THOMPSON, Michael Warwick

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Michael Warwick Thompson (b. 1931) by Adrian Nardone and Timothy E. Powell NCUACS catalogue no. 71/9/97 M. W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Reference code: GB 150 Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1949-1991 Extent of material: 189 items The Library, University of Birmingham Adrian Nardone and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Michael Warwick Thompson (b. 1931), Physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 71/9/97 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST SPECIAL COLLECTIONS EDGBASTON THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM B15 2TT M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTIONA RESEARCH A.1 - A.145 SECTIONB PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURE SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received through the good offices of Christine Penney, University Archivist, University of Birmingham in July 1997. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF MICHAEL WARWICK THOMPSON. Michael Warwick Thompson was born on 1 June 1931. He attended Rydal School and the University of Liverpool where in 1953 he was awarded a first class honours degree in physics and was also Oliver Lodge Prize-winner. That same year he became a research scientist at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire and remained there untill 1965, conducting research into atomic collision phenomena in solids. In 1963 Thompson was awarded a D.Sc. in physics from the University of Liverpool and also in that year was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. From 1965 to 1980 Thompson worked at the University of Sussex, Brighton. He was Professor of Experimental Physics from 1965 to 1980 (Visiting Professor of Experimental Physics from 1980- In 1987 he moved to the University of Birmingham as Vice-Chancellor and Principal, retiring in 1996. In 1980 Thompson was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of East Anglia, Norwich. 1986) and he served as Pro-Vice-Chancellor from 1973 to 1977 (acting Vice-Chancellor in 1976). Thompson was knighted in 1991. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period 1949 to 1991. Section A, Research, consists of notebooks, research papers and reports and covers the period 1954 to 1986. The notebooks, covering the period 1957 to 1986, consist of rough notes on research carried out at AERE Harwell and at the University of Sussex. There are also three notebooks of experimental results kept while at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Ontario in 1968. The research papers cover the period 1954 to 1985. The bulk were categorised by Thompson as either theoretical or experimental. There are also some research papers which were not placed by Thompson into either category. The reports are United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Reports (classified and unclassified) and relate to work carried out at AERE, Harwell. They were produced in the period 1957 to 1969. Thompson usually published a version of his unclassified reports and attention is drawn to these in the catalogue. Section B, Publications and lecture, covers the period 1949 to 1991 and consists of draft publications, lecture material and Thompson’s collection of off-prints of his own scientific papers. The bulk of the publications material relates to his book Defects and radiation damage in metals, (Cambridge University Press, 1969). There is one lecture in this section ‘Violence and disorder in the solid state’ which was presented as the Ninth John Waddell Lecture at The Royal Military College of Canada, Port Frederick, Kingston, Canada in May 1985. Lists of publications and reports and a mailing list can be found together with off-prints of Thompson’s scientific papers. University in the period 1973 to 1980. Thompson was leader of the site development project team section. There are also lecture notes, correspondence re arrangements etc. for seminars, lectures Section C, University of Sussex, consists of material relating to teaching and administration at the and guest lectures held within the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences during the period the University site for the 1970s and 1980s. A report from 1973 about this work is to be found in this set up to carry out investigations and planning work for the establishment of a development plan for BATH 1997 Adrian Nardone Timothy E. Powell 1974 to 1980. There is also an index of correspondents. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 SECTION A RESEARCH A.1-A.145 NOTEBOOKS A.22-A.132 RESEARCH FOLDERS A.22-A.59 Experimental folders A.60-A.111 Theory folders A.112-A.132 Other research folders A.133-A.144 REPORTS A.133-A.142 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Reports. A.143, A.144 Other reports PHOTOGRAPHS M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research NOTEBOOKS 1957-1986 ‘1957-1971 Notes of research seminars attended’, hardback notebook so inscribed. Some intercalated material. Sequence of seventeen notebooks. All hardback with the exception of A.5. The notebooks are usually inscribed or labelled by Thompson with the date and the description ‘rough work’. They follow a chronological order 1958- 1986 although there is a gap for the period 1969 to 1976. The notebooks may contain calculations, draft papers for journals, some draft letters, plans for experiments and notes taken at seminars. ‘1958 to April 1959’. ‘April 1959 to Dec. ‘59’. ‘October 1960 to Aug. 1961’. ‘Dec. 1961 to June 62’. ‘June 62 to July 63’. ‘Dec. 59 to April ‘60’. Some intercalated material. ‘Aug. 1961 to Dec. 1961’. Some intercalated material. ‘April 1960 to October 1960’. Some intercalated material. ‘1964’. Some intercalated material. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘1965 to Sept 1966’. ‘August 1966’. ca 1967-1968. ‘July 77 to Feb. 78’. ‘Feb-June 78’. Some intercalated material. ‘June 1978 to Jan 1980’. Some intercalated material. ‘Jan 1980 to [?]’. Some intercalated material. ‘Feb 86-[?]’. A.19-A.21 A single sequence of dividers, running from A to Z, was used to divide up the material within the three binders. Each binder has a table of contents at the front. The binders contain data from experiments including much photographic material. Three ringbound binders kept by Thompson while carrying out research at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada from August to September 1968. The third binder also contains experiments carried out in the University of Sussex in January 1969. binders. Thompson later presented his findings in the paper ‘Low-angle scattering of He* ions at a W crystal surface’ with B.W. Farmery, A.D. Marwick in Atomic collision phenomena in solids, edited by D.W.Palmer, M.W. Thompson and P.D. Townsend, North-Holland, 1970. 1-22 August 1968. With label on front cover giving details of the three M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research 4-5 [?September] 1968. 4-5 September 1968 and 3 and 14 January 1969. A.22-A.132 RESEARCH FOLDERS 1954-1985 Thompson’s unbound research papers were all kept in identical folders. Most of the folders were marked as either ‘Exp[erimental]’ or ‘Theory’ and At A.112-A.132 are presented at A.22-A.59 and A.60-A.111 respectively. are folders either experimental or theory. which Thompson did categorise research not as The material in the folders may include drafts for scientific papers. A.22-A.59 Experimental folders 1955-1967 A.22-A.24 6pp manuscript including letter description of re preparation of a resistance minimum in Molybdenum’, 2pp manuscript Resistance ‘Molybdenum experimental procedures and results, tungsten samples, 17 January 1955-April 1958. Specimens’, ‘Measurement of draft + table and graph, 1 October 1957. ‘Exp: restivity of Mo’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. 1955-1957. The papers below are a sequence of research folders Thompson marked as ‘Exp[erimental]’. They have been arranged in chronological order as far as possible. Tables and graphs of research data + photographs, ca October 1958. ‘M.J. Stubbs. Summaries of Results. inscribed. ‘Summary of observations, Mo 1.10’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Tables and graphs of research data, ca September-December 1955. Mo and W’. Contents of folder so M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Exp: proton irradiation of quartz’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Research notes and data etc., 8pp; ca 1955-1959; correspondence re quartz polishing with 1p research data, 24 August 1955-17 May 1956. ‘Exp: proton sputtering’. enclosed a folder inscribed ‘Proton sputtering’ (see A.26). 1957-1961. Contents of folder so inscribed. This folder ‘Proton Sputtering’. AERE Harwell issue folder so inscribed enclosing A.27- A.47. The contents were subdivided by Thompson into further folders. Information given on the cover states that it was created in the Basic Irradiation Studies Group of the Metallurgy Division. Its subject content was stated as being ‘Surface sputtering during the proton irradiation of gold’. Date of opening of folder October 1957. A summary of results of experiments (‘runs’) is given on the inside cover, see A.34-A.47. A.26-A.47 A.27-A.33 ‘Autoradiographs of silica blanks’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Letter re quartz and silica samples, 11 April 1958 ‘Preliminary autoradiographs’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Irradiation sputtering-development of techniques. gold targets, auto-radiographs, geiger counters’. Contents of folder so inscribed consisting of an inner folder enclosing five further folders and a manuscript draft. 1957-1958. Preparation of Folder enclosing A.28-A.33. Date of opening of folder July 1957. Research data 7pp + 3 graphs, 2-11 September 1957, 17, 21 February and 18-24 April 1958. photograph + graph. N.d. ‘Autoradiographs of irradiated silica’, 1p manuscript of research notes and data with two photographs + graph. N.d. ‘Test with Rhodium plated silica’, 1p manuscript of research notes and data with two photographs so entitled. 4-7 November 1957. ‘Trial irradiation of graphite’, 1p manuscript of research notes and data with M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Autoradiograph of research notes and data with photograph. N.d. pure Al spec. foil (N. Hancox)’, 1p manuscript of ‘Energy loss of protons in gold’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Graphs and tables of research data, 10pp. February 1958. ‘Preparation of gold targets’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1p manuscript of research notes and data with 3 x-ray photographs. N.d. ‘Molecular beam detection’, 2pp manuscript draft so inscribed. N.d. ‘Trial autoradiographs using gold sputtered in gas discharge onto silica blanks’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Research data + 2 graphs and copper disc. N.d. Run 1. Run 2 and 3. ‘Run 3. A.34-A.46 Experimental Runs. Research notes and data 3pp + graph and diagram. 12-22 October 1957. With the exception of A.34 and A.35 the material consists of ‘runs’ from experiments using a PSC (Proton Sputtering Camera). 1957-1958. notes and data + graph and photograph. 24 February and 4-12 April 1958. ‘Energy transferred to PKO recoiling at 45’, 2pp manuscript calculations + graph. N.d. ‘Proton irradiation sputtering Run 2’, 4pp manuscript research notes and data + graph and photograph. 26 November-12 December 1957. Effect of varying angle of incidence’, 2pp manuscript research M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research Runs 1 and 2 (PSC). 12pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs. 18 April-5 May 1958. Run 3 (PSC). 11pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs and diagrams. June 1958. 11-24 Run 4 (PSC). 7pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs and photograph. July 1958. 17-30 Run 5 (PSC). 3pp manuscript research notes and data. 12-22 August 1958. Run 6 (PSC). Run 7 (PSC). Run 8 (PSC). 9pp manuscript research notes and data with 2pp calculations + graphs and photograph. 30 September-19 October 1958. 10pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs and photograph. October-7 November 1958. 28 10pp manuscript research notes and data + tracings, 16-19 December 1958. ‘Run 8 (PSC)’, 2pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs, 8-15 December 1958. Folder enclosing research papers with three photographs attached inside cover. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research Run 10 (PSC). 8pp manuscript research February-13 March 1959. Run 11 (PSC). notes and data + graphs and tracings, 25 6pp manuscript research notes and data + graph and tracings, 25-30 May 1959. Run 12 (PSC). 5pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs and 5 sheets of tracings, 22 June-7 July 1959. ‘Proton Sputtering Targets (front) book, so inscribed. & Collectors (back)’, softback exercise Apparently created in the period 1958-1961 the ‘Target’ entries are undated while the ‘Collector entries include references to experiments carried out from April 1955 to February 1961. ‘Exp: sublimation’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Exp: penetration off] Li” in HF’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript research notes and data re ‘run’ experiments with intercalated material including x-rays and photographs. 2pp manuscript calculations + table, photographs etc., June 1958-October 1959; ‘Li* lon bombardment of LiF’, softback small notebook, so inscribed with manuscript research notes and diagrams on first few pages, n.d. ca June 1959. ‘Run 2’, 5pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs, so entitled, June 1959. ‘Run 1’, 4pp manuscript research notes and data + graphs, so entitled, May 1959. ‘Summary Sublimation’, photographs, so entitled. 1p manuscript draft + graphs, diagram and M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Exp: energy spectrum by low speed rotor’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 1p manuscript research data + graphs, x-rays and tracings. May 1959, May 1961 ‘Mechanical Spectrometer’, softback exercise book, so inscribed. Manuscript research notes, data and calculations with diagrams and graphs. ca May 1961. ‘Exp: energy spectrum by E.M. Spectrometer. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so ‘E.M. Spectrometer’, softback exercise book, so inscribed. Manuscript research notes, data and calculations with diagrams and graphs and intercalated x-rays. 10 November 1960-23 March 1961. Tracings, n.d. ‘Mrs J. Hall 15 September 1962’, photographs from envelope so inscribed. ‘Exp: erosion’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Experiments on the erosion of single crystals of gold by bombarding with argon ions from heavy ion accelerator’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ca 1961. intercalated material so inscribed. ‘Exp: transmission channelling in Cu’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 19pp manuscript draft report with photographs. with a 1965 and 8 ‘Transmission and ‘Transmission Channelling 2’, 30 March-3 April 1965, two softback exercise books little Channelling January-10 manuscript containing February research notes data 1’, M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Exp: energy spectras’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp typescript of German scientific paper and 5pp manuscript translation by J.A. Venables, 6 December 1967. ‘Notes on the possibility of miniaturising the velocity selection expt.’, 4pp manuscript notes by J.A. Venables, 14 December 1967. ‘Exp: strength of glass’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 9pp manuscript research data + graphs. N.d. ‘Experiment: surface scattering’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Target Holder’, blueprint and tracing paper copy so entitled. N.d. A.60-A.111 Theory folders 1956-1975 The papers catalogued below are a sequence of research folders Thompson marked as ‘Theory’. They have been arranged in chronological order as far as possible. ‘The movement of gas bubbles in a solid under the action of fission spikes’, ‘Theory of [?Interstitial] Migration’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 6pp manuscript draft with calculations + graphs, ca September 1956. A.60-A.65 ‘Theory: miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed, consisting of three further folders, a notebook and two manuscript drafts. 1956-1961. ‘The variation of activation energy with temperature’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 11pp manuscript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1961. 5pp manuscript research notes, data and calculations + graphs, latest bibliographical reference 1959. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research Softback notebook with manuscript notes and calculations re observations and possible experiments with much intercalated material. N.d. ‘Nielsen’s range values’, 1p manuscript calculations. N.d. ‘Theory of [?Focusing] Generation in a Vibrating Lattice’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Summary’, 8pp manuscript calculations so entitled. N.d. A.66-A.68 ‘Theory: interatomic collision’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Interatomic collisions relevant to irradiation damage’, 18pp typescript draft + graphs with annotations and with 2pp manuscript draft at end entitled ‘The collision of fast ions with beams of atoms’. March 1957. ‘Interatomic collisions...’, 18pp typescript with annotations. March 1957. 6pp manuscript calculations + graphs. N.d. ‘Theory: erosion by sputtering’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Mechanism of Sputtering Progress Report on work done between July 1960 and June 1961’, 7pp + photographs. Brief correspondence with G. M. McCracken, March-April 1974. 9pp manuscript calculations, latest bibliographical reference 1961. ‘High-energy sputtering from crystals’, 45pp manuscript draft + graphs and diagrams, 1961. ‘Theory: high fidelity sputtering’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Theory: assisted focusing’. Contents of folder so inscribed. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Theory of erosion’. ease of reference. 1961-1962. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for Bundle of papers including typescript correspondence with A.D.G. Stewart, of the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, and typescript draft versions of a report by Stewart with related manuscript calculations, 14 October 1961-7 April 1962. 6pp manuscript calculations; ‘Angle of Incidence Effects in Sputtering’, 5pp manuscript draft and 5pp copy with annotations so entitled, n.d. A.74-A.77 ‘Theory: influence of thermal vibration on focusing’. inscribed. 4 folders. 1962 Contents of folder so The papers consist of manuscript draft calculations etc. compiled in the preparation of on focused collision sequences’, with R.S. Nelson, and H. Montgomery, Philosophical Magazine, 7, (1962), p1385-p1405. ‘The influence of thermal vibration A.78-A.83 A.79-A.82 Contents of folder so inscribed, Manuscript research notes and calculations etc. 4 folders. ca 1962. ‘Theory: sputtered energy spectrum’. divided into six for ease of reference. ca 1962. ‘Thermal Sputtering’, 16pp manuscript research notes and calculations. N.d. ‘The Focused Spectrum’, 3pp manuscript research notes and calculations + graphs and table; etc. ca August 1962 and February 1964. ‘Theory of channelling’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. 1962-1964. Manuscript research influence of channelling on nuclear reaction rates. and calculations etc. notes AERE programmes; etc. internal including material re memoranda, A.84-A.88 typescript computations and computer N.d. ca 1962. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘A numerical correction to “The penetration of energetic ions through the open channels in a crystal lattice” by R.S. Nelson and M.W. Thompson, Phil. Mag., 8, (1963), p1677’, Philosophical Magazine, 9, (1964), p1069. 1964. Correspondence and two typescript drafts with corrections. ‘Channelling: Theory’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes manuscript calculations re density of nuclei near a closely packed plane, proton channelling in Si <110>, protons in Au <110> channels, channel blocking by intersistials, impulse approximations, etc. N.d. App photocopies of channelling calculations; etc. N.d. ‘Theory: damage function with inverse square potfential]’. folder so inscribed. Contents of 9pp manuscript calculations + graphs; 1p typescript computations. 1963. July Contents of folder so inscribed, divided 2pp manuscript notes and calculations + graphs, ca 1964. ‘Calculation of inscribed. N.d. V(r) from Focusing Parameters’. Contents of folder so ‘Theory: inter atomic potentials’. into two for ease of reference. ca 1964. Includes calculations re A-A and Cu-Cu potentials, compressibility and bulk modules; etc. 5pp typescript computations and covering letter, 21 November 1966. 3pp manuscript calculations + graphs and related letter, 30 June [?1966], ‘Theory: damage function for graphite’. consisting of Theory in Graphite’. Contents of folder so inscribed, further folder inscribed ‘Improvement of Displacement a M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research A.93-A.101 ‘Theory of Channelling’. for ease of reference. 1966-1967. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into nine Material re ‘A theory of star patterns’, Proc. Int. Conf. SSP Res with ACC. BNL 50083, (1967), p.127. 3pp manuscript calculations, October and December 1966. 1p typescript draft abstract; 11pp manuscript research notes + photographs; etc. December 1966. 7pp graphs ca January 1967. Letter re research data etc., 17 April 1967; 3pp graphs, n.d. Letter etc. re star pattern data, 28 July 1967; memo re draft paper on star patterns, etc., n.d. ‘Theory of Star Patterns’, 20pp manuscript draft + references, n.d. ‘Interpretation of Star Patterns’, 30pp manuscript draft including calculations + graphs, n.d. ‘Theory of star patterns’, 23pp typescript with annotations + references and diagrams, n.d. (false start)’, 20pp manuscript calculations, n.d. 7pp photocopies of manuscript calculations re channelling theory. A.102-A.104 ‘Theory of multiple scattering from surfaces. folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. 1970. (April 1970)’. Contents of ‘Multiple Scatt. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘He* Multiple Scattering in Tungsten’, 2pp manuscript calculations + graph, n.d. ‘Multiple Scattering from a Solid Surface’, 27pp manuscript calculations, n.d. ‘Theory: Scattering by inverse square potential’. inscribed. Contents of folder so Manuscript note to Thompson re unidentified review being authored by him, 20 October 1971 (attached to outside of folder). 12pp manuscript calculations, n.d. A.106-A.111 ‘Surface Scattering 1. Theory 2. Correspondence on Contents of folder so inscribed. 1971-1975. Divided into the experiments’. six for ease of reference. ‘The low angle scattering of 275 keV He”* ions from a tungsten crystal surface’, with A.D. Marwick, B.W. Farmery and G.S. Harbinson, Rad. Effects, 15, (1972), 195-204. 14pp typescript draft + references, ca May 1971. Letter and graph re channelling simulations, etc., 4 November 1971. Material re ‘X-ray production and ion scattering from surfaces’, D. Phil thesis by research student G.S Harbinson including 3pp typescript report, March 1972, scattering experiments, manuscript correspondence and notes re corrections to thesis etc., May 1973. Thompson, October, November [?1975]. al ‘Theory of surface scattering (unpublished 1st draft of Harbinson et 1975)’, 10pp typescript draft + diagrams; correspondence etc. with H.J. Pabst re ‘skewness’ effects, February, March 1975; correspondence with G. S. Harbinson re publication of a paper by results from her thesis 1p typescript memorandum re surface in M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research 30pp typescript draft with 2pp manuscript corrections to draft headed ‘Main points from Alan’s Chapter 5’. Possibly part of a thesis by A.D. Marwick (see A.107, A.108); etc. N.d. and Energy Loss by ‘Scattering Single Row, 6pp photocopies of manuscript research notes and calculations so entitled; ‘Multiple scattering by rows’, 2pp manuscript research notes and calculations. N.d. a A.112-A.132 Other research folders 1954-1985 The papers catalogued below consist of research folders not marked by Thompson as being either ‘Experimental’ or ‘Theory’. The papers are arranged chronologically. ‘Drawings of cryostat E/B’. seven for ease of reference. 1954-1966. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into ‘Thermocouple calibrations’. three for ease of reference. 1954-1956. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into A.112-A.118 A.112-A.114 ‘Cu/Constantan. inscribed. 3pp manuscript research data + diagram, etc. 1p typescript Contents of folder so Thermocouple calibrations’. Contents of folder so 14pp manuscript research data + graphs, ca June 1955, February 1956. ‘Calibration of Cu/Con 5 and 6, -196°C-,232°C’. inscribed. 7pp manuscript research data + graphs, ca October 1954. laboratory report, 3 May 1955. 1,2 December 1955. Material re apparatus to maintain constant level Dewar flask manuscript draft and 1p typescript draft re apparatus description. N.d. ‘Automatic level controller’. Contents of folder so inscribed. including diagrams, 2pp manuscript notes and data, ‘Current regulator’. Contents of folder so inscribed. of liquid nitrogen in a ip M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Low temperature pile irradiation facilities’, 2pp typescript meeting minutes, 11 July 1956. Report re safety clearance for water cooled hollow slug, 6pp typescript, 18 July 1958. ‘Research Contents of folder so inscribed. Engineering and Controls Ltd. Resistance Thermometers’. Correspondence 21 December 1964-8 March 1965. Insurance company report re lifting tackle in use at AERE, 1p typescript, 19 September 1956. 3pp diagrams re automatic heating controller; 2pp diagrams re ‘H.T.’ power unit; 1p diagram re circuit for resistance measurement. N.d. A.119-A.121 ‘Joyce’s reports’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. ca 1959. Photographs, n.d. A.122-A.131 Contents of untitled folder. ‘Use of the scintillation detector, 6pp typescript draft with annotations + diagram; x-ray photographs. N.d. ‘Growth of single crystals by electron bombardment’, 3pp typescript draft + diagram, latest bibliographical reference 1959; ‘A method of measuring the sputtering rates of metals with the heavy ion accelerator’, 3pp typescript draft + diagram, n.d. Material at A.122, A.123 was found in further folders. Papers re Au spectra ‘run’ experiments. A.122 and A.123. A summary of results appears at M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research A.122, A.123 ‘Energy spectra: summary of Au results’. divided into two for ease of reference. 1963-1964. Contents of folder so inscribed, ‘High speed rotor runs 11 to 41 Experiments Au Spectra’, softback exercise book so inscribed with much intercalated material, 11 March 1963-18 June 1964. X-ray photographs. N.d. ‘Energy Spectra summary of Au data’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp manuscript research data + graphs etc. N.d. A.124-A.131 Research data etc. from runs from experiments. 1963-1964. A.124 Runs 6-8. Runs 9, 10. Runs 15-18. Runs 19-22. Runs 23, 24. Runs 11-14. Runs 27-29. M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘Z. oscillations’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Letter etc. re exchange of research findings between Thompson and colleagues at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India, 12 April 1985. 2pp manuscript research data etc. re Z1 oscillations, n.d. A.133-A.144 REPORTS 1961-1969 Reports catalogued below are classified and unclassified reports of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and other, non UKAEA, reports. A.133-A.142 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Reports A.143, A.144 Other reports A.133 A.134-A.142 reports relate to research A.133-A.142 Classified reports. Thompson kept lists reports. He had a separate list for classified reports. See B.31 and B.32. his publications which included his unclassified of United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) Reports at Atomic Energy Research The following Establishment, Harwell. They are of two kinds, classified and unclassified. Unclassified reports often have a published version, the bibliographical reference for which is supplied where applicable. experiments’, ca 1961. ‘The influence of neutron spectrum on radiation damage in January 1961. Unclassified reports. ‘Some properties of a cyclotron beam required for radiation damage Classified reports 1957-1969 ca 1961 solids’, 26 M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research A.134-A.142 Unclassified reports 1957-1969 A.134 ‘A current regulator to facilitate electrical resistance measurements at low temperature’, Scientific Instruments, 34, (1957), 515. published Journal 1957. Later June of in ‘The influence of neutron energy spectrum on the production of irradiation damage’, August 1958. ejection ‘The September 1958. 139-141. of atoms from irradiation’, Later published in Philosophical Magazine, 4, (1959), crystals proton during gold ‘The damage and recovery of neutron irradiated tungsten’, October 1959. Later published in Philosophical Magazine, 5, (1960), 278. ‘Focusing collisions and irradiation damage’, October 1959. Later published as ‘How focusing collisions affect radiation damage’, Nucleonics, 18, (1960). of effect ‘The of superconductors’, with K.D. Chaudhuri and K. Mendelssohn, April 1960. Later published in Cyrogenics, 1, (1960). conductivity radiation damage thermal the on ‘Atomic collision sequences in crystals of Cu, Ag, and Au revealed by sputtering in energetic ion beams’, with R.S. Nelson, April 1960. Later published in Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 259, (1960), 458-479. ‘Radiation damage in body-centred metals’, October 1960. Later published in Rendiconti della scuola internazionale di Fisica , Academic Press, (1961). Journal of Applied Physics, 12, (1961), 495-498. ‘An experiment to clarify the role of point defects in the radiation-growth of alpha-uranium’, November 1960. Later published in J.Nuc. Mats., 3, (1960), 354-356. ‘Epitaxy and twinning in foils of some noble metals condensed upon lithium British and mica’, Hall, December 1960. Later published in M.J. with M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research ‘The observed nature of primary radiation damage’, December 1960. Later published in Rendiconti della scuola internazionale di Fisica , Academic Press, (1961). ‘An account of the symposium on ion bombardment held at the C.N.R.S. laboratories, Bellevue, Paris, Later published as ‘Symposium on ion bombardment, Bellevue, Paris, December 1961’, British Journal of Applied Physics, 13, (1962), 194-196. in December 1961’, January 1962. ‘Evidence for heated spikes in bombarded gold from the energy spectrum of atoms ejected by 43 keV A‘ and Xe” ions’, with R.S. Nelson, July 1962. Later published in Philosophical Magazine, 7, (1962), 2015. ‘The penetration of energetic ions through the open channels in a crystal lattice’, with R.S. Nelson, February 1963. Later published in Philosophical Magazine, 8, (1963), 1677. ‘The penetration of energetic ions...’, Amendment No. 1, issued February 1963. Later published as ‘A numerical correction to “The penetration of energetic ions...”, Philosophical Magazine, 9, (1964), 1069. ‘A direct measurement of the focusing energy for <110> collision sequences in gold’, July 1963. Later published in Physics Letters, 6, (1963), 24. A.143 of recipients of A.143, A.144 Other reports 1966, n.d. ‘Proton channelling through thin crystals’, Thompson et al., February 1969. Later published in Philosophical Magazine, 18, (1968), 985-1016. ‘The effect of proton channelling at 2.8 MeV on the Cu®(p, n)Zn® reaction rate in a single crystal of Cu’, September 1964. Later published in Physical Review Letters, 13, (1964), 756. 6pp typescript report, unidentified, n.d. 6pp typescript and 1p manuscript mailing lists reports entitled ‘| A mechanical spectrometer for analysing the energy distribution of sputtered atoms of Cu or Au’ and ‘Il The energy spectrum of ejected atoms during the high energy sputtering of gold’, 13 September 1966. The papers were published in Philosophical Magazine, 18, (1968), 361-414. ‘Production of short lived isotopes for tracer and other chemical studies’, M.W.Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Research PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs. N.d. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 SECTION B PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURE B.1-B.27 PUBLICATIONS B.28-B.30 LECTURE B.31-B.33 OFF-PRINTS M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Publications and lecture PUBLICATIONS 1967-1984 Some draft publications material may also be found at A.22-A.111. ‘Theory of star patterns’, Proc. Int. Conf. SSP Res with Acc, (1967), 106. 1p manuscript mailing list, ca 1967. Defects and radiation damage in metals, Cambridge University Press, 1969. Material from a boxfile, divided into eleven for ease of reference. Incomplete typescript draft with annotations + figures, graphs etc., and two proofs of B.12). Thompson’s original arrangement has been retained. the completed text corrections B.11 (see with and An accompanying note states that the book was ‘mostly written whilst at Harwell - completed in Sussex’. 1967-1972 Incomplete typescript draft with annotations etc. ease of reference. ca 1967-1972 Divided into eleven for Contents and Chapter 1, Introduction, 7pp. App typescript mailing list; 2pp manuscript bibliographical references. N.d. 4pp manuscript advance information sheet for Cambridge University Press re Thompson’s biographical details, 18 September 1967. Chapter 4, The Primary Event, 49pp + graphs, figures etc. Chapter 3, Extended Defects, 34pp + graphs, figures etc. Chapter 2, Point Defects, 42pp + graphs, figures etc. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Publications and lecture Chapter 5, The Collision Cascade, 94pp + graphs, figures etc. 3 folders. Bound proof with slight corrections, 1969. Unbound proof with corrections and ‘Corrections for 2nd Edition’ inscribed on cover. Intercalated material consists of correspondence re corrections, 24 October 1969-14 June 1972. ‘The channelling of particles in crystals’, Contemp. Phys., 9, (1968), 375- 398. 23pp typescript draft + references, diagrams and graphs, ca 1968. ‘Applications of ion implantation outside the semiconductor area’, in Proc. European conference: ion implantation, Sept. 1970 (Reading), \nstitute of Physics, (1970). Correspondence re paper etc., 14, 24 May 1971. typescript 6pp correspondence re publication, 6-14 January 1972. references draft and figure + ca ‘Sputtering’, 5pp manuscript draft so entitled, ca 1972. ‘The energy distribution of sputtered atoms from Gold’, with G.E. Chapman, B.W. Farmery, and I.H. Wilson, Radiation Effects, 13, (1972), 121-129. ‘Estatic scattering of 5-90 eV neutral gold atoms by argon’, with C. Foster and I.H. Wilson, J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys., 5, (1972). 1974. ‘Effects of inner shell excitation on the stopping power of solids for heavy ions’, with G.W. Neilson, Phys. Letters, 49A, (1974), 151-153. Letter re corrections, 9 August 1974; 6pp manuscript draft + references, ca captions, 1972; M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 B.19-B.23 Publications and lecture ‘Atomic collisions at solid surfaces’, in [?Proceedings of| 2nd ESCAMPIG Conference, Innsbruck, European Phys. Society, (1974). 5pp typescript draft with annotations + references; 9pp typescript draft + references. ca 1974. ‘Scattering, energy loss and x-ray production of protons of 150-275 keV at grazing incidence on H.W. Farmery and H.J. Pabst, Radiation Effects, 27, (1975), 97-108. a tungsten crystal’, Harbinson, G.S. with 27pp typescript draft with annotations + diagrams etc. Draft diagrams etc. 22pp typescript draft with annotations + references etc. B.24-B.27 B.24-B.26 Draft diagrams etc. 11pp proof with annotations. No evidence of publication. ‘Draft Paper: “Focusing action of lenses formed by a crystal surface”. Shoaib Ahmad and M.W. Thompson’. divided into four for ease of reference. ca 1984. by Contents of folder so inscribed manuscript corrections attached. ca 1984. ‘Atom emission through a curved surface potential’ 7pp manuscript draft; 3pp manuscript corrections to draft paper; 15pp typescript and manuscript draft 2pp Correspondence etc. with S. Ahmad and Bob Collins re draft paper, 23 March 1984-11 October [71984]. draft diagrams; 8pp typescript with annotations; draft with M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 Publications and lecture B.28-B.30 LECTURE B.28-B.30 Ninth John Waddell Lecture, ‘Violence and disorder in the solid state’, The Royal Military College of Canada, Port Frederick, Kingston, Canada, May 1985. Bound typescript of lecture. Audio cassette recordings of the Ninth John Waddell Lecture. Part 1. B.31-B.33 OFF-PRINTS 1949-1991 typescript 6pp of publications and unclassified UKAEA reports ca 1953-1968; 1p typescript list of classified reports and papers, ca 1953-1963. publications, 1949-1991; 3pp list of list of these. typescript 17pp typescript mailing list; 1p manuscript mailing list. He The material below is Thompson's collection of his own publications. maintained a numbered list Thompson kept a separate list for classified UKAEA reports but unclassified ones were entered in the main list under their eventual publication title. He also kept a mailing list. Bundle of off-prints 1957-1991. N.d. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX Thompson was Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Sussex from 1965 to 1980 and was Visiting Professor of Experimental Physics from 1980 to 1986. The material in this section has been arranged chronologically, it covers the period 1973 to 1980. University of Sussex site development project discussion paper, January 1973, bound discussion paper with note attached inscribed ‘M.W. Thompson first entry into University administration’. Thompson was leader of the site development project team set up to carry out investigations and planning work re establishment of a development plan for the University site for the 1970s and 1980s. School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. The following material relates to seminars presented for the benefit of the Solid State Group and other groups within the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, in the period January 1974 to June 1980. 8 January 1974-5 May 1975. 14 June-5 October 1977. lecturers; correspondence re arrangements for guest 6 February-24 November 1976. ‘Group seminars’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. January 1974-July 1979. Thompson’s manuscript notes of seminars presented by students, staff and guest lectures; departmental notices etc. re forthcoming seminar arrangements. 2 June 1978-6 July [71979]. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 University of Sussex ‘Solids Group Seminars’. for ease of reference. February 1978-June 1980. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five Thompson’s manuscript notes of seminars presented by students, staff and guest lectures; departmental notices, notes etc. re forthcoming seminar arrangements. lecturers; correspondence re arrangements for guest 17 January-4 October 1978. 6 October 1978. 9 October-11 December 1978. 12 January-4 October 1979. 23 January- [?] June 1980. ‘Standing conference of professors of physics’, 5pp typescript mailing list of names and addresses, n.d. M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AHMAD, Shoaib BHATTACHARYA, P.K. BOWLER, Mavis BROWN, L.M. BULLOUGH, Ronald CARTER, George CHERNS, David CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill (‘Jack’) COLLINS, Bob ERENTS, S. Kevin EYRE, Brian L. B.24-B.26 A.132 A.85 C.7,C.9 C.5, C.7-C.9 C.5, C.7-C.9 C.8, C.9 B.12 B.25 C.6, C.8 C.7-C.9 FARMERY, Barry W. GOODINGS, A. GUPTA, S.K. HOLLAND, Les IWATA, T. A.108, A.109 C7 A.108 A.117 C.7-C.9 A.132 GRANT, William A. HARBINSON, Gillian S. B.12 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS JOHNSTON, J.S. LUCAS, M.W. Index of correspondents M.W. Thompson NCUACS 71/9/97 McCRACKEN, Garry M. McCULLOCH, David J. MARWICK, Alan D. MONTGOMERY, Hugh NELSON, Richard Stuart O’CONNER, D.J. PABST, Heiner J. PALMER, Derek W. RESEARCH & ENGINEERING CONTROLS LTD SHANNON, John M. A.69 C.7 A.107, A.108, C.8, ye) A.76 C.7-C.9 C.9 A.108, A.109 Cr C:8 A.117 C.7-C.9 THOMAS, John M. VLIET, Dirck van WRIGHT, S.B. SOFIELD, Carl J. C:2 A.72 A.86 A.86 C.8 VENABLES, John A. TAYLOR, William Hodge STEWART, A.D.G. (‘Garry’) TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, PUBLISHERS C.8 WILLIAMS, Michael Maurice Rudolph