1985. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Geological Society, December 1985. Geoscience Newsletter), June 1985 (by S. Autobiographical article by Watson J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical Lists by Mrs B. Sutton of Watson's publications with J. Sutton and with others. to Letter correspondencerelating to Watson. Sutton, 23 February J. 1989, re return of papers and Letter to J. Sutton, 3 February 1992, re the naming of ‘a small piece of the Caledonides of NE Greenland in memory of Janet's contributions’, with related material. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Watson's birth certificate. Pocket notebook used for ‘Janet Vida Watson development’ 1 September 1923 (birth) to May 1926. Record of early The notes are continued on loose sheets enclosedinside front cover. University of Reading. University of London General School Examination certificates 1939. B.Sc. in General Science with First Class Honours, certificate, 3 July 1943. tenure of a Senior Studentship...(1949-1953)'. Testimonials, December 1944, from C.H. O'Donoghue, T.M. Harris and H.L. Hawkins. H.H. Read's ‘Opinion on the reports of work done [by Watson] during the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Senior Studentship. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical Research Assistantship, Department of Geology, Imperial College London, 1952. Award of Moiety of the Lyell Geological Fund of the Geological Society of London(jointly with J. Sutton), 1954. Bigsby Medalof the Geological Society (jointly with J. Sutton), 1965. Lyell Medal of the Geological Society, 1973. Includescitation and letters of congratulation. Appointment as Part-time Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, June 1973. Offer of Chair of Geology, Liverpool University (declined), July 1973. A.13-A.15 Appointment as Professor of Geology, Imperial College, October 1974. A.13 Notice; report in Imperial College newsletter ‘Topics’. A.14 15pp typescript + list of figures (?for slides). A.14, A.15 Inaugurallecture 'Whatis past is prologue’, 14 December 1976. Transcript of the introductory remarks preceding Watson's lecture, text of her lecture as delivered, and vote of thanks; list of those attending. Watson served on the Council 1973-1976. Invitation to Ottawa on Canada Council exchange grant September 1975. Letter of thanks for service on National Water Council, 1976. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical A.17-A.19 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1979. Principally letters of congratulation. 3 folders. Principal of St Hilda's College Oxford, 1979. Watson declined to be consideredas a possible Principal for the College. A.21-A.23 President of Geological Society of London. Watson served two terms as President 1982-1983 and 1983-1984. List of officers 1982-1983; letters President, 1982; letter of thanks for service as President, 1984. of congratulation on nomination as ‘The ending of the Caledonian Orogeny in Scotland’, President's anniversary address 8 June 1983, 50pp manuscript draft + list of contents, typescript summaryetc. List of members of Royal Society Club 1984-1985. Records Watson's election as ex-officio member 1984. ‘Notes on ad hoc meeting to discuss the development of [Royal Society] relations with the Chinese Ministry of Geology - 9 October 1984' and material arising. ‘Northern Scotland as an Atlantic-North Sea divide’, President's anniversary address 1984, 53pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + list of contents andtables. Research Council, February 1985. Watson chaired the meeting. Report by Watson as Royal Society Assessor on National Environment J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical A.25 cont'd Papers for Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Major Crustal Lineaments and their Influence on the Geological History of the Lithosphere, 28-29 March 1985. Watson wasan organiser and was due to give thefirst paper but was unable to attend through illness (she died on 29 March 1985). A.26-A.30 Death of Watson, 1985. A.26 '...Notes...written by John Sutton to Mary Powell sister of Janet Watson on/after the death of Janet showing the many people who appreciated her’, with letter of thanks from Powell returning the notes. The notes list some of those who had sent condolences, with a record of their connection with Watson, and was passed to Powell by Sutton with the letters of condolence(A.27, A.28). There is a similar list with the letters of condolence at A.29, from former research students of Watson. A.27-A.30 Letters of condolence to J. Sutton. 4 folders. Ph.D. in Geology, Imperial College, 12 July 1949. Lyell Medalof the Geological Society of London, 1973. Fellowship of Royal Society, 15 March 1979. Roll of Watson's certificates: Associate, Royal College of Science, 1947. Diploma of Imperial College for research in geology, 7 July 1949. Honorary Fellowship of Edinburgh Geological Society, 25 October 1967. short stories and poems, and at the backfor list of German vocabulary. Hardback notebook usedfrom the front c.1944-1948 for rough drafts of play, POEMS AND SHORT STORIES J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical A.33, A34 Poems. A.33 1943 and 1944. Manuscript. 1948, 1950 and nd. Typescript and manuscript. 9pp typescript draft of play. Nd. A.36-A.46 Short stories These short stories may not all be by Watson. A note by Mrs B. Sutton (A.45) suggests some may be her mother's or her sister's work. Very few are dated. Manuscript unless indicated otherwise. Exercise booklabelled on front cover ‘History of the Schnozzlebonk family’. Illustrated. ‘The cat and the clock’. One manuscript and two typescript. Illustrated. ‘The Prince who wasalmost charming’. Two typescript. ‘Dr Tebbin's Dinosaur’, typescript; ‘Jack in the box', typescript. ‘Thelost village’, August 1944; 'The grasshopperPrince’, December 1944. ‘To seek my fortune’; ‘Two worlds’; 'Rose of May’. ‘The adventures of a wooden knight’, typescript, illustrated; ‘Sixpence at Woolworth's’, typescript. ‘Sir Marmaduke and the Dragon’, illustrated; 'Mortal God". J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 Biographical ‘Night’; 'The two flowers’; 'Dream horses'. A.45, A.46 Untitled. 2 folders. FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.47-A.50 Family correspondence A.47 1944, 1948-1949. Includes correspondence re Watson's engagementto J. Sutton. 1959, 1967, 1984 and nd. Letters to J. Sutton from Watson. 1969, 1970, 1972, 1974 and nd. A.51-A.53 Personal correspondence. A.51 Letters from Watson to her mother-in-law (Mrs K.A. Sutton). 1965, 1968. Those 1968 during visit to South Africa. 1958, 1963, 1969, 1970. Includes correspondence, 1963, from H.H. Read, co-author with Watson of /ntroduction to Geology. 1983-1985 and nd. 1972, 1973, 1976, 1979. LadyBliss. Principally correspondence from Sir Arthur and J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 MISCELLANEOUS Biographical Locks of Watson's hair at 20 months and two yearsold. Identity, medical, unemployment cards 1943-1949. Passports: 1960-1970, 1970-1980, 1980-1990. Notes on finances 1959-1984. A.58, A.59 Royalty statements etc 1965-1975. 2 folders. PHOTOGRAPHS Includes ‘Some notes from [Watson's] Miscellaneous memorabilia etc. Diary' 1947-1963, made by MrsB. Sutton. Watson as a child. Some dated on verso: 1924, 1925, 1926, 1929, 1933. Some of the photographs feature her elder sister and her mother. includes photographof family home, 14 Frognal Lane,London. Features Watson. Also Photographs 1951. Photograph of ‘Int Geol. Congress Excursion A33 S. Finland 1960’. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Biographical ‘JVW onvisits abroad mostly Eastern Europe IGCP [International Geological Correlation Programme]'. Photographs so described by J. Sutton. Includes photographs of visit to East Germany for the International Geological Correlation Programmeproject 86, 1977. Visit to East Germany for the IGCP project 86, 1982. Photographs probably from visit to Poland in connection with IGCP, nd. Features Watson. Group photographinscribed on verso '1980s, IC [Imperial College]. Watson is in the centre of the group. Portrait photographs of Watson. Miscellaneous photographsof Watson. Photographsof D.M.S. Watson(father), nd. Photograph of K.M. Powell (sister) and J. Powell (brother-in-law), nd. Photograph of H.H. Read, joint author with Watson of /ntroduction to Geology. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS Softback exercise book used for notes on sites in west Sutherland and north coast area of Scotland 3 July - 17 September 1946. The exercise book wasfirst used for school music notes. Hardback pocket drawing bookinscribed on front cover 'Ach'uaine'. Used for sketches of geological formations during work in west Sutherland [1946]. Pocket notebooks used for numbered list of rock specimens from west Sutherland and north coast areas of Scotland [1946]. Spiral bound, inscribed on front cover ‘Specimens Bonar Bridge [...]'. Specimens numbered 1-75. Durcha Hardback . Specimens numbered 76-120. S. Hampstead High School exercise book used from the front for notes on work in north west Scotland (Scourie area) 4 July - 13 September 1947 and 19 April - 9 July 1948, and at the back for notes on Gruinard area, nd. Hardbackpocket notebookinscribed on front cover 'Scourie' and inside front cover'Lewisian[...] 1947'. Used for notes and sketches 8 July - 30 August. Hardback pocket notebook used from the front for notes on sites in the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, January 1947 and on specimens from north west Scotland (latest date 17 July 1948), and from the back for notes and lists of fold axes andlineations from north west Scotland 1948. July 1948 and 1949, and from the backfor notes on photographs. Hardback pocket sketchpad inscribed on front cover ‘Scourie' and inside front cover 'Lewisian [...] 1947-8'. Used from the front for sketches and notes, and notes on photographs taken 2-12 September 1947, 26 June - 17 J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Notebooks Hardbackpocket notebookinscribed on front cover 'Scourie' and inside front cover 'Lewisian [...] 1948- + Clifden Connamara (sic) [Ireland] 1948 + Gruinard Bay 1948[...]'. Used for notes and sketches 28 February, 26 April - 24 June. Hardbackpocket sketchbook used for numberedlist of rock specimens from Scourie area 1947-1948. Hardback notebook used to record further details of the specimenslisted in B.10, arranged ?accordingto type. Hardback sketchpadinscribed inside front cover ‘Tanganyika’. Used during visit for notes and sketches from 24 July 1950. Hardbacksketchpad inscribed on front cover 'Fannich 1951'. Used for notes and sketches on work in central Rosshire July - August. Hardbacksketchpadinscribed on front cover 'Fannich 1952'. Used for notes and sketches on workin central Rosshire, 19 June - 3 August. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Banff’. Used for notes and sketches on work in Banffshire 10-31 July 1953. Paginated 200-346 but no preceding notebook found. Hardback sketchpad inscribed on front cover 'Fannich 1951-2'. Used for notes and sketches on work in central Rosshire August - September 1951 and 3-18 June 1952. Used for notes on work in Banffshire 3 July - 10 August. Hardback sketchpadinscribed on front cover'Sark' [Channel Islands]. Used for notes and sketches 4-8 April 1954. Hardback notebookinscribed on front cover '1954 Glen Fhiodaig Banff’. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Notebooks Hardback notebook used from the front for notes on work in Banffshire 11 and 12 August 1954, Scourie 9 September 1954 and Loughros (Donegal, Ireland) 1-9 April 1957, and at the back for lists of specimens from Scourie area. Most pages not used. Hardback sketchpad inscribed on back cover '1958 Beinn Dronaig'. Used for notes on workin central Rosshire 3 July - 1 August. Hardback sketchpad usedfor notes on ‘Field trip to Skye Summer 1959' 25 June - 12 July, 17 August - [16 September]. Paginated 1-113, with index at back of sketchpad. Hardback sketchpad inscribed on back cover '1959 Skye’. Used for notes 13-27 July. Hardback notebook used for notes from conference excursions in Sweden 30 July and Finland 9 August 1960, geology of Scourie area September 1960, Skye April, July and September 1962 and April 1965, Madeira December 1963, Channel Islands April 1964, India and Ceylon December 1964 - January 1965, Outer Hebrides July - August 1965, July 1966 and July - August 1967, Alderney 22-29 September 1966 and Arran April 1967. Loose material at front includes manuscript notes of visit to Outer Hebrides August 1961, Achill island Easter 1966 and Barra July 1968. Sketchpad (lacks covers) inscribed on first page '1961 Heaste [?Skye] Strathcarron'. Used from the front for notes and sketches 31 May and 5 June, and 11 July - 9 August (these paginated 1-57), and at the back for notes 9 April and 1 June 1961. backforlist of ?specimens. Spiral-bound sketchpad used for notes and sketches on work in Outer Hebrides 23 July - 5 August 1965 and 21-26 July 1966. Spiral-bound sketchpad used from the front for notes and sketches on work at the Butt of Lewis (Outer Hebrides) 28 July - 8 August 1967, and from the J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 Notebooks Exercise bookinscribed on front cover ‘Australia May-June 1970’. Used for notes during visit to Australia 27 May - 11 June. Most pagesnot used. Spiral-bound notebook used ca.1973-1975. Includes drafts ‘Layered basic intrusions as components of Scourie, Sutherland’, 'The Precambrian of the British Isles’, 'Variations in crustal level and geothermal gradient during the evolution of the Lewisian complex of north-west Scotland’, and notes onvisit to Greenland July - August 1975. Scourian complex near the Spiral-bound sketchpad used for notes on work on Sark October 1975. Exercise book used for notes during visit to Canada 7-28 August 1976 and on workin Orkney 17-19 September 1977. Notepad(lacks front cover) used for notes on conference proceedings 11-13 July [21977]. Most pages not used. Hardbackpocket notebook used for notes on work onisland of Harris, Outer Hebrides, 9-14 August 1977. Most pages not used. Spiral-bound notebook used for ?draft on ‘Evolution of the basement to Hardback pocket notebook used for notes and sketches on work in Orkney 25-30 July 1979 and 26-30 April 1980, north east Scotland 31 July - 5 August 1979 and 21 April 1980 and Caithness July 1980. little manuscript material loose at back of notebook. Some pages betweenthe entries for 1979 and 1980 have been torn out. ~1800[...]'. Nd. Hardback pocket notebook used for notes and sketches on work in Orkney 6-9 November 1982 and 10-14 September 1983, and north east and north coast of Scotland 12 July - 1 August 1983. Spiral-bound sketchpad used for notes and sketches on work in Orkney 3-10 July 1981. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 SECTION C RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.25 NOTES AND DRAFTS C.26-C.31 CORRESPONDENCE NOTES AND DRAFTS Manuscript notes on work in Scourie area of north west Scotland, probably related to work for Ph.D. ca.1949. 'Lewisian', chapter 2 of G.Y. Craig (ed.), The Geology of Scotland (1965), pp. 49-77. Two offprints both heavily, but differently, annotated and corrected by Watson. Offprint, heavily annotated and corrected by Watson, with 1p typescript 'Ore deposition in relation to the evolution of the crust’ intercalated. ‘Influence of crustal evolution on ore deposition’, Transactions/Section B of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 82 (1973). Hebrides Report at C.14-C.16 below. ‘The origin and history of the Kapuskasing Line, Ontario, Canada’, 21pp typescript + 2 figures. Typescript drafts 'Uig Hills - Harris complex’, 11pp, 'Granite genesis’, 8pp. Latest bibliographical references 1976. The material here and at C.7, C.9 and C.10 may relate to the Outer 8pp manuscript notes onvisit to New Brunswick, Canada, 25 - 28 May 1976. Latest bibliographical reference 1976. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Research and publications Typescript and manuscript drafts ‘Geochemistry of Ultramafic dykes’, 7pp + 2 figures; 'Pyroxenite and hornblendite dykes, 5pp (incomplete) + table. Maps and other duplicated material from visit to East Germany, November 1977. The visit was possibly in connection with the International Geological Correlation Programme project 86 on the ‘East European platform (S.W. border)’. ‘Large-scale lithological zoning of the Archaean complex of north-west Scotland' by Watson et a/, 17pp manuscript, andslightly differently titled 7pp typescript (incomplete) with extensive manuscript correction. Latest bibliographical reference 1978. Miscellaneous incomplete manuscript drafts and set of references on the Archaean complex. bibliographical C.11 Correspondencere arrangements 1977-1978. 'NATOfield excursion guide[...]' by A. Nutman and B. Chadwick. C.11-C.13 NATOgeologicalfield excursion to Greenland, 2-20 June 1978. ‘Possible questions for discussion in the field (and afterwards)’, 4pp typescript; photocopied geological maps of Greenland, most annotated by Watson. Latest bibliographical reference 1978. From the late 1960s Watson collaborated with the Institute of Geological Sciencesin the preparation of an |GS memoir mapping the Outer Hebrides. This material may be related to that at C.6, C.7, C.9, C.10 above and C.17, C.18 below. C.14-C.16 Outer Hebrides Report. J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 Research and publications List of chapters and sections with 'Proposed workinglimits’; ‘Part | - Lewisian Gneiss', 19pp typescript + two tables and manuscript note on section on ‘Parentage of Gneisses'’. ‘Chapter 3 Structure’, 25pp typescript + two tables, annotations not in Watson's hand. with manuscript Photocopied manuscript figures. ‘Regional variations', 12pp typescript + table. Latest bibliographical reference 1978. Material found with preceding. Includes ‘Structural data on Central and South Lewis', 4pp typescript; 'Uists - structural data’, 3pp typescript; figures. Latest bibliographical reference 1981. Annotated lecture programme. Chapter1 'Looking at rocks', chapter 2 'The three classes of rocks’. C.21-C.23 Manuscript and typescript drafts of chapters, possibly for introductory book on geology. Fifth meeting of the Geological Societies of the British Isles, Glasgow, 23-25 September 1982. ‘Metalliferous and mineralised Caledonian granites in relation to regional fracture systems in northern Scotland’ by Watson ef al, 12pp photocopied manuscript; and (incomplete) 4pp typescript. Chapter3 'Minerals', chapter 4 untitled (?sedimentary rocks). J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Research and publications Chapter 5 ‘Volcanic activity and igneous rock’, chapter 7 ‘Properties and uses of minerals’, chapter 9 'The Earth as a whole’. Book reviews Introduction to Geology, by H.H. Read and J. Watson. Volume 1. 1961. Introduction to Geology, by H.H. Read and J. Watson (Macmillan, London). Volume 2 'Earth History’. 1976. Geology and Man: an introduction to applied earth science, by Watson (Allen & Unwin). 1983 and 1984. Incomplete typescript drafts. CORRESPONDENCE 1968-1979. west Greenland, with enclosures. Includes letter from V. McGregor, 25 April 1968, re dykes in 1982, 1984. Letter 1984 from D. Smythe enclosing ?draft British Geological Survey mapof Argyll. 1981, 1982. Letters from P. O. Okele, University of Benin, enclosing draft of paper sent for publication to Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. With pagesfrom earlier draft with Watson's manuscript comments thereon. Requests for reprints 1981-1985 (unindexed). 3 folders. C.29-C.31 J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 SECTION D D.1-D.3 NORTH-WEST SCOTLAND D.4-D.17 OUTER HEBRIDES D.18-D.20 WEST SCOTLAND D.21-D.23 OTHER AREAS D.24 D.25 LARGE-FORMAT ORDNANCE SURVEY SECOND SERIES1:50 000 NORTH-WEST SCOTLAND northwest Three dated, 18 August 1947, 18 and 29 May Scales vary from 1 inch=4 feet to 1 inch=200feet. ‘Scourie 6" maps 1962'. Contents of Watson's envelope so inscribed: two hand-drawn maps, one printed map annotated by Watson. Hand-drawn maps and diagrams of geological features in Scotland (Scourie area). 1948. Annotated 1 inch=1 mile (1:63 360) Ordnance Survey mapof north Lewis. Printed map of Loch Laxford area, annotated by Watson. OUTER HEBRIDES J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Maps Extensively annotated 6 inches= 1 mile printed maps of Lewis. 5 folders. The mapsare mostly of the coastline from Loch Roag on the westcoastto Stornaway and the Eye Peninsula on the east. They were cut from larger maps by Watson, probably for ease of use during field work. D.10-D.13 Aerial photographsof Lewis, with tracing paper sleeves. 4 folders. The sleeves, annotated and marked with geological features, were designed to slide over the photographs. However, most of the photographs were not found and some have becomedetached from their sleeves. The photographs are stamped on the back ‘Ordnance Survey' and dated May 1966. The geographical area coveredis similar to the material at D.5-D.9 above. ‘Structural map NE part of Harris’, 1:10 000, compiled by K. Thamdrup. Annotated 1 inch=1 mile (1:63 360) Ordnance Survey mapof Harris. Annotated 1 inch=1 mile (1:63 360) Ordnance Survey map of North Uist. WEST SCOTLAND D.18-D.20 Annotated 12 inch=1 mile (1:126 720) Bartholomew mapof Uist and Barra. Thoseat D.18 and D.19 are extensively annotated. ‘Glenelg 6" maps'. Contents of Watson's envelope so inscribed: printed maps of southern Skye and adjacent mainland. They were cut from larger maps by Watson, probably for ease of use during field work. J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 OTHER AREAS LARGE-FORMAT Annotated section of printed geological map of Orkney (Sanday, Eday and North Ronaldsay). Hand-drawn mapof Orkney on tracing paper, marked with ?fault lines. ‘Geological & Structural map of England, Wales and the Channel area’, 1 inch=25 kilometres, hand-coloured by Watson. North-west coast of Scotland and Hebrides. North-east coast of Scotland. Western Rosshire. Island of Madeira, 1963. 2 maps. Area round Little Minch (Inner and Outer Hebrides). Hand-drawn by Watson ontracing paper: Northern Scotland. marked with ?fault-lines. These are annotated by Watson with notes onsites of geological interest or ORDNANCE SURVEY SECOND SERIES 1:50,000 J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AGER, DerekVictor ALLEN, Percival GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN ANNAN, NoélGilroy, Baron AUDEN, John B. BAER, Alec J. BALL, John Geoffrey BATEMAN, Richard BEAMENT,Sir James William Longman BEEBY, George Harry A.17 A.11, A.19, A.30 A.18, C.28 A.17 A.53 A.16 A.27 A.27 A.17 A.30 BONDI, Sir Hermann A.17 A.11 A.17, A.27 BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy BISHOP, Walter William A.11, A.52, A.53 A.17, A.29 BLYTHE, F. G. BOND, G. BLUNDELL,Derek John A.51 A.17 A.27 BOYCOTT,Brian Blundell BLISS, Sir Arthur and Lady Gertrude A.17 COWARD, M. P. (‘Luke’) BROWN, Sir (George) Malcolm A.17, A.27 CA, C26 A.17 A.11 A.29 BRIDGWATER, David BROOKS, Michael BULLERWELL,William COWIE, John Watson Index of correspondents J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 DAVIDSON, John DAVIES, Brian DAVIS, G. Rex DELANY, Frances DICKINSON, Barbara DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) DUNNING, Frederick Weir EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY EFREMOV, I. A. FALCON, NormanLeslie FLINN, Derek A.27 A.29 A.27 A.17 A.17, A.29 A.17 A.11, A.17 A.27 A.51 A.17 A.29 FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron A.17, A.27 FRANCIS, Edward Howel GINDY, Amin R. GRANT, Peter J. FOGG, Tony FORD, Sir Hugh A.27 A.17 A.18 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON A.17, A.28 See also A.10, A.11 GOLDSMITH'S COLLLEGE LONDON GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY A.27 HOLLAND, Charles Hepworth HAWKINS, Herbert Leader HARRIS, Thomas Maxwell A.53 A.53 A.18 A.11 A.27 A.8 A.18 HARLAND, Walter Brian HAWORTH, Richard HAYMAN, Walter Kurt A.8, A.18 J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Index of correspondents HOLMES, Stanley HOWARTH, Richard HOWIE, Robert Andrew HUBBARD, Julia Anne Elizabeth Bruce ILLING, Leslie Vincent KENT, Sir Peter (Percy Edward) KERMACK,D. KHAN, Mohammed Aftab KING, Basil C. KNILL, John Lawrence LACY, David A.27 A.27 A.18 A.27 A.18, A.27 A.11, A.27 A.18, A.27 A.18 A.11 A.18, A.27 A.28 LAWS, Richard Maitland LE BAS, Michael John LISLE, Richard LISTER, CarolJ. A.28 A.18 A.30 A.28 A.29 A.28 LEAKE, Bernard Elgey McCONNELL, Richard Bradford LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James A.53 MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin A.18 A.18 A.30 MORGAN, Dean A. O. MURRAY, John W. MYERS, John McGREGOR, Vic A.18 C.26 A.18, A.29 J. V. Watson NCUACS48/4/94 Index of correspondents NATIONAL WATER COUNCIL O'DONOGHUE, Charles H. OKELE, Pius O. OWEN, ThomasRichard PARRINGTON, Francis Rex PATERSON-FOX, Diana PITCHER, Wallace Spencer PLANT, Jane POLLACK, Henry QUENNELL,A. M. RAMSAY, John Graham A.16 A.8 C.27 A.18 A.18 A.28 A.30 A.1, A.28 A.18 A.21, A.28 A.18, A.28 RAPHAEL, D. D. RAYNER, Dorothy H. READ, Herbert Harold A.17, A.24, A.27, A.51 RIES, Alison ROBERTSON, Bill ROYAL SOCIETY SAGGERSON, E. P. A.29 A.18, A.28 A.28 A.18, A.21 A.51, C.26 See also A.68 A.18 SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SCOTTISH ACADEMIC PRESSLIMITED STEWART, Sir Frederick (Henry) SHOTTON, Frederick William A.18 A.53 C.28 A.18 A.28 SMYTHE, Dave SPALL, Henry Roger A.19, A.28 J. V. Watson NCUACS 48/4/94 Index of correspondents STUART, Trevor STUBBLEFIELD, Sir (Cyril) James SUTTON, Gerald John SUTTON, John SUTTON, K. A. THOMAS, John VINE, Frederick John WALKER, George P. WATSON, David Meredith Seares WATSON, Katherine Margarite A.28 A.18 A.47 A.1, A.4, A.18, A.26-A.30, A.49 A.47, A.49 A.19 A.19 A.19 A.47 See also A.67 A.47 WELLS, Maurice Kingsley WHITE, Stan ZHOU Jiaxin A.21 A.29 A.28 A.18 A.19, A.28 A.11, A.28, A.53 WHITTAKER, Alf WILLIAMS, Sir Alwyn WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WESTOLL, ThomasStanley A.29, A.53
WATSON, Janet Vida v2
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin