SALAM, Muhammad Abdus Vol3 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 3 Section F: Lectures and broadcasts Section G: United Nations organisations Section H: Societies and organisations Section E: Manuscripts and publications NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 3 Section E: Manuscripts and publications Section F: Lectures and broadcasts Section H: Societies and organisations Section G: United Nations organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION E MANUSCRIPTS AND PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.875 This section contains material relating to Salam's publications. The material takes many forms including manuscript notes, off-prints, typescript drafts, publishers’ proofs, editorial correspondence and background information. Documentation concerning some of Salam's most influential published works is presented in separate sub-sections. The largest sequence of material (‘manuscripts’), however, is less well defined both in terms of content and purpose. It comprises a wide range of notes and drafts by Salam as well as printed papers and publications by others that Salam seems to have used as background or reference material. Much of the material found in the 'manuscripts' sub-section overlaps with material in other sections, especially those relating to lectures and broadcasts (Section F) and visits and conferences (Section J). E.1-E.417 ‘MANUSCRIPTS' E.491-E.598 E.694-E.860 E.866-E.875 E.418-E.490 IDEALS AND REALITIES E.599-E.628 UNIFICATION OF FUNDAMENTAL FORCES E.643-E.693 CORRESPONDENCE RE OWN PUBLICATIONS E.629-E.642 THE ROLE CHIRALITY IN THE ORIGIN OF LIFE NOTES ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTH OFF-PRINTS EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY CORRESPONDENCE E.861-E.865 REVIEWS Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.1-E.417 *MANUSCRIPTS' early 1950s-1989 This sub-section contains material taken from folders and boxes labelled ‘manuscripts' which appears to consist of notes, drafts and research data relating predominantly to Salam's publications. It seems likely that the folders and boxes represent the result of a cumulative process of use and re-use. They often a wide range of subjects covering a considerable date span and may have been used as a reference resource for ongoing work. material contain on using internal tentatively) The distinct physical units created by the folders and boxes have been preserved in the present arrangement. The material has been divided into four separate sequences. The first sequence (E.1-E.176) comprises material taken from folders with a recognisable title which it has been possible to date (sometimes only This sequence is presented in chronological order. The second sequence (E.177- E.209) comprises material found in undated folders which were either titled or which relate to a readily identifiable topic. The third sequence (E.210- E.223) contains unidentified material taken from untitled undated folders. The fourth sequence (E.224-E.417) comprises material found in numbered boxes. Since the boxes found do not appear to make up an unbroken consecutive series it seems probable that this sequence represents part only of some kind of referenced filing system encompassing a varied mixture of drafts and copies of articles by others. The sequence is presented in reference number order. or external evidence. E.1-E.176 E.177-E.209 Titled undated Unidentified E.1-E.176 E.224-E.417 E.210-E.223 Numbered boxes Titled with dating Drafts and texts of some of Salam's lectures and speeches can also be found amongst this material. 2pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Computation of Inverse of a Matrix'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 11pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. 'S.I.R.' Contents of folder so inscribed. Titled with dating early 1950s-1989 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications ‘General Method for Extracting Sq. Root of Matrix’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Notes on Pauli's Paper’. 6pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Schweber, June 1 1950 P.R; Scalar Fields'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Regularisation as a Consequence of Higher Order Eqns.' Contents of folder So inscribed. 3pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. 1p manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. 7pp paginated manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Theory of B-decay'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 8pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. "The Electromagnetic Shift of Energy Levels’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Summary of Zur Quantentheorie der Elementarteilchen'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 17pp paginated manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Three Dimensional Fourier Transforms’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 4pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Matrix Rep. for a, a+ etc’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications ‘Notes on the j-j Coupling Shell Model’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Solution Contents of folder so inscribed. of Corson's Modification of Dirac's Eqn. for Hydrogen Atom’. 12pp paginated manuscript notes, n.d. ?early 1950s. ‘Spinless Particles’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 108pp typescript entitled ‘The Problem of Renormalisation for Interactions of Spinless Particles’ by Abdus Salam, St John's College, Cambridge, n.d. early 1950s. ‘Elementary Particles’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Professor of Applied Published texts. ‘Elementary Mathematics, Imperial College, London, 14 May 1957. Particles’, inaugural lecture as 33pp typescript draft. See also A.37, F.155. 24pp manuscript draft, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1957. ‘Space Time and Modern Atomic Physics'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 46pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. ‘E.M. and Weak Interactions’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. E.18-E.20 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E19"E:20 ‘Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions’, by Abdus Salam and J. C. Ward, Nuovo Cimento 11, 568-577 (1959). Two typescript drafts (annotated), 17pp and 21pp. Two folders. ‘Symmetry Sub-groups of Electromagnetic Weak Interactions'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 24pp manuscript draft, n.d. ca 1959. E.22-E.27 Untitled folder. Contents divided into six for ease of reference. E.22 20pp typescript entitled ‘Elementary Particles and Space-Time Symmetries’, n.d. ?late 1950s. 3pp typescript entitled ‘On Inter-relation of Charged Scalar and Pseudoscalar Theories’, n.d. ?late 1950s. Pauli and V. F. App untitled typescript draft, n.d. ?late 1950s. 6pp typescript copies of correspondence between W. Weisskopf, late 1950s. 3pp typescript proof. ‘Vector Fields Associated with the Unitary Theory of the Sakata Model’, by Abdus Salam and J. C. Ward, Nuovo Cimento 20, 419-421 (1961). 2pp untitled typescript address, n.d. ?late 1950s. 8pp untitled typescript with amendments, n.d. ?late 1950s. Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.29, E.30 Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. E:29 ‘Renormalizable Electrodynamics of Vector Mesons', Physics Review 130, 1287-1290 (1963). by Abdus Salam, 12pp typescript (annotated). Variously paginated untitled manuscript notes, n.d. ca 1962. E.31-E.33 Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Developments in Renormalization Theory’, by Abdus Salam, Analysis in Function (Chapter 7), MIT Press, USA (1964). 3pp manuscript notes. 16pp typescript and manuscript draft. 10pp typescript draft. 116pp typescript. Published text. See also E.39 E.34-E.36 Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. ‘The U(12) Symmetry’, by R. Delbourgo, M. A. Rashid, Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, High Energy Physics and Elementary Particles, \|AEA, Vienna (1965). Hadrons'’, n.d. ‘Theory of Groups and the Symmetry Physicist’, by Abdus Salam, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 41, 49-62 (1966). 21pp manuscript notes for a lecture entitled ‘Towards a Field Theory of Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.39-E.42 ‘Ms of My Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. ‘Theory of Groups and the Symmetry Physicist’, by Abdus Salam, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 41, 49-62 (1966). Published text. See also E.37. 11pp typescript with amendments entitled ‘Scott Lectures 1967 - draft’. 15pp manuscript notes entitled 'Notes taken during Scott Lectures', March 1967. Variously paginated manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. 15pp typescript. Abdus Salam, Nobel 26pp manuscript draft. ‘Weak by Symposium 8, J. Wiley & Sons Inc., 59-103 (1968). Electromagnetic Interactions’, and Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. ‘The United Nations and the International World of Physics', Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, February 1968. 5pp typescript entitled 'Y5-Invariance of Neutrino Interactions’, June 1969. ‘CERN Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Published text (annotated). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Two untitled typescript versions with amendments, 10pp and 11pp, n.d. E.48, E.49 ‘Relativity Dublin Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. ip manuscript notes, 9 September 1969. Background material. E.50-E.52 ‘Sweden 1969'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 76pp untitled typescript possibly relating to ‘The Advancement of Science for the Developing Countries’, a speech given by Salam at Nobel Symposium 14, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-20 September 1969. See also F.9, F.10. 30pp typescript notes (annotated), n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1969. Numbered sequence of thirteen transparencies, n.d. reference 1969. latest bibliographical ‘Salam Notes: Riemann Surfaces'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Elliptic Function’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 14pp manuscript notes, November 1970. E.55, E-56 20pp typescript (annotated), n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1969. Eighteen transparencies, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1969. ‘Yang-Mills on Coulomb Gauge’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications ‘Quantization in the Dirac Gauge’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 13pp manuscript notes with covering correspondence, December 1970. Untitled folder. 21pp typescript entitled Delbourgo, C. J. Isham, Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, January 1971. ‘Infinity Suppression and Gravity Theory’, by R. ‘Computation of Absortive Part: e¢—>q'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes, 15 September 1971. Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Computation Renormalization and Gravity, Gordan & Breach (1971). Renormalization Constants’, of by Abdus Salam, 29pp manuscript draft. by C. by Abdus Untitled folder. 14pp typescript. 19pp typescript. ‘Symmetry Concepts and the Fundamental Theory of Matter’, Salam, University of Karachi Journal of Science 1, 1-15 (1971). bibliographical reference 1971. 13pp and Electromagnetic Interactions", by Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1971. 18pp typescript and manuscript draft entitled 'SU(3) Structure of Strong Gravity’, latest J. Isham, Abdus Salam and Untitled folder. Untitled folder. J. Strathdee, n.d. manuscript entitled ‘A Finite Gauge Model of Weak Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications ‘Combinations in Kinking'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 9pp manuscript notes, 3 January 1972. E.67-E.69 E.67 Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. 24pp manuscript draft entitled 'E. M. and Weak Interaction’, 3 July 1972. 20pp manuscript draft entitled 'Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions’, 23 July 1972. 14pp untitled typescript, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1972. Untitled folder. E.71-E.74 E-E 3 Untitled folder. Contents divided into four for ease of reference. Three typescript versions, 23pp, 37pp and 38pp. Three folders. 13pp manuscript draft entitled 'SL(6,C) Invariant Einstein-Like Lagrangian’ probably relating to 'SL(6,C) Gauge Invariance of Einstein-Like Lagrangians’, by Abdus Salam, C. Isham and J. Strathdee, Nuovo Cimento Letters 5, 969 (1972). ‘Unified Symmetry Scheme of All Fermions and their Gauge Reactions' by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1972. 1972. Correspondence re collaboration on a scientific paper, February-December Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E:10,:6./6 Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Progress in Renormalization Theory Since 1949", lecture given by Salam at P. A. M. Dirac's 70th Birthday Celebration, September 1972, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/73/29 (1973). See also D.1812-D.1847, F.16. 55pp manuscript draft. 32pp typescript (annotated). ‘Superpropagator in V-dim'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 7pp manuscript notes, 19 April 1973. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. See also E.265. Untitled folder. 11pp manuscript draft entitled 'Froissart Boundedness and Ambiguity Free Character of Gauge Invariant Non-Polynominal Lagrangian Theories’, 9 June 1973. 28pp manuscript draft entitled 'Non-Polynominal Gravity Theory is Ambiguity Free’, 12 June 1973, probably re 'Is Quantum Gravity Ambiguity Free?', by C. Isham, Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, Physics Letters 46B, 407-411 (1973). 16pp manuscript notes entitled 'Local SL(3,C) Symmetry’, September 1973. 3pp typescript referees’ report on 'Is Baryon Number Conserved?’ by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam; and reply, August 1973. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.82-E.86 ‘Lepton-Hadron Symmetry’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. ‘Unified Lepton-Hadron Symmetry and Basic Interactions’, by Abdus Salam and J. C. Pati, Physics Review D8, 1240-1251 (1973). a Gauge Theory of the E.82-E.84 Typescript drafts, manuscript notes and correspondence. Three folders. 5pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Appendix II’. Background material. E.87-E.90 Untitled folder. Contents divided into four for ease of reference. ‘The Influence of f Gravity on Gravitational Collapse’, by Abdus Salam, C. Isham and J. Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/73/50 (1973). Untitled folder. Typescript proof. 23pp manuscript draft. 2pp calculations, n.d. ?ca 1973. 12pp manuscript draft entitled 'On Trautman's Theory of Collapse’, n.d. ?ca 1973. Isham and J. Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/73/54 (1973). 9pp manuscript entitled 'Wilson Operator Products in Non-Linearly Realized Field ‘Wilson Operator Products in Non-linearly Realized Theories’, by Abdus Salam, C. Theories and n-dimensional Regularization’ probably re Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Untitled folder. ‘The Impact of Quantum Gravity Theory on Particle Physics', lecture given at Conference on General Relativity and Particle Physics, Oxford, UK, February 1974. See also J.59. 19pp manuscript draft, 9 February 1974. E.93-E.95 Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Lepton Number as the Fourth Colour’, by J. Physics Review D10, 275-289 (1974). C. Pati and Abdus Salam, See also E.259, E.276. 15pp typescript and manuscript draft. 13pp typescript draft with amendments. ‘Gothenburg’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 13pp manuscript notes, 11 June 1975. ‘Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture Ms'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. See also E.100, E.407, J.86. Correspondence re collaboration on a scientific paper, December 1973- January 1974. 36pp typescript draft with amendments. ‘Probing into the Heart of Matter’, Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture, Oxford, UK, 6 May 1976. Softback exercise notebook inscribed on the inside front page ‘Probing into the Heart of Matter’ containing manuscript draft. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Untitled folder. 27pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Coupling Constants are Asymptotically Free Theories’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1976. not Arbitrary in Untitled folder. ‘Probing into the Heart of Matter’, Physics and Contemporary Needs ed. Riazuddin, New York, USA (1977). 46pp typescript with amendments. See also E. 97, E.98, E.407, J.86. E.101, E:102 Untitled folder. ‘Gauge Unification of Basic Forces Particularly of Gravitation with Strong Interactions', Annals of New York Academy of Science 294, 12-36 (1977). 35pp typescript (annotated). 38pp typescript with amendments. E.105, E.106 Background material. E.103-E.106 E.107-E.111 Two folders. Two folders. E.103, E.104 Variously paginated manuscript notes, n.d. ?ca 1977. ‘f-g Theory: Our Work'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 27 May 1977. ‘Induced Quantum Gravity’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 12pp manuscript draft entitled 'On a Programme for Renormalising Gravity’, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 8pp untitled manuscript notes, December 1977. 7pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. 4pp manuscript notes with covering correspondence, 25 September 1979. 12pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1982. E.112-E.116 ‘Expt: Neutral Currents’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 3pp typescript notes and envelope with manuscript notes, n.d. ca 1977. E.113-E.116 Background material. Four folders. See also E.373. 2119; E420 Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. Bate 18 Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. Two typescript versions entitled 'A Note on the Neutral Currents. Present Status’, both 8pp, June, August 1978. See also E.121-E.123, E.378, E.396, E.397, J.112-J.116. ‘Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas', Proceedings of the 19th International HEP Conference, Tokyo, Japan (1978). 44pp variously paginated manuscript notes for presentation, n.d. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.121-E.123 ‘Tokyo Conference.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas’, Proceedings of the 19th International HEP Conference, Tokyo, Japan (1978). See also E.119, E.120, E.378, E.396, E.397, J.112-J.118. 27pp manuscript. 17pp manuscript notes, 22 July 1978. Off-print. ‘Stockholm’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Grand ‘Unification, at Symposium on Physics at High Energies - Quarks, Stockholm, Sweden, 14- 16 September 1978. Superunification', Unification lecture given and See also J.125. latest bibliographical 40pp manuscript draft, n.d. ‘Standard Unification Ideas’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Spontaneous Compactification’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 40pp typescript with amendments (?incomplete), n.d. reference 1978. Draft’ containing manuscript draft and notes. Softback exercise notebook inscribed on the front cover 'General (1979) 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1978. Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 120) 4129 Untitled folder. Contents of folder divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Einstein's Last Dream: The Space-Time Unification of Fundamental Forces’, address to UNESCO Celebration of the Centenary of Einstein's Birth, Paris, France, 9 May 1979. See also E.376, F.21, J.145-J.149. 20pp manuscript draft. 8pp manuscript notes. ‘Schiff lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 4pp manuscript notes, n.d. ?ca 1979. E.131-E.145 ‘Nobel Talk'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into reference. 15 for ease of Variously paginated manuscript and typescript drafts and notes. See also F.26. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces' Nobel Lecture, ICTP, Trieste, preprint 1C/80/28 (1980). 34pp typescript with amendments entitled 'Renaissance of Sciences in Arab and Islamic Lands’, contribution prepared for UN University Symposium on Scientific Creativity in Arab and Islamic Countries, Kuwait, 12 October 1980. 11pp manuscript draft. ‘Proton Decay as a Window on Highest Energy Physics’, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/81/135 (1981). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.148-E.150 Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Preons and Supersymmetry’, by Abdus Salam, J. C. Pati and J. Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/81/222 (1981). App manuscript notes, October-November 1981. 6pp manuscript draft. App typescript with amendments. ‘Very Rough Draft - Istanbul’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Developments in Fundamental Physics’, 1C/81/223 (1981). ICTP, Trieste Internal Report 11pp manuscript draft. 11pp typescript (annotated). ‘Beam Weapons’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. ‘Clean Test of Electroweak Theories’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 27pp typescript. ‘Overview of Particle Physics’, lecture given at 2nd Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Bangalore, India, January 1986. 22pp typescript, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1985. ‘Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. See also J.347-J.349. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 27pp typescript with amendments. Untitled folder. ‘Particle Physics Today (1987)', ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/87/402 (1987). 46pp typescript. E.158-E.164 ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. 37pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Searches for SUSY DM and the Proton Spin’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1987. 10pp manuscript notes entitled ‘The Matter of the Universe’, bibliographical reference 1987. n.d. latest 24pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. 19pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Accelerator Physics’, n.d. ‘Astroparticle Physics (1988)', ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/88/109 (1988). 9pp typescript and manuscript notes. 22pp manuscript notes with typescript extracts entitled ‘Dark Matter’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1987. 9pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Rational Theories (C=1)', 19 October 1988. 20pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1987. E.165-E.173 ‘Strathdee: Notes from 1988'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 9pp manuscript notes entitled 'Bosonization of Minimal Models', 24 October 1988. 9pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Conformal Blocks’, 28 October 1988. 21pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Notes on Conformal Field Theory (BP2)', 1 November 1988. 15pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Partition of Minimal Models', 12 December 1988. 12pp manuscript notes entitled 'Modular Group’, 14 December 1988. Spp manuscript notes entitled ‘Ising Model - Action of S and T', 16 December 1988. E.174-E.176 5pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Some Characters for the December 1988. Ising Model, 19 9pp manuscript notes entitled 'Degeneration of R Surfaces’, 23 December 1988. ‘Astroparticle Physics Davies Version’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 28pp typescript, 10 July 1986. ‘Astroparticle Physics (1988)', International Journal of Modern Physics A4, 583-605 (1989). 30pp typescript (annotated), 18 April 1986. 29pp typescript (annotated), 30 June 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.177-E.209 Titled undated Untitled folder. 6pp manuscript notes entitled 'Boulaware Equivalence Theorem for Massive Yang-Mills Theory’, n.d. Untitled folder. 8pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Dilatation Current and the Charge Operator’, n.d. ‘Lecture 2'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 21pp manuscript notes entitled 'Elementary Nuclear Fields - the Warp and the Woof of Strong Particles’, n.d. Untitled folder. entitled ‘Extensions of the Basic Model Untitled folder. Untitled folder. manuscript Q9pp [SU_(2)xSUp(2)]xSU¢(4)', n.d. draft 20pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Finite Weak Interaction Lagrangian’, n.d. 5pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes entitled ‘Feynman Rules’, n.d. Coupling Constant Theories)’, n.d. 12pp manuscript notes entitled 'Flavour-Colour: L-R Mirror Symmetry (One Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.184-E.186 ‘Gauge Paper Ms’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. E.184, E.185 Two manuscript drafts entitled, ‘Renormalization of the Gauge Theories’, 18pp and 11pp, n.d. Two folders. Variously paginated manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. 22pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Global Symmetry - A New Type of Unification’, n.d. Untitled folder. 7pp manuscript notes entitled of 'Kinetic Energy Terms for the f-Fields', n.d. Untitled folder. Contents divided into two for ease of reference. Three transparencies entitled 'Quark-Decay Mechanisms’, n.d. Numbered sequence of thirteen transparencies entitled ‘Liberated Color in Lepton-Hadron Processes’, n.d. Polynormal Lagrangian Theories’, n.d. 6pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes entitled ‘'Non-Supersymmetric Case’, n.d. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. 5pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Normal Ordering and Other Problems in Non- Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Untitled folder. 15pp manuscript entitled ‘The Partial Unified Symmetry and the So-Called Suppressed AB=-AL Proton Decay Modes’, n.d. Untitled folder. 9Ypp manuscript draft entitled ‘Problem of co's in Perturbation Soln.', n.d. E195; E196 ‘Riemann Surfaces’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Numbered sequence of eight transparencies, n.d. Numbered sequence of six transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. entitled ‘The Self Consistent Symmetry Breaking 4pp manuscript draft Method’, n.d. 9pp manuscript notes entitled 'Spectral Representations for Propagators'’, n.d. 14pp manuscript draft entitled ‘On Tadpoles’, n.d. 20pp manuscript notes entitled 'The Tadpole Story’, n.d. 25pp Superunification’, n.d. manuscript ‘Supersymmetry, Untitled folder. draft entitled Supergravity and Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Untitled folder. 27pp manuscript draft entitled 'Theory of Self Adjoint Field with Indefinite Metric and Fermi Statistics Pho' Causal and with tive Energy’, n.d. Untitled folder. 16pp manuscript draft entitled ‘The Two Perspectives on Elementary and Gauge Theories’, n.d. Untitled folder. 3pp manuscript outline entitled ‘Unification, Supersymmetry and Supergravity and New Ideas’, n.d. Untitled folder. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on the front cover 'Unused Manuscript on Missing Quark’, containing manuscript draft,.n.d. Back cover missing. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. 5pp manuscript notes entitled 'Weak Interaction Lagrangian’, n.d. ‘Z=O'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 9pp manuscript notes entitled "Vector Mesons: Stiickelberg Formalism’, n.d. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.210-E.223 Unidentified Untitled folder. 13pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. 15pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. Variously paginated manuscript drafts, n.d. Untitled folder. 18pp manuscript notes, n.d. E.214-E.216 Untitled folder. 7pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. 6pp manuscript notes, n.d. Variously paginated manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. Contents divided into three for ease of reference. 15pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. 9pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Untitled folder. 32pp typescript draft (?incomplete), n.d. Untitled folder. Variously paginated untitled manuscript notes and typescript drafts, n.d. Untitled folder. Variously paginated manuscript and typescript drafts, n.d. E.224-E.417 Numbered boxes 1973-1989 Boxes numbered 11-14, 17-19, 21, 25-27, 33 and 41 were found each containing sub-numbered folders. The boxes are presented in reference number order. The original order of their contents, indicated by the sub- numbering system, has been retained. E.224-E.242 E.224-E.226 E.224 Background material with covering correspondence, 2 May 1975. '11'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into nineteen for ease of reference. ‘11.1’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 3pp manuscript notes entitled 'O'R Exceptional Model’, 14 February 1975. 6pp untitled manuscript notes, 2 April 1974. Qpp Supersymmetry-Breaking Model’, n.d. '41.2'. Contents of folder so reference. inscribed divided into seven for ease of manuscript notes entitled ‘A Parity-Conserving Spontaneous E.227-E.233 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 10pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Algebra of Covariant Derivatives’, 4 April 1974. 6pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Algebra of Covariant Derivatives’, 22 April 1974. 7pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Yang-Mills (?)', n.d. 13pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. 8pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. 9pp manuscript notes entitled ‘A Lagrangrian for the Scalar Superfield’, n.d. E.234-E.239 20pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Functional Derivatives’, 11 June 1974. 19pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Supergroups’, n.d. E.234 16pp manuscript notes entitled 'Supergauge Yang-Mills’, 14 May 1974. '11.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. 8pp manuscript notes entitled 'Lagrangrian for the Gauge Field’, n.d. 70pp untitled typescript, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1974. E.240, E.241 '11.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 5pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Transformation Properties...', n.d. 12pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '11.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Supersymmetry, Parity and Fermion Number Conservation’, Salam and J. Strathdee, Nuclear Physics B97, 293-316 (1975). by Abdus Off-print and background material. See also E.329. E.243-E.269 '12'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into twenty-seven for ease of reference. E.243-E.246 '12.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. E.243 untitled 10pp September-23 October 1973. manuscript notes with covering correspondence, 24 Two manuscript drafts entitled ‘ls Leptonic Matter Different from Baryonic’, 21pp and 22pp, 20 October 1973. '12.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. 14pp manuscript notes entitled 'The U° Problem’, n.d. 23pp manuscript notes entitled "The Model’, 28 October-1 November [1973]. 16pp manuscript notes, n.d. '12.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '12.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '12.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.251-E.255 '12.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. E.251 6pp typescript entitled 'Proton Decay as a Probe to the Nature of the Unified Theory’, with covering correspondence, August 1973-September 1974. ‘On Fermion Number and its Conservation’, by J. C. Pati, Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, Nuovo Cimento 26A, 72-83 (1975). 34pp manuscript draft with covering correspondence, 4 October 1974. 6pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. Massive Gluons' probably re ‘Colour as 3pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Physics Takes a New Turn’, n.d. Non-Abelian '12.7'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Spp manuscript notes entitled ‘Is the Proton Stable?’, n.d. 28pp manuscript entitled ‘Colour as a Classification Symmetry in Gauge Models with a Classification Symmetry’, by R. N. Mohapatra, J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, Physics Review D13, 1733-1743 (1976). 8pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Poor Man's Problems’, 19 August 1974. '12.8'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.258-E.264 '12.9'. Contents of folder so reference. inscribed divided into seven for ease of ‘Unified Lepton-Hadron Symmetry and Basic Interactions’, by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, Physics Review D8, 1240-1251 (1973). a Gauge Theory of the Published texts. ‘Lepton Number as the Fourth Colour’, by Physics Review D10, 275-289 (1974). J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, 6pp typescript. See also E.93-E.95, E.276. ‘Are There Anomalous Lepton-Hadron Interactions?’, by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, Physics Review Letters 32, 1083-1086 (1974). 13pp typescript. Two folders. E.265, E.266 E.265 E.263, E.264 Background material. Background material. 24pp untitled typescript, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1975. Background material. ‘Is Baryon Number Conserved?', by Abdus Salam and J. Review Letters 31, 661-664 (1973). '12.10'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Off-print. See also E.80. C. Pati, Physics Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.267, E.268 '12.11'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. ‘Anomalous Lepton-Hadron Interactions and Gauge Models' by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, Physics Review D11, 1137-1154 (1975). Two typescript drafts with amendments, 39pp and 38pp, August 1974. '12.12'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.270-E.286 '13'. Contents of box so inscribed divided reference. into seventeen for ease of '13.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Variously paginated manuscript and typescript drafts entitled 'Unified Theory of Baryonic and Leptonic Matter’ with covering correspondence, November 1973-April 1975. See also E.281. '13.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. '13.2' Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes with covering correspondence, November 1973. 21pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Does There Exist Exotic Channel Contribution to ee” Annihilation?’, with correspondence re collaboration on a scientific publication, December 1973-Febrauary 1974. amendments, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1974. ‘Transition to CP Conservation and Zero Cabbibo Angle in Strong Magnetic Fields’, by Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, Nature 252, 569-571 (1974). 6pp manuscript notes and variously paginated untitled typescripts with '13.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 10pp typescript with amendments, 30 October 1974. '13.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '13.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re November 1974. collaboration on a scientific publication, October- '13.7'. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Lepton Number as the Fourth "Colour", by Abdus Salam and J. Physics Review D10, 275-289 (1974). C. Pati, 33pp typescript. See also E.93-E.95, E.259. '13.8'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 24pp typescript draft ‘Is Leptonic Matter Really Baryonic: A Unified Gauge Theory of Matter Interactions’, n.d. entitled Different from '13.9'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 17pp manuscript notes with covering correspondence, November 1973. '13.10'. Contents of folder so inscribed. '13.11'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. Correspondence re collaboration on a scientific publication, December 1973- April 1975. See also E.272. 26pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Does There Exist Channel Contribution to ee” Annihilation?’ with covering correspondence, n.d. '13.12'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '13.13'. Contents of folder so inscribed. manuscript 7pp with collaboration on a scientific publication, January 1974. entitled Model’ notes ‘The correspondence re E.283-E.285 '13.14'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Variously paginated manuscript drafts entitled ‘'Fermion Number and CP Violation - Is Fermion Number Conserved?’, n.d. '13.15'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Variously manuscript correspondence, September 1974. paginated and typescript drafts with covering E.287-E.305 '14'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into nineteen for ease of reference. E.287 '14.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed. E.288-E.290 E.288 39pp manuscript notes entitled 'Strathdee Notes: Vertex Operations’, n.d. '14.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 4pp manuscript notes entitled 'Relevant Determinants’, 7 January 1988. 12pp manuscript notes entitled 'Ghost Determinants and Moduli’, 23 January 1987. Dimensional Theory’, 31 December 1987. 4pp manuscript draft entitled 'Some Comparisons between Two and Four 17 transparencies entitled 'Ghost Determinants and Moduli’, n.d. '14.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '14.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 23pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Notes on Chiral Bosonization etc’., 1987. '14.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 8pp manuscript notes entitled ‘A Note on A-D-E Classification’, 16 January 1989. E.294-E.300 '14.6'. Contents of folder so reference. inscribed divided into seven for ease of 28pp untitled manuscript draft, n.d. E.295-E.300 122pp manuscript draft entitled "Topics on Riemann Surfaces (Preliminary Version)’, 3 November 1987. Six folders. E.306-E.318 '17'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference. E.306-E.313 Copies of scientific papers by E. Witten, 1988-1989. Five folders. E.301-E.305 '14.7 - Witten’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. '17.1 - Okun’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. 10pp untitled manuscript draft, n.d. Correspondence re collaboration on a scientific publication, January-August 1979. 18pp typescript entitled 'On the Paper by Okun ef a/ "On the Price of Integer Charge Quarks" ', July 1979. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 15pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Summary Notes on bibliographical reference 1979. SU(5)', n.d. latest 21pp manuscript notes entitled 'Grand Unification and Proton Decay’, n.d. 20pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. E.312, E.313 Background material. Two folders. E.314-E.318 17.2 Pati + S + Rajpoot + Elias’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 9pp typescript with amendments entitled 'TSU(4)]* as the Unified Gauge Symmetry’, probably relating to ‘Light Neutral Z-Boson in the PETRA and PEP Energy Range within the Unifying Symmetry [Su(4)}*, by Abdus Salam, V. Elias and J. C. Pati, Physics Letters 73B, 451-456 (1978). 5pp typescript. 24pp manuscript and typescript draft. See also E.390. ‘Evidence for Leptonic Colour?', by S. Rajpoot, Abdus Salam, J. C. Pati and J. Strathdee, Nature 273, 736-738 (1978). ‘Liberated Quarks and Gluons in e*e’ Jets and Beam-Dump Experiments’, by J. C. Pati and Abdus Salam, Nuclear Physics B144, 445-461 (1978). Background material with covering correspondence, 1977. 27pp manuscript notes with covering correspondence, April 1978. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.319-E.335 Contents of box so inscribed '18'. reference. divided into seventeen for ease of '18.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.320-E.323 '18.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. E.320 Superfields and Fermi-Bose Symmetry’, ‘On Strathdee, Physics Review D11, 1521-1535 (1975). by Abdus Salam and J. Published text. ‘Super-Symmetric V-A Gauges and Fermion Number’, by Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, Physics Letters 51B, 475-478 (1974). R. Delbourgo, Published text. Published text. Published text. Non-Abelian Gauges', by Abdus Salam and J. '18.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Super-Symmetry and Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/74/36 (1974). ‘Unitary Representations of Super-Gauge Symmetries’, by J. Strathdee and Abdus Salam, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/74/16 (1974). 10pp manuscript notes entitled 'Energy-momentum Tensors etc’, June 1974. '18.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '18.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 3pp manuscript September 1974. notes entitled ‘Non-linear Supergravity and Gravity’, '18.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E:328, E:329 '18.7' Contents of folder inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. E.328 4pp manuscript draft entitled 'A Unified Supersymmetric Gauge Theory of Strong, Weak and EM Interactions’, n.d. ‘Supersymmetry, Parity Salam and J. Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/75/49 (1975). and Fermion Number Conservation’, by Abdus Variously paginated manuscript drafts. See also E.242. Background material. '18.9'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.330-E.332 '18.8'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Published text. ‘On Goldstone Fermions', by Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, ICTP, Trieste preprint IC/74/17 (1974). ‘18.10’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '18.11'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.336-E.348 ‘19'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference. E.336 '19.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Ideals and Realities', University of Stockholm Lecture Series on Human, Global and Universal Problems, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 September 1975. 29pp manuscript draft. See also E.343-E.345, E.418, E.419, F.18-F.20, F.390. '19.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.338, E.339 '19.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Background material with covering correspondence, September 1974. '19.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '19.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Published text. ‘World Development - A Crisis for Science’, address given by Salam to United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology, n.d. Background material. '19.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.343-E.345 '19.7'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Ideals and Realities', University of Stockholm Lecture Series on Human, Global and Universal Problems, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 September 1975. See also E.336, E.418, E.419, F.18-F.20, F.390. 50pp typescript draft with amendments. 29pp typescript draft with amendments. Five transparencies. '19.8'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. ‘19.10’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '19.9'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Sixteen untitled transparencies. E.349-E.362 E.349-E.351 E.349 '21'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into fourteen for ease of reference. '21.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 23pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘The Gell-Mann Age of Particle Physics' address given by Salam on the Occasion of the 60th Birthday of Murray Gell-Mann, Pasedena, California, USA, 27-28 January 1989. See also F.132, F.133, F.426, J.593-J.595. 5pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Numbered sequence of twelve transparencies entitled ‘Chiral Bosonisation Determinants and the String Partition Function’, n.d. E.352, E.353 '21.2 - Chern-Simons'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Background material. Numbered sequence of twenty-one transparencies entitled 'Chern-Simons Superconductivity at Finite Temperatures’, 1989. '21.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.355-E.357 '21.4 - Dirac’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. E.358, E.359 See also F.62, J.309-J.311. 30pp typescript. ‘Dirac and Finite Field Theories’, talk given by Salam at Commemoration Day, Cambridge, UK, 19 April 1985. ‘Physics and the Excellences of the Life it Brings’, lecture given by Salam at Conference on the History of Particles from Pions to Quarks, Batavia, Illinois, USA, May 1985. 8pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. '21.5 - Accelerators’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 15pp typescript with 3pp manuscript notes. P. A. M. Dirac's See also F.60, F.61, J.299-J.302. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Background material. E.360-E.362 '21.6 - Accelerators’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Background material. Background material with covering correspondence. Background material. E.363-E.372 '25'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. E.363, E.364 '25.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. E.363 ‘Current Status Review’, n.d. latest E.365-E.367 2pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. manuscript 7pp bibliographical reference 1984. notes entitled 2pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Brief Summary of SUSY Breaking at T~O’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1986. '25.2 - Basic Papers for Popular Lectures'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Background material. ‘25.3 - Papers on Particle Physics Useful for Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material with covering correspondence, May 1974. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.369, E.370 '25.4 - Faraday’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Background material. Two folders. '25.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '25.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. E.373-E.385 '26'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference. E.373 '26.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed. See also E.117, E.118. '26.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 17pp manuscript notes entitled 'A Note on the Neutral Currents, Present Status’, n.d. 37pp typescript (annotated) enitled 'The Role of Experiment in a Choice Between Theories: A Quantitative Case Study of Weak-Electromagnetic Unification’, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1979. See also E.128, E.129, J.145-J.149. ‘Einstein's Last Dream; the Space-Time Unification of Fundamental Forces’, address given at the UNESCO Celebration of the Centenary of Einstein's Birth, Paris, France, 9 May 1979. '26.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. '26.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 13pp typescript draft with amendments. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications '26.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘The Electroweak Force, Grand Unification and Superunification’, by Abdus Salam, Physica Scripta 20, 216-226 (1979). Proof copy with amendments. See also E.379. '26.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas’, by Abdus Salam, Proceedings of the 19th International High Energy Physics Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1978. 48pp typescript (annotated). See also E.119-E.123, E.396, E.397, J.112-J.116. '26.7'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 19pp typescript with amendments. See also E.377. '26.8'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 15pp typescript. See also E.381, J.162, J.163. the Ultimate Explanation in Physics’, ‘The Electroweak Force, Grand Unification and Superunification'’, by Abdus Salam, Physica Scripta 20, 216-226 (1979). ‘The Nature of Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford, UK, 12 November 1979, ICTP, Trieste preprint 1C/80/39 (1980). See also E.380, J.162, J.163. 17pp manuscript draft entitled ‘The Nature of Explanation in Physics’, n.d. '26.9'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.382-E.385 '26.10'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. E.382 12pp typescript and manuscript draft entitled ‘Grand Unification and the Electronuclear Force’, n.d. E.383, E.384 ‘Developments in Particle Physics, 1979', talk given by Salam at European Physical Society Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 June-4 July 1979. See also J.152, J.153. 19pp typescript with amendments. 22pp typescript with amendments. Variously paginated untitled typescript and manuscript drafts, n.d. E.386-E.406 10pp manuscript draft. E.386-E.388 '27.1'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. '27'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into twenty-one for ease of reference. "The Impending Demise of High Energy Accelerators’, by Abdus Salam, Journal de Physique 12, December 1982. 8pp untitled manuscript draft, n.d. 13pp typescript and manuscript draft. 5pp typescript draft (annotated). '27.2'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E390, E391 '27.3'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. E.390 ‘Liberated Quarks and Gluons in ee Jets and Beam-Dump Experiments’, by Abdus Salam and J. C. Pati, Nuclear Physics B144, 445-461 (1978). 9pp manuscript draft. See also E.316. ‘Higgs Couplings and Asymptotic Freedom’, Strathdee, Physics Review D18, 4713-4720 (1978). by Abdus Salam and J. 19pp manuscript draft. '27.4'. Contents of folder so inscribed. 10pp untitled manuscript notes, n.d. '27.5'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Exercise notebook inscribed on the front cover ‘Gravity Renormalization |’, containing 10pp manuscript notes, n.d. E.394 E.394, E.395 '27.6'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Exercise notebook inscribed on the first page ‘The Embedding Problem’, containing 23pp manuscript notes, n.d. Exercise notebook inscribed on the front cover 'Gravity Renormalization II’, containing 26pp manuscript notes, n.d. 14pp typescript with amendments. ‘Unification, Superunification and New Theoretical Ideas’, by Abdus Salam, Proceedings of the 19th High Energy Physics Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1978. E.396, E.397 '27.7'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. See also E.119-E.123, E.378, J.112-J.116. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 19pp typescript. E.398-E.402 '27.8 - Notes Self & Strathdee for Stable Theories & Gravity R”'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 11pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Stable Renormalizable Systems’, May 1977. 10pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Renormalization of Quadratic Gravity’, June 1977. 17pp manuscript draft entitled Gravity’, n.d. 'Stable Theories and Renormalization of E.401, E.402 ‘Remarks on High Energy Stability and Renormalizability of Gravity Theory’, by Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee, Physics Review D18, 4480-4485 (1978). E.403-E.405 7pp manuscript draft. 9pp typescript (annotated). '27.11'. Contents of folder so inscribed. Variously paginated manuscript scientific (?lecture) notes, n.d. '27.9'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. See also E.97, E.98, E.100, J.86. ‘Probing Salam, Contemporary Needs ed. Riazuddin, New York, USA (1977). '33'. Contents of box so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. manuscript 5pp bibliographical reference 1977. notes entitled 20pp typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Atomic Parity Physics and into the Heart of Matter’, by Abdus Theory’, n.d. latest E.407-E.414 E.407 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.408, E.409 Two typescripts entitled ‘Twenty Years of Particle Physics and its Possible Further Development’, 9pp and 5pp, n.d. Two folders. E.410-E.412 '33.2 - Physics Today Article’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 11pp untitled typescript with amendments, n.d. Background material. 16pp typescript entitled ‘Notes on a Meeting held between Abdus Salam and Physicists from Developing Countries’, 3 August 1978. '33.3' - Science Management’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Background material. Background material. E.415-E.417 '33.4 - Science not Management’. Contents of folder so inscribed. '41.4 - Nuclear Safeguards’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.418-E.490 IDEALS AND REALITIES 1975-1995 ‘Ideals and Realities' was originally the title of a talk given by Salam as part of a series of international lectures on Human, Global and Universal Problems, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 23-24 September 1975. The following year his talk was published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. See also E.336, E.343-E.345, F.18-F.20, F.390, J.79, J.80. Subsequently ‘Ideals and Realities' was also the title given to a selection of essays by Abdus Salam on various aspects of science and development edited the World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd., Singapore in 1984. Lai and published by by C. H. See also M.443-M.457. this sub-section which comprises Both publications are represented in correspondence and draft translations into languages other than the original English. E.418-E.474 | Correspondence E.475-E.490 _— Drafts 1975-1995 Two folders. E.418-E.474 E.418, E.419 Correspondence Correspondence re the publication and distribution of 'ldeals and Realities’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 32, 9-15 (1976), November 1975-March ASH. Bengali (Calcutta). Correspondence re the preparation, publication and distribution of foreign language versions of /deals and Realities, 1982-1995. Bahasa (Malaysia). E.420-E.459 E.420-E.423 Arabic. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.426-E.428 Bengali (Dhaka). Three folders. E.429, E.430 Chinese. Two folders. E.431, E.432 French. Two folders. Hausa (Nigeria). Italian. Two folders. Japanese. Romanian. Portuguese. Malay. Persian. Punjabi. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Russian. E.444-F 447 Spanish. Four folders. Southern Indian languages. Turkish. E.451-E.454 Urdu translation by S. Ahmad. Four folders. Urdu translation by M. Rafi and M. Razi. Two folders. Two folders. E.458, E.459 Urdu translations by others. E.456, E.457 Urdu translation by Z. H. Zaidi. Eight folders. Correspondence re publication of the second and third editions of the English version of /deals and Realities, 1985-1990. Letters of thanks for copies of Ideals and Realities received 1984-1991. E.460-E.466 E.467-E.474 Seven folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 E.475-E.490 Drafts Manuscripts and publications Only drafts of the Urdu, Arabic and Spanish translations were found. E.475, E.476 65pp typescript (Urdu) introduction to the Urdu translation of Ideals and Realities by Z. H. Zaidi with covering correspondence, August 1989. Two folders. E.477-E.482 240pp typescript draft entitled 'Ideales y Realidades', n.d. Six folders. E.483-E.490 ‘Arabic Translation: Initial Stages’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Variously paginated manuscript drafts (Arabic) n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.491-E.598 NOTES ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOUTH 1988-1995 The South Commission was established to study the economic, social and political challenges confronting nations of the third world and to devise a strategy for meeting them. Salam chaired the South Commission's Working Party on Science and Technology. His report entitled 'Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South' was initially prepared as a working document for submission to Commission meetings but was subsequently expanded by the incorporation of the comments of his colleagues and fellow commissioners. In its final published format Salam's report was bound in red covers and thus acquired the shortened title of "The Red Book’. It comprises short essays, of science and extracts, technology in the development of nations. the widening gap between developed and developing countries caused by their differing capacity for the utilisation and control of science and technology. on It focuses particularly on evidence, statistical notes role and the Several editions of "The Red Book' which appear to have been Salam's own copies were found although they of published texts. not constitute a complete set do See also K.159-K.280. Two folders. E.491-E.547 1988-1991 E.548-E.553 E.554-E.579 E.580-E.598 Published texts Correspondence E.491-E.547 _—_— Drafts Background and source material See also E.493, E.494, J.523, J.524, J.555-J.558, K.210-K.220. Early versions of Salam's report are represented here in draft form. The number of drafts found suggests that a continual reworking and editing process accompanied the ongoing activities of the South Commission. 93pp typescript Science Education in the Development of the South’ prepared for the third meeting of the South Commission, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 5-8 August 1988. The presentation is chronological. Science, Technology and E.491, E.492 entitled ‘Notes on Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.493, E.494 73pp typescript entitled ‘Notes on Science, High Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’ prepared for the third meeting of the South Commission, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 5-8 August 1988. Two folders. See also E.491, E.492, J.523, J.524, J.555-J.558, K.210-K.220. 54pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South' prepared for the fourth meeting of the South Commission, Kuwait, 10-12 December 1988. E.496-E.500 287pp typescript Italian translation of 'Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South' prepared for the fourth meeting of the South Commission, Kuwait, 10-12 December 1988. Five folders. 19pp typescript entitled ‘Science, Technology and Economic Development - Provisional Draft Outline’ with amendments, 30 August 1989. E.503-E.506 Four folders. 198pp typescript proof entitled ‘Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South, by Abdus Salam in collaboration with Louis Emmerij, n.d. ca late 1989. 65pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’, by Abdus Salam in collaboration with Louis Emmerij with covering correspondence, 11 October 1989. Seven folders. 287pp typescript entitled Education in the Development of the South’ (third December 1989. ‘Notes on Two typescripts entitled ‘Appendix - New Technologies' with amendments, 8pp and 16pp, n.d. ca late 1989. E.508-E.514 Science, Technology and Science edition, first imprint), Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 E.515, £.516 E.517, £.518 Manuscripts and publications 96pp typescript Science Education in the Development of the South’ prepared for the final report of the South Commission, March 1990. Science, Technology and entitled ‘Notes on Two folders. 106pp typescript entitled Science Education in the Development of the South’ prepared for the final report of the South Commission, April 1990. Science, Technology and ‘Notes on Two folders. E.519, E.520 106pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’, June 1990. Two folders. £:521,,6:522 85pp typescript Spanish translation of ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’, June 1990. Two folders. Two folders. Six folders. in the E.525-E.530 E.523, E.524 South' prepared for the Development of 107pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education the South Commission, the Club of Rome and the UK Pugwash Group, August 1990. 304pp typescript entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’ prepared for the South Commission, the Club of Rome and the UK Pugwash Group, September 1990. Six folders. 357pp typescript entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South' prepared for the last meeting of the South Commission and for the meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Genoa, Italy, May 1991. E.531-E.536 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications 33pp typescript entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’, n.d. E.538-E.541 177pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Appendices | to XXXI', n.d. Four folders. Two typescripts with amendments entitled 'Global Science and the Great Human Divide’ by R. M. Kidder, 3pp and 5pp, n.d. Qpp typescript with amendments entitled ‘Appendix |: The International Centre for Theoretical Physics’, by A. M. Hamende, n.d. E.544-E.547 107pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘Appendices | to XXXI', n.d. Four folders. E.548-E.553 Published texts ca 1988-1990 Report to the South Commission by Abdus Salam, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1988. Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South by Abdus Salam (second edition, second imprint) prepared for the fifth meeting of the South Commission, Maputo, Mozambique, 27-30 May 1989 and the meeting of the Heads of Government of the Non-Aligned Movement, Belgrade, 4-7 September 1989 Published text (annotated). Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South by Abdus Salam (second edition, second imprint) prepared for the fifth meeting of the South Commission, Maputo, Mozambique, 27-30 May 1989 and the meeting of the Heads of Government of the Non-Aligned Movement, Belgrade, 4-7 September 1989 Published text with amendments. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South by Muhammad Abdus Salam (third edition, first imprint) prepared for the South Commission, December 1989 Published text with amendments. Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South by Muhammad Abdus Salam (third edition, first imprint) prepared for the South Commission, December 1989 Published text (annotated). Notes on Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South by Muhammad Abdus Salam (third edition, first imprint) prepared for the final meeting of the South Commission, April 1990 E.554-E.579 Correspondence 1988-1995 in Arabic. Correspondence re the publication and distribution of various editions of Notes Science the Development of the South (The Red Book), 1988-1993. Technology Education Science and and on in Six folders. E.563-E.574 E.557-E.562 E.554-E.556 Three folders. Correspondence re the publication of Salam's report and extracts from it various journals, 1988-1992. Chinese. Correspondence re the preparation, publication and distribution of Notes on Science and Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South in languages other than the original English, 1988-1994. Bengali. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Farsi (Iran). Persian. Portuguese. EOE ou2 Spanish. Two folders. Turkish. EAOvOeE Off Letters of thanks for copies received, 1989-1992. Two folders. Correspondence and papers re publication expenses, 1989-1991. Two folders. Correspondence re requests for papers for inclusion in various journals and other publications, 1989-1995. E578. E:579 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.580-E.598 Background and source material E.580-E.584 ‘Sources for footnotes and text of the Red Book'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. E.585-E.588 ‘Appendices used in the Red Book’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. E.589-E.598 Background material. Ten folders. E.599-E.628 UNIFICATION OF FUNDAMENTAL FORCES 1988-1994 See also E.863, E.864, J.545-J.547. E.599-E.611 Thirteen folders. Transcripts (annotated) of Salam's lecture and typescripts with amendments for publication, 1988-1990. ‘Unification of Fundamental Forces’ was originally the title of the Dirac Memorial Lecture given by Salam at Cambridge on 13 June 1988. In 1990 an expanded version of this lecture was published by Cambridge University Press in a volume entitled Unification of Fundamental Forces: The First of the Dirac Memorial Lectures along with two previously unpublished talks by P. A. M. Dirac and W. Heisenberg. Three folders. E.613-E.615 Correspondence re publication and distribution, 1989-1993. Photographs and illustrative figures ready for publication, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.616-E.626 Correspondence re the preparation, publication and distribution of versions in languages other than the original English, 1989-1994. Croatian. Indonesian. Italian. Japanese. Norwegian. Spanish. Portuguese. Correspondence and papers re royalties, 1991. Letters of thanks for copies received, 1990-1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.629-E.642 THE ROLE OF CHIRALITY IN THE ORIGIN OF LIFE 1990-1995 Salam's paper entitled ‘The Role of Chirality first published in the Journal of Molecular Evolution 33, 105-113 (1991) aroused widespread interest amongst both fellow scientists and publishers. the Origin Life’ of in E.629-E.631 Drafts E.632-E.642 Correspondence E.629-E.631 1990-ca 1993 11pp typescript draft entitled 'Role of Chirality in the Origin of Life’, by Abdus Salam, J. Strathdee and L. N. Johnson, 23 July 1990. 25pp typescript with amendments entitled 'The Role of Chirality in the Origin of Life’, by Abdus Salam, September 1990. entitled and the Phase 1990-1995 Three folders. E.632-E.634 E.632-E.642 typescript 17pp Transitions they Bring About’, by Abdus Salam, n.d. ca 1993. Macromolecules ‘Biological Correspondence Correspondence re publication, 1990-1991. Spanish. Correspondence re the preparation and publication of versions in languages other than the original English, 1990-1991. E.635, E.636 Italian. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.637-E.641 Correspondence re distribution and correspondence arising, 1990-1995. Five folders. Correspondence re Transitions and Their Induction in Amino Acids’, by Abdus Salam, 1992. the publication of a paper entitled ‘Chirality, Phase E.643-E.693 CORRESPONDENCE RE OWN PUBLICATIONS 1964-1982 E.643-E.655 Correspondence publications, 1964-1974. with Sorted chronologically. Thirteen folders. publishers and fellow scientists re Salam's and fellow. scientists re E.656-E.676 with Salam's publishers Correspondence publications, 1975-1978. Sorted alphabetically. A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 E.677-E.693 Manuscripts and publications publishers and fellow scientists re Salam's Correspondence publications, 1981-1982. with Sorted alphabetically. A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.694-E.860 EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY CORRESPONDENCE 1975-1996 E.694-E.712 Chronological series E.713-E.860 Alphabetical series E.694-E.712 Chronological series 1964-1978 1964. E.694-E.712 E.695-E.697 1965. Sorted chronologically. Correspondence with the editors of various journals (mainly scientific) and publishers re contributions by Salam and others. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E702 703 1970. Two folders. E.704, E.705 1971. Two folders. E.706-E.708 1972. Three folders. 1973, 1974. E.713-E.860 Alphabetical series 1975-1996 Asia-Pacific Physics News. Correspondence with the editors of various journals (mainly scientific) and the publishers of scientific volumes re contributions by Salam and others. Sorted alphabetically by title of publication or name of publisher. Academic Press Ltd, London. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Al-Yarmouk Magazine, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. American Association of Physics Teachers (publications). American Scientist. Beauchesne Editeur. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. E.720-E.726 Cambridge University Press. Seven folders. Frank Cass Publishers, London. CERN Courier. Common Knowledge. Communications, Journal of the European Science Foundation. Sciences, Bangalore, India). COSTED News (International Council of Scientific Unions Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries: Asia Region). Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis (CANA). Current Science (published in association with the Indian Academy of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications The Daily Awaz International. The Daily Telegraph. J. M. Dent and Son Ltd, Publishers, London. Development and Scientific Progress in Salam Translating and Publishing Company, Damascus, Syria (1989). the Third World, Abdus Salam, E-738, E739 Earthview Press Boulder, Colorado, USA. Two folders. Earthwatch. Ecodecision, Environment and Policy Magazine. Elsevier, Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Encyclopaedia Moderna. E.744, E.745 Two folders. The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Academic Press Inc, San Diego, California, USA (1987). Foundations of Physics. Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology (McGraw-Hill). Fortschritte der Physik, Berlin, East Germany. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Garzanti Editore. Hadronic Journal. Adam Hilger, Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, Bristol, UK. ! for Italy. International Canada. India Digest. Development Research Centre (IDRC) Reports, Ottawa, Interchange. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (|SR). International Agrophysics. Innovacion Y Ciencia. Insight. Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, UK. International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications. International Environmental Technology. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications International Journal of Technology Management (|JTM). International Journal of Theoretical Physics. International Review of Science. Intisari UKM Bulletin, Malaysia. Iranian Journal of Physics. ISIS, Journal of the History of Science Society. Issues in Physics. Journal of Engineering, \ran. Journal of Transfigural Mathematics. Karnak House, London. Journal of Economic and Social Intelligence. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society. Letters in Mathematical Physics. Kluwer, Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Magisterium International Magazine, USSR. Mathematics in Education, Greece. Media Duemila, Italy. Minerva, USA. Mondadori Publishing House, Milan, Italy. National Academy of Sciences Letters, India. E.783-E.785 Nature. Three folders. New India Digest. New Scientist. [Journal of] Nonlinear Analysis and Applications. On Line, Pakistan. Nucleus, London Schools’ Journal. Il Nuovo Cimento. The Observer. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications The Other Israel. E.794-E.796 The Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations. Three folders. Oxford University Press. Pakistan Education Journal. Paradigm. Physics Bulletin. Physics Philosophy Interface, |ndia. Physics Today, USA. Physics World. The Physical Review. Physics Letters A. Planetary Conscience, Spain. Physics Trust Publications, Bristol, UK. Physikalische Blatter, West Germany. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Prometeus, France. Quantum Optics. Renaissance of Sciences in Scientific Publishing Company Ltd, Singapore (1995). Islamic Countries, Abdus Salam. World Research Alert, USA. Resonance, Journal of Science Education, India. Reviews of Modern Physics, USA. The Scientist, USA. Scienza & Tecnica, Italy. Social Intelligence. Science Magazine, Pakistan. Scientific American, USA. Shueisha Inc, Tokyo, Japan. Der Spiegel, West Germany. Speculations in Science and Technology, USA. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Springer-Verlag, Publishers, Heidelberg, West Germany. STEPS, Centre for Science, Technology and Environmental Policy Studies, New Delhi, India. Strong Gravity Approach to QCD and Confinement, Abdus Salam and C. Sivaram, Modern Physics Letters A 8 (4) (1993). Surveys in High Energy Physics. Special United Nations Service (SUNS). Jeremy P. Tarcher Inc, Los Angeles, USA. Tahzibul Akhlaq & Nishant, \ndia. The Think Tank, Pakistan. The Times. The Times Higher Education Supplement. Report, 1994. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development UNESCO World Science Report, 1993. Two folders. Time-Life Books, Rome, Italy. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications William Morrow and Company Inc, Publishers, New York, USA. World Health. The World of Physics. E.840-E.860 World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd, Singapore. Twenty-one folders. E.861-E.865 REVIEWS 1984-1993 Two folders. E.863, E.864 E.861, E.862 Correspondence and papers re reviews of /deals and Realities: selected essays of Abdus Salam, ed C. H. Lai, World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd, Singapore (1984). See also E.599-E.628. Two folders. Papers re reviews of Abdus Salam - A Biography, J. Singh, Penguin Books Correspondence and papers re reviews of Unification of Fundamental Forces: The First of the Dirac Memorial Lectures, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA (1990). Ltd, New Delhi, India (1992). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications E.866-E.875 OFF-PRINTS 1943-1993 E.866-E.870 Scientific publications E.871-E.875 Non-scientific publications E.866-E.870 Scientific publications 1943-1993 Publications (scientific) by Salam, 1943-1993. 3ipp typescript list. Off-prints. Numbered 1-100. One box. Off-prints. Numbered 146-220. One box. One box. One box. Off-prints. Numbered 101-145. Off-prints. Numbered 221-288. 1963-1991 Publications (non-scientific) by Salam, 1963-1991. E.871-E.875 Non-scientific publications 3pp typescript list. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Manuscripts and publications Off-prints. Numbered 1-40. One bundle. E.873-E.875 Off-prints which do not appear on the list at E.871. E.873 A World Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study, Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka 1, 7-17 (1973). Science, Education and Development, a collection of papers by and about Abdus Salam published by the Research Centre for Co-operation with Developing Countries (RCCDC), Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1987. Science, Education et Developpement, a collection of papers by and about Abdus Salam, Trieste, Italy, 1987, with amendments. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCASTS This section contains material relating to the lectures and broadcasts given by Salam throughout his career. It includes texts of Salam's speeches (some of which were arranged at ICTP into a numbered sequence) and correspondence concerning their translation and publication. A large collection of transparencies is included in this section since it appears to have been associated with the dissemination, through public presentation, of Salam's work. The transparencies record Salam's ideas, both scientific and non-scientific, and provide evidence of the methods he employed to convey them to specialised and popular audiences. Further references to and early drafts of Salam's speeches may also be found in some of the notebooks in the research section (Section B) and in the 'manuscripts' sub-section of the manuscripts and publications section (Section E). Material relating to Salam's speeches may also found in the visits and conferences section (Section J). F.1-F.153 F.154-F.236 F.439-F.449 F.237-F.389 TRANSPARENCIES F.390-F.438 CORRESPONDENCE FILES SPEECHES — NUMBERED SERIES MISCELLANEOUS LECTURES AND BROADCASTS LECTURES BY OTHERS Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.1-F.153 SPEECHES — NUMBERED SERIES 1961-1993 This sub-section contains a chronological series of 114 numbered speeches given by Salam on both scientific and non-scientific subjects at a wide range of conferences, seminars and visits. Each speech is generally represented by a typescript, sometimes annotated by Salam. Background material or notes accompany some typescripts. Numbers 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 34, 35, 37-41, 44, 46, 49, 61, 62 and 80 are not present. Speeches given by Salam between 1961 and 1993. 14pp typescript list. (1) ‘Technology and Pakistan’s Attack on Poverty’, 13th All Pakistan Science Conference, University of Dhaka, Pakistan, 11 January 1961. Published text. (2) ‘Need for an International Centre for Theoretical Physics’, International Atomic Austria, September 1962. Conference, Vienna, Agency Energy Annual (IAEA) 9pp typescript. Off-print and 25pp typescript. (4) ‘Science and Technology in the Emerging Nations’, 10th Anniversary AFOSR Summer Scientific Seminar on Science in the Sixties, Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA, 14-25 June 1965. Energy Centre, Lahore, Pakistan, 1966. (5) ‘Symmetry Concepts in Modern Physics: the Iqbal Memorial Lectures’, Radio Pakistan, Pakistan, March 1965. Symmetry Concepts in Modern Physics by Salam, published by the Atomic 52pp typescript (Italian). See also M.415-M.427. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (7) ‘Advanced Scientific Research in Developing Countries’, Symposium on Science and Society in South Asia, Rockefeller University, New York, USA, May 1966. Two off-prints and 6pp typescript. (9) ‘Nuclear Physics in Pakistan’, Nuclear Physics, Dhaka, Pakistan, 16 January 1967. International Seminar on Low Energy 11pp typescript. (12) ‘The Advancement of Science for the Developing Countries’, Nobel Symposium 14: the Place of Value in a World of Facts, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-20 September 1969. See also E.50-E.52, J.10-J.12. 34pp typescript. Off-print. Br t2 37pp manuscript draft. Correspondence and papers re publication. (14) ‘Theoretical Physics and the ICTP’, Vienna, Austria, 24 September 1970. 23pp typescript. the Physical Sciences (with Particular (15) ‘International Co-operation in Reference and Astronautics, 12th Meeting with the Panel on Science and Technology, US House of Representatives, Washington DC, USA, 26-28 January 1971. to Developing Countries)’, Committee on Science See also J.31-J.33. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (16) ‘Why Are We So Poor as a Nation?’, Government College, Jhang, Pakistan, 1972. 16pp typescript (Urdu). 15pp typescript (English). (17) Speech, Symposium in Honour of Trieste, Italy, September 1972. P. A. M. Dirac’s 70th Birthday, See also D.1812-D.1847, E.75, E.76. Off-print. (18) Address, 24th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Baden, Austria, 28 August-2 September 1974. 5pp typescript. 28pp typescript. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol 32, No 7, September 1976. Jurnal Ekonomi, No 6, December 1982. F.18-F.20 (19) ‘Ideals and Realities’, University of Stockholm Lecture Series Human, Global and Universal Problems, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 September 1975. See also E.336, E.343-E.345, E.418-E.490, F.390, J.79, J.80. Off-print and 10pp typescript. (21) ‘Einstein's Last Dream: The Space-Time Unification of Fundamental Forces’, UNESCO Celebration of the Centenary of Einstein’s Birth, Paris, France, 9 May 1979. See also E.128, E.129, E.376, J.145-J.149. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F222),F.23 (22) Address, 108th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board upon the award of the Einstein Medal by UNESCO and the Nobel Prize for Physics by the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Paris, France, 17 October 1979. See also J.161. 8pp typescript. The UNESCO Courier, Spanish, German and Japanese). 32nd Year, November 1979 (English, French, (24) Address upon Islamabad, Pakistan, 18 December 1979. receipt of a DSc Degree, Islamabad University, 9pp typescript. (26) ‘Internationalization of Science in Developing Countries’, Board of Governors of IAEA upon the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics, Vienna, Austria, 4 March 1980. Off-print. 15pp typescript. 10pp typescript. See also A. 106, E.131-E.145. (30) Address, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17 January 1981. (27) ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’, Nobel Lecture, Trieste, Italy, March 1980. 11pp typescript. (31) Convocation speech, Calcutta University, India, 21 January 1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (32) ‘Reflections on Science and Technology’, Zaheer Science Foundation Lecture, New Delhi, India, 23 January 1981. Qpp typescript. F.30-F.32 (33) ‘Renaissance of Sciences in Arab and Islamic Lands’, UNU Regional Symposium on Endogenous Intellectual Creativity in the Arab World, Kuwait, 8-12 March 1981. See also F.391, F.392, J.197, J.198. 37pp typescript. 70pp typescript (Arabic). Published texts (English, Indonesian and Arabic). ‘General (42) Technology Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan, 12 February 1983. Structures’, Principles Scientific Our for Published text. Two typescript versions, both 22pp. (36) ‘Expatriate Nationals and the Promotion of Education and Research in Developing Countries’, Canadian Association for the Promotion of Research and Education in Pakistan and the Institute for International Development and Co-operation, University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 September 1982. Two typescript versions, 14pp and 16pp. (43) ‘International Commons: Sharing of International Resources’, Meeting of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Fez, Morocco, 26 April 1983. Two typescript versions, 9pp and 17pp. Science and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.37-F.41 (45) ‘The Gulf University and Science in the Arab-Islamic Commonwealth’, Symposium on the Future Outlook of the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, 9- 14 May 1983. See also F.393-F.395, J.259. 16pp typescript. 37pp typescript (French). 56pp manuscript draft (Arabic). 13pp manuscript draft (?Urdu). Published text (French). 3pp typescript. F.43-F.46 Two typescript versions (annotated), both 22pp. (47) Speech, Inauguration of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, November 1983. (48) ‘Beam Weapons in Space’, Meeting of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca, Morocco, 1-4 March 1984. Typescripts of papers delivered by others. 5 transparencies. Background material. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.47-F.52 ‘Islam and Science, Concordance or Conflict?’, Meeting on Islam and the West (UNESCO), Paris, France, 27 April 1984. See also F.396, F.402, L.27-L.32. (50) ‘Long version’. 13pp typescript. F.48-F.52 (51) ‘Short version’. F.48 8pp typescript (annotated). Majalah Fizik, March 1987. 17pp typescript (French). See also F.397, F.398, J.284-J.286. Two typescript versions, 18pp and 30pp. Background material. 12pp typescript (Italian). Published text (German). (52) ‘Science Transfer for Development’, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York, USA, 28 May 1984. 26pp typescript. See also F.399, F.400, J.292, J.293, L.33-L.37. (53) Address, 2nd World Congress on Religious Liberty, Rome, Italy, September 1984. 4 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Liberty of Science and Belief in the Light of the Holy Koran and the Islamic Experience’ by Salam. Published text. (54) ‘High Energy Physics and the United Kingdom’, Kendrew Committee, 14 September 1984. See also F.73, F.401, H.136-H.143. 15pp typescript. ‘The Right (55) Determination’, Marrakech, Morocco, 25-27 October 1984. Meeting of of Peoples in Islam Self- the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Religious Liberty and to 26pp typescript. (56) Speech, Meeting of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Chapter of the Society for International Development (SID), Trieste, Italy, 18 January 1985. 21pp typescript (annotated). See also E.356, J.299-J.302. Two typescript versions (annotated), 15pp and 20pp, and manuscript notes. (57) ‘Dirac and Finite Field Theories’, P. A. M. Dirac’s Commemoration Day, St John’s College, Cambridge, UK, 19 April 1985. 30pp typescript. (58) ‘Physics and the Excellences of the Life it Brings’, Conference on the History of Particles from Pions to Quarks, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 1- 4 May 1985. 41pp typescript entitled ‘Paul Dirac and Werner Heisenberg - A Partnership in Science’ by L. M. Brown and H. Rosenberg. See also E.355, J.309-J.311. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (59) ‘Global Tasks for Europe in Areas of Science, Technology and Ecology’, Seminar on Europe Facing Problems of Democracy, Florence, Italy, 14-16 June 1985. Two typescript versions (annotated), 16pp and 17pp. F.64-F.69 (60) ‘Nuclear Security, Disarmament and Development’, Groupe de Bellerive Conference on Nuclear War, Nuclear Proliferation and their Consequences, Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 June 1985. See also F.403, J.316, J.317. 26pp typescript. 42pp typescript. 21pp typescript (annotated). See also F.179-F.181. 27pp draft typescript with amendments. F.68, F.69 Background material. (unnumbered) Speech, Symposium on Survival in the Nuclear Age, New York, USA, 25-26 April 1985. 15pp typescript. (63) ‘Introduction to the Theoretical Physics Panel’, International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Bari, Italy, 18-24 July 1985. Two folders. See also J.318-J.320. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (64) Address, Roundtable Session on Development: the Human Dimension, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 September 1985. See also F.404-F.406, J.321-J.323. 12pp draft typescript with amendments. 13pp typescript. (65) ‘Why the Kendrew Recommendations Must be Scrapped’, Meeting of the UK High Energy Particle Physics Community, Imperial College, London, 23 September 1985. See also F.57, F.401, H.136-H.141. 13pp typescript. F.74-F.76 La Cooperazione Universitaria: di Europe Paesi Via in — Speech, (66) Bilancio Sviluppo, Trieste, Italy, 21-23 November 1985. International Esperienze Prospettive Meeting delle on e See also J.332. 6pp typescript (Italian). Background material. 13pp typescript (annotated). 18pp typescript. (67) ‘Science and Peace’, Meeting of the Independent Commission for International Humanitarian Issues, Vienna, Austria, 16 December 1985. See also F.407, J.333. 10pp typescript draft. fick £9 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Background material. F.80, F.81 (68) ‘A Vision of the Future of the ICTP in the Coming Decade’, 19th ICTP Scientific Council Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 17-19 March 1986. Two typescripts versions, 6pp and 11pp. Background material. (69) Speech, Fiera di Milano, Convegno Internazionale, La Cooperazione Italiana Vista dai Paesi in via di Sviluppo, Milan, Italy, 16 April 1986. See also F.411. 13pp typescript. See also A.312, A.313. 12pp typescript. 12pp typescript. 7pp draft typescript with amendments. (70) Speech, Award Ceremony of the Premio Umberto Biancamano 1985, Rome, Italy, 26 April 1986. (71) Speech, Inauguration Ceremony of the African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya, 1 June 1986. 6pp typescript. (72) Address, Symposium on Utilisation of Indigenous Scientists in National Development: Project, Nairobi, Kenya, 1 June 1986. Drought, Desertification and Food Deficit Study Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.87-F.89 (73) ‘On Pakistan Science’, 11th International Nathiagali Summer College, Nathiagali, Pakistan, 22 June 1986. See also F.412-F.414, J.385. 32pp draft typescript with amendments. 35pp typescript (annotated). 44pp typescript. (74) ‘Highlights of Science for Turkey’, Symposium on Turkey in the Year 2000, Istanbul, 5-7 November 1986. See also J.406-J.409. 31pp typescript. (75) ‘Science Transfer for Development and Global Problems of Science and Technology’, Yale University, Connecticut, USA, 11 November 1986. 32pp typescript version prepared for publication in [deals and Realities: Selected Essays of Abdus Salam, ed C. H. Lai, World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd, Singapore (1984). Background material. (76) ‘Scientific Exchanges between Developed and Developing Countries: the Experience of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics and the Third World Academy of Sciences’, International Conference on Science and Europe in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of UNESCO, Trieste, Italy, 8- 11 December 1986. See also J.416, J.417. 40pp typescript. 15pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (77) Lecture, International Symposium of Abrahamic Unity, Cordoba, Spain, 12-15 February 1987. See also J.446-J.448. 22pp typescript. 967.97, (78) ‘Nuclear Security, Disarmament and Development’, International Forum, Moscow, USSR, 14-16 February 1987. See also J.449, J.450. 31pp typescript. Revista de Ensefianza de la Fisica, Vol 2, No 1, 1986. (79) ‘Science and Development’, Board of Governors of the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada, 19 March 1987. See also J.461. 68pp typescript. A0pp typescript. F.100, F.101 See also J.467-J.469. (81) Address, Symposium on Science and Society, Mexico, 23-24 March 1987. 14pp typescript. 15pp typescript draft with amendments. ‘The (82) Kingdom of Morocco, Paris, France, 10-11 June 1987. Ultimate Nuclear Accident’, Meeting of the Academy of the Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.102-F.105 (83) Address, 1st Congress of African Scientists, Brazzaville, Congo, 25-30 June 1987. See also J.478-J.483. 29pp typescript draft with amendments. 35pp typescript draft. 46pp typescript. 36pp typescript (French). (84) Tribute to Sir Denys Wilkinson on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 7-9 September 1987. See also J.485, J.486. F.107-F.110 ‘The Regeneration of Sciences in the Third World’, See also F.416, J.490. 5pp typescript (annotated). (85) 2nd General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 14-18 September 1987. Background material. 65pp typescript. 25pp typescript. Published text. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Rid; F112 (86) ‘Science and Technology Transfer to the Third World’, delivered on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the IAEA, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 September 1987. See also J.498, J.499. 36pp typescript draft with amendments. 37pp typescript. ‘Global Problems (87) UNESCO's Involvement)’, Meeting of the Co-operative Cattolico Democratica di Cultura, Brescia, Italy, 4 November 1987. Education Science (with and of See also J.500. 18pp typescript. ‘Global Problems of Science and (with Education F.115-F.120 See also J.505-J.507. 18pp typescript (annotated). See also F.419-F.421, J.508-J.518. 24pp draft typescript with amendments. (89) ‘Science, Technology and Development’, delivered at the Conference of Nobel Laureates, Paris, France, 18-21 January 1988. (88) UNESCO’s Involvement)’, International Prize for Peace and International Understanding Award Ceremony, Florence, Italy, 20 December 1987. 21pp typescript (French). 12pp typescript (French). 27pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 B22 sb 123 Lectures and broadcasts Published texts. Published texts (French). (90) ‘The Blindness of the Third World’, delivered upon receipt of a degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Ghent, Belgium, 18 March 1988. See also A.393-A.396. 21pp typescript. ‘An Islamic View-Point, delivered to (91) Scientific Thinking: Between Secularisation and the Transcendent, Turin, Italy, 21-23 June 1988. the Conference on See also F.422-F.424, J.548, J.549. 45pp typescript (annotated). F.125- F.127 Address, ist Meeting of the 23pp typescript. 32pp typescript (annotated). (92) Speech, International Congress on the University in the World Today, Bologna, Italy, 13-18 September 1988. (93) the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28 October 1988. 18pp typescript. 18pp draft typescript with amendments. 18pp typescript (annotated). See also J.564-J.567. Scientific Advisory Council of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (94) Address, Premio Internazionale Genova — Sviluppo dei Popoli, Award Ceremony, Genoa, Italy, 29 October 1988. 7pp typescript. (95) Opening remarks, Workshop on Increasing the Flow of Scientific Literature to Third World Institutions, Trieste, Italy, 31 October-1 November 1988. See also D.1924-D.1927. App typescript. (96) ‘Notes on Science and High Technology and Development for Iran and the Islamic Countries’, Tehran, Iran, 18-22 November 1988. 73pp typescript. See also F.428, J.568-J.570. F132; E135 First World to do in Order to Help it 47pp typescript. See also E.349, F.426, J.593-J.595. (97) Address, 3rd National Conference on Physics and Development, Cairo, Egypt, 22-24 November 1988. (98) ‘The Gell-Mann Age of Particle Physics and What the Third World Expects the with Science and Technology’, 60th Birthday Celebration of Murray Gell-Mann, Pasadena, California, USA, 27-28 January 1989. 30pp typescript draft with amendments. (99) Address, Edinburgh Medal and Prize Award Ceremony, Edinburgh Festival of Science and Technology, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 8 April 1989. Draft typescript sections, 5pp and 11pp. 40pp typescript. F.134, F.135 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts 35pp typescript (draft). F.136-F.138 (100) Address, Planet Earth Symposium, Paris, France, 12-13 June 1989. See also F.427, J.637, J.638. 22pp typescript. Volume of proceedings. Background material. (101) Address, Panel Meeting of Eminent Persons on Peace, Development and the Role of Science and Technology, Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, USA, 26 October 1989. See also J.672-J.676. 15pp typescript. See also F.141. 6pp typescript. (102) Opening speech, ICTP 25th Anniversary Conference on Frontiers in Physics, High Technology and Mathematics, Trieste, Italy, 31 October 1989. (103) ‘From a Frontiers in Physics, High Technology and Mathematics, Trieste, Italy, October 1989. 54pp typescript. (104) ‘Science, Technology and Development in Turkey’, Symposium on the Scientific Future of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-18 April 1990. Life of Physics’, ICTP 25th Anniversary Conference on 31 See also F.140. 68pp typescript. See also J.716, J.717. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (105) Speech, Catalonia International Prize Award Ceremony, Barcelona, Spain, 29 May 1990. See also A.415-A.420. 10pp typescript. (106) Opening address, Third World Academy of Sciences and the 2nd General Meeting of the Third World Network of Scientific Organisations, Caracas, Venezuela, 15 October 1990. 3rd General Conference of the 8pp typescript. See also F.145, F.429, J.725-J.727, K.281-K.580. (107) ‘Building Science and Technology Capacity in the South — A Blueprint’, 3rd General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Caracas, Venezuela, 16 October 1990. See also F.144, F.429, J.725-J.727, K.281-K.580. 21pp typescript. 15pp typescript. ‘The Problems of Developing Countries in Connection with (108) Opening statement, Conference on Co-operation in Science, High Technology and Environment between North and South Mediterranean Countries’, Trieste, Italy, 12-13 November 1990. (109) the Utilisation of Advanced Science and Technology’, Conference of Nobel Prize Laureates on Science and Technology in the Changing World: the Role of Europe’, Castelporziano, Italy, 3-4 December 1990. 6pp typescript. (110) Address, Professor Salam’s 65th Birthday Celebration, Trieste, Italy, 29 January 1991. See also F.430, J.730, J.731. 19pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts (111) Opening statement, Roundtable on Scientific Brain Drain in the Third World and in Central and Eastern Europe, Trieste, Italy, 25 March 1991. 10pp typescript (annotated). (112) Address, ICSU Ascend 21 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 25 November 1991. See also J.757-J.762. 5pp typescript. (113) ‘Why They Gave Me the Nobel Prize, What | Have Subsequently Done With It and the Story of My Life Since’, Oslo, Norway, 13 December 1991. See also J.767, J.768. 7pp typescript. 152, F103 See also J.834-J.837. 7pp typescript. Address of N. Rahman. (114) Address, Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the International Centre of Science, Technology and Environment for Densely Populated Regions (ICSTED), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 22 May 1993. 8pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.154-F.236 MISCELLANEOUS LECTURES AND BROADCASTS 1951-1989 This sub-section contains material relating to speeches given by Salam on both scientific and non-scientific subjects that are not represented in the numbered series. It also includes material relating to television and radio broadcasts with which Salam was involved. The reason for their exclusion from the numbered series is not clear. The material mainly consists of typescripts and working drafts. always been possible to identify the title of the piece. It has not The arrangement of this sub-section is chronological. Undated material can be found at the end. ‘Renormalization Method in Quantum Theory of Fields’, n.d. (1951x1954). 16pp manuscript. First page headed with the title of the paper, the name of the author and his address at Government College, Lahore, Pakistan. After completing his postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge Salam returned to Pakistan in September 1951 where he remained until January 1954. ‘Space-Time and Fundamental Particles’, radio broadcast (UK), 3 November 1957. 8pp typescript (annotated). See also A.37, E.15. Published text. ‘Elementary Particles’, inaugural lecture, Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, 14 May 1957. 7pp paginated manuscript draft and 3pp manuscript notes found together. 11pp typescript beginning ‘The current phase in the history of the parity- principle...’ Untitled, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1957. Untitled, n.d. ?1957. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.159-F.161 ‘On the Space Reflection Symmetry Principle’, n.d. 71958. F.159 16pp manuscript draft. 3pp manuscript notes. 15pp typescript. Untitled, television broadcast (UK), 1961. 6pp typescript draft screenplay and covering letter. Untitled, n.d. (1961x1968). See also M.206-M.209. Untitled, n.d. ca 1962. ‘The Peaceful Atom in Foreign Policy’, n.d. ?1963. App typescript draft. 2pp typescript speech addressed to Mr Bhutto and Dr Usmani re the foundation of the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. P. T. Matthews was Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London from 1962. 5pp typescript introductory remarks for an inaugural lecture given by P. Matthews. T. In 1961 Salam was appointed Scientific Adviser to Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan. Although he continued in this post after Ayub Khan was replaced by Yahya Khan in 1968, his influence was diminished. Off-print. ‘Theory Groups and the Symmetry Physicist’, Centenary of the London Mathematical Society [1965]. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.167-F.178 ‘The Key to the Universe: the Present Search for the Laws of Creation’, television broadcast (UK), May 1976. F.167-F.171 162pp typescript shooting script. Five folders. F.172-F.178 Typescript draft of publication to accompany the television broadcast. Divided by chapter for ease of reference. 2pp typescript contents page and covering letter. ‘1 -Life-Maker’. 36pp typescript (annotated). ‘2-Starbreaker’. ‘4-Charm’. 55pp typescript. ‘3-Sunfire’. 37pp typescript. 43pp typescript and 1p manuscript illustrative figure. A40pp typescript. ‘6-Universe-Maker’. ‘5-Starcrusher’. A48pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.179-F.186 Speech, Symposium on Survival in the Nuclear Age, New York, USA, 25-26 April 1985. See also F.67. 28pp typescript (annotated). Papers arising. Paginated sequence of 9 transparencies and 2 unnumbered transparencies found together. F.182-F.186 Background material. Five folders. F.187, F.188 8pp typescript transcript (annotated). F.189-F.191 ‘The Creation of the Universe’, television broadcast (USA), 20 November 1985. 12pp typescript transcript with amendments and covering letter. ‘Chairman's Introduction’, Niels Bohr Centenary Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 October 1985. Correspondence re arrangements. Salam was a member of the science advisory panel. 67pp typescript shooting script. Papers re visual effects. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘The Nuclear Age: Proliferation’, series of television broadcasts (USA), 15 December 1986. Correspondence re arrangements. F.193, F.194 ‘Inwards and Beyond: Unravelling Nature’s Mystery’, broadcasts (France), 1987. series of television 3pp typescript overview. 69pp typescript screenplay. F.195-F.199 ‘Science and the Universe’ Faiz Memorial Lecture, Lahore, Pakistan 27 February 1988. 24pp manuscript draft (Urdu). 16pp manuscript draft (Urdu). 11pp manuscript (Urdu). 11pp manuscript (Urdu). 11pp manuscript (Urdu) with amendments. 39pp typescript. ‘Astroparticle Physics’, 3rd ESO/CERN Symposium on Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, Bologna, Italy, 16-20 May 1988. introductory talk, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.201-F.224 ‘Renaissance of Sciences in Islamic Countries’, compilation in book form of addresses and papers by Salam, Trieste, Italy, July 1988. No evidence of publication. The papers cover the period 1977 to 1988. They are presented in the order in which they were found. Their arrangement is not chronological. Divided by address/paper for ease of reference. Typescript title pages, 2pp typescript contents pages and 9pp introduction. Address on receipt of a DSc Degree from Islamabad University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 18 December 1979. 9pp typescript. 16pp typescript. See also F.415. 29pp typescript. ‘Renaissance of Science in Arab and Nations University Symposium on Scientific Creativity in Arab and Islamic Countries, Kuwait, March 1981. Lands’, Islamic United 19pp typescript. Gulf University and Science in ‘The Future of Science in Islam’, paper prepared for inclusion in the volume Islam and the Future presented to the Islamic Summit, Kuwait, January 1987. ‘The the Arab-lslamic Commonwealth’, Symposium on the Future Outlook of the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, 11 May 1983. 13pp typescript. ‘Islam and Science’, Islam and the West Conference, Paris, France, 27 April 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Speech, Nobel Banquet, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 December 1979. 1p typescript. ‘An Islamic Viewpoint’, Scientific Thinking: between the Secularisation and the Transcendent, Turin, Italy, 223 June 1988. 46pp typescript. ‘Liberty of Scientific Belief in Islam’, International Religious Liberty Congress, Rome, Italy, 4 September 1984. 13pp typescript. F.210-F.213 Dubai, United Emirates, 3-7 March 1981. F.210 ‘Foundations for Science in Islam’. 9pp typescript. 2pp typescript. App typescript. ‘Islamic Science Talent Fund’. ‘Prestigious Awards for Sciences’. App typescript and 4pp manuscript (Arabic). Memorandum by Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 29 July 1977. an Arab-lslamic-Italian Consortium for ‘Proposal for Laboratory for Solid State Physics’. the Creation of 2pp typescript. Arab scientists visiting the International Centre for a Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Highlights of Science for Turkey’, Symposium on Turkey in the Year 2000, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-7 November 1986. 16pp typescript. ‘Technology and Pakistan’s Attack on Poverty’, Science Conference, Dhaka, Pakistan, 11 January 1961. 13th Annual All Pakistan 7pp typescript. Address, 108th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board upon the award of the Einstein Medal by UNESCO and the Nobel Prize for Physics by the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Paris, France, 17 October 1979. Published text. ‘The Failings of Arab Science’, interview conducted by J. Perera, Science Editor, The Middle East, June 1986. Published text. 10pp typescript. Article, Musluman Ilim Onceleri Ansiklopedisi, |stanbul Turkey, 1984. Published text (Turkish). ‘Homage to Chaudhir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan’, published in Transnational Perspectives 12(2), 1986. Published text (?Arabic) and 1p manuscript (?Arabic). Speech by King Hassan II of Morocco on the nomination of Salam as an Associate Member of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, March 1980. Citation and acceptance speech by Salam on receipt of a DSc degree from Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 1980. 3pp manuscript (?Arabic) and 3pp typescript translation. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Biographical data re Salam. 13pp typescript. App photocopies of photographs of Salam. F.225-F.229 ‘Notes on Science and High Technology in the Development of the South’, 3rd Meeting of the South Commission, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 5-8 August 1988. See also E.491-E.494, J.555-J.558, K.210-K.220. 39pp typescript. 50pp typescript. Published texts. Background material. 29pp typescript and manuscript notes. F.230 36pp typescript draft. 230; 5.231 Speech, Pakistan, 7-12 May 1989. Papers and correspondence arising re publication. 3pp typescript notes. ‘Some Concepts of Modern Physics’, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Why a New Higher Energy Accelerator’, n.d. App typescript. Untitled, n.d. paginated 4pp manuscript summary found together. manuscript sequence, five illustrative figures and 1p Untitled, n.d. 15pp typescript transcript of dialogue between ‘Powell’, ‘Haddow’ and Salam. ‘Notes on Maimonides; Maimonides’ Scientific Contribution in Relation to the Milieu of Science in Islam’, n.d. 12pp typescript. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.237-F.389 TRANSPARENCIES ca 1975-ca 1991 This sub-section contains transparencies which appear to have been used by Salam during the composition and delivery of some of his lectures and speeches. They predominantly relate to Salam’s later work, especially on astroparticle physics and cosmology during the late 1980s. Many of the transparencies take the form of handwritten notes and diagrams. Some are taken from published works both by Salam and others. folders. These distinct physical off- The transparencies (sometimes accompanied by typescript drafts or prints) were found in units have been preserved in the present arrangement. In most cases there is insufficient information to identify the occasion on which the contents of each folder was created or used. It seems likely that the folders represent the result of a cumulative process of use and re-use. Since it was often difficult to identify a clearly numbered sequence, the order in which the transparencies were found within each folder has also been retained. Salam’s transparencies have been divided into three separate sequences. The first sequence (F.237-F.302) contains material taken from folders with a recognisable title which it has been possible to date (sometimes only tentatively) using internal or external evidence. This sequence is presented in chronological order. The second sequence (F.303-F.364) comprises material found in undated folders that were either titled a readily identifiable topic. The third sequence (F.365-F.388) contains unidentified material taken from untitled undated folders. or that relate to F.389 F.365-F.388 Unidentified F.237-F.302 Titled with dating F.303-F.364 Titled undated Additionally this sub-section contains a collection of transparencies and slides borrowed by Salam from CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. 37 transparencies, n.d. ca 1975. ‘Development: Club of Rome’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Collection of transparencies for the use of CERN speakers on loan from CERN, Geneva, Switzerland F.237-F.239 F.237-F.302 Titled with dating ca 1975-ca1991 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Herbert Spencer Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Numbered sequence of 28 transparencies re Herbert Spencer Lectures; ‘The Nature of Explanation in Physics, How or Why?’, Oxford, UK, 26 October-30 November 1979. ‘Erice Conference’. Contents of folder of so inscribed. 8 transparencies re ?Salam’s contribution, Europhysics Study Conference: Grand Unified Theories of Fundamental Interactions, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 17- 24 March 1980. F.242-F.244 ‘Large Electron-Positron (LEP)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Papers, background material and numbered sequence of 11 transparencies re Salam’s contribution to Science Research Council Weekend Policy Meeting, Oriel College, Oxford, UK, 19-21 September 1980. F.245-F.247 transparencies, 19 Superunification’. the first entitled ‘Supersymmetry, Supergravity, 13 transparenices, the first entitled ‘Trends in Particle Physics’. ‘Royal Society Lecture (Technical) 1981’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 49 transparencies found in three separate pocket wallets re ?Royal Society Bakerian Lecture; ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’, London, 29 May 1981. 7pp off-print, 1981. 17 transparencies, the first entitled ‘Particle Physics and Gauge Theories’. ‘Particle Physics Far From the High Energy Frontier’ by S. L. Glashow. L. Glashow Review/Smith’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into F.248-F.252 ‘S. five for ease of reference. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts 24pp manuscript notes with covering letter, n.d. 21981. Numbered sequence of 5 transparencies, n.d. ca 1981. Numbered sequence of 15 transparencies, n.d. ca 1981. 5 transparencies, n.d. ca 1981. ‘Dirac’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 6 transparencies, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1983. ‘Proton Decay’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence and 1 transparency, ca 1983. ‘5th Force’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 6 transparencies, ca 1986. F.258-F.265 2 transparencies and background material, n.d. ca 1985. ‘Halley, Edmond’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 6 transparencies, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1987. ‘Strings (Astrophysics)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. 67 transparencies and 11pp manuscript notes, reference 1986. n.d. latest bibliographical ‘Higgs’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.267-F.271 ‘French’. Contents of folder so reference. inscribed divided into five for ease of 35 transparencies, n.d. ca 1987. F.272-F.282 ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. Astroparticle Physics (1988) by Abdus Salam, ICTP Publication IC/88/109. Published text. 16pp manuscript notes with amendments, n.d. ca 1988. 12 transparencies accompanied by 12pp photocopies of illustrative figures, n.d. ca 1988. F.283-F.285 19 transparencies, n.d. ca 1988. Two folders. F.275-F.282 116 transparencies, n.d. ca 1988. Eight folders. J.284, F.285 20 transparencies, n.d. ca 1988. ‘Mexico’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Optical/Laser High Technology for the Industrial Development of Korea, 18 July 1988’. 12 transparencies, n.d. ca 1988. ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Popular Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 15 transparencies, ca 1988. F.288-F.292 ‘Astroparticle Cosmology’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 77 transparencies, n.d. latest bibliographical reference 1988. F.293-F.295 ‘Miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 39 transparencies, n.d. ca 1988. F.296-F.299 ‘Status and Prospectives of New Physics after the Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. First Run of LEP’. Numbered sequence of 59 transparencies, n.d. ca 1989. F.300, F.301 18pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes. ‘In Celebration of Galileo Galilei’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 9 transparencies, n.d. ?ca 1991. Numbered sequence of 16 transparencies, n.d ca 1989. ‘Astrophysics 1989’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 23 transparencies, n.d. ‘Arab: Urdu Transparencies’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. F.303-F.364 Titled undated Presented alphabetically by title or topic. F.303, F.304 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.305-F.309 ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 41 transparencies, n.d. ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 5 transparencies, n.d. F.311-F.314 ‘Astroparticle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 52 transparencies, n.d. F.315, F.316 ‘Astrophysics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 22 transparencies, n.d. 6 transparencies re development and science transfer, n.d. F.319-F.321 20 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. 3 transparencies re development and science transfer, n.d. ‘Energy (Nuclear) and International Centres for Research’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 20 transparencies, n.d. Large P; Reactions e*e Annihilations’. Contents of folder ‘Forces and their Unification’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Numbered sequence of 7 transparencies, n.d. in ‘Jets inscribed. so Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.324, F.325 ‘Kaluza-Klein’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 28 transparencies, n.d. F.326-F.335 ‘Old transparencies’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. 3 transparencies re ‘The History of the Universe’, n.d. 4 transparencies re ‘Variety of Unifying Concepts’, n.d. 7 transparencies re ‘The Electroweak Force (Gauge Force)’, n.d. F.329-F335 70 transparencies, n.d. Seven folders. Fi336, F337 F.338-F.340 F.341-F.343 20 transparencies, n.d. ‘Perkins’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided reference. into two for ease of ‘Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 31 transparencies, n.d. ‘Popular Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.344, F.345 ‘Popular Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 38 transparencies, n.d. 38 transparencies, n.d. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.346, F.347 ‘Popular Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 25 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. 15 transparencies re proton decay and unification, n.d. ‘Science and Technology: India etc (Arabic etc)’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 11 transparencies, n.d. F.350-F.355 ‘Speech on Particles’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. 62 transparencies, n.d. Three folders. F.360, F.361 Numbered sequence of 33 transparencies, n.d. F.356-F.359 into four for ease of F.356-F.358 37 transparencies, n.d. ‘Strings’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided reference. 24pp paginated sequence of manuscript notes entitled ‘String Theories in Four Dimensions’, n.d. Numbered sequence of 8 transparencies, n.d. ‘Strings’. Contents of folder reference. ‘Trends in Particle Physics’. Contents of folder so inscribed. so inscribed divided into two for ease of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.363, F.364 ‘W" (High Energy Accelerators)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 16 transparencies, n.d. F.365-F.388 Unidentified F.365 Untitled folder. 5 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. 19 transparencies, n.d. F.367, F.368 Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference. 25 transparencies, n.d. 27 transparencies, n.d. 28 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. 4 transparencies and correspondence arising, n.d. F.370-F.372 F.373, F.374 Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference. Untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference. 20 transparencies, n.d. F:375, F.376 Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference. 25 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Untitled folder. Numbered sequence of 4 transparencies. F.379, F.380 Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference. 16 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. 22 transparencies, n.d. F.382-F.384 Untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference. 41 transparencies, n.d. F.385, F.386 Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference. 36 transparencies, n.d. Untitled folder. Untitled folder. 28 transparencies, n.d. 21 transparencies, n.d. ‘Transparencies and Slides: CERN’. Contents of folder so inscribed, 1988. Collection of transparencies for the use of CERN speakers on loan from CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.390-F.438 CORRESPONDENCE FILES 1975-1995 This sub-section contains material relating to administrative work associated with Salam’s lectures and speeches. It mainly comprises correspondence and papers relating to the distribution of printed copies of Salam’s speeches and the translation of papers he delivered at various meetings and conferences. publication and The presentation is chronological by lecture or speech. Two sequences of material found separately and sorted chronologically and alphabetically by name of correspondent have been placed at the end of the sub-section. ‘Ideals and Realities’, University of Stockholm Lecture Series on Human, Global and Universal Problems, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 September 1975. See also E.336, E.343-E.345, E.418, E.419, F.18-20. F391; F392 See also F.37-F.41, J.259. Three folders. See also F.30-32. Two folders. F.393-F.395 Gulf University and Science in ‘Renaissance of Sciences in Arab and Islamic Lands’, UNU Symposium on Scientific Creativity in Arab and Islamic Countries, Kuwait, March 1981. ‘The the Arab-lslamic Commonwealth’, Symposium on the Future Outlook of the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, 9- 14 May 1983. See also F.47-F.52, F.402, L.27-L.32. ‘Islam and Science, Concordance or Conflict?’, Islam and the West Meeting, Paris, France, 27 April 1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.397, F.398 ‘Science Transfer for Development’, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York, USA, 28 May 1984. See also F.53, F.54, J.284-J.286. Two folders. F.399, F.400 Address, International Religious Liberty Congress, Rome, Italy, 4 September 1984. See also F.55, F.56, J.292, J.293, L.33-L.37. Two folders. ‘High Energy Physics and the United Kingdom’, Evidence to the Kendrew Committee, 14 September 1984. See also F.57, H.134-H.141. ‘Islam and Science’, May 1985. Three folders. F.404-F.406 See also F.64-F.69, J.316, J.317. See also F.47-F.52, F.396, L.27-L.32. (Revised version of ‘Islam and Science, Concordance or Conflict, Islam and the West, Paris Meeting, France, 27 April 1984.) ‘Nuclear Security, Disarmament and Development’, Groupe de Bellerive Conference on Nuclear War, Nuclear Proliferation and their Consequences, Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 June 1985. See also F.77-F.79, J.333. Address, Roundtable Session on Development: the Human Dimension, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 September 1985. seealso F: 71, 6i/2..J.321-J.323. ‘Science International Humanitarian Issues, Vienna, Austria, 16 December 1985. Independent Commission for Meeting Peace’, and the of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.408-F.410 ‘Overview of Particle Physics’, Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Bangalore, India, January 1986. Three folders. Speech, Fiera di Milano, Convegno Internazionale, La Cooperazione Italiana Vista dai Paesi in via di Sviluppo, Milan, Italy, 16 April 1986. See also F.82. F.412-F.414 Pakistan ‘On Nathiagali, Pakistan, 22 June 1986. Science’, 11th International Nathiagali Summer College, See also F.87-F.89, J.385. Three folders. ‘The Future of Science in Islamic Countries’ prepared for inclusion in a volume entitled /slam and the Future presented to the Islamic Summit, Kuwait, January 1987. See also F.205. See also F.107-F.110, J.490, K.281-K.580. ‘A Note on Pakistan Science and Education’, 1987. ‘The Regeneration of Sciences in the Third World’, 2nd General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 14-18 September 1987. See also F.115-F.120, J.508-J.518. ‘Science, Technology and Development’, delivered at the Conference of Nobel Laureates, Paris, France, 18-21 January 1988. Collection of Salam’s papers published by the Third World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy. Two folders. Three folders. F.417, F.418 F.419-F.421 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts F.422-F.424 ‘An Islamic View-Point’, delivered to the Conference on Scientific Thinking: Between Secularisation and the Transcendent, Turin, Italy, 21-23 June 1988. See also F.122, F.123, J.548, J.549. Three folders. ‘Astroparticle Physics’, Bologna, Italy, 1988. ‘The Gell-Mann Age of Particle Physics and What the Third World Expects the First World to do in Order to Help it with Science and Technology’, 60th Birthday Celebration of Murray Gell-Mann, Pasadena, California, USA, 27-28 January 1989. See also E.349, F.132, F.133, J.593-J.595. Address, Planet Earth Symposium, Paris, France, 12-13 June 1989. See also F.136-F.138, J.637, J.638. of Iran ‘Notes and and 18-22 on Science and High Technology See also F.130, J.568-J.570. the Islamic Countries’, Tehran, Iran, (Revised version Development for November 1988.) ‘Notes on Science and High Technology and Development for Arab and Islamic Countries, 1989. ‘Building Science and Technology Capacity in the South — A Blueprint’, 3rd General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Caracas, Venezuela, 16 October 1990. See also F.147, J.730, J.731. ‘The Problems of Developing Countries in Connection with the Utilisation of Advanced Science and Technology’, Conference of Nobel Prize Laureates on Science and Technology in the Changing World: the Role of Europe’, Castelporziano, Italy, 3-4 December 1990. See also F.144, F.145, J.725-J.727. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Lectures and broadcasts Muslims and Science — Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality, by P Hoodbhoy, ZED Publishers, London, 1991. Correspondence re Salam’s preface for the book. F.432-F.435 Miscellaneous correspondence re Salam’s publications sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Four folders. F.436-F.438 Miscellaneous publications sorted chronologically, 1990-1995. correspondence requests re for copies of Salam’s Three folders. F.439-F.449 LECTURES BY OTHERS 1979-1988 F.439, F.440 F. 441-F.443 Two folders. 201pp typescript lecture notes compiled by J. M. Blatt and reproduced at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1955. 171pp typescript lecture notes compiled by J. M. Blatt and reproduced at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1952. ‘Nuclear Physics: Part Il', lectures given by J. Schwinger, Havard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Spring Term 1947. ‘Nuclear Physics: Part I’, lectures given by J. Schwinger, Havard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Fall Term 1946-1947. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 F.444-F.446 Lectures and broadcasts Relativistic Quantum Theory of Elementary Particle Interactions’, T. Matthews, Department of Physics, University of ‘The lectures given by Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA. P. P. T. Matthews was visiting professor at the University of Rochester, on leave from the University of Birmingham, UK, from February to May 1957. The main purpose of the series of lectures he delivered was to give graduate students the theoretical background necessary to understand the expanding literature in the field of elementary particle physics. 163pp typescript lecture notes compiled by A. Fujii, October 1957. Part I: Feynman-Dyson Formalism. Part Il: Discrete Transformations. Part Ill: Continuous Transformations. by J. G. Taylor in SU(sji)’ SU(n|m)’ and 10pp typescript. ‘Superunification 4pp typescript, 8pp manuscript draft and covering correspondence. ‘Field Theory and Regge Poles’, by F. E. Low, Stanford Conference, n.d. ca 1950s. ‘Gauging Department of Mathematics, King’s College, London, 1979. ‘A Celebration of Thanksgiving for the Life of Professor |. Eklund, St Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University, 11 February 1988. 10pp typescript. |. Rabi’, by S. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION G UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.315 This section contains material relating to the various United Nations organisations with which Salam had a connection either in a personal capacity or as Founder/Director of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. For material relating to UNESCO involvement in the general management and administration of the Centre see Section D. As well as ICTP's institutional links with the UN, Salam had links with various UN organisations as a result of his work to encourage and nurture scientific development in Third World countries. His involvement in the conception and establishment of a series of UNIDO-backed centres designed to promote international scientific collaboration is documented in this section. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION (FAO) G6 HABITAT - UN CENTRE FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS G.7-G.122 G.123-G.275 G.311-G.315 G.276-G.310 UN UNIVERSITY (UNU) UN EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION (UNESCO) UN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (UNIDO) UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION (FAO) 1971-1985 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Five folders. HABITAT - UN CENTRE FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS 1988-1989 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. G.7-G.122 UN EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION (UNESCO) 1964-1995 See also D.311-D.400. of Scientific Advance. From 1970 onwards UNESCO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were equal the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. The Centre's running costs were shared between its host country, Italy, and UNESCO and IAEA. the administration partners in support of and Salam was a member of the UNESCO Working Group on International Centres in Fundamental Science and Engineering and of the Panel of Experts on the UNESCO Interdisciplinary Programme concerning the Human Implications and involved in the organisation's work in the area of science and development. Anti-lsraeli UN resolution protests Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development Advisory Panel on Science, Technology and Society Correspondence and papers He was particularly G.63-G.70 Conferences G.71-G.98 G.99-G.115 G.116-G.122 interested G.7-G.62 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations Correspondence and papers 1966-1995 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars, reports and administrative and background material sent to Salam for information. Includes some correspondence re arrangements for meetings. See also G.63-G.70. 1966-1969. Two folders. 1970-1975. Twelve folders. G.21-G.28 1976-1979. G.46-G.51 1986-1989. Six folders. G.29-G.45 1980-1985. Eight folders. Seventeen folders. Eleven folders. G.52-G.62 1990-1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.63-G.70 Conferences G.63, G.64 of University Co-operation Conference on Perspectives on the Crisis of UNESCO, Rancho Santa Fe, California, USA, 31 January-2 February 1986. California Institute Conflict Global and on Salam was not able to attend. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Two folders. G.65, G.66 UNESCO Symposium on Science and the Boundaries of Knowledge: the Prologue of our Cultural Past, Venice, Italy, 3-7 March 1986. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Two folders. list of publication G.66-G.70 G.66-G.69 Three folders. Correspondence re of proceedings with 40th Anniversary of UNESCO International Conference on Science in Europe, Trieste, Italy, 8-11 December 1986. Papers and correspondence re arrangements, programme and participants. Salam delivered a speech entitled ‘Scientific Exchanges between Developed and Developing Countries: the Experience of ICTP and TWAS". Salam's speech. 15pp typescript of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.71-G.98 Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development 1964-1980 direct The Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development was established by the Economic and Social Council in 1964 as a of the UN Conference on Science and Technology, Geneva, Switzerland, 1963. It advised the UN on efforts to accelerate the application of science and technology to economic and social development in third world countries. result Salam was a member of the Committee from its creation and served as chairman from 1971 to 1972. G.71-G.75 Published reports, 1964-1969. Five folders. G.76-G.95 Papers, minutes and draft reports, 1972-1974. G.96-G.98 Twenty folders. Three folders. G.99-G.115 Advisory Panel on Science, Technology and Society 1981-1985 Correspondence, 1973-1980. The Advisory Panel on Science, Technology and Society was established in 1981 to assist in the formulation and structuring of UNESCO programmes in science and technology in the face of current trends and their possible impacts on society. Seventeen folders. Papers, minutes, draft reports and correspondence, 1981-1985. Salam served on the Panel from its creation. G.99-G.115 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.116-G.122 Anti-lsraeli UN resolution protests 1974-1977 On 20 November 1974 in Paris, France, a General Conference of UNESCO voted to confirm the first of a series of anti-Israeli resolutions previously adopted by its Commission for Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture, effectively excluding Israel from participating in any of the regions in which UNESCO had These measures prompted an immediate protest from a number of leading French intellectuals who refused to collaborate any further with UNESCO. Many prominent scientists from all over the world subsequently joined them and the boycott was extended to include all bodies that received UNESCO funding. operations. divided its Salam had organised an ICTP topical meeting on electromagnetic and weak interactions in nuclei to take place during the summer of 1975. A significant proportion of the scientists invited to attend or speak at the meeting declined to do so on account of the UNESCO contribution to ICTP running costs. G.118-G.122 Correspondence, 1974-1977. Seven folders. 1972-1994 G.168-G.197 G.215-G.228 G.229-G.272 G.123-G.275 G.198-G.214 International Centre for Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICC) G.123-G.167 International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS) UN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (UNIDO) International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) International Centre for High Technology and New Materials (ICTM) Venice, Italy International Centre for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ICE) G.273-G.275 International Institute for Marine Sciences and Technologies, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.123-G.167 International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS) 1972-1994 The International Centre for Science and High Technology was founded to form an institutional link between international units, like the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, concentrating on specific areas of science. The main objective of ICS was to strengthen scientific communities in Third World countries and promote the development of these countries through the interaction of their scientists with industry. Salam was closely involved in the initiative to found new scientific centres to complement the activities of the ICTP. As president of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) he submitted a proposal for the creation of ICS to the Italian government and UNESCO. In 1989, as an international project implemented by UNIDO, three new centres specialising the technology of materials, pure and applied chemistry and earth sciences were established in Trieste. In co-operation with TWAS and with the financial support of the framework of the ICS. Italian government these centres operated within the in G.123-G.162 Correspondence and papers, 1972-1976, 1988-1994. Principally re the foundation and administration of ICS. 1972-1976. 1988. Nine folders. 1989. Five folders. G.133-G.137 G.124-G.132 Eight folders. G.138-G.140 G.141-G.148 Three folders. 1990. 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.149, G.150 1992 Two folders. G.151-G.157 1993. Seven folders. G.158-G.162 1994. Five folders. G.163-G.167 Meetings, 1988-1989. G.163-G.166 Advisory Committee Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 6-7 December 1988. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Four folders. Steering Committee Meetings, 1989. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.168-G.197 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) 1981-1994 In 1981 UNIDO brought together an international group of scientists to assess how new biotechnologies could be deployed on behalf of the Third World to solve problems and to advance economic development. The group recommended that an international centre be created linked to a network of affiliated national and regional research institutes. Based on the ICTP model, its main objectives were to promote scientific application for solving problems of development and to serve as a forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among scientists of all participating nations. In 1983 the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology was Officially established at a ministerial level meeting in Madrid, Spain (see G.191-G.197). At a further meeting in April 1984 in Vienna, Austria, it was announced the supervision of the International Centre for Science and High Technology, would be sited in New Delhi, India and Trieste, Italy. dual-component function ICGEB, under that the to Salam was a member of the ICGEB Preparatory Committee. See also G.123-G.167. 1981. 1982. Two folders. G.171-G.175 G.168-G.189 G.169, G.170 Papers, reports, minutes and correspondence, 1981-1994. Principally re the foundation and administration of ICGEB. Two folders. G76. G77. Five folders. 1983. 1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.179-G.182 1986. Four folders. G.185-G.188 1989. Four folders. 1990-1994. G.190-G.197 Meetings, 1982-1983. High-Level Meeting on the Establishment of the International Centre for Genetic 13-17 December 1982. Biotechnology, Engineering Yugoslavia, Belgrade, and G.190 G.191-G.197 See also J.243-J.245. 14pp typescript address with amendments. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Ministerial Plenipotentiary Meeting on the Establishment of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain, 7-13 September 1983. Seven folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.198-G.214 International Centre for Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICC) 1988-1993 The International Centre for Pure and Applied Chemistry was established in 1989. Based in Trieste, Italy, under the umbrella of the International Centre for Science and High Technology, it provided opportunities to scientists from developing countries to conduct research in selected fields of chemistry. Salam served on the ICC Steering Committee and was closely involved in the centre's foundation and administration through both ICS and TWAS. See also G.123-G.167. G.198-G.209 Correspondence and papers, 1988-1993. Principally re the foundation and administration of ICC. Twelve folders. G.210-G.214 Steering Committee Meetings, 1988-1990. Five folders. G.215-G.228 1988-1993 and materials scientists from developing Correspondence and papers re arrangements. International Centre for High Technology and New Materials (ICTM) The International Centre for High Technology and New Materials, like the ICC, was established in 1989. Based in Trieste, Italy, under the umbrella of the International Centre for Science and High Technology, it aimed to offer technologists countries opportunities to conduct specialised research. Technology, 1988. Salam served on the ICTM Steering Committee and was closely involved in the centre's foundation and administration through both ICS and TWAS. Correspondence with M. V. Pitke, Director of the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT), India a proposed International Centre for High re See also G.123-G.167. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.216-G.224 Correspondence and papers, 1988-1993. Principally re the foundation and administration of ICTM. Nine folders. G.225-G.228 Preparatory Meetings, 1988-1989. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Four folders. G.229-G.272 International Centre for Earth and Environmental Sciences (ICE) 1988-1993 See also G.123-G.167. Three folders. Six folders. The International Centre for Earth and Environmental Sciences, like ICC and ICTM, was established in 1989. Based in Trieste, Italy, under the umbrella of the International Centre for Science and High Technology, it aimed to offer scientists from developing countries opportunities to conduct specialised research in the field of earth and environmental sciences. G.229-G.231 1988. G.229-G.267 Correspondence and papers, 1988-1993. Principally re the foundation and administration of ICE. Salam served on the ICE Steering Committee and was closely involved in the centre's foundation and administration through both ICS and TWAS. Fourteen folders. G.238-G.251 1990. G.232-G.237 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.252-G.263 1991. Twelve folders. G.264-G.266 1992. Three folders. G.268-G.272 Preparatory Meetings, 1988-1990. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Five folders. G.273-G.275 International Institute for Marine Sciences and Technologies, Venice, Italy 1991-1993 G.273-G.275 in the field of marine science. In Institute aimed to promote international Correspondence and papers, 1991-1993. Salam was a founding member and served on the Organising Committee. The International Institute for Marine Sciences and Technologies, based on the ICTP model, was founded to provide a wide range of training and research facilities collaboration with UNESCO and UNIDO the co- operation towards the development of Third World and East European countries by offering research opportunities to scientists from these areas. Three folders. Principally re the foundation of the institute. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.276-G.310 UN UNIVERSITY (UNU) 1968-1995 1969 a the creation of a proposal scholarly by new the UN In following promote recommended the international multi- disciplinary work on global concerns and strengthen research and training Capacities in developing countries. The resulting UN University consisted of a central headquarters based in Tokyo, Japan, several research and training centres and a network of associated institutions and academics. Secretary-General, to co-operation, undertake university oriented type of problem Salam was a member of the UN Panel on UNU and of the UNU Foundation Committee. He also served on the Rector's Advisory Committee. G.276-G.304 Correspondence and papers, 1968-1995. Principally re the foundation and administration of UNU. 1968-1970. 1972. 1973. Two folders. Two folders. G.279, G.280 G.277, G.278 1974-1977. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.287, G.288 1983. Two folders. G.290, G.291 1985. Two folders. Six folders. 1989. G.294-G.299 1988. Two folders. G.300, G.301 1992-1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 United Nations Organisations G.305-G.310 Correspondence and papers, 1972-1984. Principally re relations between UNU and ICTP. Six folders. G.311-G.315 UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE 1984-1987 In 1979 the General Assembly of the UN approved the establishment of a University for Peace to be located in Costa Rica as an international centre of higher learning for postgraduate studies, research and the dissemination of knowledge specifically aimed at training for peace. Salam served on the University Council from its installation in 1982 as a representative of the international academic community. G.311-G.315 Correspondence and papers, 1984-1987. Principally re the foundation of the University and meetings of its Council. Six folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H.1-H.322 ACCRA ASSEMBLY AFRICAN UNION OF PHYSICS AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY ARAB ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, DAMASCUS, SYRIA H.12-H.18 ASSOCIATION OF ASIA PACIFIC PHYSICAL SOCIETIES (AAPPS) ASSOCIATION OF VISITORS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (AVICT) H.44, H.45 CENTRE MONDIAL, PARIS, FRANCE H.22-H.43 H.46-H.82 H.20, H.21 THE BEIJER INSTITUTE, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN CERN - EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE FISICA (CIF), BOGOTA, COLOMBIA SCIENZE EUROPEAN CULTURAL CENTRE, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE TRIESTE PER IL PROGRESSO E LA LIBERTA DELLE H.103-H.109 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (EPS) H.83-H.98 CLUB OF ROME H.99-H.102 H.110-H.133 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.134, H135 GLOBAL ENERGY SOCIETY H.136-H.143 HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE PHYSICS REVIEW GROUP (HEPP) - 'KENDREW COMMITTEE' (UK) H.144-H.184 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF INSTITUTES FOR ADVANCED STUDIES (IFIAS) H.185-H.214 INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY H.215-H.217 INTERNATIONAL PEACE POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IPPRI) H.218-H.223 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) H.224 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION H.242-H.267 THE ROYAL SOCIETY H.225-H.241 H.276-H.278 H.280-H.286 H.268-H.275 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (UK) PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE SUPERIORE DI STUDI AVANZATI (INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES) (SISSA) MEMBERSHIPS STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SIPRI) SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING H.292-H.322 PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND H.287-H.291 ‘VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE’ Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations ACCRA ASSEMBLY 1964-1968 The Accra Assembly as a permanent organisation came into existence as a result of the Accra Assembly for the World without the Bomb Meeting that took non- governmental body it worked towards the establishment of world peace and the elimination of hunger, disease and poverty. Accra, Ghana in non-aligned, place 1962. June As in a Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Four folders. AFRICAN UNION OF PHYSICS Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Five folders. 1983-1994 Correspondence and papers. AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Principally circulars re meetings and background material sent to Salam for information. Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Correspondence with A. Mustafa, Chairman of the Founding Committee of the Arab Academy of Sciences re to the International Centre for ARAB ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, DAMASCUS, SYRIA visit a Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.12-H.18 ASSOCIATION OF ASIA PACIFIC PHYSICAL SOCIETIES (AAPPS) 1988-1993 Salam was a founding member and served on the Council. H.12-H.18 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars re meetings sent to Salam for information. Seven folders. ASSOCIATION OF VISITORS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (AVICT) 1987, 1992 Minutes and memo. Correspondence and papers re meetings of the International Board. Two folders. H.22-H.43 1980-1995 THE BEIJER INSTITUTE, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 1987-1989 CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE FISICA (CIF), BOGOTA, COLOMBIA 1980, 1981. the Administrative Council and the International Salam served on Scientific Council of CIF. He was an honorary member of the Asociacién Pro- Centro Internacional de Fisica (ACIF). Principally circulars re meetings sent to Salam for information. both H.22-H.43 Correspondence and papers. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.24, H.25 1983 Two folders. H.27, H.28 1985. Two folders. H.29-H.31 1986. Three folders. H.36-H.39 1988. H.32-H.35 1987. Four folders. Four folders. 1993-1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations CENTRE MONDIAL, PARIS, FRANCE 1982-1985 Centre Mondial (the World Centre) was established in 1982 as a centre for research into computer science and the development of human resources. Salam was a member of the Board of Directors from its creation. Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars re meetings and background material sent to Salam for information. Two folders. H.46-H.82 CERN - EUROPEAN ORGANISATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH 1965-1995 1965. 1966, 1967. H.48, H.49 H.46-H.82 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars re meetings and background material sent to Salam for information. Salam was a member of the Scientific Policy Committee and the Long- Range Planning Committee. He also served on the European Committee for Future Accelerators. 1970, 1971. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations 1973-1977. 1978, 1979. H.55-H.57 1980. Three folders. H.58-H.61 1981. Four folders. Two folders. Four folders. H.69-H.72 1985. H.65-H.68 1984. H.63, H.64 1983. Three folders. Three folders. Four folders. H.76-H.78 1987. H.73-H.75 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations 1988, 1989. 1990, 1991. 1993-1995. H.83-H.98 CLUB OF ROME 1984-1995 Salam was an honorary member. H.83-H.98 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars re meetings and background material sent to Salam for information. 1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations 1991. Two folders. H.91-H.93 1992. Three folders. H.95, H.96 1994. Two folders. H.97, H.98 1995. Two folders. Four folders. H.103-H.109 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (EPS) 1969-1994 1989-1991 H.99-H.102 H.99-H.102 Correspondence and papers re conferences. EUROPEAN CULTURAL CENTRE, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Seven folders. Salam served on several international advisory committees for Europhysics conferences on high energy physics. In 1989 he agreed to participate in the EPS Interdivisional Group on Physics for Development. H.103-H.109 Correspondence and papers re meetings and conferences. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.110-H.133 FONDAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE TRIESTE PER IL PROGRESSO E LA LIBERTA DELLE SCIENZE 1980-1995 The Trieste International Foundation for Scientific Progress and Freedom was instituted to promote and foster progress, freedom and diffusion of sciences in their peaceful applications. Salam was president as well as being a founding member. H.110-H.133 Correspondence and papers, 1980-1995. Principally re the establishment and administration of the Foundation. 1980. Nine folders. H.118-H.126 1985-1988. 1991: Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.127-H.129 1992. Three folders. H.132, H.133 1995. Two folders. H.134, H.135 GLOBAL ENERGY SOCIETY 1985-1988 H.134, H.135 Correspondence and papers. Salam was a member of the Advisory Board. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.136-H.143 HIGH ENERGY PARTICLE PHYSICS REVIEW GROUP (HEPP) - 'KENDREW COMMITTEE’ (UK) 1984-1985 High Energy Particle Physics Review Group (HEPP) was jointly The commissioned by the UK Advisory Board of the Research Councils (ABRC) and the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). It was set up to review UK participation in the study of high-energy particle physics with particular consider the resource implications of possible future involvement. The Group met fifteen times between April 1984 and May 1985. Its report, published in June 1985, recommended that Britain should only continue its membership of CERN after 1989 if overall costs could be reduced. reference to collaboration international and to The Group was chaired by C. Kendrew and consequently frequently referred to as the 'Kendrew Committee’. Salam submitted evidence to the Group in September 1984. J. See also F.57, F.73, F.401. H.136-H.138 Correspondence and papers, 1984-1985. the Kendrew Three folders. H.140, H.141 of evidence submitted to Includes Committee by Salam, September 1984. 12pp typescript copy ‘An Overview of Particle Physics in the UK' - evidence submitted by an ad- hoc group of the SERC Particle Physics Committee, July 1984. ‘High Energy Particle Physics in the United Kingdom: Report of a Group set up by ABRC and SERC to Review UK Participation in the Study of High Energy Particle Physics’. Two folders. Two typescripts entitled ‘Why the Kendrew Recommendations Must Be Scrapped’ by Abdus Salam, ca 1985. Final draft (annotated), June 1985. Published text, June 1985. H.142, H.143 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.144-H.184 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF INSTITUTES FOR ADVANCED STUDIES (IFIAS) 1972-1994 Salam was vice-chairman of the Board of Trustees and served on the Executive Committee. He was also closely involved in the work of IFIAS as director of a member institute. Minutes and papers re IFIAS Founding Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 17-19 October 1972. H.145-H.184 Correspondence and papers, 1974-1994. Principally circular and background information for Salam's information. 1974, 1975. 1978. Three folders. Two folders. H.151, H.152 1979. H.148-H.150 Four folders. H.153, H.154 H.155-H.158 1981. 1980. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.159-H.166 1982. Eight folders. H.168-H.171 1984. Four folders. Ht72; F173 1985. Two folders. 1989. H.182, H.183 1993. Two folders. H.177, H.178 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.185-H.214 INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE SURVIVAL AND = 1988-1992 DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY Salam was a member of the Board of Directors. H.185-H.214 Correspondence and papers. Principally circulars and background material for Salam's information and correspondence re arrangements for meetings. H.185-H.190 1988. Six folders. 1989. Nine folders. Three folders. 1990. Nine folders. H.209-H.211 1991. H.200-H.208 H.191-H.199 Three folders. H.212-H.214 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.215-H.217 INTERNATIONAL PEACE POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IPPRI) 1986-1988 Salam was a member of the International Advisory Board. H.215-H.217 Correspondence and papers. Principally background material sent to Salam for information. Three folders. H.218-H.223 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) 1978-1985 H.218-H.223 Correspondence and papers. Six folders. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION Correspondence re plans for a Physics summer school. H.225-H.241 1962-1988 Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. 1962, 1964. PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. H.225-H.241 Correspondence and papers. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations 1965-1967. 1968-1970. 1972, 1973. H.229-H.232 1974. Four folders. 1976-1978. 1980 Two folders. H.238, H.239 1981. Two folders. H.236, H.237 1984-1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.242-H.267 THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1967-1995 Salam was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1959. He served as a member of the Developing Countries Committee. H.242, H.243 Correspondence and papers, 1967-1968. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. Two folders. H.244-H.258 Correspondence and papers, 1984-1995. Principally circulars and background material sent to Salam for information. 1984. 1987. H.251-H.253 1990. Two folders. H.247, H.248 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.254, H.255 1991. Two folders. 1992, 1993. H.258 H.259-H.264 Correspondence and papers re elections, 1967-1972. Six folders. H.265-H.267 Correspondence and papers re elections, 1985-1993. Three folders. Correspondence and papers, 1964-1977. Two folders. H.268-H.275 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (UK) 1964-1977 H.268, H.269 Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Berkshire, UK. Salam acted as a consultant to the Laboratory and was a member of the Nimrod Selection Panel. Six folders. Working Party on the Proposed Institute of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College, London. Salam was a member of the Working Party. H.270-H.275 Correspondence and papers, 1966-1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.276-H.278 SCUOLA INTERNAZIONALE SUPERIORE DI STUDI AVANZATI (INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES) (SISSA) 1984-1992 H.276-H.278 Correspondence and papers re an agreement between ICTP and SISSA on collaborative research programmes, 1984-1992. See also N.1072-N.1172. Three folders. SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING Correspondence and papers. H.280-H.286 1970-1992 Two folders. Two folders. H.285, H.286 Correspondence and papers re elections, 1970-1992. H.280-H.284 Correspondence re meetings of the Scientific Council, 1970-1991. STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SIPRI) Two folders. In July 1985 Salam sent a letter to humanitarian organisations and charities drawing people's attention to the plight of victims of violence and riots, with particular reference to Pakistan, in the hope that aid might be forthcoming. H.287-H.291 ‘VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE’ H.287, H.288 Correspondence and papers, 1985-1988. 1985-1988 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.289-H.291 Responses to the letter. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Three folders. H.292-H.322 PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS 1964-1995 H.292-H.306 Correspondence and memberships, 1986-1995. papers re Salam's personal subscriptions and Sorted alphabetically by name of society or organisation. Accademia Tibernia Alden and Blackwell's Alfazal Al-Mawsem Magazine Al-Risala American Institute of Physics American Physical Society Amnesty International Dawn Overseas Weekly Newspaper The Economist The Edinburgh Science Festival European Physical Society Ferozsons Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan Blackwells Book of the Month Club, Inc, USA British Airways The International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life (ISSOL) W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, Cambridge, UK The Herald (Pakistan) History Book Club, USA International Herald Tribune Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations The Mathematical Intelligencer The Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science (MAAS) The Muslim World Book Review Musequi, Journal of the All Pakistan Music Conference New Scientist The New York Review of Books The New Yorker Pakistan Academy of Sciences Pakistan Institute of Physics Physical Society of Japan Quality Paperback Book Club, USA The Readers Subscription, USA The Royal Society H.307-H.322 World Laboratory Transnational Perspectives Trans World Airlines, Inc, USA Scientific American Special United Nations Services (SUNS) 1966, 1967. Correspondence and memberships, 1964-1968, 1987-1995. papers re 1964. Salam's personal subscriptions and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Societies and organisations H.310-H.312 1968. Three folders. H.313-H.315 1987. Three folders. 1994, 1995.