NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 5 Section K: Third World and development Section N: Private correspondence and invitations Section O: References and recommendations Section M: Pakistan Section L: Science and the Arabic and Islamic world NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 5 Section K: Third World and development Section M: Pakistan Section N: Private correspondence and invitations Section O: References and recommendations Section L: Science and the Arabic and Islamic world NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION K THIRD WORLD AND DEVELOPMENT K.1-K.660 In ‘Diseases of the Rich and Diseases of the Poor’ published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists XIX (4) 1963, Salam wrote of the divide between the rich nations of the North and the poor nations of the South and suggested that the key to achieving a greater degree of balance lay in scientific and technological development. Throughout his life Salam worked to heighten awareness of Third World problems and bring about science-related progress in developing countries. The foundation of the International Centre of Theoretical Physics, where Third World scientists could contribute to current research, was a major part of this work. (See Section D.) After 1979 Salam used the prestige and fame of his Nobel Prize to bring his ideas to the attention of wider and more influential audiences. Many of Salam's arguments were published in a collection of his essays on various development topics entitled /deals and Realities. (See Section E.) Salam also worked through a number of international and United Nations organisations to create opportunities for regular scientific collaboration and interaction between Third World scientists and their northern counterparts. (See Sections G and H.) Physics is also documented in this section. K.1-K.8 FOOD AND DISARMAMENT INTERNATIONAL K.9-K.100 FUND FOR PHYSICS (IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES) Salam's work as president of the Third World Academy of Sciences and founder of the Fund for International and the International Commission on Peace and Food, are broad-ranging in their scope and activities while others are more closely connected to science and the scientific community. This section contains material relating to Salam's involvement with several bodies and institutions whose work was overwhelmingly developmental in character. Some, such as Food and Disarmament © SOUTH COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON PEACE AND FOOD (ICPF) K.101-K.119 K.159-K.280 K.120-K.157 INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE (IFS) K.158 ‘SCIENTISTS FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT‘ Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.281-K.580 THIRD WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS) K.581, K.582 THIRD WORLD FORUM K.583-K.594 THIRD WORLD FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES K.595-K.617 WORLD LABORATORY K.618-K.629 MISCELLANEOUS K.630-K.660 APPENDIX Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development FOOD AND DISARMAMENT INTERNATIONAL 1981-1990 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Eight folders. K.9-K.100 FUND FOR PHYSICS (IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES) 1979-1993 In 1979 Salam suggested to the Government of Pakistan that a fund for Pakistani students wishing to study abroad be established. He offered to donate his $66000 Nobel Prize to the scheme on the condition that the government contribute a further $1 million. When they failed to do so Salam decided to all developing countries instead. an independent fund for students in set up See also K.630-K.643. K.9-K.65 K.66-K.100 Accounts 1979-1993 Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re the allocation of Fund for Physics grants consisting principally of requests for financial assistance from students based in Pakistan and other Third World countries, 1979-1993. 1980, 1981. See also K.66-K.100. n979: Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development 1987. Two folders. K.18-K.22 1988. Five folders. K.39-K.47 1991. Nine folders. Eight folders. K.23-K.30 1989. K.31-K.38 1990. Eight folders. Five folders. Eight folders. K.56-K.60 1993. K.48-K.55 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.61-K.65 Correspondence with A. H. S. Hag of Durban, South Africa, 1987-1992. Five folders. K.66-K.100 Accounts 1980-1990 K.66-K.100 Papers and correspondence re the management and administration of Fund for Physics financial grants. See also K.9-K.65. 1980, 1981. 1984. Two folders. Two folders. K.74-K.80 1987. K.70, K.71 1985. K72, K-73 1986. Two folders. Six folders, Seven folders. K.81-K.86 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.87-K.93 1989. Seven folders. K.94-K.100 1990. Seven folders. K.101-K.119 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON PEACE AND FOOD (ICPF) 1988-1994 The International Commission on Peace and Food was founded to enhance global co-operation on food and environmental issues as a means to foster and promote world peace and disarmament. Salam was a founder member and ICTP hosted the Commission's first meeting in October 1989. 1988. Two folders. Three folders. K.101-K.119 K.103, K.104 1990. Correspondence and papers. Principally reports and conference material sent to Salam for information. Five folders. K.105-K.107 190M: K.108-K.112 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.113-K.117 1993. Five folders. K.118, K.119 1994. Two folders. K.120-K.157 INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE (IFS) 1969-1975, 1980-1983 The International Foundation for Science was established in 1972 to promote scientific research in developing countries. Its secretariat was located in Stockholm, Sweden. Salam served on the Continuing Committee and was Vice-Chairman of the IFS Working Group. Includes 1969. Six folders. Seven folders. K.120-K.157 K.121-K.126 1970. Correspondence and papers. Principally background material sent to Salam for information. material re the establishment and constitution of IFS. Three folders. K.134-K.136 A972: K.127-K.133 1971. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.137-K.144 1973. Eight folders. K.145-K.148 1974. Four folders. K.149-K.155 1975. Seven folders. 1980, 1981. 1982, 1983. ‘SCIENTISTS FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT’ 1970-1971 ‘Scientists for Human Development’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp typescript text by C. Snow, Abdus Salam and A. Buzzati-Traverso with covering correspondence re the establishment of a world-wide movement to promote science and its applications as instruments of development in the Third World. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.159-K.280 SOUTH COMMISSION 1987-1996 The South Commission, set up in September 1986 under the chairmanship of J. Nyerere, ex-President of Tanzania, was an independent international body formed from and by the under developed nations of the South to analyse the major economic, social and political problems confronting the Third World. The Commission was to devise a strategy and set up policy and action oriented proposals according to its findings. The Commission's mandate expired on 31 October 1990. At its tenth and final meeting held in Arusha, Tanzania on 7 October 1990, the South Centre was established the Commission's final report. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the South Centre became a permanent inter-governmental organisation in 1995. to implement the recommendations contained in Salam was a member from the Commission's inception. He also chaired the Working Party on Science and Technology which met in Trieste, Italy, in November 1988. His report, commonly referred to as "The Red Book’, was published under the ‘Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’. title See also E.491-E.598. K.234-K.258 Six folders. K.159-K.206 Correspondence and papers 1987-1996 K.207-K.233 Meetings and visits K.159-K.206 Correspondence and papers K.259-K.280 South Letter Working Party on Science and Technology Nine folders. Papers with some correspondence re objectives and activities. the Commission's composition, K.165-K.173 1988. K.159-K. 164 1987. K.159-K.206 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.174-K.180 1989. Seven folders. K.181-K.194 1990. Fourteen Folders. K.195, K.196 1991. Two folders. K.197-K.199 1992. Three folders. K.200, K.201 1993. Two folders. Three folders. 1988-1990 K.202-K.204 1994. Natural Sciences. 44pp typescript address given by Salam on the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Venezuelan Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Visit to Caracas, Venezuela, at the invitation of President Carlos Andrés Pérez, 1-4 August 1988. K.207-K.233 Meetings and visits K.207-K.209 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development Correspondence re arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondence arising. K.210-K.220 Third Meeting of the South Commission, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 5-8 August 1988. See also E.491-E.494, F.225-F.229, J.555-J.558. K.210, K.211 Correspondence re arrangements. K.212-K.218 Drafts and correspondence re papers presented. Seven folders. K.219, K.220 Correspondence and papers arising. Two folders. K.222 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 1222) K223 Fourth Meeting of the South Commission, Kuwait, 10-12 December 1988. Letters of invitation to members of the Commission to visit the Third World Academy of Sciences, 3 October 1988, and correspondence arising. Two folders. Inauguration ceremonies of President Carlos Andrés Peréz, Venezuela, 2 February 1989. K.224, K.225 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. K.224-K.227 Caracas, Correspondence and papers arising. Salam attended at the invitation of the President. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.226, K.227 Letters of thanks and correspondence arising. Two folders. K.228, K.229 Fifth Meeting of the South Commission, Maputo, Mozambique, 27-30 May 1989. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondence arising. Visit to Harare, Zimbabwe, 30-31 May 1989. Correspondence re arrangements. Sixth Meeting of the South Commission, New Delhi, India, 11-14 November 1989. Correspondence arising. Ki232,,K233 K.234-K.238 Salam was not able to attend. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. K.232 Correspondence re arrangements. Seventh Meeting of the South Commission, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4-8 May 1990. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Meeting of the Working Party on Science and Technology, Trieste, Italy, 24- 26 November 1988. K.234-K.258 Working Party on Science and Technology Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.235-K.238 Drafts, background material and correspondence re papers presented. Four folders. Correspondence and papers re the Working Party's final report. K.240-K.246 Draft papers re the Working Party's final report. K.240 typescript 13pp Industrialization of a Developing Country - Korean Approaches' by Choi, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1987. Technology ‘Science Policies entitled and in the S. H. 39pp typescript draft entitled ‘Notes on Science and Technology in Development of the South’ by Abdus Salam, 28 June 1988. the 18pp typescript entitled ‘Science and Technology - Impact on Economic Development and International Economic Relations’ by A. Papic, June 1988. entitled ‘Science and Technology for Sustainable 37pp typescript draft Development by P. Bifani, June 1988. 6pp typescript text re science and technology by D. Jain for consideration by Salam, October 1988. 29pp typescript untitled draft re science and development by L. C. Jain with covering correspondence, October 1988. Two folders. 4pp typescript comments by S. Collas-Monsod on ‘Notes on Science High Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’ by Abdus Salam with covering letter, October 1988. 85pp typescript entitled ‘Development - South Style’ by 1988. D. Jain, October K.247, K.248 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development 7pp typescript comments by T. G. Ghazali Ghafie on 'Notes on Science High Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South' by Abdus Salam with covering correspondence, October 1988. typescript 4pp Challenge and Promise of Science and Technology’ November 1988. (with amendments) entitled South draft ‘The and the App typescript draft (with amendments) entitled ‘Elements for a Preliminary Statement by the Subject of Science and Technology’, November 1998. the South Commission on 10pp typescript entitled 'The Role of Science and Technology in the Energy Developing Paths Open to latest bibliographical reference 1988. J. Goldemberg, Countries' n.d. by 2pp typescript entitled 'Global Trends in Science and Technology’, n.d. entitled ‘Working Party on Science typescript (annotated) of contents re a paper entitled ‘Linking Vienna with 3pp typescript (annotated) entitled Issues for Further Discussion with a View to Incorporation in the Final Report’, n.d. and 8pp Technology. Summary of the Discussion and Issues for Further Discussion’, n.d. 2pp list Villages: Recruiting a Part of Science and Technology for Development’ by L. C. Jain, n.d. n.d. 8pp typescript entitled ‘Technology and the Future of Europe’ by H. Curien, n.d. 12pp typescript entitled ‘The Key to World Domination’ by K. Mendelssohn, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.259-K.280 South Letter 1989-1995 The South Letter was published at regular intervals initially by the secretariat of the South Commission and subsequently by the South Centre. It aimed to draw world attention to issues concerning the developing world and bring the work of the South Commission to public notice. Issue Number 11 is not present. Number 1, April 1989. Number 2, June 1989. Number 3, August 1989. Number 4, October 1989. Number 5, December 1989. Number 6, February 1990. Number 13, Spring 1992. Number 12, December 1991. Number 7, September 1990. Number 8, October 1990. Numbers 9 and 10, June 19971. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development Number 14, Summer 1992. Number 15, Autumn 1992. Number 16, Winter 1992-1993. Number 17, Spring/Summer 1993. Number 18, Autumn 1993. Number 19, Winter/Spring 1994. Number 20, Summer 1994. Number 22, Winter/Spring 1995. Number 23, Summer 1995. Number 21, Autumn/Winter 1994. Number 24, Autumn/Winter 1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.281-K.580 THIRD WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS) 1986-1995 The idea for creating the Third World Academy of Sciences was first conceived at a meeting of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum in October 1981 by members from developing countries. At a foundation meeting held in Trieste, Italy, in November 1983, Salam was elected president and it was decided that the Academy should be based at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. TWAS was officially inaugurated by the Secretary- General of the United Nations, J. Perez de Cuellar, at the First General Conference on South-South Co-operation in Sciences and was granted formal NGO status by the United Nations in 1985. The Third World Academy of Sciences received the financial backing of the Italian government and the Canadian International Development Agency. It aimed to enhance the health of science in Third World nations, giving recognition and support to in developing countries and facilitating mutually beneficial collaboration between scientists. It awarded financial aid to young Third World scientists and contributed to the libraries. TWAS also worked to establishment of Third World scientific promote North-South interaction Third World scientists to visit Italian laboratories. scientific research carried out provided grants and for and _ K.281-K.542 K.543-K.553 administration and co-ordination of TWAS research Correspondence and papers Drought Desertification and Food Deficit (DDFD) Project By 1987 the Academy comprised 140 members from forty-two Third World nations. A council, elected by members every two years, was responsible for supervising all TWAS activities. A small secretariat assisted the Council in the training programmes. Salam continued as president until June 1994 when he was forced to step down owing to his declining health. He was immediately elected honorary president for life. Organisations (TWNSO) African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Third World Network of Scientific K.554-K.557 K.558-K.580 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.281-K.542 Correspondence and papers 1985-1995 here material presented The administrative correspondence re funding, membership, prizes and research programmes, and committee and conference papers. It includes a large amount of material passed to Salam for information by the TWAS Executive Secretary, M. H. A. Hassan. principally consists of K.281, K.282 Correspondence and papers, 1985. Includes papers re the first meeting of the TWAS Committee, 19 September 1985. Two folders. K.283-K.304 Correspondence and papers, 1986. re the of the Third Includes summary of a South-South Co-operation Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 25- 26 October 1986, a TWAS Administrative Committee Meeting, 13 December 1986. and minutes of K.305-K.329 Beijing, China, establishment and papers re correspondence Twenty-five folders. Twenty-two folders. Correspondence and papers, 1987. Includes World Association for Remote Sensing (TWARS), March 1987, minutes of a TWAS Administrative Committee Meeting, 5 April 1987, papers re a TWAS General Conference, a collaboration agreement between TWAS and ICTP, October 1987. 14-18 September 1987, Thirty-nine folders. Includes minutes of a TWAS Research Grants Committee Meeting, 12 February 1988, papers re the ICSU-TWAS lectureship programme, March 1988, correspondence re a TWAS Conference on The Role of Women in the Development of Science and Technology in the Third World, Trieste, Italy, 3- 7 October 1988, and minutes of a TWAS Research Grants Committee Meeting, 12-13 December 1988. Correspondence and papers, 1988. K.330-K.368 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.369-K.407 Correspondence and papers, 1989. the Inaugural Meeting of Includes papers re the UK (Commonwealth) Network Chapter of the Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO) London, 11 August 1989, papers re a TWAS General Conference, Bogota, Colombia, 16-20 October 1989, and papers re an international conference on Desert Environments, Trieste, Italy, 6-8 November 1989. Thirty-nine folders. K.408-K.450 Correspondence and papers, 1990. Includes 10pp typescript entitled ‘Building Up Scientific Capacity in the South’ by a TWAS General Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, 15-19 October 1990. A. Hassan, September 1990, and papers re M. H. Forty-three folders. K.451-K.482 Correspondence and papers, 1991. K.483-K.506 K.507-K.525 K.526-K.539 Thirty-two folders. New Includes UNESCO paper Arrangements for TWAS', January 1992, and papers re a TWAS General Conference, Kuwait, 23-26 November 1992. ‘Memorandum Possible entitled on Twenty-four folders. Correspondence and papers, 1993. Correspondence and papers, 1992. Fourteen folders. Includes letters expressing regret at Salam's resignation of the presidency of TWAS, June 1994 and minutes of a TWAS Council Meeting, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1 October 1994. Includes minutes of a TWAS Council Meeting, Kuwait, 21 November 1992, and papers re a TWAS General Conference and Tenth Anniversary Celebrations, Trieste, Italy, 1-4 November 1993. Correspondence and papers, 1994. Nineteen folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.540-K.542 Correspondence and papers, 1995. Includes minutes of a TWAS Council Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 27 January 1995. Three folders. K.543-K.553 Drought Desertification and Food Deficit (DDFD) Project 1985-1986 an international initiative As part of its aims to promote science in Third World countries TWAS was involved in to solve the problems of drought, desertification and food deficit in southern African and particularly in the Sahelian and Sudanian zones south of the Sahara. A small group of scientists from different fields was assembled to tackle the multidisciplinary aspects of the DDFD project. Salam who participated in the project from its outset was a member of this group. K.543-K.552 Correspondence and papers, 1985-1986. Ten folders. 1985-1989 K.554-K.557 African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Two typescript versions, 11pp and 8pp, of opening remarks given by Salam at a TWAS Meeting on Drought Desertification and Food Deficit in Africa, Trieste, Italy, 9 December 1985. Four folders. The idea of forming the African Academy of Sciences was first conceived at the inaugural meeting of TWAS in July 1985. At the foundation meeting of AAS, which took place in the following December, T. R. Odhiambo was elected president. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, the Academy worked to unite African research opportunities and for the development of Africa. Principally re the inauguration and administration of the Academy and its relations with TWAS. Correspondence and papers. K.554-K.557 scientists for the strengthening and widening of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.558-K.580 Third World Network of Scientific Organisations (TWNSO) 1989-1993 of the main recommendations of One the Second TWAS General Conference held in Beijing, China, in September 1987, was the creation of a network of scientific organisations in developing countries. It was proposed that a federation be established with its headquarters in Trieste, Italy, and with subsidiary offices in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America. In 1988 the Third World Network of Scientific Organisations (TWNSO), a non- governmental alliance of over 140 scientific organisations in the South was founded. It aimed to assist in building political and scientific leadership in the South and to promote development through collaboration in the fields of science and technology. TWAS provided the secretariat work for TWNSO and sponsored a number of its activities. K.558-K.577 Correspondence and papers, 1989-1993. K.558, K.559 1989. Two folders. 1990. Four folders. 1997. K.568-K.576 1992. Four folders. K.564-K.567 K.560-K.563 Three folders. Correspondence with C. Ponnamperuma, Secretary-General, Council of TWNSO and Scientific and Technical Advisor to the President of Sri Lanka, 1991-1992. K.578-K.580 Nine folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.581, K.582 THIRD WORLD FORUM 1982-1985 Salam was a member of the steering committee of the Third World Forum South-South Co-operation Programme initiated in December 1992. He also chaired a working group on science and technology. K.581, K.582 Correspondence and papers. Principally re meetings. Two folders. K.583-K.594 THIRD WORLD FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES 1979-1988 Salam served on the Editorial Advisory Committee of Third World Affairs, the annual Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies publication, from 1985. K.583-K.594 Correspondence and papers. K.595-K.617 WORLD LABORATORY Includes two copies of a transcript (annotated) of an interview given by Salam for publication in South, July 1981, and two copies of a nomination of Salam for the Third World Foundation Award, 1983. Seven folders. Principally re the establishment, in 1989, and administration of a branch of the International Centre for Scientific Culture World Laboratory at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, to monitor World Laboratory projects in middle Europe. K.595-K.601 Correspondence and papers, 1986-1995. Twelve folders. 1985-1995 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.602-K.613 Correspondence and papers. Principally re the establishment and administration of an International Centre for Scientific Culture World Laboratory project in Pakistan. Twelve folders. K.614-K.617 Correspondence re A. Zichichi, President of the World Laboratory, 1985- 1989. Four folders. K.618-K.629 MISCELLANEOUS 1965-1986 73pp typescript entitled ‘Science in the Arab Middle East’ by A. n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1965. B. Zahlan, 16pp typescript entitled ‘Science and Backward Countries’ by A. B. Zahlan, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1965. Conference on Science and Technology in Developing Countries, Beirut, Lebanon, 27 November-2 December 1967. 68pp typescript of conference proceedings. ‘Advanced Scientific Research in Developed Countries’ by Abdus Salam, Rockefeller University Review, September-October 1966. Correspondence and papers re arrangements and background material. Conference on the International Migration of Professional and Technical Skill with Special Reference to Less Developed Countries, UK, 16-19 February 1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.623-K.625 Nobel Foundation Workshop on Institutions for Development: Contacts, Co- operation and Collaboration, Bellagio, Italy, 11-16 October 1971. Correspondence and papers re arrangements and background material. Three folders. 10pp typescript draft entitled ‘International Centre for Theoretical Physics and Physics in Developing Countries' by Abdus Salam with amendments and comments by J. Ziman, 1976. Two copies 19pp typescript entitled 'On Arab Scientific and Technological Development’, with covering correspondence from A. R. Kaddoura, Assistant Director-General for Science, UNESCO, 1982. 10pp typescript notes entitled ‘The Growth of Scientific and Technical Knowledge in the Third World' for a speech by Sir Crispin Tickell to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, House of Commons, London, 26 November 1986. Notes re 'some typical bilateral institutional links between developing and advanced countries’, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.630-K.643 APPENDIX 1994-2000 This sub-section contains a small amount of material relating to Salam's efforts to improve the position and opportunities of young scientists working in Third World countries that was received from ICTP after the main cataloguing work of the section was complete. K.630-K.643 Fund for Physics K.644-K.660 Nobel Talent Fund Prizes K.630-K.643 Fund for Physics 1994-2000 See also K.9-K.100. K.630-K.632 1994. Three folders. K.630-K.639 K.633-K.635 1995. Three folders. Correspondence and papers re the allocation of Fund for Physics grants consisting principally of requests for financial assistance from students based in Pakistan and other Third World countries, 1994-1997. Three folders. K.636-K.638 1996. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.640-K.643 Payment orders and financial correspondence, 1994-2000. K.640 1994. 1997-2000. K.644-K.660 Nobel Talent Fund Prizes 1988-1997 Salam established several annual prizes for science in various Third World countries using money from the Nobel Talent Fund set up with his Nobel Prize money. See also L.43, M.335-M.340. K.645-K.660 to as 'Abdus Salam Prizes'), App typescript list of Nobel Talent Fund prizes and their recipients, nd ca 1992. The original order of the material, sorted alphabetically by country, has been preserved. Correspondence and papers re the institution of the Nobel Talent Prizes (sometimes referred the appointment of selection committees and the administration of the awards, 1988-1997. Two folders. K.649, K.650 India, 1989-1994. K.645-K.648 Egypt, 1988-1997. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Third World and development K.651-K.654 Iran, 1989-1993. Four folders. K.655, K.656 Morocco, 1988-1994. Two folders. Turkey, 1990. K.658-K.660 West Bank and Gaza, 1989-1995. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION L SCIENCE AND THE ARABIC AND ISLAMIC WORLD Salam and his family belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam regarded by many orthodox Muslims as heretical because of their belief that the nineteenth-century founder of the sect, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was the Mahdi, the rightful successor of Muhammad. Salam was deeply religious and felt strongly that science and religion were complementary rather than contradictory. He believed that the pursuit of knowledge was a spiritual exercise as well as a scientific one. He also believed that the search for understanding and scientific discovery should be used to the benefit of humanity and it was this conviction that lay behind much of his Third World development work. He encouraged the study of a common Islamic cultural heritage and argued for a return to the spirit of free enquiry that had given rise to pioneering Arabic scientists in the past. He never allowed the difficulties his religious beliefs caused in his relations with Pakistan to influence his loyalties to his homeland or the Islamic world. Salam is buried in Rabwah, Pakistan, the traditional centre of the Ahmadiyya community. The last prayers for him were attended by 35 000 people. L.1-L.26 L.27-L.41 CONFERENCES L.44-L.62 PUBLICATIONS L.42, L.43 AWARDS SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS Salam's interests and activities concerning science and Islam are documented in this small section. MISCELLANEOUS L.63-L.74 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS 1961-1993 Arab Physical Society Foundation for Science and Civilization in the Arab World Islamic Science Foundation League of Arab States Ummat-ul-Ilm Arab Physical Society ca 1974-1978 Constitution and background material, ca 1974. Foundation for Science and Civilization in the Arab and Islamic World Al-physica, Bulletin of the Arab Physical Society and the Arab Institute for Development, October 1978. Al-physica, Bulletin of the Arab Physical Society and the Arab Institute for Development, July 1975. Putney, London, UK, 20 June 1982. Salam served as chairman of the Board of Trustees. 1982-1983 Correspondence and papers. Includes minutes of the Foundation for Science and Civilization first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the the Arab and Islamic World, in Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world Islamic Science Foundation 1973-1981 Correspondence and papers re proposals initiated by Salam to create a formal alliance of Islamic countries with the objective of promoting science and technology at an advanced level. Three folders. League of Arab States Correspondence and papers re proposals to counter brain drain and promote scientific learning in the Arab world submitted to the Arab League by Salam. Ummat-ul-Ilm 1980-1981 a E13 Correspondence re arrangements. Draft notes and programme. First meeting of Ummat-ul-llm, 16-17 September 1980, Trieste, Italy. Ummat-ul-llm was the name given to private association of Muslim scientists who first met at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, in September 1980. The main purpose of the group was to facilitate contact and collaboration between leading Muslim scientists and to provide an opportunity for reflection on problems facing the Islamic world. Minutes and list of participants. L.13-L.18 Second meeting of Ummat-ul-llm, 28 September 1980, Vienna, Austria. Lists of those invited to attend and of participants. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world L.14-L.18 Papers presented to the meeting. L.14 ‘Report on Status of Biochemistry in Muslim Countries' by M. A. Rahman. ‘Development and Progress Policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Science and Technology’, translated by M. N. Bahadori. ‘The State of the Geophysical Sciences in Islamic Countries' by A. A. Ashour. ‘Molecular Biology in Muslim Countries’ by A. |. Bukhari. ‘Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion’ by M. H. A. Hassan. L.19-L.26 Correspondence and papers re constitution, membership and administration, 1980-1981. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world L.27-L.41 CONFERENCES 1984-1987 L.27-L.32 Islam and the West Meeting, Paris, France, 27 April 1984. See also F.47-F.52, F.396, F.402. Correspondence re arrangements. 5pp typescript opening address (French) given by F. Lamand. 23pp typescript address entitled Conflict?’ given by Salam. ‘Islam and Science: Concordance or Correspondence arising. and Science: Concordance or Conflict’ typescript 6pp ‘Islam (condensed version) by Salam. entitled 5pp typescript closing address (French) given by F. Lamand. Three folders. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Liberty of Science and Belief in the Light of the Holy Quran and the Islamic Experience’. 2nd World Congress on Religious Liberty, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 1984. See also F.55, F.56, F.399, F.400, J.292, J.293. L.33-L.37 25pp typescript of Salam's address. L.34-L.36 Notes and background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world Congress proceedings. Islam and the West General Assembly, Seville, Spain, 10-11 September 1984. Salam was not able to attend. Correspondence re arrangements. Islam and the West Meeting, Paris, France, 14 November 1984. Salam was not able to attend. Correspondence re arrangements. L.40, L.41 Fifth Islamic Summit, Kuwait, 26-29 January 1987. L.40 Papers sent to Salam for information. F. Lamand, February Al-Azhar Prize. L.42, L.43 AWARDS 1982-1985 Cultural and Scientific Organization Muslim Arab League Educational, Scientist Awards. 8pp typescript entitled ‘Pour un Eternal Retour’ by 1987. Correspondence and papers, 1983-1985. his 1979 Nobel Salam funded the prize of $1000 from the proceeds of Award. The Al-Azhar Prize, administered by Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, was given to young scientific researchers in physics from Islamic countries. Salam was a member of the Proposing Committee of Candidates for Creativity in Physical Sciences. Correspondence and papers, 1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world PUBLICATIONS 1986-1990 L.44-L.48 ‘Religion and Science’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Correspondence re the possible production of a scientific text book for the use of 'men of religion’, 1986-1989. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. L.49-L.61 468pp typescript author's proof with amendments entitled 'Renaissance of Sciences in Islamic Countries’, a collection of Salam's addresses, proposals and papers edited by M. H. A. Hassan and H. Dalafi, 1988. See also L.70-L.74. Twelve folders. ‘Quran Translations’. Contents of folder so inscribed. L.63-L.74 MISCELLANEOUS 1968-1986 Correspondence with scientists re a translation of the Quran into Uighur financed by Salam, 1988-1990. 13pp typescript entitled "The Pure Sciences in the Arab Countries Today’ by N. N. Khuri, a talk delivered to Science and Technology in the Eastern Arab Countries Conference, New York, USA, 29 April 1965. Off-print. 73pp typescript entitled ‘Science in the Arab East’, by A. B. Zahlan, n.d. latest bibliographic reference 1965. L.64, L.65 Two folders. Cell Reveals God, M. A. Anees, 1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Science and the Arabic and Islamic world 52pp typescript entitled ‘Importance of Research in Islamic Countries: A Blueprint for Progress' by S. A. Durrani, 1983. 9pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Ranking of Muslim Countries in Scientific Research and Development’, by M. Ahmad, July 1986. 5pp typescript entitled between Scientists and Decision-Makers in the Arab World’, n.d. ca 1986. ‘Tentative Formulation of Project for Dialogue a L.70-L.74 ‘Muslim File’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. See also L.49-L.61. 4pp typescript entitled ‘Islamic Science Talent Fund’, n.d. the Creation of an_ typescript entitled ‘Proposal International Q9pp for Laboratory for Solid State Physics’, n.d. 2pp typescript entitled "Prestigious Awards for Sciences’, n.d. 7pp typescript and manuscript entitled 'An Arab-Islamic Fund for Helping Arab-Muslim Physicists to Benefit from the Trieste Centre’, n.d. 7pp typescript entitled ‘Foundations for Sciences in Islam’, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION M PAKISTAN M.1-M.478 Between 1961 and 1974 Salam acted as Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of Pakistan. After his resignation from this governmental post Salam maintained contacts made during the period of his official employment. He continued, in a less formal way, to offer advice and support to former colleagues. Despite periods of religious persecution and political upheaval which sometimes made Salam's relations with Pakistan difficult, and his numerous teaching and administrative commitments in London and Trieste, Salam's links with his homeland always remained strong. This section contains material relating to Salam's continuing involvement with Pakistan. Although it contains more recent material, it largely consists of correspondence and papers accumulated during his time as Scientific Adviser. Salam's work in particular areas of government policy and action, such as agriculture, science education and waterlogging and salinity is reflected in the arrangement of the material. His interest at that time in the development of Pakistan's nuclear resources is represented in the separate groupings of papers relating to the various organisations and institutions in Pakistan with M.1-M.290 M.415-M.432 M.433-M.478 which he had connections. M.291-M.414. SCIENCE-RELATED TOPICS LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDIVIDUALS Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.1-M.290 SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS 1964-1996 M.1-M.5 Government College, Jhang M.6 Government College, Lahore M.7, M.8 Institute of Basic Sciences M.9, M.10 Institute of Defence Analysis and Policy Planning M.11, M.12 Ministry of Natural Sciences M.13-M.21 Ministry of Science and Technology M.22-M.27 National Commission on Manpower and Education M.28-M.65 National Science Council M.66-M.86 Pakistan Academy of Sciences M.87 Pakistan Air Force College of Aeronautical Engineering M.88-M.198 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) M.206-M.209 M.210-M.228 M.229 Pakistan Institute of Theoretical Physics M.201-M.205 Pakistan Government M.230-M.246 Pakistan Science Foundation Pakistan Institute of Science and Technology M.199, M.200 Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) The United States-Pakistan Alliance Pakistan Society for Promotion of Literacy, Science and Technology Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (SUPARCO) M.282-M.284 Physics Information Exchange (PIE) Project M.247-M.262 M.263-M.281 M.285 Punjab University M.286-M.290 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Government College, Jhang 1983-1989 Salam received his earliest education at Government College, Jhang. He continued to attend the college until, at the age of fourteen, he won a scholarship to Government College, Lahore. Correspondence and papers re Salam's support for campaigns to improve funding, educational programmes and status, 1983-1989. Five folders. Government College, Lahore Salam was a student at Government College, Lahore, between 1942 and 1946. He returned to the college as a teacher in 1951, remaining until 1954. Correspondence and papers re 125th anniversary celebrations, 1989. Institute of Basic Sciences 1973-1974 Two folders. Correspondence and papers re the proposed creation of an institute of basic sciences in Islamabad, 1973-1974. Two folders. Correspondence and papers re the proposed establishment of an institute of defence analysis and policy planning in Pakistan, 1973-1974. Institute of Defence Analysis and Policy Planning 1973-1974 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Ministry of Natural Resources, Fuel and Power M.11, M.12 Correspondence and papers re a Colloquium on the Geotectonics of the Kashmir Himalaya-Karakoum-Hindu Kush-Pamir Orogenic Belts organised by the Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy, 25-27 June 1974. Two folders. M.13-M.21 Ministry of Science and Technology 1964-1984 M.13, M.14 Papers, draft reports and recommendations with covering correspondence re the creation of a Pakistan Ministry of Science and Technology, ca 1964. Two folders. M.15-M.17 Correspondence with various ministers and officials, 1969-1984. Standing Two folders. M.19, M.20 Three folders. Published text. Scientific and Technological Committee on Principally re the exchange and circulation of information. Proceedings of the First Meeting of OIC [Organisation of Islamic Conference] Ministerial Co- operation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Islamabad, 10-13 May 1983. Published text. Proceedings and reports of the Second Meeting of OIC Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Co-operation, Ministry of Science and Technology, Islamabad, 13-15 December 1983. Published texts. National Technology, Islamabad, March 1984. Technology Science and Policy, Ministry of Science and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.22-M.27 National Commission on Manpower and Education 1968-1969 M.22-M.27 Papers sent to Salam for information, 1968-1969. Six folders. M.28-M.65 National Science Council 1964-1982 M.28-M.37 Correspondence and papers principally re meetings of the Council, 1964- 1974. Ten folders. M.38-M.53 Meetings of the National Science Council, 1965-1973. Two folders. Dacca, 17 January 1967. Agenda and working papers. Karachi, 10-11 August 1967. M.38 Karachi, 11 February 1965. Draft minutes. Agenda and working papers. M.39, M.40 Karachi, 14 July 1966. Five folders. Agenda, working papers, minutes and correspondence. Agenda and working papers. M.43-M.47 Karachi, 29 May 1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Islamabad, 19 February 1969. Draft minutes. Islamabad, 8-9 September 1970. Draft minutes. See also M.62, M.63. M.50, M.51 Karachi, 27 June 1973. Agenda and working papers. Two folders. Islamabad, 6 August 1973. Agenda and working papers. M.54-M.65 Reports and publications, 1965-1982. Islamabad, 22 December 1973. Draft minutes. Various papers and texts re the National Science Council presented in chronological order. Background papers sent to Salam for consideration and information, 1965- 1968. 23pp typescript, n.d. ‘Towards a Scientific Research and Development Policy for Pakistan’, by Salam, presented at the Thirteenth Meeting of National Science Council, Islamabad, 8-9 September 1970. M.54-M.61 M.62, M.63 Eight folders. See also M.49. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Published text, December 1970. Organisation and Financing of Scientific Research in Pakistan, |. H. Usmani, National Science Council, 1972. Published text. S & T Establishments of Pakistan, National Science Council, 1982. Published text. M.66-M.86 Pakistan Academy of Sciences 1967-1996 Salam was elected a fellow in 1954. M.66-M.83 M.66 1979, 1980. 1984, 1985. 1981, 1982. Correspondence and papers sent to Salam for information, 1979-1996. Three folders. M.72-M.74 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.76-M.79 1990. Four folders. M.81, M.82 1992. Two folders. 1993-1996. M.84-M.86 Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 1967, 1969. M.84 Vol 4, No 1, 1967. Vol 4, No 2, 1967. Vol 6, Nos 1 and 2, 1969. Pakistan Air Force College of Aeronautical Engineering Correspondence, 1965. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.88-M.198 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) 1964-1978 Salam was a member of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) from 1958 to 1974. See also M.463-M.478. M.88-M.126 Correspondence and papers, 1964-1978. M.88 1964. M.89-M.95 1965. Seven folders. M.96-M.99 1966. Six folders. Four folders. M.100-M.105 1967. M.106-M.109 1968. M.110-M.112 Four folders. M.113-M.116 Four folders. 1969. Three folders. 1970. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.119, M.120 1973. Two folders. M.121-M.123 1974. Three folders. Minutes. Minutes. Minutes. Karachi, 16 February 1966. M.127 Karachi, 29 December 1965. M.127-M.168 Meetings of PAEC, 1965-1974. Rawalpindi, 28 August 1965. Two folders. Agenda, working papers and minutes. M.130, M.131 Karachi, 30 December 1966. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.132-M.135 Karachi, 13 May 1967. Agenda, working papers and minutes. Four folders. Karachi, Autumn 1967. Agenda and working papers. Dacca, 7 December 1967. Papers re arrangements. Karachi, 26 December 1967. Agenda and minutes. Agenda and working papers. Three folders. Karachi, 7 March 1968. Agenda and working papers. M.140-M.142 Karachi, 6 June 1968. Karachi, 20 November 1968. Letter re arrangements. Agenda and working papers. M.143-M.145 Three folders. Karachi, 27 December 1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.147, M.148 Karachi, 12 April 1969. Agenda and working papers. Two folders. Karachi, 2 August 1969. Minutes. M.150-M.153 Karachi, 30 October 1969. Agenda, working papers and minutes. Four folders. M.154-M.156 Dacca, 27 December 1969. Agenda and working papers. Three folders. Two folders. Agenda and working papers. Two folders. M.157, M.158 Karachi, 21 May 1970. M.159, M.160 Karachi, 30 October 19771. Agenda and working papers. Includes minutes of a meeting on 3 June 19771. Three folders. Agenda and working papers. M.161-M.163 Karachi, 2 March 1972. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.164, M.165 Islamabad, 21 August 1973. Agenda and working papers. Includes minutes of a meeting on 2 May 1973. Two folders. Islamabad, 24 November 1973. Agenda and papers. M.167, M.168 Islamabad, 15 April 1974. Agenda and working papers. Includes minutes of a meeting on 21 December 1973. Two folders. M.169-M.177 Meetings of PAEC Council, 1966-1970. Two folders. Working papers and minutes. Two folders. M.171, M.172 Karachi, 27 December 1967. M.173, M.174 Karachi, 28 December 1968. M.169, M.170 Karachi, 31 December 1966. Agenda, working papers and minutes. Three folders. ?Karachi, 29 December 1970. Agenda and working papers. Two folders. M.175-M.177 Agenda and working papers. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.178-M.198 Reports and publications, 1964-1972. Various papers and texts re PAEC presented in chronological order. 16pp typescript address entitled ‘Search for Research’ given by I. H. Usmani, Chairman of PAEC, at a symposium on scientific and industrial research, 16- 21 November 1964. PAEC Annual Report, 1964-1965. PAEC Annual Report, 1965-1966. Fresh Water Requirements of Makran Coastal Towns: A Survey, |. Kamal, PAEC, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1965. Published text. The Nucleus, Quarterly Journal of PAEC, Vol 4, No 2, April-June 1967. Published text. Calibration of a 500Curie CO®™ Source, M. A. Rab Molla, S. A. Abdullah and F. Karim, PAEC, August 1967. 20pp typescript welcome address given by |. H. Usmani, Chairman of PAEC, on the 6th Anniversary of the Atomic Energy Centre, Lahore, Pakistan, 25 November 1967. Two folders. M.186, M.187 Reports and papers re Rooppur Nuclear Power Project, 1967. Scientists and Engineers of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, 1967. Published text. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan The Nucleus, Quarterly Journal of PAEC, Vol 5, Nos 3 and 4, July-December 1968. Pakatom, Newsletter of PAEC, 1968. Vol 1, No 3, 15 September 1968. Vol 1, No 4, 15 October 1968. The Nucleus, Quarterly Journal of PAEC, Vol 6, No 1, January-March 1969. Pakatom, Newsletter of PAEC, Vol 2, No 3, 15 February 1970. 4Opp typescript report entitled 'Research and Development Projects of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission’, January 1972. Published text. Atomic Energy Centre, Lahore, PAEC, n.d. Published text. Solar Energy Prospects in Pakistan, PAEC, n.d. PAEC Research Project Proposal Forms (blank), n.d. Two folders. Reports with covering correspondence, 1967-1971. M.199, M.200 Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 1967-1971 M.196-M.198 Three folders. M.199, M.200 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.201-M.205 Pakistan Government 1964-1974, 1980-1982 M.201-M.203 ‘Correspondence with Rawalpindi.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Includes correspondence with Presidents Mohammed Ayub Khan and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and other government officials re the work of the Scientific and Technological Division of the Pakistan Government 1964-1974. Three folders. M.204, M.205 ‘Correspondence with Rawalpindi’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. a Includes correspondence with recording of the Holy Quran, a visit by Salam to Mexico and administrative changes in Jhang, 1980-1982. President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq re Two folders. 1964-1967 Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, M. 206-M.209 See also F.163. Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (PINSTECH) Questions and Answers on Pakistan Institute Technology (PINSTECH) Prepared by PAEC, August 1965. 25pp typescript entitled ‘Project Proposal (Revised) for Establishment of Pakistan Islamabad’, December 1964. Published text. Initial Start-up of the Pakistan Research Reactor, Reactor Operation and Maintenance Division, PINSTECH, Islamabad, 1966. of Nuclear Science and Published text. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Neutron Flux Measurements in the Experimental Facilities of the Pakistan Research Reactor, M. N. Qazi, T. J. Solaija, A. Nuruddin and H. A. Khan, Nuclear Physics Division, PINSTECH, Islamabad, 1967. Published text. M.210-M.228 Pakistan Institute of Science and Technology 1983-1988 M.210-M.213 Draft texts and covering correspondence re the report of a consultative committee created to discuss the proposed establishment of Pakistan Institute of Science and Technology, 1983. Four folders. M.214-M.223 Correspondence and papers, 1983-1986. Principally re the establishment, organisation and funding of the Institute. Ten folders. Principally re the organisation and funding of the Institute. Five folders. Pakistan Institute of Theoretical Physics 1966-1973 M.224-M.228 Correspondence and papers, 1987-1988. Correspondence and papers re the establishment of the Pakistan Institute of Theoretical Physics, Islamabad, 1966-1973. Salam, 19771. Correspondence re the Scientific Research Review Committee chaired by M.230-M.246 Pakistan Science Foundation 1971-1976 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.231-M.234 Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad, 25 August 1973. Agenda and working papers. Four folders. M.235-M.246 Fifth Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Islamabad of the Pakistan Science Foundation, 19 January 1976. Agenda, working papers and minutes. Twelve folders. M.247-M.262 Pakistan Society for Promotion of Literacy, Science and Technology 1989-1996 M.247-252 Correspondence and papers principally sent to Salam for information, 1989- 1992. Six folders. proposed the creation of the Muhammad Abdus M.253-M.262 The Muhammad Abdus Salam Foundation, 1992-1996. Following disagreement over procedures adopted for obtaining support and owing to the deterioration in his health, Salam withdrew from the project in 1994. In 1992 Mohammed Naim Ullah, secretary of the Pakistan Society for Literacy, Science and Technology, of which Salam was Promotion of president, Salam Foundation. The Foundation, which was to have its headquarters in London, would work towards the establishment of technical training centres in Third World countries. Ten folders. Correspondence and papers re the establishment of the Foundation, the raising of funds and the appointment of trustees, 1992-1996. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.263-M.281 Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (SUPARCO) 1964-1988 Salam was closely involved in the establishment of the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Committee (SUPARCO) and was its chairman from 1961 to 1964. M.263-M.267 Correspondence and papers, 1964-1970. Five folders. M.268-M.270 Newspaper cuttings and correspondence, 1984-1988. Three folders. M.271-M.276 Meetings of the Scientific Committee of SUPARCO, 1965-1972. Minutes. Karachi, 5 June 1968. Minutes. Two folders. M.271 M.273, M.274 ?Karachi, 1968. Karachi, 1 September 1965. Agenda and working papers. Two folders. M.275, M.276 Karachi, 2 May 1972. Working papers. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.277-M.281 Reports and publications, 1965-1970. Various papers and texts re SUPARCO presented in chronological order. Report on COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Sixth International Space Science Symposium, Argentina, 11-21 May 1965, by M. Rahmatullah, Director, Space Science and Research, SUPARCO, October 1965. 8pp typescript entitled ‘Space Science Stimulates Meteorological Research in Pakistan’, by M. Rahmatullah, UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 27 May 1967. 11pp typescript entitled ‘Space Research Activities M. Rahmatullah, Eleventh Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Tokyo, Japan, 9-21 May 1968. Pakistan’ by in 5pp typescript entitled 'Educational Problems Relating to Space Research in Developing Countries’ by M. Rahmatullah, UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 27 May 1968. Three folders. M.282-M.284 M.282-M.284 Correspondence and papers, 1965-1985. Physics Information Exchange (PIE) Project 21pp typescript entitled 'Mean Atmospheric Wind Circulation at Sonmiani and Some Peculiarities Observed During 1969-70’, by M. Rahmatullah and S. A. Jafri, Thirteenth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Leningrad, 20-29 May 1970. Notes and newspaper cuttings re members of academic staff, ca 1982. Punjab University 1965-1985 ca 1982 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.286-M.290 United States-Pakistan Alliance 1982-1986 The United States-Pakistan Alliance was established in 1982 by C. Nasem to encourage and foster good economic, commercial, strategic, cultural and industrial relations between the private sectors of the US and Pakistan. Salam chaired the United States-Pakistan Alliance Committee on Science and Technology. M.286-M.290 Correspondence and papers, 1982-1986. Five folders. M.291-M.414 SCIENCE-RELATED TOPICS 1964-1988 This sub-section contains material relating to broad science-related subject areas with which Salam became involved either in an official capacity as Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of Pakistan or in a less formal personal capacity after his retirement. M.377-M.390 M.294 Food M.323-M.376 Science education M.299-M.322 Science and technology M.295-M.298 Population control M.391-M.414 General correspondence M.291-M.293 Agriculture Waterlogging and salinity Three folders. Correspondence and papers re agricultural development, 1966-1970. M.291-M.293 Agriculture 1966-1970 M.291-M.293 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Correspondence and papers with particular reference to means of combating protein deficiency in developing countries, 1967. M.295-M.298 Population control 1970-1974 M.295-M.298 Correspondence and papers, 1970-1974. Includes typescript and manuscript drafts Population Control Programme’ by Salam, January 1971. entitled ‘Note on Pakistan's Four folders. M.299-M.322 Science and technology 1965-1986 M.299-M.315 1970-1979. Three folders. M.300-M.302 1980. Correspondence and papers re science and technology policy, 1970-1986. Includes material re international collaboration, the compilation of national reports, funding projects and the organisation of meetings. Five folders. M.306-M.310 M.304, M.305 1982. Two folders. 1983. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.311, M.312 1984. Two folders. M.313, M.314 1985. Two folders. M.316-M.322 Reports and publications, 1965-1985. Various chronological order. papers and texts re science and technology presented in 5pp typescript address given by Salam to a science conference, 26 August 1965. 3pp typescript address given by I. August 1965. H. Usmani to a science conference, 26 Human Environment in Pakistan, Report of Seminars, Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi, 5 June 1973. Draft minutes of the Twelfth Meeting of the Chairmen of Research Councils, Karachi, 3 August 1969. Published text. Pakistan-UNESCO Co-operation: Observations and Suggestions, N. A. Beg, February 1975. Published text. Published text. National Science and Technology Policy (Draft), March 1979. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Growth of Research and Development Manpower and Expenditure in Pakistan, Pakistan Council for Science and Technology, 1985. Published text. M.323-M.376 Science education 1969-1988 M.323, M.324 Correspondence and papers re proposals for a new national educational policy, 1969. Two folders. M.325-M.334 Correspondence and papers re science education and technical learning, 1972-1980. Includes material re schools and colleges, national curriculum and levels of training. Ten folders. M.335-M.340 M.341-M.363 M.341-M.353 Six folders. See also K.9-K.100, K.644-K.660. Includes material re the institution of Pakistani scholarships and student prizes. Correspondence and papers re the establishment and administration of the Mohammad Hussain Hajira Hussain Nobel Talent Fund set up by Salam using his Nobel Prize money, 1980-1990. Papers re ?a conference on education, 1969. Meetings and conferences, 1969-1981. National Education in Pakistan, 10-26 February 1969. Seminar on Education Problems, Working papers. Thirteen folders. Needs and Prospects of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 M.355-M.362 Pakistan International Summer College Nathiagali, Pakistan, 2-20 August 1976. on Physics and Contemporary Needs, M.355-M.357 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Three folders. M.358-M.362 Correspondence and papers arising. Five folders. Proceedings of the Standing Study Group on Teaching and Research in Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan, 23-24 February 1981. M.364-M.376 Reports and publications, 1968-1988. Various papers and texts re science education presented in chronological order. typescript report entitled ‘Evaluation of Advisory Published text. Some Aspects of Planning for Primary Education in Pakistan, N. Khan, 1968. Two typescript drafts, 3pp and 4pp, with amendments entitled ‘National Unity Through the Educational Process’, ca May 1969. Services OSU 22pp [Oklahoma State University]-Pakistan Technical Education Project’, by M. R. Lohmann, December 1968. Published text annotated by Salam. The Sixth Plan: A Decisive Step Towards a New Socio-Economic Order, Mahbub ul Hag, October 1982. 16pp typescript entitled 'A Note on the Structural Changes in Pakistan's Educational System’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1969. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan Fundamental Restructuring of Higher Education, Mahbub ul Hag, November 1982. Published text. On Science Education in Pakistan, ed Commission, 1982. M. A. Rehman, University Grants Published text. Pakistan Education Statistics, Ministry of Education, 1986. Published text. Budget Statistics on Education of the Federal and Provincial Government 1977/8 to 1984/5, Ministry of Education, 1987. Published text. 1980-1985, Ministry of Issues and Directions’, Published text. typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Education: 6pp February 1988. Statistics Education, 1987. on Professional Colleges in Pakistan, 6pp typescript entitled ‘State of Physics Teaching and Research in Pakistani Universities’, n.d. 2pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Technical and Vocational Education’, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.377-M.390 Waterlogging and salinity 1967-1984 M.377-M.388 Correspondence and papers re Salam's attempts to tackle the increasing salinity and waterlogging of cultivated land caused by irrigation, 1979-1984. Includes Waterlogging, and Mineral Resources. proposed material re International Centres of Salinity and 1979. M.378-M.380 1980. Three folders. M.381, M.382 1981. Two folders. 1982. 1983. Two folders. Three folders. M.383-M.385 M.386, M.387 Published text. Prospects of Desalination of Sea Pakistan), |. Kamal, 1967. Various chronological order. Reports and publications, 1967, 1981. the Makran Coast (west M.389, M.390 texts re waterlogging papers and and salinity presented in Water on Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute, Pakistan, March 1981. Published text. M.391-M.414 General correspondence 1964-1980 M.391-M.414 Correspondence and papers re scientific societies and institutions, science- related brochures, government Officials and publishers, 1964-1980. functions, releases, publicity events press and 1964. M.392-M.395 1965. Four folders. 1966. 1970. 1967. Two folders. Two folders. M.396, M.397 M.398, M.399 Three folders. M.402-M.404 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.406-M.408 1972. Three folders. M.410, M.411 1974. Two folders. 1977-1980. M.415-M.432 1964-1972 M.415-M.427 Iqbal Memorial Lectures 1965-1967 M.432 Miscellaneous M.428-M.431 Requests for papers M.415-M.427 Iqbal Memorial Lectures LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Three folders. Salam delivered the first (series of five) Iqbal Memorial Lectures which were broadcast on Radio Pakistan in March 1965. M.415-M.417 Correspondence, 1965. See also F.5, F.6. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.418-M.422 Broadcast texts, 1965. M.418 4pp typescript entitled ‘Symmetry, matter and Energy -1', broadcast 21 April 1965. App typescript entitled ‘Symmetry, Matter and Energy -2', broadcast 28 April 1965. 3pp typescript entitled ‘Symmetry, Matter and Energy -3: Matter and Anti- matter’, broadcast 5 May 1965. 5pp typescript entitled ‘Symmetry, matter and Energy -4: Unity in Multiplicity’, broadcast 12 May 1965. App typescript entitled ‘Symmetry, matter and Energy -5: Maximal Symmetry of the Nuclear Force’, broadcast 19 May 1965. 12pp typescript (annotated) transcript of lecture 3, n.d. 16pp typescript (annotated) transcript of lecture 4, 29 April 1965. 15pp typescript (annotated) transcript of lecture 5, 7 May 1965. M.423-M.426 Transcripts of broadcasts for publication, 1965. 26pp typescript (annotated) transcript of lectures 1 and 2, 28 March 1965. Published text. Symmetry Concepts in Modern Physics: Iqbal Memorial Lectures, Abdus Salam, Atomic Energy Centre, Lahore, Pakistan, 1966. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.428-M.431 Requests for papers 1964-1972 M.428-M.431 Correspondence and papers re possible contributions by Salam to various journals and publications, 1964-1972. Four folders. Miscellaneous 6pp untitled typescript radio broadcast, n.d. M.433-M.478 INDIVIDUALS 1966-1994 M.433-M.442 Correspondence, 1966-1972. Ten folders. Three folders. See also E.418-E.490. M.443, M.444 1980. Two folders. M.443-M.457 Correspondence with Z. Hassan, 1980-1990, 1992-1994. Principally re the preparation and publication of deals and Realities. Principally appeals from individuals to Salam for support and advice on the publication of papers and admission to educational institutions. Three folders. M.448-M.450 1982. M.445-M.447 1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.451, M.452 1983. Two folders. 1985-1986. 1988-1990. 1992-1994. M.459-M.462 M.463-M.478 Four folders. Correspondence with H. Usmani, Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology and Chairman, PAEC, re science in Pakistan, 1972-1977, 1985- 1992. I. Correspondence and papers re M. G. Khann, 1972. Correspondence with W. P. Trower, Dept of Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, re Virginia Tech- Pakistan Collaborative Program in Physics and Pakistan-USA research grants, 1983. 1985-1986. See also M.88-M.198. 1972-1977. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Pakistan M.466-M.468 1988. Three folders. M.469-M.473 1989. Five folders. M.474, M.475 1990. Two folders. M.477, M.478 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION N PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE AND INVITATIONS N.1-N.1271 This section contains correspondence designated 'private' by Salam or his office at ICTP. The designation appears to have been used to identify correspondence that required a more personal or individual response from Salam. It includes letters addressed to him as Director of ICTP, as an eminent scientist and as a prominent and admired Pakistani. The material comprises a large proportion of letters from young students and scientists asking Salam for help. These mostly take the form of appeals for financial assistance and requests for academic advice and are generally accompanied by curriculum vitae. Many of them are sent by people based in developing countries. In some cases Salam entered into quite lengthy correspondence with candidates whose careers he was able to advance by inviting them to attend ICTP courses or by recommending them to an appropriate institution or organisation. The section also includes correspondence relating to Salam's membership or support of many local scientific and non-scientific societies, his possible contribution to various journals, expressions of gratitude concerning contacts and acquaintances made during Salam's trips overseas and requests honoured with awards or prizes or appointed to prestigious new posts. From 1993 onwards Salam's correspondence was increasingly answered on his behalf by members of his staff. Salam's illness resulted in a considerable number of enquiries regarding his health. He for Salam's critical appraisal of scientific papers. Salam was sent many gifts and tokens of esteem period covered by the correspondence Salam consistently sent congratulations to scientists who were received many best wishes for a quick recovery from his colleagues and from those in the Third petals. Letters of thanks for these gifts form part of Salam’s ‘private’ correspondence. Throughout the including birthday cards, drawings, books, scientific calculations and theories and even dried flower MISCELLANEOUS N.594-N.849 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE: PAKISTAN World inspired by his example. N.1-N.593 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE N.850-N.1062 INVITATIONS N.1063-N.1271 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1-N.593 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE 1965-1968, 1975-1996 The original order of the material in this sub-section, sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent been preserved. chronological sections, eleven has in N.1-N.19 1965-1968 N.20-N.57 1975-1980 N.58-N.106 1981-1982 N.107-N.164 1983-1984 N.165-N.218 1985-1986 N.219-N.276 1987-1988 N.277-N.398 1989-1991 N.399-N.455 1992 1993 1994 N.1-N.19 1995-1996 N.456-N.508 N.549-N.593 N.509-N.548 1965-1968 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations colleagues at a ?conference. Includes 2pp untitled typescript re major developments in the physics of elementary particles, a photograph of Salam and January S. 1966 and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.20-N.57 1975-1980 N.20-N.22 A. Three folders. B. Two folders. H. N.30-N.32 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.37-N.39 M. Three folders. N.44, N.45 N.46-N.49 R. S. U. Two folders. Four folders. Includes correspondence re the proposed award of an honorary degree to Z. A. Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan by the University of Cambridge. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.54, N.55 W. Two folders. N.58-N.106 1981-1982 A. Two folders. N.60, N.61 B. Two folders. Two folders. N.62-N.64 N.65, N.66 C. D. Three folders. letter from Salam to Includes a recommending P. A. M. Dirac for a Two folders. Prime Minister of UK, M. Thatcher, life peerage, 1981. N.69, N.70 G. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations H. Two folders. N.75-N.77 K. Three folders. i Two folders. N.80-N.83 M. N.86, N.87 E: Four folders. Two folders. Two folders. R. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.91-N.96 S. Six folders. N.97, N.98 le Two folders. N.101-N.103 W. Three folders. Three folders. 1983-1984 Five folders. Three folders. N.112-N.114 N.107-N.111 A. N.104-N.106 Le N.107-N.164 Three folders. N.115-N.117 B. CG. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.120, N.121 F: Two folders. N.122, N.123 G. Two folders. N.124-N.126 H. N.127, N.128 Three folders. Two folders. Two folders. K. Six folders. N.129, N.130 A N.131-N.136 Includes 18pp typescript with amendments entitled 'Expatriate Nationals and Promotion of Education and Research in Developing Countries’, by Salam. Includes 19pp typescript entitled ‘Fundamental Interactions' by Salam. N.138-N.141 M. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.142-N.144 N. Three folders. N.148-N.151 R. Four folders. N.152-N.156 S. Five folders. N.157-N.159 Ti Three folders. a group appointed by the UN Includes papers and correspondence re Secretary-General to write a report on a proposed university in Jerusalem. Salam was a member of the group which met at ICTP. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.165-N.218 1985-1986 N.165-N.168 A. Four folders. Includes a copy of The Orbit, H. U. Ansari. N.169-N.171 B. Three folders. N.172-N.174 C. Three folders. D. Two folders. Two folders. N.175, N.176 Includes 34pp typescript entitled 'Electro-weak Spin Gauge Theories and the Frame Field’, by J. R. S. Chisholm and R. S. Farwell. Two folders. N.179, N.180 G. N.181, N.182 H. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.183-N.185 Three folders. N.187-N.191 K. Five folders. N.193-N.198 M. Six folders. N. Two folders. Two folders. Two folders. N.202, N.203 ER: N.199, N.200 Three folders. N.205, N.206 R. S. N.207-N.209 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.210, N.211 le Two folders. Includes a copy of Beyond Matter by P. Tewari and 10pp typescript notes for a speech by ‘The Growth of Scientific and Technical Knowledge in the Third World’. Sir Crispin entitled Tickell N.214, N.215 W. Two folders. Includes draft papers on strong gravity by C. Wolf. Two folders. 1987-1988 Five folders. Ze A. B. N.219-N.223 N.219-N.276 N.217, N.218 Includes 44pp typescript entitled ‘The Brain Drain’ by A. B. Zahlan. Three folders. N.224-N.226 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.227-N.229 (ee Three folders. Includes 17pp untitled typescript draft paper by S. Coleman sent to Salam for comment. N.230, N.231 D. Two folders. N.234, N.235 G. Two folders. Two folders. Three folders. N.236, N.237 H. A. Haque and T. Includes 13pp typescript entitled ‘Dynamics of Observed Reality: Abridged Version of Classical and Quantum Mechanics' by F. George. Includes 16pp typescript entitled "Two-Dimensional Neutrino’ by J. Kulhanek. N.240-N.242 K. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.244-N.248 M. Five folders. N.249-N.252 N. Four folders. N.254-N.257 Pp: Four folders. R. Four folders. N.263-N.270 S. N.259-N.262 Includes 14pp typescript entitled ‘Islamic Science and Scientific Values’ by S. Rashid and 36pp typescript entitled ‘Forest Loss and Biological Extinction’ by P. H. Raven. Eight folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.277-N.398 1989-1991 N.277-N.286 A. Ten folders. draft scientific Includes entitled ‘Distributive Justice and Need Fulfilment in an Islamic Economy: A Review’, by M. Ali Khan and draft paper entitled ‘Bell's Theorem: A Counter-example that Agrees with the Quantum Formalism’, by T. D. Angelidis. 27pp typescript papers Alfas, by S. N.287-N.296 B. Ten folders. C. D. Six folders. Four folders. N.297-N.302 N.303-N.306 Includes 64pp typescript entitled ‘From the Quark Model to the Standard Model: Ten Fateful Years in Particle Physics’ by M. A. B. Beg. Three folders. N.307, N.308 N.309-N.311 Two folders. E: Fe Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.312-N.316 G. Five folders. N.317-N.322 H. Six folders. N.323-N.325 Three folders. N.326, N.327 J. Two folders. N.328-N.336 K. Nine folders. Four folders. Eleven folders. N.341-N.351 M. N.337-N.340 Le Includes 44pp typescript entitled ‘Study of W Boson in a Magnetic Field Based upon both Mass Operator and Effective Potential’, by V. V. Skalozub and V. S. Vanyashin and drafts of a paper entitled 'Science and Religion’ by I. Kumar. Four folders. Includes paper entitled ‘The Grand Unification, the Dream of 20th Century Science has been Realized; A Synthesis of the Facts to Substantiate this Assertion’, by P. J. Marcer. N.352-N.355 N. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.356, N.357 O. Two folders. N.358-N.360 P Three folders. N.362-N.368 R. Seven folders. Includes 16pp typescript entitled 'A Personal Perspective on the Work of Prof. Abdus Salam’ by Riazuddin. N.369-N.380 S. Tr: N.385-N.390 V. Six folders. Three folders. N.381-N.383 Twelve folders. a Nation?’ by Salam. Includes two typescript drafts, 10pp and 14pp, entitled 'Why Are We Poor as Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.391-N.394 W. Four folders. Includes Salam's answers to questions asked by M. White re a biography of S. Hawking and 47pp typescript entitled ‘The Space Matrix, New Mass- Energy Formulae and Gravitation Unified’ by M. E. Winfield. N.396-N.398 Z Three folders. N.399-N.455 N.399-N.403 A. Five folders. Three folders. Three folders. Two folders. N.407-N.409 B. C. D. N.404-N.406 N.410, N.411 Bubbles’ by A. Davidson. Includes 13pp preprint entitled "Threefold Family of Charged Spin-1/2 Dirac Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.413, N.414 F. Two folders. Includes The Quantum Mechanism or the Copenhagen Interpretation, P. Fodor. N.415, N.416 G. Two folders. N.417-N.419 H. Three folders. K. Four folders. N.427-N.432 M. N.422-N.425 Two folders. N.433, N.434 Six folders. N. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.438-N.440 R. Three folders. Includes typescript copy of Salam's memories of R. D. Revelle submitted as Salam's contribution to a commemorative seminar. N.441-N.448 Ss. Eight folders. Includes 9pp typescript entitled Confinement’ by Abdus Salam and C. Sivaram. ‘Strong Gravity Approach to QCD and Two folders. Two folders. U. V. N.453, N.454 W. N.451, N.452 Includes 6pp typescript entitled ‘A New Perspective on Constrained Motion’ by F. E. Udwadia and R. E. Kalaba. Spinor Waves' by S. A. Wouthuysen. Includes 15pp typescript entitled 'A Remarkable Space-Time Lattice and its Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 N.456-N.508 Private correspondence and invitations N.456-N.459 A. Four folders. N.460-N.463 B. Four folders. N.464, N.465 C. Two folders. N.466-N.468 D. Three folders. H. N.472-N.474 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.477-N.480 K. Four folders. N.482-N.486 M. Five folders. N.487-N.489 N. Three folders. Fe Two folders. S. if N.491, N.492 Various typescript drafts by F. E. Udwadia sent to Salam for comment. Includes 6pp typescript entitled "The Fifth Dimension - A Bridge Between Science and Religion’ by M. W. Thring. N.501-N.504 U. N.494-N.499 Six folders. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.509-N.548 N.509-N.512 A. Four folders. Two folders. D. F. Four folders. N.513-N.516 B. N.518, N.519 Two folders. N.521, N.522 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.524, N.525 H. Two folders. Includes 56pp typescript entitled ‘Lunar Crescent Visibility Islamic Calendar’ by M. llyas. Criterion and J. Includes three copies of 48pp children's book with illustrations entitled Great Scientists: Abdus Salam, M. Joseph. N.528-N.531 K. Four folders. N.533-N.535 M. Ss. Three folders. Four folders. N.540-N.543 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.549-N.593 1995-1996 N.549-N.552 A. B. Two folders. Two folders. E S. F. Four folders. N.555, N.556 C: N.553, N.554 Includes 19pp typescript entitled "The Centenary of Radiology’ by Akber. Two folders. N.558, N.559 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.561, N.562 G. Two folders. N.563, N.564 H. Two folders. N.567-N.570 K. Four folders. i Two folders. Two folders. N.575-N.577 N. N.573, N.574 M. N.571, N.572 Includes 48pp typescript entitled ‘Quantification of the Anthropic Principle: A Boolean Perspective’ by J. S. Kirkaldy. Two folders. N.579, N.580 BS Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.582, N.583 R. Two folders. N.584-N.587 S. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.594-N.849 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE: PAKISTAN 1977-1995 This sub-section contains correspondence designated ‘private’ concerning Pakistan. It comprises invitations to visit, letters of support and praise, and requests for financial and advisory assistance addressed to Salam from Pakistan. It also includes correspondence with Pakistanis based in Europe and the USA. The correspondence is conducted predominantly in English. The original order of the material in this sub-section, sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent in nine chronological sections, has been preserved. A separate sequence of correspondence with S. M. Wasim Ahmad has also been retained. N.594-N.609 1977-1980 N.610-N.638 1981-1982 N.639-N.671 1983-1984 N.672-N.715 1985-1989 N.716-N.754 1990-1991 visit to N.836-N.849 Two folders. N.594-N.609 1977-1980 1994 1995 N.755-N.782 1992 N.783-N.803 1993 N.804-N.819 N.820-N.835 S.M. Wasim Ahmad See also A.838-A.848. Includes report and collection of press cuttings re Salam's first Pakistan after receiving the Nobel Prize in 1979. N.594, N.595 A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations Ss. N.607, N.608 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.610-N.638 1981-1982 N.610-N.614 A. Five folders. N.615, N.616 B Two folders. University Includes 38pp typescript speech given Symposium on Scientific Creativity in Arab and Islamic Countries, Kuwait, March 1981. by Salam at a UN Two folders. Includes 45pp typescript entitled 'Professor Abdus Salam - The Development of his Theory’ by Z. Hassan. Two folders. N.625, N.626 N.621, N.622 H. K. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.627-N.629 M. Three folders. R. Two folders. Includes 6pp typescript entitled 'Neglect of Science in Pakistan: An Interview with Prof. Abdus Salam". Two folders. N.645, N.646 N.639-N.644 A. B. N.639-N.671 1983-1984 Six folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.649-N.651 H. Three folders. N.654-N.657 K. Four folders. M. Two folders. N.659, N.660 Three folders. N.663, N.664 R. S. Two folders. N.665-N.667 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.672-N.715 1985-1989 N.672-N.679 A. Eight folders. N.680-N.682 B. Three folders. Three folders. N.687-N.689 H. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.692-N.698 K. Seven folders. Includes 10pp typescript entitled 'Homage to Chaudhri Muhammad Zafrulla Khan' by Salam. N.699-N.701 M. Three folders. Two folders. R. S. N.707-N.710 N.705, N.706 Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.716-N.754 1990-1991 N.716-N.722 A. Seven folders. N.723, N.724 B. Two folders. C. Includes 6pp annotated typescript entitled ‘Excerpts from the (Quotations from Prof. Salam)’. Interview: Three folders. N.730-N.732 H. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.735, N.736 K. Two folders. N.737-N.740 M. Four folders. Q. Includes 7pp typescript entitled ‘Abdus Salam: Leader of Science for the Third World' by A. Qadir. Two folders. R. Ss. N.746-N.749 N.744, N.745 Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.755-N.782 N.755-N.760 A. Six folders. N.761, N.762 B. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.772-N.774 M. Three folders. N.783-N.785 A. N.783-N.803 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.791, N.792 K. Two folders. N.795, N.796 N. Two folders. Includes 45pp typescript entitled ‘Man and his Universe: A Treatise on Man's Ultimate Curiosity’ by S. K. Niazi. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.804-N.819 N.804-N.806 A. Three folders. K. Two folders. Two folders. N.817, N.818 Ss. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.820-N.835 N.820, N.821 A. Two folders. N.826, N.827 H. Two folders. P. Includes 5pp typescript entitled 'Abdus Salam - Past and Present’ by Hoodbhoy. Two folders. N.830, N.834 K. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.836-N.849 S. M. Wasim Ahmad 1990-1996 Salam was involved, with E. P. Wigner, in the creation of the Albert Einstein Society, Pakistan. From its foundation in 1981 S. M. Wasim Ahmad acted as the Society's secretary. Correspondence and papers relating to the organisation and activities of the Society mainly sent to Salam for information were retained in a separate sequence of folders from 1990 onwards. This sequence also includes various drafts of texts physics, Einstein and Salam. the history of theoretical by Ahmad on 1990. Five folders. Four folders. N.841-N.844 1991. N.836-N.840 Includes 5pp typescript re Salam and Cambridge by N. Kemmer. Includes 111pp typescript entitled ‘Evolution of Einstein's Relativity’ and The Times of Albert Einstein, CTP by S. M. W. Ahmad. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.850-N.1062 INVITATIONS 1973-1995 This sub-section contains correspondence and papers relating to invitations addressed to Salam. Salam was invited to attend a large variety of events and ceremonies all over the world. He received requests to join societies, editorial boards and University convocations. He was also asked to lend his support to a huge number of local and international campaigns. The original order of the material in this sub-section, sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent or organisation in seven chronological sections, has been preserved. N.850-N.882 1973-1979 N.883-N.917 1980-1982 N.850-N.882 N.967-N.980 1987 N.918-N.966 1983-1986 N.981-N.1021 1988-1991 N.1022-N.1049 1992-1993 N.1050-N.1062 1994-1995. 1973-1979 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.857-N.860 H. Four folders. Includes celebrations in Berne, Switzerland. correspondence and papers re Albert Einstein Centenary Two folders. N.864, N.865 L Two folders. Includes correspondence re Salam's contribution to The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. N.866, N.867 N.868, N.869 Two folders. M. E: Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.870, N.871 R. Two folders. Includes correspondence re Salam's contribution to The Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. N.873, N.874 N.875-N.877 U. Three folders. Includes correspondence and papers Interdisciplinary in Implications of Scientific Advance. Programme re an Advisory UNESCO Concerning Group the on the Human W. B. 1980-1982 Three folders. N.879-N.881 N.883-N.917 Three folders. N.884-N.886 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.895-N.897 K. Three folders. ee N.899, N.900 M. Includes 7pp typescript draft entitled ‘Nuclear War - Nuclear Peace: A Course for Graduates and Undergraduates’ by B. N. Kursunoglu. Two folders. N.902, N.903 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.904, N.905 ne Two folders. N.906-N.910 S. Five folders. Includes 22pp typescript speech entitled ‘Expatriate Nationals and Promotion of Education and Research in Developing Countries’ given by Salam at the invitation of the Canadian Association for the Promotion of Research and Education in Pakistan, Ottawa, Canada, 23 September 1982. N.911, N.912 ae Two folders. V. Two folders. N.918-N.966 1983-1986 N.914, N.915 Two folders. N.921, N.922 A. B. N.918-N.920 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.923-N.925 c. Three folders. N.927-E.929 E: Three folders. E.930-E.932 E Three folders. N.933-N.935 G. Three folders. H. Two folders. K. ES N.939, N.940 N.936, N.937 Five folders. N.943-N.947 M. N.941, N.942 Two folders. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.948, N.949 N. Two folders. N.951-N.953 Pp. Three folders. Includes 22pp typescript re international aspects of science and technology submitted by Salam for inclusion in the proceedings of the Wiagani Seminar, Papua New Guinea, 1984. N.955-N.960 Ss. N.961, N.962 ap Six folders. Includes correspondence and papers re 2nd World Forum: Science for Society, The Hague, 29 May-3 June 1985. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 N.967-N.980 Private correspondence and invitations Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.981-N.1021 1988-1991 N.981-N.983 A. Three folders. N.984-N.986 B. Three folders. Includes papers re the Future Actions Committee of the CHEMRAWN VII Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2-6 December 1991, of which Salam was a member. N.988, N.989 D. G. Two folders. N.992, N.993 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.996, N.997 I. Two folders. Includes papers re the International Technological University. N.998, N.999 K. Two folders. N.1001-N.1003 M. Three folders. Three folders. Two folders. Four folders. P: R. N.1006-N.1008 N.1009, N.1010 Three folders. N.1011-N.1014 S. N.1015-N.1017 a Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1022-N.1049 1992-1993 C. N.1024-N.1026 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1035, N.1036 M. Two folders. N.1037-N.1039 N. Three folders. N.1040, N.1041 RE Two folders. Three folders. V. Two folders. N.1043-N.1045 S. N.1047, N.1048 1994-1995 N.1050-N.1062 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1054 I. Two folders. N.1057, N.1058 K. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1063-N.1271 MISCELLANEOUS 1975-1990 N.1063-N.1163 'SISSA and Others’ N.1164-N.1206 ‘Articles and People’ N.1207-N.1271 ‘Miscellaneous’ N.1063-N.1163 ‘SISSA and Others' 1976-1990 The Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (International Schoo! for Advanced Studies) (SISSA/ISAS) based in Trieste offered research and study programmes in close collaboration with ICTP. When appropriately qualified students wrote to Salam requesting help with their academic careers he would sometimes recommend that they applied for courses at ICTP or SISSA or other institutions. See also H.276-H.278. N.1126-N.1163 1987-1990 N.1063-N.1089 1976-1982 N.1090-N.1125 1983-1986 N.1063-N.1089 1976-1982 The original order of the material in this sub-section, sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent in three chronological sections, has been preserved. Three folders. N.1065-N.1067 B. N.1063, N.1064 A. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1072-N.1075 L. Four folders. N.1076, N.1077 M. Two folders. S. N.1081-N.1086 Six folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1090-N.1125 1983-1986 N.1090-N.1095 A. Six folders. N.1096-N.1098 B. Three folders. N.1100, N.1101 D. Two folders. N.1104, N.1105 H. K. Two folders. Two folders. N.1107, N.1108 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1110-N.1112 M. Three folders. N.1116-N.1118 R. Three folders. N.1119-N.1122 S. Four folders. N.1126-N.1163 1987-1990 Two folders. N.1132, N.1133 N.1126-N.1131 Six folders. A. B. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1134, N.1135 C. Two folders. N.1140, N.1141 H. Two folders. Two folders. Four folders. N.1143, N.1144 J. N.1145-N.1148 Three folders. N.1150-N.1152 K. M. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1154, N.1155 PP Two folders. N.1156, N.1157 R. Two folders. N.1158-N.1160 S. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1164-N.1206 ‘Articles and people’ 1979-1982 Salam received a large number of articles, drafts and notes from students of physics, science, cosmology, Islamic studies and zoology. mathematics, engineering, medicine, history the of Correspondence concerning papers sent to Salam for comment or appraisal (mainly by students from developing countries) appears to have been kept in a separate sequence for a short period between 1979 and 1982. This material closely resembles that which appears in the private correspondence and private correspondence: Pakistan sub-sections. See also N.1-N.593 and N.594-N.849. material The alphabetically by name of correspondence. divided two into is chronological sequences, sorted N.1164-N.1178 1979-1980 N.1179-N.1206 1981-1982 N.1164-N.1178 1979-1980 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1172, N.1173 M. Two folders. 1981-1982 B. Two folders. N.1179-N.1206 N.1180, N.1181 Three folders. N.1182-N.1184 C, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations M. Two folders. R. N.1198-N.1202 Ss. Two folders. N.1196, N.1197 Five folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1207-N.1271 ‘Miscellaneous' 1975-1985 Contents of folders inscribed ‘Miscellaneous’ consisting mainly of short letters of congratulation or condolence sent by Salam to fellow scientists and their families. The original order of the material in this sub-section, sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent in three chronological sections, has been preserved. N.1207-N.1236 1975-1980 N.1237-N.1254 1981-1982 N.1255-N.1271 1983-1985 N.1207-N.1236 1975-1980 Three folders. Two folders. Two folders. A. C. N.1210, N.1211 B. N.1207-N.1209 N.1212, N.1213 Two folders. N.1214, N.1215 D. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1223-N.1225 M. Ee Two folders. Three folders. N.1228, N.1229 Two folders. N.1230, N.1231 R. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1237-N.1254 1981-1982 N.1237, N.1238 A. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1251, N.1252 S. Two folders. N.1255-N.1271 1983-1985 C. N.1257-N.1259 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Private correspondence and invitations N.1268, N.1269 S. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION O REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 0.1-0.351 This section contains material relating to the large number of requests for references and recommendations received by Salam between 1965 and 1996 from students, scientists and potential employers all over the world. Salam's assistance was sought on a wide range of subjects from the suitability of candidates for a particular post or scholarship to the readiness of scientific papers for publication. The prestige of his Nobel Prize gave Salam added prominence in Pakistan where he was already greatly admired by young scientists who wrote to him for practical help and intellectual guidance. Correspondence with students and academics based in Pakistan was placed into a separate filing sequence at ICTP. This section also contains material relating to Salam's nomination of candidates for various scientific and non-scientific prizes and awards. See also N.1-N.849. 0.154-0.220 0.221-0.284 0.346-0.351 0.1-0153 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND ADVICE 0.285-0.345 AWARDS AND PRIZES RECOMMENDATIONS ON PAPERS AND PROJECTS LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND ADVICE: PAKISTAN ‘UNIVERSITIES GENERAL' Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.1-0.153 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND ADVICE 1965-1994 This sub-section contains material relating to requests for recommendations, references and advice about individuals, received by Salam from potential employers and of recommendation, cvs, job applications and letters of thanks. Less formal correspondence with Salam's closest colleagues concerning the suitability of candidates for particular posts can also be found in this sub-section. of Salam's employees. includes copies letters It presentation The sorted alphabetically according to the name of the subject of the reference or recommendation and divided into five chronological sequences. of arrangement existing follows order the 0.1-0.52 1965-1980 0.53-0.67 1981-1982 0.68-0.87 1983-1986 0.88-0.134 1987-1991 A. B. 1992-1994 1965-1980 Four folders. 0.135-0.153 Two folders. Two folders. Two folders. C. D. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.13-0.15 G Three folders. 0.16-0.19 H. Four folders. 0.20-0.22 I. Three folders. 0.28-0.30 0.32-0.36 Five folders. 0.23-0.26 K. Four folders. Four folders. 0.37-0.40 RP: R. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.41-0.46 Ss. Six folders. W. Two folders. 0.53-0.67 1981-1982 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations S. Two folders. 0.68-0.87 A. 1983-1986 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations Pp: Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.88-0.134 1987-1991 0.88-0.90 A. Three folders. 0.91-0.95 B. Five folders. Two folders. Two folders. 0.106, 0.107 0.102, 0.103 H. K. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.108, 0.109 L. Two folders. 0.110-0.113 M. Four folders. 0.116-0.118 BR Three folders. Four folders. Five folders. R. S. U. 0.124-0.128 0.120-0.123 Three folders. 0.130-0.132 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.135-0.153 1992-1994 0.136-0.138 B. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.149, 0.150 S. Two folders. 0.154-0.220 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND ADVICE: PAKISTAN 1965-1986 presentation The sorted alphabetically according to the name of the subject of the reference or recommendation and divided into two chronological sequences. arrangement existing follows order the of 1965-1980 1981-1986 0.154-0.199 0.200-0.220 This sub-section contains material relating to requests for references and advice about individuals of Pakistani nationality, received by Salam from potential employers and employees. It includes copies of Salam's letters of recommendation, appeals for financial assistance and academic guidance, cvs, job applications and letters of thanks. Two folders. 0.154, 0.155 0.154-0.199 1965-1980 B. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.156-0.158 C. Three folders. 0.162-0.166 H. Five folders. 0.167, 0.168 Two folders. K. 0.177-0.180 M. Seven folders. 0.170-0.176 Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.183, 0.184 Q. Two folders. 0.185-0.188 R. Four folders. 0.189-0.193 S. Five folders. Three folders. 0.200-0.220 1981-1986 0.200-0.202 A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations K. M. S. Two folders. Two folders. Two folders. 0.218, 0.219 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.221-0.284 RECOMMENDATIONS ON PAPERS AND PROJECTS 1971-1994 This sub-section contains material relating to recommendations, advice and references given by Salam concerning particular scientific work and writing. It includes informal requests for Salam's opinion on papers prior to publication, correspondence concerning Salam's reviews of papers to be published in journals to Salam for comment or information. draft papers sent copies and of presentation sorted The alphabetically according to the name of the author, originator or publisher of the work and divided into three chronological sequences. of arrangement existing follows order the 0.221-0.257 1971-1980 0.258-0.273 1981-1986 A. 1971-1980 1987-1994 Three folders. 0.221-0.257 0.221-0.223 0.274-0.284 0.227-0.229 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations Three folders. 0.230, 0.231 Ee Two folders. 0.235-0.237 K. Three folders. 0.238, 0.239 Ls Two folders. N. Two folders. Two folders. 0.240, 0.241 M. 0.242, 0.243 Two folders. 0.246, 0.247 R. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.248-0.251 Ss. Four folders. 0.258-0.273 1981-1986 Two folders. 0.261, 0.262 D. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.274-0.284 1987-1994 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.282, 0.283 R. Two folders. 1971-1996 Salam's nomination of 0.285-0.345 sub-section contains material relating to AWARDS AND PRIZES The presentation is alphabetical by name of the prize. This individuals for various prizes, scholarships, awards and fellowships. 1991. Correspondence and papers re Salam's nomination of candidates, 1990- Africa Prize for Leadership for the Sustainable End of Hunger. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.286-0.291 Albert Einstein World Award for Science, Consejo Cultural Mundial. Correspondence and papers re Salam's nominations of candidates, 1984- 1996. Six folders. Australia Prize. Papers re Salam's nomination of candidates, 1995. Axel Munthe Award. Correspondence re the presentation ceremony, 1991. Balzam Prize. Papers re nominations, 1994. Blue Planet Prize. Papers re the nomination of candidates, 1995. Erice Science for Peace Prize. Benjamin Franklin National Memorial Awards. Papers re the nomination of candidates, 1989-1995. Papers and correspondence re the nomination of candidates, 1990. Papers and correspondence re the nomination of candidates, 1988-1994. IDEA (Innovations for Development Association) Awards. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations International Cultural Forum Abdus Salam Prize. The prize was instituted in honour of Salam in 1992. Correspondence re the possibility of Salam presenting the prize in person, 1993-1994. Italgas Prize for Research and Innovation. Correspondence and papers re the nomination of candidates, 1991. 0.301-0.306 King Faisal International Prize. Correspondence and papers re Salam's nominations of candidates and material sent to Salam for information, 1985-1995. Six folders. 0.307-0.322 Nobel Prize. Papers and correspondence re Salam's nomination of candidates, 1980- 1995. 1980, 1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.313, 0.314 1989. Two folders. 0.315, 0.316 1990. Two folders. 0.317, 0:318 1991. Two folders. 0.323-0.326 Four folders. selection committee and Salam's Papers and correspondence re nomination of candidates, 1971-1974. the J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Prize. Seven folders. Correspondence and papers re Salam's views on the suitability of particular candidates for the post of Chairman of the Foundation, 1989. 0.327-0.333 Pakistan Science Foundation. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 References and recommendations 0.334-0.339 Pontifical Academy of Science. Correspondence and papers re the nomination of candidates for election to the Academy, 1989-1995. Six folders. Premi International Catalunya. Correspondence and papers re the nomination of candidates, 1994-1996. 0.341-0.343 Third World Prize. Correspondence and papers re Salam's nomination of candidates, 1980- 1988. Three folders. 0.344, 0.345 Threshold Award. 1964-1974 papers re research and Two folders. 0.346-0.351 ‘UNIVERSITIES GENERAL’ Salam served on the Selection Committee. Correspondence and papers re Salam's nominations, 1979-1980. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Six folders. other academic posts, Correspondence and scholarships and awards available at various institutions and organisations. Principally general announcements and publicity notices for circulation and display at ICTP, 1964-1974.
SALAM, Muhammad Abdus Vol5 v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin