Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Fred Stratton D.Sc. (1913-2001) NCUACS catalogue no. 126/12/03 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Description level: Fonds Date of material: | 1959-2003 Deposited in: Title: Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Extent of material: 9 boxes, ca 225 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Fred Stratton D.Sc. (1913-2001), haematologist NCUACS catalogue no. 126/12/03 © 2003 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Archives and Manuscripts section, Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine, London Reference code: GB 0120 PP/STR F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society Girton College Cambridge The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Astronomical Society The Wellcome Trust The Royal Society of Chemistry St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION WELLCOME LIBRARY FOR THE HISTORY AND UNDERSTANDING OF MEDICINE LONDON F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION D BRITISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SOCIETY SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS F. Stratton NCUACS 1126/12/03 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received through the good offices of Peter Howell, Stratton's longstanding colleague at the Manchester Blood Centre and co-founder of the British Blood Transfusion Society, in July 2003. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF FRED STRATTON Stratton was born in Manchester on 8 October 1913. He was educated at Central Manchester High School before winning scholarships to the University of Manchester in 1931. He graduated B.Sc. in 1934 and went on to study as a medical doctor, qualifying MB, ChB in 1937. He became MD in 1945. Stratton began work as a doctor in General Practice but in 1940, following the outbreak of war, he joined the Manchester Blood Depot. Initially he served as Medical Officer but was soon appointed Deputy Regional Transfusion Officer. The post-war health service reforms saw the creation of twelve regional blood transfusion centres. Transfusion Centre (later the Manchester Blood Centre), a post he held to retirement in 1980. He combined administrative, fund-raising and clinical responsibilities with active research in the area of He was made Reader in 1967 and in 1977 was appointed to a Personal Chair. Stratton received a D.Sc. in 1957. Stratton was a Founder Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and a Fellow of retirement he worked on antiglobulin reagents and haemagglutination, in association with D. Voak. blood group serology, making a particular contribution to the detection of blood group antibodies. In Centre came under the Regional Hospital Board, Director of the North West Regional Blood Stratton was appointed Regional Blood Transfusion Officer and in 1949, when the Manchester the Royal College of Physicians. In the early 1980s he was a founder member and first President of Stratton died on 2 April 2001. He was survived by his wife Louisa and two sons. In recognition of his services in the field of blood transfusion Stratton was awarded the 1963 Oliver Memorial Award, the 1978 Karl Landsteiner Award of the American Association of Blood Banks and in 1987 received the British Blood Transfusion Society's highest honour, the James Blundell Award. In 1947 Stratton was appointed Special Lecturer in Human Serology at the University of Manchester. the British Blood Transfusion Society. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The material is not extensive and most of the documentation dates from later in Stratton’s career. It covers the period 1959-2003. Section A, Biographical, is very slight. It presents obituaries of Stratton, his curriculum vitae and list of publications. Section B, Research, is not extensive. There is some general and miscellaneous material, including schemes for Medical Research Council trials from 1978, a little documentation of research work of colleagues C.M. Giles and A.H. Merry, and material relating to a proposed private/public cooperation on blood preservation. There are subsections relating to Stratton’s interest in the rare condition Angioneurotic Oedema, and to the Working Party on the Standardisation of Antiglobulin Reagents, a joint working party of the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the International Centre for Standardization in Haematology. There is a short sequence of correspondence, chiefly relating to haematology, and non-textual material, principally slides but also including a photograph, marked ‘Very valuable’ of ‘Haemolysing anti P’. Section C, Lectures and publications, is the largest in the collection. It comprises principally a sequence of drafts 1959-1986, mostly relating to public and invitation lectures delivered worldwide — slides for lectures, and offprints of some of Stratton’s publications. many of his lectures are noted as being delivered to overseas audiences or at international administrative papers, organisation of meetings, speeches given by Stratton at BBTS occasions and documentation of the conception and establishment of the BBTS - membership, constitution, funding, relations with other bodies - and its early days during Stratton’s inaugural Presidency, including Section D, British Blood Transfusion Society, covers the period 1981-1991. It offers significant Stratton travelled widely - on blood transfusion topics. The bulk of the drafts date from the 1970s and 1980s. In preparing a lecture or paper Stratton corrected and revised his drafts extensively and the material bears witness to the care he took. The section includes some illustrative material, chiefly for There is also an index of correspondents. Section E, Visits and conferences, is a presentation of a little material relating to visits made and conferences attended. The range and frequency of Stratton’s travel is better evidenced in section C; awards made. conferences. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Peter Howell for making the papers available and for his assistance in locating and identifying material. T.E. Powell P. Harper Bath, 2003 F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.3 c 1980, 2001 Obituary by H.H. Gunson, The Guardian, 30 May 2001 Obituary by H.H. Gunson, Transfusion Medicine vol (2001), 223-224 11 Curriculum vitae with list of publications 1943-1976 F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 SECTION B RESEARCH, B.1-B.72 1968-1993 B.1-B.69 HAEMATOLOGY B.70-B.72 HYPERTENSION, CHOLESTROL AND ASPIRIN HAEMATOLOGY 1968-1993 B.1-B.25 B.26-B.30 B.31-B.44 B.45-B.53 B.54-B.69 General and miscellaneous research notes Angioneurotic Oedema Working Party on the Standardisation of Antiglobulin Reagents Correspondence Non-textual and associated material Preparation methods 1971-1983, n.d. General and miscellaneous research notes 1971-1986, n.d. Protocols and schemes for proposed clinical lymphona trials in C1 (1971); Low lonic Polycation (1979), C3b inulin (1983); GSH cells (n.d.); Peanut Anti T (n.d.). a number of occasions, latest 1977. These trials were proposed by the Manchester Lymphona Group. ‘Factors which affect the sensitivity of haemagglutination reactions’ by D. Voak Photocopy typescript. Photocopy typescript originally dated 1972 but revised on F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 Schedule for ‘UKALL VI’ trial 5pp photocopy typescript dated January 1978. The MRC’s sixth UK Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia trial began on 1 January 1978. Schedule for ‘MRC CLL Trial (No.1)’ 8pp photocopy typescript. The MRC’s first Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia trial began on 1 January 1978 and continued to 1984. Schedule for ‘Medical Research Council’s Eighth Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Trial (AML 8)’ 5pp photocopy typescript. This trial lasted 1978-1983. self-nonself concept for cancer and diseases P. by 3pp photocopy typescript. Schedule for ‘MRC Polycythaemia Trial’ Notes on ‘Donath-Lansteiner Positive Case’ ‘The previously known as “autoimmune” diseases’, Levine annotated. Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript ‘Principles and theories of haemagglutination’; photocopy material, some ‘Antigen Antibody reaction’ Photocopy typescript. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 B.11-B.13 Papers on blood preservation initiative 1983-1984 3 folders. an has material This Stratton, ‘Combining research of private (Travenol) & public sectors to blood preservation’. enlightenment on explanatory products better effect note by & Protocol for Trial of Monoclonal Antiglobulin Reagents This trial was established by the Regional Transfusion Directors’ Monoclonal Reagents. It took place February-March 1984. Committee Working Party on Research notes on anti-T and other topics, June 2pp typescript and manuscript. by C.M. on and Test Giles Chido Safety Rodgers B.18-B.20 Procedures. ‘Research Dr Merry’ ‘Radioactive Precautions for Radioisotope Work’, June Antiglobulin Papers determinants, sent to Stratton for information, April Contents of folder so inscribed: summary of research work 1984-1985, with drafts of papers prepared. British Society for Haematology/British Blood Transfusion Society and Compatibility Testing Procedures for Use in Blood Banks A.H. Merry was a Research Assistant to Stratton in the mid 1980s, supported by the Department of Health and Social Security. Guidelines Screening 3 folders. Antibody on F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 American Association of Surrogate Screening for Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis Blood Banks Guidelines on vitro interaction of sensitised red ‘In mononuclear cells’ cells and human 7pp typescript. ‘Evaluation of Hylano Anti C3d’ Brief manuscript notes; photographic figures. Brief manuscript notes on ionic strength; miscellaneous manuscript notes B.26-B.30 Angioneurotic Oedema 1968-c 1979 Notes and data 1973-1979 B.27-B.30 It Stratton studied the relationship between C1 inhibitor and this condition. Angioneurotic oedema is a rare form of allergy that causes severe swelling of the skin, the lining of the nose, the mouth, the throat or the digestive tract. is triggered by an insect sting or by contact with certain foodstuffs, plants, drugs or pollens. The swelling may persist for hours or even days; the main danger arises when angioneurotic oedema affects the larynx. In such a case the swelling can lead to complete closure of the airway that can be life threatening. 1968-1974 Correspondence concerning suspected cases B.27 1968-1969 F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 1972-1974 B.31-B.44 Working Party on the Standardisation of Antiglobulin Reagents 1978-1988 This was a joint working party of the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the International Committee for the Standardization Cambridge Immuno- Haematology Centre was Secretary. Haematology. Transfusion Regional Voak and D. of in B.31-B.35 Fourth Practical Trial Protocol, reports and results from participating institutions. 5 folders. on Methods for 2 folders. Recommended Summary; detailed results. Methods for Anti-Human Globulin evaluation Results of trials on antiglobulin reagent no. III Chiefly re reaction to US Food and Drug Administration paper Anti-Human Globulin Evaluation. With manuscript note attached ‘Illustrates the problems of producing a standard AHG reagent of the ISBT/ICSH Working Party’. Paper on evaluation of the ‘Quality Control of the spin tube Anti-Human Globulin test’ Minutes of Working Party meeting, Sydney, Australia, May 2 folders. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 Miscellaneous data from trials 2 folders. Minutes of Working Party meeting, London, 1988 B.45-B.53 Correspondence 1969-1993 In alphabetical order. Most of the material relates to blood transfusion and related topics, although the sequence does include some personal and general letters. British Journal of Haematology Refereeing. 1969-1987 1978, 1993 1978-1992 Gunson, H.H. typescript on ‘Immunoglobulin nature of Includes antibodies’ sent to Stratton in 1978 for help in preparing a lecture. author of many papers with him. Rawlinson was a research colleague of Stratton’s and co- Results on investigations on R349. Rawlinson, V.I. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 Solomon, J.M. Re US Food and Drug Administration memorandum on anti-human serum. Springer, G.F. 2 folders. Valeri, C.R. Papers requested by Stratton. B.54-B.69 Non-textual and associated material 1965-1984, n.d. B.54 Contents of Stratton’s photographic envelope 1965 Microscope slides and associated manuscript data. ‘Haemolysing anti P’ 21960s labelled, also inscribed ‘Very Contents of Stratton’s photographic envelope Mounted photograph so valuable’; patient data. Slides and identified immunoelectrophoresis photographs s/417)’, with manuscript notes, one dated 1978. Contents electrophoresis photographs, manuscript notes. Photograph found in wallet inscribed ‘Photographs (Slide ‘Anti-B1c Immunoelectrophoresis’ of Stratton’s envelope’ so _ inscribed: Photograph and manuscript F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 ‘Immunoelectrophoresis’ Contents typescript description of slide illustrations. inscribed: envelope so of manuscript and B.60-B.69 Slides Stratton’s boxes of slides. 1960s-1984, n.d. and of Most boxes have been inscribed an identification inscriptions. alphabetical sequence based upon those Within the boxes some slides are identified individually, others are dated. with some form presented material the in is ‘Diatomace’ Numbered 1-37 . ‘Diatoms’ 32 slides. ‘ERn Dex{tran]’ Identified and numbered 1-20. Numbered 1-37 (some missing). 23 slides. ‘Papain cell + plasma _ Papain [?] + serum’ At number 20 is view of ?Stratton’s laboratory. 37 slides Papain cells & serum...’ ‘Platelets miscroscopy’ ‘1-2 day platelets 31 slides. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Research, B.1-B.72 ‘Red cells, agglutination + microscope room’ Contents appear very miscellaneous, including some that appear to relate to other sequences. 43 slides. ‘Travenol Sterile Travenol Laboratories Inc. equipment. 14 slides. Untitled box 13 slides Untitled box Numbered 5-37 (some missing). 19 slides. of bulletins, and 2 folders. B.70-B.72 had an interest in the newsletters, Hypertension and cholesterol Stratton’s collection photocopied articles. HYPERTENSION, CHOLESTEROL AND ASPIRIN Stratton relationship between hypertension, cholesterol and heart disease, and in aspirin and the prevention of heart disease. Aspirin and the prevention of heart disease. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS, C.1-C.122 1959-1986, n.d. This is the largest section in the collection, presenting a chronological sequences of to The bulk date Stratton’s public and invitation lectures. from the 1970s and early 1980s. relating drafts chiefly Speeches and Transfusion Society are at D.22-D.37 lectures delivered to the British Blood C.1-C.94 DRAFTS C.95-C.120 NON-TEXT AND ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL @.121;;6 122 OFFPRINTS F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 1959-1986, n.d. ‘The blood groups in human genetics’, lecture to Meeting of Group for the Study of Human Genetics, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 6 February 1959. 7pp typescript. ‘Blood groups’, Stratton’s contribution to Meeting of Group for the Study of Human Genetics, Manchester Royal Infirmary, 26 February 1960 Notice of meeting; typescript notes; correspondence found with the notes. The main lecture was by J.K. Steward and P.O. Yates on ‘The distribution of blood groups in children’s tumours’, followed by a general discussion on blood groups and diseases led by C.A. Clarke. 16pp typescript. ‘Erythrocyte immunity’, Medical Society Pathology Section, 13 February 1963 antigens, Presidential antibodies, the their Address and auto- Manchester to 6pp typescript. ‘The effect of complement on cells sensitised with blood group antibody’, lecture at AGM of British Society for Haematology, Manchester, 27 April 1962 1965/1966 ‘The use of zymosan coated particules for the preparation with of the preparation of anti-beta 1C’ 15pp photographs with captions. Latest bibliographical reference 1965. immunoelectrophoresis reference to antiglobulin sera special typescript; envelope of F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘The association between C’1 and sensitized cells’, with V.I. Rawlinson 13pp typescript; referee’s report; plates for figures and tables; manuscript drafts of figures and tables. 2 folders. Submitted for publication in Vox Sanguinis. ‘Technique in the antiglobulin test’ Summary; 3pp notes. typescript; manuscript and _ typescript ‘Action of lecture at Cambridge, June 1967 C’1 on cells sensitized with cold agglutinin’, 7pp typescript; typescript summary; list of slides. C.10-C.13 6pp typescript 2 folders Latest reference 1968. Background case notes ‘Anti-D antibodies, detectable only by the enzyme cell test’ 5pp photocopy typescript with manuscript corrections; manuscript tables 4pp untitled typescript draft; 3pp typescript ‘Draft: 9.7.69’. ‘An example of British Society of Haematology, 1969 atypical polyagglutinability’, lecture to F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘Antiglobulin sera’, lecture to unidentified audience, 1969 or 1970 1965, ?1969 typescript 5pp immunoelectrophoresis manuscript note. with manuscript photographs corrections; 1965; dated Rough manuscript drafts of tables Appear to be rough drafts for illustrative slides or figures. ‘Anti-D antibodies acting cells’, lecture Immunization, London, 19 March 1970 at Middlesex Conference red only against papainised of Rh School, on Hospital Prevention Medical 3pp typescript with extensive manuscript correction and annotation; re arrangements. correspondence typescript; brief 3pp inscribed + of of Blood antiglobulin test’, typescript draft; 9pp Association V.I. Rawlinson, anticomplement 7pp typescript American Society 5pp references; figures. lecture of at Blood Transfusion, ‘Complement-fixing Rh antibodies’ with S.A. Chapman and T.E. Cleghorn, 1970 3pp typescript ‘Draft’; ‘Never published 1970’; correspondence with Cleghorn; graphs and data. ‘The Congress the Banks/International Washington D.C., USA, 26 August-2 September 1972 1969-1970 ‘An association between infection, anaemia and T-change on red cells occurring in babies’, lecture annotated ‘For Brit Soc Immunology’, dated 22 August 1973 4pp typescript; manuscript data of V.I. Rawlinson to which reference is made in the text. photocopy typescript F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 test’, antiglobulin ‘The for Immunology Workshop on the preparation and use of antiglobulin sera in red-cell serology, London, 17 October 1973 Society lecture British at typescript 7pp manuscript annotations; 8pp photocopy typescript with corrections and Letter re arrangements; manuscript notes etc ‘Blood group antibodies and their activities’, lecture at Rochester, USA, 1974 7pp typescript. ‘The antiglobulin test’, lecture at Rochester, USA, 1974 7pp typescript + list of slides. lecture to unidentified 11pp typescript. 9pp photocopy typescript. ‘Acquired haemolytic anaemia’, audience, USA, 1974 ‘Polyagglutinability’, lecture at Salford University, 25 April 1974 20pp photocopy typescript + figures marked ‘Amended’. at ‘Observations Symposium at the London Hospital Medical College, 22 November 1974 9pp typescript ‘1st draft’ with manuscript corrections; 7pp typescript ‘2nd draft’ with manuscript corrections. ‘Observations on the antiglobulin test. The preparation of test cells’ by Stratton and V.I. Rawlinson antiglobulin lecture on the test’, F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘The production and assay of a sheep general purpose antiglobulin reagent for use in blood group serology’, latest bibliographical reference 1974 15pp typescript + tables and figure. ‘Recent observations on the antiglobulin test’, lecture to International Symposium on Advances in Oncology and Hematology, Wadley Institutes of Molecular Medicine, Dallas, Texas, USA, 28 March 1975 Programme; 16pp photocopy typescript + list of tables and figures; typescript notes for lecture; list of slides. ‘Anticomplement globulin test, with special reference to anti-C4’, lecture at Helsinki, Finland, 1975 4pp typescript inscribed ‘1st draft 30.6.75’. ‘Complement in haematological conditions’, Crumpsall, Manchester lecture at C.34-C.36 ‘The direct antiglobulin test as a diagnostic aid’, 1976 3pp typescript ‘1st draft 13th January 1976’, annotated ‘2Never used’; manuscript note. Crumpsall may refer to the North Manchester General Hospital. 14pp typescript + addition, inscribed ‘Crumpsall Lecture 275 about’. 3 folders. 16pp typescript ‘1st draft 10.3.76’; 7pp typescript with manuscript additions of ‘Spoken paper’; manuscript notes on proceedings of the meeting; figures. ‘The antiglobulin test. Paper for the J. Mohn Symposium’, Buffalo, USA, May 1976 F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘The antiglobulin test with special reference to the direct test and the role of anti-C’, June 1976 9pp photocopy typescript + figures, stamped ‘Center for Immunology’. ‘The antiglobulin test’, lecture to American Association of Blood Banks, 1976 11pp photocopy typescript ‘1st draft’; 7pp typescript and manuscript lecture notes. ‘C3 components on with V.I. Rawlinson, September 1976 red cells under various conditions’ 8pp photocopy typescript + figures. C.40-C.43 Lectures in the USA of the American C.40 test’, St Louis, ‘Observations Washington, USA, November 1977 antiglobulin the on ‘Cold Association of Blood Banks, November 1977 agglutinins’, Symposium 5pp typescript with manuscript corrrection and additions, inscribed ‘?Atlanta’. 13pp photocopy typescript with manuscript corrections; letter from T.J. Greenwalt, Director, American Red Corss Blood Program. in envelope inscribed: ‘The antiglobulin test in haematological, blood transfusion, and clinical practice’ 17pp typescript ‘2nd draft’, annotated ‘Egypt? or Turkey? AABB 1977’. Photographs used as illustrations in US lectures Found with preceding material F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘Factor B affected by various absorptions ?1977’ Untitled lecture paper, Leeds, 11 April 1978 9pp typescript. ‘Antisera against C compounds and their use the antiglobulin test’, lecture to Symposium on Erythrozyten- Autoantik6érper-induzierte Autoantikérper Mechanismen Heidelberg, Germany, 19 May 1978 und Erythrozytenabbaues, des_ in typescript 17pp programme. dated ‘3.5.78’; tables; symposium ‘The detection of blood group antigen antibody reactions’, lecture at Durban, South Africa, June 1978 photocopy typescript; 13pp version’; manuscript notes. 19pp typescript ‘Spoken clipped to pages; sections of 5 folders. C.48-C.52 22pp typescript photocopy draft; ‘To Prof. Stratton. Notes for lecture’ Untitled ‘PHR lecture’, 1978 5pp typescript inscribed ‘7.1978’. Landsteiner Award lecture, American Association of Blood Banks, New Orleans, USA, November 1978 Typescript draft paginated 1-34 with tables, notes and data typescript ‘Spoken’; miscellaneous tables, typescript notes etc. manuscript corrections. ‘Erythrocyte T-, Tn- and PCH-polyagglutinability in relation to hemolytic disorders and some leukemias’, lecture at Chicago, USA, November 1978 11pp typescript; pages of typescript draft some with See also E.2, E.3. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 Possibly delivered at occasion honouring G.W. Springer. ‘Serological Greece, 1978 findings in haemolytic states’, lecture in 20pp typescript; manuscript and typescript notes. Untitled Letter to the Lancet on polyagglutinability, April 1979 2pp typescript ‘Latest effort revised’; 1p and 2pp typescript earlier drafts. C.56-C.62 ‘China lectures’ Contents of transfusion and blood banks delivered in China, 1979. inscribed: box file lectures on so blood Typescript summary of lectures ‘Advances in blood banking’ 21pp ‘Final’ typescript. Typescript ‘ist corrections. ‘1st lecture. Advances in blood banking’ draft 9.7.79’ with extensive manuscript ‘2nd lecture Fundamentals of antigen antibody reactions, and their application to transfusion therapy’ 16pp ‘Final’ typescript. ‘Fundamentals of antigen antibody reactions, and their application to transfusion therapy’ Typescript ‘1st draft 24.7.79’ with extensive manuscript corrections and additions. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘Use of blood and serological testing of blood’ Typescript ‘1st Draft Lecture 3 Some extra observations’. ‘The use of blood and its testing’ 15pp typescript. ‘Positive direct antiglobulin tests in normal individuals (1)’ with D.W. Gorst, V.I. Rawlinson and A.H. Merry Incomplete 4pp photocopy typescript + table, dated 2.7.79 and inscribed ‘Vox accepted’. C.64-C.70 Lectures given in Australia and New Zealand, November 1979 ‘Antiglobulin test’ at the end of corrections; 3pp paper on antiglobulin ‘Antiglobulin test’ 11pp typescript ‘1st draft 22.10.79’. 13pp manuscript + 2pp manuscript ‘Addendum’. typescript manuscript 10pp typescript ‘Addendum | For Scientists’. with ‘Piece medical reagents and particularly anti-C3d’ inscribed 15pp annotation ‘1st draft 8.10.79’; manuscript notes. ‘Observations on blood group antigen antibody reactions’ ‘The detection of blood group antigen antibody reactions’ 9pp typescript with manuscript annotation, manuscript corrections typescript with and F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 ‘2Proposed Australia 79 Never given’. Manuscript notes Letter re invitation to Stratton to lecture in Auckland, New Zealand on his travels; itinerary ‘Collection and storage of blood with special reference to contamination’, Transfusion Service Directors, March 1980 lecture Dutch Blood to 8pp typescript. C.72-C.74 Lectures in Hong Kong and Japan, 1980 C.72 ‘Complement on normal and abnormal red cells’, lecture to Hong Kong Haematology Society, June 1980 15pp typescript; 8pp manuscript notes; 1p manuscript list of slides. test’, lecture to Blood Japanese 29pp typescript; 1p manuscript list of slides. Background material for lectures in Hong Kong and Japan antiglobulin ‘The Transfusion Society, June 1980 reference 1980. Untitled lecture paper on haemagglutination for Montreal Congress, Canada, August 1980 ‘Acquired B Antigen: use of a specially prepared immune rabbit serum’ 8pp typescript; 1p typescript insert; manuscript data. 12pp typescript latest bibliographical + tables etc, F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 Untitled lecture paper, Italy, April 1982 Manuscript notes with pages of typescript draft paginated 18-26. Untitled ‘Paper to staff April 81’ Manuscript notes. Untitled lecture paper on blood transfusion, Cambridge, 1981 Manuscript notes. Untitled paper on blood transfusion practice, lecture at meeting on Blood Transfusion Serology, Cambridge, 3-5 May 1982 Typescript ‘draft 19.3.82’ paginated [1]-31. ‘Agglutination reaction of 1982 red cells’, lecture at Dundee, 1p typescript summary dated ‘5th October 1982’. ‘Direct postive antiglobulin test in normal individuals III’ 3pp typescript ‘Final 21.6.84. Spoken text for video tape Typescript subtitled ‘Paper for Joe Bove’ paginated 1-25, with extensive manuscript corrections and additions ; manuscript and typescript notes, tables and figures. ‘The antiglobulin test’, Yale, USA, September 1983 7pp typescript ‘Draft 24.6.83’ + tables 2 folders. ‘Platelets’, text for videotape presentation F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 on platelets’; 3 photographs. ‘Blood Transfusion - past and present’, lecture in Hong Kong, October 1984 25pp typescript ‘Draft 25.7.84’; 23pp typescript ‘Final’ draft; manuscript notes. 2 folders. ‘The antiglobulin test’, lecture at meeting in Edinburgh, April 1985 23pp typescript;tables. ‘Serological tests’, lecture in Washington [?D.C.], USA, 1985 35pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections; manuscript notes. 6pp typescript. 2 folders. ‘Serum immunoglobulins’ ‘Extra piece added to the paper for a talk to Dr Springer’s group’ Found with draft for preceding Washington lecture, with manuscript note ‘1985 Springer’s Group’ ‘Immunoglobulins and complement on red cell surface: with special reference to the antiglobulin test’, with V.I. Rawlinson. Chapter in unidentified book (possibly ‘Future developments in blood banking: proceedings of the 10th Annual Symposium on J. Greenwalt et al (1986). 3pp typescript + figure; data. Photocopy as published; 45pp typescript + tables ‘Copy of paper sent to USA’ with corrections not in the published text. Blood Transfusion’ ed. T. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 Manuscript rough notes for outline of book C.95-C.120 NON-TEXT AND ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL 1967-1980, 2003, n.d. C.95-C.110 Plates for figures and slides 1967-1975, n.d. Sets of glossy plates for figures for publications or for creating photographic slides. 1967 Contents of envelope. Inscribed on verso ‘67/24’, ‘67/30’ and ‘67/53’. 1970 1970 1970 1970 Inscribed on verso ‘70/20’. Labelled ‘Gloria Jones’. Inscribed on verso ‘70/9’ and U7} elas verso. In envelope inscribed ‘Dr Stratton. 2 new charts’. Inscribed on verso ‘70/21’. In envelope labelled ‘Complement cultivation in tables - Most insribed ‘70/34’ and dated ‘21 Nov 1970’ on 1970’. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 1971 In envelope labelled ‘1971’. Inscribed on verso ‘71/10’. 1972 Inscribed on verson ‘72/11’ and ‘72/12’. 1973 In envelope inscribed ‘Classical Complement pathways 1973’. 1973 In envelope inscribed ‘73/4’. 1973 1973 1974 1974 Inscribed on verso ‘73/20’and ‘73/21’. Some inscribed on verso 73/8 to 73/14. identifies them as ‘Condition affecting Note attached bound C1 on red cells’. immunised donors’. Labelled ‘Further tables on specific antiglobulin reactions 1974’. Labelled ‘Responses in immunised donors - circa mid 74 [...] deals extensively with HHG[H.H. Gunson]’s data on F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 1975 In envelope inscribed ‘Unaltered slides’ and ‘Raymond’s charts’. ‘Auto C4d paper tables’ Contents of envelope so inscribed: 6 labelled figures. ‘Tables illustrating detection of antibody & complement oe C.111-C.114 Photographic slides C.111-C.113 Contents of envelope 1969-1974 1969-1974 ‘Professor Fred Stratton - archives. 69 slides relating to six early lectures. Manuscripts 69/70, 72, 73, 74/1, 74/2 & 74/3’. 3 folders. Miscellaneous slides 1973-1974 C.115-C.119 Audio tapes Dictaphone cassette tapes. Labelled ‘Japan 1980 III’ Labelled ‘Japan | June 1980’ Labelled ‘Japan Part I’ Labelled ‘Japan II’ F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Lectures and publications, C.1-C.122 Labelled ‘Antigen -AG reactions ?Aus [?] of ‘Selected List supportive illustrated slide material for selected lectures’ etc manuscripts with illustrative various material (slides)', levels ‘Catalogue Prepared by P. Howell. C.121, C.122 OFFPRINTS is This Stratton’s publications, chiefly dating from the 1980s. very incomplete sequence of offprints a of of of 1953-1985 1950s-1970s F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 SECTION D BRITISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SOCIETY, D.1-D.50 1981-1991 Stratton was a founder and first President of the British Blood Transfusion Society (BBTS). D.1-D.9 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOCIETY D.10-D.11A GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS D.12-D.21 COUNCIL MEETINGS D.22-D.37 SPEECHES D.38-D.41 CONFERENCES D.42-D.49 AWARDS D.50 NEWSLETTERS F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOCIETY 1981-1984 The steering group for the establishment of a British Blood Transfusion Society was created in 1981. Chaired by Stratton, it held its first meeting in April 1982 at which it drafted A circular letter was sent to potential founder members in 1983 and the inaugural meeting was held in Cambridge in 15-17 December 1983. its constitution. Correspondence and papers re steering group 1981-1982 Includes minutes of the first meeting of steering group and draft constitution. Drafts of circular letter to potential members The first draft is dated June 1982. of first draft section newsletter and Correspondence and papers re establishment of BBTS and November- December preparations inaugural meeting, for Correspondence and papers Includes announcement of inaugural meeting. Correspondence and papers re establishment of BBTS, March-May 1983-1984 Correspondence re relations with the British Society for Haematology’s British Committee for Standardisation in Haematology, October-December Includes information on the finances of the new Society, and material on Sir John Butterfield, the Guest of Honour at the inaugural meeting. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 ‘Founder members of Society’ the British Blood Transfusion 1983-1984 Contents of colleagues receiving invitations to join the BBTS. inscribed: correspondence with folder so General Membership correspondence and papers re Founder Correspondence Members with those invited to be Founder Correspondence with other prospective members D.10-D.11A GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1982-1991 1986-1991 Includes notes on ‘Cambridge 1983-1985 Correspondence Correspondence Rough notes meeting’ and ‘Hong Kong’. 1984. Notebook used for notes principally on BBTS matters Includes invitation to BBTS to participate in revision of Code of Conduct on the Use of Blood Cell Separators. 1982, 1984 Material intercalated in volume include letters 1982 and 1984, and 3pp typescript draft of ‘Observations on the specificity and components necessary in the anti-globulin reagent’, the Presidential Lecture by Prof at BBT Soc meeting in Sept 1984’. dated June 1983 but inscribed ‘For F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 D.12-D.21 COUNCIL MEETINGS 1983-1986 Agendas, minutes, papers and related correspondence relating (pre- December 1983) and the Council of the BBTS. inaugural meetings Council the to of ‘Council Meeting - 5th August 1983’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: 5th meeting of inaugural Council. Includes drafts of first newsletter and rules of the BBTS (D.12). 6th inaugural Council meeting, 4 October 1983 2nd Council meeting, 16 April 1984 3rd Council meeting, 3 July 1984 11th Council meeting, 3 July 1986 10th Council meeting, 4 March 1986 4th Council meeting, 25 September 1984 12th Council meeting, 2 September 1986 2 folders. F. Stratton NCUACS 1126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 D.22-D.37 SPEECHES 1983-1991 Includes Stratton’s speeches and lectures given at BBTS conferences as first President of the BBTS. ‘Speech to the British Blood Transfusion Society Annual General Meeting - December 1983’ 5pp typescript. ‘Speech at opening of the Conference’,15 December 3pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections ‘Draft - 7.12.83’; 4pp typescript ‘15th December 1983’; 4pp typescript ‘As altered in ink [...] 29.12.83’. Speech at Dinner of the BBTS, 16 December App typescript with manuscript additions. D.26-D.28 See also D.11A. 21pp typescript with manuscript corrections of ‘3rd draft 14.8.84’, inscribed ‘Later corrected for Lecture’. ‘Professor Stratton’s Presidential Address to the British Blood Transfusion Society’ Dictaphone cassette tapes of first draft of Stratton’s 1984 Presidential lecture. lecture, 1987 Speech ‘To: The Bacteriology Group’ 2pp typescript dated 20 August 1987. 3 tapes. D.30-D.35 ‘The four aces of serology’, Stratton’s Blundell Prize 1987-1988 F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 This was the BBTS’s most prestigious prize, named after James blood transfusion. (1790-1877), Blundell pioneer in a First draft ‘21.5.87’ 23pp typescript + manuscript list of slides. ‘4th draft 10 August 1987’ 23pp typescript with plates for slides clipped to the pages. 2 folders. 8pp typescript + references Note attached indicates this publication. is a version intended for Biographical information on Blundell Stratton’s manuscript notes etc for lecture The speech introduces C.P. Engelfriet, recipient of the 1991 James Blundell Award. 2pp typescript dated September 1991; information on C.P. Engelfriet. ‘Professor Stratton’s speech for the BBTS, Nottingham Conference, 1991’ 12pp typescript ‘First draft’, 28 November 1991. ‘Lecture for Manchester’ Sister Walters. Blood Transfusion in F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 D.38-D.41 CONFERENCES 1986-1991 D.38-D.40 International Society of Blood Transfusion/British Blood Transfusion Society Congress, London, 10-15 July 1988 1986-1988 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, including meetings of the Executive Committee and working groups. 3 folders. 1989, 1990 and 1991 BBTS conferences 1989-1991 Correspondence re arrangements. D.42-D.49 AWARDS 1982-1987 General correspondence re establishment of awards 1982-1987 1983-1985 D.43-D.45 James Blundell Award Drafts of guidelines for the award; photograph of picture of Blundell This was the BBTS’s premier award. It was first awarded in 1984 (to Sir Cyril Clarke). Stratton was the recipient in 1987. 1983-1985 This award was given for original research in the field of blood transfusion. The first award was made in 1984 (D. Pepper). Correspondence re award for 1984 to Sir Cyril Clarke 1983-1985 Correspondence re award for 1985 to E. Beutler 1984-1985 Kenneth Goldsmith Award F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 British Blood Transfusion Society, D.1-D.50 Drafts of guidelines for the award; background information on K.L.G. Goldsmith Correspondence re awards Race and Anger Junior Award Correspondence re award 1983-1985 1984-1987 Recommendations etc 1984-1985 NEWSLETTERS 1983-1986 Numbers 1, 4, 10. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 . SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES, E.1-E.10 1978-1986 Manuscript notes titled ‘Paris 1978’ Stationery Office exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘AABB’, ‘1st. 22nd Aug 1978’ and ‘Notes for Landsteiner’ Used for manuscript notes. Stationery Office exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘2nd’ and ‘Notes for Landsteiner 1978’ Used for manuscript notes. Hardback pocket notebook labelled on front cover ‘USA 1979 April Muller Eberhard Springer’. Used for manuscript notes. Used for manuscript notes. List of participants only. Includes Stratton. CLB Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-21 November 1985 Hardback pocket notebook labelled on front cover ‘AABB Nov 1979’ 8th Anti- Human Globulin Reagents and their Quality Control - 40 Years On, Imperial College, London, 12 July 1985 two afternoon panel Stratton chaired the discussions and participated as a panel member in the second. first the Biotest Symposium on Recent Advances in Correspondence manuscript notes on proceedings. re arrangements; programme; of F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 Visits and conferences, E.1-E.10 British Society for Haematology AGM, Robinson College Cambridge, 2-4 April 1986 Summary of scientific programme. Blood Group Serology Symposium, Durham, 4-6 1986 April Provisional programme; abstract of contribution ‘Factors affecting the haemagglutination stage of antibody-antigen reactions’ by Stratton et al. Conference on AIDS, Paris, France, June 1986 5pp typescript report on proceedings, July 1986. F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ALA, F.A. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS ANSTEE, David J. ARMOUR, N.W.P. BELL, A.E. BEUTLER, Ernest BRITISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION SOCIETY BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY BRITISH SOCIETY FOR HAEMATOLOGY BROWN, W. Byers CHADFIELD, Hugh W. CHALMERS, Donald Grant CURRAN, Robert Crowe CLARKE, Sir Cyril Astley CANN, John CASH, John D. CLEGHORN, Thomas Edward COOMBS, Robert Royston Amos DAWES, J. DAVIDSON, John F. DAVIES, Tom D. DAVIES, T. Jeffrey DACIE, Sir John Vivian DARNBOROUGH, Jack F. Stratton NCUACS 1126/12/03 Index of correspondents DOUGHTY, Robert W. ENGELFRIET, Cornelius Paul FIEED ie FRANK, Michael M. GILES, Carolyn M. GOLDSMITH, Kenneth Leslie Grant GRANT, Jean M. GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY D.48 See also D.36 D.8 B.46 B.16 C.22 See also D.46 D.8 D.10 GREENWALLT, Tibor Jack GUNSON, Harold H. HEATON, Andrew B.47, D.1D.38-D.40 D.3, D.5, D.42, D.47, E.7 JENKINS, John JONES, D. Rhodri E. C.40 B.48 HOBBS, Alan J. HOWELL, Peter D1, D3; Di%, Dalz KOPEC (née HALPERN), Ada Christina LEWIS, Jack, Baron Lewis of Newnham LEE, Douglas Index of correspondents F. Stratton NCUACS 126/12/03 URBANIAK, S.J. VALERI, C. Robert VOAK, Douglas WAGSTAFF, W.D. WALLACE, John WATKINS, Winifred M. WOODFIELD, D. Graeme
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin